UCB Strategic Impact Plan 2021-2024

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Strategic Impact Plan

2021 - 2024 Investing in Our Leaders


RETURING TO LEADERSHIP Social capital is strengthened by community leaders In 2014 we piloted a new civic engagement model with a small team of dedicated community leaders from across Boston. Our mission became to transform social capital into opportunity by rewarding community engagement. Our vision became a belief that community collaboration cultivates equity for all Bostonians. The value of social capital can be measured in the job created and opportunity accessed, as well as in the laughter generated and the trust that is cultivated. More so than ever, our country and community is being challenged by the divides fueled by racism and class inequity. These divides cannot always be seen nor measured, but they can be overcome when people connect in shared spaces, break bread, and determine ways they can work together on shared challenges. The key to making those connections and doing that organizing are community leaders. Seven years later, we return to our leaders: the foundation of our organization’s impact and the cornerstone of vibrant communities. We are excited to share with you our Strategic Impact Plan, and even more excited to make this plan a reality in the coming three years.

Watch our Strategic Plan video story

Video produced by EmVision Productions


Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024

We will need your support. For our next level of growth we plan to launch a new leadership training program, and expand the number of leaders, members, partners, and programs. We aim to measure our social capital impact in multifaceted ways to account for the powerful forms in which community engagement makes an impact: be it helping others in a time of need, obtaining a new job through our networks, or advocating to change systems of oppression. We hope you will take a few minutes to review our plan and consider contributing your own social capital; your ideas, connections, and support are key to strengthening our impact.

With deep gratitude for the vibrant community we are building together, Diana Garcia - Network Coordinator Dennis Hicks - Director of Leadership Marchelle Jacques-Yarde - Director of Operations and Partnerships Eric Leslie - Founder/Lead Organizer Jalina Suggs - Director of Networks




Building the UCB Engagement Triangle In 2014, we started with a mobile rewards app that awards points for the hours that members engage in our community. These hours add up to Visa gift card rewards and serve as the foundation for participating in the UCB network. This innovative approach to fostering social capital, rooted in equity and evidence-based knowledge, merges applied behavioral science, community organizing, and technology. Signing up for the UCB App is the entry point for UCB membership and enables us to efficiently and effectively connect and communicate with thousands of Bostonians. We post and share thousands of events and resources every year that our members can access and attend based on their needs and interests, much like a digital coupon circular for a grocery store. Thousands of UCB Members use our App every year to attend events, sign-up for programs, access resources, and participate in civic life.


Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Since 2014 UCB has awarded over $1.4 million to over 3,000 members for taking actions that strengthen our community.

When the Covid pandemic began in March 2020, UCB was able to harness its digital tool to immediately communicate with members about direct aid and services. In total we raised over $480,000 of emergency aid, providing $150 Visa cards for over 3,150 families in need during the crisis.

Photos submitted by UCB Members at events using the UCB App.



The UCB Data Dashboard documents the hours of engagement and the value of rewards earned for staying connected and engaging in our network. Shown here is our data report from our prior fiscal year (July 2020-June 2021)

• In Fiscal Year 2021, 2,611 UCB Members logged 182,245 hours of community engagement earning $131,225. • For active members, this amounted to an average of $185 for the year. • The average amount of time spent in community engagement activities by each member every single day of the year was 19 minutes (our Union Capital Index)!


Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024

“I am able to attend so many community events because UCB made me aware of the event that I would not have ever known. UCB makes it easy to network with so many people that whatever you need, you can find a way to get it or do it.” - UCB Member


In 2017 UCB launched our Network Night program, based on the model created by Trusted Space Partners. At Network Nights, both in-person and virtual, UCB Members meet, connect, learn about community programs, and share resources with each other. Network Nights serve as a modern form of a “village square” where we can build relationships and opportunities together.

“Network Nights have opened up my horizons and have allowed me to use my voice and boost my self esteem.” - UCB Member


UCB now hosts over 100 Network Nights per year, averaging over 100 attendees at each one. Through the social connections built as a result of Network Nights, UCB Members who attend have a higher rate of employment compared to those who do not.

UCB Members not only engage at UCB events; they attend and share at thousands of UCB partner organization programs and events. UCB partners with over 30 missiondriven organizations, such as early childcare programs, K-12 schools, community health centers, affordable housing programs, neighborhood service organizations, and financial

empowerment programs. UCB invites members from these organizations to sign-up for the UCB App and be rewarded for participating at their own program events, thereby increasing engagement, recognizing their participation, and strengthening the impact of our organizational partners.

Each Network Night averages 10-15 offers and requests for goods, services, and favors between members. This results in over 1,000 annual direct exchanges of support generated by UCB Members sharing at our events. Everything from exchanging children’s clothing and furniture, to offering a ‘cheer up’ phone call, to helping babysit for a mother while she interviews for a job.




In 2021, UCB was one of six nonprofit organizations to be selected for pro bono consulting support from Community Consulting Teams - Boston. CCT conducted an extensive review of our model by interviewing our stakeholders. Their analysis, combined with our own reflection, determined the path forward: We must make a deeper investment in our leadership development.

Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024

“Being a leader in UCB has opened so many doors for me. Through just this one network I have gained 4 new streams of income. These experiences go far beyond the pay, they have enriched my life in so many ways.” - UCB Network Leader

We have always made space at the top of our Civic Engagement triangle for engaged UCB Members to lead our programs and take on their own organizing efforts: We developed a Network Leader Fellowship Program whereby leaders from our partner organizations receive leadership training to recruit new UCB Members from their organizations, host Network Nights, and support engagement in their programs. We have provided virtual and physical space and resources for UCB Members to launch their own gatherings and initiatives. UCB Members host trainings, workshops, service events, and community actions leveraging our membership base, rewards model, communication tools, and technical support. While these investments have produced impressive organic results through the years, we are at a pivotal moment to invest further in the potential of our leaders. We must increase our capacity and expertise to train, coach, and support our members who are interested in growing their community impact. unioncapitalboston.org


Our new Leadership Development program will invest in UCB Members who want to broaden their

Entrepreneurial Development Social service & nonprofit leadership

community engagement in the following areas

Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Civic & political action

Investing in our leaders creates impact ripples in our community waters Investing in our members’ leadership development will have two reciprocal benefits: 1) Individual leaders will develop their personal skills, which they can utilize in a multitude of professional capacities and will increase their opportunities for employment and impact. 2) The initiatives that leaders launch and grow will directly benefit our members, who will then utilize the services they provide, patronize the businesses they launch, and benefit from the civic actions and policies that they influence.



IMPLEMENTATION PLAN YEAR 1 Fall 2021: Hire a Director of Leadership Winter 2022: Conduct a thorough analysis of leadership development program design Spring 2022: Launch a leadership training pilot

YEAR 2 Evaluate impact of initial pilot Develop a plan and expand funds to launch full scale training program Launch the fully formed leadership training program

YEAR 3 Evaluate the value and improvement areas of the new training program Grow the program to bring on new leaders Create an alumni mentorship program to support the next generation of leaders

Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024

“I feel a part of a network of people that want to make a difference in our communities.” - UCB Member

In addition to quantitative impact, we aim to measure our success by analyzing foundational, systemic processes that lead to individual and collective transformations: What is the tangible value of UCB’s support, training, and network access? How can we link the impact of our leadership development training with the greater community benefit generated by these initiatives, which are grown within our model and fueled by our social capital network? How does investing in community leadership spark sustainable change that is grounded in our people’s voices, their collective joy, and our shared vision for a brighter future in Boston?



UCB App photos

2021-2024 FINANCIAL PLAN Growing Sustainability and Increasing our Training & Programs


Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024


17% UCB Rewards Program



2% Fundraising Expenses

Salaries & Wages

15% Leadership Training Program


UCB Network Nights & Events


Operational Expenses


UCB + YOU Our aim in the next three years is to build our network of diverse, dynamic leaders. Through their leadership we can better connect people and organizations across Boston, and in so doing, create the space, mechanism, and power to organize for lasting change in our community. Your support -- from concepts to connections to financial contributions -- will help us to thoughtfully design this new program, connect it to our existing model, measure its effectiveness, and ultimately ensure a positive impact for our families and communities.

Will you pledge to join us?

Fill out this quick form to pledge your guidance and support:



Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Stay Connected with Union Capital Boston! Instagram: ucboston Facebook: unioncapitalboston Twitter: UCBoston


Our work and impact is only possible thanks to our invaluable team of staff, leaders, members, Board, advisors, and other stakeholders. This report and video have been produced thanks to generous support from the Barr Foundation.

Outdoor BBQ Photo Credits: Brad Braufman, Monkey Business Productions http://monkey-media.com/ Graphic Designer Ayana Mack, Ayana Mack Design www.ayanamack.co

Union Capital Boston Strategic Plan 2021-2024

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