The Augustinian, March 2016 (Features Fold)

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FeaturesFold Augustinian the

The Official Student Newspaper of the University of San Agustin • Iloilo City, Philippines

Volume LXI Number 3 • May 15, 2016

Spoken Poetry: More than what the pen suggests BECAUSE JUST LIKE WRITTEN POETRY, SPOKEN WORD POETRY CAN ALSO TUG AT THE HEARTSTRINGS OF POETRY MAVENS by Rochelle Mae M. Muzones and Armie Therese C. Penuela Artwork by Herod t. montiel

Uttering his deepest feelings from within, hundreds of hearts are pierced, myriads of memories are reminisced and shattering sentiments are felt. His crestfallen voice echoes his long-endured melancholy. Every tumultuous word that he utters causes a tingling feeling of sympathy and guilt to his listeners. He shouts, condemns and begs as though his whole life depends on the throng before him. He looks at everyone, as if they were the culprit who hurt and deceived him. He was betrayed and left with no escape but to express himself in a melodramatic way.

From Pen to Microphone History accounts for poetry to be passed from generation to generation through oral tradition. Our ancestors had unknowingly used poetry in their day to day interaction with each other before. Back in the mid 1980s, Marc Kelly Smith, a Chicago poet who is also known as “Slampapi” in America, unfolded the tale of spoken poetry. He wanted to bring in looser poetry

medium because he deemed that academic poetry was too structured and stuffy. Out of his desire to create something new for the senses of those who love poetry, he initiated the first-ever National Poetry Slam in 1990 and that annual competition still goes on today. Perhaps, with the advent of technology, spoken poetry is little by little made known to the public. Currently, a growing number of spoken word poetry enthusiasts and advocates boom in bars and cafés around the country and widely welcome those who are willing to listen to their poems and those who are willing to perform a poem, too. Luckily, more and more people have accepted the challenge to do something, which captures other people’s attention not because it is wrong but because it is new to their eyes and ears. Presently, more spoken word poets have taken the spotlight and continued to persuade and influence people. Beauty of Being Different Performance poetry is written to be enacted. Words are accompanied with

campus life

Kinship beyond race and culture Article at Page B7

emotions, which are vividly done to be brought alive in front of people. Because the audience depends merely on what they hear, words to be used should be understandable and definite for the message to be easily grasped by the audience. Spoken Word Poetry, despite its manifestation of creativity, is considered odd and rare to the masses. Few courageous and artistic people dared to engage themselves in it. Standing up before a crowd, acting your heart out and receiving criticisms from the viewers is never easy. Spoken poets may seem crazy, very dramatic, and exaggerated, but they do not fail to bring people to tears or laughter. Caught in the Act Many have misinterpreted what spoken poetry really is. Most people, especially teenagers, think that spoken poetry is about giving away all these “hugot” and “patama” lines. Some also think that it is as easy as a-b-c wherein you will just go on stage and heave your feelings to the public. However, for the 26-year-old


How a candle changed the world Article at Page B6

photos taken from /

Theatre actor or a drama superstar — this might be the most probable way you would recognize the man described above. Sadly, you didn’t guess right. He is a poet but, not the mundane kind of poet you might be thinking of. He is a spoken word poet. Poetry is an extension of its writer. When we think of poetry, a girl in a silent place holding a pen or facing a monitor screen and expressing herself through ink or through characters in a monitor screen would always enter our mind. There are no worries of other people’s reaction to it because it is freely done by the writer for himself.

spoken word artist Juan Miguel Severo, spoken word has certain artistry to it, how it uses the spoken voice to inspire, to express, to move. Juan Miguel Severo is a name that everybody would always attach to Spoken Word Poetry. As he takes the spotlight, words transform to become swords piercing the hearts of his listeners. Every time he voices out his experiences and heartbreaks, words are electrifying and different emotions wrap up the atmosphere. A newspaper columnist even called him as the “walking museum of brilliance.” His impeccable way of bursting his emotions constantly awe the crowd. Recently, Ilonggos were fortunate to witness him perform on stage. Seeing him blurt out words and manifest his emotions on YouTube is quite terrifying but hearing his voice in person was an exquisite experience to those who have witnessed his show. This wordsmith had brought fire on social media after his videos became viral. Some of his famous pieces were “Isang Letra,” “Maliwanag ang Langit,” “Madilim ang Gabi,” “Basang Sapatos” — a translation of Sarah Kay’s “Postcards” — and “Mga Basang Unan”. In his works, he talked about love, lost, regret, brokenness and even moving on. Before delivering his last piece, he asked the audience

to wait for a moment, saying, “Wait lang. Masyado ninyo akong pinasaya, kailangan ko munang alalahanin ’yong tulang ’yon.” After a few minutes, he started delivering the lines of “Ang Huling Tulang Isusulat ko Para Sa’yo”, with his signature closing words, “Iniibig kita, at ubos na ubos na ako”, capping off the event. Things cannot be considered wrong just because only a few people have done it. Sometimes, a brave heart

and soul just has to take the challenge of discovering something fresh. Breaking free from the usual routines and systems is quite tough, but we will be shocked to know that sometimes the deviants are more convincing and effective compared to the standards we set. Reading the phrase, “Iniibig kita, at ubos na ubos na ako”, may ignite pain and hurt, but hearing them from spoken poets, is re-living and embracing the power that words have over our soul.


Fantastically Furry Article at Page B5


Augustinian the

The Official Student Newspaper of the University of San Agustin • Iloilo City, Philippines

Jeremiah 29:11

My Pen and Ink




“What I am immensely proud of these past four years, however, is not my position; I am immensely proud of the person that I have become, humility aside.” This is the one piece I dread sitting down and writing about, my valediction. For four years, my pub life was filled with deadlines, drafts, interviews, photo shoots, and presswork — I was constantly stressed, under immense pressure, and riddled with doubt over my so-called abilities. To put it simply, I didn’t like where my life was going. I started out as an Associate Editor, a position I felt I didn’t deserve because back then, I didn’t feel like I deserved anything good that happened to me. Fast forward to four years later, I became the Editor-in-Chief, which doubled the stress and the pressure. What I am immensely proud of these past four years, however, is not my position; I am immensely proud of the person that I have become, humility aside. I battled depression and social anxiety all throughout high school and during my first year in college, I still can’t believe I managed to make it out alive, seriously. Okay, the point is that life gets better. You may not see it now, but it will; just hang on. I want to thank first of all, the Almighty; for getting me through the dark times. I am kind of thankful for everything I’ve been through. I have learned to use my humor as a shield and

occasionally, as my defense mechanism. There are times in my life when I chuckle at how God has planned everything out; truly, You are the greatest writer. To Mama, for always being there; there are no words that can ever repay the sacrifices you have made for us over the years, and yet you do it with a smile and a whole lot of love. To my sister, for making sure I never had a reason to cry. I love you both so much. To Auntie Tess, Tito Jess (ooh, it rhymes) and Lola Fe, thank you for always supporting and loving us; we don’t know what we did to deserve you. Most of all, to Papa and Lolo, I wish you were here for my graduation, but I know you’re together and happy. I talk to you both every night, I miss you so much. My pub family, my second family, thank you so much for guiding and bringing me out of my shell. Trust me when I say that the Pub family completely changed my life. To our Pub seniors, Nong Ray, Nong Jerson, Nang Joey, Nang Joyce, Nong Ric, Nang Jes, and everyone who helped guide us Pub babies, thank you! Nang Ayah, Nong Joel, and Nong Kevin, the HeadQuarters MELIORISM Page B4

The ‘Unexpected’ Expectation


“What I will do is leave an ellipse signifying that my part of this journey is now over and someone will eventually continue as what I have done for my predecessors.” It has been an admittedly fun journey to be a writer for the USA Publications. In fact, I never expected to reach this zenith of my life as a writer and a journalist for the pub since I never envisioned myself to join their ranks as a student journalist. I entered the publications due to a chance event. A really good friend of mine invited me to take the test with her that year. I was one of the only few people she could associate being a writer with comfortably so I wholeheartedly agreed. The test was okay for the most part though I wasn’t expecting that I was included amongst the finalists to be considered for an interview. Though it wasn’t because I thought I wasn’t qualified but it was because I alone was considered alone and my friend was not included. It was at that time I realized that it may not just be a freak chance of nature that I took the exam… I bought the ticket so I took the ride. When I entered the publications, I remember meeting my first considered friend there… Joel or Nong Jo for the younger pubpips who were under his past leadership as one of the former Editorsin-Chief for the publications. It was a fulfilling experience come to think of it since the two of us

were the very first apprentices to be considered for the organization but we both graduated as Editors-in-Chief. He was my forerunner and a respected friend. In my early years, I was an isolated and awkward member of the pub. I never socialized much with the members and I was admittedly unattached to the organization as a whole. It wasn’t due to a lack of effort in my part though. Most schedules I have prevents me from attending weekly meetings since most of the time the roll call was made, I was already at home. I do not live in the city nor do I have close relatives to live with so I didn’t expect that my living arrangements at the province would be detrimental to my efforts as a student writer. Coupled with my inhibitions to talk to other people, I wasn’t able to contribute much during those heydays. Exams and studies thereafter forced me to leave the pub for the next two years. I missed out on a lot; sadly when I came back, most of the old faces I know aren’t there anymore. We weren’t that close and I wasn’t able to socialize with them well but the familiar faces INDOMITABLE Page B4

A Planned Coincidence




“Boring, weird and full of nerds were the words I used to describe the USA Publications as an organization before I became a part of it and I eventually ate my words when I became one of its members.” Boring, weird and full of nerds were the words I used to describe the USA Publications as an organization before I became a part of it and I eventually ate my words when I became one of its members. It all started when my brother forced me to take the qualifying exam without a sufficient background in journalism. I took the exam just to end the conversation and arguments with him; I took the exam knowing I wouldn’t pass. To make the long story short, it was luck that I was able to make it to the qualifying exam at the last spot and passed the interview phase. But here I am, writing this valediction saying goodbye to the people who I once described as boring, weird and nerds. And right now, I’m proud to be one of them. It turns out that these boring, weird and nerd people marked my years in college as special and helped me realize the true essence of life; that family can also be found in friendship despite our differences and the fact that we came from different departments. My three years of stay in the USA Pub served as my training ground for the real test of life; not by making quality articles, meeting the deadline or doing the tasks assigned

to us but by being more than just a journalist— becoming a dignified human being. USA Publications isn’t just an organization; it’s as if it’s a real-life person guiding us to hone our skills and possess good qualities. I even found what I wasn’t looking for. The one that gave me a reason to stay in the publications and perhaps to dedicate the rest of my life to her. USA Publications changed me a lot. It helped me becoming a better person and achieved many things without knowing i was capable of doing so. To all the senior pubpips that are now treading their own paths, thank you for your guidance and tips on how to survive the college life and, of course, the pressure in the publications. Good luck with your chosen careers and I hope we will meet again someday and reminisce our shared experience. To the respective moderators I was able to work with, thank you for trusting my skills not only in journalism but also in different fields like leading the rest of the members, please continue inspiring young minds like ours. To my fellow pubpips who will still stay on, thank you for LEX AEQUALIS Page B6


“Just like taking the pub exam, like meeting the stranger and who is now my friend, and experiencing all the situations that I’ve been through, indeed, everything happens for a reason, as if it were planned.” Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin and end with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact from the course of our lives. July 4 - it’s my birthday and I feel like taking the pub exam and I’m glad that I did. When I applied in the USA Publications I just said to myself, if it’s for me, then so be it. If it’s not, at least I’ve tried and not suffer the rest of my life asking what ifs. Though I passed the qualifying examination and was taken in as an apprentice, I honestly never expected to pass the exam since the last time that I wrote journalistic articles was in high school. I don’t know but maybe, just maybe, it was meant to be. Many people asked me, “Why do you keep on joining groups that is not much related to your course? Why juggle jobs beyond your requirement? Why sacrifice your family duties at times just to cope with such responsibilities?”. I simply say “I think I’m a typical student, I’m happy (though it might make me feel lost most of the time but I’ll still do it anyway)”. I choose to be well-rounded and give the best out of me. All the lasting memories, built relationships, all the skills and wisdom that I apprize, molded me into

a better person. I know I’m just a year to a wonderful family like the USA PUB – if only I knew I could join another prestigious organization apart from the USA Troubadours without much conflict while at the same time maintaining my grades – I should have joined since first year. Cliché as it may sound, but seriously I’ve learned a lot. When you try to push yourself from your comfort zones and survive, it’s all worth it. I’m more than grateful to those people who shared this with me. Indeed, for someone introvert like me, saying a simple “hello” is difficult to begin, maybe it applies to all, but saying “goodbye” is a harder way to do. To my fellow pub pips, thank you for the unending solidarity, shared sentiments and resounding laughter. I remember the first time when I entered the pub office –as an official member – I really felt anxious and somehow secluded having the “top calibre individuals, with complex personalities and high-end point of views” looking at you straight in the face. But all of it faded away as I stayed closer and know CARPE DIEM Page B5

B2-B3 Volume LXI Number 3 • May 15, 2016

Kaleidoscope of Pub Memories




Gizelle Anne D. Villa, BS BIO ‘16

“I believe that what I’m about to do is not an act of goodbye, but a simple act of gratitude before I head off into another direction.” I’ve never really believed in the concept of goodbyes; I, although, believe in new directions. I believe that what I’m about to do is not an act of goodbye, but a simple act of gratitude before I head off into another direction. I will not be gone, I will simply be away. The time has come for me to turn the corner, but before I do that, I would like to give my appreciation to the people who have been with me throughout this rollercoaster-ride experience. To the beautiful USA Pubpips including our wonderful moderators, both old, new, and honorary, thank you so much for taking your time to understand and be kind to me. It has been such a pleasant experience with all of you. You probably don’t know how colourful and how utterly brilliant you all are as individuals, and I feel like you should. I feel like you really should know how amazing you all are every second, every minute, and every hour of your days. I may have been pretty darn silent and shy for the past two years, but I feel like I’ve connected with all of you just as deeply as the other Pubpips. You are an amazing selection. I’m lucky to have met all of you. Continue to be beautiful and kind. Your love will create such great things! To the future batches of USA Pubpips, nervousness, anxiety, intimidation, and feeling pressured on your first days as a Pubpip are

completely normal. Soon after those feelings have gone, you will find a home in the USA Publications. Remember to connect, love, support, be patient, and be kind. You will soon come to realize that there are connections between all of you; you will soon realize that you are meant to be in the organization. Don’t be afraid to laugh, don’t be afraid to cry, don’t be afraid to teach, and don’t be afraid to learn. You are in the USA Pub to grow, you are there to be nurtured, and you are there to be guided towards the best of your potentials. I want you to read, I want you to make art, I want you to take photographs, and I want you to write as if these are the things your soul feeds upon. Be a masterpiece. You can and will be something great, if not for other people, then for yourself. Lastly, to my family and friends who have supported me and have constantly reminded me to be strong, thank you. “Stay strong” may just be two simple words, but it resonates to “Stay strong. Fight for your place in the world because I want you here, I want you to continue the fight with me” and often times, that’s just what I needed. Thank you for constantly reminding me that I have not burn out. You are my ink when the pen has dried out. Thank you for being in my story. This is farewell, but with all my love, I shall not end

But Never Did

Mary Johsyen E. Pabalinas, B MLS ‘17

“The USA Pub is truly something behind every article passed, every picture published.” Being more than just a student is both a privilege and a responsibility. I could still remember it clearly, when my high school friend Hyacinth asked me to join the USA Publications. We both took the challenge of applying for a slot in the USA-Pub. Luckily, we both passed the qualifying exam and the interview. I earned the position of Photojournalist while hers was of an Apprentice Writer. I was really proud and happy that time to be part of the USA-Pub knowing that this is not going to be an easy task since I am enrolled in the MLS program. During my freshman year, I really had the struggle adjusting to my schedules where classes demanded more time in the lecture and in the laboratory. My classmates were asking me questions like; “Wala ka man nabudlayan?”… “Sadya man ang pub?”… “Ano gina ubra mo sa pub?” then of course I respond them with my answer. At that certain point I’d made a realization that USA-Publications is not just a mere organization in the university and I truly consider it as my second family. Our unique talents and individuality makes us a dynamic family. The USA Pub has offered me a lot of privilege and opportunities wherein I’ve learned a lot and has trained me well towards journalism. One of it is being able to cover school events as well as prestigious events like Ms. Dinagyang 2014,

UNIGAMES 2014 and a lot more. Second, being able to hold photoshoots that makes me feel like an amateur photographer. Third, was being able to represent the University during regional contests like COPRE and seminars being hold by the PIA. Through this, I bring pride and honor to the school as I won “Runner-up for group Photojournalism” and “the Most-Promising Photojournalist for the individual category” Fourth, having my name listed on the staff box of the USA Pub and on every photos I capture. And lastly, being able to go to places that I’ve never been before like the Church visitation and the Pub outings where I got the chance to meet different people and get to know my pub mates. I could also remember vividly when we had our team building during my first year and there was a cheer dance competition within the groups where I got the chance to know and be close to the other members and how I find myself being tossed around in the air. It was actually my first time to do cheer dancing and there I found out that I can be an essential cheerleader (insert lol emoji here). I will be missing a lot of things, from the free lechon we get every Patron’s Saints day, to the free ice cream we hand out to students during U-week, games we play, ‘chikahan’ moments inside the pub office, the laughter and PICTURESQUE Page B6

Be Bold


anne catherine d. malazarte, BS FA ‘16


ronnyl D. bulahan, BS FA ‘16

“How great is the weight of the word ‘good bye’ and how pleasing the word ‘thank you’ can impact this written testimony of my unspoken thoughts for you?” I remembered almost two years ago, I wrote my first and thought was the last valediction for you, my USA Pub family. I left to fulfil my duties as a Student Council Officer for A.Y. 2014-2015. I never expected to write a valediction for the second time around. “I shall return”, this phrase got into me and I laughed. But I was no Mc Arthur. I never thought that my return will never be as exciting as how iPhone 10 will surprise the market. This valediction shall surely be my last; the only chance for me to write the things I should have said to you; these things that might have made me closer to you, more connected to you. Words unsaid. To my family, the USA Pub pips, I know my existence to you is more eerie than a ghost but call it my “introverted ghostly nature”, sounds ‘duh’ but true. Pardon me for my unpredictability; this is really just a part of me. Somehow I still have challenges surviving social gatherings or meetings and prefer to venture on my own introverted and artistic pursuits. But let me tell you that my love for you is as unexplainable as how you would try to explain the forces that cannot be seen by the

naked eye, but felt by the other senses (pa-deep lang abi kuno). Pardon me, I was so absorbed creating wonders inside my cave that I almost forgot to tend what I need to tend. Though I have partly succeeded to mark the Mirror with my artworks, but I think I have greatly failed to leave an assurance as your “manang” this year in this journey. I failed to give time to match your names with your faces that most of the time I get confused of you being the other. It is in this matter that I would like to give you a carnation flower (a flower of apology) for all the stitches I have failed to weave, for all the spaces I have failed to complete, for the connections I may have created but never did, for all the memories I may have built, for all your aches I may have healed, and for all the laughter I may have shared but still never did. How great is the weight of the word “good bye” and how pleasing the word “thank you” can impact this written testimony of my unspoken thoughts for you? Though it never hit me that these two phrases are even enough, I can never write the right words to fill up the voids I have left. Dearest siblings, I may have given up but never did.

“Thank you for showcasing my talent and trusting my artistic capabilities. Be bold! Be great! Be amazing!” It was my first time to enter the office of USA Publications for the interview. I applied at Pub for particular reasons and because I knew someone else that was also going to apply and I remember being so nervous that time when my name was called next. Fortunately, I was lucky to be accepted as an artist. I am passionate in doing art, my mind is always full of crazy ideas, creativity, and imaginations and decided to share it to the whole university through the USA Publications. I am blessed that the judges and the other staffers also shared in my wishes to share a little bit of myself through my art by featuring my works and my creativity for the whole Augustinian community to see. My stay at the USA publications was very short and truthfully, I can’t even remember how many times I entered the office and attended meetings. I have zero duty hours and I did not use my locker at all. Fourth year seemed to be the busiest time in college, with my thesis and exhibits, I barely had time for anything else. You have a lot of things to do especially writing your thesis papers. Even though I had spent less of my time in pub I always know that my pub family is one of the coolest, kindest, and beautiful persons

you will ever meet. I feel sorry for not spending a lot of time with you guys but I wish I had. During the few times that I was able to spend with you, I admired how easygoing and how funny all of you guys were. I could see how willing you were to help each other out and how you truthfully treated each other like family. I am happy that you found that kind of friendship and love in each other. Thank you for showcasing my talent and trusting my artistic capabilities. Thank you for believing in me and for always praising whatever work I did for the magazine and newspaper, for marveling at how I used my colors and other compliments. I will never forget this experience. To the younger aspirants left who will soon be the next new face of pub, good luck to all of you and continue the pub’s legacy. Never forget the person you were when you entered the publication, it is something that you should bring with you for the rest of your life. Practice humility always in all ways, God will always reward this trait. Trust your talents, for they will always speak larger volumes. Ronnyl Bulahan, signing off. And one last reminder, Be bold! Be great! Be amazing!


Augustinian the

The Official Student Newspaper of the University of San Agustin • Iloilo City, Philippines


Dream Come True



AIMEE ANDREA D. GAJE, BS Accountancy ‘18


“I may have to vacate but I know that I will always be USA Publications’ self-proclaimed Pretty.” “Hi, I’m Pretty.” You’d hear me say these words more often if you are inside the USA Publications office. I am not one gifted with an exceptional beauty that could be compared to the striking goddess Aphrodite. I am neither that vain nor conceited but I’d like to insist that I am pretty. My pub mates would usually joke about it but it seems like it grew on them (and they don’t really have much of a choice because I blabber about it non-stop) earning me my self-proclaimed title and nickname: Pretty. To be a member of the USA Publications is a dream that I have always wanted to reach. After receiving that message informing me that I have surpassed the tests and was an official affiliate of what I consider as an ‘elite’ organization, I found myself rolling and squealing with great delight on our living room floor. I cannot believe that I was one of the selected few who were given the privileged to be part of this prestige association. The first time I entered the glorious haven - the Publication Office – I was, as usual, late. It was our first meeting and it was embarrassing, intimidating and exhilarating on my part. When I arrived, they are already in the middle of introducing themselves. I was told to present my name and pick a letter from the alphabet that would describe me. The letter I selected was “B” for it was the first thought that came to

mind, describing me as ‘beautiful’ but changed it into ‘bookish’ after a few seconds. (Pahumble effect kunabi. Hahaha joke.) There and then, that haven became something next to home and I found myself surrounded by people whom I have considered as family. I am not a perfect pub mate. I missed deadlines, crammed over articles and sometimes failed to complete my duty hours. I don’t even write the best news or features. I make mistakes but every day I learn. For the past 2 years, the USA Publications had helped me improved my writing skills. It gave me lessons that had taught me a great deal in life, helped me adjust with college and bestowed me blissful experiences that I would never forget. I have my endless appreciation for this group or family, who had been an aspect in molding me into a person that I am right now. I may have to vacate but I know that I will always be USA Publication’s self-proclaimed Pretty (even though they won’t admit it) and I will still visit one of my favorite places on earth – the Pub office – and present myself as Pretty to the next Pub babies and members (Hahaha, bleeh). Cliché as it sounds but like the saying goes; once a pub mate always a pub mate. This is Pretty, not signing off from her self-proclaimed title, however, looking forward for the next pub mate with his/her very own declared trade name.

Season Finale Phoenix

Marie Julienne V. Caballete , bs fs ‘16

“After becoming a member of the USA Publications family, I knew that I finally found the place where I actually belong.” As an idealistic high school graduate about to enter college, I had everything planned. I was very certain that college would simply be a walk in the park, but I was wrong. The moment I enrolled in the University, my very own TV show started. I strictly followed whatever plan I had made for myself, my pilot episode so to speak; everything was good but not great. So, since I am the writer, director and producer of this show, I decided that certain adjustments must be made to break out from the mediocrity in which my show was heading. Just like a sign from above, our English teacher Ma’am Cornel encouraged me to join the USA Publications, one of the most prestigious college publications in the country. So on my third year, I hesitantly applied to be a writer, I was convinced that I would never qualify but to my utter shock, I received a text informing that I qualified as an apprentice writer. Right then and there, my life completely changed. Starting off as an apprentice was a great experience indeed. The pub pips were very welcoming and helpful; they would often help me with my articles by giving tips on how to write effectively. Being an apprentice writer broadened my horizon, I was not only able to write articles but I was able to explore the places that I never thought I would go to. After becoming a member

of the USA Publications family, I knew that I finally found the place where I actually belong. My second, and sadly the last year with the USA Publications came. From being an apprentice I managed to become a senior writer. However, being a senior writer is not the only awesome thing that happened, the arrival of a new wave of crazy, intelligent, genuine and trustworthy pub pips also took place. Whenever I feel down, shunned away and lost, my pub family are always there to pick up the pieces. The USA Publications office had been an abode in which I felt safe, loved and accepted no matter what. And the pub pips, well, they became my wall in which I can lean on whenever the frustrations of college life get the best of me, not only that, they offered me a shoulder to cry on, an ear when no one else wanted to listen and a hand to pull me back on my feet. Drama aside, I would like to thank a handful ofpeople who made my college life colourful, fun and amazing. My family for supporting my academic and curricular activities. I would have not made it this far if it weren’t for your unconditional love and support. Love you all! Ma’am Cornel, thank you for seeing a potential that I don’t even know I had in me. Sir Jeff and Nong Joel, for their endless

“The USA Publications will always, always have a special place in my heart, and nothing can ever change that.” It was in November when I made a deal with my fellow Pubpips as we sat around a bonfire along the beach with the wind blowing behind our backs. I told them that if I pass the annual Accountancy Qualifying Exams and be allowed to proceed to Junior Year, then I would leave the Pub to focus on my studies even more in preparation for my last two years in college. Otherwise, I would shift to another course and stay in the Pub for the rest of my college life. With that said, you can pretty much figured out which of those two options came true for me! As a little girl who spent technically all of her academic life growing up at the University of San Agustin, it would have been a near impossible feat to not have heard of the USA Publications. Stepping into high school gave me better insights about the Pub – the organization I’ve always wanted to be a part of – and I heard nothing but good stuff about the people behind it and the quality work they put out every semester. In short, I have always been a fan of the Pub. I spent my high school years working for the Junior Augustinian – the High School Department’s official school paper – along with my best friend Jessa, who also happens to be one of the people I got to spend my Pub journey with. It has always been our dream since then to become part of the Publications, and stepping into college opened up that opportunity for us. There was just something about the Pub that made it so different, so unique. Back in high school, everybody associated the word “Pub” with influence and a good reputation, and just the mere mention of it made someone think about class and sophistication. Just knowing that a certain person INDOMITABLE Page B2

left have always left me feeling comforted despite the new faces around. Though at that time, it wasn’t simply the faces who have changed but I found myself a changed man too. Admittedly I haven’t lived a perfect life in the pub. I will not spend time trying to convince people how the publications have molded all of us as writers since our writings and works would speak out loud for us at that endeavor. No, I have told you this dear readers about my life in the pub of my growth, and how I grew up


was part of the Pub gave him or her a certain level of respect from everyone in the whole campus, myself included, and to become one of the people considered as the campus elite in literary terms was a very elusive privilege meant for only the best of the best. I was lucky enough to have made the cut, and nothing gets any easier from here on now that I’m leaving the organization that I’ve spent half of my college life with. For the past two years, the USA Publications has been one of the steadiest constants in my life. It provided me with a sense of certainty and stability that people taking up my course do not get enough of, especially with the yearly population cuts we go through. I’ve met people who are one and the same with me; kindred souls who share the same love for language and writing as I do. And that’s probably the one thing I’ll miss the most about the Pub. It’s the one organization that honed all of my journalistic skills even more; opened up my eyes to new opportunities I wouldn’t have had access to if I was a just a normal student. Which is exactly why I’m having a hard time bidding farewell to everything I’ll be leaving behind. The USA Publications will always, always have a special place in my heart, and nothing can ever change that. To the people and the beloved organization that I will be leaving behind, know that I will always be one of those people who will keep on rooting for you! A new chapter has opened up for me with new opportunities in store, and even though I won’t be physically there helping to create even more amazing outputs, I will still continue to be a big fan of the work that we do as student journalists. Keep on shining, USA Publications! as a member because I want everybody to see that the pub wasn’t just a simple organization who harnesses the talents of young individuals and brings out the writers within among us, but rather, this organization is a family of differing individuals with flaws, hopes and dreams who banded together due to their passion for writing. I will never hang up my pen. I will never finish writing. What I will do is leave an ellipse signifying that my part of this journey is now over and someone will eventually continue as what I have done for my predecessors. So I say my farewells and goodbyes knowing that You and I will meet again Pubpips, see you later.

Team lives on, haha. To our Pub babies, this year. I am so proud of you guys, I know that the Pub is in capable hands. To the past moderators, Ma’am Cornel, Ma’am Confesor, and Sir Jeff, thank you for your constant guidance. To my best friend, my

partner-in-crime, Resty John, you are the most amazing partner anyone could ever ask for. You are my every prayer, every wish, and a dream come true. I don’t know where I’m going to end up five years from now, but I pray it’s still somewhere where I’m as happy as I am now.

patience, understanding and guidance especially when I was still apprentice. Thank you for showing me the ropes and for trusting me. Ma’am Jaro, our moderator, thank you for guiding us this academic year. May God continue to bless you always Ma’am. Rochie, Jade, Mara, Frennie and Gizelle for being my sisters and for accepting my weirdness love ya and thank you! My favorite love birds, Stephiii and Resty for being so patient with me and for listening to my nonsensical babbling, you two are the ultimate energy booster. There is no dull moment in the pub office especially if the both of you are present. Steph, I am thankful to have you as my friend, thank you for the trust and acceptance you have given me. You are the best. Resty, please be nice to Steph or else I will punch you. Rj, for being a great sister, best friend and confidant. I know I am not the best friend ever,

but you never left. You still accepted me despite my overflowing flaws. If it weren’t for your constant affirmation and positivity in life, I would probably be a walker eating everyone’s positivity and replacing it with agonizing negativity. To the rest of the pub pips, remember that this ninja penguin will always be here to annoy you and give her sassy sarcastic remarks. Just kidding! Know that I love you all and that I can’t thank you all enough, you are the most genuine bunch I have met. Thank you for all the laughter, tears and times we have spent, and for the unending support y’all gave to me. After four tedious years of running my TV show, I would say that it was a success. For I was not the same person anymore and my personal growth can be attributed to the risk that I took two years ago when I submitted the application form for the USA Publications. So I guess this is it, I’m Marie Julienne V. Caballete bidding you all adieu.

Spectacle Augustinian the


The Official Student Newspaper of the University of San Agustin • Iloilo City, Philippines

Volume LXI Number 3 • May 15, 2016

Fantastically Furry a movie review on ‘zootopia’ By Resty John L. Palete

- the mysterious disappearance of mammals. Judy has been discouraged from taking on the case in any way, but Judy takes on the deadend case of a missing otter, and entraps con-artist fox Nick Wilde, voiced by Josh Bateman,

the lovely country town of The Burrows where Judy grew up with 225 brothers and sisters. This has her constantly adjusting to the people that she meets, which makes her character all the more endearing. The movie is inspired by

“At times our plucky heroine finds herself in some dark, scary situations....” to help her solve it. Judy and Nick’s investigation takes them around the distinct environments that make up Zootopia, where they run into dodgy and dangerous characters, many of whom are acquaintances of Nick. There’s chilly Tundratown, hot Sahara Square and the dark and damp Rainforest, all vastly different to

Disney’s Robin Hood (1973), the animals retain their own characteristics but live in a human world and it’s a world where prey and predators of all sizes live happily side-by-side. However, there’s still an underlying level of distrust and it’s this distrust that’s being exploited by whoever is trying to destroy Zootopia’s equality-

L iterature meets Physics By ERIKA DANIELLE M. PEPITO

driven society. At times our plucky heroine finds herself in some dark, scary situations facing Godfather-like figures, which are balanced by hilarious gags, including one with a sloth, which the whole family will be reciting the next day. A large part of Zootopia’s charm comes from the contrast between Judy and Nick, rendering the film something of a mismatched buddy comedy. The two of them have such great chemistry together. Nick can say terrible things in humour, but you love him for it. In any great movie you need a tandem with two different mindsets fighting against each other and that’s really kind of the engine that drives the movie. That’s where you find the comedy, that’s where you find the heart, the drama. Zootopia is a great movie, no matter your age. By herod t. montiel

Ang pagbag-o

Falling Into Place

By daryl s. selerio

By herod t. montiel

An icy heart. A girl. An end, or a beginning? Falling Into Place is another creation by Amy Zhang that follows how Liz Emerson concocted a plan of removing herself from the world that she created to ruin the people around her, and the aftermaths of which ricocheted at her in the process. The words she uttered that tore people apart and all the acts she did to make others feel insecure, even her mother and her best friends, mirrored how she blames herself for her father’s death. What provoked her to swerve her car into a tree, and take advantage of the snow to make it look like an accident? “Some nights, Liz looked back and counted the bodies, all those lives she had ruined simply by existing. So she chose to stop existing.” The day that she lost her father ended her childhood. And she thought that the day she would leave this world would end all the suffering she caused other people too. She may have covered it all up with her ruthless words and deeds, but Liam Oliver, the boy who appreciated the flaws she never learned to love, could see right through her. He realized that what lies beneath the mask that Liz donned to conceal her crumbling true self is her yearning for beautiful things. “Appearances were all that mattered, and no one would ever care what she was like on the inside. No one cared that she was breaking apart.” The various snapshots reflected how she changed herself from someone who yearned for beautiful things before the world exposed to her its vile certainties, into becoming a part of Meridian High’s elite by bringing down those who belong to the high school’s upper social strata. Amy Zhang’s fresh novel is a must read for those who consider themselves as bookworms and are inclined to all things science – concepts on physics have been infused in this riveting story to show how we can impact the lives of others in more ways than one. The intrigue that comes along with the mystery of the narrator lures the reader to read the novel from cover to cover. Although this book vaguely resembles Gayle Forman’s If I Stay, it brilliantly inserted Newton’s Laws of Motion, guiding the reader through the twists and turns of the plot and through the complexity of Liz’s plan to put a stop to her existence. The novel addresses the issue of bullying, an undying concern bugging the youth of today who sees their beautiful flaws as harsh insecurities instead of learning to embrace them. It also promotes suicide prevention, serving as a revelation especially to adolescents who are immersed in their own problems that they cannot even imagine how the people close to them would experience immense grief if they choose to die. The novel challenges its readers, especially the young adults as its main audience, to ask for help from time to time so as not to wallow up in the intensity of the things that bother them the most. A reader’s greatest pleasure is reading and eventually forgetting that he is doing so, and suddenly he is drowning himself in the intricate web of words that are waiting to be read. This book had me staying up late at night to find out if Liz Emerson stays, and I am quite confident in saying that this book is a must-add to your bookshelf. I had a surge of wistful reading while flipping through the pages because not only did this book give me a new viewpoint on accidents and physics, but it also had me thinking on how I can affect others if I was in Liz Emerson’s shoes. “We are

Another animated animal movie has made its way into the blockbuster scene. With its adorable furry characters, one would be inclined to think that this movie is another kids-only zone; yet Disney hits the head on the nail once again. Zootopia is a smart and funny story about friendship, prejudice, and integrity. The heroine is Judy, voiced by Giniffer Goodwin, the first bunny to graduate at the head of her class from Police College, who finds her dreams of being a detective reduced to working as a parking warden position in the metropolis of Zootopia. Though her parents are thrilled their daughter is out of harm’s way in a world where prey and predators are now getting along, Judy’s determined to prove her worth and wants a piece of the case currently dominating Zootopia

book review

“...what lies beneath the mask that Liz donned to conceal her crumbling true self is her yearning for beautiful things. ” like dominoes… we are the fingers that simply pushed one to bring down the others.” We may not be conscious of it, but our words and actions can either make or break a person. An icy heart. A girl. An end, or a beginning? It was the end of Liz Emerson of Meridian High, but it was the much-needed return of Elizabeth Michelle Emerson, the girl who did not don a mask on to hide the cracks in her heart that could never be healed, the girl who knew what it was like to notice the beauty in all things, the girl who planned to leave but stayed.

Features Augustinian the

The Official Student Newspaper of the University of San Agustin • Iloilo City, Philippines PHOTOs courtesy of / augustinian tv


By Jessa Madeleine P. Gange

Promoting the values of orderliness, politeness, meditation and peace was the main goal of the 800 students gathered at the University of San Agustin (USA) in celebration of the ASEAN Light of Peace with the theme “World Peace for Inner Peace” at the Plaza de San Agustin, November 25. “The volunteers proved that every one of us has a stake in peace so let us volunteer not just for light of peace but for bringing peace in the world,” shared Eric Divinagracia, director of Student Affairs and Welfare Office. Record-breaking The Light of Peace was launched in the year 2013 where a world record of 15, 185 sky lanterns flew simultaneously; the following year, a world record for the largest flaming image 56,680 candles was broken in the town of Oton. The ASEAN Light of Peace was advocated by Middle Way Meditation Institute (MMI) in an effort to CARPE DIEM Page B2

you more. Slowly belonging and getting comfortable in a group that I now call “my family.” To my USA Troubadours family, it was an amazing journey with you, guys. Thank you for the unrelenting camaraderie we have shared. I’ll be missing lots of things from the concerts, performances, trips and practices, not to PICTURESQUE Page B3

the bonding that we had, the overnight stay with endless stories we share every time we had our year-end outings, and wearing my USA-pub shirt whenever there are school events. For more than three years that I’ve been part of this admired team of the university and the so-called “Region’s best” I must say that this is one of the most beautiful encounters that I had in my life. The USAPub is truly something behind

help develop mental peace through meditation. The event started at 6 p.m. and the place was packed with students, faculty members and other personnel gathered in the festivity of lighting the symbolic candle for peace and one on one meditation. The objective of the activity was to bring tranquility among the people before the actual lighting of the candles. The USA Band, Troubadours and Kawilihan members performed during the night where they showcased their Augustinian talents. Red Flower The highlight of the event was the lighting of the candles around St. Augustine, a bronze

statue of the University’s patron saint, following the shape of the sun carved under the statue looking very much like a flower on fire when seen from above. “It was something very beautiful and unique. We seldom get to see these type of events and I’m very happy to witness and be a part of something like this,” Rogely Sucgang, an AB Communication student said. “It was a one of a kind experience for me and my friends.” Rev. Fr. Jack Luna, O.S.A, Director of the Philanthropic, External, and Alumni Relations (PEAR) Office extends his gratitude to those who attended the Light of Peace. “This is a very important event to each

one of us because through this event we have brought out the message that we are all in need of peace because if we are all at peace then that would be a big contribution to the creation and building of peace in our city

mention the free food, the bonding off stage, and the “surprise” celebrations. After all the ups and downs, continue making wonderful music and continue inspiring people – just like how you did to me. To my Foreign Service classmates, SIGMA CHI Fraternity and SIGMA PHI Sorority, thank you for the awesome memories that we’ve shared. You get to think that you have this group of people

who will always have your back, and sometimes fight your battles with you if they have to, and where I also found love and inspiration. To my immediate family, and above all to the Almighty God, thank you for all the unconditional love and support in everything that I do. I hope that I made you proud. At first, I thought that everything is nothing more than just coincidence. I

always thought that there are no miracles, no such thing as fate, nothing is meant to be. But now, I’m pretty sure it was meant to be. Just like taking the pub exam, like meeting the once stranger and is now my friend, and experienced all the situations that I’ve been thru, indeed, everything happens for a reason, as if it was planned. It all comes like a coincidence – and it never failed to surprise me.

the moments and the chance to get to know all of you. Continue to live the legacy of the publications for it is a privilege to be a pubpip and for my last piece of advice, try to make the rest of your years worthwhile. I never thought that my initial expectations of a boring and weird organization will come to an end. Thank you USA Publications for giving me

a pre-test on life, thank you for helping me find my way, thank you for giving me the chance to meet awesome people and to find the person whom I never searched for but I know I will cherish forever and lastly, thank you USA Pub for helping me become the person I am right now, and that without you I wouldn’t be able to write what I feel and or to finish this message. Until we meet again my friend!

every article passed, every picture published. I genuinely have fun and learned a lot of things. It may be temporary but indeed it was all worth it. To my family at home, thank you for the unconditional love and support you have given me all throughout. I hope that I made you proud. To our previous moderators; Ma’am Cornel, Nang Joey, Sir Jeff, and Ma’am Jaro thank you for the support, guidance and motivation you have shared in the USA-Pub. To my former editor-in-

chiefs; Nong Ray, Nong Ric, Nang Tol (Joyce), Nong Joel, Nong Kevin and Nang Steph, thank you for trusting in me and letting me use my skills in photography into something more productive for the three years I’ve been with you. I am really grateful that I was able to work with you all. To all the Pub seniors I’ve met since my first year stay in the pub; Nong Jerson, Nang Aya, Nong Wil, Nang Jessany, Nang Marylex, Nang Rochelle, Nang Edrylle, Nang Seulgi, Nang Vicky, Nang Hannah,

Nang Kat, Nang Gizelle, Nang Julienne, Nong Daryl, Nong Jordan, Edcel, Herod, Nong Resty, Nong Melky thank you for the moments we shared together that I will forever cherish. To our pub-babies; Bobby, Welky, Trisha, Erika, Clarisse, Frennie, Aimee, Jessa, Jecel, and Rj you guys think and work like seniors in the pub and I really admire you for that. Thank you for considering me as your ‘ate’ continue the legacy, always nourish and nurture our beloved USA-publications. Our

friendship will be for keeps. To my amazing team of photojournalist, Mara, Shalayne, Elmer, and Nong Lanz it is really a great opportunity to work with you guys just continue to capture moments and inspire people through the photos you have taken. To the next batch, good luck and continue to shine and go beyond what the USA-pub can bring you. To my U.I-PEN family in high school I will forever be grateful for being part of this organization. I will always

remember the time we spent together. To Sir Vic, our mentor in the U.I-PEN you were one of the best mentors I had. Thank you for believing in my capabilities as a journalist. To the Almighty God, thank you for the countless thoughts, experiences you had blessed me. Forever I will keep them in my mind and heart. I’ll always treasure these unforgettable memories with me. Thank you for these memories that will always be painted in my heart as vivid resembling a picture.

and the world.” He added with a flourish. Activities like these do not guarantee peace, candles aren’t some magical entity that automatically stops wars; however, being a part of LEX AEQUALIS Page B2

something as big as this forms a sense of camaraderie between all those present — it forms the outline for inner peace. Time will come, peace with one’s self will one day be peace in the world.

CampusLife Augustinian the


The Official Student Newspaper of the University of San Agustin • Iloilo City, Philippines

Volume LXI Number 3 • May 15, 2016

NOT THE TYPICAL “AN NYEON HA SEO YO” usa pub PHOTOs / clyde allen e. sollesta

B uilding A Strong FilipinoKorean C onnection

By Jessa Madeleine p. Gange and Wilkienson c. Muro

Filipinos love Koreans. So do I, so do you. They are like some kind of milk to our Koko Crunch. They have greatly penetrated the sympathy of our hearts. Their songs, dances, traditions, foods and even styles are quite dominative especially to teenagers. We can’t just get over them. However, it is a hindrance for us to practice proper communication style if we talk in diverse languages. Now, there enters the English language, the language that connects us all, not just in the Philippines but in the whole world. GETTING EQUIPPED The University of San Agustin, the oldest school in Western Visayas, with its Office of Professional Development and Continuing Education and Center for Research, Innovation, and Development created a program that would invite other foreign Universities and Colleges to enroll in the University for a month Speaking English Language Tutorial. Their program aims to educate the foreign students with English Language for better connection outside their own country. “The University from January to February 2016 had its first foreign students from Mokpo University in South Korea. They were the second batch of students from Korea who enrolled here for English Language Tutorial,” Mrs. Cecelie E. Ortiz, MMBM Coordinator told the Augustinian.

The said program was actually initiated by a Korean musical instructor of the University’s Troubadours who also recruited these Koreans to the University. Moreover, the University laboriously prepared for this by choosing those teachers who are experts in speaking English, the room that would comfortably suit the Korean environment and the facilities that they would be best used during lectures and discussions. THE IMPLEMENTATION The seven Korean students who were subjected to English Language Tutorial were of different courses. They had a one-on-one discussion with their teachers, a sit-in class and a group/class discussion. For the one-on-one discussion, each student were assigned to their

respective teachers. In this kind of discussion, the teacher profoundly harnessed the skills of his/her student in the field of communication and public speaking. For the sit-in class, the Korean students were exposed to English classes held in the different rooms in the University. They were assigned as to what English teachers class they would be sitting in to participate actively like a regular student of the class. For the class/group discussion, it looked like a regular class. They were taught using powerpoint presentation, to report in front of their teacher

using a powerpoint and to use the English language as a medium for speaking. The seven of them really enjoyed the ways they were taught by their teachers, treated by other students, and handled by lots of people. In their onemonth stay, they described the University as a conducive place for learning and an affable place for a student. “I did not expect this one-month experience as a student here in San Agustin to be like this. The students are all friendly. They are so nice too. The same with our teachers,” Moon, a Korean student, told The Augustinian with an

overwhelming voice. THE RESULTING CONNECTION “There are lots of differences and similarities between our school and yours just like the uniforms. We don’t wear uniforms when we go to school. We also don’t have GE subjects during college and most of all, we graduate at the of 25. The similarities would be that Filipinos are good athletes. Everytime we passed the gym, we’re also tempted to indulge in sports,” Scarlet, another Korean student, shared. The remarks of the Korean students greatly embarks the intuition of the School Board

to exert more effort into the innovation of the different classes and to promote this program to be taken effectively in the coming Academic Year 2016-2017. “Actually, we are planning to teach French, German and other languages that the students can enroll in to enhance their work competencies. This means that this is not exclusive to Koreans or other foreign countries but also to our Filipino students who would like to boost their language skills,” Mrs. Ortiz proudly told the Augustinian about their foreseen successful program.

AUGUSTINIANS weigh election choices As the current president’s reign come to an end, the country will now face a new administration under a new leader. Will the next president of the Republic continue the legacy of his/her predecessor, or will there be a divergence from the path? With five candidates running for the presidential position, Filipinos nationwide carefully weigh their options as their votes can be the turning point for the country’s future in the long run. Not exempted from this responsibility are our dear Augustinians, and when questioned, zoom in on

their presidential bet and their personal reasons why. Every presidential candidate has been probed with issues regarding their background. Binay is accused of corruption; Roxas is fronted with the problems of his incompetence in the aftermath of Yolanda; Duterte is criticized

for his unaesthetic means of rooting out criminals; Santiago is faced with uncertainties of her health, and Poe is plagued with cases pertaining to her nationality. Taking these into factors, which PC do you think would best likely serve as the president despite such issues and why?

I would choose Grace Poe. After watching the presidential debate, I can see the sincerity in her words - the promises she’s made - and I have the hope that she will fulfill these promises. Her only issue is about her citizenship, which is not even much - she’s still a Filipino. Plus, she is fresh from Iloilo - I believe she will look back and help Iloilo continue with its progress.

I want to vote for Miriam. She can empower everyone. But her health is still an issue, so I would go for Poe. Grace Poe has the characteristics of an esteemed and desirable woman who can lead us to a better way. She showed us what she can and will do - it’s not really what or where you’re from, but how you can serve your people. Mark Hamilton Souza, BS Information Technology 3

Given all the issues faced by the candidates, it’s really difficult to choose among them. In my case, I go for Santiago. If we’re banking on capacity, Miriam has true potential. She has served in all three branches of the government legislative, executive and judiciary. She is the most suitable candidate for the position. Jay Michael Cordero, Professor

Kristah Louisse Perez, B Medical Laboratory Science 2

For now, if I were to decide, I would go for Duterte. Why? Because we currently need a man of discipline for our president. Yenna Mae Jainga, BS Foreign Service 2

It’s either Poe or Duterte. Poe really knows what she’s doing, whereas Duterte has a strong will to drive the Filipino citizens - since we really need a strong man with an iron hand on discipline to root out crime. Anna Izabelle Ceria, BS Foreign Service 2

I would prefer to vote for Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago. Despite her health - having survived the perils caused by her cancer - she has the right to run for presidency. She said it so herself at the debate, and it’s true. I have truly seen her in action - her capabilities, her strengths, to know that she is more than able to become the Philippines’ next president. Vi Buaron, BS Marketing Management 3

All these presidential candidates are also humans like us, and like us, they are also subject to these accusations. The problem with us people is that we only see the wrongdoings and the mistakes. We disregard the good things that they have done for our country. All these candidates are all qualified – but until now, I still cannot decide whom will I have as president. I believe that I – we, need to know more about their platforms and plans well for the government. Nicole Joyce Gepilango, BS Civil Engineering 4

usa pub PHOTOs / mara elaiza a. flores

By nicole ailice f. serisola

Panorama Augustinian the

The Official Student Newspaper of the University of San Agustin • Iloilo City, Philippines

Volume LXI Number 3 • May 15, 2016

usa pub PHOTOs / mary johsyen e. pabalinas

TOWARDS THE LENS OF FAITH by Mary Johsyen e. Pabalinas

Similar to the eyes, the camera also has its own lens for us to see clearly every image we capture that conveys a meaning. Spiritually, we need lens of faith to help us gain a clear vision of our devotion towards the Almighty. The following images reflect our reverence for deity and devotion to the divine worship and a faith that is truly active and alive.

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