UniBg | International Open Day Mechatronics and Smart Technology Engineering

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OPEN DAY Welcome to your future!

Mechatronics and smart technology engineering Master degree

DATE December 12, 2023

Course objectives • To guarantee a solid methodological basis in mechanical engineering. • To train high-profile professional figures able to design complex systems by integrating technologies in the fields of electronics, controls and robotics. • To give the professional skills to conduct and lead mechanical engineering projects integrating smart ICT, electrical and control systems. Graduates can design advanced mechanical systems also applying digital technologies in products and process.

Design in a creative way and aware of new digital technologies

Design of sustainable processes and products

Design and conduct engineering processes integrating smart ICT

Programme structure Two curricula enable students to orient their choices on learning paths in line with their own interests: MECHATRONICS Training in developing projects involving mechatronic products, i.e., mechanicallybased systems on which information engineering technologies are grafted. SMART TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING To provide the mechanical engineers with additional skills in the field of ICT in different contexts such as:  manufacturing plants (smart manufacturing)  building and human activities (smart living).

Learning methods First year Compulsory courses on mechanics, sustainable energy, electronics and automation. Second year • A wide choice of subjects to deepen and diversify the students’ skills. • A multidisciplinary laboratory where small teams will carry out projects in collaboration with industry and supervised by a multidisciplinary team of professors.

Course topics

Functional design of mechatronic systems Mechanical vibrations

Sustainable energy Thermal physics for advanced technology

Virtual and physical prototyping Advanced machine design

Materials for advanced engineering applications Advanced manufacturing technologies Industrial plant design and simulation

Smart sensors and electronic systems Data science and automation

Multidisciplinary laboratories

Mechatronic systems Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Righettini paolo.righettini@unibg.it To train students in the development of multidisciplinary projects, related to mechatronic systems, where mechanics, electronics, control theory and computer science synergically act together. Activities will cover the following subjects:  Advanced mechatronics systems  Machine and structural design  Industrial IOT  Mechanical system control  Embedded system software design

Smart living technologies Coordinator: Prof. Giuseppe Franchini - giuseppe.franchini@unibg.it Provide students with the ability to design and apply intelligent control technologies and systems to the environments and structures where people live, work and move. Activities will cover the following subjects:  Structural monitoring  Structural safety and risk assessment  Energy systems design  Smart grids  Sensors Industrial partners: Schneider Electric, ABB, STI

Smart manufacturing Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Gaiardelli paolo.gaiardelli@unibg.it To develop base knowledge for the design and the management of modern production plants, through the development of an application project and by adopting an interdisciplinary approach involving key disciplines of manufacturing. Activities will cover the following subjects:  Advanced production systems  Smart manufacturing technologies  Robots for industrial applications and advanced production lines  Advanced materials for characterisation techniques Industrial partners: Schneider Electric, Tenaris, Intellimech, Confindustria Bergamo

Research Laboratories

Professional roles Technical and managerial roles in all the mechanical sectors pervaded by ICT technologies, such as energy plants, industrial maintenance, transportation. Graduates deal with the design of: •

mechanical products equipped with embedded electronics and mechatronic systems.

production plants integrated with IoT technologies.

production systems with self-regulating capabilities.

monitoring and control systems applied to a variety of contexts, ranging from homes to smart districts.

Admission and entry requirements Requirements are a B.Sc. or equivalent from an accredited institution and a B1 level in English. Admission decisions are based on the curriculum of the candidate and an interview. Access will normally be granted to:  applicants with at least 36 ECTS in basic courses and 24 ECTS in 3 (or more) disciplinary fields of Mechanical Engineering or equivalent

Admission and entry requirements If you are non-EU student and have a B.Sc. obtained outside Italy, your educational qualification must be verified by the University of Bergamo before enrolment Non-EU students living abroad must apply through the Italian diplomatic offices in their Country. Two calls for preliminary online evaluation of non-EU students are provided each year.

International students deadlines FIRST CALL - November 7th 2023 - January 15th 2024  Online admission interview: in February 2024  Ranking publication: within March 31st 2024 SECOND CALL - January 1st 2024 - January 31st 2024  Online admission interview: in March 2024  Ranking publication: within April 30th 2024 Please visit: https://ls-mec.unibg.it/en/course/admission-and-entry-requirements

Contacts For further information Prof. Giuseppe Franchini Course coordinator giuseppe.franchini@unibg.it

Web sites

https://en.unibg.it/ https://disa.unibg.it/en https://ls-mec.unibg.it/en

Prof. Alessandro Colombo Responsible for recruitment alessandro.colombo@unibg.it Prof. Luigi Coppola Responsible for the DISA department recruitment luigi.coppola@unibg.it ingegneria@unibg.it

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