Today and Tomorrow 2013 Annual Report

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The Successes of Tomorrow Begin Today.


The Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation – following the example of Jesus Christ in His service to those in need – assists faith based and private schools in providing quality, affordable and accessible educational opportunities for any economically disadvantaged family within the St. Louis region by generating financial assistance in the form of scholarships from local and national funding sources.

A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Now more than ever the mission of the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation is the most effective effort you can support for the future of St. Louis underserved children. As you page through this report, when you visit one of our schools or perhaps attend a fundraiser, I know that you will be inspired by the children and the people – teachers, mentors and donors – who make a difference in their lives.

The families we support are living in poverty and struggling more than ever but they have HOPE and OPPORTUNITY. They are hopeful about their children’s future because of the quality education they are receiving as a recipient of a Today and Tomorrow scholarship. They know that the opportunity to choose a parochial or private elementary school increases their child’s chance to succeed regardless of racial, ethnic, religious or educational background. 91% of recipients are accepted into college preparatory high schools, 93% graduate from high school and, of those, 78% go on to post secondary education. HOPE for the future of our city resides in the 2,886 scholarship students, their classmates and schools.

Through your generous partnership, the efforts of the students, and the commitment of so many teachers, principals and parents children are studying and succeeding in safe, nurturing, academically challenging environments. On behalf of the Today and Tomorrow kids, please keep the momentum going through your many good deeds and actions to ensure children will continue to have access to a high quality education.


Kevin M. Short Chairman


St. Cecilia Academy to Rosati Kain High School On the very same day that Vivian’s sister Josie was born, her three year old brother was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia. Three long years of chemotherapy took an emotional and financial toll on the entire family. Fortunately, prayers were answered and his cancer went into remission and he was declared cancer-free. According to Vivian, the St. Cecilia community offered endless support as her family navigated this frightening and stressful time. Vivian explains how her scholarship to St. Cecilia changed her life and put her on the path to Rosati Kain High School: “After a rough kindergarten year at a public school, my mother decided to send me St. Cecilia School and Academy. The instant I walked in, I felt at home. That first year, I discovered a lot about myself. For example, I was not very good at spelling. I had trouble pronouncing words too. My teachers helped me to improve my spelling. I also discovered my love for books. I began to have a great interest in God. Church began to make sense as I learned many prayers. When my brother began his chemo treatment, my teachers knew just what to do. They made sure I saw a wonderful and kind counselor and helped my family as bills started to pile up. At one point my parents were going to have to send me back to public school. I was so sad about leaving what I considered my ‘second home.’ I loved coming to school and being greeted by the cheerful teachers. I loved lunch, recess, being with my friends, going to church, and looking for new books in the library. Then a miracle happened. At the end of 6th grade, I received an incredible scholarship in honor of Graciela Hartenbach. The scholarship not only helped get my family back on track, but it also showed me that there are wonderful people in the world who care about students like me. After I received the scholarship, I decided to work harder than ever. My teacher’s challenged me when an assignment was too easy. They explained things when I did not understand. Ms. Carlson always believed in me and helped me become a better writer. Ms. Burns made me redo every math problem that I got wrong until I got it right. But most of all, Mr. Cox, my religion teacher, helped me define myself the most. He always takes the time to answer my questions. He explains what it means to be a Christian and have good morals. He tells us that we should always trust God and that God has a plan for us. We must be humble and loving. St. Cecilia teachers make an amazing difference in their students’ lives. They help children grow into responsible adults with good morals. I would not be who I am today without St. Cecilia School and Academy.” Thanks to scholarships from Today and Tomorrow and Graciela Hartenbach, Vivian is well-prepared for the challenging college preparatory curriculum at Rosati Kain High School. Now a freshman, Vivian is working as hard as ever, making new friends and deepening her faith. Won’t you consider helping ensure another child like Vivian receives the quality education he or she deserves?


Tower Grove Christian School Deanna Johnson is a member of the St. Louis City Police Force. When she relocated to St. Louis to attend the St. Louis Police Academy, she was determined to find a challenging – yet nurturing – school environment for her son Kendal. She explains how the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation has helped make her dreams for her son come true: “As a single mother, I wanted a school that was structured, affordable, and would provide a helping hand in raising Kendal. I was also looking for a caring staff and small classroom environment. Tower Grove Christian has all of these things—it is like an extended family. Their Christian-based curriculum and highyet -realistic-expectations are exactly what my son needs. Without the assistance from the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation, I could not afford the tuition. It is a huge help to our family and a wonderful place for my son. He is in second grade now and loves science and history. I know he is getting a high quality education. We are so grateful to the generous donors who help fund Kendal’s scholarship.”

Christopher Morris

from St. Ann’s elementary school, to St. Mary’s High School, to scholar-athlete at Webster University A scholarship to a quality school can change the course of a student’s life. But the scholarship is just the beginning. It’s up to the student to work hard and set goals for the future. Chris Morris did both, first at St. Ann’s elementary school and then at St. Mary’s High School – by applying himself in the classroom and working hard on the tennis court. Thanks to his drive and dedication, he earned an academic scholarship to Webster University and a spot on the university’s tennis team. Chris’ mother Bertha explains how his Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation Scholarship to St. Ann’s Elementary school paved the way for a promising future: “Chris received an excellent education at St. Ann’s. His grade school education was wonderful and it gave him the foundation he needed to succeed in high school. He was well prepared and able to juggle both academics and athletics. Unlike most kids his age, he was never into basketball and football—he was interested in tennis. During his senior season on the Dragon tennis team, his coach, Frank Sohm, encouraged him to apply to Webster University. Mr. Sohm had been contacted by the coach and believed Webster might be a good place for Chris. Mr. Sohm told the coach that my son was not only a hard working, team-oriented player but an excellent student. We visited the campus and both liked what we saw. After our tour, the coach followed up and let Chris know he was very interested. Needless to say, Chris applied and got accepted. The week after Christmas he received the letter informing him he’d been awarded a scholarship. While Webster doesn’t offer tennis scholarships, Chris’ excellent grades qualified him for an academic scholarship.Now in his freshman year, he is playing goalie for the soccer team, playing tennis, and is planning to major in computer science. When Chris was born, his dad—Stan—said to me, ‘I believe my son is going to make it.’ Stan passed away when Chris was just five years old. So when I received that scholarship letter from Webster, I went straight to Stan’s picture, and I said ‘I believe your wish is coming true--Christopher’s going to make it.’ And if things go as planned, Chris will be the second male in the Morris family to receive a college degree—a fact that would make his father even more proud.” Chris’ story demonstrates the long term benefits of a solid K-12 education. From hardworking elementary school student, to high school, to collegiate scholar-athlete—all signs point to a bright future. With your help, other children will be able to achieve and succeed—but they need the advantages that a quality school provides. Your generosity can help other children realize their potential and put them on track to achieve their goals.

TRIBUTES/MEMORIALS In Honor of Edith Cunnane

In Memory of Kelly Schwetz

Ms. Sharon Gerken

Mr. Robert L. Agles Mr. William A. Anderson Mr. Donald Anthon Ms. Judith Anthon Dr. and Mrs. Craig Aubuchon Mr. Paul Azzara Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baldetti Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Beckmann Jr. Ms. Kathy Behan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bommarito Ms. Monica Boveri Mr. Robert Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Brauer Ms. Sharon Brightfield Mr. and Mrs. John J. Campbell Mr. John Cantalin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Carlson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Chronister Mr. Brian Clinton Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Stuart Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cremins Mr. John Davis and Mrs. Kathleen Geraty Davis Mr. and Mrs. K. Cleman Decker Mr. and Mrs. John Denneen Ms. Brenda Dinges Mr. George Edinger Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elfrink Ms. Wendy Esslinger Ms. Cindy Evans Ms. Sandra Finney Mr. Steven Frank Freed & Shepherd, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. David F. French Dr. and Mrs. Jack Gandlmayr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas George Ms. Sharon Gerken Ms. Diane Giesler Ms. Nancy Grunzinger Mr. Thomas J. Haake Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hamer Mr. Jim Hannon

In Honor of George Henry Ms. Julianne Phelps

In Honor of Msgr. John Unger Ms. Julianne Phelps

In Honor of Al Winkelmann Ms. Julianne Phelps

In Honor of Jack Pohrer Ms. Judith Anthon Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Linsin

In Honor of Kevin and Patti Short Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Carlson Jr

In Honor of Mike and Rita Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tegeler

In Honor of Msgr. Mark S. Rivituso Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Schermann

In Honor of Sharon Gerken Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cunnane Ms. Margaret O’Brien

In Memory of Frances Byrnes Ms. Anne Mosher Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mosher

In Memory of Henry J. Breier Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole

Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Ervin L. Heyde Ms. Nicholas Holekamp Mr. William Howard Mrs. Judith Humes Mr. and Mrs. James Jandro Ms. Carol Jones Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Juen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Keppel Ms. Kristina Kinealy Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kinnison Mr. and Mrs. Alois Koller Jr. Ms. Barbara Kosciolek Mr. Keith Krebeck Mr. and Mrs. Jim Krekeler Mr. and Mrs. Norman Krumrey Mr. and Mrs. James Lang Ms. Monica Lang Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. George Marklin Mr. Mark E. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Michael McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Ted McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Brannon McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meara Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mehan Mr. and Mrs. Eric Meyer Millennium Venture Partners Missouri Foot and Ankle Mr. and Mrs. James Moorkamp Mr. and Mrs. David Nagel Mr. and Mrs. William Newbold Ms. Karen Nixon Mr. and Mrs. David B. Olson Mr. Paul Pedone Persimmon Woods Golf Club Ms. Mary Ann Pohl Mr. Jack E. Pohrer Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Profumo Ms. Maureen Ragsdale Ranken Jordan Home for Convalescent Crippled Children Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Remiger

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rhoades RMP Investments IV LC Mr. and Mrs. Dane Rood Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ross Ms. Rita Ruderman Ms. Mary Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schneider II Mr. and Mrs. Don Schneier Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schonhoff Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schwarze Mr. and Mrs. George Schwetz Ms. Laurie Schwetz Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Seeger Ms. Sharon Shaw Mr. Glenn Sherrod Mr. and Mrs. Andy Signorelli Mr. and Mrs. David Simpson Mr. and Mrs. David Snively Mr. and Mrs. James M. Terschluse Mr. and Mrs. Randy Timmerman Ms. Amy Troxtell Mr. and Mrs. Scott Vansciever Ms. Susan Vincent Ms. Michelle Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wasielewski Mr. and Mrs. Tim Weber William F. Kelly Real Estate Ms. Fay Wuest Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zwick

In Memory of Louise Garofolo Ms. Sharon Gerken Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Short

In Memory of Mary Lennon Dr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Golden

In Memory of Merrill Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seltzer


of low-income students struggle to read a simple children’s book by 4th grade. And if this trend continues,

6.6 million low-income children born between 2002 - 2010 will be at increased risk of failing to graduate from high school on time because they can’t read proficiently by the end of 3rd grade.

GIFTS Unrestricted Gifts Ms. Maryilyn Abkemeier Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Allen Anheuser-Busch InBev Annual Catholic Appeal Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Roger Archibald Ascension Health AT&T Missouri Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aubrey Dr. Christopher Awad Rev. Joseph Banden Mr. and Mrs. Ron Barnes BCLLP Foundation Mr. Dan Bean Mr. and Mrs. Barry H. Beracha Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Bisch Bishop DuBourg High School Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Msgr. Francis X. Blood Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boldt Dr. Robert E. Bolinske Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bommarito Msgr. Vincent Bommarito Mr. and Mrs. Craig Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bram Mr. Charles Brennan Ms. Sue Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Browne BSI Constructors Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buckley Ms. Susan Butler Mr. and Mrs. Tom Campbell Mr. Bill Cannon Mr. and Mrs. John P. Capellupo Capital Enhancement, Inc. Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation Cardinals Care Ms. Ellen Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Carlson Jr. Archbishop Robert Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Julian Carr Cass Commercial Bank Catholic Education Office Church of the Assumption - O’Fallon Mr. Louis Coco Cogent Innovators LLC Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cole Commerce Bank Mr. and Mrs. Laurence K. Condie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Conran Mr. Daniel Conway Mr. and Mrs. Tim Conway Mr. and Mrs. Bill Corrigan Jr. Mr. Herbert Creason Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cunnane Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cunnane Cure of Ars Catholic Church

Dana Brown Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Daniels Danis Charitable Trust Ms. Debra Darragh Dr. Ann M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Brad DePriest Mrs. Mary Rose Desloge Mr. and Mrs. William DeWitt Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Dino Rev. Michael Donald Mr. and Mrs. John Doyen Rev. Mitch Doyen Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Drozda Drury Development Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dude Mr. Cletus H. Duello Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dugan Edward Jones Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Elzemeyer Employees Community Fund of Boeing Rev. Robert T. Evans Mr. Robert Gropler and Ms. Donna Farmer Mr. and Mrs. David C. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ferry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finger Fontbonne University Food Service Consultants, Inc. Footwear Unlimited, Inc. Fox Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Gallagher Ms. Sharon Gerken Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gleason Dr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Golden Mr. Ben Govero Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale Gretta Forrester Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guyol Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Guyol Mr. and Mrs. William B. Guyol Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Haffner Mr. John J. Hake Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hale Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Hanley Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heeger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henkel Mr. Brad Hill and Mrs. Camille Emig-Hill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hillmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Hollabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Sid Holthaus Dr. Henry Hummert Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hunn Husch Blackwell Incarnate Word Foundation Interco Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Russell Isaak ISC Contracting Mr. and Mrs. Richard James

John S. Swift Charitable Trust Rev. John J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jordan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kochanski Ms. Amie Koenen Mr. and Mrs. Al Koller Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Leggat Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Lipic Mr. and Mrs. Rene Lusser Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis Father Michael Lydon Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. MacDonald Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Bob Merenda Ms. Mary Lou Michler Missouri Professionals Mutual Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mohrman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Brett Moorehouse Mr. Mark Mower Mr. and Mrs. David Mueckl, Ph. D Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Dean Muller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Niebling Mr. and Mrs. Brian Niebrugge Nine Network of Public Media Mr. and Mrs. Todd Nixon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Noonan Mr. Dan O’Brien Mr. Michael O’Connell Office of Stewardship and Development Office of Youth Ministry Mr. and Mrs. Denny O’Leary Ms. Gloria Openlander Order of Malta Mrs. Robert J. O’Reilly II Dr. and Mrs. Leroy F. Ortmeyer Pelopidas LLC Persons Charitable Trust Ms. Julianne Phelps Mr. and Mrs. Lionel J. Phillips Mr. Jack E. Pohrer Msgr. Sal Polizzi Mr. and Mrs. Dan Prost Rev. Msgr. James Ramacciotti Mr. and Mrs. Marlott Rhoades Ms. Nancy Rice Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradford Rigdon Dr. and Mrs. Darryl A. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ross Rubin, Brown, Gornstein Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sahrmann Saint Louis University Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schreiber Mr. Peter Schroeder Mr. Paul Schwetz Security Traders Association of St. Louis Mr. Dennis Sedlak and Ms. Georgine O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shamleffer

Shaughnessy Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Shaughnessy Dr. and Mrs. David Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Short Ms. Mary E. Shuff Mr. Norbert Siegfried Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Rex A. Sinquefield Honorable Francis G. Slay Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sly Mr. and Mrs. David Snively Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence Mrs. Kathleen Springer St. Anthony’s Medical Center Foundation St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cottleville St. Roch Parish Mr. and Mrs. Jay Staley Msgr. Edward Sudekum Mr. Tim Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tegeler Terril & Company The Dierberg Foundation The Service Bureau Foundation Dr. Karen Tichy Mr. and Mrs. Ron Toczylowski Mr. Ted Toczylowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Trulaske Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Tunney Jr. Msgr. Michael E. Turek Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tychsen UMB Bank US Bank Vatterott Foundation Reverend Gary Vollmer Father Jeffery Vomund Dr. Tom Wagner Whelan Security Ms. Catherine Whitlock Mrs. Evie Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Wilmsen Rev. Msgr. Ted L. Wojcicki Wolken Real Estate Advisors, Inc. Ms. Mary Wright Dr. Mark Wrighton and Ms. Risa Zwerling Mr. and Mrs. Blake Youde

GIFTS Restricted Gifts Mr. David Budinger Caleb C. & Julia W. Dula Education & Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John P. Capellupo Children’s Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Chivetta Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Clever Ms. Sharon Condie Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cunnane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. de Bettencourt Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Eckelkamp Emerson Charitable Trust Employees Community Fund of Boeing First National Bank of St. Louis Herman & Phenie Pott Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hinderer III Mr. and Mrs. Sid Holthaus Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Igoe Mr. and Mrs. Russell Isaak Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Johans Lay Family Foundation Ms. Nancy Lydon Monsanto Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mueller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Noonan Norman J. Stupp Foundation - Commerce Bank Trustee Order of Malta Ms. Mary Ann Plasmeier Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sly The Saigh Foundation Van Evera Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Wagner

Gifts in Kind Bill Corrigan Jr. Butler’s Pantry Clayton Capital Partners Kevin and Patti Short Glencoe McGraw Hill INDOX Services Mike and Rita Mooney Pelopidas LLC St. Louis Parking Company Sharon Gerken

78% of TTEF alumni are enrolled in college this fall.

93% of TTEF eighth graders graduate high school.


of TTEF alumni are attending parochial or private high schools.

WAYS TO GIVE Our community of treasured benefactors provides scholarship assistance that allows students to create successful futures through education. From one-time gifts to ongoing support, your involvement is transforming the life of a child. Your generosity is a vote of confidence in the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation’s efforts to provide the very best educational opportunities to underserved elementary school students. No matter what size, every contribution is important.

There are so many ways to make a tax-deductible gift to support Today and Tomorrow such as:

Scholarships Support the cost of a one year scholarship at $2,000 for an existing scholarship recipient.

Adopt A Student Adopt a kindergarten student for a year or through 8th grade graduation. One year scholarships are $2,000 and full scholarships are $18,000.

Annual Gift Make an unrestricted gift to the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation; you determine what time of year works best for you.

Archbishop’s Gala Enjoy a nice dinner to benefit the Scholarship Programs. Sponsor the event, sponsor the reception, sponsor a table or purchase individual tickets.

Tributes and Memorial Honor a family member, recognize an anniversary, or make a group gift. (family, business)

Matching Gifts Contact your company’s Human Resources Department or employer to determine if your gift can be matched and increase the impact of your gift.



Condensed Financial Statement for the year ended June 30, 2013 (unaudited)

Kevin M. Short, Chairman Edith C. Cunnane, Secretary


Cash and cash equivalents Restricted Funds Receivables Total Assets

2,983,128 534,219 160,586 3,677,933

Michael Mooney, Treasurer Footwear Unlimited

Thomas Boldt


Accounts payable and accrued expenses Other liabilities Total Liabilities

Boldt Brothers Building Co.

132,432 969 133,401

Net Assets

Unrestricted Restricted Total Net Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

Clayton Capital Partners

Herbert D. Condie III Eidnoc Enterprises

Joseph Conran

1,968,686 1,575,846 3,544,532

Husch Blackwell LLP

William M. Corrigan, Jr.

Partner Armstrong Teasdale LLP


Karen Mohan Day

Condensed Schedule of Activities for the year ended June 30, 2013 (unaudited) Revenue

Contributions (pledges, bequests, grants) Investment and other Income Fees and Services (MAI) Net Asset Released from Restrictions Total Revenue


Capital Enhancement Inc.

Peggy Forrest Our Lady’s Inn

Craig Fowler

2,747,474 8,377 2,290,592 1,395,267 6,441,710

Bank of America

George J. Henry

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

Russell H. Isaak

Grants and Assessments Management and General Operations Total Operating Expenses

4,960,294 570,621 5,530,915

Change in Unrestricted net assets


CPI Corporation (retired)

Rachel Keller-Brown Pelopidas LLC

Al Koller lll

Koller Enterprises

Lionel Phillips IBM

Rev. Msgr. Mark Rivituso

Vicar General – Archdiocese of St. Louis

Darryl A. Ross, Ph.D. Jack Schreiber Commerce Bank

Patrick J. Sly Emerson Electric

Greg Twardowski Whelan Security

20 Archbishop May Drive St. Louis, MO 63119 Ph: 314.792.7621

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