Tips How to Crack Mathematics Exam of Class 10

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Tips How to Crack Mathematics Exam of Class 10

The relevance of mathematics in technological development is unquestionable. It helps us learn creatively and critically and also empowers us with the most powerful skill – problem solving. No matter what Maths has always been the biggest stumbling block for many students particularly when the exams are closer. The fact remains that despite of all fears Maths remains the highest scoring subject and it is difficult to ignore. So any sensible strategic planning is the only way to score more ahead of exams. Cracking of 10th exam for mathematics will not be a difficult job. Here are some tips that students could consider for getting good score & grades. 1. Identify chapters that carry more marks. Practice them regularly until exam day. 2. Ahead of exam solve at least one sample paper every day in for practice & time management. It will not only boost your confidence it will also help you in answering specific questions in defined time. This practice will also be able to give you clear idea of your weaknesses and strengths.

3. As we know Maths Involves more practical than theory one can form a group of phobic and non-phobic students and practice together to get rid of exam fear. This will certainly bring down your anxiety levels as you feel comfortable among your friends. 4. One can subscribe to and get access to all the formulas and definitions at one place and revise them daily. 5. For better absorption and retention before exams students can have online tutorials for mathematics. offers mathematics solutions in step by step manner topic & sub-topic wise. The visual & voice over elements of the tutorial will down your anxiety levels considerably. 6. Last minute cramming does not help so rather than revising topics you are not comfortable with try and concentrate on the chapters you are already comfortable with. 7. Prefer to study from NCERT books as examination paper is generally set from the same books. Don’t forget to revise examples and theorems given in NCERT books. Do not refer any other book until you are done with NCERT book at least once completely. NCERT Solution for class 10 at is prepared from NCERT books by subject experts. 8. You can pick up reference books once you are through with NCERT books for the revision. One should not go for more than 2 reference books for revision because it will confuse you un-necessarily. 9. Though your handwriting can not be changed but it can be improved with practice. One should avoid overwriting and scribbling. Neat and clean answers are always rewarded. While everyone has their own approach in solving the exam there are standard and traditional things that everyone should follow. For any other information on CBSE solved paper for class 10 Mathematics one can visit, Dear Students Happy preparation…………….!

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