2022 Commencement Program & Order of Worship

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Oakwood Brass Quintet


Oakwood Brass Quintet


Dr. Tesia L. Mallory, Dean of the Chapel

O Lord, open our lips. And we shall declare your praise. Alleluia! Christ is risen! He has defeated death. Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia! *OPENING HYMN

[The Book of Common Prayer] Crown Him with Many Crowns

I. Crown him with many crowns, the lamb upon his throne. Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own. Awake my soul, and sing of him who died for thee, and hail him as thy matchless King through all eternity.

III. Crown him the Lord of peace, whose power a scepter sways from pole to pole, that wars may cease, and all be prayer and praise. His reign shall know no end, And round his pierced feet fair flowers of paradise extend their fragrance ever sweet.

II. Crown him the Lord of life, who triumphed o’er the grave, and rose victorious in the strife for those he came to save. His glories now we sing, who died, and rose on high, who died, eternal life to bring, and lives that death may die.

IV. Crown him the Lord of love; behold his hands and side, those wounds, yet visible above, in beauty glorified. All hail, Redeemer, hail! For thou hast died for me; thy praise and glory shall not fail, Throughout eternity.


Dr. J. Elvin Sadler Assoc. Dean for Doctoral Studies

The Lord be with you. And also with you. Let us pray. Almighty God, you have delivered us from the dominion of sin and death and brought us into the kingdom of your Son. We pray that, as by his death he has recalled us to life, so by his love he may raise us to eternal joys; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


Dr. Kent Millard, President

THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON | Ezekiel 37:1-14 *THE GOSPEL LESSON | John 13:15-18a, 19

Dr. Vivian Johnson Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs Rev. Sangdae Park, DMin Graduate

AWARDING OF THE HONORARY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY DEGREES Dr. Thomas Dozeman Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Rev. David S. Bell Retiring Trustee, First Vice Chair Rev. Marla Elifritz Brown Retiring Trustee, Second Vice Chair Bishop Bruce R. Ough The United Methodist Church INTRODUCTION OF COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER

President Millard

THE SERMON | Two Questions for You

Bishop Ough

PRESENTATION OF AWARDS RECOGNIZING PROFESSORS EMERITI Dr. David Watson, Academic Dean Dr. Vivian Johnson, Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Thomas Dozeman Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Dr. Jerome Stevenson Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Care STUDENT AWARDS The William and Carolyn Anderson Applied Theology Award

Sherri Nelson

This award is given for a paper submitted in competition that demonstrates a student’s ability to think critically on theological issues he or she applies to contemporary social concerns. It is given through the generosity of Dr. William and Carolyn Anderson.

The Ruth Pippert Core Memorial Award

Frederick Osei-Manu

To perpetuate Ruth Pippert Core’s lifelong interest in peace, unity and the arts, Professor Emeritus Arthur C. Core established this award to provide enrichment in the arts, ecumenics and aid to exchange students.

The Robert E. and Mary Elizabeth Cramer Award

Man Soon Kim

The Robert E. and Mary Elizabeth Cramer Award is given each year to an outstanding student who has completed two-thirds of the required semester hours for his or her degree to recognize and encourage academic achievement.

The Robert M. Daugherty Award

Nic Billman

The Robert M. Daugherty Award is given to a graduating senior who has demonstrated exceptional promise for pastoral ministry.

The Harry L. Eckels Award

Casey Swadley

The Harry L. Eckels Award is given each year to a person who has completed at least two-thirds of the required semester hours for his or her degree and who demonstrates stewardship of time, talent and money.

The Fellowship Seminarian Award

Lori True

This award is given for outstanding leadership in music and/or worship arts.

The Hoyt Hickman Award

Frederick Osei-Manu

The Hoyt Hickman Award for Outstanding Liturgical Scholarship and Practice is awarded by The Order of Saint Luke. The award is given to the graduating student who, in the judgment of the selection committee, both (1) has given evidence of a high quality of scholarship in the study of liturgy, and (2) is an effective leader of Christian worship.

The Missionary Interpretation Award

Chris Wright

The Missionary Interpretation Award is given each year to assist a student in interpreting to the American Church its worldwide Christian responsibility. The award is made possible by an endowment established by the Youth Fellowship of the Memorial United Methodist Church, Silver Spring, Maryland.

The Kendall McCabe Award in Preaching

Patricia Bell

The Kendall McCabe Award in Preaching is given each year to a senior student in a United master’s program. The awardee will demonstrate in a submitted sermon exegetical skill in interpreting the text and an awareness of the liturgical, congregational and missional context of the homiletical occasion. The award-winning sermon will serve as an exemplar of preaching as a liturgical act.

The Dr. Won Byung Roh Award

Sylvia Moseley

This award for excellence in pastoral care-giving is given to a student who demonstrates outstanding scholarship and practice in the field of pastoral care-giving and has completed two-thirds of the required semester hours for his or her degree.

The Dr. Hervin U. Roop Award

Sharon Pardi Clegern

Through the generosity of the late Hervin U. Roop, former president of Lebanon Valley College, an award is given to recognize and encourage students in the leadership of worship and the public reading of Scriptures.

The August Thomas Memorial Award

Joshua Sweeney

The August Thomas Memorial Award is given to a student who shows special promise in church administration.

The Bishop Joseph H. Yeakel Award

Sheila Hill

The Bishop Joseph H. Yeakel Award is presented annually to the student who shows special promise in ecumenical and social justice ministries. The award is made possible by a gift from the New York Area of The United Methodist Church in recognition of Bishop Yeakel’s twelve years of distinguished episcopal leadership in that area.

The Bert V. Flinchbaugh Memorial Award

Cory Wassen

The Bert V. Flinchbaugh Memorial Award is given every other year to a student who excels in the study of the Old Testament in the Hebrew language.

Outstanding Doctor of Ministry Project in Church Renewal

John Wayne McMann

This award is given to a doctoral student who submits an outstanding DMin project in church renewal.

Outstanding Doctor of Ministry Project in Proclamation of the Gospel

Anita Coleman

This award is given to a doctoral student who submits an outstanding DMin project in proclamation of the gospel.

Outstanding Doctor of Ministry Project in Justice and Mercy

Marlon Tilghman

This award is given to a doctoral student who submits an outstanding DMin project in justice and mercy.


Dr. Kent Millard, President Dr. David Watson, Academic Dean


in absentia


Terry Schafer

in absentia

Salvation Army


in absentia

Geof Lilburne Ian Tozer


in absentia


in absentia


Marie Wilson

in absentia


Anne Wright

in absentia


Mark Atterholt Pam Hitchcock Randell Hitts

in absentia

West Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC West Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC Michigan Annual Conference of The UMC

Harriet Hutton Mike King

in absentia

Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference of The UMC

in absentia

Holston Annual Conference of The UMC

Christopher Kyle Vanover

Kentucky Annual Conference of The UMC

Karen Wagenhals

East Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC

THE AWARDING OF ACADEMIC CERTIFICATES AND DEGREES Dr. Kent Millard, President Dr. David Watson, Academic Dean Dr. Vivian Johnson, Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Elvin Sadler, Assoc. Dean for Doctoral Studies Mrs. Karen Clark, Registrar Mrs. Harriet Watson, Coordinator of Alumni/ae Relations PRE-DOCTORAL STUDIES Roxanne M. Mitchell

in absentia

LaShundra D. Richmond

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

in absentia


MASTER OF ARTS Amanda Marie Blue Donald W. Cox

The North American Lutheran Church

in absentia

John Robert Webster

Kentucky Annual Conference of The UMC

in absentia

Missouri Annual Conference of The UMC

MASTER OF MINISTRY Kateri Lucy Crawford

Indiana Annual Conference of The UMC

Henry A. Gregory III

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

Casey Lynn Swadley

Missouri Annual Conference of The UMC

Shunda Townsel

in absentia

Robert G. Wheeler, III

in absentia

Baptist Tennessee-Western Kentucky Annual Conference of The UMC


Church of God in Christ Inc.

Sheila Ann Hill


Eric Lewis


Van Biak Thang

Myanmar Evangelical Church


Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference of The UMC

Seunghwa Kim

Southern Baptist Convention MASTER OF DIVINITY

Stephanie Ball

Susquehanna Annual Conference of The UMC

Patricia Ann Bell

in absentia

Mountain Sky Annual Conference of The UMC

Anwar Abdul Carter

Church of Christ

Sharon Pardi Clegern Rudy L. Draper III

Presbyterian Church USA

in absentia

Wanick Fayette

Southern Baptist Convention Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference of The UMC

Jessica Finney

Salvation Army

Christina Shanae Haines


Melanie Nicole Hill


Terrance W. Hillman Jr.


Justin Edward Hunt


Larry J. McCoy

West Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC

Donna S. Mills

East Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC

Sherri L. Nelson


Frederick Osei-Manu

West Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC

Amy Jo Powell

Wisconsin Annual Conference of The UMC

in absentia

Steven Charles Reis

Holston Annual Conference of The UMC

Steven Christopher Rowe Sharon Sargent

in absentia

in absentia

Jill Lea Scott

New England Annual Conference of The UMC East Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC

Carlton J. Sturdivant


Joshua Barton Sweeney

in absentia

Jason William Taylor

Presbyterian Church USA West Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC

Louis A. Weber IV

Florida Annual Conference of The UMC

Terrick D. Williams Sr. Christopher J. Wright

Central Texas Annual Conference of The UMC

Baptist in absentia

West Ohio Annual Conference of The UMC

DOCTOR OF MINISTRY Missional Leadership: Cohort for Mavericks | Faculty Mentor: Duane A. Anders, DMin Robert M. Walters Pastor, Nampa First United Methodist Church, Nampa, ID. Creating Multicultural Awareness Through Adult Education in a Predominantly White Homogeneous Church in Idaho Innovative Leadership: Building Leaders and Congregations for Effective Change Faculty Mentors: Dexter Cannon, DMin; Charles Jackson, DMin

Philip Randolph Chisholm Pastor, Rock Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church, Lithonia, GA. Developing a Model of Ministry for Intergenerational Leadership Anita Michelle Coleman Associate Minister, Canaan Baptist Church, New Castle, DE. The Development of an Intercessory Prayer Model that Empowers Ministry Leaders for Service Marcus Ramonde Green Pastor, Mt. Olive African Methodist Episcopal Church, Orlando, FL. A Training Model That Prepares Leaders and Churches for Ministry Renewal Ellen M. Vann Elder and Prophet, Love Cathedral Community Church, Richmond, VA. Developing a Ministry Model of Prayer and Fasting Through Small Groups Gardner C. Taylor Scholars: Prophetic Leadership – Social Justice and Political Action Faculty Mentors: Leroy Cothran, DMin; J. Randy Grimes, DMin

George Crews III Senior Pastor, Lattisville Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Hurdle Mille, NC. Minimizing The Effects of Trauma Due to the Lack of Leadership Development in The Church Margretta Louise Dobbs Associate Pastor, St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Dayton, OH. Delegation of Leadership: A Model to Increase Awareness of Clergy Stress Due to Improper Leadership Skills Lee Johnson, Sr. Executive Minister, Context Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ, Detroit, MI. A Model of Forgiveness Needed in the Healing Process for Victims of Family Violence

Colin Adair Jones Pastor, Advent United Church of Christ, Columbus, OH. Paradigm Shift: A Model for Clergy and Congregations to Partner and Adopt Holistic Approaches to Health and Wellness Angela Barksdale Martin Maryland Statewide Co-Chair, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. Prophetic Leadership and the Poor: The Role of the Pastor in Cultivating Social Justice Advocacy The Harold Hudson Scholars: Building Bridges for Church and Community Wholeness through Preaching, Christian Education and Visioning Leadership Faculty Mentors: Lucius Dalton, DMin; Lisa Weah, DMin; Carl Solomon, DMin

Anthony Kevin Hinton Associate Minister, Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Knightdale, NC. Including Older Adults in The Planning and Participation of Church Activities to Encourage Generational Unity Pastoral Care and Counseling | Faculty Mentors: Thomas Francis, DMin; Jonathan McReynolds, DMin

Drorester Ornas Alexander Pastor, Hunter’s Chapel United Methodist Church, Cornelius, NC. Providing Awareness to Men and Women of Various Trauma Responses That Increase Domestic Violence Potential Within Intimate Relationships Lora Renée Hubbard Associate Minister and Licensed Professional Counselor, Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA. Raising Self-Awareness in Adult Females of the Adverse Effects of Parental Alcohol Abuse in Their Childhoods Kimberley Renée Johnson Elder and Associate Minister, Peace Baptist Church, Cincinnati, OH. Raising Awareness of the Effects of Shame on Women Andrianirina Tiandray Mbanona The Role of Women in Ministry Sylvia Moseley Head of Religious Services at DCI-Chaplain, Omega Baptist Church, Dayton, OH. A Transformative Model: Providing Trauma-Informed Training for Prison Ministry Volunteers to Reach the Marginalized Jeff Antonio Person Pastor, Spaulding Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Pinehurst, NC. Grief Support in the Local Church

Anthony Clinton White Senior Pastor, Bible-Based Fellowship Church, Tampa, FL. A Pastoral Care Model for Ministering to Those Dealing with Mental Health Disorders Enacting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Beloved Community | Faculty Mentor: C. Anthony Hunt

Rachel Berena Livingston Senior Pastor, Cheltenham United Methodist Church, Cheltenham, MD. Protest, Activism, and Ministry: A Framework of Social Activism for Young Adults Marlon B. Tilghman Senior Pastor, Ames United Methodist Church, Bel Air, MD. Developing a Legacy Giving Program for a Black Church Randy Clark Scholars: Presenting the Gospel as Jesus Intended – In Love, Authority and Signs and Wonders | Faculty Mentors: Tom Jones, DMin; Thomas Litteer, DMin; Robert Sawvelle, DMin; Ian Dunn, DMin

David Ayer Lead Pastor, New Life Church, Canton, PA. Postmodern Disciple-Making Through a Weekend Intensive Phillip Mark Finley Rector, Church of the Reconciler, Fairfield, AL. Individual Healing Experienced Through the Reception of the Eucharist in a Congregation Sean Junjie Song President, Jairus Bible World Ministries, Clarksville, MD. Pursuing Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Especially Prophecy: Combining Local Church Movement and Charismatic Practices to Prophesy Roslyn Clark Thomas Senior Pastor, Haven of Hope Apostolic Ministries, Brooklyn, NY. Examining the Fears of the Healing and Deliverance Ministry: A Qualitative Study in African American Rural Churches Lori Karlene True Worship Pastor/Itinerant Speaker, Willow Spring Community Church, Moraga, CA. Encountering God in Musical Worship: An Invitation to Transformation Laurie Williams Overseer of Education, Prayer, and Altar Ministry, The Empowerment Center, Kalamazoo, MI. The Efficacy of Healing Rooms as a Tool for Renewal in the Heart, Mind, Body, and Moral Agency

Rooted: Church Planting and Church Revitalization in Our Diverse World Faculty Mentors: Rudolph Rasmus, DMin; Vance Ross, DMin; Lillian Smith, DMin

Marcus D. Dudley Senior Pastor, Kingdom Movement Community Church, Coffeeville, MS. Transformational Hope: The Prophetic Ministry of Jesus as a Blueprint for Community Development Leon C. Moore, Jr. General Secretary of Evangelism and Mission, and Pastor, Pleasant Hill CME, Conyers, GA. An Example of Evangelism for Church Growth, Planting and Revitalization in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Adebowale Adedayo Onabanjo Church Planter and Lead Pastor, Sixth Avenue United Methodist Church, Lancaster, OH. Rediscovering Our Passion for Accountable Christian Discipleship – Engaging Small Groups as Catalyst Sangdae Park Senior Pastor, Korean Presbyterian Church of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Passing on Faith to the Next Generation Through Family Discipleship in Korean Immigrant Church Settings Yvette K. Richards Director of Community Connections and Mission, St. James United Methodist Church, Kansas City, MO. A Framework of Empowerment for Women of Color and The United Methodist Church Leadership Development and Spiritual Transformation for Healing and Reconciliation Faculty Mentors: J. Elvin Sadler, DMin; Willie Marshall, DMin; David M. Nelson, DMin

Denita Armstrong-Shaffer Assistant to the Pastor, West Point Missionary Baptist Church, Chicago, IL. Recovering Voice to the Voiceless in Leadership Kan’Dace Len Brock Lead Pastor, The Message Church, San Antonio, TX. From the Pulpit to the Pew: A Model for Transparent Discipleship Michael Fegins Director of Children and Youth Ministries, and Millennial and Young Adult Ministries, Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Tallahassee, FL. Realize and Be Who You Are in God’s Eyes: A Study of Identity Amongst African American Youth Bryant G. Graham Assistant Pastor, Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Dayton, OH. The Need to Rebuild Trust: A Restorative Model of Healing and Reconciliation from Church Trauma and Conflict

Verlin F. Samples, Jr. Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Columbus, OH. Addressing the Transformational Potential of Positive Male Mentoring in a Context of Decline, Trauma, and Crisis Adreania McMillian Tolliver Pastor, County Line Baptist Church, Richmond, VA. Hurting Sister: “A Woman's Response to Loss” Effective Preaching and Stewardship in the 21st Century | Faculty Mentor: Alfred Thompson, DMin

Alexus Shelley Pastor, Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Montpelier, VA. A Discipleship Model to Develop Laity for Servant Leadership Walker/Cummings Fellows: Prophetic Preaching and Praxis | Faculty Mentors: Robert Walker, DMin; Kenneth Cummings, DMin; Brenda Braam, DMin

Sedaric Lee Dinkens Chaplain and Assistant Professor of Religion, Jarvis Christian College and Jarvis College Christian Church, Hawkins, TX. A Pedagogical Approach to Developing Ministers Who Maintain Balance in Life and In Ministry Jermany Jamal Henry Pastor, Full Faith, Rocky-Branch and Union Primitive Baptist Churches, Wortham, TX. LORD, Help Me: Concerning My Spirituality and Mental Health Rose Ann Irwin Senior Associate Minister, United Missionary Baptist Church, Dayton, OH. If The Shoe Fits, Wear It: Empowering Women Ministers to Walk Comfortably in Their Call to Preach L’Tanya C. Johnson Associate Minister, Chesterfield Missionary Baptist Church, Longs, SC. Training Adult Community Volunteers as Mentors is Necessary for Lifestyle Changes in Impoverished Neighborhoods in Longs, South Carolina Jeffery Arnez Lang Senior Pastor, Southside Church, Jackson, MI. Restoration of Prophetic Ministry Elements in the Black Church Through Preaching, Teaching, and Collaborative Discipleship Mary Joyce McWilliams Associate Minister, Bunton Memorial CME, Washington, D.C. Developing 21st Century Paradigms and Strategies for Christian Leaders: Viability, Survivability and Credibility

Rentonia Jenice Moore Associate Minister, Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church, Nashville, TN. A Paradigm for Equipping Church Leaders for Transformational Leadership and Ministry Judith Eileen Tobias Pastor, St. John’s United Church of Christ, Larimer, PA. Developing Harmony in the Church as it Relates to Ordaining Women Lenton LaVell Walker-Stevens Bishop and Pastor, Church of God and Saints of Christ, Columbus, OH. Hidden Gems of Leadership: A Paradigm for Transformation, Unity, Healing, And Reconciliation Among Church Leaders Living the Historic Faith: Christian Wisdom for Today’s Church | Faculty Mentors: David Watson, PhD; Justus Hunter, PhD

Jonathan W. Hanover Pastor, Kenton First United Methodist Church, Kenton, OH. Recapturing Resurrection Theology as the Basis for Hope in the Church John Wayne McMann Pastor, Marvin United Methodist Church, Tyler, TX. Training Class Leaders for Today’s Church PRAYER OF BLESSING OVER THE GRADUATES *HYMN

President Millard Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

I. Love divine, all loves excelling, joy of heav’n, to earth come down; fix in us thy humble dwelling; all thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love thou art. Visit us with thy salvation; enter ev'ry trembling heart.

III. Come, Almighty to deliver, let us all thy life receive. Suddenly return and never, nevermore thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing serve thee as thy hosts above pray and praise thee without ceasing, glory in thy perfect love.

II. Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit into ev’ry troubled breast. Let us all in thee inherit, let us find the promised rest. Take away our bent to sinning; Alpha and Omega be. End of faith, as its beginning, set our hearts at liberty.

IV. Finish, then, thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be. Let us see thy great salvation perfectly restored in thee. Changed from glory into glory, till in heaven we take our place, till we cast our crowns before thee, lost in wonder, love and praise.

*DISMISSAL AND BLESSING Go in peace to love and serve the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit. Alleluia! The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. Alleluia!

Bishop Ough President Millard [2 Cor. 13:14]

*THE RECESSIONAL Please remain at your seats until the faculty and graduates have recessed.

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