11-10-10 Daily Bulletin

Page 1

Town of Columbus acquires property for Veterans Park, page 8

Tryon Daily Bulletin

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Vol. 83 / No. 197

Tryon, N.C. 28782

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Only 50 cents

TLT's 'MonkY Business' opens tomorrow

Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations:


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Wednesdays, Fire Department in Green Creek, 7 a.m. to noon. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Wednesday activities include Tai Chi, 9 a.m.; ceramics, 9:30 a.m.; Italian Club Meeting (Buon Giorno), 10 a.m.; senior fitness, 10 a.m. bingo or bridge, 12:30 p.m.; Medication Assistance Program, 9 a.m. to noon. 828894-0001. Saluda Center, Wednesday activities, Trash Train, dominoes game, 10 a.m., gentle Yin yoga 12:30 p.m. Movie Matinee, 12:30 p.m. 828-7499245. Marines, current and retired, celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday, Wednesday, Nov. 10, at noon, at Southside Smokehouse in Landrum. Tryon Kiwanis Club meets Wednesdays, noon, Congregational Church, 210 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry, fresh produce distribution, Wednesday, Nov. 10, 3:30-4:15 p.m. at the offices, 134 White Drive, Columbus. (Continued on page 2)

Brother Forte (Pat T. Peake), Brother Lee Love (Jack Carruth), Brother Clarence (Lavin Cuddihee), Abbott Costello (Guy Winker) and Brother Brooks (Mark Monaghan) do the "Mohair Rag," extolling the joys of burlap, in the Tryon Little Theater (TLT) production of "MonkY Business." The production is directed by Richard Sharkey (see page 3 for more information about Sharkey), with musical direction by Pam McNeil. "MonkY Business" opens tomorrow at TLT's Workshop, located at 516 S. Trade Street in Tryon, and runs for two weeks. Performances are 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 3 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are available at the TLT box office at the Workshop from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Saturday. For more information, call 828-859-2466 or email tryonlittletheatre@gmail.com. (photo by Lorin Browning).

Thermal Belt celebrates Veterans Day The Thermal Belt will join communities across the country in celebrating Veterans Day tomorrow, Thursday, Nov. 11. The holiday was created to mark the anniversary of the end of World War I on Nov. 11, 1918. Originally known as Armistice Day, it was "dedicated to the cause of world peace."

In 1954, Congress approved legislation making Veterans Day a day to honor American veterans of all wars. Numerous ceremonies and events will be held in the Thermal Belt tomorrow in honor of Veterans Day. Columbus – Veterans Park Veteran's Day services will

Serving Polk County and Upper Spartanburg and Greenville Counties

be held at 11 a.m. at Veterans Park in Columbus. The ceremony will be sponsored by VFW Post 9116. Saluda – Veterans Park Saluda will mark Veterans Day with a ceremony at 11 a.m. at Veteran's Park across from the Saluda City Hall. The program will include: (Continued on page 6)


2 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• Calendar (continued from page 1)

Information on pickup and eligibility: 828-894-2988. Male Anger Management Intervention/Education Program, Wednesdays, 5 to 6:30 p.m., Steps to HOPE. 894-2340.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Thursdays, 7 a.m. to noon, old Searcy Mill parking lot, Hwy. 108, Columbus. City of Saluda offices will be closed Thursday, Nov. 11, in honor of Veterans Day. Tryon Daily Bulletin will not publish a paper on Thursday, Nov. 11, as it is a Postal Holiday (Veterans Day). The office will remain open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. that day. NCDMV Driver’s License van, two Thursdays this month, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., in front of Columbus Post Office. Check www.ncdot.gov/dmv/office_locations for schedule. This month, Nov. 4, 18. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Thursday activities include ceramics, 9:30 a.m. 828894-0001. Saluda Center, Thursday activities: knitting group, 9:30 a.m.; gentle Yin Yoga 5:30 p.m., Saluda Center. 828-7499245. Polk County Historical Association Museum, open

How To Reach Us

Main number, classifieds and subscriptions: 828-859-9151 FAX: 828-859-5575 e-mail: news@tryondailybulletin.com Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Betty Ramsey, Publisher THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Saturdays and Sundays for $60 per year by Tryon Newsmedia LLC, 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 287826656. Periodicals postage paid at Tryon, North Carolina 28782 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tryon Newsmedia LLC., 16 N Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782-6656. www.tryondailybulletin.com

Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free. Landrum Library, Lap Babies, Thursdays, 10 a.m.; storytime, 10:30 a.m. Saluda Public Library, Bouncing Babies & Toddlers in Tow, Thursdays, 10 a.m. Polk County VFW #9116 will hold a Veteran’s Day Service at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 11, at Veteran’s Park in Columbus. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise classes Thursdays, 11 a.m., 7 p.m., in gym. Rotary Club of Tryon, meets every Thursday at noon at Tryon Presbyterian Church on Harmon Field Road. Parkinson’s Support Group, second Thursday each month, 1:30 p.m., Landrum Library, 864-457-2824. Green Blades Garden Club, Thursday, Nov. 11, 1:30 p.m., at the home of Lynette Conrad. Speaker is arborist Todd Mullen of Timber Tree Care. Information: 828-894-2884. Angelfood Ministries last day to order online Thursday, Nov. 11, 2 p.m. Mill Spring VFW Post 10349, Bingo, Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. (year round). 828-894-5098. Al-Anon: Foothills Come to Believe, Thursdays, 7 p.m., Polk Wellness Center, 801 W. Mills St., Suite A, Columbus. Tryon Little Theater presents Monky Business, Nov. 11-14 and Nov. 18-21 at the workshop, 516 S. Trade S., Tryon. 828-8592466. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., CooperRiis, Mill Spring. 828-859-7099. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 150 Melrose Ave., Tryon. AA’s Sobriety and Beyond, Thursdays, 8-9 p.m., Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, 1024 W. Main St., Forest City. 828-863-1313.


Saluda Center Friday events: chair exercise, 10 a.m.; Game Day, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Local Weather Forecast:





Moon Phase

Today: Sunny, with no chance of rain. High 72, low 42. Thursday: Sunny, with no chance of rain. High 69, low 40.

Monday’s weather was: High 70, low 46, no rain.

The Meeting Place Senior Center Friday activities include Movie Matinee, 10 a.m. Bingo, 12:30 p.m. 828-8940001. Seniors on Sobriety (SOS) AA Meeting, Fridays at noon, Polk County Chamber of Commerce Building, 2753 Lynn Rd. (Hwy 108), Tryon. 828-8940293. Historic Saluda Committee Friday, Nov. 12, 12:30 p.m. instead of 2 p.m. at the Saluda Library. Youth Chess Club, at Morning Glory Farm every other Friday afternoon after school. Can provide some transportation from Middle School. Younger children and adults welcome. Lynne Parsons, coordinator 894-5595, Dr. Brian Crissy, chess coach. Next meeting, Friday, Nov. 12. American Legion Post 250 weekly Bingo games, Fridays, 7 p.m., 43 Depot St., Tryon. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Smoke-free.


Polk County Historical Association Museum, open Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free.


Polk County Red Cross Blood Drive, Sunday, Nov. 14, Coopers Gap Baptist Church, 1:30-6 p.m. Information or to schedule: 828-894-8059, 828894-3232 or 828-625-9272.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Mondays, Harmon Field/Tryon, 7 a.m. to noon. Saluda Center, Monday activities include Line Dancing at 12:30 p.m. For more information

visit www.saluda.com. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Monday activities include senior fitness, 11 a.m., Bingo or bead class, 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Christian Fellowship Luncheon, TJ’s Cafe, Tryon, Mondays except holidays, noon to 1 p.m.; food, fellowship and discussion of relevant issues; interdenominational. 859-5051. Chess Club, Mondays, 12:30 p.m., recreation room, LaurelHurst Apartments, Columbus. Open to anyone in community. 894-3336. Western Carolinas Classic Radio Club, Monday, Nov. 15, 2 p.m., Studio 118, ICC Polk Campus. Nero Wolfe’s Curse of the Careless Cleaner will be aired. Followed by Fall Jazz Series featuring Jazz of the 40s and 50s. Free, all invited. Male Anger Management Intervention/Education Program, Mondays, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Steps to HOPE. 894-2340. Thermal Belt Stamp Club, first and third Mondays of each month, 7:30 p.m., Tryon Federal Bank, Columbus. Visitors welcome. Alcoholics Anonymous, Mondays, 8 p.m., Columbus Presbyterian Church.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Tuesdays, Ozone Drive and Hwy 176, Saluda, 7 a.m. to noon. Please submit Curb Reporter items in writing at least two days prior to publication. Items must include a name and telephone number of a contact person. Items will be printed in order by date of event, as space allows.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Sharkey’s TLT directorial debut full of 'MonkY Business' by Robin Edgar

Tryon resident Richard Sharkey “knows how to do a lot with a little.” At least that’s what Susan Taylor Lennon, chair of speech, theatre, and dance at the University of Tampa (UT) in Florida says about her former co-worker. Over the years, that ability has worked well for Sharkey when it came to his set and lighting design work for venues such as Showboat Dinner Theatre, the Falk Theatre at UT and, most recently, here at Tryon Little Theater (TLT). Since moving to the area in 2007, Sharkey has been active with TLT, designing lights for productions such as "Little Shop of Horrors," "The Sound of Music," and "The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged." He also helped to design, build, and paint the set for "Les Miz." Recently he decided to lay down his tool belt and put on his

directing hat. Local was two years old. residents will have His father died in a the opportunity to car accident shortly see how Sharkey afterward and his applies his creative mother married Hentalents to the “less ry Sharkey two years is more” axiom for later. They moved directing with the to Denver, CO, and musical comedy, then to Houston, TX "MonkY Business," in 1962. a new comedy by Bit by the acting Todd Mueller and bug when he saw his Hank Boland, which junior high school Richard Sharkey opens at Tryon Little production of "A Theater on November 11. Pam Christmas Carol," Sharkey says, McNeil serves as music director “I was enchanted. I tried out for for the production. the next play available and continBorn in Kansas City, MO, in ued acting in everything I could, 1945, Sharkey was involved in including 'The Music Man' by the show business at an early age. Denver Post Opera when I was 16, Adopted with his twin brother, even though you were supposed to Donald, by the owner of the Tulsa be 18. I think that this experience Oilers hockey team, George Lack- really set the hook.” ey, and his wife, Ruby, his family Determined to study theater and visited relatives in California and only theater, Sharkey attended the worked in the movies when he University of Houston. His plans

changed at the end of the first year and he decided to join the Air Force, three weeks before the Gulf of Tonkin incident. After basic training he eventually went on to Tokyo to finish his Air Force career. While in Japan, he acted with and then ran a community theater group called The Kanto Players. “I started directing with this little theater and staged "The Boy Friend." It was my first real experience with directing and I loved it,” recalls Sharkey. While in Japan, he met someone who went to the University of South Florida (USF), and decided to study theater there with the emphasis on directing and acting. Designing the lights for a student production of "Hair," he immersed himself in directing and technical theater until he graduated in 1971. (Continued on page 4)

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2x3 4 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• Sharkey

Tryon Church of Christ

Trip to Christmas Town, USA (McAdenville, NC) *Saturday, Dec. 4* If interested, call 828-859-2722, leave message or go to www.tryonchurchofchrist.com

(continued from page 3)

8/11 W, tfn with his old friend and roommate Jerry Bickel. grbb-038142

After he graduated, he moved into a ramshackle house built in 1897 in Hyde Park, a rundown section of Tampa, with his friend Jerry Bickel. “It was in a state of decay and waiting for revival so we began painting, draping and having a good time,” says Sharkey. Many actors and friends stayed 2x1 in the house and helped to pay the 11/10,17 mortgage, including his future TCOC-039923 wife, Barbara, who divided her Now serving 131 Hwy 176 • Saluda time between there, Boone, NC, Tryon's own Bottle Tree (828) 749-9892 and New York City, where she hung Blonde Beer! Fax: (828) 749-9900 out with the Alvin Ailey dancers. Also, Cottonwood, “The best thing that happened in Pumpkin Ale from www.greenriverbbq.com my life was when we got married Carolina Beer Company Tuesday-Thursday 11am-8pm in 1979,” says Sharkey. Friday & Saturday 11am-9pm www.greenriverbbq.com Sunday 12-3 • Closed Monday Hired by the Showboat Dinner Theater in St. Petersburg, FL, SharNew NowHours: Serving key helped with the set for a Bob Quality Beer Tu-sat-11-9 Cummings production after which & Wine sun 12-3 Restaurant & Catering Showboat asked Sharkey to become their technical director. There 131 Hwy 176, Saluda • 828-749-9892 • Fax: 828-749-9900 he designed lights and sets for some of the stars that he had seen in the movies and on television. 2x3 “I acted in a play with George Hamilton and worked with some 9/29 W, tfn of the great film and stage stars grbb-038907 such as Martha Raye, Bob Crain, Cesar Romero, Forest Tucker, Ray Indulge Walston, Ozzie and Harriet, Leslie Ann Warren, Kay Ballard, and ForYourself rest Tucker,” Sharkey says. While working at the Showboat, Sharkey started designing and directing with a group of students from -USF greenriverbbq pageand 35 he and Dale Rose formed a company known as The Alice People. Eventually stepping up to the role of co-artistic director, Sharkey moved the company to the UT Falk Theater and, in an effort to make it a professional theater, searched for someone to take the Massages $39 company to the next level. The results were disastrous Add a Mud Wrap for just $20 more and the theater was dead in a year, but Sharkey helped start a new company called The Playmakers Life Deserves a Little Indulgence at The Cuban Club in Ybor City. He stayed with that company for THE ART OF INDULGENCE seven years before deciding to A Day Spa leave the theater and work for "Time Magazine" as a subscription 828-859-6201 adjuster. It only took six months 2470 Lynn Rd, Tryon, NC lynn cabral and he was back on the road with artofindulgencetryon.com nc# 7171 the Bits & Pieces Puppet Theatre TCOC-039923


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101110 - page 2

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

“Bits & Pieces Puppet Theatre toured the east coast to Chicago, and Hong Kong. It was fun being on the road, for a while, but being away from my wife, Barbara, was not the life I envisioned, so I decided to stay in Tampa and did freelance design work until I was invited to work for American Stage as their technical director and designer,” says Sharkey. In 1992, after two years with American Stage, he left to design lighting and sets for Stageworks and The Gorilla Theater in Tampa. Founded by Anna Brennen, Stageworks created the black box theater space at the Falk Theatre. Brennan, who worked with Sharkey for seven years, says, “Without him we would not have Stageworks today. He is a unique creature as most talented artists are and has a great quirky sense of humor and is very imaginative and clever with a very eclectic and unusual taste in music.” About the same time, Sharkey started doing the lighting and sets for the UT Drama Department. After balancing work for three companies, he started teaching and working primarily for UT. His hard work did not go unrecognized and, in 1997, the Hillsborough Arts Council voted him “Artist of the Year.” In 1999, he added designing for ballet to his creative repertoire until the end of the 2004 season, when he also retired from the University. After three years, the Sharkeys decided to leave Florida for the mountains of Tryon and Saluda. Sharkey has been volunteering at TLT ever since. “Part of my retirement dream was to get back to community theater and TLT seemed like a perfect fit,” says Sharkey, who was drawn to the organization because of the core of volunteers that keep the theater moving and growing. Recently joining the TLT board, Sharkey has been helping to change the space to make it more useful for productions. He also takes care of the technical needs of the theater, keeping the equipment working and advocating the addition of (Continued on page 5)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• Sharkey (continued from page 4)

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acters,” says Cuddihee. Sharkey shares TLT’s dream to acquire its own performance space and hopes to have input on designing that new facility. "MonkY Business" opens November 11 for eight performances at Tryon Little Theater Workshop located at 516 S. Trade Street in Tryon. Performances are 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 3 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are available at the TLT box office at the Workshop location. Box office hours are 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Saturday. For more information, call 828859-2466 or email tryonlittletheatre@gmail.com. Directions to Tryon Little Theater Workshop: From Asheville, take I-26 East to Hwy. 108 and Hwy. 74 (exit 67). Follow 108 toward Tryon about 4 miles to Workshop on right. From Spartanburg, take I-26 West to Hwy. 14 (exit 1 - Landrum) toward Landrum. On Hwy. 176, turn right and drive 3.3 miles to Workshop on left.


Continuous or Repeats with


new much needed equipment. He decided to make his directorial debut at TLT with "MonkY Business" because he says it is one of the funniest plays he has read in quite a while. “I am a big fan of black and white comedy movies and the old movie comedy teams, and I have to believe the writers of this show were as well. I like their brand of humor, with Abbott Costello for the head monk, Brother Forte for the mute monk, Brother Brooks for the organizer behind the scenes, and Brother Lee Love,” he says. The plot for this farce centers on the last-ditch effort of five brothers to save their monastery from foreclosure. After trying bake sales and raffles, they still have to come up with $250,000 by midnight with a radio marathon and a five-minute shot at a worldwide audience. The show is a series of songs and stories, a radio drama entitled “Mayhem at the Monastery,” a puppet and

magic show (for the radio audience no less). It is also filled with funny shtick a la “who’s on first” and “mother was an udder.” The music ranges from country gospel to blues, ballads with songs about living in a monastery, wearing mohair robes, being "funky monkys," celibacy, and maybe even something devilish that Sharkey says will have you asking for the CD once you hear them. The cast for "MonkY Business" comes from the greater Thermal Belt region with Guy Winker from Rutherfordton, NC, playing Abbott Costello andcONSTRUcTION, Mark Monaghan INc from mOSLEY Inman, SC, playing• Residential Brother Brooks. Commercial LocalRenovations Tryon residents include: • Additions Jack Carruth, playing Brother Lee Replacement Windows • Painting Love; Pat T. Systems Peake, playing Brother Gate & More Forte; and Lavin Cuddihee, playing 864-457-4962 Brother Clarence. "From my experience, Richard Sharkey's attention to detail through this production is very 1x1 professional10/4-8, and exacting. He is a The Ultimate in Consignments 10/18-22 demanding yet amiable director but & Originals MOSL-039042 gives his actors plenty leeway to 409 N.of Howard Avenue 864-457-3694 29356 explore the nuancesLandrum, of theirSCchar-




6 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

American Legion, VFW give Polk gift to honor Veterans Day Full Line of Professional Fitness Equipment Free Weights • Custom-Designed Workouts Certified Personal Trainers • Pilates • Yoga Zumba® • Boot Camp • Fitness Classes Licensed Instructors • Energy Foot Spa Nature's Sunshine Products Ask About the "The Compass"

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Tina Durbin and Staff 2x4 1/20, W tfn trhf-034336

The American Legion and local VFW posts presented the Polk County Board of Commissioners a framed print of the historic Polk County Courthouse last week in honor of Veteran’s Day. Commissioners pictured are chair Cindy Walker, vice-chair Ray Gasperson, Renée McDermott, Warren Watson and Tommy Melton. American Legion Post #250 members pictured are Morton Poliakoff, Michael Collins (commander), Glenn Burgess, Frank Ortiz and John Johnson. VFW Post #9116 members pictured are Scott Camp (commander), Joyce Preston (Ladies Auxiliary President) and Lisa Krolack (Ladies Auxiliary). Also pictured is Darrel Moore, Polk County Veterans Service Officer. Krolack was also presented a plaque last week by the veterans for her fundraising to help Columbus purchase property adjacent to veteran’s park. (photo by Leah Justice)

• Veterans Day (continued from page 1)

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• Ringing in the 11th hour • Information about the significance of Veteran's Day • Flag raising and special flag tribute • Registration of new veterans • Veteran count • Recognition of poppy sales representative Carl Taylor • Special song by Karen J. Lawrence • Devotion and prayer by Stanley Adcock • Placing of a wreath to honor deceased veterans • Closing hymn by Bill Holbert Tryon – Harmon Field Harmon Field will hold a dedication ceremony for its a new flagpole on Veterans Day at 1 p.m.

tryonhealthfitness- page 24

American Legion Post #250 and VFW Post 10349 will be on hand for the dedication and raising of the flag, rifle salute and bugle salute. Foothills Mountain BBQ will be open for lunch before the ceremony begins and there will be some chairs for those who wish to observe. Everyone is welcome. Paul Mullett donated the pole and installation, and Morton Polialoff organized the ceremony. Landrum – O.P. Earle The students, faculty and staff of O. P. Earle Elementary School and the Landrum VFW Post 4873 will hold a Veterans Day program of recognition and celebration of veterans and current service personnel on Thursday, Nov. 11 at 8:30 a.m. The community is invited to participate.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

TJCA to dedicate WWII memorial in new location and gold maple trees around the new site. This project will be submitted for a DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) competition this fall. A special rededication ceremony will be held on Nov. 10 at 1 p.m.at the new memorial site between the high school and middle school buildings. All veterans of any wars are encouraged to attend.

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The 17 Soldiers 1. Private First Class Herman Cicero Adkins 2. Private Jack Allen 3. Sergeant William Alexander Bailey 4. Private Charles Eugene Ballard 5. Staff Sergeant James Thomas Green 6. Sergeant James Wilbur Harrill 7. Private Vernon Joseph Lowery 8. Daniel Dewitt Mason, Pharmacist Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy 9. Private Frank Browning Morehead 10. Technical Sergeant Five Joseph Madison Price 11. Lieutenant Roy Robertson 12. Private First Class Carl Jacob Schwartz 13. Staff Sergeant Baxter Wiseman Tate 14. R.O. Tessnear, infantry brigade 15. Private First Class Robert "Bob" Ward 16. Private First Class Ralph Walden Waycaster 17. Boatswains' Mate Second Class Darrel Justice Wilson



The campus of Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy (TJCA) in Rutherford County has a World War II memorial dedicated to 17 area soldiers who gave their lives for their country (see box below) and who were students of the former Tri-Community High School, now home to the middle school students at TJCA. The TJCA middle school student council has been working on a project to rededicate the memorial in a more prominent location and to replant 17 new burgundy


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8 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Columbus Town Council recently completed the purchase of this corner lot at Ward and Peak streets in downtown Columbus adjacent to the town’s veteran’s park. (photo by Leah Justice) Celt-039617

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Auditory Advantage Hearing Center 431 S. Main St., Suite 6 Rutherfordton, NC 28139

Town of Columbus acquires property for Veterans Park Mayor Eric McIntyre and the Columbus Town Council have announced the acquisition of 0.21 acres adjacent to Veterans Park in downtown Columbus. The land is located on the corner of Ward and Peak streets. The town has been working on the acquisition for a while, and the transaction was completed on Thursday, November 4. To make the purchase, the town used grant funds from the Polk County Community Foundation and the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, in addition to funds from many other community donors. A full list of these generous donors is available at Columbus Town Hall. The Polk County Community Foundation provided three grants for the acquisition totaling $46,000. These grants were made available from the Bradley Community Benefits Fund and the Unrestricted Grants Fund. The North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund

CeltiC tavern - page 17

grant provided $48,000 for the purchase, and other community donors provided a combined $2,125 to the cause through donations. Town officials say they appreciate everyone who donated or who offered support to this effort, including the Celtic Tavern in Landrum, which hosted a fundraiser to benefit the park on April 10. The acquisition was a community effort and could not have been accomplished without this support. Veterans Park provides a community gathering place for many events. Families and local organizations use the park for special events, and it serves as a destination for honor and remembrance for more than 2,800 Polk County veterans. Columbus is continuing the sale of bricks to honor veterans and to remember those who are deceased. For more information about how to honor a veteran and support the Veteran’s Park expansion project, contact Columbus Town Hall at 828-8948236.


9 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Shackleford to perform at FMC concert at ICC Polk November 11

•Experienced & Fully Insured • Accredited by Better Business Bureau jbtr-035353

A program of the Foothills Music Club will be presented this Thursday, November 11, at the Isothermal Community College in Columbus, at 3 p.m. This program will be part of the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Town of Tryon and will be open to the public. Several club musicians will be performing, including pianist Jeanette Shackleford. Shackleford and her husband, Jim, moved to the area in 2002 from Macon, Ga. Shackleford says that music has been a major part of her life since she was in second grade in Augusta, Ga., when she first started taking piano lessons. In high school, she studied with Emily Remington in Augusta. Shackleford received her B.A. of music in piano performance from Wesleyan College in Macon and later earned a master’s of education with piano and voice from the University of Georgia. Besides teaching piano, Shackleford has held several different positions through the years, all in the field of music. These included being the music director of an Episcopal church in Atlanta, a music teacher at the Galloway School in Atlanta, and the chairman of the music department at Wesleyan College. When she lived in Macon, she was also responsible for starting two community arts programs in that city. Shackleford’s husband, Jim, once had a truck leasing business, but now is best known in North Carolina as a fine artist

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Will accept furniture, appliances, clothing, housewares, AND COMPUTERS in usable condition.



Jeanette Shackleford

and painter. They have three children and five grandchildren. On Thursday, Shackleford will play a piece by Mendelssohn. Other performers on the program will include: Fran Creasy, flute, Kathleen Erwin, violin, Lillian Wehr, viola, Kathy Foster, cello, Mimi Child Traxler, piano, and singers Mary Meyers and Elizabeth Gardner. The public is invited to come to this presentation by the Foothills Music Club in the auditorium of the Isothermal Community College at 3 p.m., November 11. – article submitted

StoRE HoURS: thurs., Fri. 9am-5pm Sat. 9am-1pm


2x2 9/30, W tfn changed 9/30/09 cbGW-032464 9/15/10 To Our Veterans… cbGW-035576 Hospice of the Carolina Foothills is grateful for your service to our country and proud to serve you and work alongside you.

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Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


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ows, fm/ y, al-


Auto Sales, Inc. 2006 Chrysler PaCiFiCa Touring auto, V6, leather, power windows, power locks, alloy wheels, sunroof, cruise, tilt, am/fm/cD, keyless entry, fog lights, 37,615 miles.

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Foothills HUMANE Society

Adopt ANd SAVe A Life! sissy & luis-Beagle Mix adults rookie-Whippet mix pup Hornet & Bizzy-Black lab mix pups Min Pin/JrT Puppies Plus... adult dogs with obedience training And beautiful cats and kittens Website: www.foothillshumanesociety.org Our pets are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, micro chipped and behavior assessed.

RAbieS/MiCRo Chip CLiNiC 11 to 1 oN SAtuRdAy 11/13 At the SheLteR FAll HOUrs: 11am-5pm Mon. thru Wed. 11am-6pm Thurs. • 11am-4pm Fri. & sat. 1pm-4pm sunday



Visit the shelter at 989 Little Mountain Road, Columbus, NC 828-863-4444

freemanInDD - page 58


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WHN announced as North Carolina Medicaid behavioral health waiver site Arthur Carder, CEO of Western Highlands Network (WHN), announces that on October 8, 2010, the N.C. Department of Health & Human Services designated WHN to be the next expansion site for the 1915(b)(c) Medicaid Waiver. The goals of the “waiver” (a reference to a change in Medicaid rules) are to increase consumer access to care, improve quality of care, and demonstrate cost effectiveness. The waiver allows WHN to manage and authorize all Medicaid behavioral health services in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania and Yancey counties. WHN currently manages state funded services for people who have mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or substance abuse issues via a provider network. Piedmont Behavioral Health (now known as PBH) was the first pilot Medicaid waiver site in North Carolina. Recently Mecklenburg Mental Health was named an expansion site, followed by WHN. Local legislators in the General Assembly last session supported Medicaid Waiver expansion to improve the functioning and efficiency of the behavioral health care system in North Carolina. Over the past six years WHN has developed a strong provider network delivering services to consumers. The N.C.-DHHS announcement states WHN was chosen because the agency “demonstrates the skills, ability, and infrastructure necessary to successfully operate under a 1915(b) (c) waiver.” N.C.-DHHS will work closely with WHN to plan for a successful implementation in 2011. The WHN Consumer & Family Advisory Committee (CFAC) and the WHN board of directors both wrote letters of support for WHN’s successful application. CFAC members and members of the WHN provider network are meeting weekly with WHN to advise

on implementation. Led by Don E. Herring, WHN’s clinical services director, implementation efforts will incorporate integrated care principles (combining both medical and behavioral health care) to assure consumers get the care they need via efficient use of the funding available. Working closely with the local Access II Care agency, WHN is already a leader in the integrated care movement in North Carolina. Benefits for consumers, providers and area communities are multiple, and the waiver affords the opportunity for greater local control over the behavioral health service delivery system in the eight counties. For additional details, see the WHN Board’s waiver presentation of March 2010, at the WHN website’s Medicaid Waiver FAQ’s page at www.westernhighlands.org/component/content/ article/168.html or call 828-2263785 and ask for a hard copy of the presentation. WHN is arranging/advertising forums in each county to discuss the waiver in more depth with local community members. This is a unique opportunity for the communities of the eightcounty WHN area to participate in the planning and development of the state Medicaid Waiver system. The remainder of the state will be brought under waiver status from 2013-2014. In addition to increasing local control over $130 to $150 million dollars in behavioral health services, the waiver will add 50 new jobs across the eight counties. The waiver will also provide local response for consumers who have complaints or grievances and gives the community and its representatives on the WHN board local oversight for developing and maintaining a strong provider network capable of delivering quality care for consumers who need behavioral health services. For further information contact Western Highlands Network at 828225-2785 or check the website at www.westernhighlands.org. – article submitted

Make ad NO lArgEr than 2x7.5 effective 4/7/08


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

VFW Post 10349, Ladies Auxiliary participate in Make a Difference Day



Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 10349 Mill Spring and Ladies Auxiliary went to Saint Luke’s Hospital on Saturday, October 23 for Make a Difference Day. They brought roses for the patients and nurses. Participants say the patients were surprised to see the members giving them flowers – it brought smiles to their faces. The post members who passed out roses were commander Kurtis Pike and Johnny Taylor, post quartermaster and also District 16 commander, Ladies Auxiliary President Geraldine Taylor, post member Dot Gosnell and John Gosnell Jr. Pictured above are VFW Post 10349 Ladies Auxiliary President Geraldine Taylor (left), commander Kurtis Pike, World War II veteran Harold Culbreth and ladies auxiliary member Dot Gosnell.(photo submitted)

Most Improved Golfers: Linda Stenzel (18 Holes); Anne Connolly and Bonnie Sakos (9

Holes); Ann Gargiulo (Starlet). Eagle: Linda Stenzel. Birdies: Elaine Riley (9 Holes); Joyce Arledge, Jane Templeton (18 Holes - Tie). Chip-Ins: Anne Connolly, Liz Easley (9 Holes - Tie); Margaret Wheat, Marie Smith (18 Holes - Tie). Ringers: June Current (9 Holes); Peggy Henson (18 Holes).

Tournament Winners: Club Champion: Linda Stenzel. Runner-Up: Harlene Harm. Senior Club Champion: Becky Walker. President’s Bowl: Joyce Arledge (18 Holes); June Current (9 Holes). Runner-Up: Linda Stenzel (18 Holes); Nancy Hiley (9 Holes). Each Tuesday morning is still reserved for the TWGA although the season has officially ended. Please be sure to sign in at the Pro Shop. – article submitted

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TWGA ends season Oct. 26

On Tuesday, October 26, the Tryon Women’s Golf Association at the Tryon Country Club ended the season with a luncheon served in the Donald Ross room. Chairing the event was June Current with the help of Bonnie Sakos, Heidi Shull, Parky Flanagan, Mary Martlock, and Marianne Hubbard. The winning teams for the Captain’s Choice Event were: Sue Campbell, Mickie Leonard, and Lib McKeller with a net score of 31. In second place were Jane Templeton, Ann Gargiulo and Anne Connolly with a 32. In a card playoff, in third place, also with a score of 32, was the team of Linda Stenzel, Claire Conrad, Heidi Shull, and Lyn Chalmers. The new officers voted in for 2011 are Peggy Woodward, president; Lib McKeller, vice president; Joyce Lamb, secretary, and Joyce Atkins, treasurer. The following awards were presented to:


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Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors! VEHICLES


1976 JEEP CJ7, 4x4, straight 6-cyl, 4-speed w. hardtop and hard doors, $2650 OBO; CUSHMAN TRUCK $200; 2-HORSE trailer $150. Call 828-8173482 or 828-894-2213.

FOUND: Sweet, pretty, affectionate kitty. About 1 year old. White with tan and black. Skyuka Mt. Road, Columbus. Please call 828-894-7095.

EQUESTRIAN HORSE FOR SALE: 7-year-old gelding Dun Paint. Very gentle, very broke, very safe, very flashy. Good for any level rider, child or adult. $3500 FIRM. Call Calvin at 828-290-2205. SEEKING HORSE FARM housing/employment. Employed, mature local male seeking guest house/cottage for rent and/or exchange for help on grounds/ farm. References available. Write to PO Box 651, Columbus, NC 28722.

MISCELLANEOUS BENEFIT FOR CHRIS KILLOUGH Sunday, Nov 14, 4pm until at Elmo’s. Fun, food, music with Speedwell and special guests. $4 at the door. Proceeds go to Chris’s medical expenses. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Huge F350 truckload of split seasoned hardwood. Delivered and stacked in the Polk County, Landrum area. $125 a load. Call Joey, 864-616-3727 (cell).


FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Seasoned red oak, delivered, stacked, $65. Call 828863-4469 or 828-817-3318.

AVON! EARN HOLIDAY CASH! Start up $10, earn 40%. Contact Wendy, 828-8173564. Shop holiday gifts for everyone. www.youravon.com/wwicklund.

FOR SALE: Manure Spreader, power driven, 8ft long, 3ft wide. Aerator, harrow, plow. All in excellent condition. Call 828-863-4064.

CAROLINA YARN PROCESSORS, located at 250 Srivens Road, is accepting applications for a winding position. Apply in person only, Mon-Fri, 8am-11:30pm and 1-4pm. No phone calls please.

FOR SALE: Remington model 711 270 caliber Rifle with Bushnell scope, like new $350. 1999 LT Blazer, 2 door, 4WD, clean, $3600. 828-817-6362.

LINE COOK NEEDED. Experience required. Call 864-457-3802. POSITIONS AVAILABLE AT Hospice of the Carolina Foothills, serving NC & SC. Part-time to full-time physician, part-time to full-time nurse practitioner. Full-time RN Case Manager, Certified Nursing Assistants. To see additional details or to submit an application online, go to our website: www.hocf.org, click on Employment Opportunities. WANTED: DIXIELAND JAZZ musicians, particularly a trombone player. Improvisation skills a must. Little or no pay, but great fun! Windjammers Jazz Band, Spartanburg. 864-579-4360. sweetmolly3@ earthlink.net. WHITE OAK MANOR, TRYON, has immediate opening for a full-time Activities Assistant in our Skilled Nursing Facility. Candidates must have an outgoing, friendly personality and possess patience and tactfulness in working with the elderly. HS graduate, must be able to follow instructions, have good written and oral communication skills, sound judgment and creative abilities. CNA, CDL, artistic and musical ability a plus. CPR certification required. Work schedule will include either Saturday or Sunday and some variation during holiday events. Our generous benefit package includes medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401K, vacation and paid time off. Apply at: White Oak Manor, Tryon, 70 Oak Street, or fax resume to Activities Director at 828-859-2073. EOE.

GORGEOUS WHITE KITTEN with a little heart of gold available to the right home. Already spayed and vet checked, shots. References (will be checked). 828-817-4719. GOT GUNS??? WANT $$$ ? We buy hand guns and rifles, new and old, short and long. Call 828-395-1396 or 828-393-0067. MOVING: furniture and much more. 570-855-8095.

REAL ESTATE RENTALS 2BR/2BA MOBILE HOME, private lot, $400 deposit, $350/mo rent. Call 828-625-9091. APARTMENTS IN GODSHAW HILLS: 2BR/2.5BA, fireplace, deck, screened porch, appliances, $760/mo. 2BR/2BA, deck, appliances, $640. 864-8959177. COTTAGE AT CHEROKEE Hill Farm for rent. Horse boarding available. 2BR/1BA, eat-in kitchen, LivRm, screened porch, laundry room, adjacent to FENCE. House: $850/mo. 828-859-9990. FOR LEASE, LANDRUM: corner lot in nice neighborhood near schools, park and downtown. 3BR/2BA, CH/A, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, W/D, deck. $850/mo w/deposit. 828-894-8492.


FOR RENT: Nice 3BR 2BA doublewide, very private location on horse farm. Prefer non-smokers, $700 per month, $1000 security deposit. References and rental application required. 828863-2029. FOR RENT: REMODELED 2BR mobile home, Sunny View, all appliances including washer and dryer. Yard work, water, garbage pickup furnished. NO PETS. $375/mo. 828-625-4820. FOR RENT: Rustic and private 3 bedroom 1 bath home with hardwood floors and new carpet in bedrooms. Electric heat and city water. Located just off Hwy. 14 in Gowensville. Minutes from Landrum, Tryon and Greer. 1 month deposit required. Rent $650 month. Call 864-616-0033. FOR RENT: TRYON HISTORIC Toymakers residence: 2BR/2.5BA, all appliances, balcony and lots of storage. No smokers or pets. $950/mo. Security deposit required. Chaz Williams, Realtor, 864607-0174. FOR RENT: two bedroom one bath farmhouse on 7 acres in Green Creek area. $650 month. Call 828-817-6119. HUNTING COUNTRY RENTAL, 3/2, garage, fireplace, deck, W/D, large rooms, views. 828-817-4663. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ASHLEY MEADOWS IN COLUMBUS is now taking applications for immediate occupancy on 2 and 3BRs. Rent based on income. Background check required. Income restrictions apply. Come by our office Monday through Friday to apply. Application fee $19. Please call Ann at 828-894-2671. Equal Housing Opportunity; Handicap accessible on some units. NEW EXECUTIVE HOME ON GOLF COURSE For Rent: Golf Course Road, Columbus. High end finishes throughout. High ceilings, gleaming hardwoods and all the “bells & whistles.” 3BR/2BA, $1500 monthly. Pics/info www.carolinaadvantageproperties.com. 828-817-2046. OFFICE WITH RESTROOM FOR RENT at entrance to Cliffs of Glassy. Utilities paid. $475. 864-895-9177 or 864313-7848. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, downtown Landrum. Quiet location. $485, deposit required. Yard service included. Available immediately. 864-360-6170. VISTA AT THE RIVER BANK: new 3 bedroom house, $1100 month. Realtor. 828-245-0174.

Call us with your ad! 828-859-9151

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

DB Let T d Ads sifie ! Clas for you work

REAL ESTATE SALES 3.27 ACRES FOR SALE BY OWNER. Very nice wooded lot located on Acorn Alley in desirable Oakridge Estates, Columbus. Nice bldg site w/ mountain views. Paved roads & underground utilities. HOA. ASKING $74,900. 828-894-3575. BEAUTIFUL COLUMBUS HOME for sale... like living in the country but 2 minutes from I-26. Four bedrooms (two master suites), three full baths, over 2,200 sq ft and 2+ acres. Cathedral Ceilings, Fireplace, Sunroom and deck. Visit http:// www.forsalebyowner.com/ #22741587. $259,000. Call Janice at 864-680-6211 and make us an offer! FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2BR/2BA Hunting Country Condo. 1400sf main level w/unfinished lower level for storage. Adjacent to FETA trails. Perfect for horse/nature lovers/hikers. Large great room w/gas FP. $150,000. Call 423-625-4020. FRONT RANGE NC Mountains. Dried-in weather tight, 1328sf log cabin w/loft on 1.5 acres, $79,650. Has lots of windows, large deck, nice porch, paved access. 828-286-1666, owner/broker. NICE OLDER RANCH-STYLE home, movein condition, 2BR/1BA, large mature lot quiet setting, close to town. $87,500. By appointment, 828-863-2415.

YARD/GARAGE/ESTATE/TAG SALE ESTATE SALE, FRIDAY 11/12 and Saturday 11/13, 9am-2pm. Wilderness Road, Tryon. Follow signs from Hwy 108. A charming two-story cottage filled to the brim with antiques, art, furniture, including camelback sofa, twin beds, iron table/chairs, wicker, Ficks Reed, many chairs, tables, lamps, Halloween, antique pedestal sink, books, treen ware, benches, chests, wooden daybed w/trundle, handsome settle w/lift seat, tons of smalls. This is an eclectic sale not to be missed! Parking is quite tight. Please be courteous when doing so. MOVING SALE: FURNITURE, lamps, electronics, miscellaneous other items. Saturday, Nov. 13, 9am-3pm. 70 Oak St., Apt 106. No early birds please. SATURDAY, NOV. 13, 8am until. End of estate sale. Homer and Mathel Williams’ residence. 700 S. Blackstock Rd., Landrum. Furniture, washer/dryer, dishes, linens, toys, Christmas decorations, pots and pans, clothing, much more. Inside heated house, rain or shine.

SERVICES CLEANING SERVICES. We do houses, small offices and small businesses. Free estimates. Call Tonya, 864-279-0062 or Tabitha, 864-266-7096.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors!

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Too many monkeys at Polk library

CONLON TREE CARE Quality tree work at reasonable prices. Pruning, removals, chipping, lot splitting. Free estimates, references. INSURED, EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE. Call Tom at 828-863-4011. DAN STEINER PAINTING Excellent painting/pressure washing. Clean gutters/windows. Deck, roof, other repairs. High quality, low cost. Building a strong reputation, not resting on one. 828-894-6183 or 828-817-0539. FOR ALL YOUR FALL LAWN maintenance needs: Aeration, seeding, mowing, weeding, edging, blowing, pruning, mulching, pine needles and more, call BAS Landscaping. Guaranteed lowest prices! 15 years experience. 864-303-4051. ISABELL CONSTRUCTION CO, Design/ build specialists, new homes, over 30 years experience. Room additions, home repairs and remodeling, basement waterproofing. LICENSED NC CONTRACTOR. Call 828-817-9424. LOVE YOUR CRITTER PET SITTER Offers daily or overnight visits at your home. Peace of mind while you’re away. 11 years experience in the area serving large and small animals. 828-894-2040. Dependable, honest, loving. S&L ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION For all your roofing needs: Metal, 3-tab shingles, architectural shingles. Free Estimates. Harvel Lindsey, 864-5801413 or 828-458-0819. hojo120@ windstream.net. TUTORING: READING, English, math. Elementary-middle school Former substitute teacher, A.A.S., UNCA student. Call for more information, 828-8174790.

WANTED WANT TO BUY: Scrap and junk metal, junk cars and trucks. Call 828-2230277.

one insertion: $7.00 for 30 words or less; 15¢ a word per additional word. two insertions or more : $5.75 for 30 words or less; 10¢ additional word. Bold Caps Head $1, one-time fee. deadline is 11am the day before, Monday's deadline 11am Friday. Call 828-859-9151.

“Curious George,” “Caps for Sale” and other famous monkey stories were shared at storytime at the Polk County Public Library. Everyone brought their favorite toy monkey to introduce to their friends. Show above with their monkeys are Susan, Lauren, Camry and librarian Joy Sharp. Storytime takes place each Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. (photo submitted)

Saluda Center presents ‘Windows of Spirituality’ reception Nov. 12 The Saluda Center presents “Windows of Spirituality,” an art exhibit by the watercolor class of the Church of the Advent in Spartanburg, S.C., from November 8 to December 6. There will be a reception honoring the artists on Friday, November 12 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. This collection of watercolors provides the viewer an opportunity for contemplation and appreciation of art as used in religion’s history. Icons and stained glass Flute piano for windows have and been avenues prayerful observation throughout music for parties, the history of the church. gallery openings, In an attempt to recreate these art forms, the Advent weddings andwatercolorother ists designed an original icon and stainedspecial glass window using a occasions. water soluble medium. Each artist carefully chose a specific Barbara Tilly Byzantine icon toFlute recreate. For the stained glass window painting, 828-859-6568 the painters designed a spiritual composition based on research of Pam McNeil windows in other churches and Christian symbols. Piano These 828-859-6049 two types of “windows” were meaningful to each art-


ist. The show gives a sense of contemporary lightness to both ancient art forms. Approximately 22 artists comprise this show. Participating artists include Carol Ramello, Malinda Tulloh, Dolores Dye, Ginger Watson, Ellen Rutter, Katie Hodge, Pat Jennings, Lois Stringer, Luisa Coburn, Lorelei Roster, Joyce Veytia, Irene Howell, Sally Overcarsh, Jackie Hollis, Angie Brock, Susan Hopps, Patsy Copeland, Martha Honeycutt and Jean Hamilton. Sa Smith is the instructor and director of the program. The artists have offered a portion of proceeds from the sale of works in the exhibit to assist in funding the numerous activities and programs at the center. The exhibit can be viewed from November 8 through December 6 during regular hours at the center. For further information, contact Anne Jameson at 828-7493101 or the Saluda Center at 828-749-9245. – article submitted



creditor's notice Having qualified on the 6th day of October as Executrix of the Estate of robert HugH Pace, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This the 10th day of November, 2010. Estate of Robert Hugh Pace Kay Pace Richardson, Executrix 100 Lake Drive Clinton, NC 28328 adv. 11/10, 17, 24;12/1

Support the non1x3 lethal solution Spay or neuter your pet

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T tr b in C


& Ads – page 16 TAppointments\misc\rAtes ryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Appointments App ointm eats The Hoofb

6 3 Issue


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A local equestrian supplement published monthly in the tryon daily Bulletin. March 2009

E F R E re r's treasu is anothe

not a time, Once upona local couple

ago, a skinny so long ed upon mare in a happen osa little Appaloowner no longer she Her dirt lot. ride her; to trail wanted any more. knew wasn’t needed this couplehorses Luckily about her a few thingsd to take find and decide them and new family. home with mare a good grass the little food, later this Some extra rides trail the and a few an ad up in put couple a store. local feed very same time, young At this crazy” ced her sweet “horse convin girl hadto let her take some parents . She caught d of dreame riding lessons and now horse. After MCDANIEL the bug d) DR. ROBERT her own prodding (photo submitte having and ad untry Morfino. and Nick some pokinganswered anfeed ed the cross-cojumpwith Renée complet her parents at the local stadium high horse Nia, – s Riding course and up on her new sa mare they found ended Morfino the Foothill Appaloo at FENCE ing. They Amanda entered store: an dresname to take Horse Trial for sale! a started profes- Club they won their fully point! girl, whose Amand The little met the little local success where a, Nia, lessons from a six weeks sage class and is Amand name is After about and Nia sional. mare, who’sdreams happen Amanda was of lessons and as mostcome true) it . together (when they they be destined


Show S: Local RESULT : to sepeople ore West 'An ode k t Biltm Hunter Hor – the lates 'No land Green Cree Range P es': age,' 'Carousel No hors Hounds Pace; WCH mn tion ings k conserva Horse' colu e season stand 1 Hunt Wee erin experts by Cath y as of Feb. FRC n Macaula Daily Bulleti speak at The Tryon tion of program ly publica A month


December's edition Coming tuesday, nov. 30!

Don't miss an opportunity to reach the local equestrian market. Advertising deAdline FridAy, nov. 12

PAC hikers head down a trail. (photo submitted)

PAC hike at Walnut Creek Preserve Friday, November 12

call Joyce @ 828-859-2737, ext. 114 or email jcox@tryondailybulletin.com

16 n. trade st., tryon 828-859-9151 • Fax: 828-859-5575 www.tryondailybulletin.com


tryon Daily Bulletin

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Outdoor enthusiasts and hikers are invited to join the Pacolet Area Conservancy (PAC) this Friday, November 12, for the final hike of 2010. Fall colors will provide a backdrop for a moderately strenuous fourmile hike at Walnut Creek Preserve. Babs Strickland, owner and manager of Walnut Creek Preserve, will start the hike from the new Anne Elizabeth Suratt Nature Center located within the preserve. The trail leads hikers through the preserve’s varied natural resource areas, along a loop that follows Walnut Creek and several of its tributaries. Hikers will enjoy mountain views, both open and wooded trail sections highlighting the region’s autumn glory; and they can enjoy a respite on a rocky perch beside a waterfall for a picnic or snack. The preserve is private land and the public is only allowed on the property by invitation. The 2,100-acre Walnut Creek Preserve contains two miles of Walnut Creek, including a waterfall and more than 25 tributaries to Walnut Creek, most of which originate on the preserve. The preserve is comprised of forests and pasture land and is home to a variety of indigenous plant life, including rare and threatened species, as well as a wealth of animal life. To assure the survival of these native plants and animals, the Stricklands donated a grant of Conservation Easement/Agreement to the Pacolet Area Conservancy,

which protects nearly 1,500 acres of the preserve in perpetuity. This Friday’s hike is an opportunity to witness firsthand how conservation easement agreements help protect the well-being of the rural landscape, and how thoughtful development can provide a sustainable balance for the environment. Only 25 wooded and equestrian home sites, averaging 20 acres each, will be developed on the 2,100 acres of Walnut Creek Preserve. Hikers should wear appropriate clothing and footwear; bring a bag lunch and/or snack and plenty of water. Be sure to bring any personal medication that you may require. In case of inclement weather, contact the PAC office by 8:15 a.m. on the day of the hike to see if the hike will take place. If you are interested in attending the PAC hike at Walnut Creek Preserve, contact the PAC office to sign up by phone at 828-859-5060 or e-mail landprotection@pacolet. org. Hikers will meet in Columbus at the BI-LO parking lot at 8:30 a.m. or at McGuinn’s Exxon (located at the intersection of N.C. Hwy. 9 and McGuinn Road) at 9 a.m. to begin the journey. Since this is the last hike in PAC’s Fall Hiking Series, PAC welcomes last-minute participants. If you cannot make this hike, visit www.pacolet.org or follow PAC’s Facebook page for information regarding PAC’s Spring Hiking Series planned to resume in February 2011. – article submitted

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



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Artist2x2.5 Jim Carson receiving the 2010 $500 1st place award. (photo submitted) 10/20

EEyE-039492 Call for entries for Saluda Arts Festival

ral assets. It’s our duty to the heritage of Saluda to celebrate and promote its artistic culture, historic buildings, and the natural beauty of our mountains and waterfalls,” said spokesperson for the SBA Cathy Jackson. – article submitted

2x2.5 10/29 EEyE-039680

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Celebrating its heritage and arts culture, the Saluda Business Association invites artists to participate in its eighth annual Saluda Arts Festival scheduled for May 21, 2011 in historic downtown Main Street in Saluda. Featuring more than 50 artists, the festival represents a diversity of art media including oil, watercolor, and acrylic paintings, pottery, wood turning, blacksmithing, sculpture, jewelry, painted furniture, stained glass, and more. This is a juried art event offering cash awards to a diverse range of 2D and 3D artwork. Cash awards will be given for; $500 Best Overall, $300 for 2nd Place 2D and 3D, $150 for 3rd Place 2D and 3D, $50 for each Honorable Mention. Instructions of how to enter and applications for participation can be downloaded from the www.saluda.com web site. You may also contact Susie Welsh at 828-749-3900 or Catherine Ross at 828-2438696 or email at sswelsh@ tds.net for more information. Applications are due by March 15, 2011 and notification of acceptance by the first week in April. 258390-101 “Saluda abounds with natu-


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RichaRd EdnEy EyE associatEs - page 14


esday tfns page



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

—We Cut and Sell Hay— Jason West

HoMe: 828-863-1339

Cell: 864-978-6557

Celtic Tavern K. parker, Lady Red Lake Lanier Tea House Trophy Husbands 7pm Stone Soup Fayssoux McLean 7pm

Thu. Nov. 11

2x1.5 2/24-5-26 (W) CHWE-035165

Door Prize • B.J. Precourt Santa nran-039925

2x25 11/10,12 nran-039925

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• No till drilling • Fertilizing • Spraying • Bush hogging Firewood

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Live Music

West Field ManageMent CHWE-029052



Carolina Thunder Bands, Karaoke, Dance El Chile Rojo Landrum geraldo 5:30pm Hare & Hound Trophy Husbands 7pm Lake Lanier Tea House pat phillips 8pm Purple Onion Nikki Talley 7:30pm Twigs Fred Whiskin 6pm Zenzera Jim peterman 7:30pm

Fri. Nov. 12 Carolina Thunder Bands, Karaoke, Dance Celtic Tavern Soap & Whiskey

Purple Onion Fred Whiskin Saluda Mtn. Jamboree Southern pointe 8pm Ward’s Grill Walt Whitney Wine Cellar Fassoux McLean 8pm

SaT. Nov. 13

Carolina Thunder Bands, Karaoke, Dance Elmo’s Live music 9pm Lake Lanier Tea House Daryle Ryce Purple Onion Space Heaters 8pm Saluda Mtn. Jamboree Crimson Rose 8pm Stone Soup Freddy Vanderford 7pm Wine Cellar paul Cataldo 8pm Zenzera Trophy Husbands 7:30

SuN. Nov. 14 Larkin’s Carolina Grill Fred Whiskin 11:30am

Music Venues

Carolina Thunder - Campobello, 864-457-4897, open 5pm-2am. Celtic Tavern - Hwy 176 (Bird Mtn), Landrum, 864-457-2250. El Chile Rojo - 209 e. Rutherford St., Landrum, 864-457-5977 Elmo’s - Trade Street, Tryon, 828-859-9615.

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Larkin’s - 155 W. Mills St., Columbus, 828-894-8800. Persimmons Bistro - Landrum, 864-457-3599. Peruvian Cowboy - 193 e. Mills St., Columbus, 828-894-0392. Purple Onion - Saluda 828-749-1179. Saluda Mountain Jamboree - 828-749-3676.

n3wed - page 15

Stone Soup - 1522 e. Rutherford St., Landrum, 864-457-5255. Ward’s Grill - 24 Main St., Saluda, 828-749-2321 Wine Cellar - 229 greenville St., Saluda, 828-749-9698. Zenzera - 208 e. Rutherford St., Landrum, 864-457-4554.



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Tryo “Mon page 3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Art Exhibits

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upSTairS arTSpace, Trade Street, Tryon 828-859-2828. gallery hours Tues.-Sat., 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.upstairsartspace.org. “Line in Landscape,” Mountain glass” and “Constance Humphries: New Work” are current exhibits continuing through Nov. 13. Fourteen well-known glass artists present decorative and functional pieces including vases, paperweights, wall hangings, stemware. Constance Humphries’ paintings and drawings are studies of childhood. TryoN paiNTerS & SculpTorS, TFaC, 34 Melrose ave, Tryon. Aviva Kahn and her son Adam, innovative art pieces in the Mahler Room, Nov. 14 through Dec. 18. Reception Sunday, Nov. 14, 5 to 7 p.m. The public is invited. Members’ Show in Gallery I, opening with a reception Sunday, Nov. 14. exhibit runs through Dec. 18 Saluda ceNTer, 64, greenville St., Saluda.presents “Windows of Spirituality,” an art exhibit by the watercolor class of the Church of the advent, Spartanburg. Opening reception Friday, Nov. 12, 5 to 6:30 p.m., public invited. exhibit runs through Dec. 6. aSheville regioNal airporT, airport Road, Fletcher. Local artists elaine pearsons and Rich Nelson exhibiting. WiNe cellar aT Saluda iNN, Meet the artists, Verlie Murphy and Linda Seagroves, works on display through Nov. 13.



l m

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

TryoN FiNe arTS ceNTer, 859-8322. New Orleans Own Hot 8 Brass Band, Friday, Nov. 19, 8 p.m. www.tryonarts. org. FooThillS MuSic club, will present a special music program Thursday, Nov. 11, 3 p.m., Isothermal Community College, polk Campus. The public is invited, no charge. Tryon Concert Association, Tryon Fine arts Center. as part of the 2010-2011 concert season, TCa presents pianist Jeremy Denk, Wednesday, Dec. 3, 8 p.m.

Live Theatre TryoN liTTle TheaTer, 512 S. Trade St., Tryon, 828-859-2466. “MonkY Business,” Nov. 11-14 and 18-21, at the workshop. page 3


M oore Owens Pack

Thank You!!!!!!

We thank each of you who voted for us!! A special thanks to those of you that worked inside and outside at the polls, worked at headquarters, made phone calls, spoke to someone on our behalf, put our yard signs in your yard, helped financially and prayed for us. It is now time for us to put behind the rhetoric of the campaign and work together to make Polk County the best place to live, worship, play and work in. God has allowed us to live in the best place in the world! "God Bless AmerICA and God Bless Polk CounTY!"

Paid for by the committee to elect ted owens, and approved by david Moore and tom Pack.


FlaT rock playhouSe, 828-693-0731, www.flatrockplayhouse. org. “The prisoner of Second avenue,” Oct. 27-Nov. 21.


Politads2010- p



2x10 + 2x4 tlt 11/10 2x10 + 2x4 tlt 11/10

tRYl - 039917, 039918 tRYl - 039917, 039918

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

The Tryon Little Theater

TheitsTryon Little Theater gratefully expresses appreciation to the following for their sponsorhip gratefully its appreciation to the following for theirseason sponsorhip of the expresses 2010 summer youth productions and its 2010-11 of the 2010 summer youth productions and its 2010-11 season Bank of America 828-859-5816 Bank of America 828-859-5816 69 Pacolet St Tryon, NC 69 Pacolet St Tryon, NC Bob Bell 843-768-5503 Bob Bell Company Horse Shows 843-768-5503 Classic Classic Company Horse Shows Brights Creek 866-302-7335 Brights Creek Lane 275 Clubhouse Mill Spring, NC 866-302-7335 275 Clubhouse Lane Mill Spring, NC Carruth Furniture 864-457-3344 Carruth Furniture Landrum, SC 864-457-3344 104 S Howard St Landrum, SC 104 S Howard St Christopher Chestnut -- Edward Jones 864-457-3982 Christopher Chestnut -Edward Jones Landrum, SC 864-457-3982 400 E Rutherford St, Suite 320 Landrum, SC 400 E Rutherford St, Suite 320 Frog and Swan 828-859-6757 Frog Swan 828-859-6757 Tryon, NC 879 and N Trade St Tryon, NC 879 N Trade St Healthy Balance Yoga 828-894-6390 Healthy Balance 828-894-6390 Tryon, NC 104 Palmer St Yoga Tryon, NC 104 Palmer St Heartwood Gallery 828-749-9365 Heartwood 828-749-9365 Saluda, NC 21 E Main Gallery St Saluda, NC 21 E Main St Henson's Inc 864-457-4104 Henson's Inc Landrum, SC 864-457-4104 22575 Asheville Highway Landrum, SC 22575 Asheville Highway Kathleen's Gallery & Saluda Forge 828-859-8316 Kathleen's Gallery & Saluda Forge 828-859-8316 98 N Trade St & 73 Ola Mae Way Tryon, NC 828-859-5299 98 N Trade St & 73 Ola Mae Way Tryon, NC 828-859-5299 Kelly Moving 864-468-5059 Kelly Moving 864-468-5059 12290 Highway 11 Campobello, SC 12290 Highway 11 Campobello, SC Mr & Mrs Kelly Kocher -- Block House Stables 864-431-6320 MrHunting & Mrs Country Kelly Kocher 864-431-6320 Road -- Block House Stables Tryon, NC Hunting Country Road Tryon, NC Justin T McDaniel -- Allstate Insurance Company 828-894-3269 Justin T McDaniel -- Allstate Insurance Company Columbus, NC 828-894-3269 115 Mill St, Suite 106 Columbus, NC 115 Mill St, Suite 106 McKinsey Printing 828-859-7044 McKinsey Printing 828-859-7044 Tryon, NC 1141 S Trade St Tryon, NC 1141 S Trade St Mimosa Carpet Company 828-859-9225 Mimosa Company 828-859-9225 1161 S Carpet Trade St Tryon, NC 1161 S Trade St Tryon, NC Nature's Storehouse 828-859-6356 Nature's Storehouse 828-859-6356 427 S Trade St Tryon, NC 427 S Trade St Tryon, NC Prince Gas 864-457-2490 Prince Gas Lane 864-457-2490 202 Rose Landrum SC 202 Rose Lane Landrum SC PUP 'n TUB Mobile Grooming 828-817-4881 PUP 'n TUB Mobile Grooming 828-817-4881 & Heritage Restoration Tryon, NC 828-817-5302 & Heritage Restoration Tryon, NC 828-817-5302 The Purple Onion 828-749-1179 The 828-749-1179 16 Purple Main StOnion Saluda, NC 16 Main St Saluda, NC SCBT & NCBT Wealth Management 864-342-4900 SCBT NCBT Management 349 E&Main St,Wealth Suite 201 Spartanburg, SC864-342-4900 349 E Main St, Suite 201 Spartanburg, SC Stone Soup 864-457-5255 Stone 1522 Soup E Rutherford St Landrum, SC 864-457-5255 1522 E Rutherford St Landrum, SC Tryon Daily Bulletin 828-859-9151 Tryon 828-859-9151 16 N Daily TradeBulletin St Tryon, NC 16 N Trade St Tryon, NC Tryon Equine Hospital, PLLC 828-894-6065 Tryon Equine Road Hospital, PLLC 157 Shuford Columbus, NC 828-894-6065 157 Shuford Road Columbus, NC Tryon Federal Bank 828-859-9141 Tryon Bank 828-859-9141 341 NFederal Trade St Tryon, NC 341 N Trade St Tryon, NC Tryon Pharmacy 828-859-6615 Tryon Pharmacy 828-859-6615 620 South Trade St Tryon, NC 620 South Trade St Tryon, NC Wachovia Bank 864-457-3317 Wachovia Bank St 401 E Rutherford Landrum, SC 864-457-3317 401 E Rutherford St Landrum, SC Madelon Wallace -- Walker, Wallace & Emerson Realty 864-457-2448 Madelon Wallace -Walker, Wallace & Emerson RealtySC 800-442-4749 864-457-2448 400 E Rutherford St Landrum, 400 E Rutherford St Landrum, SC 800-442-4749 Watson Flooring & Appliance 828-894-5150 Watson Flooring 191 E Mills St & Appliance Columbus, NC 828-894-5150 191 E Mills St Columbus, NC Randy Wohnig 864-316-3015 Randy Wohnig Aardvark Restorations & Renovations Landrum, SC 864-316-3015 Aardvark Restorations & Renovations Landrum, SC Wood Creek Dental of Landrum 864-457-3425 Wood Dental of Landrum 1730 Creek Highway 14 East Landrum, SC 864-457-3425 1730 Highway 14 East Landrum, SC Zenzera Restaurant 864-457-4554 Zenzera Restaurant 208 E Rutherford St Landrum, SC 864-457-4554 208 E Rutherford St Landrum, SC

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Letter to the Editor

Americans are the best fighters the sun ever shone on To the Editor: Author’s Note: In honor of all those who have served or who are serving in the Armed Forces: This letter was written by my great uncle and sent to my grandmother (his sister-in-law). It is dated July 26, 1918 while he was serving in France. “Dear Sister: Feel like a million dollars today although I have only been out of a bit of hell on earth a few days. Guess you read of our scrap. There is nothing to it- the Americans are the best fighters the sun ever shone on. We make the Boche give every time we hit him, but don’t get it into your wooly head that the Boche can’t fight- I think the fact he has held off the world for nearly four years is enough to teach people he can fightbut we can lick him. We are doing it- just let us have enough men and we will put a finish to the Kaiser. America will have to do it- the French and English are fighters alright but they haven’t the spirit, the pep, to go after him we have. We have never failed yet and we don’t intend to- but believe me dear sister,

it is hell and no mistake. The man or woman who says there is no hell on earth should have passed through some of the experiences I have in the three big fights I have, fortunate or unfortunate, to have passed through. Am still alive-able to take care of myself and look any man in the face with a clear conscience and why should I worry. Am fat, slick and well and reasonably in a good humor. Received a letter of you dated sometime in June- you spoke of the fact that you didn’t think I was in love with anyone- believe me dear, you hit the nail on the head. I was but am no longer. Have too big a job to keep in love with any girl- am sorry- wish I could but guess I am defective or my training lacked something. Give my love to Elizabeth and regards to JR. Am writing Elizabeth and wish you would remind JR of his promises to write. Give my regards to your mother....Your Loving Brother, R. Lieut. Frank P. Baker, 8th M.G. Co. 5th Reg. Marines- A.E.F. France. Pardon pencil and paper but have to borrow even the ink with which I address the envelope.” Whenever I read this letter it reminds me of how much all those who serve and have served have gone through for al of us. – Katharine Smith

Tryon Theater Tryon Little Little Theater presents presents

Monky Monky Monky Business Monky Business

Book by Todd Mueller & Hank Borland Book by Todd Mueller & Hank Borland Music & lyrics by Gregg Opelka Music & lyrics by Gregg Opelka Directed by Richard Sharkey Directed by Richard Sharkey Show Dates: Show Dates: Thursday to Saturday, Nov 11 to 13 8:00 PM Thursday to Saturday, Nov 11 to 13 8:00 PM Sunday, Nov 14 3:00 PM Sunday, Nov 14 3:00 PM Thursday to Saturday,Nov 18 to 20 8:00 PM Thursday to Saturday,Nov 18 to 20 8:00 PM Sunday, Nov 21 3:00 PM Sunday, Nov 21 3:00 PM All performances are at the TLT Workshop All performances are at the TLT Workshop 516 South Trade Street, Tryon 516 South Trade Street, Tryon Ticket Prices: $15 for adults & $10 for students Ticket Prices: $15 for adults & $10 for students Box Office open Monday to Saturday 10 AM to 1 PM Box Office open Monday to Saturday 10 AM to 1 PM and one hour before performance and one hour before performance Call (828) 859-2466 for more information Sponsor Monky Business 2010-11.xls Call (828) 859-2466 forand more information

tlt - page 164 tlt - page 164

Sponsor and Monky Business 2010-11.xls

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Winemaking class in Hendersonville Just in time to serve homeproduced wine during the holidays, a three-hour winemaking class will be held at Falderal Winery, located at 131 Third Avenue West, downtown Hendersonville, Thursday, Errands, House-sitting & Pet careNovember also available 11, at 5:30 p.m. The cost includes the class/ 1x1.5 demonstration, one bottle of wine 5/21,24,25,27 from Thistle Meadow Winery, ZEKE-036740 and a tasting of various wines available at Falderal Winery. Class size is limited. Participants

will learn to make wine using their own grapes or a kit. Phone Paul Kovacich at 828-693-7676 or email paul@falderalwinery. com for more information or to register for the class. For more information about wine-making classes or about Falderal Winery’s products and services, call 828-693-7676. The store is open 12 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. – article submitted

Carl Sandburg Home tour fees waived for Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11 Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site and national parks across the country are honoring the service and sacrifice of veterans by waiving entrance fees on Veteran’s Day, Thursday, November 11, 2010. Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site will waive tour fees of the Sandburg Home. There is never a charge to enter the grounds, hike over five miles of trails or visit the dairy goats


Repairs, roofing, siding, decks, carpentry, additions. FREE ESTIMATES

828-817-0436 or 828-859-5608 Call Tommy Member of BBB, NC



Furniture Medic® • Repair • Refinish • Restored on Site 864-574-2030 Spartanburg, SC

Call for an appointment with the Medic

1x1.5 1c x 1.5in 5/28, 6/2,Cuts 4, 7, of 9, Columbusm,w,f 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, (formerly Pete's Barber FURM-023823 Shop) 23, 25, Offering 28, 30 $5 haircuts on TARR-036803 Veteran's Day, thursDay, nOV. 11 in honor of Veteran's Day. Free coffee & snacks • No appointments • Walk-ins only • 8:30am-6:30pm

at Mrs. Sandburg’s farm operaLocated in Woodmen of the World Building behind WJFJ, tion. Columbus Carl Sandburg Home National 828-817-5322 Historic Site is located three miles south of Hendersonville of U.S. 225 on Little River Road. The park is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Christmas Day. 2x2 For further information, call 11/9,10 828-894-2200 828-693-4178, or visit www.nps. Up to 40% off our CUTS-039899 (Convenient 0tfn0COnInDD page 27 Location in gov/carl. everyday low prices Columbus near Court House) – article submitted

Sale! Sale! Fall Clearance

Green River Plantation Dinner Theater presents ‘Sin in the South’ November 13 Green River Plantation Dinner Theater presents Rutherford Community Theatre’s production of “Sin in the South” or “It Pays To Be the Colonel’s Daughter” at the Green River Plantation Gate House Saturday, November 13. The play was written by Diane Gallo and is directed by Les Beale. It is starring Laura Collins, Jamie Earls, Deany Martin, Alana Jones, Deb Hutchins, Richard Brown, Kermit Hutchins, Adam Barnette, James Teears, Richard Barnette and Joyce Hoyle. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. Reservations are required. The Green River Plantation is located at 6333 Coxe Road in Rutherfordton. Call Green River Plantation at 828-286-1661 or


828-287-0983 to reserve your seat or for more information. – article submitted

Last Call for orders for our freshly cut Fraser Fir Christmas Trees Order now and donʼt be disappointed. There will be only a few extra trees.

The perfect gift for the gardeners in your life? A Garden Patch Gift CertiÞcate. gard-039916

Thank You2x25

11/10,12 gard-039916

Thank you for your vote.

Thank you for your confidence. Thank you for your support. I will continue to work hard for you. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Ray Gasperson.

thank you to my wife, sue & all my kids and their families!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010



nal ay lery

3th ng

Pick-up & Delivery Available page

Mon-fri 8:30am-5pm or call for appointments

20 Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper 310 E. Mills St., Columbus • Across from Car Quest

828-894-0794 a c ke Supper 2x2 an P starting Saturday, November 13 EOW 2/24


Ho-Ho-WOW Christmas Kathleen's Where: VFW Post# 10349,at Hwy 108, Mill spring, NC Cost: $6 per person • Children under 5 Free

Thursday, Nov. 4th •eggs 10am - 8pm includes bacon, sauage, & grits

Fundraiser for Cancer Aid and Research

98 N. Trade St. Tryon, NC • next to Goodyear Florist


2x2 lue idge ngine 11/10,12 mall VETT-039900 Get your small engines serviced now! Complete Sharpening Service & Parts Chainsaw blades, mower blades, shears, scissors, knives, horse shears, etc. • Pick-up & Delivery Available 2x2 10/21,26,28;11/2 Mon-fri 8:30am-5pm or call for appointments 310 E. Mills St., Columbus • Across from Car Quest KIlh-039367







*dealeR foR Honda, BRiggS & StRatton, KawaSaKi*


2x2 EOW starting 5/26 BRSM-036743

Tryon Christmas parade a festive affair

98 N. Trade St. Tryon, NC • next to Goodyear Florist


Foothills HUMANE Society

our of s a

Rusty is our pet of the week. He is 2 years old, neutered, vaccinated and micro chipped. Rusty was adopted from our shelter when he was a puppy but his adopter had some changes in his life recently and could not keep Rusty so he’s back at the shelter and in need of a home. He is in our obedience class learning to walk nicely on a leash, sit and stay. You can meet Rusty at the shelter or learn more online at www.foothillshumanesociety.org.

at: 44


Nancy Pemberton reads her latest work at the Upstairs Artspace during the Literary Open Stage event last April. The next event will be Friday, November 12. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. to sign up and the readings begin at 7 p.m. Share your latest masterpiece, or come in to appreciate the work from the community. Visit www. upstairsartspace.org for more info and a few videos from past readings. (photo submitted)

Letter to the Editor

Attention Grammas and Grampas Kathleen's has plush hand puppets!!

2x2 11/1,3,8,10 On- InDD - page 43 KIlh-039634 Foothills humane society Pet of the Week


Pemberton reads at Literary Open Stage event at Upstairs Artspace

BRSM-034966 Serving from 5 pm - 7pm



Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Visit our website: www.foothillshumanesociety.org or visit the Shelter at: 989 Little Mountain Rd., Columbus • 863-4444 Mon-Thurs - 11am - 6pm • Fri & Sat- 11am - 4pm • Sun 1-4pm

Sponsored by: The Jorgenson Family, Tryon


To the Editor: Each year the Tryon Fire Department helps set the tone for a great Christmas season by putting on the annual Tryon Christmas Parade. This year’s parade will take place at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 8, parading from the Methodist Church parking lot and winding less than a mile through downtown, thrilling children along the way and ending with the opportunity for all children to visit with Santa. It’s a festive affair. The Tryon Fire Department will do the physical work, but we need your financial help. You can be a part of making the children’s holiday special!

Tryon Church of Christ

1-day trip to Schiele Museum & Planetarium, Gastonia Saturday, November 20 If interested, call 828-859-2722, leave message or go to www.tryonchurchofchrist.com


VFWAds - page 18


Businesses and individuals alike are invited to contribute. We need to cover costs not only of the Christmas bags that Santa distributes, but also floats and marching bands. All contributions large and small will be gratefully appreciated. A tax exempt number is available for those who itemize. Please send your contribution to: Tryon Fire Department 301 North Trade Street Tryon, NC 28782 Any businesses, churches, civic organizations, clubs, or individuals that wish to enter the parade please contact us at 828-859-9566. Also, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. In the event of rain the parade will be held Wednesday December 15 at 5 PM. – Joey Davis, Tryon Fire Chief



y k n c r p, s

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Book fair at Blue Ridge Christian Academy Nov. 8-12

Third, fourth and fifth graders at Blue Ridge Christian Academy weclomed the Scholastic Book Fair Truck to their campus on Friday, November 5. The truck delivered over 1,000 books for the BRCA fair. The book fair theme, “Here’s to Our Heroes! Reading Saves the Day!,” is part of a week-long event that brings the books kids love to the school. Because heroes of the faith and everyday heroes surround us, the heroes theme allows students to celebrate all types of heroes, from the ordinary to the extraordinary, inspired by a love for books. The fair opened on Monday, November 8, and runs through Friday, November 12. The public is welcome to attend the book fair between the hours of 7:45 a.m. FINAL APPROVAL...COPY DONNA BINZER and 3:45 p.m. For more information go to www.brca.us. (photo submitted)

Charming Stone home Online registration at www.strictlyrunning.com

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Saturday, November 20th 7 a.m. - 8 a.m. Registration Red Fox Country Club $25.00 5k $10.00 1 mile fun run 8:30 a.m. - 1 mile fun run with 5k immediately following Please join us for our 5k and 1 mile fun run in support of our Non-profit preschool! Enjoy healthy, whole and organic snacks at the finish! We're bringing a healthy lifestyle into our classrooms, our homes and our community!

Call Tuesday School at 828-859-0258 www.tuesdayschool.org TUES-039945



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Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Paul's Barber Shop

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lesson 99: Assume your place

We are not human beings If all this is true, then it’s having a spiritual experience. no stretch to say that there is a We are spiritual beings having spiritual connection among all a human experience. things. The fact that you occupy open onLy to Veterans –Pierre Teilhard de Chardin that unique place makes you Throughout this book, we’ve a spiritual being, whether you offering haircuts for $5 in honor of their service talked about your place within realize it or not. —Special HourS: 8am-3pm— the world. We’ve talked about There are many religions in Come by and see Paul and Frank the fact that you have the awe- the world, each of which was some power to shape your own founded as a way to understand 828-817-4598 destiny. We’ve said that success that spiritual connection. In this and happiness lie context, religion not in looking inis not just a way Advice for ward, but in fo2x2 of explaining cusing outside of our differences, Young Adults 11/10 yourself. We’ve but of explainby Andy Millard HEYR-039898 established the ing what binds certainty that it’s a wonderful us together. life. You also know that you’ll Egyptian novelist Alaa Al encounter serious problems, Aswany says, “Religions…are a heartaches, and probably even way to find God, a way to have tragedy, and that you have the positive values, to prove oneself ability to handle it all. as a good human being. You feel In short, this is a huge world, God in your heart, you feel God Paid for by the candidate loaded with joy and troubles. when you love others.” And, And you have the power to es- it can be added, you feel God tablish your own special place when you make your place in within it. In this incredible, the world, and make the world infinite universe, you fit – just a better place for your having 2x2 perfectly. been here. 11/10 They say no man is an island. Go forth. Make your way. That’s true, you know. You are Know that life is good. And CoWH-039942 an ever-changing, ever-growing know that, whatever comes your piece an intricate puzzle, and way, you have your own special your individual identity is cre- place in this wonderful, wonderated not in isolation but as part ful world. (18 holes w/cart) of the whole. Each living being Excerpted from The combines with other living beGraduate’s Book of Practical (18 holes w/cart) ings, so that the great wide world Wisdom: 99 Lessons They is in itself a massive living thing, Can’t Teach in School by "Our bentgrass greens are in great condition" OP which in turn is just a small part READY C. FOR Andrew Millard, published ® GARH jjc Mon - 03/08/2010 - 4:51:15 PM 352500.7088 of the great universe beyond. by Morgan James Publishing, LL COPY FOR ACCURACY And you are a very important available in bookstores and www.meadowbrookgolfclub.com part of it all. online. © 2008 by C. Andrew Millard; all rights reserved. 2x2.5 For more information visit ® Early Fall SpEcial! 9/29;10/1,6,8,13,15,20,22 www.wisegraduate.com. MBGC-038956

Veteran's Day (noV. 11) Closed to the general public


Thank you For the trust you have shown by electing me to another term on the Polk County school Board —James W. (Jim) Cowan


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Turkey dinner at Saluda Methodist November 13

paulbarb - page 15

Saluda Methodist Church will hold its Annual Turkey Dinner on Saturday, November 13, at the Saluda Elementary School. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Take-outs are available. – article submitted

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Rufus Springs was first lawman killed in a distillery

Special Meeting There will be a special meeting of the Columbus Town Council to be held Wednesday, November 3rd at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to visit the Hendersonville TreatSprings’ right shoulderWaste and lodged ment Plant. against the ribs of his left side, cutcall the Town Hall at 894tingPlease the main artery. 8236 for more details. He held an inquest on the body adv. 11/1



' D B

, M 9 - 10:30-2:30


payment the noteJ Stott thereby secured Stott. andofMitchell by The the terms said Deed Trust and the the of the of sale are that undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, real property hereinbefore described having been as Trustee will be sold for substituted cash to the highest bidin said of Trust, and the holder der. TheDeed Substitute Trustee reserves of the note evidencing saiddeposit indebtedthe right to require a cash or havingcheck directed the Deed of aness certified notthat to exceed the Trust beofforeclosed, the undersigned greater five percent (5%) of the Substitute Trustee offerhundred for sale amount of the bid orwill seven at the courthouse door of fifty Dollars ($750.00). In the thecounty event courthouse where the property that the holder is exempt from pay-is located, or thethe usual and customary ing the same, successful bidder location countyto courthouse for may alsoat bethe required pay revenue conductingDue the sale November 5, toonthe

of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Bonita S. Harris and Kevin L. Harris. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007,

Due to the Veteran's Day postal holiday (no delivery), there will be no Tryon Bulletin Thursday, November 11. The TDB Office will remain open.


change of Meeting Date The Town of Columbus Planning Board will meet on November 16th at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at the Columbus Town Hall. adv. 11/5, 10

Live Music

1x1 11/5, 10 tcol-039839

Thursday Night TWIG-036466

Constable James Holland operating the still. Howard, about whom the wellRealizing that the moonshinknown ballad was written, was not ers were probably still in the area, the first lawman to be killed in a Springs and another revenuer Dark Corner distillery. named Moss outside the “but no information was elicited Casual Finestepped Dining On April 19, 1878, Chief shed Since and looked 1997at the surround- as to who were the guilty ones,” Deputy U.S. Marshall, Rufus H. ing woods. With their backs to the according to an item in the GreenSprings, was killed by ambush shed, and standing about six paces ville Enterprise and Mountaineer. in an illegal distillery raid near apart, they began to inch closer to The state Attorney General Hogback Mountain. authorized a $200 reward for the the woods. other runch Springs and sevensother ay colBoth men felt the tension in the arrest of Springs’ killer. Sheriff lection agents and revenuers left title P.D. Gilreath began an investigaair. Neither a word. scene include, said but are not The limited to, 110.000493 unDay ay intent the Greenville the day before, tion, which indicated that a mouna bankruptcy petition fell filing eerilyofsilent. 10-SP-10SP107 to thea sale andrifle reinstatement on destroying five reported distill- priorThen single shot shat- taineer named Hub Garmany was NOTICE TRUSTEE’S the loan without of the eriesCome inOF theSUBSTITUTE Glassy Hogback the guilty party. tered the stillness. joinandus for anofSubstitute array of knowledge FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL Trustee(s). If the validity Mountain areas. Sheriff Gilreath went to Hub’s “Lord o’ Mercy,” Springs said, of the sale is challenged by any party, —PROPERTY delightful appetizers, Federal revenuers and Deputy home on Gap Creek and talked as his body reeled back toward the UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the the Substitute Trustee(s), in its/their 1x15.5 U.S. marshalls were necessary on with John Garmany, Hub’s fashed. “I’m shot...shot through!” house dishes, power and— authority contained in that and sole discretion, if it/they believe(s) the 1x1.5 11/5,12 the distillery order toand arrest ther. His bodytoslumped. certain Deed ofraids Trustin executed de- challenge have merit, may declare 11/1 HUNO-039709 —inhomemade participants the illegal activity. He persuaded the father to livered by Mitchell J Stott, Joyce S Stott.desserts Moss,to panicked by return the unexthe sale be void and the TCOL-039727 husband and wife, dated November deposit. The purchaser will haveran no Collection agents (think I.R.S.) reveal where Hub was hiding. Folpected rifle fire, instinctively in a relaxing family 3, 2006 andauthorized recorded ontoNovember remedy. were only seize the further directly into the woods, passing lowing instructions, he went, un15, 2006, in Book 347 at Page 1918, Additional Notice where Startled the Real atmosphere, prepared by our illegal stills and untaxed whiskey. armed, to the well-hidden mounthree armed strangers. and modified on December 17, 2008, Property is Residential with less than They had no arresting authority. tain area until he came to a rail by his running wildly past them, in the Office of the Register ofJames Deeds 15 Rental Units: Executive Chef Monroe The raiding party had already fence. Hub stepped from behind a the bushwhackers had no time to of Polk County, North Carolina; and An order for possession of the destroyed large oak tree about 20 feet from at him. Moss and SousinChef Leon property Terry.may be fire because of four default the payment issued pursuant stills, secured thereby to G.S. § 45-21.29kept the fence with a gun, and told the ‘loping. ofofthethe indebtedness in favor of the Twice-told and failure to carry when, early in out and perform sheriff not to come any closer. called purchaser and againstGillson the party or recommended to limited the stipulations agreements Tales ofdue parties inthe possession byseating. the Clerk of theReservations afternoon of andare Gilreath talked with Hub for to the men with contained to Superior Court of the County in which the 19th,therein they and, pursuant a long time, easing toward the the horses. HurDarktheCorner Call 864-457-5155 more information. demand holder of the indebted- for property is sold.riedly, Any person who arrivedofatthethe the rest of fence a few inches at a time until ness secured by said Deed of Trust, occupies the property pursuant to N.TradeTrustee Ave., Landrum, by Dean CampbellSC 29356 fatalundersigned fifth. 120 Substitute the raiding party he reached it. He told Hub he was the a rental agreement entered into or Deputy the tired and would sit on the fence will place forColsale, at public auction, renewed on or afterconverged October 1, on 2007, H.H. Gillson, Internal while talking. They continued shed.after Without wasting a second, tolector the highest bidder forthe cash at the may, receiving the notice of sale, Revenue in charge, they tied the Springs’ body across his talking for a shorter time, then usual of sale at Polkordered County terminate rental agreement upon 2x5placeofficer Courthouse, in Columbus, North Carothree of the men to remain on 10 Hub stepped forward, gave the gun days written to the landlord. saddle and allnotice fled the scene. 5/5,7 pursuant to this of Notice of Sale is lina, onwith Wednesday, November 17, Upon termination a rental agreeguard the horses. He and the to the sheriff, and said, “Alright, For several miles, they were NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE being the offered forissale, transfer and 2010 atfour 10:30 AMincluding that parcelDeputy of land, ment, TWIG-036433 tenant liable for rent due other men, aware that some men were followNORTH CAROLINA, POLK COUNTY conveyance “AS agreement IS WHERE IS.” There Sheriff, I’m going to trust you.” including thereon, situ- under the rental prorated Marshallimprovements Springs, proceeded to are Late that night, the sheriff, with ing them down the mountain. Then 10 SP 101 no representations of warranty ated, lying and being in the City of Mill to the effective date of termination. walk toward a Polk, shed,State inawhich it relating his prisoner, arrived in Greenville a sudden, spring thunderstorm Under and of by virtue of Power of to the title or any physical, Spring, County of North Dated: October 27, 2010 Sale contained in that certain Deed of was believed the still was being and drove directly to his own environmental, health or safety condiended the chase. Carolina, and being more particular The Hunoval Law Firm, PLLC, AtTrust executed by BONITA S HARRIS & tionsGillson existing in, on, at, or relating to operated. home. They ate a good supper, and his men made it described as follows: torney for KEVIN HARRIS, Wife andtoHusband to the property offered AsLthey closer the shed, See legalgot description shown in safely back being to Greenville, Poore Substitute Trustee, LTDforwhere assale. and the sheriff told Hub to sleep in Michael Padalino, Trustee(s), which This sale is made subject to all prior Deed of L.Trust ondash Novemtheydated broke intorecorded a rushing for Substitute they foundTrustee Moss waiting for them, one of the upstairs bedrooms. The was15, November 16, 2007 and liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land ber 2006 in Book 347 at Page 704-334-7114 the last few yards. They converged with no immediate explanation of next morning they ate breakfast recorded on December 5, 2007 in transfer taxes, special assessments, 1x18.5 1918 at the360 door, kicked it in,Polk andCounty burst adv.11/5,12 and walked to the jail. how he got rights back tooftown. Book at Page 1561, easements, way, deeds of together 10/27, 11/3 Address of Property: 400 Water into the shed. Hub was tried at the next term Coroner Rayne determined Registry, Carolina. release, and any other encumbrances SCBR-039473 Mill Drive,North Mill Spring, NC 28756 Please check/proof the dates and other information to see if Default having been made in the Surprisingly, there was no one of court and was acquitted. that the shot entered the back of or exceptions of record. To the best Present Record Owner: Joyce S


with Fred Whiskin

120 N. Trade ave., LaNdrum, SC Reservations: 864-457-5155

1x1.5 NOTICE TO CREdITORS Having qualified on the 20th day 5/6,12,19,23;6/2, of October, 2010, as Executor of the 28, 8/4, 11, late of Estate7/21, of RUTH P. HEINEMANN, Columbus, Polk County, North Carolina, 18, 25, 9/1, 22, 29, the undersigned does hereby notify all 10/6, 20, 27, having persons, firms13, and corporations claims11/3, against10, the 17, estate 24of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned TWIG-036466 at Mail Code: 125, 625 Merrimon Avenue, Asheville, N.C. 28804, on or before the 3rd day of February, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate should make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of November, 2010. First Citizens Bank and Trust Executor of the Estate of RUTH P. HEINEMANN Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC One West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 adv. 11/3, 10, 17, 24 NOTICE TO CREdITORS Having qualified on the 20th day 1x3.5 of October, 2010, as Executrix of the adv. 11/3, 10, 17, L. 24dUNN, deceased, Estate of BETSY X297-039805 late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned Executrix on or before the 25th day of January, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate it should is right? make immediate payment. This the 27th day of October, 2010. Estate of Betsy L. Dunn Pamela C. Gardner, Executrix 54 Hawthorne Ave. Barrington, RI 02806 A. Bailey Nager Attorney and Registered Process Agent P.O. Box 851 Tryon, NC 28782 adv. 10/27;11/3, 10, 17

n Th that 5:30p of ad heari locat bus, N consi pleas from meet Day h Th is for locat Mills adjac Supp Perm lease parki als, o vend other as an or co ment mobi moto stant No sa no uti or bu requi no of heigh signs any a renta four ( The p merc are a an ap Board A are in 16th oppo inform ing, p Jonat Notic with N ad


828-894-5808 page


Wednesday1x1.5 , November 10, 2010

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Top Quality Horse Top raffle sellers for Sunny View School Hay Fall Festival

Alfalfa • Orchard Grass Orchard/Timothy • Fescue Blends Delivery available Lance Flournoy 828-894-5961


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three rooms and a hall or sofa and chair $8000


Campobello, SC

Sunny View School PTO sponsored Casual the annual Fall Dining Festival on September 17. Principal Kevin Weis and Fine the staff recognized the top raffle ticket sellers for this year. Pictured left to right are Megan Blackwell, Since 1997 second grade; Blair Birenbaum, fifth grade; and Caleb Potter, fourth grade. (photo submitted)

, M 9 - 10:30-2:30

120 N.Trade Ave., Landrum, SC 29356


St. Luke CME hosts county dinner Nov. 19 2x5 The women of St. Luke CME 5/5,7 Church will sponsor a country TWIG-036433 dinner on Friday, November 19, at St. Luke CME Church beginning at 5 p.m. Choose a pigs feet, BBQ ribs or fried chicken plate. Plates include pinto beans, collard greens

with hamhocks, macaroni and cheese or potato salad, cornbread or roll. The meat you choose will determine your sides. Apple pie or cake, tea or water will complete the meal. Dine in or take out is available. Diners may also eat in

1x1 Thursday Night 11/9,10,12,15,16,17,18,19,22 with Fred Whiskin Mrju-039910 120 N. Trade ave., LaNdrum, SC

Reservations: 864-457-5155

As always, there are no officers, committees, by-laws, dues, reports, constitution or meetings. Everyone is welcome. The program is free. – article submitted

nearby Bryan Park. Proceeds will support the church’s annual Women’s Day. The church is 0tfn3wed - page 1 located on Markham Road. More information can be obtained by calling 828-859-5376 on November 19 at 4 p.m. – article submitted


30 y

Live Music

1x1.5 5/6,12,19,23;6/2, 7/21, 28, 8/4, 11, 18, 25, 9/1, 22, 29, 10/6, 13, 20, 27, 11/3, 10, 17, 24 TWIG-036466


Call 864-457-5155 for more information.

W, F tfn

Cover up…

The Western Carolina Clas- Forsythe as a tormented man unDay ay Mon- who, after his wife dies, tries sic Radio Club will meet day, November 15 at 2 p.m. to rebuild his life – down to the in Studio 118 join on the us ICCfor Polkanlast detailof – with devastating Come array campus. results. — time delightful appetizers, The old radio show During intermission, Prowill be The New Adventures — house dishes, fessor and Hoyt will try to stump of Nero Wolfe’s “Curse of the the audience with his trivia homemade Careless— Cleaner.” The storydesserts questions. 1x1 plot has all the elements of a AfterW,F the Western Caroin a relaxing family good murder mystery including lina (WCCR) 4/8,Classic 10, 15,Radio 17, 22, 24, atmosphere, prepared by our jealousy, infidelity and attrac- program, around 3 p.m., the 29, 5/1 tive ladies. The New Adven- Fall Jazz Series will present Executive James “Conceptions,” Monroe LARL-028884some of the tures were short Chef lived shows whichand only Sous aired from October jazz of the late 1940s and Chef Leon best Terry. 1950 to April 1951. early l950s by some of the best The radio/TV segment will musicians of the period: Davis, are recommended dueRollins, to limited seating. be aReservations Lights Out thriller, “The Roach, Blakey, Getz, Upstairs Floor,” starring John Mulligan, Sims and others.


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