Page 1

Colorinco outside the lines Means not beinco afraid to be different. 7\11 around Seton 's caMpus, 40u will see people livinco this theMe to the fullest. No one is hesitant to show their true colors, st4le or personalit4. . . Havinco all these different t4pes of people is · what Seton colorful and unique FroM .. :/.. the to the beinco different ·:· ·:;:;; doesn't Mean weird, it Means beinco an . , , f ..· .. ,c.......... individual. 7\s the freshMan becoin to theMselves and their classMates, the seniors are pullinco tocoether ever4thinco the4 about theMselves and each other. So althoucoh when we were little the4 taucoht us to color inside the lines, at Seton the4 . teach us to color OUTSIDE the lines! . • ..,

.. ..

Seton js student life is fil ed with Man4 enjo4able and excitinco experiences. Each person and each class have their own everlastinco MeMories that are never replaceable--froM strollinco the nicohts out on the town to hours of helpinco to prepare for spirit points durinco HoMecoMinco. 7\nd of course there ·s the favorite pastiMe : Hancoinco out in the lot of school observinco all the Man4 t4pes of cars. FroM the da4s to the Seton students enjo4 livinco their lives out of the box!


"Ca n ' t leave Ca n c un "

je..,..,ILa HagL•rtv , Katie Parl--er , - harlotte Koestner , Carla hee , Sarah \ienaber, and jule\' elson are all smiles after gettmg re'ad> for a night on the tO\\ n of ancun , Me,Ico. When a..,ked about their trip they all agreed , " V\ e ha\ e never had so much fun in our life! "

pl i h S pl as h ! "v1egan \.'vest , 'vlickala I ogue and Samantha Reismger splash around before their cheer camp at LCL \

Who 's that lu c k y g u y? The Seton heer Squad attended the U LA cheer camp this summer. The trip also included going to the beach, a day at Disneyland, and apparantly surrounding this L.A firefighter. What fun!

Summer 2002 TheG en Days

. .._ _ --=- -
Fun in the Sun .Sydney Sheedy, Deanna Spetz, and Sarah Hershkowitz seem to be having a blast soaking up the rays this summer in an Diego.

Look at tho s e stud s ! The Se ton Boj 's Basketball team, once again, took their annual San Diego trip this summer On the beach, studh bo\ s shm\ off their roc!.. hard pectorial muscles.

lomsl.. i tighten their abs for a qUid. p ic. The girls along \\l!h a fe,, other -,emors celebrated the last da) of finab and their JUnor year at Canjon La I.. c.

liffh a n ge r Sc•nior Ke\ Ill \lc•urc•r .1t roll.. lhmbmg he hang-. on to this dangl'nlus clift in L.:tah.
W AS P! I reshml'll Rorv Bl•nning and John-.on s,n hl'llo to.JII thl• ladies

8rigbt 8l1d emiy; Gold M • J8

(Zlll u L}nr J,


Senior ]elf Utrell gets ready for the day as most Sentinels do with a cold
--. (r "
shower. The feeling of cold water on his wann body exhilerates him to the point of laughter we just like his nice llowing hair. Below: Senior Paolo f.spaldon drives this white full size van to school everyday "I feel safe in such a large vehide, in the rooming when people may fall asleep at the wheel", says Paolo. Below: Travis Cole gets excited as he realizes that it is fresh day. M.any students enjoy these delidous treats on Tuesdays and fridays Above: Breakfast is known as the most Right: Senior Matt Olivieri and freshmen important meal of the day. Senior Shelby Sandor Szabo enjoy fresh bagels at Davis' mom is quite the cook, this delidous meal for Shelby and her friends rooming break. These help students to get throught the grueling day

' oplwmore Jimmy Baglini(Teddy Rux.)

"In the mornings /like to collect my thoughts in my treelwuse. It's a peaceful place where I can just sit back, and eat a bowl of Honey B 's Cereal, and watch the sunrise."

Junior Travis Cole(Tize Coletrain)

"Wizen I wake up, sometimes I don't feel up for school. I try to lzide from my parents but tlzey always seem to find me. Guess I need a better hiding pot!"

Sophomore Amy Gordon-

"I've been known to do some crazy tltings in tlze moming: forgetting my locker combination, forgetting my homework, pouring milk in tlze bowl before my cereal. Isn't tltat just cra::.y?!

oplzomore NguyenJol!nuy

"Every moruiug for breakfast my mom makes me chilled monkey brains, my favorite Vietnamese dish! They taste like butter 011 my breakfast toast"

School starts at 8 a.m.?!!

fudaro i$

!On in eharge of making to !ehoot on tum.. If you om you had a or if$ for YOU! that won't you out of t. My alarm didnt go off! 2. My didn't rm up on tirn{zt

3. I forgot to a but my know that hn

Will you a fnfclaM trip to If you want your and to you had to !ehoot ontirn{zt


25 tardies in the first qurarter

Keys t o his success :

I. leaving his Ahwatukee home at 7:30

2. Always eating brealJast

3. Never forgeting to brush his teeth

Above : Office secretary Mrs . Dodero hard at work hand ing out detentions to some late Sentineb ]unior Bobby Rzonca leads the school in tard ies . lhe tardy king holds the record with over

Step 1:

a quatch pott d!

Aar n Farabaugh doe n ' t have to go far from chool before he r ach hi humbl ab d . H goe traight to th r cycling bin wh n he gets a little tir d .

Games, games, games. Big D has eYery board game known to man as well as of games from • the original intendo system.

Step 2:

Aaron find comfort leeping with all the new pap r Aaron ay , "I love to le p clo to th hot bab I find in the new paper ad !"

Step 4:

As all the student drive into campus before school start , a very giddy Aaron "firewater" Farabaugh gr et th m with hi

woopy black hair and '-----------• a breathtaking smile.

Step 3: Rise and shine!

Aaron i a r al morning p r on and can't wait to tart his day hanging out with the oftball gir1 .

I a I- o s e f a l if e en t Col r Come on In! I '->, l1<>dt n '"111 1>I <'11ll'rt.1111I1'<'11t '->\ i tl'll1 I \\(l I \ It\ l' \ Idl'!l .1 " rdri)C.<·r,1tPr ..,............,., -. md .r u 'll< h IPr

When Jeff feels ill\, lw hides under his Raiders bl, nket and hop' that his player, harles Woodson, will co and chill "ith big "J-Dub".

Here, Jes sleeps like an angel, under her pictures of her favorite animal, whales. She says, "I usually dream of m _ fantasy boy: a >vhite rapper from a trailer park that is shorter than lam "

Warburton or J-Dub only he calls htmself , famous NmJa Turtles ga of the entertainment h1s daddy bought.

I r,·-.ll!lL111 l .H<'\ l'.iltll< 1... 1'- llll'd .lbllut rn.JI...II1g Ill'\\ trwnd-. .11 "''tPII ,1nd h,,-., pi< tllrl''- PI t11l'l11 to -.liP\\ It (.In'\ -..11 "· "\11 i1l'\\ tn,•nd-. .11 c..,. t< >11 .Hl' not .1111lll\ mg 1111 pub 11, "'h""' lril'l1d-.

Seton Homecoming: artd @-vJ;t


:1 the bo\ s just ho'' to look cool at the d,mce Slw ,, , en ga , e tht.•m insidl• ad\ ice and po int o n ho\\ Ill pick up the ladies at the d,11 Cl'.

an hris are kicking and enJOv ing the ice and a t their It a han dinner b 'tore working off tho e pasta carbs on the dance flo r.

I h,.,..,. dancing maniacs, \a ron, \.k•gan and Craig, are all hilL• tearing it up on thl• dann• floor r bon·bon!

Freshmen gi rls Rach el, Danielle, Carrie and Shann nshow ed upwithdass, turning hea s as t h e\ made their grande entrance So guy,, where are you'

We can tell th.1t J ke is having much fun wit Iega n as he would be jamming his guita on stage With hrinkport.

Did You Know?

*The ceiling decorations were lwld togl'thl'r b\ a hula-hoop

*StudL'nt Council set off the gym ,1larm.., t\\ ice during sl't-up

* ..J.HtJ student... ,1ttenckd the dance.

* It took ,1 tota I of SL'\ en hour.., to decor,1tl' the gym .

It Talks!!. .. Marc surpri-,ed obv with a tal!...ing '>luffed tiger , as!...ing her to the dance. Awwwe ortir avec moi?"
\\ ith a boquet of ritten in Fmz cil 1m a Ia JT


This ccroup of seniors tete a nonent out of there blJS4 lunch to snile for the canera. It is ofen the loudest table, dJe to crnstrnt debates between Mte Cravener and R4an Kutzbac.h.

s1\aron FarabalJCOh SCJ.fS that his favorite lunch is the coreen C-hile burrito: he loves the spic4 Mexican flavor

Junior Jordan Wolf sure does love his brownies "nnn .l have a brownie evertfX14 at brect: I

• wonder what it is in these thin<oS?"

-7\bout 73% of students bu4 their lunch here at Seton.

-The favorite lunch at Seton is the Lenon Pepper Chden. -Students sa4 th€"4 would nuch rather have a fresh ccx:iie over a toasL4 bacoel.

-The top 3 places to eat on half-da4S are; In Out, J acJ:. in the oox, and f:>ur<2>er Kin<o-

Senior Rac.hel Stien corabs C>utterfincoer dJrninco lunch: better not 104 a fiflCOer her C>utterfincoer.

-Renenber when Chip Pelzer was the on14 one to start the food fkoht last 4ear?

-Renenber when f:>rian Kirch threw up all over the stacoe ci.Jrninco the honeconinco talent show?

-Renenber when Senior Nathan Melcher cleared the luoch roon?

-Renenber when the senior bo4S perfoned Macho Man, b4 the Villacoe People, <ilrninco honE'COMil'lCO weet?

Kevin Celistino sure does love Fridajs. He S<J4S he btJ4s at least four slk.es Of Christine Carpenter tcies a tine out tron lunch to 1\Shletj Sc.hnitt a few pointers in Mr. CJinch ·s cJass.
"Most people think that I am good friends with Ted, but I really just use him to score points with the female members of the Pattock family. "
-Kevin Muerer
It would be hard to seperate the loving bond between these Kuner brothers! "Eli is the best older brother. He is always there for me!" exclaims Alex.

and /love hanging out with the Muerer siblings I find it tough to hang out with Shannon , because myself and that hot momma are getting over our relationship of two years ."

-Ted Pattock

With this death grip , Tim won 't let any freshmen boys break his Iii' sisters heart! We dont think Jennifer is too happy about that. \

Katie is a prime example great older sister She missed one of Emma 's ho volleyball games yet. up the good work!

and vtl/1::;1{1/d
Kalle and Greg just love being at the same school. They enJOY spending as much lime together as possible JUSt love my older brother!" Christina , freshman

LO.,. .. _....







..e·=.e • • • • 24





rrs GOOD




Sen iors Marc Sepulveda and Coby Spru it -N lssen have b.en together a short time , but have b.en b.st fnends for almost thru years Throughout all their other re lationships , they always they would someday b. together

MaJ.. Gildensttm apparently a secret admirer He says, ·1 everyone loves me , so it 's going to b. hard to hrgure out who it is !'

These two class clowns, Levitch and Dani Gonzales, always have the best time together. Dani says, • I love being with because I can totally be myself and 1;, always smiling!"

Relationships on the Seton campus

Every day, without fail, Mr and Mrs . meet in her room to spend some quality time together, eating lunch and helping each other with their


Seniors Oint Sever and Kristina Schweinberg have been together for nine months Their relationship stays strong because Oint shows so much alfection by showering her constantly with notes and Aowers!

You'll always see MaJ.. Poulsen and Katie Sophomores Barhara A.mezrua and Thomas Dodaro hanging out whether it is at school or Cravner can't get enough of each They at Sonic. go to the same school. live in the same neighborhood. and even vacation

freshman cheerleader Nicole £their and her boy relax after a hard football game. These two lovebirds sit down, relax, and just enjoy each others' company. •1 just love spending all of my h-ee time with him:

Nanashi & Troy & Julie Moue & Jacoba

Barbara & Thomas Austin & Mo

Derrik & Elizabeth Oms & Kate

Ted & Katie Tyler & Krystal

Ricky & Kristen

Paul & Chnstine

Judson & Alyse

Nick & Bnttney

Kris & Audrey

Joe &



Fror1 craMa to b asic art and p hotocoraph4, Seton js art procoraM is the Most colorful experierx:,e on caMpus. Mr. Fererx:,e and Mrs. GrahaM tci\e on all the hard wort of teochinco the students to dabble a litUe in all areas of art and discover where their true talent lies. f tpu tde a lcx:i at sone of the ir art wort, indiv. a Js will shine thrOIJCOh, and the teochers Mete sure Of th· So even t hOIJCOh the school Ma4 provide the color, the students inspired proci.K:,U

junior an Koestner is at the top ot I is clay sculpture art cl,1ss. any students look up to h1m nd ask him for advice. "It 1s h rd being so good at so mam t 1ings, I'm probably the most t, Jented kid to e\ er attend cept for Trey Roach," sd\ s D n.

lne C sillas sure seems to be trying hard \\ h!lc• Clecorating this banner for the Honwcoming week pep rally--mayb' c1 little ton h

Junior, Mike Tambs says Ference's photography my day. Ha get it?" Junior \khgan Kahkr can't wait tn dl\ L' 111 tn her clcl) sculptu rc projc•ct.

While some students are hard at work (Kevin Edwards), some students tend to slack off a bit in

Many art critics say that senior Nathan Melcher might be the newest prodigy in the art world. Many of his inspirational works have been called, "the best of the 21st century;" Mr. Ference seems to think otherwise

This is the last time ike (_ ra\ ener \\ Ill ever wait till the last 1inute to do hi-, art project.

r , o } ou think vou could help Senior Clint Se\ er \\ i th a Ii ttk touch up paint? He had a little mi-,hap during homecoming \\ el'k.

Th French Horn player, Jeremy Gover, takes a step back from hardcore football. He now relaxes to the music

aying the Colorful Not

Going Kenny G style, Carl rocks out, when attempting to imitate his favorite artist. Beat that Drum! Sarah Mackowski takes out her frustration over the Star Wars episode. Hopefully beating the drum helps.
1i '
of his style. Rudy Garcia hits the high notes. By the look in Rudy's eyes, he is concentrating on playing his trumpet. Katie McBryan said " I like playing the flute because I sit right in front of Carl Scott. My flute is GOLD!" Senior Clint ever and Megan Marshall are getting prepared for the upcoming choir concert. Patrick McCarville and the girl smile at their amazing voi e Take a Breathe! Th group take a d ep breathe before hawing off th ir voic ! Patrick McCarville, Chad B Clint ever show off th ir good look


"All the world' a tag , and all the men and women merely player Th y have their exit and their ntran . And one man in his time play many


ructing her drama

on proper techniques on applying make-up. "I can't wait to ee them on Broadway!"

Janet Touma in complete ·hock when Mikey orek, her Romeo, is down on one knee quoting hakespe<ue's lines. What a lucky lady!
Graham hard at work int tudent Top: orey Wi dom i being prepared for the tage by Scott Sperry and Drew Harri on. ow all h need i a r d no e, orne huge hoe , and with that hair ju t call him Bozo the Clown. Right: John Malloy put on his be t smile for this photo op. He is a born star and is heading to Hollywood.


John 'drama'ticallyo


Top: Andrew Halpain i making Tim Wil on more b autiful than h alr ady i The make-up onl enhance hi chiseled feature Left: Tim Wil on, John Tobin , and ick Kindgren ar all powdered up and ready to hit the tageo cla s i the b t! Having oth r boy put make-up on me i the highlight of my day!"

LAYING AROUND -The girls in the pink group get crazy as small groups come to an end.

AFTER HOURS - Senio Leaders rest after a lor and prayerful retreat.

ws H J
STUDS- Singers Matt Maher
Tom . B?oth lead everyone 1n an upl1ftmg concert.

Mrs. Sa nd o mir is co n fu e d b y o n e of Tr ey Roac h 's w ird q u e tion . " H a lf of th e tim e I h ave n o idea w h at he i aying," ay M r a nd omir.

It looks like Collin Racco {left) and Greg Elenbass did not get a whole lot of sleep last night. "Sometimes I just get into one of my video games ," Greg says , "and don ' t go to sleep until 1:30 a .m ."

Freshmen Chris Wrobel and Bobby Kirby pay close a t t n etion in M rs Sandom ir 's c lass; they don ' t wa n t to miss an) t h ing . Stan Minatagawa and M ikey Fernadez both agree they love coming to class

e The Mass

The ·ound crew at mas s, lead by Eric Eklund, never recieve enough credit to keep the mass alive.

Is that Sonny and Cher?? o silly!! It is Johnny Do these students look clean to you? Well, the and Jules leading the spiritual class of Seton should. They just confessed their sins and are Catholic. receiving penance.

Kevin eurer spreads , his jubilant pirit all over the school's advent wreath. The admirable Theodore Pattock gives praise to his Lord, Jesus Christ.

Jonathan, or "Teen Wolf" as he music groupies call him, sets the to e for mass by jamm'ng on the keys.

Ja e Hyde wows the congregation at daily mass with his dynamic speaking abilities.

The beautifully renovated chapel gives students a chance to attend daily mass. Megan Marshall listens to the spiritual advice of the great Fr. Billy.
"Ha ing the Chapel on Campus is a great opputunit to get do r to God and find out more about my lef."
-Kri ten Mulligan ophom re

rtn the House o


year the Chapel ha offered a lot.

Ma es are now at lunch. Th Chaplain Chat allow me to ask que tions. My faith ha deepend with the e oppurtunutie ."

-Kyran Lambert

"A variety of pri ts come through the Chapel making Mas a new experience each time becau e of their different style ."

Bobby Rzonca Junior


ngel i a great campu minister! he lead by example and gets the community imohed with the constant reminders that th re will b Ma-.s in the Chapel."

-Quinn Meyers, Junior
42 I
enior r , ,.r • •

A newer edition to the hap adds even more color to the already new renovated Chapel. The tained glas i100 time prettier in the Chapel th n it i in this picture so take some time out of your day to go look at it!!

With this enticing background and Mary' open arms, one ·hould st p in the Chapel for a quick prayer to thank God for what we have.

A group of devout ·tud nts attend Ma s in the Chapel during lunch. The\ gi\ e up their free time to spend more time with Je u

Heidi reads a passage from the 61ble during \1a.,s on Tue day She attends :\1a-.s regular) and partici,lpt '" a-, much a., .,he can
Pamela arballo pours HOI) Water into a fountian of rock allowing those\\ ho \ isit to blc s themel\'es.

li ten attentively

We don't know exactly what Amy is serving up but it sure does look good! Yum Yum! (right)

Sarah Hershkowitz, Brittany Martin, Katie Parker, and ]eso..;ica Hagerty dcli\er their donations to the Aid to Women enter for their ocial justice project. (right) Arjun Sud and Heather Hobtad sip lemonade v, •ith their new old friend. (below) The highlight of this handsom stud' day. Kati Parker and Melis a Jimro while Oscar the Tomcat dazzles them with torie · of World War II. (above)

Senior Jim onner ..,ay'> he'll do any thmg to help '>enior ci tizen.., in need. Washing dishes

'' <l'> ju'>t one of hi-; many chore'>. (ll'ft)

Aubrey McDonnell and Chri<..,tine McDonough finish collecting sock... for their ocial Justice project. (left)

Melissa Jimro, or "JimmiBomb," gives her sen ices to the Veteran'> Home as a bingo number caller-outer. (beltw.)

Handicapped transient? ope, ju t aron Farabaugh celebrating after winning a do e game against his mentally challenged friend, Leonard. (abtwe)

Beth i tier and Ginger Howard sene the elderly at the Z Retirement home.

ton ·tudents really enjoy watching the reaction- of the ecstatic people they help. B rnard, the guy in the corner, can bar I) contain his excitement. (left)

Rll I() tt d0\\>0

M ,,. .u •tt cr th,m I

\1\'h o will come to l ick Kindgrcn ' s resc u e?

\1 doubll'' as a sophomon• rcligl()l1 W<lm durmg sC\Tnth F eriod. On this particular daY, \1r. Burkl' \\ ''" -.ubbing, but he requc,tt•d nnt to be in tht• p1 lure

What are YOU guys up to?

Peeping Tom s Adrian Hernandez and Chip Pe lzer a re up to no good These bad boys use therr off trme to sneak up on the ladie s!

Say Cheese!

Row Your Boat These Karras candidates are rock•ng the boat on therr down trme over the weekend Rough and Tumble Chn tine Carpenter and Ashley Schmr tt laugh It up wh1le roll 1ng m the leaves hank You, Come Ag ain! Seniors Melissa Howe ll and Christine Slo mskr keep the "Jakes" close at hand Jacob Egan and Jake Hyde don 't seem to mrnd who 's hands they are rn These ladre s we re the victims of "Pic kaBear ," the killer rat (actu al ly , a baby mou se) that te rror iz ed the ir ca bin ! As hley Schmitt, Melissa Howell , and Bra ndon Mclaug hrn take th e t1me to show off their great smr les How"Cuttl Chris Carpenter a 1d Kevrn Hubba JOY the long bu nde home after an eventful e end

Mrs. Sandomir dictates her lessons to her Senior Religion Classes.

Liturgical Arts & Methods and Advanced Scripture

Good Morning, Earthlings! There is something new every day in Mrs. Sandomir's class: Mysteriously damaged candles, tape wars, teetering on horses--each period represents a new adventure and a new moment for seniors to cherish. Top and middle left, Mrs. Sandomir's students prepare the first-ever senior mural, which will be displayed on the front face of the A building facing Dobson road. Above, .students are intrigued with yet another entertaining yet informative lesson by Mrs. Sandomir.

Bottom left, Kristina Schweinberg and Bridget Barrasso pot flowers for the senior campus beautification project.

-1 9


Working hard, or hardly working?

Freshmen Caryn Qli, eri and Bobby Kirbv seem to bL• enJO\ mg the1r class work a little too much. '\1aybe \!Irs. Green's assignment 1s what has them m such a positi\e mood. Caryn savs, "The hardest part about Mrs. Green'.., clas'> I'> saying goodbye to her e\eryday." Keep trving , Car\n.

Paying attention

\llr..,. Greens clas-. h'>tens mtently as she gl\ es mstrud1ons on hO\\ to do thL•ir anthologiL'"· Thl• freshman ha\ l' to compll'tl' an antholog\, which i-. a colll•dion of tonl'" and poems which are personal to them, in ordl'f to pass their English clas'>es.



o, Mr. heh 's sophomore Britsh Literature class isn't just pretending to be interested in Julius Caeser. These go-getters hang on every word Mr. Sheh says-- esp •cially joey asillas (center, in white), who wants an expanded research project.


Juniors Seniors Interpretation Conversation

!loHman's jumor E-nglish dass <lrl' reading rh..- 'rel!my Wall a •r a short story. They are formmg interprl'ti\l' questions for discussion in groups. KL'ep up the good work, guys.

The Queen of English

junior Leah Chalupsa (right) is so happy to be in her English class. "I fl)\'e English so much, something about the written word just stimulates me mentally."

"When I first s,iw the says senior English teacher Mrs. Collins, "I knew there were more thmgs m hL'a\ en and earth than are dreamt of in my philosophy. Howe,·er, lest I doth too much, I must say, e,·erj dog will ha,·e his da) Seriously, the arc a great group-- and llool.; forward to seeing them e\ery da)."


Senior Bridget Barasso(lcft, front) concentrates while taking another challenging English exam. In the meantime, what i., Paulo looking at on his hand?

English Buddies

niors Rachel tein (abovl' left) and jenna Pena (above right) sit and talk during another Engli ·h class. "I ju'>t wish that Mr . Collins would stop interrupting our com ersations, says jenna. "I agree," stated Rachel.

Seton English Oasses have fun while reading and writing

Is Karena Cah1ll so amused by the Pythagorean Theorem that it has put a smile on her face? No I It's just her good old calculator games we have all come to know and love Sleeping in math class? T1sk. Tisk Jordan! Mr Kohlberg Teamwork is would not be happy with Junior Jordan Wolf if he saw sometimes the only him dozing off in his Algebra II class. way to conquer a frustrating College Algebra problem. Brandon Mclaughlin and Patnck McCarville have got the right l idea Good thinkin' guys!


Look at the confidence on the face of Mr Anthony' He IS hoping h1s Algebra I class will understand what he is try1ng to teach It's a frustrating subject to teach but someone's got to do 1t. Great JOb Mr. live time' Tom Boler is estatic as he JUSt found out he fmally passed an Algebra II test' Way to go Tom! Is Janna "the Oeen of the Math" Feeley only a Junior tak1ng Calculus? Yes, that's nght Calculus. She is caught here studying for one of Mr. Meyer's k1:1er tests You'll do great as always Janna!

Testing the

The enthusiastic Mrs. Olivieri never fails to be excited about her hemistr; class She is pictured here with one of her favorite experiments, the Flame Test.

We will never truly know what Mr Richard does on his computer. This mystery of the well-known Biology tea her will remain unanswered forever.

The boys arc showing their over-enthusiastic attitudes while 'Notching a Biology mo\ ie Alex Kuner(centcr) savs, " I' m hm ing the time of my life!" In Chemi try, hannon Burke ays, "When I don't understand I ju t smile and nod, but I alway try to look beautiful in my afety goggle Which I do!"
? 0 s J .t:.
The" merican Gladiators" shO\v off their huge muscles next to the skeleton in Anatomy class.

Meet the StaHl

l<rAA Meurer, Jonathan Kycey.l<iel Rotarius, Marc Sepulveda. Mke Cavner, Chip flelzer, Adnan Htrnanckz. Nick Tambone, Eddie Gfaya. Shelby Davis, ],m Conner, Ted fl attod.. lake Hyde, ]euica fl;nheiro, Melissa , Deanna Spetz, Christine Slomski, Coby Spnlt.Niuen, Ashlry Nid.um, N\.gan

Marcanti, Stephanie Debevoo., Whitney McDavid.Srandon Mcl..aughlin, Sydney Sheedy. ]usia Hagerty, Christine McDonough, Ashley Rapo>a, Kristina Schweinberg, Aubrey McDonnell, Sarah He,.hkowitz, Colleen Martin, Aaron Farabaugh, Charlotte Koestner, Sarah fl arl.er. and Brittany Martin.

As hl ey ic kum and oby Sp ruit - isse n work d1hgenth on thl'lr J i m onner watche.., on hoping to learn a fl'\' e'\tra tips from thl' g1rb.

Inquire Inside: Yearbook Staf

Yeakk Stalfers, As this year comes to a dose, we are now able to look back at the fun we had together and the crary incidents we had to deal with Charlotte and Katie: The Senior Ads look wonderful! Melissa and Deanna: Your hard worb with the mugs paid oiP. To the Seniors : Thanks for beeping me entertained! Good Luck to you all as you end your high school career! Best.

nl'\\ \earb ok \lr51wh , attl•mpb to ns\\ er important questions t rom arah Hershkowitz and Syd ney heed and to gl'l int<oclass.on l tn1l'. l<ln t \\a it ge1t in:sid<elthl· t11 11n
stine McDonough and nberg thl'ir work on a to takl•n bv the final

Mr. Clinch loves history so much! No one can pry him from his beloved podium. 17


Mr owe teaches AP art history. How colorful!



gtt)s? Domg highly !Odp there (like and

If IIi liE Plllml 1ectm PUI PIG(

Red-Faced Swe a

Ph4sical Education

and Chad Rlllh as he pub up a l' amount of weight Rud\ thinb 1t to .. bl"l,Hhl' it gi \ .l'" hin1 energ\ for the lad

" M ik L' \ 1s a great moti' a tor and for C h ad hL' thL'rl' and to look coo l11 " Ruch.

Roach spoh

CraYener as he to build strength ''hen his brother \ l ike injurL's himsl'lf, Thomas can the day!

When Mr Jason attended Seton Catholic as a student , he used to sk ip PE by forg1ng a doctor' s note He d idn 't believe in physical education.

Adrian Hernandez rides the bike in P E He does this outside because he can 't stand the smell of the lower classmen "They reek! "

Coach Walheim looks on as Seton athletes do squats in the weight room With his supeNision , no one will get hurt! "I need to keep my eye on the ladies and lower classmen They tend to do thmgs improperly ." says Coach

Left: Nick Tambone frolics and sashays over hurdles 1n PE with a form that would make any track star jealous!

In the beginning of the year , Seton students began with the basics of volleyball Learning to bump and set is qUite exhilarating

the ladies!!

Dustin Schodt does old school sit-ups as his partner, Wayne Denina , holds on the ground With the right diet and the right exercise , Dustin will have his six-pack in no time at all!! Keep up the good work Schodty-boom!!
Senior Jim Connor maxes out during PE. Jim may be small , but he can bench more than most guys twice his size. With those guns , he can surely impress

1 ,JmbtHll' tinw out ol lwr te.1rhing to gi' L' one-on-one lwlp to Sud " lh all about the littiL' Tambone

Fore icon

Tomasita Aragon, a sophomore , 1s working hard on her Latin homework in class. he sure does like Latin and hopes that one day people will start to speak it again so that taking the language is not a of time

ophomores Andy McCan ille, Kevin Di Domenico, and Jeremy Grom·er work together on some of their Latin work. "I like to work in groups so I can help less fortunate students like Andv and Jeremv" stated Di

• Matt arpenter takes some time to stretch during a lecture by Mrs. Rich.

I nt dl' l'P 111 thought

'' hlle R1rh

Ill the " I h,n l' no1dl' •l "h ,lt going on but at least llool-. I ril


l're,hman Miclwlll• M ullwrn, takl•sadvantage of one of till' rl'<ldlllg days that Mrs. Pattockallow-.them. , fhe'e are my fan1rite days bl•cause I get to sit in this btg comh chatr and read m\ fa,·onte boob " What a gn•at w,n to spend a da\. -

Mrs. Pa ttock takes a It ttll• It ml' out of teaching to Joke around wtth I mma Parker and .reg Dodaro


The pros o

Ricky Hu k:

We interviewed orne fr shman on what they like about Study Skills and thi i what they had to ay :

" I like that y ou get to do your homework during the day because then when you get home at night there is more time to watch m y favorite show ."

Stud s

Marcu A bury:

" I like it becau e it i the (be t) cla that ton Catholic ha to offer ."

Mr . Pattock:

" I love to teach Stud y Skills becau not onl y do I get to teach them a good life skill but I g et tom et all of the fr hman and watch them grow for four year of chool. "

Freshman \ inn\ Tambone , or \'inn\· T as hl• ts J...no\\ n b\ hts fnends, sa, s that stud\ sJ...ills ts his fa\orite

The whole 4ear there is constantl4 soMethinco cooinco on with sports. Seton Sentinels love the thrill of coMpetition, and alwa4s have true sportsManship qualitities. There are so Man4 different sports to choose froM, whether 40u want to pla4, or just coo and watch soMe coood ol j fashioned Seton athleticisM. For ever4 sport, our athletes the coaMe inside and out, and there is never a of Sentinel Spirit!

.-"" -----...-69

By the look on Zach's face you can see he's been playing hard! The game against Globe was a hard game, Zach said, but we played hard and didn't give up, and thats what counts. You hope for the best and just play your heart out. That's how this port works: Hard practice and faith.

Men on the

Junior had Baniecki is esc01ted off the field by his coach and Mr. Moreno. Chad recieved a foot injury; luckily he was able to return to the game.

Guest. Seton Globe 34 6 Sahuarita ....... 8 ...... 11 Rio Rico 14 .42 Santa Cruz 0 20 Wilcox ........... 24 ..... 7 Desert Ridge ... 14 ..... 57 Coolidge 28 26 Safford 3 34 Queen Creek ... 21 ..... 23 Wickenburg ..... 14 ..... 32 Coolidge .47 8

Mr. Moreno. oach llart , oa h oah Pete, oach Johnson. Coach Walheim, Coach Boler. oach Kochis, Coach Bitler, C. Johnson. B. Ortiz. M Smith, .Tambone, E. Bark.youmb. J.Wolf. Bak.er, P. McCanille.

Coach Walheim been a great coach for cton' football team He known for his hard lectures, but in the end to be a key part in the guyc., ability to play. He the team that good sportsman hip and hard work come-. through Hernandez. P Mckenna, J. Banicck.. D chodt, B. harters, A. ud. D . Koestner.J. Refner, T. Boler. K. Chave1 .. HaiL . Hart, B . Rzonca. K. Celestino. Kirch. Kerchof. R. Kuttbach. Radman, R Mcarth). T durham, M obctyk., lllabona. M epuhcda. J onner, Z. Dinero. T. Bullock. M Refner Q Myers, P Durham

The entinel-. go to After a great \ ictory 0\er Queen Creek. the guy'> were -.o thrilled that all their hard work payed off. Ryan McCarthy couldn't even contain himc.,elf as he jumped u and down in \ icto

Mike obczyk (46) runs for a n. but is being close I) chased by Wilcox's number 22. By the looks of it he wa<, able to make an escape. Way to go

Jim Conner wa a great player thi year along with there t of th team! Jim aid all of u tried hard this ear and we had orne great game !


oach Hart, Coach Kochis, oach Hou ehold, oach Boler, M. Poulsen, Z. Sullivan, J. Baglini, De mond, A. Gaylord, P. Castillo, Judd, J. Vaughun, M. ODonnel, J. Porshoe, C. Sullivan, C. Rarke, P. Bern tein, A. McCarville, K. Reno, A. M yer , fB. McCarthy, J.

Ready set ....... hike! These boys are ready to attack and there is no stopping them.Th e guy are true men on the line!


Kyle Reno get

pia hed by hi fellow teammate Chri kyle looks like it wa a refreshing prank!

J.J Vaughan takes a break from his hard practice to pose for the camera. J.J says JV is awesome this year they went undefeated all sea on!


Freshmen Volleyball

e\ er tired of pracllcmg. Fmil; tadmiller perfects her ser\es for an ace C\Cl) tlmC.

'Work. work. \\Ork. Setting up the nets 1s. "'the highlight of my day!" says Maria Doris. It''> a hard job but someone 's got to do it.

Aaah. The two team captain are lookin' cute. Kira icastro and Kelly Ru h take a break and po e from their hectic practice chedule. They lead the team in \\Orking hard and winning game .

mil; Orti/ and Brittne; O\ arrubias are jumping for jo; a they are gettmg read; for pracpooo ,_. tice e can't wait to ee \\hat Coach Wendel has planned for us toda; !"

Li a Wolf is preparing to set one of her beautiful sets for her teammates to pound to the ground. Pall

DO\\ n and read; anything. Mo

HO\\ ell. Erin hri tie. and

Kelly Ru hare anticipating to move and pa the ball.

Who me? You \\ant me to run that nev,. complicated play? Oka;. That' right. o Howell kno"' her stuff. he i the awe orne pO\\er hou e behind the middle offen e and defen e.

iddle W\\: Bottom ro\\:

The fab fi\e! Emil; Radzik. Danielle 'Wra;. ly a quierl. Rachel mold. and I e Belleti trike a po e and mile for the camera. \\ hile upporting their teammate on the court.

en .. 0 0
Top row: Caryn Oli\Ien. Bnana RoJO. Coach Wendel, l)arah e\erance, Jenmfer Mahoney Middle rO\\: l: mily Orti/, Ale Brancato. Bnttncy Porter. L1sa \\olf Bottom row: Mana Dons. Lmii; Stadmiiicr. Cleha Leopold ol pictured: Britney Covarrubias

Varsity Volleyball

Serving up the red and gold

en c II up. • han non Burke "s sen ing ability has helped the Sentinel" \\ ith counties;, an:s throughout the '>Cason \ggrcssi\ c sen es \\in points."" says . hannon.

heryl Benning is gleaming \\ ith happines · as the entincls bring home 2nd place in the Round Valley lm itational. "'We played tons of game but played \\ell and learned a lot."

Carey Pattock i a hitting machine! Her pre-game \\armup erve her well as she enter each game with hitting confidence, ready to pound the ball.

'A hat an intense Meli'>sa Jimro Is \\aitng in anticipation as the middle hitter for Rio Rico jump'> up to spike the ball. 'Aa) to be ready l'v1elissa 1

Jcsstca·s her name and setting·s her game . Senior Jessica Hager!) leads the team into \ ictory \\ ith e\ er) '>Ct. l \en though her JOb Is hard. she focuses and keeps cool Ill e\ery situation

Circle time! Coming together before each game with hands in the air was the tradition for the cason. I s it in pirational word , trategies, or omething else? We only can gue s, but no one will ever know what goes on in ide this secret circle.


Blod.ing i'> a major ran of heing a middle hiller . Brillany Martrn is disr laying the perfect lorm a.., she waits to hlod. a hig hiller.

Va rsity coach Kim Miller is caug ht thinking of yet another stra tegy for her girls. Thanks to her int rica te r lays and awesome coaching skills. the Sentinels are led to \ ictory.

Nice form! The concentration is unhelle\ ahle on the face of Am] Barlow. Due to her mental and rhy..,rcal sharrness. she pa-,se-, right to the seller e\el) time .

Stretch rt out. Before a match.

Mells'>a Jrmro

-.tretches Shannon Burke's leg. Thanks to her. Shannon \\ill ne\er pull a muscle

in a game.

Sentinels Season Record

Globe 2-0 l -0 OristiCil SaOOcrita 2-0 Rio ru:.o 2-0 Salta Cruz 2-0 Wit:.ox 2-0
Coolidroe 2-0 Middl
Hagert y. M o ll y Bo hman Bottom row : Madison Carey Pattock , her y l Be nning . There sa Polow li Safford Queen 2-0 2-0 75
Top row : Kri tina Ta y lor Meli<.,sa Jimro. nna Hershkowit z Brittany Martin
e row : Barbara hann o
Burke , Amy Ba rlow

Don 't they look happy? Alejandro , Carla , Kat1e and Amy wake up w1th sun wh1le watch1ng the1r teammates sw1m 1n the mormngl (above)

Time to relaxl Magg1e , Rachel , Stephanie , and Kelly enJOY a few seconds of rest before they head off to their next eventl (below)


Under the sea! This is a rare look at under water wildlife I mean Seton swimmers, under the water! (above)

It's a bird! It's a plane! No , it's just Alejandro showing off his awesome swimming skills! (below)

Usa Domm1ski shows off her awesome breastroke skills! (above)

Don't forget about the d1vers! Craig Sheedy shows off on the diving board at a swim meet! He is looking good! (left)

Oh Baby! The g1rls have so much fun gett1ng ready 1n morning after swim pract1ce! (Left)

Oh Boy! These boys are so cute in their speedosl This is

cool for swim! But we love him anyways! Nice shades!

Brrrr It 's Cold Out Here! Katie, Mike, Carla, and Megan try not to freeze to death in between events!


Season Results


1st Chandler lnvitional

1st Boys Ranch Invitational

Region Champs


2nd Boys Ranch Invitational

Region Runners-up

2002 XC GossCountry CC Team:

Chris f'hillips. Alex Kuner, Buck MagnUl, fh Kuner, f' reston Swan, Danny Camers,K.vinSoughton.Natalie Brown, Christine McDonough. Katie Carriers, ]amie lopez, Alex Gutting AJ M ilu.Natalie Rosalez (not pictured Kiel Rotarious, Ashley Oakes, and Gillean Osterday)

The Pizzad, fazzoh's, Protesting, Duckin' it, Princess Eli, Giggling. Water balloons... ·Ashley watch outl", Bam Bam Tough of Death, We Run at Doug Connolley, Best of the Worst, We Got a Trophy, Theme of the Practice Blows, "I Got the Door Tor!" Prince Ossanus Delphius, Unless Your the Best.. .. , Jelfery, UCSD. Qewbacka, "They Called Us What..." Cones, freshmen, We Got a Pla<luee. Joseph. "So Are You Running With Us Today Gristine ?". Returning the Cart. Jesus Ala Budda. "Your from Texas?". Starbucks.Distance AB' s, Steve!. Eating Cereal Out of a Gest, Running in Rain, Not Running for 2 Months

E<luals Throwing Rocks at Them, Kenyans, Eli's Name is in Kiel's Name from the Bus Rides, to Secret Sisters, to Hip Hop is You Gotta love XO Were Gonna Miss You Guys! Gristine and Eli "So If You Were Stuck in a Desert Who Would You Eat first. Got MJIJ •

I • 77

Pai r g the town Red...

Seton Varsity Cheer 2002-2003

Yar'oil) "pent the da) lounging at Manhallan Beach. CA. "oa"-ing in the sun· s rays before a wee"--long cheer camp.

Colleen Martin. and Christine loms"-i ta"-e a moment to pose for a pretty

""'"-'' a;;;;-.n picture with Wall and.. Mickey.

training. the Sentineb bring home various trophies. ribbons and an in\ itation to perform in Hawaii!

If you think that cheerleading all smiles and easy work, Coach Cha\et would say differently. Here the girls are gelling down to business before performing a half-time routine under Coach Chave7's instructions. However, Christine, Meghan, and Meggie manage to sport a smile fori picture.

Top: Krissy Agudo, Meghan Schaiberger, Colleen Martin, Julia Graham, Heather Holstad, amantha Reisinger, Amanda Ahlemeier. Middle: Julia Koestner, atalie Sepulveda. Coach Chavez, Mickala Logue. Karena Cahill. Bottom: Megan West, Ashley Chavez, Carty Reagan. Christine Slomski



Seton Junior Varsity Cheer 2002-2003

J. V.

1-.cpt together 111 front of a competition lool-.ing good,

at competition

First Place

Top: Jill rban, Katie DoLbaba, Dominique Campo!.. Tricia Elkins, A-.hley Hoffer, Corena Thoma-.. icole Ethier. Taylor EnLweiler. Chris'>y Dayav.on.

Bottom: Moll) Hint7e, atalie Fraccola. Kim

Giebner, Lea Bemstien, crena lriondo, Kelly Hill.

get pumped up at a the\ mav appear rela'l.ed, but they are realh cheenng their tL'am nn n1l'ntall).

Austm Perry gets defensi\·e as he blocks Higley from recel\ mg the ball. Austin the man on and off the field.

Ke\ in Boughton to steal the ball from H1gley. His swift mm es hL'lped gam a\ ictory O\ er this team. The final score\\ as 7-0, Sen tine b. V\ay to go boys on your shut out!

Abbv is the team mascot, the coach's wife, but the boys seem to think otherwise. Abby hasn't missed a game yet!

·ot corresponding to photo): Matthew Abrigo, Eric uevara, Mario Beltran, Kyle Bosshardt, Jeff Boughton, Alejandro adavid,Jim onner,Stewart Dandorf, Tim Dearing, Kevin Edwards, Eri Ecklund, Greg -lenbaas, Andrew Goble, Kyle Harrington, Kevin Hubbard, Curti Johnson, Aj Kirch, Brandon Komar, jonathan Komar, Matt Korte, Ryan Kutzbach, Sam Lester, Austin Perry, Christopher Phillip , Aaron Roybal, Robert Russell, Alex Ruzicka, Craig Sheedy, Preston Swan, john Tobin, Steve illabona, Kyle Wilkinson, Tyler Wolf

Alejandro ada\ id, a \ 1rgin to tht soccer team (his first year on the team, that i::,), contemplates the e ence of soccer or maybe he's just davdreammg about the comi weekend.


Dom111ant go,11it· John l Pbin lw ,1\\ ath thl' .1ppn>,1t htng lllhtn 111 thl' gt>.1ltt• bll \\ lt.Jt .1 bt•.ht 1

Rvan "-ut/b,1th off Ill'\\ and Ill\ l'lltl\ l' mtn I It• th.1t an• a 1-.l'\ to a thampton.,hip ganw

I inding a way It> timl' bdorl' prac!Kl', thl' tht•Jr fanmtt a gamt' ot " Chd1 '

Girb and Bovs Soccer oache-., Darrvl Ch,we/ and ;._1att re;.pectl\ u., ho'' "real play .,tand. It tal..es great practice and di;.ciplllle to ma;.ter this -.tance.

Great footwork is Ke\ in Hubbard's forte on the ;.occer f1eld Hl'> incredible "PL'l'd mal..e;. him a dominant plaver.

ophomore Leah and Junior pay close attention as the coach leads them in "chalk talk."

Good ball control is e entia!- otherwise you're in for an "uplifting" half time chat where coach will often inform you that you are not playing "kickball!"

The mi conception is: goalie ha\'e the easiest job but who's the 1st to get blamed for a goal scored? TH OALI ! (although that is usually not the truth) Goalies Haliegh and Aubrey work just as hard on drills as the rest of the team inorder to keep the entinel's VICTORIOUS!

Alicia models the new uniforms- WOW, don't they look like the women's US TEAM?

(Alphabetical Order) Krissy Agudo, Bridget Barrasso, Bnanna Beltran , Jessica Blaz , Christine Carpenter, Karlvn ChaYez,Carla hee, Marie Donahue , Janna Feele\, Harris, Mo I lowell , Lmdsav Johnson, Jaimie Lopez, Katie Malpiedt, Aubrev McDonnell, \llarcella Mendoz.J, Sarah enaber, hristina l'rmen io , Alicia Quihuts , Haletgh Sakas, Angie Sandell, Leah Schafer, Amanda Wessel, Coach Daryl Chavez

Seniors Bridget, Carla, and Chri tine strike a pose b fore another long and trenuous night at practice

22 girls on the field- 44 feet- 2 goalie - 2 nets-1 refer e- 1 ball


The coaches sit down to watch the game- This is a rare because Daryl is usually pacing up and down the sideline yelling "A GLE , GLES!" or "THIS IS OT Kl KBALL!"

lhe Price You Pay: Soccer Cleats $60.00

Shin Guards S2o.oo

Soccer Ball $25.00

Goalie Gloves s12o.oo

Winnirv:J in a Shut Out

''I'm not a fre<,hman anymore!" Soph. Brianna Bridget "Spa/' that she''> no longer a freshman so no need to be so "Back off Bridget!"

Sarah looks like a ballerina but really she's practicing her amazing juggling skills.

Janna quickly tapes up the cut on her knee to prepare for another 80 minute of occer.

Amanda stretches before a looooong, haaaaard, bruutal, practice. Have Fun:)

... Priceless!

Senior captain Marc Sepulveda sure knows how to get all the takedown points possi

"He makes wrestling seem so easy: says a voice from the crowd. You will always b jumping out of your seat when you watch this four-year Seton varsity wrestler. IV\a; makes his bloody opponent scream for mercy as he crossfaces him After every win I knows that he is that much doser to winning the State Oampionship.

WwJt. Oass 103 112 119 125 130 135 140 Wrat!. Grade Tolley 9
Nguyen 9
Scott 12
Nguyen 10
Sepulveda 12

Senior captain Nick Tambone can escape INery move that his opponent makes on him This four-year varsity wrestler has come to be one of the most remakable wrestlers in his weight dass . Once he puts his opponent into the cradle you !mow that there is going to be a pin Keep up the good work Nick!


145 Nick Tam bone 12

/52 Tom Boler

160 Chase Sullivan

171 Ou inn Meyers II

189 MaiR Pouben II

215 Adrian Hernandez 12

HWT Barry Charte rs

Q..k to R,J.. I 'I' w s.-.J Austin Gayb.d, C1ades ]invnie Bagafin;, NJ. Tambon.. Joey Casitas. Coach Derton MaJ. Pou1s.n. ]im Garvey. Coach Boler. Nwc Sepulveda. C1as. Suivan. Ourn Bany G.art.en. Carl Scott. Tom Boler, Matt Carp.nt..r, P...J Castile, Kmhan Sud. Rid.y HuJ.. Dan Garvey. Mch.J

Dodt. NJ. Jol-rny Nguyen. Kevin D.domeroco. Comer CJwtiar,..,. MJ.e Tol.y. ]irrvny N!PY"". Bob!.,- Kirby. NOT

PIOURED: Adrian Hernandez

One J the most ch.lleng;ng tl-ongs .bout wresting is k.epi,g yoor wrestler on the mat and nsJ. the cird.. As Tom Boler's opponent tries to escape the cirde. he fights to hold on

W...dng f.l...z_.

Mrs. Tambon.. Mlchcll. Mulh.m. Roxy T•urisano, Coby Spnut. iswl, Emily St.dmi/1.,, K..m Olivi<ri. M.g.r. M.nhJ. Amy H.,

Swishing and S

Farewell to the Seniors. Semors Theresa Polowo'>ki and Alana Wirth pose with their coaches one last time. You guys will be really missed as players and friends!

One half of the "Wirth Towers," Tina Wirth, gets position in the post to lay the ball right in

Top: Ryan ory, oach Guthrie, Coach Self, 'VIelissa llall 2nd row: Laura Tessier, Rachel Arnold, Amy Riter, Tina Wirth, Alana Wirth 3rd row: Bradie Orton, Theresa Polowski, Kira icastro, Katrina Jax Bottom row: atalie Rosalez , Mary Placido, 'VIeghan Mullin Weeeeeeee! Katnna Jax Jumps 1n the air to try and stop an 1n bound pass to an open threepoint shooter Coach Gutherie and Alana Wirth sit and talk about Alana ' s 1OOOth point of her career Coach is JUSt giving her t1ps on how handle the media after that game Listen Up ! The team looks on as Coach Self g1ves one of her very inspiring speeches to rev up the team before the game. Dunng pract1ce Brad1e Orton , moves from spot to spot , rece1v1ng passes , then draining the shot. Natalie Rosalez practices her shot in pregame warm ups ; warning the other team they better guard her beyond the arc. Warm Up ! Mary Placido does her daily excerc1ses before pract1ce to ger her legs warm Way to go Mary! 7


nior Varsity




Mary McDonald is looking up to get a monster rebound.



Coach Wendel gets the Freshmen girls ready for any obstacles. If theJ had to play against 30-year-old guy then these freshmen would be ready. Good thinking Coach!!

Forward Bradie Orton dribbles through the lane about to hand it off to her teammate Emily Radzik Churoush practices her shot to led the team to victory. row: Coach Kohlberg, oach Mullin 2nd row: Emily Radzik, Kate Helms, Rachel Arnold, Mary McDonald, Emily Bryant 3rd row: Lindsey Warburton, Bradie Orton, Christine Randolf, Meagen _ oriega.Bottom row: jessica Hernandez , jennifer hurosh, Angela Miks Winded Lisa Wolf is walking off all of the sprints and suicides she had to run. eyes of Jenny Mahoney light up after she makes a beautiful shot to give her team the lead. Her teammate Briana Rojo admires the good shot. Top row: Alexis Hodel,jennifer Mahoney, oach Wendel, Alexandria jones, Briana Rojo Middle row: Lisa Wolf, Gillian Osterday, Brittany Schodt Bottom row: Maria Doris, Emily Ortiz The two ladies tired from a hard practice head off to get some wa· ter.

ick DeBevoise. osh Wagner, Michael Harty. oach Pintor. Tim Churosh. Matt agnus. Leon Dame, Front Row: racy Zea. Andy McCarville. illy Shepard, Jeff Haasis, Ryan Hannah (not picutred Ryan McCarthy)

reshman Kurt Eklund gets ready to pass the ball to his team mate mber 33. Back Row: Coach Brooker, Jeff Sandell, Paul Shalla!.
Middle Row: Cyp Colbert. Michael Fernandez. Michael Day, Blake Corry, Justine Ruelas Front Row: Andre'A Bird, Kurt Eklund, Zach Blauvelt, Sam Ruiz. Jeremy Delatorre ick DeBevoise gets the jump ball in their game against Globe. His height is a good advantage against the opposing teams.

Keepin' it Inside the Court

Top men on the court!

Varsity Boys Basketball

The Varsity boy , despite having only three seniors on the team, had a good year. Head coach Graham said that ev ryone played hard and worked as a team. The boy display d good sportsman hip, team effort and leader hip. The season was a lot of fun and many eton fan howed up to watch the boys. Globe wa the Fir t home game and the outcome wa a great one. Basketball is recieving more and more attention. The guys finish d great; keep up the good work!

2002-2003 Varsity Team


e 1 a rton , or )- Dub as he a nd only he ca lb htmself ." 90
left to right: Dustin Shodt, Eric Barkyoumb, Tyler White, Jake Hyde, Rick Peitzmeier, Brian Stamp, Matt Refner, Andrew Halpain, Matt Tibbetts, Jordan Wolf, Jeff Warburton, Adam Baker Bottom: Coach Graham, Coach Warburton

umber U Matt Refner jump to the hoop, hanging in the air, he save the ball. ... and its in!

To the left: dam Baker fakes the '>hot and passe'> to Matt Refner! What a trickster!

Below: Jake Hyde caught in the moment chooses who to pass to . a tough decision in this game. We know he has the experience to decide what ' s best becau e of hi status as a Senior!

The guy look in ten el on th court as their team rna te dam Baker is making a hot. Th guy on the side are big cheerleader to tho who are playing, and the coach aid even though they aren't ph ically in the game they are till a big part of it!


CVancin• th{l

The pitfire Dance Team: (Clockwise from Top)

Samantha Dandorf, Amanda Bird, Brandis Sauer, Christine Demane, Kri ten Mulligan , Andrea Jarumay, hristy Holcomb, Ashley Schmidt, Megan Marshall. ot Pictured: Megan Kahyler

Captain athan Melcher Practicing hi ultimate ecret hand wave po e. "I think our time really has a chance to win it all this year, we have o much talent its coming out our ear ."

Senior A hley Schmidt getting a good pre run tretch. "It is important to be very limber, and extremely lao e befor practice. I would hate to tear any muscle doing what I love."

Coach Dan Bramullet teaches the new dance tep to his eager tudent . "Its an eight tep proc ss Dance i a discipline, rooks need not apply!" Yes it i

The terrifi c three are dancin g under aptain athan Melcher's strict supen ision " I try not to be to tough on the gals, but sometimes it takes long hour and bucket of sweat to get the results we are looking for.

Junior Megan Kahyl r bu tin' a move to the fresh ound of Bon Jovi' "Living On a Prayer." "I love to dance to the music, it i so invigorating" Kahyler exclaimed. "Even though sh i only a junior he di plays the talent of a vet." xplain Captain athan M lcher


Scott Sperry , a junior this year, models the perfect putting stance. It's no wonder the ball looks as though it's headed -.traight for the hole.

Keeprng rt the Green

Dummies Guide to Golf: A few helpful terms

l'ar· the numbt•r of Jt take you to get the golf ball in the hole

Birdie : One than par than par

Fair\S}}: : The area of each hole on the golf course, from tee to green , that 1s mowed

Chri Yakaiti sinks this put, and he said he didn't enjoy playing golf. Ha, we know you love it!

Senior Mr. Ben Fredlake struts his stuff. What we don't ee is that he is really thinking c.1bout the next hole, thi;, is how he keep.., ahead of the gc.1me. Good luck this year, g-gGive it to us Benner.

Who says Golf is not hard work? There io., alill of walking in between holes. These boys managed to pause for a minute, while carrying their heavy bag , before th ey went to the next hole. Ah, where are your caddies, boys?

What a perfect wing! 'nior Brandon Reichardt belie\eS thc.1t thi year's team has potential to make it to the top. Meanwhile, all the ladies gaze upon the future Tiger Wood l az.

Andy Howard carefully examines his shot pc.1th , making o.,ure he aligns hio., o.,hot in accordance with the green.


The bcJ4s and coirts tennis teans cone tcxoether d.Jrinco the becoinninco of practice evert.jdalj for their run. The nain to tennis is focusinco on the ball and where it hits the rruet, the second to in nind SERVING IT INSIOC. Tt£ Uf\ES!

StOC€"4 Schrcx:!, Jennifer SeveraOCR, and Carla Chee all ncte sure that th€'4 put all thier effort in at practice. 1\11 of then mow that when 40lJ coive it lpJr all, lpJ 'II coet the best results!

Ellisa Villicana prepares herself to snash the tennis ball as rushes towards her at practice.

Senior Captain: Charlotte Koestner

<ri<oht to left> StQC€'4 Sdlrru, Stephania Lenzi, f.X'ittallj e>eatL4. 1\ndrea Thonpson, Elissa Villicana, Carta Chee, J en Severance, Mar'4 P1acido, J ennlj Churosh, Julia Koestner Charlotte Koestner.

• 94

and tennis veteran J a i Raja practk:R hittinco a couple of balls before practk:R. e>Gth of then that this is the perfect W<J4 to wamup before a hard practk:R.

7\dan fX:ter, John R4an, Dustin Shodt, and Caseq DeSiiOnd tete a brect durin<o practice <6oof around a litUe. <shh dont tell Mrs. Morrison.l)

Senior Captain: Mario Oeltran.

<left to ri<ohU Jere114 De La Torre, Daniel chavez, Jai Raja, C<JS€'4 Desnond, Dustin Shodt, /\dan fX:terScott utter, 1\:J ME'4E'rs, John R4an, Mario
• 95
Right: Seniors Ted Pattock and f\aron Farabaugh put on their game faces getting ready for the tough season to come. Below: Chan Benecki being cool! Ted Pattock takes a mighty swing durring practice in the gym.

Ro ter- Left to Right- Front Row: Stan Manattagawa, John Tobin, eil Kerkoff, Mike Sobcheck- Middle Row: Ryan McCarthy, Aaron Farabaugh, John Malloy, Chris Wroble, Austin Perry, Sean McCarthy- Top Row: Eric Eckland, Chan

Benecki, J.iJ. Vaughn, Patrick McCarville, Aaron Kurch, Ted Pattock, Sean Riley



Daydreaming about their tuture pro-ball Paul, Calvin and Johnny gear-up for practice. Below, plavero., team"' ork to imprm e each other ' s game.


Pick-up Stick errr baseballs. Freshman player always get the dirty work.

Kurt Eklund hopeo., to follow in his big bro's, Eric's, footsteps. There's no doubt Kurt will be the super tar his brother was.

Practice make perfect Working his batting kills, Eric imp on, a.k.a. .T., focus son his swinging technique.

JV 2003: Top Row: Kurt Eklund, Paul Bernstein, Andy Me arvill , Cole Flannigan, Coach Wat on Brendan McCarthy, Daniel Moberly, E.T. Simpson, Zach Sullivan Middle Row: Calvin aller, Matt Abrigo, athan Sawyer , Jimmy guyenn, Kevin Benzing Bottom Row: Andrew obi , Ale Ruzicka , Jeff Boughton, Alex Kuner, Johnny guyen



down the


freshman Emily Radzik hurls the ball during practice one day Wow, what a canon! (top row) Usa Wolf. Hannah Sakas, Shuree Hayes. Tara Bullock, Leah Schafer, Emily Houston Hernandez, Bizabeth Tobin, Shannon McCarthy, Brianna Rojo, (middle row) ]ennifer Schroeder, Maria Doris, Kristen Mclaughlin, Danielle Wray, Marcella Mendoza, (bottom row) Danielle Gonzalez, Brittany Couerrubias, Serena lriondo Usa Wolf skillfully shields the blinding sun from her eyes while gracefully catching a high !lying pop-lly. look line of the JV Softball team ...it takes big balb to play the rough and tumble sport of softball. Top Left : Katie Dodaro , Shannon Burke , Brittany Martin , Meghan Schaiberger, Lia Minatagowa , Sydney Sheedy Bottom Left : Meghan Mullin , Sarah Hershkowitz , Shelby Dav1s , Theresa Polowski , Tara Minatagowa , Anna Hershkowitz. Senior Sarah Hershkowitz quat and frames while catching the pitcher he i always willing to work on her perfection! Hit a Homer! Senior Brittan\ Martin look!> the fence while eagerly waiting for the pitch.

ore y, Ke\ in , and Preston an barely ontrol their th year bout tra c k (as seen b y th e r ' >.:pression on their fa ces ) o, orey, GO ZO , when a rc you g c ing to cut our hair ?

re hmen get the water! on't Yorry , you guys, someda\ you can ell the frosh to ,. et it too.

' ook! It'::. a bird, it's a pla1 ... oh wait t's Tyler Wolf! \ ell, J gu flapping our arms around is better than

r. Clinch is taking hb d. ily ttendance; he has com crt d from eing the XC coach to the ack oa h thi ear.

Jim ponders for a econd before track practice starts .. .. "What am I doing here? " Jim ha been on the track team since his freshmen year; not only does he sprint, but he also pole vaults! What a Stud!

GlJ4's Trcxi and Field Tean

OO:.hof tXliJ:ohla1, f.X'own. C<Tlpial, Ccrter, Ccroor, E.spdc:b'1. FE'f"ilCJldez. Gap-d.GrooYer, Juc:X::I, Kilc:toren. Korte, Lewis, Mcnies. t"krpN.j. Nield. Philip, Rac:i'1a1, Refr,er, ROft,e, Russel Rzcn:.a, Sm:lel, Sheed.j. Swrn , Tmbone, T<rlbs. Wisd:n Wdf

lJOU tw won1 Jty;ty, •
- -This we LO\E to Rlll!!!

., Hey Look. it's C-Daddy! Or is it CDiddy? Well, whatever it is, you can tell that he 's been working hard to Girl's TrelC.k and Field Tean get into shape for regionals . ice Seton Rack!!

In 1\lphc:t>etk:.d Ol"'der. Oernste in, e:>rown, Canpion, Carr ieres, Oioch, Donahue, Dur han, Feelett Howard, Howell, Lruhart, Lope z. Mahon€'4, McDonnell, Murph4- Newshan, Odes, Osowst. i, Oster<:l<J4, Prov iocio, Rac:ilan, Randolph, Ronanatto, Sandell , Sandoel, Sie<oler, Ti tus, Warburton

These lo ve l y l a di es show off their flexibility during the short amount of time they are allowed to stretch. "If we didn't stretch, we'd have to go home at least a half hour early ... where' the fun in that?"

G i n ger is one of the captains of the team and h ha orne words of advice for you "Drink plenty of water don't forget to use your wate r bottl e fork s are alway nice Say Hi to B.D ... eat plenty of cereal... f ake tattoo don't la t forever... gli tte r scares the other runners ... sniff niff ... red hair dye is the best unless your name is T OO TH Oh Adam!! Turn I ft on Me quite "School" "Do tho girl have teret yndrome?" And always jump on t ra mpoline s i n skir ts while eating ice crea m ." P.S ... Olga Love You!!!

H u r d le are probably th mo t fun event on track, but not many guy do them. Here i an e clu ive glance at one of the only guy hurdler on th team. Great form!

Hey Look! It' the B. Brigade! Thi i what happ n after a tough track workout. It' alway nice to curl up with friend ! One in every four run ! ----.


Latin Club


AA , KB , PB , ZB , MB , NB , KC , JC , DC , CC ,

EC , JC , AC , BC , RC , JC , SO , KD , GO, KE ,

GE , EE , TE , HE , RF , MF , CF , RG , KG , AG ,

JG , AH , KH , AH , MH , KH , KH , AH , DH , NH ,

MH , 01 , AJ , JK , NK , FL , TL , MM , JM , RM , KM ,

AM , SM , FM , TM , CN , JN , LN , MO , EP , TP ,

AP , NR , BR , CR , KR , SR , BS , NS , LS , CS , SS , BS , DS , JS , PS , RS , BS , SS , AT , SU , LW , AW , AW , RW , LW , BV


B Amezcua , S Bancroft, J Burdolsk1 , G Badilla , E Bush , J

Conner A Corry, E Elkins , A Gunty , D Guzman , K Helms , C

Herna dez , M Howeii,N Kindren , J Koestner , M Korte , N

Kulur s M tv1agnus, J Molloy , M Marshall , B McCarthy , S

McCarthy B Mclaughlin , L O'Connel , K Parke r, T Pattock , J

Pena T Po owski, A Raposa, S Riley , C Slomsk i, J Tan , A W rt TW1rth


K Agudo; c Altamirano, fl. Barlow, ·; B Barrasso, ABir9, S Burl<e, E Bush , L Casillas, c Catania, c Ctiee, R Corry, L ::. J Egan, E Eklund;-B :,EII<ins, U J Graham, A r.iall; A Harrington, M Howe11 U C Koestner, M

J Lozano, s Mackowskf;:K;Malpeide, M Marshall, B Martin, · S McCarthy, P ·

B Mclaughlin, L Minatogawa, T Morales, A Meyers, K Meuer, L O'Connell, J Pena, M Placido, T Polowski,JT Portier, A Raposa, J Saul, K Schweinberg, J Severance , C Sheedy, C Slomski, S Sperry, R Stein, A Thompson, R Warthman, S White, C Zylla

Above: Presidente Megan Marshall commands the attention of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica. Right: (members in a-z order) L Chlupsa , M Grubbs , M Marshall , A Quihis, A Schmitt, C Slomski (not pictured), J Tan

He vvho controls the nevvs, controls the vvorld.

M Arambula, A Barlow, A Bird, A Bisso, S Burke, A Cook, M Flanagan, A Hershkowitz, K Holcomb, M Jansan, A Iorio, M Kahler, E Kendrix, C Lalor, S Lenzi, K Malpiedi, M Marcanti, W McDavid, AJ Meiers, A Myers, J Nelson, K Nicastro, A Oakes, M Placido,K Rush, M Schaiberger, N Sepulveda, J Severance, J Touma, BUsher

10 ' • • , ,


J Berry, L Dominski, 0 Ibrahim, A Kahler, E Kendrix, A McDonnell, 8 Mistler, K Nicastro, M Placido, A Rybacki, C Smith

Mr Moreno; K Waters, A Hart, T Durham, AJ Myers, C Johnson, S Valenzuela, P Durham, J-Lo (err, J Lozano), L O'Connell, SHall

a s


Freshman Patrick Tighe IS be1ng woken up before school by Knstina Schweinberg and 1_;_...-.;; Ashley Raposa It 1s a tradit1on to wake the frosh up and take them to breakfast in then paJamas.

Scha 1be rger, one of Student Counc il's spirited spirit

Executive officers

Brandon Mclaughlin, Student Body President; Ashley Raposa, Student Body Vice President; Laura O'Connell, Student Body Secretary; Ryan Kutzbach, Student Body Treasurer; Ashley Oakes and Megan Schaiberger, Spirit Commissioners

The e girl till have miles on their face despite the fact that they had to wake up very earl for the fre hmen breakfa t.

(In order of class) Chip Pelzer , Clint Sever , Kristina Schweinberg, Megan Marshall , Julia Graham, Amanda Harrington, Stephanie Echeveste , Mary Placido, Matt Korte, Andrea Bisso, Knsten Mclaughlin, Barbara Amezcua, Kate Helms, Joe Casillas , Ashley Chavez , Patrick Tighe, Jlll1an Osterday , Brandis Sauer, Allison Mahoney, Brad Walker

Ah , poor Mrs. Ohv1eri what a long afternoon at ..__-4 another Student Council meetmg .. .so many decisions to make , so little time .

Student Coucil gathered on a Saturday to make the very first HomecomIng float , on top of the float was Lola the Emmy Along with pu tting Paper Mache on Lola , Student Coun cil also managed to plaster Jackie Burdo lski 's driveway . oops'

Princ ipal Dr. Riley

Mary Adam

Tom Anthony

joseph Burke

Louise Burke

Kathy Carpenter

Dennis linch

Diane Collin

Pat Collins

helley Conner

haron Dandorf

Beth Dodaro

Trisha Engel

Dave Ference

Peggy Foote

Jennifer Green

Eveline Heath

t phen Hobb

Cindy Hoffman

Matt Kochi

Rob rt Kohlberg

Elizab th Kring

Li a Laliberte

Joan Madden

Mich lie McGuinne

Ron Meyer

Ricardo Moreno

Jerry Mullin

Con u lo Pach co

Beth Pattock

Jim Relph

Faculty 2002·2003

13 Your teachers in gh School! 10 1 ·jw -6 1 JJOPUQ@ 1 OJQPO@ 1 1zu!Jct ·jw· 1218u;a UQO(, -l 8J21q140>1 ·jw·g J214UQM - JW·g J21UUO.J · JW·v ·jw·£ U!IIO.J - JW.G 218!21121@ 115
Graham _ Gl
8 fook Sj
Mr. ).
7. 8. £ l
9. '$\r.
Mrs. Pattock
Mrs. Krings £ 9Ll l l
.Mr 1 Mrs.
Mrs. '(1dams
Costantino 1
Mrs. 11.
ljch 12.

'Vtaryann Rich

Da\ id Richard

Maryjo andomir

Ke\ in Sheh

Marty prin/1

Jackie Tambone

Louann Walther Paul Yarne\'ich
Emily Bryant Tara Bullock Karcna ahill hristina ampion
Kurt Lklund Cregon Patricia Ell-.ins Peter Radwl l alknL' r Mike Harty
ll ernandc/ jcss•ca Hernandc/ Kelly Hill
Molly Hint/t' I lode! Rickv Oil\ ia Ibrahim
Cleha Leopold Sam lester john Linton Lockhart Lindsay ewman Jimm> guyen Meagan onL'ga
Matt O'Donnell
Amv Riter Robb1e Rodnguez Briana Rojo
Vinnie Tambone Ro anne Tauri-.ano Careena Thoma;. Patrick Tighe R:ran Witt '.\' olf
Wra:- Wrobl'l
126 \ •·. .......
Vanessa Beltran Kerry Benedil-.t
Cheryl Benning Paul Chnstophl'r Blomberg Mollv Bohman Jdf Boughton Natalie Brown
Mica ourey Judson Covert Thomas ravener Helene Dayawon
atalie Fraccola Rudy Garcia
Austin .aylord Juhan Gladystl'\\ sl-.i
amille johnson johnson Sarah john'>on arah Klespis


Kristen McLaughlin Marcella Mendo.l'a onnellv 1cschcn Jake Refner
Kristine Reichardt Samantha Reisinger John Richard


Dl'liil Siegler Eric Simpson lexilnder Smith Zack ulh, iln K>le Wilkinson Wirth Blake Wolf
Sara Zeck
hannon Burke Dan Carrieres Sean ase Paul Castillo
2 4
Stephanie Eche, este Betsy Elkins Con Fairbank'> Janna Feeley Kristi Holcomb Andy Howard Maureen Howell
Alicia Iorio
Katie Malpiedi Katelvn Megan Marcanto Whitne; McDa\'id
jeffrev Oppus Lstephan Orti/ 13radie Orton Rick Peitzmeier
Kelh Rush john Ryan Alicia Rvbacki Bobby Rzonca
Allyson San George TL•rra Sanllago 'vleghan Schaiberger Dustin Schodt
Josh Tischer John Tobin Janet Touma
Barbara Usher
Susan White Tim Wilson jordan Wolf Christine /ylla
Semor" 145
146 Senior'> No Photo Available
Seniors 1-!7
Semor-, 1-19
l'iO Seniors
' niors 151
1'i2 Seniors
15-t Semon,
0 Photo Available 155
156 Seniors
mor.., 157
158 Seniors
Senior., 1:;q

"Freshmen year, I was standing in front of the lunch line. There were fifteen Junior guys standing there as a 'magical' breeze blew up my skirt. It opened up the eyes of the little boys. Eventhough they seemed happy, l sure was not."

"Freshmen year football, I was runni n g th rough the Sentinel ha lf-ti m e sign. I tripped over the sign and took the en tire JV foo tball team down with me. That was the first b u t definetly not the last time I realized I was embarra ed to be a Sentinel!''

" I was runnin g full s p ee d down th e soccer fie ld a nd I go t jac k e d up b y a 250 lb . fe m a le chubb ro ck. "

- A u s tin P rry

"On New Ye a r 's Ev e 2001, Mike Cr a -,; ro 1r--n and I went to a $1.50 Chine se Buffet. We pigged out! The fried duck wa s scrumdiddlil y umcious. Afterward s we went back to Mike 's house . While Mike fanta s tic , I didn ' t feel so well. I liked the duck but the duck didn't like me. I went to vomit two buckets full that night. But worse part was I felt so sick, that I fell outside and didn ' t wake up until after night. I was so disappointed that I ring in the year 2002. It blew!"


" On time I found a quarter on the ground the Quad. When I bent over to pick it up, funny man, Mike Craverner gave me a wedgy. My whitty tighties got ripped off. All the upper cla s men saw. ow I cut my underwear before I get to chool."

"rreshmen year J ss was talking to Ted outisde of Mr.Richard's class, and I jokingly acted mad and gently pushed her.Well l must have had more strength then I thought because Jess fell backwards to the ground.We were laughing ·o hard, but a few people came over to jess, saying "are you ok?", and gave me the worst look, like I was this huge bully or something."

"Freshmen year,I was walking by Mr. owe's room with Carla and Ryan. Well there's a huge pot hole there, and I completely wiped out. I was completely sitting in the hole. Everyone saw, and I ha\ e ne, er lived it down."

--jessica Hagerty

"One time in Mr'>. Burke's English Class , l was sitting sideways in m; chair. I got up and when I sat back down, I forgot the back of the chair \.vas not behind me. So when 1 leaned back 1 kep going and tumbled to the ground. Causing many to laugh at me."

"Aaron Farabaugh and I lo t a bet and had to ride in the back of Shelby' truck with only our boxer on."
-Steve Villabona

"On October 31, 2002, the day of Halloween, 1 wanted to play a trick on evervone while they vvere eatti1;g their lunch. I ripped the biggest, mellest fart. It practicallv made l'\ eryone sick. I proud to av that I cleared the entire out."

a than Melcher


Most Athletic

Most School Spirit

Jessica Radzik & Jeff Craig Theresa Poloski & Ted Pattock
1\aron Farabaugh & Christine Slomski




Time Students

Eddie Celaya & Drew Harrison Sense of Humor Deanna Spetz & Tyler Wolf Eyes Shelby Davis & Chip Plelzer Hair
£rika Bush & Sean McCarthy
Fre shmen Luau ... Mrs . Burke , time capsule ... Study Skills with Mrs. Pattock "Hey Girl " (Jim and Mark ) ... Ted , Jeff, & Jake 's mu si ca l interpretation of Call of the Wild ... When everyone g -o <.:: Q) -5 c 0 "' .E bO ;::3 -o "«j "' ..c bO ::1 0 c Q) ;::.-. g i ;::.-. ::l bO ,....., :I: "' "' 0 0:: "' ."' Q) .E Q) ..0 Q) u u 0 (/) Q) -.::: 6 ::E Q) § u 0:: (1) -r ;s: " -< r.> ::1 ::l 1'.) ::l '< .., (1) 0.. 0 .., '< 0 ::. .., 0 ::1 '"11 .., 0: P> '< Vl d P> ::l p; n s c ; · Ro 5: ::1 ....., g c. {JQ ;:r :f g 5r.> c ::1 ""( It\1 una ···(,SJ;JJU;)4:J))JJ!1S liJ!dS ;,41 UOM ,\llt!;)J ;),\A P> 0" aUIIaWI_I_ .JCliU a'
M .) "Quick, like little bunnies!"(Mrs. Sandomir) :::!J '"::l .., r. c.. 'ii r. 0 0 c.. tTl r 0 < CT. -< 0 c

1\s the 4ear coMes to an end , the seniors becoin to put tocoether all that th 4 have learned in hicoh school. The MeMories will last forever, as will the true friendships. Throucohout all four 4ears here at Seton , the s niors h ve been forward to the 4ear the4 w d "rule the Well, its here cou4s! Enjo4 it while it Ia s, because prett4 soon 40u will be Movinco in, Movi co on , and Movinco out!


Ted Pattock

- Hey Teddy BallgameYou ' e ported ome really great and a lot of different hats poken rather oftly, but al ay wung a big ba. You ay very little, but all li ten when you do, and not just when reciting 1 t Timothy one and two

It has been for us a phenomenal ridethat-a-kid, we're filled with wonder and pride. Your potential is limitless so have no fear we know, you are "just happy to be here. " Keep your head down and your weight back no lollygaggin g, and you don't dare wrap. See the ball. Hit the ball. Have a ball. hat a haaaaapy day!

Lo e, Dad , Mom , Bet y , Carey ,

Kirby , Sammy & R. Star


Kevi n, Kevin Meurer

You have always had an excellent sense of humor and zest for life. From your indepentent camping tJips to your music, to your extreme sports, you already have friends all over the hemisphere. /ls the oldest of 14 cousins you are a model and inspiration. You are one of a kind and we love you immeasurably!

Love, Mom and Dad


I just want to say thanks for everything you have done. From watching movies with me when we were kids to buying my lunch everyday at school. Good luck in college!

I will miss you greatly!

Love, Sh ann on

Kev in, You are a great older brother and I'll miss you a lot .

Love , Kyle P S I get yo ur r oom !!!


You came into this world \\e 'b early <md have yet to skm down! You \vere tiny <md your legs were linle <md skinny; I called them "chtckcn leg ." s you grew and '>tood on tho...c legs, physical pia) absorbed your life While you liked throwing th' frx)tball <md playing hockey. your bat <md mitt were. lluly. your favorite choice! Watching you play sport.'> these pa.'>t fifteen plu'> }ear\. cspeciall). ba.sehall ha.'> lx..-en pure enjoyment. In May, you will stand on those leg'> and gmduate highschool. You \\til have earned your diploma by your tremendous effort'>. If., been fun watching you enjoy your high school yew-., <md the friend-,hips you've made. I know eton ha-, enjoyed you a-, a kamoke o.,inger and as "Maverick" at the plate! wun, you've grown to be a g xi young man aJld God hm, given you rmmy fine qualitie'>. I ant you to know. I am very proud to be your mother! Love, Your umber One Fw1

May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble ;

May the name of the God of Jacob protect you ;

May He send you help from the sanctuary , And strengthen you from Zion ;

May He remember all your sacrifices , And accept your offerings.

May He give you the desire of yo ur heart and make all your plan s succeed

We will rejoice in your salvati on, and will lift up our banners in the name of our G od!

May the LORD gra nt all your requests Psalm 20

Congrats to you, Jake Even though you made it look easy , we know how hard you've worked to accompli everything you have As g as it's been so far , the best is yet to come.

"Eye has not seen , no r ear heard , nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love him ."

Your love for the Lord has been the central motivation for your life . All of your family and friends are grateful to have you in our lives. May God continue to prosper the work of your hands in college and beyond Love , Mom , Dad , Emily , Moira , & Nick

A. schweinberg

May you never loose your sense of adventure. Promise us you'll always trus in God with all your heart. when you ge the chance to sit it out or dance, we hope you'll dance. Congratulations on your Graduation Day and your scholarships to the u of A. we love you and we are proud of you.

Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations "shorty" and best of luck at U of A. Have fun and study too.

Love, Chns (98-Seton Alumni)

c.orwoWaUons little sis! We ere proud of lpU. Great job 0'1 tile at U of '!\ Good W Clld have ftn Love, M e Clld Rcx.heK96-SetO'l Mnli>

Ashley Raposa

You make life brighter by the things tha t you say and do. Because you're sweet and kind and fun to be around , life is much nicer ith you in it. You thoroughly enjoy life and make sure your friends do the same. Goodness and generosity are a part of your life.

You have an authentic nature ; you stand up for your beliefs. We are proud of the person you are inside.

Your hard work and accomplishments have filled us with pride You have so much to offer the world around you Always remember your blessings and the gift you are to the world.

Love, Mom and Dad

A mother holds her children's hands for a little while ... their hearts forever.

Congratulations Paolo! I am so proud of you. Always keep God in your heart and blessings will follow you.

I love you very much.


Thanks for the years of great memories. Cherish these moments at Seton. Know that we are proud of you and glad that you are our son and brother.

Love, Mom , Dad, Kelli, and Lindsey

Jeff Warburton Jeff, Paolo Espaldon

Generous <;mile

Soft hearted

Self notivated

Trust orthy

Gr c1t i ter

Strong Spirit


Self Giving, Caring, and Loving Daughter

Over the years , being the oldest, you have had some tough decisions to make. You have become a beautiful , sweet, young woman . We support you in whatever path life takes you on We know you will succeed at whatever life brings your way. We are very proud of you!

Love you, Dad and Daryl

Dear Jessica,

Congratulations, honey, you did it! We are so proud of you. We have the most loving daughter and big sister. You are blessed with so much wisdom and strength. Your future holds greater accomplishments than ever. Enjoy this time in your life and celebrate! You are loved so much ! Hugs and Kisses!

All our love, Dad, Mom, Emily and Jimmy

Jacoba Spruitt- Nissen -Co by- Jessica Radzik

Joey Waters

Congratulations Joe!

We're o proud of you and of all the hard work you've accomplished! Your faith is strong and will see you through any obstacles that may come your wa . All of our lov and be . t wishes for your college years and beyond!

Love, Mom, Dad, Katie, Andy, and Timmy

GO IRI H!!!!

Yo u are such a joy to have a a on. We are o proud of you. All of our love and prayer are with you a you continue n your journey.

You're the be t!!!!

Love, Mom, Dad, Anthony, an d Alex \

. = = ;;;: ::::
Eli Kuner

Congratulations Bo bby! With Love From, Nanny in New York

Sean Goehner Congrats!

You are terrific and we appreciate your incredible gift of creativity. We love you very much and are proud of who you are!

God Bless, Mom nd Dad

Congratulations to my most favorite Grandson!

I'm so proud to be called your Grandmom! God Bless Love and Hugs, Grand mom

Robert John Newman, Jr. Robert John Newman, Jr .

Drew Hoffman

In the blink of an eye

You have become a young man

This is my beloved son with whom I am pleased. Love always, Mom





Twin Sons of Different Mothers

"Telescope" "Snooc,h" and Pencouin wearinco sonbrero

Wishinco lpU a lifeline of Friendship and cherished nenories

Deep Thoughts...

IT'S EASY to sit there and say you'd like o have more money. And I guess that's what I li e about it. Its easy. Just sitting there, rocking back and forth, wanting that money

We love you!

Mom and Marty

Drew Hoffman

Kyran Lambert

We barely moved, it was faster than a wink, From Baby to Boy, from Little Man to Now

It's been the fastest joy ride ever

Watching you, holding you, loving you Family Vacations, sporting events, concerts

It's always been you on center stage, your joy the event.

Just as then, as now, and tomorrow, We will always be here for you

Your family and you're friends are we Behind you always and forever, r he chords that will always support your We Are Proud Of You Kyran!

Love Always, Mom, Dad, & Sarah

Alina Grigorians

From kindergarten through your senior year, you have shined and made us very proud to have a wonderful, sensitive, and loving daughter like our Alina. We love you very much and wish you a bright future.

Mom and Dad

You are the best sister a girl can ask for. Good luck in college.

fnt hi$ kingdom and m and all Will . SID to you M 6:33

You enz. e deughtrz.r end big sistrz.r. Your fam ily loVfl.S you end wish • you thrz. b bovrz. from <Ved, Mom, y, 1ob(Z.rt, Josrz.ph, <Vevid , end

Caroline J. Cook

world is a uch better place with you in it. )'I u add so much joy and love to our lives.

God Bless you always!

Con ratulation on your accomplishment!

We lo e you!

Lo e, Your Family

Leah Ra p pazzo

Congratulations Lauren! We are all very pro d of you. Words can not describe how much you mean to us. You are truly one in a million. We know you will be successful in whatever you choose.

We love you!

Mom and Dad

Lauren Ellison

Daniel Guzman

Congratulations Daniel!

You have become a strong, caring, and responsible young man in these past 17 years. We 've always been proud of you and all you have accomplished. Remember that potential is not something you must live up to but something you must use

We love you!

Love , Mom, Dad, Luis, and Matthew

Sarah Mackowsk i


We are so proud of you ! We love you a Cl t ink you are one great k1d; smart, funn y hard-working , talented , lovi g and a o e lot more We know you will go on to o great t 1ngs with your talents. Thanks for bei g our daughter/ sister!

Love always , Mom , Dad , Katie, and B n Mac kow ski

" the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."

Jacob Egan

Go out into the w o rld, fi nd work that you love, learn from your mistake s , and work hard to make a difference. --Mauric e R Greenberg

Congratulations , Jacob! We are so p roud of you as you mark this milestone in your life Always remember how much you are loved. There are wonderful adventures ahead of you. You are ready to meet the challenges We have enjoyed watchtng you grow from infant to senior and now we must let you go follow your dreams We love you more than words can ever express.

--Love , Mom & Dad

We are so prOUd of 40U· You are Cll exceptiooal person wrtll a trenendous spr rl You are lt.e no other! Ycxr tuture

COllltless opport.lllities for 40U to becor1e the r enai.able ,..._,.,....,"" we t.now l,IOU are. We love l,IOU wrtll aU our heart!

Love, Uocle Dave and 7\lllt e>E>rnadette

Kri st opher Steven Yakaitis

Congratulations from all of us We cannot bel ieve how fast you got here . Today a Senior (l et us hang on to that for a brief minute or two), tomorrow a 2003 Seton Graduate We're all very proud of you-You 've done well Carlos .

Love you , Dad, Mom, Miguel , Marisa , Elisa , lnes , and all your Cousins , Aunts , Grandparents , etc .

Carlos G. Hernandez

Jeff Uttr


You are the youngest and now the b. ggest· big in height, heart, and soul.

May you be happy, heal hy, and may all your dreams come true.

Love, Mom, Dad, an Ryan

He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

--Proverbs 17 :22


W11- ar11- oo proud o f you. 'Your futur11- 1 bnght oo follow your h art nd a h 1V your dr am ·!

Our WI h for you is a !if fill d with happ1n · · and in all that you do.

Congra tulati ns!

you always an for <Vad, Mom, and hannon xx.ooxx.oo

p.s. and Missy toO!

1 9

R4an, "1\s we share in lpUr acheivenents, we cannot hel but recall the nar14 fond nenories 40U have provide us over the last ei<2,hteen 4f?Ors. You have shown an enthusiasn for life that inspires those around 40U· You have denonstrated coura<oe betpnd lpUr 4ears that wil _ 40U· You have displ04ed an en s capacil4 of love that will <oUide 40U· "1\s 40U ove

forward with lpUr life, we pra4 that God will alwa45 be at lpUr side to provide 40U with wisdorl and jud<oenenl 1\nd re<oarctess of lpUr a<oe or lpUr travels, na4 tpU alwa45 find contort in the unconditional love of lpUr fanil4.

Love, Men, Dad, Coni
"Either bedazzle them with Brilliance or else bamboozle them wi h Baloney"

Love, Dad, Mom, Olrissy, and Vinny


Colleen Martin

Colleen, having a daughter like you ha alway been our greate t wi h . You ' ve enriched our live with your laughter and your smiles and filled our h art with joy. We've watched you grow each day thro ugh your triumphs and fears, and our pride i o verflowing You make it ea y to love a daughter w ho is so wonderful and unique . W e are all o p rou d of you, and know you have a great future a h ead of you. Alway do your be t and reach for t he stars! We love you, Dad and Mom, Allison and Bobby


Colleen Martin & Ashley Nickum

We've b en together since we were Ju t bar ly more than babes, Holding onto Mommy's hand, Mt ing two front teeth.

Some of us now have to wear A bra and some to have, Adult in what our hearts demand, Still children underneath.

Together we learned how to read, Together learned to play, To add and multiply our friend , To give and to receive.

Our teacher taught u how to lead, To put our tear away, To separate our mean and end , To work and to achieve.

And now we tep acr s a line; Our childhood is ne. Soon, ju t like a morning dream, The memorie will fade.

Buy if we turn out good and kind, Rejoicing in th sun, We'll know to thank th se sheltered year Where our first joy remain.

Concoratulations 7\shiE-4 Z !

We are proud of 40U and all 40U have acconplished You have been blessed with nan4 talents and coifts, continue to use then and 40lJr life will be c.onplete. Follow 40lJr dreans and blow 40U are nuch loved

Love, Mon

Erin, Pete, Oria

Christine Carpenter

Dear Christine ,

You are a gift from God You are full of fun , love , and compassion. You've accomplished a lot here at Seton. You bring smiles to everyone you meet. You ' re funny Thank you for coming to our house . You 've got determination . With all you are , the sky is the limit!

God Bless you always

Love ,

Mom & Dad

t(cra Z Sc.Jnitt


It'$ not to fnt way hM bun a both of tm. my

I think did a jobt Good luek With your plan$, I know you ean do itt for you alwaya


Te: our big With lof$ of &

Alejandro J. Cadavid

Tell us when and how you grew up so fast. Look at the pictures, they will tell you life is a race, but for the good. Congratulations, you have fintshed an important stage in your life that prepared you for the ones ahead: college, a career and serv1ce to others. God Bless you, and remember your talents were given to you not only for your enjoyment, but to make a difference in the life of the ones around you.

We love you!

Mom , Dad , and Pablo

Breanna Walker

From crawling to walking to' speeding" through red lights, we've watched you growth ugh the years, however, we never thought this a would come. You are an exceptional young la y nd we are very proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Brad, Brandon, Grams F oof, 1ick , T.J., & MPII

We are so proud of all you have accomplished. You have grown into a beautiful, caring young woman and we wish you much happiness in life. We know you will be successful in your future endeavors. Always know that we love you and our prayers are with you. All our love, Mom, Dad, Michael and Andrew Grandpa Dick, Grandpa AI , and Ralph

Theresa Polowski

Stephen A. illabona

Congratulation , Steph n!! You'v come a long way, and we are all o very proud of you and your accompli hm nt for all your hard work and per ·e erance. Thir, is the b ginning of your future! Be good to your elf and always keep God close to your heart. Stay fo used and b happy. Soon, all yo ur dreams will be a reality. We love you, Sweetie!


Mom, Andy, and your Brother Alex and Grandma Helen and Grandpa Rene


K..e v, 40u have alwa4s been a so nuch fun! We are proud of 4ou 4our future will be a happ4 one! We love 40U!

Mon, Dad, and Chris

It hard to grown, but it b · m5 gr{Zat to tmkzMh you into he world. May God b• your

Kevin Celestino

Dear Kevin ,

You know the secret of true happiness , faith in God , love of family and friends , and a wonderful sense of humor. We have watched you grow from a fun-loving boy into a caring young man and we couldn 't be prouder. We love you!!!

Dad , Mom , Nicole , and Sweet baby

It s been one of our greatest joys to ha\ e a on like you to love, to watch you grow and mature into a re ponsible and honorable young man. All that e have shared through the years has only reinforced what a remarkable person you are. Our de ire for you is that you will alwa: trive to live your life with integrity, elf discipline, passion, and a deep lo for hri t.

Yourjoum )' is just beginning!!

\ e 10\ e) ou-Mom and Dad

Arjun Sud Aljun,

Mario Beltran


We held your tiny hand for awhile , your heart forever. Thank you for being patient , gentle, and understanding as you have journ ed through some challenges. We are very proud of all your accomplishments, big and small. God Bless You and may he forever guide you and keep you safe. We love you always,

Ryan Kutzbach

Ry ,

A a baby, you were quite the character. ow as a young man , not only are you till quite the character, you now have character. We are so proud of the tremendou person you have become. Remeber to take your kills and make a positive difference in life. The world i. out ther for you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Erin, and Gram

Papi, Mom, Javier, and Sergio capo

Tyler Wolf

You have grown into a remarkable young man that I am very proud to call my son You have given me so many fond memories from your first step to your first driving lesson, to many hours on the soccer field . You have made me laugh at you, cry for you, but most of all love you for the caring, loving son that you are. My wish for you is that all your dreams come true and that you always be happy!


Love, Mom

Stewart Dandorf

Dear Stewart ,

Through all the stages of your life, you have been a special joy ... And through the years , you have given us so much happiness! Our heart are full of pride! Our dream for you is that life will hold all the success and fulfillment you so well desereve t}our life is going to change as you venture out into life, But our love for you will never change ; it will only GROW with every path you take!

Kup God at your

Mom, Dad, Samantha , and Scott


Sarah Hershkowitz

o Gmuuation already.

HO\\ diu II go 1 \ laturJtion. Mom' Dad!

r OUhlUC. BIG' Lnclc Man

Grandma & h\:nc

Be youN::IL Stand t{lr you heliYe 111. Rcmcmcr. no one lm you more tll<Ul me. Respecdi.tll) and lm ingly.

Dad amh.

You are the friend, and mle moud I have C\ er had. Good luck in ''hate\ er direction your future lead' you.

sar.m. Thanb t(lr mak.ing my joh your·· 1om relati\d) t(>r the p<bl IX)C<U I I am hie to have you my daughter. 1ay your future Oe full or \\Onucdi.JJ e>.citemcnt tmu <Khcnture.

Sru·,m. Lmc. Mom

ThanJ.. you for ,111 the mcmon , mo-.t or them good Good luck 111 \\hate\ cr patl1 you dllX>..C. Don't ti>rget, if)llU go get me "om..:thing too!



Th;mJ.. you t(w bcmg ,1 great l'>ter for 12 )ear'>. lime watching M SH \\Jth you. I hope) ou gd 111 a md <:ollcg..:. lloYe you. Lm c. 1Jtch


you laying or just going to school, always had that That look got you just about anything you wankd. Just ask your things you r do!

hDts of Mom, ®ad, ®), and


Ce>ncoratulat1ons f>rittan4!

We are so proud of who 40U are-full of j04, and love. We wish 40U nan4 in 4our adventures to cone! We love 4ou!

Mon, Dad, d

Ashley Raposa


I've enjoyed watching you grow up to a beautiful young woman. You are a joy to our family. This is one of my favorite pictures of us together-both of us with big smiles and love in our hearts.

Grandma Troksa


urround y urself with good friends and good things will haP· pen. Tha ks S_ydney, Brittany, Deanna and She y for yo friendship.

Love, Sarah's family

Who'• Who????

rittany Martin

Eric Eklund

We are so proud of you!! Love and Congratulations , Mom, Dad, and Kurt


be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so."

Brandon ,

You have amazed us with your talents and the very gift that is you. You are a wonderful son and brother . WE LOVE YOU! We are proud of you. We believe in you and your special gifts from God. We are celebrating with you; almost 18 years filled with LOVE and BLESSINGS!

XXX & O's

Mom, Dad, Kristen, and Jared

Brandon McLaughlin

Corey Evan Wisdom

We can't believe your time ai Seton is over. We are proud of all you've ever tried and accomplished. We pray you find happiness and joy the rest of your life.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Kirby

Benjamin Michael F redlake

The years-the} pass so quick!)

Young boys turn to men

Each one to chooc,e his \\a) of li\ing Chao , e the \vhere and \\ h n

Bring with you to your gnm mg

What you learned in youth

Be open to modem ways of knO\\ ing-

Withing you lie the ;,imple truth

Ben-be honest to your elf and follow your heart

We love you!

Mom, Dad, and Tim

Ifthe faith that remain within you, Remain teadfast. firm and trong.

God" Pea e and Jo) will be your Throughout your \\hole life long.

ongratulation ean! We love you and are very proud of you!

Dad , Mom , hannon, Brenden, Ryan, and Erin

Brandon Reichardt

You are our child of firsts-first born, first sports star, first graduate . You are our responsible, energetic, and ambitious young man.

May God bless you and lead you along the way to your bright future.

We love you and we're proud of you, Mom, Dad, Kristine, and Lauren

W e know that all things work for good for those who love God , w t o are called according to his purpose

Romans 8 28

Ju t love \\ill open our e)e

Just love \\ill put the ho pe back in our mind •

Muc h mo re than \e could ever knO\\.

Oh so don "t burn the day away. Don· t burn the day away.

James Poirier

What a wonderful time we have all had together! From the minute you were born we knew we were the luckiest parents i n the world! All your life you have surpr ised and amazed us with all your achievements and accomplishements Your thirst for tremendous work eth i c , compassion toward others and unfa i ling integrity sets you apart and will take you far ! We love you more than you know and could not be more proud of yo u Love, Mom, Dad, and Jeff XOXO


I <hh:r Sunda\- 11hat a pccJal da1 to h.: born' You 11crc a golfer at2 , an engmecr at 3, and ,111 Incredible reader h) the lime )OU 11cn: 5 Your IHitmg sf..IIIs blossomed at 111lh 1our turrcnt e1cnt essa)S. You are confidcntm front of a crtmd performmg f.;araof..c or rcadmg the B1hle at You l01e to he m01 mg.- ndmg )Our mongo e fl) mg a c na or Pith. and dn1 mg the red p1cf..up or a 1per 't ou gi1c a 11ond ful g1ft 11hcn )OU share )OUr faith 111lh at retreat. nr confirmation You an: a at fnend to ) our great fnends

\\ llllam Jcnnmgs Bf)an once said "Destlll) is not a matter ol chance 111s a matt • chOice. 11 1s not a thmg to be 11a1ted for. 11 IS a thmg to he ache11Cd .. So ache11e It Choose an e'traordmaf) life- nurture )Our dreams. 11orf.. hard and ne1er giiC up'\\ arc o proud and happ) the )OU arc our ·on LOIC, Mom and Dad

"Be strong and courageous Do nottrembk or be d"ma eel fl r the Lord our C1od 1 11 1th )Oll 11 hcne1cr you go. [Joshua I 'I

Patrick M cCar vill e

For all our )OU We ha\ heen hlessed to ha\e your prectous life ent\\ined \\ ith ours.

For today-- ongratulations! We are so proud of you You have chosen the narrO\\ path and you are a light to those around you

or tomorrO\\-- s )OU hegin a new phase of .Jour journe) we pr,l) ··out of H1. mfinite glor). may He gi\e )OU the pO\\er through hts Hoi} Sptrit lor )OUr htdden self to gnm strong:· Ephesian .3 : 16

We love )OU Patnck!

Mom. Dad. ndy. Luke !are. and Maggie P almost forgot... Be a leader!

Megan Clinch

"Mu gga M agoo," F rom your birth and th ro ug h o ut yo ur life, you have been a _'oy to a ll w ho h ave ev er known you! From friend a nd Fa mi ly: We all love y u. From fi c s tr o ng ge ne r a tion s of w men , to y ur younge t of c o u in : You are an in ·piration to us all. We are a ll very proud and love you! God ble , yo u a nd be with you always.We all love you! Mom , Dad, Dad, Michelle, PJ, Cout1ney, AJ, ET ALWay to go! Megan Colleen France Clinch--Class of 2003! "If you rt:ally want to hear about it..."--Holden Caulfield Cat< her in t h e R ye

Mark Erne t Taylor

As this chapter of your life clo e and another begins. w ant to remind you of how proud we are of you, " on.'' Your patience, kindness, and strength of character will c<my you far in life. Your ability to adapt to circum tan ce is phenomenal. Always believe in the miracle that you are!

GOD BLESS YOU! Your bigge t fans, Love Mom and Dad, Mandy, Sarah, Sharlene

"A pe . imi t see the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the oppo11unity in e\ery difficulty.'' ..

Wrtlovrt you morrt than you knoWt1h{l Wrt ean offrtr you lelipturtt Lovtt, ::=::::==:::::=:::==: f>ad and Mom

dfrwst in th'l Lord With all your h'lart, and do not lrtan on your own wxirtr-

In all your aeknowlrzdgtt tiim, and t1rt Will dirrtet your 3:5,6


We are proud of 40U for the choices ncte evenpa4 and we all mow will be Sl.JCLE>ssful in life Love lpU Monl atl and T

o r14 Cheerful Cheerleader GrandatJtOhter

Love 40UNana

We are proud of 40U neice. Concorats! Love-

7\untie Uncle CUz J cte


Carla Patricia, From the moment you were born, we knew that you would be the sunshine in our lives. You complete the family by sharing with us your love, laughter, kindness, and sincerity. We are so proud of you because you have accomplished so much. You will go very far in life. We support you in everything you do. We love you very much.

Love, Papa, Mama, Manny, Alma , Rusty, Ruby, and Marley

Carla Chee

You anz. funny, adV12.nturous, and caring with confid!lnC!l and d!lf!lrmination to accomplish your W12. b!lli!lV!l in you. follow your h12.art and dr12.ams.

koV!l, Mom, <Vad, and

Congratulations Katie!

We love you!

Its true!

The Fam

• •
Katherine Parker


We have alwa4S adiire r strencoth, detemination, and Ma4 tinue to seet in life that which br· JOY to 400 and Lov, Mon ndD d

"Fate chooses our relatives, We choose our frienm"

Jin and Charlotte We wish 400 the best in the ahead!

Love, 7\unt Eileen Uncle John <Mon


'You ha Vet always brtrtn a joy and drtlight in our liVC?S! to ""krtrtP thrt f ith," follow your hrtart, and rrtach for thrt stars.

Wishing you continurtd bovrt always, Mom, ®ad, and '(Ish


Our little Girl

So sweet and kind a more pr ecious daughter we could no t fi nd

Our joy in you , words c annot describe, this love we feel wells u p fro m inside.

Whatever life hold s in st ore for yo u , =;;;;;:;;;;;:==::::: we will always stay c lose to see you through. r--...;....;....___

Time flies away quickly, or so it seems

You're th e c hild o f our Love and the Ch ild of our Dreams Love, Mom & Dad


Amy Harris

We are so incredibly proud of you, Amy! From the moment of your birth, you have fille our world with love, laughter, an wonder . It has been an honor to walk in this time with you. Continue on y ur journey with faith, patience, and understanding . Light up the world ith all of the sunshine you have brought into our lives. You are a wonderous and beautiful expression of God's love.



Papa, Mom, Dad, Cecile, Meg, and Kelly Jake, Julie, Justine, and James Mary and Chris

James Conner

" .. .If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue Or walk with Kings--nor lose the common touch. if neither the foe nor loving friends can hurt you

If all men count with you, but none too much: If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son."


Jim-you've become a man in every sense of the w rd. We love you! Mom, Dad, Tom, & Michelle

Congratulations, Chip!

We love you!

Love, Your Family

Your laughter, warmth , and love has touched our lives. We love you and will always be proud of you. You are a wonderful son! Keep smiling!

Lr l l
Kevin , Charles Pelzer Kevin Hubbard Love , Mom , Dad , and Colleen


We are o proud of you and the fin young man that you ha e become. It eem like onl ye terday that we wer holding you in our arm callin g you our little man; watching you play cowboy and Indian with your i while you la o your dog . . God has ble sed you with Hi trength, guidance, and love. We are thankful that we have been blessed with being .... ,.. cho en a your p r nts, and given the lif long task of loving and supporting you with all of your dreams. We love you more than you will e er know.

Sta) centered with the Lord , Marc Thomas--and every day you'll hear a little voice in your heart that ay , " I love you." Mom. Dad. and Pug "Give me a Bear Hug"

Marc Sepulveda Thoma ,

Congr tulatiom,! Class of 2003!

You have made u , o very pr ud! You always bring happine s and humor into our liv !

No doubt !

New chapter about to begin!

Keep f cused n your goals!

Trust y ur in tinct !

Believe in y ur elf and in your love of life!

lway , c ho o e with your heart!

ay all yo ur dream come true, ay your futur e be filled with f u lfillme nt a nd ad enture!

Rememb e r life i s a j o u rney of choice

Remember th t you ar e so deeply lo ed!

L o ve Mom and Dad ur Brother, M a tt

Your Sbter, Nicole

J. Nichol as Radman
We love you, Blake! You are all proud of you! Love, om, Dad, Ali, Jason, Melissa

Jaclyn Michelle Burdolski

You 've gone from scuba diving , To car driving.

From beauty parlor dryer

o singing in the choir .

From your first day at school , To being cool.

From stage performances , To leadership conferences .

From lion tamer, To sports trainer.

From arts and crafts,

To white water rafts.

From playing ball,

To shopping at the mall.

From ballroom dancer,

To school ambassador.

From the cutest baby,

To a beautiful young lady.

We love you , Mom Dad & Jen

"For I know the plans I have for you "declares the Lord," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29: 11

Erika, We are so proud of what you have accomplished and your courage to be

your own person. Your example of faith manifests the Glory of God that is within all of us and you are a source of inspiration and encouragement. May God continue to grant you the strength of eagle's wings, ever increasing the faith and the wisdom to trust him to carry you.

Sunshine, We love you! om&Dad

Erika Bush

Graciela E. Badilla-Guevara

Chelita ,

You have in your hands the package of life Open it and you will f ind it full of opportunities to choose from ; some small , big , sacred , and trivial. This big step that you ill be taking is first of all with God ' s help , who has formed your character , loyal principles , honesty , your love , Willingness to serve others 1n need recognize your errors and correct them, a a the love and good examples you provide to your brothers . Move on our little one , keep

strivin and grow1ng for the best never seperating yourself from the love of God

Always with you--God Bless

We have always done everything together, thanks for taking care of me when we were little.


Intelligent , loving , and anything you can 1magine good describes this wonderful person




As your life takes you to new adventures, continue to ...

*Reach for your dreams,

*Cultivate your passions and faith,

*Share your heart and smile.

We are so proud of our "Alicia Marguerite"!! Love, Dad, Mom, Adrian, Anthony, Andre

Alicia Quihuis

Megan E. Marshall


You have always been a Star!

You have learned from God , Family , Friends , & Life; We all bea with pride with who you are! We anx1ously await the next chapter!

Continue to follow your dreams , enjoying it all .

Luv Ya, Mom , ad, Robert, Christopher, & Margaret


You the G1rl!

Let's Rock!

Stay in School , Say no to drugs, Play hard, and Make plans for college!

Kick Butt!

Check your last name! You ' re my favor ite Girl!

Nicole Anne Zita Kuluris

Nicole , we are so proud of you . Your ministry to God and His people is inspiring . You are wonderful at leading others to Christ. Continue to stay close to Jesus and you will know your way. We love you.

Mom, Dad , Courtney, Dustin , Taryn , Steven, and Mason too .

(1 Peter 5 :8)

Bridget Barrasso

Do you know Bridget, our daughter , the one with the beautiful soul? She has a way about her , that captivates the young and old. Her bright brown eyes and warm smile will begin to let you in , to her loving spirit and comforting heart, all wrapped up in her Barrasso grin! We are so proud of you for all your accomplishments , but most of all , for the young woman you have become.

We love you , Mom & Dad

Rachel Stein

My Dearest Rachel , You are an amazing gift from God You are such a joy in my life, a treasured daughter , beaut iful inside and out , and brilliant. Keep your eyes on the Lord and your feet on his path as you continue your journey I love you with all of my heart , forever , and "all t e way up to God. "



My little girl has beco me an awesome woman ! You have proven yo rself to be a Godly woman of faith and great characte r n all circumstances , however trying. I couldn 't be any pr udert You have always been, and always will be my Sweethea rt, beautiful in every way, a treasure tn my life I am exc· ed wtt great anticipation to see our Lord's call on your life unfold--1 ow it will be great.

All My Love Forever, Dad

Hey Rache l! You finally made it! And you are almost as cool as I was in highschool! Ok , so yeah, you are cooler, but don't rub it in! I love you and I am proud of you! I thank God everyday that he has blessed me with a sister that is as awesome as you are! May He continue to bless you for the rest of your life as you close this chapter and move on to the next! Follow Him in all things ! God is there for you, and I am there for you too! I love you Rachel! --Adam


We are so proud of you, Katie!

Have fun in college! We love you!

Papa and Gram my

Kathleen odaro

From our precious little angel to a beautiful you ng woman. We are so pro ud o f who you have be com e a nd where you a re g oin g. You have brough t s o mu c h jo y and love t o our fam i ly. Always believe in y ou rse lf and kn ow t h at we will always be there fo r y ou . R e ach f or the star , K atie!

God bles y ou and all of our love, M o m, Dad , and Greg -------

We are so proud of you! Your great zest for life will serve you well rn your future May all your hopes and dreams be fulfilled w ith lots of pleasant surprises , and the path to your success be a smooth one We love and support you in all your endeavors

Love , Mamau and Papa Jack

Congratulations, Katie!

Love, Grandpap and Grandma Marge

Congratulations , Katie!

e hope college is a BIG hit for you !

Love, Uncle Dave and Aunt Karen


Crystal Trapp

Crystal, You have brought great joy to our lives from the day you were born. We've watched you grow to the mature young lady you are now and you've made us proud.

Keep following your dreams. You can do

Jai age h Raja

When I fir t held my son. J ai. I prayed that his future \\ i 11 be bright. I am 110\\ very· proud of yo Jai. of all that you ha\ e achei\ ed. You are o dedicated to your hooting and I ju t kno\\ that '' hatev er you et) our mind into you ill achei e it. You are whatever you t your with. We have gro\\n love you more every·You are a very ecial young man and are so proud of you.

We love you ver much!

1 hing you th v ry mind to do.

Mom, Dad, Heather, Amber & Zachary


Joseph Stein

st that life can offer

. You de rve it.

Dad. and Ki han

The JOurney hasn't been easy. You have overcome many obstacles and have grown emensely as a young man. We're proud of you , we love you, and hope and pray for the best for you always. Make your relat1onsh1p w1th our Lord Jesus number one in your heart 1n all thanks and in all circumstances , and then follow your heart!

Love Forever, Mom & Dad

Joe ,

Yo Bro! You actually did it! I thought you never would! Uust kidding) I am proud of you and am happy to have you 1n the fam1Jy. There is a whole world beyond high school! Follow God and conquer it for Him! I love you!

Laura, We are so proud of you!

Congratulations on 4 great ....__.._______. years at Seto ' ve, Mom, Dad, Mike, Kelly, Tim, & Kaitlyn

corwatulat ionst We are proud of tpU and we love 40U Much. Thart 40U for sharinco so Much of tpUr life with us. You are trul4 a coreat person. Your j04 touches the lives 40U Meel We feel ble d in wa4 to have had the o portunit-4 to watch 40U corow into the 40Urle0 wonan 40U are toda4.

Jessica LOZalO God You 7\lwa45 , Mon, Dad, 7\nthon4

Cbngratul tionz j{Znnat

You haV{Z alwayz an inzpiration and a gmt joy to liA\. W{Z'r{Z {ZXeit{ld to l{l{l Wh{Zr{Z th{Z Lord Will you. TW{ll)fy from now you Will b{Z mor{Z <iimPpoint{ld by th{Z thingz you didrYt do than by th{Z you did do. <00 throw off th{Z away from ......... harbor. Cateh th{Z frad{Z Wirldz in your milz. <f.>r{Z6IJ}. 'VileoV{Zr.

W{Z loV{Z you, Mom &Cf>ad

)alon, Jonathan, &Minni{Z

Tara Lenee Minatogawa

Our Dearest Tara, We thank God for blessing us with you. You are a wonderful young lady. We love you. God bless you. Dad, Mom, Lia, Stan

Christine Slomski

Christine, You are our joy, always!

May y r life be like arithmetic Joys added

Sorrows subtracted Friends multiplied Love undivided

An don't ever let anything dampen your marvelous spirit!

We love you, Mom and Dad


Our Dearest Steph , Congratulations on your graduation! We are so very proud of you and all of your accomplishments ! God has truly blessed you in so many ways, you are beautiful , smart , wise , compassionate , kind, caring , honest , loving, and most importantly faithful to God

Your love for people and animals will take you far , you are truly living out the greatest commandment , by loving others as yourself

Always believe in yourself, stay focused on Go , and He will give you the desires of your heart. Your future is in H1s hands , trust H1m in all you do Our blessings go with you as you take this next step in life, know that we will always be praying for you and believing that God will fulfill all your hopes and dr ams


Love, Dad , Mom & ick

John 3 : 16

Stephanie DeBevoise

for a job Wflll dom. LWfl haV{l bun Vflry proud of you for all thfl good work and aim 111611.. of Lov{l, f>ad, Mom, )aeki{l, and )alon



Words cannot express ur love for you. You are as beautiful on the insi e as you are on the outside! We are so lucky a d pro d to be your parents.

Aubrey McDonnell

Creative Res ible In · ent -r ted Irresistible Noble

Good kd:. at 'N:}J!

Love, Ma1, Dad Ectjie LlJ11

Elizabeth istler

Beth, Congratulations! We are very proud of all the hings you have accomplished. Your dynamic energy and positive attitude will help you succeed in life. Follow your dream!

Love, Mom, Dad, & Brandon

Melissa Christine Howell

We are all very proud of you and we feel blessed to have you as part of our family. Your love for your faith, education , and enthusiasm in life will allow your journey through life to be fun and exciting. "Always remember to relax and smile." We love you so much!

Love, Mom, Dad, and Danielle

Congratulations! You have worked very hard and we are so very proud of you. Good luck on all of your future endeavors. God bless you and we love you, mijo.

Mom , Dad , and Jacob

We are very proud of you. Watching you grow from a baby, to a little boy, to a boy, to that young man you have become , ha been a joy. We wish you for you happine and succe . a. you continue on your j umey of life.

Love, Mom & Dad


A we write thi letter to you, we ca 't help but reflect back on all that ha go c into you to make you the fine young ml n you ha e turned out to be. Parent , Grand

parent , brother , cousin , t achers, and have made you what you are. A you go out into the World, know that we have all the confidence in you to ucceed in whatever endeavor you pur ue. Kno\\ that you are loved and that home is al'"' ays nearby.

Louis Casillas, Jr.
Love, Your proud Father, Mother, and Dave

My Dear Julia , You are a very special young lady. I am so excited for you and the plans that God has for you! I believe He is preparing you for work to be done in His name through your kindness and caring heart. May you always know the depths of my love for you

Your Father and Friend , Dad

Sweet Jules,

Your g ifts are many , but what I am the most proud of 1s your compassion for other people. It 1s the evidence of your faith that God is seen in others. Keep a song in your heart and practice kindness

I' ll love you forever , Mom

Julia Graham

"It is the time " for a gifted young lady to make her mark on the world

Pursue your dreams with passion and exc1tement - I can't wait to see what "develops" . Rember : F.R.O .G. I

Love, Mom

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." - Hanroh Moore

Renee ,

I've seen you grow all these years, and I am incredibly proud of the person you've becomel While you've excelled macademics, I'm especially pleased with the moral choices you've made. You will always have your faith to guide you. Know, too, that your family will be here for you, no matter what. And always remember, you're special to mel "Love is pat1ent love is kind It does not emty, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. "--1 Corinthians 13:4-8

With Love, Dad


To a True Best Friend, Life hasn't always given us the easiest of roads , and hasn't always been easy, but we've done it together. We have walked hand in hand through the good t1mes and the bad , and we have learned a lot about ourselves and each other. I want to walk the rest of our lives together through the good and the bad, through sickness and the health , through it all. You make my world sooo bright. You are sooo beautiful to me. The most beautiful things can't be seen or even touched, but felt with the heart. I feel our love with the heart. I LOVE YOU FOR ALWAYS AND FOR EVER AND THEN SOME, RE EE. I love you, mi bella princapessa

Love, Greg


I want you to know how proud I am of you Desp1te all of the roadblocks life has thrown in your path , you have cont inued to impress me with your intell igence , dazzle me with your many talents , and keep me on my toes with your sense of humor You never cease to amaze me l Despite the fact that I left for college when you were only seven , we have maraged to stay mcred ibly close. I am proud to ca ll you my Sister and one of my best fr iends !! 1\low get out there and knock 'em deadl

I love you , Geek

Edward elaya


You are about to embark on the next chapter in your life. our lives have been enriched with your love and we are so proud of your accomplishments. continue to allow God's love to giude and help you make the right decisions in your life. we love you!

Mom, Dad & Deanna

Paul Leon

To our little Paul. Confident, witty, serious, compassionate. You always make us laugh and see irony in life. Be yourself always. We are very proud of you and wish you lots of success in life.

Love, Mom, Dad & Celena

Okay T!lddy, II' your turn to go. I'm not sur!l lhiZ world is r!lady for you htll!Z brolh!lr but r!lady or not h!lrll you eom!l. Wh!Zn I m1ss you, pop in a T!lddy Vld!ZO Ih!lr!l ariZ so many to ehooS!l from yoUT!Z looking good and I know you'll do Willi.


:&an Wo I

t b li!lV!l you'r\.,: to l!laV!l m!l- I'V · • liW,o\..l c:l look!ld up toy u you'VIl always b!l!ln for m!l no mati!Zr Thanks for I'll miss you ernzy!

Katie Parker

Congratulations , Sister! I couldn't have done a better job myself. I know you'll do even better 1n the future So keep your eyes on the sky , your feet the ground, and your heard straight on your shoulders. Only you can determine success so follow your own intuition. Good luck towards all your dreams and acheivements

Love , And rew XOXOXO


Gracie Badilla

Yesterday brought the beginning , tomorrow brings the end, but somewhere in the middle we 've become best friends. Your friendship means more to me than words can say May you always be strengthened by prayer , blessed by love, and encouraged with hope


Ted Pattocl<

Congratulations Ted on a jo b well done We feel blessed to have had the joy of watching you grow from a rather shy little fellow to a confident, determined, and fun kind of guy From days at the Railroad Park, at the ball park collect1ng big league autographs, popcorn spilled in the theater lobby, lis en1ng to your enthusiasm, watching you play ball, play ball , play ball. and so much more. We have loved it all. You have the fo ndation for a great future and we know you can hit for the cycle ·n the game of life.

"The man who knows right from wrong and has good judgement and co mon sense is happier than the man who is

1immensely rich Proverbs 3:13-15.

When in doubt, go with God 's gift of common sense. W ith F. and G

ichola Tambone

"Our Cool Guy"

We ha\e alway'> knO\\n that you \\Ould grO\\ up to be an incredible adult. and nov,. here, you arc. We are c cited for you and for all the life he ad of you. We love you and tru t ou t:f) much. Be


Mom. Dad. innie. and Ginger

Paolo E.spddon


Tyler Wolf


Thanks for all of the memories. Hope there are many more to come. You've been such a blessing in my life and I love you with all of my heart.

Love, Your Girl Krystal

Varsity Girls Volley all T-Money, Crazy MJ, J MO, British:

You guys a the hottest i your spandex. We ope some ay we can look like you. tead f volleyball pla ers, you are i spirational figures. You guys are th best. Good luck and we love you. --The olleyball Team Bump, Set, Spike, You're DYNAMITE!!

2003 252

"'<fum{Z. JXZOp!{Z. {Z.nf{Z.r our !iV{Z.S, i{Z.BV{Z. footprints on our h{Z.arts, nd W{Z. ar {Z. n{Z.V{Z.r quit{Z. th{Z. sam{Z.."


U2's humamtarian lead smger Bono VISits Africa and tours Midwestern Amenca to raise awareness and support for African AIDS ep1demic relief

Nuclear cns1s anses when North Korean leader K1m Jong II breaks a 1994 pledge w1th the United States not to bUild nuclear weapons.


U N mspectors return to Iraq to mvest1gate Saddam Hussem's alleged production of weapons of mass destructiOn

A Halloween earthquake m San G1uiliano di Puglia, Italy, topples an elementary school. killing dozens of children

China's one-child-per-family policy creates an Imbalanced boy-to-g1rl ratio that w1ll result m tens of millions of men fmd1ng themselves smgle in the year 2020.

T'le M1ss World beaL1y pageant •eaves N1gena after tstarr c fundamerta st protest groups k. I more 'han 100 people

In Verezuela an oppos1t1on stnl<e demandmg President Hugo Chavez 's res1gnat10n paralytes the co<Jntry s 011 exports ard turns to bloodslleCI as Chavez supporters retaliate

Tt." 011 tanker Prest•ge sp1lls more th<:'l 5 rr '10:1 gallons of 011 off the northwester'1 coast of Spain before sphttmg m two l!'ld smkmg

Former tJ S. President J1mmy Carter rece•ves the Nobel Peace Pnze 'or h1s decades of work for peace democracy human nghts worte1w1de

Emergency workers m the Umted States and overseas rece1ve small pox vaccmations as a preventative measure agamst b1oterrorism

) For weeks in October, alleged snipers John Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malva terronze Washington. D.C Maryland and V1rgmia randomly killing 10 people and in1uring three others

The space shuttle Columbia breaks apart on reentry 1nto the Earth's atmosphere. killing all seven astronauts aboard

On July 28 nme Pennsylvania coal mmers are rescued after bemg trapped for three days m a mmeshaft flooded w1tr

history as Republicans. the party controlling the White House gam congressional seats rather than losmg them

Several large corporations mflate prof1ts wh1le top execut1ves make off w1th m111ons m accountmg scandals that send shock waves through global markets.

"V President Bush s1gns the Homeland Secunty Act. oHic1ally creating a Department of Homeland Secunty dedicated to preventing terronst attacks

1\ Throughout 2002 , Amencans search for ways to recover and rebuild from September 11

On the one-year anmversary, survivors families and friends gather at all three s1tes to commemorate the lives lost.

Pat1ents 1n Flonda are the f1rst to rece1ve the VenGh1p a computer ch1p beanng personal med1cal data that IS InJected mto the forearm

Microsoft's Tablet PC enables users to wnte directly on the screen rather than typing on a keyboard


The Journal of the Amencan Medical Association reports that children who grow up with pets have a reduced risk of developmg common allerg1es

Mana de Jesus and Maria Teresa Quie)Aivarez. 1-year-old Guatemalan twins born jomed at the head are successfully separated after over 22 hours of surgery

Just before burning up m Jupiter's atmosphere the Galileo spacecraft captures the closest shots ever taken of Jupiter's moon lo

General Motors Introduces the Hy-w1rea car powered by hydrogen and oxygen that em1ts heat and water rather than harmful exhaust.

The natiOn's largest outbreak of the West N1le v;•us h1ts 1n summer 2002

The d1sease 1s spread by m1gratmg birds and transm1tted by mosqUitoes.

llhe gun turret of the histone Civil War 1ronclad USS Momtor IS ra1sed from the floor of the AtlantiC Ocean

( President Bush orders construction of a system that would defend the United States from ballistiC missile attacks by 2004

( The newly discovered hunger hormone ghrelin IS found to play a role in obes1ty by regulaling what you eat and how much weight you gain.

> The U S Education Department reports that average geography scores of the nation 's fourth and eighth graders , while low have improved from 1994

> Ellula introduces HotAir Speakers , a set of battery-powered , inflatable speakers that are small enough to fit in your pocket when deflated .

1'\ McDonald's unveils new lower-fat french fries due to the new Healthy Eating Pyramid and in response to many former patrons suing for making them overweight.

1970s peasant shirts are alive and well on runways and in school halls.

V rye f cuP 'lot 1Jng 1 r ' ,f H 1tn ag1 1g rr1rk tar the 11ewest fash1or 'rt•ncl turquo1se JCWPiry

V The cola war pJt'> 1e "1 nr tc nr r Jdmg Dr p, pper

Rl -1 Fus10P Pepsi Blue ar J Vamlld Coke

V Kr spv Krerne >vvs <;td t d r P\1 tr3dltiG b • 1erratmg the1r vo.vs 111th doughnut edd1 1g 1aker,

< European fash1on hits the Sidewalks and clubs of the United States w1th retro-style bowling shoes

V Busy singles try out speed dating , which gives couples several mmutes to talk one-on-one before moving to a new partner at the next table.

At the 2002 Academy Awards Halle Berry and Denzel Washmgton wm Best Actress and Best Actor Oscars. Berry 1s the f1rst female African-Amencan to wm the award

Sp1der-Man. starring Tobey Magu1re and Kirsten Dunst. spins a $114 million openmg weekend box-off1ce record.


With over 6 million viewers, "The Osbournes" IS the b1ggest h1t in MTV's 21-year history


video games

V1ewers return week after week for a bit of innocent American nostalgia on NBC's hit drama "American Dreams "

garners tune in to G4, the first cable TV channel dedicated solely to

Cynical Stmon Cowell and company sttr up btg ratmgs for Fox's "Amencan Idol" and big record sales for winner Kelly Clarkson, a wa1tress from Texas

After a two-year htatus, Leona do OiCapno returns to the b1g screen wtth two holiday blockbusters, Gangs of New York and Catch Me It You Can.

Ch1cago, a film adaptation of the hlt Broadway musical, wms three Golden Globes, mcluding Best Ptcture Musical or Comedy, and receives 13 Oscar nominations.

HBO Ftlms' comedy Real Women Have Curves promotes posttive self-1mage with the dauling debut of Latm-American actress Amenca Ferrera.

CBS scores a ratings doubleheader w1th a pair of forens1c investigation dramas. 'CSI Crime Scene Investigation" and 'CSI M•ami."



Norah Jones takes home Grammys , including Album of the Year for Come Away With Me Multi-talented Eminem raps up five Grammy nommations for The Eminem Show and b1g box-office success in 8 Mile Rocker Avril Lavigne and other "anti-Britneys ,'' such as Vanessa Carlton and Michelle Branch represent the new face of women in music Weezer teams up with the Muppets in the v1deo for "Keep Fishin' ," the second smgle from the1r h1t album Maladroit. Pop takes a new direction when former boy band favorites Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake break out with solo albums and tours.

The Strokes , Spin magazine 's 2002 Band of the Year, lead a resurgence of rock ' n' rollers , mcludmg The Hives and The Vmes

Armed with a steady beat and punk-rock-blues nffs, The White Stnpes ' stnpped-down rock shines on the highly accla1med White Blood Cells

Alan Jackson 's tnple-platmum album Drive wins five Country Music Association Awards and is named the USA Todav No 1 country album of 2002

Nirvana the famed grunge band's long-awaited greatest hits album features "You Know You're Right ," the last recording Kurt Cobain made before his 1994 suicide

Former Beatles rock legend Pau l McCartney brings in $2 million a night , for a total of $103 million , on the year's top-grossmg tour

Dallas Cowboy runnmg back Emm11t Sm1th breaks Walter Payton 's 16 ,727 - yard mark to become the NFL's all·t1me leadmg rusher

The DetrOit Red Wings capture the 2002 NHL Stanley Cup over the Cmderelta Carolina Hurricanes . It's a record nmth cup for coach Scotty Bowman


) Serena and Venus Williams continue to dommate women 's tenn1s , becoming the first sisters to be ranked No 1 and No 2 m the world

The college football season IS marred by violent confrontations mvolvmg fans , students and even coaches.

MVP Troy Glaus leads the scrappy Anaheim Angels to the 2002 World Senes wm over Barry Bonds and the San Francisco Giants, four games to three.

Orgamzat1ons battles W'th

Augusta Nat1onal cha1rman William Johnson over the

Homestead·M1am1 Speedway

1s enough to earn Tony Stewart h1s f1rst Wmstor Cup Senes champ1onsh1p

" Desp1te an n1ured toe

ShaqUIIIe O'Neal powers the unstoppable Los Angeles Lakers to a th1rd stra1ght NBA champ1onsh1p t1tle n May 2002

LPGA pro Annika Sorenstam after a record-setting 13-win 2002 season worldwide , accepts an invitation to play the Colon1al tournament on the men 's 2003 PGA Tour

The Oh1o State Buckeyes beat the heavily favored M1ami Hurricanes in double overtime to wm the BCS National Championship. The 31-24 victory is the school's first national football title since 1968.

The new sport of Slam Ball takes basketball to the extreme on a specially des1gned court w1th four trampolines in front of each hoop.

< Skateboarding reaches new popularity he1ghts thanks to the high visibility of the X Games and the "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater" video game senes

< Surting welcomes a tidal wave of women to the sport after receiving a Hollywood endorsement in the popular summer flick Blue Crush.

II • I I" • I • I • :tWJ: .. • • •• ·. ,. I • :WlJJ

The sports world loses two legendsbaseball's "Splendid Splinter" Ted Williams and Johnny Unitas , one of football's greatest quarterbacks

Zacara1s Moussaoui , widely believed to be the 20th hijacker, goes on trial for h1s involvement 1n the September 11 terrorist attacks


Martha Stewart faces charges of illegal stock trading after former lmclone president Sam Waksal allegedly t1ps her off regarding the company's demise .

In show business since they were 9 months old , Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, 16 , have amassed a $76 million fortune through their Dualstar Entertamment Group

Veteran actor Richard Hams , known for his role as Hogwarts wise headmaster Albus Dumbledore, dies of Hodgkin 's d1sease at age 72.

Mentally challenged Ohio h1gh school senior Jake Porter-who SUited up for every practice and game for four years but never playedscores h1s first touchdown N

California's Linda and loretta Sanchez make h1story as the first s1sters ever elected to Gong ress

MISSISSippi Senator Trent lott IS widely cntiCIZed for apparent rac1st remarks he made at Senator Strom Thurmond s 1OOth birthday party In December, lott res1gns as ma)onty leader

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