Fall 2019

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Five Generations. One Sisterhood.

FALL 2019 www.tridelta.org


How Tri Delta has shaped their lives.


A. J. B. F.


C. C. Available separately (A. chain, B. lavaliere, or as a set AB)

D., E.


G. K.



**Also available as a charm or stickpin.

A. 18” Snake Chain, #SNAKE SS $24 GF $31 14K $504 | B. Traditional Lavaliere #L2647 SS $26 10K, 10KW $56 14K, 14KW $93 AB. 10K Lavaliere and 18” gold-filled Snake Chain, #L2649 $75 | C. 18” Rope Chain, #013R SS $23 GF $27 10K, 10KW $150 14K, 14KW $250 D. CZ Delta Pendant, #2404 SS $125 | E. Diamond Delta Pendant, #2406 10K, 10KW $795 14K, 14KW $925 F. Solid Tricon Earrings, #3491EAR SS $57 10K, 10KW $352 | G. Addy Ring, #ADDY SP, GP $35 H. Pierced Tricon Large Pendant, #0103PEND SS $39 10K, 10KW $280 | I. Solid Tricon Pendant with Sapphire*, #3491SPEN SS $41 10K, 10KW $162 J. Solid Tricon Charm, #3491CHRM SS $29 10K, 10KW $145 | K. 25 Year Silver Circle Pin, #0025 SS $35 | L. 50 Year Golden Circle Pin**, #0050 GP $15.50 M. 75 Year Diamond Circle Pin with CZ**, #0075 GP $21 | N. 2019 Keepsake Ornament, #ORNA2019 $25


*Stones are synthetic. **Also available as a charm or stickpin. K – karat gold, KW – karat white gold, GF – gold-filled, SS – sterling silver, GP – gold-plated, SP – silver-plated, CZ – cubic zirconia

Five Generations. One Sisterhood. Clockwise from top left: Brenda Kingery, photo by John Dyer; Joan Kayser, photo by Alex McKnight; Kelley Moore Godfrey, photo by Melissa Golden; Sana Merchant-Rupani, photo by William Christensen; Lauren Hornbeak, photo by Scogin Mayo.

Fall 2019 volume 129, number 1 The cover photo of actress

ON THE COVER Five Generations. One Sisterhood.


Mind the Gap


Five women of different generations share how Tri Delta has shaped their lives.

Dr. Brit Katz shares information about the current generation of collegiate members.

DEPARTMENTS Letter from the CEO


Tri Delta Today


Celebrating 131 Years of Tri Delta! Read this year's Founders' Day Proclamation, written by Fraternity President Kimberlee Sullivan.

Kind Alike to All


The Trident Fall 2019


Live Learn Lead


Life After College


Tri Delta Living


For a Lifetime


With Purpose


Tri Delta Book Club


In Memoriam


Historically Speaking


Canada Delta Chapter is creating a more inclusive space for its French-speaking sisters. Practical life advice for our newest alumnae.

Celebrating the passionate service of Tri Delta's volunteers.

The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, the official publication of Tri Delta Fraternity, has been published continuously since 1891. Its mission is to reflect the lifetime membership experience while sharing the stories of our brave, bold and kind sisters. It also aims to provide a connection to Tri Delta for members of all ages, to bring the shared values of Tri Delta to life and to showcase Tri Delta as a premier women’s organization.

HOW TO RECEIVE THE TRIDENT Collegiate members receive The Trident through payment of Fraternity dues to their chapters. Individual copies are mailed to each undergraduate member’s permanent address, and four copies are sent to each collegiate chapter president.

Fall 2019 Volume 129 Number 1 EDITORIAL CEO Editor-In-Chief Karen Hughes White, Georgia Managing Editor Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist Content Manager Amanda Milford, Texas/Arlington Director of Public Relations Jason Paul Gomez Content Specialist Lindsay Mackey, Auburn Archivist Beth Applebaum, Texas Christian

Alumnae members receive The Trident print edition through payment of annual dues, through an alumnae chapter or online ($33) at tridelta.org/foralifetime. Alumnae members can receive a complimentary subscription by making a one-time $300 Life Loyal donation to the Tri Delta Foundation. Learn more at tridelta.org/foundation. All members can view The Trident online at tridelta.org/trident.

A NOTE TO PARENTS Your daughter’s copy of The Trident is being sent to your address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it too. If your daughter is not in college, or is no longer living at home, please send us her new address.

HOW TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Log onto www.tridelta.org, go to My Tri Delta and edit your personal information. You may also call (817) 633-8001 or send mail to Delta Delta Delta, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254.

HOW TO CONTACT THE TRIDENT The Trident, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254 Email: trident@trideltaeo.org Phone: (817) 633-8001 Fax: (817) 652-0212

DESIGN Art Director Liz Tindall, Texas Design Specialist Lori Massey The Trident of Delta Delta Delta (USPS 640380) is published November, March, June and August of each year and is $10 by Delta Delta Delta, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254. Copyright ©2019 by Delta Delta Delta. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, Texas, and additional mailing offices. MAILING POLICY: The Fraternity respects the privacy of its members. Mailing lists are shared only with vendors of Executive Boardapproved Fraternity programs. These vendors sign an agreement prohibiting the sale of the mailing list. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Delta Delta at above address or by email to info@trideltaeo.org.

This publication was printed using soy ink.


HOW TO SEND A LETTER TO THE EDITORIAL TEAM We welcome your comments, both positive and negative, about The Trident. Send letters to the editorial team via email or mail. Please include your name, school and initiation year. The Trident reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the editor. Letters may be edited for space and clarity.

HOW TO GET PUBLISHED All Tri Deltas are encouraged to submit news and stories to The Trident. Tell us about your accomplishments, events and experiences, and please include photographs. Send stories and photos online through My Tri Delta or via email or mail. If submitting photos online or by email, please submit as high-resolution.

DEADLINES Fall: July 1

Winter/Spring: December 1

Summer: March 1

These deadlines are estimates provided for your convenience. One to three issues may appear before a submission is published because of the production schedule of The Trident.

National Panhellenic Conference Fall 2019 The Trident


From the CEO

Dear Sisters, Founders’ Day is a special time to reflect on Tri Delta’s humble beginning as a society that would be kind alike to all, and the brave, bold and kind women that brought our sisterhood to life. What began in 1888 as support and friendship among four women studying at Boston University has become a Purpose-driven, intergenerational network of nearly 238,000 women worldwide. In this issue, we’re celebrating the five (yes, five!) generations of women involved in Tri Delta today. In our cover story on pages 24-31, we feature five incredible sisters who are not only doing amazing work in the world, but who are also “paying it forward” for generations of women and Tri Delta sisters to come. Speaking of generations, members attending Tri Delta’s Volunteer Leadership Conference in Dallas in July had the opportunity to explore the emerging trends of our current collegians – members of “Gen Z” – in a workshop led by higher education expert and former VP of Student Affairs at Millsaps College, Dr. Brit Katz. Dr. Katz shares his expertise with our loyal Trident readers on page 22. Enjoy! Shameless plug alert... If you’d like to hear more on this topic from Dr. Katz and his former Millsaps colleague, Executive Board Director Megan James, Millsaps, download and listen to the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast, available now on your favorite podcast app. Of course, one of the most amazing aspects of membership in Tri Delta is the opportunity to form close, cherished friendships with women of all generations, ages and stages


The Trident Fall 2019

of life. On page 44, we share the story of a longtime, loyal volunteer and winner of Tri Delta’s Ernestine Block Grigsby Award for volunteer service, Nancy Ashley Adams, Florida State, and Executive Board Director Lenora Oeters, Cincinnati. Their friendship began by chance, at a meeting of the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter. Shameless plug alert #2, log onto tridelta.org today to find an alumnae chapter and pay your annual alumnae dues online! Finally, as we prepare to celebrate the 131st anniversary of Tri Delta’s founding, be sure to read the Founders’ Day Proclamation on page 6, written for you by Fraternity President Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine. Kimberlee reflects on the courage of our Founders – true trailblazers who overcame many challenges as women and students attending college at a time when allowing women to pursue post-secondary education was still considered an experiment! I am so grateful for our Founders and for all of you, who continue to live, learn and lead as their legacy. Loyally,

Karen Hughes White, Georgia CEO

PS: Shameless plug #3, get CONNECTed today by downloading the CONNECTDDD app! More than 2,000 Tri Deltas are actively networking and building virtual communities. We’d love for you to join us!

Tri Talk Celebrating Diversity

In Memoriam Correction

I was thrilled to see the celebration of diversity in our sisterhood evident in the latest issue of The Trident. We have remarkable talented women in all sectors of work from diverse backgrounds. Thanks for the LEADDD program news and the message of how we go forward with remarkable women leading in this complex and challenging world.

Due to a reporting error, two members were incorrectly listed as deceased in our Summer 2019 In Memoriam listing:

Susan Richardson Komives, Florida State I've never been so proud of this magazine and the emphasis (I assume) on diversity that you have displayed in the summer 2019 issue of The Trident.

Molly Chasteen, Kansas Judi Johnson Freeman, Cal State/Northridge We sincerely apologize for the error. University of Tulsa

Your cover and story of Zakiya Young set the tone for what I truly hope is the current path and future of Tri Delta. I have never seen such a depiction of inclusion and far cry from what was in my day, (yes a long time ago) the stereotype of the sorority girl, nothing but young women of light skin. Congratulations on what I hope is an intended path that will continue to grow and make our organization vital and relevant in the world of today. Sincerely, Dianne Kowal Kirtley, Beloit

Broadening the Intellectual Life In 1988, in honor of its centennial anniversary, Tri Delta established an endowment at the National Humanities Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, that would fund two fellowships per year for two university professors to conduct research there. This year’s Delta Delta Delta Fellows at the National Humanities Center are Cherie Ndaliko, assistant professor of African Studies in the music department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Angela Steusse, assistant professor of ethnic studies in the anthropology department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Butler University

Congratulations to Professor Ndaliko and Professor Steusse as they begin their year of research!

Let’s Talk Tri Delta Tune into Tri Delta's dynamic, new podcast, Let's Talk Tri Delta! Now you can hear more on topics covered in this issue of The Trident by listening to exclusive interviews with our brave, bold, kind members, friends and industry experts. Let’s Talk Tri Delta is available where you readily download podcasts (Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio), so be sure to subscribe! Be on the lookout for our podcast logo (pictured above) throughout this issue for the stories that we’ll be covering on Let’s Talk Tri Delta.


Fall 2019 The Trident


Tri Delta Today



n the very first issue of The Trident, published

Today, we’d call them courageous and

in November of 1891, within the opening

innovative. We’d describe them as

editorial it was written, “The higher education

• Women who were not afraid to

of women is no longer an experiment, but

challenge the status quo

an accepted fact.”

• Women who were willing to confront

“No longer an experiment...”


Sarah was the inspirational force behind the founding of Tri Delta.

This means that at the time of Tri Delta’s founding in 1888, women like Sarah Ida Shaw and her friends, Eleanor Dorcas Pond, Isabel Morgan Breed and Florence Isabelle Stewart, were considered “experiments.” Not only would these women have to prove themselves as students, but they would have to work harder and be more skilled in order to be successful at their endeavors. As a result, they became fluent in numerous languages, well-versed in literature, poetry and the arts. They became gifted writers and philosophers... And mastered mathematics and science, while they were at it.

They were brilliant. And brave.


Eleanor’s practicality was a perfect balance to Sarah’s passion and creativity.

stereotypes, and • Women who saw a gap or need in the world and filled it by creating something new and different Women like this – like Tri Delta’s Founders – are celebrated in today’s society. They are role models, mentors, entrepreneurs and influencers. They are described as fierce, fearless and bold. In the case of our Founders, there’s one other adjective that describes them and their work. They were kind... Intentionally, so. In the earliest documents drafted by Boston University seniors, Sarah Ida Shaw and Eleanor Dorcas Pond, kindness appears as the impetus for creating Tri Delta.

Despite the hardships they would have

Following what Sarah describes as the

to overcome just to be educated – or

“bitterness attendant of the fall rushing

perhaps, because of them – these women

of 1888,” Sarah and Eleanor set out to

sought each other’s company, support and

create “a society that shall be kind alike to

friendship. And then took it one important

all and think more of a woman’s inner

step further by founding Tri Delta – some-

character than her outward appearance

thing distinctive, something dynamic

or personal circumstance.”

and something that was worthy of their very best.


The Trident Fall 2019

Illustrations: Kevin Sprouts

It seems Sarah and Eleanor understood the

It’s why I’m so proud to write you this Founders’

power of kindness on a very personal level.

Day as we celebrate our sisterhood and

And they understood the importance of the

all that Tri Delta is doing to support not only

duality of kindness as it’s shown to others

our collegians, but our alumnae – offering

and to self.

women of all ages and stages lifelong opportunities to become their best selves.

As they crafted Tri Delta’s Purpose, challenging members to broaden our lives and develop

From our Behind Happy Faces mental health

our inner character, they also asked us to

initiative and Life After College Series in

be kind by assisting our members in every

partnership with the Tri Delta Foundation, to

possible way.

the CONNECTDDD networking platform and


our new podcast, Let’s Talk Tri Delta, we are

nd in our Ritual, we’re encouraged to be

working to connect and empower Tri Deltas

to kind to ourselves by having “perfect

in new and exciting ways, in the spirit of our

confidence” in ourselves... Understanding


our unique gifts and talents, while recognizing our own limitations.

I’d like to think they’d be proud of Tri Delta today. I know they’d be as proud as I am

By being BRAVE, BOLD and KIND, our

of each of you as you continue to live our

Founders invited us to work continuously

Purpose, model our ideals, practice our

to become the best versions of ourselves.

virtues and demonstrate the courage to

And they recognized the inherent challenges

be kind.


A high school friend of Eleanor’s, Florence was the first new member recruited to Tri Delta.

that go along with that. Knowing that we wouldn’t always get it right, they charged

As this is my last Founders’ Day address as

us, in our Open Motto, to love one another

your Fraternity President, I would like to

steadfastly, as we navigate life’s journey

leave you with a charge. My hope is that


when the world shows you fear and uncertainty, you choose to be BRAVE. When the

It’s amazing to me how the words of our

world shows you road blocks and tells you

Open Motto, our Purpose, and especially our

no, I hope you choose to be BOLD. And

beautiful Ritual have continued to resonate

when the world shows you hate and cruelty,

over Tri Delta’s 131-year history. In many

I hope you chose to be KIND.

ways, these words have never been more relevant than they are today, especially as

Loyally, in the bonds,

our collegiate members face the rising

your Fraternity President

costs of higher education, record amounts of student debt, mental health issues and career-readiness challenges.

Tune into an upcoming Let's Talk Tri Delta podcast for more on this topic. www.tridelta.org



Isabel became a devoted member once she found out Tri Delta was an organization that shared her values.

Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine

Fall 2019 The Trident


Tri Delta Today

Educating, Elevating, Celebrating

Tri Delta hosts record-breaking

Volunteer Leadership Conference

Tri Delta set a new standard with Volunteer Leadership Conference 2019 — our largest ever! A record number of nearly 500 dedicated and loyal volunteers (including 200 brand new volunteers!) brought their talents to Texas on July 12-14. The weekend was full of learning and development, friendship and fun as Tri Delta educated, elevated and celebrated our volunteers who “render willing service” to our sisterhood in the amount of $19 million of volunteer hours annually.


eral hours for dedicated collaboration time. A great example of this was the Delta Dialogues lunch, providing a venue for attendees to brainstorm and provide feedback to Tri Delta committees. Together, volunteers shared ideas on a variety of topics: expanding and diversifying membership, strengthening Tri Delta leadership, seniors and Circle Degree, and the St. Jude philanthropic experience were just a few of the topics brainstormed. At VLC, Tri Delta unveiled its first-ever app, CONNECTDDD! Harnessing the power of Facebook and LinkedIn, CONNECTDDD allows members across the world to network, become mentors, seek mentorship and explore professional opportunities. Volunteers were excited to join the community and immediately began sharing and concould not do necting on the app. At press time, more than 2,000 Tri Deltas are connected.

Volunteer Leadership Conference is all about educating. With 13 separate tracks dedicated to specific volunteer roles, attendees received job-specific instruction and peer-topeer learning designed to provide powerful ‘‘Tri Delta conversations, intentional learning and many what we do at moments of inspiration. (A recap of all these tracks can be found on tridelta.org/my-tri- and level we do delta/education.) you. Your work

the scale it without Elevating matters!” As an organization

dedicated to help- Fraternity President Kimberlee Di Fede ing women become the best versions “VLC helped me not only strengthen my conof themselves, Tri Delta made personal Sullivan, Pepperdine. tent knowledge in my volunteer role but also and professional development a priority my leadership skills,” shared Monica Gibson, Millsaps. “These throughout the weekend, elevating our members, not only in skills are beneficial in my Tri Delta volunteer role, my career and their volunteer roles, but in their personal and professional my personal life. I am so honored to serve an organization that lives. continues to invest in their members throughout their lives.” VLC featured seven different personal and professional develPerhaps equally as important as track time was networking time. opment workshops to choose from. Topics included having a Sharing ideas and best practices is vital to any volunteer role, and confident mindset, mental health, engaging with Generation Z, attendees loved having the opportunity to connect, network and training on leadership, advocacy, and Tri Delta’s updated comlearn from one another. Whether it was the regional networking petency model and how it guides the Leadership Development dessert reception or the networking breakfast, VLC set aside sevCommittee (LDC). There were tangible takeaways for everyone.


The Trident Fall 2019

Photos: Denny Medley/GreekYearbook

Clockwise, from top: Past Fraternity Presidents Eve Woods Riley, Southern Methodist, Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, and Jackye Brown Clark, Texas/Arlington, share a laugh during a visit to the museum; Fraternity President Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine, addresses volunteers; Keynote speaker Sally Williamson, Georgia, shares the importance of communication; Attendees enjoy educational sessions; Volunteers and staff from Vermont's Eta Chapter pose for a group photo.

Tri Delta volunteers provide $19 million in volunteer hours annually


by the numbers

500 attendees

Amber Whittaker-Smith, Wichita State, shared: “I love that Tri Delta shows us how important we the volunteers/ members are by not only assisting us in becoming better volunteers but also by helping us deal with our personal and professional challenges as well. I am so proud to be a part of such an amazing organization and I am a stronger and more confident woman today thanks to Tri Delta!” A highlight was the keynote featuring Sally Williamson, Georgia, president and founder of Sally Williamson & Associates, a communications consulting firm. Sally shared how influential communication should engage listeners and how leaders can become compelling communicators. “The ability to lead and influence is all the tiny steps. It’s every meeting, every communication that builds trust along the way,” Sally said. During her session, the room was abuzz as attendees had the opportunity to engage in interactive practice on building connection as a communicator.

Celebrating VLC was the perfect backdrop to celebrate lifetime membership, beginning with the Initiation of two new sisters: Tara Dooling Bryant, Texas Christian, and Celeste Melton, Baylor, were welcomed into our sisterhood as honor initiates. Following Initiation, we also had the opportunity to honor Silver Circle members and Golden Circle members who celebrated special 25-year and 50-year milestones in their lifetime membership.


The Trident Fall 2019

13 role-specific tracks 7 dynamic workshops 7.5 hours of dedicated networking time The awards breakfast was all about celebrating individual volunteers and alumnae chapters who were recognized for their outstanding performance as they elevate Tri Delta through passionate service and philanthropy, leadership, communication and member experience. (Read about the volunteers who were honored on page 52 and Alumnae Chapter Award recipients on page 51). The Tri Delta Foundation also had cause to celebrate. Thanks to a challenge set by Tri Delta's Senior Director of Chapter Operations Lucy Morlan, Simpson, the Foundation welcomed 66 new recurring donors, raising more than $41,000 over the weekend — a near 300% increase from VLC 2017! In exchange, Lucy entertained the audience with a rousing rendition of the popular “Baby Shark” song — even better, she took to the stage dressed as a dolphin! Volunteers concluded a successful weekend with a special Volunteer Oath, taken with Fraternity President Kimberlee Sullivan. As our volunteers prepared to depart Dallas, Kimberlee reminded them, “To the Fraternity, our volunteers are as precious and as cherished as gold. Without you and your commitment to our Purpose, to assist her members in every possible way, we could not be successful. Your unselfish leadership plays a critical role in growing and shaping our organization, not only today, but also for future Tri Deltas.” We look forward to seeing everyone again at LEADDD and Convention 2020 in Orlando on July 9-12, 2020!

Clockwise from top: A group of volunteers enjoy VLC's networking reception; Workshop speaker Stacy Nadeau, Creighton; Catherine Rodgers Hamling and Alison Ream Griffin, both Southern Methodist; The volunteer team for Tri Delta's new chapter at Temple; Erin Dye Lastra, Taylor Jones and Allison Dye, all South Florida.

Tri Delta Today

When: July 9-12, 2020 Where: JW Marriott Orlando, Grande Lakes Who: All Tri Delta Members

Focus on our future at Convention 2020! • Witness Tri Delta history as we elect and install our 2020-2022 Executive Board. • Participate in the legislative process as we review and amend our Governing Documents. • Celebrate with sisters at the awards gala. • Enjoy a variety of personal and professional develop- ment workshops.

Tri Delta | 59 th Biennial Convention

Focus on you at LEADDD Orlando! • • •

Hear from engaging keynote speakers. Attend dynamic workshops designed to empower you to lead and serve in your career, community and family. Enjoy the opportunity to network with hundreds of women from across North America.

Plan your summer vacation to Orlando Bring you & your family! Visit www.tridelta.org/convention for more information. 12

The Trident Fall 2019

Gifts to Remember – Sisters committed to telling our story m o n t h before she passed away, past Fraternity President Angela Hackett Driver’s family made a generous gift to the Tri Delta Foundation, for which the interactive Fraternity President’s exhibit in the Ginger Hicks Smith Museum & Archives was named in her honor. Through this gift, Angela’s legacy will live on for future generations of Tri Deltas. You, too, have the opportunity to be part of Tri Delta’s story and quest to preserve our history—a rich history of brave, bold and kind women joined together as sisters since 1888. The museum at Executive Office features several naming opportunities for displays showcasing generations of stories and artifacts from throughout our 131 years as a premier women’s organization. A highlight of the 2019 Volunteer Leadership Conference in July was the unveiling of the first of these named displays. Around 70 sisters gathered at the Ginger Hicks Smith Museum & Archives during VLC for a celebration of the generous sisters who are helping preserve our treasures for future generations.

Antique Badge Display

LuAnn Riegl Daniel, Villanova, was recognized for her generous support with the naming of the antique badge display, featuring badges of early members initiated between 1889-1906. LuAnn shared, “When I served on Tri Delta's Executive Board (2004-2010), I loved that we were allowed to borrow a few of the antique badges to share with collegians and alumnae as we traveled for campus visits and special celebrations like new chapter colonizations. I loved bringing Tri Delta's badge history with me wherever I went. It is an honor to have my gift to the Tri Delta Foundation and the Ginger Hicks Smith Museum & Archives be used for this beautiful display of our historic Stars and Crescent badge collection.”

Interactive Chapter Display

A group of past chapter development consultants was recognized for their named gift of the museum’s interactive chapter display, in honor of the role these Tri Delta “travelers” have played in our chapters’ histories. In all, 71 consultants made a combined gift of more than $18,000 to the Tri Delta Foundation! www.tridelta.org

Arden Smith, Rhodes, completed her travels last spring. She was eager to support the Tri Delta Foundation and both preserve and share Tri Delta’s story. “I gave to the Foundation because I believe in the importance of safekeeping our traditions for Tri Deltas in the years to come. I love that supporting the Foundation provides opportunities for scholarships and programs that bring Tri Deltas together and assist them in every possible way,” said Arden. “I am excited to be a part of helping Tri Delta serve collegiate and alumnae members while honoring our history. Whenever I visit Executive Office, I love seeing the exhibits in the museum and knowing that future visitors will see a visual representation of Tri Delta’s brave, bold and kind members!”

Past Presidents' Wall

The event also included the dedication of the Past Presidents’ Wall, featuring framed portraits of all 34 past Fraternity Presidents, made possible by Tri Delta’s 10 Past Presidents. Angela Driver’s daughter, Jennifer Driver Mannix, Washington, was also in attendance at the dedication, and thanked the Fraternity and the Foundation for continuing to celebrate her mother’s life and legacy. Tri Delta is proud to honor Angela’s legacy—and that of our Founders and other past leaders—by ensuring our history lives on for generations to come. Be a part of this story by helping us continue the work of Founder and first Historian Sarah Ida Shaw in preserving, protecting and sharing our treasures with our sisters now and for future generations. Naming opportunities begin at $3,000 in the Ginger Hicks Smith Museum & Archives. For more information, contact foundation@trideltaeo.org. Fall 2019 The Trident



SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SISTERS The Tri Delta Foundation awarded 165 academic scholarships to deserving undergraduate and graduate members for the 2019-2020 academic year. These scholarships, totaling $397,900, are funded by donations from generous Tri Delta members, and recipients include collegiate and alumnae members, furthering their education and lifelong learning. Tri Delta remains committed to our Purpose by assisting our members in every possible way through the Foundation’s academic scholarships. For Isabella Massey, Stockton, receiving an undergraduate scholarship from the Foundation means she can focus less on how many hours she’s working and focus more on how much time she’s spending on her studies to further her goal of becoming a neonatal nurse practitioner and, eventually, receiving a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. “This scholarship means I will hold myself accountable for my education because there are people out there who have believed in me enough to sponsor part of my learning,” says Isabella. “This scholarship will allow me to give my all to learning how I can be the best nurse possible so that I can have a positive impact on the people I care for, and also so that I can eventually teach what I have learned.”


Anna Clay Adams, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Laura Agostino, Texas/Arlington Live Learn Lead Scholarship & Melissa Hamman & Molly Hamman Bielamowicz Scholarship Jordan Allen, Delaware Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Malorie Allen, Oklahoma State Phi Upsilon Chapter Scholarship Kylee Dawn Amos, Idaho Live Learn Lead Scholarship Nicole Ashe, Maine Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Aurora Authement, Pepperdine Live Learn Lead Scholarship Caroline Babin, Louisiana State Amanda Judice Scholarship Madison Bearden, Baylor Laura Leftwich Pulis Scholarship Stephanie Benton, Wisconsin Mu Chapter Scholarship Savannah Brinkley, James Madison Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Claire Buckley, Louisiana State Martha Helen Conner Byrd Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Bueche, Louisiana State Lauren Savoy Olinde Memorial Scholarship Noelle Candelaria, California/Davis Erin Kumelos Heard Memorial Scholarship Emma Catanzaro, Puget Sound Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Lea Catteneo, Michigan Live Learn Lead Scholarship Laura Chaglasian, Iowa Jane Folkrod Scholarship Allison Clymer, Oklahoma State Live Learn Lead Scholarship Alison Daily, Texas Teri Wenglein Scholarship Madison Daniels, Mississippi Shirley Crawford Leadership Scholarship Shelbi Davenport, Colorado Live Learn Lead Scholarship Savannah Day, Mississippi Live Learn Lead Scholarship Jordan DeSantis, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Olivia Diaz, Richmond Gamma Eta House Corporation Scholarship Courtney Dickman, Purdue Gamma Iota Chapter Scholarship Caroline Doyle, Oregon Marguerite Bernice Hunt Brun Scholarship

Abigail DuBose, Tennessee Cheryl White Pryor Memorial Scholarship Lois Durant, Southwestern Luella Akins Key Scholarship Emily Edlich, Carnegie Mellon Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Jordan Engle, Auburn Jeanne Ryland Collegiate Scholarship Kathryn Fagan, Vermont Eta Chapter 125th Anniversary Memorial Scholarship Noel Fleig, Florida Live Learn Lead Scholarship Rylie Frei, Idaho Katherine Groggett Memorial Scholarship Sara Gardner, Arkansas Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Kathryn Gardner, Arkansas Live Learn Lead Scholarship Christina Gaw, Baylor Martin Sisters Scholarship Brieanna Gerner, Allegheny Live Learn Lead Scholarship Katherine Gladhart-Hayes, Puget Sound Live Learn Lead Scholarship Amaris Gonzalez, Syracuse Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Kara Gordon, Stephen F. Austin Houston Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Hope Green-Brooks, Oregon State Tracey Boydson Clark Scholarship Sachi Gullbrants, Northwestern Upsilon Chapter Scholarship Aspen Gupton, Colorado Dodge Theta Beta Scholarship Savannah Hall, Tennessee Edith Scandlyn/Sammie Lynn Scandlyn Puett Memorial Scholarship Allison Hensel, Wisconsin Live Learn Lead Scholarship Makayla Herbert, Oregon Marguerite Bernice Hunt Brun Scholarship Delaney Ho, Cornell Alpha Beta Chapter Scholarship Sarah Grace Houy, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Rachel Iliff, Colorado Dodge Theta Beta Scholarship Lindsey Jerkins, Mississippi State Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Tristan Jensen, Wisconsin Mu Chapter Scholarship Martha Jesuit, Coe Live Learn Lead Scholarship Amber Johnson, Millikin Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Tri Delta Scholarships are made possible only through the donations of sisters who want to support the educational aspirations of our members. For more information, please contact Foundation@ trideltaeo.org.

Lexi Johnson, Wisconsin Mu Chapter Scholarship Alexandra Kallfelz, Boston Live Learn Lead Scholarship Hannah Kania, California/Berkeley Gabriel Jackson Renstrom Scholarship Sarah Kellogg, Oklahoma Live Learn Lead Scholarship Jill Kleinkauf, Chapman Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Tiernan Kolpin, Coe Live Learn Lead Scholarship Arleigh Kraker, Lake Forest Live Learn Lead Scholarship Brittani Lancaster, Oregon Marguerite Bernice Hunt Brun Scholarship Canon Langer, South Carolina Alpha Lambda Chapter Scholarship Sydnee Larsen, Jacksonville Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Kyra Larson, Kansas Live Learn Lead Scholarship Julianne Larsson, South Carolina Live Learn Lead Scholarship Haley Laughlin, Iowa Jane Folkrod Scholarship Sophia Leonardo, Texas Christian Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Mackenzie Martin, Millikin Louise Bales Gallagher Scholarship Jordan Martinson, North Dakota State Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship Isabella Massey, Stockton Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Chloe McKinney, Richmond Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Hannah Mertes, Virginia Tech Barbara Downey Freson Undergraduate Scholarship Nicolette Messina, Pittsburgh Leona McKie Muse Scholarship www.tridelta.org

Sarah Miller, Louisiana State Delta Omega Chapter Scholarship Kayley Miller, Stanford Live Learn Lead Scholarship Aimee Moncada, Texas A&M Rachel Spelman Memorial Scholarship London Moore, Oklahoma Live Learn Lead Scholarship Courtney Nielsen, Delta State Live Learn Lead Scholarship Sarah Nilson, Michigan Virginia Stewart Nicklas Scholarship Ava Nussbaum, Ohio State Nu Chapter Scholarship Emily O’Brien, Florida Southern Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Emma Ourada, Nebraska Eastman Memorial Scholarship Adriana Paez, Oregon State Susan E Riley Foundation Scholarship Jacie Paquette, Central Florida Peg Hart Harrison Memorial Scholarship Chrissy Paschall, Virginia Tech Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Sarah Pechtl, Pepperdine Laura Stenovec Scholarship Olivia Perry, Georgia Halle Scott Leadership Scholarship Madeline Peters, Butler Delta Lambda Chapter Scholarship Margaret Podell, Illinois Virginia Hartford Saharov Memorial Scholarship Margaret Porter, Texas Christian Jeanne Wiggin Roach-Phi Lambda Scholarship Lilliana Ramirez, Millsaps McKinney Sisters Scholarship Emma Remish, Lake Forest Live Learn Lead Scholarship Kelly Robertson, Louisiana State Laura Burckel Peterson Memorial Scholarship Kamryn Robinson, Louisiana State Delta Omega House Corporation Scholarship Reanna Robinson, Millsaps Live Learn Lead Scholarship Isabella Root, Virginia Tech Dott Henggeler Memorial Scholarship Rebekah Rozowski, Boise State Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Rebecca Rudner, Miami/Florida Mary King Scholarship Elizabeth Russell, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Maegan Savarise, Ohio State Live Learn Lead Scholarship Jaimeson Schultz, Oregon State Susan E Riley Foundation Scholarship Kelsey Schweiger, Illinois Virginia Hartford Saharov Memorial Scholarship

Michelle Sech, Pittsburgh Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Jamie Simon, Vermont Live Learn Lead Scholarship Sarah Morgan Sivils, Louisiana State Margo Robb & Cindy Robb Lites Scholarship Taylor Spencer, Drury Martha Sale Ferman Scholarship Kaley Stewart, Texas Christian Phi Lambda Program Sales in Honor of Mary Ruth Robinson Megan Sturdivant, Arkansas Live Learn Lead Scholarship Kelsey Talbot, Oregon State Susan E Riley Foundation Scholarship Alexa Tarui, Michigan Live Learn Lead Scholarship Katherine Thomas, Texas Parker Theta Zeta Scholarship Olivia Thomas, Northern Arizona Phoenix Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Scout Treadwell, Mississippi Shirley Crawford Leadership Scholarship Hannah Van Der Schans, Texas Tech Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Laura Vita, Texas Christian Phi Lambda Program Sales in Honor of Mary Ruth Robinson Alyson Waite, Toledo Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Rebecca Wallacce, Georgia Atlanta Alumnae Chapter Achievement Scholarship Madison Weber, Florida State Nancy Ashley Adams/Ashley Adams Koetje Scholarship Miranda Welborn, Arkansas Donna Axum Whitworth Scholarship Madison West, Franklin Live Learn Lead Scholarship Maggie White, Texas Margaret McFarlane Alkek Scholarship Samantha Whitley, Furman Sisterhood Scholarship Taylor Wilcox, Southern California Avery Bayle Barth Scholarship Katherine Winn, Southern California Avery Bayle Barth Scholarship Atlee Witt, Vanderbilt Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Bells Works, Wisconsin Mu Chapter Scholarship Sara Wright, Vanderbilt Delta Gamma Chapter Scholarship Ally Zamer, Maryland Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship

The Eta Chapter 125th Anniversary Memorial Scholarship was established thanks to generous Eta alumnae who came together to support their collegiate sisters.

“The cost of education continues

to rise at an extraordinary rate. The establishment of a scholarship to help sisters with their education is very rewarding. Pooling resources makes the scholarship easier to achieve. Best of all, it’s a great way to live kind and lead kind.”

-Susan Marchand Higgins, Vermont

“It is a privilege to be involved in

such a giving organization and this scholarship shows the amount of generosity and involvement of the Tri Delta Foundation. I have always believed that Tri Delta has given me more than I will ever be able to give back through friendships, leadership opportunities, and support.” -Kathryn Fagan, Vermont, Eta Chapter 125th Anniversary Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Fall 2019 The Trident


Kind Alike to All

taken her to the desolate mountaintops of Kenya – helping families and other physicians provide care for the youngest generation of children. Along the way, Alison has been nurtured in her career and has planted the seeds within others in hopes of creating a better environment for critical care for children around the world. From the age of six, Alison always knew she would become a physician. She came into the world with two club feet and she underwent many surgeries at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, Indiana, before she turned five. Though there were no physicians in her family, the care she received at such a young age inspired her to seek out medicine and children as a profession. “When I was young, I always said I wanted to be a doctor for kids, and a firefighter on the weekend,” Alison notes. “Which is funny, as I do actually put out small fires in the ER!”

Critical Care, Worlds Away Dr. Alison Held Gardner is helping train the next generation of young Kenyan doctors and providing critical care for children across the globe. By Director of Public Relations Jason Paul Gomez “I’m the doctor that no one wants to see. No one makes plans to see an emergency room pediatrician. There’s a lot of fear involved when I meet patients and their families, but it’s my job to gain trust through their fear.” The journey taken by Dr. Alison Held Gardner, Purdue, would be considered far from typical. Her path as a pediatric emergency physician began in her earliest years as a young patient and has


The Trident Fall 2019

The path to becoming a M.D. was a driving force throughout her time at Purdue University, and she was supported by her Tri Delta sisters in Gamma Iota Chapter. “Much of my time was dedicated to studying and preparing to take the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test), so I had to sacrifice a lot of the social aspects of Tri Delta to go after my dreams,” She said. To this day, she still has all the signs her sisters placed around the chapter house saying, “Good Luck, Dr. Alison” and “Congrats Dr. Held!” Her Tri Delta support system nurtured her in a family atmosphere – which would become an integral part of her practice as a pediatric physician. This support inspired how she works with families as a team to care for a child and walk alongside them at the beginning of their journey of life. Following her pediatric residency, Alison returned for a fellowship to become more specialized in emergency medicine, requiring three more years of education. Her work in the ER allowed her to develop new skill sets. “For every subset of medicine and disease, there is a pediatric corollary. You have to like to think fast and have a gift to manage and organize chaos.” The transition to emergency pediatrics also required Alison to make some professional sacrifices. “Part of being in the ER is that you don’t have the gradual relationship building you do with patients and families when in private practice,” Alison said. “Sometimes, in this role you are with parents at a critical junction, and you step into that journey with them on the river of life and help navigate that passage.”

Photo, this page: Cameron Davis/ WFBMC Creative Communications

Part of Alison’s own journey as a physician had her following the vital work of colleagues in emergency pediatrics around the world. A former resident colleague had begun a blog about bringing emergency pediatric medicine to Kenya. She felt pulled to the story and passionately followed the blog. An admitted noninternational traveler, she responded to the blog, theoretically, if they could ever use her help to please reach out. The response came within 15 minutes, “When can you come to Kenya?” She didn’t even really know where in Africa Kenya was located! Within months, and with the shock and surprise from some family members, Alison was bound for Kijabe, Kenya, with a pediatrics fellow to bring critical care practice to a foreign place. It began with providing daily care to patients, and a well-needed break for local physicians. She has returned every year for the last four years and her work has evolved into teaching opportunities, giving lectures and providing practicum to young Kenyan doctors in pediatrics. She has brought residents and fellows from the United States with her each year to develop the skills for new generations of caregivers to children across the globe. Most rewarding for Alison on her international journeys is the ability to build advocates and leaders in pediatric medicine. While she has been an advocate for issues like children and gun safety in the U.S., she is unable to do the same for similar issues abroad as she is not a Kenyan citizen. But she has been able to educate young physicians on major issues she witnesses in Kenya like child


abuse. Her encouragement allows them to be the change makers in their country by helping them lobby government and pass laws. “I myself won’t be the impact in Kenya,” she said, “But the ripple effects are there. These changes will happen for the future generations, long after my work is done.” Just as her own seeds were watered early in her career, she is nurturing the seeds of others to affect change. Her mantra is simple: there are more similarities around the world than there are differences. Mothers far abroad also want their children to be healthy. Understanding the similarities and differences helps combat the epidemic of fear. “As doctors, we often live our lives in a relatively small circle of geography. But the ability to easily travel, combined with available communication technology means that our circles are getting bigger. It makes the world a little bit smaller.”

Fall 2019 The Trident


Kind Alike to All

DDDining for Good

Welcoming a New Sister Laila Skjerpe Renaud, Southern California, is a certified public accountant and a community volunteer. She’s the mother of three daughters: Madison, Brooke and Delaney. Now, she’s also a Tri Delta sister.

Laila would come back into contact with Tri Delta again—this time at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in February 2010 when her then 4-year-old daughter Brooke was diagnosed with an inoperable, non-cancerous brain tumor. Through Brooke’s experience with St. Jude, the family was asked to become ambassadors and share their story. Serendipitously, their first visit was with Tri Deltas at USC and other Southern California chapters. When she was asked to become a member of our sisterhood, Laila was touched. It was an opportunity to join a group of women passionate about serving others, and it was a chance for her to leave a legacy for her three daughters, so that perhaps one day they could share in our sisterhood, too! On being initiated, Laila said the experience was so moving. “I felt instant connections with everyone. To see such strong leaders in the room wanting to affect change made me beyond proud that I was going to be one of them. I am beyond grateful to be part of the Tri Delta sisterhood!” 18

The Trident Fall 2019

During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in September, we celebrated chapters across North America who are committed to supporting their local and regional children’s hospitals and pediatric cancer initiatives. The Toronto Alumnae Chapter combines sisterhood with philanthropy through once-a-month DDDine events that raise money for the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO). The chapter first introduced DDDine in 2017 as an after work meet-up to allow sisters to share a delicious meal, see old friends and make new ones – all while donating to POGO.


Laila was recently honor initiated at Tri Delta St. Jude Celebration in Memphis. As a graduate of the University of Southern California, the occasion brought her full circle. Her first experience with Tri Delta was during USC's recruitment in 1990. But circumstances at the time forced her to drop out of recruitment. “One of my regrets in life,” she says.

In June 2018, the chapter combined DDDines with Pancakes & PJs Party, an initiative started by POGO as a true FUNdraising party. The chapter hosted a pancake party where everyone came in their pajamas to show solidarity with children receiving cancer treatment, who often spend most days in the hospital in their pajamas. DDDines: PJs & Pancakes Party is turning into a successful annual event with the second party held in June 2019. Thanks to their dedicated support, the chapter has recently been added to POGO’s Donor Wall!

Tri Delta raised $7,280,487 for St. Jude

Stars & Crescent Society Members of this year’s Stars & Crescent Society made a generous donation of $1,000 or more to the Foundation’s 2018-19 Annual Fund, helping make a difference in the lives of their sisters. Tri Delta would like to recognize these members with a heartfelt thank you and our deepest appreciation for their generosity and continuing support! Laurie Dionne Babcock, Maine Susan Pound Bagby, Texas Henretta Trent Band,William & Mary Lori Sims Baxter, Auburn Mary Glover Bennett, North Carolina Carol Chapman Benson, Cal State/Northridge Sarah Bienvenue Beth Wilson Bird, Kansas State Lynn Larson Blake, Wisconsin Christi Fields Borgerding, Franklin Angela Fick Braly, Texas Tech Lisa Hoalst Budnik, Idaho Beth Burkes, Wake Forest Tori Campbell, Wyoming Vicki Vinson Cantwell, Texas Christian Lynne Noetzel Charbonneau, Georgia Mary Gross Cherry, Louisiana/Lafayette Karla Shadid Cohlmia, Oklahoma Susan Smith Cooper, Southern Methodist Stacey Dickenson Cox, Southern Methodist LuAnn Riegl Daniel, Villanova Maureen Darcey, Florida Lisa Noe Deane, Louisiana State Lori Hammons Doran, Oklahoma Family of Angela Hackett Driver Sharla Pepper Echols, Texas Tech Cindy Faulkner Eckman,Oklahoma Jan McCaleb Elliott, Texas Tech Lisa Farrell, Arizona State Marcia Rodwell Ficeli, Iowa Trebie Perry Francisco, Texas Lee Anne Stout Fry, Auburn Joan Faessel Gardner, Southern California Julia Cobey Gluck, Maryland Agnes Kirkpatrick Godchaux, Louisiana State Barbie Anderson Gonzalez, Puget Sound Katy Englehart Goodwin, Denison Emily Bourne Grigsby, Vanderbilt


Kelly Hansen Carol Knoche Helmus, Millikin Maria Cristantiello Hendrix, Oklahoma State Kelly Spicer Hernandez, Texas/Arlington Jan Hollister, Florida State Cindy Cook Hornbaker, Central Florida Mary Huttlinger, Northern Arizona Elizabeth Roob Ireland, Wisconsin Elise Crotty James, Iowa Janie Hicks Jeter, Emory Jenny Wight Keil, Michigan Marian Hummel Kurz, Miami/Ohio Dawnell Dean Lamb, Washington Kim Lampman, Oklahoma State Ashley & Peter Larkin Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist Rita Dilworth Lewry, Michigan Sandy Beach Lin, Toledo The Betty R. Lindner Foundation

Janice Parker, Boston Carolyn Liska Pierce, Minnesota Cynthia Ware Pierce, Texas Christian Lillian Rydel Reed, Simpson Nancy Reisher, Colorado Marcia Rinkel, Kansas State Katherine Bush Ruberton, Missouri Paula Elliott Schauble, Kansas Natalie Podrabsky Schmicker, Wisconsin Sonja Wilkes Sheffield, Southern Mississippi Barbara Brewer Sheldon, Southwestern Courtney King, Mississippi Michelle Popp Shimberg, Florida Nancy Quinn Shovlain, Wyoming Jeanne Wilkinson Shuler, William & Mary Valerie Knox Sirotek, St. Lawrence Marilyn Mosbach Skaugstad, Iowa Mollie Gaines Smith, Mississippi Ginger Hicks Smith, Emory Jean Smith Snodgrass, Southern Methodist

‘‘There are moments in life that shape you as a woman and being a Tri Delta was one of those moments for me. Now I'm in a place where I can pay it forward by donating and providing other young women with life-changing experiences to help shape them for whatever their future may hold.” -Mindy Owsley Nelson, Washington State Jill Bunker Magnuson, Texas Rachel Leimbach Maus, Illinois Denise Butts McCullough, Texas Tech Anna McCullough Margaret Gerlicher McElroy, Louisiana State Andrew McMains Ann Greer McMains, Louisiana State Laurie Meek, Simpson Janet Timmerman Miller, Toledo Maribess Lehmann Miller, Texas Christian MJ Insurance, Inc. Helen Fortino Morse, Wichita State Sally Estill Muhlbach, Texas Christian Lee Lewis Munson, Louisiana State Carolyn Meek Nelson, Arkansas Mindy Owsley Nelson, Washington State Jeanette Bohall O'Connor, Jacksonville Lenora Oeters, Cincinnati Susan Starr Ohly, Georgia Mary Kay Linzell Palmer, Ohio State Brandie Rucks Park, Georgia

Mary Haymaker Staley, Kansas State Faye Alexander Stockard, Alabama Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine Nancy Moore Taylor, Toledo Susanne Richardson Teel, Baker Joyce Neaderhiser Thompson, Kansas Elizabeth Cleary Traub, Florida State Jody Turin, Michigan April Mathis Voris, Alabama Laura Ege Walsten, Coe Marty Ison Webb, William & Mary Karen Hughes White, Georgia Lora Snow White, Puget Sound Nancy Stackhouse Wilson, Vanderbilt Mary Ann Heyser Wright, William & Mary Rebecca D'Arcy Wyatt, Tulsa Gwenn Smith Wynn, Auburn Marlene Jackson Zoffel, Washington

Fall 2019 The Trident


Kind Alike to All

Giving Back, With Purpose What drew you specifically to planned giving and becoming a member of the Heritage Society?

Kailey Holt, Idaho

I am a planner! It’s the inherent nature of my personality. As I began to realize the control I had over my future and where my hard-earned money would be spent when I passed away, Tri Delta seemed like a natural piece of the puzzle to include.

After graduating from the University of Idaho in 2016, Kailey Holt, Idaho, became a senior audit associate at Eide Bailly, a CPA and business advisory firm in Boise, Idaho. As she began life after college as a young alumna, Kailey decided to give back to Tri Delta both as a volunteer and as a member of the Heritage Society by making a planned gift to the Tri Delta Foundation. Kailey shares what inspired her to support future generations of Theta Tau members.

What legacy would you like to leave for future generations of Tri Deltas? My experiences with Tri Delta both as a collegian and alumnae has given my life more purpose than I could even begin to put into words. If I could be remembered as someone who put their heart into everything they did, lived with purpose and passion for all things – that’d be the way I’d want to be remembered.

Why is giving to the Foundation important? Giving to the Foundation allows me to provide financial support to collegians during one of the most transitional periods of their life. College is most women’s first experience being financially independent and making huge decisions about the direction of their life. My education and support I received while I was a collegian from my Tri Delta sisters contributed to my success professionally, which has afforded me this opportunity to give back. This is my way of being able to assist current collegians and live our Purpose through assisting members in every possible way.

What encouraged you to become a Foundation donor? A huge piece of why I wanted to become a Foundation donor was centered around the tragic passing of Katherine Groggett, the collegiate chapter president from my chapter. While she and I were not collegians together (I had missed her by


The Trident Fall 2019

Why would you encourage other Tri Deltas to consider planned giving?

one year), I saw how profoundly impacted my chapter was by her passing. A scholarship was set up in her honor through the Foundation, and this was my way of being able to give back to my chapter through a directed donation. I had spoken with a few alumnae from my chapter about ways to give, and being able to set up this contribution specifically for my chapter (through the Foundation) seemed like the best way to give and make a direct impact on the collegians that shared the same home as I once did.

All it took was a moment of reflection to truly understand the impact that Tri Delta has had on my life, and I’d encourage my fellow Tri Deltas to do the same. I chose to go the route of directed planned giving to the Katherine Groggett Memorial Scholarship, in honor of a woman who dedicated her life to serving Tri Delta’s Purpose as collegiate chapter president. By doing so, I know my contribution will go towards a Theta Tau collegian who lives to serve our purpose each day. Members who designate the Foundation in their wills or estate plans are recognized as members of our prestigious Heritage Society. For information on giving to Tri Delta through your will or estate plan, please contact Tawnya Braeutigam at 817.471.1908 or tbraeutigam@trideltaeo.org.

Photo: Annie Garner/Let it Shine Photography

Tri Delta's Heritage Society More than 150 generous members have remembered Tri Delta in their wills or estate plans. They are recognized as members of our prestigious Heritage Society, sustaining our sisterhood for generations to come. Join us in celebrating these loyal and steadfast sisters. Elizabeth Gowans Ahrens, Michigan State June Rickard Aldridge, William & Mary Mary Estelle Kanning Amberg, Minnesota Gail Anderson, Iowa State Marilyn Muldoon Arendt, New Mexico Gael Salter Baggett, Louisiana State Dorothy Coseboom Baker, Maryland Evalyn Torppa Baker, Idaho Roxanne Barnes, Southwestern Judith Barth, Cornell Erika Loen Beatty, Minnesota Maureen Laffey Bills, Cornell Bethany Blakey, Pittsburgh Mary Gray Bolin, Louisiana State Lynne Cellio Brown, Transylvania Beth Burkes, Wake Forest Harryette Campbell, Missouri Tori Campbell, Wyoming Jeanne Carlson, Oregon Barbara Schutt Castano, Texas/Arlington Camille Clark, Michigan State Marilyn Kotter Clauder, Nevada Gayle Knight Colman, Auburn Joan Meland Dana, Minnesota LuAnn Riegl Daniel, Villanova Kelly Hyde Delattre, Florida State Athina Eslick Dever, Butler Nancy Devine, Minnesota Isabelle Harner Donahey, Ohio State Diana Druley, Texas/El Paso Vivian Wilkinson Dunnaway, Arkansas Susan Pert Earley, Cincinnati Carolyn Mullenax Edwards, Tulsa Molly Maloney Evangelisti, Nevada Roberta Messic Faigle, Syracuse Jan Griffin Farrington, Mississippi Georgianna Schuyler Fernandes, Cornell Adelaide Gonzalez Few, Randolph-Macon Angela Ficht, Cal State/Long Beach Leslie Eisen Fort, Colorado State Ellen Quarterman Friedman, Pacific Jan Purdy Futhey, Ohio Wesleyan Jean Hunt Gaines, California/Los Angeles Polly McWherter Gast, Ohio State Mary Bayless Greenlee, Denison Nancy McDonald Griggs, Florida State Emily Bourne Grigsby, Vanderbilt


Barbara Bock Guerra, Florida Tricia Halamandaris, California/Berkeley Susanna Currie Harper, Texas Carol Knoche Helmus, Millikin Debbie Wahl Hembree, Georgia Pam Herring Hicks, Franklin Barbara Snyder Nelson Hinds, Texas Tamara Marinkovic Hines, Southern Methodist Kailey Holt, Idaho Cora Peters Horger, Cal State/Long Beach Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State Andi Hughes, Vanderbilt Nicole Hughes, Washington State Chrys Grafrath Hyde, Coe Rebecca Jackson, Stephen F. Austin Jeanne Jamell, Arkansas Deborah Johnson, Nevada Darlene Dahl Jones, Washington Jennifer Ritter Kelly, Cornell Joyce Gottschalk Koehler, Cincinnati Tasha Kostantacos, Arizona State Sandra Williams Young Krieger, Mississippi Marian Hummel Kurz, Miami/Ohio SueBeth Crockett Lain, Texas Tech Dawnell Dean Lamb, Washington Neilanne Parker Lange, Louisiana State Mary Ann Shriner Lillie, Iowa State Mary White Lott, Oklahoma State Kelly Clarkson Loy, Oklahoma State Amie Young Lundquist, Maine Sue Malmberg, Simpson Mary Lynn Manning, Kansas State Deborah Daley Martin, Iowa Kathy Salisbury Massie, Minnesota Rhone Moore McCall, Southern Methodist Ann Marie Johnson McGee, Idaho Michele Stephens McGeeney, Texas Tech Kathryn Miller McKee, Kansas State Linda Wolf McLinden, Pittsburgh Mary Haley McWhorter, Tennessee Anne Parsons Michael, Minnesota Meredith Nye Moran, Kentucky Yvonne Gardner Newhouse, Ohio State Ginny Nicklas, Michigan Sherry Shrout Norton, West Virginia Linda Glascock O'Bryant, Missouri Joan Kalmanek Overbeek, Illinois Mary Kay Linzell Palmer, Ohio State Karen Metzger Parry, Colorado Peggy Marshall Payne, Miami/Ohio Debbie Lawton Pickens, Florida State Judith McCutcheon Pownall, Toronto Penny Purviance, Mount Union Kathy Ragan, Wyoming Becky Haas Ramsey, Syracuse Cathleen Snider Raymer, Texas Christian Janice Kent Reish, Oregon Eve Woods Riley, Southern Methodist

Jane Chaffee Ripp, Wisconsin Jean Wiggin Roach, Texas Christian Patricia Arthur Rouse, Colorado State Susan Abrahamson Routh, North Carolina Brooke Pearson Sanders, Arkansas J Kim Scholes, Tennessee Katherine Schultz, Oregon State Jeri Sedlar, Michigan State Kelly Shacklett, California/Los Angeles Michelle Popp Shimberg, Florida Laura Simic, Oregon Ginger Hicks Smith, Emory Lynn Zoll Smith, Michigan State Robyn Rever Smith, Mississippi State Jean Smith Snodgrass, Southern Methodist Sandie Wood Spain, Mississippi Jane DeWald Spikes, Texas Tech Kathy Hamilton Steinwedell, William & Mary Jackie Thurber Stenger, Puget Sound Jo-Anne Stenger, Florida Laura Stenovec, Denver Judy Hutchison Stevenson, Florida Mary Martha Gibson Stinnett, Southern Methodist Christine Wilson Strom, Ohio State Margaret Sulkowski, Pennsylvania State Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine Ann Michele Shaffer Sweeney, Richmond Shirley Shull Tart, Texas Nancy Teich, DePauw Joyce McEwen Therkildsen, Iowa State Donna Burger Thoelecke, Colorado State Barbara Derr Thomas, Texas A&M Janet Tomlinson, Beloit Laura Shapiro Torrey, Florida Brenda Hester Towe, Oklahoma State Joyce Krogen Ursin, Wisconsin Linda Vedane, Simpson Charlene Rulifson Voge, Pennsylvania State Nancie Clouser Waldron, Miami/Ohio Barbara Walters, Stetson Elizabeth Ware, Idaho Sally Watkins Ware, Louisiana/Lafayette Ann Clark Webb, Georgia Rebecca Wynn Weiler, Rhodes Elizabeth Hankins Wendorff, Baker Karen Hughes White, Georgia Dr. Linda Garrett Whitson, Duke Karen Williams, Virginia Tech Martha Toler Williams, Texas Kathy Kruger Wilson, Ball State Mary Ann Heyser Wright, William & Mary Lois Cone Wtulich, Syracuse Karla Yale, Northwestern

Fall 2019 The Trident


Mind the Gap By Dr. Brit Katz

“Mind the Gap,” trills the cautionary voice of London’s subways. The American equivalent is “Watch Your Step” to remind us of the inches separating a platform from the car. Such a small distance but worth noting that people are injured by small gaps. Imagine the gaps created by the differing generations of adults serving Tri Delta and its Purpose. The Silent Generation (born 1925-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Gen X (1965-1979), Gen Y/Millennials (1980-1994), and Generation Z (1995-2012) co-exist with very differing perspectives. Since cultural values and beliefs change over time, with ongoing education, we ensure there is greater understanding — perhaps appreciation — amongst the generations for each other. Above: Dr. Brit Katz leads a workshop at Tri Delta’s Volunteer Leadership Conference. 22

The Trident Fall 2019

In a recent Tri Delta Volunteer Leadership Conference (VLC) workshop that I led, the collegiate generation — all in Gen Z — was examined through data-based generalizations. Research confirms that our collegians are techno-savvy; love YouTube; disdain email; abhor any education debt; acknowledge the value of college education but want it uniquely delivered; possess learning skills bestowed by the internet and software; hold significant part-time employment to pay tuition and fees (and dues); and feel pressure from parents to select academic majors with evident job prospects. An interesting and recent study confirmed the increased utility of Instagram as a communications platform. This is not a generation that will write you a handwritten love-letter — after all, how would they insert their “emojis”? When we study and comprehend the values and needs of each generation, the gen gap shrinks; collegiate members better find Tri Delta more culturally relevant to their college and postcollege careers.

Educators worry about the present cohort’s record-setting stress levels, accompanied by the statistic that almost 20% (1 of 6 in one study) escort a medicated condition to college and into their chapter. More than 43% are assessed as lonely. To help, institutions invest to hire more psychotherapists in Counseling Centers; 80% of ‘higher ed’ presidents cite student mental healthcare as a primary focus. New studies indicate that student “addiction” to cellphones, iPads, and social media has diminished overall social interaction skills (also called “soft skills development”).

cantly suffers from one of these concerns. Who better than Tri Delta to demonstrate ongoing concern for troubled sisters?

Advisors and alumnae are primarily white while the nation’s population rapidly adds women of color. By 2064, the United

States will be comprised by pluralities of race and ethnicity. In one estimate, 46% of the nation’s women will be white by that date. LatinX, African American, Asian American, Native American and multi-racial women will comprise the majority of undergraduate matriculants. Further, the number of openly gay, bisexual, gender-fluid and transgender women will increase as If the volunteer alumnae (Silent Gen, Baby Boomers, Gen X, our American culture gradually welcomes them. Chapters and and Gen Y) convert knowledge about Gen Z into their adviseadvisors should identify the campus Chief Diversity Officer ment, mentorship and education of the for workshops on intercultural comcollegians, rich opportunities appear for petence. Request that the Panhellenic success in Tri Delta’s future recruitment, recruitment brochures feature women If the volunteer alumnae retention and alumnae engagement. of color, women with disabilities and There are many proactive steps to take. women of other diversities in the phoof prior generations But, to prevent this article from being tographs; a brochure devoid of all races convert knowledge about longer than a CVS receipt, key issues and ethnicities yields a shrinking pool from the VLC workshops are highlighted of potential new members. Schedule a Gen Z into their advisement, in the remaining paragraphs: chapter workshop once per semester mentorship and education of the on the issue of “microaggressions” and their impact upon women in all diversiCurrent students fear debt, any debt, collegians, rich opportunities ty/inclusion categories including white all debt. Many are the children of Baby appear for success in Tri Delta's women. Boomer and Generation X parents who lost everything in the national economy future recruitment, retention crises in the late 1990s or 2000s. A valAnnually educate and train advisors to ue for money was passed to Gen Z with respond to ongoing issues with drug and and alumnae engagement. the headline “pay as you go” or don’t go. alcohol use. Forecasts predict that GenEncourage each Panhellenic Council to erations Y and Z will make marijuana review (and lower) the recruitment fee legal nationwide when they assume for all prospective students. Review the political leadership at the polls. Alumchapter’s dues structure for maximized affordability — and nae should focus upon the astonishing destruction inflicted by eliminate needless assessments. opioids, shared prescriptions and alcohol abuse. The epidemic of opioid use is a new source of agitation for college administration. Alumnae and upperclass collegians can learn more about an

institution’s financial aid officers and available resources for all members. Afterwards, schedule chapter meeting workshops with Financial Aid and Scholarship officers. Otherwise, your left-handed, first-generation sophomore sister studying forestry won’t know that a scholarship exists for those specific criteria!

Advisors and collegiate officers should identify the location, contact information, and names for counselors and health care providers at the host institution. Anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation and self-destructive tendencies will increase amongst future members according to the American College Health Association. Recall that almost one-of-five collegians signifi-

LET’S TALK www.tridelta.org Tune into an upcoming Let's Talk Tri Delta podcast for more on this topic. TRI DELTA

Think of Tri Delta as the sorority equivalent to Netflix. We are programming for every generation’s immediate needs using the latest technology, seven days a week, 12 months a year, using a cellphone or an iPad, not the traditional “TV set.” So, “Mind the Gap” for all sisters…or someone may fall through the crack. Dr. Brit Katz has been a college student affairs educator since 1982. A brother in Sigma Nu Fraternity, he is a longtime supporter of the women's college fraternity movement, most recently as Vice President and Senior Dean at Millsaps College.

Fall 2019 The Trident


The first of Tri Delta’s Generation Z members have begun to graduate college. Today, Tri Delta’s more than 220,000 alumnae represent five generations: The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z. Each generation brings its own unique perspective, allowing women of all ages to learn from one another. Today’s college student looks very different from the college student of previous generations. But one thing has remained constant through the decades: the Tri Delta experience. Five alumnae — one from each generation — share how Tri Delta has shaped who they are today.

by Content Manager Amanda Milford, Texas/Arlington


The Trident Fall 2019

Photo: John Dyer

Silent Generation In April 2019, contemporary artist Brenda Smith Kingery, Oklahoma, (pictured above in her home), was inducted into the Chickasaw Hall of Fame, honoring Chickasaws who have made significant contributions to Chickasaw people or the Native American community. The honor was a perfect celebration of Brenda’s career which has spanned half a century. Brenda always loved art. “In grade school the teachers called my mother and said, ‘You have an artist.’” But rather than being given specific instruction,


Fall 2019 The Trident


“It was the first time I learned about outreach, which became an important segment of my life.” - BRENDA KINGERY Brenda was provided with art supplies and the freedom to be creative. In 1957, that creativity led her to the University of Oklahoma by way of an art scholarship. It also led her to Tri Delta, her first pick of the sororities on campus. Already having friends who were members, moving into the Tri Delta house was a comfortable fit. But Brenda’s college experience was vastly different from today’s college student, and even from her peers at the time. She married her high school sweetheart, Tom, as a sophomore, and by the time she graduated the couple had two children. “I didn’t have as much time in the Tri Delta house as most did,” she says. But the time she did have in the chapter left a lasting impact on her. She remembers learning simple life skills, like having good manners, and deeper lessons like the importance of serving others. “It was the first time I learned about outreach, which became an important segment of my life.” For Brenda, juggling a marriage and a growing family with a full-time course load came with its own unique challenges. As a scholarship student, she was required to be enrolled in at least 15 hours a semester. Tom was also in school and working nights, and the couple lived in an apartment on campus. They shared a car with Tom’s sister and lived off eggs from his grandfather’s farm and sweet rolls from a friend’s father who was a baker. “It was not glamorous at all,” says Brenda, looking back. “But I wouldn’t trade it.” Brenda graduated with a bachelor of fine arts, and the couple moved to Japan, where she spent seven years diving into the culture and history of Asian art. But when her mother invited her to


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come home to attend the Red Earth Pow Wow, it was a careerchanging experience. Brenda recalls being overwhelmed by the regalia, music and dancing — all of which would come to inspire her art. Completing her MFA, Brenda had begun her career teaching art. But with a friend’s encouragement, Brenda decided to quit teaching and pursue painting full time. “I thought if I don’t try it now, I never will. So I quit teaching to paint as a full-time artist. That was 40 years ago.” Brenda has used her art to empower women in countries across the world, cofounding the organization Threads of Blessing. The organization teaches textile and design to women to help provide them with the means of supporting themselves. In 2007, she was appointed by President George W. Bush to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA). Her work with IAIA allows her to give back and support younger generations. “Being on the Board of a university of Native Americans in the arts has taught me more than I ever imagined. I get to watch students, on scholarships like I was, getting this opportunity. It’s important to me to offer opportunities to people who may not have had a chance. It gives me great pride to see the students succeed.” To Brenda, intergenerational relationships—specifically in the form of mentorship—are so important. “All of us Tri Delta alumnae have incredible stories, and I hope young people will be encouraged by them. As for me, I’m still learning, and I can still learn a lot from today’s college students. I’m amazed at the art that young people are creating today…I’m encouraged by it.”

“As a lawyer I learned very quickly that I had to hold my own in negotiation with others who had been out there doing this a whole lot longer than I had. I had to be confident and poised at only 26 years old. Tri Delta is where I learned to do that.” -JOAN KAYSER “As Tri Deltas, we cared about how we represented each other in the house. We learned how to carry ourselves. As a lawyer I learned very quickly that I had to hold my own in negotiation with others who had been out there doing this a whole lot longer than I had. I had to be confident and poised at only 26 years old. Tri Delta is where I learned to do that.” Joan was in college during the late 1960s — a tumultuous time period in U.S. history. When Joan Bradbury Kayser, Florida, entered law school at Harvard University in 1971, she was one of only a handful of women there. Although Harvard Law School had begun admitting women in 1950, many in society didn’t believe women should be lawyers at all. “Students didn’t really want women there,” Joan recalls. “They would say, ‘Why are you here taking up a man’s place?’ Sometimes there were certain professors—not all—whose method was to put people under pressure, and they would aim particularly at the women. You had to be thick-skinned and tough.” For a woman, getting hired at a law firm after graduation was another challenge. Joan went to New York City and landed a job at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, a firm that had been founded in 1819. Joan was only the 20th woman to have ever worked there. In the workplace, there were people who thought she was a man before meeting her, simply because she was a lawyer. Also there were those who, when meeting her, assumed she was the secretary. She credits her experience as a member of Tri Delta’s Alpha Psi Chapter with arming her with the confidence, poise and professionalism that helped her succeed in her career.

www.tridelta.org Photo: Alex McKnight

“It was the Vietnam era, the civil rights movement, and there was a lot going on. I was at a school that, although we had varied personalities in the house, the campus didn’t have a lot of diversity at all. I’m very glad to see the campus has changed and is working on ways to improve. I’m glad to see that has changed in Tri Delta, too. A lot has gotten better, and I’m glad students still care about social issues.” Joan practiced law in New York City before moving to Sarasota, Florida, where she continued to practice law for many years. She eventually transitioned into serving as trust counsel and overseeing senior trust administration for two major national banks. She has since retired. She says her children and their families are her greatest source of joy and pride. Her daughter is director of donor engagement at the Sarasota Orchestra, and her son followed in her footsteps and is a partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, the same firm where she began her career. Last year, Joan had a chance to attend a celebration at the firm, recognizing all the women who have worked there through the decades. While she had been just the 20th woman employed there, there were well over 1,000 women in attendance.

Fall 2019 The Trident













The Trident Fall 2019




baby boomer generation

Current Age: 40-54 In College: 1983-2001 Initiated Tri Deltas: 66,541 Defining Moment: End of the Cold War New Technology: PCs, the Internet How they got their news: Television Traits: Values work-life balance Tri Delta History: The Tri Delta Foundation was established in 1986; Tri Delta celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1988.


Current Age: 25-39 In College: 1998-2016 Initiated Tri Deltas: 82,312 Defining Moment: Sept. 11 New Technology: Smart Phone How they got their news: Internet, Social Media Traits: Tech-savvy, confident Tri Delta History: In 2008, Tri Delta launched its Reflections: Body Image Program, a precursor to BodyImage3D


Current Age: 55-73 In College: 1964-1986 Initiated Tri Deltas: 54,423 Defining Moments: Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement New Technology: Television How they got their news: Newspaper/Television Traits: Strong work ethic Tri Delta History: Tri Delta initiated its 100,000th member in 1973 and officially adopted childhood cancer as its philanthropic focus in 1974.

Current Age: 74-94 In College: 1943-1967 Initiated Tri Deltas: 41,240 Defining Moments: Great Depression, World War II New Technology: Microwave How they got their news: Newspaper/Radio Traits: Values tradition Tri Delta History: Tri Delta initiated its 50,000th member in 1953, and established the Golden Circle to celebrate 50 years of membership.


millennial generation

Current Age: 7-24 In College: 2013-Present Initiated Tri Deltas: 34,422 Defining Moment: Great Recession New Technology: Wearable Technology How they got their news: Internet, Social Media Traits: Digital natives, socially conscious, future-focused Tri Delta History: Tri Delta dedicated the Ginger Hicks Smith Museum & Archives at Executive Office in 2018. Illustrations: Brett Stiles; Design: Tori Riesselman

Gen X When Kelley Moore Godfrey, Georgia, was in college in the mid ‘80s, her dream was to be a sportscaster or sports writer. But even as recent as the ‘80s, women sportscasters and writers were rare. “In school women didn’t consider certain majors or careers—we were limited because it wasn’t what women did. It’s certainly not that way anymore.” Instead of pursuing sports journalism, Kelley studied psychology. Today, she’s enjoyed a 25-year career with Delta Airlines and currently serves as general manager of employee engagement, communications, uniforms and community involvement for Delta’s technical operations department. It was no surprise that Kelley joined Tri Delta’s Alpha Rho Chapter at the University of Georgia. She already knew some of the Tri Deltas in the chapter and had been invited to Tri Delta events while she was in high school. “I knew from the very beginning that I wanted to be a Tri Delta,” she says. “It was humbling for me, quite frankly, to be around such accomplished women from around the world. I learned to value other people’s opinions and I learned that everybody brings something of value. I learned to be kind.” In Tri Delta, Kelley—who grew up with only a brother—found a group of sisters and lifelong friends. Today, she says, the group relies on technology they never had in school to stay connected and to be a source of support for one another.

Allison and Kelley had the opportunity to collaborate closely on a special project for Delta: redesigning the uniforms for Delta’s more than 60,000 frontline employees. They selected New York fashion designer Zac Posen and Lands’ End to create the uniforms.

“It was humbling for me, quite frankly, to be around such accomplished women from around the world. I learned to value other people’s opinions and I learned that everybody brings something of value. I learned to be kind.” -KELLEY MOORE GODFREY

“We have a Facebook page we use to stay in touch with each other…through the good and the bad. Especially with my generation starting to lose parents, as Tri Deltas we have a whole support group built in. We’ve known each other since we were teenagers.” In fact, she credits her Tri Delta sisters for her career at Delta. It was a group of sisters that initially encouraged her to apply for a flight attendant job opening which eventually led to other opportunities in the company. It was also at Delta where she met fellow Tri Delta sister Allison Ausband, Georgia, senior vice president of in-flight service.

Photo: Mellisa Golden www.tridelta.org

“When I first started out and was brand new, Allison helped me get my footing under me. I could ask her questions, and she would help me understand what was going on.”

Of working with Allison, Kelley shares, “When you have that connection already, working on a huge project makes it that much more special.”

Kelley has seen the benefit of intergenerational relationships throughout her workplace. “I think the intergenerational relationships are so important,” she says. “The newest generation of employees don’t have preconceived notions. They think outside the box, they’re innovative and they question why we do things certain ways. Delta is a 90-year-old company, and we need to stay nimble, innovative and creative to remain relevant.” Kelley has had the opportunity to “pay it forward” to younger generations, too. She was able to write a reference for the daughter of long-time friends who also ended up joining Tri Delta and who just graduated in May. “I’ve been so proud of watching her as she’s progressed. Everything comes full circle.”

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“Tri Delta totally changed my college experience. It ended up being the greatest thing to happen to me in college. Through Tri Delta, you work with so many different people with so many different backgrounds and personalities. You learn how to find the right balance between different perspectives. It taught me about responsibility, not just for myself but to others.” Sana benefited greatly from the friendships Tri Delta helps its members develop. She credits her chapter advisors for teaching her not only about the professional world, but how to successfully navigate her college experience. She also saw the benefit of learning from those younger than her. “No one person has it all figured out. Learning comes from both directions,” says Sana. “It’s important to understand what has been done before, and to get a new, fresh set of eyes. That carries over in the workplace. You work with your superiors who have been there before you to understand the big picture, but you bring in younger people who understand things you haven’t experienced. The world is always changing.” Sana didn’t immediately begin her career in social media. After graduation, she went to work for a public relations agency and eventually landed a role as a public relations coordinator with the Empire State Building in New York City. It was there that she began exploring ways to utilize social media.

Students in middle school and high school today have essentially grown up in a world where social media has always existed. For Sana Merchant-Rupani, Southern Methodist, who has built her career in social media, that wasn’t the case.

“I had always been into social media and used it personally. My boss was supportive and gave me the opportunity to apply that in a real world space. I shifted gears from PR to experimenting “Through Tri Delta, you work with so with social media—I was many different people with so many learning as I went along.”

different backgrounds and personalities. You learn how to find the right balance between different perspectives. It taught me about responsibility, not just for myself but to others.”

When she came across a job opening at the NFL, Sana applied. At the NFL, Sana advises all 32 teams on their soSana, who currently works as the senior cial media strategy, looking manager of club social media strategy for at ways to deliver content the National Football League, attended -SANA MERCHANT-RUPANI that the fans will connect SMU in 2007-2011. Social media, startwith. In November 2018, ing with platforms like Myspace, Facebook and Twitter, had only just been introduced and was Sana was nationally recognized when she landed a spot on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list, “featuring 600 trailblazers in 20 industries.” For Sana, uncharted territory. the honor was both inspiring and motivating. That meant that throughout college, Sana had the opportunity to learn with this new technology, as it first developed and evolved. Although she only graduated from college eight years ago, Sana “My generation was the first who were on social media connecting, already sees how different college today is from her experience. talking and exploring there,” she explains, “We set the first line of “There’s a lot more pressure now on students,” she notes. “It’s a difbehavior patterns on social media in terms of how things work and ferent experience today.” At the same time, she says she’s noticed the consistent experience Tri Delta has offered its members through the don’t work.” decades. “A lot of my advisors who were in the chapter before me While social media has had a profound impact on Sana’s college ex- seemed to take away similar experiences. Though the generations perience and subsequent career, so has Tri Delta. The daughter of might change and what is trending might change, the hope is that Indian immigrants, Sana didn’t have any idea what Greek life was every Tri Delta generation is getting the same experience, learning, growth and support.” about, but she took a chance on it. 30

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Photo: William Christensen

Gen Z Having just graduated in May 2019, Lauren Hornbeak, Baylor, is one of Tri Delta’s first Generation Z alumnae. The education major is starting her first year teaching high school biology at Cypress Creek High School in Houston, Texas, where she’s helping shape the next generation of students. But teaching wasn’t always the path Lauren planned on pursuing. She admits, “I wasn’t going to be a teacher. I didn’t want to work in the classroom. I started college as pre-med because I wanted to be a physician assistant.” But after shadowing a PA, Lauren quickly realized that career path wasn’t for her. She didn’t know which direction to take so she paid a visit to the career counselors who administered an aptitude test. Every one of Lauren’s top profession matches all had to do with education. After transferring to the School of Education, Lauren was placed in a school to see if she might like teaching. And just as quickly as she realized medicine wasn’t the right fit, she found her passion for the classroom. “I fell in love with working with children. I love just being able to be their mentor, and pour into them every single day. It’s really special and not something a lot of professions get to do.” Both her Baylor education, as well as her Tri Delta experience, has helped prepare her for life in the classroom. Fittingly, Lauren served as Beta Tau’s continuing education chair, where she had the opportunity to grow as a leader and educator. “Tri Delta taught me a lot about serving a group of people holistically.” Learning to look at a problem and make decisions based on what would be best for the chapter overall is a skill she has carried with her into the classroom. “I have to decide how we will best prepare our students to be successful and determine what’s going to be best for them overall.” She says that type of decision-making takes practice. And Tri Delta gave her a safe space to grow in confidence. “Tri Delta allowed us to practice, grow and become the adults we are today.” As an educator, Lauren also recognizes that her college experience was very different from previous generations in the way the curriculum today is delivered. With technology today, students can immediately google the answer to any question. They no longer need to rely on memorizing facts and material. “It’s less rote learning, and more about learning how to use the resources at our fingertips, and how to use them accurately,” Lauren explains. That idea certainly bleeds into her own classroom. One of the biggest battles Lauren says she faces as an educator of the younger generations with shrinking attention spans is ensuring they are engaged in the classroom.

Photo: Scogin Mayo www.tridelta.org

“Tri Delta allowed us to practice, grow and become the adults we are today.” -LAUREN HORNBEAK “Students today are used to being able to just get our their phones if they’re bored—I do that too. So it’s important that we create lessons where students are engaged, and we grab their attention from the second they walk in our door.” This means providing active and engaging lessons and creating activities that allow them to move around. “I want to cultivate a classroom where they feel safe to make mistakes, be themselves and ask questions. Where they feel comfortable saying, ‘I just need to take five minutes to myself,’ if they’re having a bad day. I want them to be able to advocate for themselves because that’s super important in today’s society.” Lauren is no doubt off to the right start. This summer, she was named the 2019 National Student Teacher of the Year by Kappa Delta Pi, the international honor society in education, and the Association of Teacher Educators. She says it’s a huge honor and a source of confidence as she navigates her first year in the classroom. “Knowing that I may not be perfect but that I’m doing some things right…it’s a huge confidence booster.”

Fall 2019 The Trident


Live, Learn, Lead

Pardonnez Mon Français By Director of Public Relations Jason Paul Gomez “Bring You” means allowing Tri Deltas to be their authentic selves, celebrating what makes up their identity. “Language is also a large part of our identities, says Mélanie Olsen, Ottawa, who serves her collegiate chapter as the bilingual chair. “Speaking French is part of my identity and Tri Delta allows me to keep that intact.” Diversity and inclusion within Tri Delta have numerous facets, and Canada Delta Chapter is actively making language an important part of inclusion for their collegiate experience. The University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, currently is the largest bilingual university in the world, with many students who are francophones (those whose first language is French). The innovative university offers the same classes in both English and French and many students learn both languages as part of their time in university, as it becomes necessary for transitions into careers with Parliament and other areas of the Canadian government. As a francophone, Mélanie has been able to expand her horizons through her time at Ottawa and challenge the boundaries of inclusion within her chapter. “Growing up in Québec, French is mostly spoken, but we learned English at home as well,” she said. “I went to English camp, watched ‘Sesame Street’ and my anglophone (predominantly English-speaking people) friends helped as well.”

The University of Ottawa's Canada Delta Chapter is committed to creating a more inclusive space for its French-speaking sisters. The chapter's bilingual chair, Mélanie Olsen, shares how the chapter is connecting through language.


The Trident Fall 2019

Through her membership in Tri Delta, she’s been welcomed by a chapter proud of its diversity and multiple languages, with members from Singapore, Ukraine, China, Europe, Canada and the United States. About a quarter of the chapter is fluent in French, as it’s not as prominent in other Provinces in the country. As the chapter began to welcome more francophone members, it developed an officer position dedicated to serving bilingual needs, making language and culture a priority. At left: Mélanie Olsen participated in Delta Demos at Tri Delta's Collegiate Leadership Conference last spring. Opposite page: Members of Canada Delta Chapter are pictured in front of Parliament.

“Our chapter is unique, and we aim to be inclusive for our sisters and for women who want to join,” Mélanie noted. “The francophones are still a minority, and we have to look to remove the barriers to allow for belonging when it comes to language.” Sarah Torretta-Trout, Southeast Missouri, has been a French teacher in St. Louis, Missouri, for 17 years. She has seen an increase in U.S. students’ desire to understand language. And while students are eager to learn, they are apprehensive to practice because of the perceived need for perfection of fluency. Simply attempting to learn and practice allows anyone to push the bubble of their individual experience. “The internet and social media remove so many borders and exposes younger generations to the larger world,” Sarah said. “There is a sign in my classroom that reads ‘Respect Begins with Understanding.’ The nuances of others’ lives come with an understanding of language and culture. Meeting people where they are and accepting them allows for more respect and personal growth, which exemplifies the Tri Delta experience.” The bilingual chair at Canada Delta dedicates much of the role to recruitment and public relations efforts, including incorporating bilingual posts and translating communications for members and PNMs. Mélanie has seen that more information has been


required in French so that members and potential members have greater clarity of the experiences Tri Delta offers within Canada Delta. She is currently in the process of translating chapter bylaws into French for clearer understanding and operations. She has also begun more social programming for members, including Delta Dates where sisters are paired up to help bridge and learn each other’s languages. Members are eager to learn, and there has been high participation from anglophone members. For the dates, they are provided practice points such as greetings, ordering at restaurants and asking for directions so that they may feel independent in French settings. The chapter has even taken trips into Quebec for total French immersions. Mélanie presented her work as bilingual chair at Collegiate Leadership Conference 2019 as part of the Delta Demos in an exhibit she called “Pardon My French.” She was able to share her experiences with other chapters and members who were interested in developing more inclusive practices for their international members. “It’s my hope that more Tri Delta chapters take the initiative to prioritize their diverse members and focus on kindness through the sense of belonging. That has allowed me to bring my Tri Delta family to see the important parts of my identity and my world.”

Fall 2019 The Trident


Live, Learn, Lead

“Landing the lead role was probably the most excited I had ever been,” said Emilie. “It was rewarding to see that all the hard work I put into my audition and acting over the years paid off. As soon as I got the email, I wanted to get on set and start filming!”

#GOGOLDDD In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Epsilon Zeta Chapter at Loyola Marymount University started a new #gogolddd campaign. To kick off the first week of September, the chapter tabled on campus and asked people to write their name on a gold ribbon to show support for their cause. After just one day, more than 500 people in the community had written their name on a ribbon! Every Wednesday, the chapter would wear a gold Tri Delta Place 34

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shirt for "On Wednesdays We Go Golddd," to show that they are always thinking about our mission for St. Jude. Additionally, for the last week of September, the chapter baked desserts at the Ronald McDonald House, which also connects to their annual philanthropy event, Delta Desserts. Lastly, Epsilon Zeta attended the St. Jude Walk/Run LA, and had their biannual Kiss Away Cancer event where they sold candy grams of Hershey Kisses for $1.


PHI THETA – AUBURN UNIVERSITY Phi Theta Chapter members had a successful year of fundraising for St. Jude. The chapter was thrilled to announce they raised $103,390.42 for the families and patients receiving treatment in Memphis, Tennessee.

DELTA MU – UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Delta Mu Chapter members made a commitment to focusing on their academics, and it’s no surprise they went above and beyond. The chapter had 100 members on the President’s List and 138 members on the Dean’s List. The chapter is so proud of the hard work and dedication these members put into their academics this past year.


ALPHA PSI – UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Alpha Psi Chapter participated in and celebrated their university’s 25th year anniversary of hosting Dance Marathon in March. The chapter far exceeded their fundraising goal and raised over $36,000 For the Kids at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Miracle Network. Overall, the University of Florida raised more than $3 million this year and our members were so proud to be a part of this experience. While Alpha Psi is passionate about serving others, they are also passionate about their academics and remaining a Chapter of Excellence at UF which is acknowledge by the Florida Greek Standards and is the highest level that can be achieved on campus. The chapter’s GPA continues to improve. They finished the semester with a 3.486 GPA, and had 30 members finish with a 4.0 GPA and 50 members with a 3.75 GPA or above. Congratulations to Alpha Psi for their passionate service to their community and dedication to their academic endeavors!

BETA LAMBDA – UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Beta Lambda Chapter supported Childhood Cancer Awareness Month throughout the month of September. The chapter came together to decorate their house with yellow decorations, wear yellow on Wednesdays and promote “Why

Tri Delta” and childhood cancer awareness on their social media on Tuesdays. Members were also encouraged to wear hospital bands throughout the month in honor of all children battling cancer.


DELTA PI – UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Throughout the previous school year, Delta Pi Chapter worked hard to grow the chapter in academics, sisterhood, connecting with alumnae and personal and professional development. The chapter created a new risk management plan to better guarantee the safety of their members. They also worked on a new sisterhood event to further strengthen the lifelong bonds made in their chapter. The inaugural all-house sisterhood retreat took place at Stone Creek Events Center in Urbana, Illinois. The purpose of the retreat was to collectively brainstorm ways to continue growing their sisterhood and service, and to reflect on all they have accomplished as a chapter throughout the year. Many workshops were held at the chapter house to address topics such as diversity, respect, inclusion, and awareness of drugs, alcohol and sexual assault. The chapter believes it is important to keep their members engaged in real-world issues and be avid thinkers for solutions inside and outside of their chapter.


THETA OMEGA – UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Theta Omega Chapter hosted a Delta Diner in support of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Despite the cold weather, the event was a huge success and the chapter even had help from their community to make the event even better. Perkins Restaurant and Bakery donated four Gatorade coolers of pancake batter to help feed the guests of Delta Diner. This tremendously helped cut down Theta Omega’s cost of hosting the event as nearly 550 people attended. With this many people, the chapter ran out of pancake batter but a generous chef and his team from Best

biddday Tri Delta chapters welcomed their newest sisters this fall! Clockwise from top left: University of Wyoming, University of Oklahoma, Baylor University and Oklahoma State.

Fed Greeks stepped in and made homemade batter on the spot and even flipped the pancakes to ensure the event could go on! In addition to the support of Perkins and Best Fed Greeks staff, Eileen’s Colossal Cookies also made a generous donation of 200 of their famous cookies that were given to anyone who bought a VIP ticket. The VIP tickets were a new addition this past year and cost $7 instead of the normal $5. The members of Theta Omega were so excited when they found out that Delta Diner raised over $10,000 for St. Jude!


CHI – UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI Chi Chapter honors Tri Delta’s commitment to showing the world Our Kind of Kind by continuously being involved and giving back to their community. Last fall, Chi Chapter pioneered the university’s first ever “Service Swap” and continued to complete another in the spring. Now, having connected with other organizations in Panhellenic, NPHC and IFC, members are able to set a precedent of giving back to the Oxford area. The chapter was also overjoyed to have one of its members, Ann Weston Sistrunk, named Greek Woman of the Year after she demonstrated selfless service to Greek life overall during her collegiate experience. Additionally, Chi Chapter raised more than $28,000 for St. Jude in one day, surpassing their initial goal of $24,000. After a great year of passionately serving others, Chi Chapter was honored to receive the Amy Wells Dolan Panhellenic Chapter of the Year Award for their commitment to the core values of Greek life at the University of Mississippi.


THETA DELTA – UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Congratulations to Theta Delta Chapter for winning six Greek Excellence Awards this past spring. As a chapter, they took home Sisterhood of the Year and Most Involved Chapter Awards.


The Trident Fall 2019

Leading on Campus Chi Chapter members stepped up in leadership roles to serve the University of Mississippi community. These roles include president of RebelTHON, Ole Miss’s dance marathon program; president and vice president of the Columns Society; and president-elect and treasurer of the Student Alumni Council. Two sisters also co-founded Come Together Oxford, a new organization that gathers thousands of students for a campus worship service.

Collegiate Chapter President Keely Barnett was recognized as the Most Outstanding Sorority Chapter President of the Year. Makayla Herbert was named the Most Outstanding Sorority Officer of the Year, Amanda Carver was awarded Sorority Woman of the Year and Brittani Lancaster received a scholarship for leadership and academics. Congratulations to Theta Delta Chapter and their individual members for these much deserved awards!


ALPHA LAMBDA – UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA Alpha Lambda Chapter set impressive goals for the 2018-2019 academic year, and it is no surprise the chapter went above and beyond to accomplish these goals! Throughout the year, the chapter completed 5,517 service hours, was the highest fundraising chapter at USC after raising $91,000, and ended the year with a chapter GPA of 3.44 and a new member GPA of 3.93. Alpha Lambda members also attended nine leadership and sorority life events. We are so proud of the chapter for all of their hard work in academics, leadership and philanthropy!


ETA – UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT Congratulations to Eta Chapter for receiving numerous chapter and individual awards this past semester. These awards include Excellence in Philanthropic Endeavors, Outstanding New Member Program, Excellence in Leadership Development and Excellence in Collaboration. Individual awards include: Outstanding Junior – Collegiate Chapter President Kathryn Fagan; Emerging Leader – Kate Springer; Scholars of the Year – Kaila Carson and Sarah Fazzaro; Leaders of Distinction – Sarah Wry; Public Ritual – Molly Grossman; Unsung Hero – Sam Serrantonio; Fraternity and Sorority Life Pillar Award – Hailey Nelson; and Traveling Suitcase – Hailey Nelson and Meredith Gillis.

Life After College

Building Connections

The Power of Networking by Laura Stenovec, Denver

send between 750-800 holiday cards every year. “I’m building relationships,” I tell people when they look at me funny. Networking has become part of who I am, as a person and professional. It helped start my career, build a business, and create the most meaningful relationships. Recently in Denver, I opened my team’s conference by thanking the audience—a group of top leaders with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working every day—for being some of the most important relationships in my life. I meant it. And yet, I never saw myself in this industry. My career started in nonprofit development and fundraising. From a young age, I knew I wanted to do this. During my senior year of boarding school, I had been involved in the “student alumnae” program. When I started my job search


The Trident Fall 2019

at the end of college, I told my Tri Delta advisors about this program and shared that I wanted to find a job in education. One advisor told me she knew of a girl’s school being opened, and a colleague suggested they could be hiring. I knew this would be a perfect fit. So, as a plucky college senior, I just called up the president of the school. He laughed and was surprised I even knew about the position. My response was, “I networked.” I think he was surprised I had the chutzpah to call! But, as a result, my resume was put on the top of the list. And this never would have happened, had I not built an open and engaged relationship with my advisors. Later in my career, a friend told me that her niece was starting a company called Beautycounter. She thought I would be great in a position where success required building

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a team through genuine connections and then strengthening that team through investing in their personal growth and accomplishments. I initially told her no; I wasn’t ready to take such a risk. Then I saw an article about the company in The New York Times. My mom and I joke that the article was “above the fold” in the Times, so you know it had to be good! The article talked about the lack of regulation in health and safety in the beauty and personal care industry. It focused on reading labels and looking at human health issues. But what truly resonated with me was their focus on selling person-to-person, through direct sales, and not at stores. This would require connecting with people, sharing a mission and empowering consumers. It was right up my alley. Plus, this career shift would allow me to have a bigger outlet for education, health and safety, and put my skills to work to help build a business I wanted. I could be fulfilled by making a difference and I’d make a good income. I never thought this could be possible. And here I am, six years later, with a team of 15,000 consultants. I am so grateful. I began to realize that both careers came from my ability to network and, as a result, form meaningful connections. From my education and time helping found my chapter of Tri Delta, to interning at my NBC affiliate, I had surrounded myself with community-building connections. And I’ve been putting it to use ever since. My first essential of networking is to be authentically you as you get to know someone who you could connect with on a professional—or even personal—level. Be genuine, be curious, ask questions, and, most importantly, follow up and invest in the relationship. Make sure that you are someone who pours yourself into a relationship, and not one who takes and takes, draining them with self-serving motivations. When you ask for a favor, do it with purpose and intention. People are more likely to respond to someone who has been invested, rather than someone who is absent until they need something. It’s also important to stay organized, in whichever manner suits you best. I still use a Rolodex (Google it). I like to collect information on people and places and keep it handy. I know that, in this digital age, we are trying to rid ourselves of paper, but it’s been one of my greatest secrets of networking. Understand and be comfortable with the fact that relationships change. People who may have been great contacts in the past may no longer be, due to their personal or professional path. Make an effort to maintain genuine connections. But, if it starts to feel as though the dynamic is forced, don’t be afraid to move on.

www.tridelta.org LET’S TALK Tune into an upcoming Let's Talk Tri Delta podcast for more on this topic. TRI DELTA

DDD from the app store or visit: connectddd.org Getting CONNECTDDD is easy! Simply download the app from the App Store (download Graduway Community and then enter CONNECT DDD) or Google Play, or visit our mobile-friendly website, www.connectddd.org. Log in, create your profile, set your preferences and start connecting!

There’s no single, perfect way to effectively network. When I’m asked how to grow a business, I encourage people to do things that bring them joy. Do this and watch the circles of influence grow. You can’t just be there to “network and meet people”; they will see straight through to your lack of genuine interest. Get involved in what you like. The connections you make will follow because you’ll naturally surround yourself with people who have similar interests to yours. You have to prioritize networking, in order to make those meaningful connections. Take advantage of professional opportunities that include networking, and actively work to grow your circle through social events. Consider what you are doing to get yourself out there to meet people. The mindset can’t be “what’s in it for me?” but rather “how can I help?” Think about what you can actually give in relationships, and remember that you must follow through and make an authentic effort to help others. There are also some surefire mistakes you can make in networking—not following up, not thanking people, not paying it forward. Stop doing things for something in return; do it because it’s the right thing to do. There are times when we act for good karma points, but the bad karma always comes back. My passion for networking comes full circle through Tri Delta. It’s where we learned how to be leaders. We were put in uncomfortable situations, exactly as we are in our careers and the real world. We were introduced to people with common interests and values, who will, in turn, offer their support. It’s provided us a space and time in our lives to build and grow relationships and see how we can give back to them. Even if it’s just a holiday card.

Fall 2019 The Trident


The 2019-2020 chapter development consultants have packed their bags and are hitting the road this fall! Meet the 12 women who will be visiting all 141 of our collegiate chapters over the next few months.

TriDeltaTravelers Lauren Algyer, North Dakota State

and collaboration within the organization.

Major: Political Science and Homeland Security Words to describe her: Passionate, ambitious, excited Most looking forward to: Getting to travel and understand how each chapter is unique in its experience and women.

Anna Lee Painter, Oklahoma

Kat Bynon, Colgate Major: Biology Words to describe her: Compassionate, driven, passionate Most looking forward to: Visiting a diverse array of chapters and meeting all of the awesome women in them!

Lauren Bedal, Oregon Major: Psychology Words to describe her: Passionate, empathetic, dedicated Most looking forward to: Experiencing Tri Delta at different colleges and universities, and expanding my personal growth

Major: Human Relations – Nonprofit Organizational Studies Words to describe her: Zesty, grateful, positive Most looking forward to: Meeting more of our collegiate members, supporting them and watching them grow with sisterhood.

Katelyn Wobken, Northern Arizona Major: Mathematics Words to describe her: Timely, passionate, empathetic Most looking forward to: Exploring more of our sisterhood and fraternal ideals through the connection made throughout my visits. I am looking forward to personal growth and lasting growth of the women I get to meet!

Margaret Ann Barry, Auburn Major: Elementary Education Words to describe her:

Compassionate, hardworking, outgoing Most looking forward to: Learning about all the fun different chapter traditions in the chapters I visit, seeing brand new places and campuses that I’ve never traveled to before.

Kirby Fitzpatrick, Centre Major: Mathematics Words to describe her: Spunky, spirited, sincere Most looking forward to: Continuing to build strong relationships with the CDC team and the chapter members, advisors and volunteers I meet.

Hailey Nelson, Vermont Major: Environmental Studies Words to describe her: Empathetic, passionate, trustworthy Most looking forward to: Meeting many brave, bold and kind women who are fearlessly leading their chapter and inspiring their campus community!

Laney Humphreys, Oklahoma Major: Human Relations Words to describe her: Empathetic, intuitive, passionate Most looking forward to: Working with so many Tri Delta leaders and developing relationships with

sisters from different chapters across the country.

Michaela Johnson, Stockton Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management Words to describe her: Focused, dedicated, excited Most looking forward to: Collaborating, growing and learning with Tri Deltas across the country.

Claudia Ordonez-Landry, Boise State Major: General Business Words to describe her: Warmhearted, energetic, thoughtful Most looking forward to: Meeting members from all across the country and experiencing what sisterhood means for them.

Libby Cummings, Northern Arizona (not pictured) Major: Biology Words to describe her: Compassionate, dedicated, bubbly Most looking forward to: Showing each chapter their purpose and strengths within this organization and empowering each chapter to be the best version of itself it can be.

Impressive Tri Delta Grad Students Make their Marks on the World Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Tri Delta Foundation Graduate Scholarship recipients, listed below!

Sustainable engineering, higher education, organizational communication, nanotechnology, and everything in between—Tri Delta members are pursuing bold and innovative careers with an eye toward the future. This year, the Tri Delta Foundation awarded $101,600 in graduate scholarships to 35 Tri Deltas to support them on their continued educational journeys as they prepare to make an impact in the world through their chosen careers. Nicole Ho, Carnegie Mellon, is one such member. After graduating with a degree in engineering and public policy, Nicole is taking her education a step further. Currently a mechanical engineering graduate student at Carnegie Mellon, Nicole is combining her two fields of interest by studying sustainable engineering and how new technologies can impact society. Nicole plans to use engineering as a way to affect positive, lasting change in the world.

Top Six Areas of Study Tri Delta’s graduate scholarship recipients are studying a wide range of innovative topics. Here are a few examples of our sisters’ areas of expertise: Molecular Science & Nanotechnology Genetic Counseling Bioengineering, Global Medical Innovation Critical Policy, Equity & Leadership in Education Global Finance & Strategic Growth Organizational Communication www.tridelta.org

Emma Anstine, Alabama Harriett Erich Graduate Fellowship

Lindsey Milisits, Carnegie Mellon Leona McKie Muse Scholarship

Brittany Appleton, Coe Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Abigail Miller, Texas Houston Alumnae Chapter Graduate Scholarship

Katherine Babin, Louisiana State Delta Omega Chapter Graduate Scholarship Sara Baumann, Cal State/Long Beach Linda Garrett Whitson Graduate Scholarship Caroline Bergeron, Louisiana State Delta Omega Chapter Graduate Scholarship Amanda Carver, Oregon Jeanne L. Carlson & Live Learn Lead Scholarships Katie Church, Nebraska Harriett Erich Graduate Fellowship

Sarah Minter, Louisiana Tech Second Century Scholarship Kelsey Morihara, Creighton Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship Kayla Musgjerd, Coe Minneapolis/St Paul Alumnae Chapter Alice McNeely Scholarship Amanda Nelson, Nebraska Live Learn Lead Scholarship Laura Nichols, Mississippi Founders' Anniversary Fund Margaret Stafford Fellowship

Courtney Colwell, Wyoming Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Isabel Prado, Stanford Founders' Anniversary Fund Mary Margaret Hafter Fellowship

Mary Crumbley, Alabama Harriett Erich Graduate Fellowship

Arden Roeder, Baylor Leona McKie Muse Scholarship

Morgan Foreith, Southwestern Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship

Breanna Rogers, Oklahoma Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Chelsey Garner, Oklahoma State Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship

Karlee Schreiber, Kentucky Second Century Scholarship

Nicole Ho, Carnegie Mellon Leona McKie Muse Scholarship

Catharine Siolla, Richmond Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship

Hillary Husband, Louisiana Tech During Sisters Scholarship

Ann Sistrunk, Mississippi Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Mary Lance, Furman Luella Keys Scholarship

Katherine Sistrunk, Mississippi Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Helen Little, Alabama Harriett Erich Graduate Fellowship

Collette Tilly, Louisiana State Reginald Lyle Mack Graduate Scholarship

Ansley Long, Georgia Leona McKie Muse Scholarship

Caroline Whittenburg, Texas Tech Leona McKie Muse Scholarship

Shannon McKehnie, Toronto Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Lexi Wung, Michigan Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Dominique Mendoza, California/Irvine Live Learn Lead Scholarship Fall 2019 The Trident


Tri Delta Living

What was once a single-family home in the 1920s, quickly became a 26,000 square-foot facility over the years that has been able to hold 50-60 members. Fast forward to 2018 and it was clear that Alpha Eta – with its more than 200 members – had far outgrown the space. Tri Delta Housing made a $8.5 million investment – the largest investment it has made in a single location – to construct a brand new, modern facility that would provide a place to live, a place to learn and a place to lead for each member of Alpha Eta Chapter. But, they couldn’t have done it alone. With the help of several dedicated Alpha Eta alumnae, a capital campaign was coordinated and launched to help complete this project by the 2019 fall semester.

Home Sweet Alpha Eta Home “The journey to this new chapter house has been one of great partnership and collaboration of generations of Tri Delta sisters – with a keen eye on the future and continued successes of the chapter,” said Tri Delta Housing Board Chair Judith Barth during the dedication of the new Alpha Eta house at Florida State. “Our homes are more than just the physical structure of a chapter house. Our homes play a significant role in the development of our sisters and are a proud symbol of our shared values and goals.” 42

The Trident Fall 2019

Numerous amenities, features and specific details were discussed with Greek Resource Services, Wier Boerner Allin Architecture and Allstate Construction to ensure the construction of this 30,000 square foot home had everything we could think of. The façade of the new home was designed to look like the previous chapter house to pay homage to Alpha Eta’s 100-year legacy. Wier Boerner Allin Architecture continued to take the existing house into consideration when designing specific rooms. They even kept the dining room in its original location but expanded it to accommodate over 300 people – perfect for our members to dine together and host chapter meetings! When first walking into the house, you will notice that the first floor features a formal living room, study lounge and den, house director suite, and a library to house historic items and memorabilia. Photos: Ken McCray

Above: The library's blue walls were a popular item during the house tours, with many asking for the paint color for their own homes! Below: The patio and outdoor living space.

One Alpha Eta alumna and artist, Kathleen Broaderick, even donated a gorgeous handpainted beach scene to help complete the library space. There is also a gallery wall that has past and present composite pictures and historic photos. Also connected to the first floor is a crescent-shaped living space that features an outdoor fireplace – something our collegiate and alumnae members can enjoy every sea-

son. The second story features 28 bedrooms that can fit up to 60 members, spa-like bathrooms and a spacious study room with a TV lounge. On Aug. 10, 2019, Alpha Eta Chapter opened its new doors. To officially celebrate, a special house dedication took place on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2019, with a ribbon cutting, remarks and exclusive house tours for collegiate and alumnae members, families and friends.

Maura’s Room Nestled in the house, you will find a TV room and den that is named in honor of a special member, Maura Binkley. Maura was initiated in Alpha Eta in October 2015. Our sisterhood was devastated by the tragic loss of Maura — a victim of a violent shooting at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, in November 2018. Her parents, Jeff and Margaret, dedicated this room to Maura knowing how much Tri Delta and her Alpha Eta sisters meant to her. Her favorite colors of pink and yellow, as well as her love of travel, are featured in the accessories throughout the room. A beautiful painted portrait of Maura sits in the center of the room with a plaque underneath that reads: “Maura’s legacy of leadership, service to others and steadfast love lives on in this Tri Delta home and around the world, through her Tri Delta sisters, whom she loved deeply and unconditionally. This room is dedicated to her loving memory.” This room serves as a place for all members to come together and share in the bonds of sisterhood – something Maura would be proud of.


Fall 2019 The Trident


For a Lifetime

Friendships Through the Ages By Content Specialist Lindsay Mackey, Auburn

ne benefit of membership in Tri Delta is meeting women from all ages, stages and phases of life. For two members in particular, a meeting through the Tri Delta Atlanta Alumnae Chapter to plan their annual Care Affair philanthropy event would quickly turn these strangers into forever friends. Forming this intergenerational friendship came easy for Lenora Oeters, Cincinnati, and Nancy Ashley Adams, Florida State. Lenora was initiated in Zeta Chapter at the University of Cincinnati in 2007. She has served Tri Delta in many roles, including as a chapter development consultant, Atlanta Alumnae Chapter president and, currently, a Director on the Executive Board. Nancy was initiated in Alpha Eta Chapter at Florida State University in 1964, and has also served Tri Delta in many roles. She was one of three traveling consultants in 1967, has served on the Board of Trustees for the Tri Delta Foundation, and has held numerous officer positions in the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter, including chapter president. Nancy also received the 2016 Ernestine Block Grigsby Award in recognition for her continuous support, service, loyalty and devotion to our organization — traits that she also shares in her friendship with Lenora.


The Trident Fall 2019

Lenora is pictured with Nancy holding Lenora's newborn daughter.

In 2011, shortly after finishing her year of travel as a chapter development consultant, Lenora moved to Atlanta. She knew joining the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter would be a great opportunity to meet people in her new community and continue her involvement in Tri Delta. What she didn’t know was that she would soon meet Nancy. “Our relationship really took off in 2013 when I was chairing our alumnae chapter’s annual Care Affair event,” said

Nancy values the dynamic, loyal and hardworking volunteer that Lenora is. She sees firsthand how Lenora gives of her gifts and talents in such unselfish ways, and is thankful for what all she can learn from her.

Lenora. “Nancy would host meetings at her home, cook us all dinner and support me through the implementation of the event as she has served in this position before.” Through monthly meetings at Nancy’s home, Lenora and Nancy began forming a close relationship that has developed into constant support, friendship and mentorship. When they realized they didn’t have as much time as they would like to catch up at chapter meetings, they decided to meet on a monthly basis for lunch to talk about any and everything happening in their lives. “As our world becomes increasingly transient and people are moving all across the country for new opportunities, I think these intergenerational relationships are more important than ever,” said Lenora. “Because of my friendship with Nancy, we have been able to grow together and understand the world a little bit differently because of our mutual respect for each other and really listening to what the other has to say.” hough they come from two different generations, Lenora and Nancy continue to admire and learn a lot from each other. And just as they learn from each other, they enjoy assisting other generations of Tri Deltas, especially in their alumnae chapter, as they live, learn and lead. “It’s women like Nancy who help us see the beauty of Tri Delta,” said Lenora. “She always talks about the women who came before her and inspired her within her roles, and I really think it’s the women that come before all of us that allow us to love and cherish our sisters and endeavor to make our sisterhood stronger.”


“It is my hope

that others see our special bond and put themselves in the position with our younger members to be just as blessed

as I have been. –Nancy Ashley Adams

“I suppose we are all mentors to our friends at times. Sometimes I am the one giving advice and sometimes I am the one who needs it,” said Nancy. “Lenora has such good insight and works in such a calm, organized fashion. I always try to emulate that in my volunteer leadership roles as well.” This friendship has brought many joyous memories and lots of laughter to the pair. Nancy has been a tremendous support system to Lenora not only through her leadership and volunteer roles, as she has once served in the same positions, but also through precious life stages. Most recently, Lenora and her wife welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world, and Nancy was there providing them with dinners and helping to clean the house, so they could focus on the start of their family. “When I reflect on my friendship with Lenora, I think ‘Who in the world would not want to be this young woman’s friend?!’” said Nancy. “It is my hope that others see our special bond and put themselves in the position with our younger members to be just as blessed as I have been.” Lenora and Nancy’s paths would have never crossed if it weren’t for their membership in Tri Delta. This special friendship proves just how our organization can help you be a part of something bigger than yourself.

Fall 2019 The Trident


For a Lifetime

Welcoming our newest alumnae! During the spring, the Marin County Alumnae Chapter celebrated Pansy Brunch and Circle Degree which truly embraced the ideal that Tri Delta membership is for a lifetime. The celebration began with Circle Degree as they initiated the May 2019 graduating seniors from Epsilon Rho Chapter at the University of San Francisco. During Circle Degree, 12 sisters - including founding members of Epsilon Rho - took the next step in their Tri Delta membership together.


The Trident Fall 2019

In addition, seven alumnae members were honored for their 25+ years of serving Tri Delta and her ideals during the Silver Circle ceremony. One very special alumna, Lillian Marcella Kocher, William & Mary, was honored in a Golden Circle ceremony for her 50+ years of membership. The chapter would like to give a special thanks to Kim Cox, Virginia Tech, and Lisa Raymond, Cal State/Northridge, and Marin County alumnae who have advised Epsilon Rho Chapter and planned this wonderful event.


Walk to End Alzheimer's®, Metro Detroit Area Alumnae Amy Zimmer, Southern Methodist, Kimberly Skryd Van Gorder, Michigan, and Emily Broder, Michigan, walked with Amy’s “Donna’s Bells” team in support of her mom Donna Bell Zimmer. These members have raised $4,000 for the cause and had a team of 17 walkers of friends and family. The walk was held at the Detroit Zoo and Detroit Panhellenic Alumnae Association sisters from other sororities were also there walking, and stopped in to say hi and give hugs to Amy's mom!

The Space Coast Alumnae Chapter welcomed two members into Tri Delta’s Diamond Circle and two into Golden Circle. Carol Cook, Maryland, and Noretta “Rhett” D’Albora, Duke, became Diamond Circle members for their 75 years of membership and dedication to our sisterhood. Carol’s daughter Linda Ives, Butler, and Barbara West, Florida State, became Golden Circle members for their 50 years of membership.

Also this year, the Metro Detroit Tri Delta Alumnae Chapter gathered at Pine Lake Country Club to celebrate Pansy Brunch and Circle Degree. The chapter celebrated Silver Circle members Kimberly Skryd Van Gorder, Michigan, and Karen Garr, Utah. They also celebrated a Golden Circle member, Lois Kurta, Michigan State.

This summer, members of the Sarasota Alumnae Chapter gathered at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, Florida. They enjoyed walking through the Gauguin: Voyage to Paradise Exhibit that featured 10 original woodcut prints, wood engravings and photographs of Tahiti during the time of the artist’s travels. Following the exhibit, members ate lunch featuring a Polynesian-themed menu. Member Jayne Cantwell, Syracuse, is a volunteer at Selby Gardens and was able to conduct the tour for her sisters.

The alumnae chapter also supported the collegiate members at Wofford College during graduation by writing congratulatory notes to enclose with the chapter’s gifts for the graduating seniors. Thirty-six enthusiastic chapter members and one out-of-town guest enjoyed spending time together during this special moment in the seniors’ lives.


The DuPage Area Alumnae Chapter in Illinois recently hosted a service project for their members to have the opportunity to give back to their community. The service project consisted of packing food for Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). FMSC is a Christian nonprofit that provides nutritionally complete meals for starving, malnourished and hungry people. The chapter worked together for a two-hour packing session of fortified meal formulas. In just two hours, the chapter was able to pack enough meals to feed a starving child for seven months.


Sisters supporting sisters! On Aug. 24 at the Detroit Alzheimer's Association


During Pansy Brunch, the chapter honored their 2019 chapter award winners. The Steadfast Pine Award is for outstanding volunteer service. It was given to Linda DePietro, Miami/Ohio, in recognition of her extensive involvement throughout the years in both the alumnae chapter and Panhellenic. The Pansy Pal Award identifies a sister who goes out of her way to help others. This year’s recipient was Mary Law Baumgarten, Michigan, for embodying the Tri Delta spirit of being “kind alike to all” and always willing to lend a hand. Lastly, the Gleaming Pearl Award is a member that the chapter sees great potential in. This year, the chapter had a couple of members jump into involvement with the Metro Detroit Alumnae Chapter, and Lauren Stearns, James Madison, in particular stood out for her enthusiasm and ideas.

Top: Marin County Alumna, Lillian Marcella Kocher, William & Mary, celebrated 50 years of membership this spring. Bottom: Goats, yoga and sisters! Jenny Sherrill, Franklin, is pictured at the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter's goat yoga event.


This summer, the Rochester, NY Alumnae Chapter celebrated with and awarded a scholarship to a deserving high school senior, Rachel Bartkowski. The chapter has awarded scholarships to seniors for 64 consecutive years! Also this summer, the chapter held the Golden Circle ceremony for Karen

Fall 2019 The Trident


Sister Presidents Haggas, Indiana, for her 50 years of membership. Alumnae Chapter President Elizabeth Rice, Coe, was thrilled to conduct this ceremony for a deserving and loyal member.


Anita Tursi Heyn, Adelphi, and her granddaughter, Ellie Quinlan, Washington, both served their chapters as collegiate chapter president—60 years apart! We asked Anita and Ellie, who has just recently graduated, to share more about their college experience.

What was the most rewarding part about serving as collegiate chapter president?

ing on hikes or road trips, and going to concerts or local farmer’s markets on the weekends!

Anita: Being privileged to lead my sisters in all our activities and endeavors. Since my home was near the college and it was basically a commuter school, we spent many hours there during rush, pledge training and afterward. What an honor to have these special people as sisters and friends.

Favorite collegiate chapter memory?

Ellie: Being able to “give back” to the chapter that gave me so much. Tri Delta was essential for me in my transition into college, so I loved seeing new members thrive during their first year knowing I played a small part in their own transition to college.

What did your chapter do for fun?


Anita: My favorite collegiate chapter memory is gathering for our weekly meetings in the H Lounge. Since we did not have a sorority house, each sorority had a section in the Quonset hut to call home. Our Wednesday evening meetings were usually the highlight of my week. Ellie: One of my favorite collegiate chapter memories was during a snow day in Seattle. Our entire house spent the day playing in the snow and having snowball fights with the fraternity across from us. It was SO much fun!

Anita: For fun, we would go bowling or to the beach on Long Island’s south shore or to parties and dances held by the sororities, fraternities or the college. We also attended the many sporting events at the college. It was a commuter school and so we had access to many movies, theatres, museums and the like in the Big Apple.

What does Tri Delta mean to you?

Ellie: We loved organizing sisterhood events at our chapter house since most members lived in the house. Simple things like movie nights, weekend brunches and decorating cookies for the holidays were great sisterhood events. Outside of sisterhoods, we loved exploring Seattle together - go-

Ellie: To me, Tri Delta means strength and strong women. I was surrounded by strong, confident, intelligent women during my time at UW. I was given a space to grow, and encouraged to be my best self. Tri Delta gave me the confidence to be the strong woman I always knew I could be.

The Trident Fall 2019

Anita: For me, Tri Delta is a much loved sisterhood that embraces such qualities as loyalty, friendship, scholarship and service in its members. For example, since I was fluent in Spanish and was a good student, I spent many hours tutoring students who needed help in that subject.

Ohio State's Nu Chapter alumnae embarked on a large renovation of the Nu Chapter house. To help the chapter put their best foot forward during recruitment and to improve the living quarters of current members, a group of alumnae rallied to completely transform a large portion of the 1896 Georgian style chapter house in less than 20 days! A renovation committee was formed to work alongside the house corporation. A more open plan would facilitate larger, more comfortable chapter meetings to meet the needs of the growing chapter size - nearly 200 members - and enable more frequent use of a large formal living room. With the Phase One renovation of the ground floor finished just in the nick of time, the chapter had one of its most successful recruitments in history. Next up for Nu Chapter is an alumnae-led capital fundraising campaign needed to complete Phases Two and Three. These renovations will include the kitchen, dining room and construction of a new outdoor living space; updated HVAC and other mechanicals, as well as the complete renovation of the bedrooms, baths and furnishings on the upper floors. “Nu Chapter is such a strong chapter on the Ohio State campus - winning Panhellenic Chapter of the Year backto-back years - and we want the chapter house to reflect that,” said Sue Melaragno, a member of the renovation committee. “It’s a great feeling to be able to give back to something that has given all of us so much. I know we’ll succeed, and in doing so we will leave a legacy that reflects the character of Nu Chapter for years to come.” The Cleveland Alumnae Chapter honored three members, Kathy Demerit, DePauw, Karen Edenfield, Penn State, and Cynthia Nairn, Transylvania, with

2020 Chapter Anniversaries COLLEGIATE

University of Ottawa/Canada Delta ALUMNAE

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Annapolis, Maryland COLLEGIATE

Clemson University/Beta Theta ALUMNAE

South Indianapolis, Indiana COLLEGIATE

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Delta Pi ALUMNAE

Little Rock, Arkansas

a Golden Circle ceremony for their 50 years of membership in Tri Delta. They also honored one Diamond Circle member, Virginia Knudsen,Miami/Ohio, for her 75 years of membership.


Over the summer, Theta Gamma alumnae members from the 1989 pledge class held a reunion in Rosemary Beach, Florida. These women met 30 years ago on 1611 College Avenue in Norman, Oklahoma. Each brought their talents, differences and unique selves when they joined Theta Gamma Chapter. Thirty years later they are bound together in the bonds of friendship as they have shared joy, sadness, marriages, births, illnesses, death and most importantly life.


Baker University /Lambda Northwestern University/Upsilon

2019 Tri Psi Scholarship Recipients For 105 years, Tri Delta has been the only sorority to have a Greek letter sorority for their mothers. Our mother’s organization, Tri Psi, consists of dedicated mothers that come together each year to support their Tri Delta daughters and assist our members in every possible way. Tri Psi awards $5,000 low interest rate loans to Tri Delta members receiving or pursuing graduate degrees, and $1,000 undergraduate scholarships to selected members entering their junior year. Annually, each chapter is eligible to nominate one member in good standing to apply for the Tri Psi Scholarship. We encourage you to select a member for the 2020 scholarship Congratulations to the 2019 Tri Psi scholarship recipients!

Maddie Peichel, Mikayla Heilich, Missouri North Dakota State Hope Green-Brooks, Oregon State Micaela Pacheco, Toronto Delaney Ho, Cornell Koussy Yang, Coe Makaela Finley, Lafayette Brooke Holland, Denison Kathleen Hanley, Erin Miller, Pepperdine Southern California Samantha DiMinno, Kaylee Hayden, Idaho Oregon Sarah Grace Houy, Alexandra Martino, Alabama Wyoming


The Mid-Willamette Valley Alumnae Chapter held their first "Flowers for Others" event in May. Members assembled bouquets — in yellow to represent friendship — to be distributed to friends and individuals in need. While distributing the remaining bouquets to a local assisted living facility, our members made a connection with a Tri Delta sister who was living there! Linda Ellison, Drury, and Aimee Herrington, Oregon State, were able to chat with Nancy Andersen and learned that she was an initiate of Theta Mu Chapter in 1943.


Tri Delta is more than four years… membership lasts a lifetime, and the “Traveling Deltas of Beta Xi” — a group of alumnae from Stephen F. Austin — are a living example of how the fun times don’t end with graduation. The group’s 2019 girl’s trip was planned for Nashville, Tennessee. They booked a place that slept 12, which became their mini Tri Delta house for a few days. The trip included lots of fun, food and music, but one of the highlights was when they attended the 10th annual Darius (Rucker) & Friends concert benefitting St. Jude! They were again reminded of the great things Tri Delta is doing to support the children and families of St. Jude and are proud to be a part of such an amazing organization!

Fall 2019 The Trident


For a Lifetime

Sisters Reuniting THETA TAU


Over the summer, Kappa Chapter at the University of Nebraska celebrated its 125th Anniversary. More than 250 alumnae from across North America reunited to celebrate their chapter's lifelong friendship and bonds of sisterhood. One of Kappa Chapter’s pledge classes from 1969 brought back their tradition of the “washboard band” and performed during the weekend celebration. Collegiate and alumnae members also gathered for champagne toasts, campus and stadium tours and bonding over what they love most – Kappa Chapter's sisterhood. Past presidents caught up over a breakfast and Tri Delta's Chief Executive Officer Karen Hughes White, Georgia, shared her inspiring Tri Delta journey. The members ended the weekend with a pink pajama brunch where both collegians and alumnae dressed up and talked over bacon, eggs and all the pastries they could eat. Reuniting with sisters and meeting new ones was something Kappa Chapter will always remember. Here's to the next 125 years!

On June 21-23, Theta Tau Chapter at the University of Idaho celebrated 90 years of sisterhood with a special reunion weekend in Moscow, Idaho. The weekend included tours of the chapter house, optional activities and plenty of time to socialize and reconnect. Theta Tau also held Silver and Golden Circle ceremonies for its 25 and 50-year members: there were 27 Golden Circle honorees and 101 Silver Circle honorees in attendance! A highlight was Saturday evening’s 90th Anniversary Celebration Banquet, with keynote speaker Nicole Hughes, Washington State. Theta Tau also recognized the first recipient of the Katherine Groggett Memorial Scholarship, Rylie Frei, along with the chapter’s five other scholarship recipients—each one is a representative of the brave, bold and kind women who are part of Theta Tau today! Overall, 250 women from 1955 to 2017 attended the celebration — it was a priceless weekend of memories and a lifetime of sisterhood.

YOU HAD ME AT CHAMPAGNE! Planning a reunion or girls’ weekend with your Tri Delta sisters? Make Dallas the destination! Join Tri Delta for a complimentary champagne brunch and a special tour of our Executive Office and the Ginger Hicks Smith Museum & Archives on the following dates: Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020, and Saturday, June 6, 2020 To RSVP or for more information, contact Lori Doran at ldoran@trideltaeo.org or 817.633.8001. See www.visitdallas.com for Dallas trip planning ideas.

The 2019 Alumnae Chapter Awards were presented at Tri Delta’s Volunteer Leadership Conference (VLC), held in Dallas, Texas, during the Brave, Bold and Kind Awards Breakfast. The following chapters were recognized for their commitment to providing a premier membership experience. Congratulations to our Alumnae Chapter Award recipients!

Eleanor Dorcas Pond Award

Recognizes the top alumnae chapter who has exhibited overall exceptional and rewarding experiences to their members while maintaining a viable roster, promoting lifetime membership, offering diversity in activities and reflecting a commitment to sisterhood and the Purpose of Tri Delta.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Excellence in Member Experience

Recognizes alumnae chapters who exhibit engaging and meaningful membership activities.

Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota Phoenix Valley, Arizona

Eleanor Dorcas Pond Award

Excellence in Communication

Recognizes alumnae chapters who exhibit timely and meaningful communication among members, the local community and Executive Office.

San Jose, California Chicago Loop Group, Illinois

Excellence in Collegiate Connection

Recognizes alumnae chapters who exhibit excellence in fostering meaningful relationships with local collegiate chapters.

Oklahoma City/Edmond, Oklahoma Lincoln, Nebraska

Excellence in Philanthropy & Purpose

Recognizes alumnae chapters who exhibit an unselfish and steadfast commitment to philanthropic endeavors that benefit the Tri Delta Foundation, local childhood cancer charities and initiatives for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Excellence in Philanthropy & Purpose

Atlanta, Georgia Dallas, Texas Fredericksburg Area, Virginia Houston, Texas

Excellence in Service to Others

Recognizes alumnae chapters who give generously of their time and talent to serve others within Tri Delta and their local community through hands-on engagement.

Gulf Coast, Mississippi Indianapolis, Indiana Southern Orange County, California

Excellence in Service to Others


At the 2019 Volunteer Leadership Conference, Tri Delta recognized several dedicated volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to Tri Delta.

Kathy Massie

Volunteer Service Award This award recognizes individual Tri Delta volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to Tri Delta, her members and the chapters they serve.

Kathy Salisbury Massie, Minnesota, Release Figure Methodology Specialist If you’re looking for an expert on Release Figure Methodology (RFM), look no further than Kathy Salisbury Massie. Shortly after the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) implemented RFM in 2003, Kathy became a RFM specialist, serving as a leader in the development of the methodology for the Panhellenic process, giving both her time and her tremendous talent to Tri Delta and NPC for many years. As past Fraternity President, past NPC Delegate and current Chief Panhellenic Officer Sarah Coons

52 The Trident Fall 2019 www.tridelta.org

Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, shares, “An NPC friend has described Kathy as ‘one of the backbones of RFM in the early years. She really helped do it all.’ Kathy has been a mentor to new RFM specialists, has helped many Tri Delta volunteers interpret data and understand recruitment results and has provided insight into the recruitment performance of our chapters. She has put in long hours working with fraternity and sorority advisors and is highly respected by those who work with her.” A longtime Tri Delta volunteer, Kathy has served in a variety of roles, including collegiate district officer in the early 1990s and NPC delegate (1993-2000). In addition to her volunteer roles, Kathy continues to serve as an active member in her local alumnae chapter in the Dallas, Texas, area. “Kathy Massie is the perfect example of a brave, bold and kind Tri Delta,” said Sarah. “It is with gratitude and Delta love that we celebrate her years of service to NPC and Tri Delta.”

Amy Sheridan Suttles, Tennessee, Collegiate District Officer

“I was humbled and honored to be considered for this award, let alone be chosen. It is an incredible opportunity to work with outstanding chapter members across the country. I love Tri Delta, what our organization stands for, and I have always strongly believed in working to ensure a great future for Delta Delta Delta.”

As the collegiate district officer for Florida State’s Alpha Eta Chapter, Amy faced a heartbreakingly difficult situation the night of chapter member Maura Binkley’s death. In a letter of nomination, Collegiate Chapter Coordinator Ashley Salzwedel, Washington State, shared that Amy not only made sure the chapter was supported and taken care of in the days following Maura’s death, but she drove from her home in Tennessee down to Atlanta to be with the chapter at Maura’s service. “Even now, as the chapter is trying to slowly move forward, she is compassionate yet dedicated to gently pushing the chapter into their new normal—patiently extending grace when perhaps many would say the grace period is over. This to me is truth, self-sacrifice and friendship—something I pray the women haven't missed because I can see it so clearly,” Ashley writes. As a CDO, Amy goes well beyond her job description to play a large role in the collegiate chapter officers’ lives both within and beyond Tri Delta. She’s a mentor and cheerleader for these young women, encouraging and supporting them, shaping their leadership abilities and style while guiding them through life changes, successes and challenges. “Amy is as strong of an example as I can think of in how to make the most of the opportunity you have been given,” says Ashley. “The love and commitment she has for Tri Delta and her chapters is inspiring.”

Bianca Koutsakos, California/Santa Barbara, Alumnae Chapter Officer The Mt. Diablo Alumnae Chapter describes Bianca as steadfast and dependable. She has not only been instrumental in creating the chapter’s social media presence and updating the chapter website, she has also developed one of the best working relationships with the local collegiate chapter at the University of California, Berkeley.

Photos: Denny Medley/GreekYearbook

Due to this partnership, this year’s Mt. Diablo Alumnae Chapter’s Pi Chapter Alumnae Tea had one of the largest turnouts! Alumnae also regularly volunteer to participate in career events and other opportunities to support Pi Chapter, with Bianca helping to organize a resume and LinkedIn Workshop for the collegiate members. Bianca’s efforts building relationships with Pi Chapter have helped the Mt. Diablo Alumnae Chapter increase young alumnae membership and retention. “Bianca radiates positivity around every member in the chapter,” Madison Alcalay, California/ Berkeley, wrote in her letter of nomination. “Her presence eases officers’ worries, members’ nerves and brings the chapter closer together. She is the perfect role model for all of the women in our chapter to look up to… Her love for Tri Delta is contagious.”


Volunteer Awards

Mentoring with Purpose Award This award recognizes an individual advisor or collegiate advisory team that provides hands-on and meaningful coaching and guidance to support collegiate members.

Kelly Scarfe, Southeast Missouri State Alumna Advisor–Illinois State University

Theta Beta Chapter Advisory Team– University of Colorado, Boulder

As alumna advisor, Kelly has served as a role model to all the members of Beta Omicron Chapter through her leadership skills and transparency. She provided unwavering support for the chapter during probation, offering ideas and encouragement to return the chapter to good standing. How she handled leading the chapter back to good standing serves not only as a model for the chapter members on how to react and move through obstacles, but also shows how small improvements can have a large impact. She truly strives to assist its members in every possible way, supplying them with the tools to succeed not only in Tri Delta, but beyond.

The Colorado advisory team has been described as “nothing less than an absolute blessing to the Theta Beta Chapter,” as they fought to improve recruitment and membership numbers. The advisory team went above and beyond to support the collegiate chapter through the critical rebuilding period in late 2018 and early 2019, ensuring the chapter’s vitality and a continuous membership experience for Tri Delta members and women on the Colorado campus. As a result of their efforts, the chapter recruited 29 new members during spring recruitment and ensured the signing of 60 housing contracts (10% more than anticipated!).

Zeta Chapter Advisory Team– University of Cincinnati

Gamma Rho Chapter Advisory Team– Pepperdine University

The Zeta Chapter Advisory Team proved to be an invaluable resource to the chapter when it was reorganized to include an advisor for each of five core operations: finance, lifetime membership, risk management, public relations and membership development. The reorganization allowed for more structured, specialized attention, while strengthening teamwork and increasing officers’ council and officer training committee productivity. This configuration allowed the advisors to more closely support individual officers, showing them how to work on teams, delegate responsibilities, and increase member involvement, therefore not only assisting individuals, but the chapter as a whole.

Gamma Rho’s advisory team went above and beyond to support the collegiate chapter through two huge crises last November – the shooting that took place in Thousand Oaks, California, and the Woolsey fire that consumed much of Southern California. The advisory team has been the backbone of support for the chapter, acting quickly and attentively in both crisis situations. Their care and compassion as an advisory team allowed the chapter to feel at ease, and their leadership during this time gave the chapter a small sense of relief as they dealt with emotionally-taxing situations.

Outstanding House Corporation Award

Theta Beta Chapter Advisory team

gamma Rho Chapter Advisory team

This award recognizes house corporations that provide outstanding service to their respective collegiate chapters.

Chi Chapter House Corporation– University of Mississippi

Delta Iota House Corporation– University of Arkansas

The Chi Chapter House Corporation renovated its 100-year-old home providing over 400 members with a safe, comfortable and competitive 43,000 square foot facility to call home! With long-term viability front of mind, the Chi House Corporation successfully created an environment that fosters the growth and connections for not just the 109 residents but all members. The new Chi chapter house has even been featured in the “Southern Culture” section of Southern Living magazine.

In 2017 Delta Iota House Corporation broke ground on a $14 million renovation and expansion project; the last addition to the home dated back to 1965. In 2018, the house corporation opened the doors at 920 W. Maple to 98 residents to live, learn and lead in their new 43,000 square foot facility. The house corporation incorporated state of the art technology, ample study space and meeting space to support the growth and development of Delta Iota’s more than 400 members.

54 The Trident Fall 2019 www.tridelta.org

Chi Chapter House Corporation

DDDeck the Halls

This holiday season, support your Tri Delta sisters by ordering your greenery from Lynch Creek Farm, who will donate 15% of your purchase to the Tri Delta Foundation.

• Visit www.lynchcreekfundraising.com/c/188220 before Dec. 15. • Shipping is free anywhere in the U.S. • For more information email Foundation@trideltaeo.org.

Tri Delta Book Club

Introducing LEADDD Reads Join Us for Tri Delta’s Virtual Book Club his fall, Tri Delta introduced our new virtual book club—LEADDD Reads! Our first book, “Where the Crawdads Sing,” was a previous Reese Witherspoon Book Club selection written by New York Times Bestselling author Delia Owens. The captivating novel combines mystery with a love story and a courtroom drama. For years, rumors of the “Marsh Girl” have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl. But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived for years alone in the marsh that she calls home, finding friends in the gulls and lessons in the sand. Then the time comes when she yearns to be touched and loved. When two young men from town become intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens her self to a new life—until the unthinkable happens. Tri Deltas gathered in the LEADDD Reads Group on CONNECTDDD for an engaging and lively discussion. Each week, 1-2 questions—and a bit of trivia!—were posted in the group for members to walk through.

‘‘I’ve loved engaging through CONNECTDDD

as it is easy to log in and read the questions and respond. I loved the book and read it in less than a week. It was so engaging and Kya was such an independent spirit.” -Angela Flinn Carver, Purdue LEADDD Reads participants were also treated to exclusive access to a Conversation and Q&A with Delia Owens, hosted by Founder & President of Kansas City’s Rainy Day Books, Vivien Jennings, Rhodes. (Vivien was highlighted in the Summer 2019 Trident, and be sure to check out her recommended holiday reading list on the next page!) The live Q&A took place in Kansas City, Kansas, on Sept. 28, and an exclusive video was made available for all LEADDD Reads participants. Alumnae local to Kansas City also had an opportunity to attend a special reception before the Conversation and Q&A in person.

56 The Trident Fall 2019 www.tridelta.org

Tri Delta CEO Karen Hughes White, Georgia, (left) is pictured with "Where the Crawdads Sing" author Delia Owens and Rainy Day Books Founder and President Vivien Jennings, Rhodes (right).

Finally, after finishing the book and viewing the author Q&A, the group will come together virtually for a “live chat.” “Where the Crawdads Sing” was the debut of LEADDD Reads. Be on lookout for our next book and exclusive author interview coming soon. Learn more at www.tridelta. org/LEADDDReads!

Photo: Denny Medley

The 2019 Holiday Reading List Looking for recommended holiday reading, or the perfect gift for friends and family? Founder & President of Kansas City’s Rainy Day Books Vivien Jennings, Rhodes, shares her recommended holiday reading list below. Princess of the Hither Isles: A Black Suffragist's Story from the Jim Crow South by Adele Logan Alexander

Radical Kindness: The Life-Changing Power of Giving and Receiving by Angela Santomero *An absolutely amazing book. Read it yourself and give it to all your friends and family.

Life Undercover: Coming of Age in the CIA by Amaryllis Fox

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

A Guest of the Reich: The Story of American Heiress Gertrude Legendre's Dramatic Captivity and Escape from Nazi Germany by Peter Finn

The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott

The Cartiers: The Untold Story of the Family Behind the Jewelry Empire by Francesca Cartier Brickell

The Accomplice by Joseph Kanon

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: The New Frontier: 112 Fantastic Favorites for Everyday Eating by Ree Drummond

Paperback stocking stuffers:

Call Upon the Water by Stella Tillyard

The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

A Well-Behaved Woman: A Novel of the Vanderbilts by Therese Anne Fowler

Entertaining at Home: Inspirations from Celebrated Hosts by Carman Ronda

House of Gold by Natasha Solomons

The Confession Club by Elizabeth Berg

The Bucket List by Georgia Clark

Olive, Again by Elizabeth Strout

Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan

French Refreshed By Betty Lou Phillips, Syracuse Despite the grandeur in which Louis XIV and his descendants Louis XV and Louis XVI lived in the magnificent Chateau de Versailles, extravagance rarely suggests elegance these days. Befitting spaces less assumedly scaled than the vast palace, alluring, of-themoment interiors exude a more discreet cachet. Clean, not stuffy, reflects our culture and the times.



Betty Lou Phillips shares the inspiration behind her book: “Forever viewed as the epitome of sophistication, "French Refreshed" is Betty French décor has entered a new era of chic. Turning Lou Phillips 14th design down the volume on over-scaled antiques, heavy drap- book and 30th book. eries, and family heirlooms, the French have turned up the sleek, seductive profiles of home furnishings. Likewise, on this side of the Atlantic those with cosmopolitan tastes are happily adapting their formal style to a lighter, clean-lined look while keeping the legacy of fine craftsmanship flourishing. I wanted to produce


a book that illustrates the fresh design direction that 21st-century American life demands as glamour and comfort are fused with upscale sensibilities.” Betty Lou is the author of 14 books on French and Italian design, including the award-winning Villa Décor. A professional member of the American Society of Interior Designers, her work has been featured in countless magazines and newspapers. Additionally she has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. She was initiated into Tri Delta’s Omicron Chapter at Syracuse. “Tri Delta was a pivotal vehicle in my life, prompting me to emerge from an over-parented teen to a confident, creative individual. Style, professionalism, appreciation for beauty, quality—and life itself all became mainstays of my dual career in interior design and creative writing. The journey has been joyous and fulfilling, but I am not yet through. There are more homes to design. More books to write. Indeed, I credit—and thank—Tri Delta for setting me on a lifelong course.”

Fall 2019 The Trident 57

Adele befriends an eclectic group of wounded people and decides to tell their stories. From Eupora to Meridian, from a budding artist with an abusive husband to a seven-year-old with a rare form of cancer, each story contains elements of hope and healing and honors the heart, soul and history of the Magnolia State.

The Adventures of PhilAnThropy By Linda Wise McNay, Transylvania, Del Martin and Ailena Parramore Passionate fundraisers from Metro Atlanta, Linda McNay, Del Martin and Ailena Parramore, have set their sights on “raising the next generation of philanthropists” through their new children’s book, “The Adventures of PhilAnThropy.” The authors are dedicated to bringing philanthropy concepts to children and their families to help create more generous and caring communities.

“. . . a beautifully wrought hymn of praise to readers and book-lovers in the most sacred of places, the libraries where we find both.” —CASSANDRA KING, author of the best-selling novels The Sunday Wife and The Same Sweet Girls and the upcoming memoir Tell Me a Story

“A love letter to big lives found in small southern towns, Friends of the Library reminds us of the affecting, empowering ways libraries serve as safe havens for the stories and storytellers in our communities."


"Anyone who knows the South and its quirky residents will love this entertaining and insightful collection of stories.”

—JOHN FLOYD, Edgar Award nominee, three-time Derringer Award winner, and 2018 Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer Award winner, a lifetime achievement award

—JONATHAN HAUPT, executive director of the Pat Conroy Literary Center and coeditor with Nicole Seitz of Our Prince of Scribes: Writers Remember Pat Conroy

becomes an author in her

sixties, she goes on a book tour to speak to the Friends of the Library

groups in ten small towns in her home state of Mississippi. Chasing

her personal demons through the Christ-haunted South of her

childhood, Adele befriends an eclectic group of wounded people and decides to tell their stories. From Eupora to Meridian, from a budding

artist with an abusive husband to a seven-year-old with a rare form of cancer, each story contains elements of hope and healing and honors the heart, soul, and history of the Magnolia State.

SUSAN CUSHMAN returned to her native state of Mississippi to speak at Friends of the Library groups in ten small towns in 2017-18, including Oxford, where she had previously studied at the University of Mississippi. Those visits and the people she met inspired the stories in this, her fifth book. Her previously published books include: Cherry Bomb (a novel), Tangles and Plaques: A Mother and Daughter Face Alzheimer’s (a memoir), and two anthologies, A Second Blooming: Becoming the Women We Are Meant to Be, and Southern Writers on Writing. She was co-director of the 2010 and 2013 Creative Nonfiction Conferences in Oxford (MS) and FICTION: Short Stories (Single Author) Photo by Maude Schuyler Clay Photography director of the Memphis Creative Nonfiction Conference in 2011. She has spoken at numerous literary festivals, conferences, and workshops in eight states. Susan lives in Memphis with her husband of 49 years. TM

Susan Cushman

“The Adventures of PhilAnThropy” introduce readCOVINGTON ers to young friends Phil, WHEN AnADELE and Thropy as they embark on an adventure in philanthropy upon realizing their new friend needs a special chairlift to enjoy the neighborhood pool. When their combined allowances and birthday money are not enough, they launch a kid-friendly fundraising campaign with the support of friends, family and neighbors. During their journey, köehlerbooks köehlerbooks köehlerbooks the friends learn that while each may onlyköehlerbooks be able to köehlerbooks contribute a little, they can make a big impact when köehlerbooks köehlerbooks combining their time, talents and treasure.köehlerbooks “The Adventures of PhilAnThropy” will inspire children of all Susan Cushman is the author of three books and ages that contributions both big and small can truly the editor of three make a lasting impact. A wonderful resource for par- anthologies. ents, schools, libraries, and children's clubs, this book explores the concepts of philanthropy, collaboration, generosity, nonprofits and the impact of financial resources on the community while also introducing the idea of a PhilAnThropy Club. TM









Linda Wise McNay is an independent fundraising consultant with Our Fundraising Search in Atlanta. Before consulting, she spent over 25 years as a development officer for a variety of nonprofits. She is the author of three books about fundraising.

Friends of the Library By Susan Cushman, Mississippi When Adele Covington becomes an author in her sixties, she goes on a book tour to speak to the Friends of the Library groups in 10 small towns in her home state of Mississippi. Chasing her personal demons through the Christ-haunted South of her childhood,

58 The Trident Fall 2019 www.tridelta.org

Susan Cushman was president of Chi Chapter’s pledge class of 1969 at the University of Mississippi. She is author of three books: “Friends of the Library” (short stories), “Cherry Bomb” (novel), and “Tangles and Plaques: A Mother and Daughter Face Alzheimer’s” (memoir). She is editor of three anthologies: “Southern Writers on Writing,” “A Second Blooming: Becoming the Women We Are Meant to Be,” and “The Pulpwood Queens Celebrate 20 Years!” She was co-director of the 2010 and 2013 Creative Nonfiction Conferences in Oxford, Mississippi, and director of the 2011 Memphis Creative Nonfiction Workshop. A native of Jackson, Mississippi, Susan has lived in Memphis since 1988.


The Power of Our Voices, Sharing Our Story By Karen Kernodle Martin, Baylor “Not Another Casserole! Tips for Surviving a ‘C’ Word Diagnosis,” written by Karen K. Martin, appears in this anthology compiled by Teresa Hawley Howard. "The Power of Our Voices, Sharing Our Story" is full of powerful women who have been brave enough to share their voices and their stories with the world. Each author has a unique and beautiful story that inspires and encourages. In Karen’s story, she shares her breast cancer journey and provides tips and advice to others going through a similar experience. Karen was initiated in Tri Delta’s Beta Tau Chapter and previously served as a member of Tri Delta’s Executive Office staff. As an advisor to philanthropists and charities, she applies a donor-focused, marketing philosophy. She holds public relations and MBA degrees from Baylor, where she was Student Foundation VP and the university’s second female development professional.

In Memoriam

Tri Delta Mourns Past Fraternity President Angela Hackett Driver

Angela Hackett Driver, California/Berkeley

It is with great sadness that Tri Delta shares the loss of a beloved sister, leader and past Fraternity President, Angela Hackett Driver, California/Berkeley. Angela passed away on July 31, 2019. Elected Fraternity President at Tri Delta’s Centennial Convention in Boston, Angela served in the role from 1988 – 1992 and made significant contributions to the Fraternity. She is best remembered for her dedication to the growth of the organization, her involvement in the creation of

Lila Cockrell, Southern Methodist Lila May Banks Cockrell, Southern Methodist, passed away on Aug. 29, 2019. Lila received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Southern Methodist University in 1942. She married her true love, Sidney Earl Cockrell, just before he was called to active duty in WWII. Lila received her commission as an Ensign in the Navy and was assigned to the Bureau of Ships in Washington, D.C. where she commanded the company of WAVES judged the “Best Commanded and Performed.” In 1956, Lila and Sid moved to San Antonio, and Lila became an active community leader in civic roles. In 1963, she was elected to the City Council during the www.tridelta.org

the Tri Delta Foundation and her leadership role in the Foundation’s first-ever capital campaign to fund the building of Tri Delta’s 12th Executive Office at Brookhollow Plaza Drive in Arlington, Texas. Prior to serving as Fraternity President, Angela served in a number of volunteer leadership roles for Tri Delta, including Alumnae Vice President (1984-1988), Associate Director/Convention Planning (1982-1984), Tri Delta Foundation Trustee, collegiate district officer and alumnae chapter president. In addition to her service to the Fraternity in national roles, she was deeply involved in alumnae chapter work in the greater Seattle area and was a member of the Overlake, Washington Alumnae Chapter. Her personal interest in supporting collegiate chapters in Washington included serving on the house corporation for the University of Washington chapter and as a collegiate district officer for the Whitman College chapter. Angela’s devotion to Tri Delta led the Overlake, Washington Alumnae Chapter

to create the Angela Hackett Driver Award – a biannual recognition of an outstanding member of the Overlake, Washington Alumnae Chapter. Recently, Angela’s family made a generous gift to the Tri Delta Foundation, for which the interactive Fraternity President’s exhibit in the Ginger Hicks Smith Museum & Archives was named in her honor. Angela’s daughter, Jennifer Driver Mannix, Washington, attended the exhibit dedication in Dallas in July, thanking the Fraternity and the Foundation for continuing to celebrate her mother’s life and legacy. The members, volunteers and staff of Tri Delta are very grateful for Angela’s loyalty and devotion to advancing Tri Delta’s Purpose. Her meaningful and lasting legacy changed our sisterhood forever, paving the way for Tri Delta to continue to grow and thrive in service to 238,000 brave, bold and kind members worldwide, dedicated to helping women live, learn and lead — with Purpose — for a lifetime.

period that San Antonio was gearing up for HemisFair. In 1975, she was elected Mayor of San Antonio and served three terms until 1981. Lila participated as a delegate in her role as Mayor to visit the People’s Republic of China, Munich, Berlin, Warsaw and Budapest and Japan. In 1989, she hosted Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip of the United Kingdom as well as President Carlos Salinas de Gortari of Mexico to San Antonio. Before her death, Lila was able to complete her autobiography, “Love Deeper Than a River,” expressing her embracing love for the family, respect for the radiant people of San Antonio and zest for the joy of a principled life.

Fall 2019 The Trident 59

In Memoriam

Tri Delta Trailblazers Remembered Nancy Louise Elliott, Denison, passed away July 11, 2019. She graduated from Denison University in 1951, where Nancy Louise Elliott, Denison she was collegiate chapter president of Delta Chi Chapter. In 1952, she married John S. Elliott and the two eventually settled in Yorktown, New York, which would become home for them for the next 30 years. Nancy was very involved in her community and was a strong advocate for women. She was president of her chapter of the League of Women Voters and was elected to the Yorktown, New York, Town Board. In 1980, she was elected to serve as the

first woman supervisor of the town and would lead the town for 12 years, being elected six times. According to the Yonkers Times, “In addition to her legacy in protecting the enviroment, Elliott was remembered for her work in Yorktown on affordable housing, creating the town sewer and water plants, and presiding over the opening of the Jefferson Valley Mall — a modern wonder at the time.”


Dillon, Mary Smith '44 d. 05/10


Butler, Betsy Bowen '49 d. 03/19


Bracy, Janie Brainerd '44 d. 01/14


Rierson, Catherine Edmondson '50 d. 02/19 Simpson, Eleanor Starrett '40 d. 05/16


Foster, Jean Furlong '48 d. 03/19


Cole, Evelyn Middleton '45 d. 02/19 Dunlap, Jean Mohead '44 d. 12/11 Estes, Lillian Jacobs '44 d. 04/12 Harris, Bond Moore '44 d. 01/14


Nancy cherished time at the beach in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, sunshine in the Rockies, vibrant colors, flowers, and her beloved Bridge Club friends. She also liked to paint and was an avid reader. She will always be remembered for her bright smile that would light up the room. She will be greatly missed by her family and all who knew her.

Acers, Jackie Bresson '49 d. 03/16 Bradford, Jeannette Walker '44 d. 02/18 Crimans, Marian Stone '44 d. 01/18 Ezell, Betty Hearne '44 d. 11/18 Timmermeister, Kay '68 d. 01/19


Bynum, Virginia Cornell '48 d. 02/18 Dutton, June Klingborg '44 d. 01/16 Gedestad, Patricia Mills '44 d. 01/18


Hoxsey, Mary Wright '44 d. 01/10


Hazeltine, Ruth Davis '44 d. 04/16


Anne Rivers Siddons, Auburn Tri Delta mourns the loss of our sister and best-selling author Anne Rivers Siddons, Auburn, who passed away on Sept. 11, 2019. Born on Jan. 9, 1936, Anne grew up in Fairborn, Georgia. She attended Auburn University in the 1950s where she was initiated into Tri Delta’s Phi Theta Chapter. At Auburn, she was a journalist for the college newspaper, where she wrote columns in favor of integration. Following graduation, she moved to Atlanta where she worked in advertising before serving as a writer and editor for Atlanta magazine. Then, an editor, impressed with her writing, reached out to ask her for a manuscript to consider for publication. The manuscript became a collection of essays

published as her first book, titled “John Chancellor Always Makes Me Cry.” Anne went on to write 19 novels, including her breakthrough novel, “Peachtree Road” and “Heartbreak Hotel” which was adapted into the film “Heart of Dixie.” Much of her writing takes place in the South and was inspired by her Georgia upbringing. In 2007, she was inducted into the Georgia Writers Hall of Fame. Most recently, in 2014 she published “The Girls of August.” She was a 2004 Tri Delta Woman of Achievement.

Ferrara, Emily McDuffie '44 d. 12/13 Settle, Beverly Jackson '55 d. 06/15


Faught, Virginia Kreimer '44 d. 01/11


Emerson, Ruth Lewin '44 d. 09/15 Moore, Thelma Giberson '43 d. 05/13


Collum, Catharine Whittenberg '44 d. 02/18 Crennen, Shirley Levoe '44 d. 01/16 Crow, Sally Corbit '45 d. 01/16 Dawson, Mildred Thayer '41 d. 07/14 Deaver, Lois Hofmann '46 d. 01/19 O'Day, Betty Nilsson '38 d. 11/16 Sayre, Jean Miller '40 d. 06/15 Weller, Phyllis Sells '40 d. 02/16


Graham, Roberta Kennedy '41 d. 11/15


Denk, Barbara Toan '44 d. 01/19


Climo, Shirley Beistle '47 d. 08/12 Kastrup, Jo Anne '44 d. 02/18


Gilbert, Mary Taylor '44 d. 03/16


Meeks, Mary Poynter '56 d. 02/19


Johnson, Martha Simpson '53 d. 02/19 60 The Trident Fall 2019 www.tridelta.org


Alford, Nancy Thomason '44 d. 07/17 Crawford, Betty Smith '44 d. 10/14

Harr-Burns, Dorothy Converse '44 d. 07/12 Johnson, Barbara Rogers '44 d. 05/14 Nelson, Madeline Holtzscherer '44 d. 08/17

Evans, Claire Greaves '44 d. 12/18 Strow, Constance Dolph '45 d. 03/19



Crabb, Martha Easley '44 d. 05/14 Fischer, Marilyn Cooper '44 d. 05/17 Hardy, Elizabeth Knox '44 d. 05/12 Long, Shirley Mount '42 d. 01/17

Gillespie, Marjorie Ellsworth '32 d. 12/11 Hoffbuhr, Kathryn Church '46 d. 07/18 Lawler, Norma Whitsell '48 d. 01/17 Nickeson, Barbara Brockman '50 d. 12/12 Sebring, Catherine Funseth '65 d. 09/17


Nickell, Dorothy Matlock '50 d. 12/18 Trutter, Janet '61 d. 02/19


Swets, Eileen Newby '42 d. 12/18 Vogt, Janet Trickey '48 d. 03/19

Johnson, Blanche Capurro '44 d. 04/15


Fitz, Connie Hendren '44 d. 02/17 Johnson, Margaret Gaston '48 d. 06/15 Pittman, Ina Ridley '57 d. 03/19






Griffith, Dorothy Ruckel '44 d. 10/18 Jorgenson, Jo Ann Stoecker '44 d. 03/17


Griffin, Joan Kloecker '44 d. 05/12 Short, Helen Raynor '43 d. 02/19


Ayer, Shirley Siegwart '52 d. 06/10 McEldowney, Martha Downard '48 d. 03/19 Spangler, Carol Erickson '48 d. 02/19 Stevenson, Susan '65 d. 11/18


Calhoun, Jennalie Cook '53 d. 08/17

Handlin, Jeanne Keller '44 d. 02/14 Shedd, Winifred Marlink '42 d. 12/15 Wolfenberger, Barbara Allen '50 d. 02/19




Jennings, Cleta Crabtree '44 d. 05/14

Averett, Billy Garmany '44 d. 07/11 Dixon, Jean Junot '44 d. 12/13 James, Jean Langhart '44 d. 08/18

Garland, Barbara Shindel '44 d. 07/13 Grazier, Mary Shimer '44 d. 06/10 McMillan, Betty Thomas '40 d. 01/15





Hussey, Marian Littlefield '44 d. 12/18 Bergsagel, Joyce Sigurdson '44 d. 11/12


Carpenter, Norma Rowe '34 d. 02/12


Dugger, Joan Igel '81 d. 02/19


Brewer, Janet Sibthorp '44 d. 08/15 Gidel, Madeline Sprunger '44 d. 09/12

Combs, Elizabeth Zinn '47 d. 11/13 Armstrong, Gloria Ressler '44 d. 07/13 Coburn, Marjorie Hamilton '44 d. 05/18


Goodenberger, Mary Ellen Marshall '44 d. 11/13 www.tridelta.org


Emerson, Gale Newman '72 d. 03/19 Berkey, Betty Jean Nessly '44 d. 11/17 Brunner, Rosemary Leahy '44 d. 04/18 Chiles, Alice Taggart '44 d. 03/12 Egbert, Barbara Brown '44 d. 09/16 Hutson, Patricia McAlmon '44 d. 08/16 Johnson, Kathy Cawthon '47 d. 02/19


Baudouin, Sidney Simms '69 d. 01/19


Casner, Irene Drummond '44 d. 09/18 Jones, Patricia Keller '44 d. 05/17


Bisch, Ruth Bartelheim '44 d. 07/15 Ducket, Rada Folger '44 d. 04/13


Pettus, Laura Moody '63 d. 12/18



Broderick, Kathryn Lynch '44 d. 03/18



Bloor-Warner, Cathy Warner '69 d. 06/13 Hines, Mary McReady '44 d. 09/15

Ginn, Nell Fisher '44 d. 10/14 Goodner, Martha McAdoo '44 d. 08/14





McLin, Jane Hunt '56 d. 03/19

Hawthorne, Marlys Dahle '44 d. 06/18

Allen, Betty Conrad '47 d. 03/19 Burnside, Mary Kirby '39 d. 01/18 Gardner, Carolyn Kurt '51 d. 01/19 Marston, Patricia Carr '51 d. 01/19

Claman, Catherine Warren '44 d. 02/14 Dodd, Shirley Williams '44 d. 09/17 Nevin, Nancy Blessed '47 d. 11/18

Bailey, Emily Schwabe '44 d. 12/13 Haupt, Jack Murray '44 d. 07/10 Tomberlin, Betty Linker '54 d. 02/19

Cook, Ruth Clark '44 d. 01/17 Heppard, Jane Griffis '44 d. 12/16 Veen, Shirley Goggins '46 d. 03/19


Tatum, Doris '72 d. 11/16



Bonds, Mary McCoy '44 d. 07/13 Greenlee, Jean Toombs '44 d. 12/15

Fishel, Lois Chapman '44 d. 07/17


Houston, Patricia '44 d. 09/15

Jorgensen, Marilyn Normington '44 d. 12/17 Strasma, Janice Plager '55 d. 10/18

Gray, Ellen Larson '44 d. 01/19



Beck, Marilyn Boland '43 d. 03/16 Brier, Virginia Trice '38 d. 06/11 Gilbertson, Mary Hosmer '44 d. 09/16 Gilkison, Gloria Hill '44 d. 12/12 Halligan, Marydith Cox '43 d. 01/19 Hoover, Suzanne Swope '43 d. 10/10 Litchka, Nancy Wolf '43 d. 11/16 Rockefeller, Jacque Goodrich '43 d. 03/19



Hagemann, Dorothy May '44 d. 12/15


Gurley, Barbara Lee '44 d. 05/16 Holmes, Mildred Belser '44 d. 04/12 Montague, Kate Ellison '46 d. 01/19


Dechant, Lois Stephenson '44 d. 07/18 King, Mary Ellen Heinz '44 d. 02/19


Blalack, Laura Baker '44 d. 03/13 Clark, Ruth Sowell '44 d. 07/13

Christensen, Catherine Young '44 d. 06/18 Fannon, Betty Pratt '44 d. 04/12 Hutaff, Patricia Dickinson '37 d. 06/14 Koeb, Kathleen Shields '35 d. 02/19


Dick, Marilyn Mandle '45 d. 02/19


Gonzales, Haley '15 03/19 Fuller, Barbara Sorenson '44 d. 09/17

This list represents deceased members reported to Executive Office from February 21, 2019, through April 2, 2019. To report a deceased member, send name, date deceased, chapter, married name and name and address of closest living relative to The Trident at Executive Office. See contact information on page 3.

Fall 2019 The Trident 61

Historically Speaking

If These Photos Could Talk By Fraternity Archivist Beth Dees Applebaum, Texas Christian

When Cindy Cook Hornbaker, Central Florida, was going through her mom's house, she had no idea she was about to unearth a unique piece of Tri Delta history. Tri Delta’s archival collection includes historical photographs from many of our chapters. Group photos of our early sisters provide a glimpse into their collegiate lives and perhaps leave us to imagine what lies behind the solemn faces. The most extensive collection of early photos in the archives comes from our founding chapter, Alpha, at Boston University. Recently, the archives acquired an additional group photo from Cindy whose great-grandmother was one of the Alpha Chapter members in the photograph. Included here is that photo, along with three others, and a few behind-the-scenes stories of the members pictured. Photo #1: The most recognizable of these photos is the iconic photo of the original 21 founding members of Tri Delta. Seated at the center Founder Sarah Ida Shaw gazes serenely toward the camera; on the left Founder Eleanor Dorcas Pond looks off in the distance with a slight smile. Left of Eleanor, Isabel Morgan Breed’s solemn face and clasped hands, perhaps a reflection of her serious nature. Seated below and slightly left of Sarah is Florence Isabelle Stewart, on her skirt, one of three cardboard deltas placed on darker fabric so they would be more visible in the photo. Although the founding year “1888” was written on the photo, it was taken in May of 1889 before the senior members graduated. Third from

62 The Trident Fall 2019 www.tridelta.org

the left in the back row is Emily Allen, in whose boarding house room the first group Initiation took place. It was in her home in Pinckney Place in 1892 that Tri Delta’s first alumnae chapter then called Alpha Alliance was founded. Seated on the floor to the left of Isabel Breed is Charlotte Joslin. She served in several early chapter offices, developing an early permanent record system of members and using its information to compile the first four directories for the Fraternity. She was widely known in the education world for her advocacy for more significant opportunities for women, particularly overseas. Because of its symbolic importance, Sarah insisted the trident behind the back row be visible. In

order to hide a large crack in its cardboard body, an inventive member hung her purse on the trident. Sarah Ida Shaw sent photo #2 to Executive Office in 1938 in honor of Tri Delta’s 50th anniversary. In the accompanying letter, she wrote, “Am sending you herewith the second picture taken of ALPHA. Am listing the names . . . on the reverse of this sheet, so they will not be separated. [It had been] expected that our group would go to pieces as soon as the seniors and others were no longer in college. As a matter of fact, however, we secured more pledges than the other sororities — the result of very earnest work, and in spite of depleted numbers.” The new chapter had been under tremendous pressure from other groups to give up the idea of their fledgling organization and apply for a charter from one of the more established groups. However, with continuing guidance and encouragement from Founders Sarah Ida Shaw and Eleanor Pond, Alpha Chapter began to thrive, chartering three new Tri Delta chapters in its first year. Among the returning members are Charlotte Joslin, second from the left on the middle row, and Emily Allen, fourth


Founding members of Alpha Chapter, 1889.


Alpha Chapter members, 1889 - 1890.

from the left in the middle row. Emily took over as chapter president when the slated president was unable to return to school. Photo #3 was taken of the entire membership of Alpha Chapter about 1892. The photo belonged to Emily Hall Cook, initiated in 1892, and was a gift to the archives from her Tri Delta descendant. The November 1899 issue of The Trident features an account of Emily’s wedding. “The year of 1899 has witnessed many charming weddings in Alpha Chapter, but none more delightful than that of Emily Alice Hall, B.U. ’96 to Daniel Addison Cook, Tufts ’87. Emily with her petite form and winsome face made a very sweet bride in her gown of white mousseline de soie over white taffeta silk with veil. The wedding was a typical one of the autumn season for the church was decked with autumn leaves and flowers by her Delta sisters. Pansies and Delta colors marked the pews reserved for the Deltas. The ceremony was followed by a formal reception in the church parlors, at which two Delta girls . . . acted as ushers. Millie was the same bright, witty, laughter-loving Tri Delta girl, ever loyal to her Fraternity. As we parted we could truly say, ‘Whereso’er you are, our hearts shall truly love you.’” Emily was an early president of the Boston Alliance, as the Boston Alumnae Chapter was then called, and later taught school at Belmont Junior High School in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Photo #4 was taken about 1910 when university revisions to recruitment procedures caused concern that the chapter would recruit fewer members. However, the chapter was excited to report in April 1911, that their new member class was among the largest to date. Senior Isabel Hallett, fourth from the left on the back row, represented Alpha Chapter at the 1910 Convention in Evanston, Illinois. She also represented Boston Alliance at the 1922 Convention in Ithaca, New York, and would continue to serve as a volunteer for the next 15 years. Her volunteer positions included leadership of Alpha Province, a regional designation of about 15-20 chapters. She also served as a visiting deputy, traveling to assist chapters in her province as our chapter development consultants do today. Isabel remained active in Tri Delta until her death in 1977. Do you have archival photographs that would be of interest to Tri Delta’s archives? Contact Fraternity Archivist Beth Applebaum at bapplebaum@trideltaeo.org. 64 The Trident Fall 2019 www.tridelta.org


4. Alpha Chapter members, about 1892 (above) and in 1910 (below).

Join us for the

Now until November 27, sign up and run the 5k, 10k, half marathon or marathon at the St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend. Raise $300 by December 4 and receive access to the Tri Delta Hospitality Suite on race day.

St. Jude patient Cassidy, blood cancer

Sign up & choose National Team Tri Delta Saturday, December 7th

stjude.org/marathon | #TriDelta4StJude Š 2019 ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (YP-263)

Tri Delta homes come in many shapes and sizes, and each facility is unique. But the needs and challenges they present for the loyal volunteers who manage them are not. Today more than 60 house corporations provide safe, comfortable and competitive living environments that serve more than 8,000 collegiate members, house 2,500 residents and include more than 850,000 square feet. Tri Delta Housing offers premier resources and support to house corporations and volunteers in the key areas of property management, short-term and long-term financial planning, capital improvement initiatives and more. Contact Tri Delta Housing to learn more and take advantage of these valuable services and support options. We’re here to help. Email housing@trideltaeo.org.


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