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Seton Catholic High School 1150 North Dobson Road Chandler, Arizona 85224-4004 Office 480.963.1900 Fax 480.963.1974

Guid o Look! Ryan Weitz 1p int out to Brandon Reichardt a a my t riou cowbrain rolls down th number eight cartpath! Last years team wa filled with o many great memories including hallway putting with Seth enaber always laying down the perfect putt.

Hi gh Sticking! The Seton club hockey team wa o successful thi year they carne away with theStateCharnpionship. To accompli h this feat, the ntinelswent through many SA chools, with a victory in the finals against Desert Vi ta.

Prom Sw tie - Andy Me rabb and Jen Burdol ki how their lo e for each other with mile repre enting the Junior Cla Prom prince and prince

Last Mi[e Spring 2000

A ,reat Finale!!Two ecstatic SL'nlors shtm a !->ign of jubiliance as another year comes to an end!! With graduation come!-> the joy and sadness of starting a new unsheltered life away from home.

Girls Tennb - Coach Morrison Jed the2000 lady Sentinels tennis team to a great year. A high point of the season "as Jeannette Wolf and Courtney Smitham winning the doubles championship clt state!


D OWN A D DIRTY I AU TRALIA. Peter Sheehy spent hi summer with his new be t friend, Roberto the u tralian Kangaroo. It was all fun and games until Rob rto tried to snuggle in his pocket. Pet r aid, "I wi h Roberto lived do er. I r ally mi him."

YUMMY, GET I MY B LL Y! Josh and hi Dad had a great time fi hing in ape Cod. Josh aid, "Righ t af ter the picture the fi h jumped up and sucked on my tong u e." I' II bet he smelled like fish for a looong time.

O H HOW CUTE! Cheryl Pfahl wa n' t exactly excited about a family vacation to California, but when she got to Corona D I Mar he realized it wa n't a bad a h thought. Who co u ld have gue d her two year old ni c wo u ld becom her be t friend.

WHO ARE THESE TWO BIG UTS?! Well, that would be crazy eth enaber and Ryan Weitzel riding a big nut in Hawaii. Ryan aid, "Riding d's nuts was the best part of

R JDI G THE BULL...Scott Ferris and Jeff Bastian enjoyed their summer in Payson on the way a big silver bull caught their attention. Jeff almost drove off the road trying to cat hit. They finally realized it was fake and decided to take a picture

seton student life

Wefcome Wagons

Regardless of appearance, they are our key to fre edom.

Clint ever poses next to his dream car , the Dodge Viper. lint can tell you e\ erything about it that you ever wanted to know.

The proud ovvner of this car and prominent decal is senior Augie armont. The decal is of the " Psychopathic Record Hatchet Man" whi h supports ugie' mu ic taste of the Inane Clown Posse. Augie claims that he i however a safe driver and the psychopath thing doe not reflect his driving.

Daniel Valdez sports a classic 1964 Chevrolet Impala low rider. It is an SS Sport and still has the original chocolate brown paint job. They just don't make them like that anymore ...

Oh Baby, if this truck could talk!! Eric Clyne owner and his cronies, Kevin Brown and Jeff Dubsaik claim that this truck was victim of a cinder block that was hurled through space and hit them as the truck left a "social event". Eric claims he has already invested $50 to fix i t. Obviously, Eric is accepting donations to finish the job.

SL'l".,h I fl'cllikc Richard C.rcico from night itt the Roxbun (The Chi..,olm Mobile)

*Smile V\ ink ... I'm cute . I\ c got a cute Cilf, ju..,t ignore the body in the back - Junior Megan hurosh

Riiiight.... "M Je p ha been through om pretty hardcore stuff." He ay the chicks really dig a guy in a jeep too .

' D a Bea t! Thi i Brian' rid , a k.a The Bea t. He a it i the worst car ev r made, but it doe n't do too bad running over people' lawn, yelling at old people

S ee! You can make two 5tatemcnt at once! t. Timothy' i a cool church and food is good to eat. Ta-Daa.

Seton Spirit

Start cyour f£ngines

Go Seton Co! These girls tra\ eled all the way to Eloy to cheer on the football team Here the\ take a break from cheering to o.;mile for the camera.

The big thumbs up! Juniors rrin Bellefeuille and Dec Dec DeYoung o.;how off their sentinel pride " eton is the coolest and I'm going to fail senior year so I can stay here fore\ er!," says Erin.

Go, Jim, Go! - Senior Melissa Miller shows her Seton pride and spirit by attending all seton sporting events. In this picture she cheers for her favorite JV football player, Jim Conner.

Cheering - Junior Nicki Ritz takes a moment, when asked what the best way is to show seton spirit, she claims," Being a cheerleader!!!"

A Kodak Moment -Sophomore

Heather Holstad shows her calm and tranquil side. This is truly a Kodak moment. And what a glamor shot , too!

Pizza!- Freshman Sean Reilly not only enjoys wearing Seton colors, red and gold, on Fridays,he loves how every friday Pizza is served for lunch. "Pizza is the greatest thing!"

S pirit Day- f'rida}s are cool because you can wear Seton color'>, red and gold Almost C\ cry <,tudent participate'>!

P ride! Junior Robin Feeley, a Seton CrossCmmtr) and Track runner, is \\a Iking to cla'>s. Robin i'> rarely seen \\ Jlking .

G athering - The quad is a popular place to hang out durring break and lunch. In this picture you can '>ec the spirit we ha\c on all those Seton Fridays.

Al most 200 girl between the ages of 2-1-! came to cheer on the Seton football team when they played Parker. You Go Girls!

P ep Rallies are awe ome at eton. The sophomore class shows their ·pirit b) saying their cia s '>ong, as they wait for their fa\ orite cheerleader to come out- "The partan Cheerleaders!"


Watch For Children At Pla y

Wow, what a week this was! Do you remember all of the different days we had?The" lassics"week? It seems like so long ago, and yet, yes, it was this year. Though, every year we have different themes for the week, the powder puff game and the boys volleyball games (plus who can forget the bonfire!) are alway great. Girls play football? Boy playing volleyball? It eemed like ju t about everyone had a great time!

can to get seniors Melissa Perry and jeff Dau cha to show some Sentinel Pride.

A ry For Help. Senior Javier Beltran beg for mercy as senior Ben Regan takes out the Senior Boys' Vollyball loose on him. Unfortunat ly for the eniors, the sophomore boy ruled beating both the junior and senior la e .

I think that I'm eeing stars!S ton pared no expense at inviting tar like th Incredible Hulk and Johhn Depp to our homecoming rna .


IHomecoming King and Queen: Trevor De Benedetto and Heather

Jlomecoming 2000 Home James!

Hot stuff!! Sophomore ick Radman has got to be quite the ladies man to get two Junior girls, Le ligh Pringle and Danelle Vance to dance with him at the same time. Who knows what we will see at the two homecomings he has left at Seton!

Full of miles! Fre hman Dan Koe tner and Madison Jansen take a break from dancing to mile for the camera. But wait a second, it almost looks like he had a miley face drawn on his wrist and could not quite get it to come of before the dance began ... poor Dan .

Wh at studs!!! Even though they all dreaded going to the dance, this group of Senior guy look like they are having a little too much fun. And to think that at thi very moment their dates are being picked off by the underclassmen guys. Oop ! Shhh ... I dont

think they are meant to know

' h.l
tendants: Dax Sarona and atalie Sepulveda
You didn't need jumper cables to get this year started!

Joe Stein sets a good example by ha\ing his notebook, pen and book out and readyto pay attention in class. The rest of us should take good note of thi model tudent.

Jeff Warburton just scored a phone number and wroteiton his hand. T h e only prob lem is that the last four digits smeared off .... when will guys learn to u ed paper??

Natilie Sepulveda says that fresh baked cookie day i the best thing about Seton. "When I get my hands on one of those cookie I am as happy as a june bug on a tomato plant. Anyone got fifty more cents?"

Bubba Ortizsays he loves Seton becau e of its awesome weight room. He say he uses the weight room everyday to keep the ladies satisfied.

Becky Clark can be caught doing her rai e the roof moves b tween classes. But if you ask her about them she will definately not admit it- you have to catch heratit...ju tlikethis!

Sean Kruger exclaims, "being senior has its perks because I get to go in the lunch line first, and teachers let me walk around during clas . I mean they let me use the rest room when I need to." Good save Kruger.


Billy Holper and Mike Tietig are thoroughl) enjoying their Jolly Rancher suckers "I can't beleive that these vvere only fifty cents," Billy say, " ot only am I helping to fund the Homecoming dance, but I get a great cool fruity ucker. Do these come in watermellon?"

Tiffany Pederson sprint to her next class because she likec, to be firc,t in her c,eat, ha\ e all her rna terial out, and ha \ e her homework ready to turn in before anyone else. She takes ad\ antage of e\ cry minute of class . "I hate being late to class," says Tiffany.

W orking together makes any a ignment twice as fun. Just ask freshman Chri tian Racco, and Jeff Oppu , as they rush off to finni h their religion project.

O op ! Andy McCrabb forgot about hi and Jen' anniversary! That's okay, he made it up to her by bringing her flower to chool. How weet! uys take note.

One great thing about b ing a nior thi year i that enior are the only one allowed to have lockers. Hugh decorates his locker with a picture of the pop prince Ben 0 terday gives cott Travi , tev ovak, and Michael Fitzgerald orne advice on how to cor point with the ladie . He ay its all about being ensitive, acting lik you car ... and burping, of cour e.

- 0

Things We Do To Look Good More rrhan YL Paint Jo6

hoes are a big no-no at eton. But if you are going to wear ·andal in the winter you gotta do what you gotta do.

alternative Eli Kuner says, "Wear black socks with black shoes."

The term' four-eyes' is no longer used in the ew Millenium. Tossing your contacts and wearing cool framed glas e i definitely in. Senior Amy Bullock smiles in agreement.

S ton is definately going for a new fashion trend with the ocksbutnowwe have the "clash" factor. Eee

" A message to you Rudi ... "

Looks like Sean Goehner is trying to send us a me age. "Unity, Ska and Heroin, Bob."

R ock On! Hard core punker Austin Wood hows off hi tyle any way he can at S ton. He has a hard time concealing his music behind a uniform.

O ne tar ! onverse all tars are the bigge t trend at ton. Check out the n xt page for more do's and don't campu.

1\ ---\/

Pu{{etf Over Stress

Pint( Catfi{{ac Girls Night out


Tiffany Pedersen, Liz Ryan, C a r I y Sandell, Lissette

Villicana, B e t s y Pattock, and Sophomore Millissa

Jimro seem to be enjoying them elves in front of Buca di Beppo' for Betsy's Birthday dinner.

Tiffany says,"! had a great time, and after stuffing my mouth with tho big beefy juicy meatball , I had my face filled for the night!"

Junior Alison Travi , Stevie Zea, Carmen Husk, and Megan Travi hang out with th Hanson Brothers, I aac, Taylor and Zac back tage at their concert. Carmen says, "Taylor i even hotter in person!" They said they had a great tim at the concert and love hanging out together.

Juniors Maggie Donald on and Sarah Kenedy, and Sophomore Alana Wirth enjoy a meal at The Island's. Maggi says, "It's great to do my three favorite things: hanging out with friend , talking and eating!"

Jigga What? Juniors Chri Ro s and Mike Fitzgerald like to get gown with their bad selves every weekend. They seem to think that they can walk the walk but can they talk the talk?

Bryce Kerwin's favorite thing to do on weekends i to invade the local AmPm.Bryce says,"There is nothing like a 32oz Thirstbuster to make my weekend special."

Junior Jo h Wray and Scott Travis enjoy playing Sony Play tation on the weekends. Josh says, "Tony Hak i the best game ever invented!" Scott says, "I can't wait until Play tation Two come out."

After an outstanding victory over River Valley, Seton Football players

Mike Hollowell, Josh Mejia-Sanchez, Warren

Denina, Josh Philips and Dan Desmond enjoy a gift from Coach Dale An allyou-can-eat buffet in Laughlin, evada

4 wnee{in
Boys Night Out
..-----------1 Baby You Can Drive My Car... Pic!( 11p Lines

Rose are Red, Violets are blue, Ashley it look like Greg really likes you! Greg Ko stn r urprise - Ashley Schmitt with the ro e for their anniverary. How weet!

How Sweet it i ! It looks like Senior Mike Hollowell i weet talking icole Rea. Either that or he i thanking her for the cookie. Or could it be that they are planning their friday night?

Loading Zone Music aruf Jfangouts

Teacher Loungin '. Mr . Anthon y and Mr. owe hare an October birthday celebration in the teacher ' s lounge . This reporter isn't ure if they truly appreciate their birthday erenade.

Honk Honk. Here comes the Minivan Pre hmen Alicia Lorio , Lauren Wood, and atalie Sepulveda get ready for the movies while Alicia's mom waits patiently in the minivan to chaufer the e ladies on a night on the town .

Sentinel Pride, Seniors Scott Ferris, Dana Robledo, H u g h Hermes, and Jeff Koestner dedicate their Friday night to helping decorate the gym for the pep rally Mu ic Ministry The Seton Commnity greatly recognizes and appreciates the members of the music ministry for the hard work they put into the church music. Thank !

Local Legend???

ope it ' s ju t Senior Scott Klements shakin on stage with Jeffery ' s Fan club.Scott ay , "They're rad! I go to all the local punk shows ."

Here comes the Calvary Sophomore Erik Levitch practices hard in hopes of making hi local church band. Drew Hoffman, and John Malloy stand supporting his ambition.


chmitt say that the key to their relationship is a frog and a cow . So if you're looking for a lasting relationship then bring a frog and a cow into the picture and ou ' re all set.

Puppy Love Fre hmen DanKo stner and Kelly Rush ju t tarted dating. Dan says , " Kelly is beautiful , weet, and everything I could ever want in a girlfriend. l think we ' ll b together for a long time.

Dan Chisolm and Caitlin Mickle were the runner up for Homecomming King and Queen, here they stand a they wait to here who won . The look pretty nervous but hey, wouldn't you? Congradutations guys!

Hanging with my girl! When asked to sum up his feeling · about Junior Robin Feeley , Ed Hermes said , " Robin is awe s ome I had so much fun being on cross country with her. The onl y bad thing is that she beat me ever y

Ju t Friend ... Junior s helley Klein and Carlos Villicana take a minute out of their busy day to how just what good "friends" they are We think they may be som thing more

Making hi move, Mike Fitzgerald tries to pull a fa t one on Junior Colleen Hill. By the look on Colleen's face, hi charm seems to be working. Good work, Mike!

Here are Liz Sill and Ben Thompson at Elizabeth' birthday party. Liz says, "Ben and I have been dating for over two year now, and that may ound like a long time but in now way doe it feel like it. With his hounorou comment and that handorne mile how can I not lo e him? He ha alway b en there for me, not only a a boyfriend but a my be t friend ."

Greg Koe tner and A hley

Sa y cheese! Senior Collin Dozbaba and Cheryl Pfahl had the be t time at the Homecoming Dance. Collin wa quick to ay 1"It was great becau e of the date I got to go wi th ." Boys ... are you taking note ?

What a cute couple! Junior Greg Espisito visits his girlfriend Kim Covert before cia begins. Kim ay 1 "Greg i uch a great boyfriend. He mak the clas es we have together so much more enjoyable."

My sweetie! Chris Ro s show Briana Bernal his affection by giving her a lollipop and a hug. Briana says, " It 's the small things that make me appreciate our relation hip o much. Chri never cea e to amaze me."

Dancing fools! ophomore my Harri and nior Scott Ferri take a quick breakbetween ong . my aysl "Scott's a great dancer, but once he tart he ju t can't stop." Scott onal favorite is the Macarena."

Campus Life

YLt Seton

Ar youwhatyou at? ophomoreMelissajimro can't help but how her appreciation forth beloved ham sandwich. When asked to urn up her feelings about eton lunches, she imply repli d, "Meli a likey."

TiffanyPeder nisworking ohardonherhomwork that she didn't even notice that omeone was taking a picture of her. Though all Sentinel's hate to admit it, homework is definately a major part of campu life at school. Who wants to give up their only chance to watch TV? ot Tiffany.

Laidb ack girl. Sophomore Jacoba Spruit- isen relaxes with friends in the parking lot after a long day of school.

"Talking and laughing with my friends after chool is what I look forward to every day. It' my way of unwinding."

man Ryan on how to weight lift and keep that Buff Phy iqu . Cody ay , "I have a lot to learn from Ryan about how to get th perf ct body. I can only hope one day I will have half the girl that he do ."

ew Girls n The Block. .. freshmen Anna Her hkowitz, Meghan Schaib rger, Stephanie Echeveste, MeganMarcanti,Juley el on,and TaraMcMurdyhaveformedaclo e bond ince beginning their first year at S ton



seton clubs

Senior Scott Klements flashes one of his GQ mm es by modeling off the new student council baseball shirts.

Senior Margaret Zylla and Amanda Keilty use 8th hour to get some of their homework done before practice begins they have to keep their grades up in order to stay in HS.

As Student Body President, Suzanna SeniorCarly Sandell uses her powers of Kennedy waits for the meeting to begin. She persuasion by getting Senior Heidi reviews the notes from last meeting and Holstad to buy a sucker in order to raise decides what needs to be done so the meetmoney for the Homecoming dance. ing ends quickly.

Junior PJ Burke tell.., his shadow student how great the Lemon Pepper Chicken is If it wasn ' t for that famous lunch, PJ might have left our s c hool freshman year.

NHSMembersdon ' tjust tutor, they get tutored as well . Junior Erin Bellefuille shares her chemistry expertise with Junior Katy Thompson . Do you think they will get it down before the test next hour?

Top Row: ick Heller, Greg Koestner, Albert Ching, Michael Koye, Brad ley Kendrix, John Paul McBryan, Chris Miller, Greg Esposito, Madeline Yribarren, Mrs. Collins; Middle Row: Jenilee Valeros, Sarah Walsberg, Joanna Usher, Margaret Z y lla, Suzanna Kennedy, Courtney Smi tham, Carmen DeLa Torre, Amanda Keilty, Lynn

S tudent Council McDonough, Johanna De King, Kim Covert; BotTop Row: Mr. ache, Bradley tom Row: Katie Thompson,Jen Sherman, Carly Sentinal Ambassadors Kendrex,AlbertChing, ick Sandell, Liz Ryan, Lisette Villicana Megan Fos- Top Row: Daniel Krick, P.J. Burke, L...-----l Kindgren, Ben Thompson, ter, Annie Adams. Carlos Villicana, Anthony Kuner, BraScott Klements; 3rd Row: Margaret Zylla, dley Kendrix, Albert Ching, Dr. Riley; ick Tambone, Brandon McLaughlin, BottomRow: icoleE cudero,Johanna Ashley Rapoza, Briana Wilkins, Ryan DeKing,CarmenDeLaTorre,Courtney Kutzbach, Megan Schaiberger, Carrie Smitham,DebbieKirby,KimZadrozny, Tomminen, icoleEscudero;2ndRow:Mary Lindsay Anderson; Not Pictured: Luis Placido, Will Bessett, Becky Clark, Stephanie Guzman, Mike Hollowell. Echeveste, Maggie Flonigon; Bottom Row: Carly Sandell, Cheryl Pfal, P.J. Burke, Suzanna Kennedy

sits back and watche<> in amazement a t the awesome retreat team leaders as they dance to the song, "Come Together."

S taying in the Lines! During the fre hman retreat the retreat coordinated the activity of decorating paper bags, which were ne\ er really u ed be a use the da) '"'a" too jam packed with acti\ ities bummer.

D ance With Me! Oh babv -I wi h we all kne\\ hm'to pia) the flute. The vvorld \\ ould definite!) be a much b tter place. Go Veronica!

Eucharistic Ministers

Back Row: Jamie allahan, Ja\ ier Beltran, S ott Ferris, Mike Hollowel;

Front row: Katie Tamminen, Dulce Madrid, Brittne) Swan, arlySandell

R etreat Leader

Back Row: Mark Longanbach, Andrew Kle pi , Bradley Kendrix; Middle Row: Carmen DeLaTorre, Mis Kissell, Erin Bellefeuille, Dul e Madrid, Michael Koye,Holly Zapa ta, Bottom Row, ick Heller, Brittney Swan, Brigid Mullin, Car ly a n de ll , Chris tina Raschke, manda Kei lty, Heather Heying; Front: Jolene DeTiege

M usic Ministers

Courtney mitham, amille Jehle, m: Gunty, hristineGalang, vtr. Relph, nna olan, arlos Villicana, nthonv Kuner, dam tein, Brandon

Veronica aller, Jake Hyde.

Hche, b fun! Anthony Kuncr ha\ ing a lot of fun learning about all the man; that can occur. He said, "I lm L' helping out the it lea\ e., me feeling

Look at Me! As Melissa Perry tries to get into the picture, Melissa Miller and Bill Gunty are discussing what the next project should be.

Urn Well,SeniorCoryGarciaseemstobe

What to do! Seniors Katarina Zovko and having a lot of fun messing around in the Melissa Perry are planning the next activity Trainer's Office. ory thinks being a trainer put on by SADD. twa to be involved.

It'., Wrapping time! j,1mie Clark off her ski lis by carefully wrapping Katarina jax's ankle Katarina told that she think Jamie docs a great job. Good '.vork, Jamie!

Deep Concentration Kat)

Tamminen is paying a lot of attention to what Mr. i\t1oreno is saying Katysaid, "Being the Girl ' s Yolleyba II trainer this year not onl) fun, but was a good way to get to know all the players better."

Science Club

Bottom Row: Bailey Hayward, Cydney Gonzales, Jackie Cortez; Top Row: icole Radman, Andrew Gutting, Chuck Ashton, Louis Castillas, Ms. Ro s

S ADDGroup

Bill Gunty, Mclis a Miller, Katarine Zovko, Adriane Koehnemann, Melissa Perry.

Athletic Trainers

Bottom Row: Deanna Spetz; Middle Row: KatyTamminen, TrinaAcedo;TopRow: Lindsay Ander on, Mr. Moreno, AshleeDausha,CoryGarcia,JamieClark, Anthony Kuner, Jacki Burdoski

Showing off that mile. " hawing off a little Smile," Briana Wilkin says, "makes helping out all the more fun!" Which is the goal of the Key Club

O ff to the Meeting. Jennifer Sherman and Lorrena Harrison take a second to mile for us before they rush off to their cui tural awarene m eting. Jen says, "Culture Awarcn ss is crazy! specially with ourtn y Kuluris as president."

The Literary Magazine

Cultural Awareness

Bottom Row: Courtney Ott, Bri ttney Swan, Graciela Badilla-Guevar, Chri tia Arenare, Alicia Rybacki, Leah Rappazzo; Top Row: Sarah Walsberg, Lorena Harri on, Katie Thomp on, Jen Sherman, Courtney Kuluri , hri tine Slomask, Luis asilla, Elyse Kendris, Alejandro Cadavid.

K ey Club


Hola andybell! Heidi Holstad and Erin Bellefuillewerefortunateenough to meetSandybell thisyearon the cultural awareness field tnp Erin says , "It would ha\ e been a lot easier to talk to her if I kne\v spanio.,h! "

Hard at\\ ork Ben Thompson diligently works on the Literary Maga.tine days before it is due


Sandybell , Dance!

S o m e people just have the talent of making dancing elegant.


mitham, Briana Wilkins, arah Walsberg, Peter Baray; Top Rtw..: licia Rybacki, uzanna Kennedy, Chri tene Galang, Elyse Kendri

Courtney arah Mackowski, Mrs. Burke; Top Row: Paul Loen, Kim overt, Greg E po ito, Bradley Kendrix, Albert Ching, Brian Shold r, J.J. Vaughn.

Bottom Row: Sarah Wal berg, Peter Baray, Ben Thomp on, hri High, Row: ndrew pain,

Bon Appitie! French Club member Louis Casilla enjoys his lunch while listening to what future project the club will be participating in.

Carpe Diem! The Latin Club display their talents at the Latin convention. Lorena Harrison said, "Although the competition was challenging, it was a lot of Fun!"

French Club

Strategy! Freshman MikeSorek is enjoying a fun card game during a French club meeting. Mike says," Its a really fun game and it helps us practice our french."

Getting down in the dirt! Spanish Club members Cydney Gonzales and Jennifer Murphy help make adobe.

Boo! Freshmiln Megan Schwicinberger is not ofroid of them! Instead she -,top-. from the Day of the Dead Festivities and smiles for the Cil mer a.

It's twister time! Ms. Knapp can't wait to show off her twister skills at the next latin club meeting. She says that it is by far her absolute favorite game. How well do you know your colors (in latin)?

Bottom Row: Mike Sorek, Alisia Rybacki, Amanda Bird, Mrs. Heath; Top Row: Andy Drake, Steven Koye, Cary Kita y. Spanish Club
__ u rp h y ,
s ic a
___ eir o,M__a tth e w __ Ko r te ________________
Bottom Row: Janet Touma, Jackie Cortez, Michael Korte, Dulce Madrid, Cory avorro, Chri tina Arenare; 2nd Row: Margaret Zylla, Li ette Villicana,Jenilee Valeros, Morgan Jansen, Holly Zapata, Carolina Elias, Megan Sauter, Stephanie Bancroft, Carly Sandell, Mrs. Tambone; Top Row: Sarah Walsberg, Erin Engstram, Veronica Saller, Ericka Bush, Camille Jehle, Graciela Badilla-Guevar, BretGibson,-----' ScottSpreey,

J.J. Vaughnand Brian holder are playing an intense game of chess. J.J. say<>, "Ches is a good game to impn)\ e your problem soh ing

kills, plus it's a

Sometimes you don't get to justpla) computer game<> in the computer club. These guysaredoingpapers. Way to use your time wisely guys. *thumbs up*

H ere we have Bob LaLiberte and Greg Fa olitos. The) are taking up orne of the computer clubs computer room. The Club was happy to hare their reource through this lunch period though.

Thank Guy !

Computer Club

P rom Commitee Top Row: icki Ritz, Gillian Barnett; Middle Row: Michelle Majewski, Lindsay Anderson, Trina Acedo, ubrey DeWolf, Beth Dagger; Bottom Row: Katie Tamminen, Sarah Wal berg, Jahanna DeKing, reg Esposito, Mr Dandorf, Briana Wilkins, Kim Covert. Top Row: Justin au!, Michael Korte, Katherine McBryan, Brian haler; Middl Row: John Paul McBr an, Sara Mackowski; Bottom Row: Louis Casilla , Mathew Korte. Top Row: Joe tien, Jule tobaugh, LouisCa ilia , a than Pendelton, John Lessard, Katie McBryan, Katy Williams; Middle Row: john Paul McBryan, Andy Gutting, Carl ott, Sara Mackowski; Bottom Ro"": Mike Sorek, Mr. Anthony

Cross Roads

seton religion

School Liturgies

11nier Construction

Sure.... n ure. Dana Robledo is definatel} sure. he is pro eding in with the offerings during this school Mass. The Litergical Arts cia is in chance of school Masses. Though ometimes thingsgetoutofhand (Tiki Torches!?!) everything show the spirit that senior· have when it come to th ir faith.

The e two tuds are stylin in their Arabic apparel., trying to get their point across to the senior class. The eniors seem to b giving 100°1o of their attention to the guest sp akers. ow if the teachers could a com plish this we'd be et!

Anoth r

Let'ssee ... Whatto do ... These three Senior amigos are getting prepared for the next school mass. Javier Beltran has decided that he is going to take charge. Take a seat ladies!

And here she is ... Miss. America! Don't be mitaken, Mrs. Sandomir re ebles a Chri tian beauty queen! We took a momenttoa kherwhat sh woulddowithamillion dollar She said, "I would pay off my debt, give to charity, and then buy a hou eon the Oregon beach coast!" Good Luck Mrs. Sandomir!

Racco up and kicking. Maybe he could give him a little nudge to keep him hone t, eh?

Wh at are you looking at Swan? Brittney Swan concentrates on helping make flowers for the Ofrenda. Sean Kruger doe nt think that makingpaperFLOWERSisa mans place. Come on Kruger. Yours might even look better than Brittney' ,ifyougiveita hot.

A group of kids anxiously await the festivies. uestros Pequenos Hermanns is currently the home and family of over 2,.!00 orphaned and abandoned children in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, icaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador.

La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, Sandy whirls and twirls to a mcxicanfolksong. andy and her friends impres ed Seton tudent with their traditional Mexican dances. Dance, Sandybell, dance!

Service Station Service Learning

"Smile if you Cultural Av\areness!"Cultural Awareness club posse<; vvith a picture of Sand; our orphan. The Seton communit; has chosen to adopt an orphan to support Friend., of the Orphans.

AlejandroCadm id showsoffhisstuff. Alejandro sa; s,"l love dancing and these girls are the best of the best. I had so much fun!"

Throughout th y ar ton tudentshavewrittento andy,andthe spani h club translated tho e letter ! This activity ha really helped our chool h lp other by working \:'\ l.lw together.

tudent from all over the countr) gather d to help thi organization. Matt Bakerwat hed from the sideline , he wa mo\'ed by the talent and piritofthep rformers, "Irealll; admire them the_ ha\ ' e been through a lot and till hm e their ' mil and their faith inta t."

Freshman Retreat

Candyland??? enior Brigid ullin says, " it's ok to play with cand; ," as she guides the freshman during their retreat. It looks like at th beginning of the retreat the freshmen were till really sh; and not quite comfortable vvith the stangers in their group. Cheer up guys, it gets better!

Obeying Their Thirst. Freshman Mike obczykand Troy Bullock think that Sprite will make them better atheletes unlike their cronies, Frehsmmen Matt Tibbetsts, Mark Gildenstern, Casey Desmond, John Ryan , Cody Burdick , Jordan Wolf, and Zack Dinero. H mmm ... did all the freshmen do at the retreat is eat? sounds good to me!!

Heads of the Table Freshmen Delores Mendez and Lauren Wolf are not only admired , but adored by their peers as they sit at the table at lunch Most of the frosh had to sit on the ground outside, but that got them closer to the after lunch acti\'ities. Both spots ha\'e their pluses : Comfort or onvienence.

The Freshman Retreat "'as a huge sucess this ;ear. fhe nC\\ campus minister was unsure of the retreat teams ability in organi/ing the C\ ent . With help from Ms. Kissel, though , the team came out together and the fitting theme for the retreat," orne Together, " applied not only to the freshmen but to the team leaders and campus minister too. - "Come Together Right ow o, er me " - (lfonly there were a pi cture of Brittne; \\an in her gyps; costume)

A is for Apple ... Drifting away from his stu die , nior Bradley Kendrex decides to slip away into a coloring bliss as he prepares posters for the fre hman retreat. armen DeLaTorre had deigned the poster , her creativity and artistic talent really showed, and with a glow too. Go Carmen.

Long 'Winding

Atten ... tion!!! The freshman class stands tall and attentive as Father eil, from St. Timothy's says Mass. The Freshmen were so good during the Vt:as , all uperclassmen could take notice, eh?

Listen Carefully.

The Freshman r treat i not all about fun and games. It

is about reflection and self dicsovery,butthi i aspe-

cial case. "Its all about the camera"

Say Cheese! cnior

Brittney wan poli hes up Senior Jolene DeTiege's hoe in preparation for the freshman retreat. Actually, on the day before the retreat, all the leaders got together at eton - They weren't exactl expecting - cameras all over the place.

Do You Want ookie? Frehmen

Mark Paulsen and Paul Castillo

a}, "Yes, We do! We just love those cookies they make in the cafeteria!" The Lunch on the retreatwas toncookies, ubs,chips and soda. These two guys make it eem as though the food was the most interesting part of the day, but the discussion with Fr. eil wa deffinately the highest point of the day.



Togetherness! During Kairos, the groups becomeveryclose,asshown. That's the importance of Kairos.

The KairosRetreatisa threeanda half day reatreatoffered to seniors here at Seton Catholic.ltisheldoffcampus,once in the fall and then again in thespringtime.AteamofeightseniorswhowentonthepreviousKairos leadstheretreat.(111efaiiRetreatteamattendasJuniorsduringthespring before). The theme of the retreatisGod'sfriendshipand how that relationship impacts our lives asCa tholies. The retreatisfashionedafterthe CursilloandMarriageEncountermodels,incorporatingthematictalks, small group discussions, private reflections, meditations and thesacrements ofReconciliationand theEudlarist. LedbySr.Jeane Bartholomeaux,Seton hashadnineKairosretreatsinthelastfiveyears.Sr.Jeaneisnowpassing thetorchofleadershiptoMrs.GrahamasKairosdirector.

Welcome Home!Sunday,October22, was the homecoming in the Seton Cafeteria. Moms and Dads welcomed hometheirdlildren withhugsand kisses.

Recess: Kairos isnotallgroupworkand praying, there is always time forfunand games.

Flaming Hot!!! Seniors Bradley Kendrix,ArnandaKeilty,andMr Sprinzl enjoy some" warm" time together talking of their experi· encesd uringtheretreat.

Leaders of the Pack! All thesefinelookingmenand women are thebackboneofKairos, withouttheirtimeandeffortitwouldnot be the same.

how much she has learned about her elf in the f wday . he aid he had a great time.

Teens Student , new and old, join tog ther to make Kairos an experience for everyone to enjoy.

Emotional. Senior Matt Slade takes time to console a clo e friend. This happens a lot at Kairo .

49 - ...>., }-

Visible Signs

f})oes It 9vf£an To (jo To .9L Catfwfic Sc/ioo{?

seton acedemics

8th Hour

Thanks to Mr. Ferrence, we are able to get what we need at the book tore during eighth hour. Mr. Ference helps sophomore Brittnay Martin get what she needs at the bookstore to keep her warm for the colder days here at Seton. Of course the Senior Company old black red and gold weat hirt over winter. Boy did th y help too!

Sophomore Megan Schaiberger excitedly talks on the phone as show in the expre sian on her face. She ay , "Having the pay phone on campus is great for those of us that don't have our own." And its kind of nice not haveing the big metal grate around the payphone this year, too.

M rs. Rich along with other teacher always encourage ·tudents to come in for eighth hour help. Junior Anthony Grubbs decides to take Mrs. Rich up on h r offer and get help from her on under tanding hi pani h. Anthony says, "It's really helpful being able to get help from the teacher on a one on one ba i during eighth hour."

8th houri.., a good time to shov• what vour prioritie..,are . omepeopleu..,ed ittogethelp in the '>Uject'> that the\ are ha\ ing issues with, by t,1lking with thetr teachers and by getting tutored. Other people use the hour to talk to their friends and make plan'> for the e\ ening. orne people just can not wait to go home or go to work or maybe to just getaway from Seton. Whate\ er you did during your 8th hourswere up to you unless you had a detension, because that could ruin many warm afternoons!

P umping Iron. Junior B n 0 t rday take th time out of his hedul to "pump" hims If up for all the ladies. He was new thi last year and he wa on the wre tling team, between making new fri nds and staying buff his th hours must have be n packed!

2\9ad Side .9lssistance

Junior Gillian Barnett hops to her vehicle after a fun Halloween day at school. Gillian says , " It''> nice to be able to lea\ ·e school vvhen I need to, epecially when I need to get eighth hour help." That is nice, you can get tutors out ide of eton if you need something explained in a different \-vay.

Overloaded with Frustration. The exit from the parking lot is packed with vehicles dri\ en by ':>tudenst who ha\ e nothing on their mind except the need to escape the pounding pre suresofschoolwork. otto mention that e\ ery Yehicle in front of them is only moving inch-by-inch.

Fact or Fiction. "Hey! That's not what my scale at home say !"shrieks sophomore Alana Wirth as she weighs her elf before ba ketball tryout .

Packing Up. Jun-

ior Katie Thomp on patiently waits a Lorena Harri on digs through her enourmous pile of book looking for the right ubjects to take home. What hall it be tonight?

Pre-Calc, P History, Ch mi try Honors or English? What? All of those plu Religion?

Yike ! ren't you glad we have tudy Hall!

Schedules Itineraty

Be'>t friends, Ashley Oakes, atalie Sepuh eda, and Shannon Burke look fonvard to their fun filled health class, with their fa\ orite teacher Mrs. , elf, e\ cry da\. hannon says, "I lm e my schedule because I have so many classes with my friends!"

Sophomores Jake Hyde and Carla Chee were \'e ry excited to have a class together this year. aria said, " I love my English class, Jake makes it so much fun!"

Juniors icole Kerkhof and Kelly Taylor are ha\'ing so much fun in Mr. ache's Religiong class. Kelly ays, "''m so happy to have a class with icole, we have so muc hfun together. And learning comes easier when we're having fun Right icole?"

The e Junior twin , Denise and Pam Gutman, never get away from each other! ot only do they each other at home but they have cla e tog th r, al o. Of cour e, that isnt alway a bad thing. When they ar ick at lea t orne of their homework makes it home to them without any probl m at all.

Vice Principal, Mrs. Wamwright, who is in charge of scheduling, says, "Scheduling can get very complicated, but I enjoy helping all the students and trying to get them in the classes that will help them the most."

Admini trative ssistant, Mrs. Walth r helps out with the long cheduling process. While we are all still having a bla t over summer break, he i working awa getting ready for that dreaded book tore day at the beginning of August every year. Cheer to you Mrs. Walther!

College Planning

Bund lc up! Senior Kelly Warburton and John Anthony have been looking to go to NAU 'iince that begingging of their Senior year. Kelly says, "I'm excited about going to college and being on my own, but I am not to excited about the cold weather." Brrr!

Is that you're final answer? Before Seniors could even begin to think bout college, they must get past the dreaded SAT's. o Fear! Mr. owe offered a class to help anyone prepare for the AT's, even juniors. One piece of advicefor the Juniors: It's never too early to start planning for college!

Fore!? 'nior Seth enaber takes a minute to talk about his possible opportunity to play golf in college. Which college, Seth doesn't know yet...But he says that he will be more than happy to play for any colleg in alifornia. Who wouldn't?

The search is on! Katarina Zovko makes a stop in Mr. Mullin's office, in between classe , to explore her college oportunities. "Yeah, there are a lot of great college books in here. I can look for different scholarships, and get information on some schools that i could possily go to. I would love to go to DePaul Univer ity, then I could be closer to my brother."

J uniors get a head start. P.J. Burke and Anna Cutty, both Juniors, take their first step in preparing for college, studying for the SAT's. P.J. says, "1 really want to get into the air force academy, o i really need to get a high SAT score. They only take the best, and I think if I work hard enough, I will get in ." Other Juniors should take note of their remakable cia mates.

do without Mr. Mullin? Mr Mullin dedicates so much of his time to help us with college. Without him I'm sure a ton of the seniors would not know what kind of options they have for college.

Still Deciding Senior Melissa

Miller is not exactly sure what college she wants to attend. She is leaning to ward Point Lorna at the moment but that can change at any time depending on who i wanting her for occer. Melissa says,'1am till deciding where Iwant to go,butwh reeveriti.,Iamdefinit ly goi..•gtoplaysc r."

Surfs Up Dude!!!

Senior Melissa Perry plan'> to go to school somewhere in California. She isn't quite sure which college she wants to attend, but what <,he doe'> know is that she wants to learn how to -.urf '>Vhile she'" there.

Harvard Men? Do the'>e two senior look likeivyl.eaguemen?SeniorEricClyn andMik Hollowell both got letters from Harvard. Being a greatathletecan open Ivy Leaguedoors. However, you havetogetthegrades too!


Lab Science

Lab Science at Seton is very interesting. What you dont believe me? It really is, and let me tell you why. Well for Chemistry, when you are dong a lab, the student has to determine if a chemical reaction is taking place before he or she can really sit back and watch whats happening. But how do you see if a chemical reaction is taking place? One way is to notice any type of smell. Wait! Wasn't one of the warnings that you should not inhale that chemical? Hmmm what a delema. et an "F" or DIE!!! ot really, their are other ways to determin a reaction, just don't use the smell method. ow, what about Physi s? Hmmm Well since a lmo st all the equations you use in Physics come from alculus, no one should have to do anything in that cia s, right? Who would think that a ophomore can do a leu! us, but at eton you would be surprised. Teaching th se concepts to the students is quite a feat for the sci en e department, but not really right? We are all geniuses.

Soph omor s Melissa Howell and Jacoba Spruit- issen, say, "We're o happy to be at eton becau ewe get to use the e high-tech computers in Mr. Burke's Physics Cia s. Hot Dang for technology!"

Steady!! While in deep concentration, Juniors Danelle V,1nce and Je,mette Wolf finish up their experiment in Mrs. Cunty's Chemistry class. Jeanette says, "It's a good thing Mrs. Cunty is here to clean up the messes I leave." behind."

As sophomore ynthia Hernandez measures the -.. width of the ramp, Mario Beltran thinks, "Don't mess this up, our grade on this lab is riding on you."

Junior ryce classmate , ...., .,.n,,r • Andy Me rab and Junior Sarah Walsberg on their way to do a succe sfullab. Bryc tates, "It' hard work, but omeone's got to do it."

Junior L s leigh Pring! and Senior ick Karastamati fini h up their lab report in Mr Burke's Physics cla Le leigh take

_____. th things very seriously.



Junior arah Buser ponders which one to use for her experim nt. arah ays, "It take a lot of hard work but in the end it all pays off."

The Aug-father gets hi<., mix on! Mr<.,. Cunty's Chemistry cla<.,s is alway<., learning new things. A ug1e '><lV", "Mr<.,Cuntyisal\-\'ay<., willing to lend a helping hand.

Three heads are better than one! Junior<., cott Dandorf, Ben Osterday, and Megan Ryan put together their notes to create an ,1we..,ome lab report.

Singing in the Rain! James Mulhern replies, ''I'm so hot, I needed a shower to cool me off."


Jonathan Lessard says, "Acedemic Decathalon is a very rewarding class, doing problems on the board helps me to prepare for the meets.

Top Row: Mrs. Green, Courney Kuluris, Margaret Zylla, Carmen DeLa Torre, Bradley Kendrex, Chris White, Justin Saul, Jonathan Le sard,JulesStobaugh, '---5 a r a h

Mackowski, John Paul McBryan; Bottom Row: Ericka Bush, Michael Korte, Christopher Altermirano, and Louis Castillas.

A few of the Ac. Dec. members come out of the class room for a breather from their strenuou studying.

Margaret Zylla com· ments that, "This is a re· ally interesting class, and I only have one thing t say about the meets, I hav never seen so many girls hit on Michael Korte!' Mike says, "Hey this is the art credit for peoplE who can't draw, act, sing or dance!"

John Paul McBryan says, "John and I pia) races at the board to see who can answer the ques· tion first. I feel that it really helps to prepare me for the meets."

Bright Lights .9lcetfemic
flJ e catfwfon

,ulo.., Villic,1n,1, C hno.., Owen, Kim /adrozny , and Adam Stem hei1d m·er to the hbr<1ry to vvork on the ent1nel, thl' ne>vsp,1per the journalism class produces.

Chris Owen, Adi1m Stein, <1nd Carlos Villici1ni1 ponder on what,1rtides they. can write for this is..,ue of the Sentmel.

superviseo.., the publio..,hing of the entinel.

Kim Zadrozny, the editor of the journalism class says, "Being Editor can sometimes be a little stressfu l, but someone has to make sure that everytihng makes sense and goes together."

seeing how they o..,hould arri1nge the Mticle..., o..,o that they can fit onto the page.., together. dam say<.,, "journalic.,m io.; definitely my favorite clao..,s. It is a lot of fun i1nd it is very rewarding when you get the entinel out."

The Journalism lac.,s Top Row : Carlos Villicana, hristine lomski , Kim Zadrozny, Brian Dent, hris Owen; Bottom Row : Adam tein

Journa{ism 65
Writing the Ticket

Fine Arts

Take it from a pro! Megan Ryan pops out a unique dance move while Deanna Spetz looks on in hope of catching a little bet of it. Megan likes dance class because "It gives mea break from all my other classes, and lets me just have fun!"

T his mural was painted by Sara Walsberg and Suzanna Kennedy for their exam in art class. They did such a good job, we can only hope and pray that they got A's This is deffinately the most timely final exam that they have ever taken . The Seton ommunity is very lucky to have such talented artist on campus that were willing to spend so much time for the school. Thanks ladies!!

Adam Bullock carefully works on his final exam in art...and with such talent too! " Hey! I need it to be just right. I mean that is one heck of an umbrellaor what!? "

Michael Bruening, Danny Walsh, and Scott Travis sit in art class Are these three big trouble makers? Mike and Danny seem prctt under control but I'm not sureabout cott,hcmayjustcut someonesearoffwith that ruler. Then you would be real artist. "Van Gogh is my hero!" That' wonderful , Danny.

W e be jam min', hope you like jammin' too! Aubrey DeWolf checks the tune in the 0 player That isnt Brittn y Spear is it?

Mr. Ference' face? He and Brittney Swan don't get along to well during class.

Brittney ay , "I think deep down He's really happy about teaching art!" He say , "It would be wonderful if Brittn would actually brought h r art to class! I think that h for h r at hom "

Matrix Action. Bill Gunty and 'vlichael Koyerun though a dress rehearsal in drama. "Take the red pill and stay in wonderland or tak ethe blue pill and go back to your classes and remember nothing."

Austin Woods, Jamie allahan, Chris Emery, and Brittney wan take a break from their '>kit to sit on this couch outside? I guess drama '>tudents do things a little differently. hris, "Is that true?" Jamie, "You tell him thats not true!" Austin, " o, it is true!"

Brittney, "Oh, I need a drink!" But it sounds like they have their lin s down perfectly though!

Ferris Buellers Day Off? "Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?" Aubry McDannel and PaulL on wouldnt pull a stunt like Bueller did to get out of class. Paul says, "I wouldn't miss drama clas !"

Mapping Out

"Do vou think rs. Pattock will notice that these aren't pictures?" Well, between you and me, she probably knmvs now :)

Brittney wan may look' cry happy and at home but lets see what she's thinking ... "! cannot believe Erin is taking my picture, if it turns out badly then there is no vvav that I'm letting it make its way into the yea-rbook .... Grrrrrr." Sorry wan, but it's really not half as bad as the picture on page -12, the one where you are holding the flower.

They ay that tvvo h ads are better than one but five? arolina what are you doing? Well you guys eem to be doing great. What ever it takes I guess!

S eth enabar i tudying or doing homework or something, no one really know , but since he already finished the page he had to turn in unlike the re t of the class a they curry around behind him. "Quiet P ople!"

0 ar Staff,

Thank you for putting up with me all year! I didn't make thi yearbook, you did. Thank you for making it great!

-Erin : P

to be trying to study vocab. But actually she just wants to give the freshmen who come in next hour a dose of what they're in for during their four years at eton. Bwahahaha

H elping hands. A joke for you: HO\\ many of Seton's Yearbook staff doe it take to ereat one yearb 0 0 k page? ... You didn't really expect an anwer did you?


De a re'->t Yearbook Staff,

You knew your destination and arrived in record time Congratulations! You made everv deadline and gifted the Seton a tholiccommunity "' ith a magnificent log to serve as their tra\ el '->OU\ enir from thL' 2000-2001 school year

Erin, Editor-in-chief, you hold the key (hahah a) to success

This is the first time in Seton history that there has been a Junior studentsen ea'->editor. Your per'->onal calm , computer'->a\ \ y , and leadership skills have been a joy to watch in action. You <>hould be\ cry proud of all that you han' accompli..,hed and reali/e that you have accomplished much .

Heidi , the Queen of Senior Ads , you pretty much single handedly took on a fifth of this book. You did a remarkable job. Thank \OU!

Staffers, '->napping photo!->, trying to get printable quotes, cropping picture and meeting deadlines is behind you for another year. Know that your efforts v\'ill be re\ isited and presen ere\ ered memories fore\ er.

Senior'-> , as you '->Catter far and wide, best \\ i'ihC'-> and God's speed We will think of you often and refer to your faces printed in color more often than you ' ll e\ er know.

Juniors, your time has come to take the wheel. I know you're ready .

Each of you has given so much and been such a blessing to experience Thanks, you\ e been great travel companions. ln His Peace, Mrs. Beth Pattock

Top Row: Lis ette Villicana, Liz Ryan, Jacki Davis, Seth enaber,Heidi Hol tad, heryl Pfahl; 3rd Row: Tiffany Peder en, P.J. Burke, Maggie Donald on , Megan Foster, Luis Guzman, Katarina Zovko, Ryan Weitzel, Mrs. Pattock; 2nd Row: Carolina Elia , helley Klein , Betsy Patto k, my Bullock, Dana Robledo, Beck _ lark, nna utty; Bottom Row: Brianna Bernal, Robin Feeley , Erin Belief uille, Carly Sandell, Brittney wan . ot Pictured: Bill Gunty


Exceeding truv

seton sports

1(eeping it

tn the

Thi-.I-. the u-.ual tradition for the\ ar-.ity volleyball team After they kick some "erious behind , they go out and indulge in dozen-. and do/ens of hotwings

After shocking Chino Valley plavers , and Coach Miller' o., best friend , Jim \:\"a rd , the o.,emor volleyball player'> saw the 'vlystery Machine and just had to take a picture by it. otice the beautiful Pokemon shirts that Behy PattOLk and Tiffanv Pederson were sporting. " We got them at our favorite store, Factory 2 U for six Dollars 1 What a deal!" So what exactly was in the My'>tery Machine. Scooby wasn't there. Marge Zylla actually said , " There were a few paint cans, and oddly enough , a matress!"

Bets\ Pattock pound-. the ball into the ground a-, Jesica Hagerty looks on at her beau tifu I set. Betw says , "Jes-.ica did a fantastiL job going into all the pressure situation..,. "

Coach Kim Miller isal\vayo., all ear'> and \ 'en mtere'>ted to hear \\hat the Referee hao., to sily Eo.,pecialh the ref from Chino Valley.

Margaret Zylla, Melissa Jimro , Tiffany Pederson, Betsy Pattock and Lisette Villicana take a break from hackymg with some local boystorcst Watchoutfor those grasshopper<> girls.

Jessica Hagert\ mto her de slVl' position slw waits to ke a great dig. "Dl'lt•nse i<, the t important rtof the ganw," essica reports.

Margaret Zvlla has a reason to be happy. Her team had JUSt made it to the championship game of the SA Gilbert/Highland Tourney. After the Sentinels beat Hamilton High school in a grueling t\'\'O hour match, Margaret commented, " I've never wanted anything more. "

Titian\ l'eder.,on 1s all .,mill'" a.., ..,he dl'"Lt•nd.., from her late..,t hit "Alter !landed , Megan l·m.,hoff wantt•d me to .,how her the l.1te..,t dame that our wonderful Lheerleader.., ll'anwd " It'.., ,1 littk known fact that tlw \'<lr..,lt\ Volleyball player.., o.,en ed <1., don heer· leadt•r..,tlt the l'arker football game. Wh.1t talent!

"What wa.., the ref thinkmg'" e da1m., Am\' B<1rlow,Suzann,1 1\.ennedv and 1 isetlt'

"Don't worrv, \\'l' alwavs get tlw grade A top Referees," says Suzanna.

Top Row: Amy Barlow , hannon Burke, Megan Emshoff, Je sica Hagerty, and Melissa Jimro Middle row: Suzanna Kennedy, Margaret Zylla, Megan hurosh, Lisette Villicana, and ourtney Smitham. Bottom Row: Betsy Patto k and Tiffany Pederson.
73 ____,_ 1-

Number 8 is so great! Air Martin defi es the of gravity while warming up for her game against River Valley . The question that everyone wants to know , why do we play a school that we have to go another state?

make a statement with their

so ks.

Leader of the Pack Junior Ali on Travis aid, "The be t part of th ea on was playing our game on the long bus trips. Write it down and pas it around ." Hum ... that sound like an inter sting game.

The Dynamic Duo, Theresa Polowskiand Ashley Schmitt, warm upth irhandsbeforethegame. Boy do they sure styling Front Row: Madi on jansen, ball, A hley hmitt; Middle Row- Brittney Martin , Barbara Usher, Alison Travis, Kira icastro, Sara Herskerwitz; Top Row: Tere a Polaski, Sidney Sheedy, Megan Travis, Katie Parker, Anna Herskerwitz


After one of th players makes a stellar pia y, the girls huddle around to celebrate.



gether to discuss their game stra tegy . Don't worry though, they are always 100 c1c serious .

Katie Malpiedi serves up an ace to claim their victory over River Valley. "Volleyball ha been so much fun this year. !can't wait till we beat everyone all over again next year. With a winning record of 11we can hold our head high, but still know we have room to grow "

Top Row: ourtney ewham, Jennifer Murpy, Coa h Windle, hristine Zylla, and Katie ovak. Middle:MoHowell, ndrea Bi so,Maggi Flanagan,and icole Radman. Floor: atali Ro alez and Katie Malpiedi. Radman , in her Seton spirited socks, looksovertoCoach Windle for some advice on how to outwit River Valley


SfippfJ!J Wfien Wet!

Super Coach! Assistant coach, Ms. Sarah Knapp is keeping an eye on the swimmers to ensure victory!

Yummy! Junior Colleen Hill'sfavorite stroke is the back, but she definitely doesn ' t enjoy the taste of chlorine.

Awesome wimmer_! Sentinels celebrate a very c;uccessful season in the pool.

The Sentinel swimming team had an awe ·orne season with a leading re ord of9 to 1. This placed them in First place for regionals. During tate, out of 40 teams the Seton wimmers ended th ir season in 6th place. That's fantastic for our c;wim team, as they are competing in 4A.

Cooling off Sophomore Melis a Howell thinks sophomore Carla Chee needs a quick refresher before the next race.

Swimmers take your mark! The Sentinel Boy's team dominated the pool this pa t season.

Hec1rt race till the end!! Thi!-> Sentinel o.,wimmer's heart pump'> with adrenaline as !->he waits for the whistle to blow.

Rest and Relaxation ... oach Ronin and oach Knapp time the swimmers in preparation for the next meet. But why isn't enior Michael Korte breaking a weat with there t?!

Sentin I Swimmer

Top Row: Matt Korte, Michael Korte, ate Hoffman, Tim Wilson; cond Row: Amanda Harrington, Michelle arl on, aria Ch , Drew Hamson, icole Kerkhof, Jeanette Wolf, Kelly Taylor; Third Row : Rob Ronan, Michael Tamb , Dax Sarona, ick Kindgren, Matt hro der, Rick Peitsmeir, John Malloy, aileen Hill, Sarah Knapp; Fourth Row: Joley elson, Aubrey McDonnell, Adrienne Mey r , Christine Carpenter, Li a Dominisk, Meli a Howell, Juliana Badalamenti

I'm late!! I'm Late!! Frc..,hman ate Hoffman geh

dre<.;o.,ed a little early. f lc can not wait to jump into the pool!

Let'<; go team! A quick prayer before the meet to get fired up and ready to go.


2\]tnning on f£ m p t y?

Running on Fmpt\? Noh! It's unbelievobk how much

these girl 'i run! In p r ,1C ti ce they run an vw here from 4 to 12 mile'i a d,w! ll're the girl'i team i'i 'itMting their long 'itate meet nm. Ju nil)rLaptin, Rl)bin FeeleV'i<1\"'i, "T11esta teraceisob\·k )Uslv the bigge'it raCL' \\ L' go to. There are 'iO m,mv nmner'i! 'r ou h,weto n'memlx'rone thing startou t fast and dont fa II back into thecrowd ." Therewereabout lHOnmnersin the3Agirls' racethi.c;; year

Take State Girlc,! The Seton ,iris' v Msit\ Cross Country TL'am ha'i ju'it finished running at the state meet. It was a long tough 1 1 mile race. They look pretty good for ju'it running 'iULh ,m exhou'itin race!

TI1e2000Cross ountrv'ieason wentbvfo'it...

everforgetthegmd time.,! kv- Y, Burritos, pants pc 'ing, throvving up, Region, tate, mascotting, the walk rock, the sign, the dog, th 'watch, snap bracelets, Derble, the camp fire, the camp bell, "sneaking out," beani night on the tovvn, fa kecigarettes, Prescott, laughs, singing, water bottle fights, van rides, trackworkouts,nachos, theCarly-RobinPark,horiwntalrain, BBQ DIMES, bagels,matchingwatches, " runners," saluting to the sun, Will Smith, pizza, "double-hammer-fists, and he-els.

ever forget the in1famousquotes! "Everyonein the bunk" "get out of the van" "I dare you to ring the camp bell" "Speaking of freaks" "Dude ... Football..." "Don and Charlies" "How do you get lost running around a track?" "Perhaps" "Sick" "Slam" "12 to3rniles" "Back to the bus" "DoitfortheDog" "Wholetthedogs( 'ntinels)out?" "Youstrechlikea boy!!" "PartyatCarly''i""Passbackthe Raisinettes?" "Pass upthcritz-bits" "Robin's in the pool? What? With her dothec, on?" "I'm the next Brittney SpmS'

H ey!Wow!haveyouseenthesegirlsrun?!?!?!?JuniorCaptainRobinF ley,SeniorCaptainCarlySandell,and Freshman Ashley Oakes led the girls Cross ountry tean1 this year. Thesegirlsoftencan1ein 1 t2ndand 3rd place rightbehindeachotheratmeets. Theyarethedeath trap! "Onetime all thr of them beat arlosandlatthe f DSmeet. Weweretotallynottryingthough."SaysJwuor ott Travis, "The girls and theguysdid not run tog thcrsodidn'tknowifwebeatthemortheybeatusuntilwecouldg talookatth times. otonlydidRobin and Carly beat us but Ashley did too.Justkt.>epin mind thatwewcren'ttrying,even though Robin and arly wouldsaydifferently, weseriouslyweren't"

GoKris'>yGo!TheFreshman tumoutforthispastyears ross ountryteam wasamazing.The fre<;hmen wereableto<;tepup and getthejobdone. There were 3 freshman Cross Country runner<; on the Girls' Varsity team! Kri._s..<>y Agudo, pictured here, was oneofthem.Senior aptain, arlySandellsays, '1twasgreat havingsucha big freshman tum out this year. They were one of the reasons for our enormous success. WebeatFountain Hills

Thesefres hmenw r thekey co mpone nt tothe uccessof the team. MaryGrubbs,Krissy gudo,andJarmaF l ywill, \vithoutadoubt,bel adingthe teaminthen tfewyears.

As a First yec1r Cross ountrv runner, Senior Augie armont did an awe..,ome job. He was a great addition to the Seton Cross ountryTeam. When asked if he liked running ross Country, he responded, "Yeah, it wa.., cool. going to be in great shape for Track."

D o it for the Dog! "Just admit it... you're having fun " said Carly constantly to the Junior Basketball players throughoutthe ross Country . eason. Even though Cross ountry is tough, the e guys had guts. They had no idea what Cross Country wa or what it was even about. They just ran becau they wanted togetintoshapeforBa ketball. "But they liked Cros ountry .. ." say Robin, "They are going to be in unb lievable hape for ba ketball." With the addition of all the e guy and An-

Team Picture

Top Row: Eric Schafer, Steve ovak, Dan Krick, Scott Travis, Anthony Grubb , Brandon McLaughlin; 4th Row: oach Clinch, Eli Kuner, cott Kl ment , Augie armont, Jo h Wray, hris White; 3rd Row: Anthony Kuner, kale Kuluri , Alisa Ryan, Megan Clinch, Lynn McDonough, Ed H rme, 2nd Row: Kris y Agudo, Chri tine McDonough, Ginger Howard, Jackie Cortez, Ash! y Oake , Mary Grubb , Janna Feeley; Front Row: Carly Sandell, Rover th Red Dog, and Robin Feeley.

At the top! ophomore Eli Kuner , and Senior Augie armont lead the boy'>'Cro"" ountryTeam. The) both placed \ 'Cr) high at every meet. They abo both competed individually at the State Meet. Great job, guys!

Dude! o one under<otand'> how much fun running Cross ountry is. " What's so fun about running?" <oays a on Cross Country runner . Are you kidding me? Everything is fun! The meet<,, the van rides , and the barbecue.., are c.;o fun! V\ hen you ha\ ' e ') Junior bac.;ketball player'>, Spearo the en tine! (also a wrestler), Robin and her laugh, Carly and hersingingability,anotherwrestler, K ER, and some ruorJokesters,sophomoric sophomores, and a handfulloffreshmen what could possibly be more fun Hum runningCrossCountry?

79 )-

YL[[ rrerrain!

It's Good! First time kicker, Senior Peter heehy, had a very productiveyear. His great <>uccess was awarded by the honor of the 3A all Region Kicker.

W atch Out!! Tom onnor is off to the races and no one is going to catch him.

The Football team hows great trength and perseverance by running through the great wall of paper at thi year's homecoming game.

The Wall! Senior Scott Ferris stops anything that the opposing team puts near him.

This Varsity Football season went very well. The Sentinels finished with an 8-3 record and coregional championship on their hands. Like every sport, there were some intersting insid jokes that were very meaningful to the players "Pepperdine Pancakes"- Dan Desmond, "TweetTweets" - oach Dales, "Butter," -Hollywood Hollowell. "Strong Side" - ollin and Steve, "Weak Side"- josh and Levi, which is best?

Coach D,1k-. looks on w1thgn?,1t enthus1a-.m a-. he lead'> his Senti neb to a co-region,11 championship.

I think I can! Senior Mike Hollowell keep'> pushing forward even with the entire Dysart team clo'>L' at his heels

Pump ed Up! Senior Josh Mejia-Sanchez shows his great enthusiasm for the game as he punishes every offense with his presence

T op Row: K. Tamminen, D. Spetz, L. Anderson, Coach Ties, Coach P, Coach Meyers, Coach Dales, Coach Brown, Coach Hohnson, R. Moreno, J. allahan, J. Burdolski; 3rd Row: G. Koestner, D. Walsh, B. Holper,J. Koestner,M. Fitzgerald, M. Slade, T. Debenedetto, L. Redger, C. Miler, D. Valdez, P. Sheehy; 2nd Row: PJ Burke, Tholl, T. Conner, Dozbaba, J. MejiaSanchez, J. Phillips, D. Desmond, A. Bullock, M. Bruening, J. Bastian; Front Row: H. Hermes, S. Ferris, J. Beltran, C. McDonald, M. Hollowell, W. Denina, B. Regan, M. Baker, . Hart, M. Radman

Back to Pass

Senior Trevor Debenedetto lead'> the Sentinel offense With hi'> rifle arm ,md deadh ,Kcuracv.

Senior Tom

Conor is breaking tackle'> and m,1king the offen'>i\·e play. Tom was also awarded to the 3 all regional team.


Preperatlon i.., the Ke)! Junior.., P.J. Bur!...eand 'v1at "\11,1tl'ac" Bakerstrech out bdorL' one of their n1,1n\ h,ud b<1ttles.


W hat a Hit! The offensive line .., h ows their pure dominance over the Valley Christian Trojan..,.

R unning with the Bulls! A stampede of Sentinels come running toward the sidelines from an exnting half time talk.

J uniorVar'>ity II- Top Rm\: oach rvlever..,,Coach P.,Coach Brown; 3rd Row: K. Hubbard, S. Goehner, S. Benedict, B. Brown, A. Hernandez, J. Littrel, T. Wolf, R. Kutzbach, Radm<111; 2nd Row: S. Villa bona, A. ud, C. Ro'>s, Tambone, K. ele..,tino, M. ravner, Wi..,dom, M. Supulveda, A. Perrv; bt Row: E. Celava, S. Me artlw, B. Osterdav, J. Conner, P. rvlc arville, K. Edwards, J. Sullivan, B. Fit ld, and P.J. Burke

Sophomore Jim onnor breaks away from the line for a huge gain.



"Boy am I happ\ !"veils freshman Matt Rcfner and his teammate Jordan Wolf This is one oftlw mam e citright after a big game. Both of them ing moment<-. in the short but commented that the games were their action packed season of favorite part of this year's football sea- Freshman football. season. son.

"This was a very good \ear for our team" comment<., A<.,<.,istant CoclLh Steve ache vvhen a<.,ked how thev played. "They learned a lot of fundamentsls that they will need to plav at the next level. For their fir<.,t vec1r they did exceptionally well." Coach added. All of the plavers agreed th,lt this year was a very producti\·e one.

The lnfamou<., Bus Ride

The whole team is ready and vvilling to start their journey for the next away game. Everv plaver on the bus was so pumped even before the engine even started.

First Row: J. Bischof, A. Baker, S. Reilly, M. Sobczyk, P. wan, Kerkof, A. Kirck, K. trom, J. Vaughn; econd Row: 1'. astillo, S. Ruiz, AJ Meiers, E. Barkyoumb, T. Bullock, R. Sloyan, Q. Meyers; Third Row: A. Halpain, E. Ortiz, C. Desmond, M. Gildenstern, A. Rasey,]. Wolf, Z. Dinero, C. ullivan; Fourth row: 'v1.. PUlson, B. Charters, Burdick, M. Rcfner, D. Koestner,]. Anthony, . Judd, D. Schodt, T. Cole; Top Row: oach ache, Coack Malberry, oach Boler


Jfonl(ing OurJforns!

One big happv f,1milv! In preperation for tlw 2000-2001 cheerlead ing seao.,on, both JV and Varsity o.,quacb cl weekend at the USA camp at A l t gave the \ cHsi ty o.,quad a head o.,tart on o.,hmving JV "the ropes', and it ga\ e both squclds a Lhance to get to knm\ L'ach otlwr better.

Fashion \ ictim or nwntal p.1tient? Although it m,w kx)klikeit, Karaio.,notmv\ .TI1en thechcerlcadero., m11L'Li a skit for the entire Cclmp mocking MTY'sfanatiL. (note: K,1ra is not trying to be BrittneySpearo.,, she is justa crazy fan.

Scc1red Stupid! Instead of paying for rooms at Au, the tvvo o.,quado., had the privelege of o.,taying at the Wilkinson'o., cabin, rent free. Of couro.,e when you are in a cabin in the middle of tlw woods, you can't reo.,io.,t a fevv practical jokeo.,. While most of the '>quad was asleep in the bunk room, Dee Dee, aka "Poppies", and Briana decided to scare everyone by snt1tching on and slamming the bedroom door. While terrified Cheryl and Collen huddk'l.:ltogetheronahalfwayddlatedclirmclttressonthefltx)r,Kar,l,beingthegtxxlhostcs..<;thatshe was, lied and said it was theairconditioning. But once they all heard the giggles, thev knewithad to be eitheranevilhyenaorDeeDee.

Gone fio.,hin' Colleen and Heather demonstrate an odd version of the fi<;h dance during a lunch break at camp. Heather believes it will be the new dance trend.

There's no place like home! Are Ma<;sage therapists training. When you do nothing but stiff arm motions, throw people in the air, and tumbles for three days straight, you tend to get pretty sore and cramped. Thankgoodnessforthemassagecirclewhereeveryone benefits!

thesegirbhappytobebackinOlilndler ________...,.,..__,,.,...,...----,...-------. or proud tobedisplayingaspirihtick? Probably ... Both! owthereisachance to sleep 'til mxm for fivcdaysstraight and anothero.,piritstick to the trophy are


Go Big Fd! What would tlw dwer '>quad be without a ma">cot? othing! Fd Hermeo.; joined the tt•am this year and immediately becamepart of the famiily. Ed's mom ">ay'>, ' '!'vealway'> wanted a kid that was a cheerleader." But Ed 'ia vs, "I'm not a cheerleader!! "

O ooh-la-la!The VarsitySquadalsowenttothe CA camp at AU thissummerwcrethcy tlx)khomeseveral awards and ribl:xms,indudinga trophy forbestcheer,all

possible) thatthcyeamed for an elevation.

2000-01 Yar'iity heer

Top Row: Melissa Perry, Heather Holstad, hcryl Pfahl, Lesleigh Pringle, Julia Graham, Michelle Lovata; Third Row, Renee Miller, Heather Baiser, Nicole Rea; econd Row: Christine Slomski, Briana Bernal, icki Ritz, Aubrey DeWolf; Bottom Row: Kara Wilkinson, DeeDee DeYoung; at Pictured: Colleen Hill, and Ed Hermes.

ShakL• tho">e pompom">! I hl't you don't kml\Vitw,l'>p.lm-p.Hb, not p.m1 -pomo., Brianna shm, o.; hm' ibdone at the f lomecomming game\ · .., [)\·o..,art

200 too many ! For the past three vear-, , the \ 'arsitv and J squad'-.ha\ emna Thio.; yt•ar tht' \ had to turn out owr200 1-.ido., icki ..,.,\".., , "r\fkr thate pt'nt•nce , I'm noto..,urt' I wantto h,we kid<i! "



Men at Work.

Prepared for War. _Ia\ ier Beltran, Peter Sheehy , and Austin Perr) look 0\ er the defence c1S play is stopped for injury.

This years team was a mi"\ seniority and many new faces. Seniors Peter Sheehy, Seth Nenaber, and Ja, ier Beltran led the offense.

Seniors John Anthon;, Scotty Klemens, sophmore Ryan Kutzbach, and junior Will Bise led thedominantdefense.C- Daddy led the way with most acrobati person by showing off doing one o his flip-thrmvs. John Anthony' fa, orite word is "DUDE." Austin Perry is whom everyone likes to pick on.

Javier Beltran cannot stop Seth enabcr, he might try, but he will never suceed.

Mmmmmm 's the word as Senior Scotty Klemens shows off his towering throw-in the opposi-

You can't Touch This! Senior Javier Beltran proves that a Sentinel can always overcome a Trojan.

• •
Speed Demon!! Senior Soccer Stud Seth enaber is like lightning in the field . He moves and creates with great speed and charisma.

Sun·ival of the FittL'st Sophomore Auo..,ttn

Perry contendo.., the oppoo..,ition for the ball.

H ere I Come to Sa\ e the Da.J Senior Peter Sheehy is the leader both on and off the field for the entinel soccer playero..,.

Boy's Varsity occer

Top Row: E. Eckland, D. Koestner, P. v\'an, T Wolf, J. Tobin, R Kutzbach, A. Kirch, A. Rasey, K. Boughter; 2' 1 Row: C. Dozbaba, A. Perry, M. Korte, heedy, K. Edwards, M. Beltran, W. Bessette, M. BlaU\ ·elt, T. Conner; 3'J Row: H. MacDonald, Clemens,]. Beltran, j.Anthony,A.M rabb,S. enaber,P.Sheehy

"Gl't off n1\ Ball!!"

1 l'"" John Anthon\ ,1.., he h 0 \\ s who's the boss on the pia;,mg field.


Hogan's battle stanLe before he decide.., to whack the ball.

Pnme Tinw Action Sophomore ,\uo..,tin Perry and Seniors Peter Sheehy, SLOtt Klemens, and John Anthom prepare to put the balltn the net.

1(ick._ing l t t n to (jear!


CourtJW\ Kuluris, and Carly Sandell. f:nough '>aid! The'>c three, (plu:-. Meli'>sa Miller, Janna Feeley, and Sarah •vere the\\ ild ones of the Girb Soccer team!! With Brittm'}, Carly, and Melissa'.., singing ability, along with Courtney, Janna, and Sarah'" dancing a b iIi t} there was nc\ era dull moment!

Senior goalie ourtne} "Shapp" Kuluris i'> a beast in the goal. With her quickness and she pounce'> (like a tiger) and stops an} soccer ball... kicked her way!

1 2 eniors Rule! This year, the Iad y Senti neb had 7 returning Seniors. Their leadership prO\·ed to be the determining factor of their awesome season. reatjob, L-----"------------------l ladies!

H ere at Seton Catholic We do things a little bit different ly, especially the Girls Soccer team. If you think that you can't have fun while playing soccer then you are completely \\ rong! Remember the rained out practices, (Oh \\a it. ... we practiced anywa} ), BK, Burger King, Remember the Titans, pep rallies, In and Out Burger, Soccer!, Kuner! Truth ayers! Prankca Us, the field, Benedict,duoaction,bench warming, harassment, freshman, K.iki, bag, running, cheesebathrooms,S{.>cretsantas, ja\ elin, the pitch, btx)ts, Ashley, Dylan, Jordan, the fam., bleeding profu.<.;ely, aids bottle, M&K bottle, ST, busting mO\·es! And the quotes! "Di, you grab m} ? "That was real ugly #2" "Stop running into the goalie#3" "Keep your hands down #4!" "Look receive, pa s and move'"'Thatdeservesaneeee" "Cockiness kills curiosity killed thecat!!"

H alftime! 80 minutes of pure soccer-it b tough! Halftime gives the'>e girls 10 minutes to rest and recuperate. Good thing for the rest, because the second half of the Greenway game was amazing. The lady Sentinels pulled away with a victory again t to give them a 3 J place fini h in the Highland Tournam e n t !

The wheels on the bus go ..... Playing in 4A, these girls didn't have to travel as far as the Girls' and Boys' basketball teams. They either took both vans to their games or a nice charter bus. Freshman Kelly Rush said, "The bus rides were so fun. I tried to leep, but I couldn't. Everyonewasalwayssoloud. Oh yeah the bathrooms me lied too "


SeniorCarlv Sandell gets into position to slide tackle cllld take away the• ball from an Arc,1dia plaver Carly said, "1 am b\ far the beshlide tackler on the team thankc, to Sarah enabcr and Janna Feeley. ST! just kidding!" .. · -

Sophomore arla Chee BUST A MOVE on a Greenway High School defender. With Carla's excellentdribblingskillsshe wa able to dribble all the way to the goal and score! Carla says "I really enjoy playing soccer. I have learned o much!"

Girls Soccer

Top Row: Assistant Coach my Lewis, Carla Chee, Gra iela Badilla- uevar, Melissa Miller, Bridget Baras o, Karlyn havez, icole Kuluri , Alicia Quihuis, Coach Daryl

Chavez Second Row: Amanda Keilty, Kim Zadrozny, arly Sandell, ourtney Kuluris, Kelly Rush, Kristina Schweinberg, H ather Heying, Janna Feeley, Je ica Lozano Third Row: Deni e Billing , Christine arpenter, BrittneySwan,Krissy gudo, Dana Robledo, Jackie Cortez, Jennifer Sherman, arah enaber.

Brittney C,wan gets around a C.reem\ ay HighSchool player to ta kc•a o.;hot a ttlw goal. " It 1s sofunny! lam..,olittle , but:et I get the m<bt fou 1-. . I gue..,.., I push wa: to much ," -.aid Brittney.

Sophomore '\.Kolc Kuluris loves playing defense. In this picture she dribble-. up the left sideline and kick, it out of the defensive Jd of the field " I lo\ e playing soccer with ill) sister. Even though \\ e fight e\ ery two second..,,\\ e-.tJ!I are a great team," said icole

Junior jen Sherman smile.., for the camera after a "tough" game against Glendale High School. As you can '>ee from the burger king cup, the team \\' ent to Burger King after the game to celebrate their big victory (6-0). Way to go entincls!

Lane Change

Here's the plan! The girl.., gl't ,,]] huddled up to listen to their Coach, Karen Self, \\ ho is hidden in this picture by the teo m. And olong comes Mory, Mary. \!though IJttll' freo..,hmon Placido b a o..,tud, it doesn't look like she is paying much uttention to vvhot is going on.

Toke it to the hoop!!

Maggie Mitchel shows her mO\ es in practice, while her team mute Megan hurosh tries to get

open for the

White on Wheat. These two posts W ow, looks like they are having fun! Even battle for position during a scrimage. though Mellisa Perry is sleeping! They must owhat' it going to be, white or wheat. have had a very long bus ride!

Before every game the lady Sentinels huddle up for a prayer and a cheer. Thi helps them get fired up for the game!!!


Alana Wirth :.ays, "Bao.,kl'tball is o.,o much fun becauo.,c I gl'l to hang out "ith the coolco.,t people . Long bus ride.., home arc alwa).., 'en interesting!"

It taJ..L•.., t\\ n baby 11 rah Kcnncd\ takL•o., t\\ o \\ hilc practicing. It looks ao., if thco.,c four L'n tine! lad ics know how to h,l\ e

Surfs Lp Big Kahun,l. Kclli Warburton addo., "Florida was a lot of tun, tudios was

Strike a pose. Who are those 4 hot looking ladies? Oh, it's Cory, Jamie, Marge, and Steve! Looks like hanging out with the basketball team has really rubbed off on these two guys!!!

Girls' Basketball

Top Row- oach Karen Self, Maggie Mitchell, Alana Wirth, Joanna Usher, Marge Zylla, Jamie Callahan, Cory Garcia. Middle Row- Melissa Hall, atalie Rozales, Mary Placedo, Megan Churosh, Katarina Jax, Ste, ·en Hart. Bottom Row- Melissa Perry, Kelli Warburton, Sarah Kennedy.

E\·erybody mile!! Freshman Katarina Jax shows here pearly whites while waiting in the Florida airport.

o Sentinels! The girls get pumped up before their game 'ersus Santa Cruz. Their coach always gi' es them a few encouraging vvords to keep them on their

Michelle Majewski looks on as her opponents atempt to make a basket. She says, "If we \\ ork together as a team, we're sure to play a good game \\ hether we win or lose. "

The girls congradulate each other on a great game. ubry Me Donnell said , "We practiced hard and it payed off in the end "

Kira icastro, Madison Jansen, Ashley Oakes, and Anna Hershkowitz join together for a buddy picture. Anna says, "Having great friends on the team makes playing even more fun!"

J V Girls' Basketball

Top row: Virginia Howard, Jennifer Murphy, Rachel Stein, Coach John Harrison, Aubry Me Donnell, Kira

Nica tro, Ashley Oakes. Midd le row: Madison Jansen, Michelle Majewski, Theresa Polowski, Anna Hershkowitz.

Bottom row: Melis a Hall, Maggie Leonard-Rivera, atalie Rosalez.



Out of my way! Maureen Howell won't let anyone get in hen'\ a; a'>'>he for the lay up. Though they ended up to game, the put on a magnificentperformance.

She and Scores!! 'vtaureen Howell for the hoop and <,cores. She>H1rkshard both at school and in basketball. Her dedication her a key person on the Freshman Team.

Break! Barbara Usher looks to left and the right to see who is open. Barbara plays an important role in the freshman team, she is praising and encouraging her other teammates to be the best they can be.

Fast Break. Terra Santiago the ball straight to the hoop, and earns the team another point. Her hard work sure pays off as she help to lead her team into victory.

Freshman Girls Basketball

Bottom: Jessica Pinheiro, atalie Rosalez, Terra Santiago, Juley elson; Second Rovv: Kasey Mulhern, Maureen Howell, icole Radman, Ashley Hart, Meghan Schaiberger;

Top Row: Lisa McDonald, Katie ovak, Barbara Usher, Mary Grubbs

Charlie's Angels... Katie ovak, Mary Grubbs and Barbara Ush r show that they are independent women and can really kick some butt on and off the court.

"E. ecution bnw" Coach C.,raham and Pin tor goO\ er a fast break pia\ \\ ith \nthony Grubbs, Ste\ l' '\im ak, and Tre\ or DeBenadetto Our bo) sare knm' n for their quick-thinking and killer press breaks. o \\onder they are definite competition for state this year.

''I'm a defensi\ l' machine" Michael Bruening displays \\hat he calls "thl' wall", Michael is one of the be t defensi\ e play ersand quotes "I pity the fool who tries to get by the \\all!" Poor Jake Hyde is intimidated b) hi own teammate.

"You fella's ain't hustlin'!" Luckily this is a quote that the Seton basketball players are not\ ery familiar with. There are times when

oach Graham and Coach Pintar need to get the boys back on track ··Team leader"' .....1!1'1\ and give some direction. Scott Travis says "I am always in awww Trevor DeBenadetto when given instructions, I just love the mentoring that my coaches di..,play-. on and ofT the gi\ e me!" court' Senior leader

ship and re'>pon-.lhlny. he i.., alwa)'> open for '>ugge'>llon.., \\hen it come.., to 1mpn)\ 1ng h1.., game. ··1 do 1t lor the IO\ e not for the mone).

"Seton sideliners" Trevor DeBenadetto, Scott Tra\·is, Jake Hyde, and Anthony Grubbs wait patiently for their turn to "get their game on". cott, being older and wiser, explains to Jake the mechanicsofcheerleading. Anthony i also\ ery stimulated by their com·er ation. Shouldn't you boys be concentrating on the game, now's not the time to be talking about girls.

"Whoa! Someone' breath is kickin" It is ritual for each player to use the "good luck" mouthwash before each game. To the team' dismay an anonymous player thoroughly enjoyed a supreme nacho from Filibertos' before their game and then forgot to use the lucky mouthwash. entinels smell victory this ea ·on a trongly as they smell stinky breath in a close huddle.

rJJriving La ne

"It's ,111 1n thl' '>hOl''>" I ud, \ for \1ich,wl, Jh•..,hol''>lwlp P' l' him that l'xtra 1mh "[ \l'r ..,inn• I was 111 fifth grade I ha\'l' worn nothing, but '\ikl' app<Heal on and off the court. M\ own per..,onal ..,ignatun' item j.., the upside- down armband on mv calf and one black ..,tKk and tlw other white." With \1Jchael'.., ..,tvleand performance, '\ BA aero..,.., the country will jump on L--the \1ichael Brul'l1lng band\\ agon o' '>t\ ll•

"Back that thing up!" Junior, C1rlos Villicana is caught doing his prL'-ganw d,1nCL' ntual, the Maca rena. In this picture he ic,also..,porting Varc,ity's latec,t bac,ketball undi'..,. Carlos alc,o lm es the new uniforms because, "I get lots of attention from the ladies."

"Unfair Ad\ antage?" Although a bit on the short s1de, Scott l ravic, ic,,1 kthal weapon when it comec, to the jump ball. Rumors ha\ e been confirmed that over the c,ummer Scott had a twitch muscle implanted in his calf to imprm ·e his \'ertical. o I guess the unfair advantage is againc,t Danny Walsh.

"Take =i." Dannv Vvabh, Josh Wra\, and te\e '\mak· take a \\atl'r from c,itting on the bench for c,o long. te\ e say.., that sitting on the bench too long can cramp up his legs. "I need to be ready anytime coach needs me. Going in with cotton mouth can also slow my game down." While Josh \\'ray is in deep thought, Danny confirms that, "yes, Powerade is spelled correcti)."

"Team Unit)." othing bond'> a bunch of bo;s like the locker room. Stories, jokes, and in-depth com ersations on quantum phy '>icc, ha\ e been shared in the locker room thresh hold. Foreigners will ne,·er trul) know \\'hat is said among the basketball men. Senior Mike Hollowell sa,·s that, "the team is sworn to secren. Anvone who utters of the sacred. rituals preformed before each gam·e will be sacrificed upon the altar of the basketball gods."

" S wat Wench." Junior Josh Wra; will do an; thing for a lao e ball. Man; team· fear Wray's ball grabbing tactics because he is ver; determined and aggressive. "Pia; e\·er; game like i., w a<; your r-___:::..._---,1""'""':---,----"T'"----------..----....-.last," says Josh. "You will ne\er get il .,;econd shot at the same game.

Top Rm': oach Refner, Danny Walsh, Ste\ e m ak, Anthon; Grubbs, Tre,·or DeBenedetto, Coa h Pintor; Bottom Row: Michael Brunning, cott Travis, Josh Wray, Jake Hyde.


trotters Prospect??? Junior Matt Baker practices his memorizing ball spin during a break in practice.

Atten .. tion!!! Coach Bill Gutherie stops practice just to make sure that junior Brian tamp know his role.

A Time to Listen

Fre-;hman Jordan Wolf takes in as much knovvledge as he can as oach Bill Gutherie speaks his wordsofbasketball wisdom.

"Well what can I say besides our team is kinda young. We have a lo of freshmen on the team." Those were the fir t words that came out team captain Jeff Warburton. "The only really exciting player on ou team is Batman." For all of us outsiders "Batman" refers to Junior, Baker. "We call him Batman because he blocks any shot that is taken front of him." Jeff also speak highly of teammate Ted Pattock.,"T works real hard, just like his idol Justin Timberlake."

Timeout. .. Fresh- Deep in Thought. man Zach Dinero pa- ophomoreTeddy Pattock stands reflecting on his great overall performance at practice. tiently waits to be rotated into the nightly offen ive practice.

JV Boys' Basketball

Top Row: Paolo Espaldon, Matt Baker, Matt Refener; Middle Row: Manager Merrick McMlellan, Teddy Pattock, Jordan Wolf, Jeff Penteco t; Bottom Row: Jeff Warburton, Matt Tibbetts, Zach Dinero.



Coming Through! Freshman Ryan Sloyan pushes through everything to get the ball for the referees as everyone else awaits the big game again t Fountain Hills.

Paying off Looks like all the warming up that Eric Barkoumb did before the game is really paying off. Erin is shooting a three during a game and hits nothing but net.

Keeping the Faith! The .-----------------,

Freshman Boys Basketball team listens to Coach Ed during a time out. Coach is trying to pump the boys up to get htem back into the game.

Warming up The Fresman boys take there warm ups very serious! y. Bobby Rzonca yells across the court to his teammates telling them that Eric and him are waiting for the ball.

Attention! Freshmans Casey Desmond and Andrew Hal pain pay close attention as Coach Ed explains a new play that will help thesentinalsmakea comeback and win the game.

The Fre hman boys basketball team wa asked, "What is the biggest thing you got out of being a part of the team this year?" All thanswers were about the same. The most popular answer was, that it gave them the chance to bond with new kid , since all of them were attending Seton for their first year. When Adam Baker was asked, "what was the funniest memory that you will hold with you from the basketball seaon?" he said, "when we were all in the van about to leave for fountain hills, the battery was dead and the van didn't start." Memories like these are what the freshman team experienced throughout the yearand it is what brought them closer together.

Freshman Basketball

Adam Baker, Casey Demond, Rick Pei tzmeier, BobbyRzonca,Jeff Anthony,JJVaughan, CoachEd Arroyo, Mike Sobczyk, Eric Barkyoumb, Ryan Sloyan, Andrew Halpain, Keil Rotarious, Dustin Schod t.



WRESTilNG it out

Work it! our mighty sentinel wrestlers oin together before a rna tch to settle down and

Don't Try Too Hard!! Junior Ed Herme, ca sually analyzes hi teammate, fre hman Tom Boler, trying to figure out the mo t logical and effective mm e he hould make .

Excuse me'

Sophomore Marc epul veda looks a bit confused. He must not be enjoying the move performed by ick Tambone. "Don' t worry," ays, Marc, "he' got something el e coming his way!"

1,2,3 ... pin! As a new addition to the eton wretling community, Junior Ben Osterday shows his kills out on the mat. The determination on his face show a he add anoth r win for the ntinel .

Thanks Coach. Juniors Levi R dger and ody McDonald listen attentively as they learn how top rf ct th ir move before going to r gionals. It tak a lot of hard work and effort to succeed and the boy know what they n d to put forth to become victoriou

Hugh Hernll''> and Matt Kirch take it down a notch after aha rd practice. Hugh <,aV'i, " Running is my fa, orite part of practice. "

You can do it, put your back into it! Junior Levi Redger' ready to win and he ha hi opponent right where he wants him.

W restler

Bottom Row: Troy Bullock, Paul Ca tillo,Jim onner,JeremiahSullivan, Tom Boler, Marc pulveda; 2nd Row: ick Radman, Ed Herme , athan Cervante , Andy Bauer, B n Osterday, John Silkey, Mark Poulsen; 3rd Row: Jim Garvey, Eric Schafer, hip Pelzer, Hugh Hermes, ick Tambone, Chri Caldron; Top Row: Matt Kirch, Jeff Littrell, ody McDonald, Levi Redger, Adrian Hernandez, Barry Charters.

Watch out! Fre'>hman Barf) Chartcro.,and \11ark Poulsen may be new to the team, but the) arcnotafraid to put up a good fight!

Sophomore Jeff Littrell, Adrian Hernandez, and ick Tambone anxiouc;l) wait for their turn to vvrestle. ick says, " Thio., one for the ladie<,!"

Get off me! Eric chafer and Matt Kirch demono.,trate a mo, ·e to the rest of their teammates . Eric says, ''I' m like the leader of the team! I dont know what they would do without me!"


JV Hao.., done ,1 great de,1l of 1mprm mg! The\ practice moo..,t ot the tJme on their own clnd theirdfortso..,hinl'through when they perform. JV learned ,1 lot ot materi,11 at camp and practiced very hard to perfect it. They alo..,o added theirr own touches to make the dances their own. Keep up the hard work girls, you look great and Seton will be o..,eeing muck of you in the coming years. \vaytoocold outside right now!

J practice<.for the PeeWee linic. They learn ,1 new dan e that they helped Varsity make to teach to the Kindergarden through 8th grade girls.

Watd1 out for tlw ceding Stephanie! Stl'phanie practice., her o..,ingle b,1.,ed ... boulder stand in.,ide because it i<.

Way to go JV! JV shakestheir tuff during a pep rally. They practice really hard and their effort is shown when they perform!

Look at all those smiling faces! You o Girls!

JV Cheer Top Row: Kellie Brook, A hley Lewers, Ashley ickum, Collen Martin, Br nna Saka , Lauren Wood ;MiddleRow:Aiicia Iorio, Amanda Byrd, Stephanie Echeveste; Bottom Row: Kacia Huddleston and epulv da.

Here they are getting ready to start the game . Amazingly enough, the hockey team is not an official sport yet at Seton , they are still considered a club. But not to their fans!


Hey there sleepy head! Freshman Kyle Strom i the youngest member of the team this year. The re t of the team is made up o;_f:_J

aboard Kyle!

O ur Hockey Team:

Aaron Jarrod, Ru ell Gerring,ChrisOwen, Eric arruth, Baeu Gilligan, and Kyle Strom.



:J{ow am I driving ?

The Dream Team... ophomores

Ben Fredlake, Kyran Lilmbert, Brendon "G uidoSarduci " Reinchilrdt,

Whilt ,1 "' hMk!! SL•nior Seth enilber j.., ,1bout to nicely whack the golf ball close to the hole.

and Coach Howell go over.------------------------, the game plan for the days practice.

"Like an arro>-v"says ophomore Kyran Lambert, after every shot of sophomore Brendon Reinchardt. lip out from three feet of Kuner. Who could ever forget the th hole at Western kies , notorious for flashes of cow brains. This year's team hoped to improve their game and get close to winning the state tit le.

Long and narrow!


Ben Fredlake

swing a he tries to aim down the narrow fairway

W hat a game face! Snior Ryan Weitzel lines up what was to be another 'perfect' putt. Ryan always take the game very seriou ly.

G olf practice at it' hardest. Sophomores Kevin Meurer and K IIi McGowan stretch 'inten ely' before they take on the cour e.

With a ..,tern glare and demeanor the lone lefty on the course, Anthony Kuner prepares for another shank!!

Line me up! Sophomore Ben Fredlake l...r.JII!i!!l with the assistance of his helpful assistant Anthony Kuner makes a birdie on the second hole at Western Skies Golf Club.

R ip It!! This Sophomore, Brandon Reichardt, is packed with pawer that barely makes it passed the women's tees, but his score never show this weakness.

G olf Team

Top Row: Coach Burke, Heller, C. Carlson, B. Laliberte', K. McGowan, A. Monaco. Coach

Howell: Middle Row: S. Smith, S. enaber, R. Weitzel, B. Fredlake, C. Miller, J. Falkner, K. Yakaitis; Front Row: C. Caldron, A. Howard, W. McDavid, J. Dayawon, B. Reichardt, K. Meurer, A. Kuner, K. Lambert.

"Like A Clove!"

Senior Nick Heller finishes a quick nine hole round with a good score and a pair of shoes whiter than his shirt.

A Long Journey! Golf is a long and tireless sport, full of hills and valleys. You never know what your going to walk into.

S[ower rr'raffic ...

1(eep 2Uglit

"This is probably going to be the most sue- Coach Trei, an 8 time cessfulyearfortheboys All-American, and track team in a long Coach Brandon, a eton time" says Captain Track alumnist, not only Tom onner, "We have make up the vvork-outs, many returning ath- they actually do them. letes, along with ome "The team looks awenew additions, that are somethisyearand I think goingtomakethist am we have a really good awesome". They have chance at winning a lot returners Tom and Jim of meeL ,"Says oach L--------- --' onner who pole Trei. Thisisherfirstyear vault and sprint; Dan Krick and Peter heehy who hurdle as coach, but already she and sprint and Matt Baker, Mike Fitzgerald and Adam has whipped the team Bullock who also sprint. Distance returners include: Scott into shape. Klem ns, Augie armont, and Scott Ferris. Sean Kruger .-------. and Matt Radman are back throwing discus and shot, along with jumper Jeff Koe tn r, who is pictured left. With that returning line up, along with th additional new athletes Seton's boys' track team will urely win many meets. Last year the Seton boy took 2"d in region and it looks like they have a good chance for first this year!

Smile! You're on andid amera! In an unguarded moment, Adam Bullo k let's his finger wand r into his nose to "itch" it, he says. Adam has made the switch from di tance to printing this y ar and has high hopes and a good chance to win many medals.

O n your mark, get t. Greg Koe tner, Dan Koestner, JeffKoe tner (2 brother and a cousin), and Mike Fitzgerald run their legs off at Saturday practice in preparation for the season ahead. With a handful of returning seniors and a well, th team will dominate in number

W ater bottle thrower?? ope- if you look in Greg's other hand, you'll ee a di c. Although he wa out Ia t year with a broken leg, Greg returns this year tronger and faster than ever to print, jump, and of cour e, throw di cus. Greg ay , "All of you kids with broken


Hev coach, I got mv pink trv-outLard! Although Danny Walsh is a junior, and newcomer to the Trackteam. "Itlooks like a lot of hard work, but I think it \·Vi II be fun. I have HIGH hopes for HIGH jump this vear!" He s,1ys w1th a grin.

R ain or hine Peter heehy is a hard core runner, even when it's raining! He say'i "Rain or hine, it doesn't matter to me, I gotta get my running in to prepare for the meets."

Boys' Track

Top Row: Jeff Bastian, Matt Radman, ick Kindgren, Paolo Espaldon, Dan Krick, Matt Baker, Bryan tamp, Adriane Hernandez, athanjudde,Mi haelTambs, Matt Tibbetts, cott Klemens. 'v1iddle Row: Robert Campion, Jeremiah utherland, athan Melcher, Dan Koe'itner, ick Radman, Sean Kruger, Tom Conner, Preston Swan, raig Sheedy. Bottom Row: Peter Sheehy, Jim onner, Jeff Koestner, Steve Villabona, reg Koe tner, Adam Bullock, Mike Fitzgerald. ot Pictured: Scott Ferris, Augie armont, Danny Walsh, Cory Wisdom, Matthew Korty.

Fh ing High! Tom Conner is an a \\'L'some spnntcr, but lwalso pok v auf ts, and took 1 ' J m state last ye,u, and he's hoping for 1 ' th1s year. After a long hard spnntmg work out Tom then goes and practices pole vaulting. It's a lot of hard work, but 1t all pavs off! Butterflies 'v1att "lightenlng" Baker, and 'v11ke "Ankles" Fit/gerald stretch out, to prepare for a long, and grueling Saturday practice. "Stretching prevenh us all from being injured says 'Ankles' with a smirk.


ing It

Robm Feelev, A..,hle\ Oake..,, (oaLh l\.n<;t,1 Trei,,1nd Cc1rh andell t,1ke a moment after prcKtice tthmile for the camera. "I c1m <;O glad that Coach Trei came to Seton to coach the Track team. She is so cool and she knows a lot about the sport," said Junior Robin Feeley. Coach Krista Trei was an amazing high school and college distance runner. She ran both crosscountrv and track in high school and college. She didn't like cross countrv as much as

Stop the thieve..,!-The training room i<; c1 track. he Wa<; an 8 All-Ameri- - --""' popular place to hang out after practice. can and <;(w love<; running on the

!though mo..,t people are tending to their treadmill. "She i" basically arly 9 injurie<;, a <;elect few come and ..,teal icc and year"> from now," said enior cott rv1&M'"· o who are the thieve">? All we Klemens.

knm\ is one of them is a psycho distance .--------runner and the other one is a famous soccer player and the other psycho distance runner is taking the picture. l'm sure no one will ever know girls .... ha.

"Track is so fun" says Kelly "Singapore" Rush. "l thought Soccer wa fun. Track is even better!" Remember the time "So what is Melissa famous for occer. What is arly famous for uhhh running? l don't know?" "I run the 800 but I don't know my time." "Was that for real?" " ot the Hills!" "Roland Hard in 2K1" "We're Middle-Distance." "Let's watch Carly do cleans, lets watch her do dips." "We can bench 70." ..

"This isn't cheer." "She I tore my MCL." "We're li the pole-vaulting coach s." "We gotta beat Jodi." "Put your head down." "Uhh... hich ca lied Soccer practice is ancelled." "KickGrass." " l ftra kwaseasy,they'd all it ...... " "Brittney this is track "

ever forget running the hills, the mountain, the park, the car rides to and from the hill , sprint, push-ups, sprint, pu h-up , sprint, push-up, CDaddy, benching, cleans, the rain d out practices, running in th rain, sprint drill , tretching, OS, the Oak tree, and

S tretching is very important when it comes to track and field. There is a very high ri k of pulling omething while running, throwing, and jumping. The track team alway str tches for at least 15 minute a a team before they do anything. "I wi h arly and Meli sa lead tretch s more," aid Robin Fe ley. "They would do a great job."

o Look Hand-off-Junior Briana Bernal hands off the baton to Senior Melissa Miller in the 4x100 meter relay. In this relay, each member of the relay team runs 100 meters (a straight-a-way or a curve) and passes the baton to the next team member. There are 4 people on each rei a y team. "I like the straighta-way the best," said Briana Bernal.

Shapptastic- ourtney "Shapp" Kuluris is an amazing thrower. This year was her first year throwing and sh was a great addition to the team.

Freshmen Cour t ney ewsham, Mary Grubb , Krissy "Kri tere" Agudo, and Ashley "The Oak Tree" Oake , talk in the gym lobby before track practice. Th lobby was the "cool" hang out until practice started at 4:00. ''I'm sorry, but the lobby wasn't that cool. Th ecret track bathroom wa the plac to b ," aid S nior M li a Mill r. "The lobby is cool for a good 'I t hide th quart r' pick-up-game with freshman boy , ingapore.


Meh-,"a "Bu ffne-,..," 'vi iller can do 100 dip.., with no probll'm. ( ick!). Meli""a ,1lway-, goe.., into the weight room after prachu.' and doe'> dip!->. Doing dip'> will -,trengtlwn her arm'> and help her to run faster in the-!OOand the 800.

Get out of the '>and!

I'm sure that if oa h Philips saw this picture, he wouldn't be too happy. Robin Feeley and Carly Sandell arc known for doing weird things (like laying in the '>and pit) their never ending laugh at ridiculous things. "They would laugh ... and it wouldn't even be funny," said Jim

Fre hmen Maureen Howell and Krissy Agudo listen to what oach Wyendall has to ay. Krissysay , " oach Wy ndall i pretty tough, but I know that I will become extremely fast because of him. His workouts will make us really good."

Girls Track

Back Row : ourtney cwsham, Megan linch, Mary Grubbs, Katie ovak, Brianna Wilkins, Heather Holstand, icki Rice, icole Radman; Third Row : hristine McDonough, A hi y Lewer , Ginger Howard; Second Row : Jessica Pinheiro, Juile el on, Tara McMurdy, Karlyn Chavez, Aubrey McDonn II, Alicia Rybacki; Bottom Row: Courtney Kul uri , Brittney wan, arly Sandell, h ryl Pfahl, Robin F ley, Meli a Miller, Kri y Agudo, hley Oak ot Pictured: Erin Belief uille

Thi.., year wa<, Sophomore Heather Holdstad'" fir-,t year of running track. She -,aid, "Pradlle<, \\ere sometimes hard, but they were worth it. I wa'> alway-, Improving." Good job

Sophomore Ginger Howard is one of the few girls' hurdlers on the Seton team. In this picture, she carries her favorite hurdle out to the track to practice. Even though she just got done running hill-, in Ahwatukee, she thought that <,he might as well come back to cton to practice her hurdling. Way to go, Ginger!

Saturday morning practile.., werL' U'>ually held at Me'>quite liigh chool. And u..,ually, practice'>\\ ere really tough. Fre..,hman Danielle Waite said, "I liked running on the Mesquite track. It was a lot ea ·ier to run on than the Seton track. I can run a lot faster on the Mesquite track."

GIRLS' Map Out rrhe Court

Fre..,hman Andrea Thompson and Junior Beth Dagger prepare to serve in a practice match again'>t Annie Adams and Laura Lillo rvtary says,"! think Beth and I plav great together! "

T he girl keep busy during practice whether their just practicing their backhand or playing ome match


Junior'> laura Lillo and Annie Adam'> '>wap places during their practice m,1tch versus Courtney mitham and jeanette Wolf .

S ophomore Chri tine Slomski and Freshman Mary Placido pay clo e attention as Coach Clairmont shows th m a coup le of strategies of her own.

Sophomore Charlotte Koestner and Junior Jeanette Wolf watch and wait patiently for their turn to play. Charlotte says," Practice is a lot of hard work, but my team is great and we make it fun!"

Sc' nior


Smith,1m alwaY., o:,ec'm" to have' fun at practice a'> you can tell by tlw b1g

., m i I c' acroo:,sed her face

Girls' Tennis

Junior'> Laura Lillo and Annie Adams chat while taking a rest after a hard practice match. Laura ... ayo:,,.." It'., great playing again t Annie because o:,he is a really good player." Top Row: Mary Placido, Laura Lillo, Charlotte Koestner, Megan Em off, Beth Dagger. Middle Row: Ro lyn Lalor, Annie Adam , Christine Slomski, Andrea Thomp on, Michelle arl on. Bottom Row: jeanette Wolf, ourtney mitham. ot pictured: oach Morri on, oach lairmont. Senior Courtney Smitham and Junior jeanette Wolf pose forthecameraafterwinningthegirls3A Doubles hampionshi p. Courtney says," jeanette was a v.:ondL•rfu I partner to have! "


tBacl( ani :Forth

Strike A Pose ! Seniors r-f1r--+- ..J...

Daniel hisolm and Ben Thomson ponder the meaning of life , as they \Nait for the rest of their teammates to come back from their water break.! think this is one of those times \Vhen Ben and Dan relate to life being like a sine cur\'e .

Suck it down Freshman AJ Meier

kno\\'., how important it

1., to h d rate oneself during an outdoor work out. " ot only does milk do a body, but o does water.

Water slows down the aging proce s. " Thank you AJ for that beauty secret.

Shoo fly , don't bother me. Although it seems as if Senior Daniel Chisolm might be preparing to deliver a hearty serve, he is actually trying to kill the bee that has been bugging him throughout the entire tennis practice. Dan ay , "I ju t tarted using this new deodorant, <.o the b es might be attracted to the <.cent I know my girl-friend is." Boy , take note that Dan is wearing Speed tick in shower fresh.

To serve, or be served? "I serve at least 60 balls every practi e," ays enior Jeff Koestner . "If you can't serve you can't win, and I play to win."

It takes tenni balls to play tennis. Good for Ben Thomson and Albert Ching to show a little bit of senior leadership by shagging balls for the rest of their team mates. Most eniors would make the frosh do all of the dirty work, but Ben Thomson says, "Ther is no I in team. We all need to take part in doing the dirty work."

_ _

"Hardcort' tennis " Sophomore

Mario Beltran displays the tl•chniquc required of a "hardcorc" tennis player. Mario says "I go all out at every pra ticc, this team isgoingtoro k". We agree with this young man and sec a bright boy''> tennis future

"Quick feet" Freshman Jon icld and A.J. Meiers give the other boys a lec;son in footwork. Jon says "Everynightl go home and jumpropeforan hour, this improv s my calf muscles and speedy ability to move on my toe .. Jon's dedication to the port puts him on the list of assets for this year' tennis team.

"Secret to jai's SULCCSS Sophomore ja1 RaJa let us 1n on his secret to an un'>toppablc game .... three bottks of Catoradc before cvcrv match. jai adds " I'\ e got c.hugging down sports dnnk.., to an art".

"LcadL'r of the pack" • cmor Ben Thompson g1vcs therook1csa httll'tipon tlw clements of a sucCL'ssful serve. Look at that form, Ben says h1s skill come'> from" hard work, determination, and patience", all very good lesson'>. Ben i'> going to lead our pack of Seton boys to victory.

"It's all about the delivcn"

Boys' Tenni (Left to Right) Jai Raja, Dan Chisolm, Albert hing, Ben Thomp on, Jeff Ko stn r, A.J. Meiers, Mario Beltran, Jon ield. ( ot pictured: Chri Em ry)


SOFfBAI,I, 1Jriving

Pitching in the bull pen, Jessica Rad7ik and Tara Minatogawa psyche them..,eJves up for an explosive season.

And Latching in the bull pen, Lia Minatogawa and ara Her..,hkowit:t work their catching abilities to perfection. "It's a lot different catching with all this equipment on and sometimes it get.., really hot, but I'm involved in every play! Soit'..,worthit!"Says ophomore ara Hershkowitz.

Head oach Jerry Mullin rounds up the team before practice to give them some inspirational words. "This year is ours!"

W ater break! The team breaks from a grueling practice to rehydrate. Hey? Where' s the Waterboy?

The lone captains. Senior Kyra

rum and Jackie Davi bring leadership to this team as well a lots of mile They both ay, "We've waited four years to b upatthispo itionandit' goingtobealot

It's not JU'it softh,1ll. it'" a V\nrk-out! To get strong, in order to pL'rform well in gc1111e'i, these g•rl" take it '-,enou s c1 nd lift ..,ome weight.... C.o icolc Escudero!

"So what? We're late for practice." Shelby Davis and Sidney Sheedy rush off to the field while practice i.., '>tarting. "We'll have to run lap.., for thi..,!" Say.., Sheedy.

Varsity Softball

Back Row: Tara Minatogawa, Sydney Sheedy, Shannon Burke, Brittney Martin, Kyra Cockrum, Sarah Hershkowitz, Jessica Radzik, Kati Dorado; Front Row: icole E cudero, Shelby Davis, Megan Travis, Kim Zadrozny, Anna Hershkowitz and Jacki Davis. ot Pictured: Coach Mullin, and Meghan Schaiberger.

Whew! Katie Dorado works her leg mu"cles so thilt ..,he can get ,uound the ba"L'S f,1ster.

In gre,1t concentriltion, Brittm•y Martin goe.., mer the set ot plilys they need to learn to catch the other teilm wlwnthevleil'>te pectit. "I love it' It'.., ..,o ..,neaky!"

Tilco Supreme Sundae! It does sound kind of intere<.,ting doesn't it? It illl started )a<.,t year v.:ith the cheer thilt the team silid after warm-ups: "Green Burn to Ieee" To pump up the team. Thi" year they are making it into the new tradition b'r yelling yetilnother wacky food.


K,1tie Dor,1do , icol e EsLLtdero , Drew f Iarrison , mand ,1 Kehler , icole Kulurus , Tara Minotogawa, Lia Minotogawa , Theresa Polowski , Alicia Quihuis , Jassica Rad z ik, Ashley Renderman , Rachel Stein , and Brianna Walker

closely at Rachel tien ' c.; <>hirt , it <>ay<> " trainer ". I

Is <>he doing ,, dance ? ope , she ' s getting a jump on the ball.J V player icolc Kulurus is sho>vn here playing short c.; top . bet <,he didn ' t .____________________, get that <>hirt for nothing Maybe she can teach you how to throw a softball likeTH T. I s that a Vidal a<>son model at second? o, that's Alisia Quihuis making the double play from second.

A nd he's off! Theresa Polow ki sprints for third Theresa' face shows how intensely she yearns to make it to the next base .

I s that urly, Moe, and Larry, the thr e stooges? lose, but it turns out that on closer inspection it's only coach s huck, Dave, And Ken These three J.V / Freshman coaches are dedicated

W alker is always running. Brianna it's full speed ahead to catch the out field ground ball.

... . • • • • AlA ITA TE CIIA P/0/1 1999

Freshman Team


Coach Ken and Fre'>hman

Lia Minatogawa \·vatch with total attention a'> the team goes over the play'>

Homerun! Fre hman

Megan Schiberger (also on the Varsity Team) practice her swing at the many stations behind the softball field.

Dana na-na Hay! ... dana na-na., Dana na-na Hay! dana na-na, Britta Threinen ings a little tune in the lonesome out field.

This team picture is of both the J and Fre hman team

Juli Badalam nti, Amy Barlow, Andrea Bisso, hristie Catania, Amanda Kahler, Kieran Mkninney, Lia Minotogawa, a tile S pulveda, Britta Threinen.

Do not feed the caged animal'>! That's not an

ani mal , that ' s A n n a Hershkowit?

fetching the balb r that went through the fence

Wow .. .This year we have got a great line up on the Freshman team! eton has so many incoming freshman, not including the four who are quality var<,ity materiaL Wat houtupper cla<,smen, the younguns are moving in

Let's see that on instant replay. Chri tie Catania round'> second and looks to pick up the ball '>0 she can hopefully advance to the next base.

BASEBAI,I, 'Ifte 1Jiamoni Lane

Senior, Ben Regiln, makes this his third yeilr a.., a baseball varsity lettenniln. Ben played outfield last seilson due to an ilrm injury. This year, he is back home; home, for Ben, is home late. As Co-captilin and catcher, ,......-:--:---.__________.....,...--..., Ben help., to lead the team and lay his body on the line to get the out at the plate.

Dugout dudes: In order we have, the always filscinated Kevin Brown, base steilling Josh Gutierrez, linedrive<,nilggerJeffDubasik, Tucson's fine.,t Ryan Simpson, firewater Ailron Farabaugh, squirrel master Joe Recker, Teddy-baseball Pattock, bash brothers Mike Tetig and Luis Guzman, work horse Patrick McCarville, Eric "goose" Eklund. As this book meets its final deadline the outcome of this season has not vet been lived However, it is a filled with promise, a team full of talent and characters and the "Good Lord willing, sweet victory."

Centerfield is no place to hit a fly ball. Senior Mike Hollowell demonstrates how his glove is like a steel trap. It has been said that the depth of this year's Sentinel outfield is like none other.

In a league of hie., own, senior fireballer, CoCaptain, Eric Clyne loosens up his arm before practice with some quick longtosses. "I decided to throw a little more because I think my arm is i1 little sketchy today."

Lefty-launchpad, senior Luis Guzman lives to intimidate all pitchers. His "Chipper-like" wing Luis warns all pitchto "bring

Contemplating the mound, pitcher, P.J. Burkl• s,1id, "Pitchmg i-. a whole lot harder than it looks."

Infielders Intrigue: 1 base-man, Aaron F,1rabaugh claim'->,"We'regoing to do great, we're going to win it all!" 2 1 baseman, Will Be-.sette and -.horhtop, Ted Pattock con..,ider that, but a c.; bac.;eball puri-.ts, they believe in the clichcc.;ofthegame, "takingitonedayata timeand just doing their best to help the organization." Shoot, they're all ju'->t happv to be there'

S omebody is going to be running poles. oach Ference's face tells us it's not all fun and games turning 18 players into a team. Broken rules mean running the poles in the outfield. The worse the infraction- the more you run. Get in trouble; get in better cardiovas-

Talenhurround.., Head oach, 0,1\'L' Ference. To hi'-> left stands Co,Kh Jeff Fallon, a nL'W and welcome addition to the coaching staff. oach Fallon ;vorks pnmanh \\ tth the pitchers. To hi.., right is returning coach, Ken Morrison who works with the outfield. otptcturedi..,Seton'.., favorite son, Seton seba um, from the cia'>'-> of 96, Coach Robbie Coad1 Dumas speCializes in catching and hitting. Coach Ference states, "Surpri'->inglv we are mud1 stronger than V\'e were last year. We were concerned about pitching, but not any more; it'.., coming a long fine. Dcfensi veh we have ne\·er been '->tronger and e\·ervonL' on tlw, team can <,vvmg a bat." ·

In preparation for the Apache Junction Wood Bat tournament, Jo'->h CuitiL•rrez take.., the time to explam to Jeff Duba'->ik, how the "craLk" of the wood bat comparee.; to the "bing" of the aluminum bat. "Don't you know, it' c.; all about phyc.;icc.; Jeff!" Ke\·in Brown can explain it be-;t cular shape! It works.

Baseball Team

Top Row: Eric Clyne, P.J. Burke, Ted Pattock, Eric Eklund, Patrick Me arville, Micha I Tietig, Coach Ference; Bottom row: Dan Desmond, Ryan Simpson,jeffDubasik, John Tobin, Lui Guzman, Ben Regan, Will Be settc; ot pictured: oaches: Dumas, Fallon & Morri on; Players: Kevin Brown, Joe,Recker, Mike Hollowell and Josh Gutierrez


Eli Kuner is the real man on the Jv team. He , unlike most players , goes for the old school style wood bat wh n hitting . When asked how he is able to hit the ball with such a heavy bat he said " It was all about drinking milk and lifting." I guess milk did Eli ' s swing good.

Coach Zieroff throws to his JV players from a closer distance than most pitchers. The coach says " the key to hitting is all about timing

Collision- insurance is something all catchers should look into to Mike obczyk says "I am always willing to take one for the tean1. "

JV Baseball

Homerun!!! Sophomore swings for the fences. He was a promising hitter last year on JV Look for this tud to be a game winner someday.

Top: oach Zeiroff, Mike Sobczyk, ean Reilly, John Malloy, Dustin chodt, Eric Barkyoumb, Bobby Rzonca; Bottom: Eddie elaya, ean Me arthy , Aaron Kirch, Eli Kuner , hri Ross, eil Kerkhof, Austin Perry ot Pictured: Kevin Hubbard , Kevin elestino, ate Hoffman, Cody Burdick, Coach ullivan.

J unior Alltar hris

Ross is doing his inside out drill. "Practicing hitting the ball both inside and outside improves my chances of scoring on the field."



The Athletic fields are where a good amount of eton sports take place. Football, occer, Baseball, Softball and Track all uc.,e the fields. For the first time, the football field has lighting. The light<. were expected to be ready for the Homecoming game, but it actually wasn't ready until the middle of the so cer season. There are abo new bleacher., for spectators to uc.,e. During the start of the second semester, the baseball field was re-sodded and temporarily closed to allow the sod to take root. eton's athletic fields have come a long way in the past year and they will continue to do so in the coming future.

Scenic OverLoo

seton people

Mr. Clinch puts on his cool hade ache share a laugh during to see if maybe the Juniors can unlunch time in the lounge. derstand tory in a more hip way. The Faculty Lounge is where See, students, teachers at Seton relike to chill and get ally will do anything to make learnaway from their loud ing fun. dents.

\ilary Adams

Tom Anthon)



joe Burke

Louise Burke

Vicki Campbell

ichelle Clairmont

Dennis Clinch

Diane ollins

Pat ollins

Shelly onner

Gene Dales

• tn

Cought red handed! As Mr. Fubonks makec, his daily roundc, for dre..,.,code \ iolation'>, Junior nd) Bouer \\ ilS caught with his shirt untucked. Let thb sene as an example to those rebellious studenh. Eubanks is \\ atching.

"Seton Catholic High School, Ma) I help you? are the words of Mrs. Campbell, which she u..,e.., e\er) do) to help those calling and wonting to knm\ more about Seton.

jennifer Green Eveline Heath Sharon Dandorf 1 Dl'm"e\ \1ana Dl'tiege \ltch<ll'l Fuban"-" D,n e f·erence Pegg\ l'oote
Fr Loren Gonzale" Cl•rrie l.raham

Cind\ Hoffman

A;1ne K1ssell

&tt\ Knngs

<;r Joan Mane 'VIaden

'v1ar} Marsh

Ron 'VIeyers

Ric Moreno

Jennifer Morrison

f})esignatetf f})rivers

Jerry Mullin

Steve 1\Jache

Doug !\.owe

Martha Omohundro

Mr. Moreno helps Mrs. Graham with some of her work. Mrs Graham says, "All the peoplehereat etonaresohelpful."

Lonely Mr. Relph finds a quiet spot in the cafeteria to get some work done. This is one of the few times it is not filled with students.

A-, one of the few ..,i-,ter!> on campu'>, Sr. Joan Marie definately h<l.., a hl'Ctic -,chedule at Seton She is one of the many inspiring leJder-, of our -,Lhool community .

A s bu y as Mr'>. Omohundro is, she still take-, pride in making -.ure her fcllo"" -,taff, rvlrs. Conner and Mr'> 0'>terday are on the same path '>he i'> in order to make the school year go by smoothly.

Sr Con<>uelo PaLhec o Beth Pattoc k \targaret Pena James Relph \tary Ann Rich Dand Richard Roger Ricketb Laura Ross IUlmg Ryan l\1arv Jo andomir Marty prinzl Jackie Tambone'

Food for thought- Senior Scott Ferris picks up -,onw tast\ -,n,Kb during bre,lk whill' Mr-.,. Webber m,m-, the regi-,tL'r. fhanks to lwr and the rc-,t of the Food Sen ·icc Staff, the Seton -,tudcnts arc always \\ell fed.

H ard at work, Media Specialist Mrs. Adams shO\\S Mrs. Rich how to use one of the new teacher's programs in the new computer lab. The computer lab is always open to student'> and teachers who\\ ant to finish an assignment, ore\ en pia\ a game

\1artm \ ngt Regma \\aim' right Lou Ann \\ alther iudv \\ebber

2000- 2001

Mr. Ricketts had no problem fitting in at Seton. He shows off his drumming kills for the "Mock Rock" that wa held one day during the lunch period. Also a couple weeks later he helped with the Fre hman Retreat. What a great sport Mr. Ricket ts is!

I s That Mrs. Wainwright? There is nothing our new vice principal will not do to show a little ·chool spirit. She is dressed down for the' classical clothing' day during homecoming week. What a cutie! Talk about pretty in pink. O ur returning, Mr Collins smiles while helping a student. If you ever were to drop by the library during lunch or at any other time, she i always ready to do whatever she can to help you. She definately fits in at eton when it come to "Living The opel hallenge ."

This year brought many new faces in to the Seton Catholic office. \tire.; Wainwright, \tire.;. ollins, \t1rs. Conner, Miss Kissell, \t1r. Rickett<;, and then there are old faces in new places! Dr. Riley V\ a c.; Dean of tudents last year and nmv he's our Principal! V\ hile Mr. Eubank takes Dr. Rileys place. But what ''as Mr. Fubanks last year, and\\ ho ic.; taking his place? Karen Self is the ne\\ athletic director.

All the Teachers (as well a-; the 'itudents) had to adjust to the new way of taking attendance. Do you remember how long it took to take attendance the first couple weeks of school? V\·ell it just goes to shm' that teachers are not exempt from learning!



jeffre: Anthonv

'vlelissa Arcambula

Charles Ashton

juliana Badalamenti

Adam Baker

Antonia Baptisto

Eric Barkyoumb

Amy Barlow

Dax Barona

jacqueline Berry

Amanda Bird

SetonFreshtnen 'IIie Passengers

Breaking all the rules! Freshman Molly quickly a piece of gum to her friend Janet Touma while Mr. Eubanks isn't looking.

D eep thoughts? John Malloy quietly ponders if he should get a cheese crisp or nachos for lunch. Or maybe he is just posing for the camera.

jacob B1schof

Andrea Bisso

Matthew Blauvelt

Thomas Boler

Kevin Boughton

Kellie Brooks

Patrick Brown

Troy Bullock

Cody Burdick

Shannon Burke

Christian Caldron

Kathleen Carey



D,mJel (

Sean Ca"e

Paul Ca.,tillo

Chri.,tina Catama

Thomas CerchJl'

B,urv Charters

Karlvn Cha\e/

Leah Chlup a T ra\ is Cole

Rvan Corrv

jacquelme Cortez

K1mberh Cox

Lwnel Damel

jonchrist1an Davawon

lejandra De La Torrl'

Casey Desmond

Horencio Dinero

Lisa Dominski

Stephanie Eche\·e te

Betsv Elkin"

Janna Feeley

Margaret flanagan

Chri tene Galang

james Carve\ 'v1ark

Cydne} Gon.tale"

'vlary Grubb"

Amv Guntv


'v1elissa Hall

Andrew Halpain

Amanda Harrington

Ashlev Hart

Baile) Havward

Erika Hernandez

nna Hershkowitz

'\ ate Hoffman

Knsti Holcomb

Andrew Howard

Maureen Howell

licia Iorio

"-.1tnn.1 J,n

'-.1than Judd

\manda "-ahlt•r

El "-t•nd n ' '

'-eil Kerkhnf

Kmdgren \ron Kirch

Ktl<l\ Dantl'i \1atthew Kortt•

Stepht•n !<.on•

Colma L1lor

C,tephania lt'n/i

Margaret Leontll"d - Rt\ era

Diego \1adnd )l'sste \1aher

john \llallov

Kate Malpiedi

Katelvn Maness

Megan Marcanti

Whitnt•y McDa\ id

l.tsa McDonald

Kieran McKinne\ Tara McMurd\

Anthon\ Meters

Dolores Mende/ Bndget Ml"•cl

Quinn Meyers

lta Mmatogawa

Antomo Morales

Katherine Mulhern

jennifer Murphy

Adrienne Myers

Juicy elson

ourtney 1\Jewsham

Ki ra icastro

Jonathon ield

aitlyn ovak

A<;hley Oakes

jeffre\ Oppus


All '>mile'>- f're!-.hmen Kri'>S\ Agudo and CourtnL'Y

\,e\\ ..,ham di.., us!-. tlw fun the\ had ,1t thl' honwcoming football game against Dv..,art. Krissv..,av!-., "The homecoming game b) far the be'>t football game

I ha\e ever been to 1"

M en in charge! \11ark Cildcnstern and Jordan Wolf both agree, "It's not easy being studs, but omeone''> gotta do it, so they ga\e U'> the jobs." Keep up the good \.\Ork guys.

htt•phan Orlt/ 1\m,1nda 1',1lmer

RKhard l't•it/mt'Jl'r l'inhe1ro

M,1rv l'lacido

Mark Pouben

Chnstian Racco

icole Radman

I homas R,1sey

LMk Redman

Matthew Retner

Sean Reillv

atahe Rosall'/ Kll'l Rotanus

Samm\ Rui/

Kl'll\ Rush

john Rvan

liCJa R\ backi

Robert R.wnca

\ llvson '>an George

rerr a '>anllago

\kghan xhaiberger

Dustin xhodt

\llatthl'\\ xhroeder

atalie Sepuhwla

Stephen Serrano

raig Sheedy

Brian Sholer

john Silkey

Ryan Sloyan Smith

Michael Sobczyk

'VIichael Sorek

Scott perry

Kyle trom

ha;,e Sullivan

Preston wan

Michael Tambs

Andrea Thompson

Britta Threinen

Matthew Tibbetts

joshua Tischer

john Tobin

Molly Tomasik

janet Touma

Barbara Usher

Sandra Valenzuela

john Vaughan

Shocked and a bit confused, A.J. Meiers sits in disbelief that there are only fi\e minutes left in the lunch period and yet the line for pizza is still strcaching across the quad.

Wait a minute! Where is the fifth Spice Cirl? Though shorthanded , Kristi Holcomb, Amanda Bird, Janet Touma and Maggie Flanagan expres'-> their girl power!

2lXJ4 \\,Jill' l1moth\ \\ d-,on jordiln \\oil I \\nod-, ( hn'>l111l' /\lid

Christopher Altamirano

Blake Arambula

hristina Arenare

Graciela Badilla- ,uevar

Stephanie Bancroft

Bridget Barrasso

\llario Beltran

Brandon Brown

jaci\ n Burdolski

Ericka Bush

Seton Sophomores Permit f})rivers

The bad bo: of the Battle of the hand out a ftcr thci r grca t performance during homecoming week! Jeremiah Sulli\ an, Michael Cravener, and Ste\ ·e Villabona \Yere psyched about their performance. These guys did mean impressions of irvana and Rage Against the Machine.

W hat's so shocking? Stephanie DeBevoise is obviously talking about some good gossip by the look of amazement on her face. tcphan ie say, "Break is the only time to ta l k gossip, so why not do it?

Alejandro Cadavid

Anthony Camacho

Robert Campion

Christine Carpenter

Louis Casillas

Edward Celaya

Ke\ in Nathan Cen antes

aria hee

'vtegan Clinch

lim Co111wr

)l'lfn•\ ( r,Hg

\lich,wl l ra\ l'Jll'r '>tPwart l),md<>rf

'>hPID\ [),1\ '>tPphanll'

Kathll'l'n Dodaro

Andn•w Dral-.l· Durham

Kl'\ 111 [ d \\ MLh

jau>b Lg,m

[•ri( I !..lund

l aun•n I

\IPgan I

E-rin I

Paolo lspaldon

Ashle\ 1'-airbanb Farabaugh

BenJamin hl•dlakl•


Celina Canba\

Sean l.oehnerjulia Graham

Alina Grigorians

jonathan C.roo\·l·r

Daniel Cu.rman

]l'ssrca Hagert\

.\m\ Harris

Ore\\ Harrison

Kirsten Harsha''

Adrian Hemande.r arlo s Hernande.r

v nthia Hemande.t arah Hershl-.o\\ itz

\ndn•" I h1llman

I ll' <ltlwr I

\ Irgiill.l Howard


"-l'\ in Hubbard

l<..,lli<l H udd

kff Hudenko


facob H\'de

Camille fehle

Melissa jimro

Charlotte Koestner

Kole Kuluns

Eh Kuner

Rvan Kut?bach

Kyran Lambert

Tiffany Lane

atali Len/i

Paul Leon

hi"- l.l'\' itrh

Ashley Lewers

aryn Licandro

jeff Littrell

jessica Lo/ano

Ke\ in l.ugo

Sarah Mackowski

Megan Marshall

Brittany Martin

Colleen V1artm

Kathenne McBryan

Sean McCarthv

Patrick McCan

Merrick Me lellan

Aubrey McDonnell

hristine McDonough

Gracicla BadillaCuc\ ar and Bridget Barra'->so look '->O enthusiastic aften\ a tching the exciting performances of the Battle of the Band'>. Well, one of them seemo., to ha\ (' liked the '>htm.

" W hy arc they <,taring at me?" says Eddie Celaya. 'Fast Eddie' is enjoying his morning break, but admits that it i hard to cat happily when being watched.

Kellv \1c Cowan

Brandon \1cl.aughlin

'\.athan \1elcher

Kl'\'tn Meurer

Rem•e \1tller

Tara Minatogawa

Elizabeth v1istler

Anthom \1onaco

Sarah '\.enaber

Robert '\ewman

Ashle\ tckum

laura O'Connell

Matthew Oli\ ien

Cortne'r Ott

Katherine Parker

Ted Pattock

C.hip Pel7er

jenna Pena

jeffre) Pentecost

Austin Perry

Alicia Quihuis

J '\licholas Radman


ja1 Raja

Ashle\ Raposa

Leah Rappa.r /O

Brandon ReJLhardt

\tanangela Rosas

Alisa Than

Deanna Sabon

justin Saul

\shle\ Schmitt

Kristma 'Xhwemberg

( arl Scott

'vtarc Sepuh-eda

linton Se\ er

Svdnl'\ Sheedy

"hristine Slomski

Deanna Speu

R yan Kutzbach enjoys a refreshing Minute Maid soda in the courtyard during homecoming week. Ryan says , "There is nothing like a good soda pop to brighten up my day!"

J essica Hagerty and Carla hee cherish the morning and lunch breaks from school. It is their time to chat about which eton guy they desire. Watchout Boys!

• • , , ,
, ,

" W hy are they staring at us ? " Thinks Deanna Spetz along wth friends

Shelby Oa\'is and barlotte Koe tner. The three of them were enjoying them elves discussing the band performances.

j,ltoh,l C,pn11tJo-.l'ph C,tt•iP

R,1, hl'l <;tl'ln

\ qun C,ud

)t•n•m i.Jh C..,ulli\ an I ,Jmbont•

jamll' I ,m


C..,tpplwn \ illabona

Brl'.Jnna \ \ all-.t•r

Ort'\\ \\ all-.t•r

jl'ltrl' \ \\ Mhurton

Rt'IWl' \\ Mthman

h"l·ph \\ att•r"

\l,ma \\ 1rth

Ct>rl' \ \\

Tdl•r \V olt

" ri -.t ophl•r 't .1 1- .Ji t i-.

Eli Kuner , ean oehner and Ore\\ Hoffman contemplate what to do O\ r the weekend. li says ," I\\ ill probably play music with my band ." ean and Ore\\ are going to go to a mo\'ie .

S ay it, dont spray it! Is that 2gether? o , but ophmores Kevin Lugo, Chip Pelzer, ick Radman , Jim Conner, and athan Cen ante mock the MT\ serie - by sporting the theme of their famous song Calculus


'vlatt Baker

l'eter Bara\

C.illian Barnett

Andrew Bauer

jeanelvn Beer

Enn Bellefe, ille

Sean Benedikt

Briana Bernal

\1\ iII Bessette Billings


Trina Acedo

Annie Adams Lindsay Anderson


License/ to fJJrive

Wilke up and 'imcll tho'ie roses! KMa Wilkinson, along \\ ith her pals Megan Foster and icole Kerkhof, enjoy the flowers gi, ·en to her from a friend.

Lookin' good! Taking ad' antagc of being dressed down, Maggie Donaldson,

Shelley Klein, and arolina Elias pose for a picture.

Shelley says, "I'm so h appy to be back at Seton with my friends"


Bntlllt'\ Brown

Kt'\'ln Brown

\lit h,wl Brut•ning

Adam Bull<>ck

l'dtnck Burkl'

Sarah Bu-,er

\dnana Carrillo

Fric Caruth

\1tehael Chri-,tll' Churo-,h

Klmbt•rh (OH'rt

\nna \1aria Cut!\


'xott Dandorf

Ashlee Dauscha


Aubre) Dl'\\ olf


\lagg1e Donald'-Ol

arolma Ella-,

'\; icole Escudero

Gregorv Espo..,ito

john Falkner

Greg Fasoletos

Robin Feele\

\l1ch,wl IJt/gL'rald

\ IL•gan (,L'imng

DL>nald \.L'ntrup Brl't

John Cildenstern

BL•au \.lihgan

Ruth Coble

Anthom C.rubbs

Joshua \.utierrL'/

DemsL' Cutman

l'anwla (,utman

lorena Harrison

Edward Hermes

Colleen Hill

Bilh Holper

Carmen I f usk

Aaron Jarrad

Candace Kahler

Sarah Kennedy

'\. 1cole Kerkhof

Brvce Kerwin

'vtatt Kirch

Shelley Klein

Robert Laliberte'

0 Photo Available

Study time! jan-\1ichael Oppus and Paul Silkey arL' some good '>tudenh! The) U'>L' their lunch time to glance O\ er their note for that big te t.

Pit stop- armen Husk, Megan Travis and Megan Ryan were caught redhanded being informed of the latest Junior gossip. By the look of their faces, it must be some good stuff.

Arc they holding hands??? No! Scott Dandorf and Chris Ross are showing off their masculinity. By the looks of it, this match will soon be over with Chris as the winner.

johnathan Laura l illo \11chelil' Jo, ata \11clwlle john 1'<1ul \kBrv,m Cod\ 'v1cDonald Chri;,topher 'v11iler \lagg1e Mitchell \1ulhern Stl'' e '\ ll\" a 1-.
143 r
Kenn O ' '\.e1ll Jan-\1ichael Oppus Ben Osterd<l\ Chns Owen '\a th,m Pendleton

\mtwr 1\•rn

l'nnglt• Rt•tl-.t•r

lt'\ I Rt•dgl't


tl-.kt RKt' Rtt.t

\1ichelle Romanotto

Dtana Rut/

\Iegan Ryan Brenna

\ eromc a Sa llt•r

jennifer Sherman

Paul Stlke\

LauriL' Smith

jules Stobaugh

Kellt Strom

Carne 1 amminen

Kat) Tamminen

Kelly Taylor

Mary Thompson

Mike Tietig

Ali on Tra\ is Megan Travis

'>cott Tra\ is

Joanna Usher

Danelle Vance

Michelle \'ela<,quez

arlos Villicana

Sarah Walsberg

Danny Wabh

David Watson

'v1eri Beth Welter

Briana Wilkins

Kara Wilkinson

Kathryn William.•.o

Jeannette Wolf

Josh Wrav

Madelyn Yribam'l1

Kimberly Zadrozny

Stevie iea ·
{joing tlie tJJistance
Seton Senior
149 r
1Jestinatio n 1ln/(nown

Paving the -----=--=--;--------;TOLL

seton ads


E R I c c 1 y N E
Eric, From your First catch in Colorado to Graduating From Seton catholic, we toast your accomplishments.'via Con Dios' CLYNE Love, The clynesEspecially Hilary, Mom and Dad

Congratulations, Chris!

we hopevour fUture · be ed with as much

to others. Love,

c H R I s

Tiffan -

A , mil L cheer to you and me

The cost is nothing-it' , given free

It comforts the w ary-gladdens the sad

Con ·ales those in trouble-good or bad

To rich and poor-beggar or thief

It's free to all of any beli f

A natural gesture of young and old heers on the faint -disarms the hold

Unlike most blessings for which we pray

It's one thing we keep when we give it £1\vay.

Keep Smiling Tiff!

Love, Mom, Dad Eric and dam

p E D E R s 0 N


StuAny path you choose we wish you the best.

You 1 re the greatest! Love Always, Mom,Dad,Nick,Ashley & Matthew p.s. Avoid Clowns & Magicians

_.......,..,.............-............. s T E v E N H A R T


Congratulations on your graduation. I now have proof that a pop and M&M diet as a baby will not adversely affect one's ability to take AP courses. I am proud of you.

Love Dad





R y c A


I am so very proud of you on your accomplishment. You have fulfilled every dream and hope I had for you beyond my expectations. Now you must begin to fulfill your own dreams. Believe in yourself and God and you will go far in life.

Love, Mom

Love, Grandma &Grandpa Martin

Hey Greg. Make sure you do all the work and graduate.Keep ..___..;______ the major infractions to a minimum. We are planning to come for the May festivities. We are very proud of you.

Best Wishes, Uncle Rick &

Greg, Congratulation to one of our favorite 15. Job well done.
s 0 N
R l








I am m proud of you! Your are wz awe one si ter and a great role model. Good luck in college. If you ever need anyone I'll be close. I lore you

Your proud big sister.

You've only just begun ...

K A i for your attitude of compa ion and concern

E M i for maturing which you' e done with tyle and grace

A i t r your achievement at chool, at work, at play

I N i for your natural mile that brighten every day

l D i for your tedfast determination to eek the truth regardless of the toil

T A i for the great adventure that oon will come your way

Y So with great lo e dear weet Amanda, there i only one thing left to We are o very proud to be your family on thi very pecial day!

Peace and Love alwa) s, Mom, Dad, Sara and Eric

Sara Amanda Keilty AMANDA KEILTY

Congratulations Michael,

You have always been a loving and caring son and brother.

We are so proud of you.

We love you very much.

Mama, Dad, Bubba & Emma

Love, Lindsey & Nalla

Adriane, You have come so far and grown so much ... You are such a great daughter! I am very proud of you and I have faith that you will be very successful.

Love Mom

Adriane, Love B.R.

I enjoyed watching you grow through the high school years. You have really come a long way! I'm proud of you.

Love, Ryne

A.,..._""----L-......__-=------L D .......---,...._..,_....,..._ R I A N E K r------__;;.;:;,____J 0 E H N E M
Love, Steven & Des a
Love, Justin


We hove wokhed you or d Wt· hc.we showed you tht> world. We have ar d

We have watched and you to nmke diseussions that hove molded you into the person you are today.

-._IIIIIPI We know you will be able to handle anythil God roles your way.

We are so very proud or you, ,\I ott. You have proven to yourselr that anythin<a is possible, just beeause someone says it's impossible, doesn't rneon vou <:an 't try! Go ror your dreams, never say you ean't, success rs ror the the ruture is only yours to have. Share ar d do ror oHwrs, because when you look back

Those are the times that will -;tand out.

Love you so very rnueh, Dad and and

z l A T K 0

Adam,Big Shot!

The awesome mystery of the Incarnation to me is not as much God becoming man in jesus as it is that he comes to dwell within us. His clear and abiding presence in you is one of the greatest affirmations of my faith in this awesome truth!

As a man and father I am richly ble'ssed to have you as a son!

With my love always,


Adam "BIG SHOT" Stein.

You have made me a very proud and happy mom!! Keep your focus on jesus and continue to allow music to rise up in your spirit to praise and extol his name with music and song. (ps 95:1 02)

I Love You with all my heart.

Adam, Mom

Hey bra! You finally

Dad made it! Now you're off to college and I just want you to know that I've always looked up to you and you've never let me down. One thing I know about you is that when you're motivated enough, you can achieve anything. So when you tell me that you and your band are going to make it one day, I believe you. When you finally do, remember two things : K your eyes on jesus and don't forget to give my sister taxes. Luv ya lots and best of luck.

Remember: EPH 1:13,2:9, 10, 6:14-17 and that you can do all things in CHrist jesus who strengthens you!

Dear Adam,

You are the best. Thanx for being such a cool,(well unique brother.) Hope you have wonderful time in college, and we will miss you, and I will miss your stupid jokes, your weird laugh, and your music. We will miss you.

Love your Bro, joe Stein


Love always, Rachel

A D A s T E I N

Vo nol got where the yath may {ead, go msteaa where there l5 no yath ana {eave a trai[

-'Ra.(ph Wa(ao Tmerson

Dear Zanna,

Conaratu(atwns! 'Be _proud of your accomp(tsfrments you frave taken tfre tafents God" lias arven you and rnvested them wLSery. 'By (istenma and watclima you have (earned to imitate tlie oood; then cfial(enaed yourself to create sometfimo 6etter. your studies frave tauafit you to ask more questwns. The cfiorces and- sacnfices you nave made dunna your scfioo( years were tougfi we know. ·we ayyreCLated your ynontres. you afways _put your Catfio(rc fartfi and}amz(y first. 'Tfirouafi tfie o6stacles and struaates you faced; your strona wil( sustamed you to reacfi your aoafs. Cfia((enaes 6rouafit out tfie comyetrtor rn you andtfie warnor for ;ustrce.

your_prayers fiave strenatfienecf antfcom(ortetf you. your love of (jod and famr(y ts reftected m your life diu(y. We are most arateju( to J{rm for (ettrna us 6e your _parents. :from 6trtfi, we nave tried to teacfi you Jf!S ways. _71fow we are (earnmo from you, sweetie.

J\l( our (ove, xxxooo

s u l A N N A K E N E D y

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y_ou... 'na..u c....:>"'

. A-l ov....r \ o u -e.


u G I E

With the fir t light of sun, BLESS YOU

When the long day is done, BLESS YOU

In your mil and in your tear , BLESS YOU

Through ach day of your years, BLESS YOU ...

An Irish Ble ing

Ch ryl,

We are very proud of your accompli hment, but even more proud of who you are than what you've don You really have your head on traight, your heart in the right place and your n e of humor hon d to perfection.

It's been a joy and a adventure being your family. We wish you the best life ha congratulate you on your hard work and the rewards that come from that. It just went o FAST!!

For every dream in your heart, I wish you great r in piration.

For every hop you seek, I wi h you unexp ct d miracl

For every oppurtunity awaiting you, I wi h you an extra chance.

For every challenge you meet, I wish you a piece of your destiny. Your greate t a piration i but the beginning of all that you have to offer. reach b yond your lf and let your h art carry you e n high r.

And finally--May you ALWAYS have an angel by your id ...

Love, Mom, Dad, Christa, Karen, Greg and Amber

c H E R y L p F A H L __PF_A_HL______________

Congratulation s Ryan!!!

We are really proud of your hard work & accomplishments. May all your dreams come true. We wish you happiness and success.

Love Mom, Zack, Jake, Rick & Rachelle RYAN

R y A N w E I T z E l
D I 0





ARf Tf/fRf LfT Mf GAZf AT YOfJ



WOfJLD Bf RfMfMBfR Tf/fRf I! A





E J I A s A N c H E z

( rn.: • kiT 14.111

Jcfl. (m: 200()

Mn) )OUr lncnd

We are o pr ud of Y u our nephew and on reg, Tom, and Jdl

With lmc. lin lc John and unt 1-ilccn


Jeff, we are blessed to have you as our son, and you have brought us such Joy.

We look forward to the years ahead as you continue to graduate through life.

We love you

Mom & Dad, Charlotte, julia and Monica

Tnck "00,"01

Wresthn& '97 <tlM.ld lul in the game ofhfc
J E F F K 0 E s T N E R

















Bob ()ylo.n





B R I T T N E y s

Joshua, You are a great trea ure, fi.tll of compassion, strenbJth, wt dom and love. Your stmle, laughter, en e of humor and play are sunbeams of warmth and JOy.

Everything you need is within you, given by God, nurtured and yet to be d1scovered. Trust God's Spirit to guide and guard, a your journey unfolds. We love you immen ely Forever, Mom and Dad

What n good ha.s been explamed Jo you. /Ius t\ what the J.ord asks ofrou

Only /hi\ .. To ad .ftHII} To /.ove Tender!; I o Walk Humhly With Your God.

M1cah 6 H

Love Hugs, Chris and Aaron Joshua
J 0 s H p H I l l I p s
H 1------------. 0 l s T A D-..--
GocL 'Ble-.w Yow My lfeidM IntAlLYour Ende»Ot"M
<9urtlei.dv, yo-w wow i-nto- wc1v cv bea«t:t{ul; wu;uiet pvou.lL -rfuvfut;u,r(?/ 1¥ yo-uv¥ LOV(V lv101111& Pa:t Lertny, Te¥ry & tl eathev L-...:.:....---__..;;__------l
Nl.eav. aret .\& pr-O"f..UL of yo-us A
CO'lle.ent & CW!fJacxib-

One of the best things in life is and always will be having a daughter like you. We are so proud of you.

Congratulations! We love you

Morn & Dad

Melissa ( "Mel'')


You have grown into a beautiful young lady, and your family is so very proud of you. Follow your dreams, keep your strong will and beliefs close to you always and most of all "Listen To Your Heart."




PSALM 143 : 8

K u H s E

( w;litli

Dan, We lo\e \ ou and w 're \ ery proud of you.

Mom, Dad, a y & Shannon .;/;.r/

D A N I E l D E s 0 D




l u

I don't know where they ar have gone. S em like ye terday you tarted chool, and now you ar about to really begin life. I have watched my quiet, n itive, curious little boy grow in to a wonderful young man. I am o proud of you. You have always marched to a beat of a different drum. That i a very unique characteris tic. Don't ever lo e it. I am pro u d of yo u for it, and I admire your independence. I am pro u d of th deci ion you have mad , and I know you will accompli h what you et your mind to. I wish you the be t of every thing weetheart, You de erve to have it.

Jus t remember, alway keep God in your lif , and don't forg t to top and mell the ro You know I will alway be here fo r you.

Love Mom and Rachel

Dear Brian ,

Congratulations , I can 't believe you 're a young man already . I love you for the decisions you 've made in school. I love you for the decisions you 've made in life l'lllove you for you r decisions you will make during college I'll love you for the decisions you 'll make in your future career. But most of all , I love you because you are my son. The world is at your doorstep.

Love , Dad

8 R I A N D E N T

fJ'o Our 1Jear Jenifee-

You are a 6eautijuf ana caring person, ana to US you are everything WVe is a6outf Congratufations on your fiig/1 sclioo[ graauation! We are very prow! of you for a[[ your achievements. You fiave sfiown great fove for your qoa ana your neig116or. You fiave aavancea in years antf fiave grown up spiritua[[y, inteffectua[[y, antf emotiona[[y. You tooK:_ an active part in sfiaping your fije especia[{y witfi tfie fie[p ofyour specia[frientfs tfie (angefs'. You fiave your priorities antf va[ues in oraer. We k:Jww you fiave earnea agoo a feefing a6out yourself tfiat you cou[a not fiave gotten in any otfier way. You fiave grown upwara ana e((]Jantfea in fove.

%e strong founaations you fiave acquirea at Seton Catfiofic High Scfioo£ your va[ues aruffaitfi, are tfie support systems tfiat wi[[ 6e tfie 6est toofs for you to maneuver positive[y antf proauctive[y wfien you wi[[ 6e in co[fege ana in tfie rea[ worftf. (jooa Luckj (joa 13fess! We [ove you so much.

-1Jaa I Mom, 'l@mi[ ana (jayfe

J E N I l E E

9ou are namer!Megfum. :You ca[[ goursefj Pn·ncess.

9ou are Our 'Ba6g. 9ou wve 'Butterjfies!

\mart, 'Briglit, Sliarp, 'l1lliittg, Serious, 'Junng, Jfonest, Zang. 'trong. Sensitive, %ouglitju(, 'Brave, .Loga(, Compassionate, 'iJefenrfer.

Cfuzl[enge, P[an, Love, Listen, Learn, Laugfi, 'Trust, :Jee(, 'T'!f, Sing, Vance, Cef£6rate. 'Trave(, Jfe[p, fzare. C'!f, 'lJream, '4pwre.

'!?gme m6ergo urJrienrfs! 'l?gmemver tfie [ove oj yourjamifJ. 'BefierJe in (jotf! 'Be[ieve in _lfOrtrseff

.- row_f[g fi(! a 'Butterf(lf! 'JfJ fi(! tfze 'Butte tasting tlie sweet nectar 'flirougliout gourjoumeg of Life!

.Loz1e, ?r(om &Varf


From Pooky to Princess

We will love you forever. Forever, our baby you'll be. We are extremely proud of you and your accomplishments. As you travel life's road, remember we are

aIways there for you.

Love, Mom, Dad and Robbie

c 0 R y
H t ... A t-----a.......l..,..,____:...___.:._,;,;_----... v t---------, A R R 0


You have truly been a blessing to us! May your goodness continue to shine for others to see. Continue to be a defender of yourfaith, as St. Michael, your patron

saint. Strive to always keep God, family, and friends the most important part of your life. Congratulations on your high school graduation!

We love you!

Mom, Dad, Matthew, and Maria

Jam·e, K we love You, Popu and Grandma


JuJuBean, congratulations! You make us so Proud!! With lots of love, Mom, Justin, Kellv and Trov


Bill, Krvstal, and 1iust wantexd to let vou know how proud we are of vou for completing such an important step life-GRADUADON! God bless vou.

love, Donna, Bill, Krvstal

J A M I E c l A 8

-Betlytl-uv wlthi¥v yo-ur

yowthYOUfifvciiL thctt- yow to- offey.

bee-rv £NYV {¥Ctt""ww for thcttyow thctt- yow


MOWL) Te<i, CCLVey & KLYby
B E T s y p A T T 0 c K


Our little gift from God, now a very beautiful young woman, is graduating from Seton. As you enter the "real world" remember that your A•...___________. greatest glory consists now R

in never falling but rising everyti me you fall.

We Love You! Mommy and Daddy

0 B
s \ 1 1 1 t(\ "\$

Our Precious Mijita, Youhavegrownintothe exceptionalyoungladywe dreamedthatyouwould become: spiritual, intelligent, talented, confident, full of loveandbeautifulthroughout

It's nowtimeto putyour mark on this bigworld

Spreadyourwings andc:.n.-::a.-.-.n

andcourage,knowingthat God is your beacon.

Wehavegreatprideinyou andwewillalwaysloveyou unconditionally.

Dad, Mom, Carlos, Elissa, Taco

l l I c A N A

Dear Melissa.

We are so very proud of you. You ha e become a beaut ifu I woman and a caring person You hav a beautiful futureaheadofyou, filled with promise and hope. We pray that your dreams v. ill come true . God has always watched o er you and we pray he will continue to do , o now and alwayc.,. God Blec.,s you and v.elove ou,

E L I s s A M I L L E R 96


All the dreams we prayed you'd be

Are all the dreams you are

You were once our little girl

And now you're our SUPERSTAR.

We love you, Mom, Dad and Jackie

J E N I F E R 8 u R 0 0 l s I __________


c The vears have gone bV too last. we are verv proud of vou. l CONGRATUlATIONS!

A We love vou Alwavs

R Mom DaddV and Matthew

K xoxoxoxoxo

B E c
K y ___J
/ Kyvcv, W0t lnvpvo-udev -to- ha.N0' cv "li1<h yo-w. Lov0t M01111 Vc;uit


Louie Guy,

Words can't express how much you are loved and how proud we are of you!!


Love, Uncle Dave & Aunt Bernadette


Watching you grow into the wonderful pcr-,on you arc ha-, filled us with much joy. We are very proud of you!

As you go on to continue v.ith your life, keep God's blessings and our love near. You will alway-. be as close as the place you hold in our hearts.

Love Always. Mom and Dad


We are o proud of you forth intelligent andresp nsible man you have becon1e.

We love you!

M n1andDad

Kerry, Good luck in college. I know you will do great!! Thanks for everything.

Love, Kara


Thanks for being a good older brother and a special friend. I will miss you when you go to college.

Love your bro, Kyle

Dear Greg-

G 'You're about as happy as you choose to be.'

R Your sense of humor, warm smile, and teasing ways show you've chosen to be quite happy! We are so E proud of the fine young man you've become, and we wish you a life filled with great joy and many bless-

G ings.

K 0 E s T N E R

Love, Mom & Dad

Jim & Dan & Joe


:Dear _'ltliulfaTef/ :/Jeit!!l !fOUr parents · (iotf:S g!ft to us. Von 't tfo an!ftliit!!l to clia'!!fe our mindS.


TomWords cannot express the pride we have and the love we feel for you. Your Family

Mom ant! Vat!

We are so prow[ of tfze person you liave 6ecome. Jls we refease you to jo[[ow your areams /(noW tfiat We WVe !JOU aruf noW fet (joa feaa your patliwa!J.


fJfiere you are speetfing arountfin a fittfe car, antfnow speetfing arountftliefeiftfs antf 'lJut ftow iiiyou ever speetf tfr.rougli cliiU/iootfsofast? We to a[[you were. Jim£ we sti[[ can'tgrasp a[[you promise to 6e. It is not possiofe to 6e more ofyou or to fove you more. Just sfow tfown from time to time so we can te{[you more often. !Mom,'})"' !Micliae{antfJintfrew CHRIS WHITE

Cliriswplier, Love, Mom, Vacf Lindsey, Jeff

You have made us so proud. You not only have a great personality, but more importantly a huge heart. We know that you will succeed in anything you try. Who's my little girl. ... Nicki Pooh

Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad


It's o hard to believe you've grm\<n from thi beautiful bah} into the out tanding young man that you are today. Words alone could never express ho\\ very proud I am of }OU. In the last 4 }ear!> you'"e had to overcome o many ob tacle , but you ha"e mastered them exceptionally You have always set uch high standards for }OUr elf, but because of )OUr hard work, )OU'"e alway been able to achie"e them. I do hope though that these last 4 years were rewarding for you. It's time to start making a place of your own in this world, but I hope }OU know I'll alway; be there for you. lway keep Je us in }OUr life, and remember hon ver) much I love you.

Mom (Jason, Jennifer & hawn too)


I c 0 l E R E A

the class of 2001 :

Congratulations! We did it! Throughout these past 4 years we have achieved many accomplishments and created memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you for making my high school years such a wonderful experience. I know you all will achieve your dreams in the future. I will miss you all!

Love always,

Dear Katarina,

At this point in your life when childhood and adolescence are behind you and your adulthood is ahead of you, we congratulate you on your accomplishments which are by no means small.

Live your life in true happiness, good health and prosperity. Bear in mind that "happiness does not come from possessions, but from our appreciation of them... It does not come from success, but from the spiritual growth we attain in achieving that success. "


Dad, Mom and Braco

Congratulations Hogan! aresoproudof you Mom, Dad, Sean and Geordie

r, You've got a big heart. Keep finding new ways to grow. Continue always to trust in the Lord. Remember that our love goes with you everywhere you go. We are so very proud of you. You are very special and a blessing to us.

With Love always, Papi, Mom, Vicente, Mario and Sergio


You have grown up to become an exceptional young woman. God has blessed you with many talents. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. God bless you always. Congratulations!

Love you forever, Dad, Mom, Chris, Madison, and Donna


Bill Gunty

We are proud of you.

Congratulation !


Bill Gunty: You may be growing up, but you still have that great smile!

Thanks , big brother, for sharing your school with me.

Love, Amy

Hey, Bro!

Congrats on your graduation!

Love, Tim

;\1om and Dad
I l l T y


Bradley, ...------,,..----==-----,-----. You are truly a gift from God and you bring such joy to our hearts. Know that our love , wisdom , support and prayers are always there May the love God guide you to great accomplishments, inner peace , and happiness throughout your life.

We love you, Dad and Mom


To an awesome big brother. We love you alot.

Your sisters, Elyse and Olivia


If you're treading new ground or fighting the arne old battle, don ' t give up.Continue to dream, plan and do. Try something different if you're stuck. Do whatever your Heart tel ls you . Gi e yours If credit for all you've accompli hed. Mo t dreams that come tru are born out of de ire and fueled by preparation and action. Yo u Ca n D o It . I know you can!

Believe in your elf and be patient...Y our Life I A M a s t e rpi ece U nfoldin g . You are a very Strong. Intelligent, Talented, reati e , Honest, Kind and an Absolutely Amazing Per on! I challenge you to continue to grow and de elop into the Be t you can be piritually, academical ] and per onally. Choose positive influence and Think and Grow R ich in Life . Love and Faith.

J E F F D A u s c H

Dear Liz,

We'reveryproudofwhoyou are, who you've become, as a daughter, as a student, as a person. We'rejustrealgladtohaveyouas partofourfamily, and as a friend Keep onkeepin onkiddo, in all the that count.

We love you, MomandDad

l I z

Felicidades! Que Dios Te Bendiga. Sigue adelante.

Te desea Tu Mama y Tu Tia

Hija sigue por el buen camino. Que Dios y Ia Virgen esten contigo

Carmen Cecilia: Todos estamos llamados a forjar nuestro caracter a trav z del conocim11entol y la experiencia. Conocimiento que viene de afuera de ti y experiencia que surge de ti y de Dios dentro de ti. La verdad de lo que somas no nos lo da la simple materia, somas la pureza que hay en nuestro corazon, la grandeza de nuestras ideas, el equilibria de nuestro ser y la capacidad de dar. Felicidades! Un paso mas en tu crecer aumenta el orgullo que siempre hemos tenido, porque tu eres tu. Sigue creciendo.

0 u l c E M..------1 0 R I

We are so proud ofyou Peter. You 're the best son and brother we could have hoped for. Good luck after graduation. We know you'll be great at whatever you set your mind to.

We love you very much, Mom, Dad and Erin

Sooooo Cal!!!!!

Love, Mom, Dad, Mike and Anne

p E T E R s H E E H


Play Hard

Keep an eye on you GOAL And Shoot for the STARS!!!!

All our love Always, Mom, Dad and Jenn


Youhaveagreatsenseofhumoranda terrificoutlookonlife. You are growingandmaturingwithconfidence for the future. Youarelearningto respectlifeandberesponsibleforyour choices. We believe in you. Followyour heart and dreams.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Sarah

s E T H N E N A B E R

Congratulations! On a job well done. Lots of Love, Nan a

Look out World here He comes!

Best Wishes

Uncle Boo

i Up! Love Mom and ad


BLINK OF AN EYE Congrat lations Collin You've made us proud! Love

Mom, Dad, Katie










Great job Eric, We are proud of you , Grandpa & Grandma Kooima

Congratulations Eric, We are proud of you an he Awe orne person that you are!

We love you, Mom, Dad & Leah ouar

Class of 2001 !! ANDY!!

L e '
Io a dDad ANDY

I\\ I l'oiH' I fIt nd

It> lf I llU Ill•

Cher h ne hone t and d "h.H 1 <Jfl

ll 1e pauenc .1nJ per 1 rente t<' 1our hotd t hi l.tl.edlOit 1\1 el),l\lthume.tntll.ue lou'vet)nt'htet.> 1e lii JIA.PI'

It t't'nl hl.e It' lt'ld.l\ \\hen IOU \\t'lt' 1111.11, \1\1,1 at IOU It''! H'U l•ould fall \nd 110\\ 11e kmm from U. \OU II part lv fulhll lOUT drt' .m but Ill IOUf l'eart \\ t' 11 nt )Oll to remcml'< r m g('Od limes b.td.

WI l OVl· YOU I ORI VLR. Christian, Collm, Mom and Dad


Congratulations on com le ing this first ig step in your life. You are a wonderful addition to ou family and our hope is for all your dreams

Love, Tim & Gerrie

It seems that our time together has ust begun, and now ou are graduating! Thank you for all ypu have given us and shared with us! We are proud of you and all your accomplishments. We love you with all our hearts. Good luck in your continued journey.

An than y, We have always been so very proud of you. You're such a wonderful blessing. Keep the Lord in your heart as you start your new adventure. Love,

Mom, Dad, Eli & Alex



w"thet beh5Ved/ of the; .. Vt: 3:12

Rejoice, 0 young man. while you are young and let your heat1 be glad in t e day f ur y uth. Follow the way of your heart, th your eye ...


Congratulations Warren! We are so proud of you. We wish you the e life has to offer. Follow your dreams, a good future is waiting for you!

Be confident, keep a positive attitud and w rk hard. Be happy and don't forget to pray!

Keep in mind that our love and support 1s yours always!


Dad, Mom & Wayne- and Moll oo! Lov, Dad


Last but certainly not least! Perfect in every ay! We are so proud oft e person you have become. Remembe ing ith joy all of your accomplishments. Let God guide you into omorrow and may all your dreams come true!

We love yo , Mom and Dad

Thank vou Son!

I love vou.

Mi lud, W arest)\eryproud falltheaccomplishment andhon r )Cuhmc achieved over the last 18) ears. Your dedi at ion.\\ ork ethic. determination and quest fore , II nee .tr qualiti that ill continue to pia a major role asyou\enture ut ami! V"rthC)e r · ndtheone tocome. lwa) be true to yourself. to yourfami I to) ourh rita and to y our faith. Welove ou.

Mom. ad aura. Bray. ndy.J.R., Robert Plus- am bone and T m cat

Courtney, You have truly showed us God's blessings daily . You are a wonderful daughter= , sister and role model. Your future belongs to you , just follow God ' s will. L ve, Mom, Dad, Nicole, Dustin , Taryn, Stephen, and Mason! (Nevada, Diamond and Chaos too!)


Dear Scott,

We are very proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Good luck and God bless you in your future endeavors.

Love, Mom, Dad & Heather


Congratu]atjon. ! are o proud of y u. Mon1. Dad, and Jeff

Wher ·s my cat ro'-> -C untry gargar L thi. · great big joke

Socc r...JFDI...Cham .. . riou . ... BenchCaptain ... C Ca ... Victoria .. .

Blo _ s 111... weathcad .. Dude... umo B y... Annie ... \Vho let the entinel out..Raja it's ate .. .

john , Congratulations to a great son, brother and gr:andson. You ' ve only just 1:3egun! We love you! Mom and Dad

Carlita ... Posh... re y u erious ... Ri r Valley... Clas. ic ... Track ... Lita .. .

C< mgratulations on your man} .1chie\ ments. \X care ·o pr ud of the person you haec become you fond!) rt"rncml er ycstcrda ,r. \ enturc boldly into tomorrow. and L ·lehrate the a( )tnplishments of toda}.

\X e love :ou. i\Iom. Dad. of and Bn nie

Thank you for the metnori - much mor than I deserve - I'm proud.
f rever Love Dad

To our most looked upon loved seniors:

You gus have been our role models, friends, and teammates. We will miss looking at you guys in your spandex. Good luck next year without us! We Jove you guys so much!

Love, Melissa, jessica, Megan, Megan, Shannon, Amy and Brittney


Betsy, Thanks for all the joy you have added to our life. we are continu ously thankful to have been able to watch you "tip toe" through these first seventeen years. we love you because you are YOU. Our love and prayers are with you always and in all ways.

G. and F.

"Good sense is far more valuable than gold or precious jewels." Proverbs 20, vs 15.

We have been through a lot these past four years. Can you believe it's over already? You two are so special to me!

Thanks for all the great memories!

Love, Best friend- Amy

CaughtYa! Tom, Jim, Josh, Jen Thanks for the Hallo een 2000 memories! BETSY PATTOCK HAD AN FAMilY


Caitlin Victoria Mickle

Hey You Two,

You have such a wonderful job, it is really amazing. Heidi and Carolina, let me just say WOW! Hiedi, I hope that you take care in college and rest asured that Carolina is all set and ready to go for next year! I Know that she is going to be helping me alot tn deCidtng the layouts and theme for next year YeeHaw bring it on!

Hey Jackie! Look you did it. Congratulations. We are proud of you.


You have blessed our lives in so many ways since you were born, our bella bambina! we are all very proud of you and your many accomplishments. Congratulations! We love you!

Love, Mom, Dad, Aaron and Lauren


\X'e are very proud of you.

\X.'e love you very n1uch.

Dad, 1om, Kaoife , Coln1a and assie

ongratulations Ro:-,lyn

We lo ve you vety rnuch and are so proud of you. We n1iss you.

Love always from your fan1ily in Ireland



Thanks for the memories

We look forward to your future

With love and best wishes

Mom and Dad


From the tiniest of beginings, we have watched you grow into the fine young man you are today. We are very proud of you and look forward to the bright future you have ahead.

We Love You Mom and Dad

Dearest Jolene, What an accomplishment! Congratulations sweetheart and may the dear Lord guide you to do what you have assess to be your goals to success. Our love and prayers are with you always. With much love, Dad, Mom, Jeanine & Joe


Senior Yearbook Staff, You guys have all done great! Even though we all felt like this at one point or another we've made it! YES! We will miss Luis' attemps at being a make-up artist, and Tiff's humor! Take care! We will think of you often next year


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