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Juan Manuel Sandoval Cum Laude B. Arch Universidad de los Andes Portfolio 2022

Juan Manuel Sandoval [ES] Arquitecto graduado con distinción Cum Laude de la Universidad de los Andes. Cuenta con una opción en gestión del departamento de administración. Cuenta con una gran capacidad creativa y propositiva con un alto nivel de modelado y representación arquitectónica. Desde sus estudios de Pregrado, se ha destacado por su perseverancia, alto compromiso y responsabilidad. Por el otro lado, ha sobresalido por su alto nivel representativo y propositivo que lo han llevado a una de las distinciones máximas por parte de la Facultad. Debido a estos atributos personales y académicos ha logrado ser monitor y asistente graduado en el tema de vivienda para apoyar diferentes procesos en la academia. Por otra parte, ha sido reconocido por su proyecto de grado como uno de los más sobresalientes en la facultad. Lo cual lo ha llevado a presentarse en varios concursos de estudiantes. Por otro lado, Posee cualidades para trabajar en grupo y bajo presión. Actualmente cuenta con un gran interés en el tema de el diseño de la vivienda y el espacio público basado en la naturaleza y la sostenibilidad social, económica y cultural. Por otra parte, tiene un interes particular en participar en concursos, experimentar a través de la representación y en seguir estudiando e investigando.

[EN] Architect graduated with Cum Laude distinction from the Universidad de los Andes. It has an option in management of the administration department. He has a great creative and purposeful capacity with a high level of modeling and architectural representation. Since his undergraduate studies, he has stood out for his perseverance, high commitment and responsibility. On the other hand, it has stood out for its high representative and purposeful level that has led it to one of the highest distinctions by the Faculty. Due to these personal and academic attributes, he has managed to be a monitor and graduate assistant in housing to support different processes in the academy. Also, he has been recognized for his degree project as one of the most outstanding in the faculty. Which has led him to appear in several student competitions. On the other hand, He has qualities to work in a group and under pressure. He currently has a great interest in the subject of the design of housing and public space based on nature and social, economic and cultural sustainability. He has a particular interest in participating in competitions, experiment with representation and study and research architecture.


Curriculum Vitae

Datos Personales - Personal information Nombre - Name

Juan Manuel Sandoval Perdomo

Grado - Grade

Cum Laude B.Arch. Uniandes

Nacionalidad - Nacionality


Nacimiento - Birth Date





Habilidades técnicas -

Educación - Education 2017-2021

Cum Laude en Arquitectura con opción en Gestión Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad de los Andes

Profundizaciones - Extensions 2020

BIM Architectural and structural design Naska Digital. Centro de entrenamiento autorizado por Autodesk

Reconocimientos - Acknowledgments 2021

Siete estudiantes de ArqDis obtuvieron reconocimiento en su grado Revista Dearq


Proyecto de grado seleccionado en exposición ESCALANDO 2022 Universidad de los Andes, Sala de exposiciones Bloque C 09.02.2022-09.03.2022

Technical skills

ídiomas - Idioms

B2- Inglés Español Nativo


Proyecto de grado publicado en Inspireli Awards.

Diseño - Design

Revit avanzado (BIM) Autocad Rhino


Participante en los AZ AWARDS 2022 en la categoria A+ Award for Student Work A la espera de resultados


Participante en los INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN AWARDS 2022 A la espera de resultados

Visualización - Visualization

Medios - Media

Lumion Vray Enscape Cura Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Premiere After effects

Experiencia académica - Academic experience 2019-2021 2 semestres


1 semestre

Monitor curso Unidad Intermedia innovación y vivienda Profesores: David Delgado, Alberto Miani y Erik Vergel Universidad de los Andes Asistente graduado curso Unidad Intermedia Innovación y Vivienda Profesores: David Delgado, Alberto Miani y Erik Vergel Universidad de los Andes

Experiencia Profesional - Profesional Experience 2021

Concurso privado de anteproyecto arquitectónico para los laboratorios técnicos de la EAAB - ESP Equipo: De la carrera Cavanzo Rol: Arquitecto Junior enfocado en modelado y representación arquitectónica


Vivienda Villa Mariela San Agustín, Huila. 650m2


Cofundador de Taller Habitar Colectivo de arquitectos.

Referencias - References M.Arch Alberto Miani Ex decano y profesor asociado Universidad de los Andes Ph.D| MSc | Arch Claudio Rossi Profesor asociado Universidad de los Andes Ph.D | MArch Erik Vergel Profesor asociado Universidad de los Andes M.Arch David Delgado Profesor de Cátedra Universidad de los Andes M.Arch Diego Rubio Profesor de Cátedra Universidad de los Andes

2. Experiencia Profesional y académica Profesional and academical experience

Proyectos seleccionados 2.1. Traducción 1: La utopía Proyecto de grado. 2.1. Translation 1: Utopia Graduation project.

2.2. Traducción 2: Vacío Performativo Proyecto de grado. 2.2. Translation 2: The Performative Void Graduation project.

2.3. Concurso privado de anteproyecto arquitectónico para los laboratorios técnicos de la EAAB - ESP Desarrollado por De la Carrera Cavanzo / Arquitecto Colaborador 2.3. Private competition for an architectural preliminary project for the technical laboratories of the EAAB - ESP Developed by De la Carrera Cavanzo / Collaborating Architect

2.4. Casa Villa Mariela Desarrollado por Taller Habitar 2.4. Villa Mariela House Developed by Taller Habitar

2.5. Concurso interno Uniandes - Edificio de uso mixto

Desarrollado por Juan Manuel Sandoval & Jean Carlos Rodriguez 2.5. Uniandes Internal Competition- Mixed-use building. Developed by Juan Manuel Sandoval & Jean Carlos Rodriguez

2.6. BIM Architectural and structural design: Museo Nacional de Seúl

Naska Digital. Centro de entrenamiento autorizado por Autodesk 2.6. BIM Architectural and structural design: Seoul National Museum NaskaDigital. Autodesk Authorized Training Center

2.2. Translation 1: The Utopy Graduation project.

2.2. Translation 1: The Utopy Graduation project.

Translations is the sum of two projects in the same place, two opposing strategies that open the range of how to intervene the urban void. These strategies are applied in the Sabana Station from Bogotá, as it is a vacant lot with all the possible potential to change the course of the city, but also with the risk of being wasted and being another space without transcendence beyond its time. [EN]




Academic - Conceptual


Ph.D Claudio Rossi


Estación de la Sabana

In detail, The first strategy it´s called The Utopy. It consists of composing from objects and actors. For this, Koolhaas, Tschumi and Hejduk are used as theoretical inputs. The second strategy it´s called the performative void. It consists of compose from the same void. For this, Clement, Miralles, Latz&Partner are used as theoretical references.

Bogotá, Colombia Key Words

Performativity Duality Void Time Utopy

Juan M. Sandoval P

Both visions, with their respective and particular representation, are put to the test in a 100-year timeline to see how they progress, decline and/or evolve. 1.THE UTOPY: “compose from the objects”. This is an architecture whose purpose is not to be built, it´s based on the failed ambitions of master plans. This Utopy shows a universe contained within a forest of skyscrapers. Its intention is to protect those who have not been heard. They, forgotten, become the protagonists of this manifesto. Each actor of the Sabana Station personifies a “confetti” and interact with the other in order to develop the project. The project is inspired in the OMA representation of the Parc The la Villette contest.

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2.2.Traducciones 2: Vacío performativo Proyecto de grado.

2.2. Translation 2: The Performative Void Graduation project.

Translations is the sum of two projects in the same place, two opposing strategies that open the range of how to intervene the urban void. These strategies are applied in the Sabana Station from Bogotá, as it is a vacant lot with all the possible potential to change the course of the city, but also with the risk of being wasted and being another space without transcendence beyond its time. [EN]




Academic - Conceptual


Ph.D Claudio Rossi


Estación de la Sabana

In detail, The first strategy it´s called The Utopy. It consists of composing from objects and actors. For this, Koolhaas, Tschumi and Hejduk are used as theoretical inputs. The second strategy it´s called the performative void. It consists of compose from the same void. For this, Clement, Miralles, Latz&Partner are used as theoretical references.

Bogotá, Colombia Key Words

Performativity Duality Void Time Utopy

Juan M. Sandoval P

Both visions, with their respective and particular representation, are put to the test in a 100-year timeline to see how they progress, decline and/or evolve. 2. THE PERFORMATIVE VOID: “compose from the same void”. The “urban voids” has the potential to become the opposite: a climax of life. However, in order to not be another generic public space. We must understand the different actors, activities and their time line. That´s why there are three different scenarios: natural, urban and productive. Each scenario has its own time-line and different actors. In detail, It was necessary to investigate each species of tree, fruit, animal, human activities, etc. including their life cycles and their environment to see how their evolution was possible in the scenarios and in time.

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Juan M. Sandoval P

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Juan M. Sandoval P

2.3. Concurso privado de anteproyecto arquitectónico para los laboratorios técnicos de la EAAB - ESP Desarrollado por De la Carrera Cavanzo / Arquitecto Colaborador 2.3. Private competition for an architectural preliminary project for the technical laboratories of the EAAB - ESP Año (Year)


Developed by De la Carrera Cavanzo / Collaborating Architect

Tipo (Type)

Institucional dotacional (Institutional)


Cliente (Client)

Acueducto de Bogotá

Superficie (Surface)

6500 m2 aprox.

Lugar (Place)

Bogotá, Colombia

El concurso consistía en realizar el anteproyecto arquitectónico para los laboratorios técnicos del Acueducto de Bogotá. a través de este la empresa buscaba darle un cambio a lo que se entiende por laboratorios. Por tanto, nuestra propuesta consistia en renaturalizar el canal San Francisco iniciando una nueva relación entre Bogotá y el agua. Por otra parte, formalmente el edificio es un edificio para ser visto, su transparencia permite que la actividad de laboratorios sea una actividad descubierta y abierta para todos. The contest consisted of carrying out the architectural preliminary project for the technical laboratories of the Bogotá Aqueduct. Through this, the company sought to change what is understood by laboratories. Therefore, our proposal consisted of renaturalizing the San Francisco canal, initiating a new relationship between Bogotá and the river. On the other hand, formally the building is a building to be seen, its transparency allows the activity of laboratories to be an activity discovered and open to all. [EN]

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Juan M. Sandoval P

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Juan M. Sandoval P

Taller Habitar Año (year)


Tipo (type)

En proceso (In Progress)

Cliente (client)

Diana Muñoz

Superficie (Surface)

650m2 Aprox.

Terreno (landing)

2.4 ha

Lugar (location)

San Agustín, Huila Colombia

2.4. Casa Villa Mariela

Desarrollado por Taller Habitar 2.4. Villa Mariela House Developed by Taller Habitar

La casa, ubicada en San Agustín, Huila, Colombia. Es un municipio caracterizado por sus construcciones tradicionales en bareheque con acabado blanco y cubiertas a dos aguas en teja cerámica. El encargo, consistia en realizar una vivienda moderna y tradicional al mismo tiempo. Para esto, se proyectó una estructura convencional que se confina con tapia pisada, un material tradicional utilizado por nuestros antecesores que ha sido de poco uso hoy en día. Al ser independiente de la estructura, se pudo realizar grandes ventanales que contrastaran con lo pesado que es la tapia. Este equilibrio, además de visualmente ser interesante, posee gran aislamiento térmico al poseer la masa de la tierra misma. [ES]

[EN] The house, located in San Agustín, Huila, Colombia. It is a municipality characterized by its traditional constructions in bareheque with a white finish and gabled roofs in ceramic tiles. The commission consisted of making a modern and traditional house at the same time. For this, a conventional structure was designed that is confined with stepped walls, a traditional material used by our predecessors that has been of little use today. Being independent of the structure, it was possible to make large windows that contrast with how heavy the wall is. This balance, in addition to being visually interesting, has great thermal insulation by having the mass of the earth itself.

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Primer Nivel First Floor

Juan M. Sandoval P

Segundo Nivel Second Floor

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Juan M. Sandoval P

2.5. Concurso interno Uniandes

Desarrollado por Juan Manuel Sandoval & Jean Carlos Rodriguez 2.5. Uniandes Internal Competition- Mixed-use building. Developed by Juan Manuel Sandoval & Jean Carlos Rodriguez

Año (year)


Tipo (Type)

1 lugar-Concurso interno Uniandes. First place- internal contest at Uniandes

Superficie (Surface)6400m2 Aprox. Terreno (Landing)

800 m2

Lugar (Place)

Bogotá, Colombia

El concurso consistía en realizar un edificio de uso mixto en el parque de los Hippies en Bogotá. Entre ellos, estaba un museo, zonas comerciales, restaurantes y vivienda. [ES]

The contest consisted of creating a mixed-use building in the Parque de los Hippies in Bogotá. Among them, there was a museum, shopping areas, restaurants and housing. [EN]

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Juan M. Sandoval P

2.6. BIM Architectural and structural design: Museo Nacional de Seúl, Rem Koolhaas Naska Digital. Centro de entrenamiento autorizado por Autodesk

2.6. BIM Architectural and structural design: Seoul National Museum, Rem Koolhaas NaskaDigital. Autodesk Authorized Training Center

Año (year)


Tipo (Type)


Superficie (Surface)

4000 m2 Aprox.

Lugar (Place)

Seoul, South Korea

El curso se basó en escoger un referente de alta complejidad, para poderlo modelar y representar lo más preciso posible mediante la metodología BIM. Por tanto, para el entrenamiento se escogió el Museo Nacional de Seul del Arquitecto Rem Koolhaas debido a su complejidad estructural. Así en un entrenamiento de alta complejidad se llegó a la mayor resolución arquitectónica, estructural y de detalle que generalmente tiene una consultoría de diseño. [ES]

The course was based on choosing a highly complex reference, in order to model and represent it as precisely as possible using the BIM methodology. Therefore, the Seoul National Museum of Architect Rem Koolhaas was chosen for the training due to its structural complexity. Thus, in a highly complex training, the greatest architectural, structural and detailed resolution was reached that a design consultancy generally has. [EN]

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Portfolio 2022

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