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. __
.... Vt._M OcroBER-N cience .44 46 Forei gn Languages Senior Studies 148 Yearbook 150 S orts Scoreboard 180 Sp nng . p Abstractions .. .184 Sem or Senior Portra its oJ Sen1 or Ads ... 2

Fresh What? Crettin' •lc \o\1' rd l:JPm r_.n,...rn-;e! , fr hml n .\1 x M<.A.:.: ter & Valerit IJu n1. re lJn.• ·ing tn:-oJg'1 •resh e -;•nee, t pe , r a• the • J :... \V( O'>k h tl{ goc..fy, b ,. thdt' u-;t who e ar ai A ex. IJE>'>P t min 1r , .ke w tt r ·1r. f !lin or ve:yont., fficl?)V of •i! t t'd p.r c.t •1m '

1Ytfett1er 'vou were pchop, or even c;omethlng you wou.d rJI; I \iiCed playing at the luau. Quinton .Cai\de1ana, Julian Badilla, Timothy and Brandon Freidhof, seemed to agree. Ouinton said, "The music was pretty good. ThEy just could have used a :ittlt more Overa I, a freshmen survey 5howed that over 75'X of the: Oass of '09 was pleased with •ms year<> 1uat. seiecuon'

ad1a :.eonard. and Demi . '... ll cn·oy trading fa hiur. tps at the annua Luau. , adid says, "The Luau was a great way to mret other freshmen. and of course check out De-n.·'s Hott outfit!" Although the looked stunning, most would agree that a li5ht t Jnc some basket ball shorts wou'd bE' a lot wo er!


"My fa lh is very urportant to me I krow I will always have someth1ng to f... back on even 1r I make a b1g m "-Spencer Thorstad (Sophomore)

enJOY learn1ng more about my faith That's why com1rg to a Catholic tt gh School IS so IMpor tant to me." -Lau'a Zanck (FreshMan\ Freshman JJelyn P1tts wntes :1 her personal Journal dunng rehg1on class "II Ke getting to learn abo1.t re g1on m school That's one of the reasons why I came to Seton • Senior Daniel Cermo takes t1me to a new teacher here , I learned the ropes qu1ckly, the k1ds here really wart to learn and that 1s encourag1ng to me." -Ms. Kubasak
more t l ·
and Rachel \11ll rd .1clp •n noth ·r ou. tn r tv tud\ for Mr. Koc'1 ' ngorou r 1g
So p homores Joseph Grubbs, Raquel Lecker c:,d Alex Mart1nson presE'lt tl:leir frst Relig1o:'! II proJect to the class Sophomore Aubrey Utter reads a praye r to her class "R elig 1on 1s a big part of my hfe e nd I enJOY go:'lg to a Catholic sct>ool." Natahe Thornton and E11n McCarthy share a qu ck JOke wi'J e ' read ing ovef the1r ' re g1or chapter

fhey Catt't Walk On Water ...

fhey Can Run On Concre e!

GtRLs CRoss CouNT v

Girl' cro s-country raced thro ugh the ca on The hard work of practicmg fort\\ o hour · a day. fh e days a really patd off. On a\crage, the gtrl' team run i mtles a day'' ith returning talent and fr ·h new face . The team has done a lot of bonding thi year'' ith the tradttional Jeep 0\Cr , dinner at Fa7olh's, and the San Diego trip. What' the be t thing about nmning cro s-country'! Gillean 0 tcrday ays.

" You ha\ can c to cat twice a m uch food.'' Senior Chris y Campto n·., mo t memorable eros -country mom nt \\a. "the Jay we all ran Ken y an " Ifyou'rc omebody interc ted in JOining ne. t year, Gillean' hare orne ad\ icc: "You have to h ke running, ''car . un crecn, dnnk LOT of\\atcr, ah,ay wear ock b e\', arc of ugly tan lines, your feet a rc going to be ugly, cat CARB , don't get on Mr. (linch' bad side-and run as fast as you can!"

Sophomore Jessica Lopez ( top left) washes Lisa Wolfs car at the Cross Country car wash to raise money for the i r San Diego Tr i p "Scrub scrub scrub ; I love washing ca r s ," she said. All that car washing paid off, Jessica placed in the top 15 at the San Diego meet.

Senior Gillean Osterday (right) is maki ng a poster for the Cross Country car wash at the traditional sleep over "The wash went pretty really well and raised a lot of money for San Diego , and the sleep over brought us closer together," says Gillean The signs helped draw in cars to the event , wh i ch raised more than $500.

Sisters sophomore Jessica and senior Jalmle Lopez are running hard at a home meet In Tumbleweed Park. "Running with my sister helps to push me to do better" says Jessica. Can you sense albling rivalry?


Food "Coach, can I have rny cMes?"

San D1ego "mak1ng the p•zza" water balloon fights


Dane Cook that's a huge 'l1ll Egypt1ar ra•s screw bracelets water botties

Senior g1rls Alex Gutttng, Ja•m1e Lopez. Gillean Osterday and sophomore Jessie Lopez play the childhood game of paddy-cake before a meet "Staying = ==::.: 1n the hot sun for so long makes people act real s1lly." says Alex. All that Silliness sure does pay w1th these girls; they are among the top runners on the team.


Koestner and

Jessie Lopez--sleep on their home from San Diego Jamie says , "All that running at the cross cou meet tired us out , so we really needed to catch up on our ZZZ's ," The girls have a really close bond ; they aren't just teammates, they are friends

Fazolhs naps tn the park


Cc:rdtnals garT'e hostng off "praciJce IS canceled because , sa1d so" "that is a sweet earth" "I hate ti-Je news"

Sophomore Jessie Lopez is giving sen 1or Gi llean Osterday a p•ggy-back ride as senior Jaimie Lopez and head coach Mr. Clinch watch "We had been waittng around for the other teams and JUSt wert a •. ttle crazy," says Gillean The teams never showed up because they postponed the meet a day due to the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashana. but the team didn't know• Jaimie Lopez , Alex Gutting and Gillean Osterday--along with junior Monica sophomore Sophomore Stephen Greco , senior Joe Doerer, sophomore Alex Karam , sen1or Jeff Sandell , jun1or Andrew Belus , senior Ryan Witt , senior Alex Kuner, freshman Tim Molloy and sophomore Vinny Camp1on explode off the sand dunes outside of Yuma , Anzona "Every t1me the team goes to San D1ego , we always make a stop at the dunes for some sweet pies ," says sen ior Jeff Sandell The time spent at the dunes was fun and exciting unt1l they had to get the scorch ing sand out of their shoes afterward (Above) Seniors Alex Kuner, Jeff Sandell, and Ryan Witt join juniors Matt Guzman and Andrew Bel us while taking a quick break during practice Andrew says, "Not only do we have the privilege to run everyday, we also enjoy sharing our feelings with each other during pract1ce." On average , the team runs six to eight miles every day after school in the blistenng heat. (Above) Freshmen Tim Molloy and Stephen Koons prepare to dominate the freshman race at the Ojo Rojo Invitational. Tim says , "I was a little nervous at first but I did great and had a lot of fun • These two went on to have a great race and should definitely help lead this team in years to come Photo by Koestner Sen1or Alex Kuner (above) takes time to hydrate before a meet. Alex says , "Man , I'm so down w1th the Gatorade It's the only th1ng that keeps me go1ng " Not only did he enjoy these two bottles of Gatorade , but he went on to drink 60 more before the day was through

a\C ou C\ cr "ondrrcd \omeonc \\Ould run cro" '? So do we.

Ho\H\Cr, despite the heat and the running, eros\ runners find the sport \\ ho \\Ouldn't find \\atcr balloon fights, trips to Diego, and counting Jor B's a good time'? In regard to the actual sport, the boys team had one of their mo.,t .,uccessful e\Cr.

This team had strong upper class leadership as ''ell. "I find Ale'\ Kuner to be the perfect blend of nit and athletic prowess," s Jeff dell of hi'> co-captain. "He also ha'> a knack for comforting discouraged teammate<,."

Kuner, meam\hile, displays the same keen insight- and trademark modesty\\ hen discus.,ing himself. "\cah, I am prett\ a\\c<,ome."

l nderclassmen like to add their personalities to the team as well. often offer their insight e\Cn \\hen it is not requested "iophomore Vinny Campion is notorious for obsen·ations of the \\orid around him and his ability to share these obsenations \\ith others .

Aln and Vinny are just tno C'\amples of the many abstract personalities on this team. Although each member of the team brings in his onn all share one common, concrete goal : to get to that finish line! !!

Road Rage-- Senior Jeff Sandell takes out his frustration on his Wendy's beverage "I snapped because there were on1ons on my cheeseburger, and Vinny would just not stop talking!" Jeff needed thiS lunch 1n Yuma on the team's trip to their meet in San Diego , which was a great success

S t ars of the Show_

On TV_

CTV has \\ rked hard thi year o-rTng tlieir VIewer a n'c\.v ;lio\v' eve ry Frioay mommg du !·ing homeroom--with the help of new moderator Mr owak. As r , Jimmy guyen and Rob "Punchy" Me in ley prO\ ide their audience an in ide look at the torie going around campus along with their great comic relief. They ay the difficulty i bringing a new flavor to the tudent and

tafT around campu every Friday. "You have to be quite creative when thinking of new idea for the how," aid enior Ricky Hu k. "But you al o get the hang ofu ing the new technological tool "

Above- Senior Rob McGinley takes a break as he reflects on his hard day at work creating another great show for h1s fellow students Right- Seniors Rob McG1nley and Brian Murphy are 1nterv1ew1ng each other Above- Sen1or Jimmy Nguyen shows off h1s features that make h1m an outstanding anchor

The ' cwspapcr crew v..orks hard to dell\ cr a wonderful nc\\ spa per to the students of 5eton Catholic. lhgh chool C\CI) month fhcy gather stories that Seton -;tudcnts care about and would \\ant to read by relating to C\cryday student life Working on the layouts. talking about topics. and collaborating on ideas arc the daily tasks these \Hitcrs face. The paper features a \ ariety of articles on student perspectives. eton life. scene. sport and taking" it to the quad to name just a fev• "I enJOY shanng my thoughts through my \Hiting." stated Andrea Jannnay. ndcr the leadership of editor-in-chief Jacque Bematt. managmg editor ndrea Jarumay and city editor hannon LeBlanc--and guidance from their teacher. "vir. heh--the nC\\ spa per trivcs to be the best cton

ever produced.

MtfT THf WRITfRS ...
··················..................... ................................ . ... -
Below : Shannon LeBlanc and Lindsay Newman contemplate new top1cs to write about. This team of editors enJoys be1ng one of the finest that delivers an 1nteres!lng paper worth read1ng h<1s Above- Semor, Chnstine Demane , sophomore Elizabeth O'Connor, sophomore Gabrielle Ellis , and sen1or Jacqueline Bernatt discuss hot top1cs on campus "The Myspace web site and detentions are just a few of the ideas we are working on for our next issue," stated Chnstme They enjoy collaborating w1th each other and the companionship of the team Left- Sen1ors Dan1elle Wray and Andrea Jarumay work quickly on an upcoming deadline
"Courage is Fear that has said its prayers''- Mr. · Dean of students

To tell you the t when I feel like and some days I you hav to bell

, there are some days lptng and servmg others. rt In order to hate fatth.

Sometimes rts hard to hold onto my (a1th, but we always seem to find 1t a mo Fa1th ts som th ng I tr my l,fe. tn t ryt I do

On opposite page: (Top right)Btshop Olmstead visit to our school in 2005. (Bottom left}- Joe Kneblesberger and Mrs Kneb/esberger praying during our Mother's Mass m December (Bottom right)Kurt Eklund and Paul Shalla/ altar served dunng the December Mother's Mass where Father Clinch--Mr Clinch's brother--presided.

' ' .

I was surp r ised on how much fun the school 1s! Kelsey

Coming from a public school , I had a hard ttme adjusting to the academics Surprisingly, the teachers actually cared about me and helped me succeed.

Knc k

year's freshman are Just now facmg the reality of college-and that their grades they earn now will impact the rest of the ir lives

hen considering this question

Kyle D1etrich replied, "I want to be a Pokemon master, because I love Pokemon just as much as I love Jesus."

Mayor aid he wants o b a p1lot when he grows up ju t like h1s uncle. "I just like flying and being high in the air "

Karissa Bucher said she wants to be a doctor "I want to be a doctor because they make a lot of money and that's basically 1t."

tepher) Koons has always dreamt a becomIng an a chitect. "Architecture JUSt see s really interesting, and llo to build stuff "

""' cture ou?? J>«Wf lliPf fi'I!'K" 1\rtt <tf 1 _. , .« o>tMI 1 fl'll'>\- h« -11" t-t"'ll:llb>l>. • . . . D • .h ' . .· .. .

Test Your Knowledge Make a guess and look below to see tf you're right'

"Put your number not your name ."



"I bet 1t looks like I'm dotng somethtng smart but I'm really not ," said semor Peter Ellis However, hke most students, Peter slacks off now but makes sure he gets that "A" on that upcoming test.

"What does a straight diagonal line tell you?"

"You're causing me agita. ·•

" I

even be here! I don

know anythtng about chemIstry, but the

ments are awesome," sa1d Ryan Even though the class may be hard, the expenments make up for it.

AP exam

"You're all a bunch of lollygaggers. "

"Help me help you."

( Al l teacher photos by Marc:os Asbury ) Hard At Work Or Hardly Working? Photo by Marcus Asbury (Above) What Is That?! Sen1or Ryan Wttt stared in wonder. shouldn't 't expen-
g 1pe;6wrv ;w,. UEIIAIJQ SJW f: I.EJfiCJ JQ z flJEII.fJICJ JW t jJEI(/:JEIEil /EII./1 EIWEIN
(Above) Mathematics VS Chemistry. Senior Alex1a Brancato sa1d, "I really hate math but /love chemistry. so I'll put up wllh combining the two.· Alexia is calculating a chem1cal equation to prepare herself for the

While readJ'Iq her AP BIOI ogy book KatJe Car,., "Un "· ' nt .,.,vvow'l never knew flagellum wa K so awesome-' ex'ra,med at1e

They're Blinding Us With...

more ing than experiment ? The Jn"\' cr ofcour c i OTH1 'G! Experiment arc exciting and mteracti\ e I ·arning experiences. Our Seton teacher ha\'e many years of experience in their field of expertise

interest- This alkms us to excel in all our science class"Carol never wore her safety goggles- - now she doesn't need them ." es. I he Ia boratory cxpenence at Seton connects scientific principles with real ltfc sttuattons and dramatically impro\'es our student"s appreciatiOn for how science work ( Left } Wildly Listening ! Freshman Kyle Dietnch IS paying close attention to Mr Richard during Biology. "It's hard not to pay attention to biology when Mr Richard tS the teacher," sa1d Kyle

(Right} Perfection Pays Off

"You can do whatever you want on a test-you just won't get the points.' said semor Ricky (F1sh} Husk while he IS carefully se tt/1g liP his lab, so that he will rece:ve full credit. As always Ricky got an A" on h1s lab.

Freshman Katie Baglinr srntres wtr•le ading her Biology re k because "BioibOO • ' d So fun'il sal ogyJs Katre.

The Spanish class celebrated the Day of the Dead by putting up an altar 1n the library. Junior Susanne Wolfe says, "Put11ng up the altar was so much fun. I love M1ke Barlow and Senora Rich " Part1cipat1ng 1n act1v1ties like this help students open the1r eyes to d1fferent cultures

Semors Nick Macchiaroh and G1llean Osterday enJOY each others' company 1n Spamsh 4 "N Mac IS the best! He makes Spamsh so much fun," says Gillean They must need down time for draw1ng p1ctures with all the hard work they do

Sen1or Justin Carstens shows off h1s theater skills as he puts on a puppet show 1n French class. "Performing a play helped me to learn my French; he says Mrs. Heath always knows how to make learning fun. (Below) Senior Alex Amato and Junior James Arama are battling dunng a Latin activity Alex says , we were practicing our mad skills!" The fight for best student IS on!

2005 State Champions! g1on title the g1rfs volleybaU unfimshed bus1ne ss. They on November 5th when Valley in the ch<3m!liorlshiip coach Courtney M1ller we pulled it off w1th our Wowl We are great

The big kill! S n or Emtly Stadmille r sets up sophomore Ba ley Abele for a ktll at a ho me game aga nst Floren love set• '19 Ba ley because we really connect on her htts Batley tin tshed off the season strong wtth a total of 214 kills

White girls can jump! Sentor Carey Pa ttock and sophomore Bailey Abele set up thetr block w tth strong hands to stop the r nent from sconng . "Du e to our lack of height wasn't always our strong potnt , but we worked at we had comment ed Carey Pattock The finished the season w tth a total 286 blocks

on the court we st ill together," explatned The gtrls traveled n a tournamen t where the hometown of "LaCavalier i, but also 5th place

The pass The hit The serve.
The dtg


VS.PAYSOn 9/9W5&-,

0COOUOGE 9/l& L 15-33




VS. SAnTA CAUZ Yl/l4W48-,

vs.FLo,.•nc• YJ/2:1 w ,. 22


OBLu•Aia•• n/4LD-41

The \\ord th,tt de cnb ton' JV fo tball h.;,tm 1 \\ mnmg. eton has a traditiOn of ha\ mg great JUmor \ars1ty team In the pre\ 1ou three year , the J team hn po tt:d record of 9-0, 7-2. and 5-4. Th1 year \\3 no ception a the team p ted an undefeated record of7-0. Under the guidance of the conch, Mr. Kochi the J\ quad ble\\ out many of it opponent Junior Drew Gaylord note , "One game \\e \\ere ahead 50-0 at halftime; we ored e\ ry time we got the ball. It \\a d1 gu ting. They called the game at halftime incc it \\a uch a blowout." fhe ucccs of the team thi year can be attributed to the amount of juniors \\ ith a couple of year of football under their belt. There \\ere many enior on the var ity squad; pro\ iding the undercla men thc1r opportunity to ho\\ off their skill during the JV game . Thi year' frc hman \\ill ha\ c their opportunity next year to be a part of the JV squad and continue thew inning tradition.

Whether it' performing kit at the ophomore retreat or cleaning up after the paghetti lunch benefit for hurricane ictim , thi y ar' ophomore are full of love.

On October 14th, 2005, the Ia of200 gathered at t. Tim' to di co er m re about one of the etonian chari m : lo e. According to Mr Graham, "The theme of love wa cho en for the retreat becau e ophomore are at the age where they are beginning to get intere ted in dating." One of the highlights of thi year' retreat wa the mall group kits, depicting tudent ' idea of love. ophomore religion cia e are forming their own ervice group thi year. Group range from the traditional Ea t r ba ket project to the athletic bu clean-up crew. ophomore Go pel-rooted ervtce re ol e around impro ing the campu at eton atholic High chool.

I 0 'I'HB h8YR..


Shm' In\\ \ \\) .25

Uanad (\\)

nowflakc (\\ ) 25 - 10. 25 22

\ aile) (\\ )

J4 -25 25-23 25-22

9-l . ' ·:!2

( \\ atfonl

Sitting : Ra c he l Falkner, Carey Pattock



25-17,.5·13 State

( \\ ) s Cnu

2 "· 2s-12 Champs!

( \\') Floren c

16-'.5 25·10, 25·1

• \\) •lnh

:! 5· • 25·11

Varsity Football

F r on t r ow : Matt Dodt , Nick Samuels , Joe Koestner, Peter Abernathy Chri s Baker, Luke McCarvtlle , Bobby Ktrby, Chris Nails

Row two : Kurt Eklund , Dalton Davis , Nate Sawyers Jimmy Nguyen , Mtke Fernandez , Matt Nengu , Cyp Colbert , Kevtn Benzing

Row three : Stan Minatagua Pat Miller, Brian Murphy, Rob McGinley, Ricky Husk , Terry Boyle , Pat Sullivan , Drew Korte.

Row fo u r : Knshan Sud , Ntck Gle i sner, Mike Dodt , Thomas Glenn , Greg Dodero , Drew Gaylord , A.J Notestine , Keegan Park

Row five : Sam Dohm , Mtke McDonnell ,

Junior Varsity Volleyball

Junior Varsity Football




Fall Trainers

Reg ion : Un defeated!
ports Scoreboa rd Va
Voll eyball
2: Bailey Abele, Kim Jax Chelsea Moberly, Molly Barlow Row 3: Coach Courtney Mtller, Monica Bartuch, Kate Corl Julie Hershkowitz , Megan Sobczyk , Megan Rush, Emily Stadmt er, Coach Phatty Arbuckle 7-3 record ::: Q Bourgade (wJ 38 -07
yson ('N) 56-06
, Parker (W) 42-06
Cruz (W) 48-07
1W} 48-22
('N) 62-07
Rtdg e (L) 00-41
Erik Ketlty, John McDonald , Joe Knebelsberger, Tyler White , Matt Polowski , Josh Lewts , Andrew Btrd
Row six : Coach Keith Householder, Coach Jim Gnndey, Coach Andrew Pongracz, Head Coach Pete Wahlheim , Coach Tom Jovonowski , Coach Bob Bitler, Coach Matt Mayo
Sitting : Katie Blomberg, Sam Christenson Kneeling : Diandra Jones , Aubrey Utter. Standing : Kylie Mulloy, Caroline Early, Enn McCarthy, Ton Bath , Christy Sizer, Ma ddy Schwan
Front row : Terry Boyle, Dalton Davis , Matt Anthony Luke McCarville Chris Baker, Matt Dodt. Row two : Mike McDonnell , Austin McDavtd , Keegan Park, Drew Korte , Brandon Walker Row three : A.:! , Notestine, Nick Gleisner, Sam Dohm Jake Hendrickson.
Row Four : Coach Matt Mayo.
Ashley Wetzel , Erin Charters , Lisa Alexander, Jessica Solo , Sandor Banales , Taylor Lombardt , Mr Moreno (in driver 's seat)

all Sports Scoreboard (Continued)

Cross Country

Honor roll


1st Team

Jesstca Lopez

Alex Gutting

Jatmte LOpez

Honorable Mention

Amanda Pfiefer


1st Team

Jesstca Lopez

2nd Team

Jatmie Lopez

Alex Gutltng

Kelly Hill

Andrea Doris

Sitting: Jessica Lopez, Osterday, Jatmie Lopez, Alex Gutting, Chrissy Campion, Lizzy Murphy.

Middle row: Steve Greco, Shea Rotanus, Amanda Pfeifer, Michelle Conner, Michelle Stevenson, Kathryn Boughton, Monica Koestner, Ryan Witt, Tim Molloy, Stephen Koons. Back Row: Coach Zetta Armbruster, Joe Doerer, Alex Kuner, Andrew Belus, Jeremy De La Torre, Jeff Sandell, Vinny Campion, Alex Karam, Matt Guzman, Coach Dennis Clinch.

Bottom: Michael Evans, Richard Edgar, Jenny Schroeder, Katte Baglini, Mana Doris, Alyson Maloney, Patricia Espiritu, Brian Espiritu (on slide), Aaron Lester

Maria Korte Row 2 : Kyle Koehler, Kelly Hill, Adrianna Amato, Angelina BaAngelina Baglini glini, Maria Korte, Andrea Doris, Josh Lester (on slide).

Maria Doris Row 3: Rich Helms, Kyle Morns Kyle Harrington, Alyson Maloney Murphy James, Knsta Krein, Cori Awender Lucia Villalva, Joseph Milazzo, Murphy James Pablo Cadavid, Casey Mahoney, Samuel Morris. Back Row: Coach Chns Good-

Honor roll

All-Region 1st Team

Andrew Belus

Matt Guzman

Honorable Mentton Alex Kuner

All-City 1st Team Andrew Belus 2nd Team

Matt Guzman

Honorable Mention : Alex Kuner

Kyle Harrington t

Josh Lester

Aaron Lester f

Kyle Koehler r

Michael Evans f

Casey Mahoney

Brian Espiritu

Kyle Morris

-iolding ball: Monique Echiverri egs up: Morgan Houghland, Amanda Mulheron. lrst row: Shay McGrady, Kelsey Krick , Lauren 'Neill, Katie Doerer, Sara Stumbaugh aack row: Lele1 Vahai, Mtchele Coomer, Brittany tetrzak, Katie Harney Front row: Chad Allen. Julian Bad ilia, Pat Marrujo Tim Waters, ate Smith, Leini Tuita Row two: Cody Weldon, Sean Lawlor, Brent Huddleson, Quinton Candelana, Troy Temple, Josh Digesualdo. Row three: Joey Harrington, Tommy Moberly, Danny Prindiville, Ryan Redger, Clayton Cook, Kevin Zeck. (tl etll, \fissing: \'al Echevcste. Mercedez Tillci)'-Dohm, Kel ey Wattel.

Before and after school, the park1ng lot is always bustling.


What' on e\ery tudent' mind

\\hen they tum 16? driver' licen e! etting your driver' licen ·e definite! one ofthe highlight of high school. It ignifie maturity.

It may not be all fun and gam . dri ing i also a learning experience, but along with the learning come really funny and embarra ing tories.

eton nother rea on people want their Iicen e i becau e they can't wait to e plore the \ onders the road has to offer. Many students commented that the fir t place they wanted to go once they got their driver' license wa on a road trip with friend .

I n G
Above : Chnssy Camp1on showmg off her excellent dnv1ng pos1t1on When Chrissy's brother Vmny was asked why do you want your license he sa1d , " I want to dnve because Chnssy can be a bad dnver when she IS in a hurry, or most of the lime • Left Kev1n BenZing weanng h1s $100 sun glasses 1 cru1s1ng with the semor football boys-Matt Abngo , Stan M1natogawa, Nat Sawyers, Jimmy Nguyen and Knshan Sud-With the top down of h1s Volkswagen Even lhough Kevm loves to cram everyone mto h1s sweet nde , hi dream car IS the Oscar Meyer Wem r mobile where th re IS plenty of room for thos huge footba l players Sophomore Jon McDonald hasn't gotten h1s license yet; for the t1me being h1s mom dnves h1m everywhere My lov1ng mother dnves me everyday," says Jon unabashedly "I love my mom • Class Of 2008


excat1ng , but not really The work s a lot harder" From her expenences so far, Rrsa's adv<ce for an ncom1ng freshman IS o work hard "It Wi pay off 1n the ong run," she concludes She uses l'ier study ha I time to her advanta e

Tim's adv1ce for an 1ncom1ng freshman? "Be yourself • he sa1d "People here can see through that • W1se adVICe Iron> a WISe guy ..,..,___,

• •
Garc1a laughs wl1en asl(ed how she likes her sophomore year so far "It's Tim Gn.nkemeyer (A K A "Gn.n ") reflects bout tus year up to now "I .ook up to the Wisdom that sen1ors l'iave They l(now so much more about the rea1 world and t11ey know what they're talking about whel'l it comes to government or sor1ety •

Sophomore year is like the middle child in the family of grade levels. It's not the youngest anymore, not quite the oldest, and doesn't get that much attention. This is the year when students are just now getting the hang of high school, but they aren't yet the upperclassmen. They're going through an awkward journey to find themselves while experiencing the hierarchy of school. But, no worries--everyone's embarked on the same adventure. Socrates, a respected philosopher, once said, "know thyself." And that's exactly what this year's sophomores plan to do.

Junior Chase Meyers looks thoughtful as he studies dunng h1s English class. "I love

English Mrs Adams is a wonderful teacher

I lOVE i ," exclaimed The reading li t. which included Hawthorne's "The Scarlett Letter," Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye " helped fuel Meyer's pass1on

1 Mrs Adams favorite book is The Scarlet Letter "I love how Hester develops 1nto a strong woman over the course of the story," says Adams , who teaches all Juniors 2 Mrs Green loves to teach the classic , Romeo and Juliet. "I love to introduce the creative genius of the master of literature , Shakespeare. to the freshman " Mrs Green explains. 3 Ms Harrel teaches freshman , sophomore and senior classes. • 4 Mrs Heath teaches honors English for sophomores. "The kids like reading it and the controversial subJect leads to great discussions," Ms Harrel says about why she loves to teaching. 5 According to Mrs. Hoffman, it was hard to choose a favorite book because she only teaches her favorites! "I love literature and helping students to understand and enjoy it ," says rs Hoffman

Senior Alex Amato is taking an essay test for his AP English class. "I like English cia s because it gives us time to do other homeAlex confessed

Senior Rob Kordys is helping out his classmates by reading the stage direction while they were acting out a scene

from Hamlet. "I was just happy I had to be the narrator," Rob confessed Shakespeare's Hamlet and Huxley's Brave New World were among the books studied by seniors.

Sophomore Johnny Sizer is either paying attention in class or daydreaming. "Alii can say Mr. Sheh is a good teacher • he said. Dante's Inferno and Julius Caesar were among the books studied by all Seton Catholic sophomores

Freshman Sam Morris follows with Mrs. Green as they go over the1r anthology project--a requirement for all freshmen. Photos by Breanna Va llejo

How do the teachers choose what books and stories to use 1n class? The teachers pick books that they like themselves . They also p1ck books that require students to critically think about what they are reading

re you one of tho e people who it there in English cia daydreaming to pa up the time? Why do we even have to \Ocabulary? It i not like" e use half the word that we learn Or why do we have to do TL ( ritical Thinking Log ) if other tudent can get urnmarie off of park ote ? Or why we

in cia and take quizze --1 mean, many ofu may be tempted to lip online

"I was interested in reading West Side Story by Irving Shulman because of all the drama." says freshman Canssa Reisinger.

Sophomore IJeoma Ekeh loves to Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams . "It alerted me of the wonderful world of dolphins ," she said

Junior Marc

and get the book' footnote Ba ically, Alberti favonte piece to read is "hat i the point of Engli h? Shakespeare's Hamlet. "How " ngli h literature i trul a diary f the human you not love teaches us how to communicate, how to interact with each other," ays Mr. heh " o \\e're truly teaching communication."

nd communtcatwn, Mr. heh continue , i the key to ucce

"The ability to be able to convince a prospective employer to choo c you in tead of the I 00 other application ... to make people laugh, to make people cry, to touch other people emotionally that' what life i all about," he says." nd that's what literature--and Engh h--teache u ."

his works?" he questioned

"My mom bought me

The No. 1 Ladtes' Detective Agency for Chnstmas." Senior Michelle Mulhern said She is currently reading the first book



TheJ.V. cheerleader have put a lot of time and effort into their ea on thi year. ot only did they cheer at all of the 1. V. home football and baketball game , many of the girl cheered on their fre hman team a well. They were al o the fir t J. V. team to travel with the Var ity quad to cheer camp in an Diego thi ummer. Thank for the tellar effort, girl

The junior varsity cheer squad cheers on the J V Boys basketball game

Left : These g1rls take a break during camp to pose for a photo in the lunch line All of the girls, vars1ty included, never hes1tated to run from the camp area to the lunch line, that's for sure!

"Go ing to cheer camp was a lot of fun and was something that the J. V cheer team has never done It was really cool getting to bond wi th the team . "

-Kr istin Johnson , sophomore

Freshmen Karissa Bucher and Kelsey Wattel give each other a squeeze before the game Cheerleading is definitely a great way to make new friends!

"My favori te memory was chee ri ng at the football games and learning more about all the girls on the team. "

-McKenzi Asbury ,

"My favorite memory of cheer this year was hanging out with my friends , tumbling , and helping each other out not only with each other in chee r, but also with persona/life "

- Mercedez Tillery-Dohm ,

Left Girls just want to have fun! These J.V. cheerleaders know how to have a good time and pose extremely goofy.

••••••••••• I I
•••••• • • • I I I I
• ••• I •••••• I
I I I • I • •• •••
• I I I I I sophomore I • • • ••

re' al\\a one cia that get you out ofbed in the mornmg. You kno\\, the nc cia \\here you can un\\ ind and be your elf. The cia that create the ear' be t memorico.;. The one cia C\ cry day that you anticipate.

For 10 gtrl , \\ ho tart their day by inging the1r heart out for 48 minute , that cia i choir.

Thi year' choir wa \cry unique, inde d, and hO\ ca ed ome amazing talent. tudent cho e to ba ea h concert on pcctfic theme . For the fall Americana concert tudcnt ang cia ic American folk tune and im ited Catholic elementary chool tudent to li ten. In Dt:ccmber, they produced a more olemn concert, t:ntertaining parent and tudcnt \ ith cia ical ( hri tma

fhe group' favorite ho\\, however, wa the february concert, which took the audience back to early chtldhood \\ith a Di ney-tht:med o.;how. Tht: c tra aganza included favonte uch a "Color ofthe Wind" from PoGahanta , .. eize th Day" from and combination of many other cia ic. . fhe final concert m May included a anety of ong , ranging from hO\ tunc to cia ical ong.

But de pite all the hard work, the e 10 girl alway en ured that they were ha\ing a bla t. "Ha\ ing fun i what makes a great chmr," they ay. Well, the 2005-2006 choir mu t have had a lot of fun.

(Rig ht ) The gtrls of first penod Ch01r are seen here singing in perfect harm ony at their Chnstmas concert They sang many classical Christmas tu nes , tncluding an a cappella ve rs1on of "Carol of the Bells ." Senior Chri sti ne Demane sa 1d , "I loved the arrangement of this song I sang the high p a rt. which wasn't easy because it went so h1gh, but it e was all worth it, because the song sounded awesome in the end!"

(Above) From left to right: Christine Demane , San dra Ericsson , Raven Woessner, Amanda Mulheron, S ha y Mc Grady, and Corena Thomas. • Not pictured Chri st in Ch1era Chelsea Carlos , and Amanda Richardson When asked about Choir, all Corena Thomas had to say was "Hollal"

e ( R1ght) These girls rocked out after the show, singing and pos1ng like true divas for the cameras. You never know--pretty soon, the1r pictures can go from e our yearbook to Teen People!


(Right) Christine Demane and Raven Woessner sing "Seize the Day" from the Newsies for their singing test. Christine says , "I've never seen the movie , but the song is really pretty, and I love its meaning ."

(Below) Shay McGrady sings along as she reads the music to Beauty and the Beasrs "Be Our Guest ," JU St one of the many songs from the "Disney Dazzl e" medley "Go D1sney! Go Disneyl" she -

said abou t th1s song

(Above) Sophomore Raven Woessner seems to be revieWing the notes of her alto part be fore takmg her smgmg test

(Left) Sophomore IJeoma Ekeh and junior Sandra Encsson study their sheet music to "D1sney Dazzle." IJeoma sa1d, "Sometimes, Cho1r IS hke heanng angels s1ng But sometimes, 1t is like hearing na1l s on a chalkboard. I prefer the angels."

•• •••••••••••

Wltetltter 1f modern, or not quite o, 1 appreciated from all angle . up a chatr and bnng your beet th1 clas 1 e actly the

(Below) Freshman St phen Dupont toots away with his trumpet dun!'lg band class "I thtnk y skill ust comes naturally," says Stephe!'l Audtnces qutckly leam Stephen's talent is irrefu able
fht rr Ill 't'Ol Ill II H1gh1

(Left) Freshman

Danny Prindiville (drums) and Aaron Lester (sax) can't get enou9h of each other. They both are rn band and soccer "Band 1s a really fun class especially w1th Aaron there." says

Danny These two buddies love to rock out together--and ey e t 1n' down the

(Abo"') Mr. Frable 1e'aCh1ng band class for 15 years through rarn or shrne "I Qye tea g k1ds and help1ng them reach the1r mustcal goals." says Frable There is no doubting h1s dedicatton to h1s band class

Freshman Aaron Lester loves to play the sax, but also enjoys rock & roll. "Music makes me happy," says Aaron. You can't tear this boy away from h1s saxophone.

Sophomore Shauna

Casey gets her rnsptra· tion from U2 "My favorite is the bassist; he is so cute," she says. Every day Is a Beautiful t l Day for playrng music

Freshman Stephen Dupont plays the trumpet; in hiS free time, he listens to hard-core metal music. "I like band class because tt Is just so much fun!" But there IS no substitute for his love of music.

How to make a seat ng chart by rs Pattock 1. f

Pat Collins Principal

Regina Wainwright Assistant principal

Mary Adams

Thomas Anthony

Zetta Armbruster

Kim Bergman

Robert Bitler

Dennis Clinch

Shelley Conner

Kelly Crosser

Sharon Dandorf

Thomas Darby

Beth Dodaro

Tim Dunn

Peggy Foote

Matthew Frable

Elizabeth Gibson

Carrie Graham

Jennifer Green

Jim Grindey

Polly Harrel

Eveline Heath

Karen Hill

Cynthia Hoffman

Patrick Kedrowski

Matt Kochis

Teresa Kreitzer

Elizabeth Krings

Cynthia Kubasak

Lisa Laliberte


Joan Marie


Rudy Martinez

faculty &


Jon Malgradi

John Kucinski

Cyd Totten

Nick Martrain

Michelle McGuinness

Victoria Miklosky

Rick Miles

Teresa Minatogawa

Ric Moreno

Jennifer Morrison

Jerry Mullin

Dan Nguyen

Michelle Nowak

Douglas Nowe

Barbara Olivieri

Beth Pattock

James Relph

Mary Ann Rich

David Richard

Richard Riley

Eva Rosales-


Siu-ling Ryan

Mary Jo Sandomir

Karen Self

Kevin Sheh

Marty Sprinzl

Kelly Stewart

Maryann Thacker

Henry Tongue

Pete Wahlheim

Louann Walther

Mary YoungbergTongue

Vicki Ronan

During high school. you \\ill have man) relation. h1p . But dunng the month ofF cbruary, love i definitely in the uir--\\ hich rat. c the quetion, what i the most romanllc thmg your boyfriend ha done for you?

"The most romantic th:ng R1cky ever done for me was

tn the m1ddle of the quad u asked me to Homecoming Wtth a pink heart ring a!'ld flowers." said Alexm Brancato

'The most romantic th1ng Marcus Asbury has ever done for me is when he asked me to Homecom1ng He put flowers and Care Bear snacks at the front door of my house and up the sta1rs leading to my bedroom There were pieces of paper w·th hearts on them and the first one said, ' Your like a dream', and the second said , 'Just wanna be with you' and so on. I walked in my bedroom and Marcus was s1tt1ng on my bed wi th a huge bouquet of roses. I JUSt couldn't say no to that ." satd sophomore Kylie Mulloy

"On Valentine's Day, Kyle Mahoney baked me a cake 1n the shape of a heart that said 'Happy Valentine's Day,' and brought me a single red rose." sa1d Molly Barlow.

For Ch"stmas Cao n Ro an got Me a claddagh nng few days later or my t>lrthday, "'e got me a Matching necklace .a1d LIZ O'Connor

·on my birthday Nick Sam1.1els surpnsed me by up to my house and decorated my room He also brought me flowers and it was JUSt really sweet!" said Michaela Robles


show off

mad sk Is during their body sQulpting class. "It's my swe t one-handed hand stand; learn all my break d ce moves in body scu pting from Kevlnl" sayfi Joe For all you people looking for the perfect 'way to lose weight, yo might just want to ask these boys because it looks like its working out very well for them.

Woul ing in I

gram io; at its makes regula challenge, sio

you like to shed • couple extra pounds? Arc) ou lackn ph) sica I acth ity during your daily life'? Ph en! You rc ck! l-lcrc at Scto 1 Catholic, P.E., bod) culpting, and arc a\ ailablc student \\ ith teacher like Coach ch Bitler, and 1\ t". Moreno the ph) sica I education procak. \\ ith ·uch \\ide \ arict) of courses a\ ailahle. its

1 and exciting. lf)ou're read) for the

Seniors Kevin Benzing {left) and Joe IKnebelsberger (right) their

"Get To Work!" Weight Training and P E teacher Coach Wahlhelm says ho teaches here at Seton Catholic because "I behave tho physi· cal well belng of our young people 1s critical to the overall success of the next gen ration." Not only does Wahl helm teach these classes , he coaches our football team.

vJ"\L.LI Mr Moreno teac es athletic training, body sculpting, E., and we1ght traini a teacher and a an athletic trainer on the Mr. Moreno is an excellent addition to Seto Catholic. Mr. says, "I love to teach y kids a healthy lifestt!,e how to exercise ight, so they can ply 1t their life when they get older."

"I love lifting weights be· cause It makes me huge!"

"I love how I can watch Coach Bitler lift a semi-truck over his head, he's so ripped!"

"I love being able to see Coach Wahlhelm every· dayl"

"Bodr. Sculpting Scorpions!" Body sculpting teache[, Coach Bitler, is only in his year here at Seton Cathohc. "I love teaching body sculpting to my students. The class is usually full of energy, but sometimes they need to

''Trying to_ play sports during class, but then we re· ally don't. Ultimate frisbee is fun when we do get to play, though"


t!=E. 1EAC

pict ure ay a thousand word --but art is the re alm where words cannot go. Students can m erge creativity and imagination through brush trokes, clay mold . ketches and nap hots. Art cla depict the beauty of ctnotion ex pre ed in who ) ou arc. With the h elp of Mr . Totten, who replaced Mr . Stewart at the beginn ing of the econd erne tcr. Seton tudcnts arc aying n1orc with a brush troke than they ever could 1n an essay.

Andrea Doris enjoys art a lot. "She's always one of the last ones done in the class; she focuses on detail," says group buddy Samantha Dandorf Rob Kordys enjoys listening to music for inspiration wh ile painting In Mrs. Totten's first-period painting cl ass. Left Mr Totten came to Seton willing to deal with whatever came at her. "The people have been welcoming to me so far," says Totten during her 6th period photography class. Brlanne O'Neill and Rachel Millard begin their first step in Seton art by sketching out their work before their final draft.

Favorite Food: Chicken

Favorite Actor: Matt LeBlanc

Favorite Movie:

Master of Disguise

Best thing about Seton: Mrs. Self

Career Choice:

Massage Therapist Jeananne Dearing

Favorite Food: Fettuccini


Favorite Movie: Tommy y.

Best thing about Seton: The people.

Career Choice: I don't kn1ow Ali Abella

Favorite Actor: Clrllan

Favorite Movie: Batman

Best t hing about Seton

Friends (Patty) nd cookies

C reer Choice: pends how much mone I will make

Front row: (left to right) Kel ey Krick Ka 1a ·e). Back row: Kacla Carrieres. Molly Barl ( oach Jerry Mullin (not pictured, Becky llood, Jc,

Jaelyn Landry


F vor te

Favonte M vie An chorman

Best thmg bout Seton

The fact that it's li ke a family

Career Cho1 Interior Des

avonte Food: Pizza

a nte Actor. Denzel Washington

Fa nte Movie: Honey

B s mg about Seton : It Rocks!

Ga ree hoice· Plastic Surgeon

Lelei Vahai

round the court, hoping to catch the ball and use their abilities to work well w1th one another and make another point for the team

According to Michael Incavo, the freshman basketball team i one big family that plans to stay together throughout the four years of high school. Using their talent and sportsman hip, they were able to end the sea on with II wins and five losses. The junior varsity boys, according to Joseph Grubb , had an amazing season with 17-2 record. Vanquishing Desert Ridge and Sahaurita represented high points in the junior varsity's stellar season.

. . .


Ch1no Vally (W) 85-73

:: PR Chnst. (W) 70-52

2 Thatcher (W) 53-38

Yuma Cath.(W) 67-27

E. Foothlls (W) 65-62

Coolidge (W) 70-58

D. R1dge (W) 55-37

!"" VChnst. (L) 35-55

VI W Canyon (W) 70-55

JNotre Dame (L) 71-75

Sedona (W) 68-40

C Grande (W) 68-35

-, Bradshaw (W) 73-48

Sahaurita (W) 77-33

Safford (W) 50-30

Payson (W) 67-56

.; Santa Cruz (W) 71-57

Florence (W) 92-47

Globe (W) 88-4 7

Coolidge (W) 77-64

Safford (W) 71-35

Santa Cruz (W) 55-35

Florence (W) 107-51

Globe (W) 83-53

Sahaunta (W) 67 -5{}

State Tournament

Coolidge 90-43 (W)

Window Rock 77-04 (W)

Ch1nle 69-53 (W)

Founta1n Hills 61-54 (L)

Varsity Girls


Front row : Patty

Redden, Colleen Tighe, Kylie Mulloy

Row two : Marilyn Roy, L1sa Wolf, Jenny Ch

Nikki Magnus

Row three : Coach Karen

Self, Alexis Hodel, L1

Warbu.ton, Emily Radzik, Emily Bryant, Jamie

• Callahan Record

Cool1dge 24..00 (L)

Empire 36-30 (W)


S Cruz 36-24 (W)

Sahuanta 15-51 (L)

N Dame 30-31 (L)

f Safford 00-76 (L)


D. Ridge 30-54 (L)

Florence 42-30 (W)

'3'l Wickenburg 29-36(L)

1: Globe 42-24 (W)

0 Jimmy Nguyen-2nd

;:> Patrick Sullivan-2nd

Tim Waters-3rd

Terry Boyle-4th

Tom Riegel-4th

Jimmy guyen-3rd Patrick Sullivan-5th

orts Scoreboard

Varsity Boy s Ba sketball

Front row: Mike Harty, Jeff Haas1s , Martm Graham.

M iddle row : Coach Hosea Graham , Brandon Butler, Mikey Fernandez, Daryl Coates , Coach Warburton , Coach B oker

Ba ck row: Zach Blauvelt , Mike Barlow, James Arndt , Alex Murphy, Jeff Sandell

State Tournament

Globe 38-21 Wl

Coolidge 43-37(W)

Not pictured: Austin McDavid, Jimmy Ngu ye n , Le1ni Tuita , Tim Waters. Coach Richard Riley.

Back row : Patrick Sullivan, Terry Boyle, Jimmy Prost. Ricky Husk Kyle Koehler, Ry an Redger

Winter Sports Scoreboard {Continued)

Boys Soccer


Mancopa (W) 11-00

Honzon Honors (W) 09-00

Y Catholic Tournament (W) 03-02

V. Chnsl (W) 05-02

Coolidge (W) 08- 0

Tempe Prep (W) 10-00

S Garden (W) 11-00

F HilS (W) <f.3-01

Canyon State Academy (W} 17-00 (W) 12-01

Mancopa (W) 17-00

Honzon Honors (L) 11-01

V Chnst (L) 00-03

F Hills (W) 05-00

Peter Aber-

Chris Deanng, Joe Doerer, Alex Kuner, Taylor Lombardi Sergio Beltran , John Rogers, Westley Logan

Row two: Kate Corl (manager), Matt Abrigo, Kyl Bosshardt , Diego Fernandez, Andrew Goble , Karl Agudo, Emily Stadmiller (trainer). Alycia Malloy (trainer)

Row thre e: Coach Pete Redlich, Coach Jeff Boughton Curtis Jotinson, Sean Wessel, Eric Keilty, Jeremy De La Torre, Marcus Asbury, Coach LUis Padilla, Coach Josh Grah5Jm

Varsity Cheer

Se c o n d row : ea rly R gan, Dana Mirnone, KilJl,.o Giebner, Amanda Heitzma n1 Morgan Ho ug ia n Laura Bisso, JessiCa Mattern,

Th i rd row : Eliosa Amezcua, Rachael Burkett, Demi Null, Coach Susan Houghland, Ali McAlister, Kathenne Brandon, Nicole Ethier.


Front row: nathy, Front row : Chelsea Comfort, Christy Sick, Alycia Malloy. Back row: Tncia Elkins, Taylor Enzweiler, Catherine Smith, Malaika Pitts, Alex Am ato, Michaela Robles Adrianna Amato, Corena Thomas, Cecily Stewart.
Show Cheer 1st Place Porn 1st Place
All Girl Stunt 1st Pl


Winter Sports Scoreboard (Conti nued)

JV Boys Basketball Freshman Girls Basketba ll

JV Girls Basketball

Kneeling: Joseph Grubbs, Shimi Colbert, Sean Eddy, Chris Baker Middle row: Katie Ryan (manager) Alex Karam, Corey Vaughan , Trevyn Crosser, Stephen Greco (manager). ack r ow : Coach Ernte Pintor Sam Dohm , Joe Zylla , Ntck Gleisner, Coach Joseph Ptntor Left to right : Jessica Solo , Risa Garcia , Trainer Ric Moreno , Emily Stadmiller, Andy Waters Front r ow : Kelsey Krick, Kayla Schueneman Meagan Zawtocki, Jauntea Maxey.
Tillery-Dohm ,
Fr ont row : 1 nger, Back r ow : Amanda Mulheron , Lauren O ' Neill , Ama(lda Rexroat , LeLei Vahai Not p ic t u r ed: Landry Davts , Britney Ptetrzak , Jaelyn Pitts , Canssa Retstnger, Coach Davtd Spence Freshman
y s Ba s ketball
Davis, Tim
Jeff Boughton,
, Aaron Lester Luis Bad ilia
Josh Graham
Ba c k r o w: Mtchaela Carrieres, Molly Barlow, Bailey Abelle, Kalie Doerer Coach Jerry Mullin ng
: McKenzi A bury, Gnzelle Olivares Mi ddle : Kelsey Morrill , Casste Johnson Val
, Coach Jenna Slocum (tn white), Chnstine Caclos
Karissa Bucher Toni Meador. Top : Kristen Johnson , Amanda Gnffieth , Bnanne O'Neill, Alannah Brogan, Priscilla Brandon , Lucia Villalva Not Pictured : Val Echeveste Mercedez
Kelsey Wattel.
Evans, Tommy Moberly, Ryan Reagan Joey Majewski, Matt Klamka. Middle row : Kate Corl (manager), Sean Lawlor, Qu nton Candelaria. Stephen Farfante, Dalton
Molloy. Back
: Coach Pete Redlich, Alycta Malloy (manager),
Danny Pnndiville,
Guevara, Coach
Seton's parking lot is filled with Jettas and their drrvers: (left to right} Christ1na Mesa, Alex Whiteside, Emily Stadm1lier, Matt Dodt and Rob Kordys. "I love takH1g strolls through the quad with my Jetta," Emily says.

Becoming a junior come with all new re pon ibilitie · and experience . The train of college and e. ·citement of relation hip are morphing into omething more seriou . One thing i for certain now: Being a junior mean being finally accepted among all ) our cia smate · and the re t of the chool. Your future i becoming a lot clearer now. The e are the Ia ·t eme ter before the super-seriou senior year. Enjoy your time here and be a joyful junior!


("Where is the Louvre?'')

Katie Carr ieres (' 06 )

" Q ue lle heure est-il?"

("What time is it?")

Sarah Sever a nce (' 06 )

"Amictiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore " (I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting.)

Shauna Casey ( ' 08)

rimo ."

("After many dangers , I cry.")

Austin McDavid ( ' 07)

" Si Se Puede ."

("Yes , it can be done!")

Kelly Hill ( ' 06)

" D 6nde esta mi burrito "

("Where is my burrito?")

Maria Doris ( ' 06)

French Club proudly displays their chocolate bar sales Back row : Ry a n Mahoney, Justin Carstens , Casey Mahoney, Sarah Severance , Kyle Mahoney Front row : Lisette Cole , Kelly Rzonca , Katie Carrieres , Junaid Mirza "It was nice to add some var i ety to fund -ra i sers ; s ome people didn't l i ke the Bon-Bons ," says Casey Mahoney row : uiar, Arama , n Nance Back row : Samuel Morris , Chad Stearns , Colin Derby, Moheeb Zara , ljeoma Ekeh , Emily McBryan , Katherina Carballo , Risa Garcia , Kara Longanbach, Shauna Casey, Maria Korte , Matt Anthony, Kelsey Morrill.
, an Maria Doris pictured at Cold Stone Creamery for the Mexico Mission Trip fund -raiser "It was a lot of fun making the ice cream , especially when they asked for gummy bears , " says Lopez The group raised $28 in tips from the event.
(A}ho1" f'Of"eign. pht--ose is most" itnpot"1"on.1"1"o leotn i£ in. thot" eoun.t"ty?

Foreign. Lon.giAoge CliAbs

From the annual Latin convention to eton Catholic' Mi ion Trip to the French lub's a ter Ba ket drive, the chool' foreign language clubs ha e a tradition of ervice and excellence. Each club devote time to ervice; for in tance, the pani h lub' annual trip to Agua Prieta, Mexico benefit area orphan a the tudent provide love and affection to the children.

The entinel tudent , however, reap the greate t benefit by doing th ir ervice. "I enjoy going on the Mi ion Trip, becau e I ee that there are people le fortunate than I am." ay ick Macchiaroli, pani h Club pre ident. Whatever the club may be doing, they do it with enthu ia m. French club Trea urer Ju tin Car ten ay , " elling the chocolate i fun , but the money we earn for the a ter ba ket drive i the real rev ard for everything that we do."

n Carstens , French Club treasurer , counts from the chocolate bar sales The French made $340 to sponsor field trips , and the ster basket drive in April.

Alex Gutting , Christi Bick , Gillian Osterday, Tea Maxey, ,Ja1m1e Lopez , Nicole Ethier, Kelly Hill , Jennifer Hale , Mrs Osterday

Top row : Mr Gann , C J Orton Patrick Tighe , Matt Molloy, Jessica Lopez Austin Gaylord , Jimmy Nguyen , Joe Knebelsberger, Joey Casillas , Nick Macchiaroli , Adam Smith , Mr Falkner.

Agua Prieta Mission Team

This year, 25 Seton Catholic students and three alumni helped distribute food to the needy and build four homes 1n Agua Pneta , Mexico In addition , the (Below) Span1sh Club President Nick Macch1aroli

Agua Prieta Mission Team visited with orphaned shills fast food with Kelly Hill and Nicole Eth1er at the children and the homeless elderly at La Divina Provi- Mission trip fund-ra1ser at McDonalds " I could be a denc1a home professional McDonalds worker now that I know how to work on the register," says Nicole Ethier

The Miss1on group made $300 from t1ps and food

Front row from left : Mr Osterday, Patrick Martinez , Lea Chlupsa , Mrs Falkner, Senor Martinez , Rachel Falkner, Tricia Elkins Row 2 Lawrence DiCarlo , Angelina Baglini , Nikki Stevenson , Andrea Dons Momca Koestner, Maria Dons ,

Caryn Olivieri and Brandis Sauer are looking through the Stumps catalogs for invitations and gifts "We spend many long meetings trying to agree on things , " says Caryn Olivieri.

Ms. Dandorf loves this years Prom Committee "I wouldn't change this group of girls for the world ," says Mrs Dandorf

Prom Committee members include (Top Row Left to Right) Jenny Churosh , Carey Pattock , Emma Parker, Samantha Dandorf, Caryn Olivieri , Brandis Sauer, and Mickala Logue

Mickala Logue loves trying on the crowns and tiaras Mickala says, "It is so great to know everything about prom before everyone else ."
"f"'4 t.t r,/, I" " "''"' ¥ Y""' "' Jl•ur '"'" ..?tlt7o ,.., %/"f d, 6y 4.1"4 :T- -7l--d ,/. <t ,t; &..,4d rJ1.144 ,t; Zl.. w..,"'

Thank to Mr . Dandorf, prom ha been ucce ful for the Ia t eight year Without her, prom wouldn't even happen. Prom ommittec had to meet during th ummer to help choo e the prom ite; after the ite wa cho en, the committee had to find a way to pay for it; fundrai cr included lollipop ale .

The prom committee i in charge of choo ing the theme, color , gift , and food.

"Thi Prom Committee i the

be t I have ever had," Mr Dandorf ay "They are a de l ight to work with."

The Prom Committee girls are meeting with Duke Photography at the prom site The members are using Duke ' s laptop to perfect the backgrounds of the prom pictures Prom Committee members say they ' ve become very close after working together for two years "These girls are like my sisters , " says Caryn Olivieri. Jenny Churosh and Carey Pattock pose for the camera at Duke Photography Jenny Churosh says , " It was tons of fun going to Duke to take pictures-especially when we were able to use the props ."

Before her debut on the Seton tage in God pell. enio r Chel ea Carlo ' aunt took her to an audition for a movie m the Philippine She got the part, but chose not to follow through with it.

Thi is the lovel). t a lented ophomore James. he 1 tarting a modeling career.

ophomore K) lie Mulloy at the age of 5 wa wanted for modeling. H o we\ er, her p arent decided again t it.

Factual Faculty Info

You to KnoH

i ter Joan l\larie has been among the ton facult) since 1968.

Mrs. Foote has been working lor Seton for the pass 23 year

There has been 53 Ryan 's who haYc gone through eton

Mrs. Dandorfwa crowned Mi Teen Tenne :ee. She al o earned a dance . cholarhtp to Columbia College.

Mr. Grindcy was in the eminary for two year.

u prl babl. thought that • our ecret-. ow{luld be ale anJ 0und Ho""Wt'h;r, the 1. t t out of the hag•!! What ""' uncovered will amaze ou--lrom unktwown famil link to movie fanatH.: • We're al o honored to have had a Seton tt.'achcr appear on thc nationally acdaimed '>hO\\. 1

\\ hat about the interc ting ta t ou thought knev. ahout our tcllo""W teacher '! \\hat about the po tblc tardom ot a le""W student "? f rom modeling. to mging to acting career , Seton ha a \artety ol harp knivc in the ihcrware drawer.

hetorr thr r k.1 ot the rarhook

ne da) robots '1: • 1ke O\ er the '' orld. but until then,'' e're till building th m--\\ ith the hclp of lr. Ked row ki and other' '' ho spend the1r time making the Robotics Club\\ hat 11 is toda). The) learn to con truct almost lifc-lih robots that can hO\ er and perform that arc needed 111 order to compete in competitions.

The robotics team ''as hoping to 1mprove upon Ia t ) car\ second-place ho\\ mg at the n:gional comp1!tit10n. HO\\ e\ er, equipment and funding malfunctions prO\ ed to be major obstacles. Despite the setbacks. the eton squad finished C\enth out of 44

o if) ou interc ted in putting forth your time and effort for a totall) radi a! hobb) like building killer robot join the Robotic Club today!

=illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll if

(From back left) Kara Longanbach, Katherina Carballo , Mr. Kedrowski Josh Blodgett , Moheeb Zara , M1key Garvey, Chad Stearns , James Arama , Eric Walsburg , Alex Amato, Joseph Touma , Marc Alberti , Shauna Casey, Laurice Kee l, Sarah Sch1mpp , ljeoma Ekeh , Andrea Jonas and Maren Saffell. Kneeling to the right is Seton Catholic alumni Kate McBryan , who is attending Anzona State University. McBryan helped lead the robotics team to a regional victory and a birth in the national competition in 2004 (Above ) The team gathers around for a demonstration of what kind of tasks the robot can do . "We want to show the students that the machme is only as smart as the human ," Mr McBryan says Wise words from a w1se man (Above) Mr Kedrowski sure loves to keep the bathroom pass safe " I don't want anyone to steal 1t! " says Mr Kedrowski. Th1s 1s his trademark look
(Below) Members of the Robotics Club practice thetr tasks needed to perform in competition "The team thts year ts really dedicated We're gonna go far!" says Alex They competed in March at nationals. (Below) Andrea Jonas and Mr. McBryan examtne the device used to angle the cannon. "I've learned so much about artificial intelligence • Andrea says (Above) Alex Amato ts fixing the wheel so that the robot can scoot around "I hope the wheel doesn't fall off," says Alex. This is on technology sawy kid (Right) Alex Amato is helping to construct crucial pieces used so that the robot can function "It's amazing when you get to see the final project." says Alex. Hours upon hours of labor are put tnto the creation of it. Mr Kedrowski and Mr M c Bryan explain building plans for the day while the robot peers tnto the sunset. "The students really amaze me They're very talented," says Mr McBryan , who himself invests hours of time and energy into trainmg the students. (Below) Marc Alberti and Laurice Keel make some important plans for thetr robot. "I think we're all the heart and soul of this." Laurice says (Above) ljeoma Ekeh and Joseph Touma chill out during a break. "We need to rest our minds sometimes." ljeoma says. All work and no play makes a robot restless. (Left) Chad Stearns goofs around with some friends. "I thought that giant hoop was pretty odd." Chad says. (Right) This group chats about who does the best robot dance "I think Shauna reinvents it" says Joseph.

LLad our Seton Catholic baseball team looked as good as their playing field, we'd be winning championships every year! Seton's baseball fields are constantly being tended to, making ttlem among the best in the area.

Hdwe er, the players have proven they're no slouches, either. In order to play on the legendary .field you have to have heart and dedication--two qualities that all of the players and coaches posses. fighting through injuries and misfortunes of last season, the 2005 baseball team managed to o 9-2 and make it to the second round of State.

he 2 6 baseball team is facing new challenges with new leadership. Led by new coach Jon MaJQf'ad1 the team refocuses on the basics and always tries their hardest. The seniors are looking for. a title as the freshman struggle for starting positions. The team is looking strong and they re all o ing together to further their success. Who knows? Maybe this will be the year the boys rece1ve he rings they have worked so hard to attain!

The talk. The best v1ew of the game Is from the sldeliroes .:nd 1n the golf cart Jun or, Tim Fiorito says, ''I' keto hear about ttoe th:11gs I need to work on arod the I rave done wei. T'11s IS the t me that the Coach Ma'grad1 gets personal w1th yo1.." (Above) The swing. Tre players focus on correct :1g the·r swing. "I like to focus on )'! lling because 11 helps the team and you always need runs to w1n," says sophoiT'ore Trevyn Crosser. The pitch. Se'lior Ku1 Eklund f:!llshes h1s p1tch trymg to ead the team to a v1ctory. "I love p1tch:"lg, but my favonte th:!lg to do IS h·t home runs " KJrt mc:n ages to p1tc'1 field, and h1t well (Right) The break fhe boys rr ly get a chance for a breather b whe"l they do they t<:l(e adlril"liJq of 1" JU"liOr Dave O'Donne- : s y "I enjoy the wea•her, c I can rest my head In my and take a nap.

The JUmor var ·It) oftball player tarted their ea on a little later than u ual with their fir t game at oolidge . Their coach, Keith Hou eholder, expect greatne from hi team thi . ear, aying that thi i a hard-working group of girl . o far, they have practiced hard and are I oking fon.vard to their ea on! o d luck girl !

(Top right) Sarah Deleo IS doing double-duty this year, playing on varsity and J.V She even played in the Marcos tournament this year w1th varsity "Even though I sat on the bench most of the t1me, I still had a great time and got more sun-burned than everyone elsel" she stated

(Left) Here the J.V team throws a short distance Its important to always warm up before you throw long

(Right) Shay McGrady knows that snapping your wrist is key to mak1ng your throw count!!

The jumor var ity boy ba eball team arc enjoying a great sea on so far and arc workmg hard to fini h ofT the year trong. Lead by key ophomore Luke McCarville, Ryan Harrigan, Sean and Tim Grunkemeycr, the team boast of a balanced attack and strong pttching. ·1 hey all work together at practice to grow a a unit. With high anticipation for the next year, the boy want to impre s the varsity coache The future looks bright for cton ba cball.

Below: Ryan Harngan prepares to throw a pitch to h ts opponent This one IS sure to be a stnkeoutl Below: Swmg Batter! Sean Eddy takes a whack at the ball dunng a orne game Seal" is one of the lead1ng sophomores on the J V team. Sophomore Hailey Campanella is running the distance medal relay at Apache J unelion " I sometimes get nervous !hall mtght mess up and drop the baton ." says Hatley The pressure did not get to her because she preformed very well and the team ended up in first place Senior Chnssy Campton IS stnding over a hurdle at Apache Junction. "I'm ternble at hurdles, but 1t was tons of fun!" says Chnssy. Thetr relay team earned second 1n thetr heat, whtch makes the girls work harder at practice Juntor Meagan Zawtock 1 takes off from the runway jumptng 1nto the long JUmp p1t I pr eli "Lo!'lg uwp 1s a to n of fun but hard work'' says Meagan After all that practtce , Meagan was able to show her sk• s dunng the team's first meet at Apache JunctiOn

Freshman Morgan Houghland and JUnior Amanda He1tzman speak w1th some track parents after the1r race at Valley Chn

llan. "They were congratulatmg us on our events " says Morgan All that pra1se was well deserved , cons1denng that they placed first and second m the race

Jumor Amanda He1tzman, semors Kat1e Carneres and Chnssy Camp1on , and freshman Morgan Houghland are pract1c1ng their hand-offs for 4x1 at Valley Chnst1an "Before every race we pract1ce, so that we don't mess up dunng the race," says Kat1e At th1s meet the 4x1 team fin1shed first; all that pract1ce sure d1d pay off!

Antonios, atalie

Blomberg, Katie '

Brogan, Alann

Burkett, ''"L' IoiP

aria 'o7

kki Magnus 'o7

Null, Demi 'o9

Pietrzak, Britney 'o9

Redden, Patty 'o8

Regan, Carly 'o6

Rotarius, hea 'o8

Steven on, Michelle 'o8

W attel, Kel ey 'o9

Zawtocki, Meagan '07

Juni or a d capta l!'l A ndrew B s nn :1g the distance med ley relay at Apache Junction. wa a fun meet because it w as all relays and everyone g ot a chance to try out differe nt events" says Andrew He bro k e the two- m ile record last y ear w1th a time of 10:2 9 .2

Sen1or Bobby 1s runn1ng the 4x70m hurdle rela y at Apache J u:1cti o "I had a b! t run.n g ose hurdles a s so scared that I woul fa ll on face" says Bo Lucky for Bobby he didn't fall and they got third in that event

Seniors Peter Abernethy a nd Cyp Colbert are d1scuss1ng the:· times at a Valley Ch nsti a n m eet.

"Peter IS so fast I was amazed by h is time " sa ys Cyp Peter is currently the second-fa st est 1OOm runner on the team

Jumor E:M1I Robles 1s runl"'mg a 400m race 1n the distance mea ey re 3y at Apacne J cliol"' ·, was so s cK a fter that •ace I col. d b arely wal sc:1ys Em1 Desp r weak stom ch they were able to break the meet record '" that ev "'t

Sophomore Vinny

Ca mp1on IS g et tmg c;ome h1gt>

J:J mp POinters from coach Dan KoestnE' "I d dn't really wal"'t to have a whole ' sson taught to me I J1. t want d to JU1lp on the md• , ft runn :19 • says Vmny Dan all work and no p lay when 1t comes to h gh JUmpmg Vinny says

2oo6 Track Roster

Abernethy, Peter 'o6

Anthony, Matthew 'o7

Belu , Andrew '07

Campion, Vinny 'o8

Car tens,ju tin 'o6

Colb rt, Shimi 'o8

Colbert, Cyp 'o6

Davi , Terence 'o8

DeLaTorre, Jeremy 'o6

DiG sualdo,Jcrrard 'o9

Di e ualdo, Josh 'o9

Doerer, Jo eph 'o6

Fernandez, Mikey'o6

Glass, teven 'o7

Gr co, tcphen 'o8

Grubb , Jo cph 'o8

Guzman, Matthew 'o7

Helms, Rich 'o7

Hernandez, Jacob 'o9

John on, Matt 'o8

Karam, Alex 'o8

Kirby, Bobby 'o6

Korte, Andrew 'o9

Kuner, Alex 'o6

Lawlor, Sean 'o9

Lewi ,jo h 'o6

McOonald,Jon 'o8

McDonn 11, Mike 'o7

Molloy, Tim '09

N ham, A.j. 'o7

Nield, Thomas 'o7

Polow ki, Matt 'o7

Riegel, Thomas 'o8

Roble , Emil 'o7

an dell, Jeff 'o6

Tet chner, tephen 'o9

Thorstad, Specner 'o8

Senior Alex Kuner munches on some Froot Loops after h1s race at Valley Christian. "I love cereal!' says Kuner. He needs all that fuel to the two mtle
Thomas Glenn g ives Jonah Rappazzo a t1p "Jonah , you better shape up ." (Below) Em1ly McBryan prepares for the btg show by puttmg on the th1ck stage makeup requ1red for stage productions Finn in stage before the show Ntck said , Sawyer really brought me back to my Sou thern roots It was like eatin' at KFC y'all-fing er lick in' good!" (Below) Jacque Bematt was the mastermmd beh1nd the makeup aspect of the play help1ng these ns1ng stars look sharp and stunntng

The cast gets their groove on throughout most of the play. The cast spent hours pract1c1ng and rehearsing the dance routines It really showed dunng all of the1r performances

(Be low ) Shannon Ryan shows off h er vocal ability with " By My Side," along with her longtime friend and fellow Seton student Lizzy Murphy (not pictured ).

(Far left) These girls portray the hypocnttcal Pharisees, who test Jesus' knowledge and patience.

(Center) Boom-chica-boomchica-boom-chick-chlck!

These actors turn their energy into h1gh gear during "We Beseech Thee "

(Immediate left) Casey Mahoney portrays an eerie and somber scene at the end of "Godspell ."

(Above) "This was my favorite part of the play (singmg "We Beseech Thee") because I worked so hard and the final result was worth everything!" satd senior Nick Macchiaroli (Below) The betrayal Junior Casey Mahoney plays the character of Jesus He managed to put on a wonderful performance and brought many fans back for another showing (Below) Bobby Kirby lived up to h1s character's punk persona by sportIng a genu1ne Mohawk. At the cast party. he won the "Best Hair" award. No wonder'





RR'r' RE.D.
Peter Abernethy "Me and Kuner: Friend For Life." Kyle Gorski have never let my chooling interfere with my education ." - Mark Twain Matthew Abrigo "Big hot are only little hot who keep hooting." Yvette Aguilar your be t, in whatever you put your mind to." Rachel Aguirre mu t be the change you wi h to ee in the world." - Mahatma Ghandi


Jacqueline Bernatt 're either coming or ju t but you're alway on the way." Marcus Asbury "Rule #76: o excu e , play like a champion." 'd rather remember the be t "He who look into the permend the broken and see feet law and per evere hall the crack forever." be happy in all he doe ." Kevin Benzing "Dare to wear the fooli h "If you want omething, you clown face." Frank inatra have to go out and get it." Zachary Blauvelt Kyle Bosshardt " a h i an BA riddle, and "Believe tho e who are eeking no one' figur d out how to truth, olve th puzzle " Doubt tho e who ha e found it." Emily Bryant "The people who act, don't think and the people who think, don't act." "To enior y ar!!"







not how you tart, but how you fini h." Lula Butl r Justin Carstens 'All good thing come to tho e who wait." Jennifer Churosh "Take that!" Chelsea Carlos computer once beat me at "Each of u ar angel with one che --but it wa no match at wing . .. and we can only fly by kick bo in g." embracing one another." Daniel Cerino "I hine and g t mine " Daryl Coates a man until you've walked a mile in hi hoe Then you're a mile away and you have Daniel Chavez more I know of men, the more I love my dog." Cyprians Colbert Christin Chiera you want other to be happy, practice compa ion. If you want to be happy, practice compa ion." - The Dalai Lama ( 1935- ) Blake Corry i Efil pelled backwards, which mean Elliptical Facet I Lift" Britney Covarrubias Christine Demane "I don't wannabe anything other than me." -Ga in Degraw Maria Doris "If you want your dream to come true, don't over leep " Samantha Dandorf "Dancer are the athlete of od ." - Albert Ein tein Gregory Dodaro "Though I die , Ia re i lance live on." Kurt Eklund Michael Day "E" Michal Dodt "Don't Stop Believin"' -Seton Football 2005 Patricia Elkins "The que tion i n't 'What are we "Ju t remember it all, the going to do,' the que tion i 'What beauty a well a the flaw ... " aren't we going to do ." -Ferri Bueller -Atmo ph re Jeremy DeLaTorre "Winner are willing to do what lo er won't. " Joseph Doerer "The thing you own nd up owning you " - Tyler Durden (Fight Club) Peter Ellis " hoot for the moon; n ifyou mi you will land among the tar ."










"Did volleyball win tate? Yah, I think they did!"

"In three word I can urn up e erything I' e learned about life: 'It goe on."'

Taylor Enzweiler eryting pa e and e eryday i better." Michael Fernandez right 60 percent of the time, all the time." Matthew Glass ab ence of humor render life impo ible." Laura Ericsson o fame that wit could e\er win; But only Lo\e may lead Lo've in." Henry uyler Bunner Rodrigo Fernandez o army can with tand the trength of an idea who time ha come." - Victor Hugo Thomas Glenn
Nicole Ethier who think unhine i pure happine ha never danced in the rain." Daniel Garvey have made orne good judgment in the pa t, and 1 ha e made orne good judgment in the future." Andrew Goble ha e never let my chooling interfere with my education." l Falkne r Kimberly Giebner Alexandra Gutting Jeffrey Haasis "Big ulp , huh? Whelp, ee ya later." - Dumb and Dumber Kelly Hill " heer to enior year ... ay!! !" Andrea Jarumay "Life i like a box of choco- Jennifer Hale "Faithle i he who ay farewell when the road darken ." -JRR Tolkien Alexis Hodel "At one point or another, a man hould have the honor of falling deeply in love with a redhead ." Lucille Ball Curtis Johnson Kyle Harrington "Don't worry 'bout it. " Richard Husk "M" Matthew Kim Michael Harty " on olidate at 4 and 6, no blowout ." Olivia Ibrahim ' Have no fear of the unkown, tep out fearle ly."-Pope John Paul II Robert Kirby "B"


Joseph Knebelsberger "L" Alex Kuner Robert Kordys "He who make a bea t out of him elf, g t rid of the pain of being a man." Josh Lewis Jamie Kowalczyk Jessica Lockhart Nicho las Kryn " very new beginning come from orne other beginning' end " Mickala Logue " ampir are make beli e, " ay what you will now, but "It i better to be hated for "Our greate t achievement lik el e , gremlin , and you're gonna mi me when who you are, than to be loved i not ever falling, but ri ing kimo ." I'm gone." for who you are not." after we fall." onfuciu Taylor Lombardi "Preach! Write! Act! Do Anything; ave to lie down and die." athanial Hawthorne Jaimie Lopez Nichola Macchiaroli " ever take your elf too eriously, happinc s come from being able to laugh at one elf... Fiona!" Andrew Magee-Skinner tho e who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." -

"Hey, Lloyd, there'



"The only thing you take people who want a ride. Pick with you when you're gone i Thank for coming. 'ya later!" -Jame


Alyson Maloney Jessica Mattern "The be t and mo t beautiflul "All you really need i love, thing in the world cannot be seen but a little chocolate now and or even touched. They mu t be felt h d , h , p within the heart." t en oe n t urt. eanut Robert McGinley "A" Christina Mesa "Life' no torybook." Angela Miks Stan Minatogawa Matthew Molloy Michelle Mulhern that, friend , i that. "How time can move both fa t and low amaze me." -Bright ye Alexander Murphy "What' for lunch, tan?" orne Mulhern 'em up!" what you lea e Brian Murphy "C" Christopher Nalls Lindsay Newman "Big all y going to get him- " on ider the daffodil, and \\hile elf orne chee eburger ." )-ou're doing that, I'll be O\er here, looking through your tuff."




" Don't you love how we can ay that to each other and know we're not being conceited."

"Thi journey' a mu t: friend hip and tru t. ""

" I can only how you the door; you're the one who ha to walk through it!"

"Wait. .. why are you wearing jean ?"

" nything worth doing i worth doing right."

"We make holy what we believe; we make beautiful what we love"

"For every minute you arc upset, you lo e 60 econds of happinc " Ralph Waldo mcrson

"Li e with no regret ." Gillean Osterday make thi moment a crime."-- The Format Brittney Porter built a love but that love fall apart." ighty percent of ucce bowing up." - Woody Allen Emma Parker ''I'm o er you!" Alexander Prost Caryn Olivieri Caroline Pattock Collin Racco Clayton Orton Estevan Pina Emily Radzik Kaitlyn Raftery Jasmine Randhawa Jonah Rappazzo "I like long walk and ci-fi movie ." "Life i not a problem to be "Allow my elf to introduce ... olved, but a my tery to be my elf." li ed." oren Kierkegaard Colleen Redden Carly Regan " haracter i built when no ""When you dream, dream one el e i looking." big, a big a the ocean blue." Jeffrey Sandell Brandis Sauer "The ea on tart " efore I i there wa nothtomorrow." ing." John Lennon Amy Riter "Ju t be your elf, becau e everyone el e i taken." Nathan Sawyers "Don't try and ell me a ketchup pop icl when I'm wearing a white T- hirt." Cass i Jo Rea rdon " heer to enior year. .. ay!! !" Justin Ruelas "K" Shannon LeBlanc " h, I kno> . We're ju t being hon t!"

"Don't let 1ife di courage you; e eryone who got v here he i had to begin v here he v a "

"The riche of other make you more valuable." -

"A great man i alway willing to be little." Ralph

"I wa never really in ane except on occa ion when my heart wa touched."- dgar

"And after all. .. you'r my "Th only difference between " Dream a ifyou'lllive "Tinkerbell i tougher than wonderwa ll." what i ea y and what i forever. Live a if you'll die all the Lo t Boy ... But I till

difficult i effort." today." love them."

"It i in how I \'vOrk 'v'vith the choice 1 am pre ented that I di cover my freedom."

Jennifer Schroeder Sarah Severance Panda Expr Paul Shallal Waldo mer on Michelle Sheyday i lien Poe Emily Stadmiller Krishan Sud Roxanne Taurisano Corena Thomas Patrick Andrew Tighe Scott Utter Breanna Vallejo Zachary Villanueva
become a
"There' no point in living ifyou "Learn from Ye. terday, Live for To- "Try not to become a man t can't feel alive." day, Hope for Tomorrow. o Live ucce , but rather to
ophia Marceau Well, Love Much, Laugh Often." man of value."- Albert in tcin

Bradley Walker

"The be t way to prepare for life i to begin to live."

Paul White

'Til borrow a path to lend me wings and travel the void world over." Jame Joyce, Finnegan Wake

Erik Walsberg

"Kiikkaklakkakla kaklopatzklat chabattacreppycrottygraddaghemmih ammihhouithappluddyappladdypkohpkot!" - Jame Joyce

Lindsay Warburton

"Many people come and go in our live , but few people leave footprint in our heart ."

Megan West

"Well it's kinda pink, not hot pink with parkle , but not the normal parkle nd it's OT Fuchcia "

Ryan Witt

"It'· better to be a fir t rate ver ion ofyour elf than to be a econd rate ver ion of

Tyler White Alexandria Whiteside Adam Williams

"Last time I checked the diction- "The tragedy in life doe n 't lie in ucce i mea ur d by the ary, my name wa Ron Burgundy. not reaching your goal. The tragedy drive you have to ucceed in What's your name?" lie in having no goal to reach." life."

--Dumb and Dumber

Bejamin May

Lisa Wolf

I grow to under tand life le and le , I learn to lo e it more and more." Jute Renard

Danielle Wray Christopher Wrobel

" heer to enior year. .. ay!" " ur true life i " hen v e are in our dr am

av ak

Zachary : Whoever thought that our rambunctious , energetic , independent , "wild" child would turn into such a loving , strong , charm1ng , funny, w1tty , confident young man? To watch you grow into the man you are becoming has been our great pleasure We can't wa1t to see your future unfold , but know that you will do so with great strength , thoughtfulness , and confidence. Thank you for being so wonderful as a son and brother Thank you for bringing so much laughter to our home! We wish you the very best as you head off to college and look forward to seeing you manage a future NBA team!!

Love and kisses , Dad , Mom , Matt , Andrew and Emily


Jessica Mattern

Jessica: We were blessed when God made you the princess of our bunch . Your beauty, wit and wisdom have given us much. On th1s special occasion , we would like you to hear some of the wonderful moments that made you so dear. Thomas remembers your food fights , the haircut and red and pink Power Rangers. Michael sings about which mountain is higher and what fruit is impossible to eat. Joseph reminds you of h1s marker masterpiece and perfect handstand form. Dad reminisces on hermit crabs, making smores and dancing the night away. Mom recalls cartwheels , mud pies, cheers , Eiffel Tower stairs and good-night kisses You've bnghtened our life and made us so proud As you walk across the grad stage , forgive us for being loud!

Love, Mom , Dad , Thomas , Michael and Joseph


You'll be going onto college and into the world making your way. I know you are going to do well in any field you choose. Through all of that and beyond, remember how much your family, P.A. too, loves you and are always going to be here for you! I'm blessed to have you in my life. All my love always, Dad XOXO

Kim: Graduations are unique among the milestones of our lives because they celebrate past accomplishments , while also anticipating the future. There is no road map to success. Ultimately, it is the matter of judgement , a question of choice. We are extraordinarily hopeful as we look out at your future , and confident that you will make the right decisions.

YOU'RE THE BEST! Love, Mom , Russell and your brother Harvey

Dear Kim: From the time you were little we knew you were destined for success Congratulations on all achievements at Seton .

Love , Grandma and Grandpa Dippold




On the day that God said , "Let there be light ," he was thinking of you! You are a ray of sunshine in our lives. We love you and will always be there for you.

We Love you Weezie!

Dad , Mom , Betsy, Tommy, and Molly

Congratulations Kurt - You are our pride and joy! May God Bless you and guide you always.

Love , Mom , Dad , and Eric



Congratulations Maria! You did it! And I am very proud of you You have touched many lives and left many, many beautiful memories . May God bless you as you continue to college and venture out into life It has been a pleasure to watch you grow to be a beautiful young lady. Always keep your focus. May God always bless you.

Love , Dad and Andrea



My Sweet Baby Boo Graduating high school! I could not be more proud of you! This road has not always been easy, but you came through it all and have a very bright future to look forward to. My wish for you is happiness and success in all you do I love you Jessie Bailey and always remember: "Surviving is important... Thriving is elegant." Congratulations! We Love You , Mom and little bro Dale .



I am so proud of you Follow your dreams , laugh , and keep God close to your heart

Love , Dad-

Christina Lynn Mesa

Congratulations . How fast it seems that our cute little baby girl has grown into a beautiful , smart , and charming young lady. Your bright smile brightens my day. Wherever your path takes you next know you are loved and supported all the way by your family. We are very proud of all you've accomplished and await your future with open arms

Love always , Mom , Bridget and all your family




Chrissy, Congratulations!

We love you and are very proud of you! Love

, Mom , Dad, Roberl, And Vinny.


It ha been a joy wat bing you grow. We are ery proud of you. Life goe by fa t, o enjoy it. lway remember to keep od in your heart. We pray that you keep your faith trong. God ble you and keep you afe in hi hand


Lo e, Morn, Dad, Branden, Brianna, Gram , Foof, Mickey, T.J. & M.P. II


Laura Ericcson Congratulations Laura!

When you were young we always prayed that you would graduate some day. The time has come ; it surely has fiown . How proud we are ; we'll always make known. How great it is you've come so far ; now give us back the key to the car!! We love you lots!

Dad and Mom



Dear Chn tme,

The day you \\ere born, God ent u an angel. We \\ere o proud to gi\e you life. I'm C\cn more proud of you nO\\. h\ays tay on the right road in life and od will be right

b] your ide'' tth all of our angel and 'amts to gutde you in the right dtrection to u cc and happiness. Always shO\\ and gtvc the love you were born with. I know your dad IS looking dO\\n on you from llca,en \\llh the same beautiful mile you have. May God bless you ah,ays and keep you close to hi. hean. Congratulation on your eton graduation. We lo'e you, 1om. Tommy, Thomas, and kid

2 14


Matt ,

"We need men who can dream of th1ngs that never were." -John F Kennedy

We are so proud of you and what you have accomplished We are both excited and sad to see you go on to even bigger and better things. It is hard to believe how fast the t1me has gone You have grown into a wonderful young man who 1s kind and compassionate . We will always support your dreams and prom1se to vote for you when you run for President! We hope you will always follow your dreams and stay true to your beliefs

Love- Mom , Dad , Timmy, Megan , and Kelly



Thomas , we are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished! You are a great joy to us and we have loved watching you grow into a wonderful young man. We know that you will succeed in your dream Always know that we love you and we will proudly watch you spread your wings to fly. Congratulations!

Love Dad , Mom , Patrick , and Emily


Katie: From its beginning your life has presented you with challenges. We are so proud of the determination and fighting spirit that have enabled you to overcome them. Your enthusiasm for life , your contagious smile, your honesty and selflessness, and your deep and abiding faith in God have been an inspiration to us. May He continue to guide you and bless you as you move on to the next stage of your life . We love you! Mom, Dad , Dan , and Kaela.



Deare t Daughter -\ndrea : Congratulations! We love much and kno" that we're here for you. "The ure wa} to mi ucce i to miss the opportunit} and know that C\Cr) man is the archnect of hi her own future ."

God Ble }OU \1om and Dad.

\TE 'lou are the best sister m the world!!! Lo'c you \ndrew. \aron , \lex \ndrca ha> the character and dnve to rccogmze that gi,en time , the difficult can be O\ercome! Wa) to gosh) favonte niece! ' ncle Ralph

"The arti t i nothing without the gift. but the gift is nothing without work keep hovmg forward , growing learning. creating, and takmg chance The po sib1h!Je arc endles a are my and belief in )OU W1th all m) lo'e Tma r-----


Jennifer, you have greatly blessed our lives with your presence How we have loved watching you grow, learn and mature from a curious , young child to the wonderful young woman you are today. We're so proud of your hard work and accomplishments And now it is time for you to seek your own dreams and goals You will always be in our hearts and our prayers will follow you always and everywhere May the Lord bless and guide you throughout your life and grant you peace We love you very much Mom and Dad P S You will always be our little girl!




"You have been told , 0 man , what is good , and what the Lord requ1res of you Only to do the nght and to love goodness , and to walk humbly with your God " Micah 6 :8

We're proud of you , Joe , and we love you very much! You know what to do , so you JUSt have to keep on doing it We hope you enjoy college and stay "golden." We're excited to see where the Lord is going to lead you as you continue on with life You're a fine young man and capable of doing anything you set your mmd to Always remember Proverbs 3 :5-6 We love you , Mom , Dad , Rachel , Tommy , Daniel & Rebecca

Michelle, my Belle I have loved you with an everlasting love I have called you and you are mine .. .Our love knows no bounds, but God has written your name on the palm of His hand. As you go through life , give God His rightful place, and you will always be successful. You are our joy and our hope. Girl with Four names ... Michelle Anne Maureen Mulhern One "Sent From God" Go with God ...

Love Mom, Dad, Kacey, and James

As this chapter in your life ends , a new one begins Keep God in your life Follow your dreams. And, walk confidently into your future. We love you , Michael!

Love, Mom, Dad, Chris, Michelle, Natalie, Audrey and Sean



You are an intelligent, caring, generous and amazing young man. God has given you so many gifts and talents: Remember to always use them wisely. You have brought so much joy and laughter into our lives. We are very proud of you. May God guide you on a path to all your dreams. Congratulations!

God Bless You!

Love, Mom and Dad.


MARcus AssuRY

"There are only two ways to live your life One is as though nothing is a m1racle. The other is as though everything is a miracle ." --Albert Einstein

Marcus : Your are our miracle. I hope that you accomplish all your and that your future brings everything God could 1magme

Love , Mom and Dad

"If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves ." -Thomas Edison

Astound yourself!


Alex , Bubba , Bubbalooey, Bob-0 , Buckeroo

Bucky, Bear : Of all the things you have been called over the years , we are the proudest to call you "son" and "brother."

Always remember how much we love you! Life is great and you are awesome! God is definitely smiling on you!

Love ,

Mom , Dad , Anthony, Eli , and Oreo (Go Cubs!!!)

The road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with weary feet, Until it joins some larger way, Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.

-J.R.R. Tolkien

Whatever path you choose, always remember where it all began, and know that we will always love you ...

Mom, Dad, Emily, and Ruth



We are so very proud of you and your accomplishments over the years . You have added so much joy into our lives and continue to inspire us by the choices you make. We are confident you will be an amazing adult and continue to inspire those whose lives you touch Keep up the good work and know that we will always love you very much With Love , Mom and Dad



Congratulations on four great years at Seton It has been one of our greatest joys to have a son like you to love , to watch you grow 1nto a responsible and honorable young man Your strength of character will carry you far in life Your ability to adapt to circumstances is phenomenal. Follow your dreams and always bel1eve in yourself

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe , it can achieve " (Dale Carnegie) We are very proud of you and we love you very much God bless you , forever guide you and keep you safe We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord Love always , Mom and Dad


How quickly the t1me has flown! Seem1ngly, overnight you 've grown mto a beautiful young woman-while still keeping your youthful optimism Without being naive It's a very refreshing quality, reinforced by your many accomplishments You continue to meet every challenge with courage and confidence , and have developed the capability to ach1eve all your dreams

Thank you for the joy you've given us

Congratulations , we are so proud of you! All our love , Dad , Mom , Amy, and Ben



We are very proud of the young man you have become. Believe in yourself, as much as we believe in you and you will achieve all your goals. We are here for you always.

Love, Mom, Dad, Dylan, Kelsey, and Kaitlyn.


Sandor Banales

Where has all the time gone? You have become an incredible young man . Not to mention that we now realize you are our

"Closet Einstein"!

You are the best big brother anyone could ask for, I love you. - Krisztofer

Good luck in college . - Nickolas

I love you with all my heart! - Joseph

I love you and can you count to 100? - Gabriella

I love you 'Dandor' - Matthew

Sandor, you know how we all feel about you. You have been a blessing to us all. Remember to continue to live your life with courage , integrity and trustworthiness and you will always be happy.



My alphabet starts with this letter called yuzz It's the letter I use to spell yuzz-a-ma-tuzz You 'll be sort of surprised what there is to be found once you go beyond "Z" and start poking around!

-Dr. Seuss

CJ: Your intelligence , humor, kindness , talents , and strong faith will take you far beyond "Z" Congratulations on your high school graduation You have a bright future ahead of you We could not be more proud of you and the young man you have become . We are blessed to have you as our son and brother. --Love Mom , Dad and Bradie



Matthew, You have great ability and insight! Choose a path that is interesting and exciting and that will benefit others as well as yourself. Don't worry about the money. If you are enthusiastic about your work , the rewards will be more than sufficient.

Love , Dad and Mike G


Gillean-- The day you were born was one of the happiest days of our lives , and since that time you have brought us more joy than we could have ever expected You are truly a gift in our lives and we know that you are well prepared to be a gift to the world --a world that desperately needs young people like yourself, who have values and know what is most important in life : family , good friends , and faith We are excited about this new chapter of your life and look forward to sharing it with you . We love you with all our hearts Vaya con Dios , mi hija!

All Our Love , Mom and Dad


Good limes never seemed so good

Always determmed , always knew you could Perspective & blunt , a few steps ahead ; Challenged and driven by Betsy or Ted

Competitive by nature , lady luck on your side , Blonde curls , hot pink , a pick-up for your nde

You've made it look easy &had so much fun , Energetic , softhearted , look at all you have done!

Clifford , Eight Seconds , Volleyball , and nngs , Poker, blue Jello and oh how you sing!

We couldn't be prouder of all that you are , The NAU Lumberjacks aren 't too far

So onward to Flagstaff, but watch out for the bears

We know you'll succeed &do it with flare!

Our nest is now empty, no need for alarm, No doubt about it , #3 was a charm

Love , Dad , Mom , Ted , and Snitters (aka Kirby)


Sweet Caroline

Here's to our "baby " grandch ild , Miss C: caring , cute , charming , charismatic , courteous , classy, clever, comm itted , confident , constant , correct , credible , conscient ious , cooperative , coordinated , cool , Care Bear

From bald -headed to curly top to long and straight You have prov ided us with many fun memories : the challenge of obta ining a hamburger w1th no trimm ings at McDonalds or Wendy 's, Peter P1per Pizza with just cheese , marshmallows roasted in the firep lace , Dunkin Donuts w1th sprinkles There were times spent on slides and sw ings , tether ball lessons given by you , softball and volleyball games , playing monster 1n the dark , sharing a birthday cake with Frank , a few days of "summer camp " at our house , reading story books and your 1ns1stence that the elephants name be Jumbo and not Dumbo , and oh those br ight eyes at Disneyland .

It has been a pleasure watch ing you enjoy friends and activities and doing we ll in schoo l. We have no doubt you will succeed in whatever endeavor you pursue

With all our love , we wish you God 's blessings always Grandie and Frank

Proverbs 3:3--Never forget to be truthful and kind

yDear Little Emily,

You 've brought our family joy and laughter

From the day you were born , our baby daughter

Watching your steps of determination and strength

Amazed us and 1nsp1red us in so many ways . Accomplishments , so many, and from such a young start

All that you do comes from the heart

The champion of spelling bee's , accomplishing academic goals , G1ven the gift for proclaiming God's Word

Your love of athletics , you wanted 1t all

Volleyball , softball , and basketball , especially You can do anyth1ng it seems ; your talents are so many ; Shooting for nothing short of a win , Your focus , as always , brought us all in

Whatever you choose Emily, success IS yours , of course ; You 're our talented baby girl1n whom we are so proud

And the world IS yours! Love , Mom , Dad , Jessica , and Jimmy

TQ ,

Well it is good to see you went from tattling on me , to always fighting with me Just kidding Seriously though , congratulations , Caroline. I am happy to see that my mentoring you on those car rides when you were a freshman got you somewhere. You are still TQ though. Love , Teddy Carey, One thing I've always admired about you is that you've never been afraid to stand alone or be different. Whether it's making up your own language or names for people , wearing your special outfits in public places , or telling people what's really on your mind-- I know you'll continue with this gift of yours and trust me it will come in handy Good luck & congratsl

Love , Maurice (aka Betsy)



Tyler-- You are my beloved first-born grandson, born on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. I am so proud of you, such a special gift from God, you bring such joy into my life. What a wonderful example you set for your brother and cousins. May the Holy Spirit continue to work in your life "Damien of Molakai." Love, Grandma Esther


Thank You Nicko , for bringing so much joy into our lives

For love , lots of love and always showing us

For laughter, you enjoy the bright side of life and it shows!

And for song! for singing to us when the sun comes up and sets.

We Love You!!

Dad , Mom , Luke and Jake



Dear Paul ,

Talking at five months! Reading at age three! You have always been amazing! Our gift from God . But you have also received many wonderful gifts from God Please take these , your life experiences and your deep faith and use them in everything you do in life (for the glory of God!). You will be a success no matter what you decide to do. We are so proud of you! We love you.

Mama and Dad

"-What? says Alf. -Love, says Bloom. " -James Joyce , Ulysses



More than ever, I want you to pursue Your dreams , Make your wants and hopes a reality . Success IS not what you accomplish , but how you go about accomplishing it

And , as you look back at all the good you have done let it pave your road for what lies ahead

You have touched the hearts and lives of so many people these first 18 years , may God continue to guide you and bless you 1n all that you do You have been a true gift from God


All My Love , Mom



Wonderfu ll y We ird Exceedingly Kind

Last of the Li tte r

Our little Bean Scratcher

Very loyal (Go Team Black !)

Easy- go ing

You make life more fun

Out of your mind

Unashamed to be a nerd

Your Lov ing Fam ily


Dearest Stan : Always pray. Always believe We are very blessed to be gifted with you Behave! Remember we can still take ya! We Love You , Dad and Mom . I love you "With a w1nk and a smile " Lia

Stan (A K A Tinkerbell) Congratulations , we never thought you'd make it! Love , Tara and Tim (A.K.A Muffin)

"Ruff, Ruff! " Love , Mecca

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Be Strong , stubborn and positive--that you will get there and you will accomplish your dream!"



"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Live the life you have imagined."

Taylor : Over the past 18 years , we have seen you grow and develop from a shy, little boy into an accomplished and confident young man. You have taken the hardships and difficulties that you have faced and made the best of those situations Your resilience , humility and compassion towards others are great virtues to possess , and will serve you well as you pursue your goals and dreams. We are all very proud of the successes you have has and the person that you have become We love you--Mom, Dad , Celeste and Brother

Jaimie , "At every moment do what love requires ."

For your family, community, country and world

One person can make a difference! You've made us so proud. Always keep your faith , and remember the quote , "Shut up legs , take me places ."

Love , Mom, Dad , Jessica , Sean , Monica , David Steve , Elizabeth and Sarah

234 J A I M I E L 0 p E z


We are overwhelmed with pride and love . You are on your way to greatness , son .

Congratulations! Love , Mom and Dad Michael ... don't be a jerk--Tom You're the best, Michaei--Luv, Elle



Est1e Boy--You are the youngest of our sons , the baby boy Your B1g Cherub d1mpled cheeks are still a pleasure to squeeze Big beautifu l brown eyes w1th a miSchievous sparkle Full head of thick dark hair-you had Spiky doo before 1t was cool. Your older brothers handled you With great care , taught you thmgs they should not have dared Your dad held you in his strong protect1ve arms safe you felt as you slept in h1s chest. Your grandparents passed down the1r hentage and w1sdom Guard il1n your heart! Be true to yourself People w1 ll know who you are , by the fnends you eep You Will find your calling , listen to your inner soul. Do not let your ta lents and compassion go to waste ; they are your strengths and not a weakness With your birth , our family was complete; you will always be the baby We love you B. B. B !!! Mom , Dad , Gabe , Alex and Danny (Virgi , Maddy and Gabby too ).



Bnan: You are like sunshine spreading warmth

wherever you go. We love and respect you all the way up to the sky Usually, it is the parents teaching their children , but you have taught us more about love , honesty, integrity and how to be a friend than we could have ever hoped to teach you

Your beautiful smile , your deep fa1th and your gentle heart have filled our lives with happiness. If we had to raise you all over again we wouldn't change a s1ngle th1ng about you-except to maybe teach you how to nde a bike Enjoy college and live one day at a time--and make 11 a masterpiece

Love Always, Mom and Dad



Dear Katie ,

Congratulations! We are so proud of you! The years ahead will present you with many new places , new experiences and opportunities . Remember that you will always be close in our hearts!

We love you dearly!



Congratulations Matthew! It's been such a joy watching you grow up. There are so many memories we will cherish forever. You always have our love and support. Keep smiling!

Love, Mom and Dad


Dearest "Amy Long Legs ,"

As you go through life , remember always to stand tall and proud , work hard , have fun and , most importantly, follow the Golden Rule We love you , we're proud of you and we're always here for you Keep your eye on the prize and stay true to yourself as you go out and start building your life We wish you success and happiness.

Love , Mom , Dad and Casey


She doesn't like ribbons or bows in her hair. Her favorite dress is a pair of blue jeans. Her little ears are pierced , but you'll find no earrings there. I wouldn't change her for anything.

Those words were written so long ago and they remain true We wouldn't change you for anything. We're so proud of you, Lindsay. You know that you're loved and our love will go with you wherever life takes you

God Bless You, Our Number 1 Daughter!!!

-Mom and Dad



From the moment you entered this world , you have filled our family with joy, love and laughter. With your one dimpled smile and the sparkle in your eyes , you brighten our days. Your pure heart , compassion , kindness and unconditional love will truly make the world a better place. We are blessed to have you in our lives , and you are blessed with many talents. Share them with the world and always keep the Lord in your heart . We love you!



You are the sunshine that lights our everyday! You have always made us very, very proud! You have the potential to do anything your heart desires ... Shoot for the stars! Remember as you start the next exciting chapter in your life that we will always be here for you. We love you!

Mom and Dad

Dear Collin,

How much there is to say to you on you graduation day? I have watched you transform before my eyes 1nto a fine young man who always tries to find the best in those around you Your humor and wit entertain us on cue. I can hardly believe how time has flown by. Soon , my youngest child will reach for the sky.

Here are a few things for you to keep in mind as your life's journey begins to unwind : Remember how blessed you really are ; that truth alone will help you go far Rely on your faith to get you through; the many trials and happy times , too Keep your family close , we love you so; take that with you wherever you go. You have so many skills and talents to share; put your mind to the task , none can compare Your loyalty, compassion and love for life show ; those qualities endear you to others , you know. Make the most of the gifts God has grac1ously given ; be thankful and humble, 1fs OK to be driven--as long as you've been kind along the way. May God bless you, my son , each and everyday! Love , Mom

Collin-We are all so proud of you and wish you much happiness in life We love you! Grandpa, Grandma , Matt, Maura ,Caitlin and Christian



May God hold you in the Palm of His Hand but never close His fist too tight. Love, Dad, Mom and 'Manda



We are so proud of you. You have grown into a fine young man. You are so smart , funny, loving , easy going , charming , independent and strong. We love you so much ; and wherever your path will take you , we will always be with you.

Love , Mom and Dad


Time goes so fast! From day one you put sunshine in our lives

Your inner beauty, intell igence , determ ination , independence and talents never ceased to amaze us Now as a beautiful young woman , we know you can accompl ish anyth ing you want bad enough , because that's JUSt you Remember, we will always be there for you--and we 'll always be your biggest fans We 're so proud to have you as our daughter

Love , Mom & Dad



Congratulations on your accomplishment! You have brought so much joy and laughter into our lives Follow your dreams and be strong in your faith. God Bless You.




Jeff, Congratulations , high school graduate! My life has been enriched because of you . I am so proud of you and in awe of your academic accomplishments , athletic abilities and caring personality. I love you with all my heart and sould . Kelly is the luck iest girl to have you as her big brother. Love , Mommy



"If you can imagine it , you can create it.

If you can dream it , you can become it."

We are proud of you! Congratulations!!

Love always , Dad & Mom



We are very proud of who you are, all that you have accomplished and who you have become in your young life! God has certainly blessed you with many gifts! It is gratifying to us that you are confident, intelligent, caring of others, sympathetic, outgoing , charismatic, athletic, handsome, humorous and compassionate . We look forward to watching your future achievements. You are truly our special gift from God, and we are thankful each and every day for you!

With all our love!

Mom and Dad


We want you to know how glad that you are our son and how lucky we think the world is to have you in it. There are so many things we admire about you : Your deep love for God, your humbleness , sense of humor, and your respect for all people You have a generous and loving spirit , and even though we will always treasure memories of "our little boy," our admiration grows for the remarkable young man you are!

We love you so much--

Mom , Dad and Arjun



Dear Megan, WEST

How lucky we are to have had the gift of you in our lives. We have loved watching you grow and change and discover. Time after time, you have warmed our hearts with your smile, your laughter and your silliness. We are proud of the kind, loving and caring person that you have become. You are a blessing every day in our lives. We love you more than words can ever say. May God bless you in all you do in life!!!

Love, Mom and Dad


My darling Michelle , You've come a long way from your first day in grade school to your last year of high school. Throughout all these years , as I have watched you grow and learn , you have continued to amaze me with your inner strength , determination and brilliance It is with my sincerest gratitude to God for allowing me the great honor of being your mom and experiencing all the joy you have given me . As you prepare for a new phase in your life , may you always remember how incredibly precious and capable you are in accomplishing anything you put your mind to. I am so proud of you With all my Love , Mom




We are so proud of you You always give it your all , whether it is in academics or sports Football , cross-country, basketball , track and your academic achievements have filled our lives for the past four years . We are bless to have you in our lives.

We love you , Mom and Dad

We are so proud of you and love you so much. You are the best.

Carry that with you wherever you go.

Love always, Mom and Dad


Jeffrey (aka My Baby Brother) :

Congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of you! I love you!

Your favorite sister, early

cz,UH 32 ;UNS 32



You have always been such a joy in our lives. We were truly blessed when you into our world. You will always be our "Muneca Chula."

Love, Mom, Jim, Sissy and Uelita


Britney G. Covarrubias

Britney: You have grown to be a beautiful , strong , intelligent young woman The road you travel is now your own--with God beside you to give you strength and courage . There is nothing you cannot achieve . We love you and are very proud of what you have accomplished as a young adult. May God bless you and keep you safe in your journey through life. We will always be here for you.

Love , Mom , Dad , Felicity & Seth XOXO



As you go forth into the future , may you find it within your power to realize your dreams Know always that God is with you , enabling you to do your best. Listen to the wisdom of your soul. Believe in yourself . Live courageously.

Love always , Dad

We are celebrating your past--the accomplishments that bring you to your graduation. We have pride in your accomplishments and challenge you to make life what you want it to be! Live your life with honor--not only working but learning. Have pride in the past, confidence in the present, and faith in the future.

Gong ratu lations!

We love you so much.

Dad, Steffani, Kristen, Brandon, Landon, Jimmy, Aunt Elaine, Uncle Russ, Mike, Uncle Kelly, Aunt Sadie, Maddie, Allie, Grandma and especially Grandpa --"Buzzy Baby."



It feels like JUSt yesterday that you were a little girl beg1nn1ng kindergarten ; and now you are all grown up and graduating from high school. We are so proud of you and pleased that you have become a mature and beautiful young woman We w1sh you the best of luck and success in all you do May God bless you and watch over you

Love , Mom, Dad and Tommy

"Do not w1sh to be anything but what you are , and try to be that perfectly."


Nathan : We've watched you grow from the baby of the fam ily to an amaz ing young man . We are so proud of you ! We love you , Mom , Tiffany , Candice , Grandma , Grandpa , Mikey, John , Tufty, EB and Penny


Our Dearest Lisa , How do we thank you for 18 wonderful years? You truly are the daughter that we both dreamed of always wanting We are better people for having you in our life. Dream big--you have so much to offer the world Your spirit , enthus iasm for life ,

compassion and your faith will carry you a long way. We are sure that God has great plans for you . You are so ready to begin the journey of "Seek and Conquer." We love you more than you will ever know

Mom , Dad , Jordan and Lil' Penny

2 54


Dear Shannie Bananie ,

Where have the years gone? It seems that you were just a little girl only a short time ago Now you are ready to go off to college and bring a life of your own . I am going to miss you so much! I have no doubt you will have a good life. Do not let anyone or anything stand in the way of your dreams . Always remember to keep the faith , believe in yourself , and rely on God to guide you through. I love you in the whole world!

Love , Mom and Richard



You have given us the gift of yourself for the past 18 years . Your choices have been wise and impressive. Always remember : "The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences." Continue to walk in the light and create an unbelievable journey!

We love you , Mom , Dad , Colleen , Gio and Kathleen


If you could see all the flowers in the world , ,f you could hear all the laughter m the umverse , ,f you could make all the dreams that ever were w1shed come true , Then you would know a little part of the joy of having And loving a daughter and sister like you


We are so proud of you and love you dearly, Mom, Dad, Scott and Stewart


You are a blessing and will always be "Sweet Emily" to us . You have matured into a gracious young woman who is able to set her priorities Your example shows you put God first-family/friends second , and work , school , and all else last. We pray for continued growth and we love you unconditionally forever.

God Bless-Mom, Dad , Joe , and Megan


You are an amazing young man , and you have accomplished so much in your young life . Congratulations on all of your hard work! We know that whatever your goals may be in life--that you will achieve them. Know that we are there to support you , and that we believe in you You have brought so much love and happiness to our family!


Mom , Dad and Katie


Congratulations! It seems like yesterda y you were dribbling around the house in your jersey. We are so proud of all your achievements--sweet , smart , determined , and independent are some of your many traits. You are an excellent basketball and tennis player. We love to watch you on the court. Jenny, you have brought so much joy to our lives ; we love you very much.

Love , Mom and Dad



You have been such a blessing in our lives

From the moment you were created , to your mischievous grin in your younger days , protector of your sisters , and your ability to "debate , " we have enjoyed every moment and will cherish those memories forever! As you begin college , keep your eye on the dream , make good choices , and remember--with God , all things are possible. We are proud of you and we love you very much . May God and Mary bless and protect you always



Looking back over the last 17 years , we have enjoyed seeing you grow up. You always have a smile on your face, kindness in your heart and the desire to enjoy life to the fullest. Do not ever change that! We love you just the way your are.

Love, Mom and Dad

, Dad , Mom , Megan , and Elizabeth


We are so proud of you and the wonderful person you have become!

All our Love , Mom , Grandma & Adrianna




We are so proud of all that you have accomplished-and the young lady you have become. From backpacking to scuba diving, you have already accomplished so much. We are proud of you. We wish you good luck and happiness on your new journey. We love you Alex!

Mom, Dad, Nicolette & Krista!



Son , you are a gift from heaven . It has been our honor to have you as our son. You have expressed many noble goals for the future . We wish you the best of luck in reaching those goals

We love you , Mom , Dad , Elijah , and Celine



Through the years, you have amazed and dazzled us with your talent and wit. Growing up is the hardest job in the world. You know happiness , sadness, sorrow, and strife. You've learned to be patient, understanding , tolerant, and caring The parenting experience we've had cannot be described other than to say that we are so proud of you, and we want the very best for you. You are a part of us, and you should know that we will always love you and cherish your time with us

Love , Mom, Dad, and Anna


When you were young , in the innocent days , You listened to whatever your momma would say.

Soon came the time for you to enter first grade , Away from me , six hours a day

Then would come your junior high years , The passing of two friends brought much sadness and tears

Freshman , sophomore , junior years came so fast.

And finally you're here--a senior at last.

You're on the threshold of life, and I can't wait to see ,

What kind of man you will prove to be

You have shown your sisters and me the strength you possess

You have courage and compassion--you've already passed the test.

Now you are just a few months away, From a whole new challenge--a whole new day.

I am so proud of you Adam , and the man that you are

I know you will shine like the brightest star

But no matter where you shine , your heart will always be with me , Because you are "Momma's Boy" and always will be!

We love you Adam!

Mom , Noel , Alex , and Jackson



Loving, compassionate, sweet Kyle.

Always a shining light.

Flying planes, driving boats , traveling internationally.

Listening, laughing, caring.

Always a shining light.

We are so proud of you. May the light that you bring to the world led you to your passion in life.

Love you, Mom , Dad, Sean, Tyler, Dakota and Rufio, too!


Look Out World, Here Comes Rachel!

We love you, Mom, Dad, Emily, and John

Ryan , We are so proud of the person you have become As you leave Seton , your strength and determination will make you a success in college and in life

We love you , Mom , Dad , Adam & Michael RICHARD

I will always be your biggest fan! Mom



You are the light of our lives . Brave , loving , kind , funny, loyal, dedicated , smart , and beautiful--you tolerate no injustices and champion the weak You are all these things and so much more . You will continue to make this world a better place to be in , because that is your nature. God made your spirit to dance and soar--and we wish for you life's most

beautiful and wonderful experiences. You are the wind beneath our wings--may it always be so

With deepest love and admiration , Mom , Joseph , Andrea & all of your family



We have watched you growing up , learning to make your own choices , becoming a woman . It hasn't always been easy for us , but through the years , we've come to share a very special relationship , and we want you to know--we are proud of you . We are glad that you are our daughter, and we love you very much .

Mom , Dad and Josh

Peachie ,

Where has the time gone? You have been such a blessing in our lives , another beautiful daughter, excellent basketball and track athlete , another asset to our family . Thanks for teaching us that love has no boundaries. We will always have a special place in our hearts for you

Love , Mom , Dad , Kelli & Jeff


You are a blessing from above--your thoughtfulness , your laughter and love You are such a joy to all of us . As you pursue your dreams , hold on to the memories , value the friendships and continue to look to God and your family for guidance We are very proud of you and your accomplishments

Congratulations! We love you very much ; May God Bless You Always , Love , Dad , Mom , Sonny & Bianca






Michal , You have filled our lives with so many wonderful , loving memories We love you and are proud of the man you have become. Your humor and fun-filled personality always makes us laugh The future will take you wherever you want to go.

We look forward to all you will be.

Congratulations , you finally made it.

We love you , Mom , Dad , Matthew, Grandpa & Grandma


Dear Neil , Congratulations Neil! ElL

We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished . We know God has great plans for you

"Success is measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." (Booker T. Washington)


Stay the course you have set for yourself and always remember we love you You will always be in our hearts and prayers .

Love , Mom , Dad , Meaghan & Will (and Sasha)

Neil- Your name comes to us from the Gaelic meaning "Champion ." Always remember you and Papa Jim and "The Mutual Admiration Society."



Sweet Sarah,

You make our hearts smile. You are so loving because you open yourself to being loved. Love will always be your great strength. We are proud of your success, but not surprised because you do everything with passion and great strength.

We love you so!

Mom, Dad, Jennifer, and Claire



Dear Alexia ,

From the moment we took our first glance at you , we knew God sent us someone special. We thank you for the privilege of being your parents You're an awesome daughter, a very special sister and a friend to many. You're beautiful person inside and out, and your laughter is magical. May you face your future with courage and integrity, knowing God and your parents will always be by your side . Your very proud parents who love you immensely, Mom and Dad



Scott ,

We are so thankful to God for blessing us with you , and we are so proud of the young man you have become As you continue through life and follow your dreams , always know that we are there for you. Enjoy life every day and never let it discourage you Remember to look to God for guidance and know that you can make a difference! Thank you for so many wonderful memories--we look forward to many, many more!


We love you , Mom , Dad , Aubrey


We are very proud of the beautiful , intelligent and caring young woman that you have become! As you embark on the future and its many new challenges and adventures , know that we will always be there for you. Keep God close to you as you pursue your dreams , and always be proud of the choices you make . We can't wait to see where your dreams will take you!

Our love , Dad , Mom and Jerica




Know that those who love you and support you take so much pride in such a wonderful person that you are .

Love , Mom & Dad



There isn't anything you cannot achieve if you set your mind to it. There isn't anything you cannot work through with the love of your family and your circle of loyal friends . And there isn't anything that you cannot be with the help of God , his Blessed Mother and our beloved Saints

Keeping these simple but powerful truths in mind will carry you forward to continued growth , happiness and contentment in your life to come We love you , our precious daughter, our beautiful friend , dancer, athlete and loving-hearted young woman

Our love and God's blessings on you always , Mom , Dad and Dylan


Congratulations for hanging in there. You are a wonderful son , and we thank God for blessing our lives with your intelligence, humor, and loving care.

We love you always!

Dad , Mom, Jay, Donna , Grandma and Grandpa


Emma ,

Although you made your way into th is world fairly quietly, from then on you have made your presence known Even though you are the youngest , you were never the baby of the family . You have grown into a beautiful young woman . Your career path is not yet certain , but your fierce loyalty to family and friends will help guide your decisions for the future

We are proud to be your parents

Love , Mom and Dad


Senior editors M1chelle Mulhern (right) and Em1ly Bryant work on their lap tops during one tutorial seminar throughout the week. Michelle said , "This isn't my laptop

Hurricanes Katrma and Rita were JUSt of the headhnes this year - thousands of displaced Amencans, devastation along the Gulf Coast and the government's response to the disaster kept a rapid-fire array of headlines and sound bites coming at us m the months that followed.

· t t · t The tnals of Saddam Hussein are bemg held under the Iraqt Specia Tribunal. Tned for war crimes, cnmes against humanity and genocide, he could face the death penalty lf conVIcted.

Tom DeLay, Honse Majority Leader, resiiJIIS Ius post after being indicted by a Texas grand jury on charges of conspiracy to fund part of a 2002 election in his bome state with corporate money Tbe election succeeded in amending congressional districts iD Texas to favor Repnblicu cudidates

Invoking the First Amendment, journalists Matthew Cooper and Judith Miller refuse to divulge sources in a story that claims the White House "outed" CIA operative Valerie Plame in retaliation for her husband's unflattering comments on Bush's war rationale.


Michael Jackson is acquitted of child molestation, conspiracy and alcohol charges that could sent the singer to pnson for nearly 20 years.

A virulent stram of avian flu spreads from Asia into Europe, causing worldwide panic. Drug comparues JUmp to develop a vaccme for the HSNl stram wh1ch 1nfects humans as well as birds. Mllhons of buds are eutharuzed m an effort to slow the Vlrus 's progress.


Hurricane Katrina causes widespread devastation along the Gulf Coast. Cities such as New Orleans , LA ; Mobile , AL and Gulfport , MS bear the brunt of Katrina's force Causing over $200 billion in damage , leaving over 8 million people without homes and taking the lives of over 1,300 people, it is one of the most destructive storms to hit the United States in the past 100 years

Over 80', of New Orleans was under water doe to breached levees, wh1ch will cost an esumated $3.1 billion and take up to two years to rebuild.


Convention centers and stadJums m Louisiana and Texas house hundreds of thousands of hurricane Katrma refugees. Reports of unsafe and unsanitary conditions national media attentlon and increased criticism of the federal government's slow response.

\E\\\\1 DESt\\VE

How did you hear about 'em? Did you see them on your favorite 1V show, on MySpace , or did you spot their album while you were in line for a latte? Due to a saturated market, many artists are happy to receive plugs from other media outlets. And it seems to be working- the league of popular musicians is becoming more and more diverse.

Pop heartthrob Ryan Cabrera releases his second CD and begins shooting Score, his new reality game show !he show gives aspiring a chance to find love through mus1c - they have one day to write a song to win a date with a girl!

Ryan 's first CD. IJm St., was recorded

What good is a song if you can 't make it your ringtone? with studio time purchased for him as a gift from his

Mobile music accounts for IS 'It of global music sales and includes ringtoues , realtones , ringback tones, mobile music commerce and packet radio.


After 5 LPs, people finally start taking notice of indie darlings Death Cab for Cutie. Having frequent mennons _ on The O.C. probably didn't hurt, e1ther.

brother, Marc.


Con or Oberst and his band B right Eyes release three albums in 2005 as part of their attempt at world donunation.


Just because we 've seen the last of 'I'he WB 's Sunun erland, d on't think we've seen the last of jesse McCartney. Now the singer with a Beautiful Soul has more time to record and tour!


Nothing spices up a marriage like learning that secretly you 're both assassins hired to kill each other Co-stars Brad Pitt and Angelina folie prove their on-screen chemistry isn ' t just an act by announcing they are engaged and having a baby.

know "Lazy Sunday"

iTu ..wg woril about Magnolia's bomb frostings to inboxes everywhere.


It was hard to put a team together until they found out who they were playing. In Th e Longest Yard pnson inmates form a football team to challenge the prison guards.


In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, five lucky children wm a guided tour of Willy Wonk a's legendary candy-maklng facility where they

. :

The eighth wonder of the world! An ambitious movie producer coerce s his cast and crew to travel to mystenous Skull Island, where they encounter tJ:e mighty King Kong. Peter Jackson directs the remake of the classic tale of a gargantuan lovestruck


In Herbie: Fully Loaded, Maggie Payton (Lindsay Lohan) brings home a freewheelin'Volkswagon with a mind of its own. Suddenly, she's on the road

all the secrets ofWonka s crazy world , scrumptious candies and , of course , Oompa-Loompas. to becoming a NASCAR competitor!

Tim Burton only cast one penon to play the bnndreds of Oompa· Loom pas: Deep Roy. Jim Carrey & Tea Leoni did not fall in love with each other during the filming of this comedy.

Athletes are driven by the desire to be the first, fastest, or best of their breed. And every year, it shows in the milestones they achieve. Lance broke his own Tour de France record, Michelle Wie made record-setting endorsement money and Danny Way went out of his way to put his name in the record books. But only time will tell how long they stay on top of their game.

After being locked out for a year, the NHL players and owners settle their salary negotiat ions and pro hockey re turns for the 2005 -2006 season .

The Chicago White Sox defeat the Houston Astros 1-0 in Game 4 of Major League Baseball's 2005 World Series. The White Sox sweep the Astros in four games and win their first World Series championship since 1917.

Terrell Owens, famous for his phenomenal stats and arrogant antics, has his 2005 season ended early after being suspended by the Philadelphia Eagles for four games and then not bemg allowed back onto the team after the suspension.

Major League Baseball crac.ks down on steroid testmg and suspends several players, including Baltimore Oriole Raphael Palmero, who had earlier testified in court that "has never used Ratty comes off his to mixed em otions fr om fans.

Baseball returns to Washington, D. C. for the first time in 33 years when the Montreal Expos announce that they are moving the team to the nation 's capitol as the Washington Nationals.

The Pittsburgh Steelers win Super Bowl XL 21-10 over the Seattle Seahawks, and]erome "The Bus" Bettis announces his retirement from professional football.

... : .

Less than a week her 16th Michelle Wie bnthday, that she will ounces all ann lf profession y play go · With sponsorshi? contracts from Nlke and Sony worth more than $10 million per year, she'll also be . the highest-pa id female golfe r ln f the world m terms o endorseme nts.

Tint Duncan and the San Antonio Spurs defeat and dethrone the Detroit Pistons in an 81-74 win in Game 7 of the 2005 NB.Il Finals.

Danny Way already holds s1x world records in skateboarding, but in 2005 he sets a new world record: he is the first person to leap the Great Wall of China without a motor vehicle and land successfully. Gust for good measure, he completes the jump five times )

The Los Angel G 1 M es a axy wms Its second a)or League Soccer championshi . Y'le':lrs by the New evo uhon 1-0 ln overtime .

After winning his record-shattering seventh consecutive Tour de France, Lance llrmstrong retires from professional cycling, and announces his engagement ' to singer/songwriter Sheryl Crow. Five months later, they officially split up, ending their two-year romance.

At 18 years old. Sidney Crosby is selected first overall in the 2005 NHL amateur entry draft by the Pittsburgh Penguins.

The 2006 Olympic W i nter Game s are held in To r ino , Italy More 2500 athletes from around the compete at 15 sporting events , including the populard . s nowboar mg andskiingfreestyle events.


As we continue to consume and of cilgital media- downloading mp3's, snappmg digital pix, streaming satellite radio and mastenng one video game after the next -we need to upgrade our gadgets. Because really, a computer is just a giant Solitaire machine until you plug your camera, iPod , phone and television into it!


The responds with lights sounds and movements to whatever music you feed him Popular · 1 and dog lovers alike. · ong music overs

W ith a giant LCD screen , outstanding speakers , and integrated media center, the Dell XPS 600 is actually a home theatre in disguise!

Samsung gives us a perfectly mp3 player with XM s atellit e ra dio capability, so you choose to either listen to playlists from your own music collection, or let that g iant d is c -jockey in th e s ky decide for you!


W ith 5.1 mega -pixels and a 1Ox optical zoom , the San yo Xacti HD 1 will make your prom vide os look like they we re shot by Spielberg. Assuming, of course , your date looks like Tom Cruise


Tested to rigorous military standards , the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 • is designed for durability. It might even survive your bookbag AS

Microsoft sells 900 000 Xbox 360 TOO in D mb ' systems ece er, squashing all kinds of rumors about "elves" makin "t " g


Oregon Scientific 's ATC-1 000 action

extreme sport scene by storm , capturing all the action at local skate parks , half pipes and bike trails

oys at the "North Pole." 0

Take everything you love

Nintendo announces they will release the Revolution game console in late 2006. about iPod and shrink it. Now shrink it again.

That's iPocP nano. N

Delayed gratification strikes again!

• •
• •

It's not that the iPod isn't co_o,l :nough on its own lt s Just that the iGuy ' is a protective case and a bendable, posable fully-functional for your favorite gadget!


Sporting a 3-inch LCD screen, the Sanyo Xacti


With l GB of storage spac e and built -in earbuds, Oakley's Thump mp3playing shades block out harmful UV rays and the sound of your bratty


To celebrate their ?Oth anniversary Nmtendo release; their GameB M' oy lCro m a retrostyled case and makes original NES games like

B Super Mario ros. and Donkey Kong available. I £6 makes sure you get a good look at your snapshots before you delete them!

little sister .


Nikon brings back the swivel body style in the Coolpix S4 • for those who take as many selfies as they do snapshots!


Nissan 's Urge concept car offers tons of features: in addition to the mp3 player and cell phone docking stations , five customizable driver info screens and the built-in Xbox 360 , you can also drive it.


Skip the trip to the computer

The Memore Travelink lets you transfer digital files to storage drives without a computer! your iPod into the iZ , and bou ve got a speaker that rocks 1 r their ears and and k1Ck out some jams of your own!

E . d

He 's cranky, he 's aloof , he 's addicte to pain killers. But if you happen to be suffering from an ailment , Dr. Gregory House lS the man you want reading your chart. The good doctor dazzles us every Tuesday with his maverick medical mojo in House .

The p r oduc ers of Sma ll ville k eep vi e wers o n the edge o f their se at s by announcing that they 're going to kill off a maj or character in the series ' lOO th episode , an d Cla rk Kent fin ally r eve als his sec ret t o Lana Lang

The 0. Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody took home a combined 4 trophies from the Teen Choice AwarcJ_s,.. including Choice Onscreen Chen:ustry, which could be attributed to therr real -life romance

Carrie Underwood of Checotah , OK receives more votes than Bo Bice , thus winning the title of AnterJcan Idol. • Jensen Aclkes and Jared Padalecki play ghost -bustmg brothers in the super- spooky Supernatural.

The assmation of former president Palmer brings back Keifer Sutherland's character, the round-the-clock counter-terrorist crimefighter Jack Bauer, for a fifth season of Fox's real-time continuous cliffhanger 24.

In the s1xth season of The Gilmore Girls, Rory and Lorelai have a big fight that turns their usually -witty banter into weeks of icy bitterness. Luckily, everything goes back to its relative normalcy after Rory turns 21 and everyone starts acting like adults .


Three times a week, Vlewers tune in to Rock Star: INXS to watch performers battle it out over who will be the next lead singer for the rock band INXS. Ultimately,JD Fortune emerges VlCtonous and embarks on the band's sold-out world tour.

After eight seasons and 200 episodes we bid farewell to Eric, Donna, Hyde, Kelso, Jackie and Fez as That '70s Show can't escape the inevitable: 1980.

Danni Boatwr· h outchar S 151; t outlasts and ms urVlvor t LaGrossa to win $1 Stephanie car in the 11th rmlhon and a new CBS realtiy of the popular

Dancing with the Stars prurs celebrities with professional ballroom dancers who compete agrunst each other in a competition to impress a panel of judges and the viewing public to survive potential elimination.


It seems everything old is new again - the 1980s saw a huge revival in the trends of 2006. VH 1 road-map "I Love the '80s" series, and suddenly the fashion pollee stopped 1sswng tickets for leg warmers and big sunglasses. Other decades were mined for pop culture as well -a Mustang from the '60s, basketball sneakers from the '20s, and a hobby formerly reserved for women in their 70s.

THE NEW BLACK Boys contribute to the '80s revival by being "pretty in pink." And "tough," just like the pretty pink t-shirt says.

• • lnsp1red by paparrazidodging celebrities and '80s fashion, big sunglasses get tons of face time this year.

Tech-savvy teens with something to say launch their own podcasts, delivering their message to a limitless audience via the - o::.. : 1 Internet. Over one milJion

listeners latcla on to the concept almost overnight, making podcasting almost as popular as blogging.


Like crossword puzzles but hate to spell? You're not alone. Japanese Sudoku puzzles give numbercrunchers something they can wrap their heads around.


With the popularity of The Dukes of Hazzard movie, a full-on western fashion trend is inevitable. Boots, hats, belt buckles and western shirts go mainstream.

_ _,


The knitting craze dominates lunch rooms and study periods. Ambitious " knit wits " branch out from potholders and scarves to create ponchos , doggie sweaters and even - yikes! - bikinis!


After nearly 20 years of cold calves, l egwa r m ers are fin ally bac k on the fashi o n radar. Bonus points if y o u knit your own !

The ' 80s would have

wrought Wi th d ebauchery wit ho ut them_ these cuddly little moral compasses teach the Importance of caring for and sharing y o ur special feelings.


Conver s e's canvas Chuck Taylor All -Star shoes a re never o u t o f s tyle , but with the r ise of emo and ' 80s fashions , they 're e v erywhere

Ford completely restyles their Mustang " to harken back to the origina11960s design, calling it "retro-futurism." State-of-the-art production facilities improve the model's handling and ride.

STIMU-LATTE Coffee consumption among teens rises 25% in the past two years, partly for the social aspect, but also because early-morining English is much easier after a jolt of caffeine.

It 's Happy Bunn is the re1g rung ki ng (o r queen? ) of b itter a nd sw eet , bringing the fine art of sarcasm to a whole new level.

Snoop Dogg Featuring Pharrell Drop It Like lt'• Hot

Lil Jon & The East Stde Boyz Featuring Usher & Ludacris Lovers And Friends

C1ara Featuring Missy Elliott 1, Z Step

Koj1 Kondo Super Mario Brotlaen Tlleme

John Carpenter Halloween

YingYang'l'wins Wait (The Wlaisper Song)

Usher And Alicia Keys My Boo

Mariah Carey

We Belong 'l'ogether


Desperate Housewives

Withollf a Trace


Grey's Anatomr

• Lost


1. Star Wars: Episode Ill- Revenge of the Sith $ 15 '2 1 .n)

2. War of the Worlds ( 14.2 million)

3. Wedding Crashers -1 mL..lOn

4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory $2 1 rnJl 1[

5. Babnan Begins rrulf

6. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ($ 01 milli

1. Madagascar ($1 8'3.1 mlllion)

8. Mr. & Mrs. Smith $186 3 million)

9. Hitch $177 n)

10. The Longest Yard '$158 l mi. n)

Mar!ab Carey The Emarucpation of Minu

Green Day American Idiot

Kelly Clarkson Breakaway

The !Jlaclt Eyed Peu M nkey Busmess 0

• Coldplay X&Y

Gwen Stefani Love An 1 Music, Baby ' ge

NFL Moaday ag

N · ht lbotbaJJ

• The Game The Documentary e NCIS

• sur1fiYor: Guatemala

1 Law & Order: SVV

• Kanre West Late Registration

1 Rascal natts Feels Like Today

• .

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