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Year 03 • 2018 • Nº 4








MS economic base, agribusiness has a special focus on the UCDB, which develops research in different areas aiming at increasing productivity























ato Grosso do Sul is a state with origins and agricultural vocation - the participation of this sector in the economy, culture and society is undeniable. The Catholic University Don Bosco recognizes this importance and dedicates itself in many of its undergraduate and postgraduate projects to the improvement of production systems, technologies, infrastructure, training of people and everything that can contribute to the strengthening of production chains. In addition to the three undergraduate courses in the area of Agrarian ​​ Sciences - Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics -, three master’s and doctoral programs develop research directly related to the field: Environmental Sciences and Agricultural and Livestock Sustainability, Biotechnology and Local Development. Some of these works are in the main report of this 4th edition of Inspira Magazine. We believe that this is how society is appropriating the knowledge produced at the university. Research needs to be applicable, that is, ideas go out of print and are actually used for the benefit of the population. Other stories in this issue show just that. Discussing new means of flow of production with the Latin American Integration Route (Rila) or even fomenting new ventures, such as the work carried out by the S-Inova Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agency, whose main objective is always to encourage social and eco-

Fr. Ricardo Carlos - Rector of the Catholic University Don Bosco

nomic development of State. On the institutional side, two moments lived by the UCDB deserve attention. The new Navigation Charter, an instrument for planning actions for the next five years, came into force this semester. And, in the same way that we plan future actions, we also look at the past: documentary On shoulders of giants rescues the history of transformation of the United Catholic University of Mato Grosso (FUCMT) in UCDB and becomes a historical record for the next generations. Good reading to all!


Year III, July / 2018. Edition 4 Catholic University Don Bosco CChancellor: Fr. Gildásio Mendes dos Santos Rector: Fr. Ricardo Carlos Pro-Rector of Administration: Sr. Herivelton Breitenbach Pro-Rector of Institutional Development: Sr. Gillianno Mazzetto Pro-Rector of Pastoral: Fr. João Marcos de Araújo Ramos Pro-Reitora de Graduação: Rúbia Renata Marques Pro-Rector of Research and Graduate Studies: Cristiano Marcelo Espínola

Carvalho Pro-Dean of Extension and Community Affairs: Luciane Pinho de Almeida Inspira UCDB Magazine - Prepared by the Directorate of Communication of the Catholic University Don Bosco - UCDB, through the Press Office Director: Jakson Pereira Journalist in charge: Silvia Tada (DRT 33/17/13) Reporters: Gilmar Hernandes (082 MTB / MS) and Natalie Malulei (MTE 1145 / MS) Trainees: Carine Ferrari and Marina Romualdo Graphic design: Jeferson Wolff Layout: Bebop Agency Photos: Junner Schmidt

Revision: Maria Helena Silva Cruz Drawing: 1,000 copies Phone: (67) 3312-3300 or 3312-3353 E-mail: Website: Facebook: UCDB MS Twitter: @UCDBoficial Entity affiliated with: IUS - Salesian Institutions of Higher Education ANEC - National Association of Brazilian Catholic Education ABRUC - Brazilian Association of Community Universities Address: Avenida Tamandaré, 6000 - Garden Seminary CEP: 79117-900 - Campo Grande - MS- Brazil




The UCDB has always been a focal point for the development of the IUS network W

orld Coordination of Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS), Fr. Marcelo Alfonso Farfán Pacheco was in Brazil during the months of April and May and made animated visits to educational institutions. At the UCDB, he was on May 2 and 3 and participated in various moments and meetings with the Rectorship Council, academics, classroom and distance education teachers, administrative staff and some of the main areas of the Institution. With a network of 90 institutions with a diversity of institutional status (universities, colleges, study centers, institutes, colleges), Fr. Marcelo Farfán has the challenge of educating and qualifying about 150 thousand academics. For this, the IUS is organized by continents and regions (America, Africa, Europe, South Asia, East Asia and Oceania) and they hold periodic meetings so that the work follows the identity of the Congregation. Born in Cuenca (Ecuador), the Salesian, 54 years old, has a degree in Education Sciences, a specialist in Anthropology, a Master in Religious Culture and in Curriculum Design. He has held the positions of director of the Salesian Polytechnic University of Quito, was Provincial of the Salesians in Ecuador and has been in the current position since October 2016. In an interview with Inspira magazine, the Salesian gave an overview of the presence of the Congregation in Brazil and the challenges of youth education. Read the main passages below.

Inspira Magazine: You had the opportunity to visit IUS in Brazil. How were these visits and what evaluation did you make of Salesian education in the Country and in Latin America? Fr. Marcelo Farfán: In these six weeks in Brazil, I was able to know the reality of the Salesian institutions in the country. First, there is a very great diversity of them in several cities. We have the UCDB, which is a university, important university centers (Vitória, São Paulo, Araçatuba and Lins) and we have some colleges (Porto Alegre, Manaus), as well as interesting experiences in Belo Horizonte, which have responsibility with other congregations. There are a diversity of university proposals. So I 6


The Salesian presence is very rich that is giving contribution in the different territories in which they are present, especially in the training of professionals, with quality and values

could see that higher education is born as a response to the demands of a type of training for young people who have to unite academic quality or human formation inspired by gospel values. The Salesians seek to give a practical and formative response, much thought of a territorial context education, and are socially relevant answers. I could also verify that, despite the crisis that affects education in Brazil (economic, financing policies, incorporations of higher education), causing a certain decrease of students, we need to think about an increasingly efficient management, not just for human resources , but also a review of educational models and pedagogical projects. A very important job, with a training proposal with a


The UCDB is a reference for the other universities for this internal achievement, for the academic development, for the work of years that has been done seriously


strong identity. This has led us to think what kind of proposal is ours and what market is not offering. We have to be clearer. A major highlight that I can cite is that university presences were born out of high school experience. And since then, they have been differentiating themselves and being recognized by the society in which they are. In this sense, they created coherent academic communities with identity. On the other hand, the requirements of external evaluation have forced the institutions to create quality processes, and this is a very important element. Finally, I see a concern with sustainability: whether due to the crisis or a certain decrease in the number of students, by the not always fair competition - all this has led to this theme of economic sustainability, education

resources and internal reorganization. This is a bit of the panorama I could see. It is a very rich presence that is giving contribution in the different territories in which they are present, especially in the formation of professionals, with quality and values; the institutions have their prestige knowing that the university experience is recent. We are talking about 50, 60 years of presence. They are underpinning work for major development

Inspira Magazine: UCDB is among the largest Salesian universities in the world. Are there any special projects for the institution? What can the UCDB contribute to improving higher education?




Fr. Marcelo: UCDB is one of the universities with the greatest tradition in Latin America and the Salesian Congregation. Of the 11 Salesian universities in the world, nine are in Latin America and, of these, the one in Campo Grande is one of those with the greatest academic development, which can be seen by the capacity to offer a doctorate. This means that there is an academic development, an institutional capacity that is installed and that is carrying out, mainly, important research, with trained teachers. The UCDB is a reference for other universities for this internal achievement, for academic development, for the work of years that has been done seriously. We see that the university has a physical, technological infrastructure, laboratories, which gives seriousness to the proposal. Above all, it counts on an academic team of master teachers and doctors, who are assuring the quality of the academic processes. There is also an interesting leadership team, made up of Salesians, religious and lay people, who are also working together. This is an example. The UCDB has always been a foothold for the development of the IUS network; we had the first course of Salesian formation at a distance, and this has been strengthened. The UCDB is an important reference in the process of working together as IUS. Inspira magazine: What is the biggest challenge in young people’s education today? Are universities prepared to host these young academics? Fr. Marcelo: Young people are living important cultural changes. Whether it’s technological change or the digital world. In addi-



say, with much better basic educational conditions. From the situation of young people, we must be attentive to them to make a formative process, with accompaniment. This is a key point that Don Bosco lived: accepting the young as they come, to make a journey with them. In terms of university, we need to know what young people we are working with. What is the profile, in all fields and, from there, we can define a model of teaching. The teaching profession has to respond to a specific reality of young people. It is not the same to work with young people who come from higher classes and with young people who come from popular sectors. These are very different situations that we have to answer. Also pedagogical projects need to respond to young people’s situations. From thewe also see great values ​​in you- re, we can propose a formative prong people. The Salesians are always cess during the years that are in the optimistic about young people: they university. This is a great challenge are much more creative, sensitive to for the Salesians: how we accompany the themes of life, the environment, a process of growth for young people diversity and inclusion; I would also in university experience - through tion, they come from diverse family experiences, the family crisis is affecting a lot, but are experiencing a kind of anthropological crisis. Young people come with all these elements, but

This is a key point that Don Bosco lived: accepting the young as they come, to make a way with them

curricula, pastoral proposals, academic experiences properly, so that we can ensure a process of growth. Always, throughout history, young people have great potentialities and are also children of time, and this does not frighten us. Important are what educational and pastoral responses we can have for them in the university world. Inspira Magazine: One of the differentials of the Salesian universities is the very strong presence of


Pastoral is a dimension that crosses the whole of the university (...) The university project, in itself, must be an evangelized project.


the Church itself: Pastoral care is a dimension that crosses the whole of the university. It goes from a concept of Pastoral as appendix, a religious service, a chaplaincy, to say: the university project, in itself, must be an evangelizing project. As such, this should increase as we understand the major functions of the university in a way that responds to criteria of what kind of teaching, research and extension are more evangelizers. So a teaching that not only transmits knowledge but transmits and shapes values, for example, is a pastoral teaching. A research that reflects on evangelical priority lines, which ensures dignity and respect for the human person, which contributes to the development of society, is a pastoral research. An extension that takes place in a horizon of ethics, in a concept of service to the community and especially to the poorest, is evangelizing. We understand that the main options of a university should be in your Navigation Chart. There is shaped the type

of university that we want - and that should be inspired by gospel values. Now, directly we Salesians have done a re-reading from a university perspective of the dimensions that ensure an integral educational proposal. The four great dimensions of Salesian pastoral work - that of faith, cultural, associative and vocational - have been revised for higher education. We ask ourselves: what does it mean to educate for faith in higher education? What does a proposal that helps you in educational and pastoral development? How do we understand the associative and the vocational in a university? These have been the key elements that lead us to think about university ministry. We already have a document with this reflection and we now have the application process.

the Pastoral. How can this area be more present andcontribute to the integral formation of young people? Fr. Marcelo: Thinking about a Salesian University Pastoral is a much debated theme in the IUS in recent years and in all cultural contexts. As IUS, we have elaborated and systematized a document called "Guidelines for a Pastoral in IUS’, which defines the conception we want to have on the subject. The key is an intuition of





FROM THE UNIVERSITY TO THE FIELD Development of research and creation of new technologies help to boost agribusiness in Mato Grosso do Sul. Natalie Malulei

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12,97 litro/dia Grão de soja

Use of natural resources for agriculture As an alternative to reduce the use of agrochemicals in crops, a group of researchers of the Católica bet on the use of biological control - technique based on the concept of natural enemy that uses living organisms to reduce the incidence of diseases and pests. The research, developed by five Agronomy scholars and three students of the Biotechnology Graduate Program, identified that a fungus of the genus Trichoderma, present in the soil, would be able to fight other fungi that cause diseases such as white mold, root rot and fusariosis, which affect various types of crops. “This type of fungus also has other important functions for agriculture, besides being a natural control agent; for example, it acts as a promoter of plant growth, because it stimulates rooting, not to mention that it induces the mechanisms of defense of the plant to the pathogens, at the moment in which there is the interaction between it and the microorganism ", pointed out the professor of the University Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Dr. Cirano José Ulhoa, who is linked to the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology of UCDB. The professor supports the study together with UCDB professor Dr. Francilina Araújo Costa. According to the

10,96 litro/dia

riving more in less space and increasing the quality of what is offered in the market has been two of the main challenges faced by people living on food production and raw materials. For those who invest in agribusiness, having full control of the open pit industry is critical, and every bet must be true: this is one of the few ways to ensure profit and expansion of trading partners. Given this scenario, the creation of new technologies and the development of research have become the right arm of the producer and act as a tool to achieve ever greater indexes. One of these studies was developed by a multidisciplinary team made up of academics of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science and Agronomy of the Catholic University of Don Bosco (UCDB). The group is part of the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships (Pibic) and brought improvement to the milk production, by betting on the use of grains in the feeding of cows. Cotton seed, sunflower seed and soybean were tested (see table). “Each sample of milk withdrawn was analyzed in the laboratory. The results show that, in two cases (soybean and sunflower), the productivity of the animals surpassed that presented when they received the standard supplementation, generally used in the farms, which is composed of soybean meal and corn” explained the project and coordinator of the Zootechnics course, Dr. Rodrigo Gonçalves Mateus.

Semente de girassol

Carosso de algodão

researchers, the effectiveness of the fungus in relation to the fight against those who cause the diseases is still being tested, however it is known that the conditions in which it best develops varies according to the characteristics of the soil from which it was removed, therefore, samples were taken from 11 municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul. “If we develop a product from a fungus taken from the soil of a region, it may not be as efficient if it is used by a farmer from another location because it is an environment with a soil type and climatic conditions different from that in which has developed, so the need for selection. We want to create something customized for each region so that there is effective control of diseases,“ said Francilina. In the future, the aim is to create a bio-factory that can serve the state’s farmers. “We can make a liquid or powdered product for sale; the best part is that besides being a sustainable alternative, it will generate cost reduction in food production, because the price is much more affordable than what is charged for the purchase of agrochemicals, "commented Professor Cirano.

11,96 litro/dia



(Farelo de soja/milho)



COVER More than growth in productivity, there is evidence that product quality has increased. If it has a high index of unsaturated fat, considered good for the human body, milk can be nutraceutical - food that can bring health benefits, prevent and fight diseases. "By having higher quality, the producer will be able to charge a higher

price per liter at the time of sale and increase profits," concluded veterinary medicine professor Lucas Gomes da Silva. In addition to this research, there are another 65 agribusiness work plans being developed by Catholic undergraduates that integrate the scientific initiation in the 2017/2018 cycle. Many of these studies are done in

partnership with the Graduate Programs in Environmental Sciences and Agricultural Sustainability, in Biotechnology and in Local Development which, together, bring at least another 40 searches in the area.

Creation of new technologies At UCDB, researchers are seeking to create new equipment and technologies to enable farmers to closely monitor production and access accurate data. The Research and Technological Development and Innovation Group in Computer Vision (Inovision) does this through image and photography: they create items that allow the capture of this material and develop intelligent software capable of analyzing the content automatically. According to the UCDB professor who leads the work, Dr. Hemerson Pistori, the

Fry counter In the area of ​​fish farming, the number of fingerlings for sale was made manually, it took hours, involved several employees of the production and, worse: there was no certainty that the requested quantity was correct. In view of this scenario, the Pacu Project - one of the pioneer companies in the state in the aquaculture sector - sought the UCDB and exposed the need to automate the process. A physical structure was set up so that the fingerlings passed a ramp lit up with a camera at the top and then dropped into a tank. As the image of the fish is captured, software counts. The project has been developed since 2016 and is in the improvement phase; the academic of Mechanical Engineering of the Catholic Eduardo Quirino Arguelho de Queiroz develops a third prototype, more compact and of easy locomotion. Already the master’s degree in Computer Science by UFMS, who joined the project even when he was an academic in Computer Engineering at UCDB, Adair da Silva Oliveira Júnior, has the mission of adding to software another function: to weigh the fingerlings so that the producer can identify the growth curve of each.


computer vision has gained space in agrib siness in the last five years and has come to bring advantages to the producer. “From monitoring, it is possible to reduce costs, to harm the environment less, to reduce the stress of the animal and to increase the quality of what is produced,” said the teacher. Currently, 21 undergraduates, master’s and doctoral programs form multidisciplinary teams and develop six projects in partnership with students from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) and the

Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul (IFMS). areas of livestock, agriculture and fish farming. For the development of the work, Inovisão has the support of Fundect and two other development agencies: the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).



A species of Pantanal canga with two cameras coupled, one that allows to record images of the side of the jaw of the bovine, and the other one that records the front part - this is the Rumicam, an equipment developed with the intention to monitor the rumen of the animal . The production of the item began in March 2017 and for now there is a prototype that already captures the images and stores them in a hardware. There is also the possibility that the recording is accompanied in real time by the cell phone or computer, if there is a connection to the device over the internet.“With the material recorded by Rumicam, it will be possible to know about the animal’s behavior: how it selects the pasture, how much fiber it ingested, whether it chews normally and whether it has the rumen cycle within the standard. This information can facilitate management, identify if the animal is sick and also the level of food use, "said research member Gilberto Luciano de Oliveira, master's degree in Local Development by the UCDB. In order for all of this information to be automatically identified, software based on artificial intelligence is being developed. The work is done by the academic of Computer Engineering Milena dos Santos Carmona

As an efficient tool for monitoring large agricultural productions, drones are widely used, however, often lacking resources for the captured material to be automatically analyzed. In the project developed in Catholic, since 2014, software has been created capable of mapping, from photographs, the areas of the crop affected by weeds. In addition to using the traditional drone that has a camera at the bottom, the researchers developed a rod with a camera at the end to be attached to the equipment, which allows to record the image of the leaf underneath to identify diseases. The next step of the research is now to make the software recognize pathologies and indicate them in the image. Seven people participate in the project between UCDB researchers and UFMS, two of them are: the doctorate student Gilberto Astolfi and the master’s degree student Gabriel Kirsten Menezes. “We tested different ways to train the software so that it recognizes the different symptoms that the diseases cause in the plants, thus, when identifying them, will be able to point precisely to the producer,” they clarified.

Acadêmicos e docentes estudam fungo que pode ser usado como ferramenta de controle de pragas.

Formation As Mato Grosso do Sul is a strong state in agricultural production, with approximately 28.2 million hectares divided into 80 thousand properties, according to the survey by the State Environment Institute (Imasul) based on the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), the surveys, besides bringing improvements to the producer, help to leverage the development of the region as a whole. “UCDB has a strong research group that has been working for agriculture for a long time. They are professionals in diverse areas of knowledge with high capacity and national recognition and, with this, I realize that we are playing a good role not only in the production of technical material but also in the training of human resources. This is our great differential: we work so that the students leave here able to help even more, in the development of our region” commented the Pro Rector of Research and Graduate of the UCDB, Dr. Cristiano Marcelo Espínola Carvalho. For the development of the work, UCDB has made several partnerships with other teaching and research institutions with the purpose of promoting the exchange of knowledge among professionals from different areas. In addition,

there is also the participation of the Government of Mato Grosso do Sul, through the Foundation for Support to the Development of Teaching, Science and Technology (Fundect), and the Federal Government - together, they enabled, for example, the creation of the first National Institute of Technology (INCT) in the State focused on developing studies with a focus on farming, located on the Tamandaré campus. According to Cristiano, the partnerships signed are important, since they align interests and promote the growth of scientific knowledge in Mato Grosso do Sul: “Research projects are developed, generally, from a sector need identified by Fundect and passed on to we. From there, we joined forces to start the study. Science grows this way: with researchers and institutions working together for the advancement of the state". According to the

governor of Mato Grosso do Sul, Reinaldo Azambuja, this work developed by UCDB and other institutions has a preponderant role in the development of the State and the country. “Much of the increase in productivity and stability of the productive sector is due to the research done, so we see the University as a fundamental and extremely positive tool to help the growth of the regions. One of the priorities is to encourage these studies and, especially, to disseminate them, this is very important for us to move forward”. Pioneering One of the milestones in the Mato Grosso do Sul research was the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT), led by the UCDB, whose purpose is to develop veterinary drugs based on particles found in Brazilian fauna and flora. This is the first institute in Mato Grosso do Sul, the result of a partnership between the federal and state governments, and in total, includes an investment of R$ 10 million. Since 2015, when the Institute was created, studies are developed by master’s, doctoral students and post-doctoral students that integrate the Graduate Programs in Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences and Agricultural Sustainability of UCDB, with the support of academic students of scientific initiation. In addition, INCT with the participation of 220 associate researchers from 22 institutions in 18 different countries. There are six research projects currently running. One of them identified, in the yellow scorpion toxin (Tityus serrulatus), a protein with activity against bacteria. In the laboratory, a change was made in the physico-chemical structure of this

Researchers from the first INCT in Mato Grosso do Sul develop veterinary drugs.




Production chain and cultural preservation particle that potentiated the effect. With this, the researchers believe that it can be effective in fighting diseases that attack horses, cattle, poultry and pigs. The work developed by the master in biotechnology Lucas Bianchi is what gives support to this research. Under the guidance of Professor Dr. Ludovico Migliolo, the protein was first tested against six bacteria that cause disease in humans. “The molecule was effective mainly against three types of bacteria: Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, responsible for causing urinary and intestinal infections, and also against Staphylococcus aureus, one of the main causes of nosocomial infection, besides being responsible for causing skin infections and food poisoning”. Now the next step is to see if the same molecule is effective in fighting animalborne diseases such as mastitis, brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis, avian diarrhea and salmonellosis. “With this second stage of the research, if we have a good result, we will be able to bring new alternatives to the producers, because when these diseases occur, they cause great losses in production,” Ludovico explained.

In addition to creating new technologies that help in the production of already established crops, some research aims to stimulate the formation of new productive chains. Two of them come to encourage the production of guavira - a fruit of the Cerrado, rich in vitamin C, considered in November 2017, according to State Law 5,082, symbol of Mato Grosso do Sul. Based on the amount of fruits traded in the state during the harvest season - basically concentrated at the end of October and beginning of January - 90% of them come from the extractivism, since there is an extremely small number of guavira plantings. According to Professor Denilson Guilherme, one of the teachers who supports the studies in the area, this is the main problem faced, because there is a risk that the fruit will end. “There are two situations that can bring about the extinction of guavira: the first is that plant can be simply decimated of properties, and the other is a genetic issue. When people go to harvest guavira, they always choose the biggest and most beautiful fruits and leave the ugliest and the smallest on the foot. As there is no planting, the fruits that fall in the soil and generate the new plants have lower quality, which causes a genetic impoverishment. With the passage of time, this can culminate in the disappearance of the plant, said Denilson. To overcome this scenario, research developed in partnership with the Agrarian Development and Rural Extension Agency of Mato Grosso do Sul (Agraer) has come to establish a productive chain through the production of seedlings. A study by UCDB Agronomy scholars Uesley da Costa Barbosa and Sérgio Andrade dos Santos, for example, has identified a way to make seedling grow better with the use of slow release fertilizer and soil correction. Another challenge that researchers seek to overcome is the production of seedlings by other methods, besides sowing. Each

specimen takes from four to five years to give the first fruit load, a large time, which can be reduced by means of different forms of planting. There are two techniques that are tested by the PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences and Agricultural Sustainability of the UCDB India Mara Sgnaulin, and the great expectation is in the method of grafting:” We produce seedlings from the sowing and, when the trunk reaches 8 to 10 cm of diameter, the process will be done with adult plants. The grafting basically consists of cutting the stem of the youngest seedling and attaching a piece of the stem of the adult plant in this way, so that the characteristics of the older specimen are maintained and we reach an early rooting process and also reduce the productivity time, he explained. Another arm of the research developed by India is to identify a pattern of fruit to add value to the chain. According to Professor Denilson, it is necessary to standardize the sale: "In some regions of the State, we have, in a liter, almost 200 fruits and in others, the same liter can have 70; then there is a very large discrepancy, and there is no value aggregation “ The first step of this study was made by the Agronomy scholar, Diego Moraes Mello, who identified that, despite having a change in fruit size during the harvest, there is an average. "I selected ten feet of guava and made the harvest four times; in the end, I identified that the average pattern of the fruit is 15 millimeters in diameter. I believe that with this, the producer will be able to identify if his fruit is within the expected standard and take greater care to select the guaviras at harvest time” Diego explained.

Equipe da UCDB que busca estimular a cadeia produtiva da guavira


da educação!


Missão Salesiana de Mato Grosso






Silvia Tada


here do we want to go? What is the best way to go? Whether it’s a trip or a project, planning is critical to success. And when you think of an institution such as the Don Bosco Catholic University, which involves around 1,000 employees and more than 10,000 students, the goals have to be clear and defined. And that is how the new edition of the Navigation Chart was developed - what is called strategic institutional planning, which will be in force for the next five years. It contains the objectives, projects and strategic actions that the university has adopted to develop its mission of integrally training the students. “The work of updating the Charter, which is in the third version (the first lasted from 2008-2012 and the second from 2013-2017), involved the entire faculty and staff, who thought about where we want to go and how we will do it. It was an intense exercise that


resulted in very practical and feasible projects,” said the Rector of the UCDB, Fr. Ricardo Carlos. Leader of the Charter Navigation Group, Pro-Rector of Institutional Development, Br. Gillianno Mazzetto, highlighted the main points of the document: “Among the main issues are the strengthening of management seeking cooperation between the parties, systemic thinking and results-focused management. In addition, we have the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, extension and pastoral processes, with the goal of consolidating the position of the UCDB as an intellectual reference of Mato Grosso do Sul, strengthening the relationship between university and society, internationalization and also the strengthening of the university in Pastoral “ The implementation of the Charter has already begun, with the reorganization of the management process, the expansion of agre-

ements with other universities in the world seeking to build cooperation and mobility agreements and the reorganization of the way of teaching aiming at integral training and excellence.

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UCDB receives certification of excellence in management. Jakson Pereira The first Brazilian university to receive the “Commitment to Excellence”; certification from the MS Competitive and National Quality Foundation (FNQ), UCDB starts the year by putting into practice the projects presented that guaranteed the institution’s honors. This certification was responsible for guiding some of the main priority projects of the Navigation Chart. "During the certification process important points wer raised regarding the management model that we want and that we understand as being of excellence. Therefore, in order to reach our goal of being the intellectual reference of Mato Grosso do Sul, it was such a significant step in this process of drawing the University’s course for the next years


of UCDB” said the Pro-Dean of Institutional Development, Gillianno Mazzetto. To achieve certification, UCDB was audited by a professional from the National Quality Foundation who worked together with a team of MS Competitive. In order for the result to appear, working groups were set up with administrative and pedagogical managers of the Institution who worked several months to reach the goals for certification. Thus, from now on, all the management processes of the university will be accompanied for a continuous improvement of the services. This management model focuses on human development and innovation, with clear indicators, goals and objectives that facilitate the work of all teams, from the administrative staff to the professors

and coordinators of undergraduate, masters and doctoral degrees. But despite the certification being an important step, the Dean of UCDB, Fr. Ricardo Carlos, emphasizes that it is an ongoing process: "We must be clear that this process does not end with certification. To maintain a duly recognized organization with quality, striving for excellence, but in spite of certification it is necessary to continue working. We want to continue this commitment so that we can always offer the academic community and society what we have the best: education”





UCDB integrates University Network of the Latin American Integration Route Gilmar Hernandes


ne of the meetings was held at the Congress of teaching, research and extension of UCDB Researchers gathered to discuss the theme at the Don Bosco Catholic University Dom Bosco Catholic University is part of the University Network of the Latin American Integration Route (UniRila), established in 2017 in Campo Grande (MS), during the seminar, which brought together representatives of Higher Education Institutions from four countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay. As a result of the first seminar, three axes of work were developed - internationalization and academic mobility, social impacts and local and tourist development, including researchers from the UCDB in all of them, and the third axis coordinated by the Pro-dean of Extension and Community Affairs, Professor Luciane Pinho de Almeida. The participants signed a Charter that affirmed the importance of the Route and recognized the work of the University Ne-


One of the meetings was held at the teaching, research and extension congress of UCDB

twork. With the work in the three axes, a network is being formed that involves researchers - doctors, masters, doctoral students and masters. “The idea of ​​the group I coordinate (Social Impacts) is to discuss

what the positive and negative impacts will be within the social realm. What are the impacts to local communities? What this route, being open, will bring positive and negative balance within the communities? “ Stressed Professor Luciane Pinho.


Researchers gathered to discuss the theme at the Don Bosco Catholic University

The first results of the participation of UCDB researchers, who integrate UniRila, in which they analyzed the economic and environmental aspects of the 14 Brazilian municipalities that will be part of the Bioceanic Route, were delivered to the regio-

nal superintendent of the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (DNIT) Thiago Carim Bucker, in June of this year. “We have taken an important step and we want to continue working so that knowledge can transform realities.

In addition to the UCDB, the State University of Matogrosso do Sul (UEMS), the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), Uniderp and the Federal Institute of Matogrosso do Sul (IFMS) are also part of UniRila. These institutions make up the Council of Rectors of Institutions of Higher Education of Mato Grosso do SUl (CRIE-MS) UniRila also has foreign institutions: the National University of Jujuy and the National University of Salta (Argentina); University of Antofagasta and Universidad Catolica do Norte de Chile (both from Chile); and the National University of Assuncao (Paraguay).




This research brings out our philosophy in order to contribute to the development of the regions” commemorates the Dean of UCDB, Fr. Ricardo Carlos. It also stressed that the members of each country will do their own research, consulting government agencies, entrepreneurs, checking the social reality. “With this work, we will make a survey of the social reality of each country that integrates Rila. This first work, we are calling the diagnosis of social conditions and vulnerabilities, as they are aspects lived by the population that lives along the territory that forms the bioceanic corridor - Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile. To outline a general picture of the Rota, according to Pro-Dean, the expectation is that the research projects will be completed in two years, but the work can be extended as new issues arise to be worked across the territory. A videoconference and a meeting are scheduled in Argentina. The second UniRila seminar is scheduled for October this year. Professor Michel Constantino, deputy coordinator of the Graduate Program in Local Development at the UCDB, who led the Local Development and Tourism group, formed at the first Rila seminar, emphasizes that this initiative has multiplier effects because, with the expansion of the axis exporter, increased income, employment, infrastructure, new opportunities arise naturally - one of them is tourism. “We are conducting preliminary studies on all the effects of Rila on the development process, with a multidisciplinary group and, mainly, collecting data and information for deeper analysis. The work developed has an important peculiarity, economic agents (companies, government, universities) are opening up to listen to the academy, and the academy is opening up to help society. In this context, the work has a very positive evaluation, and is being fundamental to guarantee the transparency and technical support necessary to obtain the best results for all those involved”, he explains. “It’s a big responsibility, but it’s a broad field of research. We are in an open territory with all the prospects. What lies ahead we do not know. Open field of research for a thousand possibilities, development, infrastructure, mobility, accessibility, among others”, says Professor Arlinda Dorsa, who is part of the Local Development and Tourism. It is estimated that the new route reduces costs

by 30% with transportation. In addition to the works already being carried out, resources are requested from the Foundation for Support to the Development of Education, Science and Technology of

Campo Grande Charter

“Social, tourist, economic and academic challenges” 1 - Internationalization and Academic Mobility • Prepare the operating regulations of UniRila; • Establish a committee responsible for the management of UniRila, formed by representatives of each university; • Mapping the potential of teaching, research and extension of the universities participating in UniRila. 2 - Social Impacts • Establish a social observatory of UniRila with general coordination and institutional coordination; • Elaborate the diagnosis on the actual conditions and the possible social impacts; • Develop the strategic plan for effective dedicated to the impact on the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, as well as issues related to indigenous productive activities. 3 - Local Development and Tourism • Develop a mobile app to boost tourism; • Conduct research to identify potential and fragilities of the original and traditional communities; • Map the potential of the tourist attractions of Rota (Analysis of potentialities / products for tourism of experience "Slow cities", diagnostics of formatted products)

Unirila brings together several institutions of higher education


the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (Fundect), to assist in the execution of the internationalization, social impact and local development projects proposed by the Network.

UCDB team handed study to director of DNIT

PATH TO ASIA MS route to Chilean ports The bioceanic corridor will create an important road link between the Brazilian Midwest and the Pacific, reducing the transit time and the cost of the transportation service, as well as stimulating the development of projects, productive integration and value added in the countries of origin destination countries, as well as in countries of transit. In Mato Grosso do Sul, it will provide agribusiness with an outlet to the Pacific, allowing both the outflow of production and the direct import of inputs at more competitive prices to take part in the Asian market. In Chile, it will increase trade with the countries of the region, consolidating the country as an important logistics platform. In Argentina, it aims to strengthen the implementation of the Belgrano Plan, which foresees investments in infrastructure of US $ 15 billion.

For Paraguay, the corridor will improve infrastructure and integrate the Chaco region with the rest of the country. The route will leave Porto Murtinho (MS), crossing the Paraguayan territory by Carmelo Peralta, Mariscal Estigarribia and Pozo Hondo; crossing the Argentine territory, in the cities of Mission La Paz, Tartagal, Jujuy and Salta; entering Chile through the Jama Pass until reaching the ports of Antofagasta, Mejillones and Iquique. The beginning of the construction of the bridge to connect Brazil/Paraguay depends on a bidding process, a work whose half will be funded by the federal government. Construction is expected to start later this year.






Extension project stimulates reading, writing and sports practices Students from 6 to 14 years old are taken care of free at the Tamandaré campus Natalie Malulei


t is through the play that children from six to fourteen learn to enjoy reading, writing and also play sports. The activities are provided by the Child Ability extension project, developed by Don Bosco Catholic University, which has been serving the community for 15 years, free of charge, and has transformed the reality of children. “Some people come here with that idea of ​​‘I do not like’, but from the moment they participate, they want to

do it, because it’s something different from the opportunity they have at school or at home”, commented the academic and project extensionist , Gabriele Burgo. Part of the activities is developed in the reading room, where children have contact with plastic art, literature and writing. In one of the proposals, for example, each one made a drawing that represented the picture of Candido Portinari "The boy and the kite” and, after tracing the paper, the stu-

dents were divided into groups to write a story related to the engraving. The tale written by Marim Felix, aged 11, was about a boy who dreamed ofn making a flying kite: “He took a plastic garbage bag, some sticks and made the kite. Then went to test it, ran and unloaded it, when he realized she was flying was very happy!”. More than activities like this, the children who participate in the project also

Three times a week, children from communities close to the UCDB participate in the contraturno project of the school




have contact with the sport through judo and swimming lessons. The two modalities are taught in the Catholic sports complex of Catholic and come to stimulate the development of the small, along with the interdisciplinary games. According to the coordinator of the project, Professor Cláudia Diniz, as the extension brings together the courses of Education, Pedagogy and Physical Education of UCDB, in 2018, activities were created that blend the three areas of knowledge. One of them is the handle of words - in the courtyard, each participant must flee from the other and carry a note with a written word in his pocket; when he is "caught” by someone, the person reads aloud and says what it means, for all to learn. “Through these jokes developed in the project, the child learns to deal with the differences of other children, to respect the rules, principles and values. In addition to all this, the physical and motor part of the small is stimulated all the time, along with cognitive learning”, clarified Claudia. TRAINING OF PROFESSIONALS By providing child development, the work done by the Active Child project helps in training competent professionals. As all activities are applied by the extensionists - Students of Education, Pedagogy and Physical Education of the Catholic -, under the supervision of the teachers, they have the opportunity to experience the day to day of the profession and prepare themselves for the job market. “It is a great growth for me, since before I had to worry about creating activities related only to my area (Physical Education) and now we have a new challenge: the proposal of interdisciplinarity. But we are succeeding, and I am learning a lot, I believe that when I become a professional, this will be of great use to me”, celebrated the extensionist Daniel dos Santos.


Children attended Currently, 60 children are enrolled in the project, but there is capacity to attend more than 100 students.

Sporting activities, such as judo and educational, such as reading, are part of the project.

Hours of Service The Active Child project is developed three times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday - at UCDB multi-sport complex, located at Avenida Tamandaré, 6000, Bairro Jardim Seminary. The children are taken care of during the morning from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and in the afternoon, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information about the project, contact us at (67) 3312-3324.





ENG Company works in the campus of the Catholic University developing technological solutions and the opportunity for academics and graduates.

S-Inova graduates two companies and houses other eight projects Silvia Tada


ncubator. The term may seem strange when brought to the business world, but often small businesses need exactly that “training” period to enter the market safely. Incubation in this case involves encouragement, guidance, knowledge of other experiences to succeed. Anna Mattos Cosmeticos and Eng Soluções Tecnológicas, two companies incubated in 2016 by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agency,


S-Inova, of the Don Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), which now, after a process of development and growth, receive graduation. Two other companies continue the incubation process: LabDoc and Kratos (see box page 31). These are very different and consolidated processes. The company even reaches S-Inova at an early stage - sometimes it’s just an innovative idea that needs

to be stoned. In training, lectures and personalized service are offered management tools and guidelines ranging from the management processes to the operation and marketing of the product. This information contributes to the growth of the company that, when it is “ready”, is promoted - what is called graduation.For Ana Helena Mattos, a gynecologist who created a line of cosmetics from the bar-

batimão (Stryphnodendron), the current phase is of expansion. Its products are in several outlets in Campo Grande, and the company evaluates the export and prepares a line of pet products. Getting to this stage was not easy, but the path became clearer with the help of S-Inova: “The experience of being incubated was critical. It was a watershed in my life as a whole. I had an idea, a prototype, but just - I was lost. That was when I looked for S-Inova and had all the guidance: I created the company, set up the business plan, the planning, we went after improving processes, suitable suppliers, we structure everything. If I had these teachings all 24 years ago, when I graduated in Medicine, my professional life would have been written differently", the incubated evaluated. Today, Ana Mattos Cosmetics has higher plans: increase the number of products sold and launch the line of animal hygiene, San Pet Animal Health, also based on the extract of barbatimão. “Another important point is the structuring of the productive chain with women from the Monjolinho community, who make the harvesting of the tree bark in a sustainable way. The work that we are developing today with several UCDB courses are yielding research, projects, and this partnership is developing more and more.” Awards Collecting awards - and recognition of a good job - Eng partners Lucas Aguirre and João Carlos Siqueira, graduates of the UCDB Engineering course, accumulate experience and good projects. Recently, they have been highlighted as the only Mato Grosso do Sul company to be a finalist in the Connecting Startup Industry Program, selected by the food giant, BRF SA, and recently chosen by Acceleradora Baita, from Campinas, one of the most prominent in

Campo Grande debate Law of innovation Underway in the City Hall of Campo Grande, Municipal Innovation Law can promote the promotion of science, technology and entrepreneurship. The author of the proposal is the councilman Otávio Trad, who explains that the authorizing project will be an initial milestone in the innovation legislation in the Capital. “Before elaborating the proposal, there was an ample debate between universities, like the UCDB, members of the city hall, civil society and councilmen. I feel a great mobilization of the citizens of Campo Grande; the city fits exactly to the entrepreneurial and innovative profile, since it is in growth, is planned, and Mato Grosso do Sul is very well located, near the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso, and easy access to Rio de Janeiro , among other important points in Brazil,” he said. As he explained, the law will establish rules for public-private partnerships, stipulating how innovation in the Capital will be. The proposal deals with the relevant committees and can go to the vote this year.

Brazil . "S-Inova has always given us great support in the matter of formalizing the company; we also use the space for Eng’s headquarters, in addition to hiring interns who later become employees", Lucas said. The main project is an automated cattle balance, installed next to the hose cooler. With a chip in the ear of the animal, the producer receives, in real time, information on weight gain and general health conditions of the herd. The Director of Innovation of the UCDB, Neila Farias Lopes, analyzes the change of understanding about undertaking in Brazil. The political and financial crisis served to further awaken entrepreneurship in the country and in UCDB, it was no different. “S-Inova started in 2015 and in those three years there was an increase in UCDB’s internal demand for information and guidance for projects of projects. This means that the academic community itself is awakening to the need to undertake. And we have received innovative proposals with potential, and, most importantly, people are realizing that the project may be good, but it needs to be matured - all with

the help of S-Inova”, he said. An important change that occurred in S-Inova was the implementation of the edict in streaming. This means that, at any time, an entrepreneur can submit their project to the agency - and no longer has to await the launch of a specific announcement. But, the greatest highlight, Neila reinforces, is the culture of entrepreneurship being disseminated in academia. “Even if the student does not intend to start a business, to be an entrepreneur and to have another profile, in the work that he develops in a company, surely he needs to have entrepreneurial attitudes, that is, to propose creative solutions, to focus in results, be assertive, cooperate, be updated; only so this professional will generate value in your work and in your life. It’s an important differential,” he said.




Step by step of incubation at S-Inova Are you interested in participating in S-Inova? See the ways to go within the Agency of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the UCDB:


Annually, S-Inova launches a call for proposals for the selection of new projects


Those enrolled in the edict participate in the week of business initiation, with workshops, lectures and elaboration of a business plan

Selection Banking

All business models are benchmarked, receive a grade and feedback


For six months, entrepreneurs are accompanied to develop the business model and validate it in the market


With a duration of two years, it is the stage of establishing the company, prospecting the market and seeking partnerships. Period in which entrepreneurs are assisted, through mentoring, in the management of enterprises for their development

University graduate

After the incubation process, the company becomes a graduate and partner of S-Inova, maintaining the focus of research and development of innovations and actions in partnership with the UCDB


Using barbatimão, the doctor Ana Mattos develops a line of personal hygiene products; company was one of the first to be incubated at UCDB

S-Inova incubated companies ENG

ENG is a company that works with technological solutions of innovative projects with capacity to act in several areas, but, at that moment, focusing on agribusiness, facilitating the monitoring of processes by the customer, reducing the time of product development and increasing productivity.


Development of research and service delivery in the area of preparation ​​ of kits for veterinary examinations as well as clinical analysis, as well as the testing of small and large animals, coming from external clinics and HOVET - UCDB Veterinary Hospital.

Anna Mattos

The result of ten years of research and the enchantment of the extracts of the Cerrado of south-mato-grossense, Anna Mattos Cosméticos brings a complete line of cosmetics, fragrances, personal hygiene and innovation nucleus of the socio-biodiversity of Mato Grosso do Sul. based on the Brazilian Cerrado bioactive. All products are natural, without dyes or preservatives, eliminating negative impacts to the skin and hair.


Zymbro develops research with plants to produce its teas, which are considered foods in a simple way or combined with other plants or spices, cold, ice cream, hot. Teas that minimize cellulite, eliminate free radicals after a meal, combat cell aging, hair loss, insomnia, stress, weak memory, reduce body mass, measures and weight, metabolic syndromes (obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, bulimia). The importance of plants is emphasized, since they all have some substances of great nutritive and curative value. European countries, China and India have known this for centuries and are therefore the largest consumers of tea in the world with low rates of metabolic syndromes.


Kratos is a cloud management system designed to organize your business and give you more time to manage your business from anywhere. Kratos decomposes Brazilian taxation. Our objective is the ideal payment of taxes through the simplified tax parameterization and sales automation.




Hybrid protein created from guava can be raw material for new antibiotic Research was led by UCDB professor and gained worldwide prominence. Natalie Malulei


t is in the guava seed, one of the most popular fruits in Brazil, a protein that may be the key to the production of a new antibiotic. The discovery was made through a research led by the professor of the Don Bosco Catholic University, Dr. Octávio Luiz Franco. In the laboratory, Guavagnina 2 was created - the molecule withdrawn from guava with the effect of


fighting superbugs, potentialized through bioinformatics. “We created a genetic algorithm, that is, a computer program called Joker - from English, joker. It was possible to separate the bad characteristics of this molecule and insert, instead of them, positive features taken from other particles present in nature that will be more potentially antibiotic,

thus creating a hybrid protein”, said Octavio. This was the result of a work of more than 10 years. According to Octávio, the molecule present in guava with activity against superbugs was identified in 2007 and, from there, a research was begun to reduce the cost of the process

S-Inova Biotech The laboratory is the integration of three wings, which allow the development of research in the areas of microbiology, bioinformatics, biotechnology and biochemistry. The space serves the students that integrate the Graduate Programs of UCDB, mainly in Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences and Agricultural Sustainability. In addition, it is also open to academics who participate in scientific initiation programs.




Led by professor Dr. Octávio Luiz Franco (center), researchers developed a hybrid protein that proved to be effective in fighting infections and increase protein potency.

At the UCDB, the research was developed at the S-Inova Biotech laboratory, and the professor had the support of approximately 40 researchers from the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology and, mainly, the postdoctoral researcher and professor at Catholic Suzana Meira Ribeiro. She mentioned that the use of the genetic algorithm, in addition to potentiating the activity against bacteria, brought other advantages: “We can reduce the side effects that this compound could cause, that is, may give rise to a future drug, less toxic and more effective”. According to Suzana, during laboratory tests, Guavagnina 2 proved to be very efficient. “This compound can act against different types of bacteria like Escherichia coli, which causes urinary infections, and Staphylococcus aureus, responsible for causing skin infections. In addition, it has managed to combat even some bacteria that are popularly known as KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase), which are worrying about being


over-resistant to most antibiotics, “he said. Another positive point of the hybrid protein highlighted by Octávio is that it also showed an efficient performance against biofilms, which are aggregates of bacteria that make them up to ten times more resistant. With the positive results, Guavagnina 2 has a chance to reach the pharmacies and be accessible to the population. However, according to the researcher, this is still a long way to go. For now, the protein is in the patent process: “Everything we have discovered will be patented to protect and bring benefits to our own country; after the next several steps, we will pursue partnerships to create a joint development with interested companies and institutions”.

International partnerships To obtain the results of the study, the UCDB professor had the partnership of several research programs abroad, among them the MIT Institute - specialized in technology. Together with the American institute, the University of British Columbia in Canada also supported the study through the Center for Microbial Diseases and Immunization Research, and the Paris-Sorbonne University in France. In Brazil, the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB) participated in the research. According to Professor Octavio, this type of partnership was fundamental for the elaboration of the research: “We are experts in the development of antibiotics, but today we do not do science alone, we had to bring together qualified specialists in different areas to be able to assist in the process. We turn to researchers in Canada because they have technologies that allow for large- scale testing, MIT staff already specialize in biofilm and microscopy tests, and finally, French researchers are experts in membrane work. Here in Brazil, UCB developed a computational part and UFG acted in the part of protein structure. This integrated work was fundamental to the results obtained”.

Popular fruit in Brazil, guava and its effects have been studied for more than ten years by the UCDB researchers

S-Inova Biotech’s laboratories are occupied by undergraduate and graduate students

Nature Communications Due to the relevance of the theme and its effectiveness in the development of Guavagnina 2, the research had an international repercussion through the publication of a scientific article by the magazine Nature Communications - the most respected in the world in the field of Life Science. With the theme “In silico optimization of guava antimicrobial peptide enables combinatorial exploration for peptide design”, the article was accepted in February and was published in April. According to Professor Octavio, the publication is a very important achievement and demonstrates the quality of the work developed, since more than 99%

of the materials that the magazine receives are rejected. “We were very happy because Nature Communications accepted quickly and did not make much criticism. Probably this is the first published article from Mato Grosso do Sul and one of the few in Brazil that has achieved this space. In addition to recognition for our work, I am even more pleased to be a recognition of Brazilian science” he said. “For any researcher it is a dream come true; publishing in Nature means a lot in the scientific career, not to mention that, with that, we can attract the world’s glances to Brazil", commented Suzana Meira Ribeiro. INSPIRES INSPIRES || JULY JULY 2018 2017



10 years of UCDB Challenge:

Opportunity that transforms lives

Rafaela Flores Ruff was one of the winners of the UCDB Challenge; she opted for the Administration course

Natalie Malulei


ollow the area of research ​​ is the path that the student of Administration of Don Bosco Catholic University (UCDB) Rafaela Flores Ruff, of 20 years, intends to go through after obtaining the diploma: "I have one semester left to graduate, throughout my career I participated in extension projects, scientific initiation groups and I was able to get to know this area better, so once I graduate, I want to get a master’s degree in Local Development from Catholic and then PhD”. Choosing this future today, according to Rafaela, was only possible after embracing a unique opportunity that she had four years ago, before living in Campo Grande. In 2014, she won a full scholarship to graduate through the UCDB Challenge - she was the best third year high school student at the Antônio Valadares State School in Terenos (MS). “I always considered studying in Catholic, because of


the quality and structure, but without the scholarship would be difficult to make this option in the face of cost. I am very grateful to the University for everything; the Challenge is a great chance given to the students, they just have to work hard and study for the test", said Rafaela. As well as the future administrator, students from several municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul have the possibility of doing the graduation in Catholic with discounts of 50% to 100% in the monthly payments when emphasizing in the UCDB Challenge. Considered the largest state scholarship programs, each year, an average of 80 opportunities to study with the exemption or allowance in the portions of the course are offered through it. “This initiative is very interesting because without the scholarship many people would not be able to do the graduation, so I indicate the Challenge, it was something good for me and it could be for others as well”, said Luiz Otávio Facchini

How does the UCDB Challenge work? Miozzo, a 17-year-old academic from the first semester of Control and Automation Engineering. The student attended the third year of high school in Bionatus College and was the highlight of UCDB in 2017 - he took the test at the Tamandaré campus and, when competing with students from several different schools, he achieved the best score. As a university student, Luiz is excited and said that, based on this trajectory, he hopes to gain an important place in the job market: "I am enjoying the course a lot and intend to enjoy everything that the Institution has to offer me. By integrating extension and research projects, beyond the classroom, I’m sure I will have good opportunities in the future. " Nine editions of the UCDB Challenge have already been held, in total, approximately 60 thousand students from 13 municipalities in the state have gone through the process. About 130, like Luiz, still attend the graduation, but many others have already won the diploma. Now in 2018, in the tenth stage of the program, which will be held in October, other students will be able tocompete for new scholarships for 2019. "At the beginning of the program, the idea was to make a kind of simulation for the entrance exam, by the student became valid for the selection process of the University, and it was no longer necessary to make two evaluations. From there, we thought: why not give a scholarship to the students who stood out? That is why we have instituted this award on merit. We are keen to have the best in our Institution, “said the manager of the Catholic marketing area, Natalli Meneguetti Idalgo Zayas. Only it is not enough to reach the best score among competitors. After entering the University, the student must continue to dedicate his studies to maintain the scholarship. The benefit is renewable each semester, and only four disciplines with dependencies are tolerated. This requirement is a way to further stimulate fellows and turn them into competent professionals. An example is João Alcim Souza João Neves, 25 years old. After winning the scholarship through the UCDB Challenge, in 2010, as the best student at the Campo Grande Military College, João became a Lawyer and, today, became a legal advisor at the State Public Prosecutor’s Office. "In addition to the UCDB diploma I am very grateful, I only work in the area currently, because I took advantage of the opportunities I had: supervised internship and built a good networking. In the face of all my achievements, I have only to say that the chance that the Challenge brings is fantastic. I am a supporter of meritocracy, because it is a way to help that good student, who, like me, might not be able to graduate” , praised Joao.

The Program is aimed at students who are regularly enrolled in the third year of high school in public and private schools in Campo Grande and neighboring cities, in agreement with UCDB. It is also allowed the participation of students from preparatory courses for entrance exams of the schools agreed upon, provided they have finished high school. The challenge consists of a test with 62 questions of multiple choice in the disciplines: Portuguese Language, Literature, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, History, Geography, General Knowledge, Mathematics, Foreign Language - English / Spanish and an essay, which is eliminatory. On the date of the evaluation, the student contests the scholarship with the students of the same pole as him, who wins the largest number of questions and obtains the highest score.

Turn your school into a pole Schools interested in the UCDB Challenge should attend Campus Day - an initiative that brings high school students to the University so they know the structure and courses offered. After the visit, the college can become a pole if at least 50 students register for the competition. This gives local students the right to compete for a full scholarship for an undergraduate program of their choice. If the school has more than 101 enrolled, two scholarships will be made available, one full and the other 50% discount, respectively for the first and second place. If you do not have the minimum number of students required, there is the option for the colleges to unite and become a hub in a formal agreement. Students from schools that did not consider this option and have insufficient enrollment to be a pole can take the test at the UCDB polo located at 6000 Tamandaré Avenue in Campo Grande. In this situation, students will compete for three scholarships - one full, one 70% discount in tuition and the other 50%.

Municipalities under consideration Aquidauana / Anastácio Bandeirantes / Jaraguari Bela Vista / Jardim Bodoquena / Miranda Bonito / Guia Lopes / Porto Murtinho Camapuã Campo Grande

Corguinho / Rochedo Coxim / Rio Verde Maracaju Ribas do Rio Pardo / Água Clara São Gabriel D’oeste Sidrolândia Terenos




Post-Salesianity: training specialists in Don Bosco The life, work and pedagogy of the Father and Master of Youth from a historicalcritical and contemporary perspective Silvia Tada


alesian pedagogy is recognized worldwide for its effectiveness in the education of young people and children. Knowing and analyzing this pedagogy, from the embryonic experiences to the challenging applications to the context of the modern world, constitutes privileged moments of this course of post- graduation lato sensu in salesianity, offered by Don Bosco Catholic University. “The course is a bold, courageous and pioneering service in terms of Brazil, which UCDB carries out for the benefit of the Salesian Family” said coordinator Brasdorico Merqueades. The Provincial of the Salesian Mission in Mato Grosso and one of the postgraduate professors, Fr. Gildasio Mendes dos Santos, analyzes: “When one looks at Don Bosco, how he lived and how he did things, one always has a more theological and spiritual look, but we need to look different. Don Bosco was able to create a fascinating educational method for teaching mathematics, literature, art, music, dance. And how did he do it? How could he? What did Don Bosco have to fascinate people? How can a priest educator make an experience in northern Italy and we can apply this in more than one hundred countries? He had something else. question is: Did the way he worked not


Then the It is a course very original for the contents, that have as objective to make a dialogue with the modern sciences, a dialogue with man and the woman of today from a new language. The purpose of this course is to say that the Preventive System was important for yesterday, today and tomorrow. I was very happy with the depth, timeliness and interest of these people in the course of Salesianity. First, we have an interest in content today, and we live in an age with a lot of information and a lot of interaction and, of course, Don Bosco’s Preventive System can dialogue with the new technologies.

Fr. Dr. Gildasio Mendes dos Santos, Provincial of the Salesian Mission of Mato Grosso

inspire us today? Don Bosco is a great mosaic, a genius that we have not discovered yet. He is so deep, we have not yet discovered everything”. Dr. Marcos Sandrini (SDB), Fr. Afonso de Castro (SDB), Fr. Gildasio Mendes(SDB), Br. Gillianno Mazzetto (Fr. SDB).

“The historical material about the life of St. John Bosco is extremely vast and rich and is never sufficiently studied and analyzed, even by those who admire it. What we want, in this specialization, besides taking up important historical aspects, is to reflect on a new way of applying this knowledge,

with this youth that is not the same as that of the Valdocco Oratory. We believe that people are going to be motivated, to air their concepts and to update the knowledge”, emphasized the master in education Brasdorico, who is a philosopher, postgraduate in Methodology of Higher EducaINSPIRES | JULY 2018



tion, Distance Education and in Salesianity. Experience For the students participating in the specialization, the experience has been transformative. “It is a course that everyone should do, in which we make a daily reflection of our professional relations, which justify the practice in UCDB. They are arguments that show us what it is like to be Salesian and propose a reflection for life”, analyzed the student Fabiane Macedo, who is coordinator of the course of Physical Education of the Catholic. "I am delighted with the course”, says Sr. Maria Rodrigues (Jesus Adolescent). The first group has 113 students. The new class is scheduled to begin in July / 2018. The course is offered online over a period of 15 months in a total of nine subjects. Seven modules are specific disciplines, such as Don Bosco and his time, Historical-Critical Elements of the evolution of the action of Don Bosco as educator, Youth Grammars, Salesianity and Contemporaneity, among others, in addition to two disciplines of scientific methodology and Scientific Production Techniques Information and registrations through the site salesianidade.

Specialization promotes reflection on the pedagogy of Don Bosco

The UCDB Virtual is open enrollment for 46 distance learning postgraduate courses. The options embrace areas of knowledge such as agrarian sciences, mathematics, social sciences, computing, communication, law, health, education and management. Learn more at

Don Bosco was a hard man, but he educated with his heart. Fabiane Macedo, graduate student in Salesianity







Memory Viva Documentary depicts UCDB’s creation history Premiere featured two exhibitions in the cinema and VIP presence of the collaborators Gilmar Hernandes


he transformation of the former Catholic University of Mato Grosso (Fucmt) in Don Bosco Catholic University (UCDB) was portrayed in 50 minutes in the documentary "About shoulders of giants", produced by Pro-Dean of Institutional Development (Prodi), with production and direction. of the agency 8020 Marketing. The exhibition, in February, took place at the Bosque dos Ipês Shopping Mall. “The purpose of this documentary was to re-record the history of the University so that we could see that it was a long-term process. The University was being built gradually and involved a lot of effort and dedication. There are dynamics within the history of the University that are important, such as innovation, effort, entrepreneurship, the courage

to launch new projects, which is in DNA. It is important to remember all this so that people can realize that what we propose today and are doing is, in fact, part of our origin", said the Pro-Dean of Institutional Development, Sr. Gillianno Mazzetto. The story brings several curiosities that occurred at the beginning of the University, through statements made by those who witnessed this transformation, such as the testimony of the former Dean, Father José Marinoni, the current Dean of UCDB, Father Ricardo Carlos, ex-Pro - Representative Degree, Conceição Butera, former Pro Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Hemerson Pistori, Pro-Dean of Extension and Community Affairs, Luciane Pinho de Almeida, and many others. “While producing materials for UCDB, I

became more and more acquainted with the University and the people who make it. What struck me was how the history of the Institution mixes with the lives of the people, the dedication of the first Salesians and how often thinking big is the only option for those who seek deeds that change realities. Currently, the UCDB has the Conecta project, which may seem something very bold, but when you know the story and the epic that came to here, you will notice that it is more of a feat of the size that the UCDB has always chosen to do”, said the director of the documentary, Denis Feliz.




Fr. Ricardo Carlos Dean of the UCDB

“We wish to thank all the people who have contributed to the formation and consolidation of this institution, be it the Salesians or the laity. How nice to work for this institution. How nice it is to have people here happy and fulfilling dreams!”

Professor Roberto Figueiredo History course coordinator

“Fucmat and faculties prior to Fucmat functioned in the building that belonged to the Don Bosco College. During the day, it was the Don Bosco College and, at night, the courses of History, Pedagogy, Education, Geography, all undergraduate courses worked. In block A of the UCDB, both undergraduate courses, undergraduate courses and the administrative sector were held, after which block B arrived. The last course to come here (Tamandaré headquarters) was the Law course

Professora Arlinda Canteiro Dorsa

Coordinator of the Masters and PhD Program in Local Development

“To speak of Fucmat is to remember a series of young teenagers, the students who came from the state college and who had a brilliant formation and we, the young people, recently left the Normal course, Normalists, were not yet the Magisterium, and that we were in this course. The teachers marked our life”


Fr. José Marinoni Former Dean of UCDB

“It was up to me to begin the transformation work of the United Catholic University of Mato Grosso University. It was hard work. On October 3, 1993, the Federal Council of Education evaluated documents in a night session, - I remember very well, and indeed, at that moment, the Council unanimously approved the transformation of the United Catholic University of Mato Grosso into a University. This was on the 4th, and on the 27th (October 1993), the decree was signed. The environment we see here on the campus of the UCDB, was only a bush. There was nothing”

Ir. Gillianno Mazzetto

Pro-Dean of Institutional Development “It is very beautiful to see that, increasingly UCDB is discovering itself as a university that has no borders. That the world is more and more available in our hand. More and more people are intertwining, connecting, and people want to experience this world. There is very strong what constitutes the blood of the University, which is teaching, research, extension and, in our case, the Pastoral. Increasingly, we must look at the University from this angle, not only seek to form people who have technical answers to society, but people who are agents of transformation”.

Professora Conceição Aparecida Butera Former Pro-Dean of UCDB

“The transfer of the University to this place was at the time much discussed, we had many resistances, from the teachers and also from the students, because we left the Center of the city and we came to a place very far, where there were almost residences. Imagine that when we came to work in the morning, we had to get out of our cars to try to get the cows out of the street so we could get to the university on time”.


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Felipe Nascimento

Isabella Alves


Renato Saravy


Paloma Sayuri

Mateus Marques

Ranziel Oliveira

ร guida Lima


Wagner Junior Dias

Fernanda P. da Cruz














Check out more photos in our social networks @UCDB

Valter Kauan

Iasmin Aguilar

Suellen Brizuela

Ana Carolina Dias


Stheffany Freitas

Antonella de Queiroz


Jhozi Rocha

Eveline Mesquita

Wellington Garcia

Dyego Nogueira
















If the news is false, it’s not journalism! Inara Silva

coordinator of the Journalism course at UCDB


here are facts so surreal that they seem like lies. There are rumors with a high degree of verisimilitude that are confused with truth. Those events that move the most and generate identification are propagated naturally by social networks on the Internet. Even without being related to real facts, lies come to life, are debated, reverberated, generate stress, polarize the networks and the connections established in it. Told over and over again, they are capable of changing the fate of people and nations. The post-truth call is a new term that spreads throughout the world to refer to fake news, the famous fake news. The entry became so popular that it was inserted in the Oxford Dictionary in 2016. In it, post-truth is defined as a noun “which r lates to or denotes circumstances in which objective facts have less influence in shaping the public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal beliefs”. In this case, what is in question is not the concept - philosophical or ontological - of truth, but the lack of importance of the facts and the greater relevance of the feelings, be they passion, love or hate. The result is the mass dissemination of rumors, a practice that is not new to society but has been significantly expanded by social networks. During World War II, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels made a statement that went down in history: “A lie repeated a thousand times becomes truth.” Goebbels, considered one of Hitler’s strong men, intensely used propaganda to disseminate that Jews were responsible for all the ills of society at that time. The phrase attributed to Goebbels can be applied even today, since the lies continue to be created and repeated. Journalistic and police investigations have proven that fake news “intentionally” pops up: they can be produced by contractors to defame opponents or monetize content with the Google company, which pays for sites based on the audience generated. In this case, the more flashy the content, the more surprising or poignant the story, the more it will have clicks and shares. But how do these post-truth producing sites get so much engagement? Simple, they post the fake news links in Facebook groups and then just rely on the volunteer work of netizens who share spontaneously. In the case of the 2016 presidential election, in the United States, for example, a group of Macedo-


nian youths created several online newspapers and distributed on the networks lies that were unfavorable to Hillary Clinton; one of them claimed that Hillary had involvement with pedophilia. Election candidate Donald Trump’s voters found the post on the network and did not question it, but they engaged in spreading the false news on Facebook. The result is that the audience of the Macedonian site went up, and the authors were paid by Google. Subsequently, young people were identified and ensured that they had no political interest, but only sought a form of profitability. All this controversy surrounding the US elections caused the two technology companies to express themselves and commit themselves to taking measures to curb fake news. But why, in a historical moment in which we have access to so much information, of diverse ori-

Journalistic and police investigations have proven that false news

gins, is there room for the propagation of so much lie? One of the influencing factors of this network polarization is technology companies, such as Facebook. They want profitability and guarantee that the user spends the maximum amount of time in their environment. To do so, they put into action the filters bubbles, that is, robots that act for the user to see information that is in accordance with your profile and are of interest to you. In this case, in Internet searches or in the social network’s time line navigation, the contents visualized are those that are of direct interest to the receiver, which makes it seem that everyone agrees with the same point of view. Thus, the internet user is increasingly removed from different subjects or opinions different from yours, with no possibility of knowing other versions about the same fact. Jesús Martín-Barbero, one of the most important Latin American theorists of communication, emphasizes that communication is not a simple process, since it involves a very important aspect:

mediation. It is the mediation that coordinates the information path, involving the sender, the receiver, the channel used and the message in cultural contexts. In the relationship between the press and the public, there are specialized professionals to do this mediation. The journalist specializes in news content and has the function of ensuring the publication of quality information, with public interest and responsibility. Already in social networks, there is no such professional screening, and mediation is performed by people without commitment to content, but motivated by emotions, and who often disseminate credible but totally false information. Although bundled as news, rumors can be unmasked, because every journalistic publication is traceable, since the text is constructed on the basis of data - names of characters, places, times, stories that have been seen and witnessed, recorded. All the work is backed up on the criteria of news, checked with the techniques of reporting and interview and much verification. Journalism works exclusively with true facts, so the news can not be classified as false - fake news. If it’s false, it’not journalism! Post-truth, then, is nothing more than a euphemism for lies, it is the shameless use of websites, the look of online newspapers, to spread falsehoods and make a profit. Hence the importance of having an education for media consumption, in which the subject would learn to identify what is a fact, which is not a fact, which is an opinion. Access to multiple sources is critical not to be affected by the advance of lies. And this work depends on the user’s disposition of the network, because it demands the will to seek other sources of information, to compare authorships, their reputations, origin of the information, diverse versions and to draw their own conclusions. But the power of social networks is such that it has been easier to simply believe in what is appropriate to reinforce your own theses and opinions.





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