Discipleship Resources Leadership Resources Catalog

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Safe Sanctuaries®

Reducing the Risk of Abuse in the Church for Children and Youth Joy Thornburg Melton The leadership resources in this catalog have been published by Discipleship Resources to respond to the ministry needs of United Methodist leaders and congregation members as they seek to become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. We have created our publications to cover a variety of topics designed to support church leaders, Christian educators, small groups, and others responsible for faith formation and discipleship within their congregations.


For any questions, please email us at DiscipleshipResources@ umcdiscipleship.org Visit the online bookstore Bookstore.UpperRoom.org to order our publications or to place an order today.







Safe Sanctuaries® – Older Adults

The Church Responds to Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Older Adults Joy Thornburg Melton

DR613 • 978-0-88177-613-3 • $25.00 Joy Thornburg Melton offers valuable, practical advice to help churches safeguard against abuse and exploitation of elders. Learn how your church can recognize and respond to issues of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of your oldest parishioners.

Safe Sanctuaries® in a Virtual World Joy Thornburg Melton and Michelle L. Foster

DR630 • 978-0-88177-630-0 • $15.00 Safe Sanctuaries® in a Virtual World addresses the challenges of ministry that have arisen in the face of rapidly changing technology. It covers topics such as copyright in the digital age, the application of law to the life of the church, the basics of ministry in a virtual world, pornography and obscenity, among others.





DR543 • 978-0-88177-543-3 • $25.00 Safe Sanctuaries® offers tools for training church leaders in how to keep the children and youth of our churches safe. This new edition brings together—in one volume—the transformative and foundational material found in the Safe Sanctuaries® books for children and youth. This updated volume includes information on Internet predators, as well as a new section on vulnerable adults.

Safe Sanctuaries® for Children and Youth, DVD Reducing the Risk of Abuse in the Church Joy Thornburg Melton

DR415 • 978-0-88177-415-3 • $27.00 This resource will help you raise your congregation’s awareness regarding a safe environment for children and youth. The three key segments address why and how to develop and implement a policy to reduce the risk of abuse in your church and provide forms to use in this process. The DVD contains extras, such as an interview with the author and real-life stories from diverse congregations.

Safe Sanctuaries® for Ministers Best Practices and Ethical Decisions Joy Thornburg Melton

DR560 • 978-0-88177-560-0 • $15.00 Melton understands the need to educate clergy about basics of ethical practice within their particular leadership role, as well as potential traps like isolation, improper self-care, and lack of accountability. Safe Sanctuaries® for Ministers explores three areas of special concern to clergy: counseling and potential improprieties in the counseling relationship; finances and potential improprieties related to church finance; and sexuality and the potential for sexual misconduct.

CyberSafety for Families

Training Kit • A Safe Sanctuaries® Resource Paul O’Briant

DR592 • 978-0-88177-592-1 • $24.00 It’s hard enough to keep up with the latest Internet technology, much less know where our children and youth are going online. This CD contains all you will need to lead a training event for parents and other concerned adults. It includes: planning guide, teaching plans, handouts, and a 30-minute movie presentation.







Growing Everyday Disciples

Covenant Discipleship Series When we become Christians, we begin a lifelong journey of following Jesus every day. John Wesley taught the early Methodists to meet together in small groups called classes to help one another along the way. The United Methodist Church continues to encourage Christians to gather in discipleship groups that will help us grow in our love of God and neighbor. Three leaders at Discipleship Ministries have each authored books about leading Covenant Discipleship groups with adults, youth, and children. Their work will inspire you to enter into covenant with fellow disciples of Jesus Christ for your own spiritual growth and the benefit of your church.

Covenant Discipleship With Children Melanie C. Gordon, Susan Groseclose, Gayle Quay

PRINT: DR695 • 978-0-88177-695-9 • $12.00 EBOOK: BDR697 • 978-0-88177-697-3 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR696 • 978-0-88177-696-6 • $9.99 Growing Everyday Disciples: Covenant Discipleship With Children is a formational resource by Melanie C. Gordon, Susan Groseclose, and Gayle Quay that equips adults who serve in ministry with children ages 8–11 to guide children toward a mature faith through everyday acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Covenant Discipleship helps connect children with Jesus Christ and one another through ongoing mutual accountability and support for living in the world as Christ followers. The resource offers leaders in ministry with children suggestions for forming covenants, exploring accountability, evaluations, and a choice of plans to organize, maintain, and evaluate Covenant Discipleship groups with children. This resource also provides a brief background on discipleship, covenants, and society meetings of the Methodist Movement, and can be used as preparation.

Want the whole series? Order all three together for ONLY $35!

Disciples Making Disciples

A Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders Steven W. Manskar

PRINT: DR774 • 978-0-88177-774-1 • $17.00 EBOOK: BDR776 • 978-0-88177-776-5 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR775 • 978-0-88177-775-8 • $9.99 Disciples Making Disciples: A Guide for Covenant Discipleship Groups and Class Leaders by Steven W. Manskar is for pastors, Covenant Discipleship group members, and class leaders. It provides information needed to organize the ministry, form groups, write a covenant, lead a meeting and support groups so they help the congregation live out its mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world. The book also describes the office of class leaders and how to introduce this powerful disciple-making office to the congregation.

Everyday Disciples

Covenant Discipleship with Youth Chris Wilterdink

PRINT: DR793 • 978-0-88177-793-2 • $14.00 EBOOK: BDR795 • 978-0-88177-795-6 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR794 • 978-0-88177-794-9 • $9.99 Everyday Disciples: Covenant Discipleship with Youth by Chris Wilterdink resources pastors, youth leaders, and youth groups with information and planning materials related to Covenant Discipleship and accountability practices. Covenant Discipleship encourages youth to connect with Christ and one another through mutual accountability. It also encourages a networked support structure for living in the world as Christ followers.





Covenant Discipleship Bundle

Includes all three Covenant Discipleship books, for children, youth, and adults Steven W. Manskar, Chris Wilterdink, Melanie C. Gordon, Susan Groseclose, Gayle Quay PRINT: PDR1 • $35 Take advantage of a discount and purchase all three of these resources at once. Sure to inspire leaders and individuals alike to grow disciples as children, youth, and adults. Believe, follow, grow, and transform!



FUTURE DATES: JULY 8–18, 2019; JULY 6–16, 2020

The Wesley Pilgrimage is open to all United Methodist lay and clergy leaders. You will explore EPWORTH, the Wesleys’ birthplace; OXFORD, where John and Charles led the Holy Club; BRISTOL, where the class meeting was developed and Methodism became a movement; LONDON, where both Wesley brothers experienced assurance of salvation and John Wesley built the center of British Methodism; and SALISBURY, home to a vital Methodist congregation once served by Francis Asbury. For details, go to: http://umcdiscipleship.org/WesleyPilgrimage







A Guide for Daily Prayer, Bible Reading, and Discipleship Steven W. Manskar

PRINT: DR872 • 978-08817-7872-4 • $15.00 A Disciple’s Journal, carefully designed and deeply Wesleyan, provides a pattern of daily prayer and scripture reading for persons who want to grow in holiness of heart and life. It invites readers into a Wesleyan way of following Jesus Christ shaped by the General Rule of Discipleship: To witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The journal includes: daily lectionary, inspirational quotes, excerpts from Wesley’s sermons, hymns, orders for prayer, Discipleship Journal, and a pattern for intercessory prayer.

Reclaiming the Wesleyan Tradition

John Wesley’s Sermons for Today Douglas M. Strong, Sarah B. Dorrance, Robert McDonald - Walker, Ingrid Y. Wang, and Kevin M. Watson

DR519 • 978-0-88177-519-8 • $15.00 Reclaiming the Wesleyan Tradition explains Wesleyan theology in an easy-to-understand way, covering such topics as sin, grace, justification, sanctification, and ethical living. 13-WEEK STUDY INCLUDES A LEADER’S GUIDE.

Living Our Beliefs The United Methodist Way Kenneth L. Carder

PRINT: DR571 • 978-0-88177-571-6 • $13.00 LEADER’S GUIDE: DR715 • 978-0-88177-715-4 • $7.99 EBOOK: 978-0-88177-664-2 • $9.99 KINDLE: 978-0-88177-665-2 • $9.99 Explore a basic explanation of the beliefs and practices of The United Methodist Church as defined in Part II of The Book of Discipline. Uncover a deeper understanding and experience of Christian faith as you embrace the United Methodist way.

Praying with John Wesley David A. deSilva

DR317 • 978-0-88177-317-0 • $8.00 Based on the model for daily prayer Wesley developed in 1733, this book focuses on six Christian virtues including daily scripture reading, personal reflection, and prayer. DeSilva has updated and interpreted Wesley’s prayers for 21st-century Christians who are seeking to grow as disciples, taking the reader through a full week of morning and evening devotions.





A Blueprint for Discipleship

Wesley’s General Rules as a Guide for Christian Living Kevin M. Watson DR556 • 978-0-88177-556-3 • $15.00 Kevin Watson offers a concrete and practical approach to Christian discipleship that is distinctly Wesleyan. His approach builds on the foundation of the General Rules. Learn how John Wesley’s method of discipleship is both simple and profound and can help you or your small group develop faith.

A Perfect Love

Understanding John Wesley’s “A Plain Account of Christian Perfection” Steven W. Manskar, Diana L. Hynson, and Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki

DR426 • 978-0-88177-426-9 • $14.00 Christian perfection is the doctrine that distinguishes Methodism from other Christian denominations. John Wesley’s text, presented in updated language, will give you a better understanding of this important doctrine. LEADER’S GUIDE INCLUDED.

A Year with John Wesley and Our Methodist Values Michael J. Coyner, Henry H. Knight III, Sarah Heaner Lancaster, Randy L. Maddox, and F. Douglas Powe Jr.; Introduction by Karen A. Greenwaldt

DR550 • 978-0-88177-550-1 • $2.50 This engaging, provocative study explores the discipleship practices of “the Methodist way.” Brief reflections on Wesleyan themes are followed by short essays that connect Wesleyan principles to today’s world.

Being a Christian in the Wesleyan Tradition

Belonging | Believing | Living | Growing John O. Gooch

DR559 • 978-0-88177-559-4 • $12.00 What does it mean to be an “involved” church member? Gooch outlines four categories that will help you think differently about the way you participate in church: how you belong, what you believe, how you live, and the possibilities for your growth in faith.






A Disciple’s Journal—2018

John O. Gooch

DR445 • 978-0-88177-445-0 • $15.00 Gooch connects modern-day readers with the 18th-century world of John Wesley. This book compares contemporary issues to topics Wesley addressed, such as health care, poverty, slavery, and the need for growth through small-group ministries.

The Meaning of Baptism in The United Methodist Church Mark W. Stamm

Rediscovering Our Evangelistic Mission Scott Kisker

DR541 • 978-0-88177-541-9 • $13.00 In his passionate and confessional book, Scott Kisker calls for Methodists to reclaim the rich roots of salvation, disciple making, and witness. Discover a vision of renewal that embodies the distinctive Wesleyan tradition of the apostolic and universal Christian faith.

7 Myths of the United Methodist Church

PRINT: DR885 • 978-0-88177-885-4 • $5.00 KINDLE: KDR886 • 978-0-88177-886-1 • $2.99 EBOOK: BDR887 • 978-0-88177-887-8 • $2.99 This book offers excellent background for new-member classes, individuals transferring from another Christian communion, or longtime United Methodists seeking a deeper understanding of the sacrament of baptism. United Methodist clergy and laity alike will find this a valuable and useful resource.

Craig Kennet Miller

Our Membership Vows in The United Methodist Church

Class Leaders: Recovering a Tradition

Mark W. Stamm

PRINT: DR768 • 978-0-88177-768-0 • $5.00 EBOOK: BDR770 • 978-0-88177-770-3 • $2.99 KINDLE: KDR769 • 978-0-88177-769-7 • $2.99 A resource for both newcomers to The United Methodist Church and those who have been members for decades, Mark Stamm’s Our Membership Vows is a wonderful reflection on the vows each member takes upon joining the church. Members make a covenant to uphold the vows, and each one is discussed in this easy-to-read booklet. A great gift idea for churches to give to new members.

Life Together in The United Methodist Connection Beth Galbreath

PRINT: DR701 • 978-0-88177-701-7 • $10.00 EBOOK: BDR703 • 978-0-88177-703-1 • $8.00 KINDLE: KDR702 • 978-0-88177-702-4 • $8.00 Life Together in the United Methodist Connection is an advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries that gives participants an overview of the structure and organization of The United Methodist Church. It is an excellent resource for any small group desiring a greater understanding of how United Methodists relate to one another both at home and around the world.

The Meaning of Holy Communion in The United Methodist Church E. Byron Anderson


Mainline or Methodist?

PRINT: DR777 • 978-0-88177-777-2 • $5.00 EBOOK: BDR779 • 978-0-88177-779-6 • $2.99 KINDLE: KDR778 • 978-0-88177-778-9 • $2.99 Provides a brief, user-friendly introduction to the meaning of Holy Communion as understood and practiced in The United Methodist Church.




DR529 • 978-0-88177-529-7 • $9.00 Miller looks at attitudes and assumptions that keep the church from fulfilling its call to build discipleship—making faith communities. He challenges leaders to create environments of grace for people disconnected from the local church.

A Leader’s Guide Steven W. Manskar

PRINT: DR649 • 978-0-88177-649-2 • $8.00 EBOOK: BDR650 • 978-0-88177-650-8 • $4.99 KINDLE: KDR651 • 978-0-88177-651-5 • $4.99 Class Leaders: Recovering a Tradition is a leader’s guide for a course that explores the origins of the office of class leader in the Wesleyan Methodist tradition. It examines the need for recovering the lay pastoral ministry of the class leader for the 21st-century church.

The United Methodist Way Branson L. Thurston

PRINT: DR847 • 978-0-88177-847-2 • $4.00 EBOOK: BDR708 • 978-0-88177-708-6 • $2.99 KINDLE: KDR707 • 978-0-88177-707-9 • $2.99 PACKS OF 10 BOOKS: DR215 • 978-0-88177-215-9 • $22.00 A brief overview of United Methodist history, beliefs, organization, missions, and interpretation of the membership vows. Great for new members or for ongoing training.

How Great a Flame!

Contemporary Lessons from the Wesleyan Revival James Logan

DR642 • 978-0-88177-642-3 • $10.00 Logan connects John Wesley’s passion to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ within the current realities—a time when people seek spirituality and yet dismiss the church as irrelevant. Through stories from the Wesleyan movement, Logan challenges our understanding of evangelism and urges us to reclaim our heritage. Includes reflection questions.






John Wesley for the 21st Century

Path1 / New Church Starts is the denominational church-planting movement encompassing national, regional and local levels of The United Methodist Church. We provide collaborative leadership to re-evangelize the United States so that we might reach more people, more young people, and more diverse people for Christ by creating new places for new people. Path 1 seeks to cultivate the leaders, develop the systems and implement the strategies necessary to regain our healthy denominational habit of starting one new church a day.

Small Church Checkup

Assessing Your Church’s Health and Creating a Treatment Plan Kay Kotan, Phil Schroeder

PRINT: DR891 • 978-08817-7891-5 • $16.00 KINDLE: KDR892 • 978-0-88177-892-2 • $9.99 EBOOK: BDR893 • 978-0-88177-893-9 • $9.99 Many small membership churches today are faced with the sobering reality of attendance loss and overall decline. This resource provides a guide to help you find hope, alternatives, and the possibility of a new beginning.

Failing Boldly

How Falling Down in Ministry can be the Start of Rising Up Christian Coon

PRINT: DR878 • 978-08817-7878-6 • $17.00 KINDLE: KDR879 • 978-08817-7879-3 • $9.99 EBOOK: BDR880 • 978-08817-7880-9 • $9.99 This book is a must-read for anyone who has ever tried to energize or grow a ministry. Christian Coon takes us through his own missteps and mistakes as the co-founder of the Urban Village Church and shows how failure can serve as a springboard to new possibilities and even a closer connection to God and what leadership means.

A Missionary Mindset

What Church Leaders Need to Know to Reach Their Community—Lessons from E. Stanley Jones Douglas Ruffle


PRINT: DR844 • 978-0-88177-844-1 • $17.00 EBOOK: BDR845 • 978-0-88177-845-8 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR846 • 978-0-88177-846-5 • $9.99 AUDIO BOOK: DR858 • 978-0-88177-858-8 • $19.00 Doug Ruffle writes A Missionary Mindset using the timeless principles of E. Stanley Jones and transfers them for use today. He teaches us to approach the mission field as if we were from a different country and learning a new culture, a new way of communicating, and a new way to connect people to the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.




Flipping Church

How Successful Church Planters Are Turning Conventional Wisdom Upside-Down Michael Baughman

PRINT: DR853 • 978-0-88177-853-3 • $16.00 EBOOK: BDR855 • 978-08817-7855-7 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR854 • 978-08817-7854-0 • $9.99 An innovative anthology written by successful church planters who have consistently and successfully challenged prevailing assumptions about healthy church development and “best practices.” This informative book gives insight into how they broke the mold of church planting. Includes chapters written by Michael Baughman, Olu Brown, Doug Cunningham, Kenda Creasy Dean, Mark DeVries, Amanda Garber, Trey Hall, Diane Harrison, Elaine Heath, Jerry Herships, Derek Jacobs, Matt Miofsky, David Rangel, and Owen Ross.

Viral Multiplication In Hispanic Churches

How to Plant and Multiply Disciple-Making Hispanic Churches in Twenty-first Century America Iosmar Álvarez

PRINT: DR742 • 978-0-88177-742-0 • $18.99 EBOOK: BDR744 • 978-0-88177-744-4 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR743 • 978-0-88177-743-7 • $9.99 Reverend Iosmar Álvarez created this book to teach church planting leaders how to plant new, healthy, vital, and vibrant churches with “DNA multiplication.” Using scripture-grounded values, principles, and the author’s own testimony, this book will help reach both new and diverse Hispanic/Latino people, as well as other cultures and contexts.

WORSHIP & PREACHING Leading Worship Taylor Burton-Edwards

PRINT: DR685 • 978-0-88177-685-0 • $10.00 EBOOK: BDR880 • 978-08817-7880-9 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR879 • 978-08817-7879-3 • $9.99 This advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries focuses on the ministry of the lay servant who either regularly or occasionally leads a group, class, organization, or the congregation in worship. The course is grounded in the classic patterns of Christian worship and the practices of leading worship.

Planning Worship Taylor Burton-Edwards

PRINT: DR682 • 978-0-88177-682-9 • $10.00 EBOOK: BDR684 • 978-0-88177-684-3 • $7.99 KINDLE: KDR683 • 978-0-88177-683-6 • $7.99 This advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries builds on the course Leading Worship, and it is grounded in the principles and practices of worship planning.






Path 1 / New Church Starts

The Africana Worship Book (Year A) Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua, editors

REVISED EDITION: Music and Liturgies for Spiritual Formation Elise S. Eslinger, editor

DR490 • 978-0-88177-490-0 • $20.00 A faithful reflection of Africana heritage and biblical faith, this text speaks to African – American communities through worship in their cultural style. Uniting present and future generations with congregational prayers, calls to worship, choral readings, prayers of confession, giving, and creedal statements, the resource includes a companion CD.

ACCOMPANIMENT & WORSHIP LEADER EDITION #9860 • 978-08358-9860-7 • $59.99 • 3-RING BINDER

The Africana Worship Book (Year B)

Upper Room Worshipbook

#9874 • 978-0-8358-9874-4 • $14.99 With hymns, liturgies, psalm settings, global songs, and prayers, this rich collection is ideal for use at retreats, with choirs, and by individuals who want to enrich their personal devotional practices.

Companion to the Africana Worship Book Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua, editors

DR533 • 978-0-88177-533-4 • $13.00 In the Africana tradition, worship is often described as a time when God “shows up and shows out!” Designed for churches, leaders, professors, and students of Afrocentric theology, the text interlaces worship pieces with reflections from prominent leaders and emerging thinkers in the field.

Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice

Preserving the Gift of Black Sacred Music Safiyah Fosua, Cynthia Wilson, and Robert McMichael III

PRINT: DR709 • 978-0-88177-709-3 • $7.99 DVD: DR746 • 978-0-88177-746-8 • $5.00 EBOOK: BDR711 • 978-0-88177-711-6 • $4.99 KINDLE: KDR710 • 978-0-88177-710-9 • $4.99 Four centuries ago, Blacks enslaved in America created a music form that gave solace even during the most inhumane conditions. Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice: Preserving the Gift of Black Sacred Music traces the music’s history and invites readers to see and experience the ways it is being kept alive. A companion resource to the DVD documentary, this small-group study is excellent for Christian Education class offerings and any person or group seeking a greater understanding of the history of Black sacred music in America. The study is divided into three sections: Ring Shout-Prayer Band, Negro Spirituals, and Long-Metered. This small-group study is part of the Africana Hymnal Project of The United Methodist Church.

Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua, editors

DR514 • 978-0-88177-514-3 • $20.00 The second volume of the Africana Worship Book series contains new calls to worship, chants, creeds, liturgies, choral readings, and prayers. Giving special attention to young adult worshipers, it offers next-generation liturgies and short dramatic monologues. Includes a CD-ROM with audio demonstrations and reproducible text files.

The Africana Worship Book (Year C) Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua, editors

DR545 • 978-0-88177-545-7 • $20.00 The third volume of this much  sought -after series brings together fresh and inviting calls to worship, liturgies, prayers, offertory prayers, doxologies, choral readings, creeds, chants, and benedictions. Includes a CD-ROM that makes it easy to reproduce materials for use in worship.

Songs of Grace

New Hymns for God and Neighbor Carolyn Winfrey Gillette

DR569 • 978-0-88177-569 -3 • $16.00 Songs of Grace includes more than seventy new hymn texts to be sung to many well-loved and well-known hymn tunes. Accompanying each new hymn is a devotion or meditation to be used for reflection.

4 Convenient Ways to Order 1. VISIT ONLINE http://Bookstore.UpperRoom.org 4. MAIL The Upper Room 2. CALL (800) 972-0433 PO BOX 433110 Palm Coast, FL 32143-9836 3. FAX 1 (386) 447-2321

Details on page 42











A Reference Companion to The United Methodist Hymnal and The Faith We Sing Dean B. McIntyre

DR577 • 978-0-88177-577-8 • $25.00 Included are more than ninety indexes relating to The United Methodist Hymnal and The Faith We Sing. They range from non-English hymns to contemporary songs to hymns from classical compositions.

Dancing with Words

Storytelling as Legacy, Culture, and Faith Ray Buckley

DR407 • 978-0-88177-407-8 • $14.00 For people of faith, storytelling has special meaning. Dancing with Words provides help for all church leaders—clergy and lay—to explore the history and importance of storytelling in faith development and to acquire basic storytelling skills. LEADER’S GUIDE: DR408 • 978-0-88177-408-5 • $8.00

Patterned by Grace How Liturgy Shapes Us Daniel T. Benedict Jr.

#9905 • 978-0-8358-9905-5 • $11.99 Liturgy. For some, the word evokes the grandeur and mystery of church tradition. For others, it recalls a rigid and obsolete form of worship. Through this resource, readers will come to see liturgy not as a rote worship exercise, but as a means of uniting their hearts and minds with God’s purpose.

Attendance Registration Pads and Covers

DR606 • 978-0-88177-606-5 • $27.00 • AVAILABLE IN SETS OF 20. Pads (6˝ × 9˝, 50 sheets per pad) for registering the attendance of worshipers. These pads offer a convenient way to track worship attendance. ATTENDANCE REGISTRATION PAD COVER: DR607 • 978-0-88177-607-2 • $5.00

Rock of Ages

A Worship and Songbook for Retirement Living Edited by Richard H. Gentzler Jr. and Dean B. McIntyre

DR643 • 978-0-88177-643-0 • $10.00 This large-print ecumenical songbook and worship guide is perfect for use in nursing homes, retirement communities, hospitals, homes, and other older adult settings. It includes resources for leading worship, as well as the lyrics to more than ninety-five familiar hymns.

COMMUNION & BAPTISM Remembering Our Baptism Philip R. Meadows

PRINT: DR888 • 978-0-88177-888-5 • $18.00 KINDLE: KDR889 • 978-0-88177-889-2 • $9.99 EBOOK: BDR890 • 978-0-88177-890-8 • $9.99 From the foreword by Howard A. Snyder:Remembering Our Baptism is a soul-searching book, timely and much-needed. It offers a way to take seriously—to actually practice—what people pledge in their Christian baptism and what the congregation itself promises. Phil Meadows calls the book “an exercise in holding on to the doctrine, spirit, and discipline of the early Methodist movement, through the practice of remembering our baptism.” The language of “remembering baptism” as presented here means much more, of course, than mere remembering as a cognitive function. Not just an act of memory, but a move into commitment and day-by-day discipleship in Christian community. Not just recalling to mind, but rather entering into true Christian vocation. This is the kind of remembering the Bible itself calls for: Remembering our covenant with God that we actually walk in God’s ways.

Extending the Table

A Guide for a Ministry of Home Communion Serving Mark W. Stamm











DR553 • 978-0-88177-553-2 • $13.00 The Lord’s Supper is for the whole church, even those who can’t be present because of age or illness. Stamm addresses concerns that arise when the sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated outside church walls. He suggests a model for home Communion ministry that takes into account scriptural teachings, historical understandings, and spiritual needs.







By Water and the Spirit

Making Connections for Identity and Ministry Gayle Carlton Felton

PRINT: DR201 • 978-0-88177-201-2 • $10.00 EBOOK: BDR658 • 978-0-88177-658-4 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR659 • 978-0-88177-659-1 • $9.99 By Water and the Spirit, a six-session study guide for use in small groups, contains the official theological statement that describes the United Methodist understanding of baptism. The book serves as a resource for congregational leaders who are helping members make connections between the baptismal covenant and discipleship in daily life.

Come to the Waters

Baptism and Our Ministry of Welcoming Seekers and Making Disciples Daniel T. Benedict Jr.

DR179 • 978-0-88177-179-4 • $17.00 Come to the Waters proposes a daring concept: making the gospel accessible to all persons, especially those who have little or no experience with Christianity. Part 1 focuses on welcoming and walking with persons on the journey of conversion. Part 2 provides model services and commentary that you may use in celebrating the stages and transitions of this journey.

This Holy Mystery

A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion Gayle Carlton Felton

PRINT: DR457 • 978-0-88177-457-3 • $14.00 EBOOK: BDR675 • 978-0-88177-675-1 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR674 • 978-0-88177-674-4 • $9.99 This Holy Mystery explains the sacrament of Holy Communion and its importance in worship and each person’s ongoing faith journey. This seven-session study for small groups or congregations is the official comprehensive statement of the practice and theology of the Lord’s Supper for United Methodists.

Conflict and Communion

Reconciliation and Restorative Justice at Christ’s Table

DR478 • 978-0-88177-478-8 • $10.00 In Conflict and Communion, church leaders offer wisdom and experience in examining the sacrament of Holy Communion and how it can transform your conflicts.

Baptism That We May Perfectly Love Thee Preparing Our Hearts for Holy Communion Robert Benson

#1093 • 978-0-8358-1093-7 • $14.00 Take a fresh look at the Lord’s Supper through the eyes of a fellow worshiper. Benson uncovers the history and meaning of Holy Communion for people in the pews. Be inspired as you learn about the sacred meal that binds us with each other and with Christians throughout history. Includes a small-group guide and a model for a personal retreat.

Living into the Mystery

A United Methodist Guide for Celebrating Holy Communion

DRPDF9 • 978-0-88177-009-4 • $9.00 This PDF details the practices and the principles behind the sacrament of the Eucharist, which will enrich this celebration for worshipers and worship leaders. The authors also dissect the ritual and analyze the ancient worship structure of Holy Communion. Includes a group study guide.

Understanding God’s Gift L. Edward Phillips and Sara Webb Phillips

DR636 • 978-0-88177-636-2 • $4.00 What is the meaning of baptism? Why do United Methodists baptize babies? The Phillipses explain the biblical and theological meanings of the sacrament through the words and movements of the baptismal covenant of The United Methodist Church. This book is written for parents and guardians preparing to present their children for baptism, and for those who seek a deeper knowledge of this sacrament.

4 Convenient Ways to Order 1. VISIT ONLINE http://Bookstore.UpperRoom.org 4. MAIL The Upper Room 2. CALL (800) 972-0433 PO BOX 433110 Palm Coast, FL 32143-9836 3. FAX 1 (386) 447-2321

Details on page 42











The Africa Ministry Series is an offering of Discipleship Resources International (DRI) for the church in Africa. Written by African pastors and lecturers, this series contributes useful resources, refreshing perspectives, and informed up-to-date information for strengthening the vitality of the African church in the 21st century.

African Religion

The Quarry of the Rock of Monotheism Dr. John Wesley Zwomunondiita Kurewa

PRINT: DR655 • 978-0-88177-655-3 • $10.00 EBOOK: BDR656 • 978-0-88177-656-0 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR657 • 978-0-88177-657-7 • $9.99 Worldwide scholarship has established the fact that Africa is the cradle land of humanity. Dr. Kurewa promotes the theory that African Religion could very easily have been the proto-religion of humanity, and a religion from which other monotheistic religions, such as Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam have their roots. The author shifts the traditional African historical studies stance of looking at Africa from Egypt alone, and instead looks at Africa from inside Africa. Dr. Kurewa invites a debate regarding our understanding of African Religion, the indigenous religion of millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa today.

An African Pilgrimage on Evangelism

A Historical Study of the Various Approaches to Evangelism in Africa (100–2000 CE) Dr. John Wesley Zwomunondiita Kurewa PRINT: DR870 • 978-0-88177-870-0 • $15.00 EBOOK: BDR825 • 978-0-88177-825-0 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR826 • 978-0-88177-826-7 • $9.99 How easily we forget that it was Africans who brought the gospel to Africa, not foreign missionaries! Evangelism has always been central to African Christianity, ever since Egyptians and Libyans returned home from Jerusalem following the day of Pentecost (Acts 2).

Evangelization and Church Growth in the African Context

PRINT: DR745 • 978-0-88177-745-1 • $15 EBOOK: BDR835 • 978-0-88177-835-9 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR836 • 978-0-88177-836-2 • $9.99 In this time when the church is experiencing a tremendous growth in members and in the number of denominations, such questions as the “what,” “why,” and “how” of evangelism need to be addressed. This resource gives answers and guidance to these and other important questions. Foreword by Bishop Joaquina Nhanala.





How We Preach

Preaching in the African Context Bishop Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa

PRINT: DR866 • 978-0-88177-866-3 $15 EBOOK: BDR827 • 978-0-88177-827-4 $9.99 KINDLE: KDR828 • 978-0-88177-828-1 $9.99 This book is the second of two volumes on Preaching in the African Context. For both seasoned preachers and beginners, including students in seminaries, Bible colleges, and universities, this second volume explores how we preach and the practice of contextual preaching in Africa. The two volumes go hand-in-hand and Nhiwatiwa demonstrates that the principles need good practice to become contextual preaching, and our practice needs principles to ensure integrity. Read these volumes to see why preaching is an urgent aspect of ministry that can open new horizons and give fresh outlook for the future.

Labouring Side By Side

The Local Church as the Most Significant Arena for Disciple-Making Dr. John Wesley Zwomunondiita Kurewa

PRINT: DR869 • 978-0-88177-869-4 $15 EBOOK: BDR829 • 978-0-88177-829-8 $9.99 KINDLE: KDR830 • 978-0-88177-830-4 $9.99 The ministry of evangelism is at its best when it occurs in and through the local church, experienced by members at the local church level. Through the local church, Christians learn to discern the voice of the Good Shepherd, and when they know the voice of the Good Shepherd, they easily run away from following the false prophets, false spiritual healers, and other strange voices. African local churches are the best arenas for converts to make their commitment to Jesus Christ and to be nurtured and guided toward Christian maturity when the pastor labours side by side with the members of the congregation-enabling the laity to learn what their clergy know about evangelism.

Moving In Harmony

An Updated Polity for The United Methodist Church in Africa Rev. Nday Bondo

PRINT: DR868 • 978-0-88177-868-7 $15.00 EBOOK: BDR833 • 978-0-88177-833-5 $9.99 KINDLE: KDR834 • 978-0-88177-834-2 $9.99 In order to fully appreciate the good of the UMC polity, the people called United Methodists need to work together, moving in harmony, and using the same church processes. In this book, Rev. Bondo provides the most relevant and up-to-date information from The Book of Discipline 2008 to the African Methodist Church, so that it can join and move in harmony with the polity of The United Methodist Church worldwide.

The Time Is Now

Preparing Candidates for Baptism and Confirmation in The United Methodist Church Rev. Dr. Gift Machinga

PRINT: DR867 • 978-0-88177-867-0 $15 EBOOK: BDR831 • 978-0-88177-831-1 $9.99 KINDLE: KDR832 • 978-0-88177-832-8 $9.99 With this guide on baptism and confirmation in The United Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. Gift Machinga provides an essential resource for the church in Africa. The book is intended to motivate pastors to consider the ministry of education and to guide pastors and lay members in preparing their people for baptism and confirmation.






Discipleship Resources International: Africa Ministry Series

Why We Preach

Preaching in the African Context Bishop Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa

PRINT: DR612 • 978-0-88177-612-6 $15 EBOOK: BDR839 • 978-0-88177-839-7 $9.99 KINDLE: KDR840 • 978-0-88177-840-3 $9.99 This book is the first of two volumes on Preaching in the African Context. For both seasoned preachers and beginners, including students in seminaries, Bible colleges, and universities, this first volume explores why we preach and the principles of contextual preaching in Africa. Nhiwatiwa demonstrates that contextual preaching serves as the most appropriate way of communicating the gospel in Africa—it can connect with and engage the minds of people in effective ways. Read these volumes to see why preaching is an urgent aspect of ministry that can open new horizons and give fresh outlook for the future.

General Board of Higher Education & Ministry: New and Forthcoming The Publishing office of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry produces academic books that engage, nurture, and advocate for the intellectual life of The United Methodist Church. There are three imprints: Wesley’s Foundery Books, which offer a disciplined and balanced approach for students, clergy, and lay leadership; New Room Books, a reviewed monograph series that offers scholars from the Wesleyan tradition a way to share the benefits of in-depth research; and GBHEM resources for the church. For more information, go to http://www.gbhem.org/about/publications.

Introduction to Christian Faith A Deeper Way of Seeing Neal F. Fisher

PRINT: HE6242 • 978-0-93816-242-1 • $24.99 God is when everything else is not. This book helps readers connect their lives with the Source of meaning, an object of devotion that will anchor their lives in something the lasts forever.

A Methodist Requiem

Words of Hope and Resurrection for the Church William B. Lawrence

PRINT: HE6246 • 978-0-93816-246-9 • $24.99 “Requiem” is a voice of hope and heralds the promise of resurrection. Unshaken by the challenges we face as a church, what we now see as our troubles can give us new opportunities to seize God’s promises and be strengthened by the mission to which God calls us.

E. Stanley Jones and Sharing the Good News in a Pluralistic Society

F. Douglas Powe Jr. and Jack Jackson, General Editors David N. Field PRINT: HE3510 • 978-1-94593-510-7 • $16.99 Produced in cooperation with The Foundation for Evangelism, this book offers a Wesleyan evangelism through the lens and in the spirit of E. Stanley Jones.

Unity of the Church and Human Sexuality Toward a Faithful United Methodist Witness General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church

PRINT: HE6248 • 978-0-93816-248-3 • $34.99 These essays are the fruit of a colloquy on the unity of the church and human sexuality, sponsored by the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the Association of United Methodist Theological Schools, which convened at Candler School of Theology in March 2017. Contributors: William J. Abraham, Lisa M. Allen-McLaurin, Karen Baker-Fletcher, Barry E. Bryant, Anne L. Burkholder, Ted A. Campbell, Kenneth H. Carter Jr., Kenneth J. Collins, Morris L. Davis, Christopher Evans, Philip Clayton, Jack Jackson, Catherine L. Kelsey, Scott T. Kisker, Sarah Heaner Lancaster, Jan Love, Kevin D. Newburg, L. Edward Phillips, Russell E. Richey, R. Kendall Soulen, Mark R. Teasdale, Jørgen Thaarup, Júlio André Vilanculos, Kevin M. Watson, Sondra Wheeler, Charles M. Wood





No Religion but Social Religion

Liberating Wesleyan Theology, With Contributions by Paulo Ayres Mattos, Helmut Renders, and José Carlos de Souza Joerg Rieger

PRINT: HE3516 • 978-1-94593-516-9 • $24.99 Rethink core concepts of the Christian faith in the invigorating, life-giving light of grace that has the power to change everything.








The Life to Come

Cada Celebración:

PRINT: HE3505 • 978-1-94593-505-3 • $24.99 Re-create retirement, rekindle your love of life. Find your true calling, maybe for the first time.

DRPDF587 • 978-0-88177-587-7 • $10.00 UNA SOLA PARTE CONSOLIDADA Este recurso disponible sólo en formato PDF, podría describirse como un anuario litúrgico o un manual de sugerencias para incorporarse en el culto de adoración. El recurso puede obtenerse en tres partes separadas o en una sola parte consolidada. Vea a continuación las tres partes separadas.

Re-Creating Retirement (Foreword by Martin E. Marty) Steven M. Tipton

para la iglesia de habla hispana Emilio Müller

Cada Celebración: From Relief to Empowerment

How Your Church Can Cultivate Sustainable Mission Laceye and Gaston Warner

PRINT: HE6258 • 978-0-93816-258-2 • $24.99 Mission that moves beyond relief to empowerment opens ways to address systemic forms of oppression and poverty. Ideal for smallgroup study. Proceeds of sales go to ZOE, a Christian non-profit and United Methodist advance special.

Adviento, Navidad y Epifanía Emilio Müller

DRPDF588 • 978-0-88177-588-4 • $5.00 Este recurso cumple una variedad de propósitos al ofrecer ayuda en la planificación de la adoración, sugerencias para ayudas visuales, ideas para la liturgia, e información concisa sobre celebraciones litúrgicas relacionadas con las temporadas de Adviento, Navidad y Epifanía.

Cada Celebración:

Cuaresma y Temporada de Resurrección Emilio Müller

Raising Hope

Four Paths to Courageous Living for Black Youth Anne E. Streaty Wimberly and Sarah Frances Farmer

PRINT: HE6234 • 978-0-93816-234-6 • $24.99 Written especially for pastors, teachers, leaders, and counselors, this book gives methods to effectively reach Black youth and motivate them to make healthier choices that promise positive outcomes.

DRPDF589 • 978-0-88177-589-589-1 •$5.00 Este recurso cumple una variedad de propósitos al ofrecer ayuda en la planificación de la adoración, sugerencias para ayudas visuales, ideas para la liturgia, e información concisa sobre celebraciones litúrgicas relacionadas con la Cuaresma y Temporada de Resurrección.

Cada Celebración: Tiempo Ordinario Emilio Müller











DRPDF590 • 978-0-88177-590-7 • $5.00 Este recurso cumple una variedad de propósitos al ofrecer ayuda en la planificación de la adoración, sugerencias para ayudas visuales, ideas para la liturgia, e información concisa sobre celebraciones litúrgicas relacionadas con la temporada del Tiempo Ordinario.







Boga mar adentro

La renovación congregacional para un discipulado de transfomación Dan Glover y Claudia Lavy Traducido por Julio R. Vargas Vidal DR579 • 978-0-88177-579-2 • $16.00 This book is a translation of Deepening Your Effectiveness.

“Fundraising is, first and foremost, a ministry.” — Henri J. M. Nouwen STEWARDSHIP A Spirituality of Fundraising Henri J. M. Nouwen

Santuarios Seguros

Prevencíon del abuso infantil y juvenil en la iglesia (Spanish Edition) Joy Thornburg Melton, Traducido por Janette Marie Chévere y María Colone DR725 • 978-0-88177-725-3 • $15.00 Esta traducción es una combinación de los libros Safe Sanctuaries® y Safe Sanctuaries® for Youth. El recurso está diseñado para líderes en congregaciones y comunidades de fe de habla hispana: pastores(as), misioneros(as) laicos(as), personas laicas, maestros(as) de educación cristiana, maestros(as) de la escuela dominical, y directores de ministerios ofrecidos durante la semana.

¡En Contacto! La Formación Cristiana y La Enseñanza Carol F. Krau

PRINT: DR691 • 978-0-88177-691-1 • $15.00 EBOOK: BDR693 • 978-0-88177-693-5 • $7.99 KINDLE: KDR692 • 978-0-88177-692-8 • $7.99 Convencida de que la forma en que hemos preparado y educado al liderato de la escuela dominical no está dando los resultados que la mayoría de las Iglesias desean, Carol Krau ofrece una nueva perspectiva en ¡En contacto! La formación cristiana y la enseñanza. Esta libro está comprometido con el papel vital que la educacíon juega en la formación de discípulos y discípulas cristianos. El mismo describe los siguientes cinco procesos cruciales para los educadores en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje: En contacto con Dios • En contacto con el pueblo de Dios • En contacto con su experiencia • En contacto con el mundo • En contacto con la enseñanza

A La Manera Metodista Unida

(The United Methodist Way, Spanish edition) Branson L. Thurston, translated by Martha Rovira-Raber


PRINT: DR751 • 978-0-88177-751-2 • $4.00 EBOOK: BDR753 • 978-0-88177-753-6 • $2.99 KINDLE: KDR752 • 978-0-88177-752-9 • $2.99 Traducción y adaptación de The United Methodist Way. A través de este librillo se ofrece información general sobre la historia, las creencias, la organización, y la misión de la Iglesia Metodista Unida.




#1044 • 978-0-8358-1044-9 • $7.99 Fundraising is the opposite of begging—it’s inviting others to join in your ministry and vision, says Nouwen. Drawing on scripture, he urges Christian leaders to embrace fundraising as a ministry. A must-read for leaders in churches, nonprofits, ministries, and businesses.

Afire with God

Becoming Spirited Stewards Betsy Schwarzentraub

PRINT: DR520 • 978-0-88177-520-4 • $15.00 LEADER’S GUIDE PDF: DRPF12 • 978-0-88177-012-4 • $8.00 It’s challenging to make stewardship appealing to a congregation. Afire with God examines how being a good steward goes beyond our financial commitment to become the way we live out the gospel, including stewardship of the earth.

Celebrating the Offering Melvin Amerson and James Amerson

DR526 • 978-0-88177-526-6 • $7.00 In many congregations, the offering happens without much forethought and may even be considered an interruption to the spiritual flow of worship. But it is actually an important, biblical part of the service. This book suggests simple, effective ways to incorporate the offering into worship services and revitalize your congregation’s spirit of generosity.

Extraordinary Money!

Understanding the Church Capital Campaign Michael P. Reeves

DR379 • 978-0-88177-379-8 • $10.00 Reeves helps you examine the issues involved in developing and carrying out a capital fund-raising campaign. An excellent tool to help your church determine whether a capital campaign suits your setting, Extraordinary Money! also offers guidance for selecting an appropriate program.







EDUCATION & DISCIPLESHIP Building Spiritual Muscle: A Six-Week Journey to Shape a More Powerful Faith

Faith & Money

Understanding Annual Giving in Church Michael P. Reeves and Jennifer Tyler

DR410 • 978-0-88177-410-8 • $10.00 Grounded in the gospel, Faith & Money identifies the struggles of fund development in local congregations, develops a consistent theological foundation for fund development, and guides congregations in building expectations and attitudes about how to fund ministry.

Let the Children Give Time, Talents, Love, and Money Delia Halverson

DR501 • 978-0-88177-501-3 • $9.00 Packed with creative, educational activities for children of all ages, this book helps you teach stewardship in ways that incorporate a variety of learning styles. Ideal for Sunday school and vacation Bible school lessons, this book includes a model for a church or family retreat on stewardship.

Stewardship in African American Churches Melvin Amerson

PRINT: DR771 • 978-0-88177-771-0 • $14.00 EBOOK: BDR773 • 978-0-88177-773-4 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR772 • 978-0-88177-772-7 • $9.99 Stewardship in African American Churches: A New Paradigm offers practical ideas to help church leaders lead in stewardship effectively. Based on both scripture and tradition, Melvin Amerson draws upon his experience as a stewardship consultant to help churches accomplish the following: • Develop a theology of generosity • Define stewardship leadership roles • Celebrate the offering each week • Establish endowment giving

4 Convenient Ways to Order 1. VISIT ONLINE http://Bookstore.UpperRoom.org 4. MAIL The Upper Room 2. CALL (800) 972-0433 PO BOX 433110 Palm Coast, FL 32143-9836 3. FAX 1 (386) 447-2321

Chris Wilterdink

PRINT: DR862 • 978-0-88177-862-5 • $12 EBOOK: BDR864 • 978-0-88177-864-9 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR863 • 978-0-88177-863-2 • $9.99 This six-session Bible study and discipleship resource designed for youth will help work out their spiritual muscles and build their faith. Included in this resource are scripts for training and coaching the adult group leaders, as well as links to video clips of key speakers from the Youth 2015 event. The brief video clips will guide discussion for groups, with individuals setting their own learning and spiritual growth goals. This resource with help strengthen its users’ faith and develop leaders. THE FAITHMINDER JOURNAL PDF: DRPDF865 • 978-0-88177-865-6 • $8.00

Keeping in Touch

Christian Formation and Teaching Carol F. Krau

PRINT: DR688 • 978-0-88177-688-1 • $15.00 SPANISH: DR691 • 978-0-88177-691 • $15.00 EBOOK: BDR690 • 978-0-88177-690-4 • $ 7.99 KINDLE: KDR689 • 978-0-88177-689-8 • $ 7.99 This book, committed to the vital role that teaching plays in forming Christian disciples, describes the following five critical processes that are important to every teacher and small-group leader: keeping in touch with God, keeping in touch with God’s people, keeping in touch with your experience, keeping in touch with the world, and keeping in touch with teaching.

Apprenticed to Jesus

Discipleship Practices for Growing Christians Thomas R. Hawkins

PRINT: DR628 • 978-0-88177-628-7 • $16.00 EBOOK: BDR668 • 978-0-88177-668-3 • $9.99 KINDLE: KR667 • 978-0-88177-667-6 • $9.99 Apprenticed to Jesus connects discipleship with the purpose and mission of the church: our participation in God’s plan to heal a broken creation. Hawkins locates the origins of discipleship not only in Jesus’ call to his disciples but also in God’s call to Abraham, Sarah, and Moses. This book is excellent for small groups and pastors, Christian educators, and church leaders responsible for discipleship formation.

Details on page 42












A Christian Perspective on Our Bodies, Decisions, and Relationships for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Youth Jeremy Steele

DRPDF732 • 978-0-88177-732-1 • $25.00 This resource is designed to open the door to serious conversation, decisions, and commitments on the part of younger youth as they wrestle with what it means to be Christian and sexual beings. It is intended to strengthen relationships between youth and their adult leaders, to foster deep conversation, and to provide the beginnings of conversations that go beyond this experience.

Charting a Course of Discipleship A Workbook on Christian Discipleship Teresa Gilbert, Patty Johansen, and Jay Regennitter Revised by Delia Halverson

DR608 • 978-0-88177-608-9 • $20.00 This workbook explores a step-by-step discipleship formation process that will help individuals understand the mission of the church, assess where they are in forming disciples, dream about what might be possible, and either build or improve the way they help persons come to the Christian faith and grow as disciples.

Retreats for Renewal

5 Models for Intergenerational Weekends Nancy Ferguson

DR515 • 978-0-88177-515-0 • $10.00 Retreats for Renewal presents five models for retreats and an overview about planning. Everything for a two- or three-day event is provided, including song suggestions, biblical background, resources for welcome, crafts and nature activities, sample worship services, and small-group session details.

The Retreat Leader’s Manual

A Complete Guide to Organizing Meaningful Christian Retreats Nancy Ferguson and Kevin T. Witt

DR428 • 978-0-88177-428-3 • $10.00 Very few resources develop the practical aspects of retreat planning. This book offers a practical guidebook that addresses such topics as how to plan a budget, the right questions to ask about a potential retreat site, and ideas for making Bible study and worship memorable for persons of all ages.

In Ministry with Boomers and Beyond Leader’s Guide to Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century Richard H. Gentzler Jr. DRPDF595 • $8.00





Parenting in the Digital Age Craig Kennet Miller

PRINT: DR704 • 978-0-88177-704-8 • $18.00 EBOOK: BDR706 • 978-0-88177-706-2 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR705 • 978-0-88177-705-5 • $9.99 The iKids generation will never know a world without touch screens, social media, and the Internet. iKids: Parenting in the Digital Age takes a close look at the culture of this generation and raises critical questions about the effects of technology on children’s brains, physical health, educational experiences, relationships, and faith formation.

The Children’s Minister Rita B. Hays

DR527 • 978-0-88177-527-3 • $8.00 Drawing on more than two decades of experience, the author offers a combination of warmhearted encouragement and specific suggestions for ministering to children—from helping them cope with illness, divorce, or the loss of a pet to celebrating birthdays and other special occasions.

Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century An Inquiry Approach Richard H. Gentzler Jr.

DR540 • 978-0-88177-540-2 • $13.00 In this practical resource, Gentzler offers leaders a structured approach to creating a strong ministry by, with, and for older adults. Along with programming tools, he also addresses difficult topics of aging including chronic conditions, depression, and death.

Accountable Discipleship Living in God’s Household Steven W. Manskar

DR339 • 978-0-88177-339-2 • $15.00 LEADER’S GUIDE • DRPDF440 • $8.00 Accountable Discipleship describes pastoral leadership as the ministry of caring for the household of God. A foundational piece for any group or individual involved in accountable discipleship ministries, this resource explores a systematic approach for undertaking and accepting the challenge of personal discipleship for life.

Weaving a Just Future for Children An Advocacy Guide Diane C. Olson and Laura Dean F. Friedrich

DR547 • 978-0-88177-547-1 • $15.00 This book challenges people of faith to flex their “courage muscles” and become involved in the increasingly urgent work of child advocacy. The authors use the image of weaving to bring together biblical and theological imperatives for caring action; practical tools and resources for ministry; and specific, productive ways that individuals and churches can make a difference for children.








Not Just a One-Night Stand Ministry with the Homeless John Flowers and Karen Vannoy

DR557 • 978-0-88177-557-0 • $14.00 Flowers and Vannoy explore the major differences between ministry for versus ministries with persons who happen to be homeless.

The Gifts of Aging Richard H. Gentzler Jr.

DR482 • 978-0-88177-482-5 • $10.00 New Beginnings provides a glimpse into a variety of church ministries being enjoyed by older adults-ministries led by older adults to reach out to others. Filmed throughout the United States, the award-winning video includes short stories of older adults and the role their faith plays in the churches and communities where they live.

The Most Important Space in the Church

Does Your Church Have a Prayer?

DR568 • 978-0-88177-568-6 • $10.00 A spiritually rooted ministry with infants through two-year-olds is the starting point of a church’s strong faith formation for all ages. Find out how your entire congregation can benefit from focusing on its littlest ones.

PARTICIPANT’S WORKBOOK: DR567 978-0-88177-567-9 • $9.00 LEADER’S GUIDE: DR566 978-0-88177-566-2 • $16.00 Congregations seeking revitalization can take heart. Jesus has already prayed for their unity so that they may share his love with the world! Does Your Church Have a Prayer? presents a model of Christian transformation to guide a congregation through a journey of spiritual renewal in fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer in John 17.

The Nursery Rita B. Hays

Opening Ourselves to Grace Basic Christian Practices DVD & CD–ROM Produced by Mark V. Purushotham

DR508 • 978-0 -88177-508-2 • $26.00 Opening Ourselves to Grace explores the basic practices of Christian faith and life from a Wesleyan tradition. This resource contains both a DVD and a CD–ROM with video content and written resources. Includes a video presentation on Wesley’s understanding of spiritual practice, Bible study, and other helpful resources.

Designing an Older Adult Ministry Richard H. Gentzler Jr.

DR269 • 978-0-88177-269-2 • $14.00 Are you doing everything you can to evangelize and involve the older adults in your church? This updated edition of Gentzler’s best-selling ministry guide offers valuable insights on the specific needs and issues of later life and includes helpful ideas for expanding your ministries to today’s active older adults.

A Pathway to Congregational Wholeness Dan R. Dick

DR495 • 978-0-88177-495-5 • $10.00 Dan Dick identifies and explains four church types: decaying congregations, dystrophic congregations, retrogressive congregations, and vital congregations. He provides examples of churches in each category, along with tools to move congregations toward vitality.


In Mission Toward the Promised Land Marc Brown, Kathy Merry, and John Briggs

Start Here

Teaching & Learning with Adults Barbara Bruce

DR303 • 978-0-88177-303-3 • $11.00 Based on research about adults’ faith development and learning process, Start Here helps teachers of Sunday school classes and other small groups create learning environments where adults can grow in faith. Topics include planning lessons, dealing with disagreements in class, methods to engage a variety of learning styles, and more.

Fear Not

Vital Signs


New Beginnings DVD



Learning from Your Cancer Judy Gattis Smith

DR538 • 978-0-88177-538-9 • $10.00 Speaking with wisdom gained from her personal experience with cancer, Smith guides cancer survivors on a healing journey. Deepen your understanding of the challenges cancer brings and discover how to bring about personal wholeness. 6 WEEKS-LEADER’S GUIDE INCLUDED







Each One a Minister Using God’s Gifts for Ministry William J. Carter

PRINT: DR375 • 978-0-88177-375-0 • $14.00 EBOOK: BDR660 • 978-0-88177-660-7 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR661 • 978-0-88177-661-4 • $9.99 Discover the meaning of church, ministry, and gifts, from the early church to the present, through this six-session study of Ephesians. As a followup to the Bible study, you will look at ways in which God’s gifts are practiced and bear fruit in the church’s ministry.

Children Worship! MaryJane Pierce Norton

PRINT: DR747 • 978-0-88177-747-5 • $24.00 EBOOK: BDR749 • 978-0-88177-749-9 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR748 • 978-0-88177-748-2 • $9.99 Children belong in worship. Children Worship! offers planned experiences that help children understand what is expected in worship, how to participate, and what our words and actions mean. This thirteensession worship education resource helps congregations incorporate young children into the worshiping community. Sessions focus on the six actions of worship covering the following topics: • Gathering • Giving praise and thanks • Praying • Proclaiming • Responding • Sending

Blessed to be a Blessing: Sacred Circle Time for Young Children Leanne Hadley

PRINT: DR786 • 978-0-88177-786-4 • $25.00 EBOOK: BDR788 • 978-0-88177-788-8 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR787• 978-0-88177-787-1 • $9.99 Blessed to be a Blessing: Sacred Circle Time for Young Children is designed specifically for young children using a simplebut-effective model that will move them beyond “learning about God” to “experiencing God” through ritual, wonder, story, prayer, and blessing. Dr. Leanne Hadley provides all the leadership tools as well as ideas for resources that all congregations have already on hand. Sacred Circle Time is ideal for use in a variety of settings, including your church, preschool, daycare, special events, or even at home; to fit your schedule (either 10 to 15 minutes or 40 to 60 minutes), depending on the time you have available and the ages of the children; and because the lessons were intentionally designed to use everyday supplies rather than expecting you to buy additional materials.

CHRISTIAN LIVING Boomer Spirituality: Seven Values for the Second Half of Life Craig Kennet Miller

PRINT: DR781 • 978-0-88177-781-9 • $17.00 EBOOK: BDR783 • 978-0-88177-783-3 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR782 • 978-0-88177-782-6 • $9.99 As the boomer generation navigates dramatic change as it ages, it will be informed by a unique spirituality that was forged in the tumultuous years of the 1960s and 1970s. If you are a boomer, you are sure to be reminded of the events and experiences that had an impact on you when you were young. If you are the child of a boomer, this book will help you understand why your parents act the way they do. If you are creating ministry for this generation, this will be your guide to the way boomers view the world and look toward the future. BOOMER SPIRITUALITY STUDY GUIDE PDF: DRPDF877 • 978-0-88177-877-9 • $8.00

In Love Again and Making It Work Successful Remarriage Dick Dunn

DR534 • 978-0-88177-534-1 • $9.00 Drawing on personal experiences and many years of ministry, Dunn deals with the complications that often arise in second marriages. Topics include mourning past relationships, planning a wedding, combining two homes, negotiating finances and prenuptials, and dealing with children and stepchildren.

Lay Pastoral Care Giving Tim M. Farabaugh

DR554 • 978-0-88177-554-9 • $18.00 How do you learn to care for others in the community, whether it’s your community of faith or the extended community? Some people seem to have natural gifts, but most of us can learn to improve our caring skills. Lay Pastoral Care Giving offers insights to help church leaders reach out with God’s love and care to others.


Sharing Jesus Across the Generations Editors: Richard H. Gentzler Jr., Melanie Gordon, Craig Kennet Miller, Abby Parker


PRINT: DR629 • 978-0-88177-629-4 • $18.00 EBOOK: BDR646 • 978-0-88177-646-1 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR645 • 978-0-88177-645-4 • $9.99 Written by a team of writers across The United Methodist Church, this book is a treasure trove of insights and wisdom on how individual Christians and local congregations can share faith in Jesus Christ. Based on the latest research, this is a valuable resource for developing vital ministries to people of all ages.




Deepening Your Effectiveness

Restructuring the Local Church for Life Transformation

Dan Glover and Claudia Lavy DR475 • 978-0-88177-475-7 • $18.00 Churches are supposed to make disciples, but sometimes they fail to equip believers. Glover and Lavy explore six stages of spiritual development, identifying primary questions and barriers, as well as relationships and ministries, that can help individuals at each stage of the spiritual journey move toward Christian maturity.







What Kind of Man Is Joseph, and What Kind of Man Are You? Eugene Blair

DR561 • 978-0-88177-561-7 • $7.50 Explore the story of Joseph, the unknown member of Jesus’ family, through the Gospel of Matthew. Using Joseph as a model, Blair guides readers in developing Christian discipleship in five areas: commitment, awareness, discipline, righteousness, and family. 5 WEEKS-LEADER’S GUIDE INCLUDED

Transforming Power

Stories from Transformational Leaders for Encouragement and Inspiration Hugh Ballou, Editor

DR531 • 978-0-88177-531-0 • $10.00 Discover inspiration and transformation through the struggles of leaders in a variety of settings, including a children’s ministry, a prison, and a Hollywood movie. This collection brings together more than twentyfive stories from true leaders who experienced transformations of themselves or their institutions and persevered through difficult times of change.

The Mindful Manager The God Factor at Work Patricia Wilson

FA505 • 978-19352-0505-0 • $7.99 As a leader in the workplace, you need a deep understanding of your organization and workforce. Discover how to add the God factor to your management style, and see the blessings grow in your workplace!

A Vision for Transformation Daniel Vestal

#9965 • 978-0-8358-9965-9 • $13.99 Christian discipleship means practicing the presence of Christ in your daily life. Learn how to embody Jesus’ example of community, justice, and sacrifice.

Living Your Heart’s Desire God’s Call and Your Vocation Gregory S. Clapper

#9805 • 978-0-8358-9805-8 • $13.99 If you’re struggling to express your faith through your work or seeking guidance for what you’re meant to do, Clapper offers help. He clarifies what it means to have a calling from God and how to live that out, rather than giving you some formula for arriving at the “job you were created for.” 6 WEEKS-LEADER’S GUIDE INCLUDED

LEADERSHIP Leadership Lab for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Youth Hank Hilliard and Chris Wilterdink

DR631 • 978-0-88177-631-7 • $39.00 FLASH DRIVE Leadership is a learned skill, a gift from God that can be used to transform the world. Helping 6th through 8th graders discover and practice leadership techniques is an important step to growing effective leaders from within your ministry. Leadership Lab for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Youth provides four complete sessions that: Identify leadership skills in participants • Showcase the importance of teamwork and group dynamics • Prepare leaders for communication and conflict • Create reflective moments for youth to listen for God’s call to lead in a variety of ways. These four sessions are jam-packed with activities, games, and discussions for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade youth, and provide adult leaders with lesson outlines, handouts, and visuals to create a meaningful experience. THE FLASH DRIVE HAS ADDITIONAL STORAGE SPACE FOR PERSONAL FILES

The Leadership Lab Talk That Matters

30 Days to Better Relationships Susan Lee Lind and Ben Campbell Johnson

FA503 • 978-19352-0503-6 • $3.99 No two people are alike, and the way we communicate with one another can be challenging. Talk That Matters provides thirty basic principles that will improve your relationships and make meaningful talk possible.





A Leadership Development Resource for Senior High Youth Hank Hilliard

DRPDF672 • 978-0-88177-597-6 • $39.00 • PDF Effective leadership doesn’t just happen. If you’re looking for a resource to help develop your young people’s leadership skills, The Leadership Lab, a tested and proven resource, is just what you need. Through hands -on activities, lively discussions, and team building exercises, young people will learn how to become leaders who can change their church and their world. The CD includes these modules in PDF format: How to Use This Resource (2 pages) • Facilitator’s Guide (96 pages) • Participant’s Book (48 pages) • Handouts (8 pages) • A melodrama (2 pages) • 2 PowerPoint presentations. Sorry, this item is not eligible for special promotional or bulk order discounts.






Being the Presence of Christ


The Vulgar, Offensive Language of the Kingdom of God Jim Walker

Job Descriptions and Leadership Training 2017–2020 In The United Methodist Church

DR539 • 978-0-88177-539-6 • $12.00 Dirty Word is an honest and sometimes raw story of church mission and ministry with people who are often turned off by the traditional church. In the rough neighborhoods of the South Side of Pittsburgh, through his Hot Metal Bridge Community, pastor Jim Walker found people who wanted to live in a new way—passionate, committed, and totally devoted to God.

PRINT: DR859 • 978-0-88177-859-5 • $24.00 EBOOK: BDR861 • 978-0-88177-861-8 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR860 • 978-0-88177-860-1 • $9.99 The new version of Job Descriptions differs from previous editions, including format and design changes. Each job description includes this information: • Result Expected • Spiritual Gifts and Qualifications Helpful for This Position • Responsibilities • Support to Expect from the Congregation • Getting Started • People and Agencies That Can Help • Resources for Help. In addition to individual positions within congregational life, the book explores biblical roots and dimensions of leader development. It includes new thinking based on field research and training leaders in a variety of settings.

Devoting Ourselves to the Prayers

A Baptismal Theology for the Church’s Intercessory Work Mark W. Stamm

PRINT: DR712 • 978-0-88177-712-3 • $24.99 EBOOK: BDR714 • 978-0-88177-714-7 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR713 • 978-0-88177-713-0 • $9.99 Stamm integrates the biblical, theological, and pastoral insight fitting of a liturgical scholar-pastor as he attempts to improve and deepen the church’s congregational practice of intercessory prayer. In Devoting Ourselves to the Prayers: A Baptismal Theology for the Church’s Intercessory Work, Stamm points to the strong biblical and historical connections between baptism and intercessory prayer, suggesting that intercessory prayer is a vocation—a calling—rooted in our common baptism. Imaginative, informative, and deeply committed to the idea that prayer is an essential practice of the church, this book not only addresses what has become the church’s neglect of intercessory prayer but the difference such praying makes.

The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation Creating a Culture of JustPeace Thomas Porter

#1026 • 978-0-8358-1026-5 • $25.00 Transforming conflict into a positive rather than a negative force is a spiritual pursuit and needs to be grounded in biblical principles: love of God, neighbor, and self. This book is a resource for leaders, ministers, mediators, facilitators, and conflict transformation consultants who want to approach their work in this way.

Lay Servant Ministries, Basic Course

Justice in Everyday Life

Sandy Zeigler Jackson and Brian Jackson

A Look at the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church Neal Christie

LEADER’S GUIDE: DR627 • 978-0-88177-627-0 • $11.00 PARTICIPANT’S BOOK: DR626 • 978-0-88177-626-3 • $11.00 Lay Servant Ministries: Basic Course provides an introduction to other texts in the Learning and Leading series for lay servants and for the role of Lay Servant Ministries in The United Methodist Church. This basic course offers a foundation for understanding history, rationale, requirements, and guidelines for those who respond to this call from God.

DR652 • 978-0-88177-652-2 • $10.00 Justice in Everyday Life, a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course, takes an in-depth look at the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church—the church’s attempt to speak on contemporary issues with which it is confronted today. The book covers topics such as the following: Natural World, Social Community, Economic Community, Political Community, Biblical Foundations of the Social Principles, and Teaching the Social Principles. It is not only for Lay Servants but is for anyone interested in studying the Social Principles in greater detail.

Pentecost Journey

A Planning Guide for Non-Hispanic/Latino Congregations (DVD) Marigene Chamberlain and Melanie Lee Carey

DVD: DR593 • 978-0-88177-593-8 • $25.00 This resource is intended to help congregations, districts, and conferences fulfill Christ’s mandate to make disciples with a particular focus on helping local churches understand issues related to developing ministry with Hispanics/Latinos. The guiding principle is the vision of Pentecost in which the uniqueness of the Hispanic/Latino cultures is affirmed as ministry is developed.
















Dirty Word


Transforming Evangelism

The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith Henry H. Knight III and F. Douglas Powe Jr.


Dynamic Christian Witnessing by Invitation H. Eddie Fox and George E. Morris

DR158 • 978-0-88177-158-9 • $15.00 Learn how to be competent and confident in witnessing for Christ with the help of two world-renowned preachers, teachers, and evangelists. A great tool for pastors and other leaders responsible for evangelism training; use this book with The Faith-Sharing Congregation.

PRINT: DR485 • 978-0-88177-485-6 • $14.00 LEADER’S GUIDE: DRPDF11 • 978-0-88177-7011-7 • $8.00 Traditional views of evangelism often push the limits of personal comfort, so the task of reaching out to unchurched persons is left up to clergy. Knight and Powe show how this misunderstanding is contrary to John Wesley’s view of evangelism, which he understood as a complete circle. Evangelism need not be feared but may be seen as a way for one friend in Christ to welcome another friend in Christ to the faith.

The Faith-Sharing Congregation

Developing a Strategy for the Congregation as Evangelist Roger K. Swanson and Shirley F. Clement

DR153 • 978-0-88177-153-4 • $9.00 Learn about hospitality, personal relationship, and storytelling as foundations for faith-sharing. Help your congregation discover positive approaches to evangelism through this well-tested resource.


Learning to Share Your Christian Faith Ron Crandall

DR493 • 978-0-88177-493-1 • $12.00 Witness is a 25-week small-group study that integrates biblical and theological reflection, the practice of spiritual disciplines within a community of faith, and witnessing in the name of Jesus. The experience helps participants identify their gifts for ministry and prepares them for sharing those gifts and faith with others.

Transforming Community

The Wesleyan Way to Missional Congregations Henry H. Knight III and F. Douglas Powe Jr.

PRINT: DR754 • 978-0-88177-754-3 • $15.00 EBOOK: BDR756 • 978-0-88177-756-7 • $9.99 KINDLE: KDR755 • 978-0-88177-755-0 • $9.99 This book presents a Wesleyan way to form missional communities and congregations. Authors Henry Knight and Douglas Powe have based their work on the conviction that just as holiness of heart leads to holiness of life, it is the communities of holy love that are actively participating in God’s mission in the world. Having these Christ-centered communities is our pressing need today, and the Wesleyan tradition provides the insights and guidance we need to do so.

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These items are available as PDF downloads only. Available at: Bookstore.UpperRoom.org

Betsey Heavner & Other Contributors

DRPDF8 • $8.00 The Congregational Tool Box for Prison Ministry offers practical guidance in setting up a ministry that can nurture hope, healing, and transformation. The contributors give an overview of criminal justice issues to help prepare you to the harsh realities. You’ll find ideas, lists, some background material, and applicable ideas for starting and increasing your congregation’s ministry in prisons.

MethodX Spiritual Types Test Discussion Guide Helen R. Neinast

PDFX1 • $5.00 Think of it as a Myers-Briggs personality inventory for spirituality. A small-group study based on the Spiritual Types Test, this PDF helps identify spiritual types—sage, lover, mystic, or prophet—and what they mean to our faith lives.

Lay Speakers Teach Adults What Every Leader Needs to Know about Leading Meetings

DRPDF433 • $3.00 This revised PDF offers insight into spiritual leadership and the practices of Christian community.

What Every Leader Needs to Know about Mission and Vision

DRPDF434 • $3.00 This revised PDF helps lay and clergy leaders identify a strong mission and vision for their congregation.


What Every Leader Needs to Know about Leading in Prayer

DRPDF437 • $3.00 This revised PDF offers biblical and contemporary examples of prayer and leadership.

Diana L. Hynson

DRPDF10 • $8.00 This Leader’s Guide is a PDF download only. The course is designed to help provide a basic understanding of the ways adults learn and grow. The Participant’s Guide for this course is Start Here by Barbara Bruce.

What Every Leader Needs to Know about Spiritual Leadership

DRPDF435 • $3.00 This revised PDF helps lay and clergy leaders in their spiritual life and in their effectiveness as congregational leaders.









What Every Leader Needs to Know Series

The Congregational Tool Box for Prison Ministry


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ou are invited to a ten-day adventure, walking in the footsteps of John and Charles Wesley. The Wesley Pilgrimage in England offers an opportunity to: • Immerse yourself in the Christ-centered leadership of John and Charles Wesley

• Learn, pray, and explore places where the Wesley brothers lived and served • Make new friends

• Connect our Wesleyan heritage and missional leadership for today

The Wesley Pilgrimage is open to all United Methodist lay and clergy leaders. You will explore EPWORTH, the Wesleys’ birthplace; OXFORD, where John and Charles led the Holy Club; BRISTOL, where the class meeting was developed and Methodism became a movement; LONDON, where both Wesley brothers experienced assurance of salvation and John Wesley built the center of British Methodism; and SALISBURY, home to a vital Methodist congregation once served by Francis Asbury. This event qualifies for 3 CEUs. For details, go to: http://umcdiscipleship.org/WesleyPilgrimage

Place your order today



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