10 Ways To Learn Faster | UnfoldU

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10 Ways To Learn Faster

Learning skill is very important for everyone, there are lots of techniques you can use to accelerate your learning and get much better. UnfoldU shares 10 easy ways to learn fast. 1. Brain warm up:- Just like your muscles before a work out, your brain needs warming up before a learning session in order to wake up and function properly. 2. Create a Time Table:- Time management is important for factor in human life So that we should complete our work on time. Make sure your timetable for study. 3. Do one task at one time:- Research says that multitasking can actually hinder the learning process, so you should try to focus on one task at a time. 4. Test yourself regularly:- Studies have highlighted higher information retention rates in those who regularly self-test compared with those who don’t . 5. Try a brain training program:- The internet is full of programs that can help you “trained” your brain from the comfort of your own sofa, and many are clinically proven to improve memory and recall speed. 6. Take regular breaks:- Taking short and regular breaks has been shown to help keep your brain focused on the task at hand. 7. Vary you sessions:- It’s important to varying your study sessions can prevent your brain from switching off and keep the session interesting. 8. Teach others:- Teachers have reported that teaching something to other people is one of the best way of learning something. 9. Socialize & Share:- Share your thoughts and learning with others has been known to help people process and understand their thoughts.

10. Do yoga and & Meditation:- Scientific studies show that meditation can improve your learning power and concentration. Yoga helps your relieve your body of tiredness and accumulated stress, thus letting you express yourself better.

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