Things to do in Nepal

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All The Best Things To Do In Nepal That You Cannot Miss

Nepal is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and the reasons are many. Be it the high altitude mountains, the dense forests with the rare and endangered species living among them, the historical cities with numerous religious and cultural heritages and so on; there is something for everyone to explore here. If you’re not quite into things as such, you could go for things to do in Nepal; adventurous and challenging activities like adventure sports, and if you’re a laid back kind, you could try food tours or cultural tours. The fact of the matter is, no matter which walk of life you belong to, there are so many things to do in Nepal that you will always feel occupied, and you’d never have enough time to cover all of them. By choosing to be a part of any of these things to do in Nepal, or multiple ones, depending on your time and resources, you get to explore the different faces of Nepal. It’s certain that you’d not just be surprised but thrilled to find yourself in an environment as such, surrounded by so many elements that generally don’t go well together. That is what makes Nepal stand out. The one thing that defines it is diversity; diversity in religion, wildlife, geography, cultures, and things to do in Nepal.

This article has been thoroughly detailed about three main activities and if you want to skip to your desired activity, please jump right in. – Trekking In Nepal – Tour In Nepal – Adventure Activities In Nepal

Trekking In Nepal

Trekking in Nepal , without a doubt, is the number one among the things to do in Nepal. The Everest region alone receives around 30,000 tourists every year. The thing about trekking is that it takes you up close and personal with the mountains, and if there is one thing that has made Nepal popular far and wide, it’s the mountains. Among the top 10 highest peaks in the world, 8 of them happens to fall in this country. Apart from the mountain views, you get to experience so many spectacles of nature in Nepal, and moreover, even religious and cultural elements.

1. Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp trek is among the most adventurous things to do in Nepal. One of the main reasons why people go for Everest Base Camp trek is to experience Everest overall. The journey takes you to Everest Base Camp, which is the first stop for the mountaineers who’re looking to climb Everest. During your Everest Base Camp trek, you come across so many exciting elements that you stay excited most of the times. You will not just come across natural spectacles, but also religious and cultural elements, from people to heritages. You are sure to be surprised by getting to know the lifestyle of people living in the region.

Everest Base Camp trek is a 14 days long journey altogether, and during this time, you walk for a duration of 9 days. The rest of the time is spent either acclimatizing or flying from Lukla to Kathmandu, and the same way back. There are so many ways of acclimatizing, but two of the most popular ones are resting and going on hikes. There are so many viewpoints scattered across the region, and it is during these hikes that you get to explore them. You could also stroll around the towns and villages, and explore the numerous facilities that they have to offer.

During your trek, you’ll come across villages such as Dingboche, Pheriche, Lobuche, Gorakshep, and so on. These settlement areas won’t just surprise you with their natural beauty and also offer you comfort in the form of food and hospitality. The villages in the Everest region are well-equipped with facilities as such. Apart from these, you also get to explore places such as Lukla, Namche Bazaar and Tengboche, and climb on the top of Kala Patthar. Along with Everest Base Camp, these are the most prominent attractions of the Everest Base Camp trek.

Lukla is a beautiful town, surrounded by hills. It is known as the home of the world’s most dangerous airport, Tenzing Hillary Airport. In the same way, Namche Bazaar is the busiest place in the region, with the largest market, and most facilities that you’d get in a city. Tengboche is a village that consists of Dawa Chholing Gompa, also known as Tengboche Monastery. It is a highly regarded Buddhist pilgrimage site in the region. And finally, Kala Patthar, which is a mini hiking peak with a height of 5545 m! It is said that climbing on top of it offers you the most amazing views of peaks in the Everest region, even better than that of Everest Base Camp.

2. Everest Gokyo Lake Trek

While Everest Base Camp trek takes you to the base camp of the highest mountain in the world, Gokyo Lake trek takes you to Gokyo Lake complex. Gokyo Lake complex consists of 19 lakes altogether, and the major one among them is called Gokyo Lake. These are known as oligotrophic lakes as not even a single living organism is found in these water bodies. The water in these lakes have a natural blue color that stands out in an environment which is grey and white. Apart from the Gokyo Lakes, you will also get to explore the village of Gokyo, which happens to be situated at the bank of Gokyo Lake.

Despite the fact that it’s secluded from the rest of the region, it offers decent facilities along with a local bakery, internet and a small theatre. The village also offers outstanding views of mountains in the region, and the settlement area itself is a part of this amazing setting. There are two versions of Everest Gokyo Lake trek package . There is a short version that consists of Gokyo village and Gokyo Lakes, along with few other attractions, and there is a longer one that includes the entire Everest Base Camp trek route.

3. Everest Three Pass Trek

Everest Three Pass trek can be considered as an amalgamation of the major treks in the Everest Region. The trekking route covers Everest Gokyo Lake trek route, Everest Base Camp trek route and of course, the major settlements and attractions of the Everest region that are unique to the Everest Three Pass trek route. Altogether, the Everest Three Pass trek package is 17 days long jounrey, however, the core trekking occurs only for a duration of 13 days. During this time, the majority of villages and attractions that the trekker crosses are the ones featured in the other two trekking routes.

However, there are few that are exclusive only to this route, for instance, Chhukung. It is a decent village that is beautiful, and offers great views and facilities to the trekkers passing through it. In the same way, you also get to hike to the top of Chhukung Ri. Quite like Kala Patthar, it is a mini hiking mountain that offers the most amazing views of peaks in the Everest region. The main attractions of the trek, however, are the three high altitude mountain passes. Their names are Kongma La, Cho La and Renjo La. Their elevations are 5535 m, 5330 m and 5345 m respectively. During the trek, they appear in the same order.

Now, though these passes add a great value to the journey, they also make the trek quite tough. The trekker needs to stay at such high elevation, for quite some time. The difficulty level of the trek is marked at challenging. Apart from the attractions mentioned above, you also get to cover places like Dzongla, Thagnak, Lungden, Thame, and so on. All four of these are high altitude hard to reach settlement areas. Exploring them offers a great level of fun to the trekkers.

4. Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna Base Camp trek is a mellow trekking journey, and a great option when it comes to things to do in Nepal. It is neither too hard nor too easy. For the trekkers who’ve never trekked in Nepal, this can prove to be the ideal journey to start with. Annapurna Base Camp trek takes you to the base camp of Mt. Annapurna. The tourists who have visited this place describe the entire area to resemble an amphitheatre. You feel yourself at the centre, while the mountain surrounds you on three sides. Altogether, the trip is 13 days long, however, the core trekking happens for a duration of 9 days.

During the journey, apart from Annapurna Base Camp, you also get to visit Machhapuchhre Base Camp. The location serves not just as a viewpoint but also as an overnight stay spot. The other settlement areas that you’ll cover during the journey include Sihuwai, Jhinu Danda, Bamboo, Chomrong, Tadapani, and so on. When you go for the Annapurna Base Camp trek, you have the option of whether or not to include Ghorepani Poon Hill trek to your journey. It is one of the prominent and popular treks in the entire Annapurna region, if not the entire country.

The trek features the villages of Ghorepani and Ghandruk, and Poon Hill, which is a hill with a height of 3210 m. It is said to offer the best possible views of the region that includes the surrounding hills, distant mountains, and the nearby villages. If you choose to not include this trek to your main itinerary, your trip becomes even shorter, which can prove to be ideal for individuals who lack time. During the trek, you tend to make your way through the beautiful rhododendron and magnolia forests. All this is a part of Annapurna Conservation Area. If you’re lucky enough, you might also come across a few of the rare animal species that live here.

5. Annapurna Circuit Trek

Annapurna Circuit trek is one of the most popular treks in the whole country, and one among the interesting things to do in Nepal. It is the ideal trekking option for you if you’re looking to cover the entire Annapurna region in one go. Also, the trip is the perfect amalgamation of natural, cultural and religious elements. These are the features that make any trekking journey well balanced, and appealing to trekkers from various walks of life. There is a shorter version of Annapurna Circuit trek route, and a long one. The shorter version is 13 days day; it starts from Syange and ends at Jomsom, from where the trekkers take a flight to Pokhara. The longer version on the other hand could last up to 20 days. The trekking here continues beyond Jomsom, and ends at Nayapul.

Quite like Annapurna Base Camp trek, even here, you will have the option whether or not to include Ghorepani Poon Hill trek to your itinerary. One of the best things about Annapurna Circuit trek is the side trek opportunities that you’d get. You can modify and extend your journey by going on side treks to places such as Tilicho Lake and Nar Phu Valley. Depending on the time and energy you can spare, you could go for either one of these journeys, or both. Some of the most significant settlement areas that you’ll cover during Annapurna Circuit trek are Dharapani, Manang, Chame, Yak Kharka, Pisang, and so on.

During the trek, you’ll also get to cross Thorung La, which can be considered as the most difficult part of the journey. Thorung La is a high altitude mountain pass situated at an elevation of 5416 m. The area remains open only for a couple of months. Only during this time it is possible to cross the pass safely.that also with the help of a professional guide. Crossing the pass opens up the door to Muktinath, which is a significant pilgrimage site for the Hindus and as well as the Buddhists. The temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Lord Shiva.

The numerous places that you’ll cover during the journey combines the elements of nature and human life perfectly. During your trek, you’ll get to experience the life of the people in the region. Getting to know them will leave you astounded. The majority of people living here belong to indigenous tribes, and their main religion is Buddhism. You will also find a decent population here who follow Hinduism, and the Tibetan BonPo culture.

6. Upper Mustang Trek

Known as the land beyond the mountains, Upper Mustang is a magical region altogether. The reason why it is given that title is because the entire region happens to be located towards north from the Himalayan Range. So, for the rest of the country, the mountains are towards the north, but for only this region, the mountains are towards the south. Upper Mustang region is dry, and filled with mountain dessert. There is minimal vegetation, with small bushes, shrubs and grases, and almost no trees. At a glance, the region looks like a post apocalyptic world. Trekkers absolutely love their trek and as well as stay in Upper Mustang Region.

For a long time, Upper Mustang existed as a separate independent kingdom, and entering the piece of land wasn’t allowed to everyone. The capital of the kingdom was Lo Manthang, and the entire city was surrounded by walls. It hasn’t been long since the King of Mustang officially lost his power and the kingdom was annexed into one of the districts of Nepal. Since the region is quite close to Tibet, you can notice the influence of Tibetan culture here. The people in the region follow Buddhism as their main religion. Some of them even follow BonPo, which is a religion native to Tibet.

Upper Mustang trek is an 18 days long journey altogether, however, the core trekking duration spans for around 11 days. During this time, the trekkers cover places such as Kagbeni, Chele, Ghyami, Syangboche, Tsarang, and so on. The main attractions of the trek are The walled city of Lo Manthang, and Namgyal Gompa. You will spend an entire day exploring these places. During the trek, you will also get to explore the views of wonderful peaks in the Annapurna region like Dhaulagiri, Machapuchhre, Manaslu, numerous summits on the Annapurna massif and so on. Trying out the Upper Mustang Trek is among the best things to do in Nepal.

7. Kanchenjunga Trek

Considered as one of the toughest treks in Nepal, if you want to experience true wilderness, you should go for Kanchenjunga trek. The trek is definitely not meant for the first timers, as the journey takes you to high altitude, rough terrain, extreme weather, and the bitter sweet Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. Unlike most popular trekking routes in Nepal, the food and accommodation facilities on the route are quite basic. In few places, you’re even forced to sleep under the tent. For most people, this could be a feature that represents fun and adventure, however, there are many who might take it as a punishment, especially considering the environment.

Altogether, Kanchenjunga trek package is a 27 days long journey, however, the trekkers walk only for a duration of 18 days. During this time, they cover places such as Amjilosa, Ghunsa, Tseram, Pangpema, kambachen, and so on. The major attraction of the trek are the two Kanchenjunga Base Camps, i.e. Kanchenjunga North Base Camp and Kanchenjunga South Base Camp. Kanchenjunga trek is actually an amalgamation of the two trek routes. If you want to make the journey shorter by almost one-third, you can modify it to cover only one of the base camps.

As mentioned above, during the trek, you get to experience Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. As you will walk through the protected area, you’re certain to come across the rare vegetation and animal life. Apart from these, the area is full of natural spectacles like rivers, glaciers, waterfalls, icefalls, mountains, and so on. One of the most prominent views that you’ll get to enjoy is that of Kanchenjunga itself, which is the third highest peak in the world. Needless to mention that your journey through the region will also allow you to explore the lifestyle of the people belonging to the numerous indigenous tribes that live here.

8. Manaslu Trekking

Manaslu Trekking is one of the most amazing yet underrated trekking journeys in Nepal. Despite the fact that it had all the elements that the other more popular trekking routes did, for a very long time, the trip was ignored. Now, though the popularity of the route seems to be rising, it still hasn’t received as many tourists. Manaslu Trekking, also known as Manaslu Circuit trek, is an 18 days long journey, and during this time, the trekkers walk for a duration of 11 days. The major places that you’d cover during the trek includes Soti Khola, Jagat, Namrung, Samdo, Bimtang, and so on. The entire trekking route is a part of Manaslu Conservation Area, so, you will get to experience a bit of wilderness, and other natural spectacles present in the area. During the trek, you will be offered the views of mountains like Manaslu, Himchuli, Ngadichuli, and so on. Provided that you have time, you can make your journey further intense and exciting, and all you need to do is include side trips. You can cover places such as Manaslu Base Camp and Tsum Valley by extending your trek by a couple of days. These are interesting locations, and they are sure to make your journey more fun and adventurous.

Of course, the best way to experience the mountains is to go on an expedition, however, not everyone is capable of going on an expedition. Trekking in Nepal is the best way for you to get as close to these peaks as humanly possible without climbing on them. The other natural spectacles and the religious and cultural aspects are sure to help you create everlasting memories. If you’re someone who loves trekking, trekking in Nepal is something that you should definitely try. During your visit to Nepal, it should be one of the things to do in Nepal on your list.

Tour In Nepal When you come for a visit to Nepal, you can go for tour in Nepal. Tour in Nepal are generally more luxurious and laid back than trekking in Nepal. While trekking is Nepal can prove to be excruciating for you, during tour in Nepal, you can cover the respective destinations in a more relaxed manner. The different kinds of tour in Nepal allows you to explore the different aspects or faces of this Himalayan country. There are so many things to see and do, and you can’t possibly expect to cover all of them in one go, or by being a part of only one form of tour. The different tour options allow you to get engaged in various things to do in Nepal, and take you to numerous places famous for these activities. By signing up for these tours, you cover elements such as culture, religion, nature, adventure, festivals, food, and so many other things. You can choose the tour in Nepal as per the time and energy that you can spend, the budget, the places you’re interested to visit, and the activities that you’re willing to do. Overall, there is one thing that you can be rest assured about – you’re going to absolutely love these tour in Nepal.

1. Helicopter tours One of the benefits of going on helicopter tours is that you get to cover the numerous beautiful yet hard to reach places, but you don’t need to walk the way you do while you trek. The idea of trekking is to explore these Himalayan villages, which you can’t get to in a vehicle. Helicopter tours give you the same opportunity. The only difference is that there’s luxury involved in the latter one. Mountain flights also allow you to explore the mountains with ease. However, unlike helicopter tours, you don’t actually enter the region, or set your foot on the ground. Helicopter tours is an ideal option for you, when it comes to things to do in Nepal.

a. Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour

Everest Base Camp Helicopter tour package is 4-5 hours long journey. It starts and ends at Tribhuvan International Airport. During the tour, the helicopter takes you inside the Everest region. Here, you get to set foot on the numerous exciting places like Lukla, Namche Bazaar, Everest Base Camp, Kala Patthar, and few others depending on time. During the tour, you get to enjoy the aerial views of the mountains, and the settlement areas, and when the helicopter lands, you also get to enjoy these views from the ground. The idea is to allow you to experience Everest region, from an aerial perspective, and as well as from the perspective of a trekker, but in luxury. At the end of the journey, you get to dine at the Everest View Hotel, one of the most lavish and beautiful places to eat at in the Everest region.

b. Annapurna Heli Tour Annapurna Heli Tour package takes you to Annapurna region, and unlike the Everest Base Camp helicopter tour, it lasts only for a duration of one to two hours. The helicopter tour starts from Pokhara, and takes you straight to Annapurna Base Camp. The tourists are allowed some free time to stroll around the area and explore the mountains. You get to enjoy outstanding aerial views of peaks in the Annapurna region, like Machapuchhre, Dhaulagiri, peaks in the Annapurna massif, and so on. During the flight, when you fly above forests and villages, you also get to enjoy their aerial views, and especially that of the stunning city of Pokhara.

c. Muktinath Heli Tour Muktinath Heli tour allows you to explore Muktinath temple. It is one of the most prominent Hindu temples in the world, and it is also significant to the Buddhists. The Muktinath Heli tour package lasts for a duration of a couple of hours depending on where the helicopter lands. Generally, the helicopter lands quite near to the temple, but sometimes, due to the weather, the pilot is forced to land the helicopter at a distance, from where it’s a 2 hours long trek to Muktinath. During the tour, you also get to explore the town of Jomsom. Situated on the bank of Kaligandaki River, it is quite a picturesque settlement area. Muktinath Helicopter tour can prove to be ideal for the pilgrims who wish to visit this religious site, but aren’t able to because of the tough trek involved.

2. Mountain Flight

Unlike Helicopter tour, mountain flight doesn’t take you into the region. During the one hour long flight, you get to enjoy up close aerial views of the mountains. The plane maintains a distance of around 15 km from the peak, which is close enough for the tourists to enjoy magnificent early morning views of the mountains. One of the most popular mountain flight tours is the Everest Mountain flight. Apart from that, even Annapurna Mountain flight is quite popular. While the former one starts and ends at Kathmandu, the latter one starts and ends at Pokhara. Towards the end of the journey, every passenger is offered a complimentary glass of champagne, and a mountain flight experience certificate.

3. Wildlife Tour During your wildlife tour, you get to visit the different national parks and protected areas of Nepal. Depending on where you go, you will get to experience different landscapes, climate and creatures. There are so many mediums for you to choose from when it comes to going on wildlife tour. You can take a jeep ride, elephant ride, boat ride, or you can hike through the parks. Nepal is one of the richest countries in the world when it comes to the population of rare and endangered species. Despite the fact that Nepal consumes only 0.01% of the total land area in the world, it houses around 0.1% of all the animals and birds out there.

a. Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park is the most popular national park in Nepal. It is the most preferred protected area in Nepal when it comes to activities such as Jungle Safari In Nepal. The park offers you various mediums to go for jungle safari in Nepal. The most popular ones include jeep safari, elephant ride, canoe ride, and hiking. The park area is full of resorts, and during your stay here, you could choose any of the mediums to explore the park. There are so many species of rare and endangered animals here, but two of the most prominent ones include Bengal Tiger and One-horned Rhinoceros. During your stay at the park, you can also get to know about the life cycle of the elephant by visiting the elephant breeding farm here. Another activity that the tourists love immensely is exploring the local cultures of the region. You will definitely enjoy the tribal dance of the Tharus here. These are the people indigenous to the region.

b. Sagarmatha National Park

Though not conventionally, Sagarmatha National Park is also one of the most visited protected areas of Nepal. Unlike Chitwan National Park, the tourists visit Sagarmatha National Park not to explore the wildlife specifically, rather, to trek. The protected area is home to the most popular trekking route in Nepal – Everest Base Camp trek. This trekking route alone receives around 30,000 tourists per year. The national park is home to some of the magnificent natural spectacles like high altitude passes, mountain lakes, glaciers, and of course, the mountains. The beauty of these spectacles are to die for. The protected area is also home to some of the most amazing towns and villages, populated by people belonging to different strata. The only way to explore Sagarmatha National park is by trekking. If you love luxury, you can also take a helicopter ride to the park.

c. Bardia National Park

Bardia National Park happens to be in the mid western part of Nepal. It is considered to be the biggest national park of the plain belt, which lies in the southern park of the country. The protected area is definitely one of the richest when it comes to the number of plants and animal species found here. Altogether, 839 species of plants and 642 species of animals are found here. As Karnali River and Babai River dissect through the park, and form the Karnali Babai water system, you will also find numerous species of water based creatures here.

4. Kathmandu Valley Tour Kathmandu Valley comprises of three cities – Kathmandu, Patan and Lalitpur. These are some of the best places to visit in Nepal These are known mainly for their heritages. These heritages have historical, cultural and religious importance. When you go on Kathmandu Valley tour that focuses on these places, you get to know a lot about the origin of the valley and the three cities altogether. It is for the same reason that one of the most popular things to do during the Kathmandu Valley tour package is to take day trips and go sightseeing around these three cities. You can also go for adventurous and fun filled activities.

Things To Do In Kathmandu Apart from going on Kathmandu Valley tour, you could try so many different things in the capital city and the entire valley altogether. The first thing that you shouldn’t miss by any means is hiking. Nepal is surrounded by so many beautiful hills. These are homes to forests, lakes and waterfalls, temples, and picturesque settlement areas. And if you decide to go beyond them, you will find even more interesting things. One of the best ways to explore these attractions is to go for one to two days long hike. Trying out this activity will help you get closer to nature, and escape the hustle and bustle of the city even for a day or two.

Among the not to be missed things to do in Kathmandu, the next one happens to be exploring the night life of the city. Well, to be brutally honest, the city prefers to sleep early. The nightlife of Kathmandu tends to end at around 12, unless it’s New Year or Christmas or some other festival. However, even during this short amount of time, you can groove into ecstasy. The night clubs here are amazing, as they feature the best musicians and DJs. Depending on the kind of music you like, you can pick your preferred club, and drink, jump and dance till your heart’s content. If you don’t like loud stuff, there are so many quiet bars, pubs and restaurants available for you, that play slow and soothing music, mainly Nepali, Hindi and English numbers.

When you’re in Kathmandu valley, one thing that you definitely shouldn’t miss is to shop for souvenirs. You could buy a couple of those decorative pieces, or the ones that you could actually use. Our suggestion would be the later one. The best things to buy here are the clothes made in Nepal. There are really good companies here that produce high quality clothing. You could also buy shoes, and other wearables and accessories that are made in Nepal. One of the items that are quite a hit internationally are Nepali carpets. You could get them here in an amazing price. Simple look around the old and traditional markets for all these things. You will find all that you want, and even the things that you may not have thought of.

Food Tour In Kathmandu

If there is one thing that you’re going to absolutely love in Nepal, that’s food. Nepal is a country that is quite diverse when it comes to food. There are so many social groups in Nepal, and each one of them has one or the other food items that represents them, and on top of that, there is obviously the Nepali staple diet. The capital city of Kathmandu is the place where you can find people belonging to all these groups living together in harmony. It is also the place where you can explore all these food items. During your stay in Kathmandu, you can go for food tour in Kathmandu. Taking a food tour in Kathmandu is one of the best things to do in Nepal. On your food tour in Kathmandu, you could visit the traditional and authentic Nepali restaurants that offer all these food items. Doesn’t matter whether you go for food tour in Kathmandu during morning, afternoon or evening, you’re always going to find the traditional Nepali food item suited to the time of the day. If you’ve been missing continental and American food items too much, well, good news for you. There are so many options for you to explore on your food tour in Kathmandu. You can even find country and cuisine themed eateries here.

5. Pokhara Tour

Pokhara is one of the most beautiful cities of Nepal as it is gifted with natural wonders. It is one of the best cities to visit in Nepal. From the city, you can enjoy the most amazing views of peaks in the Annapurna region, mainly Machapuchhre, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and so on. The city is also known as the city of lakes, as it is home to 3 major lakes, and various other small lakes. Apart from the lakes and mountains, there are so many other things as well that you can explore in Pokhara. The city needs to be on top of your list of places to visit. There is no point in visiting the country if you don’t come here.

Things To Do In Pokhara During you stay in Pokhara, there are so many things that you can try. One of the first things that you should try is strolling around Phewa Lake. You can go for strolling around Phewa Lake on foot or on a cycle. Phewa Lake is at the center of the city. It is one of the most visited tourist spots in Pokhara because of its beauty. Simply taking a walk around the lake, or settling down in one of the restaurants around the lakeside and enjoying the views of the lake is the perfect way to spend your evening. Lakeside is a popular tourist spot, and is full of hotels, eateries and different kinds of shops. You can go for boating here, or even cycling around Phewa Lake. Needless to say, cycling around Phewa Lake allows you to explore the entire area in a lesser amount of time. It also lets to explore further more, as you’re able to cover larger distances.

One of the other things that you can do in Pokhara is go for adventure sports, and when it comes to adventure sports, Paragliding in Pokhara is considered to be the most popular one. Paragliding in Pokhara is not everyone’s cup of tea. Though there is a tandem who takes care of all the technicalities during the flight, you still have to suppress your fear of heights if you have one. All in all, Paragliding in Pokhara is an amazing fun filled activity, and you should definitely go for it during your stay here. But make sure to sign up for it only if you can take it.

In the same way, the best way to explore the natural beauty in Pokhara Tour package is to go on hikes. Pokhara is also surrounded by hills, which are homes to forests, numerous small and big settlement areas, temples, viewpoints, lakes and waterfalls, and so on. Going on a hike in these places allow you to rejuvenate, as you take a break from your mundane city life. Also, hiking takes you close to nature, and allows you to explore these natural, cultural and religious attractions. Most of these hikes span only for a duration of one day, with extension possibilities.

Places To Visit In Pokhara There are so many places to visit in Pokhara. These places to visit in Pokhara will ensure that you have a fun filled experience during your stay in the city. As mentioned above, one of the first places to be visited by the tourists in Pokhara is Phewa Lake. However, one can also go for the other two major lakes – Begnas Lake and Rupa Lake. In comparison to Phewa Lake, Begnas Lake and Rupa lake are situated at a distance from the city. One of the ways of reaching there is by going on a hike. You could also take a ride there on a cycle, bike or other vehicles. Located in the lap of nature, it’s a serene experience visiting and spending time around these lakes.

Apart from these, the other natural attractions that you can explore in the city includes Davis Falls. It’s a really tall waterfall, and looking from the top, it’s hard to spot its base. It is also one of those places that the tourists don’t tend to miss out. Needless to say, Davis Falls is beautiful, and it’s a great experience exploring this heritage. Also, the city is full of caves. The names of few of the popular caves are Mahendra Cave, Bat Cave, and so on. Entering these dark tunnels offers you a great sense of excitement and fun. You should try them for sure.

If you want to explore the religious side of Pokhara, you shouldn’t miss out heritages such as World Peace Stupa and the temple of Gupteshwor Mahadev. Needless to say that the former one is dedicated to Buddhism, and the latter one on Hindu deities. You can visit World Peace Pagoda and Gupteshwor Mahadev temple regardless of your varied religious beliefs.

6. UNESCO World Heritage Site Tour During your visit to Nepal, one of the things to do in Nepal that you can try out is a UNESCO World Heritage Site tour. Altogether, there are 10 World Heritage Sites in Nepal. Seven of them are located inside Kathmandu Valley, whereas the rest of the three are located outside. 8 of these world heritage sites are dedicated to culture and religion, however, the rest of the two are natural heritages. Go for a UNESCO World Heritage Site tour to explore them in detail.

a. Pashupatinath Temple

Pashupatinath Temple is situated in the capital city of Kathmandu. It is one of the most significant Hindu pilgrimage sites in the world, and it is dedicated to Lord Shiva, one of the prominent deities in Hinduism. Pashupatinath temple is actually a complex consisting of numerous other temples. Attached to the complex is a crematorium, an old age home, and a home for the sick, where the people who are at the brink of their deaths come for a stay.

b. Boudhanath Stupa

Boudhanath Stupa is also a complex with so many manis, monasteries, and other Buddhist heritages. For the followers of Tibetan Buddhism, it is the most significant Buddhist pilgrimage site in Nepal. The stupa is the largest one in Nepal, and it is based on top of a mandala. Boudhanath Stupa is located in Kathmandu, and needless to say, it is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Nepal. The area of Boudha is settled mainly by the followers of Buddhism.

c. Lumbini

Lumbini is a place situated in the plain belt of Nepal, and it is known to be the place where Gautam Buddha was born. It houses the great Mayadevi Temple, which is considered to be built on the exact spot where Buddha was born. Quite near to the temple is the Ashokan Pillar, which was established by the great emperor Ashoka from India to mark Gautam Buddha’s birthplace. Also, right in front of the temple is the holy pond. It is believed that Queen Mayadevi, after giving birth to Gautam Buddha under a tree, took her first dip in the same pond, and bathed herself.

d. Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park is known for its huge population of rare and endangered species. Tourists from all over the world come to Nepal to visit the outstanding protected area. It is the home to one of the rarest species in the world – the Bengal Tiger. Another rare species that you would come across during your visit here is one-horned Rhinoceros. The park is also famous for the water creatures, mainly Gharials or Alligators. You can explore all of these either by going on a jeep safari around the park, by taking an elephant or canoe ride, or by going on a hike.

e. Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park is known for one of the most significant natural heritages of Nepal, which is Mt. Everest. Apart from Everest, the park also houses other mountains like Ama Dablam, Nuptse, Lhotse, Thamserku, and so on. During you visit to Sagarmatha National Park, you will also get to explore glaciers like Ngozumpa Glacier and icefalls like Khumbu icefall. Dudhkoshi is the river that flows through the park, and it is also the home to the beautiful Gokyo Lakes. These are only a few of the numerous natural heritage that you can find in the park.

f. Kathmandu Durbar Square

Kathmandu Durbar Square is one out of the three palace squares that are situated in Kathmandu Valley. The other two are Bhaktapur Durbar Square and Patan Durbar Square. Historical evidences tell that the entire Kathmandu Valley was once a single kingdom. Then, one of the kings decided to divide it among his three sons. Thus, the valley was divided into Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. And since the monarchs of these three places were related, there seems to be a lot of similarities among the palace squares of these ancient cities.

g. Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Quite like Kathmandu Durbar Square and Patan Durbar Square, Bhaktapur Durbar Square has mainly three components. The palace courtyard, the temples and idols dedicated to various Hindu gods and goddesses, and the palace itself. The influence of Hinduism, the similar use of Newari wood carving, sculpturing and metal bending techniques and designs, the common structure of the complexes, and so on can clearly be noticed in all three palace squares.

h. Patan Durbar Square

Patan Durbar Square, quite like other palace squares, was established centuries ago. The palace, that still remains intact till date, used to serve as the residence of the monarch who ruled over the city. Later, when the valley was reunited, the common king declared Kathmandu as the capital, and the royal family started living in the palace at Kathmandu Durbar Square.

i. Swayambhunath Stupa

Swayambhunath Stupa is the most important Buddhist pilgrimage site in the world for the individuals following Newari Buddhism. Swayambhunath Stupa is also a complex with so many Buddhist heritages like chortens, manis, smaller temples, and so on. The temple complex is situated on the top of a hill. The heritage is also popular by the name -The Monkey Temple. It is probably due to the large number of monkeys that live and stroll around the hill and the temple.

j. Changu Narayan Temple

Changu Narayan Temple is situated in Bhaktapur. The temple is also situated on top of a hill, and it is dedicated to the Hindu deity Lord Vishnu. The hill is surrounded by a forest, which is known as Champak forest. It is believed to be named after a Kashmiri Princess who married the king of Bhaktapur. The temple is actually a complex with numerous smaller temples and idols. If you want to know about the temple and the surrounding area, you can visit the nearby museum.

7. Pilgrimage Tour In Nepal One of the best things about Nepal is the influence of religion. Hinduism is the major religion here, and for a very long time, the citizens took pride in calling the nation the only Hindu country in the world. Other major religion followed in Nepal, apart from Hinduism, is Buddhism. When you go around the country, you will find sites dedicated to both the religions in a large number. The southern part has got more temples, where as the northern has more stupas. The hills have both temples and stupas in a balanced number. If you want to explore all these pilgrimage sites, going on a pilgrimage tour in Nepal can prove to be the best option for you. Going on a pilgrimage tour in Nepal is among the exhilarating things to do in Nepal.

a. Lumbini Tour

During the Lumbini tour, you get to explore Lumbini, which is a place situated in the plain belt of Nepal. It houses Mayadevi Temple, which is said to be built at a spot where Gautam Buddha was born. Mayadevi temple is also accompanied by a holy pond, and the Ashokan pillar. Apart from this, you will also find numerous stupas, monasteries, and other Buddhist heritage established by various countries and religious organizations. This place is meant to be explored not just by the Buddhists, but by anyone who believes in the principles of peace and salvation.

b. Muktinath Tour

During your Muktinath tour , you get to explore the temple of Muktinath. It is a religious heritage that is significant not just to the Hindus, but Buddists as well. The main temple is dedicated to the Hindu deity Lord Shiva. Muktinath literally means the deity that helps you acquire salvation. Every year thousands of devotees and tourists visit this place. The people come from different parts of the world. Muktinath is known not just for its religious importance, but natural beauty as well. Located in the Annapurna region, the site offers amazing views of the mountains here.

c. Pathivara Temple

Pathivara Temple is located in Taplejung district of Nepal. It is a remote district situated in the eastern part of the country. It is one of the most important temples in the country, and the pilgrimage tour in Nepal is incomplete without visiting Pathivara temple. The temple is dedicated to the goddess Pathivara, who is considered as a form of Durga, a prominent Hindu goddess. Despite the fact that it is visited by devotees from all around the country, Pathivara temple is regarded highly mainly by the Limbus, an indigenous group of people local to the region.

d. Janaki Temple Janaki Temple is another crucial religious heritage. It is highly regarded by the followers of Hinduism. Janaki temple is situated in the city of Janakpur. Both the temple and the city is mentioned in the most popular Hindu epic – Ramayana. In the epic, the protagonist, Ram, who is the Prince of Ayodhya, a city in India, marries the Princess of Janakpur, Sita. She is believed to be a deity herself, and an embodiment of patience, purity and several other virtues. During the pilgrimage tour in Nepal, and for great experience, one should definitely visit Janaki temple.

Trying out the different tour in Nepal is sure to help you gain a new perspective about Nepal. Despite its small size, the country offers you so many new things to try, and the list mentioned above is the evidence. During your tour in Nepal, you could try different activities, each covering a different aspect of the country – cultural and religious, historical, natural, adventurous, and so on. As it doesn’t take a long time to go from one place to another inside the country, you could cover multiple locations, and try a couple of things to do during your Nepal tour. As you’re offered so many opportunities to explore this wonderful country, you will love your stay here.

Adventure Activities In Nepal There is no point in visiting this amazing country if you don’t try the numerous adventure activities in Nepal, especially if you’re someone who looks for thrill and excitement in a journey. The country presents to you so many opportunities to raise up your adrenaline level through these adventure activities in Nepal. These things to do in Nepal will give you the kick that you so desperately need, and all you have to do is sign up for them. You could go for these activities as per your interest and endurance. And one crucial advice – never overestimate yourself.

1. Bungee Jumping In Nepal

Bungee Jumping in Nepal is probably the most popular adventure sport in Nepal. Bungee Jumping in Nepal is the test of the true adventure seeker, as only a few can go through this heart numbing experience. Since Nepal is the home of fast flowing rivers and beautiful green hills. There are so many bungee jumping options that you will find here. If you’re able to recover from the fear that the activity instills in you, you can probably experience the beauty of these hills and rivers as well. If you looking for things to do in Nepal, this should be on your list.

2. Canyoning in Nepal

Canyoning is an activity that is not as popular as bungee jumping in the context of Nepal, however, it is equally, and some say even more, adventurous. There are so many waterfalls and canyons in Nepal that give you the opportunity to go for canyoning in Nepal. As per your level of expertise, you could go for either tandem canyoning or independent one. In the same way, you could also choose the ideal canyon for you, from small to big. Canyoning in Nepal is the ideal activity for you if you like to stand out from the crowd, and do something unique and exciting.

3. Kayaking In Nepal

Kayaking in Nepal is a more extreme version of rafting, as, while kayaking, you’re on your own. Nepal is one of the best destinations for kayaking in the world, as you get to ride the milky white speedy rivers with icy cold water here in Nepal. Keep in mind that not everyone is allowed to try kayaking in Nepal. Special permissions need to be taken, and you’ll have to prove yourself to be an expert kayak before you get the permission to go wild on the rivers. This is one of the things to do in Nepal that checks your survival instincts, your endurance, and your intelligence.

4. Rafting in Nepal Rafting in Nepal is one of the most preferred things to do in Nepal, by international and local tourists. It is a less extreme version of Kayaking in Nepal, and since you’re surrounded by other people doing the same thing as you are, you’re able to take on the river more confidently. Doesn’t matter what your age or physical fitness level is; doesn’t matter if you’re experienced or not; doesn’t matter if you know how to swim or not; you can always go for rafting in Nepal.

a. Bhotekoshi Rafting

Unlike Kayaking, Bhotekoshi rafting or any kind of rafting in general is a group activity. No matter your physical abilities or expertise, you can go for rafting. Before a rafting trip, there is a small presentation on the things that you should or shouldn’t do on the river, while you’re rafting. Follow them, and you’re good to go. Bhotekoshi is one of the prominent rivers of Nepal. It is an ideal river for rafting in Nepal as it has all the different kinds of rapids, from the easiest to the toughest. You could choose the section of the river to raft on as per your level of expertise.

b. Trishuli River Rafting

Trishuli River rafting is another significant one among the things to do in Nepal. During the activity, you get to ride on the Trishuli River, which is yet another prominent rivers of Nepal. It is also considered as one of the best rivers for rafting in Nepal. Generally, when people go for Trishuli River rafting, or any other rafting, they either tend to go for a night stay package, or a single day package. The latter one consists of rafting experience and probably lunch, where as the former one consists of other facilities like campfire, barbeque, accommodation, and so on.

5. Climb the Mountains To climb is mountains is a daunting task, and it’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. While anyone with a decent fitness level can go for a trek, to climb the mountains, you need experience and training. When you sign up for expedition in Nepal, you’re basically signing up for excruciating physical and mental torture. All this can be avoided, but it really depends on how skilled you are. Choose to go for this activity only after putting some thought into it.

a. Everest Expedition

Everest Expedition takes you to the top of the highest mountain in the world. It is a dream for any climber to someday reach the top of the highest mountain in the world. Everest Expedition is a journey that lasts for a duration of 64 days. Altogether, the climbing duration lasts for a period of 44 days. In this time, the climber starts climbing from the main base camp, and returns safely. The climbers also trek during the journey. They trek from Lukla to the Base Camp before the ascent and the same way back after the descent. Trekking is helpful for acclimatization.

b. Makalu Expedition

Needless to say, Makalu expedition take you to the top of Makalu. It is among the remarkable things to do in Nepal.. With the height of 8485 m, it is the fifth highest mountain in the world. Don’t let the height fool you, Makalu expedition is equally as tough as climbing other peaks. Altogether, the trip is 60 days long, however, the mountaineers climb for a duration of 32 days altogether. Before and the expedition, the climbers tend to trek, so that it helps them in the acclimatization process. They trek for a duration of 15 days altogether from Chicila to the Base Camp before the ascent and from the Base Camp to Tumlingtar after the descent.

c. Kanchenjunga Expedition

Some people say that Kanchenjunga expedition is the toughest expedition in Nepal, i.e., its toughness level even surpasses that of Everest. Kanchenjunga is the third highest mountain in the world. It has a height of 8586 m. Altogether, the journey is around 52 days long, and during this time, the trekkers climb for around 30 days. The climbing duration may vary depending on the condition of the weather on the peak. It is quite unpredictable and that’s make makes this journey tough. Before and after the expedition, the climbers trek for around 15 days. It starts and ends at Suketar. If you love toughness and enjoy accepting challenges, Kanchenjunga Expedition is one of the outstanding things to do in Nepal.

d. Annapurna Expedition

Annapurna Expedition is one of the most exciting expedition options that Nepal has to offer. Annapurna massif is a huge mass of land covered in ice. It has 5 peaks altogether, and the tallest one among them is called Annapurna Main. It;s height is 8091 m, and it is the tenth highest mountain in the world. Annapurna Expedition lasts for a duration of 56 days altogether. The core climbing occurs for a duration of 35 days. Quite like other expedition journeys, the climbers trek for a period of 11 days altogether. They cover parts of the Annapurna Base Camp trek and Annapurna Circuit trek in the process. Provided that you love Challenges, Annapurna Expedition is among the outstanding things to do in Nepal.

6. Peak Climbing in Nepal During your trekking journeys, no matter the route you choose, you will come across peak climbing in Nepal options. Provided that you have the time, energy and resources, you could go for this activity. Peak climbing in Nepal is an activity that gives you a whiff of mountaineering experience, but keep in mind that it is nothing like climbing the mountains. Every other trekking route in Nepal has one or the peak that you can choose for your peak climbing in Nepal activity.

a. Island Peak Climbing

Peak Climbing as an activity is slightly different from mountaineering from various angles. First of all, it’s shorter, less extreme, and anyone with a decent fitness level can go for it. On the other hand, the climbers don’t need to take special permission or pay hefty sum to climb on them. Generally peak climbing as such are a part of trekking journeys itself. Island Peak is a small mountain with an altitude of 6187 m, and it is situated in the Everest region. By adding 2-3 days in your Everest Base Camp trek itinerary, you could also reach the top of Island peak. The path that leads you to Island Peak Base Camp deviates from Chhukung, a village in the region. As it is among the adventurous things to do in Nepal, you should definitely go for it.

b. Pisang Peak Climbing Pisang Peak climbing is a 21 days journey altogether. During the trip, you climb Pisang peak, which is yet another short mountain with a height of 6091 m. By adding a couple of days to your Annapurna Circuit trek itinerary, you can cover Pisang peak climbing. The path that leads you to Pisang peak base camp deviates from Upper Pisang. For the adventure seekers who’re looking for something a little more challenging than trekking, but not as much as expedition, peak climbing is the best option for them when it comes to things to do in Nepal.

c. Yala Peak Climbing

Yala Peak is a mini mountain that has a height of 5732 m. It is located in the Langtang region of Nepal. By adding a couple of days to the Langtang Valley trek route itinerary, you can cover Yala Peak climbing. The path that leads to Yala peak base camp deviates from Kyanjin Gompa. So, after you’ve reached the Gompa, instead of returning to Langtang Village, you head further east towards towards Yala peak base camp in order to climb the peak. Yala Peak climbing is among the ideal things to do in Nepal if you’re looking to make your trek further adventurous.

d. Mera Peak Climbing

Mera Peak Climbing is an activity that occurs in the Everest region. During the trip, you get to climb Mera peak, which is yet another mini mountain with a height of 6476 m. The journey is 17 days long altogether, and during this time, you also trek in the Everest region. Apart from Lukla, the other settlements that you cover aren’t parts of the conventional trek. The places that you cover include Chutanga, Thuli Kharka, Kothe, Tangnak, and so on. The path to Mera Peak base camp deviates from Kahare. It’s a fun filled yet adventurous journey. Definitely one of the best things to do in Nepal.

7. Tandem Paragliding

Tandem Paragliding is a form of paragliding where you’re attached to your instructor or tandem with a harness. Tandem paragliding allows you to experience paragliding but it takes away the factor of fear from the activity. Your instructor gives you all the steps, and by any chance if you get nervous, he will take over. Tandem paragliding can still prove to be heart wrenching especially if you’re someone with the fear of heights. If you’re looking for things to do in Nepal, tandem paragliding can prove to be the ideal adventure sport option for you.

8. Skydiving In Nepal

Skydiving in Nepal is an activity that has been gaining tremendous popularity among the local as well as international tourists. Without a doubt, it is one of the most exciting things to do in Nepal. There are two modes of skydiving – solo and tandem. To go for tandem, you don’t really need any former experience; you just need to be in a sound health condition. However, to go for solo diving, you need to prove that you’re an expert to get permission. In Nepal, you can skydive either in the Everest region, or in Pokhara. Needless to say that the former one is more challenging, extreme, and therefore, costlier than the latter one.

9. Zipline In Nepal Zipline in Nepal is an interesting and exciting adventure sport among all the other things to do in Nepal. You will find so many companies offering this adventure sport to the tourists. It is considered as the longest and fastest zipline in the world. The only expertise that the tourists need to have to complete this task successfully is the ability to overcome the fear of heights. During your visit to Nepal, make sure to choose Zipline in Nepal as one of the things that you’d experience. You can be rest assured that you will experience the best thrill and excitement during the activity, especially if you’re a first timer.

10. Mountain Biking

Now despite the fact that mountain biking is one of the most exciting things to do in Nepal, it is not as popular commercially in Nepal. It goes without saying that being a country with so many hills and rough terrains, Nepal offers the best opportunity for mountain biking. It is an activity that requires great talent and special expertise, and so, it is meant only for a certain group of individuals. The tourists can sign up for mountain biking, and they can go to designated places in Nepal for mountain biking. However, it is not an activity that receives high number of participants.

Visit Nepal 2020 is a movement initiated by Nepal Government and the various stakeholders who work in the tourism sector of Nepal to promote the country as an ideal tourist destination for the year 2020. Under the visit Nepal 2020 campaign, the tourists would get special treatment and a lot of opportunities to explore this magical nation. They will get to be a part of so many things to do in Nepal. A lot of different tour packages, offers and discounts have been introduced. Access to numerous parts and heritages of the country that was denied in the past will be granted, allowing the tourists to experience Nepal at its best.

The entire year of 2020 is the best time to visit Nepal. However, if you’re looking for a specific month, the best time to visit Nepal is between the months of September and November. During this time, you can go to any part of the country, or be a part of any activity. You can visit Nepal during other months as well, but they may not prove to be ideal for a few things to do in Nepal. For instance, it rains in July, so it’s not ideal for adventure sports or trekking. In the same way, going for an expedition in the month of December is a bad idea, and can prove to be deadly.

Most of the times, when the tourists come to this wonderful country, they already have in mind what things to do in Nepal they’re going to try. However, after noticing the diversity and options here, they land up regretting, and getting torn apart. There are so many exciting and fun things to do in Nepal that there is no way for you to stay satisfied with just a couple of activities. So, what you can always do, provided that you’re able to extend your time in Nepal, is add a couple of more things to do in Nepal to your list. If you’re here for trekking, you could always try one or the other adventure sports like rafting or bungee jumping, or you could go for mellowed down activities like jungle safari or a luxurious religious tour. In case you’re in love with the mountains, in a way that you can’t get enough of them, and have a couple of hours to spare, you can always go for an early morning mountain flight or a helicopter tour. These are only a few among the many things to do in Nepal that you could add to your itinerary. Make your visit to Nepal fun and full of life with these things to do in Nepal. You’ll never regret visiting this country.

Happy Holiday Treks & Expedition is a reliable, affordable and experienced travel and tour operator. As the name suggests, Happy Holiday Treks and Expedition specialize in treks and expedition. However, if you’re not quite into trekking and expedition, or any other challenging and thrilling activities like adventure sports, you could go for one of their luxury tours. Happy Holiday Treks and Expedition offer packages with numerous things to do in Nepal such as helicopter tours, mountain flights, jungle safari, cultural tours, food tours, and so on. Their itineraries are exciting, and feature the most popular and off-the-beat tourist destinations in countries like Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. Happy Holiday Treks and Expedition was established by a group of individuals who’ve spent most of their lives working as trekking, mountaineering and travel guides, and so, they know exactly what makes or breaks a journey. What makes their services stand apart is their focus on client satisfaction. In order to achieve that, they even allow their clients to make changes to the itinerary, as far as practicable. If you’re looking to go for a holiday in any of these places, and try out any of these activities, make sure to choose Happy Holiday Treks & Expedition. With Happy Holiday Treks and Expedition by your side, you can be rest assured about having an amazing time during your vacation. Your trip will be a memorable experience altogether, and that’s certain.

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