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May 6, 2016

Male and Female Athletes of the Month

Plaster Plays Passionately Lien's Love for Badminton By Anthony Garbino Sports Editor Lacrosse is a high-action, intense sport that is very physical and very few can play really well. “The action that is a part of lacrosse I think is what appeals to me the most. The sheer amount of physicality is really amazing to me,â€? said Senior Dylan Plaster. Plaster is very passionate about this sport, to the point that he dedicates many hours on and off WKH Ă€HOG WR LW ´, always try my hardest in practice and in the games, and when I’m not there, I try to practice my Ă LFNV DW KRPH Âľ VDLG Plaster. Courtesy of Dylan Plaster

By Anthony Garbino Sports Editor Plaster is considered one of the best With badminton being one of the SOD\HUV RQ WKH Ă€HOG E\ QRW RQO\ KLV FRDFK biggest passions in her life, Senior but his peers. “I like to pride myself on Christina Lien is a strong and being the best that I can possibly dedicated player when she is on be, and I guess it pays off. In the badminton court. “I love the end, I know that if I try badminton. It is not my hardest, I can be the so much a best on the team,â€? said competition Plaster. for me; it’s Plaster’s more of a drive for relaxing sport the sport where I can just will continue have fun, and I after high just happen to be school, as pretty good at it,â€? he wants to said Lien. compete at a "If I had to choose college level. “I my favorite part of would love to playing badminton, it would play in college, be slamming the bird," she though I haven’t exclaimed. gotten any Lien has been playing badminton scholarships for since middle school. Having it. I feel that if starting the sport in eighth grade, there is a team at she has put numerous hours of the school, then I practice into it. “I have been playing have a pretty good since the eighth grade, and as soon chance of getting as I started playing, I knew that into it,â€? he explained. I liked playing very much. said

By Alex Volk Staff Writer This year, UC High’s Softball Team has been working hard to achieve success as the end of the season sneaks up. It is an extremely competitive team this year, and the players are all looking forward to performing well at CIF. Varsity Coach Mike Roberts is proud of his “youngâ€? team, as the players are still improving to reach their goals. “This year’s WHDP LV PDGH XS RI Ă€YH IUHVKPHQ VL[ sophomores, one junior and three seniors. I would call us a young and up-and-coming team, and we have high expectations of getting better,â€? said Roberts. To reach this year’s goals, the team has been focusing on improving its hitting WKURXJK H[WUD SUDFWLFH ´0\ Ă€UVW JRDO always is to have a winning record and to make play-offs. We...[have been] working towards winning more league games by holding extra voluntary hitting practice on Saturdays,â€? explained Roberts. Compared to last year, Roberts sees a marked improvement in the team and its practice conditions this year. “Our new KRPH Ă€HOG KDV PDGH D ELJ GLIIHUHQFH DQG we added another coach, which helps give more individual time to our catchers and pitchers. Our team chemistry is better, and we are always working on skills to improve our play,â€? said Roberts. The team is working really well together and has a strong sense of perseverance. Roberts saw

this in his favorite game this season against Steele Canyon High. “So far, my favorite game has been against Steele Canyon [High]... They are a ranked team, [and] we were losing but came back from six runs down to win. The girls really worked well together. They never gave up,â€? said Roberts. Catcher Sabrina Schnaubelt notices the high level of talent on this team this year DQG LV ORRNLQJ IRU D SODFH LQ OHDJXH Ă€QDOV DV well as CIF. “We are a newer team and have been improving. We have a lot of talent, but we have to get used to each other to reach our full potential,â€? said Schnaubelt. First Base Adara Benz was, and still is, excited for this team’s potential. “I’m really proud of the team so far. We have a lot of underclassmen on the team, and they do such a great job with all the changes the team has been through,â€? said Benz. Benz aspires for excellence in league and CIF. ´)RU WKH HQG RI WKH VHDVRQ , GHĂ€QLWHO\ hope we get into CIFs and play for as long as we can,â€? said Benz. 5LJKW )LHOGHU 6RÂżD 1HUL UHFRJQL]HV WKLV team’s intensity and strives to perform her best. “The team is a very competitive, very supportive group of girls who are a lot of fun to be around. We push each other to EHFRPH WKH EHVW ZH FDQ EH ´ VDLG 1HUL The underclassmen of this team are having a great time. Pitcher Karli Ramsey said, “It is a really fun team to be on, and I’m glad to be a part of it.â€?

Lien. Lien has always enjoyed support from her family to continue playing and getting better. “I love that my family supports me. Without them, I for sure wouldn’t be able to get as far as I am today,� said Lien. One of Lien’s goals this season is to make it back to CIF and win. “We made it to CIF last year, and I did pretty well, but this year, I hope to get farther and maybe even win. It will take a lot of practice to be able to do it, but I know that I have the potential to be able to do it,� said Lien. Though Lien knows her strengths, she is also aware of the aspects of her play that she can improve upon. “I need to work on my slams and my returns, because those are my weak points. I practice those points everyday after school with my team, and I can feel that I am getting better at them, but still, I know I can get better,� said Lien. Micahrae Osteria//Commander

Softball Looks to Advance in CIF Swim Team Breaks Records By Sebastian Rodriguez Staff Writer The UC High Swim Team is in search of success for both the boys and girls as the VHDVRQ Ă RZV DORQJ The season may have been questionable at the start for the team, but everything seems to have gotten back on track. Captain Parker Grubensky said, “We’ve had a rocky start, but the conditioning work we’ve put in is paying off, and we’re making up for our lack in numbers.â€? Both boys and girls teams recently achieved an undefeated league record of six to zero under their new Head Coach Michelle Faulkner (maxpreps. com ´7KLV LV P\ Ă€UVW year as a Head Coach. I was a YMCA and USA coach in Rhode Island before moving out here to southern California. I am also currently a club coach for a local club here in San Diego. The team is doing amazing this season, and I am impressed with how hard each and every swimmer has worked so far,â€? said Faulkner. ´7KH\ KDYH DFKLHYHG RXWVWDQGLQJ Ă€QLVKHV at various invites: at the Mount Carmel 6XQGHYLO ,QYLWH 7KH ER\V WHDP SODFHG Ă€IWK and girls team tied for seventh, and at the Ben Hedberg Invite, the boys team placed eleventh and the girls team fourth,â€? said Faulkner. Faulkner added, “12 school records have been broken this season so far: 11 in swimming and 1 in diving. There are 22 LQGLYLGXDOV DQG UHOD\V TXDOLĂ€HG IRU &LWLHV DQG LQGLYLGXDOV DQG UHOD\V TXDOLĂ€HG for CIF-SD. Both of these include three of our divers." Rival teams have crossed the minds of swimmers on both teams. “Point Loma [High] was the biggest [competition] for the guys, and we were able to win that. The girl’s biggest opponent was Serra [High]. There was a big [Ben Hedberg] Invitational at Granite Hills on April 23 that we trained hard for as well,â€? said Grubensky. At the

Ben Hedberg Invitational, the UC High girls 4x50 free relay not only broke the UC High record, but shattered the meet record, according to Faulkner. “The record was last set in 2007 by Valley Center [High],â€? added Faulkner. Several individuals on the team have already established personal bests for themselves this season. They have been training intensely to set these personal records. Grubensky said, “I’m trying to set a personal best in the 500 meter freestyle. I DP WU\LQJ WR EUHDN Ă€YH minutes in that event. We’ve had some new swimmers that have joined the team, and I’ve personally been training with them so that I can try to better my times. So far, I’ve established a new personal best in the 100 [yard] freestyle and have been able to swim a consistent time in the 500 meter freestyle.â€? “Our biggest team goal for the boys is to send at least one of our Boys Teams to state [in] relays. We are very close to making the mark needed in order to qualify. My personal goal is to make it to the fastest KHDW DW &,) Ă€QDOV Âľ VDLG *UXEHQVN\ Several obstacles lay in the team’s way to success this season, including facing several of the best teams in San Diego. Grubensky said, “Cathedral [Catholic High] and La Jolla [High] are the best teams in San Diego and will be big challenges this season. Del Norte [High] will also be key, as it has won the state title many times.â€? Grubensky said, “I think my teammates have been doing well. They have been able to adapt to our new coach very well.â€? “I feel the team chemistry is outstanding," Faulkner said. “When you compare this season to last [season], the team dynamic is GHĂ€QLWHO\ PRUH FRPSHWLWLYH WKLV \HDU 7KH stakes are much higher, and it has become a lot more serious and important to all of XV <HW ZH DUH VWLOO DEOH WR Ă€QG ZD\V WR make it all fun,â€? said Grubensky.

Both boys and girls teams have achieved an undefeated league record

The Commander


UC High Surfers Chime in About the Best Breaks in SD and Crystal Pier. North of the point is a secluded reef break known as “Hermo’s� ( Junior Sebastian Andree said, “Mine is up north near the Cardiff area, because the

By Kody Ventura Staff Writer All over the south and north coast of San Diego are some of the most supreme surf breaks, all of which are either beach, reef or cobblestone. There is a large variety of FKRLFHV ZKHQ VXUĂ€QJ 6DQ 'LHJR LI \RX KDYH patience and the gas. During the summer, we don’t catch a lot of swells; however, Santa Ana winds provide some of the best conditions during the summer. According to a website about currents, pollution and upwelling, during the winter, the water gets cold and the water is polluted more often than in the summer, but the waves get bigger ( Local surfers have their favorite spots, with a particular break that is their favorite. Junior Hunter Littlewood said, “Blacks [is my favorite] because it’s not usually that crowded, and the waves are sweet‌ And, it’s big in the winter, and no one really goes out.â€? According to a website about the geography of Blacks Beach, Blacks is said to have a very unique appeal. It’s considered to be a very consistent spot, depending on the swell, and has three separate breaks, all of which can get really crowded during the summer ( Senior Josh Martinez said, “Mine is probably Imperial Beach; it sucks threefourths of the time, but it’s my home beach, and it’s where I learned how to surf.â€? Imperial Beach is a much underrated break.

On straight south swells, the break is very similar to a beach break in Namibia, South Africa (Skeleton Bay). Peeling only left, the wave can stretch out to thirty to forty VHFRQG ULGHV ,I \RX¡UH VXUĂ€QJ WKH VRXWK VLGH

of the pier, there’s a slight chance that you might have to shoot the pier, according to a website with information about Imperial Beach ( Junior Walter Watkins said, “PB Point and Hermo’s. It’s a long cruising wave. Right around the corner is a hidden reef, which is pumping on south swells.� PB Point is a combination of both beach and reef break. South of the break is Tourmaline

people are a lot more generous, and there’s plenty of spots.� In northern San Diego, there is a large selection of surf spots, and every spot has its own peculiar way of breaking. Beacon’s is a well-known break. Surfers of all experience levels surf there. However, like any other beach, Beacon’s has strong rip currents and can be polluted after it rains for a couple days. Also, the bottom is riddled with cobblestone and can

By Bilal Mohamed Staff Writer San Diego has always been a safe haven for skateboarding. Our city has a broad history of legendary skaters, is rich in diversity, has some of the best skate parks and, of course, boasts outstanding weather. However, one of the biggest reasons San Diego is so popular in skateboarding is the variety of skate spots it provides for upand-coming skaters. People often ask, “How do skateboarders go professional?â€? since there’s no college level skateboarding teams or drafts like in many other sports. Although skate companies have teams, skateboarding is and individual sport. If you want to go professional, the big guys have to see you. 6R \RX QHHG WR JR RXW Ă€OP \RXU EHVW VNDWH tricks on street obstacles, create videos and send your tapes to companies in order to get noticed. For skateboarders looking to do this, you need a decent location (the gnarlier the better), and spots with stairs, ledges, handrails and banks are best, and that’s where our beautiful city of San Diego comes into play. Foundation Skateboard Company Owner Tod Swank said, "You can't really be focused on being a pro skateboarder. You have to focus on riding your skateboard. Your talent will pave your path. Have fun and enjoy the ride." Senior Cole Bingham, a skateboarder of nine years, is very much acquainted with the skate life here in San Diego. As a Clairemont local, Bingham enjoys skating

many of the skate parks such as “Poods Park� in Encinitas, Rancho Penasquitos and Carmel Valley Skate Park. His favorite spots to skate include the benches at Standley Middle, Torrey Pines High,

to skate somewhere on private property, chances are the cops will come, and you’ll get a ticket or get kicked out by security and property owners, but it’s something skaters just get used to.

By Bilal Mohamed Staff Writer UC High’s boys tennis season started on March 15, according to Team Captain Jhaymeon Drummond. “The team at the moment is at a record of sixteen wins and nine losses,� said Coach Joseph Briese. The team has a lot of new freshmen that are great players this season. The team plays in the Western League against schools like Cathedral Catholic High, Coronado High

and La Jolla High, according to Senior Toby Brown. UC High’s rival teams are very competitive: “Even though we’re facing hard teams, I have a strong feeling that we ZLOO RYHUFRPH WKHVH GLIĂ€FXOWLHV ZLWK KDUG practice and dedication,â€? Drummond said. The team has practices on the days it doesn’t have games. Last season, the team went to the standard CIF competition EXW ORVW LWV Ă€UVW JDPH DFFRUGLQJ WR Drummond.

Junior Alex Volk shreds some waves near the La Jolla Shores break.

courtesy of Alex Volk

be hazardous when it’s low tide or when you’re taking a wave in ( Junior Kent Pinz said, “Probably the Shores, because you can always count on the foamies to be fun obstacles you can weave through.â€? La Jolla Shores is a beach break north of La Jolla cove. According to a website about the Shores, the best conditions to surf the Shores is at medium tide with a west or west north swell direction and with east winds. However, this spot can get very crowded really TXLFNO\ VR VXUĂ€QJ HDUO\ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ can be your best option. Or, you can walk over to Blacks, which is north of Scripps (VXUĂ LQH FRP). “Swamis, because it’s a nice long ride, and the locals are friendly, and it’s just a very beautiful place to surf,â€? said Senior Ilana Levy. Swamis is a combination of sand and cobblestone. The beach connects several miles of uninterrupted beaches from San Elijo to South Carlsbad Beach Jetty. Somewhat similar to Blacks or Sunset Cliffs, Swamis resides at the point of a long coastline. The plants and palm trees growing out of the bluffs gives Swamis its own distinct appearance ( And there you have it: local surfers reveal their favorite spots and why those breaks are the best in their books. In the meantime, summer is almost here, so no need for wetsuits; just check out 6XUĂ LQH or 0DJLFVHDZHHG WR FKHFN RXW ZKHUH WR Ă€QG some tasty waves.

San Diego Offers Seriously Killer Skate Spots for Locals

kicked out of these risky spots, his favorites include Westview High and a shootout rail and four block at University of California, San Diego. “The four block has a bench at the top of it. It’s super gnarly, so I’m really glad I was able to get a fast-plant [a popular skate trick] on it,â€? Carrillo said. Carrillo said that he recently came out with a part in a skate video produced by San Diego locals called “Deli-Clerkâ€? that he plans to send to companies so he can get his name out there. Living in San Diego, where skate spots are abundant, really helped him make his video outstanding. Senior Anthony Pence said, “I love skateboarding here, but it’d be cool to travel around, experience other places and try new spots. There are so many famous spots in San Diego; I feel blessed to be able to skate here and be a part of the community I’m in now.â€? Senior Harrison Beres said, “Living in San Courtesy of Anthony Carrillo Diego offers a big advantage for skaters, Senior Anthony Carrillo does a frontside boardslide in Carmel Valley. because the terrain and obstacles apparent Innovation Middle and Bay Park Six Stair. Senior Anthony Carrillo has experienced here in Southern California are amazing When he isn’t practicing his tricks at skate LQFLGHQWV OLNH WKHVH Ă€UVWKDQG ´2QFH VRPH compared to places like the midwest, parks, he spends his time out in the streets friends and I were skating in Mission Hills ZKHUH HYHU\WKLQJ LV Ă DW DQG WKHUH¡V MXVW of San Diego catching video clips. at a house where the driveway was built sidewalks and roads; but here, you can go Many of the places known to have the best like a ramp. I had a conversation with one DQ\ZKHUH DQG VWLOO EH DEOH WR Ă€QG VSRWV Âľ skate spots are schools and government of the neighbors, and he told me that the It doesn’t matter what level you’re at in buildings which are on private property, RZQHU RI WKH KRXVH ZDV Ă€QH ZLWK XV VNDWLQJ skateboarding. Whether you just started making it hard for skaters to actually skate there, but then all of a sudden, the owner last week, or you’ve grown up with a there. Nonetheless, many skaters trespass speeds up to the driveway, gets out his car, ERDUG \RX ZLOO Ă€QG VRPHWKLQJ WR VNDWH LQ and risk sliding up against the law. kicks my friend’s board and screams at us, our wonderful city. So get out to the skate If skaters want to pursue a career in telling us to get off the property,â€? Carrillo park, go on a skateboarding adventure and skateboarding, it’s imperative to go to said. hit the streets of San Diego, because that’s GLIIHUHQW VSRWV DQG Ă€OP 6R LI \RX ZDQW Although Carrillo is constantly getting where the real fun is at.

This Year's UC High Boys Tennis Roster Shows Promise Drummond plays single matches, Senior Jun Kobayashi plays doubles, and Brown plays doubles as well, according to Drummond. “Our new coach is really nice, supportive and caring, and is pushing to get the best out of us,â€? Drummond said. ´0\ Ă€UVW JRDO LV WR EHJLQ GHYHORSLQJ WKH team, because I know in the past, we’ve had some rocky times. So, we’re trying to build a basis for the whole team, not just for this year, but the future years as well,â€?

Briese said. “It’s one thing trying to get our varsity as ready for the season as possible, but it’s important to get the JV ready as well, so that when the seniors leave, they have something to step in with,â€? Briese said. “I believe the team has a possibility of going far this season. There’s a large EHQHĂ€W IURP WKH IDFW WKDW ZH KDYH D QXPEHU RI VHQLRUV DQG DOVR WKH EHQHĂ€W RI ZKR ZH play in league, which helps us in CIF,â€? Briese said.

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