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What Would Jesus D o?

religion- re-li-gion (ri Iif en} n.1. 3 fiT Qi

a set of beliefs concerning the n. ([) -6 ro cause, nature, and purpose of @ ::J -. :::r OJ the universe; involving devo- c._ !:l. r+ .., tional and ritual observances and • --1 ..?

oftenhavingamoralcodeforthe 0.. -=-t "< conduct of human affairs; ritual 0 g observance of faith; the body of n b .., persons or institutions adhering 0 a_ 3 to a set of religious beliefs ::J C ro ro c:::: Cat hoi ic- Cat h-o-I ic (kath' e lik}, adj.

1. of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church; pertaining to the whole christian body or church; a member of such a Church 3 ro 01 ::J

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CD religion

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" Tell me all your thoughts on God" ,sluapms
religion CD

Freshman Religion


Megan Ryan puts a I of her trust in her fellow classmates as they walk her around esurrection Church blindfolded.

HELLO THERE. We recently caught Daniel Tosi in a true moment of reflection. Fixing his necklace, it appears he's having a good time .

STICK., G TOC,ETHER. Colleen H11. Andrew Bauer, Josh Gut1errez, and Sonia Kirgan wa·t for nstruc tons from their eaaers. They all look forward to more fun.

COME ME. Michelle Majewski and Chad Boatner follow each other in a blindfolded me. Th1s was one of the many act1V1t1eS on th1s freshman retreat which entru5ted each etudent w1th a confidence n their peer5 .,.he Fre5hman retreat i5 one of the mo5t important one5 that can be held, a5 etudents meet new people and make new friends ae they etart their high school careere.

LEAN ON tviE Kat1e Thompson, Mar•<;sa Reyes, Katie Hatty, and f 1zabeth Dagger take a rest and l1sten to what Chr•.,;tian Leadership has to say. Manssa says. 'The retreat was a successl"

WO KING HARD. Anna Cutty and Sarah Kennedy work on their retreat t-shirts. Justanotherfun activity held on their Freshman retreat!

ONE WITH GOD I MEDITATIO Laune Smith ccncentrate5on her prayer and foe usee her thoughts The retreat was a day for all of the Freshman to reflect and see their inner selves.

HOLDING ON Danny Walsh and John Falkne part1c1pate 1n a fun act1vity to strengthen the r faith. Danny 5aid, "The retreat was great and group leaders were cool. I had a good time."


A Frosh Begin •

FOLLOW THE LEADER. Freshman Nikki R1ce blindly follows hercla-?SmateC..ar1of.i Vii, can a dur,ng the1r important activity, the trust walk. The Fref.ihman participated in a the walk during the r retreat. Each Freshman places all ofthe1rtrust 1n the person lead ng the wal Can Carlos handle the respon.:;ibility?



TRUSTI GTEENS. Underthewatchfuleye of Senior ..,ames Scott, a group of f ve fref.ihmen walk b•indfolded through the Church. A .arge part of the retreat focused on mak ng new friends and learning to trust one another.

SOLITUDE. Freshman Aaron Jarrad qu1etly sat n meditat.on after the day's activitieS. He said, "It was fun, but during the trust wal ept bumprng into trees. The retreatwasa good chance for us to get away for a while."

SMIL G CH :::; E OF GOD Atter an all-scroo Mass. freshmen Ann1e Adams. Wilkinson, ana m Covert School Ma'55es g ve an "PPOrt m t united

ALL A OW. Durrng a brea from smal g•oup d 15CU55 o 5, the reshman at retreat take t me to play a game etreats are a t me for 5p nto.Ja t and garne5, w tl1 eacn pe•5o '5 •a r r God t7e rg re·nfa•cea

The Freshman at retreat deco rated White t-shwts a5 &ometh•ng to symbo rze themselves and to remember the retreat. Fresh man CartJirna f .a5 5 bu5rly working to perfect her ce breakers are often the most exc ting and best remembered part of the retreat& C ad Boatner. Chr 5 Miler, and Steve ovak wor together to c;;tand up as fast as they can "th n ed arm<;. E:ach group had to come together and work as one to wrn the cebrea er "'hl5 ft rn Wlth the •dea of community and wor rng togl"ther as one at Seton.
re ioion

Sophomore Religion

IDI G THE WAVE. Sophomore Bryan Oliv1eri shows h1s trust as he lets his classmates pass him through the air. Th s icebreaker has been used successfully year after year for most retreats.

M SICOFCELEBRATION. Adam Stein tunes up h s guitar before the celebration of the Thanksgiving Mass. Adam has been a great contnbution to our music m nisters.

WAITING TO BEGIN. These four girls sit patiently wait.ng for the opening of the Mass celebration. '?choo1 Masses are beginning to become more energet.c and sp•r'tual at Seton.

AISE 'EM HIGH Sophomores M1chael Webber, sette V1ll1cana, Tiffany and Colleen Clark JOin together and raise their vo•ces to the Our Father

LISTE AND LEARN he e,nphomore at tent1vely during their c a sc. retreat Retreat£ are always a fun and sp1r•tua 1y reward.ng event

WE A E ALL ONE revor DeBenedettv, Ryan. La .Jra Hoe I, ;:)Cott Klemenc;, rono Plese.Carlyt:>andel, Heid1 Ho1 Garmen De La Torre, Lynn McDonough, ( aitlin M ;kle, and Jer· emy Dausha take a break during a day sp1r•tua1 renewal

FR ENDS FOREVER A D ALWAYS. Melissa Ratner and Caitlin Racco show that there is always time Ul enjoy younself at Seton (yes even at Mase). KteF that smi1e g•rle.

uUST LAYIN' AROUND. Brittney Swan and Kel1 Warburton take a moment and re8• from the ong day of the Sophomore Retreat. Juet one more mmute, please?

CD religion

One and 0 u r

Of-l LnLL LOL POP.• >opr'?more Jorn An thony does h1s best to <:>p•tout worde:. withOut lac, ng h s olh pop. His language skill<? coJ d u•,e a ttlework. but h1sface is enough to PJay 'tall.

FL YIN' HIGH. Seth Nenaberthrows his arms up high as fnends from h s class pass h1m down the line of supportrng hands holding h1m up. Trust was a key <:>sue on th s retreat

A SPECIAo.. MOMEN.,. Ryan Tamiettr hug!> another c assmate as a sign of "thankfulness" dur•ng the Thanksgrvrng Mass.

THE B()DYOF A t>e'"t-Chmg and Danre r CK <Jre rev,.,rent a th<"y •ec eve the Euchanst at Mass

with God Community

A MOME T OF SILENCE. Jen Burdolsk sits quietly as it is time to reflect on the funfilled day that the sophomores had on their retreat. Just remember that He i<:> always 1stening.

'?IHIN' AROU D. Scott Kremens
Ben Regan try to get the•r group up off o · the f oor Thrs game requrres muc effort and coordonatron. As you can see, some people had ess than others. TEAM WOR Cart n M c e. Jen B Jr<lO S<. Dona Peltrcs. Roe yn Lalor are <J str1.gg ng to stand on the r feet. Who wou d have thought t would be so hard7 reigion CD

Junior Religion

SUCH GOOD LITTLE BOYS... Thomas Abraham, h1s mom, and Brian Murphy smile innocently for the camera before the Mother's Mass begins

THATS ENTERTAINMENT! Justin Mullins entertains the religion class daily with demonstrations that never get old.

QUALITYTIME. AnthonyQuihuisand Michael Pintar relax and eat donuts after Mass.

GIVING AND RECEIVING Michelle Clinch can't decide what goody bag to pick from under the Christmas tree in the religion room. In return for the one dollar donation to the Sisters of Charity: Missions in Korea, a student received candy or Playdoh.

ONE BODY. Sara Kei ty, Madel ne Dippre, and their moms waited cheerfully in the cold for coffee and doughnuts. "Going to Mass before soccer games helps to unify our team to play to our best abilities," Sara says.

NAME THAT TUNE. Libby Acedo and Traci Krakora sing during communion. Their incredible voices are much appreciated. "In the words of Chuc y Neufeld, 'Singing is praying twice'," say Libby and Traci.

CD reigion

Juniors en-Mass

PSST Juniors Tanya Redger and Julia Patterson talk about their weekend before Mass starts. By the looks on their faces, it is obvious that the community they share includes the sharing of thoughts as well as the Body of Christ.

ARE WE DONE YET? Jon Marquis

and Dan Sullivan try to pass the time while waiting to be dismissed form Mass .

MORE DOUGHNUTS . Junior Ryan Dompier waits for doughnuts with his sister following Mass. As wonderful an experience it was for Ryan's family to come to a Seton Mass, a highlight of the day was free food

Sl G ALO G. Junior<? Dan e e Grunewa d. Stephan1e Ya a1t.s. L•zz "e Mirr'on, Hea her Erhart, Jenn1fer berte. and Mrs La iberte s1ng along at the Mothers' Mass

QUALITY ..-IME WITH MOM ...,un.or Andy Urban spends t.me with hiS mother. Tre bond between mother and son can be best celebrated by the sharing ofcl)mmon faith.

MUSIC OF THE MASS. Keriann Espersen, p1aying the flute at Mass with the Music Ministers displays and enormous amount of musical talent.

SWAN SO G. Peter Sauer plays bass while Em"ly Hyde plays the keyboard for the ast time together.

religion CD

Senior Relig • I On

WHE YOU' E SMILI ·. t;en10rs a ly armontand !:::1oph.a Acord area I smueson arro.::;\ I. ,..he .::;howtheirgreatenthue..asm for a the actrv;t,es to ta e part n on arros.

MA F:WAY . .;leniorEricHattypart.crpates n the scroul mass trrough Chr·stian Leaderc,hip. He a lBO has the opportunity top an and read all the c.asr; retreats.

THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. Jesse Gerstenkorn takes the Blood of Christ. An advantage of going to Catholic school is the opportunity to take part in the Eucharist.

BAD HAIR DAY? Nota chance eventhough on a 4 day retreat, Beth Graham always ooks her best. Beth says that sharing a bathroom with 20 other girls was an interesting experience.



BG"''?Will BEBOY!:/.Mrchae Por. ,en,Mrchae Ve a ,quez, Mr. Su rvan. Randy )earle. M hae Whrte. Sean Sapp. Brad Bar youmb, M hae r· k, Matt Pendleton, ean Syrvester. Mr. (I n h and Mr. ache made JP the men of Karror,.

GA .•bHT IN THE ACT. rrrend,, Rae her Wrllra'l'l',or and Me an e Basha goof ar':lund d.mng therr free trme. Many other!:> p ayed footba ':lr ed Rover to pass the trme.

AHHH! Whataretheyscreaming aboutf'Michael Poulsen, Sean Sapp, Brad Barkyoumb, Erica Valenzuela, Todd Husson, Randy Searle, and Beth Graham are so excited on one of the nights of Kairos.

Michael Krick, and Emily FalknershowMollyMu 'n just how much she means to them on the Kairos VI. It gave all the candidates an opportunity to get to know each other.

We're in His Hands

TAK GCHA 6f. Sen1orAiaynSeminarawas the rector of awos VI. She showed great eadership qJal t e!? to all the candidates and fel ow 1eaders of the retreat. Co- rector.-; Joanna Henry and Brooke Wilkins made it theirdutyto t>upport the;r leader. Under Alayn's pain<?tak ng g the retreat became an unforget table experience tor the senior candidates. What can a leader say we're not worthy?

YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND N ME. Kairos leader Jess1ca Pen a and candidate M,chael Velasquez demonstrate what a1ros s all about. Many newfriendshipswereformed on Kairos VI. Jessia and Michael made a bond to last a lifetime.

MUSIC OF THE NIGHT. Smgers Michael White and Stephanie Olah serenade Kairos V1with a piece from Phantom of the Opera. "They made me do ·t!" says a bashful Stephanie.

PURPLE POWER! Bee y Price, Hoel and Molly Mu Jn en_oyed the1r wee end t0 gether. "'m so hapPY I got to havethoseg r s n my group," said leader, Bee y Pr ce.

HAVEA" TTLEFAITH DrectorSr ...,eanne and Todd 1-<us<?on are two '?fthe peop1eth1s year that made a1ros pass b1e. Todd attended awos as aJUn or and had the oppor tun ity to be a part of both Ka ros VI and

BEAUTY OF NATURE. a.ros V cand1date Enca Valenzuela takes t1me to enjoy the surroundings at Chancey Ranch. "Chancey Ranch s so beautiful and these horses just added to it."

WE ARE ONE BODY. Christ1an Leader Brad Bar oumb is one of the many Eucharistic Minsters on campus. Be ng n Christian Leadersh pIS a good way for sen1ors to deepen the•r faith and share it with others on campus.

religion Cll)

To Be or Not to Be?

I Q,) u c Q,)

Every man is the architect of his own future

Appius Claudius

''These hands are small, I know, but they are not yours, they are my own" - Jewel

J<3JELIS AJEW aUI .:IQ _j: ){t?adS


4 I uop Acn.n pue s.:ra1.no

Of .IOJ ")[t?ads 4 I uop I see1ng what

evervbodV has seen and thinking what nob dV has thought - en von szentGvorgv the beginning is the most important part of the work

GV FineAns

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th'lt n t k de. TilL music pr ro1m t S< ten i-, working lllljl-'Orl< n 1f< bringtl1< -,t 111 Jlr,JHffirH

'lrts at <f< n t o no" IH i 1ht.


Meaqan D Jr Er at.r

K rrypra, t rthe1r a hey a "'" r an J t' t v.ay

Junio r v·nce Placido says,'Mytwoyears n choir have been really fun. It' s a lot of work

HE REWARDS OF DE :JI AT ON. opho more amantha Sm th prove!'> th.llt ded1 .llt on Poll ly ,. the kl'y t<: kl'ep ng her t.lllen. no1r 5 oil t<l ent •b t n t.:JI"t p 1 t e t • he w rth t

Ju nior Libby Acedo says , 'Choir is fun--it's a 1ways been fun. I love to sing, it's more fun t han it is work!"

BA"""'lE OF TI-lE BANDS Nick G.llrz.ll ollnd h15 b.llnd or the 5tudent body llt mock rock. dunng Homecoming but it's

..-HE TENORS. Pintor .llnd Ed McDonough .llnd jumor Mike Pintor prollctice their music during c llf>S. H.llrd work IS the to mu5icl

M u s
• I c
G!) fineans

\1r. f, rfn(( '.;, wf <l1.;,.;,1.;, 1r1 full o f irn 1 )in 1fi n 1wJ fun. J his yc'lr th ci a will { we in} with ab fr'ld 1rf, W 1t( r< C lc r, r f d< .;,, Jrl J ( lnq r r< jH k \ 1r. f <r< n< f.- tries fc creal.: r< l1x< J n j fun le ( nvir< nmcnf, which <ft< n in< lu J(.;, li.;,t, ninq tc whil< ere 1ting 'lrf.

OH-t G L E MOLD G CLAY.. Freeh Mllr <o1e Eec Jdero MOde her cay ,rto a cat for her c lly Dn ma project Art clll95 y()ur creat v ty o;f. r>.:-

PRE'TTVD ,C Y uve cl1ardeor worK!:> to carefu y mola he due pro "'Ct to perfect on

...,unior Colleen Hubbard

says, "Art IS a lot more d. cultthan,astyear,but Mr Ference ma es t fun I iketheatmosphere1nt e class. ·

Junior Thomas Duran

says, "Art class is very fun, it becomes di icult at tomes, but ;t's nice to have a class to listen to muSICtn .""'

A r t
fine ans CJ!)

All The A Stage

111 j 1r lllllli< ll dilit' (fLu 1( I( r\ ml I( In"('· In r II ru-

HlJ, !111 mnu1l \L IH <I ,I,LJ f < HIIJ< c f lfn )f 1u / 111 J1' ""1\

1 t 1 f< r llH J. Ill r< u Jill 'L rnt 111 "' f H 1\ I< IIH -.I 1 J< 'A-ill1 IIH IH I, <f

l <lh 111"" 'ln J \L I< rrrn f <rfcrrn<rs.

'HAT'::.> F AL! :;;en tor Meaghan Brown ARE v , L fE NtN Tv ME Jrama

aysdown the lawwttr en tor Mot y Fa "We' two work ara to prepare thetr , ort cene for the drama 'na exall".

Ju t be gentle Meaghan!

Senior Laura Probst had the chance to ta e a drama c ass for the •rst time this year. "Drama is my favonte class," Laura was heard saytng to teacher Mrs. Hoffman one

tudent hr"' Ben"et. "'u 1e Ben<?on.

Dnd an na perf nr. a scene from ti-Je r favor te mov1e lr the drama ass. "'"heir amaztng repertOire ncluded ,cenes from var•ous plays and mov1es

" had sc. much fun dotng the spnng play .ast year. was so exc ted to take drama first semester It was ntce to be able to use my talents everyday Bill Gunty IS one of the privi· leged who can take


master thespians are-- Top ow: Molly

Farwel, Becky Pnce, Susie Benson,..,antna

Sheedy. Mtddle Row: Mrs Hoffman, Chns

Bennet, Meaghan Brown, Katy Barker, Bi Gunty. Jamte C..lark, ..;enilee Valeros

Bottom: Chris Edwards. E teen Lawless

DRAMA UEEN. Senior aty Barker tS caught displaying her talents. Katy is a veteran to the drama department.

GV nneans

French high school students demand more teachers, better equipment and buildings and a lighter course load in an October protest in Paris The French government de ignates $40 million annually over the next four years, as weU as 1,000 ne1\ teaching posts.

A total collapse of the Russian rubles nds world marke ts into ch os. Boris Yeltsin asks Viktor Chernomyrdi n to head th e gove rnment t help restore political and economic stabi lity.

After U.N. drug summit 10 which 150 countries endorse an anti-drug campaign, the U.S. vows to nd an estimated $1 billion over the next five years on anti -drug a rtising, corporate and civic partnerships and promotion

In a dangerous escalation of hostile feelings in the area, India begins nuclear bomb testing in response to Pakistan's testing of the Ghauri missile.

Amemorial commemorating the first anniversary of the death of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed is put on display in London's Harrods department store, which is owned by Dodi's father

di:scothe>Que fire in Goteborg, Sweden , kills 67 teens an d injures sewral more, making it the deadliest fire in modern Swedish history. Arson is the su spected caus of the October fire

September 2,

In retaliation for the African embassy bombings, the U S. attacks a suspected chemical weapons factory in the capital of Sudan and a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, and launche a worldwide search for suspected mastermind Osama bin Laden.

t .::: l c .. .E J w;,..'f'c ,. .§
On Swissair Flight Ill crashes in the lea in Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada , killing all ZZ9 puaengers and crew aboard Acockpit wiring fire Ia tbe IUipected cause of the disaster.

:) 0 ugust 7, powerful bombs xplode outside the U. bassies in Kenya and Tanzania killing 248 people, including 12 Americans, and injuring more than 5,000 .

C The worst summer flooding in China since 1954 kills 3,000 people, destroys 17 million homes and affects one-fifth of the

Czar icholas II and his family, killed in 1918 in Central Russia and buried in a mas grave, are exhumed and laid to rest in St. Petersburg.

0 ASA and Russia will conduct 45 missiOnS to launch and assemble the International Space Station Alpha. Set for comple!lon by 2004 the station will be powered by almost an acre of solar panels and will weigh almost one million pound

0 President Clint on becomes the first U. leader to vis it China since the Tiananme n Square massa cre in 19 9. Man y critic iz e Clinton for his apparent le ni e ncy toward China 's hum a n rights restrictio ns.

On January 1, 1999, the euro debuts as the new currency in 11 European Common Market countries. It will be three more years before euro coins and cash are officially put into circulation.

F I ash

and kills more than 10,0 people, m king it the second deadliest storm in the regi on's history.

John Hume and David Trimble , Northern Ireland 's two main political party leaders , win the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end the violence that has plagued the British province lor three decades

After a stop in Mexico City in January 1999, Pope John Paul II arrives in St. Louis, Missouri, and celebrates Mass with over 100,1100 people in attendance.

In January 1999 , an earthquake that measures 6 0 on the Richter scale hits Colombia killing over 1,1100 people .

King Hussein of Jordan, 63, dies on February 7, 1999, of lymphatic cancer. Hussein's 47-year reign made him the Middle East's longest-serving leader.

• President Clinton becomes the second president in history to be impeached. The House of Representatives charges him with two counts of obstruction of justice and perjury The Senate acquits Clinton after a five-week trial .

In June, African

Sixteen of the 24 glass beads that historians believe were used to buy Manhattan Island from Native Indians in 1626 are donated to the Indian Museum of North America located at the Crazy Hone Memorial. American James B ·rd Jr., 49, is chained to the back of a truck and dragged to his death in Jasper, Texas, by three men, two of whom have ties to white supremacists.

:) unstable Russell 'eston Jr charges into t S. Capitol building on July 24 and fatally shoots Special Agent John Gibson and Officer Jacob Chestnut.

': Reform Party candidate Jesse Ventura shocks the nation when he wins the race for governor of Minnesota in ovember.

Ventura is a former avy Seal , pro wrestler and action movie actor.

) In eptember, Hurricane Georges crashes through the Florida Keys and 1ississippi. The killer storm causes the largest mandatory evacuation in Florida histo!)·, and Mis. issippi victims receive over 131 million in aid.

C orthwest Airlines pilots strike for 17 days in August and September causing more than 27,000 canceled flights and a loss of $33 million

0 ATitanic exhibit tours the U.S. featuring over 200 artifacts and displays chronicling the fateful ship's maiden voyage and tragic sinking.

In response to family pressure, DNA testing confirms that remains buried in the Tomb of the Unknowns are those of lichael J. Bla sie, an Air Force pilot shot down in Vietnam.

c In summer 1998, • orth Texas temperatures exceed 100 degree for 45 days. The state ·s heat death toll climb to 132 and fir · burn over 344,000 acres.

In August General Motors Corporation and United Auto Workers reach an agreement that ends an eight-week sbike .

President Clinton announces the federal government ends the 1998 fiscal year w th a budget surplus of 70 b. lion , the first surplus smce 1969

More than 280 colleges now admit some or all of their applicants without regard to SAT or ACT scores Many schools say the system improves the academic quality and diversity of their student bodies

DNA tests determine that Rebecca Chittum was unknowingly SWitched w1th Callie Conley at a Virginia hosp tal after thetr births three years ago This case prompts a national debate on the need for stricter hospital procedures


:) John Glenn, 77, b comes the oldest astronaut when he undertakes a space s huttle mission m October, 36 years after his fi rst space flight. Later, Glenn re tires from a 24 -year career

A's Lunar Prospector fin ds sc attered pockets of ic e benea th th lun r su rface The pres enc of water coul d enabl e astron auts to u e the moon as a kind of space-b ed fillin station An analysis of Eastern • eaboard weather hows it really does rain more frequently on weekends than duri ng the week , an average of 22 percent more Automobile emission patterns are the suspected cause of the phenomenon 0 The comet Tempei -Tuttle causes a meteor storm whe n it passes by Earth. The comet will be visible again in falll999, after whic h it won't reappear for another 2 years. Acomputerized T·shirt, woven with fiber optics and electrically conducted thread, may soon monitor the health of soldiers, rescuers , the elderly and others who are medically vulnerable. mes in the U.S Senate Mtehael A. Scnwa rz Columbia University gradu ate student Elizabeth Brannon and psychology pro fessor Herbert Terrac e de monstrate that monkeys can master simple ari thm e ti c on at least the level of a two -year-old child Astudy demonstrates that the more hour· people spend on the Internet, the more depressed, stressed and lonely they feel.

Th USDA announ ce s that 25 -millise cond blast of 270 -degree steam appli d to meat kill s 99 99 perce nt of the bac teria This process follows the unpopular method of irradiation

3 1 The Nature Of light And Emission Spectra

3 2 The Bohr Of The Ill om

3 3 The wave t-4odel Of The Ill om

C Chemistry professor Claude Yoder co-authors "Interactive Chemistry," a CD ROM that uses animation to lead students through chemistry problems, eliminating the nee d for a text boo k.

C The FDA withholds medical approval of St. John 's Wort, the popular herbal supplement widely believed to relieve • depression Howeve r. Ameri can consu mer demand has led to its use in everyt hin g from lipstick to potato chips

On August 12, the $1 billion Titan 4 rocket explodes 42 seconds after liftoff. The rocket payload included a highly classified Defense Department satellite.

0 Paleontologists in Argentina discover thousands of shards of dinosaur eggs everal shar ds contain the fossilized remains of unhatched embryos and their never-before-seen embryo skin.

:) Researchers reveal a new technique that determines the sex of a baby before conception. This technique use a laser detector that measures the D Ain sperm cells.

0 Researchers di cover a gene that may cause the aggressive behavior of "killer be es." This knowledge may help tame African bees , whose sting has deterred bee keepers from tending hives

Alan Shepard, the first American in space, dies on July 22 at the ag e of 74

F I ash

Astronomers d1scover and photograph a planet outside our solar system that Is about 450 light years away from Earth

In August , renowned Houston heart surgeon Dr Denton Cooley performs open-heart surgery which is broadcast live on the America 's Health Network Internet web site Dav1d cott sr n h1 donor hand

L il

Lovegety, a palm-sized matchmaking device, is the latest craze with Japanese teenagers . When it comes within IS feet of another Lovegety, high -pitched beepers go off, lights flash, and the "love detectors" display wh eth er the users' pre et interests match . It's now available in the S

0 Today inve ligation reveals that many of the nation 's s re drmkmg water regulat ions are not being enforce d. The report reveals that even the worst violations have just a I in I0 chance of drawing legal action

0 Furby, the year's must -have interac tive toy, has a vocabulary of 200 wo rds in both English and its own la nguage, "Furbish ." Furby knows when it is being petted, when the lights go out, when music starts, and if there's another Furby in the room.

WildEyes contact lenses feature everal designs , including a starbur t, black eight ball and eat's eyes The 165 lenses come in prescri ption and non-prescription a nd don't interfere with ye ight.

Co nsumer groups demand the recall of Ol es tra fr om the market , or a t least tbe adoption of strict guidelines as to its use, after thousands of people become sick from eating the popu lar fat substitute. However, ltudies suggest that chips made with Ol es tra do not cause greater ltGmach problems than regular chips .

Appearing in malls

in 33 states , jo b kiosks dispense employment opportunities for interested appli cants. Jo b seekers enter th eir skills and ambitions and the machine cans its database fo r a matc h.

Play tation's "C ras h Ban dicoot: WARPED " supe rsedes its p pular predeces ors AI o new is Crash 's sister Coco wh o gallops along the Great Wall of China an d cruis es thro ugh enemy infested wat ers

r--·r J 1 -:::.J ,.;__) • i l I -

:) th nerd for toll ·free numb r greatly increases, the 8 7 prefix joins the 00

and prefiXes already in use

o Asleek, r design ed ve rsion of the '60s Volkswagen Beetle enters the market. Despite a May 199 recall for wiring problem , the ew Beetle is wildly popular

:) Butterflies and dragonflies are the hot motif in the fashion world appearing on everything from clothes and bags to hair acces ories and jewelry

0 For $20 -30 a day, train d profe sionals at dog and cat day cares \\ill play with, r to , feed and pamper pets in the ir care.

c Cargo pants invade sto res a nd become the must-have piece of appa rel for teens across the natio n.

l r. Payro ll is the first ATM that can cash a check - even for someone with out a ba nk account. The ma chine "memorize ·· facial features and matche them with a ocial ecurity number to ve ri fy the user's identity

0 Pilates, a low-impact form of exercise that uses unique equ ipment and deep stretching techniques , becomes popular with men and women

Paul A. Sou dcrs.IQ Corb1s
can traverse dirt paths and rocky trails
large-wheeled skates r tail for a cool $600
introduces durable, all -terrain
skates that


0 Heartthrob George Clooney announces 199 -99 will be his last season on BC 's award-winning television drama,

ovember, ABC 's 'Spm City" star Michael J. Fox, 37, reveals he has Park inson's disease. Fox underwent brain surge ry in March 1998 in an attempt to relieve

BC's "Frasier" makes history by winning its fifth consecutive outstanding comedy series award at the 50th annual Emmy Awards. Kelsey Grammer, in the title role, wins his third Emmy a t com actor. "ER." Trail Burn er, a hand -held mou n ·n bike raci ng game, uses motion sensors to tu m corners and jump hills and wate r pits. Crashes make th e handlebars vibrate Britain 's best Scrabbl e players commemorate the popular board gam e's 50th anniver ary in October by playing in London 's Wemb ley Stadium using letter tiles the size of dining tab les. severe tremo rs. 0 Karl alone and Denms Rodm an face off in a World Champion hip Wrestling tag-team match. The event pits Rodman and Hollywood Hulk Hoga n against and Dia mond Dall as Page.

Walt Disney's A Bu lfe is one of at least 15 animated feature films that will flood the nation's theaters in the next two years.

0 Players of Vertical Reality, a combination video game and amusem<!nt ride , shoot at moving targets on a 24-foot-tall screen and sit in chairs that rise with each successful hit. The winner rides to the top for a grand view.

C In June, Keiko arrives in his nat1ve Iceland to begin his assimilation to his new surroundings. The move concludes a four-year cam paign to release the five-ton star of th e movie Free Willy.

0 In May 1998, the much-anticipated movie God;i /l a opens to disappointing reviews and box office numbers. The epic leaves theaters quickly.

C The wildly popular stars of The WB network 's "Dawson 's Creek" hit the big scr e n, filming eight feature films during hiatus . 1agazine co er by 7V Guide , Seventeen and Inten-teu fue l the craze.

, The coming-of-age drama " felicity" quickly gains popul a rity with teens. The s how revolves around a young woman and her new experie nc es at co lle ge.

0 Actor Rick Schroder rep lace Jimmy mils on ABC's "NYPD Blue." Th e fate of Sm its ' character in his last episod e - he dies when a heart transplant fails - became a source of nationwide spe cula tion.

iYo Qui ro Taco Bell!

Taco Bell's talking Chihuahua becomes a favorit teen advcrtisin 1con and sparks a surge of interest in the breed g eli


In January 1999, the group 'N Sync wins Favorite New Pop/Rock Artist at the American

harp and ony introdu ce portable Mini Disc rec ord••rs Th is digital alternative t aud·ocassettes records customized music comp ilations and doesn't skip when bumped

Thanks in part to thei r 42-city tou r, The Backstreet Boy·· s If-titled al bum sells nine million copies making it the third best ·selling album of the year. Singer an d actor Frank Sinatra dies at the age of 2 on May 14, 1998 Alanis Iori sette 's new album, Supposed Former Info uation Junkie, is released in November and vaults to o. I. The album sells 469 ,000 copies in the first week usic Awards Nmeteen-year-old Usher is na med Billboard Music Awards· Arti t of the Year and R&B Art ist of th e Year. Touring with Janet Jackson and making television and movi e appearances has heightened Usher's popularity. 0 Spice Girl Geri Halli we ll, better kno n as Ginger Spi c , announce in May 1998 that he is leaving the popular group for creative reasons.

:) i dancing makes b1g omeback with h elp of music from bands like Cherry Poppin ' Daddies (shown ) and the Brian Setzer Orchestra

0 Monica is the only artist in 1998 with two I hits on the Billboard Hot 100, includin!( "The First Night" and "The Boy Is line, " a duet she sings with Brandy.

c The popularity of Lauryn Hill's album

The Jfiseducation of Louryn Hill lea ds to 10 Grammy nominations, the mos t for any fe male artist in his tory Hill kic ks off a worl dw ide tour in Jan uary 1999

C Shania Twain wins the Favorite Fe male Country Artist award at the American 1usic Awa rd a nd receives six Grammy nominations.

0 Jewel scores on two fronts. Her book of poet ry, A Night Without Armor. makes the ew York Times best· ell r list, and her album,. p1r it, is

C atalie Imbruglia Wins Breakthrough Artist honors at the !TV Video Music Awards in ptember. Her album, Lefl of th e f1ddl e, features hits "Tom " and ' Wishing I \\as There."

0 In November, Garth Brooks ' new album Double Ln e enjoy first -day sales of ove r 50 0,000 copi es, the industry 's best one -day tally. Brooks makes special TV and Wai -Mart closed-circuit TV appearances to promote the release

F I ash

Aerosmith's "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing," from the mo\ie Arma,eddon, becomes the group's first in gle to hit o.l on the Btl/board Hot 100 charts.

Psychologists discover a connection between musical training and verbal memory Children tra10ed to play a musical instrument grow up to have 16 percent better word memory than other adults

Movie soundtracks account for nearly half ol the Gold and Platinum certification

Some of the top soundtracks include Titanic and Return to Titanic City of Angels , Annageddon , Hope Floats , Or. Doolinle and The Wedding Singer

Whitney Houston s My Love Is Your Love ts her first studio album In eight years The album includes the hit duet w11h

Mariah Carey enhtled " When You Believe "

Actor/rapper Will Smith wins three American Music Awards , Including Favorite Pop/Rock Album , Favorite Soui/R&B Album and Favorite Soui/R&B Male Artist.

Ski boards, short skis with twin tips that allow forward and backward ju mping, debut in competition at the 199 ESP Winter XGames. 0 Sang Lan, China's 17-year-old gymnastics champion, breaks two vertebrae during a vault at the Goodwill Games in July, leaving her paralyzed from the chest down On January 4, 1999, Tenne see beats florida State University 23·16 at the Fiesta Bowl in Ar1zona to win the nati onal championshi p. It is the first year of the Bowl Championship Series , created to ensu re th at the highest ranked college teams nationally mee t in a bowl game. Jeff Gordon wins the NASCAR Winston Cup for a second year in a row. Gordon, 27, is the youngest driver to win three m ton Cup championships Flamboyant sprinter florence Griffith Joyner (FioJo), triple gold medalist at the 1988 Olympics, dies at age 38 in her sleep, of suffocation during an epileptic seizure

:) In a 4 0 ainst the S .1 D1 go Padres, the ew York Yankees win the 1998 World Series to claim their 24th championship The Yankees' 125 total victories is a modem baseball record.

The defending champion Denver Broncos meet the upstart Atlanta Falcons at Super Bowl XXXIII in Miami The Bronco win 34-19.

Golfer Casey Martin, who suffers from a circulatory disorder in his right leg, wins a lawsuit allowing him to use a cart during PGA and ike golf tournaments.

C Olympic gymnast Dominique Moceanu is declared a legal adult after suing her parents, alleging they squandered her ea rning and oppressed her for years. Later, Moceanu is granted a protective order aga in st her fath er for stalkin g her.

C Lind ay Davenport, 22, defeats Hingis in the U.S. Open in September and becomes the o. !-ranked player in the world.

0 In July, France beats Brazil 3-0 to win its first World Cup soccer title. During celebrations. a motorist drives through th crowd on th Champs-Elysees and injures 60 people .

St. Lou1s Cardinal lark 1cGWJre hits home run number 62 on September 8, breaking the record set by Roger Maris in 1961 lcGwire ends the season with 70 home runs.

On S ptember 13, Sammy So sa of the Chicago Cubs also breaks Roger Maris ' record th his singleseason 62nd home run. So a ends the season with 66 home runs

On September 20 , Cal Ripken Jr ends his 16-year streak of 2,632 consecutive baseball games played by withdrawing himself from the Baltimore lineup for that night.

NBA owners impose a lockout on July 1 that causes almost half the '98 -'99 basketball season to be lost. The labor dispute Is settled on January 6

Tennis star Pete Sampras wins his fifth Wimbledon title and remains the world 's No 1 player for a record sixth straight year, breaking J1mmy Connors ' mark for consecutive seasons on top

The NFL season is plagued with controversial and incorrect calls Instant replay is not reinstated , but coin toss procedures are implemented

:) fifty six-year-old Linda McCartn , photogra pher, animal rights activi st and wife of famed B aUe Paul, dies of breast cancer on April l7 , 199

0 Hirofumi "The Toky Terror" akajima (right), reig ning world hot dog eating champion, eats 19 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes to win the annual athan 's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest.

Miss Virginia icol Johnson is crowned Miss Am rica 1999 in Atlantic City. The 24 year-old diabetic wears an insulin pump on her hip and plans to spotlight diabetes awareness during her reign

C After dropping out of the third grade in 1902 to care fo r her II youn r siblings, retired nanny and housekeepe r Eu genie Garside finally recei ves her high school diploma at age 98

Olympic gold medalist figure skater Tara IJpinski takes part in an anti-tobacco rally with area school children on Capitol Hill in May 1998 . The rally is sponsored by the Campaign for TobaccoFree Kids.

C Beloved puppeteer Shari Lewis dies or cancer on ugust 2. Her ere ions include her trademark Lamb Chop, Hush Puppy and Charlie Horse.

eventeen-year-old Katie Hmda is named Chatfield enior High School's Homecoming Queen as well as starting kicker for the varsity football team The No. )-ranked kicker in the state of Colorado, Hnida hopes to play Division I collt>ge football next year.

,. BC's" ew adio" star and former "Saturday ight Live" cast member Phil Hartman dies from a gun hot wound inOicted by his wife in May 1998

Canadian Tobin Belanger escorts a mannequin to his high school prom He names her Jen , picks out her dress and corsage and arrives in a limousine

Mali of Amer1ca m M ne the event Runze and Wet the same day

C 1999 Jostens Inc 980254 (1736)
1376 1500 1888 2000

In I 53, chef George Crum creal s potato chips in ew York after a cu tomer keep requesting thinner french-fried potatoe

The U.S with over 700 van ti on th mark t.

Germans first bake btrthday cakes to celebrate children's btrthdays In 1200. The candl urn throughout the da to boli ife The tradition of birthda c continues popular characters pa of the cake decoration.

8 0 M

C Before sweat glands are clearly understood in the 19th century, perfume is u ed to mask the odor of sweat. Introduced in 1888, Mum is the first product to ward off underarm moisture

and odor In 1997, Americans spend $1.48 billion on deodorant

C The average American's favorite meal in 1954 is a fruit cup, vegetable soup, steak and potatoes, pea , rolls and butter, and pie aIa mode. Teens toda rank pizza, french fries, pasta, hamburgers/ cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets as their top five favorite foods.

0 In 1892, the lanfield Shoe Company in England first produces quality ·hoes in standard sizes and large quantities. Sneakers are introduced in the 19th century and cost a few dollars. arne-brand shoes today can cost hundreds of dollars.

0 Swing dancing, popular in the 1930s, makes a comeback in 1998.

0 Nine ercent of hou. eholds own a TV m 1950. That number rises to 98 percent by 1995. On average, 98 percent of today's teens watch TV for 11.4 hours a week.

Conqut tadors return to pam m 1527 after findmg the nahves of ew pam eating algae, agave wonns, winged ants, tad I , water flies, whit rm , and 1 ctlarv . Today, kids enjoy candy in the shape of tters

In 1120, the first restaurant or "cook shop" open m Katfeng, the capital of thr orthem ong dynasty To y McDonald' ha more than 23,500 re urants in 113 countne Amencan spend 46 percent of their food dollars away from home m 1996 compared to 25 percent in 1955

; tra

m ents blue jeans in San Francisco. Originally made with canvaS, denim replaces the material in the early 1860s The average American now owns 7.03 pairs of jeans.

0 In 1570, Queen Elizabeth I receives a gift of gold toothpicks. which are used to clean teeth. Toothbrushe. do the job today with hundreds of options of sizes, colors, shape and bristles.

Guglielmo Marconi invents the radio in 1895 using a crude transmitter. 1usic makes history on TV when the Beatles appear on The Ed SulliL·an Shou in 1964. Music continues to make history on TV when MTV kicks off in 1981. Today, 68 percent of teens watch nv 5.4 hours a week.

The commode becomes a popular addition to homes in 1700. Recent findings re\-eal \\omen pend 0 seconds using a public restroom while men spend 45 econds.

0 According to legend, on May 8, 1886, Atlanta pharmacist John Perberton produced the syrup for Coca-Cola in a three-legged brass pot in his backyard. Coca-Cola was first bottled in 1899 and is today's best· riling soft drink. Americans drink 127 million 8-ounce servings every day.

French court of Louis XV. women style their hair three feet high forcing them to sleep sitting up. The hair would be left in place for month ; insects and mice would nest in it. Today"s hairstyles are a little more "down to earth."

In 1374, the ent1re population of a European city goes into a pathological fren n in in the stre until too exhausted or injur d to continue Slam dancing and mosh pits are common manias at today's concerts

In the 1000 , engagem nts arranged at a e seven nd marri ge follow at age 12 for girls and 14 for bo) Today, the avrrage ag at mamage for n IS 24.5 and 26 9 for men

0 Average life expectancy in the 1000s is 30 In 1997 , it rises to 79 for females and 73 for males

Parmts, canane , monkeys and dog are the preferred p ts of the 1500 Exotic Pfls of today mrlude iguanas and tarantulas.

In the I OOs, chap rone acromp r g1 on th('ir date In later y ars, 1c cream parlor become pojlular date hangouts Today's h ts are shopping malls.

0 The world population in 1600 totals 545 million compared to over 5.9 billion in 1998. The U.S. population in 1790 totals 3.9 million compared to over 270 million in 1998.

0 In the 1700s, both sexes wear powdered wigs, rouge and red lipstick. They also etch their whitened faces in blue to bring out the veins. Worldwide annual sales of co ·metics today exceed $80 billion.

soccer ball and two peach baskets Basketball is now America 's most popular sport

The first roller coaster, built in I 92 at Cedar Point in Sandusky. Ohio, stands 25 feet high and travels I0 miles per hour. The Riddler's Revenge · at ix Flag· 1agic i the tallest and fastest stand-up roller coaster. standing !56 feet and hitting a top speed of 65 miles per hour with a maximum of 4.2 gravity forces.

In 1920, the ew York Yankees pay George "Babe" Ruth 125,000. In 1997, 21 -year-old Kevin Garnett signs a even-year contract worth 126 million with the Minne ota Timberwolves.

Atan introduce Pon , the first commercial vid o game, in 1972 Today's home video game systems include Sony Pia tat ion , Sega • alum and int ndo 64 About 63 percent of teen play video games an av rage of 3.9 hours a week.

In 1903 77re Pmion Pl , t 0 mmutes 11 the longest movi produc d at this time , with average films running three or four minute The 1997 movie Titanic runs about three-and-a-half hours

Joseph . lerlin develops the first practical pair of roller skates in 1759 colt 01 on invents the modem version of in-hne skates in 1979. Today, 41 percent of teen own in-line skates.

0 In 197 , a federal judge rules that high sch I girls may participate on team with boys. Women take further strides in sports with the first WNBA game on June 21, 1997.

Court je ters first appear in 1202. Modern ,, sters come in thr fonn of comedian , such as Jerry emfeld whose TV sho\\', Semfeld, ends its nine-year run m 199



Ori n 1ce are used to disguise the bad taste of spoiled meat in 1499 1eat sold in the U.S. today ...,........... must pass USDA standards.

The Black Death sweeps Western Europe from 1347-51 and kill over 25 million people (one in four).

22.6 million people live with which is identified m 1981.

Thr Pony Expres Ira I


and acramento, Cal1forn1a Th 2000-mlle distance tak 10 d 11 ay, e-ma1l 1 almo tin t man ous.

0 Spectacles are invented in 12 6 in Italy The first practical contact lenses are developed in 1877 followed by plastic lenses in 1954. Laser surgery can now correct certain eyesight problems .


0 Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan creates the fir ·t bicycle, then called a velocipede, in 1839. Bicycling ts a competitive sport around the world today with some bikes co. ling several thousand dollar

In 1783, it takes Thomas Jefferson five days to travel 90 mile using public transportation Today, the Concorde airplane travels at 1,336 miles per hour and eros es the Atlantic Ocean In under three hours

be ph oun,

'ot until th year 1000 d :!Indian mathematician Sndhara rewgnize the imp<:'rtance or z ro. Smc w began co nllng th years w1th rme, rnth r than zero, th new rn1 nn urn offic1allv starts m 2001, not20 0. Excitement IS bUIIdmg r \ ar' E.ve I 9, but

0 Doctors in the 1000s use an astrological chart to determine a patient's treatment. Medicine is ingested only when the moon is in a .favorable position. Many people today carry on the astrological tradition through horoscopes.

Yellow ·tone ational Park, the first park in the ational Park System, is established on March I, 1872. and covers 2.2 million acres. The ational Park System now covers 83 million acres.

Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492. Neil Armstrong walks on the moon on July 20. 1969.ln 1998, NASA begins construction of the International Space Station, the most complex technological project in human history.

Surgery in th 1800s is performed on blindfolded patients under no ane ·thesia by surgeons who wipe in trumcnts clean. Many people now elect to have cosmetic surgery. In 1997,37 percent of cosmetic surgery patients undergo multiple procedures.

Thomas Edison patents the phonograph in 1878. Sharp introduces a minidisc player in 1998 that records music

L.__ L

Thl' Fa tory Act of I 3 state chtldren under age mne may not work in the textile industrv, age -I ay work moe hours p day, and • 'l I may work 12 hou rs per day Today's IOth to 12th grader works an average of 19 hours a week.

In 1675, Massachusetts law prohibits men from wearing long hair. Russia taxes men with beards in 1698. Hairstyle is a personal choice today.

I ued m 1950, The Diners Club ts the first general purpo c credtl card. By 1996, there are ov r 119 million credit card holders and about 1,390,000 T I terminals m the

Women first gain the right to vote in New Zealand in 1893, with American women gaining the right in 1920 The voting-age population of the U.S. today is over 193 million.

0 A I72 I Connecticut law states people may not leave home on Sunday except for church or an emergency. fany ·tores are now open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

C In the 1400s. oks are symbols of prestige and are considered treasures due to small print runs. People trade and herds of cattle for one book. Today, the average teenager spends four hours a week reading for fun.

998 Seton Beat

seton beat GD

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student life GD

summertime fun

DREAM VACATION. Sen10rStephan1eOiah had the chance of a lifetime to spend a month in Europe. The highlightofhertripwaswalking through the sunflowers with the bees along the Hungarian Puszta.

SPELL OF THE YUKON. Senior Lauren M1ckle and Slophomcre r,aitlin Mickle spent part of their summer in Alaska. The'?e tw0 beaJt,es are posing on the cruise ship where they spent their vauat,on.

PLAY THE DAY AWAY. Juniors Candice Kochis and Jessica Raftery are having fun on a jet ski. These tow spent a week on a house boat on Lake Powell. "The house even has a slide," says Candice enthusiastically.


Junior Brandon Mistier spent time in Alaska trying to catch salmon. Brandon got to share this freezing experience with his father and Frank Kush.

A SENTINEL SUMMER. Forthefirsttime,agroupof Seton students spentpartoftheirsummerin Europe. Brad Barkyoumb, Michael Poulsen, Joanna Henry, Erica Valenzuela, Rachel Williamson, and Beth Graham liveouttheirVenicedream of riding on a Gondola.

GD studentlife

SPEED DEMO S. Ne"yOmohundro, Knsten Thomas, and Bancroftcruisin'theshops n Long Beach. "The ride home was a nightmare. It was ha'ling so hard we had to pu I over. And speaking of gettmg pulled over "

AROU D THE WORLD. icho1e Bon traveled to six countries th s summer, inc.uding Austria. N chole said, "Italy was my favor'te where I traveled around in the gondolas and the people there were awesome!"

GETTI ' DIRTY. Jessica O'Brien, Miranda

Jile , Si ett Morales, and Elsa Rubalacava were conf;rmed at a one-week camp in Prescott. "The camp was a blast. We got to spend a lot of qua ty t.me with our friends and the food fight was a huge mess but fun," sa.d M randa.

w '( We ra v
student ife CID

'?'1A ' G. Comm .mity sa uge part of Seton and. as elrssa Wentworth shareEJ her soda with Amy UJaws i, t c.,rows a sense of pride in our commun ty.

JDY C CLE. Amy Stotz and the rest o her gro 1p prepare an Englrsr presentat, Jn. They now that the way to a hreve ,uccess is through study;ng.

STRIKE A POSE. Our ever enthusiastic varsity cheerleaders lead out first pep assembly. We know that the cheerleaders work hard to bring out the spir;t n our school they 're great examples of Spirit Leaders

LEAP FROG? It looks funny, butJenn'fer Rail and Peter Rhee are actua ly leading therr class by participating in one of the games of our rowdy rail es.

SENIORS STAYIN' COOL. The temperature always rises at the at the Big Bucks Rallies These Seniors under one of the Student Plaza trees, know how to hide from the hot sun. From here, they can show there spirit without suffering from heat exhaustion.

GD student life

RED. As Jess c,a Raftery pon ders the pep assembly, her clo-;e friend J Dav s ti" rKt;; about the B1q Buc s affle.

SETON SPIRIT. Senior atie Barker shows off her Seton pnde at a football game. atie and the tons of other Seton students show thew spir•t by coming to the games.

SENIO SPIRIT. A.ayn Seminara. Sophia Acord and Lauren Mickle loo like they're having a relaxing time with their riends at our f;rst pep assembly. Though it was not as relaxing as 't looked, they're stil smil'ng. Way to show your Sent,nel Pride!

SP'RIT SHOWS. As the J.V., footba'l team is introduced to the Student Body, the team shows their spirit by wearing their red shirts. They now how to show community and spirit!

S ..- Dv (; SUC' ESS. Ra e Rendon sac r ec, her early morr ng "eep to study fer a rP. g1on test.
student ife CID

homecoming wee k home for the holidav s

ll.,JT WANT Tu HAVE FL,N. Just a few of the dashing diva"' who dresc,ed up tC' dance the n1ght away were Apnl Shagena, Erin Dumas, Kate Ktrby, Stephan1e Olah, Joanna Henry, Moll1e Hardesty, and Debbie K1rby. Smile girls!

A ,•WEE,. NVIT lN r< Jbbard appear, • h J ked and Jrpr ed t the questio popped by Bud Me1e.ter bet re f1r• t ho Jr. " wa' really pr sed wh"n •,ral y n( t1ced it. but I wa• even more e.urT r ">ed when Jr ar broke down n thl' w,;y the d.mce. We

had to walk a mi,e to a ga tat1on"

A WINNING COMBINATION. Senior Brooke Wilkins and Freshman Briana Wilkins are ready to rumble They are standing tall before the annual Seton Powder Puff game, in which the triumphant Seniors and Freshman played againstJumors and Sophomores.

PARTY L.KE 'TS 1999! The Senior class car exhibits the attitude of the ent1re class during Homecom,ng week This overwhelming show of red and gold paid off when the t>eniorclass won the Spirit tJt,ck.

• •
Danelle Vance & Chad Boatner
QD student life
scon Ferris & Heidi Holstad

As we all know, Homecoming for the 1998-99 school year was a bit different. A few senior privileges were taken away, and many new things were added. Overall the sp'rit of Seton Catholic High School rose with each new activity, as did the excitement of the Homecoming game, which was against NWCC. Here is a list of activities that much of the student body participated in:

Valentine's Day-- Mass

St. Patrick's Day-- Breakfast

Halloween Dress Fashion Show, Candy Contest, Karaoke

Christmas Dress Pictionary, Karaoke

New Year's --Pep Rally, Bands, & Football @ 7:30

Derek Smith and Undsav catania Adam Kerwin and KeiiV Travis
studentlife GD

1... 2... 3... iunior victorv

Q!) student ife
student life (if)
QD studentlife 11 • • • • • • :cl • • • • • • sophomores ro the noor
student life GD
1... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ...
student life
student life GD

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The quality of an organization can never exceed the quality of thE mindS that 111ake it Up. HaroldR.McAlindo
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Staying clubs r '¥\': p Tr;;w.,, e o:;c;a ra heedy, c..e yr 'l'>t.r. rP-1'1/il f', Btt.M1 'l,.,n., Mt> n, a e DE vRAT I'< , "'";.;;:: 0 .:J, Sen or Jan1na heedy ">ayo;;, 'What. do do'i" ;he " rtet"'p at.ing what. t.o.put. n t.he 't. ">1gn wh c;h heerft, y adorned e;c;hco walkway and the Active

Fr w: .,u,.,e,a K'IlK ra, Art"P- a WOnGj • eler'a Lee n.

:JO ' :JRI K A D DR VE' A I "hrCJuGjh

t.t n'l week, .J.A.:J D. Kept rem1ndmg the student that i' vad k dr nk and dr've .,.My <'>prP-ad he r l"'essa p Vy putt,.., t-o aay o;yn>vo s on ne'.; I'Jr. ers.

0MP UB (frrm,efttorGjht llp row: Bot> a t:>erte. W am Antr'lny Stevens. Hemako f ores, MarK .oganback M1ddle row: Jut:<:> ">tobau13t>. at a" Per1d etor, Bran :Jent, Chr.; H gh, Carba o. f)IJttom row: Dan1e1 Beauchamp. Katy W am<:>on. Mr Ar'lt'l ny, ohr'

COMPUTER W"'IIZ "'hese boys are 'lav '113 torl of earl" ng ab ut

Qn>puters T'hey cor>1e in o"ce a week

ju<:>t to do work or tc pay gamt:s and ex para tht: r Orr'puter now edge

u n a t Wo r k

clubs GD

PEP d F' t I! r pHt ' t " w.J """nt f.'r. \\aone t ,. rev. j . r .. ,. j t "l

r e1 t r; r te r. Jan'e

M 1->l!rn, 'vi qJeZ. F'ete

M dd e row: er a"n E-epl'r en, E'rn1 y L t>t7y A ed • rae

Krakora. M1chae Wh te Bott "'rowDu ce M d-d. nr t a Emi1y ( t>e

the .,.,., vo c;e -:7od.

e fl!ma e ..,u c. ent t>y ead n"' ve re"' y great and en oy -;,ng ng to pr<l15e

Keeping the Sp.rit Alive

G!) clubs
Liv • • 1ng 1n , A t-<1= Pf l HA D '?en •-; a'ld Katy Bar er a t at t ry are 17 e ne" v PF'Vl Me an "'B ha ex '" o:>e n t"e ar V retr,.at i-<"1rnl"'"1.. w ,.der w i-e'5 ex ted? the Spirit clubs G!)

"JEW PI\FE- fr rro l"ft t r1:1 t F r w: Y""" ttre ul"'o. '1;>r e Bo g, Mr•,. B nee. D;>r•er petz. Roy e Mart n. hr Edward<;. dd e r w: a r t7 t, M y M J r. <? rn n. Ba•nett B tt..: rr r w. lvl rc. C'ranc hak. Jan l"'a ;heedy ...,or.elyn r, Nee y ..,., h ,nd•

WI-< • tAD ( Aav r • t e paoer. Mr F?ur e. ea d. me Ju">t ay that th <;.cas<;1 h.a& been an eye open ntl ex per en e (, WCRK. On th p<J.rtct.. r day, the newspaper .;taff wae busy w rking ngroupetowrteparod,eefor nureery rhymee L ura Prob.;t and Younq were rewr t1n1:1 the Th ee tt1e Pige.

Fc,OD ANYI) E? Once a month. the Fore1gn Cit.. I:> get toqet er for a relax ng meet ng. T e on y c.r ter a 1& to bnn'l some fo d to hare w th everyone.

What's New in the Wo d

GD clubs

...ding the Way to Su

Delaforre, TEAMWC Brooke W n!;. -..op a Acord. ard Jes-; ca "'f3r en a ready to f .:jure Ot.t Bt.t ck on the otrer nand JUSt can't warm en uq'l. r '11ay!1e 't'.; JU t too fc.r h m . ---
clubs QD
0 ,....-.._lo....-0 I 1-+-o ·- ·- 0 0 (1) 0 u..c c 0 0) lo..... • Q)CD CO. 0 "0 D · ·c N ..:_: U I r- Q 0 ·c ,CD E 0 a5 u 0 0 t)' Ci5 ..c 0)+- 0 = E = ... = = en WE
HOME-== ..... WORI<? G!) academics
academics (!!)
academics \!.1n Ad.1m' I ngh'h 1,11
I lllll ,\nthlln\ \lgl'br,l I In trll to l ompu ll'r' 1--l'\·bo.Jrd mg
.Mana DeTeige Food en ice Assistant
'->r. k.mnl' B<1rtholonw<1u Rl'liga>n II
usan Dahinden World History
logy Aerobics jp,, ph Burl-., <. lwmi,tn Algebrd I
haron Dandorf US History
Tom Dempsey \llamtenance Supervisor
Burl-.L' I I Ill
\ 1Lf..ll.l111pbl'll c..,l hoof '>L'l n·lar\
Eubanb AthletiL Director Weight Training
l hnL h LJC., t\1 I htorv I n'L' f Co\-L'rnnwnl h T l'l
Dave Ference Basic Art Illustration Design Portfolio
AI' 1\
Peggy Foote Business M,mager Dl<llll' I
t ' academics
Marv Forsyth """istant Pnncipal for Student Academics
'd • 0 u academics h. I orL'n Ctlll/ak' l"mancial Admim,trator i)l'n'lopmcnt Dirl'c tor
hc'h·n I il'ath lngJi,h II f·rcnch I, II, Ill ,1\
Bill Lauric Geometry
(. 1ndv lloffm.1n I ngh'h Ill Dram,l (,erman II
Sr. joan Marie Madden
Biology Brl'ndan Kc'\"l'' Religion I ,\J' I un>pl'an I II'torv
Chad Messina Chemistry
Jerry Mullin Director of Guidance
I u lit• r-.r.l 1-.nr.l l
ill he Phvsicall::ducatwn Jud\ "-ntl-. l'rinup.1l
Assistant Food Scruce'> I 1s.1 I.1hbcrtc Rt•llglon II, Ill
Fd1th Olah
Assistant I.mgl'lhcr I 1br.HJ.lll
"v1ilrth,1 Omt hundro
II academics ' 0 ' 0
Douglas \. owe Latm I, II, Ill, 1\ APArt Histon
N u Q) u Q) u CJJ I I rJJ u ro s Q) + ro academics Sr (_ l'acheco
Pietra Sanger College Algebra Algebra II Pre-Calculu5 Beth l'attoLk '->tlllh Skilb Spl'l'Ch '\earbook Catherine Schmickley Spanish I, II Jim Relph Wetght Tratning lll'alth
II, Ill, 1\'
Karen elf Health 'v1arv
Marty prinzl Chemistry Physics
1),1\ td R1< h,nd Bioh>gv Algl•br,l I
Rtl h,1rd Rill'\ lk,lnof'->tudenh '->t mh·n t ( oum i I
Elizabeth Trotti Algl•bra II Calculus I l \c:adl•mic Decathe lon
'->ui-1 tng Rvan f·ood '->l•n 'vlar\ jo '->andomtr Religion I, I\
Ra\ 'v alenzuela 'v1aintenance Wagner AppreciMion Chambl•r l.'nsemble Animees Sentml'l \ otces
Louann Walther judy Webber Director of Food Sen·ices

.. en

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s, 4 4na: · , JO

4 · , 4a.6 04

Seton Catholic Sentinels are we We are loyal; true we will ever be

Red and Gold strive for victory! Stand and cheer fo r Seton High FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! ou I

'uo 04

s, 4 I Fight on for Sentinel Pride!

·A ·wBal not;

at;qpoo5 f.JaAa ·ampua UB8 t;uBaJ not; UJB81 not; puv ·sJaMOIJ not; 5upq Ol 8U08WOS JOJ 5U!l!BM JO pB8lSUI ' InOS UMO mot; 8lBJ088p puB uapJB5 UMO mot; lUBid not; os OOll85 not; J! sumq

U8/\8 UJB81 not; B J8ij\f U! UMOp 5U!IIBJ JO f;BM B S8JnlnJ pU\f 'SUBid JOJ U!BlJ88Un OOl S! punOJ5 S,MOJOWWOl 8SnB888 f;BpOl uo spBOJ mot; liB Pl!nq Ol UJB81 not; B J8ij \f Two roods diverged in a yellow wood. and sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as I could.Towhere it bent in the undergrowth.! shall be telling this with a sign.Somewhere ages and ages hence .Two roads diverged in a wood , and 1

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Do vou remember...

Mr Hovv:»

Mrs . Kove:»

Mr . Shreiber:»

Mr . Goodman:»

Mrs . Johnson:»

Mr . Mastalski:»

Mr . Fraher:»

Mrs . Fraiser:»

rs . van wen:»

Sister Rachel:»

Ms . Good:»

n we g
0 n o w
Ol 1::
o:l .,
WE Robert Frost t;, ·r-1 6 u Q) 6 I RilED
·.-i .w
SENIORS 1999 = 0 u OJ Q
Q!) seniors ? I
what it i what n was what it will soon be and what not - anon:rmou\ CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES!


seniors Ci)

Sophia Acord

Lisa Bancroft

Kathryn Barker

Bradley Borkyoumb

Hannah Barnett

Melanie Basha

Joseph Bauer

Vicente Beltran

Christopher Bennett

Mario Bernasconi

Charles Bolig

Sora Briggs

Ci) seniors s E N 0 R s

Meaghan Brown

Kristen Campbell

Ca ie Ca torena

Anthony Chacon

Kristen Coleman

Michael Con alvi

Ryan Dow

hawn Dow

Marc Dranchak

Benjamin Dubasik

Erin Duma

Megan Duran

c L A s s 0 F l 9 9 9
se io

Christopher Edwards

Ernesto El1as

Juan Elias

Matthew Emery

Nicholas Enzweiler

Christie Equils

Emily Falkner

Molly Farwell

Laurence Forsythe

Chad Foster

Jessica Gerstenkorn

Beth Graham

(]D seniors s H N G 0 u T

Michelle Hall

Mollie Hardesty

Eric Hatty

Joanna Henry

Lauro Hoel

Kot1e Holland

Todd Husson

Erin Joynt

Adam Kerw1n

Kathleen Kirby

Michael Klemens

James Koestner

T H E M L L E N N u M
se rs G!)

Michael Krick

Tiesha Lamb

Eileen Lawless

Ryan Littrell

icole Macias

Eric Magne

Royce Martin

Michael Matt on Michael Mayer

Jes e McDonald

Edward McDonough

Andrew McHugh

(H) seniors s A v N G T H E

Andre\"' Meister

Lauren Mickle

Michael Miller

Molly Mullin

Kally armont

Paul _ estvold

Kerri O'Connor

Ryan O'Mara

Jocelyn Ohl

tephanie Olah

eely Omohundro

Joanna Pear on

B E s T F 0 R L A s T
se iors GD

Jessica Pena

Matthew Pendleton

Joseph Pintor

Michael Poulsen

Rebecca Price

Laura Probst

Jennifer Roll

Kellie Reinesch

Phillip Reyes

Peter Rhee

Kristina Ruiz

Matthew Salafia

seniors R E A c H N G T H E

Sean Sapp

James Scott

Randy Searle

Alayn Seminara

April Shagena

Janina Sheedy

Darren Spetz

Anthony Tassotti

Donald Thibaudeau

Kristen Thomas

Kelly Travis

Erica Valenzuela

F N s H L N E
seniors Gi)

Michael Velasquez

Lacey Wensing

Michael White

Rachel Williamson

Sean Young

w E I R E
Brooke Wilkins Noel Williams
ass Ci) seniors T H E R E

Tie the strings to my life, my Lord Then I am ready to go! Just a look at the horsesRapid! That will do!

Put me in on the firmest side, So I shall never fall; For we must ride to the Judgement, And it's partly down hill.

But never I mind the bridges, And never I mind the sea ; Held fast in everlasting race By my own choice and thee.

Goodbye to the life I used to live, And the world I used to know; And kiss the hills for me, just once; Now I am ready to go!

seniors G!)

End of the Road Seniors 1999

(]!) seniors
seniors CID

most I-

get married first............. Cassie Castorena and Ben Dubasik

be a farmer............................ Laura Hoel and Jesse McDonald

host their own talk show........... Hannah Barnett and Bud Meister

be a wrestler Stephanie Olah and Ed McDonough

be a teacher. ....................... Nikki Macias and Nick Enzweiler

be on the cover of Wheaties......... .Noel Williams and Tony Tassotti

be stand up comedians............. Katy Barker and Chris Bennett

be lounge singers..................... .Jocelyn Ohl and Sean Young

be in the Olympics................. Sara Briggs and James Scott

change the world .................. .Becky Price and Eric Hatty

(g) seniors
seniors QV
where have the vears gone:»

Do You

._ we weren't fenced in?

._ we had grass in the quad?

._ we had a floating period?

._ we had half-day Fridays?

._ we dressed up for Freshmen Initiation?

._ we finally got a pep band?

._ the gym was new?

._ the walls were still brown?

._ Chris Bennet was Spanky the Sentinel?

._ we met for S.A.L.S.A.?

._ the gym was vandalized?

._ we avoided detention by playing basketball with Mr. Me Govern?

._ the first dance of the year was Western Night?

._ sandals weren't required to have heel straps?

._ the basketball courts were asphalt?

._ Seton had a dirt and weed covered field/track?

._ we finally won the Football State Championship?

._ Girls' sports have five Championships and counting?

._ Sean Young livened up pep rallies with his famous back-flips?

._ sophomore retreat was at St. Andrew's?

._ fire-drills occurred almost everyday during Freshman year?

• • •
seniors (]!)

Thomas Abraham

Elizabeth Acedo

icholas Adamo

Annette Altamirano

Jason Arambula

hristina Bancroft

Susan Benson

Brandon Benzing

Robert Bonura

Charles Bruening

Kathleen Burke

Kyle Byrd

Curti Cartier

Lindsay Catania

Michelle Clinch

Richard Collin

Patrizia Com para to Clare Connor

Jill Davis

S th Dillard

QD academics

Rob e rt Dinero

Madeline Dippre

Ryan Dampier

Thomas Duran

Stephen Early

Heather Erhart

Keriann Esper en Rob rt Ethier

2000: On the Runway Tt-it: WORLD OF FASH 0 TU UP THE' 0. Ju5t a& rT'05t Art1y 1.." W6i<. M che e Jo '150n and 5ophomor,.,Cim5Ert1ery5howoffth,. r t.mque free tlre55 acce550ne5' peop e decorate t e r tlag5 to eet them apart rorT' the crowd , T 'lya ha5 a wtle vanety of tland patche5 5tlo ng er rT'U& c dverfl t . academics

Andre\'\' Falzarano

Nicholas Garza

Lauren essl r

Michael Gildenst rn

Emily oble

Oanielle Grunewald

Eric Heinze

Alma Hernandez

Colleen Hubbard

Emily Hyde

William Jennett

Miranda Jilek

Michell Johnson

Sara K ilty

Paul K lly

Brian K rley

Bryan Kirch

Ju tin Klein

Anne Klem ns

Candice Kochis

(!!) academics No Photo Available

Friends Forever

Tt-t EE A GAS.

E'l ea ul:>a cava, L ndeay Cat:an a. '1d 5uear' Be11son art" kup n t"ach other COI'I'pany wh1 e at: a B g Buc 5 aesel'l'bly. The coolepot: ,., the ehade I'I'U5t: have beel" a we come rt: e< for ther>e fr erda.

Theresa Krakora

Amy Kujawski

Tara Kwiatkow ki

Amelia Kwong

Jennif r Lalib rt

Dillan Langellier

Celena Leon

Ja on Livermor


Ju 1a f'at.t.ereor and Ern 5ta'1dr e han out: before the football am* agilt'15t 1th the r love of Clll'er ead ng and ept • t. Tre games would11 ' t 17e the eame Wtt out: trem

academics (]!)

Ryan Lugo

Jon Marquis

Jennifer Marrs

Thomas Martine/

Meghan Melcher

Donelle Mickevicius

Amy Miller

Elizabeth Mirrione

Brandon Mi tler

atherine Mitchell

Silett Morales

Alexia Morrissey

Ju tin Mullin

Brian Murphy

Matthew Myskow ki

Je ica O'Brien

Julia Patter on

Michael Piekarski

Michael Pintor

Vine nt Placido

Q[) academics

Dustin Pollett

Zachary Pollett

Andre Protas

Anthony Quihuis

Jessica Raftery

Tanya Redger

Rafa la Rendon

Joy Richard

Life On & Off-Campus SE T SP T. 5ta dr dge 5-tru"t rer tt.."li' "" er re.:Jep r.t 5hlrt at the pep aeeem!;>ly prep .,g for another VICtor oue foot!;>a .!lme HEAVY META Br 81" Murphy ehowe offh eta5te 1n '11U5 cwn ewa t ng for h 5 to the Metalhcs concert. academics

teve Richardson

Peter Rua

Elisa Rubalcava

Peter Sauer

Michael Shaw

D rek Smith

Erin Standridge

Lexi Standridge

Amy Stolze

Kri tina Strom

Daniel ullivan

Sean weeney

Christopher Todd

Jo hua Towl

Andrew Urban

Roberto Vill ga -Gold

Eric Wallace

Jason Warren

Robert Watson

Melissa Wentworth


layton West

Stephanie Yakaitis

Hilary Yribarren

Susana Zeurner

CREE EGGS A 'D HAM? One of the many actmties of homecoming week this year was an all-school St. Patnck's Dav breakfast. Juniors Vince Placido, Dan ullivan, Abraham, and Enc Hcin.tc all wore green and enjoyed their pancakes with green <,yrup.

DEE!' THOUGHTS. Andre Protao., and Kyle Byrd '>hare a meeting ot the mmds m the quad

ME. Katie Burke and Carrie nn E p rc;on howca e their bnght and hiny face a they go out to face a new day. Having a friend makes anything po ible.

'E? Colleen Hubbard look a bit c nfused a the photographer take her picture. When he j in d Yearbook clas , he probably e pected to be on th other side of th cam ra.

All Together Different

academics (![)

Miriam Alzen

John Anthony John Bacon

Jeff Ba tian

Javier Beltran

N ichole Boni

Daniel Bruner

Amy Bullock

Jennif r Burdolski

Robert Byrd

Jamie Callahan

Gregory Carlson

Kelly Carpent r

Albert Ching

Colleen Clark

Jami Clark

Kyra Cockrum

Thomas Conn r

Jeffery Da uscha

Carmen De La Torr

s 0 p H 0
QD academics M 0 R E s • •


Trevor DeBenedetto

Lou Deleo

Warren Denina

Brian Dent

Daniel Desmond

Jolene DeTiege

Aaron Dick

Collin Dozbaba

Jocelyn Dranchak

Jeffery Dubasik

Whitney Eldridge

Chri topher Emery

Micha 1 England

Andrew Enzweiler

Scott Ferris

Heather Gai er

Cory Garcia

Laura Greco

Lisa Guerra

William Gunty

academics (][)

Lui Guzman

Byrnn Hatch r

Hayl Heath

ichola Heller

Heather Heying

Chri toph r High

Heidi Holstad

Morgan Jan en

Arin Johnson

Amanda Keilty

Bradley Kendr x

Suzanna Kennedy

Deborah Kirby

Scott Klemen

Andrew Klespis

Adriane Koehnemann

Gregory Koestn r

Jeffrey Koestner

Michael Korte

Michael Koy

A s s
GV academics 0 F 2 0 0 1


Dani 1 Krick

Sean Kruger

Renae Kuhse

Courtney Kuluris

Anthony Kun r

Ro lyn Lalor

Tanner Lamb

Mark Longanbach

Hogan Macdonald

Bryan Macia

Dulce Madrid

Andrew McCrabb

acade ·cs Cii)

Lynn McDonough

M ghan McGill

Jo h ua

M jia -Sanchez

Caitlin Mickl

Melis a Miller

Jon Morales

Venus Morrow

Brigid Mullin

D vinMurphy

August armont

Corrine Navarro

Seth Nenaber

Bryan Oliveri

Amy Olsson


Micha 1 Ortiz

Betsy Pattock

Tiffany Pedersen

Diona Peltcs

Melissa Perry

s T A R T
QD academics I N G 0 F F


Chery1 Pfahl

Joshua Phillips

Conor Plese

Caitlin Racca

Matthew Radman

Christina Raschke

icole Rea

Benjamin Regan

Dana Robledo

Melis a Ratner

Elizabeth Ryan

Carly Sandell

academics (][)

Megan Saut r

Eric Schafer

Peter Sheehy

Eliza beth Sills

Matthew Slad

B njamin Smith

Samantha Smith

Courtney Smitham

Matthew Stand rfer

Adam Stein

Brittney Swan

Ryan Tamietti

athan Tholl

Scott Thoma

B njamin Thomp on Kevin Thompson

Daniel Valdez

Jenilee Valero

Joseph Verason

Lisette Villicana

w 0 R K
CiB) academics I N G 0 u R

Kelli Warburton

Christopher Watt

Michael Webber

Ryan Weitzel

Ka tarina Zov ko

Margare t Z y lla

Chri topher White

Kerry Wilkinson

Jeremy Wilson

Holly Zapata

WAY u p T H E R I E E . T l"n ., "' « a t e • Y'tl '"" e er y "tl re t e r"' Jr dl" e'"t t e. tl"l:> Aar r n r. rly rd '1tl prett <Jfete' 1/.) ..,.N
E academics GD

Trina Acedo

Annie Adam

Andrew Althoff

Lindsay Ander on

Angie Arcieri

Matt Baker

Jessica Ballard

Peter Baray

Gillian Barnett

Mary Ann Basha

Andrew Bauer

Daniel B auchamp

Erin Bellefeuille

Candice Beltran

Sean Benedikt

Briana Bernal

Jason Bernal

Will Bessette

Denise Billings

Chadwick Boatner

QV academics s H M A N • •

Robert Brady

Kevin Brown

Michael Bruening

Adam Bullock

Patrick Burke

Sarah Bu r

Scott Byrne

oell Carballo

Adriana Carrillo

Brian Carty

Eric Caruth

Megan Chura h

Kimb rly Covert

Anna Marie Cutty

Eliza beth Dagger

Scott Dandorf

Ashlee Dau cha

Andrew Davi

Ja hanna DeKing

VyShali Devi

c L A s s 0 F 2
0 0 2 academics (i)

Aubrey DeWolf

Deirdre De Young

Jenna Dillard

Andrew Dampier

Jonathan Dreyer

Derby Earnhardt

Carolina Elias

Nicole Escudero

Sylvia Espinoza

Gregory Esposito

John Falkner

Gregory Fasoletos

Robin Feeley

Michael Fitzgerald

Hemako Flores

Megan Foster

Russell Gehring

Donald Gentrup

John Gild ens tern

Beau Gilligan

1 • • • 2 • • •
CiV academics 3 • • • 4 • • • 5 • • •


Ruth Goble

Kyle Gre ne

Anthony Grubbs

Jo hua Gutierrez

Lorena Harrison

Sommer Hart

Katie Hatty

Colleen Hill

Billy Halper

Aaron Jarrad

Candace Kahler

Sarah Kenn d y icole Kerkhof

Bryce Kerwin

Elizabeth King

Matt Kirch

Sonia Kirgan

Shelley Klein

Michelle Kujawski

Rob rt Lalib rte

.. .
academics QD

Laura Lill

Michelle Majew ki

Rob rt Marshall

John Paul McBryan

Jessica McCormick

Cody McDonald

Thomas Me ano

Chri topher Miller

Maggie Mitchell

Cameron Moltich

James Mulhern

St ven ovak

Brandon Olivas

Jan-Michael Oppus

Chris Owen

William Pancott Cry tal Parks

Jillian Patterson

Nathan Pendleton

Joseph Recker

Ci) academics E N I N E

Levi Redger

Ashley Renderman

Mari a R yes

Nikki Rice icole Ritz

Michelle Romanotto

Kristine Rooney

Christopher Ross

Diana Ruiz

Chri Ryan

Megan Ryan

Candice Seeman

Jennifer Sherman

Paul Silkey

Laurie Smith

Chri Sta ser

Anthony Steven

Jules Stobaugh

Kelli Strom

Katherine Sullivan

L 0 0 K I N I F I
N E academics QD

Carri Tamminen

Ka ty Tamminen

K lly Taylor

Laura Taylor icole Teni on Mary Thomp on Daniel Tosi

Ali on Travi

Megan Travis

Scott Travis

Joanna Usher

Danelle Vance

Michelle Velasquez

Alicia Verason

Car los Villicana

Sarah Walsberg

Danny Walsh

David Watson

Meri Beth Welter

Brian White

N E w
C!i) academics F A No Photo Available c E s

Brianna Wilkins

Kara Wilkin on Katheryn Williamson

Jeanette Wolf

Josh Wray

Corey Young

Madelyn Yribarren

Kimberly Zadrozny

Stevie Zea

0 N c A M p u s
-academics (][)

What S the Score?

Each warrior wants to leave Qlnu aquathe mark of his will, his sig- ·aw1p e quoM aq I,UOM QDI3 3QI 'J3QI3601 nature, on an important act lleld 1,uop Aaq1 u 1nq 'PIJOM aq1 he touches. This is not the 01 sJaue1s IBDPI"IPDI 10 q3unq f b f h h IS31B3J6 3QI 31\BQ llBW DOA VOiCe 0 ego ut 0 t e u- "SS333DS Sll S3UIWJ313P 310QM man spi r it, r is i n g up and a c- e se slleld wea1 aq1 lleM aq1 claiming that it has something to contribute to the solution of the hardest problems, no matter how vexingl

-Pat Riley


J8/\8U SJ8+ -+!nb puo +!nb JeAeu

SJ8UU!M crc

Hin g 1 I i n tth mo m

thi n1· It is d cidin g h w yr u will g b ut hi vin g it nd t yin g with th at pi n.

It's not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts, it's what you put into the practice. A:arrM l-ed-

-Eric Lindros

E 0 (\) .s su :::J I 0 I n pc (') z 0 1--1--"< 0 c p('D r-t 0 ::J 0 r-t 1--0 (/) ('D . t:O ('D Ql
('D a c (') p.J ::J -· ::J p.J aq p.J 8 ('D
:. ·uaaMlaq-ui-aJH
-1m Landr y (l.) c (\) a..
QD soons
10 NI
suoqdo OMl A:1uo a1-e a1aq r
q:Jns ou s,a1aq.1
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The swim team headed to the first ever swim regionals for Seton No one would have ever guessed the surprising events to follow. Nerve levels were high, and everyone was excited The team was a little apprehensive because this bus driver had gotten them lost before and wasn't very reliable. After sitting in the bus for about an hour, the swim team arrived at Cactus High School in Phoenix Only one problem--the meet was at Cactus Pool in Scottsdale. The bus backtracked and fortunately got the swimmers to the correct pool on time. Soon after the meet began black clouds rolled in In the middle of Nicole Kerkoff's and Colleen Hill's event, the rain and lightning came. Water and lightning don't mix well, so the life guards cleared the pool after two spons events Every swimmer in the 4A East Sky region piled into one small room. Cold, wet, and frustrated, the Seton team snuggled up in shared blankets. This led to story telling, laughs, and bonding Finally, the verdict came in--the preliminary meet was canceled Even those brooding clouds had a silver lining The Seton Swim Team went home the next day with 3rd place in a 4A region.

COACHES. Coach Langellier, Coach Keyes, and Coach Kerkoff smile for the camera after a great day at regionals.

PRINGLES. Freshman Katherine "Pringles" Sullivan eats her food of choice for good luck before swim ming the 500 freestyle. Is that healthy?

SW'M TEAM. Top Row: Michael Korte, Kather;ne Sullivan, Nicole Kerkoff, Ke. y Carpenter, Jeanette Wolf, Michael Koye. 2nd Row: Coach Kerkoff, Heather Heying, Molly Mullin, Melissa Wentworth, Kelly Tay'or, Jocelyn Ohl, Colleen Hill, Coach Langell'er, Coach Keyes. Row : Jen Rail, Erica Valenzuela, Erin Joynt, Emily Falkner, Cassie Castorena. Bottom Row: Meghan McGill, Jessica Raftery, Amy Bullock POWER OF ONE SeniorJen Rail makes up the entire dive team Although small in number, she gained many points for the entire swim team.

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• r• p .thernl'a,.,dErra " hedt er'00yardt;>reasts-..r kewt 1stand2ndpace.

BA fH Nr, Bt.AJT t: ;:;er' org1r', takt> t1me dunng a mut to e>mde for tre camera. ThiS nP ng the1r :; ye.,r o'? ent111e sw mmer.,, a <:>ie C.ae;torena, E' nr '1 Fa kner, oce yn 0 Er ca Va1enzue1 . M ly M Jl! n, and )en Pa pr v1dl'd leader:.h p hr the team, fr erdsh,ps for each ot'ler, and t•-' o a U3" r a

A A E TO F 5H ess C.!l R.!l"tery k c s t 'Ito h gh (.!!'as she '.!lees to tre fin sf1 of her f•eesty e Th1e second year SWI1"mer has great fc,r.,., mpress ve mu5C es.

,.. M DATI G DE MEA 0 The f.!lst.!lnd Intense boy.s' sw m team -D· .!ln .!lnge e•. M e orte .!lnd c .!le oye--st c er .!lt reg na s "' th the r resr y beads.

LOSE FOR GOMFORT7 During the rainy reg ona meet, the ent e team hudd ed together n a mall room. Michael Koye remembers." twas really cold .!lnd a protographe• r'lm the t>une was there of everyone


And that's exactly what the Lady Sentinels did to produce a sweet v<ctory over F:orence. Go-captain. Brigg!>, quenches her thirst after the adrenaline pumpmg game. Her contr<butions led to many vl,;torieB.

varsity volleyball

The Lady Sentinels' Volleyball team started their season early with a trip to the Long Beach Volleyball camp in which they improved their skills, became more united, had a great time at the beach, and (don't forget) shopping. With Coach Miller in her first trimester of pregnancy, practice was grueling and running was what they did best . The hard work paid off though when it was game time and the ladies came together and pulled out many W' s The rivals for the Sentinels this year included Northwest Community Chris-

tian, Valey Christian, and Florence . This year's team meshed together very well and were friends on and off of the court. The Sentinels had a great season that can compare to no others, finishing 2nd in Region, 3rd in State , and a 27-4 record

READY, AIM... eely Omorundro pre pare::; to serve an ace dunng a state playoff game Neely'::; eerves pll5hed the team over the wmnmg edge throughout the season. Neely says ·m really glad my la<;t year playing vr,lleyball was on >UCh a weat team I had a ot of fun and • d<"t ,., te y rn p ily ng.

the bal at an attempt to end a long r11 again5t rival Proenix ChriStian. GJame was exc t ng but nerve wreck<"11 far a.; never knowing how we were play, but we managed tv end up with t t;>.-e;t rec.>rd ever for 'Seton Volleyt>D

Top row: Suzanna Kennedy, Betsy Pat toe k, Tara Kw1atk ;w ,k, Pederoen. Sara Briggs. Jam,e r allahan. risten Thoma '· Bottnm row: L•sa Bancrnft. Kat it> H,;lland
ler. eely OmohJrdro,( c;Jrtney :,m tram. The ady Senti neb too home hardware after winning the Ray Tc urna ment. High hg rt' were: ,,pa nk ng Florence, tre elec k tygo1ng-:JUt n the Champiun .,hip game again<>t Ray,and Tiffany'< near death experience w<th l1ghtn ng.

, E'VE 'r'il G vE ft-il' Whether t be 51'18 ob5 i:e

A few var t te "' "1ert'ber a we Be" rT' t ana ..., ff> f"' l the1r 5p r t by cheer nq at a Jv game Ben >ll'd t> have o c. a y teen votetl the tw(} ne '?etvn \ o Ieyba fan.; quys do tre r t>e5t ttend every game: br 'lg 'lg tre Uar>1 nf den e. Peaer ai'J ee y de,

ard soons

READY AND WAIT NG. Lisette Villicana gets ready to administer a powerful hit to the ball and score some points for the sentinels!

The J . V . volleyball team was having an end of the season party at one of the player ' s houses. To the team's surprise, their coach came to the party and ate dinner with them . While she was eating , a few of the players went out and T.P'd her car . They wrote on the windows with soap and stuck stuff on the back of her car . When she was ready to leave, they all went outside to see her reaction . She thought it was hilarious She had to take the antenna off the car , but she 'f"A£HK: never did notice the stuff on the back ! (But she probably got some pretty funny looks on the way home ! )

TEAM SPIRIT. "Teamwork is an important part of the game.You also have to be entusiastic and spirited!"--

ON TOP OF THE WORLD. "There's no greater feeli" than when you've scored point for your team!"

Top row: Alison Travis, Joanna Usher, Coacr Thompson, Margaret Zylla, Lisette Villicana. Middle row: Lindsay Andersor, Lynn McDonough, Jamie Callahan, Sarah Kennedy, Megan Travis. Bottom row: Katarina Zovko, Caitlin Mickle

Megan Foster uses all her energy so she can play her best. She says "letting loose all your energy he'ps play to your fullest potential"

im Covert plays her best at practice as her friends cheer her on. "Just being with my friends and play,ng a sport I love makes for the best times of my life."

Travelling on the freshly painted vans, the freshman volleyball team passed the time singing popular songs and show tunes. The girls also started a new tradition courtesy of stopping at Pete's Fish and Chips. The Foster family owns the restaurant and treated the freshmen to free eats after every game that they played which was nearby. The team dined on great high calorie eats 4 or 5 times. "The tangy ketchup sauce 'Pete's sauce' was the best, " stated Michell Romanotto and Megan Churosh. Thanks Fosters, for supporting our Sentinel Spikers!

FreshmenVolleyball: Top Row: Megan Churish, Megan Foster, Laura Lillo, Anna Cutty, Candice Beltran, Candace Seeman. Middle row: Alicia Verason, Angi Arcieri, Nikki Rice, Kim Covert. Bottom row: Michelle Romanotto, Nicole Escuerdo. GLAMOu SHOT. Laura Lil o. Anna Cutty, Candice Beltran and A IC a Verason gettogether center coJrt and pose for the camera.
soons QD

WE ' RE ON OUR WAY. Senior James Scott says, " It's been a long football career for me. hope we can finish this season w1th the championship ."

ROLL CALL SHABOOM. The v arsity football co aches run a very c o ntr o lled bus trip . On the way to the game, pla y ers are expected to use the tra v eling time to get psyched and mentally prepared f o r the game ahead. Focus is everything! F o llowing an upset the trip h o me is quiet and reflective, but foll o wing a v ict o ry, the players unleash their ex c itement with a tradition kn o wn as "Roll Call". This rhyming chant which begins with

the words "roll call-shaboom, sha, sha, shaboom " identifies the players by their nicknames and known antics Players and coaches alike join in It's not the traditional family sing-along, but it works for our football team

VARJ TY L. Top row: \ nt-e F avld''l.
Bennett, Brandrm M stler. M h P' k, F'Pte•
Rhee, Jcsh Me a R.Jyre Martin, Ric hard<?on, "arry For >ytre, f',r eCJ<:lr. M
Mattson, Andy Mcc rabb. Adam TonyTassottl,...,'m Koe,,tner. ,,, ,eM Donald Mi e Mayer">. arl1e Bol10. Ryan l ittre , Darren :::>petz. r c,m Sonner. Paul Ne >tvnld. M1ddle row· Ber Dubasik, Stephen Early, C reg oestner, C-hr• Edwards, Jue Bauer. Yuung. Andr'w Mt> ,-t;er, Ere Magne, Eric Hatty, Brandon Benzing, Eric Heinze. Bnttom r JW : Pau Kelly, Matt My,,kow,,kl, S.JII1van. C. ayton Webt , Chad Bruen mg. Trevor DeBenedettu, J., hac un, M1ke ( ldt n ,tern.
EFFORT, HEM'.,., AND JNI'Y Forsythe say5, .,.he only th1ng that , harder tban w1nning t>tate "repeat ng _,tate. We've put a ot cf effort nto th "> ,eason We have a ot nf heart, and bel1eve we can w1n, but we mu'>t have unity. One of us cannct play a• wei a<; al .Jf u ,:· YOU BET.,.FR GET 01, T OF MY WA "'>emor Darren t>petz 5ay''. "Th1s year b been fun. Our offense dominated 11 that's the bottom line!"

A AM tF F{;>""'". •uarterbacv Bud 'v1e•c,ter say':J. "I do t w thc.Jt rry t" eamates. We Wf)rk hard, we p.ay hard. rranlc''? guyo:., Bud ·s one of24 !?en c.rr, that wil not be returnineJ next year.

CN rHE LIN f. The guy•,'Jn the tear1 feP-' the eJame•,drt>w n in trer ,he:;,. ::;P.n or' har e Bol1g say•. "TrP- team hac, to cr1mP- togetrer and do batt- P- 0n ke war."

DEFEN;;>E, DEFENSE. :>en r Peter Rh"e tillks about the season andsay,_,, 1twas adoe a e astyear bec;amebet,.er fr ecds w th thl' pe p e r 'f''ltl' · rn ss them al next year:

P ME' C( A rl. '>en r Paul Nestvo d ooks bac< on thf' year and <>ay<>. · w sr u d have p ayed more

YOU CA DO T Jumvrs Brandon Mistier Brandon Benz,ng botr agree that when thl'• coach seno, them n and tell, them tv get the ,ob done, they try the1r best to do it right.
soons CID

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Cody McDonald , Scott Ferris , Levi Redger, and Jeff Koest ner practice the offensive lineup in preparation for their games .

I think so ' " They eventually solved the problem and arrived at the game the delay, Because of the JV team didn ' t return to school until 2 in the morning .

On the way to their first away game, the JV football team's bus broke down . With a bus driver who reminded the team of Chris Rock and no water on the bus (because John Gildenstern and Collin Dozbaba forgot to fill up the water jugs for the way over), the bus got a flat tire in the middle of the desert. Scott Ferris said, "All the bus driver would do is look at the tire every few minues and say, 'I think it ' s a flat soons Yup, it's a flat . I'm pretty sure it's a flat.


JV player Chris M 1/er chases after the football. None of the players on the team suit up 'ln the day before a game. Practice is a bit eas1er on those days.

GO LONG! Quarterback Jeff Koestner warms up his arm 1n practice the d8y before a game. Mr. Nache carefully observes Jeffs stance ready to correct mistakes and offer advice. With the right coaching , these guys will be unstoppable.

JV F0 )1 BAL . T lp r w: ac h N,1che. Lev Dan Br•;ner, Ryan"'am1ett, Jo ,er h Ver on,' had Boatner Novak,
c ldenstern
...- ade
Matt Radman, (fJdy McDonald, C-oach Messma. 2nd rfJw: Mattflew Nathan Tholl Billy Ho1per. Drew Daw;, Andrew A.tvff, ...,r;e Recker. Greg E ,pos1to. Adam B JIIO k, Dan1el Tos , av,er Beltran. Daniel aldez. oach Li">• el,a 3rd rr;w: Anthony Stevens, Jason Bernal. n1 n ..Jozbaba, Warre Denma. Dan Desmond, hris M11ler, CoreyYfJung, Jeff Koestner, Michael Fitzgerald, Byrne. Bottom row vO">fl ;a Ph P"' · ou De/en, M t flael Breun ng , Bryce erwin, ,Jeff Bastien, Erit oc hafer. >rott F"rn". Mat Baker.

A .,.- T A c; Attac 'em big red Sentine JV CheerleaderB Bay ' t -:>ud and proud as they Bhow offthe1r c;pirit at one o the year'-; first pep ra 1es

EXPERIENCE THE EXC TEME T. "Cheer waB very fun and it was great getting to know the girls, said elli Strom.

EXPER.E CE THE FU Aubrey DeWolf shares these sent1ments :

"I really ove cheer, ;twas a great experience. We had a lot of laughs and great fun!"

Ever had an embarrassing moment that you thought you could never live down? The JV Cheer squad can sympathize with you. For the halftime of an away ga me , these girls prepared an impressive routine Flyer Briana Bernal f o und that luck wasn't on her side. In practice, she didn't realize that she had forgotten her bloomers until it was too late slnce she was already ln the stack ready to come down . Her only choice was to flash everyone. Before the game began, Briana was able to borrow a pair . Luck was kind after all .

JV CHEER SQUAD. Top row: Briana Bernal, Aubrey DeWolf, Nicole Ritz, Kara Wilkinson. Bottom row: Kelli Strom, Laurie Smith, Annie Adams.
soons GID

STUD AWARD Although none of the Seton boys medaled at the Cha ndler Invitatio nal. Scott lemens says, ''I'm a stud, " and he felt he should have been awarded a meda anyway.

cross country

Yes, the cross country team does use a bus to travel to the meets. As amazing as these runners are, the distances to the meets would be more than any average high school team could handle. The team spends most of its bus trip time studying for upcoming exams Those grades are important and as long as they have the time ... They also stop occa-

sionally for dinner at places such as Fudruckers and Jack in the Box . Jessica 0' Brien says , " Although it may seem like it, studying and running are not all that cross country members do "

CROSS COUNTRY Top row: Coach Phillips, Scott Kle mens, John Anthony, Todd Husson, Matt Pendleton, Nathan Pendlet o n, Chri s White. Middle row: Jessica Ballard, Colleen Clark, Liz King. Bo tt o m row: Jessica O'Brien, Carly Sandell.
,ONGRATULN ONv ARE IN ORDER. r, ark , being one tJf the only runners to medal for Seton cro!J, ·ountry, s ec.<;tatl over her ache•vement ,f seventh place ( "ut of V'U) at the 'lito nv,tat1ona WATCH FOR A BL ,R. Matt F'e nd eton .,aye,, , a.,p,re to be .ust I ke my coach, 'the f'a:.h ' Ph p<;. And for all tho'e people who think they are faster thsn me get off m ne manl "

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On Saturday, the 23 of January, the wrestling team had to go to the ASDB tournament which was in Tucson. While the guys were there, they got pretty bored. They were hunting for something to munch on, and somebody had gum. They could not find anything else to eat, so they thought gum was better than nothing . Andy Bauer, Matt Kirch, and Cody McDonald started quickly chewing gum and throwing it at each other . By the time the gum ran out, all the boys had gum DON'T LOOK BACK. Freshman PIN TO

stuck in their hair . Dan Sullivan said, "It was the funniest thing watching them."



WRESTLING. Top row: Matt Kirch, Dillan Langellier, Eric S hafer, Dan Beauchamp, PJ Burke, Andy Bauer, Coach Laurie, Luis Guzman, Cody McDonald, Edward McDonough, Jesse McDonald. Bottom row: Drew Davis, Dan Sullivan, Bryan Kirch, Ryan Dampier STEPPING OUT. Eric Schafer steps off the mat so Ryan Dampier can get in a few pract1ce moves before the meet actually begins.
(jD soons
WIN. The ref stands by as Bauer had a great season and has three more exciting years to look forward Dill ian Langellier attempts to pm his opponent to win the match.

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M,A F rP >i'1111<.l" dy [) ra d OukS ve re , d m "<.lted th r>".Jt h w th ?Prior r d Mc':>nno.-(:l Nre t n0 a sport wn ch ded " and determmat' ln. dy and r d arf' weat examples .Jf" these tra t" to

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JUMPING HIGH. Sophomore Trevor DeBenedetto jumps for the ball during a game against Phoenix Christian. Luckily, he caught it!

"Basketball has a lot of funny stories of things that have happened at practice or on the way to games, but this is the funniest story I can remember. During basketball practice one night, one of Coach Grahams' friends came to watch us practice. Somehow when we were doing our laps around the gym, the Coach's friend got his foot stuck in

Adam Kerwin's shorts! While they were trying to get his foot out, his shorts fell down and they both fell on the ground. WARM ENOUGH? Anthony FIGHTING CHANCE. Derek

Nobody could laughing That the funniest stop was pracQuihuis looks pretty hot during this Phoenix Christian game. The hard work paid off, tice! " - Mike Poulsen though!

Smith shoots the basketball while trying to fend off a Phoenix Christian rival.

VARSITY BASKETBALL. Last row: Michael Poulsen, Tony Tassotti, Randy Searle, Derek Smith, Mike Shaw Middle row: Roberto Villegas-Gold, Adam Kerwin, Vince Placido, Joe Bauer Front row: Carlos Villicana, Robert Dinero, Anthony Quihuis, Mike Pintar, Anthony Grubbs (Trevor DeBenedetto not pictured)
(j§) spons


re. Adam "'d'' been t n(:l "Onp• for :;et.on since IS tresrnran year Pay ng ba .,ketba ha, grown trJ be a trad t,'?n n many Sentine s' ves!

H() E '( PO f: Y. fre :::wrt ne ba ,ketba team dance!? around trP- rourt i the1r c..trut:jt::jle to get the ba nth <:> fac,t paced (:lame, even the p ayer6car't pred'ct what wil arpen next

.,.AKE F VE. oen1or To11 .,.assott and Trevor DeBenedetto stet' to the game plan during a time out.

G f F-OR r
ts tv
<E A )PI"l r
erw n steps up w the re and "
AM f-< 6H. 5ei'110r Mi e P1ntor ta eo; a flymg eap to the hoop. Amaz ng vert1ca Mop'> are u t ne EEP ON.,. JCKI ·. J•Jn orV'nce Placido ma es hiS wa down the tra1t, ryf the Sentinel ba<?ketball team. Randy '?earle r hes t? t:>ack M.ke up for a po?"l" e rebound. the court. "You get
red from runnmg so much!" soons

During a sport, a person gets close to his or her teanunates. They joke, they laugh, they have fun, but most of all they play practical jokes on each other during out-of-town trips "I remember the time when we went to Camp Verde and I took a bunch of stuff from all my teammates . What topped it off was that

everyone thought it was the other team (Camp Verde) and I got away scott-free! That was great, " said Nick Garza . (You gave the stuff back, right Nick???!)


the shot.


Top row: Coach Munguia, Carlos Villicana, Matt Standerfer, Coach Munguia Middle row: Danny Walsh, Malcolm Ord, Bryan Macias, Daniel Valdez, Ryan Weitzel Bottom row: Zach Pollett, Michael Bruning, Nick Garza, Rick Collins. BLOCK THAT. Anthony Grubbs quickly rushes up to Nick Garza to try to stop him from making a basket during a JV team scrimmage.
GID soons
Malcolm Ord shoots the basketball into the hoop as his teammates watch intently to see if he makes The JV boys basketbal team members gather around and listen carefully as they are talked to by one of their coaches.

TO S OF PREP ARA T'O was a huge turnout for the freshman boys' bas etba team tryouts n ovember. In the summer and fa I, open gyrr was o ered or preparat,•Jn for the upcorr·ng season .,..hat attendance, however, was not as popular.

Fr. Boys' Basketball

FUTURE VARSITY TEAM. Scott Travis says, "Our team didn't give up from start to finish. Definitely look for us in a couple of years."

TIME'S UP! John Fa! ner says, "Our team came together with a lot of different talents. Each tea mate was a part of every victory we had."

On January 2nd, our freshmen boys' basketball team played a competitive game against Coolidge High School. Although the best efforts were given, the boys came out a point short in a nai 1- biting overtime Throughout the game however, Kevin Brown made sure to defend his "Gerious", a close friend of his. Since this game, each freshman player has placed "erious" after the first initial of their name . For example, Kevin Brown 1s "Kerious" and Derby Earnhardt is "Derious" . We hope to see these guys' good spirits on the court next year.

FRESHMAN BASKETBALL Top row: Coach Ed Arroyo Middle row: Kevin Brown, Derby Earnhardt, Chris Stasser, Brian White, Stephen Novak, Jason Bernal Bottom row: Scott Travis, Josh Wray, Josh Gutierrez, John Falkner, Michael Bruening

LET'S GO ATIE! Super-tall junior Katie Mitchell has to work hard to bend down to the floor, but her milehigh reach in games sure helps!

Lady Sentinels Basketball: one word comes to mind victory. Sentinels basketball is known for their competitive edge over teams from all over our state. Coach Self has led the team to back-toback state championships and they are looking for a third this year. Michelle Hall tells us of one of her most memorable baketball experience: "The snorts Girl's basketball team went to New York over Christmas break. For most of us, it was our first time to do stuff like riding the subway, and a lady threw up right in front of us just as we got on!"

BASKETBALL IS IN THE GENES. ew senior Kerri O'Connor joins her sister, Coach Self, to continue the Lady Sentinels legacy.


VARSITY BASKETBALL. Top row: Coach Shannon Veach, Michelle Hall, Maggie Mitchell, Jill Davis, Kelli Warburton, Coach Karen Self ; Middle row: Jamie Callahan, Melissa Perry, Suzanna Kennedy, Kerri O'Connor; Bottom row: Sara Briggs, Katie Mitchell Senior Michelle Hall takes time to stretch her back. Michelle says, "Winning make:; all of our efforts worth it!"

N(, _,F '?up c-more Jam e Ca la11an wor t- '"eally 'lard at prac; ex· a? ?he gues n or a ayup. ·· o ore thougrt tra-+;. we would oe rta ly good, but we've c;rown trem!"

f[Atv1 WOR :.>opr0more Me ic,c,a Perry and freshman Joanna lJsher get everything together after ane,ther great Lady !?ert'nele;' v•ctary agains-+;. Bourgade hgh School. Mel se;a and Joanna bot agree that t<"amwor makes the game.

THE DEFENSIVE WAL Nobody can get past JJn1or"' Davis. L.Jc ,I for the Sen nel her offense s just as good as her defense, making tris tr rd year letterwoman unstoppable.

F'\ E.FOU E 0ophomore Suumna Kennedy ooks ntensely across the cc urt to fmd an opportunity to help 1-Jerteam.

L00 lNG OG T. t:>en or t:>ara Bngg£> andjun or Jill ;)avis wat-;h and cheer the1r teammates on to v1ctory.

SP ns

QUICK REST. Ltsette Vi cana, Margaret Zylla. z Ryan, and Alison Travis take a little time out to stop and listen atten tively as their coach tells them some action plays for the next game.

Junior Candice Kochis remembers a funny experience during a morning practice. The team was runnlng backwards and Megan Churosh tripped, flew backwards in the air, and landed right on

her behind (Grated language only) . The team agrees they all have fun but it is times, defini tely hard work .

DANCING her way through practice, Stevie lea practices the grapevine step. Agility and stamina are essential components of every great player.

SUICIDES, YUCK!! Freshma Megan Travis runs her hardes during practice. "The harder yo work, the less you have to do," sh says.

Top row: Morgan Jansen, Joanna Usher, Liz Ryan Middle row : Coach Williamson, Stevie Zea, Megan Churosh, Megan Travis Bottom row: Alison Travis, Candice Kochis, Sarah Kennedy, Margaret Zylla, Lisette Villicana
CllD sports

WOOSH! is probably what freshman Jessica Ballard is hoping to do when she shoots the ball. Basketball is a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun!

AIR BALL. Michelle Majewski has nice shooting form, but from the looks of things this one might be an air ball!

SUCH TALENT. Stevie Zea and Ting Carillo stand by and observe Angie Arcieri's one handed shooting talent.

WHAT makes playing freshman basketball at Seton Catholic different than previous teams these women have played on?

These ladies are hoping to someday be a part of a team that keeps the Seton Catholic tradition of being Arizona's State Basketball Champions alive . It is the heritage that they have been given and the legacy they desire to live up to . It is exciting, challenging and nerve racking all in the same breath . They are determined, they are atheletes and they are willing to work like they have never worked before .

FRESHMAN BASKETBALL Top row: Coach Kasha Middle row: Nikki Rice, Danelle Vance, Angie Arcieri, Ting Carrillo, Briana Wilkins, Jessica Ballard Bottom row: Kim Covert, Katie Hatty, Michelle Romanotto, Michelle Majewski, Nicole Escudero
soons Gi)

While each team shares memories from travel experiences, almost the entire Soccer team agrees that the highway to Parker was unforgettable. Despite a disappointing loss at Parker, the guy's maintained their sense of humor and high-spirits. Seth Nenaber may not agree, since he was stuffed in a cooler for "being annoying" (for only 2 min) . Besides the bonds formed on this road trip, the Beltran and the Krick brothers add another dimension to this Sentinel team . Rather than an intense competition building up between these soons siblings, they work together. Vicente and Javier play with such similar styles that when one tires the other can keep that Beltran talent on the field Michael plays defense, while Daniel plays the forward position . This team has a winning blend of fun and cooperation worthy of the World Cup .



takes control of the game as he prepare-? for a goal k ck We a lot from ast year and we have a real good chan"e at winning it al this year." -Ryan 'ttrell

up h s speed in th1 fast par-ed game a he retreat<> toward Seton's half to et ready for another ck off. " IYIJ qu'e ugar, yo voy a jugar. nadien va a para mel" V1cente Beltran

BOYS SOCCE Top row: Kerry Wil inson, Lou Deleo, Mike Mattson. Danie Krick, Willy Jennett, Michael rick, Peter Sheehy, Scott lemens Midd e row: Michae emens, Hogan Macdonald, Seth Nenaber, Chris Ryan, Eric Caruth, ._,avier Beltran, Coach John Fennell Bottom row: John Anthony, Matt Pendleton, Vicente Beltran, yan O'Mara, Will Bessette, Phillip Reyes HEADtJ LP. Matt Pendleton sends the ba into orbit by aunch1ng 'to h1s head after a 50150 bal ":JC'CCer "' a way 'lf exp1a1n ng life It transcends a I bourdanesoft1me a no c..Jiture. It s our world'<; greatest hope for everlastmg peac,e... Matt Pendleton '5 OW Ryan .'ttrel
MORE f-<oqlln M'l don " dt>Ur"1ine.;l lrd r ""lldy p ff f-i (lan co,.,ment 0 er t e PntPr <>'Y fl" My w ,J" f' r> F nr Maon k-' Pt1"1ert Gl ypred" ton to w pe t b'l •r "1 • r rev ve ar rd t n tr t' e r ,., wevrr, t ,,..P t:jame ·· , e r>1 f'l" l"'J Vf' I? j I"'(> P)(1' sports



On the way to their soccer game in Santa Cruz, AZ, Colleen Hubbard had her heart set on buying a "duckrattle.n In the middle of all her excitement, she carelessly tossed it in a trash can. The team knew she was devastated because of her loss so on their next trip to Santa Cruz,

the team all pitched in and bought her another $6.00 duckrattle (while Colleen sick) was home Talk about teamwork! ! !

"HMMM " CarlySandell ponders about how the team's strenuous practice went. "All thts practtce will sure pay off some day," says early.

Klemens heads off to practice but stoppe.:l briefly to comment, "We have all worke really hard this season and have together n our new team. Expect a 0' fmm gtrt; soccer n the years to r.omt

GIRLS SOCCER. Top row: Coach Keyes, Meghan McGil, C...arly Sandell, Dense Bil'ngs, Katarina Zovko, Courtney Kuluris, Heather Heying, Adriane Koehnemann, Debbie Kirby Taylor, Coach Nache Middle row: Kelli Strom, Jennifer Sherman, Dierdre Greco, Nicole Escudero, Dana Robledo, Brittney Swan, Kim Zadrozny Bottom row: Liz King, Colleen Hubbard, Anne Klemens, Sara Keilty, Heidi Holstad, Marissa Reyes ARtvtS OF STEEL. As a freshman, Kim Zadrozny was a big part of this varsity team. MakesuretowatchoutforKimasshe improves even more during the next three years.

F " E .,. cldy 'ent ne ,., ve y ru ,h r on t e Da t bPat the Eloy g r to t I fhe g1r ; c:,oc..r:er team played hard a ">ea on a11d thP1r and pr've t f'V"ry nf' who·, l::>n re rd rPa y ref e t •hat eff rt

EADERS OF THE PAC C.oacb Keyee. e.tande. proudly w1th Hubbard, Anne K emens. and ?ara Keilty on p•cture day. You can bet tb.; picture will be put up on the wall as a remonder of Nltat a qreat job these q1rl• d1d a" the .aptains of the team. W1tho Jt •hem. the team wo d t>e :1st

STOMP' 0 ALL OVE.R 'EM ;.Jentonel Brttney Swan es ancy foot.vork to steal the bal away from the g1r wf.o bas p05sess on ?t for ong t gh ._ause Br ttney > a ?Ver t at

..,riA Gfl Sara Ke ':y ana m Zadrozny both tcY. ·as tbe ba at fu I speed to a 1m contro o t e qame. Soccer s abo b1: nq aqgress ve and the e r te y nave the 5< 5

[ • .Adraner
e r"man11ta bar r atarna? v oandr mZadrvzn a theytj ff af->.er a hard day' pract1 f'. rre g1rl are a way<:> m ng even when the gong tjet"> t ,Jgh Way • be lad1r">



GOIN' DOWN TO BUCKEYE. The Varsity Cheer Squad traveled extensively this year, following the football players to their competitive destinations . All of this bus time created a lot of funny and memorable moments. It all started on the way to camp

The Varsity Cheer Squad traveled to Flagstaff to attend the NCA Cheerleaders Camp.

On the way there, Silett Morales informed them that Peruvians, invented the potato.

Certain members of the squad also voiced their dislike for peanut butter & jelly sandwiches . However, not all their travel time was spent with fun , food, and games. The squad had the privilege of a police escort from the game in Superior

Top row: Erin Standridge, Heather Gaiser, Julia Patte r so n, Becky Price. Middle row: Diona Peltics, Susie Benson, Tanya Redger, Silett Morales, Elisa Rubalacava. Bottom row: Noel Williams YOU S EE TH E SPIRIT? The Varsity Cheerleaders pose ·n front of the gia nt eye sta tue a NAU They visited the university t his su mm er for cheer ca
WHAT CHEER IS TH S? Sophomore Heather Gaiser looks up at the stands dur;ng a football game , "I think the athetes' parents have made tb s ,.,eason fun. 't was so much fun to cheer to a :rowd that rheered back. " SE-N-T- -N-E-L-S Jun1or E• Standridge chee r s at a Basket bal. game "Cheer 1s a great opportunity to get know people. 't', a ot offun--both dur gamee. and outs1de of games."

RAir?ING THE ._.,p IT. Daredev' HeatrerGaiserflies h gh n oneoftheVars tyCheer c:,tac, "· Whosaysthesegirlsaren'tatrletes? TheVars1tysquadisknown orthe'r h1glo r sing"umps and breath tak;ng stac s.

GIVEMEA "S"! halftimeroutinesaretheVars'tyCheerSquad'stmetosh'ne. T e cheer 1eaderc; performed everything from stunts to danc'ng to s p-e----n-g. "Halftime is OUR t,me to shine," says Julia Patterson.


CAMERAl ACTIO I What's the number one reason for being cheer? Being able to do b ts


SE "' E FA '? ARE YO EADY? J mor Sus e Benson g ves her all and cheers for the crowd at a> ars1ty Football game. Semor Noel Will,ams takes a short break and a few notes how to <eep the spint up

SW G · -ro TI-lE BEA,. The squad made their debut at the f r::.t pep ra 1y of the year n the .3tudent P'aza .,.he squaa s perform ng one of the <;pectacu ar dances they earned at car>1p, the CA " Funk Dan ,

GH"'S 'lf "Y The Varsity Squad gave an 1ntro to H1gh School Sports Week. The g1rls who attended the Wee Pom Clin1c pned the Seton ladies for that game as well as the TV cameo.

F OUR- PEAT? Due to our growlng numbe r s, Coach Mullin ran tryouts in 2 different shifts. Monday and Tuesday were for fr e shman and sophomores, and Wednesday and Thursday were for junio r s and seniors. Tryouts inc l uded: a timed mile, timed base-running, slapping, hitting away, infield / out-

field situations, and pitching and catching. Coach Mu l lin has high hopes of repeating his run in coaching the team to a fourth State Championship.

SIBL NGRIVALRY.SeniorMollyMullin tells us about playing softball on the same team as her sister. "I like having her on my team, she'<i> a team player.

I JUSt don't like how she 'Fat Bat'."

NFIELD NSIGHTS. "'t's weird to turn double plays and stuff with my sister at second base. She's a great player though, and it helps out the team a lot." --Senior, Kelly Travis

VARSITY SOFTBALL. Top row : Brittney Swan, Megan Travis, Libby Acedo, April Shagena, Neely Omohundro . Bottom row: Betsy Pattock, Kim Zadrozny, Kyra Cockrum, Courtney Kuluris. Not pictured: Brigid Mullin, Molly Mullin, Kristina Strom, Kelly Travis. EYE 0 THE BALL. Getting ready for the scrimmage with Marcos De Niza proved to be worth while as 2A Seton soundly defeated the 5A compet1t1on.
(jg) soons

P O.,..ECTRE5b. Jun1or " bl7y Acedo s ca11ed to protert third base and 1t's lme. It':. the la:.t ,;top before the runner reaches home, so Libl7y takes her ob <;eriously.

SO T -PA :.;E 10 ee y Omor-'"dro wmds up a rather great seaso.., o Sentinel so bal eely's eft-.,anded eat shou1d keep those batters off the plate.

fl.,.. AYI G AHEAD Or THE GAME. Apr Shage"a leads bby Acedo, Betsy Pattock, and Megan Trav so a kp around the OJ ·eld. Tr's journey wil be taken many t,mes before the fat ady sings!

SFfC AL Sophomore yra Cockrum n a few pract.ce swmgs before the Marcos De ,za scnmmage.

5.,..RE.,..CH · Fresbman 'v1egan a11'5 ca-efu 15tens to tbe stretching count We don't want to pul tf·ose i1am5t'1 gs g •,;

G EA.,.. M D5 A pre p·act parr rg sess or 17y Coac11 Hedges. MJ In, Cockrt.r>'!, and Kat11y beg1ns "aci'> pract ce .,...,1''" ., era dt.. moment w tb these •ol s ca1mg the shots


" The summer league was a huge advantage for those girls," states Mr. Mullin. He goes on to explain how the summer session of softball gave the incoming 8th graders a chance to get to know each other and decide if they wanted to play softball this year. It all starts freshman year if you want to be a part of our state championship team. The soons girls played scrimmages against SA schools, which gave the coaches a chance to teach and develop the players skills and techniques. This experience gave the girls confidence to succeed this season.

Top row: Ashley Renderman, Johanna De King, Cheryl Pfahl, Brianna Wilkins, Alicia Verason . Bottom row: Nicole Escudero, Michelle Romanotto, Trina Acedo, Candice Seeman, Kim Covert. Not pictured: Lynn McDonough, Angie Arcieri. GOING FOR TWO. Lynn McDonough prepares to make the toss for a double play. Only as : ed shortstop could do something like that! FULL SPEED AHEAD. Brianna Wilkins charges to field a ground ball while playing short stop. STR,KE ONE. Johanna DeKing gets ready for the pitch by getting low to the ground. The girls warm up to the side of the field before every game.


A couple of days before tryouts started, new grass was laid out on the recently reconstructed baseball field. Until the new grass was fully rooted, scrimmages and other infield practices were held off Coach Ference had many punishments waiting for the first person who even stepped one foot on the new grass. Because of Coach Ference's threats, there would always be one person to remind the rest of the team to not walk on the grass. Nobody wanted to find out what Coach Ference had planned for them if they were caught on the new grass. The players on the grass would jump off as quickly as possible to avoid being caught by coach. Luckily, no one has been caught yet! ! What a good team building activity, getting the players to look out for each other

Top row : O·ris Watt, Danny Desmond, Jason Bernal, Scott Byrne, Scott Kev;n Brown, Malcom Ord, Coach Ference. Middle row : Andrew Althoff, Caner Plese, Will Bessette, Josh Gutierrez, Chr;s Ross, Boots Byrd. Bottom row: Lou De eo, Luis Guzman, Jeff Dubas Not pictured: Corey Young.
V payer
wa te nt c pat on to ee w ere t e ba!:oeba w go He' prepared t<: take or any h<J lenge pre en ted dunntl the cour ,e ot a t:J me oW U BArrABA'""'ABAHA "efty. Je"' Dut>a5 K, uP aga n5t the var-5 ty p1tcber D' a d. Duba5 K h t5 the ba I far nt nght f eld ane1 make5 1t to ,e 1nd 11aee. Way W go ,_,e
Managers: P J. Burke, Scott Dandorf.
Kev n brown
Wh le playing n the1r first scrimmage o the year, vars1t players Darren Spetz and Ky'e Byrd g1ve t the1r a to get JV p1ayer Andrew A tho out, but he beats them to the base.


During a Sentinel scrimmage I senior Joe Bauer took a powerful swing at a fast pitch Joe sent the ball flying 310 yards over the left field fence The ball proceeded to sail toward Mr Ference Is Toyota truck . Luckily I the ball only hit the passenger side mirror . Mr . Ference was upset over this

tragic horne run . He seemed to be more upset over the fact that Joe never offered to pay for the damages So just a reminder to everyone : Don I t park behind left field!

MOT' ON "It's hard to h;t laymg down. I think we have a good team and we ' l

a good season. "

PONDERING THE SEASON AHEAD. " It wi be tough to take state this year, but with the Lord guiding us, we should take it any· way!"

BASEBALL. Top r ow: Coach Jim Omohundro, Anthony Quihuis, Seth Dillard , M ike Mattson, Joe Bauer, Darren Spetz, Larry Forsythe, Coach Phil Banowitz. Bottom row : Kyle Byrd, Ben Regan , Sean Sapp. Andre Protas, Peter Rhee , Chris Edwards . GOT IT Senior M' e Mattson frant1ca 1ly catches the ground bal n an attempt to stop the opponents from advanc,ng to the next base.
CiM) soons

POWER THROW. Junior Andre Protas warms up his power throwing arm to help the Sentinels attain a championship title.

BUNTMAN. Sen'or Sean Sapp shows off his bunting skills n the scrimmage against the JUnior varsity baseball team.

WH SPERl GSWEETbiG ..,oeBauerc;haresh ,f,ope!? and dreams for a easo n his teammate Darren Spetz's ear

b.,.R II I E. be, lor Lar F'ors he hur sa fast ba ward Orl"e base , ar atumpt to !?tr e out the t7atter.



Before the Sentinel Golf team started to compete, they practiced at a local golf course to find each person's specific talent for the team Practices included a nine hole course and trips to the driving range . These beginning practices proved to the team how vital each golfer is. Sometimes practices are frustrating though . Kerry soons Wilkinson once became so frustrated that he threw his club across the green and it became stuck in the grass. This just proves that patience is definitely an important part of the game!



GOLF TEAM. Back row: Collin Dozbaba, Jon Marquis, Anthony Kuner, Greg Carlson, Sean Benedikt. Bottom row: Nathan Tholl, Chris Miller, Kerry Wilkinson, Seth Nenaber, Bob Laliberte, Nick Heller, Coach Mr. Burke. Not pictured: Coach Mrs. Burke. Sophomore Collin Dozbaba putts the ball toward the hole. Collin says, "The hardest concept of golf is perception." Getting ready to putt the ball, junior Jon Marquis concentrates on the hole and the ball. He is almost able to score par! Putting pro Kerry Wilkinson aims the ball onto the green. Kerry says, "Sometimes I can't believe how frustrated I get!"

, ) r ne] pr J • r. 1/a C]f>t c C'•,er e1reen. c

Vv be n c:jG 110 pr

rJ1 rf' r"Cl a r retj' Je]lo• <::JrP n ,.., n ·a e a w ro. A., ne"' r P t"e tngpar 0aybelo.,nex

f1"' rPAr ... n K ,rer

t thard. Ar hc,nyaqreP">that- n ertrat?n , '1e game o go'f.

GO YOL.. HOME Seth enaber ponders whether h1s ba 1 "> go1nCJ nor aroul"d the hole. Seth concentrates on the slant o the ween.

BL. E "One more shot and ' m out of here" 6&JY6 erry W1l mson. Toward the end of a nard A E. Kerry a m at the house 1r1 hope o bury ng t. pract1ce. Kerry h'ts the ball out of the sand bun er.:;. "Go f sa lo:; more me a than peop e tr r ·


Senior Brad Barkyoumb relates an entertaining story about feet "Returning from a meet at Boys' Ranch, Alayn Seminara, Chris Edwards, and I were sitting in the back of the bus [The back, as everyone knows, is reserved for upperclassmen or whoever gets there first] . Chris was wearing sandals and when he took them off Alayn almost soons passed out from the horrible stench from his feet. I was forced to run to the front of the bus gasping for breath ." Even after the season is over, Alayn and Brad will be unable to forget that special smell .

CATCHING YOUR BREATH. Senior Michael Krick takes a quick rest after a short sprint in the 4x100. Michael displays the leadership qua Iity of persevera nee in the face of exhaustion.

TRACK MEN CAN JUMP! Senio Michael Velasquez practices th long jump. even though he's not jumper on the team. It's good t improve all skills, including the ab ity to fly.

BOYS' TRACK AND FIELD. Bottom row : Jeff Bastian. M1chael Krick, Brandvn Benzing, Eric Hatt Brad Barkyoumb, uny Tassott, James Scott. Midd,e row: Robert Bonura., >tt Ferric;, Jos Powers, Scott Klemens, Andy McCrabb , Adam Bu lock, B1 ly Holper, Tom Conner, PaJ Kelly, Mar Drancha Top row: Matt Baker, Brian White, Bryan Macias, Dan1el Krick, Dan e1 Bruner, Anthon Grubbs. Todd Husson, Matt Radman, Greg Koestner. PUMP T UP. Sen'or Jesse McDonald practices throwing the shot-put. Th's is Jesse's 4th and last year which hewantsto make his best. Hard work wi I take us to State!!

vou CAN DO•IT! The boys ' track team runstheir2 warm up laps before the real workout .,. lP begins Longdistancerunnngis'mportanttobuilduptheguys'strengthandendurance. JcJrot "'t r

F >c ' Jt r'J E 'tf'r f nef' Fril t p t' r v, r>LJ ho• F Jt n tne trd ( tedrn. e <>y l"lil d ,, r• • J II rtr t n the Pto-:;1 rrP ]( "' 'le p r N Fe•f' h ,, rnF r ,. r • rr>1 n • .m e re ?.y .JWP rrP + r W DIN 1.,. FF. rf'-:1' e tner .J t f' ?Pthf'r I;+' PI" r Er ir'd r J
t rth c,r " r J rPI<:Jyd Jr na •"d , k .JCP<? re N r" r •ear, must work Jr cond t on1rg. rst.arce Josh Pr " t2l e t I' '"80 spons

Rice, Ting Carrillo, Kat1e Hatty. Cait

Tiffany Pederson, Heather Gaiser. Lorena Harrison, Anna Cutty. Candave Kah,er. Eric

Valenzuela, Katie Wil iamson, Michele Majewski, Alison Travis. Midd e rnw: Sara Keilt

Lauren Mickle, Jessica Ballard, Katie Thompson. Bottom row: Briana Bernal, Liz Kin

Emily Falkner, Carly Sandel, Jessica O'Brien, R0bin Feeley, Jennifer Sherman.


different exper:ences and talents

The sport of track is synonymous with pain. Everyday, the track team begins practice by chanting, "Bring the pain'" The first week of practice often proves to be the most interesting. This year, only four seniors returned to the team along with one junior, and a handful of sophomores The majority of the team is made up of freshmen and other newcomers. The first few weeks are dedicated to conditioning. Only the strong survive, and the true runners prevail. While other sports are busy with tryouts and cuts, track and field participants get down to business. Some of the workouts are the 4 mile block, ladders, hills, sprint and jumping drills, and the ever dreaded stadiums at MCC. Track consists of five different groups of athletes: sprinters, jumpers, hurdlers, distance, and throwers. Each

group concentrates on its own activities and strengths. After many tiring practices, the team begins competing in meets against other 2A-5A teams Each individual focuses on his or her own event and improving personal records. While track and field is known as an individual sport, the team bonds together and becomes a close knit group who cheers each member on. In the end, all this hard work pays off at the Regional and State Championships.

FLY Nc' Hle,H Sophomc re any Pedero;on demonstrate-; the properter hn,quefcracr ,mpl..,hmg•hehigh ump The boy-:; tand by to get.., me helpful h nt fr?m th1 JUmp·ng ,tud

BUTTERFLY. Sophomore Carly San gets help on her butterfly stretches fr freshman Rc bin Feeley. Ash marks ,tl be ,een upon their foreheads. <;erve" a<; a reminder that faith 11 plays a part in forming a winning tea

GIRLS' TRACK AND F ELD. Top row: Nikki in Micklt BOY. Coach Jones shows off h·s style in the hot sun while coaching girls' and boys' track. All of the coaches are able to contribute to the team.

team be01 r "a t•etr.h '1"3 &m mp rtant eart 0f ru'1n an<> "or "' n •h" pain··. out th,- do.,·t want t "' P"''ma.,l'r•.

K"E A 1-< F()P f'"i> Jr'") J :J. Fre-:,1-11""' A sor raVJ<;; stretches o t to rrepare or t r r'Jw1ng. rP. trrower 0"' re t team or warm up<? and stretc to prom e Jn'ty.

r ,;dr-1• l fA [)

Hatty <:>weat 1t nut at a lc,ng ard tediOJS Saturday pract1ce. With the,;e g rl,; and captam Jes )I a O'Br;<"n. the di ,tance runners promise to do wei

t•et< '1 .,"' to e t e t .,, Th" •,.a,., rroay wart sports



Led by Coach Noah Allen, the Seton boys' tennis team prepares and looks forward to a promising year Senior Mike Klemens asked, "Is this tennis or track?" It looks like the team is preparing hard to earn their way to state contention. One day at another hard practice, sophomore Albert Ching returned a serve with all of his

strength. The ball soared over the fence His word of advice: "Don't put too much mustard on those hot dogs! " In other words, isn't all tennis about strength, it's concentration, too!

TENNIS. Juan Elias, Chad Foster, Ryan Dow, S hawn Matt Salafia, Mike Klemens. Ben Thompson, Jeff Koestner, Albert Ching, Bennett THE GAZE OF A CHAMPION Senior Chris Bennett and Ben Thompson take a break at another rigorous practice Chris Bennett says, " Hey Buffy ."
ARE YOU READY. HAPPY FEET? '-,ophv more A1bert Ching has earned the n1ck name happy feet for his "He's always on h s toe-;", e,ays sen or tenn o champ Crr Bennett. LOOK A HAT FORM. Sophomore Koestner pract1ces h soutstanding se gett.ng ready for the f'rst match of ,eaBon His opponents better be re tv accept a few of Jeffs ace.;!

Girls' Tennis takes off again! Another year gives an opportunity for a lot of growth, experience, and accomplishment If your happen to hear someone yell, "Who's the hamster?" across the court, don't worry, it's normal . And what is the story with the hamster? A silly misunderstanding! One of the girls thought "Who's the master?" sounded like "Who's the hamster?" It's amazing that a saying as silly as that can be the bond that ties a team The year looks promising and everyone is definitely guaranteed a good time

GIRL S ' TENNI S Annie Adam s, Emily Hyde, Beth Dagger, Laura Li ll o, Michelle Kujawski, L'sa Guerra, Yanna A ll en, Coach Allen.
e--a DMd e.er'or t>tephDr e 0 ab take t m• Out tc po ,. f r t "'
a t ce q ve5 the
up on ek <;; ar1d
out w t ' erd5.
Jeanette Wolf, Stephanie Olah, Courtney Smitham NOT PICTURED: Roslyn Lalor ophOmore 58
al"'era. T'enr1
I"' " oppor1: Jr" •y
ay " er1n t ':; great to
hav,., fr1end wth"
V v S M DDLE AVE Jeanette Wo fsets herse'f "pfor a powerfu return, a tre wr e keeping a pretty srn e 0"' hert-ac"'

Thanx from Amy Kujawski

First and foremost , I would like to thank Mrs Pattock for all her support and undying devotion to yearbook Thanx also to the editors for making this year 's experience so much fun. Finally , thanx to Monica and Dave for their never ending influence .

= ;JM - pu;J ;3 41 01 I! A. nenpe · 66. JO ssep -


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YEARBOOK STAFF. T0p row : -->ean Sweeny, Nick Enzweiler, Moll1e Hardee>ty. Jee>s Ja Raftery. Andrew Jrban, Mrs Pattock. 2nd row : Amy M ller, April Shagena , Ke1 Y Trav s. Melissa Wentw0rth, c...lare r:onnor. 3rd row : Christie Equ'ls, Noe Wi Iiams. ,_,en Rail, Kristina Ru z, Janina Sheedy, Erica Valenzuela, Becky Price. Joanna Henry, N1kk1 Bottom row: folreen Hubbard , Jess1ca Pena, Tara Kwiatkowsk:, Laura Probst, Meaghan Brown, LaJra Hoel, and Molly Farwell.

tor, Amy Kujawski, pours her hea: and soul into every page she While her jur11or class schedule did allow her to be a part of the 6t per•od "staff', she gav\ up a st hall to work behrnd-the-scene!'>. appears, however, that she has come too comfortable with the pov. of pub rsh ng--she's us ng Mr Pattock's desk!

lYE BEEN FRAMED! L.kely story, Nrck. The odd rooking nstrument whrch Nick Enzweiler holds before t camera s not some medieval torture device or some token to ward off camerawomen, but it is a

yearbook tool--the cropper. Nick, a veteran of the staff is an expert wrth such devrces. most renown for being able to coax stubborn computers and printers into submissron.

STORY T'ME. Sean Sweeny dishes out 1arge helprngs of hrs entertaining humor frequent.y during c1ass. Clare Connor can't help but smrle and stare at this comrcal genius. Sean, Clare, Melissa Wentworth and Andy Urban (not pictured) often collabo· rated to make the pressure of deadlines a little easier.

PI,RSU NG PER FECT':JN ...,anma Sheedy , Laura Probst and Mrs. Pat toe go )ver the wre-;t, ng pages one last time before submit t ng them to the pubi sher to be printed. For Mrs Pattoc , tn1s IS her 4tr year wor ng a the 'Editor's note: excellent' Yearboo Adv•sor. For Janna , wor ng on various pag es and lea r ning to 'lmbine the arts of wntmg and photography (and dealing wtth the 'l1U•t pie frustrations whtcr follow) must have been a vat able •ese.c.n.

Our lives are a journey, a road to be traveled with ups and downs. friends and foe and Christ as our gu1de ARE WE THERE YET ? Well. we've certainly worked on it!

Once your vision returns after peenng into the cover too long , you ' ll find a fantastic history of the 1998-99 Seton Catholic experience

Joanna Henry is to be hailed as the first Sentinel editor to make every single deadline (Please note that she accomplished this without ever raising her vo ice ) Special thanks to Joanna. her assistants: Meaghan Brown , Amy Kujawski. Nikki Macias, Laura Probst and the rest of the yearbook staff. I' m glad we traveled the road less traveled together . You have arrived!


Mrs. Beth Pattock

BE y ur e .. 0 = =

most exciting, the arduous literary form c all, the most difficult t master, the pregnant in curiou possibilities. I mean th advertisement.... It i far easier to write te possibly effectiv Sonnets, good enoug to take in the not inquiring critic, tha1 one effecti v advertisement that wi take in a few thousanc of the uncritical public. Aldous Huxle:

ads Q!V


Kindergarten to College

We are very proud of you! You have a great start on a wonderful future. We love you!

Mom, Dad and Mark

Famcll Moll Farwell Moll Farwell Moll

Alayn, Since 1981 you have been a joy added to our lives. We are so fortunate to call you daughter, and so proud of the young lady you've become . We Love you, Dad and Mother


As our youngest daughter you never let anyone push you around and always went after what you wanted.

As an adult we want you to follow your dreams and as usual - never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Remember, we will always be there if you need us. You are a very loving, smart and excecptionally trustworthy young lady.

We love you very much,

Mom and Dad

<i![) ads
aura Hoe! Laura Hoe! Laura Hoe! Laura Hoe! Laura H oe! Laura H oe! Laura Hoe! Laura Hoc! Laura Hoe! Lau


You have brought us unending joy and pride. Now the pride and success is yours to embrace. God has blessed you with many gifts and you have used them wisely. Follow your dreams with God as your guide. We will be here for you always .

We Love You, Dad , Mom, Maggie and Nick

Jen, Just Keep Laughing ...

You've been such a joy in our lives and we're so proud of you! You're off to a great start for a wonderful life!

We Love You, Mom and Dad

rica Valcr11ucla Erica ValentUela Erica Valcn1uela Erica Valen/uela Erica alenzuela Erica Valen!lrela Erica Val
Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail Jen Rail ads (1ll)


Lisa, Congratulations! We are so proud of what you have accomplished living the past 1 3 years. May God bless you in all you choose to do in the future.

Love, Mom, Dad, Christina, Stephanie and Brandon


We have watched you move through the ranks of life. We have watched you beat the drum, carry the flag and march the Best. Now it's time to go and make your mark on the world. Keep Christ in your heart and you'll do just fine.

We love you, Dad, Mom, Ryan, Andy, Taylor, (Jeb and Yakko)

td, Ent\\eiler ich.

To Katie K:

Life is an adventure. Go for it. And always remember: "Wherever you wander, Wherever you roam, Be Happy and Healthy, And Glad to come Home." (author unknown)

Love, Mom and Dad and Shannon Katie, Congratulations on reaching this milestone in life - high school graduation. I hope you continue your enthusiasm for life in the adventure it holds for you in college and later. It's a family tradition, from your grandmother in Ireland to your mom and the rest of lthe family. Try to follow the example of your cousins, making a difference in the life of someone else. I am very proud to be your Godmother. Even though we live far apart, you bring a lot of joy to my life. Congratulations and good luck.

Love, Patty

Katie Holland

Katie Holland

Katie Holland

Congrats and Good Luck from your cousins in the Big Apple! We are proud of you.

Love, Barb and Jerry

Congratulations April, You made it! We are proud of you and love you.

Mom, Dad, Johnnie, B.J., Jody, and Greta ril Shanena ril

Katie Holland

Katie Holland

Katie Holland

Katie Holland

Katie Hollan

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Matt Salafia

You have always been a source of joy and light in our lives Now its time for you to shine your light in the world We love you more than words can express and are so very proud of the person you have become.

Mom and Dad


To my grandsons

3 sentinels in a tub.

Our greatest treasure is our family- not only the warm circle of those who will carry our love into the future ... Kristina, be happy with who you are. We love you very much!

Mom, Dad, and Diana

Rub a dub dub -
'99 '01 '03 I I
Love, Pop-pop
Salafia Matt Salafia Matt Salafia Matt Salafia Matt entinel Cousins Sentinel Cousins Sentinel Cousins Se
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Eric, You've come a long way. We are proud of you!

Love You, Mom, Dad, Emma, Ann, Gary, Chris, Cory, Diane, Drew, Tara, Your fan club members.

Eric Ma ne Eric Macrne Eric Macrne Eric Ma ne Eric Macrne Eric Macrne Eric Macrne
ads (!ID

Congratulations Ryan!

Kelly: To our # 1 Baby. You ' ve always led the way... Keep smiling ... we love you!

Mom, Dad , Megan, Scott, and Alison

Adam Michael,

Now and Forever... I'll always be the lucky one!

Love, Kelly


Ryan, From the day you were born, you brought us sunshine. Now go light up the world.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Jeff

Love Aunt Mary, Uncle Ron, and your Travis Cousins R\an Littrell R\an Littrell R an Littrell R\an Ltttrell R\an dam Kerv in Kell

Class of 1999

ongratulation , go to an out of state college.


Congrats on your graduation. Keep on with your education.

I hope your dream come true.


I\e l .. atclzed 'OU ince binh, ·ou have grol-..n into a fine young man. You make me proud to be your grandmother.

Love alwCl) • Baba

M(l) the road ri e to meet ·ou and the wind at your back.

Congratulation Adam!

Love, Grandma

dam Kerwin dam Kerwin dam Kerwin

I am o proud of you!

You all...crys been m ·role model.

I hope some day I am as cool a ) ou.


Adam M. Kerwin
ads CHD

Ben, Congratulations, we are proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Sam

Kate ness: Kind, Loving, - Our Special Gift from God. With Love,

Dad, Mom, Patty, John, Molly, Jenny, Sean, Mike, Debbie, and Bobbie

Congratulations Christopher!!

You have never lacked confidence. Early on you showed us you were number one. You have grown up into a fine loving, caring and sharing young man who has always been a performer and, at times, very entertaining. We are very proud of you! The future is yours to make your dreams come true. With lots of love, Mom, Dad & Meaghan

Ben Duba..,ik. Ben Duba..,ik. Ben Dubasik. Ben Duba..,ik. Ben
Kathleen Kirb Kathie ,
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hri-, Bennett Chri'> Bennett Chris Bennett Chris Bennett hris Bennett hris Bennett Chris Bennett hris Bennett Chri-. Bennett Chr

Butterfly Kisses

There's two things I know for sure, she was sent here from heaven, and she's daddy's little girl. As I drop to my knees by her bed at night, she talks to Jesus, and I close my eyes and I thank God for all of the joy in my life, but most of all for... Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer. Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair. All the precious time like the wind, the years go by Precious Butterfly

Spread your wings and fly

Love Dad Families

There's a special kind of closeness that only families know. That begins with childhood trust and deepens as you grow There's a special kind of happiness in sharing living things. The laughter, smiles, and quiet talks that daily living brings. There's a special kind of comfort in knowing your family's there.

To back you up, to cheer you up, to understand and care. Of all the treasures life may bring, your family means the most. And whether near or far apart that love will hold you close

Love Mom, Dad and Holly

ads Q!V

Joe (Babe) , Whatever the future may bring or wherever it may take us, I believe you.

Love Always

Now and Forever, Nikki

Congratulations Princess, and to the class of 1999.

Best wishes in achieving your future goals.

The Macias Family,

Papa, Grandma and Nina

Wishing you a beautiful heart, wisdom of the ages, a fulfilling future and a grandchild that will ask, 1/Grandma, can I come stay at your house?"

Love, Grandma Shirley

"I'm so g lad you're m y cousin." Love, Brad \ Joe Bauer ' 1k.k.i Macia.., Joe Bauer 1 ik.k.i Macia.., Joe Bauer ik. ikki Macias ikki Macias Nikki Macias ikki Macias ikki Macias ikki Macias ikki Macias


Hold on to your dreams, for they are your tomorrows just waiting to come true,

Never regret your yesterdays, for they are life's lessons tailor made just for you,

But always live in the present, no matter the joys or the sorrows, For it is what bridges your yesterdays and tomorrows.

Babe, we are so proud of all your • accomplishments and of the terrific young man you have become. May God Bless You Always!

We Love You Much, Mom, Dad and Andy

ad CiD
Joe Bauer Joe Bauer Joe Bauer Joe Bauer Joe Bauer Joe Bau r Joe Bauer Joe Bauer Joe Bauer Joe Bauer Joe B


You have brought much joy to the world and love to many hearts. We are so blessed you are our daughter. Always be true to yourself.

Live, Love, & Laugh

Dad and Mom

My Dear Grand Daughter


On your way up the mountain of success you will have struggles and desired outcomes, but what matters most is your innermost being and ucourageu that's what really counts. You are a good person in so many ways. stay that way:' 1 love you so much.

(iiD ads
Congratulations lfMa Ma"

We have watched you grow from an adorable little bundle of joy, through your rough and tumble years, to the wonderful young lady that you are today. We know that you will make your future everything that you want it to be. We are so proud of you and be assured that our love and support will always be with you.

Congratulations on all that you have accomplished. Love, kisses and hugs from your wacky family.

Dad, Mom, Kevin, Kim, Kris, Karen, Andy and Rory

ads (!W
Kerri O'Connor Kerri 0 ' ormor Kerri O'Connor Kerri 0 ' onnor Kerri O ' Connor Kerri O ' Connor K rri O ' Connor Kerri O ' Co

Hot Rod Todd

Some things never change. We are so proud of you and we love youthat will never change.

Mom and Dad

Erin, You light up our lives, now go light up the world!!

Love, Mom, Dad, Heather, Jen, Robbie and Buster


We are glad you found your niche playing football rather than guitar. Thanks for sharing your life with us, especially these last four years. As you start this new chapter in your life, remember : if it's to be, it's up to me. May God be with you always.

Senior Girls Swim Team 1998

Jocelyn, Molly, Cassie, Jen, Emily, Erin, and Erica

Todd Todd llu-,-.on Todd Hu'>'>llll Todd Todd
enior S\\
im Team enior Swim Team Semor wim


We are proud of the person you have becomeMuch Love, Mom and Dad, Heather, Megan and Matt

Dearest Lauren! You have grown up to be a very beautiful, intelligent, wonderful young woman.

We are very proud of you.

Dear Joey,

"Only goodness and kindness will follow me the days of my life"(Psalm 23) . You truly live a life of goodness and kindness, and the Lord has blessed you with many gifts and talents not the least of which is your loving heart. Remember these words, " never underestimate the power of a big heart" (Pooh).

Love, All of Us

Dear Jo-Jo,

I hope you know that the Blessed Mother and I will always watch over you

Love, Jen

Dear Jo, Love always! Your Beanie Buddies, Jennie,Matthew, Timmy and Megan

Love, Mom, Dad, Aaron, Caitlin
Lauren "v1Ickle Lauren :\1ickle Lauren \1Ki-.le Lauren \1Ickle Lauren \li '
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Super VI

Ad astra per aspera.


Who's Who: Darren Spetz

Haven't Changed a Bit! Adam Kerwin

Sean Young

Ryan Littrell

Bud Meister

Royce Martin

Dum spiro, spero.

Congratulations , Phillip!

We are privileged to be blessed with such a wonderful young man

We are very proud of you

Believe in yourself and pursue you dreams

May God bless you and guide you always

Love , Mom, Dad, and Mari

Felicidades! Con mucho amor de tus Abuelitos



Do you hear it?

I do

I can feel1t

I expect a m1racle IS commg

It has set loose this restlessness inside of me.

Expect it

Dream about 1t

Give birth to it in your being,

Know! Somethmg good We I0 e yo I IS coming down the line. V U ·

Finding it's way to you D d M

like all t hings find their way a f om, children. and Brianna


The boys, Daddy and I love you for who you are. We are so very proud of the person you are becoming. We pray for your desires, that they may be great and we encourage your ideals because we believe in you. May the Lord be with you down every road you travel and know that we will always be here for you!

May you always find the happiness you deserveMom, Daddy, Bryan and Matthew ads

Excerpt from A Night Wrthout Armor Poems by Jewel Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke\\ BrookL• \\ Brooke Brooke Brook

What a precious blessing you have been since the day you were born. Watching you grow has given us such joy. We are so proud of you and the person that you have become. Go with God Tiesh, and embrace life and all of its challenges!

We will always love you and be behind you in all that you do!

Mom, Dad & Tanner

Ama & Papa, Pam, Frank, Kiff & Kelly


Where has time gone

We still remember how excited we were when you were born. We remember your first steps, your first words ...

We are just as proud of you now as we were then.

We love you very much, Mom, Dad, Jason, Jenna, Jono and Minni too.

Tiesha Lamb
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iesha Lamb Til' sha Lamb Til' sha lamb Tiesha Lamb Tiesha Lamb Tiesha l ,1mb Tiesha Lamb Til" ha lamb Tiesha lamb Tiesha Lamb Til'sha lamb Twsh

In a blink of an eye , you have grown from a wide -eyed little boy, who loved sports, " statics ", and knowledge , to a young man soon to be off to college . You have always striven to do your best and we are so proud of all you have accomplished Make yourself happy in life and we will be happy for you .

We love you!

Mom, Dad and Andrea

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When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are ...

Anything your heart desires will come to you .


May all your dreams come true, Steffi!

Love, Mom, Dad , Gabi, Martin and Greg

To our Three Rocky Point Mu sketeers:

You set the pace for kindness, fun, and sanctified silliness . We adults adore you and the kids

admire you.

We love you.

Enzweiler, Kirby, Watson , Griffin, Bryant, O'Mara


It doesn't seem that long ago that you first learned to crawl...then walk ....then run .... and now, too soon, you're set to fly. We are so proud of you and love you more than you know. Best of luck in all that you do.

Mom. Dad, Christopher, and Andrew

Ste hanie Olah Ste hanie Olah Ste hanie Olah Ste hanie Olah Ste hanie Nick Enzweiler Kate Kirby Ryan O'Mara ick Enzweiler Kate Kirb Ryan
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Michael White Michael White Michael White Michael White Michael White Michael White Michael White Michael White Michael White Michael Wh1l
"What lies behind us is nothing compared to what lies within and ahead of us"

Laura, You have made our journey as parents one of joy! We love your sweet smile, curly hair, thoughtfulness and striving to be your very best. As your future unfolds, may life bring you as much happiness as you have given to us. Remember the values you have learned and always keep God close to your heart.

We Love You! Dad, Mom and Andrew

ads (jj)
Laura Probst Laura Probst LlUra l'robst laura Probst Laura Probst Laura Probst Laura Probst Laura Probst Laura Probst laura Probst Laura Probst Laura

Kristen --

Whatever your chosen path or mode of travel, remember that we are always with you. May all your future roads bring you to greater wisdom, faith, friendships, and success. We are very proud of you.

Love always, Mom & Dad

Sara, We are so very proud of you.
Lots of Love,
Molly, Kati, Eve, Grandma, & Sophie
(iV ads

Dear Chad,

You've always known where you wanted to go in life, and did what you needed to get you there. We will always watch with love and pride as you continue your journey!

Love Always, Mom, Dad, Justin & Megan

had (had Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad (had Foster (had Fo..,ll•r (had Foster Chad (had


May the good Lord be with you down ev'ry road you roam And may sunshine and happiness surround you when you're far from home

... And when you finally fly away, I'll be hopin' that I served you well. For all the widsom of a lifetime, no one can ever tell.

But whatever road you choose, I'm behind you, win or lose. --Rod Stewart

In our hearts, you'll always stay Forever Young!!

Love, Mom, Dad, Neil, and William

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We wish you laughter, heath, prosperity, and especially love in your exciting future. We are so proud of the wonderful person you are!

Congratulations and much love, Mom, Dad, and Brittany

Congratulations, Jocelyn Ohl!

Love, Mom and Dad

James- "Scooter"

Congratulations on your success at Seton Catholic.

-Remember to always follow your dreams.

The Seton Catholic Football Coaching Staff

Sean- We love you and are proud of the person you have become.
<Ji!) ads
Mom and Dad


From flowers at four to Soho at seventeen-may your life be full of success and standing ovations! You've been nothing but a joy to raise. Now go out and show the world your talent!! We love ya Banana!

Mom and Gillian

ads Ci§)

R\IC.,fDI '-..1\\ 'lORI-.

Congratulations and best wishes; we're very proud of your accomplishments and the lovely young woman you've become. May God bless you as you continue on life ' s journey.

We Love You, Mom & Dad


on Con >r,1tulatiOn'> Con Con Con (on (on •ratulat10n-. Con •ratulahon.., Con •ratula


The years have gone by too fast. Now it's time to show the world all the wonderful qualities of you. We are very proud of your hard work, discipline, leadership, and achievement. Remember, whatever you do, wherever you may go, follow your dream, believe in yourself as we believe in you.

All our love always, Mom, Dad, and Brice

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Peter Rhee Peter Rhee Peter Rhee Peter Rhee Peter Rhee Peter Rhee Peter Rhee Peter Rhee P<•ter Rhee Peter Rhee Peter Rhee Peter Rhee

Dear Jim,

In our eyes, the time has flown by since you were a little boy wearing Grandpa's straw hat. We're so proud of the fine young man you've become!! Remember, you have family and friends who will love and support you always. Love, Mom & Dad and Greg & Dan & Joe

4 Close Cousins 4 Super Sentinels 4 Great-Grandsons Much Love & Prayers, Grandma & Grandpa
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For your dreams and goals: work hard, play hard, dream hard .

It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream ...

It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach.

Reach for your dreams

and they will reach for you.

Sweetie, I love you very much, Mom

uLife is a journey we choose." Your success and happiness lie in you. Embrace the future with the values and ideals that have been instilled in you.

God bless you, XO Love XO Dad

anina Sheedy Janina Sheed Janina Sheed Jani n a Sheed Jani n a Sheed

Congratulations! Love, Merna & Papa

Mijo, We are so proud of you for the many accomplishments you've achieved. Always follow your dreams and believe in yourself like we believe in you. Congratulations!

Tu Familia

"I love you Babe," Me

I love you, Jacque

Hey G1rls!

You've made the past two years great for me. All the memories we've shared can never be forgotten. And all the feelings that have tossed up and down make us the great friends that we are KAT- Thanks for keeping that smile on your face and telling me "It's OK Honey" Jess - I'll never forget the t1mes you were always there no matter what. N1kk1Thanks for showing me what's right and never losmg hope in me

Love ya, Kristina Ruiz

Pookihead, You were adorable then, and you ' re adorable now! I love you more than life itself. 11 1 love you Babe!" --Me

rookl• Bronkl' Brookl' \\ Brookl• Wilkin-. Brookl' \\ ilkin
T. J. You are the best friend a sister could have. I' ll always be here for you .
hac01 ads (iV


As Susan B Anthony said: "Failure is impossible ." Because of your pos1t1ve attitude and hard work these past four years, you have triumphed over adversity in your scholastic, athletic, and artistic pursuits . Your spirituality has soared Congratulations! You're Awesome! We look forward to sharing your college years and so much more! We love you

The Krzyses--Grandma, Joe, Lyn and Mom ophia Acord Sophia Acord Sophia Acord Sophia Acord Sophia Acord Sophia cord Sophia Acord Sophia Acord


Your insatiable quest for knowledge never ceases to amaze us. Your talents and accomplishments fill us with enormous pride. God has truly blessed us, and may He continue to guide you in all your future endeavors.


Vergeet nooit dat wij ontzettend van jou houden.

Hou God voor de ogen en laat de duivel naar de klooten lopen.

Aller liefs, Mama en Papa

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God Bless You

Love, Mom & Dad

Thanks for all the memories. We hope all of your dreams come true.

You've left a lot of Spandex to fill. Good luck, we love you!

Love Tara, Tiffany, Courtney, Betsy, and Suzanna (the other half)

Rachel Williamson, You must have been a be autifu I baby.
Rachel Williamson Rachel William on Rachel Williamson Rachel Williamson Ra hel Williamson Ra hel Williamson Rachel
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Congratulations! To a kid with a big heart that doesn't know when to quit. May God watch over you and bless you through the rest of your journey in life. You are a great daughter, big-sister, and friend. We are so proud of you.

Love always, Mom, Dad & Melissa

Jl a Michelll• I !all 'v1Ichelle Hall Michelle Hall Y!ichl'lle I !all Michelll' Hall Michl'lle Hall Michelle llall Michelle Hall Michelle I !all Michl'lfl• I !all Michelll'
ads CJ!j)

Dear Larry,

In the game of life stay determined, focused, and true. We are behind you all the way! Congratulations!



God has been with you through your struggles and your countless Happy times. He has given you the courage and strength to endure through the years. Continue always to trust in the Lord.

We are so very proud of you. You are very special and a Blessing to us.

With all our love always, Papi, Mama, Javier, Mario and Sergio

Happy Graduation!!

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Love, Dad, Mom, Bella (and
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We've watched you grow to be a beautiful young lady full of love, pride, honesty, faith, intelligence and determination and we are all so proud of you. Reach for the stars!


Mom, Dad, John & Jim
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Good Luck in College, Have Fun!!! Love, Mom, Dad, Lynn, and Christine

To Megan, We have watched you grow from a wide-eyed little girl to a beautiful and caring young woman. You have truly been a gift from God. You have brought so much joy to our family. You are a wonderful daughter, sister and friend. Follow your dreams and goals. Keep the strength you have in being who you are and may you always be joyful and at peace with your life. Keep your faith, your heart and your eyes on Jesus. Know that we will always be here for you. Congratulations on being a graduate of the "Class of '99".

All of our love to you, Dad, Mom, Dianna, Ryan, Erie, Fina and Kalea


Congratulations Eddie!!!!!

Our Little Blossom has grown into a loving, intelligent, happy young woman. We are so proud of the person you are. Your future is as bright as your beautiful smile!


Mom, Dad & Little Bro

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As I looked into the mirror, I saw a glimpse of you . It caused me to go back in t i me

For just a moment or two .

I remembered your tiny hands and feet

The day I brought you home

It's so hard for me to believe

You ' ll soon be out there on your own

I thought about the days Of dolls and make believe

The time has passed so qu i ckly

I hardly had time to brea t he .

The years of school and dating

Have been such fun it's true

I can see you in your cap and gow n, Did I say I was proud of you?

As my mind drifted back t o the present, I realize d how blesse d I've been

To have a daughter like you to love, A daughter who is my frie we love you Noel and are so

proud of the person you are! Mom, Dad, Adam, Alexandra
No matter what you achieve in life, as long as you want it and it makes you happy, then you're a success. We're very proud of you. Love, Rulanda, Michael, and Ken-Drea


Always a smile for the world around you!

We are so proud of the person you have become. Remembering with joy all of your accomplishments of today. May God guide you into tomorrow and may your dreams come true.

Congratulations, Michael!

We Love You, Mom and Dad


Since the first time we held you in our arms, you have not ceased to amaze us. We love you and are very proud of you. You are truly our gift from God.

Happiness always!

Love, Mom, Dad

Katie, Greg, Michael & Laura

i\1I c h ae l
ads (J!i)
Eric Hatty Eric Hatt · Eric

After All These Years


You are a shining example of what a daughter can belove and laughter beautiful and good honest and principled determined and independent sensitive and intelligent.

You are a shining example of what every parent wishes their daughter was.

We are so very proud of you!! Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations Love
Bed: Price Bed.] Price Bed.] Price Bed.] Price Bed.] Pnce Bed,y Price Bcd.y Price Bed.] Pnce Bed} Price Bed.] Pnce Bee
Always Mom and Dad
CiiD ads
Beth Graham Beth Graham B th Graham Beth Graham Beth Graham Beth Graham Beth Graham Beth Graham Beth Grahan

Dear Michael

We have watched you grow into a wonderful young man with an exciting future ahead We are so proud of you . Never forget how much we love you . Mom,

Dad , David and Courtney xxxooo
All our love and prayers, Mom, Dad, and Brother (Nathan) 1att Pend leton Matt Pend le to n Matt Pe ndl eton Matt Pend leton Matt Pendleton Matt Pendleton Matt Pendleton Matt Pendleton M ads CiD
Mike Mayers Mike Mayers Mike Mayerc., Mike Mayers Mike Mavers Mike Mayers Mike Mavers Mike Mayers \!like Maver
Your smiling face has always brought us love and joy! We love you very much!

Congratulations and best wishes for the Congratu lations M i chae l! We are very future . Love , Your Great-Grandmother, proud of you . Best wishes in the future. Nana Love , the Busbee ' s

Michael , congratulations and good luck in college!

We are so proud of you. God bless you and be with you always. Love, the Wolniewicz' Congratulations Michael! You did it! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Best wishes for the future.

Love, the Hamricks

Congratulation s and best wishes for every success! Love , Uncle Bob , Sarah , and Laura

Congratulations M ic h ael! We love you and ar e proud of you and all your accomplishments . '' In all your ways acknowledge Him , and He will direct your paths:' Love from all the Mosleys

Michael, congratulations for making it to the top! Whether it's the Eiffel Tower, Half-Dome, your studies, sports, or other activities you have always dim bed to the top of your potential. We are very proud of all your accomplishments and we wish you the very best in reaching future summits. Love, Mom, Dad, Alina, and Mark

Dearest Michael, we congratulate you on your graduation, we are so very proud of you. God has indeed blessed us with a fine grandson. Love, Grandpa and Grandma Loggins

Dear Michael, All your hard work has paid off! We're so proud of you, and we know you'll do well in all your future adventures! God bless you. We love you very much. Your Godparents and Duval

Michael, we are so proud of you! All our love and prayers are with you always ... whether you're trotting around the bases, the globe, or off to new adventures. God bless you always. Love, Grandpa and Grandma Poulsen

To Mike, my first great grandchild. Love , congratulations and best wishes for a very productive and happy future. GramMimi

<ili) ads
Michael Poulsen Michael Poulsen Michael Poulsen Michael Poul<.,en Michael Poulsen Michael Poulsen Michael Pouben Michael P

Thanks for being a wonderful daughter and a great sister, we are all very proud of everything you have accomplished. Always remember, keep smiling .

Love Da d, Mom, Chris and Alissa

We're so very proud of you!

Love Mom and Dad ads

Kellie Reinesch Kellie Reine..,ch Kellie Reinesch Kcllie Reinesch Kellie Reine'>ch Kellie R Kellie Reinesch Kellic
Congratulations Miky!

Congratulations Michael, we are so proud of you!


Love, Mom, Dad, Marc and Michelle

Congratulations Emily, and God Bless You! We are so proud of you! We love you very much.

Dad, Mom, John & Rachel

Michael Vela'> uez Michael Velas ue1 Michael Vela'> ue1 Michael Velas uet Michael Vela'> ue1 Michael Velas( uet Michae
(iV ads
Emil Falkner Emil Falkner Emil Falkner Emil Falk.ner Emil Falkner Emil Falk.ner Emil

Ernesto, Congratulations! We are very proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Carolina, and Angelica

Donnie, You've made us proud.

Love always, Mom, Dad, Sherry & Stormy rne.,to Elia.., Ernc'>to Elias rnesto Elias Erncsto Elias Erncsto onnie Thibaudeau Donn1c Thibaudeau Donnie Thibaudeau Donni

It seems like just yesterday when you were starting first grade and now you are graduating from Seton. It has been so much fun watching you grow up. We love you and are very proud of you.


Mom, Dad, and Kennes

ads Ci§)
harles Bolig Charle., Boli' Charles Bolio Charles Bolig Charles Bolio Charle-. Bolio Charle.., Bolio Charles Bolig Charle>. Bolig C


You've come a long way #44! We're so proud of you and all that you have done. We look forward to your future accomplishments.

As always Michael!!

You give 1QQOfo

Love, Mom, Dad & Kevin Love, Mom, Dad, Anne & Scott
Mike Klemen-. Mike Klemens Mike Klemens Mike Klemem Mike Klemem, Mike Klemem Mike Klemens Mike Klemen.., Mike Kh:r
Congratulations Randy!
Congratulations to
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Thanks for the sunglass donation and your support.
the class of 1999!

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"The shared memories brought smiles, laughter, a few tears and at last a sense of contentment. For slowly, from our treasured memories a kindred bond began to emerge. That's how it is with people sometimes. When you least expect it, a common thread - golden, at that- begins to weave together the fabric of

We've always been there for each other, and although we may not have had it all together, together we've had it all. We are so lucky to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard.

.9 t: (..) cr.

F= Cassie Castorena • Emily Falkner


6 Jessi Gerstenkorn • Katie Holland

Erin Joynt • Molly Mullin • Jocelyn

Ohl• Laura Probst • Janina Sheedy f-

Wishes and Good Luck to the Class of 1999
ads Best

Is it Uncle Bill or President Reagan???

Katy Kooklebug

You did it!

We love you and Jesus loves you!

Mom , Dad , Chris, Nick, Paul, and Sammy

Congratulations Ryan, I am proud of you as always!!!

Love, Mom xox

Kat Barker Kat
LAMARDSTUDIOS PHOTOGRAPf Y aue por'"T""a'fS www corr> (602) ads (!g)
3400 N An zona Ave , Su1te 104 Chandler, Anzona 85224 (602) 813 6027 Fax (602) 813 6140 Mobde 7 69-3342 M1chael W Bauer Pres1dent Good Luck to the Seton Catholic Class of 1999! FISH &CHIPS INC. Fam1/y Owned and Operated Since 1947 2Z S. Mesa Drive, Mesa 1017 E. Apache, Tempe 1111 E. Buckeye, Phoenix Z6ZB W. Van Buren, Phoenix 3715 E. Van Buren, Phoenix 3920 S. Central, Phoenix Cli) ads 4121 H. 44th St., Phoenix 5516 W. Glendale, Glendale 9309 W. Van Buren, Tolleson

Congratulations to the Class of 1999!!

Joe Pintar, Andrew McHugh, Juan Elias, Mollie Hardesty, Ryan Dow, Matt Emery and Shawn Dow.

Also Congratulations to Brad Barkyoumb, Mario Bernasconi, Paul Nestvold, and Lacey Wensing. (not pictured)

Good Luck!! ads

02 1 5800 ll &02 &1· ll Fax
Congratulations Christie!
From your friends at Seton.
to the new students on campus Junior
hri.,t i e Equils Chri-.tic Equib hri'>tie Equib Chri'>tic Equil.., Chri..,tie Equib Chri'>tie quil.., Chri..,tic quil.., Chri..,tic Equil.., Christi
Brianna Bernasco and Freshman John Lassard

NO PAIN. 0 FU Backup goalie. Bnan Murphy, t1red from pract,ce says, "This sport may be exhausting, but it is the most fun to play. The onlything is, these skates make my feet hurt."

Hockey At Seton? That's what their jerseys say. Actually they say "SCHS", but the point is that Seton finally picked up the skates after years of planning and deliberation Three years to be exact! In their freshmen year, Juniors Thomas Abraham and Andy Urban brought the idea up to Mr. Eubanks and were told there was no money in the budget for it, and to remind him next year. They were met with the same answer the following two years before they took matters into their own hands They found players and formed it as a club . All the teammates would pay for equipment soons and the league fee for Chandler Sports Spectrum. Now with Coach Myskowski, Captain Scott Ferris, and Assistant Captains Andy Urban and Thomas Abraham, the team is the only non-SA school in the league. Will the team be around next year? The answer, according to Andy, is an emphatic "YES WE WILL!"


"I am the core of the team, and without me the team will not stand!" declares Scott Thomas.

THE ANIMAL WITHIN. Lookir calm in the changing root"' Ben Smith proudly states, • am the enforcer, I hit people hard!"

ROLLER HOCKEY Top row: Coach Abraham, Russell Gehring, Jeremy Wilson, Andrew Urban, Aaron Jarrad, Scott Thomas, Coach Myskowski. Middle row: Eric Caruth, Jonathan Lessard, Scott Ferris, Matt Myskowski, Chris Owen, Ben Smith. Bottom row: Brian Murphy, Thomas Abraham.

tferr">wa' v tedthep0'>it n fvaptorbyt e team w;tr Andy and .,..hc.ma!':> ac; h1'? Ac,.,j< tant r a pain'? .,.hey .:;erved a<, rue rr, "'"=' forthere< ft e earrt d'?tne '? ot are on the c;tart ng I ne ., t e .,tart111g C;oa e.

F PEE.) A. t AI/ ?ut he get!; de•er<ler • '· hP t> ows p.>st the ronert

K CK (; BA<.,K. At>raf a"' 'lcl Bran Murphy 'let tv dr ve to their q "1e r The tru W'1 e "' phon' rPS, B.-n "?rl' , and '? tt k1c bacK for the r de.

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'ACE-OFF. Scott Ferristakestheface-offin the season opener and gets ready to set "'s teammates up for a goal.

Your ioumev - wailing,

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Cii) autographs
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