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Seton ian 1972

Setonian 1972
As seen from
office window.J
Life at Seton Active, Thoughtful

The Setonian- 1972

Seton High School, Chandler, Az. Faculty- enior 5 Academic 16 Sports 30 U nderclas es 43 ctivitie 51 Advertiser 64 3
Campus Life Varied

Seton's Guides Behind the Scene

Seton High School is fortunate in having the strong support of its diocesan leaders. In August, when Father Hillmann was suddenly incapacitated by a heart attack, both Bishop McCarthy and Msgr. McCarren stepped into help.

Orders for coolers were placed, workmen contacted; materials arrived. Ughting fixtures were installed in classrooms; new desks were shipped; drapes were hung - as if by magic.

Operating behind the scene to accomplish these improvements were Bishop McCarthy and Msgr McCarren Seton is grateful for the p ersonal care they have shown this smallest of high schools

Principal Rev. John Hillmann Most Rev. Edward J. McCarthy Bishop of Phoenix Superintendent Msgr Edgar McCarren

Top Row:

Sister Paul Marie Mathematics Senior Adviser

Mr. Dean Batt Social Studies Senior Adviser

Miss Judy Maddox Speech, Music, English Junior Adviser

Left Row:

Mr. Dennis Gurecki Biology, Math Junior Adviser

Mrs. Julie Hicks Science Sophomore Adviser

Mr. James Ybarra Spanish Sophomore Adviser

Coach Mulvey seems to be weighing the issues quite seriously.

The spirited, working attitudes of this year's faculty boosted the morale of the entire school. The mounds of hard work they contributed added to making us a success.

We are all grateful to Father Bottler for the service he gave during Fr. Hillmann's illness. We are also indebted to our dedicated part-time faculty.

Mr. Dennis Novy Boys P.E. Health

Mrs. Betty Jane Brown Home Economics

Sister Joan Marie Librarian Freshman Religion Sister Stella Marie seems to be enjoying her history class.
Rev. Francis Bottler Administrator in absence of Father Hillmann

Mr. Ed Mulvey Religion Football Coach

What would Seton do without its allaround man, Joe Martinez?

Mrs. Nancy Taylor Art

Mrs. Lois Wright Business Education

Mrs . June Gibbons English

Sister M. Rebecca English Journalism Sister Stella Marie World Cultures Bookkeeper
Posz and Parker showing their talents on the ice.
Terua Carter Dan Debold Tom Bachert Joe Cordeiro Doreen Delci Keith Barone Maggi Day Lee Ann Fisher

Margie Foley

Rick Garnica

Joe Gorleski

There is nothing like a patriotic flag raising on a crisp winter's morning to stir the blood.

Steve Haler

Susan Krochalk

Fran Kulik

Cindy Habeeb

Believe it or not studying does go on in there.

Betty LaHaye Mary Jo Langston Teresa Loogman Delia Lopez Kathy McDonald Cecelia Martinez Anna Mendoza Kathy Meyer
Ernie Morales Diane Ortiz Elmer Parker Jim Pfeiffer Mary Kay Pitter le Janet Posz Joe Presseller Angela Radzio


Debbie Renna Mark Ruwart Maureen Ryan
Carol Sapienza Jim Schmelzle Bobbie Schuh out seniors or they will take it away! Bill Scolovino Stephanie Serrano Mary Ann Shanks Lupe Soto Doug Stanfel
Sang Tang Corina Vela Darrell Walker Kayanne Ward Senior Advisor, Advising

Social Studies Involve Every Level of School

Independent study in Newsweek magazine seems to be what the Seniors in roD prefer to lecturing. Below: Darrell Walker, Jim Pfeiffer, Joe Gorleski, and Steve Haler find the latest issue very interesting. The Juniors in American History also have a perference over the lecture; group discussions. What is so spellbinding about Rick Maurer's comments? At left, is the typical Dean Batt, shirt sleeves rolled up, involved in a happening; education.

English Seen From All Angles

Sister Rebecca and Mrs. Gibbons plan their curriculum in English for the year in the new English resource center.

"1 know Sister said I'd find Bloody Mary on this shelf, " thinks Joe Presseller as he begins work in the library on a research theme.

Who wouldn't be interested in finding concrete detail for a descriptive theme, if he could sit in the shade of a palm tree during class as these juniors are.

Huckleberry Finn really holds the attention of this junior group during a discussion of the book.

During the spring months the library becomes a popular spot for seniors as they begin preparing a bibliography and taking notes for their research theme.

Barbara Martin and Cathy Soto gain added familiarity with library resources as they work as library assistants, covering books, filing catalogue cards.

Miss Maddox directs rehearsal for one of the plays presented by students in her speech and drama class.


Food Preparation, Serving, Part of Homemaking Course

Meal planning, nutrition, fabncs, color, design: these are only a few subjects covered in the Home-Economics course.

This meal starts with everyone busy in the kitchen: What's cooking, girls?

Next we prepare the table: Kathy Chilson and Mrs. Brown have that project underway.

Everything is ready: Margaret Ford, bring on the main course. (Right) Finally, LIZ Secord, Ann Canavan, and Mary Cordiero are ready to sample today's Home Ec project. (Lower Left)


Home Ec Experiments in Varied Fashions

Fashions and models from the Home-Ec class , Seton High:

The long and the short of it; Mary Ann Shanks, Dorothy Jennings , Olivia Martinez, Diane Walker

Pants scene: Anne Canavan, Maria Acosta.

Dresses are still fashionable with Liz Secord, Margaret Ford, Maria Acosta, Cathy Hartnell.

World of Science Holds Discoveries

Movement of waves, distillation, formation of crystals are only a few of the experiments performed by Seton's scientists.

Below the physics class works on experiment in movement IPS students record observations of their project . Chemists Dan Ryan and Tom Brady collect water they've distilled, as Vicky Golightly looks on.

Math Analysis Involves Games, Graphs

Games aren 1t only sports anymore. Sister Paul Marie has installed a series of games in her math teaching techniques.

Left, girls from Algebra II plot equations on oversized graph paper.

(Bottom) Senior Math Analysts have their own games. (Above) A representative from NASA enlightened all on the subject of space at a midyear assembly. Rich Hominda is the model astronut.


Art Clas ses Exp e rimen t in Varie d M e di a

With the addition of new desks to the art department, students began this year to experiment in many media under the guidance of Mrs. Nancy Taylor. Work in oils, scratch board, charcoal cartoons 1 sculpturing in clay 1 plaster 1 and papier mache ', as well as weaving-these were among the media in which students chose to experiment.


Top: Mrs. Taylor directs Tricia Ford in the project she is planning. Middle: Rosemary Brunkala applies oils to balanced design. In the background are Barbara Ellison's scratch board line drawing and varied cartoons in charcoal. Bottom: Joe Preseller watches as Sharon Ceccoli works on a design.
Upper Right: Mrs . Taylor seems pleased with Janet Posz's oil painting.

Music Department Presents Concert of Mixed Voices

The music department under the direction of Miss Judy Maddox, expanded its work this year to include tenor and bass voices. As an outgrowth of class work, the chorus presented AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS at Christmas.

During the second semester the class prepared for a spring concert. In addition to four part singing, the group accompanied each selection with multimedia illustrations.

Below 1 a section of the boys 1 chorus practices with Miss Maddox

.. ··-'" L. .LI

Spanish, History , Science Demand a Reckoning

1r Ybarra discusses Spanish Culture projects with Mary Gene Troyer and John Gorleski

S1ster Stella Marie seems to be enjoying her World Cultures class Freshmen seem completely engrossed in their science test .

Freshman Moods Vary With Time of Day

In contrast to the attentive posture as l'v1r. Novy illustrates a health class with stick figure drawings 1 is the happy relaxed atmosphere of the freshmen as they wait on the bus for the ride home. Raul Montano punches tickets.

The freshman class ranked highest on the Chocolate Drive this year and earned a free day on February 18. They held a successful Valentine Dance on February 12 at which Dan Ryan and Mary Helen Soto were crowned King and Queen of Hearts.

Nine Sentinels Graduate

Keith Barone - QB Rick Garnica - MG Joe Corderio - HB Steve Haler -E Doug Stanfel - DE Jim Schmelzle -E Ernie Morales - FB Joe Presseller - LB Elmer Parker - LB Football Team, 1971. First Row: Mark Fletcher, Dan Ryan, Art Buelna, Coach Novy, Elmer Parker, Coach Mulvey, Tim Debold, John Gorleski, Carlos Mendez. Second Row: Frank Brady, John Mendoza, Ed Soto, Rick Maurer, Tom Brady, Merle McDonald, Terry Carey, Larry Sanks, Kevin Clinch, Mark Rewart. Third Row: Mark Renna, Gerry Ruhland, Keith Barone, Joe Cordeiro, Ernie Morales, Joe Presseller, Tom Kulik, Steve Haler. Fourth Row: Forest Tardibuono, Rick Garnica, Jim Schmelzle, Fred Ruhland, Doug Stanfel, Rick Hominda, Ken Barone, Joe Gorleski.

Sentinels Fight Apache Prospectors

He's down •..

But never to sta y I

With only one victory out of the first nine games 1 the record wasn't encouraging. The last game was with Orme and the Sentinels had one last chance to make good. Spirits were high and more than anything the players wanted to "stick it to" someone else for a change. Scoring came quickly. Following a perfect block by E. Parker and J. Presseller, E. Morales walked in literally untouched from 3 yards out. A short time later Keith Barone plunged in from the 6. Both]. Schmelzle and S. Haler broke open in the end-zone to receive passes from C. Mendez.

Right: Sentinels scramble after a loose ball. Below: Art Buelna sidesteps a would-be tackle to gain yardage.


The Week Before Friday's Game

Art Buelna snags a pass in a practice session before being tackled by Elmer Parker. Carlos Mendez pitches the ball out to John Mendoza after being caught by a defensive player. practice, some of the players relax in the cool shade.

Team calisthenics start each day with a smile, a groan, and a few choice words on the side. This is followed by a game conditioning scrimmage in which Carlos Mendez beats the pressure of the defensive charge as he goes to the air.

"Sure is hot on these August days, " says Keith Barone as he slowly recovers from the first few weeks of practice.


'The Way You Practice Is the Way You Play'

Sprints, scrimmage , practicing plays, all are a part of the football scene. Practice is by no means a picnic.

All the work leads up to the action in games such as that pictured below in a contest with Apache Junction.

Homecomin g : Sentinel s, Ro y alty , Tears of Joy

Below: The football players make a special offering of a Gila Bend "Monster". Middle Right:Homecoming was preceded by the traditional bonfire Lou Ann Urban and Carlos Mendez were the Junior attendants.
Sophomore attendants were Kathy Keyes and John Mendoza Left: Sentinel Darrel Walker leads this year's festivities
Above: Queen Lee Ann Fisher, with tears of joy, rides the royalty float with her king, Ernie Morales Their court consisted of Margie Foley , Jim Schmelzle, Carol Sapienza and Joe Presseller. Last year's royalty, Juana Schmelzle and Jim Murtaugh, presided at the coronation.

Varsity B asketball

Junior Varsity

Freshman Team

Back Row: Coach Novey, Steve Haler, Jim Schmelzle, Jim Pheiffer, Keith Barone, Jerry Ruhland. Front Row: Joe Pres seller, Ruben Montano, Art Buelna, Ernie Morales, Merle McDonald, Joe Cordeiro Back Row: Coach Novey , Pat Ruwart , Fred Ruhland , Larry Sanks, Al Mendoza FrontRow : Roy Urban , Ben Hartnell , David Green, Robert Mendez, Jerry Romero BackRow : Coach Ybarra , Rick Maurer , Bi ll Maurer , Ken Barone, Mark Ruwart, Chuck Ciraolo, Carl os Mendez Front Row : Eddie Soto, Mark Petticrew , John Mendoza , Tom Kraus, Tim Debold

Round bail ers on the Move

Top Right : The often forgotten junior varsity is shown in their win against Orme. Top Left: Jim stretches to get the tip. Lower Left: Another 2 points as a result of the reliable Schmelze - Presseller pass and cut Center Right: Keith Barone being fancy again
Lower Right : The deadly accuracy of Ernie Morales puts in two more .

Baseball Team Expecting Another Great Season

Seton Track Team Directed by Coach Novy

Ruben Montano, Ernie Morales, Keith Barone, Jim Schmelzle, Merle McDonald, Joe Corderio, Arthur Buelna, John Mendoza. Baseball Coach Batt

Girls ' Coach Directs Diversified Activities

Physical Ed classes 1 volleyball, tennis 1 softball, gym club, cheerleaders, and drivers education are among the varied activities for which Miss Sue Eshelman is responsible. Girls' Volleyball Team face the camera. Freshman relax between rounds of Volleyball. Barbara Ellison and Bill Maurer receive preliminary driving instructions from Miss Eshelman.

Miss Sue Eshelman

Juniors Anticipate Senior Privileges

Art Buelna 1 President

Tom Brady, Vice-President

Teresa Brice, Secretary- Treasurer

Chris Brady

Rosemary Brunkala

Sharon Ceccoli

Kevin Clinch

Deborah Cordeiro

Barbara Ellison

Regis Ford

Trisha Ford

Ron Granstra

Richard Hominda

Rick Maurer, Kevin Clinch, Mike Porter, Mike Renna, and Richard Hominda find the gym a good place for concentrated study.

Dorothy Jennings

Tom Kraus

Nancy Krochalk

Frank Leon

Barbara Martin

Olivia Martinez

Bill Maurer

Rick Maurer

Carlos Mendez

Karen Meyer

Oscar Montano

Mike Pitterle

Mike Porter

Mike Renna

Those combination locks do slow down at the last minute as Carlos Mendez and Joe Presseller are finding.

Lupe Rubio

Gerry Ruhland

Dan Ryan

Cathy Soto

Mary Helen Soto

Lou Ann Urban

Diane Walker

Doris Walsh

Christine Wolff


Sophomores Grow in Age, Maturity



Ken Barone

Anne Canavan

The sophomores this year may have been on the small side, but that didn't stop them from being athletic. Even their class was small, but it seems there was a sophomore hand in all the Setonian events. Specifically, their combined efforts in the Christmas dance showed their many capabilities. That kind of concern can only add to class morale.

Terrance Carey

Mark Cerny

Tim Debold

D e bbie Delci

Margare t Ford

Kristen Habeeb

Tim Haler

interests Mary Cordeiro, Liz Secord and Anne Canavan so much? Maria Tom Coon Mary Cordeiro
4 6

Mary Loogman

Joe McDonald

Merle McDonald

John Mendoza

Ruben Montano

Sophomores Try Harder

Jeff Hardin

Cathy Hartnell

Kathy Keyes

Elise Killian

Mark Petticrew

Liz Secord

Eddie Soto

Miriam Tardibuono

Steve Wolff

Tom Coon, don't you know how to set up that projector yet?

Tests are challenging; aren't they, freshmen?

Freshmen Begin Growing

Sandra Ashby

Frank Brady

Karen Brady

Lori Brice

Mark Bunch

Scott Carter

Juana Contreras

Ben Day

Donna Engels

Dawn Fountain

Judy Fraser

Vicky Golightly

John Gorleski

David Green

Robert Habeeb

Ben Hartnell

Kathy Hite

Diane Holderman

Sheryl Hoover

David Hudock

Kaylynn Hunter


Mr. Gurecki's freshman pre-algebra class is hard at work trying to solve some tough problems.

Miles Killian

Scott Krall

Tom Kulik

Mary Jo LaHaye

Patti Jennings

Cathy Johnson

Sandra Kaczmarek

George Loogman

Mary Ann Martinez

Julie McDonald

Patty McDonald

Peter McDowell

Robert Mendez

Alfred Mendoza

Renee Navarette

Arnold Ortiz

Richard Osborne

Carol Pajak

Caroline Parker

Linda Pfeiffer

Bill Pitterle


Diane Posz

Cathy Preseller

Gerald Romero

Mark Renna

Fritz Ruhland

Patrick Ruwart

LaiTy Sanks

Lisa Serrano

Diane Soto

Pauline Spruit

Forest Tardibuono

Anthony Tobin

Maty Gene Troyer

Roy Urban

Bill Villanueva

Frank Villanueva

Ann Webster

Karen Wollf

Linda Wortley

Who would have ever thought of Frank Villanueva wearing a halo?

Margie Foley

Carol Sapienza

Sharon Ceccoli

Kathy Meyer

Lou Ann Urban

Mary Helen Soto

Dorothy Jennings

How Do Cheerleaders Sit Still So Long?

Varsity Junior Varsity

Cheer-lead-er : a person who directs organized cheering especially at a sports event But Webster does not quite have the full definition of a Sentinel cheerleader. Setons cheerers are people who will go on cheering, though perhaps reluctantly, even when there is no crowd response or their team is losing drastically. Cheerleaders do not have super powers but they are specia l people!

Karen Meyer ]o Langston
This Yearbook Brought to You by: Editor- Photographer: Joe Presseller Editor of Copy: Mary Jo Langston Typists: Doreen De lei, Stephanie Serrano, Janet Posz
Staff: Margie Foley, Mary Kay Pitterle, Kathy Meyer, Mark Ruwart, Elmer Parker, Mary Anne Shanks

Amahl and the ight Visitors ' Sets

Chri tmas Mood

The Christmas program this year will be different," states Miss Maddox. It was. The music department put on an opera. It was the story of the King's visit to the humble abode of Amahl and his mother during their journey to see the Christ Child.

Right , Amahl, (Chris Brady) peeks with wonder into the box of "magic stones". Below the boy questions the kings Kasper , (E Parker), Melchior (J Schmelzle), and Balthazar (D . Stanfel).

Seton Collects Food, Gifts for Indian Mission

The annual food drive at Christmas time this year was immensely successful with Seniors taking top honors.

Pictured below is the five tons of beans, flour, sugar, and assorted goods donated.

Lower Left: Ernie Morales assists in distributing presents donated in the Christmas spirit, among the children at Bapchule.

Mome nt s We Will Trea ure


Queen 1axy Helen Soto and King Dan Ryan captured the hearts of all at the Valentine Celebration. (Right) Below, the Royal court leads a dance. ordering of class rings for Juniors and graduation anno\.Ulcements for Seniors were important events in our lives.

Plays Demonstrate Dramatic Talent

The Speech and Drama class learned to capture many different moods during the presentation of four one-act plays in the fall. Lower Left: Carol Sapienza as the mentally deranged daughter is waiting to do away with her mother, Mary }o Langston in " ' ot My Cup of Tea." At Lower Right Jim Schmelzle, Margie Foley, and Keith Barone work to get into the character of the socialites in "Behold an Empty

Miss Maddox's and Elmer Parker's postures provide a vivid contrast in responsibilities of a director and student director. 1-.1iss Maddox appears tense while Elmer Parker relaxes knowing practice is over

Student Council Heads School

Leadership for this year was provided by the student council. Working in co-operation with the administration and faculty, activities were planned and the voice of the students was heard in the making of decisions.

Student Body: E. Parker-Pres., E. Morales- Vice Pres., C. SapienzaSec., A. Mendoza-Treas.

Sophomore- J. Mendoza-Pres., S. Wolf-Vice Pres., M. Acosta-Sec.

Junior- A. Buelna-Pres., T. Brady-Vice Pres., T. Brice-Sec. Senior-K. Barone-Pres., K. Meyer-Vice Pres., D. Renna-Sec.

'Stardust' Reveals Stars

Carol Sapienza, starring as Miss Prudence Mason controls Doug Stanfel, Tad Voorhis, so forcefully that he loses his balance. Making a special appearance as Mr. Bach is the well-known actor Elmer

Parker solemnly announcing he must brush is teeth before he starts his days work at the Academy. Students from the Academy of Dramatic and Allied Arts strike poses imitating objects to present their imaginative skills.
Prudence Mason helps Mr. Bach as he tumbles from a trick chair.

Spring Concert Interprets Seasonal Moods

Opposite page:

Above Left: Diane Ortiz, Debi Renna, and Doreen Delci sing "Ride on King Jesus." Above Right: Olga Camptell translates the mood of "Autumn Leaves. " Debi Renna sings "Red River Valley" with a carefree gypsy effect. Top: Mary Cordeiro, Kathy Chilsen, Kathy O'Hara, and Anna Salus, gleefully skip to the tune of "Patty Cake Polka. "
Bottom: Liz Secord, Mary Loogman, Kathy O'Hara and Mary Cordeiro pair off for a polka

Spring Concert :

Creativity through seasonal songs. Spring flowers blooming to "April

Showers' ' "Autumn Leaves " falling; Olga translating the mood. Freshman girls skipping to the tune of " Patty

Cake Polka 11 ; Debi singing " Red River

Valley " in carefree gypsy style.

Student Body Honors Mary With y

Seton renews the age -old tradition of crowning Mary as Queen, as Caroline Serrano, radiant in white, and her attendants in swishing pastel gowns, honor Mary with garlands of flowers at her shrine in the patio. The student body, presided over by seniors in cap and gown, assist at the Mass of Our Lady, offered by Father Hillman.


Crowning, Mass in School Patio


Congratulations to Seton' Finest

Class of '72

From Seton's Booster Club

Mr. Bill Canavan

Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Parker

Mr. & Mrs.JosephCordeiro

Mr. & Mrs.J.F. Presseller

Mr. & Mrs. .P. Langston

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Renna

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sapienza

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mendoza

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Stanfel

Good Luck

Jerry Chapman Says: Congratulations Cia s of '72
PUTTING YOU FIRST, KEEPS US FIRST " FIRST IN SALES - FIRST IN SERVICE Ch <8l. ]p) m <8l. Jrn CHEVROLET SALES 963-6371 1375 North Arizona Avenue - Chandler PARTS 963-6349 66
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GOOD LUCK to the Class of '72 CHRIS PLUMB! G New Construction and Service 969-9425 67 BEST WISHES CLASS OF '72 Compliments of D r . J oe R yan ARROW PH ARM CY
Delivery Have Your Doctor Call Us 11 W. Boston Chandler, Ariz. 963-5251 C.WI•t T C....._I. MIA t..Mll TN .,_,. V'e CJtandier cfitizonatt 117 West Field Rd CHANDLER ARIZONA, 15224 Complete Local News Coverage of the Entire Area and Finest Quality Printing
John T. Foley
Construction Co. 254 . Arizona Ave Chandler Arizona

Christ the King Parish

Congratulations Class of '72 1
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Park Plaza Shopping Center
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Congratulations Class of 1972

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Chandler, Arizona


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From H. "Pat" Morrison

Richard ' Jewelcr ·

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Benjamin Moore Paints "famous for diamonds"

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Kenny Watson

1 orth Park Plaza orth Park Plaza In Plaza 1all 731 South Arizona Ave. in Chandler, Arizona 85224
Phone 963-4961 Res Phone Eddie Maynard 963-4354 George Salas 969-4955

Congratulation and Best Wishes to, the Class of ''72''

Dave Coon , Asst V P Manager New location 2727 E Wash ington P 0 Box 20827 Phoenix, Arixona 85036 Serving Arizona Schools ove50 years PHONE 267 - 1311 7 9 MEMBER F.D. I. C. 63 N . Ar izona Ave . Chandler , Ariz Best Wishes, Seniors J. C. Hearn Insurance Agency 72 West Boston 963-4646 CHANDLER JEWELRY CHANDLER JEWELRY GUARANTEED CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING JEWELRY REPAIR • STONE SETTING ENGRAVING 32 So SAN MAR C OS PL .- CHANDLER AR I ZONA
















71 W. Boston St. , Chandler


1054 N. Arizona Ave., Chandler 1667 W Capri Ave., Mesa 1062 N. Arizona Ave., Chandler






Payle Market

Beer and Wine

389 S. Arizona Ave Chandler

79 South Arizona Place Chandler, Arizona Congratulations Class '72
100 W.
St., Chandler 698 E. Williams Field, Chandler 39 N. Arizona PI. , Chandler 128 W Boston St. , Chandler
P. 0 . Box 866, Chandler 1136E. MainSt., Mesa

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