Universal | November Issue

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Ed: 16.11.14

THE SECRETS TO: Sex in a Bulletproof Marriage

JEN FORGIVES BRAD & ANGI “To hold any kind of resentment is like taking rat poison and waiting for the rat to die.”

Debts: No one wants them! “I had so many debts that I was embarrassed to walk on the street.”

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What are the most important steps you can take in life? There are seven of them... Three have been told...

Contents The juice, the scoop, the editor’s choice in this edition of Universal


THE LOVE OF MY LIFE... I spotted Kimberly at the Red Carpet event...


GOOD GIRL GONE BAD... I had all the principles, as people do, but I chose to abandon them...


WHERE THERE IS ACTION, THERE IS ALWAYS A REACTION. I was run over by a car and broke both my legs!

Don’t miss the fourth this Wednesday during Faith School at 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm)

ALSO INSIDE... 03 More than the minimum 05 Love 06 Brad Pitt and the question on everyone’s mind 07 Your decisive moment 09 Treading the path of success 10 Kept hostage by emotions 11 Giving up is never an option 12 Marks from the past 14 Why perseverance is the key 15 Running from the debt collectors 16 Women 17 Small big-decisions by Bp Renato 18 God give us a piece of His mind by Bp Celso Junior 19 Addresses Universal is a publication of the UCKG HelpCentre (registered charity number: 1043985), Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX; uckg.org ­­­For advertising sales: 020 7686 6045 EMAIL: advertising@uckg.org While every care is taken to ensure accuracy, City News, the publishers, authors and printers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions. Any artwork will be accepted at owner’s risk. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.


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More than the minimum


had the mentality that, as a young person, earning a minimum wage was enough. Especially coming from a troublesome background, I didn’t expect to get anything more than the bare minimum. I was the kind of lad who fought on the streets and simply caused trouble, because that was the lifestyle I led. When I heard about the Campaign of Israel, my frame of mind changed completely.

I heard about so many people who took part in this challenge and today are business owners and even millionaires! I had to break out of the statistic of problematic youths who are known for not going anywhere in life. Today I can say that I am amongst the many young people who are succeeding in their career.

At 18 years old, I work with the Government under the Borough of Southwark, as one of the faces of Life Skills for Barclays Bank. I am featured in adverts that come on national UK television! I have got to say that it was all down to the Campaign of Israel.

You may be asking yourself but how is it possible that I gained such incredible results…

Michael Onafowokan




7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM

7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM

7.30AM, 10AM



7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM

7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM







7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM

7PM (Rainbow Theatre only)*



4PM (Rainbow Theatre only)


Make a Chain of Prayer... it works! The Chain Challenge is a series of weekly meetings made without interruptions to help develop belief and determination to overcome problems. Each day of the week is dedicated to an area of a person’s life (see table on the right) to make it easier to remain focused. You can pick up your Chain Challenge card at any UCKG HelpCentre (see page 35) to keep track of your progress.

*Love Therapy also takes place in Birmingham, Bullring (see page 19 for addresses)


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of my life

efore I met Kimberly, I was in a relationship for almost two years. At first I thought I had found the woman of my dreams, but signs showed the opposite. We were not suitable for each other and as time passed, the proof of this was obvious, but I was in denial. I didn’t want to go through the hassle of starting all over again. Yet, I couldn’t deny that I would have been doomed to failure if I’d let it go on any longer. It wasn’t easy at all to end the relationship, but I was relieved when I did. Now, I had no option but to trust that my love life would be well, and I knew that the Campaign of Israel was what would guarantee me

that. I had but one request: to find the love of my life. A few months later, I spotted Kimberly at the Red Carpet event, the same special occasion that took place last Saturday at 7pm at the Rainbow Theatre. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I asked about her and began to observe her until the day I had the chance to finally talk to and eventually date her.

See more highlights from the Love Therapy’s Red Carpet event thelovetherapy.com

Now Kimberly is Mrs Titilawo, my good friend, companion, and wife. I have found a precious diamond. It’s easy to get married, but it’s not so easy to be happy in love. If you’re struggling with that, then the Campaign of Israel could help you. I personally recommend it. Ade Titilawo

Join the Love Therapy every Saturday at 7pm at the Rainbow Theatre (also in Birmingham, Bullring). Universal • uckg.org • November 2014

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Anti-marriage founder turned into a 20-year married man


e was a womaniser looking for adventure. What mattered was quantity—the more women he had, the better. And to express his dislike for being “tied down”, he even founded an anti-marriage association. “I was engaged for four years, but with at least 400 other women at the same time. The thought of marriage frightened me, so I founded an “anti-marriage association” with my friends. We all made an oath to never get married. But as time went by, dating many different women wasn’t as fun as it used to be. One by one, all my friends got married leaving me to feel left out and alone.”

I was engaged for four years, but with at least 400 other women during that time.”


It was actually for a different reason that Altair found out about the UCKG HelpCentre, but he didn’t bargain for how much his life would change once he’d accepted the Campaign of Israel.




20th and 27th NOVEMBER

T I M E : 7 . 3 0 P M AT T H E R A I N B OW T H E AT R E , 232 SEVEN SISTERS RD, N4 3NX

Two day screening of the popular lecture by love experts, Renato and Cristiane Cardoso For over



No children allowed.

Bulletproof couples don’t just have sex, they know the secret to complete intimacy. An unmissable class for couples and singles alike. THETHERAPYOFLOVE.COM

Altair and Sandra Moraes


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“I had never fought so hard for anything before, but being alone was overrated. Soon after that, I began to notice Sandra. She was a personal trainer at the gym I worked in, but I had never spoken to her. I knew she had recently gotten out of a troubled relationship, but she hadn’t dated anyone else since then. I didn’t want to mess around anymore, so I approached her with a genuine heart, so much so that our dating process was extremely fast. We dated, got engaged and married in just 30 days. Twenty years have gone by and we have two beautiful children. I never thought I could achieve such a wonderful sense of fulfilment. And if fulfilment in your love life is what you’re desperately searching for, then the Campaign of Israel is for you!”

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It’s the question on everyone’s mind!


rad Pitt, who has starred in international blockbusters such as Ocean’s Eleven and Fight Club, has made all the right decisions when it comes to his career and financial success, but people can’t help speculating if his choices were right when he chose Mrs Pitt. The Oscar winner faced a huge backlash when he fell for now wife, Angelina Jolie on the set of Mr and Mrs Smith, whilst still married to Jennifer Aniston. After nine years of the world having grown accustomed to Brangelina, Jennifer has announced that she has forgiven Brad for cheating on her. In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, the actress who is now engaged to Justin Theroux said, “I think it’s extremely important to forgive. Otherwise it just builds up like toxic waste. There’s nothing worse than holding a grudge. Listen, people can do unforgivable things, but you have to let it go and say, ‘Look, we’re all human beings. We make mistakes.’ To hold any kind of resentment is like taking rat poison and waiting for the rat to die.” Did she do the right thing by letting go? The majority would say yes, others, who are not so forgiving, would say no, and the rest just find this entire thing irrelevant.

At the end of the day, Brad Pitt made his decision. Jennifer Aniston has also made hers and truth be told, it doesn’t change your dayto-day life in any way. If there is anything to take from this story, it is that one decision shapes the course of your life. Every day we make choices. They define the quality of our lives—they mark the beginning or an end to a chapter; whether bad or good, it all begins with a decision. What have you been doing with yours? Are you the type of person who is always influenced by others and never makes up your own mind because you’re too afraid or worried about other people’s opinions? Or maybe you just can’t be bothered to take responsibility for your own actions? Decisions are difficult to make, but when your choices are rational and well thought through, you are more inclined to take the right steps for yourself and those around you. As you continue to read on, you’ll see the stories of people who marked the beginning of a new life by deciding to grab an opportunity to achieve their dreams and ambitions.

Living the dream


y father was the one who financed my university education, but just as life is full of ups and downs, my father faced his own. His business suddenly went bankrupt and our family was deeply affected by it. It was devastating! What would become of my studies and career? There were so many thoughts running through my mind; if I continued to feed them, I would have definitely given up halfway. But it was the Campaign of Israel that helped me to understand that difficult

times should make me fight harder to conquer what I want. I met a very special person who, believing in me, offered to continue the maintenance of my studies. And the Campaign brought on more than I could ever imagine. I have been a dentist for 11 years, and in the fifth year, I opened my own clinic. Today I am Dr. Daniela. I am a dentist with a clinic that is doing exceptionally well and I love what I do. I can now say that I am living my dream! Daniela Debroca


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Your decisive moment W

hat is the Campaign of Israel and what has it got to do with my life? Well, to put it bluntly, it is a decisive moment. It’s the point that marks the end of things as you know it and kick-starts the beginning of a new life. It’s that all-or-nothing moment when you throw yourself mind, body and soul into achieving the one thing that up until now has seemed impossible. The Campaign takes place twice a year and is inspired by an event that triggers

the same determination and drive to succeed in the minds of those who either are facing an impossible obstacle or have a big dream that they want to achieve. Prepare yourself for greatness. Our modern-day prophets will speak and your decision will determine the outcome. As you read through the following pages, you will see what others were able to achieve through the Campaign. Are you ready for the challenge?

Our opportunity


ive years ago, our finances were at its lowest. We were illegal and unemployed foreigners living in someone else’s house. To make things worse, my wife suffered from severe depression. Our lives couldn’t get any worse. That’s why we took part in the Campaign of Israel. No one would give us a break, but it was the one opportunity we needed to turn things around. We heard, obeyed and began to see improvements. At first, we found jobs, but today we have our own business, which provides jobs for other people. We own cars, a house with a swimming pool overseas and a beautiful brand-new apartment in a gated community. We have recently bought some land for our next project.

“At first we found jobs but today, we have our own business.” All we needed was just one opportunity and it was the best decision we could have ever made. Our lives have completely turned around and we couldn’t be happier. If you looked at your life, would you find contentment? If the answer is ‘no,’ then the Campaign of Israelcould change that.

Lucimar Belo & Viviane Fernandes


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Good girl gone bad


aving faith has never been such a distant concept for me. I believed in God and I had all the principles, as people do, but I chose to abandon them. My single mother taught me good morals and I gave her no hassle. But as I grew older and developed my own mind, faith no longer worked for me. I wanted to do my own thing, have the same freedom that my friends had, so at 13 I was partying and mixing with the wrong crowd.

My growing interest in boys is what led to me getting raped. I was too naïve and thought that the guy I’d agreed to meet up with wanted nothing more than to talk and laugh with me. How wrong I was! I despised all men after that and carried the abuse with me, yet not uttering a word of it to anyone. Being raped is what gave birth to my love life; I gave my body away easily because I

didn’t see any value in myself anymore. If my virginity could be taken away from me so easily, then it must have meant nothing. And so, I was now determined to call the shots. I made men like me and then used them. But even though I thought I was in control, I still felt used. My conscience accused me, and I was still sad and very angry. I had a child at 17 and I thought that it would help me move on, but the relationship didn’t work. I got involved with someone else afterwards at 19. He was a good guy and was helping me to raise my daughter. I thought everything was going well until the day he got up and just left. After being in two failed relationships, I felt entirely lost. Why could I not move forward in life? The guilt of knowing that I’d made bad decisions in my life made me feel suicidal. But it was at this point that I decided to go back to basics and take my faith seriously. I knew the truth and I knew where to find it. And that’s how I found myself back at the HelpCentre. I knew that nothing in my life was going to change if I didn’t make it happen, and I could only provoke it when I got angry about it. Well, I’d had enough of failure and I’d had enough of living an unhappy life. So sitting in the meeting at the HelpCentre, I soaked up every word that was said about the Campaign of Israel. When the direction was given, there was no doubt in the back of my mind that it was exactly what I needed. I went all the way and made sure I’d done what I had to in the Campaign until I could do no more.

Then I knew it was up to God, but He didn’t fail me. It was as if my slate had been wiped clean and I could finally breathe. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. There’s no need for me to get angry anymore and I’m a lot more level-headed. I have been adding value to myself. I don’t need to be in a relationship to be at peace. But it took obedience to get the results I was looking for. And that’s the only way you’d get the answer you want too. Could you benefit from the Campaign of Israel? Rossana Soraia

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Treading the path of success


y husband and I ran a construction business, which was doing well. However, we had so many bills that in the end we had to reluctantly close it. In the attempt to find a solution, we decided to takeover and reopen an old family business in selling tiles. But there were so many difficulties, each one worse than the other. It was extremely hard to start the business again. We faced a lot of challenges and delays from companies and contracts etc. There were times that my husband had no money left to get petrol to get us from one location to another. It was humiliating.


It was around that time that we were invited to the UCKG HelpCentre. When we heard about the Campaign of Israel that could change our lives forever, our ideas for greatness increased and we knew we had no choice but to go for it. And we went all the way! Our businesses began to expand so much that we even opened other tiles stores. Now our company is nationally known. In fact, it’s a prominent store in the entire country. In total, we have five stores and two factories. My husband and I have learnt to tread the path of success thanks to this challenge, and you can too.” Kely Lemos

Wish you had this?


owned a plastic packages business and had 200 people working for me, but I ended up losing everything when I racked up debts of £250,000. I couldn’t even buy a packet of biscuits for my three-yearold daughter. Fortunately, my life was about to take a drastic U-turn through the Campaign of Israel! I was given the opportunity to not only clear my debts, but also make my business even better than it was. Having paid close attention to what I needed to do, there was no doubt in my mind. I couldn’t wait! I did exactly what I was told; I had never believed in something so much as the Campaign of Israel.

I gradually managed to clear my debts and now I don’t just have one business, but I am the owner of a chain of retail businesses. I own four cars, worth £125,000 and have nine apartments. Now, don’t you think I could buy more than just one packet of biscuits for my daughter? Wish you had this? It’s not a distant dream. It’s achievable, but you’ve got to be ready to take up the challenge. Jesus Guedes Rodrigues Filho


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Deep depression, a disasterous relationship and a messy divorce.”

Kept hostage by emotions


ooking back at the person I used to be terrifies me to think what would have happened if I didn’t grab the ultimate opportunity to transform my life through the Campaign. I say this because I was someone full of rage and anger, who would have fights at school and unfortunately at home as well.

I became similar to ‘Bridget Jones’, full of complexes and none of my relationships worked out. I started drinking, smoking, and going to parties so that I could run away from the emptiness I felt inside. And as if that wasn’t enough, I fell into a deep depression.

*Picture source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/bridget-jones-diary-darcy-dead-2323115

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When I finally found someone, it only turned into a disastrous nightmare. I ended up getting pregnant and, as a consequence, we got married. Jealousy, arguments and threats of getting a divorce would happen constantly and within a month into the marriage, we separated. I came across a TV programme of the HelpCentre and could not believe what I saw: people’s lives were completely changing, and people just like me had found a way out! I could not wait any longer. I seized that opportunity and I’ve never looked back. The Campaign of Israel was the wake-up call I needed for my marriage to be as wonderful as it is and for my inner self to be positive like never before. Don’t be afraid of risks. Be afraid of missing the opportunities.

Rosangela Borges


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Giving up is never an option


’d always dreamt of being a teacher. For over 20 years, I had a drive to pursue my dream. So many obstacles stood in my way to hinder me from achieving it and I felt compelled to give up on many occasions. When I attended the UCKG HelpCentre, the atmosphere was incredible. I was taught that giving up is never an option. That belief had to be proven when I took part in one of the greatest challenges of my life. I listened intently on how to get the most out of it and immediately applied it. I had nothing to lose, but it was worth it!

took for me to get here. Things couldn’t be better. I am married to a lawyer, and he also has an extremely busy life, but we always have time to spend with our beautiful family. We aim to invest and grow our family’s patrimony. Our newest goal is to expand our family’s business to the commercial field.

Today, despite it being a demanding job, I teach with love because I knew what it

I have everything I want and I don’t lack a thing. All those years of pursuing my dream

have finally paid off. If there’s an aspiration you’ve always hoped to achieve, it is possible. Give the Campaign of Israel a try.” Silvana Medeiros

Fight for your

family & your family will fight with you! Don’t forget to bring your family door hanger with you to protect your family!

Family Day • Thursday • 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am & 3pm) 11

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Marks from the



ooked on alcohol, cigarettes and heavily addicted to alcohol – that was the image of me coming to the UCKG HelpCentre for the first time. I slept with anyone and didn’t care who the person was, but this outcome had an unfortunate beginning. It all started when I was eight-years-old, at an age when I could make no choices of my own. I suffered at the hands of a family member, which left me traumatised. As I got older, I craved sex and would do anything for it. From the age of 18, I did things that I now regret – sleeping with people under bridges, at construction sites and in private bars.

Overall, I dated three men and got involved with over 100 other partners. My life was chaotic and I only had the chance to change it when I decided to take on the Campaign of Israel. That was the start of a brand new life for me. There’s a huge difference between the man I am and who I was. I don’t have any kind of addiction anymore; I now work for the presidency of a major bank, and I’m proud to say that I am engaged to my wife-to-be. I couldn’t miss out on such a valuable opportunity. It could be the start of something new. Botsfer Kellian

Many people live trapped, at the mercy of evil and don’t understand why everything constantly goes wrong. If you feel this may be your case know that there is a way to break free and find light at the end of the tunnel.

Friday • 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am & 3pm) Universal • uckg.org • November 2014

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Where there is action, there is always a reaction.


’ve always had a dream; in fact, it feels like I was born to be a footballer. I remember that no other game or form of entertainment would satisfy me as football.

I would spend hours playing it without getting tired, until the most atrocious thing happened to me. I was run over by car and broke both my legs! You know, as I began to think about my goals and dreams giving the circumstances around me, I wondered if I had it in me to go against what seemed to be impossible. I had been attentively told that I should forget about being a professional footballer, but all I could think about was what do I do now? Is there anything or anyone to help me?

When I thought all hope was lost, a family member introduced me to the UCKG HelpCentre and there I found the right tool to achieve my dream—the Campaign of Israel! There are winners, there are losers, and there are people who have not discovered how to win. Maybe all they need is some motivation, help, or a bit of assistance—or even a different plan of action—to make some adjustments so that their life can be the dream they have imagined. As a result of the Campaign of Israel, I am a professional player for a team in the first division of Brazil’s football league. You may think it’s luck, but I can assure you it happened because of the sacrifice I made through the Campaign. I am the man I dreamt to be one day.The same can happen to you, but there’s only one way: the Campaign of Israel! Washington Santana

Health day • Tuesday • 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am & 3pm)

See this as a complement to your doctor’s advice to help promote physical well-being. Receive prayerful support for health issues such as constants pains, disease and the like.


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Why perseverance is the key The quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult.


s you can clearly see, perseverance is a well-known virtue by those who have achieved their dreams not because of what they say, but rather because of what they do. Imagine if all the successful people we know today had given up on their ideas or inventions on the first “no” they heard… then today, we wouldn’t remember them as achievers and victorious people. Don’t give up! Persevere and remember your pact with God, because with Him you will reach the peak of your abilities. The time is now and as you wear your symbolic ring, let this remind you of how you need to continuously maintain your covenant every Monday to build your way up to financial success.

Attention all business owners and business-minded people! You cannot miss your meeting with Bp Celso Junior on Monday.

“The tips we hear in the business meetings, whether they are

new or previously spoken about, are a continuous reminder of how we have to deal with customers and other areas within our business. We can’t forget that these meetings allow you to think rationally and make the right decisions. - Antonello Napoli

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17th November After 7.30pm service


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Running from debt collectors “I had so many debts that I was embarrassed to walk on the street.”


had a debt of approximately £76,000. Despite being a businesswoman, I got to the point of not having conditions to pay any of my bills. I had debt collectors at my door. I felt so ashamed that leaving my house was the last thing I wanted to do. I felt watched by everyone. My countenance as a woman hit rock bottom. I didn’t feel worthy to even look up when walking, hence why my head was always down.

Once, after leaving the bank, feeling completely disorientated, I walked into a HelpCentre. After taking part in the Campaign of Israel, I managed to stabilise my business. I regained my dignity, but it wasn’t overnight. Through the obedience and acts of faith, a transformation took place in my life. Today I earn enough to sustain my needs and still help others. I now live in a private estate and my house is worth £2,500,000. I own brand new cars, but above all things I have peace and happiness within.” Marlucia Mattos


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Whether you feel

t o n r o t i e k i l nandabezerra.com/en/

If you want to achieve high levels of performance and personal productivity, you need to learn to select your most important task, begin it, and then concentrate on it single-mindedly until it is complete. This means that, once you begin a task, you keep working on it, without diversion or distraction, until the job is 100% complete.


ach time you stop and then return to a task, you have to familiarise yourself with where you were when you stopped and what you still have to do. You have to overcome inertia and get yourself going again.

Decisions, decisions cristianecardoso/en/

Someone once asked me how I managed to get the things I wanted and, at the time, I was caught by surprise and said the first thing that came into my mind, “I decided to be different.” But as I pondered on the question later, I realized that it wasn’t really because “I wanted to be different” – a lot of people are quite different and quite weird at that. The secret was that ‘I DECIDED’ to be different. We make decisions every single minute of our lives, be it conscious or unconscious. We’re also bound to make both good and bad decisions since they’re taken all the time… The key, however, is to make more right decisions than bad ones.

But when you prepare thoroughly and then begin, you develop energy, enthusiasm, and motivation. You get better and better and more productive. You work faster and more effectively. The more you discipline yourself to working non-stop on a single task, the more you move forward. In other words, you get more and more high-quality work done in less and less time. The truth is, success in any area requires discipline. Selfdiscipline. In fact, persistence is self-discipline in action. The more you discipline yourself to persist on an important task, the more you respect yourself, the higher is your self-esteem. You become stronger, more confident and happier. You feel more powerful and productive. The key to all this, however, is for you to understand the need to prioritise and be disciplined. If you can’t see the need after all I’ve said so far, you won’t persist, you won’t change, you won’t raise your standards, you won’t move forward... TASK: Find out why you need to do something before you start doing it. Understand the need, and make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.

Going back to my decision to be different, I had to do something in order for that decision to work. It’s no use to say, “I decide I’ll change from now on,” if all that change is really just talk. When you decide to do something, find ways to commit to that decision. What do you need to decide from now on to get where you want to get? Make a list and start working on it. With God’s guidance, you’ll get there. If I did it, you can do it much better!

Tuesday • 7pm in Kilburn

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No addiction should dictate your life! Come and learn how to take your life back!

Small big-decisions renatocardoso.com/en/

There are decisions that make little difference in our lives. Whether to wear the white or blue shirt. Whether to choose the chicken or beef burger. Whether to watch a movie or walk in the park. The differences and consequences are minimal.


ut there are some decisions that impact your life for a long time, sometimes even forever: who you marry; the career you choose; where you’ll live; whether you’re going to have an active faith, and in what.

When I look back, I notice that some decisions, around ten or less, deeply influenced my life. They were good decisions, crucial ones. Sometimes I stop and think about how easily I could have gone the other way. Married another person. Fallen into temptation. Given up in a time of discouragement. Thrown in the towel. Listened to my heart. But thank God, and His wonderful mercy, my mind was illuminated and I made the right decisions. I reap the fruits to this day. But God didn’t make the decision for me. He simply presented the options, advised me according to His words, and gave me the liberty to choose for myself. I’m the one who preferred to hand in my freedom and let His words prevail in my life. It wasn’t luck, or some sort of super intelligence. It was submission. Obedience. When we want to be self-righteous, we normally do dumb things. When we recognize we’re idiots before God’s wisdom, and decide to follow it, we become wise. Big decisions don’t always seem so big when we make them. You’ll only be able to see how fundamental they are in the future. But how will you know that? The best thing you can do is to obey the One who knows best.


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Only at the Rainbow Theatre.

Universal uckg.org • November 2014 See page• 19 for addresses.

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God gives us a piece of His mind

It’s common for people to groan, complain and give God a piece of their mind because of their painful life. In some cases they don’t even do that because they blame Him for their suffering, destruction and slavery. Then they start asking questions like: “Where was God when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt for 430 years?”


fear before him! May they be permanently humiliated!) I would feed Israel the best wheat, and would satisfy your appetite with honey from the rocky cliffs.’” (Psalm 81.8-16 NET)

ell, today HE will give us a piece of His mind! After all, our Lord also has every right to do this. It begins like this:

“But the more I summoned them, the farther they departed from me. They sacrificed to the Baal idols and burned incense to images.” (Hosea 11.2 NET)

In other words, I showed them an altar of life and they insist on putting their faith in an altar of darkness and deception. “WHO’S TO BLAME?” It took God four centuries to answer those people because it took them that long to respond to HIS call: “I said, listen, my people! I will warn you! O Israel, if only you would obey me! There must be no other god among you. You must

Universal • uckg.org • November 2014

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not worship a foreign god. I am the Lord, your God, the one who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it!’ But my people did not obey me; Israel did not submit to me. I gave them over to their stubborn desires; they did what seemed right to them. If only my people would obey me! If only Israel would keep my commands! Then I would quickly subdue their enemies, and attack their adversaries. (May those who hate the Lord cower in

In short, a person will never be unhappy or suffer because they’re envied, persecuted, or because their problem or enemies are too strong. When God works, who can block or reverse it? I will conclude by repeating a question I was recently asked: “When will I not need to talk to God more than once about what I want?” “When HE does not need to speak to you more than once to be obeyed.” May God abundantly bless you! Message from Bp Guaracy Santos


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FINDING ANSWERS | Looking for answers? ...This show is for you! 60 minutes of real issues, real debates, real people, real answers. Airs: Mondays – Sundays from 11pm to 12am. REPEATS: Mondays – Sundays from 7am to 8am. THE CHRISSY B SHOW | The Chrissy B show will inspire you to be happy and stay positive! Tune in for entertainment, true-life stories with friendly and practical advice. Airs: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 10pm REPEATS: Tuesdays & Thursday at 11am, Sunday at 3pm LOVE TALK | There is always something to say when it comes to matters of the heart and James and Helena are not afraid to delve into them. Join the chat! Airs: Every Saturday at 3pm. REPEATS: Wednesday & Friday at 1am DKW (A DIFFERENT KIND OF WOMAN) | Peeks into women and all of their complexities – the good, the bad, and the not-so-hot. Airs: Sundays at 4pm. REPEATS: Saturdays at 4pm.


STAMFORD HILL 70 High Rd, N15 6JU STRATFORD 7 The Grove, E15 1EL

BRIXTON 386 - 388 Brixton Rd, SW9 7AW

HAMMERSMITH Unit 39, Broadway Shopping Centre, W6 9YD KILBURN 234 Kilburn High Rd, NW6 4JR PECKHAM 176-178 Rye Lane, SE15 4NF PLAISTOW St Andrew’s Rd (off Barking Rd, by Plaistow Police Station), E13 8QD SOUTHALL 71-73 The Broadway, UB1 1LA

MANCHESTER 71 Daisy Bank Rd, Victoria Park, M14 5GH

WILLESDEN GREEN 17 Heathfield Park, NW2 5JE

CROYDON 12-14 London Rd, CR0 2TA

HACKNEY 20 Brenthouse Rd, E9 6QG

LUTON First floor Luton Mall, 46 George Street, LU1 2LG, (Next to McDonalds)

TOOTING 145 Upper Tooting Rd, SW17 7TJ (Entrance in Lessingham Avenue)

CATFORD 1 Bromley Rd, SE6 2TS

EDMONTON 6 Sterling Way 1st Floor (above LIDL), N18 2XZ

LEICESTER Former City Cinema, 27 Abbey Street LE1 3TE

WOOD GREEN 54A High Rd, N22 6BX

NEWCASTLE 1 Thornton St (below Premier Apartments, off Westgate Rd), NE1 4AT

­­­ OUTSIDE LONDON BRANCHES BIRMINGHAM (Bullring) 128 Suffolk St, Queensway, B1 1LX

NOTTINGHAM 11 Thurland St, NG1 3DR SWINDON Former Salvation Army building, 21 Fleet St, SN1 1RQ

BIRMINGHAM 99 Lozells Rd, B19 2TR CARDIFF West Grove, (off Newport Rd), CF24 3AN


GLASGOW (Once a month - call for info) Jury’s Inn Glasgow Hotel, 80 Jamaica Street, G1 4QG ILFORD Ilford Conservative Club, 42 Ilford Hill, IG1 2AT OXFORD Asian Cultural centre (Towards end of Manzil Way) 0X4 1GH (off Cowley Rd, near NHS building) PETERBOROUGH Westgate Church, 70 Westgate, PE1 1RG SHEFFIELD Workstation - Showroom 5, 15 Paternoster Row, S1 2BX

GRAVESEND 8/9 High Street, Kent, DA11 OBQ

BELFAST (Tuesday – 7:30pm) Holiday Inn Hotel, 22 Ormeau Avenue, BT2 8HS For more info call 00353 8615 45567

S­ T HELIER (JERSEY) Springfield Stadium, Blue Room, Janvrin Road, JE2 4LF

LEEDS Malmarc House, 116 Dewsbury Rd, LS11 6XD *Soon moving to a new location

BOURNEMOUTH St. Michael’s Church, (West Cliff bus stop), Poole Rd, BH2 5QU

WOOLWICH Glyndon Community Centre (Lower Hall), 75 Raglan Rd, Plumstead, SE18 7JB


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BRISTOL St Werburghs Community Centre Horley Road, St Werburghs, BS2 9TJ

Universal • uckg.org • November 2014

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ONLY FOR: • Assistants • Soul winners • Evangelists

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Rainbow Theatre • Friday 21 November • 10pm Website:


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