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athttlto H?jh Sohttttl The Sentinel 008-2009 1150 North Dobson Road Chandler, AZ 85224 www. setoncatholic. org c480) 963-1900 r. ( )

Sen-ti-nel (sen' te nel) n. One that keeps guard; a sentry.

Seton Sentinel

Once a Sentinel, always a Sentinel. We define ourselves through red and gold. We shout for Seton at Friday football games, proudly singing our Fight Song. We are involved, we participate, and we learn and grow with our class and our year. We are defined by our surroundings- the atmosphere of red and gold that permeates our very being. Our fellow Sentinels that fill our classrooms and crowd our cafeteria. We think red and gold, we breathe red and gold, we ARE red and gold. We are Sentinels, and we are proud.

ClttbJ;, SjJf!rfJ;, attd Acadtmtc.J; Page 6 StJjJitlJmtJre Pf!rtrata Page 158 S!ttdtnt Ltfe Page 106 FreJ!tmen Pf!rtrata Page 170
Pagtf and Sentttr Ptcatref
PtJrtrat!k Page 182
anttJr PtJrtrata Page 146 StnttJr Adi and Index Page 190 TaJ!r 0!. Cr11. ( )

In-volved (in-volvd ' ) Adj.: Connected by participation or association.

Seton extra-curriculars help us define our interests through our activities and involvement. We meet new people with the same interests and activities, and make friends that we will share the most important years of our lives with.

Seton Activities- Clubs, Sports, and Academics define who we are as a scholar, athlete, and club member.

We learn who we are and what we like to do, what we like to learn, and how we like to go about doing it. We have pride in our Sentinel teammates, classmates, and clubmates. We have pride in our abilities and the abilities of our fellow Sentinels. We are what we do. We are Sentinels!

Var4ilJ! Ftttttbatt


.Bro+t t' y lc>Vt: tltE-' fnott all :.t ·ur: i.' u t ur; ' part n:· wL·Lt IIl<Jkt', tlliR

c., I in 1 wll tLr y 'l.J' ' · Or

' i!:trl. off Le 5E-'l

:,.n •y 'Lrt' tL. ,...., fur- E'<.lf·L o t (. .::> (f- r hb}:lt/ Sc Til • of hE Var•si+y

p:ay 'I''i 'tltE

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Definition of "team" : a nurnber of persor s forming o e of the sides ::.n a garr e or contest.

Pa, 11 Allen's definition of "team'' : a group of people wllo loar'n trust each pla\y the ga..rne and stand by each other on and oe·tl:e fleld.

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JV FtJtJrbatt
Fr.H fillrh.lt l I
Sttf!tt PtJ Band

Adventure (ad-'ven-ture) n .: l. an exciting or remarkable experience . 2 . a bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain outcome .

Advtnl4rt Ctab and BtJtJk Ctab

Book (book) n .: l . a written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction , usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers . 2 . A printed or written literary work .

Mrs . Kubasack teaching her students morality Mrs . Sandomir's students performing a prayer service

"My Ho 11 1,ests in God aJonc f:lor 1 who comes my Halv Lion. II

"Eve though I walk th1 o0gh the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evi, for You are with me.ll

-Psa:rr1 23:4

"For God so :oved the world tl at r e gave IIis o e r1d o rr:y Son, whoeve1 believes in I Iim shall ot perish but have oternallife . 11

-John? : 6

"A d J.ow there rema:n ra·u, .Lope and chai'ity, these th oo : b"Jt the greatest oft ese is charity.11

-1 Corinthians o:1o

( )
Andara alla scuolaGoing to school (Latin)

Etude'- Studying (French)

Foreign Language: Any language '-'

Trabajador- Hard worker (Spanish)
3..11 l
I I ,ken by the people of a specific place.

Golf: n. A game played on a large outdoor course with a series of 9 or 18 holes spaced far apart, the object being to propel a small, hard ball with the use of various clubs into each hole with as few stro es as possible.

Golf Team: Golfing is nice because you can get out and play a game and it 1 s pretty much a guarantee you won 1t get hurt. It is definitely just a time to chill and relax, or get really frustrated.

( )

Golf/ n: (1) a game in which clubs with wooden or metal heads are used to hit a small, white ball into a number of holes, usually 9 or 18, in succession, situated at various distances over a course having natural or artificial obstacles, the object being to get the ball into each hole in as few strokes as possible. (2) 11 Hit and hope. 11 - Ryan Mahoney, senior (3) 11 A waste of time. 11 -Kyle Mahoney, senior

Commu'nica'tion n . : l . a transmitting 2 . a) a giving or exchanging of information etc . 3 . a means of communicating.

Fr'E·rwL Chu is )PE'Tl to •L.:.: ..._yl,.: .f wllc Ls in l 'al'::::.u 1g

rnc .:: ' at (J'lt tilE' Fr ·rL 'l"l ( ur This ·:ut

Wanna buy a Croissant?

( ) rrrb't Club

What is FIIS?

FrencL I OilOl'S Sor;ie ,y crJy COLSitH Of Fr Hlch students

oi'the AP a d Honors Frennh 6 classes . It is about promoting tho FrDnch cult"'Jre in our com m unit.y as well as being able to serve the comm'Jnity in a Catholic

Learn'ing n . : l . the acquiring of knowledge or skill 2 . aquired knowledge or skill.

What do you enjoy most about French Honors Society?

Kelly Rzonca : "l enjoy Gutoring the most! l like shLLring my knowledge and my love of the French language with other Fl'ench students . It cmates a bond with othet's!"


Orne:i.as' deflnit:on of English : "the wordiest class ever ."

Defini ic. L: (11.) A ·u L 8 n· L';.c ivid' 1a.. vl< SM in tLE' stu c.,:· Rr..r;lii::Sh :angtu1ge , c""' c:ornposlt HL


Jon ooro's definition of Eng:ish : "Where we learn about the English langJage and literature ."

( )

Hobert Valenzuela's definition

o:' English : "A course that is designed to develop a comprehension of and grammar ."


Kevin Zeck 's definition of English : "The language we speak daily ."


H:story: (n.) branch o · knowledge dealing with pasu events.

> h·u:· 1 tu ... t s 'Ll> ' >IlE t>er tt n 'E'." -Flyr r. Maku....s
Sophomores: >
r'lilior (,:· rI
I;c;00ry i:::n[, rtu.L_t
r +s h'i+ L·1v '
·r I .._·u:· 'lJ c will !L-u lg(
.._,.,s c f 1r·
1t .._r· !"
Juniors: c


f)Pni )r clHLr Lor o:· tL!:i:.C>ry: "T t' wa.v del.t.d. tort :.!lE'

·.ving! Nc . h 1+ in

8IlE S'"' Wt-

( )
l't'<Ul.V do lt>:.L:::r. ·1 :P ...::: ... H1story ChRs!" - K1y a H 'll lE-'I E ru...r ...

Definition: (n .)

adjective l. directed or proceeding ovor fields, thro, 1gh woods, etc., ra:,her than on a road or path : 'l cross-country race . 2. from one end of country to the other : a crosscountry flight .

noun 3 . a cross-country sport or race .

What's your favorite about cross country?

"My favorite thing is ru_nning with :.he girlR and it was olways so much fun and there was never a dull

-Sarah-Rae Bugayong

( ) Gtr!J Crt'JJ Crtmrry
H ys ':J.L i rr rl8 (;noRs ';ountry +Earns tor i t y ' !Lbini!"J.f.r ' I raeti ·t> ar i Rtr't tl'hing · l4 He >k, E: J.r p ·r c.1C..iR . )

Boys Crus9 Country Runners: Matt Belus Damien Voita Andrew Doroz, Jack Nguyen, Kent owak, Mike Felix, Edward Reitter, Tyler Gilbert, Patrick Shuerman,SolBugayong

Btrfft Crtr4:J; Ctrllltltff

... ft avo:::i r ·ut of (I' Sb - rc)a;ni V< ( )

Swtm and lJtve Team

Dive: v. to plunge, especially head first, into water.

( ) r E 71

Swim: v. to move through water by means of limbs, fins, or tail.

of a Dive

am-b s'-dr, -d6r' : (n .) a diplomatic of 1ci of the highest rank sent by one sovereign or state to another as its res· dent represenuative

strr asters is a huge part of being a a bassador . Here re a few ar::J.bassadors learning the ins aLd outs o:· public speaking ar:d gro.duating rom a :ong rigorous

( )
i/ r ·r B-tf l W:t'l n ArtCtttb 8t 1--<J.' 11 f r ( )

Latin. noun.

C1 .) an Italic language spoken in ancient Rome, fixed in the 2nd or 1st century b.c., and established as the official language of the Roman Empire. ( 2.) 11 lt sounds boring at first but when you learn to speak it, it becomes really cool to see how Latin is in our everyday words. 11

( ) '>tz« Pl!dztrt
Latin C1 ul > n1embcrs left :o right: Bria 1 Jw·eu Rue; \r.._sky , Mr. \t , Michael Po:owt>k:, k drew DOI'OZ Vice PresidentLauren O'neill PresidentBrian Espiritu
Natzernat Htrntrrf StrottJ

Ptrm Ltttt

Dance/ n : C )to move one's f ,ot or body, OY' both, rhythmically ir.. a patteP o:· steps, esp . to the accompar i o:· nn.1sic "Dance loving to m"Jsic nd looking good fo y fans!'' Nicole Franco

Trainer ('tra-ner)

n . a person who treats the ailments and minor injuries of the members of an athletic team .

Katy Dean's definition of trainer: Well, we're not your water girl or slave . But, we'll be the band-aid uO your laceration, the ice to your contusion and the cr'.ltch to your sprain .

( ) lprtl l./lft Dt
s tu
SPnior' v1c·ALs"" 'I' shows off hr•r jurn )ir
g ·1t SjJtrtt
IlOUit. ( l.) Ci Bf>C, n.. hat
sE nveci r.::t·Ld :r·orn f lmnt nf turnl (lur r•t jurr...r cLil l stunting n
spc ,:::·:,R tF an at garr cs ann e:trl.tdws " sr or tha/ ·lk a lcJt or nard wnr·k Gdl \.;ation , a.,. tlnlE '

Competition- Rivalry for supremacy. Contesting for honor and pride

Crm/lflilit'H CM ( )
"Where's my girl? Where's my birthday girl?!"
( ) rat/Ptw
( ) /PnVg Vd!Ej6al/

team-work (teem'-wurk)


.: cooperat·ve or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting togetLer as a team or i j_ the :nterests of a common cause

Sent ·nel teamwork: being abl.e to rely on each other and knowing that your teammates have you:::' back o matter what.

( ) JVVdtryMH

Definition of "hit" : (v.) to succeed in striking) to deal a b:ow or stroke to, to come against with an impact or collision.

Stephanie Lacey's defin.tio!l of "hit": (v.) hitting the ba.h as hard as you can at the other team's faces .

( )

Math (math') n

l . a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic o quantity and shape and arrangement


. mathematics

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rrhe Dofi itio o:·
"Beautiful, because the same in every country ."
-Brear ..a Castro
( )

Defintion of Basketball [bas-kit-bawl] (n): a game played by two teams of usually five players each on a rectangular court having a raised basket or goal at each end, points being scored by tossing the ball through the opponent's basket.

Girl's Defintion of Basketball: a team sport that brings out someone' s character and bring's people together. We have a ballin' time! (No pun intended) -Katie Doerer, Senior Team Co-Captain
Andrew Blauvelt's definition of Basketball : A sport where you dribble and :,he ball into the hoop .

Defini+ion of Free throw: (L.)An from the foU: :ine :warded :,a a fotL.ed p:ayer and scored as one po::.:!:lt 1f successf:Jl.

One or two unobstructed shots at that one line when welre fouled .

( ) V alfli Frr/:Mr11 Bt'j1 &d:da/1
Jimmy Radzik Is Definition of free throw :

of work (n.) 1. work aunA l'Y severa... asso :at .s with eaeh c.oing a par bJt all su personal prc>J:.::.!JP.DCP to the eff'lciency of :l:A whole .

2. All m..v ':Bammates working her to bring bes0 in each otr1er. (Ca.rr..:.::e Adams, 11"'esr.:mm)

::Jefinition of a Free (n.) 1. ar.. unhindered shot 1n baske0ba..: rc.ade f:::orn behL'l.d a set line and awarded beca"Gse of a fo· 1 by an opponent . 2 a one point shot at a given spot on 0he co'Jrt tha0 ID'lR.,., be shot when the refs call a foul on t.he opposite tearc. as you are going up :or a shot. Most basketball players can make this except for shaq. (Kristen Walters freshman)

JV llltd FrtWtitx Gir!J /3llJi:dk ( )
( ) wv
What is your dei'irution of Journalism.? - I r• "' : l .y w an l K lf' Y Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Retreat: Cl )A period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude for prayer, meditation, or study. (2) 11 The best time to bond with your class and have fun! 11 -

Scrabble: Cl )a brand name for a game combining anagrams and crosswords in which two to four players use counters of various point values to form words on a playing board (2) 11 A fun game that challenges you to think of different and interesting words so then you can win. 11 - Britney Pietrzak, senior

The Scrabble Queen, Dr. Krings, is the founder of the Scrabble Club. 11 1 wanted to have a Scrabble Club because it is such a fun and classic game that anyone can play! 11

<;ud!!t Ctu.! ( )


DE fL. i iOL of Biology: The st:J.dy of phySll'al, PI.viroirme I .u:J., and social (Munud Flureb, fresruna:1)

Definit:on C>f 8 •iun · : (r....)l C1 ,: know... o::: st'Jdy dealing a body c: 1 or systE rr:ati · a:r:'&'":ged and operu+ ior. of gent>:::al let the n ...atherr:.atical sc.;iHI · 2 kr...owlecig :.he physical matt.-:ri' WOI'1d gw ed thrn_lgf obRervat:or a ... PXperimenta •

Katelyn McCaigJe's

de:'initio:::l of cher:c.istry : 11 A fun a...TJ.d active class" Steven Matta's of chemis:.ry : "The betwee ... spagettios and :m.o:es .''


( )


o Physics: Fun

w::.h D2. Riley ar...d a good partne:::· (Ther-esa Wirth Sophomore)

Seniors : P Bnt.n,es defir i• ic.;L c

:JJ13.tc my: The f:t 1dy u t..l-J.e t. rna: body

:.:: ... to how we B.:'f e u d) orr .l.r

( )

Hes (Ree-spekt') n. Asteerr.. for or a sense oi:' the worth c r exce:.:Ance o: (j, perso u or ability, O:::' so ething "O s1dered as m.anifestation o.l a p )rso:aa:. q1 ality O:::' ttbi.Lty

Madisc,r... Freed's

deCr litior .. of Respec;.. : everyone no the:r race . nationality, or Definition of SADD(n)Students Against Destructive Decisions ::.s a peeryouth education, substar..ce and 3lcohol 0se and ab'Jse prevention organization i11 the :JSA


When asked about the activities of the Students for Life club, senior Sean Lawlor says, 11 We do a lot concerning the promoting of pro life. As Catholics it is important to promote a good pro life outlook. 1

'. "l....oo--.
M >ll.V H·iJ·lc w-"F Fr.L 'ay's l t,o Wf''l.J' wh·Ltover ycr 1 ! " )

D f:.. 1t1o!'L of Soc; · ·r

. "T f har l ' . r! OR cliffi •ult. ancl clei!l'lLl i:!.g sp r· ver.' Mu oy

.. "::-;a:n • 1:im." -QuiLt<.,L

Art: .C f:.r..itio:::. o , Art ClaRs- (n) a whi ; ,YlJ' :ear 1-, draw or pair t

: r r......ti< n of -1 us.i.

Weight Lifting:

:)efir i ion >f We!gl t Liftir g(rt) +lp ac:, a!'+ , spr>r of hrbell8 of giv ,n poundagE in a pPt>sc:ribed r er-, E:t..S a co:::npetit::ve ever o:::· co:::lditiorl.ing E:X • :-n ise

) ar ar of sound L... t ...rr.Le :.nat E·x ressf•A iae8.8 f:lnd emct:o s .. l sif,L...fi !ar ...t .r lgh ele.::r ...er...ts o: ... . ffiP.].ody .v , a:1d co:n r .

Dance : Defirut:on of Danc·E" (n) '1 Sl..CC88SlV8 Of rhythiL.ical stf,ps or bodily rnoti')ns , or bCJtl1 , usually Axec;· ted to ffi11SlC

Music :

Gor..nE'r Walborn's dAf::.r......tlor of wrestling: iR no ::!.kt: a..rzy oth('r Rport . It's ,;t:st you <1...'1 your oppo er + The ot sclete . Y )1.L 'll' \ your f- nemy o 1t th n'E\ TherA are no tlrn outs, r...o rest. fastest and strongest wins .

Wrestlir.g: a in which two opponents stl'ltgf,lt> hand 00 hand in o:::'der tc or press eaeh other's sho'J.lders the mat or grouLd , tl .e style . and :'egJlatior..s differing wide:y in arr.atE:. · r anci professional :r atches .

Definition of Spanish Club- (n) organization that encompasses a diverse group of enthusiasts of the Spanish language, Hispanic cultures, and Senor 1 s dancing ability to the song, 11 Lean like a Chollo. 11

"La Sociedad de Espaflol de Honores trabaja fuerte y llega lejos"

Honors (n .) on-ers special rank or distinction conferred by a university college, or school upon a student for eminence in scholarship or success in some particular subject.

p Ra:.:,Y (Pep H:Wly). n : ( ... ) a ...r... •ting. ei::ip. c. f RtUd •ntR t >E fbrE a.r. ir t 'i'Hclw:&sti · ·J.tllle:.ic (;ontes . to sti.::r... ulate @;I'O •I nthuBi 1Bm by I' t-BJ.k._c.; , 'llf-:E'I'S , f tt'. (' .) "an clSR8ITlb:y to pur:ap up :.hr E-<tucl.PLts! "- KyJ.e Tuylor, s •:::;..:rlr

©11/&®® ®W

lrp RMJt, ( )

Definition of Track: (n.) [trak]. the group of sports performed on such a course, as running or hurdling, as distinguished from field events.

( )
Jordan Plichta's definition of track: Life
( ) 'jJ Tnrtl: u.i Mf

Track (Trahk) n. n. Athletic events performed on a running track and the field associated with it. adj. of, pertaining to, or participating in the sports of running, pole-vaulting, broad-jumping, etc.

----.... -
( o:a rr twic\.:k : Singing, c <. WGUJ'i:::lg I y )u .LLCU.L).. ' d l av1::: g f ......L..
fmrr.Ctu. ( )
( )

Definition of baseball: [byes bawl]. A game played with a bat and ball by two opposing teams. Each plays alternately in the field and at bat. The players at bat have to run a course of four bases in a diamond pattern to score ( 11 We hit rocks. II -Kyle Eddy)

( )

The difference between the impo sible and the po ible lies in a person's Lasorda

Soft-ball/ noun: Cl )A variation of baseball played on a smaller diamond with a larger, softer ball that is pitched underhand. (2) "When we are in softball season, we run ... a lot. " -Kelsey Rodriguez, junior. (3) "You wanna antagonize me? " -Seton Softball Seniors ,,.J,., (


MoJy S'Jllivan's

DPErL· ,i )fl of Tennis : The c"'J.lminatior: of hard work . gooC:!. frienda . and inte s 1 physLc· · aet.Lon

TrM ( )
( ) Tt11/li.J

Definition of Boys Tennis- (n) a game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court

De ir :tiur of Philosophy [fiL la t>O fpe] (n .) L. a search or a general 11nuerst(Lndi!:lg of values and reality by l h:eey sp C' aativ \ rather than observatior al rr.lea.n8.

Shannon Ryan's ..itlor.. philosopLy : The love of wiRd or n . I:. arouses questlOLfi ft>orn Gef 1 inside us ' c1 drives u q r 0 searcl for +-he truth .

Language : An inspirational way to express a new language at school.

Jen Grueb's De inition of Sign
( )

devotee, ollowci'. or adrrJror of a 8:tJOI' uelebrity, etc

p· • • l'f ( ) DE .....n1 ..n!l o... an: n. a..."rl

Yearbook /yrbk/ (Yeer-book) n.

l. a book published by the graduating class of a high school or college, containing photographs of class members and commemorating school activities.

Katie l)eerer
( ) IEARBOOK! Farralt Far
CltrlJune Lee Sltaf! McGradj;
Ktff;; Btattvail KtJ!tt
V£4RBOOK ( )
Brtanna Han.Jen

High School (Hi - Skoal) n. a school attended after elementary school or junior high school and usually consisting of grades 9 or 10 through 12.

High School- A place where kids in grades 9-12 come together to experience the joys of being teenagers. To laugh, cry, and smile together as classmates and friends. To define themselves in their own personal and unique way.

At Seton, students form a wonderful close-knit community. Everyone is involved and everyone participates. Dances are packed, pep rallies are heard for miles, and the school is flooded with Sentinel Spirit. We are Sentinels, living our high school experience together.

Stutlclll Lf# l)M,ir. ( )

. t.he t ;.he E-......charist.

•. tht c lebration cf Euchar1s j_ ;.h anti}: h r. sung at a 3u. ·haristic 8 'rviCt'.

( )
Homecoming Week 200
Ultdntuda;;: Stn!lntt HtrtJ.Jt
This year ior dogeball the senim· girls took home the uhan1pionship , while the senim· boys also won the volleyball game ! Good job class of '09!
Creative things that Seton students do on the weekend! l 0 Challenge your friends in Wii and Xbox 2 Go to the movies 30 Play Manhunt 40 Scavenger Hunts 50 Go bowling (cosmic) 60 Have camp outs 7 Have sleepovers 8 0 Enter yourself in Assassins 90 Go ice-blocking

Los Favorites is the place of the upperclassmen. If you have a car Cor an older sibling) you are probably going to be spending your time at this happenin 1 place! It is located only a mile away from school and they have the best burritos!

Hangout/ hang·out/ noun l . a place where a person frequently visits, esp. for socializing or recreation.

2. a slang term for a frequently visited place.

3. 11 Kickin 1 it like a kickstand with my kickstas! 11 - Ryan Redger, Senior

Top l 0 Places To Eat After School Is Out l. Los Favs 2. Burger King 3. Paradise Bakery 4. Peter Piper Pizza 5. In 1n 1 0ut 6. Spicy Pickle 7. Chipotle 8. Del Taco 9. Sonic ( 10. Subway Ddztrlilltkrt )
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( )

o:· sweet heart: (n .)

(l.) either of a pair of lovers ir ... relation to the other .

(2 .) a beloved .

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Do I have to?!

( )

Ka-iros/ n:

(l.)a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action : the opportune and decisive moment

(2.) 11 A time for God, getting to know yourself, and creating life-long friendships in the process. " -Molly Sullivan,

rector of Kairos XXVI

11 Time away from your hectic life to relax and better your relationship with yourself, your friends, and God.

11Tim Waters, Kairos XXVII Canidate I

( )
Steven Matta Nick Spirakus Pat Marrujo Brent Huddelston Aaron Lester Sergio Moncada Bree Wells & Dennis Rogers
( ) pJ
Kyle Taylor Mallory Wayne Megan Rush & Cayley McLean Landry Davis & Natalie Samuels Erika Schwartz Tommy Elkins Nicole Franco Breanna Castro Kelsey Higgins Alannah Brogan
Tim Waters Cm, (
Remember W!tcn..
( ) rfmUJ l)M:Vr

Student (stood 1 nt) n. l. a person formally engaged in learning, esp. one enrolled in a school or college; pupil. 2. any person who studies, investigates, or examines thoughtfully.

Seton students aren 1 t simply students. They aren 1 t just bodies in a classroom. They are individuals, defined by their unique talents, desires, and activities.

Seton Seniors are the top dogs, leading the school through the rough times and the good times. The juniors are following in their footsteps, preparing to be next year 1 S leaders. The sophomores are getting involved in the activities Seton has to offer, beginning to define themselves through Seton activities. The freshmen are starting a new year at a new school, making new friends and becoming the individuals they are going to be for the rest of their lives.

Alexander Aguiar Kairos XXVI Devan Antram Varsity Football Kairos XXVTI Leader Retreat Team
( ) hul'r Pttrfr111/J
Kairos XXVI Prom Committee Jason Aguilar Kairos XXVI Katherine Baglini Varsity Swim and Dive Oklahoma! A Night at the Theatre Art Club NHS Spanish Honors Society Allison Beilharz Prom Committee Kairos XXVI Porn Line Multi-Cultural Club Ambassadors Varsity Volleyball Varsity Soccer Retreat Team Hannah Bergman Student Council Oklahoma! Sentinel Staff Ambassadors Chad Allen Varsity Football Kairos XXVII Leader Oklahoma! Charles Baucom Kairos XXVTI Art Club Varsity Soccer Scrabble Club French Club

varsity Cheer

Kairos XXVI

Art Club Retreat Team

Ann Carey

Varsity Cheer

Kairos XXVI Co-Rector Retreat Team

Yearbook Staff

Kairos XXVI Retreat Team Ambassadors Toastmasters

Drama. Club Student Council Prom Committee Sentinel Editor

Ka.lros XXVI Girls State Retreat Team

Sarah-Rae Bugayong Student Council Cross Country

Kairos XXVI Ambassador

( )

• PrtrrflZifJ

Landry Davis Yearbook Staff Varsity Softball Kairos XXVI Girls Golf NHS Latin Club Kairos XXVI Leader Oklahoma! Varsity Swim Scrabble Club Boys State Ambassadors
( )
Michael Garvey Robotics French Club Katharine Doerer Varsity Volleyball Varsity Basketball Yearbook Staff Prom Committee Kairos XXVI Nicole Franco Varsity Cheer Kairos XXVI Co-Rector Retreat Team Pom Line Kelsey Prom Committee Student Council Kairos XXVI Girls State Ambassadors Lucas Frangul Oklahoma! Kairos XXVII Brianna Hanson Yearbook Staff Kairos XXVII Prom Committee Retreat Team Thomas Elkins Varsity Football Varsity Baseball Kalros XXVI Retreat Team Oklahoma! Student Council Retreat Team Environmental Club Ambassadors Kathleen Harney Prom Committee Kairos XXVI Art Club Harrington Varsity Football Varsity Basketball SCTV Ka!ros XXVII Ambassadors Andrea Jonas Robotics French Club Nicholas Heitzman Student Council Varsity Tennis Retreat Team Students for Life AV Club Ambassadors Sentinel Staff Kairos XXVII Leader Retreat Team Brent Huddleston Emily Krause Anime Club Kelsey Higgins Sentinel Editor Student Council Prom Committee Fashion Club Cassandra Johnson Varsity Cheer
( )
Krick Varsity Basketball Girls Cross Country Student Council Ambassadors


Kairos XXVII Students for Life AV Club

Boys State Ambassadors Toastmasters Philosophy Club

Morgan Labine Kairos XXVI Leader Varsity Tennis Retreat Team SADD Ambassadors Aaron Varsity Swim Varsity Soccer Kairos XXVII Leader Oklahoma!
{ ) :m rr
Patrick Marrt:\Jo Sentinel Staff Varsity Baseball
Lawlor Student Body President Oklahoma! Erin Marsh Kairos XXVII Prom Committee Robert Mayer Varsity Baseball Kairos XXVI Skye Lennen Prom Committee Kairos XXVI Retreat Team Kyle Mahoney Varsity Basketball Kairos XXVI Varsity Golf Kairos XXVI Retreat Team Ryan Mahoney Varsity Basketball Kairos XXVI Varsity Golf Molly Varsity Soccer Student Council Kairos XXVI Leader Retreat Team SADD Environmental Club Ambassadors


Student Council Ambassadors Retreat Team

McGrady Kairos XXVI Leader Yearbook Varsity Softball Timothy Molloy Varsity Soccer Kairos XXVI Leader SCTV Varsity Softball Prom Committee KairosXXVI Kalros XXVII Co-Rector Blood Drive Committee Sareena Medina Athletic Trainer Kairos XXVII Scrabble Club Varsity Baseball Elizabeth Mtu"clhv Philosophy Club Kairos XXVII Oklahoma! Our Town Retreat Team Scrabble Club Junaid Mirza Varsity Tennis Karios XXVI Samuel Morris Varsity Swim Oklahoma! Ambassadors Kairos XXVII Leader Amanda Oklahoma! KairosXXVII Philosophy Club Britney Pietrzak Kairos XXVII Our Town Retreat Team Scrabble Club
( ) r Pcrln11£J
Arian Robaina Seton Pep Band Kairos XXVII Varsity Baseball Kiefer Placette Robotics Dennis Rogers Varsity Tennis Kairos XXVII Danny Prindiville Varsity Tennis Kairos XXVI Varsity Softball Kairos XXVI Leader Retreat Team Marilyn Roy Varsity Basketball KairosXXVI Art Club Retreat Team SADD Ambassadors Varsity Basketball Kairos XXVI Retreat Team Amanda Richardson Kairos XXVII Megan Rush Varsity Volleyball Varsity Soccer Art Club Retreat Team Ambassadors Shannon
Ryan Drama Club KairOS XXVI Leader Student Councll Students for Life Youth in Action Philosophy Club Prom Committee Ambassadors Retreat Team Blood Drive Committee
Erika Schwartz Varsity Cheer Kalros XXVI Retreat Team Nathaniel Soqul
Oklahoma! Kairos XXVI Art Club Varsity Swim
Our Town Oklahoma! KairosXXVI NHS French Club Scrabble Club
Rzonca Varsity Swim French Club French Honors Society Oklahoma! Varsity Swim Ambassadors
Kalros XXVII Leader Robotics
Smith Varsity Football Varsity Baseball Varsity Baseball Kairos XXVI
Sulllvan Sentinel Editor Environmental Club Student Council KalrosXXVI Rector Drama Club Retreat Team Girls State Ambassadors Varsity Tenrus SADD ( )
Kayla Schueneman Yearbook Staff Art Club Kalros XXVI Retreat Team Art Club Kalros XXVI Robotics
Timothy Waters Varsity Football Varsity Wrestling Kairos XXVII Retreat Team Joanne Won Kairos XXVII Scrabble CLub Troy Temple Varsity Football Varsity Track Kairos XXVII Leader Retreat Team Oklahoma! Hip Hop Club Zachary Weatherman Varsity Football Varsity Baseball Kairos XXVI Retreat Team Fidencio Ybarra French Honors Society Kairos XXVII NHS SCTV Ambassadors Ryan Yevcak Kairos XXVII Leader French Honors Society r.mnnrYr Walborn Varsity Football Varsity Wrestling Kairos XXVII Breanna Wells Yearbook Editor in Chie! Kairos XXVII Kevin Zeck Kairos XXVII Rector Varsity Football Oklahoma! NHS Scrabble Club Boys State Ambassadors

Sean Lawler-Student Body President

Nick Heitzman-Student Body VP

Molly Sullivan-Student Body Secretary

Hannah Bergman-Sergeant At Arms

Shannon Ryan-Senior Class President

Shay McGrady- Senior Class VP

Kelsey Ham-Senior Class Secretary

Ereanna Castro-Rep

Molly McCarville-Rep

Kelsey Higgins- Rep

Kelsey Krick-Rep

Brandon Freidhof-Rep

_.......______...., ( )

Definition of Award: (v.) l. to give as due or merited; assign or bestow: to award prizes.

2. to bestow by judicial decree; assign or appoint by deliberate judgment, as in arbitration (n.) s omething awarded, as a payment or medal

Winner of Most ChangedCody Weldon's Definition of Award: A reward for an achievement.

Be the Most Spirited:

Say II
What .. ? 11
Carissa Reisinger and Chris Procopio
( )
a Stepfo rd Husband or Wife :
Alannah Brogan and Cody Kollman
Molly McCarville and Nick Heitzman
Amanda Pfifer and Aaron Lester Succeed: Brian Espiritu and Katie Baglini

Trip on Stage:

Become President:

Sell Artwork in Paris:

Be Caught Texting: ...-!.....

Get a Speeding Ticket:

Sleep Through College:

Be Known as a Chatterbox:

Win an Oscar:

sarah Bugayong and Nick Spirakus Molly Sullivan and Sergio Muncada Kayla Schueneman and Casey Simmerman Ali McAllister and Kyle Mahoney Katie Harney and Tyler Smith Cassie Johnson and Ryan Redger Lauren 0 'neill and Nathaniel Soqui
( )
Shannon Ryan and Tim Borek

Fashion Sense:

To Take Home To Meet the Parents:





Mr. and Mrs. Universe:

Breanna Castro and Ryan Yevcak Landry Davis and Jason Aguilar
( ) • rBdJ
Katie Doerer and Arian Robaina Kelsey Ham and Sean Lawlor Mulheron and Tim Waters Kelsey Higgins and Pat Marrujo


Class Clown:


Friend to Everyone:

Nadia Leonardi and Troy Temple Couple: Erika Schwartz and Ryan Mahoney Kelsey Krick and Chad Allen Car: Becky Hood and Lucas Frangul Celebrity Look-a-like: Hannah Bergman and Kevin Zeck Michelle Hooper and Mitch Hershcowitz Athlete:
( )
Shay McGrady and Brent Huddleston Molly Barlow and Joey Harrington
JttnitJrf, Cf!a#; tJ/2010

Jun-ior Goon 1 -yer) n . a student who is in the next to the final year of a course of study.

Seton Juniors: The last year as underclassmen. The last year of waiting in line and locker hallways. The last year before senior year.

Juniors at Seton are living for the future, for lockers in the open and for enrichment classes. But as they look forward to the future, they are defining their own lives in their own year. They have come together as a class in pride, shouting 11 2010 11 as a collective voice. No longer are they a group of separate voices, each clamoring for their own space. The Juniors have grown into a union of individuals, shouting together with pride for the red and gold they have come to know and love. They have defined themselves as strong men and women, and grown into even stronger Sentinels.

/t111$r ( )

Corrine Abele

Manuel Acosta Adamec

Mark Ahlemeier

Colleen Amrhein

Paul Antonios

Rachel Arvizu

Donovan Austill

Zachary Awender

Nicolas Ballesteros

Katie Bandy

Dominic Beattie

Matthew Belus

Korri Bernstein

Andrew Blauvelt

Alicia Boyd

Danielle Brancato

Demi Brancato

Ashley Caruth

Michael Cerino

) fiiUNJ
B, malt•
st:Lply expr
K·Ltlf ' ThE clefln:,i Biar.J>a Ma.r... inE z: N) .LL : F r::talP wLu is llW ' l.,YS beyS Sf e C' ' l..:::l "lt• ..,1 h :::o rr iRtH kPf=l "
of B8.nuy
hE rRelf

Micl..ae: Cer.. no whPr.. kt-)d 'have yo1.: t. ver been ltit by a c:asHroorr.. door?' :

" o , I hit :.he before i nan nit IT18 "

Michael Chavez

Elisa Cordova

Colby Cosgrove

Joseph Cusimano

Natalie Davaz

Julien Dayawon

Kathryn Dean

Sheree Delarosa

Nathaniel De La Torre Doerer

Steven Kyle Eddy

Kayla Edgar

Stephen Elser

Christopher Esquivel

Bryan Estrada

Farrah Far

Michael Felix

Daniel Floyd

Madison Freed

Kristen Fritz

Antonios on his mos:. embarrasslr..g !llomen :

"When Mrs . Collins had. to pin rny Oo"J:.Onnie 'e or... me home "oming be a"Jse date eoU:d!l't.

Madison Galan

Zachary Garcia

Trevor Gleisner

Lenny Gomez

Kelsey Griffieth

Mary Guise

Jennifer Gunther

Stephanie Gunther

Hanna Haase

Jenna Haggerty

Schuyler Hamilton

Lauren Harrigan

Thomas Harty

Ashley Hatfield

Travis Hawes

Matthew Hawkins

Kevin Haycraft

Zackery Hendrickson

Maxwell Henkhaus

William Hogue S.

ar; ...s Sob ·zyk's o deter..t::.on Tl-1 y are C/J.tragt>ously I Oh yeah , this is rE,aJ.ly Oh ar c: it's yo'Jr day or -Wha+ Happe:1s in VegaB Kr:stir... Hopf Favorite Movie Quotes u. T to the other Rid . Uh 1.77245... 1 vvli Q.L<v Kerry Karr:qiuk

De:1ee :.&.rutc•cl.....:C:L d.E snr:.bes as a ...

TI: a otyl,:- 0 ffi' t:t at gA s ycrJ.r mov-lng lef to ;>i¢tt ar 'i :ets you exprees yo"J.rself r)n +} e dar ';8 oor.

Andrew Hollow

Kristin Hopf

Mariana Hudson

Brooke Ruppenthal

Kyle Johnson

Megan Johnson

Kerry Kamsiuk

Ashley Kaschl

Bryce Korte

Cassandra Kramer

Caitlin Labenz

Berijamin Laine

Cassandra Lalor

Denee Lamacchia

Carlin Lawlor

Eileen Leaser

Christine Lee

Vincent Lenzi

Dale Lockhart

Sean Lopez

fpr i+ ior of Al E-H': ..at:ve



des Tec;hn ab a ...

: : a...'l o l ii +imE:. tha+ exprcssAH ide&'? ar.1

0 0 + emot1ons ::c. su;sL:.Lw ·JJL

tbrmt< 1gl' +:t e elemA:J.ts

o r.tythm . melody . ,.. ..d ha;>ILOI..y

M tt4iO ;. ( )

Tyler Lopez

Andrew Magnus

Michael Mai

Theresa Maldonado

Mark Malpiedi

Bianca Martinez

Steven Matta

Katelyn McCaigue

Bridget Meschen

Lucas Molina

Hilary Montana

Austin Morris

Lena Nguyen

Clayton Nickum

Melissa Nieclfelt

Kent Nowak

Kaitlin O'Donnell

Elizabeth Pabst

Jordan Plichta

Anthony Poletti

Nathan DeLaTorre c'aims that he wants to be Supe:::man when he grows up.
-"Superman has &ways inspired me to fly up high and reach for the sky."
-"To give it my best and save the world with my gooc looks and soon to be six pack!"
-"Besides, his outfit is pretty snazzy."
( )

Michael Polowski

Andre Quihu1s

Jessica Randolph

Danielle Remitio

Erica Reyes

Definition of 1rs . 0 : n : an caring who always makes S-;z'e ':D include everyone in c:ass so that each :earns to the max.:...-rrtt:rr.. of the::.r (no one wants to be "boron')!

Tatum Santiago: "She is S'J.Ch an sweethea:'"" ."

Adam Richard

Eduardo Rivera

Alexandra Robles

Kelsey Rodriguez

Greg Rodriquez

Kelsey Rotarius

Jared Ruchensky

Robert Sabori

Veronica Sant

Tatum Santiago

Giuliano Scaini

Karla Schmidt

Laura Schmidt

Jacob Scott

Brian Shea

"I love how Mrs . 0 alvv-ays puts hearts on our papers ."
Jenna Haggerty

Cfa44; t!f 2010

Alexander Shreder

Alex Siadat

Justin Sieczkowski

Joshua Silverman

Jennifer Skotak

Bernadette Smith

Claire Smith

Marcus Sobczyk

Jeffrey Sokol

Kevin Spinner

Nicole Stevenson

Theresa Sullivan

Marley Swan

Erin Sweeney

Andrea Thomas

Anna Tran

Matthew Tulumello

Ricardo Vaca

Robert Valenzuela

Stephanie Van Daam

Defenitior.. of Qaote : v ; to speak or "a passage frorr.. another w1th acknowledgment ." n : ofteL. ased orally to indicate t A of a direct quotat:on .

- Wed'il g Gras!lHr
'"Jar+er avorite c1 Lc te: "0 l:-' di3epest :ea!"' :!.n not tha+ arE-: O· 1.:' deepAst :ear iS tt.at we a:-e beyond meac. l:'e I is our not O'J.r rnos: fr·ightArLs us -Coach Cctrte:-' Katy :Jea.:... 's fav')rit..t, qurf...e : "R'Jlo # 1. l. TPVe:-' a fr•l10v r;rasl:AP Sa:d.'

':f l won the l would l,uy rr:ysA:: e1. farm with a h-c.r:clrea cows . cr.icker..s . ar d Lshies in a pc:1d "

-7,ar;h HAnrbicn:sor.L

"I: I won the lotte:y , : wo 1ld buy :nyse:f a po:ar bear '

- Cassie L<i.or

Amanda Veals

Samuel Vergel De Dios

Damien Voita

Monique Wantland

Carter Warnock

Nathan Waters

Mallory Wayne

Kenny Whisenhunt

Connor Wiegand

Rebecca Wilcox

( ) tllld'r Ctt!rilfft
We're lk oliz44; trf2o1 Ol//
1 i1n1.. 1 r of a J tniu::: ClaBs:
.rr r +
fi ·r C'r, ( )
r.) nt a g:ro 11 )f f s+ it' I ts wl o c' r.: p s u. h' I r y t I viP )[
a SCHS Lll c fr'"r::.ve f()r

Soph-o-more. (Sof-uh-mowr') n. l. A second-year student in a U.S. hich school or college. 2. A tenth-grade student in a U.S. high school.

Seton Sophomore- The second year of Red and Gold, the middle lockers, the first chance for an elective.

Seton Sophomores are moving up the ranks. No longer are they at the bottom of the food chain or taking Study Skills. They have learned the methods of high school survival, and have learned pride in Red and Gold. They continue to define themselves through their electives and advanced classes. As the year draws to a close, they come upon a defining momentwith two years behind them, and two years ahead, they are looking forward to the last half of their high school lives, the last years of Red and Gold.

Jessica Alcock

Paul Allen

Michael Amorosi

Holly Anthony

Sarah Appleby

Erwin Arellano

Jacob Barra

Olivia Bergman

L!z Blaser

Ryan Bond

Thomas Borns

Molly Brady

Melissa Brandon

Colin Bresnahan

Briana Brlcher

John Bruno

Kellee Bucher

Sol-Russell Bugayong

Kayla Bustos

Sabrina Carlos

Ashley Odil
"cute sparkly, and fun!"
Cory Fike "808 by the Jonas Brothers"

Michael Carosell!

Katelyn Carrieres

Megan Cervantes

Colleen Chittenden

Frank Contreras

Roman D Corcoran

Jason Covelli

Christopher Cusimano


Andrew Doroz

Garrett Doughty

J.R. Dowrick

Jarrad Dugan

Aaron Evans

Clint Evans

Amanda Fahy

Lauren Falatyn

Matthew Farfante

Cory Fike

Kaitlyn Fitzgerald

Jessica Alcock

''Robert Pattinson my husband''

Melissa Brandon "Nick Jonas"

Arie Fitzhugh

Andrew Gillespie

Elizabeth Gomez

John Michael Gonzalez

Ryan Grady

Jennifer Greb

Michael Gross

Sabrina Haase

Jonathan Haddad

Brynna Ham

Blake Hanna

Dorothy-Ann Harris

Matthew Hartenbower

Troy Harvey

Kelsey Hau

Sage Hehman

Morgan Ruppenthal

Madyson Jensen

Suhee Jeong

Kevin Johnson

Car:o Robles ''Dark ight because it is pretty much amazing!"
UJfta! t.f fftJttr 0avtJrtre JftJre?
John Bruno "Foot Locker you can never have enough shoes"

Matthew Kathe

Christopher Keffalas

Olivia Kendrex

Sung Kim

Corben Kovacs

Mikayla Krager

Timothy Leavy

Katelyn Liddell

Crystal Lopez

Andrew Madrick

Rony Madrid

Justin Magnus

Flynn Makas

Joseph Mascort

Erin McCarville

Ashley McCormick

Kevin McDonald

Deanna McDonough

Cayley McLean

Meredith Meske

Monica Moratto
"Lil Wayne and Wisin y Yandel" AmandaDamo
he is the best"

Nicholas Miller

Grace Minton

Jonathan Moore

Monica Moratto

Dustin Moreland

Aslynn Murphy

Shannon Murphy

Adltya Muthu

RaJa Nagappan

Kathleen Nealon

Robert Nelsen

Brae Newman

Kevin 0 ' Connor

Ashley Odll

Daniel Pabst

Caroline Penn1son

Teresa Pham

Elizabeth Polk

Mariam Polo- Petros

Amanda Prahl

Contreras 11 Will Smith; he knows how to work the cameral!
Keffalas IIEva Longoria has my heartll

Kyle Prinz

Jimmy Radzik

Brett Refner

Renee Reyes

Jonathan Richard

Melari Robaina

Carlo Robles

McKenna Ronan

Victoria Rowlands

Christopher Russell

Patrick Ryan

Mackenzie Rzonca

Jake Sabol

Natalie Samuels

Eric Sandoval

Sharon Schalick

Patrick Schuerman

Catherine Siadat

Jaymes Sichmeller

Julian Silva

Sol Russell Bugayong
!tave fJfltt atwa;;:Jt wanred {tt vtJt!?
Troy Harvey "Miley Cyrus' house"
"Run's House"

Brian Sizer

Jessica Smith

Miri Song

Matthew Speer

Ethan Springston

Vanessa Stoll

Lara Sukkar

Stevie Sukkar

Margaret Sullivan

Thomas Tessier

Lucas Tibbetts

Joshua Tracy

Jimmy Trevino

Zachary Tucker

Brennan Vance

Anthony Verlander

Anthony Wallace

Kyle Weldon

Ian Wintering

Theresa Wirth

Brennan Vance !!Definitely Fruit of the
When I dropped the hall pass
Ashley McCormick 11
in the toiletll

Student council : noun · a representative body composed chiefly of students chosen by their classmates to organize social and extracurricular activities and to participate in the government of a school or college .

( )

Fresh-man (fresh ' men) n., pl. l. a student in the first year of the course at school. 2. lacking seniority or experience. 3. a novice.

Seton Freshman: The lowest grade with the newest students. Bottom lockers and Study Skills define their year, as do brand-new friendships and a new outlook on life.

Freshman year at Seton Catholic is a personal rite of passage. You define yourself. You make new friends who inspire new activities and new hobbies. You become who you are and who you will be for the rest of your life.

Keegan Abele

Abby Adamec

Camille Adams

Alexis Ahumada

Kamran Alamdari

Sarah Alamdari

Andrew Allen

Austin Allen

Zachary Alonzo

Madison Austin

Bethany Baca

Katherine Barlow

Ryan Bayda

Dylan Beach

Luke Beattie

Alexis Bergstrom

Lauren Betlach

Timothy Bowen

Ryan Burke

Catherine Butler

( )
... h.)% xting PhunE· >53% Sa..llil 0:1r
When asked if student prefers salad cart or the lunch line

Nicole Esquivel

Sydney Files

Ariana Flores

Jocob Flores

John Michael Carosello

Nicole Carrieres

Jessica Chavez

David (Youngjae) Cheong

Alexander Ciferno

Leslie Cole

Daniel Cortez

Jennifer Cox

Scott Dearing

Alex Del Giorno

David Delacruz

Mitchell Drake

Edward Ecljourian

Molly Elkins

Adam Engelbert

Hy '1< Sf'L.r-;-;8 of a t:m1ily r' laVonshii &: :,Le to +o du wL..:.ltE Vf':' +,lwy "' I

Manuel Flores

Eric Francese

Zachary Franco

Sarah Fraser

Brett Freidhof

Pierce Galan

Brandon Garcia

Marcos Garcia-Acosta

Alexandra Gaylord

Mark Ghormley

Tyler Gilbert

Gunnar Gleisner

Jack Glessner

Tyler Golembiewski

Hansen Hanger

Jack Harrington

Kristen Hendrickson

Sarah Henson

Edward Hietter

Sarah Hollow

What is the one thing you cannot live without? &.B Sk .ak '. y bE:'S .P Atby Ac .Y :..-. >::: II Pier· ;e r .rci:.'u ..y !1orn t ys! ' ( )

Sophia Huynh

Alyxandra Hydrick

Marlesa Ingstrum

Daniel Jeong

Paul Jordan

Shelli Kahler

Carly Kaiser

Melissa Kaiser

Justin Keough

Melissa Kiser

Stephanie Lacey

Haley Lawless

Abby Looby

Ciara Lopez

Monica Lopez

Melissa Madrid

Lorena Magallanes

Jacqueline Marquez

Clare McCarville

Cj McGrady

What is your most embarassing moment since you have been at Seton? 23.C:t I c·u "Fnrf,t't i g > .._t of t:t e lc 'kt';> I' )0:-f witl:'l · (T ' tl i r;p )ggi ' : W ' kS f'l...L[ Llr g >Il 'Jlt., VC : yt ' ' ('( JI't to gr) lin ' · , ·dgP d 1ring u. y gar1.1 cll ci : tri pee u..r d 8:... d ac-r sR :!:'1 , , ur>t . Y · t ·t w·w pretty E:'G:1tu.r· Fm ( )

Brenna McGuire

Matthew Medley

Matthew Meyer

Storm Miles Raegmg

Myriah Milhone

Bradley Miller

Megan Molloy

Jacob Moore

Amanda Moreno

Elizabeth Morris

Jackky Nguyen

Michael Ornelas!

Joey Paz

Rachael Pearson

Alicia Petersen

Eric Pfaffenberger Gierado Pharo

Mary Ponczko

David Probst

Tyler Read

If you could trade lives with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

Breanne1 ... cGt ... ire 'M.Uoy Cyr:.J.s beca'JRe yo'J gnt t lq:, o 'both worlds "

eliss(j, Moor d ·:Ja ::..rer C )I I'' ad bE ;a' lR8 8he worK,' :n fashio ... 't>S mtd liw s

Oe'irie Santos

"Ohrib BrawL bec;a.URA he't; Cl!" arna::·ii ar d he's a g )O i Ri f.,E r "

Gunner G...PlR ...n r· 'H )OpR, shewn I L VP

Su.ral... 1!'illow 'PnR!:l ')piee tJE. ·a rH • : w J 1ld t r::1 · ·r:Pct to Du.viri H ·kttct.:::L "

Brett Reardon

Jean-Paul Reboulet

Matthew Reckenberg

Sonora Reyes

Justin Richardson

Courtney Rodriguez

Troy Ruggiero

Mary Ruiz

Stephen Ryan

Devon Saenz

Morgan Sampson

Cedric Santos

Erin Sarette

Casey Sherman

Colleen Sikora

Nathaniel Skotak

Jacob Smith

Rachel Soqui

William Steele

Emily Stefaniak

If you had a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy? A II A r r':va lu. Exr. 88! II e I lSi- ir KA<.r ' f >s lc ts &: lc ts L •g II C· r.::tUlf 8 111111111111 11 r 1 lHtl I , Cr <J..i.U ryll
Fmm ( )

Kelsea Stevason

Marissa Sullivan

Jacob Sydiongco

Donna Marie Tabique

Nicholas Tallet

Emily Taylor

Nicholas Thomas

Derek Traini

Gabriella Troggio

Kristen Urban

Maggie Utter

Alex Vaca

Adriana Valenzuela

Alyssa Vargas

Jacob Verlander

Emiliano Vicente

Collin Vogt

David Walker

Katherine Walters

Kristen Walters

is one word that describes you
r F y Paz "f. t r...!" T c ';L "I r... "

Krista! Whiteside

Norah Ybarra

Micah Zawtocki

Noah Zimmerer

we know everyone is different in their own way! Why do you stand out in a crowd? Daniel Cortez Colleen Sikora Kristen Walters Andrew Warren
( D uf :·r- slun·l.Jl: "TLP. '.LI'c alwu,yR aPt 11 linl>, Lavt: huP: llu acks. ur d who a.:wuvs tu f/ t to d ·"'<->s early." -( T )...1 !y, 'Rll.Ill'l,L

Yell! SCHS! Freshmen, Lets Hear It! For 2012!

1 12

fac-ul-ty. (fak' uhl tee) n. l. the entire teaching and administrative force of a university, college, or school.

2 the teaching body, sometimes with the students, in any of the departments of learning.

Seton faculty: The men and women of Seton Catholic High School that make the rules, run the classes, and authoritatively define the school.

The faculty and staff of Seton Catholic effectively make it the preparatory high school it claims to be. They are the people who define our scholastic career by their constant loving pressure. We wouldn't be the students we are without them.

St!ltn CatftlJtio Faottl[ff and Sraff

Thomas Anthony Zetta Armbruster Robert Bitler Dennis Boetto Bambi Carrieres Dennis Clinch Linda Barkyoumb I Rex Bowser Patricia Collins , Patrick Barrett Jessica Breen Shawn Begay Kathy Carpenter Thomas Darby Beth Dodaro
( ) fiMfj
Bob Esposito Jim Golembiewski Karen Hill James Felton Elizabeth Griffith Cynthia Hoffman Matthew Frable Julie Grindey Pamela Hollerbach John Eric Francisco Steve Hart Donald Huentelman Ron Garvey Eveline Heath
( )
Leah Kochis Matt Kochis Sr Joanmarie Madden Terese Minatogawa Jennifer Kohl Rudy Martinez
St!tJn Faottl!Jf
Elizabeth Mitchell Elizabeth Krings Andrew McBride Lita Moreno Cynthia Kubasak Bruce R. Mcintosh Molly Mulligan Karen Larson Michael Mead Jerry Mullin Michelle Mary 0 ' Reilly Nowak Beth Pattock Mary Jane Pearson David Richard Richard Riley Barbara Olivieri Rolanda Polanco Victoria Ronan J t t I Bryan Olivieri Patrick Reardon Paula Osterday Mary Ann Rich Siu-Ling Ryan Isabel Salazar Rebecca Sanchez
( ) 11at&f
Heather Sternberg Mary Jo Sandomir Casey Tate Joanne Scandura Timothy Smith @) JJ Martin Sprinzl Antionette Henry Tongue Cyd Totten Temple Michael Vetti Bernadette Vuckovich Louann Walther
Facttlrfj CtJI!ajt ( )

One last look at the defining moments in our lives. The moments in our infancy, our youth, our high school years that made us into the class of 2009. One more memory to add to our book of life. One more moment in time to add to the snapshots of our memory.

One last prayer from the people who have made us into the men and women we are today. One more way to say, "I love you. 11

One more cheer from the Class of 2009, for one more year well done.

Cadtff Stmmerman
A r M L •, M "'Li , K Jy ( ) 'fi'My
MtrrriJ! Pitfr. M rriJ. Pr, 'JJ Rr. ( )
did r <
(};rh ( )
( )

Ka in, You ar>E· a.!:"l un ...

v nw; worn r. in W<J.Y Y > r l...av • ... ways rr ..t t y01u· >. 'ulE-mgPs ad on a.!:"lcl ) rlci. l...f r •ht rr. :.Ill. You '1 ki.r.u illtd lovinf, pPrson tc ryunE· yu' 1rn • Cl-od tr 1ly 'Rf- d lR witL 'L bE 'Lt t.f\L '!JlC I+ 1 r1'1 w LtJt r ar.d 8iStPI'. .,() VE'l'Y >I'() l<l o: 111 always nt\ oul' baby t;.rl. W J>VH yc,ll, Mo:::-n, :)acl aLci Rr·o fleott

Now w :::... w Y 1 M r I &d Morn ( )
Kari44a Bud:tr. Mllf.rr.. ( )

"He!'e's SO:::fl( fLI!: 1 :r advice: Always b you!:·selt'. T ever tiake yourse:f too seriollR1y. Ancl bew&A of •f i'l'orr exper·ts. 1 a...T1d merr..bers o: Parliar.:ten:.."-Kerr.Ji the i'l'og. We lovE y;> and we c.t:'e VE ry proud . :Jove Mom. I )a l and Ka+-hy

L' cas Xavier Frang.1l

Wo have boen c.lel:gllted a1 d :.hrillt)d 00 J_ave watched you ,jo"J.rney tt.PO' 1gL tLu years .

F:>orr: hat:_ctay ki!:ldcrgarten at S:. Theresa, to a s ·or· at Seton C1:1,tho:ic SchooL wP have \r youi' HH.cl ,rR, der ly, a.Ld the :Ou.rn:ios .

Your is brigLt and we congratu:ate you!

Witl Our :Jove , Mo ...... <1I...d Dad

ari E •lJ' y
:::·l ( )
} i f r· : Ii w ...,ds: p; r f ::::· H ty L i ht lj: lLf, >+l...e:::o t ik ) ':L p iv n I.::L c·orrLI ass. )I 'L:'"Lci gr·1 · , l>t' Lkt tLtE' 8 rnC>ch o,+y ·u1'1 l Li.K:t, Lf, Earth l!"L tn: I''J..::::L • . 1 f likE> J (; >·:1, Ft+LL :::-'

o:::1gratU:ations a

o:::lGerful son . W , aro 31: :' , Ld. o:·you .

I )Y s )Yl rr ak·r ·t to ycnr

It ·h YE''l?"' Yo· 1 wL. soon t oL t<

W iw I '• OUt yc. l Wu..... 'tlWf.WH

t t i:a L 'i.PtR You wur·kPd v ry

• 'ti· i f >r b i Wt-:> K:r >W .v ,u w......;, ak , ·tt th ir p;s h'LI ;t r KE· '1 rp

" , L' 1' i w ll'.K ' r f, u.:"' I' · L yr u· cir' arr.s.

I >V Me rrr . B:::'l.d Ry· r

w· h rr I ( ) l lid l!:' L · rtH rl r
Sarah Slum

Just Look At YouIt doE. sn't soern that long ago . '"L baby WHB Htarir..g at US as WP held her foP the first tim Now ::.'R +i::r to let you go . It is our :w·n to w tc as yo11 p:::epa:· , to make aJ yo r d:'oarLs :tor yo' r :i£e a rerui+y .

Thank yo ..... ic);: rr...aking our dr come u:i'Ue. We ove you Ke...Rey. y rn.akn s proud!

More. , ::Jad, Tay:or. Luca . · and MaryGracE

UoBgratu...ationR MiRs KEllsey! We lovP you . Gr·and J_a aLd Grandpa

Hd/2Pl ( )

D A:

rOd ' l l lE>.' ' i .._ W

y Y\.£ , '18 '1 d I' 'II

::>iHtf r·. Yo .._ 'LI' 'L r 't £

·1nci loving y ) y f{ l' t..V w· •

u ar·t of f,c l Yo ....!:' f

:s lirrli l('Rs . an 1 witL. y r

det LiWJ.tic ,L , <tnyt hirif" •

1 OSRit .. t ! !

Low fc I'f VE r . Mrn'IL P'ui, ( JI I"

( )

Al x Mari(, Cor gru.tu.:.atio!:H::l! W 1.:' so pr·o· 1.d of you! It has t ·: az1l:..onor and a priv..:ogc grow ir a r E, lt,i :·L;_l and w · haN J loved ovcry rnir ·1te o:· it! As you go oil' to co Lege alwa.yH rernernb ,r we are h(•re fi r yo' 1 a..'1d Wt: believe in you . :8 ollow your dreams .. . Love, Mon , Dad, and Kylie

Congrat llation on yrn._r @"tC.. L :8 yo l:' clay. TLt=' fut· iH A

e:t.:. ways ym... r L '1kE t s a..;.! p:' n...cl c> • y

ac· 'OIIlp ishrnE nts W£-' wiHh yo J. ·ul .. r

o:· Nt'ryt ..p; Pray h'ti' l.

L >VE' yo

::vl.cnL Dad . F,,, , n ... iE L •

( )
Morn au-:. n 1

l .i ·hE'll R >T Yn 1 Ct.!:' ' rny fhvo:'ite

lH'CJthPI'! : G"liSR

tLC>Rf cl;_cy-8 Wflf'tl i 'O 1ld l yo 1 up.

I ::.,c>VP. Y >t; Saeah

: •Lf y :) >C .

I , ) : ) t f :nc r I r ) ..cl of

J.L._V ti+ .... !"' an 'Ul y ) 1 ll<1VE' ·lf• c!. You w"'l a t • .. hF .. bl y l:ttle k:ri Wl';,L big

' rR who WE t<J l!: ci :L t !lf tr L..Cl!l r·an

I :Jc>Vf Ycnl

Tl...an.l< yo 1 :c J.> t>E ing y 1! 1c wislt :c>:' yo in at Pi · u.Ld tll t:. 8tH me-r L w i r;o, n·agf>, a:tcl tllP Lord yc 11. G >U l cl '

Mitc'hE ll. c Tulit

f> .lL I arn '!till f'u t P L.'l.fl y >

. f . .t<:iil':!. 'LI ...

WP know +llat y will t SU 't'RSf U f ._. + y >l... lo Stqy .::- >I ir f< · r

&J.l·rL '<:I'i;y Wr•'Jhv y

;'rJ!:' •VH.!' W '] Lk y .._ ·uw Jyti...

L NE • M<>I::: a:::-1 l lnv ·u: kf :cw ·t

IUJl' • !:'O ·Kir ' t r· tL r·! LoVE yu11!

Wf lr v .v > 1 ·..tt L T ·w . t . &> BI'. ·

Dear Lauren,

We are al: very preuci of you as a person and of all your We know God wi'l always be there to g 1icie you in whatove:!:' pctth yot: follow. We love you a. d will 3lways be he l'O tor you.

Lovo, Mom Dad &:_ SUl'ah

( ) WaiL HllddtCJ!t?l


"My hr ily f"..'1Vt:.

;r ''tt,( s a:!.)'

givE aL )+h 1 EPs ,r. tlwv

i .dl I:!."lP ' Wf 'U'E 8)

pr· ) of .vo 1 T ci :c Vf> yo 1

V ""!',V ILU<'L

Lovt:. A.weys.

M u: ... cl fL.... I' r _ ,f-l{•Ot ' L l '"1.8. •l.J" d h.ciE>.

' Wher .v > W( :" at>mLt, t:t E

my + ry y n r·"'A:f. lc. w:: >

Cl r•s wL > .Vt'R .vu 1 hE

ru tnir :· lif , _ W1 .v 1

w nder· wh•1.+ i + > t E a -P'>I- t -Tc r P·1 ;_..I:. .. > ht h

Br· anna

I ow c1uicady you've growr... Fu 1 o:· · e U..:.ed w· tL gru.ce. I o'd :.:.ght to yo·1r Let God -r)o your g ice . Le':.: never Lead you astray.

Wi l... aL. our· lovo, v1orr... Dad. Mand· and Cole ( ) Vkn Hai/Jf'11

Cor grac.il.;_,_ .. or... yo· e I' yt 'l..Y'H Retoi1! Wet av8 wo.,tc i g you f?'ow into a woLd .. vc. ! man a:r 1d look .toI'WaPd to seeir..g youi' 1\ltlli'f acl-:.ieverr:e ts. f. o'......'>W your dr'EJO.J!1 Q sor · 'id oe strong in yo tr fa· •.

We :ove you! .

Mom and Dad


....,..._.. It seems like only yesterday when you took your first boat ride up in Brainerd. Everyone loved our little toe head! As the years flew by, you 1 ve accomplished much, and grown into a beautiful and responsible young lady, both inside and out. Shortly you will enter an entirely new phase of your life. It brings mixed emotions , because however well you succeed, we will deeply miss having you with us everyday. As you continue on to college, focus on determining what really interests you, and put forth the commitment needed, as you have always done in the past. Here ts to the many wonderful memories of the past, and those yet created. We are so very proud of you!

We love you very much,

Mom, Dad, and Cam

M·1nc :e,

We are so proud of al: you have ac:S.ieved a..lJ.d :.he young lady you have become . Conti ue :o ta.ke advantage of a..l oppor:.unitiPS beu1u8e your fl:.u:!:"'e t.o,ds excitiLg thir May God bless yo·li' . OLU'ney to success .

We love you! om , Dad. and

( )

Dar..ny, We've had ma..lly wonder, 11 and c.;razy rr err..ories witt over he years . To know you :s to a per'HOn o:· hear .. a.r d sp"ri . stre gth a.'1d pass:o . We hope yo-:..... know how muc:L Wt\ believe in you and ever over !"orget how much you are loved . Morr.., _._..,a,d , TaJa. Kylti, Ar..d Conor>

"L have planted the seed of tl tree of knowledge and litul, :!:") )ts ave begun to grow. No'Jr:.st :t that may :eaf and bloorn and fiJ. with wo derf. ,

Regea:!:H a G Torma...?)_ Kindergarten Teact.er· A' ld' 1bon Elon1enta.ry Ken:::1er, Loui8


lar Rya..11 John,
,o:::.LgratlLatio:::ls!!! You'r·o wise , strong< g Jr.Ltle . Your H irit :s great:y appre';iated . S:.ny close to Jesus! :Ove , Mom & DacL


When God gavo you to ,1s it was the greatest gi t You· brains and bra'HL maa skills , genu·ne smile , and in:ectiouR :aup).l are just of OUY' vivacious :act. We could ...ever -shar k the LOJ'Q e oug .. fbi' allowing l s to share in your lifo . Thank you for being tb e son of O' r dreams .

kt :RE',Y, R ) 1 f v .vo 1 'li't a RF nic :!."'. Th .. ir...1 · L' o..; p;c T t by so l w )ct!' ppn Ki ,: y) L '1Il:!. .Y) u' u ·r; rqJli<-'hrnt You n.nE •f't hE Rt aa r 'lL.V P'L::'E·n.. · > llrt Ev r· h >pE• iUr•. W • l >Ok :·>-::'We l' I + y nLr· · 11 •g · y · r•s l E ing whF Lf • t<:. s y 1.

( ) 4ferrtll
Anla da, Congrat' ations on your g;:adGation . We love yo:1 and we are proud of you . We are yo, are our child . :Jor 't orget "kiss, llug, and a frowr ."

Mol:y Barlow-

We are very proud of your hard work accorn.plishments. You have a life ahead of you. From ':low on yo1.::. w:.ll be travelir..g the world who you you and who you can be . Keep your priorities right g::.ve God first place :. everyth ir..g. We love you . ar d may God e;oLt.':lue to bless you a..s you contir..·1e on yoJr

Love, Dad, Amy, MichaeL and Katie

H11rrt. 'l-11. H. )

Kelly H al1Vais, C W 'LI'E' vmy ; >f

you '1IH.l i.J.ll tLu,t, you L'1V) 'll'C;Uirt} L'-iLt L

You art3 <.l.. ·utd intellif,f r...t, yc n f, lady. ) stay ...SE'ci

i" >lt >W youe d:-·• WE· l >c,k :r,::wc: r·l Y< ,ur aeL:E·VE'ITlE'Tl ;. Y > 1 u.re ti" tly o li' HI 'C!i't.. p.:!.:t i"r><>:::L ( h d E r. l Wt ar l t h;u1kJul Pu.d 1 and everyday !cw yu 1! Wi r. ·til m... r lc NE'

Dad .L\!.l(lrn 'LI <.l Jor

( )

When you smile

All the darkness disappears

When you smile

It's all I need to hear ... -RC' & Mom, Dad Tom, and Jim

( )

Dear' Nad·a ' We are so proud o:·you! From you were born, you wel'El destined for TLis is J:.ls: the beginni:r..g of :.he next phase of yo', I' L.fe and we loo!< orward to being a of i .

Mom, Dad, Nic;k , .. ata..slia , ar..d

It scer!1S liko yesterday that you were "::yLY).g" by on your Big Whee: yo'.lr have j'Jst begu..YJ.. You have such a b:'ight f'Jtur e, witL wonde:'ful opportunities on your path to aci'Jlthood. We are so proud of you! You have grown to become such a beautiful carir..g a..11d givi.r:g young woman who we :ove so very much!

Embrnce the future enjoy life cherish your farei y, and remember to who you are because you are wonderful .

Love 01: 1 and D3£l

I' so prm...d )f Y' Jt u:-td. ew·•rytl ir g yc u Vt ac:C'orr p....:.shf .. d ::::. th(·

.:'c,ur·years . Ycr r a:'e t- r Ly iT :ring.

.:'G.i' hq

t s li+t- s:R ir

W' rlrt . I lev· y J

u '!( ! K;:dli ( )


WP. av · wat- •cl y()

::.-na ur •... ym: .naVf' !Ilwh r

Tc 'hy you ..... a wt

c r·s !"l ct 'LI

" L Ci,l\ Ycr r a.r • & w Jr h ""f

fi'if pjfu:·'l .. eu::.- h ·r n+ i

'-'1St •_:::> , a::.-ld. OUI' rip., ('a.i'iil(, tJ 'L : ci< , Wf a.i' L

Yn rr fut- l.i' iH yc> rrs tc '"!:' a f . W

tJ n•;: > m 1 v y r

E-Nt- ry s t'P o+' tht W<1._V

vic ..:::rt & Dad

;: gaL-

:·r.:l fll'LU' 'Jf all ynu 'v.:> ac: ·'n:r;>:; s d L

.:'Otu ' YPCU·s Yoll'rt- Oflt c.: tt f, Rti'C>Ilgf ;:, r ' r

knew •J..nd I tl ... 'tt R() II.' C:L . w L r. y l

uo:::r ir p; :.CJ r..rJ RSt- wi+L t> I krtr w y

do gr .. , whur 'VE r ym... . I C'ctL't wai tc EE

tLn gr E +,hat af' l .vo l!:' W't;Y! y() l so ::.-ntl. Jr.


CougrattJatic L.t> on yn r g:::·a,c:.' . I ll'1R hE P l

SO:iilE I't>c 'l.v to J.f;ll

i.r1 A:::ner:l;a . Wt) <.F'P prm ...d r)f ym1. and tLe work tLut

yuu rluvE· d.ur t, wniln yen

WHr Seton . Nc,w y(;u ure g(,:r g in ,n r;p,gpr·

C" nr.rrnLr...:tie8 'J.Jld a.

t :gger· wurlo . Dr lH.rr. a

b.gger and. t:::y

.vu 1r best to do wha: yc u

waLt to do Be pru1 n uf

.vo 1rsnlf ar d alwuyH be

po8itiv8 . We will always lovA you ar d we will ( you on.

... .....

r_llr>mrr y

Y > .._ u.r • thAt es ! Yo 1 ar , f 1n ...ovi:J.g. lll.l ·.!{_ htnkir g ·u d. E• goJ.Ilf,. Y )J , re lc. ycJJ. + .v > .._.,., tat+ L. fa.rr ... ily . f:'if>IlC1R. Yo 1 rrt·1.k · p;uod. rr...orc.k <:t.Lci th You ar the b lq , WE· •o 1ld tt, morE' prcncl. KE'E'P rrJ.· tkiilf, gn xi ;hoic ·Ps tCJ r'rE>at + ht 1+ lr r)f .Y nu· dl'E ·ur... s. Wt> love y()' 1 b d r::: e> sun. - c rr... D·1CL ·m. ·J.Jld CllE s

( ) ?t'f.

' v y l PI" Lyt Mik Ky &: A :t. y
( )
I l
E. .Y "Fo:::> I K:r ow e pla:- H
av ' r yo 1." i ' ar th L rcL..

Tommy, we are all so proud of you l We love you so much!

-Mom, Dad Betsy, Mike, Tricia, and Molly .

"Not my will, b"'Jt Yours be done ."

-St . Maximillian Kolbe . Patron Saint.

"Do r:ot ioL.ow wheY"e the pat...... :a... ay :ead . Go . instead , whero ' r..o path a...11d leave a tra.J ."

Congrat"'Jlations! We u.r·e so pro' :d c::' you!

Love &ways , Dad, Mo.c: , y , )a'l.ny, a: ... d Wendy

( ) CaMj

Sc)r . :t: 1. r tcge- he:' us ci >wn l 7 ye<.l.!"'s. !:iO rr ar y gr :1t ar...d w Jild. rf tl ... irneR. K I

: ·arnirtg frorr1 tLP S"G · :ess ( : ctl f. rs ar d l E willir.P to ·!"'el1te y ) l!"' owL Co:a · tu 1 >V Croci lx v ' : hins;s. lov yl ur 't..S y( u love y > trR lf a: hE PP:·t v wit: fit :r.... EvE I'Y yf '.t.r wE W:'iL t1n.. w

c: ulr ... in i:. a lit'Z.lE· lonf,Pr wtth y) L or:...y firl 1 'i g::·E·:.t:. yo' np; rn.m 1 p, tllinp; , lH ·llwu.ci to thE· r H ·xt. W

C·C ull r.ot, rlaVE 'Lfl.J{E j 01' preyr'c.i f >I' 8(,iil '( LE> '1..'-l ·L..n:...t 'c.i u.nd RI<1I'J, :nindeci ·ts yc 11.

Always :evE' x:...d or MulL auJ Du.d

As par'ents , we never say these :,hings matter the rr..ost, often eno"Jgh, ... we :ove you we believe in you, we are proud of yo0.

With much love , Mom and Dad

liThe future is unwritten . You hold t e per:!"

SMIV ( )

With a heart full of love .

Mom, Olivia, and all of your family


Wa:.ls :.hP win'

A :>oof for tl:o rain And tea beside :.he L·1ug..'1ter :.0 nhper yn"'J. .vou :ove Lear you

An aL your heart desir • .

lhtiona .A:ar..nah . we a,:'f> 80 pr 1 of yoJ. You've grown ir to a wonaerf\.1.. lad,.v in what sue:med likE a 11.,.. ><: f a...'l. eyP. You have urJi::-..itf>d potential. M' v God's smile ::.ght yo-:....:::- way. All our lov .Mc..,m n:1d :)ad xoxo

( )
''Nothing worthwhile is easy ."

Tink: We are so pro'Jd of the man yot: lave become C )ngratl:3 a..'id may God wa ' ... over yo"G Cllweyti With I ... love and pride .

Dad. MoiL, ar d Nac


Lisette you are loved! We are very proud of you and your many achievements . "Parents can only give good advice or put :hem on :he right paths, but the fin& forming of a person's :ies in own hands ." Anne Frank Love, Mom & Dad, ?atrick & Travis

( ) '¥m¥ filldttr!
si1r ON CATilouc """
''A time to weep and a time to laugh: a time to mourn and a time to dance"
( ) ft' Sr /Mil ttarv Utld:fnr

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven .

-Ecclesiastes 3 : l

l'rttfiarraf fl' Sr. [l'illl MUll Mtzii ( )
JV Cheer: Alexis Bergstom, Mary Guise, Kelsey Hau, early Ka.tser, Christine lee, Lorena Ma.galla.nes Porn: Melissa Brandon, Karnsa Bucher, Momque Echiverri, Nicole Franco, Mary Gu1se, Lauren Harrigan, Kelsey Hau, Cassandra Johnson, Carly Kaiser, Kelsey Mornll, Mary Ruiz, Alyssa Vargas JV Boys Basketball: Paul Allen, Colin Bresnahan, John Bruno, Frank ·Contreras, Andi>ew Gillespie, Justin Magnus, Andre Qulhuis,"Jimmy Radzik, Brett Refner, Carlo Robles, Lucas Tibbe-tts Freshman Girls Basketball: Sarah Alamdari, Coee Carrieres, Sydney Files, Sara Henson, Sarah Hollow, Alicia Peterson, Maggie Utter, Kristen Walters

Mr. Rttdrtqtttz, Tltan/e fjfJU fttr !Itt jJt?J4ittn, dtdttat?ttn, and a6attdanr t?mt fjfJtt Jj:Jtn! ltti!Jtnj mmalet a 6eaat?fat;ptr6ttttle. We ottaldn'!ltave dttne tt


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T!tank pu ftt everpttt w!tfJ ltti;Jtd malet

;pzrofJfJk jJfJJ4iol2 tftrfJttjh !Itt efJntrtouttfJn fjf

jJtcfttrtJ;, tJjJteial4f MrJ. Gmtmer, MrJ. MaltfJntfj; MrJ. HfJjttt and Mr. lJuarrt.


Tltt VtarofJfJk Sraff

T!tank VfJtt MrJ. TfJllttt ftrr !2tattj !(4; ofJrrfJw pur card reader

tztnt and agatn, Wt WfJtt!dn 'f !tavt ftn?Jkd wt!ltfJtttpttl

( ) 'rlllriJ!Ifit'IIJ

R,y&D. Stephen 36, 44, 48, 177, !79

RZOOCS., Kelly 8, 32, 33, 39, 70, !24, 126, 138, 211

RZOOCS., Mackenzie 13, 32, 108, !65

sSabOl, Jake 71, 168

SabOrl, Robert 36, 37, 109, 153

SaenZ. Devon 177

SaJ&Z&l', Isabel 187

Sampson, Morgan 18, 177

Samuels, Natalie 16, 18, 88, 116, 123, 168

SanChez, Rebecca. 188

S&ndomlr, Me.ry Jo 188

S&ndOVal, EriC 168

S&nt, Veronica 42, 109, 183

S&OU&go, Tatum 42, 126, !53

Santos. Cedric 177

S&rot.te, Erin 32, 68, 66, 177

Sc&lnl, Giuliano 18, 39, 119, 183

Sc&ndur&. Joanne 41, 188

SCll&)lck, Sharon 60, 168

SchJmpp, Sarah 2, 39, 94, 118, 119, 124, 138, !37

Schmidt, Karl& 44, 48, 88,66, 183

Bchmldt, Laura 44, 78, 109, 183

Schueneman, Ka.y!& 27, 60, 98, 100, 101, 108, 109, 117, 118, 123, 124, 135, 138, 139, 228

Schuerman, Patrick 30, 51, 109, 110, 117, 168

Schwartz, Erik& 42, 60, 77, 116, 117, 116, 123, 125, 135, 138, 139, 143

Scott, Jacob 12, 61, 92, 117,183

She&. Brian 153

Sherman, Ca.sey 110, 116, 177

Shrader, Alexander 50, 72, !54

S!&d&t, Alex 58, 67, 108109, Ill, 154

Si&d&t, Catherine 66, 165

S!chmeller, Jaymes 11, 158

S!eczkowskl, Justin 4, 5, 76, 109, 121, !54

Sikora, Colleen 177

SUva. Julian 11, 165

SUverman, Joshua 65, 154

Simmerman, Ca.sey 76, 56, 102, 116, !18, 120, 122, 135

Sizer. Brian 17, 57, 165

Skote.k., Jennlfer 42, 184

Skotak, Nathaniel 56, 177

Smith, Bernadette 17, 32, 50, 62. 104, 119, 154

Smith, Cl&tre 65, 108, 154

Smith, Jacob 11, 177

Smith, Jessica 155

Smlth,Nath&nlel9, 137,120,204

Smlt.h, Timothy 166

Sm.lth, Tyler 118, 137

Sobczyk, Marcus 55, 108, 117, 154

Sokol, Jeffrey 154

Bong, Mlri 108, 166

Boqut, Nat.he.niel 34, 109, 114, 117, 135, 138

BOI1'l. 39, 48, 52. 61, 116, 121, 125, 126, 135, 136, 222

Speer, Matt.hew 166

Spinner, Kevin 62, 184

Splre.kus, N!chola.s 86, 118. 121, 122, 138, 139

Sprtngston, Ethan 11, 166

Sprtnzl, M&rt!n 155

Steele, Wllllam 11, 72, 177

Btef&n!e.k., EmUy 32, 177

St.ernberg, Heather 77, Ill, 186

Bteva.son, Kelsea 49, 178

Stevenson, Nicole 32, 33, 70, 184

Stoll, Vanessa 42, 43, 104, 110, 114, 166

Sukkar, Lara 166

Bukk&r, SteVIe 90, 166

Sullivan, Margaret 40, 108, 105, 166

Su!Uvan, M&rtssa 47, 49, 60, 178

Su!Uvan, Molly 27, 59, 60, 70, 78, 90, 98, 107, 110, 118, 121' 122.

.24, 137, 139, 202

'3ulllvan, Theresa 18, 36, 154

Swan, Marley 37, 58, 107, 154

Sweeney, Erin 32, 108, 154

Byd1ongco, Jacob 68, 178

TT&bique, Donna M&r!e 44, 178

T&llet, Nichola.s 11, 175

Tate, Casey 10, 121, 188

Ta,ylOr, Emlly 14, 49, 83, 68, 110, 114, 176

Ta,ylor, Kyle 20, 114, 116, 122, !25, 136

Temple, Antlonette 188

Temple, Troy 6, 8, 80, 108, 106, 120, 121, 136, 139, 143, 267

Tessler, Thomas 8, 11, 166

Thoma.s, Andre& 42, 62, 110, 112, 119, 120, 126, 154

Thomas, Nichola.s 45, 178

Tibbett&, Lucas 56, 92, 110, 166

Tongue, Henry 188

Totten, Cyd 188

Tra.cy, Joshua 11, 87, 166

Tr&lnl, Derek 4, 11, 56, 178

Tr&n, Ann& 62, 66, 184

Trevino, Jimmy 11, 166

Trogg!o, G&briell& 49, 178

Tucker, Z&che.ry 186

Tulumello, Matthew 8, 87, !54

Urban, Kristen 66, 178

Utter, Maggie 66, 178

V&e&, Alex 176

V&e&, Ricardo 105, 154

Valenzuela, Adriana 16, 68, 178

Valenzuela, Robert 44, 48, 154

Van Daam, Stephanie 65, 66, 67, 107, 184

Vance, Brennan 11, 166

Vargas, Alyssa 40, 178

Veals, Amanda 36, 41, 42, 100, 108, 109, 116, 188

Verderame, Andrew 5, 39, 80, 74, 136

Verge! De Dlos, Samuel 12. 39. 78, 158

Ver!&nder, Ant.hony 166

Ver!&nder, Jacob 176

Vettl, M!ch&Bl 113, 188

Vicente, Emlll&no 11, 72, 176

Vogt, Collln I 7 6

Votta, Damten 29, 30, 59, 99, 116, 185

VuckoVIch, Bernadette 188

Wells, Breanna 100, 118, 119, 122, 136, 138, 195, 238, 274

Whisenhunt, Kenny 8, 110, 111, 188

Whiteside, Krtst&l 88, 128, 179

Wiegand, Connor 52, 155

W!lcox, Rebecca. 108, 155

Wintering, Ian 13, 74, 168

Wirth. Theresa 52, 113, 125, 166

Won, Joanne 28, 39, 61, 104, 119, 138

WalbOrn, Connor 2, 70, 72, 77, 106, 112, 119, 138

Walker, DaVId 178

W&ll&ce, Anthony 8, 166

Walters. K&t.herlne 24, 49, 52, 176

Walters. KriSten 66, 178

Walther, Louann 188

Want!&nd. Monlque 46, 82, 62, 70, 108, !55

Warnvck. Carter 44, 52, 56, 77, 104, 119, 155

Warren. Andrew 179

Waters, Nathan 92, 188

Waters. Timothy 2. 8, 58, 60, 72, 77, 98, 107, 108, 110, 119, 120, 123, 124, 136, 139, 142

Wayne, M&llory 52, 109, 117, 113, 123, !58

Weatherman, Z&ch 8, 66, 96, 110, 120, 138

Weldon. Cody 8, 114, 116, 120, 136, 138, 233 Weldon. Kyle 114, 166

yYbarra, Ftdencio 119, 138

Ybarra. Norah 179

Yeakey, R&ch&Bl 39, 48, 109, 155

Yevce.k., Ryan 71, 106, 122, 136, 142

Youstf, Renee 185

zZ&wtockl, Micah 179

Zeck, Kevin 2, 6, 61, 63, 77, 92, 107, 110, 124, 126, 136, 136

Zi=erer, Noa.h 11, 72, 179

Zl=erer, Simon 11, 72, 167

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The 2009 Sentinel Volume 55 was created by the yearbook staff at Seton Catholic High School in Chandler, Arizona. This book was printed by Jostens, Inc., Visalia. 29625 Road 84 Box 991, Visalia CA 93279. This book was produced using Adobe Photoshop and Jostens

Yearbook Avenue. The theme of the yearbook was chosen last year in the 2008 yearbook class. This years Editors in Chief were Madison Freed and Bree Wells, and the co-editors were Breanna Castro and Shay McGrady. The colors used were Classic Linen, Classic Steel Blue, Virtual Rumba , and Virtual Techno. This book was produced with mostly digital photos taken by staff members. Text was printed and American Typewiter in both light and medium and in various point sizes.


Letter from the editors: We would like to graciously thank all of the staff members who put so much effort and hard work into this yearbook. The theme, Defining Yourself, was chosen for its classic feel. We created a timeless book by using a common theme, simple colors, and a lot of pictures; thus giving it a refined look. Stressful deadlines and a lot of work, both in class and at home, made this book the masterpiece you see before you.

Next year, Bree will being going off to college at ASU leaving Madison as the new senior editorin-chief. Madison plans on taking all that we have learned this year and creating yet another fabulous and memorable yearbook.


Antrtlttr par jtrttt, antrtlttr par jJadt

WM w-truld !tave flu4; w-truld jtr 6ft 4tr fa*?

Ntr mtrrt Semn !tattw-afft trr tunelt&Y w-t!h frttnd:f

J U4f a ltrtrle 6at!e trn trld ''rttntm6er w-lttM':

FtLrtJJttmbtr 1k4t olawt!ff/111'i and att tJf m!ftttr.t

Tlid ttJve, !Itt !Itt lttarfafk, !Itt rtari.

And JtJmdtf!w E-eant ltttjJ bttuDttt !Iii< i4t 6t!ltrM&t-

Af fm exotred abtJtt! !ltM advtnfttrt btf!!(t tnt.

Str 1 4aff ptrd6fft m !Itt 4tlldtna w-!ttJ fr!lttrw- tnt

And Vtnatre tJff t?f tJ!Ittri 6tfr!rt tnt

P!ttut dtJnt fr!rJt! tnt, 1 !tavt ltf! m!f marie tJn flu4; jJfact

Ct!t?Jf trf 2009- never rt;Jfaced

( . )

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