Brand Book

Page 56

WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH OUR TEAM Be kind and understanding. When addressing anyone in the company we must always be kind and considerate, even if we feel our buttons are being pushed. We never lose our temper or react out of anger. If we feel frustrated, we walk away and breathe and return to the conversation with a clear head. We understand that we are a team and our goal is to work together with positive energy and an understanding that we work here because we want to.

Confident but not demeaning. Be confident in your leadership but never put anyone down even if they are in a junior position. If you are in a senior position, then lead with kindness and compassion. If disciplinary action is required, then conduct it with grace and understanding. Never speak down to anyone or out of anger.

Encouraging and uplifting. Helping your co-workers and being encouraging is key, especially when you have new trainees joining our family. If someone is falling behind, then we communicate through encouragement and motivation. If we see that someone is doing a great job, we always make sure to share our appreciation and offer words of encouragement to uplift and make someone feel great!

Listening and advice giving. If you are in a management role and you are faced with an internal conflict that needs to be handled, you must listen and offer advice. Don’t take sides or exercise judgment. Assist in ways where you can, and address both parties with an open mind, and encourage a resolution. Make it clear that Burgerčm does not tolerate drama or chaos. Employees must work together in harmony to ensure a positive working environment for everyone.


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