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DIE HARD F S! Beth Hoe!, Cate Lenhart , Jackie Walker, Erika Pasqualetti, Catherine Richard, icole Hank, Kim Thomas, Emily Esses , and Morgan Segraves gather for a hot after the Bishop' Cup Juniors Morgan Segraves and Emily Esse aid " we really enjoyed the game and we were excited for th f otball team ' s 44-0 victory ." icole Hank said " Ramon Berna com played like a beast. "

THIRSTY? Sophomore Mike Ballinger fills up before a vigorou game Mike ay , "I u e all my best efforts in all my games so my favorite thir t quencher is fruit punch gatorade "

COOL! G OFF! Fre hmen Joe Bauer and Sarah Krall try to cool off during the hotter months by standing in front of the portable cooler in the cafeteria STUDENT UFE


Junior Emily E course!" ay "Going to Mr. Pohl's clas of

Junior Jacque Chacon ay "All the opportunities that come my way, all the door are open. In high school I can achieve anything."

Junior Alice Fox thinks the be t part of being a student is "the daily interaction with teacher and fellow students."

Senior Nicole Hank says the best part of being a student is being involved in port and a variety of activities. Another great incentive is having fun with your friends, your social life is a big aspect in your high school career.

Freshman Michael Krick says he enjoys the small school atmosphere, and the idea of knowing everyone. He could probably name half of the school.

THREE AMIGOS! Jonathan Penley, Casey Ryan, and Andrew Lebowitz are enjoying their lunch period together, Jonathan looks especially thrilled to be haring his time with Ca ey and Andrew Senior Ca ey Ryan says "I look at Jonathan all the time and the only thing I can ay to him is, you the man!"

SMILES FOR EVERYONF Heather D1xon , Marsha Hart , Brian Murphy, Bnan Scannell, Stephame Ana Calderon, all 9a ther around for a group pose. Senior Debbie Castillo I m so exc1ted that 1! s my or year, but I m also sad because I' ll miss my fnends and the good Bnan Scannell w1th Debb1e and says, "T he one thing I'll mis; 15 all the gr at fnends I ve made

How involved are you at Seton?

52 % of the students say they are somewhat involved. Sophomore Jessica Acedo says " It's hard to be really involved with o much going on, I try to help out when I can."

22 % of the student ay they are not involved at all.

Junior Jame Ryan says ' 'I'm not involved , I never do anything."

26 % of the students say they ar really involved. Senior Nicole Hank says " I think high school is the time to be involved ."

GO SENTI ELS! Spirited young Freshmen Lauren Mickle and Alayn Seminara paint the picture red and gold. Lauren says " the football games were a lot of fun, the team did really well, they brought m a sens of chool pride ."

FRIE ' OS FOREVER Seniors Dora Lorenzen and Teri Kowalczyk say, "c heese" to the camera. Ten ays " Dora 1s smokm'," and Dora just smiles and says "Te n makes me laugh ."

FRESHME ARE HERE Freshmen Chris Bennet and Enc Hatty enjoy their lunch break. Eric say , " Being at Seton i different, everything is new , it's really exciting to be in high school."

ALL FOR 0 E AND 0 E FOR ALL! Juniors Katie Placido, Angie Hauber, and Lori Wolf take on the un elfi h motto of the three mu keteers Angie says " Seton ha been really great becau e of my friends like Katie and Lori ." STUDENT


Cowboy Up

LOOKING Back On The Memories.

You ' re Probably a Redneck

If You stand under the m1stl toe at hristmas and watt for Granny and cousm Su -Ellen to walk by

Your brother-in -law IS your unci

The first words out of your mouth every time you see fri nds are " Howdy! " " Hey 1" or " How Y ' all Domg ?" (If they respond with the sam they ' r a redneck too!)

You think that the styrofoam cooler is the greatest invention of all time

You look upon a family reunion as a chance to meet ' Ms Right'.

You go to a tupperware party for a haircut.

Your Junior/Senior Prom has a Daycare.

Jack Oani Is makes your list of "most admired people"

You have to cratch your sisters name out of th message : " for a good time call ", becaus you feel guilty about putting it there .

Your dad walks you to chool because you are both in th same grade

Someone in your family ay " Cum ' n in heer an ' lookit this afore I flu hit. "

You participate in the " who can pit tobacco the farthe t conte t."

If the fifth grade is referred to a " your senior year ."

Three quarter of the clothe you own hav LOGOS on them

Your gene pool doesn't have a " deep end ".

Your belt buckle weighs more than three pound.

You own more cowboy boots than neaker

You have a picture of Johnny Ca h , Willi elson , or Elvis over your fireplace . ACADEMICS

REJE TIO Lon Wolf and Jo nathan Murphy dance toge ther at the dan ce. " We had fun," they say but it looks like Jo nathan 1s trymg to get a httle too close. CLASS GATHER! G. Many of the juniors get together at Western ight to capture the moment on camera The dance wa a success with over 100 students coming to the first event of the year. The juniors wanted to take the picture with Star Studios, but they couldn't get everyone together b for Star I ft.

CO CE TRA TI G. Alonzo Reyes is trying to teach everyone the Alonzo Two St p, or maybe he's just trying to learn it hims If.

A HY BREAKY Sean Aryn Semmara, Sherry Thibaudeau, Bobby Martin, Meredith Coland athan Knck enjoy at the 3rd annual '\I H.S. Western ight. The electnc shde was one of the many dances taught that night. It hke Mered1th 1s really having a lot of fun.

LI E DANCI G. Krista Cunningham , Donme Thibeadeau, Sarah Washburn, Valerie Wagner, and Katie Doherty, are set for the next line dance. Freshmen Christine Moore and Nikki MaCias ar trying their own lin dance on the ide. This is the only dance of the year held in the cafetena, but 1t w1ll probably have to move to the gym next year 1f more people come. It was perfect and not too crowd d

DOl ' THE TWIST Jacque Chacon and David Vasquez practice th ir dancmg skills whil Becky Regalado watches oth dance. Jacque ays, " Thanks David, I had fun learnmg the twist. "

WATCH. Josh Krall watches tho e in front of h1m hopmg to get th steps down, Fre hmen Evita lsip looks like she' got it down.

Outside LOOK

What Are Seton Students To Do?

TASTE TESTER. Sophomore Monica Almendarez checks to s if anyon ts looking as she sneaks a hard boiled egg out of the salad bar at Fry's. Monica said, " I just wanted to make sure th y wer fresh."

0 E S OOP OR TWO ? Freshman Katte Holland gets the chance of a lifetime to imitate a Baskin Robbms employee, with an authentic 31 flavors visor! Katie said, " It was a great experience."

Junior Jackie Walker said, " I love the onion bagel be t, b cau e it makes my br ath o fresh! "

J nnie Pearson aid, " My favorite flavor is lemon, but it is never there, I guess it's the 32nd flavor!"

Anthony Ros aid, "I go there to get Powerade to quench my thirst before the football games.

Si ter Rachel almo t always orders the quarter pounder, hold the cheese, at McD's.

IT'S MOLDY! Freshman Alayn Seminara looks at the Fry's deli election. Alayn laughs at the limy green undistinguishable " food" item Alayn ays, "I can't believe omeone would actually buy thi ."

CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP! Junior Jen Ba tian grin as she looks at the low price of this dress Jen aid , "Wow, now I'll have enough money to buy matching hoes! "


DEEP THOUGHTS WITH BECKY Juntor Becky Regalado starts talking wtth Don Whitlock, a Fry's hopper. Becky said, "There are a lot of friendly people in the world and if we all take a minute to stop and say 'HELLO,' we might make a new friend."

LOVE BITES. Freshmen Mike Galvez and Ryan Littrell show their appr ciation for one another by interlocking arm and taking a bite out of their cinnamon raisin bagels at Bagel o h.

DO YOU LIKE IT? Junior Kim Piowar y holds up a t-shirt for the camera's approval.

HMM, CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? Freshman Li a Brancroft troll down the aisle of Fry' and top as he notices these delicious looking cake Gee, if only he had $15.99 he could buy one of tho e crumptiou looking cakes! But she still has to decide if he want cherrie , whip cream, ice cream cones, chocolate shavings, colored sprinkles, or oreo cookie on her cake.

STOP! I EED TO GET OFF! Sophomore Radey Thomp on rides th city bu home everyday after chool. It allows her time to ocialize with her friend who al o ride the bus. But most of all the Seton bu rider are concerned about their environment and he doe the be t he can to pre erve the earth, de pite the fact that there is a foul odor permeating throughout the rectangular bu .


LOOKS llilarious

Freshmen Have Fun On Initiation

Top Look

1. T.J. Chacon

2. an Young

3. Alayn minara

4. Todd Husson

5. Charlie Bolig

Looking Ahead

"I will make my Fre hmen do Chine fire drill on the way to chool," ay Fr hman Elizab th Ore.

"I will dress them all in green and make them have a ign that ay : A k me to do the Irish jig," says AmyMone.

"I will have them dress up as a cow and sing old McDonald," say Carmen Rojo.

"I will make them do the thing they fear the mo t," ay Matt Pendelton.

"I will mentally car th m for life. They will have nightmares about me," ay Michael Krick.

"If the rule weren't o strict, I would tie them to the flagpole, and make them dre s sleazy to ell their body," ay Bud Mei ter.

PUSH THE PE Y Freshm n Brooke Wilkins, Lisa Bankroft, and Sarah Briggs show their good sport manship by doing what their seniors asked of them " This hurts my no e ," cries Brooke GROOVY . Veronica Stover expresses her love for good music. Like many other Freshmen he had to carry a sign with h r throughout th entire day .

MOTOW 1 Ben Dubasik geh down dunng Freshmen tmhation along with Mario Bernasconi Mtchael Mayers looks on, " I hope that they will just forget about me, " he says

MO KEYI G AROU D. Molly Hardesty, T.J. Chacon, and Charlie Bolig had a lot of fun at lunch when they modeled their costumes. "I thought it wa really neat, because we let the seniors dress us up and through that we now have a relationship with them, " says T.J.

FU ? Chris Bennett is waiting for his turn along with Eric Hatty to perform in front of the chool. Chris i a little nervou , but knows he' got to do what he's got to do "I had a great time making a fool out of myself," says Eric


CIIEESF . (to the nght) MKhl>lli.' l'inkava w1th her slave owner Alice Fox while all up for Senior Slave Day. " It wa., a lot of fun. I thought .,he looked cool in her groovy httle outfit, " says Alice

APPEAL! G. (far above) Jason Bastian is wide awake this ' morning and is glad he got up early for this wonderful day. "I enjoyed Senior Slave Day even though it was humiliating. Thank you and have a nice day," says Jason.

MIME. Alonzo Reyes is looking for omething, or maybe he i ju t table dancing. Student other than Fre hmen participated in enior lave day by purchasing Alonzo. Jennifer Pearson and Chris Majoue stand and enjoy the event. "Dance for us Alonzo," ays Chris. It is rumor that Alonzo sang Seton's fight ong while dancing on a desk during study hall. a. It is also heard that he was offered money by a faculty member. Could it be true?

HAVING F Seniors Annie Ko isky and Teri Kowalczyk how their good chool spirit while participating in Senior Slave Day. "Were schmokin'! Let' go find us some hothes," proclaim Teri.

Top Looks

1. Sean Piccola

2. Chris Gaeta

3. icole Hank

4. Michelle Pinkava

5. Heather Dixon

Looking Back

"I had to kate down th sid walk in a 60's outfit with a big poking flower pin that made me bleed," say Junior Cry tal Harde ty.

"I had to dr in polyester crude," ay Sophomore Amy Arenar

"They put a monkey around my neck, balloon· in my hair, and nappy make-up," say Sophomore Monica Almendarez.

"I wa the fruit of the loom grapes except I wa green. My least favorite color is gr en. I had to wear underwear on my head and balloon on my clothe ," ay Senior Meli a Matthew

"I had to wear a andwich board and they prayed me with 'E clamation' o I tunk all day," ay Sophomore Katie Doherty

LOOKS Spirit Week In Disguise STUDENT UFE (VJ


LOOK This Over

They Packed All This In One Week!



LOVE SENIORS. Freshman Kelly Travis, wearing a green and pink dress with orange and gray socks, and a very fashionable brown bag, proudly stands up in the middle of class to proclaim her love for Seniors. Freshmen class voted for Kelly Travis and Sean Young as their Homecoming attendants. Sophomores voted for Rosa Bernasconi and Geoff Smitham as their Homecoming attendants. The Junior class Homecoming Attendants are Beth Hoel and Tony Mahlmeister. The school voted for icoie Hank and Ramon Bernasconi as their Homecoming Queen and King.
BURN, BABY BURN! Supportive Seton Sentinel fans sit on top of the Chandler Fire Department Truck and watch the Bonfire where the cheerleaders got the students' spirits up for the Homecoming game. A CLASSIC CAR. Kim Thomas lent her car to the Senior class. Though their colorful paint was a great touch, Aryn Seminara said, "It was a pain to get the paint off of the windows especially since Kim was being so picky!"

1, 2, SENIORS WE RULE! The Seton Football team geh motivated at the pep rally prior to the Homecoming game where they beat Valley and made II to state! The Senior Football players will be missed.

HE'S BACK! Br. Dan Casey make an appearance at our pep rally where he pre ents Mr. Majoue with a plaque from the Christian Brothers. ARTIST. Ari Eagan helps paint po ters for her class wall.

MUSCLE MAN. Adam Boyle di plays hi mega buff body at the Senior Auction. De pite his enticing offer he only sold for $20.00. Adam said, "I should of gone for $1,000,000 with a body like this."

THIS BUD'S FOR YOU. Fre hman Andrew "Bud" Meiter is lifted up into the air and supported by Eric Magne and Matt Mayo, during the Powder Puff game where the Senior/Sophomore girls beat the Junior/Fre hmen girls.

WILD FANS. Ben Dubasik (left), Zach Dubasik, David McDonald, and Matt Wilhelm show their dedicated school spint by pamtmg their bodies our school colors spelling out SCHS at the Homecoming game.

We Got The LOOK

10 20

SURVEY this pie graph shows the results of the survey taken by students on their favorite clothing store. 21 % Dillards, 20 % Millers Outpost, 10 % The Gap, 9 % Pacific Sunwear, 5 % Limited

Senior Kristen Merlenbach says, " Shop the Gap they have groovy clothes!"

Sarah Corral] comments, " I love Millers Outpost because they have clothes that fit and are in style! "

Senior Adam Boyle says, " I like Dillards because they have Ralph and Tommy clothes!"

" Goodwill, Family Thrift, and Savers is the place to shop! "

Comments Sophomore Mike Sullivan

H A G T IM E. Fres hm e n Jocelyn Ohland Ryan Li ttre ll al o n g w ith m a n y o th e r s tu dents, love to take a d va nt age of Bu ck -A-Jea n s Day. Joce lyn says, " Bu ck-A-Jea n s Day is a g rea t excuse to go s h o ppin g!" Rya n jus t ge ts sick of th e same o ld clot h es eve ry sin g le d ay.
At Seton We Dress In Style
STUDENT UFE HI ! H e ath e r Fe rri s g ree ts u s all with h e r fri e ndl y s mil e S h e is a ll dr esse d up fo r th e las t h o m e vo ll ey ba ll g am e a t Th e Br oa dw ay Rec rea ti o n a l Ce nt e r IKES , NIKES , IKES Will w e ever get enough ? Nike s can make a fa s hion statement for girls and guy s with any outfit! The fad here at SCHS is to w e ar black ike socks pulled up to their knees with ike s hoe s. Some say the basketball players s tarted the fad with their black ike socks " They look really s harp and if you want to be co o l they're the number o ne thin g to wear, " proclaim s a Nike wearer.

WHAT'S UP? Senior Krista Cunningham, along with many other students wears her uniform with style. She take_ time out of her busy day to talk to her boyfriend on the phone.

KILLER lOOKS Kelly Travi'> and Janina heedy

"What are you looking at?" freshmen girb take a break between classes to chat about all the fine guys at school.

WHOA! Sophomore Andrew shows his tyle in clothing; even though it is a little different from everyone elses. "So what, I don't shop at the Gap. Shoot me!"

c, TRll-..1: A POSE-
The Semor-. -.trike a po-.e, Bryan Scannel, \llar-.ha Hart, 1'\Icole Hank, Marie Lillo, Annie Kosisf..y and Brian Murphy. Brian Murphy 'hope., to make this last year memorable," by hangmg out with friend-. and having fun. TALKING A WALK. Ryan Littrell and Jennifer Pitts take a troll to Fry's after chool to buy an Ieee at the deli.


Bnough To Bat ... Mmm Mmmm!

Are You What You Eat???

Do you bring your lunch or do you dine at the Seton Cafe?

31 % Bring their lunch

61 % Seton Cafe

8 % Say they do both

8 0% Favorite Five!!

Popular Entrees of the Seton Cafe.

1. Pizza

2. Candy/Soda

3. Pizza Pocket

4. achos

5. Pretzels·

LU CH IN THE AFETERIA. Many people don ' t like to wait in line for lunch, so they either bring their own or just sit inside until the lin goes down. Lauren Mickle and Mollie Hardesty look like some of the many waiting for their food.

Brown Sack Snacks

1. Peanut Butter and Jelly

2. Candy

3 Leftovers

4. Cookie,

5. Lunchables

SOCIAL TIME. Many things other than eating take place during lunch. It is a time to take a break from school. sit down on a blanket and laugh at someone's picture. Erika Pasqualetti and Michelle Pinkava.

LU CH LI E For tho e who don't mind waiting a while the lunch line can be a very intere ting place. Be ides trying to decide on what you are going to buy you can meet new people and enjoy intere ting conversations.

THE SU IS 0 T TODAY! Senior Sean Sylvester uses his sunglasses to shield the glaring sun. There are many places to eat lunch on campus Some of them are more colorful than others


A PIC. I Eating lunch, Sarah Moor , Ramon B }O)O Howard, Eric Jason Brian Fazto, and Ken Early have it made m the shade SETO CAFE. There are many snacks to choo e from at the Seton Cafe. Here Danny Me ann checks out the nachos. }tm broken arm doesn ' t htm down while eatmg lunch' He and Eric Hatty are en)oymg the ptua sold by parenb club on Friday LET'S EAT Carmen ROJO responds to the cheese with a smile while Stephame Olah responds with a chip
TODA Y'S SPECIAL. Brian Murphy and Bryan Scannell pick. up a nice hot bowl of chili and a plate of todays p cia!, nacho upreme.

That Salsa


What do you enjoy most about SALSA?

"The SALSA di cusions, and it i a break from cia Freshman Ryan Littrell.

"I don't have to do alot of work." RyAnn Rodriguez, sophomore.

"What I like mo t about SALSA i that I don't have to do anything that takes alot of concentration."

Junior Jackie Walker.

"It gives me time to do the homework I didn't feel like doing at home. My SALSA family i my second family and my family is at home, so technically I'm doing my homework at home!"

Josh Powers, senior.

"Listening to Mr. Pole's funny jokes."

Annie Kosisky, enior

"I enjoy chit-chatting with friend at SALSA." Greta Shagea, sophomore

"I like SALSA because I got to be with my friends." Sarah Moreno, sophomore

CAT GOT YO R TO CUE Sitting, looking aimlessly into the camera sits Sophomor s Katie Myers and Mandt Men-endez. As you can e Katie 1s also showing off her colorful band-aid she has put on her ouchie

a qu1 k but sincere

also shows us his own mterpretah o n of

S ACK ATTACK. S nior Kim Thomas, Sophomore Andrew Lebowitz, and Junior Eric Phlugfelder munch on some food before they head to their next class. A king Sophomore Ali Gunning what she thought of this picture, all sh could ay is "every-one's feeding Andrew! "

dres code SAY HEESE. This phrase seems to come easily to Freshman Mike Klemens, Sophomore Heather Ferris, and teach r Mr. Fraher, as they sit chatting and laughing about th "SALSA subj ct" for the day and other topic .

CALM, COOL, COLLECTIVE Mr Coo l, otherwi-.e known as Dave Kujawski, st o ps hi SALSA
ha1r , and g ives our photographer
smile Dave

VOLLEYBAt 1 OUT! G. Emily Esses, Lisa Wang ler, Klm Thomas, and the rest of the Varsity Volleyball team went to the AWA to see the U.S.A. Mens Volleyball team play.

GOLFING. During the summer, Mr. Clinch, Mr. Anthony, and Mr. Pohl took a day trip to the golf course. Mr Clinch said " W e aren't very good; well Mr. Anthony wasn't."

RID! G. Jacque Kochis practicing her barrel racing. "It involve more than it seems, it involves a lot more than just riding a horse around a couple of barrels. "


Take A LOOK At These Sentinels


Ramiz Audi: "I play the saxophone."

Dave Kujawski, Chris Barker, and James Ryan: " We have a band called ' Hot Monkey Love'. "

Lori Wolf: "I spent most of my summer swimming on a swim team."

Shannon Brown: "I do gymnastics and got a full ride scholarship to Missouri."

Jessa Wright: " I do Judo. "

Teri Kowalczyk : "I play on a year round softball team. "

Erin Day: "I play on a year round volleyball team. "

John Sullivan: " I have played the piano for many years and I have composed my own music."

HUNT! G. David McDonald kneeling next to an elk he shot. " It 's a lot of hard work but it all pays off."
I·· I· r

LOOK Who's Going Out And Having Fun!

What arc our favorite thing to do on the weekends? Most students aid that they just liked to hang out. enior can Piccola' favorite hangout i a coffee shop.

Junior Amy La h likes to do whatever is going on as long as he's interested, like going to the movie , events, fairs, or parties. Erika Pasqualetti's favorite place to hang out is at O.J. Spctz' hou c. Freshman Michael Poulsen likes just to watch V and play ports during the weekend. On my weekends I usually go ______ My favorite place to go out

The people I u ually go out with are _______

My mo t memorable experience of going out during the 1995/1996 year i

M HAS GRACIAS SE OR. Seniors Mark H inze and Mark Haen are getting ready to do the Mex1can Hat Dance. Mark Haen says, " Things can tend to get goofy wh n everyone goes out on the weekend."

LET THEM EAT CAKE! Juniors Wendi Davis and Tiffany Hackett got really into partying. Tiffany says, " We were just messing around and th n xt thing I knew we were having an all out cake fight."

SMILE PRETTY (Top) Freshman Laura Prob meets with a family fri nd after a dinner part\ Laura says, "T he we kends are great, it's th• only time I can really relax ."

IGHT LIFE JAMAICA STYLE. (Middl ) Jun ior Amy Lash gathers with friends and the party! Amy says, " I went on a cruise and th weekend are ten times hott r in Jamaica ." THE LOVE OF LICK. Junior Raul Vargas is ou at a football gam , where he sits and ch er from the stands. Raul says, " I just wanted t• know If you wanted m to lick your face."


'SHI E:. (,!Rl. (Top) Freshman Laura Probst went to Michigan, and vis1ted Petoskey State Park and Beach. [aura says, ·I love summer hme bt·cauw I go to !'vltChigan and visit all my family and lnends

ATURF GIRLS (Bottom) Kmten \1erlenbach, Sarah \1oore, and Anme Kosisky '>pent some ttme together Sarah says, We went on a retreat, it was a lot of fun."

I 0\ 1'\(, SISTf·RS. (Top) S1stt•rs t\rvn St•mmara and Alayn St•mtnMa played in the dunng the month ot june. Aryn (who 1s pictured on top of this snow battle) says, "After she nailed mt· wtth il couple of snowballs I dec1dt•d to revolt ilnd tackle her tn tht• snow " l 0\11'\G SE:.'\IORS. (Bottom) Senwrs D.J SpelL, Chad Young, \1ike Schweinberg, and l'at Woobey went on retrt•itl. Chad savs, 'On that retreat I reali/t·d that platomc loH' could between two men."

V\'lwrl' d 1d vou gt' O\'l'r \'OUr '>Umnwr \ aCclhttn? I '>lU denh .,,ll(i !hilt they JU'>l went to Ctltfornlil Others trcl\Tied cl further dl'>tanct• ilWil\' junIOr Hn,tn Balchumils \\:t•nt to Okl,thomct, TeXilS, ilnd \•\\ :O..k IW Sophomore jenmft•r Ptth went to \\'ilsh1ngton St,ttt• ,tnd then to Dl..,lll'dand St• n1or 1: n c ka r sq ua Ito t t 1 went to Furopc. Cousms Sectn l'1ccol,l ctnd Ryan G1bnt')' '>pent '>omt• t1me in Chicaglt ot ,til of us hild the summer of a IJ felt me a lot of student.. spt•nt their time at the1r '>Ummer JOb, trnng to eclrll cl ltttlt• extr,t Ccl'>h Dunng the summer, Junior \!organ Segnt\'L'' wt•nt to summt•r school tlwn to work, she '•1\''-. "I got ,tht·.td 1n mv educcltlon cl nd L'cl rtll'd il lot oi mone\·, but bt•s1dt''- th,tt, summer \\'il's JUSt It kl• ,1 nv other dav." Semor Bn.tn Murphy alsti spt•nt h1s morn1ng., at summer school. Bn,tn s,ws, "I went broke tht• first wt•i•k I had no norm.tl clltlhes to wear." For ,1 lot of studenh summt•r mL'ollll '>ee1ng filmtly illld frtt•nds \\ ho thev usuallv dpn't '-L'l' tOll oftL•n Frt•shman Lau r.t Prob't went to \ hchlgan ttl \'I'll illl her t,lmth· and fnt•nd-.. junl()r Emtlv Esses wt•nt to her homettH\'11 111 Caltfl,rma tn \'JSJt filmtlv and fnt•mh jumnr }ilckte \\'alker cl \\'L'ek at il famJ!y rL'UiliOil. jackte Scltd, "The reunwn wets cool becilust• I tn Sl'l' some ot mv coustn'> who I ha\ t•n't seen I was littk." Dunng summer cl Itt! of studt•nts lnnk forwctrd to -.It•t•ptng 111. junior }ilmt•s Ry.tn .,,11d th,tt nn il good da\' ht•'d bt• 111 bed ttl! oll ka't llllllll Summt•r I'> tht• tJlliL' wlwn -.tudents can rl'l.t and spL'nd hme 111 the sun St•nttH '\tcnle Hank s.ttd th,tt summl'r g.H'L' her somt• sun l ll11L' tn wnr k on her tan. During till' summer of 1995 I trilvl'IL'd to m\' com ntnn-. wt•rt• \lv nHl'>l mt•nwrilble expenenci..• ll\'c•r tht• summt•r ,,.,, On .t norm.tl dot\' tlf -.umnwr \ .tcatwn I \\'cl'> mo'ot llkt•lv tn

BO Y W O DE R. A nni Ko is k y, Be th H oe l, a nd Kn s te n M e rl enb ac h c uddl e d up with Batm a n 's m a in si d e lJ c k Ro bi n, a t ni ve rsa l S tud ios. Be th says, " W e we nt with o ur c h u rc h yo uth gro up, I h a d a lo t of fu n."
Over Summer Vacation! YBER BOY. S upe r hum a n A n d rew H e n che n LOOK t I D .d wen t to Sa n 0 1 go w h re h e tr i d VIrtu a l real it y. a 1 And rew says, "T h e wea th e r was m ce a n d th peop le we r wei rd." H e a lso no ted th at yo u s h o ul d check out h is keen tan line. _

LOOK At These Amigos.

I met my best friend, when I was in grade . We have been friends for ___ years weeks and days . One of our favorite things to do in our spare time is ---,---·Something that my best friend has done that made me really angry was Fortut;1ately, we made up and have shared lots of good times since, one of which was

One of the things my best friend and I talk about most often is have embarrassed each other and ourselves many times. Our most embarrassing experience was when we

Although we embarrassed ourselves at we still like hanging out there. Our craziest stunt we ever pulled was when we --------------..,.--· Our favorite movie is Starring _______ and We prefer movies with stars that have good looking _____ We love to listen to kind --------------:-of music, our favorite artist is ___________ We've been through it all and still managed to stay BEST FRIENDS.


ROCK 0 .Junior., Chris Barker, James Ryan , and Dave Kujawski sit comfortably and cool under a tree a., they eat their lunch

As you can see Chris and James seem to be showing us their wild side while Dave looks and ponders about the world around him

"PEACE." Quoted by Kri s Coleman, sta nd s a lo n g side fe ll ow co mpadre Laura d e Bruy cke r. Laura lea n s, smi les, and gives a friendly hu g toward Kri s. Coleman receives th e hu g and re turn s thi s friendly ges tur e by g rinnin g a nd s h ow in g u s s h e is for peace in the world.

WHAT UP? (top) Friends Brian Sca nn e ll a nd Bri an Murphy give a friendly s mil e t oward the ca m e ra Murphy comme nts " Faster th an a speet:Jing bullet, ab le to I ap ta ll buildings in a sing le bounc , I'm Sup rman." Scannell points and says ''I' ll s h ow you my paper! "

TOO CUTE. (middle) Junior assie C h avez and Sophomore Brianne B nevento kick back a nd r e lax af te r ea tin g a good, wholesome meal from our very own cafete ri a. We asked Brianne why Welches grape soda was picked to wash down h er lun ch, she r plied " It 's just tasty."

ROOM FOR ALL. (bottom) In to clos for comfort, Mark handler, Lisa Caud r on, Lynn Martinez, Laura Pflugfelder, and Ox avarro gather round for a quick snapshot. All Mark can say is " Where ' s Michelle?"

Best Friends


At Long Last, Seton Gets Its Gym.

BROKE\. DREA.\IIS. As the new year opens, the devastation of the gym h1ts hard Thankfully, the Seton community 1s able to come together during thi time of cnses "It's really a shame that there are people out there who could do this to our school," Jeremy Figgins, sophomore comments.

"IT'S 0 E BIG FLO R." Taking 30 rolls of masking tape and 70 hours, Mr. Ference paint the markings on the new gym floor. He maintain a en e of humor, saying, "I don't want to paint the football field, and I don't ever want to do it again."

AT LAST. "The freshmen class i very lucJ,y to have a gym before they graduate," according to freshman Evita !sip. After years of dreaming, fund raising, and planning, it's finally here.

What's the be t thing about finally having a gym?

"I don't have to run the mile outside." Jennifer Pitt , ophomore

"The wre tling room." Brian Balchuma, junior

"It fills the empty pace!" Ca ie Chavez, junior

"The pretty color " Shannon Brown, enior

"Having a place to call 'home'." Mr. eufeld, teacher

"Being able to have rna there." Erin Duma, fre hman

" ot having to u e other schools." Katie Barker, freshman

"Big room to do things." Augie Falzarano, junior

"The dances." ick Enzweiler, freshman

"It make u eem like a real chool." Emily Krauss, senior

"We don't have torearrange the cafeteria for everything and we ee game at home." Joanna Henry, freshman

BCil DJ, c Ul' G1ving up hall-., workmg after -.chnol and on weekend-., many -.tudenh in mass g1ve
the gym.
of hours as they help build
"I have no comment. I was drafted," remarks Junior Ben Reismger on h1s Involvement.

A Time To LOOK

A Place To Come Nome To

TEACHERS MAKE GREAT SLAVES' year marks the first teacher auction. Pictured is Mrs. Koye in her lovely ensemble, coming back from the copper drive. Mrs. Koye " I didn ' t care who bought me as long as it wasn ' t Chris Gaeta."

SE lOR SI'ORT STUDS. Semors Chad Young and Sean l'iccola support their sports teams. porb day provided the opportunity to off their favorite teams. Chad said, "Sports day was cool.

During Coming Home Week a lot of acllvltie took place. Two of the most publicized event were the student vs. teacher basketball and voile) ball games. The ot the basketball game teachers w1th 37 pomts and With 24. the volleyball game the teachers .,cored 15 pomt and the students 11. unfortunately, the teache" won both games, but not easily, the students put up a hard fight. One day we shall overcome.

COMFY LUN H. Angela Fox, Monica Almendarez, Stephanie Syboanae Sabori, and Pam Wen. nmacher enjoy their lunch dressed comfortably. Angela Fox says, It IS mce to come to school m clothe\ that I usually workout in." Comfy day was a favorite of everyone.

THE MA Teacher slave day provides students with some serious pay back. Casey Ryan is with Mr. Majoue as he's being auctioned.

GO BIG RED! Josh Powers, dressed in red says, ' wear red just to support the Girls Basketball team." Many students chose to wear red and to at· tend the games at America West Arena.


Sentinels Stnve For The main event of Commg Home Week was the and final games of both girls and boys basketball. Here the girls are getting a pep talk at the quarterfinab from Coach Karen Self While the gJrls listen carefully, Michelle Hall seems to think this game is in the bag.

COMFY? Angie Hauber, Jackie Walker, Katie Placido , Brice Rhee , and Lori Wolf enjoy being comfortable. " I was so excited when I heard I could wear my sweats to school!" says Angie. SPORTS DAY. Beth Hoe!, Mr. Pohl , and Tony Mahlmeister show their favorite sports team shirts. " I wear my Cowboys jersey to show off my Cowboy spirit." says Beth. Sean Sylvester and Aryri' Seminara Ryan Wangler and Kim Piowarsy Francis Zovko and Jacque Kochis
Ben Dubasik and Cassie Castorena


THE BODY OF C HRI ST. Fat h er C lements consecrat s the hos t du ring a school mass. Fathe r C lements is a well respected p riest around here at SCHS, and he is liked by many st u dents and teachers. The Eucharist grasps everyo n es' a tt en tion because it is the focal point of our mass and our fai t h.


Thoma s O ' Brien pr es ide s at the fir s t ma ss in the gy m with u s. Se ni o r Marie Lill o co mm e nt s, " Havin g Bi s h o p O ' Brien a t


He Said, She Said . .. He said, " I e njo y go in g to rna because it forms unity within the sch o ol. " Adan Boyle , Senior .

She said, " I like mass because it take s a way fron class time. " Jessica Acedo, Sophomore

He said, "Religion class is a place where we can ge together and share our feelings. " Andrew Hen schen, Sophomore.

She said, "I like to sing at mass . It make s me fee spiritual and close to God." Michelle Eccleston, Jun ior.

He said, "I enjoy going to religion class and learn ing about different cultures and religions and ou Christian response to them." J.C. Juarez, Senior.

She said, "I like going to a Catholic school becauSt everyone seems to know and care about eacl other. " Melissa Matthews, Senior.

THA KS. Fo r Th a nks g ivin g, Kim Pi owar sy tal ks a b o ut her s p e cial m e m o rie s w ith her famil y o n Thanks g iving Kri ste n Merlenba ch fo und her s peech very to u c hin g and in s p i rati o nal.
HO CHO. th e ma ss re all y m a d e o ur fir s t ma ss in the gy m s p e cial.
fir t ma ss o
c h oo l
TOG ETHER. Ann e tt e H o ward , Eric Magn e, and Jennifer Pears on along wit! man y o ther s tud e nt s in g the " Our Father" at ma ss. Thi s wa s the
th e

KEEP THE FAITH! "It was great to see the Bishop so mterested in our school," says K•m Thomas as her and her friends including the Bishop show their faith and support m our Seton Catholic football team.

FOOD. Jo h Krall and Danny McCann take food up for the Thanksgiving prayer erv1ce. "Our family usually give canned food through our church every Thanksgiving," ays Jo h. The ervice wa different and considered successful by many.

RF\ 1\ FD 1 •· Rect'Ivmg commumon the best part of bemg Catholic,' says Anne Marie Servino, Heidi Stoll , and Stephanie Parks who are some of the manv inducted Euchanshc Mm1sters. ·

WAKE UP EARLY? The. e student- mcluding Wend I Da\ 1s wal-e up early to attend 7:30 mass. " Morning mass gets me gnmg for the day, but It has been pretty barren,'' says Wend1.

LUCKY Bishop O'Brien came to our first rna s m the gym and some studenb got lucl..y to receive Communion from Hm1 Jennifer Gronsky say'>, " It is a sp Cia! occasion to have the Bishop celebrate mass with us."

15 .8% 12 . 3% 3 5% 68% attend
15.8% attend
12.3o/. attend
can 3.5% never attend
a week
a week


1'1- ACE A:"\D L lTY Jenmfer Alice Fox , and Jacque Koc his give their friends hugs at the stgn of peac e during a sc ho o l mas-, " Mass is a time to relax and really concentrate on what you ' re thankful for ," savs [a cque Ko ehl'> Students take the time to chat with each other and catch up on the latest gossip

WE ARE 0 E BODY For the first mass in the gym, the students are spirit-filled and excited. Priests from all o ver th e metropolitan area came to celebrate this big event. Even the bishop was there. Before the the students met with their youth leaders from their parishes to discuss the events going on at their c hurc h

DAZED A D CO FUSED T J Chacon and Ceo Smitham listen attentively during the prayer se1 vice Th y , along with other students, gave a fe1• speeches about what they are thankful for Th• student'> s emed lik they really enjoyed th prayer service

LEAR A D LIVE GOD Sr. Rachel speaks to tht students at the Thanksgiving prayer service. Sr Rachelts the campus minister for Seton Catholic.


GATHERING. Half of the -.tudents stt in chairs while the other half sit on the floor for the Thanksgtvtng prayer servtce. Angie Hauber, Monique Perreault, ohn Sullivan, and Kaoife Lalor induldge in the service. " It was alright, we should of had more time," says Monique.

LE Dl G A H D. Christine Moore and Laura Hoe! bring up food with other students. Typical donation foods are macaroni and canned beans.

WAITING AND WILLING. "When wtlll play? Doe-. he even know I'm here7" exclatms Chri-. Barker. lie may have only taken a few Ie-,son-. when he was little, but everyone thinks he is a great drummer.

PLEASE! "Dear God, please don't let this be in the yearbook'" exclaims Mr. Fraher, as he shows his wonderful enthusia m for wanting to pray. It 's true this picture was taken at a volleyball game, but who cares. Prayer always comes in handy when divine intervention is needed ALLELUIA. These students practice endlessly to make their songs perfect. "We sing because we're happy, " says Melissa Matthews as her and Sandy Myskowski prepare for another exciting mass.

THA KS! We give thanks to all those who brought food to the prayer service.

Bego«d L.._ RELIGJO_--lo(21J

LOOK God /"'All Tk Reg/it

TRCST IN YOCR PEERS. Kristen Campbell says, " The retreat was a lot of fun." That about sums it up.

LOOK! G IMPRESSED. Looking spiritual at one of the many masses here at Seton, Allison Martin say , "The masses are exciting."

U !TED IN PRAYER. Jon Penley says, "I love all the sophomore jocks and preps. "

HA VI G SOME FUN Freshmen retreat wa fun day for everyone. It gave the freshmen class, chance to get to know one another better ana meet p ople they didn't even know. Ernesto Elia, says, " I made a few new really great friends." Se niors model their faith at religious retreats for th{ freshmen at Seton Catholic. This is what sets u apart from other high schools m the East Valley

HOLD! G IT TOGETHER. Charles Bolig tells u , "The re treat gave me a chance to bond with my classmates."



BIG HAPPY FAMIL 'r " The retreat was one of the best experiences of my life. I encourage everyone to go when they get a chance ." Brian Murphy LOOKI G FORWARD. " Everyone that attended junior retreat this year had a good hme and got to know each other better. " Beth Hoel HANGII':G AROCl\'D. " It fun making with the other jumors. " Davtd Valenwela SPE DI G TIME TOGETHER. " Senior retreat wa a lot of fun. It was a great expenence for the members of our class ." Heather Dixon
retreat had a tremendous impact on the seniors. "Senior retreat was fun." Pat Woolsey



ACADEMICS What a thrill! "Respond to the Challenge" Even in Academics? What does our theme have to do with Academics anyway? Seton's Academic reputation is alive and strong. Whether we like it or not, in the East Valley Seton stands for Academic excellence. Seniors Emily Krauss and Alda Fox, National Merit Semi-Finalists, echo that sound. So, more than ever, everybody is LOOKing AT US NOW to continue the tradition of Academic excellence. Keep on booking!


LAST TIME TO LOOK. Jessa Wri takes time out of her day to study her next class Jessa says "I bored, so why not study?" G point.

U DER GOD'S EYES. Lovable Cordano is always there to lend helping hand to one of her studen Here Greta Shagena demonstral the great relationship Mrs. Corda has with her students

LOOK AT THEM STUDY. Sandy Myskowski and Jeanine Detiege practice their daily ritual of cramming in some study time at lunch for Spanish. Good luck girls!
DER A WATCHFUL EYE. Mr Schreiber is watching Senior Ramon Bernasconi ' s every move Get a pink slip and get off the desk, Mr Schreiber! C BE DECEIVING Mr Relph 's Stud y Ha ll is d o in g anythin but tudying Kevin Foote s tare s at th e camera a s eve r yo n e e lse d oe s the own thing

SEE HER SMILE. Our Student Body President icole Hank flashes one of her famous smiles to us all.

LOOK AT THIS SCHOLAR. D.J. Spetz finds his way to the library in search of the ultimate truth. Other students flock to this learned guy for answers. D.} , you ' re out icon. Whenever you visit the library be sure to wave to D.J.

MEN AT WORK B.J. Young and Raja Audi are set for intense hours of study. Raja seems to be very into his work, or camera shy, as B.}. stares off into space. C'mon guys, stay focu ed. You might learn something.

LOOK HOW WE LEARN. Molly Mullin and Amy Arenare study in their Salsa. Amy thinks, "studying in Sal a will help you prepare for your next class." We certainly hope 0, Amy!

PEOPLE. Chris Krich, Bud Me1ster, Adam Winstanley, }.C. Juarez, and Amy Regan enjoy People Magazine during SALSA. They drink their pops while they enjoy each others company.

WHO ME? Senior Chris Gaeta looks confused and hopes he b not late for class. Sco tt Lmdsey says, " I've J...nown Chns smce the 3rd grade and the thmg that has changed about him is his hatr cut.

DRAWl GS. Hello my name ts John, and I like to do drawmgs. John Sullivan sits and draws at lunch time. John says, " I like to draw because I don't like to play basketball. "

WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE Brian Murph' ays, " I don't want to grow up, I am a Toys R L kid! " As Bryan Scannell, icole Hank, Marie Lilh and Annie Kosisky pose in a tree

WHAT YA LISTENING TO? Senior Casey Ryan li sten s to tune s in between classes. Adam Boyle says, "Casey looks like Butthead in thi s pictur Just kidding, I'm glad that me and Casey are friends ."

.• ' .. -· c • I. ' cG) ACADE.f\1/CS •

Senior year is a time to remember. " My most memorable moments at Seton are the lunch times In class we had our fun periods, but lunch time is a time filled with laughter. I remember the time Heidi and Krista were playing airplanes. The time we were playing wall ball against the computer room and Mr. Anthony asked what the heck we were doing. The storie told were also great e pecially the one about the overflowing toilet, and the lost CO's. Though I miss half the lunches because I am at meetings, the ones I do sit down to make my day." Anonymous

CUI EA PIG. Mark Haen was one of the 6 people that participated in the pie eating contest. When asked what he was thinking when he found out he was supposed to eat an entire pie, Mark replied , " Just one? Yummy!" The 1st Spirit Day of the year was considered a .s uccess mainly becau e of the contest. This year Student Council is in charge of the Spirit Day activities rather than the Cheerleader It was a very clever idea.


Yeah Run 0.) run. Anyway 1t's been fun I'll miss you aiL 0 K. I'm lymg. sue me. Peace and happiness in the real world Love ya lots

Enn Armstrong. Er-Bear, Rm, Shorty. "What test?" France, U of A, Smitty, Tarzan. Live life to the fulle<t You can be anyone and anythmg E.D., K.A, & j W thanx for the memories I'll mass ya l'm outta here!

jason Bastian L•ve life to the full. Make ev· erythmg worthwhile and use your talent' to the full You only go through once, so make the of •t Take educatton senously, you will need 11 m the future

Ramon Bernasconi. This person decided not to participate an the "wise words of wisdom" It he d1d participate I'm sure he would have sa•d God ble.- you all'

Adam Boyle. JP-HAIL KJ G ED. See ya m Flag CR-Two time> Keep me m your prayers holy father Everyone else-hope to see of you in the future. Take care, God bless Shouh to the RB's and VM

David Brown. Mr Clmch anal-retentive DOES have a hyphen Ench P 200 baby E) Texaco g.- 1s best B basketball let'' wm some games this year John, see ya at 2 PeM'l..,

CLASSIC. Jenny Gronsky, Alonzo Reyes, icole Hank and Mike Sweinberg get togeth r during SALSA. Th y are having fun and won't forget their Senior year because of this day. Allan. Mock Yeah mg Yeah

the game even started,"

Anne Marie. As known by many this football season is unforgettable.

have more days like thi ," say R.J.


Robb1e Dumas Wend• I'll never forget Prom, Golnand, Mar 26, T1ff-the 'nake IS ahve, Mr 5-What's the barrel? icole-fnends

The S eniors rule the school through the 1996 school y ear academ ica lly and domin ate athl eti cally .

SE lOR SPIRIT. Anne Mane Servino gets her snacks at half time dunng the bishop 's cup. She is one of the many Seniors that attend the game to show their spirit. " I knew our boys would win before says TAKI ' A STROLL. Robert La rdizabal and Eric Hoch tatter cruise the campus between cia es on one of our many buck-a-jeans day. Even though the weather i till breaking 90 degrees many look forward to pull out their wint r clothe "I love dressing down I feel so comfortable. We should Shannon Brown '\.o deptlo.,Jt, no return' Meredith Colhns Lunch Bunch-thanx 4 the Mom thanx 4 bemg there A"'-4 ever fnend' )C-Thanx 4 all the nde- home. Seton-4 years or memorie\ I w1ll mi"'"' everybody Love and Peace m the future Heather Drxon_ Thanks to everyone who made my years at Seton so wonderful' To everyone on Cheer I love you guys and I'll miss you next year 11 College here we come! Ana Calderon SC I you mv burnout' Sorry Mr McCovt'rn M""' ya Matenal C1rlo., 1 low you & w1ll alway' there Alon.tn-tQuJere ba1lar' •Ouebanta 1 The ped11l ,.., on the nght When confu_.d, nod and 'm1le #12 drink your m1lk, 11 doe' a body good Kelley and Ana-there,., no need to run over old road kill
4ever; Ul SIS I'm here for you; WD. I'm a leader' J K., Thanx for the memones Debb1e Ca .. hllo Thank.' to all mv for two yttar... an I will never Mil Thank.' for all tht:' memont?"> Ml To ont:' cold w1th the men Kmta unnmgham Some of 11 all of the t1me JC, none nf It moc,t Of the time when all It i\ not what 11 " mmt Hey lunch bunch-1 luv you! lla•k• & BB Thanx for the love & support' It\ been a bla't' io<en Early Cia" of 96, the Faz Aka court boy 2 JH the ··Rehg10n Protect' was great, except for CHIPS VM 1t's been gre gangm' wllh you, HI )EM' CL you'll always have a nde NH You're the greatest
We Rule

icole Hank Lad•e>-143 4-evr I'll nvr 4-get r great x's CAT·U R #I m my hfe, I'll nvr 4-get r memont:\ we hared 143 alway' & 4-evr 32-x'' we 'P"nt 2-gether R "L;nforgettable"

Tommy, Ralph-Penn "luad hves'

Enc Hoch..,tatter What do mean, you can't read at?'

What's your favorite or best memory of Seton?

" Leaving ixth period during s tudy hall. " Ana Calderon

Mark Haen 4 Y" gone, 4 yrs. to come. Many gone. But many many more to come, .-pec1ally w1th you DC Thanx everybody, 50 hop<> you know where your sleepm. II, I own you'

jt>nmter t..run..,ky Bubble' Lnok out AHt .., a bu"' Carmel popcorn The

joseph Howard to B-Ball "Back m Phlily " Why Y"' •t "'To the r.-t of you

Martha WALKI'\G SPLASH MT BM and SM Boyz to Men )K SP-Soccer Rules 3,4 Thank.' AC, HD and KC for everythmg See Ya"

" 1995 football season


JC juareL. To all my fr1end' good lu k m future Football team-great Job m '95. To MH, MH, SP, CY, JL, R , OS, sophomore year all the fun and Motel b. DL-ASL camp w R Fre,hmen amhahon '95 with all the boys

" The fir t day being a SeMark Heinze nior and getting in line early for lunch wa the be t. " Emily Krau

Bnan fa.tao I feel orrv for all you frl',hm.:n who havt.' 3 more Court bf.,v 1 I thank we .. hould mvt.·"t m a radar dl'tt."<tnr and Camt:ron wht>rt.· , my dollar• jenmfer Guy SM-McD's anyone? Sp1ke<.-U R not alone' Ramon-Get over Mr. ), I'll go to the dance with U' M1ckle-Chode1 Enc-Thanx, Bank' AR-crotch Mark Hemu. The fell.- & 66 & II & 30-Be careful m college- EVER• Remember Motel 6. CY '\1ce hands SP-A p1llow? MH-1 know where I'm sleepm·. EP-mce laugh JL-AII of my for the
world Pe..,hlenct>-down With
not bJtter-turbnwalk.-
'\t.·wton1-but lm
tal -cantu' uva..,-the leap-the cham1t Manwhad t:r hvt>''
Chmhan Gaeta Football 2-4, Ba-.ball 2-4, Honor Roll 1-4. Fencmg 1-4 Shots go out to all the Semor. and AR, GM, SL-'\1w, Chanot I'm not an Et;CF Oh-juhet Bowling Stop 'tarmg at me' You w1ll be happy G1ant pumpJon, Roller Smllt>y Fa e
Mar'!ha Hart Are you gomg to eat that? So I knock 3 t1mes and a>k for Omar' DC-BFF no

WI ERS. The entire school recognizes Aida Fox and Emily Krauss and for being ational Merit Semi Finalists. "I was moderately surprised and didn ' t know why they ca ll ed me to the office."

CLOW lNG AROU D josh Powers look.s like he ts having a lot of fun on Senior slave day He exclatms, " It was fun even though I lost my vo1ce barking "

Emily Krauss do not go there! Booger 1 hate clay Long live the big red van' Anyone for Calculu,? Yes, we DO have a plethora of pinatas' It ' s all clickm' together' God ble;s y'all' Luke 1:37

paid m} due-.. We' re all in the \arne

' t rock t1 too hard

CONT EM PLA TI O Bo bb y M a r ti n looks as if h e h as got so me thin g o n h is m ind w hil e tr ave lin g to seco nd p er io d " I wo nd e r if 1 d id m y ph ys ic homewo r k," Bobb y t h o u g ht.

How would s pend your Saturda y Night

all the great

" With friend s ju s t h av in g fun and bein g cr azy" Ann e Marie Serv in o

Edward "-archer See ya
Mane Lillo AK, the best sidekick ever' KMPecos Rd .? KT-Kalil, AM-aerob'"· DC-Art I everybody else of Importance
know who you are
and who you aren't')-OUT1
An rue M L. ..,,dekick for life' K M treat boat, nake' B H be good D .S ever 1\onna get It' K T carpool bud II Y" To the clan. thank..., for the great memone.., I'll m,,.., you guy'' K I T jenmfer LaMay CY, Jj, R , MH, MH, 51', Soph year wa' fun but watch 4 those Me-. cop'' MH 143 always & forever KT CR AM
"Do you have a problem " Doo Dah fe't Gang party hard next yr & try to remember 1t'l'llm,;sU Scott Lindsay Time has sure gone by fast , CG, 1t seem' like only yesterday we were hooping at lunch recess. Thanks to all that made staymg here fun GM, We' ll be ballmg together somewhere in two year.;; AN, Love always
Part y ing with man y, m a n y p e ople ." R a ch e l Nowicki
yo u ideal
Dl BFF, KM&FF-CautiOn, AK-I'oli'h bud, CR-J'm UR tbum ML -go !;lrl, 'JH-Buff, Ml' -l'ee, AM-Iuv EP-Snortv, SM-Max, MS-The fall, Mr 4 gettm!; my act 2-gether, RV-1 luv U 2-gether 4-ever' Robert Larduabal Special Thank>. to all m1 fam1ly & fnend,·my 'trength thank.s for tht support Very spec1al thank>. to : the Ryan·, the Rmz'"o, & the Falzarano'!-t. I 've boat, don Dora Lorenzen. TK-BFF-Smauch1n' KM Sweehe-1 love ya tons-the zoo AK-1 like tru way you eat. ML-aerobtcs EE&MS-softba budd1es - d1gger - don ' t fall RD-hanki1 C AMEKR)-Thank.s for Junche< CR-Scrub

Robt:rt Mdrtln Alway.. rt•mt•mbt..'r, nt>vt·r lt•avt.· your down whllt.· up .- to dan> Qul'l·n' tlLBBA 1 To JM DA DT BC l D and I'S, I'll""' All "''' you at the rt.•unnm

Angela Ment.>ndt.>z MM-Ba k.in Robbm 61:: ,Jug bug:\ the boyL.-wah:h vour MP w out mt'al wht'rt' turkey comt' from? NHCKEPKTMI'R'<-I'm cool like dat' The •tty bttty-•c-ya at 2 l't''-()t,l

StJrdh Mdrtm 1o lhl' cn•w thanl for 'uch fnt.·nd .. I w1ll nl'\er our many luncht' twho an• all tht.>'l' pt'Oplt:) To t.>Vl'ryonl' thank_, for tht." mt'morll'' Good luck u-l whatt.•vt·r your futun· may hold 11 •

Mt>h •ul Matthl'W' 1n all my frll·nd.., at Sdon

I lovt' you dll and Wl'h tht.• tx· t for you S. and - \itckev rule.. , Donald dot.... n't' St.>t' ya latt.>r Seton' .. taff, hl'rl' I comt.> 1

VICtor Murua c..tand too clo\e to a na ked man!!

K.n ten Mt>rlt:"nbach All my bud' Oon·t 4-get mt"m,,n......, 1 To A...:. & ML thank.' 4 t'H.·rvthmg1

Lu' Li hke a '" DL-Cahfomta baby & moony 1 5" T we R FAMILY & ;kl J.:T.[)J;ney, 'they' re domg the na;ty" EE-P Qut't.'n Lnv ya guy''

Camt>ron Mr'l("lre Oh, wa....,hopptor I am a lt'n ma .. tcr no'f\. Thank..' Bnan for all thl' good hme' 0 0 mile_ I'm out of hert." St.>c ya wouldn·t want to bt." ya 1

McCann G<><>d luck In all tht• gradu St>mnr"'-

' 'I'm not telling you people in publication " Jen Gronky

"-'owtckl I Ju, U all' EP 7

Wheeler Jearn to STOP, DC ASLi, thanx 4 everythtng; BH come party W'me; TH mtss you, JL "Lamm•e",JG "I don't undel'otand'', dude 141 1 AM MP EP CR "-'H the boyz !\<><>d' '

" Walking along the beach barefoot watching the unset. " Anonymou s

Stt"panie Par !tt. O..m"t Play l Wtlh A wmcnm 1 Don't Squat Wtth Ynur Spur- On 1 And 1f your key; fall ln molten Java don· I for Them thev re Al"'ay Remt.>mber A Fnend 1.., A Fnend F(lf · t.'\l'r 1

" Going dancing bunch of friend Martiny with a Sarah

m the futun• Kecp houpm· 1t up at lunch hme 1 and CB. Shnuldn I you b.m 1o7ade -..ch x-,11 Bnan Murphy are the pt."t'ple Thanx In all m,· fnend' BS, MH, DC, 51', HD, and Ej SM-thank!; for the memone' Thanx to Seton and my parent.. I'll ml"- t"very(lnt' See Ya' En\..a l'a"'ualeth The boyz watch out 4 fall mg Tl' 'hh' The W0\1F'J-I'll dnve to 2 J>e..,lh cau'e Im cool h e that' JLHDR 'DC McD'S 1 CYMHJLSP-Antenna,, recliner- and lob' CY· "-'o g<x>dbv, 141 frvr Yourmuthcr
" A nic romanti c,
evening with the man of my dream s."

see that someone gives them the recognition. "I've known her for awhile, so I didn't want to be too mean, Sh e wore t he clothes and s tu ff, but when I asked her to do stuff she was too shy," says her senior Marie Lillo.

wm e nt ?

a t 's yo ur m os t

e mb a rr ass in g m o-

Soap Opera Land-Hel - Lo colle);e 1 " T1ll we met:'t a gam'%"

LhoopsHOSI'ITALSiluvUalway,CHK2CHK 4ever K1MwJ,tTRK1tws1van2wat'GIRLSBBh veTHEdream.LAD1EStp2PESOSiuvUaii.GU

" Wh e n I fe ll out of m y sea t in Mr. Relph 's Hi s tor y cl ass " J C. Juar ez


are Remember your faith, be true to yourself have priorities, encourage, when tc say " 0", and it's OK to be a little crazy Oh, and 1f you mess up fess up

" When I got caught goin g 80 in a 45 coming hom e with Gillian from Homecoming" Ken Early

EXCLA IM! G THE T RUTH. Fres hmen Kristen Thomas carried this sign with her throughout ini ti ation As many seniors walk by h er they are fascina ted by the sign and are g lad to HOW FU NY. Krista Cu n n i ng h am laughs w h ile enjoying t h e Freshmen's performance on initiation. She a lo n g wi t h other Seniors thought the freshmen were hysterical. K r ista says, "My freshmen were ho rrib le." Sean P1ccola To my frnd.,-lt·., a grH 4thanx ((1T da memone.., (Mot6, Da pallow , ummer'' pa-.t) And to da ..,mal ..,kool champ.,= 11 =h0=30 55-da fella.., will alway., KIT-may colle);e bm); ya part'"' and maybe a d1ploma Alon.zo Reye.,_ Tequila I can walk at! L.W look out your window_ Cunou.., George and .,ecret "a m berger" Black Licorice Don ' t take everythmg c.,o .,eriou-,Jy or you'll end up blowing thing., up Bnan Scannell, L1fe is full of somethmg I can't say right now Put up with it; don't dwell on 11 and move on Word.:., of wisdom yeah right' To all of tho'e who I " woo: hooed " it with Thanks' And to the re't of you M1chelle Pmkava To the " women " remember laugh., at Denny ·., and broken car., To the " Boy., " thank..., for the TP v1ctory and a broken fence 143 you all AM-BFF Goodbye Cathenne R1chard 1Cwe veSHAREDitAL YSgetTj 1tBUNZ,nortyWErFML Y1Tim#1 BR M1chael Schweinberg. The boyz 11, 9, 66, 8, 50 the tornado days, 11, chug a lug, 67; Great hit MP; Hoop AM A Bumper, TP DC, you up! 96 Peace out R Love yal Jm.hua Power-, Don ' t leave the key-. m the forkhft!! Casey Ryan. AB-Thnx for the laughs, Viva Ranchero MP-143 EP-Poop The Team & The Dog Pound- Thnx for the good times, you gotta repre_.nt' Everyone else-Thnx, 143, Let me see that Tootsie Roil' Seminara My words of wisdom

Hetdi Stoll AMS:Plt>a"'t>RemoveYou..,elfFro mMyWalkwayTheDougWouldUke2Comel n'Kl.MC RememberWhenThel.JghtTurn,Re dlt',Be,t2StayLndert><lmph 1AS.ThnxforAiw Y'BemgThere2MakeMelaugh 1DV Carp<ml' WereTheB,tWICCuLlwlm,Ual'

"I hit a curb and tire in front of Kacey Corbett
a chool."

vana, L#R

"Having my zipper down and nobody telling m ."


K1mberly Thoma' ToTheWomen Boy;AreSt up1d,Party<" Denny' TliiTheCarBreak.,Down ,ToAIIMyBud,,l.uvUGuv, 1UIS,; #II Uve,•C atSecretRRWI'he,,l 2a-Job.S 42wrTax,l'arty WgnRule''Jw(MyConhrmandee+ B budd y)L YLAS.961LuvYouALL'


'ICY • EK) 1'7L;Jo... • \oii'J.;OBJ.;O' Ql'l' I I'S\..1 \oiii'KI'I'K\'SY '1'1' BS\'OBKY'X\oiY\ fMA -Smetanari'+O K 'Y=EJ

Ste\·en Wat,on Good luck tn all "'"'mor- DM, don t forget your car E) SHLSH UP 1 CM, \;ot my '"ter jS, Let'' order P"'"' It'' not what you lt..'am thaf' lffip4.1rtant, but how much fun you havt." trpng'

COMFORTABLE. D J Spetz, Annie Kosis k y, and atherine Richard enjoy themselves at a get together at Annie' h o u se to ce leb rate Marie and icole 's birthday. " It wa s an interesting night, because Kristen got a s nake in her hair ," ay Annie.

" When I fell over a high curb while it wa totally raining." Erika Pasqualetti

"Getting hit by a car in the school parking lot. " Kriten Merlenbach

Anne Mane Servano Ht.>1d1 & Aryn, nt.>ver eat yellow 'now' Kn..,ta , 'orry about your pole. Vtctor, I lovt.> your laugh. kt.>l'P To He1d1 & Kmta , my love & thank.'' Sean SylvestPr A M.S,_ jadorel Lunch bunch on laughm'' Dee Dee, Laura, Chelle· Have fun, good luck, and I'll m"' you 1 A S You know I'll alway' love you uncondttu:mally. '96: C-ya m 10' Pat Woolsey Fr " Entered San dman " So. "Wiplash" jr "Fa ded to Black" Sr " othmg Else Matters" It'' been a cool four years, "Sa d but True," ' 'I'm off to never-never land" blew D) SpelL What·, up to all my lx>y' '30, 9, X, 00, 50, 55, M lo t'Vt'rybudy t'l"'t', my mom told me, 1f I don't havl' anythmg mn· to -..ay don't ay dt all, olatt.>r # 1 I Sherry Th1baudeau Men tn uniform are nothmg but trouble (but they' re worth Jt') Thank.' Mom & Dad jack, miss me, I'll m"' you Harvard , here I come' Phil 4 13 Let that percolate' Jame..,, I love you alway' Chad Yo un g The-Boyz-9, II, 30, 50, 55, 64, 66 erdy-E-+ Brat-4EVER 'Tm wor't at what I do be't and for this g;ft I feel ble't I found 1t hard , 1t wa' hard to find, o well , See you m ·Jr.
Us Now!
Seniors Rule The School!


Seniors Remember Seton


Senior's Spirit

WHAT'S P? asey Ryan , J.C. Juarez , Ken Early , JoJo H o ward , Dave Brown , and E J Karcher all show for s mor athletics . asey Ryan -,aid , " I had a blast! It was one of the greatest expenences of my entire life ." a!>ey for your enthu ia!>m for Seton ports.

HARD WORK. Brian Fazio diligently arranges wood in th gym as his way of helping out. Brian says , " I am glad that it ' finally dont."


TIGHTE I G THE SCREWS Running back Chri Gaeta trie to tell quarterback Chad Young that he can ' t lo e his head at the next football game. Both Chad and Chris helped to complete the gym. Good job guys!

SAY AHHHHH. Seniors Alonzo

Reyes and Jo h Powers show proper lunch time etiquette at Seton Alonzo said that what he was eating, "Smelled like fish and ta ted like chicken ." Josh also agree on thi intere ting taste ensation.

. • • Everywhere
Could Possibly LOOK.

YBODY SMILE Se niors Jen

Te ri Ko w a lczy k, D o ra Lo renKim T h o ma , Catherin e RichMa ri e Lill o, Kri te n Me rlenbac h , Yo un g, Mark H e in ze, and Je n all mil e fo r th e ca m e ra at tim e. Ch a d h o w eve r, d oes n o t to be a s "a wake" a th e o th e r

BuDDIES . Senior.., Debbte and Robbie Dumas show their fnendshtp with a btg hug. Debbte says that Robbie •.,, " A great friend who I can always talk to."

BOUNCE BACK. Semor R J Lardtubal is caught m mtd bounce at lunch time. R.J. plays basketball at lunch time with other Seton students He says that playmg basketball is, "Lots of fu n ."

What do you plan on doing when you leave Seton?

" I am going to ASU and rooming at Sonora with Debbie . Erika and Jen will have a room adjacent to our . I can' t wait. All I am going to do is party! "

" I got accepted at ASU, but I want to transfer to AU for at least 2 years I am not leaving home for 2 years , but I can ' t wait. "

" I plan on going to the University of Mi ss ouri on a full ride gymnastics cholar hip. I'm excited to go to college and it doe n ' t bother me that I'm going awa y from home ."

" I don ' t know exactly where I am going yet. All I know i that I want to be as far away as po ible from home . Another country perhaps .!! "


Ohno!The ____ testistoday! _____ 's tests are really difficult. I shouldn't have _____ last night. This ____ test is going to ______my average. I think I'm going to _____ . When my parents find out they're going to _______ me.

CONNECTIO'\;S. 'vllchelle

KL Iley Corbett, and Sandy don ' t waste tmw on homework, becausL' they got the pnnciPAl on their .,ide. Of course, sonw studenh find that actually studying work.., even better

Shawn Allen

Daniel Almendarez

Devm Apodaca

Ramiz Audi

Brian Balchuma..,

Chnstopher Barker


Jeremy Beard

Julie Brown

Brian BU',er

Lisa Caudron

Brandon Celaya

Jacquelin Chacon

Cassandra Chavez

Kelley Corbett


Junior Victory

Paul Curlee

Wendi Davis

Fnn Dav

Laura DeBruycker

jeanine Detiege

Zacharv Duba-.ik

\llichelie Eccle-.ton

Ryan En.t\.,·eiler

E : imlv h-.es

AugU't f'alLarano

Chad Farr

Jw.tin Fo-.ter

Alice Fox

\llatthew Gantar

Ryan Gibney

Tiffany Hackett

Jeff Hall

Crystal Harde-.t\

Angela Hauber

Patrick Hobb-.

Elizabeth Hoe!

Annette Howard

ean Jacob, Christopher Jans

Matthew Koehl'>



joshua Krall

athan Krick

Brian Kruger

Dand KuJawski

Kamf Lalor

Amy Lash

Catherine Lenhart

S an MacDonald

Paul Malmeister

Christopher Majoue

Dav1d McDonald

Geoffry Meister

Aaron Mickle

Sarah Moore

jonathan Murphy

Sandra My kowski

jason ovak

j ess1ca Pace

jennifer Pearson

Monique Perreault

Erich Pflugfelder

Kimberly Piowarsy

Katherine Placido

Adrian Quihuis

Rebecca Regalado

where do you want to be?

"I want to be in Nebra ka watching the be t football team in the world play."

"I want to be in a large wooden cabin, on top of a giant snow covered mountain range overlooking a beautiful lake in the northwe t."

-David Kujawski

"I want to be a doctor and work in a clinic providing health care to underprivileged people."


" I want to go to New Orlean becau e it i fun! "

RISI'\;G TALL. David his spirit during the H omecommg pep assembly ' I JUSt trying to bring some excitement!" Dave says.

BenJam m Re 1smger Bnce Rhee

" I want to go back in time to 1953 and be Al Capone 's wife and have connections and money. "

James Ryan

David Saba!

Morgan Segroves

Erin Sheehy

Christina Sherman

Lee Sh ropsh 1re

Christopher Stovall

Bethany Stover

Daniel Tom

David Valenzuela

Bre tt VanGu n dy

Ra u l Va rgas

Dav1d Vasq u ez

Sco tt Vivian

Jacq u e lyn Walker

Ryan Wa n gler

Ma tt hew Wilhelm

Lo rra i ne Wolf

Jessa W ri ght

Sa rsif Wyckoff

"I want to go to the White Mountain becau e it i nice and cool there and it isalway fun. "

" I want to go back in time to 1482 beca u e thing were better then. "

-Sar: if Wykoff


LOOK At This Test


Driving Exam

What's Wrong with this picture?

c. there's a limit?

d. as high as the needle goes

2. The correct way to enter the

d. panic

4. Which of the following is legal?

a. cutting off a fire truck campus

a. through the south driveway

b. over the sidewa lk and through d. backing up on the freeway. Pic #1 _____________ Pic #2. _____________ Pic #3. _____________ the football field Pic #4. _____________

c. through the north driveway

b. using the left turn lane to merge

c. stopping at a red light

5. What determines the maximum numd. by landing on the helicopter ber of passengers in a vehicle? pad

a. the maximum load capacity (ex. Pic #5 _____________ tons)

1. The speed limit at Seton i a. 55 mph b. 10 mph

3. A red light means

a. accelerate

b. make a right turn

c. stop

b. the number of seats

c. how close their friendships are

d. the number of seat belts

[@) ACADE./>1/CS

6. What do you do when an ambulance ?

a. ignore it

b pull over to th right

c . go out over to the left

d . turn on your lights

7. What can you do to evade a s peeding ticket ?

a go to driver' school

b pay for it

c go out on a blind date with the judge' s child

d. white out

8 Why can ' t you park along the sides

o f the entrance and e it?

a becau s e the admini tration ·aid so

b the parking lot wasn ' t round enough

c danger to pedestrians

d so emergency vehicles have access

9 . What parking next to a sidewalk normally k.nown as?

a. b trail

b cheating

c parallel parking

d obstruction

10 . What doe the signal with blinking lights mean?

.:1 "9

.:1 "£ e ·o1

J "6 p ·g e .L

q "9 p ·s J •t

·1ai\pp e lnOl{l!M J!d

·ap!S al{l W01} J!d

·1a4Jeal e Ol U! J!d

·1e:) Slalj:)eal \'? OlU! J!d

"'>fJeMap!s <ll{l UO J!d

l_alOP!d S!l{l. l{l!M '>,lel{M :sJaM. uv


a. th signal i n ' t working

b the alien are coming

c. STOP go STOP go

d . traffic re triction ahead

1. Mr . Clinch i the be t parking lot monitor . T

2 . If no one is around, left turn on red are I gal. TIF

3 Driving in rever e on a main road i I gal. T/F

4. The driver ' s eat i a great place for last minute tudying. T/F

5 . Dri ing with the emergency brake on i badidea.T

6. The mo t important in trument on your da h is the radio. T

J "£ e ·z q .I


SIC LA GUAGE Annette Howard does her part tn preparmg for the car wash Th car wash was a big success in ratstng money for the prom.

HFADS P Brett Van Gundy smtles as he walks to hth next class. Brett is really looking forward to hts reltgion class today. SMILE. Beth Hoe! flashe a smile at the photographer. After she ate her lunch in the cafeteria she sits and talks with her friends.
ME?" a ks Shawn Allen as he glares at the hapless photographer. SCRUBBI G UP. Matt Kochis enjoy wa hing a man' car on the 28th of October. He seems like he is having lots of fun. Wait, Matt, you missed a spot!

HAMMl G IT UP )en Bastian says, ''I'm a movte star m the making." Watch out Hollywood, Jenmfer


Juniors That Drive


MUS! I OVER. Ryan Gibney, SALSA mustcian, practices for the liturgy Ryan is one of many students who lend their talents to the mass musicians. is making her move!
26o/o 42% license permit none 16 21 13 32% * 50 students polled
IN ACT. Totally without shame, Morgan Segroves steals Kim Thomas' crutch. "I don't know why I did it. It just seemed like a good idea at the time."
CLE SHOT. Kim Piowarsy perf cts her aim at the junior car wash.

If it's not , _____ it's _____j and ______ . If I do math in ---------' then I will only have to take home my English . I have tests tomorrow, so I will need my notes. Pat will come over tonight and we can science in the . It has got to be totally ________ for me to study.

GFOMETRY Jon Gentile tries to ab -,orb the new material and get a Jump on tomghts homework! Mo-,t math clas-,es han• mghtly homework-It's a given. The be-,t way I'> to get It done and not have to takl' the big book home "

Amy Abraham

}es ica Acedo

Joe Adam

Kristen Allen

Momca Almendar z

Amy Arenare

Raja Audi

Mike Ballinger

}a on Baquie

Brianne Benevento

Rosa Berna coni

Deni e Brady

Ann Burke

Robbie Byrne

Sergio Chamberlain


Sophomores Rock The Floor

Mark Chandler

Alma Chee

Matthew Clark

Sarah Clark

Jaala Collms

Sarah Corrall

Jarod Cutty

Dana Dillard

Kathenne Doherty

Anane Eagan ·

Heather Ferris

Jeremy Figgens

Angela Fox

Kevin Foote

Sara Gaitan

Dav1d Garza

Karl Gehnng

Jon Gentile

Michelle Golfin

Sean Greco

Brianne Griffin

Ali Gunning

Andrew Hen chen

Brent Keeler

Chris Kirch


Jacque Kochis

Brian Koehnemann

Jennifer Lang

Andrew Lebowitz

Brett Lewis

Jason Lowell

Erin Maher

Stephanie Martin

Allison Martin

Rexalynn Martinez

Matthew Mayo

Laura McAllister

Mathew Melcher

Amanda Menendez

Jaclyn Mirrione

Beth Mitchell

Tracey Mitchell

Sarah Moreno

Katie Myers

Octavio avarro

John estvold

Mary Nestvold

Aileen Opulencia

Gloria 0 orio

Jon Penley

what makes you HAPPY?


sports makes me happy. Softball is the greatest but I also play volleyball, basketball and will do track. They are all fun."

-Lisa Wangler

"People make me happy. Just talking and associating with people always seems to make me smile. I'm attracted to people in general."


"I like to ride horses. 1 have two horses and compete in rodeos. It makes me happy when I do good and win in the competitions."



"A bright, unny day; with a cool breeze blowing and lot of bird chirping. That ' what make me happy."

Geoff Smitham

" When my friend and I get together on the weekend . It' really nice to Je pin too ."

Ll. E DAr\ 1'\J C. At '\;ight

Tommy gets some help from Ms Koye Western tght ts the perfect opportunity to hear some g reat music and learn how to line da n ce

HA VI G FUI\; Mark Peoples looks like he ts enJoymg himself after school. Like many peop le he watts on t h e north s tde of the a building fo r h is ride Maybe he wtll be driving soon so he doesn't have to wai t

Ma rk Peoples

Laura Pflugfelder

Jennifer Pitts

Thomas Piowarsy


Jo hn Rea

G r ta Shagena

Jon S hr o p shire

Geoff rey Smitham

" When joe Adams tries to pin me and thinks he i winning. Then I really tart wre tling and totally whip him ."

jon Gentile

" When I can get all my work done good and on time. It' the greate t feeling of relief That make me happy. "

C h ris Schwei n be rg
e r
Mega n So ldn
es So
e ls k.J
iva n
tri c k Sy lves te r
ul To m as ik
Ja m
ael Sull

Amy Regan

Tim Richard

RyAnn Rodriguez

anessa Rooze

Anthony Ross

LOOK '98 Dominates

Max Runke

Syboanae Sabori

Radey Thompson

Jessica Underwood

Juan Valenciano

anda Vann

1chola Van B rg n

Valerie Wagner

Lisa Wangler

Sarah Washburne

Kristina Wat on

Pam Ia Wennmacher

Stephanie Wolf

Brett Young

Francis Zovko


CLASS Cl OW S' Geotf Sm1tham and Rob Bvrne make coming to 'chool a littfe more tun Our class definitely has the mo.,t tun, no doubt about 11.''

ll E\:SE' TO DRIV£ Sophomore vear is the vear that 11 all happens. kevin Foote and Tommy Piowarsv agree. "This year e\·eryone is learnmg how to drive. It'., kind of weird "

FASHJO QUEE Staying ahead of the fashion trends, jessica Acedo introduces a new way to carry h r backpack. "It gives you easier access to your hair necessities."

ROSA. Practicing for the future by signing autographs and smiling big, Rosa Bernasconi has it all coming to her. "Basketball b my favorite, but I enjoy all the sports."

SMILE. Stephanie Wolf and jessica Underwood take advantage of a free dress day. "They let you xpress yourself, but don't take my picture."

'\.ICE I lAIIt Alll'en Opull•nna and l<..atll' 'v1ver' trv out 'oml' new ha1r 'tyfe, " it taJ..l',· me a half h o ur to gl't my ha1r th1' 'aY' !<..aile

0'\E QCI::STIO'\' Pam .1nd '\'anda were a,J..ed , \\·h,1t 1' 'n 'peual abnut the -nphnmnre cia" I thml.. nur ria" ha' the 11llbl tun 'a\'' !'.1m

HOW CRI AT II IS Dand Cu1u ,1 11wav' lhl' mam attractwn 'how' h1' 1111ml'n'l' lnVl' lor world hhlllr\ I ll•Vl' h1,tnn ·, 11', the greate't cia" 111 the world "

SA 'I CHE:E Sl Dllll ' t tal..l' 111) p1l lure ." When Ja,nn BaqUJe wa' a'l..l'd whv he didn ' t want h1' piCture tal..en he 'Imply replied, n rea,on l o r 11 , I JU't don ' t hl..e 11 bemg tal..en ."

DEADL I L \ RA IS ' Brent "-eeler ha' tht> nght 1de.1 The\· Inn!.. c''''' ,1nd blncl.. all tlw ultran••ll'l r,l\, ''''' He 1' l>l1t' ''' tlw It'\\ -l'ltmg Ill'\\ trend' 111 t,1,hllln

LU:--.:CH DREA;\.15 A lot happen' during lunch People eat. people tall... and people dream ]on Penle) j, no "'cepllon , · I want ll> bt.> a F. B. I agent when I grow up ."


This i the _____ time that I didn't read the a ignment and it will be the,_____ time that he will give us a pop ____ I hould know better, but I wa just too _____ last night. I wonder if we can get her off the I know, we can ______ o.r maybe we'll have a She' not . .. and ate t!

HAKL A MATATAH Pl'ter Rhee his Enthustasm as he starh off a new day wtth a btg sm tl e. "] alway., '> tart the day by giving a '>mile to show how happy I am," said Petl'r He has no wornes about any today.

Sophia Acord

Jonathon Appel

Lisa Bancroft

Kathryn Barker

Bradl y Barkyoumb

H a nn ah Barnett


Jos ph Bauer

Vincente Beltran

Christopher Bennett

Mario Berna. co ni

Charles Bo li g

Sara Brig g

Kristen ampbell

Shaun arty

_____ drill. What? we have a·------


Cassie Castorena

Anthony Chacon

Kristen Col man

Amber Dauscha

George D bantel

Sibylle DeFresart

Jason Dick

Jushn Doucette

Ryan Dow

Shawn Dow

Marc Dranchak

Benjamin Dubasik

Erin Dumas

Megan Duran

Chri topher Edward

Juan Elias

Erne to Elias

Matt Emery

Nicholas Enzweiler

Christie Equils

Molly Farwell

Laurence Forsythe

Chad Fo ter

Michael Galvez

Jes ica Gerstenkom

Freshmen Come Alive!

Beth Graham

jason Hall

Michelle Hall

Mollie Hardesty

Eric H at t y

Heidi Haub r

joanna Henry

Laura Ho I

Katie Holland

Todd Hus,on

Evlla !sip

Eri n Joynt

Raymond Ke ll er

Adam Kerwin

Ka t hleen Kirby

Michae l Klemens

james Koestne r

Victoria Kowa lski

Sa rah Kr a ll

Mi c h ael Krick

T ies h a La m b

Ryan Li ttr e ll

Ma tth ew Lu lling

ico le M aCias

Eri c M ag n e

what' exciting about chool?

"I am in a new school, where I can meet new people and mo t of all, I don't have to go to school with my brother. " - Sibylle de Fre art

" You are out of junior high chool, You don't feel like a kid, and you have more of a life in high c hool. " -Jennifer Rall

" G tting to know new p ople, and being able to check out older guy " -Kristina Coleman

€) ACADE!v1/CS

" Older girls " s ays Joe Bauer " The joy of meeting new people " quote s Joanna Pear on

" Becoming do er to getting a driver licen e " ay Kelly Travi

PRElTY CUT F., HUH! Michael Knck, Amber Becky Price, and Alayn Seminara are prepanng for their day at school. Before school they got ready at Aryn Seminara's "Boy, do we look dorky," says Alayn.

YEAH' Mike Galvez takes a diffe r ent way home than other students "Leave me alone," he exclatms as he stts on the city bus.

Royce Martin

Michael Mattson

Michael Mayers

Jesse McDonald

Edward McDonaugh

Andrew McHugh

Andrew "Bud" Meister

Lauren Mick.l

Michael Miller

Amy Mona

Kri tine Moo re Molly Mullin

Pa u l estvold

Angela Newton

Ryan O'Mara

" Being able to go home at noon on Friday " ay Laura Hoel


Fired Up And Raring To Go!

)nn.> l\ n Ohl

Stephame Olah

'\.eel; Omohundro

Ell.,:abeth Ore

Joanna Pear,on

)e,,lca Pena

\1atthe\' Pendleton


Rebecca l'nce

Laura Prob't

Jennifer Rail

Taun1 Raupp

Phillip Reye., Peter Rhee

Ryan R1chard.,on

Angela Rogers

Carmen ROJO

Krl'>tma RuiL

Matthew Salafia

Micha I Salafia

Sean app

James Scott

Robert Scott

Randy Searle

Alayn S minara


YOL TAI\.1'\C \ PICTuRF OF \1E7 Oh, my go,h ," 'ays '\.eely Omlihundro il' she enjoys talktng and '>pending time with her friends like other studenh, eely walb around campus , and talks with other '>tudenh after she eah her lunch


Some .,ay they look like fools, but )anma Sheedy , Hannah Barnett , and Vicky Kowalski show off their cooperatiOn on f-reshmen Initiation Fven Yb Koye enjoys the day filled with fun e• enh Too bild there are not more days like this ·

April Shagena

Janina Sheedy

Darren Spetz

Veronica Stover

Brian Swartz

Donald Thibaudeau

Kristen Thomas

Kelly Travi

Erica Valenzuela

Mtchael Wal!Jnshaw

Lacey Wensing

Michael White

Brooke Wii!Jns

oel Williams

Rachel Williamson

Sean Winkle

Adam Win tanley

Sean Young


CI:T GO! I " lh.' y will you guys make It to your next class on time?'' ' o, we won ' t make it ," said Marc and Charhe Bohg Trudge on men, fl\ e mmule'> is plenty of time to navigate this campus.

WHAT? "Surprised, no clue, uncertam, unsure," state m mbers from the new class on campus. The class of 1999, Heidi Hauber, Beth Graham, Knsten Thomas, and Ltsa Bancroft. In a few days th y'll have it all figured out!


Evita !sip and Angela Rogers exclaim · "friends forever." enjoy meeting new people a., Seton gathers freshmen -.tudents from 15 feeder schools.

These Groups Of Friends Sure Are LOOKIN' Like Times Are Running Smooth!

College Bound?

Kids Ready To Leave Home

Are you ready to head off to college?

89% said "YES"

11% said "NO"

64 Fre hmen polled.

DA '\JCI'\" \!lolly F-ar.vell herat We.,tern t\:ight "Oh once,"' shl• savs to Peter Rht>l' <1s kicks up her heeb to keep the mght moving. TEANI "Whoa man: · l'xclaims Beckv !'rice \'Oill•vball plaver., explam that thl'\ .Hl' ll•gollv out ot umtorm to .,upport team TAKJ G A STROLL Matt Lulling and Ray Kell r release themselves from the pre of high school "Just hanging out," says Matt
SEE YA! "It's two thirty one, exclaims T.J. Chacon as he shows that he b offiCially out of school. 'Tm free!"

Teachers LOOK


Mr. George Majoue, Principal. "The greatest asset of Seton Catholic High School is the students. Young men and women with hearts as big as their smiles."

Sr. Consuelo Pacheco, Counselor. "The 95-96 school year is the best year. Thanks to the stud nts, parents, teachers, administration, and the supportive staff."

Sr. Joan Marie Madden, Librarian. "The most exciting part of this year is the spirit of the Seton families. After the fire their determination is what kept Seton alive."

Ms. Catherine Meiberl, Assist l'nnCJpal. ' We haw the new gym, the Cafetena redone, the great showing made by the football team , the school re painted; and we have welcomed a ne"' pnncipal We ' re on a roiJI! "

"Mr. Majoue i a pretty cool guy and is making year one that everybody will remember forever."

"Mr. McGovern i'> an interesting and driven teacher. His class is definitely a challenge." -Jennifer Lang and Anthony Ross

Mr. Kevin McGovern, Dean of Discipline. World History. Mr. McGovern's most exciting part of be· ing at Seton is, "The challenge of a n w job, and the new people. "

"Sr. Consuelo seems concerned about the students. She helps them out with all their problems."-Amber Dausha and Rachel Williamson

"Ms. Meibert is very aware of stu· dents concerns and i attentive tl their needs. She helps Seton rur smoothly and efficiently." -JennifeJ Pearson


Tom An th ony. Computers. "This years freshclass has a genuine honesty and a lightrted sense of humor."

The greatest thing about Mr. 's class is his allowance of disto better understand the sub-julie Brown

Sr. Rachel Bla1s. Religion I and Campus Mml'>ler " Th1., year 1s great, because of a new pnnc1pal, , which brings new changes and allows me to do new things. "

Mr.Denms Clinch. Government, Free Enterprise, and A.P. History. " It' s not the best year unless I see a quality track built by Christmas."

"T he most fun I have had in Sr. Rachel's class was the meditation time." -Kristen Coleman

Mrs.Diane Collins, English I and IV. "Having at long last ou r own gym is one of the be t things about this year. I see it as a 'spirit building' building. The gym, other physical changes, and new personnel offer us the opportunity for growth that changes of any kind can bring. "

" The best thing we ' ve done in Mrs. Collins ' class was the Hiroshima reports where we got to be japanese for a day." -Erin Armstrong

"Mr. Anthony's cia s 1s fun, becau e what he teaches is u eful in other classes like study skills." -Molly Mullin


LOOKIN' Bright

Check Out These Teachers

Mr. Michael Eubanks. Athletic Director, Spanish I. "Seton's great because of it's small classes where you get to know the students by their names and you can acknowledge them. Seton is a friendly environment, no drugs, no guns, it's safe!" Mike Schweinberg, Sean Piccola, and Ryan Gibney can't get enough of one of their football coache Mr. Eubanks is doing a great job even though it is his first year as athletic director. Mr. Eubanks seems to keep very active at school. Thank goodness he doesn't have any kids . yet.

Mr-,. Pat Collins. Libranan " Remember librar ies are places to go when you need to find an swers. Librarians are here to help you in your search. " Meredith Collins and Mrs. Collin-, ad mire a magazine in the library dunng SALSA. Mrs. Collins seems really excited

Mr Lynn Cordano. Religion III. "The students at Seton are awesome. I am amazed at their depth and willingness to learn. I love teaching theology, but the greatest joy of all is to see in the eyes of my students, a real hunger for God." Mrs. Cordano has been at Seton for only two years and seems to be enjoying every minute. Many students hope she stays for many more!

"Mrs. Cordano is awesome! She is the best! She is so funny, she cracks me up! " -Krista Cunningham


Mr. Dave Ference. Art. ''I'm really looking forward to seeing the basketball team go to state. This year I've had the best group of artists ever. I'm happy for the gym and I'm glad to be part of Seton's growth The students are great and fun to be around." As many know Mr. Ference is a great artist. He is the one responsible for the Sentinel head in the center of the gym. Many students wondered why he walked around with knee pads on. Later, many realiLed they were for him to kneel on while painting the gym floor.

"I think Mrs. Collins is a really nice lady. She is really down to earth and she always makes me laugh. It is neat how much she helps all the students here!" -Marie Lillo

"1 thank Mr. Ference for the things he has helped me with in my personal life. He is a great man, and he cares a lot about the students." -Robbie Dumas

"I think Mr. Eubanks has done a very good job as the new AthletiC director. I' ve never had him as a teacher, but as a person he is very fair and understanding." -Erika Pa;· qualetti

Mrs. Eveline Heath. French, Sophomo re English. I lik e to teach English because I love readmg British literature."

Pat Goodman. Freshman Religion. "T he reawhy I teach Religion is because without a rel lattionshi:p with God, would an education really

Mrs. Theresa Johnson. Jumor Engli.,h, Academic Decathlon. "Teaching, for me, is a wonderful career; it 1., enrichmg both emotionally and spintually."


" Mrs Johnson is a really good teacher. She is the kind of person who will bend over backwards to make sure you understand someth ing, and she is a great listener too! She is just a really nice per50 n." -Laura DeBruycker

Mr Larry Fraher. Freshman Religion , Senior Religion. " I like t o teach Religi o n because, it gives me meaning to see people beginning to understand and mak e sense out of their faith."

Mr. Goodman expresses Religion in ways that are fun and we all learn a Jot from him ."- Paul estvold

" Mr s. Heath b a very flexible teacher and she will always maJ...e time to see you if you need help ." -Lisa Wangler

" Mr. Fraher is such a great guy! He i<; always willing to help his students and is always interested in our opinion, and ideas ." -Teri Kowalczyk



Blockin ' Out That Az. Sun!

Mrs. Teri Koye ha been at Seton for 2 years. She teaches Freshmen Religion, Algebra II, and Geometry. Mrs. Koye is thrilled with her job here after teaching at public school. She likes teaching at Seton, "Because of the students and their great attitude toward education!"

Ms. Susan '\11xx 1s also a new teacher here at "vvs. ixx, who was shy with the camera says, "T students' willingness to learn and 1mprove th grades is outstanding!" Ms. "-'ixx teaches Sopho more ReligiOn and Freshmen Study Skills.

Mr. Jerry Mullin is a busy guy her at Seton. He is the guidance coun elor for students and h Ips them to prepare for college. He also is a softball coach and a Psychology teacher. When asked to quote on how he feels about Seton he said," Academics ar great, BUT when does Softball start?"

Sophomore Jeremy Figgins comment on Ms. ixx. " I have Ms. ixx for Sophomore Religion. Her class i really hard! " Senior Marsha Hart exclaims that " Ms. 'ixx has great hair!"

Junior Erin Day says, " Mr. Neufeld is a cool guy who knows his music stuff! Since he has come here, he has made our concerts the best in music history!" Mr. eufeld's Music classes all agree with Erin.

Mr. Charles eufeld is a new teacher here at St ton. He teach s all of our mu ic programs. M1 eufeld thinks that, " Th singers I work with hen are beginning to take seriously the college of build ing a great choral tradition here at Seton."

Senior Katie Allen says that Mrs. Koye, "Is one of the most genuine teachers here at Seton. Sh 's a gr at S.A.L.S.A. teacher. I really like herbcau e she gets to know the student personally! "

Junior Morgan Segraves feels tha "Mr. Mullin is on of the re coach s! He honestly cares and carries his softball team all the way' Senior Marie Lillo says, "Mr. Mulli is on of my favorit teachers! He really understanding and nice."


Mr>. Beth !'attock. E·ngho,h IIi, Engh.,h II, f'ubhca tions. " I love havmg a classroom, teaching English again and Publication., keeps me hopping' "

Mr. John Pohl. World Hi tory, AZJUS History.

" This year has been great. Unfortunately, I have to teach every now and again between golf weekend."

" Mrs. Pattock ha · a unique style of teaching, and is a 90's kind of teacher."-Laura Pflugfelder and Michell Golfin.

Mr. D nnis ovy. Geometry, Algebra II. " Th1., year is filled with a good group of student.. and a lot less people becoming ineligible ."

" Mr. Pohl makes all classes fun, can't imagine history without him. He 's the man!"- Tony Mahlmeister.

" Mr :--Jowe know., how to explain things in great depth, and make what is difficult to mo.,t easy to ali."Andrew Henshen.

" Mr :--Jovy has a umque way of teachmg and he telb JOkes to get h1., cla..s relaxed and mvolved "-L isa Caudron.

Mr Dougla., '\,owe Latm I, II , Ill , lv , Aud1o Visual. At Seton Mr '\,owe .,ay., " I like Latm I .,tud1mh the be<,t. "


These Teac h ers LOOK Brigh t

Mr. Marty Sprinzl. Chemistry and Physics. "Sc ience has the best toys of all subjects. Especially the molecule balls. "

"The most exciting thing Mr. Sprinzl has done in class was the dry ice thingy. It almost blew up." -Amy Lash


Mr. J1m Relph We1ght Training and P.E " Havin the gym is a real experience I have to pmch rny -,elf constantly to make sure I'm still awake."

Mr. James Schreiber. Algebra IIH, College Algebra, and Calculus "My students are the reason, this year is a great year."

"The funniest thing was when some students decided to skip P.E. Mr. Relph went crazy trying to find them."

-Bethany Stover

Mr. David Richard Biology "If you persevere then good things will happen. Just look at tht gym."

"The funnest thing we have done in Mr Rich's class was make dancing skeletons on the day of the dead." -Annette Howard

"The best thing we haw done all year in Mr Schreiber's class was makE our presentations on our pre· dictions." -Jessa Wright

Mary Ann Rich. Spanish 2, 3, and 4. "Los estudiantes de Seton son los mejores. "

'Seinfeld is a great topic to talk about Mr. Ed Phillips. thanks for all laughs shared in ·alsa. Because like to say SALSA!" -Brian y.

"The lunch people are always there lor all the students.' -Katie Allan.

'Seton would ne\·er lt)()k better It It wasn t tor Mr. Rvan and Mr Hicks. They are a great a"et to tlUr school." -Monica AlmendareL

'The office are reallv, really, very nice, and good people They are always there to help out." -Bryan Scannell.

\llr Gregory Ryan and Ralph I !tel". :vtamtenancl' .\1anager,. "I ha\·e been here ten year' and l\ e seen drastic changes m the de\elopment of the 'chool. With the openmg of the gym we ha\·e made great Improvements." VIr. Edward Phdlipo,. Director of De\·elopment that the gym is complete, we need to finish the reo;t of the athletic fields." Stewart, Peggy Foote, Sherry Denham, and n Walther. "We all enjoy workmg for a great filled with great students." Judy Weber, Colleen Dixon, Mary Abraham.' \Ve lind It wonderful b mg a part ot Seton, we alllo\'e bemg -here lor the students." ·


RL '-'d'\C ll) SLR\ 1\ I lumor '\athdn "-mi.. and Sophomorl' l'atncl.. ">yh l',tl' r t<>ugh out anotlwr <ll1l' ot rralwr ' , tracl.. practKl'' · l'atnck l' '\clatnb to '\athan , '\ot Ill} knll'' agam'

WRESTLI G VICTORY. Sophomore Jonathan Genhl 'econd place in regionals

'JET 1:--..1 THE FACE. Senior Catherine Rtchard geb ready to play in her var'lty volleyball game. 'he prepare' for the opponenh 'erve -.hl' vl'lb , " I' m gonna rock your world 1" -

DRIBBLL G TO A HOPEFUL WIN. ophomore Geoff Smitham dribbles up the basketball court.

SCHS students r pond to their favorite Seton sport

"I njoy football b cause most people attend th foot ball gam s over all th sport ."

"Volleyball and basketball because they are mo t fun to watch!"

"Girl Ba ketball; they'r good, it' in id , and it' fa. pace."

"Anything insid our n w gym!"


1Hie I AllOR \Iter '-,l'ton rl'e<>n•n •d thl' Bishop ' s Cup trom Bourg 1lilo this Vl'.Jr , thl' plavers , tht• tans and the pnnupal gather on thL• tield Ill ,1 post game Cl'il'bratwn With thl' way our ll'<lm played this year II looks hke the Cup Is herL' to stay

0 T P OF IT. S nior Debbie Castillo ris on top a., she cheers at a Seton pep rally. n asked how It felt to be so high she said, ' Tm JUst glad I didn ' t bail" ' Being in the gym for the fir't lime during a pep rally seemed really different for the cheerleaders. Their sound echoed and got the -,tudent body going. Good JOb ladies!


SPORT? When asked thi., question, the '>tudents at Seton Cathoh( responded as illustrated in the following pie graph.

Favorite Sport to Play

0;\1 1 fiF ROAD The Girb Varsity Basketball team "on the road at Phoemx Country Days Betore the ganw the) kiCk back and get pumped up tor anothu Sentinel victory!

FOOTBALL TALK. Before a big game th varsity football team gathers at a pep rally. Semor ean Piccola said, ' 'Gaeta talk.. about late.,t touchdown, as usual. Chad and I try to ignore him, as usual."

PIE I THE FACE. Freshman Peter Rhee and jumor Becky Regalado try to see what is gomg on through the pie me. s that they have JU'>t plunged into face fonvard Becky shouts , "Yuck! I feel like I'm gomg to throw-up'

\lli R
Basketball Football Volleyball Ba eball 23 .8% 35.7% 23. % 21.4% 19.0%


Mighty Seton In Final Four

''I'm proud to b a part of the fir t team to win a playoff game. I'm especially proud of the e young men. They worked harder during the ea on a well a the pre- eaon, than anyone I've seen. All to attain one goal." -Coach Eubanks

"All the work we put in paid off at the end of the year." -Chris Gaeta

"It took 3 year but it finally happened. Let the tradition begin. Seton football '95 forever!" -Chad Young

"The e last 3 year were great. I hope this tradition continues." -Mark Heinze

"Football wa a learning experience that I'll always treasure and remember" --D.J. Spetz

"It wa a great ea on. I enjoyed playing football and I'm glad to be a part of Seton history." -Mike Schweinberg


The Republic and Gazette' top 5 teams.

La t weeks rankings in parentheses.

X--indicate unranked.


1. Thatcher (1)

2. Kearny Ray (2)

3. Phoenix Christian (3)

4. Chandler Seton (5)

5. Pima (X)

The first Seton top Five ranking in history.

FlRST A\.D TEl\. Ramon a ft> more of the 1300 hl• had on the H e ended up With th e Central Rl'giOn rushing titl 1 and all everythmg Wl· had a grl'at Vl'ar'
0 E FOR THE GlPPER. Sentinel Coach Joe Timpani give a riveting speech psychmg up the crowd for an explosive performance. ''I'm very proud of these guys, extremely proud The e guy bu ted their tails for two and a half year to get to thi point.
" HATS OFF. Th mighty Sentinels hp their hats togeth rafter retaming the Bi hop Cup with a 44-0 blowout over Bourgade. The Sentinel routed their first three opponent out-scoring them 135-12. "T he season of '95 will never be forgotten. It began a new Seton tradition. Good luck m future easons."-Mark Haen

Ol { St>nwr Mark HeinLe and Jumor Ryan Wangler both dodge a blocker tntl•nt on onl' Quarterback year the yt>ar for football, we had some grt>at player'> Wt> ' re gomg to the -Ryan Wangler

READY A'\0 WAlTI'\lC. The Sentmel defens1ve hn wa1ts for Bourgade's snap anticipating the sack Bottom SPLITS THE UP-RIGHTS. Senior Adam Boyle gets a kick out of playmg football. " Playing football was a great experience We had a terrific sea-.on and I'm glad I was part of Seton h1story"

Bourgade 44- 0 at 44- 0

Queen r k 47-12

Sup rior 25-13 at Ray 6-17 at Hayden 35- 6 at Florence 36- 6 Valley Christian 35-16

PLAYOFFS (at Marcos)

Gila B nd 42- 0

Morenci 28- 6 Thatcher 6-15


Passing LOOKS

Take A Glimpse At Football

CA RB O H YDRATES. Kevi n Foote stops to look at t he came ra w h ile Chris Kirch co nt inues eating his de licious dinner. "It was fun , a n d I got the ch ance to play that I wouldn't have go tt en on varsi ty," comments Chris of h is} V. football expe ri ence.

EAT ! G? Jesse McDonald seems to be shanr so m e jokes during his spaghetti dinner. "It was e citing to get a chance to be with the team in th playoffs," says Jesse.

TOUGH GUYS. Todd Husson and Francis Zovk pose before practice ''I'm glad they had a J.V. tea this year, it gave everyone a chance to play," sa1 Francis.

The Junior Varsity Football team returned after a two year absence, led by Head Coach Ballinger. The team, comprised of Freshman and Sophomores, was highly successful, winning all but one game . Sophomore QB Mike Sullivan showed excellent leadership guiding the Sentinels to a winning season. TE/LB Kevin Foote led the squad in touchdown receptions and provided solid defense in the middle . Speedy Freshman RB / KR James Scott provided highlight film runs and returns throughout the season Expect nothing but good, hard, exciting football in the future from these young Sentinels

Maricopa Q ueen Creek Bourgade Ray Florence Valley Christian 20- 0 21- 0 23- 6 15-35 21-13 7- 0 JV Foo tb a ll : To p : Tod d Hu sso n , Eri c H a tty, Ma tt Me lch e r, Jess McDo n a ld , C hri s Kirch , Ke vm Foo te, Anth o n y Ross, C hri s Sc h we mberg, Fra n cis Zov ko, T.J C h aco n , Be n Dub asi k, Ji m Koes tn e r Mid d le: Coac h Lasca la, Coac h Be rn asco n i, Sea n Sa pp , Jo n a th on Appel, Royce Martm, Ja rrod Cu tty, Ma ri o Bernasco n i, M ike Sulh vam, C h a rl es Bo lig, Sean Yo un g, Sea n G reco, Coac h Je w e l, Coac h Ba llin ge r Bo tt o m : Er ic Magn e, To m Pi owa rsy, Ja mes Sco tt , Davi d Ga rza, Ma tt Mayo, La rry Fo rsy th e, Ed McDo n o u g h , Andre w " Bud " Me is te r, Mik e Ma ye rs. E) SPORTS

Pump It Up The LOOK Of Spirit

LOOK OUT 1\:ew head Cheer coach, Kelly Munn, tnes to make th1s year better than the Heather, Erika, Rachel, and D bbie show Kelly how great she really b.

AWAY. At our first away football game, at Maricopa, th girls support the guys as they get ready to defeat the Rams.


We ask.ed the cheerleader\ what they thought of the '95 football .,eason and here 1s what they .,ay

Jen LaMay, "Our new coach, Kelly, b great. I'm going to miss everyone next year."

Erika, "All the lime we spend talking on the van."

Sandy, "Cheenng for a team that rocks!"

Kelley, "The laughs, the jokes, the falls; especially the falls."

Amy, "Camp was a lot of fun and practices are a lot of fun because we're all laughmg."

Rachel, "We have a lot of fun and the memones will b great!"

Debbie, "All the p ople and the crazy fun we have!"

Jen Guy, "'\Jew and better stacks, much more fun and productive."

GET READY At our first pep rally jennifer and Erika get ready to hft Rachel mto a Rachel looks a httle hesitant about the way the1r holding her feet. Top: Heath r Dixon, Jennifer LaMay, Eri ka Pa q u aletti, Sarah Moore, Sandy Myskowsk.i, Amy Regan. Bottom: Jennifer Guy, Rachel owick.i, Debbie Castillo, Kell y Corbett.
.__ __SPO_R_T.S ----l.(2]

LOOKS Great!

Varsity Cheer Spiritline ...

U !TED. Kelley Corbett, Jen Guy, Sandy Myskowski, Debbie Castillo, jennifer Lamay Michelle Pinkava, Alice Fox and Amy Regan gather before the girls fir<,t home ba-,ketball game Some of the-,e girb cheered for the football season along w1th the basketball. Kelley -,ay-,, " I think it' the be-,t season we ' ve ever had. We are all havmg a lot of fun." By the looks on the1r faces 1t seem1 like they are having a blast! "

PRACTICE. Alice Fox is working on some of here cheers. "Our new coach is a stud. We are going all the way in competition. We really know what we're doing," say Alice.

Senior Mark Heinze comments that, "The cheerleaders give us something pleasant to look at. Without cheerleaders, it's just a sport!"

Freshman Kristen Campbell says, "They work really hard and help the students build faith and spirit in their school."

Junior Erin Day replies, "Alice Fox is one of the best cheerleader s! We need cheerleaders to build pep at the games!"


WI. Chri-.lte Equtb demon-.t ra te-, her cheering abilitie., dt a home game Chmhl' sdys, "' ! hl• practices are fun and thl• coach i-, .:twe-.oml•." Bemg a tre-.hman tht-. year, Chnstte wa-. lucky to be one of the nine on the -.quad

LOOK Who's New

Pumping Up The Spirit!

v-1-C- T-0-R- Y Chnshe Equtb, Angela Rogers, Alma Chee, and Becky Pnce practice a new cheer. "The J V. squad ha-. been working hard to make new and old chee rs better than eve r," says Alma. The we k long tryout was filled with manv events. Thev dtd thing-. to test then: coordination and memonLation skills. Many students could hear them p ract icing their cheer-., because many of them screamed loudly

FIR E CP Chri-. t ie Equib, Sarah Co rraL and Angela Rogers rehea rse a cheer a-. they strive fo r perfection. ' l'racttce-. a re tough, but when we fmally get the cheer the hard work pays off," sa id Angela

F I G H T. Sarah Corral and Bec ky Pn ce show off th ei r n e w c h ee rs a n d uni fo rm -.. "A ll th e m embe rs of t he squad s em to rea ll y ltke t het r coach.

How did you feel when you found out you made the quad?

" I wa happy ." -Alma Chee

" I wa excited, I wa even happier when I found out Alma m a de it. " -Ari Eagen

" I wa really happy , although it didn ' t hit me till later . Then I went nut !"

-Erin Maher

" I was excited, but I wa also up et that orne of my friend didn ' t make it. "

-Becky Price .


LOOK At The Gym's First Ladies Making History

The top ten things that went wrong on our trip to Camp Verde :

10. The bus broke down, again.

9. There was very little water.

8. The heat was really getting to us, and we almost resorted to mooning people as they passed by in their cars.

7. After the van eventually picked up the varsity players, we went down a street that said, "Road ends in 2 miles." Mr. Fraher didn't believe that the road could possibly end in two miles, so we went down it Sure enough, we got to the end and had to turn around

6. We finally arrived at 5:00 P.M., and found out the game didn't start until 7:00

5. We were all hot and sweaty because of standing out in the sun so long. So we wanted to take showers. We were about to take our shower when we found out the showers wouldn't work. So we had to hunt down the person with the key.

4 . Aryn forgot her uniform.

3. There were bugs and spiders everywhere.

2. Some kids probably would have mugged Angie if she didn't give them her Gatorade.

L We lost



ugh th ei r

Do they love thi s game? Of co ur se; they breath volley ball, think volleyball, and talk in only volleyball langua ge. " I n ever feel that we are going to lose. ever lose faith until it's actually over," says Angie.


t that good o why don ' t we just kick their butt,

MI E. Kim Thomas and Catherine Richard are set to take on their opponents. Of course, they won this game. Kim ays the only thing running through her mind is , "O h, s hoot! Oh, shoot!" Heidi Stoll and Angie Menendez captur< moment thr o anticipating faces. READY Jackie Walker displays her inten ity at Seton's first home volleyball game. She is one of the few undercla s men playing varsity. "T hey don't scare me, " Jackie exclaims. , SET, SPIKE Michelle Pinkava practices her passes prior to the Florence home game. "These guys aren ' " Michelle says.



: icol Hank, Anne

ACCURACY. Aryn Seminara with extreme concentration, demonstrates to Anne Marie Servino , Cathenne Richard, and Jackie Walker how to bump " Without the pass , a play can not be executed, " says Aryn U.S.A . (left ) Emtlv E'>se, , Catherine Richard, - Morgan Segroves , Jackie Walker , Kim Thomas, Anne Mane Servm o, Cate Lenhart, and Hetdi Stoll pose in America West Arena before the beginning of the U.S A. vs. Italy volleyball game Kim ' s favorite part of the game was , " The ball boy I'm going to marry htm ."

Bourgade 1-2 Camp


Queen Creek 2-0

1-2 Phoenix Country Day

2-1 Superior 1-2


2-1 Florence 1-2


- 2-0

Superior 0-2 Ray 1-2

STRA\IDED C.ate Lenhart , '\licole Hank, Jackie Walker, Hetdt Stoll, Anne Mane Servino, Cathenne Richard , and Emily Esses pose for us m a barren desert on a stranded car in the middle of no mans land WOW Coach Fraher, Heather Ferris, Anne Mane Servmo, Aryn Seminara, Cate Lenhart, Jackie Walker, Emily Esses, Coach Jenny and Coach Jun watt for the first game m the gym to start. " I can ' t believe we ' re actually here, " says Cate. VARSITY VOLLEYBALL. Top: Coach Harold Cranswick, Michelle Pinkava, Heidi Stoll, Jackie Walker, Kim Thoma , Catherine Richard, Aryn Seminara, Angie Menendez, Coach Larry Fraher, Coach Jun Murella Middle: Emily E es, Heather Ferris, Cate Lenhart, Rosa Berna coni, Lisa Wangler, Bottom Marie
Phoentx Christian
Valley Christian
Queen Creek 2-1 Phoenix Country Day
Hayden 2-1 Florence 0-2
Valley Christian 0-2

LOOKIN ' Good And Ready For An

Ace To Win!

ITS A BIRD. Alice Fox to the '>ky, a-. other teammate" look with anticipation on their faces. IIUDDLE. A group of jumor Varsity and rr •shmen volleyball players gather together at an assembly along w1th Coach Larry Fraher.

MY Tl.iR:\ Brook.e Wilkms, 'VIorgan Segroves, and Ll'>a Wangler wait for their turn dunng warm up at the Broadway Recreatwn enter.

at Borgade 0-2

Queen Creek. 2-0 at Phx Country Day 2-1

Superior 2-0 at Ray 0-2 at Ha.yden 1-2 at Florence 1-2

Valley hristlan 0-2 at Queen re k 2-1

Phx Country Day 1-2 at Supenor 2-1

Ray 1-2

Hayden 2-0

Florence 0-2 at alley Chmtian 0-2


j VOLLEYBALL. TOP. oach Raymond, Rosa Berna'>com, Em1ly Fsses, Alice Fox, jackie Walk.er, Lisa Wangler, Brooke Wilkms, Coach BOTTOM. Cate Lenhart, Morgan Segroves, Heather Ferns, jacque Koch1s, Angela Fox.

CRLSII. j \' Volleyball pl.w('r lll•.Jthl·r h •rn to hit the ball owr the net , whlil' htr look. thl• net at thl' lr opponent.

sERVICr. Kristen r homas serves the ball as her awaitmg teammate., hop e for an ace. After practiCing hitting pop bottle., on "F nday oh fun" Kristen has become one of the team., best servers!

The Future LOOK

Training For The Years To Come

HEY. (left) Coach Murella and Coach Fraher are caught together at a non-volleyball event. How dare they! Gee , they even look like they are having fun. STUCK. (top left) Molly Mullin, Lauren Mickle , Brooke Wilkins , ikki Macias, Angie ewton, Alayn Seminara, Amber Dau sc ha , Denise Brady , Angela Fox stick together while stranded on a dead bus in the middle of th desert " It is hot ," Alayn says. It is a memorabl event many of the players will not forget for years to come.

WAIT! G. (top right) Lisa Bankroft awaits to receive a ball so she can serve a ball before the beginning of another match " This team is going to be great their senior year. There is a lot of talent ," says a close fan

a t Bo ur ga d e 0-2

Qu ee n Cree k 2-1 \t


VOLLEYBALL. Top: Jun Murella, Kristin Thomas, Molly Mullin, Lisa Bancroft, Amber Dauscha , Katie Holland, Alayn Seminara, Vanessa Rooze and Larry Fraher Bottom : Laura Probts , ellie Omohundro , Lauren Mickle, Angie ewton , ikki Macias, and Aileen Opulencia

a t Ray 2-0

Va ll ey

C hri s tia n 0-2

a t Qu ee n

Cr ee k 1-2

Ray 0-2


Dominating LOOKS Running Down The Dream


Th rookie'· initiation of inging and dancing to ''I'm a drinker, I'm a moker "

Coach Self' ejection at Ray

Sarah Brigg ' Ia t econd thre point hot from half court during the Queen Creek Tournament

The slap fight back from scouting teams at Thatcher.

The water fight on the trip back from Ray

The Pre-game ritual

The limo ride to America We t Arena

Shaking hands with Elliot Perry

Th awe inspiring introduction of "The Lady Sentinels" at the State Finals in America West Arena.

TWO MORE. Up on the tip' of her toes, and with the ball far above her head, Cathenne R1chard takes a shot through the defense to .,core the Seton Sent1nels another quick two pomh, leavmg the opposmg team in the dust. " ThiS year was a gr at one. I would hke to thank my team for making my Senior year a memorable one. I love you guy., and I WISh you the best of luck next year. I know you guys will take 1t all'" " icole Hank's way of say1ng goodbye to the team which .,he helped take all of the way to the State Finab.

FAST BREAK! Kim Thomas takes the ball from Duncan during the State Finals. It was quick moves like these that kept the other teams from sconng. "It was a great year, we had fun, and we went far We are gomg to wm next year!" excla1ms Rosa Bernasconi.

LOO!o.cl\.'G FOR THE HOI E- " It wa' a fun seasor. full of great time,. Good luck to all of the 'entors I II never forget 1t. We ' ll all miss vou guys a lot,' 'avs Kat1e Plaodo of thi-. years C'ir!s Var itv Ba. ketball. Katie Placido 1s )()()king for a way th'rough the opposmg team s defense during the first fel\ minutes of the1r first game in the State Finals.


Bemg a new comer to the team everyone was very fnendly,' remark.' Sara Briggs

WAlTI:'\G FOR A TlJR"-: :'\ot evervone can make tt to the Fmab We didn t take it thi'> year. but it was the greatest ttme of mv fife'" says Kim Thoma;. The gt.rls wish thetr teammates lucl-. during a free throw

U:'\FORGETTABLE MOM E:'\:TS :\'tcole Hank prepare., to pas-. the ban onwards to her teammates waiting hands 'It's a lot of fun becaU',e even:one is really close and we wort.. well together," sap Juhe Brown.

at at c,,du.., at at \1ountam Pomtt.• (Pt.•on.tl - .11 at Pomh.' (\1t Pomtt.>)

at \1ountam Pomtt.· (:\l'rth \\t:-.0 -11>--1-1

Phot:nl'\ Chn..,tlan ;J. L\ at Que<n Creek tft Htll,) at Quet:n Crt.'t:k (Supt.·nor) 01-:!..::; at Queen Cret.' Crt.>ek.)

Ha\o-dt.'n at Supt.·nor at Quet.'n Crt.>ek

at Flort.'nn \\,lit.'\ Chn .. ta.ln reo;; Crt:'t:'k at reo;;

.tt H.wJ-.•ntfl,rt-.·atl



.tt \',tllt-v Chn ta.tn


St,tlt.· (Th.th:ht.·r

St,tlt· (Dum:.m)

St,th.• (Akht.>'c\V}

AI I I H.f· WAY Rosa 'Atr' Berna,com
CIRLS \'ARSIT'\ BASir\.fTBAL L TOP RO\-'\ h•rt.•nn.•, \V.tlkt.>r lo...1m Thonh\-. luht> Bnw. n. Ekth M1h.:ht>ll. C,ttht>· nnt.• Ru.-h.m..t. H.mJ... Co.Kh St:lt MIDDL r Rt)\\' Pl.t..:1Jo. Mh:hl'llt.• H.tll. S.tr.th BnAA' BOTI0\.1 RO\\ R'''' Bt:rn.,....._-,,m. Ah Gunnmg
leave' the Earth', gravttv on her way to the

Boys Are Home To ...


Jason ovak-"It' great having our own gym to practice in and not naving to drive away to play home games."

Sean Jacobs- " ! think it's 9reat having people recognize the Boy s Basketball program and not just the girls team this year."

E.J. Karcher-" It 's nice to finally get a coach that know what he 's doing and can actually coach. It 's also great to see all the student u pport we have had this year."

Geoff Smitham-"We definitely have some talent, but we have not been able to put a good streak together. Our goal is to make the playoffs, where anything can happen. "

Casey Ryan-"Coach ' Wray ' has given the eason a new turn around, while OFFE SE. Adrian Quihuis is ready to get the game going again after a foul was committed by the other team. Hayden was having a hard time that game and got into foul trouble after the first quarter. Adrian is a returning point guard along with B.R. Koehnemenn. "It's nice to have our own gym so we can feel we have a home to protect us from the evil doers," says Adrian.

giving the Seton Boy's Basketball a new reputation."

O.J. Spetz-"We've made a great improvement from Ia t year. The rest of the Seniors and I showed the leadership for the underclassmen to try and keep the tradition going."

JoJo Howard- 'T m glad that we got a change in coaches because I really like coach ' Wray '."

Erich Pflugfelder-"Basketball this year is great, the new gym is really cool. ow we can have real home games and there is a lot of student support."

Adrian Quihuis-"Our coach helps us a lot in basketball. He improved our record from last year. He is more fundamentally sound than our previous coach and mentor, Mr. Mauro. "


MOVE. Senior Dave Brown works hard to make lasting impression on the Seton Basketball team far this basketball season has been a bla-,t. Tht change of coaches 1s a maJor reason for the turn around this season, " says Dave.
HUDDLE Coach Ray gives the talk to the boys at the last home game against Hayden that they won. Coach Ray was a good trade and all of the boys appreciate the time and effort he has put into this team .

Bour g ade 36 -58

Maricopa 39-48

Phx Christian 53-61

Queen Creek To urn .

St. John 's Tourn. Hayden 64-62

Superior 40-47

Queen Creek 59-62

Ray 88-73

Florence 46-59 Valley Christian 66-58


Queen Creek 56-65

PCDS 51-49

Ray 50-74

Hayden Superior Florence Valley Christian

SLAM JoJo fig ht s off Ph oe m x Cou ntry Day and ma kes h is way u p for th e bas ket. " It 's n ice to h ave a rea l h o m e gy m m s tead of tr ave lin g to a diffe ren t gy m."
r .'
CONCE TRAT IO BR I S o n e of th e yo u ngest but stro n gest asseh to th e team. " I am learning a lo t from th e uppe rclass p laye rs to teach to the yo un ge r p laye rs n
t yea
RU. '\:1'\'G. D ur ing a r un in E.J thought it would be fun to jump instead of run. "This new gym g ives o ur t eam a new li ft!"

LOOK And Shoot!

LOOKING For Nothing But Net.

Coach Ference 's Top Ten Favorite Things To Do During Basketball Season:

10-Yell at the bench.

9-Say, "Did you take a dumb pill or something?"

S-Tell everyone to move to the person right of them.

7-Say, "You're making me lose my hair!"

6-Play when we scrimmage.

5-Confuse Players.

4-Drill involving falling down.

3-Say "On the baseline," to terrify players.

2-Call Jessica and Heather "Smurfs!"

1-WI !!

LOOK AT THE S ORE. (to the right)Evita !sip, Kri.,ten Thomas, Michelle Hall, and Heather Ferris are all smile'>. When asked the reason for their happine.,.,, they '>aid " We liked the '>Core!" These J.V. girls were '>miling all season.


FA ES. Here Coach Ference attempts to mal--e everyone .,erious before the big game. Coach's famous line I<, "P ut on your game faces!"


"It's all good." Jessica Acedo

"Heather sounds like Eeyore when she laughs." Jacque Kochis

"Do the butt thing. " Lisa Wangler.

"I especially liked Coach Ference's drawings." Katie Myers

"I have a headache and I want to die." Monica Almendarez

"I just want everybody to know---1 did not touch that girl. That was a bad call. I'm sooo mad ... " Heather Ferris

"I look like a gorilla." Mary estvold

Phoenix Christian at Superior at Queen Creek

Ray at Valley Christian PCDS

LOOK A\.D II AR\. (to thl· tar nght) He Mary \,e.,l\·old watche., a' loalh I·erence ou line., the play at half-time. One player 'd "We ll at leao,t we know, and know1ng j., ha the battle."
at Bourgade 37-35 at actus Shadows 51-14 at Coolidge 50-21
Queen Creek at PCDS at Ray Superior Valley Christian

lebow1t.r tai-.l' ' a wl'll t.'drnl'U bre,li-. from the lntl•nsl' oltlllln that tah•s placl dunng a game . \1on1La Alml•ndun' " s,lld ' Seemg how hard they wl'rl' worl-.mg , thl'y dl ·served an orcaswnal breal-. ."

GETII'\G Rb\DY FOR A \\I. ' I hl· )\' boys get psyched up before onl' of the1r games I his kind of mentulitv 1s what kept these guvs v.: mnmg all season long .

LOOK For A Shot

JV Boys Basketball Takes Off

Andrew "Worm" Lebowitz

David "Goo5e" Garza

Adam "Special K" Kerwin

Randy "Buns" Searle

Robbie "Rufu "Byrne

Jeremy "Barba" Beard

"Tiny" Tim Richard

Franci5 "The Croatian Semation"


Chris" .B." Kirch

Matt "Tool" Melcher

Mike "Hei man" Ballinger

Jeff "Wrong Way" Hall

READY FOR ACTION. Adam Kerwin readv to spring to action at the sight of a rebound " He's a good post," satd Andrew Lebow1tL.

1..\KI:-\C A BRI •\K
Bourgade Maricopa Coolidge Pho ni Chri tian Hayden Superior Queen Creek Ray Florence Valley Chri tian PCD Queen Creek Ray Hayden Superior Florence Valley Chri tian 51-55 67-13 64-59 35-3 77-47 57-48 44-45 57-47 65-64 66-46 4 -47 50-43 59-25 -4 65-4 71-46 SPORTS

LOOKING To Score An Easy Two Fast Break

TEAM WORK. " It's been a great year and I hope we do better next year," commenh James Scott. The freshmen guys kept busy th1s basketball season.

JUST DO IT! Andrew Me1ster says , " It 's not talent that wins, it's the team that wants it the most ." The guys gain knowledge, and confidence that will live on with them.

BA KIT. " You can't stop us , you can only hope to contam us enfuego," says Michael Galvez The team improves their basketball skills and hoop 11 up while becommg better fnends m the process

BOX OL T "We saw a side of Rvan we had never '>een before ," says T.J. Chacon. Spending two hours at practice together teammates learn some mteresting things about each other.

Bourgade at Maricopa Coolidg at Florenc at Phoenix Christian at Hayden Superior Queen Creek at Ray Valley Christian Queen Creek at Valley Lutheran at Scottsdale Christian Ray Valley Christian 38-45 35-46 49-56 33-52 22-58 48-44 70-33 52-39 61-53 61-46 73-28 61-58 44-57 55-37 62-40 [@) SPORTS •Ju st Do 11 tS a trademark of"'tkc. Inc and w,.cd by pcrmtS\ton

LOOK To The ''T''

Hoping For A Hole In 1!

ALMOST FI!';ISHED E:dd1e McDonough packs up and is ready to go home after a hard day' work of golfing. The weather wa' perfect golfing weather " Bov. am I !Ired' " '''Y' Eddu.>

BIRDIE One more perfect shot, and I m out of here! " 'aY' Ernesto Eha' as he fih m one last practice swmg to make his practiCe complete

"The team i doing good, but we could do better if we focus and concentrate more <_:>n what we are doing, rather than watchmg the girls." -Anthony Ross

"We needs to have some mor girls playing on the golf team." -Jon Gentife

"Our team is going all the way, and with our new spiffy clothe we ar styling!" -Mark Peoples

PUTT, PlJTT Mark Peoples, a returning golfer, hopes to get a b1rdie on this hole Fellow team members fill the air with silence as Mark putts. 'Tm goms to make it m the hole'" says Mark a' he hnes up his club m concentration.

Campe Verde

Phoenix Christian

Sedona Red Rock

Florence at PCDS at St. Gregory at Bourgade

Scott dale Christian

PCD at edona Red Rock at cottsdale Chri tian

St. Gregory

Phoenix Christian at Campe Verde STATE

VARSITY GOLF Top Row Mark Peoples, Anthony Ross, Paul Curlee, Bobby Martm, Chris Kirch.• Coach Malosk.i Bottom Row jason Lowell, jarod Cutty, juslln Foster, Jonathon Genllle, Edward McDonough, Ernesto Ehas Win_ Lo

Winning LOOKS

Keep'em Down, Guys!

This year's Wrestling team is better than ever. With powerful Upperclassmen Josh Powers, Ryan Wangler, Daniel Tom, Scott Vivian, Lee Shropshire, and David McDonald the team gets its leadership. Sophomores also hold their own. Joe Adams, Jake Powers, and Jon Shropshire give the team the edge it needs to sweep the opponents. The Wrestlers, under the guidance of Coaches Brandt and Gastley, came in second in Regionals, and participated in state. ext year LOOK for an even stronger Wrestling Program. Picture Below: A

opponent's hand.

Camp Verde Inv.

Maricopa Inv.

Superior S-way 1st

Payson Inv.

Seton S-Way

Corona Dual Meet 2nd


Regionals 2nd State

to win
REAL TEAM PLAYER. Ryan Wangler shows his politeness as he shakes an
holds up the stats that prove
is number one at the Regionals. NO ORO! ARY JOE. Here Joe Adam., shows sportsmanship as he wins first place at Regional With
great attitude Joe is sure



5-Being able to check out all of the hot Wrestlers (especially S ton's Wrestlers!)

4- Those nifty skirts

3-Sp nding the night in hotels for th weekend at a Wrestling competition in Camp Verde.

2-Mak.ing friends with the Wrestlers.

1-B ing a part of the awesome Seton Wrestling Program!!!

Jake Power 103 Ryan Wangler 189 Joey Adams 119 Josh Power 112 Jon Gentile 125 Dan Tom 152 Scott Vivian 145 Lee Shrop hire 215 David McDonald 171 Jon Shrop hire 160
MAKING FRIE OS Mandi and Jacque show w, that being a Wre..,tling Cheerleader is a great way to meet new friends. I L'\'\:Y
Radev, Kacey, c1nd Ana stnke c1 pose Amy Anmare make.., he"rbeautiful. GET READY TO GET ROCKED Jon Gentile geh ready to beat hts next vtctim. Jon was a strong asset to the team.
WRESTLI G CHEERLEADERS. Top Row )a que Chacon, Kim Piowar-y, hli'hna Watson Mtddle Row Erin Sheehy, Kacey Corbett, Ana alderon Bottom Row Bnanne Griffin, Mandt Menendez, Amv Arenare, and Radey Thompson

Battering LOOKS

A Fierce Presence To Face!

THE :\ATURAL DIRT DEVIL. Semor Sean Piccola attack.s a well h1t ground ball w1th and elegant form Sean admits, Its great to be bacJ.., from InJury, I can't wa1t to get mto a game."

WHAI ARE YOU LOOK! GAT? "You, of "all we can say to St.>noor D J Sf>t'tl "T h" beong my last year, I plan on shMong my knowll'd);l' of the gamt.> to futurt.> Var· soty playl'rs "

ePL.:l ML I'\; COACH• Wt.> lool.. at St.>mor Sean Ptecola looking onward at h" teammates as they show off their stuff on the field

WOOOOOOSH!! How do vou get power m tha swmg7 Use a tee of course, at least that's how nior Bnan Faz1o does it "Baseball is great and I r. glad I have played all four years ."

HEART TO HEART! On their way back to th 1 dug-out, Coach Bamewicz walks ;ind talks with Sophomore M1ke Sullivan. "'] h1s year I will do ml best to help out the team any way I can"

AMERI A GOTHIC. Grant Wood could not have painted a better picture. With smiles bright r than the sun, stands Juniors Raul Vargas and hris Stovall to journey to clean and perfect their field Raul states, "It am't the most fun or even the most glamorous job but someone has to do it." In order to keep the field in the perfect shape it is Chris' job to encourage Raul. The rest of the team has to practice sc, these guys got lucky.


" IT'S ALL IN THE STA CE," says Senior Robbie Dumas as he practices his swing. Being Seton's -;tar catcher, and a team leader, Robbie also has to remember to take off the rest of his equtpment.

ROCKET FIRE. Junior Geoff Metster awaits the call from the catcher to see what pttch he will fire over the plate next. Following in his brother ' s footsteps, this talented young man is Seton ' s new ace pitcher for the upcoming season.

WARM!:-.: ' UP In the beginnmg of all practices there are alway'> warm-ups. Semor Chris Gaeta has chosen to loosen up his arm wtth a fellow teammate before he takes his position

SWI:\:G BATTER As he watts for the pttch, Sophomore B.R Koehnemann prepares htmself to hit the ball with force and power. " This year will be great , for me and for the team' "

at Florence at Maricopa Camelback at PCDS

Superior Bourgade at Ray Gila Bend at Hayden at Florence

Valley Christian at Phoenix Christian at Queen Creel-. PCDS at Superior Ray

Hayden Florence at Valley Christian

Queen Creek State


Unfinished Business LOOKING To Re-State

5PRJJ\C. fRAI:'\1 G Anne Mane Ser\'mo, Jaala Collins, Teri Kowalczyk, Emily Esses, Dora Lorenzen, and '\leely Omohundro are gethnl;\ m shap for the upcoming season. With an inhaler in her mouth, Jaala hopes to b able to breath dunng her workout. :'-Jobody looks like they are gomg to collapse.yet, but then agam only the front of the JOgging crew 1s p1ctured "We are schmokin' m sftape," says Dora

STRIKE Ten I<..owalczyl.. onl' ot ing Varsity players.' I'm gomg to on a schoj. arship for softball and I can't wait, #14-GRA. D SLAM! Jessica Acedo'., softball tdll•nt has scor her a spot on the VarsitY squad With her var !!\experience from last vear, shl' Is sure to bl' an as to the team "We're gonna kiCk some tail .md have fun in the process."

Bourgade at PCDS at Maricopa at Queen Creek at PCDS at Superior Ray at Gila B nd Hayden Florence at Bourgade Phoenix Christian Queen Creek PCDS Superior at Ray at Hayden at Florence Wickenburg State


WE GATHER TOGETHER. During their first game of the season Varsity players get together for a team conference Catcher Stephanie Martin says, It was a close game we needed to p lay tight and get the out ." FOR THE GREATER HONOR AND GLORY OF GOD, SETON CATHOLIC H IGH SCHOOL This plaque is in the girls dugout and reminds them why they do everything.

THR EE IS ALL W E EE D ! So ph o m o re Lisa Wa ngler, a re turnin g va rs it y pl aye r, says, " I h o p e o ur firs t ga m e se ts th e s ta nd a rd fo r th e res t o f th e seaso n."

IN THE HUDDLE . Semor Anne Marie Servino and Emtly Esses get together with the rest of the team before their victory agamst the Eagles. These Lady Sentinels are looking forward to a very successful season. hores are to take state and by the looks of thin9.s they just might do that' Anne Marie Servmo says, I m exCited about fimshmg our unfinished business. '

REA DY TO THR O W . Se ni or Do ra Lo re n ze n is h e lpin g lea d th e tea m th ro u g h th e ir th row in g exe rcises . Do ra says, " We s h ou ld d o rea ll y we ll th is yea r

A OT H ER DAY OF PRA CT ICE . Jess ica Acedo is ge ttin g rea d y to go o u t a nd prac ti ce. A tea m m e mbe r says, " Prac ti ce m ay be nard but it's wo r t h a win "

LOOK To Hit!

Keep Your Eyes On The Ball

SMilEY. Lovable Andrew Meister g1ves a ''Y smile a., he prepares to peg another team member Bud will follow m the" Me1.,ter Legacy" of excellence m baseball.

at C1melback at Bourgade atSupenor at Bourgade Ray at Gila Bend Hayden

Florence Phoenix hri.,tian at Queen Creek Supenor at Ray at Hayden at Florence Queen Creek

POWFR. Sean Sapp prepares to knock the ball to the heavens TEAMWORK Peter Rhee and M1ke Poubon gather up the balls for another go around Peter thmb that, workmg together i the only way to succeed SMASH THf. BALL. Fre.,hman Darren SpelL make., great contact with the ball at the j.V. pracllce. Darren goes out and does hi., best m hopes of makmg Var.,Ity.
E ) SPORTS Loss_
V BASEBALL Top: juan Valenc1ano, Francis Zovko, Randy earle, Rob Byrne, M1ke Poulsen, B.j Young, joe Bauer, Coach Ference Bottom: jon Shrop.,hire, David GarL.a, Darren SpelL, Geoff Smithams, Mike CalveL., Sean Sapp, Larry Forsythe, Max Runke, Andrew Meister


J. V. Takes It All

PITCH IT. Molly Mullin uses her immense strength tu hurl another strike down the line. Molly IS a real asset to the team, a ver atile player, a great hitter , and fun to be around Below left. HUSTLE Third Baseman Erin Joynt, Pitcher Molly Mullin, and Shortstop Monica Almendarez show off their speed as they hustle out. " Our new coaches 0 ' 1'\eil and Good , give me the confidence that I need to do well. " Below FOOU!'\G AROUl\:D. Coach Dan Acedo adds comic relief at practice. He helps the girls work hard and have fun. at

GOOD ARM. Kelly Travis warms up her p1tchmg arm before the scnmmage agamst Desert Vista Kelly's sweet temper and talent make her a favor1te among the players on J.V ., Varsity , the coacht>s , and fans.
Bourgade at Queen Creek Wickenburg at Ray at Florence Bourgade at Phoenix Christian Queen Creel-. Ray at Wickenburg

Serve!ls Up

LOOK At Our Set Of Aces

Ah Gunnmg patiently awaih for the next hit. " This is my first year plaving tenms for Seton. I know that once agam , we ' re going to do awesome "

LOOKl:\'G GOOD GliYS Brvan Scannell, Brian Murphy , and Cameron Moore po e as Andre Agassi : Pete Sampras, and Ivan Lend!. ' 'I've been m this team since freshmen year , and for all I knov.· were really going to kick. some this year.Bryan cannell

Sup rior at Buckeye Dystar at Florence Scott dale Christian Bourgade atP OS at Superior at Dystar Buckeye Coolidge P OS at Scottsdal hrist. Regionals

SF:\'IORS RULE, f'\ L ' 0:--: THF COURT Cameron Moor<', Bryan Stannell, Bnan Murphy , Stephame Parks, and E-rin Armstrong, take control on the court

SERVES UP FOR LORI. She practices her 117mph serve for the upcommg match . " We had a good .,eason last year, and I hope we have an even better one this year.

0:\' 1 HE BAI I Stephame Parb to return the ball. " This my third of and I expect to win big ' -

LOOKII\'G TOUG H Bnce Rhee takes her tenni., serio u s ly " This is my first year in tennis, and I'm havmg a g reat hme "

upenor at Buckeye Dvstar · at ' Florence Scottsdale Chnshan., Bo u rgade at PCDS at Superio r at Dys tar

Bucl-. eve

Coolidge PCDS a t Sco tt sdale at St. Gregory Regionab tate

T E IS T o p : Ali Gunnin g, Lo ri Wo lf, Juli e Br o wn , Kri tin e Moo re, St ph a n ie Pa rk s a n d Coac h j os h Ba tes. Bo tt o m : Erin Arm s tr o n g, An ge la Fox, Bri ce Rh e, St e phani e W o lf W i n _ __


There's No Stopping This Heat!


"My personal expectation is to break my record in the 400m run and the lOOm run, and to beat Hawkin-;on! My team goal i for everyone to meet their expectation and have lots of fun," says Annette Howard.

"I want to beat Valley Chri tian again at Regional and make Hawkinson cry!" ays Catherine Richard.

"My goals are to improve my times in the 200m run, 400m run, to have no injurie , and to have a good experience," ay ikki Macias.

"Our goal i obvious to take Regional and state and to beat our personal be t, and KILL VALLEY," say Melissa Matthews and Aryn Seminara.

L 's"> 101'1'·\Bl [· funwr K,tltl•l'budo, l'"\n•llt•nt torm, Jumps O\'l'r till' hurdle 1 such a n•rs,ttil<• runner. she l' <<'I<; at eVer\ Pvent savs Beck\ Regalado WI!A I I \'1· R I I ( AKES.
in the
run. at North Canyon 3rd at Apache at Superstition at Superior at Chandler Htgh at Superior at Apache Junction at oolidge at Superior at San Manuel Regionats State
•a,, I
THI· BIONIC WOMA"J Senwr Aryn eminara runs hke a gazelle as she passes her opponents who don't even have a prayer because of her mtghty powers.
gtH's tl
GIRLS TRACK Top Coach lt1hn Pohl, Ro'a Katu:· PlaCido, Sarah Kim Thoma.,, Cathennt• Ru.:htHd, Dana Dtllard, Enca Valen· LUl'la, Coach Denm' Clmch Mtddle Alayn Semmara, Rl'becca Mt·h'"-cl Matthew,, Annette Howard. Aryn Semmara, Laura Bottom Noel Wilham, , Ntkkl
leather fern, , Laura l'rub<.t, Sophta Accord, Stephante Olah


Finishing Faster For First

REACHIJ\;C FOR THE STARS . Senior Track Team Captain Ryan catches a breeze . " We have a young team , but with .,ome expenence they will be a force to deal with! " says Casev teachmg ' ' 1ck VanBergen how to do the tnple JUmp Cluring practice ·

FASTER John Sullivan takes his jog before the team stretches Even though John IS a sen1or this is h1s first year on track at Seton My real hope is to stay m shape dunng the track season;· says John

READY The track veterans show the rookies how to set up and me the blocks dunng practice James Scott , RaJa Aud1, Brett LewiS and Sergio Chamberlin are onh a fe" on the hug<' boys track team th1s vear

BOYS TRACK Top '1ck VanBergen , MIChael Knck, Sean Sylwsler, Brandon Celeya , Casey Ryan , Mark Haen, john Sullivan Svlwstor, Coach Larry Fraher M1ddle J C jaureL Sergu> Chamberlin, Ben Malt Melcher, Ra1a Aud1, Mall hew Breit LewJS , Ryan L11trell, Todd Hus,un Boltom M1ke Klemmms , Malt Mayo, Dav1d McDonald, Chns Edwards, Rj L.ardJ£abal , Ja"<>n Bashan, James Scull , and Malt hew Pendleton
at 1'\orth Canyon at Boys Ranch at Apache Junction at Superstition at Superior at Chandler at Chandler at Superior at Apache Junction at Coolidge at uperior at San Manuel Regionals State


" TO BE OR OT TO BE Fre-.hman joanna Henry geh a lev• actmg tips from the Drama Club Moderator David Barker. Mr. Barker has done a "uperb JOb dir ctmg our Seton the.,pians in leg-breaking p rformances the past two year-.. Drama Club i., a great experience and our work with improvisation can h lp u-. later m life. " -)oanna Henry

PLA , PLA , PLA Senior Angie

Menendez gath rs with Retreat Team members to plan an exciting retr at. "I had a gr at time on my first Kairos retreat. It really makes friends bond, and people respect each other more."

SPREAD! G THE WORD. Junior Jennie Pearson makes h r way to the altar to teach God's news. " Reading at mass allow me to participate in the rna and be an important part of the celebration."

Seton's most exciting part of the school day i tht numerous amount of clubs available after school.

Clubs are a fun way to be with old friend and to meet new friend . What could be better than pending an afternoon hanging out with your friend , having a great time? Ranging from Foreign Language Club to S.A.D.D. (Students Against Driving Drunk), no matter what it is, they are fun, and a good way to keep yourself involved in the chool.

Here's what some Seton tudent have to say about clubs.

"Clubs are really good for building self-esteem and self accomplishment. When you're part of a group that helps others or even just works together to reach a certain goal, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and makes you feel you've made a difference."-Kri Cunningham

"Clubs are good for bringing tudents together while having fun. I couldn't be in any clubs because I had Football, Basketball, and Baseball, but I wish I had the opportunity to be in one. You can meet new people and make the friendships you have blossom." -D.J. Spetz

BODY OF CHRIST. Listening attentively, Seniors Meredith Collins, Adam Boyle Heather Dixon, icole Hank, Marsha Hart, Stephanie Parks, and Juniors J anine DeTiege and Cate Lenhart stand in line after r c iving their certificates giving them Eucharistic Minister status. Eucharistic Minist rs are an ess ntial part of the liturgy, and students are cho en to bring the rna ·s closer to the congregation the student body. ''I'm glad I was chosen to be a part of this mini try," say' Adam Boyle



GUl L TY?! j unior Daniel Tom examines evidence close ly to prepare Fo r the up coming Mock Trial.

" It (Mock Tria l) is a pretty stressful club to be a part of " comments Daniel.

STRIKE A POSE. Sophomore and head of the can-can recycling done by NHS jessica Underwood with excitement written all over her Face She enjoys helping out the environment.


FORE IGN LA GUAGE. Junior jenme Pearson takes time From her chat with cousin Ann Burke to pose For the camera As they sit an,iously waiting to begm jennie quotes, " I like it. "

N.H.S. 57 SADD 30 Prom Committee 21 Student Council 20 Foreign Language 18 Close Up 17 Drama 17 Franciscan s 17 Retreat Team 13 New s paper 13 Eucharistic Minister s 9 Kairos 8 NV 6 Key Club 6 Ministers of the Word 4 I
LIGHTS, CAMFRA , ACTION1 For the1r upcommg plays " The Poet and the Rent" and " The Actor > ightmare ", the Freshmen crew consisting of Becky Price, Amber Dausha, and Soph1a Acord mtend on making the1r debut spectacular Becky Price replies year'> play wJII be a great learmng expenence and I can ' t wait to perform. "Academic Bowl io, a great way to expand my knowledge," sayo, Freshman Matt Pendleton as he tests his brain power with Senior Aida Fox looking on.

MS. PRESIDE T. icole Hank, the Student Body President , is forever busy making decisions and trying her be-,t to make the students happy. " icole's accomplished a lot for the Student Council and I'm glad we got the chance to work together," says Aryn Seminara.

THE KEYS TO THE KEY CL B. Anne Marie SerYino and Kmta Cunningham pose with friendly smiles for the camera. These two lovely ladies are there for every fund rap,er that the Key Club promotes
__ c.Luas ______
KEY CLUB. Krista Cunningham, Heidi Stoll, Bobby Martin, Jacque Kochis, and Anne Marie Servino. STUDE T COU CIL. Top Row: Adam Boyle, Francis Zovko, Mark Haen, Patrick Sylvester, Dave Vasquez, and Moderator Mr. Pohl. Middle Row: Beck} Regalado, Michelle Pinkava, Catherine Richard, Kim Thomas, Ali Gunning Katie Placido, and Jacque Kochis. Bottom Row: Andrew Meister, Alayn Semi· nara, Jessica Underwood, Angela Rogers, Kim Piowarsy, and Aryn Seminara
"I think Seton's cool because it has a lot of activities for students to participate in. It's a good chance to be with your friends and to meet new people."-Jessica Underwood

LQUE PASA? Aida Fox, Ben Reisinger, Sarsif Wyckoff, and Jen Gronsky are all member-, of the Foreign Language Club. They are all trymg to communicate with each other. Aida says, "lnrideo linguae tuae saevae!"

OH, ALMIGHTY C Pat Sylvester and Monica Almendarez collect cans and Shawn Allen bows down to the can god and goddess. The HS members work as a team and watch their profits grow. Monica comments, "Recycling rules!"

HS. Top row: Patrick Sylvester, Mark Peoples, Anthony Ross, Dave Brown, Chris Majoue, athan Krick, Ramiz Audi, Andrew Henschen. Fourth row: Emily Krauss, Kim Thomas, Matt Clark, Francis Zovko, Geoff Smithems, Dave Va quez, Julie Brown, Alice Fox, J nnifer Gronsky. Third row: Becky Regalado, anda Vann, Katie Placido, icole Hank, Catherine Richard, Michelle Pinkava, Kaoife Lalor, Aryn Seminara, Jennie Pearson. S cond row: Rachel \lowicki, Jen Guy, Pam Wennmacher, Angela Fox, Annette Howard, Ann Burke, Jessica Underwood, Anne Marie Servino, Angie Menendez, Zach Dubasik. Bottom row: Sandy Myskowski, Sherry Thibaudeau, Amy Arenare, Kristina Watson, Monica Almendarez, Aida Fox, Jenny Lang, Stephanie Martin, Jacque Kochis.

FOREIG LANGUAGE CLUB. Top row: Joanna Pearson, Sarsif Wyckoff, athan Krick, Allison Martin, Jennifer Gronsky. Middle row: Kathleen Kirby, Julie Brown, David Vasquez, Ramiz Audi, Annette Howard, Moderator Mrs. Heath. Bottom row: Erin Dumas, Alda Fox, Sibylle DeFresart, Ann Burl.-e, Jessica Underwood, Erin Armstrong, Sherry Thibaudeau.


HUMBLE SERVA TS. Jumtm Jeamne De Tiege and Kim Piowarsy lool-. over todays' agenda for the Franciscan meetmg. Jeanine says, "F ranciscans is great, it ' s not a club, but a way of life "

TYPE-0-MA TIC. Senior Melissa Mathews types d1hgentlv a-, she tne., to meet her newspaper deadline. Melissa '>ays, It's worth the worl-., to contribute to such a prestigious n wspaper

FRA IS A S. Third Row: Morgan Segraves, Jacquelin hacon, athan Krick, 1cole Hank, Katie Placido, Ericka Valenzuela. S cond Row: Erin Sheehy, Jessica Underwood, Aryn S minara, Kim Piowarsy, Zack Dubasic. First Row: Angela Fox, Anne Marie Servino, Chris Barker, Angie Menendez, Katie Barker, Moderator Mrs. Meibert ( ot Pictured).

EWSPAPER. Second Row: Ev1ta Is1p, Angela Rogers, Jen Bastian, Franca1 Zovko, Adam Boyle, Michael White, Kristina Watson. First Row Mod rato Mrs. Pattock, Paul Tomasik, Stephanie Martin, Jessica Acedo, RyAnn Rod riguez, Jaala Collins.

E,_) cw as ______J
"Prom committee is really fun. We are planning for a great prom. We're all excited and ready to make this the best prom ever!" Bethany Stover

WOMA AT WORK. "Could I have another fundra1ser?" said Mrs. Koye, after the free car wash prom committee held. Here is Becky Regalado making a sign, just glad she could help make this prom the best.

DO 'T DRl K A D DRIVE " SADD is spiffy," says Monica Almendarez of SADD's work to help stop drunk. driving. Here Mrs. Rich, moderator of SADD, is leading a SADD meeting.

SADD. Fourth Row: Alice Fox, Julie Brown, David Vasquez, Robbie Dumas, ick VanBurger, Lori Wolf, Emily Krauss. Third Row: Stephanie Wolf, Radey Thompsom, Jacque Kochis, Becky Regalado, Laura Pflugfelder, Annette Howard, Angela Fox, Pamela Wehnmacher. Second Row: Moderator Mrs Collins, Syboanae Sabori, Wendi Davis, Kim Piowarsy, Monica Almendarez, Ange la Rogers, Mike Klemmens, Kristen Campbell, Moderator Mrs. Rich. First Row: icky Macias, Stephanie Martin, Michelle Golfin, Evita !sip, Gloria Osorio, Sandy Myskowski.

PROM COMMITIEE. Third Row: Angie Hauber, Julie Brown , David Vasquez, athan Krick, Patrick. Hobbs, Ramiz Audi, Katie Placido Second Row: Morgan Segroves, Jackie Walker, Alice Fox , Lori Wolf, Jacquelin Chacon, Amy Lash , Moderator Mrs. Koye. First Row: Wendy Davis, Zack. Dubasic, Kim Piowarsy, Becky Regalado , Bethany lover, Jennifer Bastin , Sandy Myskowski.


lMPROVISATIO!\:. " ow pretend that the energy is painful, and it hurts, " says Mr Barker, the moderator of the Drama Club. Joanna Pearson , Joanna Henry, and Adam Winstanley laugh as they push an imaginary energy force around the circle during a drama activity

BAGELS FOR SALE! Chris Barker and Emily Es ;es in action raising money for Close p . " A bagel with cheese is 51.50 and orange juice is 5.50, " says Emily " I love the orange juice' I wish I could have it all! " moans Chris Barker

DRAMA. Top row: Erin Sheehy, Andrew Henschen, Bobby Martin, Sarah Washburne, Erin Maher. Middl row: Valerie Wagner, Joanna Henry, Michael Miller, Josh Powers, Elizabeth Ore, Katie Doherty. Bottom row: Kristen Allen, Sibylle DeFresart, Kristina Watson, Sophia Accord, Stephanie Olah, Kathleen Kirby, Megan Duran. Moderator, Mr. Barker not shown. E) CLUBS

CLOSE UP. Top row: Moderator, Mr. Pohl, Brett VanGundy, Chris Stovall Patrick Hobbs. Middle row: Katie Placido, Morgan Segroves, Lee Becky Regalado, Emily Esses, Jacque Chacon. Bottom row : Krista Cunning ham , Sandy Myskowski, Zack Dubasik, Anne Marie Servino, Chris Barker, AJ. 1ce Fox, Jeff Hall.

Mllhad KncJ... \H'tght lith after ,d10ol about J or -! time' a weeJ.... He ays, " It wtll help nw get better at 'porh, and hopefully tootball m· t Yl'M "

·r E:RS '\,a than "-rick Jeremy figgin,, Aida Fox. <1nd Vl<1tt Pendleton get together on r hur day tor Academtc Bowl," fhl• great auJ... leads u' tn our path ot tnvtal knowledge ('onwtime guesstng)," says Matt

LATE IGHTS. athan Krick, Shawn Allen, Angie Menendez, Ramiz

Matt Ko his, and Dani I Tom, get together after school for one of th tr Mock Trial meetings. They have b en having me lings from 7-9 at night to get everyt hing done. Ramiz says, " It is the b st club around."



Audi, Angte Menendez, Ramtz Audt, 1\,athan Krick and Shawn Allen Ryan Gibney , Chad Young, MarJ... Haen, Brian Kruger. Bottom Laura Probh, Joey Adams, Damel Tom, lee Shrop-.htre, David McDonald, and Jennifer Rail
L_ c_L uas __
FOREIG l.A\.GLAGE fe,sica Undt.>rwood, \.\vcJ...off . ' athan "-rid.., )en GronsJ...y, and Aida Fox

HERE COMES THE READERS. Shawn Allen carries up the Lectionary while Michelle Pinkava follows behind. The commemoration of the gym was one of the longest masses in Seton history. Marie Lillo ' s feelings were that, " They spent forever talking, the only cool thing was that 7th hour was only ten minutes long!"

MEN AT WORK. Junior Ben Reisinger and Freshman Matt Pendelton deliver a television and VCR to Mr. Fraher's room. Moderator Mr. owe says , " These guys are in the AV club to get buff, check out their biceps. " The AV club also sets up the sound system for all the masses.

AUDIONISUAL. Matt Pendleton, Andrew Henschen, athan Krick, Shawn MI ISTERS OF THE WORD. Michelle Pinkava, Patrick Sylvester,

Allen, Jeremy Figgens, and Mr. owe, Moderator. Howard, Sr.

Annet Joan Marie, Moderator.

FUTuRr I'Rli S T? Junwr Sh<1wn Allen sits bdck and relaxes as he fin1,he> up eating h1-. Dontos ch1ps at a Kairos meeting Ka1ros is one of the newest clubs ,1t Seton this yedr. Kairo., p, 111 chargt• of the Semor Retreat.

THE BODY 01 CHRJST . Junwr Beth Hoel receives tht body of Chri.,t trom Senwr I:ucharisiic :vi mister Heather Dixon lledtht•r o,ayo, , " I enJOY the .,pintudl benefits of being dn EM. "

TIO . Eucharistic Mimsters Heather D1xon, Anne Marie ServSpnnLI, and Stephame Park., are listening to the homily at our flp;t Mass in the cafeteria. Senwr tephanie says, " We are privileged to atMas., as a school and give thanks and praise to .od "

KAIROS Top Row : Michelle Pinkava , Sean Sylvestor, Casey Ryan , Shawn Allen , Bottom Row : Angie MenendeL, Anne Mane Sen.mo , He1d1 Stoll , Sr Rachel, moderator

EUCHARJSTIC Ml JSTERS Top Row Aryn emmara, Mar ha Hart. Cate Lenhart , Beth Hoel, Morgan egro\'es. Bottom Row r Rachel , moderator , MenendeL, Anne Marie erYmo, He1d1 Stoll

RETREAT TFAM Top Rm" 1-..mten Merlenbach , Robbie Dumao, , Casey Ryan , Mark Haen, Marsha Hart , Michelle Pmka\'a Bottom Row · Sr. RacheL mod rator, Krista Cunningham, Anne Mane en mo , He1d1 _toll , Teri 1-..owalcqk. Jenmfer Guy, Ang1e MenendeL, Debbie Cashllo

THE EXECUTIO, ER. Jason Bastian threatens to cut off Chris B nnett's head during the school play. Jason comments, "I think it ts a really good experience to be in the school play. Everyone ts hilarious, especially Chris Bennett."

SHOWBIZ. Jacque Chacon, Erin Sheehy, Stephame Olah, Heather Ferris, Sean Sylvester, and Katy Barker display their singing and dancing skills close to the end of "The Poet and the Rent".

BEFORE THE FACT. Mr. eufeld's Music clas es' gather together in preparation for their performance during the Foreign Language Festival. "After the Fact," it was a great performance!

MUSIC Top: Vanessa Rooze, Lori Wolf, Sarah Marhny, A1leen Opulencia, Brianne Gnffin, Enn Sheehy, Laura McAlister, Enn Day, julie Brown, Melissa Matthews, Dana Dillard, Megan Soldner, Sarah Clark, Sherry Th1badeau, Annette Howard, Enn Maher. Row: jacque Chacon, Amy Arenare, Lynn Marhnez, jennifer Bastian, Krista Cunnmgham, Aryn Seminara, Sarah Corral, Amy Regan, Heather Ferris, Sandy Myskowskl, Crystal Hardesty, Debb1e Cashllo, Stephanie Wolf, Enn Armstrong. Second Row· Breit VanGundy, Aug• Falzarano, Scolt Lmdsey, jonathan Murphy, Ramon Bernasconi, Chad Young. M1ke Ballmger, joe Adams, Malt Mayo, Steve Zoudhk, jake Powers. Firs! Row Chad Farr, Geoff Meisler, Robb1e Burns, Brian Murphy, jC juarez, Sean Greco, juan Valencia no, Victor Murua, Ryan Gibney, B R Koehnemann, Geoff Sm1tham, Sergio Chamberhn


SCHOOL PLAY. Top: Sean Sylvester, Michael Krick, Chri Bennett, Sylvester. Middle: Rachel Williamson, Hannah Barnett, Sophia Acord, Barker, Kim Piowar y, Jacque Chacon. Bottom: Jocelyn Ohl, Heather Fern' Stephanie Olah, Meredith Collins.

LOOK & Listen


enjoy being in lots of clubs because I get to work with new people, have fun, and also one additional benefit to clubs is that colleges love to see them on your transcripts." -Becky Regalado

PEACE DUDE! Sophomore Mike Sullivan gives the common peace sign as Seton's new Pep Band warms up their fingers and their instruments! " I think the Pep Band is a really neat edition to Seton", comments Senior Marie Lillo.

BA G! BOOM' BOM! Fre hman Bud Meister enjoys himself as he jams with the Seton Pe,r Band. Bud say , 'Tm stoked, the Pep Band rocks!

SHOW-OFFS. Seniors Brian Murphy and Mar ha Hart display their skeletons in front of the camera We cou ld hardly back them off before we took their picture. They were very proud of their hard work, and the results!

MESMERIZED. Senior Michelle Pinkava and Teri Kowalczyk are concentrating deeply on their clay in Mr. Ference ' s art class. They both enjoy the class because it gives them a break to be creative during the day.

PEP BA D. Top: Brian Krueger, John Sullivan, Andrew Henschen Middle: Bud Meister, Jeremy Figgins, Doug Phillip , Phillip Reye , Ryan O'Mara. Bottom: Brooke Wilkins , Erica Valenzuela, Sherry Thibadeau , Anne Marie Servino.


Take A LOOK At The Makers Of The Book

DEADLI'\.ES \nnte Kthhkv and ltllo help out dunng ,;ne of vearboob crunch ttmes. Anme commenh, I love working on the yearbook. but the deadlines make me stre"ed out and if anyone -,ays anything bad about the yearbook I' ll personally I.-ill them' "'

SEARCHI'\.C Marsha Hart loob through the clip art book in hopes that she can tmd the nght picture. Bnan Murphy says, ' Marsha i., a hard worker when it comes to vearbook. Don ' t bother her at all she ' s worktng espeCially if you ' re hyper. " .. .

DO 1:: Aryn Semmara and Rebbe ca Re galado tree climbing af ter a long days work . It must ha 1 been a stress reliever after many hours tn a nv. room Maybe they could JUst be hiding, becau they set off a school alarm. Who knows why th are doing this Aryn comments that, " We were JU wattmg for Becky's dad and thought tt would b fun to climb one of the tress on campus ."

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I· I \ l I \ 1 0 L: I S Dan• lol>J...ing through pagl' "It to bl' perlect It not pnkct then m>t dunl' ' D.n l'

L ,\I'TIO S ,\ndn·\, h putt1ng \\ to thl· action 111 page. Andrew It a lot ul worJ... but 111 the end vou get a ul faction." ()evr, u (()_ <UftUt ot t4e 1995-96 1 1K jt4'et u d«e t<J- t4e aHd ot 4taU· 1 1 t4e 4taU 't W4it t4e t<J- 4ee U'e <tUute 46 Ht4l«f tka HtMie A7 US WU'. we 4ee /iU OtQI, at OtQI, aHd at OtQI, at t4e ot OtQI, aH.et at OtQI, pude. we OtQI, dad A7 u USWU'. Sat«n OtQI,

Yh\RBOO"- <..,I AH· I op. Bnan :\1urph}, \1on1Ca Alnwndarl'/, Annl' \lane IIIIo, Brvan Scannell 2nd Row: "-a til Allan, Adam 13ovll•, krl•my Andrew Acl•do. Jrd Row· Hart, \II organ Segro\ \lll hl'lk [·ccl·ll'attocJ.... Bl·cJ...v Regalado, Aida f·ox athan "-nck Bottom: An·n <;em111ar.1. Jennifer ot piCtured [),n l' \1att W1lhl'lm. and Slott l The n·arbuoJ... tooJ... their p1cturl' before breaJ... Star canw to Aida 'I too chl·ap to pav tor bucJ...-aand nll\\ 1t 111 thl' yearbouJ.... At I mom'


MALE 601\:DI:--JG Vincente Beltron and Phillip Reyes tal-.e time out of their lunch to spend quality time With each other. It's one of those special moments among the guy,. Vincent 'aY' · " I lil-.e lunch because you get to talk. to your friends more than m las, and in between classes. " Phillip seems surprised that the chicken nuggets actually taste like real chicken.

AM I SEE! G DOUBLE? Great minds think alike. Allison Martin and Ann Burke hare lunch with each other enjoying a cold and refre s hing soda. While Ann prefers what the doctor orde red, Allison likes to obey her thirst.

CHUG IT! Breathe, Devin Apodaca. As Devin sits at the red table for lunch with her friends she says, " This is the first time Laura didn 't make the pop go up my nose."


Student were asked what their favorite televi ion commercial was and many replie were given.

Matthew Clark, Adam Winstanley, Mr. Relph, and Tommy Piowarsy loved, "The Pepsi commercial with the goldfish."

Michael Mattson, Kris Coleman, Noel Williams, Don. nie Thibedeau, Chad Farr, and Amy Mone think "The Budweiser commercial with the frogs," is the be t.

Michael Walkinshaw, Raja Audi, and Kevin Foote had to say, "The Budweiser commercial with the playing football," was good.

Overall Budweiser definitely wins the commercials ol the year award!

DRINKS ARE 0 THE HOUSE. Katy Barker and Molli Hardesty are having a toa t to life , equality and lunch pt riod. Lunch is a favorite period of all. Katie says, " I a ways get Diet Coke with lunch because it is the best. "


cHOCOHOLICS. There 's no wrong way to eat a Reese 's. And the best way to enjoy it with friend during lunch Tauni Raupp and Amy Mone share m each others company. Taum JUSt loves Twix s great cara mel , cookie crisp. But these two c hocoholics better not eat too much or they will be chugging down \Ome Pepto Bismol.

LOU GE PALS. Junior Christy Sherman and Sophomo re Denise Brady like to eat inside the new ly pain ted cafeteria. Denise's favori te drink is beer, t h at's root beer. Whi le Denise is gulping down the beer like it is wa ter, Christy's going to cram for her Chemistry test.

JUST DO IT Chad Foster sports his new , ike wear while putting on his backpack the cool way, one arm at a time Chad is exIting CS with a bored look on his face. I guess he considers Intro to Computers easy.

MOSSJMO. Chris Stovall is determined to express his support of Mo simo fashion Chris may have broken his arm during baseball practice but it doesn ' t keep him from wearing the latest styles.

ST SSY Before the rest of the school gets out to lunch

Heather Dixon and Debbie Castillo enjoy the quiet campus. Stussy i one of the freshest styles around and Debbie is just one of the students wearing it. ADS

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D.S \.. FAMILY DENTISTRY Alma Gardens Professional Bldg 793 N Arna School Rd Suite 12 OFFICE 963 -1 856 Chandler. Arizona 85224 Cable TV Advertising for the East Valley Fred Laraway rZJ Account Executive 602-995-2711 Fax: 602-397-2457 A {o1 (!NdWltUboM (..,_NIJ Suzy's Special Care Mary Kay for Mom; Child Care for kids 0-72 age 7:00-5:30pm 497-5496 No Pool No Smoking lots of tender care 70% off first visit -- ·---- z LNIII:U.IIH I Theatres NW Corner of Arizona Ave. and Warner for Movie times call 731-9069 I ADS
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2: To be a witrzess, or C'on_firn1 3: To give testimony 4: To bear wit11ess
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MAGE RODUCT . . DEBORAH LEWIS Service Manager 619 S. Hacienda Drive Ste. 4 Tempe, AZ. 85281 Ph. (602) 858-9498 Fax. (602) 858-9526 [@) ADS ERVIC E S . Sales of and service on micrographics equipment. Sales of new and used units and parts and all supplies for brands like 3M, Cannon, and Alos.
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There Are New Kids On Campus

LEA VI 'G? Stephen Zoudlik is leaving Religion class while David abal seems to want into the class. Rehg10n a class Steve didn't have to take at hrs old school. He says, " The rotation schedule is different."

AFTER S HOOL. Being new at Seton could be a hard but Jarme seems to be fittmg m well She was caught after school exiting her Rdigron class. Jaime says, ' 'I'm used to small schools ." She moved here from Lake Tahoe and has joined eton for her second semester, Freshman year Jaime seemed a little quiet at first, but now she ;s starting to express her true colors.

MUGS tephen Zoudlik got lucky and got out of his 7th hour class to pose for hrs yearbook mug. Stephen came from Mesa and says, "The lunches here are a lot better than pubhc schools' "

ARTISTICAL TALENT. Corbin King enjoys his art class by making a clay figurine. The clay figure is a baseball pia\ er's head. Corbin claims it is a model of Robbie's head and Wendi disagrees. Corbin plays baseball. In fact, baseb is a reason for his coming to Seton. He was not going to come until next year, but when he heard about the openrn he th ught he should come now. The thought of having a whole page dedicated to him and two oth r p ople cited him. Corbin says, ''I'm not really used to small school ."

• •
POSE. Jaime Spotle on poses at one of Seton's rather scenic areas. Jaime is one of the new Freshmen for 2nd semester. Jaime says, "The people are really nice and the weather is good."
PICTURES. Corbin King found one of the prettiest trees on campus to get his picture taken at. Corbin says, "The people here are a lot easier to get to know then at Chandler High."
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Heads of many of the 186 mem ber nat1ons gather 1n New York to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Umted Nations in October

French transportation workers stnke against the1r g vernment throughout the month of December. shuttmg down the a1rlmes and the metro system. after France increases the retirement age from 50 to 55 and lengthens the work week from 37 to 39 hours 1n efforts to cut spending.

In a powerful address to the U.N 's Fourth World Conference on Women 1n BeiJing , Ch1na , attended by 30 000 women from 180 countries. U.S First Lady Hillary Rodham Clmton declares "Women's rights are human nghts.' to a desk-thumping, applauding audience

Shock waves hit the M1ddle East when Israeli Prime MiniSter Yitzhak Rabin IS shot and killed wh1le leaving a peace rally m Tel Aviv November 4. His murderer, Jewish extremist Yigal Amir, fanatically opposes peace negotiations w1th the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Marxist Cuban President Fidel Castro abandons h1s Havana cigar and military fatigues for a swt and tie on a diplomatic vis1t to New York in October, where he tries to convince the U.S to lift 1ts 33-year-old trade embargo on still-commumst Cuba

Wrap art1st Chnsto creates "Wrapped Re1chstag" for the city of Berlin by covering the former home of the German parliament w1th one million square feet of silver fabric 1n June.

Pope J hn Paul II VISits New Jerse New York and Maryland. and addresses the United Nations. He speaks out on social, econom1c. political and moral themes

Madman Shako Asahara. leader of the Japanese apocalyptic rehg1ous cult , Aum Shinrikyo , is arrested on May 16 and charged with the Tokyo subway nerve-gas attack that left 12 people dead and injured 5,500 more in March.

In late May, a doctor performs emergency surgery aboard Brit1sh Airways flight 32 us1ng a coat hanger, a knife and fork, and a scissors sterilized in brandy to save a woman whose life is threatened

Thit1an protests escalate Into nots after France de nates a nuclear test dev1ce 750 miles from the South Pac1fic ISland. France's September resumption of tests after a three-year moratorium brings global condemnation

Fifty years after the end of World War II , Japan remembers those killed by the atom1c bomb dropped on Hiroshima. A solitary building left standing after the blast. now a memorial called the Atomic Bomb Dome , symbolizes the horrors of war and the price of peace .



e fir st U S president to v1s1t Northern Ireland

Aneart hquake kills 51 people on the resort-studded Pac1fic coast of Mex1co. The quake measures 7 5 on the Richter scale and is felt 330 m1les away m Mexico City.

Quebec , Canada's largely Frenchspeaking provmce. defeats an October referendum on Quebec independence by a margin of less than one percent.

In July, Without public explanations. Burma·s military rulers free the country's most famous political prisoner, Daw Aung San Suu Ky1, leader of the pro-democracy movement and Nobel peace laureate , after six years of house arrest.

Presid ent Clinton rece1ves a warm Chnstmas welcome for h1s show of support for peace between lnsh Protestants and Catholics

Humc ne Manlyn inflicts mill1ons of dollars of dama ge m the V1rg1n Island s 1n September Wmd s up to 127 miles per hour severely damage half the homes on St. Thomas

fl ash

"' In November, the Republic of Ireland narrowly passes a referendum calling for an end to the country 's 1937 constitutional ban on divorce.

While competing in an international balloon race in September, two hot air - balloonists , one English and "' one American , are shot down when their balloon floats oil

course over Belarus The Bela russian army sees the balloon as a security threat and fires without warning. The balloonists fall to their death

More than four years after Desert Storm Iraq 's President Saddam Hussein remains in power, though two of his sons-in-law defect to Jordan on August 8 and call for Hussein 's overthrow

Rope looms for peace

m Bosma when Bosnia's Presi dent lzetb ovic (left) shakes hands with Serbia 's Presi de nt Mil osevic on the ?pening day of the November cease-fire talks m Dayton Oh1o Croa t1a s Pres1dent Tud]man looks on The en sumg Paris peace agreement of December sends 60,00 0 NATO peacekeeping troops to the war-torn country

Russian figure skater Sergei Gnnkov 28 , collapses and dies from a heart attack during practice with his wife-partner Ekaterina Gordeeva on November 20 The pair won two Olympic gold medals and four world pairs titles

Great Britam 's Pnncess D1ana shocks Buckingham Palace w1th a tell-all BBC mterview Defying royal protocol. she discusses her marriage to unfaithful husband , Pnnce Charles , her struggle w1th depression and bulimia and an extramantal aflair The majority of English people express their support and sympathy

Secunlles trader N1cholas Leeson is arrested in Germany m March 1995 for fraud forgery and breach-of-trust. Leeson racked up a $1.32 billion loss that caused the collapse of Barings PLC. the 233-year-old Bnt1sh bank

ASan ranc1sco sewer line burst under pressure from battering ra1nstorms. creating a monster sinkhole that swallows a $2-million house in the Sea Cliff district. One-hundred-mile-per-hour w1nds knock out power to tens of thousands of homes and nearly blow a truck off the Bay Bndge

Three days of drenching rains 1n the Pac1f1c Northwest swell nvers to overflowing , causing severe flooding 1n Washington 1n December In the town of Carnat1on. a pastor conveys a woman to dry land w1th a wheelbarrow

African -American men from acros s the country converge on Washington, D.C. , for the Million Man March on October 16. The march , led by Nation-ofIslam m1n1ster LoUis Farrakhan. promotes African-American un1ty, dignity. and family values.

U S Senator Bob Packwood of Oregon resigns on September 7, the day after the Senate Ethics Comm1ttee voted unanimously to expel him for sexual m1sconduct , embarrassingly detailed in h1s d1anes , wh1ch were made public

The nation comes to a standstill on October 3 as more than 150 million people watch live TV coverage of the outcome of the nine-month-long trial of the century After less than four hours of deliberation , the JUry finds former football star OJ Simpson not guilty of the murders of his ex-w1fe Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman

Illinois suffers a record heat wave 1n July, with temperatures as high as 104• The heat takes the lives of 457 people statew1de At Wrigley Stadium Ja1me Navarro helps faithful Chicago Cubs fans stay cool

After a year of fame as a conservative revolutionary, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich slumps in populanty, tainted by the government shutdown, his stalled Contract With Amenca , and investigations into h1s political action committee and his financial affairs

The federal government repeals the national 55 mile·per-hour h1ghway speed limit, enacted in 1974 during the oil embargo. The legislation allows states to set their own limits. On Montana highways, speed limits are elimmated completely

Air Force Captain Scott O'Grady (right) is rescued fro m pursuing Bosnian Serb forces by U.S Mannes on June 8, six days after his plane 1s shot down over Bosnia. O'Grady survived on Insects , plants , and rainwater

Two-thousand volunteer firefighters battle a raging wildfire 1n eastern Long Island , New York , for three days in August. The fire following a 21-day drought. consumes 5,500 acres of pine barrens and damages a dozen homes There are no Injuries or fatalities

• 1 na

The tmage of ftreftghter Chr is Fields holdtng one-year-old Baylee Almon who later dtes comes to symboli ze the horror of the Aprtl 19 bombtng of the Oklahoma City Federal Butldtng that killed 150 adults and 19 children

A record snowfall paralyzes the East Coast in January 1996, stranding travelers and killing 100 people . Seven states , from Virginia to Massachusetts declare emergenctes Philadelphia gets 30.7 inches of snow

As more American\ mvest. Wall St reet enJOY\ a bull market In November. the Dow Jones Indust rial

Ave rage hits 5000. a milestone mdicatwg heal thy corporate profits and low Interest

On April 30 the adoptt ve parents of four-year-old "Baby Ric hard " comply wtth an Ill inois court orde r to turn the chtld over to hts biologtca l parents

Area Clo ed

Area c/o d ro lack of e due approp n a rio ns

The g ernment shuts down for stx days m Novem ber aft er the Presid ent and Congress fa il to agree on ho w to balance the federal budget The shutdo wn affects non-essenttal federal services

H Poner IV SYOmo tncluding the Nattonal Park Servtce A longer shutdo wn follo ws in December


Despite American doubts and fears , U S troops head lor Bosnia in December. The 20 ,000 U S forces , serving under NATO command bes i de 40 ,000 European allies , lace the task of keeping peace among the country 's warr i ng Serbs , Croats and Muslims

The State of South Carolina sentences Susan Sm ith to life in prison lor the drowning murder of her two young sons in 1994

An anonymous donor sends St. Jude 's Children 's Research Hospital in Memphis $1 million in the form of a winning ticket from McDonald 's November " Monopoly " sweepstakes game.

In the wake of a growing number of ra ndom attac ks from assailants with knives and guns , White House security is forced to close Pennsylvania Avenue to traffic

After allegedly ignoring federal pollution regulations for years , General Motors agrees under threat of an $11 -milli on fi ne to reca ll 500 ,000 Cadillacs at a cost of $45 million

Warren E. Burger, Chtef Justtce of the U S Supreme Court from 1969 to 1986 dies in June at age 87 Though appomted by President Rtchard Nixon he ordered Nixon to turn over tapes in the Watergate heanngs that effectively ended the president's career

The Washmgton Post publishes a mantfesto wntten by the unidentified killer known as ''The Unabomber," at large since 1978 and wanted for 16 mail bombs that have killed 3 and injured 23 FBI agents scrutinize the article for clues to the bomber's identity.

A Chtcago commuter tram slams mto the back end of a loaded school bus The accident , allegedl y caused by a poorly ttmed stoplight placed too near the tracks , kills 7 students and injures 28 on October 25

Amertcan women celebrate the 75th anm versary of the 19th amendment to the U S Constttut10n whtch granted women the right to vote

Women 's suffrage leader Susan B Anthony (1820-1906) first organized the fight for suffrage in 1848

i I

As the result of an Improperly clean ed test tube at a fert1l1ty clinic a woman in the Netherlands gives birth to twin boys each from a different father

In March, the Federal Drug Administration approves a chicken pox vaccine Rarely fatal.

chiCken pox affects 3.7 million Americans annually

Arena logrsts dtscover a 3.00 year-old tomb rn May that 1s believed to hold the remarns of 52 sons of Ramses II , Pharaoh of Egypt.

Researchers announce that they have isolated a gene m mi ce linked to obesity Mice with a mutated OB gene are injected with the hormone leptin resultrng in dramatic we1ght loss The public ts tantalized at the prospect of lept1n as a slimming treatment for use in humans.

AThe world's first test-tube gorilla 1s born at the Cincmnati Zoo in October as part of an effort to save the western lowland gorilla. an endangered species that numbers fewer than 450 an1mals.

Fossils of a jawbone (lett) and leg bone (right) found 1n Kenya m August reveal a previously unknown species of upright hominid that lived four m1ll1on years ago , push1ng the emergence of bipedalism back half a million years. Walking upright is a key adaptation that separates humans from apes

Med1a attent1on focuses on melatonin , a naturally occurrmg hormone used to induce sleep and slow the effects of agmg Lauded as a wonder drug a kilograrn of synthetrc melatonin sells for as much as $10.000

In a procedure known as tissue engmeering , sc1entists grow a human ear under the skin of a laboratory mouse Researchers hope the procedure will play an important role rn the future of transplant surgery

As a protect1ve measure against counterfettrng in the era of digital publishrng , the Treasury Department redesigns U.S currency b1lls to be issued over the next five years , starting early 1996 wtth the new $100 bilL

Wubbo Ot lie! Paroo from Svo ma stu nmg photograph from the Hubble Space Telescope captures a mo ent m the birth of a star m the Eagle Nebula 7.000 light years from Earth. Light from the young star's nuclear furnace Iitts towering pillars of hydrogen gas and mterstellar dust. Or :Jeffr ey fn ecl Gamma.taa1son

Frmer nvals in space become comrades 1n space after the h1 tone docking of the U S space shuttle Atlantis and Russia 's M1r space station on June 29. Astronaut Robert G1bson (m red) greets cosmonaut Vladimir Dezhurov

InJune volcamc erupt1ons g1ve b1rth to a bab y 1s land A new member of the Tonga Islands e erges near New Zealand 900 feet h1gh and 140 feet w1de

fl ash

After a decads- search , scientists isol ate what may be the most i mp orta nt cancerrelated gene . The detective ge ne known as AT M is ass oc i ated wi th ca ncers of the breast , colon , lung , stomach , pancre as and skin , and may be ca rri ed by two million Americans

Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescop e ob serve new moons orbiting the plan et Sat urn , addin g at l east 2 moons and pos si bly 4 to Saturn 's previo usl y know n total of 18

Buyers rus h to stores for the new computer operatmg system Windows 95 , spurred by Microsoft Corp .'s $700-million publicity barrage and the promise of a friendlier interface

Th e mo v1e Apollo 13opens in I the su mmer after film1ng many of 1ts scenes Inside NASA's "zero grav1ty " plane , which mim1cs the weightlessness astronauts expe rience in space by d1vmg mto a 23- se cond !reefal I.

A team of Fr en ch and Br iti sh exp lorers bel ieve the y have found an anci ent breed of ho rse previously unknown to sc i entists In November, the four-foot high ho rs e with a triangular he ad , which resembles th e van ished horses of European Stone Age drawings , is name d Riwoche for its home reg ion in Tibet.

October satellite photographs show the recent rapid de terioration of the earth's ozone layer above Antarctica. Pollutants produced mostly by the U.S. cause the hole in the atmosphere's protective layer to increase to the size of Europe.

In November, Visa mtroduces a cash-storage card that eliminates a pocketful of loose change A chip m the plastiC card tracks the amount of available cash , which is accessed with a reader at the place of purchase The card can be taken to the bank and reloaded

Now v1rtual reality comes in a handy travel size w1th Nintendo 's latest Virtual Boy, a portable 3-0 VIdeo-game system with stereophonic sound

New research shows that the meat-eating Tyrannosaurus rex did not loom upnght , but stalked along lower to the ground The discovery IS reflected 1n the reopened exhibits of the famed dinosaur halls of New York 's American Museum of Natural History after three years of redes1gn

A Sygrna

f\ lrea well known for her 1"'\appea rances m Aerosm1th music videos , 19-year-old Alicia Silverstone achieves stardom with the 1995 summer mov1e h1t Clueless

Millions of Amencans tune in to Martha Stewart 's TV show, subscribe to her magazme , and read her books The popular cookmg and home-decorating entrepreneur builds an empire by packagmg a distmcllve Amencan nostalgic style.

With $150 000 saved dunng her 75 hardworkmg years as a washerwoman , Oseola McCarty establishes a scholarship fund for AfricanAmencan students at the University of Southern Mississippi. For her selflessness she IS awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal.

Pame Lee of " Baywatch " fame and husband Tom y Lee , Motley CriJe drummer, are the l1fe of the party this year, frequently caught by the press engag1ng m public displays of affection


Shannon Faulkner (hand to head) withdraws from the C1tadel after collapsing du 1ng " hell week ." Faulkner smglehandedly attempted to bust the gender barrier at the all-male South Carolina military inst1tut1on

Bill Gates , founder and chairman of the computer giant Microsoft , becomes the wealthiest man m the world on the success of his company 's software His book The Road Ahead hits The New York Times best-seller list.

Hot actor Antomo Banderas falls in love w1th another screen sexsymbol Melanie Griffith during the filmmg of Two Much. Banderas w1ll co-star with Madonna m the f1lm version of Evita and will star in Steven Spielberg-produced Zarro

Seventies superstar John Travolta 's motion-picture comeback in the 1994 hit Pulp Fiction continues with starring roles in Get Shorty and Sandra Bullock follows up her star-makmg role in Speed w1th the gentle romance While You Were Sleepmg Bullock 's fresh , wholesome 1mage earns her an " Entertainer of the Year " nom ination from Entertainment Weekly magazine Broken Arrow

ITI he news

Amenca 1s d1sappomted 1n 1ts h1gh hopes for Colin Powell's 1996 presid ential cand1dacy At the close of h1s wh1rlw1nd book tour for My Amencan Journey the General and h1s w1fe Alma announce m November that he w111 not seek the Republican nommatlon

Actress Demi Moore becomes the highest paid woman 1n Hollywood , able to command $12.5 million per movie. even after this year's flop at the box office The Scarlet Letter, loosely based on Hawthorne's classic.

A10-year-old St. Louis schoolboy arry Champagne Ill becomes a her by takmg control of h1s school us after the driver suffered a stroke Champagne 1s later awarded a S1 0 000 scholarship by the bus company

Stand-up com1c and Sitc om star Ellen DeGeneres makes the best-seller list w1th her book My Pomt. And I Do Have One


Calvin Klein 's provocative CK Jeans campaign causes an uproar in August , bringing nasty headlines , threats of retailer boycotts and an FBI investigation The scandal only seems to help sales

Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley announce their divorce almost a year after their surprise marriage. The tabloids have a field day speculating about the reasons for the marriage (was it a coldhearted career move?) as well as the causes for the break-up (was he after Elvis ' fortune?)

Breaking the Surface , the autobiography of Greg Louganis , former U S Olympic gold-medal diver who revealed earlier that he has AIDS , debuts at No 2 on the best-seller list.

Chnstop her Reeve . 1n a wheelchair and hooked up to a portable res p1rator, appears w1th h1s wife Dana, at the American Paralysis Association's annual gala on November 9, less than live months after a fall from a horse left h1m almost totally paralyzed

Popcorn magnate Orville Redenbacher , who transformed popping corn into a gourmet item , dies on September 19 from heart failure

Two Chinese women set a new Guiness world record in November by living in a room for 12 days with 888 poisonous snakes The previous world record , set in Singapore in 1987 , was 10 days with 200 snakes.

Favorite of Amenca 's heartland for his You Mtght Be A Redneck If jokes , Georgia-born stand-up com1c and author Jeff Foxworthy gets his own ABC sitcom m which he plays himself.


John E Kenned y, Jr., is cofounder and editor-m-ch1ef of George. a glossy new magazine covering Amencan polit1cs Hounded all his life by the press Kennedy joins their ranks contributing a feature tnterview to each 1ssue

Model Beckford Tyson smgled out by Ralph Lauren for his allAmerican looks , signs an exclus1ve contract with the fash1on designer in 1995 Miss Oklahoma Shawntel Sm1th is crowned M1ss America on September 16. the broadcast of the 75th pageant , v1ewers phone in their votes to reta1n the swimsUit competition

After an unprom1s1ng start Conan O'Brien quietly gains popularity as host of NBC's "Late Night ," a slot previously filled by David Letterman Letterman 's current show on CBS slowly loses viewers

Wh1tney Houston stars 1n the December film release , Waiting to Exhale adapted from Terry McMillan 's best-selling novel about the lives of four middleclass African-American women Houston sings the title song for the movie soundtrack which enjoys bnsk sales

sThe fift h actor to play 007 1n the enduring film senes begun 1n the 1960s, P1erce Brosnan abandons his Aston Martin for a BMW Z3 Roadster 1n Goldeneye, the latest and , some say, best James Bond movie

Three 1995 movies bring Jane Austen classics to the Sliver screen Clueless based on Austen 's novel Emma , and Sense and Sensibiltty and Persuasion

Denzel Washington, critically acclaimed for h1s performances in films Crimson Tide and Devil in a Blue Dress , receives highest pra1se from the City of Los Angeles , which honors him with the Martin Luther King , Jr., Award for his philanthropic work on behalf of children

Although ABC cancels her TV series " My So-Called Ute ," 17 -year-old Cla1re Danes h1ts the big screen 1n How to Make an American Quilt To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, and Romeo and Juliet w1th Leonardo D1Capno as her co-star

Disney P1ctures continues 1ts line of ammated bl ckbusters w1th the Native American legend Pocahontas The picture prev1ews in New York's Central Park to an outdoor audience of 200,000

In the suspense-thriller Seven , heartthrob Brad P1tt attracts a wide male audience with his performance as a detective on the trail of a serial killer whose murders are based on the seven deadly sins .

Batman Forever, w1th Val Kilme r in the IItie role and Chris O'Donnell as Robin , becomes the th1rd Batman movie and the summer's topgrossing film Disney PiCIUres trom Shooti"'' St.tr

NBC's hospttal drama ·E. R conttnues to draw high ratmgs throughout 1995 thanks to tis dramattc realism and the appeal of handsome George Clooney (middle nght), supermodel Ctndy Crawford's latest date

Toy Story IS the world's first enttrely computer-ammated ftlm Released by Disney dunn g th e Chnstmas season. at features the votces of Tom Hanks , Ttm Allen and Don Rickles

Jim Carrey earns $20 million for the starring role 1n the comedy Ace Ventura. When Nature Calls. a sequel to the extraordinarily opular Ace Ventura. Pet De te ctive

The pop ular NBC TV series " Friends" returns for a second haghly rated season Its runaway success 1nsp1res less successful amt tattons by other networks

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MTV introduces ' Singled Out ," an over-the-top atin game show where contestants a k random , pointless quest i ons of a crowd of suitors , sight unseen , until the zany answers have el i mi nated all but that one perfect love match

According to a Roper Youth ..._ Poll , the two hottest TV shows among teens this season are the daytime soap " Days of Our Lives " and the evening soap " Melrose Place. "

" The Jon Stewart Show," a late-n i ght talk show aimed at Generat i on X, fails to catch on Dur i ng the final taping , host Stewart says , " To all those people who said my show wouldn 't last , I have only one thing to say Good call. "

Friday night.

Devoted fans will not be denaed another season of NBC 's sitcom ' Semfeld" after all Creator Jerry Semfeld decides to keep has ·show about nothing " gomg for an etghth season

Ten years after creatmg the popular comtc strip "Calvin and Hobbes ," cartoonist Bill Watterson retires in December Horror-fiction author Stephen King signs a deal with Signet books to release has upcommg story, The Green Mile, as a paperback senes Sam ..ooes Gamnu wson tete \ton et ork n J Fox TV's "The X Files" stars David Duchovny as an FBI agent who Investigates supernatural phenomena. The show becomes a surprise hit. gavtng mtllions of vaewers reason to look forward to staying home on a

Their down-to-earth style and soulfu l pop songs make Hootie and the Blowfish popular favorites The1r debut album Cracked Rear View sells over 5 million , and the group is named Best New Art1st at the MTV Music Awards m September

Twenty-year-old Canadian newcomer Alanis Monssette ra1ses some eyebrows with her up-front , aggress1ve Iynes and attitudes Nevertheless her album Jagged Little Pill goes double platinum

Blues Traveler emerge from he underground scene to wid espread populanty w1th the1r album Four and the single " Run-Around "


nd-based rap group

Bone Thugs-n-Harmony vault to the top of the charts with some old-fashioned harmomzmg on the album E. 1999 Eternal


oko Ono and Little Richard join a host of celebnties at the opening of the glitzy Rockand-Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland on September 1

Rcker Melissa Etheridge follows topelling Yes I Am w1th her f1fth album You r Little Secret

Sixt1es icon Jerry Garcia , gUitarist of The Grateful Dead , dies of a heart attack on August 9 at age 53 Garcia 's mus1cal roots in blues , country and folk are apparent in h1ts like ''Truckin '." Legions of Deadheads mourn his pass1ng.

Brandy, whose self-titled platinum album and single " I WannaBe Down " hit high on the R&B charts sweeps the first Soul Train Music Awards in August. The 16-year-old singer wins Best New Art1st. among other awards

Beatlemania returns in 1995 with ABC 's six-hour documentary The Beatles Anthology, the v1deo releases of A Hard Day's Night and Help! and the album collection Anthology, featunng previously unreleased material.

The chart-topping movie soundtrack Dangerous Mmds features Coolio 's rap anthem " Gangsta 's Paradise ," the number-one single of the year according to Billboard magazme

The Chicago-based rock band Smashmg Pumpkms release the1r ep1c double album Mellon Collie and the lnfimte Sadness to cnt1cal and public accla1m

Live d icate the1r smgle 'L1ght nmg Crashes " to victims of the Oklahoma C1ty bomb1ng The rock band 's Throwmg Copper album yields three h1t singles : Billboard Mus1c Awards names them Rock Art1st of the Year

A hard-luck story turns into overnight success m tlie case of Canadian Shania Twain, born in poverty to an Irish mother and an Ojibway Indian father Twain 's 1995 hits mclude "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? ," "Any Man of Mine" and the title tune to her 3-million-selling album The Woman In Me.

Manah Carey's Daydream sells over 5 m1111on cop1es tak1 g number-one spot on the Billboard album chart Carey performs w1th Boyz II Men on the h1t Single "One Sweet Day."

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R E M.'s summe r tour is interrupted by medical emergencies tor three of the "' band ' s four mem rs The tour, the i r first in five years , is eventually completed with all members in good health

In October, David Bowie and Nine Inch Nails wrap up the U S portion of Bow i e's world tour At each show , Bowie and Trent Reznor's band play a set together In December, Bowie tours Europe with Morrissey as his opening act.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers tone down their trademark bawdiness i n their newest album , One Hot Minute

AForme r N1rvana drummer Dave Grahl plays a ne w sound as guitarist and lead singer m the Foo Fight ers an alternative rock band that enjoys three singles off the1r sell-titled debut album m 1995. pro 1dmg two of the year's b1ggest h1ts. "Creep " and "Waterfalls " both lead the Hot 100 singles charts for weeks.

tl anta 's TLC 1shonored at the Ill board Mus1c Awards for

Success doesn't mellow the style of alternative rock band Green Day, who release the1r anxiously awa1ted fourth album Insomniac the1r fastest and darkest album to date

Seal's h1t off the Batman Forever mov1e soundtrack , " Kiss From a Rose ," is all over the summer playhsts The single propels the art1st's self-titled album to the double-platmum mark.

With the record-settmg sales of his album Fresh Horses. only three mus1cal acts in U.S. h1story outsell country mus1c icon Garth Brooks : the Beatles. the Eagles. and Billy Joel.

Selena, the 23-year-old Tejano music queen , is gunned down m Corpus Chnsti in March 1995 by Yolanda Saldivar, former pres1dent of her fan club The July release of a collection of Selena 's h1ts , Dreammg of You , sees some of the fastest sales m music history

Internati onal soccer star Michelle Akers. world's top woman player. leads the U S women's soccer team to a 2-1 sudden-death VICtory over Norway in the U.S Cup title game m August

Jeff Gordon , 24 , dominates the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing 's Winston Cup , winnmg 7 of NASCAR's 31 races and earn1ng $4.3 m1llion in 1995 , a record for the sport

The Umvers1ty of Nebraska demolishes the Un1vers1ty of Flonda 62-24 , in the 1996 Fiesta Bowl to wm the1r second consecutive national college football t1tle and cap Cornhuskers coach Tom Osborne 's 23rd season

wThe New Jersey Devils win th e National Hockey Leag ue·s Stanley Cup beat1ng the heav1ly favored Detroit Red Wmgs m four stra1ght games

The most controversial moves are off the field this season as the Cleveland Browns NFL franch1se announces its move to Baltimore and the Houston Oilers announce their move to Nashville.

In May 1995 , Peter Blake 's m New Zealand m " Black Magic 1" defeats Denms Conner 's team 1n "Young America " 1n the first 5-0 sweep in the 144-year history of the Amenca 's Cup

InSuper Bowl XXX. the heavily favored Dallas Cowboys beat the Pittsburgh St eelers 27-17 . Dallas co rnerback Larry Brown ices the game for the Cowboys with the second of his two mterceptions , and is named MVP for his heroics

The Houston Rockets led by center Hakeem Olajuwon , win their second consecutive National Basketball Association championship mJune. sweeping the series with the Orlando Magic in four games.

Twenty-one-year-old tennis champ Monica Seles returning to competitive play two years after bemg stabbed at a tournament in Germany, wins the 1995 Australian Open.

Hall-of-Farner Mickey Mantle , a switch-hitter and one of the great sluggers in baseball h1story, d1es of cancer on August 13. Mantle hit 536 home runs in h1s 18-year career and compiled a lifetime battmg average of .298.


Te Nat1onal Basketball Association f1nes the Ch1cago Bulls S25.000 when Michael Jordan wears h1s prev1ously re red number 23 jersey for luck dunng championship playoffs agamst the Orlando Mag1c 1n May 1995

The At anta Braves edge the Clevel and Indians 1-0 1n game s1x to win the World Senes on October 28. Closmg pitcher Mark Wohlers leaps for 10y

In September. Balt1more Onoles shortstop Cal Ripkm Jr. , ach ieves a record-selling 2,131 consecutive games

German tenms star Steff1 Gral , who won three of live Grand Sla m titles in 1995 , ends the professional tenms season ranked number one in the world

National Basketball Association referees strike aga1nst the league for much of the autumn Fill in offioals spark complaints of substandard refereeing

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= Former L.A La p in! guard Earvin " Magi " Jo nson announces a return to basketball in January 1996 Johnson retired in 1991 when he discovered he was HIV positive

The Northwestern University Wildcats-long a gridiron laughingstock-pile up ten victories in 1995 and go to the Rose Bowl for the first time since 1949

In his first fight in four years , former world heavyweight champ Mike Tyson disposes of challenger Peter McNeeley in 89 seconds Tyson , who in March finished a three-year jail term for a rape conviction , earns $25 million for the August boxing match.

Pete Sampras , winner of the 1995 men 's singles championships at Wimbledon and the U S. Open , ends the professional tennis season with a number-one world ranking

For a record fifth straight time. Miguellnduram of Spain wins the 22-day 2 270-mile Tour de France , the world 's premier b1cycle race On the 15th day of the race Italian road-race champ

Fabio Casartelli is killed in a seven-man crash

Betsy King wins her 30th tournament on June 25 and gains entry to the Ladies ' Profess1onal Golf AssociatiOn's Hall of Fame one of the most difficult attamments in sports

Quarterback Dan Manno of the M1ami Dolphins sets four lifelime passing records during the 1995 football season : 47 ,003 yards , 342 touchdowns 3,686 completions and 6.467 attempts

and stilllearnmg to speak English L.A Dodgers pitcher H1deo Nomo , formerly wrth the Kintetsu Buffaloes 1n Japan , is named Rookie of the Year Nomo is the second Japanese-born player to join the U S major leagues and the f1rst All-Star

Rte AISpo;1 Master of the Sinking fastball Known for his temperamental personality his many tattoos and his aggressive playing style , basketball center Denn1s Rodman (91) debuts with the Chicago Bulls after his trade from the San Antonio Spurs

The most recent fad m purses takes the form of small backpa cks .

Designer water spreads to the pet world Doting pet owners buy tuna-flavored bottled water for Fluffy and beefflavored bottled water for Spot.

Girly thmgs enJOY a surge in popularity with young women , who wear baby barrettes , knee socks , tiny !-shirts , little jumpers , and funky Maryjanes , and kid around w1th " Hello Kitty" accessones

Ameri ns consume culture and h1story as atte ndance at Amenca 's 8,000 museums climbs to 600 million people per year, more than movie , theater, and sports attendance combmed

Diners are treated to variations on theme cafes as Hard Ro ck Cafe IS JOined by Fash1on Cafe Planet Hollywood, HarleyDavidson Cafe and London 's Cyberia Cafe where patrons SIP coffee and surf the e Internet

Young people continue to follow t w1de leg jeans trend, forsak1ng t1g jeans for aloose baggy fit

Taking her place among controversial talk-show hosts as the "Oprah for the junior set, " R1ck1 Lake speaks to such concerns as , "Mom , when my boyfriend gets out of jaiL I'm taking h1m back "

The angel message of " fear not" stnkes a deep chord w1th Americans' yearnmg for spiritual growth and comfort in a stressful time People enJOY angel collectibles , angel sites on the Internet. and angel books and magazmes.

AflrSIIn . the long , popular history of M&M 's cand1es: a new blue M&M JOinS the colorful candycoated mix

lhe tattoo craze leads to some reg ..,/ but recent laser developments ke people from being marked for life. Pulsed laser light, adifferent wavelength for each color 1n the Logo-wear reaches a new level of sophiStication Among the tattoo, removes pigment without reigning makers of athletiC wear, only N1ke can spark recogmtion leaving scars. w1thout the use of 1ts name

"So me pretty coo l peo ple drink milk " is the message earned by a high-p rofile ad campaign featuring a raft of popular celebrities sportm g a wh1 te up per lip on behalf of the healthy beverage The milk-moustache effect is created with latex , a rubber-based paint

Reuters.AithiVt P!totos

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