Guide to UBC (2016-2017)

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the basics 11

ACADEMIC RESOURCES No, they won’t do your homework for you.

AMS Tutoring in Irving The AMS offers tutoring sessions in math, physics, chemistry, economics, biology, engineering, commerce, writing, kinesiology, and land and food systems! Given that your tutors will be teaching you material they’ve very recently aced, this is a great resource if you want help from someone who remembers exactly what your upcoming exam will look like. Peer Coaching Unlike tutors, coaches are useful for helping you develop “soft skills” — things like studying, note taking and exam prep techniques. They’re also a great starting point and will help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

professor tip “Stress tends to build as the term unfolds. It is good to be sure to take time to step away from school and have some fun to help manage this stress. Building friendships with other students at UBC is a key to personal and academic success -- sharing experiences with friends helps students understand their personal situations and enriches their lives.” - Professor Mark Mac Lean

Student Toolkits Check out the UBC Learning Commons’ Student Toolkit. They have a guide for how to talk to your profs, properly use the library, prepare for exams and more. MyCademia MyCademia is a recent app that is meant to connect students with tutors and tutors with students. The brainchild of recent UBC alumni Eren Cubukgil and Peter Moonen the app allows UBC students to truly take advantage of their classmates, with every participant being able to both procure and offer tutoring services. UBC Writing Centre Get feedback and help from tutors on anything related to writing.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.