Mazagine Inspira UCDB 2017B - INGLÊS

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Year 02 • 2017 • Nº 3

MENTAL HELTH: Let’s talk about it? INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017 |







Post-graduation program in Psychology — UCDB Master’s degree and doctorate, develop researches related to mental health and life quality. Get to know some of most under development projects.



16 MS 40 YEARS





















One of the tasks of higher education institutions is the development of research. We are proud of seeing the great work of dozens of researches at UCDB, who are post doctors, doctors, masters and undergraduate research academics. They are sensitive and focused on enhancing society, studying applicable plans to improve the quality of life, the health, the economy and public policy that reach many people. Applicable plans are necessary in order to the university fulfil its role of develop and transfer knowledge. A relevant part that shows this great work is the main report of this magazine edition, which brings some research in mental health, conducted in the UCDB Master’s degree Program and Doctorate in Psychology, applied with federal police, autistic, schizophrenic, and public school students. These are some of most great works, which have been making difference in people’s lives.

Pe. Ricardo Carlos - Reitor da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco

each edition, new perspectives of master degree academics and doctoral students on various topics come up for public to provoke new discussions and references, encouraging the scientific world. UCDB is part of people’s live for generations. We want to be part of it graduating great professionals, in researching and in the projects that the university develop to help people providing many benefits for the society. From me a big hug and have a nice reading!

Still talking about research, UCDB maintains five publications related to stricto sensu programs with high concept at CAPES and through them, results can be published and science is promoted focused on the social interest. At


Ano II, Dezembro/2017. Edição 3 Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Chanceler: Pe. Gildásio Mendes dos Santos Reitor: Pe. Ricardo Carlos Pró-Reitor de Administração: Ir. Herivelton Breitenbach Pró-Reitor de Desenvolvimento Institucional: Ir. Gillianno Mazzetto Pró-Reitor de Pastoral: Pe. João Marcos Araújo Ramos Pró-Reitora de Graduação: Conceição Aparecida Butera Pró-Reitor de Pes­quisa e Pós-Graduação: Hemerson Pistori Pró-Reitora de Extensão e Assuntos Comunitários: Luciane Pinho de Almeida

Revista Inspira UCDB - Elaborada pela Diretoria de Comunicação da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB, por meio da Assessoria de Imprensa Diretor: Jakson Pereira Jornalista responsável: Silvia Tada (DRT 33/17/13) Repórteres: Gilmar Hernandes (082 MTB/MS) e Natalie Malulei (MTE 1145/MS) Estagiários: Ellen Prudente, Michele Morais e Gabrielly Gonzalez Projeto gráfico: Jeferson Wolff Diagramação: Agência Bebop Fotos: Junner Schmidt Revisão: Maria Helena Silva Cruz Tiragem: 1.000 exemplares Telefone: (67) 3312-3300 ou 3312-3353

E-mail: Site: Facebook: UCDB MS Twitter: @UCDBoficial Entidade filiada à: IUS - Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior ANEC - Associação Nacional de Educação Católica Brasileira ABRUC - Associação Brasileira das Universidades Comunitárias Endereço: Avenida Tamandaré, 6.000 – Jardim Seminário CEP: 79117-900 – Campo Grande – MS- Brasil




“Youngers take people who live values and actions seriously” In Campo Grande, in October, the General Councilor for Salesian Youth Ministry, Fr. Fabio Attard, participated in the Congregation of Delegates of Salesian Youth Pastoral (PJS) of the Southern Cone, with the presence of representatives from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Among the discussions were guidelines for the PJS, the Synod of Bishops, Salesian missionary volunteers, among other topics. During a visit to the Salesian Province of Campo Grande, he attended Don Bosco Catholic University, where he knew some of the campus spaces, together with Dean, Fr. Ricardo Carlos, and the Pro-Dean of Institutional Development, Sr. Gillianno Mazzetto. In an interview with Inspira magazine, Fr. Attard spoke about the role of pastoral care in the reception and guidance of young people, especially in higher education. Read the main passages below.

Inspira Magazine: Youth Ministry is present in all Salesian houses. What should be the role of pastoral ministry in universities? Fr. Fabio Attard: The presence of the Youth Ministry in each Salesian house is the result of a charism we receive from the experience, the figure and the testimony of Don Bosco. It gives us a paradigm, an example of an experience in which an educator introduces himself, puts himself in an attitude of listening, accompanying the actions of this youth. Don Bosco wanted to meet the youths offering them an environment that had a proposal for them. These are the points that today, wherever we are, we offer: an environment in which the 6 | INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017

pastoral educative community thinks that the welcome is an experience in which a proposal is made that helps the youth to be more human and that also has a community commitment - live without selfishness. At the same time, this human dimension helps young people to ask themselves: what is the project of my life? In this sense, the entire

As educators, we must live the education with the heart of the Good pastor

Youth Ministry places the youth at the center of their concern, and we seek to say: Don Bosco today, together - Salesians, educators, families, parents, committed youths to this mentality, this desire - we seek to facilitate a full growth experience. Inspira magazine: We live in a constantly changing world, and for youths, these changes are even more intense. How do you think the Pastoral can be more present, closer to that moment of the youth? Fr. Attard: Yes. We are in a changing world. Zygmunt Bauman, when speaking of globalization and postmodernity, speaks of a net world. The net modernity. It’s interesting as young people in this

Pe. Ricardo Carlos, Pe. Fabio Attard e Ir. Gillianno Mazzetto durante visita à Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, no mês de outubro

net world are seeking fixed points - not rigid but fixed. This means that, at the bottom of an ever- changing expe rience, young people are seeking people who say something else. Young people are not full, satisfied and happy that their whole life is a continuous consummation of things, human relationships and experiences. They are looking for reference points that are not just ideologies, random things, superficial, but that are people who say what they do because they live and if they live, they need to listen to their words. I say that today young people do not let themselves be de ceived by seeing people who speak slogans - today young people take seriously people

who live values, live actions that are something more than fluid and liquid. Inspira: What are the main challenges that Youth Ministry has in our society? Attard: : I think the first challenge is not young people. The challenges are pastors and educators. When there are positive experiences, if one does an analysis and sees the positive experiences that exist, in the end, he does not see an idea, a printed document, but people whose commitment has meaning and attraction because they live it and, because they live it, they have the commitment translated into proposals. I believe that the first challenge is to be an educator who has the ability, the de-

sire, the willingness to listen, to be present with the young. The second challenge is that pastors have to be people who live the commitment, with solidity in

That the welcome is an experience in which a proposal is made that helps the youth to be more humane and also has a community commitment




faith and pedagogical intelligence. One of our Rectors Major, Egídio Viga knot, always spoke of pedagogical intelligence and pastoral creativity. It is to say that, as pastors, we must perfect our way of educating ourselves. And, as educators, we should live the education with the heart of the Good Pastor. We, as educators, must live these syntheses between nature and Grace, between heart and human intelligence. It is to say that the pursuit of the rational, the intellectual, has a desire much stronger than the thirst and hunger of God. Inspira: How should pastoral workers work the teachings of the Gospel and Don Bosco and


The discovery of Jesus is an experience that puts young people in a situation where each one asks himself: What does God have for me? What life project has God prepared for me?

put them into practice? Attard: Here comes the whole challenge of knowledge of our Father Don Bosco. Unfortunately, many times, our knowledge of Don Bosco is not up to the challenges we have. I believe that in the Congregation we have very profound studies that speak or have discovered the dimensions of the figure of Don Bosco; that they give us an opportunity to really read about their figure, not only their historical or social position, but also the dimension of the great masters of the spirituality of the Church. For us to truly live the Gospel, in a charismatic way, we need to deepen this knowledge, first

I believe the first challenge is to be an educator who has the ability, the desire, the willingness to listen, to be present with young people. The second challenge is that pastors must be committed people, solid in faith and pedagogical intelligence

with a mystical vision. Here we are not talking about spiritualising education, but about strengthening our identity. To discover in the person of Jesus, who is the reason for our existence, the only reason we continue to believe, hope and love. The second thing is that the knowledge of the life of Don Bosco helps us to make the mystique of the Gospel an educational way. When we want to talk about the Salesian proposal of youth ministry, we come to this point: today, we are like Don Bosco, the Good Pastor who accompanies boys and girls that we have in our homes and

- not only give life but regenwe find on our way. Inspira: You participated in erate life, ask yourself: “ The the discussions of the Synod Lord finds me to take my life, and also see that this is the of 2018, you were with Pope future that God is preparing Francisco. What is the great me for ”. In this sense, we result of the discussion and cannot speak of a mechanical the gain that there may be for or material result of the Synod, but that it will strengthen the Salesian Congregation? Attard: When Pope Francis processes of youth ministry in proposed the title for the next which the whole Church, in Synod, he initially suggested its ministerial soul, has the that it be “ Youth and Faith”. opportunity to ask itself: How But there was a change for are we meeting, welcoming Youth, Faith and Vocational young people, guiding their Discernment. Francis said: life? As a pastoral communiAttention, caution, because ty, what kind of proposal are we cannot simply offer the we making and, of course, youth Jesus, we should lim- how are we strengthening the it ourselves to accompany- accompaniment of young peo ing the youth. The discovery ple and their vocational dis of the person of Jesus is an cernment? experience that puts young people in a situation where each one asks himself: “ What does God have for me? What project of life did God prepare for me”? ? It is to say that ínodoado da Igreja S in the encouno cop eé ter with Jesus, we O qu a reunião dopeapraisdiscussão de oé will accompany apa Nova Sínod a com o P . nção is ic te: Ca l n ia the youth so that, ó o c t F e a p C tos es within a question, assun they live a search path, an experience that defies the selections around the future. In this sense, the Synod invites us and obliges us to discover, as Don Bosco, in his proposal - and I began by saying that there is an environment, a community and a proposal - will strengthen as our recep tion spaces, as educational community, we are making a proposal that not only speaks about Jesus. That it is a pro posal that, speaking of Je sus, help the young people to make the meeting challenging




FOR MORE MENTAL HEALTH With the aim of promoting quality of life and creation of public policies in the area, thematic is highlighted in research developed by UCDB. 10 | INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017

Natalie Malulei

My daughter has developed a lot, especially in the area of concentration and assimilation. Depending on the theme, she can associate the word with what it represents and memorize it. I realize that in the process of assimilation, she stays focused, something that interfered at home, she can already play alone in the room and play on the tablet, something that previously had no patience, “said Claudia*, elementary school teacher. This mother’s words reflect the evolution of Alice*, an 11-year-old autistic girl who has been receiving home care for 12 months from a study by the Research Laboratory for Autism and Applied Human Behavior of Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), which seeks to develop effective techniques to aid in the learning of language and communication - an inherent difficulty to the disorder. This is one of the 27 researches currently carried out by the Postgraduate Program in Psychology Master and Doctorate of the University and reveals the search of professionals and students involved in discoveries in the area, with the aim of promoting mental health and providing quality of life for the population. “There is a social commitment that the researcher has in conducting or guiding these processes of knowledge construction, so the themes chosen by us are always relevant, somehow they

must be present in people’s lives”, explained the program coordinator Dr Márcio Luis Costa. In carrying out studies to meet this goal, each year, the program, which in 2017 completes two decades, increases the number of publications. Between 2013 and 2016, for example, there were 295 texts conveyed between articles, chapters of books and papers in annals - a number three times higher than that recorded in the two years prior to that period (20102012). Simultaneously with the increase, there was an increase in the quality of these materials: 55% of the contents published in the last four were evaluated by Qualis Capes as an extract 1. “By reading other people, these studies contribute in an indirect way, since, in this way, they can affect other social contexts, for example, in the review of governmental actions aimed at solving problems of public interest”, said Dr. Márcio. The observation made by him points to one of the lines of research worked on by the program “Public Policies, Culture and Social Productions”. In addition to this, there is a second option that involves intervention research, called “Health Assessment and Assistance”. “These are studies that directly influence the reality, at the same time that the community is analyzed, interventions are made with the intention of producing some kind of social modification”. Here are some of the surveys conducted on these lines. *Fictitious names

There is a social commitment that the researcher has in conducting or guiding these processes of knowledge construction, so the themes chosen by us are always relevant, somehow must be present in life of people Dr. Márcio Luis Costa




Research develops techniques to help autistic children and adolescents in language learning

Dr. André Augusto Borges Varella


s one of the main characteristics of the autistic is the difficulty of social interaction and communication, five students of the master’s degree in Psychology and three of the scientific initiation work, under the coordination of professor Dr. André Augusto Borges Varella, to identify techniques in the behavioral line that can help and increase learning in this area of children and teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. “We seek to develop more effective treatments, then we identify what happens to these children who cannot develop the language and try to produce interventions that will teach this to

the child, so that it develops the symbolic learning, that is, is able to relate sounds with some object, for example, Andre explained. There are about 20 children and teenagers volunteers who are assisted in specialized institutions such as the Association of Parents and Friends of the Autistic of Campo Grande (AMA), the APAE of the municipality and also in the house where they live. As it is the case of the child mentioned in the beginning of the article, that a year ago is accompanied by the student of the 8th semester that integrates the scientific initiation, Jennifer Vieira de Araújo. “In the method worked with Alice* I used chips that showed three different state flags and other tiles with the map drawing for each state. With this, she learned to associate the state name with each flag and each map, and then linked the map with the flag. There was a great evolution, because she managed to connect the word with the image”, clarified Jennifer. Studies of this kind are carried out

by the team at the Research Laboratory on Autism and Applied Human Behavior of UCDB. In the face of the work already developed, a partnership was signed in 2017 with the Utah State University (United States), which is a reference in the treatment of autism. Based on the work carried out abroad, the aim is to create a center for intervention and research in autism in the School clinic of the Catholic, aiming at assisting needy children and teenagers who have the disorder and also to train professionals who wish to work in the area. “We want to offer better attention to children with autism who depend on public health, because the most needy public, most of the time, is without quality care, and, along with that, there is a great demand in Campo Grande and in Brazil of professionals who know how to do this type of treatment, we intend to train people through the postgraduate so they can work in the area and produce positive effects in the lives of several autism sufferers, “said André.

Data collection aims to map the genome of people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder


n international initiative of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium — (PGC) aims to sequence the genome of people with schizophrenia as well as bipolar disorder, mental illnesses considered serious. In Brazil, the study is new, and the focus of the research is Afro-descendants. Campo Grande was one of the cities chosen for data collection. The work here is coordinated by the psychiatrist, Professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology, Dr. André Barciela Veras, and involves four masters students, one doctoral student and ten scholars of scientific initiation. “We collected material from three populations: people without pathology, people with bipolar disorder and people with schizophrenia. The volunteers are identified in the Psychosocial Care Centers (Caps), where they already receive free treatment from the municipality, and have the blood removed as if it were for a blood count. Since March, we have already had 67 samples collected in the DECEMBER 2017 2017 12 | INSPIRA | DEZEMBRO

cities involved in the research, until the end of 2017 we intend to reach 100, and in 2019, the year in which the collection period ends, we want to reach 500 samples”, said Professor André. All samples will be sent to a DNA bank in the United States, where they will be analyzed along with the others sent from different places in the world where the focus is different populations, such as Caucasians. The aim is to sequence the genome of these people to identify genes that are related to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. “These diseases are multidetermined conditions: there is a combination of several genes that, when exposed to a social environment, are modulated and produce these mental disorders in some people. Hence the importance of having populations of different ethnicities and regions in the study. It will be possible to identify the genetic markers that led to the diseases

and path of illness of patients - answers that will help the doctor to have more precision in the medicine and in the therapy indicated for each case and also in the conclusion of the diagnosis”, said the psychiatrist. After the conclusion of the international study, the master’s and doctoral students in Psychology who participated in the research should link the genetic data identified to the studies developed by them in the graduate program. According to Professor André, researches are varied and work on topics such as the cognitive and psychological performance of these patients, in addition to early traumas that led to the onset of the disease.

Psychological counseling promotes mental health of federal highway police officers


n order to promote mental health and the quality of life of the server, the Federal Highway Police Superintendency (PRF) in Mato Grosso do Sul signed a partnership with UCDB for Psychology students and students of the Graduate Program of the area could provide psychological assistance to police officers. The need for the work was identified in view of the psychological impacts caused on the server due to daily work - an intense routine that involves traffic supervision, accident victim assistance and border operations to inhibit the passage of illegal objects. Psychiatric disorders were, in 2015, the second biggest reason for the removal of police officers. At that time, this was the claim of 26% of the professionals who took leave. A scenario that changed after a year of service, when it reduced the number of police officers away for the same reason to 15%. “We started the work with a group training in the development of relationships with the professionals who work in the Human Resources sector of the PRF and we also started the individual services. We have a foothold in the headquarters of the PRF, where they are students on call in order to respond to emergency situations. There, the police officer is screened and, if necessary, referred to the UCDB clinic for follow-up at the clinic”, said Liliana Andolpho Magalhães Guimarães, general coordinator of the project and professor at UCDB. Eight students from the Graduate

Program in Psychology work in the project, which guide and support the undergraduate students. At the UCDB School Clinic, there is a mirror room that allows the student to listen and watch the care given by the supervisor, with the consent of the patient, so that he can learn how to proceed and then lead the work with the support of the masters and PhD students. The technique has aided in the training of psychologists. Sylvio Tutya, for example, is a 10th-semester scholar and a year ago he took part in the project as a PRF employee. “Being part of an action like this is something innovative in the academic field and contributed a lot to my learning”, he said. According to Professor Liliana, besides the consultations, the next step is now to prepare a guide composed by the description of the most common mental illnesses. “The material will be made available in the PRF system so that police officers have access to it. This is a way to make them aware that these pathologies exist, so that they can identify if they are with symptoms and seek help”, he said. Given the good results presented, the project was considered this year by the National Department of PRF one of the three best initiatives in the country for the mental health of the server. In addition, in July this year, UCDB was one of ten institutions honored by the state body for collaborating for the growth of the corporation.

Grupo de pesquisa liderado pela professora Dra. Liliana Guimarães realiza​atendimento de policiais




This study aims to identify the quality of life of teenagers in public schools of the Capital and to draw up action plans.


ow is the quality of life of teenagers in public schools? It is this question that Dr. Heloísa Grubits, together with Professor of Advertising and Propaganda of UCDB Me. Thiago Müller and with the coordinator of the course of Psychology of the Catholic, doctorate of the program, Renan Soares da Cunha Júnior, intends to answer when applying a questionnaire for students aged 12 to 16 years. The research seeks to evaluate, above all, the well-being of these students in various areas and is carried out in partnership with researchers from the University of Sonora (Mexico). In Campo Grande, the steps taken by Dr. José Ángel Vera Noriega, leader of the group, will be replicated. The group will develop the study with the support of the Center for Research in Food and Development (CIAD) linked to Conacyt - one of the best research centers independent from that country. “We want to promote an exchange of information. About 1,500 public school students located in the center of the city, as well as in the peripheral regions, will fill in the notebook. Then, the response cards will be sent to Mexico, where the data will be computed and, based on the results, we will identify what is good and the problem situations, so that we can exchange information and, if necessary, draw up plans of

action”, said Professor Heloísa. For now, the work is in the phase of dialogue with the state and municipal education departments so that research can be carried out in public schools. The questions that compose the questionnaire address several situations, such as violence, gender and bullying. “We will make a subjective evaluation of the perception of these young people in relation to the conditions that they have in the school, in the neighborhood and in the city and, with that, to identify how their thinking and behavior about this conception of well-being is and how this influences violent actions”, said Heloísa. It is a multidisciplinary work. As Thiago is an advertiser, the research will also measure the students’ empathy with certain subjects and the communication part. “How empathy can generate content on social networks and how satisfaction with itself and with the community generates latent power and will for consumption. These are two pieces of information that can help the public to have a more assertive dialogue with the students and also, so that the teacher can draw up a didactic strategy based on the language of the young person, something that will certainly improve the understanding by part of the group”, he explained. The study also promotes the integration of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology

Me. Thiago Muller e Dra. Heloísa Grubits

with graduation in the area, besides these students, students of Advertising and Propaganda who act in the scientific initiation are part of the work group. According to the schedule, the procedures should be finalized by August 2018. According to Heloísa, the idea is to do the complete work from the evaluation to the intervention, so that, upon completion, if necessary, the University can offer a service to these students. “Our Psychology students can take supervised internships at schools and provide this support for free. This is the best way for the research to go beyond the walls of the Institution and, in fact, to help society as a whole”, he commented.

UCDB is a pioneer in training of psychologists in Mato Grosso do Sul


he graduation in Psychology was offered, for the first time in the region, by the United Catholic University of Mato Grosso (Fucmt) from 1975. Until 1993, 16 years after the division of the State and year in which the Institution became UCDB, was the only undergraduate course in the area offered in Mato Grosso do Sul. The data was identified by the researcher Me. Bianca dos Santos Cara, when developing the dissertation defended in


the second half of 2017. “When I started in the master’s degree, the undergraduate course completed 40 years, so I decided to build this history based on documents and testimonies of professionals who passed through the Institution. In the period that I analyzed (1980-1993), it was identified that of the 1003 registered professionals in the Regional Council of Psychology, 428 were from Fucmt, a great representativity”, she pointed out.

Researchers that integrate the Graduate Program in Psychology. 28 masters 41 PhD students 2 postdoctoral fellows




MS 40 YEARS: Salesians are in the DNA of education Jakson Pereira


state known for its natural beauty, agribusiness on the rise and people carrying memories of before and after its political-administrative division. This is Mato Grosso do Sul, which celebrated its 40th anniversary on October 11 and, in order to reach four decades of rapid growth, has in the work of the Salesians a service of excellence provided to assist in this advance. The tradition of forming some of the main professionals in the various areas of knowledge and being an important part of the development of the State, always places the Don Bosco Catholic Univer-


sity in the speech of personalities who speak of this land. As a university, it was instituted in 1993, but during the division of the State, it had in Campo Grande several courses in the United Catholic University of Mato Grosso (Fucmt) and was the first higher education institution of the new State. Professor of the Catholic in the division of the State, Dr. Cleonice Le Bourlegat was responsible for strengthening the research areas of the Institution and believes that in some areas the Salesians can be proud to carry the label of “development trainers “ .

“I fully agree that areas such as undergraduate, economics and law of the new state were developed thanks to the formation of UCDB. I can be even stronger in the affirmation regarding Geography, which I was able to follow more closely and recently had access to the data of the government departments, when I could verify that the gross majority of the teachers that work in the state and municipal network in Campo Grande, is still composed of graduates of UCDB. Our graduates, both undergraduate and graduate, hold positions of great importance in Campo

Mato Grosso do Sul has today more than 2.6 million inhabitants divided in 79 municipalities that occupy the 357.145,532 km² area of the State Grande and in the State. They constitute the vast majority of political and business leaders”, said the teacher. In addition to the University, during the period of state division, Don Bosco Salesian College was one of the great references in the formation of children and young people, a fact that continues to this day, demonstrating the solidity of the Salesian Mission of Mato Grosso in its objective of molding good Christians and honest citizens.

The mayor of Campo Grande, Marquinhos Trad, was a pupil of the Don Bosco School at the time and stresses the importance of Salesian teaching at the beginning of the new State. “I was a student at Don Bosco College, and the way we were educated made the city make great people and professionals. I am very proud to have studied with the Salesians and I am sure that the Institution has great responsibility for the rapid development of

the State of Mato Grosso do Sul and also of Brazil”, he said. Marquinhos was also a lecturer in the Catholic Direct course and guarantees that in the creation of MS, UCDB (then Fucmt) was the differential in the lives of many people. “It was a time for a good formation to go to another state, but with the Salesian university many young people had the chance to seek space in their professional vocation without leaving their land”, he said. INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017 |



Classroom Fun: Freshman students in teaching lead playfulness and enchant students from state schools. Federal Government Project awards scholarship to students, who have the opportunity to learn and teach


Silvia Tada


he challenge of entering a classroom and teaching students is not for anyone. Besides the aptitude and the will to educate, there are techniques and methods to transmit the knowledge. Most of these processes are developed by experience, and about 90 undergraduates from undergraduate courses at the Dom Bosco Catholic University experience this teaching practice weekly, practicing the future profession through the Initiation to Teaching Program (Pibid). And if, on one hand, there is learning to be a teacher, on the other, there is the enchantment of the students, who wait for the lessons of the young masters and

know that there will always be something different. “It is very beautiful to see the performance of academics in the classroom. They always bring special activities and, more than that, develop an affection with the students”, said the teacher of the 2nd year of Antônio Delfino Pereira State School, in the Tia Eva community in Campo Grande, Maria Stella. The teacher directly follows the activities of the Academics of Pedagogy of UCDB. “They have access to our lesson planning and enrich the lessons with playful activities that kids love. Everything under our supervision - they are not alone in the classroom and this gives security to students and academics, “he said.

The student of Physical Education Gabriella Gomes, of 20 years, that is in 6º semester lacked this security. At the beginning of the university, she was invited and accepted to be a teacher in a school, even without prior orientation. “I had a very bad early experience at the beginning of the course, at a school where I was responsible for a whole class. With Pibid, I saw how teaching is different and can be very rewarding, we have the support of the teachers and this gives me confidence”, she said. She is at the Antônio Delfino State School twice a week. “Now everything I teach students has a reason, there is a theoretical basis”, he said.

Gabriela Gomes (esquerda) é acadêmica de Educação Física e participa do Pibid na Escola Estadual Antônio Delfino, na comunidade Tia Eva




Acadêmicas de Pedagogia da UCDB desenvolvem materiais para os alunos...

...e aplicam com os alunos tudo o que aprendem na universidade

Initial teacher training is the focus of the Pibid


he students’ stay in schools is made possible by Pibid, of the Federal Government. UCDB participates since 2012, with undergraduate students in Biological Sciences, Philosophy, History, Literature, Pedagogy and Physical Education. “The objective is to include undergraduate students in schools, to improve initial teacher education at the higher level and to integrate higher education and basic education”, said Professor Carlos Magno Naglis Vieira, Pibid’s institutional coordinator at Catholic. The scholarship students accompany the teachers’ classes in the schools, in a permanent dialogue, elaborate didactic materials for playful and pedagogic activities, participate in planning meetings, studies and evaluations and seminars. “In Pibid, future teachers can problematize, reflect, identify and know the challenges of contemporary school, their new roles, roles, commitment, timing and


requirement. In addition, they know and understand better the school space, its tensions and conflicts and, mainly, the meaning of classroom that goes beyond the architecture of the four walls”, emphasized Carlos Magno. For students in the 4th, 6th and 8th semesters of UCDB History, the experience has been the best possible. They work in São José State School and stand out for taking differentiated projects to the students of the 6th year of elementary school. “They come with a new vision of teaching, in which the student is the protagonist and not mere spectator - and I believe that in this way the teacher also learns. The students are much more interested in the content, and the teacher gains autonomy”, said Professor Fabiana Christine Rocha, who has worked for 15 years as a teacher. Students are proud of the projects they develop. One of them was the “His-

torical Sources”, in which they encouraged the students to bring to the classroom old objects that they had at home. “Everyone brought things like clothes, coins, phones, appliances. One invited his grandmother, who came to share his story with us”, recalled Thamela Maria Godoy da Silva Oliveira, Leandro Gomes de Lima, Linkon Fanaia, Manoel Boller, Daniele Machado Domingues and Helita da Silva Igrez Branco. Always seeking to teach in a pleasant way, the group works on the project of this second semester: the 40 years of Mato Grosso do Sul. “We have the obligatory contents, but above it, we plan the differentiated classes. Let us approach, for example, the indigenous theme and we can go to the Don Bosco Museum of Cultures, for UCDB itself to know the work of the Neppi [Nucleus of Studies and Research of Indigenous Populations]”, they pointed out.

Na Escola São José, acadêmicos de História aprendem a prática do curso, sob orientação de professores e desenvolvem projetos especiais





Capes’s evaluation proves the quality of scientific publications of Editora Five MAGAZINES are produced: Série-Estudos, Tellus, Multitemas, Interações e Psicologia e Saúde

Gilmar Hernandes


he five scientific magazine produced by the Editora of Don Bosco Catholic University are national references for the quality of content produced by masters and doctoral students of postgraduate programs of several institutions, also confirmed by the evaluation of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) , known as Qualis (A1 the highest, A2,


B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C - zero weight). The journal Interações is evaluated with Qualis A2, the Study Series and Tellus are classified with Qualis B1 and the journals Multitemas and Psychology and Health have Qualis B2. “One of the pillars of science is the widespread dissemination of re search results so that other scientists can analyze, replicate, and eventually counter them. It is also

crucial that society, which ultimately finances the progress of science, can have access to what is being produced in universities and research institutions. It is a great pride for UCDB to have a publisher with well-respected and nationally respected magazines”, says UCDB Pro -Rector for Research and Graduate Studies, Dr. Hemerson Pistori, who also co ordinates all of Editora’s work.


Igor Moura, administrative assistant, and the editors of text and images. Ereni dos Santos Benvenutti and Glauciene da Silva Lima, at Editora UCDB


he recognition, according to him, is the result of a high quality work and responsibility carried out by the technicians, reviewers, secretaries, managers and researchers who are part of Editora UCDB. “This recognition was not born overnight and depends on long-term policies and institutional support, continuing the efforts of all the people involved in this process. It was several years until the newspaper began appearing in the Qualis of some areas and others until higher concepts, therefore the importance of continuity and persistence in personal investments and courses”, he emphasizes. For the editor of the Series-Studies, Prof. Dr, José Licínio Backes, the magazine has been presented as a relevant space for the Institution due to its quality recognized by the Capes evaluation. “The knowledge disseminated serves as much for the scientific community as for the teachers as a subsidy for their pedagogical practices, and thus constitutes itself as a Magazine with social relevance”, says Backes.

“Scientific magazines can promote not only certain forms of research, but also researchers, institutions, etc. First, a scientific magazines potentially a vanguard within an area. This is due to the fact that important and recent research findings are circulating in that vehicle

It is a great pride for the UCDB to have a publisher with well-respected and nationally respected magazines Hemerson Pistori

and, therefore, are indicating contemporary tendencies of what happens in a

field of knowledge, “says the editor of the Psychology and Health magazine, professor Dr. Rodrigo Miranda. “The magazines are very important because they divulge the scientific work, they allow our exchange with other institutions in order to publish articles there and here, except that this has to be linked to the idea of the publisher, because, without a strong editor, we make good articles if we cannot publish these articles internally and we also receive articles from other researchers from the country and abroad as well”, reinforces the editor of the magazine Multitemas, professor Dr. Heitor Romero Marques. “One of the requirements after 2015 was that all articles should go through a reading of a system called XMI, which implies cost, a cost to the University that invests in this aspect. So, from the moment you meet the requirements of the indexers, you have everything so that the reviewer has visibility. Our great challenge, starting in 2018, as the publisher’s goal, is to The internationalization, “observes the editor of INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017 |



Interações magazine, professor Arlinda Cantero Dorsa. The first scientific publication dedicated to the area of anthropology, the Tellus Magazine, linked to the Nucleus of Studies and Research of Indigenous Populations (Neppi), includes, in addition to the articles, sections such as indigenous writings, documents, iconography and, for 2018, also interviews. “We receive articles year-round and from several researchers, from various universities and also from several indigenous researchers, which today is a very interesting reality, as they are working on their master’s and doctoral postgraduate studies. Tellus is a space for these publications, because they disseminate the research and what the

From the moment you meet the requirements of the indexers, you have everything so that the magazine has visibility Arlinda Dorsa

indigenous populations really is, bringing them so that the society can know about the indigenous people, not only of Mato Grosso do Sul, but of all Brazil “ , highlights the member of the commission of the magazine Tellus, professor Eva Maria Ferreira. The first scientific publication by Editora UCDB is the Série-Estudos Magazine, published in 1995, followed by Multitemas magazine (1996), Interações (2000), Tellus (2001) and Psychology and Health (2009), and throughout its editions , totaling more than 100 publications in total. From the second half of 2015, all publications became exclusively digital, however, the previous editions also got a new version, all of which are available on the website


How to publish a scientific article?

The author of the scientific article submits the work online (periodicos., and the respective editors forward the work to two reviewers, who evaluate it without identifying the author; in case of a tie, a new referee will be called. The approved works are sent back to the authors for corrections or even sent directly to the institution’s orthographic revision, followed by editing, through a company that converts to XMI, which sends to the indexers. “The entire process is done through the internet, the author accesses the site, chooses the study area and sends the work to UCDB Publishing House without costs”, explains text and image editor Ereni dos Santos Benvenutti.

INDEXERS The indexers, in addition to collaborating in the dissemination of scientific articles, providing information to the reader to facilitate the localization of the material of interest, lends credibility to the published magazine. Among the best known indexers is SciELO (national). More information by phone (67) 3312-3373.

UCDB Newspapers Editor

Interactive Magazine

Tellus Magazine

Series-Studies Magazine

It publishes articles, reviews, translations, abstracts, interviews, produced by researchers and/or doctoral, masters, doctoral students and master’s degree professors linked to higher education institutions and national and international research institutes in the area of Local Development

Aimed at the publication of research results and documentation on indigenous populations, especially South American, and is linked to the UCDB Neppi.

Scientific articles related to the education area of Brazilian and foreign authors, contributing to the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the area of education

quarterly periodicity

quarterly periodicity

Psychology Magazine and health quarterly periodicity

It publishes original articles related to the different theoretical-methodological fields of Psychology in interface with the Health Sciences, namely, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Physical Education, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Social Work.

quarterly periodicity

Multitemas Magazine semiannual periodicity

It publishes articles, reviews, translations and interviews produced by researchers and/or teachers doctors, masters, doctoral students and masters linked to higher education institutions and national and international research institutes of various subjects. INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017 |




Children at university? Yes! At UCDB, small students are cared for at a kindergarten Space is aimed at employees’ children, academics and residents of the Catholic region Natalie Malulei


t is a difficult task for fathers and mothers to play their full-time and tranquility at work, even more so in the early childhood period when children need more attention. This statement can fit into the routine of many people, but not that of Regiane Nogueira da Silva, 36, administrative assistant of the Advanced Academic Secretariat (SAAV) of the Catholic University of Buenos Aires (UCDB). Her daughter Lorena is currently two years old. Since completing four months, and the period of maternity leave is over, Regiane returned to work with the certainty that the little girl would be in good hands. She was enrolled in the Center for Early Childhood Education (CEI) São Domingos Sávio, a nursery school located on the campus of the University, a few meters from where the administrative assistant works. “Parents suffer in this period of return to function, it is normal, a new adaptation. But for me it was very peaceful, I still feel an inner peace. I can concentrate on the service because I know that my daughter is close to me, being looked after by trained professionals and, if need be, I can see her at any moment”, said Regiane. This is the same feeling parents and mothers have of 169 other children attended by the CEI. The space began as a project, 20 years ago, with the intention of serving only children of employees and teachers. Since 2004, it has been registered as a regular school by the Municipal Council of Education of Campo Grande, when it also attended the children of students and children of the communities located in the

Crianças de quatro meses a cinco anos são atendidas no Centro de Educação Infantil da UCDB

region of the University. Full-time care is free and involves Nursery classes up to Level III - four months to five years. As the services were expanded, new families benefited, as is the case of Marcos Leite de Souza, 37, and Rozana Santinho de Barros, 38 years old. The two live in the Santa Luzia neighborhood, less than two kilometers away from the unit, along with their three daughters: Giovana, four years old, who has been attending CEI since the age of seven months, and the other two Ana Beatriz, and Vanessa, 11, who have

also been through school. “It’s been almost 10 years since my family is in the CEI, and this is wonderful for us. This is my daughters’ second home. I’ve always been very calm, both in Vanessa and Ana Beatriz’s time, and now with Giovana, because I see their development and I know they are treated with affection”, explained Rozana. According to Marcos, access to the educational institution allowed the children to receive a quality education: “If put in the tip of the pencil INSPIRA INSPIRA || DECEMBER DECEMBER 2017 2017 ||



The amount that would be charged by a private institution to provide the care that is offered here, I would not be able to pay, even more for the three, so I am very happy to have gotten the vacancy for the children”, she said. In CEI, the work team consists of 14 pedagogical professors, six classroom assistants who study Pedagogy at the Catholic and 17 trainees, as well as a psychologist, social worker, cook, secretary, coordinating assistant and the unit’s pedagogical coordinator, Me Ana Paula Zaikievicz Azevedo. “Every beginning of the year, we plan on themes that we believe are important to children’s development, such as sustainability and cultural issues. It is worth remembering that all work is mediated by the ludic, and beyond what is developed in the rooms, we also promote tours, workshops and take advantage of what the University offers, taking the children to visit the laboratories and collections”, said the coordinator. According to Ana Paula, there is also a great deal of concern about incorporating parents into the school environment. During the year, various events and tributes are celebrated, such as the feast day of June, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents Day, Christmas and graduation, and every 15 days, meetings are held to give guidelines on how to act at home with the little ones. “At this stage it is very important that the school has a close relationship with families, and this is a way to bring parents together so that they can better monitor the growth of children”, said the coordinator. “We received a wonderful support from the CEI, my wife and I did not have any difficulties with unpacking, nor concern for food, for example, because of the work developed by the teachers. They did, and we only complimented at home. As a first-time parent, sometimes I have doubts and here I have the necessary support to clarify them when I need them, in addition to regular meetings, something that helps us to better educate the child”, said Vinícius Lugo Samudio, technical assistant of the Agency of Innovation S-Inova of UCDB, father of student Luiz Miguel, of four years.


Extraclass activities During the class period, CEI students can participate in four extra-class activities, which are also offered for free, such as music, ballet, futsal, English, religious instruction, and physical education. Classes are made available according to the age and development of each child, and it is up to the student to choose which ones to participate in.

A equipe do CEI/UCDB é formada por 14 pedagogas, seis auxiliares e 17 estagiárias

Colaboradora administrativa Regiane Nogueira e sua filha Lorena

Localizado no campus da Católica, CEI disponibiliza espaços para educação e recreação

Extension Projects Academics of Nutrition and Nursing courses, in partnership with CEI São Domingos Sávio, develop the extension project “Promotion of health and food safety”, in which they take care of food storage and sanitation, prepare nutritionally balanced menus and promote cooking workshops with the children. In addition, the group also takes care of the accident prevention part and tracks the students’ physical development to ensure healthy growth. Four other Catholic extension projects carry out actions with the children of the unit. The courses of Agronomy, Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, for example, through the “Horta Escola” and the “Experiences in Agricultural Sciences”, teach students the cultivation of vegetables, fruits and vegetables and perform environmental awareness work. On the other hand, the Psychology students who participate in the “Cogni-Ação” extension do sporadic activities with the children of Levels II and III so that, from a young age, they can identify the emotions. Finally, the “Labinter” extension project - Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Lab of Undergraduate Courses, which involves the Pedagogy, Educations and Biological Sciences (undergraduate) courses, promotes training actions with the professors who work on the history and children’s literature.

Ana Paula Zaikievicz Azevedo, coordenadora pedagógica da unidade

Vinícius Lugo Samúdio, pai de Luiz Miguel




UCDB is the only one in MS to issue tax appraisal reports Work is developed by Catholic scholars and professors

Natalie Malulei


henever you buy a product, whether in the bakery, in the supermarket or even in a clothing store, and the establishment issues an invoice, the data is processed by a software and, based on this information, it is possible to prove the income of the shopkeeper. However, companies that develop these applications that issue tax coupons and make the program available to merchants must have authorization from the Treasury Department to sell these software and customers to continue using the technology. This authorization is granted by the Organ and must be renewed every two years from a functional analysis report, and in Mato Grosso do Sul, Don Bosco Catholic


University is the only company qualified to offer this service. “There is a national demand, and we receive clients from all over the country. Usually, the person chooses because of location, but, as there are many companies here that go to other states, there are others who prefer to come here”, Marcos Alves , analyst and coordinator of the UCDB Software Laboratory, where the tests are performed. During the analysis, the entrepreneur should assemble the structure as if the system developed by him was installed in a trade, even with the fiscal printer. From there, it simulates the execution of the application so that the analysts verify if the operation is in accordance with the law. In addition to Marcos, UCDB software analyst and professor, Ana Karina Vieira da Silva, also participates in the process.

“Through this test, the state tries to find where the gaps are within the systems developed, for example, how the user can evade tax or fail to register products that should have invoice. Therefore, the result of the analysis is a way of controlling this type of action”, explained Marcos. In the report issued by the Catholic, the conformities of the system are pointed out and also the nonconformities, if they appear. From there, the businessman needs to take the document to the Finance Department for approval. This partnership between UCDB and the National Council of Farms (Confaz) has existed since 2009 and, currently, be-

sides the definitive test for the issuance of the award, Catholic offers the pre-test - when entrepreneurs can make a previous evaluation and verify it is necessary, or not, to make changes in the system before the analysis itself. The first entrepreneur who used the services offered by the UCDB Software Lab, and remains a customer to this day, is José Faustino da Fonseca, owner of the IT store Treinacon. For him, the institution is the best option for the test: “Before I had to travel to get the award, now I can do the same procedure in Campo Grande, not spent with airline tickets and I can still stay with my family, not to mention that the service offered is very good”.

Projects In addition to the issue of the functional analysis report for companies that develop applications that issue tax coupons, Marcos intends to extend the services offered by the Software Lab. Since joining the UCDB Systems Technology Analysis and Development course in 2017, he wants to introduce students to the environment so they can use the space and offer support to companies and schools in the consulting and software development area. “It is a way for them to experience the practice, as well as the content passed in the classroom, since having contact with the client and the creation of new systems is very important for the training,” said Marcos.

Sistema é testado em laboratório localizado no campus da Católica, em Campo Grande




Empresário apresenta o software no Laboratório da UCDB para análise.

É emitido o laudo de análise funcional do software com as conformidades e as não conformidades do sistema.

Laudo é encaminhado para o Conselho Nacional das Fazendas (Confaz) e publicado em Diário Oficial

Empresário leva a documentação junto com o laudo publicado para obter o credenciamento.

Ao obter a validação do credenciamento, o software pode ser fornecido para os comerciantes.

SERVICE The Software Lab is in block C of the Tamandaré campus. Schedules for functional analysis of tax applications can be made through the e-mail or by the number (67) 3312-






Nuprajur gains reinforcement that will bring speed to the Common Justice. Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship will accelerate the demands for conciliation 34 | INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017

Gilmar Hernandes


he Legal Practice Center of the Don Bosco Catholic University has been operating for more than 45 years, serving the low income population or without the condition of hiring a lawyer to promote defense free of charge, in civil and criminal cases, and since the second half of this year , was reinforced with the inauguration of the Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (Cejusc), which aims to bring speed in conciliation cases. “It seeks from care to criminal matters, such as the promotion of the defense and monitoring of execution of the sentence, to civil matters such as inventories, sharing of assets, alimony, among others”, explains Nuprajur coordinator, Professor Elaine Cler. She also emphasized that the Nucleus is an opportunity for students to learn from legal practice, to know the procedures, procedures and exercise the theory learned in the classroom. “For the community, it is a powerful instrument for the promotion and defense of individual rights and guarantees”. Currently, more than three thousand cases in the civil and criminal area are in progress, and about 500 students are di-

Estudantes de Direito vivenciam na prática a rotina de um advogado, com a supervisão de professores

vided into classes of civil procedural practice, criminal procedural practice, and supervised civil and criminal stages. “The practice classes count on average with 30 students, and is the first stage of the academic in Nuprajur. He will learn to petition and identify the appropriate pieces in each case; already in the trainees, we have an average of ten students per professor”, explains the coordinator. The students follow the processes in progress, guide and assist juridically those who seek the Nucleus of Legal Practice for attendance. The activities range from simple procedural consultations to consulting and preparation of complete pieces for the submission of applications to the judge. “It is an opportunity to know all the stages that permeate the process in practice, the functioning of the judiciary, the importance of constant observation of deadlines, the work of reflection and legal interpretation for the construction of an argument that is valid for the defense of its client, that is, all the benefits that the prac-

tice brings as a way to fix and develop the theory learned with teachers in the classroom, “says Elaine Cler. Anyone who talks today with lawyer Danilo Graça da Cruz, cannot imagine the effort and dedication he made when he left the interior of the state and get here. Always solicitous and well off with his life, Danilo said that he entered in 1994 to work as an office boy in the Nuprajur UCDB, leaving his old job, where he worked the same job, seeing a condition of studying and growing professionally. And fate showed this, five years later the change began in his life, was transferred to the administrative sector, being responsible for the registry of the Nuprajur. During this period, he started his studies, took the compulsory internship, being the first in the family to earn a degree, specifically in Law (2009). In July last year he saw again that it was worth all the effort as he was hired by the UCDB as a lawyer to work part-time in Nuprajur and in August of this year he had the contract extended




Atendimentos são realizados gratuitamente no complexo das Clínicas-Escola UCDB e Assistência Jurídica na Avenida Tamandaré

to carry out the new function in two shifts, in which he is responsible for the buses of the Itinerant Justice. “When I entered the UCDB, my intention was always to be able to study. At the time, the study was very expensive and, coming from a humble family, I could not afford to pay. That’s why I chose to work here as an office boy, I finished high school at the Don Bosco College. Then I went to university and I always came fighting to graduate and today, thank God, I was able to finish it. I took the test of the OAB and, in 2016, I was hired as a lawyer to answer for the Nucleus of Legal Practices for 20 hours. And now on August 1, 2017, I was hired for another 20 hours, due


to the large amount of work of the traveling buses. The UCDB for me has a recognition, because I worked hard, and it gave me the opportunity. I owe a lot to the UCDB because, if it were not for her, I would not be able to graduate because of the financial difficulty”, Danilo says. The same incentive that he had in life and in the career, today he takes the opportunity to pass on to the students who pass through Nuprajur every day to learn. “Persist, give value in studies, run after dreams. Do not think only as a trainee, for it is the beginning of what you will be in the future. “ Student Leonardo Nascimento Rolon, from the 6th semester of the UCDB

Law School, has been a scholarship intern since February of this year in the Nucleus. “I have ambition to be a public defender. I take processes of various kinds, from alimony, usucaption to inventory. Having the contact with the client and learning how to talk with him, we learn to work in a more humane way, “says the student. In this semester, the University won the Cejusc, a mediation nucleus, which comes to meet the new paradigms brought by the Code of Civil Procedure, in order to expedite the resolution of conflicts and promote friendly solutions between the parties, avoiding the wear and tear of the process and judicialization of problems.

Cejusc has the capacity to solve 200 cases per month The Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (Cejusc), inaugurated in June this year, has five mediation rooms, one with a real session preview, with a capacity to hold an average of 200 audiences per month, in addition to a waiting room , a registry office and a toy library. Free counseling services are offered in cases such as fights between neighbors, family cases, debts, car accidents, among others. “All cases in the Common Court can be dealt with in mediation much more quickly, without cost and bureaucracy,” said the chief of staff of the Attorney General’s Office, Monica Lucchese Moreno. The Center integrates the Permanent Nucleus of Conflict Resolution (NUPEMEC) of the Court of Justice of Mato Grosso do Sul (TJ-MS) and the Center for Legal Practices of the Don Bosco Catholic University. “Well-conducted mediation will mean that fewer actions will be proposed, because the parties will learn to deal with their demands and solve them well, and that the judiciary will be affected by situations and needs that require the skills of the judge,” explains the coordinator of UCDB Law School, Professor Elaine Cler. The Nucleus also has, in partnership with the Mato Grosso do Sul Court of Justice, the 5th Civil and Criminal Special Court, installed in 2001, and two other touring buses, serving the population in several districts of Campo Grande, during all year. The service to the public is from 7am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, at Avenida Tamandaré, 6,000, in the Seminary Garden. The service is free. More information by phone (67) 3312-3669.




MS Deans show the strength of higher education with council creation Six institutions with Stricto Sensu are part of an officially formed group in August

Vice-reitores, pró-reitores e diretores das universidades também passaram a integrar as atividades do Crie-MS, em reunião realizada na UCDB


Axes of Acting of Crie-MS Science, technology & innovation; Excellence in basic and higher education; Internationalization and academic mobility; Tourism and culture; Scientific Communication

Cerimônia de posse do Conselho aconteceu em agosto deste ano, na Assembleia Legislativa

Silvia Tada


wo hundred thousand people involved, eight thousand graduates per year, second largest state budget. Added to the strengths of the six institutions of higher education with Stricto Sensu of Mato Grosso do Sul, the numbers impress. . And it is to highlight and further improve the performance of institutions that was officially created, In August, the Council of Deans of Institutions of Higher Education of Mato Grosso do Sul (Crie-MS), formed by Don Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul (IFMS) and Uniderp. “The representativeness of the institutions for South-Mato Grosso society is enormous, but more than the numbers, we must see the transformation that we have in the economy, in the formation of competent professionals, in the generation of new technologies that modify people’s lives. These goods cannot be mea-

sured, but lived by all of us”, said the Dean of the UCDB, Fr. Ricardo Carlos, Vice-President of the Council. The presidency will be occupied, in the next two years, by the Dean of UEMS, professor Fábio Edir dos Santos Costa. “The CRE-MS is an innovative action, unique in the country, since it brings together public and private institutions. The state has a lot to grow in this scenario”, he said. In addition to the deans, the pro-deans of the institutions also participated in the meeting and will take joint actions within five priority areas. The Minister of Education, Mendonça Filho, participated in the inauguration ceremony, held in the Legislative Assembly. “We must celebrate this very positive fact, of the unprecedented integration between public and private universities, planning joint actions. When there is cooperation, results are achieved”. In addition to Fábio Edir and Fr. Ricardo Carlos, the rectors are Liane Maria Calarge (UFGD), Luiz Simão Staszczak (IFMS), Marcelo Turine (UFMS) and Taner Douglas Alves Bitencourt (Uniderp).

For students, the union of universities will be very important, for example, in mobility. One idea is to give the student flexibility to study subjects at other institutions, or even to strengthen partnerships for research development. Let’s go join forces

Fr. Ricardo Carlos Dean of the UCDB and vicepresident of Crie-MS




Saint John Bosco University Parish wants to strengthen evangelization of students Church is located at Don Bosco Catholic University


Gilmar Hernandes


he Salesians won the first Brazilian University Parish on May 24, 2017. São João Bosco University Parish, located at the Dom Bosco Catholic University, seeks to strengthen groups composed of Catholic students and also expand attendance for students from other institutions of higher education of the State. Father João Marcos Araújo Ramos, Pro-Dean of Pastoral of UCDB, was appointed parish priest of the University Parish. “The University Parish is like an open network that goes beyond geography to students who want to pray, who want to join a group, who want to be baptized.

It is a parish with young university taste and flexible attendance. For us it is a great pride”, praises the UCDB Chancellor and president of the Salesian Mission of Mato Grosso (MSMT), Fr. Dr. Gildásio Mendes dos Santos. Father Gildasio recalls the recent commemoration of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco in 2015. “He dreamed of Our Lady, he dreamed of the young and a dream that did not die 200 years and the dream is still alive. Today Don Bosco manifests himself in this new parish, especially in the service of the young person. So it is a moment, as Pope Francisco says, that we believe in a chur-

ch of hope, joy and a youthful church”. “It is a remarkable moment for our University, to provide religious and spiritual services for our students. Without the creation of the parish, we always needed to be connected to another parish, asking for registration of baptisms, marriages; now we have this autonomy. Not only for this, but for having a space where young people can celebrate the first sacraments of Christian initiation and other sacraments, form prayer groups and also participate in pastoral projects that the Archdiocese of Campo Grande promotes”, explains the Dean of the UCDB, Fr. Ricardo Carlos.



PASTORAL “The first University Parish of the Archdiocese of Campo Grande, and one of the few university parishes in Brazil, means a qualified presence of the church in the university environment, which is a specific medium that has its own questions and challenges. The young man, when he comes to the University, finds the world of science, the world of research, which brings him new questions and new challenges. What the church wants is to be present, to be a friendly, caring presence of service among these young people so that, in the

light of faith, they can find useful meaning in their questions”, said Archbishop Dimas Lara Barbosa. Father João Marcos emphasizes that the university parish brings autonomy to work with the youth of the UCDB and other institutions of higher education. “All the young university students of Campo Grande are invited to participate in our work, retreats and catechesis”. “We have visited the students in the classrooms to publicize the activities of the parish, such as daily masses (except

on Saturdays), prayer groups, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, rosary, confessions and welcome in the Pastoral rooms. In addition, we will publicize the name of the University Parish in cards and campaigns carried out over the years”, says parish priest João Marcos. “Many people who were unaware of the existence of the church have come to know the university parish and are attending more frequently every Sunday”, the priest explains. He also points out that the demand for weddings has also increased, and they are always scheduled on Saturdays. Ramos reinforces that the Parish already has groups of acolytes, extraordinary ministers of communion, pastoral of tithing, pastoral educational council, liturgy team and monitors. The Church of St. John Bosco was inaugurated on August 25, 2015, on UCDB campus, in commemoration of the bicentenary of the birth of the patron Don Bosco. The modern and sustainable building has stained glass to aid in solar lighting and also collects rainwater from the roof in a cistern with a capacity of 12,000 liters, used to irrigate the garden. Built between blocks A and C of the Institution, it has about 700 square meters and space for 520 people. Before becoming the first Salesian University Parish in Brazil, the church was part of the San Francisco Parish. The parish secretariat is carried out by the Pastoral team, in Block A of the Catholic.

Schedules at the University Parish Mass schedules at the University Parish Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:30 p.m.; Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9 am and 9 pm; Sundays, at 7:15 pm (with free admission to the Institution’s parking lot)

Pe. João Marcos Araújo Ramos é pároco da Paróquia Universitária e Pró-Reitor de Pastoral da UCDB





Silvia Tada


hen the doors of the theater open, a new world is staged on stage and takes the audience to another reality. But it is when the curtains close that the transformation really happens: behind the scenes of the theater Senta que o Leão é Manso group is that the lives of hundreds of young people are touched by art, citizenship, personal development and friendship. In 35 years of history, completed in 2017, some 600 academics from Dom Bosco Catholic University have already passed through the group - the oldest in action in Mato Grosso do Sul. “It is not a professional formation and every year we open new spaces for new members, who still do not have experience in the theatrical environment. This development takes place in the group, and the transformation, the resourcefulness, the maturation of these young people is clear. Many elements of the theater they will carry throughout their lives, including in the professional field”, said the director of Senta que o Leão é Manso, professor Roberto Figueiredo. “The best of the group is the group. This is a phrase that translates well the spirit we find in Senta”, says Professor of History and Law School, Carolina Bueno, a member of the group since 2012.”I had already done theater in school, elementary and middle school, but it was here I developed myself. As a teacher, the theater helps me in the classroom; in the area of law, I can highlight the greater facility with oratory, behavior and shyness”


(IR) RESPONSIBLE The oldest theater group in Mato Grosso do Sul, Senta que o Leão é Manso complete 35 years 44 | INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017

Primeiro cartaz do Grupo em 1983

Elenco do primeiro cartaz

I made two graduations and during the two, I participated in the Senta que o Leão é Manso. It was an unparalleled, immeasurable experience. I made friends that I have until today and I gained experience, extra culture and the theater prepared me for the professional world

Vinícius Santa Bárbara, 33 years old, administrator and lawyer. Member of the group from 2001 to 2007 and from 2011 to 2015

A Cantora Careca play, from 2003, participated in the Wolksvagen Creation Award in São Paulo, and Senta was the only group from the Midwest to perform at the festival




SENTA QUE O LEÃO É MANSO OF UCDB - 35 YEARS 1982 – criação do grupo 1983 – A maravilhosa estória do sapo Tarê-Beque 1984 – Morte e vida Severina 1986 – Só o faraó tem alma 1989 – Concerto em dor maior 1991 – Ato de sobrevivência 1992 – Cirros 1993 – Morte e vida Severina 1993 – Concerto em dor maior 1994 – O rapto das cebolinhas 1994 – As troianas 1995 – A cantora careca 1997 – Só o faraó tem alma 1998 – Prometeu e a criação do mundo 1999 – A megera domada 2000 – Brasil 500 anos 2000 – Uma palavra por outra 2001 – Via Sacra 2001 – Quem ri por último 2001 – Aurora da minha vida 2001 – A lição 2002 – As troianas 2003 – Pic-nic no fronte 2003 – A cantora careca 2003 - O Fantástico mistério da princesa Feiurinha 2004 – O auto do lampião no além 2005 – Salomé 2006 – O homem e o pássaro 2007 - Pic Nic no Front 2008 - O Noviço 2009 - A Maldição do Vale Negro 2010 - Só o Faraó Tem Alma 2013 - O Trato 2015 - Dom Bosco - Uma voz por nós 2016 - Medeia 2017 – Morte e Vida Severina (releitura especial 35 anos)


In 2001, A Lição play was awarded as the best show at the Mato Grosso do Sul Theater Festival, best director, best actor and best supporting actor. As a prize, the group was invited to represent MS at the Zicosur Theater Festival, in Antofagasta (Chile), in 2002.

The rehearsals take place on Saturdays and Sundays at the UCDB House of Culture and Art.

The group started at the Dom Bosco College and at the Bernardo Franco Baís Municipal School, created by Roberto Figueiredo, Maria Cristina Aquino and Lígia Velasques, in 1982. The following year, it became the then Catholic University of Mato Grosso (Fucmt) today UCDB.

The creation of the group occurred in the effervescence of the 1980s, when student theater was one of the strongest strands of local culture.

Morte e Vida Severina, by JoĂŁo Cabral de Melo Neto, was already staged twice in 1983 and 1993. This year, the new version has as its purpose the homage to the first piece staged exclusively by academics of the then Fucmt, now UCDB.

Formed exclusively by academics of the Catholic University Don Bosco.





Ale Iungue

Ana Borges

Ana Carolina Dias

Camila Valadares

Edgar de Queiroz

Ellen Prudente

Evelyn Reis

Caco Ribeiro

Gabriel Ribeiro

Giovani Neves

Grazielly Vieira

Hay Samy














Confira mais fotos nas nossas redes sociais @UCDB

Wedney Rodolpho

Juliana Zanotti

Karina Campos

Lois Sadhas



Mayara Moreira

Otรกvio Oshiro

Rodrigo Mendes

Sรณnia Alexandra

Thawane Siqueira

Thomas Andrew
















RETHINKING ETHICS Heitor Romero Marques

Master in Education and PhD in Local Development Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Local Development Master and Doctorate of UCDB.


he life has already provided us with good years of existence, enough time for us to have come in contact with many classics of literature on the subject we wish to give our opinion as well as life experience to understand a little of human nature. It is surprising to note that the human being brings with him good and bad potentialities, the development of which will depend on the actions that are performed by him, through his own decisions, under the decisive influence of society. In this context, both in the broad sense and in the strict sense, our actions are linked to the fundamental purpose that we establish with greater or lesser appreciation of the economic, social, political, religious, and so on. History assures us that cultural construction has been crystallized in each milieu, impregnating and embedding conceptions in the most distinct social segments, significantly marking the way we live, both in the individual and in the collective dimension. The way 50 | INSPIRA | DECEMBER 2017

of living is, therefore, linked to the values we have been cultivating throughout our lives in the bosom of society, which is naturally plural and dynamic. This process comprises formal education, as a result of educational actions arising from education systems as such, and informal education resulting from the influences of society. From this we can understand that, given the plurality of values that underlie social interaction, coupled with the ease of communication of the last years, there was undoubtedly a stirring of inversions of these values, in which they stood out, as for example, the desire to win at any cost, even at the expense of third parties. Thus, we can see that human conduct has been diverted from good and virtue, whose foundations constitute ethics. Literature teaches, and life confirms, that all human action should be turned to good, under all circumstances and means. Yet this is deeply corrupted and grows ahead of us like an impassable wall. If we

want to correct this route, we should and should rethink the ordering of values [ethics] and put them into practice through what we have at our disposal, such as family, religious and school education. What we learn in the lap of parents, as a rule, we take to life, and what remains to us of the best of the school system we can apply in the improvement of society. The concern is to rediscover the path of ethics that privileges decency and zeal for the lives of other people, as the greater good to which we all have the right. We understand that, for that, it will be necessary for the most different social segments not to be patronized by corrupt processes, but boast of honesty so that care with life and decency is the priority. It is not a matter of making a revolution by force, but a cultural revolution in the process of which one must have the courage to review one’s own attitudes and take positions and postures that can serve as an example to those of today and tomorrow.





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