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Volume XXXV, Issue 2 October 30, 2015

Homecoming Tonight

By Emi Zeger Editor-in-Chief This year’s Homecoming Dance will be held tonight, October 30, from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the UC High gym as an event to “increase school spirit and [encourage students to] have fun,â€? according to ASB Executive Treasurer James Sud. )RU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH DW 8& +LJK WKH GDQFH will occur on the same day as the Homecoming football game, according to Community Involvement Commissioner Claire Halaka. “[The dance] was either [going to be] right after the football game or on Halloween, and we didn’t want to take away everyone’s Halloween,â€? said Student Life Commissioner Jade Cabrera. “We’re changing things up, maybe starting a new tradition,â€? said Halaka. “The dance is right after [the football game]. [Game attendees] will just walk down >IURP WKH IRRWEDOO ÂżHOG@ :HÂśOO KDYH IRRG and drinks for everyone, and we’ll just start the dance right then,â€? explained Halaka. Because the dance immediately follows the football game, the dress attire will be casual, according to Sud. He added that students could also wear semi-formal attire or even costumes for Halloween. In accordance with the dance’s date falling the day before Halloween, the dance will feature a “semi-spooky but still light-

heartedâ€? theme of “Dance-of-the-Dead,â€? according to Sud. “The foyer will be graveyard-themed, the entire inside [of the gym] will be kind of like a haunted mansion, and there will be a creepy pumpkin patch on the side for people to sit in,â€? said Halaka, who is on the Decorations Committee. According to Sud, DJ “Bsteezyâ€? will be in charge of the music at the dance. Bsteezy’s RIÂżFLDO ZHEVLWH VWDWHV Âł'- %VWHH]\ DQG the Bsteezy Events team specialize in high VFKRRO GDQFHV ÂżUVW E\ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ ZKDW the students want to hear at their dance.... [We] cater to both the students and faculty by creating a high-energy dance environment with clean, appropriate music. Second, we provide only the best in sound and lighting equipmentâ€? ( In addition to music, the dance will feature a photo booth and lots of refreshments, according to Cabrera. “There will be tons of pizza,â€? added Cabrera. According to Sud, “Everyone with a GPA above 2.0â€? is eligible to participate in the dance. Ticket prices “started at 25 dollars with an ASB card and 28 dollars withoutâ€? an ASB card. ASB expects about 500 students to attend, but Sud hopes for more students to join. He also aims for the dance to “shake off the weights of school drudgery.â€? He added, “There will be some scary, scary things, so be prepared to get spooked.â€?

Theatre To Present Fall Play Drop Dead! By Bilal Mohamed Staff Writer UC High School Performing Arts Department students will be putting on a play called Drop Dead! from November 12 through 15. The play will be in room 214, because it is a dinner theater and they need room for tables and food. According to Freshman Kayla Kenney, the genre of the play is a dark comedy. Senior Carlos Velasquez, who is taking part

the play will be a dinner theatre and will have Italian food catered for the show. The Ă€UVW WZR VKRZV ZLOO EH KHOG DIWHU VFKRRO DQG the last two will be on Saturday and Sunday. According to Junior Abdullah Haki, the play was written by Playwrights Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore. The play is being directed by Theatre Director Matt Moody, as well as the assistant directors, Senior Natalie Tommasino and Junior Thomas Reasons. According to Velasquez, the play contains lots of adult theme humor that the students will love. “It’s the Tropic Thunder of theatre,â€? Velasquez said. Velasquez said, “There are a lot of pl ot twists that you will not see coming. Drop Dead! is a very inCarissa Guzman//Commander teresting UC High students rehearse for the upcoming play, Drop Dead! and unique story and is unlike anything I’ve ever in the play, said that it is a play within a seen before. I genuinely believe that play. He explained that the characters in a lot of people are going to like it.â€? the play are putting on a play about a murAccording to Kenney, the cast has been der mystery, but when the actual actors and crew members start dying, the cast has to preparing for the play for many weeks. They attend after school rehearsals to pracsolve the murder. According to Director Matt Moody, prices tice to get ready for the show. IRU DGXOWV ZLOO EH Ă€IWHHQ GROODUV QLQH GROSenior Suzette Ramos is the set direclars for students with an ASB card and ten tor and explained that she, along with her team, will set up the whole dinner theater for students without ASB cards. According to Sophomore Emmalee Wolfe, vibe for the play.

UNIVERSITY CITY HIGH SCHOOL Happy Halloween Fall spirit edition PAGE 4

Congrats to Senior Abby McGee for being the first to find Joe Commando in the first issue.

Mr. Centurion Showcases School Spirit Class President Kaitlin Saythong said, By Sebastian Rodriguez “The winner gets the title of Mr. Centurion Staff Writer for the entire year and makes appearances The male beauty pageant, Mr. Centuat pep rallies as well as other school events. rion, was held on October 22 in the UC There were 20 total participants in the show High gym and showcased the various this year.â€? talents of those The winner of the who particibest legs competition pated. was Senior Sal Mauro. The UC High The winner of best talASB students ent was Junior Kelvin hosted and fundMac, Mr. Congenialed the event. ity was Senior Kasra ASB President 0L]DEHLJLÂżQL DQG WKH Timothy Pham winner of the swimsaid, “ASB suit competition was funds the show Senior Allen Siegler. and our Spirit The show was Commissionjudged by a selected ers host it.â€? The panel. “The panel inshow consisted cluded teachers and of four differalumni as well as one ent sections surprise guest,â€? said that the particiSaythong. The parpants competed ticipants underwent in. “There is a several practices to best legs comprepare for the show. petition, a talent Pham said, “There competition, a are four total pracswimsuit comAverie Wehr//Commander tices, all of which petition and a Senior Timothy Pham was awarded Mr. Centuare dance practices, question and rion of the year. as well as one reanswers segment,â€? said Pham. “There is a Mr. Con- hearsal before the actual show.â€? New geniality, a best legs award and the Mr. rules have were put in place this year Centurion award itself,â€? Pham continued. for the show. “This year you cannot go The winner of the show was Pham, who down the catwalk and strip. Whatever you earned the title of Mr. Centurion. Senior walk out with must stay on,â€? said Pham.

UC High Lockers to be Replaced By Alison White Staff Writer New outdoor lockers are to be installed at UC High during Spring Break of the 20152016 school year to replace the dilapidated current lockers. The new lockers are scheduled to be completely installed by the time school resumes after Spring Break, according to Vice Principal Michael Paredes. “We’ve been in dire need of new lockers,� said Paredes. The current lockers are rusty, and a good portion of them are broken. Due to the recent ban on students going to their cars during lunch, more lockers are expected to be needed. “Before, between a half and three quarters of the lockers were used, but now we can expect more to be issued this year,� said Paredes. The earliest the lockers will be able to be installed is Spring Break, because the locker company is not operating during Winter Break. Because of the already extensive construction going on the UC High, the administration wants to have the installation happen when school is not in session, in order to not impact students during passing period, according to Paredes.

According to Paredes, the new lockers are going to be slightly larger and sturdier. For students, the lockers help make their heavy loads just a bit lighter throughout the day. “I have to bring three textbooks and six notebooks to school everyday, so not having a place to keep those during the day is GHĂ€QLWHO\ QRW DQ RSWLRQ Âľ VDLG 6HQLRU +LUDUL Watanabe. Even for the students who do not necessarily have a lot of books to carry for school, lockers are still important to them. “I don’t really have a lot of books, but having a locker is just part of the senior experience,â€? said Senior Eric Fernandez. The main source of funding for these lockers comes from one of the various bonds the school was given that is set to expire soon, according to Paredes. “The main reason it’s taking so long to get started is because there’s a process that goes on in order to access the money in the bonds,â€? explained Paredes. “It’s about time!â€? said Senior Jessica Hoffman. “It kinda sucks that we won’t be able to really use the new lockers, especially since we can’t go to our cars, but I’m still really excited.â€?

Retraction: Last issue, we regretfully misidentified two photos on page 3; Counselor Shauna Van Bemmel is pictured in the left photo and Counselor Kelsey Bradshaw is on the right in the article on new staff. Also, the grade of Sierra Varano, who wrote the Letter to the Editor, should have been senior.


Unsigned Editorial

October 30, 2015

Editorial Board Vote:


From the Editor-in-Chief

Kennedy’s Khronicles

Caitlyn Jenner Halloween Costume Offensive Halloween is a magical time of the year, herself, but also the entire transgender when people can dress up like anyone they community ( GHVLUH WR EH (YHU\ \HDU WKHUH DUH QXPHURXV For starters, this costume makes it costumes that randomly appear because seem socially acceptable to make fun RI QHZ WUHQGV LQ PHGLD DQG SRS FXOWXUH RI WUDQVJHQGHU SHRSOH 0HPEHUV RI Whether it be Singer Miley Cyrus with her the transgender community have had crazy blonde dreads or Politician Donald a hard enough time coping with the Trump with his orange toupee (or is it a hardships as they transform comb over?), there is always a new trendy into their true selves, but costume that takes to the streets every to make a Halloween 2FWREHU 2QH FRQWURYHUVLDO FRVWXPH costume that ridicules that has been gaining a lot of criticism them is reinforcing and publicity this year is a mocking one the notion that being of Olympian Caitlyn Jenner, according to transgender is NBC News ( (YHQ WKRXJK merely a “costume,â€? some might see this costume as humorous, or an act, rather than it is offensive, not only to the transgender DQ LQQDWH LGHQWLW\ community, because of the mocking nature Senior Ilana Levy of the costume, but it to anyone who cares stated, “I feel as if DERXW HTXDOLW\ DQG WROHUDQFH Caitlyn should be According to the website of Spirit celebrated and honored Halloween, a Halloween goods store, this for her transition, rather new Jenner costume consists of a strapless WKDQ EH PRFNHG Âľ 7KH ZKLWH FRUVHW DQG VKRUW ZKLWH VSDQGH[V transgender community The entire ensemble is meant to portray has come courtesy of Spirit Halloween the Vanity Affair cover shoot that recently The Caitlyn Jenner costume a long way UHYHDOHG -HQQHU¡V QHZ WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ 1RW mocks the transgender com- towards social only is this costume offensive to Jenner munity. equality in the

last decade, and Jenner has contributed to WKLV SURJUHVV 7KH ODVW WKLQJ VKH GHVHUYHV is a mean-spirited costume that promotes LQWROHUDQFH Spirit Halloween Marketing Director Lisa Barr stated, “We create a wide range of costumes that are often based upon FHOHEULWLHV SXEOLF Ă€JXUHV KHURHV DQG VXSHUKHURHV :H IHHO WKDW &DLWO\Q -HQQHU is all of the above and that she should be FHOHEUDWHG 7KH &DLWO\Q -HQQHU FRVWXPH UHĂ HFWV MXVW WKDW Âľ :KLOH WKH PRWLYHV behind making the costume might be valid -- Caitlyn in trending -- anyone who would want to celebrate Caitlyn would not wear the ridiculing costume, as it is offensive WR &DLWOLQ KHUVHOI $FFRUGLQJ WR &1%&¡V website, some buyers have hateful and transphobic motives behind wearing the FRVWXPH 7KH FRQFHSW RI KRQRULQJ D ZRPDQ by means of dressing up like her is a very admirable idea, but in reality, it has been turned into another way for people to mock and criticize Jenner for her courageous transformation ( So instead of taunting Jenner and other transgender women, we should be FHOHEUDWLQJ WKHP IRU WKHLU FRXUDJH

By Karyssa Newsome Features Editor We’ve all experienced an overcrowded FODVVURRP DW OHDVW RQFH EHIRUH 6RPHWLPHV WKH H[WUD NLGV KDYH WR VLW RQ WKH Ă RRU DQG you all have to squeeze together and try to DFWXDOO\ OHDUQ /XFNLO\ FODVVURRP PLVKDSV DV VXFK KDYH DOO EHHQ FOHDUHG XS E\ QRZ But what if I told you that many UC High students experienced these discomforts this past fall, twice a day? Replace that crowded classroom with a standard yellow EXV 6ZLWFK WKDW VHDW RQ WKH Ă RRU ZLWK D stranger’s lap, take away that arm’s length of personal space and smash yourself against your desk-mate shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh—Oh! And don’t forget to cut the $& $W WKLV SRLQW \RX¡UH DERXW DV FORVH DV you can get to what UC High bus riders KDYH H[SHULHQFHG WKLV IDOO

it feels like the money they pay is not being XVHG WR EHQHĂ€W WKHP According to Teacher Michele Fournier, this school would not have enough students WR NHHS LWV VWDIĂ€QJ ZLWKRXW WKH VWXGHQWV WKDW ride the bus every day, because there are WRR IHZ ORFDO VWXGHQWV DWWHQGLQJ 8& +LJK If we play such a crucial role in the school, why is it we are being treated as such? “We make up a large portion of this school, you’d think they’d treat us better,â€? said *XLOOHUPR 7KH OHDVW HQMR\DEOH SDUW RI WKH school day should not be getting to school LQ WKH Ă€UVW SODFH As of two weeks ago, some measures have been put into place to help accommodate the crammed students, but bus riders still complain that the system is not meeting WKHLU QHHGV DQG H[SHFWDWLRQV ´7KH VZHHSHU bus didn’t even come to pick us up a few ZHHNV DJR , HQGHG XS EHLQJ WKUHH KRXUV late to school and a lot of students weren’t DEOH WR FRPH WR VFKRRO WKDW GD\ ,W ZDV because no one told us there was a new bus VWRS IRU VRPH RI XV Âľ VDLG *XLOOHUPR The district must take action to address WKLV LVVXH DQG SURWHFW LWV VWXGHQWV $ VDIHW\ analysis of the bus conditions should EH FRQGXFWHG ,Q DGGLWLRQ WKH GLVWULFW should consistently provide more buses to transport students and hold all the buses DFFRXQWDEOH IRU DUULYLQJ WR VFKRRO RQ WLPH In the many years I have been a bussed student, I have watched the bus conditions slowly deteriorate from the “not so great in WKH Ă€UVW SODFHÂľ SURJUDP LW DOUHDG\ ZDV WR WKH DERPLQDEOH FRQGLWLRQV RI WRGD\ The district must act before conditions deteriorate further and result in more discomfort and missed education, or worse, DQ DFFLGHQW

Bussed Students Treated Like Animals

Commander University City Volume XXXV Number 2


Kennedy Wilson* Emi Zeger * NEWS EDITORS: Micah Osteria* Hata Velic* OPINIONS EDITOR: Camille Cudaback* FEATURES EDITORS: Dorian Uson* Karyssa Newsome* SPORTS EDITORS: Valerie Bennett* Anthony Garbino* PHOTO EDITOR: Kate Atkins* Carissa Guzman* ARTIST: Karyssa Newsome* Taylor McCabe BUSINESS MANAGER: Averie Wehr* STAFF WRITERS: Bilal Mohamed Sebastian Rodriguez * Members of the Editorial Board Alison White Kailey Withers ADVISOR: Susan Bristol Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the majority of the Editorial Board, while signed articles UHĂ HFW RQO\ WKH RSLQLRQ RI WKH ZULWHU 7KH RSLQLRQV expressed in this newspaper are not representative of WKH IDFXOW\ RU WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ DW WKLV VFKRRO $OO DG queries may be directed to our business manager at Please direct all letters and questions to: University City High School Journalism Department 6949 Genesee Avenue San Diego, CA 92122 or email The Commander at VEULVWRO#VDQGL QHW The UCHS Commander staff reserves the right to HGLW DQ\ PDWHULDO GXH WR VSDFH

The school transportation system has crashed in quality and safety, and bus riders, including me, are pissed off beyond comprehension at the treatment we have UHFHLYHG ´:KLOH WKH QXPEHU RI EXVVHV to UC [High] has not been cut, there are fewer now than say two years ago because UC [High] is no longer a Program Improvement receiving school ([so there are] two fewer busses than in 2013-14),â€? VDLG 9LFH 3ULQFLSDO 0LFKDHO 3DUHGHV Being forced to pay “tuitionâ€? in the form of bus fees (250 dollars per semester), being packed into already full buses like sardines, students are feeling more like FDQQHG Ă€VK QR IRUJHW WKDW PHWDSKRU PRUH OLNH FDWWOH WKDQ VWXGHQWV ´,W¡V VZHDW\ and disgusting and packed,â€? explained 6HQLRU -HULF *XLOOHUPR ZKR ULGHV EXV ( “The busses are made to hold 56 high school-aged students, but can potentially hold three to a row (for a total of 84), as long as students don’t block the bus walkway aisle (hard to do with averageVL]HG WHHQDJHUV Âľ VDLG 3DUHGHV 7KH 8& High bus rosters seemed to contain far more VWXGHQWV WKDQ DFFHSWDEOH ,Q WKH FDVH RI EXV E, the roster was so full that it took two buses to transport all the students to school, RQH IRU HDFK VWRS 7KH HQWLUH EXV ZDV Ă€OOHG E\ WKH Ă€UVW VWRS DQG PDQ\ VWXGHQWV KDG WR sit three to a seat, which is a blatant safety YLRODWLRQ ´:H¡YH KDG WR GR WKUHH VHDWHUV :H¡YH KDG WR FDOO IRU D VHFRQG EXV EHFDXVH WKH Ă€UVW EXV LV RYHUORDGHG $QG WKH VHFRQG EXV DOZD\V FRPHV ODWH 7KH Ă€UVW ZHHN RI VFKRRO , ZDV late every day,â€? explained Sophomore Joan $UEROHGD DQRWKHU EXV ( ULGHU %HLQJ ODWH for school results in missing important information from the teacher and less learning, which is unacceptable, especially ZKHQ FDXVHG E\ WKH GLVWULFW¡V RZQ EXVHV What is particularly disturbing is that we bus riders pay money to fund transportation WR JHW WR VFKRRO ´:H SD\ PRQH\ HYHU\ semester, which is absurd because then we are treated like this, like animals,â€? VDLG *XLOOHUPR 7KH GLVWULFW Ă€UVW WDNHV RXU PRQH\ DQG WKHQ WUHDWV XV OLNH DQLPDOV ,W¡V like paying for a fresh pair of Nikes, but instead, receiving a second hand pair of “What are those?â€? If students have been funding the transportation system, why have conditions worsened? Where is the money going? Many bus riders agree that

By Kennedy Wilson When we were young, we were so eager to grow up, to become someone, but now that it is actually happening, I feel like running IRU WKH KLOOV &DQ , JR EDFN WR EHLQJ HLJKW DQG ZRUU\LQJ DERXW ZKDW Ă DYRU RI FKHZ\ granola bar I would be eating, rather than writing my college applications? I’d rather be worrying about a Halloween costume than an AP class right about now‌ If we have to grow up, though, at least it’s fun to look back on past costumes WKURXJK WKH \HDUV :KHQ , ZDV OLWWOH , XVHG to think of Halloween as being a magical WLPH , UHPHPEHU FDUYLQJ SXPSNLQV DQG watching Halloweentown. Nonetheless, at the time, I always thought Christmas or Easter were far PRUH PDJLFDO %XW QRZ WKDW UHDOLW\ KDV killed Santa and the Easter Bunny (Let’s be honest, times were better before we knew Santa wasn’t real), I feel that Halloween is the last drop of magic After all, it is a night when you can be anything you want; so, what do you want to be? ,I \RX DVNHG PH ZKHQ , ZDV Ă€YH ZKDW , wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you I was determined to be a princess: big tiara and even bigger dreams of UR\DOW\ :KHQ , ZDV VHYHQ , ZDV VXUH WKDW I was going to be a pop star -- my costume may have made me think that maybe it ZDV SRVVLEOH EXW P\ YRLFH GLGQ¡W DJUHH I don’t know exactly when it was that my Halloween costumes stopped mirroring P\ GUHDPV EXW HYHQWXDOO\ LW KDSSHQHG The inevitable hit and I, like everyone HOVH ZDV IRUFHG WR JURZ XS Now that we are grown up,we have to stop dreaming about what we are going to be for one night and really think about ZKR ZH DUH JRLQJ WR EH +DOORZHHQ LV tomorrow, and if I don’t even have a costume yet, how am I supposed to make real decisions about the rest of my future? I’m left thinking‌ maybe Halloween is still magical, because it is the one day of the year that we are allowed to hide RXUVHOYHV ,W LV D WLPH ZKHQ ZH FDQ SXW RQ any mask and tell everyone that’s who we DUH HYHQ LI LW¡V MXVW IRU RQH QLJKW 5LJKW now, growing up and making choices, I think maybe we need that mask, because as college app deadlines come around, the masks fall off, and we are left with the full truth of who we are and who we are EHFRPLQJ So with these last few Halloweens of our youth sneaking up on us, I want you to ask yourself, who are you going to be? It’s not just a game anymore; it’s not just costumes we are choosing, but we are also choosing ZKR ZH ZLOO EHFRPH , KRSH \RX DOO KDYH D memorable Halloween, and that you take advantage of the magic left in this world, because I think we all could use some of it DERXW QRZ , NQRZ , FDQ


The Commander


Landscape Designers Should be Drought-Friendly By Emi Zeger native, as stated by Howell (plants.usda. Editor-in-Chief gov )XUWKHUPRUH D UHSRUW IRU WKH The massive construction at the athletic California Coastal Commission labels Ă€HOGV LV WKH PRVW REYLRXV UHQRYDWLRQ SURMHFW the Brisbane Box tree as a “non-drought DW 8& +LJK +RZHYHU VRPH VWXGHQWV PD\ tolerant plantâ€? ( have noticed more subtle changes: baby Meanwhile, San Diegans are experiencing plants have been popping up around the a drought that is “one of the worst in FDPSXV SDUNLQJ ORW DQG IURQW EXLOGLQJV California’s history,â€? according to the The ongoing UC High Athletics Facilities Metropolitan Water District of Southern 8SJUDGH SURMHFW LQFOXGHV D URXJKO\ California’s website ( million dollar landscaping renovation, Maintaining thirsty, nonnative trees is an which includes planting groundcover, irresponsible use of precious and limited shrubs and trees on campus starting this ZDWHU VXSSOLHV year, according to Project Engineer Aaron In contrast, native plants are droughtRockefeller and the project’s IULHQGO\ +RZHOO VDLG ´1DWLYH WUHHV RI OLVW RI SODQWV WR LQVWDOO course, would be very much Rockefeller stated that drought-tolerant types of ZLWK 6DQ 'LHJR 8QLĂ€HG trees, which would be better School District approval because they probably don’t ´ WKH /DQGVFDSH need as much water to get Architect for SDUSD established as the other and the architect for the >QRQQDWLYH@ RQHV Âľ 1DWLYH project came up with the trees also tend to be hardier, most sustainable plantsâ€? as they are adapted to the emphasizing droughtHQYLURQPHQW 0RUH RI WKHP WROHUDQFH +RZHYHU WKH should have been planted planned plants include as practical and sustainable potentially harmful choices that reduce irrigation nonnative species, while FRVWV “succulents are not part of In addition to saving water, the design plan,â€? according QDWLYH WUHHV EHQHĂ€W WKH ORFDO to Environmental Science QDWXUDO HQYLURQPHQW ´1DWLYH 7HDFKHU 7DUD +RZHOO 7KH trees -- birds and insects are artwork by Taylor McCabe plan should have focused more on familiar with them, and therefore succulents and California-native plants to they provide habitat and homes for those be more environmentally friendly, water- DQLPDOV :KHQ \RX KDYH QRQQDWLYH WUHHV FRQVHUYDWLYH DQG EHQHĂ€FLDO WR VWXGHQWV WKH\ FDQ JHW LQYDVLYH 7KHLU Ă RZHUV DQG Although the project’s list of plants pollen can land into our native canyons, includes many native species according to then disrupt the native plants out there a United States Department of Agriculture and outcompete for their resources, and website, the tree to be most abundantly we could lose the biodiversity of our planted, the Brisbane Box tree, is not FDQ\RQV Âľ VDLG +RZHOO 1DWLYH SODQWV DUH

a more environmentally conscious choice planting list comprises, should replace the and should replace the planned nonnative QRQQDWLYH RQHV DV VXJJHVWHG E\ +RZHOO YHJHWDWLRQ It is not just trees being planted around Drought-tolerant native trees require FDPSXV WKRXJK $PRQJVW WKH UDWKHU OHVV PDLQWHQDQFH DV ZHOO $FFRUGLQJ WR SXQJHQW PXOFK RQH FDQ Ă€QG VPDOO SODQWV Rockefeller, King Palm trees will be DQG JUDVVHV 6XFFXOHQWV ZRXOG KDYH EHHQ planted down the walkway to the perfect choice for these areas, and WKH IRRWEDOO Ă€HOG 1DWLYH would have saved an abundance trees should especially RI ZDWHU ´6XFFXOHQWV QHHG replace these King less water, as they store lots Palm trees, which RI ZDWHU Âľ VDLG +RZHOO ,I are nonnative, they had considered them, according to a the landscape designers website on palm trees would have had over 70 (palmtreepassion. different California-native com succulents to choose from, Howell explained, according to the California â€œâ€Ś[palm trees] have Native Plant Society’s very shallow roots, so website, including those they have to be constantly such as the “Chalk Dudleya,â€? artwork by Taylor McCabe ZDWHUHG $QG EHFDXVH WKH\ JURZ which requires no water during so high, they don’t provide shade, and the summer and in fact “prefers to be droughtpalm fronds can fall off and injure people, stressed in the summerâ€? (calscape.cnps. which is not a conducive thing to have org ,W VHHPV DEVXUG WR H[FOXGH VXFFXOHQWV in the PE area when kids are playing out when they are perhaps the best solution to WKHUH Âľ 6KH DGGHG ´$QG WKH\ KDYH WR EH GURXJKW WROHUDQW SODQWLQJ constantly maintained because you have In the future, landscape designers, the to trim those palm fronds‌it costs a lot of district and involved school staff and PRQH\ WR PDLQWDLQ SDOP WUHHV Âľ ,QVWHDG community stakeholders should more â€œâ€Śit would have been really pretty to heavily value native plants and succulents, plant [native] Western Redbuds down that which would conserve water and money column because they have nice little pink as well as improve the natural and school Ă RZHUV Âľ VDLG +RZHOO ´DQG WKH\ SURGXFH HQYLURQPHQWV )XUWKHUPRUH WKH VFKRRO VKDGH Âľ 6XVWDLQLQJ SDOP WUHHV ZDVWHV VKRXOG FRQVLGHU VWXGHQW RSLQLRQ ´1R PRQH\ student approval was requested nor sought,â€? Planting native trees would be more VDLG +RZHOO ´7KH\ >VWXGHQWV@ VKRXOG KDYH prudent, as they consume less water and some input on what kind of trees are grown offer sun protection instead of concussions RQ WKHLU FDPSXV Âľ VKH DGGHG 6WXGHQWV IURP SOXPPHWLQJ EUDQFKHV RU SDOP IURQGV VKRXOG KDYH WKH ULJKW WR LQĂ XHQFH WKHLU In addition to Western Redbuds, native campus features; after all, the upgrades are trees such as Crape Myrtles, Sycamores and supposed to enhance student experience, shade-delivering Oaks, none of which the right?

Informal Homecoming a Big Disappointment

By Valerie Bennett of October 16, but the football team is OLIWHG HYHU\RQH¡V VSLULWV Âľ $FFHSWLQJ game’s results while still being Sports Editor playing against Bishop’s, which is really a Every year at UC High, the new school WRXJK FRPSHWLWLRQ 7KH IRRWEDOO FRDFK DQG positive and proud of the UC High team is year is kicked off with the the Homecoming the ASB Committee decided it would be a part of sportsmanship, which Centurions 'DQFH )RU VHQLRUV +RPHFRPLQJ LVQ¡W MXVW best to not to have Homecoming on a night DW +RPHFRPLQJ FDQ XQGHUVWDQG 7KH D VLOO\ WUDGLWLRQ EXW LW LV WKH Ă€UVW HYHQW DGGHG when there’s a good chance of our team outcome of the game doesn’t change how to what will be a long list of last high school ORVLQJ Âľ 8QGHUVWDQGDEO\ $6% VKRXOG QRW VLJQLĂ€FDQW WKH Ă€QDO +RPHFRPLQJ 'DQFH LV WR VWXGHQWV DQG SDUHQWV $Q\ PHPRULHV :LWK VXFK VHQWLPHQWDO YDOXH memories that are going to attached to the event, it is surprising that last a lifetime shouldn’t be the ASB Committee declared this year’s considered “causalâ€? in any Homecoming Dance to be a casual/ way, so the Homecoming FRVWXPH GDQFH 7KH LQIRUPDO WRQH RI WKH Dance should have been dance has made many students confused scheduled as a semi-formal and irritated, because every Senior Class dance even if it was going to should be allowed a special night that IROORZ D FKDOOHQJLQJ JDPH isn’t surrounded by cheap jeans, t-shirts Now, if UC High were to RU HYHQ WDFN\ VXSHUKHUR FRVWXPHV offer a plethora of dances, Senior Sang-Hoon Kang said, “Every then maybe having a year since I’ve been at UC High, there casual Homecoming Dance has been a Homecoming Dance where ZRXOGQ¡W EH DV ELJ RI D GHDO everybody dressed up and went to dinner However, UC High only gives DQG PDGH D VSHFLDO QLJKW RXW RI LW $ ORW students so many chances to of my friends don’t understand why they Kate Atkins//Commander GUHVV XS DQG GDQFH 6HQLRU are changing the tradition, because it sort Students can dress casual, in costume or semi-formal. Kristina Dejulio explained, of makes the night less important to us, which is pretty disappointing, since it’s our be forced to plan an entire Homecoming “Last year, we had the ASB Ball, which ODVW +RPHFRPLQJ HYHU Âľ 7KH GDQFH VKRXOG 'DQFH LQ WKH Ă€UVW WZR RU WKUHH ZHHNV ZKHQ is more formal, but since ASB didn’t sell have been organized as a semi-formal VFKRRO LV MXVW VWDUWLQJ XS +RZHYHU LV enough tickets last year, it’s not holding the GDQFH DV KDV EHHQ WUDGLWLRQ DW 8& +LJK playing against The Bishop’s School really dance this year, which really sucks because WKDW PHDQV OHVV DFWLYLWLHV IRU XV VHQLRUV Âľ The dance, which usually occurs on a a problem? Saturday night, unexpectedly falls on a Last year, UC High played their The casualness of the Homecoming Dance Friday night, October 30, this year, and takes Homecoming game against The Bishop’s might have been excusable if seniors SODFH GLUHFWO\ DIWHU WKH +RPHFRPLQJ JDPH School and lost badly; yet, a lot of students had more chances to get dressed up, take This schedule is not only inconvenient, but still showed up for the Homecoming SLFWXUHV DQG GDQFH +RZHYHU ZLWK RQO\ also confusing to most students who have 'DQFH DQG KDG D ORW RI IXQ :LQ RU ORVH one or two opportunities for such activities, EHHQ JRLQJ WR 8& +LJK IRU VHYHUDO \HDUV it was still the seniors’ last Homecoming, shouldn’t the Homecoming Dance be ASB Advisor Donna Fallon said, “The DQG WKH\ HQMR\HG LW WR QR HQG 8& +LJK considered too special to settle for a smelly football coach had only three available Alumni Samantha Wang, who graduated gym with kids tired and sweaty from the dates that we could have the Homecoming last year, said, “The Homecoming Dance game? Kang said, “Having the dance so 'DQFH RQ 7KH Ă€UVW >GDWH@ ZDV RQ WKH Ă€UVW was a blast last year; no one really cared VRRQ DIWHU WKH JDPH LV SUHWW\ LQFRQYHQLHQW weekend of October, and we can’t plan that we lost as long as we were all having I know we will all be really tired already a dance only a couple of weeks into the a good time cheering and screaming at IURP FKHHULQJ , GRQ¡W WKLQN D ORW RI NLGV VFKRRO \HDU 7KH RWKHU ZDV WKH ZHHNHQG RXU ODVW JDPH 1RW WR PHQWLRQ WKH GDQFH are going to even have the energy to dance

after a long day at school, extracurricular DFWLYLWLHV DQG D IRRWEDOO JDPH Âľ The ASB Committee argues that students can still attend dressed up, and that the GDQFH GRHV QRW RIĂ€FLDOO\ OLPLW ZKDW VWXGHQWV FDQ RU FDQQRW ZHDU +RZHYHU LI students only have perhaps half an hour to an hour to get ready for the dance after the game, there seems to be no way students will even have the time to dress up if WKH\ ZDQWHG WR $6% LV FDOOLQJ WKH GDQFH a “Dance of the Dead,â€? which creates the impression it is just one big Halloween party, which ultimately disregards the traditions of a more formal Homecoming 'DQFH 'HMXOLR VDLG ´7KH ZKROH WKLQJ LV FRQIXVLQJ DQG NLQG RI EL]DUUH , GRQ¡W even understand if they expect students to ZHDU WKHLU FRVWXPHV WR WKH JDPH RU QRW , have a lot of different friends saying they are going casual, while others are saying WKH\ DUH JRLQJ WR WU\ WR GUHVV XS ,W NLQG of seems like it’s going to be all over the place and really disorganized, which no RQH ZDQWV :H MXVW DVNHG IRU D VLPSOH semi-formal dance in the gym where we can look pretty and make memories at our ODVW +RPHFRPLQJ Âľ Homecoming should be about making WKH QLJKW VSHFLDO DQG VLJQLĂ€FDQW GXULQJ RXU last year at high school before many of us OHDYH IRU FROOHJH ,Q D \HDU IURP QRZ ZH will only have these memories to look back RQ ,W LV XQIDLU WR VWXGHQWV WR PDNH WKDW ODVW dance a casual night with no real tradition DWWDFKHG WR LW ,QVWHDG RI PDNLQJ JORRP\ and unsportsmanlike excuses that we would play too competitive of a team to be spirited, we should celebrating the start of a brand new school year in all of its glory and celebrating the team’s effort at overcoming challenges, which an informaldance just GRHVQ¡W FDSWXUH


Centurions Craft Custom Creepy Costumes By Alison White Staff Writer Halloween is a time to get together with friends, dress up in wacky costumes and eat your body weight in festive candy. Despite the fun of the holiday, there’s a small problem: Halloween costumes are expensive! Especially for teenagers who don’t exactly have the extra cash to splurge on an overly expensive costume that will probably be worn only once. Because of this, many UC High students like to make their own Halloween costumes from scratch. Just looking on the Party City website, PDQ\ FRVWXPHV VWDUW DW WKLUW\ ¿YH GROODUV DQG JR XS DOO WKH ZD\ XS WR ¿IW\ ¿YH dollars. That’s money that could be used for so many other things, like bags of candy corn or spooky skeleton socks. So why not get a little crafty and make your own bangin’ costume? More and more

people are beginning to hop onto the Do It Yourself (DIY) train and make Halloween just a little bit more hands on (partycity. com). Senior Hirari Watanabe turns social media logos into sentient beings with her costumes. Starting during sophomore year, Watanabe has dressed up as Twitter, Instagram, and this year, Tumblr. Wanting WR EH XQLTXH LQÀXHQFHG KHU D ORW ³, GRQœW want to spend money on costumes that everyone else has,� said Watanabe. For this reason, Watanabe has mastered the art of creating costumes out of cardboard and duct tape; a price-friendly method. Watanabe may make hers out of cardboard and duct tape, but if you’re good with a thread and needle, knock yourself out! That’s exactly what Freshman Mackenna Jones does. Previously, Jones has hand stitched her own Dorothy costume as well DV D GLVFR RXW¿W ZKHQ VKH ZDV \RXQJHU

“It’s fun, and it saves money,� said Jones. Sometimes being funny and original is a perfect reason to make your own costume. Sophomore Fernando Carios tries to make his relatable and easy to recognize. “I go online and see what’s funny and trendy,� said Carios. This year Carios plans to be a “Trash King.� “I’m getting this huge trash can, and then cutting out the bottom for my legs and putting suspenders in it so I can carry it on my shoulders,� said Carios. “Going with Trash King, I’m going to use Donald Trump’s face as the scepter.� With how expensive Halloween costumes are, and the low income of a minimum-wage student, it isn’t surprising that students look to DIY costumes for their trick-or-treating needs. So gather up the gang, put on some spooky tunes and maybe eat a few dozen pounds of candy corn while you get in touch with your inner Martha Stewart and create your own costumes this year.

Haunted Houses Wreak Havoc on Students By Dorian Uson Features Editor Some of the best October activities in San Diego include the multiple haunted houses that pop up around the city. The major venues that many UC High students are talking about include: The Haunted Trail in Balboa Park, The Haunted Hotel in Downtown San Diego and The Scream Zone at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. According to The Scream Zone website, there are four “Hauntsâ€? that take place: The House of Horror, The Haunted Hayride, KarnEvil and Paintball Apocolypse: A Nightmare on Clownstreet. In The House of Horror, there are multiple features to scare the life out of you. “It wasn’t very scary until a clown with a chainsaw ran after me,â€? said Junior Joshua Schneider. Tickets for Scream Zone range from 18 to 52 dollars (thescreamzone. com). With creepy clowns, ghosts and ghouls The Scream Zone is sure to make you, well‌ scream. The Haunted House in Downtown San Diego is the oldest haunted house in San Diego and was rated as one of the top 13 haunted houses in America by Travel TV. “I would say that the Haunted Hotel had way better special effects and is more entertaining because of the elevator,â€? said Sophomore Jade Glawe. Schneider also feels that The Haunted

October 30, 2015

Hotel is the scariest. “It was terrifying,� said Schneider. The Haunted Hotel includes a

Top Ten

Mistakes Made in Horror Movies By Karyssa Newsome Features Editor Nearly all of us have seen a scary movie at one point in our lives. No matter the ÀOP WHUULÀHG FKDUDFWHUV DUH DOZD\V FDXJKW PDNLQJ WKH VDPH GXPE GHDGO\ PLVWDNHV



8. Investigating the Noise – /RRN NLG

,I \RX¡UH KRPH DORQH DQG \RX KHDU IRRWVWHSV XSVWDLUV \RX GRQ¡W MXVW FDVXDOO\ FKHFN LW RXW 7KH\ $UH )RRWVWHSV 6RPHRQH LV LQ Morgue and New Doll Island. Prices for the \RXU KRXVH *(7 287 2) 7+(5( Haunted Hotel are 18 dollars and 28 dollars Playing the Hero – <RX FDQ¡W VDYH ÂśHP for the Hotel and fastpass, respectively DOO EXGG\ 6RPHWLPHV \RX KDYH WR ORRN RXW ( You better watch out while you’re waiting in line though, IRU QXPEHU RQH )RUJHW %LOO\ %LOO\¡V GHDG Save yourself. something might pop out at you! The Haunted Trail is a mile long Playing With the Ouija Board ² 2I walk through Balboa Park. DOO WKH WKLQJV \RX DUH QRW VXSSRVHG WR GR According to the website, this WKLV LV D ELJJ\ ULJKW QH[W WR OLJKWLQJ WKH year the trail will be on Bourbon YLUJLQ FDQGOH RQ +DOORZHHQ <RX OLWHUDOO\ Street. “They (the clowns) had EURXJKW WKLV XSRQ \RXUVHOI needles and were nurses and it Entering Haunted Houses – Why on was frightening, dangerous HDUWK ZRXOG \RX WKLQN LW¡V D JRRG LGHD WR stuff,â€? said Schneider. ZDQGHU LQWR D FUHHS\ DEDQGRQHG PDQVLRQ" “Although the Haunted Trails is a mile, it doesn’t ,I \RXU FDU EURNH GRZQ \RX ZDON \RXU EXWW feel like it is because WR WKH QHDUHVW JDV VWDWLRQ RU 0RWHO 7KHQ there’s so much going DJDLQ PRWHOV DUH D OLWWOH LII\ DV ZHOO on,â€? said Glawe. The “Is anyone there?â€? – Do you really Haunted Trail is now reH[SHFW WR KHDU ´<HDK ,¡P LQ WKH FORVHW featuring The Experiment ZDLWLQJ WR NLOO \RX -XVW WDNH \RXU WLPH Maze, an additional maze 7KHUH¡V QR UXVK RU DQ\WKLQJ Âľ ,I VRPHRQH¡V that has more curves and WKHUH WKH\ PRVW GHĂ€QLWHO\ DUH QRW JRLQJ WR creatures than ever before. announce it. Tickets for the Haunted Trail cost anywhere Splitting Up – 6WUHQJWK LQ QXPEHUV" from 19 to 35 dollars, :KDW¡V WKDW" :H¡UH DOO D ORW VDIHU LI ZH JR depending on if you want RXU VHSDUDWH ZD\V a fastpass or want to go Tripping – 2K QR ,¡YH IDOOHQ DQG , in the Experiment Maze can JHW XS /HW PH MXVW VLW KHUH DQG VFUHDP ( ZKLOH WKH PXUGHUHU LQFKHV WRZDUGV PH DW Hurry to enjoy these .001 miles per hour. spooky events while you can! They close down on Hooking Up – %DEH \RX NQRZ ZKDW November 1, so grab a group of ZRXOG EH UHDOO\ URPDQWLF" *HWWLQJ WR VHFRQG your bravest friends, pack an extra pair of EDVH LQ WKH EDVHPHQW RI WKH DEDQGRQHG underpants and try your nerves at one (or DV\OXP ZKHUH DOO WKRVH PXUGHUV WRRN SODFH all) of these scary-sweet Halloween treks. \HDUV DJR ,VQ¡W WKDW VXFK D JRRG LGHD"

7. 6.



3. 2. 1.

artwork by Karyssa Newsome

Hellevator that takes you through the Slaughter House, Dissector Autopsy

Have a Halloween Movie Marathon this Saturday By Karyssa Newsome Features Editor For many UC High students, Halloween is a great time to indulge the childish sides of themselves and have fun. This usually includes dressing up in costumes and going door to door. However, if you’re too old or “too cool� to hit the streets and trick-ortreat, but that holiday nostalgia is pulling at your heartstrings, follow in the footsteps of some UC High students and marathon your favorite Halloween movies. Looking back on Halloweens past, some of the best moments outside of trick-ortreating and dressing up were made in front of living room TV sets. One movie to watch if you are looking for a blast from the past is Hocus Pocus. We all know the plot. After moving t o

Salem, Max accidentally frees the coven of evil witches that prey on the souls of children. Max teams up with his little sister, his dream girl, and an ancient talking cat in order to stop the witches from becoming immortal. Many students admit they will be popping in the VHS this weekend. Senior Jeric Guillermo said, “I love Hocus Pocus! It’s spooky and fun and [Actor] Sara Jessica Parker made me love it.â€? If the witches of Hocus Pocus aren’t your cup of hot cider, then maybe the comical pairing of twins Witches Camryn Barnes and Alex Fielding will do the trick. Twitches follows two twin sisters who meet after being separated at birth and together, discover that they possess magical powers and must work together WR ÂżJKW off “the artwork by Taylor McCabe

darkness,� a monster that threatens their home kingdom. Seeing Actors Tia and Tamara Mowry together on the big screen will certainly be a blast from the past. With the perfect combo of magic, humor and romance, the Twitches series is a perfect way to revive that Halloween excitement. Possibly one of the most iconic Halloween movie series from our childhood is the Halloweentown saga. The story follows Character Marnie Cromwell and her two siblings as they visit their grandmother in the magical Halloweentown and learn all about magic and monsters. “Halloweentown is my favorite. It’s funny, really entertaining, and enjoyable,� said Freshman Kiana Pangelinan. Halloweentown has the perfect atmosphere of magic and mystery, and

watching Marnie grow up over the span of four movies is fun and relatable. If most of the movies from your younger years just aren’t packing that creepy Halloween punch, then The Nightmare Before Christmas LV WKH ÂżOP IRU \RX It has just the right balance of creepy animation and spooky themes to serve as your Halloween throwback. “I love The Nightmare Before Christmas,â€? said Senior Jackie Bermudez. “The animation is amazing, and it’s really fun and spooky and the songs are great!â€? This Halloween weekend, if you and your pals are in the mood for nostalgia, but don’t have the heart to dress up and pester your neighbors for free candy, run down to the store, buy an industrial size box of candy, and cram onto the couch for a movie marathon.

The Commander

Students Flaunt Seasonal Fashion By Micahrae Osteria layer protects you from wind and water, DQG FDQ NHHS WKH ÂżUVW WZR OD\HUV ZDUP DQG News Editor With the fall season at hand, and winter dry, perhaps a raincoat or windbreaker. You can’t have a fall wardrobe without just around the corner, it can be hard to dress for the constantly changing weather the basic seasonal necessities such as long of fall -- brittle and crisp in the morning sleeves, sweaters, pants and both thin and to blazing hot and humid in the afternoon. thick jackets. “I like to wear nice pants beThere are several ways to deal with the bi- cause it keep me warm and I feel stylish,â€? said Junior Patrick Madden. Don’t limit polar weather, and here are a few. Colors of fall clothing usually circle yourself though. Parkas, suede skirts, higharound the autumn color scheme, so you ZDLVWHG SDQWV Ă€DQQHOV WUHQFK FRDWV DQG should think of colors like reds, oranges, leather jackets are only a tidbit of the nuyellows, browns, and deep colors like bur- merous fashion styles found hanging in the gundy or violet. Besides feeling cozy, you closets of UC High students. Accessories can look cozy by going with darker shades for fall can oftentimes help complete an of colors like chocolate brown or burgundy RXWÂżW RU DGG D OLWWOH H[WUD ZDUPWK IRU WKH to maximize the effect. “The colors I wear especially windy days. Beanies are a comare typically brown, orange, and maroon mon accessory that helps with both bad and other more dark and muted colors to hair days and bad weather days. Besides match the season and the weather,â€? said KDYLQJ WKH EHQHÂżW RI H[WUD ZDUPWK EHDQSenior Mariel Gomez. Patterns like plaid ies also come in different colors and styles, RQ Ă€DQQHO DUH DOVR D IDOO IDYRULWH DQG \RX and can be a stylish accessory. Scarves are also a fun accessory, because it is FDQ RIWHQ ÂżQG Ă€DQQHOV ZLWK WKH VHDPOHVVO\ HDV\ WR ÂżW D VFDUI color schemes of fall inZLWK DQ RXWÂżW DQG LW DOVR corporated into them, so KDV WKH DGGHG EHQHÂżW RI think of colors like green, warmth as well. Gloves blue and black, or even are not only aestheticalventure into colors like ly pleasing, but also besubdued yellow or olcome essential for when ive green. Don’t forthe weather starts dropget that black is also ping tremendously (for a standard fall fashSan Diego, at least) ion color, so don’t Footwear for fall be afraid to pile on can range from comfy the black. Gray is sneakers to structured another fashionboots, but as long as able color for the they’re durable and fall, and can blend comfortable, there’s well with black or really no limitation to plaids. what you can wear on artwork by Taylor McCabe The material used your feet. You can alto make seasonal ways step up your shoe clothing can make selection by picking up hot items like oxRU EUHDN DQ RXWÂżW DQG LW FHUWDLQO\ KHOSV WR IRUGV Ă€DWV PRFFDVLQV DQG ERRWV WR FRPlimit how much of the same materials you plete your look. And why wear boring buy too. Sure, knit sweaters are cozy and soft, but when the temperature starts ris- white or black socks? Nothing rocks dress ing and the sweat starts beading, you might shoes more than patterned socks. begin to loathe that cable knit. “I like to Dressing for fall doesn’t have to be a haswear a lot of layers when the weather gets sle, as long as you know what you’re shopcolder,â€? said Gomez. Your main concern ping for and what styles of clothing work with layering would to at least have an in- for you. Fall is a versatile season for fashner layer, a middle layer, and a shell lay- ion, so don’t be afraid to mix textures and er. Inner layers provide comfort and also colors, as well as mixing materials as well. keep your skin dry. The mid layer provides As long as you (fall)ow these tips, you’ll ZDUPWK PD\EH ZRRO RU Ă€HHFH 7KH VKHOO be both toasty and chic for the season.

Fall Forecasts Family Fun By Valerie Bennett Sports Editor As the air becomes chilled and the leaves start to transform in color, fall is just around the corner as well as the holidays that come with it. Traditions like pumpkin carving, giving out candy and big family dinners are always a part of enjoying the season. However, some family traditions are unique, as many families take it upon themselves to create unique traditions to keep fall as festive as can be. Some families decide to travel for the holidays, and get out of the San Diego heat. Senior Claire Halaka and her family like to go on a road trip to Oregon and explore the Portland streets. “Portland is my favorite place to go in the fall. We always walk the streets and take pictures, because it’s covered in trees and the colors are honestly so beautiful. I personally prefer cold weather, so being in Portland is refreshing. Just from these family road trips, Portland has become my favorite city,� she said. Large servings of all kinds of food never fail to bring people together. Senior Grant Olsen’s family always plans a huge family reunion around the fall holidays, “My immediate family is pretty small, but when the holidays come around, the


annual family reunion reminds me just how big my family is. There are probably a hundred faces I never usually see. Growing up over the years, the fall reunions have always made me feel connected to my IDPLO\ 7KHUH DUH DOZD\V IRXU RU ÂżYH KXJH WDEOHV ÂżOOHG ZLWK SHRSOH HDWLQJ KRPHPDGH mashed potatoes and a couple of turkeys. 7KH SODFH LV ÂżOOHG ZLWK ODXJKWHU DQG IDPLO\ stories which has always been what fall is about for me,â€? he said. Although fall reminds most of us of Thanksgiving, for some families the festivities are centered around Halloween. Senior Ashley Obermeyer spends the evening downtown with her grandparents. She said, “When I was little, I always wanted to go trick or treating with my friends, but when I was old enough to participate in my grandparents’ crazy antics, I jumped right in. Every year we hide downtown and dress up in really scary costumes to throw candy at people walking by. It’s hilarious watching people’s reactions and also eating the candy. My grandparents have so much fun in the fall.â€? Whether it’s a trip, a big dinner, or a bizarre ritual, the fall should be celebrated in whatever way reminds you of the meaning of family.

Fall Recipe: Caramel Bars By Kennedy Wilson Editor-in-Chief As the temperature starts to drop we are drawn to the oven to bake the best of fall treats. Here’s one of Journalism’s favorite fall treats that brings a little bit of joy to any potluck. Ingredients: FXSV RI ÀRXU 1 1/2 cups of rolled oats 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 1/2 cups of brown sugar 1 cup of butter (melted) 1- 14 oz. bag of caramels 1/2 cup of half and half milk 1 cup of semisweet chocolate chips

Directions: Combine the dry ingredients in a medium bowl. Add the melted butter and stir well to coat all of the dry ingredients. Press half of the mixture onto the bottom of a 9x13 baking pan. Bake at 350 Fahrenheit for 10-12 minutes (until lightly browned). Meanwhile, melt the caramels and half and half in a saucepan over low heat, stirring until smooth. Remove the pan from the oven and sprinkle the crust with chocolate chips. Then pour the caramel mixture over the top. Crumble the rest of the crust over everything and return it to the over for an additional 10-12 minutes (Caramel should be bubbling and the edges browning). Cool the bars completely before cutting.

Autumn Season Beckons Fun and Festive Activites

By Hata Velic News Editor As the leaves on the trees around us turn different shades of orange and red, we notice the fall season slowly setting in. The temperature may be dropping, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay in the house all day. There are plenty of fun activities in which to participate during this time of the year. A popular food for the fall season is pumpkin. However, pumpkins don’t only have to be eaten; they can be used for decorations and more. Senior Meredith Anderson said, “When the fall season begins I like to go to different pumpkin patches and pick out the best looking pumpkins that I can later carve with my family.� According to a family activity website, there are plenty of fun pumpkin patches around San Diego, including Mission Valley, Del Mar, North County, East County, South Bay and more. So, instead of going to your local grocery store and picking out a few of these orange vegetables, why not go with friends or family on a pumpkin-picking adventure you will all enjoy ( If you must go to the store instead, so be it, but make sure to pick up some fall decorations on the way! Junior Adam Delin said, “During the month of October, I not only decorate the house with Halloween

decorations, but with fall decorations as well. I also like to buy fall candles and put them around the house.â€? If you’re not feeling the outdoors too much, this activity gives you a chance to stay in and go out (at least to the front porch to put up some of the decorations). It’s the best of both worlds! Another great outdoor activity is the very popular Oktoberfest. This fun October carnival can be found in a few different locations around San Diego. “One of my favorite parts of the fall season is the 2NWREHUIHVW ,WÂśV ÂżOOHG ZLWK IXQ DFWLYLWLHV every year,â€? Delin continued. If you are a house cat and love to stay home during the fall season, something you can always do to keep yourself entertained is watch movies. Anderson said, “I always love watching movies. When fall comes around, especially in the month of October when Halloween is just around the corner, I like to grab a snack at night and watch a few scary movies.â€? So, call up some friends if you don’t want to watch alone, make some popcorn and put on a scary movie that will have you and your friends jumping out of your seats. Indoor or outdoor, there are more than enough activities that will make sure your IDOO VHDVRQ LV ÂżOOHG ZLWK IXQ DQG GRHV QRW consist of naps all day-not that anyone said that would be a bad thing.

This Issue’s Poll:

What’s Your Favorite Part of the Fall Season?

Colorful Leaves: 4% Seasonal Food: 12% Sweater Weather: 36% Halloween/Thanksgiving: 48%

artwork by Karyssa Newsome


October 30, 2015

Female and Male Athletes of the Month

Champman Chases Challenges By Anthony Garbino Sports Editor Cross Country is a sport that not many can brave, much less excel at, due to the amount of time, endurance and straight athleticism it requires. However, Senior Niko Chapman has been able to endure all these pains and more as he works to run his way to the top spot. “I don’t know many people who can handle the pain, fatigue and just the pure intensity of the running that keeps me going,� said Chapman. Chapman aims to place within the top ten at the Mount Sac Invitational meet, which comprises one of the more challenging courses because it requires running long distance over a hilly terrain. “This is going to be a challenge for me, but I know if I can run well, then I will be able to place in the top ten. That will be a great accomplishment

for me and even more motivation to continue running,â€? he exclaimed. Running offers Chapman the opportunity to be able to possibly attend some prestigious colleges, such as University of California, Berkeley and many more that recruit the best of the best. He explained that running has given him many opportunities that he might not have had otherwise. “I can have a chance to go to some good schools that I wouldn’t have previously been able to get into without running. I want to be able to utilize the running aspect in my life in order to get a higher education,â€? said Chapman. For Chapman, the goal of running GRHV QRW VWRS DW WKH Ă€QLVK line of a recent race, but extends to the future with success in education. Kate Atkins //Commander

Wade Works to Win

By Anthony Garbino Sports Editor Sports players have different motivations to excel. Whether it is to be the best or to have fun, competition will always ensue. Senior Victoria Wade is ranked number one in tennis singles in California and strives to become the best she possibly can. “I have worked my way up to being number one in singles, and I will do whatever it takes to keep my place at the top,� said Wade. Hard work and determination has landed her in a place where she plays at such an intense level, she oftens competes against the best players, which better prepares her for her future tennis career.

“After this year, I plan on going into college and playing division two tennis and have the same success that I have had in high school,� she said. As Wade progresses through her senior year, she hopes to improve her skills on the court so she can advance to CIF as well as impress college scouts that may be considering her for scholarships. Her motivation to place in the top is so she can say that she is at the best that she can possibly be at in her tennis carrer. "My goal this year is to win CIF and just be the best I can overall to impress the scouts for colleges,� she said. Such determination will serve Wade well in her pursuit of victory as she dominates the courts. Carissa Guzman//Commander

UC High Boys Water Polo Team Aims for Victory at CIF By Anthony Garbino Sports Editor Water Polo is a sport that involves a lot of skill, training and effort for all players in the water. This year’s UC High Boys Water Polo Team has mastered all of aspects as they advance through their games this season and potentially even into CIF. This year’s team is especially strong because it comprises many returning players from last year. As a result, the team members have had chemistry and gotten along from the beginning of the season, enabling them to focus on the play. “I feel like this year is going to be great. Our team is usually good, but this year, we are going to go far,� said Senior Julio Torres. The team consists of seniors and two juniors, which means that the physically biggest and strongest students available are playing. “The strength of our team this year is our seniors; they are really strong. We have two juniors on our team, and they are some of our strongest players. With the

MXVW Ă€QH WXQLQJ ZKDW ZH QHHG WR ZRUN on, rather than improving [with major changes]. We are already great; all around, it’s just some polishing [that is needed],â€? said Kammerer. The team has a strong belief that it has a chance to qualify for and win CIF, as it feels it is the best team overall in its league. The work that the players have put in is something that can’t be matched, and it takes a lot of skills and training to learn and adapt. “To get to CIF, the only thing we can do is just keep working and improving our skills. Because our team is as skilled as it is, the main thing that we need to do to get to CIF is to just stay focused and keep a OHYHO KHDG ZKHQ SOD\LQJ 7KH PRUH Ă XLGO\ Haley Ragan//Commander we play as a team, the better we will play Senior Noah Graciani attempts to smash the ball past his opponent. overall, which is our ticket into CIF for team that we have, I have a good feeling also believe that they can improve even sure,â€? said Captain Frank Puente. that we will get to CIF,â€? said Captain Cole more. “We are strong; the only thing that The Boys Water Polo Team is aiming Kammerer. we need to work on is our drive defense, a shot towards its goal of a CIF win. Though the captains believe that they which is one of our bigger areas, as well &RQÂżGHQFH DQG VNLOO ZLOO KRSHIXOO\ \LHOG have a very skilled team this year, they DV RXU VL[ RQ Ă€YH RIIHQVH ,W¡V PRUH DERXW them success.

UC High Volleyball Spikes to Success this Season By Kailey Withers Staff Writer Volleyball is a fast-paced, adrenalinerushing sport that requires much determination and passion. UC High’s Varsity Girls Volleyball Team has been demonstrating these traits as it overcomes challenging opponents this season. The team practices in the school gym on Mondays and Wednesdays to prepare themselves for the games they play on Tuesdays and Thursdays, according to Captain Daniela Gregor. “We changed leagues from the Western to the Eastern, so this year is very different WKDQ ODVW \HDU LWÂśV GLIÂżFXOW WR FRPSDUH We are now playing in a league in which we are one of the top teams. Last year in the Western League, we competed against many of the top teams in the county, so it ZDV GLIÂżFXOW WR FRPSHWH DW WKDW OHYHO ´ VDLG Head Varsity Coach Aaron Hartin. “The season is going very well; we are currently second in our league with a record of 8 to 2,â€? he explained. As its ranking demonstrates, the team has achieved many successes. “We beat Clairemont [High] to open our season. It was a very close match, as it always is,â€? said Hartin. “Highlights of the season

have been beating Clairemont [High] and %RQLWD 9LVWD >+LJK@ LQ ÂżYH VHWV WR RSHQ WKH VHDVRQ LQ WKH ÂżUVW WZR JDPHV RI WKH VHDVRQ We also had a great win against Mission Hills [High] at the La Jolla Tournament,â€? he said. Although the team has won many games, the players have faced some challenges as well. “We lost to our new league rival, Coronado [High],...but we’re looking forward to another opportunity to beat WKHP DQG WDNH VROH SRVVHVVLRQ RI ÂżUVW SODFH in the league,â€? said Hartin. According to Hartin, Sophomore Avalon Denecochea is a star player, as well as Gregor, who has been playing outstanding volleyball this year. “I’ve moved positions a lot. I started as a center and opposite, but sophomore year, I was moved to right side. Junior year, I played center, and at the start of senior year, I moved to right front. Basically, in all three positions, you have to block and hit in the front row; the difference is just where you are in relation to the net,â€? said Gregor. These skilled players are supporting the team’s success. Sophomore Maya Arriaga said, “My favorite play so far would be when we played Patrick Henry [High] and I got a kill. I’m a libero (one person on the court

that wears a different colored jersey and specializes in passing and defense), so it’s very rare that people of my height and position get a kill.� “Personally, I’d say this is my best season, because now, I’m playing the whole time and it’s my senior year, so I’m super excited about it. The team chemistry this year is really good and we’re all super close,� said Gregor. “One of my highlights from playing was during sophomore year:

LW ZDV P\ ÂżUVW \HDU RQ YDUVLW\ DQG ZH ZRQ RXU ÂżUVW &,) JDPH :H ORVW WKH ÂżUVW WZR matches, but then we came back and won the next three,â€? Gregor added. “Volleyball is the most important thing to me. It’s the only sport that I play and have continued to play, so I think it’s really cool,â€? said Gregor. With numerous triumphs so far, the Volleyball Team has been spiking to success this season.

The Commander


UC High Cross Country Strides to Victory By Valerie Bennett also hopes to send several girls to State have a couple of girls that that are trying Sports Editor Championships as well. Bjelland said, “We to get to state individually. But as a team, +DYLQJ DOUHDG\ UXQ RYHU ¿YH LQYLWDWLRQDO races and several league meets, the Cross Country Team is getting back into the swing of things this fall. 7KH WHDP WRRN ¿UVW SODFH LQ DOO IRXU UDFHV DW LWV ¿UVW OHDJXH PHHW DJDLQVW 6HUUD +LJK and the Academy of Our Lady of Peace (OLP). Captain Jayce Bjelland said, “The competition wasn’t much of a challenge, DQG ZH FDPH LQ ¿UVW LQ ERWK -9 DQG 9DUVLW\ on the Boys and Girls Teams, as Sophomore Elise Boisvert won the girls varsity race and Sophomore Julia Gorin won the JV race.” Captain Niko Chapman said, “Serra [High] isn’t a hard team to beat, except for their fastest runner, who I was, luckily, DEOH WR EHDW DQG JHW ¿UVW SODFH LQ WKH YDUVLW\ boys’ race.” The intense mileage covered during summer training, along with practices every single day after school, has made the team strong and focused. Chapman said, “We have a really strong pack of guys this year, and we’ve done some pretty intense training all summer and so far this season, so I think it’s going to pay off in the end.” Coach Gimi McCarthy explained, “Probably our biggest goal for the entire Kate Atkins//Commander Boys Team is to not only win CIF, but The UC High top seven varsity girls maintain a tight pack as they compete against OLP. run well at state as well.” The Girls Team

Centurion Foundation Funds UC High Aquatics Program By Bilal Mohamed

seasonal sport) for equipment and pool rental costs.” According to Harper, for Staff Writer The UC High Aquatics Program has been the upcoming season, the UCCF’s primary WDNHQ XQGHU WKH ¿QDQFLDO VXSSRUW RI WKH goal is to fund the equipment the aquatic UC Centurion Foundation (UCCF) for the sports need in order to be successful. The 2015-16 school year, according to Varsity UCCF plans on doing this by reaching out to parents and people in the community Water Polo Coach Daniel Ramirez. The Aquatics Program consists of the for donations as well as having the teams UC High Water Polo Teams and Swim fundraise for their sports. Varsity Water Teams for girls and boys, according to its Polo Player Noah Graciani said that the UCCF is helping teams fundraise by giving website ( The aquatics program previously received the aquatic sports players items such as funding support from the Golden Triangle coupon books to sell. “In my opinion, it’s a great program Aquatics Foundation (GTAF), according

UC Swim and Dive Club members discuss fundraising for aquatics teams. to Vice Principal Mike Paredes. However, GTAF dissolved, and UCCF took over the UC High aquatics teams, according to Varsity Water Polo Player Jack Harper. The UCCF provides support to all sports at UC High and is ensuring that the UC High aquatics teams have a means to fundraise and get enough donations in order to maintain their teams, according to Harper. According to Paredes, the UC High aquatics program needs “to raise approximately 30,000 dollars (nearly 10,000 dollars for each seasonal sport) in addition to the funding received from the school (which is approximately 7500 dollars for each

Carissa Guzman//Commander

to raise money, because in the past years, we haven’t really had many fundraising methods to help our aquatics [teams],” said Graciani. “Now that we’re separated from the Golden Triangle Foundation, we’ll be able to take it [fundraising] from the ground up and start all over again,” said Harper. “We are in a far better position this year, as we have made more effort to fundraise, and the school has increased their support. This team has a bright future as a result of the support received from the school, parents and community members,” said Ramirez.

we would like to run really well at CIF and see just how good of a Varsity Team we’ve become.” $OWKRXJK WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ DW LWV ¿UVW league meet wasn’t very challenging, the UXQQHUV VWLOO IDFH VRPH ¿HUFH FRPSHWLWLRQ McCarthy stated, “Cathedral [Catholic High] has been our biggest competition for the past few years, and will continue to be for us this year. But hopefully, we can EHDW WKHP RYHUDOO DW OHDJXH ¿QDOV DQG ZLQ league.” With over 20 new freshmen being added to the roster, the team is larger than ever this year. Bjelland said, “We are really excited to have so many new freshmen on the team this year. There is a lot of really good potential, and it makes for a great family environment in order to bond as a team.” In addition to team bonding, with the new runners comes intensive training that is essential to growth as well. McCarthy explained, “We’re struggling this year a little bit, because we haven’t learned how to race yet, and the only way to do that is to keep up with training and our mileage. Obviously, for a lot of our freshmen, this is a new concept, so we have to build up their pain tolerance and get them used to running at a faster pace and staying with the front pack.”



October 30, 2015

New Meditation Club to Help Students Relieve Stress By Bilal Mohamed Staff Writer The new Meditation Club at UC High, created by Senior Emily McIntyre and Advisor Margaret Schmitten, is a place where

that meditation has made an impact on their future and how they experience high school and get rid of some stress in their life. The EHQHĂ€WV RI PHGLWDWLRQ LQFOXGH ORZHU VWUHVV levels and extremely lower chances of depression. According to McIntyre, Transcendental Meditation has been proven to help kids get higher test scores and a better overall GPA throughout school. McIntyre said, “Meditation has a place in everyone’s lifestyle. Whether you breeze through the day with no probOHPV RU FRQVWDQWO\ Ă€QG \RXUself pulling your hair out every day, try meditation. It’s a tool Averie Wehr//Commander Club President Emily McIntyre leads the Meditation Club. that everyone should have.â€? Schmitten said, “Learning students will be able to relieve stress and how to meditate literally saved my life, berelax, according to McIntyre. cause as a college student, I had horrible Meditation is a method used to relieve anxiety and taking up meditation cured me stress. This is done by taking the mind of it.â€? away from wavering thoughts and negative According to McIntyre, the club has things, and focusing it on breathing, relax- weekly meetings on Mondays at lunch in ation, or a mantra. A mantra is a word or room 448. Guided group meditation takes personal phrase to be repeated while medi- place every Tuesday morning before seven tating, according to McIntyre. and individual meditation takes place every According to McIntyre, the primary goal Thursday morning before seven in room of the club is for students to be able to say 447. According to Schmitten, the club is

FXUUHQWO\ WU\LQJ WR Ă€JXUH RXW D WLPH DQG GD\ for meditation for students who can’t make morning sessions. &OXE 0HPEHU 7\VRQ *ULIĂ€Q VDLG ´,¡P excited for the club, because it gives people a chance to melt away stress and channel anxiety into something productive to help them prevail in times of hardship.â€? $FFRUGLQJ WR 0F,QW\UH PHGLWDWLRQ DW Ă€UVW FDQ EH GLIĂ€FXOW DQG LW¡V VRPHWKLQJ RQH cannot expect to get used to right away. However, with consistent practice, it’ll


eventually come with complete ease. The club will hold special events throughout the year. Members plan on attending Healing Light Meditation services at the unity center and also having guest speakers, including a “guider� in Sound Meditation and a specialist in Shamanistic Meditation. According to Vice President Brianna Tellez, the club is open to all students and by joining, they’ll be able to create friendships with people who are interested in achieving similar goals.

Student Submissions

Artist: Sophmore Daniel Kovaleenko made this “Artist Trading Card� in ArtsTech class. Quote: "The assignment was to make your own card that represents you as a person and your style.�

New Textbooks for AP Classes By Bilal Mohamed Staff Writer 7KH 6DQ 'LHJR 8QLĂ€HG 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW (SDUSD) provided UC High with several new textbooks for the 2015-16 school year, according to Principal Jeff Olivero. “The reason our school has been given new textbooks is because the College Board made changes to the curriculum and requirements for AP courses, and many of those courses needed a textbook change in order to meet those requirements,â€? said Olivero. According to AP Government Teacher, Michelle Fournier, “Classes such as AP Government had the same textbook for 13 years. They were in desperate need for new ones because of how out of date the previous textbooks were.â€? Fournier explained, “People think history doesn’t change, so you don’t need a new book, but Government changes every four years. Ours was so out of date, a new book was beyond necessary.â€? It was imperative that the students were given new textbooks for their AP courses, according to UC High Library Technician Liz Hurwitz. “When students take AP exams, they are competing with all of the US, and if other schools have the current textbooks but our students don’t, it puts us at a great disadvantage. It also creates extra work for teachers because they have to go DQG Ă€QG WKH PDWHULDO RQ WKHLU RZQ LQ RUder to teach their students the curriculum,â€? stated Hurwitz. According to Fournier, teachers from all around the district were asked to volunteer for a committee that chose the current textbooks for this year’s AP courses. Fournier stated, “Publishers came and made presentations to the teachers and the teachers made selections of the books that they wanted for their classes. After the textbooks were chosen, they had to be affordable for the district, or they would have had to change textbooks.â€? “The wait for new textbooks has been long RYHUGXH DQG ,¡P JODG ZH Ă€QDOO\ IRXQG WKH funds to allow our students greater access,â€? Olivero said.

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