University of Redlands Our House 2018

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Our House A 2018 Showcase of Scholars, Authors, and Artists o f the University of Redlands

Our House 2018 Achievements 4 Articles in Journals 5 Books 6 Book Chapters

A Message from the Provost In 2013 we began a University of Redlands tradition of formally recognizing the research and creative endeavors of faculty and staff by distributing a published volume of their recent accomplishments, entitled Our House, along with an accompanying celebration held in the Armacost Library. This year we once again celebrate the scholarly and creative pursuits of faculty, administrators, and staff of the University, presenting work from the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, and the School of Education. Impressive on their own merits, the research and creative activities of faculty and staff also vastly enrich our teaching and curriculum, while fostering a dynamic, interactive learning community that encourages our students to explore areas of interest, reach toward their full potential, and gain greater clarity about their dreams and aspirations. Opportunities to conduct research alongside seasoned faculty give students the best possible environment in which to learn the depth of commitment and creativity involved in the generation of new knowledge and creative forms of expression. With Our House, we recognize and celebrate the sense of belonging we feel and the collective energy, wisdom, innovation, and creativity of the University of Redlands culture. I hope you enjoy reading about the achievements and discoveries listed and described in these pages. Sincerely,

7 Compositions, Performances, Exhibitions, and Productions 8 Multidisciplinary Seminars 8 External Academic Leadership 9 Faculty Awards from the University 10 Faculty Grants 10 Faculty Technology Grants 11 Awards to Programs Faculty Features 4 Andrew Glendening Dean and Professor, School of Music 5 Lillian Larsen Professor, Religious Studies 7 Nicol Howard Assistant Professor, School of Education 8 Catherine Salmon Professor, Psychology 10 Satish Thosar Professor, School of Business

Kathy J. Ogren Provost, University of Redlands

11 Renee Van Vechten Professor, Political Science

Editor’s Note: We highlight Redlands faculty and staff in order of first name in the bibliographic entries in this booklet. In cases where there are multiple authors listed, we provide the full first name of the University of Redlands author(s) listed. The submissions in this booklet were voluntarily provided by the authors and should not be considered the definitive list of all University of Redlands scholarship and creative work.

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Articles in Journals Catherine Salmon. “Why in Utero and Postnatal Birth Order Effects May Have Different Patterns.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 46 (2017). 37-38. Catherine Salmon. “Long-term romantic relationships: Adaptationist Approaches.” Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 11 ( 2017). 121-130.

Andrew Glendening Dean and Professor, School of Music

Master Musician is Author, Dean, Teacher, Composer, and Innovator Andrew Glendening was the first person to be awarded the Doctor of Music in Trombone Performance degree from Indiana University, where he also earned the school’s highest honor, the Performer’s Certificate. These followed his studies in not only music but also physics as an undergraduate student at Oberlin College.

Joseph Carroll, John A. Johnson, Jens Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, Catherine A. Salmon, Mathias Clasen, and Emilie Jonsson. “A Cross-Disciplinary Survey of Beliefs about Human Nature, Culture, and Science.” Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (2017). 1-32. James B. Pick. “Smart Cities in the United States and Worldwide: A Rich Arena for MIS Students.” Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research 19 (2017). 133-144. James B. Pick, Ozgur Turetken, Amit Deokar, and Avijit Sarkar. “Location Analytics and Decision Support: Reflections on Recent Advancements, a Research Framework and the Path Ahead.” Decision Support Systems 99 (2017). 1-8. James V. Spickard. “Diversity vs. Pluralism: Reflections on the Current Situation in the United States.” Religions 8 (2017). 169.

“I’m interested in the science of how we interact with the trombone acoustically, physically, and psychologically,” Glendening explains. His curiosity also led to his 2017 textbook, The Art and Science of Trombone Teaching, which is used by musicians worldwide.

James V. Spickard. “Où est passé la «voix morale» de la religion? La troisième vague du marché et la montée de l’ideology néoliberale.” Revue du M.A.U.S.S. (Mouvement anti-utilitariste dans les sciences sociales) 49 (2017). 148-166.

“Since 1990, I’ve been trying to find better ways to help students improve,” he notes. “The book describes a process based on how you learn, how your brain controls your body, and how you interact with sound.”

Mark P. Kumler, Joseph Stoddard, and Melodi C. King, Gerrymandering in Redlands, California.

In addition, Glendening—a trombonist, composer, and dean of the University of Redlands School of Music—is a pioneer in interactive music, in which a performer interacts with a computer to enhance, shape, and influence the music. “Sensors feed sounds from the microphone, the pressure on the instrument, the force of gravity, and images from a live camera into the computer, which becomes part of the ensemble.” Although music is often taught the same way it was 300 years ago, performers are pressured to expand their musical horizons, according to Glendening. “J.S. Bach with a computer instead of a quill pen would be ideal today,” Glendening says. “He composed every week, taught music lessons, directed the choir, performed, improvised, and did every aspect of the music business.”

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Rodney K. Goodyear, Bruce E. Wampold, Terence J.G. Tracey, and James W. Lichtenberg. “Psychotherapy Expertise Should Mean Superior Outcomes and Demonstrable Improvement Over Time.” The Counseling Psychologist 45 (2017). 54-65. Sanjiv Jaggia and Satish B. Thosar. “Pay-For-Performance Incentives in the Finance Sector and the Financial Crisis.” Managerial Finance 43 (2017). 646-662.

Maria S. Bañuelos, Aya Musleh, and Lisa Olson. “Measuring Salivary AlphaAmylase in the Undergraduate Neuroscience Laboratory.” Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 16 (2017). A23-A27. Nicol R. Howard and Keith E. Howard. “Using Tablet Technologies to Engage and Motivate Urban High School Students.” International Journal of Educational Technology 4, no. 2 (2017). 66-74.

Books Andrew Glendening and Julia Broome-Robinson. The Art and Science of Trombone Teaching. Paris, France: International Music Diffusion, Jacques Mauger Collection, 2018.

Lillian Larsen Professor, Religious Studies

Tony Rousmaniere, Rodney K. Goodyear, Scott Miller, and Bruce E. Wampold (Eds). The Cycle of Excellence: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Supervision and Training. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.

Religion, Virtue, and Morals: Studying Ancient Texts Enables Scholars To Harness Change

Rodney C. Goodyear and James W. Lichtenberg. A Global Portrait of Counseling Psychology. London: Routledge, 2017.

Lillian Larsen began her career teaching math at an urban high school. Today, as a professor of religious studies, her greatest joy remains working with students.

James R. Pick. Renewable Energy: Problems and Prospects in Coachella Valley, California. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, Springer Briefs in Geography, 2017.

Larsen began studying ancient texts and focusing on Greco-Roman and Early Christian school settings while in the classroom. This sparked her interest in early monasticism as a locus of moral and civic formation.

James V. Spickard. Alternative Sociologies of Religion: Through Non-Western Eyes. New York: New York University Press, 2017.

“Religion can be a deeper source of what we value most in our society,” Larsen notes. “I feel that the study of ancient texts shifts our perspective of the world in ways that can catalyze contemporary change.”

Barbara Molony and Jennifer Nelson (Eds). Women’s Activism and “Second Wave” Feminism: Transnational Histories. London, United Kingdom and New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.

Larsen’s recent publications include three separate book chapters: “Monastic Paideia: Textual Fluidity in the Classroom” in Snapshots of Evolving Traditions: Jewish and Christian Manuscript Culture, Textual Fluidity, and New Philology; “Mapping Religiously, or Religiously Minding the Map?” in Mapping Across Academia; and “Isidore of Peluse: Monastic Mirror and Montage” in Late Antique Letter Collections: A Critical Introduction and Reference Guide.

Keri Ann Then. Candidate R. Moreno Valley, CA: Amazon Press, 2017. Renee Van Vechten. California Politics: A Primer. Washington, D.C.: SAGE/CQ Press, 2017.

“My goal is to bring the human voice into our studies,” she explains. “Simply collecting data without thinking about what it represents reduces its importance.” For much of the past decade, Larsen has worked with colleagues at Lund University in Sweden on grant-funded research, aimed at contextualizing Early Christian Monasticism within a broad trajectory of classical education. Her co-edited volume, Monastic Education in Late Antiquity, presents the results of this research. These interdisciplinary connections have important ramifications for society, Larsen notes. “Teaching virtue makes the world a better place. As educators, we have the responsibility of making learning meaningful and accessible.” Our House 2018 Our House 2018 || 5 5

Book Chapters Arthur Svenson. “Physician-Assisted Dying and the Law in the United States: A Perspective on Three Prospective Futures.” In Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Global Views on Choosing to End Life, edited by Michael J. Cholbi. Santa Barbara, California: Praeger, 2017. Avijit Sarkar, James B. Pick, and Jessica Rosales. “ICT-enabled E-entertainment Services in United States Counties: Socio-Economic Determinants and Geographic Patterns.” In Innovative ICT-enables Services and Social Inclusion, edited by J. Choudrie, S. Kurnia, and P. Tsatsou. London, England: Routledge; Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organization, and Technology, 2017. Maria Skaletsky, James B. Pick, Avijit Sarkar, and David Yates. “Digital Divides: Past, Present, and Future.” In The Routledge Companion to Management Information Systems, edited by R.D. Galliers and M.K. Stein. London, England: Routledge, Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting, 2017. Daphne Blunt Bugental and Jessica A. Hehman. “The Nature and Effects of Patronizing Speech on Older Adults.” In Ageism: Stereotyping and Prejudice against Older Persons, edited by Todd D. Nelson. Edition #2. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2017. Kitty Fortner and Jose Lalas. “Strategies of Engagement: Parent and School Connections.” In Challenges Associated with Cross-Cultural and At-Risk Student Engagement, edited by R. Gordon, A. Taichi, C. McDermott, and J. Lalas. IGI Global, 2016/2017. Lillian I. Larsen. “Monastic Paideia: Textual Fluidity in the Classroom.” In Snapshots of Evolving Traditions: Jewish and Christian Manuscript Culture, Textual Fluidity, and New Philology, edited by Liv Ingeborg Lied and Hugo Lundhaug. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. Lillian I. Larsen. “Mapping Religiously, or Religiously Minding the Map?” In Mapping Across Academia, edited by Stanley D. Brunn and Martin A. Dodge. New York: Springer, 2017. Lillian I. Larsen. “The Letter Collection of Isidore of Pelusium.” In Late Antique Letter Collections: A Critical Introduction and Reference Guide, edited by Cristiana Sogno, Brad Storin, and Ed Watts. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2017.

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Lua Gregory and Shana Higgins. “In Resistance to a Capitalist Past: Emerging Practices of Critical Librarianship.” In The Politics of Theory and the Practice of Critical Librarianship, edited by Karen P. Nicholson and Maura Seale. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, 2018. Rodney K. Goodyear, Carol Falender, and Tony Rousmaniere. “Ethics Issues Regarding Supervision and Consultation in Private Practice.” In Handbook of Private Practice: Keys to Success for Mental Health Practitioners, edited by S. Walfish, J. Barnett, and J. Zimmerman. New York City: Oxford University Press, 2017. Rodney K. Goodyear, Tony Rousmaniere, and Jeffrey Zimmerman. “Supervision of Mentoring.” In The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring, edited by D. Clutterbuck, F. Kochan, and L. Lunsford. London: SAGE, 2017. Shana Higgins. “Embracing the Feminization of Librarianship.” In Feminists Among Us: Resistance and Advocacy in Library Leadership, edited by Shirley Lew and Baharak Yousefi. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies, 2017.

Compositions, Performances, Exhibitions, and Productions Nephelie Andonyadis. Puppet Design for “Fellowship. A Play for Volunteers,” by Julie Marie Myatt. Cornerstone Theater Company. Watts Labor Community Action Center, Watts, CA, and Westside Food Bank, Santa Monica CA, 2017.

Nicol Howard Assistant Professor, School of Education

Professor Pushes Past Boundaries to Open STEM to Diverse Students When she was little, Nicol Howard’s parents encouraged her exploration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies. Still, no one at school recognized her strengths or her potential to successfully pursue studies in STEM-related fields. “STEM-related courses didn’t amplify strong black women whom I could look up to,” Howard says. “I didn’t know who to look to for the right role model, or who to aspire to be in my younger years.” So, when Howard began her doctoral research, she recalled her own educational journey.

Nephelie Andonyadis. Costume Designer for “Lost in the Stars,” by Kurt Weill. Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 2017.

Howard discovered continued inequities in STEM education, scholastic opportunities, measurements of achievement, and intensity of engagement that echoed her early experiences and which inform her current research agenda.

Nephelie Andonyadis. Costume Designer for “The Odyssey.” Seattle Repertory Theater, Seattle, WA, 2017.

Howard appreciates the diverse backgrounds of her Redlands students, “who come into education because they really want to expand their knowledgebase and bring back what they learn in our program to their future K-12 classrooms.”

Nephelie Andonyadis. Set Design for “Magic Fruit,” by Michael John Garces. Cornerstone Theater Company, Shakespeare Center of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 2017. Trevor Norton. Lighting Design for “Hand to God,” by Robert Askins. San Diego Repertory Theatre, San Diego, CA, 2017.

“Educational justice is a mission of the School of Education,” she says. “Our students come into the field seeking to make a change—to benefit all students.” Now an assistant professor in the Teaching and Learning Department at the University of Redlands School of Education, Howard went to University of California Los Angeles as an undergraduate and earned a master’s in educational technology from Azusa Pacific before she was awarded her Ph.D. in education from Chapman University. Presently she is co-editing the first issue of the Journal of Computer Science Integration with her co-founder and husband, Keith Howard of Chapman University.

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Multidisciplinary Seminars “Open: Scholarship and Learning.” Nicol Howard, Jose Lalas, Paige Mann, James Pick, Catherine Salmon, Timothy Seiber, Tamara Veenstra. “Mapping Outside the Lines: Gender & Interdisciplinarity in GIS.” Alana Belcon, Shana Higgins, Hilary Jenkins, Lillian Larsen, Victoria Lewis, Rebecca Lyons, Julia Breandes, Nicol Howard. Catherine Salmon Professor, Psychology

External Academic Leadership Catherine Salmon. Editor in Chief, APA Journal of Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, six-year term beginning January 1, 2017.

Interdisciplinary Research Distinguishes Psychology Professor’s Body of Work

James Pick. Senior Associate Editor, European Journal of Information Systems, 2017.

When Catherine Salmon was considering the University of Redlands, the thing that most attracted her was the freedom to study what she wanted.

James Pick. Global Associate Editor, Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 2017.

After all, her undergraduate degrees from McMaster University are in biology and comparative literature, and her Ph.D. is in psychology. Redlands gave Salmon, a psychology professor, the academic freedom she needed to pursue research in a variety of areas.

Jim Spickard. Center Scholar, Center for Religious Wisdom and World Affairs, Scholarly Project on Homelessness. Seattle University, 2017-18.

Salmon values an interdisciplinary approach. Her primary research interests include birth order and the family, reproductive suppression and dieting behavior, and female sexuality (including pornography use and the influence of hormones). She has published three recent articles: “Why in Utero and Postnatal Birth Order Effects May Have Different Patterns”; “Long Term Romantic Relationships: Adaptionist Approaches”; and “A Cross-Disciplinary Survey of Beliefs about Human Nature and Culture.” She also is serving a six-year term as editor-in-chief of the APA Journal Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. Insight into birth order is important, Salmon notes, because it helps us understand ourselves. “I think it’s useful to understand your own strategies and approaches as well as those of others,” she explains. “It’s helpful for us when we think about job opportunities, making it easier to find our career pathways.” Faculty members’ eclectic interests reflect an advantage, Salmon adds. “Redlands faculty are unique in the sense that most of them have a real curiosity about the world around them, about scholarship, and about teaching,” she says. “We have the opportunity to affect students with our enthusiasm and to do research with them and offer them the chance to explore.”

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James Pick. Associate Editor, Information Technology for Development, 2017.

Jim Spickard. President, International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Sociology of Religion, 2014-2018. Jim Spickard. President, Research Committee 22 (Sociology of Religion) of the International Sociological Association, 2017.

Faculty Awards from the University College Mortar Board Professor of the Year Jill Robinson, 2017

Excellence in Teaching Fang Ren, MSGIS, College of Arts and Sciences Hilary Jenkins, Environmental Studies, College of Arts and Sciences Anne Viricel, School of Business Kimberly Cass, School of Business

Hunsaker Innovative Teaching Award Tamara Veenstra, Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences Michael MacQueen, School of Business

Excellence in Research/Creative Activity Shana Higgins, Library Services Lillian Larsen, Religious Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

Excellence in Service Karen Derris, Religious Studies and Johnston, College of Arts and Sciences John Glover, History, College of Arts and Sciences Avijit Sarkar, School of Business

Faculty Global Impact Award Rod Goodyear, School of Education Susan Goldstein, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences Anne Cavender, Denise MacNeil Peters, James Valadez, and Victoria Lewis. Writing Fellows, Committee on Faculty Development and Sponsored Research, 2017.

Honoring Retirees Laurel V. Mitchell, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Accounting

In Memory Alexander Frazin, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Accounting, Senior Lecturer Accounting. Years of Service: 2006 – 2017. Howard Hurlbut, Retiree, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of English, Professor of English. Years of Service: 1959 – 2003.

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Faculty Grants Scott Randolph. The John H. White Jr. Research Fellowship from the Railroad & Locomotive Historical Society ($2,500). Scott Randolph. The Richard C. Overton Research Fellowship from the Lexington Group in Transportation History ($2,500).

Satish Thosar Professor, School of Business

Finance Professor Grapples with Real-World Questions After earning undergraduate and master’s degrees in his native India and a Ph.D. at Indiana University, Bloomington, Satish Thosar taught at universities in Boston and Australia before coming to the University of Redlands. Thosar, a finance professor, is an active researcher whose work appears frequently in peer-reviewed journals. He also presents at national and international conferences on topics of current economic and financial interest. “I feel there are many important economic questions,” he says. “I have been paying attention to recent studies in the areas of inequality in the context of wealth and income, but also society in general. There are significant macro questions relating to unemployment and regulation, and, in my own area of finance, there are topics of interest to me, such as executive compensation and corporate restructuring.” His most recent article, “Pay-For-Performance Incentives in the Finance Sector and the Financial Crisis,” was published in Managerial Finance. Thosar says it is always the right time to study economics, but it’s particularly important following the financial crisis. “Most academicians and researchers didn’t see it coming when the crisis erupted with the fall of Lehman Brothers,” he reflects. “Observers noticed that the housing bubble was beginning to deflate, but most did not realize how significantly it would affect the larger economy.” As for the future, Thosar believes his field will continue to grapple with new and important questions: “There are many economic challenges ahead, depending on what policy decisions are made in areas like foreign trade.”

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Scott Randolph. Research Travel Grant from the Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Center at Purdue University ($1,860).

Faculty Technology Grants For more details, visit Dustin VanOverbeke and James Blauth. Utilizing QR code and GIS technology to connect a mobile generation with the University of Redlands as a biodiverse Tree Campus. Julie Shuler. Mobile Applications and iPad Use as Therapy Materials for Graduate Clinical Training in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Mehdrad Koohikamali. Improved Emotional Place Attachment and Spatial Knowledge through Mobile Apps. Nicol Howard, Nirmla Flores and Stephanie Quan. Digital Equity in Teacher Education. Mark Dancigers and Kalling Heck. Exploring Digital Signage Processing through the Use of Sound Art Kits. Ann Blankenship. Exploring Alternative Delivery Formats for Educational Leadership. Nicholle Andrews. Online Course Development for Masters in Vocal Chamber Music. Renee Van Vechten. American Politics: Flipped Out with Embed Quizzes.

Awards to Programs Better Together Project. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ($29,590) Community Service. Dwight Stuart Youth Fund ($5,000) Loewe Endowed Music. Loewe Foundation ($10,789) Military & Veterans Program. Ahmanson Foundation ($50,000) Military & Veterans Program. Majestic Realty Foundation ($25,000)

Renee Van Vechten Professor, Political Science

Military & Veterans Program. US Bank ($25,000) SanaMente Grant. California Mental Health Services – Each Mind Matters ($5,000) Spatial Internships. Big Bear Valley Education Trust ($6,546) Spatial Internships. Crafton Hills Open Space Conservancy ($2,600) Student Science Research. Lewis for Congress Committee ($250,000) Understanding GIS Book – 4th Edition. Esri ($5,000)

California Politics is an Always-Changing Landscape, Professor Finds A bookworm from an early age, Renée Van Vechten always knew research would be an important part of her world. “I’ve been a researcher from the time I was 8 or 9 years old,” Van Vechten remembers. “I could have set up a bedroom in the library, I was there so much.” The University of Redlands professor of political science recently published the textbook, California Politics: A Primer, used in college American government classes. Van Vechten says she is also finishing a longer, more comprehensive version with richer detail. In addition to her interest in California politics, Van Vechten studies the scholarship of teaching and learning, the politics of reform, and term limits. She also investigates legislative processes, including ‘gatekeeping’ measures that party leaders take to control the flow of legislation. “As California has matured,” she notes, “there has never been a shortage of fascinating developments. Part of that is a function of a population of almost 40 million people. We are the sixth-largest ‘country’ in terms of our GDP, and we would be among the most diverse nations on earth—one of every four people was born outside the U.S.” Van Vechten is grateful that Redlands faculty members care about students to an uncommon degree. “There is a sense that students should be empowered to take charge of their education,” she notes. “We try our best to create an environment where opportunities are available to stretch students’ minds in different ways.”

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Our House Art Svenson, beloved professor of three decades at the University of Redlands, has in the past coined the phrase “professors’ paradise” to describe how he feels about spending his days with students “who are as interested in what I do as I am.” An inspired advocate of the University and the community he champions, our David Boies Professor of Government created a “forever moment” in February 2013 with his impassioned rendition of a speech he themed “Our House”— the very, very, very fine kind—as the featured faculty speaker at the inauguration ceremony of the University’s new president, Ralph W. Kuncl. Using a beatpoet spoken-word style and bedecked in a silk sapphire-blue jacket from China, Svenson captured the essence of Our House in his spirited performance that epitomizes the collective joy, wisdom, innovation, and charm of University of Redlands’ culture. Through the pages of this booklet, we welcome you to Our House, an annual celebration of the scholarly and creative accomplishments of our faculty and staff that sets the stage for volumes and stories to come.

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