Ocean Summit - Future of our Ocean

Page 24

Blue Economy

Blue innovations need investors with a broad visionary look

“Although the tidal turbine is intended as an export product, our main markets are currently still in the Netherlands and Great Britain. The governments in both countries opted to introduce market forces several years ago by adopting a tender-based system. As experience has shown, the free market competition model doesn’t work for industries that are still in the implementation phase. Just consider previous experiences in the wind turbine manufacturing industry; the entire industry left the Netherlands as a result of indecisive government policies (withdrawal of subsidies, and costs eventually dropped. Wind and solar have since become

introduction of market forces). We need to make sure tidal turbines

mature markets with a huge global turnover of 220 billion euros.

don’t suffer the same fate.”

In other words, when comparing different types of green energy, it’s important to factor in the technology’s current development

What else needs to be done in addition to setting up

phase. That’s the most important cost factor. ‘Solar and wind’ cur-

implementation funds? “The Dutch are known to be water

rently have a finance cost of four percent. In the case of tidal energy,

experts around the world. That’s just a given. The next level,

that figure now stands at ten percent. As a result, tidal energy is still

generating energy from water, is simply the logical next step,

relatively expensive. The market is small and domestic.

especially in combination with our delta technology. We should be embracing tidal energy a lot more. The technology is more than

There’s a great amount of global interest in tidal turbines, and

ready, and there’s no lack of tidal currents; just go sailing between

you’re aiming to supply Nepal and Japan in future. What sort of

the Scottish islands and witness the Atlantic flowing to and from the

problems have you run into while upscaling the product?

North Sea twice a day.” ≈

24 Ocean Summit: Future of the Ocean

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