Easter War Cry 2024

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4 Le

5 Jesus


7 Lieutenants

CONTENTS WAR CRY Publication of THE SALVATION ARMY CARIBBEAN TERRITORY 3 Waterloo Road, P.O. Box 378 Kingston 10, Jamaica EASTER 2024 WILLIAM BOOTH FOUNDER LYNDON BUCKINGHAM GENERAL DEVON HAUGHTON TERRITORIALCOMMANDER Edited by SHEREE SHARPE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER THE WAR CRY prints on average 5,000 copies biannually and over 12,000 copies at Christmas WE CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEB www.salvationarmycarib.org KEEP IN TOUCH ON FACEBOOK www..facebook.com/CARIBSA www.facebook/CaribSAyouth FOLLOW US ON X x.com/TSACARTHQ OUR MISSION The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church, Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. THE WAR CRY’S published 3 times per year at 3 Waterloo Road, P.O. Box 378, Kingston 10, Jamaica. Single copies $2.00USD. Subscription $5.00USD a year Jamaica. $6.00USD overseas. Postmaster: Send address changes to THE WAR CRY, 3 Waterloo Road, P.O. Box, Kingston 10, Jamaica. © 2024 The Salvation Army - Caribbean Territory Unless otherwise inidcated all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Printed in Jamaica by PEARTREE PRESS PRINTERS
The Final Word
Mot De La Fin Ǡ Pậques par
Rejected Messiah by
Messie Rejetè
Jèsus Le
- Cultivating A Difference In Mandeville - by MAJOR DERRICK MITCHELL
An Offer We Should Not Refuse by MAJOR JONATHAN KELLMAN 10 -11 AROUND THE TERRITORY - Highlights 12 - 13
Division Winning Souls For Christ by MAJOR PAULA PYLE 15 What Love Has To Do With It? by Sheree Sharpe


Several of the main characters in the crucifixion and resurrection story of Jesus did not agree about much of anything, but they did agree about this: the story of Jesus was over.

Pontius Pilate believed he was the final word on all things that happened in his region. It was a troubled part of the Roman world but, despite the challenging situation, Pilate was accustomed to having unquestioned authority. If he decided an innocent man needed to die to keep the peace, so be it. He handed Jesus over to be crucified, and the oft-practised theatre of killing on a cross was performed on his orders. Later, after hearing of Jesus’ death, Pilate issued his final instructions to the religious leaders. ‘Take a guard,’ Pilate answered. ‘Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how’ (Matthew 27:65). There was essentially a triple lock on Jesus’ tomb: a large stone was rolled in front, an official seal served as a powerful warning and armed guards watched to ensure that no one interfered. Pilate was certain that he was the final authority on the story of Jesus.

Mary, mother of Jesus, understood the anguish of seeing a loved one suffer. She watched as opposition to Jesus grew, and she would have worried day after day that something terrible would happen. Eventually, the powerful enemies of Jesus moved against him. Following his arrest, rumours probably circulated about the beatings, the torture and the humiliation he was enduring. She would have felt so helpless, so broken to know that her son was experiencing such pain. Mary would have given her own life to save his, but that was not possible. The best his mother could do was to stand close by until the bitter end, not wanting him to face those final painful moments alone. She was there, near the Cross, as Jesus took his last breath (John 19:25). Filled with despair, Mary was certain that his excruciating death was the final chapter of the story of Jesus.

Peter knew his ministry was over and, in truth, he knew it deserved to be. After all, he had denied Jesus, not once, not twice, but three times. Right when Jesus needed him the most, he had failed miserably. After the cock crowed, and Peter remembered Jesus’ words – that before the cock crows, Peter would disown Jesus three times – he bowed his head in defeat and wept bitterly (Matthew 26:75). Peter had never known utter despair like this. Despite promising his friend and rabbi that even if others denied him, he never would, it had taken only a persistent servant girl to make him unravel and fall apart. In denying Jesus, Peter had lost the ministry that had become his life and joy over the past three years. With his friend’s public death on the Cross, combined with his own repeated denial of being one of his disciples, Peter believed his part in the story of Jesus was now over.

LYNDON BUCKINGHAM is the International Leader of The Salvation Army, which is at work in over 133 countries The

But the story of Jesus was not over. They each forgot one very important thing: God always has the final word.

On that first Easter morning, when everyone assumed that the whole story of Jesus had already been written, the heavenly father wrote the most powerful chapter yet. The large stone was rolled away, the seal was broken and the guards were overcome with fear (Matthew 28:2-4). This all demonstrated that no people or power on earth can prevent God from having the final word. Jesus was risen, alive again, and because of that powerful truth, everything had changed. Pilate and the circumstances he dictated did not have final authority over God’s Son or his followers. Mary was able to see her son’s death not as the end, but as part of the continuing story of God’s compelling grace for humankind. And in the days that followed, Peter discovered that his post-denial ministry would be even greater than he dared hope or imagine (John 21:15-19). Perhaps you are facing challenging situations in your life right now. Be assured of this: God will have the final word, and no enemy or circumstance can stand against the word of our Almighty God.

Perhaps someone you love is suffering deeply, and you feel inadequate to relieve their pain or heal their hurt. Remember, God will have the final word, and that word will be filled with grace, and hope, and ultimate victory. Perhaps, like Peter, you no longer feel worthy to be used by God. Possibly at one time you abandoned him and are convinced he has now abandoned you. Be certain of this: God will have the final word, and it will be a powerful word of restoration and renewal. And who knows? Perhaps, like Peter, you will discover your most impactful ministry is yet to come.

My prayer for you, and for the whole of The Salvation Army, is that this Easter will proclaim anew that the story of Jesus is not over, and that God always has the final, victorious word. It will be a triumphant word that reminds us that God is greater than any foe that stands against him. It will be a powerful word of grace and hope for the broken-hearted and hurting. And it will be a restorative word, reminding us that no sin is greater than his redeeming grace.

God will have the final word, and it will be a word of victory!

Happy Easter, and God bless you.


General’s Easter Message

Le Message De Paques 2024 Du General


Plusieurs des principaux personnages de l’histoire de la crucifixion et de la résurrection de Jésus n’étaient pas d’accord sur grand-chose, mais ils étaient d’accord sur ce point : l’histoire de Jésus était terminée.

Ponce Pilate pensait avoir le dernier mot sur tout ce qui se passait dans sa région. C’était une région troublée du monde romain mais, malgré cette situation difficile, Pilate avait l’habitude de jouir d’une autorité incontestée. S’il décidait qu’un innocent devait mourir pour maintenir la paix, qu’il en soit ainsi. Il a livré Jésus pour qu’il soit crucifié, et c’est sur ses ordres que s’est déroulée la mise à mort sur une croix, un acte souvent pratiqué. Plus tard, après avoir appris la mort de Jésus, Pilate a donné ses dernières instructions aux chefs religieux. « Pilate leur déclara : D’accord ! Prenez un corps de garde et assurez la protection de ce tombeau à votre guise. » (Matthieu 27 :65). Le tombeau de Jésus a été verrouillé à trois reprises : une grosse pierre a été roulée devant, un sceau officiel a servi d’avertissement et des gardes armés ont veillé à ce que personne n’intervienne. Pilate était certain d’être l’autorité finale en ce qui concerne l’histoire de Jésus.

Marie, la mère de Jésus, comprenait l’angoisse de voir souffrir un être cher. Elle a vu l’opposition à Jésus grandir, et elle a dû craindre jour après jour que quelque chose de terrible ne se produise. Finalement, les puissants ennemis de Jésus ont agi contre lui. Après son arrestation, des rumeurs ont probablement circulé sur les coups, la torture et l’humiliation qu’il subissait. Elle se serait sentie si impuissante, si brisée de savoir que son fils éprouvait une telle souffrance. Marie aurait donné sa propre vie pour sauver la sienne, mais cela n’était pas possible. Le mieux que sa mère ait pu faire, c’est de rester près de lui jusqu’à la fin, ne voulant pas qu’il affronte seul ces derniers moments douloureux. Elle était là, près de la croix, lorsque Jésus a rendu son dernier souffle (Jean 19 :25). Remplie de désespoir, Marie était certaine que sa mort atroce était le dernier chapitre de l’histoire de Jésus. Pierre savait que son ministère était terminé et, en vérité, il savait qu’il le méritait. Après tout, il avait renié Jésus, non pas une fois, ni deux fois, mais trois fois. Au moment où Jésus avait le plus besoin de lui, il avait lamentablement échoué. Après le chant du coq, Pierre s’est souvenu des paroles de Jésus – qu’avant que le coq ne chante, Pierre renierait Jésus trois fois – il a baissé la tête en signe de défaite et a pleuré amèrement (Matthieu 26 :75). Pierre n’avait jamais connu un tel désespoir. Bien qu’il ait promis à son ami et rabbin que même si d’autres le reniaient, il ne le ferait jamais, il avait suffi d’une servante tenace pour qu’il s’effiloche et s’effondre. En reniant Jésus, Pierre avait perdu le ministère qui était devenu sa vie et sa joie au cours des trois dernières années. Avec la mort publique de son ami sur la Croix, combinée à son propre reniement répété d’être l’un de ses disciples, Pierre pensait que son rôle dans l’histoire de Jésus était désormais terminé. Mais l’histoire de Jésus n’était pas terminée. Chacun d’eux a oublié une chose très

importante : Dieu a toujours le dernier mot. En ce premier matin de Pâques, alors que tout le monde pensait que l’histoire de Jésus était déjà écrite, le Père céleste a écrit le chapitre le plus puissant de l’histoire. La grosse pierre a été roulée, le sceau a été brisé et les gardes ont été saisis de crainte (Matthieu 28 :2-4). Tout cela démontre qu’aucune personne ni aucun pouvoir sur terre ne peut empêcher Dieu d’avoir le dernier mot. Jésus était ressuscité, vivant à nouveau, et à cause de cette puissante vérité, tout avait changé. Pilate et les circonstances qu’il dictait n’avaient pas l’autorité finale sur le Fils de Dieu ou sur ses disciples. Marie a pu voir la mort de son fils non pas comme une fin, mais comme une partie de l’histoire continue de la grâce irrésistible de Dieu pour l’humanité. Et dans les jours qui ont suivi, Pierre a découvert que son ministère après le reniement serait encore plus grand que ce qu’il avait osé espérer ou imaginer (Jean 21 :15-19).

Peut-être faites-vous face à des situations difficiles dans votre vie en ce moment même. Soyez assuré de ceci : Dieu aura le dernier mot, et aucun ennemi ni aucune circonstance ne peut s’opposer à la parole de notre Dieu tout-puissant.

Peut-être qu’un de vos proches souffre profondément et que vous ne vous sentez pas capable de soulager sa douleur ou de guérir son mal. Rappelez-vous que c’est Dieu qui aura le dernier mot, et que ce mot sera rempli de grâce, d’espoir et de victoire finale.

Peut-être que, comme Pierre, vous ne vous sentez plus digne d’être utilisé par Dieu. Il se peut qu’à un moment donné, vous l’ayez abandonné et que vous soyez convaincu qu’il vous a maintenant abandonné. Soyez-en certain : Dieu aura le dernier mot, et ce sera un mot puissant de restauration et de renouveau. Et qui sait ? Peut-être que, comme Pierre, vous découvrirez que votre ministère le plus marquant est encore à venir.

Ma prière pour vous, et pour l’ensemble de l’Armée du Salut, est que cette Pâque proclame à nouveau que l’histoire de Jésus n’est pas terminée, et que Dieu a toujours le dernier mot, le mot victorieux. Ce sera une parole triomphante qui nous rappellera que Dieu est plus grand que tous les ennemis qui se dressent contre lui. Ce sera une parole puissante de grâce et d’espoir pour ceux qui ont le cœur brisé et qui souffrent. Et ce sera une parole réparatrice, qui nous rappellera que Dieu est plus grand que tous les ennemis qui se dressent contre lui. Ce sera une parole puissante de grâce et d’espoir pour ceux qui ont le cœur brisé et qui souffrent. Et ce sera une parole réparatrice, nous rappelant qu’aucun péché n’est plus grand que sa grâce rédemptrice. Dieu aura le dernier mot, et ce sera un mot de victoire ! Joyeuses Pâques et que Dieu vous bénisse.



The Territorial Commander’s Easter Message 2024


Frank Hammond once said that rejection, is one of the most common yet neglected wounds people experience. I recall as a young minister of the Gospel, walking into a setting where I was confident that I would be warmly received. I extended my hand to embrace an individual; he pushed away my hand and walked over to the next person as if I were not there. This experience haunted me for a while as I tried to process the reason for such rejection. My experience is nothing compared to what Isaiah prophesied about Jesus in Isaiah 53:3 & 5, describing him as a man of sorrows and grief, despised and rejected by men, wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and with His stripes we, are healed. From birth to the cross, Jesus experienced the anguish of rejection. Not because he was deserving of such treatment but because this was his mission as The Messiah.



Is the Territorial Commander for The Salvation Army Caribbean Territory

Le Message De Paques 2024 Du Commandant Territorie


Frank Hammond a dit un jour que le rejet est l’une des blessures les plus courantes, mais négligées, que subissent les gens. Je me souviens, en tant que jeune ministre de l'Évangile, d'être entré dans un environnement où j'étais sûr que je serais chaleureusement accueilli. J'ai tendu la main pour embrasser un individu ; il a repoussé ma main et s'est dirigé vers la personne suivante comme si je n'étais pas là. Cette expérience m'a hanté pendant un certain temps alors que j'essayais de comprendre la raison d'un tel rejet. Mon expérience n'est rien comparée à ce qu'Ésaïe a prophétisé à propos de Jésus dans Ésaïe 53 : 3 et 5, le décrivant comme un homme de douleurs et de chagrin, méprisé et rejeté par les hommes, blessé pour nos transgressions, meurtri pour nos iniquités et avec ses meurtrissures nous, sont guéris. De sa naissance jusqu'à la croix, Jésus a connu l'angoisse du rejet. Non pas parce qu’il méritait un tel traitement, mais parce que telle était sa mission en tant que Messie.

Il a dit à ses disciples dans Marc 10 :33 (NLT) : « Écoutez. Nous montons à Jérusalem, où le Fils de l'homme sera livré, vers les principaux prêtres et les docteurs de la loi religieuse. Ils le condamneront à mort et le livreront aux Romains. Il est plus important de reconnaître qu'étant Dieu, Jésus est parfait et sans péché, pourtant l'Écriture déclare dans 2 Corinthiens 5 : 21 que Dieu a fait que celui qui n'avait pas de péché soit péché pour nous afin qu'en lui nous puissions devenir la justice de Dieu. . La question se pose de savoir comment un individu parfait et sans péché pourrait être rejeté. De plus, en tant que Sauveur du monde, pourquoi ne pas l’accueillir et lui permettre de faire pour nous plus que nous ne pourrions jamais faire pour nous-mêmes ? Le titre de Messie vient du mot hébreu Mashiach, qui signifie « L'Oint » ou « L'Élu ». Les Évangiles déclarent à plusieurs reprises que Jésus est le Messie, celui choisi par Dieu et oint par Lui pour sauver son peuple de ses péchés. Les chefs religieux de cette époque connaissaient un Messie qui viendrait racheter son peuple et apporter la paix dans le monde. Même avec cette connaissance, il n’y avait aucune volonté d’accepter celui que Dieu avait envoyé s’il n’était pas emballé comme ils le souhaitaient.

Après la résurrection de Jésus, l'apôtre Pierre a rappelé à ceux qui l'écoutaient « comment Dieu a oint du Saint-Esprit et de puissance Jésus de Nazareth, qui continue de faire le bien et de guérir tous ceux qui sont opprimés par le diable. Malgré sa bonté, les habitants de Jérusalem et même aujourd’hui, on choisit souvent de haïr les bonnes choses et les bonnes personnes. Le passage de Matthieu 27 : 17-26 illustre cela, car les gens avaient le choix entre un homme honnête et juste

et un criminel qui était un voleur, un meurtrier et un violeur. , ils ont choisi de crucifier ce dernier.

Alors que nous réfléchissons et méditons pendant cette période, concentrons-nous non pas sur le rejet mais sur la rédemption et la libération de l’humanité. Étudier la vie de Jésus est fascinant, car elle révèle notre cheminement pour plaire à Dieu. Il y a des moments de joie immense et de nouveaux départs, suivis de saisons où nous sommes acceptés, aimés et reçus par la plupart. Cependant, il peut aussi y avoir des moments où nous sommes rejetés et exclus des choses et des personnes auxquelles nous aurions donné notre vie. Mais si nous sommes patients, comme notre Seigneur, nous pouvons expérimenter la résurrection et espérer un avenir meilleur.

En résumé, le rejet de Jésus a été une blessure importante que Jésus a vécue dans sa mission de Messie de Dieu. Bien qu’il n’ait commis aucun péché, il a été méprisé et rejeté par les gens, et ce rejet s’est poursuivi au-delà de sa crucifixion. Cependant, réfléchir à la résurrection de Jésus nous inspire vers une vie et une espérance nouvelles. Célébrons Pâques cette année en nous concentrant sur la rédemption et la libération ainsi que sur l'avenir de joie, de paix et d'espoir qu'elles nous réservent.

Je te souhaite de joyeuses Pâques !

COMMISSAIRE DEVON HAUGHTON est le commandant territorial pour le territoire des Caraïbes



On February 16, 2022, The Salvation Army Mandeville Corps initiated a vegetable farm project generously funded by The Salvation Army. Spearheaded by Corps Officers Lieutenants Junior and Roselyn St. Cyr, along with their dedicated team, including CSM Mrs. Loretta Butler and CS Mrs. Hazel White, the project aims to make a tangible impact in the community.

The farm, managed by Lt. Junior, cultivates crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, yams, sweet potatoes, red peas, and corn. Lt. Junior's hands-on approach and dedication have resulted in a consistently abundant harvest from the fertile land.

A significant portion of the produce is distributed within the community, prioritizing support for singleparent families and homeless individuals who are among the many beneficiaries of The Salvation Army's social programs in the area.

Major Boyeke Nana Agyemang, the Divisional Commander for Eastern Jamaica, commends the hard work and dedication of the young Officers stationed in Mandeville and the impactful work within the community. He expresses optimism that other Officers, particularly those in rural communities, will be inspired to explore similar initiatives and collaborate with The Salvation Army Projects Department to leverage such opportunities for positive community impact.

MAJOR DERRICK MITCHELL Territorial Public Relations & Development Secretary
The Salvation Army Mandeville Corps, located in the parish of Manchester Bananas, corn, sweet pepper, and tomatoes are some of the crops planted on the property. Lieutenants Junior and Roselyn St. Cyr Sweet pepper almost ready for harvesting A harvest ready for reaping.


Recently relocated to a new assignment, I've been strolling the streets of downtown Montego Bay to familiarise myself with the community and establish new business connections. While exploring the local market, vendors frequently beckon me, promoting their wares. From fruits and vegetables to kitchenware, household cleaning items, and even haircuts, their offers varied. Despite their persuasive words, melodious voices, and bright smiles, I politely decline because these products aren't what I seek. During one visit, I entered a nearby clothing store to purchase a shirt. The owner presented various styles, but I eventually found the one I wanted. He also encouraged me to spread the word about his store, suggesting that mentioning my name would secure a discounted price for others.

Every day, we encounter offers wherever we go. It's challenging to ignore vendors' calls as they invite us to purchase their products, sometimes with enticing incentives. While not everyone may perceive God in the same light, the prophet Isaiah hints at this in Chapter 55, sharing an invitation from God for everyone to accept an incredible offer.

sales pitch with a twist. God isn't an ordinary store owner seeking quick profits. What He offers is free! Reflecting on Isaiah 53, we learn that Jesus paid the price for what He freely gave us. Let us not refuse His offer because we can receive:

I – The Blessing of Satisfaction

We reside in a world where Christianity competes for attention in the religious marketplace, where many opt for other beliefs or choose not to adhere to any religion. God stands in that marketplace like a vendor on our daily spiritual journey, extending an offer. His words are inviting, but it's our choice to accept what He offers. His offer is branded with Blessings. The initial two verses of Isaiah 55 underscore His invitation to all. It reads, 'Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and cost.' A

In the Contemporary English Version, Isaiah 55:2 states, 'Why waste your money on what isn't food? Why work hard for something that doesn't satisfy you? Listen carefully to me, and you will enjoy the best foods.'The passage focuses on God's ability to satisfy the people's thirst. We all yearn for a better life, peace, joy, and lasting happiness. In our quest, we often search in the wrong places and engage in the wrong activities. God urges us to focus on Him and His Word. It is then that we will find the satisfaction we seek. Psalm 1:1-2 (CEV) declares, 'God blesses those who refuse evil advice and won't follow sinners or join in sneering at God. Instead, they find happiness in the Teaching of the Lord, and they think about it day and night.' Verse 3 of Song 586 in the Salvation Army Songbook expresses, 'O the pure delight of a single hour, That before Thy throne I spend When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend!' We must embrace the satisfaction God offers.

continued on page 14




Antigua District

The Salvation Army Antigua District Christmas Kettles Launch 2023 launched on Friday, November 10th, 2023, at Epicurean Fine Food and Pharmacy.

The event featured The Salvation Army St. John's Preschool students and the Citadel Corps Band. The event was chaired by past Advisory Board Chairperson, Senator Shawn Nicholas. The Keynote

Address was delivered by District Leader Major Jean Raymoncil Pierre, who challenged the nation to make a 'difference together', emphasizing the importance of sharing and showing care. CIBC FCIB opened the launch, contributing E.C. $5,000.00 on the day. Mrs. Dawn Soleyn made the presentation to the District Officer and District Secretary.

A key donor makes his first donation while the Guyana's Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, Major Mireille St. Lot, looks on. The Eastern Jamaica Division Kettle launch in Kingston, was hosted by the Divisional Commander, Major Nana Agyemang. The Divisional Commander presented a plaque of appreciation to Mr. Coosal, a major financial contributor to the Trinidad & Tobago Divison Kettle launch.


The Bahamas Division

The Bahamas Division Christmas Appeal and Kettle Launch 2023 kicked off on Friday, November 10, 2023, at The Mall at Marathon. The event, also known as Bellringing, was attended by Salvationists, Advisory Board members, friends of the Army, supporters, officers, and staff of the division. It marked the beginning of the fundraising campaign that ran until December 23, 2023.

First Lady Ann Marie Davis, the spouse of the Prime Minister of The Bahamas, honoured the event with her presence and officially opened the Kettles. Dr Jacqui Bend, the Managing Director of CIBC First Caribbean International Bank and the Kettle Patron made the inaugural donation to the Kettles. The program included performances by The Nassau Citadel Corps Gospel Jammers and The Royal Bahamas Police Force Pop Band. All glory be to God!


It was nothing short of fun, food and fellowship at the Territorial Headquarters Annual Christmas Party, held at their 3 Waterloo Road, Kingston 10 premises, on December 20, 2023.

The 'Yardie Style Christmas' themed party had some employees dressed in Jamaican traditional attire, which helped brighten the atmosphere and set the tone for a fun-filled afternoon.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force Pop Band First Lady Ann-Marie Davis, wife of Bahamas PM, and CIBC MD. Dr. Jacqui Bent was in attendance (L). Major Aldene Meo, DDWM, gave the opening speech.

The Barbados Division


The sixteenth Annual Divisional Harvest Ingathering of Souls took place on Sunday, December 3rd, 2023, at 5:00 pm, at The Salvation Army Bridgetown Central Corps.

The event commenced with a Musical Prelude by the Divisional Band, followed by a Call to Worship by Major Paula Pyle. Major Claudette Allwood led the Opening Prayer, setting the tone for the evening's celebrations.

The Sunday School Segment was used to encourage and revitalize this Ministry in Corps who are struggling. A survey was carried out for an Alternative Name to foster interest, and the winning result was 'Spiritual Adventure'.

Major Robert Pyle delivered the message based on Ephesians 2:19, focusing on the Theme 'You Have Been Entrusted with the Gospel'. He stressed the importance of taking God seriously and encouraged new Soldiers to stay alert as the enemy would try to distract them. The congregation was also

Dedicatory Prayer to Sis. Vevene Ifill by Lt. Colonel Vevene Jonas Installation of the Castries Harvest of Souls Enrollees Major Paul Pyle led the Harvest Meeting The opening prayer was led by Major Claudette Allwood The Barbados

Winning Souls For Christ

challenged to be witnesses of God's gospel and to make an impact on God's Kingdom wherever they go. During the Appeal, one Holiness Seeker responded to prayer at the altar.

A total of seven Senior Soldiers and 17 Junior Soldiers who were enrolled from November 2022 to November 26th, 2023, were honoured and presented with a Certificate.

Following the Closing Song, Major Cathrine Brown delivered the Closing Prayer and Benediction. The total number of attendees was one hundred and eighty.

To God Be The Glory!

Harvest Enrollees of the Barbados Division Divisional Praise and Worship Leader, Vevene Ifill Major Robert Pyle led the Message and Appeal Shertonia Evelyn presenting the Barbados Divisional Praise and Worship Team The Divisional Band provided the musical interlude at the Harvest of Souls Ingathering

continued from page 9

II – The Blessing of Salvation

God's greatest offer is spiritual freedom from sin. We recall Romans 6:23, which explains that due to Adam and Eve's sin, all humans were cursed with death. However, through Jesus Christ's gift of salvation, we can be freed from this punishment. Isaiah 55:12-13 concludes the chapter, highlighting the benefits of the blessing of salvation. 'When you are free, you will celebrate and travel home peacefully. Mountains and hills will sing as you pass by, and trees will clap. Cypress and myrtle trees will grow in fields once covered by thorns. And then those trees will stand as a lasting witness to the glory of the Lord.' A profound transformation occurs in the heart and mind of a thirsty sinner who begins to taste the freedom from a life controlled by sin.

III – The Blessing of Sanctification

Becoming a Christian doesn't instantly make us perfect. However, a part of us always yearns to reconnect with God and rediscover the satisfaction we once joyfully celebrated. God offers us the choice to restore our relationship with Him, even when we

go astray, but we must act now because, like some holiday sales and discounts, His offer won't last forever. Isaiah 6-7 (NIV) states, 'Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.' Isaiah 55:3 reminds us of King David, who, after sinning against God, was restored into God's favour after repentance and enjoyed God's mercies and unfailing love until his death. We believe that it is the privilege of all believers to be wholly sanctified and that their whole spirit, soul, and body can be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why not accept the blessing of sanctification that God freely offers you every day?

As we contemplate Jesus Christ's atonement for our sins this year, let us wholeheartedly embrace the opportunity that God offers us freely to live a saved life, embark on a sanctified journey, and proclaim a satisfied testimony.



Has To Do With It?

The act of showing love and charity to each other as a reflection of godliness is deeply rooted in many religious teachings, including those found in the Bible. The Bible emphasizes the importance of love and charity as fundamental aspects of a godly life, highlighting them as ways to demonstrate one's faith and devotion to God.

One of the most well known verses that addresses this concept is found in the New Testament, in the book of 1 John 4:7-8, which states, 'Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love.' This passage suggests that love is not only an essential aspect of a Godly life; it is also a defining characteristic of God Himself.

1 John 4:7-8, which states, 'Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love.'

Similarly, in the book of Matthew, Jesus emphasizes the importance of charity and kindness towards others, stating in Matthew 25:35-36, 'For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' Jesus equates acts of charity and kindness towards others with serving Him directly, highlighting the connection between these actions and godliness.

Overall, the Bible teaches that showing love and charity to others is not only a way to express one's faith but is also a way to live a Godly life. By loving and caring for others, individuals can demonstrate their devotion to God and reflect His love and compassion.

So, dear friends, let us celebrate this Lent with acts of love and charity, because love has everything to do with it.

SHARPE Communications
Waterloo Road, P.O. Box 378 Kingston 10,

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