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Make your spring break bloom Visit the Carlsbad Flower Fields


Volume XXXV, Issue 5 March 4, 2016


Congrats to Senior Stefani Naranjo for finding Joe first in January’s issue!

UC High Places Fifth at Science Olympiad Competition

Carissa Guzman//Commander

Senior Savannah ter Veer and Junior Rachel Lipkin compete in Science Olympiad’s Air Trajectory event.

By Bilal Mohamed Staff Writer The Science Olympiad Regional Competition was held on February 20, 2016 at UC High, according to Science Olympiad Club Advisor Maureen Quessenberry. According to Quessenberry, the competition was a day long and consisted of 23 events that high schools participated in. Some students competed in groups that consisted of two to three people. The events included competitions in which students built contraptions and tested them, as well as contests where they learned information and took multiple-choice tests on that information. There were also events that combined both building and multiplechoice testing. ´2XU VFKRRO FDPH LQ Ă€IWK overall out of 26 schools from all over the county. Our school place is based on the highest scoring team from our school. The cool thing is that our second highest scoring team came in ninth over-

all out of 78 teams!â€? said Quessenberry. Several UC High students placed in their events: Seniors David Berard and James Sud in Astronomy, and Juniors Aidan Fitzpatrick and Matthew Lok in Game On DOO SODFHG Ă€UVW %HUDUG DQG 6HQLRU $GDP Timms placed second in Chem Lab, as did Grubensky and Junior Celeste Quintana in Fossils. Grubensky and Lok also placed third in Geomapping, as did Senior Alex Newman and Junior Jordan Collins in Robot Arm and Senior Savannah ter Veer and Junior Rachel Lipkin in Wright Stuff. About 80 teams in total competed in regionals to see who would be place among the top seven to qualify for the state competition. UC High, which had three teams, made it to the state competition, which will be on April 2 at CalTech. “We get to send one team of 15 students (plus an alternate) to compete at the state competition,â€? said Quessenberry. “Our goals are to have fun and do the best we can in as many events as we can. The state competition has 30 teams overall, and anytime we can come in the top ten is awesome. We have a tough state competition,â€? said Quessenberry. The judges pick the best team from the top seven schools to go to nationals. At the regional competition, “They give out medals and ribbons for the top 20 plac-

see Science Olympiad, page 8

Fabrication and Design Receives Grant for Remodeling

By Bilal Mohamed Staff Writer In 2009, UC High’s Fabrication and Design Program (Fab/D) was awarded a 1.9 million dollar remodeling grant using Prop 1D funding according to Fab/D Teacher 0RQWH 0DQVÀHOG The grant has taken a few years to be implemented, since the remodeling is scheduled to start at the end of the 2016 school \HDU DQG ZLOO EH ÀQLVKHG E\ WKH EHJLQQLQJ of the 2017-18 school year. The remodel grant is worth about 1.9 million dollars and, after fees and extraneous payments, it will be worth about 1.3 million dollars, according to Fab/D Teacher 7HUU\ 0DQVÀHOG Fab/D was awarded the grant because the 0DQVÀHOGV ZHUH WKH PRVW TXDOLÀHG DW WKH state level and were deemed excellent at the teaching of their curriculum. They were up against lots of competition throughout &DOLIRUQLD DFFRUGLQJ WR 0RQWH 0DQVÀHOG however, they were able to win because of the amount of work they put into teaching

their students. “We talked to innovators and businessmen from all over the world about what they would want to see come out of our program, and we had mentors guide us with our curriculum,â€? said Monte 0DQVĂ€HOG According to Terry MansĂ€HOG WKH UHPRGHO JUDQW ZLOO provide the class with a new computer lab, 3D printers, a 5-axis CNC foam milling machine and all new equipment to make a state of the art fabrication facility. According to Terry MansĂ€HOG WKH FXUUHQW FODVVURRP area will become a paint room and they will inherit the next door classroom, making LW WKH Ă€UVW WLPH )DE ' KDV ever had an actual classroom Bilal Mohamed//Commander Sophomores Chris Nguyen and Sarah Moore working on their Fabrication and Design class projects. to lecture and teach in.

Architectural plans for the future Fabrication and Design classroom.

Courtesy of Monte and Terry Mansfield

“Students coming in will not only be able to do hands-on work, but they will be able to use these state of the art programs digitally so when they go into the workforce WKH\ ZLOO EH SUHSDUHG Âľ 7HUU\ 0DQVĂ€HOG said. ´)RU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH ZH ZLOO EH DEOH WR KHOS the students take the leap into the digital hiWHFK ZRUOG Âľ 0RQWH 0DQVĂ€HOG VDLG $FFRUGLQJ WR 7HUU\ 0DQVĂ€HOG WKH FODVV usually uses old supplies for all of their projects. The equipment they currently have is just leftovers and they’ve never gotten new equipment, so this remodeling is much needed for their program.

“All current funding depends on volunteer donations, and we get a fair amount of participation but not as much as we used to LQ WHUPV RI JHWWLQJ VXSSOLHV EXW ZH¡UH PDNLQJ LW Âľ 0RQWH 0DQVĂ€HOG VDLG Fab/D will have to move classrooms next school year so that the renovations can take SODFH $FFRUGLQJ WR 7HUU\ 0DQVĂ€HOG WKH class will survive next year only if people sign up, so it is imperative that students join the class for the 2016-2017 school year. $FFRUGLQJ WR 0RQWH 0DQVĂ€HOG WKH VWXdents that return to Fab/D next year will KDYH Ă€UVW SULRULW\ ZKHQ WKH UHQRYDWLRQV have been completed.


Unsigned Editorial

March 4, 2016

Editorial Board Vote:

From the Editor-in-Chief


Kennedy’s Khronicles

California Deserves an Earlier Primary In a few months, seniors will have achieved a milestone: graduating high VFKRRO 0DQ\ RI WKHP ZLOO DOVR KDYH EHFRPH DGXOWV DQG IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH be able to exercise the powerful right IXQGDPHQWDO WR D GHPRFUDF\ YRWLQJ :LWK the 2016 elections coming up, they will VRRQ H[SHULHQFH WKHLU Ă€UVW PRPHQW RI PDMRU political participation, making a difference LQ WKH SUHVLGHQWLDO QRPLQDWLRQ 2U QRW California schedules its primary in -XQH +RZHYHU WKH GHOHJDWH VHOHFWLRQ process starts on February 1 with the Iowa FDXFXVHV $FFRUGLQJ WR $3 86 *RYHUQPHQW Teacher Michele Fournier, because they lose funding support, candidates tend to drop out following losses at early SULPDULHV &DOLIRUQLD KDV RQH RI WKH ODVW SULPDULHV ,Q IDFW RQO\ WKH 'LVWULFW RI Columbia’s Democratic caucus selects delegates on a later date than California this year (uspresidentialelectionnews. com 6R E\ WKH WLPH WKH &DOLIRUQLD SULPDU\ dillydallies around, only one viable FDQGLGDWH LV W\SLFDOO\ OHIW LQ HDFK SDUW\ Political Science Professor Larry Gerston said, “California exerts tremendous LQĂ XHQFH RQ WKH QDWLRQ¡V HFRQRP\ VRFLDO SROLFLHV DQG SROLWLFDO GLVFRXUVH $QG \HW our presidential primary votes — coming RQ -XQH Âł UDUHO\ PDWWHU D ZKLW WKH UDFHV settle by early spring and the nominees are all but crownedâ€? ( &DOLIRUQLD should consider moving its presidential primary to earlier in the year so that its

YRWHV FDQ H[HUW D IDLU LQĂ XHQFH GHPRFUDF\¡V ZDVWHEDVNHW $FFRUGLQJ WR D Candidates (and their funders) must political columnist, “California tried early determine their prospects of winning primaries in four presidential elections nominations prematurely based on the VWDUWLQJ LQ ÂŤ ,Q &DOLIRUQLD early primaries and caucuses, according did rescue Hillary Rodham Clinton’s WR )RXUQLHU +RZHYHU WKH SRSXODWLRQV RI presidential candidacy by delivering a “Early voting states like New Hampshire timely victory on Super Tuesday, that kept and Iowa ‌are anything but representative KHU EUHDWKLQJ IRU WKUHH PRUH PRQWKV ,Q of the nation’s diversityâ€? ( the Republican primary, California all but In contrast, home to an eighth of all FOLQFKHG WKH QRPLQDWLRQ IRU -RKQ 0F&DLQ Americans, California is diverse in ideology In 2012, we went back to our historic June and ethnicity, and is thus a more accurate primary, and California played no role in UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ RI WKH 86 7KH QRPLQHH the nominating processâ€? ( VKRXOG UHĂ HFW WKH SUHIHUHQFH RI $PHULFD Although the earlier primary cost more as a whole, and California can assist in PRQH\ &DOLIRUQLD VKRXOG UHYLVLW WKH LGHD LWV VHOHFWLRQ ZLWK DQ HDUOLHU SULPDU\ 2QH Also, an earlier primary would make votes writer for the Washington Post said, “Part more meaningful, which may encourage of the reason the United States is gradually PRUH FLWL]HQV WR YRWH ,Q RXU VWDWH ´7XUQRXW looking more like Texas and California among registered voters has‌[been] is that Texas and California comprise VOLGLQJ GRZQ HYHU VLQFH > @ 7KHUH KDYH so much of the population of the United been a few high points since then, when we 6WDWHV /HWWLQJ WKRVH FLWL]HQV QDUURZ GRZQ moved our presidential primary to an earlier the pool of presidential contenders makes GDWH WR JLYH &DOLIRUQLDQV PRUH VD\ ,Q much, much more sense than letting Iowa March 2000, 54 percent of registered voters and New Hampshire do itâ€? (washintonpost. participated, and in February 2008, 58 com $Q HDUO\ SULPDU\ LQ &DOLIRUQLD percent participatedâ€? ( 7KLV LV would seem to be a better indicator of how D VLJQLĂ€FDQW ERRVW DV WKH ´RYHUDOO SULPDU\ FDQGLGDWHV ZLOO IDUH RYHUDOO LQ WKH FRXQWU\ turnout, especially in nonpresidential According to a Riverside newspaper, elections, has hovered around 30 or 40 California sends 23 percent of the percent,â€? while non-presidential primaries Democratic delegates required for have experienced the highest turnout in a nomination and 14 percent for the California ( Republicans ( &DOLIRUQLD¡V PDVVLYH Lawmakers should move up our primary potential to impact the nomination should to afford their constituents more political not be just dumped aside into artwork by Kennedy Wilson SRZHU DWWHQWLRQ DQG UHOHYDQFH

:KDWÂśV WKH ÂżUVW WKLQJ \RX GR ZKHQ something bad happens? It’s an interesting question, one that I am not quite sure I want the answer to, because often times it will lead to more questions, and before you know it, you are thinking of all the bad things that have happened in your life... Or maybe, that’s just me. 0\ ÂżUVW TXHVWLRQ ZKHQ VRPHWKLQJ JRHV wrong is: “Why do bad things happen to good people?â€? Which, in all honesty, sounds pretty vain when you’re applying it to your own life, but it’s a valid question. Why do bad things happen to good people? It’s the type of question you know you’re never going to get the answer to, but you still ask it because in some silly way, it makes you feel better; it fools you into thinking you have control. But the truth is, it’s a loaded question, because who gets to decide if you or anyone else is a “good personâ€?? Sure, we would all like to believe that we are “good,â€? but really, as high schoolers, who knows what we will end up doing to this world... to ourselves... to each other... One of the most intriguing statements I’ve heard was on the TV show Scandal (which is a great show that I recommend to literally everyone). The quote goes, “You get what you deserve, but some people get more than that.â€? I heard that over two months ago, teenagers are going to do what they want to are so many cases of teen pregnancies just and it has stuck with me, because it really so they should be given all the information because girls can’t get the birth control makes you wonder. Maybe some people they need to make the best choices. or because they don’t want to ask their are the luckiest people in the world and get Over this last summer, Congress passed a parentsâ€? Just because a teen wants to way more than they should. This leads us bill that will allow pharmacists to dispense have sex, doesn’t mean they want to get down a new rabbit hole that questions fate, long-term birth control in Oregon and pregnant. Similarly, this decrease in paths and destiny. Maybe our actions don’t California, according to Slate Magazine. unwanted pregnancies has an economic really mean much in the grand scheme of By making birth control easier upside as well. State Representative things, maybe things really do just happen to access, this will decrease Knute Buehler stated, “I feel to happen and maybe none of us deserve the amount of unwanted strongly that this is what’s anything. I guess it boils downs to the way pregnancies and is best for women’s health you think and the person you are. What do WKHUHIRUH EHQHÂżFLDO in the 21st century, and you deserve? Why do you deserve it? to society as a I also feel it will have The second thing I do when something whole (slate. repercussions for goes wrong is negotiate. I try to balance com). decreasing poverty my life out like a teeter-totter. If I really According because one of the key want something, I start thinking to myself, to the About things for women in “Well, what would I give up for this?â€? and Contraception poverty is unintended although a lot of the time, the two things website, if you pregnancyâ€? (nytimes. have virtually nothing to do with each are 17 years of com). By making birth other, I think that if I say I will give up age or older you can control easier to access one for the other, then maybe, just maybe, currently buy emergency will also allow the country’s I could get lucky. And I know deep down birth control pills. These HFRQRP\ WR Ă€RXULVK that this doesn’t work; but like asking pills, also know as Plan B Making birth control easier to myself what I deserve, it gives me the false artwork by Alison White or the morning after pill, merely DFFHVV KDV PDMRU EHQHÂżWV KRZHYHU LW sense of security that I am in control of stop pregnancies after unprotected sex. does not mean that teens should stop seeing HYHU\WKLQJ , ZDQW WR EH <RX FDQ ÂżJKW XQWLO However, these pills are not to be used as their doctors once becoming sexually your knuckles are bleeding, but you’ll still an everyday birth control pill (contrception. active. It is important to discuss all options lose, and the biggest secret out there is the Journalist Jane Smith with your doctor so that, not only teens but answer to the question and the negotiations: for Reality Check stated, “Emergency everyone, can has the safest sex possible. things will happen to you that you can’t contraception works well as a safety net, Having said that, not everyone can afford to control, but that doesn’t make them your it’s true. But it’s still far less effective at visit a doctor or feels comfortable enough fault. So take a big breath, and realize that preventing pregnancy than most other to discuss their options, and that is why this you can’t control everything. And maybe methods of birth controlâ€? (realitycheck. new birth control law will help women be that’s not such a bad thing. org). Emergency contraceptives are a good in control of their bodies and their futures. resource, but by making an everyday birth control pill readily available would be a better solution. 6FKRRO OXQFKHV LQ $PHULFD DUH QRW YHU\ QXWULWLRXV &RPSDUHG WR RWKHU FRXQWULHV WKH 86 Obviously, making birth control more JRYHUQPHQW VSHQGV VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ OHVV PRQH\ RQ VWXGHQW IRRG IRU VWXGHQWV )RU H[DPSOH convenient to obtain would decrease I lived in South Korea for about ten years, and the school lunches were nutritious and the amount of unwanted pregnancies. $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH 2IÂżFH RI $GROHVFHQW DOVR YHU\ WDVW\ 7KH IRRG FRQVLVWHG RI EULJKW JUHHQ YHJHWDEOHV ZLWK D VLGH RI IUHVK ULFH If schools in America aren’t able to provide students with nutritious lunches, then we Health, “In 2013, there were 26.5 births for VKRXOG EH JLYHQ WKH RSWLRQ WR JR KRPH DQG HDW KHDOWK\ KRPHPDGH IRRG :H VKRXOG every 1,000 adolescent females ages 15-19, give our students the opportunity to eat at home after school on minimum days to or 273,105 babies born to females in this SURYLGH WKH SRVVLELOLW\ IRU KHDOWK\ DQG QXWULWLRXV OXQFKHV ,Q FRQFOXVLRQ RQ PLQLPXP age group.â€? This jarring statics represents GD\V OXQFK VKRXOG EH DIWHU VL[WK SHULRG the growing need for an increse of access -Senior Sang-Hoon Kang to birth control (RIÂżFHRIDGROVHFHQWKHDOWK com). Senior Alicia Gregor stated, “There

Long-Term Birth Control Access Beneficial By Camille Cudaback Opinions Editor Birth control can be an awkward topic of conversation. Often times, adolescents are not comfortable enough talking about birth control with guardians or friends, and yet they are at a time in their life when they are ready to become sexually active. However,

Commander University City


Volume XXXV Number 5

Kennedy Wilson* Emi Zeger * NEWS EDITORS: Micah Osteria* Hata Velic* OPINIONS EDITOR: Camille Cudaback* FEATURES EDITORS: Dorian Uson* Karyssa Newsome* SPORTS EDITORS: Valerie Bennett* Anthony Garbino* PHOTO EDITORS: Kate Atkins* Carissa Guzman* ARTISTS: Karyssa Newsome* Taylor McCabe BUSINESS MANAGER: Averie Wehr* STAFF WRITERS: Cameron Doyle Audrey Hancock Taylor McCabe Ellie Massey Juliana Marquez Bilal Mohamed Gabriella Proa * Members of the Sebastian Rodriguez Editorial Board Kayli Sandoval Max Schaldach Kailey Withers Alison White Alex Volk ADVISOR: Susan Bristol Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the majority of the Editorial Board, while signed articles UHĂ HFW RQO\ WKH RSLQLRQ RI WKH ZULWHU 7KH RSLQLRQV expressed in this newspaper are not representative of WKH IDFXOW\ RU WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ DW WKLV VFKRRO $OO DG queries may be directed to our business manager at Please direct all letters and questions to: University City High School Journalism Department 6949 Genesee Avenue San Diego, CA 92122 or email The Commander at VEULVWRO#VDQGL QHW

By Kennedy Wilson

Letter to the Editor

The Commander


Rubio is the Right Republican to Nominate By Valerie Bennett Sports Editor As the election season comes into full swing, the right candidates for the role of President begin to become obvious, and Republican Candidate Marco Rubio has proved himself to be a strong and relatable leader who the American people FDQ WUXVW $FFRUGLQJ WR 5XELR¡V RIĂ€FLDO website, he has laid out all of his plans and policy goals for his term, if he were to be HOHFWHG 3UHVLGHQW LQ 2QH RI WKHVH LV D resolution on how the government should VSHQG SHRSOH¡V PRQH\ 5XELR KDV GHVLJQHG a Flex-Fund that calculates an annual OXPS VXP IRU HDFK VWDWH¡V Ă€QDQFLDO QHHGV so that Congress can be held accountable for where and how that money should be VSHQW 7KH IXQG ZLOO EH UHFDOFXODWHG HDFK year and be given to each state, putting the control of money back into the hands of the SHRSOH DQG WKH VWDWHV RQFH DJDLQ 5XELR LV DOVR Ă€JKWLQJ IRU DIIRUGDEOH HGXFDWLRQ +H VWDWHG ´+LJKHU HGXFDWLRQ is no longer an option for some, but a QHFHVVLW\ IRU DOO Âľ $GGLWLRQDOO\ 5XELR LV going to encourage more Americans to go RXW DQG ZRUN LQ RUGHU WR IXHO WKH HFRQRP\ He would do this by â€œâ€Śreplacing the income tax-credit with an enhancement FUHGLW WR SURPRWH ZRUN RYHU GHSHQGHQFH Âľ

However, he is still going to leave a fund views and is able to appeal to both parties, available for the unemployed Americans and most independents, compared to other who really do desperately need it and can’t Republican candidates (washingtonpost. ÀQG ZRUN :KHQ LW FRPHV WR HPSOR\PHQW com $OVR DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH Washington people have it too easy in America, as the Post, although Rubio came in second solution to poverty has become artwork by Taylor McCabe behind Candidate Ted Cruz, because raising minimum Cruz is an evangelist and wage by ten the state of Iowa is in GROODUV DQ KRXU general very Christian, Rubio plans the Iowa caucuses don’t to encourage necessarily represent all people to move VWDWHV $QG VLQFH WKH up and work numbers between Cruz for a better and Rubio were so close, opportunity by most believe he is going making higher to get some of the liberal education more vote as well, because of accessible and his appeal to a wide variety affordable, RI YRWHUV $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH instead of making New York Times website, it more comfortable Democrat Hillary Clinton for people to live in is most afraid of going up SRYHUW\ $QRWKHU RQH RI against Rubio, as he intrigues Rubio’s strengths in this election is many Hispanic voters, as well as those his passion for continuing to keep in Florida due to his role as a Senator America’s military the most powerful in ( WKH ZRUOG +H SODQV WR GR VR E\ ÀUVW JRLQJ Most of all, Rubio has some of the qualities after all threats, his biggest priority being WKDW WKLV FRXQWU\ KDV EHHQ PLVVLQJ :KLOH taking out ISIS ( President Barack Obama has continued to According to an article in the Washington befriend a lot of other countries and raise Post, Rubio seems to have very balanced the national debt by borrowing millions

By Karyssa Newsome Features Editor It’s like no one wants to talk about it. Teachers, students, friends, the guy who works at your local supermarket -- it’s all the same. But in order to get anything done, we’re going to have to talk about it. I’m not talking about the birds and the bees or sexuality. I’m talking about race and racism, and how we, as a society, need to talk about it a whole lot more than we currently do. To the less informed, racism “ended a long time ago when Martin Luther King Jr. ended segregation.â€? But the past isn’t even the past yet. 1964 was only 52 years ago, and just because we are no longer physically separated because of the color of our skin, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t clear distinctions between how people of color and whites are treated today. Racism is alive and well and we need to confront it in RUGHU WR GHIHDW LW <RX FDQÂśW Âż[ D SUREOHP LI you don’t talk about it. There’s this misconception that talking about race is racist. Well, it’s not. By initiating a conversation about race you DUH DFWXDOO\ WDNLQJ VWHSV WR ÂżJKW DJDLQVW racism.Another reason people feel so uncomfortable talking about race openly is the concept of White Guilt. On one hand, white students may harbor some feelings of guilt thinking about the abysmal way people of color are treated today and were in the past. At the same time, some people of color may not want to make anyone uncomfortable. See the issue? What is important to understand from this situation is that understanding the privilege you have over others does not mean that you are to blame for it ( “White SHRSOH GHÂżQLWHO\ RZH LW WR HYHU\RQH HOVH WR educate themselves on matters of race and racism,â€? said Senior Roisin Mackenzie. It’s a lesson that’s been taught to us since ZH ZHUH \RXQJ FKLOGUHQ <RX FDQÂśW Âż[ D problem if you ignore it, if you walk away from it, if you pretend it’s not there. It will only get worse. We need to have honest and open conversations about race and

racism if we as a society want to move forward. Choosing to ignore racism and race is the same as dismissing the issue and the struggles that many people face today because of it. “It’s necessary to talk about racism because people need to understand racial issues and how they affect many of the people and students around them,� said Senior Jackie Bermudez. “It’s just logic. You need to ask questions,� explained Senior Sarah Kousba. An excuse that people use to tiptoe around the sensitive subject of race is claiming to be “colorblind,� and while the intentions of the effort are aimed in the right direction, the effects are not. By choosing not to recognize race you are choosing not to recognize struggle, identity, culture, history and, more importantly, the system that is keeping people of color down. Another issue that arises from not talking about the hard-hitting topic is that people remain ignorant about it. Teaching students about race and racism helps students learn how to connect and understand people who may be living in different circumstances from themselves. It also teaches students how to recognize bigotry and work to prevent and eliminate it. You can’t shut down a program if you don’t know how the system works. The same goes with racism. By not fostering honest and productive conversations about race and racism we allow ignorance to prevail. Many students are simply unaware of the struggles and adversities that people of color have to face. Ignorance leads to complacency and complacency leads to the prolonged pervasiveness of racism. The conversation about race and racism is one that needs to be had everywhere. Sophomore Joan Arboleta said, “People are uncomfortable with it because they don’t know how to talk about it,� and that couldn’t be more true. It’s an uncomfortable and sensitive topic, but when it comes to speaking about racial issues, ignorance is only bliss for those who are ignoring the

of dollars, Rubio has promised to stop following other countries, borrow less and start leading the world as we rightfully VKRXOG Rubio is also an incredible speaker, as he has done extremely well in most of his GHEDWHV VR IDU +H LV SHUVRQDEOH DQDO\WLFDO DQG SXWV XS D Ă€JKW IRU WKH VWUXJJOLQJ middle class, the income group comprising the most Americans, and tells stories that FDSWLYDWH SHRSOH %HLQJ D \RXQJ DQG QHZ candidate who has never run for President in the past, Rubio brings something refreshing to government that excites people and gives them hope for the change $PHULFD GHVSHUDWHO\ QHHGV +H DOVR LV very family oriented and tends to express his passion for leaving America’s children with a better future (rubio “Government exists to empower its people, not people to empower their government,â€? 5XELR VWDWHG 5XELR LV WKH FDQGLGDWH ZKR rightfully deserves to be President of the US because of his genuine desire to make a future for the people rather than for KLPVHOI +H LV QRW RQO\ D VWURQJ OHDGHU but a concerned and humble citizen who captivates people from a wide variety of cultures and religions, and Americans in JHQHUDO

Let’s Talk About Race Oscars: Oh So White You can’t fix a problem if you ignore it... if you pretend it’s not there.

UDWKHU WKDQ WKHLU UDFH %XW WKDW MXVW LVQ¡W WKH By Karyssa Newsome FDVH 5DFH SOD\V D UROH LQ HYHU\WKLQJ LI \RX Features Editor What’s all white, studded with stars and look close enough and through educated striking up controversy with people of H\HV ,¡G OLNH WR VHH SHRSOH ZKR EHOLHYH color everywhere? Yep, you guessed it: the Academy and Hollywood are bias-free LW¡V WKH $FDGHP\ $ZDUGV )RU WKH explain how Actor Sylvester Stallone got a second year in a row, the Academy has nomination for his work in Creed, but the IDLOHG WR Ă€QG D VLQJOH DFWRU RU DFWUHVV RI %ODFN 'LUHFWRU 0LFKDHO % -RUGDQ ZKR DOVR color worthy of even a nomination for held a major role, didn’t even get a second the night’s top awards of Best Actor and JODQFH ([SODLQ ZK\ WKH RQH QRPLQDWLRQ Actress in a Leading Role, and lack of from Straight Outta Compton WKDW WKH Ă€OP talent on the many contenders’ parts is industry did manage to snatch up went to QRW WR EODPH 7KH 2VFDUV DQG +ROO\ZRRG the White writers ( 7KH SRLQW decision makers in general, need to do a of the argument is not to discredit White better job of representing People of Color DFWRUV ZULWHUV DQG RWKHU DUWLVWV WKH SRLQW LV (POC) and minorities and promoting to bring to light the blatant institutionalized racism that has Hollywood wrapped around GLYHUVLW\ RQ WKH ELJ VFUHHQ There is certainly an obvious bias in LWV OLWWOH Ă€QJHUV %\ WKH ZD\ MXVW EHFDXVH WKH ZRUOG RI 79 DQG Ă€OP WKH +ROO\ZRRG the host of your award show is a person of LQGXVWU\ LV GRPLQDWHG E\ :KLWH SHRSOH color doesn’t let you off the hook for lack GLYHUVLW\ It’s extremely off-putting to learn that o f Why is Hollywood so #OscarsSoWhite is a popular tag circulating ignorant to the importance of on the internet, but with the actions representation? It’s because, of the Academy these past two naturally, when you are years, no tag seems more represented, you tend Ă€WWLQJ 7KH EXON RI WR WDNH LW IRU JUDQWHG Oscar nominees this The industry needs to year are White, and open its eyes and try the “SoWhiteâ€? part harder to represent of the award show PLQRULWLHV 7KH ODFN doesn’t just stop of diversity in the ZLWK WKHP $FFRUGLQJ Academy itself, and in to a video on the the awards it gives, is Los Angeles Times’ counterintuitive and very website, as of 2012, GHJUDGLQJ WR PLQRULWLHV just about 95 percent of “Representation is really the people casting votes artwork by Taylor McCabe important to me because it for nominees are White and OHWV \RX VHW D JRDO IRU \RXUVHOI ,I the majority is male ( In addition, members of the Academy are you can’t put yourself in that person’s not required to view the movies that they place, you have nothing to base [your DUH YRWLQJ IRU 7KH RGGV RI DQ HOGHUO\ :KLWH perceptions] off of,â€? said Junior Kayla male rushing to the theatres on his own %XQFK ´,W NHHSV 3HRSOH RI &RORU LQ WKLV accord to see “Straight Outta Comptonâ€? are perpetual cycle of feeling worse and feeling VOLP WR VD\ WKH OHDVW 7KH $FDGHP\ QHHGV EDG DERXW WKHPVHOYHV Âľ 32& GHVHUYH WR IHHO to take steps to diversify its body if it ever represented, and that doesn’t mean tossing hopes to accurately represent any group of in a token nominee every other awards VKRZ $IWHU DOO H[FOXVLRQ LV MXVW DQRWKHU VSHFWDWRUV RWKHU WKDQ :KLWHV A hefty sum of people who view the IRUP RI RSSUHVVLRQ Oscars’ nominee line up, with pairs of 7KH HYLGHQFH LV YHU\ FRQYLQFLQJ 7KH rose-colored glasses resting on the bridges larger problem of a counterproductive of their noses, like to insinuate that the industry needs to be tackled, and the Oscars awards are about the talent of the candidates VHHP OLNH D JRRG SODFH WR VWDUW


Top Ten

College Hacks

By Karyssa Newsome Features Editor As springtime rolls around and many seniors are contemplating which colleges they are going to commit to and how they are going to pay for those colleges, the VWUHVV RI Ă€JXULQJ RXW KRZ WR DIIRUG WKH bills can be quite overwhelming. College OLIH GHĂ€QLWHO\ LVQ¡W DV JODPRXURXV DV RQH might have assumed. If you follow this DGYLFH WKRXJK \RX MXVW PD\ Ă€QG ZD\V WR save money and survive while you rough it in the dorms. 10. Invest in a Costco Membership – It might seem wasteful to purchase one of these cards, but just think of all the free samples your little scholarly heart will be DEOH WR VFDUI GRZQ 2Q D FROOHJH VWXGHQW¡V EXGJHW D &RVWFR PHPEHUVKLS LV GHĂ€QLWHO\ something to invest in. 9. Upgrade Your Mattress – Stuff your worn out dorm room mattress with your FUXVKHG GUHDPV 7KDW ZD\ \RX¡OO EH DEOH WR JHW D JRRG QLJKW¡V VOHHS 8. Can’t Afford Cable? – Watch your savings account deplete over time. That should be engaging. 7. Reuse Textbook Receipts – Why waste money on Kleenex when you can wipe away your tears with the massive stack of receipts from your textbook purchases. 6. Get a Job – Yes, trying to get through college is one tough job already, but someone has to pay those tuition fees right? Make yourself acquainted with the phrase “Will Work for Foodâ€? 5. Don’t Waste Money on Hair Care – ,W¡OO DOO EH IDOOLQJ RXW IURP VWUHVV DQ\ZD\V right? 4. Beat the Heat – If your dorm or stuffy lecture hall is lacking an adequate A/C V\VWHP GRQ¡W VLW WKHUH DQG VXIIHU OLNH WKH rest of your peers. Fan yourself with your fat stack of student loan bills. 3. Make Up for Lack of Appliances – An iron doubles as a stovetop, a blow dryer a microwave, and for those summer nights when you and your roommates are feeling like barbeque, a tennis racket can double for a state of the art grill. Use the hardened souls of your peers in place of coal. 2. Run Away from Your Responsibilities– This way you save a ton of cash on gym memberships, and you give the freshman 15 a run for its money. 1. Bottle Your Tears – Save money on water by bottling your tears. With tuition fees, your classwork load and the pressure of becoming an adult all resting on your VKRXOGHUV WKHUH ZLOO GHĂ€QLWHO\ EH D ORW WR cry about.

The Commander

Cool Coffee Spots to Keep You Caffeinated

By Kennedy Wilson Editor-in-Chief Spring is the time for fresh starts, new places and coffee! Bold, light, dark, room for milk, hold the cream -- there are countless ways to make your coffee just right, but nothing is quite as unique as your favorite coffee shop where you buy yours. From one right here in University City or close-by La Jolla, to a classic joint on the outskirts of downtown, one thing’s for sure, these places have personalities and tastes of their own. Pannikin Coffee and Tea is a local favorite for surfers and residents alike. The staff probably is as much as part of the atmosphere as the place itself. Seriously, all of them are interesting and make you feel right at home. Oftentimes, you can catch the owner dancing to whatever music is in the air or striking up a conversation with just about anyone. Pannikin has an old-school feel in a beachy town. In one room, leather booths line the back wall and in another, a chess set is open. Plus, there is always art on the walls for sale that rotate every couple of months with different artists. Lastly, there is a great outside patio area for when the weather starts to warm up enough to enjoy your coffee or even a book for a bit outside. They are open from 6 to 6, the perfect place to swing by before or after work (even both!). Pannikin states on its website, “We have been in the business of serving the community with all its coffee and tea needs since 1968. Our family owned and operated business roasts coffee daily to

bring you the freshest selection of single watch people walk by. It is beautiful at origin coffees and proprietary blends from anytime of the day and I really mean any‌ around the globe. Our tea list is notable and The hours are 6 to midnight. For any early you will not be disappointed in the wide morning or late late study session, Gelato range offered here.â€? The welcoming and offers a creative space to work, play or just fun-loving staff and the overall environment lose yourself ( of the cafe are only part of it. They also So if you get tired of spring cleaning, serve amazing coffee and food. Breakfast is served until 2 p.m. and lunch until 3 p.m. and there are always fresh pastries anytime of the day. It really does make for an all-around great experience ( Senior Nicole Garcia stated, “Pannikin has a small town, comforting, safe spot feel ,and Gelato Vero is really unique and is very open and inviting.â€? If you are willing to go for something a little farther away, Gelato Vero Caffe is truly one of a kind. Whether you are trying to escape for the day or want to catch up with old friends, the upstairs area is suited for just about anything. The cafe has been open since 1984. The pale green building is made of two parts; the downstairs is ÂżOHG ZLWK DQ LQYLWLQJ VWDII IUHVK Kennedy Wilson//Commander gelato, and delicious coffee. It Pannikin is known for its Vietnamese Coffee. even has a shelf showcasing some books that were written there! A waiting for summer or just the same old staircase outside leads to an upstairs area chain-store coffee shops, settle into one that overlooks the street with broad glass of these places or swing by for a caffeinewindows. Sometimes, you can sit and pick-me-up that is guaranteed to brighten watch planes take off or simply sit and your day.

By Audrey Hancock Staff Writer Looking for a splash of color or a sign of spring? The Flower Fields in Carlsbad 5DQFK KDYH RIĂ€FLDOO\ EHHQ RSHQ VLQFH March 1 and will remain open until May 8, hours being from 9 to 6 daily. They have PDQ\ GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI EHDXWLIXO Ă RZHUV WR see and fun activities that many UC High students may enjoy. 7KH )ORZHU )LHOG KDV QHDUO\ Ă€IW\ DFUHV RI giant Tecolote Ranunculus. “These bright Ă RZHUV EORRP IRU DSSUR[LPDWHO\ VL[ WR eight weeks each year, peak season being March,â€? according to the Flower Fields press room (Ă RZHUĂ€HOGV FRP). There are also beauteous acres of roses, orchids, sweet pea blossoms, petunias, and even an ocean view. Freshman Allison Wuest said, “I liked seeing all the different types of Ă RZHUV Âľ While the children run around playing in

WKH VZHHW SHD PD]H RU 6DQWD¡V SOD\JURXQG with whimsical play houses and gigantic PXVKURRPV WKDW ZHUH SDUW RI 6DQWD¡V village in Lake Arrowhead years ago, the adults can peregrinate looking in the beautiful artist gardens and the cymbidium RUFKLG JUHHQ KRXVH Ă€OOHG ZLWK \HOORZ pink and purple orchids. Freshman Blanca Branshaw said, “What I love about [the Flower Fields] is the smell and getting to OHDUQ PRUH DERXW WKH GLIIHUHQW Ă RZHUV DQG also how beautiful the nature is around it.â€? “Not only does the Flower Fields provide its visitors with 50 acres of giant Tecolote Ranunculus it also sets the stage for fantastic special events,â€? according to the YLVLWRUV ZHEVLWH DERXW WKH Ă RZHU Ă€HOGV (Ă RZHUĂ€HOGV FRP). Being driven by an antique tractor on an open air wagon ride might seem too alarming, but the ancient wagon ride teaches you all about the history of how the Flower Fields started.

“Today, the Fields are a direct result of RYHU \HDUV RI Ă RUDO FXOWLYDWLRQ WKDW EHJDQ when Luthar Gage, an early settler, and grower settled in the area in the early 1920s. Gage brought Ranunculus seeds to the area DQG EHJDQ JURZLQJ WKHP LQ KLV Ă€HOGV QH[W WR )UDQNV )UD]HH¡V VPDOO YHJHWDEOH IDUP LQ 6RXWK 2FHDQVLGH Âľ DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH Ă RZHU Ă€HOG YLVLWRU LQIRUPDWLRQ WKHĂ RZHUĂ€HOGV FRP). For over sixty years, the Flower Fields have held many family fun attractions, seasonal special events, and weddings. ,W¡V WKH SHUIHFW SODFH WR PDNH PDJLFDO memories. This annual burst of color has become SDUW RI WKH DUHD¡V ORFDO KHULWDJH DQG LV RQH RI QDWXUH¡V RIĂ€FLDO ZD\V RI DQQRXQFLQJ the arrival of spring here in Southern California. The Flower Fields are a great place to visit with your family or friends this spring. artwork by Taylor McCabe

DV LWV PDLQ FKDUDFWHU LW¡V QR VXUSULVH WKDW &*, , IHHO OLNH LW¡OO EH D JRRG Ă€OP Âľ VDLG this movie just recently had a third sequel 6HQLRU (ULF )HUQDQGH] LPGE FRP). released. “The humor and the graphics )LQGLQJ 'RU\ is set to be released on June were a good addition to the movie to keep 17, 2016, as a sequel to the original movie it still appealing to those who are fans of )LQGLQJ 1HPR, released in 2003. With the the original Kung Fu Panda movie,â€? said sequel movie planning to have voice actors Arboleda. “I really like this movie series, IURP WKH Ă€UVW PRYLH VXFK DQG , WKLQN LW¡V JUHDW WKDW WKH\ DV 6WDUV (OOHQ 'H*HQHUHV just released a third movie,â€? (the voice of Dory) and said Freshman Meriel Labaco Albert Brooks (the (LPGE FRP). voice of Marlin), many 7KH ,QFUHGLEOHV is set to be students have shown released on June 21, 2019, as their enthusiasm about a sequel to the original movie the long-awaited sequel 7KH ,QFUHGLEOHV, released (LPGE FRP). in 2004. To have a well ,FH $JH &ROOLVLRQ liked family movie like 7KH &RXUVH is being released ,QFUHGLEOHV gain a sequel after on July 22, 2016, as URXJKO\ \HDUV LW¡V QR VXUSULVH artwork by Karyssa Newsome WKH Ă€IWK LQVWDOOPHQW WR that some students at UC High are pumped the original ,FH $JH movie that came out IRU WKH DZDLWHG PRYLH ´,¡YH EHHQ ZDLWLQJ in 2002. Despite this movie coming out IRU WKLV VHTXHO IRU \HDUV LW¡V EHHQ DURXQG around 14 years ago, the movie series is \HDUV DQG , FDQ¡W ZDLW IRU LW (VSHFLDOO\ still going strong, and with this being their with the new technology now-a-days for Ă€IWK LQVWDOOPHQW VRPH KDYH YRLFHG WKHLU

concerns over whether this will be the last PRYLH LQ WKH VHULHV ´,W¡OO EH IXQ WR ZDWFK EHFDXVH LW¡V UHDOO\ KDUG WR NHHS XS D PRYLH series, especially with a series like ,FH $JH where you need to keep the audience interested,â€? said Freshman Arynn Agustino (LPGE FRP). Despite the majority of students anticipating these sequels to their childhood movies, some have expressed their concern about KRZ WKHVH Ă€OPV ZLOO SOD\ RXW ´$V PXFK DV , OLNH WKDW WKH\¡UH FRPLQJ RXW ZLWK VHTXHOV I feel like it will never be able to top the original movie,â€? said Arboleda. $OO LQ DOO WKHVH Ă€OPV DUH D FRQWLQXDWLRQ RI RXU FKLOGKRRGV DQG DUH JRLQJ WR EH Ă€OPV that we can enjoy in the coming months DQG \HDUV $OWKRXJK WKH\¡OO EH FKLOGKRRG VHTXHO PRYLHV IRU XV WKH\¡OO EH QHZ H[FLWLQJ Ă€OPV IRU WKH QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ WR HQMR\ :KHWKHU \RX¡UH D Âś V NLG RU SDUW RI the new generation, hopefully these sequels ZLOO Ă€QG WKHLU ZD\ LQWR \RXU KHDUWV MXVW DV the originals did.

Get Your Fill of Flowers at the Fields

Pixar Bringing Back Childhoods with Fresh Sequels By Micahrae Osteria News Editor Despite the numerous stages that come with growing out of adolescence and OHDYLQJ EHKLQG WKH WHHQ \HDUV WKHUH¡V still going to be a part of you that holds onto your childhood for as long as it can. Whether you hold onto to your favorite baby embroidered blanket, or those LQFUHGLEO\ Ă XII\ VWXIIHG DQLPDOV \RX JRW IRU \RXU WKLUG ELUWKGD\ WKHUH¡V DOZD\V going to be a part of you that stills stays young, childish and bright-eyed. Just like that blanket and stuffed animal are part of your childhood and found their way into your hearts -- so do movies. Kung Fu Panda 3 came out on January DV D IROORZ XS Ă€OP WR WKH RULJLQDO movie Kung Fu Panda that came out in ´, GRQ¡W ZDQW WR JLYH DQ\WKLQJ DQ\ZD\ IRU DQ\ IXWXUH YLHZHUV EXW 3R¡V PDLQ JRDO LQ WKH PRYLH ZDV WR Ă€QG KLV ÂśFKL¡ LQ RUGHU to defeat a jade warrior,â€? said Sophomore -RDQ $UEROHGD :LWK D ELJ Ă XII\ SDQGD

March 4, 2016


Fresh Fashion Tips to Why April Fools’ Day? Put a Spring in Your Step By Hata Velic 6LQFH ZLQWHU LV MXVW HQGLQJ DQG LW LVQ¡W News Editor \HW FRPSOHWHO\ KRW RU FROG \RX PLJKW Ă€QG Spring season is coming up and a new some cute jumpsuits very suitable for your season calls for a new look. Spring fashion daily life, and guess what? They are in style, is about to bloom for those who love to according to the (OOH magazine website. FRRUGLQDWH DQG ORRN JRRG (YHQ IRU WKRVH Although you might consider jumpsuits a SHRSOH ZKR DUHQ¡W XVXDOO\ LQWR GUHVVLQJ XS dated clothing item, there are still many QRZ¡V D FKDQFH WR VWDUW new patterns and styles of jumpsuits As you may already know, RXW WKHUH ´, KDYHQ¡W UHDOO\ VHHQ spring is mostly about anything new, just a lot of FRORUIXO WUHQGV DQG Ă RUDO recycled stuff, mainly prints. According to IURP OLNH WKH Âś V Âľ 1RUGVWURP¡V RIĂ€FLDO said Mackenzie. website, the most D i c k i n s o n popular clothing mentioned that items for this 8UEDQ 2XWĂ€WWHUV season would be is a popular DQ\WKLQJ Ă RUDO store that many FRORUIXO Ă RZHU\ people go to tops, pants, during the spring VHDVRQ WR Ă€QG D jackets, hats, satisfying new wardrobe HOOH even shoes and bags FRP QRUGVWURP FRP Senior Now many might be wondering Roisin Mackenzie said, “I what type of bottoms go with really like to go t h o s e JRUJHRXV Ă RUDO WRSV WKH\ for the hippie look, have. Do you just wear so mixing that the regular skinny with spring jeans or leggings? fashion is always fun. According to Dickinson, If I wear anything loose rolled up pants are being Ă RUDO GXULQJ WKH VSULQJ worn more and more. According it is usually long to (OOH, new shoe styles that maxi dresses.â€? FDQ PDWFK \RXU RXWĂ€WV According to are one strap or Senior Athena two strap slip on Dickinson, not sandals in all colors only can you HOOH FRP URFN WKH Ă RUDO Whether you are look with getting ready for a dresses, but date, to go out with your Hawaiian shirts f o r friends, or you just want both girls and boys also to be comfy and look cute at Ă€W WKH Ă RUDO FDWHJRU\ DQG DUH the same time at home, you can in this season, Dickinson said, mix and match these stylish spring ´,I ,¡P JRLQJ WR ZHDU Ă RUD O LW season clothes to get the look you would just be one item, like a top, DUH JRLQJ IRU 'RQ¡W EH DIUDLG WR DGG VR WKDW ZD\ LW GRHVQ¡W ORRN OLNH WRR in your natural style and make your artwork by Kayli Sandoval much.â€? spring wardrobe your own.

By Dorian Uson Features Editor Have you ever wondered why all of your friends pull practical jokes on you on the Ă€UVW GD\ RI $SULO" $SULO )RROV¡ 'D\ LV D GD\ full of people pulling pranks and practical jokes for seemingly no reason. Apparently, there are multiple reasons for this annual tradition. Ancient Romans and Hindus celebrated their new year on or around the Ă€UVW RI $SULO DOVR NQRZQ DV $OO )RROV¡ 'D\ 7KHUH DUH rumors that the origin of $SULO )RROV¡ LV IURP WKH reign of Constantine, when court jesters told the Roman emperor that they could do a better job of running the country than he could. One website reports, “Constantine, amused, allowed a jester named Kugel to be king for one day. Kugel passed an edict calling for absurdity on that day, and the custom became an annual e v e n t â€? (LQIRSOHDVH FRP). Absurd indeed. According to the H i s t o r y Channel, another possible origin of April )RROV¡ 'D\ LV WKH FDOHQGDU FKDQJH :KHQ France switched from the Julian calendar system to the Gregorian calendar system, 1HZ <HDU¡V 'D\ PRYHG WR -DQXDU\ EXW many were late to catch on and continued WR FHOHEUDWH 1HZ <HDU¡V DW WKH HQG RI March. These New Year celebrations typically ended on April 1, so to continue and in a way make fun of these events, practical jokes became a practice. “People who were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the start of the new year had moved to January 1 and continued to celebrate it during the last week of March through April 1 became the butt of jokes and hoaxesâ€? (KLVWRU\ FRP). $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH +LVWRU\ &KDQQHO¡V 7KLV

'D\ LQ +LVWRU\, speculations about the RULJLQV RI $SULO )RROV¡ 'D\ WUDFH EDFN WR Scotland The website explains that the prank-pulling day was originally split LQWR WZR GD\V ´ VWDUWLQJ ZLWK ÂśKXQWLQJ WKH JRZN¡ LQ ZKLFK SHRSOH ZHUH VHQW RQ phony errands (gowk is a word for cuckoo bird, a symbol for fool) and followed by Tailie Day, which involved pranks played RQ SHRSOH¡V GHUULHUHV VXFK DV SLQQLQJ IDNH WDLOV RU ÂśNLFN PH¡ VLJQV RQ them.â€? Who knew that “kick meâ€? signs had such history behind them? ( K L V W R U \ FRP). Of course all these are just theories. In more m o d e r n times, the media greatly participates in April )RROV¡ 'D\ Newspapers, artwork byTaylor McCabe radios, TV stations and websites have been known to publish Ă€FWLRQDO VWRULHV WR IRRO WKHLU DXGLHQFHV ,Q 1957, the BBC published a story that Swiss Farms were experiencing a record spaghetti crop; they even included footage of people harvesting noodles from trees. In 1985, 6SRUWV ,OOXVWUDWHG published an article about a rookie pitcher named Sidd Finch who could throw a fastball at over 168 mile per hour. In 1996, Taco Bell announced that LW ZDV EX\LQJ WKH 3KLODGHOSKLD¡V /LEHUW\ Bell and renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. In 1998, Burger King advertised a special sandwich for left-handed people. As if the hand you eat with is effected by perfectly round sandwiches. People supposedly still came in and requested this sandwich (KLVWRU\ FRP). There are so many different ways to prank your friends, siblings, teachers and parents WKLV $SULO )RROV¡ 'D\ +RZHYHU SOD\LQJ D SUDQN RQ \RXU WHDFKHU LVQ¡W WKH EHVW ZD\ WR score an A.

Bunnies Don’t Lay Eggs, and other Conundrums This Issue’s Poll: By Karyssa Newsome Features Editor (DVWHU LV RQH RI WKRVH KROLGD\V WKDW DW D glance, seems normal enough, right? But, ZKHQ WDNLQJ D FORVHU ORRN VWXGHQWV Ă€QG themselves wondering just what brought DERXW WKH PDQ\ VWUDQJH WUDGLWLRQV RI (DVWHU -XVW ZK\ LV D EXQQ\ OHDYLQJ FDQG\ Ă€OOHG HJJV DURXQG SHRSOH¡V \DUGV DQ\ZD\V" 2QH PRGHUQ (DVWHU FKDUDFWHU WKDW LV NLQG RI VWUDQJH LV WKH (DVWHU %XQQ\ 7KLV IHVWLYH URGHQW KRSV DURXQG OHDYLQJ FDQG\ Ă€OOHG HJJV IRU FKLOGUHQ WR Ă€QG 7KDW¡V Ă€QH DQG all, but many UC High students wonder MXVW ZKHUH WKH VWRU\ RI WKH (DVWHU %XQQ\ comes from. The story actually originates from some strange folklore. According to a web article, the story of WKH (DVWHU %XQQ\ DOLJQV ZLWK WKH VWRU\ RI (RVWUH D SDJDQ JRGGHVV :KHQ (RVWUH IRXQG a bird dying in the cold, she turned it into a rabbit so that its fur would bring it warmth. It worked, and the bird-turned-bunny lived, but there was one strange occurrence. The rabbit still laid eggs (UHDOVLPSOH FRP). 6XGGHQO\ WKH VLJQLĂ€FDQFH RI FKRFRODWH bunnies and marshmallow chicks makes a ORW PRUH VHQVH GRHVQ¡W LW" 6SHDNLQJ RI WKRVH VFUXPSWLRXV (DVWHU treats, the question of how those were even popularized arises. How did these yummy treats end up in our baskets?

Peeps, chocolate bunnies, candy eggs and MHOO\ EHDQV DUH DOO VWDSOH (DVWHU EDVNHW stuffers. In the 1920s, companies began making marshmallows shaped like baby chicks and bunnies to go along with the springtime theme. Jelly beans became a popular eastern treat in the 1890s when people realized their shape favored that of an egg (IDUPĂ DYRU FRP). “My favorite (DVWHU FDQG\ ZRXOG KDYH WR EH WKRVH OLWWOH FKRFRODWH HJJV \RX JHW IURP 6HH¡V &DQG\ Âľ VDLG 6HQLRU 0DULQD 6ZHHWQDP :LWK (DVWHU EHLQJ WKH Ă€UVW PDMRU FDQG\ FROOHFWLQJ holiday after Halloween, many people place great importance on the festive sweets. $QRWKHU (DVWHU WUDGLWLRQ WKDW PDQ\ students may have partaken in is the practice of painting eggs. According to a web article, the bird turned rabbit would decorate the eggs it laid and then give them as a gift to the goddess who saved it (UHDOVLPSOH FRP). This may not be why we decorate eggs today, but at the end of the GD\ LW¡V DOO LQ JRRG IXQ &RPH (DVWHU PDQ\ 8& +LJK VWXGHQWV ZLOO be enjoying the holiday with their closest IULHQGV DQG IDPLO\ 1RZ ZKHQ \RX¡UH sitting around the dinner table, feasting on (DVWHU GLQQHU DQG PXQFKLQJ RQ FDQG\ IURP colorful plastic eggs, you can spring some interesting and view-altering facts on your loved ones.

Do you like Peeps? Yes 54% 1R artwork by Karyssa Newsome


March 4, 2016

Female and Male Athletes of the Month

McCartney Makes Her Mark in Softball Waldichuk Commits Himself to Baseball By Kailey Withers Staff Writer Her ruthlessness, dedication, and love for the game makes her a key player and a large threat to opposing teams. Sophomore Cassidy McCartney always encourages her teammates and plays her hardest, whether VKH¡V RQ WKH VRIWEDOO Ă€HOG RU the basketball court. Her unyielding drive while playing makes her somebody for her teammates to look up to and rival teams to fear. McCartney describes hitting the softball as one of the most satisfying feelings. “I love hitting the ball. When you get a good KLW LW¡V WKH EHVW IHHOLQJ Âľ she said. McCartney has been playing softball since the age of six, which has given her plenty

of time to grow as a player and teammate. With softball taking up the majority of her free time, McCartney remains committed to her team, which has given her many irreplaceable friendships and encouraged her to try her hardest in everything she does. “I have met so many of my best friends by playing VSRUWV Âľ VKH VDLG Although she doesn’t plan on playing sports after high school, McCartney still continues to take pride in her team and try her hardest during every game. Her neverending hard work is sure the bring her many successes in the future and has kept her occupied her whole life. Kailey Withers//Commander

By Kailey Withers Staff Writer Senior Ken Waldichuk has been playing baseball for 13 years. “I played a lot of sports when I was younger, but baseball was the one that VHHPHG WR VWLFN ZLWK PH Âľ said Waldichuk. Being the pitcher for the UC High Baseball Team, Wa l d i c h u k ’s e n d l e s s dedication to the sport LQĂ XHQFHV KLV teammates and makes him a player his teammates can to go to for guidance regarding the game. Since he has been playing for so and has remained committed, he has been set up to achieve many

successes in his future with baseball. Waldichuk executes his hard work RQ DQG RII WKH EDVHEDOO Ă€HOG 6LQFH he has been playing the game for so many years, Waldichuk is bound to have some favorite aspects of the sport. “One of my favorite things to do while playing LV KLW GLQJHUV >KRPH UXQV@ Âľ VDLG Waldichuk. His dedication and hard work has payed off, as he plans to play baseball in college. Recently, he has been accepted and signed to St. Mary’s College. “I do plan on playing in college. I have already signed with a college so I am really excited to be SOD\LQJ IRU WKHP Âľ said Waldichuk. His intense dedication leaves him with many great opportunities for his future. Kailey Withers//Commander

Lacrosse Prepares for Exciting Season A Challenge that Will Peak Your Interest By Alex Volk Staff Writer This spring, the fast moving sport of lacrosse will be starting up again and players, along with the spectators, are excited for the 2016 season. Last year, the team went 9-8, and it’s looking to become improved for this upcoming season, as it is now a part of a higher division. Assistant Coach CK Littlewood is looking forward to starting up the season in a new and higher ranked division. “Our biggest goal is to make it to playoffs in WKLV QHZ GLYLVLRQ Âľ VDLG /LWWOHZRRG 1HZ implements will be applied to the team to reach this goal. “Conditioning is going to be a big factor this year, as well as getting a strong defense together, our offense is DOUHDG\ VWURQJ Âľ H[SODLQHG /LWWOHZRRG New UC High players are joining this year, and Littlewood really looks forward to having them. “We are excited to have a new crop of players and a lot of them are younger student-athletes, so we really look forward to building a cohesive team that

PHVKHV ZHOO WRJHWKHU Âľ VDLG /LWWOHZRRG 9DUVLW\ 0LGĂ€HOGHU *DYLQ 5DVPXVVHQ can’t wait for this upcoming season. “Lacrosse is not only a competitive and accelerating sport, but it’s just simply fun to SOD\ Âľ H[SODLQHG 5DVPXVVHQ 5DVPXVVHQ LV looking forward to how the 2016 team will play this year. “We did well last year, but we still need some improvements. We were one win away from competing in CIF, and hopefully this year we can actually make LW Âľ VDLG 5DVPXVVHQ Many of the players know there is room for improvement, and hopefully this will be the year they make it far into CIF playoffs. 9DUVLW\ 0LGĂ€HOGHU +XQWHU /LWWOHZRRG LV also looking for the same goal of making it to CIF, and he knows exactly what needs to be improved for the team. “Having more organized practices along with increase stick skills and effective FRPPXQLFDWLRQ ZLOO EULQJ XV WR WKH WRS Âľ explained Littlewood. His goal for the team this year is to be a strong team and keep the sport fun for everyone. Along with having goals for the team, Littlewood also has his own personal goals he would like to accomplish. “Personally, this year my goal is to become WKH WRS VFRUHU IRU RXU WHDP Âľ explained Littlewood. The sport is attracting many new players and it really emphasizes the fun of lacrosse. New to the sport, Junior Kent Pinz, is excited for this upcoming season. “I can’t wait to get this season started because even though I have never played, I know it’s JRLQJ WR EH IXQ Âľ H[SODLQHG Pinz. The environment of the sport is what Pinz really looks forward to. “The WHDP LV Ă€OOHG ZLWK IULHQGV who all have a good time together playing a sport WKDW WKH\ ORYH Âľ VDLG 3LQ] With all the new players and excitement amongst the team and coaches, Lacrosse Carissa Guzman//Commander should have a solid season Junior Bryce Todd and Sophomore Ryan Reddish scrimmage at a recent this year. practice to prepare for the upcoming season this spring.

By Alex Volk Staff Writer Hiking is a fairly popular activity here in San Diego, as it is the home to many spectacular scenic views and trails. One of the well-known hikes that many San Diegans participate in is the trail leading up to the peak of CowlesMountain. Its popularity is astounding and demonstrates that many people are getting out and being active. However, its popularity has also lead to a damaging side effect: the Cowles Mountain trail is taking a beating from the vast amount of hikers. To solve this problem, the Mission Trails Regional Park program has created a way to disperse the hikers among different hiking areas. This solution is called the Five Peaks Challenge, as it HQFRXUDJHV KLNHUV WR KLNH DOO ÀYH SHDNV LQ the Mission Trails Park, which are Pyles Peak, Kwaay Paay, South Fortuna, North Fortuna and Cowles Mountain. According to the San Diego Union Tribune, this program is intended to GHFUHDVH WKH IRRW WUDIÀF FRQFHQWUDWHG RQ Cowles Mountain, which is overcrowded, and allow the trail to recover. This will DOVR DOORZV KLNHUV WR SRVVLEO\ ÀQG D QHZ favorite trail other than Cowles Mountain ( Completing this challenge comes with a reward. According to the Mission Trails Regional Park Organization, each hiker

ZKR FOLPEV DOO Ă€YH SHDNV ZLOO UHFHLYH DQ RIĂ€FLDO 3HDN &KDOOHQJH FHUWLĂ€FDWH ORJR pin and 10 dollar coupon for the well known camping store, Adventure-16. To authenticate the completion of the FKDOOHQJH WKH KLNHU PXVW WDNH D VHOĂ€H at each summit’s sign and email it to SHDNFKDOOHQJH#PWUS RUJ 2QFH YHULĂ€HG the hiker will receive the prizes (mtrp. org). The real reward that comes out of this challenge, however, is not the prizes themselves but the wonderful experience in getting outside for a good cause and earning some pride in oneself. The challenge has no time limit. The hiker just has to complete the hike for each peak at his/her own pace; this adds up to a total of 11 miles. Almost 900 hikers have completed this challenge so far, and the number is growing with every weekend ( Junior Ofri Avgil values traveling and enjoying the outdoors, and seeks to try the Five Peaks Challenge for herself. “I like hiking because it allows me to feel free and DEOH WR WUDYHO LQĂ€QLWHO\ ZLWKRXW VWRSSLQJ Âľ said Avgil. She thinks this challenge would QRW RQO\ EHQHĂ€W WKH HQYLURQPHQW EXW DOVR SURYLGH WKH IXOĂ€OOLQJ H[SHULHQFH RI achieving a goal. “I would be interested in completing the Five Peaks Challenge, because I want to test myself and conquer something many SHRSOH FDQ¡W Âľ VDLG $YJLO

The Commander


Students Versus Staff Basketball Game: Staff Victorious Once Again By Kayli Sandoval Staff Writer Last Friday, February 26, UC High’s WKLUW\ ÂżIWK DQQXDO 6WXGHQWV YV 6WDII Basketball game took place. ASB Sports Commissioner Francisco Echavarria explained, “It’s a fun way to fundraise for the Senior Class.â€? All of the ticket funds went towards UC High’s current Senior Class. The pre-sale tickets cost 5 dollars, and tickets at the door were 7 dollars. Sadly, the seniors did lose, although the score remained pretty close and most people had a great time anyway. The student team was assembled of volunteers. No one from the Varsity Basketball Team was allowed to play for them. Sports Commissioner Jacob Lapp said, “The senior students who are not on the Basketball Team right now played against the staff members who wanted to challenge them. A lot of athletes who are not on the basketball team played.â€? Many senior students participated in the game, including Students Sara Frederich, Victoria Wade and Johnathon Ngo. Some of the staff who participated in the game were: Principal Jeff Olivero, Vice Principal

Michael Paredes, English Teacher Richard Frink and Art Teacher Delia Martin. The seniors gave it their all this year, but unfortunately, it was not enough, as the staff were ahead all four quarters. The closest the seniors got to taking a lead against the staff was after the second quarter when the staff were only up by four. After the second quarter, during half-time, two of UC High’s dance groups performed. The two dance groups that performed were DDC (Diverse Dance Crew) and AllMale. Freshman DDC Member Savannah Emerson said, “It was really fun [performing] and exciting, and surprisingly, I wasn’t nervous. Even though I felt like I messed up a lot, I had a great time.� Anthony Garbino//Commander At the beginning of the fourth Teacher Richard Frink gains possession on a rebound up against Senior Sara Frederich, quickly getting back on the offense. quarter, the score was 38 to 44, game and the scores were really close, but Frink said, “This was my second year seniors down by 6, and as the rest of the the staff were surprisingly more successful [playing in the game]. I enjoy competition. quarter went by, both teams were making and won the game. I don’t think they [the I played the center position because of my great shots, with the staff ultimately students] took the loss hard, because they height. I consider myself a decent athlete on winning 56 to 49. got the ticket funds either way and still had the court, and I look forward to knocking Sophomore Mia Ryan said, “It was a good fun.� down threes in front of all the seniors.�

March Madness Sparks Controversy Girls Basketball Overcomes Obstacles By Sebastian Rodriguez Staff Writer “Honestly, there have been so many upsets and crazy games so far this season that it’s going to be impossible to predict how this upcoming March Madness will play out,â€? said Senior Keegan Dirks. The annual college basketball tournament known as March Madness will begin March 15 and will feature the top 68 teams in the nation who will all be competing for the Naismith Trophy, as well as the title of top college basketball team in the country. The regular season preceding this year’s WRXUQDPHQW KDV EHHQ ÂżOOHG ZLWK QXPHURXV upsets by several unranked teams. According to sports media website SB Nation, the top ranked Oklahoma Sooners suffered a 15 point loss to the Iowa State Cyclones who were ranked 19 at the time. Along with this, defending champions Duke recently gave up three games in a row all to unranked teams ( The upcoming tournament will feature several of the top ranked individual players in the country. This includes LSU Forward Ben Simmons, Providence Guard Kris Dunn, as well as top ranked Oklahoma Guard Buddy Hield, who has led the Sooners to a current 18-2 record. According to CBS Sports, Hield is averaging nearly 27 SRLQWV ÂżYH UHERXQGV DQG WZR DVVLVWV per game. He is currently making 52 SHUFHQW RI KLV ÂżHOG VKRWV DV ZHOO DV hitting 52 percent of his three pointers ( One of the biggest stories surrounding this year’s tournament includes the selfimposed postseason ban that the Louisville Cardinals have placed on themselves in response to recent allegations against Former Staff Member Andre McGee. The allegations include the hiring of dancers to perform sexual acts with several of the recruits and players on the Louisville team. According to ESPN Go, Former Escort Katina Powell stated that nearly 18 to 19 women were brought to the Louisville dorms and paid to perform sexual acts with players and recruits for money between 2010 and 2014 ( This ban will keep the 19-5 Cardinals from participating in the upcoming March Madness tournament. Postseason bans have also been placed on the SMU Mustangs for several NCAA

By Emi Zeger Editor-in-Chief 8& +LJK¡V *LUOV %DVNHWEDOO 7HDP VKRW IRU success this winter. The team achieved an overall record of 14-13 ( Head Coach Mary Ann McLaughlin said, “This [year's] team did a lot better than last year’s team. The players that have returned are smarter and playing better, and we were playing better as a team. The new players we have added made it a PXFK PRUH VWURQJHU FRKHVLYH WHDP Âľ VDLG McLaughlin. “We had much more depth on RXU WHDP WKLV VHDVRQ Âľ VKH VDLG The team had only two seniors and was young, with three brand new players. “All three of them did IDQWDVWLFDOO\ Âľ VDLG McLaughlin. According to the team roster, there were four players each from eleventh and tenth grades, as well as two each from ninth and twelfth grades. "The season went surprisingly well, considering we're a young WHDP VDLG *XDUG yet Milani Laborete. to be “Our key players have seen, several GHĂ€QLWHO\ EHHQ >&HQWHU@ )D\WK )RZOHU artwork by Karyssa Newsome teams may have surprises DQG >*XDUG@ 0DGLVRQ :LOOV 7KH\ ZHUH in store for this upcoming tournament. ERWK RXU FDSWDLQV Âľ VDLG 0F/DXJKOLQ Senior John Kidman said, “I think there Madison starts in off-guard shooting DUH GHÂżQLWHO\ D JRRG DPRXQW RI GDUN KRUVHV SRVLWLRQ DQG VKH DOVR SOD\V EDFNXS SRLQW Âľ who could really do well in the tournament said McLaughlin. “Milani Laborete has this year, such as Oregon and Arizona.â€? also been a big key. She is a very big asset Several have voiced their own opinion IRU XV GHIHQVLYHO\ Âľ DGGHG 0F/DXJKOLQ on who they wish to see holding up the The players practiced Monday through Naismith Trophy this year. “I want Xavier Friday, except for game days, and to win because they are consistent. They sometimes Saturdays as well, according have not been upsetted by an unranked to McLaughlin. “We’ve put in two hours teams this year,â€? said Senior Johnny Salas. of hard, intense practice every day, “ said Principal Jeff Olivero said, “I’ve been McLaughlin. “Every day, we had a focus watching USC this year, and I really think for our team. It’s always a focus to learn to they could do well in the tournament. play together and to compete as a team both Typically their team isn’t great, but this defensively and offensively. So, our big year, they are doing very well.â€? focus was to work on skill development, violations including academic fraud and unethical conduct. According to SB Nation, the SMU basketball team now faces a oneyear postseason ban along with a loss of nine scholarships over the next three seasons ( As the season continues to push closer to the start of the tournament, several predictions of seedings have already been made. According to CBS Sports, top ranked teams such as Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma and Xavier may be expecting number one seeds ( As no clear favorite h a s

ball handling, shooting, free throws and JRRG GHIHQVH Âľ The practice paid off, as the team achieved many successes. “I would say it was really awesome to beat Cathedral Catholic [High] on our home court. It was D JRRG ZLQ IRU XV Âľ VDLG 0F/DXJKOLQ :LOOV said that her most memorable game was against Academy of Our Lady of Peace [OLP]: “We beat OLP. We were losing like the whole game, but in the fourth quarter, ZH EHDW WKHP Âľ VKH VDLG ´6R WKDW ZDV UHDOO\ IXQ Âľ DGGHG :LOOV 7KH 2/3 JDPH was also memorable to Laborete. "...we EHDW 2/3 IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH LQ D ORQJ WLPH said Laborete. The team’s achievements are even more impressive considering the many obstacles it overcame. “We’ve had quite a IHZ FKDOOHQJHV Âľ VDLG 0F/DXJKOLQ ´(YHU\ team goes through challenges just trying to keep everyone healthy and injury-free. We had a stretch there in December that was really rough, where two of our starters were out injured, and we lost some games we shouldn’t have lost: had we had everyone healthy and strong, we probably would KDYH ZRQ WKRVH Âľ 7KHVH LQMXULHV KDYH only strengthened the mental toughness of the team, however. “We’ve overcome challenges, and we’re learning to persevere, learn from our mistakes, understand our VWUHQJWKV DQG FDSLWDOL]H RQ RXU VWUHQJWKV Âľ said McLaughlin. She added, â€œâ€Śthe team LV JHWWLQJ EHWWHU DQG VPDUWHU HDFK JDPH Âľ Indeed, the team rebounded from its hardships as it performed well in league ZLWK D UHFRUG RI “We had high goals and high expectations and ELJ PRXQWDLQV WR FOLPE Âľ VDLG 0F/DXJKOLQ “Our goal was to place as high as we can in league, behind Scripps Ranch [High]. I didn’t think we could overtake them; we didn’t play enough games, so Scripps 5DQFK >+LJK@ Ă€QLVKHG Ă€UVW Âľ VKH VDLG The team made it to playoffs as hoped. “This year, we tried to make it to playoffs, EHFDXVH ODVW \HDU ZH GLGQ¡W Âľ VDLG :LOOV 8& +LJK SOD\HG LWV Ă€UVW SOD\RII JDPH DJDLQVW Vista High on February 23. Although Vista +LJK ZRQ PDNLQJ LW WR SOD\RIIV is nonetheless an accomplishment and improvement for the Centurions (maxpreps. com). While working hard, the players seemed to be have had fun as well. “This WHDP KDV EHHQ D ORW RI IXQ WR FRDFK IRU Âľ said McLaughlin. “There’s lots of good SHUVRQDOLWLHVÂŤ :H HQMR\HG WKH VHDVRQ Âľ


March 4, 2016

UC High Heart and Sole Relay Raises Money to Cure Cancer By Cameron Doyle Staff Writer Six UC High Biomed students, along with the HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) Club, hosted the First Annual UC High Heart and Sole Relay to help raise money for curing cancer on Saturday, February 6, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m on UC High’s track. The students organized the run as their Biomed independent project. Senior Allison Blumenfeld said, “The purpose of the relay was to raise Carissa Guzman//Commander money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society First Sergeant Keller, members of the HOSA Club and others race to raise money for cancer research. (LLS).â€? Mehrens said, “LLS is an orga- JR WR UHVHDUFK Ă€QDQFLDO DLG DQG VXSSRUW According to LLS Student Series Camnization that is dedicated to helping blood services, and twenty-eight percent of all paigning Manager Amanda Mehrens, cancer patients and their families. Funds donations go to the program.â€? “People got involved with raising money

New College and Pathways Classes Added By Sebastian Rodriguez Staff Writer For the upcoming 2016-2017 school year, UC High will be offering new college classes as well as continuing to offer current college classes for students who wish to get a taste of what they will be experiencing after graduation. Principal Jeff Olivero said, “A few of the new [college] courses that are going to be offered are classes in English and math. Because all students who wish to attend a community college must take an accuplacer test to get in, these classes will eliminate the need for students to take and pass WKH DFFXSODFHU WHVW 7KH Ă€UVW VHPHVWHU ZLOO IXOĂ€OO WKH WZHOIWK grade graduation requirement, while the second semester will count as college credit. This will help students start on the fast track and get started earlier rather than waiting till college.â€? Not all of the college courses will be offered through the same college. “The new classes will be offered through Mesa College, along with the Math 150 and Political Science classes that are also offered through Mesa. The psychology class will continue to be offered through Miramar [College] and the Sociology class is through UCSD,â€? said Olivero. Student eligibility to enroll in these college classes will depend on multiple factors. Olivero said, “Because most students who plan on taking the Sociology course offered through UCSD plan on attending a

UC school, we typically selected students who have a 3.5 GPA and above. For the classes offered through Mesa, we chose students who may be more interested in attending a community college along with having a 3.0 GPA and above. The standards for getting into these classes are still very high for those who wish to get in.â€? Expected class size looks to be the same as a normal class on campus. “It’s not any different from what you would see at a high school: typically, between 33 and 36 students,â€? said Olivero. The new math and English courses being offered will only have one semester that will count towards students’ high school GPAs. Olivero stated, “The Ă€UVW VHPHVWHU RI the classes will count towards your high school GPA, while the second semester will count towards your college GPA. The district however, is working to get the college classes to be weighted and count towards the high school GPA, something that has never been done before.â€? “I believe that taking a college class does prepare you for college,â€? said Senior John Kidman. “I think that for some subjects, it’s a good way to get experience,â€? said Senior Parker Grubensky. Along with the new college courses, new technology-oriented Pathway Classes will be offered to students wishing to possibly SXUVXH DQ RFFXSDWLRQ LQ WKH Ă€HOG 7KHVH new Pathway Classes include courses fo-

“This will help students start on the fast track and get started earlier rather than waiting till college.� -Principal Jeff Olivero


Student Submissions

Artist: Senior Alicia Tan Quote: “I made it just for fun [in ceramics class], and I really wanted a mug, because I love drinking coffee.�

cused on software and systems development, as well as electronic games and simulation. These courses will offer students an experience that will help them prepare for possible careers in areas such as computer science and game design. Olivero saod, “The courses will not be offered to everybody. The pathways classes will most likely be offered to incoming freshmen.�

UC High Hosts Sadie Hawkins

By Juliana Marquez Staff Writer On March 12, ASB will be hosting its Ă€UVW HYHU 6DGLH +DZNLQV 'DQFH DW WKH 5HXben H. Fleet Science Museum from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. According to ASB Advisor Donna Fallon, the tickets went on sale on February 29, and the last day to buy the tickets is March 10. Fallon added that the tickets cost 35 dollars with an ASB card and 38 dollars without an ASB card. Fallon said that this Sadie’s dance is semi-formal, more formal than this school year’s Homecoming Dance. The theme is 007 James Bond. 7KLV ZLOO EH WKH Ă€UVW 6DGLH +DZNLQV 'DQFH UC High has ever held. Fallon added that instead of having a “...Sadie Hawkins Dance, ASB usually just organizes an ASB Ball.â€? According to Fallon, the dance will be held at the Reuben H. Fleet Museum. ASB Executive Treasurer James Sud said, “There will be a casino table (fake money, of course), with Texas Hold’em and Blackjack, an airbrush tattoo artist, a photo booth, a DJ and food and dessert catering.â€? The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center is located in Balboa Park (UKĂ HHW RUJ). “We are expecting 300-400 people at the dance,â€? said Sud. “It’s important to note, though,â€? he added, “that anybody can ask out anybody they want, and you don’t need a date to attend the dance.â€? A writer for one web-based source explained, “Believe it or not, the entire tradition of the girl-asks-boy dance originates from a FRPLF VWULS. In the famous cartoonturned-musical ‘Li’l Abner,’ there was a designated day in November when unmarried women could chase bachelor’s around the town in hopes of catching them for marriageâ€? (DERXW FRP) Junior Alessandra Bressan said, “I was very excited to dress up and ask out my date!â€? “Dance contracts are available in the IURQW RIĂ€FH DQG WKH $6% URRP 2U \RX FDQ download it at,â€? said Fallon.

and awareness about leukemia at UC High by participating in the Heart and Sole Relay and donating money to [the] Pasta for Pennies [fundraiser].â€? Senior Ruth Dumitru said, “All the money we raised from Pasta for Pennies and the money from the relay went directly to LLS to fund the program.â€? She added that they raised more than 1,000 dollars. According to Mehrens, “People who fundraised at least 25 dollars received a swag bag, and people who fundraised 50 dollars got a t-shirt and an Olive Garden lunch.â€? Mehrens explained, “Every three minutes, someone is diagnosed with leukemia in the United States, and every ten minutes, someone passes away. It’s important to raise awareness, because there is a need for research, which means better medicines and treatments for the patients.â€? Blumenfeld explained, “Every couple of years, HOSA as an organization partners with a QRQSURĂ€W IRXQGDWLRQ 7KLV \HDU DQG ODVW year, we partnered with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.â€? According to Blumenfeld, “Six people on the sidelines made sure everything ran smoothly, while members of the HOSA FOXE SDUWLFLSDWHG DORQJ ZLWK DW OHDVW Ă€IW\ people.â€? Dumitru said, “Sponsors helped us by donating water and sunscreen. Everyone was welcome to come and participate. We are hoping that the Vice President of HOSA, Mike Wara, will be able to continue on the tradition.â€? Dumitru stated, “If you were not able to attend the race, but would still like to join the cause, be sure to help by donating through HYHQWV OOV RUJ SDJHV VG XQLYHUVLW\FLW\KLJKVFKRRO.â€?

Science Olympiad, from page 1 es and we had almost every person participating on our three teams earn at least one,� said Quessenberry. “We have a lot of veterans and really talented kids who are working hard and putting in lots of commitment,� she said. UC High placed eighth last year at re-

Carissa Guzman//Commander

Robot Arm that Sophomores Chris Prell and Alex McGee built for Science Olympiad.

gionals, according to Quessenberry. “We last went to the state competition two years ago and did very well. It was a great experience for everyone!� she added. “I like the Science Olympiad because it provides more of a hands-on experiences with science than school does. For example, while physics in school may do a good job teaching more rigorous concepts about gravity or potential energy, the Science Olympiad astronomy uses those concepts to explain exotic phenomena in the universe around us,� said Berard. “It’s a whole lot of fun. You get to do a lot of science you won’t ever do in class,� Quessenberry said.

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