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s lio o f u Lie I nf e
B u ell

"Student Life ( h i 8 ,qrontf" &ymmnre Jeee i c a .o.eerns fn be s aym,q tuifh her rais ed high in th e air Student Life e verythin,q frnm gning fn AtrfC 's 2'1 -pfex to tuafch a movie tn Myfe, going o ver fo a fri e nd 's hou s e fo party, mo8hing in moshpifs (Getting mjured fike Cant:lice Kncnie and tracey hfirclleff) , driving like maniac s around the parking {of fo keep trfr f<tajada on his foe s ( hfaxR.unlce ?) , or e ven v egging ouf in front of th e tube this is off Stude nt Life , our fife. It doe s n't begin and end tuifh Seton Student Life is u s ! Yet, tuhether tue like it or not, our homelolork designate s the time tue can spend on our real fives . Jaala Coffins ' hair s um s if off up. lJJe are loud, proud, an s creaming red and gold pride{

Life A GROUP EFFORT Su dent Council officer Ge >fT Smuham, Michael Knck, Montca Almendarez, Bt·ck) Price, Heather Ferm, Jacque Kochis, ]o) Rtchard, Candice 1\:ocht , Jenn) Pttt , and Todd Husson \\CilllO Dobson' fiN pep rail)· oft he) earlo get o;ome ne" tdeas HERE COMES THE BRIDE' St·mo" Ma. Runkc and Chris 1\:trch are euher sho" mg thetr deep, unre sen ed feehngs for each mhcr, or are JUSt foohng around hkc ususal. Ei t her "a) Max seems to he en J<>)'ll1g hunsclf.

1\IRI IN V\ \I I StnH>r • anda \ann slum h r arll llt Side as sht• poses 111 front .>f tht lltrltn \Vall o\l'f tlw ,uru•ntr and a'' t.·nt on a Europeanwur and (;t·rnun} "as ort of her man} stops As" ell as UIJO} 1ng traH·I. ::-.:a'lda also " tht· \It< Prl'Sident of NilS and tom pt till\ l'l} pia} s tht• p1ano

CillO. OUT \1 I TilLS!'. CUH

SENIORS' Sophomores Collen lluhhard. Anm·l\lt·nKm, .11HI \rn} Stoltt•stanclln a \t'lll>Cirdt ancltr} to tatt h thl' t'} e of "mw handsomt• Sen tor ho}·s Ptrhaps the} are not stop1ng outtht• malt·s. hut 1l sure looks lth· Collt·n ts eniO}>ng hn \It'\\


LI:T'S !lEAR IT' Dunng a pep rail} St•ntors Lcl\stll, Bnanm· Gnffm, jason Baqu1e, Mark Pt·oples. Demw Brad}. Ltt Falto, jon 'estvold, Paul Torna"k, jon Genult·. Krmma Watson, Anthony Ross, and Kat} Dohert} stand proud

CHOW DOW Thank toMr \Vebher,ourcafetena food al\\a} ta et great (can we sa} p1z1a pockets?) Here em or 0 •a,arro, L} nn Manmct, and. hchelle Golfm en1<>} one ol those flne lunches


1 h. jun10r Hannah Barnett carne a 'Happ}

1 th B1nhda} · poster she made for emor

Vda quet I m sure larco appreuated the senllmt•nt nt life

-\U REVOIR Th" " ' ntind trowd llltludt s St•nH>rs jatkll \1IrnoiK Dana Dillard An•) Abraham, and Alll\on Marlin, Sophomort·s Lillll' !\1Irn o m· and II dar) Ynbarn n The) all \\l' lllt o Par" and Ronw for tiw \Norld Youth Da) to"''' till' Pope

PARAS:\ !II 'G A 'YO 1:" ' jumor Sophia Acord and her fatlll'r "t nt parasadn1g 1r Canu111 mer the summt·r "\\hat a rush " l"\tlanns Sophia about lwr airbornt• ndt· through the sk) Soplua" mut h braver than mmt of us'

WHERE'S THE BEEF' jumor Hannah Barnett and Sophomore Libbr Acedo are >tand111g next to a beefeater in England. They were in England for a music competllion I !annah says the best pan was, "all the hot English men "

BASKETBALL BUDDIES. Senior Beth Mnchell and junior Michelle Hall went to L:ls Vegas for Basketball over the summer Beth says, "We watched a magic show and I won a tedd)· bear I had tons ffun with Michelle and the rest of the team There is a lot to do 111 Las Vegas besides gambling "

REACHING NEW HEIGHTS• junior ikk1 Macias " climbmg the pyramids in Cancun, MexKo. N1kk1 sa1d that the best pan of her trip was climbing to the top and then watchmg the sun set over the Cll) I especially like Nikki's turban


WO Il· B) Sl· \ 1 St·n•or Sarah Clark and ht·r Sl\tt·r J·n hmtl' C'Jikcn Clark p<>"' II' front n anna .ll Coronado Island Sarah tlunb tht ht·st pan of tht trip was shoppmg at ordstroms \\lth her sbttr

E"We all stayed in one hotel room at the Excalibur. We mostly hung out on the strip and of course played basketball." -Meghan Melcher.

BPARTY HARDY. "I worked for my dad thi ummer and I partied with my friend " ay Senior Jarod Cutty.

STRIKE ... a po e. Senior Stephani Martin coach d a oftball team ov r th

summer. "It placed third in national ! I'm a gr at coach."


TOO. Senwrs M1ke Sullivan and jon Rea wem deep ea fhhmg m Cape Cod,. Ia ad1usells I wonder tfMtke's weanng h1 Nikes'

AL\.\ .-\ YS COCA COLA )umor Kell} Tra\" went to La- Vegas to' I'>ll her fnend, Elllaht•th, for tht• summer

"It wa' '>0 tool to set· her It was a great" a} to pend m} summer"

nf life

\HH HO\\ S\\ FET St·n.t>r Pat } h ,. ter and -\lumnus Annett< I lms ard damt· tht· mght aw a} Or one of tht·m does. Pat\ not n·all}

•nto D1sco But 1\e heard he'll do anythmg for Annette - e\en go to a Disco Dance It 1s rumored that Pat had an excellent ume, even 1f he d1dn't w1n the Ja,a lamp (Sopho more R1ck Colhm won)

\\"E -\RE FA\IILY Llllll' and jacktt· \1trrone show their style a thq lwat up the dance floor Thq prm e that tim dance 1s trul} a famil} affatr ophomores 1\aty Burke and Enul} H} de how thetr TRUE feelings to the camera

DA[';Cl. ", DA[';CI ', DA Cl. ', DA 'CI 'MACHI ES 1 Earl} arnvals Katy Barker, Libb} Acedo, }en Raul, Monica Almendarez, and Amy Arenare can't wait for the crowds to come to strut the1r stuff just call \1onica "Ms. Groo\y Supreme"

BRA \'L 'G THE FIRE. Semors Mike Sullivan and jaala Colhns keep on dancmg e\en after the D)'s smoke machme set off the fire alarm. Yes, 1t appear; that the fire dnll was definitely a h1ghhght of the dance \i1ke doesn't quue ha'e D1sco danung down }·et. ice tr}. Mike

\\HAT-\RI:YOUTHI 1\1 'G"' Sophomort )< ,I< a o'Bntn, oks around 111 a stunmd shod; at tht tramf(mnauon of th Lall'tl'fla fro. the mundane lumhronm wht•rt• we bu} cheese cnsps to thl' happt nmg D1sco [\;1ghtduh. It was a It ft. long dream come trm· St•tnn turned 70s All of us could sure use a touch of free love

DISCOHO 'EYS jum<mEma \i alt-nJuela, oplua Awrd, Rat ht·l Wilhamson. and -\ngela Rogns flash the cameras wIth some lm el} pearl} whues. Th1s was their dunte to express the1r des1n• to kn p d1"o ahve'

t Life

"Th Disco dance ""a a reason for me to loo en up and get in touch with my retro ide. It wa a bla t."Bridget Gibney.

WATCH OUT! Ko}e. "e caught rou' \\'hen "h} he hiding, '>he rephed, "I "as emharrascd hecausc I wa'> danung." That can't he tht truth' We\e all sec her hoogtc du\\n at the pat \\estern tghts, llJa} hl· she )ll'>t dorsn't hke dtsto


Trea urer Mike Klemen

ay , "I had to climb a thirty foot ladder to put up the decorations."

"Th fire drill wa great, ne" t tim l t' plan it that way." Feeling a littl acra tic, Alli on Martin?

MAKl 'G HI OVv' ' . 10\'E Chm

Emer} gets busy domg "The Robot" JUSt don't get too close, he's a real hve wtre. Tlu was defmnely the dance to be at tO see people mventing th tr own move It was a nghteous stght to see.

BOR1 TO BOOGIE juruor Kmuna

Ruiz shows the rest of us ho" it's done The key to hemg a great disco dancer is rou have to have the groo\e gomg on Knsuna sure does'

YES' Semor!..a!lt'M)t'rssay' ">e'" to Kt•\·tn Foote !C>r HorntTomulg b) cktoraung h" room wnh balloons

Too had it's not a' tool a' St•an a'kmg jacque attht• Semor Auuwn. Yet it\ deflnllel) k'l" ,.

IN HAL! G HER fOOD Fn·shmen Lu Ryan fln"hes l'H'r) last drop of ltl' cream on her plate 111 Washtngton DC "nh her etghth grade class.

VIVA LAS VEGAS. Jumor Kelly Travis is stuck inside a spacesh1p? No, JUSt having a good tune visiting her friend in Las Vegas. This video game was particularly entertaimng, especially since she's not old enough to gamble. Looks like you had fun'

HOW DO YOU REALLY FEEl 1 It's almostt'llltrd) apparent that Sen1ors M1ke Sullnan, Matt Ma)o, and Dt'\\ <') Ktltn are aYtd fans of the Varstl) Volle) hall tt·arn M1kt· "lmmg mten·st, Dt'\\ l') "taught up 10 the 'Ptrll, and Mall seems to bt· l'llJO) 111g the Ill'\\ addllton to the team SPANDFX

SE lOR'S NIGHT OUT. At Aileen Opulencia's etghtecmh btrthday party at the Buttes, Semors B.R Koehnemann, Francis zo,ko, and Andrew Lebowttz take a moment away· from tbe festivnies J pose for the camera. Franus says, "Having Mr Tsay tbe openmg prayer was cooL" B.R. also commented that, "Seemg Aileen's baby pictures was tbe highlight of the mght."

IT'S PARTY TIME Jumors Kate Kirby, Molly Hardesty, and Knsten Coleman hang om together at a fnend's casa. Molly looks ponderous, Kate looks like she's ready to party, and Kristen looks like she's happy to be hangmg out "nh her good buddies.


I"I hang out with my friends at football games, movies or partie Susie doe the same. We're almost never apart." -Lindsay Catania.

"Over the weekends I like going to concert and out to partie ""Hh my friend and my heep." -Junior Erne to Elias.

"My favorit thing to do on the weekend i to go fi hing and campmg v.ith my uncle, Mr. Kilzer. I love to be outdoor and live on the land." -B J. Young

TO. GUE I. CHEEK Senoor jon Genttle and ht' gtrlfncnd, 1an a, are all dre' ed up" nh nO\\ here to go. c\ctuall), thq are at the Homt•<:ommg dan<:e and 'lTI11 10 he hH tn!( a good lime" aitmg 111 hne for pttture

KIKG OF BEEPERS' junior Vda qut•t \\ea" C)Cr)Ol't' · ht·ept'" at the fl"t home foot hall gaml" Juq call hnn j .j from no\\ on

Sii nt life

llRESSI·D I l lR SlJ< 'l TSS I n•,hnlln Ton Stamp" t.lr' llt'r <ilamond pl.ud 'kin hkt• a proft·,st<>ttal a' 'I" rummagt·' through lll·r lc" kt·r f r that Ill'\ t tla"

DI.'CO IODH Stt tor \ Hhon) Rn" "aunaturalt a' l•t 'tand, proud on h ''t) IC' fn for tht do < > tloor I tlunk ht 'pant an a 1Ht 'nug Can "t' 'a), "Sompl} Stud!)"

\\II\ T H SP Sophonwn }t'llll) \larr' t \plaul\ ht·r \1) It of fa,hoon h) 'J} mg. "I ha' t' not hong ht•ttt·r to \\tar'" I thonk ,IJt 'n·ad) to do tht· funk) chttkt·n

BACKPACKSTYLf Wnh patches strategtcall) placed and doodads danghng m free space, Sophomore Dtxte Dugan's backpack ts ddinlld) a fa luon stattllll'llt 111 thdf

STRUT YOUR STUFF Freshmen Snllt Ft>rris, Sophomores

And} Urban and Chns Degecr siHl\\ off thetr umque Sl) lcs. Scott seem' to he gettmg the hang ofHtgh School life, that\ nght wear BOTH hack pack '>trap'> at all tunes.

IT'S I THE SOLES ophomon; jon Logan's shoes art· hard to mtss around our vast campus When a-,ked wh} hc• It ked lm '>hoes jon answered, "The} 'rc colorful and more tmportantl} cor fortable" Comfortable even w ahout socks? I'll ha,·e to take} our word for 11, Jon.

HE'S A TOMMY BOY Juntor T.]. Chacon has a profound fashton '>Cnsc for Tomm} jeans Tomm} Htlfiger dothmg and accessories are appeanng everpvhere on campus. His old lad) hat, howe,er, should be omitted from tlus outfit.

TOO MUCH Fdtx tht· Catt' ha\lng a good t mt·, butt\ Momta' SeniOr \lomc.l -\lmt·t•daret\ tdta of fa,htont' "rolltng out of bed and \\t'artng "hatner 1, nearc\t to nw" Sht \tan·' tn a"t' at tht ton,trut tton of the nc\\ hutldtng E R B I

Sophomore Sean Sv·.:e ney wear hi style of clothes becau e, "They're cheap and I like them." Sean' channel 8 (KAET) red spirit shirt is a favorite.

BARGA! SHOPPER. S nior Kri ten Allen ays, "I think fa hion i highl} overrated. I'll hop \\herever there' a ale!"

SPITFIRE. "I don't like being told what to do, \\ho to be, or v. hat to wear."Fr hmen Blake Worman.

U. , Y DAY The \Ill tie on en tor

-\ndre\\ Lebo\\ ttl\ fate t\n't the onl} thmg 'hmmg. Ht poh ht·d

• 'tke,hoc' gleam \\llh t}lc

-\ndrc\\ prO\t'' that aha kt·thall htrt 1' an ncm of fa,luon

I 'DI\'IDU \I STYLE \\hat!" ant Juntor \ltkt· Kit· Ill n' doe,n't hend to popular ton ell\th "fa,luon•, a

\\ J) to c'\pfl'\\) Ollr\ell and lliOfl' unportant,) ) our tndn tdualll} "

t life
Queen Heather Ferri and King Kevin Foote. Junior Cassie Castorena and Ben Dubasik. Sophomores Miranda Jilek and Willy Jennet. TEAR IT UP Half ume 1s over and our Vamty· Football team comes cra>hmg through the 'Beat Bourgade' s1gn Seton snagged the nctory to w1n the Homecoming game and the Bishop\ Cup, not that there was much competiuon
8tud42 Life
jUST BOU 'CE IT WITH ME. Here wmes the Men in Black Actually 1t's M1chael Knck, jacqm· Koch1s, Todd Husson, Becky Pnce and the• other member<, of the Student Council performmg the dance at the HomelOmmg pep rally. The hard \\ork ded1cated people paid off. Freshmen Attendants 1cole Rea and Greg Koestner.

ROl U N' WIT! I SP IRIT The St lll<>r tl.l" 1s hard at "ork ckcorallllg thv1r ur for tht hol'fm· TillS )tar compel! I 01 for till' jllfii suck \\.Is hvnt JI d "Ilh tht hc·lpof ti•Is CH, tht Scmnrs \\Oil II l,l Ruk' Y.. hat d" "ould ) ou npc·tt' Thts !lome toming \\t•tk \\as ckfnlltt:l) OIH 10 go dP\\JIIIl th h"tor) of Sc·ton tradiiton. hc·ntht Fxchangc· ol \lonetar) un1h for tlu Scnite of Stnlors \Hill \\dl, nen d II \\.Is \\a) too pohucall) corrn 1

SAYITWITHROWERS. Unfimun.Hl'i) tlm)earthe biShop "as not ahk to auend the B"hop\ Cup (\\Inch \\as abo the Homeumung Game) o he sent the Varsii) l·oothalltc·am roses. Here Senwr Dt'\\t') Kilter I'" h up a heauuful red rme I m sure Ill d1dn 't kt·t·p II for hnmdf, he prohahl) gaH 11 to his girlfne•!d lleatl!l'r h rr" (nen d she th1nks shc·'s a goat}


"Studem Council worked o hard putting Homecoming together. I feel lucky to have had such an amazing Homecoming my Senior year." -Jessica Und rwood.

LIFE'S A DRAG t: n1 or Max Runkt• 1s he1ng d ragged h) Dr Klapda and Mr Eubanks dunng the teacher\ kii lax 1s suftcnng from a tast· of too man) dt·tenuons. Max, shall"'' call the ch1ld abuse hot hnt' lth1nk draggmg peopk· 1s lOIHraq to the· handbook, Dr KlaJada'


"If every week were a fun a Homecoming Week, this would be a better place."Senior Raja Audi.


"When I turn pro. I'll be ure to put thi picture on my album cover." -Fre hmen Jen Burdol ki.

JACK'S BACK. Freshmen Hogan Macdonald "a'mag1tall) changed imo the ner f)opular Jack from the fa t food cham Jack In The Bos for h1 Freshmen lntegrauon Th1 costulllt' hem tht· treall\ ll) of his Semor Can l get a jumbo jack \\llh cht·t· e'


Sophomore Andre" Faltarano 1s looking for Duke and his shot's Th1s ) c•ar the dantt' "as hdd Ill the g) Ill, so no shoes" ert a Jim, td on tht g)m floor Good luck Andn·\\ 1


entine( :Prik

\ PIECI· OF 110\IE Sophomorl 1111) \l1rnonl' and Sl'nlor -\Ill) Abraham hrand1sh thl' Unlll'd Stall''. flag" lull' thq alll'IHl \\'orld Youth Da) in haml' Thl''<' two han· n·al pndl· 111 our flnl' Ullllllr)

YELL IT LOUD Enthus1as11c fan. Semor Tracq \lnchdl, cheer\ on thl· gu)' as thl') score )l'l anolhl'r 10uchdow n. Go Sl'llllnels'

L-\DIFS 1:-: RED fkather Fern,, !vhr) l sl\old )l'\\lla -\tl'do, Klll) Tra' 1,, Kalil' !vi) l'f\, C .ark and Tral) (Roh\ g1rlfm·nd) drml· all the wa) lo lla)dl'n w 'uppon lill loot hall ll·am Can"'' \d) dl'dilatl·d fan''

POTTY STOP On 1he1r "ay 10 California, Jaala Colhns and Alhson Marun stumhled upon the Seminel res! area "here the) stopped and showed their longmg 10 he back at school. Well. al least these two can sta) awake in class. Maybe JU Enghsh. Jaala?

LOUD A:-.JD PROUD. Making noise and arousmg the crowd, Junwr Phdtp Reyes plays his trumpet at home games w promme spin!. Ph1hp 1s a pan of the pep band. a club staned b) john Sullivan. class of '96. and has been a great continuing tradition for the fall and w1mer spons seasons.

BALLOTS UP junior\ )l'"l Gl·f\tc nkorn. Larq Fors) thl', and )ocel) n Ohl take pnde in casung \Oles "ah \Irs. Van 'A'en (moderawr of lill junwr da") for \\ho the) want 10 reprewnt 1he1r class 111 Studem Council thiS) ear. Laura Probst and Ala) n Semmara were chosen for the Junior represematives.

"As cheerleader part of our job i to help motivate the football team and we have a great time doing that!" - Bridget Gibney.

"My pmt hirt may have b en cheap (I got it for at a\ er ) , but my pnde is trong and I love to how it e\ery Friday!" -Hannah

"We ripped it up imitating the partan Cheerleaders and this had to have be n the most hllariou part of the pep rally " -Marco Vela quezand Heather Ferris.

Ill an allL'lllJll l takt Llll' 'Plrll troph) from the Sl'n or'

1\:E\\ STUD 0 'CA\IPU e\\ cmor )a,on nmh 'trul\ lu pndL

olOI on I} lor St•ton, but for chra,kaa"'cl So man}

g1rl' ht·n "' oon "l•t·n )a,on "alk h}

GETTI CRAZY The ophomore da '"a' gL·mng rem d) and Lr)lng lO homt da" 'P'rll at tht pep rail)
f Life

-g:eet :PrtAe: StuAent

P-\RTY I II "R I H'r}Oil< ts lin ned St mor cl.1" OITtter }.lot Ita \hm·ndan 1 ,IJo\\ s ht r good 'latun h) atttnd ng .1 pt p r.lll} at Dob">n I llgh

\\0\11':'\ I IliACI\ }< ata Undtr\\ood, }o} Rath.lrd, and 11 Stmmara gt·t rtad} to perlorm at th< llomtconung pq> rally Dul' to till' hard work of Studt·nt Counul, llomt·tom ng rukd tlu }t'ar \\'til Sm th \\ould lw j<·alom

CLUFI F-'iS )tmtor Cia" St·t/Trt·, Bn k) Pnte "t' and n·ptal\ to ht·r,t·lf. "Pmh the 0:'\ hutton ftrst" Slll·'s got It I thmk"?

ROil fR DI·RBY Studt·nt Counul

Modl'rator M' t\ and Br}an Ola\len 'hem off tlwtr moH' at tht• Frt·shnlt'n/

CAUGHT I TilE ACT' Prestdt·nt of till' }unwr Class, Mtthael Kntk and volunteer, Brookt• Wilktm thmk the} tan get aw a} "Hh the donattons gl\en for tht• Student Counul car" ash. Mtchael \ "hok "take the mom·} and run" motto wmlldn'texaul} fl) at Seton, eH·n If Ius motllt'r" the Vtce Pnnupal Otht·r" ISt·the tar" a\h "as a smcess

GOOSEBUMPS Our H'r} own Studt•nt Bod}

Pre\idt·nt, }atque Kotht'> has a H'r} unsun• responst to all the exutt•mt•nt shown at the Dobson pep rail} jacqut• most ltkel) got goosehumps from all of till' oH·rw heltmng sptrtt


DE? .

Tritt (Trit): Stuff--;, tJveruJeA flnA tJfi.JtJCete.

:;()on 't u.se t!J.o.se .>Jtnr.e otA TRJT £ 'teltr

6ook .Sit'tin(j.S .Si(jnin(j t!J.i.s J t 'tou Jtre It trite

.Si(jner Jtm( Aon 't even know it , i.s It '!uiz:. to tinA o !or .sure it 'tou .su#er !ronr. t!J.i.s pro6tenr.:

t. ever .si7_fneA It enAin7_f tvitn tne tetter.>

ph-one nunt6ed-

2. :Do .Si7_fn 6ook.s tettin7_f

peopte to It .51-tluiUer Or to .St veetf-

3· :Do oft tvritin7_f , "J ' nt .so tvere lrienA.s " fJ t 'tou 'te.s to Jtn't o! t!J.e '!ue.stion.s 'tou inA.eeA It trite .Si(jner, 6ut Aon't !ret tiJ.ereJ IJ.ope !or 'tou 'tet. Tr't t!J.i.s nr.entJtt eJterci.se:

7:nere th-ree plcture.s on tnl.s ol tne.se plcture.s reltect It tne.se peopte to75etner. Vl'nen tvritln7_f 1t rettect on ntentorle.s tvitn tne peopte. witt 6e .so lntpre.s.seA ltnA true lrlenA.snip!

]r/ereJ It !ew IJ.dp!ut IJ.int.s On t-v!J.Jtt n6J-c to Write:

t. no cur.sln7_f. 9ue.s.s tvnltt , peopte keep th-ere lorever , .5b

Ao tvltnt to 6e 1uoteA .sounAin7_f tlke It tvnlte lootf-

2. S lront tne tvrltten in tne 1ui:z. (.see )

3. :Don 't tvrite now ntu cn tni.s .so1ue or th-e per.son'.s hok .St7_fnin7_f It tvon 't 7.50 over tvdt.

"f. A ttentpt to tvrite coh-erent .sentence.s!

"iror increA.i6t't per.son iu.st !itt in t!J.e

Z>utr _____

Jt tv.ts so ;1reJtt tD ;Jd tD knDh: yDu tlr.is ye.tr. tlr.e

t,•e hJtA in ___ dJtss!- 7:/r.Jtt tv•Jts SD •11u c lr. fun. '7:/r.is tvmt

IJtst! St.ty JtS Stveet JtS yDu ADn t c hJtn;Je , hJtve Jt Stv•d( sun,,l,er.


Dana R"bkdo, Stn >r' )atqut· 1\odu .\nd Stan Grt co, ·ophmn• .,. fh,a Ruhalaca,aand Robert Dentro 'ot Plllurt·d 1-rt·,hmt'l' )a' Jl·r Btltran. )un r Lamb and \he hat. Con,ah.

L\CI\ERS )umor' Lamb and \II dud C >11 ah 1 dtd not get together \\ llh tht otht·r \ale 111 Ill' Danu -\lit ndanh. '" ln·n thq an· lookmg happ) to lw alone

R0\1A. 'TIC COMEDY. Participating in\\ hat has hecomt• and annuall'' em during the ume around Vakmine\ Da). Fre'>lunen Hetdt Holstad, Cor) • avarro. \1\'hnne) Eldndge. and -\m) Bullock ha\l· purcha-ed thetr computer matche'> from the Studem Council. -\ usual the hsts prm tde lunchume cntutamment. Am) cenaml) looks entntamed h) her results•

HEY. YOU GOT CI:-.:DY CRAWFORD' 01\, ma) he not But juniors Chari e., Bohg, Michael Vel"quet, and. 1arc Dranchak are captnated h) the names on T) Chacon\ computer match. Huddled near the lunch table the) tmpett the l"t a'> T.) '>tare' 111 d"behd at the unhkel) matche'>

HEARTS AFIRE )umor Sean Young dra\\s Senior Mar) 'est,·old a hule do'>er Together they capture the es.,ence of Valenune\

Stu 1 if'e

DA 'CE Hert' a greatt·mompa"ing 'It" of t he Valcn u nc\ damt• -\ II oftlw happ) wuplt·' ,}m, dantt lO the oothmg ound, of the mght -\mong turrem tudem,, there,, abo a great deal of alumm 111 lht JliClUfC

SW EET H EARTS Scm or Andrn' Htn then and Sophomore jollll\011 are nul )OUr l)pltal couple Thetr Jon· had fa'>hlon that kno w \ no hound, A'> an)onc can'""· thl\ \\a a rrils matth made m hca,en

BRE"It's lots of fun to see v.ho I'm compatible with Some of the name I could have guessed, but I don't knO\\ \\here they pulled the others from." -Junior Sophia Acord.

ITSophomore Dixie Dugan is o ne who believes that lo\ e is "When you dig . om one and you're not afraid to . hare your mind with them " Well aid, Dixie!?

Freshmen Chri Emery and Albert Ching look 0\ er their match making lists Albert ay "Lo\e is when }OU look past a per on' fault to ee who the} really ar "

LO\'E FOR THE ll \ ER SCREE ' em or Dana D1llard and her date for the Homeconung dance, D rt·k Lombard , ho" l'lc mt·a ung of lrllt' romamt• Holl) "ood 'l) le

Gl\ E :-.IE A HUG t•nwr john 't· l\o e' \\llh Ill g1rlfne1 d S pi onH>re )enn) !arr' attht \'ail 1 m', Da} da'lu, "h th "a' the pt·rlecl opponu llll) to enJO) each other\ unnpan) Ill a\\ armt·mhrate


yt,_t.s t.s m ...


ROC 1\ GOD Gn .lt druumu an ft \\ .111<1 far bet\\ t'l n. hut Semor \ndn·" I kmdll'n 'ho\\ that pralloll' rtall} dots makt puft ct "Pia} ng drums hl'ip-; llll find mnu ptatt'," 'a} s Andrt". "\\'htn I pia} drtlllls, I fet at ont "11h llJtlln " < \\, ho" man} of us tan 'a} that about our hohhH·s'

I\ ''SIll ST I Rll [) St'I'H>r \lark Pt•opl 'JUst ad or ''liS dog. Ch i'l'.l, and ht·tells hu a lsolutel} t\lr}tlung It• la<t thq had a \er} tmponant "stlllrusst<nt" nght hdmt·thh pllturt• \\as taken h nHJst ht tuu· to ha\l' 'omt·ont· thatlo}al to tonhdt tn \lark took Cht·l"·a "ith hun to I..uuar fc1r lu \t'lllor plt tun'

PURl· (;R·\CI· St·t•tor }aala Colltns ft·t·ls tht•mmt \l'tttn 111 till tompan} of ht·r stuffed dt·phalll, (,ratt·


CO\\ \Bll t. \' onH pt oplt f1 ul t '' nt\ \I qt.lttl) on J \\,HI'l I>< ach ot o lor \\til) )t'IIIH'I' !It pnlvrs halting" th llH l•.1r'h ea 10 ,atth thr perfr(l "·'". "\\ l•t 11 ·" • 1 "'lilt \\J.tc..r,I knc\\ Ill\ hoJr,t \\Oil l tt 1 H lo\\n 1" \\ o\\ \\hat onf1dt lilt'

\\EH-\\EIIFTOH Doc,ll'tltll • m to!:la look compl td) tuln 1 1i11 ''") h 1 t tar "It look hkt IH' h<tn packtd•," J) c H 1 11 <Kelll b)'tandtr [rnt so""" h <·"a <,r ncit tr n<'. T) Curnt, nail) kno\\ 10\\ to h.tl! fu1 11d "·'It ftlm 11.1 fnda) n1ghh


"Even though Ee oyr e is gloomy, he still m up \vhen I'm down!"Sophomore Katie Burke

"It v, as comforting to be able to take a break and relax during Free Enterpri e" -Senior Juan Valenciano.

FRIE. ·os FORE\ ER emor Dana

D1llar<1 a. k \I rnone, \nn Burkr, A.h,on. lanm, tq ham lan.n, anci .-\m) -\brahan an the he t of fnend,. "Kno" .ng I .1a'e them

•na ·e,me!nlwture a)')atkle

"liE TUR. 'ED \IE l TO \ F\\ T'

Sophomort· CJm, Todd fe<, 110'1 at

t'J'l' "ht·n pia) mg "ul lu pt·t

""" 1. Dnttr Somr 'a\ that IIC\\ 1

'"'·d to he Chn,' ,l,ter, O,ut Chn'

Lotud not hl' contatttd for a rrpl) to

ti"tt aLlll atlOI'


Fn:-.hmen a}

\Vhen ''a-. the la-.t tum·} ou pia} ed on a''' ll1g .,et' -\ La t } ear.

\\'hat's }OUr la\ontt•cen:aP


Who\ thL clo\\ n of your class' -\ Sul!l Thoma'

\\'hert•' }our fa\!mte plall' to gt·tJLL Lrt am'

\ Cold to 1l' Crt•amt·r}

If } ou had to tr} ont• of these adn·ntures. \\ h1Lh one \\otdd )OU Lhoose'

\ Sk) Di' ing .

Q GUYS \Vho \}our fa\C>ritt•

\Vho 1s )OUr funnJe'>tteacher?

.\lr. Keyes

What food \\OLJ!d )CHI rather eat'

Tie between Mex1can and Italian.

\Vhere\ your fa\OntL ' place to 'hop'

A Dillard\

What's the bt st mm ll' of all

Sophomores Sa)

Q V\ hen'' as the last lime you plared on a ''' ing -.et?

\ A long time ago

\Vhat's )Our fa,oritc· cereal' Other. What\ '' rong "ith

Q . \Vho ·s the dm' n of) our Llass'

1ck Gar;a .

Where\ rour faYoritc· place to get Ill' cream?

A. Dair} Queen

If rou had to tr} one of these adventures. '' hich one " ·otdd } ou chome?

A Sk) Dmng

GUYS-Who\ your fa,orite female celebrity'

A. '\Jikki Cox.

GIRLS- Who's } our faYonte male celebnt}'

A. Leonardo D1Caprio

Who is your funmest teacher?

Mr. Laurie.

What food would } ou rather eat'


Where\ your finonte place shop?


What's the best movie of all month

Q V\' hat\}ourfa\ontecereaP

A Lucky Chanm.

Who's tht· del\\ n of your class' Sean Young .

Q Where 's } our fa' orllt' place to get ice cream'

A Cold Stone Creamer}.

If you had to tr} one of these adventures, which one would you choose'

Sk) Di,ing

GUYS-Who\ your fa,orite female celebrn} '

A. ' 1kki Cox

Q GIRLS Who's your favorite male celebrity'

A Leonardo D1 apno

Who IS )OUr funniest teacher?

Mrs Van Wert

\\' hat food "ould } ou rather

Q. Where's your fa,orJte place to '>hop?


What's the bt''>t mov1 • of all ume?

A Tie between Titanic and Austin


Senio r \ Sa}

When the time

}<H I pla}ed on a set 7

A. Last year

Wha t \ } our fa\CJnte ce r L·aP

C h ee ri o\

\/'v ho's t h e clo\\ n of }OUr

cr ea m 7

Co ld Sto n e C rea m e r}.

I f} Oli had to tr } o n e of th l'\l' ad ' en tur es, '' lud1 o n e ' ' o ul d you choose 7

A k} Di\ing.

GUYS Wh o's your fil\ or ite fe m a le celeh n t} 7

Aht:Ia d

GIRL Who's }O ur fa vo rit e m ale ce le hrit} ?

A. Leo nar do D1 Ca pn o.

Wh o } o ur funni est t e a c h e r 7

Mr Clm c h

W h a t food '' o ul d } o u

Mex i can

Wh e re's } Our fav o rit e plac e to s h o p 7

A Ddlard s.

What' s th e h es t m o n e of tim e 7

REMany students . tart th ir day off right with a healthy sen ing of Cheerios be cause, "They're Irresist ible!" Plu the bee 1s preuy cute.

The headline de cribes it right - -Hollywood's Hotte t ew Star - -Leonardo DiCaprio. "Wov , nough aid," exclaim Junior Laura Hoel.

Iand the ever- o-popular Leonardo DiCaprio, is taking the world b} torm It i definitel} a mu t- ee!

\\'0\\' Can )OU tmagmt' being hm,tt·d up I 3 fct'l Ill tht• atr and then plummt·t InlO lret• !all' OtiC

Dc1 tl a lagt< lountalllt' the plate 10 talth tht ru h

E. LIGHTE. U · St'mor tea<: her, \lr Cl•mh "a' 101ed thl' tunnte'l ltadu·r h1 tlw St·mor da" -\long "llh ht' quat Ill wn t' of humor, ht• al"' ha' a gn·at fa,}uonahlt· alllrt' 111 thl' lllrt


m e n Knterino Zouko a n d nrigid IYiuffin !Jond af f h e fre s hm e n refreaf.

Gathering a c.ommunify for ma ss, s aying morning prayer together, going on retreats, experiencing f(airos for the first time, and fhaf a day o Religion. lhaf Mhaf makes Seton Catholic. lligh Schoof frufy "Catholic. "

(Jifh the addition of fr. Loren as the fufffime minillfer and the fian leader s hip c.fa88, Seton's religious life has never been so prevalent At every sc.hoof ma ss there a definite involvement of llfudenfs as they ac.fivefy participate in the music. and the c.onfenfs of the mass

nefoloJ Senior Anthony Ross talks fo Jeanine De liege ( c.fass of '9 7) af f(airos earlier this year.


'\ 'T !,FT F'\0\l(;l! Of· Tf f \ TSI T< l'-. On.t

.t< atton St·ntor Stan!'"''

n l uirJ. Gn·to po-..L 111 front nf tht H11Jiwllt \nn St·ton ''gn. Th1.., got'' t() ,ho" th.ll Se.tn and f aura t ouldn't ".ut lor" hool to ,tart. 'o thl') t ould gl't h.H k to about

THE HEAD GUY Btshop Thomas O'Brien came and shared mass with the enure school in the begmnmg of this year Hts message at maS\ touched man} of the students and "as a great" a} to start off the school year.

BIRDS 01· PI· \CI· Sttllor \!ark Peopk' hdp' out knHkrg.uttll-r Jonathan Gt hrt·t "nh ht' Pt.lll Dmt fmmtht 'tor) of '\oal1 \lark t' aSttnda) St hn\ atdt at St \nthon) of Padua Cathoht Sdwol for hh! hn,ttan "n t« hour\ Jonathan loc >k' .til 'tntln ·'' h, proud I) dt,pl.t)' l•t' htrd that \!ark hdp.-d htm tnakt
o .tnd l·rl'..,hllH.
Senior Chnstian Leade"htp members jennte Pitts, Mary Am} Arenare, Knstina Wat>on. Mtke Sulltvan and Laura Pflugfelder gather together wJ!h F Loren to discus> the hreakdO\\ n of the mas>


TH '> 1 I I rt \I I II rn11 I c'>•att\ hn I • tt<Ptr lmthda} 1 't)le I) lnmg. L 'FRA ·cr Jr Je tea Unctt r\\ od 'pent the um m r n Franu· ' r tht Pan h Y uh Da1 that "a I • :i till n )t It l< II 11' ltld , 'It 'a > nten t It "as tht ulttmat(' gathe nrg >f Cat!o .l for pra}er a lor fur "

H\RI tr \t HRISTI\ 10 II T I ( T'A ll ADER Jill'< L \SS noor jak P "" arc! Ton 11) Pto\\U ) ak tin< ot. >f th< r t tm tanltHhr I
ll}{t U < Jl \I IORS ht llll< r <Ia J<>ll t'l • JL 1 nt ittlle r t clw 1 n• t'l the lth')tar Tl••• r lt\oatH1 f<r•h u It) It d. ' ' I I'Hlt 1 I• en<' h P' am•"
Ill• "td " l)
p<" I Jrtl utttrl h<" ngthur<tl'h tta 11 lo rtlt da •nd\\ tat tlttrlmmhhtp tllam
11 •r•lt'} \lthou!;h It da 1 dtHr, t'lq tan.dlmut togl'tlt• ott
t tr , } t
K.·\IROS IV. Top Ro\\ Dana Dtllard, -\111) Abraham, Alit\! HI Marttn, Stephantt Marttn, Vane"a Roo/t', llt·atlll'r f rn,, laura Pllugklder, jon Rt·a, Tun Rtt hard, \ngela h> It phantt· Wolf. l t\a ftke. Katl Doht·rt}, De\\ l'} Ktlzer. Patmk S) h e\trr Bottom Ro\\ Art Eagan. Alma Cllt'c, jaala CoiJtn,, Sarah Clark, Tollllll\ P•o\\ af\), jon Shro1"hn. )< II') Lang. )a kll '.ltrnom .'Inn Burkt·. '1111) larco )t·nnlt' Pitt,, \ltke ulh1an and Monila Almendarez

H \'\GI'\G \\ ITH THI GIRlS heshm<·n Cher) I Pfahl Bt'h) Pattock. and \manda Sarli hang tog<·th<·r

OUT TO l U'\CH. fr<·shnH·n john Bacon. \dam Snen Ben Smtth. and )<ll' \ l rd\on enJO) tal h othl-r\ cmn pan) at Fn·shmen Retn·at joe. "eLan \l'l'} our food

FRFSH'viF'\; FYERY\\ f-reshmen run·at" as full of fun. l'atmg and shanng! Ther<· ""'\aid to h<· toru of hondmg np<-rlenLes twt\\ ccn freshman

ALL IN A LI\:E. Freshmen England, Brian Betka, M1chael Ko)e. Anthon} Kuner, and Chns Higl n together and converse at the Freshmen Retreat The) seem to he makmg new fnends and gemng along together That\ \vhat Freshmen Retreat's all about.

.\1MM, MM GOOD' Freshman Greg Carlson, Brian Fike, and Dan Desmond were ·chowing down', seems to be a lot of what the) were doing on retreat.

WANT SOME CAKE' Teacher;, Mr Keyes and Mr Anthon} were on retreat wnh the Freshman. Looks like they were haYing more fun than the Freshmen' Don't eat too much


T-\L!:l CHE \P Brat du 1 !"tier fru IL ul and \ltLhad G ldt 1 t< rot t.tlk .tl out the

"RED ROVER, RED RO\'ER'" Dlilan I angdhu Lmd a} Catama, Robt•rto \ Jilq:' Gold, \m} 'tolte, L·h,a Rubalaca' a, Robert Dtnt•ro, -\nthon} Qulltu" and e mor .\1tchad Sullivan all 'earch f(>r the" eakling on the other team

REL-\XATIO · Aftt·r pra} tng all da) 'ophontofl'' R} an Duna'H}, Dtxtt· Dugan, Am) KuJa" ,kt, )cnn} \larr,, \lelt,,a \\'em worth, jacob Barnente'> and -\nd) Urban are" tped out'

ophomore' C) nthta harp and ·u,an Ben,on demon,tratt' togcthernt'" and the happme" that a fftend,htp can hnng

E IF YOU LO\ E \H' ' Outsl<k Ill a parkmg lot jon I tr•es (I) mak<' Jon \larqtJS laugh

HH\\H Till 11'-:IS "\\IH·n t'\lr)on ""' 111 till pMking lot, I tl11nk '" n.1l11vd thJt \1 tould ill lnt'IHh no lllJtL<·r \\ hJt \\t look hkt , \1 \\\Jrorth< kind of lll\1\lt '" prd<r" llrr) I·< r )th "Th, n·tn.ll "·" th< 'l"'"d "nh fnt·LHi,•" Bvth Graham

TI'ST OJ· TRUST jvniHkr RJII put ill'r Lrll\t t l,l\,m,lll'' 111 tills lll'i>rvJkt·r "It \\ Js J 'xpt'ril'llll' and I t'nJ<>) vd tl•t n·tn·at " )< n

CO\'ER STORY "LacC) and I are the Sp1ce Guls and "e are buddtng a tower. It was such an enJO) a le ex pen ence and ll was reall) mce hanging out wtth people that you normall) would not." Hannah Barnett

ROLLS ROYCE. Royce Marun showed the Junior cia" h" cmmcal Stde during the afternoon of skits.

MAKI ' EM' LAUGH. Sean Young adds to the humor of the afternoon "The skits were the best part of the day!" Kns Coleman

J ll1 l i l)J r 1nJTI.1ng 1 :d ro ll l

•om. Tfll()l rRICIPT IlK< \II llkt ria) at Kartm fht "I tal \\.. •" 01'11. \\l hd a g•tat gr ntp and tho t 4 da) tlJd< tht ""'k \\ort "' lu < " \ltkt

TWo\\ I! D ;::o;o <R \/Y <;uys• "I- 11 dtntwr tnm )rt'" !\lr Spruill and. lr Chmh \\all paut·ntl) for the d nner hdl to rl'tg

-\ SEPERATE PEACE St·ntors Pitts, \ am·"a Roo;e, )enn) lang and !\all all \\alk to g<·thtr tht dtnmg room at ( haullt<') Rant'l \ am·"a com·nt nts, "Spendmg unw "Jth )l'llll) "a tht lughhght of Katrm."

fORE\ ER. "\ltkq \one of t gu)' I ktHl\\' ltmt tan not hdtt'\l' that'"' arl' all final!) graduating " Sarah Clark

IHJ\\ to damt• tht hl'rt• "he lOillt''

lOS :\" h '> 1' on Kano I\ !""" "I lit lung1 1g ut toge•ht 1 "!'I It\< r I• g• t 11" \,u s 1 R '""
tma. Ill llt\lr 1 ]tnl\ La1 g

PRIEST TO PRIEST CHAT. Fr lorenenJO)Sa good conwr 'au on\\ nh our guest pnest hefore mass. Fr. Loren tries' er) hard to make hJS homihes mteresung and relate them to the hn" of teenagers

CONFUSED? At the freshmen retreat, Renee Kushe looks a linle over"· helmed by the exutement Retreats are JUSt one "a) to experience the fanh that" alive on campus'

TRA\iSUBSTA 'TIATIO:--:. The hod) and hlood ofChnst '' simng there on the table waiung for all to receh·e 11 \

H ·\CIIFRS HA \"F GOOD \0\ ICI. TOO' St·ntor J• >n R<·a ge a helpful hug from 'l.tr, \dam' at f.:atrm. jon \a)'· "I" as1 pn·t<'tHimg to hst<·n to 'l.trs \dam\ 'gn·at ad\ltl'' " Mr Adams. Ill'\\ toSl'ton tht,) <·ar. trt<'' her he't to make Stnt rehgton Jnten·,ung hen tf "'' dtdn't fu11sh "Lntl Buddha she dtd a )!ood 1oh

() l

LEA. 0 ' 'v1E Patmk Ll'>a Fikt, and Alll'>on Marttn t'llJO) tom pan) at Katro' IV It\\ a'> deftnrtl'i) a platl' to dear the air and peopll' that pL"rhap') ou don't al "J)' hang out" rth

ch olma'

\II DRE Ef' UP H >I< \1 )tn r )<' t ldJ< 1 1 I ar I lat ra Frol • ho\\ ,fj thetr n•a oLtfth \\let Hr san ol t'la s, ru pit gc •Jt) ll( l thq lor't hJH t " t• tl tr "1m '" L ntform '

'>I Gl G \\ CJJ{[) fht fourht I• m tgu) I Hr J<>ltJ t \lng n ma \, L all). thq .rt rat" tg •It r \Oilt'onO 0 tkt lt)'rt cut tl) I I \I a g o l•tmt do11 g Jl t that

FIJ( HARISLC Ml I TJR lr PIO\\of) t a tht [L
11 an 1l
dtans tl 'vi n '>I

nur o td n lu o y

0 grnup () c lab IYloybe nnf o .'lehool nrgonizofinn, bur m·ery nne nrur. o place tuhere tue find occepfonce and Ar Sernn rhere ore nr c.lubr. and npftnn r. fn r. wf m •e rynne 'r. needr. rhe picrure obnve nrJney Peorr.nn her fairing down rhe nomer. or tuho ore prer.enf of o NHt, meeftng, we ore alloaluo61e orour club. t r tue r.omehnt., decide nor fo r.hol<l up, our pre r.e nce tr. mtr.r.ed.

The clubr. on all work tn order fn .lJP.f r.omefhing accnmpli.o.hed.

The below picfare or Niclr [nzl<leiler di.o,playr. rhe feom eff'orf or yeorboolr, rhor tr. opparenf in other all the other clubr. an tuell.


v 01 UNTU RS OR US j.onwr jamt·s SLoll \olunteer his time on \ugttstto hdp "11h the Swdent ('mnulcar \\ash \\'ith tht· help of people like jamt·s. Studl'nt Counul \\as ablt to make enough monq to pur chast thongs for HomeLOilllll)! \\ l't·k. Come on janll's, "opt· tho"'\\ lltdcms! Wax on. "ax off.

lllt'a 11 tgltl hod} pans S.trah 'on<

'tht good lltl'lbt r oftht ) earl"• >k

Stall, o l•t lld} \e .hcotltrsll,l)

r,, kllll'd .ntl c d,t}s to C<>lllt' If thq don'tlol "Sar.th'slt·ad

SH \G SH\VI:\TSHRITS Senoor \ ndn·"

HenschL·n has l11s "" n unique" a} of fold mg tnt• Student Compan} 's \\\l'al\horts during hee rnterpnse. ben of Student Com pan} "a dass. I! also Lan he dasstfit·d as a duh The expenence of being a real compan} \\as worth all the loldong. nght Ore\\.,

g< \ludtnl) tr ns lloc>n

I tg "' lo(,, rn 11 Mod HI tl that t t< US ts 1 ngtn. n hack to ( ermat } and

(Je b eInn g
CROP PI G J-C)R \ Ll\ 1 t, Her<' .tn a<nahon' o!Stn Jr anhC'arbHJrk
1•d II' )
k t las Ptt Kt}
m don't
o'lg I•
to' r< ppong
t rop t'w pl r- nn'... lll'ad out or othl'r
PII \ I fE \< I< \ 'l ., ltd ll \\ l.lr gdl t r 1 nd ltarr 11 for
guag< du > (.litEs 1\,ll d star ,\l
111 c
\fitll,H • (\\ 1o sa {ern
, l•.ll


Semor Paul Tomasik IS this 1ear\ ne" spa per editor. Here he is <>een with Mf'>. Burke and Senior Gloria Osono. There" as a bit of confusion in the begin ning of the year 111 news paper, but l think the) 've got it all figured out now.

GIVE ME SOME ATT!TUDE junior<> Kell)

Trans, Knstina Ru11, )es sica Pena. 1kki Matias, Kristen Thomas, Meaghan Brown, Alayn eminara, Laura Probst, Beth Graham, Moll} Farwell, Katy Barker, and Usa Bancroft pose for their Prom Committee group shot, Ouch'

)u uor \ Kente Be tran pia} s the q mba!" 1Pep Band and has a good tnne dmng that The q nha s art b} far one of th loudest a I ll1<l't ohtrd\1\ l' II1SlfU1'1t'Ol\

11 the e1 tire Pep Band The Pep Band pia}'> at all sport1rg e\lnt s home games

Gl\L \1E \ EG UP Sophomore !·lisa Ruhaka,a, ju1 or Beck} Pnct>, a.Id fresh men Cass} \'olt·sk} tr} out the true esse me of teann\ ork as the} put oneoftht> barners hack up" hell It I ell dunng Homecommg \\'t>ek. I don't know about an} one ebe. hut Student Cnunu d1d the hest Job thiS) ear H o.ne com ng \\'eek 1

\ !BR.\:"\T n \SH

Music Ministers

The .\1usil Mini'>ll'r'> use their \Oices and Ill'>lrtiments to uplift the Seton u>ngregation dunng all school ma-,ses.

Back Rcl\\ Chris J\.1ugha, Emil} H) de. Kristina 'A' atson, .\dam Stien, Bryan Kirch, Jarod Cull}. Mike Ballinger. Marco \elasquez, Mike Sulli,an, De\\ C)

KII1er. Front Rcl\\. Ken ann E'>persen. Bnanne Griffin. Maddelme Dt ppre. Theresa Krakora, Emily Goble. Sean Greco.

Eucharistic Ministers

The hody and blood of Christ' Amen This group of communion to the congregation at all school masses

Beth 1llchell, Pam Wennmadll'r, Jacque Koehl'>, Rade) Thompson, Sy hoanac Sahon, Sean Greco, Tommy Picmarsy, Vanes-,a Roo1e, Mar} Nestvold, Marco Velasque;, Laura Pflugfelder, Jennie Pitts.

"I personally like being in Christian Leadership class because we get to plan the retreats. That's the main reason I joined Christian Leadership. So far this year, the retreats have gone well." -Senior Amy Arenare.

SING MEA SONG. Semor Bnanne Gnffin and Sophomore Theresa Krakora smg with the Mustc Mmisters in mass for the entire school Wouldn ·t ll be ntce to have a good voice like these two? Oh well, dreammg is free

BLOODOFCHRJST AME!\' Senior Pamela Wennmacheroffers the wme 111 mass to Sr Jean This part of the mass is very important (as all parts of the mass are) and it is grea1 that the students can actively parucipate in the giving of this speual ceremony through bemg a Euchanstlc Mm1ster The only requirements to be a EM IS that the person is in Chrisuan Leadership and is a confirmed Catholic

Christian Leadership

Chr"uan [ t.Idt rsl11p. 'H'\\ tl1 }t .u t< St·tol plans tht.Ill schoolma"t'S.lJHl thl' n trl'.Its, hut tin} also h.IH .1 mort llll[l<Jrt.ll1l fum lion tht) spn·.1d lo\l .uHI !.Iughtt r

T I' Ro\\ D.1' ul (,.Irla 'lU[Il ll.od " \1 l} lt Sa 1or It nr '' Put L.lura piJugltldt•, ( hn Stll\\t Dtn se Brad) \laq es \old Btl 1 \I tthd. Pa•ntla \\tlliiiJladwr, R1dt} Th<Hill""'. \I kt 'iullJ\an lnd Ro\\ fomn} l'lfl\\ HS} ;, ssJta -\ctdo,Stan(;nco. \l.lrco\da q Ill Krl\lllla\\at"lll \.Int".IRooll j.Ikt P "" h01 t Ro" CF Fr

Sentinel Ambassadors

St·J'tiiH'i \mbass.Idor- 11 a Tht \\de ••ne \\ agr 11) I "U>l " togc·thc rat Sc·t n lor the ltrst} t.Ir ,., t r It ad h} \Irs ll.nck, the Sl'lltlllel -\1 ha"adors can't ht fUSt an} hod) Tht·re an ct na1n requm n ent that o It has to h.IH' hdon he«HPII g a 'itntmd -\ nhassadc • Thcst people made the cLt

Back Ro\\ (the gu}'l Pt•tt r Rht·t, Rtck Col "''· \\1 I})< rIll' I, \hchad Kmk Frort R " (the gtrls) Soplua \cord, je,slca U.ldt r\\ od PaJTlt•la \\ ti'nmacbt r. '>tcphan e !Jrt.n, Bnanne Gr•ftm. l'ld Irs Knck modc·rato·

THE GROUP HUDDLE Gt'ttmg a pep tal and a l)!llllll'nt from. lr Knck. tht.enund -\mhas ador stand around out ldc\\aiiinglor ImtruUJon Pc·ter Rhee looks as 1fhe \\ants to )l'l Rick Collms tares at a p1ece ol paper tephanu.• laflin looks l.h he's lreenng Bnanne Gnfhn and Sopl11aAcord look rc·ad} l<:l hsten and help ;\Irs ls.mk

CO\IE 0. BABY. l !GHT \IY FIRE. St·nH>r Chns Sdl\\t'lllht·rg attt·mpts to hghttht• candle at mas This IS one ol till' man} JObs that Chns "pt·rsonall} Ill charge ol domg to gt·tthis mass g01ng [ "onder" hnt· he got the matches'

"The Franciscans have been a huge part of my life for the past four y ar s. Micracles happen everyday to our group and I think it's partly because of th e incredible influence Franciscans have all around the world on others and th e way we reach out to our community" - Senior Jessica Underwood.

1:\TRODUCI:-..G' Kr"una \\'atson introdu<e' the PreSident of hanU\lam. je\\ica Unden' ood. je\\ila <Ot!linue' 10 a"oni'h the communi!) ofSeton Catholic \\'nh the departure of \lr\. \leth<·rt ear. the future ofFranuscam" a\ un<ertatn She kept Francis<ans going through the year\ along wnh auendtng Paris a\ a Franus<an representatl\ e

Tl\II:OUT' Swdent Counulmemher\Mi<hael Knck, Will) jennet. and Duke \ladnd take a hn·ak dunng an annual lunchtime Student Counul nweung Atlea\tthe) look a\ ifthe) 're hanng fun It\ not just drudger}


Francis cans

Franciscan meeungs are held at St. Andre\\ \church. so youmu" imagine the ume and dedtcauon these people have 10 he a part of a group that isn't e'en on campus Pictured above the) are flashing the "T" for Tao cross

Arin johnson. Erica Valen1uela, Beth Graham. jesSica Underwood. Briuan} Swan. joey Pearson. and Beck) Clark

Student Council

Back Ro" GeoffSmnham, jo) Richard, Wtll} jennet, Michael Krick, Ala}n Seminara

Becky Price, Laura Probst, Candtce Kocht;, Marco Velasqut'l 2nd Row Momca

Almendare1, Ms. tx, moderator; Elisa Rubalcava, jessica Underwood , jacque Kochis.

Heather Ferris, Celena Leon Bouom Ro\\ · john Bacon, jesSica O'Brien, Rosa Bernascom

jennie Pins, Duke Madnd


Kairos IV Leaders

Kanml\ thl')l'af\\a,ll.Hl ') thl'nu pol p<op•r \likt Sulll\,11 "·"not on f) a l'Jdl'r, butthl' rt·uor ol tfu, rl'trt·at lr Spwul.111d Sr )< ,\11 \\' rt CO dmuors of Kar 10,1\ )<'antneDtT<g< ""'tht rt·ttrmngoh\lrH• \lr < hnth.tr l\lrs \dam'""• tht• lNl htr r'

.\m) \braham. )<·nnll' P•ll,, \ng< Ia to\. \11kt Sui! I\ an, Heath< r tnn,, Dt•\\ l') Kdfl·r. \larco Vela,qut•t. PatS) Ivester

\R\\ \SH SeniOr GeoffSmuham and Sophomore)<>) Richard real!) \\Jill come and donate ca'h to the Student Cou•lld car "a'h lll'ld m \ugmt

TOP TE THI. 'GS BFTIER TH.\. KAIRO 0 .\night" uh Part) \1art). dtscu"mg the Atomic Theor) 9 h• •> mg m) lace in a pile of hot coal -\ I 2 hoLr R1kk1 La ·e marathaon. 7 Sha>mg )Our leg" llh a pla,llc 'poon 6 kyd1nng \\ llh a me,h paradnllt' S Dance le"o"' \\ ith !\1f\. Heath 4 Being repedita\l') mac ked m the face" llh a 2 4 3 Watchmg

St."nund reenadunent of Gree e 2 'ude apple hobbmg "Hh 1r' Adam and a Buddh1 l named Larq

I You had to be there to find out.

C \U<,HT I THt \< • ' St 1""' )t n " Put' and Dana D1l u<' lou g< arour d at< nu 1 R.lll<h,\\IHn Kat ml\ took piau jumn1 •f n!Hr \\llhllt\\orld m 1 ""'& D.111a IS u>mplqc > a\\ ar< that t'll'rt ,., a'" lll'r,l n IH r

Chamber Orchestra

l'\\ to Seton tht, )ear'' thl Chamhlr Orthl tra. a club 111 ,,h.th 'lu<knt' '' llh lllU\It,lltail'nttan to pia) mu,it ,1nd tomptle ,ll and Stall' Started h) 5l'nior )l'\\ltJ Undl'n\ood, '' ho pla)'the 'wt1. Chamlwr Orthl·,tra '' illlw a dub that 1' hne to lJ) at Sl·ton

Ca\\ll' ca torena. hll1 )0) Ill, )l'<,\ICa Undl'n\ ood. and Soplua \u>rd

Environmental Club

In' Ironmllllal Cluh '' ork... a' a1 o1 ta 1 pu n·n indl r that thl n I\,,'' ho1 \\orld out tlHTl'that \\l' mmt \lri\l'l<> prl\l'f\\ \<,a group. thq u>Illrihutt·t thv fight of pollution JU\l h) thvtr t'\1\lt'nt\'

I· ront Rm\ \I r. Burkl. modl'rator; )\'<,,Ita U ndt n' ood. SllrllJr}. and a\ ann Pr\''I<knt, '>oplua .\.tord. \ L\ Pr\ ident. \lontta \lml'ndar\'Z, PanJPia \\ \·nnmathu Batk Rm\ \!tth.H·I KnLk, Bnan Dent. and )a\OI Baqutl

"The food drive that NHS did (with the help of Christian Leadership) at Thanksgiving wa really special. It gave us a chance to help other outside Seton and feel really good about it."- Junior Joanna Henry.

TEA. !WORK emor Kr"una \.\al\on and juan Valentiano \\ork hard logl'th('r in ordl·r to 111akt tht• fir,l n('\\ <,pap('r deadluw The St'noor' llllle\\ 'pap('r ofkrexp('nt·nte and mnm auon 10 tho\) t'ar\ 'tall

KI 'DA KINKY S('nior' Paul To111asok and Anthon) Ros\ \il in NHS dunng a fine \.\tdn('\da) lunlh 111et'Iing A•Hh<>n) \l'l'lll' 1o ht· Iotall) enthralled 111 "hall'\t'r anda \ann. the \'oll' Prt·\ldl·nl," talkmg about," lull· Paul" d"tratll·d h) Anthon)\ prt'll) l'ar' Paul \\'\'lll<,lo hl' a kong Anthon) tf \\\'\\allis a hill' of Ill', Iooll\l' roll, mher\\ "" ht' ,., prdormong \OI11l kond of \I range mating mual. I per\Cmall) think ht'\ JU\IIllt.'\\lllg around for tlw ta111era

National Honor Society iJpRo" )lnK><\tlllr f 1 )c lm\\1 '' < Knck Ro)le\lartn lnrl Ro\\ Drt•\\ Hu sc'ltn jason llaqull, Pat S)hl\ttf, \1 the. ) R '"· fodd HmsoP, h'll) (,ohlt, ( h.HI h>Ster 3rd R"" )11 larq m f.H )a Rulgt·r, \m t tit \ltanurano, Kalil' Kt r a 111 I sper til !:nul) II) dt. Pt·tt r Rhn In !!.Itt) ·lth Rei\\ Irs \an\\ t'rt moclt rator, Jo.mna l!tiH). < .tlht I a tgtlll r, latt t nk Tu RKh.url 1 R \\ llkt

Klcnlt ns,lle h tira tam Soplna \u>r<l, I nla \ alu llcrla, ara , )ot) Ptarson bth Rm\ Li..aBa, uolt, \m) \rtnarc. <' rt) L.u g. !l.n tn a\\ lt"m· Rn a !krPaslort, Pam\\ ennmac'ler and a\ dill )t''"la UPdt r\\ ood \pn BL rkt Bottm•t A !(t'la and Stept a He \1an,n

Newspaper Staff

C'aiiJc I angtll!t r. l 11 I ako \lr Be ·It 1< r t r. and jon larqtm

ot Piuurecl· l arq !·ore.} the. P.wl Tomasik, juan \altnuano, C,lona Osono, jac,on BaqutL, f..nsllna \\atson. \!arLo \tlasqut'/, lonJtoi \lmtndaru, Uncltn\oocl. \lma Chee, \latt PuHlkton. and Brook< \\ 1lkiP

YU I. YU\1, B.\KED POT\ TOE )Ulnar Beth Graham and \ alentt.ela pltk at tht·lr HUGE pc >Ia tot· as tl•e) 'It and -agud) '1 tt•n tothecontenhol HS nt·t·tmg I \\Ondt·rlf thq 'rt· from Idaho'

10\1: YOURf \RTH Semor anda \ann, dent of till' I m1ron nwntal C:u'>. platt· a heauutul) d(·torated paper reqt:mg ho II' lr \an\\ t•rt', room The'" how '" rt made man elton to JWr uadt• pt'oplt• to rt·qt.e tht·tr u ed papt·r, rather than ht•mg

\\J,telul and thrcmmg tht·m a\\ a) anda sa) \lot of us gol together after school and deuded to make hoxe for req dmg

\\a) t<>rt'l)tk, anda'

"I am truly enjoying b we ar doing gi u ing the moderator of Prom Committee. The work a chanc t bond, laugh, and rnake a p ctacular about."- Mr . Van Wert.

SE Dl. "GOUT THE :>.!ES fkatlwrl rhart •nake,th "gnof the cro amongst kilo" ·\ D.D. lllt mhers Hlllar) Ynharn·n.Kat) Dorr. L.thhntt" and. fr,. Sdf as thl') lmng tht'lr sku 10 an end Their part of the Home conung pt p rail) "as a total del\\ l't r. tht•trmes agt\\astoremndnn)Ollll'ottodnnktndrl\t \\'hat a wugh au 10 folio"!

"ICE TRY In an auempt to takt' S A.D D \group pttlun:. "e had ome d.fficulues' Jacque 1\odu' "as bemg sill and fell \\ luch made n eq one laugh Jacqm·, \\h) don't stop t'lllt'rtammg } our fdlcl\\ S. -\.D.O. memhu and p<l t'

Students Against Drunk Driving

S. -\.D.D lnes tc ·ducat < tht·rs ah< tlht da gt·r ,f dr nkmg while drl\ in g. or the dangt•rs of dnnkmg h) Itsdl

Back Row· Kart·n Self. mockrator; Ht·Hh Hauher,Katlt' Mnchdl, )Ill Da\ls, Sara Haulwr, ara Briggs. )O) Richard, Laura Pnugkldt·r. Kat) Dorr )enmkr Llhherte'. Htllar) Ynharren. tephanu: Wolf 2nd Ro" Emil) Goble. Trau 1\rakora. Jacque 1\odm. From Rel\\: Courtney Smitham. Rosa Bernascom. !'.!tchelle Hall. Celena Leon. Amelia Kwong

All dreswd up and no\\ here to go e ·cept prom This group" orb n•q hard to nuke prom a stllce" Good luck gu) s!

Ba(k Rem Meaghan Brcl\\ n, Beth Graham. Todd Husson. 1kk1 Manas. Mrs. Van Wt 1 modt·rator. 2nd Ro\\ Lisa Bancroft. !>Ia rio Bernaswm.Kat) Barkn. Mtkt·Klemens, Moll Far" ell. Ala) n Semmara, Llura Probst, Mtchael Poul en, Jesstca Pena, Kristina Ruiz Front Ro\\ Kell} Tra\ls, Michael Kntk, and Knsten Thomas.

& ommattee
Prom Committee

PO DERI 'G OVI·R Beck} Pr era "s her ha.1d amvng't he• fdlo\\ Pron• Cn mn tte• m 'llhn a' tht:), " t'l lr \'an \\ ert, deCJd \\hich colors"'' bnng Pr :11 al H Prom 1 con 1dnahl} later thls} car than m} ar' pa t \\ c r. pe Prom Comnuttc·c· kmm "hat the} rc domg

TELl '8-.1 \\ IIO'S BOSS Prewiem Scmnr je'"'a Undc·m ood goes mc·r tlu agc·nda of the foreign! Club meeung as her\ P Klt·mc·n "ate ho" It d<'nt Could P""'hl} hr m a fe" more c.uh'' \\'I ere doc' she fmd the wnc''

ore1sn ansuase

Foreign Language

Latin, Spamsh. French. GERMA " The Foreign Languagc· duh explores ddlerent cultures and their languages It" a nund hroademng c·xpc·nc·nce

Back Ro\\ Heath, Kat} Dorr, t-.hd1ac I Wol1, )c·nmflor Lahbcrtc•'. Kc·nann I' pc·rsen, 'anda Vann. joq Pearson. Front Ro\\ lleathc·r Carnahan, Calhr l angdhcr, Cc·lc na lc·on. Ameha Kwong. Underwoorl, like Klemens

Semor -\mire\\ docs hiS\\ orbhec·ts for For eign Language Cluh. Ore" sa}'· "!like· domg hc·cau'e thq hdp me to leammoreahoutotherlanguagc "The·} look,er} tmk}

BOO! jnn Koc tner a>S"t' "tin ladle," of Prom Committee as thq ea<h do their part lll the aswmhl} hm· puttmg togc·therBooBags It look hkc as\\ cat shop 111 there

"When you take pictures of people you are actually sharing in their joy, sorrow and life experiences. Capturing the moment on film is a way to reflec t on th e meanin g ful events of our lives." -Senior Monica Almendar ez .

FEELI:\G THEATRIC -\1 Sophomore Emil) Hyde pracuce> her difll:remtheatrefacesf{HtheDramaCiuh Emil) >J)s, "!real!) enJO) \\ atchmg mhe" perform,><> I deuded 10 tr) 11 out fi>r my>elf Drama Cluhi>my\\a) wdoJmlthat." Mr DavidBarker()l' >,Kaue\dad) \Oiumeer> hh lime 10 he the modera!Or of the Drama Club

IF YOU TAKE A PICTURE OF ME I'LL TAKEONFOF YOU Senior\ \toniCa Almendaret and jenny Lang take simultaneom piuure> of each mher durmg the Ka1rm retreat \lomca and )enn) are CO Editor> ofthl\ heauuful) ear hook) ou are no\\ read mg. \\'hen) ou get a chance he >ure to tell them hem much you appreuate llleir hard \\Ofk

PICTURE PERFECT. Phowgraphy Ediwr, Senior Andre" Henshen >earche> for the "perfect picture" for the Photography Club. Something tells me that he\ not gomg to find 11 in this pile Andrew\ experme ha> proved to be Invaluable in Photograph) Club

Photography Club

Top Row: Lind>ay Cantama. Oua\IO Na,·arro. Dana Dillard. Sarah Clark, jon Rea, Allison Martin, ]aala Collim, jackte Mtrnone, joanna Henr}. 2nd Row : -\m}

Ktl)awski, Kristen Coleman, Callie Langelher, Ann Burke, ick Enzweiler 3rd Rm\

Mr>. Beth Pattock, Meaghan Brown, Laura Hoc!, Molly Farwell, Christie Eqtul , Susie Benson, Liz Falco, Andrew Henschen, Michelle johnson. Bottom Row· Laura Probst, Nikki Macias , RyAnn Rodnguez, jenny Lang. Monica Almendare1 and Andre" Lebowitz.


Drama Club

Bv1ng a p.ut of Drama Club nH a I\ f1r\l of all, not h<Illg afraid to au lo\t 1mportantl), hcl\\ l'\l r. ll nH .In' h,l\ 1ng th< tonhdtllll' to ht an mdl\ 1dual

Top Rcl\\ C'hrh Fmt r). \lhnt Ch1ng, Kate K1rh). Patnd Syhe\tl'f, Kau Dohert), Done lie MilkL·vitiU\, Hvathl'r Carnahan, Mr. Da' 1d Barker, mod era wr. Bottom Rcl\\: }l'nike \'akrm, II\a hkt•, 'ioph1a Atord, Ralht·l Wilham.,on, Meaghan Brcl\\ n

Pep Band

The Pep Band tim) <>ar ha' ad ltd tn llll 'Hl< I\l) to till 'Pirit at thl \Jri0\1\ 'Jl<>rtmg t' t•nt '· Joltn Sulll\ an. a \tudt·nt ,ll gl\ e up hI'> t.mt· to lOme had to Seton and runtht Pt·p Band, a dub'' lmh founded" he niH "a' a 'tudent at Seton

John Sulli,an, modnator, da'>sof '96, Hl'iltr, Philip Rt')l''>, R)an O'Mara. \'iCl'llle Beltran, :\:Ilk f:n/\H ilcr

BLOW YOUR 0\\, HOR · Semor juan \'alenuano help' to prcmde 'Pirll and St·Ion pnde b} pia} mg h1s trumpet for thl' Pep Band attht· St·ton sport's honll' gamt·'· ju.1n anrl h1s fellcm Pep Banrl mt·mbt·rs help makt·tht• pml and enthu,la'm \\ 1ld at the dillereni 'porung e\l'nts

DR:\\1:\TJ( Fl \RE junwr Soplm :\wrd and Rachel \\'llham,on are pratlltlllg unprm 1sat11>n lor drama Thq ha- been 111 drama and Ilw annual school pia} slnt<·thq "t·rt·lre,hnwn Soph1a sa} s, "I rea II} ha\ t•lun Ill Drama Club and I ha\ t' Ions of fun domg n." Soplua and Rae htllook lor\\ ard to this} t•ar' pia}

Academic Decathlon

U '111g t hur q tile k \\ It and tnt tilt gtnu \tadt Ill It Dtt.lt h lmH hal knge' otlwr 'Lh '"''tot It til'<' mattht·' of "Bra111 o\l r Bra\\ n

BaLk Rm' \ngda hn :-..tikt \Ia} < r' \l1ddk Rll\\ Dllmllt \liLkt'' ILIU,, \!tt hat·I \\hnt. \ltthatll\ntk. Pat '>)hl'ter hllnt Ro\\ Bnan herlq. -\nwlia 1\\\ong. Matt Pt•tt<lltton, \lr'. Bt·th Trotti. <

"The Student Company was a great clas . It was an application of a real life experence. We ran our own business and put all of our talents to work."- Matt Clark.

ARE WE DONE YET' Matt Clark and Tun R1chard add thl' hrmhmg touche> to a Studem Com pan} poster "her} Olll' put a lot of effort

IIllO the Studem Com pan}. It turned out to be a real success Matt Clark

SHAG STUFF "Thl' Studem Com pan} \\as a grl'atll'arnmg expertl'nce. Thmgs d1d not ah\a}s go as expected but the end result \\as ternfic I am prntleged to ha'e been apart of 11." Sullivan

FEARLESS LEADER "Once agatn the Student Compan} has proven to be a great leanung experience for stud} A real hands on en' 1roment helps cHr}onc unohcd undcr.,tand ho\\ a busmc" \\orks Dennis Clinch

k as
Jr the. Pany Student Company I I I II " rid 1Jll< t t \\ t .ltsh rt' mo\1 f IS \\ .u Top Ro'' Ra,J \ Rn ttl c\\ '· Jarod ( Utt\, f ranu' 7 '' ko II J y, \Ia no\ da q It 1, I oil \lll\on \!an n, \ml on) R \I• ldit Ro\\ lltlh \lnd ell. Sean (,rcco, )a kll 1\nth!S R "''!\'rna sum )ackit \lm me, Kat Dozu rt} Ju,\ \,tit JH.IJilO, }1m (rt.'llldt Bnt11Hll Rc '" Kr•{\(t n \IJt'n, J l\c Ill L "'" t II, \1Jtl \fd} , \,111.1 <'htT \l,lll l .ark. t,,.,ff Smnhant I aura Slq>hanlt \\ ,Jf Stl'ph.tnlt \Ia run
Ia oomor{.lllapJr\ T1 u I \\o

Chanteuses Animes

Top Row : Emil] Goble. Lynn Standridge, Erica Yalentuela. Sarah Clark., Wangler. Dana Dillard. Brook.e Wilk.in\ Middle Row: Castorena. Alayna Seminara, Lacey Wensing, Sarah Corral. Krakora, Emi ly Hyde. Bottom Row: SophiaAcord.StephanieOlah. Sara Kei lt y, Anne Kl emens.

Courtney Smnham, Am) Abraham. Teisha Lamb. Miranda Jilek. Rachel Williamson. \ladehng Dtppre 2nd Row Ann Burke, Canhne Rocco. Bridget Gtbne)·. Beck) Pnce. \loll) Farwell,

Chamber Choir

Top Row: Matt Ma}O, 'tck Gar7a, GeoffSmnham. T.J Chacon, Juan Valenciano, BR Koehnemann. Mike Ballmger. Middle R(m: Greta Shagena, Keriann Espersen. Laura McAllister, Amy Arenare, Jocelyn Ohl.

Bottom R(m: Hannah Barnett, Lynn Erin Jo} nt, Stephanie Wolf, Eluabeth Acedo


the chOir' w orl..cd 'ery hard together. At time<, the) were 'tunning and it \\a' enjoyable when they \\ere all together. It wa' aho exciting to be accompanied b) the Chamber Oche,tra for the fir<,t time. Ever) one ha' rai,cu their le,el of performance thi' year to a ne" height."-Mr. eufelu.


Mr. eufelu ha' leu our eton Choir.. tn man) great performance,. "Mr. cufeld i' a great choir director. He 'hm'e' equal rcpect for e\eryone and belie' e' that C\ Cr) one can <,ucceeu.

Top Row Matt Myskow ski. Kenn Foote. Michael \iela\qutt, Vmcent Plaudo, \1tchad \Iiller. Paul Kelly 4th Ro" Philltp Reyes, Marco Velasquez, Karl Gehnng. \lark Dranchak. 3rd Row Katie Burke Bottom Row Kate Kirb). April hagena, Fnn Dumas. Elizabeth Mtrrione. \m) Stol7e, Megan Duran, Beck) Clark

Jo y 0 S e an Yarf:fs lif e. D o y 0 u promise g e t fo c ram fourt ee n hour s th e day be for e finals? 01(. so non e u s r e ally LOO£ Academic s, bur s in ce if is the r e a s on w e go to w e thought, a s s illy a s if may b e, we s hould indude if in this yearbook

('{or all of th e c./ass e s here are drudgery trlr Clinch 's free Ente rprise is a cake walk a s lo ng a s you'r e not analretentive trlr Nocu e 's Humanities c./ass is challenging , bur where els e c ould you learn about the groin vaulting s y s tem or cuiras s e s? And of cour se trl r s.

Parroc.k 's yearbook c./a ss is a 6/asr becau s e we get t o pur this tog e ther for you Ch e ck our the int e n s ity in trlaK R.unke 's face a s h e srudy s for trlr s Adam s ' Senior Religion. He 's got th e right idea(

TEST DAY. Sophomores Annette Altamirano and jason Warren look a little stressed Ill Humantlles. I've heard that Mr. Nowe moves rea II) faq mthatclass. You better stay awake or you could miss out on a whole chapter of notes

A c. ad e mi c. s
ics IT'S \ \\ DI-RHJl D \) 1'-' Her.- Sl'ntors Beth \Itt< hl'Il and il.rl\tc n uam together aftt·r :"-.tr C!Jndt n h '' ndtctt 'otct'. tluttht·) are ha' mg a qu11111 het• huerpnse Bt•th and Krl\tt·n .ut·lm k) en<Jugh to ht 111 Studt·Jll Com pan)\ If. o thts st l) tn the) are domg "a rant)
I ·THE LIBRARY Sophomores Ameha Kwong and Celena Leon SHill a peaceful corner of the ltbrary at plug a" a) at last mght's homework Good luck, ladtes' You'll need ll"

en10rs Andre" Lebo\\ ill, Karl Gehring and jaala Collins pia) a fnendl) ho\\ ling gamt· "llh)unwr \dam Ken' Ill andMf\ Van Wert. It lcxJks like thq had a great ttmt·. I don't thmk tht') kanwd much. though

S'flill;UOUS GROUPSfS SIO Sophomorn tephame Yakan" and ,\lexis \'ante stt m their Ph)sits small group as the) attempt to hgure out" hat Mr Spm11l \\ants Ill thts lab report

II \IRSfORYI HISTORY homor< Dt·a tclral tx'slmt!Jf) classanJlooksalJttlt,mest.Jck

De.tndra thmgs" llgtt >ettt·r ),t \\tth lr Clttctt'sAPIIIStor) cia s

III-I 'S \)OK! St·n1of\ \!an" \'cl.tsq,ll'/ and Gulf! Sm1tham ,tl\\a) s 'l't·m tn "''' t!J tht ht·ttt·r sHit of t'll'1gs \s tht') sltn da"tll) Jt>kt \\llht·athothuand '">a leal!) h.l\<'agood l1'1H' J'd\\atdt !JUt 11 J \\a\1 un, t'loug 1

Your tt ac 11er ma) not appreuatt• )OUr st'll'<' ol 11umor

J' I \ \\'EB TER'S emor Ore\\ Hen tht•n ah\a) 1denttfies h1mselfin some\\ a) or another, I thmk that thiS diSpla) "Ore"\ tampaign agamst tll11eraq He's tr) mg to shcl\\ that) es, "'en) ou t:an lt·arn h<l\\ to read It ma) takt·) ou a" htle. a 1t did Ore\\, hut that dot· n 't make) ou an) "or ethan the rest of the" orld

'! ., -. --"

lr an gP<J'ra le} \\

\\hat ja r ,1hout

th P"" coP' of Karl Mar Da' Kap.tal I gLe tht " r d "111 nn er kno\\ 1\\\\ \)STOC\RRYOLO cr 1or Ro a Berna tom hm' u that, }"' }ot tan look f,l,luonahlc \\ 111 l tarr} mg } our hatkpack m\ the q•It 'uor 1' >U d that\\ hilt pia} mg h,l,keth,lll


D.\ZED .\ ·p CO. 'FUSED Hq look" ho' ne\\. it\ Callie Langelhcr and L11 Fako' Don't \\Orr} g1rb. tht·tampm 1' not a' h1g a' nloob You \\Ill hnd }OUr "a) around 111. ·o time'

CIIE !ISTRY Oh ho}. )ll\t anotht·r normal da} of ( hemi,tr} for Stnlor \latt \1a} o. Can·ful"'latt. )tm'rc \tartmg to look \l'r). \l'r} drcm'} You heucr not lt·t I" \'an \\'crt tatth }OU a,]ccp in llt'r tla"'

T\\'0 Wfl D A ·p CRAZY (,UYS 1 St·mof\ Anthon) Ro" and Tomm) PHm a"} look n·all} happ) t bt· togt·thcr a' St·nio" .\ftt•r three }t'a" of !ugh 'lhool. 1 tlunk it ma} be \aid that thq arc looking for\\ard to graduation'

ex tempon
YOU ( OIT \ HFAR TI-ll lOr' j,l,, Baq.Jit'
l.lrk PlOp It attt mpl to lOll n u tla t' a oil
ho kncm

SWI!'-:G IT, SISTER' :-.:anda, sh) and no s-ay. she's wild and ranng to go. Ready to part) at a Sl:lQn dante'?!

SENIOR SE!'-:IORITY. Semors proV(' thetr seniorny over the Sophomores by clanmng the sptnt troph) and keepmg the spmt ahve for 2 years 111 a row

I, 2 SE 'IORS RULE' There's no "I" tn Senwrs, whtch descnbes the Senio r class over the last 4 years. Thanks to their fine education, they tan take on the world.

FRIENDS Senwrs Beth Mmhell. Glona Osono, and Knsten Allen show thetr fnendslllp at Seton. Beth says, "It ts great to finally be Semors and get to graduate wnh the people I've been fnend\ wnh for so long."

SAY CHEESY" Semors dress wacky for Semor slave day and the 50s, 60s, and 70s da) Semo rs show off thetr keen fashiOn sense to the rest of the school

o to
Taken By: Michelle Johnson

Jc;,:,j \'1 ,\

Kr i l)k n \!len

1m 'ndarc z

\r _ r1c1r , / QdjJ Audi



Qo; maria bcrnaKoni

Deni;l)e brady

Ann l)urkc

Qobbic byrne

<'ix:. 1 ( 'h,Hnl rl1in

\lrn 1 C he ,

\1clll h X ( I H k

l'xH 'i h ( 'IJrk

J 1b ( 'c llirJI)

< H'lh Corn!

[) Hid Dillar\_i

K·1lhcr !nc \'

Ari me <._.;

t:liz 1bcl h ralc ')

II nl h

Lisa fik

K vin roolc

t\n0,du fox \._

David Garza


Jonalhan Cenlile

Col fin

&an Greco

brianne Griffin

Andrew Henschen

Duane Kilzer Kirch


l)rian Kochncmann

Jcnnifc1 Lan8

Callie r ...__

Andrew Lebowilz

hretl Lewis



6lephanie .Ylarlin

Qexalynn ;\lart.inez

Mallhew ?v1ayo

Laura \.lci\llic\)ler

\L1lhc x 1 I h r

J 1 ·1\'r \lir ri<..1 n /

1>:> 'll. \lit ·he. II

J<.. hn %)l vdd

\lnrv void / Aileen ()pulcncin

( ,Ioria rio

'lh __ Oi 1\X'arw / k

Jcnnif ·r Pill.\)

L 1ur 1 1c. r '-

J l\..\)L p ":/;

J 1n it lmn Q ' 1

\rm h?c ' '-

Tirnolll\' Qid11r '--j /

h?c -lr

,\nlh IW

\lax Qur kc

6\ b arm · ri ./

z / '\ • 'Xi QLJOZ(
C c' -h\X'

C1 lcHSh,i , na '--'

Jon l

lld 'll h

Ceollrcv 6milham /


Pat rick 6vlvc'"'Lc r /

Qadcy Thompron

Paul Tomasik

J Underwood

Juan Valenciano

icholas Van 5cr8en

anda \ann

I SPACE. Semor Brett is sitting at a the lunch table
ofT m
his own lntle world. Are you thmking about Seton girls, Brett?
\larco \X'an0lcr Kri,.,tirn \X'nt n VJ.:( nnnm ·h( r 6Lc f- hanic \Xol! Wc,lz !)ret t /. wk OH. 0 HOT, 0 THEYTHI:-.=K•• emor Hke Balhnger, Chm Ktrch, -\ndre\\ Lebo" nz. )a rod
Duane Ktlzer,
SMILE! Marco Velasque1 bemg sold at the Semor Aucuon Mrs Abraham bought htm, made htm dress like a lunch lad} and help at lunch
and B.R
stuff dunng the Homecomtng pep rail} It "as ob' wml} rea II} hot m the g} m that da}' "It got u read} for the btg game,"sa}S Chn Ktrch. OK? I beheve you You how offi'

...,,,ph1.1 , \u,rd

I B,lntrlltl

1-..,lthryn Bradll'\

Ilannah B,unl'll

\1l'l,lllil' B,1sh,1

I<"<'Ph B.Hil'r

\ lll'nll' B,•Itran

<.. hris Bl•nnl'tl \1ano Bl•rnas(<llll


\1L•aghan Brown

1-..nsll'n Campbell

Shaun Cartv

Anthony Charon

Kristen Coleman

'\1i(hal'l <..onsah 1 R\·an Dow

Shawn Dow

\1arl Dranrhak

Benjamin Dubasik

Fnn Dumas

\1egan Duran Juniors:

Party like it's 1999!

What was your most embarrassing moment?

"While going to the bathroom at Skateland, I ''as pulling up 111} pants, lost lll} balance and fell. In the process the door flew open for all to see!"- 'ikki Maci

l f I I Juan I \1,111 I· nwn it I ll/\\ t•tler ( I· mil\ I .1lkm•r \loll\ lar" ell l aut'rt'IIC<' I , lh< l h,1d f

"I was dn\ ing 111} brother\ remote control car outside of 111} house and a car full of eton girls drO\e b)!"- R)an Littrell.

\l.111a ( Beth C.r.1ham \1Itlwlle I !,1!! \1l1lh<•

hie I !all\ I ft>idi I Iauber joa1111,1 I IL'11rv I aura I h>l'l

KaliL' I h>lla11d

Todd hi11 )o\111 .\d,lm l-..erwi11 J...athke11 1-..Irb\ \hch,wl

"I just got out of the shower and a friend was in my room. Before I noticed her sitting on my bed I had flung off 111} to\\'el. We,,·ere both monified!"-Kat Barker.

j,l 111l''- 1\.Pl''-t Ill' I" :\11, h.1li 1\.nd, ri,•.,h,, I .1mb

I il<'<'n I ''"''''"" R\,111 ltttn·ll

'-tcok \1.Jrt.l'hik \1.\gtll' R<>YC<' \l.utm \h,h,wl \1.1th<>n \It< h,ll'l \I.Jn'r"

,,•.,.,,. \kD<>n.Jid

J·dw,1rd \kDonough

Andrew \1d !ugh And rl'\\' \h>i-,t<•r Laur<'n \1tckl<•

l\llicha<•l Mdk-r

Molly Mullm

l'illll >\ie-,tvold R\an 0'\ilara lon•h n Ohl

'itephanie Olah \Jel'lv Omuhundro

joanna Je.,.,tca Pl'1'1a \ilatthe\\ Pendleton

If you had to be the clothes of a famous person, whose would you be and why? mtcs

"Matthev, McConaugher be cause I'd jump at the chance to be all over that!"- Laura Probst.

"Mr clothes because then I'd be stylish!"- Adam Kerwin.

Leonardo DiCapprio's because he's rich and famous and that n1eans I'd be expensi e! "Michelle Hall.


Rl'Dl't"l,l l'nu• Lut r.1

)l·nntfl>r R,11i

"Bart Impson be( a use I can ,,·ear the e\eryda}."- paul nestvold

Phillip l'l'll'r Rhl'l'

Angl'I.J Rut/ \1atthl'\\ '-.,Ji.ltt,l

Sl'an S.1pp '-.abnn.1 'iL '-.n>tt

Ra mh Sl',l rll• Ala\ n 'it•mtn,H<l

,\ pn I Shagl·na

janma Sht•L•dv

Darrl'n Spl't/ Anthon\ Donald ThibaudL'.lll

"-l'lh Tra\ 1:- nca \'a ll'n/ut•la \1ichal'l LKl'V

".1tt had \\'ht!L> Brook.l• ol'l \\


Sean 'I oung

" 1ark McGrath from ugar Ra} bee au e he's hot, has great hair, and 1 dig lns tattoos!"- Hannah Barnett.

clothes of Anuono Sabato Jr., need I sa} more'?- Moll} farwell.
jo • I'm tor
Cruise's hm' me the bod!"- Laura Hoe!


ll.o H )tn r 111

ot tr e 1 IE Hat 1

ttfl toht na \ tllJO\ ltlr H\ IHtt ng fhl) 1 11 I h t n to tht·Ir \ l..l Prt ,ldt II

.tnda \ .11 n talk l•out

Olll.l npu '' nkl ot \1.1\ bt } 11 d't ( lJ<J t): I , .1pp, Bl \UTIIUl t ,{!'> Btth l, ,!1 a n t.!kt 1 '-Jlllkhrta lllttfhll\ t.hech t to 11 lkt \llrt htr hatr ''t)lul t >

ok '' ht 'l fh r 1 r1t'f I kn ltn T u n. g• ore' I I IH r tf to .. ,, 'dlltt 1Hr"' ptr ktl ll't H I

0 0, OT THI C \ II R \' ' Ran<l) Star a "a'e h" I a t<l I .1r lll.! I) tn .1n atempt to d "u.!dt tht catHerJ man from takt tg a ptctue, orr) Rand)

If you were stranded on a island who would you take and what would you bring?

S\Y \HH' Jo's lu'lch lim< aPd our

"Val Kilmer and matches, a mir ror, and a knife." Angela Rogers.

"An old friend that I\e knov.:n for years, no names, and all of my pictures from the past to remind me of once I once had " Jessi Gersten korn.

"All of111} friends and a CD pia yer to ha'e a hig part} \Vith all ofm} friends'" Sabrina Schutheis.

't.tdtnt fron Gt rm.Ut), Slulthe c t'<:"' ht·r no lith "ulo: tor ot e ol tltt mort famous lu tches at St ton Yttl'll'), "e o1l 'm' thmt ' \\'ORk , T' Our hudd), juntor tare Dral'llll'k " hu ) ,Jto\\ ng oil h '' r.!l) t.l t lts Is tl11s tit latt•st dane< <•aLe or anothtr \tr,,c u of tht !\.1.Htr.lna' S\\ \UO\\ Bl FORI YO J l \UC,H" Dtdn't )our mothe t<ach )Chi to ktep )OUr 11outh do\ld \\hu• )OU are <.!ling lacq \\ en"ng oh\ol tl) fmc< lunch' ntutam 111<111 more atPn•usong that• ht r fnt 1ds 1

SHOOT! GTHEBREEZF. frnesto Elia.s '"'lkstodil51>caJT) inghh book.s "ith hin1. The upperda...smen stroll to dass; the Freshmen run!

RFLAXATIO Taking timeout of her bmy schedule, Junior Erita ValenLuela relaxes with friends Sophia Acord a.nd Brooke Wilkins duringherlunch break.

GREATPOSE,BUD! Junior Andrew Meister shows offto the ca.mera b} making out with his food.

HURRYUPTHERE,NIK! Time10 get to class! Junior Nikki Macias quickly tries to finish her wid icicle before her next hour dass.

SITTIN'PREITY. Molly Mullin looks prett} happy writing those notes. Wectidn'tknowMrs. Va.n Wert wa... thatfunn}!

EVERYDOGGETSITSDAY. Toda} is this dog's lucky day, he gets to pose" ith beautiful cheerleader a.nd Student Council member,Junior Beck} Price.

WOW! I'VEREALLYGOTHANDS! Andrew McHugh examines his hands as if they're the most interesting thing in the world. But compared to class, I guess the} a.re.

GOOD MORNING, SUNSHI E! Wakeupsleepyhead! Chad Foster looks on tiredly a.ndstruggles toSta} a wake as he listens a.nd takes notes.

THIRSTY MUCH? Ja.n1esScottrolls his eres in exasperation as attempts to drink hi pop before break ends. That's a nice look for Scott.

SMILE FOR THE CAMERA! Laura Probstma.nagestogiveaquicksmile to the ca.mera before she goes ba k to work on her exhausting chool work. I bet it's APHis tOr}!

QUICK SHOT! Between the hustle a.nd bustleofschoollife Kris Colen1a.n ma.nages to pull offa smile.


Thom,1, Abrah.1m

I It 1bl'lh \n•d,, II lwl,h \d,llll\1 \nnl'lt< Alt.unir.mo

;,,, h.1n AnJ...<'l1\

l,l,<HI ,\r,unbula ( hn,tm,l B.1nrrott

f,,,ob B,urit•nlt''

su,an lkn'l>n

Brandon Bt'll/lllg

R<>bt•rt Bonura ( harft., Bnlt'mng !-.. \ It• Bud

IL•atht•r (a rna han

Curti' (artit•r

I Catania

Mldlt'llt• Clinch

Richard (oil in'

\lon'o ( ornt'j<> 1-..l'ndal Cntchhdd

Jill D,wj.., Chri,tophl'r Dt'gl'l'r

Robt•rt Di nl'ro

Madt•ltm• D1pprl' Kt•l'<') Dobratz

Sophomores: On Common Ground


What is your most ideal Saturday night?

"Ciullin · '' ith 111} hmmes and 111) homegirls"- Derek mith.

"G. '.0.! Othen,he kn0\\!1 as Girls 1 ight Out!! You can do an}thingandjustbqour elf!"Susan B nson.

R\ .111 Dumplt r l Don., fo...1t\ I>nrr

D1 '' Dug.m

R' .111 Du1t.H\, '

Thum,1., Dur.111

"tq1lwn I 1rh

11!'.1tlu r I rh.ut

[)p,mdr.1 In 111 Kt•n,1nn I "P<'f"l'll

Rnbt•rt I thil'r

\ nd rt'\\ I ,1(/ ,1 r.mn

il hula" ( "lrZ,l

I aurt'I ( ,,•.,.,,, r Hndgl't (

\111-.t• C.ddt•n.,tll·n lmllv (,llbk

I· nt llt'lll/l'

Alm,1 llt•rn,1!1dt•/ 1 11/.Jbl'th llt>bb

lt>llt•t•n llt1 bba rd

l mih IIHh· \\ dh,m1 knnl'tt \hr,1nda )dt•l.. \licht•llt• l<>hn.,on

"Partpng at Ill} grandparent home is the be t."- Ben Kennn.


'-,.Jr,l "l'tlh l'.ntl K,•ll'

Bn,m K,•r),., lknJ.ll1llll 1-,,•n, 111 \ngl'l.l 1-.tl/l'r

Bn,m 1-.tr<h 1-.ll'lll


(and in• 1-.r,lkura

\m\ I ar,l "-" Aml•li,l 1-. \\"llll).\ f<'nmll'r I altlxrte

Dtlltan I angl•llicr

Cl•ll>na leon

Jonathan Logan

R\an Lugo



\1artml'/ \1ikl'l \1cC.inle\

Enn \k '\ctll

\1l'ghan \klcher

Donl'llc \1tet<l'\

What is your favorite school activity? 0 Photo Available

"lime the football games! Our school has so mud1 spmt, I IO\ e it! Plus, our football team ts so a'' esome!! "- C} nthta Sharp. No Photo A\-ailable

"Football, \\egettopla} \\Jthunit}. It'sreall} fum." Eric HemL

"Homecomming week is \Lr} exuting, but out of it all, th game is the best" Jon Marqm

"Sports because you get to meet people like Jill Da' is, and it's just a lot of fun! Jmt do it!"-

Candice Kochis .

"It \\ould ha'e to be cheerleading I get the chanc 'to participate in pep rallies and the football games" Silett Morale

\nn \Idler

1)1/,lbl'lh \hrrllllll'

Br,llldon \1J..,tkr

latherinl' \htdwll

Sdl'tt \1or ,lfl>.., Chn..,tm ,l \1orl' llll

All• ia \lorn.....,,\ Ju tin \!ullin.., Bnan \1urpln

\latt \h ..,J..o\\'..,J..J

Je..,..,ll,l () ' Bnl'll

Andrl' \' I'.Hkl•r

juha l'atter un

\lu:hal'l l'intor

\ inn•nt l'laudo

ou tlll I'olktt

Zachan Pollett

Anthom Quihui.., Je..,sica Rafterv

Tanya Redgl'r

Ra fal'la Rl'lllhlll

'\athaml•l Ru:e

}o\ Richard l'l'tl'r Rua

Elisa Rubalacava

are cool, especial!}

"hen mush and crO\\ d "-

Robert Dinero

"I LO E the pep assembltcs! Thq 're a lot of fun, and the whole school come· together as one ophomores hould haYe ''on the pirit stick 11 "- Lind a}



1\•t,•r '-,,wl'r

(. \'lllhl,l '-,h.Jrp \11, h,wl '-,h,l\\ Dl'n•l-. '-,nuth

Inn '-,t,mdndg,•

I \ nn '-,t,Jndndg,• \n1\ '-,tul/l'

I ),lllll'l '-,ulli\ an ""l',)ll "'\\ l'l1 1ll'\ (. i<llld

<>.Jh L ndl'nn><>d \ndr'''' Lrban ,\k \ ,lll(l' Rub,•rt<> \ lilq.;.h (.old

I n< \\ ,lli.Jll'

\\ .1rn•n Robl'rt \\,lhon

\\'L•nt\\ orth

ll,1\ Inn \\ '>tl'phani,• I

I !dan I nbarrl'll /,•umL·r

What is your most embarrassmic.s

"Well in the girls bathroom, there's a door that doesn't lock, and IS\\ ung that door open only to see one of Ill} teach rs on the toil 't'"- Joy Richard

"When I \\as in the parkmg lot (full of people) someone depanscd me .. .I had no spandex onl" Jil!Da>is.

"Back in elemcntar} school, I \\as reading the announce ments. right before I turned the intercom off. .. I farted! "-Jessica O'Brien.

ttl f Ill r \nth II nd Dt a It til dt lll

II\ d) r lrutu L \KO

\\I 'it \\or {,of \\ 1\dorn

\\ C>RI\, c, !I \RD 'it 1 l<>rl< l11 1 I•• '""of<;, I< rica,· dttf .tit sa 1 ttr 1<10)11 1l 1112ht rg

II' I' But hlr\\ II ro e for tl f) k

DO 'T \\ c >RRY 1-1 -\PP) )<'"'I 0 1\run\\.lb dass\\ •l•'le""'ll dt •I til) I•IJlJl) and n II ng al't ,,,d, ould slit !'""'"'> I>< mil ng about 1 1 \\ gt )

1\Rl:\li. I 11 Tak11 hm) tfe It ,I J\ l .n , ta h,trrtl\ < talk I• a <ouplr of l 1 c·s, Chad Brtll'lllllg and Ilk c.arta \\ .II ,l I• k> gnl

c,OSSIP a 1\ra a, lllllh H) <It 1 td !add Ill Dtpprt It < l' th< at I s 1 a <I r <'u ng th<t bn ak

D \) DRI \\11 c, \ ll) tolll "alk lrJlltca llda na'Hl loudn ht fror1 lHr r u n' UHHt.'r t r '"'h a t II) g 11' \\ ho k " "hat 'l< '"" I po ,,hi) ''' haJ Jl) al m1

Ull Oil' athallRILCisdudt"Cll "h.n I<> sa) aht·r notpa) Ill)( autn I toll 11 "·'" \Ia) lw thts" llttad t 1111 IlOilo da) ctreat an) mort'

f THR \LLI c, UCTURI S<lpho mort Just.'l lui If'· rhsa RuhaltJ\J, Cia) 1 '1 \\est. Raflt Rtlld<>ll and Ltzzll· \I trw me alltah dtfft•rt·lll approaches tv h1SIOI)

Cl \SSTI II· 1 R)aPDuna\\a),)e!1ll) tarrs, )o) R. hard, and St ana /cumtr <>llll'ntrale hard c,ntht•tr school\\ork Tr)ll gtosta) .1\\akc t \\ork tnough 1

BrSTI·RlH\DS' Kat) Dorr and)tn mkr 1a!tht·n._.· lntrr) to gcttht·m

" \t's r<.'ad) hclorc \\ ._. take a pt< lt.rc. too late g1rb'

( •I\ I (, \ lv ( 'I ll

\linam ,\l/l'n

C.regc>n Andr,•jko

!L>hn Anthom

lc>hn B.ln>Il lt'tt

l.n·il'r Bl•ltran

Brian Bc•tka

Lawn'tKL' Bk\'ln

'\ Klwk Bom

Dame! Bntm•r

,\my Bulh>l k


Robl•rt lh rd (,r,•g Carbon

"-l•lh CarpentL'r

Albl•rt l hmg

Colll'l'n (lark

j,lmil' lark

RL'bL'L'Ca ( Ia rk

"-na ( ockrum

Andn•,,· Conner

Je!trl'\ Da u

Jacqul'luw Fdouard Dehl•sart

Freshmen: Dawn of the Millenium

thasbeenyour emharassing

1mOn1ertt at Seton?

"Dunng Freshml'n Inergration 111} brother made ffil' stand on a dmr and sing the •inja Turtle song!"-Beck} Clark.

<.. .1 rnwn I k I , I H'\'or Dl'ht'IH'tklto

I till Dell'P

\\ ,1rn•n [) 'Illll.l

Bn.1n Dt•nt

"I came in late on the fir t da) of school." Jenni£1 r McDaniel.

[),)IJid [)l'..,llH>Jld h•lt•nt lktl('ge \aron Dlt 1..

<. ollm Do/b,1b.1

Inn h'n [)r,lnt hal..

ll'llt n [)uh.l..,il..

\\ h1tne' lldndgt•

<.. hn..,tt•pht r I nwn

\ht h.wl l nglaPd ,\ nd rl'\\ hV\H ikr

knmlt' J·..,hl'lman C.,t·ott Fern.., Brian Fil..t• llt•athl'r C.ai..,t•r

<. orv C.aru.1

I aura C.rt·co l1..,a Gul'rra \\'llham Cunt\ Rick Gullt'rrt'/ lu1.., Cu/m,ln Jr

"For Freshm ·n Intl'rgranon I had to propose to a Junior!" Dana Robledo. ic.s

<;ara llaubt•r

ll,wle !Ieath

'\idwJa, I IL-Ikr

llt•ather I lt'\ ing

l hnstoplwr I llgh

lletdi llobt,1d


Arin Johnson E:n in )uiln '\Jtd, Karastamatis

Amilndi! Keilt\ Bri!dle\ Kt•ndre'

Suzannil Kennedv

Deborah Kirby

Scott Klemens

Silrah Knies

Adriane Koehnemann

Gregorv Koestner

jeffrey Koestner

Michael Korte

Michael Koye

Daniel Krick

Sean Kruger

Renae Kuhse

Courtney Kuluris

What would you change about Seton? fk mics

"I would make sure there was never home\\ ork. "- Joseph Verson.

"I would make sure there was toilet paper and soap in all of the bathrooms."- Holly Zapata.

"I would put concrete ground instead of grass in the quad area." Michael England.

"I would change the campus color 1 " Susan Kennedy.

"I would change the football field."- Jeff Bastian.

"I\\ ould add more people to the school."- Heather Heying.

Anthmn Kurwr

n Lalor

Tanner Lamb

\lark I onganbach

I logan \1acdonald

Bnan \t1adrrd

Jennifer 'v1cDaniel

Lvnn \t1cDonough

Meghan \1cCrll


Caitlrn \1rLkle

\1elissa \1illL•r

Jon \1orales \1orrow

Brrgid \t1 u II rn

Devm \1urphy

Corrine '\avarro

Seth \.enaber

Thantl \.guven

Bryan Olivieri

Amy Obson

\t1ichael Oritz

Betsy Pattock

Tiffany Pederson

"I think that the horts are too stiff, o I would probabl} change those 1"- Ca sy Vole k)


Dommie Perreault

\kl!,,,l l'errv

Chen I Pfahl

lo,hthl Phillip'

l on or

la1tlm Racco

'\1att Radman

jamce Ramo' Ra,chkc

'-icolc Rca

Benjamin Regan

Dana Robledo

Elizabeth R\an

Carlv Sandell

Amanda Sarli

Eric Schafer

Carrie Sferra

I'eter Sheehy

\llanon Short

\llatthe\\ Slade

BenJamin 1111th

Samantha Sm1th

Courtnc: Smitham

Victoria Stamp

What 5 bands would you like to hear at a private concert? lie 1/CS

"Chumbavvumba, Bush, BuckO- ine, Fiona Apple and irvana. "-Miriam Alzen.

"Pantera, Metallica, in ana, Fear Factory and Korn." And} Emw iler.

"Bone Thugs n Harmony, Dr. Dre,SnoopDogg} Dog, The Dog Pound and WuTang Clan." AaronDllk.

" ·oFx, Bhnkl82, Dead Kenned} s and The Suicide Machines." Scott Ferris.

"Bone Thugs n Harmon}, WuTangClan andCypressHill."

Sean Kruger.

"Diana Caner. Br} an White. George Strait, Cia} Walker and Garth Brooks." Courtney Kuluris.

\1a tt hL''' <,t,md l'rll'r

Adam <,tl'm

Brit t.1 n \ "'" ,1 n

lh .1n Tam1l'lti





Danil'l \ ,1ldL'/ fl'miL'L' \ a

K\ ll' \an Bl'rgl'n

\ I \ ilhralhl

f....l'lh Warburton


!han Wl'JI/l'l



jerem\ \\

Bla!..e V\orman

Holh Zapata

Ka t,lrmil zo, !..o 'VIargaret /\ lla

"Aqua Bats, o Doubt, Bone Thug n Harmony. 112 and 3 I I . " Melissa filler.

AIM LOW. Tiffan} com in a game of limbo on \kate\ at the Fre\hmen Mixer. How lo" can you go?

200 I! The \how their high \piril\ at the Homeunning pep rally.

CURIOUS GEORGE? Heather Heying \Hlks along wondering if school will ever end. This is a common pa\time for mo\t

LOOK I TO MY EYES. Dominic Perreault the camera man with his mystical spell. Are you trying to read our minds?


Adam Stein plays the keyboard for an all school mass. Adam a part of the Music Minister dub and uses his musical talent to spread God's love.

SAY CHEESE!? A group of fresh men take time from their special day of being tormented to pose for the camera. This group doesn't look like they're getting too tortured

ABOUT FACE! Michael Koye closes his eyes and prays for mercy as his senior commands his cooperation. Looks like hi\ senior is making him join the army. Poor boy!!

OH HAPPY DAY! Cassy Volesky is all smiles as she passes one of her friends. What could she possibly be smiling about?!

HIGH SPIRITS!! Freshman Morgan Jansen cheers the football team on to victor} at the Seton Homecoming game.

HARDATWORK!! Dulce Madrid and friends are hard at work making the freshmen signs for the Homecoming pep rally. You go girls!!


Anthony Kuner, Michael England, and Matthew Slade stand in a semicircle as they absorb the info. on Matt' worksheet.

Ac liCS

FROSH!! )erem} Wilson and Greg Carlson hope this da} "ill not be a permanent memor), but the Senior\ are not read} to let them forget.

EYFTEST FOR HITCHHIKERS. If you read this you'll knov. that jolt>ne DeTiege v.ill lt>aH }OU in the dust.

HAPPY GO LUCKY! Am} Bullock is all smiles as she parties at the Disco Dance.

READY,SET, GO! Like every other student at Seton, Kelly Carpenter rushes out of clas\ onl} to find that she must rush to get to her next one.

CATCH THE WAVE! So it\ onl} the fint pep rally but it v.on't be long until the shake the bleachers do" n.

FRESHME COME ALIVE! Daniel "Michelangelo" Krick prepares for Homecomming week. He puts the finishing touches on one of the posters that covered the g}m walls.

TWO'S COMPANY. Trevor DeBenedetto and Greg Andrejko walk to their next class discussing the meaning of life or the lunch menu.

BALLET ANYONE? Andrew Combs walks over to his friends during lunch. He obviously has the poise of a dancer to take Freshmen Integration in stride.

WHY SO BLUE? Seth enaber doesn't look very pleased about his fashion statement. Maybe it's because as an M&M in Ari7ona you might melt in Senior Max Runke's hand.

BAD HAIR DAY? Like the other Freshmen performers, Laura Greco takes the stage with a smile.

0 SWEAT! Brigid Mullin, Katarina Zovko, and Betsy Pattock have got volley ball down so well that they can take a break and strike a pose.

fk /CS
Vicki Campbell School ecretar} Ted Castaneda Spamsh I, II, III Dennis Clinch US Arizona HistOr} Free Enterprise/ G<nernment World Geography D1ane Collins English I, IV, AP IV Tom Dempsey Supervisor of Maintenance 'v!Jr} Rl'iigi<HI I\ l·ngl1sh I Mana DeTe1ge Food Sen1ce Assistant Tom \nthon} Kq hoard1ng Intro to \lgehra I Michael Euhanh Athletic Director Weight Trammg 'lr. Jeanne Barth o lo mea u x Rehg1on II Da\"e Ference Art I, II. III. IV
Jmeph Burkt' Ph} Cht Pegg} Foote Busines'> t..tanager Burkl I. !I. III Jane Fra er College Algebra Pre- Calculu

h I orl'n Gon;ak; Cam],tl', Chn\11an I tadt•r\lllp

ll olt• HarrJ\<lll \lumn1 Dlrt'Ll<>r

htl1n lkath

fng!J\h II l nmh I, II. l\

Jerr} Mullin Counseling

C) ntllla Hoffman

lngl1\h I. Ill Clrmanl

Hrl'ndan Ke} l Rt gH>n I

Charles , eufeld Animes

Chamher Choir

Senunel VoiLes

ConLert Chmr

Bill Laurie Geometr} Sr Joan Marie Madden Registrar Librarian Susan ix World History/ Geography f ra.1k Klajda \\'>i'>tanl Prmu pal for Sludl nl \!fair'> Douglas O\\l' Latin I, II, III, IV English II Humanities Tu1 Ko} l' \lgehr.l I \ gehra :I!Tng Edith Olah Assistant Food Sener Jud} Kr.Lk \\'>l'>lanl Prinupal for Slu<k nl \Lademil' Martha Omohundro De\ elopment Assistant i.I'>a l all hl ne · Religion ll, III Sr. Consuela PacheLo Counselor l 1hranan Beth Pattolk tud} kills Yearbook

hi Ph11hp' Dt'\ dopment Din'ctor

}1111 Re.ph \n;ona HI '>tor}

Bo} ',PI· Hl'ahh


Da' id Rllhard 11Iolog} R.l} 1110 ld RILhOlll lamtamLe

0:-\l·Gl·' l·RATIO:-\TOA 'OTHI-R' Throughout man) gl'nt'rauoo, nH·n ''l'"rl' at St·ton, haH· gnm n 10 tht· pmnt \\ ht're the) tan b u"'"dt·n·d ouhtand ng

Sail} Van Wen Che111htr} Louan Walther Ad nun i\trati' e Assi\tant \nn Rich II, Ill Jud} Wehher D1reuor of food Sen Ices

5ui lingR)an

1\<..\htant l·ood Sen Itt''>

Karen Self Girl', PU -\trohit'> \\Ieight... Health \1art) Spru11l Ph)

I·II;aheth Trotti

Algebra !1/Tng

Atadc:mi<. Deuthlon (' aludu'> I

Ra) \ alu11uela :V1allltain<.e

'v\ AK:E UP JASO 11 \lr :\dam' clll'tk' to l'e of ja,on I\ ,tdl all\ e or 1f he 1' )ll\t ,Jelpmg Slleping dunng a SetonnJa'' \\ hik Hung lll"\t to} our rl hg10n tl·aclwr 1 not the hl'\t 1dea that an} onl· ha' l'\l'r had

TEACHER CHOIR? Teacl1er' shcl\\ off their multitude of talent h} 'mgmg for all of '>tudenh !\lr :\eufeld would he proud of !11 facult} ch01r. right?

(! r. fnrf rh1r. rflNfr. rl iuirler page tuifhauf n picfure of thnf Mud. the e, the on(tt, 8enior Ror.n

Rosa 'r. nof the on(q one tuho rlrls greatly fo our huge program. lJifh .o,porfs ices n.o. t.lirle Goff, 8ocfrnclr , foorbnff. OoffeyCheer, flnslretbaff, 8oftIf, fln,o.ebaff, 8tuimming, or (Jresffing the pMsibifiare seemingly endless.

lJith the title of "Champions" for the state won thir. year, anrl for the rlerlication of the pfnyerr. of af 8efon, the rogram is striving fo be just thafCHAfi1Pf(Jf(S f

Here Senior fi1aff Melcher, a fraclr member, is ,o,een running at fo lreep his Mamina anrl speed.

(;() II (, H >R (,]OR) Stlltor jon <•< nttl< ,tIn Jr) •·or golf Ill<' Ill I>< r. '' 1 u1

tng h1' r \f.p·k Pv<,plt.' con' 11 1 t< don lu '<.ll'll'tJt<. "Pia) Ill( ( II" tl jo11 for till pa t lot r) 1 ,u has'"'' tt .1 hnndtng t'\Pt rn·nu. "

T!IRO\\ I < IT \ll Tht j\ I ootb.tl te,ull tlu \tM" rkt·d nall) hord to practtu tl•t hasl< kt J,andtoprtpart·th "'""''!>ntH da) make\ ar It) '""all kn"". tht """'" of tht \ ar"t) l·oothall te.tlll "dl ht· a hard goal tort ad•

\ I·IGIIT FOR THE RIG! IT SenlOrChmSdmeinht·rg kn <Kb the hall a\\J) from a Phoemx Countr) Da) School pia) rr Teammate Andrew Lebo\\ ttz looks read) for au ion. The Yarstt) Bo) \Basketball team" jUSt getung ht:tt<r and better" nh eath ensumg term

PL.\ Y HARD. STUDY HARD Var>lt) Basketball player. Freshmen Susanna Kenned). takes along her homework on th e road trips In orde r to remain ehg•hle, the sport\ playt·rs have to keep up with their schoolwo rk , it looks like Susanna\ got the nght 1dea

H 0 ILl e ( {', e r.ou {c)
hen pr.H til
vidi, IT'S \ L \tl I' }1 n r .u a Probst look 1 tt.'ll\t J\ \ht prt JMrt._" top< t Ill < )Jl 1 \ ol ) I")J tll.tt sam ad nght ,, "r I tr I' I" rtt'< t 11 tJllrl 0\t bt h IH \\ ll I ):;! 11 for I l( r turn

fastest fora track llll'l't Thl'gnb' track tt·am hcoaclll'd b) tht ont, tht onl). \1r Dcnn"( hnth hn't that n·asont·n<High to ht on tratk' I'm Sllrt· lll'athtr \\otdd agrt•t

BlSHOP'S CUP Rata ·\tl<h, tht h1g kadt rof thl' loot hall tvallllll touchdo\\ ns and 111 talent, hrandhht·qht Bhlwp 's Cup troph) Seton" on tills ganw fortht· thmlt on'l'Uitl\' ) t'.H, and also '"·nt to stat< to acqum tht f1rq nc-r qatc champ1onshq> A WRES TLI G SENSE OF HUMOR. SeniOr Matt Mayo attacks a fello\\ \\restier and looks like he's got the upper hand. There's no need to w o r r ) though, I think this meet is on!) 111 good fun. Matt \\ill


PURF PO\\ FR Sl'nlor ·\ndn" l h• "' ilt tit captamofthl'Bu} s\ar"t} Bask thaiiTta n" \t.'l'I' ht..'rt..: JUlnpmg ntc Jtr l• nakt.: 1 rthound -\ndre\\ "a kfnllt ltadtr oft 1t tt'am.gl\mgtht > lll)o:tral dlt·"nptr• t< tc' playns "" Jt·thmg to look "P t• )\ -\\;YO!':E' Sophomort Ehsa Ru'Jacah a. )till tor \ ars<t) Basketball pia) t·r. sho\\ s off her defemt agamst \ allq Chnsuan

WELCOME TO to Seton tim) ear, the S" 1111111ing team e'\plodes in a great introduction to the tradttlon ofe\cellent sport'., program that" e han· Here team memht'fs Semor Trace) lnchell, juntors !\loll) Farwell, and Em d) Falkner take a break out ofprautce to smile prett) for the camera.

OR l!RST St·nH >r Hl'atht
lt\(, I·
rns, a four) l'ar track nwmlwr. "wtn
runn1ng hvr
\ Sll Cf!FFR Although )Lmor \ngcla Rogt rs "n• >t scr· tllll tg lor ill'f tl'ant at tht'-1 partilUiar llHHlll'lll Hl tht ganll, her.., n It IS IHI>of )l.oS tl'ot.: that s tt.: "lwan11ng "nh pndt for hn tl'alll Tht t htTrkaders tl ")cHI a\t heu1 buttr than t' er "nh thur s
sure!) he missed on next )t'ar's Wrestling team


"We had a great year. I loved running around McDonald's play land on the way home from game. My teammates are the best!"- Tiffany Pedersen

"We have an aweson1e, very together team. If we're going to take state, this is the year to do it!" -So phomore Tara Kwiatkow ki, #6.

"We had a rough start this year, but thing are looking up going into State. We've added a lot of power in the new tough metro region."- Rosa Bernasconi.



9/4 Fountain Hills W

9/9 wee w

9/11 PCDS L

10/7 PCDS W

I 0/10 St. Greg's W

l 0/14 Scotts. Christian W

I 0/16 Ph .Christian W

9/13 Gilbert Tourney 1-4 I 0/23 Bourgade W

9/16 Valley L I 0/25 Tiebreakers

9/ISScotts.ChristianW 10/31 State

9/2 3 Ph Christian L 11/1 State


9/3 0 Bourgade W

10/1 GilaBendW

10/2 wccw

10/6 ValleyL

AIR LISA. Junior Lisa Bancroft flies through the air as she goes in for the kill, a victorious spike. Lisa is an important member of the team. She adds a positive attitude and friendly smile.

SET IT, SPIKE IT! Jacque Kochis and Tara Kwiatkowski are double trouble as they warm up for their game against PCDS. Jacque has participated in volleyball for all four years. Her dedication and love of the game are reflected in her pranice and games. She always gives it her all.

VARSITYVOLLEYBALL. Top Row: Rosa Bernasconi, Tiffany Penderson, Katie Holland, Lisa Bancroft, Sara Briggs. Middle Row: Kristen Thomas, Molly Mullin, Neely Omohundro, Lisa Wangler, Tara Kwiatkowski. Bottom Row: Heather Ferris and Jacque Kochis.

S (B

!Kif DSHlRIHR "\ ol!t \ h,1l 1 ltl n port, and'" I 1\t l>t t1 " rkn t gttltt r to t n 1 lt 1r chfft.n.Iu 1\\lo.\ 'PJ iL \\ l' I IJ rtl and 1 ldlgJhtl l lort·lul \ " tan pu tog< tilt r 1 trrng•h a1 d 1 1ee \ alln " t'l a n It at <,,a t St n r )J<'11< Kod 1 < l Tl•l II on tht \ ar tt\ t< a 1 tt •n tl, "sHid ""' .nd "atdl tht ga111t mttn" I) her) "nglt pu,on 'an oll\Jit.ahk nwmhu of team Rtn t!llhtr 'Ptrr t' '1 "!' t'l ttan

SP·\ 1\ IT BY u• \loll} \lull n. along" tth tht othtr,, prallll<' her 'f'lkt·' 1n "arm up Th" ., ont ol tht tt Jill\ grt .It point 'Lor• ng lllO\t' D1g It, /\loll}'

\\ HOO' St•ltor l t a\\ anglt r commt nh on tl•t ttai'l. "!IO\ t till' tt Jill thi'} tar \\ L arr "' togttht r. "e tan all he our eh t''· "nhout the It ar of bemg prt udgl'd Tht on I} tlnr g ''· "t ah\ J}' 'eem to gtt mtotrouhit "htn \\t'are together" :'m 'urt t'lat )OU don't tontnbute t > tht trOL hit, l1 a' R1g'lt'



I\!\:!·' THI

G \:\11· "It', .1!1

Jhout tt .1111\\ od Our tt'Jill pl.1}' lwttn '' ht n '' l' \\ork "dl \\ 1th tJLh othlr

Jumor l Jur.l Proh'>t

Bl HI. D THE CO \OJ' BACK. "The he,t thmg

Jbout CoJLh Jun

\lureuJ I'> ht• make, us pia}

fJ1r (no lUlling l orners). and \\ e Jll gtt equJI piJ} mg tune

'>ara HJuher

"Beating Valll'}

Chnslian "as h} far the he'>t da} of all 1n \ olle} hall. \V e "l'fl' good sport'>. e\enifall\\e \\anted to do ''as d1eer. Lauren

s \BIRD. \<>Ill)

B \II I'< I Ill< 1St tan IJ 1\t n H I) ,1 1d )u nor In 1 )o) 1'1 pratt.u ht fort d honH &,\1 ll \ (JI J Rt Pd

Rl· \ll) \1\1 HRI f1•1 1 lludt

l!auhtr' hr I)<J • \ollnhal, SIH dot\ • ..,u. 111 to 1 It 1111 datt·d

JU lOR VARSITY VOLLEYBALL. Top R<l\\. Lauren Mickle, Laura Probst, Erin Me ell!, Counne} Smnham. Middle RO\'>:

CandilT K()(:his, Heidi Hauber, Sara Hauber, Bets} Pattock, Meghan Mekher. Bottom Ro\\: Ala} n em mara and Erin Jo} nt

STATISTICS BOX s ts I 0 14 c<>tt W 10 It• Phx lhn ttan \\ I 0 23 Bourgad \\
\CH F< >R fl IF )I\) Soph01•1< t \It glw It It IH r ump r gh olf 1 ll !:1 11 fl, or o s!at'l •I t hal ,\11 1H t ppoP nt IT



"It\ hard to get all of Ill} homL'\\ ork done dunng Vollq hall '-l'a\on, hut he,lde-. that, I lo\e it'"

Margaret Z) IIa

A PART OF THE TEAM. "The game 1s not ver} mterestmg from the bench, but I still manage to get the rush of a game b} c..heenng on 111} teammates." Whitne} Eldridge.


KI D. "It's been so great! All of the friends I've made think the same \\a} as me! We al\\a}S seem to have fun " Bngid Mullm.

9 I+ Fountam Htll 9116 Valle}

9/23 Phoeni. Christian

9/30 Bourgade

I 0/3 AZ Lutheran 10/6 Valier

I 0/ I+ Scottsdale Christian

I 0/ 16 Phoenl\. Chn ·tian

I 0/23 Bourgade All

I eo1n u 11) for tl hmt n \ , In I .II .tan
T UP Part of tht tt.:anl \tand m a l.ll .rdt aPd 1""111" ncr) om up klon· a l,omt· ga Ill Tl•l) tan talk tht talk, hut tan thq "alk tht• "alk' So mut It of 'I'""' 1' mental preparation and that "h) tht' 'on of tlnng 1' nuual hchrc a gamt FRE VOLLEYBALl. Top Rm\ Lt'-a Guerra, Katanna Zm ko, Courtnq Koluns, CassiL· \ alL•,kie, 1argart·t Z} lla. Catlin L1wtte Villicana, Coach Thompson. Bottom Rm\ \\'hitnq Eldridge. Jocel} n Pranchak, Bngid L} nn Jackie Da\ 1
0 E A
tp I
ga nt
gan•t T tarT'\\ ork tan \\ 1· h ont ptr,on and d out ne !.:tt p II up. aOil'''

"It\ heen real, tt\ heen fun

It\ heen one BIG S\-ULE'''''"

Sentor Usa Fike

rc·turns to Seton to heuHnc· an 1m port ant mem her of the cheer squad


STRII\l \ POS!· 1 -\n n't l ht.Trlt. J.til-r\ \lhpO\l'd to lH h•pp) s, n1< r' \m) \hrJhalll .1nd \n .lon'tlook \,\\II) h.lJlP> .u th" pouu "' 11, x·'n"

SUR! ' llq s, nto H'l' .tr< \011

SUR! SUR!· ti•Jt ",. n g •tng to Bl \T ll.l)<kn' B<·tk) Prll<, SJr.lh Cnrral, IIIII< \l rroom. Jnd Bndg<·t (ithnq dra" thc Cr<l\\d togcthr


St!ett .\1orale' her during the Homecommg pep rail}. "\\'e real!} ha' e to appreciate all of tudent Council's ''ork 111 putting our pep rallies together."

YIKES 1 Ari 's the most concen trated cheerleader on the squad, that's ''h} she's ca ptam 1 .\s she tated , "We\e all worked so 'er} hard this year!"

\\'-\ TCH OUT GIRLS' Hang on ught, or) ou nnght he on.,\ '"'111g 'tar,. \\hat a ,ad lif" a hann"r ]""' You arl' h.,auuful for a ,!Jon th"n torn hmh for hmh

VARSITY CHEER. Top RO\\. Ltsa Fike, Beck} Pnce, Bridget G1hne}, An Eagan. M1ddle Ro'' Am} Ahraham, Lillie Mirrione, Sarah Corral, Angela Rogers, Angela Kilter, ilett Morales, Alma Chee. Bottom Ro'' · 111} Regan

s .s

GETTING ON ALL THE GEAR. "Football' cool, it was an experience to be had. We wish Coach Ballinger was still with us!"-Warren Denina.


GO OUT LONG. "Our football program rules. The Varsity team i the b t in our region. The JV team works hard to live up to that."-Greg Koe tner.

SHORT AND SWEET. "All I have to ay is that the people who come out to support us rule."-Jo hua Phillips.

PANORAMIC A whole view of the JV Football team as some members stand on th e sidelines and watch the.ii fellow teanunares intent! y is seen here. The team had more people on it than orne of the teams the Va.rsity played.

GIVE ME SOME wATER. Freshmen Scott Ferris cools off after another grueling practice in the heat of the day. I'm ure all of these guys smell pretty when they a.re fini hed with a day of practice.

JV FOOTBALL. Top Row:C. West, Underwood, A.Parker, E. Heinze, J. Klein S. Ea.rl y, M.Gildernstern, T.Benededo, V.Placido, T.Duran,E.Juan,D.Breuner,Lugo, D.Polet, G. Koe mer. 2nd:Coach cotr, C.Breuning, P.Kelly, M.McKinle}. .Clemens, S.Ferri , . Rice, G.Andreko, M.My cow k:i, Coach Lascala. 3rd:B.Fike, C.Ca.rtier, C.Benzing,J. Sabashtian, Z.Polet, B.Mistler, M.Slade. 4th:J.Mijia-Sanchez, LDelio, D.D rnond,J. Dubasik, B.Regan, W.Denia, D. Valdes. Front:J. Philips, L.B.Bievin, M.Cordy, T.Connors, J.Koesner,D.Sullivan.

STATISTICS BOX 9 I 4 Antelope 9 I 10 Chandler 9 I 2 9 Phoenix Chrisitan 1 0 I 6 Bourgade 10113 NWCC 10120 Scottsdale Chri tian 10127 Valley Christian 11 I 3 Phoenix Chri itan
S fs


"It \\ ,,, Dllt' of thO\l' Wil'><lll\ \\ hiLh l \\ill rem em her The 1997 team \\Ill ah\.:t}' lw rL·nwm he red a THf· CHA\1Pl Q, S 1 " Coad1 T1m pan I.

"It \\a'> na unhe he\ a hie '>L'.:t'>on \\here a lot of people •aepped up and \\ (.' rwaked at the right time " 2:\ metro offl.·n iw pla)er of the )t'ar. captam B R. Koehnemann.

"It\ going to he hard to liH· up to this } ear\ SL'a\on. But \\e are lo-,ing more friends than talent I hope ne t } ear, all the older gu}s \\ill come back and \\ atd1 us do it again." Jumor L-.......;._ _____..__j James Scott.

STATISTICS BOX 9t 5 ntdope \\' 9 I I 3 Superior L 9119 Ha)den W I 013 B JUrgade W I 0/1 I 'WCC L I 01 17 ScottsdalL· Chnsuan W l 0125 Valle) Chrisuan W ll/7 Hop1 L II I 14 Florence W I I I 2 I Thatdll'r W II 126 upenor \V
'"!!q I.Ht.)oUklO\\thtpJ) nght'" 'Jdeu'tktHJ\\! I thought) ou dul'" "t 0 \ t II ·· t onht" d \I all \lvltlll
t tJri<' Boltg
""' 1. along" uh
dlld t hn\
othn I<
pondn "hllh pl.t) thq 'n gotng
,trpr"' tht·tr opponrnt \\ 11h Ill' \I VARSITY FOOTBALL Batk Ro" Ton) Tm,elt, Adam Ken\ Ill, Chrh 1\irdt, Roh B) rne 1\t·\ Ill Foote, Franu' Zm ko +th Rem jarod Cutt). Darren Speti, T j Chau>n, Ro)'C<' \.lartln, RaJa ueh, Mike Balhngt·r. B R 1\oehmmann, B.j Young, jtm 1\oe,tner. 3rd Rem Matt "vi either, St·an Young. Larr} for') the, Matt Mayo. Petu Rht•t•, fnL Halt), Paul. "'''old lnd Rem \ltkt• Sullnan, St·rgu> Chamhulam, Charlt·, Bohg. Chn' hl\\ ard,, Ben Duhhik. -\ndrt·" \lt·l\tt·r. R) an L11rdl front Ro" 1tkt• Ma) t•r,, htl "v1agne, Duane Ktiier, Ben I\ en' 111, Sean Grelo and jamt·' Sum


IIRSff(li\IF ro t • l grc 1l t1 on II a ( an p I IFHI (,()<Jrl I1r l<a 1 a lumtcr m pa)t• fnr \/>\KoaJ IRJJ.l \ud1 J llllJl I r J") fn pl.!\ lu 1 'lalt I b \\ 1\\\ 'l l!JI Ra 1 \\1 H•' l< It tha1 f• d rl1' thmk 'hm\ 1111 tr 1 1 of tht cr \HI aft r 1 • ol 11) 1 .11) l< mhd addu!, "\h<rfranu \\ K<>pfr nh <'r<at h< real t<c'!l\\a l\\ho

\Corl'd !Ill' l<>ulhdm' n '

lagnt Bt·n Dl ba,Ik Pt·llr Rhl'e, Chn' Bennet, Darren Spttz and Ent Hall) arc caught up Ill thl' u'pen'e dur,ng the Phocm Chn uan defeat

CO. 'TF IPL\ Tl\ E THOUGHTS. St·nwr B J 1 Oling look- po Ill\ d) out of breath and lrkt· IJt•', got more than the game on h1' nund B.) • hreatht· m .ll!d hrl'athl' out. n'll hl' hl'llt·r In tht· mormng

11\\l , \HI \RT T<> HI \RT uor, 1 at 1 la1 \II)< \\alk tf 11 e fit I" 1 1 C aliJ oil h rug lht <I 1 \ !lou adt II lll 1 1 1r g
I'• ltht ht 1:;11 n ng ol I • < 4 1 ltrt \\a 1 lot ,,J
al \!au
1\1 hop' lup
"Jl<tlll I\
tl 1 glad"' '" t II<


"I pia} hecau\e n\ fun. and It compel\ me to \York hard \Yith a group of other\ to\\ ard a common goal."

]unwr ara Bnggs.

"Working with team ha\ been a great expenence. I '' tsh the didn't haYe to leave ret, hut I'm glad I ha\ e the chance to work "tth them nO\\." -Freshmen

Tiffan} Pedersen

"These fou r years of basketball have been so exctung for me. Thank God for Rosa 1 " enior (and four } ear Varsll} Basketball member) Beth Mitchell.

SIIOUT IT OUT Tlw \ ar\lt) (,lrl 'Ulll' , "all ,1huut tl'.ll 1 Jllflt and confuJ,nce afhrmatuH• 1' 01 c of man) throughout tl e g.lllll # 1 4, R 1 a lkrt'l L , 1 hl "'"''· 'spmt .111d ,onhd,nu are htg tlllll 1mpc na H' :1 I'"'<' u 't u nhdl'llll',} ,1'n· not gotng to" n"

GIRl PO\\ IR' 1d1 llauh,·r flll., h gl• to nab thl rt hou Hi\\ 11h o1 '"JlJlOrll\l "i""" on tin fr· m a Lanng pponl nt reammatl J II D.n look for altiOil "'"ell, ") ou gotta' J,, pn pan d," 'a} s jdl "If 1ou n t npn pared, 1ou rl' alrl'ad) dd, at<·d"

GIRL'S VARSITY BASKETBALL. Back Row: Jackie Davis, Liz Ryan, Mr. Ference, Shannon Veach, Mrs. Self, Heather Heying, Haley Heath. Mtddle Row: jdl Davis, Tiffany Pedersen, Susanna Kennedy, Michelle Hall. Front Ro'v\: He1d1 Hauber, Katie Mitchell, Sara Hauber, Beth Mitchell, Sara Briggs. Snung: jacque Kochis and Rosa Bernasconi.

fJ Red Mouman \\' loon \ alit!) \\ ltn PQinte L aguaro \'\ a\ler \V 11/29 ltn \\ ll/ISanCarlo \\' ll/Q Camp Verde\\ I 211 0 Mtamt \\1 1211 3 \ \
\\ lUI Valle)
W 1211 '.1 Round Vall(} W 12/20
W 12/lO
1/ 3
./6 WC C
1/9 PCDS \ Ill 0 Valle) \V 1/ 13 S
\ 1 / 16 Ph x ( h
1/ 20
1/ 23
Chn uan
Ham on \ \
Coohrlgc W
()I Chn I
ri 1 \\
Borugad \\
\\CCW 1/24PCD ' W

!lUll' htn \\I dt m•l• 1 Jdlt of h d stn tin g.rls 1 IUC\ ofthL Jlmglt) In .I.rm \\I) tht H< <'I lrllll<

C)r 111•1 h II all•l•o l hand '1 l fa 1 'Ill Ilk II ttl hltadHr

C >Till c, C \"STOP Till·\! \\HI t Bttl \llldull dmt ht 111nd, j,IJ'Jor \It hell< !Iaiii !Shes ,H r "a1 do\\ 11 tht tourt \\ 11h dllparalle:<rf It •H>r "Ot r rfrn 1 tg l< .,, 1 our lt d to smu·t d Jlumatd) \\1 1 \tdtt -

TOP SFCRf.T' Coach 'l'lf and Shannon\ eath ,!Jan• a ft•" furtn e \\ord, on tht "'khne,, prohahl) dl'll"'lll& \lr Fcrenct>\ w<mtngl) lnlanou'. ndanou' "heme to defeat, orth\\t''t

CHARADES A. YONE' jacque Kodm. Ro'a Bernaswn1, Sara Hauber and Kattt· Milt hl'll pa" their llnll' on the ''dl'ln1e' h) chuggtng \\Jtt·r. 'hanng al!l'tdotcs about ha and kt·t·ptng pt·r,onaltt·amma,cot. Cunou Gt·orge,tompan)

"\\ehadonl) three returninn JV pia)ers and the rest \\ere ne\\Tomers, but \\ e had a \Ur pn ingl) good \ea \On Eltsa Rubaca\a.


"\\ e undci uw largl'r undorm\ " ]l'\\ila 0 'hnl'n

"The season \\as a lot of fun and \\·e prO\ ed ourselves to be a strong team."Candice Kochh.

UP' Tlu )1111 r \ ar'll) tt·am

'"' '' ', r) all< Ill\ I) a' th< \ ar'll\ l(lal h \h. Sdf gl\" till' Ill "'"" g •od pia) 11g a<hll<

DH I Sl· J·n '""" n \k!J 'a Pnr1

J)' that ''" '' a lm of full a11d '"' a "llh l'H'f) OIH' n all) "•·II "Till' old )\ pia) t·r, rt•.lll) ·llll'Jltl'd '"

!lOOP DR! \\IS' h"t ma 1 ara 1 tlad'" 1 oil I) a pan tllll<' )\ pl.l)' r Ia Sa)' shL Ilk< pia\ mg h,,,k,th.d hl'l.ll < of t'l< I" opl< and t H " tr.l pia) 111g llllH

JU lOR VARSITY BASKETBALL. Top Ro\\: Coach Ference, Candie Kochis, Katerina Zovko, Kel ey Do brat;, Lisette Vdhcana, Margret. Middle RO\\: Morgan Janson, ElisaRubacalava, KellyWarbarton, Melissa Perr}, Bottom Row: Lynn McDunna, Jessica O'brien.


"Cheerleading is reall} fun because we all come together and" ork as a team!.. AI ma Chee.


"henthough \\l' ha\e a Ol''' \quad and a ne\\ coach'' l' have worked hard and ,,·ell as a team. The season has gone \\ell." AnEagan.

"Cheerleading ts reall} fun because I get to meet ne'' people... S!lett Morales.

PRACTICE M \KES PI RHCT )un10r -\ngda Rogc rs put hc·r trust 111 her teammatt• "luk doing stunts -\ngela a)' "prattiCl' " al\\a)' n•ort lun and \\"L ah'a)' r ht·tter \\ ht n er an rdawd and "lll·n tht rt h '"'' prt'"tlrl' l·l.Yl. •· HIGH Senior Lisa Flkt· prauict·s fc>r the next home game Lisa sa)' that om of tht he t thmgs ahout c htTrlcarlmg '' 'that ) ou get to st·t·lots of great eton ports games

SMILE, SPARKLE. SHINE t'nior Usa Fike and ]unwr Beck) Pnu: show off their c hc•cr sp1nt after a late mght of practicing BASKETBALL CHEER. Top Rcl\\: Beck} Price, Enn tandridge: Middle RO\\. Callir Langellier, Alma hee. Angela Rogers, ilett Morales; Bottom Ro"": usan Benson. Elttabeth Falco.

team has a lot of 'PJrit \\'e had a real sen-,c of team unJt} Oru;

"The team th1s} ear \\as full of com pet ill\ e pia} ers Thq a],, a} s gaye 120°o"-CoachRod Brooklin

"Ion]} pla} basketball to get the chicks," JOkes Scott Thomas.

BOX 12/2 uperior
12/8 an Carlo 12/9 Camp Verde 12/18 Hayden 113 Coolidge L 116 cc 1/9 P.C.BS 1110 Valley Cbri han 1/13 cottsdal Cbri 1an 1116 Phoerux Chri t1an L 1120 Bourgade L
fll \T 1'\S. llll lollllll.lll dot'\ \\ h.ltl\ t·r It t< blot k Jht 1\our)!adt· pl.l) <-r from I'·"""!! tht hall to h" tt·.lmmatt'' Tl· \\1\\ OR!.. loath Rod g" ,., \ollH. IJ\l llllllllt(. \\or<h of Jll\j)l rJtiCIIl to h1' lt'Jill ht:fon.:
I half \\ 1Utt'\l r Ill
d 111..1\t h.l\l "orhd hn .ll" tl't) "on
FRESHME BASKETBALL: Top Rov.: Ben Smnh, Joe Verson, Brian, Macias, Matt Standerfer, Middle Rem : Luis Gunnan, )a\ 1er Beltran, Scott Thomas, Michael Ortil; Bottom R<)\\: Warren Den ina, Ryan WeJtlel, Da Val del, Josh Phillips.


"Joming the team thts} ean' as rea II} great. We worked as a team to get this far." Nick Garta.

"Our team has a lot of potential thts year. We've all worked really hard to get where vve 're at."- Todd Husson.

"This year we are aiming to win fhe years in a ro\\. We have a great chance." Michael Poulsen.

12/2 Superior w

12/8 SanCar1os w

12/9 Camp Verde w

12/18 Hayden w 1/3 Coolidge L

1/6 wee w 1/9 P.C.D.S. w 1/IO Valley Christian w

1113 Scotto;dale Christian W

1/16 Phoenix Chri tian L

1/20 Bourgade L

W:\ TCHI:\G C:\RFULL Y juntor

TJ Chaton '>it'> on the '>tdelme'> \\ atthtng hi\ tLammate\ pia} Stomdail' Christian "ThL·re are a lot of nt'\\ talent'> thi'>} ear, e'>pe tiall} toming from the ,opho more-," TJ

LISTE!'J UP Sophomore Rick Colltm ltstens intently as his toath give'> his direuions. "It's rea II} awesome to he a part oft his team." Rick. JU lOR VARSITY BASKETBALL. Top Ro": Anthon} Quihuis,

:\iike Sha\\. Mike Poulsen, Michael Gilden tern, Todd Husson; Middle Ro'': Coach Strobe, Rick Collins. Tre\'or Debetadeto,. ick Garza. Chad Bruene}; Bottom RO\v: Thomas Duran, TJ Chacon, Robert Dmero,
Roberto Villega ·Gold.


"This season has heen a great season, \H' ha'e had great Senior leadershiphy our up perdassmen This is the hest record \\l' haw had sinle I han• heen at Seton and the} are setting a high precident for the fu ture teams " Coad1 Graham

"M} biggest thrill this year ,,·as bemg the leading scorer against Supenor. The onl} di>apointment this } ear wa> playmg >Ide hy side ,,.ith the greedy point guard. Iha'e two words for }OU,IOW£ 1 " DaVId Garza

"J ''Ill never forget the game Andre'' and I combine for +0. Of course Drew had 38, but it was still a mce memor}. Next yearlhopee,eryone follows my hoops career at Kentucky. Go Cats'"- Geoff Smitham

VARSITY BASKETBALL. Top Row: Hosea Graham, Francis Zovko, Derek Smith, Adam Kerwin, Vince Placido, Chris Schweinberg; Middle Row: BR Koehnemann, Andrew Lebowitz, John Rea, Randy Searle, Joe Bauer, Bottom Row: Mike Pintor, David Garza, GeoffSmitham, Jason Smith.

JU'viP B.-\ll Si\ foOl iluec• Senu>r. ChriS Sdl\\l'llllll'rg. out Jlllllf" hts opponent to start off a home game Chns s,\1(1 that all of the "e1ght !dung and dnll stall om that \\l' did 111 the off SL'ason pal(! off and hdpl'd nw nnprove hoth Ill} strength and JUI11J'1Hg ahlill} "

Tl \\I BO )I C, On I oft tlu l trt tit t rttnels dre <. tttd

Tl " un nu r I ) s tnt t n n F 1gstaff .wd '>an Dtt go "(, rng 01' tit l trtp tl • ll do r a a •earn cl I pcd II

n. u tit )ta \ltkt Pr 11 >r

PRHr \\,ff l I >r po I l)lf' I Rt. "r the >ur f r II I r \\a 11 u tc 11talf of •I '·"' , tlut\" I) Ill) \\a n t .n tl.e pap< r tl at oftt n " )on

FI:\CrER ROll • BR Koh tut a uttakls the hall to t 11t hoop \\ t I 1 ,, great ""'' d • >1 of tun It "as gn that "l surpns«l so man} p opK \\ < tOach t r f supp rr fr• Ill t}H l Ptlf llOil Oll'IPUOll}

!'\" F ,\LlE · \ D I C \. "T GET UP Semor Franc!\ Zm ko tnps and falls. a mual "\fan,! \\as hopmg thts ptntre of me tnppmg \\ould not hl' m tht• } earhook'" I-ra nus Zm ko

I 'TE. 'SITY St·mor Franu Lm ko, ,\ndrt·" Lt·ho" •tz, Chns Sdt\\clllht·rg and BR an· hn·d up agamst \\'CC "It "as great pia} mg 111 front of htg <rn" d Thts 1 the mo t upp rt \\e\e gottt·n mtlw )t·ars that I haH' ht·en hert•" ,\ndre" LebO\\ Ill


"It's cool helllg the on I} Sen tor on the team teaching the underclassmen is reall} good for the team." 'v1att \llayo.

"Th1s sport has gi\ en me the mo. t experience than any other sport. I have learned more about myselfin the past months than in sixteen ) ears.

"Wrestling is fun but competition is difficult because as a team we are inexperienced."- Brian Kirch


Hayden L

ASDB w Superior w


ABR w Fnt. Hdl

Queen Creek W

Ironwood w Apch Junct.

Payson SanPasqual

Maricopa SOB

Palo Verde ancopa

Hayden Antelope Ray eenCreek

L L L w


VARSITY WRESTLING. Top Row: Robert Bonura, Ryan Dompier, Matt Radman, Dan Sullivan, Matt Myskowski, Brian Fike, Coach Laurie; Middle RoV\.: Mike Consalvi, Josh Mejia-Sanchez, Dillan Langallier, Brandon Benzing, Ed McDounagh; Bottom Row: Robert Watson, Thomas Conner, Stephanie Olah, Josh Kosmer, Eric Schafer.

H \RUSS li--\DER Coach Launl 'h"''' Fd \ILDounagh a take· do\\n \\re,tling move Coach I aum· "a' n·'p'·ctl·d for hl·lllg not on!} a \\ ondcrful "n·,tkr hut a great l<>acb a!"'

la}Otakt.,Dan ul 'andm''l \latt \\a\ thl' on } wmor on thl' tl'alll th1.,} l'ar

0 I· OF THI· GUYS. Stt phanlt 01ah and R} aP Don pltr prallllt togetl•er Stephan It 1s the on I} g1rl on tht tl a•n That d<ll'>ll't 'I"" her do\\ n thot.gh "The ho} ttatul mt 1kt om of them " Stt phalli\'

HI· \D STRO G Sophomore R} an Domp·n \\ n·'>tll'' "ll'l an opponent and look' to he puttmg l'\'l'f} thmg he· got IIllO H.

T -\KI'\' -\ BREAK \1Jkt: Consah i and fello" teammate Robert Bonura \It thl\ mt·t·t out becau t' of tn)Urlt'' "Tht' " a great team that\ "hat make It a challenge" \like

E. 'COUR-\G\IE. T Otllan Langelher encourage rea•nrnate Ed \ILDounagh on a produltl\l' meet and pm 1bl) a 'tctor)


i'> the e<,<,ence of the human <,oul, enriching and glori om 111 ever) ''a).

Ryan O'Mara.


Sean McDonald as sists in coaching the JV soccer team this season and looh fc)\\ ard to assisnng again next soccer season.

GOAL?! At a JV game Seton players stri\e to score against their opponents.

VICTORY 11 After a 'ictor}, the JV pla} ers huddle up to celebrate a well pla}edgame.

"I came, I saw, I played soccer. (and I scored II)- Hogan McDonald.

CC 8 9 Gila Bend W anPasquel W w

VARSITY SOCCER. Top Row: Coach Brad E., Eric Magne, Ryan Littrell, Philip Reyes, Collin Dobraza, Willy Jenett, Daniel Krick, Mike Krick, Michael Woltz. Mike Sullivan, Scott Clemens, Coach Keyes; Second Row: Brian Murphy, Mike Clemense, Mike Mayers, Peter Sheehy, Matt Pendlton, Ryan O'Mara, Vincent Baltran; Third Row: Lou DeLio, Amanda Keilty, Heidi Holstad, Annie Clemense, Colline Hubbard, Sarah Keilty, Nick Enzweiler, "LB" Blevin, Carrie Wilkenson; Bottom Row: Dulcey Madrid, Carlie Sandrid, Hogan McDonald, Laura Pflugfelder, Seth Nenabers, Brittany Swan.

\ D 0 I· \ D T\\ 0 \ D '< ar'>It} l('aiJl take-; a long qretLI ht fore pratllung Th(' !tam ha'> \\ orkt d \ t f) hard 111 pr.lLliCt \\ h ch o,hm\'> nthur gan t

\1111 H>RTIII < \ tiR \ <"olmDohra1a tt mt tt:'Lcamtra 'h} aftt r a long prautn

\1:\R:\THO RU. I·RS Tht \ar'>tl} 'occtr !tam put'> the.r LnduranLt'lo tht lt'\1 \\ tlh a long '>pnnl

OH GRE \ T 0 'E The alnnght) occer hall 'tand dt,pla) «i t11 R) an 0'\1ara' room for all to l'l

TEA\1 PL\ YER Tlw JV team get' read) to congradulate theJr opponent on a good game Carne \\'tlken on lead, the hne folio\\ ed b) \nunda t·th, con. and Colhn

"\\ l' didn't !me an) pla) l'r' from ]a,t ) ear, 'o \\ e \ e got a great chance at \tate again Oh ) l''· it \\ill be our,!" en1or Jaala Collin'>.

"In \oftball, it's reall) Important that you knO\ \ \ \ here the ball should go \ \ hen it comes to )OU." Junior Erin ]O)nt.

"For th e las t th ree yea r s, 1'\e been st art ing on second base , but th is year coach said I could be s t arting pi t cher'" Semor ]e. siCa Acedo.

BOX Fountam Hdl Horenn·
B[O DISI \tTIO a\\argllr)all(l L ( \l1">ll lartm) \\Wk togcth< r 011 1111pr ng tilt r oltbal f nda lll r tal Th \\1 I he the lr1a <J o 1lort ll'< Stt m ee l} Omo hun dro, RyAnn Rodnguez, Ehsa Rubalca\a, Jesstca Acedo, tephanie Martin , Mo ll y M u lhn. Bac k RO\\ : Gre t a Shagena, Lisa Ba n c r oft , Lisa Wang ler, Allison Martin, Ka t ie Mye r s, Jaa la Colli n s , Er in Joynt and Kelly Travis.
IzaToume) auus 'hado" ott dal Chn uan Phoem x Chnst..an vc Chien\.!) ) &>urgadc Tiebreakers Sute 't.!l

THF Rf \1 IIC>TT E' 01 H

lltrlgt a td ::>an lo tr k a p

II r rt I Ia ill

HO\\ IT DO E 11.1 , } I 1l11 "11 " ' a t oil ll'latl \\I tg a nO ru,q It ht r t t n 1 It to htl t r 111pmH 11

\\ \IT! <,I OR \PI r< I! l "·I Bamroftt nc on 1'1ak11 g c<>lll.l t "11h t It '>a I ll I 1'1ak11 'urt ht r tat L "pcrktt

C0\!1. ·G HO. IE tarung catchtr Stephanie. !a run retel\ "'the ball that\ been tired at her" htlt•t >ath jer•} \lulhn 'tanrl b) \\allmg lor the next pia)

DOUBLE PI \ Y )t' 1ca c\tedo "tpe' thl' ball at 'econd anrlthen hn•, II to hN pratuung a doublt pia) L1'a \\angler and l\d \ Tra' 1 ) l'll ut tht pia) 'o 'Ill• kno\\' \\here 10 thro\\ •t

td}OI'l Ln<'r l'l<'>tcrntm>r >f
tom practt L tltlr If prq olrdl r fort rtal
tt f t

"Last }

rea II} great and I'm hopeful that thl\ team \\ill be a great } ear also " Sophomore L1hh} Aledo


Fre,hmen Court Ill'} mnham 'a}'· ''I'm n·all} l'Xli ted a hou t tlw team and I'm glad I'm im ol\ld It ll 1"

Freshmen Bng1d Mullin sa}s. ''I'm real!} looking fon \ ard to this } ear's team. I think \\e're reall} gmng to ha\l' a great season.

JU lOR VARSITY OFTBALL. Top: Cheryl Pfahl, Courtney Kuluris, Betsy Pattock, Lisette Villicana, Libb} Acedo, Kyra Colkrum. Bottom Ro\\: Brittne} $\\an, L}nn McDounough, Courtne} m n ham, Jackie Da\ is, Bngid Mu ll m and April Shagena.

ear\ team
Fouma111 Htll
II Hun Lhool ofPnnccton
Flor nee 17. wee
Que n Creek 26 Scon dak· Chn tan
PhoenLx Chn tun
Flor('DCl' 417 Bourgad +N Wtlkenburg 4/14 Queen Cr t'k 4/ ((, C..1ctu had w.s 1 T \, illl )\ )! rl \\arm ''I' ldort prau n th<) maK< 'l r• that tiH. tr ar 1'\ J.rt: lot t. se ) ott \\ o<tl<'n t "ant to h,m ) 01 r Jrn 'Ill "'fthall GOOf OH' )t"t hut g om oi th< gtrh. ,,, till t<ampu'''
1 goo I\ pt<ll n thq "lll' to ht ha' 1 tg fun' II\ all fun
lllltl] OllllOill' g<·t


Sophonwn· Will} )L'llllt'l IS sollll'\\ hat of a "Rl·naJs•,.lnu· Man" "I pia} soccer, am on student counul, and pia} base hall." Good for }<HI, Will}'

"! think that thts season should be good if ''e can all learn to work together as a team and if '' e take It one game at a ume. Zachar} Pollet.

Ben Regan stall'S, "JV Baseball at Seton ts a powerhouse of strength' We are going to domi nate this season'"


Fountain Hills

Florence Ra} .·wee Payson cott Chnstian Phx. Ra} Bourgade Hayden Pa} son Scotts. hnstian Phx. Chrisitan \VCC Bourgade

TR! TCH !T UIJT' 'umor PtltrRIH..t nctl\t..,t\.tra illlp I ron Sophomo rt \mhon} Qtnlnm to 'lrt'l<ol hi\ don'lant I'll ,cJP, aht r a lo tg hrcak for Ba,ehall prattllt ''I'm Bc\Ch

( \TU! IT, '.ICh '.!tk 1\:ara tanlall" "tralll\t' t'f} II tl\dt· ,\, ht lll(l'lll}) "all' for tht· ha"·hall to Ulllll' fh mg o!llO hi\ g 0\l

JU lOR \ -\R ITY BA EBALL Back Rem· Coach Ference, Ryan Dompier, Dtl',lln Pollet, Jmtin 1ullin , Lou Peleo, Luis Guzman, josh MeJia Sanche!, tck Karasumatis, Rick Collim, Will} Jennet.

Front Rm' Peter auer, Zack Pollet, K} le B} rd. "\athan Rice, Robert B) rd. Conner Blese. Ben Regan, .\!tke Consa!Yi and Jeff Duhasik

"We're looking for.\ ard to lla\ mg a great year' Don't he surpnsed If\\ e go all the ,,.a} hecame second place Is the first !mer " Juan Valenuano


Head \ar It} pitcher, Jon Shrop hire, f(>rtlll' enunel team state<., "call him "

Hustle 7 That\\\ hat Roh demonstrates In this piuure. "Everyone's \\ ork ing hard to g •t read} for a real!} good season." Roh Byrne.

\ D \(,\I 'Bo) 1h '<lfl a1 run 11 I)! arou'ld t'l <In J, " 'J) !tk< Lll,\an nlurlli!I)!forh"lhml)l'.Irti,.H\11) ha'<hal \\, ,. Jll<llo '<II ,r,<m.IIton '""'!! an<Hill'r )<'ar 1110 \IJil Ja,l )<ar ill· lt-d the llJIIl 111 l111'


BASEBALL: Top Row: Anthon} Quihuis, Mike Matts on, Bud Meister, Joe Bauer, Darren Spet7, Kevin Foote, Franos Zm:ko, Roh B} rne, Randy Searle, Larr} Forsythe, Ben Ken\ in. Bottom Row: Juan Valenuano, BR Koehnemann, Geoff Smitham, Jon Shropshire, Mike Sullivan, Peter Rhee, Mike Poulsen, and Sean Sapp.

'o '>eriou'>l}. the-,.: tight pant'> reall) accentuate Ill) mu.,cle. Ye' 1!\t:ryone we get to 'ee Geoff for one more )t:ar 111 ha,ehall 'I ou'rc the man Geoff'

LOOK AT TII-\T IORM 1 "\'ve're alread} ranl.ed 2nd in 'tate thi' )t:ar. ,,.:·11 ha\e a great 'ea,on. PJu,. I'm a \I!\) man. that·, all that counh -MII.t: Poul,cn

TO THE BATMOBILL ML 1 Joe Bauer and Darren Spctt mal..: thc1r final lap during "arm-up,. \Vc're glad to have them on the team.

11\IL Ol I' One..: aga111 tt'' tun..: lor ll") out\' Tho: !!U)' IJ,to.:n

a' coalh to.:JI, tho.:m \\hat' no.:\t to come \\ tlh n:turn1ng 'cn1or' lcad1ng thc tcam \\C lool. to tal.,· talc lor thc 2nd ttmo.: 111 ' )Car Rand\

\10\ I • ()\, l P So.:n1or Ko.:\ 111 l·ooto.: tal...: omo.: \\arn up"' tng dunng an o.:arl) urmn .1gc th1 )Car I "'t )<.:ar Ke' 111 callll' up 'hon pia) 111g J\ th1 'car ho.: " tal.tng h1' plaL·o.: on \ ar'll) 'rou ·rl' a\\C...,Oilll: Kt:\lll'

\\'H-\ T -\ TUD' !.Jrr) For') thc "arm up h" arm hdon a 'lmnmage It look' ltkl' hc mmt \\Ork out eHr) P1ght. nght l arr}"


"TraLk thi-, } ear -,hould he ahso lute!} a\\l''>onc· We have one great team and one <.,et of reall} good coachL''· e..,pc•uall} Coach Jone<.,. \Ve ha \l \\or ked hard to get tim far."

"\Ve should \\ork on one goal, team unit} \Ve should '' ork on being one team and we shouldn't let an} thmg or anyone get 1n the ''a} of that goal."-Er1ca Valenzuela.

"! hope that en·r} girl that goes out tmpro\ es their times. I also hope that ead1 person achie,es the goals that the} set for themsel' es. "-

Dennis Clinch.

s!·OR!·\ l·R I·RII '\DS \llda ,. t'hmh ·""' \nn Rt rk<· ( \!>: \ tar) \m <; lltgan) are th< h"t of fnt'IHh ht•tau" of thur lmt for tra<k "S11tu· I'H ht·tn 11 track 1\e mad< a lot of Ill'\\ fnrn<". ltkt· \l1dtdls" An1

tlJSCI I· \\'0 It\'\' :-.;o n\ <'al'dlll' Kodt" "huddmg up her nn st:, II' ordn to p<rftct lll'r thrcmu g Cand1u I oll'\\ to tht t<Jill th )tar and ht s looklllg f<mard to a good )car on tratk

TRAC'K Top R<m ILOI<· Rt•a. Md"sa Pt•rr). laura Pflugfelder, Ala) n Sc•mmara Canditc Kodm, Canlin Mllklt. M1dwllc· Chnch, Megan Ml'idlt'r, JessiCa Rafter) lnd Row Ann Burke, Jenmft'r Burdolsk1, Soph1a Awrd, Carl} Sandell, Stephanie Olah, Emdy Falkner. 3rd Row Kaue llolland, Heather Ferns, Jenn1fer Rail, Lauren M1ckle, JessiCa O'hrien, An me Klemens, JaniCe Ramos Bottom Rm\ Dana Dillard, Erila



O'bm 1 IS " I'I tl e DrtckmH and Carl} Sandt! I ]t soc a loo k a" t f,Ill) ptppl o h, ad tar« runmr ht mu 1 not ha\t rur that •ar )Ct

TOUCH Till· I l...lJren \1 cklt \lt'ghan \It kher, -\r n Burkt and \i•chellt ( 11 l 1 a•e de lll"'traung tl 11nponanu of \trttch ng befort ) J ru 1

GO FOR THE GOLD Kane form run and look hke he needs to wor on her arms a lmk "Track " hard and Coach jones "orks us unul "L' drop hut It "ill all he wonh It m the end " Kane DAZED -\. 'D CO. FU ED Heatht·r FL·rr" looks a lntlt· tm·d hut \\otlldn't }otl he aftt·r runnmg the fa tt'\t 200 mt·ter' of )OUr hfe' "I lmt• track, Coach jones" the man, ht• auuall) makt·, me \\atH to run around 111 unks•" Heather

NUMBER 0 I" One team. one mmd, om· hod) All of the coaches th") ear art· work•ng on one tlung U 'ITY 1 Coac·h jones and Coach Ba,uan hoth agrt·t• that a' a team tht'} ,hould ann f(>r the top, tlunk pmll\l and unprmt• ahm e all


"It's going to be great to throv\ thh } ear and not to run. I'm no\\ the cap tam and m} goal is to beat Andre'' In something and win region. It will be tough, but I'm up for the challenge."]a rod Cu tt}

"This IS gmng to be an exciting year with a lot of chal lenges ahead. \1\'e\e got a great team and a lot of hard" ork put 111 to make it." -Brandon Mistler.

"This }ear' team looks like one of the best teams. We are strong in ever} event. Hopefull} everyone \\ill sta} eligible and ''"e will vdn region and take state. Bring on the pain 1 " - Raja Audi

BOX 3/6 Superstition Relay 3/14 orth Canyon Invitational 3/18 Arizona Boy Ranch 411 Phoenix Chri tian 4/3
U"'ITY Tlw SL·nuneb \\ann up hl'fon· a htg pralliU'. "The \\Jrlll up lap' and \lretchmg are the mmt 1111ponant pan' of pralllll'. ThL') enahle the runne"' llll"de, to !omen up and the 'lfl'lt hmg Jlfl'' L'lll' lllJllf) ·· Bn·tt IL'"" VARSITY TRACK. Top Row Patritk Sylve>ter, Dan1el Krick, Ton} Tosetu, Mike Ballinger, Brett Lewis, jess1e McDonald, jarod Cuuy, RaJa Aud1, Michael Velasque1, Dewey Kilzer, Brad Barkyoumh, M1charl Krick, Marco Velasquez, james Scott, jon Rea, Matt Melcher, Nick Van Bergen, Matt Clark, Tim Richard. Middle Row: Jeff Basuan, Paul Kelly, Greg Andreika, Mark Dranchak, joe Pmtor, Matt Mayo, Scott Ferris, Matt Pendleton Bottom Row. Mall Myskowski, Brandon Mi>tler, Matt Slade, Chm Whne, jon Anthon}, Scott Klemm ens and john Bacon.

HUGE. Ton} To\etti get\ in a good leg \\or!. hcfore tract. pract1ce. " I !me to practice \\ith the thnmer\ hecau\e the) don ' t ha'e to run and their pract1ce' are ' o much ea\icr th a n the '>pnntcf\ ."- Ton}

lllS!JRf 11 <a ual) 'tr T dd Ht , t, T 1 Rt h.r I

If 11 I track Ha< tit< tc prt I'•T I r t 11 <t

ll!<,H II. H T 1t l>tfort t q a•< olft

I thought tt "oul It grelt 'R .,trt D1 tr HIlt ' gt l d l<•a r tl

CO\C !II<> l'i ") n1 n go1'1g t 1 , l'ltnta a l ph) • al 'I' n l dcm n' I• Jfl to 1< l[H 1 an<' lt•rn lr m t.1t11 Ot r g al " I bt t 1111pr '< l r 1 tH an<' EFFORT) lmpr 'll'll n• 1 t t kl) ( , h )•>Jlt\

LEADERSH IP Ch"' 1\.ml and St·rglo Chamhuhn mak< a prt·dJcUon lor th, )t:af\ t rack ttam#l St·rgiJ prdt·" to run dt lace \\hilt• !.:trch 'Pflntt·r "K trch ;, luck) I dl"lldt·d tot to 'Pflnt tPh )t·ar or de he \\uuld ha'e '>et"n eaun · Ill) du' t " trg1o

an \fa't


\\ lwn asked ho\\ lw kels Ill

LOntrthUtl'S tO the team, Senior Jon Genult (and fc>Ur } l'ar golf team mem her) am\\ered, "I the go] f team!"

"! am hener than Jon " emor Jason Lm' ell comment\ ''hen he hears Jon Gentile's remark

ahout BEl G the F. TIRE golf team

"! feel that I am the inspiration to the golf team. the dr" mg fc>rce (If )Oll \\ill)." Freshmen Seth enaher.

2 3 9 (.Ott Clm uan 3/11 PCDS
Phx Chmuan
1 19 Camp Verde
SI Greg
30 Bourgade I \aile} 6PCDS
13 Ph hmuan
/ J 5 Y.tlley
I 1.0 lOtts Chnman
1 2 2 St Greg o r} I Re gwnals 5 / 11 tate II 1 1 I llwt that atr ta'l" Rood' Pa,d "Tomaha\\ k" T na"k p<>P<h rs .ht 1 Ita 11 tg of II< d m tg goll pr.ttll« Paul" r .ill) 11>t <p•tom' of 'In ngth at•d encluranct as a go lit r II< "lui of 1 nd.llllll< d 'ourag<Anthc>nv Ros , Mark People , Jon Gentile,
Jason Lowell, Eddie
Front Row: Paul Tomasik, Anthon} Kuner, Jon Marquis, Kerr} Wilkenson, Seth enaher and Coath Maluski

on\\ nh that ntct trtsq It \\ tng' Be' it He 'pia) 11 g golf, not ha thall HI t od th ng .to, h t.lll' att rdu gto \ntiH>II) '\\tt >ok " I ptall a • )<J at tall 111dth )LJr\\l II ttl< f<rt•othmg '' •hat fir l "(Jrrr 1 <,E Til I 11· Dll, \\ < J\11 kout" rid Ill n cot'll tit ht goof, r St n r lo Gt <t It polt d) 1 ac ht' JL r pi' t graphcr b) f], x ng Ius\\ attn gat ltu p \\ nh t tr t 1 H dt and that come h.ther nult, "ll 1 11 \\ondu ftt \an allad) k.llu'

I·ROI\\Rf:STII <,ro<,OI· )tn •gt ha "hat 1 tak" to ill a" ortl ) omptllt r \, '" '< htn, <one ntrauon \1 ll kq to J'trfc<tn g om go.f gam<

PRESER\ -\TIO!" -\,jon 'l.larqu" '"agger' up to till' green, an aura of golf 111 tght loom' about h" head Tune and timl' agam. ht· prm ,., lumwlf a' a'wt to tht· golf tt·am

C-\T GOT YOUR TO. 'GUE" Altn thuggtng lm gatorade ft·lcmhl) entor \lark Peoplt·' told our tamer a man. "I \\t'ar Ill) gold l'\\ York hat to 'hm1 Ill) tl'Jill 'Pirlt," a 'tatl'ment that \\a' f(>llo" ed h) a 'ot of toughing. "I gue" 'omt• \\ent d<m n thl' wrong ptpt•," 'atd \lark laughmgl). or rltd ht'

\lr kt:
B \ rnR UP' ent r \t tt t) R un nt "l r t >


"The he'>t thing about Tennis Is that Il gh t''> me t"l.tra llll1L to sptnd \\Ith Rose " 5t·n wr Je-,-,ica Under\\ood

"J real!} look up to Ill} Sl'>tt•r a'> we her as a great role model. I'm glad that "e haYe tht' opportullll} to pia} Tennis together this } ear." Freshmen Rche Unden' ood.

"I expect t his season to be filled ''Ilh Yictory! Watch out, here "e come, just "aning to steal state!" -Senior tephame Wolf.

4 Reg tonal 5/11 tate

TOT! II· TOP' I n·,hnH n R"'l)nl.llor, polnt,totl•t 'k) ,1\ ht dt,cr },, lh"Har's tt\IHstt.lll' '\\, 'n htatl!ngf rtht to! tiii')'.H \\, '"' g<llngtol•ta Ia t)tar's rt•tor!k \\ t'rt gomg to he lllllllwr o.lt' ·
VARSITY GIRL'S TE Stephanie Wolf, Ange la Fox, Jessica Undenvood, Rose Underwood, Roslyn La lor, Beck} Clark, Elaine La'' less.

CO-\< F ) . R t )' 1 n 1

TI•Jt' a r gi-l R t has a 'lalt ra ldrl

fc.:n11 l tanp(\t '' t '' 1 tr

<lii<KOIJTrHI·SF<;F \•tplll \\

\n;:• J. f-. x pia) !ln1r g•nH "11h !ht <>I <a

llt'lllllf'\\111 tht\ '''"toll\ >• <for lJ

Sit phan < and \ngt:a makt l gnoll< "'''

\lOST IlK II Y TO SUCCI-I fJ til )t

'las the tl '> 11 clas and"'' Jill a J d< ' • I to I' ga1 '' dr

TE.-\\1\\"0RK. The Fre hmen (Rose Under\\ nod and Rosl) n La,or) take llmt• OUI ot 1hc1r strt•nuou p•aclllC 10 plan ht•l!er lrategtes lor lht·tr !Jrsl ma!Lhes \\a) 10 hdp cath mht•r out gtrl '

HrRE IT CQ>.,1ES Rose Undn\\ ood has JUs!" n l'tl, hut ln!le does she kno\\, her panner Rosl) n Lalor" ott 111 ohll\ 1011!

"VVe hope to do "ell this season.··



"Jthmk the team is go in g to do great this } ear." R} an DO\\

"Pracuces are easr and we plan o n heaung l'\ eryonc this year. We are going to "'" 111 state." Matt alafia.


AI:-.1. f!Rr. Chad l·m!tr 'h"'" off h1' !alt·nh durong om· of h1' pral! ""' \\orklng hard "dl hnall) pa) off "ht·n )(dlllt' !lllH" tollH"\. h 11 fll\1 ano!lwr Lmt·r ho) or 11 ano!lwr lm t TE IS. oah All n, Shawn Dow, B n Thompson, Royc Martin, J ffKoe tn r, Ryan Dow, Chad Fo ter, Matt Salafia .

-\ D \G \l · )t fl Kot\lnt·r up )t't anothtr M'r\l d mng praLtltl' RcOll'flll>t r praUill .nakts pufect

HJR!" Sha\\., Do"·, radt t dot not ,ook to loo t \Ia) >< Ill c.tgoingforadtll(t.l It ltjhout ho\\ t\tf}CHlt "hat hl' " •uad of and tlt.1t 'iLion ts #I

SURVFY SAYS Than! t-..gu)t'll, ts 11 another furn) fate or ftnall) an Jlt' \\'hat ts tht an"" r as In St ts up fur) l't .1110thn matdt agatmt the p<'rson Ill \\ II horrtf)

0. YOUR \lARK. GET SET. GO• \notlll·r run around the tourt' Soml'thmg of that ort as the statt·s hest tt•nnts tt•am gt·t rt'ad) to tear those othl'r schools up

SHOW YOUR STUFF' Ben Thompson slHm hts mo,es \\ htle enthustastl call) returnmg the hall to hts oppom·nt Hopl'full) he \\til rl'Ul'\l' the hall had and he and ht, partner "til haH· a great game


"I was o glad when I came to Seton and found out that we had a swim team. I feel lucky to be able to participate in swim for the next four year "Michael England.

"Chicken fighting with my teammates is my way ofhaving a good time at practice. I am the be t! Every once and a while we wim, al o "Junior Jen Rall.

"I think the best thing I got out of wim tean1 wa the great friends I made. It was such an excellent way to begin my HighSchool life."- Tori Stamp.


9 / 2SPCDS

9 / 2 7 Xavier Invitational 10 / 16 PCDS


S. All the meets they get to play.

4. The bonding that goes along with seeing ever} one in swimsuit

3. Being a part ofSeton's new tradition

2 Thh is Arizona, so wh} notstripdownand jump in a pool?

1. Have you seen the good looking people on this team?

TRA QUIL MOME TS. Fre hmen Heather Heying stares on as she strikes "the thinker" pose for the camera. Wonder what's running through her mind? Perhaps she is acknowledging the hard work of her teammates, stopping to gain her breath, going mentally over her classes to figure out what her homework is, or maybe just zoning out on the world.

COLD E OUGH FOR YOU? After a long and hard practice, Sophomore Bryan Olivieri rests and covers himself with a warm towel. Swimming is truly a strenuous activity. Bryan helps make up the male quota for the team.

SWIMMI G. Top Row: Tori Stamp, Dillan Langellier, Michael Koye, Brian Olivieri, Michael England. 2nd Row: Renee Kuhse, Kelly Carpenter, Emily Falkner ,Jocelyn Ohl, Melissa Wentworth, Coach Harrison. 3rdRow: Nicole Rea, Erica Valenzuela, Hannah Barnett, Jen Rall, Tracey Mitchell, Molly Farwell, Heather Heying, Callie Langellier. Bottom Row: Amy Stolze, Miranda Jilek, Jessica Raftery, Jessica O'Brien, Laura Pflugfelder, Cassie Castorena, Jill Davis.

S. !ELLS LIKE TEA\! SPIRIT en.c.r PtlLgfddt r hdp, Sophomore je "ca O'Bnet hem the \\Orld that :illJ: 'urc The'e t\\0 do\\ n al\\ a} make the be,t u! each moment, C\Cn dunng

\IAK! 'G \\'AVES. Semor Call.e Langel her force her arn1' through the water a' he 'P•rab .nto the n1ouon at "'" un .mng She pa' c' the" a} t glor} "Hh her dtternunauon Prau1ce make' perft'l t,} ou kncl\\ Calhe "a ne" tudent th"} ear to eton and her expenence m "tmmmg reaH} patd olf for Seton' ftr t eHr \\ 1n1 tearn

DO IT WITH -\ \IILE e111or Laura Pflugfdder 1' trul} one of the team leadt·r' on th"} car\ brand new "1m Team. Laura ah' a}' 'ecm' to have a "mlc on her face. The opum"m she ha, for her team1 wen clear!} on lll'r fal<

IF THOUGHT. COULD \\'I. -\ \\'I\1 \IFET )u111or )en Rail, ophomon·' \hranda j,ld and je'"ca O'Bncn look Intent!} a' thl'lr fdlcl\\ "' llllllll'r' \\ ork up .1 '"eat.


"It's been real!} great to see all the the fam ha\e been gtnng our players. The} have made our cheering worth while'" -So phomore Tan}a Redger.

"Cheer a lot of fun year. We learned man} JH:'\\ and different It's been a real!} \\ onderful

, .. ophomore Dorh.

"This was our first year cheering for football. It has been reall} exciting. I can't wait for next year!" -Sopho more Erin Standridge.

YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! Christian Dons, a Sophomore on the JV Cheer Squad, looks at the camera" nh a shockt•d fan· as tin squad preps for the game Don't \\Orr}, Chnsllna, )"OU look hl·auttful'

]U lOR \1 ARSITY FOOTBALL CHEER Bottom Rm\: Fnn Standndge, Chnsuna Dons, Am} Mtllcr, Heather Gatser Middle Julia Patterson, Meltssa Mtller, D1ana Top R<m: Cher} I Pf11alf and Tan}a Redger

S C H.Sn JV Cheerleader Sopho more Am) Mtlkr prautsl'' stads for the game "nh othn kilo" teammatl's. Am) sa) s, "Bl·mg a ha'>e IS hard \\ork. }OU ha\l' to make '>Ure you hold thl'm nght or the} 'II fall.

HERE Wf GO• Sophomorl' cheerleaders pump up till' da" of 2000 at the pl'p rail)

JU lOR VARSITY BASKETBALL CHEER. Bott mRow: Cynthia Sharp and Lindsay Catania. Middle: Tanya Redger, Chri tina Doris, a sy Volesky. Top: Julia Patterson.


No matter where you IOtJk on this campus, there is wnsfrucfionf It began with the new football/ soccer field! track. Seton is heading toward a new

era of sports.

Soon after renovation of the field began, the old basketball courts were ripped out and up went (slowly, but surely) a new science building. liJith 6 (ff£liJf) rooms if provides an opportunity for the school to expand Besides such key changes as the field and c.lassrooms, there was also an arrival of wrought iron fences. liJith a fence surrounding the front and a huge brick wall to the North (newly erec.ted), students began to ask, "Are they trying to keep others out, or us in ?f"


TRACKSTARS St·ntor,Chr•s

Scln\ <mht·rg and jake Po" t·rs tlatm tht fll'ld as thetr domatn

CLEA. UP CREW' Well, not qune juruors joanna Henr},. 'tkkt !l.lauas, Laura Probst and Semor jon Rea dtspla} thctr flare for modehng 111 the ma111 hal of the ne\\ \O,(lt'lllt• bU1ld111g Hopefullr the contractors dtdn't mmd the 111terruptton

FEEL!. 'G A LITTLE CRA'I.!PED 1 tudents gather 111 the quad 111ce the con tructton taken up o much SPACE On a good da) the fence would rema111 standing despite dati} reststann· to boundanes b} the students

LIVI'\iG THE HIGH LIFE Ft·ar of hetghts ts not an optton for th.: ,. roofers. Ma}be the) }mt remember


CAGED I There· s no escape for Semors Momca Almendaret, Dana Dillard. jac k ie Mmione. Andrew Lebowitz. jenny Lang. and RyAnn Rodriguez. Cheer up. freedom ts , EAR WH·\TTHI Sophomon· ·\Ill} Kula" skt looks ,1 httle pulllt•d "h taktng a "10m of th< nt·\\ SCI< Ill< hutldmg -\m} u>mmt·nts, "I tlunk tl•ts hnng' 'll'\\ arlhllt'llllr.l \artt't} to tht campu
= =-------.....!
Susan Benson Meaahan Brown Ann Burke Sarah Clark Kristen Coleman Jaala Collins OUR \lODE-\ TOR HARD-\ T \\'OR!.. \lr,. Patto<k, our karlt'" mo<krator," ah' a) shu') ".th th< I") s of ) t·arhook Here she 1s d1etkmg c<>p) for "fun" The Usual SusPects: Dana Dillard Nick Enzweiler Christie Equils Liz Falco Laura Hoel Allison Martin Michelle Johnson JaciYn Mirroine AmY Kujawski Octavio Navarro MollY Farwell Joanna HenrY Callie Lanaellier Laura Probst Andrew Lebowitz RYAnn Rodriauez Nikki Macias Jon Rea 'G THF RIGHT I -\ YOUT St·ntor -\nn Burke goes through tht '"ondtrful \\hilt ll<ltthook" to f•nd htr tht· Ia) out for hn pagt· \nn dot·s ht r ht·st to gt·t her pagt·s lll on ttnll' and do Ill \\ t•ll YOUR PAGfS. :-.-avarro "hatt'\t'r) )l'arhook munher let•ls lrke h) the deadlinl' Hl' loob H'r) ddt'll\1\l', ahnost lrkt· hr dm·sn't \\ant to sh<m h" pagt·s to \lolllla or ]t·nn) 111 ca>e thq hnd an) problems HELP!. 'G A DREW Senior Dana Dtllard looks like she's got her hands full as she attempts to xplain somethmg 10 em or Andrew Lebo\\ Ill THREE'S COMPANY juniors Laura Hoe!, Chnslle Equtls, and Moll) Fame II delrght in other school's Farhooks. The} mmt he findmg some great ideas, or "Hq, d1ed out th1s gtrl's AWFUL makeup•" Enher way, the) are havmg a good llme 1 He , that doesn't look like )OU gu)s are domg }earbook 1 What IS this, '>tudyhall? Monica CO-Editor-In-Crime

Have you seen this man?

H1 nam Andrev. Hen chen (aka Wlid B1ll) and 1 th phowgrapher editor of tlus yearbook Watch out' H 1s arm d and e tremely dangerous dded note. H ' m t Yanm, o he's a professiOnal'

THEO. "IY\\ \YTOGFT\\"ORI-.:00. "E ,sw \H>rk \\lth huddtt ' ju•uors lk En/\\edu KriStt·n Coll-man. and joanna fll nq and Sc.phomorc -\Ill) Ku 1a\\skt 11 and that as the) check 0\ er the names tloq art ccrrecnng

HEY IS THAT A PICTURE OF YOU' Semors Jon Rea. ·arah Clark. Alhson. larnn. and Ann Burke 11 dost' togetht rand laugh at tht people Ill the ptuures \\ 1-tat a lmmg da" \\t ha'c here'

YEARBOOK SPY Juntor tkk \lauas theth out a Marcos) t'arhook to steal the good tdeas thq had fc>r thetr Ia) outs and student hfe pages The be" wa) to see what\ "I:\'" "w read other books

Seize The Vea

EDITING. Ed11ors
Lang and
-\lmendaret pose" 11h 'anous) ear hook tool\ at Lamar Stud"" Thi ts one of the man) perk of tht•tr roh' Jenny CO-Editor-In-Crime Se 1 Day
Back Ro\\ Lindsa) Catanta, Ox :--:a, arro, Dana Dtllard. arah Clark, Jon Rea, Alhson \1arttn, Dre\\ Ht·mchen, ikki Maoas. Andre\\ lehm\ltl, Calhe Langelher, Joanna Henr), \Irs. ?attock 3rd Rem jacktt' Mtrnone, jaala Collms, nn Burkt·. Chmnt· Equds. uste Benson. Moll} Far\\ ell. Laura Hoe!, Knsten Coleman. 2nd Ro\\ Meaghan Bnm n, Laura Probst, R)Ann Rodnguc/, L11 Falco, Am) Ktl)a\\ski, Mtchelle johnson, tck Enz"eder. Bottom Ro" · Montta lmendarez and jenn) Lang

ll to n ll n Wor./ry Day

d u ri n g

Homecoming lJeelc.

Since rhis is rhe "media age," we off are v ery atoar e rhe adv erfis emenfs rhaf s urround u s. During e v ery /() s how we are sfllpped from our v iewing s pfendtlr fll s e e s om e commercials. /h e besr cllmmerciof ha s fo be rhe loco IJe(( commercial wirh rhe Chihuahua s aying, "{ wonf loco IJe(( (in Spanis h) " lJe ore s wamped in ads, bur toe love 'emf

Around campu s people make s ads of rhemsefue s di splaying rhe kind tlf s hoe s rhey like , rhe cforhe s rhor rhey wear, and rhe differenf food rhey eo f Like if or nor-we ore living ads.

Here you go, munch on s ome Cheese N ip s a s you check our rhe resf ofrhis page(

Tlwrt"arev> mall) tlH>Ill''· hut remt·mht·r "Oml' )Oll pop, )<>lttan t 'top I

HAVE A DR. PEPPER, BAKED POTATO, A. 'D A SMILE. Jumor Joanna Henr} really seems to be enJoying her lunch. Potato da) 111 the Seton Cafeteria is the ht·st' But, like Joanna, invest in of napkins'


7511 AUS· Tl TEXAS. s 0 ph 0 mores Ryan Duna\\a) and MeJis,a Wentworth prove that are ' lkingad Mdtssa\ K Mart shtrt ts the be t 1 'ot onl}

H add humorou appeal, tt 1 also a great conve"a tion

8 en Ill r
I\\ \. 'T \ OTHER DR! 1\' Sophomon Jon I ogan do""' ont· Dr Pq1pl'r and ,t t k' "'llll nwn thangt Ill for anotht·r Pnhap' ht ·, gl'ttJng I( for a fnt nd, ol fa\(>rJtt· ll at hn, or 'l'lOillh for lumst If fie- unud ha' all h" nH>Ill') togt·tht rand got a rdn·,htng Po" t radt• YU\1\IY PRJ'>;GLES. Htn·m tht grott·r) W>rt 1' thl' gn·at at,Jt I Pnnglt·'·

JEAlOUSY \\t lmt }OllrC.1r, It ian t' }U!ior\ldalheBana tandsi:-} htrbcauutu st H•Cama•o \\callw shwt \\ereaslmk} ,JS\Itlatllt togl'tstthal'tll gtft'

t·nwr Am}· Arenare adorns a Twix har for tht• camera After travehng down the candy atsle, Am} has thownthe hest har out' Ht·re she poses m a vcr} inli1 mereta! st} le' !'-:t·xt slw'll he modehng "uh tht• food dd1ydrator 1


mors :-.;Ilk\ an Bergen. jon Shrop lme, and Mal! Mekhersll pa"l\d} atlunth and savor eath hut· jon looks hkt· he rt·all} apprt•u ates tlw fauthat on Fnda} Ill gt·t tot•at ptua from U!!k CaC'ar' and" t·ar red

\ \\'!G OF COKE }t.n tors Kn ten Coleman, :-.1ollte Hardest}, Enn Dumas and Aprtl Shagena (l11dmg) all sit atlunth and enJO} each other' tompan}

Knstentahs tht• ast stp ofherCokeas there t of tlw group look- hke they are rust glad for the break hetw een classes


CHEESE emor 1\:nsten Allen loob po HI\ el} plea ed to he eaung her Dontos at hrt•ak acho

Chee e are tht· onl} Oa \Or (not reall} theO. LY tlaHlr. hut the} are the he t fla,or')

C!RCII· !<.IS< l TIH \\ \ Y' Sophomon Chns Todd. }lllllor }t1an f·li.!S and In end It 1gh.1 f 1St It .1ll '<'t'lll lo ht n all} ellJO} 1ng th< tlllH thq an spt'!Hhng 111
1.:. ( hns looks I kt ht 's got ,1 lugt I It r f Rt l •Ia, Jo 1 1 do 1'1 know "I at ht \\al'ts, .llld lt·1gh.1loob I kt silt \\ants }u.1n to pa} I r ht r fo• d


Congratualtions! As your journey continues remember that angels fly because they take themselves lightly! Keep Smiling.

Love, Mom, Dad and Richard.


The years have gone by so quickly ... You have given us so much joy and laughter and never let us down. We are proud of the man you have become.

love, Mom, Dad and Aj


The years have gone by too fast. We are proud of you. Congratulations! We wi II love you aIways. Mum, Dad and Becky.

Dear Jarod,

You have so much to offer the world! Your sense of humor, your keen intelligence, your musical and artistic talents, and your sensitivity to others will take you far in life. Our prayer for your future is joy of heart, peace of mind, and fulfillment of spirit. We are very proud of you and your accomplishments. We love you always.

Mom and Dad.

"A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be your friend."

You did that Amy,we are so very proud of you and all you have achieved. We know you'll go far and remember we love you!

Mom, Dad and Thomas.

Dearest Dana , Keep striving for "Higher Ground " as you always have. Remember laughter is sti II the best medicine when things are difficult . You make us so proud.

Love Always , Mom , Dad, Seth and Jenna

If I could , I' d protect vou from The sadness in vour eves

Give vou courage

In a world of compromise

Yes I would , if I could

I would teach vou all the things

I never learned

And I' d help vou cross the bridges

That I burned

Yes I would , if I could

I would trv to shield vour innocence

From time

But the part of life I gave vou isn ' t mine

I've watched vou grow

So I could let vou go

If I could I would help vou

Make it through the hungrv vears

But I know that I could

Never crv vour tears

But I would , if I could

If I live in a time and place

Where vou don ' t want to be

You don ' t have to walk along

This road with me

Mv vesterdav won ' t have to Be vour wav

And if I knew I' d have tried

To change the world I brought vou to

And there isn ' t verv much

That I can do

But I would , if I could. from "Higher Ground " CD



Children are like kites ... You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you are both breathless- they crash- you add a longer tail- they hit the rooftop- you pluck them out of the spout- you patch and comfort, adjust and teach. You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday they wi II fly!. ..

Finally they are airborne, but they need more string and you keep letting it out. With each twist of the ball of twine, there is a sadness that goes with the joy because somehow you know that it won't be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that bound you together and soar as it was meant to soarFree and alone .

.and wi II aIways be loved! Mom , Dad , John and Katherine

Ann, You have always been our pride and joy. Our love and prayers are with you always.

AMY , Cong ratu lations!

Mom, Dad, and Katie

Kevin Duane (My Sunshine) y

The pieces just fit together!


Love, Katie



Congratulations Raja!

You grew beautifu llv!

You make us verv happv and verv proud!

Mav God bless vou and guide vou alwavs!

Love vou verv much

Mom, Dad, and Ramiz

Jessica, Even as a Iittle girl you were really independent with your own ideas and ways of doing things. Your free spirit is still so much a part of who you are and just one of the many reasons why we are so proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Nick, Libby and Trina.

Q: Who are these two cuties?

Radey Mckenna,

The years have gone. We've lived and learned (especially one important lesson!!). Now it's time to show the world all the wonderful qualties of you. We love you much and will always be there for you!

Cong ratu lations lisa! You did it! Keep your work ethics and focus on the Higher Power and you can do it aII. love


We will always be very proud of you! You are a blessing and we love you very much.

Remember whatever you do, where ever you may go , follow your dreams , believe in yourself as we believe in you Keep smiling and keep your faith. love

Jason, Congratulations! We are proud of you and your accomplishments.

Mom , Dad , Steve , Staci and Ryan
Mom and Dad Jason Matthew Baquie MOM AND DAD
ar e
Di ll an
Love Always, Mom and Dad VVe
ve ry proud of you. Love , Mom ,


Most smiles are started by another smile. You have a pretty smile that will always start another one.

We are very proud of your hard work, discipline, organization, and achievements.

May the Lord bless you and guide you always.

We Love You, Mom, Dad and Devi.

Dear Franjo,

At this crossroad of your life we congratulate you on your accomplishments and wish you continuous success in the years to come. Use your God given talents wisely as you meet new challenges in life. We are proud of you, of your talents, of your accomplishments and we love you always, praising the Lord for giving us such a wonderful and loving son and brother. Neka ti je sretno, Sine!

Love, Dad, Mom and Seka.

Congratulations Jaala! Mom, Dad, Josh, Jamie and Keith

Congratulations Angela, We are very proud of you and your many accomplishments! We will always be proud of you and love you. Keep a SMILE on your face and Faith in your heart. Always follow your DREAMS! Believe in yourself, as we believe in you. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to! May God always Bless you!

All our love Always, Mom, Dad and Alice s , ..)

Cong ratu lat ions Paul!

We are so very proud of yo u, and we love you .

Mom , Grandma , Meghan , Danny, Br ighid and Molly

Tracev Mitchell

Since vou were born vou have been a beautiful addition to our fami lv . Now that vou are growing up we can see that vou are a beautifu l addit ion to the wo rld and we are so proud of vou .

Love , Mom and Dad


The years have gone by quickly and it is time to start on another path, which will be a new journey we will embark on all together.


M.J .,

You have many God given gifts. Share them generously. You're the best!



Mom and


Pride without conceit; strong yet gentle; fun vet not foolish; willing to face your flaws; able to face your fears.

These are the qualities of the man you have become. It is our pride and privilege to call you our son. We love you.

Heather, Congratulations!

We love you very much and are very proud of you and all that you have accomplished. God be with you always.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Scott.

Best of Luck

Much Love, Mom, Dad, and Whitney.

Sarah Bernadette

"My Child of Mary"

We have had the joy of having you to ourselves for these past "short" years. The world is now waiting. Spread your wings my precious child and realize your hopes and dreams. Remember we will always be the wind beneath your wings.

Forever With Love, Mom, Dad, your brothers and sisters.


From a child to a man you have stayed in tune with your beliefs and dreams. You have brought joy to our world and love to our hearts.



We love you very much and we are very proud of you. Good luck in the future.

Love always,

Dad, Mom, Manolo, and Paty NICK •••

To sum up your impact, Meer words can't express, Our pride and our love, (But your room's still a mess)

We love you, and share in the joy of your success. Be happy.

Dad, Mom, Kyle (And Bridgette too)



It's been amazing to see the changes you've gone through in your life. You have grown to be a wonderful young man-blessed with many gifts. I pray that you rea Iize your gifts. And you use them to touch other lives.

I am so proud of you, and proud to be your father.

I love youDad

Ariane Eagan

A Brilliant future lies ahead of you, as bright and shining as your persona Iity, your smile and your love.

We are so proud that you are our daughter! Continue to laugh and may all your dreams come true.

We Love You!

Mom, Dad, Jonathan and Jeremy.

Karl, Get off the darn phone and start studying!!!

Cong ratu Iations!

Love, Mom and Dad xoxo

Jake, Cruising on to the next stage of Iife!

Always re..... member that we are proud of you and we love you.

Mom, Dad, Sarah and J 0 Sh•

Congratulations to our treasured daughter: JENNIE PITTS and the entire class of 1998.

Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger people. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks.

Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle; but you shall be a miracle.

Everyday you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which has come to you by the grace of God. -Philip Brooks.

We love you very much. You're the greatest! Dad, Mom, Malaika, Jaelyn, and Madison (and Benson).




We are soooo proud of you! Good luck in college following your dreams. Always believe in yourself as we believe in you. God bless you.

All Our Love, Mom Dad and Christi


May God continue to bless you in all you think, say, and do!

Love, You're the best '98 Dad, Mom, Matt and Candice.


Congratulations for a job well done.


Grandpa and Betty.

David Garza

Congratulations Mijo!

You wi II do well in whatever you want to do. We love you and are very proud of you. God Bless you.

Love, Mom, Dad, lzzy, and Nick.

Dear Michelle, We love you with all of our hearts and we are extremely proud of you. Continue to be such a beautiful person. Work hard for your dreams and the world will open its doors to you. Congratulations and God bless you and keep you always.

All Our Love, Mom, Dad and all your Family from Costa Rica.

RyAnn (Mija),

As we watch you doing things on your own we know you will find happiness and success because we are confident in your ability, your self-knowledge, your values. But if you ever need a boost or just someone to talk ... to about difficulties that might be occuring we are aIways here to help you, to understand you, to Iisten to you, to support you and to love You. Follow your dreams and make them a rea Iity. Remember to keep smiling and to always Keep The Faith. love always Mom and Dad a.k.a. Ms. Hannigan and Habib a.k.a. This and That



Dear Aileen, Congratulations and best wishes on this very special event in your life. Follow your dreams; Aspire for the best that life can give you.

We are very proud of you. God Bless you always.

With All Our love, Mommy and Daddy.


Sarah, You are very sweet and special. You bring joy to all around you. May your years ahead be fi lied with happiness and love.

All Our Love, Mom, Dad and Colleen.

Jessica Ruth Underwood


We love you and are proud of you. Most importantly, we are proud of the person you have become. Who you are inside is the most important thing. Your many accomplishments are just icing on the cake. Success in life will always follow you.

We love You, Mom, Dad, Noah, and Avery.


You were a great little boy and you've grown into a wonderful young man. Work hard towards your dreams but have fun along the way. Enjoy the life God has given you! We are very proud of you and we love you very much.


Love always, Mom, Dad, Laura, Stephen and Woody

Mav vou alwavs have the wide-eved wonder of a child.

Mav the Spirit of the Lord alwavs give vou peace and jov.

Mav the talents vou have been given and the skillv vou develop bring vou fulfillment and help vou bring happiness to others.

Mom , Dad and Jonnv

Beautiful, kind-hearted , intelligent Brie, I'll love vou alwavs and forever


Brianne , Love , Jason Hurst

God Bless You!

Rob, Congratulations Matt

Mom and Dad

Rich and Cindy

Dan and Kerry

Anne and Bob

John, Therese '93 and Peter ' 95

Seton's Sexy Sweethearts

For all of you I know and love (esp. Stephi, Rob, Sarah, Katie, Jenni, and Jackie) thank-you for becoming so important to me this year along with being there for some of my greatest memories. You will never be forgotten!

My love always, Traci ("Tracers") Jacobsen -The GirlsClass of 98 rules. The football games were a blast. "long-live the fire drills. " People left out of the picture: Allison , KeiBell, Fluky , Angela, and etc.you ' re the BEST. LOVE AlWAYS. Sarah Clark K.I.T. "Katie, B.F.F. " I' ll miss you nxt yr. Colleen! THE GUYS : Su lly, Mareo man , Randy , Kev ., J R., T.R., J.M ., M.R ., C.E. , A,l., J S.,

We have loved watching every step you have taken toward this day. May all the steps ahead lead you to happiness. We are very proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad and Scott

Dear Jackie,

As you grow in wisdom & grace always remember what you have taught us:

Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures!

Strive for excellence, not perfection!

Never underestimate the power of love! & Don't forget the new box of crayons!! We are so proud of you!

We love you always & forever!

Dad, Mom, Lizzie, and Dana.

Jackie, You'll always be my baby••••

Dear Jackie,

You are a very special person in our family. You have grown up to be such a beautiful and caring young lady. Always stay the way you are.

We are all very proud of you! Congratulations on your Graduation. Much love and good wishes!

Aunt Kathy, Uncle Gary, Jenine, Christopher, Loriann and Joey

... I'll be there for you always!

All my love, Uncle James



tiCul lit I" rr" c J.,r, iqh a hool qradu& You'll
h v,. a yr t ru•ur you. (1'( /kd.
'/ t'l
.. ,\Ill o n : • trorn I bq'il I nd ( f rne) 11 ( omc a 11111 lC'r gradu t1 n 'I ou rr r.ro111n up ton f t- do11n" \\.'ell done, no1\ on to
c lol'c , J oe, Cathy, Joe
JcnJllfrr, Patrie , Kathleen and fan:1h

J - Bird

From one graduation to another • .. We've watched you grow into a wonderful young man! This journey is ending and another is begining for you. Reach for the stars and go after all your dreams - we will always be your biggest fans in the stands!Congratulations- Go for it!

We love you always , Mom and Dad

Derek and Ryan


God bless you for being the greatest incentive of my life. Let Him guide you through your new journey. May your values be the "Treasures" to use throughout your path.

Love Mom

Felicidades mi muchachita!

Con mucho amor de tu abuelita

Son, (Sergio)

You have been an inspiration to us since coming into our lives. You have showed us that happiness is found in doing. Continue doing, and showing your many talents. We are so proud of you.

Con Todo Carino Mom, Dad and Sister



:J> r-
'"" -< -
llQtAtR 8. 1\(\ SUt 1\0 n ERIC

LOVE, Mom and Dad

Elizabeth Ann Falco

Congratulations, liz! We are very proud of our baby , and all your accomplishments. May your days always be as bright as you have made ours.

B.J ., We Love you and are proud of you!


From the court to the classroom you have excelled. We congratulate you on your accomplishments!

-Your Seton Fami I

Congratulations, Greta! We ' re proud of you. Follow your heart and your dreams.

Love, Mom, Dad, Johnnie, B.J ., J ody and Apri I.

Congratulations and Best Wishes !

We all love you. Mom and Dad Remmy, Kalom , Ruth , Er ic, Rowana , Rich and Marena.

Kevin, Never lose that little boy curiosity and faith you possess. Remember how much I Love You and how Proud you have made me. Love Mom


If I could have d a life for dreame

I Would have you I fallen short of al your accomplishments. Don ' t ever loose your sense of humor, it will by your ally through life. We all lov e you for you, Katie, don't ever change.

love, Mom, Daddy, • Nick, Grandma r

Clark, Uncle . Randy, and DIVId .

w H 0 'S L 0 v I N' y 0 u
WE LOVE YOU KATIE IIIII!!!! ..... 161 ds

Congrats Katie!

Follow your dreams and happiness will follow you. Stay Proud!

Love, Dad, Sue, Andrew, and Jonathan.

Congratulations Stephanie,

You have made your own path!! 1st in style. Keeping us from never having a dull moment. In a time of need, you have been there for your family and friends. We love you, God Bless and keep you safe and smiling.

Dad, Mom, Lori, Jeanette and Blake.

you Anthony for the best 18 years of our lives. Every success and happiness in the future. All Our Love, Dad, Mom and Grandma

\\'' You are the last of five, but you were worth the wait. Your motto has always been "do the difficult, try the impossible" Words cannot express how much I love you and how proud I am of your accomplishments. Thanks for the memories. Love always, Mom

Congratulations on your graduation. Know that we are so proud of the person you have become. May you fondly remember all your yesterdays, venture boldly into your tomorrows, and celebrate your accomplishments of today.

We love you, Mom, Dad, Courtney, and Brownie.

. t'
. A,.\fJ Monica,

Congratulations Jonathan! We LOVE you. Mom and Dad.

Congratulations from Mr. Neufeld to these Seniors who have sung in choir at Seton. Their excellence and leadership have been a great conrtibution to our musical life.

Amy Abraham B.R. Koehnemann

Jessica Acedo Lynn Martinez

Monica Almendarez Matt Mayo

Amy Arenare Laura McAllister

Mike Ballinger Aileen Opulencia

Rosamaria Bernasconi Jacob Powers

Ann Burke Amy Regan

Robbie Byrne Vanessa Rooze

Sergio Chamberlain Greta Shagena

Sarah Clark Geoff Smitham

Sarah Corral Juan '/alenciano

Dana Dillard Nanda '/ann

Heather Ferris Marco Velasquez

Kevin Foote lisa Wangler

Karl Gehring Kristina Watson

Sean Greco Stephanie Wolf

The days have been seized and many wonderful moments have been captured by the creative driven editors and staff members.

Monica Almendarez and Jenny Lang, CO-Editors-In-Chief, have truly raised the standards by publishing and delivering a book solely produced by the magic of computer technology. (Those deadline nights that spilled into the wee hours of the morning paid off, ladies!). Your commitment to quality is evident on every page and your work will be treasured forever.

The theme of "Carpe Diem," was chosen because it so clearly embodied the spirit of Christ and the vivacious personalities on the Seton Catholic campus. Enjoy the celebration on every page.

maxime placuit. (It has truly been a pleasure.)

Ex animo (From the heart; sincerely),

Mrs. Beth Pattock.

II uTENsI LS ARE F0 R w I Mps!!! II

3 reasons to be proud First cousins

Great Sentinels


Love and Prayers

Grandma and Grandpa

Offering the most complete luxury import lineup in the business.

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Best Wishes and Good Luck to the Class of 1998 Ed Macias a d1v1s:on •>f Enwonrnenti'tl Earthscapes Inc L1cense 0s A 21 07445i-OC'B C-21 054223-010 620 N Golden t<ey St Gilbert, AZ 85233 \ 602) 545-0456 I Fax 545-0016 International Academy of Hair Design (602) 820-9422 Caryl Ann Johnson 4415 S Rural Road • Tempe AZ 85282 FISH &CHIPS INC. Family Owned and Operated Since 1947 22 S. Mesa Drlw, Mesa 1011 E. Apache, Tempe 1111 E. Buckeye, PhoeniH 2628 W. Van Buren, PhoeniH 3715 E. Van Buren, PhoeniH 3920 S. Central, PhoeniH 4121 H. 44th St., PhoeniH SS16 W. Glendale, Glendale 9309 W. Van Buren, Tolleson
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All Good Things Must Come To An End.

satis, edisti satis atque bibisti : Tem us abire tibi est. " - Horace Photo By: Tere Hunter Howard (Seton Class of 1969).
ILifestyle ;
Sports [ForML

)' A IS -day chool strike in Ontari o, Canad.1 , affect s 2 1milli on :tudrnts Lat e in Octob er, 12 ,000 teachers 1\ alk out to protest a control rsial bill th at would alter edu ca tion al fundin g and rrntralize g01ernm ent control of education

A G01ernments and bu:·ine ses world\\uk race to remedy the "Year ZOOO" problem. Unles key computer system are reprogrammed to recognize d.1tes m the new centul) the world fares the threat of catastrophic failure m cnlic.tl areas like banking, air safety. public utilitie and defense

A!. ian econom ic turmoil trigge rs globa l unr est. In Octobe r, Hong Kong's stoc k ma rket cras hes. Asian coun tri es receive billions in bailout dollars from the International 1onetal) Fund.

:A: The remains of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, martyred Marxist revolu!Jonal), are laid to rest in Cuba in October, 30 )Cars after h1s execution in Bolivia, where his bone recently had been found.

:A: After 32 years of autocratic rule, President Mobutu ese Seko of Zaire is deposed in May 1997 and later dies m ex1le. His uccessor, Laurent Kabila, changes Zaire's name to Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Mont serrat. once called " the Emerald Isle of the C:aribbean ," is devastated by ongoing erupt1ons from a volcano that had been dormant for 400 year 1\1o-tlurds of the populace e1 cuatcs.

:A: Hong Kong revert s to Cbm a at 12. I a.m., .lul1 I, aft er 156 ) ear s of British co lom.ll rule Chma sa1s Hong Kong \\ill continue it and fr ee- market econom)

Change -.. Great Britain as Labor Party leader Tony Blair's landside election in May 1997 ousts the Co11setntiwes and makes Blair, at 44, Britain's youngest prime minister in 185 years.

Hurricane Pauine slams into Mexico's Pacific coast in October, causing flash floods, landslides and at least 200 fatalities. The resort city "' Acapulco is heavily damaged.

:...: Halloween fever seizes France At the ba e of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 8,000 pumpkins are displayed, and French children participate in an American-style Halloween celebration.

A Powerful earthquakes in central kill II people and damagt' art treasure ,mel ding centuries-old Ire ·roes b) Italian Renaissance pamter ,in tht' Ba ilica of St. Francis of A<;s1s1.

:0.: President Jiang Zemin or China meets lor summit talks Y.1th President Bill Clinton in October, the lirst vis1t in 12 )ears or a Chmese leader to the U.S. Dunng h1s sta), demon trators protest Chma 's treatment or Tibet.

Cri is nares again in Iraq in late 1997 as Saddam Hussein protest U. sanction and blocks inspection or suspected Iraqi weapon ite

) Th e death or "thr people 's pr incess" generates an emotional outpounng or loVl' and griel, eVIdenced by rioral tributes heaped at Diana's Kensington Palace home

Diana. PrnKl'SS or \\airs, one or the worlds most lamous and adm1red 1\0IIIl'n, d1!'S at 36m a \iolent Cdr crash Paris on August 31.

:y: !\! the luneral, Elton John performs ··Candle m the \\ind 199/ " rei\Titlen m tribute to Diana. The recording quic ·I) sells more than 35 million copies. beconung the best selling smgle or all time ales proceeds benefit the Diana. Princess ol Wale Fund.

In June. sho rtly be lore D1ana's death, an auction or 79 or her evening g01ms raises .26 million lor AID and cancer charihes. Top price paid lor a smgle g0\\11 222.500

:A; One or the mo t po1gnant images or Di na luneral: her young sons lolloY.1ng her collin into We tminster. be1
. World

Once mtght) Appl e Computer t do e to fatlure when arch -nval Btll Gate of ltcro oft " rescue " 11 111th a 150 mtlion batl-out in t The evrnt open, a new era of cooperation between former!) fierc e compelltors,

On l3 suspt·ctcd murderer

Andrew Cun.ut.tn, 27, rom nut ut ctd e m Mtanu Bearlt Cun man was the prime suspec t in a crosHo untry killin g sp ree th at left fil e de ad , i ncl udm g [a shton d tg ner Gtan nt Versace

Brittsh Loutse WOO<h1ard, 19, is com1cted m lassachusetts of murdenng a chtld m her care The Judge later reduce the charge to involuntaf) manslaughter and relea e her,

limothl lcVeigh IS con\iCted of murder and consp1ra0 in June for the April1995 bombmg of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma Cit) lcVeigh is later sentenced to death,

Americans jom " top the Violence" campatgns nattonwtde in an attempt to generate awarene of and solution to the problem of \lolence mAmenca

In Apnll997, flood r.11 e thee Valle) between Mmne ota and t 1 inel) percent of downtmm Gra Dakota , ts und r watrr

First LL Flinn accepts a general discharge from the Air Force, avoiding court martial for l)1ng about an affatr and disobe)ing orders, Flinn had been the fir t and only female B-52 pilot in the service_

UFO enthusiasts gather m Roswell, ew ICXICO, to celebrate the 50th anmversal} of the alleg d UFO crash there m 1947.

The Keepers movement inspires praise and conttmersy for message of spiritual reviv I and personal respon bili for men. In October, the group hold a giant ra In Wastfngton, D.C. of


ta provld sometimes u ering, glimpse into the two Plesldents' actions and conversations In the . House.

On October 25 , dt least 300,000

r.trl uri
Attorne} General .Janet Reno refuse s to name an mdependent prosecutor to mvestlgate Clmton admimstration fund raising, cau ing fnction Y.1th FBI Director LoU! Free h. •st Mng eptup ts lct:aughe1 and her hu band Kenn} now ha1 e etght children Fast food giant Burger King is forced to stop servmg burgt>rs when supplit>r Hudson Food recalls 25 million pounds of hamburgt>r suspt>cted of contamination 1\ith E coli bacteria. It is tht• bt>ef recall in U.S. histol}

Science rt9W3

Viewers worldwide see the first -ever high resolution color pictures or Iars when the Pathfinder pacecrart lands July 4 The lander and 1t rover, Sojourner, co llect and transm1t extraordinary data for three mo nths

Ru · 1a s aging Mtr pa e station collides 1\ith an unmanned supply vehicle in June and i damaged. Th1 · 1 one ma eries of cri e casting doubt on the \iabilil) or the station

Research produces medical break throughs, including a genetically engineered "bullet" molecule being tested to fight cancer and new drugs to control or prevent Parkinson's disease, osteoporosiS and congestive heart failure.

The popular diet reg1men fen·phen is pulled orr the market in September. The combination or [enfluramine and phentermine is shown to cause heart valve disorders, as is the diet drug Redux, also recalled.

In September, CAT scans of petrified dino aur egg found in China reveal a dinosaur embryo.

For 36 m1llion, Chicago\ Field luseum of at ural Histol) buys" ue ," the mo. t comp lete 1\mnno.,auro\ rex fossil yet discovered. The sale occurs October 4 at 's in ew York

Scottish scientists in February I 997 announce the world's first clonmg or an adult mammal. The sheep, named Dolly, ruels controversy over pos. ible lniSUSe of the technology.

Alded by the llubble pace Telescope, astronomers discover the Pistol Star the brightest star yet observed in the M1lky Way. The Pistol Star is 25,000 light years from Earth.

) Comrt H, capt urrs

Y.orldY.id pa t Earth for the fir t t1me m 1.200 yl'a - or, sinn• 2203 B.C. Hale Bopp nt·xt return in 4197

:A: In December, 159 nations gathe r in Kyoto, Japan. and nego ti ate a climate treaty to comba t warming b} reducmg reenhou. c gasps

On Oc tober 13, the Bntish jet car Thrust i\'C becomes the first veh1cle :...,; to break the ound ba rrier on land, tm eling 766.6 miles per hour 111 the e ada desert.

El ino stir s up patterns. Ca u ed b) y, rm er than normal temperatur es m th equato nal Pacific, th e '9 7 El mo is blame d for storm s and weather proble ms worldY.1de.

The Food and Drug Administration approves a dental laser for treating cavities.

Unlike traditional dental dnlls, the Ia er m most cases cau. es VJrtually no discomfort.

:A Prole. ter: un ucces attempt to preo.ent the October launch or 'A'. mr pacecraft to aturn, fearing an awdent could show r the Earth Y.1th the Tl)( kct' · radioacme plutomum.

lon g-awaited com pu ter adventure gam sequel to Myst, pr O\ies to be just as pop ular and even mor e sophisticated visu ally than its

:..-.: French oceanographer and award-lvinmng filmmaker Jacques Cou teau dies mJune at 7. His work gained renown through the popular television series

''The Undersea World ,o· I·,

lt\Q.(', '' ·.J " rScience

cosmetics is glimmering, and colorful. this wa\e, co metics giant Chnstian D1or mtroduces Mascara F'ash. temporal') ha1r color in a \ariel) of outragt·ous tints.

Teen People a sa\') magazme for and about teenager , premieres m februal) 199

In Octobt>r, a cyberfashion show at the M.I.T Media Lab Wt•M<Ihle )TilposiUm features fashions with built-in computer devices and electronic hardware. M.I.T students designed the high tech fashions.

Fashion advert1 mg and clothmg t nds msp1re the populanty of the color orange, wh1rh replaces neon green a th!' fad color of the )ear.

Platform shoes. a fashion statement dunng the disco '70s, make a st}ie comeback in a bill way in 1997, mspinng even platform sneakers.

Princes Diana tnbute m rchandi e abound • mcluding a double CD et and a ney. Beame Baby named Prince • a royal purple bear adorned Y.ith a ro e. Prof1t b nefit the Diana, Princess of Wab Memonal Fund.

accent worn in the m1ddle of the forehead, IS popu nzed b) Gwen tefam,lead ing r of the band o Doubt

"1\vo Fat Ladies" becomes the Food etwork 's hottest new cooking show in the U.S., attracting fans with its unconventional British stars, two overweight, middle-aged women.

ll. R 1110

The Chevrolet Corvette i named \(otor Trend 'II aZine 's 199 Car or th Y, ar

An w 50 bu reatu nng a la rge r, off-<:ente r port rait of Prestdent es s. Grant I umctl ed m Octobe r De tgil details make the bill more difficult to fo rge

Larger \\at t mall er H1p

ever-growmg numbers. including interactive ravorites

Scrabble, Som, Risk and Boggle


designs pamted

the bod} v.1th henna dye, 1s a popular e.'!pre mn or the rashion trrnd toward Eastern theme and pattern

'60 The nl'W doll v.11l begm to appear m tor m rl y 19

Mattei mt roduc Share a mJ!c Becky m ay 1997 Seatrd m a bright pin wheelchair, th doll1s marketed a rnend to th traditional Barb1
t r H tr r.
mtncate on
Sma r Ch t

) The Lo.11 Jlorfd, Ste\en Jura,stc Park ·equel, breaks summN box -office records l'VCI)whcre It earns 229 111illion m the U.S.

:< ABC'. police drama "NYPD Blue" rema10s one of the most popular one-hour dramas on tele\1Sion 10 1997, captunng four Awards.

, Fox network launches "KinR of the Hill," an animated show that focuses on the lives of a propane dealer from Texas and his family. The show goes on to become a smash hit.

Scream 2, the chilling h1t sequel to Scream, is a wildly successful mix of carnage and comedy starring Neve Campbell, Jerry O'Connell, Tori Spelling, Jada Pinkett and a host of other stars.

Jerry Se10feld, creator and star of the ·BC hit "Seinfeld." announces 10 Dl'cembcr that the 1997 1998 season IS the show's last. The final episode airs m Ma), ending the popular show's mne-)car run.

In ils second season, the W8's campy sitcom "Buffy the v....-e Slayer'' blossoms inlo a huge ,_. wilh many viewa's.

Jenny McCarthy stars In a new fal NBC comedy "Jenny'' thllt, in January 1998, IDf!S iniD hilllus only a few monlhs iniD Is W season. McCarthy had MTV mon.g to the networt.

Critically acclaimed Amtstad, directed by Steven pielberg, tells the story of an 1839 slave ship mutiny. The film culm10ates years of effort by producN Debbil' Allen to bnng the story to life.

IS a common theme on rJQht fall st'<l on network 1V hows msp1red by the success of CB • "Touched b1 an Roma Dowm'}. Della Reese and John O}r New mclude ABC's" othmg Sacred" and ''Teen

Star Waf.\' captures a new generation of fans when George Luca re-rel a es the film 20 after the fi r t film wa sho\\-11 In Washm Qton. D.C the ational Air and pac e 1u eum mounts a exhi bition of now-hi toncStar art ifacts

Michael Fla tley's pu lsatmg show "Lo rd of the Dance" fuel the extrao rdmary popularity of lnsh dance. The show to urs IS c1tie in the U.S. October.

F..,.._, from

In the fall, Fox debuts " Ally McBeal." a comedy/drama starnng Calista Flockhart as a young Boston attorney. The show captures a Golden Globe Award in Janual) 199 for best ene. musical or corned}.

Matt Damon star as an attorne}

m The Rammaker, a m01ie ba. ed on the John Gnsham n01cl. Damon· ucces es al o mclude the film Good ill HuntinR.

ummN blockbuster

Men in Black gro es more than $500 million wor ldl'.idr to become 1997's hit. The sci- fi com eel} star Will m1th and Tommy Lee Jones.

The 1997 ea on prem1ere epi ode of "ER" 1s broadcast live and draws 42.7 million 1ie1'.ers for BC. mcluding those who watch 1t on a screen in Time

Titamc is a huge critical and box -of fice success. The movie event of the year, th1 200 million picture is the most co in h1stmy Afte r 45 days i n the theaters Tttamc had ea rned $30 million.

Fiona Appl e, 20, one of roc k's frmale super tar , is named flY Best ew Arti st i n a Vi deo. Her " Cnmmal " oar: to the top or the chart s.

Count]} music superstar Garth Brooks releases Sct{'fll, his first album m two )ears The album spJJs 800,000 rop1es the first week

:01( Chu mbawarn ba's hit smgle long-awai ted success to th1s Br itish band Th e so ng bl>comes popular at pro po rts !'\ nb. orr game for S!'\ era! teams.

:01( With their hit smgle " MMMBop," three nJUng brothers from Tulsa become one or the biRge:t breakthrough acts or 1997 as the

band Hanson A Lihth Frur anal: femal ummer rock con cert , dra1 large crowds on 1ts 37 stop tour Canad1an 1nger sonRWnte • a•a!J McLachlan mastermmd the lest and releases a h1t album, Surfacmg

This H-ay The Autobtograph) of Aerosmilh chronicles the long career of the band notonous for 1ts excesses in the '70s and '80s The group's new album Mne Lites is nominated for a 1998 Gram my

Smash Mouth populanzes a genre or alternative rock kno11-11 as neo-ska with 1ts h1t single "Walkm' on the Sun " and debut album Fu1h }u Mung

llnt sh pop ph nom non, thr SpiCt' G1rl , make null ons With mega hits s rh as \\annabe' and sells 14 million albums and I 0 mllion mgles.

The album .\o Wa} Out by Purr Daddy & the Family goes mulliplati num. PuHy's smgle "I'll Be Mis ing You." an ele!!) to his friend the otonous B.I.G., also tops the chart

Adam Yauch or the Beastie Boys the second Tibetan Freedom Concert, held in June in 'ew York, orrering 27 music acts and a free-Tibet political message

Timd E}e Blind. after everal yea rs mSa n Franctsco 's underground rnu. ic scene, goes b1g time in 1997. Their song "Semi Charmed Life" is li ted a the top- elling mode rn rock si ngle for 1997 mBillboard m gazm

pends 16 weeks at No. I on Billboarcf. blue chart with his album Lte to \I

;.: At 15. country music sensatiOn LeAnn Rimes sells more than 12.5 million recordmg: m the L in 1997 and is named Btl/board 1us1c :\1\ards Artist of the Year. Hrr single 'How Do I L1Ve"1.· one of the year·: sellers.

Kl•nneth "Baby face" Edmonds, supn tar producer songwriter inger, receives more 199 Gram my nominations than any other art1 t, mcluding one for his album The Day. Edmond. and 1\ife Tracey also produce thr film C>oul Food m 1997

Quarterback John Elway leads the Denver Broncos to a 31-24 \ictory over the Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl XXXII in San Diego. January 25, 199 It is Elwafs first Super BoY.i wm in four appearances.

Penguins' Mario Lemieux retires in Aprill997 after a spectacular comeback from Hodgkin's di ease and inJury.

Lemieux is elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame m September.

In July, 16 -yea r-o ld wi tenms star 1artina Hingi becomes the youngest \\"imbledon champion since 1887 Hing1s Y.in three of the four 1997 Grand lam events.

In Aprill997, the premier issue of Sports Illustrated Women hits the newsstands. The magazine renects the explosive growth or female participation in sports.

Tiger Woods, 21. becomes the youngest golfer ever to Y.in the Masters Tournament. His I -under-par core sets a Masters record. Woods Y.ins 3 other tournaments and sets a PGA Tour record or $2.1 million for the sea on.

The Florida Marlins are baseball's 1997 World Series champs and the first team ever to win the Series Y.ithout Y.lnning its league pennant. The Marlins defeat the Cleveland Indians in s ·en

s-tislt golfing phet10111811011

Annlla Soiatstam, 26, tops the LPGA 8M1WJp 1st in 1997 with a .--11 $1,236,789.

skyrocketing. One most publc:izl!d 1997 is Kevin Garnett's $126 contract to play baslcetbal fur the Minllelllta Tllllberwohes.

Mike T}oon bites off part of Evander held's ear and is disqualified 111 the WBA Heav)'wei ht rematch in June 1997. '!yson is fin nearly 3 million and h1s boxing lie se is revoked.

Charles Woodson , Michigan 's versatile JUnior cornerback, becomes the first primarily defensive player to Y.in the Heisman Troph), awarded m December

agano. J pan, host the 199 Winter 01 p1c Game.

February Three n 11 medal · the1r Olvmp1c debut: and women's e hocke}:

In its debut season, the WNBA exceeds all league expectations for success. The Houston Comets' championship win over the New York Liberty caps the 1997 sea on.

Detroit Red Wings captain Ste1e Yzerman powers his team to the 1997 tan ley Cup champion. hlp, 1ts first in 42 1ears, b} 11eeping th Philadelphia F1}ers m four games.

The Ch1cago Bulls beat th Utah Jazz m June 1997 for their fifth BA championship in seven years. Michae l Jordan is chosen Finals 1VP a record fifth lime

When the college football season ends, two teams share the national championship. Mich igan (12·0) is named 'o. I by the spo rts writers' poll, and eb ra. ka (13·0) b) the coaches' poll.

Dean m1th. coach in ba ketball hi IOI} retires in October after 36 easons at orth Carolina. Sport> 1/lu.l/raled names h1m 1997 Sportsman of the Year.


Chelsea Clinton begins her f•e hm,m 1 ar at Stanford Unr;er m Palo Alto, Cali forma De J;>tte se urity m asure , he reportedly wtlllead as normal a colleg lirr as posstble

Amencan .lod) Vrllliams and tlw lntern.ttional to &n Land are a11arded the 1997 Nobel Peace Pnze m October. The US. and Chma refuse to sign an mternational treaty that would ban land mines.

Mtss Illinois, Katherine Shmdle, ts crowned Miss Amenca 199 For the fir t time m its 77 ht tol) the pageant allow · conte t.1nt. to wear two plt'ce S\111TISU1ts Ill COIIIpetition

Ted Turner. 1ice chatrman of the Time Warner media empire, pledges I billion to United ations programs. It ts the large t smgle gift in philanthropic history.

For the first time, a computer beats a v.orld chess champion when IBM's Deep Blue beat· Rus .dn G.trl) Kasparu1 111 a SIX game match m Mav 1997.

Beloved actor Jimm) Stewart dtes mJuly at 89. enduring mce g111 popular ) is mmplifit>d by Its a Wonderful Ltfe , hts 1946 mm1e that is now an Amencan cultur al icon

Roman Catholic nun !other Ter dies September 5 at the age of 8 Revered for a lifetime of the poor st of the poor, her many honors me :Ide t 1979 Nobel Peace Prize

Sara h Ferguson, Duchess of York, appears in ads as a spokesperson for Weight Watchers International. She is the former 111fe of Prince Andrew.


rs -In- ef:


Jennifer Lang

ruulrew Henschen: Eilitor


ne Yearoook

lamar frice

Rosa francis ZovKo


Mrs. ranock toe of to is nook!!!

The 1111·1111 Yearbook BISDB


Au Burke


lristl Cllelal



lick Blzlilr



tiii}Fnell . .., !mill

Mlcllll Jill --

Jnlallb Mill Mill

clal T nks from Ore nsc n: for tbe

·MJ famiiJ for mJ famiiJ.

·Weezer for music Nirvana.

·Mr. Clinch for lenin us watch Or.

-Mr. o efor eYanni

·liiJ for the xmus comic relief. for

·M.P. for Infiltrating

· Year o cause are

·ne Yea o class cause It's protocol.

ar e I 1em: I e ze

·The ever rep it for pin n. for his commie er.

·hlus for bis Yergtl

-feUI!al SJStems mrJ ere. a re lsaJ n re].

·To e us linle tarts at erJ for their tastJ

·larl & IDJ Weezer

-ne freshmen for almost ninja waJs. to TWISHO SISTER!!!

·SOITJ if Iforgot someone.

e a !

francis Zmo

from Monica

· starr. You are reason is acollection of literar} craft artistic excellence. JOU gu}s for letting me JOUr lpplause, applause!!

-JeonJ mJ for late (staying up until early morning for sacrificing JOUr social life for mug pages.

-Drew for similar for me bow to open wine pro periJ.

-Mrs. for our fearless

·MJ Jean for me nare for

-Mom for it all witb me for patient editing. -rop for in me for me to excel. for Trite

-Daniel for pep across state lines.

-laura for my sister, counselor.

·MJ group (ram, lristen, Gloria, Handa, Nae, lmJ, Jessie] JOU are tbe I mR for. JOU for your lives me.

·lmy for me [except for for one. Imention Cbris party1 mmm WW and ne Chocolate factory.

-Jessica for sbaring tbe same Wet for [[tbao Before messages. Council, JOU rule. Jessie, tbank JOU for my Council Rosa, JOU crack me up! Dulce means Dancing leo (Micbael to WillyL JOU and made rrecalc. smells sandalwood].

-lryo for me sbowing me mmple how to a -Om for all of tbe conversations. reaout jell} always taste wben someone else makes tbem! Give a to lmy.

·MJ Mar} people Rosa, Nae, ram, larl, Jaala, Marco, Jason 8., francis, Mike 8.].

Don't O.C or "Ditto," Jaala. Nae our little ram and water larl tbe wave pool. your a Jason 8., JOU've come a I waJ from tbat Nazi kid Iused to tbink JOU were. nere's bope for you Jet.

-lnnette for afriend since tbe of time. Disco NigM, ENG m, Mrs. farooque, Girl and rules,

·Cbarles Civre for nasty Wbataburger, midoigbt talks, Carfunkl and living in vans. I still need a Intense blue [!ton Jobn's depressing songs. I'm Romanian!

-Tban red Yao, tbe CasaGrande clan (Eroesto, Juan, Mark, even Cbris Ibate you all.

-JoJo what can Isay1 Tbe Carden. JOU insane person. Tbat five letter

Mt NigMs witb you and ldela. coiTee in my lap is let's to tbe and see wbat it's like to cool.

-Mark reo pies ... You weirdo. ne carwasb. You know you reaiiJ love got a voice, ask Janelle]. leep on creepin, mJ moon me. You know for.

-Jon you punk, for my only friend. Sweeny, for giving me Not you learn to I'll play .rou mercy! your -lndrew am IreaiiJ your favorite You you know from me.

·Mike JOUr Nikes1

-Mr. Clincb, if you spent your time JOUr bistory classes tbe message of norean and not little well we could get

-Mr. No we, fact JOU resoect your students is makes JOU an e1cellent Itbink tbat unsavory added into tbe foreign curriculum.

-Daniel !aoain], Ididn't mention Jesus1!

' ' ., 0.. ' · l(t J' • • " .I

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