Universal 24/05/15

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24.05.15 Suggested donation ÂŁ1

A special consecration just for you! Pg 14

After a liftime of pain, I can smile again Pg 4

"But when I changed, everything else changed..."









At the age of14, weed was so deeply etched in my system that I couldn’t focus without it.

One day I was smoking outside of the UCKG HelpCentre when someone invited me inside. I was given real down-toearth care for my wellbeing. I began attending meetings that helped me to crush the desire to smoke. Soon the thought of weed disgusted me. Now, I’m no longer addicted and I’ve just recently started my own business! My future looks brighter.

Shannon Burke

SUNDAY • 4PM Only at the Rainbow Theatre • See page 19 for addresses addictioncleansingtherapy.org act@uckg.org



After a lifetime of pain, I can smile again



Re-creation: The procedure for a new you


An unmistakable support

11 | THE LOVE WALK A marital investment



FAITH BOOSTER 14 | MEMBERS CONSECRATION When a servant becomes a king


15 | BISHOP MACEDO When a servant becomes a king




ROD Group


The wife of a wounded soldier - Part 2



After a lifetime of pain, I can



magine a pretty cottage, adorned with orchids and other pretty flowers. Then picture it being knocked down with a 12,000 pound wrecking ball, turned into a pile of rubble in minutes. This was my life.

I had a good childhood until I was sexually abused at the age of 5. To make matters worse, I was taken away from my parents. One of my family members would make cocaine and inject me leaving me to have hallucinations of dead people surrounding me. After the abuse and my traumatic experiences, I began to hate men and this consequently led me to have relationships with girls to the extent of sleeping with them. When I came to the UK, my cousin taught me how to use boys and get their attention. I became very loud and I would have more than one boyfriend at a time just to fill the empty void I had within me. I contemplated committing suicide on a number of occasions, especially after my mum passed away. I would drink heavily to escape the harsh reality of my life. Through a friend, I learnt about the UCKG HelpCentre. As I was at the end of my tether, I decided to give it a try. Within the first few months of attending, I began to understand that it was possible for me to change through the power of faith. I made a decision to participate in the Campaign of Israel the minute it was announced. I knew that this was the essential key for me to become a totally new person. I partook in Chains of Prayers for my deliverance and total transformation and I would attend the Friday meetings without fail. Today my life has been totally transformed. I have peace within me and I am happy. Morrilyn Bakarr


Togther stronger we are

Did you know that God considers your family special? Your house may be filled with turmoil, arguments erupting at any given moment and togetherness seems a thing of the past‌ but You can change that. Join us for the Family prayers on Thursdays where you will learn the very important steps to bring restoration to your family Gods way. Thursdays 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am & 3pm)

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Re-creation: the procedure

for a new YOU


f you open a toolbox, you will notice that the tools are all different, but all of them are useful. Regardless of how often he uses them, a handyman does not make little of any of them.

their uniqueness; instead, they compare themselves to others. This attitude co-operates with the devil’s agenda. They are filled with complexes and don’t like themselves.

This principle can also be applied to the human body. Every part of it is important and necessary. If one part refuses to work (no matter how small it may be), the entire body is compromised.

But it is possible to be re-created from the inside out. The core of your being can be changed. God can and wants to re-create the way you see yourself.

Many people are unhappy with the way they are. They seldom embrace

To re-create something from the outside doesn’t make any difference. When the root—the core— is fixed, the outside changes.

Traumas, complexes, insecurities and the like can be resolved; God can work on your inner being. If you have been holding an identity that is fake and untrue, but you want to be happy and excited about yourself and truly love yourself, then the Re-Create event is for you. It will take place on Sunday 24th May at 10am, and also at 7.30am.

Bp Randal Brito | bishop@uckg.org

Trying to make it in life can be a challenge. If you want me to help you, support you or answer questions you may have, get in touch! Email me: bishop@uckg.org Pop in:

You may know of the Ten Commandments, but these are the 30 you have never heard of. Discover the 30 commandments of Jesus at Faith School, as part of a special three-week seminar at your local UCKG.


Rainbow Theatre 232 Seven Sisters Road N4 3NX

For a one-to-one with me or any of my colleagues, call our 24-Hrs helpline on 020 7686 6000 to book an appointment or drop in at your local branch (see page 19 for addresses).

(also at 7am, 10am & 3pm)


Chainyer. p ra


Make a


It works!

A Chain of Prayer is a series of weekly prayers made without interruption. Their purpose is to achieve a positive transformation through faith, just as these people have done; their secret to success being their perseverance.

My feelings were my worst enemy I

was an emotional wreck, allowing my emotions to get tangled into one big mess. I cried over the smallest things such as a simple bill or an argument; I had no control over what I felt. I allowed the past to trouble the present and so I never I had time to look to the future. To add to all this madness, I was insecure about myself and felt inferior to others. Gradually, as I attended the UCKG HelpCentre, I used my faith to achieve physical things and I was even able to buy my own house. Yet, I was still the old me. It was only until I’d had enough of allowing what I felt to control my life and took part in important meetings on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays to work on my inside. As I surrendered my life to God, I noticed a major difference within me—I began to have peace and wouldn’t allow things to get to me. It didn’t happen with a click of a finger, but as I persevered, I began to unravel the true beauty inside of me.

Sushma Verma

Which Chain of Prayer is best for you? Monday INDEPENDENCE PROJECT 7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM Guidance for financial growth and success. 06

Tuesday HEALING DAY 7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM Promote good health and general wellbeing.

Wednesday PERSONAL GROWTH 7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM Spiritual growth and development.

Thursday FAMILY DAY 7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM Prayerful support and guidance for families.


I no longer live in shame M

y finances were a disgrace. I felt embarrassed because I had to depend on my family members to provide for me, and I couldn’t do or enjoy what I wanted. My life was stuck. During all of this, I was attending the UCKG HelpCentre, and as people shared their testimonies, I became inspired to also change my situation. I decided to speak to an adviser, started attending the Monday Independence Project meetings and made the decision to become a tither. As I was learning how to use my faith and applying what I learnt during the meetings outside in the real world, the doors of my financial life began to open. I’m currently working for one of the biggest construction/civil engineering companies in England, doing their electrical works.

Dwaine Millwood

Today, I am no longer ashamed. I can even pay some of the bills for my family. This is just the beginning!

When a title means nothing at all T

here was a wall in my marriage that was in urgent need of fixing. I was disgusted with the fact that for the past five year, I had been raising my children by myself, but still had the title of a married woman. My husband was out of our lives and I could no longer accept it. Being a member of the UCKG HelpCentre, I took part in the chain of prayer on Thursday’s and did purposes of faith for my family. Although five years had passed, I was persistent. Today, I don’t only have my husband by my side, but me and my family are closer than we ever imagined!

Olimpia Abra ntes

We don’t just want you to get somewhere; we want you to hit the target! This is why we encourage people to focus on one main objective: one goal with all your strength! Speak to the pastor at your local branch to help you get started on the right Chain of Prayer for you.





Freedom and protection from negativity.

Recieve the strength you need for your relationship. IMPOSSIBLE CASES 7AM

Sunday (Main service) EMPOWERMENT 10AM & 7.30AM Weekly spiritual boost. Main meeting.

Also on Sunday ADDICTION CLEANSING THERAPY (ACT) - 4PM A unique complement to empower you to beat any addiction. 07

3 E S O TO L


e year! h t f o h c n book lau e Th : e m i t though A journey


ith comments of how organised the book launch was and how smoothly it ran on Saturday 9th May, this had to be the best Nothing to Lose book launch yet. As soon as the side doors opened, the crowd of people that were queued all the way around the Rainbow Theatre, piled in to exchange their tickets for one, two and even up to 15 of the Nothing to Lose 3 biographies. The enthusiastic spectators were guided through a lobby that had been entirely remodelled to resemble a historical museum. The detail that went into replicating key moments of Bishop Macedo’s life was astounding. Giant, 3D life-size builds displayed past experiences of the founder of the UCKG—his marriage to Mrs Ester; his imprisonment; him hosting an event with a turnout of over 250,000 people at Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro; the Temple of Solomon; the Ark of Covenant in enclosed in the Tabernacle, the Levites carrying the Ark into the Temple and Bishop Macedo consecrating the Levites. >>

After admiring the museum, spectators were guided upstairs to have their books signed by Bishop Carlos, Bishop Frank, Bishop Randal or Bishop James, whilst a quartet played in the centre of the auditorium. It was an incredible afternoon with a great turnout and over 10,000 books sold.


If you still don’t have your copy of Nothing to Lose 3, you can acquire it at your local bookshop. To see more pictures visit: facebook.com/UCKGUK


Join Bp James and Helena every Saturday at 7pm for the Love Therapy meeting, Rainbow Theatre.


he idea of the Love Walk is to encourage married couples and singletons to communicate. Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? – says the Bible in Amos 3:3. Marriage is a long journey. If there is no agreement, how can a couple walk together? And how can there be agreement if they do not talk to each other? It’s not only married couples that suffer due to lack of communication. Many people who are single would love to have an opportunity to open their hearts to a special someone; but routine, a hectic lifestyle, shyness and the lack of opportunities prevent them from meeting someone with whom they could start a relationship with in the near future.

AN UNMISTAKABLE SUPPORT You have probably heard the saying that, “Behind a great man there is always a great woman.” This is certainly true in the sense that a woman plays a huge part in the success of her man. But should a great woman really be behind a great man? For a woman to be fulfilled, she needs much more than a background spot in a relationship, or even in society. A woman has her own potential, and if this potential is not developed and worked on, sooner or later she will start feeling frustrated with everything. Including her relationship. We are not saying a woman should start taking the lead in her family or relationship, because that wouldn’t work either. If we look at God’s original plan for relationships, we will see that He created woman as a suitable helper. The word helper means collaborator or co-worker. And a co-worker 08

stands shoulder to shoulder with those who are on her team. So we could say that the place of a woman is not behind the man but at his side, standing shoulder to shoulder in his battles. And before anyone starts kicking up a fuss saying that the woman is the only one who has to stand shoulder to shoulder with her partner, it goes without saying that the same is expected of men. A woman is much more than a mother or wife. She also has this potential that pulsates like a heart within her, shouting and driving her to make a difference in her community and with those around her. A man who has such a woman next to him has a support that no amount of money can buy. thetherapyoflove.com

The Love Walk is an opportunity for people to talk. However, we advise the participants to follow a few rules in order to have an efficient chat during the Walk. Don’t forget to wear the Love Walk T-shirt and have your kit ready with you on the day. Rain or shine, walk! (When was the last time you two walked together in the rain? How romantic…). Why not invite another couple to participate in the Love Walk too? Event: The Love Walk Date: Bank Holiday Monday 25th May Time: 1pm Location: Hyde Park

’t forget y


r !

We look forward to the next Love Walk on Monday 25th May. It is a wonderful way for us to invest in our marriage.”




My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the Love Walk two years ago. It was a beautiful day and we had a picnic too. We asked each other many questions to update our marriage and to check how we were getting on with each other. We discussed our likes and dislikes, and discovered new things to improve and areas to work on. It was a special opportunity for us to learn more about each other, and we enjoyed every minute of it.


Samantha Dixon



Life was nothing out of the ordinary for me when I was young, until I reached the ages of 13 and 14 and what I knew about life changed. It became about boys and getting attention—a life that I wasn’t all that interested in. >>

I have a really good financial life with a stable job in a good company, and I have been married for three years. I never thought that would happen.”


UN >>

My background demanded that I focus on getting a good education. Still, I briefly dabbled in that world. It started off with being touched in places that I shouldn’t have been touched in by boys at school. Due to my sheltered life, I couldn’t really understand what was being done to me. I thought I was getting attention from the boys.

It began to happen inside of the classroom. It soon began to happen every day, with a different boy each time. Even though I told them to stop, I wasn’t assertive enough for them to listen.

because I wouldn’t speak to anyone about anything. I bottled everything up, and as the abuse continued, I put it inside of my bottle instead of dealing with it. The anger that I began to develop against that teacher and the people abusing me, boiled over and I decided that I would never be taken advantage of again. So one day, I put rocks and trainers inside of a bag and hit the boy in the head with it.

One day it happened in the classroom and the teacher witnessed it, but did nothing to stop it. That’s when a switch went off inside my head that something was definitely not right.

I wanted him to feel the anger, frustration and pain that I felt. I would go home every night and not be able to open up to my family. It got to a point where instead of coming home and crying myself to sleep, I began to disrespect my parents. I would punch walls, doors and once I picked up a family member and held them against the wall.

I retreated into my shell and became an introvert. Everyone thought I was shy

I now thought that girls are weak and I believed that I had allowed what had been




happening to me because I was weak. I started behaving, dressing and speaking like a boy. I would go into the men’s section of a shop and buy men’s clothes. People couldn’t even tell if I was a boy or a girl. I had reached breaking point. Police were around my house almost every other day because when I got angry, I was uncontrollable. After having an argument with one of my relatives, I felt so frustrated and unloved that the bottle I had kept closed for so long began to open. I was 14 when I tried to choke myself with a belt. I also attempted to jump out of a window, but slipped backwards and my mum came into the room. My aunty was attending the UCKG Help Centre and would bring me along every Sunday. I wasn’t interested in it, despite everything I was still going through. She would tell me that it could help me if I took it seriously, but I was so convinced that the way my life had turned out was normal. I went out with a group of friends one day and there was a clash against another group, like a gang battle. That day, I witnessed someone almost die in front of me. It was a shocking wake-up call for me, because the messages that I had been presently hearing at the HelpCentre were about not waiting and wasting time because you don’t know tomorrow. If that person had ben me, I would have wasted my life and had nothing to show for it. The next time I went to the HelpCentre, I paid closer attention to what the pastor was saying and realised that the biggest issue I had was grudges against my abusers. It was extremely hard for me to forgive those who had hurt me, and it took me a while to do so. Though I had been private about my past, I found myself being able to speak to the advisers on hand to help. They assisted me a great deal. I chose to attend more of the meetings at the HelpCentre, and my mind gradually gave way to reason. I was only hurting myself by refusing to forgive. That’s when the anger was let out of my bottle. In fact, the whole bottle broke. There was no more frustration or pain. I was free to move on. Even after doing so badly at school and being told that I was going to fail, I managed to complete my education. I have a really good financial life with a stable job in a good company, and I have been married for three years. I never thought that would happen. I was acting so much like a boy that I forgot how to be a girl. I didn’t think anyone would be attracted to me, and I felt it was difficult for me to get close to anyone else. But when I changed, everything else changed. I can barely recognise the old me from the new. Now my life is entirely differently. Anne Nogueira


Consecrat ion Members


n the Bible the word consecration means “the separation of oneself from things that are unclean, especially anything that would contaminate one’s relationship with a perfect God.” Consecration also carries the connotation of sanctification, holiness or purity. The importance of being consecrated or pure in our relationship with God,

is emphasised in an incident in the book of Joshua. After forty years in the wilderness, the children of Israel were about to cross over the Jordan River into the Promised Land. They were then given a command and a promise: “Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you’” (Joshua 3:5).

Dear member, God wants to do amazing things in your life! This day will mark the beginning of a new spiritual journey for you. It will be day where you will come before God and receive a special anointing, which will set you apart and draw you closer to Him. He will use you in an amazing way!

May 31 • 10am



e are constantly seeing the damage caused by earthquakes in various parts of the world in the news. The images are striking: people frantically being shaken back and forth, trying to hold on to something without being able to gain stable footing. Many end up hit by collapsing buildings because of the tremors. Cracks and craters open in the ground. Massive loss and death happen suddenly and unexpectedly. Have you tried to imagine what it feels like to have the ground shaking under your feet? This is a dire situation in which no one wants to find themselves in. However, many who are in the Work of God have unfortunately caused a devastating earthquake in their lives. The Bible says that when a servant becomes king, the earth trembles (Proverbs 30:21,22). The ground shakes and no one can bear up. A real earthquake happens under the feet of servants who become masters of themselves. And everything they built during their years as servants comes crashing down

in the blink of an eye. This is because what sustains us in the Kingdom and the Work of God is the fact that we truly have Jesus as our Lord. His authority is responsible for our stability and balance. Therefore, when someone stops being a servant and puts himself in the place of a master, he can no longer be sustained by God, nor will he be able to sustain himself for long. This is when the tremors begin: pride, sin, self-sufficiency, hurt, deceit, greed, spitefulness… all of which cause great havoc. And who is able to remain standing under these conditions? This is why many claim to leave the Work of God for such small things. Often, it’s because something was taken out of context, they were spoken to in a harsh manner, were reprimanded, were given advice that went against their will or suffered an injustice; these are

enough for them to fall. The truth is that they did not fall because of these things, but because an earthquake was already happening under their feet, and their foundation was shaken. They went from being servants to masters, no longer serving because they wanted to be served. They abandoned what God entrusted to them, as if they were doing the Most High a favour. The servants of God remain standing, but those who serve themselves are swallowed up by the earth. We were called to serve, not to be served. All those who have ulterior motives have lost sight of what the Work of God is, and they will not remain in it or in the Kingdom of God. They reign over their own lives—it is no longer the Lord Jesus.



INTELLIGENCE Discover the secrets of an unshakable faith SUNDAY • 6PM


Heroes of faith

Who’s never had a childhood hero? You name it: Superman, Batman, Spiderman, The Fantastic Four, and the list goes on.

The truth is that we were all born with a tendency to copy those we admire. I believe this is a natural human instinct (no one needs to teach us) that God originally intended to use as a tool to help us mould ourselves after meaningful role models (especially of faith) that would shape our character, behaviour and attitude.

Unfortunately, as with many other Godgiven free gifts, people end up misusing this natural instinct to copy evil things that others do, and this is how the devil spreads his seeds of confusion, death and destruction. But to combat the dissemination of the bad seeds, rescue people from evil, lead people back to God and be God’s role models in this world, God raises servants, ordinary people who are used in an extraordinary way by Him to make the difference in this world—bishops, pastors, assistants, YOU (yes, He wants to use you too!).

Did you know that the assistants of UCKG, though they have their own struggles and challenges, could be mightily used by God to bless you? Did you know that their prayer and advice could actually bring good results to your life? Their mission goes far beyond simply giving envelopes and holding offering bags—they can be a blessing for you!

“And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” (Hebrews 11:32-34)

“But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments,

in tumults, in labours, in sleeplessness, in fastings; by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonour, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.” (2 Corinthians 6:4-10) As for you, assistant, keep yourself strong AND SAVED, and the work that you are doing for God now will remain long after you are gone from this earth. Then, instead of Superman or Spiderman, it will be you that will be remembered by future generations, as a hero of faith. Be a blessing! Pastor Jorge Duarte

(Leader of Assistants UK)


PrIsOn iNmAtEs aRe oFtEn sEeN aS sOcIeTy’s fAiLuReS; aRe fEaReD, pEoPlE wHo cAn bE sEt aSiDe aNd fOrGoTtEn, oR wHodId cOnDeMnEd aNd dEsPiSeD fOr tHe wRoNg tHaT tHeY .


he UCKG HelpCentre believes that no one is beyond help, and has acted on that view by establishing the Rescue of Dignity Group (ROD). These are volunteers who support prisoners and their families throughout the UK. Prisoners can refer themselves to ROD, or family members and friends can do it for them. Either way, a volunteer is assigned to write to and visit the person concerned. Support is also available for the families.

HoW wE wOrK ROD supports prison inmates both spiritually and physically. In many cases, it has been found that when inmates develop a faith and commitment towards God, their self-esteem and attitude towards themselves and others improves considerably. This leads them to the point at which they are ready to abandon a life of crime and refocus on becoming better citizens. The result is that several inmates who have been supported by ROD have been released or had their sentences reduced due to positive changes in their behaviour and attitude while in prison.

WhO cAn bEnEfIt? The obvious answer is anyone who is in prison, on remand or serving their sentence. However, inmates’ friends and families are also helped. Although relatives are not behind bars, they also suffer as a result of a custodial sentence, having been left behind to cope with changed circumstances and possibly disapproval and snubs from people they know. Some are lone parents with young children and others will be older children, partners or prisoners’ parents and grandparents, any of whom may take the situation badly. Hardly a week goes by without a report or newspaper article on the causes and effects of crime. ROD’s mission is to address the underlying factors that lead people into crime in the first place. It’s a true pleasure when we see people turn their backs on a criminal lifestyle to build something positive for their future. Pastor Michael Boodram (Head of UCKG Groups, UK)

FaCiNg aNd oVeRcOmInG iNjUsTiCe I went through a very tough situation, where I was lied against and imprisoned. It was a dark moment for me. The people I used to call friends weren’t there for me, but were spreading rumours and wrong information about me. I wrote a letter to the pastor of the UCKG HelpCentre I had been attending, explaining everything, and a few days later, I received an email from the ROD group. They wrote to me with words of encouragement and prayed for me to strengthen me. I made an appeal for my case and won. The taste of freedom was heavenly. I continued my attendance at the HelpCentre. The ROD group taught me to move on, and attending the women’s meetings helped me to forgive those who had done wrong against me. Now, I train people who were once in prison, helping them find work experience and encouraging them to be better citizens, as well as managing my own business. Helena Gusinyu


What has the Altar done for ?


“When it was time for me to choose a university to study at, I only picked two, with Hertfordshire University being my first choice. However, I was refused places at both of my choices. During the UCan event, my prayer request was to secure a place at Hertfordshire University. Every night at 12am, I would make a prayer with this in mind. I decided to take action and called the university to find out why I was turned down. They told me that I had passed everything, but the individual interview. So I emailed the admission team and offered to do the interview again. Afterwards, I was successful and will be starting at the university of my choice.” Precious Gaizer

“There is no denying the power of the altar, the chosen place of God. It has brought about great results for those who have challenged Him.” Find inner


“My family took a financial blow after the death of my father. But when I took it to the altar, my family found peace and I found financial independence. ”

“My life was very frustrating. I had stomach issues, arthritis and migraines. This went on for 20 years and it was unbearable! But from the moment I began to use my faith, hand in hand with what the doctors told me, I am now physically able to do what I couldn’t do before.”

“We were both young and healthy and we had no illnesses, so why couldn’t I have a child? I quickly learnt that I shouldn’t be content with the situation. After we placed our all on the altar, we don’t just have one child, but three!”

Ayden Alison



Regain financial

“I was a time bomb waiting to explode, and I just didn’t know how to deal with the complexes I had. By placing my life on the altar, I received empowerment and was able to release all that I had inside of me, exchanging all my anger for inner peace.”

Ester Juan


Josephine Nzuruba

Finally have a


Mary Pedro

Join us on the most spectacular place in the church - the altar- this Sunday at 10am (also at 7.30am) in all UCKG branches Do you have an experience with the altar? Share it with us. Email: news@uckg.org


The wife of a wounded soldier part 2

A car drove in the opposite direction at high speed and collided head-on with the car they were in.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint”. (Isaiah 40:25-31)

It was a time of great distress because my husband had several fractures in his hip and left leg. It was a month where I was constantly crying out, asking God to relieve us from all that was going on. We were on a mission of total sacrifice, and suddenly the soldier had to stop because he was unable to continue in that war. Amongst the struggles in the hospital and after two surgeries, one early morning I came into the room he was hospitalised in, and took the Bible, as I would usually read to him. As I read, he immediately said, “Read it again!” I was reading the book of Isaiah, chapter 40, and I suggest you read the whole chapter. But this sparked the beginning of a great miracle for the soldier, for he felt great pain every day and could not be rid of it. This word did acknowledge that there was no point in questioning God, asking Him why. “To whom then will you liken Me,
or to whom shall I be equal?” says the Holy

That is why it is so hard to find a wife of a soldier who is always prepared and submissive. In other words, who is the firm foundation; who adds and helps even in times of great distress. One. Lift up your eyes on high,
and see who has created these things,
who brings out their host by number;
He calls them all by name,
by the greatness of His might
And the strength of His power;
not one is missing. Why do you say, O Jacob,
and speak, O Israel:
“My way is hidden from the Lord,
and my just claim is passed over by my God”? Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the Lord,
the Creator of the ends of the earth,
neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak,
and to those who have no might He increases strength.



She takes care of the things that require sacrifice and finds no time for distractions, for she is always ready to be the wife of a soldier. A soldier’s wife gives herself daily to fight by his side, wherever he may go! Mrs. Claudia Brito

Investing in our inner beauty and strength. Join us for a meeting that will guide and inspire you.


Success is a

When you are a nobody. when you always comply without asking any questions; when you’re careful not to do anything that would upset people, it’s virtually guaranteed that no one will trouble you. YOU ARE A DEAD FLY.


ut when you live for an ideal; when you care too much about making a difference; when you let nothing stop you from achieving your dreams, you have the qualities for success. Now in order to actually become successful, you are the one that has to choose whether to shake things up or get crushed; to be

a nobody or to be remembered; to be a dead fly or a threat.

trait—that is essential for financial success. You will also receive a free key ring to keep your keys together. Bring this with you every week.

Now you may be asking yourself, ‘How do I do that?’

What are you waiting for?

Every Monday in the Independence project meetings, we will give you one key—one

Don’t settle for the cool breeze of defeat nor to live a mediocre life.

I could have easily been put off With no qualifications for the job I wanted, I could have easily been put off. Instead, because of the Monday meetings I have been attending, I learnt to believe in myself and take action. Today I am a teaching assistant and I’m excelling at what I do. Declan Varleigh


I declared war against

the debt!

,942 in ted with, but was left with £12 I had a business, which I par hing not had I so g, thin any pay ldn’t of rent arrears. At the time, I cou in cha y nda participating in the Mo te to use but my faith. I was wro and risk a k too I inst the debt. prayer and declared war aga uld wo he said he and t, deb to clear the to my creditor asking them tinued with I left it for a while, but con . lord land the with get in touch in and he aga r dito cre ile later, I called the same written off my chain of prayer. A wh had lord land the e I had sent that letter, sinc r eve t tha me d rme info the war! redibly surprised, but I won the £12,942 debt. I was inc Samuel Danquah

No one makes a lock without a key. Come and receive yours to unlock your dreams. (Also at 7am, 10am & 3pm)

freedom True




elieve it or not, everybody has a fear of some kind. Some of us have many of them. Now, I’m not talking about fear of spiders or snakes or…well, you get the idea. I’m talking about the kind of fear that holds you back from living life to the fullest, or taking chances that could enrich your life. I was reading the Bible and I realised that, “the Lord our God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, love, and peace! (2Timothy 1:7)”

I’ve met a lot of Christians who are worried about their start-up’s trajectory, worried

WOrtH sO mUcH mOre tHan i tHouGHt!


7am, 10a pm 0 3 . 7 & m p 3

about their product being worse than a competitor’s; worst of all are those who are afraid that if they talk about their big idea, someone will steal it from them. Don’t become one of these people, because it will ruin your business and it might also ruin you. That’s because fear is like wildfire—once a small flame ignites, it’s pretty hard to contain. We all give into some fearful behaviour from time to time, and the best thing to do is to remember what the Lord Jesus said:

“Do not to worry about what the future holds because it’s supposed to be what you decide about (Matthew 6:25).”

If you overcome fear, you reap what you’ve sown. But, if you don’t, fear will determine how your future will be! “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me. I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil.” (Job 3:25,26) “Courage is not the absence of fear but the only thing that can master over it!”

I was filled with many complexes, fears and issues related to my self-esteem. Even after finding peace in God, I still found it hard to believe in myself and was up and down in my faith. I was bombarded with doubts that I wouldn’t amount to anything, but never told anyone of my struggles. During the Friday spiritual cleansing prayers, I would feel really uneasy. I became frustrated, because the doubts and fears always seemed to overcome me. I continued in my chain of prayer and became stronger. I gave all my fears and doubts to God believing that He would help me through, and He did! I am very happy now and I believe that I am so much more worth than I thought! It’s about time that this pearl shines to make a positive difference.

During the Seminar you Will: Learn How tO bReAk FreE fRom nEgaTiVe CyCleS And pRobLemS Discover The rOot oF yOuR fAiLurES Receive PowErFul pRayErS wIth tHe LaYinG On Of haNdS

jOin uS fOr thEsE pOwErfUl anD LibErAtiNg meEtIng eVerY FriDAy, And yOu CoUld sTarT YouR FreE LifE TodAY




he will of God is that “you may have life, and life with abundance.” Abundance in your family, in your finances, in your love life, in your health, in everything! But to achieve that, you must change your MENTALITY. You need to be TRANSFORMED and for you to be transformed, you CANNOT BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD. And that’s where most youths fail, because they are conformed to this world. They accept things the way they are, they take it as their ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ and therefore they get complacent and do nothing to change that. “That’s how life is,” they say… When YOU DECIDE not to accept it anymore, then things will start to change for you. It all starts with YOU. “You are your biggest enemy. If you can overcome yourself, you can overcome anything.”

NEED ADVICE? Email me at: pastor@victoryyouthgroup.co.uk


alcolm Koroma leader of Team Xtreme (Finsbury Park), the first recipient of the Massally Award (V-Day 2015) and allround nice guy. At 23, Malcolm is set to marry his fiancé in a few months and has seen his company Photology Media become an instant hit. Let’s meet Malcolm.

Michael Victor (VYG Leader, UK)

I can’t lie; it’s tough. My advice to others would be to SAVE, SAVE and SAVE some more from the very beginning. During the run-up to a wedding, things can get stressful, but overall it’s a blessing! The fact that I’m getting married to the love of my life in the presence of God and have the support of friends and family is what makes it a blessing!

Malcolm, you weren’t always the cheerful and focused young man we see today. What brought about this change?

You really value your friends; we know not too long ago you lost a friend in Joseph Massally. What did winning the Massally award at V-Day mean to you?

I was considered a ‘joke’ and a deceiver. It took me a long time to realise that I needed to change; I was blinded by the way my life was and this clouded my judgement. However, the moment I realised that I was chosen to change my family, I changed immediately and haven’t looked back.

It was a moment I will never forget. Anyone that knew Joseph Massally will say ‘legend’ in the same breath. To win an award with his name on it meant so much to me, and it really showed me that what I do in the youth group means something. A lot of people feel like they have no purpose, but winning the award has shown to me and hopefully to others, that all our lives have purpose for the very fact we are alive and breathing.

You’ve been in Youth Group for some time now. What’s been your highlight so far? It would have to be proposing to my fiancé at the dream night vigil; that was a surreal moment. In addition to that was having the opportunity to become an assistant. Let’s talk more about the wedding. You’re about to get married in a few months. How are you feeling and what’s the preparation like? facebook.com/victoryyouthgroup

What can we expect of Malcolm Koroma in the next five years? I will be settled into marriage with my beautiful wife. Photology will be exploding and I’ll undoubtedly have my own office in the city. The next five years is going to be ‘harder, faster, better and stronger’! I’m not going to stop, I’m not going to look back; I’m just going to keep on pushing towards my goals. twitter.com/officialvyg




BRIXTON 386 - 388 Brixton Rd, SW9 7AW

STRATFORD 7 The Grove, E15 1EL

CATFORD 1 Bromley Rd, SE6 2TS

TOOTING 145 Upper Tooting Rd, SW17 7TJ (Entrance in Lessingham Avenue)

CROYDON 12-14 London Rd, CR0 2TA

WILLESDEN GREEN 17 Heathfield Park, NW2 5JE WOOD GREEN 54A High Rd, N22 6BX

EDMONTON 6 Sterling Way 1st Floor (above LIDL), N18 2XZ

OUTSIDE LONDON BRANCHES BIRMINGHAM (Bullring) 128 Suffolk St, Queensway, B1 1LX

HACKNEY 20 Brenthouse Rd, E9 6QG HAMMERSMITH Unit 39, Broadway Shopping Centre, W6 9YD KILBURN 234 Kilburn High Rd, NW6 4JR

BIRMINGHAM 99 Lozells Rd, B19 2TR

PECKHAM 176-178 Rye Lane, SE15 4NF

CARDIFF West Grove, (off Newport Rd), CF24 3AN

PLAISTOW St Andrew’s Rd (off Barking Rd, by Plaistow Police Station), E13 8QD SOUTHALL 71-73 The Broadway, UB1 1LA

LEICESTER Former City Cinema, 27 Abbey Street LE1 3TE

BOURNEMOUTH St. Michael’s Church, (West Cliff bus stop), Poole Rd, BH2 5QU

LUTON First floor Luton Mall, 46 George Street, LU1 2LG, (Next to McDonalds)

BRISTOL St Werburghs Community Centre Horley Road, St Werburghs, BS2 9TJ

MANCHESTER 71 Daisy Bank Rd, Victoria Park, M14 5GH

GLASGOW (Once a month - call for info) Jury’s Inn Glasgow Hotel, 80 Jamaica Street, G1 4QG

NEWCASTLE 1 Thornton St (below Premier Apartments, off Westgate Rd), NE1 4AT

ILFORD Ilford Conservative Club, 42 Ilford Hill, IG1 2AT

NOTTINGHAM 11 Thurland St, NG1 3DR SHEFFIELD 12 Hartshead Square, Sheffield S1 2EL SWINDON Former Salvation Army building, 21 Fleet St, SN1 1RQ

GRAVESEND 8/9 High Street, Kent, DA11 OBQ


LEEDS 12 Regent Street Leeds LS2 7QA

BELFAST (Tuesday – 7:30pm) Holiday Inn Hotel, 22 Ormeau Avenue, BT2 8HS For more info call 00353 8615 45567

OXFORD Asian Cultural centre (Towards end of Manzil Way) 0X4 1GH (off Cowley Rd, near NHS building) PETERBOROUGH Westgate Church, 70 Westgate, PE1 1RG ST HELIER (JERSEY) Springfield Stadium, Blue Room, Janvrin Road, JE2 4LF WOOLWICH Glyndon Community Centre (Lower Hall), 75 Raglan Rd, Plumstead, SE18 7JB


On the B

FINDING ANSWERS | Looking for answers? ...This show is for you! 60 minutes of real issues, real debates, real people, real answers. Airs: Mondays – Sundays from 11pm to 12am. REPEATS: Mondays – Sundays from 7am to 8am. THE CHRISSY B SHOW | The Chrissy B show will inspire you to be happy and stay positive! Tune in for entertainment, true-life stories with friendly and practical advice. Airs: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 10pm REPEATS: Tuesdays & Thursday at 11am, Sunday at 3pm LOVE TALK | There is always something to say when it comes to matters of the heart and James and Helena are not afraid to delve into them. Join the chat! Airs: Every Saturday at 3pm. REPEATS: Wednesday & Friday at 1am DKW (A DIFFERENT KIND OF WOMAN) | Peeks into women and all of their complexities – the good, the bad, and the not-so-hot. Airs: Sundays at 4pm. REPEATS: Saturdays at 4pm.

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