Trifecta Magazine Issue 3: Summer 2014

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our favourite apps Kick Some “BUT”

Garden Tracker

By Ramona Remesat

Ah, Spring! Just the sound of that word seems to bring a smile to our faces and a jolt of energy to our weary souls. Personally, I am of the mindset that every Albertan should receive a medal in the Spring for making it through another long, cold and dark winter! And while I can enthusiastically say that I am not a fan of Winter, it does afford us an opportunity to slow down a little and check in with ourselves. It’s a great time to put our lives under the microscope and take a hard look at things like our career, relationships, health and lifestyle etc. Once we identify things that aren’t working so well, we can then decide to do something about it. Or, sadly, not. I hear it all the time, “I hate my job but...” or, “I know this person isn’t right for me, but...” or, “I know I am meant to help others and be of spiritual service, but...” When someone says “but” what they really mean is “I’m afraid.” What they are really saying is: •

I hate my job but I am afraid to quit before I find a new one because I don’t know if I will find a new one.

I know this person isn’t the right one for me, but I’m afraid that if I end the relationship I won’t find anyone else and I don’t like to be alone.

I know that I am meant to be of spiritual service but if I start a spiritually-based career I am afraid of what others will think of me, including my family. They helped me through school financially and now I am afraid I will be letting them down because they don’t understand my new career choice.



The “but” is what holds us back from moving forward in a direction we know or feel we are meant to.

The “but” is what holds us back from moving forward in a direction we know or feel we are meant to. The knowing and feeling is our internal guidance system, also known as Divine Guidance. These days, most people don’t acknowledge this guidance even though we receive it each day, every day. And if they do acknowledge it, they are reluctant to trust it enough to actually act on it. What ends up happening in the situations like the ones listed above is a heart/head tug-of-war. The heart tells you to move forward in a way that feels uncomfortable to you, so instead of taking a closer look at the situation or opportunity, you let your head talk you out of it. This behaviour keeps you in your warm and cozy comfort zone. Summer 2014

Garden Tracker lets you size and plan your garden plots, plant your vegetables in up to 50x50 squares, and then track your garden’s progress, including days to harvest, days since watered, and days since last fertilized.

The 7 Minute Workout The 7 Minute Workout is a research-based workout program that has become an international hit allowing you to complete this workout anytime and anywhere. Complete with full video, audio, image and text instructions with the ability to track your progress.

CamCard CamCard captures business card by using your phone’s camera as a scanner. It catches names, phone numbers, addresses and other info and puts it into form labels. You will be able to turn a physical business card into a v-card. You can save the contact to your phonebook or to the app database, save it to your Gmail account or share it by SMS or other means.

Well, nobody ever achieved anything great by staying in their comfort zone, my friends. Okay, so I might have “borrowed” that quote but it’s definitely true! Next time you feel afraid, or fearful, about moving forward, smile! Be happy! This is a big fat sign that you are on the right track! When my clients tell me they are afraid I say, “GREAT!” Then they look at me funny and I explain that fear is a good thing because it means they are on the right track. It’s tangible proof that you are tuning into your inner guidance - you can finally hear and feel it! The neat thing is, once you tune in, you’ll want to keep working with it more and more and you will wonder how you ever got along without it! I know, because although it wasn’t always so, I now use my inner compass all the time. It’s what helped me find my path and purpose in life and reach true fulfillment. If you’ve decided to make some changes in your life this Spring, but feel some fear creeping in, take a deep breath and go kick some “but”! Ramona Remesat Angel Therapy Practitioner, ATP® & Usui Tibetan Reiki Master, CRA-RP Connect 2 Your Angels

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