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'91 1992 SETON/AN A publication of Seton Catholic High School 1150 North Dobson Road Chandler, Arizona 85224 Br. C. J. Gattone, C.F.C., Principal '92

In the summer of 1990 , Arizona temperatures reached an all-time high of 122' . Although it did not get quite that hot this year , life around Seton Catholic High School was still heating up . Summer temperatures wh1ch lingered through October meant sweltering classrooms but also fired-up spirit.

The heat of our spirit was present in every aspect of Setonactivities , classes , sports, faculty , friends Each and every aspect contributes to the memories we have Time spent with friends, faculty and God helps us become who we are as together we make Seton Catholic High School " One Hot Number . "

CONTENTS Ac ti v it ies . 4 Student Li fe 24 Freshmen 34 Sophomores 38 Jun iors 42 Sen iors 46 Sports 50 Facu lty 68 Index 78 THEME



Sharing the Body of Christ

This year, nine students were commissioned to be Eucharistic ministers. These students, juniors and seniors chosen by students and by faculty, underwent several weeks of formal training with Br Haas before becoming ministers. At every Mass, they distributed the Body and Blood of Christ.

Eucharistic Min ister s
(nght) Mando Bernasconi gives the Body of Chnst to Ken Scheffner and Mr Anthony at one of the monthly liturgies. (below) Br Haas presents the newly commissioned Eucharistic Ministers at the opening school Mass (below left) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (front) He1d1 deBruycker, Shari Kalisk i, Kelly Fraser , Anne Marie Agllo ; (back) Jesus Torres , Chaz McAllister, Debb1e Hicks, Jose Torres (below) Euchanst1c M1n1sters receive Communion from Chaplain Father Clements before d1stnbut1ng the Body and Blood of Christ.

Enhancing the Liturgy

Proclaimers, musicians add to liturgy

Ministers of the Word and the L iturgy Comm ittee both part ic1pate in school Masses and prayer services

The Liturgy Committee meets every Monday in the chapel to practice hymns. Some students play instruments such as piano, flute , guitar, and recorder while others sing or perform liturgical dance. Mrs. Rich , the Liturgy Committee moderator said , " I am very happy with the initiative that the mus icians, singers, and other liturgy members are taking this year in plann ing beautiful liturgies."

Br. Haas is the moderator of the Min1sters of the Word , who are a group of students chosen by the faculty and by their peers to lector According to their training manual Lector Becomes Proclaimer, " The lector proclaims the Word that strengthens the faith of God's people and invites them to celebrate t he Eucharist . ''

(a bove)LI TUR GY CO MMITT EE: ( back) Hila ry Dixon , Margret Le nhart Heat her Dumas. Elisa beth

Knck Sara h Hoel, Kell y Frase r , Devi Vann. Re becca Matt he ws;(kneeling) John Kes tner ;(fron t )Beth

Tro p io. Mari Garcia. Jenn ie Hammer. Rena Doherty , Leslie Brumbaugh Missing from picture : C hloe


(le ft ) Jenn1 fer Doy le procla1ms the Gos pel at t he Thanksg1 v1ng prayer serv1ce

Sarah Hoel pract1ces her flute to Beth Tropio's delight (above) The Liturgy Comm1ttee leads the s1ng1ng at a monthly liturgy (right) Liturg1cal dancers Kelly Fraser and Oevi Vann along with Rebecca Matthews (not pictured) thank God for all h1s g1fts Sr Haas works w1th the M1n1sters of the Word as they prepare for the next Mass

Retreat Team conducts

prayer expenences

The retreat team, moderated by Brother Haas, helps plan and supervise the student retreats. To help get them spiritually oriented for the year, the team attended a retreat themselves in August In September, they conducted the freshman retreats, day long experiences designed to break the ice with the new class.

In the winter, jun1or and senior retreats were offered These were overnight retreats held at Camp Tepeyac in Prescott that brought the class members closer to one another. Finally, the sophomore retreats were held in May at the Franciscan Renewal Center.

By assisting with retreats, team members hoped to bring participants closer to each other, to their true selves and to God.

(top) Team members helped facilitate discuss1on at the senior retreat at Camp Tepeyac (above) Travis Lewis, Meghan Hamson. Scott Booth, Heather Gordon and Aaron Labedz take a snow break (above nght) M1ke Pan1chello peers out of h1s cocoon wh1le Kristi Kajca spreads glue on the table
RETREAT TEAM (standing) Derek Muth, Trav1s Lew1s, Aaron Labedz, Andna Falk , Debb1e Hicks, Jose Torres , M1ke Panichello , (middle) Margret Lenhart, Tracy Kahsk1 , Kns Seyler , Knst1 KaJca, Meghan Hamson , M1chelle Doroz ; (front) Jennifer Darnell, Ton1 Lopes, Jesus Torres , Chaz McAllister

Pax Christi seeks justice

Pax Chnst1, Lat1n words for "Peace of Chnst", is the name of a group of students dedicated to work1ng for soc1al justice throughout the community.

One of the b1g events which this club sponsors IS Social Just1ce Day. On th1s day, visiting speakers discuss the morality of various issues such as abortion, homelessness and hunger. Mr. Fraher IS the moderator of this group.

(top) Members Karen St Lou1s , Heather Dumas and Suzy Genzler ass1st moderator Mr Fraher 1n pack1ng food for the needy after the Thanksg1v1ng food dnve PAX CHRISTl (back) Heather Dumas. Franc1ne Eshelman: (front) Cara LaBne. Bethany Garc1a, Karen St Lou1s. M1ss1ng from p1cture Moderator Mr Fraher PAX CHRISTl

Board , Parents' Club help Seton

The School Board and the Parents' Club are two organizations which involve the parents in Seton activities.

The School Board is made up of six elected members, who are parents In addition two priests from the East Valley serve on the Board, Fr. Dale Fushek and Fr Bill Healy. This year's Board president, Jim Ryan , is also a Seton alumnus from the class of 1968

The Board meets monthly with the principal and the director of development The Board formulates school policies and acts as an advisory group to the principal.

The Parents ' Club sponsors functions which bring together the members of the Seton parent community President Carl Aglio and his officers planned meetings on topics of interest to parents and students . Speakers included representatives from ASU on college preparation and former ASU and pro coach Frank Kush In addition the Parents ' Club worked with St Andrew' s parish at ASU games to raise funds for Seton .

(a b o ve) Frank Ku sh , f orme r ASU and pro coa c h a nd speak er at the January Parents' Club meeting , s1gns an autograph for a Set o n p a r ent

(nght) SC HOOL BO AR D M EM BERS· (standing) Mary Hank Chuck M oroson; (front) Pat A gllo. J1m Ryan(pres1dent). M1ss1ng from p1cture Jon Hamson (vicepresident) M artha Omohundro (secretary), Fr Dale Fushek. Fr B1ll Healy (below ) Board members l.sten to a development report presented by M r Ed Phillips, D1rector of Development (right) PARENTS ' CLUB O FFI-
CE RS: M1ke Ri c hard s (vi ce - president) , Th er esa Matthew s (sec ret a ry) , Ca rl Aglio, (pres ident)

N.H. S. serves and leads

The Seton chapter of the National Honor Soc1ety, moderated by Sr. Joan Marie, accepts students who display qualities of scholarship, leadership, service and character . Among their activities this year, they collected cans for scholarships, tutored other students, and brought holiday cheer to the students at St Peter's Indian Mission at Easter

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: (stand1ng) Shan Kaliski, Jenn1e Hammer. Ann-Mane Richard, Eddie Zelhofer, Jeff Guy, Karen St.Lou1s, Rena Doherty; (seated) Margret Lenhart, Tracy Kaliski , Knst 1Ka)ca , He1d1 deBruycker Not p1ctured Kelly Fraser, Kris Seyler, Enn Moore , Sharon Bunch , Meghan Hamson, Michelle Doroz

NHS members were called upon to assist in tutoring other students. (above) Erin Moore g1ves help 1n English to two freshmen (right) John Duich and David Arvayo try to stump NHS member Margret Lenhart.


Amnesty International (A.I.) is a worldwide movement of people working together to protect human rights . People are organized around the world to let governments know that they cannot unjustly imprison, torture or kill people. A. I. members at Seton and around the world write letters on behalf of those unjustly imprisoned, publicize these abuses of human rights and alert governments that these abuses are publicly known Moderator Mrs Hedrick works with the Seton chapter to promote the cause of social justice .

(right) AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Beth Garc1a, Jenn1fer DeStefano, Heather Dumas, Mrs Hedrick, Andria Falk, Carrie Tovar
(below) In the Chnstmas play , Carlye deBruycker plays the role of Mary explaining her pregnancy to Joseph, played by David Cook

Seton presents ''The Chosen"

Directed by Brother Casey, Seton Theater is one of the fun activities that students can choose The Christmas play, The Chosen, reenacted the Biblical story of how Mary was chosen to be the Mother of God. It was performed at the Christmas prayer service. Selected as the spring play was Plaza Suite, written by Ne1l SImon

The Seton actors spend hours preparing for their short time on stage. Judging by the audience react1on, the hard work is worth 1t.

(left ) CAST OF " THE CHOSEN '': Man Garc1a Marsha St Lou1s Br Casey (Director) , Jason Pena Sarah Powers, Sean Lacey , Lauren Me1ster Car lye deBruycker Dav1d Cook M1ss1ng from picture Jenn1fer K1rby
(center) Mary expresses her surpnse at the angel's request (above) Joseph , played by Dav1d Cook, 1s shocked to learn of Mary's pregnancy (left) Dunng rehearsal , Br Casey demonstrates an acting technique to Carlye and David

Setonian keeps memories burning

This year was HOT for the yearbook staff as they chose "One Hot Number" for the theme of this year's Setonian. In it are the people, events and organizations that have made this year special.

In their first step towards computerizing the yearbook, the staff began to use Josten's wordprocessing program to prepare yearbook copy. They also did some experimenting with doing the yearbook on a desktop-publishing program

With the leadership of editor Tracy Kaliski and the guidance of advisors Brother Gattone and Mr. Mariner, the staff has worked to capture the year in words and pictures.

YEARBOOK STAFF: (standing) Br Gattone, Diana Escobedo, Francine Eshelman, Stephanie Sirvent, Mike Panichello, Maura Sheridan, Adrienne Lenhart, Alexa Monkhouse, Mr. Mariner; (middle row) Sarah Powers, Hilary Dixon, Julie Sterkowitz, Jennifer Hamp, Elizabeth Krick, Carlye deBruycker; (front) Karen St Louis , Matt Mesa , Eddie Zelhofer, Tracy Kaliski , Suzanne Sirvent, Suzy Genzler, Marsha St.Louis Not pictured : Shari Kaliski, Heather Dumas, Ann-Marie Richard, Jennifer Doyle, Jennifer DeStefano (left) Yearbook staff listens to some suggestions from advisor Br Gattone (above) Shari Kaliski puts the finishing touches on another page layout.

Spotlite Sparks Interest

The Seton Spotlite is Seton's monthly newspaper. The Spotlite informs us of many things such as student of the month, sports, activities, birthdays, video and movie reviews, horoscopes, puzzles, advice colums, questions to the principal, and much more information.

The newspaper staff met during 5th hour with Mr. Mariner in journalism class.

NEWSPAPER STAFF: (back) Jesus Torres, Debbie Hicks, Cristy Toth, Dan Mesa , Chaz McAllister ; (middle row) Toni Lopes , Emily Villanueva, Heather Chavez, Danielle Balchumas ; (front row) Mari Garcia, Tracy Kaliski, He1d1 deBruycker, Sharon Burich , Erin Moore (above) Heidi deBruycker types her article into the computer with advice from Toni and Tracy (above right) During journalism class, Erin Moore asks for some advice on her article.

Promoting Leadersh ip

Student Council, Ambassadors

Assist with Spirit and Recruitment

Seton Catholic student council members are elected by their classmates to lead them through the school year. Each class has a president, vicepresident and secretary I treasurer as well as representatives and a class advisor.

Leading the student council are the student council officers: Kristi Kajca, president; Ann-Marie Aglio, vice-president; and Heather Gordon, secretary I treasurer. Moderating the student council is the Director of Student Activities, Mr. Anthony.

This year, the student council took leadership in events such as blood drives, a Thanksgiving food drive, a Christmas toy and clothing drive, dances, spirit week and Round-up.

Asked why student council sponsors these events, Kris t i Kajca said, " We do it all to promote school spirit.''

Ambassadors was a new group this year. Led by Brother Casey, they help to recruit students to come to Seton. They do this by speaking about Seton in parishes and at various schools and by di recting tours at the November 24 Open House

AMBASSADORS (seated) Christine Hughes, Mandy Husson, Brittney Elias; (stand1ng) Jeff Dom1nguez, Arvind Nath , Br Casey M1ssing from picture : Bnan Calabro

(right) Student council president Knst1 Ka)ca goes 1ncogn1to (below) Student council members Krist i KaJca , Anne Mane Agl1o and Meghan Hamson strut their stuff during the Mock Rock sponsored by student counc1l.
FRESHMAN STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS · Hilary D1xon Cara LaBne (sec treas ) Car lye deBruycker (pres ) Joe Benavides, Megan Mlllanez. class moderator Mr Clinch Missing from p1cture : Annette Kilroy (v1ce-pres.) (above center) Sen1or Court IS one of the Sp1rit Week activities sponsored by Student Council (above) JUNIOR STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS. Karen St. Louis (v p.), John Duich (pres ). Eddie Zelhofer (sec /treas ), Ann-Marie R1chard M1SS1ng from picture Shawn Gleave and class moderator Mr Relph (above) STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS · Vice-president Heather Gordon , Pres ident Knst 1 KaJca Secretary / Treasurer Anne Mane Aglio M1ss1ng from p1cture Moderator Mr Anthony (below) SOPHOMORE STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS · (stand1ng ) Class moderator Mrs Fraser. Stephanie S1rvent (v p ) Aaron Gordon (pres ). Eo wyn Estes-Gonzales (sec /treas ); (front)Joanne Doroz , Mark Hank
(above)SENIOR STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS Mike Pan1chello. (pres ) Christa Rodrigue (sec / treas ) Trav1s Lew1s. D1ana Escobedo. M1ss1ng from p1cture Meghan Hamson (v p ) and Mr Anthony (class moderator) (left) Junior off1cers Edd1e Zelhofer and Karen St LOUIS work on a class poster for Sp1nt Week in which the jun1ors won the coveted Sp1nt St1ck

S.A.D.D. ra1ses awareness

This year, S A D. D (Students Against Driving Drunk) met every Wednesday to discuss the different aspects and effects of alcohol. For example, they considered what to do if a friend has a problem, what if someone you know is an alcoholic, what the results are of driving drunk and what is alcohol's influence on the body.

Some of the activities S A.D.D. sponsored this year were the Red Ribbon Day and Operation Prom I Graduation, both of which highlighted the dangers of mixing alcohol and gasoline.

According to moderator Mrs Collins. the purpose of S.A.D.D. is: "To educate If individuals decide to drink, they have another decision to make. They must know the dangers of drinking and driving in order to make that decision. We want our students to make the right choice.··

(top nght) S.A.D.D. OFFICERS: Scott Booth, Aaron Labedz, Holly Wilson , Annette Kilroy (right) S.A.D.D. sophomores : (standing) Charity Dinero, Cohn Mitchell, Dan Mesa Louis Olivas, Maura Shendan, Mike Leuteno, Steve Gruse, Rikk1 Vargas Jenmfer Garza, Tara Fiatt, Chanon Robbms, Melan1e Mahon , Melissa Hammen, Leslie Brumbaugh, Denise Milda ; (middle row) Iris Enos. Dev1 Vann , Jennifer Hamp, Rachel Ryan, Arvind Nath , Aaron Gordon, Eowyn Estes-Gonzales, Adrienne Lenhart; (front) Flori Vega, M1n1 Bernasconi, Joanne Doroz, Stephanie Sirvent, Trudy Orr , Jeff Dominguez, Stacie Harvey

. D.
(left) FRESHMAN S.A.D D.: (standmg) Christina Ryan , Mon1ca Gehring , Mandy Husso n, Sarah Hoel , Suzy Genzler, Suzanne Sirvent, Kate Everett. Della Wh1t e; (seated) David Arvayo , Bob Ha rkey, Ed Greksa, John Greksa. Matt Grjff1n (above) JUNIOR/SENIOR S.A.D.D.: ( stand1ng) Melissa Bachelder Jenn1fer DeStefano, Serena Hoffman , Emily Ryan , Rebecca Matthews; (seated) Amy Brown, Shari Kali ski , Ann - Mane Richard , Carrie Dav1 s; (front) Jeff Haler Bnan Uren, Matt Mesa

Club personalizes Weight Training

Weight training was an activity as well as a class this year . The activity program surpassed that of previous years ; each participant has a regimen designed for the specific person . Each student made a list of goals , such as having a build for dance or the muscles for football Moderator Mr Relph then made out a suitable schedule , watched and assisted each participant to help them achieve their goals.

WEIGHT -T RAIN ING CLU B (s ta nd ing) M r Re lp h, Holl y Ca rlson. J o hn Omohun d ro. A rvl n d Nat h, B ra n dy Butt on. Enn Moo re ; (seated ) H olly Wil son. Cns t y Toth, De rek M ut h. J Verne Pa c e John Lo pe z. J eff Dommgu ez
(a b o ve) He1d1 de Bruy c ker w o rk s o n leg s t ren g th du nng Weig htt rai ning c lass. (a b o ve nght ) Kri s Se yl e r sp o t s Jo hn Lo p ez's hf!l ng during ac 11v1ty p e no d WEIGHT - TRAINING

Academic Bow l Competition heats up

Academic Bowl participants compete in teams on the subjects of science, religion, math, the arts, world history, literature and English

When asked why he joined this activity, sophomore Chad Rodrigue responded, "I took it because it is interesting and fun to compete with others.''

Although there were no plans for this year's Academic Bowl to compete with other schools, moderator Sr. Joan Marie hopes to have a chance for such competition in the future. She is hopeful that underclass members will continue in this activity in the coming years.

(above) Sr Joan Marie digs through her cards for another challeng1ng question while the blue team wa1ts the1r turn (nght) Members of the red team confer after a toss up

Music keeps its glow

This year, the Seton music department Involved both the chorus and the band For the chorus, this has been a very busy year. They performed concerts in the school library in the fall, winter and spring. At the Arizona State Fair in October, even though it rained in the middle of the1r concert, people stayed and appeared to have enjoyed the concert. This year's special project was raising funds to send the mus1c students to Austria. The band's first performance of the year was playing at the Spirit Week pep rally. They played the "Star-Spangled Banner" and the "Seton Alma Mater." The band consists of seven musiCians playing the piano, clarinet, flutes, recorder and guitars.

MUSIC I:Cara Bolton, Leslie Brumbaugh, Carrie Davis, Charity Dinero, Michelle Doroz, Jennifer Doyle, Sheila Doyle, Iris Enos, Andria Falk, Kelly Fraser, Meghan Harrison, Shari Kaliski, Annette Kilroy, Rebecca Matthews, Erin Moore, Mike Panichello, Emily Ryan, Karen St. Louis, Carrie Tovar, Renee Waun, Jackie Wolf; MUSIC II: Holly Carlson, Rena Doherty, Margret Lenhart, Therese Mayo, Beth Tropia, Brian Uren; MUSIC Ill: Heather Dumas, Jeff Guy; MUSIC IV: Jennie Hammer; BAND: Sarah Hoel, Elisabeth Krick, Margret Lenhart, Erica Sarli, Julie Sterkowitz.

Band members receive personal attention from Mrs Mariner The girls of the band play the National Anthem at our first pep rally Seton singers warm up for their performance at the State Fa1r
Under Mrs Mariner's direct1on , chorus members rehearse for (above) and perform at (below) the Fall Concert

Close-up studies and observes government in action

There are five members in Close-Up this year, four of whom plan to visit Washington , D.C. in April. Mrs Fraser helps students to raise $900, the cost of the trip, with fundraisers such as candy sales and yard sales. While they know that the trip will be fun, they also hope to learn much more about the government of the United States by getting to see democratic procedures in action.

Planning the1r trip are Kelly Fraser, Mrs. Fraser , Robert Khoury, Dan Boylan, Matt McClory, and Ann-Mane R1chard

(above) Mrs Fraser has organized the Close-up trip for several years now Visit i ng the s1tes in Washington , like the Lincoln Memorial , 1s part of the tnp (top left) Close- up students observe government firsthand and meet with off icials like Senator Deconcini.

A nn- Mane Richard

, Therese Mayo , Chloe Fox

Courtney Rakes

Language club initiated

The foreign language club , moderated by Mrs Rich and Mrs Heath , has many members this year . Students who have taken Spanish , Latin or French join the club to practice their languages and learn more about other cultures. Frequently , they have cultural parties where they are served food from a foreign country .

FO REIGN LANGUAGE CLUB : (back) Brian Uren. Bnan Delatorre , Dav1d Arvayo , Bob Hark ey ; (front) Magg1e Mudd , Matt McClory , Meghan Hamson (president)
A t Chnstmas, t he fore1gn language club orgamzed caroling in fo re1gn languages Latin students (above) , French st udents (left) and Spanish students (bottom le ft ) JOined in th e caroling

Student Life


Orienta tion

New faces, New friends

Orientation IS a t1me for new students to adapt to their surroundings. These new students are welcomed and gu1ded by their assigned "Big Brother" or "Big Sister" in the first few days of school. Juniors and seniors were coordinated by Mr. Clinch in the Big BrotherBig Sister Program They ass1sted new students with finding their classes, work1ng their locks and meeting new people.

(above) Freshmen Enca Sarli and Julie Sterkow1tz check out the campus with the help of "Big Sister " Rena Doherty (nght) Dunng the m1n1-schedule, Mr Novy explamed what he would expect 1n h1s class (below) Dave Bowen goes through the heanng test for all new students
(below) Freshmen socialize at the orientat1on p1cn1c w1th the1r Big Brothers and Sisters
to serve
on Rent -a- Sen1or Day Homecoming '91
(above) Seniors show their spin! at the bonf1re (below) Renee Kuska shows her surpnse as she IS named Homecommg Queen Ton1 Lopes (I.) and Kristi Kajca offer their congratula!Jons.
(nght)Tracy Kaliski IS ready and willing(?)
her sister Shari

Spirit Week sizzles

Spint Week occurs at Homecom1ng time. It is a time for Sentinels to have fun and show their school spirit. Spirit Week 1nvolves activities such as Freshman Initiation. Rent-a-Sen1or Day and Mock Rock. Th1s year's Mock Rock w1nners were sen1ors Knst1 KaJca. Meghan Harnson and Anne Marie Aglio performing as "The Jackson Five Minus Two."

After school activities also stoked up the heat of Spint Week. These included the bonfire. the Homecoming dance and the Homecoming game. At halftime of the Homecom1ng game. the 1991 Homecoming King and Queen were announced. They are seniors Aaron Labedz and Renee Kuska

Also at halftime, the winners of the spirit stick were announced. Spirit shown all week, especially in decorating their wall in the cafeteria and in cheering during the class cheer competition, made the junior class the winners of this year's spirit stick.

(above) Freshman Mock Rockers, Marsha St. LoUis Sarah Powers. Carlye deBruycker and Enca Sarli sing about the "Leader of the Pack."' Carl Stone (below) Debb1e H1cks bnngs 1n a high b1d at the Sen1or Auct1on (right) Jun1ors Armando Bernasconi. M1ke Aglio, Dan Schoenhardt and John Du1ch show off lhe1r legs at the Mock Rock compellt1on (below nght) Sen1or Aaron Labedz makes plans for Freshman ln111a11on as he IS assigned a freshman at Sen1or Court.

Experiencing God prayer

At Seton, we begin each year w1th liturgy and this year we began with a focus on service. Student leaders and faculty members washed the feet of students in a symbolic gesture of serVICe to one another. Other liturgies included time to celebrate with pastors and youth min1sters on Parish Youth Day, t1me to pray before Thanksgiving and Chnstmas, time to honor Mary on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, time to prepare the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday and time to pray for the Class of '92 as they prepared to graduate.

Masses and prayer services, an integral part of our life at Seton, bring the school community together as one. Through these frequent experiences, students grow closer to God, to friends and to themselves.

Chnsllne Hughes. Mr Spnnzl and Renee Kuska follow Br Casey's lead 1n sing1ng at Mass. (left) Shane Ortega offers Marsha St. Louis the sign of peace (above) Liturgical dancers Kelly Fraser, Devi Vann and Rebecca Matthews rece1ve and offer up food at the Thanksg1v1ng prayer serv1ce
prayer serv1ce. Mr Relph tells why he IS thankful
Sr Joan Mane procla1ms the read1ng during the da1ly morn1ng liturgy
(above) M1ke Pan1chello g1ves a reflectiOn on what Thanksg1v1ng IS for h1m (below) LoUis Olivas. Jeff Dom1nguez and Arvmd Nath share a s1gn of peace

Dances: style, fun

Seton students welcomed the winter season w1th a Christmas Dance this year. Sponsored by the Student Council, the dance was a casual affair, allowing students to show their unique style. Students got into the spirit of the holidays as they formed limbo and conga lines

The Valentine's Dance, held on Feb 15, was sponsored by the sophomore and freshman classes and kept romance in the air. Classes chose Valentine's attendants beforehand and those chosen were announced at the dance With flowers and candy, this was a time to remember that special someone .

Fraser and Dan Boylan and Senior Attendants

Brian Delatorre and Cnsty Toth

(above nght) Freshman friends are captured on film (right) Sophomore Valent ine Attendant s Lou1s Olivas and Rachel Ryan and Freshman Attendants Dan Walker and Shane Hamson (far nght) Junior Valentine Attendants Kelly
(above) Sentmels dance the night away (nght) Attendants Dan Boylan and Kelly Fraser show the cro wd how to tw1st

Students walk for Seton

Th1s year's Walkathon proved to be very successful, according to Director of Student Activities

Mr. Anthony. The event ra1sed more than $5,700.

The sophomore class had the highest percent of part1cipat1on and also ra1sed the most money.

First place finishers were Travis Lewis and Margret Lenhart.

(above) Mr Clinch checks students through one of the checkpoints (nght) Freshman Erica Sarli checks 1n to Mrs R1ch and Chad Rodngue as Br. Haas hands her a ticket for a free lunch (top) Mr Anthony prepares the exc1ted students for the beg1nn1ng of the walk (left) Mr Novy's dayt1me JOb as waterman saves Margret Lenhart from go1ng th1rsty Margret was the first g1rl to f1n1sh the run. (above) Carry1ng each other to the fln1sh line shows how much our English teachers. Mrs Hednck and Mrs Collins. care for each other

Mini-courses spark interest

This year's M1ni-course Week was a big hit with students. During the week of January 21-24, students attended four classes each on topics not usually included in the regular curriculum. There were a variety of courses which were available to students, including the regular courses of CPR, Fashion and Grooming and Law Enforcement New classes this year included Judo, French Cooking, Rocketry, Cinema as Art, Moral Theology, Pottery and Square Dancing.

According to senior Diana Escobedo, "French Cooking was an experience because I got to try many different foods such as escargots, chocolate mousse, crepes and scallops. Snails are mmm, mmm good!"

Jesus Tor res liked Rocketry because "you get to shoot the rockets in the air!"

In addition to the Seton faculty, courses were also taught by parents and professionals in various areas.

(nght) Heather Chavez demonstrates to Meghan Hamson and Knsli KaJca the correct way to fall in JUdo class (below) Mrs Manner ' s contest mustc class gathers around the ptano to practtce for the AlA compettlion (below nght) Students tn Mrs. Webber's ettquette class learn how to enJOY a good meal
(left) Kelly Fraser pract1ces some fancy wn!lng 1n calligraphy class (below) Square dancers grand nght and left the nng as caller Sk1p Hughes Instructs (bottom) Mr Relph teaches Carne Tovar and Andna Falk how to get messy 1n pottery
Freshmen . . 5 . 3 4 FRES HM EN

ItIsrael Garza and Ma tt Me1ster aud 1!1on for a role 1n "Young Guns " Rachel Fraser

Bethany Garcia

Israel Garza

Mon1ca Gehring

Suzy Genzler

Ed Greksa

Tobey Amy

Dav1d Arvayo

Joseph Benav1des

Dav1d Bowen

Bnan Burger

Juan Carnllo

Chns Catalano

Josh Collins

Carlye deBruycker

Hilary D1xon

Bnttney Elias

Francme Eshelman

Kate Everett

R1cky Fedak

Matt Figueroa

Krysty Woloschko IS a good sport wh 1le Knst1

KaJca 1n1!1ates her


John Greksa

Matt Griffin

Robert Harkey

Julie Harris

Shane Harrison

Andrew Higgins

Sarah Hoel

Christine Hughes

Mandy Husson

Lorin Jackson

Annette Kilroy

Elisabeth Krick

Cara LaBrie

Stephanie Lasswell

Rhonda Marron

Peter Mayo

Lauren Meister

Matt Meister

Steve Mikac

Megan Millanez

A lexa Monkhouse

Mike Morgan

Maggie Mudd

Christina Paredes

Jason Pena

Retreat team member Travis Lewis reviews baptism with Israel Garza during freshman retreat.
FRES HM E N l • j
Freshmen take a break during retreat.

Spirit builds at retreat and at Homecoming

IKrysty Woloschko

Josh Woodall

Heather Perez

Tony P1owarsy

Sarah Powers

Chns Rainbow

Courtney Rakes

M1ke Ru1z

Chns!lna Ryan

Enca Sarl i

Kelly Scheidt

Suzanne S1rvent

Brandon Sm1th

Angellque Snyder

Adam Soldner

Marsha St LOUIS

Julie Sterkow1tz

rCarl Stone

Jody Stuart

Manny Torres

Dan Walker

Matt Wetzel

Della White

For the Class of '95, this was a year of leaving the security of junior high and entering the chaos of high school. Starting over, meeting new faces and remembering the old, the anticipation of freshman initiation and wondering about being asked to the dance are just a few of the worries a freshman has during the first few weeks of school. Yet, being a freshman means being one step closer to adulthood.

Heather Perez looks both ways ventunng out of the classroom
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Sizzlin' Sophomores

Momca Adams

Jason Allnether

Carole Apger

Erm1n1a Bernascon i

Cara Bolton

Dav1d Boylan

Jeremy Brooks

Leslie Brumbaugh

John Charland

Chns Chavez

Chanty D1nero

Jeff Dom1nguez

Joanne Doroz

Andy Dubas1k

Ins Enos

Rober t a Esp1noza

Eowyn Es t es -Gonzales

Tara Fiatt

(left)M1n1 Bernasconi shows her exceptional strength work1ng on the Cyb1x dunng we1ghtra1nmg class (below) Chad Rodngue dra w s an overcast sky 1n art class

Jennifer Garza

Aaron Gordon

Steve Gruse

Melissa Hammen

Jenn1fer Hamp

Mark Hank Stacie Harvey

John Kestne r

Robert Khoury

Jennifer Kirby

Chns Kraemer

Sean Lacey

Adrienne Lenhart

M1chael Leuterio

Tracy Linder

Francisco Lopez

Melanie Mahon

Daniel Mesa

Sensational Sophomo res:

What makes the sophomores so sensational? The Class of '94 is a group that tries for the best in schoolwork, in athletics, and in showing pride and spirit in their school.

Being a sophomore at Seton Catholic High School simply means climbing another step on that long ladder called educa t ion.

No one does it better than the Class of '9 4 - the sophomores!

Steve Gruse and Maria Pablo help prepare the sophomore wall for Homecoming Sophomore candidate Tara Fiatt is introduced at halft1me of the Homecom1ng game

The name says it all! f 1 I

Paul Mickevic1us

M1caela Milbrandt

Denise Milda

Cohn Mitchell

Lisa Nava

Pat Nestvold

Walter Olen1ck

Louis Olivas

Jim Omohundro

Trudy Orr

Maria Pablo

J Verne Pace

Delaura Palmer

Dav1d PhillipS

Chanon Robbins

Chad Rodngue

Rachel Ryan

Steven Saggoo

Ken Schetfner

Bret t Schoenhardt

Sarah Sharpe

M aura Sheridan

Stephan1e S1rvent

Dev1 Vann

Rikk1 Vargas

Flon Vega

Bucky Whitecrane

Holly Wilson

Jack1e Wolf

Arv1nd Yekanath

Superior Seton sophomores show super sp1nt!



Class of 1993 prepares for leadership

The jun1or class is made up of 42 individuals who each contribute to make the Class of '93 a unique and special class. Together they struggled through the hard times and celebrated victories. They have shown that by coming together and expressing spirit anything can be accomplished. Yet they are aware that they are only one part of the Seton community and that when they join the freshmen, sophomores and seniors they make up a very special school.

M1chael Agho

Melissa Bachelder

Joe Bardgett

Armando Bernasconi

Dan Boylan

Jason Bromert

Jennifer DeStefano

Jennifer Doyle

John Duich

IAmy Brown

Karen Bull

David Bustoz

Holly Carlson

Sean Crosby

Jennifer Dabner

Mando Bernascom. Jeff Ellison , Matt Mesa Eddie Zelhofer , David Bustoz , Joh n Zapata and Joe Bardgett strut the1r sp1nt proudly at the Homecom1ng b o nfire
Mando Bernasconi entertains the boys at a junior class meeting Bnan Calabro Came Davis

Jeff Ellison

Natalie Esp1noza

Kelly Fraser

Shawn Gleave

Eugene Grew1ng

Jeff Guy

Jeff Haler

Jennifer Hover

Shan Kaliski

Carin Marzano

Rebecca Matthews

Therese Mayo

Matt McClory

Matt Mesa

Jim Morrow

Shane Ortega

(above) Holly Carlson and Jeff Guy prepare to say a spiritually enrichmg morn1ng prayer (right) John Duich concentrates Intently on his library ass1gnment.

Juniors unite as family

Ann-Mane Richard

Thomas Rudd

Emily Ryan

Dan Schoenhardt

Phil Simpson

Karen St. Louis

Bnan Uren

John Zapata

Eddie Zelhofer

IJennifer Hover and Shane Ortega show their spirit on Red and Gold Day

Shari Kaliski, Jeff Guy , Holly Carlson and Ann - Marie Richard prepare to scream at the bonfire
Melissa Bachelder and Amy Brown have a good time while cheenng on the Sentinel football team
. .. ••• •• .. .' ... ... 1 Scott Booth 2a Jesu s Torre s 2 b . Jose Torres 3 . Mark Turner 4 Heather Dumas 5 Margret Lenhart 6 Mike Panichello 7 Heidi deBruycker SENIOR BABES 8 Beth Tropic 9. Kristi Kajca 10 Tracy Kaliski 11 Anna Schurr 12 Toni Lopes 13 Christy Toth 14 Jennie Hammer H 0 T
E s 15. Aaron Labedz 16. Renee Kuska 17. Anne Marie Aglio 18. Danielle Balchumas 19. Andria Falk 20 Heather Gordon 21. Diana Escobedo 22 Sheila Doyle 23. Carrie Tovar 24. Sharon Burich 25. Debbie Hicks 26 Loreana Doherty 27. Brandy Button 28. Meghan Harrison 29. Erin Moore 30. Michelle Doroz SENIOR BABES L...-4_7_Q
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Seniors have the spirit

Four years ago , a group of students came together to embark on the next phase of their education - high school. Some knew each other; many did not. They were , for the most part , brought together in a foreign place with strangers.

Four years have passed Friendships have been made, assignments done, and exper iences shared The group of people who were freshmen are now seniors The foreign place is now almost a home to some The group of strangers is now a group of friends.

Our class has grown in many ways. We have grown closer to each other, to ourselves and to God We have learned about biology and English and math and life Now it is time for us to bid farewell to our school and our friends as we head off to college Though physically separated , we will always remain friends , united as the Seton Catholic Class of 1992

Anne Marie Aglio Danielle Balchumas Sharon Burich Brandy Button Scott Booth
Heather Chavez

Friends to last

David Cook Jennifer Darnell Heidi deBruycker Brian Delatorre
Loreana Doherty
Brian Delatorre, Jose Torres and Mark Turner make a fashion statement.
Michelle Doroz Diana Escobedo Cnsty Toth and Chaz M cAllister head for class. Sheila Doyle Andria Falk Mari Garcia Heather Dumas Chloe Fox
Heather Gordon

The Quality of Leadership

Jennie Hammer Meghan Harrison Deborah Hicks Serena Hoffman
Kristine Kajca The seniors prepare to lead the school in spirit. Tracy Kaliski Renee Kuska Aaron Labedz Margret Lenhart The Senior Court is ready to sentence the freshmen. Travis Lewis
Senior class president Mike Panichello leads a class meeting.

College is the next step

Toni Lopes John Lopez Charles M cAllister Andrea s Mikulic Kns IS measured tor hiS graduation cap Sen1or Paul Tucker and juniors Shawn Gleave and Jeff Guy investigate the A1r Force as an option
Erin M oore Derek Muth He1d1 deBruycker gets college application ass1stance from counselor Mr Jerry Mullin John Omohundro Michael Panichello Christa Rodrigue Anna Schurr Kris Seyler
Jesus Tor res

And then they are off!

Jose Torres Cristy Toth Carrie Tovar Beth Tropio Paul Tucker Mark Turner
048H SENIORS The seniors take one more lap in the Homecoming caravan
Lydia Villanueva


Volleyball 2 3 Ba· ketbal 1 2 3.4 Softball 1,2.3.4.Cross Country 4.Ciass Off1cer (VP 3):Student Counc11 (VP 4); Retreat team 4 , Euchanstic M1n1ster 4, Honor Roll 3: Yearbook 2 : We1ghthft1ng 1


Liturgy 1 SADD 1,4. Weighthft1ng


Track 3,4 SADD (co-cha1rman 4) , Chess Club


SADD 2: Honor Roll 2,3,4 ; Cheer 2 ,3.4, Prom Committee 3. NHS 3.4. Soc1al Awareness 2


Yearbook 2: Chorus 2 Mat Ma1ds 3. Track 3 , We1ghthft1ng 3,4 Prayer Group 3

HEATHER L CHAVEZ Basketball 2 Softball 2.3.4 Close-up 2,3 We1ghthft1ng 3


Seton Theater 4, Track 4; Hik1ng Club 4


Comm1ttee 3. M1n1ster of the Word 4 , Retreat Team 4. Amnesty International 4


Seton Theater 1,2; SADD 2.3: Softball 2; Mat Ma1ds 2; Close-up 2.3; NHS 2.3,4; Honor Roll

1,2,3,4, EucharistiC Minister 3,4, Academic Bowl 3


Football 3, Basketball 2,3,4 Track 2.4. We1ghtlift1ng 4, Chess Club 2; Newspaper 1


Cheer 1, Mat Ma1ds 2,3.4, Band 1,2; Chorus 2: SADD 3; L1turgy 3,4, Class Off1cer (Secretary 1); Student of the Month 3; NHS 2,3,4, Honor Roll 1,2.3.4; Seton Theater 2,4 , Close-up 3. Newspaper 3


Softball 2,3,4, Basketball 3.4: Football Statistician 3,4, Class Officer (VP 1. Rep 2): Valentine

Attendant 3 ; Student of the Month 4 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3.4, SADD 1,2; Retreat Team 4, We1ghthft1ng 4 , M1n1ster of the Word 3,4, NHS 3,4, You and Your Car 2, Seton Theater 1


SADD 4, Cheer 4, Chorus 4


Yearbook 1,2,3,4, Class Officer (Secltreas 2); Liturgy 1,2,3.4: SADD 3, (secltreas. 2): Pax Chns!l 4 (secltreas. 2. VP 3); Seton Theater 1, Prom Comm1ttee 3, Amnesty International 4, Pep Club 1, Honor Roll 1,2.3.4. Close-up 2.3: Chorus 2, 3,4


Mat Maids 3,4; Class Off1cer (Sr Rep 4); Honor Roll 3.4. Yearbook 4


Se t on Theater 1,2, Yearbook 2; Class Off1cer (Pres 3); Prom Comm1ttee 3, Amnesty InternatiOnal 4; Honor Roll 2,3 ; Retreat Team 4


Pax Chris!l 2,3; Hik1ng Club 2; Seton Theater 1,3,4, SADD 1, NHS 3,4, Liturgy 4, Fore1gn

Senior Index

Language Club 4, Amnesty InternatiOnal 4 , Euchanst1c M1n1ster 4


SADD 1,2 Seton Theater 1,3,4 ; L1turgy 4, Band 1,2; Close-up 3. Softball 2


Volleyball 1 2.3.4 Basketball 2 3 4. Softball

1,2,3 , 4 Seton Theater 1. Honor Roll 1 2 3. Prom Comm1ttee 3. Class Off1cer (Sec/treas 3) ; Student Counc1l (Sec/treas 4)


Chorus 1.2.3. (Pres 4) L1turgy 1,2,3 ,4 Honor Roll Band 3: NHS 2 4, (Sec 3);


Volleyball 1 2 3.4 Basketball 1.2 3 4 Softball 1,2,3.4. Track 1, Class Off1cer (VP 4) , Prom Comm1ttee 3 Honor Roll 1,2.3,4 , SADD 1, Closeup 3. NHS 3.4 Retreat Team 4 , Pep Club 1, H1k1ng Club 2 Yearbook 2


SADD 1,2: Yearbook 1.2; Pep Club 1, Euchans!lc M1nister 3,4, Retreat Team 4, Sp1nted Student 1,2,3 Seton Theater 1 Close-up 1


Volleyball 3. Basketball 3. SADD 4


Track 1 2.3.4. Basketball 2,3,4 , Volleyball 1 Cross

Country 3,4, Honor Roll 1,2,3,4, Chandler Chamber of Commerce Award 1,2,3; Prom Comm1ttee 3 ; Blood Dnve Comm1ttee 3,4, M1n1ster of the Word 3,4, SADD 1,2; Seton Theater 1,2,3; NHS 3 , 4 , Retreat Team 4, Homecommg Attendant 4, Class Off1cer (Rep 1,3); Student Council (Pres 4); Most Sp1nted Student 3; Athlete of the Month 3 ,4


Pep Club 1, You and Your Car 2 : SADD 1.2; Retreat Team 4 , Honor Roll; Student of the Month 3, Class Officer (VP 2): NHS 2 3.4 Yearbook (Ed1tor 4)


Pep Club 1. Honor Roll 3; Mat Maids 2.3 4 , Retreat Team 4. Homecom1ng Queen 4


Football 2 3.4. Track 3 ,4, SADD 3,4 , Chess Club 1,2; Retreat Team 4 , We1ghtlifllng 3,4 , Homecom1ng K1ng 4


Yearbook 1. Student of the Month 3; Prom Comm1ttee 3 : Honor Roll 1,2,3,4, NHS 2 ,3, (Sec 4); Band 1 2.3,4, Retreat Team 4, Chandler Chamber of Commerce a ward Softball 3 ; Seton Theater 1,2; H1k1ng Club 3. Liturgy 4


Basketball 1,2, 4, Student of the Month 4, Honor Roll 1,2,3.4. Class Officer (Sr Rep 4) H1k1ng Club 1,2; Chess Club 2: Retreat Team 4, Chandler

Chamber of Commerce award 1,2, 3, 4. Uniform Comm1tee 3


Volleyball 1,2,3,4. Basketball 1,2,4, Homecom1ng

Attendant 2,3, (nom1nee 4): Amnesty InternatiOnal 4, Retreat Team 4


Football 3.4. Basketball 3; Baseball 3,4 SADD 3,4 ;

Student Counc11 3


Football 1 2 3.4. Track 1 Wrestling 2, Most Sp1nted Student 1, SADD 3. Euchanstic M1n1ster 3,4 ; Retreat Team 4, Seton Theater 1 1


Swed1sh Transfer Student 4 , We,ghthftlng 4


Cheer 1 2 3 4 Seton Theater 1 Prom Committee 3 , Honor Roll 1 2.3 4 NHS 2,3 , 4 , Yearbook 1; You and Your Car 2


Baseball 1.2.3 4 Basketball 1,2 3 4. Honor Ro ll 2,3 ,4, Chess Club 1,2; Cross Country 2 We1ghthft1ng 3.4 Retreat Team 4


Baseball 1 2 3.4 Football 3 , 4 , Basketball 1,2 , Country 2 , Chess Club 1 2 We1ghthft1ng

2 3 4 Student of the Month 2 Honor Roll 1 2 ,3 4


Yearbook Photographer 2 3, 4, Prom Comm1ttee 3

Class Officer (Pres 4) : M1n1ster of the Word 4 , Student of the Month 3. Retreat Tea-n 4


Class Officer (VP 1 Pres 2 Rep 3 , Secltreas 4 ), Yearbook 1,2 ; Seton Theater 1,2 3 Volleyba ll 2 , Cinco de Mayo Queen 1, Valent1ne Attendant 2 ; Prom Comm1ttee 3


Softball 3. L1turgy 3; We1ghthft1ng 4 ; Pep Club


Football 2,3,4, Wrestling 2.3,4 ; Baseball 3 , 4 NHS 2.3 4, Class Off1cer (Rep. 3) ; Honor Roll 2,3 , 4, Homecom1ng Attendant 2,3 ; Retreat Team 4


Football 1.2 3.4. Wrestling 2,4 ; Baseball 1,2 3.4 ; Chess Club 2; Retreat Team 4, Euchansllc M1n1ster 4 , H1king Club 1, Valentme Attendant 2: Homecom1ng Nom1nee 4 ; We1ghtliftmg 3; Amnesty International 4


Football 1 2 3.4 Baseball 1 2 3.4 ; Wrestling 2 ,3 , 4 , Valentine Attendant 3 , Homecom1ng Nom1nee 4 , We1ghthft1ng 2, 3.4. Euchansllc M1n1ster 4 Retreat Team 4. Chess Club 1, 2


Basketball 2. We1ghthft1ng 3.4 Close-up 2 : Seton Theater 1


Seton Theater 1.2: Honor Roll 1 2.3 : Yearbook 2 ; Amnesty International 4


Liturgy 2.3.4. Chorus 1,3,4, Cross Country 4, Newspaper 3. Basketball 1


SADD 3,4 , Chess Club 2


You and Your Car 1,2, Yearbook 3. SADD 4 , We1ghthfllng 1


SADD 4, Honor Roll 2,3 ; Pep Club

" .. ,,. .. (f) 1a: 0 a... (f) 0 1.!)

Desire drives Cross Country

Cross Country is a sport that demands determination and dedication. The teams. desp1te injuries and record heat, put their best foot forward and refused to quit. The girls' team won their first meet and placed third in a meet with three 4-A schools. The boys' team, as well as the girls'. faced stiff competition each meet. The 1991 season, the third here at Seton. proved the most challenging and the most successful for the Sentinel runners.

(above) Cross Country's favonte place (below) Joe Bardgett Jason Altnether and Peter Mayo follow Matt McClory 's lead (top) Coach Jerry Mull1n shows Ken Scheffner the way (above) The g1rls' team stnves for a v1ctory (back) Coach Jerry Mull1n, Anne Mane Agllo. Ken Scheffner. Ja so n Altnether Matt McClory , Chad Rodrigue Ann - Marie R1chard. Joe Bardgett (capt ) (front) Brig1d Mullin Beth Trop1o, Knst1 KaJC<l (capt ). Pete Mayo. Stephanie S1rvent

Sentinels finish 7-2

The 1991 Sent inel vars ity football team blazed a record of seven wins and two losses The f ire was kindled by sen1ors Jose Torres , Jesus Torres, Kr is Seyler , John Omohundro , Aaron Labed z, Chaz McAllister and John Lopez Jun ior Mando Bernascon i burned his name 1nto the school record book with a 10 1-yard reception and touchdown run early in the season

Highlights of the season came as the Sentinels sizzled against Superior and torched Bourgade to capture the Bishop's Cup John Lopez captured the team's frustration with not advancing to postseason play when he said, "We worked hard, and it was a cryin' shame we failed to make the playoffs." A new element of this year's season was the existence of a JV team which played three games and gathered experience

(a bove) Mando Benasconi looks ahead to t he end zone and prepares to score h1s second touchdo w n of the n1ght. (below) The Sent1nel team takes the field for the Homecom1ng game (left) A aron Labedz's li lli e brother holds h1s head 1n d iS belief of a re feree's call. (belo w)Bi sho p O' Br ie n awa rds the Bisho p 's Cup tr o p hy t o Coac h Fort e a nd th e Sent 1nels a ft er th e1r 27- 0 w in o ve r Bo u rgade 1n t he second ann ual Bisho p 's Cup ga me.
46 Phoenix Christian 0 27 Bourg a de 0 20 Superior 16 20 Hayden 12 7 Florence 46 33 Judson 6 13 Ray 21 29 Queen Creek 17 7 Valley Christian 6
(above) Coach Tony Outnn gtves advtce to Mando Bernasconi on hts defens1ve game (left) Capta1n Kns Seyler crosses the line for another Senttnel first down (below) Coach AI Forte argues about a call whtle Coaches Smtih and AI Forte. Jr look on
FOOTBALL .____s3_____.0
(front) Malt Merster , Loron Jackson. Sie•e Mrkac Josh Woodall Israel Garza Gene Gre"' ng(mgr ) (second row) Da•e Phrlhps Dan Walker, Ar••nd Nalh John Lopez, Aaron Labedz, John Omohundro Chros Gradrllas Brran Burger Mando Bernasconr (thrrd row)J Verne Pace. Dave Bowen. Jose Torres. Juan Carrollo, Steve Saggoo, Jell Oomrnguez. Lours Ohvas. John Charland. Malt Mesa Dan Schoenhardt, Manny Torres. Jell Elhson (fourth row)Chaz McAllister Sean Crosby Mrke Agho. Krrs Seyler Dan Boylan. John DUICh, Jrm Morrow Jeremy Brooks. Jesus Torres. Breit Schoenhardt, M•ke Leuteroo (back) Coaches Dave Smrth. AI Forte.Sr AI Forte.Jr Tony Ournn

Fanning flames of spirit

Burning to try rout1nes they had learned at summer camp, the cheerleaders brought new life and high spirits to Seton Catholic this year. At football games, basketball games and pep rallies. they sparked the crowds and they demonstrated their choreography at the Homecoming bonfire and the halftime shows.

The cheerleaders lead the crowd 1n sp1rit at the first basketball game; the Sent1nels went on to defeat Bourgade
(left) Erin Moore gets a boost as Cheerleaders and football players pracllce for the Homecom1ng bonfire rally (above) Football crowds were entertained by the cheerleaders at halftime

All of the hard practice paid off , and 11 showed 1n the1r f1nal product at the 1991 bonfire

VARSITY CHEER Tara Flatt Adnenne Lenhart. Chanon Robbms Enn Moore (top),Jenn1fer DeStefano (front) Sharon Burich Rebecca Matthews M1ss1ng from p1cture : Melissa Hammen and coach Mrs. Foote

JV Cheer, Mat Maids Raise spirit

When it comes to spirit, the Mat Maids and the JV cheer come out on top. The Mat Maids cheer for the wrestling team and are moderated by Mrs. Hover, better known as "Mat Mom". The team shows a lot of spirit by participating in pep rallies, making posters and supporting the team. Other important duties of the Mat Maids are taking stats and keeping score at wrestling matches.

Another group that keeps the spirit alive is the JV cheer squad. They cheer at JV Basketball games and at volleyball games. Even though they are a small group, they make up for it by their spirit.

JV CHEER (back to front) Sheila Doyle, Annette Kilroy. Chnstine Hughes
MAT MAIDS : (top) Maura Shendan. Magg1e Mudd, Heather Perez: (standmg) Mari Garcia, Melissa Bachelder, Jennifer Hover, Rena Doherty; (seated) Flori Vega, De Palmer

At the fall sports rally, JV cheer ass1sts the vars1ty at raising spirit.

(left) As Heather Perez. Melissa Bachelder, Man Garcia and Jennifer Hover cheer on the wrestlers. Magg1e Mudd Flon Vega and Rena Doherty record the1r winn ing scores. (below left) Annette Kilroy, Sheila Doyle, and Christine Hughes show the1r stuff (below)
(left) Man Garcia, Maggie Mudd Jennifer Hover and Rena Doherty decorate cakes for the wrestling team to wish them good luck
(left) Kns Seyler congratulates Shane Ortega on another p1n at the Seton InvitatiOnal. (above) Jesus Torres prepares to flip his opponent on the way to a victory (below left) Kris Seyler f1n1shes off another opponent (belo w ) Israel Garza prepares for round t w o. He la t er went on for the pin

Wrestling Team grows, matures

"All of tha wrestlers were very dedicated," said senior Jesus Torres about the 1991-2 wrestling team. The wrestlers received much more experience th1s year, and because SIX of the twelve were freshmen, the team has a good foundation for the future.

According to Ass1stant Coach Sprinzl, "The bad part of the season was all the inJunes and sicknesses with the wrestlers. The best part was that all of them improved.''

Sen1or Kris Seyler was Sidelined by InJury, and th1s was a major setback for the team since Kris had finished second in state last year

Coach Tony Quinn was proud of the effort and determination of the team and looks forward to growth next year. According to Mat Maid Heather Perez, "We should be proud of our wrestlers because they didn't throw fits on the mat as the other teams did. When they lost, they accepted their losses like men.''

(top) Shane goes 1n for the attack.
(above) WRESTLING TEAM (stand1ng) Coach Marty Spnnzl, Jeff Dom1nguez. Kns Seyler. Chris Chavez. Jesus Torres. Jose Torres. Coach Tony Qumn; (front) Asst Coach Dan Luna. Israel Garza. Matt Gnffin, Steve Mikac, Josh Woodall. Shane Ortega M1ss1ng from picture : Ben Sullivan
Bump. • . Set. • . Sp ike!
VARSITY· Carrie Dav1s, Rikk1 Vargas, Toni Lopes. Aaron Gordon. Meghan Harrison (capt ), Heather Gordon (capt ), Jennifer Doyle, Kelly Fraser, Holly Wilson, Coach Larry Fraher VOLLEYBALL Coach Annette McCa nn instructs the J.V. (left) Holly Wilson goes up for the spike (center) Captains Meghan Harrison and Heather Gordon prepare to return the serve (above) JUNIOR VARSITY : (standing) Maura Sheridan, Mandy Husson, Angelique Snyder, Bethany Garcia, Stacie Harvey, Megan Millanez, Shane Harrison, Eowyn Estes- Gonzales, Coach Larry Fraher, (front) Ins Enos, Suzy Genzler, Carlye deBruycker

The 1991 Seton volleyball team, which consisted of nine varsity players and thirteen junior varsity players, had quite a challenging year. The team held practices at the Charter Hospital gym in Chandler under the direction of new head coach Larry Fraher and returning assistant coach Annette McCann

The Sentinels also played in a new conference, 2-A Central, which left them with fierce competition Despite the record of 3 wins and 12 losses, the season turned out to be a success for the girls thanks to their spirit.

Varsity huddles up Another famous spike by Heather Gordon.
(above) An intense dink by freshman Megan Millanez (below) JV players Stacie Harvey, Maura Sheridan and Shane Harrison await a Sentinel serve

Girls' Basketball Shoots for Victory

With six senior members, this year's varsity Girls' Basketball Team profited from the experience Their overall conference record of 6-6 meant that they advanced to regional playoffs, despite an overtime loss to undefeated Ray High School. Coaches Kathy Quinn and Mary Abeyta were pleased with the girls' efforts.

The JV team had an up and down season with few players and many roster changes. For having such a young team, they accomplished many of their goals

(above) Coach Kathy QUinn maps out strategy 1n the huddle (above right) Anne Mane Aglio outmaneuvers an opponent (nght) All eyes are on the ball as Aaron Gordon 1nbounds to Knst1 Kajca
VARSITY BASKETBALL (standmg) Anne Marie Agho, Aaron Gordon, Heather Gordon, Meghan Hamson , Knst1 Kajca, Coach Kathy Quinn; (front) Heather Chavez, Holly Wilson Michelle Doroz, Rikki Vargas (left) Seton defenders trap a hapless opponent. (above) Mr Mike Schaieberger , Mr Jon Hamson and Kelly Fraser help the team by staff1ng the scoring table (below) Julie Sterkowitz pulls 1n a pass from Aikk1 Vargas
(center) Coach Abeyta analyzes a cruc1al play (left) JV BASKETBALL: Coach Mary Abeyta , Megan Millanez, Julie Sterkowit z, Suzanne S1rvent, Shane Hamson, A1kk1 Vargas

Freshman and JV Basketball

Bright future

This year's JV and freshman basketball teams grew and improved. The JV team this year had already surpassed last year's wins by the halfw ay mark. Since this team was made up mostly of sophomores, the varsity has a bright future with this young upcoming talent according to coach Br. Ickes.

The freshman team is also filled with promising talent. The number of freshman games grew this year and the team seems to be hot. Coach Fraher was happy witn the team's work and effort.

And so, Seton's basketball program continues to grow.

JV TEAM: Ken Scheffner, Dan Mesa. Eddte Zelhofer. Louis Olivas, Pat Nestvold , Dav1d Phillips, Chad Rodngue, Matt Meister. Coach Br Ickes. J1m Omohundro

(above) Br Ickes leads the cheers from the bench. (below) The teams run a mtle while condtltontng for the season (left) Eddie Zelhofer h1ts another one from the line (above) The Senttne l teams counted on crowd port throughout the season (top) Sophomore Chad Rodngue has the open JUmp shot for two (above) In a freshman game. Matt Mei ster beats the defender to the board
(top) Br Ickes gUides the JV team through the final m1nutes of a close game (above) Despite an agress1ve defender, Adam Soldner f1nds Tony P1owarsy open 1n the box (below) FRESHMAN TEAM (standing) Jason Pena Manny Torres. Jason Altnether , Matt Wetzel, John Kestner, Coach Fraher: (front) Pete Mayo, Adam Soldner. Tony P1owarsy

Varsity Basketball

Sentinels develop

This year's boys' varsity basketball team was very young, consisting mostly of sophomores. The Sentinel team had a very rocky road in the tough central region this year. Through ups and downs and many changes in the roster, the Sentinel team kept their composure.

This year's team was coached by Jerry Mullin with the help of assistant coaches Br Ickes and Bernie Good.

(above) Matt Mesa fires 1n a free throw at the line. (below) Bob and Mary Rogucki congratulate their nephew John Lopez on a good season dunng parent recognition n1ght
(left) Edd1e Zelhofer gets some tw1ne t1me w1th th1s short JUmper (above) Travis Lewis is determined to get this rebound (left) Derek Muth fl1es down the court on his way to the hoop (above) Bnan Delatorre t1ps the JUmpball to Pat Nest void (above left) A left-handed layup means two more po1nts for Matt Mesa (above nght) Mark Hank delivers a fancy pass
Vars1ty Basketball
(above) The Sent1nels chalk up another win aga1nst Gila Bend (below) VARSITY BASKETBALL: Kelly Fraser(manager). Coach Jerry Mull1n. Derek Muth, Dave Boylan. Matt Mesa. Dan Boylan. Travis Lewis, Brian Delatorre. John Lopez. Coach Br Ickes M1ss1ng from p1cture Mark Hank, M1ke Leuteno. Pat Nestvold, Edd1e Zelhofer, Jeremy Brooks. Coach Bernie Good (above) John Lopez shows some hang t1me on th 1s JUmper (below) Mike Leuteno goes for two


MR . THOMAS ANTHONY A.gebra 1 A1gebra Tng • Account1ng. Typ1ng I Computers. Student Council Moderator Ra1nbows. Senior Class Moderator

BR. DANIEL CASEY ,CFC A 1stant Pnnc1pa Seton Theater Graduat1on

MR N DENNIS CLINCH Athie! c D1re• t r U.S I Anzona H1 I, Free Ent World HIS! /Geog., Freshman Class Moderator. B1g Brother/B1g S1ster program

MRS DIANE COLLINS Eng1 .hI. IV SAD D, Eng11sh Department Cha1r



Rellg1 ' Educat

I, IV, H ad Volleyball Coach. Pax Chrast1

MRS JAN DONAHUE Deve1 prr nt Secretary


Gc 1fT1etry A1g I Tr1g C A.g I Tng , Soph Class Moderator, Close-Up. Math Dept Cha1r

The teachers prov1de some enterta1nment dunng Mock Rock

Faculty keeps the fire alive

MRS PEGGY FOOTE F1nanc•a Secretary, Bookstore. Pom and Cheer

MRS EVELINE HEATH French I, II, Ill Fore•gn Language Club


Pr nc1pal Yearb• ok Adv,.,r

MRS KATHY HEDRICK English II Ill. Amnesty International


All 'et1c Moderator Re11g1ou· EducatH.m II, AP U S I Arizona H<story, Varsity Basketball, Soc1al Studtes Cha1r, M1ss1ons


Reg1strar. Ass1stant librarian, National Honor Soc1ety, Academ1c Bowl




Music I II Ill, IV, Speech. Band, Fine Arts Department Cha1r


Campu• M1nistf'r Rei

Ed 11.111. Rellgt>-.J- Ed Dept Cha1r, Mtmsters of the Word. Retreat Team, EuchariStiC M1n1sters


Latin I. II Ill. Journalism, AV Coordinator, Newspaper & Yearbook


S1ster Consuelo expla1ns an art techn1que to Scott Booth

MR DENNIS NOVY Typmg Computers

Pre-Aigt.:bra, B1ology. Business Department Cha1r

MRS NENA OLIVAS Cafetena as• slant

SR CONSUELO PACHECO , SC Art Ill Gu1dance Counselor. Support Group

MR EDWARD PHILLIPS D1rector of Development


D1rector of Student

Se. v1ces. Gu1dance Counselor

Psychology Instructor, Coach of: Cross Country, Boys' Basketball, Softball

MR JAMES RELPH World HIS!< ry Geog., GtJ•u 1me ol, P E, We1ght tra1n1ng. Jun1or Class Moderator. SALSA Coord1nator. You and Your Car MRS MARY ANN RICH Span1sh I II Ill L1turgy D1rector. Language Department Cha<r

Senora R1ch g1ves words of w1sdom to her Span1sh students



A burning desire to serve



Direc tor o f

Dean o f Disciplin e Biology, Hiking Club ROBINSON Counselor Support Group
c e
M r Richard explores cells and t1ssue with his biology class.
The theme of serv1ce w as ev1dent in the symbolism at our open1ng liturgy as faculty members and administrators joined 1n wash1ng st udents' feet

MR MARTIN SPRINZL Chemistry, Physics, Algebra I, Assistant Wrestling Coach

MRS LOUANN WALTHER Admmistrative Secretary, Bookstore

MRS. JUDY WEBBER Cafeteria Manager

The Seton Catholic H. S. faculty members and staff work hard every day to make the students' school day easier. The teachers are always willing to give help and not just homework The staff is always willing to help find lost books or get lockers open Whether students need encouragement, help, or just someone to talk to, this faculty and staff is ready to provide it.

Mr Clinch ass1sts Chaz McAllister w1th ordering clothing for Free Enterpnse class
The Seton staff does a little of everyth1ng! Mrs. Foote handles business on the phone wh1le babys1tt1ng Mr Richard's baby , Adam
Faculty members celebrate the Eucharist together with chaplain Fr Clements

Congratulations and Best Wishes

For a Happy and Wonderful Future

To Our Son

Aaron Labedz

with Much Love, Mom, Dad and brother Daniel


Carpe Diem!

All our love, Mom and Dad



Heather Dumas

You've brought sunshine into our lives


Go light up the world!

Love, Mom, Dad, Jennifer

Erin, Robbie and Boo

Congratulations Anne Marie!

We are proud of you.

Best wishes for Continued Success.

Love, Your family

0 7 4 I SENI OR A DS
/ • ' ' I .. ., . COLLAGE
.. uTOgRo bs ••••••••••••••• •
• • • • .. gRa ••••••••••••••• •

AAbeyta Coach Mary 63



Adams Montea 39

Agho Anne Maroe 5. 8. 16. 17, 47 48A 48E 51 , 62

Agho Mochael 27 43 53

Agho Mr Carl 10

Agllo Mrs Pat 10

Altnether Jason 20. 39. 51 , 65



Amy. Tobey 35


Apger Carole 39

Arvayo DaVId 11 18. 23 35


Bachelder Melissa 18. 43 45 56. 57

Balchumas Danoelle t 5. 4 7. 48A


Bardgett , Joe 43 51




Benav1des Joseph 17. 35

Bemascon1. Armando 5. 27. 43, 52. 53. 54 , 55

Bernasconi. Erm1n1a 18. 39



Bolton, Cara 21 39


Booth, Scott 8 18. 46 48A. 48E 71

Bowen , Dav1d 25. 35, 53

Boylan. Dan 22. 30. 43 53, 67

Boylan David 39. 67

Bromert , Jason 43

Brooks Jeremy 39, 53

Brown, Amy 18, 43, 45

Brumbaugh Lesloe 6 18. 21. 39

Bull. Karen 33, 43

Burger, Bnan 3. 35, 53

Bunch Sharon 15. 30 47 48A 54, 55

Busloz DaVId 43

Button. Brandy 19, 47 48A


Calabro, Bnan 43

Carlson, Holly 19, 21, 43, 44 45

Carnllo Juan 35 53

CASEY. BR DANIEL 2. 13, 16, 69

Charland, John 39, 53

Chavez, Chns 33. 39, 59

Chavez, Heather 15, 32, 48A 62




CLINCH. MR N DENNIS 2 17, 31, 69, 73


Coll1ns. Josh 35


Cook, DaVId 12, 13, 48B

Crosby, Sean 3, 43, 53


DDabner, Jenn1fer 43


Darnell, Jenn1fer 6 8, 48B

DaVIS. Carrie 18, 21, 43, 60

deBruycker, Carlye 12 13, 14, 17, 35, 60

deBruycker, Held1 5, 8 , 11, 15, 19, 46, 48B 48G

Deconc1n1, Senator 22

Delatorre, Bnan 23, 30, 48B, 66, 67

DeStefano. Jenn1fer 12 18, 43 54, 55

Dinero. Chanty 18. 21 39


D1xon. H1lary 6. 14 17 35

Doherty , Rena 6. 11 , 21. 25. 47, 48B. 56. 57

Olorn1nguez. Jeff 16. 18. 19 29. 39. 53. 59


Doroz. Joanne 17, 18. 39

Doroz. Mochelle 6 , 8. 21 47 48C 62

Doyle. Jenn1fer 6. 21 33 43 60

Doyle, She1la 21. 33 47 48C 56. 57

Dubas1k, Andy 39

Du1ch. John 11, 17, 27. 43 44 53

Dumas. Heather 6. 9. 12 21 32 46. 48C

Elias. Bnttney 16. 35

Ellison, Jeff 43 44 , 53

Enos. Ins 18. 21 39. 60

Escobedo, Diana 4 14. 17 47 48C

Eshelman. Franc1ne 9. 14. 35

Esp1noza Natalie 44

Esp.noza Roberta 39

Estes-Gonzales. Eowyn 17. 18, 20. 39, 60


Everett. Kate 18. 35

FFACULTY 68, 69, 70. 71, 72, 73

Falk. Andna 8. 12 21 33, 47 48C

Fedak. Rocky 35

FIQueroa. Matt 35

Fiatt. Tara 18, 39, 40, 54. 55




Forte, AI Jr 53

Forte, Coach AI , Sr 52

Fox. Chloe 23, 48C

FRAHER. MR LARRY 2, 9. 60, 61, 65. 69. 70

Fraser. Kelly 5. 6. 7. 21. 22. 30. 33. 44, 60. 63. 67

FRASER. MRS JANE 17, 22. 69

Fraser. Rachel 35

FRESHMEN 34. 35, 36. 37

GGareiS, Bethany 9, 12. 30, 35, 60

GareiS, Man 6, 13, 15, 48C 56, 57

Garza, Israel 35, 36. 53, 58, 59

Garza, Jenn1fer 18, 40


Gehnng, Montea 18, 31, 35

Genzler, Suzy 9. 14, 18. 35, 60

Gleave. Shawn 44 , 48F


Gordon, Aaron 17. 18 20, 40, 60, 62

Gordon. Heather 8, 17. 47 48C 60. 61, 62

Grad1llas. Chns "Ca talano" 35. 53

Greksa, Ed 18, 20. 35

Greksa , John 18, 20, 36

Grew1ng. Eugene 44 , 53

Gnff1n, Matt 18, 36. 58, 59

Gruse, Steve 18. 40. 40

Guy, Jeff 11, 21 44 45, 48F

IIHAAS, BR DAVID J 5, 7, 31, 70

Haler, Jeff 18, 44

Hammen. Melissa 18, 40, 54

Hammer Jennoe 6, 11, 21, 46 48D

Hamp, Jenn1fer 14, 18, 40

Hank , Mark 17, 20, 40 67

Hank, Mrs Mary 10

Harkey, Bob 18, 23, 36

HarriS, Julie 36

Hamson, Meghan 8, 16, 21, 23, 32 4 7. 48D 48E, 60, 62

Hamson, Mr Jon 63

Hamson, Shane 30, 36, 60, 61, 63

Harvey Stacoe 18. 40. 60. 61



Hocks. Debboe 5. 8 15. 27. 4 7 48D

H1gg1ns. Andrew 36

Heel. Sarah 6 7, 18. 21. 36

Hoffman. Serena 18. 48D


Hover Jenn1fer 30. 44. 45 56. 57

Hughes. Chnstlne 16. 28, 36. 56. 57

Husson Mandy 16. 18 36. 60


ICKES. BR PAUL 64 65. 67, 70

JJackson, Lonn 36. 53

JUNIORS 42 43, 44 , 45

JV CHEER 56. 57

KKa)ca Knst1 6. 8. 11 , 16, 17, 26. 32 , 35 46, 48D 51, 62

Kallsk1, Shan 5. 11. 14. 18. 21 26, 44 45

Kaliski, Tracy 4 8. 11. 14. 15. 26. 46, 48E

Kestner John 6, 20. 40 , 65

Khoury. Robert 22. 40

K1lroy. Annette 18. 21. 30. 36. 56. 57

Jenmfer 40

Kraemer, Chns 40

Knck. Elisabeth 6, 12 14, 21, 32, 36

Kush, Mr Frank 10

Kuska Renee 26. 28. 4 7 48E


Labedz. Aaron 8, 18. 27. 47. 48E 53

LaBne, Cara 9. 17. 30, 36

Lacey, Sean 13, 40

Lasswell, Stephanie 36

Lenhart. Adrienne 14 18. 40 54, 55

Lenhart. Margret 6. 8. 11, 21 31 46 48E

Leuteno. M1ke 18. 40, 53. 67

LeWIS, TraviS 8, 17, 30, 36, 48E, 64, 66, 67

L1nder, Tracy 40


Lopes. Tom 8. 15, 26. 33. 46 48F. 60

Lopez. Franc1sco 40

Lopez. John 19, 48D 48F 53, 55. 66, 67


Mahon, Melanoe 18, 40



Marron Rhonda 36

Marzano, Cann 44

MASSES 28, 29

MAT MAIDS 56, 57

Matthews, Mrs Theresa 10

Matthews Rebecca 6, 18, 21. 28, 44 54, 55 Mayo, Peter 36, 51, 65

Mayo, Therese 21. 23. 44

McAllister Chaz 5, 8. 15, 48C 48F, 53, 73

McCann, Annette 60, 61

McClory, Matt 22, 23, 44, 51

Me1ster Lauren 12, 13, 30, 36

Me1ster. Matt 35. 36, 53, 64

Mesa, Dan 15, 18, 40, 64

Mesa, Matt 14, 18, 43, 44 , 53, 66. 67

Mockevoc1us Paul 4 1

M1kac Steve 36, 53, 59

M1kUIIC Andreas-46f' - • •


Molbrandl Mocaela 41

Molda. Denose 18 41

Mollanez Megan 17. 36 60 61 , 63



Molchell Cohn 18 4 1


Monkhouse Alexa 14. 30. 36

Moore Eron 15 19 21 , 47 , 48D 48F 54 , 55

Morgan Moke 36

Moroson Mr Chuck tO

Morrow Jom 44 53

Mudd. Maggoe 23 , 30 36 56 57

MULLIN MR JERRY 2 48G 51 67 71

Mullin. Mrs. Brogod 51

Mulh Derek 8. 19, 48G, 66 , 67


Nath (Yekanath). Arvond 16 18, 19, 29 , 32 , 41 , 53


Nava Losa 41

Nestvold Pal 4 1 64 66


NOVY. MR DENNIS 25 31, 71

0 ' Broen Boshop 52

Olenock Walter 41 0

Olivas. Louos 18 29 30 41 53 64


Omohundro. Jom 41 , 64

Omohundro, John 3. 19, 48G. 53


Orr , Trudy 18, 41

Ortega, Shane 6 , 28, 30, 44 , 45, 58, 59 p

Pablo Maroa 40 4 1

Pace. J Verne 19, 41 , 53


Palmer , Delaura 2 , 31 , 41 , 56

Panochello Moke 6, 8, 14, 17. 21, 29. 46. 48E, 48G

Paredes, Chrostona 36



Pena, Jason 12, 13, 36, 65

Perez Heather 31 , 37. 56, 57

Phollops, Davod 41, 53, 64


Poowarsy. Tony 37, 65

Powers, Sarah 12, 13, 14, 37


Ouonn. Coach Kathy 62

Ouonn, Tony 53, 59

RRaonbow. Chros 37

Rakes, Courtney 23, 30, 37

RELPH, MR. JAMES 2, 19, 29, 33, 71


RICH , MRS MARY ANN 2, 31. 71

Rochard, Ann- Maroe 11 , 18, 22, 23, 33, 45, 51


Rochards, Mr Moke 10

Robbms, Chanon 18, 41, 55


Rodrigue, Chad 20. 31, 39, 41, 51, 64, 65

Rodrogue, Chrosta 17, 48E, 48G

Rogucko, Mr Bob 66

Rogucki, Mrs. Mary 66

Rudd, Thomas 45

Ruoz, Moke 37

Ryan, Chrostona 18, 37

Ryan Emily 18, 21, 33, 45


Ryan Mr Jom 10

Ryan Rachel 18 30 41

SAD D 18

Saggoo Sieve 20 4 1 53

Sarlo Eroca 2 1. 25, 30, 3 1 37

Schaoeberger Mr Moke 63

Schef1ner Ken 5. 41 , 51. 64

Scheodl , Kelly 37

Schoenhard1 , Brell 4 1, 53

Schoenhard1 , Dan 27 , 45 53 54


Schurr. Anna 46. 48E 48G




SENIORS 48, 48A, 48B , 48C , 48D, 48E, 48F. 48G , 48H


Seyler Kros 8 19 30 48F 48G. 53 54 58 59

Sharpe Sarah 41

Sherodan Maura 14 , 18 41 , 56 60 61

Sompson Phol 45

Sorven1 Stephanoe 14. 17 18. 41 , 51

Sorvenl Suzanne 14 , 18 37, 63

Smolh, Brandon 37

Smolh , Coach Dave 53

Snyder. Angehque 37 60

Soldner, Adam 37 65

SOPHOMORES 38 39 40, 41




Sl LOUoS. Karen 9, 11 , 14 17, 21 , 45

St LOUIS. Marsha 12, 13. 14, 28. 37

STAFF 69, 70, 71 72 73

Sterkowolz. Juloe 14, 21. 25 37. 63

Stone Carl 37 Stuart Jody 37



Torres, Jesus 5, 8, 15, 46, 48D, 48G , 53, 54, 58, 59

Torres, Jose 5, 8 46, 48B 48D 48H. 53. 54 , 55 58 59

Torres. Manny 37. 53, 65

Toth, Crosty 15, 19, 30, 46, 48C , 48H

Tovar, Carroe 12, 21, 33, 47 , 48H

Tropoo, Beth 6, 7, 21, 32. 46 48H 51

Tucker, Paul 48F. 48H

Turner, Mark 46, 48B , 48H

Uren. Broan 18 21 • 23 45 v

Vann, Devo 6, 7, 18, 20 28 , 41

Vargas. Rokko 18. 20, 41 , 60 62 63

Vega Floro 18, 41 56 57

Vollanueva Lydoa Emily 15 48E, 48H


Walker Dan 30 37 53


Waun , Renee 21



Welzel. Mall 37 , 65

Whole, Della 18, 37

Wholecrane Bucky 4 1

Wolson Holly 18 19. 20 41 60, 62

Wolf, Jackoe 21 , 4 1

Woloschko, Krysty 35, 37

Woodall, Josh 37 53 59



Zapela , John 43, 45 y z

Zelhofer , Eddoe 11 , 14, 17, 43, 45 64 , 66

STUDENTS NEW TO SETON SECOND SEMESTER: (back) Jarrod Foote, Jake Althizer, Ben Sullivan, Mike Barriault ; (front) Esta Bridges, Kim Hladek, Renee Waun, Willie Arnett. Missing from picture: N1cole Lombard, Mandy Mullen


This year's theme, "One Hot Number", is reflected in each section of this book. The yearbook staff captured all of Seton Catholic's hottest moments and put them together to help you remember the great year we shared.

I would like to thank the hard-working staff for the endless hours spent after school working to make this yearbook a success. Without them, this book would not be what it is.

I hope you enjoyed this year and the moments we shared reflected in this yearbook. Good luck in your remaining days and years at Seton and beyond .

In spring, the pace heats up

In the spring, many events kept Seton students and parents involved and interested. This was a time to raise funds in our Auction, to travel to Austria and to look again at social justice.

The Auction was held this year on March 7 and the theme was "Spring Fantasy." This was the first year that this annual fundraiser was held off campus, at the Grace Inn in Ahwatukee With the help of many volunteers, Seton was able to raise over $19,000. The committee, led by Mrs. Joan Bardgett, is optimistic that next year will be even better Funds raised this year will go towards our field project.

On that same day, March 7, eighteen music students and chaperones from Seton and Bourgade left for Austria, where they were invited to sing in Salzburg. The students also visited Vienna and Graz and toured the homes of Mozart, Strauss, Beethoven, Shubert and Hayden.

Social Justice Day was sponsored by Pax Christi on March 27. Everyone chose a workshop on one of the following: homelessness, stereotyping, the death penalty, abortion, euthanasia, Central America, Christ ian values, nuclear energy, sexism, the environment and war

(right) Th1s display of homelessness in preparation for Soc1a l Just 1c Day had a strong 1mpact on students
(above left) Therese Mayo, Carne Davis and Rebecca Matthews enJOY the s1ghts during the mus1c trip to Vienna (above) Br Gattone presents a floral bouquet to Mrs Joan Bardgett , chairperson of this year ' s successful Auct1on (left) Mandy Mullen , Nik1 Lombard and Just1ne Hsu take their f1rst look at the 1992 yearbook, " One Hot Number."

Festival, SADD events spark interest

Two more spring activities brought fun and a serious message. The Foreign Language Department sponsored a festival to celebrate languages, and SADD provided events which had sobering messages

First, the Spanish, French and Latin classes sponsored the Foreign Language Festival. Cries of "Hola!", "Bonjour!", and "Ave!" were heard as students entered the cafeteria for an assembly. French students sang "Alouette," Spanish students provided skits and flamenco dancing, and Latin students sang songs and recited nursery rhymes. Also, the language students provided food ranging from crepes to salsa to grapes.

While spring activities brought fun at the Festival, a serious message was delivered later for the safety of our students Before the Prom, SADD members highlighted the number of drinking and driving fatalaties by having students whose faces had been painted white stand in silence in the courtyard as classes changed.

Also in April, they sponsored Operation Prom I Graduation. Six students participated in an accident reenactment. The Chandler police and fire departments brought in an Air-evac helicopter, ambulances and a coroner's vehicle to deliver a dramatic message. Students also heard from a woman who had caused an accident after drinking and who explained the devastating effect it had on her life.

(above left) Devi Vann performs a flamenco dance for the student body (above) Spanish students Mini Bernasconi , Kristi Kajca and Melissa Hammen fracture fairytails by combining Little Red Rid ing Hood and Goldilocks and translating them into Spanish. (above center) David Cook poses as the drunk driver in the mock accident presented by the Chandler police and fire departments. (above) Jennifer Hamp was one of a number of students who brought the casualty statistics to life (left) Air-evac medics prepare to transport Jennifer Doyle to the hospital as part of the mock accident. Jennifer did get a helicopter ride

Seton Theater presents ''Plaza Suite"


Karen Nash

Sam Nash


Wai t ress

Jean McCormack

Jesse Kiplinger

Muriel Tate

Norma Hubley

Roy Hubley

Borden Eisler

Mimsey Hubley

Jennifer Kirby

Joe Bardgett

Jason Pena

Sarah Powers

Marsha St. Louis

David Cook

Jennifer Hover

Mari Garc1a

Chaz McAllister

Jason Pena

Courtney Rakes

Direc t or Br. Daniel Casey, CFC

A ssist ant Directors

Costume Director

Make-up and Hair

Set Construction

Bethany Garcia, Kelly Scheidt

Mrs Eveline Heath

Debbie Nagy, Christi Moffat

Mr Larry Fraher

(above left) Jesse tries to lure Muriel back 1nto h1s life, but will she fa ll for it? (above right ) The Plaza Suite cast and crew take time out for a picture (above) Karen gives Sam a kiss in hopes of rekindling the fire of their marriage
(left) Norma tries to stop Roy from smaShing in the door to get his daughter to the wedding on time (above) Roy stares 1n disbelief that his daughter Mimsey is finally ready for the wedding

Romance in Rio

This year's Prom had as its theme "Romance in Rio." To give the Rio feeling, the Prom Committee members from the junior class decided to transform the Seton cafeteria into a casino. Faculty members were recruited to staff roulette wheels and craps tables. While the OJ played on, couples chose whether to dance or to try their luck at the tables gambling just for fun.

Mr . Relph was the moderator of this year's Prom and he and chair Jen Doyle were very happy with the result and with all the effort that went into "Romance in Rio "

(above) Seton couples dance the night away at "Romance in Rio." (right) The 1992 Prom Queen and King were Diana Escobedo and Jose Torres. (below right) The 1992 Prom Committee beams at their successful Prom : (standing) Emily Ryan, Jennifer DeStefano, Karen Bull, Jennifer Doyle, Rebecca Matthews, Carrie Davis, Kelly Fraser, Therese Mayo; (front) Mr. Relph, Mando Bernasconi, Shari Kaliski, Ann-Marie Richard, John Duich, Eddie Zelhofer.
Chair Jennifer Doyle and her date pose at the Prom entrance



This year's Round-up featured the traditional events such as obstacle course and tug-of- w ar along with some new events like soccer. Moderator M r. A nthony and the Student Council organized this day and hoped it. would be a spiritraising event. When the totals were all in, t he junior class w as proclaimed the w inning class for Round-up '92.

(above) Jeff Dominguez practices modeling during the obstable course. (below) Derek Muth uses his soccer skill to advance. (right) Holly Wilson shows that the hurdles are no problem for her (above) At Prom '92, Dan Boylan becomes Seton's high roller as Dave Cook looks on in astonishment. (left) Mrs. Foote explains blackjack to Jen Doyle and her date as Matt Meister and Eddie Zelhofer look on

Graduation activities fete Class of '92

This year's Baccalaureate liturgy was held at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church The mass helped the class remember the togetherness they learned through the years at Seton Catholic

Follo w ing the liturgy, the seniors and their guests went to "The Other Place" for the Senior Dinner. Parts of the program for the evening were the slide sho w , senior prophecies and senior prayers w ritten by parents and teachers.

Two nights later, the class of forty-five seniors gathered at Corpus Christi Church for the Graduation ceremony Speakers Michelle Doroz and Kristi Kajca spoke of the sadness of leaving f riends and the joy of kno w ing that t hey are prepared for the future .

(top lett) Br Haas and Mrs Collins were chosen by the graduates to g1ve the address to the graduates (top right) The class prepares to receive their diplomas (above) Brandy Button rece1ves her diploma from Bishop O'Brien and Sr Elizabeth Meegan, Superintendent (right) Anne Mane Aglio serves as a Euchanstic Minister during the Baccalaureate liturgy Valedictorian Michelle Doroz receives the c up from her (above) The Class of 1992 at the1r best! (left) Jesus Torres , Toni Lopes and Jose Torres lead the entrance procession at the Baccalaureate liturgy (above) The seniors listen to the Bishop's w ords
(left) Faculty members impart a fmal blessing on the Class of 1992

Softball grows, ad ds JV

The Seton softball team has p ulled through another year of hot exc itement. The team is composed mostly of freshmen and sophomores who are led by junior Rebecca Matthews and seniors Anne Marie Aglio, Meghan Harrison and Michelle Doroz. Head coach Jerry Mullin noted , "The season peaked at Chino Valley but declined because of unforeseen schedule changes that led to too many absences ''

This year was the first for our JV Softball Team Both teams were helped by Assistant Coach Scott Hedges, who was mainly in charge of batting. Also helping the teams were Mr Mike Schaiberger and Mr. Jon Harrison. The coaches have high hopes for the success of future seasons.

(top) Megan Millanez guns down the runner and then delivers a strike to the next batter
(above right) Meghan Harrison and Rikki Vargas wait for a chance to turn a double play (right) JV SOFTBALL: (standing) Coach Jerry Mullin , Maura Shendan, Kate Everett, Mandy Husson, Eowyn Estes- Gonzales, Shane Harrison ; (m1ddle) Stacie Harvey, Adrienne Lenhart , Flori Vega, Niki Lombard, Erica Sarli; (front) Renee Waun , Monica Gehring, Sarah Sharpe, Sarah Powers (below)


other one


VARSITY SOFTBALL: (standing) Coach Jerry Mullin, Eowyn Estes-Gonzales, Anne Marie Aglio, Aaron Gordon, Meghan Harrison ; (middle) Rebecca Matthews, Mandy Hu sson, Niki Lombard, Rikki Vargas, Shane Harrison; (front) Flori Vega, Megan Millanez, Holly Wilson, Michelle Doroz, Maura Sheridan, Adrienne Lenhart. (far lef1) Anne Marie Aglio delivers strikeout (lef1) Meghan Harrison blasts an- out of the park (be- left) Anne Mane wa1ts for her chance for an RBI
(above) Holly Wilson shows true batting form. (below) Flori Vega is ready to thwart any chance of stealing home.

Baseball faces tough

This year's varsity baseball team had high expectations . They had a strong nucleus returning from their 145-1 season last year The team was led by five returning senior lettermen in their battle in the tough central region

A number of close games resulted in a 9-12 season for the Sentinels

The new JV baseball program finished their season 8-5. Next year's baseball team will have many returning lettermen and many young faces, but this year's seniors will definitely be missed.

(top) John Omohundro drives the pitch deep for a stand-up double (above) VARSITY BASEBALL: (standing) Coach Dan Muth , Manny Torres , Jesus Torres, Eddie Zelhofer , Dan Boylan, David Boylan , Brian DelaTorre, Jose Torres. Coach AI Forte; (middle) Matt Wetzel, John Omohundro, Matt Mesa , Derek Muth , Dan Walker, John Lopez, Coach Tim Keenan ; (front) Israel Garza, Joe Benavides, Matt Meister, Daniel Mesa, Jim Omohundro, Tony Piowarsy, Peter Mayo
sea son
(left) Matt Meister throws his mag1c curve for yet another stnke-out. (m1ddle left) Derek Muth keeps h1s eye on the ball and connects for another RBI. (below) Coach Forte asks for an RBI after a tnple by Jose Torres.
(left) Derek Muth demonstrates his patented submarine pitch. (above) JV BASEBALL: (standing) Coach Tim Keenan, Matt Wetzel , J. Verne Pace, Mike Leuterio, Steve Saggoo, Louis Olivas, Steve Mikac; (front) Daniel Mesa , Andy Dubasik, Dan Walker , Tony Piowarsy, Peter Mayo , Israel Garza, Joe Benavides

Six runners advance to S tate

Track coaches Mr . Clinch, Mr . Fraher and Renee Schettler were pleased with the commitment put forth by the tracksters According to Mr. Clinch, this w as the most dedicated group he has seen They stayed "together as a team the w hole season and six girls advanced to the state preliminaries . They are : J en DeStefano, Jen Kirby, Julie Sterko w it z, Trudy Orr, Rachel Ryan and Suzy Genzler In addition, many mem b ers w on medals at meets, such as the Superstition Sprin g s Re la y

(above right) TRACK TEAM : Coach Clinch , Andreas Mikulic , Jeff Haler, Jason Altnether , Jeremy Brooks, Julie Sterkowitz, Coach Fraher ; (middle) Stephanie Sirvent (mgr ) , Trudy Orr, Melan ie Mahon , Jennifer Garza, Kristi Kajca , Jennifer Kirby, Rachel Ryan , Coach Schettler ; (front) Beth Tropio , Jennifer DeStefano, Maria Pablo , Suzy Genzler, Joanne Doroz , Annette Kilroy (below) " Wow! Look at Kristi's muscles! " (r ight) Jeremy and Andreas prepare for another field event.
(below ) Jason prepares to overtake the competition (right) Julie gives her all but finishes in second

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