60 Ways the United Nations Makes a Difference

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The United Nations has helped to promote women's equality and well-

A long-term objective of the United Nations has been to improve the

being.The UN Development Fund forwomen [UNIFEM) and the lnterna-

lives of women and to empower women to have greater control over

tional Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women

their lives. The UN organized the first-ever World Women's Conference

[INSTRAW] have helped to improve women's quality of life and promote

[Mexico City, 19751, which together with other conferences during

women's rights in over 100 countries. INSTRAW carries out research

the UN-sponsored International Women's Decade set the agenda for

and trainingactivities and UNIFEMsupports projectsthat seekto elimi-

advancing women's rights. The 1979 UN Convention on the Elimina-

nate violence against women, reverse the spread of HIV/AIOS and pro-

tion of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, ratified by 180

mote women's economic security - for instance, by increasingtheir

access to workand their rights to land and inheritance.All UN agencies must take into account the needs of women.

countries, has helped to promote the rights of women worldwide.

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