Research News October 2015

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5 Researcher in the Spotlight

Tero Vartiainen – a new professor of Information Systems Research in the University of Vaasa is excited – he has found a research theme that other researchers haven’t yet thought about and which could be crucial for better understanding of information systems. – The inner paradoxes of human conduct should be taken into consideration also in the information systems research, Vartiainen says. In his free time Vartianen loves geocaching – he has already found around 2 700 caches. One day when found a cache he began to think about the inner paradoxes in geocaching. People who like geocaching usually love nature and want to preserve it. The paradox is – while doing geocaching – they always leave a mark to the forest by just walking there and thus maybe harming it unintentionally. –Joint value creation is accompanied by joint value destruction. Information systems research examines the relationship between IT artefacts and all human conduct. – Traditional research and teaching themes are developing information systems, its different phases and challenges, the success of IT projects, usability of software and information security, Vartiainen explains. Vartiainen is going to research ethics in the IT field, the other big theme is the management of IT project and the role of a project manager. Vaasa is a new town for Vartiainen. He was born 1970 in Lieksa and did his Master’s degree in Joensuu 1995 and PhD in Jyväskylä 2005. He has previously worked as a senior lecturer in Pori for the University of Turku and as a senior research fellow in the University of Oulu. Vartiainen says he is really interested in networking with colleagues from different units of the University of Vaasa – for example in Management and Energy Technology. OCTOBER 2015

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