Mid-Year UIA Victoria Newsletter

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For the People of Israel

CENTENNIAL YEAR KEREN HAYESOD – UIA JUNE 2020/5780 www.uiaaustralia.org.au 1300 ISRAEL (1300 477 235)




Shalom Friends,

I take this opportunity in the midst of these uncertain times to address you - our UIA family. We are all navigating through uncharted waters and each and every one of us has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 marks my fifth campaign in Victoria as the UIA Executive Director and Shaliach.

The current climate has presented our community and the People of Israel with challenges. We have all felt the effects of Covid-19 and despite this, we have continued to rally together in support of the People of Israel. I take the opportunity to thank you all for your unwavering support, it has been truly remarkable. Ultimately our mission at the UIA is to protect and nurture the People of Israel and to ensure that no one is left behind. And even more so at this time I remind you of our mission and the importance of your support today. The needs of the many beneficiaries of our projects have not decreased during this crisis. In fact their needs have substantially increased. As the President of UIA Victoria, I am committed to ensuring that our core values of being the world’s leading global fundraising organisation for The People of Israel are central to everything we do. Our innovative programs have been able to rise to the challenges of this current situation, particularly for the Amigour Program that provides shelter for the vulnerable elderly Holocaust survivors. Our commitment has continued to provide the elderly with essential food and medical supplies and support they have desperately needed. With your assistance, Keren Hayesod-UIA will continue to be inspired to undertake visionary programs that remain relevant and in line with our core work and values. This year marks our centennial and to commemorate this milestone we had a number of special events planned, which are normally highlighted in the mid-year edition of the Newsletter. Unfortunately these were unable to proceed. We were fortunate enough to hold our Gala event in February, our largest ever, where we hosted Israel’s number one citizen, His Excellency Reuven Rivlin - the President of the State of Israel. President Rivlin’s attendance was a wonderful testament to the way our organisation is perceived on the global stage as the leading fundraising organisation for the People of Israel. As we mark 100 years of support, we reflect on our incredible impact and renew our commitment to enabling our donors the opportunity to support Israel as the Jewish Homeland, to enhance the lives of the People of Israel and continue to act as the bridge that embodies this unbreakable connection. Please stay connected with us through the wonderful and informative webinars that we are offering, keeping our UIA family connected with the people of Israel. I take this opportunity to remind you of how at this time you can make a meaningful impact on the People of Israel.

To say that this year began with a very different plot in place would be the understatement of the year. We had grand plans to mark Keren Hayesod-UIA’s Centennial celebrations with numerous missions to Israel, World Conferences, leadership reunions and other significant events. We are grateful, however, that we had the chance to host Israel’s President, H.E. Reuven Rivlin, in our biggest UIA Victoria Gala of all time. COVID-19 caught all of us by surprise. As a community and as individuals we all had to adapt. In so many ways, social distancing contradicts the culture of our community. It was and still is challenging. We at the UIA had to change too and find better ways to interact and connect with you. We have adapted our engagement strategy and found alternate ways to communicate with you digitally. Nothing replaces a warm handshake and a good chat over a coffee, but I am positive that our united family will overcome the current situation and we will meet not so long from now as we did before. Amid this turmoil, we need to remind ourselves that for the most vulnerable people in Israel, the ones that UIA is committed to, the effect of the current situation is harsh. We, at the UIA, stand firm in our support of those who need our help the most. If supporting Israel and Jewish people around the world to make Aliya was crucial last year, it is much more critical these days. We have seen a massive influx in the opening of immigration files, especially from Jewish communities in developing countries who seek refuge in Israel. We welcome new Olim with open arms and embrace them into our hearts . Additionally, thousands of Holocaust survivors are now in greater need than ever before. There is still so much more to do and we cannot do it without you. This is the time to step up and assist the People of Israel. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you for your generous and continued support throughout the years and up to date, especially to those who intentionally called in the last few weeks and offered to help above and beyond what they usually give. None of our successes would have been possible without your devotion and generosity. I am proud to be a part of a strong community of caring, giving and supportive people that use love and hope as their guiding principles in facing the current challenges. Together, with you and our loyal Christian Friends of Israel, we should endeavour to make a better world for generations to come and for all humanity. KH-UIA stands with Israel and the rest of the world and prays for a speedy resolution to our shared worldwide crisis. I remain hopeful and confident that we will overcome and recover from these current challenges and emerge stronger and more united than ever. May you and all your loved ones remain healthy and safe. Yours,

Stay safe,

Hayley Southwick UIA Victoria President



Idan Goldberger Executive Director and Shaliach UIA Victoria




His Excellency President Reuven Rivlin

Centennial Gala Event On Monday 24th of February 2020, UIA Victoria’s Gala Event was held at Margaret Court Arena with over 1800 attendees. This year celebrated our centennial with a brand new theatre style format.


In honor of the centennial, we made a strategic decision to adopt this new format. As a communal organisation, we felt it was important that a larger contingent of the community have access to our speaker. The guest of honour at the event was the President of Israel, H.E. Reuven Rivlin. His visit was a testament to the strong relationship we have and the high regard in which Keren Hayesod-UIA is held. Idan Raichel, worldwide renowned musician opened the event and the Victorian Governor, Her Excellency The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, addressed the community.


Rivlin commenced his speech praising Scott Morrison as “a great great friend of Israel”, thanking the PM for his public video message stating “Israel can always depend on Australia.” Rivlin spoke about his family going back seven generations and that he is a true Jerusalemite. He spoke of Israel’s thriving democracy and it’s world leading advances in innovation and technology. It was noted that none of this could have been possible without Keren Hayesod – UIA. He said “Ladies and gentlemen, this miracle would not have been possible without you, the strong and proud Jewish community of Australia. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”



UIA Victoria Patron, John Gandel AC told supporters, “As long as one citizen needs assistance the work of Keren Hayesod – UIA is not finished.” The President of UIA Victoria Hayley Southwick, spoke of the services Keren Hayesod has assisted with in Israel over the last century. In pioneering education, banking, utilities and the El Al airline. She spoke of the challenges faced today such as youth at risk and terrorism. Sam Grundwerg, Keren Hayesod – UIA World Chairman said Rivlin’s visit showed, “just how important Melbourne is to Israel.” Steven Lowy AM, Chairman, World Board of Trustees urged an end to divisiveness “the humanitarian reasons are the reasons we’re really here tonight” and Jeremy Leibler, the Zionist Federation of Australia President described Rivlin as “a beacon that transcends politics.”

G A. Idan Raichel B. Luke Smorgon, Amanda Jolson, Annette Smorgon, Elissa Sharp, & Tahlee Smorgon C. Steven Lowy AM, David Southwick MP, Hayley Southwick, President Reuven Rivlin, MP Linda Dessau AC, Anthony Howard QC, Sam Grundwerg & Pauline Gandel AC D. David Frenkiel, Judy Lowy, Esther Frenkiel OAM, Paula Hansky OAM, Joanne Hansky, Steven Lowy AM & Mark Hansky E. Justine & Bernie Kuran F. John Gandel AC & President Reuven Rivlin G. Volunteers: Elana Lewin, Lani Brayer, Lauren Joffe & Sandra Sochen



GENERAL DIVISION Major Donors Cocktails UIA hosted a Pre-Gala Cocktail function on Monday 24 February in the Davis Cup room at Margaret Court Arena for 150 of our Major Donors. We were honoured to have members of the worldwide leadership present at this event to address our donors. President Reuven Rivlin personally thanked our Major Donors for the unwavering support for the State of Israel and he reiterated that this support is not taken for granted.


Jack Smorgon AO, Honorary Life Chairman of UIA Australia opened the event. He spoke about his long term involvement with the UIA. He acknowledged the success of the Victorian campaign under the great leadership of Hayley Southwick. He then introduced Sam Grundwerg, World Chairman of KH – UIA, who spoke about the importance of Major Donor support and the importance of our strong relationships. Hayley Southwick acknowledged the importance of Major Donors and their long standing commitment to the People of Israel in enabling us to undertake visionary work.


Mark Leibler AC, Honorary Life Chairman of UIA Australia, expressed his gratitude to the community for their on-going support and made a special thank you to President Rivlin for making this special trip to Melbourne for the UIA Gala Event. Alaa Abu Rukan the Military Attache to the President of Israel addressed guests. The event was closed by Idan Goldberger, who took the opportunity to thank all the donors, acknowledging that it was his final campaign as the Executive Director and Shaliach. He made the comparison between how supported he felt as a new immigrant to Melbourne five years ago with the support Victorian’s provide to Israel.




Sam Kagan, Elissa Sharp, Jack Smorgon AO & Val Smorgon OBE, Idan Goldberger, Hayley Southwick, President Reuvin Rivlin, Warren Samuel, Steven Lowy AM, Sam Grundwerg, Esther Frenkiel OAM, Amanda Jolson, Julian Black OAM, Jeremy Samuel, Kylie Appel, Peter Horovitz, Carli Dvash, Rosanna Leibler and Mark Leibler AC



A. Alaa Abu Rukan, Rosie Lew AM, Prof Allan Fels B. Hayley Southwick, Julian Black OAM & Rozet Black C. Idan Goldberger, Judy Dodge, Ron Dodge, Judy Rogers, Andrew Rogers, Phillip Brass & Vivien Brass OAM D. David Smorgon OAM & Jack Smorgon AO E. President Reuven Rivlin F. Rosie Lew AM, Rosanna Leibler, Val Smorgon OBE G. Hayley Southwick with President Reuven Rivlin

President Rivlin addressing Major Donors



GENERAL DIVISION In our Centennial year, UIA Victoria has the Executive team of the century! The UIA Victorian Executive team is set to continue their legacy and facilitate a new generation of giving and connection to Israel. The Executive team at UIA lead the way in supporting Israel. They are communal and business leaders who are passionate and devoted. This year has been different to the one that was planned. Unfortunately UIA has had to cancel their events and develop new platforms to engage and connect with our community. The one constant is the need to support The People of Israel, now more than ever they need our help. UIA is wonderfully led by our Executive Team, outlined below. Hayley Southwick - President of UIA Victoria Hayley is a passionate Zionist, attending a Zionist Jewish Day school. In year 10 Hayley went with her family on the UIA family mission. Over the past 14 years that she has been on the Executive of UIA including two years as UIA Victoria President, she has had the opportunity to visit the projects that our donors support in Israel. She’s seen and spoken to the recipients of our support and knows that when you support UIA you are changing peoples lives. Some people say that Israel is strong and no longer needs the support. This statement is true for a small percentage of the Israeli population who are part of the start - up nation. UIA is giving the same opportunities for those living in the social and physical periphery of Israel. “UIA is the official fundraising arm of the State of Israel and the money raised goes to the priorities of the state. So when I stand up and ask people to support UIA, I know that the money is going to where it is most needed. This is what inspires me to be involved every day!!!”

Mark Kessel Mark has been involved with UIA Victoria for the last 20 years. During that time, he served as the YoungUIA Chairman and was involved in the establishment of the Yachad division (for donors aged 40 - 50). He travels to Israel regularly. Currently Mark consults for the pet food industry. He is married with three children and a dog and in his spare time he has a keen interest in muscle cars. Warren Samuel Warren is a self-employed business man, who works in the commercial property management and development space. Warren has always been passionate about Israel since his first UIA family trip when he was 14. He is proud to be on the UIA Executive team and to do his small bit to help out the People of Israel and the Jewish homeland. Jeremy Samuel Jeremy is an entrepreneur and marketing professional. He grew up supporting Zionist causes and organisations and is a strong supporter of Israel and her people. He is (blended) married with 3 wonderful children and thinks it’s very important for their future to be involved in our community - Jewish and general. To him leadership is by example, so he joined the UIA Executive after almost a decade break, to do his part to support Israel and her people and to show his kids what involvement in the Jewish community means in practice. Peter Horovitz

Idan Goldberger Idan is the Executive Director and Shaliach of UIA Victoria. He was born in Tel Aviv and served in the IDF armoured forces. During his service Idan was critically injured when a sniper shot him in the head. He underwent a long and challenging recovery with two and half years of rehabilitation. In 2010 he moved with his family to Be’er Sheva, South of Israel, and took the position of Fund Development Manager at the Sapir Academic College in Sderot which gave him an insight into the needs of those living in the periphery. He is married to Avishag and has a son Noam. He speaks four languages, is an amateur photographer, Hapoel Be’er Sheva soccer team fan and an enthusiastic gadget-geek. Kylie Appel Kylie is passionate about making a positive long-term impact in the world through philanthropic and community initiatives. Delivering to this, Kylie currently dedicates time to a game-changing global humanitarian project known as, ‘Tikkun Olam Makers’ (TOM). Kylie was inspired to join UIA after meeting with Hayley Southwick and Idan Goldberger and connected instantaneously with the vision, core values and principles of UIA. She was also motivated by the professionalism as an organisation, coupled with strong leaders and committed supporters - a credit to the organisation. “I look forward to working alongside my fellow executives, who each contribute world class expertise through inspiring programs that support the State of Israel”.

Peter is married to Nikki and has 3 daughters. He has worked in advertising, marketing, leadership and strategy for the last 30 years. Peter is obsessively Zionistic and a proud Jew who worries about growing anti-semitism. UIA gives Peter an opportunity to help Israel, help connect our community to our homeland and contribute to public service. Julian Black OAM Julian came to Australia as a 24 year old from the UK. Within a few years Julian was introduced to the UIA by some friends and joined a canvassing campaign. In 1998 Julian was drafted to join the UIA Executive team after retiring from Bialik College Council as Treasurer and Governor of the college. Until today Julian is the treasurer of the UIA, Federal Treasurer since 2006 and Victorian Treasurer of UIA since 1998. Julian is the Managing Director of Black and Krantz, a boutique accounting and financial advice firm. Julian was awarded an OAM in 2019 and was presented with a KH-UIA Yakir award in Jerusalem 2018. Julian is married to Rozet and father to Sharna, Adam and Jonathan, father in law of Danny, Vanessa and Kate. Julian is Inspired! And continues to be enthralled by the Israel story and its development. Amanda Jolson, Elissa Sharp, Ashleigh Pyke, Sam Kagan and Dave Skurnik bios on WD and YoungUIA pages.



WOMEN’S DIVISION Our Executive Team Amanda Jolson

Dear Friends, It is an exciting year as we mark 100 years of Keren HayesodUIA’s support for the People of Israel. As the Women’s Division continues to evolve, we are thrilled to be supporting a new program - Professions for Life. The smooth integration of new immigrants (Olim) after they arrive in Israel is crucial to their success in their new homeland. In this ground breaking program, Professions for Life assists participants to fast track their professional licenses and/or gain new qualifications that help increase their employability. This is a holistic program which also supports the whole family through Hebrew lessons resume and job seeking assistance, housing and networking opportunities. We are fortunate to promote this project and empower Olim to contribute their highly in demand skills to the State of Israel. In fact some of the graduate doctors and nurses of this program, who have had their qualifications fast tracked, have been treating the People of Israel during the Covid-19 pandemic. They have been working on the frontline in the hospitals and we are proud to support a program as helpful as this one. The Women’s Division Brunch this year was set to be our largest event ever. Unfortunately we had to cancel due to the current circumstances. We have navigated our way through this tough time by involving our donors with webinars and cooking classes as a form of connection and engagement. Moshe Segev, one of Israel’s leading restauranteurs spoke of the current economic situation in Israel. The hospitality industry has been hit hard. With fast tracking of chefs through the Professions for Life Program, we can help get the hospitality industry back on track. We hope you will endorse our new project by engaging and making a contribution. We are especially grateful that this new program will broaden the reach of your donations and that our campaign has the opportunity to directly impact the People of Israel. We would also like to acknowledge that whilst we have chosen to focus on the Professions for Life Project for our centennial, additional funds raised through the 2020 campaign will continue to support Youth Futures. Even though we did not have our brunch this year we are relying heavily on the community for their commitment and reaffirming their support to the Women’s Division. We thank our donors and acknowledge our Lev Chai and Lions of Judah for their generous contributions. As part of the global UIA family we have a mutual responsibility to act as a collective for the People of Israel, now more than ever. With your support we will continue to rise to these challenges — social, educational and socioeconomic — to ensure that the People of Israel remain strong.

Amanda Jolson  Elissa Sharp  Ashleigh Pyke Co-chairs of the Women’s Division



From an early age, Amanda has been involved in leadership enrichment, mentoring and many community fundraising campaigns. As a media lawyer, Amanda advised public and private sector organisations in areas such as defamation, privacy and risk management and regularly appeared in all Victorian courts on behalf of The Age and Fairfax Media. Amanda founded Young Carlton Professionals in 2012, a professional networking group for the next generation of business leaders to engage with the Carlton Football Club. She was appointed Co-chair of the UIA Women’s Division in 2018 and is proud to be part of an organisation that infuses her passion for Israel and enables her to contribute to a powerful network of visionary leaders. Amanda is mother to 3 young children. Ashleigh Pyke Ashleigh joined the Executive team in 2018. Her career has spanned marketing and brand management at L’Oreal, Retail and Business Operations at A-ESQUE and most recently in 2018 launched jnr.life an innovative online brand in the children’s home and play space. Elissa Sharp Elissa has been involved in many communal organisations beginning as the social function coordinator for AUJS. From 2004-2008, Elissa was an Executive member for YoungUIA involved in event organisation. Since 2013, she has been a Parent’s Association Member for GBH Mount Scopus Memorial College and now adds the UIA Women’s Division to her portfolio of communal involvement. She is the mother of three young girls. Serena Rotenberg Serena joined the Women’s Division Executive in 2018 as a passionate Zionist and Israel lover. She is committed to supporting the People of Israel and strengthening the Jewish State through the work of the UIA. Serena has experience in professional services and retail, specialising in corporate strategy, and currently works in Business Development for a major Australian beauty retailer. She adores being a mum to Levi and Elke and travelling the world - especially the Holy Land!

Follow UIA Victoria Women’s Division Facebook page at facebook.com/groups/ UIAVICWomensDivision for all the latest information on events and campaigns.

Professions for Life Sharna Black Sharna joined the Women’s Executive team in 2019. Sharna’s career has traversed the span of project management/transformation work with over a decade and a half leading programs/projects at NAB, Metro Trains, Regis Aged Care, and Pearson Education. Sharna’s experience includes project management, consulting and advice, analysis, financial management, facilitation and strategic project design. Sharna’s previous charity work includes developing the growth strategy for the MSO’s philanthropic trust pizzicato effect program. As a member of the UIA Women’s Division Executive, Sharna is proud to contribute her skills to a charity that focuses on her twin passions of Israel/Judaism and empowering women, particularly female Israeli migrants. Sharna is an enthusiastic foodie, cook, tennis fan and a self-confessed sci-fi geek. Leora Lazarus Leora joined the Executive team of the UIA Women’s Division in 2019. She has worked across the globe in financial services focusing on business to business marketing, communications and value propositions. She currently works at MLC. Leora joined the Women’s Division to diversify from her business focus and give back to the community that she now calls home as well as make an impact to the People of Israel. Leora is the mother of two young children. Carli Dvash Carli has worked professionally for the UIA in the Brand and Events area for the past 12 years whilst simultaneously sitting on some of their boards. She is currently on maternity leave and is the proud mother of Ava and Jesse. Carli believes in the values of the Women’s Division and therefore joined the Executive in order to contribute her skills in a meaningful way whilst making an impact on the People of Israel. She is passionate about Israel, animal rights, cooking and food.

The UIA Women’s Division is delighted to support the Professions for Life program for the 2020 campaign. In honour of Keren Hayesod-UIA’s centennial, a strategic decision was made to support a new initiative in this milestone year and a program which resonates with the values of the Women’s Division. The smooth integration of new immigrants after they arrive in Israel is crucial to their success in their new homeland. One of the programs supported by Keren Hayesod-UIA which aims to assist in this process is Professions for Life. This multidimensional program offers a unique path for assisting new immigrants and their families settle into a framework that offers a guiding hand, support and hope for a brighter future. Profession for Life offers a holistic approach to integration and a solid foundation for success. The program assists participants to fast track their professional licenses and/or gain new qualifications that help increase their employability through specialised courses. Simultaneously, participants and their families are also provided Hebrew language lessons, resume and job seeking assistance, housing and social programming. One of the unique qualities of Keren Hayesod-UIA’s outcome driven programs is the provision of life-changing opportunities and long term solutions for new immigrants to become contributing Israeli citizens. This in turn ensures a successful integration where immigrants can achieve independence, employability in high-demand sectors and upward socio-economic mobility. The value add is the reduced strain of government and welfare services. Approximately 700 new olim, predominately from the Former Soviet Union and Ethiopia, participate annually. This program is highly successful in that 99% go on to secure long term employment. We invite our donors to support this valuable and vital program as together we continue to empower and strengthen the People of Israel.

Mazel Tov Ethel The Women’s Division, wish to acknowledge and celebrate the long term and tremendously generous support of Ethel to the UIA. “I believe it is essential to support the Jewish community both at home and overseas, but most especially in Israel. The UIA plays a vital role in creating social justice, aiding the vulnerable, preserving Ethel Goldin and daughter Annette human dignity, and building Chaitman Jewish identity.” We invite any other families who wish to honour their loved ones in a similar way to contact us.




Hello lovely people, What a year this has been! None of us could have envisaged what we have experienced in the last few months but here we are reading this newsletter which means you are well. We are thrilled to update you on KH-UIA news, what’s been happening and our hopes and visions to be in contact with you and welcome you to future UIA functions. While working from home I have been able to speak with many of you, our valued community members. Thank you for your time, continued support and generous commitment to our wonderful projects. It is thanks to you that assistance has been given and maintained for people of all ages. I have learnt a lot from you during our recent conversations. For many of you being alone has been difficult and I felt humbled as you opened your hearts to me, voiced opinions and shared stories with me. You continuously amaze me with your strength, spirit and wisdom. As many of you told me when donating this year. “It is our duty, we’ve been through worse and survived… We have to wait it out… Our families and Israel is what we survived for.” I believe this experience has truly taught us to appreciate what we have, how precious our families are and how quickly our lives can change overnight. We now have a new ‘normal’ to adapt to and work with and so we shall with a very positive attitude. It was wonderful to see many of you at our Gala Event earlier this year and it would be remiss of me not to thank so many of our dear volunteers who worked tirelessly prior to our Gala and in advance for the Women’s Division Brunch and Community Function which unfortunately had to be postponed.

UIA celebrates with dear Lotti Tugendhaft on the occasion of her 100th Birthday year recently on the 5th of June. Mazel Tov Lotti on this special and unique occasion! 100 years – a century- a milestone in your life and the lives of your family, friends and everyone who has the priviledge of knowing YOU. You are a wonderful, radiant lady who lives life to the fullest with your effervescent personality, love for life and to be a part of whatever is happening. May you have continued nachat from your three children, eight grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren (with two more on the way, b’shaa tova). B’simcha rabba rabba.







I will notify you when shiurim will resume with Rabbi Link on Tuesdays 12 – 1pm as restrictions are lifted. Come along and join us and please diarise Tuesday 9 November for this year’s annual outing. For those with email access, I hope many of you have enjoyed our cooking segments and speakers online. Our aim is to keep you involved with our heritage and homeland - Our Israel and we look forward to welcoming you to future functions. Depending on guidelines from the Australian Government, please keep a look out for updates regarding future Missions. Israel’s future is important as many of you feel “it is your duty to give”. Please consider including UIA in your Will. I am happy to speak with you about this confidentially. I will be calling on many of you to meet up in the near future as discussed but if you would like a visit sooner, please call me to make a time to meet. Enjoy cuddling your children and grandchildren again and hold them tightly. They are your legacy. Wishing you good health and happy times ahead.

Estelle Wytwornik

Planned Giving Coordinator



A. Ann & Henry Fajerman B. Harvey Teller OAM & Leah Teller C. Cera & Harry Newhouse D. Gita Cohen & Rabbi Phillip Heilbrunn OAM E. Miriam Suss OAM & Michael Suss F. Dr Harry & Carol Kamien


Mazel Tov Ronald A hearty Mazeltov to dear friend Professor Ronald Taft AM celebrating your 100th birthday. An extraordinary inspiring gentleman who always shares his thoughts and sentiments on so many interesting aspects currently happening in the world today. A true Zionist and proud member of the Zionist League for over 80 years even prior to the State of Israel. He was one of many who supported the idea of a Jewish State inspired by the Balfour Declaration and to this day continues to support the People of Israel. A century of acclaimed successes and recognition for your contributions to society in education and social Psychology research.

Your Will... Israel’s Future Continue the legacy of the Founders and Leaders of Israel by leaving a Bequest or an Endowment Fund for OUR PEOPLE For a confidential discussion, please contact: Idan Goldberger Executive Director/Shaliach Idan.Goldberger@uiavic.org Estelle Wytwornik Planned Giving Co-ordinator Estelle.Wytwornik@uiavic.org or 1300 ISRAEL (1300 477 235)

Professor Taft is blessed to share his life with his family his three children, six grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren. Le’Chayim Le’Chayim!!!!

Weekly Shiurs For many devoted years Rabbi Link has given of his time sharing his knowledge, wisdom and always interesting, interactive lectures to regular attendees. We look forward to once again re-commencing shiurim on a weekly basis when restrictions are lifted. Thinking back to the last time we were together reading megilla and eating hamenstashen on Purim.

For the People of Israel

UIA CERTIFICATES UIA says MAZAL TOV for all occasions

In lieu of gifts, consider a UIA gift certificate Your contribution will provide ongoing support for Youth-at-risk and Olim in Israel. Order by phone 1300 ISRAEL (1300 477 235).



YOUNGUIA The start of 2020 has been an adjustment for us all as we face changes being made to fight Covid-19 locally and globally. UIA has adapted with staff working from home and volunteers and Executive teams improvising to continue canvassing and support our projects in Israel that still need us most. The end of 2019 brought with it the end of our two year commitment to the Lone Soldiers program. We were fortunate to support many lone soldiers both financially and emotionally as our donations helped their integration into Israeli society post army discharge. The beginning of this year saw an exciting change to our YoungUIA Division as we shifted focus to support Net@, a program geared towards turning risk into opportunity. This program aims to increase the social, economic and educational opportunities of the disadvantaged youth from Israel’s geographical and social peripheries through technological education. We are passionate about supporting Net@ as its purpose is to provide youth with good habits, to drive their success in positive ventures and give them opportunities for the future that would not have been possible before. Fortunately Keren Hayesod-UIA has continued to engage our supporters online during this time. Many webinars with dynamic and informative speakers along with fun and exciting online events have been held over the last couple of months. Although YoungUIA have not yet been able to host physical events this year, apart from this year’s Gala Event, we aim to continue to provide our donors and supporters with opportunities in the near future for innovative webinars. Our Executive is dedicated to connecting our generation to each other and our new fundraising focus during these unprecedented times, seeking every opportunity to engage and inspire. We are passionate about growing YoungUIA into a vibrant hub for the young Melbourne Jewish Community. We wouldn’t be able to achieve our success to date without community support. Thank you to our donors, volunteers and everyone involved in YoungUIA and UIA as a collective. Now more than ever we should continue to support those that need us, in particular Israeli Youth that need better prospects in life and to know that Jewish communities around the world are helping to see them succeed. Our incredible Executive team are still working to canvass the community, spread our message and look for ways to build support for Net@ students. Wishing everyone good health over the next couple of months.

Sam Kagan YoungUIA Chair



Our Executive Team Sam Kagan Sam is 30 years old - Melbourne born and raised. This is his second year volunteering for the UIA, he loves contributing to the organisation and was recently appointed to YoungUIA Chair. Sam is a passionate foodie and relishes travelling far and wide for hidden gems and delicious wine. If he’s not strolling the streets of Melbourne, he will be soliciting the latest recommendations on streaming platforms from his network. He is particularly inspired by the rich history and important link between Australia & Israel. Sam has had the privilege of travelling to Israel on many occasions - each time reminded him of how important the Keren Hayesod mission and vision is. He feels empowered as an Australian to work hard as a volunteer and do whatever it takes to help improve the quality of life of less advantaged people in the Holy Land. Most importantly he wants to inspire the next generation to donate and assist those that need us. Sam finds people with giving personalities to be infectious and uses this to drive him and others, keeping up momentum and continuing to contribute. Sam is always free for a coffee or chat and encourages anyone interested in supporting YoungUIA to get in contact if you want to learn how you can get more involved! Lara Biggs Lara has always been committed to volunteering for the local and international Jewish communities. Lara’s family has had a long affiliation with Keren Hayesod. In 2003 her Grandparents took her on the first ever UIA mission for her Bat Mitzvah and from then on her connection to Israel grew even more. In 2019 she joined the YoungUIA Executive as it fulfils her need to have a tangible connection with Israel. It also has provided her with the opportunity to contribute to very worthwhile projects in Israel. Lara hopes that during her time on the YoungUIA Executive she will be able to help find new ways to engage with the next generation in order to strengthen and solidify their connection with Israel and to ensure they feel proud to support the many programs and projects of the UIA. It is very important to never forget the weakest in our community – especially at this difficult time. Dave Skurnik Dave is the proud father of two gorgeous boys with his wife Carly. If he’s not at work, hanging out with his wife, kids and family or doing UIA tasks he is usually on the golf course or having a beer with mates. He is passionate about our Jewish community, creating a better world around us and has been part of YoungUIA for over eight years! He is driven by the amazing results Keren Hayesod-UIA achieve in changing the lives of thousands in Israel through their many projects and supporting Aliyah and absorption. Dave has been lucky enough to visit Israel on UIA’s Kesher program and see the direct impact donations have on these projects, specifically the lives of Youth at risk and their families. Dave believes that aside from the donations we raise, YoungUIA ensures we are involved in the Melbourne Jewish community wherever we can and creates a platform for ongoing community engagement. Anyone who wants to help through donations, volunteering, providing an event space or hosting a speaker will help make a massive contribution to our community and those that we support in Israel. Dave encourages anyone interested to get in touch with him or any YoungUIA team member for more information and to get involved!

Jacob Kingston Jacob has been sitting on the Executive of the YoungUIA division since the beginning of 2019. He volunteers for YoungUIA because he believes it is important to engage and educate young people in our community regarding the progress Israel has made and the challenges it continues to face. Jacob was fortunate to visit Israel last year with UIA on its Young Leadership seminar over Yom Ha’atzmaut, visiting projects such as Net@ that help Israeli Youth living on Israel’s periphery. Jacob believes these projects are vital to the growth of the State and our community support is imperative in order to ensure we maintain a strong Israel. Bianca Saltzman Bianca was particularly attracted to YoungUIA because she feels as though it is an amazing opportunity and platform for her generation to have a connection with Israel. Being on the Executive has provided her with the opportunity to have freedom and creative input for events, fundraisers and projects and further develop her passion for Israel. Ian Ludski Ian joined the YoungUIA Executive during 2018 after being heavily involved in the AZYC and Taglit programs within the ZFA. Since joining the YoungUIA, he has found it provides him and other members a way to support Israel and a platform to connect to like-minded members in our young Australian Jewish Community. Ian believes seeing the direct impact YoungUIA has on such worthy causes like the Net@ program and Lone Soldiers, is what makes being a part of the UIA team so special. To know that wherever we are we can still play a role in helping Israel is so important and keeps him invigorated to continue volunteering. Ian says being able to play a part in such a large and wonderful global organisation that helps so many different people across Israel is a real privilege. Lauren Breckler Lauren is currently in her fifth year of University studying a bachelor of Commerce/Law. She fell in love with Israel when she was 11 years old on a UIA mission. Lauren has been back to Israel numerous times since and spent her gap year volunteering with IBC. When she came home she wanted to continue volunteering for Israel and was excited to join the YoungUIA Executive. Lauren says volunteering with UIA has been an incredible way to give back to Israel while working with likeminded individuals, being creative and having fun.

Josh Silver Josh is 25 years old and is currently working at PWC as a consultant. After visiting Israel most years since 2006, it has become a place he truly calls his second home. Being on the YoungUIA Executive with other young driven leaders has provided Josh an opportunity to give back to a country that has provided him with so many great memories. Rebecca Rothschild Rebecca graduated from Leibler Yavneh College in 2015 and served in the IDF in a combat search and rescue unit in the years to follow. Her army service led her to be a part of and volunteer for the YoungUIA Executive team, as she wanted to stay connected to Israel and feel that she’s still doing her part to support the State while being back in Melbourne. Leora Wytwornik Leora has been a long-time volunteer for UIA. She officially joined the YoungUIA Executive in 2017 and has been working as our Coordinator since. YoungUIA gives her an outlet to harness her passion and support for Israel, focusing on the people who need our help most. Leora says being a part of this team that work to build support for Israel from our community in Victoria has been an incredibly rewarding, eye opening and exciting experience. Fortunately, Leora has visited UIA supported projects during Missions to Israel. She’s moved by the way our donations support Olim in fulfilling their dreams of living in Israel and integrating into Israeli society and more so, how high risk children are rehabilitated in Youth Villages and programs such as Net@ that change the trajectory of their lives. Leora notes to be a small part of an organisation that does such good for this world and for our people is a true privilege. Jess Kobritz Jessica is 26 and works in the property industry, recently completing the Graduate Program at JLL. She is passionate about architecture, design and travel. Jessica visited Israel on a YoungUIA mission at the end of 2019 and was inspired by the projects that UIA supports, one of which being Net@. She realised the importance of helping others in order for them to have better opportunities in life. Joining the team recently, Jessica looks forward to assisting the YoungUIA Executive achieve its mission and raise awareness for their projects.

Follow YoungUIA (Vic) on Facebook along with @youngUIA on Instagram to keep updated on our fundraising efforts, events and the latest news out of Israel.



YOUNGUIA The Net@ Program YoungUIA is proud to support the Net@ program for the 2020 campaign. As hi-tech becomes increasingly central to Israel’s economic success, computer literacy and IT training is critical to ensure social mobility for young Israelis from disadvantaged backgrounds. Israel’s periphery has a lower socio-economic status and is characterised by higher rates of unemployment and high school incompletion compared to urban centres. The Net@ program is geared to increase the social, economic, and educational opportunities of disadvantaged youth from Israel’s geographical and social peripheries through technological education. Net@ is run as an after-school program which instills leadership, personal empowerment and social responsibility values in youth through advanced professional technological skills training over a four-year period. Net@ trains over 1,000 young Israelis annually from all demographics in 15 communities each year. In the face of the Covid-19 crisis, an online platform for students was created to continue to engage in their studies from home, “Net@ On Air”. 1,200 youth participated in all their technological studies and social activities online while Net@ facilities were physically closed. Net@ kids became Digital Leaders during this time as these previously termed high risk youth used their skills to accommodate their own learning whilst helping their families whose work and social lives moved online too. Net@ participants graduate with advanced technological, professional and leadership skills making them top candidates for jobs in science and technology-related fields. Our canvassing efforts are facilitating the positive growth of these youth. The Net@ dream is continuing to come true, even during these difficult times. They continue to need our support especially now to enable these students to continue evolving and hold onto the normalcy Net@ creates for their lives. Hear from students on page 13 on how our donations continue to help them…

Back to group learning after lock down restrictions lifted



Meet Lev Shafran My name is Lev Shafran, I am 16 years old and I am a Year 11 student at ORT Sharat in Nof HaGalil. This is my third year in the Net@ program and this year I had an opportunity to manage the FixIt laboratory. When I first started working in the FixIt laboratory it was challenging—I had some struggles. But my instructor and friends helped me through and we encouraged other students to join the program. I attend, and it is such a nice atmosphere. This year I was also supposed to learn Python and I was really looking forward to it as I have learned C+ and JAVA in the past. I enjoy learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The Net@ classroom experience is fun and educational. The teachers are sensitive to our needs and teach in a way that we understand. Aside from learning important tech skills that I can carry into my future work and military service, the most important skill gained from Net@ is patience. You have to be more patient with other Net@ kids because there can be language barriers we need to work through. We started the year on a positive note and we were progressing really well. For me, managing the laboratory was exciting and challenging overall as I was in charge of tasks and had responsibilities: to make sure everyone understood what needs to be done. It was a great opportunity for me. I wanted to make sure FixIt would be more successful than ever and it was a great place for me to volunteer and invest my time. While physical classes closed and we were all in isolation, I thought Net@ would freeze studies but instead we moved to an online format – Net@ On Air. The lessons were interesting and, for me personally, it was easier to study from home than in the actual classroom. In my few classes per week I could still practice all the coding languages from home. Net@ on Air really helped keep me busing during this time of isolation. For me Net@ is the place where I can learn new things in the technology field and learn materials that are interesting for me at a level that is much higher than high schools offer. Another aspect of Net@ is the social interaction and it is thanks to this project I have the chance to meet Arab students and make new friends. In the future I hope to attain a military scholarship, scholarship through my skills learnt at Net@. In this situation, the military will pay for my first degree and then I will enlist in the IDF using the skills from that degree. Either way, I want to study computer science and work in a tech company.

Meet Tomer Elisha My name is Tomer, I’m 16 years old and live in Ramla. I participate in the Net@ Program. It is a technological youth movement which empowers youth through technology. I love it so much and I’m so happy to take part in Net@ as it has developed my social skills and made me a whole new person. About 3 months ago a very odd thing happened due to the pandemic: school was cancelled alongside the after-school programs and many other good things. What it meant for me is that I would not be able to be with my Net@ group, my friends who I learn with and my students of course. You see as well as being a Net@ student, I am the group leader of Net@ junior’s 7th and 8th grade. I could not get in contact with my students because we were all locked in our houses. We were shocked for a while but then my coordinator announced we are moving to a new method of learning. They called it “Net@ On Air”. We basically learnt through Zoom all the material we were supposed to learn through the year. It was so interesting to learn through the computer and still experience the whole thing. I don’t know if we needed a pandemic to realize how much we care about things but it was a very cool experience.

Meet Jennifer Shamshum I’m Jennifer, I’m 17 years old and I’ve been in Net@ for 4 years. This year we are studying Python - a coding language. Net@ for me is a second home, not only do I learn a lot but the people there are my family. Every week I can’t wait to go to Net@ to see my friends and my instructor. This program means a lot to me and I’ll never forget the experiences that I went through all thanks to Net@. This year the whole globe had to face one of the deadliest diseases. Dealing with this challenge was really hard for everybody, we didn’t know what’s going to happen with school and our education. Net@ On Air was the only clear and stable thing I had during this period. Twice a week we studied for an hour and I looked forward to these lessons. The instructors were patient and explained the material without any interruptions. They even did social activities through Zoom which was a lot fun. I personally am really thankful for all the hard work that went to building the time table and the instructors that cleared time just for us during this pandemic.



100 YEARS OF KEREN HAYESOD-UIA KH-UIA was established in London, then relocated to Jerusalem Provided resources to facilitate the return to the Land of Israel Jewish Agency established, KH-UIA becoming its fundraising arm

Established emergency campaigns during WWII Smuggled survivors into the Land of Israel

1920’s 1930’s 1 9 4 0 ’s

Played a central role in planning to bring German Jews to Israel Established and developed Haifa Bay suburb Founded cultural institutions such as Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

State of Israel established

1950’s Economic recession requiring KH-UIA’s assistance to address social needs Record funds raised following 6 Day War Plight of Soviet Jewry emerged as a priority

Operation Moses brought 5,000 immigrants from Ethiopia KH-UIA led programmes supported those in economic distress

1 9 6 0 ’s 1970’s 1 9 8 0 ’s

Implosion of Soviet Union impacted immigration to Israel dramatically

1 9 9 0 ’s

2nd Intifada led to KH-UIA’s development of new projects such as Net@ and Youth Futures

2 0 0 0 ’s

KH-UIA focussed on addressing needs of communities on the periphery Lead partner in Jewish Agency Fund for Victims of Terror

2 0 1 0 ’s

Law passed recognising KHUIA as the official fundraising arm of the State of Israel Huge wave of immigration following declaration of the State Increased demand for social, educational and cultural services

Increased support for Aliyah following massive wave of immigration Yom Kippur War Emergency Campaign raised $300 million Launched International Women’s Division and Young Leadership Division

Operation Solomon brought 14,000 immigrants from Ethiopia Over 1 million immigrants created demands for immigrant services, housing and jobs Oslo process enabled KH-UIA to organise global events not previously possible Operating over 60 Campaigns worldwide in 45 countries Continues to advance national priorities of Israel and world Jewry through social programmes Operation Protective Edge global solidarity fund for bomb shelters



CELEBRATING 100 YEARS Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal at 100: Looking back and forward “Without Keren Hayesod there would have been no State of Israel.” President Reuven Rivlin (2018) 3D printed homes. Undersea cities. These are just a few of the things that futurists are predicting for 100 years from now. Sounds unbelievable? No less than the idea of a powerful Jewish state in the Land of Israel seemed a century ago. In 1920, Mandatory Palestine was a backward, desolate place. Centuries of neglect had left the land depleted. Deadly diseases were rampant and the rate of infant mortality staggering. 60,000 Jews were desperately trying to make a living while defending themselves against a violent Arab population. The situation of world Jewry was also dire. “Two-thirds of the Jewish race is at this moment living under conditions of unendurable anguish,” read the Keren Hayesod Manifesto. “Uprooted from their homes, butchered without mercy, exposed to such an outburst of unrestrained savagery as Europe has not witnessed for four hundred years, entire communities are being relentlessly exterminated…” The Land of Israel offered a potential haven, a chance for ‘normalisation’ and the ability to control their own destiny. The Balfour Declaration, issued in 1917, had recognised the right of the Jews to a homeland in Palestine. The Jewish leaders who met in London understood the need to establish an organised framework to turn the age-old dream of the return to Zion into a feasible reality. Keren Hayesod-UIA (KH-UIA) embarked on a mission of national revival, the likes of which had not been undertaken in 2,500 years. It galvanised the Jews of the Diaspora, who, compelled by concern for the future of their people, gave generously of their money, time and energy to the new organisation. Yet the challenge of creating a sovereign state out of nothing and the sheer scope of this venture was mind-boggling. KH-UIA brought and resettled hundreds of thousands of immigrants and created physical, social and educational infrastructures for the state in progress. It helped build hundreds of kibbutzim and establish a defense force. It paved roads, drained swampland and reforested arid lands. It provided housing and jobs, and helped set up the education system, Hebrew University, health care system, banking system, El Al Airlines and many other institutions that became the backbone of Israeli society. It worked feverishly to bring Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe and to strengthen the settlement enterprise. By 1948, a Jewish state was no longer a utopian dream. Yet tiny newborn Israel, which lost one percent of its population in its War of Independence, faced the huge task of absorbing hundreds of thousands of Holocaust survivors and refugees from Arab countries. From its inception, KH-UIA’s mission was mutual responsibility and the need to be there for the People of Israel. With the support of its worldwide donors, who at every juncture in history rallied to Israel’s side, KH-UIA helped build hundreds of border settlements and development towns. There was barely an aspect of life that it wasn’t involved in - from Youth Aliyah and rescue, to setting up absorption centres and Hebrew language ulpanim, youth villages, kindergartens and hospitals.

Fast forward 72 years: despite the heavy human and financial toll taken by the many wars that Israel was forced to fight, it brought over 3,500,000 olim - oppressed Soviet Jews, Ethiopian Jews who had been cut off from mainstream Jewry for thousands of years, Jews from distressed countries and others - back home and facilitated their integration so that Israel today is the spiritual, cultural and population centre of the Jewish people. The inventiveness and ingenuity that characterised the young country has made it a global leader in security, agriculture, science, technology, medicine and other fields. All these achievements were made possible with the help of KH-UIA donors, who serve as a bridge linking world Jewry and the State of Israel. On to the next 100 years: the same perseverance and passion that fired KH-UIA’s founders continues to drive our worldwide family. A Jewish state is a vibrant, flourishing reality. Yet, immense challenges remain. In Israel at-risk youth, vulnerable populations, Holocaust survivors and other elderly people are in desperate need of support. A sustained campaign of terror and attacks on our borders continue to undermine our national safety. Around the globe, particularly in Europe, the flames of antisemitism are once again burning. Where do we go from here? It is our responsibility to safeguard the future of the Jewish state and Jewish People worldwide. We must bestow our children and grandchildren the gift of belonging to something greater than themselves, the security of being part of a family that connects them to their past and links them to their future.

Keren Hayesod-UIA - For the People of Israel: For the past century, KH-UIA supporters have demonstrated that ‘all of Israel is responsible one for the other’, reflecting their unconditional love for the Jewish People and homeland. This spirit will continue to inform the global KH-UIA family for the next 100 years, as they address contemporary challenges and strengthen the State of Israel as a safeguard for Jews around the world. KH-UIA was and will continue to be ‘For the people of Israel’.



CELEBRATING 100 YEARS Update on Keren Hayesod leadership position from Sam Grundwerg, World Chairman The Coronavirus crisis that has plagued the world has had farreaching, detrimental economic effects and is presenting great challenges for the philanthropic world, and for Keren Hayesod in particular. In order to continue its important social mission in the face of reduced incoming donations, Keren Hayesod with great regret - has had to significantly reduce its scope of activities and has sent many employees on unpaid leave. For months now, Keren Hayesod has not held in-person meetings in its offices and events and missions have been cancelled. We do not know when our activities will resume normally and cannot estimate the ultimate impact of the crisis on the organisation. Many Jewish philanthropic organisations around the world have had to take painful cost­c utting measures relating to manpower. At this moment, we are forced to leave some of our employees on unpaid leave despite our awareness that this is causing a labor dispute, which is being led by the employees’ union, between management and employees. Our leadership and professionals are closely monitoring the situation to see how the organisation can continue to function properly and meet our commitments. This will ensure that all of our social projects continue, knowing their critical importance to Israeli society. In the past few months, we had hoped that we would soon be able to return to our normal routine and plans. With that goal in mind, despite the difficult circumstances, we pursued the process of appointing and onboarding a new CEO of the organization. Polly Bronstein was our chosen candidate and was scheduled to begin working in June.

Polly successfully passed all of the recruiting and screening processes. We found her to be eminently suitable for the CEO position as she possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience that would be a fine fit for the management position of Keren Hayesod. However, in light of the aforementioned financial crisis, the Board of Directors has regrettably decided not to proceed with Polly’s on-boarding process. Instead, in the interest of strong fiscal management, I will continue to retain both the world chairmanship as well as the CEO position, a role I have been fulfilling on an interim basis for the last six months. While this decision aligns with our critical financial responsibility to the organisation until there is greater certainty on the scope and duration of the current crisis, it is also particularly appropriate in light of the pain engendered by our general workforce reduction. Simply put, I am endeavouring to create a “tone at the top,” which demonstrates leadership and a willingness to do more with less during these trying times. This was not an easy step for Keren Hayesod, both on a personal and professional level. Under normal circumstances, the organisation would be very well served with staffing the CEO position with a candidate of Polly’s background and skills. Yet the current situation simply does not allow for us to continue with our original plan. We are required to reduce spending and focus on a possible emergency situation in the near future. It is for this reason that we are regretfully notifying you of this change in plan. I have personally and deeply apologized to Polly, and I now want to take this opportunity to thank her for her eagerness to contribute to Israeli society and be part of Keren Hayesod’s mission. It goes without saying that we wish Polly and her family all the best for the future. In its 100th year, and as it has always done in the past, Keren Hayesod will overcome these current difficulties and continue to conduct our critical work. It is my fervent hope and belief that we will soon return to our routine activities and that our organization will emerge from this crisis united and strong, so we can continue serving the People of Israel for our next 100 years. Thank you for your understanding and support. Sam Grundwerg World Chairman





WEBINARS A New way of engaging with our donors – Introducing S.I.T. Stay in Touch! UIA launched its first online cooking event with Israeli celebrity chef and television personality Moshe Segev. Over 600 supporters tuned in from Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and beyond on a Zoom webinar, as Segev demonstrated four of his signature dishes for participants to either cook along with or simply relax and watch. Participants also had the chance to ask questions that Segev answered live.

economy. Lt.Col. Jonathan Conricus – presented an updated security briefing and discussion about the many ways that the IDF is assisting Israel in the COVID-19 crisis from the IDF English Spokesman to the world. Steven Lowy AM gave an exclusive update on the effects COVID-19 has had on our major projects in Israel. This was a special dedicated webinar to thank our volunteers and supporters for all their hard work. Our latest webinar, with Miznon Melbourne Head chef Afik Gal, was a huge success with over 600 registered for the event. The feedback we have been receiving from the range of unique and exciting online events and lectures UIA is holding has been gratifying. Keeping our UIA global family connected during these unprecedented times has been the priority for us and the results so far have been remarkable. It is great to see the community responding so well to the usual first-rate UIA events – only now moved online!

O w n i n g f i v e a w a rd - w i n n i n g restaurants across Israel and cooking regularly for the Prime Minister, Moshe brings culinary combinations from around the world to the Israeli kitchen. Following on from the success of Moshe Segev we have had targeted webinars appealing to our various donors. Dr Nir Tsuk, who advises and lectures citizen organisations, entrepreneurs, government bodies and companies, spoke about ‘Innovation in Times of Crisis’. UIA partnered with Elwood Shule for an online Havdalah Ceremony with Rabbi Shmuel Karnowsky and UIA’s Executive Director and Shaliach, Idan Goldberger, shared his story of his critical injury during service in the IDF. A boardroom lunch with Safi Amasha, Israel’s Attache, discussed the key strategic issues in the Middle East, including involvement in strategic dialogues and peace negotiations. The Women’s Division hosted Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem in charge of Foreign Relations, where she discussed Jerusalem: A Microcosm of Israel Challenges and Opportunities during Coronavirus. Dr Nadine Bauot – Trajtenberg spoke to our Major Donors about the impact of COVID-19 on Israel’s

Meet Jeff Feldman Introducing Jeff Feldman, UIA Victoria’s new CEO. Jeff brings a wealth of experience from many years as a senior executive in the corporate sphere and work in volunteer roles within the Jewish community, including as chairman of Central Shule. He has a formal background in law and experience in management, consulting, finance, strategy and corporate governance. Jeff is excited to be giving back to his community and making a positive and meaningful contribution to Israel. “I firmly believe that if it were not for Israel, we could not be Jews in the galut. I am excited to work together with the UIA Victoria and Keren Hayesod teams to do what we as a community need to do to support Israel” Hayley Southwick said “Jeff brings a wonderful mix of skills and passion to the role at a critical time in the history of Keren Hayesod and UIA Victoria in particular.” “At this time when we are forced to re-evaluate how all charities conduct business and how we maintain connection with the community and keep the community connected with Israel, a person with Jeff’s capacity help guide the organisation’s staff and board.” We welcome Jeff to the UIA team and look forward to working with him.



OUR PROJECTS DURING COVID-19 Aliyah needs our help now more than ever!

Aliyah has always been the core foundation of the Jewish Agency and Keren Hayesod-UIA, and now in times of need, Israel as the homeland and safe haven of the Jewish people is being tested again.

Supporting our Youth in Israel As Israel and the entire world struggle to cope with and contain the Coronavirus, Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal and the Jewish Agency remain alert and ready to respond in every way possible. The situation is fluid and instructions are being constantly updated and changed according to the progress of this deadly unprecedented virus. One thing is clear, the new Coronavirus reality has left everyone, especially Israel’s children at-risk, in severe distress. Children have not been in school for many weeks and struggle every day to keep busy and avoid feelings of loneliness and overall despair. Even in the best of times, the situation among Israel’s children at-risk is extremely poor. According to the most recent OECD report, Israel’s poverty rate is the highest of all member states with 850,000 children living below the poverty line: one out of every four children.

As of 1948, it was decided by the declaration of Independence that Israel is the homeland for the Jewish people, and as such, every Jew, wherever he is, will find Israel as his home whenever he chooses to make Aliyah. Israel, like the rest of the world, is facing difficult times but does not forget its obligation to the Jewish People and therefore will not stop absorbing new immigrants (olim). Since the Coronavirus outbreak, Aliyah requests are on the rise due to the lack of treatment in some governments around the world and due to the rise in anti-Semitism. However, due to flight restrictions and bans, only 1000 new immigrants have arrived until now. We expect a wave of tens of thousands (40,000) to arrive by the end of the year. Currently the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Ministry of Absorption are working on thousands of new Aliyah requests and we expect the first wave to arrive in July 2020 - approximately 10,000 olim. According to a recent report by Tel Aviv University researchers, there was an 18% increase in anti-Semitism in 2019 with seven Jews who were killed in more than 450 attacks across the globe against synagogues, community centres and other Jewish targets. The Coronavirus outbreak has sparked a further rise in anti-Semitic expression blaming Jews for the spread of the disease and the economic recession it has caused. This year, each and every one of us is facing difficulties, whether health or economic issues, but we must not forget our obligation to one another, as a collective, as one nation. The Jewish People helped one another in the most difficult and dire times in history – we stood together and united – and this is one of the times that the Jewish People as a collective need your help. The amount of money needed for an oleh has risen approximately 20% due to two main reasons: 1. Quarantine period upon arrival The Ministry of Health requires all new immigrants to enter a 14day quarantine period in a temporary housing facility before they are allowed to move to absorption centres. The cost of a 14-day quarantine stay is $873 per person, which means that only for the 1000 new immigrants that arrived since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak, the cost of the quarantine is $873,000, and more is needed for future new immigrants. 2. Flight costs It is anticipated that flight costs will rise significantly due to new flight regulations.



One important initiative that has been helping to eliminate Israel’s social divide for more than twelve years is the Jewish Agency’s Youth Futures program that is supported through Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal. It was created to provide at-risk children (ages 6-13) and their families, especially in peripheral cities and areas, with comprehensive, tailored interventions to help them succeed academically, socially and in life in general. At the heart of the program are mentors, professionally trained and qualified, that provide individual support to each child and family to help them bridge critical educational and social gaps. With over 14,000 participants in 36 communities nationwide, the program has gained the support of the Israeli Government which plays an active and substantial role in promoting the Youth Futures vision and model. The economic situation among Israel’s youth at-risk and the mentors involved with the Youth Futures program has been exacerbated by Coronavirus. More than one-third of the participants come from large families with four or more children. Many of these families are in severe economic distress and matters have only deteriorated over the past few months as many parents have been laid off or placed on unpaid leave, leaving them with little or no money to pay for basic needs such as food. In addition, many of the mentors who work in the Youth Futures program are in financial distress because they too were placed on unpaid leave until the end of May due to the financial impact of the Coronavirus pandemic upon Youth Futures and consequently have no money to pay rent or buy food. Despite these facts, mentors continue to be in contact with youth through telephone, social media and the Internet and act as a support network as much as possible. The program staff is making plans to resume activities at the end of May and Youth Futures will undoubtedly play a vital role in getting Israel’s youth at-risk get back on track to success. Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal and the Jewish Agency are more committed than ever to helping Israel’s youth at-risk and their families in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Helping Israel’s Elderly Survive the Coronavirus Pandemic The Coronavirus pandemic plaguing the entire world is disproportionality affecting people with weakened immune systems, especially the elderly. In Israel, where the country took drastic measures early on to close its skies and impose strict social distancing measures, the number of elderly people infected with the deadly virus is roughly 20%. However, the number of elderly who have passed away from the virus is much higher. In fact, among the 200 Israelis who have died as a result of the Coronavirus, more than one third of the victims were residents of nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. It is our duty to ensure that Israel’s elderly population is not left behind during the Coronavirus pandemic. Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal is committed to making sure Israel’s elderly population who live in Amigour sheltered housing facilities are properly cared for. Amigour is Israel’s leading operator of public and sheltered housing facilities. Today, over 7,500 low-income seniors across the country enjoy affordable housing and independent living in 57 Amigour facilities throughout Israel. A large majority of residents are new immigrants from the former Soviet Union and are Holocaust survivors. Without Amigour, these men and women would simply not have a place to live or get the care that they need to live the rest of their years in dignity. Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Israel, the Israeli Ministry of Health has imposed special instructions for high risk populations, especially the elderly: to remain at home and wash hands often. Instead of attending the vast array of daily social and leisure activities that provide intellectual stimulation and social interaction, each resident has been confined to his/her small apartment. This situation has left Israel’s elderly population feeling extremely isolated and in despair, with no end in sight. It has been especially devastating for Amigour residents because many of them lack a support system of family and friends and simply do not have anyone to help them with basic needs such as food packages.

Food Packages delivered during Corona Virus

Elderly couple living in Amigour Shelter

During this challenging time, Amigour is carrying out special social and cultural activities to ease the loneliness of the quarantined elderly, including special sessions with singers, dancers, bingo and lectures on various topics that are planned to take place. All of this is done while keeping social distancing. For example, a singer performs in the yard and the elderly sit at a distance or on balconies and enjoy themselves Amigour staff are constantly keeping residents up to date with the latest health department orders and actions emphasising the importance of personal hygiene, especially disinfecting their hands, which can easily transmit the Coronavirus. One of the biggest issues now is to make sure that Amigour facilities are properly maintained so that residents can have the maximum quality of life possible. For example, if a third party enters an Amigour facility, they pose a serious threat of infecting residents. Many residents do not even have proper sanitizer to disinfect their apartments and prevent them from being infected with the deadly Coronavirus.

Delivering supplies to Amigour Shelters

KH volunteers packing food supplies for the elderly



HOW CAN I HELP ISRAEL THROUGH KEREN HAYESOD-UIA? This past year, was replete with challenges to the Jewish state. Your steadfast support is a tremendous source of strength to Israel and a reaffirmation of the unshakeable bond that connects the Jewish people to its homeland. Here are ways you can help Israel through Keren Hayesod-UIA:

BE A LEADER – VOLUNTEER IN YOUR LOCAL CAMPAIGN Donate your time and energy! With just a few hours of volunteering, you can make a meaningful difference. We offer various frameworks for volunteering suited for different groups, professions, ages, locally and internationally. Get involved and become part of a dynamic worldwide network.

WORLD CONFERENCE FROM UIA AROUND THE WORLD Join activists and leaders from around the world and make your voice heard. Learn about Keren Hayesod-UIA’s innovative programs that help the State of Israel address major strategic challenges and strengthen Israel and the Jewish people worldwide.

REMEMBER ISRAEL IN YOUR WILL When you leave a legacy to Keren Hayesod-UIA you help secure Israel’s future, while linking your name to the Jewish state in perpetuity.

WALK ISRAEL 2021 Join our annual Walk Israel in support of Youth Futures. This year, we will complete the Israel National Trail as we set out on the final portion from Haifa and finally reach Jerusalem. Hike with us in 2021.

VISIT ISRAEL ON A KEREN HAYESOD SOLIDARITY MISSION A Keren Hayesod-UIA mission, specially tailored to your interests and concerns, will give you an insider’s view of Israel. Enjoy an exciting encounter with the Jewish state, learn about the latest developments from the people who are making them happen and see firsthand the impact of our work.

SUPPORT ISRAEL FINANCIALLY Your gift to Keren Hayesod-UIA helps address the priority needs of Israel and the Jewish people. Together we are assisting aliyah, ensuring critical programs for peripheral communities in Israel and strengthening Jewish communities around the world. 20


THIS IS HOW YOUR MONEY MADE AN IMPACT IN 2019: A quantitative chart showing the impact we made. These numbers are a reflection of our shared successes and also the need to continue addressing the people of Israel’s most critical and important needs.











TOTAL: US$ 148.9 MILLION* *Based on data available as of December 13, 2019. Subject to change. MID-YEAR NEWSLETTER 2020


VOLUNTEERS Volunteers form the backbone of the UIA. We sat down with four of our dedicated volunteers to ask them about their experiences. What attracted you to becoming a UIA volunteer? R.W. Wanting to support an organisation that provides vital support to many important groups of people in Israel. I have experienced the importance the UIA has played in helping to continue to build the Israel we all know and love. E.G. When I saw the incredible work Idan and the team put into the endeavours for Israel I wanted to assist. P.S. With some spare time on my hands I decided to volunteer and helped out at a few places. Because my Dad (who passed away in 1972) was very active in IUA in South Africa, I decided to help out at UIA here, where I discovered how lovely and welcoming the staff were. H.E. It was only post school in my young adulthood that I learnt what it is to be Jewish and Israel’s central role in all our lives post the Shoah I guess my acute awareness of Israel and its pivotal role in Jewish life came about during the June 1967 Six Day War. Later at the age of 18, our family did a trip to Israel and that was an absolute eye-opener to me. That was the connection for me, a young person having come from a very secular background and now feeling an affinity with the fledging State of Israel. So years later, when someone called around at my home in Templestowe collecting for Israel and asked me if I would be interested in joining the cause as a volunteer for UIA, - I accepted the challenge. How long have you been canvassing for UIA? R.W. About 2 years. E.G. I think about 12 months. P.S. I have been phone canvassing for UIA for about 5 years. H.E. Since the early nineties - must be very close to thirty years now.

H.E. On a visit to Israel I arranged to “connect with Keren Hayesod. Clearly “someone” from UIA Australia had told them I was a volunteer. I was treated like royalty and got to join some KH-UIA Canadian VIPs group tours. It was a side of Israel that made me feel proud of the organisation and Israel. What have been some of the challenges you have been faced with? R.W. Knowing that I am calling supporters who are being asked to help many important causes in Israel. Knowing and reminding our supporters of the vital and tangible projects that make a real difference to Israel and the Israeli people. E.G. When I was confronted by people who refused to donate because of Israel’s involvement in keeping the former headmistress of Adass in Israel. P.S. The greatest challenge when canvassing on the phones is to get through to the donor. Also to get the donation on credit card to avoid additional administration costs. It is also a challenge to get an increase in the donation as costs in Israel increase. H.E. There have been challenging times over the years, especially during periods of economic downturn in Australia. It has been hard canvassing during times when their has been negative publicity towards Israel. Why do you think it is more important now more than ever to give? R.W. As a Jewish community we call Israel our home and we are proud that Israel has become a strong and leading hi-tech country. So while we are not living in Israel we have a duty as Diaspora Jews to support the Israeli organisations helping those in need and to ensure Israel will always be our home.

What has been one of your most rewarding moments of volunteering?

E.G. In addition to the challenges COVID-19 has placed on the world Israel has the additional on going daily battle with it’s enemies to deal with as well.

R.W. As a fundraiser, I always enjoy speaking to other people who love supporting the continued growth of Israel and seeing how the Jewish community continue to see Israel as the centre of the Jewish world.

P.S. Jews have always helped each other in difficult times and this is such a time.

E.G. When people thanked me for calling them. P.S. The most rewarding moments in volunteering: A) When the contributions come in easily and the donors are kind and generous.

H.E. There is never a more important or less important time to give. Life goes on irrespective, and new challenges will appear unannounced that present their own unique challenges and problems, like Covid-19. When ever I canvas to give to Israel it is an important time in Israel’s eternal existence.

B) When I was awarded a volunteer recognition award for my dedication and devotion to the People of Israel. C) Meeting the UIA staff and members.

Meet our volunteers

Phillipa Seidel – P.S.


Richard Weider – R.W.


Ella Gorenstein – E.G.

Herbert Epstein – H.E.

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Gandel Philanthropy and the extended Gandel family is committed to supporting the Australian community as well as our Jewish community partners in Australia; and our partners in Israel through the UIA, through this difficult period of time.

We hope you and your families are well, healthy, and safe. We are all in this together and we will all get through this together.



We are Proud National Supporters of the

United Israel Appeal VGI Partners are committed to supporting the Australian community and furthering social cohesion and education, inclusive of our Jewish community. The UIA makes a unique and beneficial contribution to society.




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For the People of Israel

2020 CAMPAIGN Name: Email: Address: Telephone: Fax: MY TAX DEDUCTIBLE PLEDGE FOR 2020 is $ Payment Details Please make cheque payable to UIARRFL Payment Type:




AMEX Direct Debit Account name UIARRFL BSB 083 004 Account Number 860 176 241 Please put your surname as reference



Card number:


I / We would be interested in receiving information regarding Wills and Bequests

Signature: Please send to the UIA Office: P.O. Box 337 Caulfield Victoria 3162

Donate online at www.uiaaustralia.org.au or call 1300 ISRAEL (1300 477 235) All donations over $2 are tax deductible



Executive Team

Hon Life Chairman UIA Australia Mark Leibler AC Jack Smorgon AO

Hayley Southwick* Julian Black OAM* Mark Kessel* Dave Skurnik* Idan Goldberger* Leon Jacobs* Lisa Silver* Warren Samuel* Jeremy Samuel* Ashleigh Pyke* Elissa Sharp* Amanda Jolson* Peter Horovitz* Kylie Appel* Jeff Feldman*

President UIA Australia Lance Rosenberg Vice President UIA Australia Esther Frenkiel OAM President UIA Victoria Hayley Southwick Treasurer UIA Victoria & Australia Julian Black OAM

Women’s Division Executive Amanda Jolson (Co-chair) Ashleigh Pyke (Co-chair) Elissa Sharp (Co-chair) Serena Rotenberg Carli Dvash Leora Lazarus Sharna Black


Cabinet Harriet Warlow-Shill Jeremy Leibler Atida Lipshatz


If you have already contributed to the 2020 campaign, we thank you for your support.

YoungUIA Executive Sam Kagan (Chairman) Dave Skurnik Leora Wytwornik Ian Ludski Rebecca Rothschild Jacob Kingston Josh Silver Lauren Breckler Lara Briggs Jess Kobritz Bianca Saltzman

Professional Staff Executive Director and Shaliach Idan Goldberger

Senior Accountant Victoria & Financial Controller Australia Nonna Aleksenitser Planned Giving Coordinator Estelle Wytwornik IT & Systems Manager Wayne Levin Executive Assistant To Executive Director Jenny Bourstein Bookkeeper Jane Lyubic Reception Adrienne Perch Campaign Coordinator Simonne Winecier

Chief Executive Officer Jeff Feldman

Donor Liaison & Campaign Coordinator Henry Holzer

Chief Operating Officer Leon Jacobs

YoungUIA Coordinator Leora Wytwornik

Brand & Events Manager Lisa Silver

* Member of the Cabinet

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