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those ideals insti le by h ers VVe w·ll strive , 0 Se high. Faithful ever, our end oal. A ma Mater, Alma Mater, , young and old Stepping forth t and gold As a fam· y we move o d above Seton S ·r·t rve -.-,--,.r-.r::::::'\

ourage, Love . Seton H"gh, we pled or, pledge our ave. VVe will ever prov 's grace from above. For our God and

ENT IN ry action , 0 Seton of hy ea ver, our end e our go igh, we stand before you joined wit Sentine ng forth to take our place anew bear the bann m1ly we move onward, pacing trust in God ab Spirit ive forever Faith, Determination, Courag High, we p edge our loya ty, p edge our hono , I ever prove our cons ancy, aided by God's g r God and for our country we w·ll labor fai hf g forth in every action those ideals instill I strive, 0 Seton High, to be mindful oft bear thy standard high. Faithf I ever, y honor be o r goal. Alma Mater, AI Je greatness we extol! Seton High, with Sent"nels, young and old S 1e banner red and gold As a fa trust ·n God above Seton Spi etermination , Courage, Lov , p edge our honor, p edge by God's grace from abov abor fa"thfu ly, showin oyal sons and daught mindful of thy teachi Jl ever, our endeav ater, Alma Mater

y I

SE T STRO G port

SE T PASSIO ATE fine art

SE T PREPARED academic

SE T FAITH pirituality

SE T TOGETHER tudent life

SE T SMILI G portrait

SE T READY en1or 2015-2016

597 tudent www. etoncatholic.org Volume 61

Seton Catholic Preparatory 1150 Dobson Rd. Chandler, AZ 85224
4 22 28 40 46 66 82
eniors Drew Betlach and oah -.tud} t g ther for an up photo b) Mackenz1e Angelo prepare for the game the} 're about to pia}.
/II 2 /II Opening
Senior Paige Allen put the fini hing touche on her art piece in Ceramic cia .

eton atholic Preparatory i ba ed upon four chari m : determination, faith, courage and love. The yearbook taff derived "Sent in" from the chool rna cot, the Sentinel, and from the 2016 chari m, courage. A entinel i a soldier tationed a a guard to challenge all comer: and prevent a urpri e attack.

ons quently, entinel are trained to protect their belief. when they enter the ecular world once they graduate. "Sent in" de cribe how eton Catholic Preparatory i arming tudent for battle, the re t of a tudent' life after eton. During their time at Seton, tudent are taught to be E T to their job , college , and faith communiti with great trength, determination, faithfulne , courage, and love.

Pamng Partners Student pair up to read The Crucible in 1rs. Breen's American Literature clas _
Ill 3 Ill Opening

/ S held/ The enttnel \ ar it) team '>tonm. out onto the fteld to face t. \-1,\ry\ CHholic High SdH ol lor thetr ftr t home game of the ca on umber 67. enwr Cory 1.mning. lead-. ht. team onto the field before the game tart-..

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be di mayed, for I am your God. I will trengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteou right hand."
-I aiah 41 : 10

"My belief is that th game of FOOTBALL i a teaching tool and an opportunity to instill character in young m n. It i at I to teach young men the alue of loyalty, honor, pride, hard competition, t am work, pers ranee, and integrity. Thi game allow young men to learn thes qualities through e p rience. It is an opportunity for them not nly to learn the value of these qualitie , but al o t build and inscribe the equalities into their lives."

oach Galante, Var ity Head oach



my team is:


"4th Q ARTER


pi ., \' R ez Ill

my team is: ' my team is: "KAIZE II "SELFLESS"


lr DeCaro I photo

at eton not only make a difference on the field. but the) bring a team together off the field as well.

R c p c t &. ll o n or// Jumor. M1chael Marx congratulates Senior,Garrett Boyd after scoring a touchdo\.\n.

6111 Football hetman
b) b) \lr. Rodriguez Thoma'> Kenne)' 17

What will you mi mo t?

'H,t\ ing fun v. ith m) teammates "

- Luke /uluaga #7

What was the bet experience?

"The best experience was being able to v.alk off of Fr Joseph Patterson Field remembering every thing God ga\e to me and m) brothers through the game of football. "


Cibola vs. SCP

17-30 9/41 15

7-32 81281 15

St. Mary's vs. SCP

What was the be t experience?

" fter senior night v.hen the nine of us cniors v.alked across the field, I shuddered and started Cf) in g . It v.as one of the most sho kmg experience I had in m) life."

- ory Manning #67

What effects h the new coach had on your team?

"Coach G has instilled a fight within each of us to go out there everyday and work to get better, day in and da) out. We arc given tremendous coaching as well as preparation for our opponents I cannot thank Coach G and ever) one of the coaches enough for all the work the) put into making us be the best pla)ers and people we can be in our li\ es. "

-Matthev. Bresnahan #33

Any ad vi e for future team ?

"Give it ) our all C\ cry pia) because ) ou don't knov. when it will be your last pia). keep fighting."

What will you mi mo t?

"Probabl) v.hen I see Anthony ook gi\e moti'liational speeche :')"

-Garrett Boyd #I I

Any advise for future team ?

"Be a mover. n unmovable person will ne\ er learn or like what the coaches have to sa). mm able person only learns and listens v.hen required of him. A Mover does what's best for the team."

-Victor toll #65

What was the be t experience·/ "Winning the first game"

-RJ Baile) #50

6-20 91251 15

7-54 9/ 11 115
Sabino vs. SCP Vista Grande vs. SCP (Homecoming)
VV -8-7 1019115
McClintock vs . SCP Maricopa vs. SCP (Senior Night)
7 Ill Football
2 1-29 10/16/15 Ill

II To me, CHEER AND POM mean artistic a hleticism. Seton •s Spiritline enhances i s ar istic at eticism through competition, community outreach, and }eadership. 11

Coa h C r,ug. \, r II) Ch • rand Pom ( oach

the J\' cheer girb wam1 up their as GOTEAMGO// Jade Panlener flies high as she stunts with her team. Her stunt team consists of Jasmine Garcia. Moira Kelly , MacKinley Lutes-Adlhoch. and Cassie Hanson.
Ill Ill Cheer
The 'arsit) chet.:r team helps raist.: the spirit of the cro\\ d on Februar) 2nd. the Bo) s' 'ight. photo by \Irs. l·nedl
II But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 5:7

Initial I). Taylor applied for six schools. but narrowed down the pool to two schools after she visited ni\ ersity of the Incarnate Word in Te as. She wanted a Catholic college. wanted a team\\ ith a particular ..., orkout - more ) ardage and and mid-distance training. ''I'm not a sprinter. so the other [schoob I were not right tits for me." The school not only seemed the right fit. but also offered her a scholoarship that she could stack with other scholarships. a fact that led her to choose the Texas institution. "As of right now. I have about 55% percent of my tuition paid. and the coach says if I impro e I can ha e that amount raised. Ultimately. she is looking forward to studying biochemist!") and traveling to different states with the s\\ im team. "It is a Division I schooL so the caliber is higher than I ha\e ever done before. so I'm really looking forward to improving my times."

"M) favorite stroke -would ha-.e to be the breaststroke be ause to me it is the most fun and most challenging stroke to -w im. "

"Free tyle [is my favorite stroke] becau e it is the most efficient stroke, you can go fast and get things done."


note from Ih) Gert on-. lol k ·r. pi .teed the1e h) 1111 parent pnor to th ( h,1rger lm Jte -wimmer helby Gert on, Bridget Hodges, adeleine Ramos. rchie stJindler, Brenden Klein. and Mar elina Wiertek are all relaxing in the pool before their next
II Go f is a life long sport that provides the opportunity to spe reat time with family, and friends."


Matt Schwab ts a jumor on Seton's boys golf team Dunng a match he swings and has a remarkable follow through


The combined Boys and G1rls Golf Team proved therr success after the grrls team placed frfth rn state and the boys played played 1n seventh

b) Karlt Bums Ill 10 Ill Golf -Tom Anthony, G1rls Golf Coach Photo h. Ian Bo)l
I I Run for the Lord! Give yo r best effort and leave the results o God."



favorite part of track ea on i the State meet becau e u get to ee all the hard work you put into practice pay off. And the aw orne team We haVe!" - La ure n ha p1ro ' 17

The girls from the Cross ountf) team Joanie aro clio' 16, Briana Tre\ ino '16. ami Kendy I 'I homp on '19 all \\ ork through the race.
Ill 11 /II Cro Countf)
e cro s countr) runner Photo b) Patri k Champagne


The sport of VOLLEYBALL has become a way of life for me. The opportunity to impart knowledge on talented young players while learning from them at the same time, makes coaching volleyball priceless! It is a sport that helped me gain leadership skills, paid for my excellent college education and continues to push me to grow and develop as a coach and a person."


onl) did he bring new ideas to the program, but she stre sed the team's Catholic identity. The entire program pra)ed together before e\ Ct") practice and game. he fonned a ne\\ Sentinel identit) for the \ olleyball program and despite mo\ ing up a division, Coach Patti came in and empowl.!red the team to make it all the way to the tate pia) offs.


PASS A 3111

I I Fre hman Mia ega sets Junior Elizabeth Schroeder for an attack.
Girls Volle)' ball Coach Patti Schoenhardt, Head Varsity Coach Lauren Tewes '18 comes up fo• an attack dunng their game vs Desert R1dge Sophomore Tessa Zuluaga d1ves for a ball dunng the JV match CLOSE THE BLOCK II Seniors Kirsten Companik and Madi Abele set up the block.. asmine We t '16 sets up Christine Aguiar' I 6 for a I on their senior night. all pholo' by Mr, l·ricdl


VOLLEYBALL has been pretty much my life. This sport allows me to work with kids who have a passion for learning and playing a sport that they love!"

"I really enjoy the saucy men I get to play with[, specifically)

oah Williams and Drew Betlach. Dang, they are some nice young men."

Tom Randolph '16

"My favorite part about the team is it's just a bunch of guy v.ho wanted to try something new and ended up finding that volleyball is a sport that takes a lot of work but i rewarding and fun. That being aid, it' not just a team but a family."

Drew Betlach '16

"My favorite part about thi port i hov. close we are and ho\\ much we love the port. One moment we could be messing around and the other we flip a sv.itch and become incredibly competitive."

oah Williams '16

all photo b)
Ill 13 Ill Boy Volleyball
- Coach Nick Price, Head Varsity Coach UP 1
Many of the e boy had never played voile) ball before chool. but together the) have fonned a nev. famil) on the court.
Mr.. Engelbert
II BASKETBALL is a microcosm of the real wor d. It provides an opportunity to play a game we enjoy and to grow as a person at the same time."

The g1rls' basketball team ha.., had another outstanding season thi )Car. ndcr the guidance of oach elf, th1s team \\.On the Di' is ion ll tate Champion hip! This has been the1r second state \1. in \1. ithin the past four year Great job, entmels!


Kendall Krick 'I, ri e to nc\\ height in her ba ketb ll game. Thi girl \\.Ork \CI") hard to get poinh for her team.

DON'T STOP DRIBBLING// It i hard not to notice Lit Holter' detennination in the basketball game Like the rest of the players on the team, she ne\er eem to rest.

Courtne) Knee ht '17 doe n't let an) one her \\.hen dribbling on the court.
Ill 14 Ill
Ba. ketball
-Coach Karen Self, Varsity Basketball Head Coach
II BASKETBALL has brought me just about every good thing I have in my ife. y wife, my children, the Sentine family a 1 come to this game that I love so much. a so very blessed! "
Coach Commander Kmg, Vars1ty Basketball Head Coach

"My fa\orite part ab ut this basketball season has to be the ne\\intro that we got for our h me games. I loved having Eduardo Gamez DJing the games for us, and the light show we had for our intr ductions \\-aS awesome; it really got our tudent section even m re involved in the games."

John Engelbert '16, Var ity Player

"I would say it is the countless amount of hour-. being able to do what I love with some of my best friends. That. and all the joking around with oach."

ric hinchiUa '18, JV Player

"My favorite part of the ba-.ketball -;eason was the bus rides."

Ryan Johnson '19, Freshman Player

SHOWlNG OFF ON THE COURT// Jacob Terrill '17 (top left). Jake Rueter' 16 (top nght), Car on Pinter' 17 (bottom left). and Luke Thompson '17 (bottom nght) displa) thetr best kill during their games after countless hours of practice. Ill IS Ill Basketball

II Playing for the BASEBALL team means going out and playing a great game as hard as I can and having some fun."




II ophomore Michael Venable throw Pat Cohn '17 after getting an out.
Ill 16 Ill
Blake e\\man, Matthe\\ Bre nahan, Kohl Dor e), Jake a\ arro. Cam Beattie, and Jake Plichta Baseball - Matthew Bresnahan, Varsity Captain The ,1r it) team pia) s under the lights agaimt St. Mar)· for their fir t ular sea n all photo'> b) Kell) Mollo)
II SOFTBALL is a great way for a player to develop both intellectual and physical abilities."


" oftball connects \Nith ever) thing in life. You learn life lessons every time you step out on to the field, or for me the mound. oftball has helped to make me the person that I am toda)."

Lauren Shirley '16

"M) favorite part of the season would have to be bagel days \Nith the team and matching bow !"

'------- Lindsey Wilson '17

"M) favorite part about our softball team i all of the tradition we have!"

Tori Ramirez '18 --------'

all photo\ b) Karh
senior Lauren
get reps in at practice to preprare for their first game. Later that week,
hit a stand-up double in their game vs. Maricopa. Ill 17 Ill oftball
Shirley (top right),
junior Eva Toon (bottom right)
Mackenzie Budinger (bottom left)
II TRACK means that we get to intro uce a sport here at SCP that is about health, fun, establishing good habits, and teaching fundamental skills that hopefully transfer into life ong hab"ts."
-Tom Darby, Head Coach of Track and F1eld


Out of all the sports that Seton offers. Track and Field ha the greatest amount of participants.

MAD HOPS// Ka) len Elkins '16

shov. s her high endurance and outstanding hurdling skill at this meet on Fcbruaf) 24th at Campo Verde High School.

Tre\ ino '16 is a dedicated student that participate in a sport )Car-round Her talent can be cen through hl.'r runnmg.

"These are the moments that I pole \ ault for. Tho e picture perfect moments that I v. ill alv.a) s remember. I first o.,tarted pole \ aulting after v.atching the Ol)mpics." -E\an hev. bridge '17

ON YOUR MARK// Peter Fugger '19 \tarts his e\ ent off strong v. ith a quick print. With this kind of speed and detem1ination. he v. ill do great things in hi h school career.

Ill 18 Ill Track
Sh Et n


I always emphasize the importance of understanding that 'Everything you repeat, you are practic"ng.' Whether it's a technical skill in SOCCER, a daily attitude about yourself, or how you treat others ... If you repeat it, you are practicing becoming that, so you may as well practice being awesome."


"I love soccer because of its strategical p lays, team-building and de ire for fine se occer has helped me de>elop friendships outside of my class and strengthened my confidence both as a player and student."


"I nO'-" pia} goalkeeper and love the excitement of making a sa>e. Last!} I love being ab le to p ia} the beautiful game 'With m} friends and 'While participating in a competiti>e atmosphere where everyone is p u shing me to be my best" .


ph to C'l n h ph r 'I

"I love occer, not on l} be ause the game itself i exhilarating, but because the team has a heart even bigger than it immense talent."

/II 19 /// occer
IIWRESTLING for me is a way to push myself and to be the best version of myself. Wrestling is good becasue when I get good takedown, I make my coaches happy."
-Bridg r Barker' 16 , eni r Wrestler
Ill 20 Ill
tling by Mr Taylor

To me a whole lifestyle can be built around TENNIS social, physical, nutrition and proper sleep all executed in the right measure to enhance my time playing tennis. I continue to play and teach at 56 yrs old. Still I find great joy practicing my strokes and rallying with all levels of players."


last year

"My teammates are super funn). I know we all have each other's backs. They support me and encourage me to become a better player."

-Adam Bender'l8

1 ' . "Tenni s i an intru s ting port you pla y a an individual but win or lo e a a group. You can play ingle or double illlolllll t.'\r"'l which are almo t different game them elve . Tenni 1 and individual team port. You can go far on your own but to go all the way your team must be there for you. "

-J e rr y Horowit z, T e nni H ea d Coach Matt Duplissa' 16 practicing for his pia) ing tennis at Seton.
Ill 21 Ill Tenni photo'> b) Mrs. Tole

' haping a Masterp1ecc, Moira Kell} ' 16 uses the potter's \\<heel during her Ceramic cia \\<ith Mr Hiller. he is bu y displaying her creati\ it) through sculpting

"Indeed, like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, house of I rae I."
-Jeremiah 18:6
The Last ct The cast perfonning their last scene . athan Zimmerer '17, atalina Rojas '17, Jason Morse ' 16, Kacee Roberts '16, and JulieFordyce'l9. photoh) Karll Burn\


ho....,,n' pint// Ever enthusiastic Patt), pla)cd b) Kacee Roberts '16 practices a cheer for the Rydell Ringtails \>.ith and), arah Kunz '16, the newest cheerleader at R)dell High. PupfJ Lo\e Roger.And) Vega'l6 and Jan. Abbe) Schroeder' 16 almost cxprcso., their mutual affection for each other during the double entendre o.,ong. " 1ooning." Ht•h lhool Dropout// Beaut) school dropout hench). ricca Gass 'I g is serenaded b) Teen ngel T) ler recch 'IS and his hca\ en!) helpers.


The dances at the Fine Art Night thi year were phenomenal. With the help of Mrc;;. Polanco, all her dance

e have expre sed their creativity through their c;;mooth move They performed many types of dance such a-; contemporary, hip hop, and jazz. The Winter Fine ·ight wa-; a particularly exciting performance for the dancer ! All the C'hri tmas cheer was contagious.

Ben Leach 17 ing<> at the variety ho\V '"hile performing '-Vith some of hi family members. Luke RaJ ton I 17 demonstrates hi umque hula hooping talent once again.

')tr \ ing for KnO\\ ledge/ Madi -\belc '16 i., hard at worl-. in her Bnt1 h Literature v, ith Mr-.. 0' eill. he i discovering nev. vocabular) v.ord-. that she can usc in future photo h) M o.:kt·n11 \ngdo

"For the Lord give wi dom, and from hi mouth come knowledge and under tanding."

-Proverb 2:6

Favorite class novel?

I. Logan \'anConant on \O ab in 1r 0' Teill' 7th period Brit Lit cia

2. . 'ash interprets Shake peare' pia) Hamlet to her enior..,,

3. M Breen lead a discu ion about The Crucihlt• in her merican Literature class.

4. Mrs. foor' ireshman English clas prepares for a \ ocabulaf) 4uiz.

Ill 30 Ill Literature
Eva Toon and Irene Parsons v.ork on their research project on American culture in the lihmr).




on Runme7 '18 t,1ke note in h r G omell) cia on nev. theorem . Mr. Decker interacts v. ith h1 fre hman Algebra I cia E' an hev. bridge' 17 tan hie; homev. urk in his \lgebra II v. ith \1r Peter on. 1r-.. Griffith' 4th p riod Geomell) cia ne\\ theorem of similar triangle so that the) can usc them in v.riting proofs.
Ill 31 I Math

Favorite Social Studies topic?

I. Jake Plicta, Luke Zuluaga. and ichard Sukkar \\ ork together ·ng Jeopard) in Economic

tr. Vetti finds and corrects an in his Go\emment ..,tudents'

tr Kohl guides the class hrough an acti\ comparing ntn)\ erted and e trm erted ro.,onalities during her 3rd period ) cholog) clas .... After taking a liPersonality teo.,t, student split off nto different groups ha ed on Its of the test.

'-1-. Anna Pongracz, K) lie Van \r dale. Che)enne and Gina guiar get competitive during P Macroeconomic Ill n Ill Social Studie

I'>'- -s-"' 1> '<'fl, .,. 1'>0 o'fl ,.o <.,'- ,_e 0e '1-q; 00 (}fl,
.c o;s-
,_<:- -<..\"'"' '-'"' 'i"
In bct\\.een hio., Track and Field spiels, Mr. Darh) goes through his USIAZ Histor) lecture on James Madison.

In\ ocat10ns, .Jun1or \ incent Dole , Kell) 1ollo). Claire Raiford, and Jame tevensonmake ali t of the thmgs that m.tf..c them hupp) in order to und r tand the different le\Ch ol h.tppme .

1atthc\\> Br sn, han a J..s Kuha ak a question during hi 1oralit) cl.tss.

1r. Barha explains th role that hi toT) ha on Chri t's to hi sophomore

mir shares a laugh with her freshman cripture class.

for their first theolog) course at eton. Ms. Bell e plain H1stor) of Scripture to her freshmen.

//Fr. Chris share his love for Church Hi-,tory. !though he "·et a" ide the fir t five minute · of Tuesday cia e for hi joke telling, he alway interweave " them within hi lecture .

K ndall Krick 'I C'latre kmn r '16
OFGOD nm Do'l Ill 33 Ill Theology

Favorite Lab?

I. f·reshman Da) \is Ca-.tle respond to Mr-.. Patera in her hiolog) cia .

2. Mr Oli\icri demonstrates the dch: drat ion lab for her Honor Chemi tf) cia s before the) get the chance to tf) it thcmseh c.

3. Li:r Holter and ourtnc: Knecht proud)) rock then lab goggle-..

4. ophomore Loralee Redding. Elena DeLuca. and France-.ca Ca ilia" Gahan \\ ork together on ph) ics paper on acceleration.

Ill 34111 Scien e
he \\Orkcd
to hm c a\ ail able to Freshman student-..
i<> Mr. Hom's first :ear teaching an
Madam oudali an w r her tud nt ' questions a thev complete a work lll'et. 1rs. J len on's sophomores \\ ork on Latin II. , Irs. Salazar' Spani h Ill Ia use thelanguagelab. Scott Kinsey learns about time in his hinese cia s.
NEWWORLD pani h III Ill 35 Ill World Language
TO C L f T \ 1//"What you're going to do is write a -,kit using your vocabulario." Mrs. Hoff explains the '>kit project to teammates Bryce ickel, Louis Oliv ias. Enrique DeZavala. They wrote a skit ab ut buying shoe


"I like making thi-. final rnagatine cO\er l ahout me. It i' our final project."

- Ja-.mine Garcia '16

I"I like me ing ,round \\ith filter."Dillon hi pie) 'I

"I like lntro to Design hecau e it ga\ e me a hreak from \Chool \\ ork. and I get to me R)an \\'e-,IC) '[,

IIMcCaleb 'I Xcompleted his CO\ er project.

IMr Foor\ Photography class is ne of the most popular elective cia s . . Freddy Alexander, a repeat photography clas memb r, aid, "We do orne ery creati e projects like projecti n photography wher we pr fun image nto our faces and capture the image." Foor' · , tudents al o practice real world photography for advertising and yearbook. "I enjoy port photography the most. I like capturing m ment that people rememb r or the) want to remember. I like eeing e eryone' r action when I print uta new picture or po tone to my web ite." Freddy ha applied hi kill · both at s h l and at his job at Lamar tudio .

I. Mr Polanco

2. :\la Kulak 'I!\

3. Ezekiel Smith '17. Sarah Kunl '16

4. inlita 1il)ard 'I X and Bridget Hodge-, 'I,'

5. \\h) cto o lo c Dan "I

I \C the people in it." - Br)ce Da\i '16 "I lo\e ho\\ \\C get to tr) different st) le and \\e ah\ U)-, ha\ c Bryce tie our hoes."

- Halle Lecker 'I .

Ill 36 Ill Fine: Polanco, Dance
students dance to songs "Slide" by Lil Mama.
y" hy 116 Cli4ue. and "Bet You Can't Do It Like Me" by DLOW.
a\\ay to a remix created by Mrs.


Pia) mg md pend ntly, Joe Gille pte 'I 6 .tnd Ja mmc \\ e t '16 learn at then· ov. n pace in Piano class .,.. ith lr. •ruble.

lichael Warren'l7 1 a selfde ribed beginner, but hac; made progre in hi piano kills. "It is nice to hear all the beautiful music and know that I'm makmg 1t. My fa\orite ong is Rally" because it ic; an upbeat ong."


1onica Pham alread) knev. hov. to pia) piano pnor to t.tking cla-.s. "I lil-..e thi da because \\e pt.:rfonn 1n the studio for each other once per month. fa\ orite ong is Polka it 1 a duet and ) ou get to interact .,.. ith tht.: teacher."


Students in Piano use the headphone sy ·tern to play ong for Mr. Frable They canal o talk back and forth with him, and he can pla y song s with and for them .

Mr. Smith offer Kyle Grabauska orne pointers in Band The band perform for chool functi n and erenad

St. Ro ol Lima Lad) in Blue Disne) Caqle Sketch

II Choosmg to II Because her art //CeCe Buneo's venerate her portfolio theme 1s theme for her art Confirmation saint. practicing different portfolio Is fash1on. Gabby Bancroft '16 mediums, "I'm sketching this created a mm1 MacKinley Lutes- Disney Castle to shnne. "I got to Adlhoch had practice for the choose how to completed a pencil watercolor I Will decorate the face drawmg of thiS lady make The and s1des. I before paintmg her. watercolor w1ll have created a cutout "I enjoy painting a g1rl in front of the space for a tealight her more because castle wearing underneath " pa1nt is easier to jeans and Mickey blend • ears "

In March.. T tudents v-. ent on a field tnp to the \\estern International ni\ersit) film studio to record an episode of S T . Students v-.orked with the ni er it) film cre\\ to record. edit, and create motion graphics for the episode. Ben Leach's mother works on the Media Production Cre\\ there. and she im ited Mr. Foor's class to the studio. From left to right: Moira ·iles, Luke

Ju tin Kosisky. the T crev-.. nna


"The coolest thing 1\e done [in Business/ Databases I is make a turtle that mo\ es around." -Alex Enriquez' 19 i

"I like the people and the teacher (Mr. / nthon}) because he adds his life xperiences [to I computing.-Sam Apeji '19


"The coolest thing l 'Yc done in Databases/ is I programmed Ill) computer to sa) good morning and sa) m} name." -Pl:lcr Fugger '19

Ralston, Anthon) ook. Pongracz. Connor Dono\'an. I'op left: Senior onnor DonO\ an rurh the camera for a pel: ial egment. Bottom left: enior Dall) Bostic brain..,tonns idea" for animation graphics. Bottom Right: Matt Pabst receJ\'Cs m truct1on . SCTV ere\\ in front of the International Building.
CODERS II Ryan Johnson and Ben Leach answers wh '!'I Mr Anthony asks what the numb s 2.4 6, 8 are "Good but they ar also even numbers'" He was exp atnJng th ELSE command and how thts can be used to create a branch command Branchtng, he explatned can determtne for us number ts even or odd Tile students then went to work on but dtng a clock using tne ELSE command Mr Anthony told them "Go bu ld your house • "Cod ng ts I bwldtr>g a house When you bUild t you s e th components the p'umb•'!lg electncal When you can vtew th house tn tis enttrety you can see the beauty of hou e That ts wh t t It e to code Wh n yoOJ ar finished you g t to see the house you butlt

I , ning up after the fir t prmg football off- "a on training, Jacob Terrill h, nd Mr "lante the collected cones before heading in to dres up for the school day.

Mark 0 anna '18 complete hi crunche

ophomores Chri Rodriquez and . 1ateo Estes


cro<,s to workout out their core muscles.

ophomore Annie hoenhardt completes a pull up during I .r..

' Coach Galante i pretty cool. He ' a really good P.E. coach / guy. AI o, the class i really fun and functional. We mix workouts and games at the same time to workup a sweat and get [our] heartrate · pumping. It kind of wakes me up throughout the day. It i just a fun thing to have in the middle of the day. A little workout and get your sweat going. "

''The most challenging workout is antigravity we have to run a mile as fast as we can, we have to do as many jumprope · a we can in two minute , as many pu hup a · we can in two minutes, as many it ups as we can in two minutes, as many pullups a we can in two minutes, and then we normally have to do the beeper test too. [The beeper te t] is when you have to run the length of the volleyball court, and the time speeds up every twenty runs. "


Ill 39 Ill P.

'lit: tint: Bt:gm \\ llh Pr .1) I! Fr. Chris celebrates first football rvlass in the chapel \\ ith the toot ball and cheer teams as the) begin their game da) rituals.

"I am the vine, you are the branche ; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bear much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."
-John 15:5

"I altar sene hccau-.,e it is 111) \\a) of gi\ ing JES S to Hi-., bride. the Church. I kno\\ of no betll.:r \\a) to do thi than to lead people to th Euchari t nd help prepare the table of \\hich \\e all share."

Bridger Barker' 16

altar erving at the fir t chool Ma of the year, when a ked about hi faith life he re ponded with, "Seton ha led me to a deeper under tanding of God' mercy and love. I feel the pirit of God work through the taff and the witne of my peer at Seton."

C'Hl R H


Ill 42 Ill M ass
FROM DUST YOU SHALL RETURN// Bridger Barker' 16 markmg the head of Gina Agutar'16 on Ash Wednesday Student Council Pre idcnt. Brandon Garcia hegin\ the Mass b) \\elcoming students. teachers. and parent to Seton Catholic.
1 liE 't E R >FF RKrH I
photo' h) \1ackcnlie Angelo
h. Chri deli\crs the homil) during the \ cr) fir t Ma
the chool ) ear.


e pected to en joy it o much. I v. a beyond amated by C\ ery thing that occurred during thi.., tnp. It was hy far one of thl' high school mcmorie

I v. ill C\ er ha\ c. To me -v. hat made Kairos pecial

v. as the fact that I v. as able to meet people I ha\ e ne\ er talked to and become clo e to them But v. hat really made 11 special \HIS that 1t took only 4 day for u-. to become a family and that's something I v.ill alv.ays cherish. ty ach ise to anyone considering to go on Ka1ros is to go 111 v. ith an open mind. You get out v.hat you put in. and Kairos can he to you if you attend v. ith an opt:n heart. <3 -ALAN HERNANDEZ '16

Madi Abele// My experience as a rector has been great. I have su h an awe ,ome leadersh1p team I k.now Kairos 45 is going to be amazing. The rector is the leader of the leaders So we are in c harge of communicating, and any big problems go through us oah Williams. "My experience on Kairos \\<US really and truly a gift to be able to be an impact in the lives of others. I loved my team, and I wouldn't have changed a thing about it."
Ill 43 Ill K air . photo h) 1.1 k n7.JC ng lo and Ktm Rapanut


The junior retreat v as one to remember. After listening to individual talks, students were split up into small groups and got to talk about specific topics and play games. This game included juniors Claire Rafford. Ben Leach, Erick Garlid, Megan Kim. lay Troggio. Leann Wirth, and Michael Warren. Ben \\US blindfolded and had to follow a \ oice that guided him to the other side of the classroom. The catch was that he had many obstacles in the way.

"How would you describe your class retreat

• ?"experience.

'. ly junior cia retreat wa an unfor ettable e. perience becau e I learned to make good deci ion in my life."

t the. enior Retreat. Joe '16. Bridger Barker '16. Tom Randolf'l6

• antiago '16

a!\\ a)" lind time to ha\ e a little

retlecting on the pa t four) car of high chool.

Throughout th duration of the Sophomore Retreat the bo) ,md girl \\ere split up to listen to indi\ idual t,tlk The Girl leader at the ophomore retreat lead a di cu i n about Bro ke C'zemi ki ofC r om \\ord of'' i dom b Ut th tOpiC Photo b) Irs. 0 elll

h and Lm\ I en1or Jak.e Rueter lead the Red Zone m the cheer ritual. the roller coaster. dumg the 9/11 tribute game. Thi-; cheer pump. up the crov d a anticipation in after the liN half of the game.

"I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you ent me and have loved them even a you have loved me."
-John 17:23
FINAL DANCE//I Senters Jade Panlener, Mikayla Harvan and MacKmley Lutes-Adlhoch make the most out of their last homecoming dance !EVERYBODYS HANDS GO UP/I I he Sentinels end their homecommg weekend w1th a ang

#SCPFAM II The eton student bod) dresses up on October 26 to finish off the Homec ming week fe ti\ItJes in the g)m v.ith a dance. The week focused on social media and creating a literal <,ocial network between tudents. The already-present community atmosphere at Seton v.as magnified as the cntinels created new connections among each other.


' R DITIO II •. ..._

Fre hman girls

arc pranketl b) John Engelbert and oth r enior bo) at the fir t pep cmhl).

Ill 49 Ill Homecoming


"Every year during Catholic Schools Week, Student Council gets the to attend a rally at the ri10na Capitol and even get a tour of the inside one of the Senators. It's a super fun and interesting field trip and a great place to meet other -;chool's student council members!"

Mar) ssa gnes' 18. ·icole Eze 'll\. Victoria Ramirez '18. Camille Abele'l9 Liz Holter \\alk dO\\ n the aisle \\ ith both her grandparents b) her side \\hilc delivenng the at Mass.
Lauren FaresterAhilre7. it wJth her watting for Mass to <>tart. race ucro" the g)


Daniel back at it with those white vans. Peyton Manning wins uper Bowl 50 He is now the oldest starting quarterback ever to win a uper Bowl. the fir. t quarterback to win 200 game in his career, and the first to lead two different teams to victor) in the uper Bowl. Steve Harvy announced the v.rong winner at the Mi niver e beaut) contest.
on Mars ADELE 25 , Ade le
Ju st i n Bi ebe r
YQUJrl R"£AD ING IHt S l iS LA l' t 4
BEillND TIIE MADNESS , Th e W ee ke nd
Walking Dead Game
Blue and Black or White and Gold.
The DAB becomes one of the most popular dance moves
BLURRYFACE . 21 Pilots T. S
T a)lor \\tft
The Peanut Butter Baby.
ew Girl Grey' Anatomy


Members of the C.S. Marine orps raise the .S. tlag o er the newly .. ... reopened embassy in Havana, Cuba on August 14. 2015.


Drake's ong "HotLine Bling'' became one of the most popular songs and popular mu ic \ 1dcos of the )C.tr, leading to Donald Trump 1mitatmg Drake on L.


Afte r five O scar nomination • Leonardo D iCaprio finall) \\-ins an 0 ar for hi1. role in the The

China has canceled its onechild polic), allo\\- ing all couples to have two children for the first time since family planning rules \\-ere introduced more than 35 )Cars ago.


A// Arizona wa., hit 'With a 5.2 earthquake

Ill 53 /II World Events

Sperr Lulu Lemon Headbands Jansport Backpacks ... Vans Keys hooked on pants Pope Franci , the fir t Pope to addre a joint meeting ol the nited "tates o 1al rc pon ibility on September 24,2015 . PRIO
# SCPAssassins # juniorzzzz # RED & GOLD # SilentNight # SetonPride # SCTV # SCPHOCO # lmprovMANIA # SCPstuco # seniorzzzz Ill 54 Ill Ha . htag # SCPProm2016 # W e AreSentinels


Moira Filcs'l6 & Victor Sto11'16
& tar. in antiago'l6
Alii on Rayburn '16 & Loren Rayburn '19

1 trow: Dam) gn) en. toni a Ph.tm. Khanh Vo. Di p Tran.

2nd row: 1ad lein Ramo , R) an \\ e tiC), la) l.i 1 r. Johnn)

II n. 'amcron Hender hot. Raphael

Olh an: Dalton Be a h. Conner Peter on

1st row: Jude outurc, ·y ,m, Emil) 1ead. Abigail Schroeder, Anna ortabitarte (Jr.)

2nd row: Lute - dlhoch. Kacee Robert Logan \an Conant. arah aldo. Kat Ca C), Gma guirlr. Chri tine guiar. Ja on Cu imano

3rd row: Brandon Garcia, Reagan \1crkcl, raig Scheer. Lauren Drake. \\est on Boardn1an, Kim Rapanut, Alan Hcmandet

4th row: K) he Van Ar dale. Jacob J>rcttman. Kohl Dor C). Matthe\\ Gont.alet, Garrett Bo) d. lari Flores (Jr.)

' I a\ am. Scandura. , ' ick ' a\ arro

Not pictured: Breanna Blumlrng. Ja ob a\ arro. Emilee Sallurda). Abigail Zi ·rHek

1st row: hankie Cusilla Gal\ an. Erin Mager, Sierra Hendershot. Adrienne ha\ ct, 1 ori Rami ret, Sophra Prompona . Hannah Belle 1erkel, Dominique lkR sc

2nd row: 1ika) l,t 1 all). l'.tige \'an on,mt, Bridget Halle Le ker, I:hzabeth Pretzman. )ntlua Krzrnarti k, Danr lie lanclla. Gant) 'tock

3rd row: Robert Buc ing, \ nia Alo, Ale i Hill, Paula Aguilar, en outurc, Dillon Shiplc)

4th row: Christopher Eckert, Vincent Heming"' a), Quinn Burdick, M) lc Shelton. Ryan Westlc)

5th row: Gabrid Rang I, Charlie Curtin, Roman DeCaro, rchie 'pindler. Kendall Krick, Gabnella Gamez. 1ar) Ro e

Ill 60 Ill

1st row: Ca sie Hanson, Ah on La ota, Samia alahi. 'icole Gehret. Jonathan Wozn). le Klee, Alexander \Vozn), Elizabt.:th Schroeder, Laura \'an Hou e

2nd row: Brookt.: Michelli.! Quetada. Khanh o, Diep Tran. Dominic Krzmarti k, Ale.x Giacobbi, Lit Holter. Kell) Mollo). Oli' ia Campbell. Megan Kun. Alexis Casilla

3rd row: Dominique Oliver. Lind C) Wilson. Luke Bn tian. Sam Flore , Rhctta Eubank , '1 a) lor Ham, Felicia Ga s, Lauren Shaptro, ate unha

4th row: Brianna Pt.:rez. CJ Holton. Patrick Cohn, Catherine \\a) pa, 1arcellina Wiertek, ,\1ackcrllie Marchello. 1oniquc Weber, MaKa) Ia Kramer

5th row: Lee Anne Wirth. Wiktorra Latocha, Cassi Garta. Clarre Rafford. Pinter. Etekiel Smith (photo bomber), Jacob Faulkner

6th row: 'ichola 'avarro. Benjamin Leach. Zach Bartostek. athan Zimmerer (Photo Bomber), Andre\\ Pia11a (Photo Bomber). Dominic Detente <photo R) an McCaf\ ill e. Jennifer\\ irth

1st row: Abb) Kala). icole Hartle). Tyler A h. Madame. 'oudali

2nd row: Oln ia Milkr., ikki Fulmer, Jill ian ifemo. Julra William on

3rd row: Gracre Caruso, Kart!) n Sweador, Rile) Johnson. Kali Recker

4th row: Jcs ica Hamilton, bigail .\1ason. Reagan Dor-.. e). Emma Ha) den, \1att Berge\ in ot pictured: Bridget Khoshaha. 1ariah Me 'all), Caroline Conrad. ophia Tomlin on

1st row: Ka)la Fullen, Alexander Bellin. Jake \\'ebb. Kell) Beegle

2nd row: Sophia Tomlinson. :\1iranda Pieper, Katie Bannon, Leighton Gagnon, Jessica Kuras

3rd row: Sen ora Hoff. Madd) Welp. Abb) Klcc. in Garrue

Not pictured: olten Jording, .\kKenna Klecker. Loui Oliva

1st row: Dall) s Bo tic, Paige Allen. Claire Rafford, France..,ca a illas Gal\ an

2nd row: tephen Doak

3rd row: Brian Freidhof, Thibault

Denamiel. Dkp Tran

4th row: lr a h. lr.

a\ arro, Deanna Garcia-Max\\ ell

2nd row: Al)s"a Ruit. Emma Luken.

Carl) Atkin on. Leila Hamilton

3rd row: Julianna Sih a. Rebecca Wa) pa, Dd.me) Je ica Camacho

1st row: amia alahi, nthon) Co k, Michael Garlid, Isaiah Timmon , Mackenzie ngelo

2nd row: Mac Coomer, Erin Ahmu a, Hannah Tepper, Madison Duggan, nnie Do, Mrs . Lezcano

3rd row: Rachel Self, Paige Allen. Delaney Dendy, Cera Monson

4th row: Jacob Faulkner*

*Photo bomber

'icholas Dor01. Catherine Waypa, Paige Allen, Felicia Ga

2nd row: Wiktoria Lato ha C.1 i Gal7a, Thibault Denamiel

3rd row: Darb), Ezekiel Smith, Bnan Fnedhof. Jacob f<aulkner

lstrow: Jason Cu imano, Justin K nd) Vega. Brandon Garcia, Michael Garlid, Anth n) Cook. Kimberly Rapanut, Jade Panlener, Mackinle) LutesAdlhoch, Lauren Fahy, Kylie VanArsdale, Shea ubanks

2nd row: Emily Mead, arah aldo, Alexander Wowy, John Engelbert, Jonathan Wozn), ate Zimmerer, Lindsey Wilson, PJ Wilson, Maf)·ssa gnes

3rd row: Cera Mon on, Kendy I Th mpson, Dally

B stic, M) le Shelton. Ezekiel mith. R) an M af\ ille, Rhetta Eubanks, amille bel e. Mal)

Grace Blaser, Megan Giacobbi, xenia lo, Madison Allen, lillian Cifemo, Karen David, Kali Recker

1st row: Rebecca unna , D mtmque

Oliver , Bn M ne} , Sarah Thompson, Karli Bums, Tes a Zuluaga

2nd row: Jose ardenao, , Piper Welch, Carl} Liko, Maggie cranton, Madelyn Willimmon, xenia Alo

3rdrow: Brooke Faulkner

amile bele , Grace Lawless, emiske , ate Cunna, Jacob

4th row: licia Echeve te, Emilee

Sallurda}, Mall f} Gamall, bb}

Zienek, Bnan Dunn

1st row: \1<;. Bell, bnma Garcta, !mily

Habra Fink. Jamie llabrahnk, 1r . Kohl

mrra :\1 dina, Pmge lien. Shelby

Gert on

3rd row: Cicnna 1olina, Gabby Bancroft, R.tmo , Schuyler Schanberger

4th row: 1r oor, !::.rica Bender, Jennifer

1 av ani


Alan Griffieth. Thibault Denamiel, Taylor Ham.

Madeleme Ramos. helby Gertson

2nd row: Jame-. Levenson, Dominic Kremargyck, Paul Pham. Luke Bastian, Marcellina Wiertek.

Emily Mead. Paula guitar, Hannah Tepper.

Brooke Lgernm-.ki

3rd row: a-.si Garza, Cabe Martine!, i rra

Jenmfer Tavani, Jasmine West, Kristin Companik. Taylor teet. Kaitlin

Dominique Olivier

4th row: ndy Vega. Brandon

Dorsey. laire Rufford, Zuzanna Latocha. onner

Lee, 5th row: c11 ora alazar. Marvin antiago

1 trow: Jonah toll, Morgan Romero , Kirsten Pabst, Irene Parsons

2nd row: Wen hyi hiu hinese Mandarin Teacher, Monica Pham, Khanh , Lauren llison, Mia ega

Michael Junek, William Scott guyen, Gracie Caruso,

Gamez, J sh Tucker, James Downey

Jacob ullivan, Jake Daily

1st row: nd) ega, Michael Garlid, Justin Kosisk), Lucas an onant, Jason usimano, Brand n Garcia

2nd row: Dally s Bostic, Mac Lutesdlho h, Gina guiar, ef orton, Kirsten Companik

3rd row: Christine Aguiar, Anthony Cook, Cheyenne Murray, Kaitlyn Amorosi, Zuzia Latocha

4th row: Bridger Barker, Delaney Dendy,K)Iie an rsdale

1st row: helby Gert on

2nd row: Miranda Pieper, Logan YanConant, Michelle Couture, Kacee R berts

3rd row: Catalina Roja. , Emma Luken, Lindsey Gr teg ed, gne

4th row: Kailey Fraher, aroline onrad, Jasmine West, Preslee Buher, Claire Rafford

5th row: Gabe Rangel, Emilee Sallurday, arah Kunz, Connor Lee, Delaney Dendy

/II 64 Ill Club

1 trow: Danielle r·ctcr on,. •co•c Gehret, l\legan Kim, \\'eston Boardman, nd) Vega. Ja on Cu imano, Brandon Garcia, Ben Leach. Jonathan Wo7n). le Giacobh1, le ander Wozn). Ian Gritfieth. Thibault D namiel, lison La ota 2nd row: eciha and rs, 1aKa) Ia Kramer. chu) ler Schanberger, Lind C) Wil on. Wiktoria Lato ha. Jackie Tan, Rhetta Eubank , taf) Grace Bla r. Diep Tran, Khanh Vo. Emil) Mead, Ja mine We t, Madeleine Ramos, a andra Han on 3rd row: And rev. Piaa"•· Patrick Champagne. Felicia Gass. lex Klee. Sarah 'a ldo, Kat Case). Erica Bender, Jennifer Ta\ ani. Jmgjun Li • . tad.enzie 1archello. Kacce Rob rts, Yoon-Jeong Kim, Kell) 4th row: 'ar<;on Pinter, Chri Ya opoulo • Cameron Hemler hot, Keh in Ta) lor. Jame<> Ste\en on, Domuuc Krnnarnck, hn tm gu1ar. Jade Panlener. . 1ackmle) Lute - dlhoch. Kylie Van r dale, Lauren l·ah). Gina Aguiar. Zuzanna Lato ha. ·ra) lor teelc. laire Rafford 5th row: ' ate 'unha, Bro ke Czem1sk1. Halle John on

'"I he purpose ot' th cluh tmn cend into Seton atholic's community; h) allov. ing students to frcel) express them ehes in a cia room, that v.ill ontinu to help them in a life long participation in th democm ) ot \merica." photo hy tackcrwc ngclo

2nd row: \Vcston Boardman, Zutia Latocha, K) lie \'an rsdale. Christine guiar. Ka) b: Ta) lor, Ella Skinner, :\lr. Vetti

1st row: Jonatluw \<•tll), D1..: I .• mill.: \1d)anl, Felicia Ga "· :\1af) Grace Blaser, Lind C) \\'il on, 1oniquc Weber. Oli\ ia Campbell. icol Crehret. Shelb) Gcrt on, Ale , nd r \\'ozn) .. lari Flore-.., Erin Alimu a. Bridget I lodge • Brianna Lind

2nd row: Jack1e Rodngue1., Laur n Te\\e Kendall Knd. Lttalina Rw. Emma Skinner. A enta lo. lena DeLuca, Gra e Bamhou e, C'lari e Boston-\1onroe, Paula guiar. Kace) \'o. SamJii Salahi. France sea Gahan 3rdrow: ophia You if. Dominique Sam Flores. Sarah Barcello. t\lary Roe Fugger,Chris Eckert, Vmcent Heming\\a), \rchie pindl r. Om, id :\lucll r, Ka) Ia Me. 'ally. Le i Hill, Alicia Dar. Ale i.., Casillas 4th row: Brooke ( zcrniski, Marcel ina Wicrtek. Quinn Burdick. Zac Barto cck. Jamc.., Ste\ en, on. Luke Ba tian. Thibault Denanu I, Patn 1a Montero, Lauren Shapiro, lex Gwcobhi, :\Iegan Kim. Samantha on, Linthey Ferris. Sarah Dl:mpse) 5th row: ate unha, Wiktoria Latocha, Ca sandra Garta. Dominic Kmnartid:, lexander Klee. Carson Pinter, Pre lee Buher, 1icha I Kittil on, Sallurday, Limlsey Grooh.:good. Lit Holter, Rhctta Eubanks. S)dnc:- Ham photo h) Mrs 'Iole

'Then our mouth wa filled with laughter, and our tongue with hout of joy; then they aid among the nation , 'The Lord ha done great thing for them."

-P alm 126:2

mith s about his love for music and for hi tudent at the first Fine Arts Night of the year.

LOVEROFLITERA TURE/ Mrs. O'Neill i teaching her British Literature tudent about

11/Mr Collins is rving her tenth full year as principal at Seton. Before being a principal, he wa a librarian and teacher. When 0 h first started working here, Seton had no air conditioning, no gra , and no gym. She ha · loved eeing eton grow into what it is today.Our principal i especially enthu iastic about the cience curriculum and the robotics club her . Mrs. Collin · 0 aid h r favorite a pect of eton i th welcoming community. She love all of the wonderful students here and says that, "These are my kid " She continue to contact alumni to see wher they ha e gone in their live Thanks for all your hard work, Mr . Collin ! Ill

photo h\ Kcll) 1ol lo)
beloved no el f > 0 t \1 ad,t:ll/IL \ n._:CJO
uni ersally
Faculty Portraits

What type of middle school did you c6fue from?

)are!.. Gn·,J..IeWICZ


Ill Seton ha it very own tar figure kater right here at chool!

Kiki Owen ' 19 ha , been kating ince she wa ix year old. Ju t two level from becoming a enior national competitor, Kiki ha to train for at lea t three hours daily, before and after chool. At ju t 11 year old, he becam th , econd younge t girl in the tate to win a gold medal for move in the field. he i tn mg to compet in the 201 or 2022 Winter Olympic ! When a ked why she enjoy figur kating, Kiki aid, "I love that I can get away from everything and ju t be able to do omething I lo e." K p working hard, Kiki! Ill

GVETSII Shea Eubanks, freshman cla president, lead a decade of the ro ary on Veteran 'Day . EXPLORI G LGEBRA/1 Mariah Me ally '18 i eager to learn more in her cla with Mr. Decker. Freshman Portrait

Who is your favorite teacher?

Alyss1l Rui::: 'Mr. Horn and Mrs. Breen and Mr. Galante "

Miraudll Pieper: "I really like Senora Hoff. She makes learning Spanish really fun, and she has a fun personality. She always makes our class laugh with her sense of humor. "

Tl!aes'' OHm res: "MRS. PETERSON!!! "

What was the most surprising thing about freshman year?

Jermy Nguyeu: 'The fact that I have to wait for the upperclassmen to get their stuff out of their locker (Which takes forever!) "

Uriel Audersou: "How enjoyable the classes are. "

Co1111or Dm•is: "How easy it was to get used to things. "

How many students were in your eighth grade class?

More an 50 studenta -
Swead o r

///Molly Carra co and Gracie aru o are two freshman girl who made it t state fi r girl's golf this year. Both girls de cribed how nervou they w re before participating at , tate. Gracie said that, "pia) ing against juni rs and senior wa · very intimidating." Molly said ·he I ved verything about th golf program except, "being known as the fre hman." Both girl have b en playing golf for a little o er a year. They al o both aid their fa rite part of the sea on was going to state. Off the cour e, the · girls are al o best friends in their daily live Great work, Molly and Gracie!///



var ity ba ketball team!

TEDATHLETE // Kendyl Thomp on and McKenna Klecker are two fre..,hmen that made our amazing
<lll• ._,, k. rll Bu n Fre..,hman Portrait ·

What is the best part about not being a fr.esliman anymore?


Ill On of our very own entinels , arah Barcello

'I participated in an exclu ive ba ketball camp thi · pa t ummer.

"I wa one of 125 high chool girl to get in ited to the USA 16U Trial in Colorado prings. It wa for A Ba ketball. The experience was amazing! I learned o many new thing , both on the court and off the court. I am very grateful that I was invited and participated in the triaL . I wa there for 4 day , and veryday

I alternated b tween three on court e ion and three off court se ion "- arah Barcello Ill b> arah Ba rce ll o

tght on ept
YO R ELF// Lexi Hill ' 1 performing in the In . trumental Fine Art oph
o more Portrait
mber 17th,

What are you most looking year as a junior?

Prom 23%
Be1ng ., Upperclaumar"l ·49%Top lockets

Ill Paige VanConant

'1 has be n highly involved in Seton ' drama department, being featured in fall play from October 2014-2015. Her very fir t e er role at eton wa the lead , Julie Fair, in the play Fair Exchange Thi year she wa again a tarring r l a Meg March in Little Women.

"I perform all ar und the valley and wa · even Julie Fair on the eton tag .Though I prefer to be on tage, I al o do a little bit of script writing-mo tly children' how . One of my favorite role wa the part of Ceila in Moonprince I wa recently nominated for a be t lead actre s Zoni award for that


lA// d· m 'I, ophia SJ 18, Miranda P affenberger '18 and I. abelle Yacoub ' 1 dance the night awa at the 2015 Homecoming photo b) l\a Jah Timmo n' photo b) \ll ac kenzie A ngelo

Who is your favorite teacher?

Jonah Stoll: " Mrs. Breen. of course. "

Sam Higinbotham: " Daryl O'Neill. "

Jonathan Wozny: "Oh geez. I like them all a lot you know. but I would probably make Mr. Hart my favorite teacher, even though I don't have him, but it's whatever. "

What is the most surprising thing about junior year?

Dominik Florez: " Nothing really. It just went by really fast. "

Moniquc Wehcr: " How much I'm learning in math and science, especially in the chemistry program that Seton has. Also. how great all of my teachers are. "

Don M-.e tom e a "'" gn langu go 26'!1. o longer an undercleumen 5 t '!fo


Ferreira '17 and Michelle Quezada '17 enjoy orne quality friend time in the quad before chool. \, 1\( K L \ 1· 0\

OTHI GBUTJOYII at Cunha '17 i excited to li ten to ongs that demon trate the type of happine in hi vocation cia

Ill Danielle Peter on '17 ha been an Iri h dancer ince he wa in fir t grade. In third grade, he began competing. After many years of dedication, Danielle i at the highe t po ible level of Iri h dancing,known a Op n Champion hip. To compete at thi level, he completed five lower level that each required a certain number of win in order to mo e up. he i not ure if he will continue dancing in college due to that fact that th r might not be an Iri h dancing chool nearby. However, he hope to continue becau e h lo e the port o much. Danielle di cu ed h w her favorite two a pect about thi port are the friend hip and competitivene Her dance partner have become like a . econd family to her. Dani al o aid that, "you don't know competition until you' e been to an Iri h Dance competition!" Apparently, thing can get a little inten e when it come to Iri h dancer ! Good lu k with all your dancing in the future, Danielle! /II

. l Kc 1< "'
Junior Portrait

What are you most looking forward to next·)'1:ar as a senior?

HOVIng I Sonoo< porklng spot 46%

lst Day As Upperclassmen

ALGEBRAFA ATIC// Elekiel mith '17 li ten intentally to Mr . Peter on' le son in hi Algebra II class. ph >to b\ Mr Tole

Ill Luke Ral ton '17 , ha a very unique hobby. He is an out s tanding hula hooper! Luke ay that he fir t di covered hula hooping when he went to an amu ement park in Tampa, Florida with his dad While he was there, he aw a group of dancer and hula hooper .After that, Luke ay that he "picked up a hula hoop and kept practicing and got to where I am now." He had been hula hooping for ix year now and performs at everal beache in Tampa, a well a in Seton' variety how ! He practice almo t everyday when he i in Florida in order to prepare for th performance Luke thinks that he will continue hula hooping in the future , but not a a eriou career. He ay that he willlo e to continue thi cool hobby ju t for fun. Ill

Junior Portrait

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be di mayed, for I am your God. I will trengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteou right hand.

-I aiah 41 : 10

Madi on,

You bring incr diblejoy to thi family! We are incomplete without y ur humor, joy, and pontaneity. You make us laugh . You make u think. You eekju tice. You live out loud. You thrive on ad nture. You are beautiful. You are merciful. You ha e figured out very arly how to be yourself, not wh the world want you to b . You are firmly rooted in your Catholic faith. You challenge us in dinner table conversation. well beyond the t) pica! to look at things from a different per pective than our own. For the e rea ons and many other , we are o very proud of you. Wherever you decide to go to coli ge, wear confident that you will bring ther all of the e gift you have given to u .

We all love you mor than words can expr , . , Mom, Dad, Bailey, Zach, Linu , Reagan, Corrine, Keegan, & Camille

Our Sweet Chri tine, What an amazing per on you've grown up to be! You do o many thing o well yet remain o humble. When we tart feeling puffed up and proud of our el e for being your parent. , we remind our elves that we had littl to do with your brilliance and character. You are a child of God; we merely have the honor and privilege of guiding and caring for you. The hazard a ociated with being o richly ble ed i developing a prideful ego, but that ha n 't happened with you. You not only wear your laurel with mode ty, but you're eager to be a team player and careful to , tay under the radar.

Of all your noteworthy qualitie , faithfulne to your Catholic value i mo t impre ive. Such reverence i undeniably e entia! to your eternal happine , and the fact that you 'get it" at uch a young age i extraordinary. We pray you'll continue your faith-filled journey through college.

We '11 love you forever and ever, Chri tine Bear, Mom, Dad, Alex, and Gina

describes \our senior year'? "'R.I.P.' b\ Young Jeezv" -Christine
What song

Our Gina, What jo} you've brought to our live the e past 18 years! We '11

never forget the time when you and Chri ·tine were adorable infants and another parent remarked that we were 'ln for it"having twin girls. They told us to brace ourselves when you turned 13 year -old becau<;e rising female hormones would cause }OUr sweet demeanor to turn obnoxious and contrary. It never happened! You are as kindhearted and compassionate today as you were as a child, always looking for ways to brighten someone's day. You have a knack for engaging other · with your infectious smile and witty sense of humor. nd although you've b en ble sed with tunning beauty, we pray you never depend on that to steer your behavior. ontinue to let }OUr inner goodness and hristian values be your life' compa s. Allow the Holy Spirit and the Seven Virtue to guide you all life's deci ion , and you'll always choo e correctly.

We'Jilove you forever and ever, Gina Bear, Mom, Dad, lex, and Chri tine

Freddy, the Lord gave u one of the greate t gift po ible, a child,

a on, you. You have ble ed our live in o many way . Your calm, gentle tr ngth ground d u from the day we fir t met you. You are a remarkable per · n, b autiful in ide and out. The Lord ble ed you with gift that include in ight, intuition, per onal trength, compa sion, and drive. We've een you u e tho e gift to honor him. Freddy, you are equipped with many kills to navigate the world and to make the mo t of your life. We are proud of you and of the accompli hment and the growth you've made. You have a bright future and many wonderful and pecial thing in tore for you a. you start a new chapter in your life. We lov you, Freddy. Mom and Dah.

"You will show me the path of life; in Your pre ence i fullne of joy, at Your right hand ther are plea ure for erm re."

-Psalm 16:11

Share )OUr funniest moment at Seton. "Jake Plichta almost sat on an entire piu.a at Barro's after the last home football game." -Gina Aguiar
'1vr tA.H ____ _
Who \\as your homecoming date freshman year'? "Ben Allen" -Freddy Alexander

Ben ,

Well, here it is ... the final chapter of eton. It eems like it ye terday when ou lo ed to in big snow boot , play with your friend on St. nne' playgr und, and since you graduated from Christ the King. You have become a mature y ung man who i re pectful, c mpassionate toward ther , and a jo to be around. We can alway depend on y u to put on your "big bo t " and " trike a po " when tough time appear.WeknOW)OUrne tchapter in college will help you to become more independent, teadfa t, and a comic relief to other as you have been to u You'll alway be our Benny Boo.

"If I ri eon the ing . of the dawn, If I ettle on the far ide of the ea, en there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fa t." -P aim 139:9-10

Lo e, Mom, Dad, Kari a, Jo y, and , of cour e, Grandma Mary


It' hard to believe that ur weet little girl i graduating from high chool and going to college. It ha gone way too fa t! We are o proud of you and wi h you the very be t in your future endeavor Know that we are alway here for you. Follow your dream , work hard, and have faith in God.

We lo e you!

Mom and Dad

movie of the year'! "77u.:

'But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

Rocky Balboa

Congratulations on your ucce . , and may God bless you always!

We love you and are proud of you. Dad, Mom, and Will


Congratulation on your graduation. We wi h you luck in your endeavor .

"Once a entinel, Alway a Sentinel."

Who was your homecoming date freshman year'! "Jake Plichta" -Thalia Amhrosia

Congratulation , Kaitlin!

Time ju t flie ! It seem like ye terday you were playing football, baseball, and 'Billdie "with your brothers and now you're about to begin college!

We are o proud of the young woman you have become. You are kind, thoughtful, loyal, hone t and mart. Your drive and competitive spirit are well balanced with your nature to only ee the good in other . You in pire u !

You are so talented in many way it's hard to choo e what to pur ue, but you'll find your path! Ju t be true to yourself and li ten to God and your heart in all that you do!

We love you and will alway be your biggest fans!!

Dad, Mom, Michael, and John


A you tran ition into adulthood, we have absolutely no doubt you will excel in this next tage of your life. You've had huge accomplishment the pa t few year ; so many, in fact, that we have to tep back and remember each one. Your faith in God, love of your Lord, and commitment to your Catholic community is truly in pirationaJ. You urvived and thrived academically, advanced your love of art, and excelled in the working world. We ee how you influence your family, friend , co-worker and even tranger in uch a positive way and add un hine to their day! A you continue in your life journey, focu on the e attributes as they will lead to greater uccess. You have built your foundation, now go out and use your arti tic abilitie , busine ense, and love of God to olidify your future. God will continue to use you to influence the world in a po itive way.


Dad, Mom and Joey

. .. What 1s ) our n1cknamc at Seton! Kamo -Kalllm Amorosi ·'1:f:'.;;;:
Describe )our senior year in one word. "Life-changing" -Mackenzie Angelo ·__.._,

To our wonderful son-from a mischievous and curiou child to a poi ed, talented and handsome man.

Your high s hoot career is ending, the whole re t of your life beginning. All the best from your loving parents-every new beginning comes from some other beginning' · end.

Our little R T'Gatsby in the making!

To our incredibl daughter, Gabrielle!

Congratulation on your 2016 Seton High School graduation!

Gabrielle, you are a beautiful, adventurous, and smart young lady who ha the world ahead of you. You amaze us everyday with your intelligence and knowledge of the world around you. You have great haracter qualitie ! You are a true leader, alway knowing what i right and wrong blazing your O\Ai n path through Iife. ever one afraid to peak the truth, you have alway tood firm in your beliefs.

Thi · has b en an inspiration to other · and us. We are so er} proud of you. Wear ble ed to ha e such a wonderful daught r in our life!

Wi hing you a fanta tic future! Ma} the Lord lead you throughout your life.

Much love, Dad and Mom

What is )OUr nickname at Seton? "Average Dad." -RJ Bailey
What song describes your senior )ear? '"Party in the USA' b) Miley Cyrus" -Gabrielle Bancroft

Bridger, it's been our privilege to watch you journey from a 4 year old dinosaur aficionado and sworn '\;;cience guy, not a port -kind-of-guy" to a science guy

A D a wre tler for the Air Force Academy. But we're mo t proud of your integrity and how you have kept God the center of your life. He ha ble ed you with mental, phy ical, and piritual trength to overcome many battle and to prepare you for the one yet to come.

A the first born, you are a designated leader, a position you take very eriously. You have been an incredible example to your i ter and brother and are re pected by them and held in high regard. You have given them security, encouraged them in faith, offered them the be t hugs ever and given them omeone on which to rely. Above all, you are a man of integrity, charisma, and spirit, and we love you very much!


It eem justyesterdaywa yourfir tday of kindergarten and here you are about to graduate from high chool. We are o very proud of your accompli hments and the per on you are becoming. You have uch a kind and generou heart, are always so considerate of other , are o very bright, and have a unique sen e of humor. God ha truly ble sed us with you.

As you tart on thi next chapter in your life, know that your family love you and "the village" is alway here for you. Follow your heart, tay true to you, and work hard to achieve your goals and dream

Of all the hope we have for you, this is the mo t important. ... we hope that no matter what you do and where you go, you will be truly happy. We love you!


Describe )OUr senior )ear in one word. "What?" -Bridger Barker · ·
Favorite movie of the year'! World' - Dalton Beach

Over the years you have brought u both joy and fru , trations, and through it all we have become a clo e knit family . We couldn't be more proud of you for your accompli hment and the young man you have become. May life continue to bring you everla ting peace and happines , . We will be here for you .

Love, Mom & Dad

Cameron, what an exciting and wonderful time in your life! A proud a we are of you for the many thing you've aid ye to in life- theater, ba , eball, ba ketball, h r. back riding- we know that the opportunitie ahead of you are limitle · We know you will di e into thi next chapter in your life and approach college and beyond with a pirit of openne and willingne to embrace the new. We can't wait to ee where all the new I arning, location , and people take you in your journey. We enjoy your en e of humor, your love of family, the hard worker you are, how you look out for other and your willingne to be your elf and tand up for what i right. o matter what i ahead your kindne and character will lead you to improve all that i around you. We are humbled by what an amazing young man you ha e grown into and love you very much.

Mom, Dad, Tina, Addie, and Keaton

moment at
"Going to Food City in Spanish
Desnihe your senior year in one word "Cash" -Cam Beattie

18 year ago God blessed us with a sweet baby girl. Now he has become a beautiful, intelligent young lady. Your conviction to everything you try is truly in piring and will take you to place beyond your imagination, place · you de ire to go.

Erica, we pray you will always keep God at the center of your life. After God, come family, and we know you have come to realize how important family i . This love for family i a gift from God. Keep it in your heart in good times and bad.

You have made u extremely proud in o many area of your life. And even though we want to ee you continue to grow, plea e know that you will alway be our 'tittle girl" and Adam's awesome big sister with a special place in our heart Wherever life take you, know that you are alway welcome in our live . May God go with you (always)!

Love from Mom, Dad , and Adam

Ja on,

God ble ed me with the greate t gift ever - you. From the day you were born, I knew you were gifted with many great qualities. As you tart on the next journey of your life, I hope you will unleash the e qualitie and allow them to flouri h. You are a good and honorable man, and I love and admire what you tand for. Be successful, love your elf, and follow your dreams. Love always, Mom

Ja on,

You are the mo t important per on in our lives. With your hone ty, intelligence, and good nature, you will be very successful in a career that uit you. Follow your pa ion, your dreams, and your heart. Keep moving forward in all you do with pride and integrity, and all good thing will come to you. We are behind you 100%. Stay focused, be trong, and never ay NEVER. Anything i po sible. Love forever, Dad Describe your senior

Share your runniest moment at Seton. "Reagan sang to Jason in math." -Erica Render ,,,..,. >.-··-:.:., ----.
year in one word. "Speed" -Jason Bensman


We are o proud of the wonderful young man you have become. You have such a big heart, you are thoughtful, and are uch a ble ing to our family and everyone you meet. Throughout your eighteen year with us, you have been uch a joy. The love and compa sion you how your i ter and others on a daily ba i i remarkable. They are so fortunate to have such a great brother. A parents, we are ble ed to have uch a po itive on. We cannot believe our "baby" is now graduating and getting ready for a new chapter in life. Alway remember that you are an amazing gift from God. You have a trong en e of faith and who you are; remember that a you move forward. You have worked to leave a po itive mark at Seton. There i a larger world out there that need more compa ionate people like you. Go get 'em! All our love.

Mom and Dad

Dear Weston,

You are our fir t child, our fir t high chool graduate, and oon to be our fir t college student. We are o proud of all your accompli hment and your desire to do even more. We have watched you grow in your faith with the Lord, and you have taught us a 'thing or two" about Catholici m. We will alway remember the countle hour you pent teaching your elf how to play the guitar, the late night you tayed up doing your homework, the long car ride to referee occer game , and the many hour you devoted to watching your ibling . The e are the things that hape your character, and we are o proud that you have earned excellent grade while doing the activitie and athletics you love. We wi h you the very be tin the next chapter of your life.

We love you!

Dad, Mom, Avenlee, Camden, Brielle, Quinton, and Ryker

What is Seton? "Drcwoic" -Drew lktlach
Share your funniest moment at Seton. "Ripping off my shirt during Into the Wood.'" -Weston Boardman


There ha been no greater joy be towed upon u than you. Tho e big brown eyes and your intuitive oul impact tho e that you meet, haring with them the ble ing of the per on you are and are further becoming. You have an endle pa ion to how love to other and protecting tho e that face the challenge of the world. Your kind heart and ensitive oul make you pecial, protect them as they are God's gift to you, and to the world that you will help change.

Some of our wi he for you in your new journey are love, laughter, and the warmth of heart to enjoy your life, in which you've been ble ed with o much.

God be with you in all that you do, and your succe s and trength of heart shall always prevail.

We will love you forever!


Dally ,

Funny how the time flies and when I look up you are a young woman getting ready to take on the world on your own terms. I remember like it wa 1997 and you entered into the world o quietly .. .! wa un ure if you had decided to join me ... but then your cry bellowed out, and I knew you had made your mark. Dallys, it i your time to take charge ... go forward and turn your dream into reality. No one can hold you back or tandinyourway unle s you allow it. I love you, have faith in you, and I know you will choo e the path our Savior ha de igned for you.

Love you o o much! Mom

What will you miss most ahout Seton'? "The people and the teachers everything"
What is your favorite lunch at Seton? "Nachos - cheese. tomatoes. onions. hacon. hot sauce, sour cream. guacamole. ground heel" - Dallys Bostic

Garrett, you are an intelligent and compassionate young man who has much to offer the world. Your hard work and determination will urely take you far no matter what path you ch se. Remember God i with you always.

Mom, Dad, Alicia, Grandpa and Grandma, and all of your family love you mucho!

Dear Ian- Thomas:

What a gift from God you are! It i amazing to ee the loving and caring young man you have become. Your family i indeed proud of you a . }OU complete your high chool years as a entinel. With this parti ular chapter ending, a new one i · ju ·t b ginning a you pur ue your passion for port joumali m. We wi h you a lifetime of uccess. May the following abbreviated Irish ble ing sta} with you f rever.

May the road rise up to meet you, May th wind b always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, and May God hold you in the palm of hi hand.

Love, Dad, Mom, ana, Papa, aunt , uncle , cou in , and Dakota

Who was your homecoming date freshman year'? "Halle Johnson" -Garrett Boyd
Way to B AR D W G. Boyd!!
What will) ou miss most about Seton? "World History with Coach Hart" - Ian -Thomas Boyle


You have become uch a wonderful young man, and we are so very proud of you! Always remember that you have the ability to do anything you et your mind to. Trust, believe and work hard , and you will do many things in your life.

We love you,

Dad, Mom, Colin, Ryan, and Bella

Dear Zachary,

As parent , we wi h we had more time pent with you before your departure to college, where you '11 continue to pur ue your own dreams. Thi al o i what parents want for our children You may not know exactly what direction, or field of study to venture forth upon, but with faith and tru t in God, in piration will come. A music career may be in the making. We hope and pray that your future years will be fulfilling, a you determine your personal goal . We hope you continue to a k for the Lord' intercession for direction and guidance in everything in thi life, and that the foundation and tenets of the Catholic faith be ab orbed more fully a your life unfold We are very proud of you and the choice you have made, and our blessing for you thi day and alway , i to become the be t ver ion of your elf, as a means to giving and sharing with other Thi u hers in true happiness and ucces ! We love you!!

. . . · -
What is your nickname at Seton'? "Brezy" -Matthew Bresnahan
·· ,. ,;· ,· 4 ·•-:..'''" , Describe ) our senior) ear in one '' onl. "Fiesta" -Zach Bruggeman

Dear Mackenzie,

We are so proud of you and who you are as a person! The time has come for you to shine, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for you. May God continue to bless you and direct your path!


Mom, Dad & Kody

" ever limit yourself, never be satisfied, and mile-it's free"!Jennie Finch

Dear Ce e,

We remember the day that you tarted crawling! It felt like it wa too oon. ow the day ha come for you to graduate high school and go off to college. Thi too, feel like it i too oon! We are o proud of the amazing young woman you have become! Your intelligence, your pa ion, your talent, your "dark and twi ty" en e of humor and your beautiful, en itive oul make you a gift to our family! We know that you will go on to do great thing ! You will ee the world! Alway follow your dream , and know that there will always be a afe place for you to land back at hom !

"What lie . b hind u and what lie before u are tiny matter compared to what lie within u ."-Ralph Waldo Emer on

We love you o much!

Mom, Dad, Luke, Zoie and Archduke Fluffy

J'- _.._..,.._..... ._ ,.._.,.., _.._. ._ 0".......,. __.,...v-v n.uon uvtvt'-' VUt UUt.") f\.1l a VUUCJinlll !,;liiiiC ;'iilJplllJIIIUfC year, al1U tnC: security guard chased us do>An." -Mackenzie Budinger
What song describes )our senior year? "'All Too Well"' -CeCc Bunco


Congratulation ! We are o proud of you. What a journey these last 4 year have been. You have given us years of laughter, tear , and joy! May God guide you on your future journey and not let you lose sight of who you are. Much happiness, ucce , and love for a bright future. We are o excited to see what you will do next.

Love, Mom, Dad, Katrina, and John

Bella, (aka Doll )

Walt Disney aid, our dream can come true ... if we have the courage to pursue them."

You have had the courage to pur ue your dream ince the beginning of high school; we are amazed and proud of you for never lo ing sight of what you want. Take pride in how far you have come and faith in how far you will go; a grand adventure is about to happen!

You are an incredible young lady; you're beautiful in ide and out. It feel like you were just in Kindergarten chasing Ben around the playground trying to ki him while he ran for hi mom.

A you adventure to college then off to travel the world, we hope you make memories of a lifetime but never forget your childhood ones. Our promi e i to meet you on the hore of whatever beach your ail take you. You are loved more than you can ever imagine

Share your sparkle wherever you are.Dodinsky

Describe your senior year in one \\Ord. "Nevercnding." -Joanie Caroscllo · · ·• · ._.:._ ·:- ·_ ·· · ·.·:· "' I.
Who was your homecoming date freshman year? "Marvin S." -Bella Caruso

Congratulations, Kat! You are an extraordinary and uniquely talented person. We are so proud of you and lo k forward to the many adventures life has in store for you.

Ma; the Lord bl ss you and keep ;ou. Ma; the Lord make hi face to hine upon you, and be gracious to you.

Ma; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Love, Mom & Dad

Patrick, Congratulation , you have worked hard to achieve thi major milestone. E cellence i never an accident. We know you will reach your goals no matter what ob tacle · you encounter.

With all our love and . upport, Mom, Pop, and Paul

What is )Our nickname at Seton'? "DJ Patty." -Patrick Champagne

Dear Catherine,

Congratulations! We are indeed so proud of you and all your accomplishment ! We are confident you will continue to succeed in life. Keep up the goodwork.

Remember to always work hard and do your be t; you will achieve great thing With your clarity of thought, pa ion, confidence and determination, you will ucceed at anything you choose. Plea e know that no matter where you are or what truggle you encounter in your journey, we will always be with you.

We wi h you the very be t of luck in all your future endeavor

Love you forever and alway ,

Dad, Mom, and Coffee

Kir ten,

What a joy it ha been to watch you grow into a beautiful, talented, caring, intelligent young lady. We are so proud of the hard work you have put into your achievement thus far in your life and are excited to ee where your future will take you. Enjoy every minute of college and stay true to your elf as you pur ue your goals. Although we will mis you terribly as you take the e next teps and go away to college, we will alway be here to upport you wholeheartedly and to love you unconditionally.

Love, Mom, Dad, Connor, and Noah

What will you miss most about Seton? "My friends" -Catherine Chan -
Share your funniest moment at Seton. "When Dallys asked if rocks laid eggs" -Kirsten Companik

Dear Reagan,

You are a wonderful daughter. We are proud of your strong, confident per ·onality. We know you can be successful in anything you decide to do. Remember to work hard and persevere in anything you want to accomplish. We are excited to see what this next chapter in life will bring for you. Don't forget 'Believe, behave, become" and 'Take care of your gear and your gear will take care of you."

Love, Mom and Dad


urround your elf with the dreamer and the do r , the belie er and thinkers, but mo t of all, urround yourself with those who ee greatne . within you, ev n wh n you don't ee it your elf. We love you, McKenna Grace!

Mom, Dad, Keegan, Caroline, Grandma Judy & Grandpa Dick

What is )OUr nickname at
\\'ho ''as) our homecoming date frc-,hman ) car'! "Michael Romero" - McKenna Conrad

Anthony Dale Kenei Cook

You ' ve been such a joy to parent

A true blessing from the start

The Light of Christ hines through you

A you trust Him with all your heart.

Your family is so proud of you

Our love for you run deep

We know you will ucceed in life

As you take the next big leap.

We've given you the roots you need ow it' time to pread your wing

Knowing God will guide your every move Whatever the future bring !

We love you dearly and will alway be here for you!

Mom, Dad, Xavier, Maria, Sophia, Joel, Jenn, Dominic & Catherine Joseph & Monica (Chloe & Sandy too!)


We have watched you grow throughout the year and have truly loved every moment. We have enjoyed watching you excel in many thing uch a ballet, gymnastic , piano recital , girl cout , volleyball, tennis, golf, occer, swim, basketball, and many more. You are talented, mart, and beautiful in ide and out. You have such a kind heart and giving per onality. We are o excited to ee you tum all those gift into something amazing, ju t like you. As you enter the next phase of your life, we confidently believe in you and know that if you follow your dreams, keep God and faith in your life, and believe in your elf, you will find peace and happiness. Dream big, do your be t always, and know you are truly loved and we will always be here for you. You are the most amazing daughter and sister.

With lot of Love, long hug , and bunches of ki e , Mom, Dad, and Mady en

°What 1s ) our la\'onte dance mm e? \\hate\ er comes 11110 my bram l1rst. Probably the head bob. -Anthony Cook ,. :
Share the most embarrassing moment at Seton. "Freshman year I got a book dropped on m) head" -Michelle Couture

Dear Jason,

You are a blessing; a wonderful son. Always believe and tru t in your elf. Be happy and reach for whatever your goals are and do whatever you dream of doing. Your graduation day i a day to look back and celebrate all of your pa t accompli hments and look forward with anticipation to all your future ucces es. Whatever path you choose, whatever future you make for yourself, know that you are already a uccess in the eyes of your family. It' been a great joy to have a on like you to love and watch grow and mature into such a respon ible man. All that we've shared through the year ha only reinforced what a truly special per on you are and how truly de erving you are of life' be t. More than anything, we want you to know how much we love you and how deeply we upport and believe in you. We are o very proud of you!

Love you always!

Mom and Dad


Congratulations on your graduation. We wish you luck in your endeavors.

"Once a Sentinel, Always a Sentinel."

Share the moment at Seton.
"Andy farting
Spanish/Physics class" -Jason Cusimano
What is your
at Seton'! "B-Davis. B-ryce. Bryce poo" -Bryce Da\ is

Dear Laney Bug,

We couldn't be more proud of you and excited for your future. You have truly blossomed at Seton into a beautiful young lady, inside and out, and we thank God each day for the gift you are in our lives.

Just a little advice from us

Say '\vhazzat" and be curious to the world around you. There i o much to discover. Don't let the 'tarp" in your life overwhelm you.

Keep a king Daddy to read you Butterfly Ki ses.

ever forget that you are created by God and he doe n 't make mi take . He made you perfectly who you were meant to be, and it i your job to discover what that means. Don't let your fears overwhelm your de ire. Let the barriers you face-and there will be barrier -be external, not internal. Fortune doe favor the bold, and I promise that you will never know what you're capable of unle you try. -Sheryl Sandberg

Love, Mom, Dad, Matt, and Jake

Davinci, sweet child of our .

You have been nothing but a gift from God. Our life has been all the better with you. We will forever be here for you and know you are off to do great thing in life. Please remember to keep God fir t, family close, education a priority, freedoms a privilege, life to be lived, place to be vi ited, sorrows to be learned from, and dream to be realized. You live up to your name. High as the sky, deep as the ocean and around the world three times.

Our love and upport always;

Dad, Mom, and Mitchell

Dendy _.,-: :· ,.".."'-."v
What is your nickname at Seton? "Taco" -Delancy
What is your fa, orite lunch at Seton? "Chicken patties - bring them hack!" - Dominick Detente

Dear Stephen,

Words cannot describe how proud we are of the young man you have become. You are an amazing son and big brother. We love that you're a true follower of Christ and strive to live His mi sion. We know the next chapter of life will be fulfilling and challenging as well, so challenge yourself to place no limits on what you can accompli h. Challenge yourself to bring excellence to everything you do. We know you will go on to do great things as you tum to the next chapter of life. And know that we are always here to support you as you move forward. Dream big but don't just dream- put the time and effort to realizing those dreams.

'It's realizing that a great dream is not a good as a great memory. The dream can be had by anyone. The memory- mu t be made."- Eric

Love, Mom, Dad, and Chacha

Connor, we are o proud of you! You have alway demon trated kindne , compassion and generosity, and these qualities have shaped you into the wonderful young man you've become. The future hold wonderful opportunitie and orne hard hip , but your uccess i be t mea ured by the love of the path you choose in pur uance of your dreams. Joy will come from embracing what the world has to offer and whether you tumble or stride, alway know that your family will be right there with you. We love you! Congratulations!

What is your nickname at Seton? "Steezy" -Stephen Doak
I ' Describe your senior) car in one word. "Edgy" -Connor Donovan


It eem like j u t a moment ago, you were fake-napping and then learning to walk andnowyouare overyreadytofly. You have acrificed and worked extremely hard be at the place you are today. We are exceedingly proud of you - and the value of character, faith and integrity you apply to your life. We thank God for the ble ing of YOU. We have enjoyed many great adventure together. Our love for you know no boundarie

Your family will alway be there for you -through your college journey and amid endle po ibilitie Remember to walk with the Lord, He will never lead you a tray.

Have fun and enjoy each moment- you de erve it!

Love, Mom, Dad, Alex, and Regan


A you complete high school and take the next steps in your journey, never lose sight of your dreams and always know the love of your family will be there to support you. Aim high, reach for the stars, and write the next chapter of your life. We are so proud of everything you have accomplished but know it has only been the tip of the iceberg. We are confident you will climb higher and reach the peak of many more mountains. In the famou word of Mark Twain: 'Twenty year from now you will be more di appointed by the thing that you didn't do than by the one you did do. So throw off the bowline . Sail away from the afe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your ail . Explore. Dream. Di cover."

Love, Mom, Dad, and Mitchell

What v. ill you miss most about Seton? "Mr.
saying. 'Good morning,
Miss Drake!"'

We are so proud of you, Matthew! You ha e grown into <.;uch a smart, respon<.;ible, and hardworking young man. You have accomplished so much! We are so excited to see what God has planned for you . Your determination , hard work , and faith will take you far! You are such a ble ing from God and remember you can do all thing through Christ who trengthens you . The Lord has done great things for u , and we are filled with joy .. "

P alm 126:3 We love you o very much,

Dad, Mom, and ic le


You are a beautiful, kind, and caring young lady. Behind your harp wit lie a heart of gold. You ee the good in everyone. You hav great compa . ion for and will advocate for anyone you meet. You are a loyal friend. We are o proud of you and all you have achieved. The world need . people like you, and we are excited to ee what the future hold for you. Continue to pray and follow God to guide you along your journey through life.

Congratulation and may all of your dream come true. Em my, we love you very much.

Mom, Dad, ick & Mary

Share )OUr tumw:st moment at Seton. "I made up a current C\Cill 111 Mr. K1sler\ health class and he bcllc\ed 11. I rccel\ed a IOO£k on that aassignment." -Matthew Du 1! issa
Describe your senior )Car in one \\Onl. "Ncttli\" -Emil) Eckenrode

Ka} len-

We are overcome with joy and emotion as }OU complete one journey and get ready to embark on anoth r. Wear so proud of you and all you've accomplished in your 17 years! You are such a bright, talented, beautiful, and loving young lady with a big h art and a contagi us smile.

You can achie anything you et your mind to. Keep your dreams big, your worrie mall and cheri h life' moments with your faith, family, and friends.

You are n v r far from our heart. and mind · a you venture out to pread your wing· and fly. We can't wait to ee what th future holds for you! Love you to the moon and ba k!

Mom, Dad, Garrett, and Maryn

I way remember.. be kind - work hardtay humble - mile often - keep hone tb true to yourself- . tay loyal- never stop learning- be thankful- and love always.

W are proud of the young man you ha e become. It ha · been our honor to watch you grow into a young man filled with confidence and faith. you go forward to face the challenge . of life, we pra} that you take your faith, your belief in your dream. , and our lo e. With these qualitie at the center of your heart, we know the future holds great thing · for you. We believe in you! From the bottom of our heart, we love you!

Lo e & Prayers - Dad, Mom, am, Adam, and Nicole

't have th strength for everything through Him who empower me"

- Philippians 4: 13

What is your nickname at Seton? "Kay and Sali" -Kaylen Elkins ·
Share )OUr funniestmoml'nt at Seton. "\\'hen
VanConant \\entup to the
before Mass to shan: a song sheet and sang\\ ith Coach

Dear .J., ongrat<. on your graduation!! an you believe you've

completed grade school to high school?! What a wonderful

accomplishment and journey :) Thank you for being a kind brother and friend. I love your witty and funny remarks. God ble s you, and may He unfold more blessings for you throughout college and the years to come!

Love, Trisha

"P ray, hope, and don't worry." - t. Pio of Pietrelcina CJ, ongratulations on entering a new chapter! Remember to drink your chocolate (not vanilla) whey protein, to aim high, and a St. Paul aid, "to fight the good fight" and "to finish the race". You can do it becau e )ou\e got the 'wheels'!


Dear J, Congratulations, another door opens! Choo e ta:ks and studies ) ou 'II enjoy and they won't b any work at all! The runway i long, the path clear, take off to new heights o you can serve God. May Mother Mary pray for you, may God b with you always.

Love, Pop, Mom

Lauren, we can't believe our 'baby" in the family i a enior already! You hav amazed us with your maturity and grace way be}ond your years. You are alway elfles ,kind, hardworking, and loyal. Lucky are the p ople that have been touched by your friend , hip. You have worked so hard to get tellar grade for college, and we ee you having a wonderful college experience and going on to do great thing in the math/ cience field.

We lo e you o much, Mom, Dad, Amanda, and Chri topher

• t"' ''"SW"CJE Favo ntc mo\ Je o luc year : tar - spmtu
f'.l, h f ,.,,... .l,b h P A

Dear Lauren,

Congratulation on your graduation!

We are ble ed to ee our daughter has grown into a kind, intelligent, beautiful young lady. We are amazed to see you are capable of doing anything you choo e and doing it well. We are so proud of you and all of your hard work. You have reached a mile tone and will continue on with your journey. Know that we Jove you very much and will alway be there to upport you in all of your endeavors.

Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulation to our Mighty Mo! Your father and I are very proud of you and your accompli hment . We have enjoyed all the excitement you have brought into our live tarting with you enjoying wearing as much jewelry a po ible, riding the rocky hor e in uch style, and having the courage to tell David that: "No, I not dial 911"!

We look forward to being a part of the next journey in your life: College. We want you to remember that where ever you are, you are alway with u in our hearts. Continue to thrive and enjoy life!

Love, Mom and Dad.

_ , •
Share) our funnic"t moment at Seton. "Freshman year. 4th period Algebra with Mrs. Sanders. we scarelFlnd pe1l!Jd Wllh a· joke" -Lauren Farcster-Alvarcz What song describes your senior year? '"What is Love"' -Moira Files

Kailey Marie Fraher: Your smile and for life are an inspiration! Whether witnessed as you swam with dolphins, chased butterflies and anything relating to squirrels, or while playing golf, you have sought to explore your world with energy and excitement. You brought the same energy and excitement to your school work, and you have grown and accompli hed much in your time at ton. Watching you grow, learn and b come the person you are ha been an honor. A you move forward into college and beyond, eek the an wer to the que tion you have, tru tin tho e who love you, e pecially God and your family, and live each day with the ·mile and m that inspire . all you meet to share your joy. The world i teed up for you, wing your wing, you'll go far! We love you, Mom, Dad, Eli e, and Leah

Dear John,

Being a man of few word , you have alway · relied on your action to peak for you. You have u ·ed your k en power of ob ervation, watched and learned, and then did amazing thing . You have often surpri ed u with what you could accompli h.

You can alway be counted on for integrity, courage, and compa ion, even when other around you may not liv by uch precept From the way you have loved and honored your family, to how you could be counted on to di rupt and delay a a occer defensive back, to the way you per evered through to Eagle Scout, to the care, creati ity, and relentle s attention to detail you d mon trate in movie making, you have hown u what you ar made of. You value what hould be valued. You make choice ba ed on what i tru , honorable, graciou , and excellent. We are o proud of you. And we can't wait to ee what you will don xt.

Love, Mom and Dad

J"''ur """nur yen' m unc wunT. Aavenmrous -r..aney t'raher
Share the most
embarrasing moment at Seton. "Mr Richard yelled at me the first day of freshman year." -John Fraser

D ar Eduardo,

We are so proud of you! You are exactly what we hoped you would be, a gift to our world. Share your talents. Share your love and tender heart. Be more than even you can imagine; work hard for your future. Cherish the unexpected for they are the best memorie · . Thi · is your moment, hold on to it, love it and give it all you've got.

Ready, et, GO! (We always did love watching the beginning of the race- xoxo)

We'll ee you at the finish ...

We love you,



I am itting here trying to reflect and ay the mo t beautiful word about you, Boy, on behalf of my elf and your mother, but only tear eem to be falling fa ter and fa ter than the proud word we have for you You came here Home of the Sentinel with only one friend, Andy Vega, and leave it with the entire legendary Cla of 2016 that you can call family. It eemed like ye terday when I a ked you to try to make one friend at a time and make the e four year omething memorable that you can hare to your own boy omeday. You were out tanding in everything you participated here at Seton Catholic. You have a fire in your heart and mind that I believe i being driven by your great grandparent and grandparent that are no longer with u . I know they are tanding and clapping for you becau e they are your Sentinel ju t a we have been your whole life. We Love You, Boy!

Describe senior year in one word. "Relentless" -Eduardo Gamez · · :·-: -.-.
is your nickname at Seton'! "B-Rad" -Brandon Garcia


In what seems to be the blink of an eye, you

have come into this world, matured into a beautiful young woman and are now on the brink of starting your own life adventure From the beginning, you have tackled every phase of life with excitement, determination and without fear. You willingly accept change and the uncertainty that come with it. You work hard, are well organized, think thing . through, and make good decisions. For these reasons and many more, we know that you are ready for whatever Life has in store. It has been our privilege to be your mom and dad, and we hope

the foundation we have provided gives you confidence and courage in navigating the journey that lie ahead.

Be strong, work hard, enjoy life, love fiercely, and know that we will ALWAYS be here for you! We are your biggest fan and can't wait to ee how your life unfold .

Mom, Dad, Lauren & Julian

Michael (Tico),

We were truly ble ed when God brought you into our life. You arrived with uch a beautiful mile and a vibrant per onality. E eryone who met you in tantly fell in love. Michael, you have grown into an amazing young man who hine a a leader. You have a heart to erve other and a gift of b ing a loyal friend. ever lo e your enjoyment to travel, to learn about other culture , and to make the world a better place .... one friend hip at a time. 'Don't let anyone look down on you becau e you are young, but et an example for the believer in peech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." 1

Timothy 4: 12 ( IV)

With much love,

Dad, Mom, Daniel, Kathryn, and Erick

Sh:u-e yourmosr emoarra<>smg momcnr ar :seton. Hrcal<mg my finger in Mr. Mead's freshman math." -Jasmine Garcia
(/vv.YT rCAR VC/ 'fl.VtA...AA.N
the flood At' hy DMX"
What song descrihcs your senior
-Michael Garlid


A we pau e and reflect on ju t what to ay, the reality of your fa t approaching graduation i truly taking hape. The emotion are both joyou and ad. The thought of you heading off to college and then onto your own, adden us, as we will mi you more than you '11 po ibly ever know. The joy that follow thi rollercoa terofemotion ettle and leave u with a en e of confidence and pride knowing that you '11 do well in life! Thi can be aid without re ervation a you've proven your unique qualitie through your leader hip, caring way , intelligence, humor, and humble trength. o matter where your path lead you into thi exciting world, know thi we will ALWAYS be here for you ... no matter what! Pride, love, and joy are what we felt the day you were born, and tho e feeling are stronger now more than ever eeing you tum into an incredible young man! All our love, Mom, Dad & Quinn


Our weet and happy boy, you have been a con tant ource of joy and happiness to u , and we love you beyond mea ure. You continue to be an inspiration to u with your trong devotion to your faith and family, your ability to comfort other , and your willingne to face life' challenge head on.

We wi h you happine all the day of your life. Know that we are alway praying for you in all your endeavor and will alway upport you in all you do.

Thank you for your love and support, and we are truly ble ed to have you in our live

May God ble you and keep you alway

Love Mammy and Dad

Describe )OUr senior )ear in one word. "lncomplct"- Devin Koszarek '·. ·•
What is your nickname at Seton'? "Ginger Ale."- Joseph Kouvctakis


Shoot for the moon. Even if you mi s, you'll land among the tars.

We are proud of you, and we lo e you! We wi h you much uccess in your new journey ahead. We're all here to upport you and be by your ide. The world i your !

Love, Mom, Dad, Kana 'i, Makoa, Hau 'oli, Lola T ung, & Grandma Tootse

Dear Sarah,

Your name mean prince YOU are a beloved daughter of the one true King. 18 year have flown by. It ha been our joy to watch you eek the Lord and di cover the talent that God ha given you. Your fierce determination wa plain to ee on the day you were born. Our little fei ty girl ha become a beautiful woman after God' own heart. Remember, preciou daughter, 'Delight your elf in the Lord, and He will give you the de ire of your heart" P alm 37:4. We are o excited to ee where the Lord lead you! 'For I know the plan I have for you," ay the Lord, 'plan to pro per you and not to harm you, plan to gi e you hope and a future."Jeremiah 29:11. Wear o ble ed to be your family, Sarah. Your be t friend wanted you to know that 'Love ne er fail " 1Cor 13: We lo e you!

Mom, Dad, JJ, Mikey, Dom, Chri , Rebekah & Gracie

Fa\ oritc movie of the year? "King,tmm" - Kalci Kuikahi
What song describes your senior )Car? '"For Good"'- Sarah Kunz

Congratulation on your graduation. We wi h you luck in your endeavor..

"Once a Sentinel, Always a entinel."


You are a true bles ing in our lives. You have alway made u proud and brought u joy with your quick wit and bright mile. Life i about choice ; o believe in your elf and your abilitie , and you can achieve anything. Alway remember you have a family that support you unconditionally. We love you!


your senior year in one word. "Long" -Joseph Gillespie · -:'fl; -
Joe, What
is your nickname at Seton? "Chopsticks" -Mallhew Gonzalez


Before you go, I just want to tell you, you were fanta tic. Absolute!) fantastic.

It' · showtime!


Congratulation on your graduation. We wi h you luck in your end avor .

"Once a Sentinel, Alway · a Sentinel."

Dear Cameron,

It eems like ju t ye terday you were tarting your Fre hman year at Seton and now you are graduating! We hope you always use what you learned and continue to reach for the tar Your natural arti tic ability will a ure an exciting future for you in Graphic De ign. Keep working hard, and you will be ucce ful.

We can't wait to see the next chapter of your life unfold at ASU and beyond.

Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Alan,

Thi i it, what you've been waiting for, the year before your adult life begin We are very proud of your accomplishments, happy to ee you mature and grow into the role God re erved for you from the fir t moment of your existence. We pray that you can always see past the confusion of thi world and into the heart of Our Lord, o you can claim the life He has reserved for you in His eternal wisdom and love. It i within your grasp, yet claiming it requires hard work and dedication. Stay focu ed, tay true to your elf and your Faith. You tand at the thre hold of life a an adult, of the unknown, of great happiness or even great orrow. Go forth, cross that threshold with a firm step, aying to yourself '! can do all thing through Christ who strengthen me"(Philippians 4:13).

Love, alway , Mom, Dad, Sophia, Diego, Mariana & baby sister

Share your funniest moment at Seton "When Freddy crashed Dalton's car" -Alan Hernandez

You are hrist' light to this world, and you have grown o strong in your faith. When you were young, you would draw eros e') in the carpet and you loved to leep between the tuffed dolL of Mary & Jesu . From the beginning God ha given you Faith & the Fruit of Joy that come from a deep relation hip with Him. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Life Teen, Steubenville, the Kairo Retreat & even wanting to go to Seton have helped us learn 'f\.11 thing , are po ible with God." God ha ble ed you with a olid foundation of Faith & a deep Tru tin Him. We pray that you will continue to eek God' plan for your life and choo ·ing to be a light in thi world. We Love you a much a earthly parent could ever love you and we are o proud of the Beautiful Lady you have become. God Ble you & keep you! Love, Mom & Dad!

Mickey, Congratulation on your graduation. We wi h you luck in your endea or "Once a Sentinel, Alway a Sentinel."

Describe )OUr senior )Car in one word. "Amazing." -Natalya Hiatt
What \\ill vnumi-.;-. mn-.1 ahmll St•lnn "l "Mr Richard" -Mike Ho:HH!

You were just a freshman .. now you are about to graduate ... where did the time go? We are o proud of all your academic and athletic accompli hment while at Seton but mo t of all, the person you are and have become! You are a wonderful daughter, sister, granddaughter, and friend to o many people, and you bring joy to tho e around you! Your determination and drive have allowed )Ou to do so much and will keep you going in the right direction! We thank God for tru ting us with you and for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of your life!

We love you more each day! Dad, Mom, Ryan, and Riley

Moira Meaghan, You have grown into a beautiful young lady, both in ide and out. A you continue through your teenage year and beyond, we hope you live life to its fulle t. You have definitely demonstrated that with an immense amount of dedication and determination, any goal you et your sight on can be achieved. We are extremely proud of who you have become, a trong and articulate young lady. Stay true to your elf and be the best person you can be, as that is who we love. We know you will be a ucce s at whatever career you choose to pursue. College is around the comer, and we can't wait to see what you accomplish next!

With all our love, Dad, Mom, and Sean

What will you miss most about Seton? "Volleyball and my P.E. and Weights Classes" -Halle . Halle,
What will you miss most about Seton? "Coach Heather" -Moira Kelly

Dear John,

We are so ble , ed to have a wonderful son and brother and so proud of the fine young man you have become. We look forward to watching you go off to college and create a bright future for yourself. You will do great things in life. Follow your dreams and have fun! We will always be there for you as you continue your journey.

We love you to the moon and back ... Dad, Mom, Charlotte, and Aidan

"It' not your life. It' life. Life i bigger than you. Life i n't omething that you po , se s. It' omething that you take part in and you witne · "

Loui C. K. Love you!

• Favorite movie of the year'? "Ted 2" -John Kenneally
j Share the most embarrassing moment at Seton. "I once accidentally punched a girl in the chest while telling a story " -Justin Kosisk)


You are the fir t ble ing which God gave our family. We are very proud of you and also fearful about our little girl who i suddenly a young lady and will go on her own way Zuzia, wherever you go and whatever you do plea e alway remember to trust in God. He will give you power and strength to achieve anything you want. Don't be afraid of challenge in your life; God never give u more than we can handle; He will be your upport during the difficult time in your life. You are very wi e and mart. Do not be afraid to reach for the tar Do not be afraid to dream and believe that dreams come true. Alway treat everybody a you want to be treated and make friend with people of goodwill. We love you o much, and you will alway remain in our heart , no matter how far away you go or how independent you become. With love,

Mom, Dad, Wiktoria, Julia, and Antoni

Dear Connor,

You entered thi world on St. Patrick' Day, and you have been our good luck charm ever ince! We are so very proud of you and all your accompli hment Your journey is just beginning, and we are o excited for the next chapter in your life! God ha great thing in tore for you. Stay close to Him, stay true to your elf, and live your dreams! Remember that your family is always here for you. Never forget how much you are loved!

Love, Mom, Dad & icholas

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expre ion of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your mile." -Mother Tere a

Favorite movie of the year? "Star Wars Epi,odc VII: The Force A wakem" - Connor Lee

Dear Cynthia.

Wow! It' time for graduation from high chool. We are very proud of you and all you have achieved. You have grown into a very caring person. We feel o ble ed to have you in our live , and pray all your dream come true.

Love, Mom and PaPa.

Our daughter, Jinjun Li, ha blo omed into a mature and pretty young woman. You have learned to be a leader and role model for your little cou ins in US. We are o proud of you. We love you forever!

Who was your homecoming dale freshman year? "Dominici.: Dclenlc."- C) nlhia L'Heureux
· Describe your senior year in one \\ord. "Meaningful. " - Jinjun Li

tev n, enior yearb k tim means this crazy big family )OU 'rea part of get 0 to celebrate and express our love for you as you begin your preparation for college. We're so proud of you and are so excited for your next tep You have an inner trength and patience that take you far in life. You know what it tak s to become the best ver ion of your elf. Remember along th path, your family will alway . be there for you and we love you . o much!

We end you off to college with a simp! blessing: ''Fath r, we pray that Steven be surrounded by a legion of angel , that he b clothed in your armor and hielded by your love. We boldly a k that hi eye 0 be open to your undeniable pre ence and he be filled with a peace that upersede under tanding." Jennifer Hubbard


MacKinley - we are so proud of who you are and all you've accomplished. Your days and month at Seton have flown by, and we are o excited for what you have in tore at college and beyond! Alway let your light hine bright and remember how much you are loved!

God ha amazing plan for you - we can't wait to ·ee them unfold. Love, Dad, Kellie, and Jackson

From The Paper Bag Prince 'Ronald," aid Elizabeth, '}'our clothe are really pretty and your hair i very neat. You look like a real prince, but you are a bum." Mis Mac, you are much marter and more capable than any fire-breathing dragon around. So ke p re cuing yourself. Be complicat d. Be mart. parkle. sk lots of que tions. Enj y that you are my favorite thing e er. Most of aiL just b YOU. Cloth s an be burnt, but true character is here to sta;.

._.. • -
What is your nickname at Seton ? "Stevie Luv." - Steven Lopez


Congratulations! We are so proud of the young man that you have become. From the day you were born, you have been surrounded by family and friends who love you. We can still picture you climbing, jumping on the trampoline, trying different ports, and learning to play guitar. Cory, you have perseverance, courage, dedication, and diligence with gentlene s of spirit. You are a man with commendable character that tays true to his values, and we encourage you to look forward with confidence in God. We are blessed to have such a wonderful on. Cory, you have an exciting future that await you. You will achieve your dreams with your pas ion, fun, and humor. We love you. Fla h that hand orne mile and oar through the ky!

Love, Hug , & Kisse ,

Dad, Mom, & Harley


It has been an adventure and a blessing watching you grow to be uch an amazing young man. We're all tronger through the journeys we've taken together. Estamo muyorgulloso de todo tus exito , and look forward to seeing what the future holds for you!

'Tru t in the Lord with all your heart. Seek Hi will in all you do, and He will keep you on track." (Proverb 3:5-6)

We love you siempre, Mijo!

Dad, Mom, Jennica, and Kiwi

w1ll inth
Who was your homecoming date freshman year? "Moira Kelly."- Cabricl Martinez

Deare t Aiden:

Our family wa forever enriched the day you entered our lives and ble ed u with your innocence, beauty, and grace. A the years have pas ed, we have been witnes to your growth a a woman, cholar, athlete, friend, and Christian. We are all so very proud of your many accompli hments, and we are certain that not only will you ucceed in your que t to become a doctor, but that you will make a tremendou difference in the lives of many people. A you have touched our live , we pray that you will continue to be a light of hope to other a well.

A you begin to write a new chapter in your book of life, we hope one day you will write that you have Lived, Loved, and Laughed well. All the be t and remember that we love you very much.

With All Our Love, Mom, Dad, Randi-Lynn, & Alec

Buttercup: 'We did it!"

We tley: 'Now, wa that o terrible?'{Prince Bride)


You did it! And we know you will do many other incredible things in your life.

With much Love, Momma, Daddy, Danny, Robby, Bruno, Bucky, and of cour e Lil 'Evil.

You are, and will alway be, my Prince ''Your hom can pierce the ky'{The Office) Love, Daddy

Who was )Our homecomin g date freshman y ear '! "Dann y Sherman asked me but I broke up wiit1 - Aiden McRobbi e- Johnson
is your favorite dance move'! "Fr. Axline's moves." -
Emily Mead


Congratulations on your graduation. We wi h you luck in your endeavor .

"Once a Sentinel, Alway a Sentinel."


In what eems like the blink of an eye, you've gone from being an inqui itive toddler, to what you are now - a talented, creative, funny, intelligent, and compa ionate young man. Your big heart and loving spirit have always warmed our heart and alway will. We are o very proud of you and cannot wait to ee what lies ahead a you enter into a new chapter of your life. Your future i your , make the mo t of it! We know you will make your dream come true. Remember, we will be here for you and will love you alway . Congratulations on all you have become!

We love you & are o proud of you!

Fa\ oritc nYov1e of the year '!'' file Martian" - Siarra Medina
movie or the year? "Shrck"-

You fit the meaning of your name perfectly for us, and as the 'gift of God" you truly ar a blessing and fill our live with '>0 much joy.

It has been wonderful to watch you grow into a handsome, smart. loving, caring, and funny young man. We are very proud of the per on you have become, and al o of all your hard work and accompli hment

Dream big, keep believing in your elf, focu and work hard to make your dream a reality. We wi h you a bright future as you continue your journey.

Love, Mom and Dad

''I Am and alway will be an optimi tthe hoper of far flung hope. The dreamer of improbable dream "

Kendra, you truly are a hoper a dreamer, and a believer. Stay true to the amazing per on you are, and you will make them a reality. We love you!

Mom, Dad, Myriah, Grace, and Cha e.

What song describes )OUr senior year? '"In The Clear'- Foo Fighters." -Matthew Mikaclian "' ... :;;,- Dear Matt. What song describes your senior year'? "'Stressed out' by 21 Pilots." - Kendra Milhone

What a JOY it has been for us to watch you grow up and mature into a young man! s with everyone, there has been a lot of great times and some challenging times. You should enjoy the happy times and live in the moment when they are here. The tough times will show your true character and teach you life lessons for the future. We hope we have given you the character to handle what life brings you and the skills to make most of whatever comes your way.

You are a smart and talented individual with the potential to be succe · ful in any endeavor. Don't be afraid to dream big and go after what you de . ire in your career and personal life. Failures are temporary; they will be overcome and make you stronger. Regret for not going after what you want and not giving all your effort to everything you do will stay with you for life!

Love alway , Mom and Dad

From your 'Magic Cienna"unauthorized haircut , backyard mud bath , and fabulou ense of style, ha come thi girl who ee the world, and her part in it, a no one el e doe , or ever will. You urpri e u every day with your myriad of talent to ing, write, play mu ic, or film your ver ion of what life i Go write your ne t chapter!

Love Mom

I am uper proud of you! We all are. You are an amazing i ter, and I love you! You are going to do remarkable thing , and I can't wait to ee it.

Supercalifragili ticexpialidociou !

Love, Lucas

We love you Cienna! You are an awe orne i, ter and aunt, and we are o proud of you!

ancy, Ja en, Hayden, and Gavin

'What i the point of being ali e if you don't at least try to do omething remarkable?"

What song describes )Our senior year? "'Jumpman"' -Braden Millun Braden.
Share \our funniest moment al Seton. "I fell on the stairs one lime during passing period and basically gave up on life." -Cienna Molina

Your Mom and I are very proud of you and what you have accompli hed at Seton. We are inspired and proud of your deepening faith with God. Your journey with Christ will serve you your whole life long. Remember to use temperance and patience when dealing with other who don't know God as well as you. Let God' grace, mercy, and love guide you when you are unsure of what to do. We wi h you joy tempered with light orrow o you will appreciate the joy all the more. We wish you pa sion for what you choose to do in your life. We wish you great, deep, and long lasting love when you finally meet the partner you choo e to hare your life with. Above all el e, we wish you to know that you are truly deeply loved. We thank God each day for the miracle he gave us when he ent you to your mother and me. May God give us a long life together.

God ble ed u with you, our wonderfully amazing, loving, weet, kookie little pitfire! You have forever changed our lives and those who e live you touch in so many po itive way . We are o very proud of the young lady you have become. Youhaveabeautifulspirit, a wonderful en e of humor, great faith and the confidence to do great things in thi world. We love you Cheybear!

"Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."-

Who was your homecoming date freshman year? "Jake Rueter." -Cheyenne Murray

arah, you must be DI , constdenng all your passions and interesh - movie scores, soccer, Latin, physics, fiction, etc! ur pride in you is like the sea, and "The sea does not like to b restrained." Your varied interests ha e provided us entertainment for years. It doesn't have to end now. We 'II follow your college's team and drop in for an occasional TWILIGHT dinner. In college, you will have tudying and laughter and tests! Don't worry. 'What's comin' will come, an' [you'll] meet it when it d s." We'll ha e your back, quiet and stead}. "You know, sometimes love isn't fir works. ometimes, love just come · softly."

Follow your passion. Do what makes you happy. Your road will be an adventure. It will pring from your unique ·oul. You know, · ome of us were ju t born different."

'There is not one hair of you that [we] would re-arrange. [We] I e you the way you are and that will n ver change."

Love, Mom, Dad & Rebecca

Jake .... It' · all happ ned o fast, it eems like yet rday we w re dr pping you off and watching you walk to cla · · on your fir ·t day of fre hman year. 0 er the e pa t four year , you 'v becom a young man that make u SO PROUD! ot ju t academically, but your maturity, de ire, faith, thoughtfuln and kindne will serve you well a you continue on in life. We look forward to watching you accompli h anything you t your mind to in the future. Remember, you will alway be our' BUBBAS' and to always keep your heart' F R VERY G'!

Love, M m and Dad!!!!

What song describes your senior year? '"Bad Blood."' -Jacob Navarro


We can't believe your high school years are coming to an end. It has been an amazing journey watching you become a young man. We were so proud that you cho e to go to Seton to further and better your education. We hope the faith based educational experience that you have received there will take you through the re t of your life. We are confident in your abilities to not only be ucce ful in whatever you choo e to do, but your capacity to hare your heart and self with other i what make u the proude t. We love you, and look forward to watching there t of your life' journey.

Love, Dad, Mom, and Broc

We named you Elijah with the hope and prayer that you would be born with the courage and humility to carry God's light and truth into the world. When people comment on your character, I think that God heard and an wered our prayer for you. I tru t that God will alway u e your love for Him and other in your future endeavor .

When I a ked your be t friend for a cripture that reminds her of you, thi ju t further confirmed this truth:

"Let no one look down on your youthfulne s, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe."

1 Timothy 4: 12

Remember, "Je u love you," and your family is forever proud ...

Describe your senior year in one word. "Community" -Scf Norton

Dear Jim- - It doe n't seem that long ago that you were playing Legos or car · on the living room floor when }OU were little! We have watched you grow into a handsome young man, and could not be any more proud! Be kind, work hard, accept your mi takes, do your best, make good choices and pray. Always give of yourself to others--your time, knowledge, love, respect, and patience. nd know that your family will always love and support you. Life is all about the journey-t-h experiences you have and the relationships you make. And we are excited to watch where your journey takes you! We love you very much. on, I closed my ey s for a moment and suddenly a man tood where a boy u ed to be. I may not carry you in my arm , but I will alway · carry you in my heart. You have given me o many reason to be proud of the man you have b come, but the proude t moment for me i telling other that you ar my on. I love you now and forever. Love, Dad

My son, you did it. You made it. It's time to celebrate! I love you so much, and I am v ry pr ud of you. you prepare for the futur , I pray that ur Dear Lord and His Blessed Moth r will b with you always and guide you. May you experience life with it endless opportunitie ·,enjoy time with family and friend , and look to the future more than the pa t. Life i · a can a , Son. Paint all over yours! Love, Mom

• What is your nickname at Seton'? "Jimmy the Saint" -Jim Nowak
/Jc;u/ J>oof' -
Favorite movie of the year?"
Raphael Olivares

We are o bles ed to have you a a son and brother. You are such a kind and loving oul. We know that God has great thing in tore for you, o give him everything you have. Make u. proud!

We love you,

Dad, Mom, Kirsten, ick, Jo h, Grace, and Olivia


From the day you were born God had hi plan for you. The day Father Pinto baptized you, you felt the protection, bles ing , love that molded you into God's young man I wa ble ed to rai e. You were the happie t child who alway made everyone laugh. Even to thi day with everything you have been through, you find a way to brighten everyone' day with your humor. You know how to pull one over on me and that i becau e we have the best mother/son relationship that is true. I am so proud of you, your leadership, thoughtfulne , and your knowledge e pecially of right and wrong. You are your own person, do not follow the crowd, you follow God' path for you. Each chapter in your life ha a lesson that God, in Hi all knowing wi dom, ees that you must learn. God will provide, protect & love you even more, and you will feel his ble , ings. I will alway love & support you.

May God ble s you. I Jove you, Mom & The entire Pacheco/Merrett N"

the most embarrassing moment at
Seton. "Emily Dickenson" -Matt Pabst
Matty Joe,
is your nickname at Seton? "Pashake N' Bake " - Anthony Pacheco
h I F ·1 What

Jad oel, How blessed we are that God has given us the most precious gift of all, you! We are amaLed by you every day. You've got it all! Brains, beauty, talent, strength and loving heart. Everything is so natural for you. As our little princess grows into a young lady, let nothing stand in your way! You' e heard it said many times before, look out world, here come Jade! From here on out you can only accomplish nothing but greatnes I know that you will not accept anything less. For that, we are truly inspired, honored, and proud to be your mom and dad.

It is time for you to pread your wings and Oy! Thanks for all the wonderful memorie Our heart are filled with o much love for you. ow more than ever, since God gave you to us.

Love you alway ,

Mom and Dad


Wow! What an emotional and proud mom nt for u You have brought u o much love and joy from the day you were born and now watching you become the man you are today. God has bl ed you with a kind oul, caring nature, and ha gifted you with lightening . peed and incredible . occer talent. You have alway stayed humbl through your many athletic achie ement and continue to alway put other' . fir. t, living true to your strong Catholi Faith. You ju t take our breath away!

The br th r you have been to Devin with all his life challenge touche u everyday; you are o PROUD of him, and the love you both hare is pricele .. . You have ne er been a follow rand have paved your own path, continue to follow your dream , take your own road, and tay true to your faith and aluc . Wear always with you!

ever forget...Ob e · o alia ulla re perrnan nt in vita familiae

We love you, Mom, Dad, & Devin

Describe vour senior vcar in one \\ord "Gone" -Davis Peck


We are very proud of all you have accompli hed. You know your own mind, and stand up t r } ur b liefs. Your moral growth has cau ed you to become a great leader. We wi h the b t for you in life and know you will achieve all the goal you et out to accomplish. Remember, a you begin your life' journey, believe in yourself, follow your dream , and have faith in you abilities . Thi will carry you far. You are truly a pecial gift from God.

Love you alway , Mom & Dad


It eems I ike you' e b en at eton longer than four year ; it feel · like ye terday you were a little eight year old taking ticket at Megan' ba . ketball games and working the nack bar, cheering Jordan aero the finish line at meets, and sitting in the cold tands watching Zach play occer. After following your i ters and brother there, you have definitely made your own mark. We are all o happy and proud to cheer you on now!


Mom, Dad, Megan, Drew, Jordan, ean, Zach & little Miss Kennedy

--. Describe your senior year in one v.ord. "Wut." -Connor Peterson ·'


I am o very proud of you! s another chapter in life ends, a new one begins. I am certain you will tackle your next chapter of life & the new challenges that go along with it with the same passion & tenacity you have used to successfully navigate every chapter of your life so far.

Whatever you endeavor to achieve, I am certain it will be met with uccess. You have my faith and admiration. Faith, because I have een you accomplish your goals time & time again. Admiration, because you have alway di played an uncommon re iliency; I have not seen anything that knocks you down & keeps you down.

little over 18 years ago my life lacked direction & I was struggling to find meaning and a purpose. My purpose was to be your Dad. Thank you, you have given me someone to care about, you have made me a better per on, and I love you o very much!


We want to tell you how incredibly proud we are of your accomplishments. You have worked very hard to overcome many challenges that you have faced and ha e excelled in what you have done. Plea e know that we are all here for you and will continue to support you in any way that we can. We are looking forward to seeing you thrive in the ne t chapter of your life. Stay true to the principle that you have learned, and continue to do the right thing. We are proud of you, we are here for you, and we lo e you very much.

move'! "I can't dance." -Jacoh
your favorite dance


In the blink of an eye, 17 years flew by. It seems only yesterda) that you were heading off to preschool at the Crayon Box. Hov. can it be that you are graduating from high school?

Oh, o many memories we have had. From snowmen to andca ties, now skiing to jet skiing, rollercoa ter rides to trips to the beach and don't forget skipping down the streets.

It is bitter weet as we watch this chapter of your life come to a clo e. We will mis the . ound of your footstep in the hou e, even your room being a me s, your endless banter with your brother and especially watching you swim.

A this next chapter in your life opens, we can't wait to see where it will take you. You are an amazing young woman, and your family couldn't be more proud of you. Congratulations on all ) ou have accompli hed o far!

With love, Mom, Dad, and Anthony

It i becoming the world all around, Tommy, and it' only ju t begun. 'That very night in Max' room a fore t grew and grew-and grew until hi ceiling hung with vine and the wall became the world all around and an ocean tumbled by with a private boat for Max and he ailed off through night and day and in and out of weeks and almo t over a year to where the wild things are." 'Max aid, 'BE STILL!' and tamed them with the magic trick of staring into all their yellow eye without blinking once. 'And now,' cried Max, 'let the wild rumpu start!"'

From Where the Wild Thing Are by Maurice Sendak (Our favorite tory 298 nights in a row, or omething like that.)

So off you go, Tommy. Remember '\vhere someone love you best of all." -Dad, Mom, Christine, Je sie, Nate, and the bea t

What v. ill you miss most about Seton?
What is your favorite dance move? "The Randolph Slide" -Tom Randolph

Dear Kimberly, ongratulations. The years went by like a blink of an eye. You always make us proud of your accomplishments and truly blessed of how you have become The years ahead will be challenging a you continue to achieve your goal and dreams. But if you put God first, n thing is impossible. He will always lead your ways. I want you to know and believe that you are loved more than anything on earth. You have matured into an amazing and mart beautiful young woman. We wL h you many bles ing a . you aim your dream and prepare your future plan Faith i all that dreamer need to ee into the future.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Chri

To our beautiful baby Alii,

We are o proud of the young lady that you have become. You are kind, mart, funny, generou , and grounded. You alway surpri e us with your ability to ee the bigger picture, and to know what is really important, and to hold onto that. We know that whatever you choo e to do in your life, you will do it with honor, integrity, pa ion, and tyle. We love you with all our heart , and I k forward to seeing what your future bring ! Alway remember that you can do anything you put your mind to! You are a bright light in this world, o let it hine, baby girl! Love, Mom& Dad ... & Loren

Dt:scribc )OUr senior year in one 'v\Ord. "*screams*" -Kimberly Rapanut
Share the most embarrassing moment at Seton. "When Kacee tackled me to the ground in the quad in front of a large group of senior boys m)

My gift.. from God

o much of me

Is made of what I learned from you

You'll be with me

Like a handprint on my heart nd now whatever way our stories end I know you have re-written min ow by being my daughter ...

Like a hip blown from it mooring

By a wind off the ea

Like a eed dropped by a kybird

In a di tant wood

Who can ay if I've been changed for the better?

But becau e I grew you and Becau e I knew you

I have been changed for the good .. .

You are one of a kind, and anyone who ha ever known you al o ha been changed for the better.


Life i a serie of beginning , not ending . A thi chapter of your life begins, use your trength, courage and determination to build your future. You have alway believed in your elf and in your abilitie . You are one to never waiver o whatever your dreams may be or wherever they take you, ju t remember we will always be there to support you.

eton ha been good for you. You have b en challenged academically and pushed to 'try harder." The challenge you have experienced will make you a tronger per on. The experiences )OU have had and friendship you have made will last a lifetime s you begin thi new chapter in your young life, ju t remember ho\\ very proud we are of you and the young man you have become. J u t remember, life i short and you never know what God has planned for you .live in the moment and plan for the future!

We Love You, Dad, Mom, and Brooke

What is your nickname at Seton? "Ricko Suave or Slice " - Michael Romero

Congratulations! We are so proud of you. You are such a bright light in our lives. We can't wait to see how you continue to shine over the next several years. We are o glad that God gave you to u . You're a terrific son and a wonderful big brother. As you move on to "bigger and better" things, know that you always have our support and our love. Stay close to God and never sacrifice your beliefs.

With love always, your fam: Mom, Dad, Maddy, and Katy.


Soar, reach, dream ... mo t of all be true to that light that shine within you. Care for it, nurture it, love it and learn from it. It i what et you apart. Your happine i contagiou . Share it with the world; it will be a b tter place becau e of you. I'm o proud of you!!! I Love You, Dad

Brother, I could never explain how much you mean to me or how proud I am of you. I know your future i bright as can be. When I look at you, I ee one of my bigge t ble ing and my true t be t-friend. I love you infinity. Never grow up, not you. Love si ter.

John John, I am o proud of the amazing young man that you have become. Your kind heart and crazy en e of humor ha e brought o much joy to my life. Shoot for the tar and ne er lo e ight of who you are and how much you are loved. XOXO, ina

What will you miss most ahout Seton? "Mrs. Kimberly Patera." -Jacob Rueter
What'' ill you miss most ahout Seton? "Mrs. Jessica Breen" -John

Our deare t Emily,

Word cannot begin to describe how proud we are of you! When we decided we were ready to bring another child into our growing family, we did not make the decision lightly. You have exceeded our bigge t hope · and dream If we could have put a personal order in, or written an exact recipe for the perfect child, you could not po ibly have been any better than the person you are. No one i perfect, of cour e, but the wonderful part is that you strive to achieve your personal be t and by doing so you challenge us to become better a well. We pray that you will continue to discover who you really are and live out all your dreams in the future!

We love you!

Mom and Dad, Nick and at, Lola and Daisy 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you a the world give . Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Dear Sonny,

My Precious Son. I thank God for the gift and privilege of being your mommy. Dad and I prayed for you, and God Ble ed us with you. I know that you are a gift to this world and Grandma Patsy, Grandpa Martin, Grandma Rose Marie and Grandpa Marvin Sr., your i ters Terra, Tatum, Taylor, your nephew Tri tan, Tandon and Jayden, Dad, and I are in awe of the amazing young "Man of God" that you are and look forward to witne sing the continued accomplishments and attribute you give to your community and the world. You are de tined for Greatness, and God could not have Blessed someone as genuine and as humble as you.

"Will you let me be your servant, Let me be a Christ to you, Pray that I may have the grace to Let you be my ervant, too. "

I love you, MORE.

0 •
What will you miss most about Seton? "Karli Burns. Eva Toon. Preslee Buher (basically the golf team)" -Emily .: What song describes your senior year'? '"I Want to go Home' by Sandy Cheeks." -Marvin Santiago

Dear chuyler-

We knew this year would go by quickly, didn't we? And now you are standing on the threshold of the next step in your journey, about to go off to college! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. You have seen a lot and done a lot in your life ·o far, but it is all just a taste of what lies ahead. ew roads await you, with wonderful experiences to be had. Be assured, as you et off on the next chapter of your life, that we will be there for you. Reach out to u whenever you need us, but al o have confidence in yourself and your decisions. Tru t your heart, and trust your God. He will not lead you a tray. what d es the Lord require of you? To act justly, to show mercy and to walk humbly with your God."(Micah 6:8).

Congratulation , Schuyler!

With love, Mom & Dad

Dear raig,

It has truly been a ble sing being your parent From your tear and our excitement of your fir t day of Pre-K to our tear and your excitement of your last day of high chool, we have enjoyed every moment of being a part of your life. From little league game to high school ba eball, we've supported and cheered you on a we alway will no matter how far you go! We are o proud of the man you have become and even more o of the man you are yet to become.

Keep God fir t in all thing and let him lead the way a you begin the next great step on your journey to adulthood. To paraphra e Albu Dumbledore- difficult challenge lie ahead of you, and there will be a time when you mu ·t choo e between what i right and what i ea y. Choo e wi ely. Know that we love you very much and God ble you on.


Mom, Dad, and Sparky

Share the moment at Seton. "Teachers not knowing my name for 2+ years." -Schuyler Schanberger
your funniest moment at Seton. "Junior year during baseball I fell down the hill on the practice field ." -Craig Scheer

You '11 Be In Our Heart

'For one o small,/ You seem so strong/ Our anns will hold you./ Keep you afe and wann/ This bond between us/ Can't be broken/ We will be here/ Don't you cry./ 'Cau . e you 'II be in our hearts/ Yes, you'll be in our hearts/ From thi day on/ Now and forever more."

Jo, we are so proud of all you've accomplished and how far you've come. You've overcome so many ob tacles in your short life. We know you will do spectacular thing in the future. Hold on to your faith, your pa ion , your clo e relationship to God, your family, and your friends. Remember how much we love you and believe in you. We love you so much!

You '11 be in our hearts, forever.

Love, Tracy, Dan, Annie, Mike, Mom, and Dad

Dear Abbey,

Ever since you were a little girl we knew you were one of a kind. Abbey, you are funny, loving, pa ionate, caring and outgoing. You bring a smile to everyone you meet, and you are the mu ic in our live . Your time at Seton ha helped you to come to know who you want to be. The experience of Girl State ha opened your eye to new possibilities. We know you'll go far! We are so proud of what you've achieved and how you've grown.

Abbey, a your future open up before you, dream big and remember you will alway be our un hine. We love you, Dad, Mom, and Elizabeth

"A k and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

Who was your homecoming date freshman year? "Me. Myself. and I" -JoJo Schoenhardt
Share the most embarrassing moment at Seton.
having to wear an e\cessively long skirt all day." -Abhcv Schroeder


s you graduate from high school, there are so many beautiful mem rie'>... When }OU were very little, we'd sp nd mornings together after taking everyone else to school. When you got older, we watched you run into preschool to play with your friends. A few more year<., passed, and you were at OLM flying through the grade'>. More years passed, and we were listening to the Rolling Stones with you on the way to occer practic We blinked, and you were driving yourself to school and practice and fri nds' houses. Along the way, we went to dozens of ba eball game and hundred of so cer games. nd now you are graduating from high ·chool. It\ been a true joy having you for a on and watching you become the man you are today. We pray God bles e you with wi dom, courage, faith, joy and peace as you take yet another tep into the future and begin college.

We Love You!

Dad, Mom, Jacob, and Lianna

Lid a,

How ble ed w were on the day we were cho en to be your parent ! You were this very tiny baby who was o quiet and hy. ow, 1 year later, you ha e grown into a beautiful, talented, and intelligent young woman who ha a wonderful en e of humor and care deeply about other . Your future i very bright. Keep your faith in God trong. Take chance Be willing tori , k bump and brui e to go after the thing that you really want. When fear is holding you back and you need an e tra do e of courage, know that we will alway be there che ring you on - and that we will alway give you a oft place to land. Stand up. peak out. Try. Fail. Try again. Alway remember that we lov you unconditionally and are very proud of you.

May the Lord ble you now and forever.

All our love, Mom, Dad, and Habeebe Describe

one word. "SEN IORZ " - Jan Scoll -
your senior year
one word. "Done" - Lida Serrano

Dear Ethan,

Where have the past 18 years gone?!?! It is hard to believe that you are graduating this year and beginning a new chapter in your life. We have loved every moment we have pent watching you grow into the young man that you have become. You are kind, intelligent, humble, and you continue to make us proud every day. You have overcome some ob tacles to get where you are, and we cannot ay enough how much we love you. As you get ready for new adventures remember where you came from: now days, buckeyes, kyline chili, Sunday Funday, movie nights, and years of laughter and love together! We look forward to what God has for you in Hi plan ...

We lo e you EE, Mom, Dad, Evan, Elliott, Erik & Emmy


Our hopes and wishes for you are that you '11 never settle for anything le than extraordinary because that's what you de erve. Believe in your elf and the possibilities of each dream becau e you can do anything. ever forget how far you've come becau e it'll help you remember how far you can go. And always ee your elf the way other ee you becau e you are beautiful in ide and out.

Congratulations! We love you o very much, Mom, Dad, Kyle, Madelynn

We have been blessed to hare in so many of the memorie you've made at Seton, and we are o proud of your accomplishments. You're an amazing young woman who always bring a smile to our face, and you deserve the best of everything that life ha to offer. God bless you and all that you do!

Love, ana and Papa

Conquer the world, Lauren! Love Grandma, Grandpa, Nene, John, Paxton, David, ance

is )Our
J." -Ethan Shewbridge · -
Share the most embarrassing mome111 at Seton."\\.'hen
sang to me in front of the'' hole school in an assembl) ."-Lauren
Jacob Faulkner

Dear laire,

You have alway<, had <,uch a big h art filled with joy and excitement for life and all its wonderful po<,sibilities . We know you will accompli<,h great things and leave a lasting impression on ever}one you tou h.

You have given us such a pleasure in watching you grow into the spirited, compassionate, and beautiful }Oung lady you have become. Remember, never limit yours If and believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to. We are so proud of you! 'What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in compari on to what lies inside }Ou."Ralph Waldo merson

Love always, M m, Dad, Ella, and Emma

Varinia, What a wonderful gift G D has ble sed u . with.

arinia, you ha e blo · omed into uch a beautiful young woman inside and out. ince you w re little you have always been such a caring per on with everyone you enc unter, always making p ople f el wei omed. You are always willing to adapt and work on becoming a b tter per. on. You include u in your everyday life for advice, support and all your joyful moment . Varinia, we want you to know how proud we are of you and how much we appreciate you in our life. Thank you f r b ing such a wonderful daughter. G D ha truly ble ed us with you, a young beautiful woman. We are confident that you will be ucce. ful in all your endeavor .

Love, MOM and D D

\\'hat i-. )OUr nid.naml' at Sl'ton'! "\'or \'-Sncd-.." -\'arinia Snl'dd.cr

Lawsen, The last four )ears have be n, what I hope will be, the hardest part of your life. You were strong when you felt weak, courageous when you were scared, and p r istent when you wanted to quit. Every st p you take across the graduation stage represent · a hurdle that you conquered, a day that you could ha'vc given up but didn't. I am so proud of how far you have come; I have the deepest faith in h w far you will go. Enjoy life! eek with aJI your heart what is truly imp rtant to you. And remember, when you partner with God, make y ur plan big! I love )OU ">0 much. Mom

Lawsen, I am o proud of you for reaching thi , mile tone. I know that the hand of God have guided you thi far and will continue to lead you forward. I loved you before you entered thi world, and I willl ve you long after I'm gone. Dad


You are our beautiful gift from God! We are o proud of how re pon ible, hardworking and dedicated you are. Thi ha helped you reach your goal both academically and in swimming. We admire the faith you have in G d. You are a wonderful big i ter to your brother , and they have alway held you in high regard. We love you, Mom, Dad, Chri tian, and Brock

'What we are i God' gift to u . What we become i our gift to God."

· •
Who was your homecoming date freshman year'? "Noah Williams" -Lawsen Stanley
"T. Steclcyoman"
What is your nickname at Seton'?
-Taylor Steele

Little Spider Monkey, bo} have you grown!! We are so proud v.ith everything about you! You have grown into the young man v.e always imagined you would become. Life will present its challenges to you but always look at them as opportunities to help you become a stronger and better person. ever conform to what other peopl think you should be. Do and be what\ in your heart. That will always make you the happiest. lv.ays strive to be the be<.,t. .. the best as a person .. the best to other . ever give up when everything seems hopeless and always place complete trust in God. You may not understand the direction He is taking y u, but He\ not going to do you wrong.

L ve,

s ..... and B nji, and unshine <3

Fai al,

ngratulations on y ur graduation. We wish you luck in y ur endeavors.

"Once a entinel, lwa}S a en tine!."

Who was ymir homecoming dale freshman year? "Mackenzie Angelo" - Vic10r Sloll Share ) our funnies! momenl at Selon. "When Luke blew a histle in I he quad" -Richard Sukkar


We are extremely proud of you and what you have accompli hed! Seton has changed you in , o many wonderfu I ways, including adding another family to your life. You have brought o much happine into our live . and we have enjoyed watching you grow up into the amazing young man you are today. We wish you all our best and will be there with you every tep of the way!

We love you!!

Mom, Dad, and Kaitie

Dear Aaron,

Congratulation on your academic achievement; we are o proud of you! The foundation you have et i your pringboard to the next chapter of your life. There will be many great time ahead when you will mile and laugh, but there will also be unanticipated challenge you encounter. If we were to offer one piece of advice, it would be to accept and embrace' change'. If you do, then there i no stopping you from reaching the outer edges of your dreams and goals. In life, there are few things guaranteed. 'Change' is one of those guarantees. Remember that no matter what is happening in your life, there is a trump card ready to be played. That trump card i 'change'. If you accept it and make it po itive throughout your life, you will continuously be offered new opportunitie . We truly wi h you the best a , your life' change 'to the next chapter. Love, Mom & Dad

describes )1JUrsenioryear? by Snlashnlouth" -Jacob --····
Who your homecom ing date freshman year? "Me, I, Myse lf' Sycamore •


It i amazing to see our Blues Clue , Inn Out ob essed girl become a talented young woman you are today. Watching you excel in everything you do- from creating your own compositions to winning MVP in tennis- i sheer joy. We can't wait to see what new adventures you will be up to next, and what more you will accompli h. We are so incredibly proud of you.

With love, Dad, Mom, Jamie, and Ja on

Our Dearest Jennifer: We loved the baby girl you were and the young woman you have become. You are truly a gift from God. Remember 'tourage i not the ab ence of fear, but rather the judgment that something el e is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all." Live, love, laugh, and follow your dream ' . God and your family are always by your ide. We are so proud of you.

All Our Love, Mom, Dad, and Jonathan

Share the most embarrasstng moment at Seton. "Sophomore year I was locked tn the g1rls restroom alter school, and I had to keep knocking and yelling for two minutes until two people in the quad heard." -Jackie Tan What will you miss most about Seton? "The small campus" -Jennifer Tavani

Kaylee Marie,

Before you were a twinkle in your father' eye, your brother Josh prayed and prayed for a baby sister. You truly are an answer to prayer! You are such a light in our family and in the world. Whether it's your bubbly, infectious mile that lights up the room, your eagerness to reach out to those in need or your compa sion for tho e who are poor in spirit, it i all o inspiring. St. John Paul II said life has meaning to the extent that it becomes a free gift to others. Stay on that path!

A you move on to the next phase of your life, remember you have a family who loves you; 2 brothers who want to protect you, 2 ister who adore you, and 2 parent who cherish you.

'tf you are what you should be, you will et the whole world ablaze!" - St. Catherine of Sienna

We love you, Precious! Love, Mom, Dad, Josh, Au tin, Brooke, and Mary


In celebration of your many accomplishment past, present, and future; we thank God for every moment, every opportunity, and know He will continue to guide your path. You were given an enduring thirst for wi dom, integrity, inten ity, strength, courage and perseverance. Maintaining those core values will erve you well a you continue on to many more life adventures. We wanted to hare a few quote · for you to carry with you into your new season:

"Surround your elf with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinker , but mo t of all, surround yourself with tho e who see the greatnes within you :· -Edmund Lee

'Once you've wre tled, everything el e in life i easy."- Dan Gable

''I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my oul."- William Earnest Henley

We are so very grateful for having hared this journey with you, and look forward to all that lies ahead.

Love, Dad, Mom, and Logan

-Share ) our funniest moment at Seton. "Dying my hair orange on accident before HoCo" -Kay lee Taylor • _
I Describe your senior year in one word. "Stressful" -Kelvin Taylor I

Dear Isaiah, Congratulations on your graduation from High School! Learning every day brings great joy and success. Don't ever stop learning, dreaming, and achieving.

You have completed the courses and requirements set before you these last everal years. They have left you with your own list of knowledge yet to seek. Pursue that knowledge, knowing that you can accomplish great things. Your graduation is a tremendous accompli hment. ow, with courage, follow your heart and embrace what dream are important to you. Go after them with all of your heart. Strive for excellence in all you do.

We can tell you how proud we are of you because we are, but it is more important that you are proud of yourself. We love you, Isaiah.

Mom & Dad

Dear Briana,

We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You have worked so hard in everything you do. ot only have you excelled academically but also in cro country, soccer, and track. We have watched you grow from a little girl to a beautiful young lady. Your graduation repre ents ucce in your life that i truly deserved. U e the knowledge you have gained to further develop and succeed in college.

You future is bright filled with exciting opportunitie Try to trea ure every moment. Grandma would be o proud of you.

We love you, Mom, Dad, Jimmy, lysa, Anthony, and Hazel

Share your funniest moment at Seton. "Bryce's brother forgot he was in the car and let him sleep until 3rd period." -Isaiah Timmons
Share your funniest moment at Seton. "Almost peeing my pants after a cross country meet" -Briana Trevino

Congratulations, Kylie! Seton was an excellent choice, and you were simply brilliant! We aren't really sure where time has gone, but we are certain that we will mi and cherish every moment that we have hared thu far with you a your parent ! We are very proud of you, and we love you more than you may ever know! We have alway been impre sed by your drive and your unyielding determination to ucceed at whatever the ta k. Through the year , you have grown to become a very confident, beautiful, mart and outgoing young lady. We are happy for you, and excited about all of the possibilities that your future may hold! Kylie, you are an ongoing blessing in our live ! A you begin anew, take a piece of u with you, and remember that we will alway More-Than-Love YOU Forever.

Mommy and Daddy

Dear Logan,

It' hard for us to believe that 17 years have pa ed and you will soon be graduating from high school. We have een you blos om into the mo t amazing young lady. You have worked hard and made such good choice . You are a strong leader, a great friend, a wonderful sister, and you make u very proud parent You are mart, faithful, confident, independent, athletic and have a great sense of humor. Stay true to what you value and continue to use all of your God given talents. You, our love, are going to do great things! Keep smiling that beautiful smile. We love you unconditionally!!!

Dad and Mom.

• Share the most embarrassing moment at Seton. "My entire freshman year." -Kylie
Share your funniest moment at Seton. "When there was a fire alarm and Kacce Roberts was in a Santa suit" -Logan VanConant

Dear Lucas,

It's hard to believe you will soon be graduating from Seton and embarking on a new chapter of your life. We have definitely faced orne conflict along the way, but never once stopped believing in you. We see all the talents and gifts God has given to you and look so forward to . eeing you carry out all your hopes and dreams. You are a very smart, confident, athletic, loving, and funny young man. Stay true to your elf. Lead, like we know you can. Pray. Love God and be grateful always. We love you unconditionally!

Dad and Mom


You've always made u laugh and put a smile on our heart ! We're so proud of your talents and hard work.

All our love, Mom, Pop,, Danny, (and Muggle )

"For I know well the plan I have in mind for you, ays the Lord, plan for your welfare, not for woe! Plan to give you a future full of hope."

29: ll

• What will )OU miss most about Seton? "My classmates." -Lucas YanConant
· Share the most embarrassing moment at Seton. "I took ranch without paying because I didn't know it cost money." -Andy Vega

Our Precious Samantha,

You are a gift to our family and to the world around you. We have b 11 truly bles ed by your presence.

With your inspiration, strength, and witty personality, you mastered th e High School world achieving accolades, making friends, creating memorie and leaving your footprint on and off the basketball court.

Your courage speaks volumes of your fir:t leaps toward everything) ou have desired to achieve or explore. You've soared in your accomplishments and truly have ju t begun.

Your Love of your family, friend , teammates/coaches exhibits the size of your heart. Your beauty from the in ide out, radiates into the world to make it a better place.

You truly are the Love in our lives and those you touched in the Seton Community.

We are Proud beyond words, love you and are excited for you to take your next journey in life.

Jordan, your dad from heaven and I are so blessed to call you our beautiful Samantha, Sam, Samuel, Peanut, and H

Our Dearest Jasmine,

We have been ble ed to have an intelligent and beautiful daughter like yourself. It's hard to believe you are now in your senior year and headed off to college. You have o many academic and athletic accomplishments to be proud of. We know how hard you have worked towards your goal , and we are proud parents. As you prepare for your college years, we wi h you the be t. We know you will do great things in life and be successful in your future. We thank God each and every day for bringing you into thi world to u .

We Love You Alway and Forever, Mom, Dad, Anisa, and Michael

Share y our funni e st moment at S e ton. "Th e danc e battl e for Girls Varsit y Basl-.: e thall vs . JV during our ·'·
What is) our favorite dance move? "The "hip" -J asmine West


You have grown into a wonderful young man that is honest, trustworthy, compassionate, competitive, stubborn, and full of humor and love. ever a dull moment when you are around! We could not be more proud of you! We have complete confidence in you and are excited to see what is in store for your future!

Rememb r, G d has a plan for you. Keep your heart open to him, and all will be rev aled.

nd, ne er, ver forget the G D from the SEV!

Dad, Mom & Everett

You have been a ble ing to u from the minute we fir t laid eye on you the day you \\ere born, and have filled our hearts with pride and joy ever . ince. You are the be t on a mom and dad could ever a k for. You complete our family. E\en though the year have gone by too fa t, tho e year have molded you into an amazing and re pon ible young man, who accompli hes anything he et out to do. We know with your academic drive, out tanding character and your faith in G d, your future will be bright. s we look forward with pride in eeing you achieve your goals in college and beyond, remember no mat r where you go in life, our love will follow.

Share the most embarrassing moment at Seton. "Spilling water all over myself while
hy and he
to the best of us'
Yelli walked
said 'Happens


We have b n ble sed watching you b com an ama1ing young man with so many talents. Your positive attitude outlook on life will take you far. Your con ideration for oth rs and humility are admirable traits that other always recognize in y u.

Thank you for always b ing ·uch a bright light in ur family. We could not a k for a better<; n.

Always follow your heart and give thanks to God who has bles ed you with o many gifts.

Wear proud of you and excited for your future!

All Our Love, Mom, Dad, T . sa, and Bro ke


Ju tin Ko i ky and ndy ega, known around campu · for their lively ense of humor, have b en on at ImprovMania ince la t year. They perform weekly comedy how for the profit theater in Chandler. They, with there tofthecrew, held a comedy night at eton in ovember. Ju tin and ndy are the young st n the 14 per on cast, but their chemi try on tage is extraordinary. '!t' great to have my little guy there," ndy aid about performing with Justin. For th how, they take random uggestions from th crowd and incorporate it into th improv exerci e. Since every performance i. ba ed off that night's audience, the how i · always one-of-a-kind. ndy noted, 'U the cast is laughing, it'<; a good <;how." It i · a unique experience to partake in and i highly <;poken of by tudent<; who have attended in the pa . t.

Share) our funniest moment at Seton. "I blew a whistle in the quad and silenced the v. hole school." -Lul-\c Zuluaga
Ill I 58 Ill eniors


In ctober, <,enior<; Kohl Dorsey and Michael Garlid traveled to India on a mi<,sion trip. Through the Medical Mercy program with ne Child Matters, they spent over a week providing medical help to different ites in India. Kohl and Michael, were tasked to be nutritioni ts and registered, weighed, and mea ured children. At the 6 different site . they attended to throughout the trip, care wa · pro ided for around 30 kid per day. Between working with the kid , they received the opportunity to entertain and play with them. Kohl noted, '1\t each site, I bonded with two or three children becau e of the camaraderie we have felt whil playing catch." Being an avid ba<>eball player, Kohl made strong conn ctions with many of the bo; who \.\< re pa ·<;i nate about cricket. "I found it amazing how imilar I wa to the other boy my age despite our cultural difference "

Their work, although imple in ta k, made a world of difference to o many. In India, the medical y tern often cau e adult. and children to receive poor medical care. Many are not even touched by their 'tloctor"and are imply written a pre cription. Kohl and Michael provided per. onal, loving care-- omething tho e children are not accustomed to recei ing to the thousand of kid · th y helped.

Ill 159 Ill em )ro.;


I st Row: Eh;a Rt\·era. Bailey Reiling 2nd Row: Loren Ray bum. kyler treen. Chri'>tiana Hietter. Cindy Krzmarzick 3rd Roll'.: Erin Mager. Charlotte Kenneally. Lindsey Ferris I st Roll'.: Beth Lopez, Joanie Carosello, Lauren haptro, Aiden McRobbie-Johnson. Brianna Trevmo. arah 'aldo. Kendyl Thomp.,on 2nd Roll'.: oach Barba, Cabe 'v1artine1, Robert 'v1ead. onnor Lee, John Buessing, 'v1ark Kolosetke, Ltam Evi\ton. Robert Buessmg 3rd Roll'.: Luke Bastian, Steven Lopez, Eduardo Gamel, Joseph Kouvetaki'>, Chris Eckert, Quinn Burdtck, oach Kent I st Row: M01ra Kelly. Kalei Kuikahi, Jade Panlener, Mtkayla Han·an. Ja\mtne Garcia. 2nd Row: Mackinely Lutes- dlhoch, Alit Rayburn, Kay len Elkin'>. 3rd Row: Halle Lecker, Cassie Hanson, JU',tine Danielson, Dominique Oliver. lexis Casillia.,, Alexis Htll. st Row: Molly ullivan. hea Eubanks, Megan Giacobbt, Rebecca Cunha. Bre Mooney. Julie Fordyce, Alyssa Reese 2nd Row: ophta Cook. Madeleme Wtlliam>on. Maggie Scranton, arlie I t!...o, Grace Law,les-,. Camille Abele

ht Rov. ; Emma Lul..en, arly '\tl..in\On, Man.:elina Wienek. Kaitly n Shurr. Bridget Hodge-.. Mar)\\a \gne\, ydney 1agg1o, Gmce Bamhou'>e. Alic1a Derr. Shelby Genson, Mar) Rose Fuger, Deanna M1randa Pieper 2nd Row: Coach Br)·an Crane, Coach "Goose". Deanna Rusnocl... Claire Rafford, Kyle Atl..tn'>on. Mil..ayla Me ally. Archie Spindler. Vincent Hemingv.ay. Gabe Rangel. Zacl.. '\1endoza. Brendan Klein 3rd Rov.: Zuzanna Latocha, John Satz. Reagan Concha. M1chelle outure. Moim File\, Taylor teele. atalya Hiatt, Madeleine Ramo\, Logan Van onant. Jackie Tan

ht Rov.: Brandon Konecny, Vincent Dolce. Bndger Barker. Quentin H0\1'>, \'v' e\lon Milne • Bowers

2nd Rov.: oach Enc Larl..tn. Xav1er R1co, Domini!; loret. Jacob Garc1a. Mauricio Vega. Kelvin Taylor, Bryce ickel. Coach Kellan Fluckiger

ht Row: Glen\\ 1nh. Jarel.. Gr)'>l..iev.icl, cott Kinsey. Micheal Van Bruwaene. Zacl.. Paterick, Hamson Ger)l... icl.. Lee, teven hearen. Conner Ell1-., Chm Rapanut. Benny Regalado 2nd Rov.· oach cott Ferrance. C ach llaHilla, oach An Ferr.mce. Thoma' Lar en. Ben Peterson. Matthev. Kenedy. ick \\'ade. Ju\tln Mendoza, ndre\ Duman. D mm1c Pa\tore, Matthev. Manmez. Kyle Ferrance, oach Da,id ha1rez. oach Matt Kochis Rov. 3: Coach Zuluaga. Dylan Garcia, Joe Gonzalez, Sam Apej1. Jacob Hansell. Ryan O'Connor. Peter Fugger. Connor Mills. Johnny Abril. Patrick Ko\Sier, Jacob Sullivan, Vincent Wallace. Brodyn Janshen ot Pictured: M1chael Kenney

lst Row: Jo\e Lopez. ean Rodriguez. Ma-.on Toy ne. Hayden 1eyers. Dominic Sycam re. Ke' in Lav. lor. Jacob Terrill. Ryan Rodrick. Joey Cardenas. Anthony Cool.., Brandon Garcia. Dain Whitmire, C rey Manntng 2nd Rov.: oach Bresnahan. oach Kmg. Ma Hoffman. E\an Grincuna-Banolotta. Fore\! v.eet. Cole Brennan. McCaleb Murdock, Richard Batley Ill. John Paul Pa,tore. Joey Sullivan. Diego Rios. AJ Zambo111. 'v1ateo E-.tes. oach Patterson. oach Han 3rd Row: Zach Mucen ki. Matt Bre-.nahan. Ma:-. Kula!... M1chael Marx. Jonah toll. Thomas Kenney. Coa h Galante. Luke Zuluaga. Michael Romero. Chri' Rodnguez. Roman DeCaro. Bnan Dunn. Garret Boyd

I st Row: Te\\a Zuluaga. Gigi Game1. Riley Johnson. Morgan Romero. Vega. Kelly 'v1olloy. Ton Ramire1 2nd Rov. tephan1e Lopez. Rhetta Eubank\. Jc 1ca Kura\, Katie Bannon. Leighton Gagnon, Emily Dutton. Lauren Alli.,on. Elitaheth Schroeder. Coach a1tlin Lopet

I st Rov.: !\.1ar) Grace Bla.,er. Grace '\1ilhone 2nd Rov.: hmtme Agu1ar. Halle Johnson. '1.1adison -\bele. Ja\lmne We\t, Jo Jo choenhardt. Piper \\'cl..:h. \li on La.,ota 3rd Rov.: Coach Patti choenhardt. Emil) 1angone. Lauren J'ev.e,. Kirsten Companil... 1l..l..i Fulmer. 1al..ayla Kramer. Kat a'e). oa ·h Jame Johnson

FALLROSTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

I st Ro'' : Mark Kolosetke , Mi hael Van Bruv.aene, Jackson Lee , Ryan Johnson, tck Lee, Ham on Geryk 2nd Row: mcent Wallace. Garret lkin , Patrick Kossler. Jacob Hansell, 1111un, Patrick CogHim Coa h Hur t

I st Ro\\: McKenna Klecker , Kendy I Thompson 2nd Row : Megan Giacobbi. Ka> Ia Fullen, Camille \hele 3rd Rov. : Coach Ltnd'>e) Warbunon, Ton Ramtrez, Kanne Bou-Ghazale, 1aryssa Agnes. Emma kinner. Kaitlyn hurr, Kelly pmner, Coa h Kelh Wotrbttno'n

I t Row: Briana Trevino. Sarah -aldo, Varinia Snedeker, 'v1adison Abele 2nd Row : Abigail Klee, Abb) Kallay, Loralee Reddmg, Mallory Gomall, Dame lie .\1anella, Regan Dorsey , .,_1ady en Couture , Jessie Hamilton, amta alahi 3rd Row : Coach Grant Wagner, .\1adyson Welp, Emma Hayden, Axenia Alo, ' infita Milyard, Charlotte Kenneally, M.J Carrieres, Catherine Wa)pa , Coach Melanie Johnston

Ill 164 Ill Winter Ro ters

I >I Row : Kevm Lawlor. Heber Maldonado. James tevenson, Alan Hemande·z. ick Pabst, Jan cott, Da\iS Peck 2nd : \\' e ton Boardman. Joseph Kouvetakt'> , John Kenneally, Lou Ba>tion, Freddy Alexander, R an McCarville, Luca; Van onant, Matt Pabst Head oach: aul Budd


hadow Cactus hadows

.1Eiaske1tball team dominated the state championship with a win at Gila River Arena, beating Cactus Shadows 49-40. Senior Christine Aguiar explained that "This win was a comeback from losing the state championship game last year." About 220 students left school early to watch the game. The majority of those who stayed watched the livestream game from FOX Sports in the theater. When asked what the best moment in the game was, Coach Self said it was "LeeAnne Wirth swatting a Cactus Shadows player from behind."


MILE TO E II The 2016 title marks Coach Karen elfs Rth -.tate win at eton. Following the game. Lit Holter. who mark.ed her SOOth asstst, donned the cut net and posed \\ ith the team and their gold ball troph). It was a Monday mght. so celebration w a a long dinner at a restaurant across the street in Glendale. Ill 165 ///Winter

Jake Reuter, Sam Flore'>, J Holton, Garrett Bo)d. Luke Thomp'>On, Braden \1Jttun, Coach Art, oach King, oach Pinter, Carter Brad'>k). John Engelbert, Jacob TcmlL aNm Pmter. and Anthon) ooJ.; ht Row: Eric Friedl, Ruh.! V.oobe). Ja.,on Tan, Robb) Mead, Louis Oliva<, 2nd Ro"'. id. Wade, David Leach, Maf\ 111 Garrue'>. Brett /Cml'>kl, D1llon h1ple), f) ler A'>h
1st Row: Kend) I Thompson, Kendall Krick 2nd Ro"': Kaithn Amoro'>i, Courtne) Knecht. hri.,unc Aguiar. Kylic \'an -\rsdale 3rd Ro"': Coach Tiffan) Tate, Coach Jenmfer Kmg, McKenna Klecker. amantha WesseL LeeAnne Wirth, Jennifer Wirth, Sarah Barcello, LiL Holter, oach Karen elf
I Capta1n Jenn Wirth blocks "12 from Mesa High during the semifinal basketball game

I st Row: Jonathan Wozny, Jacob Beard, Michael Garlid, Anthon) ook. lexander Wozn), Luke Thompson 2: Coach ick Price. Tom Randolph, oah William , am Higinbotham. Braden Mirtun, Weston Boardman, John Engelbert, Betlach, oach ick hrisman, oach Wozn)

1st Row: Coach Chrisman, R)an Me an ille, ate Cunha, Mark Kolo eike, Ben Peter on, icholas Lee, Jarek ict, 2nd Matt chwab, ick avarro. arter Bradsky, K)IC Koloboski, Patrick Gorman, David Leach, Piaua, .\lex Bellin, oa h Wom)

1st Jason Tan, amer n Hamilton, Jacob weador, Aaron )Camore, oach Jeff) Jacob Pretzman, Reagan Merkel, Matthew Ouplissa, dam Bender

I st Row: Dominic Sycamore, Ryan Johnson, Max Muehlhausen, Jose Cardenas, K)le Ferrance, Ethan 2nd Coach MikeyWeavcr, Mason Goff, Dain Whitmire, Jakob Gr) Patrick Kessler, Jacob Hansell, Brett zemiski, Patrick oghlm, Ryan We le), Coach Channing

Ro ter (n t identificati n): Mal) Grace Bla. er, Jessica Camanche, aroline nrad, Lauren Fah). Deanna Max well-Garcia, Halle Lecker, atherine Li, May Lister, Cera Mons n, arah aldo, nna Pongracz, Elizabeth Pretzman, Gabrielle Roger Elizabeth chroeder, Varinia Snedeker, Jackie Tan, Luz Zamudio Ill 166 Ill Spring

I st Row: Kohl Dorse), le Klee, Michael Kenney, Michael Kittil . on. Mark Ossanna, Jake Pli hta, am Beattie, Pat ohn, Matt Masciangelo, Dominic Krzmarzick 2nd Row: Blake ewman, Luke Bell, Mike Venable, Bransen Cosgrove, Cooper Moore, Matthew Bresnahan, Matt Bergevin, Jake avarro. Fric Fri•dl, Mo · n

Roster (not identification): Paige Allen, riel Anderson, Luke Ba tian, Robert Beach, ole Brennan, John Buessing, Robert Buessing , Quinn Burdick, Joanie Caro ello. Kathleen asey. Patrick hampagne, Jeffrey Cifemo. lillian Ciferno, Roman DeCaro, icholas D roz. R gan D ndre Duman. licia Echeveste. hristopher Eckert, Garrett Elkins, Kaylen Elkins. onnor Ellis. Mateo E te , hea Eubanks. Liam Ev iston. Brian Freidhof, Peter Fugger duardo Gamez, Brandon Garcia, as sandra Garza. Felicia Gass. Harri on Gef) k:, Joseph Gonzalez, Kyle Grabauskas, Lucas Ham. MattheVv Harris . Emma Hayden, Sierra Hendersh t, lan Hernandez, Christiana Hietter, lexis Hill. harlotte Kenneally. William Kinsey, Brendan Klein, Harrison Kominski. Joseph Kouvetakis, Thomas Larsen, Wiktoria Latocha, onnor Lee, Brianna Lind, Elizabeth L pez, teven Lopez, Jaydon Lundberg-Tyson, Of) Manning, Davidson Many goats, abriel Martinez, Aiden McRobbie-Johnson, Robert Mead, Justin Mendoza, Josh Mercer, Haden Meyers, David Mueller, Cheyenne Murray, Ryan O'Connor, Kyle Panek-Kravitz, Zachary Paterick, Clare Peter on, Danielle Peterson, Miranda Pfaffenberger, AndreVv Poweleit, Brian Pulley. Michelle Quezada, Loren Rayburn, Benny Regalado, hristopher Rodriguez, Jacqueline Rodriguez, Michael Romero, Deanna Rusnock. nnie choenhardt, Abigail chroeder, Rachel elf, Lauren hapiro, teven Shearon. Myles helton, Ethan SheVvbridge, Evan Shewbridge. Dillon hipley. Garity tock. Jacob Sullivan, Molly ullivan. athanael ullivan. Forest Vveet, Jennifer Tavani. Mason Toyne. Briana Trevino. Michael Van BruVvaene, icholas Wade. Vincent Wallace, Christopher Yas . opoulos . Luke Zuluaga

l st RoVv: ophia Prompona , Aly a Ruiz. Hannah Belle Merkel.

Mari Flores, Tori Ramirez. Kaitlyn Amoro i 2nd RoVv: Emma

Skinner, Eva Toon. MacKenzie Budinger. Lindsey Wilson. Lauren

Shirley, Mary Ro e Fugger. Camille Abele

Ill 167 Ill pring Ro<.,ter

CO LOP 0 & H

The 2016 ntinel wa cr a ted by the Publication taff at eton atholic Preparatory in handler, AZ. Thi · b k wa · printed by Jo t n ,Inc., u ing Yearbook A venue, Replayit, Adobe Photo hop CC 2015, and Survey Monkey. The book wa produced u ing D II computer , Window 7, 64 bit m mory. Th th me of the the yearbook wa cho en by the 2015 Staff. The yearbook ad vi er are Mrs Tole and Mrs Pearson , and taff include Christine Aguiar, MacKenzie Angelo, Kelly Molloy, and Karli Burn The cover wa de igned by John Kenneally, Braden Mittun, and Ethan Shewbridge from The Crack

Graphic De ign Team, Fall Seme ter. The color u ed in thi book are VT papnka, , and VT navy, 67% gray, black and white. The te twa printed in A YT Lynn, AYT ENGRAVERS GOTHIC, and llJI7 in variou point ize . Thi book wa produced with digital photo taken by taff memb r , Seton tudent , faculty, parent , and other volunteer

The taff would like to thank all of the parent , faculty, tudent , and volunteers who provided picture for the yearbook. pecial thank go to Mr. Foor, Mr. Sorkin , Mrs. Grindey, Mrs . Martinez , Mrs. Dodaro , Mrs . E v ans , and all of the teacher who arranged photo and allowed u to

enter their cia e . We would especially like to thank Mrs. Engelbert, Mrs. Boas, Mr. Rodriguez, Mrs. Friedl, Mr. Foor, Mrs. Gert on, and Mrs. Taylor.

We owe a pecial debt of gratitude to Mr. P oor's pho t ography students, in particular we thank Freddy

Alexander, Lida Serrano, Patrick Champagne, Matt Mikaelian, and Isaiah Timmons for their repeated contribution to our book. Thanks aJ o go to the tudy hall cla: es who helped to identify tudents, especially Michael Kenney who know just ab ut everyone in the chool. We would a} o lik to thank Lamar Studio for providing ports team picture , chool portrait , and the enior cia picture. Your dedication to Seton i great! y appreciated!

and report ng

"In Public. n , yor your nomework."

Letters from the Seniors


After countle hour and nothing but complete commitment, I am o happy to how the re t of the eton community what the yearbook taff been working on. With only four tudent in thi cla , putting thi book together took a group effort and for that I want to thank everyone involved with the making of thi b k. Our theme thi year i ent In; we are referring to how eton end people into the world ready and capable of being succe ful in their religiou , ocial, and career live . Being a enior, I have witne ed fir t hand the many re ource eton provide with etting tudents up for This book how · how not only are we individually capable of being great, but we, a a community united, make u greater. We hope you enjoy!

Mackenzie ngelo top six

/ffhe idea of being "Sent In" repre ents all of the way that we are prepared during our time at eton for there ·t of our live In this b k, we tried to how how we are prepared through athletic , art, and academic to take on life after high chool all the while keeping our faith prevalent. We ha e been in tilled with chari m that a i t u to be ent In to the real world and ready to take on life's battle I would like to thank all of the member of the 2016 yearbook taff for the countle hours of their time that they committed to making thi book p s ible We did it! I hope you cheri h the memorie we created thi year a much a I d . We hope you enjoy!

hri tine Aguiar


Rueter. Jacob 15. 39. -+6. -+7. 5 .67. 1-+1. 159.165

Ruu. Alyssa 17. 34, 6:!. 7:!. 162. 167

Ru.,nock Deanna 27, 76, 163

Rus.,ell. Daria 0

Ryan. iu-Lmg 69

sahagun Ill, Armando 72

alz,John54,5 ,60,141,163

alahi, amia 37, 61, 62. 65. 0. 16-+

alanr. babel 69

allurday. Emilee 63. 6-+. 65. 0

amuels. Emily 10. 5-+. 55, 142, 162

Sanchez, Rebecca 69

anders. Cecilia 31. 65. 69, 15

andomir, Mar) Jo 33. 69

ant. Jared 76

anllago Ill, Marvin 43. 55, 63, 142, 159

candura, Jomme 60, 69

chan berger. chu) ler 63. 65. 143

Scheer Craig 143

Schoenhardt, Anna 39, 57. 76

choenhardt, Rebecca 43. 57. 67, 144. 163

chroeder, Abigail 25, 57, 60, 65. 2, 3. 144

chroeder. Elizabeth 12. 21. 57, 61. 67. 80. 163. 166

chroeder, Rebekah 72

ch"' ab, Matthe"' I0. 0, 81, 162. 166

Scott, Ian 19, 145, 164

cranton. Margaret 33. 48, 63, 72, 162

elf. Karen 14 , 68, 69. 165

elf. Rachel 62. 76

errano, lexandra 145

hap1ro. Lauren I I , I 43, 61. 65,67. 0,162

haughnessy. Teague 76

hearon, teven 62, 70. 72. 163

Shelton. Myles 35. 50. 62, 76. 164

She"' bridge, Ethan 56, 2, 83. 146

he\'. bridge, Evan 27, 31, 56. 80

hipley. Dillon 31. 36. 76, 165

h1rley. Lauren 17, 45. 60. 63, 66, 67. 146, 167

Shurr. Kaitlyn 9, 76, 163. 164

Sichmeller, Jacob 72

Silva, Julianna 62. 72

Skinner, Brandon 80

Skinner. Claire 33, 46. 47, 57, 59.60,65,147

Skinner. Ella 57. 65, 76

kmner, Emma 57. 65. 76, 164, 167

ladek. Zachar) 72

Slovensky. M1chael 0

Smith, Ezek1el 25, 36. 43, 51, 61, 62, 0, I m1th. Jack 76

Sm1th, Tim 37, 69

Snedeker, Varinia 43. 51, 64. 147. 16-+. 166

orkin, David 69

Spmdler, Arch1e 9, 65. 66, 76. 163

Spinner, Kelly 60, 76, 16-+

tanle). La\\\en -+3. 5 14

teele, Taylor 9. 32. -+3. 45. 51.

59.63.65. 14H. 163

Stephen\on. Bri<m 69

tevason. M1chael 72

teven\on. Jame., 27. 33. 61. 63. 65. 0. 162. 164

tock. Garlt) 76

Stoll. Jonah 6, 31. 43. 64. 0. 163

toll. Victor 7. 33, 39. 40. 41. 43. 55. 59. 149, 159

treen, kyler 72, 162

Sukkar. Faisal 30, 32, 66, 67. 149

ulh\'an. Jacob 6-+. 67, 72, 163

ulli\ an. Joseph 80, 163

ulll\an. Molly 4 . 72. 162

ulli\ an. athanael 18, 80

Sweador, Jacob 56, 150, 166

Sweador, Kaitl)n 56, 61,72

weador. L1sa 69

weet, Fore\t 40. 41, 80, 163

S)camore, aron 21, 43, 45. 50.54,56,66, 150,166

ycamore, Dominic 56, 64, 65. 76. 163

TTan. Jackie 9. 21. 56. 60. 62, 63, 65, 66, 151, 163. 166

Tan. Jas n 27, 56, 76, 165, 166

Ta\ani, Jennifer 43. 60, 63. 64, 65, 151

Taylor. Kay lee 46, 47. 59, 65, 152

Taylor, Kelnn 20, 59, 65. 66. 152 , 163

Tepper, Hannah 62, 63, 76

Terranova Jr., Joseph 72

Terrill, Jacob 6, 15. 39, 40, 41, 51, 0, 163 , 165

Tewes, Lauren 2, 12, 76, 163

Thiel, JeSSICa 64. 65, 72

Thomas. Chri.,topher 80

Thomp'>on. Kendyl II , 62, 73, 162. 164. 165

Thompson, Lucas 15. 37. 54. 0. 165, 166

Thompson , arah 31, 43. 54, 60.63, 0

Timmon'>. Isaiah 49. 62, 153. 159

Tole, Melissa 69, 169

Tomlin.,on, Sophia 61. 62. 70. 73

Toon, E'a 10. 17. 30, 31. 0, 162. 167

Toyne, Ma.,on 76, 163

Tran, Diep 60, 61, 62, 65, 0

Tran, om1an 73

Trevino, Briana II, 18, 49, 82, 83. 153. 162. 164

Trogg1o , Isabella 44. 80

Tucker. Joshua 64, 76 v

Van Bru\'.aene, Michael 6. 73. 163. 164

Van House. Laura 61, 80

VanArsdale, Kyhe 14, 32, 43,,62.64,65,66. 67, 154, 165

VanArsdale, Steven 76

VanConant, Logan 9, 30, 32, 55,56,60, 154,163

Van onant. Lucas 30, 32, 56, 64 , 155, 164

Van onant. Paige 24, 56, 76, 77

Vega. Andy 24. 25. 59. 62. 63. 6-+.

ega. Mauricio 50. 54. 76. 163

Vega. Mia 12. 6-+. 73. 163

Venable, M1chael 16 76. 16-+. 166

Vetti. Michael 32, 65. 69

Vo, Khanh 60. 61, 64. 65. 80

Vu, athahe 76

wWade, icho)a., 6, 73. 163, 165

Walentitsch, ha\c 36, 0

Wallace. Vmcent 6, 70. 73, 163, 16-+

'Warren. M1chael 37. 44, 80

Waypa. Catherine 61, 62. 64, 80, 164

Waypa. Rebecca 34, 62, 73

Webb. Jake 61, 62, 73

Weber. Monique 61. 65, 80

Welch. Piper 12. 63, 67, 73, 163

Welp, Mady.,on 19, 61. 73, 164

Wendt. ugu.,llne 80, 162

Wessel, Samantha 14, 156 , 165

West. Ja\mine 2. 12, 37. 63. 64.65. 156,163

Westley. Ryan 36, 60, 64.76

Whitmire, Dain 33, 76. 163

Whitmore, Jalen 76, 164

Wiertek, Marcellina 9. 61, 63, 65,80.163


Williams. oah 2, 13. 43, 51, 54, 60. 157, 165. 166

Williamson, Julia 54, 61. 73. 164

William\on, Madeleine 63, 73, 162, 164

Wilson , Lindsey 17, 61, 62, 63. 65,80,167

Wilson. Parker 62, 73

Wirth , Glen 73, 163

Wirth, Jennifer 43, 51, 61, 80, 165

Wirth , LeeAnne 44, 51, 61, 80, 165

Woolsey. Rube 73, 165

Wozny. 13, 61, 62. 65, 0. 166

Wozny. Jonathan 13, 61, 62. 65, 80, 166 y

Yacoub, babelle 26, 77

Yacoub, Magdalena 80

Yassopoulo'>. Chri\lopher 18. 65, 66. 82, 83. 157

Yehle, Benjamin 10, 73. 162

Yousif. Sophia 65.77

zZambom, Anthony 80, 163

Zamud1o, Lu1 77. 166

Zientek, Abigail 54, 63, 77

Zimmerer , athan 24, 34, 50, 61, 62, 0

Zuluaga, Luke 7, 18. 32. 40. 41,55.158,163

Zuluaga. Tessa 12, 31, 46, 47, 63, 77. 163

Zylla. Julie 69


loya sons and dau

be m·ndfu of thy tea

_ Faithful ever, our en oaL Alma Mater, A ma eton High, we stand befo ping forth to take our place old As a family we move o ave Se on Spirit rve v r

_ Seton High, we pledge our lo ave. VVe will ever prove our cons ave. For our God and for our co or faithfully, showing forth in every c by hee. As thy loya sons and daug thy teachings and to bear thy standar er, our endeavor may thy honor be ou ater, Alma Mater, hy true greatness we before you joined with Sentinels , young a ke our place anew bear the banner red an m·ly we move onward, placing trust in God

e forever Faith, Determinat·on, Courage, L ge our loyalty, pledge our honor, pledge ou our constancy, aided by God's grace fro r God and for our country we. will labor nsti led by thee. As thy loyal sons and rive, 0 Seton High, to be mindful oft thy honor be our goaL A ma Mater tness we extol! Seton High, we s ng and old Stepping forth to tak lacing trust in God above Seta

_ Se on High, we pledge our I ledge our love . VVe will ever r God and for our country, rth in every action Those ons and daughters, we ul of thy teachings an ul ever, ou ndeav

Mater!l Alma Mater

- .T

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