TUDiki Magazine December Issue

Page 1



Season’s Greetings! Tis the Season to love, share & gift!

The Forgotten Trimester

Exploring the Fourth Trimester & what it means for mothers

Letter from Aunt Jane

Blending old-school & new school parenting styles & raising emotionally intelligent children

The Ultimate Christmas Shopping List

Stuck on gifts the Christmas? We’ve got your back with some great gift ideas for the kids this Christmas!

Holiday Fun

Spend the holidays with printable colouring sheets and fun recipes for the whole family to enjoy and make!

Thank You

Our Team Content Manager Contributors Design

Editor in Chief Shingie Mangwiro

Makaita Mawunganidze

Jane Jambaya The Rogue Creative


For Advertising & Enquiries Contact Us sales@tudiki.com magazine@tudiki.com

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In This Issue 02

Celebrating 22International

From the

Editor’s Desk

Children’s Day

A word from our CEO & Editor-In-Chief, Shingi Mangwiro

Celebrating & advocating for Children’s rights & freedoms!

23 Walt Disney Day


Celebrating a man who changed the face of children’s entertainment forever

6th Issue Special

A trip down memory lane, from our first issue until now!


Safety tips to maintain the whole family’s health during the holidays!

Unpacking the forgotten trimester and tips on how to maintain mental and physical health after birth

08 COVID Safety 09

Safe Christmas Decorations

Decorating the home & keeping it safe for all your little ones at the same time!

TUDiki Christmas Gift List

The Fourth Trimester

Letter from Aunt Jane


Navigating a post-Covid world & keeping the family safe & healthy!

Ballet over the years


& some fun facts about the elegant dance

11 35 What’s Cooking?

A comprehensive list of gift idease for the kids this Christmas!

Our favourite recipes to make and enjoy together as a family this Christmas

37 Kidz Korner

Printable Christmas-themes colouring sheets

Season’s Greetings!

From the Editor’s Desk

It’s been a while since we last met. As always, I want to start this letter with special thanks to everyone who has been with us on our journey. This is officially our 6th issue and without all your guidance, all your stories, your readership, and your support we would not be here today. So thank you, everyone, for believing in us! At the end of each year, I am always shocked by how fast each year went. And for us at Tudiki, this was a massive year! Not only did we launch our magazine, but we have also managed to expand our brand and grow. And 2022 is looking to be an even bigger year!

Going forward there are going to be some changes to the TUdiki Magazine. We will be publishing every other month. This will give us time to bring you bigger and better stories, keeping with the standard that you’ve all come to love.

In this issue, we kept Christmas cheer alive! We've got a lot of handy tips and tricks for those of you who may be a little scared to decorate with toddlers running around the house! We also prepared some of our personal favorite Christmas snack ideas. And, Aunt Jane is back with some more wisdom on how to become emotionally intelligent parents raising children in this modern age.

The Baby Registry is another new product we will be bringing to you! Essentially, you can come into our store and pick out gifts for your shower. That way, your family and friends will gift you exactly what you wanted for when the baby arrives! We will be launching in early 2022.

2022 is going to be a BIG year for TUDiki. We are launching so many new projects so be sure to follow us on social media to stay up to date on all things TUDiki! 4

Have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous, abundant, and healthy 2022! Until next year!

sales@tudiki.com +263 784 714 385





Thank You to all our readers & contributors

A warm TUDiki thank you to everyone who has been part of our journey so far! To celebrate and commemorate our 6th issue and our half-year-versary, we wanted to celebrate you, our readers, the people who keep the ball rolling. Another special thanks goes out to all the beautiful and amazing contributors who have been part of our journey! Over the past 6 months we have had the honour and privilege to connect our readers to resources that will equip them to be better parents. We have also heard incredible stories of young people doing big things and making major moves. Amazing stories of strong and proud Zimbabwean women who are making their own and making the Zimbabwe they want to live in.

Thank You

As fun as the holidays are and as amazing as it is to meet and spend time with our beloved family members, we need to remember to stay safe! If you haven’t been vaccinated yet - get vaccinated! A vaccine gives you heightened immunity - this means that even if you get COVID, you’ll have a better fighting chance. And remember to try to stay away from large gatherings as much as possible. Just because you leave your children at home does not mean you won’t carry the virus home with you. Better safe than sorry!


Wash Your Hands

Use Soap Often

Avoid Crowded Spaces

Always Wear A Mask

Avoid Shaking Hands

Use Sanitizer Often

Navigating Christmas Décor with little ones around the home Christmas means different things to different people. But, for most of us it’s a time together with family and to celebrate life and to give thanks for our health and wellbeing. And one of the best parts of Christmas is the decorations. When you have lots of little children running around in your home, Christmas décor can be a bit of a challenge. We have some simple hacks and tricks to have your home full of bright and colourful décor and Christmas cheer whilst keeping your bundles of joy safe from harm!

Get Safe Decorations There is nothing little children won’t touch, climb, taste or smell. This means whatever decorations you’ve got lying around the house – they have to be baby-proof. Here are some decorations to make Christmmas fun and safe!

1. Keep any hazards/ delicate items out of their little hands! If you want tinsel put it as high as you can. Tinsel is a choking hazard that if you can avoid at all, rather don’t use it to decorate your home. And get shatter-proof or soft-plastic ornaments for the tree.

2. Get some cute bells for the tree So more than making some fun noises for the kids. Bells on the tree can serve as alarm bells for the parents. These will let you know anytime the kids come close to the tree.

3. Fake over real tree = less stress So, as beautiful as real trees are, once they begin drying, they make a mess. And with little children a mess becomes a huge mess. Using a fake tree ensures that there’s no mess and less hazards for the kids.

4. Christmas lights can be safe too! Christmas lights are pretty and there’s no doubt with little children around the home they are scary to have around. Here is a quick tip: wrap the lights around the truck of the tree so that they are both out of reach and still make the tree look pretty.

5. DIY Decorations There is no better way to enjoy the holidays and spread Christmas cheer than to do some Christmas decorations together as a family. Here are 5 fun, easy and cheap DIY projects you can do as a family with things you have in the home right now.

Advent Calendar This is a fun and interactive way to countdown to Christmas. 10

Pinecone Tree All you have to do is paint your pinecones and make it fun! Who says Christmas trees have to be green!?

Christmas-Themed Cards Everyone loves a homemade card! Get your kids to make cards for your whole family!

Balloon Wreath Add a pop of colour and whimsical fun with this charming DIY Christmas wreath made from balloons. Paper Plate Christmas tree What can’t you make from paper plates? Just cut one into thirds and layer on top of one another. And you can decorate them however you like!

Christmas Gift List!

This Christmas, TUDiki has you covered! Choose your favourites from our many gift ideas! All items are available in-store!

+263 784 714 385

na o h S t s My Fir le & Ndebe Words

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S Wav tylish erly Diap er Bag s

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Bonnie J

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Bonnie J


White & Pink Band Dr ess


7-Pieceal Tuxedo Suit


Rare Ed


Hi-Lo Dr



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SILVER s es r D y t r Pa



MASK UP Keep your mask on, protect your family & Zimbabwe! Available in assorted colours

+263 784 714 385 20

Happy International

Children's Day is a commemorative date celebrated annually in honour of children. The day was first celebrated in 1925, in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare. On International Children’s Day, we advocate for the rights of children to be observed and respected across the world regardless of culture, race, creed, or class!

DEC 13

Walt Disney A legacy of excellence

Walt Disney Day falls on the first Monday of December each year, and this year it will be on the 6th of December. This day is an occasion that no one can or should ignore. We all grew up watching cartoons and movies by Disney, and they are an essential part of our childhood. Walt Disney passed away over 50 years ago and his legacy still lives on today! This is one of the most influential men in modern history especially as it pertains to animation entertainment. To celebrate his birthday, we have compiled some of his greatest achievements! 22

The iconic Mickey Mouse character was designed and developed in 1928 by Walt Disney and illustrator Ub Iwerks.

1 2

Walt was the original voice of Mickey Mouse. Believe it or not that iconic high-ptched falsetto was first voiced by Walt Disney!


Walt Disney revolutionized the animation industry through amazing innovations. In 1928 he introduced synchronized sound


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first Cel-Animated (Traditional Animation) feature length film in history. The film was made over 3 years!


Walt Disney also holds the record for the most individual Oscar wins (22) and nominations (59).

Shop Disney Merch at TUDiki

+263 784 714 385

solstice DEC. 21

The longest day in the Southern Hemisphere


The Fourth Trimester Traditionally, the pregnancy journey usually ends at birth. People often neglect the time right after that; when Mum’s body is healing, when Mum is dealing with an influx of emotion &when both parents are adjusting to their new responsibilities. The term “Fourth Trimester’ was recently added to the dictionary. This happened as as a result of a petition by Fourth Phase, a company that champions for maternal health and wellness. Here is why this is a win for parents.

Fourth Phase is a US-based company that spent 9 months conducting focus groups and consulting with mums, birthing professionals and other medical specialists involved in the birth and after care of a newborn. They were on a mission to find out what items would be most essential during the postpartum period. Their hope and mission is to help new parents to find time to take for themselves – a feat that is especially difficult when caring for a newborn.

Why does the “Fourth Trimester” matter? The fourth trimester is marked with hormonal changes, adjustment to new responsibilities and overwhelming emotions – for both mum and dad. Bringing awareness to this period makes people more aware of steps they can take to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Motherhood should never mean risking your life, your happiness or your health. The fourth trimester is not a well-known term, especially in our continent. Pregnancy and the journey to motherhood seems to end at birth. But that is why issues like post-partum depression and other post-natal conditions like incontinence are still so prevalent today – we do not offer enough aftercare and support to parents after birth. 26

There are plenty of things you can personally do to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing during the fourth trimester.

Postpartum Care Tips

1. Surround yourself with fellow mothers Whether they are friends, family members or a support group, you need to surround yourself with people who have been through what you are going through.

2. Seek help No one is expecting you to know everything. And even if this is not your first child, seek help if you need it! Asking questions and seeking support are not weak and they do not make you less of a mother!

3. Take care of your body Remember, its not only baby’s health and wellness you need to be looking after. You need to ensure that your body is healing and adjusting well. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. And if you can start light exercises like walking. All of this will help you to heal your body!

Letters from

Aunt Jane

Dear Mum & Dad In this letter, I would like us to pause, ponder and reflect on how parents of the yesteryears were different from you, the Millenials raising children in an entirely new world. "Gosh, my mother would have never tolerated that!" "Hmmm, children of nowadays are spoilt!" "Haaa, these little ones get away with anything, they have no respect at all! They just don't listen, and they seem to have too many rights" These are some of the complaints I hear from both mums and dads. It seems as though these bundles of joy are difficult to parent. And let's say they seem disrespectful and open-minded, can't

Jane Jambaya is the emotional intelligence officer! She is a registered social worker with a passion for people and helping them to realize their full potential.

we also confidently She is also a business say that owner, and a mother to parents of an amazing 3 year old. nowadays were also incorrigible children by the standards society help back then? You're different from your parents. And that's okay. We need to understand that we are living in a completely different world today compared to when we were little. You know, "the good old days!" We are living in a world that is more present and aware of children's rights and the value they have in building a more complete human being. I think it's great that the world we live in allows children to

be more open-minded and more opinionated. This is what emotional intelligence is all about. And I hope to give you the tools to learn from your parents' way of parenting with a dose of emotional intelligence. Think about some of the sentiments of your past and honestly dissect: what is it that your parents had in them that you seem not to have? Even though a lot has changed for children and parents of today, the fundamentals are still the same. Even in my parenting journey, I have realised that plenty of 'old-fashioned' parenting advice is still as crucial as ever.

Quality Time

know you too. Just thirty minutes of family time every day will prove to be magical and memorable.

Suggestion: Get a box in which everyone puts their cell phones away during family time! While these modern devices make our lives easier their absence, to some extent, will promote family bonding, it yields connectivity and brings togetherness of the family. Even eating meals together counts as family time. In fact, studies have shown that children who regularly enjoy family mealtimes have lower rates of mental health disorders like depression and anxiety!

We live with a lot of distractions; phones, social media, Netflix - a lot of things our parents and grandparents did not have to deal with. There was no surfing on the net, or checking emails. There were no distractions during family time or when your mother was nursing her baby. Back then children were engaged with their parents. There was time to bond and be a family. And as much as we'd all like to deny this, we have less direct communication with our children due to technological distractions. And this is something you could fix today! We can improve our children's emotional literacy and our own by engaging with them more! Let's make time for them, even if it's a few minutes, set aside your cell phones and tablets, and just be a family. The thing about family time is it's not just good for the kids - you need it too. Humans thrive on connections and relationships. It's in our DNA. Family time gives you time to get to know your children more and for them to get to 28

Family time can also be watching a program or a movie together as a family! And choose wisely so that you can use the show to teach life lessons. This will cultivate a culture in them to always draw lessons from any experience they witness.

Communication Another thing our parents used to do was communicate, be it verbally or non-verbally. You knew what each tone of voice meant, and what each look meant. Our parents didn't text us at all back then, families communicated with each other face-to-face because that was the only way. The only way to communicate with other people in your home was by actually speaking to them. So, mum and dad, how about you try to speak more with your children. Do not speak at them; talking to your children also means listening to them. This is a topic I covered in a previous letter, listening and hearing are 2 different things. Relate to your child, mum, and dad. Learn to understand your child's emotions and feelings through talking with them and listening to them.

Consistency Our parents were also very consistent in their choices. A no was a no without a doubt, without any question. Introspect for a minute: Do you say no and mean it? Being committed to your decisions as a parent does not mean you can't be warm and empathetic. Do not give in too easily to your children. Let the rules of the home be known, and with time, these rules will be accepted and followed. Rules help you be in charge while also having your children's best interest at heart. Stand firm with your decisions, as your parents did with you. Also, discuss the consequences of not following the rules with your children. This will allow them to grasp the importance of responsibilities and accountability.

According to Dr. Kriesberg: "Having boundaries and abiding by them can help your child learn mutual respect and responsibility." And isn't that the main goal for any parent: raising a child that has respect and is responsible? Interestingly enough, while the world has changed, how a child's brain and body develop have not changed. Children still require sensorimotor play, physical challenges as well as personal interactions. So, mum and dad, how about you draw lessons from the old-fashioned way of parenting and spend time with your children. It is your role to meet all your children's needs but, as an emotionally intelligent parent, you can also meet some of their wants. And remember, the journey of an emotionally intelligent parent is never over; keep researching and reading more until these values come to you naturally. Yours Lovingly Aunt Jane


Choose every gift for your bundle of joy

Introducing The TUDiki Baby Registry LAUNCHING 2022 30

BALLET over the years

Benefits of Ballet for young children Ballet gets its name from the Italian word "ballare," which means "to dance." The dance’s roots can be traced to Italy in the 1500s Over the next 200 years, the dance was developed and refined in France and Russia. What started as a simple dance evolved into an elaborate and highly technical art that even kings and noblemen would perform.

• They learn to follow instructions • They gain a sense of discipline through learning new positions. • They learn co-ordination, balance and how to control their bodies in motion • They are active and get exercise • They gain confidence through performing in front of others. • They develop strong muscles • They gain a sense of pride and self-confidence in their bodies and what they can accomplish

Ballet Fun Facts One tutu takes about 90 hours to make – that’s almost 4 days!

Pointe shoes are made by hand!

A ballerina can carry 3 times her body weight on the tip of her big toe!

Male ballerinas lift about 1 and a half tons over the span of a performance!

Women weren’t allowed to dance in public until 1681, so they couldn’t join the ballet!

Ballerina buns require a combined 400 hours of styling before the performance!

·Most ballerinas wear out 2–3 pairs of pointe shoes per week.

The most widely recognized or most famous ballet is The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky!

Ballet Apparel coming to the TUDiki Store in 2022 32




Easy, Homemade

Ingredients 225g plain flour + extra for dusting

Gingerbread Men 1. 2. 3.

2 tsp bicarbonate of soda + 1/2 tsp salt 100g soft brown sugar

4. 5.

50g unsalted butter


1 heaped tsp ground ginger

7. 8.

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 100g golden syrup

Heat oven to 190C and line a baking tray with parchment paper. Sieve the flour, salt, bicarb, ginger and cinnamon into a large bowl. Heat the butter, sugar and syrup until dissolved. Leave the sugar mixture to cool slightly, then mix into the dry ingredients to form a dough. Chill dough in the fridge for 30 mins. On a surface lightly dusted with flour, roll out the dough to a ¼-inch thickness. Stamp out the gingerbread men shapes with a cutter, then re-roll any off-cuts and repeat. Place your gingerbread shapes on the lined tray, allowing space for them to spread. Cook for 10-15 mins, then remove from the oven and leave to cool.

+ You can decorate your Gingerbread Men with anything you like. + To add gummy buttons use icing as a sticking agent. Recipe from: bbcgoodfood.com


Caramel Popcorn Ingredients 20 cups popped popcorn

2 cups brown sugar


Make popcorn.


Salt popcorn and set aside.

You will make 2 batches of Caramel (one red, and one green). For each batch: 4.

Melt 1 cup of butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat.


Add 1 cup of brown sugar.


Keep stirring while bringing mixture to a boil.


When it reaches a boil allow it to cook for 5 minutes without stirring. Add the 2 tsp. of vanilla at 4 mins and stir to mix.

8. 1 tsp baking powder

2 cups salted butter


Continue to boil for the last minute, then add the 1/2 tsp of baking powder and food coloring.


Drizzle caramel mixture over popcorn. Use a spoon to gently fold the popcorn with the mixture until the kernels are all covered.


Pour the popcorn out onto a baking sheet covered with foil or a platic wrap. Let the popcorn cool. Serve and Enjoy!

4 tbsp vanilla extract red & green food colouring

12. 13.

Recipe from: twosisterscrafting.com


Colouring Sheets


Credit: Happiness is homemade


wishes you...





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