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North Dobson R.oad Chandler Az 85224
Seton Catholic High School The Sentinel 2007-2008 1150
W'v./'W.setoncatholic.org (480)

Building for the Future ...

The foundations that we build as a student body wiLL carry on into our Lives forever. \Vhether it is u1Lding each other up in a club or organization, growing in support for each other in sports, or the we acquire II in the classroom, we grow as students, but most importantly, we grow as members of a community. Our hard work and efforts shape our Lives as students, and they wiLL give us the opportunities to work on bigger and better projects throughout our Lives.

Contents •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• L---•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \S) :3 0 } )> ..............................

Good Morning Sentinels !


For some of us. getting out of bed is a breeze. For others. Like Nathalie Antonios. and Chantal Uooper. getting up is a chore we can't escape!

After choosing white as her shirt for the day and the standard skirt for the bottoms. Uooper takes a Little mirror time before heading off to school Lookin' good


Looks Like Jake !Jendrickson did not get his recommended 8 hours of sleep Last night. !Je brings aLL new meaning to the Words "sleeping beauty." farbaugh. on the other hand. is always ready and raring to ol

Alex !Laram and Vinny Campion enjoy some friendly rabble-rousing at break.

6tephen reco and Joe 'l.Jorsey" rubbs Look on while they prepare themselves for class stretch until Lunch.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Tommy Adam 12.ichard. Tyler Lopez. and Nicolette \Vhiteside aLL enjoy a boost from a freshly baked cookie . The smeLL of fresh cookies always helps to cut through that groggy fog!


Connor \Viegand and Anthony Poletti take advantage of break: to mak:e a stop at their Lockers before heading t class.

The morning officiaLLy ends after the announcements are delivered and the now-starving seniors Like 6tephen reco and 12.yan l.Jarrigan head to the cafeteria. dreaming of Lemon pepper chicken

it, it 1 S time
Love it or hate
to get up!

Building up the Tolerance

\Vhen you get good news who do you teLL?

If you did . what would be the best part?

-Learning G teaching

-Talking to them about anything [_Learn ing

Do you Wa nt a sibling who

-Talks to you

-Ignor es you Talks

e,e honest do you talk. to your sibling in public;> -Yes -No

Do your friends knoW you have a sibling;> -Yes -No No

\Vould you Want an older or younger sibling?

-Old e r

6tart !Jere
tv1ov ie
-6ibling -friends Ye s 1
-Younger Older

A concrete friendship or a tentative patience?


You and your sibling are Very close You _

-Consider him/her a friend

-\Vould rather hang out with him/her at home or in public

\Vhat do you do when your get home? Do you o on Facebook/tvjy6pace for hours

-\Vatch TV on the couch

Are you close to your siblings?

-Yes -No No No

-6till hang out w;th friends. but you go places with your sibling quite a Lot

You are a good brother/sister and your sibling Loves you as much as you Love them!


f: deed y.ou Love your sibling I but you

-Like your space sometimes.

-Choose your fnends oVer your sibling. but not aLL the time

-6ometimes you fight. but it aLL turns out weLL in the end on each others nerVes. but it doesn't stop you from cheering them on You are a decent sibling. but there is room for improVement If you work. hard enough. you'LL eVentuaLLy get along better

You feel the love between you and your sibling NOll -b..ven though you're related. you feel forced to love them. 6ooner or Later. you will realize family is the most import thing in the world

.....l friends come and go. but family is always there

E>etter start bonding with your sibling before 1t's too La tel

Another Day on the Job

LJow many times have you gone to pay for a breakfast burrito at Los FaVes and discovered a vacant waLLet?

you've had to borrow some quarters for a fresh cookie on Tuesday or Thursday? A few of us may have even suffered the humiliation of coming up short on the biLL for a date! These students make sure that none of these things would happen.

6arah 6ulick takes a break from Working hard to earn some cash for

• --t her busy day at 6tarbucks to smile t----t savings, shopping, or just whatever! for the camera .

After over a year of employment.

l.Jailey CampaneLLa has become a pro * at hand-making LJot Dog on a 6tick's signature Lemonade!

e,rittany is a Legendary coffee master. and specializes in Lattes. especiaLLy the new Uoney Latte.

6ea n Leavy teaches gym at 6outhwest ymnastics in Tempe. 6ean is an accomplished gymnast and has a great time passing his skills on to younger children.

t\1argo enk.haus works at California Pizza in Chandler as a hostess. E::>ecause of the exceLLent Location of her Workplace. t\1argo gets Very busy on the Weekends trying to seat eVeryone. 6he does. however. always do work. with a smile on her face!

As a personal assistant. Paige Caster answers the phone. Works the schedule book.. and helps out around the salon.

11 Workin 1 hard or hardly workin 1?11
up our image
I Wardrobe I I Girl I
Fashion Wardrobe

Oh. 6entinels! Although we do our best to help the enviornment with our strong efforts in carpooling (shoWn on the folloWing page). our actual driving skills could use a Little Work!

Above. tv1 icheLLe 6tevenson and Aaron Lester willingly reanaded their minor "encounter" with one another which occured right along Dobson and Qay. "I "I am not a bad parker."

Joe Juliano

"I did it on purpose for yearbook."

Jon K..irkman


was waiting my turn to make a right onto Qay, when aLL of a sudden I felt a car rear-end me . I turned around and saw Aaron Lester " tv1 icheLLe pulled into Tutor Time. hoping he Would foLLow her. \Vhen she stepped out of her car. more Worried

If at first you don't eucced, try, try, try again.

about her car than his truck. she was relieved that the result Was nothing but a tiny dent "I Was more Worried about her car than my car. " Aaron Lester said . After both students reassured each other that everything Was okay, Aaron (who had accomplished himself as a bit of a crazy driver) left. almost hitting tv1ichelle two more times.

"\Vhenever I'm in my car the music is turned up so Loud I can't even focus on what's going on ."

"I Was in a rush to go to the gym. I Was going to re-park it though " Nick

m X 0
(S\ (b (S\

The Good and the Bad


E:>ailey's 6uburban holds so many morning memories and so many 6entinels! 6he admits to using her Uoooga Uorn to effectively frighten them to get into the car Then the next part of their morning consists of more arguements about who wiLL sit in the Very back.!

Theresa Wirth & Clint Evans

b..veryone inside the Abele 6uburban fights with Clint.l.Jowever. they aLL agree that him and Theresa \Virth argue the most.

6omehow she stiLL gets him to hold her mirror for her while she does her mak.eup in the car. and once eVen got him to put on her

Liz Blaser mascara!

6he is always the first one ready

Michelle Hooper & Ashley Caruth

"MicheLLe does the craziest things." sister Chantal Uooper says. "6he'LL do anything for a Laugh!" MicheLLe Loves to dance and sing in the car. eVen though the rest of the carpools would agree that singing and dancing are not her strong points

Wil Hogue. Michelle & Chantal Hooper

E:>eing the only male in the car. the girls Lik.e to give \ViL a hard time.

"E:>ut he mak.es us feel uncomfortable too!"

Chantal says The girls agree. howeVer. that \ViL wiLL always be one of the girls!

Al icia Boyd . Corrine & Bailey Abele Hooper ' Kia

Ain't No Party Like a Sentinel Party

Birthday Party

Toga Party

Costume Party

Nathalie Antonius was the only student to celebrate her birthday on E>1rthday Party Day "It felt Like the whole school was celebrating my birthday!"

6enbnel.s searched the web to figure out the best way transform a bedsheet into a toga (Left) 6ophomores And1 Thomas and Lauren ilarngan battle 6emors l;;,.nuly tv1cE>ryan and Jon i<(jrkman for the Lead dunng the first few seconds of the race (Q.ight) 6emors Joe c;-rubbs and Mathew debate on wh1ch of their togas Looks better


Just around the corner. 6ef1tinel5 easily got into the sp1rit of Costume Day (Left) 6emor R..yan ilarrigan attempts to Listen during class while he turns el!eryone's heads w1th his un1que costufl'le

The Pep Rally

Homecoming Week 2007


freshman Jake 6abol (Left) shows 6eum h1s awesome dance moves and how to be an ALL 6tar 6ophomore Zack Awender {R-Ight) clearly trouble moving throughout the day trapped in h1s JUicy Juice box. but "It was all'n effort to demonstrate my school spirit." he says Ashley K:.aschl (far Q.ight) shows off her early Chnstmas sp1ntl

b.veryone was pleased with our Uomecoming Pep

Q.ally. 6chool 6pirit soared across the gym. Cheerleaders jumped higher. football players laughed harder. and 6entinels cheered louder

Nothing was going to bring us down

favorite part

...s::: ·-

Christine Remmel Dancing with my awesome date. Tony.

Kelsey Morill 6ee ing eVeryone

dressed up and Looking fabulous.

Joe Cusimano

E>eing a single guy and dancing with everybody else 's date.

Tim Leavy

The colors were awesome! 6tudent thought this dance out Very weLL

friends and I realized that since it was our Last Uomecoming. we were going to mak.e it count. And \Ve did! It was the best Uomecoming e'l/er (And we got a gelato cak.e that said "6eniors 2008" on it!)


Homecoming 2007


6ome people Like to go to dinner before the dance. whether it be going out to a fancy restaurant or having a potluck. at their house. Nonetheless. everyone has a great time getting psyched for the dance.

and ...


Once the dance is done . the party is NOT over! 6ome people think. afterthe-dance is the best part of the entire night 6ome hit up a party. while others decide they're famished from all the dancing and pig out at an IUOP

Girls vs Bo

6eniors Lauren Chavez. Nicole Celestino. (above) Johnson and PrisciLLa (below) smiled for the camera while at dinner at Abuelo's. The girls agreed that Was a night to remember .

6eniors b_Leanor r;,eati:y. Christie r;,ick.. Alyssa 6mith. and R.aquel Leck.er shared a few Laughs and cheers during a Diamondback. game against the Cubs.

Looking the Part
Pa1ge Caster helps tv1argaret c;"old berg get ready for a night
on the town
In the Action
b..Leanor E:>eatty and 16-isten Johnson stop to smile during game night.


Who wins?

Jon tv1cDonald mirrors

Joe ZyLLa playing the guitar during game night.

Jason and Vinny Campion have their game faces on while Joe ZyLLa sings to them from behind .

Game Night

The boys pose for a picture before a game of manhunt 6anaiha. or Timmy tvjolloy's concentrabon and Jon battle 1t out at c;' u1tar Llero

Aloha Freshmen!

The social circles

Were already forming before their first day at 6eton. The freshmen enjoyed dancing and socializing during the Luau.

Waiting for the

to begin .

Patrick 6chuerman gets into the spirit as he dances with his neW feLLow classmates.

/lnytJM f11r a tra ? 1M frehnwngot u lavweach ot:h.l¥tUr wh 14 creating a tra that n ancl IJUi:llfth.e

Colleen Chittenden and k(ayLa f:>ustos smile after eating while dance Beth <:;"omez danced as she met her new classmates during the Luau

Class of 2011

Q.ight: freshman b..milee Martin. R.efner. and Thomas Tessier Link arms with 6enior R.yan and Junior 6hannon R.yan

Left: flynn Makas Links arms with tv1att and

Ytv1CA got most of the new 6entinels moving. freshman said they had fun dancing and Laughing with each other in the air-conditioned cafeteria.

Theresa '\ irth dances with Timmy tv1olloy. b..milee Martin dances with !Levin Johnson.

''Build in the faith''

Once eVery month an aLL school mass is prepared and aLL students and faculty gather together to receive the sacraments of the b_ucharist \Ve are Lucky to be a Catholic school so We can celebrate the 6acraments together The masses are planned and prepared by the Liturgical Arts class. Led by our new campus minister. tv1r. francisco. The music is provided courtesy of the 6eton band. orchestra. and choir. which are Led by tv1r. 6mith .



Having friends makes our time here at Seton much more enjoyable! From helping us at the last minute with our 11omework during break (above) to discussing plans for the weekend at lunch, Friends are always there when we need them.


\Vait... a freshman boy sitting with 6ophomores? The older class enjoy their Lunch with freshman. Jake 6abol. They aLL agree that their Lunch just Wouldn't be the same without him.

At the beginning of each year (or even as soon as the seniors Leave at the end of the year) eVery group of friends picks their new Lunch tables for the upcoming year l.Jowever. these senior girls have sat in their shaded corner by D2 since freshman year

These 6ophomore girls enjoy their Lunch together

eVery afternoon. admiring f arrah far's adorbale UeLLo Lunch box

Through Thick and Thin alf Days

6eton would not be the same without friends . 6ome of us change our group of friends every year and some of us remain together through our high school years \Vhether we stiLL have three more years to go. or are Leaving our comfortable territory this year. our friends wiLL always have a place in our hearts.

Two years ago. our school changed our Lunch system Lunch was shortened to half an hour. but we were given half days every friday Juniors and 6eniors would agree that they could not imagine haw they Lived through fuLL fridays of us take advantage of our half days and explore Various Lunch spots such as Los favs. In-N-Out. and even \Vhole foods .

Llalf days are a great way to kick off the weekend! During footbaLL season. many of the players would meet at Peter Piper Pizza and surely take advantage of their buffet for only .$6!

On the Left the 6eniors were spotted at In-N-Out right after they enjoyed their "Animal 6tyle" meals for Less than .$5

Us 6entinels knaw haw to make a great bargain!

Ladies• Choice

reased Ughtning

"I wish I could wear my hair Like this everyday!" said 6 tepheo reco with Colleen Tighe

The girls got the chance to ask the guys and then hit the dance floor as UollyvJood couples. Danny and 6andy from <:;" rease made an appearance <:;"wen 6tefani came W1th husband L;"avin \Ve eVen had video game characters join us for the eVent

Fresh men olly Antho ny and b..milee stop and pose for a picture (above) while 6eniors

R..yan !Jarrigan and Alex just couldn't stop the beat (Left) .

Danny and Sandy

Exclusive photos of Hollywood's hottest

Uos ttal A Listers·

J.D a d Dliot from TV's 6 crubs were seen dane ng at the eVent "It s reaLLy fun to dress p in scrubs! I Was o comfortable too " said Johns n pictured with E>randon Freidhof.

Celebrities came to the dance ready to show off their glamorous style E>oth actors and characters walked down the red carpet during 6eton's mix of VaLentine's Day and fv1orp

6op homores nie Lenzi and E? rooke

Uupp nthal pose for the paparazzi before entering the dance.

Savin our Skin

The 6eton-Thon this year was a smashing success! The students rallied to seLL over 1.000 golf baLLs. and the proceeds wiLL fund the construction of a sunshade for the quad Organized by tv1rs Osterday. tv1rs !JiLL. the 6tudent 6eton-Thon Committee. the 6etonwas a great day for eVeryone involved! The big baLL drop kicked off a day fuLL of great performances from 5Lues. 6treet Jamz. and 6eton's own Novel. 6entinels also enjoyed some friendly competition while participating in kickbaLL. iffle baLL. sand voLLeybaLL. ping pong. 6crabble. and foosbaLL tournaments.



Left Jason shoWs Troy Temple, Luke K:'.evin and 12.yan Uarrrigan hoW to do the •E:>aloney E:>op."

E>elow Joe Juliano puts Joey Majewsk.1 l and 6anaiha to shame as he works 1t out on the ping pong table

12.ight Alex warms up before Novel's big performance

Lauren Chavez Jessie Lopez. icole Celestino. Jenna E:>oWers and b..leanor E:>eatty (all seniors) Looking Derce Jay Chipman and Colin E:>resnahan rock out wh1le Corb1n i{ovacs R.aja l Nagappan. and Deanna watch

Seton Thon 108: Selling for Shade


Student Council

It's been another exciting and successful year for the 6eton Catholic 6tudent Council! Under the new Leadership of tv1rs. Pattock.. 6tuCo has been working eVen harder to make a difference in the 6eton community. from planning an incredibly successful Llomecoming Dance. to running pep rallies. to making the daily announcements. 6tudent Council has done a great job at representing 6eton. Among other activites including running blood drives and Catholic 6chools \Veek.. 6tudent Council's List of duties is endless. They also played a Large part in building up our school spirit this year. These future Leaders of our country work hard to make our high school careers memorable ones.

Vice President: b_Lizabeth O'Connor

Treasurer/6ecretary: Valerie b_cheveste

c:;-aribay take a break from hosting 6tudent Council activities at Lunch during Llomecoming \v'eek. AboVe: Juniors. 6arah R.ae and Llooper waiting for a meeting to start. Above .,.t+.,.-- 1/ pnde 1n her year of work as 6tudent neil tv1oderato
President: k(atie R..ya n 6TUDb_NJ COUNCIL PR.. Committee
Class Officers

Our Future Leaders

Right 6enior Vice Pres1dent. Joe Zylla. Looldn' good as always I L1ke 6tudent Counc1l because Pattock is the best moderator el/er says Joe Above: btudent Council members from all classes listen intently in a weekly meeting. Left 6tudent body Vice President Liz O'Connor. joins other senior 6tuCo members and The 6entinel mascot for a pidure at a successful 6eton pep rally
AboVe: 6tudent body President. Ryan. discusses future plans at one of the 6tudent Council meetings

Sentinel Ambassadors

The 6eton Catholic 6entinel Ambassadors

E:>elow: Juniors Brian b..spiritu and Zeck are Very involved as ambassadors.

Zeck is most known for his amazing public speaking skills as he helps with the toastmasters.

R..ight: 6ea n La wlor. Nick U e itzman. Mo LLy McCarviLLe and give pres entations on what 6e ntin el A mba ss ado rs are aLL about on C lub Day.

This Was a Very successful year for the 6entinel Ambassadors. 6tudents that belong to this highly acclaimed program represent 6eton Catholic and serve as role models to fellow students. \\lith meetings on the first Tuesday of every month. ambassadors Work efficiently to plan out their activites for the entire month. Ambassador duties include running 6eton's Open Uouse to incoming freshman. holding fundraisers. serving as part of the 6eton-Thon committee. and. of course. guiding the 8th grade shadows around campus on shadow days. 6entinel Ambassadors maintain exceLLent grades. stay involved in school activites. and s et an example for aLL 6et on stud e nts.

6enti nel ambassadors

ce an extra half hour p to be at school mptly 7:30 the uesday of eVery for meetings.

R..ight: 6enior Joseph shows his 8th grade shadow how to make a pinch pot in ceramics class Ambassadors hold shadow days a few' days a week. for three months Ambassadors take in shadows in hopes of inspiring prospective students to come to 6eton

Above: As an ambassador Jaso n exe mplifi es Leadershi p s kills to Juni or. io(y Le Taylo r. Club Da Pictured abov'e: Two of Ni.J.S officers E>oughton and Lauren Chavez. showcase the National i.Jonor 6ociety on Club Day ub 0 cers rom Le o g ): i.a ryn oug on. Lauren avez. alerie b..cheveste. and moderator tv1s. tv1itcheLL meet every tv1onday at Lunch in the Library to discuss important club issues Like new service projects and fund raisers.
"Lots of serVice" "6mart people helping out" \\/hat is 1\JLJ -Daniel v'ergel de Dios "ret 6mart'' 4 __________
Above : !Jailey CampaneLLa. K::aela Carrieres. Nicolette \v'hiteside. r;,ailey Abele enjoying a good Laugh at a Lunch time meeting.

National Honor Society

I: (Clockwise) Daniel Vergel de Dios. CarbaLLo. 6hauna Casey discuss new issues in the club

2: One of the many NU6 trees used to coLLect books for the students of 6t. Agnes .

c:;'oldberg. Johnson and Jenna l?owers sit pretty for a picture in between a business meeting taLk:.

f!:: and Andrew AboVe: 6ean Lawlor poses with fellow NU6 buddy E>ag lini

Peer Training

This years Pee r Tra ining Program was one

the most successfu l it's


Qight: 6enior

6hauna Casey and Junior 6arah R..ae discuss

how things are going in their freshman classes so far. Peer trainers get together in groups during eVery meeting to plan what they will teach next Week in their freshman class.

Building teamwork is a Very important part of Peer Training.


R..ight: 6enior Joe c:;- rubbs shows how serious he is about Peer Training "This club is important to me because I'm a strong believer in accepting all people "

of el/er \Yith many I Adams tvirs i.ubasek. and tvirs 6andomir Were Very proud of the trainers and aLL their hard work. Left: 6enior TreVyn Crosser joins his team. Junior Andrea Thomas and 6enior Brittany to prepare their presentation for next week's freshman class. Left:: 6ophomore Nick Ueitzman shows off the Pee r Training which outlines aLL the activities and discussions Peer Trainers Lead "This manual Was Like the Bible of Peer Training". says Nick.

AbtJIIe: TlJ b.. Pb..b..Q. TQAI N b..Q. CONTAIN b..R.. This is one of the most exciting things about Peer Training 6tudents tak.e turns bringing home the Peer Trainer Container to fiLL up with goodies for the next meeting

E:>eloW· The infamous R..b...6.P b...C.T ground rules that peer trainers encourage aLL freshman to focus on and obey when participating in the class. including sensitivity. trust. and "escuchar"

AbtJIIe: Q.yan Uarrigan and b..Loisa Amezcua tak.e time out of a meeting to smile for the camera

E:>eloW: TWo of the three moderators. tv1rs. 6andomir and tv1rs Adams Look. over notes on how to improve the trainers' Lesson plans

''R.E.S.P.E.C. T''

Students for Life

6tudents for Life

or e is a new organization in the 6eton community. This club is headed by and has meetings eVery week:. to further their cause . of 6tudents for Life meet to discuss and fight for the right to Live. They cover topics Lik:.e abortion and do aLL they can to mak:.e people aware of the issues. They also took:. part in helping organize Operation Qice E:>owl which allows 6eton students to give donations to children Less fortunate. have better Lives.

\Ve asked Chnsbe

\Vhy join 6tudents for Life?

"I joined this club because 1t allows me to be the voice that unborn children don't have"

Above: C hristi e l.? ick. Chantal Uooper. and K(_risten Johnson get together to discuss what they wiLL do to organize the upcoming "E>aby Drive". 6tudents for Life organize fundraisers to help children everyWhere. The E>aby Drive wiLL allow them to collect toys, diapers. and other necessities from our student body Lawlor join moderator. tvlrs. tvloreno. in a discussion on abortior: Left: Christie l.?ick makes signs for Operation Q.ice E>oWL The posted these signs aLL over the 6eton campus to remind students to give whatever they can.


6 den s ains:t- ---- • - •Destrucl:ive Decisions b..xcited for prom;:> \VeLL. before you go. you need to Learn abo t making good decisions on that s ReciaL night and the consequence s your actions have if you do not. Th at' s where 6ADD com er in. Th e s e brainstorm an d come UP. With ideas to educate son destructive decisions. and keep us in Line . Their main focus is informing and making sure We aLL stay safe and keep others safe as weLL! ______ I ·----1

Look at the club portfolio "\Ve've been doing a Lot of Work Lately finding speakers and contacting the fire department and police to prepare for this year's Prom "


6ADD President Laurice and moderater writes the 9fJ the year as the students d Prtm1 a other important upcoming 4!rrb

5 anish Honors Societ

R..ight: 6panish Uonors 6ociety officersAndrea Varela. Margaret berg 6adie Adamec. i(atie and 6ean Lawlor .

The 6panish LJonors 6ociety has kept busy throughout the year with Various activities. Meetings are Led by the club moderator. 6ra. Vinaras. and President Margar g. ce a m o g scuss ways t can help out in the spanish community. They take time out of their busy sch e dul s to raise money with fundraisers. tutor spanish to students after school and pla the Trip. They are constantly going out of their way to volunte rand Learn more about the spanish culture.

The 6panish LJonors 6ociety Induction Ceremony

R..yan Y evcak recieving his candle and Writing his name as an official member of the _&anish !Jonors 6ociety .

b..very member of the 6panish onors President 6ociety with moderator. 6ra Vinaras. gets up on the podium to holding their candles proudly after the speak at the Induction ceremony

Ayy1 Y1

6panish club which is made up of mostly freshmen. is Like a fiesta at eVery meeting. The club moderator 6r. introduces the kids to the spanish culture in a fun and thrilling Way The club meets \Vednesdays at Lunch and at Least once a month they get together to enjoy great tasting 6panish food There 's always something exciting going on in th is club!

!Jarvey showing off aLL of the complex

Words he


Learning of course."



J2. DoWr1ck. Jason ascort. and Troy J.Ja meei:1ngs celebr.,,.....r....... ture wth masks -Joseph
Long time pals E.>rennan ance and 6r Martinez joke around with each other at one of the 6panish club meetings Martinez is definitely my favorite teacher

Mexico Mission Tri

2 6ome of the kids working hard to build a new home. volunteers put smiles on all the children's faces by pulling on a puppet shoW

Left:: Andrea Vare a and E:>randon Fre1dhof at the playground dedication . Right: E?aglini helping out and talking with some of the children as they eat Lie to help ildren. is l 1. Ueitzman. Q:atie E?aglini. Andrea Varela. tv1olly tv1cCarville. and 6ean Lawlor at La Divina.

Scrabble Club

e've al played before. but ith wit and intens ity, the scrabble clu takes this board game to a whole ne Level! b_very \Ve dnesday the scrabble club meets to have fun competing. roadening their voca bularies. and showing off their skills on he scrabble board. A lthough Dr. is clearly the sera ble master. t e students give her a run for her money ."\\le don't reaLLy ha e a president or any real structur . it's not about tha . it's about having fu !"

I. 6eniors and avid scrabble players

T reVyn Crosser. Daniel Vergel De Dios. and 6teven f arfante intensely strategize their next moves.

2. Dr. exclaims. "If you beat me you get to wear my crown!"

Left: 6tephen f arfante Writes down the score in game!" Club moderator. Dr chaLLenges students IJeoma b..keh Timothy 6orek. and b..spiritu to a crazy scrabble match Nobody can beat Dr

Latin Club tf

Pat 'r nosh•r, qui in c. <.'lis, · n t.ficctur nomen tuum: .th ·mat reg-num tuum: fiat \olunta tua sicut in c:wlo, ct in terra. Pan m nos rum quot1d1 num J n 11 hodi c: t tn I t n indu nt.ttJoncm. Sed lib ra no a nulo. \nwn.

The 'Our Father' prayer in Latin .

What is Latin Club to you?

"You can t stop the s1gnal IG3thenna Carballo. 12 A chance to spread Latin to the world tv1ag1ster tv1clntosh It has begun e>nan b..sp1ritu. II


and President ljeoma

Lead a weekly meeti addressing issues Li starting a National .Uonors Latin 6oci at 6eton.

Above (right): 6ome Latin Club members during a Thursday Lunchtime meeting. Labn IS not dead.1t 1s ret red lejoma llih 12

": <.

Manga Club

members b.n11Ly Mc5.rya n and !Liefer Placette. joke around at o ne of the meetin gs.

R..ight: k(atelyn McCaigue showing off one of her own rawings .

Fo r t he first t ime at 6eton . there is a club for tv1anga Lovers tv1anga is the japanese Word for com ics. wh ich most of us know as Anime. b_very week. th is club gets together to read anime comics watch anime movies. and talk. about the new th ings going on in the anime world Not only do they watch anime but they also make their own drawings and giVe anime demonstrations Although the club is new this year it is Very serious and Vastly growing!

Left: Joshua f?lodgett reads one of his favorite anime comics. ''I'm always carrying tons of comics with me". says Josh.

Q.ight: k(atelyn McCaigue and b_mily demonstrating some of their original artwork.

Everything French! french Club

"Bienvenue au Club

F .... .\v'elcome to french Club! from selling the Very popular croissants to donating b..aster baskets. the french Club focuses on giving back. to the community of 6eton. \v'ith weekly meetings

every Thursday, the members Above : Paul Anton ios takes t ime out joined together to discuss the of enjoying his Lunch at a meeting to french Launguage. history, and smile for a picture.

E:>elow: Lisette Cole and Andrea Ways to bring a piece of f ranee Jonas show off the counrty that made to the 6eton campus. french CLub possible "\Ve Love Franee! " says Lisette

Josh \Vahl informs students about t he "Qe l ay for Life ". and asks members to participate as part of their volunteer work as a club .

The group multitask.s ev week. while focusing their me e tings on french and e nj oy in g t he ir Lun c hes at

Above: A manda \Vood and A ndrea Jonas make an important announce me nt.
FRA c.. t:

French Club and French Honors Society

6ome members of the fU6 pose for a picture during a meeting fU6 meetings Were joined with Thursday 's french Club meetings. but don 't get confused . different clubs!

rench onors 6oc1e

fU6 member and french Club President. makes weekly updates and important news announcements as Ueath Writes down who wiLL be attending an upcoming field trip

french Uonors 6ociety is an organization of french students who come together to honor the french culture and everything it has to offer. The fU6 joined with the 6panish Uonors 6ociety to participate in a Very formal Induction Ceremony. held at 6eton. which would present each student as a member of the society. fU6 encourages students to become a part of their organization to Learn more about this exciting culture!

The french .L.Jonors 6ociety Induction Ceremony

Paul Antonios lights his candle during the Induction Ceremony to s ign 1fy his acceptance into t he French Llonors 6ociety

fU6 members are represented as a soc1ety with their candles Lit.

The French s 6ociety stands with moderator and french teacher Lleath for a group picture

Back off...

Above: Lucia ViLLalva takes some pictures in the gym for her sports pages. 6entinels Would often see members of the yearbook staff walking around campus taking the pictures they needed. The yearbook relies partly on great quality in pictures and these students made it happen.

A E:> OO

It's not just an eight Letter Word. but a fuLL time job. The 2c 8 e ' L. Worked harder than ever this year to make this yearbook even more memorable than the rest Using the theme of "E>uilding for the future". the staff dedicated this yearbook to the building process of our new school and to building up 6eton as a rnmunity \Vith a new computer system to work with. the yearbook staff Was able to create this yearbook to it's fuLLest potential from attending and taking pictures in club meetings. sporting events. pep raLLies. and everyday 6eton Life . the had to Work in and out of class to pave the r to a successful yearbook.. tv1oderator. tv1s l.Jarrel kept the staff on their toes aLL year and made sure they made their deadlines. 6enior b..ditors. Nicastro Jillian PadiLLa. b..Llen l.Jarty, and Nathalie Antonios Led the team with help from the incredibly at mind of l\1ike tv1alpiedi. And who could forget those fabulous new press badges seen around the 6eton campus this year.


for inspiration

"''"' _. ,,..,w ideas. E>ut don't let that fool

Long time friends and t\1ike t\1alpiedi Looked out for each other on the staff this year. "tv1ike's genius-ness'' was a help and the girls and I Were Very thankful to have him on the team". says program made Working on the fun and addicting

AmoreH:i Looks oVer one of the previous yearbooks from other schools proVided by Jostens. The staff used these yearbooks

we•re here for the Yearbook.

I. b..ditor b..Llen Warty works on a cut out of a picture of Joe c;" rubbs. "I just keep getting better and better at cu outs! " says b..Llen

2 . and feLLow editors

Nicastro. Jillian Padilla and b..L en Warty discuss some upcoming deadlin s and how they'LL work with their sta to meet them Jillian PadiLLa says "It's een really fun working with my girls b..Llen and Last year and this year."

3 Us girls sure Love our As the only male on the staff this yea soaked up the joy of spending 4 9 minutes everyday with a class uLL of girls. \Ve know you Love it. .

4. The only staff members who aren 't seniors 6ophomore. F eed. and Junior. \Vells. Were newcomers to the staff this year.WoWe'/er. they were not alone. as this was the first year on yearbook for many of these iors as weLL. These two girls are part o f the future of 5eton yearbooks to come . us proud!


Qight: Alex and Nick .Ueitzman

fiLm Joe ZyLLa and 6ean Lawlor speak about the exciting events to come at the 6etonThon.

6CTY has reaLLy Worked hard this year to bring new excitement and comedy to each episode wh ile keeping us informed! uided by the class helps students to develop their Writing. broadcasting. and technology skills. shows approved . dealing with technical difficulties. and coming up with new material are some of the challenges the team faces throughout the year people do not realize he amount of work that goes into each show. believe it or not. We actuaLLy do stuff] " said seniorJoe Zylla .

"Bring 'Em Out"

I. 6CTV teacher tv1 r. i{ochis brainstorming ideas for the next show with Laurice lieeL and tv1ichael

2. 6eniors and Long time friends Vinnie Campion and Nick <::;'Leisner sit together and check out the technology in the 6CTV room.

6teven and tv1ichael <::;'arVey check the camera equipment.

4. tv1att and 6ean Lawlor intensly work on editing one of the episodes.

5. tv1r i{ochis helps 6ean Lawlor and Nick Weitzman cut some scenes from a recent episode.

''The Sentinel''

What is the best for an article about 6eton's uniform policpart of being in Journalism?

I reaLLy enjoyed Writing different articles and researching different topics.

6enior editor Work.s hard to finish her article for the next deadline Pictured above: Journalism member 6uLLivan takes a fun picture of juniors 6hay rady and Ali

I. Journalism teacher and head editor. tv1r. Vett:i sits and edits one of his students submitted articles.

2. Junior l[eLsey Wiggins focuses on making her deadline for the winter edition of "The 6entinel".

3. Junior MoLLy 6ullivan poses for a picture between snapping shots for her own article.

4. Cody \Veldman Uunior) checks his planner to make sure he doesn't miss a deadline.


"Dirty Work in High Place s"

This year's faLL play Was "Dirty \Vork in Wigh Places ". a story about "<::;'randma " and "<::;'randpa ". who are in danger of Losing their house to the sly villian <::;'entle <::;'rimmes During aLL the chaos. grandma and grand pa are reunited with their Long Lost gra nd chi ld 6we et 6accharine <::;'entle <::;'rimme5 and th e dreamy hero Dauntless Crusader battle each other for the Love of 6weet 6accharine 6 we et 6accharine is not distraded hoWeVer as she he lps her grandparents and the fellow toWnspeop le save th e ir homes The ending is of course . a sweet outcome This year's cast worked incredibly dilligently t o put on an impressive and successful shoW \ V ith Frable as the diredor hoW could th ey go Wrong;::> The cast auditioned and Went th rough many Long reh earsals to reach such a high quality of pe rformance.

l R..ight: Timothy 6orek.. Tom R..iegel. and Laura 6chmidt act out a scene on the opening night of the play.

Top: 6 t ep hen b..Lser tells some clever jokes to entertain the aud ience during interm ission.

Top: b_Lizabeth Pabst and Q.ight: Lizzy Tom R..eigel were very speaking to the convincing in their roles as audience as "\Vidow sly. misch iel/ous villians Aged ".

Left Alex Li sette Cole a nd b.mily

The Fall Play

Left: (from left to right) E:>ritney Pietrzak. R..yan E:>ond R..obert Valenzuela and 6hannon R..yan Top Uiggins her infamous rear-end and Laura 6chmidt Left: (from Left to right) l<.obert Valenzuela. l?ritney Pietrzak. Nathaniel Delattore and b..Lizabeth O'Connor. Left: Liz O'Connor as "6weet 6accharine" gets herself caught in a compromising situation. Top Timothy 6orek acts out a scene with Deanna

I, . I ... m gonna m1ss ya so .

This year's musical production of Was a huge hit! As always, the cast and crew of 6eton Theater came through and proved aLL their hard work with a brilliant play. The acting. singing. and even some dancing, were Very impressive and the cast made it look effortless . This musical Was about a famous singe . Conrad who decides to Le ave show business behind and join the army. before he Leaves. he wiLL publicly give a goodbye k iss to one Lucky teenage girl. tv1acAfee. on public television Conrad's agents Albert and R..ose. get involved. causing mishaps and mayhem. There Was never a duLL moment in this production he cast continued to keep the audience Laughing and wanting more.

The men and women behind the curtain

6ean Lawlor Was one of the many crew members that Worked Very hard to make sure everything Went smoothly during performances 6ean handled the sound equipment for the show.

The family. K::evin Johnson . K::elsey Uiggins b..Lizabeth Pabst. and Joe c;"rubbs sing together about how excited they are to be on the b..d 6uLLivan 6how

Above : Jon sings a solo on the b..d 6uLLivan 6hoW This was Jon's first Lead role in a 6eton play and the audience Was Very pleased Jon's confidence poise and. of course. his shiny costumes. reaLLy br out his heart-throb character

The Spring Musical

1. !Levin Johnson. as R.andolph. and b_Lizabeth Pabst. as his older sister. tv1acAfee.

2. Liz O'Connor. Jon tv1cDonald. tv1ike tv1alpiedi and 6amuel tv1orris

.?. The chorus sings about their Love for Conrad f'irdie.

In Between

Clockwise: Qyan. Aubrey Utter. Joe rubbs. Alex and Liz O'Connor take a 6tarbucks break during a five hour rehearsal "A delicious Tea Lemonade always helps me cool down during a crazy rehearsal" says Timothy 6orek and Ashley lJopf share a quick meal in the cafeteria before rehearsals begin. Frable kindly provided pizza during the Last week of rehearsals.

Aubrey Utter. 12 c;ass. 10 f'andy. II 12
... -.....£;.

Lit Ma

Left: 6ophomores R-obert 6avori and 6tephanie unther Look. over Lit submissions it fierce!" Left: The team meeting to Work: hard and discuss the future Lit tv1ag!

Art Club

Art Club comes together every Week to discuss and make art. They display a wide Variety of talent and always welcome new-comers . One of the members' favorite things about art club is the field trips they take to the Phoenix Art Art Club is a great organization to join if you are already an artistic person. or if you want to Learn to build up your art skills .

incredibly popular . 6tudents who weren't even in art club raved about the sweaters and Totten had to order more to meet the demands .

Cla' e R..yan showl"g otrers how to make a clay p nch pot

methyst lJehman. Clarre Q.y, and N1cole Celesb"o share some laughs wh te promotmg Art Clt.b at Club Day

6enior Art Club grrls around w1th the only male member. JU'1ror. Austm tv1orr

Left:: Art club Vice President. Chantal L.Jooper. shows off the brand new Art Club sweaters. Claire Qyan was put in charge of coming up with a design for this year's sweaters. and her design was

Prom Committee

p..,_..u_.. ....... I Prom Committee

Pattock talks to the girls about future plans

·-L.. 6eniors. Alyssa 6mith and tv1argaret L;"oldberg. quietly discuss the top secret theme. "ALL I have to say is. Prom is going to be this year!" says

' fl: Junior. Allison E:>eilharz Looks on in a meeting as Pattock. shows the girls the favors that wiLL be

You got the date. the corsage. the Lim o. and the t ickets Now if you cou l d ju st get your parents to stop taking so many pictures. For most jun iors an d. especiaLLy. seniors it's the most

si gnificant dance of the year Prom. A dance strictly offered to up perclassmen Prom is the most elegant event here at 6eton It takes a Lot of planning and preparing to make Prom such a special moment fo r students. and Prom Committee makes it happen The committee has many things to consider when planning Prom. such as the Location , th e invitations. the dinner the dj. and tH e decorations. Thanks to these out at Prom.

" The Prom creative people. Prom is always a Committee girls s ccessful night that highschool meet to discuss their Jamba Juice st udents wiLL never forget. fund raiser

12.ight : The band plays some exciting music to get the student

Pep l2.a 'I

E:>elow: 1 hree freshman from the ban show off their clarinet pride after their perform nee at a friday Pep raLLy!

clarinet player

R.yan racly play ing th e seton fight song at one of t he Friclay pep rallies.


Pep rallies . sport ing eve nts. fine arts night. you name it our pep band Is always there keeping spirits high and making our school proud! Thanks to the new mus ic teacher 6mith . the pep band has eally come together is year o improve our school spirit. The band has expanded significantly, from the tuba to the clarinet. the dedication and hard Work of each member has not gone unnoticed!

Music teacher Mr. 6m ith speaks to the bancl befor e their performance on fin e Arts N ight

Arian R.oba ina poses with his saxophone "The laclies go crazy for my sax sk ills "

R ight (counter clockwise) : f irst...---------------------., the robot picks up t he baLL The n. it Lifts the baLL and pl aces it on the holder Robotics Club

Th is years Robotics Club members participated in an array of fun and interesting projects to prepare thems elves for this years Nationals in Atlanta.

Congratulations Robotics! of this yea rs membe rs · ed participati in constructing the 1---; many proto typ es used to mirror their finaL r obot used at Nationals

your problem is the square whee ls .
,CS C/ub'2 "I neVer imagined "I Loved working "I reaLLy enjoyed "There is nothing
making so many with the team and Learning how to Like a good dose of friends join1ng bu1Lding robots program the aluminum shavings 6 Qobot - i-cs · _________ ______.__robots ________ nthe mor-ni-ng --i Tyler 6mith. II b.mily 12 c;ar'ley. II K:atelyn 0
11 Yes,
the best part about Roboti

Welcome to the Pawn

chess club?

It has the best people in it

Plus. the Ladies Love it!"

-Club moderator. Mr. Anthony

Chess club

This year. the chess club showed off their skills with some new members . as weLL as some returning members

\Vhether new or old. eVe ryone had a fun time chaLLenging each oth er to a battle


New freshman chess club members. b.r ic 6andoval and Joseph tv1ascort decide which move is the best

A l ex 6e ni or

itely Terrance Davis l.Je is amaz in g! Left: Chris 6pinner. President of the Chess Club. makes a moVe in an intense battle of wits. enjoying a tough game of chess with club President. Chris 6pinner.

Adventure Club

Adventure Club

\Vhether they are on a rock climbing outing or eating lunch together to plan their next outing. the adventure club members know how to have fun and stay adive. This year they Went to the Phoenix l<ock c;"ym to enjoy some indoor rock climbing They also played a game of lasertag. One of the1r favorite activities was h1king up bouth

Pictured above: Anthony and Armbruster make a good team as moderators of this year's adventure club. Pictured below: Junior and adventure clu secretary lielsey !Jam. Above· freshman Adventure member Aaron b..vans poses vlitiJ his new friend he found on the Adventure Club outing to the
Above: New adventure club members Aaron b..van R.oman Corcoran. and Michael CaroseLLi pose durin weekly club meeting.


Go for the Gold

Olympic Weightlifting

A newer club moderated by Coach 6chenks. Olympic \Veightlifting members strive to improve themselves 1n order to be ready to compete as Olympic participants do E:>y practicing some of the ame moves as Olympians and under the watchful eye of club president. Jeananne Dearing. these members prepare themselves to someday compete with other schools.

I Club mod erator 2 . 6 ome of th e boys rest between sets with th eir up! show how important it is to have a spotter 4. The boys show off by doing arm curl sets.

Pi g ong Club

This year at 6eton was the first year for the Ping Pong Club! \Vit h th eir 85 joining members . this clu b Was aL L the rag e. Though they never got to compete for 6eton . the group. made up o f mostly sophomores. had a Lot of fun . by Llarrel. group meetings Were always a baLL.

E?ack row to front roW: Jordan Plichta. Connor \Viegand. 6obczyk. Damien Voita. Andrew E?Lauvelt. CLayton Nickum. \ViL Llogue. Zach Awender. Austin Ashley Car uth . Cla ir e 6 mi th . b..r ica l<..eyes . E?ianca b..dgar . Alex Q.obles . b.. Li sa
always pick on me " said b._rica
be ing t h
only girl
Nic 7 ____________ \Y-il -Uo - u-ge And-re w 5-La-uve Lt a nd z ac h Aw-en - d-er--
Cordova l<..ebecca 6tephan ie Van Daa m 6wan
R.eyes of
few of the boys form the
officer with fellow classmates CLayton

!Jere at 6eton it is a tradition to come out and support our sports teams with enthusiasum!

Boys Cross Country

The boys cross country team this year took. on a whole new outlook.. thanks to runners that had been there for years. first-time athletes. and runners who had switched from another sport. hoping to condition themselves in the meantime. f?ut even though the team Was fuLL of new players. They manag to consistently do Very weLL in aLL of their meets They practiced hard. eVery day after school. plus Long team Weekend runs. T rainin started in the summer. with 100+ temperatures. and continu aLL the Way until sweats Were deemed necessary. The team dominated at their home course. Tumbleweed Park.. and placed weLL at other team's meets. ALL their hard Work. paid off and they made a great first impression on our new division

IIGoing the Distance 11


the only 6enior on the boys team was not only a valuable asset to his team. but a respected captain .Lle kept his boys in Line. setting a great example at practices by going aboVe and beyond the expectations. and he also set an example for his team at the meets consistently beating his o'Wn personal best and dominating eVen the best of the competition he was serious about his sport. and eVen secured the fourth place spot at Qegionals Ue wiLL be sorely missed from the team next season


Girls Cross Country

.. It doesn't matter where we're going. Just run! ..

The cross country girls this year stunned their coaches . 6chool records Were broken . personal bests Were beaten. and team goals far exceeded . The team started t r aining hard in summer. with practices only getting more grueling as the season wore on . The entire team practiced from four until five-thirty daily, taking their runs at the nearby park and ran on 6aturdays at Point 6outh Mountain or A6U's "A" Mountain . \Vith six girls placing in the top twelve at region and the team as a whole taking seventh in state. the girls team exceeded eVen their coaches' highest expectations. Madison freed . coach 's choice for "most improVed runner". and CoLLeen Tighe. coach's choice for "most valuable runner" attribute their success to daily sprinting drills with Coach Clinch and eleven mile mountain runs with Coach Armbruster

Ab(JI/e: The girls stand at the starting Line. nervously preparing for their upcoming race. Right: The girls Working as a team by using pack running during a home meet at Tumbleweed

E:>eing the only 6enior this year. CoLLeen Tighe represented the 6entinels weLL 6he Was one of the teams top runners. Leading the girls to 2nd in R.egionals

Let 1
S Run, Ladies!
Right: Freed. and E;1rook.e Uupenthal along with 6enior Capt Colleen Tighe take a picture after receiving their medals at Regionals . Freshman Volleyball

J V Volle ball

i(et.sey r2.odriguez making a sp1ke aga nst Arcad1a 2 i(a1te Crosser lc.eep ng the rally going 3. The team pray ng before the big game f>el.ow Ashley keep1ng the team alive with help from IG!t.sey RodrlgU4z and Jenna

b..Llen .Uarty

I c;ot
Varsity Volleyball
tv1Y tv1ama
left:: diminishing any chance for the other team to come R..ight: Doerer doing her part to keep the rally going
• ..___ back.. Left: 6entinels announcing their aLL star players

VoLLeybaLL had a winning season with their new coach James felton. Coach felton had the girls Working Very hard this year. having practice monday through friday from six to eight and also saturday from nine to eleven. Their strategy Was to take one game at a time and treat eVery team as their biggest competition. Their season started early in the summer going to camp at our own 6eton c;'ym. Working through the exhaustion thank.s to new air conditioning. As far as team building goes. "\\le just make fun of each other. to keep our nerves down" says Coach felton. 6ome of the team nicknames include "E:>arbie" for bJLen !Jarty, "E:>ig E:>ird" forTori E>ath. "6eabiscuit" for E:>arlow and "mightymights" for both b_Lisa Cordova and 6ara 6tumbough.

11 Razzle Dazzle 11
Qight tv1cic(enna R.onan making the set

Qight Capt

6adie Adamec doing her thing

G irIs Go If

This year was the flrst season for the Lady 6entinels gol team. Although the girls had to adjust to differen coaches throughout the season. they Worke1 hard to make a good flrst impression on our 4A division. The girls practiced eVeryday after schoo with the boys team at 6an tv1arcos until six. The team was relatively smaLL with only flve girls Capt. 6adie Adamec. tv1aren 6affel. R.achel 6affel Denee Lama ia. and 6tephanie 6tein. This year th it aLL the Way to fourth place in hed off the faLL with a winning season.

I. 6adie Adamec's baLL slowly makes it in . 2 . 6tephanie 6tein starl:ing off the game 6adie Adamec Working it out 4 6tephanie 6tein making a tough shot to keep 6eton in the Lead

f?el.ow · freshman 12.achel 6affel keeping up with the older girls


.. Tony 's At Like Nine ..

\v'ith a nev-J coach this year Captains John and Taylor didnt Let the team .?rd in .:>tate and took Valley InvitationaL The el/eryday after school 6an Marcos Q.esort. competition was Dame. but the boys fight against both One of the traditions kept this year was E?efore el/ery game and sang along to get the pumped for as \v'alk It Out Cry.

Lose focus . They finished _..._ home 1st in the b..ast 6entinels pradiced until 6 pm at the This years biggest Arcadia and Notre put up a strong of the teams. that the team the 6eton Choir. the boys danced different songs to the big game such and Dont

Go If

' .. 4
Taylor Looking on as Ryan Mahoney takes the Lead

Girls Varsity Swim

pictured above swimm1ng her Little heart out at the City of Chandler Invitational held at Uamilton Uigh 6chool with her unique style of freestyle

Making Waves at Seton

To the Left Pract•ce day5 con515t of warm-up5. 5et5 of kick. 5et5. pull5eb. then actual drills. PICtured from left to right 15 Lucia Villalva Colleen Amrhe•n. and

I b.rica Qeye5 getting 50me bounce in her JUmp before throw.ng a backward dive at a 5Wim meet

2 c;"irls L!OO yard relay at the la5t home meet of the sea50n Pictured i5 Lucia Villalva anchonng after Je551ca c;"ilmore

PICtured 15 50me of the g•rls team relaxing before the meet after the premeet warm-up5

Boys Varsity Swim

P.ct:ured e>elo.t Aaron le5ter ta mg hl5 mar for a raa

r?oys \ViLL be r?oys Pre-meet boredom

I Andrew Blauvelt is batter up with a fancy black flip-flop with \Vil Uogue as the catcher

2 CLayton Nickum throwing the bottle up for a spin while wa iting the trans it ion of batters

.? Josh Lester show ing off his pitching skills just before the boys get yelled at by Coach b.roc for wasting energy on gatorade fl ip-flop baseball before a meet

4 The Lester brothers. Josh left. Aaron right. wa it ing for their race to start.

5 Part of the boys team talking to pass t ime before the meet after warm-up

6 \Vil Uogue and Andrew Blauvelt Listen attentively to Coach b.ric and Coach Uarrel for the Coach pre-meet pep talk.

Podured to the left: Jo5h le5ter Andre Ou hul5. \Vol Uogue and Aaron le5ter after bt place on the 200 yard relay at regoonal.5 at the meel

Might As Well Ski In Our Wake!



bear that the boys dump in their mouth right before a race just Like Phelps

is honey ....... • Pictured Left is Andrew awaiting 6am (E:>ones) to "fin ish hard to the wall" so that he can "fly " the boys to a close race at !Jamilton !J igh 6chool Pictured aboVe is \Vil Uogue and Josh Lester taking a quick breather in between sWim sets Pictured above: Tthe s wi m team during a kick set Pictured left: Andrew tvjag nus sport in' his favorite stroke the


.. The 6eason That ever b_nds .. 6areena

tvledina. Courtney b..thier. tvlrs. 6candura. tvleschen left: "tv1rs. 6candura is the best taper in town" says Nick. of his favorite trainer tv1iddle: Bridget tv1eschen handing out water at our homecoming game. Q.ight: Bridget tv1eschen icing Timmy tv1ulloy after soccer practice

Freshman Football

"Laying The foundation"

The class of 2011 worked extra hard this year to show their stuff \Ve aLL pushed ourselves to outshine eacother" said quarterback E?rett Q.efner "\Ve kneW this year was basically a tryout for Varsity" The guys definitely proVed themselves ready for the challenge. As the first freshman class of our neW 4A division it's obvious that we're not going to be an easy team to beat in the years to come

Varsity Football

Q.lght: 6entinels taking doWn the quarterback E>el.ow Chns E>aker bringing doWn the house Above Corey Vaughan getting doWn the field with help from Nick <:;"Leisner E>el.ow, Coach 6henks and the team during half Left: Jeananne Dearing had to work extra hard this year to keep up with the boys E>el.ow: Corey Vaughan breabng ankles on the field

For The Stars 11

e footbaLL team this year had a Lot of cha to adapt to this year. \Vith the construction of the new chapel under way we had to play at different fields for our home games Not only were the 1r surroundings different. but their mentality as weLL The 6entinels had a completely new coaching staff this year. Lead by Uead Coach tv1r. R.odger 6henks. New traditions were established and old ones maintained on and off the field. In addition to Thursday potluck.s the team also sat and ate together during Lunch everyday Another new tradition mstaLLed this year was team rap battles after Thursday practices to get each other pumped for the big game to come. 'The boys and us reaLLy became a team during our week. in 6how Low for camp" said Coach 6henk.s when asked how the coaches and players Learned to work. together The team practiced everyday after school until six at night and every 6aturday from eight until ten in the morning. even after traveling aLL night back home from a friday game. "tv1y favorite part o season was seven a.m. Lifting. I don't Like sleeping anyv/ays" 6aid Nick. about their morning Lifting. \Vith the new competition that was introduced in L1A The 6entinels worked hard together and became a family that was obvious on and off the field

Ab/JIIe The team waits for the go ahead from Luke fvlcCarJille I<Jght Jon tv1cDonald taking a breather al: half time Ab()l/e : Jon fvlcDonald completing a pass for a fourth down Left: The 6enbnels stopp1ng the running back at the Line diminishing any chance for a first down Right Ouarterback Luke fvlcCarville lookmg for an open
Varsity Pom Line
JV Cheerleading
JJ 0 T
Abt711e: The 6quad at Cheer Camp E:>el.ow: The girls at pose at halftime while performing at the dome. 6tunting. The girls at team bonding


S Get A Little Bit Rowdy 11

This year The 6entinels had eight new additions to the squad along with f]ve returning seniors. They had a Lot to adapt to this season with new coaches and new routines that gave them first place in the 4A division championship meet. This years 5 quad. pictured right. included Morril. Amanda riffieth. b..Lisia Cordova. Adrianna Amato. Johnson. Ashley .Uatf]eld . Jennifer 6kotak. O'DonneLL. Alannah Brogan. Anne Carey. VaL b..cheveste. Ali McCaLLister. b..rika 6chwartz. Nicole 6tevenson. Christie Bick. Andi Thomas. Morgan .Uoughland. Lauren .Uarrigan. Jerica Logue. CJ Carlos. and Cassie Johnson


Once You•ve Wrestled ... Varsity \Vrestling

The Vars ity team had a Lot on their plate th is year. \Vith a relatively smaLLer team and a new. more chaLLenging. division The 6entinels proved themselves to be a good chaLLenge . This year 's biggest region competition Was but Oueen Creek. Was the boys' most important Win to

secure their 4A division. Our own Dr. returned this year as head coach along with his son. and footbaLL Coach 6henk.s to keep the boys in shape. The guys practiced everyday after school for two hours where they Would do exhausting warm ups and perfect • their skills. These tiring drills however proved successful rewarding the team with a Winning season.

AbOI/e: The E:>oys practicing for the1r upcoming tournam ent at E>ourgade Left Tom Riegel doing Work: at the expense of his teammate Junior Timmy practice to the only never Let hardest in rs and T om Q. ie ge l take a break from strike a pose Although Tom was 6enior on the team he up and fought h1s every match.
Everything Else in Life is Easy

Girls Soccer

The Lady 6entinels made 6eton proud once again this year. As one of our unstoppable competitors they also showed their talent in our new 4A division. Although they Lost some key players from Last year. Captains; b_Leanor E?eatty, Nicole Celestino. and Jessie Lopez kept the girls in Line and came out on top of their new opponents. The girls Would practice eVeryday along side the boys team on our new soccer field b_ven though We have no bleachers the girls never had a problem drawing in the fans \Vith five seniors Leaving this year the underclassmen have no worries for next year." I'm going to miss the seniors " said 6ophomore 6tarter CoLLeen. " E?ut they prepared us weLL and there's no reason why We Won't be just as successful next year" Coach Tate along with players that he used to coach Worked the girls hard but it aLL payed off and The 6entinels came out with another sterling year.

I. The team saying a prayer before the big game.

2. Above b_Leanor E?eatty 6howing off her mad hops CoLLeen A.mrheim doing her thing against Arcadia

"Your know what I mean?"

Q.ight: R..ush being amazing as usual

I. Jenna f:,oWers shoWing the team hoW it's done at a Weekend tournament

2 Claire 6mith getting pumped about the b1g game ahead

3 . The underclassmen try to stay warm at half time

Left: Jessie Lopez breaking ankles on the field Coach Tate and Lauren Chavez on 6enior Night 6he was sad

Boys Varsity Soccer

Michael Chavez "Chavey" left: Mark. Ahlemeier representing the sophomore class

"Yeah Girls Soccer!"

The 6enl:inel 6occer l:eam had a phenomenal season. Al: firsl: il: was a shaky transition l:o l:he 4A soccer division bul: l:he boys pulled through and made il: l:o l:he playoffs \Vil:h returning 6eniors. (seen sl:rel:ching in cenl:er pidure). Chris Dearing . Joey MaJewski and also new 6enior players. Chaz Damo. and John l:he underclassmen had alol: l:o keep up wil:h . Throughout l:he season l:he boys grew as a l:eam and by l:he end of l:he year l:hey were a family . "l:he under classmen are going l:o have some big shoesl:o fiLL nexl: year bul: we're going l:o be fine ." 6aid Timmy on his 6enior l:eammal:es Leaving nexl: year. 6eason 6enl:inels!

Above : John defending his goal Above : Chris Dearing shoWing off his mad hops

Girls Freshman Basketball

As we aLL know freshman year is the hardest year New school. new people. new teachers. but what's a better Way to meet friends than through a sport you Love?


Jessica Alcock and Lauren fatalyn hustle down the court for an offensive play

Girls JV Basketball

Left: 6wan shoots a freethrow at an away game Above : c;irls await a falling baLL for a rebound or defensive play Left: Niedfelt throws a jump Lay up after being passed a turnoVer baLL

Girls Varsity Basketball

Qight: Colleen Tighe checks out her options while dribbling the baLL down the court

Left: Plichta

a face while making a Layup to bump up the score 2 more

Qight: The team gathers around to Listen up to a play that Coach has come up with that wiLL get them another awesome Win

R.ight: R.oy throws the baLL for a lay up

Bottom R.ight: Bustos. Corrine Abele and tv1egan Plichta "d-up" on their op for a chance to get back. the baLL

\\layne sets up a play while taking the baLL down the court cu creating time for eVeryone else to get in place for another game winning play

AboVe: Carrieres dribbles down the court


Q.ight Dominque \Vhitmore dribbles dov/n the court ready to either take a shot or pass to one of her teammates

E:>ottom Left:: IL.abe Doerer focuses aLL concentration on her shot for her free throw

E:>ottom right: The team shows some 6eton Pride while putting in their hands and shouting. "6entinels!"

Under Pressure

Left lc(aeLa Carrieres plays exceLLent offense by shooting the baLL with a chance

Q.ight CoLLeen Tighe awaits a rebounded baLL while the opposing team makes a freethrow

Above: Theresa \Virth dribbles down the court getting ready to psych out a defense opponent


Freshman Bo s Basketball

JV Boys Basketball


oWning tvlarcus 6obczyk. going :2... up for the lay J up

Varsity Boys Basketba ll

The transistion to 4A this year proved to be insignificant to this year's Varsity team. \Vith returning coach tv1r. b_rnie Pintor the boys were virtuaLLy unstoppable. TreyVn Crosser took a break from basebaLL this year to join the team with returning seniors: Nick Corey Vaughan. 6himi Colbert. Joe ZyLLa. and Josh Lester. The 6eniors weren't the only ones doing work on the court. though. 6ophomores Andrew and Thomas l.Jarty also got a good amount of playing time. No matter who was on the court. however. they guys played weLL together and became more than a team but a brotherhood. You were definitely out of the Loop if your weren't at the game on friday nights. ''I'm going to miss being on the court with girl" jokes 6himi about his teammate Nick. This duo were invinsible against their opponents with their unmatched skills and stunni good Looks. Congr ons 6entinels on an awesome season you made 6eton proud! i(yLe tv1ahoney Looking good in center

Left: 6enior Corey Vaughan adoing Work against Wigley on at our Last home game. R..ight Nick taking it down the court
11 Basketbaii 1S a brotherhood 11
AboVe : Nick. getting the game off to a good start r2.1ght Joe Zylla at the Line Above : 6himmy doing his thing Josh Lester Looking as usual Left: 6hot: The team didn't knoW the picture was being taken

What•a all that Racket Ab out?

R..ackets. a green court. tennis baLLs. tennis shoes and nets are what these girls know. Their Love for the game and great coach keeps these girls on track.

telyn tv1cCaigue throws the baLL up in practice for a serve

from Left to right in sequence: ndrea Varela ready to serve. throws the baLL. the n with f finishes

tv1organ Labine finishes her stroke while practicing with Andrea Varela

from left to right: tv1rs. l?eatty, tv1ariana udson. b..Lean or l?eatty. tv1oLLy tv1cCarviLLe. l?rittney tv1cb..Lhaney. tv1ikayla tv1oLLy 6uLLivan. b..rin tv1cCarviLLe. !?Lake !Janna. tv1organ Labine. tv1cCaigue. Andrea Varela. and Laurice

R.ight: Laurice lieeL tosses the baLL and awaits the right moment for the perfect serve

Girls Tennis

Qight: The team gathers around rs to Listen to directions

Above : !Judson tosses the baLL in the air for a serve in a home match

Reaching High

The transition from 3A to LlA can be difficult. but these boys strive for nothing but their best and enjoy their time with each other while they're at it Joe and Tony who have been on the team for years help keep eVeryone focused but at the same time having fun. Of course the boys have a say in the matter as weLL Like Nick. Ueitzman pictured below.

Left: Vinnie Lenzi runs towards the diredion the

Q.ight: Nick Ueitzman takes a pose after warm-ups before the match starts

E>elow : The boys gather around their coach to Listen to directions

Qight: 6ean l.LJpez bounces the baLL on his racket while coming from gathering Loose baLLs

E>elow: Donovan AustiLL bounces the baLL while Nathan \Vaters tosses the baLL preparing for their serVes

Above: Tony Detv1ember passes the baLL back to his opponent AboVe: Dennis Qogers jumps to serVe a baLL during War ball is coming Above: Joe Juliano crouches down to gain E>elow: Donovan AustiLL awaits for opponent to serVe baLL force to jump and get his

Boys Tennis


Andrew Joe Juliano.

Danny PrindiviLLe Vinnie Lenzi.

Paul Antonios . 6ean Lopez.

Jacob 6cott . Nick. Ueitzman.

Alex 6chreder. Nathan \Vaters.

Timothy 6orek.. Dennis 12.ogers. and Lucas Tibbetts

Ab(JI/e: Donovan AustiLL runs to the baLL to pass to his opponent e;,eloW: Nathan \Vaters finishes his serve Juna1d tv1irza JUmps for h1s serve E?elow from Left to right: Donovan AustiLL Junaid Above: Tony awaits the baLL E?elow: Vinnie and Donovan AustiLL toss up their balls to serve Left: Vinnie swings at the baLL rushing to him Joey as manager of the team "helps with the transition to 4A"

Girls Track and Field

This yearls track. and field girls are ready for a great season. They are Very excited for their first season as a 4A team and ready to take on the competition. The prospect of taking r2.egions and 6tate. which the Coaches always set as an achievable goal inspires the girls to Work. their hardest in practice. 3 and run their hearts out in the meets.

I i(elsey l2.otar1u.s runs as anchor n a relay 2: Lauren Uamgan runs the Axaoo relay .?: Theresa bulliYan dominates m the shotput competition

are the most important part of and field. It's where the girls get to show their skills and prove their mettle out on th track. E:>ut just as eVery race is different. every girl has a different way of approaching meet. Jordan Plichta says ''I'm nervous as soon as I hear there's a meet . I get butterflies for days. I get so nervous." \Vhi freed says "I don't get nervous unt1 get to the starting Line and I see my competition. Thats when I get the butte ·

Above Left: Theresa changes her shoes and stretches before her race Left: Amanda riffieth. iLelsey riffieth. and Ashley J...Jatfield pose for the camera while waiting for their event to start

are NOT the slacker crew! II

f'ecause of recent construction to the track- a new surface that 1s useable for sprinters with their spikes. there is an abundance of construction equipment. Like this buLLdozer the team couldn't resist a picture with.

The newest addition to the track team this year isn't the new uniforms or the snazzy new warm ups. but friday and 6aturday practices

Though the girls may groan at the thought most wiLL agree that the practices can reaLLy be fun. and they get a good workout in . plus they get to Listen to an inspiring speech by head coach



Bo s Track and Field

E:>oys Track. and field this first year for the team as but because of veterans. who different practice. instiLLed by Archibald. "b..very better. faster and taken this to heart. eVery meet.

year is Very exciting. not a 4A team. against more the number of boys. b came out for Track. in events. The boys aLL holding true to the distance coach. and track. day. in every Way, We are getting faster. stronger and stronger." and always Work. hard to improve at tv1 ichael P ol.owsk i. sprinter

only because it is difficuLt 4A schools rookies and number of Work. hard at motto mentor co better and The boys have

Left:: Qyan Y evcak and Johnson Line up in the starting position for the 400 meter race . Qight: TWo of the 6eton 4xl00 relay teams make their baton exchanges. making sure that tv1r Darby never has to hear the sound of the baton hitting the floor
"lt,s rude to count the people you pass out loud."

\Vhen the team members aren 't racing or part icipating in an event they always watch the ongoing events and cheer on their teammates.

The freshman boys dominate the team this year going out for every event and ranking high in the team. and during meets . Llere . R..yan Danny Pabst. 6imon Zimmerer Llartenbower Jimmy Travino and

around while waiting for their events to start

The Track and field boys know that the key to a good race. a good throw. or a good jump is a good Warm up and good stretching. At the beginning of eVery pradice and before eVery meet. the team warms up with two Laps and some specific stretches. The Warm ended with a cheer and a pep head coach tv1r. Darby. !Jere. !Lyle Johnson helps tv1 ichael P olowski stretch his Legs before a high jump competition.

1'40'-fva"- shO'o>/s off excellent running form during a 4xBO nee relay. and displays hO'o>/ aLL his hard Work has paid off

Aaron b_vans Lounge


Carrieres stealing second as usual Pitcher Olivia

You Wanna

Antagonize Me?/1

The 6entinels started ofF with a bang this year. They defeated Last years state champs on \Vickenburg's home turf and went on to run rule. eleven to 0. their first region opponents. The girls had to bounce back from a heartbreak Last year in the semi finals. but this year they're back with a vengeance. Luckily the move up to 4A Was effortless for the girls with four amazing pitchers and home run hitters. The new addition to the team was freshman Olivia l?ergman. who proved age was nothing but a number. and that she could compete with 4A. The 6entinels / practiced eVeryday after school from four until six and on 6aturdays eight to twelve. \Vhatever success the season brings. the girls deserve eVery Win. l?etween morning Weight Lifting and game day bagels. this wiLL definitely be a year that 6eton 6oftbaLL wiLL never forget.


Varsity Baseball

This year the boys had alot to adjust to. Losing seniors from Las t year and moving up a division the 6entinels had a tough road ahead of them . Despite these chaLLenges the guys stuck it out and became more of a team than anyone could have imagined. The team practiced everyday after school and every saturday morning. \Vith starting pitcher Q.yan Uarrigan paving the Way defeated their opponents with ease.

Ab(JI/e: Trevyn Crosser "T-Cross 9" getting the force out with ease

Q.ight Top: Johnny 6izer doing hrs thrng

Q.ight Bottom- 6eniors. Trm <:;runkemeyer Johnny 6rzer. Jake Uendrrck.son. T revyn Crosser. Chris Baker. and Ryan Uarrrgan

Let's just take a moment to look at Rya Far Top Q.ight· 6entinels stealrng yet another base

Left· Zach \Veatherman mabng the throw from third base


An atom

Diego Fernandez and Jon l(irkman dissect a pig's heart during their anatomy class.

6ociaL Justice

Joseph tv1ajewski and Timothy c:;' runkenmeyer go over Catholic 6ocial Teachings in thier 6ocial Justice class.

A rt

Above: 6himi Colbert and 6arah DeLeo perfect their drawings in art class

E:>elow: Nicole Celestino Learns how to graph sine with the help of Dr. !(rings.



6enior year has finaLLy come! As the seniors get closer to graduation it becomes much harder for them to pay attention in class. The further along they go in the school year. the greater the senioritis becomes. It is hard to concentrate in class. but eVery senior knows that their academics are important and wiLL help them as they move forward from high school. They wiLL continue to concentrate on their academics until the Last day of high school!

Ashley !Jopf begins to TPCA6TT one of the poems in E)rtish Lit class.
P.b.. overnmet
Above: Christopher Dearing studies his Arizona state maps for goVernment class. Left: The girls of advanced sports work. hard using the new equipment from the Weight room.

hang out during recreabonal time. They enjoyed hangmg out in the tree soaking up aLL of the beautiful scenery

Kairos XXIV

XXIV Candidates and

left: does NOT end when the retreat is tJI/er

The busride home was fuLL of sharing and opening up And of course throwing up the XXIV!

Jon tv1cDonald takes

Nicole Celestino shoots some t1me to do some some hoops during reflecting underneath a recreational time. The game tree is bump out and Nicole is the bump out champion

tv1argo Uenkhaus. Valerie b..chev'este. and Amanda <:;"riffieth Leaders.

Kairos XXV

K-airos is a time and place away from the usual. away from the hectic. crazy Life aLL high school students know aLL too weLL. K-airos is a time of healing. of change. and of embracing who you are. who you want to be. and the relationships you want to have. At these K-airos XXIV and XXV. seniors and juniors opened themselves up. shared their Lives. made new friendships. repaired and renewed old and broken ones. healed themselves. and set goals to improve their Lives and obtain the goals they set for their future In a word. i{airos was amazing The memories. the feelings. the Love. and the bonds formed there are things that wiLL Last a Lifetime.

E:1elow· 6haring did not just happen within smaLL groups and during talks. friends-new. old. and renewed-spent free time amidst the beauty of the ranch just talking about memories. who they are. and who they want to be

Ab(JI/e: The bonding of the entire retreat was amazing. from Leaders to candidates. from juniors to seniors. el/eryone Was in it together. They were and are a solid. unified. support system.

Ab(JI/e: Though tears were shed. though m(JI/ing stories were told. and though and healing were constant and important parts of this there were feel good times and dance m(JI/es

Senior Most

to 6eton Joseph rubbs E., k(atie l<yan

Likely To ...

E:>e on ReaLi tv1 illionaire

Joseph Jessica Lopez President Timothy tv1argaret berg Jon tv1cDonald Adrianna Amato
Senior Dancer
Christopher Dearing G alerie b_cheveste
Beste & Most Artist > 111 :::::s (\ > U1 U1 111 > (Yl [' c L :::r lf) :::::s U1 -4-J :::::s c qj \J :::J -4-J


\Vhat was your favorite class at 6eton? Intermediate Algebra

Seniora You
/t1dL OimAJJ,- tR .
E:>ailey Abele 6adie Adamec Adrianna Amato b.loisa Amezcua Laura Amoretti Nathalie Antonios Me zi Asbury
. __
-Johnny 6izer
You !{.now!
Pnsc1Lla E>randon Pablo Cadavid ailey Campanella Vincent Campion


\Vhat Was your most embarrassing high school moment?

\Vhen I got a buzz hair cut because everyone Looked at me in a strange way.

Carballo Christ ine Carlos Carrasco
6hauna Casey Paige Caster Lauren Chavez
(/Wl. :t
Class of '08
T reV)'n Crosser Chas Damo Terence Davis Jeananne Dearing 6hannon Doss ljeoma b .keh Cabrielle b..Llis



is the thing about 6eton? Playing soccer and meeting aLL of my Life-Long friends .

-Jenna E:>owers

Nick Cleisner Margaret Coldberg 6tephen Creco Amanda Criffieth
Ashley Uopf Johnson
1-C l'w"'-
Johnson Diandra Jones

\Vhat is your favorite high school memory?


b_very Lunch. I Loved hanging out with my friends!


Joseph Juliano
Class of •oe
b..rin McCarthy A,
Jon McDonald f?rittany Mcb..lhaney Jason Metoyer Lucas McCarville

Do you think the foundation you have built at 6eton wiLL help you in college?

Yes. The teachers helped me become the best student i can . so I can succeed in college .

Seniors You li.now!
Damon Olson-Palma Parton Plichta Patricia R.edden
You li.now!
Alyssa 6mith Christopher 6p inner /"""' tvjichelle 6tevenson


\Vhich are you going to miss more : the The cookies . They cookies or the bagels? are homemade and they have a touch of

Andrea arela VMili WAM>l Aubrey Utter
14 ______________________________ Joseph
Lucia ViLLalva

\Vhat is the one thing that you are going to miss the most about 6eton? tv1Y friends. I Love them. b_rin tv1cCarthy

Class of •oe
icolette '\ · Amanda ood

Junior Academics

Foreign Language

Though by junior year it isn't required to take a third year of a language many juniors do. One of the biggest third year Language class is Uonors 6panish

Above: shoWs her enthusiasm for Learning the great Language knoWn as b..spanol bien. bien.

Algebra 2

Juniors may have two years under their belt. but this year requires more than just experience because junior year is Very much an experience 1n itself

The Project. U 6. Uistory. and. of course. Olivieri's Chemistry Class are Very much rites of passage for the students at 6eton. It may be t ough. the classes may be more than you think you can handle. but you make it through .

Plus junior year is definitely not aLL bad. It's the year you start to truly take stock of things and begin to become more definitive about plans for the future. especiaLLy college. It's also the year when you fin aLLy become an upperclassman. have the opportunity to go on 6pring l{,airos with the 6eniors. and. undoubtedly one of the highlights of the year. get to attend your first official Prom!

Junior year. It's everything you expected It's fuLL of everything you didn't. It's tough. It's stressful. It's crazy. It's worth it.


Junior year is the first year students are allowed to choose one of their semester Long religion classes b._veryone is required to take Christian but the unofficial junior religion is \Vorld r.2.eligions with (right)

Oh \Vhat is there to say about it? You have it every year. junior year included. whether you Like it or not.

Left:This year. Vetb has rounded up quite a few for his Philosophy class.

A Year of Change

It simply would not be junior year without Labs and the goggle marks. Chemistry class is a huge part of that year. memories and new things are Learned there. It's a sin to forget tin!

I2Jght: Two junior chemists modeling for the camera while modeling molecular models!

English 3


b_ven though b_nglish class is a requirement aLL four years at 6eton. eVery year the class is different. It gets harder. but eVeryone Learns more The biggest part of that class IS the infamous and oh-so-stressful Project." juniors stay up tiLL nearly the crack of dawn to finish those books (but thats mostly cause they puLL the typical procrastination card)!


There are many electives offered to juniors. juniors tak.e at Least one art class so they don't have to worry about fulfilling those credits 6enior year b._veryone Loves Art Class! b_ven if they're not exactly

Above: 6hay rady reading her U 6 Llistory book. intently. Junior year is the year of U.6 . Llistory This is also the first year an AP Class is available to aLL the students in the class 6ome choose to take on Clinch 's famous but difficult "AP U6Ll" Others choose to stick. with the regular. more familiar class

K::.ayla tries to walk across the stage while balancing a balloon and a cup held by a paperclip. Talk about determination!

Junior Retreat

l?randon shows off his amazing skills \v'ho knew anyone could move Like that-;::>

As an icebreaker to start out the retreat and to introduce 6ession I. the eleven groups faced off in an intense relay of balloons and unconvential spelling with their backsides It Was entertaining and kicked off the retreat with a good feeling

Left: 6ome junior boys Listen to the talk giVen by Terry about the many chaLLenges he met in his Life. b..veryone agreed that it Was one of the best parts of the entire retreat. It Was truly inspiring!

Other talks of the day included c:;-oLdberg's and

Above E. R..iqht: The groups face off once again in a game of wills and possibly some wit l?ecky Wood (shown right) had the fastest time and Won it for her group

Determined to Reach Higher Goals

The theme of the Junior retreat is Determination. l?eing that it is Jun1or year. it fits weLL. The class was asked to Look at their past. to see who they Were. to reaLLy Look at their present to see where they are . and to Look ahead to their future In Looking at that future. they Were asked to evaluate what goals they wanted for the coming year of their Life They Learned that there wiLL always be obstacles to goals. but with determination. We can always meet them.

The retreat got a special surprise when a serVice dog Visited for aLL the juniors to pet.

l?onding Was a IJ Uc;b.. part of the retreat Though. what happens on retreat stays on retreat. eVeryone there wiLL remember the bonds formed and emotions shared.

Left: c; roup 2 Was espec iaLLy close and spirited . It's quite possible that they Won the cheer battles.

"Chunk up the Db..UCb..6!"

There was a bit of group rivalry. as weLL. 6ome groups had chants and would end up "competing" each other in cheer battles.


Jason Agu lar Chnstopher

Chad E>ndget Almond

fv1egan Andersen

Devan Aotram

IG.be E>agLn1

tv1oly E>arlow

Charles E>aucom


i{eLLy E>eauvais

Aluson E>eilharz

Uannah E>ergman

N1colas E>ond

Alannah E>rogan

year... omtnates
"Junior year is so rruch harder than the past two years. It's definitely different."
-Nick. .LJ eitzma n
J . d . '2'2 untor


high school memories?

"\Vhen tv1r. 6heh Locked himself inside of his room and tried to teach Vocab through the window!!"

Cameron Crowley

Bryan Lafldry Davb 16.

of Megan Rush's FAVORITE Bugayong Ou nton Candd:ana Aon Carey Cas ro Chin lJ5ette Cot.. Clayton Coo lv11chele

lv1 lvjon•que ldhiverri e>r.an icole Frana> Luca5 f rangul e>randon f re•dhof

lvl•chael c;arvey i<(..Gey !..lam

e>r.anna Llan50o

!G. hlun Llar ey

Jo5eph Llarr ngtoo

Nichola5 J..le,tzman

lvl•tchell Ller5hkowitz i<(..Gey LJ,gg•n5 e>ecky Ll ood

lvj!Chelle Llooper

\Ve aLL have our big fears. \Vhen she was asked to be on top of a mini. three-person pyramid for a few photos. Ali tv1cALister was pretty reluctant and needed quite a bit of persauding. \Vhen asked why. she explained. "\Vhat? I'm afraid of heights."

(b..vidence of this "pyramid" can be found on pg 164. at the top right hand corner)

Juniors Any kinks in your foundation?

You've got a pretty sweet ride .... but whose is the BEST?

"tv1y boy Zach \Veatherman h TiJ b.. hottest ride."

Nicole "Yeah but you can 't forget Troy's R..ed 5ug."

"That thing is Like 5aLLa 6tatus! "

LloughU!nd !'rent Lluddl.e5ton

Ca5.sandra John50n

Andrea Jona5


Cody l(oLLmann 6uphen l(oon5 i(JaUSI! i(J,c

6ean Lawlor

6kye L..ennen

Nadia Leonardi

Aaron l..e5ter

Ryan ey Patrid: Robert ALex er


6areena Junatd Thoma:;


T;mothy 6erg•o

6amuel Amanda

\Vhen asked if he preferred single or group dates. tv1itch Uershkowitz responded. "I prefer group dates because I believe in the more the merrier!"

There•s never anything good on TV... when they do watch . the jun ior girls

Love: rey's Anatomy friends

The Wills

\Vhen they're chillin '. junior guys sit back and watch : family 6outh Park

The Office C61


._aur.., O'nl! LL

Amanda P eofer

e>rotney P1etrzak

Jaelyr Potts

K.11!fer Placefu.

Danry Pnnd1V Lle

Orostopher Procop1o

Corey Pugliese 12./!dger

Carossa 12.1!1smger

Amanda 12.Jchardson

Anan 12.oba na

o nos 12.ogers

f.janlyn Qoy


.:Warnon Ryan

I(..U,y Runca

l\.1ar<!n 6a d.l.

6arah 6c!1 mpp

GJyt.a 6cllu<!n<!Tilan

ljj a 6chwartz

AlD. 6ia<lat 6irom<!n'lan athamd. 6m h

Trl<!r 6m1t

Na han,<!l 6oqUI

Timotf.y 6or<!

6ara 6tumbot.gh

Juniors Favorite Moments from Junior Year?
-Timmy \\IeLLs
"\Vhen tv1 r. Anthony's voice cracked during a Lecture!" "6coring a c;oAU!!"

Class of •oe

Looking to the future

ALL juniors know that junior year is just a waiting period before 6b..NIOQ Yb..ARJ 6o what are they Looking forward to next year?

Michelle lJooper said she can't wait tiLL she's "top dog." especially since her sister Chantal wiLL be gone .

Molly 6ullovan 6>/ebc Taylor Trf7Y TempU.

Andr..w Verderame

Connor )/all>om

mothy )/aters

Zachary )/ea

Cody )/eldon f!>reanna )/elb

Joanne \\/on

fidencoo Yl>arra

Q.yan Y e>lcak

Moheel> Zara i(evin Zec


Junior Collage

Junior year is a year fuLL of memories. Laughs. stress. the good times. and the bad . It's typical with !Jomecoming. the "Thon." and the Junior R..etreat.

Class of '09

Junior year is also fuLL of the unexpected. the crazy. and the absolutely amazing.

homore Academics

CoLLeen Amhrein . b_dgar. and C orrine

Abele smile for the camera wh ile grading their homework. dur ing

c;LI6iJ II

Damien Voita and Qotarius ponder together over an b_nglish writing assignment


6teven tv1atta and 6ean Lopez Work Laboriously on an assignment giVen them by tv1s . V in the first few of the class period

The 6ophomores are growing up! They are no Longer at the bottom of the high school food chain. but they haven't quite reached that upper-classmen status. They are in their hardest year at 6etonthe first year with aLL of the core classes. but also the first year with an elective. The sophomores have realized that their grades are what get them where they need to go. but are breathing a coLLective sigh of relief that their 6eton Careers are halfway over

Jess ie 12-andolph. Ashley Uatf1eld. and Q..ebecca \VILcox Work on a force of fr ict ion Lab in their physics class. involv ing wooden blocks and weights This is one class they know they'LL use throughout their entire Life .


Joe Cusimano and Julien DayaWon get excited about their Latin class. while Thom my ately Looks on with interest. They aLL realize that Lots of english Words derive from their Latin Vocabulary.

Laura 6chmidt and Uopf

Work hard during tv1r. Uart's World history class. They are furiously taking notes to keep up with his fast- paced Lecture.

Critical classes, cool electives, crowded hallways, cou ntless projects

Learning to Love

This game. aptly named "Wiyah!" Was popular at the sophomore retreat. resulting in much Laughter and closer bonds amongst the sophomores. who Were trying to concentrate on the theme of 'Love'

\Vith the theme of 'Love'. the sophomores Were able to grow closer togther through carefuLLy planned out speeches. activities. and discussions. The sophomores. in their smaLL groups. also got a chance to express what they Learned through skits they created and acted out for their classmates .

Above Left: 6hea and tv1ichael Chavez convince tv1r Frable to come out and groove with them as they dance to go to Lunch .

Above: CLayton Nickum shows the crowd h1s dancing skills as he contests the moves of tv1r Frable to get to Lunch first.

R.ight: Julien Dayawon shows off his hurdling skills by jumping oVer his classmates during a skit displaying praise and Love .

AboVe : The 6ophomores exchange a group hug during a skit portraying anger and Love

AboVe· The 6ophomores get excited. voting with raised hands and cheers for their favorite smaLL group skit.

Q.ight: The 6enior retreat Leaders get ready for their own skit.

The Sophomore Retreat

The 6ophomore R.etreat this year brought the sophomores. some who had known each other since freshman year. and others who were new transfers to the 6eton community, closer together in Love and faith . They were touched by the moving speech giVen by Coach \Valheim. many of whom were in his lJealth class as freshmen. and delighted by the presentation od. Jesus. and the Devil as masked superheroes by the senior retreat Leaders

Ab(}l/e; The 6ophomores engage in a group discussion about the speech recently giVen by tv1ike

Top Qight tv1s V teaches some of her sophomores the dance to ''I'm a Little Teapot "

Qight: The sophomores listen rntently to each other as they discuss the hardships of loving yourself

Far Qight Dale Lockheart tv1onique \Vantland and Vinnie Lenzi get excited about the retreat

Cornne Abele l\.1anuel e>eruamin Adamec l\.1ar Ahlemeoer CoUeen Amrheom

Paul Anton= l<achel Arvizu DDtUNan Zachary Awender

l6be e>andy Peter e>ath Dominoc e>eatbe l\.1atthew e>eLU5 l(grri


tv1Y favorite break food Would have to be those delicious heart attacks

We caLL bagels .

-Lena Nguyen

6top. time!

\Vhat is your favorite break foocJ?

tv1Y favorite break food is definitely the muffins. eVery


-Vincent Lenzi

fo' 6hol

Andrew E>lawelt

Altcia E>oyd

Dan ell.. E>rancato

Dem E>rancato Caruth

lvj1chael Cerono lvj1chael Chavez Cordova

Colby Cosgrove l(a,tlyn Crosser

Joseph Cus1mano

Natalie Davaz

Jul1en Dayawon

Nathaniel Delatorre E>en,Jamin Doerer

6teven .C.yt, c:..ddy l(ay[a c:..d9ar

6tephen b..b.r

Chnstopher b.s.:ju111el

Courtney b.Jh1er

Donal/on b.liasher:.:O

Farrah far lvj1chael Felix lvjad1son Freed lvjad1son

Class of '10

Zachary <::;"arCla Amhony <::;"a5ea

Thoma:; <::;"ateler T

Pard: Qenr

Lenny <::;"qme z

K:eGer <::;"nffieth Jennofer <::;"unther 6tephanoe <::;"unther


Llanna Llaa:;e

Jenna Llaggerty

6chuyler Llamiltqn

Lauren Llarrigan Llarty

\Vhat's YOUR.. funniest 6eton moment??

\Val king into the Wrong class and not know ing it until the class Was halfway over And when Zack tripped in the hole outsid e of A7 funniest things ever -ILe lsey L;' riffieth

Trying to open someone elses Locker. thinking it Was mine. and the person whose Locker it Was. Was standing behind me Laughing.


fo· 6ho!

Travb Uawe:;

&,n Uaycraft

Zackery Llen

:v'olliam U"9ue

AndreW Lloli.DW

Uopf Uud50n

e>roo\:e Uuppenthal

i(y[e John50n

i(erry i(arT!Sfu A5hley


e>eruamon La ne

Ca55andra Lalor

Oenee Lamacchia

Carly Lawlor



'Iince L..enz

Dale Lod:hart Lopez

Class of '10

Tyte Lopez

Ja<!e Ludn

E>randon Macclonald

There5a Maldonac!o

Mar Mat.p;ed Rebecca Mane55

E>.anca Marhnez

::> l!'len Matta McCaogue

E>ridget Me5ehen

Luca5 Mol1na

l.J,[ary Mortana

Au5 bn Mom5

Lena Nguyen

Do you have your drivers License?

\Vatch out.

I've had my License since November. everybody. is on the road!

I drive a Little red Camino named Awender

So homores 1-0

Fo' 6hol

( abnel iC""r"""

Q.aytq,- cblm


Nowak 16rtt. n 0' don nell

U zabeth Pabst

Jordan Pi.Jchta

A!'thony p ol.etU

Andre Ou hutS


Dan•elle Rem•t10

tJica 12eres

Adam Qichard

Alexandra Qobl.es


(reg l<odrl<!uez l<otar U5

Jared l<obert 6abon

VeroniCa 6ant

Tatum 6anhago

(• l.ano :Xam

16rla :xhmidt

Laura :xhmidt

Class of 110

\Vho is your fa vor ite 6 uper .Uero?

6piderman for sure Lle's Legendary!

Do novan AustiLL- 6uperman is definitely t he best. he's got a cool cape .

Clayton Nickum- I am the best superhero. obviously. can't you teLL?

Teresa er i(e..;,r 6tephan e 6te n NicQle 6tevenson

Class of '10

fo· 6hol

fhere5a .!>ullivan

1-vlarler .>Nan

bri .>Nuney

Andrea llwma:>

Anna Tran

t-vlatthew uWmello

QJcardo '1/aca

12.ot>ert eVan Daam

Amanda '1/eal:>

'1/ergel De DI05

Dam,en '1/o,ta :v'ahl

Monl<lue :v'antland

Carter :Varnod

Nathan :Vater:>

1-vlallory :Vayne

Domen que \'1/lutmore

Connor :v'iegand :V,Lcox

Sophomores Building my LifeOne year at a time.

6ophomore year ·o8. Class of 2010!

A year 1 S worth of memories


Oh Freshman year! It's just the beginning and with this new beginning comes new obstacles. These obstacles include ... yeah ... you guessed it.Jv1ath. b_nglish. a foreign Language. and a miriade of other classes. Don't worry. we aLL get through it!

Upper Q.ight e;,rennan Vance acts as if he's teaching c;' reen about b_nglish when in actuality she is the one doing the teaching. Nice try e;,rennan!

R.ight: 6candura teaches her students about nutrition of their bodies

e;,elow: b_lizabeth c;'omez. Jennifer c;'reb. and R.achel 6affell sit in 6andomir's lntro to 6cripture class just waiting to Learn about the Old Testament.

Q.ight Carlo R.obles and Julian 6ilva take a moment out of their Computer class 'I) to smile for the camera


Left: Lends a helping hand to students making R.oot E:>eer. Yuml
E1el.ow : flynn holds up the "male spirit squad " megaphone with pride during his study skills 1 class with Paddock.
R..ight Listen intently as Carrieres helps with their math test corredions.

Finding Courage

" o one ha greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friend " Jn 15:13

l?el.ow: though behind Justin and Christopher Q.usseLL demonstrates what strength and courage could Look Like

Left: Colin l?resnahan refuses to use a partner but instead Leads himself in the trustwalk J.Je did pretty weLL at first but in the end he was not too successful.

l?elow: A group of freshman sits in a circle. admiring the their Wondrous "\Veb of Compliments "

Above · and E:>randon pose for the camera while waiting for the retreat to begin .

l?elow: Colleen Chittenden. 6abrina J.Jaase. and !JoLLy Anthony Look through magazines to find pidures that describe them for their collages. ====---


Freshmen Retreat

The Freshmen Learn much more about themselves and their feLLow classmates during the 1r retreat The theme is Courage As a freshman it can be a Little unnerVing starting high school knowing few people or maybe no one at aLL The retreat focused on the importance of building inner strength and the willingness to take a chance to find a new freind express your fa ith. or just try a new experience Perhaps it isn't only the Freshmen who could use this boost eVery now and then

T alk.s from Coach Tate and 6eniors i..risten Johnson and i..im !'Carrasco helped to Lead the students through their journey on the discovery of Courage in their Lives

Left b.milee Uolly Anthony, b.Lizabeth Polk.. Colleen Chittenden. 6abrina

Uaase. and Joshua Tracy team up. hold hands. and trust eachother as they begin their walk together

Zachary Leads a group of fellow freshman in ,____ the trustwalk.. It takes quite a bit of courage to entrust yourself completely to the Lead of another ..,.
. l
Above: Lucas Tibbetts among others sits and smiles as he watches fellow classmates play "Uttle 6ally \Valker". a game that the retreat Leaders start up during a free period.

Erwm lai"O

Ja oil Barro Aex5Beede


0 VIS Ber IT'an

L1z Bla!ler

sn Bond

T1> MB5 Borne> M 1y Brsdy

Me a Brandor'


The Freshmen ...

Though it's only been the first year of h1gh school there are many moments that eVeryone remembers from their freshman year. 6ome are embarrasing . 6ome are sad 6ome are just flat out hilarious . \Vhat is your favorite memory from freshman year?


favorite memory is when tv1att spewed milk out of his nose!" R...efner

Megaro Cervante5

JayCh pman

Co eel' r ttel'de

Fra Contre a5

Ja on Cove

Freshman year is simply not complete without atleast one simply humiliating moment. So what's your most embarrasing moment'?

most embarrassing moment is when I caLLed the wrong person hottie!" - E?ianca

De5 Curbe o

Crn5topher Cu5 tr'ano

Amanda Datr'

Ana ew D oz

Garrett Do g ty

Class of 2011 are here ...

Freshman year has been a big change in itself, but a lot is still to come. What are you looking forward to'?

''I'm Looking forward to the new school being built!"
-i{evin Johnson
We 1 re ready ...

Class of 2011 to cheer ...

"She doesn't even go here," "IDK, my l:rff Jill?" and "I am Mclovin'!" Recognize these quotes? Everyone knows them, but even more so, everyone says them. There have always been those famous quotes that you know you drop in randomly during a conversation. So what's your favorite?

16 6PAR..TAAAA."

Charlotte Russe, Buckle, Abercrombie, American Eagle, Industrial, Wet Seal, Journeys, ForLove AND Forever 21. We all have our favorite place to shop, what's yours'?

favorite store is the -Victoria Qowland

E-'11 ee Zacrary M rez v05eph Ma5eort Enn McCarv1lle Ash ey M Corn1 c evin McDonald
Freshmen Red ...

Class of 2011 and Gold ...

If you could trade places with anyone, who would it be?

"I would trade places with Jackie Chan ." -tv1atthew Farfante

Mo ca Moratto

A5ryn, Murphy

5hsnno, Murphy Muthu

Rajs sgappan

Kevin O'con or A5h ey Odd

Dan1el Pab5t

Caro ne Penn·5an

Tere5a Pbam

Ange e P1zarro

E zabeth Po

Amanda Prah

yle Pnnz

Renee Reye5

Jonsthan c ard

Mean Rot:>a na

Ctlrlo Robe5

uchary St1bol Rae e 5affe

e 5tli'I'Ue5


Freshman class ...

Mrt<:re 5eqt.e ra

5 chl'l'e er

of the year has been?

"The best song this year is 'Crank. That' by 6oulja -Jennifer

From Kanye West to Justin Timberlake. From Jessica Alba to Jessica Simpson. We all have our favorite super star. Who's yours'?

favorite celebrity is Chuck. Norris! "

-Brennan Vance

J an S va

B,..an Sze

Jee;e; ell Sm

M Song

Matthew Speer

Ethan Spnng5tol'

Vane!lsa Sto

Margaret Su val"

Tess er

C.!l!l bbett!l

Jo!li'>JB Tracy

J mrl'yTrevi"O

yra Urch ke

Brennan Vance

Anthony Verlander

Anthony Wa see

eWe dol'

lan Wintenng


S !'lOn Zirl'Plerer

Class of 2011 You know!

tv1elari R.obaina watching tv1r tv1cE:>ride doing an expermient

Freshman Collage

E:>el.ow· Joseph tv1ascort and Jason CoVelli play around with yarn at the freshman R.etreat

Class of 2011

Freshman bond over many things from Cheer to pep rallies to breaking out classic moves during dances R..ight: !?on ding during the freshman Luau! Above : Jake 6abol breaking out the robot

'1.1aT) darm Thoma Anthon)

Zetta Armhru ter

tac1 Banhart

Robert Baler

Boetto Kath) Carpenter

Bamb1 arnerc-, Denm' linch



Kelly Cro"er

Thoma'> Darby

Beth Dodaro

Bob bpo,ito

Aaron Farahaugh

f·elton Matthev. Frable

J Eri Franci'>co

Jennifer Green

Elinheth Griffith

Juhe Gnndc}

Poll) Harrel

Ste\c Han

I \Chnc Heath

Karen Hill

ynth1a Hoffman

Leah Ktx:h1o.,

Matt KO<:h"

Jennifer Kohl

l : litahcth Knng-.

ynthia Kuha-.ak

Karen LIN>n

Sr Joan marie Madden

Jon Malgradi

Rud) 1amnet

R Bru<.:e \1clnto-.h

M1chael \1ead

Terc c \1inatoga'>'a

Ehtahcth \1u..:hcll

Lita Moreno


JeiT) 1ullin


Barbara Olivieri

Paula 0-.terday

Beth Pattock

Patrie k Reardon

Jame Relph

\1aJ) Ann Rtch

David Richard

Rtchard Riley


ictoria Ronan

iu-Ling Ryan

1ary Jo andomir

Joanne candura

Rodger chenks

Ro anne chroeder

Timoth} mith Marun prinzl

Heather temberg Ca ey Tate

6mith Looking great as

belts one out at mass.

Collins shows off her ceLLo playing skills as she practices with the band.

Hen!) Tongue Cyd Totten 1\lhchael Vetti \1aria Bernadette Vu kovich

The Chapel: Start ...

...to Finish

Corey Vaughan

Our dreams have become memories as we reflect on your Life You fiLLed our house w it h the joy the moment you Were born because yo u were nothing short of a miracle. You have been a close brother to J .J .. a great friend to Jessie. a special cousin to E:>er and a Wonderful son to us. Your potential is Limitless as you begin your journey after high school. \\lith your determination. Vision and gifted mind your dreams for your Life after high school wiLL certainly become special memories for many more people. Thank. you for being our son.

Love mom and dad

Ryan Harrigan

'If you can imagine 1t. you can create it. If you can dream it. you can become it!"

Congratulations. Qy-Dawg! These first eighteen years have fl,own by- where did the time go;:> \Ve remember Like it was yesterday the day We brought you home from the hospital aLL nine pounds of youl As the years passed. we have watched you grow from a quiet. weLL-mannered Little boy into a fine young. caring and compassionate man. You are blessed with many outstanding talents: use them weLL and you wiLL go far in Life You have the potential! As you close this chapter of your Life. remember that a new and exciting one opens. Qyan. know that you are Loved and our Love wiLL go with you wherever Life's adventures take you b_njoy college to your fuLLest. <::;"od E::>Lessl

\Ve Love Youl

Dad. and Lauren

Shauna Casey


I am reaLLy going to miss you when you go to college. Congratulations!


\Ve are so proud of you and aLL you accomplishments. <::;"od has given you many g1fts. and you have used them wisely.

aLL your dreams come true

Congratulations and remember We are always here for you!

\Ve Love you. and Dad


Damon Olson-Pa

Damon. You are our pride and joy \Ve are so proud of the individual YOt. are and the fine man you have become Thank you for being suc'l a wonderful compassionate. and sincere son. J<.emember the is yours You will always have our Love and support

Love. tvl om. Dad. C. c; randpa

P 6 You will always be my baby Love Mom.

Michael Malpiedi

Lucky 6tars above you . 6unshine on your Way friends to Love you . Joy in work and play- Laughter to outweigh each care In your heart a songand gladness wa it ing eVeryWhere aLL your whole Life long!


\Ve Love YouDad. and

Margaret Goldberg

Oh. no \v'ho do we pick on now that you're no Longer the baby niece/cousin?

You certainly aced high school. Your essays were always such exceLLent reading that we were sure you 'd go to Law school. Not a bad idea-we can always use your Legal clout

6tay away from too much dorm food - "freshman 20" isnt cute nuff said. have fUN. write us from b..urope in junior year and see you home for the holidays! TU LATION6!!

Loving you always.

Tita f?eebs. Tita cousins itCath. Philip Joseph


Paige Caster

E>e happy, think positive and remember aboVe all that c;"od and family are always with you

Love you c;"reat Aunt Janet

\'1/e Wish you all the Luck in the world and hope you achieVe aU your dreams

Love c;"randma and c;"randpa

NeJer forget all the fun you had m high school There is more to come in College \'1/ay to go c;IZADUATb..!l \'I/Ow' how time flies when you are having fun!!

Love Uugs G K:Jsses.

Aunt Cacky G Uncle Bob

Congratulations! \'1/e are so proud of you \I./hen you "wish upon a star" all of your dreams can come true (eVen about giraffes)

Love. and Dad

Christie Bick

Dear Ptvl.

I k.noW the 6eton community k.noWs you as lttie but to me you wiLL always be my precious moment from the first time I was blessed to hold you in my arms to the present

It has been the joy of my Life watching you groW from a happy, playful Loving young girl to the beautiful spirited caring young woman you have become

Thank. you for the special memories Love.

Dear Ashley,

Uow the years have gone by It seems Like only yesterday that We brought you home from the hospital

You have truly become a beaut iful young Lady. \Ve feel Very blessed to have you in our Lives \Ve are so proud of aLL you've accomplished Now as you are about to embark on your next journey always remember that we believe in you and we Love you with aLL our hearts . Love.

and Dad


Margaret Goldberg

Ou de., "lrge'lre._, God ble55ed u5 with a daughter who5e pa5510n for earning a 1way5 amazed u5. Your many ta ent5 !1d your who1e5ot11e character are 5pec al gift5 that Will make your college I fe en,oyable and 5ucce55ful.

Love ard Congratulation5, Mom & Dad

Marga,.et, Congrat5 or graduat ng from Setorl I hope your co:,ege expenence help5 you grow In many way5. Study hard!

Your oving bro.



\Ve Love You "because you're you"!

\Vhat a joy and blessing you are to us!

bless you alwaysfrom your adoring family and biggest fans.

Dad. Paul c James

Ale-x Karam

Jenna Bower

From the Very beginning. you have blessed our Lives with so much joy and happiness! \Ve are so proud of aLL your many academic and soccer accomplishments tv1ost of aLL. we are proud of the person you have become . The future is yours!

\Ve Love you. tv1om and Dad


Jenny Shea

Dear Jenny,

From the time you Were born. you have been the type of daughter any parent would be proud of. The qualities you possess wiLL make you successful at whatever you choose to pursue in Life. Look back on your school days and cherish aLL of the memories. As you begin your college years. remember that with Faith. family and Friends. you can make it through anything! You are. always have been. and wiLL always be a blessing to us both. \\lb. LOVb.

YOU Vb.R.Y tv1UCLl!

tv1om and Dad

Joseph Grubbs

6pode- E>ud- 6hmoe

\\IoWl You've blazed your Qv/n trail taken the road le" traveled And as the poem say!>- "that has made all the difference · \Ve continue to marllel at what the Lord 15 dotng n your Ltfe and we thank Uim deeply for with you we have had more fun than anyone deserlles Thank you Joseph for the JQY !:he laughter and the time of our livesl \Ve are so proud of the Christlike young man you've become

Love you forever- our blessing you'll be Dad. Anthony Alysse and

"R.ise up in splendor Your ltghl: has come the glory of the Lord shines upon you • lsatah 601

\Ve are Very grateful to L;"od for giVing us a wonderful Loving and caring son and brother

Thank you for aLL your Love and aLL you do to your family, friends and to others \Ve are proud of you and we Love you Very much CONL;"QATULATION6 in aLL your accomplishments in academ ics . in music and you r volunteer works up the good work and your strong faith in L;"od your faith and strong values guide you wherever you go

Our Love and Prayers Dad. and 6a m

Laura Amoretti

Dear Lola

v IIU are the kind of ch L.d that every parent w15he5 to have You are 51JCh a and human be1ng A5 we thm of your Lfe a5 our daughter great fulfill our m1nd5 You have done 50 much to make ll!l proud of you. Thank you for thQ!Ie gifu our l1ttle N""' baby girL 1h your turn to fly a5 h1gh as you can. embrace your future. make good cho1ces for your life keep bel'ev ng '" yourself continue to be hone5t and and share all your lite and fr,endsh p along the way

<:;'01<1 you and keep you safe. you Will have our love forever and ever! Mom. Larry 1/ and Alex

Dear Laura

f.1ay you always bnghten everyone s Lfe that you encounter , With your sm Lde and charming per5Q!'aLty you have done w1th

L..ove alway5. Dad. 6haron.l.Jeather. Caitl1n and N1co


Johnny Sizer

Johnny, we have so many great memories of watching you groW up NoW you're graduating from high school and off to college . You have a great sense of humor and a wonderful smile. E:>e proud of yourself and be true to yourself.

Live your Life to the fuLLest and continue to make us proud of you Don't Let anything get in the Way of accomplishing your goals

\Ve Love you with aLL our hearts. Dad. Christy E., E:>rian


Tim Grunkemeyer

Tim We can't say often enough how much we Love you and how proud we are of everything you have accomplished . \Vhen you were 10 or II. We told you that you had the talent or ability to accomplish anything. This is as true now as it Was back then .LJard Work and your faith in od wiLL get you anyWhere you want to go in Life.

Chantal Hooper

Chantal tv1ane lJooper.

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my Life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand

"\\lhy. when 1 needed you most. you have not been there for me;:>"

The Lord replied. "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand. is when I carried you."

\Ve are so proud to b your parents! \Ve Love you and pray for you 24/7 because we knoW \Vho is really in charge. You are so precious and unique. and have the most contagious smile Live 1n lJis Love and you will find your path.

Love. kisses and hugs.

tv1om and Dad and all your siblings

Amanda Griffieth

Congratulations Amanda I You are a You are 18. and you are an amazing person and a Wonderful daughter NoW is the time to celebrate hoW you 've groWn and touched the lives of those around you with your humor. beauty and loving heart NoW is the time to look forward to the exciting future that awaits you \Ve believe in you and knoW that you will be successful in whatever you do You are beautiful gift from c;"od . and we are blessed to have you in our lives

\Ye \Vill Always Love You. Mom and Dad

P We love you tool and Alan

Eloisa Amezcua

Our wonderful daughter she needs so l.tttle and giVes so much NeVer short on compasslo'l Loving and caring Always with an enigmatic smile. sharp intelligence. and eternal kindness that invites you to hug her trust her and Love her NeVer judgemental always understanding and accepting 6he possesses solid and deep values w ith a compassionate flexibility that giVes eVerybody the benefit of doubt No matter what. she is always there; h.lton John could not have said 1 t better

"UoW Wonderful Life is while you're in the world Yours are the sweetest eyes we 've eVer seen "

Love Dad. E:>arby and IsabeLLa

Diego Fernandez

Que Ia energla, seguridad , fuerza de voluntad y alegrla de vivir que posees entre otras cualidades , siempre las conserves para bien como lo haz hecho hasta ahora.

Te amamos y nos sentimos muy orgullosos de ti.

Papa. Mama, Rodrigo y Alejandro

Erin McCarthy

' I hope you neVer Lose your sense of wonder . You get your fiLL to eat but always k.eep that hunger you never tak.e one s ingle breath for granted . c;"od forbid Love ever Leave you empty-handed hope you st ill feel small when you stand beside the ocean \Vhenever one door closes I hope one more opens Prom ise me you'LL give fa ith a fight ing chance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance . hope you dance "

Congratulat ions! \Ve Love yo u!

Dad . 6ean . 6hannon . and Qyan

April Rybacki


\Ve are so Very proud of you This is just the beginning of so many roads you can travel. \Vith your strong wiLL and determination. you can achieve many things brave be true to yourself. and be a fierce friend

\Ve Love you . C. Dad

Bailey Abele

"To be a witness does not consist necessarily in engaging in propaganda nor even in stirring people up. but in being a Living mystery. It means to Live in such a Way that one's Life Would not make sense if didnot exist"- Cardinal 6uhard

\Ve aLL Love you !:)ailey! tv1om. Dad. Corrine. tv1adi. Camille

Jillian Padilla

Congratulations! \\/e're so proud of our baby girl who's grown into a beautiful smart. charming young Lady. \Vherever your future path takes you. know that we Love you and wiLL support you aLL the Way. The world is yours. so follow your dreams. Laugh. and make good choices by keeping c;od close to your heart.

Love you tv1om and Dad

Kristen Johns


Congratulations on your graduation from 6eton! Can yo believe it? Four years have come and gone and now a new journey Lies ahead! You have created many memories to guide you. You may not realize it now. your education from 6eton wiLL shape your Life in ways. Your most important inteLLectual physical and spiritual growth has been nurtured by the 6eton Catholic community oVer the Last four years. and you have a firm foundation for your future. You probably even had some fun. too! \Ve are so proud of the person you have become. \Ve Love you! b..njoy your next adventure!

Dad. i<(evin. and !Lyle

Nathalie Antoni as

To our dear Nathalie.

Childhood is almost oVer now. and you are stepping into adulthood . The years have gone by so fast. making it hard to believe that our Little baby girl has blossomed into a beautiful young Lady with a heart of gold and a smile that would melt a thousand icebergs!

your faith in <::;"od never die. and may !Je guide you and protect you through good times and difficult times. K:eep your head high: don't be afraid of anything or anyone. \Ve are aLL proud of you and Love you and support you. and want you to know that we'LL always be there for you.

Dad. Paul <::;"randpa. <::;"randma

Diandra Jones

You are a beautiful person inside and out \Ve want you to k.novJ that no matter what you do. what you think.. or what you say, you will have our Love forever There will be times when your worries seem more than you can bear K:J,eel dovJn. close your eyes it to he'LL answer your prayer

As the baby of the family it seemed Like your high school graduation was so far away. and yet here you are with college right around the corner.

Congrad uLations!!

\Ve are so proud of you and wish you aLL the best for a successful future and may watch over you always!

\Ve Love you!


Dad. Qicky. and

Joey Majewski Joey. Diandra Ulve Dad tvlom. Alexandria. \\Iiley, and tvliranda

Christine Remmel

Dear Christine,

Have we told you lately that we love you? You've been a godsend to us, keeping us young and always exceeding our expectations. From a tiny peanut into a beautiful and amazing young woman. As you move on and make your own way in life, take chances, make mistakes, learn from those mistakes, and be proud of yourself and what you've accomplished. Remember to love who you are, and most of all, be happy.

We love you more than you'll ever know, Mom and Dad

Is that our Little Lucia aLL grown up? \Vhere did the time go?

In one moment Nino holds you in his arms as an infant. and the next he is presenting you to society as a Woman from the moment you Were born. you have been the light of our Lives. our shining pearl And now. Love. it is your time-your time to shine your Light upon the World. You can do aLL things through Christ who strengthens you \Ve LoVe you tv1ommy. Daddy, Nino. and family

Lucia Villalv

Nicolette Whiteside

Congratulations! \Ve are so proud of aLL that you have achieved! has great plans for you! \Ve can 't believe you are already graduating high school! \Ve know you wiLL accomplish many great things in the years to come .

"tv1ay the passage of time. bring the grace of experience. the wisdom of Love. the anticipation of something WonderfuL and the beauty of Life's dream."

\Ve Love you Very much and wish you the best in aLL you do!

Love . Dad. tv1om. Alex. E. ic(ristal

Thomas Riegel

You are a joy and a treasure, """ho'11aS, and you have 'ghted our patro since yo ... r birth. As you step out on your own path let your 'ght sh ne!

'AI the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle."

Love, Mom, Dad, and Ben

Lala E:>eLL through the years you have been a blessing in our Lives . \Ve wish you the Very best of Luck in the years to come.


Dad. Daniel. and Cassie

Joe Zylla

You were six years old and wanted the traimng wheels taken off your bike \Ve didn't think:. you were ready. Not only did you remoVe the training wheels. but you taught yourself to ride the bicycle without our help

c;oes to shoW what you can accomplish with a Little initiabve. courage. dumb Luck. and by ignoring your parents You conbnue to shoW us that we are blessed. Love. Dad and

Lauren Alyss Chavez

v-ista Krein

You have become a strong. smart. beautiful and grace-fiLLed young woman \Ve are aLL Very proud of you \Ve admire your academic and personal accomplishments. \Ve pray that you wiLL always strive to fulfiLL your heart's desire and that you seek. Our father's wiLL for your Life. \Ve Love you. your Laughter and your Love of Life. Congrad uLations!

Dad. James and of course The Captain

2.? 1

tv1 ichelle.

\Ve are so Very proud ofthe things you have accomplished and the beautiful woman you ahve become Our hope is that you w1:.l continue to challenge yourself continue to make wise choices and be happy m aLL you do follow your dreams and Live your Life with excitement and enthusiasm. r<.emember that c;od is with you always and that you are forever in our hearb


tv1om . Dad and Nikki

Michelle Stevenson

Shea Rotarius

has blessed us with you. dear 6hea (aka 6hea6hea-f?a-f?ay-f?ay) . Lle aLLowed us the great pleasure of watching you mature from a sWeet-faced Little baby to the intelligent. charming. beautiful young woman you are today. from your neVer-ending creativity and off-beat sense of humor to your passion for animals. There is no one Like you! \Ve're so Very proud of you. and we know you wiLL accomplish anything you set your mind to. Live Large. surround yourself with faith and Love. and remember that family is foreVer .

ALL our Love. Dad. li.elsey. and i(iel

Jason Metoyer

Congratulations! \Ve are so very proud of you You continue to amaze us with your incredible accomplishments It has been exciting to watch you grow into an intelligent. caring. and talented young man ALL along. you have brought Love and Laughter into our Lives. Follow your heart; trust 1n yourself Live your dreams; have faith in \Ve pray that may k.eep you safe m aLL you do.


Dad. and b_ug. Uncle Auntie Lisa. and Nattie

egan P ichta

You are sensitive and intelligent. Loving and compassionate You have the biggest heart of almost anyone We know. You are a wonderful daughter. and We are so proud of you.


Dad. Jordan. Zach. and Jacob

Claire Ryan

6tep by 6tep

lJe does not Lead me year by year Nor e'v'en day by day , but step by step. my path unfolds Njy Lord directs my way (E:>arbara C R..yberg)

Congratulations Claire \Ve Love you so much! Continue to cherish your faith and share it with others .

Njom C. Dad Patrick. Owen. and baby Paul


Alexander Martinson

Alex- Your Life has been a Wonder. joy and blessing to aLL who know you . fv1ay guide and guard you on your journey. \Ve are so proud of you and your accomplishments fv1ay you always be joy filled. happy, and humble. \Ve always Love you! Your moms!

Michaela Carrieres

\Ve are so proud of aLL your accomplishments. fv1ay the Uoly 6pirit continue to guide you with grace and wisdom as you continue your journey.

\Ve Love You!

tv1om. Dad. Dan. and

Jon McDonald


\Ve are so proud of the man of you have become. \Ve Love you more eVeryday! and Dad

"Draw your strength from the Lord." b..phesians 6:10

\Ve are so proud of the young man you have become and know that you have many great accomplishments ahead of you . Never Lose your wonderful sense of humor. your Love of the great outdoors. or your integrity. \Ve wiLL always be here for you . CongratuLations!

Love. Dad. Jen. Zack. and

Tori Bath

\Ve are so incredibly thankful to c;'od that Lle blessed us with you I You bring so much joy to our LivesiYou are an amazing young Woman and We are so proud of you! As you continue on your journey through Life always Look to c;'od for guidance and strength Your spirit enthusiasm determination compassion and faith wiLL take you far

Dream big- you have so much to offer the World You can do anything you set your mind to Always remember that We Love you and wiLL be there to support you Dance Like no body's watching and keep sharing that beautiful smile and infectious Laugh with people around youl

Love always and foreVer Connor Peter R.Dndy and your f:?iggest fan-


Tany De Member

Congratulations! \Ve are so Very proud of you. You have grown into an amazing young man and truly a blessing to our family. The years have flown by so fast. It seems Like yesterday you were in pre-school and now you are graduating from high school \Ve are confident that you wiLL be successful in meeting the chaLLenges the next chapter in your Life wiLL bring Your charader and caring spirit is strong and wiLL carry you far in Life . \Ve Love you dearly and wiLL always be there for you .

Love Always.

Dad. and Alyssa



Through the years you have brought so much Love and Laughter in this family and in our home Your heart is huge. and your caring nature neV'er ceases to amaze aLL those who know you Luck. in this next wonderful chapter of your Life The world is waiting for you!

Nous t'aimons!

Dad. tv1om and tv1ax

Margo Henkhaus

Aubrey Utter


You have fiLLed our dreams with Love and happiness since the day you were born. \Ve have watched you grow into an intelligent. Loving and beautiful young woman who has the ability to see good in eVeryone As you foLLow your dreams. know that you can always rely on and your family for guidance . \Ve are so Very proud of you and aLL you have accomplished!

\Ve Love You! tv1om. Dad E. 6cott


The time has come to celebrate your accomplishments and to Look ahead for the bright future that is awaiting for you R.emember that you have the potential to become anything you choose to be. Always keep Cj"od in your heart. do your best everday, continue being the sweet and caring person you are and your Life wiLL be fulfilling

Our Love and 6upport always. Dad. Lila
"6ucess is the sum of the small efforts. repeated day in and day out."
-R.obert Collier
Priscilla Brandon

Cunous \Yide-b..yes. e,ig e,eautiful 6mile .Jumping In feet first! e,y tv1om. <:;" randma and Alex

That headline describes you in everything you do. You g1ve your aLL with an open mind and a fuLL heart- You Life. from the beginning. you have fiLLed our L1ves with so much LOVb.. and JoY You strive to do your E>b..6T and most of aLL you work to more than you take \Ve have been to be a part of a Life that l.Jb.. has prepared you for Your future is so You make us PQ.OU D of you and your choices Continue to follow share your and you wiLL make a d1fference in this world. \Ve Love you ( Adi Coco Ahhchoo) more than words wiLL describe!

Adrianna Caitlynne Elisabeth Amato

Stephen Greco

Congratulations on four awesome years at 6eton

\Vith your intelligence. wit and sensitivity you w iLL go far R.e me mb e r to e njoy and thank eVeryday for your Life and gifts . A lways be true to yourself \Ve are blessed to have you as our son

\Ve Lov e Y ou Alot!

N1om Dad 6 e an . Laura. and \Voody


\Ve are aLL proud of you - your kindness. wit and energy. (\Ve wiLL work. on your politico!) Nuestros hijo

precioso. te encantamos y rogamos para tu buena saLud. tu felicidad y to exito

Love Dad. and ALLison


Valerie Monique Echeveste

Valerie (VaL-VaL)

You are the spec1al light 1n our Life and bring joy to our hearts everyday! c;"od blessed us w1th wonderful youl Thank: you for always teaching us to apprec1ate c;"od 's gifts in others and in Uis world Your kindness and "teaching moments" with your sisters are a special part of our family Your determination and dedication to school and "aLL you do" demonstates your commitment to make a positive change in the world. i{eep L1ving your dreams! Congratulations on your 6enior c;"raduation! \Ve are so proud of youl Continue to walk: in Uls Light!

\Vith aLL our Love. Daddy.l\1ommy. 6tephanie. b..mily. Alicia. Nana C. c;"randpa E>e joyful always

I Thessalonians 516


Laurice Keel

You are the greatest blessing 1n our l1Ves \Ve have enjoyed eVery second and ifwe could. we would relive those moments oVer and oVer again \Ve are so proud of you and all that you havebecome. These pidures bring a smile to our face and a bit of "awe" \Ve will neVer forget when you challenged a man at chess in the town square of 6alzburg - at only 8 years oldl you continue to accept the challenges of Life with confidence. perseVerance and the grace of c;-od Qemember. you are neVer alone- you have the eyes of our Dear lord and Uis Blessed watching oVer you The World awaits you

\Ve LoVe you. and Dad

Joseph Juliano

Congratulations Joeyl \\/e couldn't be more proud of the young man you have grovln up to be good-natured and compassionate with fortitude and a terrific student-athlete! \Ve are thankful eVeryday for you and knoW your character. strength and determination wiLL enable you to fuLLf]LL your dreams

\Vith aLL our Love and support always. Dad and

Sarah Sulick


You have always made us so proud . You have so many wonderful attributes that will take you wherever you want to go . Always know that you are loved unconditionally.

Love you!

Dad, Mom, Brittany and Jack

Jonathan Kirkman

from 6t. Cro ix to 6an Antonio to 6eton . from soccer to golf to footbaLL. \Ve are so proud of you and Wish you aLL the best in the next chapter of your Life . \Ve Love you and wiLL miss you !


Dad tv1om Jeffrey, Jenna and Jacob


Hailey Campanella

E:>elliss ima LJa iley,

Tu sei La gioia del nostro giorno

Tu sei La nostra speranza per il futuro

Tu se La Luce splendente deLLe nostre vite .

Tu sei La prova che Dio ci am a.

La nostra preghiera per te Che tu trovi e conservi La felicita '. L'amore ed La contentezza . Q.imani queLLa beLLa persona che sei. Noi ti amiamo.

Mom and Dad

Jerica Logue

\Ve are so proud of the beautiful talented md intelligent young woman you have become! As you journey into the future. with its many adventures and chaLLenges. know that we wiLL always be there with open arms to provide comfort and support And. as you pursue your dreams. remember to always keep close to you and be true to yourself. \Ve are excited for the next chapter in your Life and can't wait to see where it wiLL take you!

Our Love. Dad. tv1om and tv1ickala

Kali Johnson

tv1Y beautiful daughter IL.aLi. You are the miracle child and surely a gift from c;'od . Your voice is Like a sweet angel and brings so much happiness to aLL of us. Always remember L;'rampa Uarold's \\!\VII fighter pilot "No fear"

Attitude to guide you Always enjoy the "sweet " things of Life with c;' randma Jean's blessing. motherly wish is for you to do the right thing always. Qeach for the stars and i know you'LL be our next American Idol.

I Love you xoxo.


Laughing at our mistakes can Lengthen our Lives.

Laughing at someone else's can shorten it.

\Ve Love you. Dad. tv1om. R-obert. and Christina

Nicholas Gleisner


Over the past 17 years we have been with you through your accomplishments and challenges \Ve are proud of your resiliency- ability to bounce back:. try harder and make things happen Continue with this attitude and your talents wiLL give you many paths to choose from in the future .

Best of Luck:. tv1 ijo!!!

Love. Dad. tv1om. TreVor. c; unnar. E. R..ezzie


E:>rittany tv1cb_Lhaney

from the the beginning you Were my miracle and each day forward you continue to inspire those you touch! You have grown into a strong, compassionate young Lady and We are so proud of you! that we believe in you and treasure aLL the beautiful memories . Congratulations on this milestone. forward with Love. Laughter. and happiness

Always be true to yourself and enjoy Life!


tv1om and Frank

Raquel Lauren Lecker

"\Vork: hard. Love generously, care deeply, speak: kindly, Leave the rest to od."


You continue to amaze us with your spirit. strength and beauty; keep it going Congratulations!

\Ve Love you. Dad tv1om c LJaLLe


The gift of your shining spirit for the past 18 years has been rewarding and exciting "The thoughts We think and the Words We speak create our experiences." Continue to walk in the Light and designing an exceptionaLLy unbelieVable future.

Colleen Tig h \Ve Love You Dad. Patrick. E:.

Sarah Deleo


\Vow! \Vhat happened? I'm so proud! You have successfuLLy completed chapter I in Life. A whole new World awaits you. Don't be afraid to experience Life to its fullest! b.njoy each day because Like I've said. " You can't go b kl" ac

Love Always, Dad

Our E:>eautiful E:>aby

A E:>eautiful 6pirit

A Lovely young women

\Ve Love you


Dad. tv1om. tv1icheal. and Carrie

From Childhood to Young adulthood

You are an inspiration

To your family

\Ve Love you: Dad Jaimie. 6ean. David. 6teven. c 6arah


"The Lord is first ..

Family is second And I am third ...... " 6ayers

l{_imberlee Carrasco
Jessica Lopez
remember .... .

Nicole Celestino

from the moment I first saw you. the second that you were born. I kneW that you were the Love of my Life quite simply the Love of my Life•."

Carly 6imon

Christmas came early for us the year you were born. and as each year passes we become more aware of just what a wondrous gift gave to us You have a kind and gentle spirit and your Laughter is magical. You are a beautiful young woman \Ve Love you and could'nt be prouder!

Dad. i{evin and


Patty Redden

Congratulations Patty.

\Ve are aLL proud of you.

Love . Dad and CoLLeen

Chris Baker

\Ve are so pro ud of you and Love you Very muchl tv1om Dad tv1att and Adam

"tv1y soul wa its for the Lord more than 6ent inels wa it for the dawn "


Stephen Farfante

6tephen .

\Ve are so proud of you You have groWn to be a Wonderful and caring young man . You have a great future ahead of you

\Ve Love you! tv1om. Dad. and tv1attheW

Eliana Garibay

b..Liana. it's been a great joy seeing you grow from a tiny baby girl into a beautiful young woman! As you mov'e from this stage in your Life. We Wish you much success in aLL that you strive to do \Ve Love you dearly. and you wiLL always be our Little ditto 6tay close to and deVelop your wonderful Catholic heritage \Ve are extremely proud of you!


Dad. tvjom. and Celina

of aLL the things you have been caLLed over the years. We are the proudest to caLL you "daughter" and "sister." \Ve are so Very proud of you and your accomplishments. \Ve Love you .

McKenzi Asbury \ViLd \Voman.

Katherine Ryan


Thank you for aLL your hard work to succeed in school and to do what's right in your Life b..ven though you stiLL have most of your Life ahead of you. you deserve to feel a sense of accomplishment for a job weLL done so far. I'm sure you'LL continue to give Life your best effort. and you always have my support andprayers for your success. Always try to Live by the R..ule. and here's just one more bit of fatherly advice Don't smoke and drink. and please don't cheW. and don't hang out with them that do!

Love. Dad

Dear I Love you more!!!

Love ya. Mom XOXO

Lucas McCarville

Lukie. our man. our main man .Thank your for teaching us that it's aLL about care. Love. and joy! You have blessed us aLL with your unique. siLLy. crazy. intelligent. and thoughtful approach to Life. "May !Je enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you may see what hope Wis caLL holds for you" b..ph 2 :18

\Ve Love you. bigger than a big raff]

Dad. Mom. Andrew. Patrick:. Clare. and Maggie

a on

Congratulations 6hannon. I am Very proud of your accomplishments and know you wiLL do weLL in college. No matter what you do or what path your career takes. you wiLL succeed. You are focused on the important values in Life. You are a Wonderful daughter.


Mom and Dad

Alyssa Smith

Alyssa. what a beautiful young woman you have become. \Ve are so proud of aLL you have accomplished. As you take on the World. remember that the Love of your family is always with you. and keep Jesus in your heart.

Love always.

Mom. Dad. Alex G Jessica

Sean Leavy


You've always been a perfect "IO"to us .


Dad. francis and Tim Clifton and Nana and Papa LeaVy

Job and Luck at NAU!

De ek Jam

Derek - Congratulatio ns !

\Ve couldn 't be more proud of you \Vatching yo u grow into the incredible young man that you have become has been one our greatest joys. r:2.arely have you Let a day pass by where you didnt find a way to add

Laughter and love to our day E:>elie'le in yourself as much as We belieVe in you and you wiLL be successful in reaching aLL of your goals

\Ve Love youl tv1om and Troy



I wish I kneW you because this 1s a Little awkward!


Congratulations on finaLLy graduating!

I'm so very proud of you and aLL you are today I am so grateful to have you not only as my sister but as my best friend c;"ood Luck in college and maybe I'LL see you around )

I Love you more than the Beach Boys Love K'.okomo!


Love always and foreVer. r seester

You are a reaLLy cool sister!

\Ve always do fun stuff together

Like riding rollercoasters!

You are always there for me. and I wiLL miss you a Lot.

Uave a good time in college!

Love. ncer

Josh Lester

You are awesome young man . \Ve are Very proud of you and your accomplishments. You are funny. kind. stubborn. and a joy to have around. \Ve know

you'LL make good choices for your future. 6tay strong in your faith and keep your sense of humor

\Ve Love you!

Dad. 6am. and Aaron

Kristin Nicastro Kristin Nicastro

Andrea Varela

To our Lovely Andrea.

You have been on a wonderful journey surrounded by a multitude of family. friends. and mentors. It has been a journey sculpted by your resilience. humor. perseVerence. and dedication to your fa1th. your family. and yourself You deserVe the best Life has to offer Continue to Live your dreams with Christ in your heart. with courage of conviction and with passion for Life. \Ve are enormously proud of you! Our Love and blessings are with you always, Papa. c;"abri. Nana Alicia Nana E:>oni. Chiqui. and Coco



It is difficult to sum up in just a few words how much you mean to us From the day you were born . you have brought so much joy and LoVe into our Lives You are our Light our beacon. and you are truly magical.

<::;"od bless you. our son

Love. tv1om and Dad

Mike Sanaiha
Pablo Cadavid

Kristin Nicastro

\Ve are so proud of you! It has been so much fun to watch you grow. and we are Very excited for you as you move on to college. You have become such a strong. intelligent. and beautiful young woman. \Ve know you wiLL do great!

Love. C. Dad

Trevyn Crosser


1nev'er k.ne'W when I gave you a unique name what an amazing and unique person you Would be I am more proud of you than you wiLL ev'er k.now You have more strength than anyone and that strength is from the obstacles you have overcome on your own . Thank. you for aLL you do that you should'nt have to I Love you with aLL my heart



Dear Liz.

You have always been a blessed gift to us: A gift from c;od! You bring us joy through your smile. incredible sense of humor . and generous deeds You are a most Loving child nurturing sister. and doting grandch1Ld . \Ve know' the world is a better place with you here c;o .and carry out your purpose to spread your Love and joy to others. ..:,eize the day and L1ft up othrs to walk. with youl \Ve wiLL continue to Love you with aLL our hearts and support you in your endeavors \Ve are aLL excited for your future!


tv1om . Dad. Patrick.. . c;randma Carolyn . c;randma ..:,ue. and c; randpa Tony


. •

the road rise to meet you. the wind always be at your back.. the sunshine Warm your face. The rain faLL sofi:Ly upon your fields. And until We meet again. may hold you in the palm of l.Jis lJand.

Sarah Sulick An Irish Congratulations 6arah b..Lizabeth! You are dearly Loved!

The 2008 r Volume 54 was created by the yearbook staff at Seton Catholic High School in Chandler, Arizona. This book was printed by Jostens Publishing . This book was roduced using Yearbook Avenue and dobe Photoshop C52 . The theme of this yearbook was chosen by the 20072008 Yearbook staff. This year 1 S editors were Michael Malpeidi, Ellen Harty, Kristin Nicastro, Jillian Padilla, and Nathalie Antonios. The colors used in this yearbook are salsa red , traart1o e lo , midnight blue and ·a P. , The text was printed in Tekton and b..Lmore in various sizes . This book was produced with mostly digital photos taken by staff members. Many thanks also go out to Lamar Studios and Mr. Rodriguez .


Alcoc Christopher

Alcoc Jess1ca

ALLen Chad 18

B E>aglim




E>arro Jacob

E>aucom Charles

E>eattie Dom1n1c

E>eatty b..Leanor 19 21. 22


E>eauvais 66 156

E>eedle Alex1s 188

E>e1lharz Allison 66 156

E>eLL. Dommie 188

E>elus. 76 172 181

E>ergman Uannah 21 156

E>ergman. Olivia 120 188

E>ernstein k::orri 172 180

E>1c Chnsbna 19 22.44 65 96

E>itler R.obert 198

E>laser uz 188

E>lauvelt. AndreW 88. Ill.



82 222
Abele E>a1ley 19 20
Abele Comne 168 172.
Acosta 172
Adamec E>enJam1n 172
Adamec Adams 198 Agwar Alexander 156
Agu1lar Jason 156 Ahleme1er 102 172
ALLen. Paul 108. 188
Almond E>ndget 156
19 21. 220
20 54 215
, 188
87. 172
8. 18. 55 65 225
52. 172. 181
180 181
Amato Adnanna
Amezcua lli1sa
277 Amhrem Colleen
Amoretti. Laura
Amrheim Colleen
Anthony Llolly
Anthony, Thomas
Antomos. NathaLie
Antonios. Paul
Antram De-Jan Appleby
Arellano b.r.Yin
Armbruster Zetta
Arvizu. 12.3chell20 '72
AustiLL Don011an 172.
19 172. 176
Austin b.rruly Awender Zachary
41 48 86 87. 156 164
E>aker Chnstopher
172 180
E>allesteros N1colas
82 156 165
E>arl.ow 20
E>ath Peter
21. 277
E>ath. Victoria 19
Joshua 51 E>Lues. l(c E>oetto Denms 198 E>ond. N1colasl56 E>ond Ryan 6l 188 E>orns Thomas 188 E>oughton. 40 58 7 E>awers Jenna 19 20 41. 140 212 5oyd Al1cia 120. E>rady 188 E>rancato. Damelle 181 E>rancato Demi 181 E>randon 186 188 E>randon Pnscilla 22. 7 242 E>resnahan. Colin 108. 189 E>richer E>nana 189 E>rogan Alannah 96 156 E>ucher 157 E>ucher 189 E>ugayong 42 78 157 E>ugayong 76 189 E>urridge Alexander 189 E>ustos 189 c Cadavid Pablo 270 Campanella Llailey 18 65 249 Camp1on Vincent 21. 28 56 252 Candelana. Ownton 102 157 Carballo 45 50 58 Carey Ann 96 157 Carlos Chrisbne 20 96 97 Carlos. 189 Caroselli. 189 Carpenter 198 Carrasco. l(jmberlee 27 258 Carreno l(yle 189 Carrieres. E>ambi 198 Carrieres. 189 Carneres 120 Caruth Ashley Casey 42. 205 Caster Pa,ge 22 207 Castro E>reanna 66 157 Celesbno Nicole 19 20 22 65 128. 259 Cenno 181 Cervantes 189 Chavez. Lauren 20 21 22 40. 66 Chavez. 170 277 Chm. Albert 157 Ch1pman. Jay 189 Chipps. Ryan 157 Chittenden Colleen 189 Cl1nch. Dennis 198 Colbert. Cole. Lisette 52. 60 157. 164

ColdnS Patricia 198 201

Conner tv11chelle 157

Contreras frank 108 189

Cool Clayton 123 157

Coomer lv11chele 66. 157

Cord(l'la 20 96. 173. 180

Co59r(l'le Colby 31. 173

Covelli. Jason 189

CrQsser I<Gitlyn 173. 180

CrQsser K::elly 198

Crosser Tre\/Yn Ll9123 135139 272. 276

Cri}W'[.ey Cameron 157

Crii'Hther E>ryan 157

Curbelo. 189

Cus1mano. Christopher 189

Cus1mano. Joseph 20 169 173

DDamo. Amanda 189

Damo. Chas 139

Darby Thomas 198

Davaz. Natalie 173

Da•/15. Landry 20 120. 157

DaviS. Terence 131. 135. 139 ILlLl

Dayawon. Jul1en 88. 169 170 173

Deanng Christopher 129 13Ll 139 276

Dear ng Jeananne 131 139

Detatorre. Nathaniel173

Detattorre Nathaniel 61

Deleo 6arah 139 257

Defv1ember Anthony 27. 115 130 132 139 239 276

Dl7daro E>eth 198

Doerer 85 173

Doerer I<Gthanne 157

Dorl7z. Andrew' 189

Doss 6hannon 135. 139 26Ll

Doughty c;-arrett 189

Downc Jr 190

E\/alene 19 Llo 96 97 129 130. 131. 13Ll

139. 2Ll5 277

tv1 158 165

6te-Jen i(yle 19 76 109 123. 173 181

i<Gyla 20 168. 173 180

IJeoma L19 50 132. 139

QL1s. c;-abrielle 22 130.139 1Ll2

Qser. 6tephen 60. 173

E>rian 38. Ll9 50. 131. 158

E>ob 198

Christopher 173. 181

Courtney 173

Aaron 190

dint 108 190

Donavon 173. 180

Ffahy Amanda 190

far Farrah 20 173 180

f arabaugh Aaron 198

farfante tvlatthe..v 190

farfante 6tephen 18 L19 131.138.1LlO

fatalyn Lauren 190

felix. tvi!Chael 76. 173

felton. Jamesl98

Fernandez. Diego 102. 128. !LlO 221

f1ke Cory 190

f,tz.s1mmons. K:Jmberly 190

f rable. tvlatthe..v 198

fraccola Nadine 190

franCISCO. J 198

franco. Nicole 131. 158. 159 16Ll 165

frangul Lucas 158

freed tvladison 55 6Ll 78 79 117 173

fre1dhof E>randon 31. Ll8. 131.158

Gc;-alan. tvlad1son 173 180

c;-awa Zachary 17L1

c;-anbay, Q,ana 19 27 30 36 37.130.1Llo 261. 277

c;-arvey tv11chael57 158

c;-asca Anthony 17L1

c;-ass. K::elly 17L1

c;-ateley, Thomasi7Ll

c;-ilbnde Derek 133 ILlO 266

c;-illespie Andrew' 108. 190

c;-ilmore. Jessica 87. 190

c;-leisner Nick 56. 57. 110 Ill. 131. 132. !LlO. 253

c;-leisner Tre-Jor 109.17Ll

c;-Lenn Patrie 17Ll180

c;-oldberg tvlargaret 20 22. Lll. 53. 5Ll 66 130 131. 133 ILlO 206. 211 277

c;-omez. Qizabeth 190

c;-omez. Lenny 17Lll81

c;-onzalez. John tv11chael 190

c;-rady, R.yan 190 276

c;-reb Jennifer 190

c;-reco. 6tephen 9 23. 30 76 130 13Ll!Llo 2L1L1


c;-reen. Jenmfer 198

c;-nffieth Amanda 96. 129 130 132 ILlO 219

c;-nffieth K::elsey 17L1

c;-riffith. Q1zabeth 198

c;-rindey, Jul1e 199

c;-ross. lv11chael 191

c;-rubbs. Joseph 18. 2L23. 3l32. 37.39 L12. 62. 63 130 132 ILl! IL16. 21Ll 276

c;-runkemeyer. Timothy 69 123 128. 133. 1L11. 217

c;-unther. Jenmfer 65.17Lll80

c;-unther, 6tephame 17L1 180


Hl..Jaa.se. 17L!

Uaa.se. 191

Uaddad. Jonathan 191

Uaggerty Jenna 17L!

!..Jam E>rynna 191

!..Jam. ic(ebey 66. 70. 158

Uamilton. 15. 17L!

!..Janna E>lake 191

!..Janson. E>nanna 158

Uarney. !Gathleen 158

Uarrel Polly 199

Uarngan. Lauren 97. 17L!

Uarngan. Ryan 9 18. 27 28 3>0 L!;, 123>. 13>0

13>Ll IL!L 205. 276 277

Uarrington. Jo.seph 23> 110. 158. 276

l..Jart. 199

LJartenbovJer. 191

l..Jarty, b.llen 19 21. 55. 82, 83>. 129 13>0 13>1. ILl!

209 276 277

l..Jarty, Thomas 12Ll 125. 17L! 180 276

l..Jarvey. Troy 3>1 191

Uatfleld. Ashley 96. 169 175

Uawes. Tra111s175

Uaycraft. I<Cevm 88. 175

Ueath. b.velme 199

Uehman Amethyst 20 22 65. 13>0 13>2. ILll

Uehman 191

Ueitzman. Nicholas 3>8 Ll2. Ll8 56. 57. IlL! 13>1. 156.158

l..Jendrick.son. Jacob 8. 123>. 13>0 13>5. ILlI. 23>7

l..Jendrick.son. Zackery 175

Uenkhaus. 13>. 53>. 13>0 1Ll1 2L!o 276

Uenkhaus 175

UershkOIN1tz. :,0 158. 160

Uigg1ns ic(ebey Ll5 59 61. 62. 13>l 158

Uill !Garen 199

Uoffman. Cynthia 199

Uogue. \Vilbam 88 89 175 181

UolLOIN Andrew 175

l..Jood. E>eckr 158

l..Jooper Chantal 8. 10 19 22. L!L! 65. 13>0. 1Ll1 218

l..Jooper. 8. 10. 21. 66 78. 158

Uopf Ashley 10 63>. 128. 129. 1Ll1. 210

Uopf 10 169 175

Uoughland 96 159

Uuddleston E>rent 159

!..Judson 113> 175

Uuppenthal E>rooke 3>l78 117. 175

Uuppenthal 78 191

JJarumay. Andrew 108. 191

Jen.sen. 20. 21. 191

Jeong 191

Johnson. Cassandra 96. 159

Johnson. !Gab 13>5. ILll. 251

Johnson. K:evin II. 62 191

Johnson. 11. 22. 3>1. L!t L!L!. 65. 96 13>0 ILll. 22Ll

Johnson. 175. 180

Johnson. 120. 175. 180

Jonas. Andrea 52. 159

Jones. Diandra 19. 20. 21. 129 13>1. 1Ll1. 226. 277

Juliano. Jo.seph 13>0 13>1 13>3>. 1Ll2 2L!7. 277

K!Gamsiuk. K.erry 175 178

!Garam. Alexander 21 23> 28 3>0. 3>2 56. 60. 63> 13>0. 13>2. 13>5. 1Ll2 211. 277

!Garger. 78

!Gaschl Ashley 19 175

!Gathe 191

K.eel L.aunce Ll5. 57. 113>. 13>0. 1Ll2. 2Ll6

K.effalas. Christopher 191

K.endrex. Ol.Ma 191

K.erns. Paul 159 175

i<(;m, 3>1. 191

i<(;rkman. Jonathan 128. 13>1 1Ll2. 2Ll8 276 18. 23>. 57 102. 103>. 13>Ll. 1Ll2. 2L!Ll

Leah 199 199 Jenmfer 199

Cody 159

76. 159

E>ryce 123>. 175

Corben 191 191

b..mily 159

Ll5. 53> 63>. 86 87. 13>1. 1L!2, 2;,1

K.elsey 159

b.Lizabeth 199

Cynthia 199

LL.aE>,ne 78 13>1 159

Laine E>enjamin 175

Lalor Cassandra 175. 181

Lamacchia. Denee 175

Lamar. 275

Larson IGaren 199

Lawlor Carly 175. 181

Lawlor. 3>8. L!t 56. 57. 62. 159 16L!

Lea.ser. b.ileen ILl 175

Leaw 13> 13>5. 1L!2. 266

Leaw Timothy 20. 191

Lecker Raquel 21. 22. 5L! 66. 13>0 1L!2 255

Lee Chnsbne 175

Lennen 21. 159

Lenzi. Vincent 3>1. 115. 172. 175

Leonardi Nadia 20 159

Lester Aaron 88. 159

Lester Josh 88. 89 Ill 1Ll3>. 267

Uddell !Gatelyn 192

L.oc hart Dale 109 175

Logue Jenca 96 1Ll3>. 250

Lopez Crystal 192

Lopez Jess1ca 3>2. 13>0 13>3> 1Ll3> 258

Lopez. 168. 175

Lopez Tyler 176

Lucm. Jade 87. 176

MMacdonald E:>randon 176

Madden. 6r Joanmarie 199

Madnd:. Andrew 192

Magnus. Andrew Ll5 89. 176

MagnU5. Jusbn 108. 192

Mahoney, l(yle 85. 110. 159

Mahoney, R..yan 85. 160

Majews Joseph 115. 128. 226

Mal:as flynn 85. 192

Maldonado. There58 20 21. 78 116. 17L1176

Malgrad1. Jon 199

Malp1edL 10 176

Malpiedi. 10, 55. 206. 276 277

Maness. R..ebecca 176. 181

Mardrick.. Andrew

Marrujo. Patrick. 160

Martin. b..milee 192

Martinez. E:>1anca 20 176. 180

Martinez. R..udy 199

Martmez. 277

Martinez. Zachary 192

Martmson Alexander 69 12Ll 125.

Ma5Cort. Joseph 192

Matta 6te11en 168. 176

Mayer, R..obert 160

McAlister. Alex 16o

McAllister, Al1 97 16Ll 165

McE:>ryan 6..m1ly 51. 60. 68

McCa1gue K:atelyn 68. 176

McCarthy, b..rin 42. 120. 121. 1Ll7 221 277

McCarv1Lle. b..r1n II. 192

McCarville. Lucas 21. 26Ll 276

McCarVille. II. 19. 20 45. 48. 160

McCormick.. Ashley 192

McDonald Jon 19 20 2l 62 ' .

McDonald. i(e.;m 124 125. 186. 192

McDonough. Deanna 61. 192

Mcblhaney, E:>nttany 12. 18. 65. 254

Me<:;" rady, 6hay 19 20 45. 120. 160

R. E:>ruce 199 i(e.;m 160 199

6areena 160

E:>ndget 176 192

Jason 27. 276277

Nicholas 192

Terese 199

Juna1d 160

b.l.izabeth 199

Thomas 16o

Lucas 176

Timothy 160

6erg1o 160

Uilary 21. 176

Jonathan 192

Uta 199 20. 96 160. 165

Austin 65. 176

6amuel 89. 160

Amanda 66. 120 160

Jerry 200

Timothy 21


blizabeth 60.161




Nagappan. R..aja

Nealon. K:athleen

Nguyen. Lena 172. 176

N1castro,i(r1sbn 54 55. 1LlLl 267. 2 71

NICkerson. <::;"abriel 177

NICI.:um. Clayton 88.109170 177 178181

N1edfelt. 105. 177

Nuwak.. 76 177. 180

Nuwak.. 200 0

O'Connor. blizabeth 19. 56. 61


O'connor. i(e..rjn

O'donnell K:aitlm 20 96 177. 180

O'neill Lauren 161

Odil Ashley

OL!IIien. E:>arbara 200

Olson-Palma. Damon ILlLl 206

Osterday, Paula 16Ll 200 p

Pabst. Daniel

Pabst. blizabeth 20. 21. 60. 62. 177

Padilla. Jillian 19 55. 120. 1L1Ll

Palowsk.i. 109

Parton. ILlLl

Pattock.. E:>eth 200

Pennison. Caroline

Pfeifer. Amanda 161

Pham. Teresa

Piei:rza E:>ritney 61. 161

Pifu. Jaelyn 161.165

Pizarro. Angele

Placette.l(jefer 161

PLichta Jordan 2L78. 117. 177

PliChta. ILlLl

Poletti. Anthony 177

Polk.. b.lizabeth

P olletti. Anthony 181


Prahl Amanda

Pnndlllille. Danny 21. 76. 161

Prinz. l(yle

Procop1o. Christopher Ill. 161

Pugliese. Corey 161

QOuihUis. Andre 88. 109 177

RJames 108

Jimmy Jess1ca 169 177

Reardon. Patnc 200

Redden. Patnc1a ILlLl 26o

Redger. Ryan 161

Refner. E>rett 108.

Re1s1nger Canssa 20 120. 159. 161. 164 165

Relph James 200 288

Rem1bo. Damelle 177

Remmel Chrisbne 20 65 ILlLl 227

Reyes. h.rica 87. 177

Reyes. Renee

Remolds. tvjatthew 69 145

Rich. tvjary Ann 200

Richard. Adam 177

Richard. Dav1d 200

Richard. Jonathan

Richardson. Amanda 161

Riegel Thomas 60 145. 277

Qiley Richard 200 Anan 67. 161

Roba,na. tvjelan

Robles. Alexandra 177

Robles. Carlo 108. 194

Rodnguez. ic(elsey 120. 177 180 276

Rodnquez. <:;reg 177

Rogers Denms 21. 61

Ronan. tvjcic(enna 194

Ronan. Victona 200

Rotanus. ic(el.sey 78116117.168 177 180

Rotanus. 18 145.

l<owlands. Victona 194

Roy, tvjanlyn 19 20 45. 161

Ruchensky, Jared 85. 177

Rush. tvjegan 20 162

Russell Chnstopher 194

Ryan Claire 65 145. 276

Ryan. K::athenne 277

Ryan. Patnc 194

Ryan. 61. 66 162 164

Ryan 200

Rybach Apnl 145. 222


ic(elly 86. 87. 162 Rzonca. tvjackenz1e 194
Jake 19 194 Zachary 194 Robert 177 tvjaren 162 Natalie 194 tvj1chael 145. 269 tvjary Jo 200 h.ric 194 Veron1ca 177 ago. Tatum 177 <:;iuliano 177 181 Joanne 200 194 Rodger 200 162 K::arla 20 2l 105 177 Laura 60 169 177 Rosanne 200 K::ayla 162 Patrick 194 h,r,ka 96 162 Jacob 178 tvj1tchell 194 E>rian 109. 170. 178 Jenmfer 65. 145. ALexander 178 Alex 162 Jaymes 194 Dreadlocks 276 Justin 178 Julian 195 Joshua 102. 178 162 E>rian 195 Johnny 145 216 Jenmfer 96 78 Josh 109 178 Alyssa 22 66 145. 265 E>ernadette 78178 cla,re 178 181 Jesstca 195 Nathar1el 162. 165 Timothy 200 201 Tyler 162 tvjarcus 109 178 Jeffrey 178 Teresa 178 tvj1ri 195 Nathaniel 162 Timothy 49 60 61 162 tvjatthew 195 Christopher 69 145 109 178 Nicholas 162 b.than 195 tvjarl:in 200 178 IJeather 200 tvj1chelle 18. 65 145 232 N1cole 96 178 Vanessa 195 162 146 247 tvjargaret 195 tvjolly 19. 78 Theresa 179 6vet1c 6wan tvjarley 105. 179 180 20 21. 179

rTate Ca5eY 200

Tatlor. i(yle 19

Temple T rt7Y

Te551er Thomas 108. 195

Thomas. Andrea 96 179

Thornton NataLe 1.46

H>l:>ets. Lucas 108

T1bbetts. Lucas 195

T1ghe CoUeen 19. 78 ,.46 256. 277

Tongue. Uenry 201

Totten. Cyd 201

Tracy Joshua 195

Tran. Anna 21. 179

Trevmo. Jimmy 195

Tulumello. tvjatthew 179

uUrch1 e. i(ayla 195

Utter Aubrey 129 1.46 2.41. 277

vVaca. R1cardo 179

Valenzuela Robert 61 179

Van Daam. 6tephan1e 179

Vance. E>rennan 195

Varela. Andrea .48. 1.46 268

Vaughan. Corey 20. 21. 110 Ill. 1:!>1 1L16 20L1

276 277

Veals. Amanda 179

Verderame. Andrew Lll

Vergel De Dios. Dan1el L19 1L16. 21.4

Vergel De Dios. 6amuel179

Verlander. Anthony 195

N11chael 201

\/,llalva . Luc1a 22. 86. 87 228

V'naras tvlana 201

Voita Dam1en 168. 179 180. 181

Vuckovich. E>ernadette 201

w\VahL Joshua 52. 179

\\/alborn. Connor

\Vallace. Anthony 195

\Valther Louann 201

\Vantland. tvlonique 179

\Vantland. N1cholas 1L17

\Varnock. Carter 109. 110 179

\Vaters. Nathan 179

\Vaters. Timothy

\\layne. tvlallory 78 179

\\leatherman. Zachary

\\/eldon . Cody 59

\\/eldon i(yle 195

\Vells. E>reanna 55.

\Vhiteside . Nicolette 66. 120. 1L17. 229

\Vhitmore Domenique 179

\\/iegand Connor 76. 109 179. 181

\Vilcox. Rebecca 169 179

\\/intering ian 195

\\/irth. Theresa 195

\\/olf James 179

\Von. Joanne 65

\\/ood. AfTianda .45 52. 1L17


Ybarra f1denc10

Y eskey Rachael 179 180

Y evca Ryan z

Zara Nloheeb

Zec &,n LlL

Zrmmerer 61mon 195

Zylla Joseph 19 28. 56 1L17. 277

Another year past. another 365 projects completed . \Ve've been giVen the to keep J Jild1n' ourselves and each other. and have grown into better Workers. E>ut no matter how far we go from here. our foundations wiLL always be red and gold. The support we have received from each other. our teachers. our coaches, and our mentors wiLL Last forever.

Once a 6b_NTINb_L always a 6b_NTINb_LI

Building for the Future


In Loving tv1emory of tv1r . Jim

\Ve Love you and we miss you .

Go Forth!

You 1 ve done your time Welve anxiously watched, troubled, afraid Unwilling to trust the Lord to provide.

Go Forth!

Let His light lead you as you so carelessly frolic Basking in the love provided by all of us who care.

Go Forth!

You are chosen to do His work Wherever you go, in every endeavor, Not by words, but by what you do.

Go Forth!

We love you!

We will continue to love you No matter what.

Go Forth!

Ht {E E !'l ht t ·· I f i' ,:1 _tL .. :rc. o..e'k 5 1 l l cr 7 B 9 0 -rp .. 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 1B 2 UOl 'tOICl, MASS USA I 0 lololololol.lolol.l 119 ., _ _..,.. .§.,co ;n;; (\I

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