Tulane June 2014

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PRAISEAND THANKS Commencement 2014. THE



WHATCOOLIS The substance and style of American cool.



James Andrews, super doctor for athletes.

President-elect is ready to lead.

JUNE 2014

Youknowit when yousee it.


Green Envy, an a cappella group of Tulane students, sings the alma mater, including a rap rendition of one stanza , at Tulane University Commence ment in the MercedesBenz Superdome on May 17, 2014. The group also sang the iconic tune , "The House of the Rising Sun," with lyrics rewritten in tribute to retiring Tulane President Scott Cowen. Among the lines in the recast version of the song: " There is a school in New Orleans/ Some say the perfect one . It's been the home to this Jersey boy/And now they say he's done ."





SayingGoodbye by ScottS. Cowen Thefollowing is an excerptfrom President Scott Gawen'scommencement addresstograduates on May 17,2014. All of you are saying goodbye to a chapter of your life, bidding farewell to a time and a place and also to an experience that has shaped, challenged and changed you. You are saying goodbye to one life and hello to another . I suspect you have a lot of mixed feelings now ranging from relief to joy to anxiety about the future. Trust me, I know how you feel because this is my 16th and last commencement as President of Tulane, and I am experiencing all the same things as you are. The good news is that after your time at Tulane you have a degree from one of the country's most distinguished universities plus your youthful energy and many years to figure out what and who you want to be. I, on the other hand, have 16 years of memories and adventures to carry me forward and just enough time left to enjoy an encore career returning to my first love-the classroom populated with extraordinarily talented and civic-minded students just like all of you. No matter where you are headed next, I suggest your journey be defined by three commitments: First: Lifelong learning. Telling people who have just dedicated four or more years of their lives





The president and the graduates of 2014 prepare for the next chapter.

to the exclusive and intense study of a particular field that they have a lot more to learn seems like a cruel joke. But the truth is that any career worth pursuing, any endeavor worth undertaking , any dream worth dreaming and any life worth living is defined by the continual, lifelong pursuit of learning and knowledge. Second: Make a difference People often hope to get involved with something bigger than themselves to find purpose in life. But often the "something bigger " they are seeking turns out to be something or someone smaller than themselves-a child who has never been loved, an adult who has never learned to read, an elderly person who does not have a home , an ill person who needs to be healed. As I often stated to Tulanians through the years-no one will ever remember you for what you did for yourself, they will only remember you for what you did for others. Third: Find your passion This may come as a surprise to you, but I never wanted to be a university president. Yet, becoming one turned out to be the most rewarding and meaningful opportunity of my life. My first dream was to be a professional football player. An illness in college and an unbelievable lack of talent took care of that. Then I thought I would go to law school but instead I enlisted in the Army. After my time in the service, I thought I would be a management consultant so I got an MBA degree. While in business school a faculty mentor thought I had the potential to be an academic and convinced me to get my doctorate-and, though I never aspired to be a professor, an academic dean, let alone a president, yet here I am 40 years later having done all of these things. You have probably been told not to be afraid to experiment, to try, to risk, to fail and to repeat the whole process over again. In fact, be afraid not to do that . And once you have arrived at a destination, be prepared to re-evaluate where you are and where you want to be and be ready to start all over again until you find that burning passion that gives meaning to your life. And always, no matter where you are , remember you have a family here at Tulane, who cares about you very much. I have no doubt that you will find your way. You will live your dream . You will become who you were meant to be and end up where you are needed the most. And the world will never be the same, because of you .

Tu ane C ON T E N T S The King Elvis Presley perfo rm s for adoring fans at the Tupelo , Mississippi, Fair in 1956. (See "What Cool Is" on page 16.)


So long, see you around & NEWS

Middle campus transformation · Water Prize · Freeman School centennial · Who dat? Elyse Luray· New president of Costa Rica . Football play safe with precaut ions · Bourbon Street · AmeriCorps Fellows · Funeral Procession by Ellis Wilson · Laura Levy 13 SPORTS




Tenni s star · Future in pro footba ll

Festive music sets the tone-this is New Orleans, after all-for graduates and their friends and family at Commencement 2014 - Scott Cowen's 16th and final gra duation ceremony as president of Tulane University. By Mary Ann Travis


WhatCool Is

Noah Barth · Rocking chair for Scott Cowen · Reynold T. Decou · Susan Murphy · Jeff Rosenheim

The concept of cool-you know it when you see it , but it 's trick y to define. By Michael Luke (TC '04)


Clas s note s


Heavy Hitter


Dr. Jame s Andrews has successfully treated the mo st famous athletes in the world and sent them back to the p laying fields . By Kirby Messinger


Mil<e ·FittsFindsHisPlace The next president of Tulane is thrilled to take on th e challenge of leadin g th e u niversit y that he 's admired for so long. By Mary Ann Travis

Tribute : Thomas Langston 38 WAVEMAKERS

Ors. Waring · Jerry & Barbara Greenbaum · Glazers , Bergers , Corasanitis 40 NEW ORLEANS

Dining guides


JUNE 2014


WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS Thomas Kelly (M '78) recalls the 1964 Beatles concert in New Orleans (although he was only 12 years old at the time and did not attend) . He also has a 45 rpm Beatles record that Bruce Spizer ("He Loves Them, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah," December 2013) might wish to add to his collection.


I am writing this because your artic le about the integration of Tulane ["The Desegregation of a University," September 2013] reminded me of an incident in the UC at Tulane and the handling of it by Col. [Robert] Scruton [campus sec urity chief]. ... I am not sure of the year but it was either 1967 or 1968 and I was sitting in the cafeter ia of the UC eating lunch. At that time there were a group of booths in the center of the cafeteria. Sitting in one of the booths were two AfricanAmerican couples chatting and having some coffee. All of a sudden a group of about twenty young men come in and totally surround the area with the booths. One young man goes up to the coup les and starts trying to pick a fight. The coupl es try to ignore him , but he keeps on. Tension is really rising as the young man pushes harder trying to start a fight. About this time, in walks Col. Scruton and comes up behind the young man pushing for a fight and taps him on the shou ld er. The young man turns and sees it is Col. Scruton and is startled. Col. Scruton asks if he could get by. The young man steps back , and Col. Scruton wa lks up to the booth with the two couples and asks if he might join them. They slide over and he sits down. The young men surro unding the booth sort of look at each other and slowly start drifting away. I remember the colonel taking this sort of action with several situations at that time. There was a lot of conflict going on and he always seemed to handle situations without confrontation. I wou ld enjoy some other a lums' stories of their reco llections of Col. Scruton. Steve Suplee, A&S '75 Baton Rouge, Louisiana HUMBLEHERO

I started Tulane Med the year Bobby Brown finished (1950).




Your article [Who Dat? "Doctor at Bat," March 2014] does not do this great guy credit . First, he mar ried Sara French (NC '51), the Tulane homecoming queen in 1950. His four World Series games in 1947, '49, 'SO and '51 set a world record batting average: .439-18 hits with 41 at bats. Won all four World Series: Dodgers '47 and '49, Philadelphia '50 and Giants '51. He had four World Series rings by age 27! His roommate on the road: Yogi Berra . He and Yogi are the only two still living from the 1951 [Yankees] team. Bobby asked Max Lapham (our medical school dean) if he cou ld take time off to play baseball during his years at Tu lane Med. Max said, "YES, and if they will sign me for $54,000, I would like to go also." ... Bobby has made many talks over the years, but he just tells interesting stories about all of his teammates (like Joe DiMaggio) AND NEVER TELLS OF HIS BASEBALLSTATISTICS, which are fantastic. Dr. Robert K. Bass, M '54 Dallas WHOSENT THE TELEGRAM?

I had lunch with Rusty Barkerding [UC '78] a coupl e of weeks ago and he told me that his sisters Helen Barkerding Kammer [NC '72] and Reid Barkerding Noble [NC '67] appeared in an art icle in Tulane about the Beatles [in the side bar, "A Hard Day's Night" to "He Loves Them , Yeah, Yeah, Yeah," December 2013] . I immediately said, "Remember when I sent that telegram to Helen? " He said, "Read the article." Their father, Robert R. Barkerding , was my boss when I was in the steamsh ip business after Tul ane and the service . That day when I heard about Helen and how excited she was, I went to the Communication Center in the office and sent it. I saw Helen a few months ago, and she said, "I still have that telegram to this day." I loved those kids. I knew

them before they were teenagers. So that's wher e it came from. Peter Pizzo Jr., A&S '51 New Orleans NEWCOMBCOLLEGE

I was extraordinarily disappointed in your article on President Scott Cowen ("Something Extraordinary") [March 2014]. You mention his eliminat in g Newcomb Colle ge as a minor footnote. Many of us alum s consider it more a major mistake-one that will forever tarnish his legacy. Peggy Jo Abraham, NC '72 Santa Monica, California ENGINEERING I am a 1968 grad uat e of Tulane

University's School of Engineering, BS Chem ical Engineering and one of five family members with degrees from Tulane and Newcomb. Two are grad uates of Newcomb College. I just finished reading the articles with the many accolades and praise for President Cowen [March 2014] on his retirement from Tulane. While he does deserve much credit for his leadership in bringing the University through the unpr ecedented disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina, I think the art icle does not tell the entire story of the University 's recovery. When is it considered a success when a program that had been a well respected and integral part of Tulane 's curriculum, the School of Engineering, was decimated by President Cowen's recovery plan? At a time when the nation is seeing a need for engineering graduates of all disciplines to support an estimated multibillion dollar investment in facilities and infrastructure to support the boom in oil and natural gas production , Tulane will stand by silent ly. And when is it considered a success when Newcomb College, a school with a long and storied past, is considered disposable and wiped away, as Katrina floodwaters did to the city, by President Cowen's recovery plan? The graduates of Newcomb saw their College

and history disappear under his "leadership ." So, how about a little balance in the story regarding President Cowen's legacy by telling the entire story and how it impacted those who saw their legacy and history disappear? Don Michael, E '68 Madison, Mississippi Editor's Note: It should be noted that the legaciesof the School of Engi,neeringand NewcombCollegeliveon at Tulanein realand vibrantways. In the 2005 post-Katrina reorganizationof ntlane, the School was of Scienceand Engi,neering established,integratingengi,neering and sciencein oneacademicunit, while theSchool of LiberalArts also wasestablishedat that time. TheSchool ofScienceand Engi,neeri ng currentlyhasa teamof 58 professors, 33 associate professors , 28 assistant professors , 31professors ofpracticeand 16 researchprofessors,offeringdegreeprogramsat the undergraduateandgraduatelevels. Tulaneisa toptierresearchuniversity witha commitmentto highquality undergraduateeducation.Lastyear over250 undergraduatestudents participatedinprojectslinkedto sponsoredresearchin theSchoolof Scienceand Engineeri ng. Thefaculty attractsmorethan$20 millionin sponsoredresearchandgenerates morethan500 articlesin archival journalsannually. TheNewcombCollegeInstitute carrieson the legacyof Newcomb College.It'sa thrivinginstitute witha missionof educatingwomenfor leadershipand connectingthe research, teachingand communityservices missionsof Tulane.TheNewcomb CollegeInstitute researchcenter, archivesand libraryare valuable, indispensable resourcesfor scholars. TheNewcombheritagealso is carriedforth in Newcomb-ntlane College,the academichomefor all of the university's.full -time undergraduatestudents. Drop Us a Line E-mail: tulanemag@tulane.edu or U.S.mail: Tulane, University Publications,200 Broadway,Suite 219, New Orleans, LA 70118

Tularie EDITOR


Melinda Whatley Viles "TULANIANS " EDITOR


Keith Bran non Roger Dunaway Catherine Fresh ley, '09 Erika Herran Alicia Duple ssis J asmin Angus Lind , A&S'66 Kirby Mess inger Arthur Nead Ryan Rivet, UC '02 Mary Spara cello Mike Strecker SENIORUNIVERSITYPHOTOGRAPHER



When people talk about Scott Cowen, his abilities as a leader always come up. As he winds down his presidency at Tulane, colleagues and fr iends wrote remembrances of their wo rk with him. And his leadership is the overriding theme . Anne Banos (NC '84) , chief of staff and vice president for administrat ive services, puts it this way: " He has unbelievable faith in people being able to do things ." More than once, Banos said that Cowen told her, " You'll figure it out ; you'll be fine ." With that faith in others , Cowen has "an innately positive , caring spirit ," said Banos. " When we talk about 'good people,' it sounds like an understatement , but he's a truly good person . Another of Scott 's key att ributes , and I can think of all kinds of examples, is integrity . Scott doesn't ask people to do what he isn't willing to do himself . " "A true leader " is Sylvester Johnson's estimation of Cowen. Johnson (above) was by Cowen's side during the dark days after Hurricane Katrina . Johnson , senior associate vice president for facilit ies services, recalls that Cowen's "calm but stern directions

earned him the respect and dedica tion of all in the room. " That room was in a hotel several hundred miles from New Orleans , and the people in the room in early Septembe r 2005 did not know how or when Tulane would open again. Norman Francis, president of Xavier University, wrote of the "amazing job" Cowen did in the recovery of New Orleans: " He did it , not for the acco lades, but because it was important to be done ." Cowen's last " President's Letter " is in this issue of Tulane , and we cover his last commencement as president . It's the end of an era, but not the end of Cowen's association with Tulane University . He' ll soon be invested into the first Distinguished University Chair (see page 39) and will return to teaching. And fo r his continued service, the university commun ity is grateful. You' ll find the series about Cowen , "Thanks for the Memories ," on the Tulane website at tulane.edu/news/ newwave. It's also a good place to find out what's going on at Tulane, day-by-day, hour-to-hou r, and to keep in touch . -MARY







Carol J. Schlueter , B '99 Tulane (ISSN 21619255) is a quarterly magazine published by the Tulane Office o f Unive rsity Publications, 31 McAlister Drive, Drawer 1, New Orleans, LA 70118-5624. Periodical postage at New Orleans, LA 70113 and

addi tional mailing offices. Send ed itorial correspondence to the above address or email tulanemag@tula ne.edu. Opinions expressed in Tulane are not necessarily those of Tulane representative s and do n ot necessarily refle ct un iversity policies. Material may be reprinted o nly with permission. Tulane University is an affirmative action /equal opp ortu nity institution. POSTMASTER: Send address c ha nges to: Tulane, Tulan e Office of University Pub lications , 31 McAlister Drive, Drawer l, New Orleans, LA 70118-5624 . JUNE 2014/ VOL. 85, NO. 4



Tulane President Scott Cowen's new book , The Inevitable City: The Resurgence of New Orleans and the Future of Urban America , is about leadership, the amazing recovery of New Orleans and the resilience and creativity of the people who helped rebuild the city after Hurricane Katrina. NEW ORLEANS RECOVERY

Water Restoration

Heart of Campus President Scott Cowen and the Board of Tulane announced exciting news this spring about the promise of transforming Tulane's uptown campus and undergraduate student living and learning for generations to come. At its March meeting, the Board of Tulane voted to move forward with a plan to reimagine the physical design and function of the middle section of campus between Freret and Willow streets. This is part of a long-range plan that started with the establishment of McAlister Place as a pedestrian mall in 2010 and resulted in the construction of two new residence halls-Weatherheaq Hall and the soon -to-open Barbara Greenbaum House at Newcomb Lawn. (See page 38 for more about a gift for this project .) Another phase includes a new four-story, $46 million campus facility that will provide Tulane students with a premier dining experience while also creating a new and expanded home for th e Newcomb College Institute. The dining component of the new facility will more than double the seating capacity of Bruff Commons , the current dining hall that is overcrowded and outdated. In addition to giving students an outstanding dining experie nce every day, the new facility will provide space for special dinners and events for student organizations and residential colleges. The new facility is planned for the site of the current Newcomb College Institute to provide an expa nded , state-of-the-art home for the institute. It will allow the Newcomb College Institute to brin g together all its offices, programs and activities, which are currently scattered throughout three campus buildings , under one roof. This new highprofile home will provide optimal space for more inno vative programs, leadership opportunities and educational activ ities for women . During this phase of the project, th e Newcomb-McA!ister Unified Green Project will be compl eted, un iting the Newcomb and LBC quads into a centra l green space. The next evolution of the transformation should begin in 2017, when Bruff Commons and the Caroline Richardson Building, whose functions will be housed in the new facility, will be redeveloped into two new residence halls, allowing 80 percent of Tulane undergraduate s to live on campus. -Mike Strecker



Changing Classes McAlister Place Pedestrian Way opened in 2010 as the first phase of a lon g-ran ge plan that includes a new dining hall and new hom e for the Newcomb College Institute .


The Grand Challenge seeks to solve the problem of hypoxia"dead zones "-in lakes a nd oceans . Dead zones are oxygen-depleted water ca use d by excessive amounts of river-borne fertilizers and oth er nutri ents, s hown here at the mouth of th e Mississ ippi River.

Tulane hopes to tap into the genius of entrepreneurs , researchers and inventors worldwide by offering a $1 million prize for the best solution to combat annual "dead zones" in the world's lakes and oceans . "Water Innovations: Reducing Hypoxia, Restoring Our Water" is the country's latest Grand Cha llenge, a response to President Obama's call for organizations, philanthropists and universitie s to identify and pursue today 's most pressing issues. Tulane 's Grand Challenge seeks innovative solutions to combat hypoxia, oxygen-depleted water caused mostly by excessive amounts of river-borne fertilizers and other nutrients emptying into lakes and oceans. Phyllis Taylor , president of the Patrick F. Taylor Foundation and a Tulane Board member, is funding the grand prize. Tulane Prize partners include Iowa Secretary of Agriculture BillNorthey in the upper basin of the Mississippi River and Louisiana Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry Mike Strain at its mouth . Tay lor said , "Tul ane has lon g be en a leader in social innovation. This competition advances that mission while strengthening Tulane 's leadership in water law and policy and coasta l research." The grand pri ze will be awarded for a testable , scaled and marketable operating model that significa ntly, efficiently and cost-effec tively reduces hypoxia. Marketing opportu nities should bring benefits beyond the prize for winners and all competitors . Information about the challenge is available at: tulane .edu/tulaneprize . - M.S.


2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the business school at Tulane University . Originally named the College of Commerce and Business Administration , the school was renamed th e A. B. Freeman School of Business in honor of A. B. Freeman, forme r chairman of Louisiana Coca-Cola Bottling Co. His son, Richard W. Freeman Sr., led the effort to have the school named for his fathe r by helping the school raise $7 million .

19 811 100 ,

Living alumni of the business school.

Years since the Tulane Board of Administrators passed a resolution in 1914 to formally establish a new college dedicated to the teaching of business administration.


Years served by the school 's first dean, Morton A. " Doc" Aldrich . He also was a professor of economics at Tulane .


The sole member of the first graduating class in 1918was E. David McCutchon. He went on to become the sales promot ion manager at D.H. Holmes.

The cost of tuition per course in 1914. Some of the earliest courses included commercial law, economics, foreign trade , accounting and business administration .

1984 The year the College of Commerce and Business is renamed the A. B. Freeman School of Business. Although A. B. Freeman (right) was not an alumnus , his son, Richard w. Freeman Sr., earned a bachelor of business administration degree in 1934.


Total square footage of Gold ring/ Waldenber g Halls I and II. Hall I was completed in 1986, and Hall II in 2003 . The buildings are named in honor of philanthropists Stephen M. Gold ring and Malcolm Wolden berg , founders of Magnolia Liquor.



ELYSE LURAY (NC '89) took

part in the time-honored tradition of the Newcomb College Daisy Chain at graduation 25 years ago. An art history major at Tulane , today Luray is an appraiser and historian of popular culture . Based in New York, Luray says, " The first time I was spellbound by a historical subject was my first semester at Tulane. I was studying architecture in the French Quarter and became fascinated by one of the grand old houses. Soon I was spending all my time researching the home's architecture , former owners and even the furnishings . Eventually my interest turned to objects and how they reflect people 's passions for the past." Considered to be a leading expert in the collectibles/pop culture field of collecting , Luray is busy in her appraisal business, helping clients who need an insurance , fair market value , donation , estate , damage claim/ loss or market appraisal. She lectures on this topic throughout the country . Luray is one of five hosts on the PBSseries " History Detectives " in which investigators delve into legends, folklore and personal histories to discover potentially extraordinary objects . Each week the detectives face new mysteries , intertwining everyday people with the legends of American lore . Mixing forensic evidence with Sherlock Holmes' sharp eye, the " History Detectives" create entire life stories from a single scrap of evidence , an overlooked piece of the past , and help people discover the truth about their objects . Luray also hosts a series on the SyFy network called "Collection Intervention ." She creates a strategy that helps collectors curate and showcase their collection by assessing



where the true value lies and then allowing them to decide what 's worth keeping and what they can sell. Luray has appeared on "Antiques Roadshow ," " The Nate Berkus Show," the Style Network 's "Clean House NY!" and the yearly HGTV special , " The Longest Yard Sale." A licensed auctioneer , Luray can be seen at the podium sell ing for many different auction

houses. She spends her spare time lending her auctioneering skills to charities throughout the country. Luray spent 11 years at Christie 's auction house as an auctioneer and vice president of the Popular Arts Department . Some collections she appraised were the archives of Lucas Films, Dreamworks, Warner Bros. , Hanna Barbara , Hard Rock Cafe and Chuck

Jones' personal collection. A wine expert, Luray published her first book, Great Wines Below$20 , in 2011 . Luray says she uses her "History Detect ives" techniques and wine knowledge to show the reader how easy it is to find good, enjoyable , cheap wine . Last year, Luray donated a private wine tasting for the Helluva Hullabaloo auction to benefit Tulane studentathletes.- FRAN SIMON

SOCIAL WORK RELOCATES After Go years on the uptown campus, the Tulane School of Social Work is moving downtown to a newly renovated facility at 127 Elk Place, tripling its office and classroom space.


to Play

The new president of Costa Rica is Tulane alumnu s Luis Guillermo Solis (G '81). Solis, who received his master's degree in Latin American studies , was elected in a landslide victory in April and started his four-year term in May. Before his historic presidential election, Solis worked as a political science and history professor at the University of Costa Rica. He is the first third-party candidate to become president of the country. "It's a remarkable story," says Ludovico Feoli, director of the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research at Tulane. Solis "enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a diplomat but never before held elected political office. He is articulate and likeable and connected with voters disenfranchised by the two ruling parties, both mired in corruption scandals." Those who knew Solis while he was a grad student describe him as brilliant and captivating . "He had such a charismatic personality and fiery intellect that you knew he would go far," says fellow student Virginia Garrard- Burnett (G '80, '86), who attended Solis' presidential inauguration and is a professor at the University of Texas-Austin. "You could see that this was someone whose life was going to take a very different direction than the rest of us." Professor emeritus of history Ralph Lee Woodward Jr . (G '59, '62) directed Solis' "carefully researched and well-written " master 's thesis. "He was not only an excellent student, but also a charmi ng individual, " says Woodward. Solis retained a strong connection to Tulane even after he returned to Costa Rica. He has taught Central American Politics to numerous Tulane students over the years at CIAPA,the Tulane-run campus in San Jose, Costa Rica. Thomas Reese, executive director of the Stone Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane, says future CIAPAstudents will be fortunate to have a close friend of Tulane heading the Costa Rican government. "It's a great honor to have one of our own reach such a level of distinction," Reese says.- Mary Sparacello

Costa Rica Elections Luis Guillermo Solis, of the Citizen Action Party, celebrate s with his supporters in San Jose, Costa Rica, on Feb. 2, 2014 . In April, Solis won the runoff for the presidency.


A Tulane study reviewed two years of data on football players, whose mean age was 15.9 and whose mean play time was 4.4 years.

As more parents consider whether it's safe for adolescents to play football, a new Tulane University study of high school players found no link between years of play and any decline in neurocognitive function. The results of the study were presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in New Orleans in March. The results suggest that risks of sport-related brain injuries are relatively low, said lead author Dr. Gregory Stewart , associate professor of orthopaedics at the School of Medicine. "The correlation between the number of years of football participation and the performance on the digit symbol substitution test [a common neuropsychological test] does not support the hypothesis that participation in a collision sport negatively affects neurocogni tive function," Stewart said. "The implication is that the playing of football is not in and of itself detrimental. " However, the research does "reinfor ce the need to educate high school and college athletes to better und erstand the importance of being honest about their (concussion) symptoms so that they can be treated appropriately," Stewart said. "Many kids play with symptoms that they don 't necessarily equate with a concussion ." Concussion symptoms include balance problems , diz ziness, fatigue , difficult y con centrating , headache, irritability, nau se a, sensitivity to light or noise, vision problems , memory difficulties and feeling emotional or mentally foggy.-K eith Brannon


JUNE 2014


PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEERS In the 2014 Peace Corps rankings of the top volunteer-producing colleges and universities across the country, Tulane is No. 2 in the graduate school category and No. 13 in the undergraduate medium school group .

NOLA Service Year

Storied Street Richard Campanella's new book, Bourbon Street: A History (Louisiana State University Press, 2014), is the first truly scholarly work about th e . French Quarter's mile-long street that has become for millions worldwide a symbol-for better or worse-of the cultur e of New Orleans. Campanella, a geograp her and School of Archit ecture professor , traces the history of Bourbon Street starting with the surveying of the city's street plan and following its evolution from a quiet residential thoroughfare to the object of heated controversies about local cultu re and the images that New Orleans ought to project . "The first inflection point in Bourbon Street's trajectory from normalcy to deviancy occurred in the 1860s, on the heels of the Civil War," says Campanella, "when middle- and upper-class residents departed the inner city and elements of the nocturnal entertainment scene esta bli shed themselves in and around the upper French Quarter. " Then with the closure of Storyville in 1917,the nighttime scene shifted again toward Bourbon Street . "Bourbon seized it by landing one of the first modern 'nightclubs,' Maxime's, which welcomed couples and parlayed perfectly into the 'dating' and speakeasy scene of the 1920s Prohibition Era. "The third major inflection point was World War II, when millions of war workers and troops transited through New Orleans and gravitated to the cluster of bars and clubs that had gathered on Bourbon," according to Campanella. "After WWII, Bourbon gained - and kept-national fame, and increasingly, local infamy. 'Tm intrigued that people either Jove or hate Bourbon Street," Campanella says. "I hope that readers come to discover, as I did , that th ere are some fascinating - and in my mind , vindicating, aspects-to Bourbon Street." - Arthur Nead



Bourbon Street Nightlife Richard Campanella gives a "historical geographical panorama" of Bourbon Street over three centuries in his new book.

Building on its role as a national leader in public service, Tulane has partnered with the Corporation for National and Commu nity Service (CNCS)and the Aspen Institute 's Franklin Project to launch a pilot program to give recent graduates an opportunity to spend a year of service making a tangible difference within commun ities in New Orleans. The Tulane AmeriCorps Fellows Program begins this summer and will support eight fellows who will live on campus as they work full time with nonprofits in h igh-need neighborhoods throughout the city. The two-year pilot program includes free housing and a monthly stipend for Jiving expenses. Upon completion, participants will earn a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award to cover student Joans or to further their education. Wendy Spencer, CEO of CNCS, said, "The Tulane AmeriCorps Fellows Program is a powerful new model that combines the proven community impact of AmeriCorps with the public service leadership of a great university." The program is open to all, and Tulane students are especially encouraged to apply. The un iversity will award Tulane alumni fellows an add itional $5,000 to further their education at Tulane at the completion of the service year. Each year, 8,000 Tulane students participate in service-learning classes , volunt eer projects and internships throughout the greater New Orleans region as part of their grad uation requirement. Building on Tulane 's long-lasting collaboration with CNCS- which to date has resulted in 112 AmeriCorps VISTA members serving the New Orleans community and a federal investment of $2.4 million-the Tulane AmeriCorps Fellows Program represents a significant expansion of Tulane 's service offerings and a natural extension of its civic mission . The Franklin Project is a new venture by the Aspen Institute to marshal the best case for a volunt ary civilian counterpart to military service in the United States.-K.B.

If FUNERAL PROCESSION (shown here) by ELLIS WILSON (1899-1977) looks familiar, it's likely because of the exposure the painting received on TV's "The Cosby Show." A replica of the painting hung above the mantle of the fictional Huxtable home for several seasons. The original oil on masonite painting , which measures 30 1/2 by 29 1/4 inches, is owned by the Amistad Research Center located on Tulane University's uptown campus. Funeral Procession is first introduced into " The Cosby Show" in a 1985 episode , when Wilson is written into the story line as Claire Huxtable's deceased great uncle. Huxtable bids on the painting at auction after it had been lost to her family years earlier and purchases it for $11,000. In reality, Wilson's art typi cally sold for much less and was not widely recognized. But he still made a name for himself in the art community by exhibiting his work throughout the time of the Harlem Renaissance and beyond. Wilson left his home state of Kentucky to study at the Art Institute of Chicagofrom which he graduated in 1923. He later moved to New York where he exhibited with the Harmon Foundation, an organization that promoted the works of African-American artists . In 1944, Wilson was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship, which he used to travel in the South. He created paintings depicting the lives of African-Americans at work, illustrating activities such as making turpentine, selling goods in open-air markets and harvesting tobacco.

Wilson visited Haiti in the early 1950s, absorbing the country 's culture by watching people, eating local foods and listening to the music . Upon his return from Haiti, he said , "It came to me that at a distance , you see these people coming and going and you don't see their features. They're black . They're a mass of darkness . So I started painting the faces flat." Haiti's influence is palpable in Wilson's subsequent works , which often feature

native foliage , bright hues and faceless people . The original Funeral Procession (ca. 1954) was a 1982 gift to Amistad from the Harmon Foundation and is part of Amistad 's fine arts collection , which is named for visual artist Aaron Douglas (1899-1979) , who was a strong presence during the Harlem Renaissance. " Funeral Procession is the most famous single image in the collection, " says Chris Harter , director of library

and reference services at Amistad . " There are a million reproductions out there, but the original strokes made by Ellis Wilson's brush are on the canvas of the painting here at the center." Amistad also owns three of Wilson's lesser-known works . At Amistad, Funeral Procession is kept in a climate-controlled storage area with dim lighting to prevent its color from fading . It may be viewed upon request. -ALICIA



JUNE 2014


How important is research to Tulane? Tulane is widely recognized among the best research universities in the nation . Indeed, our international presence is such that , in many countries around the world , "Tulane" is practically a household name. This reputation is the accrual of generations of Tulane faculty who contributed original research of substance and value, of direct societal benefit through both technological advancement and through the education and training of future generations.

What challenges face private research institutions? In an environment of declining federal research support , researchers are pressed to develop ever more competitive grant proposals. Mechanisms often used to reach this goal include a keener focus on the most compelling scientific questions to be asked in one's field, the development of productive , synergistic collaborations both



within and outside Tulane, the inclusion of innovative approaches to address the scientific problem, and the prompt, effective resolution of administrative or other obstacles to success.

Do you expect continued belt-tightening for researchers? Yes, I regret to say that I do. A recent opinion piece described our current federal funding environment as an " unsustainable hypercompetitive system that is discouraging even the most outstanding students from entering our profession and making it difficult for seasoned investigators to produce their best work. " In the case of the National Institutes of Health, for example , the funding lines in many institutes extended to fewer than the top 10 percent of peer-reviewed proposals . My office works to help faculty investigators in this position by awarding what we term Bridge Research Support, that is,

funds intended to bridge the gap between competitively awarded federal grants .

What advice would you give students with their sights set on a career in research? I encourage students of that bent to pursue what is surely one of the most deeply satisfying , most enjoyable career options available . I think my colleagues would agree that serving on the faculty of a research university is a privilege in the truest sense. We are compensated to spend our time thinking about original research ideas that -captivate our attention , and are free to pursue a research path of our own design so long as we can attract funding to support it. At the same time, we have the pleasure of teaching a very eager, capable and receptive group of undergraduate and graduate students. It is a good life . I recommend it. -RYAN RIVET

MOVETOAAC The Green Wave officially joins the American Athletic Conference on July 1, 2014, after playing the last 18 seasons as a member of Conference USA.

Loves NFL Bound Tennis

After taking home the 2014 Conference USA Player of the Year honor-and going undefeated all spring with a 15-match win streakTulane senior Klara Vyskocilova was one of 64 players selected to compete in the 2014 NCAA Division I Women's Tennis Singles Championships in Athens, Georgia, in late May. "The level of excitement coming from Klara making the NCAA individual tournament is immeasurable ," said head coach Terri Sisk, at Tulan e press time. "This is the first time since 2005 that anyone in our program has made postseason , and I could not be happier for her." Vyskocilova, the Green Wave's top singles player this season, was the 58th-ranked singles player in the nation. She put up an impressive 20-6 overall record in 2013-14. Among her wins this season are victories over a pair of Top 25 ranked players, and she sports a record of 5-2 against nationally ranked singles players for the 2013-14campaign . From Klatovy, Czech Republic, Vyskocilova majored in finance. She is as solid in the classroom as on the court. She was selected to the 2014 All C-USA Women's Tennis Academic Team, and she is a two-time member of the CUSA Commissioner's Honor Roll and Tulane 's 3.0 Club. She's on track to graduate with a 3.72GPA.-Roger Dunaway

Tulane standout wide receiver Ryan Grant became the first Green Wave player selected in the NFL draft since 2009 when the Washington Redskins used the 142nd overall pick to bring him to D.C. A native of Beaumont , Texas, Grant started for the past two seasons for the Wave and earned Conference USA first team honors both years. He completed his career with 196 receptions for 2,769 yards and 21 touchdowns. In the Tulane career record book, he finished in fifth place all alone with the most career receptions in school history , fifth in career receiving yards with 2,769, third in 100-yard games with 12 and tied for sixth in touchdown receptions . Some analysts expect Grant to be an early contributor as a slot receiver in Washington due to the precise route-running and soft hands he showed during his college career . "I had no idea what team might draft me, but we got the call from Washington , and I am happy to be a Redskin," said Grant. " It will be great to be on the same team and catch passes from a quarterback like Robert Griffin III." Tulane head coach Curtis Johnson called Grant a "terrific young man with a solid work ethic ," and said he expects to see "big things " from him as a professional. While Grant was the only Tulane player selected in the NFL draft in May, five members of the 2013 Green Wave team signed deals that will bring them into training camp with NFL squads. Defensive tackle Chris Davenport , kicker Cairo Santos , running back Orleans Darkwa, cornerback Jordan Sullen and defensive tackle Julius Warmsley have each signed on as undrafted free agents. Davenport will join Grant on the Redskins , while Santos signed with the Kansas City Chiefs and Darkwa with the Tennessee Titans. Sullen inked with the Denver Broncos, and Warmsley signed with the Houston Texans. -Ryan Rivet


Pro Day Wide receiver Ryan Grant is tim ed in th e 40-yard dash durin g Tulane pro day in April at th e New Orleans Saint s practice facilit y in Metairi e, Loui siana.


Klara Vyskocilova, Conference USAPlayer of the Year, is on her way to the NCAASingles Championships in late May. 2014


JUNE 2014










GRADUATION CEREMONY AS PRESIDENT OF TULANE UNIVERSITY. by Mary Ann Travis Job well done was the message , and joy, tinged with a little sadness, was the mood. At th e Tulane University Commencement ceremony in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome on May 17, 2014, accolades flowed for the graduate s and President Scott Cowen, who was presiding over his last ceremony as leader of the universit y. In a ceremony punctuated throughout by joyous, up-tempo music performed by some of the world's-which by definition , means New Orleans' -most accomplished musicians , a class of more than 2,800 grad uates from all SO states and 63 countries celebrated academic achievements . Wynton Marsalis, New Orleans' own renowned jazz musician and the commencement speaker, praised the graduates for "endeavoring to pursue " their dreams , for their hard work and for joining the elite rank s of college grad uates. "You have survived this rite of passage," Marsalis told them. "You deserve to celebrate , but don't rest." Gratitude with a prayerful attitude was a theme for Marsalis. "Give further thanks," he told the assembled graduates and about 12,000 of th eir friends and families, "for all the obstacles and tribulations that made you reach deeper to raise yourself higher even as you recognize and appreciate all th e advantages and incentives that have allowed you to float above the turmoil and chaos that have destroyed the aspiratio ns of many."




Four times during his speech , Marsalis paused to play his trumpet , accompanied by Dr. Michael White's Original Liberty Ja zz Band, performing triumphant and ascendant tunes , including "When the Saints Go Marching In." Marsalis had been asked months earlier to speak at the ceremony , with one stipulation from Cowen: don't say anything about me. Well, Marsalis ignored that admonition and, instead , spoke highly of the Tulane president who is stepping down on Ju ly 1 after 16 years in office. Cowen "has lived his most sacred belief," said Marsalis. "It's difficult to be an exemplar of what comes out of your mouth . Words are easy to speak; to be is very difficult. This man showed the nation and the world the true meaning of leadership. " And Cowen's "most sacred belief is that a university is its students," said Marsalis. To celebrate Cowen is to celebrate the graduates . "You are what he has worked tirelessly to manifest," said Marsalis, who received an honorary degree at the ceremony. Cowen, in his speech to the graduates, advised them to commit themselves to lifelong learning, making a difference in the world and finding their passion. (See an excerpt of Cowen's speech on page 2). "No one will ever remember you for what you did for yourself," Cowen said. "They will remember you for what you did for others."~

Rite of Passage Facing page : Tulane President Scott Cowen runs the gamut of feelings during the ceremony filled with tributes to him-and the graduates. This page: Top: Clarinetist Michael White and trumpeter Wynton Marsalis serenade Cowen, who holds a second-line umbrella. Second row, left to right: Devon Walker, who was paralyzed in a football accident two years ago, joins other graduates at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. Walker was recognized for his bravery and inspirational attitude. New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees (right) marches behind Darryl Berger, chairman of the Board of Tulane . Brees and White received Tulane President's Medals during the ceremony. Third row: Graduates celebrate in sty le. Fourth row, left to right: Class of 2014 Speaker Michael R. Callender addresses the audience. Graduates make merry. Cowen takes one last photo from the stage. Photo s by Paula Burch-Celentano.


JUNE 2014




Cool: adj. & interj. [cf. earlier general colloquial, keep a cool head, Negro slang, keep cool, fool; term is linguistic parallel of the new post-World War II musical temper (more relaxed , cerebral, sophisticated) ... widely current since c. 1947] ... this most protean of jazz slang terms also means, among other things, off dope, on dope, comfortable, respectable, perceptive, shrewd-virtually anything favorably regarded by the speaker. -Robert S. Gold, A Jazz Lexicon (1964)

? •







by Michael Luke

Birth of Cool One of the great jazz artists of the 20th century, Miles Davis (1926-1991) embodies cool. He is one of the few jazz musicians in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Ever since the great jazz sax man Lester Young gave birth to the word "cool" in the 1940s, wethat is, a greater portion of all of humanity-have been consumed with cool in all of its rubrics and forms, relentlessly asking, "What is cool? Who is cool? Is that cool or is this cool?" even though the ideal existed long before the word. Perhaps, we have been chasing down answers to the wrong questions. Maybe we should have been asking, "Who knows cool?" One Tulane professor just might have that answer. Joel Dinerstein knows cool. Dinerstein, associate professor of English and director of the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South, has known cool before he wrote a book about it-American Cool(Prestel, 2014); before he co-curated an exhibit-"Arnerican Cool" on 100 cool American figures on display until Sept. 7, 2014, at the Smithsonian Institution 's National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C.;and even before he started teaching college classes about the subject way back in 1997.



"Coolessentially comes out of rebellious self-expression," Dinerstein says as he sits down to talk about cool and its place in American culture. (It isn't a surprise that his Uptown home has not one, but two portraits of Lester Young.) Dinerstein's first lesson is that there is substance and style to cool. More than just a lit cigarette, the collar up on a leather jacket , and an eternally beautiful face adorned with sunglasses-though looks and style and sexual charisma are sometimes important elements of cool's mystic alchemy-there is an ethos, an aesthetic, for cool. Think Miles Davis, his back arched, blowing his mighty trumpet inside a smoky jazz club, like some earthly incarnation of Gabrie l. In a more modern vein, consider the technological revolution started by Steve Jobs or Jay-Z setting the world of hip-hop on its ear. Or maybe it's Jack Kerouac pounding away at a typewriter at the speed of sound, describing wild journeys looking for the soul of America . And the women of cool? What about Madonna? Or Mae West? Or Zora Neale Hurtson? These people are easy to recognize as cool, but the problem is, cool isn't always so easy to define. "People often say they know it when they see it," Dinerstein says, but to define the concept can be tricky. "In the exhibit [at the Smithsonian], cool represents the successful rebels of American culture, and by successful, I mean their rebellion in their given field transformed their area of art or activism, and often transformed American culture itself outside of their field." But these cool figures often pay a price for taking their field and art to new places. They are routinely attacked by authority figures for their daring artistic innovation.





For an example of the transformative powers that cool figures can have, take comedy. ComKing of Cool Actor Steve McQueen edy has and can have a cool edge. "Lenny Bruce transformed comedy for- (1930-1980) exemplifies ever," Dinerstein says. "We weren't going the self-confident man back to Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and George of action who conceals Burns-ever." his emotions under a Bruce's controversial, profanity-laced bits stee ly, calm exter ior. that delved into topics such as sex, drugs, religion, race, and even the government were off limits until he decided to push the boundaries in the early 1960s, making him a target of authority figures, such as the police who arrested him on obscenity charges for daring to use profanity on stage. But once Bruce's comedic assault began on the mores of 1960s' America, things permanently changed, although his own life and art end tragically. Without Bruce cursing on stage, among other things , we'd never get George Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words" routine. The path blazed by Bruce, as volatile and transgr essive as it was, Dinerstein explains, allowed for Carlin, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Louis C.K., etc. all to be possible. IDENTITYFORMATION

Cool is profoundly an American concept, often transmitted outward to the rest of the world. Dinerstein writes in American Cool: "First, new cool personae mostly trickle up through popular culture, and American pop culture

''Coolessentially comes out of rebellious self-expression.'' -Joel Dinerstein He Knows Cool Joel Dinerstein "chillaxes" at home.

has functioned as something of a global lingua franca for more than a century. Second, a set of conditions for generational cool are often forged at the intersection of youth culture, popular culture and African American culture, from swing to rock 'n' roll to funk to hip-hop , from language to dance to fashion to aesthetics. Third, cool is in large part an African American concept. Black Americans invented the concepts of hip and cool-both traceable to concepts in many African cultures-and the terms first crossed over from New York'sjazz culture in the late 1940s." So why is cool so important, so vital to America? "Cool has been central to the American self-concept for the last 70 years," Dinerstein says. "Starting in the '50s, the whole way in which you build a self as an adolescent is based on the figures you and your generation have chosen to be cool. It is nothing less than the process of identity formation in modernity ." GENERATION GAPS

Cool is personal, Dinerstein points out, and cool changes with each generation. These cool figures speak to the soul, and cool to each of us is a unique experience, our own mythology ; we choose which icons to buy into and then willingly worship them. Something that is shared by many, but speaking to each of us simultaneously. "What cool represents is the figure that you choose to represent you," he says, acknowledging this is how Elvis was the coolest creature on Earth to a litany of kids, hitting a crescendo for them on Sept. 9, 1956,with his hip-shaking appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show." Nine years later, in 1965,forget Elvis and here comes Bob Dylan going electric with epic-length pop songs and, in his wake, an entire generation of singer-songwriters often called "new Dylans." Dinerstein traces his first sense of cool back to a 14-year-old kid, Percy Williams, from his junior high days in Brooklyn-a story he often tells his classes . "He was good-looking. He wore dress clothes to school, and they looked good on him. Women loved him. He was smart and a really good basketball player," Dinerstein remembers. "He wasn't the rebel kind of cool. He had this other-worldly selfconfidence that you don't know where it comes from." Almost everyone has this first micro-encounter brush with cool in their youth, that person amongst your peers who stands out with something in their personality just exuding that essence.




At 16, Dinerstein had his first encounter with cool on a larger level with Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. "Meanings of cool change," Dinerstein says, "but for me the Born to Run record changed my life, the way an artwork can change your life." The 1975 breakthrough record by Springsteen with its anthems of redemption amid rusty, apocalyptic landscapes , tales of youthful, lovedriven escape to better places, and dangerous passion spoke to Dinerstein-and millions of others-as only cool can on a personal level. "I listened to that record every day, knew every word, I sang it on streets every day. It was like possession in the primitive sense. I sang it in Bruce's voice. I needed to get where he was, and that , in a way, is what cool is. How do I get to where you are? Because that's where I want to go."

African American culture , Dinerstein says that years ago he recognized the resonance of cool in American culture. "I understood at an intuitive level, in ways that I can't quite explain, that cool was a very profound concept; it was a profound philosophical idea. And the notion of trying to be cool, not in the superficial way of either being popular or being a rebel, was something very complex." Dinerstein credits the renowned Africanist scholar Robert Farris Thompson with excavating the roots of cool in West African societies as a concept meaning "spiritual balance. " "It means an ideal mode of being in the world. It's like an ideal existential mode. If you could be in balance-mind, body and spirit every day-that's what cool is," Dinerstein says. Those ofus who encounter this coolness, we feel it and are drawn to it. We know what cool is. \1


Asked whether cool is timeless , Elvis returns to the conversation, and Dinerstein claims cool is more time-bound than timeless; in other words, it is about generational impact. "We know what Elvis did to the Boomer generation when he showed up-1955 through , say, '63. After that he became a caricature of everything , not just of himself. By the early '70s, this means in some way he loses his cool when we look at it historically. But not for the people who grew up with him. He was still meaningful to them ," Dinerstein says. "The people who were the breakthrough for you, they remain that all your life." Drawing from his expertise as a jazz scholar and deep knowledge of



Michael Luke is a 2004 graduate of Tulane with a Bachelor of Arts in English.

LadyDay Billie Holiday (1915-1959), the most influential jazz vocalist of all time, remains true to the jazz practice of self-expression.


When Malcolm John "Mac" Rebennack Jr. announced to the listener, "They call me Dr. John , The Night Tripper," in the opening lyrics to his 1968 psychedelic classic "Gris-Gris," the haunting , voodoochanneled themes forever changed the soundscape of New Orleans music. That album was just the beginning for what would earn Dr. John a place in the pantheon of New Orleans cool. Some 30 albums later and at the age of 73, Dr. John is an essential element to the New Orleans music scene and still creating funky, timeless music. Dr. John received an honorary doctorate of fine arts from Tulane in 2013.



The Big Chief of Chiefs. No Mardi Gras Indian 's legacy looms larger than Allison "Tootie" Montana, big chief of the Yellow Pocahontas Tribe. The subject of several documentaries , numerous articles and with a statue honoring him in Louis Armstrong Park, Montana revolutionized Mardi Gras Indian culture. Not only did he forever change the way suits were made with his high level of craftsmanship, giving them a three-dimensional flare that really hasn't been matched since his death in 2005, he was undoubtedly one of the key figures in getting violence out of Indian culture and on a path to be recognized as a cultural charm of New Orleans.


If jazz was the first musical gift from New Orleans to the world, bounce music is the city's latest offering. Big Freedia , the Queen of Bounce, exemplifies the blistering, echoing, relentlessly repetitive sounds of bounce. Openly and unapologetically gay, Freedia, whose personality is just as brash as bounce , was twerking well before Miley Cyrus left "Hannah Montana." Bounce was an underground form of hip-hop before Freedia brought its sounds out of New Orleans and to the masses.


Next to music, food is just as important to New Orleanians. Who is a better representative of the food community than the woman who has run an iconic Creole restaurant in the heart of the Sixth Ward for decades? More than just a place to find New Orleans soul food favorites such as gumbo, fried chicken and red beans and rice, Chase's restaurant, Dooky Chase's, was an essential meeting spot of the Civil Rights movement (and even makes an appearance in a classic Ray Charles' tune). Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama have dined at the restaurant at the corner of Orleans Avenue and North Miro Street, where, Chase, at 91, still cooks up savory food daily. In 2008, she received an honorary doctorate of humane letters from Tulane.


The son of golden-armed quarterback Archie Manning, Peyton Manning has grown from a kid playing catch with his brothers in the yard of the family's New Orleans Garden District home to setting the school passing record at Isidore Newman to shattering countless records in the NCAA with the University of Tennessee Volunteers to winning a Super Bowl and a record-setting five NFL MVPs. Manning is a lock for the Hall of Fame when he does retire, joining other legendary NFL quarterbacks like Joe Montana, Joe Namath and Dan Marino. He revolutionized the game of football, and there will not be a conversation in which the greatest quarterbacks of all-time are considered without his name being immediately mentioned.



JUNE 2014






"If you're still talking about what you did yesterday, then what are you doing today?" This is a phr ase that Dr. James Andrews has heard from his wife throu ghout his career. But for Andrews, the words are more than just sound advice; they have helped shape his remarkable work in sports medicine. Sports fans might recognize Andrews' name beca use they have heard ESPN anchors refer to him or seen his frequent cameos in various newspapers or magazines . But these references are only a small part of Andrews' reach in the world of sports. He treat s or has treated players on nearly every team and in nearl y every sport. In 2010, Andrews was the only doctor to be named among the top 40 most powerful people in the NFL by Sports Illustrated . His resume includes a who's who of some of the most famous athletes in the world. Drew Brees, Troy Aikman , Roger Clemens , Kerri Strug , Brett Favre, Terrell Owens , Emmitt Smith, Michael Jordan , Jack Nicklaus , Charles Barkley, Bo Jackson and the Manning brothers are just a few of his notab le patients. Andrews' love of both sports and medicine harkens back to his roots in Homer, La. His grandfather , a farmer and selftaught country doctor, would rock him on their front porch and call Andrews his young doctor . From his father, he inherited a love of sports and eventually went to Louisiana State University on a track scholarship . Andrews flourished as a pole-vaulter and won the 1963 Southeastern Conference championship. Although he ended his athletic career early to enter medical school, he now makes it his mission to extend the playing careers of other athletes. Andrews says the seed was planted early on in his life to become a physician. Combining medicine with his love of sports, his dream was to be a team physician. To do that, he pursued a residency in orthopaedics at Tulane University School of Medicine. During his second year of residency, Andrews learned of Dr. Jack Hughston while watching slides during a regular Friday afternoon class . Hughston was a pioneer in the emerging field of sports medicine, and Andrews was immediately impressed with him. Andrews approached Dr. Jack Wickstrom, chairman of the Depart ment of Orthopaedic Surgery, to see if he could facilitate a meeting between himself and the longtime Auburn University team doctor. The meeting was set and during his third year of residency, Andrews was able to tra vel to Columbus, Ga., and train full time with Hughston through the help of Wickstrom and the orthopaedics department. After completing his residency, Wickstrom pushed Andrews to continue his training . Although it wasn't common at the time for residents to pursue fellowships, Wickstrom put Andrews in contact with Dr. Frank C. McCue at the University of Virginia to learn about the upper extremities since most of sports medicine at the time was focused on knee injuries. Following a six-month training in Virginia, Wickstrom and Hughston then sent Andrews to work with Dr. Albert Trillat, known as the father of European knee surgery, in Lyon, France. Those experiences and trainin g "really set me up in th e sports medicine world," says Andrews. "If it hadn't been for Jack Wickstrom and Tulane orthopaedics , I probably wouldn't have been able to get the training I did in sports medicine." Following his training , Andrews travelled to Columbus, Ga., to work with Hugh ston where he was able to use those upper extremities skills and work with pitchers and thrower s. In Georgia, he perfected the use of arthroscopy , then an experimental technique , which Andrews refers to as one of the biggest revelations in sports medicine . Arthroscopy involves inserting a long metal rod, some with camera and light , and some with instruments for cutting and stitchin g into th e injured area. Andrews became one of the first surgeons to fix labral and rotator cuff tears usin g the procedure. After working with Hughston for 13 years, Andrews set up in his








Useful Book: Any Given Monday: Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them for Athletes, Parents and Coaches-Based on My Life in Sports Medicine by Dr. James Andrews


STOP: The Sports Trauma and Overuse Prevention program

addresses prevention and overuse in young athletes. www.stopsportsinjuries.org own practice in Birmingham, Ala. He now has centers in Birmingham and Gulf Breeze, Fla. The Andrews Clinic in Birmingham and the Andrews Institute for Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine see nearly 40,000 patients annually. Andrews credits his success to his ability to talk to patients on their level-not in "doctor talk ." When asked about hi s abilit y to relate so well to the world's most not able athletes , Andrews says he is always truthful and focuses on list ening. He has an extreme commitment to customer service and m akes himself available to athletes, agents, parents and coaches around the clock-much to the chagrin of hi s wife, Jenelle. "She's not always happy when I'm getting phone calls, and we're out to eat or at home about to sit down to supper," says Andrews. Andrews understood early on that being available to clients would help him create a reputation for accessibility. He also knew that taking care of high school, college and minor-league athletes would create a network of referrals. These young athletes eventually worked their way up to the pros and told all of their teammates to visit Dr. Andrews. Despite his nonstop work regime; the countless phone calls; and the Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays on the sidelines at Auburn University, the University of Alabama and with the Washington Redskins where he is the team physician , Andrews still manages to train fellows and conduct state-of-the-art research at both of his centers . "I've learned so much about the practice of sports medicine by being around young fellows. It helps you have an open mind and

allows you to be continually challenged. I don't know how I would have done what I have without the stimulation from bright orthopaedic fellows and residents. My goal is to make them better than I even thought about being," says Andrews. In 2000, Andrews started noticing that instead of seeing adult athletes, he was being inundated with young patients. He says that athletes as young as 13 years old were coming in with what he refers to as "adult sports injuries." The number of "Tommy John surgeries" (a surgery to repair the ulnar collateral ligament) on patients 18years and younger jumped from several per year to several dozen. His team at the Andrews Research and Education Institute started tracking the rise in youth sports injuries and realized that what they were seeing was quickly becoming an epidemic. They discovered a seven-fold increase in the number of injuries among young athletes since 2000, with 2 million high school athletes hospitalized each year with sports injuries. Further research showed that about 60 percent of youth injuries were related to overuse and 40 percent to trauma. Those startling discoveries prompted Andrews to write the book Any Given Monday: Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them for Athletes, Parents and Coaches-Based on My Life in Sports Medicine to help prevent injury in sports' most vulnerable population-its young athletes. The title Any Given Monday refers to Andrews' Monday morning clinic, which is usually comprised of a variety of athletes from professionals to high school students who arrive for examinations following their weekend match ups. Andrews says that overuse injuries are entirely preventable. His team sees the two biggest problems with overuse are specialization and professionalism. Specialization involves a young athlete playing one sport year round and professionalism is the idea that a student will

train like a professional athlete before their bodies are ready for that strain. Young athletes are more susceptible to injuries because of their growth status . Weak ligaments and growing musculoskeletal systems along with poor coordination make them highly vulnerable to injury. In Any Given Monday, Andrews gives guidelines on the prevention of injuries for 29 youth sports. He says that parents and grandparents are especially important to prevention. "If we can emphasize prevention methods, maybe we can make a dent in the amount of injuries. That's really the purpose of this book. Parents are keenly unaware of the risk factors associated with their kids playing youth sports." Andrews started the Sports Trauma and Overuse Prevention (STOP)program to address prevention and overuse in young athletes. Proceeds from Any Given Monday go to STOP to aid in awareness campaigns and prevention research. Andrews warns that STOP is not meant to keep kids from playing sports. He says in fact sports are very important to our society and have many benefits for children. The motto of the organization is to keep kids out of the operating room and on the playing field. The ultimate goal of the organization is to help change laws that will aid in prevention. As a result of the program, Little League adopted Andrews' recommendations to impose pitch counts on all of its participants. After 40 years in sports medicine, Andrews is as passionate as ever about the field. He is excited about the future and looks forward to new developments in stem cell therapy, gene therapy and tissue engineering. "The future of sports medicine is similar to 1969 when man first walked on the moon. It's unpredictable. I think sports medicine has that same unbelievable future. It's going to have a big impact," says Andrews. Andrews shows no signs of slowing down, and he can't wait to see what happens next. \:,

"I'velearnedso muchaboutthe practiceof sports medicineby being around young fellows." -Dr. JamesAndrews

GIFT TO SPORTS MEDICINE Dr. James Andrews knows the importance of giving back. He recently made a $100,000 gift to the Tulane University School of Medicine in support of sports medicine. His gift will make an impact in the field in which he has spent his life working. It will help the next generation of orthopaedists pursuing a career in sports medicine . Gifts to the School of Medicine give the medical school the ability to support the next generation of world-class physicians trying to make a difference in the world.



Mil<eFitts Finds


by Mary Ann Travis

Mike Fitts has instituted his first policy as the new president of Tulane: He walks rather than rides. He prefers to walk from place to place on the uptown campus because, he says, that way he can learn his way around. And, he admits, he has lots to learn . "It's a long process of being educated," he said. "Think about me as a kindergartener." So he turns down rides in the dignitary's golf cart, the customary mode of transportation for a president going from meeting to meeting on th e expansive , green Tulane uptown campus. (Although he does take cars to the downtown campus .) Fitts ' first walk across campus was on Feb. 4, 2014, to the LavinBernick Center for the Board of Tulane announcement that he had been named the next president of Tulane University. The February event included hugs , standing ovations and accolades bestowed on Fitts and the man he succeeds, President Scott Cowen. Then Fitts returned to Philadelphia where he continues as dean and Bernard G. Segal Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania-a position he's held since 2000-until he moves to New Orleans at the end of June .



Throughout the spring, though , Fitts made several short trips to Tulane, getting to know as many people as possible and as much as he can about the university that he will lead , starting July 1. HEARTOFTHEMATTER When Tulane Board president Darryl Berger (L '72) announced Fitts' selection as president , he said that members of the search committee tried to look into Fitts' heart. And they were pleased with what they saw. "We're certain that he will be a leader who will bring people together, infuse them with a common vision, communicate beautifully with them and inspire everyone to achieve their highest aspirations," Berger said. Fitts said that he does , indeed, already care deeply about Tulane. "If you're leading an institution of this size and complexity and obviously focusing on all the challenges in higher education that every institution faces, you need Ready to Lead at the end of the day to care about the President-elect Michael A. place," he said. Fitts steps into th e top job "You need to be emotionally, not only at Tulane on July 1, 2014.



attached, but you have to care about it and its future. I think that you can only be successful if you have that relationship with an institution you're leading." In his early rounds of meeting students, alumni, faculty, staff and administrators, Fitts has discovered, not surprisingly to him, an unparalleled enthusiasm at Tulane. It's in the DNA of the institution. "From everyone I speak with, there's a passion here and an ambition at Tulane that 's infectious ," Fitts said. "You can see it across the schools in an institution that faced one of the most difficult challenges any institution could-and then came back stronger as a result of it." LEGAL TRAINING Fitts earned his undergraduate degree from Harvard University (1975) and a law degree from Yale University (1979). His early hero was Atticus Finch, the small-town Southern lawyer in the novel and film To Kill a Mockingbird . Finch 's intelligence




and "deep moral compass" inspired Fitts to become a lawyer, he said, although he did not become a trial lawyer and has never stood up in court in his life. Of Finch , Fitts said, "He could understand and engage with everybody around him. He could think through issues. For me , he was the ideal." Fitts forged his career in legal academic circles , writing extensively on administrative law, presidential power, the separation of powers, improving the structure of political parties and executive branch decision-making. He began teaching at Penn Law in 1985 after serving as a clerk for civil rights advocate Judge Leon Higginbotham and as an attorney in the U.S. Justice Department 's Office of Legal Counsel. Legal training is valuable for being a president or academic administrator because it develops abilities in decision-making and leadership, said Fitts. "In law you 're taught about how to think through problems

Campus Tour Mike Fitts walks from meeting to meeting to get to know the campus from the ground up.

systematically. I think legal training equips you to work through multiple problems , inductively and deductively. It allows you to understand a variety of different disciplines. Law intersects with everything in the world." Lawyers engage with everybody, said Fitts . "And I like that." FAMILY TIES There's been another Michael Fitts associated with Tulane, and that's Fitts' uncle who studied engineering at Tulane in the 1950s and then went on to earn a degree in architecture from the University of Tennessee and serve as state architect of the state of Tennessee for 30 years. Leadership runs in th e family. Fitts' father was head of surgery at the U Penn medical school, and his grandfather was dean of the Wharton School of Business at U Penn. Fitts, who is married and the father of two adult children, said he's ready to lead Tulane and move to New Orleans . "There are aspects in terms of culture, music and food in New Orleans that are not replicated anywhere in the United States," he said . "That is clearly very attractive and very different from Philadelphia." Much will be new and different in New Orlean s, and there will be the temptation of beignets . But everything he's learn ed so far about the city has been "fascinating," said Fitts . One thing he knows for sure-the weather will be a lot nicer than in the Northeast. SHOESTOFILL Fitts said that he doesn 't expect to fill the shoes of Tulane President Scott Cowen, who steps down from the position of president after 16 years on June 30. "Nobody can fill his shoes," said Fitts. "Scott is a legend. He is not just one of the most significant university presidents of the last 25 years but one of the most significant leaders in America over the last 25 years." Cowen "not only confronted but overwhelmed a series of issues ,"

said Fitts. "There are so many people at Tulane who were with him as part of the process, who were part of his success." Meeting and working with the resilient people who contributed to Tulane's recovery from Hurricane Katrina adds to the appeal of th e position of president of Tulane for Fitts. "The story of Tulane is a wondrous story of an institution with a distinguished history," said Fitts. The relationship of Tulane with New Orleans and the university's ability to face trials and tribulations and come through them better than before contribute to its character, its grit. "It's wonderful for anybody from the outside to see," said Fitts. As Fitts prepares to take over from the inside of the university 's main administrative office in Gibson Hall, he sees Tulane as "special and important " in the higher education pantheon. Tulane has performed extremely well, said Fitts, and it has a huge number of opportunities ahead . "Tulane is perfectly structured in the sense of having a rich breadth of schools, including arts and sciences and professional schools proximate to each other." Research at the boundaries between fields is where some of the most important discoveries are occurring, said Fitts, who as law school dean at Penn reached out to other schools and departments to create several interdisciplinary collaborations and programs. The interdisciplinary work at Tulane exhilarates him. "Education that brings people across fields and challenges them in different ways is important for the next generation," he said . Another component of a Tulane education that Fitts sees as brin ging enormous educational and professional benefits is students going out in the field and into the community. These experiences teach "skills about life, working with other people and being committed to your community. " Fitts points out that while Tulane Law School was the first in the nation in 1987 to require pro bona work as a condition of graduation, Penn Law was the second. The public service ethos of Tulane is a signature of the universityand a well-recognized model forthe rest of higher education, said Fitts. He wants to deepen that commitment to community, while "working throu gh all the different ways it can be part of the whole learnin g and educational experience of the student s while they are here." Taking on the set of issues that Tulane faces tod ay excites Fitts. "Life is taking on new challenges," he said. "We tell our stud ents that they should not become stasis. They should try new thin gs and move in new directions ." For Fitts, the job as president of Tulane is "a wonderful case of taking on a set of new issues. I'm quite excited about it." Among the most exciting events that Fitts will be part of in the fall is the opening of Yulman Stadium, the new football stadium on the uptown campus . "Yulman Stadium will have a positive effect on Tulane," said Fitts. "By bringing football back to campus, Yulman Stadium will bring everyo ne together." Fitts played soccer and wrestled in high school. From sports , he learned more about getting along with people and where det ermi nation can get you than from almost anything else he ever did, he said. Sports are more than just of value to athletes themsel ves. "Sports are an extremely important way for people to come together and form a community," said Fitts. "There's no question that going to and watching a game, whether in person or on television, is an upliftin g experience." He's not quite prepared to shift all his allegiance to the New Orleans Saints from his hometown team , the Philadelphia Eagles. But he vows to cheer for the Saints whe never they aren't playing the Eagles. Most of all, he's eager to witness the first kickoff in Yulman Stadium when the Green Wave plays Georgia Tech on Sept. 6. He's ready to say, along with everyone else for the first time in the new stadium, "Roll Wave!"\'.P


JUNE 20 14


KING OF CARNIVAL Jack Laborde (E '71, B '73) was Rex on Mardi Gras

(Feb . 22, 2014). Laborde, who led the Green Wave football team to the 1970 Liberty Bowl, is president of All Aboard Development, an oil and gas exploration firm .




Noah Barth (TC '04, G 'OS),program manager for the first Doctors of the World clinic in the United States, found his calling in the flooded homes of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Barth returned to New Orleans in October 2005 after the storm to clean out his apartment and wrap up his master's degree in international development. Surrounded by the devastation, he volunteered to muck out houses and advocate for communities. He worked his way through the post-deluge cityscape, cleaning up and interviewing residents in a project to find out who was returning. "The actual manual labor, the mucking out, was the more formative experience, " he recalls. When Hurricane Sandy hit New York, Barth knew how to respond. The skills he had learned post-Katrina prepared him to help Doctors of the World open a free clinic in the Rockaways neighborhood. Doctors of the World is an international disaster-response organization . It opened its Rockaways Free Clinic in October 2013 to provide free medical care and assist people in finding health insurance. "I went and volunteered in an area of Brooklyn, bringing supplies to people in housing projects who weren't able to get out," Barth says. He threw himself into mucking out neighborhoods yet again, and eventually the Rockaways neighborhood drew him in. "Right now we are completing the first community health survey since Sandy, modeled on one used after Hurricane Katrina." Doctors interested in volunteering at the clinic may email rockawaysclinic@doctorsoftheworld.org .-Madeline R. Vann, PHTM '98



Clinical Help Noah Barth works in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy at the first Doctors of the World clinic in the U.S.


The rocking chair presented by the Emeritus Club to Tulane President Scott Cowen sports a green and blue bow.

The Emeritus Club of the Tulane Alumni Association held a special tribute to outgoing Tulane President Scott Cowen on March 18, 2014, in the Qatar Ballroom of the LavinBernick Center on the uptown campus. Bobby McIntyre (B '52), president of the Emeritus Club board, congratulated Cowen on his retirement from the university presidency on June 30, as members of the Emeritus Club, the Board of Tulane, deans, other administrators, faculty, staff and guests applauded Cowen at the luncheon in his honor. McIntyre and James Stofan, vice president of alumni relations, presented a rocking chair to Cowen, along with a wish for "many hours of rest and peace." McIntyre lauded Cowen for "the precious gift not only of 16 years of your life, but for the way you gave it." Speaking about his experiences following Hurricane Katrina , Cowen's eyes teared as he thanked the Emeritus Club and said, "All these honors that I have been receiving ... I would have gladly given up every one of these honors, ifwe didn't have Katrina." Cowen praised Emeritus Club members and other alumni. "Every honor we've gotten in the last nine years is because of you." The Emeritus Club is comprised of members of the SO-year and earlier classes and emeritus faculty.-Fran Simon


exhibit of paintings at Clemson University's Lee Gallery and Acorn Gallery this winter. The exhibit included new works and pieces from private collections as well as from, among other museums, Greenville County Museum of Art and South Carolina State Museum. 1950s MARYHARRELLREEVES(NC '56) is a volunteer

floral designer at Festival Hill Music Foundation in Round Top, Texas. She won the Herb Society of America 's Award for the Artistic Use of Herbs in 2012. She has two daughters , 17 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren . 1960s JACKKUSHNER(A&S'60) and TONYNICHOLSON

(B '60) met up in Annapolis, Md., at Anne Arundel Medical Center's Simulation to Advance Innovation and Learning Center . "Perhaps we will meet again when football season resumes at the new Tulane stadium, " Kushner writes. WILLIAM KITCHIN(A&S'67) was named the Distinguished Teacher of the Year for 2013

at Loyola University Maryland where he has taught political science for 38 years . GAYYELLEN (NC '68) announces the publication of her suspense novel, The Body Business ,

this spring. Yellen has retired from an executive position in corporate public relations. RICHARDEDGARZWEZ(G '68) announces the publication of New Orleans Spirit: A Tchoupitoulas Life. Zwez taught special education, Spanish and French for 45 years and is retired from the

U.S. Army and the Naval Reserve. He is a commander of the American Legion. Zwez lives in Baton Rouge, La., with his wife, Sandy. 1970S JEROME S. BLACKMAN (M ' 71) wrote the chapter "Fear of Injury " in Fear: A Dark Shadow Across Our Life Span , edited by Salman Akhtar and

published by Karnac Books of London. In May, he became president of the American College of Psychoanalysts. He practices in Virginia Beach, Va., and is professor of clinical psychiatry at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Va. SHERRYWILENSKY SCHNEIDER (NC ' 71, L '82)

started Schneider Legal Group, which hand les attorney placement in Florida , last spring. She enjoys her three grandchildren and eight stepgrandchildren, and working with clay. ANDREWTITEN(A&S'72) was promoted to CEO

ofBisk Education , an online degree business headquartered in Tampa, Fla. Titen is a CPAand chartered global management accountant. DANIELVANBENTHUYSEN (A&S'73) will be

artist-in-residence at Weir Farm National Historic Site in Wilton , Conn. , for the month of August. Van Benthuysen teaches courses in

OIL EXPLORER Reynold T. Decou (A&S'67, '79) has had a highly successful career as

a petroleum geologist. It's a career that's taken him around the world-from the Gulf of Mexico of Louisiana and Texas to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico to the North Sea of the United Kingdom, to Africa, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and points in-between. He's been mainly based in Houston and has worked for a succession of oil and gas exploration companies, including Louisiana Land & Exploration Co. for 30 years, Schlumberger, El Paso Oil & Gas, Coastal Oil & Gas, Erskine Energy, Swift Energy and others. But Decou didn't start out as a geology major when he entered Tulane University as the first African American to enroll in the College of Arts & Sciences as a full-time , undergraduate student in 1963. A New Orleans native, a graduate of the prestigious St. Augustine High School and a trailblazer in the desegregation ofTulane, Decou was a biology major, intending to go on to medical school. He studied hard, joined the Air Force ROTCand kept "under the radar." [See "Setting the Record Straight," on page 4 of the March 2014 Tulane.] And he found his passion in life-geology and the pursuit of oil and gas exploration. He took an elective course, Petroleum Geology, taught by Tulane professor Raymond Steinhoff. And the rest, as they say, is history. "It's the sort of thing that is happenstance," says Decou. "You take a course that you enjoy and all of a sudden, it shapes your entire future." Still active as a petroleum geologist after eclipsing 45 years in the risky oil and gas business, he's seen his share of booms and busts. "It's a dynamic business," he says. "I've probably been associated with literally thousands of wells. And even though you try to make comparisons between wells, each one is a little bit different. Each one has a character all its own and presents its own unique challenges." In looking for oil, instruments probe below the surface of the earth-from 5,000 to 25,000 feet down. But instruments alone can't tell the whole story. Intuition comes into play in deciding whether or not to drill, on land or under the water. "It's thrilling," says Decou. "There's nothing more stirring than you generating a prospect, making a map, and the company drills your prospect. Only then do you find out if you're going to be successful-sheer excitement and overwhelming self-gratification."-MARY





visual journ alism at Hofstra University. His pai ntings can be see n at th e Upstrea m Gallery in Hast ings-on-Hud son, N.Y. BARNESCARR(UC '74) won a 2013 William

Faulkner Gold Medal for his story "Need le Man," which is based on event s th at occur red in a New Orleans hospit al durin g th e flood after Hurri cane Katrin a. The story has been pub lished in the Faulkner Society's literary journ al, The Doub le Dea ler, and can be read onlin e at Digita l.turn-p age.com/i/220881. ALANSMASON(A&S'75) was featur ed as a long-

tim e Carnival ball man uscript writer and narrator in th e 2014 Art hur Ha rdy's Ma rd i Gras Guide . Smason, a self-emp loyed comput er network specia list, has edited for the past severa l years Crescent Ci ty Jewish News (www.cresce nt cityjewishn ews.com), which he found ed. ROBERTS.TOALE(A&S'75) was elected presi -

dent of th e Louisiana Associa tion of Crimin al Defense Lawyers for 2014. LACDLis th e only Louisia na lawyers' associa tion devoted exclu sively to the profess ion of criminal defense. STEPHENWEBRE(G '75) is th e 2014 recipient of the Lou isia na End owment for the Humaniti es' Indiv idua l Achieveme nt in the Hum anit ies Award. Since 1982, he ha s taught at Louisiana Tech University, where he is cur rently th e Garn ie W. McGint y Professo r of History and interi m dean of the College of Libera l Arts. MARYP. LUPO(NC '76, M '80), a board-certifie d dermato logist and clinical professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medici ne, was named "Ment or of th e Year" by the Women's Derm atologic Society. In 2013, Lupo welcomed 12 stud ent s int o her practice to shadow her whil e treat ing patients. New Orl eans Ci ty Bus i ness incl uded Lupo in its "Ones to Watch: Hea lth Care" section in April. WILLPALFREY(A&S'76) ann oun ces the

publicat ion The Parad ise of the Parakeet: A Personal Journey to the Obscure Caribb ean Commonwealth I sland of Dom i nica, a trave l book based on his first trip to the Caribbea n in 2010. Palfrey, a defense ind ustr y logisticia n, lived abroad for eight years (in Germany, Italy and England) an d has tra veled to 40 count ries. NADINERAMSEY(NC '77, L '80) was electe d to

the New Orleans City Council in March. AVIDA. BEYER(A&S '78, B '79) was named a

2014 "Legal Eagle" by Franc hi se Ti mes. Beyer is manag ing pa rtn er of th e Tamp a, Fla., office of Quarles & Brady and is a mem ber of th e franchise an d distribution tea m. He has served multi ple terms as chair of th e Florida Bar's Franchise Law Commit tee . A solo exhi bition of photo-base d oil paint ings with narra tive text by SHERRYKARVER(A&S '78) was on display at the Martha Schn eider Gallery in Chicago from May 9- Jun e 28, 2014.



The Tulane Alumni Association presented awards to hono r outstanding alumn i at the Freedom Pavilion of the National World War II Museum in New Orleans on April 12, 2014. HANS A. B. JONASSEN (A&S'63) was awarded the Alumni Professional Achievement Award . He began working at his wife's fam ily-owned

heavy marine equipment business, Cortney Co., after serving two years in the U.S. Army. In 1984 Jonassen bought the business , which was known as a leading seller in the industry. He helped introduce a number of innovative products to the offshore oil and gas market. Cortney Co. joined with competitors and expanded into DCLMooring and Rigging. Jonassen is an active member of the New Orleans community . He serves as a member of the Dean's Advisory Council for the Tulane School of Liberal Arts and has been a member of the TAAboard and the Tulane College Dean's Advisory Council. The International Alumni Award for Exceptional Achievement was presented to ESSAM M. ALZAMEL (TC'0 2). He was sponsored by Aram-

co Oil to come to Tulane from Saudi Arabia. A Web and technology serial entrepreneur, AlZamel is founder of Rema! IT, which owns and operates one of the largest networks in the Arab world. Prince Salman Young recognized him as Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2009 and Forbes magazine named him a business leader who inspires a kingdom. AlZamel is co-founder of Areeb , an innovative education academy; Fareegi, a social networking site for football fans; and Creative Cinema , an award-winning short -movie production startup . He is developing an educational video game for K-12students to help kids exercise their knowledge of math and science while having fun . DAVID J. GOODMAN (B '86) received the Scott Cowen Alumni Service Award. Goodman is passionate about supporting charities that provide

a safety net for those who are most vulnerable. Moved by the images of New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, Goodman and two partners founded the Klene Up Krewe in September 2006 , which gathers twice a year to help rebuild and restore the city. More than 350 people have volunteered with the Klene Up Krewe to date. The group has primarily worked with the St. Bernard Project , Just the Right Attitude and the Tulane Center for Public Service, where Goodman serves on the Cowen Service Challenge Advisory Board. He is a managing partner of Lawrence B. Goodman & Co. ELLIOTI J. WIENER (B '07) was recognized as the Young Alumnus Volunteer of the Year . He volunteers his time as president of the

Tulane Alumni Club of New York and is a member of the Tulane Alumni Association board. He has helped turn out record numbe rs of alumni in New Yorkfor a wide range of events . In January 2014, he was named to Forbes magazine 's "30 Under 30" list for Marketing & Advertising . He is director of consumer insights for Razorfish.

OUTSTANDING ALUMNUS The Emeritus Club honored ROBERT M. "BOB" DEVLIN (A&S'64) as the Outstanding Alumni Award recipient of the class of 1964 on May 16, 2014, at the Audubon Tea Room in New Orleans . Devlin graduated with a degree in economics and later served in the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Naval Reserve . He is chair and founder of Curragh Capital Partners, an investment firm headquar tered in New York City. He was also principal owner and a director of Forethought Financial Group , a life insurance and financial services company , and president and CEO of American General Corp. Under his leadership, American General , the third largest insurance company in the United States, saw its assets grow from $43 billion to more than $125 billion. A member of the Board of Tulane , Devlin served as chair of the Endowment Committee, during which the university 's endowment surpassed $1 billion for the first time in its history . Devlin and his wife, Kate Bareis Devlin, are members of the Paul Tulane Society .


ROBINTRUPP(B '80, L '80) received the 2014

Florida Litigation Attorney of the Year award from Corporate INTL. Trupp is a shareholder in the litigation department of Greenspoon Marder's Tampa, Fla., and West Palm Beach, Fla., offices. ELLENHIRSCHHORN COHEN(NC '81) says, 'Tm

living the 'Pura Vida' in Silicon Valley." She sells enterprise software with Loqate, and is involved in cycling, triathlons and philanthropy . ALANG. BRACKETT (A&S'82, L '84), a member of Delta Tau Delta while at Tulane , was elected to the board of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. Brackett is the managing member of Mouledoux, Bland, Legrand & Brackett. He and his wife, Linda, are parents of Austin, a sophomore at the College of Charleston. JOHNPELZER(L '83) has been reappointed for

another one-year term as chair of the Board of Legal Specialization and Education of the Florida Bar. He is a shareho lder in the litigation department at Greenspoon Marder's Cypress Creek, Fla., office. DAVID"DEBO"BARRON(A&S'84) was elected

president judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin County, Pa., and began serving his 10-year term in January. NADIAFOLIC(NC '84) is a travel agent with

Expedia CruiseShipCenters, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and an actress. She performed as Vernadette in The Dixie Swim Club with the Actors Community Theatre of Davie, Fla., in February. KENNETHBESSERMAN (A&S'88) is general

counsel for the Texas Restaurant Associat ion in Austin, Texas. FREDERICK M. AZAR(M '89) was named president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons this March. Azar is chief of staff at Campbell Clinic, which has locations throughout Tennessee and Mississippi. He is a professor at the Univers ity of Tennessee-Campbe ll and serves as the team physician for professional and amateur athletic programs. WILLIAM J. KELLYIII (A&S'89) has started a

new law firm in Denver called Kelly & Walker. 19905

CARLPARSONS(E '9 1) is a senior mechanical engineer at Campos Engineering. Parsons has more than 20 years of experience in HVACand plumbing design, commissioning and project management . JONATHAN GARVEY PYKE(A&S'92) is director

of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. REBECCA SANCHEZ (NC '92) is featured in the book Social Skills Assessment Through Games: The New Best Practice. She is a researcher at

JUST IN TIME When she got a phone call last year from the MacArthur Foundation,

statistician Susan Murphy (G '83) thought the call was for a recommendation for one of her students. But instead she learned that she had received a "genius grant," a nostrings-attached stipend of $625,000 paid out over five years that allows her to follow her own creative vision. Murphy is developing evidence for "just in time" personalized interventions in collaboration with clinicians who are treating individuals with chronic disorders such as addiction, mental illness, autism and obesity in young children. "These are conditions that confound our entire society. How do we help these individuals, when there is no magic bullet?" Murphy ponders. "Every illness is different." Murphy has developed a formal model of the treatment decision-making process and an innovative design for clinical trials that allow researchers to test the efficacy of adaptive interventions. Murphy's Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART)is a means for learning how to best dynamically adapt treatment to each individual's response over time. Bytranslating statistical theory into powerful tools for evaluating and tailoring complex medical therapies, Murphy is poised to have a significant impact on the field of personalized medicine. "How can we help you help yourself? One approach is to use your mobile phone to provide support," says Murphy, who is the H. E. Robbins Professor of Statistics at the University of Michigan. For someone who has a psychological and biological addiction, the clinician could suggest strategies via the mobile phone to help manage a craving, which the individual can access anytime to help stay on target. When a person feels suicidal, a panic button could be pressed that would send an alert to a loved one. Being a MacArthur Fellow is a strong endorsement of her work, says Murphy, and she hopes that this recognition will help her continue to form high quality collaborations with clinical researchers. "It came at a great time for me," she says, "since the NIH and the NSF have had to restrict funds, and it's gotten harder to obtain research support."-FRAN SIMON




3C Institute, developing programs to improve social and emotiona l learning. W. BRETTMASON(L '93, '94) joined the litigation

practice group in the Baton Rouge, La., office of Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann as special counsel to serve clients in the transportation, oil and gas, environmental, maritime and energy industries. He is a former president and current board member of the Port of New Orleans Propeller Club. ROBERTBRUDER(A '94) was promoted to vice

president ofHKS, an internationally recognized architectura l firm. Bruder has more than 20 years of experience in commercial, education , retail, government, hospitality and residential design. DAVIDKANGER(E '95, '96) and CHATRIAN REYNOLDS KANGER(NC '01, PHTM '03) announce

the birth of Alyse Marguerite on Jan.12, 2014. CHRISTAHAYDENSHARPE(NC '96) and her

husband , Ben, moved back to Phnom Penh , Cambodia, where she was promoted to field office director oflnternational Justice Mission Cambodia, a nonprofit human rights agency that equips local public justice systems in developing nations to protect people from violence . She has served with IJM for the past eight years in Cambodia and Washington, D.C. JOSHUAE. LIEBMAN(TC '98) was promoted to

PHOTOGRAPHICMIND JeffL. Rosenheim (G '86) knew from the time he was in elementary school that he wanted to be an arch ivist and work in a museum. Then, he collected postcards, shells and stamps, and dabbled in photography . He has been fortunate to combine his passions for both collecting and photography in his career . After receiving his Master of Fine Arts at Tulane, Rosenheim worked at The Historic New Orleans Collection, before moving to New York. Rosenheim has been a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New Yorkfor 26 years. He is curator in charge of the Department of Photographs at the Met, where he supervises a staff of 12 people . Rosenheim and his colleagues develop about 10 shows each year. "Photography has come of age," says Rosenehim. "It has gone from a medium that was begrudgingly accepted to a mature art form ... . It's been a great trajectory and , for me, it began at Tulane." Photography, invented just 20 years before the American CivilWar, is the focus of the exhibition, "Photography and the American CivilWar," that Rosenheim curated and recently was on display at the Met. It then traveled to the Gibbes Museum in Charleston, S.C., and to the New Orleans Museum of Art. Rosenheim is author of the show's catalogue , which features some 250 photographs made during the war. The timely book, coinciding with the sesquicentennial of this pivotal period in American history, is available through the Met. To select the work for the exhibition, Rosenheim scoured records from photography historians , CivilWar specialists, military newspapers, the Library of Congress, art museums and websites developed by individuals uploading family portraits. The CivilWar created an incredible demand for photography , he says. "The first thing any soldier did was to get his uniform and then have a picture taken ... . This was the test of the American spir it, and people wanted to record the moment in a very specific way. These photographs convey the poignancy and the extraordinary emotional tenor of the war." Rosenheim's plans for the future include an exhibition of occupational portraitsphotographs showing individuals with the tools of their trades.- F.S.



partner at Novack and Macey, a business and commercial litigation firm based in Chicago. His practice focuses on commercial litigation , intellectual property and professional negligence defense. Liebman serves on the Jewish Council for Youth Services' board of directors. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Beata, and their son. TIMOTHYJ. SMITH(A&S'98) has been promoted to associate professor of anthropology with tenure at Appalachian State Univers ity (UNC). 2000S

STALEYHEATLY (L '00) and his wife, Meg, wel-

comed their fourth child, Ian, in June 2013. Ian joins Oliver, 8, Maya, 6, and Stella, 3. Heatly has served as district attorney for The 46th Judicial District Court in Texas since 2006. This March he went on a speaking tour in Ecuador focusing on family violence. JESSICAM. LEPLER(NC '00) announces the publication of The Many Panics of 1837: People, Politics and the Creation of a Transatlantic Financial Crisis by Cambridge University Press.

Lepler is an assistant professor of history at the University of New Hampshire. DEREKBARDELL(G '01, '02) was inducted into the University of New Orleans chapter of Pi Gamma Mu International Social Sciences Honor Society. He received a Higher One Grant to convene a Financial Literacy Boot Camp Conference at Delgado Community College in April.

Katz Holt (PHTM '04 , '09) wrote Cured : How the Berlin Pat ients Defeated HIV and Forever Changed Medi cal Science . The book reveals


the sc ience behind the cu re of HIVand the implicat ions for the 34 million people cu rrently infected. She is a fellow at the Rag on Institute in Cambrid ge , Mass .

PATRICK CHARLES (UC '01) received a master's of interdisciplinary studies degree from Virginia State University last year.

John Clemmer, emeritus professor of art , of Milwaukee on April 11, 2014.

Barnette E. AdamsJr. (M '47) of Beaumont, Texas, on Jan. 19, 2014.

YAELEZRAFOSTER(NC '01) and EVANFOSTER (TC '01) anno u nce the birth ofEli Charles on Feb. 7, 2014. Eli joins his sister, Leah, 4, and his brother, Micah, 3. Evan Foster was recently promoted to special counse l at Saul Ewing . The family lives in Bryn Mawr, Pa.

MaryLou Thomason Payne (N '28, G '31) of Irondale, Ala., on Aug . 21, 2013.

RobertD. Allen (E '47) of Baton Rouge , La., on Jan. 8, 2014.

MarthaBrumbySheldon (NC '35, SW '56) of Metairie , La., on Feb . 11, 2014.

James L. Kotch (E '47) of Wayne, Pa., on March 2, 2013.

ANABATISTABORDEN(A '02) is a licensed architect and LEED AP BD+C with her own New Orleans-based practice, Ana M Batista Borden, Architect. Her specia lties include an array of programs and providing watercolor renderings.

Shirley OdomHeebe (NC '37) of Metairie, La., on March 20, 2014.

John P. Whelan (B '47, '49) of New Orleans on Jan . 10, 2013.

Pearl HershbergWirtenberg(NC '39) of Montville, N.J., on April 15, 2013.

Edward H. ArnoldJr. (E '48, B '79) of New Orleans on Jan. 1, 2014.

Eugenie MurrheeSuter (NC '40) of Pompano Beach , Fla. , on Jan. 30, 2014.

RobertE. Bermudez(B '48, SW '68, PHTM '80) of New Orleans on March 3, 2014.

TatjanaHofstra Eustis (NC '42) of New Orleans on March 24, 2014.

WarrenC. de Brueys (A&S'48, L 'SO) of Covington, La., on Dec . 21, 2013.

RandolphB. Robert (B '42) of Dublin , Ohio , on March 1, 2014.

Richard R. Mehrhof(B '48) of Augusta, Ga., on Jan . 17,2014.

Jane Dart Maunsell (NC '43) of St. Francisville, La., on Dec . 22, 2013.

Walter W. Rody (E '48) of Mobile , Ala ., on Dec . 19, 2013.

Melvin I. Schwartzman(L '43) of Irving, Texas, on Dec . 25, 2013.

Paul W. Schmid (E '48) of Gainesville, Ga., on Feb. 14, 2014.

James E. Pridgen (M '43) of San Antonio on Dec . 24, 2013.

ArthurM. AdolphJr. (B '49) of Metairie, La., on Jan. 29, 2014.

JOHNFALLER (TC '02) and his wife, Eleni, announce the birth of Alexander Wesley on Dec. 23, 2013, in New Orleans . TONYGIANNASI (E '04), a certified cicerone , left a successfu l career in software engineering and is now the craft brand manager for Carter Distrib uting in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he resides with his wife, KATIEGIANNASI (N '00, L 'OS), a commercial contracting attorney at Husch Blackwe ll, and their two boys . JENNIFERSTIVRINS (NC '03) is a partner with the law firm Kissel Hirsch & Wilmer in Tarrytown, N.Y. She has been with the firm since 2006 and practices insurance coverage and monitoring in connection with media and professional lines . (L ' OS) is ELIZABETH "LIZ" LEOTYCRADDOCK staff director of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Comm ittee, which oversees energy and environmental issues under the direction of U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana .

Allen R. Fontenot Sr. (L '44) of New Orleans on Feb. 3, 2014.

William E. Aicklen Jr. (E '49) of New Orleans on March 8, 2014.

John Laurens II (M '44 , '49) of Spartanburg, S.C., on Jan. 3, 2014.

Ralph C. Bailey (M '49) of Nacogdoches, Texas, on March 12, 2014.

ASHLEIGH B. RANNEY(A ' OS) received an MBA from Columbia Business School in May.

YvonneR. Stahlman (NC '44) of Hope Mills, N.C., on Nov. 29, 2013.

Mike J. Balen Jr. (A&S '49) of Mandeville, La., on Jan. 31, 2014.

SHAILENDRA KULKARNI (L '07) joined the Coats Rose Louisiana Office in the construction/surety practice area, where he focuses on construction and surety litigatio n , insurance coverage evaluation and litigation , construction industry contracts and complex civil litigation. He is the legal affairs officer of the Surety Association of Louisiana , and a frequent speaker on construction and surety topics in the New Orleans area.

BarbaraFaulk Harkey (NC '45) of Monroe , La., on April 8, 2013.

RobertJ. Bannon (B '49) of Metairie, La., on Dec. 24, 2013.

LawrenceH. Hickman (A&S '45) of Dublin, Ga., on Jan. 6, 2014.

HaroldM. Clement (B '49) of Picayune, Miss., on March 12, 2014.

F. William Van Kirk (B '45) of Covington, La., on March 19, 2014.

Alfred J. Diamond (E '49) of New Orleans on Jan. 17, 2014.

John R. Bensen (E '46) of Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Jan. 26, 2014.

Millicant May Hamer (NC '49) ofBaton Rouge, La., on April 11, 2013.

MailandBevill Card(NC '46) of Minneapolis on Oct. 23, 2013.

David B. Harwell (G '49) of Grand Prairie, Texas, on Feb. 1, 2014.

RobertW. Craycraft (B '46) of Friendship, Ohio , on Jan . 2, 2014.

Stanley McDermottJr. (A&S'49, L '51) of Metairie, La., on Jan. 3, 2014.

Ami Sear Opat(NC '46) of Centennial, Colo., on Oct. 25, 2013.

Ralph J. Morris (B '49) of Hattiesburg , Miss., on Jan. 1, 2014.

Tess Levy Schornstein (NC '46 , SW '56) of Baton Rouge, La., on Feb. 23, 2014.

Ruth Fike Pittman (SW '49) of St. Petersburg, Fla., on Dec. 20, 2013.

RAYMOND T. WAID(L '07) is an assoc iate in the maritime, oilfield and insurance practice at Liskow & Lewis' New Orleans office. His practice focuses on marine and energy cases involving property damage , personal injury, cargo, pollution, contract disputes and regu latory issues . 20105

JONATHAN LIU(PHTM '10) was appointed to a project management position at Who le Foods Market's global headquarters in Austin, Texas , where he is in charge of leading medium to large payment system projects as well as establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with vendors and business partners ofWFM.


JUNE 2014


HALLOFFAMERWomen 's basketball standout Keisha Brown (UC '94, SW '01) died on April 7, 2014, in Mount Pleasant , Mich. Brown was head coach of the women 's basketball team at Alma (Mich.) College from 2009 until this year . She was elected to the Tulane Athletics Hall of Fame in 2003.

JackieLolanBartlett (NC 'SO) of New Orleans on Jan. 3, 2014 .

EarlW.Dopp (A&S '57) ofBeloit , Wis ., on Feb. 5, 2014 .

VirginiaNazroFisher (NC '61) of McKinney, Texas , on Jan . 16, 2014.

RobertBernhardJr.(A&S 'SO, M '52) of Vestavia , Ala., on Jan . 25, 2014.

GeorgeJ. Farha(M '57) of Wichita , Kan., on Jan. 7, 2014 .

JohnA. HartJr. (M '61) of Friendswood , Texas , on Jan. 21, 2014.

EmmaMorphyFreeman(NC '50) of New Orleans on Jan. 1, 2014.

LucindaBeattie Lautenschlaeger(NC '57) of New Orleans on Jan. 20 . 2014 .

Dean Baker Ellithorpe (M '62) of New Orleans on Feb. 9, 2014.

GeorgeG. Lambousy(E 'SO) of La Marque, Texas, on Feb . 6, 2014.

WilliamA. Sanders(E '57) of Charlotte, N.C., on Jan. 30 , 2014 .

RobertA. Rappold(A&S '62) of Colorado Springs , Colo ., on Jan . 18, 2014 .

Bettie Stoner Pendley (NC 'SO) of New Orleans on Feb. 19, 2014.

BernardL. Kelley (UC '58) of Covington , La. , on Jan . 3, 2014.

GaryLe Freeman(G '63) oflndianapolis Jan. 6, 2014 .

Joseph M. Rault Jr.(L '50) of Metairie, La., on Feb. 2, 2014.

Albert J. LukeJr.(A&S '58) of Metairie , La., on Jan.20,2014.

Lee T. Nesbitt Jr.(A&S '63, M '66) of New Orleans on March 22, 2014.

James Huggins Kennedy(A '51) of Gu lfport , Miss ., on March 1, 2014 .

Lee F. MurphyJr.(L '58) of Covington, La. , on

Feb . 11, 2014.

ArettaJ. Rathmell (M '63) of Springfie ld , Ill. , on Dec . 26, 2013.

Burl R. Sammons(A '51) of Baton Rouge , La. , on Jan. 31, 2014 .

CharlesM. Osborne(A&S '58, L '60) of Asheville , N.C., on Feb. 2, 2014.

EarlM. Wheeler(G '63, '69) of Hattiesburg, on March 24, 2014.

MarthaBush Chandler(L '52) of Shreveport, La., on Dec. 21, 2013.

WalterH. Wainright(B '58) of Metairie, La., on Aug. 20, 2013.

RobertB. Baker (L '64) of Sisters, Ore. , on Dec . 7, 2013.

Irvin Clayton(M '52) of Fort Worth , Texas , on Jan . 2, 2014.

HarfordField Jr.(B '59) of Saraland, Ala. , on May4 , 2013.

JosephL. Dover (G '64) of Metairie , La., on March 13, 2014.

Donald E. Harris(A&S '52) of Dayton, Ohio, on Feb . 1, 2014 .

JohnM. Mccollam (L '59) of New Orleans on Jan . 13, 2014 .

MargueriteA. McBride(SW '64 ) of Houston on Jan . 1, 2014 .

Manuel0. DelgadoJr.(B '53) of New Orleans on Jan. 27, 2014.

EdwardF. ShaverJr.(M '59) of Char lotte, N.C., on Feb. 18, 2014.

HarveyB. Rifkin (M '64) of St . Francisville , La ., on Feb . 4, 2014.

Shirley FredStrauss (NC '53) of Cammack Village , Ark., on Jan. 31, 2014.

HermioneSmith Swindoll (PHTM '59) of Collierville, Tenn., on June 19, 2013.

Orville z. Tyler ID (B '64) of Mount Pleasant, S.C., on Jan. 6, 2014.

Daniel V.Blackstock (A&S '54 , L '56) of Chico , Calif ., on Feb. 1, 2014.

WayneTschirn(E '59) of Metairie , La., on Dec . 27, 2013.

JayB. V. Butler Jr.(M '65) of Bend , Ore. , on Aug. 19, 2013.

DavidL. Perkins Sr.(A '54) of Lafayette , La ., on Feb. 7, 2014 .

Randall L. Williams(B '59) of Pensacola, Fla., on Jan . 16, 2014 .

JoyceFondrenElbrecht(G '65, '67) oflthaca , N.Y., on Jan . 25, 2014 .

Nancy Swenson Kriebel(A&S '55) of Brookston, Ind ., on Jan. 14, 2014.

JohnH. Bohlke Jr.(A '60) of New Orleans on Jan. 26, 2014.

RobertW.Richart (L '65) of Joplin, Mo., on Jan. 6, 2014 .

BreckCabellJr.(A&S '56) ofBrandon , Miss ., on Jan. 27, 2014 .

HenryA. Meisler (UC '60) of Kenner , La., on Jan. 7, 2014 .

Russell M. Cornelius(B '66) of Metairie , La ., on March 12, 2014 .

RichardW.Calhoun(A&S '56, M '59) of Lake Charles , La., on Jan . 29, 2014 .

BrooksL. Rosen (B '60) of Little Rock , Ark., on Dec . 31, 2013.

AubryE. DupuyJr.(A&S '66) of Slid ell, La. , on Dec . 25, 2013.

RolandD. Jackson(M '56) of The Hills, Texas, on March 6, 2014.

AlexanderRexer Tamke(L '60) of Newport , R.l. , on Dec . 31, 2013.

MichaelA. Rosenbloom(A&S '66) of Melville , N.Y., on March 9, 2014.

WalterH. Pace Jr.(E '56, '59) of Houston on Feb . 23, 2013.

Ralph T. Troy (L '60) of Hendersonville , N.C., on Jan . 26 , 2014 .

Donald E. Theriot (A&S '66, L '69) of Pass Christian, Miss ., on March 20, 2014 .

GerardW.Barousse (B '57) of New Orleans on Mar ch 17, 2014.

Raye Ann Vargas(NC '60) of Meta irie , La., on Feb. 17, 2014.

Patricia MurphyFernandezJohnson(SW '67) of New Orleans on Feb. 7, 2014.

Allen B. Coleman(A&S '57) of New Orleans on Nov. 26, 2013.

Paul D. Ware(M '60) of Shreveport, La. , on Feb.18,2014.

ElmerE. WendelJr.(UC '67) of Mandeville , La., on Feb. 10, 2014.




Miss .,

Steven D. Crow(M '69) of Ric h ardson , Texas, on Dec. 22, 2013.

RobertN. Downer(M '70) of Xenia, Ohio, on Jan. 11, 2014.

Donald K. Hanks (G '70) of Carson City, Nev., on March 12, 2014.

ClaraLopezCampbellD'Aquilla(G '71) ofBiloxi, Miss ., on Jan. 9, 2014.

DavidT. Magrish(A&S '71) of Wexford, Pa., on Jan. 18, 2013.

DannyJ. Moore(G '72) of Tu ll ahom a, Tenn ., on Feb. 11,2014.

Melvin J. Stevens (UC '72) of Slide ll , La., on March 7, 2014.

DavidP. Wellen(A&S '72) of Middletown , Md ., on Feb. 17,2014.

AndrewT. Whitley (B '72) of New Orleans on Feb. 10, 2014.

RichardA. Sharpstein (A&S '72, L '75) of Miami on Dec. 1, 2013.

RichardS. Feldman(L '73, '74) of Al bany, N.Y., on Feb. 16, 2014.

CharlesDavidFreeman(SW '73) of Vicksburg, Miss., on Feb. 21, 2014. WayneJ. Naimoli (E '73) of Hopkinsville, Ky., on Feb.22,2014.

JamesD. Roussel (E '73) of Arabi, La., on Ma rch 11, 2014.

Valentine ScheurichIII (L '73) of New Orleans on Jan. 12, 2014.

UNFLAPPABLE GENTLEMAN My friend and colleague for over 20 years, political science professor Thomas Langston, died on April 15, 2014, in New Orleans, after a long battle with cancer. At a gathering on May 2 in Rogers Memorial Chapel, Tom's family, friends, students, departmental and university colleagues and members of the Tulane administration expressed their high regard for him, as a scholar, a mentor and a person. Their eulogies told the story of a man of great integrity, wry humor and perseverance through all manner of challenges-from leading his department as chair through three terms to competing in cycling, running and combined "Iron Man" trials to facing the physical and mental struggles of his illness and its treatments. Eminently sensible and no nonsense in his approach to the travails of academic life, Tom was our resident "grownup"-even for those of us in the department who arrived with him as "newbie" (another Tom term) assistant professors and grew up together in academia. Former colleagues who wrote lovely notes at hearing the sad news of Tom's death unvaryingly commented that he was a "gent leman " and "unflappable." (Although I remember a few moments of light flappability when I played golf with him, during a brief moment when I planned to cultivate golf playing as a route to executive-level professional bonding and preparation for a genteelly imagined retirement, a plan since abandoned.) I will miss Tom's sage counsel on university matters, and will miss laughing together at the fits of preening, pique and peculiarity so pervasive in and endemic to our shared profession. I'm so grateful for all the time I knew him.-NANCY MAVEETY, professor of

political science.

Allen BroussardSr. (B '74) of Chantilly, Va., on Dec. 7, 2013.

David0. Crumley(A&S '74) of Marrero , La., on

KarlWiedemann(A&S '84) of New Orleans on

MorganC.Brooks (NC '98) of Niagara Falls, N.Y.,

Jan. 8, 2014.

on Feb. 1, 2014.

Sudipta Das (G '85, '89) of Metairie, La., on

Anne L. Bassett (SW '00) of Golden Meadow, La.,

Feb. 18, 2014.

on Jan. 6, 2014.

Vianne T. Stone McKinney(A '85) of New Orleans

RyanLoskam ('00) of Washington , D.C., on

on Feb. 15, 2014.

Jan. 23, 2014.

Ellen R. Trosclair(B '86) of Harvey , La., on Jan. 6, 2014.

DouglasW. Drawhorn(PHTM '03) of Port Neches, Texas, on Jan. 23, 2014.

March 11,2014.

LindaM. Lupean(PHTM '74) of Pottstown, Pa., on Jan. 11,2014.

James R. Burnett (M '79) of Texarkana, Texas, on Feb. 23, 2014.

Donna LanglandHansen (UC '81) of Slide ll , La., on March 15,2014.

Lesley A. Baker (G '87, '94) of New Orleans on

Paula F. Blackwell (UC '06) of Metairie, La., on

Ky., on Sept. 7, 2013.

Feb.3,2014 .

Feb. 8, 2014.

LawrenceK. Griffith(L '83) of New York on

GaryJ. Bloom (UC '91) of Covington , La., on

HaroldE. Armour('10) of New Orleans on

Dec. 17,2013.

Dec. 20, 2013.

Jan. 19, 2014.

Perry B. Mcsherry(G '84) ofRuckersville, Va., on

EricM. Dusang (B '95) of Meta i rie, La., on March, 3, 2014.

Ariel M. St. Etienne (B '12) of Baton Rouge, La.,

Genevieve Cecilia Vieito (PHTM '81) of Murray,

Jan. 11, 2014.

on Dec. 31, 2013.



MAKK SCHOLARSHIP FUND Friends , family and business associates of the late

Andrew Makk (B '92) have created an endowed scholarship fund to honor his memory. Energy Capital Partners and Andrew 's wife, Catherine Newstadt Makk (N '93), set an ambitious goal to raise $250,000 over three years.

The fund exceeded the goal in just four months , reaching over $275,000.

Doctors in Love

It's another case oflove at first sight. Dr. William Waring remembers the day he met his late wife, Dr. Nell Pape Waring (M '51). It was July 1, 1951.Right away he knew there was something different about this charming young doctor. He was smitte n. Nell Pape was starting a residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, where William Waring was chief of residents. He asked the new resident out for a picnic, and she said yes. They were married the following year. During 60 years together , the couple raised five sons and both had distinguished medical careers. William Waring spent a long and successful career in the Tulane School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics as a prominent figure in the treatment of children's pulmonary disease. And Nell Pape Waring, who quit her Johns Hopkins residency to devote her time to her family, after a 22-year hiatus from medicine entered the residency program at Charity Hospital in New Orleans, where she specialized in allergy and immunology. She became board certified in allergy and immunology and pediatrics and built a respected practice in New Orleans for more than 30 years. Four of the Warings' five sons are Tulane graduates. After Nell's death in 2012,William searched for a way to memorialize her. He established the Dr. Nell Pape Waring Endowed Scholarship Fund , which supports medical students at Tulane University School of Medicine . The gift celebrates the couple's lifelong love. -Kirby Messinger



Greenbaums' Newcomb House

Jerry Greenbaum (B '62) was so in love with hi s college sweeth eart, Barbara Axelrod (NC '63), he would have promised her anythi ngexcept to name a building in her honor at Tulane University. "Are you kidding me? I didn't think I would even be able to afford a house to live in at the time," Greenbaum said. But now some 55 years later, thanks to his lead gift, Tulane's newest student residence hall will be named the Barbara Greenbaum House at Newcomb Lawn . And how does his wife of more than 50 years feel about the honor? "She fought it like crazy," Greenbaum laughed. "To this day Barbara would be relieved if they named it somethin g else." But Greenbaum says the honor is long overdue. He credits Barbara with helping him grow the family's business from a six-employee liquor store in Atlanta to CentraArchy and Affiliates, which employs 2,500 and includes upscale resta urants such as Chophouse New Orleans, retail alcoho l beverage out lets and industrial real estate compa nies throughout the Southeast . "She ha s always been my sounding board, helping me make the hard decisions over my SO-plus years in business," said Greenbaum. "It's time Barbara got the recognition she deserves. " The new residence hall will hou se 256 stud ents as well as a faculty member and his or her family who will host dinners, lectures and other activities to foster an intellectual community and faculty-stud ent interaction. The building will include a demonstration kitchen for cooking classes, a 35-seat classroom, a large living room and study and social lounges.-Mike Strecker

Zimpleand Broadway Scheduled to open in fall 2014, the Barbara Greenbaum House at Newcomb Lawn is near comp letion at the corner of Zimple and Broadway streets .


Dr. William waring cherishes the wedding portrait of the late Dr. Nell Pape Waring, his wife for 60 years.

Music Rising at Tulane website in April. The first-of-its-kind resource gathers a wide variety of educational materials on the mus ical cultures of the Gulf South at musicrising .tul a ne .edu.

In Scott's Honor

Back in the Classroom Scott Cowen (center) is at hom e leading a seminar.

From specia l events across the nation, to endowed funds in his name, membe rs of the Tu lane commu nit y have rallied together to honor Presi dent Scott Cowen's 16 years of service . Since the announcement of his retirement last June , Tulane supporters have come together to raise funds for a variety of programs to commemorate Cowen's tenure, while fueling university initiatives he's passionate about . The outpouring of generosity from alumni and friends nationwide has been tremendous, says Yvette Jones, executive vice president for university relations and development. "Our most loyal donors have jump ed at th e opportu nity to be a part of the collective effort to honor Scott," she says. "This shows how profound ly appreciat ive we all are for Scott's incredible vision and leadership ." One outcome of the sup port will be the creation of 60 endowed scholarship funds totaling $6 million for stude nts who will be known as "Cowen Scholars ." Three Tulane families were essential to providing matching funds for such a large undertaking: Jill and Avie Glazer, Louellen and Darryl Berger, and Valerie and Michael Corasaniti , who each provided lead gifts for the challenges to raise scholarship support for the Cowen Scholars. "I am humbled and deeply honored to be recognized in this way," says Cowen. "These

gifts, while extraordinary by any standard, are typ ical of the generos ity and commitment of the Glazers, Bergers and Corasanitis in ensu ring that more students can realize th e dream of a Tulane education. "Scholarships change lives-not only the lives of scholarship recipients themselves but the lives of so many individuals these students will encount er throughout their lives," Cowen adds. "Thi s is particularly true for Tulane st ud en ts, whose ed ucation is specifica lly designed to prepare them to mak e a real difference in the world ."

"Scholarships change lives." -Scott Cowen The Cowen Scholars will be a cohort of students chosen for th eir talent, hun ger for communit y service and potentia l for extraord inary success at Tulane and throughout their lives. Each Cowen Scholar will receive scholarship supp ort toward their

studies and extracurr icular activities. Another major initiative establishes The Distinguished University Chair , whic h Cowen will fill for a term. Spearheaded by the Edward G. Schleider Educational Foundation , Forest City Enterprises and members of the Board of Tulane, the $5 million endowed chair permanently recognizes Cowen's long and successful tenure as president . Cowen will carry the title effective July 1 and be forma lly invested in the chair after taking a sabbatica l. This is the largest Distinguished University Chair in the history of Tulane. Chairs of this caliber are the most elite professional appointments a university can make and are reserved for individuals who have made significant contributions in their field. "This is fitting for one of the most engaged academic leaders in the world," says Jones. "We are fortunate that Scott will conti nue to inspire and educate our students." Earlier this year, an anonymous donor gave Tulane $3 million , part of a $6.1 million total gift, to endow two Scott and Marjorie Cowen Chairs in Latin American Social Sciences . "I look forward most to returning to the classroom and interacting with students ," says Cowen. "To have the chance again to teach on a regular basis is taking me back .to my first love."-Erika H erran



JUNE 2014


ANGUS LIND A 1966 graduate ofTulane , Angus Lind spent more than three decades as a columnist for The Times -Picayune.

GourmetHeaven by AngusLind These days restaurants are popping up in food-crazed New Orleans faster than the critics can keep up with them. Here's an almost daily conversation refrain: "Have you been to ...? Ohmygod. Fabulous. You've got to go." Sure I do. But I've got a list-not a bucket list-call it a feed bucket list that gets longer and longer and as much as I try I'm not putting a dent in it. I live near the Tulane campus, just off Magazine Street near Audubon Park. The New York Times reported at the end of 2013that the number of restaurants on the three miles of Magazine was pushing 70-incid entally what I am doing age-wise. Maybe that could be my goal: 70 restaurants at age 70. Other things may be in decline, but my appetite is not one of them. Food and restaurant conversation has never been on the back burner in the Crescent City.What Ella Brennan, the grande dame of Commander 's Palace, told me almost 20 years ago hasn't changed: "There used to be this girl who worked for us, and she used to say, 'Food in New Orleans is like sexeverybody's interested .' "Why is it so popular? Because it has taste. If you go to eat in most cities, even in France, the food in New Orleans is better," Brennan said. "French techniques are the basis for almost all good cooking, but it's very subtle. New Orleans food hits you over the head and makes you say, 'Wow!It has taste and aftertaste, and it's not subtle.'" ~~~~~-~~~~ ~ ~~~-~ been pummeled by seductive old tastes revised and reinvented and bold, ingenious new tastes we've never before experienced. Since Katrina, a lot of new younger faces, including many affluent singles, have moved into the city. Eating out has not only become more popular-it has spawned a wide variety of restaurants that either do not offer typical New Orleans fare or have mixed and matched perhaps Mexican or Thai or Japanese cuisine with some Louisiana flavors and favorites. Around Katrina, there were some 800 restaurants in the city. Today we're talking about 1,400-and they're not all on the tourist circuit. So longtime denizens citywide are buying into this eat-out program




With over 1,400 resta urants to dine in, what's not to love?

also-which is a good thing . Here's my theory: Always a food town, never has food and the restaurant scene been covered by the media as it is today. The New Orleans Advocate and The Times-Picayun e both have excellent restaurant critics and food writers that are widely read. There are magazines dedicated to local foodLouisiana Gookin' for example-that provide colorful news about restaurants and recipes. And then there's the cable TV scene. After the Food Network's Guy Fieri of "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" visited Katie's Restaurant & Bar in Mid-City not long ago and the segment appeared on TV, the impact was immediate. Katie's was sla:mmed not only with locals, but out-of-towners who had seen the show, according to owner Scott Craig. Viewers and readers pay attention to all the reviews, stars and beans bestowed on restaurants. New Orleans is a food destination for tourists and business people , not to mention fans of the big-time sports events it hosts, like Super Bowls-and more people nationwide follow what 's happening here. So if you're a foodie and into all this, you need to know the history, the genesis of this phenomenon. Until 1972, the city had never had a newspaper restaurant critic. That all changed that year when The Stat es-Item, then the afternoon newspaper , hired Richard H. Collin to write a column about restaurants. I was a youn g S-I staff reporter and I watc hed Collin 's column take off. So did his gu idebook , The New Orleans Underground Gourm et. The book marked the first time restaurants had been rated-and beratedand was enormously popular. It boosted the restaurant scene and became the talk of the town as much for his recommendations as his sometimes-scathing opinions. Of a would-be fine dining establishment on St. Charles Avenue, he said: "serves uninteresting food at expensive prices on plates that look as if they were arranged for bad hotel banquets.'' Of a West Bank eatery known as Marco Polo: "A combination of two cuisines that deserve better : Italian and Chinese. The food is equally bad from either menu. Poor Marco Polo! Little did he dream that on his return to Italy from China in 1295that someone would build a monument like this in 20th century New Orleans.'' Collin's ultimate compliment was to label a dish "platonic. " To foodies, that about describes the current restaurant scene.



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