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THE HEAT IS ON ................. 2 A BURNING DESIRE ................. . 2K SOME LIKE IT HOT .................... 60 GREAT BALLS OF FIRE .................... 6K THE ETERNAL FLAME ................... !OK RED HOT DOLLARS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II K


Student Lif appeal to all of u ; we are all amid t the daily int raction of Student Life. It ncompa s all becau it go beyond academic including also activiti , dance , game , and week nd partie Stud nt Life i your life . Student Life can range from a class to a group of peopl , or it may focu on an individual. Each pag of Student Life will how you th individuality that i among u ·. tudent Life will bring tog th r all the ti that bind us not only a a chool but as a community. Student Life is what makes us proud to be a Sentinel. Student Life bring out the fun in u all, Our live are unique, and reflect our p r onalitie and our per onaliti are definit ly a part of Seton Catholic. Student Life i un toppabk; once the flame i burning there' no way to put it out. The reason our school i so great is because of the students. We have reached a lot of goals- and we are amid t Seton' glory day . Seton has alway urvived becau of u --becau of th tudent . Thi chool is a ymbol·of all us and all of our lives. This ' year 1997 i one of the be t ever; students are excelling at all aspects of life, and when the tudents excel the chool excel . Student Life i full of overachiever and as long as the tudent achieve their goals, thi flame that we call Sentinel Pride will keep on burning.

" The best part about being a tudent i that we 're not kid · any more o we have a lot of responsibility and opportunities, but we ' re still not adults o we can have a lot of fun. "-

" The be t part about being a student at Seton is all the great friend I've made, and chao/ give me more time to chat with them ."-


1-800-COLLECT. Monique Perreault quickly gabs on the phone in between classes. o doubt Monique is talking to her current love, or her mom. l'hot<> Tal..t·n s, :\a than Mlcl..



SCIE:'\CE: Jacque Kochis and Janina Sheedy mix up m the1r cla-,s. Classes are the bas1c part of Student Life. FRlE OS FOREVER. Sport buds eely Omohundro and Morgan Segroves pose for a buddy shot after their Volleyball game.
CRAZY KID. Laura Probst caught in the act of playmg in McDonald's kiddie land. Laura .ays, "I just love around, the manager got really mad at me." Photo Ta •n Bv Mollv Mulhn

OOLI G OFF' Amy Kujawski, hke many Senhneb found m the fort''>! tht'> trymg to escape the de.,ert heat in the alley That'., what'., cool about Anzona it may be hot in handler, but only two hours away ts the beauttful ptne'> of Hagstaff, Prescott, Pme Top, or even Payson.


Heather Ferris ts goofing around at McDonalds with some friend over the summer. Heather is the perfect size for the kiddie playground.

MAGIC KI GDOM. Tony Mahlmeister and Beth Hoel went to California over the ummer break with their church youth group. While in California they went to the beach and to Disneyland. Beth said, " At th beach we really learned our le son about sun exposure, our sunburns were really painful. "

lJLTuRED CHICk Semor Kim l'iowarsy spent part ot hl'r

many In tht'> piCture the "gn ts wntten m Slovak. She i., in tht• B,warian ror. e'>t, whtch t'> located 111 three countnes at once Cermany, C.tt•t h Rt•p., and Austna. Kim went to Cermany a-, part of an exLhange progrilm.

AMEL COU TRY. J ff Hall, jacque Kochi , and Alice Fox dr up like a camel, while Sandy Myskowski and Morgan S groves lead them around at the Garth Brooks Concert. They were trying to win money from th radio tation KMLE. They said, " We got a lot of looks and laughs , but no money, it was alright becaus Garth was awesome ."

summer m Ger.

Sophomore Bed.\ l'nn· v•,•ted l'eru over her '>ummer vacation -l'eru, (for tho'>l' of you who don't know) 1s a repubhc in we'>t South Amenca located on the l'an!K coast. Wh1le .,he wa., there, .,he VIS· 1ted monument.. ,md .,he even held a baby monkey Becky sa1d, "My dad and I alway., wanted to go to Peru It'., been kinda a httle dream of our., and thi., .,ummer we finally decided to take our adventure."



"During my summer all I did was play oftball and volleyball four times a week. It wa a blast_ I wish every week could be like that, that would be cool."- eely Omohundro

"Over the summer I earned orne extra money by baby itting, I also went on vacation to California. "-jeanine De Tiege. l'hnln

Taken By Wt.>ndt

COOL BLUE BREEZE. Over the summer Jackie GOOFY RIDE. Cate Lenhart went to Disneyland and Lizzie Mirnone spent their family vacation in over the s u mmer br ak. Here she is pictured with alifornia. While visiting California, they went to h r boyfriend Bryan and they are riding in a goofy the b ach. They are pictur d at Balboa pier which car.

S ' SETTI G 0 SE IT! EL SUMMER. Sophomore Laura Probst went to Michigan. Here she is at Petoskey tat Park B ach. Laura goes to Michigan every '>ummer and enJOY s eing her friends and family. is located at ewport Beach.




MOSt 11 (,AI 0\JC Frl•,hnwn Anrwttl' Altamirano, Emily Hydl•, "-atil' Burkl•, and "-a he M1tchl•ll takl• a breather during t,he danrl' and posl' tor a quiCk picture. ·1 he musll 'l'll'ctwn rangl•d from thl• dancl' trl•nd :vlac'are)la' to countrv dance fanmtl'' like thl' " Cotton-eye lol'.' l'hutu u, 't"''tuJu"

TWO-STEPP! ' Hetdi Hauber and JessiCa Peiia dance the mght away western style. Don't worry ladies you're domg it nght. As sophomores, they will still have the privilege of bemg able to attend future Western ight dance l'hoto Taken By Star Stud•o'

the '\ill"> modl•rator ,\1r, (. ollirh ,JIW,l\'' gl't lwr,elf mvol\ed w1th Wl•sll'rn l ook1n good Mr,. Collin,. l'lwlu lh 'I"'

6 ' STUDENT LIFE WIIO ">A Y'> I IBRARIA '\'> \I WAYS Kll l' IC Ill£-
, I
BOO"-S' Mr,. Collins our libr,m,m
moderator, 'truh hl•r 'tuft on thl· d,mlP tloor

FOLLOW THE LEADER. The disc JOckey from RociJn' Rodeo teaches the latest line dance to enthustastic and Sentinels. Photo Taken Bv Star Studl<"


Every year there has be n a bigger turn out for the dance. jumor Dana Dillard agrees " The amount of people in attendance has grown ." Phoh' Takt n B\· '-'tar Stud•o"'

How was the Rockin' Rodeo disc jockey at the Western "ight dance? He was unusual and different but a lot of fun!"Jackie Mirrione-l'h , '' '" 111 Mattht·w \\Jiht·lrn

What was th hard st thing in organizing the dance?

"Planning and finding decorations. Thanks to everyone who helped." Alice Fox. ,., ,, "', '" \.tattht'\\ \\JIJ'Itlm

BOOT SCOOTI. BOOGIF. jen Basttan, Bnce Rhee, and Angela Hauber complete their last western night together. They all agree that this dance has imprll\·ed smce fre.,hman year. jen Ba.,tian say'>, ' The dance wa., fun and the people there had a lot of fun and they were full of nergy ."

SWI 'G YOUR PART ER ROU ' D Ai\D ROI..i:-.JD. Matthew Wilhelm and Sandy Myskowskt swmg at western mght. Western night was a lot of fun. And it was cool because I finally learned how to turn whil we two step. " says Sandy Mysk.owsk.i !'hot Ta en lh

Photo T B\ 'tttH Studio'

51 RIKE: A POSE. Freshmen jessica Raftery, Fhsa Rubalcava, and Lmdsay Catama pose for a quick picture alter lunch. Eh.,a usually choo'e' her dothmg by, \Vhether or not it ' s comfortable " l'hoh" Ih 1-"·-ond Dan

KICKI ' BACK. Before school Seniors James Ryan, Chris Stovall, Dave Kujawski, and Kaoife Lalo r hang out together beneath the t ree. Kaoife says she likes to "Shop at Urban Outfitters because they have cool 2nd hand stuff." All four areal o regular Savers shoppers.

LOOK! ' GOOD. SeniOr'> Adnan QUihul'>, Sean jacob., , jl•remy Beard , !:'riel Pflugfelder, and Ryan Gibney show their fa,ham sen.,e on a free dres., da1 Sean says he hkes the clothe., he wear.,, " Cau'>e they look good! " Later Adn.tr adds , " I hke the way they accentuate mv ">tudlev features' "

CAUGHT RED HA OED. Sophomore Kelly Travis and Joe Bauer take out of their busy schedules to pose as model citizens for the fa hion the write-up Travis was repo r ted saying, "I look for clothing that catches eye." It was also reported, that Bauer stated, "I lik to shop at Dillard's." dosed.





How Seton dresses outside of school: E A

A.) 45% Preppie

B.) 27°.4 Comfortable

C.) 9% Skater

0.) 12% Country and Western

E.) 7% Thrift Store Shopper

ARE YOU LOOKJ G AT ME? jessica Pace sits around after school waiting for her friends. "I dress to suit what ever mood I'm in." she ay.

TIME FOR A CHA GE. c;Pnior Emily Esses ays, been wanting to do omething drastic with my hair for awhile. After senior pictures, I finally just decided to go for it!"

GOOD BUDS, GREAT DUDS. Freshmen Amy KuJawski, Michell "Huggy Bear" Johnson, Alis a Heyer, and Melissa Wentworth get cozy for a fashion pic. When asked why these ladies wear their style of clothing, Amy r plied, "The cloth s are uniquely me, and in my price range." Mi h lie added, "They're al o comfy!"

WHAT'S UP?! Sophomore Ryan RIchardson is caught sippin ' on his soda. Ryan believe , "Fashion should be ,?riginal and express individualIty.

TOMMY BOY. Geoff Meister truts his tuff on the way to class. G off says Tommy Hilfiger is hi favorit brand, I like the sty!



S ton celebrate a whole week of hom coming activities culminated with the BIG FOOTBALL GAME.

During the we k we welcom and initiate our fre hmen and honor our senior in ways that create Ia ting memories and good natur d embarra ment. The bonfire con truction wa courte y of the S ntinel football team. The flame ignited wood and spirit alike which prepared the community for the rna ive pep rally held on Friday.

The game turn out was outrouomow ! Juha Patterson ,., mstructed to do arm drills for Freshman lnttiation Day Ph'''" r lh Mlrru,nt·


Vince Placido tries to figure out how to work the mik.e, but maybe he JUSt doesn ' t Want to sing:. Phtltn Talr..tn B"· '\,a!hJn

tanding; tudent , parent and alumni howed up to cheer th team on to a big S ntinel "W" (win!). During half-time th big bucks raffl winn r. were announc d and the pirit tick wa awarded to the attendant of the junior cla . Homecoming week ended with the Hom coming Dance on Saturday, which wa a most memorable one. To the graduating Senior :good bye and good luck in the futur We hop your Ia t Homecoming week wa a memorable one!

011 IIAI'I''t DA 't I uis l\•laya ts bl•tng attack.ed b}

Sl•ntor lul!l' Brown on heshnMn lmtiatwn Day It dol•.,n't look. hk.e I uts is l'nJOVtng htmsl'if. does tP

l'hotn I.lkt·n R\ '\.1th.m \...

WIIO YOLR HAIR ' heshmen Alext

Vance and I nn Standndge pose for their glamour shots altl•r they endured thetr st!nwr makt!o\'l!r

Do you think tht!y k.now hm1; they really look?

PhPtn I ,llr..t·n lh '\Jth.1n Jo...nd,

THE MOTHER SHIP HAS LA OED. Matt Myskowski takes a stroll to his n xt class dressed as an alien for Initiation. Do you think he can contact th others with tho>e glas.,es? Photo Tak,·n lly athan Kn ck

....!£_ ' STUD ENT LI FE
MAMBO MAMA & THE DEVIL? Senior Corbin King and Jeff Hall show off their spirit by participating in Senior Slave Day. Those are pretty nifty glasses th y both have on don ' t you think? Photo I aken By Nathan 1-.nck

n IF CAl WAI k Bnan 1\.ruger ott h1' stuff <1'> hl• walb down thl' runway dunng tlw mor AUltion, hl• dt•ndl'd to buy him,elt J'hol• I l.t·r I'' 'alh.m "'"'

1:\SIDL f'DIT 10'\. l eachl'r' took the hme to clue in thl' studenh on what really goes on in thl' faculty lounge I hope this isn't trm•' [ Jlo..t n lh .1tl1.1n lo...nllo..

AIl TIH) lJI'! Angte llaubt•r " hl•mg ",ar,m wrapped" to a poll' on Sl•mor

Day "I had ,1 good hnw l'Xll'pt for hl•tng to thl' poll•'"' ,,JYs Angll' l'twtc J,Jio..t·n lh. :'\,ltiMll "ntk

"Homecoming week wa'> full of laughs and memories! 1 loved dre.,sing up the freshmen, they were great sports. The bonfire and the game were both full of spirit, it was great. "-jeanine De Tiege

IS THAT A GIRL? 'o! It's Matt Wilhelm. He ts having his legs shaved by Bethany Stover during Senior Slave Day. Matt says ' It was fun bemg a woman for a day, but Thank God I am a guy'" Phoh Jal.t·n Bv Jaala Cnlhn'

A SERE ADE The Varstty cheerleaders took advantage of thetr chance to show the JV cheer who is boss during lunch on Freshmen Initiation Day. The JV cheer was told to get down on their knees and smg "You are sob autiful to me " Photo Ta ens, fac e \1tmone

"Dressing up freshmen, decorating senior's cars, and auctioning our lives away made Homecoming Week a bla5t."-Wendi Davis

THIS LOOK I SURE TO GET US GUYS!' clatm Becky Regalado and Jackie Walker. Ph'" Ta en s,· \\t·ndl Da\1'


Adam Wright is dr ssed as an Indian by hi'> ., mor for Freshmen lmtiaiion. Adam says, It was a blast." l'h<>lo Ta en B\ '\;athan to...nck.

BUR , BABY, BURN. The Bonfire this year was a spectacular show and a real spirit raiser. Pictured hert is the junior float and the many juniors hanging around it. Thank goodness nobody f II in the fire. Ph• Taken By '\;a than 1-..nck

LET'S jAM! Our terrific Pep Band plays a spiffy tune for us at the Hom coming Pep Rally. One band member said " !love cheering for the Mighty Sen tin Is." l'hoto Taken By at han

HOMECOMI G ROYALTY. Homecoming 1-Jng and Queen, Aaron \1ld.le and Lon Wolt , stand proud The junior repres ntative' were Duane KilLer and Mary Ne,tvold.
...E._ ' STUD ENT LI FE YOL WAlK 11 !!: WALl\. The crab walk that is Sophomore T j Chacon balances a basketball on hts lap as he attempts to gain the
for the Sophomore
1'11<ll <> lh , ,lthan "-n l k. fAKE DOW'\. C..,enwr Jason 1\Jovak
Chamberlain help a fello11
tackle l' h<> t<> lly ,llhan
The Sophomore class elected the couple, Mario Bernasconi and Lisa Bancroft, for royalty.
Spmt StiCk
Juntor Sergto
Sentinel Varstty football player with great



" During Homecoming Week we had to help Karl push his car off of the train tracks. " -Brianne Beneveto and Ryan

Enzwei ler t 'hot• f J io.. t·n n-., \,f nmc.J -\lmt·ndJ r t?L

" The best thing about Homecoming week was the footba ll game. We won the Homecoming game!"-jes a Wright l'hot' Bv MomcJ Almt>nda rl't

WE' RE UMBER 0 E The cheer! aders perfected this year the formation of I tters and numbe rs, keep tt up ladies !

FIRE STARTER enior Tony Mahlmeister proves that it's OK to play with fire as he attempts to light th bonfire

THE VILLA PE PLE Freshman Jeff Burgess (better known as the biker) and Mr . Majoue stand proud at lunch time Which one ar you supposed to be, Mr Majoue?

tht. m1nor m1.,hap wht.·n tour -.enwr got 111 un dl'nl. lht> 'chool , tlfl had 'Pirll l'holo lh DJH' "u 1•1\'•'" I

I WO I 0 F\ ERY S I OR) )untor chlT r l••ad,· r, Sa rah (orr a I and A lma ( hl'l' ' land proud at ,, p<·p ra ll v :'\ot onlv doth,.,,. gtrJ, "''''P up th< '< h0<1l 'Ptnl b•·fort• gam'''· bu t l hl'\ "'"' hl'lp raN mor,J( through nu t the -.r hool yec1 r Phuh I J kt·P R\ at .m tr....nt

S I''\I OR I'RI DI In t ht> p.1r f..J ng lot dunng Homl'wm mg V\' t·t·f.. lht· "ght of'"'' wtlh tlw stllv 'tnng, ");'"· tn·dnlt:r-. and ballonn-. w,p.. romn1on t.·nough Bt. u.Jt.



'TIME. On week nights the best place to be seen is at one of the many athletic events that take place right on campus. Brian Kruger, jacque Kochis, Sean Greco, and Dave McDonald, all came to support the lady sentinel volleyball team. Then after the game they just like to chill and talk with everyone. Photo Taken By Laura

BACK SEAT DRIVERS. Like most students Kristen Thomas and Rosa Bernasconi spent some of the night trapped in a car. Since Seton has no boundary district your friends can live on the other side of town. Rosa and Kristen live pretty far away from each other Rosa lives on Rural and Guadulape and Kristen lives on Gilbert and Brown.

you felt that way 1" exclaims Sentor lee Ryan Wangler JUSt couldn't contain htm,l'lf any longer Ryan and Lee are great buds and do the thmgs fnends do like hangout together at night after volleyball games After the Valley Christian game there plenty of reasons to stay at the gym and hangout but the guys -,tayed only to wait and congratulate the girls, it really had nothmg to do with tht• free food. Phot(l lll"-.l'n By· l l1ura Pwb..,t

SE lOR STUDS TRAVEL I STYLE. This year's Homecoming, some of the football p layers found themselves kinda date less but it really didn't seem to bother them. That's because courtesy of Ryan Gibney's mom they all hung out together and took a limo to the dance. Seniors Tony Mahlmeister, Aaron Mickle, and Ryan Gibney were among the boys who decided to go in the limo rather then with a gal.


COlOR ME I!Al'l'Y " I tll'H' r
Photo Taken By · Morgan Segrove'


CO I I·AM' Hisa Ruhalcdva, )adld Collins, CandKl' Kothi' <1nd Stephdnll' Martm cht•t•r on The bov," at c.1 honll, game. I' 11 11lr..t:n

SLEEP! G BFAUTY. A very important part of night life is to make sure you get plenty of sleep for the next day, or else you'll be c ranky This aspect of night life is wonderfully demonstrated by an Young. ean says, " I thmk sleep is important, if I don't get enough sleep I can't function right, I'm moody and mean to my fri nds and class s ., em to go on forever and no one that I'm just tired so I try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night." Photo rakt·n By Laura Prulht

Dl'\,'\,f R A:--:D DA:--:CJ:\(, Homl'commg provides studl'nh With a chdntl' to go out With some stvlt· )ol' 13,JUl'r ,md Rdndy Bt•amish t'nJOVl'd their dm ner dt thl' ()livt! (;ardt..'n l'hot• Llk.t·n lh I HJr,l Prot"'

Taken B\·

"My be t weekend this year wa on Homecoming it was really cool. For some reason we went out to dinner after the dance."

-Heather Ferris


"On weekend · I hangout with my friend, I know that's what everyone ay butit' hone tly the be t thing to do. "-Erin Joynt Pht,to TJ t>n B, l.1ura Pn1b-.t

J'OSS!'SSI '\oo, JUst t<lrvmg m:-.: 1 m.1ck it a tdt, it turm•d out 'urpn,mgl) 1 nuh l·"e' 'dV' ot ht•r kitt\ Bottom f· Rl '\oL'v!BI·R I! l'dt llohhs, l.durd l'flug!t•lder, Bt•cky Reg.Jiddo, 'VIegan Soldnt•r, )t•n Jldstidn , <1nd K<ltil' Mn·r' ,how thl'ir C..,c•ntuwl spmt o1t d toothdll gamt' f'hnt I.Jir..t n lh '-th.l\'\ 1 -\lit
fh ,,, 11 knl Bottom. I, 2, 3, )L'\,IOR VIC I ORY junwr' Rosd lkrndswni , 'V1<1ry r\t•stvold, dnd Jacque KochiS celebrdte wmnmg the Spint Slick during Homecoming Week. MOVIE OERS. Becky Regalado and Morgan egroves po-,e wtth some of the charact r. from Disney's summer hit The Hunchback of otre Dame. Photo Angela fo"



/1 went rock climbing for the first and last time. It wa cary because I fear heights n -Monica Almendarez.

/1 experience adventure when I hang out with my friends. Especially the wilder ones--like Beth. //-Kristen Allen.

WATER BABIFS Thl! sl!n.>nth hour I'J Llass went sw1mmmg in place of cia" lor a kw Wl!l!ks this year Tht• studt•nts traveled to Arrowhead to enJOY thl! cool watl!r

SUPERMA ? Semor Shawn Allen attempts to do something adventurous during lunch Th1s isn ' t the usual position we -.ee Shawn m , but 1t -.ure IS funny

ST. FAW OF ASSISI. In Vienna, Juni or Fawn H yer is su rrou nd d by birds. Fawn says, " I love all th e littl e bird s." Kri s ten All n says, "Faw n is n e w thi year from ew York. I co uldn ' t ima gi ne life with out Fawn at Set o n. She is so kind to a ll the little Blackbird s."

FREE SPIRIT Plunging to an uncertam future, Semor Lach Dubas1k soars off of a chff mto th e serene waters below at Canyon Lake.



AH, SWEET AMORE. Senior sweethearts Sean Macdonald and Julie Brown take a time out to enJOY the better things m life, like each other' s company. l'hol o I oken By l<..rKk

YOUNG LOVE. Semor Jeanine De Tiege and long-time boyfriend, Francisco Sirvent po'>e before they rush off to the Homecoming dance here at Seton.

WHAT LOVE ITES , LET 0 0 E DIVIDE Senior Emily Esses thinks her b oyfriend , Mike Kyirylo , " is a g r at p rso n He and I have a t rrifi c relati o ns hip , and we always have fun tog e ther. "

SOME'- Kl'\D OF WO'\IDERFUL. Senwr VIIchelle and her boyfriend , Brad, a mght of magic at the Mountain VIew prom Michelle that Brad wondertul that it ' s hard to piCk hi'> b st tra1t. "

LOVE CO QUERS ALL. Seniors Dave KuJawski and Kaoife Lalor hang out at Kaoife ' s house Behave yourse lves!

" Dating a college guy is awesome! Being with omeone who i older makes th e relationship seem more riou I love dating someone I don ' t go to school with ." -Wendi Davis

" Romance is like the wind

It can hold you up and ke p your sail going, or it can keep you stranded and de erted, a it do to many people our age today ." -Mark People


CHAMPIO S The Chicago Bu ll s are arguab ly the best team in the history of the BA. With supers tars Michael Jordan, Dennis Rodman, and Scottie Pippen the Chicago Bulls are easi ly baske tba ll 's team of the ' 90s.

ToP TEN #1 Seton 's Favorites
l'hoto Taken By
Regalado CIIICAGO \... .) Cars 1 . Mustang 2 . Dodge Viper 3 . Porsche 4. Truck 5 . AcuraNS 6 . Volvo 7 . Explorer 8. Jeep Grand Cherokee 9. Hummer 10. BMW Name Brands 1. Nike Pro Sport Teams 2. Tommy Hilfiger 1 . Bulls 2. Steelers 3. 49ers 4 . Eagles 5. Chiefs 6. Cowboys 7. Packers 8. Lakers 9. Rockets 10. Braves 3. Calvin Klein 4. Levi 5 . Arm ani 6 . DKNY 7 . Gap 8 . Aeropostale 9 . Guess 10. Mossimo Athletes 1. MichaelJordan 2. Charles Barkley 3. Shaquille O'Neal 4. Dan Marino 5. Kevin Johnson 6. Dennis Rodman 7. DavidJustice 8. Larry Johnson 9. Bobby Hall 10. Ryne Sandberg CO M EBAC K KID C hri s Majo u e s h o w s h e is a fa n o f o n e of t h e FL's a ll - t im e grea t qu a rt e rb ac k s, Dan Marin o Mar in o is a 14 yea r v e te ra n a nd o wn s j u s t ab o ut every FL p assi n g reco rd But h ey, wh a t a b o ut Boo m e r ! Photo Taken By Nathan Knck _ S _T_UD_E_N_T_L_IF _ E __ JOYF L!! 1 Thts 944 Porsche wtth a " born on" dat of 1983 is owned by Senior Frin Day. This Will given to her as a Christmas gtft last year. Enn sat her favorite part about this car is that it has a sur roof. Photo Taken By jenny Lang TO M MY Octavio avarro (Ox) is spo rtin g hi s"To mm y" gea r. To mm y Hil figer h as e m e rge d a s o n e of th e m os t p o pul a r d es ig n e rs am o n g tee n s th is yea r Photo Taken By Becky Regalado TG IF Th a nk God it is Fridays. " TG I Frid a y s ha s th e gre ates t h a mburge rs as w e ll a s th e grea tes t waitr esses," qu o tes Se ni o r Sea n Ja cobs. Ph oto Taken By Knsten Allen
Stores 1. Dillards 2. Champs 3. Sports Authority 4. Aeropostale 5. Robinsons 6. Millers Outpost 7. Disney Store 8. Toys " R" Us 9. Target 10. Ross Movie Stars 1. Brad Pitt 2. Leonardo Di Caprio 3. Will Smith 4. Tom Cruise 5. Mel Gibson 6. Pamela Lee 7. TomHanks 8. MichaelJordan 9. Jenny Me Carthy 10. Denzel Washington TOY'S "R" US One of Seton''> newe.,t hangout o;poh, "Toyo; "R" Us has the coolest Star Wars figures to go along wtth Tickle Me Elmo dolls," says Junior Andrew Lebowitz. Obviously Andrew still has the kid tn him. l'hnto Talr..l·n Bv Kn-.tl·n Alll·n Music Groups 1. Bush 2. PearlJam 3. No Doubt 4 Nirvana 5. Metallica 6. Garth Brooks 7. Marilyn Manson 8. Celine Dion 9.311 10. Smashing Pumpkins Restaurants 1. Serrano's 2. Olive Garden 3. McDonalds 4 Taco Bell 5 . Filiberto's 6. TGI Fridays 7. LaComida 8. Mimi's Cafe 9. Red Lobster 10. Red Robin Movies 1. lndependece Day 2. Braveheart 3. Clueless 4. Grease 5. TheRock 6. Twister 7. A Time To Kill 8. Pulp Fiction 9. Ransom 10. Star Trek TRAGIC KI GDOM There is :--10 DOUBT about who was one of the most popular bands during 1996-97. With thetr debut album featuring "Don't speak" and "Just a Girl," No Doubt moved to the top of the billboard charts. Photo Taken Bv Andre" l ebOWil£ T.V. Shows 1. Seinfeld 2. Simpsons 3. Friends 4.ER 5. Melrose Place 6. Party ofFive 7. Homelmpro ement 8. NYPDBlue 9. X-Files 10. Married With Children STUDENT LIFE ' 22.._


Many gtrls Wt'>h tor naturally curlv hair, but tor junior Sarah Clark -,he doe-,n't need to is natural! Word ha-, 1'> though that Sarah thinks it\ rather a pain in the butt. Photo l<"lkt.>n By fm1lv h e..,


Freshman Candice Kochis is one girl that definitely doesn't need to rival her horse for the best looking tail! Her long, gorgeous hair has grabbed a lot of admiring glances ever -,ince she became part of Seton.

SHORT STUFF. Remember when Emily Esses had hair all the way down her back? Well those days are over & she says," After graduation, I plan to go shorter and blonde."

COME 0 , VOGUE Senior Lori Wolf poses to show off her no nonsense 'do. She keeps it in tip top shape by "getting it trimmed often and using Pantene Pro-V."

A MAN OF MANY ANGLES. Have you ever noticed this not so flat, flat top around our campu-,? Well now you have-becau'>e thts hatr '>lyle belong'> to )untor Pat Sylve-,ter. Photo la\..m Bv lrmlv I"'''

CAUGHT OFF GUARD. Senior )e'>StCa Pace ts seen here with a beautiful smile and her beautiful hair. She attributes her massive v,J!ume to "thick hair and my blow dryer." Photo Jo\..en Br rmrlv

THE H II'. Tho'>e darn backpacks always m mg up our hair. On the way to clas-, Fre-.hma Tara Kwtatkowskt quickly flips her hair out frou between her bag -.o -.he can get on her merry wa looking good.

HAJR PAIR. With not many ways to vent your individuality, hair is the best indication of your style Chris Jansen and Cassie Chavez show their different by avoiding the clean cut look. Chris says, "I my hair every other day."


WASH '\ (,0 This lo w mamten a n cl' g 1rl , Ail ee n Opul e n cia , gets up m the m o rnm g, washes and goes to scho o l. " ( d o n ' t even blow dry it. " Aile e n has the type o f hair man y w1sh they had Jt ' ., thick , 'otraight , and shmy On special day., Aileen spruces up her ' d o by pullin g a few curls m 1! l'hoh•

By l·m al v l ''l"'


" I really like my hair, it's naturally curly and chicks are attracted to it! " -]uan Valencia no

" My hair has gone form short to long back to short again in the past 3 V2 years. I wanted to see what it looked like at different length . I like it how it is now. "-Cate Lenhart

Ph(l t Takl"n lh l- m1 ,. f· '

TO DYE FOR. Jarod utty ,., one wh o ,., taking advantage ol th e reinstated dying rul ow that it's 2nd semest r, we ' re allow e d to dye o ur hair again hhh Jarod dy e d 11 ht '>em e ster t oo


. Over Christmas vacation , Ryan Dunaway, decided to chop her hair for a new cooler look '" ( wanted to be different from every body e) e ," she sa1d

SHORT A D SASSY It's almost entir ly apparent to everyone that Michelle Johnson is a litt le different from th so called " norm " at our school. She has a flare for fashion ranging from h r sho s to hair accessories. You can s e Michelle wearing different clips or barrettes in her hair varying day -to -day.

• •
\\'L (;L) ll)(,LT HeR. Semor' Bed.\ Regalado. Jaci...Je \\al!-t•r Ahn• h>x , Sand\ My,kow,k.J , and Morgan Segro\ ,., n•-,•nact Gre.bt' tor tht••r \1ock Roc!- debut. " It wa Ll ktt of tun' · -\hn• ..,,n ..,
lHI:lJ... II OL I' Jumor :1.1arw \"eJa,quez 'how' ott h" 'lull and h" tux to the 'tudent bod\ dunng thl' fa,h•on ..,htn, \1arco ... ay.., I the g1rb lo\'ed it! " It 1.., ob\ tou.., that h" ,eJt "'teem" \t>rv health\
_E_ ' _ S _ T _ U _ D _ E _ N _ T _ S __ LI _ F _ E _
HEY MR. TAMBOUR! 'E MAN. Senior Ryan Gibney shares his musical talents by performing " Don't Speak" by :\1o Doubt with Jocelyn Ohl and Hannah Barnett sing for the Mock Rock. Ryan .,ays "I love p laying guitar."



Coming Home Week i full of spirited activities . Thi s is the week of the Girl's Basketball s tate gam e .,rhe week was ignited by the Valentme s Day Dance. On Sunday night, the couple s danced the night away, without the fear of waking up early on Monday morning (we had Monday off). There t of the week wa full of memory making activities, which included : the teacher- s tudent basketball game, the re s ults of the computer match game, Mock Rock, the teacher-student lamily feud game, and the grand finale the pep rally. The dress-downs days for the week were: athletic day, cozy day, dress-down day, and spirit day.

During the week all of the cla ss e s worked to earn points for the spirit The winner wa s decided by the events. The junior cla ss held a copper drive to rais e money for Prom , and the cla ss with the mo s t pennies won points. The class with the mo s t s pirit at the pep rally, the winner of the pep rally games , a nd the cla ss with the bes t wall decora tion s gained points for their clas s Points were als o gained for Mock Rock. The winner wa s the Senior cia s.

We hope the graduating Seniors had a meanins-ful week. Hold on to these memones .



was put on by

and 1


ails jumor Sean Greco who 1s w1th jacque 1--o<:hl'> says " Why can ! everyone be as c ute as me! '

CHEATE R' Dunn g th e p e p ra ll y s tud e nh fro m

e ac h cl a ss p a rti ci p a te d in a game to wm th e 1r clas s

p o mt s. e mo r Mo rga n Seg ra ves says " 1 co uld see und e r m y blindfo ld a nd ., till didn t wm " '

SURVEY SAYS It ' s tim e fo r s tud e nt tea c h e r Fe ud M s. Goo d says " I had a good time durin g o min g H o m e Wee k It w a s a g reat ch a n ce to m ee t th e s tud e nt ; 1 d o n ' t h a v e tn clas s. "

BUlL T , IT UP' Th e Va rsity ch ee rl ea d e rs a re gotn g to co mp e tih o n , a nd junio r Am y Abra h a m says " We ' ve a ll w o rk e d so h a rd thi s year as a te am , th e o nly pl ace w e co uld bUild w a s up

Junior Jessica Acedo comments on the week : " This week was pretty cool except for the fact that the

enior won the spirit stick. ow that was a travesty of justice! "

" People have been telling me that f • ang well with Hannah , but OBVfOUSL Y the J udge didn ' t think o . . . we id get last place and all. " -Jocefyn Ohl.

W H O ' S YOUR PERFECl \1:\l(H? Sophomores :\l,wn SemtnarJ , Brook•· Wilkins , LJuren Mick.le Jnd Chnsttne \1oon· JnJly"· tht>lf computer mJtches Brooke savs Let JUst sav that the\
not a perfect ·
-\LREADY ? 1t"s JUst
h" show
the Prom comm•ttel'



CURED A OTHER 0 E! Beth Mitchell is helping to discharge a patient. She's doing her Christian service hours at the hospital because she wants to become a nurs

" I volunteer at the Chandler Library by helping find books and put them away. I enjoy volunteering, it's time well spent."

WAX 0 , WAX OFF.M rs. Abraham volunteers in the Cafeteria. She says " I enjoy working in the afeteria because I can keep an eye on my kids."

TOOL TIME. Robert Scott and Adam Wmstanl both decided to volunteer thetr time by fixing bed fo r the less fortunate. "I did tt for a new expt: rience," says Robert. Photo r akt·n By Sl'tcr Rachel

"I volunteer at St. Tim's. I help the children and play games with them It's a friendly environment and it'S Jots Of fun." Photo



Photo raken Bv Becky Regalado Photo Taken By Beth Ho<'l Photo Taken By Em1ly Ess"' Taken By· jaclae M1rnone SLIM FAST? o, Kim Piowarsy and Jeanine De Tiege volunteered their time by giving out clothes to help others, and managed to have some fun to o Helping out others by giving up some of my time can actually be a lot ol fun ," s ay s Kim Photo Taken By Si,ter Rachel

l u CHTIME! Jessica Underwood is domg her volunteer work by serving a patient at Chandler Regional Hospital. Jesstca says, " I volunteer my time at the hospital be ca use I want to become a doctor some day."


Our Campus Minister

Mr. Goodman says, "Seven out of ten are serving Christ in their parish liturgy: (singing, lector, play instrument , serve, E.M ) Two out of five serve Christ through the poor (Paz De Cristo, food drives, mission trips) One out of four serve Christ through the elderly ( erving meals, volunteering at nursing homes, entertaining, buying upplie , and fixing homes) One out of two serve Christ through the young (YMCA, R.E., crisis hotlines for tens, coaching, baby-sitting, tutoring) One out of four serve Christ through the sick (Hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice programs ) Hey, how can that be?? Well one thing is for sure, Sentinels ure make sure there is a lot of volunteer work going on!

PICASSO? VAN GOGH? o it's Zach! Zach Dubasik decided to paint Alice Fox .. literally! These two are doing some volunteer work. "I thought it would be fun to do some Christian service hour and get out of town at the same time," said

WEE! Senior Matt Wilhelm plays with one of the little girls at the orphanage in ogales. Matt says "It was a really fun and good experience for me, and I got the Christian service hours I needed." Photo Taken By· Sr Rachel Photo Taken By Bt"tky Regalado
Zach. Photo Taken By Sr Rachel


" I hang out with friends before the bell rings for about 15 minutes after my grandma drops me off' .- Deandra Ervin.

" I either sleep on the table until the bell rings or I'm late and have to run to class. " -Jon Rea

"My carpool picks me up at about 7:25. I get to school at 10 till 8 and just hang out with my friends ." -Jus tin Clark

" I get to school 5 minutes before the bell, run to my locker, then run to class. I have no time to see friends ." -Molly Farwell.

SILE CE. "Si lence before the storm" accura te ly describes the Senior locker hall. Within minutes this will become one of the most hectic areas on campus.

FIRST! Sister Rachel sm1le., a., .,he thmk.-, to herse "I got here first' " Like many other teachers, sht rushes each mornmg to hm-,h-up last mmu copying. Photo I a ken Bv len l

RISE A 0 SHI E! Kelley Corbett carries AbL who is carrying "Bob" the sp1nt slick, to anoth eventful day at cheer camp. ' 'I'm thinkm' 6 is a lit tie too ear ly! :-Ke ll ey. Photo Taken By )en L.Jng

" Sometimes I drive, sometimes my mom drops me off I get to school just before the bell so I rush to class." -Michelle Golfin.

"My parents drive my brother and me to school at 7:20. Before the bell rings I just talk with my friends." -Shawn Dow.

G Q MAN!? o it's only Geoff Smitham. " I love dre ssi ng up o n game days and my favorite thing to do is go to church in the morning." -Geoff. l'hoto Taken By · )en L.Jng

HELP! Kristen Allen rummage s through bag putting the book s h e doesn ' t need in "s potl ess" locker. " I can never find the book need !" - Kristen Photo Taken By )en Lang

_12_ , STU D ENT LI FE

BREAKFAST AT LAST! I go to "Bagel Nosh" before for breakfast." -Alex ia Morrrissey. Thts ntual ts practiced by students eac h morning. Photo I a ken By )en Lang

SPEE·.D RACE:R. Bethany Stover into the Seton parking lot minutes before the bell rin gs. ' Tm always rushing to class and u s ually lat e." - Bethany Photo Taken By )en Lang


TAR GAZI G. Tommy Piowarsy enjoys flipping through People Magazine one of the many eriodical that are stocked in the Seton library. Some students do homework, read magazine , hile othe rs sit, talk, and do nothing. "I get to school early I go to the library, sit and u ually :lo nothing." -Tommy Piowarsy. Ph o to Taken By ) en Lang

COLD E OUGH FOR YA'! o one is crazy enough to stand outside in the Seton parking lot in the middle of January. So, many sit in cars a nd talk before the bell " I couldn't wrestle in the meet because I got injured ." -David McDonald " I was really cold and David let me in his car. We talked about David in his cheer uniform. " -Vanessa Rooze Photo Taken By )en Lang

" When I get to school I go straight to my friends ' cars. When the fir s t bell rings we go to the lockers ." -Laura McAllister .

" I usually do not get to school on time."-Octavio avarro.

"I get to school at 7:30 I play "Magic the Gathering" and goof off with my friends till the bell rings. " -Pat Sylve ter.

" I carpool with 3 other people. We get dropped off at 10 till 8 and go talk with friends till the bell. " -Matt Salafia

" I try to get to school early to talk and catch up with my friends. I don ' t have any cia es with them." -Sara Keilty.

"I rush to school and get there when the first bell rings so I don't have time to see my friends until first hour." -Mark Chandler.

"I hang on for dear life as our carpool driver drive u to school. As we pull up the first bell rings ." -Radey Thompson.


A Burning Desire

Academic i the most important part of Seton. Thi is why mo t of you are going to Seton, to get a good so lid Catholic education. We ar amidst changing times for academic Thi year i the fir t year w have a B building and oon there will b a ci nc and math wing. Mr . Collin ha been very excited with the arrival of her new computers in the library . Seton st udent s are academically oriented, no matter what grades they receive. Mo t of them are trying to succeed. The tudy habits and te t taking kills that they picked up from Seton, ar going to give them a olid foundation for college. This flame that we call Sentinel Pride burn in academics. This Sentinel Pride is what makes us want to do our best.

o matter what types of grades you get, academic i till an important part of your life. Everyone goe to cia s. Most of our cia e are enjoyable becau e our teachers are so great. Academic , creating olid students ready to succeed in all areas of life.

-Morgan Segraves

"My favorite class ts Art because it's easy and I can have a good time. Especially becaus I don't get yelled at when I goof off."-
" In my economics class we had the be t activity, tt was the Student Company. It was fun and we ran our own business ."-
Ryan Wangler. Photo Taken By Morgan Segraves Jonathan Murphy . Photo Taken By Mo rgan Segraves BREAK TIME? ot for Sophomore Andrew Henschen who ts trymg to quickly finish his homework during the short time he has on his lunch break l'h to Tak•n By '-•than Knc LEAR ED. Senior Chns Stovall seems to be doubting his mathematical abilities as Mr. Richard tries to explain the concept that 2 + 2 - 4. Photo Taken By Wend1 DavL' CAPfiVATI G WORDS Ms. Good 1s trying to get her pomt across while ophomore Sean Young IS enthralled m her lecture on Shakespeare.
___ A _ C _ A _ D _ E _ M _ I _ C _ S _ ' .E._
ARTIST! VIEW Julia Patterson intensely works on her proJect for Art I. On either side of her are fellow artists Patrick Ruthnger and Alexia Morrissey. Photo Taken By B..: v


Elizabeth Acedo

icholas Adamo

Brandon Aljeh

Annette Altamirano

Zachan Anken\ jason Arambula

!ann Austin

Christina Bancroft

jacob Barnentes

Susan Benson

Brandon Benzing

Robert Bonura

Meghan Brice-Heames

jeffrey Burgess

Kathleen Burke

Heather arnahan

Lindsay Catania

Luis Celaya

Paul Clark

Michelle linch

Richard ollins

Clare onnor

Alonso Cornejo


I!!!' Becoming Part of the Crowd

HOW OFF ! heshmen Initiation was homfvmg, but I know that when I Icx)k back it will bl' a memorv vvell cherished," says Silett Morales. Robbie Thompson, C'olleen Hubbard, Miranda Jilek,Silett Morales, and Jessica O'Brien model off their outragc•ous outfits to show their sch(X)I

f'hotn T 1kl1l B\ "\,1th.m Knd

S AHE D. Matt Lopez works on Ius tvpmg ..,kills along the re-.t of the freshmen class. "Tyj:)lng cla..,st'> OK, but I'm really bad at the typing part." V\.'hen he was asked who his Favorite teacher is he responded, "Mr.... Pattocl..., she's really C(X)I."

PhntoT,,Jv., B' R' \nn R,-.Jn 1 .,

DAZED D 0 FUSED? ' O,JUStbored,"said US.l!Ul L-eurmer as she waits out the last five minute-., of class before lunch. She s.avs "Seton's OK but the best thing that h.as happened so (ar is making the JV Cheerleading squad."

BLACKJACK A YO E? A Popular game plaVl'd on lakulator.., dunng Algebracla..,..,. Nhchl'lk• John<,<m..,av.., about M Kove'.., 'ith pl'rtod Honors Algebra I cia..,..,, "Algebra 1.., really fun, 'vis Ko\'l' 1.., the be t tl>acher" l'hutu I .11-.t·n H;: R\ Ann Rodngut•/

Kendall Cntchfield

Jill Davts

Robert Dinero

Madeline Dippre

Ryan Dompter

Cristina Doris

Kat> Dorr

Dt'\Ie Dugan

R\an Dunawav

Thomas Duran

tephen Earl:.

Amanda Eckenrode

Photo T.lkt.-n h\ RyAnn Rudnguw

Freshmen: Fresh-Faces.

Heather rhart

Deandra Ervin

Keriann Espersen

Andre\\' Falzarano

icholas Garza

Bridget Gibney

Michael Gildenstern

Emily Goble

Eric Heinze

Alma Hernandez

Alissa Heyer

Mikaila ! licks

Elizabeth Hobbs

olleen Hubbard

Emily Hyde

William Jennett

Miranda Jilek

Michelle Johnson

Sara Keilty

Paul Kelly

Brian Kerley

Benjamin Kerwin

Raymond Kilroy

Angela Kilzer


Bryan Kirch

justin Klein

Anne Klemens

CandiCe Kochis

Theresa Krakora

Am\- Kuj<nvski

Tara Kwiatkowski

Ameha Kwong

jennifer Lalibert ' e

Celena Leon

jonathan Logan

'VIatthew Lopez

Ryan Lugo

jon Marquis

jenmfer Marrs

Thomas Martinez

Mikel McGinley

Meghan Melcher

Donelle 'VIickevicius

Amy Miller

Elizabeth Mirrione

Brandon Mistler

atherine Mitchell

ilett Morales


Christina Moreno

Dan Morrison

Ale ta Morrbsey

Justin Mulltns

Juan Munguia

Brian Murphy

Matthew Myskovvski

Jessica O'Brien

Faith Pablo

Anthony Papa

Andrew Parker

Julia Patterson

Michael Pintor

Vincent Placido

Anthony Quihuis

Jessica Raftery

Tanya Redger

Rafaela Rendon

athan Rice

Joy Richard

Stephen Richard on Peter Rua

Eli a Rubalcava

Patr ick Ru t t i n ger


MILhael Shaw

f nn Standridge

Lvnn Standridge

Dame! Sullivan

Rvan vatora

Sean Sweeney

Robert Thomp'>on hri'>topher Todd

oah Underwood

Andrew Urban

Alexis Vance

Roberto Villegas-Gold

Eric Wallace

Jamie Watson

Robert Watson

Melissa Wentworth

Clayton West

Adam Wright tephanie Yakaitis

I Iilary Yribarren

Christen Zeumer



L1.,a Banuoft

Kathrvn Barker

Bradley Bark\oumb

11annah Barnett

Melanie Ba ha

Joseph Bauer

Vicente Beltran

Christopher Bennett

Mario Bernasconi

Charles Bolig

ara Briggs

Meaghan Brown

Kristen Campbell

Shaun Carty

Cassie Castorena

Anthony Chacon

Kristen Coleman

Mike Consalvi

Jason Dick

Ryan Dow

hawn Dow

Mark Dranchak

Benjamin Dubasik




REM I ISCI G 1 Sophomores

Smiling Sentinels. Sophomores Lauren \llickle and L1sa Bancroft are in the chapel before their Volleyball match against \alley Christian. l'holo flktn H\ I.1ur.1 Prob't

Spelling Anyone? f'odd llusson d1ctates the weeklv spelling list to Chns Bennett. "OK I'm only gomg to spell it one more lime Chris, C-A-T" said Todd. Phol< Takt•n lh )Pamnt• [), Tll·gt•

"Bring on the Weekend ," sav these five friends janma Sheed\, rvtolh \llullm, Enn jovnt, jocelvn Ohl, and Kat1"e Holland. They are ready for some serious fun! Photo T.lkl'l, b\ ...

Erin Dumas

Megan Duran

Christopher Edwards

Ernesto Elias

Juan Elias

Matthew Emery icholas

Christie Equils

Molly Farwell

Laurence Forsythe

Chad Foster

Michael Galvez

Chnsti l'quils and Michael Velasquez stroll down memon lane as they remember grade school together at St. Mary Basha. Photo Takl·n fh D.n l' K -\\\ "'

Star-Studded Sophomores

Beth Graham

Michelle I !all

Mollie Hardesty

Eric I latty

Heidi Hauber

Joanna Henry

Laura Hod

Katie Holland

Todd Husson

Erin Joynt

Adam Kerwin

Kathleen Kirby

Michael Klemen.., James Koestner

Michael Krick

Tiesha Lamb

Ryan Littrell

icole Macias

Eric Magne

Royce Martin

Michael Mattson

Michael Mayers

Jesse McDonald

Edward McDonough


Andrew "vtcHugh

Bud Meister

Lauren Mickle

Michael Miller

Amy Mone

Kristine Moore

Molly Mullin

Paul ' estvold

Ryan O ' 'vlara

Jocelyn Ohl

Stephanie Olah eely Omohundro

Elizabeth Ore

Joanna Pearson

Jes ica Pena

Matthew Pendleton

Michael Poulsen

Rebecca Price

Laura Probst

Jennifer Rail

Phillip Reyes

Peter Rhee

Ryan Richardson

Angela Roger


Carmen Rojo

Kristina Ruiz

Matthev,• Salafia

Sean Sapp

James cott

Robert cott

Randy earle

Ala\ n Seminara

April hagena

Janina Sheedy

Darren petz

Veronica tover

Donald Thibaudeau

Kri ten Thomas

Kelly Travis

Erica Valenzuela

Michael elasquez

Lacey Wen ing

Michael White

Brooke Wilkins

oel William

Adam Winstanley

Sean Youn


S ophomore-1999

Sensati on s And Smiles

I WO WON! ' Tve never won anythmg m my life. I'm so happy!"

Krtstina Ruiz says, "Maybe I'm born wtth it!" Maybe it's Maybelline! l'hoto Taken Bv jack1e Vltrnont•

OH MY GOSH! Alayn Seminara and Lauren Mickle enJOY the hysterical moments at Seton. "The Volleyball team rocks!" says Alayn. She is referring to the JV team, who did well this year. Photo

HA!\:GI'J' AROU!':D 1 Larry Forsythe lounges against lockers after a hard day at school. Larry says, "If I were cool I'd be with friends!" Don't worry we love you. Phot o Taken By Dana Dillard

her sixteenth birthday.

PEEK-A-BOO! )en Rail waits patiently as Joe Bauer tries to hide his face from her. "If I ignore her, he'll just go away!" says Joe.

WHOA BABY! Jocelyn Ohl traps Sean Young in the parking lot after school. "Is this move approved by Coach Ballinger?" Jocelyn asks

LARRY MO AND CURLY?! o these three sophomore stooge are Katy Barker, Hannah Barnett, and oel Williams. Spirit Days bring out all kinds of spirit, like Katy's cheer spirit, Hannah's school spirit and oel's hunger pirit. Hunger for knowledge, right?


says Kelly Travis. Photo Taken By RyAnn Rodn);UU SWEET 16! Heidi Hauber walks into class with balloons fit for a clown on Heidi says, "It's my birthday, Woo!" Photo Taken By Dana Dillard Taken By · Dana D1llard Photo Taken By· Dana D1llard Photo Taken By Dana Dtllard Photo Taken Bv Dana D11lard
' _i!_

S urrounded by Sentinels

PURE CO U TRY I.ll J..ie :'v1t rriom• .1 nd faala ,1 frL'L' d,n to llff thl•tr Ullll1lf\ J"hl'\ \\"Orl' thL•ir '-itr,lil whid1 thL'\ at nllllL'rl. l'h <• lo (.-h qm • tu

SPANKY SP I RIT. r\t a pep

'->pan!..\ 1-. Lalll'd out to pump LlUt till' crowd Span!..\ ne\\ addition to the Seton cheer and to be lo\ L'd b\ all. Phoh l T,lkt·n b' '\.,,th.m 1\.rH.:I...

ju lOR\ ICTOR'r 'v1t!..e Ballinger ts .111 smilL•s as he helps to pump up the at the Homecoming pL' P rail\ .

Amy Abraham

Jessica Acedo

Kristen Allen

Monica Almendarez

Amv Arenare

i{,lja Audi


Jason BaqUJe

Randi Beamtsh

Br ian n e Benevento

Rosamaria Bernasconi

Denise Brady


\nn Burl--l' RohhtL B\ rnl' 'wrg11> ( hamhL·rlatn :\1arl-. ( handll-r

,\Ima ( lwl'

Cl.lattlll'W C larl-. C..arah ( larl-. Sarah Corral

)a rod ( utt\

Dana Dillard

Kat hL•rine \nanL' Eagan

Heatlwr Ferri.., jerenn hggm.., KL \Ill F()\lll' Angela Fn

Dand Garza

Karl ,ehring

Jonathan ,enttle

Mtchelle C.oltin

Sean C.reco

Bnannl' Griffin

Ahson Cunning Andre\\ Henschen


F,n, n f lever

DuanL' 1\.il/L' r ( 1\.lrLh jacque

Brian Koehnemann

Jenmfer Lang ,\ndrC\\ Lebowit/ Brett

Jason Lovvell

Allison Martin

Stephanie Martin

Rexalvnn Martinez

Matthew Mayo

Laura \llcAllister

Mathew \llelcher

Jaclyn Mirrione

Beth Mitchell

Tracey Mitchell

Katie Myers

Octavia avarro

John cstvold

Mary estvo ld

Aileen Op u lencia

G loria Osorio


\lark l'eople-. Laura Pflugfelder

Thoma., Piowar..,v

JL•nnifer Pith

Jacob Power., Jonathan Rea

Amy Regan

Timothv Rid1i.1rd

Ryann RodnguL'/

Vanes a Roo/e

Anthony Ro..,.., Max Runke

Syboanae abori

Chris Schweinberg

Greta Shagena

Jon Shrop..,hire

Amanda mtth

eoffrey Smttham

Megan oldner

Michael ulli\·an

Patrick yh·e..,ter

Radey Thompson

Paul Tomasik

Jes ica Underwood


'J orever Friends Show Sentinel Pride

D I E H A R D FA S. Geoff Smitham and Da,·id Carza show their at football through ram or sno\\ Tht-. a good L' ,1mpk ot somL' lrttL' srhool sptnt, wa: to shtH\ \Our SL•ntml'l pride gu\'s 1 l'ho1t1 l.lkt·n lh sh.mn \lll'n

Juan \ alenuano '\ichola-. \an Bergen \oand,1 \ ,1nn \.1arco \t l'lasquez

L tsa Knstma l'aml'la \Vennmacher tephanie Wolf

Brett Young Zovko

YOU GO GUYS! KL'\'111 FootL• ,1nd SL•an C.rL'co in action tlwirSL•ntim•l at the homecommg pep ralh T'hL'\ \·erv about the chL'L'rkaders Ph(llo H\ R\ \nn

1, 2, 3, JU lOR VICTORY! Ro-.a Bernasconi, jesstea An•do, and \It Cunning contributing to the spirit of the h\ pedup Juniors. These girl-. hl'lpl'd thL• junior class win the spirit stick. l'hoto '·''''" lh '-..llh.m knd


fl uniors Work

Work It, Class Of '98

STUDE T SPEAKI G. Teacher's aid for the office, )aala Collins is happily answering the phone. Jaala IS always willing to answer any questions on the othe r line. l'hoto Taken By: juhe Brown

STRESSED OUT. Junior Sarah Corral works hard to make the grades at Seton. At Seton y01. got to keep on top of your studies. She relieves stress by biting her nails.

Top 10 Excuses For Being Late To Work

Extremely ill

I forgot my uniform

Couldn't find my keys

I just felt like it

Forgot where I worked


GIRL. Junior

Monica Almendarez has fun cleaning out a tanning bed at her work, Spring Break Tans. lf you find fun in the un check with the tanning pro Monica.

HIT THE BOOKS Junior Mary estvold i working intensely. Along with school, Mary also works at the library. Double time, Mary hits the books in more than one way. Photo Taken By: RyAnn Rodrt).'Ue£

SPLASH! G FUI\i POOLS IDE Great pay and plenty of sunshme ts what Junior Jason Lowell received from cleaning swimming pools over the summer. Photo Taken By Bnce Rhee Photo Taken By RyAnn Rodnque£
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Alarm clock broke Sprained ankle Got
in Traffic jam
Photo Taken By Kmten Allen


Forth The Sentinels

ACRO S THf: WA 'I Raul Vargas, l:mtly I·"es, James Ryan , and Chns Stovall hang out betore music practice. They belong to the Sentinel Yotees who were preparing for the first concert of the year, "A Simple :vlelody ." Photo Ioken By othan

97er Destinations

''I'm going to AU, and I want to major in Elementary Education I'm excited to experience something new. "

"I want to become a journalism major. ASU has a good program, that's why I'm going there. "

''I'm going to get out of here. I'll be heading off to Regis in the fall off to Colorado I go."

"I probably will start off at a 2-year junior college. Decisions are till in the making."

''I'm majoring in Business Management at ASU. ASU beat ebraska it's the be t."

ORES ED J'\j STYLE. Kim l'iowarsy, Wendt Davts, and Beth loel are standmg pretty. Wendi and Beth patd for Buck a Dress Down Day, whtle Kim dressed in her normal attire. They have great taste!

MR. BLS1Nf.SSMA1\. Chm MaJoue shows ht school sptnt dunng I ionwwmmg Wel'k bv sporting his nifty thrt•ads. Hts dad, our pnnn pal, bought and drt•ssed Chm on 'ienwr Sl.tw Day. Plwto 1.1kl·n By "nd..

week at school. Photo Iaken By athan Knck

WHAT A SIGHT. Seniors Matthew Wilhelm, Jeanine De Tiege, Erin Sheehy, and Zach Dubasik, took a break from their regular routine and drove up to Canyon Lake for the day " It was really fun, but the water was a little cold. We had a great time until the driv e home We had to pull over so I could drive because a certam someone fell asleep whil driving, " commented Erin Canyon Lake is a g at place to go and spend the day after a busy


Heard On The Avenue

Wh n a ked to vote the enior class carne up with this outcome:

Most likely to s ucceed

Jennie Pearson, Nathan Krick

Mo t likely to become a model

Erin Day, Jeff Hall

Mo t likely to becom a professional athlete

Katie Placido, Aaron Mickle

Most likely to b a fashion designer

The cutest ...

Wendi Davis, Geoff Meister

Beth Hoel, Ryan Wangler

Most likely to become a hou ewife/husband ...

Cate Lenhart, David Va quez

Made class more enjoyable .. .

Most reliable

Class clown

Adrian Quihuis, Lisa Caudron

Shawn Allen, Jeanine De Tiege

Becky Regalado, Chris Stovall

Most likely to be married first

Mo t popular

Jonathan Murphy, Lori Wolf

Tony Mahlmei ter, Kim Piowarsy

Mo t likely to become a cowboy/ girl

Jackie Walker, Matt Wilhelm


A Glance Back

At Our Younger Years.

7heTimeOf Our Life-Senior Year

Fresh Faculty

They Are People Too

I LO\ E PITI BuRGH Sr Rachel JOmed the Seton famtly at the begin ning of the '93-'94 school year. Sh teaches religion and i-, greatly involved m the school mas-,es. Just for the record , Sr. Rachel b a big Steelers fan. Photo Taken Bv flnre Rhee

s:vm f-t It., a beautiful day "v1r. Anthony is one of the more energt.>ttc teacher-, at Seton: With thtrd irade humor and a btg smtle he has his way wtth motivatiOn. Mr. A ha-, been teachmg at Seton for almost eleven year-, now. In the past he ha-, taught math Mr A doe-, have two Algebra classes but most of hts ttme t'> sp nt wtth Keyboarding and Computers. Photo lakm fly Bnce Rhee

ARI YOU c.;OI"-C, I 0 COl I l·GE? It you Ml', evt.>n JUst thmkmg about tt, Mr. Mullin is thl• mar to sel'. He bt.>en succl'">lullv sendmg <;eton -.tu. dl•nh to colll'gl' for years. Mr Mulhn ll'Mh Psychology and is the head ro,Kh of the Soltba team. Pht1to ldk.l·n lh )Jlkll"

CUT A D PASTE. Mrs. Stewart works with Ed Phtlhps as an admimstrahve assistant She is responsible for keepmg the S ton alumni up to date with the current activities at Seton through the Alumni newsletter Mrs. Stewart also worked to help organiLe this years Walk-A-Thon. Phntn Taken By Bnce Rhee

CE. Mrs Koye standing tall for some freshmen who suffered under the hands of Tonv Mahlmeister. Mrs. Koye bought Tony for over $120, She was the only chance they had at getting even with the brutal Senior. Photo Taken By '-athan Knck


Maryanne Abraham Assistant Food Service Mr Tom Anthony Keyboarding! omputers Alg bra I Sr. Jeanne Bartholomeaux Religion I, II Mrs. Jane Bortness Library Aide
Sr. Rachel Blais Religion I, II

11\.FORMATIO Sl'ECJALIST 1 If you need information on any .,ubJeCt Mr.,. P Collin.,,., the person to see From boob, maganne.,, newspaper.,, and encyclopedia.,, to On-! me mfo, \llr., Pat Colltn., ha., acce.,., to tt all. Mr.,_ Collin., u.,e., her time to helpmg Sean Allen up hi., .,peech for Academic Decathlon "Ba.,e your speech on fact," \llr.,. Collin., telb Sean, " that mean., going to the '>Chool library." l'hoto Tokt·n Ay

WHAT'S THE SCORE? Mr. Clinch is too busy to notice the ·core of the game because he is thinking about what will be the next issue paper he will give his A.P. History clas ·.

PROOFREAD! G. Mrs. Collms proofreads for Sophomore Becky Price. Mrs. Collins is an English teacher who has taught here for many years. We hope Mrs. Collins will be here for many more years. Photo By Rvann Rodngut:'.t

WOMAN OF THE HOuR' Sherry Denham is the person who deab with our numerous attendances. Mrs Denham ts also the always cheery voice that answers the phones in the office

Mr. ]o eph Burke Chemistry Phy ics

Mr. Denni Clinch American History Free Enterpri e/Gov't.

Mrs. Diane Collins Eng!i h IV English II

Mrs. Pat Collins Librarian

BUMP! ' SR. JOA She is known to enjoy many types of cia ica! mu ic, but rumor has it she has a tap with a mix of Marilyn Man on, Metallica, and even a little bit of Stone Temple Pilots. Photo Taken By ate Knck

Mr. Tom Demp y Maintenance


Mrs. Sherry Dl'nham School 5t•crt•tary

VIr MIChael [· ubanks Athletic D1rellor 5panish I

TEACHER, TEACHER. \lb. Nix goes over her grade book with pure precisiOn and accuracy. Student-. don't shp through Ms. ix class. Th1s 1s her -.econd year at Seton and her fir-,t year w1th h r own cla"'room, C5. This year Ms. Nix teaches -.ophomore World H1-.torv Geography and one class ot JUnior American History. l'holo Taken By· Bnce Rhee

VIr Dave h•renct• Art I, II ,& Ill

Mrs. l't•ggy E·ooll' Busmess Managt•r VIs. Juht• Cood Lnghsh II. & Ill


ALL. Mr Eubanks hao; b en the d1rector of Seton Athletics for the past two years. He is the mastermind behind all the meetmgs, games, and schedules. l'hotn Taken By D kuJaw<tkl

DISH! ' OuT THE GOODS. As the stampede rolls m , Mrs. Abraham, Mrs Foote, and Mrs Olah get in their rhythm as hungry hands reach for the plates of hot, steaming, food. There have been many improvements in lunch line organization this year. Dr. Klajda 's number system keeps the line honest and civil. Cutters never prosper. l'hntn Taken Bv D Kutaw,kl

Sr. Joan Marie Madden Registrar

Mr. Georg Majoue Principal

Ms. Catherine Meibert Assistant Principal

Mr. Jerry Mullin ounselor Psychology

Mr. Cha rles eufeld Music Performance Music Appr ciation


"v1r Pat C..oodman Campus Mmister Religwn I

Mrs Eveline Heath Engh.,h II French

Mrs. Cynthta Hoffman -English I

A IGHT OUT WITH THE GIRLS. Mrs. Trotti, Ms. Good, and Ms. Koye support the football team at one of the games. This ts Ms. Troth's first year at Seton. It looks like Ms. Koye and Ms. Good have no problem with making her feel welcome. She teaches geometry to the sophomor class. This trio proves that Seton ts not JUSt a JOb, but part of thetr lives as well. Photo Taken By Shawn Allen

Or Frank KlaJda Dean of Student'> Amencan Ht.,tory

Mrs. Ten Koye Algebra I Algebra 11/Trig

DEA"'. Dr. KJajda is also among the new at Seton thts year He has been educated in the ways of Administration and Secondary Education. He is fully qualified to be this years Dean of Students. Photn Taken Bv -.;a than Knck

CAMPUS MI ISTER. This is Mr. Goodman's second year at Seton. Thts year he teaches two freshman religion classes and is the ampus Minister. As the minister, Mr. Goodman help coordinate the masses, retreats, and all of the Christian Service hours. " It's hard to find time to do everything," he says. l'h<>lo Taken By -.;a than "nck

Ms. Susan ix World History/Geogra phy American History

Mr. Douglas owe Latin Humanities Academic Decathlon

Mrs Edith Olah Assistant Food Services

Sr. Consuela Pacheco Counselor

Mrs. B th Pattock Engli hI Yearbook Journalism




After taking the girls basketball team to the state championship last year, Mrs. Self tries her skills at teaching Health and P.E. "She fits right in," says Mr. Eubanks.

ot only is Mr. Richard an excellent Biology teacher, he is a master mu ician as well. When he isn't teaching or helping students like Michael Velasquez, chances are that Mr. Richard is strumming on his guitar. He plays for his church on Sundays and at every school

Mrs Mary Ann Rtch

Mr. Davtd Rtchard B10logy

Mr. Ray Ritchotte Maintenance



Photo Taken By An- Jim Relph Weights Health P.E. mass. Photo Taken By Bnce Rhee Mrs. Elizabeth Trotti Geometry Mr. Ray Valenzuela Maintenance Spanish I, II, Ill WAY THI GS WORK. From serving hts hme wtth the United States avy to teaching in the classroom, Mr. Sprinzl has always been involved with physics and chemistry. Thb year his schedule is focused primarily on physics, but if you ever need help in chemistry 01 math his door is always open. P.S If you haven't heard, Mr Sprinzl runs a pretty Salsa too! Photo Tak•n By D ku1aw'k' Mrs. Judy Webber Director of food Services Mrs. Louann Walther Administrative Assistant

Mr. Jim Schreiber Algebra IL'lng. College Algebra

Calculm I, II

Karen Self PE Health Assistant Athletic D1rector

judy Set.tkorn Religion II, IV

\1r Martm Spnn.rl \1rs AlyCia Stewart Development

ME TAL MATH. "A Twix, a Coke, and Rav10lli w1th two breadstick.,, that will be $2.75." Mrs. Webber has been ringing up lunches in the Seton Cafe for seven years now She credits her skills to a banking

LISTE UP 1 Sr Consuelo is the underclass counselor She is largely responsible for the new men and making sure that the1r journey at Seton starts off right Sr. IS a member of the 51-ters Of Charity She enJoys shanng her knov. ledge of the Catholic Church. l'hot o Taken By RyAnn

BIGGEST BANG FOR THE BUCK! Mr. Schreiber checks out the m rchandise at the Senior Auction. In the end Mr. Schreiber paid $105 for S nior Sandy My kowski. Photo Taken By ate Knck

M RS. COACH. Like Mrs. Self, Ms. Good ha made the tran ition from coach to teacher. Ms. Good ha been the pitching coach for the girl' softball team. Her presence h re at Seton has been greatly accepted by all. She is a pleasure to have on campus. Photo Taken By · RyAnn Rodriguez

HEART OF THE SCHOOL. Mrs. Walth r 1s m control of the faculty. She is responsible for keepmg them in line and on lime. After ten years, Mrs. Walther knows this plac inside and out. l'hoto Tal.en By · Bnce Rhee

career. Photo Taken By D Ku1awsk.J


Singing With Flare

SL G TO ME: Bethany Stover and Annette Howard look on as H annah Barnett t he correct no te. Bethany says "T h e funniest song we ever sung was the meow song."

STRIKE CP THE BAND: Mr. eufeld is pictured here at pep band practice. Mr. eufe ld plays many musical mstrumenh mcluding the piano and the trumbone, but hi-, primary love is singing.

5 1 G l G H AR D: T hi s m u s ic class is h a rd a t wo rk o n thi s pi ece Mr . e u fe ld says t he b es t thin g a b o ut teac h in g is " I rea ll y e n joy see in g a la rge gro up o f peo pl e acco mpli s h in g goals. I a lso en joy loo kin g b ac k a t th e e nd of th e yea r a nd m eas ur in g th e grow th of eac h g ro u p a nd eac h individu a l within ." ACADE

THE ENSEMBLE: Chamber choir practices a piece for their next concert. This IS the highest level mu. sic class offered here at Seton ' The concert<. ar, grea t , t h ey gJVe us a chance to share what we've learned," '>ay'> )en Bastian.

T AKI G A BREAK: Semors Julie Brown and Sandy Myskowski take a breath between songs T h e songs t h a t are perfo r med by the music classE'I a re difficul t even fo r the expenenced singer.

What 's the be s t thin g about concert s?

" Everything come s together and all the hard work pay s off. " Devin Apodaca-Chamber Choir

Why did you decide to take music?

" I wanted to learn how to read m u s ic better and I love to sing. " Amy Lash-Sentinel Voices



DRIVI G. Mascot Chris Bennett and Cheerleader Becky Price are rehearsing for this school play. In this cene they are practicing for the funnie t part of the play, Waltermttty. Chris Benntt aid that "this years play is going to be better than ever before."

AMIC DUO. o it is not Batman and Robin, it is Seton' very own uper heroes, seruors Myskowski and Ramiz Audi. Be ide being in the play, Sandy is al o involved m .H.S. and a cheerleader. Ramiz Audi i also in .H.S. and he ay that "the play has been a great experience and I enjoyed it very much." Photo

SITIJN' PRETTY. Track member, Annette Howard and yearbook member Monica Almendarez, '>II practicing their line' for the plav "r h"' take-, countless hours of my lime," Momca Ph •to !.1ken By Beth Hod

AIL BITER. Looking over this year., scnpt, is director David Barker and David Barker enjoys acting so much that he chose it as a career. He not only teaches drama at A.SU but dediCates his time to Seton well. l'hutu laken lly lkth Hod

BEAUTIFUL. First time player Laura Hoe! struts her tuff in the school play. Laura enjoyed working with director David Barker throughout the play. Photo Taken Bv Beth Hoe!

OSCAR WI G PERFORMA CE. Play veterans, Michael Krick and Matt Kochi practice for one of their many skit Matt, brought a lot of comeciy to the play. Pholo Taken Bv· Beth HOt? I

Photo Taken By Andrew Lebow1tz. Taken By Beth Hoe!
DRAMA , _22_._

Some Like It Ho t

Club , activitie things we all love and enjoy. Where would this school be if it were not amidst all the e wonderful club ? Let me tell you we'd be mi ing out on a lot of fun. S ton greatly ncourage everyone to take part in clubs. ot only does it look great on college applications but you learn and have a good tim Our clubs range from honor clubs to environment clubs and even photography clubs. Just think where would we be without our club ? o dummies handing out lollipops while reminding you of the danger of drinking and driving. o school play. o buck a jean day. o prom. No chool planned activities through Student Council. See, thi is why Seton wanted you to take part in clubs, because they add so much! Thi flame that drives us to participate in a club carries us through and inpires us to be involved and loyal to that club. While you may have two clubs a day or just one a week you definitely played a major part in Seton's club .

''I' m not involved in that many clubs however I do enjoy some of the activities like dances and I support them through Buck-ajean ."- Katie

"S.A. D.D is my favorite club, becau e it's a good cause. All the hard work I put into it may one day benefit a friend of mine ."Jacque Kochis Photo Taken By Morgan St:J.,'Tnvef.o

Holland Photo Taken By Morgan Segrow'


ick Enzweiler is pump.ing up sptrtt at a game. Thts is the second year of the student orgamLed Pep Band l'h<>to Taken By '-a than Knck The S.A.D.D. club di. played a coffin in the cafeteria to show students of the danof driving drunk. Photo Taken By Beckv Re gala do HS held it's ceremony led by President Jennie Pearson, to accept new members and recogntLe existing member...
_____ C _ L _ U _ B _ S _
MELODRAMAT I T h ese d r ama membe rs can't ke p their acting abilities just on stage. They enjoy rehear..ing together in their spare time. Their talents and efforts are seen in the annual school play. l'hoh> Taken By Becky

KAlROS. Top Row: Zack Dubasik, Mr. Pat Goodman, Shawn Allen, David Valenzuela Bottom Row Wendi Davis, Jeanine De Tiege, Kim Piowarsy, Alice Fox. ot Pictured: Matt Kochis, Ms Susan ix, Mr George Majoue, and Sr. jeanne.

MUSIC MI ISTERS. Top Row: Mr. David Richard, Brianne Griffen, john Marquis, joanna Pear on. joanna Henry, Mrs. Mary Ann Rich. Bottom Row: Kristina Watson, Mike Meyers, April Shagena, Sophia Acord, jessica Underwood, Amy Arenare. ot Pictured: Michael Kl mens, Greta Shagena, Libby Acedo, and Erin Day.

Ml ISTERS OF THE WORD. Top Row: Shawn Allen, Brandon Celaya, Patrick Sylvester. Bottom Row jennie Pearson, Annette Howard. ot Pictured: justin Clark, Kristina Watson, and Matt Pendleton.

WOAH! Kim Piowarsv and Shawn Allen show the enthusiastic rush that 'Kairos gives off. GOD EEDS YO ! josh Krall, Zack Dubas1k, and jeff Hall take time out at a Kairos retreat to become one with nature. BREAK! Kristina Watson, Brianne Griffen, and Amy Arenare must let their vocal chords rest before Music Ministers begins REALLY! Brandon Celaya and Shawn All n are preparing for th ir next meeting of Minist rs of the Word.

PROM COMMIITFF. Top Row-Ari ragan, Stephame Wolf, Marco Alltson Marlin, Jarod Cutty, Frann'> Zovko, Mary Nestvold, Jacque Kochis, Ms. Beth Trotti. Middle Row-Aileen Opulenna, Amy Regan, 1 l'>il Wangler, Alma Chee, Sarah Corral, Jes.,tca Acedo, Tracy Mitchell. Bottom Row-RyAnn Angela Fox, Amy Abraham, Jaala Collim, Jackie Mtrnone.

SADD. Top Row- anda Vann, Mrs. Karen Self, Alice Fox, Brice Rhee, Angie Hauber, Lori Wolf, Katie Placido, Michelle Hall, Jessa Wright, Sara Briggs, ick Van Bergan, Ann Burke, Matt lark, Jennifer Lalibert'e, Candice Kochis. Middle Row-Jackie Walker, Chad Foster, Stephanie Martin, Kim Piowarsy, Jeanine De Tiege, Amelia Kwon, Katie Bu rke, jacque Kochis, Rosa Bernasconi. Bottom Row-Lisa Wangler, Stephanie Wolf, Angela Fox, Laura Pflugfelder, Sybonane Sabori, Pam Wennmacher, Meaghan Brown.

DFCISIO TIME When it come., down to making a choiCe, Prom Commtttee members Marco Veand Geoff Smithan dectde the hard way.

WHAT DO YO THI K? Laura Pflugfelder looks to Jennifer Pitts for her opmwn Prom Committee has many detaib to solve; from the theme to what day.

GUlL TY AS CHARGED. This could be you if you are not responsible. Members of Students Against Dnvmg Drunk ask us to "Piea.,e d0n't drink and drive."

BEHI D THE S E ES 1 Prom mvolves a lot of tim and devotion. The Prom ommittee members are the ones who make the dance a night to remembe<

CLUBS ' ..£._

E VIRO ME TAL CLUB. Top Row: Brett Lewis, David Brandon Celaya, Jessa Wright, ick Van Bergen, Matt Clark, Mr Jo Burke. Bottom Row: Mary estvold, Tracey Mttchell, Monica AlmenBrianne Griffen, Sophta Acord, Annette Howard, and Kim Piowarsy.

RETREAT TEAM. Kim Piowarsy, Alice Fox, Matt Kochis, Beth Hoe!, Shawn Allen, Zack Dubasik, J Hall, Cate Lenhart, Erin Sh hy. Bottom Row: Jeanine De Tiege, Dave Valenzuela, Wen di Davis. Ptctured: Sarah Moore, Jacque Chacon, Corbin King,

LEA P! Brianne Griffen shows that cleaning up our envtronment is not that hard to do. HERE I GO AGA1 ! Shawn Allen prepares to take on another exciting Foreign Language meetmg. FRIE OS FOREVER! By their smiles Wendi Davi and Beth Hoe! show how r treats bring fnends closer.
COOKY! Ms. ix and Mr. Goodman show that on retr ats ther is no holding back when it comes to fun. FOREIG LA GUAGE. Top Row: David Vasquez, Shawn Allen, Patrick Sylvester, Joanna t'earson, l Julie Brown. Bottom Row: Jennie Pearson, Mike Klemens, Matt Pendleton, April Shagena. ot Pictured: Ramiz Audi, Annette Howard, Mike Meyers, Ben Reisenger, Sarsif Wykoff, and Mrs. Eveline Heath. and Mr. Pat Goodman.

DRAMA CLUB. Top Row: Elizabeth Ore, Erin Sheehy, Becky Price, Rachel Williamson. Row: Kati Doherty, Joanna Henry, Sophia Acord, Stephanie Olah, Michael Krick, Carmen Rojo, Bridget Gibney, Pat Sylvester, Mikhaila Hicks. Middle Row (2): Heather Erhart, Emily Hyde, Meaghan Brown, Madeline Dippre, Angela Kilzer, Erin Dumas, Kate Kirby. Floor: Hannah Barnett, Katy Barker.

H S. Top Row: David Vasquez, Chris Majoue, athan Krick, Todd Husson, Michael Krick, Michael Poulson, Mark Peoples, Andrew Henschen, Anthony Ross. Middle Row: Joanna Pearson, Brandon Celaya, Patrick Hobbs, Ramiz Audi, Matt Clark, Tim Richard, Jessa Wright, Patrick Sylvester, Daniel Tom. Middle Row (2): Joanna Henry, Jennie Pearson, Erica Valenzuela, Angela Fox, Alice Fox, Brice Rhee, Katie Placido, Julie Brown, Shawn Allen, Monica Almendarez. Middle Row (3): Beth Graham, Ann Burke, Sophia Acord, Sandy Myskowski, Annette Howard, Becky Regalado, Jim Koestner, Pam Wenmacher. Middle Row (4): Mrs. Pat Collins, anda Vann, Jacque Kochi , Rosa Bernasconi, Amy Arenare, Eric Hatty, Peter Rhee, Chad Foster. Bottom Row: Jenny Lang, Stephanie Martin, Paul Tomasik, Jessica Underwood, Jason Baquie, Mike Klemens, Zack Dubasik, Geoff Smitham, Francis Zovko, Kristina Watson.

DRAMA QUEE S! Erin Dumas and Kate Kirby show their most debonair pose to prove they have what it takes.

AWAKE! Oh, Sleeping Beauty arise, Drama club for the day is over.

LEARN! G THE RULES! HS member Joanna Henry takes time out from her studies to learn the rules of the road.

FI !SHED! HS member Kristina Watson sits and ponders what project HS will take on next.

LOVE YO R EIGHBOR. Franciscan members Alayn Seminara, Erica ValenLuela, and Brooke Wilkins demonstrate the gospel life of St. Francis by treating one another with respect and care.

LEAD THE WAY! Members of Student Council work hard to help make the school year better. They are always thinking of ways to benefit the faculty and students, so that everyone will have a good year.


THE HEAD HO CHOS. Becky Regalado, Francis Zovko, and Marco Velasquez are three of many leaders at school. They work hard to make the many activities sponsored by Student Council fun and exciting.

STUDE T COU CIL. Top Row-Ms. Susan ix, Alayn Seminara, Becky Price, Marco Velasquez, Franc Zovko, Peter Rhee, Joy Richard, Candice Kochis, Rosa Bernasconi. Middle Row-Celena Leon, Vasquez, Kim Piowarsy, Beth Hoe!, Becky Regalado, Jessa Wright, Jeanine De Tiege, Alice Fox Botto Row-Laura Probst and Jacque Kochis.

BRA lACS AT WORK! These exceptional students excel in their academics. They work hard and are determined to do the best that they can do Classes here at Seton always prove to be challenging.



S. Top Row-Jennie Pearson, Brooke Wilkins, Lori Wolf, Angela Fox, Alice Fox, Joanna Pear. son. Bottom Row-Stephanie Wolf, Erica Valenzuela, Alayn Semmara, Enn Sheehy, Shawn Allen.
Hiliary Yribarren, Jim Koestner, Luis Celaya, Jason Baquie, Sr. Joan Marie Madder Brian Kerley. ot Pictured- ick Adamo and Mike Shaw.

D Tiege,

A:--.JD THE BA:--.JD PLA YEO Greta Shagena and Erica Val nzuela perform at one of the many pep rally's wtth the pep band The band was tarted last year by Seton alumni, John Sulhvan.

SAY CHEESE! , athan KriCk snaps a qutck picture for the Photo Club A new attraction to Seton, tt is very helpful to yearbook. They take ptctures needed to make the memories of the school year last. Photo Taken By Becky Regalado

THE WAY OF CHRIST " !love bemg a Euchanstic Mmister because it is one way that I can live out my faith here at Seton," say Cate Lenhart.

THE BLOOD OF CHRIST Euchanstic Mini ter Wendi Davis administers commumon to Chris Majoue during senior retreat. Wendi was trained by Sr Rachel last year and certtfied by the Bishop

BA D. Top Row-Mtke Sullivan, Alayn Semmara, Ryan O'Mara , Phtllip Reyes, tck Enzewieller Bottom Row-Zach Ankeny, Katie Dorr, Brooke Erica Valen.wela, Melanie Basha PHOTO CLUB. Joanna Henry, Amelia Kwon. ot Pictured: Mr Beth Pattock, athan Krick, Mikhaila Hicks, Shawn Allen, Andrew Hen chen. EUCHARISTIC M l ISTERS. Kim Piowarsy, Beth Hoe!, Wendt Davis, Shawn Allen, Jeanine Matt Kochi , Zach Dubasik, Cate Lenhart.
C LU BS ' £:..._

Great Balls Of Fire

Seton sport teams have grown to become recognized lethal opponents. With such success last year we knew that this year we'd be amidst some awesome season . Seton sports have grown to be the leader in the Central 2A Region Conference, we're dominating it. We're being moved to a new region next year. This is the last year we'll travel to places like Ray and Hayden. All the long bus trips you'll never forget. Sports bind people together, a lot of friendships made are based on sports. Team can be very close. Seton athlete play for pride. They wouldn't be out there practicing everyday if they did not love the sport and the school. Sports grow a competitive flame in us all. We all stand strong as one chool when a team beats Valley Christian. We tand and support each other in sports and as a school. Most of us won't go into the play sports in college but a least for a while we wore the red and gold-pride of the Sentinel.

"We had a great sea on, I had a lot of fun being at the tate championship. This team lived up to a lot of expectations and we pulled through, it can only get better." -James

"Basketball has done a lot for me over these four years. It's taught me how · to be very competitive and to have discipline. But the best thing is all the friends." -Jackie





POWER KICK. Jonathan Murphy a stud soccer player thinks that , " This year was just the beginning for a rich soccer tradition at Seton PRO D FEEL! GS Katie Holland ay , " I can ' t wait till next year, I' m really pro ud of the Varsity team a nd very glad ab o ut our new coach PIECE OF CAKE Senior Ryan Wangler has been wrestling for three years at Seton He wrestle in the weight class of 189 He ay he likes wre !ling becau e, " You can beat up on people and not get in trouble

Coach 's Corner

"T his year 's team played extremely well! La t year we had 11 senior graduate. Thi year, they stepped up and filled last years shoes. We had s marter clef nse and bett r passing games thi season." -Coach Timpani

FIRST A D TE Jumor Matt Mayo rw.he'> to gain a few more yards for the Sentineb a'> the Thatcher follow in pursuit. The team played hard and well against all their opponents this season.


I couldn't believe that it was over, when they knelt on the ball I started to cry because I realized the season, and my football career had come to an end."


at Bourgade 45-0

Maricopa 41-0 at Queen Creek 10-7 at Superior 7-9

Ray 28-21

Hayden 47-20

Florence 55-16 at Valley

Christian 2-34

Playoffs Alche ay 26-13

Playoffs Thatcher 31-24

IT'S COMPLETE. Wide Receiver, Geoff Meister, catches yet another pas s thrown on target by B.R Koehnemann Koehnemann sai d , " If it was 4th down, I'd throw to Geoff becau e I kn w I could always depend o n him ." Photo Taken By· 'J Knck

Top: Koc hi s, Pflugfelder, Foote, Meister, Malmei ter, Zovko, MacDonald. 2nd Row: Wangler, Byrne, Cutty, G reco, Koehnemann, Mickle, Ballinger, Kruger, Young, Hatty , ovak, Gibney, Kirch. 3rd Row: Young, Dubasik, MacDonald, hamberlain, Bauer, Melch er, Audi, Martin, Su lli va n, Bolig. Bottom: Magne, Mayo, Kilzer, Kin g, Rea, Scott.

UNTOUC HABLE. Koe h ne m ann shakes off t h e tackle by a H ayden p layer while Ballinger assu res B.R.'s get away.

TUR OVER. Jason Novak recove rs a fumble, h elped by Aa ron Mickle, Ryan Wang le r, and Ryan Gibney. The Defense provided st ro n g "D" throughout the s ason. l'how' Bv

THREE-PEAT! The Senior b o ys , Corbin Kin g, Ryan Gibney, Jason ovak , Aar o n Mickle , Co ach Timpani, Matt Kochis, To ny Malmeister, Brett VanGundy , Ryan Wangler, David Ma cDonald , Brian Kru ger, and Ge o ff Mei ster, pro udly p os e after winnin g the " Bi h o p 's Cup " fo r the third year in a ro w " The game wa s cake! " exclaimed Ryan Gibn ey

I TE 'SE. H1gh emotions r un along the sidelines as Ben Dubasik and Chris Kirch wa tch du ring the last p lay-off game. FIRST DOWI\:. Raja Audi breaks away from a few tackle'> to gam yardage to get a 1st down, as Geoff Meister and Sergio Chamberlain look on. Pholo' 1a ken By E. E""' & '- Knck

STOPPED DEAD I ITS TRACKS Thi Hayden Lo b o i held fro m runnin g furth e r by Geoff Me iste r, w hil e Ja so n o vak & Se r gio Chambe rlain co m e in a nd fi ni s h off th e tac kl e. "U n necessa ry ga in ' ' -is n o

_P_O_R_T_S_ ..2_

Coach 's Corner

PRAISES OF THE COACH. In his second year at Seton, Mike Ballinger has had two very productive seasons. "His positive attitude and coaching skills led us to many victories."-Vince Placido

THE SPOTLIGHT. Attentions are toward a newcomer, Sophomore Peter Rhee "We played awesome this year especially by the first Seton victory over Ray . Everyone did their best and we all came out winners this season."




Phoenix Christian

Queen Creek

KICK IT OUT OF THERE! In his first year of football #11

Sophomore Darren Sp tz " geb a kick out of football " playing agamst the1r biggest nval, Valley Christian . Ph 01o

Taken By Bnce Rhee


Hayden Valley Christian Valley Christian

I FORMATIO "The team and I are waiting anxiously for the hike, so that I can receive the pass for a wmning touchdown " Michael Mayer

PholoTaken By · Bnce Rhee

ALL SMILES AND LAUGHS. The JV football team poses in a more ca ual mode where Sophomore Bud Meister laughs as he gives a quote. "Coach Ballinger i better at coaching than he i looking." Pholo Taken By Tony Mahlme•sler

JU lOR VARSITY FOOTBALL. Top: Kerwin, West, Klein, Sp tz, Littrell, Edwards, Koestner. Middle: Rhee, Mattson, Kelly, Early, Sullivan, Duran, McGinley, Forsythe, Sapp, Placido, Parker. Front: Hemze, Garza, Meister, Benzing, Myskowski, AliJets, Papa, Ric Bottom: Lugo, Watson, Mi tier, Mayers, Kirch, Richardson.
_::_ &SPORTS



Coach's Corner


Ann is great. She motivates u to do our b t. She has a great per onality. As long as we give it our all she won't get up et." -Bridget Gibney. l'h ol< • Taken By RyAnn

Student Corner. "During the summer I went to camp and I learned how to tack and do jump Going to camp helped me a lot b cau e now intead of to learn them I JUSt have to perfect them." -Angela Kilzer


How many times does the average J.V. cheerleader do the following in a day?

WOW! "It always helps to know how to do the split when it come to cheerleading, because the more flexible you are the better your jumps will be. Over the summer I went to camp and now I know how to do a lot of the jump better than before.

Cheer is great and I am glad I joined." -Silett Morales Photo

TEAMWORK "The J V cheer squad has bonded w1th each other We all get along with each other, espeCially when someone needs help dunng a practice or a game the rest of us are always there to help. Cheer 1s great, it 1s a lot of fun but al o a lot of work," ays Annett Altamuano. l'huto Taken By Alh"'n Marlin Susana Zeumer and Lizzie Mirnone stand proud show their spirit. Lizzie says "I'm proud cheer for the }.V. team." PhotoTak.en By Alhson Martin Taken By RyAnn Rodnguez Top Row: Enn Standridge, Tanya Redger, Alexis Vance, Bridget Gibney. Middle Row: Silett Morales, Annette Altamtrano, Juila Patter on, Susana Zeumer. Bottom Row Angela Kilzer, Amy Miller, Cristina Doris, Lizzie Mirrione
1. Arm drills 101 2. Jumps 92 3.Split 4 4. Sack 13 5. Chant 3 6. Cheer 41 7. Their Dance 32 8. Y ell R eady 103 SPORTS 73

Coach's Corner

" Seton Cheer this year has become a heart-felt tradition. Th girls this year have advanced greatly . I don ' t think people understand how hard they work. I give them a lot of credit and am ver)' proud of them .'Coach Ede.

Kelley Corbett has been on the Seton Cheer Squad for three years, he ha been in cheer ince junior high. "For me this is the best seaon. I think making the All-American squad has been the most exciting and enjoyable part of it all." -Kelley.

10 Reasons to Join the Varsity Cheer Squad:

1. There' nothing else to do with $500.

2. You get to wear really " long" skirts.

3. So that everyone will think you ' re smart.

4. Camp is a great way to spend your summer.

5. You get out 10 minute early for pep-rallies.

6. You can yell at anyone you want.

7. It' the only " real" sport at Seton.

8. " Cause we ' re beautiful! "

EVERYO'\JE SMILE' Amy Abraham, Sarah Corral, Aileen Opulencia, Alma Chee, An Eagan and Amy Regan pose for cheer ptctures 'The best part about cheer is football gam s. It'" great cheenng with fnends and making new ones!"-An.

'\!UMBER 11 This summer the Varsity squad went to camp. The camp was m I ucson. They were the only squad to win "Bob" the spirit stick every mght "Camp was fun cause it was a tim e when we bonded together a a squad." -Alma.

VARSITY FOOTBALL CHEER. Top Row: Becky Price, Erin Sheehy, Spanky, Alice Fox, Ari Eaga n , and Coach Beth Ann Ede. Middle Row: Sa ra h Corral, Angela Rogers, Katy Barker, Aileen Opulencia, and Alma C h ee. Bottom Row: Amy Re ga n , Amy Abraham, Kelley Corbett, and Sandy Myskow k.i.
2!_ , SPORTS

GO, FIGHT, WI ! The basketball cheerleaders fimsh up this spirited ch er with a mount. Though they may make it look easy, to get the mount right takes a lot of hard work and a lot of practices. "Everyone put m a lot of lime and dedtcatwn to get this mount nght," -Sarah. Look.s ltke tl paid offt Ph •h By Beth lind

rRACTICE 1 Enn Day one of the new editions to the squad practtces hard to Jearn the cheers. " It 's hard but a lot of tun I" said Erin l'hntn By Beth llnel

GO SE'\, TI LS! Becky Price uses her poms to help msptre school sptrit. "The best part about cheer is b ing able to pump-up the crowd at the games!"Becky.

VARSITY BASKETBALL CHFERL EADI'\JG Top Row· Sp;mky, Becky Pnce, Enn Day, and Ahce fox Mtddle Row· Sarah Corral, Angela Rogers, Aileen Opulencia, and Ari Eagan. Bottom Row· Amy Regan , Angela Fox, Kelley Corbett, Sandy Myskowski, and jenny Lang.

Senior Sentinels

Sandy My kow ki ha been on the cheer squad ince her freshman year. "The be t experience has been bonding with new people and pumpmg-ur, the chool p1rit! '-Sandy.

Alice Fox has been on the s9uad for 3 years. 'All the friends I've made and the experiences I've had have been great. There are many memories that I'll cherish forever."Alice.

At cheer camp over the summer 4 of the girb were allowed to try-out for the All-American Cheer Squad. This is a great honor, especially when Kelley Corbett made the squad. Amy Regan was also nommated but did not tryout.


It was a bonding experience between all of us The sheer t rror made us closer!" -Kelley.

"It was cool to be nominated but incredibly frightful, yet enjoyable at the same time ,"-Sa ndy.

"It was a great learnmg e perience. It helped me to build a good relationship wtth my other teammates because we needed each oth r's support while we were trying-out," -Becky.


Coach 's Corner.

" When I fir s t took thi s job I was a little weary and fru strated , the girl s s tuck everything out They proved to me that they were here to play volleyball by the1r hard work. Their record certainl,Y showed thi s ' Coach Kim Miller

" This year ' s s tate playoffs made Volleyball these past four years more memorable . We regret being seniors this year and that's only becau se of Volleyball and our great coach ." -Seniors Jackie , Cate, and Morgan



23 WI N S


l OVI (, TEAM. Bernascom and jad.ll' Walker practic one of the team's favonte to do, beat up on coach, e. peClally when pmned down and can't tight back. Later a ser ious pillow ftght broke out between coach and the semors

S:".AI' IT l 1sa Wangler demonstrates how Important 1t 1s to your after you h1t thl• ball l1sa proved over the season to be o n e of t h e powe r pomh on the team ,

BO DI G TIME Tara Kwiatk o w s ki , Li sa Wan g ler, and Kri ste n Th o ma s w e re am o n g th e pl aye rs wh o w e nt to Pre sco tt. Th ey fe e l the trip incre a se d tea m un ity , m o ra le, and mad e th e m r a li ze h o w mu ch th ey a re go in g to m i s Jac ki e and Mo r ga n n ex t yea r

VA RSITY VOLLEY BALL. Ta ra Kw ia tk o w ski, j ac ki e Wa lke r, Sa ra Bri ggs, En n Day, Lisa Wa n gle r, Cate Le nh a rt , H a t he r Fe rris, Mo ll y M u lhn , Kris ten Thomas, 1o rga n Segroves, Rosa Be rn ascon i, a n d ee ly O m o h u n d ro.



spike-, the ball

jackie says, "I like to pound 1t at the

jackie pounded many ball'> th1s season she started at m1ddle blocker and served a-, co-captain along with Rosa.

HUGS. Kmten 1 homas, jack1e Walker, and Neely Omohundro are getting ready for the team trip. jack1e is huggmg Kristen like <,he''> going away but jackie rode in the same car as Kristen and drove her craLy for two hour<,.

ACE. Morgan Segraves along with the rest of the team i'> warming up her serving. The team practiced serving a lot because it's important. It may seem easy but if one little thing is off you got a serve that's out of bound or in the net.

DOWN THE LI 'E. Rosa Bernasconi, Mollv Mullin, a'nd Tara Kwiatkowski wait in the huddle and kick everyone as they run out.

ALL SMILES. Rosa, Coach Miller, Morgan and Kristen gather after the Valley game. Valley was the team's only conference loss.

liS COTTA BE BUBBILIOUS. Volleyball players eely Omohundro, Molly Mullin, Heather Fe r ris, Cate Lenhart, Sara Briggs, and Morgan Segrov gather for a shot before the game. Neely and Heather are blowing bubbles, the gum was of course supplied by eely who sees it as superstitious not to be chewing Bubbilious.

CLEA UP. Coach Miller is picking up toilet paper after the team got her house. You can bet they ran for this especially because shaving cream got on her dog.

KILL! Rosa Bernasconi flies above smashing the ball. She never made anyone's face bleed but she did hit some girl in the face once.

THIS! Senior Walker over the net. other team."

Coach's Corner

"Our coach, Fernando Felix, was a great leader and Fte helped raise morale. Mainly he worked as a confidence booster and helped us to achieve our best. We learned a lot from him ."Michelle Clinch.

"Although we didn't do too well this eason (we only won two games against Queen Creek.). We learned a lot about volleyball and about each other. Through it all we grew as teammates and as really good friends."Meghan Melcher.


Bourgade (Home)

Queen Creek (Away)

Phoenix Christian (Away)

Camp Verde (Home)

Arizona Lutheran (Home)

10- 1

10-15 10-24

Valley Christian (Away)

Queen Creek (Home)

Bourgade (Away)

Arizona Lutheran (Away)

Ray (Away)

Valley Christian (Home)

FIGHTING BACK. Sophomore Laura Probst prepares to attack the ball agaimt Valley Christian. The team ' s fierce moves are not from talent along they come from hard work and much practice. Photo Taken llv Kn,ten Allen

LET'S WORK TOGETHER. Enn Joynt gets ready to pound the ball to the opposing team as Tara Kwattkow.,JG stands ready, in case Erin runs into trouble and needs her he! p. Photo Taken By · Kmten Allen


players Michelle Clinch and Mikaila Hicks twirl nonchalantly around in circles as they play that well-known child's game, ring-around-the-rosy, thus proving that they are undaunted by the competition. Photo Taken By Monoca Almendare£




ROU D UP. Freshmen players Mikaila Hicks, Candtc Kochis , Joy Richard , and Michelle Clinch throw the vo leyballs in the big ball bin before the Valley Ch.ristian l game. The Freshmen team proved to be a great power the court, and they also kept things tidy. Photo Taken 111 Mon1ca Almendarez

FRESHMEN VOLLEYBALL. From Left to Right: Top Row: Christina Bancroft, joy Richard, Meghan Melcher, Candice Kochis, and Michelle Clinch. Bottom Row: Ang Ia Kilz r, Raffi Rendan, and Chri tina Doris. ( ot pictured: Mikaila Hicks.) Photo Taken By Reg
9- 3 9- 5 9- 7 9-14 9-26
10- 3 10- 5
10- 8

Coach's Corner

"I'm extremely proud of my girls on the JV team. Their determination and perseverance is what truly made them great players and people.

Go Lady Sentinel !"-Mary CoSart. l'h n t. Take n Bv "-"'· te n -\li e n


practically jumps over the net in order to defend the ball (and the game) again t our big rivalry, Valley hristian. The Junior Varsity player's t amwork and determination (as disp layed h r by Kati ) helped them to keep their edg against their opponents and k pt them mentally in the game. Photo Taken By "-mten Allen

"Our ea on went well, we lo t a lot of player , o we fint hed with only nine people. We had fun and fini hed nine and eight. All of our matche were clo e and we alway put up a fight."-Jacque Kochis. l'hnt n Taken By Mnn · ica AlmendareL


9 3 Bourgade 9'26 Florence

9 5 Queen Creek 10/ 1 at Valley

9 7 at Phx Christian 10; 3 Queen Creek

910 at Maricopa 10. 8 at PCDS

9,'12 p OS 10/10 at Supenor

9: 14 Camp Verde 10! 15 at Ray

9 '17 Superior 10,22 at Florence

9,'19 Ray 10/24 Valley

9'24 Haydn Wins=9 Losses=

Katie Holland JU lOR VARSITY VOLI FYBAI L From Left to Right : Top Row ; Erin Joynt, Alayn Seminara, Brooke Katie Holland , and Amanda Eckenrode Bottom Row· Lauren Mickle , Laura Probst , Jacque and Ltsa Bancroft l' hnt<' Ta ke n By Re );

Coach's Corner

" Everybody i s playing extremely well! I think we have a very good shot at winning State!! "
-Coach Karen Self

0 YOUR TOES. Lisa Wangler stays in a good sive stance as she ' s about to steal the ball. " I like Var'> Ity, It IS r ally exciting and we have a great team !!"

AIR TIME. Rosa Bernasconi drive., to the basket lays It in fo r t wo. " When I scored my lOOOth poi ou r seco n d ho m e game, I was really surprised!! season so far, h as bee n grea t !"

" Basketball ha s been great! I can ' t believe 4 yr . have gone by . My be s t memories are from our trip to New York! What an experience! "

at Gd!Jt,rt (Chaparral) 53-43

at Gd!Jt,rt (G1l!Jt,rt) 56-26

at H1ghland (Cornna) 54-31

at H1ghland (Buena) 60-28

at H1ghland (Chandler) 47 -58

at H1ghland (H1ghland) 411-51

Fountam Hill\ 68-13

at Commumty 71>-21

C o ohdge 68-35

at F D R<>o<.evelt (NY) 57 30

at Red Hook (Ketcham) 68-57

at Red Hook (Lourd.-) 54-67

Queen Creek 311-K PCDS

70 28 Supenor 79 - 18

at Ray 49-33 at Hayden 85-25

Florence 68-24 Valley Chns h an 50-23 at Queen C reek at PCDS at Supenor Ray Hayden at Flo rence at Valley Chn•han STATE STATE STATE STATE

W E G ATHER TO GETH ER. Th e Varsi ty play e rs fini s h o n e of th e firs t g ame of th e se a o n with lo ts o f hu gs a nd hi g h fiv es all aro und . " We w o rk w e ll toge th e r and ar e really d o e Our tea m h as a sp ecia l kind o f int e n s ity that kee p s u s go in g and s tay in g s t ro n g," says Mi c h e ll e Hall.

TOP: Coac h Self, H ei di H a ub e r, Ka ti e Mit ch e ll , An gie H a ub er, Ju lie Brown, Be th Mi tch ll . MIDD LE: Ka t ie Pl aci d o, Sara Briggs, Lisa Wa n gle r, Ji ll Davis, Mi ch e ll e H a ll. BO TI O M : Jac ki e Wa lk e r, Rosa Be rn asco m

TAKE II, TO THI· HOOP. Sophomore He1d1 Hauber control as she dn\·es to the hoop and scores Is a lot different th.m j\', there s a lot mort• competition and I really enjoy 1t'"'

SWOOOOSH" Katie Placido smk.s a three from downtov.·n ' rhank.s to mv team, basketball has been great these past tour vears. It would be a perfect endmg, w1th a VICtory at the State hnills'"

OFFE SE. Angie Haub r look.s to dump the ball inSide. "Th1s basketball season has been great' I would like to thank my team for all the great memone.,. I w1sh you the best of luck! "

RLADY TO SCORF jack1e Walker dnws to the hoop, as takes control pomt guard. '1 ht•se have been great' I really enJoyed playmg out ot state, e.,pec1ally m !\:e\' York' I'm really gomg to m1" you all!"

DI:.FE:--.:SE juhe Brown w.es her great del ns1ve skills to stop Coolidge from sconng. I really had a lot of fun this year'"


Coach's Corner

Junior Francis Zovko says, "Coach Graham is a hard working dedicated coach. He helps us to work hard on and off off the court and is an excellent role model."

IS IT I ? The players watch a' the ball goes through the hoop gammg another point for the Sl'ntineb Player Sean Sapp says "We are all naturally pumped when playmg, which helps in another Sentinel VICTORY'"

What do you like best about ba ketball

Todd Hus on?

"Coach Graham and winning!" Todd al o said "We play well as a team, and no one is elfish." at Bourgade Won Maricopa Won

Phoenix hristian Won at Coolidge Won at Queen Creek Won PCDS Won at Superior Won Ray· Won Hayden Won

Florence Won Valley Christian Won

Qu en Cr ek at PCDS

Sup rior at Ray at Hayden at Florence at Valley Christian


Bauer's teammate Michael Pintor says " What coach says b fore the game is indescribable!"

SWISH! "The PCDS game was the best free throw game shooting performance of my car er. They were tough, but we came together as a team and won," says David Garza

J.V. BOYS BASKETBALL. Top Row: oach Graham, T.J. Chacon, Vince Placido, Michael Polsen, Francis Zovko, Todd Husson, Matt Salafia. Bottom Row: Sean Sapp, Dav1d Garza, Darren SpelL, Eric Hatty, Jo Bauer, 1'\oah Underwood, James Scott.
THE' WAY. hanc" lo\ l..l> tJJ...e, thl· ball all the wav to the ba-,ket lie says "You can't -,top thl• Croatian Sen a. twn and the
lie I'> tal!..mg about hun. -,elf
MexiCan Menace'"
and hi-, teammatl' Da\'Id (,ar.-:a, who are good friend-,.

EVERYBODY '->A Y \\ 1'\' The j V girb team togt.'lher to gl'l tired up to pl<1y <l challengmg game Mr h •rl nce telb evervonl' on the tl·am " go out thert• to wm, but pl<lV smart' " and " partner up \'I; Ith thl' peNm on your lett!

LAST JUMP WITH RAY. The lady Sentm Is get ready to play one of their last games with our nval Ray, this is bcause of their class change. " It was time to defeat them on their own court," says a player.

STEPP! G UP Joy Richard stands at the free throw lme during a challenging game with our nvals Ray. Her teammate Elisa Rublacava says ''I'm glad w stepped up to the challenge to play agamst some of their Varsity players.

J.V. GIRLS BASKETBALL. Top Row: Ali Gunning, Mary estvold, Jessica Raftery, Megan Melcher, Candice Kochis, Coach Ference. Bottom: Jessica O'Brien, Elisa Rublacava, Jacque Kochi<;, Joy Richard, Kristen Thoma , Heather Ferris.

Coach's Corner

"Mr. Ference is a great coach, he helps us learn how to play like champs. Without him we couldn't have been Champs for 3 years. 'Jacque Kochis

J.V. player Heather Ferris was a ked what she like be t about playing on th team. She say "We have a lot of fun but we know when we need to be erious to win."

Fountam Hills

Scott dale Christian at NW Commumty Christian Coolidge

Queen Creek PCDS Superior at Ray

Valley Christian at Queen Creek at PCDS

Ray at Scottsdal hnstian

Valley L:1ristian

Won Won




Lost Won Won



Coach 's Corner

Coach Wray"Inconsi tency ha been our adversary. If we play up to our capabilities we should find ourselves again in the and hopefully we will have a chance at the title."

JEFF HALL. "I had a lot of fun during basketball season. We p nt a lot of time tog ther and became one big family. I want to wi h the future Sentinel basketball team good luck and God bles them." at Bourgade Maricopa

Dysart Tourn

Phx Chnshan at Coolidg

actus Shadows Tourn. at Queen Creek !'CDS at Supenor Ray

Hayden 62-60

Florence 54-67

Valley Christian 56-51

Queen Creek 52-56 at P OS

Supenor at Ray at Hayden at Florence at Valley hnstian AS

WORK! B.R Koehnemann, the five foot ten, jumor point guard is an awesome defensive player He says " I just play my hard stand do whatever it takes to win.

VARSITY. Top Row: oach Wray, Adrian Quihui-., je e Mcdonald, Rob Byrne, Randy Searle, ja-.on ovak, Sean ja obs, Adam Kerwm, Erich Pflugfeider, jeremy Beard , Coach Good , Coach Graham Bottom Row: Jeff Hall , Geoff Smitham, Andrew 1 ebow1t.c: , B R Koehnemann
SP ORTS 66-50 51-42 46-62 66-75 74-65 54-62 66-76 60-67
SWFFT AS KIWIS G[ 1 •\dnan (.Jlllhui s loves t o pl ay, but loves to wm even more It is the be-.t ," -.a y-. Adnc1n


Kll LER DE FEI\:SE '\Iovak pub the on the Bearcah , showmg why we have one of the defenses in the 2A Central reg1on .

M SCLE Sophomor Adam Kerwin a " monster" board away from the enemy Bearcat

lilT 11 Junior Andrew Lebowit1 pulls up fo r a three m h" home gy m " Our big helped pull o ut the wm in the tight co ntests ."

STEPP! G UP. Sophomore Jes e Mcdonald shows why the future for Sentinel ba ketballlook. bright.

I 'TE SE emor Jeremy Beard attacks the ball m a key home game agamst one of our rivals, Hayden

Geoff Smitham shows the d pth and court awareness that the Sentinels have in th back court FAST BREAK. Sean Jacobs leads the pack as he dribbles down the sid line going to the hoop.

Coach's Corner

COACH SPEAKS. Th new freshmen ba ketball coach, Alex Bruening has made a big impact by shaping a team of winners. ''I'm very proud of all the kids. They listen and put forth the effort."

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER. A a 5'7" guard, Fre hman Michael Pintor has brought numerous victories to the team. "The season was awesome and we a ll gave it our be t, thank to everyone for yo u r upport."

SPA f· IA\11. I n•shml'n #32 Robert Dtm•ro gl'h maJor hang tmw at JUmp ball. f le has the long arms and hop'> that make him the king of thl• ball Dim•ro's motto ts "I believe I can flv." l'twtn J,,k,·ntll -.;.,th.m ;.,,k

!Ill· 01'1 S., \II A'-. I hrough pu-,htng and sho\ mg f·resh. men Thomas Duran manage'> to gl't wtdl• opl'l1 "\\'hen I get the ball I dnw hard to the baskl'l and hoop it up for two.' -I homas Duran. l'hntn Taken lh at'lM> l>.n<k

0 FEAR. othing can get pass the steel wall Freshmen #40 Ben Kerwin who puts forth pure determination tn every game. " I use my whole body when guarding and only a Tew ever get by me." l'hntn Taken By "alhMt J>.nck

FRESHME. BASK TBALL. Top Row: Robert Dinero, RJCk Collins, John Logan, Mtchael Shaw, Mtke Gildenstern, Robert Villegas-Gold, Alex Bru mng. Bottom Row Michael Pintor, Anthony Quihuis, Thoma-, Duran, Ben Kerwm, Anthony Papa, athan Rice, Robbte Thompson.
11-26 12- 3 12- 9 12-14 12-16 12-17 12-20 1- 7 1-11 Bourgad Maricopa Florence cottsdal Chnstian Phoemx hristian AZ. Lutheran Academybn oolidge Queen Creek S ottsdale hri tian 11-14 1-17 1-18 1-21 1-24 1-28 2- 1 2- 4 2- 7 Superior Ray Hayden Bogle Junior High Florence
Creek Superior Ray Hayden

QCH'\'i 01· !IH· PI AYCROL'\D Amy Arl'l1drl', ( rvstal llude'>ty, jacque Chacon 'wmg away ' '\o one ta!..e., my place in lml'' - I .aura \1cAIIIster .

B\ "1m I'HI'- •'r'\

CIR! S K\iOW HOW I 0 HAVf f'Ul\. Vanl'S'>a Roo/l', jacqul' Cha con, and laura McAllister hit the ml'rry-go-round. " ! '>hll get dtL.ty on tht.,," jacque Chacon

TEAMWORK TRA! Ktm, Laura, Jaque, Vanessa, and Amy cheer together and hang out as friends. Ta en B' Cn·,tal Harde,lv

FRJ GE BE EF!TS. A':. a wrestling cheerleader nior jacque hacon ts filling h r JOb description by giving a killer massage to Lee Shropshire. l'h<>h> Bv \ 'an e ..a Rooze


"We had a great eaon and many memorie to go along with that. I'm going to miss this a lot," ay Senior Kim Piowar y, four year cheer eteran.

As her fir t year as captain, Senior Jacque Chacon states, "The e girl have done an excellent job. They gave it their all and helped make this the be t eason ever."

WRESTUI\;G CHH.RLEADFRS. Top row Kim Piowarsy, Fawn Heyer, Laura \1cAllt'>ter , jaque Chacon, Bnannt Gnffin Bottom row: Amy Arenare, Vanessa RooLe, Cry'>tal Hardesty, RyAnn Rodriquez.

Coach 's Corner


'I'm really proud of the team , and the efforts they put into the entire season. They worked extremely hard to get as far as they did and I thank them for the time and effort they put in ."

" The Seton Wrestling Program is really great. I enjoy being a wrestler because it' an endurance port. And besides, it's better than football. "

ASDB S-Way Tournament

Payson Invitational


Ben on Invitational

ASDB Invitational

Phoenix Christian S-Way

Mogollion Invitational

Phoenix Christian S-Way

Regional State

0 THE ROSTRUM Seni o r Brian Kruger mak s ht' team mate s proud aft e r he win s third pla c at one of the wre s tlin g match s. This will not be hi s la s t win!

To p : oach Bill Lauri e, Bob Bo nur a, Dan Sullivan, Ry an Wang le r, Bnan Kru g er, Matt a nd Coac h Do u g Do u gan Mtddle : En c Wall ace, Mik e Co ns a lv i, David McDo nald , Justin Clark, Andre w Fal za ran o, and Le e Shrop s hire. Bo tt o m : Raym o nd Kilr oy, Brian Murph y, Bryan Kirch , Brand o n Mi s tl e r, Th omas Abra h a m, Da n Mo rris o n , a nd Pa tri ck Ruttin ger

WHAT IT TAKES. Senior Ryan Wangler puts his opponent m a perilous situation by holding him in (what seems to b ) a head lock Ryan's wrestled for three years and proves to be a strong force in his we1ght division

Photo I d"-.l'n By \ .lnt.• ..,'ocl Rt)(llt.>

LADIES' MA Senior Lee Shropshire IS surrounded by the lovely ladies of the wrestling cheer squad. Amy Arenare, Crystal Hardesty, Laura McAllister, Vanessa Rooze and Jacque Chacon all dig this happening wrestler!

Photo Taken By · !\.1m Pu1war..,y

ITALIA STALLIO Freshman Andr w Falzarano prepares to attack his opponent. Andrew has worked hard to become a quality wrestler and a valuable asset to the team. 'Tm proud of my little brother," says senior Augie.

Photo Taken Bv Amy

'EWCOMERS ALL AROu 'D Coach Dugan and Freshmen Bryan Kuch and Brandon M1stler convene at the bed of a truck before meet. The addition to the team aid the A wrestling program.

FEMI INE SIDE Senior David McDonald proves that he can get m touch with his feminine side. We a ·su re you that David is a wr tier l'h'"'' Tal..<n Bv Am,· Arl'nare

The Wre tling progTam welcome the new coache to Seton, Bill Laurie and Doug Dugan

Repre enting the Senior clas are Ryan Wangler, Lee Shropshire, Brian Kruger, and David McDonald. The re t of the team are fre hmen. Exp ctation are high for the fre hmen to dominate wre tling in the future. With o many dedicated guy all working for the common goal: to win big for Seton, gTeat thing will happ n. Th future looks bright for thi Wre tling progTam!


Coach ' s Corner

Coach Brad E

"This year has presented itself with a lot of challenges and has been a learning exp rience for u all. It's a new team and sport at Seton."

SETO SOCCER. " Soccer's back baby, and I'm back with it," say Senior James Ryan. Soccer has been trying to make it's way to th Seton athletic line up for at least the past three years. But thi year it's the real thing.


Seton at WC

Seton at Arizona Boys Ranch

Seton at Dysart

Fountain Hills at Seton

Seton at WCC

Eloy at Seton

Seton at River Valley

Seton at Arizona Boys Ranch

Cactus Shadows at Seton

Seton at Valley Christian

SWEET DREAMS. Senior johnathan Murphy take a quick nap on the bus before a game Dreams of coring goals and being a soccer star fill his head after a long day at school. Photo Tak•n By Daw KuJaw,ki

Andrew Parker, Stephan Mtke Knck, james Ryan, ate Krick, David Kujawski, juan valenciano, Keith Blake, justm Foster, Vicente Beltran, jon Murphy, Sean MacDonald, Willy Jennett, Phtl Reyes, Ryan O'Mara, jason Lowell, Mtke McGml y, jeniffer Pith, Brad thrsam, Sara Keilty, Steve Richardson, laura Pflugfelder, Alisa Heyer, Colleen Hubbard, Anne Klem ns, Matt Pendelton, Mtk.e Klemens
0 0 3 0 0 3 4 2 0 SCORE 3 7 2 3 1 4 0 5 3 2 Wins 7 Lose

A LITTLE Fi t ESSE' Freshman Anne Klemens doesn ' t let any guys push her around. Anne is one of the five gtrls on this years soccer team Together they prove that speed and agility can be a far greater advantage over and strength. l'huto Tak<n Bv '\athan i'nck

DYNAMIC DL/0 1 Sean MacDonald and Vicente Beltran dtscu.,s strategies for the game A., team lilptam thi., year Sean has done a great JOb leading the team "! have been playing soccer my whole life and I always wtll "

3, 2, I, liFT OH' \.\ illv Jennett sends another ball mto fltght 'ot only does he love to score, but he has really enJoyed gettmg to know everyone on and off the field.

GET 0 THE BU Bus ndes to and from games ar a major part of all sports. athan Krick takes this ttme to mentally prepare for the game that lies


THE WALL. heshman Mtke McGmlev, with hts football expenence, never tates to do what has to be done to keep the ball out of our goal l'hoh Ta '" lh DaH i'UJJW J..>

THE GAME. Jason Lowell wmnmg control of the ball 'wee vear the year that Seton Soccer to compete tn the State Tournament Although tt been a challenge organiLing, tt a great begtnning for ton.

ll\' STYLE' Junior Juan Valenciano demonstrates the necessity of luxunes. Bob Marley ," it's the only way to get pumped up for a game

' _21_
Photo Takl'n B\- OJ\t.> t(u,,n,,

Coaches Corner

"I'm extremely proud of the team this year. I have high hopes for the eason. The team has improved and is more competitive this year than in previou years."-Coach

SCORE BOX 3, 3 Sedona3, 10 Phx. Chri t3,'11 at PCDS3/17 Florence3/20 Camp Verde3/24 St. Gregory3/26 Bourgade3/31 Scottsdale C.4/ 1 at Sedona-

CONTEMPt A I 10:-\ The Weather fme

a breeze in the air a-. junior Mark stares

the ball and exactly ho\o\. to approach it. Mar game is all about thinking and strategy plans

T R\ \1on1(,, -\lmt·ndJrt·t

HORSI;\,G AROLJ 'D justin Foster, Mark Peoples, a!!! Jon Gentile have a good time pu-.hmg each other arounc although it look-. like Mark got tht• worst of it Thts i m good fun; these really get along l'hoto By Kd AlmendJrt.'J

"This is my third year on the golf team, and it's helped me improve my golfing skills with my friends. I can afely ay the be t thing about golf is the range girl."Justin Fo ter, Captain.

4/ 7 PCDS4/21 at Scott dale C.4/22 at St. Gregory4/28 Phx. Christ4130 at Camp Verde5/12 State 5/13 State

Wins- Los es-

TAKING HIS TIME. Here Junior Mark Peoples watches, and waits for the right time to hit the ball. thinks that, "golf is an extremely mental game." thinks that "Mark is extremely mental him elf." Photo T By: Momca Almendarez

VARSITY GOLF. Top Row: Anthony Ross, Jason Lowell, and Jonathan Gentile. Middle Row: Justin Fo ter, Matt Lopez, Ed McDonough, and Mark Peoples. Bottom Row: Brian Kerley, ick Adamo, and Kendall Critchfield.
there a btt

STROKI C Matt Lope.r has total concentration he stares down the ball and away at tt. \long with the other freshmen Matt hopes that he will be a "aluable to the team. Photo Bv .'V1omca Alm.-n · duez

PRACTICE- MAKES PERFECT Hillary Ynbarren looks down at the ball and prepares to whack it hard Although Hillary is the only girl on the golf team, she stall holds her own Hillary shows that "girls can play" Photo Taken Bv Almend.tn:J'

LAZY DAYS. Dunng practice, Jonathan Gentile and Justin Foster take a break on an obliging hill. This is their thtrd year on the golf team and they hope to help the newcomers feel welcome and to have a good experience Photo Taken Bv 'V1omca Almendaret

AIM HIGH. Senior Justin Foster takes another one of his ama.-:ing golf swings, as he enJoys the serene surroundmgs. Justin ts the epttome of strength and endurance as a golfer. As the captam of the team, he dtsplays his leadership skills Photo Taken Bv Momca Almendarez

ALL OF THE EQUlPME T. Fre hman Kendall Critchfield has all of the equipment to be prepared for the demand of golf. Kendall is a promising golfer who hope to improve his skill and help out the team. Photo Taken By: Momca Almendarez

MAKE IT I THE HOLE. Junior Jon Gentile is a putting pro. He's teady, aim , and eventually make it in the hole. Mark Peoples ay "Jon is an aspiring golfer who has potential to become a great player like myelf." Photo Taken B-. Monica Almt>ndarez


Coaches Corner

" We hope to continue with last year's success and we achieve that with hard work and not being concerned with wins and loses but gettin9 better as a group. '-Coach

Jerry Mullin Photo Taken By· Morgan Segroves

" My goal this season is to work together as a team and do the best we can do. To grow and build strong friendship and to also grow and build a stronger team for the Sentinel Softball future ." -Jessica

Acedo Photo Taken By : Emily Esses

Phoenix Christian Camelback

Gila Bend Tourney Superior Dysart Ray Hayden Florence

Gila Bend Bourgade Queen Creek

PCDS PCDS Superior Ray

Phoenix Christian Hayden Bourgade Queen Creek Tiebreakers Playoffs Playoffs

Top Row: E. Esses, M Segraves, K. Meyers, A. Martin , L. Wangler, J. Collins, A. Smith, Coach Mullin. Middle L. Bancroft, E. Joynt, M Mullin , E. Rubalcava, K. Travis, G. Shagena Bottom: J Acedo, S. Martin
DUG TIME OUT. The team gathers for a group shot dur in g a water break at practice. Jaala
comments, hate lunges they make my butt hurt but tt's worth a sta championship." Photo Ioken n, lkth
STRIKE THREE Returning varsity pitcher Lisa Wangler practices the pitch she's known for. Lisa has been on var· sity for three years she is a definite part to this team's sue· cess. But Lisa works hard for her reputation Photo Taken By: Beth !'attock

COME 0 , TRY AND HIT ME. eely Omohundro is practicing her speedy wind up. eely looks very forward to an action packed sea on. eely spent preseason counting down the days, till softball started. Photo Taken

LIKE A MACHI E. Jessica Acedo practices a routine grounder at second. This year is truly a family affair for Jessica with her sister Libby playing and her dad Dan Acedo coaching. Photo Taken By: Beth Pattock

IT'S UP, UP, AND I A GLOVE. Golden gal

Katie Myers catches a routine pop fly. Katie says, "Softball has been great for me, winning a state championship wa o awe orne but we'll top it again this year. Photo Taken By·

BUNT DREAMS. Emily Esses is performing the task of laymg a bunt down. The girls have learned m the past that bunting IS a very important aspect of the game. Photo Taken By· Beth Pattock

STRETCH IT. Kelly Travis does the teams favorite stretch, the butterfly stretch. Kelly and the team knows that stretching is important to prevent injuries. Photo Taken By Em•ly Esses.

CATCH THE FEVER. Stephanie Martian returning Varsity catcher practices catching everyday. "She i like a wall," say , a fellow teammate, "she never lets anything get by her and if it does she made every single attempt at getting it." Photo Taken By·

By Em•ly Es..,es Beth Pattock
Beth Pattock

Coaches Corner

Coach Meg

O ' Neil. I am v ery optimistic about this season we know what it take s to do well, hard work and practice The Jadie how enthusiasm and are excited

" We are going to hav e a good ea son The fre s hman have played on team in the pa s t, and help make our team strong . We are glad that Coacfi 0 ' eil is back She know s u and we know her. "

Phx. Chri tian at Camelback at Phx . Christian Dysart at Bourgade

at Queen Creek at Phx . Christian at Phx. Christian Bourgade

Queen Creek

JUMPING !'OR JOY Christina B<1nrroft warms up for other day of practice while Christlm• Morl' no \'\'<lits turn Getting in shape for the i.., a must. M<.ltllra- 1 tlon and dedication is all that is needed to be successful.

Fl Yl G H IGH. Jen Rail JUmps up to C<ltch the ball flew her way. She is one of five returning the JV. te<1m. These ladies welcomed the freshman JOi n ed the team and hope to make it the best season yet!

Annette Altamiro, Libb y Ace d o, Lind sy Ca ntani a, Ta ra Kwi a tkow ki , Rya n Dun away, Ka ti e H o ll a nd , Mo ll y Fa rw e ll , C hri s tin e Mo re n o, April Sh age n a, Cass ie Cas to re n a, C hri tin a Ba n c rof t, ]en Rail

A OTHER DAY OF PRACTICE. Sophomore Joe Bauer is getting ready to go out and practice. He looks forward to his first game agains t Superio r. Joe says, "P ractice is hard, but it's wort h it."

Coaches Corner

''I' m looking forward to a really good eason! The guys are working hard and are constantly improving The team is anxious to play game , so they can show off their abilities."Coach Ference.

" I hope this sea on goes really well. I look forward to winning a lot of games, because we have been working for it in practice. Our team has a Jot of potential! " -Sean Sapp

Superior Camelback at Ray

at Hayden at Florence

Gila Bend Bourgade Queen Creek

at Superior Ray at Phx. Christian


Florence Bourgade at Queen Creek

Freshmen l indsay Catania and Tara Kw1atkowsk1 smi le as they wa lk ou t to the field for another practice Lmdsay says, "We work hard in practice and hopefully 1t w1ll pay off'" SWI G BATIER Sophomore Larry Forsythe waits for the pitch and prepares him elf to hit the ball with force and power. STRETCH. The JV guys stretch as a team before a hard practice They practice everyday after-school for at least three hours BACK: Coach Ference, Mike Mattson , Ryan Dompier, Mike Poulsen, Justin Mullin, Kev in Foote, Francis Z ovko, Rick Collins, Joe Bauer, Larry Forsythe FRONT: Willy Jennett, 'ick Garza, Anthony Quihuis, Chris Edwards, Sean Sapp, Peter Rhee, Geoff Smitham.

Coaches Corner

" Last year wa s a great year for the whole team, taking state was the greatest . This year we hope to repeat our title There is a lot of talent on the team and I believe this season will be as good as last years ." -Geoff Meister.

Florence Gila Bend

Superior Camelback

Ray Hayden

Flo rence Gi la Bend

Va ll ey Bourgade

Queen Creek PCDS

"Coac h h as h e lp e d th e t ea m impr ove s in ce d ay o n e. Coac h h as a grea t p e rso n a li ty a nd a funn y sin ce o f hum o r. H e w a nts thi s tea m to ta k e s ta te a g ain , a nd in o rd e r to d o thi s w e th e tea m kn o w that if w e w a nt it w e h ave to w o rk h a rd a nd ta k e it. " -Jo n S h ro p s hire PCDS Supenor

I CA DO THIS ! Robbie Bauer take s a lo ok on to the to c heck out the competition and the n e w plays, that team ha s created " Thi s team know s wh a t they are ing! " -Robbie Bauer

TOP ROW· Coach Keuter, Chns Stovall, Robb te Bryne, Robbte Bauer, Geoff Meister, Ad nan Quihuis, B.R. Koehmemann, Coach Varga,, Coach Banowitz. BOTIOM ROW· Darren Spetz, Jonathan Murphy, Juan Va lenciano, Corbin King, Rau l Vargas, Max Runke, Mike Sullivan, Jon Shropshire, Sean Greco.
LOOK AT ME' Juan Ya lenoano and Chris Stovall take a s h o r t b reak wh il e the rest of the team prepares for li\.e h it ting.
Ray Phx Ch n shan Hayden Flore nce Va ll ey Bo urgade Queen C reek Tie b reakers Playoffs Playoffs
"Don't worry we know what to do, this shouldn be h ard, it wi ll be fu n!" They both state as they are ready to ta k e th e fie ld.


." -Max

MUSCLES Check out the mu cles on Adrian Quihuis!! Wow Adrian ha been working out. "It must be all that great food that i erved at lunch, it gives me energy!" -Adrian Quihuis.

JU ' K MA '\; MEISTER ! Geoff Metster shows the proper pitchmg po'>ition to pitch a no-hitter game

" I enjoy pitching, I thmk it is a lot of fun and it's what I want to do -Geoff Me1ster

OH YEAH' Semor Corbm Kmg shows that to make a good hit, the player must get the bat out in front of the ball. " I know what I am doing, I played last year so I know the routine ." -Corbin As demonstrates with a half swing

TALE T Everyone has talent tn thts dugout It "JUSt a matter of who wtll actually make the VarSity Squad Every player tnes the1r o wn personal best to be part o f the Set o n Sentinel Ba, e ball team , whether thl'V mak•· ] V o r Va"ttv

AJ\:OTHER DAY Mike Sullivan is rested and L ready to take on another fun and ing day of practice " As long as I try mv harde,t and d o what of me , then I am fine ." -Mike Sullivan.

LETS GO!! Jon Shrop hire i waiting for hi teammate to finish getting packed and suited up for their first away game.

" Thi eason is going to b the be t, the team is doing great and if we keep it up than we will do fine -Jon

IT UP! Max Runke show u the proper batting form that h ou ld be used to make a great hit. "Batting is not just u ing your arms, but is al o having to u e your hip

Coaches Corner

" These girls are all really hard workers and very dedicated . I feel they will improve their record from last season and place in state ."

" The tennis team has been a wonderful experience. I'm so glad to be a part of such a hard working team . I'm going to miss this team ." says Senior Julie Brown. 100

at Superior Buckeye at St. Gregory


Florence at Sed!. Crtn . atBourgade at PCDS Superior

GET TH AT BALL. Jumor Stepha me Wolf goes for a hard to get shot at p ractice."Good form and keeping your feet m ov in g is im portant if you want the ball to go in, that' what I've learned from years of taking lessons." say Ste ph a ni e. Photu Taken By: Lon Wolt

Dysart at Buckeye PCDS

Coolidge Sed!. Crtn PCDS


Regionals State State

GOOD TIMES " I've been on the tennis team since my fre s hman year a nd it ha s be e n a great time . A highlight w as my junior y e ar when Ali and I placed second in regional s in d o uble s The whole team is gre a t and we hav e som e great m e m o rie s," sa ys Lo ri Wo lf Ph o to Ta ke n By: Ch m Majoue

Steph a ni e Wolf, Kri s tine Mo o re , Ali Gunnin g, (n o t pi c tur e d ) Lo ri Wo lf, An ge la Fo x, a nd Juli e Bro wn Photo Taken By Jenny Lang
Photo Taken By· Lon Wo lf

TAKI G A BREAK. This is Stephanie's third year on the tennis team. "I have had a great time all three years and I feel each year our team is tmproving. This is a great team to be on," says Stephanie. Photo 1 a ken By Lon Wolf

SERVE IT! Junior Ali Gunning goes to serve. This is Ali's second year on Seton's tennis team. "I really enjoy being a part of the tennis team. We work really hard.?nd have a good time. Tennis is a great sport to play. Photo Taken By· Jenny Lang

SMACK IT. Sophomore Kristine Moore hits a backhand while practicing her ground strokes. This is .Kristine's second year on the tennis team. "The team is a great experience, we all work together as a team. I feel we will go far in state this year," says Kristine. Photo Taken By Lon Wolf

TOGETHER; ESS. Lori Wolf and Ah Gunning play a game of doubles together. "Ali and I are a great doubles team, we placed second in regionals last season as doubles partner, Ali is a great player and keeps me on my toes," states Lori. "Like Lori said we play great together and this year we hope to do even better," says Ah.

SIBLI G RIVALRY. Stephanie and Lori Wolf take a break. "It's not bad playing with my sister on the same team, as long as we don't make each other mad," says Lori. "Lon and I have fun play;ng again t each other most of the time, and if I'm mad at her I just take tl out by httting a shot at her," laughs Stephanie

RU Kristine Moore runs really fast to return this ball with her forehand. 'This is one of my favorite shots, at first I didn't like all the runnmg we do every day, but now I'm glad we do, it pays off espedally in shots like this where you really have to run for the ball," says Kristine. Photo Taken By: Lori Wolf.

Photo Taken By Jenny Lang Photo Taken By· Jenny Lang
SPORTS ' 101


Coaches Corner

" Josh is a great coach and he i putting together a great team that will win State again this year. The team this year is really good and we definitely ,P,Ian to go all the way! '- Chris Majoue

at Superior Buckeye at St. Gregory at Dysart Florence at Sctt Christian Bourgade at PCDS Superior Dysart

" I expect and hope that the boy 's Varsity team will walk all over everybody and win handily, similar to last year when we won state!" -Coach Josh Bates. at Buckeye PCDS Coolidge Sctts. Christian PCDS Regional Regional State State



Top Row: Chris Majoue Middle Row : Ryan Dow, Royce Martin , Shawn Dow, a nd Matt Salafia. Bottom Row: Chad Foster and Raymond Kilr oy.
102 ' SPORTS
BACK AT YOU. S h awn Dow sets up to hit a fore. hand. " ! enjoy being a part of Seton's tennis team. V.e have a really strong team, we won State last year ana hope to win this year." -Shawn. Photo Tak<n By Jenny Lmg AND Royce Martin takes a break after an invigorating match with Stephanie Wolfe looks like Stephanie made him work " We ' ve been tieing hard and hope to do well ." -Royce. Photo Taken B1 jenny Lang

POISED FOR DtH.NSF Matt Salafia eagerly awaits to return a serve from his fellow team mate, Kristine Moore "Practices are pretty easy, but we plan to keep up the tradition and win State again this year." -Matt. l'hntn Takt·n llv f<'nnv LanK

Oi': CLARO. Stephanie Wolf and Royce Martin embark on a duel actually its a tennis match. "Playmg agamst Royce ts no challenge," laughs Stephanie. eton ts lucky to be able to practice at Chandler Regional Tennis Center. Photo Taken By Jenny Llng

PURE CO CENTRATIO Sophomore Matt Salafia set up and follow through in a picture perfect forehand stroke. "Tenni is really fun, but it's also a challenge. The hardest part i concentrating the whole time and not getting frustrated easily." -Matt. Photo Taken By: jenny Lang

TAKI C. A BREATHER. Senior Chris MaJOUe stops to take a break between pomts. "Since we've won for two years, I really want to keep that going. The tennis team is great this year-the Dows are awesome, Rovce, Matt, Chad, and I should do as \veil as we have in the past, we'll still win!"- hris. Phot<> Taken Bv ]ennv 1 ang

RACKETEERI!\C. 1 Ravmond Kilroy enthusiastically return-., the .,erves of his coach. We know all of the players are happy to hustle hence the happy face racket. "Everyone associated with tennis loves the sport and believes a good tenms game is a great companion for life!" -Raymond. Photo

FOLLOW! G THROUGH. Chris Majoue practice hi powerful erve "We practice hard and I hope I do well again in tate!"hri Photo Taken By Jenny Lang.

SERVI ' IT UP! Shawn Dow practices his serving technique. "The team th1s year i great. I hope we win tate again."hawn. Photo Ta en Bv )ennv Llng

Taken B) jenny Llng
_______ 103

Coaches Corner

S e ve n year g irl s h ea d tr ac k coac h , Mr. Clin ch says, " I give eac h a thl e te th e o pp o rtunit y t o e t p e r so nal go al s and w o rk h a rd t o achiev e th e m Mo t imp o rt a ntl y it' s a ll ab o ut havin g fun ."

Senior Annette Howard says, ' Tm going to mi track a lot. The change s since my freshman year are amazing Seton track is a force that demand s respect." Pho to Taken


Boy's Ranch

Superstition Relays

Phx . Christian Inv .


Chandler Rotary

Superior Inv .

Phx. Christian

Camp Verde Apache Junction

Boy's Ranch Inv

North Canyon

Regional State State

GIRLS \ ARSITY TRACK Coach Chnch, Annett< Howard, Man !',e,tvold, joanna Henry. joy R1chard, Jenme P1tt-.. Em: a \"alenzuela. Brooke Sara 1\.ahe Placido, Rosa Bemascom, and Dana D1llard 2nd Row Ameh.l Kwan. Anme Klemmen.!t, Heather Ferris, Alayn Semm.ua, Lauren MICkle, Ann Burk.t.', and Stephanie Olah. Bottom Row· Becky Regalado and Laura Pflugfelder By: Becky Regalado
104 ' SPORTS
KA GAROOS. Mi ch e ll e Clin c h, oe l W illi a m s, Brooke Wilkin s, Meg h a n Melc h e r, a nd Erika Va le n z u e la d o drill s a t prac ti ce to w o rk o n th e ir fo rm. Sop h o m o re, eco nd yea r runn e r, Erika says, " It h e lp s m e fo r th e 300 m hurdl es."
Photo Taken By·

COACH DAD Mr Clinch demonstrates the correct way to '>tretch by using his daughter as a gumea ptg. Mtchelle says, People think tt's wetrd, but I don't mind htm coaching." Photo

DO 'T STRAIN A MUSCI E! Annie l(lemmens and Stephanie Olah stretch their legs together. Stephanie says, "It's unportant to stretch so we don't pull any of our muscles." Photo raken lh Be<ky Regalado

DAZED AND TIRED. After running the four mile block around the neighborhoods, these track studs are hangmg tough. Sophomore Alayn Seminara says, "It's a long run, but we survived."

PAST AND PRESENT. Joanne Doroz (Class of '94) and Becky Regalado run together again.

"I remember when Joanne was a senior and I was a freshmen, we always ran together, she got me into distance," says Becky. Photo Taken Bv Klm p,. owar"'"

BUITERFL Y. Junior and newcomer, Ann Burke stretches after the two warm-up laps. Ann says, "I decided to start running track this year because I wanted to try something new and I wanted a way to stay in shape." Photo Taken By· Becky Regalado

GOING THE DIST CE. Lauren Mickle throws the discus while Mr. Clinch stand by and gives her tips, Lauren says, "You have to find a comfortable throwing style in order to maximize the distance of your throw."

NO PAl , NO GAI The e lunges are major killers, but the girl' have to do what it takes to be the best Freshman Susie Benson comment , " Their painful drills but we gotta do what we gotta do. "

r a ken llv ll,·,kv Rtgalado Photo Taken By Becky Regalado Photo Taken By: Alayn Semmdra
____sr_o_R_T_s_ l 1os
Photo Taken By Becky Regalado

Coaches Corner

" It 's hard to sa y what kind of season it will be, but we have a Jot of good athletes out here. I'm really looking forward to it, " ay Coach JOnes . Pholo Taken Bv Dave kujawsk.i

THE GREAT STRETCH Captam Brett Lewis the stretches at practice Stretchmg is a maJor part of any sport. "Jobody ever wanh to take 11 senously, even though it's the most 1mportant part,' says Brett Ph Taken Bv Dan• f..u)il"-"'\...1

BROT H ERLY I OVI- Nathan and MIChael Krick- is it an equa l a ll iance or blood, sp it and fire between "We JUSt ignore each other rea ll y He runs sprints and 1 run d istance so there t rea ll y too much competition; says a te. Photo Taken By· Dave KuJawski


Keeping everyone focused and taking practice eriou ly i probably the harde t part about being a captain ," ay Raja Audi. Photo Taken By Dave J-;u,aw'lo

PUSH! G THE LI E. With a fa ce of pure concentratior M a tt May o pu s h e him elf to th e limit Thi s y e ar Matt I' p a rt of th e di lan ce team and will be running in the n a nd 1600m. " I like th e BOOm be s t. It's a fa t rac e," say Ma tt Photo Taken By Dave KuJawslo

flACK Coach jones, Andrew Lebow1l1, ick \an Bergan, Bnan Kruge r, I 1m R1chards, 1\Jatt.> Kmk, Brandon Cl'lva, Chm Kmh, M1ke Knck, Todd Hu"on, Patnc !.. 5vlwster, Aaron MICI..le, M1ke Valwa,queL, Dewy f..iiLer, Brett Lew", Paul I-.. ellv. RaJa Aud1, Matt Melcher, Marco Valea-quez, Matt Clark, M1 l..e Balinger, james Scott, Matt Pendelton, M1ke Klemens, B.) Young. Jon Rev, )a rod Cuttv, Marc D ranchak
Boys Ra n ch Sup e rs titi o n Re lays
oe ni x C hri s ti a n ln v. Dy sart Boy Ra n ch
oe ni x Chri s ti a n 106 ' _S_P_O_R_T_S____
mp Ve rd e Ap a che Jun cti o n
s Ran c h Inv o rth Ca n yo n
nal s Sta te at Ch a ndl e r H .S.

STRETCH!'\JG IT TO THE MAX Jumor Dewey Kilzer, tn first year of track many hopes for victory. 'l alway., .,tretch out before our regular run so that l won 't get any cramps." Photo laken By ()a-e KUJdWSlo

FL Yl " HIGH' Jumor Mike Ballmger shows off hts awe.,ome form while jumping over hurdles. Mike .,av., of his event, "It's sometimes challenging, but l love it ." Photo lakcn Da'< KUJdW Io.J

WHAT A SMILE! Disc Thrower, Aaron Mtckle shows off while stretching at practice with B.j. Young. Aaron says, " Where 's Dave K.7 " Aaron is a first time track member Photo Taken By Dave KuJaw•lo

TOUGH WORKOUT. Wow, the e guys really know what hard work is. Many don't realize that track involve a lot more than ju t running. There are a lot of different and exciting events to get involved in. Some are, hurdles, relays, and high jump. Here, Juniors Dewey Kilzer and Matt Clark and Sophomore Matt Pendleton top, I oking very tired after a hard run. Fre hman Paul Kelly ay , "He can't wait until the first meet." Photo Taken By Dave Ku 1awskl

HE MAN 1 Semor Shot Putter, Brian Kruger giVes 1t his all tn a practice throw n was tough to practice without shots this year." Photo Taken Bv Da'< KuJa"slo

MEA G. ick Van Bergen says, "When you ucceed , your accomplishments not only help you, but work to the advantage of all." Photo Taken Bv Dave KuJawski

DISCUS. B.J. Young wann-up before throwing hi di c. "My goal thi year i to beat Lebowitz the be t thrower at our school!" Photo Taken Bv Dave 1-.uJaw'lo


Qeligion is us being adrnist God's glory here at Seton Catholic. So basically religion i in everything. Before every cla you pray. You go to religion class every day for four years. You go on retreats and attend chool rna You have the opportunity to be a involved in the groups who participate in the rna e . Mass i available every morning at 7:30. Seton is here to let you learn, experience and reach out in your religion. Religion is the ba i of thi chool. Students are reaching out, enjoying, and learning from the religion experiences pre ent on campus. We have great rnuic at all the rna ses and great eucharistic ministers. Of course nothing would be complete without the help of our great campus minister Mr. Goodman. Yes, he is a good man. This flame of religion is never going to be put out because these teaching and values of religion will keep on burning deep in our hearts.

"I like the school rna ses becau e they bring us all together for a common goal. Our gym is turned into a place of prayer and plu we get to dre s up."Molly Mullin

"I enjoy being on retreat team. It gives me a chance to be involved at Seton and to express my faith. I like trying to help underclassman get closer to God and their friends." -Cate Lenhart


CAREFUL! Angela puh deep fatth mto her fellow as thev carrv her on a Trust Tos l'h tn l.lken B\ WenJI [}J_,,·


Allen a four year liturgical mimster reads at morning mass in the chapel. l'h tn TJken s, Becky R");alado

0 R BLESSED MOTHER. Dunng av Crownmg we crown her as Queen of Heaven. Students offer flower., to her m the


Gibney spends time in .,oJitude to contemplate hts own p rsonal JOurney with God on the semor retreat, Katros II, whtch was led by fellow sePh('h' T.Jio..t>n B-, Bt' \

___ R _ E _ LI _ G _ IO _ N _' 109

r r eshman Qetreat

tlave I illle failh 1n God

HUGGI G ALO G Thomas Duran, Brian urlv, Chris Todd, Colleen Hubbard, ) sstca Raftery,

the day was have a little fatth. l'h<

READY, SET, GO. These boys eagerly watt tor next tcebreaker The retreat team hild a .,enes of icebreakers to get the freshmen acquamted Wtth one another. l'hoto Taken By Wendt Dav"

and Anthony Qlllhuts ta!..e a step of faith under the dtrechon of Matt Kochis. l'hntn Wendt THE MASK. Andrew Parker and Michael Gildenstern look delighted with the honor of putting a mas!.. on someone's else's face, and not their own. Photo Taken By Wendt DaviS COVER GIRL. )oy Richard lies down and relaxes while Michelle Clinch, Kristina Bancroft, and Erin Me eill design her mask.
ST THF BEG I NI:'-JC. fhts group ol gtrls wait tn
lhl• thl·mt•
111 n h I\ end
WHITE AS A GHOST. Anthony Quihuis waits for his mask to dry. The purpo e of the masks wa to how that people are unique. Photo Taken By Wendt Davts
anttctpatton for the retreat to begin

HAVlNC. SOME FU\1. "The whole entire retreat so much fun. l had a great time. The tce breaker" were really dtfferent and cool," Frin Dumas commented. Photo Taken By )<Mnna Henry

I nfi nile Bond 8ophomores LiE}llins The World

CA I GET A KISS ? Eric Magne said "The retreat was grea t, the team leader" were fun. We really had a blast." It was way bette r than I expected. l'h<>to Taken By Beth Hoel

IN THE CROWD. Lauren Mickle knew from the minute s h e got off th e bus, it would be fun "T h e whole da y was awesome," Lauren sa id Photo Taken By Wend! Dav"

PLAYING IT COOL. Peter Rhee said " It was the best retreat , I actually got involved! " Photo Taken By· Wend< Oavt-.

OPEN EARS. " My favorite thing was hearing Mr. Goodman's story," Molly

Mullin said. Photo Taken By Wend1 Davts

SITTI G PRETTY. Michael Galvez finally gets to cool down from a day filled with fun. " I didn ' t even want to go home ," Mike told us. They had a lot of great activities. It was definitely worth while, plus we got out of school!

MOVI G ALO G. Sean Youn g di plays " The Body Pas s." Everyone laying down ha s their hands in th e air, the person being pa sse d feels like they ' re flying!


Taken Bv

___ R _ E _ L _ IG _ I _ O _N_' 11 1
Photo Photo Taken Bv· Wendi Davi" Wend1

Enkindeled Through The Spirit.

YES! Mary Ne tvold and jessica Acedo show that retreats are religious but also a time to be themselves. " I act crazy with old friends, while I meet new friends. " -Mary Nestvold. Photo Taken Bv · RyAnn Rodnguez.

not mind sweeping, but when it comes to cleaning the bathrooms, forget it! " states RyAnn Rodriguez. In order to receive ten hours of Christian service the Mt. Carmel Confirmation crew performed two hours of service a day. When they came to the camp it was old, when they left it looked brand

WORN OUT. junior Mike Sullivan relaxes and lets loose from another session of bonding at St. Anne 's retreat. " This retreat had brought me a lot of fun, better friends and closer to God ."

CUTIE PIE' "No Sleep, All Week'!" states Vane Rooze. She shows that it is possible to keep a smt on your face when your energy level is running 011 less than 24 hrs of sleep for a whole week. Ph

Taken Bv jennv Lang

PEARLY WHITES. Lisa Wangler, Katie Meyers, Sarah Clark a n d Al lison Martin all pose after an intense spiritual session. "We all had lots of fun together. Corbin was really great on core, he made it fun for everyone." -Sarah. " I mended a lot of friendships. It was more fun than I thought it would be!" -Lisa.

KITCHEN DUTY! jenny Lang, Radey Thompson, and Brianne Griffen are not happy having to wake up at seven o'clock in the morning to set up for breakfast. " Why can't I just skip breakfast and sleep in for once! " exclaims Radey Thompson. Photo Taken By· RyAnn Rodnguez.

SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL! Alma Chee, Tracey Mitchell and Jessica Acedo Show off their amazing ta lents at the Mt. Carmel Confirmation Camp over the summer. " I has a lot of fun getting away from thing and especially acting crazy with a ll of my friends!" -Alma. Pholl

Taken By : RyAnn Rodnguez

...!..£ ' RELIGION

THREF. AMIGOS . Daniel Tom, David McDonald , and jeff Hall take a break from the retreat jeff gives a up. was aweso me , I gJVE' credtt to the leaders ." -jeff Hall. Photo Taken B, \\end• O,:J',.'I"'


Looks like the girl need a rest from the long exciting day. " ! needed a break, running back and forth during a game of Red Rover gets pretty tirmg. " -jen Ba tian. The retreat was both inspirational and fun with time for fun and game Photo Taken By Chnsty Sherman

STRETCH! G OUT. Cry tal and Monique chat and relax after a very intense talk given by one of their fellow peer Kairos consist of a erie of talks de igned to help out other Photo Taken By Becky Regalado

Kairo s II


Ullimale [xperience


AGAI\.'. One la st group shot for those o n Kairo'> II. " It was a great time, I recommend that every senior go."-Erin Day Those who went on Ka1ros had a wonderful time! Photo Taken b\ \1-. Su-.an ·1x


W1th hat flipped back, jose Ruiz sits down and gets ready for the next talk He JUSt came back from a hard game of basketball with th e guys. " I was so glad I went on Kairos II. It was very welcoming."jose Ruiz. Photo Taken B' lk-.: ' Regalado

RELAX! G L THE SU . Li a, Cassie, and Bethany share a moment of miles and a smooch on Kairos. " It was a great four da} break I loved talking and sharing with others."-Li a Caudron . Photo Taken Bv Be<:l..v Regalado

BE DI GOVER BACKWARDS What are you doing? " Kairos II was a blast. I had a good time with the students and leaders, and of cour e time to hor e around."-Pat Goodman. PhotoTa enBv

TAKE ME TO THE MOO!\: Looks like Nathan Krick i trying to bUild a httle mu de as he lifts josh tn the air " ' athan and I had a lot of fun." -jo h Krall Photo Taken Bv Be.:kv Regalado



Th Word Of God

RAISE: YOL:R HANDS , I 1FT UP YOuR HEARTS. The freshman class seating -.ection hfh up thetr arms to pray the Lord ' s prayer, thus proving they got the most spmtuahty of them all. Although the freshman are new here, their voices are still heard and they do contribute to the church-like atmo.,phere. Hisa Rublacava comments, " The school masses are neat , but their a lot different then mass at my church I attend, because the gym is so massively huge. " Phot o lh 'Jathon

Angela KilLer plays hl' r !lut e beautifully for an all school rna" I Ier brother , ]untor Duane Kt!Ler, says , " My little stster, Angela ts a Vl'ry fine musician ." Ph o to lalo.. L·n lh , ,1th .m f\. n d

"THIS IS WHERE- li II · I ORD IS Om· o t our great vistttng pnesh ftlb us wtth the Holy Spirit at a school mass " I love Seton ," says Father Dale.

THE WORD. Kristina Watson gets involved in the school mass. "We are all called to spread the word. " Photo lly 'Jathan 1-.nc k

BLOOD OF CHRIST. Wendi Davis extends her cup out and Ryan Gibney receives it with open hands. "I like being a Eucharistic Minister," says Wendi. l' hoto Taken Bv "athan

L If I'!. AYl- R, I' I A'r A SO:\L FOR Ml

THE· BODY Of· CHRIST Cate Lenhart ofll rs communiOn to Amanda Smith Amanda h a new student this vear so tt's mce to sl·e Wl' all join together to pray and parllupate m our school masses. l'lwto

I lh '\JthJP lvKk

SHARI'\(, IS CARI:'\:G. )untor !'at Svh·ester says" fhe word of Cod msptres me to use my gifts and tall·nh to share thl' good news of Cod. Sharing makes me feel close to Cod and wholl·." l't<•to th \,at'lJn ""''

BUILD!'\(, l' THE BODY Of CHRIST Father :Vhke from St. Thomas leads us in an all-school rna". Senior Shawn Allen thmks the school rna""' 'help us to JOin together tamtly and butld a '>pectal bond wtth our classmates. l'hoto Taken lh \,ath.lll

KEEP! G THE FAITH. The Senior section rai-.e-. their hand-. and prays the Our Father. We will mtss the Senior-. and their leader-.htp in all our school religiou-. activities. t'h<•h l.lkt·n Bv \,athan t-.mk

0 jOKING. junior Mike Ballinger receives the blood of Christ. This is one of those Kodak momenh when Mike b actually being serious. " ! take mass very seriow.ly and try my hardest to receive the Holy Spirit" Photo T.llo.t·n lly "-ric"-

PRAYER St RV!CES. Greta Shagena and Patrick. ylvester lead their rligion cia" in prayer. All of the Juniors this year, as a part of their finaL had to do prayer -.ervices. l'h,•t•• I aken Bv \,ath.m 1-.nck


Makin8 Memories

Pullin8 IL Nl To5elher

PHOTO HLJ. T. Jackte Mirrotne -.earche-. through piCtures tor the pertect shot. She say., , "Yo u can't JUst for any photo you have to find the be-.t one..... I'IWhl lal...L'I1 n,

1-..1-'Fl'li\:G IT COOl. Second year -.taff Matthew Wilhelm and Michelle Eccels-tnn maintain their compo ure dunng a hectic deadline. Michelle says, " It 's a lot of work but it ' s tun." l'hotc• lh Rn:.11.1d\,

l OOKII\IG UP. Brice Rhee looks up to Dave Ku. 1awski, an a'>'>tstant edttor, to help decide how phrase her caption. Brice -.ays, "Dave alway-. ha, 1 lot of great idt•as." l'hotc lh·<k\ Rq;.,tad,

SIDF BY SIDE. Monica Almandare£ and Knst Allen work together. Momca, an as-.l',tant editc uses her experience to help Knsten. "Momca h been a great help to me, " says Kristen. l'h ''' r llv llc<l.v Re"alado

until she gets her picture right. She says, "The best part Yearbook is that feeling of accom ment you get when you fini h page." Photo Taken By· Becky Regalado.

1996-97 YEARBOOK STAFF. Top: Angie Hauber, Andrew Lebowitz, Dave Kujawski, Jeanine De Tiege, Dana Dillard, Matthew Wilhelm, and Mrs. Beth !'attock, Moderator . Morgan Segroves, Emily Esses, Brice Rhee, and Lori Wolf. Monica Almendarez, Kristen Allen, Ali Gunning, Beth Hoel, and Becky Regalado. RyAnn Rodriguez, Wendi Davis, Michelle Eccl ston, Jenny Lang, and Jackie Mirroine. Photo lly Mr l'hclhp'

Andrew LebowJtL and Alt Gunnmg to perfect her layout de,ign. All three are new to the staff this year. Andrew says, "I love yearbook, I've ,earned so much from Becky, she's the best editor' " Ph oto Taken Bv Be cky

LAST GLA:\'CE As.,t'>tant E- ditor , Morgan Segrove., checks her page and make., the Ja.,t mmute refinements. She .,avs, " A lot of work ts put mto ea ch page and you have to make everythmg right. l' ho tc Ta ke n H,· Bt:d, \·

U:-JCO"VET\:TIO;\;AI \1[1 HOD To be creati\ e enough each >taff member ha' to have a comfortable thmkmg '>pac e.

RyAnn Rodnguez and jenny Lang prefer the floor. RyAnn " There ' '> more room to sp read out all the material'>. "' Ph oto Ta ken B' Bec k\ Re g a lad ,

WOT\:DE:R WOMA". '-ot only doe'> Mr.,. Pattock teach English, a family, and try to have a .,ocial ltfe, '>he .,ttll find., time for the bu'>y JOb ot Moderator. Here '>he make' .,ure Emil\ ha., the too), for her page. ! 1 t'(' ' ' l .l l-..1 ' lh Bed \ Rt

Senior Angie Hauber seeks help from juniors

Red Hot Dollars

Advertisements are all around us. They influence u in our everyday life. We ar amidst th age of the technology, and ad are full blown. Honestly, ad pay the bills. This i why our yearbook ha grown to it's excellent condition. We are very grateful that many companies put forth o much effort and time into an ad. Whether it be your favorite uperstar or the little issan guy everyone is spon oring ads. Plu , ads are everywhere; movie , t.v., billboard , radio, and programs, so why not your yearbook? Ad usually are trying to sell you a good or ervice. We on the Seton yearbook staff want you to visit and use all our adverti ements. We would like to extend our deepe t gratitude to all the busines e that upported the 1996-1997 Sentinel. We couldn't have done it without you. These companies aw the flame that we call Sentinel Pride and put their name in it. Thank you and applause go to the following people and corporations.

Senior Morgan Segrove and Junior Stephanie Wolf cheerfully stand inside Bagel o h. "I love Bagel osh, cinnamon sugar bagels are the be t!" says Stephanie. Photo Taken By eLon Wolf

118 '.....:A:..;;D:;;;;..:;;;., S _____
Senior Becky Regalado volunteers at Chandler Regwnal Hospital She has worked there for 3 years. The staff is really friendly and enjoy Becky's spunky personality and help. Photo Taken By : Becky Regalado

)alque Chacon and Lon Wolf ptbe togethl•r at 31 Flavors. " I lilo-e gomg to 31 Flavors for an after school snack

l'estos, a favoritl place for plLLa , lo ated nght across the street trom eton is a favorill' among Seton students

HOT WHEELS em or' Wend1 Dav1s and Beth Hoe! pose in an adorable white Jeep sold at Darners car dealership m Mesa. Th1s is only one of the manv cars this dealership has to offer. Beth and I had a lot of fun,' sa1d Wend1 Davis about their test driving cars expenence ADS

Rvan EnLweiler, Chns \.1aJoue , and Josl' Ru1.t relax while \\ a1tmg tor their bagl'l sandwiChes " Bagl•l '\.osh 1s great' " stall's Chns
METRO VALLEY PAINTING CORP. Ted Diepstraten 102 S River , Suite 102 Tempe, AZ 85281 Phone (602) 966 - 4305 Fax : (602) 966 - 1252 Mobile· (602) 377 6762 METRO VALLEY PAINTING CORP. "Wh e re quality is NOT an option" 659 E. Main Street Mesa, AZ 85203 Phone (602) 461-8181 Fax (602) 461-1407 120 £_A_o_s_____





From your local STIHL ·dealers.



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______ AD S ' 121
122 '_A_D_S----
Updo's for Prom!!! HI-TECH MOTORSPOR TS 289 AND 427 ALUMINUM AND FIBERGLASS REPRODUCTION AND RESTORATION KITS AND TURNKEYS AVAILABLE 1859 W . G uadalupe S E co rn e r o f Dobso n a nd Guadalup e For Appointments call 820-9800 Makeup Hair Nail Waxing Tanning Facials TIM GUNNING 2204 W SOUTHERN AVENUE TEMPE, ARIZONA 85282 Congratulations, Seton High School Class of 1997! Chandler Regional Ho pi ta l A Member of East Vallry Rrgionnl llrnltll System Improving the Health of Our Community OFFICE 602 431 9400 FAX 602 431 6944 CALL FOR PARTS PRICES 1960 W Ray Rd '\ I' Corner-Ra\ & In The Shoppmg Ctr 821 - 2949 Fax: 82 1-0403 ______ AD S_' 123
:\l bagel no sh 0 bagel no sh Fresh Baked Bagels All Day Over 13 Different Varieties Special Sandwiches EAT IN- OR- TAKE OUT 917-3903 1960 W. Ray Rd. (N.E. Comer Ray & Dobson) 124 '_A_D_s _____ The Finest In Dry Cleanmg 1919 W Chandler Blvd #4 Chandler. AZ. 85224 (602) 814 -0737 Genevteve Btscoth Propnetor JOSE(MIJO) I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. LOVE MOM. Elizabeth Hoe/ You have always wanted so much out of life. Work hard for your dreams. Never give up . May you have a little girl that makes you as happy as you have made us. Remember if you are ever sad, lonely or need someone , we will always be there for you.
our love MomandDad

Morgan, Congratulations on your graduation! From dance recitals and leprechaun hunts to high school the years have flown by. As you venture on keep your generous nature, your kind heart and your sweet spirit, they will serve you well. Follow your dreams and remember you'll always be our uBO."

With much love and pride, Mom, Dad, Erin, Matthew and Michael

______A_D_S_ ' 125


Much about you has changed over the years--but one great thing about you that has not changed is your great sense of humor. Keep us laughing.


We love you? Dad? Mom? Dina and Danielle


We are so proud of you and love you very much.


Love? Mom & Dad

Congratulations? God

Bless you?

Dad? Mom? Jason&JeH


You will always be our 11dolly girl.?? We are very proud of you and all your accomplishments. Continue to believe in yourself.

Congratulations Brett!

We love you and we are proud of you. God be with you always. You Twice A Day??

Love? Mom? Dad & Kelley

126 '_A_D_s______


Congratulations JeH!! You have exceeded all of our expectations and goals-now irs time to set your own ... Enjoy Life-Be Happy- You have prepared yourself well for success.


Matt, May God continue to bless you, and be with you throughout the rest of your journey. There is no mountain you can't climb, no ocean you can't cross in His name. Congratulations! Love 11XX" Mom&Dad

Jason , We loved you as a child and love you as the man you have become You have integrity, passion , quick wit, and are caring Do not compromise, these things will serve you well in life As you move on, pursue your dreams, believe in yourself, and light for what matters to you We Are Proud of You , Good Luck in College.

Mom and Dad

______A_D_S_' 127

Dear Jennie , Always remember these words , " My p recious c h ild , I love you and would never leave you D urin g your times of trial a nd s uHering, wh en you see o n ly one set of footprints , it was then that I carried you " ("Footprints " ). At the beginning of your Seton career you " promised to try." You not only tried, you succeeded! And yes , Jennie we are proud of you! Love and prayers , Mom, Dad, an d Joey

You have the key, the road is open, roll on in style. MomandDad Augie Congratula tions ! We are proud of y ou. Follow your heart, your dreams your desires, believe in yourself, as we believe in you.

All our love, Dad, Mom and Andre Jacque , You ' ve always been right at my side, I'm gonna miss you next year. Good luck with college. Love your Bro ,

Jessa Wright


Congratulations on your graduation. God has continued to guide you and grant you many gihs, such as, the gihs of love, laughter, compassion, understanding, common sense and so many more.

You have taken all your gihs and shared them with your family, friends, and through your volunteer work at the hospital you have touched many hearts.

Daddy and I thank God for choosing us to be your parents. You have made our lives so very special. You are the best daughter any parent could ever hope to have, you are the greatest.

Unconditional love always and forever.

Mommy and Daddy

______A_D_S_ ' 129


We are proud of you! We love you!

Mom, Dad, Rachel, and Megan Lori, Congratulations. You make all of us very proud. Always stay your sweet, helpful, wonderful you. We love you!

Dad, Mom, Stephanie Jeanette & Blake

Dear Jeanine,

In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your eHorts with success. We are proud of you and love you very much. Congratulations!

All our love & prayers, Mom, Dad, Jalene & Joe

Dear Aaron,

We've been proud of you since your very first day of school! You are a blessing, and we love you.

Mom, Dad, Lauren & Caitlin

130 '_A_o_s______


Para El Rey de Espagnol. Tengo mucho confianca en ti.

Amor, De tu Mama.

Congratulations Ryan

We Are Proud of you! Dad, Steve Staci, & Lisa.

DearJen, We're not only best cous. , 1ns-we re friends. Love, Matt.

Mi Higo Tony Mahlmeister
______A_o_s_ ' 131
Gone but not Forgotten!

Congratulations Alice,

We are very proud of your accomplishments. Remember? it starts with a DREAM! Always follow that DREAM! Never give in . .. there is a reason for everything. Believe in yourself, as we believe in you. God bless you always!

All our love?

Mom? Dad and Angela

JulieYou,re our precious jewel. Thank you for being you. Congrats to the ,97 Grad!

Love always, Dad, Mom Grandma and David

Congratulations Ramiz!

We are very proud of you. Keep up the good work!


Mom? Dad and Raja


Congratulations! We are proud of you and all that you have accomplished.

God bless and keep you always!

Love your family? Dad? Mom and Luis

Way togo Sean!


Dad? Mom? Hogan? and Geordie



We will always be proud of you and love you.

Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart and you will always be a success.


Mom? Dad? & Andy

Justin Foster

Congratulations! We are so proud of you. Your independence, intelligence, and talents will serve you well in college and in the future. Love always, Mom, Dad, Chad, and Megan

______A_D_S_ ' 133


....We?re behind you. Go for itr?


Mom? Dad? Diane? Mike?

Brianna? Laurel and Troy


We,re so proud of you. Live your dreams!

Love, Mom and Dad

To Erin Marie with love! Dad, Mom &Peter


All those who love you wish you all possible blessings in your future.

134 '_A_D_s_____

Michelle, Congratulations

We are very proud of you, and you are a terrific young lady and the first to graduate.

All Our Love Always, Mom&Jimmy

Congratulations, Matthew!

You've come a long way. We're proud of you!

Love, Mom, Ray, · Christopher, Kris &Steve

Jacque? Congratulations!!

We ?re proud of you and all your accomplishments. Continue to follow your dreams and always remember? we love you very much .

Love? Dad? Mom ? TJ and Jenny


We are proud of you-We love you

Dad, Mom, Bryan & Kevin


We are very proud of you ... We love you ...

Dad? Mom? Franny? Gilbert & Danielle

______ A _ o _ s _

Jeremy Beard

You have given us much joy and happiness-and many times of laughter. Keep smiling and keep your faith.

Love, Dad, Mom & Alia


From the very moment you were born, you have always amazed us with your zest for getting the most out of life. We hope that you continue to

*Nourish your creativity

*Challenge your talents

*Utilize your faith and knowledge to over come adversity

*Seek humor and enjoyment in each new day

*Respect yourself and each person you meet

*Love and support your family, friends and your faith We are very proud of you!

Love, Dad, Mom, Anthony, Alicia, Andre



We are very proud of youWe love you very much.

Dad, Mom, Roslyn, Colma, and Cassie.

Congratulations Kaoife

We are proud of you We miss you.

Love Always, Your family in Ireland.


The years have gone by too quickly. Weare very proud of you.


All our love, Mom, Dad, Amy, Michelle, and Greg


Sometimes uThe Road Less Traveled" has been bumpy-still our journey down that road, I would not trade.

Love You, Mom and Richard

_____A_D_S_ ' 137


Never be disappointed in being you, for you are glorious & unique. Never underestimate your beauty, your might or your heritage. Your heritage is steeped in the stars. You are forever ...

We are so proud & honored to be your family. Go out & make your mark. Your future has no limits.

Love, Dad, Mom, & Aaron

P.S. Grandma would have been so proud of you

Nathan Krick

Congratulations Nathan!

For all you have accomplished and for all you will achieve,


we are so very proud! May God continue to be your guide and may all your dreams come true!

Congratulations, Dave!!!

You have earned the grades and the respect and admiration of your family and hiends. We are very, very proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad, & Vince

_____A_o_s_' 139
We Love You, MomandDad!

Dear David,

From Mickey Mouse ears to a mortarboard, it's been a wonderful time! It 's gone much too last You ' ve made us proud. All our love , Dad , Mom , Jesse , Cody, Mary, Jon , and Kevin " We shout lor joy at your victory! May God grant your every prayers and fulfill the desires of your heart. " Psalm 20:5



We ohen tell you that we love but one thing we may not always remember to say is just how proud we are of you. We proud of your successes-of your skills and of your hard work and of your dreams and plans for the future. more important even than proud of the person you are inside-of the goodness and generosity which are so much a part of your daily of the warmth and caring which are so wonderful and a part of the joy you bring to others. You are truly a special person and we feel proud to be part of your and fortunate beyond all measures to have been given the gih of a son (and brother) like you. We love and Aimee

1980 (8 months)
1980 (13 months) 140 ' _A_o_s______
1985 ( SJ/ 2 years)
August 1996
17 years) March

Corbin King

You have followed your dreams and found the light in many areas of your life. May God continue to be the light in your life always. We are so proud of you!

Love, Dad, Kelly, Hollie, Meghan & Ashley

Becky Regalado, Editor-in-Chief and the 1996-97, Sentinel staff are to be congratulated for designing and producing a book packed with sophisticated layouts, cover to cover continuity and relevant copy for the rest of us to enjoy for years to come. Their ingenuity, dedication and patience as they developed and published this book was admirable.

The concept of , was chosen because it so clearly symbolized all that this school year was destined to be. The , is: the light of Christ, the torch of knowledge, the fuel that fires competition and the warmth of the community.

It has been my greatest P,leasure work side by side with those who grew

God Bless, Mrs. Beth Pattock

AM I D::»T de .
_____..;..;A;;..;;;;D;..,;;;S_ ' 141

Hot Stuff

New Faces Brighten Campus

WELCOME -\BOARD! Mrs. Fraser's not ne" to this ol 'hip. She returns as one of Seton s finest. It's down to business in this class. She takes time to help Charlie Bolig. Pholo I Jken B\ lll'lh Hoel

AFTER Lli CH! Mrs. Ryan is the newe>t volunteer to the Seton kitchen. She works evervdav with judv Weber, Edith Olah, and· otl{ers to prepare our delicious lunche..,. Phl1to I.1k.l'n lh Rl'lh Hot.>!

LOOKIN' AROuND! The Seniors hadn t had a religion teacher for a while. Mr. M. is known for his signature bow ties. Sarah Moore says, "It\ just great to have a religiOn teacher." l'holo faken Bv Beth Hoel.

Mrs. Vicki Campbell is a new face to the front de k.

Mrs. Campbell lights up the office with her smile. Photo Taken By: Beth Hoel

Mrs Jane Fra er teaches many different cia es in the math department. She is happy to be back at Seton. Photo Taken By: Beth Hoel


Mrs. Sui-Ling Ryan is a volunteer in the kitchen and a parent to a Seton Alum. Photo Taken By: Beth Hoe I

WHA I PALS! With friend' hke thl''<' Robb1e Bauer can't go wrong. Andrew Meister and )l'SSl' McDonald are always there to help or Wl'lnmw a new member to Seton. Jesse says, ''I'm happy to have a new '>Ophomore fnend." Pholo JA,·n lh lll'lh Hod

Robbie Bauer joins Seton after first semester He is a member of the sophomore class. Photo Taken By Beth Hoel

Mrs. Janis Amodei works in the library during the day. She assists both teachers and students.

Mr. John Mastalski teaches religion. He comes to us from California, now living in Mesa. Photo Taken By Beth Hoe I

Mrs. Judy Krick is Seton's new Vice Principal, though she has long been a part of us. Photo Taken By· Beth Hoel

A BLSY BH 1 \1rs. Campbell Is hard at work an swenng tlw phone as well ,h a"htmg Sl•mnr ]l' 11 ine [)to liege vvith adm1ttann• kanim· s,n s It takes
to handle a JOb hkl this. Wl' n g!,1J ..,he'.., hl,rP to do it" l'hPIP J.Jk.t·nlh Bl'th lint. I
a lot

•w <IIi<:/ '•<lid!/ lie /o ucqrlCUr!l ynur s ,•[{

I •'K ! & t, C'Cl W!>( ' II IS Llw nlli!J }\1!11/l !cdye

., t: 'ljili ill<' ''•·urt tl'it/1 <! JWace nnd

t" 11! l 11 1 <ill di ·.; u , rv. ·

64 iu

The sisters have played a vital role in the lives of people in various dioceses throughout the United States and for the past 64 years have served here in Arizona. In the diocese of Tucson and Phoenix, the community's mission to serve is evidenced in a history of ministries providing educational, pastoral and social service care to those in need. With each generation, the sisters adjust their focus by planning to meet the needs of the time.

Like their founder before them, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.- the Sisters of Charity incorporated the talents and resources of family and friends to help in their ministries. Inspired by their example, the Catholic community was mobilized to share in the mission of Charity- they became Partners in the Work of Charity.

( ,. d :litre I!> r lt> UlifliJ orcair r ·As a Congregation we stand open to appeal, ready to respond, willing to serve wherever the Church most needs us .In our works of education, health care, social and pastoral service, we are guided by the messianic message

.' !I! I I t. I tO I/ of Christ revealing the love and mercy of God to His people. We seek to bring Christ's compassion and healing to _the sick and suffering. the poor and the oppressed. Thus we proclaim the Gospel message of redemption."

During these years the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill have touched the lives of many 1n the Arizona Region through a variety of ministries.

Casa J.::hzabcth Seton. Tucson

• Chancery Office Pllo!l<:riL"-

C ;.uhollc: Srhool!> Off1rr Tuco;on ;mel f'hon<'l"

Catholic Social S(·rvl("{·, Tuc!>on and Phocnl'\ Fmc Arts ;\llnlstry. Lunm•

• Phoncntx \'aile.\ llospllals

Coun,elmg Scrncc!> Cnsa

G1 anctc and Glohc Bll'>.M'd Sacra1ncnt Pan!>h Scottsdale

Immaculate Conccpuon Parish and School. AJo

Malta Ccntc-1 Phocnh.

• lount Claret Center. Phounx

Our Lauv of Guadalupe.

Our Lady of l'crpctual llt'lp (,lendalt'

Our of Pl'lp<"tual Help f'mtsh :ltHI Srhool.

Phocnlx ,lob Corp!>

ll<'an Parl!>h Tucson

Si!llll Annc Gilht·11

• Ht !>urrc< tlon Pan,.ll 'lt•mpc

• 111!!11

• Samt B1 Hlgrt Pari!>! I.

S.JIIIt Cathcnnc of Slt"lla l'llocnlx

S;nnt Dame! the Propht•t Parl!>h :1nd Srhool.

Snmt Ellzabnh Srton Pnn!>h Sun

Saint llcnry Pan!>h.

\.largarct P::Jrl!>h Tempe

Saini C'hnndlct

Samt Mlcii.Jl'l Parl':ih. Oh mpw

• John the Tnc!>OII

• Sault 1\I::Jrlin de Porrcs l'hocmx

• Sam! y-Ba!>ha Srhool Chandlt 1

• Samt lonK.I Pan!>h "lil t -on

!:oatnt School L::Jkl"wood LA _

Peter and Paul nnct S<"hool T11r:-cu1

Part,.h and S< !tool Pl1ocn1'\ Saint \'lncrnt <k l'a111 l'lwcn1x

Srton Cnthohr Htgh Sehool. \.ll,mrller

• Sam! '\l:1tthr11 Pilot Ill>.

a{ a{ settut 11
Sr. Ellzabeth Ann Seton Foundress of the Sisters of Charity Sr. Gertru d e Foley Present Major Superior Sr Jeanne Bartholomeaux Arizona Regional Director
- -
Mother Aloysia Lowe Foundress of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill


In November, a hijacked Ethiop1an airliner crashes after running out of fuel. The crash occurs near a resort beach in the Comoros Islands 1n tha lnd1an Ocean At least 123 of the 175 people on board die, 1nclud1ng the hiJackers

After 36 years, Central Amer1ce's longest CIVil war ends when Indian rebels end milrt;ary leftists s1gn a truce in Guatemala

Bntlsh Telecommunications grees to purchase MCI Commumcetions for up to $21 billion in November The deal IS the biggest fore1gn purchase of a U.S company ever concluded

AU N -negotiated treaty b nn1ng chem1cal weapons worldwide 1s set to take effect 1n the spring. The treaty proh1b1ts the development , production, stockpiling or use of ch m1cal weapons , end call for the destruction of ex1 ng suppli s The treaty 1s s1gn d by 160 n tiona, 1ncluding the U.S


1n accordance With proVISIOns of the U.S.-brokered Dayton peace agreement

The Miss World beauty pageant held 1n Bangalore. lnd1a 1n November ra1ses a storm of protests , some VIOlent 1nclud1ng one by a group threaten1ng to stage a mass su1c1de dunng the pageant's telecast A new Miss World IS crowned Without 1nc1dent

A p1pe bomb explodes 1n Centennial Olympic Park after the first day of competition at the Summer Olymp1cs 1n AtJanta Flags fly at half-mast to moum the 1 person k1lled and more than 1 00 InJured

Pope John Paul II undergoes surgery for an Inflamed appendix 1n October His ch1ef surgeon , Dr Francesco Cruclttl announces that the 78-year-<Jid leader of the Roman Catholic Church 1s free from "preVIously undiscovered senous ailments ."

Kmg Husse1n of Jordan [nght]

VISits the West Bank of the Jordan R1ver 1n October to show support for the PaleStln1ai'Hsraeli pea ce talks and the establishment of an Independent PaleStinian state It IS Hussein 's first VISit s1nce Jordan lost the temtory to Israel 1n the 1967 ArabIsraeli War

1n July, despite pers1stent health problems After successful heart surgery 1n November he returns to work

Russ1a n President Sons Yelts1n Wins reelection

In a group so large 1t could be tracked by satellite. hundreds of thousands of refugees abandon camps tn Zatre tn November and begtn a JOurney home to Rwanda , whtch they had fted to escape a cMI war Clostng of the camps forces the refugees to ftee

lsraelt rtght-wtng leader

BenJamin Netanyahu wtns the May 1 996 election for Prtme Mtntster, defeating Pnme Mtn1ster Shtmon Peres, whom many lsraelts think IS making too many concesstons to Israel's Arab neighbors

Mass graves contatntng the bodtes of Mushms allegedly murdered by Serbs tn 1 992 dunng the Bosn1an cMI war, are excavated 1n Bosn1a-Herzegovma throughout the year as a shaky peace negotiated 1n 1995 continues

that lolls 19 U S sef"VVce people on June 25 1n

Dhahran, Saudt Arabta Mourners grteve at a memortal sef"VVce held 1n

Khobar, Saud1 Arabta

More than 3CXJ Tuts1 refugees tn the African country of Burundi are slatn by Hutus , a rtval ethnic group The covered bodtes , mostly women and children, illustrate the ferocity of the conft1ct

Alone gunman lolls

16 kindergartners. thetr teacher. and then himself , at a Dunblane, Scotland school 1n March 1 996 A month after the tragedy. offictals tear down the school gymnastum 1n which the shootings occurred


ALB1nt1 Jua a gonlla at Ch1cago's Brookfield Zoo. becomes a hero when she rescues a 3-year-Did boy knockE'd unconscious after falling 18 feet 1nto thE' ape enclosure The boy suffers bra1n contusions but soon recovers


The U S Army 1ssues strict new pohcies for drill Instructors end female trainees , as hundreds of compla1nts of sexual harassment are revealed in November Dnll Instructors are now required to leave the1r doors open 1f a female IS 1ns1de , and women must travel 1n pa1rs

After thousands of veterans complain of illnesses s1nce the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the Pentagon warns they may have been exposed to chemical weapons The Pentagon reveals that up to two tons of sann nerve gas may have been released

Six -year-old beauty pageant queen JonBenet Ramsey IS found murdered 1n the basement of her parents' Colorado home the day after Chnstmas Her death ra1ses a n tionwide awareness of controversial youth beauty pag ants

Speaker of the Hou a N wt Gmgnch (R-Georg1a) i fined $300 ,0CIO 1n a bt-partisen veta after the House EthiCS Committee 's yesr-long 1nvest1g bon 1nto alleged finanaal 1mpropneb s

Former U N ambassador Madele1ne Albnght 1s nom1nated for Secretary of State by Pres1dent Cl1nton on December 5

Confirmed 1n office 1n January 1997, Albnght IS the first woman to head the State Department

Seven-year-Did pilot Jess1ca Dubroff IS k1lled when her Cessna a1rplane crashes shortly after take-<Jff 1n bad weather from the Cheyenne. Wyom1ng a1rport Her flying Instructor and her father. the plane's two passengers, are also k1lled 1n the Apnl 1996 crash

Theodore Kaczynski. alleged to be the ·unabomber, • who killed 3 people and wounded more than 20 others WTth ma1l bombs s1nce 1978, IS arrested 1n Montana 1n Apnl 1996 Information prclVIded by Kaczynski's brother leads to the arrest.

On August 11 a boater rescues

1 0-year-<Jid Taylor

Touchstone from the snake- and alligatorInfested waters of a Flor1da swamp 14 m1les away from where he d1sappeared August 7

Although exhausted and badly scratched. the autistic boy recovers fiully

,:d. One of the 'T' longest armed stand-<Jffs 1n U S h1story occurs outs1de Jordan, Montana between the FBI and members of an antigovernment group call1ng ItSelf the Freemen The 81-<lay s1ege ends peacefiully 1n June

z 01<( z

_.J._ Nationw1de. "'F'" forest fires blacken more than tw1 c e th e acreage lost to fires 1n an average year Cal1fom1a Montana and Oregon are particularly nard hit.

W1111arT' Jefferson D1nton

defeats Repubhum Bob Dole and ndeper dent H Ross Perot to bccorre the 42nd pres•dent of the .J S and the last pres1dent of the 20th century D•nton 1s the f1rst Democrat s1nce Frank11n Roosevelt to be reelected to a second term

A CMI 1ury finds forrrer footba I star 0 "' S.r1pson hable for the June 1 2 1 994 wrvngrul deaths of h1s ex-w1fe N•c.c.le Brown Simpson and her fnend Rorald Goldman In a unan•mous verd1ct the rury awards $8 5 rrdhon 1n compensatory damages to GoldrT'an s parents The Brown and Goldman far111iec- are eacr awarded $12 5 rr1lhon n pun1tNe darT'ages

Jean1e Montavtos Montavtos and another female cadet later drop out, citing harassment and "sadistic " haZing

All 11 0 peo pl e aboard a ValuJet CJC.-9 are killed 1n May 1996 when a fire breaks out •n the cargo hold The plane. en route fi'om Mlam• to Atlanta, crashes and disappears almost completely 1nto the Flonda Everglades, mak1ng 1t d1fficult for workers to retneve wreckage

Topsa1l Beach a town on an 1sland off the coast of North Carolina 1s one of many Eastem locations hit hard by Humcane Bertha 1n July S1x powerful humcanes all Wlth Wlnds over 11 0 m1les per hour. made 1996 a near-record year do1ng $3.5 b1ll1on 1n damage 1n the U S


EAmencan astronaut Shannon Luc1d [nght) spends 188 days 1n space. breaking Amencan space endurance records after JOining the crew of the Russ1an space station Mtr


A 9,300-year-{)ld skeleton discovered in July near Richland, Wash1ngton is the oldest and most 1ntact set of human bones ever discovered in North Amenca. Research 1s suspended, however, as the tribes from the Native Amencan grounds where It IS found claim the skeleton as an ancestor and want the bones buried.

Trauma Seal, a new medical adhesive that IS applied like a lip-balm stick, 1s 1n climcal tnals at 1 0 hospitals and health care Institutions nationWide. The biodegradable adhesiVe could eliminate stitches and return VISits.

New York Police Department camnes beg1n weanng threepound, 1nfrared cameras, scouting out potentially dangerous areas before police officers enter the scene. Handlers are developmg bullet-proof vests for the dogs to wear

A new category of animal IS discovered 1n the form of bactena that live on the lips of lobsters. Symbion pandora, which lives on food scraps from lobster lops, 1s called "the zoolog1cal highlight of the decade."

Videogame g1ant Nintendo releases ItS long-awaited N1ntendo 64. a new hardware system that draws players 1nto the game and moves three times faster than any ex1St1ng system

An ex ped1t1on to r a1se the Tttamc, the legendary "uns1nkable" ocean liner that sank on ItS ma1den voyage 1n 1912. from rt;s North Atlantic grave more than two m1les deep, ends 1n fa1lure 1n August due to rough seas

bactena-l1ke hfe on a meteonte found 1n 1984 and believed to be part of the crust of Mars 4 5 b1llion years ago It 1s the first poss1ble proof that life IS not un1que to Earth

Satellite d1shes become one of the year's hottest-selling electronic consumer products Owners find the saVIngs of not paYing for cable serVJces cover the cost Wlth1n a few months

_d. The Mars Surveyor Trolley. named Sojourner IS camed on-board M ars Pathfinder. an unmanned spacecraft launched 1n December. Sojourner a free-roVIng probe the s1ze of a child's wagon, Will photograph the Martian surface and determ1ne the composition of rocks on Mars

Cahfom1a 's Monterey Bay Aquanum opens a new Wing 1n March 1996

The mlhon-gallon 1ndoor ocean showcases the manne hfe of the outer reaches of Monterey Bay. 5 to 60 mles offshore

The Hubble Space Telescope captures new 1mages of quasars the umverse 's most powerful and baffi1ng phenomena PreVIously thought only to eXIst 1n colhd1ng galaXIes new p1ctures 1nd1cate quasars can also ex1st 1n undisturbed galax1es---caus,ng astronomers to reVISit thew theones

_.1 An oxygen bar 1n Canada a ows patrons to pay $16 to spend 20 m 1nutes breath 1ng pure oxygen. The owners of the Do! Spa Bar cla1m the treatment 1s a healthy way to re inVIg orate the body and offer fruit " flavors· to liven up the expenence

Paleoanthropolog1st Mary Leakey, shown With husband Lou1s Leakey 1n a 1959 photograph, d1es 1n December 01scovenes by the Leakeys throughout the1r careers are some of the most 1mportant 1n paleoanthropolog1cal h1story Her greatest d1scovery was a trail of 3 7-mlhon-yearold footpnnts , wh1ch proved that

The Smithson1an Institution celebrates the 1 50th anniVersary of ItS founding with a nationWide tour of pnze exh1b1ts. 1nclud1ng th1s stovepipe hat worn by Abraham L1ncoln




Former NFL comm1ssioner Pete Rozelle d1es on December 6 Rozelle 1s credrted With tra nsform.ng profesSiona l football 1nto Amenca 's top spectato r sport , and With Inventing the Super Bowl

Basketball megastar

Michael Jordan launches h1s own cologne : M1chae l Jordan Cologne Demand for the fragrance 1s so h•gh that manufacturer B11an Fragrances hmrts sales to 12 bottles pe r custome r.

The ever-present C1ndy Crawford releases a book on applying make-up Bas1c Face en)oys a long run on the best-seller hsts

The National Women 's Hall of Fame opens 1n Seneca Falls , New York , 1nducUng 11 women , 1nclud1ng author louisa May Alcott and Oveta Culp Hobby, the nation' s first female colone l

Archbishop of Ch1c ago , Cardinal Joseph Bernardin d1e s of pancreatic cancer 1n November Bernardin was known for be1ng a reconciler 1n churches torn between tradition and modern culture , as well as for speak1ng out against physicial'lasSisted swc1de

Mother Teresa, 1979

Nobel Peace Pnze w1nner, suffers a heart attack 1n late December It 1s the 8 6 -year-dd Roman Cathohc nur> s fourth ser1ous Illness 1n 1996

lr> Apnl 1996, Singer Michael J ackson 1s seen escortmg a woman later 1dent1fied as Debbie Rowe, an employee of Jackson's plastic surgeon In November, Jackson announces that he and Rowe are rPamed and that she 1s h1s cr1ld

Mus1c megastar M adonna g1ves bwth to lourdes M ana Ciccone leon. a 6-pound, 9-<Junce gwl, on October 14 M adonna's b1g year continues when she Wins a Golden Globe for her role 1n Andrew Uoyd Webber's ol'l-screen rend1t1on of the mus1cal Elllta

In October, 1V talk-s how host J enny J ones testifies dur1ng the M ch1ga n murder tnal of Jonathan SchmitZ. Schmitz was accused of kdhng Scott Amedure. who revealed romantic feehngs for Schm1tz dunng a March 1 99 5 tap1ng of a ·Jenny Jones Show.·

The late Show" host Dav1d Letternar (nght], who had b en h1nt1ng >Jt reuremert re-£1gns h1s contract With CBS, keep1ng him at "The Lflte St>ow" through 2002

Reg•s Phllbn appears With host ROSie 0 Donner on ABC's "The Ros1e 0 Donnell Show • The tal k show, wh1ch premeres 1n 1 996 , ga1ns qwck popular1ty and respect.


In a small secre ceremony on an rsland off the coas of Georgra. John F Kennedy Jr rnames Carolyn Bessette tJ Calvm Klern pubhcrst rn September· Kennedy who dated Bessette for two years had long been consrdered one of the worlds most ehgrble bachelors

Krnnedy are auctioned off n Apn 1996 rnc udrr>g a necklace of srmt..lated peans shown 1n th rs 1962 photograph The fake pearls, valued a $5CXJ to $700. sell for $211 , 5CXJ. bnngrng the auction total to $34 5 mrlhon

New York Yankees far Jeffrey Mar r rnterferes With a fly ball dunng game one of the Arrencan League Champronst>rp Senes on October 9 The hrt rs ruled a home run tyrng the game 4 to 4 r the erghth rnnrng and makmg Marer New Yorks ero for a day

Veterar comedran George Bums dres n March 1996 1ust weeks after reachrng the age of 100 The legendary Bums won an Oscar an Emmy and a Grammy Award rn an rllustnous career datmg back to vaudeville

As a stand agarnst the rnvasron of hrs pnvacy. George Clooney. star of NBCs ER boycotts

Paramounts Er>tertarnnnent Tonrght" after rts srster show Hard Copy" runs unauthonzed footage of the actors pnvate hfe


Tom Quse stars ..., Jeny Millgw"e. a ror1'&1bc comedy about a spinS agent who dea:ias to dw1ge hiS a1d sp5111s the rest m the IT'OR trflng to l"eQQIIWW tws Sl.ICCI!SS. It IS a bi iiWibt• uugh "* for QUse. whoLS l'llll'mlllv dl!paed as aax:ty..._.

To honor- the 2(kh anr.&!!a'/dlts ..,.._, prolb:ar GIKrge l..ucas ISSUeS • Sbr With,_ SfJKIBI eftacts a1d

-6 Scott Adams ' Otlbert, the com1c strip about office politics captures the nation 's 1mag1nat1on In book form , The D1/bert Pnnc1ple becomes a national best-seller

Actors Winona Ryder and Oan1el Day-lewis star 1n Th e Dvclble , wh1ch opens 1n December

The screen adaptlon of Arthur Miller's famous play about the Salem WitCh tnals IS wntten by Arthur Miller himself

Model Brooke Shields [center] moves to 1n NBC's "Suddenly Susan." a sltialm prem1enng 1n September Sh1elds plays a columnist opposite magaztne editor Judd Nelson (far nght]

d• eta Bauaet.. 8 IS aJI'1diban a1d the mAllS.

Sherry Stnngfield, Or Susan on NBC's "ER." leaves the show at the peak of her character's populanty. In her final ep1sode. when Dr. Mark Greene. played by Anthony Edwards. declares h1s love for Susan , the show garners ItS h1ghest ratings ever

generate lUst as much hype. With a fT10V1e already 1n the works

Patnck Stewart (left] and Brent Spmer (nght] star 1n Star Trek. F1rst Contact. a mOVIe featunng characters from the 1V show "Star Trek: The Next Generation •

,..,d.. Academy AwardWtnmng actor Tom Hanks' first effort at du'E!Ctlng receives cntical pra1se when That Thmg You Do!, a mOVIe about the meteonc nse and fall of a 1960s rock band, opens 1n October

Actors Brad Pitt (left) and Jason Patnc star 1n

the1r extraordinary scheme to revenge the abuse they expenenced as boys. The COI)trovers1al mOVIe also stars Dustin Hoffman. Robert De N1ro and Kevm Bacon.

Hunt flee a tomado of awesome proportions 1n Twtster. another summer blockbuster. wh1ch tells the story of storm chasers h1ghly devoted to studying the 1nner workmgs of tomadoes.

ExplosNe spec1al effects nvet aud1ences to thew seats as they watch Independence Day one of summer's blockbuster mOVIes

Bugs Bunny and Ch1cago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan share top b1lhng 1n Space Jam. a partially anwnated feature film tha opens '" late November

Tom Cru e sta n v M SSJon lmposs ble based on the 1960s ond 70s teleVISIOn senes of the saMe name Despite cnucal puti<lowns the mOVIe .s a I'Juge box-office hit

John Lithgow [front nght)

earns both an Emmy and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor 1n a Comedy Senes 1n NBC's "3rd Rock From the Sun." a sit-com about a fam1ly of ahens IMng 1n contemporary Amenca

Amenca's favonte sit-com father. B1ll Cosby. en1oys the success of h1s new CBS show. "Cosby

In January 1997. however, tragedy stnkes as Cosby's son Enn1s IS killed 1n Los Angeles 1n an apparent random robbery



Br1t1sh pop superstars L1ilrr [left) and Noel Gallagher cancel the remalfldrr of a U S c.oncert tot.r r September am1d "llmors that tt>nr band OaSis IS break1ng up DenYJng the reports , the brothers announce they Will release a new olburr 1n the summer of 1997


Folk and blues artiSt Tracy Chapman returns to the scene 1n 1996 with the Gove I 1'\. Me One Reason ." 1 Chapman receNeS five Grammy nominations 1n

DThe Beatles' Anthology 3. the thu-d and album from the reumted rema1n1ng members of the band, IS released 1n November Follow•ng the example of the1r two preVIous antholog•es Anthology 3 sells •n record numbers

January 1997

The artist formerly known as Pnnce releases

Emanapat:KJn , a threehour, three-CO album , on honor of hos release from hos Wamer Bros recordong contract

Gultanst Slash of Guns N' Roses forms hos own band HIS new group , Slash 's Blues Ba • os a SIX-man blues band grounded 1n the bluesbased hard rock of the 1970s

Rocker Sheryl Crow JOins the ranks of musocoans who have had their albums banned from Wei-Mart. The retaol goant CJbtects to a lync a leging that luds each other with guns they obtained from the store

tour With a June 28 concert on Detroit. The tour marks the first time the ong1nal members of the band perform together s1nce 1979

Canad1an pop artist Cehne D1on tops the charts 1n

1996 With the album Falling Into You, wh1ch sells more than 16 m1lhon cop1es worldwtde

After 1D years of separation, members of the band Van Halen are reunited With the1r former lead s1nger, DaVId Lee Roth [nght). at the M1V Video Mus1c Awards 1n September Roth later cla1ms he thought he was reJOining the band. who chose a d1fferent lead s•nger

B aB h"' kg pw an Amencar grufl. ounl.l tours the .J S to prorr otEJ their alburr 31xteen Stone They releos onothe.r cllart-toppmg albtJm Razort:Jiade Surtcase. 1n the Wlnt&

Heavy metal band Metalhca IS the headltmng act for the summer concert Lollapalooza, tradrtmnally an altematiV show Metalhca rema1ns h•ghprofile. w1nn1ng an MlV award for the year's Best Hard Rock Video •n September


No Doubt. fronted by lead s1nger Gwen release5 Trag1c Kmgdorr, wh1ch tnc ludes such as "Just a Gwl Sptderwebs and "Don't Speak

Alan1s Monssette's Jagged LJttle Pill re1gns the charts, becomng the all-time top-selling album by a female artist. Monssette also dominates the 1996 Grammys by Winning four awards. 1nclud1ng Best Album

The hrt: stngle 'Where It's At" k1cks off the new Beck album Odelay. wh1ch 1s

cr1t1cal acclatm Spm magaztne awards Beck Artist of the Year

Counting Crows' second alburr Recovenng the SatelliteS, IS released 1n October The long awaited follow-up to 1993's August and Everythmg After debuts at number one on the charts

George Strait IS honored by the Countlry Mustc Assoctatlon 1n October With three ma1or awardsStngle of the Year for 'Check Yes or No." Album of the Year for Clear Blue Sky and Male Vocalist of the Year

Fourteen-year-<Jid s1ng1ng sensation LeAnn Rtmes 1s l mJmtnated for the Countlry Mus1c Honzon Award after breakthrough success of her stngle "Blue.· The popular new star 1s often compared to countlry mus1c legend Patsy Cline

Ton1 Braxton's second album Secrets. 1s released tn summer 1996 Braxton Wins R&B Smgle of the Year for "Let It Flow" at the Billboard MUSIC Awards In the fall

The mus1c world IS stunned 1n September by the death of rapper Tupac Shakur, k1lled 1n a dnve-by shooting 1n Las Vegas. Speculations as to the killer's motive abound. but the year ends With no answers and no arrests

The New York Yankees Win the World Senes. beating the Atlanta Braves 1n a foui'i)ame sweep , after los1ng the first two games It IS the first senes title for the Yankees s1nce 1978


Tenms pro Pete Sampras WillS the eiQhth grandslam title of hiS career at the U S Open on Steffi Graf wms the U.S Open Women 's title , beatJng Monica Selcs

Pro boxer Mike Tyson loses his Heavyweight Champeon of the World title to Evander Holyfield 1n a NOIIefTlber match Holyfield a fanner t;w()tlme world champeon, reclatmS his title tn the surpnse won Chicago B star Dennis Rodman furthers hiS contro\lerslal reputa00n by kicktng a photographer 1n the grotn dunng a game agatnst the Mtnnesota Timberwolves 1n January 1997 Rodman IS suspended for up to 11 games Without pay, costtng him more than $1 mt1r10n , 1n addition to a $25.0CXl fine to the NBA as we I as a reported $200.0CXl settlement With the photographer

Baltimore Orioles second baseman Roberto Alomar IS suspended for five games, deferred to the 1997 season , when he 5p1ts on an umptre dunng a he ted argument over a questionable call 1n the Naoonal League play-offs Controversy ensues over the lemency of the punishment

Team USA Wlns the World

1 Cup of Hockey. beating Canada 5-2 1n the f1nal E1ght teams from Canada, Europe and the U S parttc1pate 1n the World Cup , wh1ch replaced the Canada Cup

Twenty-year-<Jid golfing

1 phenom Eldnck "Tiger Woods tums pro 1n August. maktng the transition from exceptional amateur golfer to well-endorsed profess1onal , 1nclud1ng a deal with N1ke worth an estimated $40 m1llion

Race car dnver Terry Labonte

Wins NASCAR's Winston Cup champ1onsh1p With a total of 4 , 657 po1nts after fin1sh1ng fifth 1n the final race the Napa 5CXJ. at the Atlanta Motor Speedway

Led by quarterback Brett Favre, the Green Bay Packers beat the New England Patriots 35-21 1n Super Bowl XXXI at the Lou1s1ana Superdome. It IS the Packers' first Super Bowl s1nce 196B

,d. Paul M olitor of the Minnesota TWins becomes the 21st player 1n ma1or league h1story to reach 3 CXXJ career htts The m1lestone 1s reached 1n Septem b er, when Molitor tn ples aga1nst Kansas Ctty Royals rookte pitCher Jose Rosado

Olymp1c SWimmer Tom Do lan ca ptures another gold for the U S. as he Wins the 4CD-meter 1ndMdual medley on July 21 Dolan Wins With a Orne of 4 14 90

Minnesota TWins star centerfielder K1rby Puckett announces h1s retirement from baseball 1n July. A senous eye a1lment forces Puckett to up the game, but he manages to ma1nta1n h1s upbeat attitude at press conferences and

TheUS women's gymnasbcs team takes the gold at the Summer OlympiCS Kem Strug, second from nght. IS the hero1ne of the competition. land1ng her f1nal vault despite a dislocated left ankle

US SWimmer 1 Amy Van Dyken Wins the women's 1OOmeter butterfly event at the Oymp1c Games With a orne of 59 13 seconds Van Dyken Wins a total of four golds

April 1996 marks the '::::r 1roh runn1ng of the BostDn Marathon More than 3B,CDJ contenders partiCipate

The ChiCago Bulls Win their fourth NBA champ1onsh1p 1n SIX years as they defeat the Seattle SuperSoniCS 1n game SIX of the NBA

Jean Dnscoll (front nght] of the U S takes the s1lver 1n the women·s BOOmeter wheelcha1r race, a demonstraoon sport, at the Summer Olympics Dnscoll, severH'.Ime Winner of the Boston Marathon. reores at the end of 1996, after settlng several world records dunng her career

Basketball star Shaqudle O'Neal Jumps from the Orlando Mag1c to the Los Angeles La ers 1n July The deal 1s the nchest 1n NBA h1story. paYing O'Neal $120 mllhon over 7 years



Helpong consumers maontaon pnvacy, marketers promote home AIDS tests

Consumers draw their own blood and then send ot away to be tested confidentially

Advancing technology means more options on telephones , oncluding Caller ID, whoch becomes more common than ever in 1996 The display unit allows people to see the name and number of their caller before even answerong the phone

Authors Ellen Feon and Sheme Schneoder release The Rules, a controversial manual teachong women strategoes for getting a man to propose mamage While the book draws eroticism from both sexes , it os a best-seller

The U S Postal Service ossues stamps commemorating Hanukkah the first nonChrostlan rehgoous holiday ever featured on a stamp

Casual Frodays become more and more wodespread on Amerocan work culture BuSinesses allow employees who normally dress on profesSional clothing at work to wear more comfortable , casual clothong on Fridays

A "Sesame Street" stuffed t:J:Jy causes panoc among holiday shoppers Tickle Me Elmo sells out on st:J:Jres natlonwode and has shoppers fighting over scarce onvent:J:Jry and payong hundreds of times the roy's value

A _ The My Twonn Doll Company offers ondiV!dually crafted dolls that replicate, firom a phot:J:J , the eye color, haor and facoal features of a IMng gort Each doll comes woth two matchong outfits, one for the doll and one for the owner.

Naol pohsh colors get darker and funkrer Deep browns and blues are popular forms of expressoon and style

Dosney's 101

Dalmatians rnsprres an avalanche of promotional merchandose, filling st:J:Jres With spotted t:J:Jys , backpacks , games and other odds and ends

The bevera ondustory ontl"oduces a new concept-bottJed water woth caffeone

One bottJe of the uncarbonated wato contaons as much caffeone as one cu r of coffee




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