Fall 2020

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FALL 2020 www.tridelta.org

Mark Your Calendar

As an organization founded to be kind alike to all, we’ve adopted World Kindness Day, as Tri Delta’s Day of Giving!

The need has never been greater. Mark your calendar and let’s come together to assist our members in every possible way through Tri Delta’s Foundation. TRIDELTA.ORG/DAYOFGIVING


Read more about the 2020-2021 chapter development consultants on page 44. www.tridelta.org

Fall 2020 The Trident 1 Cover photo by Andrew Vracin

Fall 2020 volume 130 The cover photo of actress

ON THE COVER Virtually Tri Delta

Well before the world moved online, Tri Delta was already looking to a digital experience as the future of our sisterhood.



Tri Delta Living


Live Learn Lead


Life After College


Celebrating the Class of 2020


For a Lifetime


Tri Delta Today


With Purpose




In Memoriam


Historically Speaking




Founders' Day Proclamation


Kind Alike to All


Tri Delta's Foundation is Sisters Helping Sisters

The Trident Fall 2020


Letter from the CEO Introducing Tri Delta's new Boards


33 Under 33

33 young Tri Deltas to watch!

Honoring our Volunteer Service Award winners

Photos, top, left: Pete Kiehart; third from left: Amanda Cherie Photography

The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, the official publication of Tri Delta Fraternity, has been published continuously since 1891. Its mission is to reflect the lifetime membership experience while sharing the stories of our brave, bold and kind sisters. It also aims to provide a connection to Tri Delta for members of all ages, to bring the shared values of Tri Delta to life and to showcase Tri Delta as a premier women’s organization.

HOW TO RECEIVE THE TRIDENT Fall 2020 Volume 130 EDITORIAL CEO Editor-In-Chief Karen Hughes White, Georgia Managing Editor Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist Director of Marketing and Creative Brandy Darrow, Southern Methodist Content Manager Amanda Milford, Texas/Arlington Archivist Beth Applebaum, Texas Christian DESIGN

Alumnae members receive The Trident print edition through payment of annual dues, through an alumnae chapter or online ($33) at tridelta.org/foralifetime. All members can view The Trident online at tridelta.org/trident.

A NOTE TO PARENTS Your daughter’s copy of The Trident is being sent to your address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it too. If your daughter is not in college, or is no longer living at home, please send us her new address.

HOW TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Log onto www.tridelta.org, go to My Tri Delta and edit your personal information. You may also call (817) 633-8001 or send mail to Delta Delta Delta, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254.

Art Director Liz Tindall, Texas


Design Specialist Lori Massey

The Trident, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254 Email: trident@trideltaeo.org Phone: (817) 633-8001 Fax: (817) 652-0212

CONTRIBUTORS Anica Armstrong, Chapman Randall Goblirsch, Florida Gulf Coast Jason Paul Gomez Dotti Keagy, Illinois Milly McKinnish, Temple Morgan Randazzo, Stockton The Trident of Delta Delta Delta is published annually and is $10 per issue by Delta Delta Delta, 14951 North Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254. Copyright ©2020 by Delta Delta Delta. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, Texas, and additional mailing offices. MAILING POLICY: The Fraternity respects the privacy of its members. Mailing lists are shared only with vendors of Executive Boardapproved Fraternity programs. These vendors sign an agreement prohibiting the sale of the mailing list.

This publication was printed using soy ink.


Collegiate members receive The Trident through payment of Fraternity dues to their chapters. Individual copies are mailed to each undergraduate member’s permanent address, and four copies are sent to each collegiate chapter president.

HOW TO SEND A LETTER TO THE EDITORIAL TEAM We welcome your comments, both positive and negative, about The Trident. Send letters to the editorial team via email or mail. Please include your name, school and initiation year. The Trident reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the editor. Letters may be edited for space and clarity.

HOW TO GET PUBLISHED All Tri Deltas are encouraged to submit news and stories to The Trident. Tell us about your accomplishments, events and experiences, and please include photographs. Send stories and photos online through My Tri Delta or via email or mail. If submitting photos online or by email, please submit as high-resolution.

National Panhellenic Conference Fall 2020 The Trident


From the CEO

Dear Sisters, In August, Tri Delta welcomed more than 14,000 women back to 141 college campuses across North America—amidst a global pandemic, rising anti-Greek sentiment, and great uncertainty around how and where students would attend classes... Never mind how sorority recruitment might happen!

• Celebrated membership milestones with hundreds of women across the country through virtual Pearl, Silver, Gold and Diamond Circle ceremonies – see p. 33

Sounds like a recipe for failure, right?

• Installed our newest chapter at Tulane University and initiated 165 members – see p. 38

I’m pleased to tell you that Tri Deltas did what Tri Deltas do... Our collegiate members and volunteers rose to the occasion. They bravely confronted the challenges of COVID-19; boldly stood up to movements like #AbolishGreekLife and #StripYourLetters, and kindly welcomed more than 3,000 new members to sisterhood in Tri Delta. They succeeded on every front. As it turns out, they needed only to channel their inner Tri Delta Founders to get the job done! In her first Founders’ Day Proclamation, Fraternity President Megan Shaw James, Millsaps, reveals that attending Boston University was actually Sarah Ida Shaw’s “Plan B,” following a series of family illnesses and setbacks. Seems it worked out well for her... And for the more than 300,000 women who have been initiated into Tri Delta since our founding in 1888. Read Megan’s message on p. 12. In August, we also welcomed three new Boards and Board Chairs. And they and we welcomed our first Sisters of Color to board service in Tri Delta. Read about Tri Delta’s governing boards on p. 6-9. All of this followed Tri Delta’s epic Summer of Sisterhood, during which we... • Walked 132,000 miles—“With Purpose”—and raised $9,000 for Tri Delta’s Foundation – see p. 51 • Hosted our first-ever LEADDD Online personal and professional development conference—created by women, for women – see p. 33 • Launched LEADDDer.org, our online learning platform with support from Tri Delta’s Foundation and the Mildred Bland Miller Charitable Fund – see p. 28


The Trident Fall 2020

• Initiated more than 800 collegiate women virtually, since campus closures prevented their in-person experience – see p. 33

And, at the center of it all was Tri Delta’s first-ever, virtual Convention, FOCUS 2020, during which we... • Adopted 68 amendments to the Fraternity Bylaws • Elected the 2020-22 Executive Board and Leadership Development Committee • Adopted the LEADDD Now resolution to create an equitable and inclusive lifetime membership experience for Tri Delta’s Black, Indigenous and Sisters of Color Tri Delta, categorized as a “social fraternity,” did all of this while practicing safe, social distancing across the organization. Seemingly overnight, Tri Delta transformed itself to meet the needs of our members at a time when our members needed us most. We became “Virtually, Tri Delta,” offering new digital content and online opportunities for friendship, connections, learning and growth. And there’s more where that came from as we continue to lean in to the “now normal.” Read more on p. 28. And don’t miss our “33 Under 33” feature on p. 20, highlighting Tri Delta’s brightest stars. These accomplished young women will amaze and inspire you with their humble confidence and love for Tri Delta. Happy reading... And Happy Founders’ Day! Delta Love,

Karen Hughes White, Georgia CEO

Tri Talk Kind Alike to All Dear Trident publishers, Your article “Tri Delta Was Founded to Be Kind Alike to All” was especially moving and recalled a time in my own experience many years ago. In 1958, when I was a sophomore at what was often regarded as a most progressive school, the same prejudicial force that Dr. Petersen endured displayed its ugly head on my campus also. A sole Black young woman was going through rush at this small, Midwest school in Wisconsin. When her name came before our assembled group for consideration into Tri Delta, our president simply said something to the effect that, “Yes, she's nice, but let's get serious.” And that was that, no argument, not one voice, not my voice objected to her suggestion. Years later, though many college memories have faded, this one moment stabs me as sharply as if it had occurred yesterday. My family has assured me that in recent years, I have definitely found my voice when I see an issue, which in my mind is not fair, not just. I feel now I am not afraid to speak. Thank you for assuring me that Tri Delta has found its voice also not only through words, but actions to change the concept of what a sorority was thought to be for too many years. In looking at my daughter's and granddaughters' college experiences, they shunned the sorority life which they felt still adhered to the concept of blonde, beautiful and white. Your article detailed so well the difference between nominal acceptance and true embracing of an idea, i.e. diversity and inclusion, and how practically inclusion is the rule and the strides that have been made to make all feel as if they belong. In that path, the change in the idea of leadership, with specific directions to follow and advice on how to word a single question on someone's summer are definitely salient. Thank you again for your continued good work in The Trident, and addressing the core of our sorority's thinking, following a true path of sisterhood for all. Sincerely, Dianne Kowal Kirtley, Beloit

Celebrating Forward Progress Many thanks to Amanda Milford for her well written and eye-opening article in the Winter/Spring 2020 issue of The Trident regarding decades of discrimination and non-inclusiveness within our "kind and inclusive society" that Sarah Ida Shaw envisioned. Kudos also to Karen Hughes White, CEO, for her acknowledgment of this shameful part of our past history. I celebrate the forward progress we are now making around diversity, equity and inclusion and applaud the young women of today who truly embrace inner character than outward appearance. Holly J. Young, Central Florida

Leading Tri Delta in Inclusion Hats off to Texas/Dallas, Clemson, and other schools that are leading Tri Delta into the world of inclusion! Thanks, too, Cristina Dominguez, www.tridelta.org

Texas A&M/Corpus Christi, and Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine, for your strong leadership in helping remove barriers to membership. I found the Winter/Spring 2020 issue of The Trident to be truly inspirational! Carol Emery Kirsheman, Toledo

What Tri Delta Did For Me I came from a single parent home with a working mom, which was rare in the ‘50s, so I always felt a bit different from other kids. I didn't know any other divorced moms. My mother was in civil service so we moved a lot—I felt adrift—a quiet kid who didn’t make friends easily or quickly. I am very proud that she found a way to support us in a time when women's careers were mostly teachers, nurses or secretaries. But it left me on my own a lot and then later more grown up and responsible than most kids my age. All of this was wonderful experience for running a household and being independent after college, but it was not good preparation for making friends, participating in activities or gaining self-confidence. My mother always said college were the best years of her life. As a freshman in the dorm I noticed that many of the girls weren’t interacting with each other; they weren't connected by relationships but were on their own. It seemed sad to me—empty—important things were missing. This can't be what mom meant about the best years of her life! As my freshman year progressed, I began to notice that some girls had lots of friends, went to all sorts of places together, dressed nicely for class, cared about making good grades, wanted to participate in extracurricular activities, kept their rooms nice, dated and went to parties, were in and out of each other’s dorm rooms. I wanted to be one of those girls. So—I went through rush and—I joined Tri Delta. It was everything and so much more than I could ever have imagined! I immediately had the most wonderful group of friends, and they were all different with diverse interests. There was always someone to do anything with such as: Studying: at study hall, in our room, at the library or with a member that could tutor and give advice on which classes or professors to avoid. Meeting all sorts of girls, but better yet—getting to know them by changing roommates regularly and participating in events together. Going home with someone else, seeing other towns, becoming part of other families. Receiving satisfaction from jobs well done: organizing rush, parties, charity events, house management, philanthropies, holding office, working at and earning positions in other campus organizations. Developing major organizational and social skills through membership recruitment. Making connections for job references and interviews after graduation. Talking and crying together when disappointed by a boyfriend or a girlfriend or an event. Giving and receiving comfort or sharing sorrow from a tragedy whenever you need it. Learning the value of both collegiate and lifelong friendships. Thank you, Tri Delta, for providing me with such a complete college experience in such a nurturing environment, and for showing me how to have fun while learning to grow up. You helped me develop into the well-balanced, happy, social, organized, responsible, caring, confident and fun woman that I am today. Hope Wright Savage, Oklahoma State Fall 2020 The Trident


Tri Delta Today

Tri Delta’s Executive Board

Megan Shaw James, Millsaps, Fraternity President


egan earned her Bachelor of Arts in psychology with a minor in Spanish from Millsaps College, and her Master of Education from North Carolina State University. Megan serves as an Alumni Engagement Associate in the Office of Institutional Advancement at the University of Mississippi Medical Center where she focuses on establishing strategic relationships with a wide range of alumni. EMILY GREER, RHODES Emily graduated cum laude from Christian Brothers University with a Bachelor of Science in marketing and management. She earned her certification as a Senior Professional in Human Resources and her Executive Master of Business Administration from the University of Memphis. As Chief Administrative Officer for ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Emily is responsible for leading the day-to-day administrative operations and serves as the No. 2 executive behind the CEO. SANDY BEACH LIN, TOLEDO Sandy graduated from the University of Toledo with a Bachelor of Business Administration and holds an MBA from the University 6

The Trident Fall 2020

Emily Greer, Director

Sandy Beach Lin, Director

Jenni Stork Oaks, Director

Lenora Oeters, Director

Tycely Williams, Director

Susan Woda, Director

of Michigan. She built her career through the sales and marketing functions, leading to general management roles, the most recent of which was Chief Executive Officer of Calisolar Inc. (now Silicor Materials). She is Co-Chair of the Paradigm for Parity® Coalition, which is focused on achieving gender parity in corporate leadership. JENNI STORK OAKS, BAYLOR Jenni earned a B.A. in journalism with a minor in marketing. For most of her career, Jenni served as a Change Management Consultant at Accenture where she supported global change management programs; led business development, community outreach, and people engagement in one of the major U.S. offices; and provided program management for a U.S. local market growth initiative. Jenni served as Chief of Staff to the North America CEO prior to leaving Accenture in 2014. LENORA OETERS, CINCINNATI Lenora earned a Bachelor of Arts in communications and public relations. She serves as American Cancer Society's Executive Director for Ohio, Northern Kentucky and West Virginia. Previously, she served as their National Strategic Director, Distinguished Partners Events, overseeing the nationwide strategy, execution and training for the American Cancer

Society’s $30 million-dollar Gala product. TYCELY WILLIAMS, WAKE FOREST Tycely is a cum laude graduate of Wake Forest University with a B.A. in communication and a minor in journalism. She also holds an Executive Masters in Leadership from The McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. She is the Chief Development Officer for America’s Promise Alliance, the driving force behind a nationwide movement to improve the lives and futures of America’s youth. A Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), she has encouraged investments of more than $100 million toward social good at various nonprofit organizations. SUSAN WODA, MARYLAND Susan joined EAB Global (formerly known as the Education Advisory Board) in 2011, partnering with the faculty, executive leadership teams and Boards of colleges and universities in the areas of institutional strategy, academic planning, program development, public policy, resource allocation, advancement and strategic finance. Her education includes a degree in finance and human resource management and a master’s degree in public policy. Her doctoral coursework and research has focused on higher education policy, leadership and finance.

Tri Delta Housing Board

Kimberly David Campbell, Oklahoma, Chair

KIMBERLY DAVID CAMPBELL, OKLAHOMA im was initiated at the University of Oklahoma and graduated from the University of Tulsa with a B.S. in business administration and an MBA from Rollins College. Kim has over 25 years of commercial real estate experience predominantly in the retail sector. She has managed assets for both public and private Real Estate Investment Trusts and has managed numerous institutional investor relationships. She is currently the CEO of Chinook Ranch, LLC, a working horse ranch and hay farm near Durango, Colorado. CAROLINE CHIN GOLDWATER, JAMES MADISON Caroline earned her Bachelor of Business Administration from James Madison University and her MBA from George Washington University. She currently serves as security cooperation policy analyst for the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). She previously worked at the Navy International Programs Office. A certified Project Management Professional (PMP), she has an extensive background in project management, strategic planning, policy development and innovation.


Caroline Chin Goldwater, Director

Lisa Lalande Heath, Director

Dr. Levester Johnson, Director

Stephanie McLemore Morris, Director

LISA LALANDE HEATH, LOUISIANA STATE Lisa has worked in the financial services industry for the last 31 years. She currently serves as managing partner and Registered Principal of Financial Partners of Louisiana, LLC. The firm is an independent and privately owned financial planning and investment advisory firm. Lisa is a Certified Financial Planner and an Accredited Investment Fiduciary. NICOLE HUGHES, WASHINGTON STATE Nicole earned a Bachelor of Arts in communication/journalism from Washington State University. She has previously served Tri Delta as a member of the Leadership Development Committee, a Trustee for Tri Delta's Foundation and a Director on the Executive Board. Professionally, Nicole is a software solutions architect focused on data science and artificial intelligence solutions. Nicole serves as the chair of the Economic Development Commission in Edmonds, Washington. DR. LEVESTER JOHNSON Dr. Levester Johnson, better known as L.J., serves as the Vice President for Student Affairs at Illinois State University. L.J. has more than 30 years of experience within student affairs. Within his campus leadership roles, L.J. has demonstrated a commitment

Pamela Berra Swafford, Director

to campus safety and student well-being through fostering environments which empower students and campus community members to engage in healthy behaviors, to support others trying to do the same and to look out for one another.

STEPHANIE MCLEMORE MORRIS, ARKANSAS Stephanie is the Child Advocacy Studies Program Coordinator for Northwest Arkansas Community College in which students and front-line professionals learn best practices for identifying, investigating and treating child mistreatment. Previously, Stephanie was a Director for Walmart Global Investigations and Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Benton County, Arkansas, handling violent crimes against women and children. PAMELA BERRA SWAFFORD, KNOX Pamela has served as a Tri Delta volunteer, including as a collegiate district officer, housing specialist, financial specialist and Housing Task Force member. Pamela served six years as Pi Chapter House Corporation President at the University of California Berkeley where she learned firsthand how to develop and implement best practices for group living accommodations.

Fall 2020 The Trident


Tri Delta’s Foundation Board of Trustees

Ashley Baskerville, Trustee

Crystal White Blaylock, Trustee

Laura Hamilton Cole, Vice Chair

Julie Coffman Doss, Trustee

Michelle Popp Shimberg, Trustee

Stacey Dickenson Cox, Southern Methodist, Chair

April Mathis Voris, Trustee

STACEY DICKENSON COX, SOUTHERN METHODIST tacey earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing with minors in English literature and art history. Professionally, Stacey has worked with Westin Hotels & Resorts Walt Disney World Swan Resort in marketing and catering sales. She is currently employed as Director of Events & Sponsorships at the Winter Park Chamber of Commerce. She is a trustee of the Winter Park Public Library, corresponding secretary of the Winter Park High School Foundation and the membership chair of the WPHS PTSA. ASHLEY BASKERVILLE, CAL STATE/ LONG BEACH Ashley earned her Bachelor of Science in sport psychology and coaching and her Master of Science in sport and exercise


The Trident Fall 2020

psychology from California State University Long Beach. She is a professional mental performance coach, utilizing growth mindset techniques and effective communication in the development of a wide spectrum of sports teams and individual athletes. She is currently a master resilience trainer-performance expert for the Armed Forces, and is the founder of A.B. Mentality where she is a sports psychology consultant and mental coach working with youth, semi-pro, professional and Olympic athletes.

CRYSTAL WHITE BLAYLOCK, CALIFORNIA STATE/LONG BEACH Crystal currently serves as Executive Director for Elmington Elevates, a Nashville-based non-profit organization serving low-income youth through mentorship. A lifelong fundraiser and philanthropist, Crystal started her career at ALSAC/St. Jude Children's Research

Hospital, fundraising in Southern California, where she worked closely with Tri Delta chapters, increasing fundraising efforts through new training and resources for chapter philanthropy chairs.

LAURA HAMILTON COLE, VALPARAISO Laura earned a Bachelor of Arts in public and corporate communication from Valparaiso University. After serving the Fraternity as a chapter development consultant, she went on to earn her master’s in higher education administration from Florida State. Professionally, Laura's work focuses on strategic planning and project management. Laura currently serves as the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives for OmegaFi, a technology company focused on providing business management solutions for fraternities and sororities. As a former major gift

fundraiser, Laura consults with fraternal foundations to design and implement systems to improve efficiency and maximize returns.

JULIE COFFMAN DOSS, TEXAS A&M Julie is an attorney with experience in higher education and a heart for community service. She holds a business degree from Texas A&M University and J.D. from Texas Tech University School of Law. Julie is the senior director of engagement and external relations at Texas Tech University Rawls College of Business. She is chair of the State Bar of Texas Public Affairs Committee. Passionate about empowering and enriching the lives of women, Julie volunteers extensively and has earned the Volunteer Center of Lubbock’s Adult Volunteer of the Year Award, Lubbock Association of Fundraising Professional’s Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award and Texas Tech University Fraternity & Sorority Life’s Lifetime Achievement Award. JANET TIMMERMAN MILLER, TOLEDO Janet is a native of Toledo, Ohio, and holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Toledo and MBA from Georgia State University. She earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation in 1985. Janet has served on the Finance Committee and Collegiate Crescent Fund Committee for Tri Delta’s Foundation. Past volunteer activities include the boards of Girls Inc. of Greater Atlanta; the Partnership Against Domestic Violence; and the CFA Institute. Professionally she is the senior partner in Rowland & Company, a registered investment advisory firm located in Atlanta, Georgia. DIANE PETERSEN, OHIO WESLEYAN Diane earned her Bachelor of Arts from Ohio Wesleyan in 1966, followed by a master’s degree in communicative dis-


orders from Northwestern University in 1968 and medical degree from the University of Michigan in 1982. She is a retired otolaryngologist/head and neck surgeon who spent much of her career with HealthCare Partners Medical Group in Torrance, California. She is also active in her local community, including 25 years of service with the Sandpipers, a South Bay philanthropic organization.

GABY JACKSON RENSTROM, CALIFORNIA/DAVIS aby is an attorney with a litigation practice centered in California but her client base is nationwide. She has handled cases all over the United States in her specialty of products liability and environmental litigation. Throughout her life, Gaby has been an active volunteer in her community through membership in the Junior League of San Francisco, the Edgewood Auxiliary and the San Francisco Symphony League among others. In her recent Tri Delta volunteer roles, she has been on the Ritual Committee, the undergraduate scholarship committee and the advisory boards of Pi Chapter at the University of California, Berkeley and Epsilon Rho at the University of San Francisco. MICHELLE POPP SHIMBERG, FLORIDA Michelle has served Tri Delta in numerous roles, including Fraternity President. An active volunteer in her community, Michelle served on the Citizen Advisory Committee for the Hillsborough County School Board for 18 years, including terms as Chair, Vice Chair and Scholarship Chair. She has additionally served as the PTA President and Foundation President at numerous schools in her community. She is a Founding Board member for Starting Right, Now, the Board Chairman for the East Tampa Academy and the Treasurer and Board Member for

Men of Vision. Michelle worked professionally at NCNB/Nationsbank in the management training program and as a Leadership and Management Training Manager.

APRIL MATHIS VORIS, ALABAMA April has over 20 years of experience in the marketing industry and has served on several nonprofit boards, including CURE Childhood Cancer and Hospitality Sales and Marketing International. In addition to Tri Delta’s Foundation Board, she also serves on the Board of Utility Communicators International. April has been an instructor in social media for the past 10 years where she is an ongoing instructor with both the University of Georgia and the Non-Profit University as part of the Georgia Center for Non-Profits. MARY ANN HEYSER WRIGHT, WILLIAM & MARY Mary Ann was initiated at the College of William and Mary and graduated with a B.A. in elementary education. She holds an M.Ed. in administration and a Ph.D. in urban studies, both from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Mary Ann began her career as an elementary teacher and elementary principal. She joined the School of Education at VCU as Director of the Principals Assessment and Development Center. She directed and managed her own consulting business, working with a variety of non-school organizations to design training materials, deliver curriculum and develop leadership skills of their employees.

Fall 2020 The Trident



Create an equitable and inclusive lifetime membership experience for Tri Delta's Black, Indigenous and Sisters of Color by identifying and dismantling systemic racism; promoting education, understanding and healing; and fighting for equity, equality and justice.


We will uphold our values, virtues and Purpose in all work related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). We will remain brave, bold and kind alike to all as we approach this work with humility and steadfast love. We will act with accountability and provide transpar- ency to our members

The LEADDD Now plan is a living, growing document that we will update and improve as we learn and listen. We want to share with you the progress we have made to date and hope you will continue to share your thoughts and ideas with us by emailing inclusion@trideltaeo.org.

Progress and Updates on the LEADDD Now Plan JULY


• On Monday, Aug. 3, 2020, Tri Delta announced its new seven-person Executive Board including two Sisters of Color, Emily Greer, Rhodes, and Tycely Williams, Wake Forest. (See page 6 for more.) • Krystal Clark, Maryland, was named the chair of the NPC's new Access and Equity Advisory Committee. This 14-member group has been formed to provide recommendations and guidance to the NPC Board of Directors about how to eliminate the structural and systemic barriers blocking women from access to the sorority experience. • LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Tri Delta’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Mindy Tucker, Southern Methodist, hosted a conversation with Krystal Clark, Maryland, focused on her passions for diversity, equity and inclusion within higher education and her new role as chair of NPC’s Access and Equity Advisory Committee.

LEADDD Now Business Resolution was adopted by Tri Delta’s 59th Biennial Convention body on Saturday, July 11. • The Convention body voted to approve the Amendments to the Bylaws of Delta Delta Delta to expand the size of the Executive Board by two Directors effective Aug. 1, 2020. • LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Past Fraternity President Kimberlee Sullivan, Pepperdine, hosted Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan, Tri Delta’s first Black member. • LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Dr. Mari Ann Callais, Tri Delta’s Sr. Director of Strategic Initiatives, hosted a conversation with Lexi Leggs, Millikin, and Sabur Woldu, Texas/Dallas, both recent graduates and Sisters of Color, to discuss their thoughts on Kimberlee and Diane’s conversation. • LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Fraternity President Megan James, Millsaps, hosted a conversation with Zakiya Young, Pittsburgh, about her career, her membership journey and her experience as a Black woman in Tri Delta. • We created the email: inclusion@ trideltaeo.org for sisters to share input, resources and ideas for how Tri Delta can LEADDD Now.


We are seeking competitive proposals from consultants experienced in DEI to conduct a comprehensive enterprise audit and provide specific recommendations to guide our work in advancing DEI. The request for proposals was distributed on Sept. 1 and we hope to select a partner in November.

• LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Board Director Lenora Oeters, Cincinnati, hosted new Board Director Tycely Williams, Wake Forest. They discuss our LEADDD Now plan, trans- formational change and creating inclusive and equitable spaces for all Tri Delta members. • LEADDD Now Conversation on Racism: Tri Delta’s CEO, Karen White, Georgia, hosted new Board Director Emily Greer, Rhodes. They discuss how diversity helps shape an organization for more success and how Tri Delta is leading the way to make a more inclu- sive and equitable experience for all members. • The Tri Delta Housing Board and Tri Delta's Foundation Board of Trustees followed the Executive Board’s lead and on Sept. 29 announced the addition of three Sisters of Color to those boards. Caroline Chin Goldwater, James Madison, was elected to the Tri Delta Housing Board and Ashley Baskerville, Cal State/ Long Beach, and Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan, are new Trustees on Tri Delta's Foundation Board. (See pages 7-9 for more.) • As Tri Delta’s collegiate chapters transition to a new officer structure this fall, the position of vice president, community relations now has responsi- bility for diversity, equity and inclusion and serves as the chair of the DEI Standing Committee. • Diversity, equity and inclusion education was incorporated into training for Tri Delta’s new volunteer leaders.

This information is up to date as of Oct. 1. For the latest updates on Tri Delta’s LEADDD Now plan, visit tridelta.org/leadddnow.

Making Your Home Work for You Are work and school taking over your house? We've got you covered! ith the majority of us now living, working and attending (or teaching) school from our homes, it’s become increasingly difficult to achieve the elusive work-life balance. Dining rooms now double as home offices, classrooms are now being run out of kitchens and, let’s face it, quarantine clutter is real! Organizing our lives and homes during COVID-19 is a challenge. Productivity specialist Lisa Woodruff joined Tri Deltas for a LEADDD U keynote on Saturday, Sept. 12, to share how to be more productive with your time while making the home function for life, work and school. Lisa is the founder and CEO of Organize 365 where she provides physical and motivational resources teaching busy women to take back control of their lives with functional systems that work. During her keynote, Lisa shared that according to Pew Research Center, the average American family spends 26 hours a week on housework. Traditionally, the bulk of those chores often falls to women who may also have to balance work (whether paid or unpaid) with childcare and now homeschooling.

Trimming the To-Do List Lisa encouraged everyone to reevaluate their to-do lists and their standards of keeping their homes spotless, especially in the time of COVID-19. “Does everything on your to-do list even need to be done?” she asked. “Think through how many things you’re doing in your house that you don’t even need to do anymore. How long will it be—if ever—until somebody else notices? We’re in a pandemic—no one is coming over! If there’s ever a time to let your guard down, let it down now.” Lisa also shared three questions (also known as the three “Ds”) women can ask themselves to help refine their to-do lists and free up their time: 1. What can be Delegated? (What needs to be done but can be completed by someone other than yourself?) 2. What can be Deferred? (What needs to done but can be completed at a later time?) 3. What can be Deleted? (What can be deleted from your to-do list entirely?) After answering these questions, whatever you have left on your list can remain a priority. For Lisa, it also helps to know exactly how much time each task takes to better schedule out chores and to stack tasks in a way that require the least amount of time to complete.

Lisa’s advice helped attendees think about their homes, and time, in ways they perhaps hadn’t considered before. And, her tips and tricks can apply to anyone, no matter their age or the size of their living space.

More on LEADDDer.org Lisa's LEADDD U event kicked off her exclusive multi-part course “GET ORGANIZED!” on LEADDDer.org, available to all dues-paying Tri Delta members. The course includes step-by-step instructions on building and utilizing The Sunday Basket system to organize paper and mail into actional to-do items, helping you take back control of your home and focus your energy on what needs to get done. This course—along with other LEADDDer.org courses—was made possible thanks to support from the Mildred (Milly) Bland Miller Foundation. For more from Lisa, be sure to check out her “GET ORGANIZED!” course on LEADDDer.org and tune into her interview on the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast where she shares more organization and productivity tips and tricks!

Tune into the Let's Talk Tri Delta podcast for our conversation with Lisa Woodruff. www.tridelta.org LET’S TALK TRI DELTA

Fall 2020 The Trident


Founders’ Day Proclamation

Founders' Day 2020

Dear Sisters,

Challenges, Changes & Opportunities

This year has been a time of enormous challenge, change and opportunity. We’ve been challenged to reconfigure our lives as COVID-19 has become a global, shared reality. We’ve changed the way we interact, the way we conduct business and the way we recruit new members. And we have had the opportunity to listen and learn, stand up bravely, speak up boldly and demonstrate kindness in the wake of social and racial injustice.

the prestigious, all-women’s institution, Wellesley College. When her mother fell ill the summer before she was to leave home, she decided, instead, to attend Boston University and stay closer to home. After her first year, she made plans again to attend Wellesley, only to have those plans change once again, this time due to her father’s illness. Sarah knew what it was like to have unexpected illness change one’s life plans.

While such challenge, change and opportunity may be unprecedented in our lifetime, it is not the first time Tri Delta members have been called to face an uncertain world with grace, hope and resilience.

Nevertheless, Sarah thrived at Boston. When she was unable to find an existing sorority to call home, even after participating in recruitment, she was undeterred. In her senior year she, along with Eleanor Dorcas Pond, committed to “set heart and hand to creating a society that would be kind alike to all and think more of a woman’s inner character than her outward appearance or personal circumstance.”

In a time when a woman’s place in higher education was still questioned, Sarah Ida Shaw set her sights on attending


The Trident Fall 2020

Photo: Akasha Rabut

On Thanksgiving Eve of 1888, Sarah and Eleanor pledged their eternal loyalty and fealty to Tri Delta and initiated a sisterhood based on the values of truth, self-sacrifice and friendship. It is these values that have allowed us to withstand challenge and change, no matter how great. hese values, and the women who embodied them, are why Tri Delta has been able to face other previous global challenges. We endured another pandemic­—the Spanish flu of 1918—the Great War, and World War II. In the midst of turmoil, Tri Delta members remained steadfast in their love for one another and in service to others. And these values are exactly the reasons that Tri Delta remains strong today. Perhaps never before has the power of sisterhood been so important. We do not shy away from hard conversations or fear adapting to challenging times. Tri Delta has moved quickly to adopt new technology and create new opportunities for members to connect with and support one another. From our Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast (launched summer 2019); to our networking app, CONNECTDDD (launched fall 2019); to our new online learning platform, LEADDDer.org (launched summer 2020); The Trident online (launching fall 2020); and the plethora of online events and experiences offered through our Summer of Sisterhood and Fall for Kindness, Tri Delta is working to meet our sisters where they are and inspire a lifelong journey of friendship, personal development and growth. It is also paramount that Tri Delta ensure an equitable and inclusive lifetime membership opportunity for all our sisters, especially our Black, Indigenous and Sisters of Color. While Tri Delta was the first national women’s fraternity with a nondiscrimination policy, we humbly acknowledge that our efforts around diversity, equity, inclusion and access have not come far enough or fast enough. In 2020, we are intentionally focusing our energy, effort and resources on identifying and dismantling systemic racism in Tri Delta; promoting education, understanding and healing; and fighting for racial equality, equity and justice. The body of work designed to accomplish this is reflected in our LEADDD Now action plan, available for review at tridelta.org/leadddnow. A critically important step in implementing the LEADDD Now plan, is the expansion and enrichment of our governing boards. We are very grateful to the Sisters of Color who have stepped up to lead: Executive Board – Emily Greer, Rhodes; Tycely Williams, Wake Forest; Tri Delta Housing Board –


Caroline Chin Goldwater, James Madison; Tri Delta Foundation Board – Ashley Baskerville, Cal State/Long Beach; Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan. The depth of talent, perspective and experience they bring to Tri Delta is transformational. You can read more about these incredible leaders at tridelta.org/leadddnow. We have also launched an organization-wide diversity audit, the results of which will be shared openly with our members in the spirit of sisterhood and transformational culture change. At the same time, we have been committed to supporting sisters through some of the most difficult circumstances they’ve ever faced. To date in 2020, Tri Delta’s Foundation has granted more than $260,000 to sisters in need through our Crescent Fund programs, including $208,000 in emergency funding related to COVID-19. The stories our sisters have shared in their outreach to Tri Delta’s Foundation have been poignant and empowering. The common themes in their stories have been their love of Tri Delta; the influence our sisters and sisterhood has had on their lives; and a sense of hope and resilience—inspired by our timeless values. s we celebrate our 132nd Founders’ Day, as a society founded to be kind alike to all, I can truly say I have never been prouder to be a Tri Delta. While no one could have predicted the challenges 2020 has delivered, one thing remains certain: Tri Deltas everywhere remain committed to our founding Purpose. In my first Founders’ Day message as Fraternity President, I charge you all to remain loyal to that Purpose, while being open to new opportunities for personal and community growth. As our sister Dr. Sarah Burgamy, Dartmouth, said in her recent podcast interview, “Be aware, be patient and be generous with yourself and with others.” Sister Deltas, do not give up when your best-made plans fall to the wayside. Instead, like Sarah Ida Shaw before you, ask yourself not if, but how you will take the next step forward. And when someone asks you how you’re making it through, you can say—with perfect confidence—“I am a Tri Delta.” Here’s to facing the year ahead by renewing our commitment to truth, self-sacrifice and friendship; being brave, bold and kind; and leveraging our collective influence in service and kindness to all. Loyally, your Fraternity President,

Megan Shaw James, Millsaps

Fall 2020 The Trident


Kind Alike to All

Sisters Helping Sisters: The Need Has Never Been Greater

In one week, Tri Delta’s Foundation received more requests from sisters in need than we usually receive in an entire year. As COVID-19 impacted the world this year, Tri Delta’s members were in need more than ever before. During 2019-2020, Tri Delta’s Foundation awarded $211,027 in Crescent Fund and Collegiate Crescent Fund grants—a 136% increase in funds compared to 20182019. Thanks to the generosity of our sisters, we were Above: Beth Koshatka, Coe able to help 145 collegiate Right: Claire Tillotson, and alumnae members this Simpson year, many of whom who were financially, emotionally or physically impacted by COVID-19. One of those sisters was Claire Tillotson, Simpson, whose family was struggling from the economic impact of COVID-19. “Our sole source of income comes from my father’s carpet cleaning business. This pandemic has hit my family hard and has caused a lot of financial distress due to the lack of business my father has received,” says Claire. As Claire prepared to complete her college degree, she applied for a Collegiate Crescent Fund grant to lessen the financial burden of her tuition. “I applied for the Collegiate Crescent Grant Fund because I knew that if there was anything I could do to help my family, I had to do it. Tri Delta has been there for me during every struggle I’ve faced during my college years and has never let me down.” For Claire, receiving the grant meant more than just the money—it meant one less thing that her family had to worry about during a difficult time. “It means one less check that needs to be written when money is tight to begin with. It has shown me how much my Tri Delta family truly cares about me and my family. Tri Delta has been a part of my life for


The Trident Fall 2020

the past four years, and I’m thankful that it’ll be with me for the years to come.” COVID-19 had a deeply personal effect on Beth Koshatka’s, Coe, senior year when she fell ill with the virus. She had been in the middle of trying to complete her degree in psychology when she received an email from Coe that let her know she was .3 of a credit short to be able to graduate. Determined to graduate on time so that she could attend graduate school, she decided to participate in an independent study writing about how COVID-19 will change the field of mental health and counseling. The independent study would cost extra money, which Beth planned to help pay for with her job working as a CNA in a long-term care facility. But then, she got sick. The illness put her out of work for two weeks, which meant she wasn’t able to save the money needed to pay for the course. That’s where Tri Delta stepped in. The grant allowed her to pay for her independent study, complete her undergraduate degree, and stay on track to attend graduate school and pursue her degree in counseling. Beth’s response sums up the feelings of so many sisters that have been supported by Tri Delta: “I could not have made it through this without the help of Tri Delta.” To make a donation to help other sisters in need, visit give.tridelta.org. To apply for a Crescent Fund grant, visit tridelta.org/foundation.

Stars & Crescent Society Members of this year’s Stars & Crescent Society made a generous donation of $1,000 or more to the Foundation’s 2019-20 Annual Fund, helping make a difference in the lives of their sisters. Tri Delta would like to recognize these members with a heartfelt thank you and our deepest appreciation for their generosity and continuing support! Elaine Phillips Aggson, Northwestern Mary Estelle Kanning Amberg, Minnesota Laurie Dionne Babcock, Maine Susan Pound Bagby, Texas Donna Kirkconnell Bailey, Florida State Pace Barnes, North Carolina Judith Barth, Cornell Anne Vickers Barton, Georgia Susan Wells Beard, Kentucky Carol Chapman Benson, Cal State/Northridge Beth Wilson Bird, Kansas State Jenny Parrish Black, South Florida Lynn Larson Blake, Wisconsin Tracie Pendleton Blaser, Arizona State Crystal White Blaylock, Cal State/Long Beach Angela Fick Braly, Texas Tech Bobbe Chaback Bridge, Washington Beth Burkes, Wake Forest Tori Campbell, Wyoming Vicki Vinson Cantwell, Texas Christian Mamie Biggs Case, Michigan Dr. Susan Chamber, Southern Methodist Lynne Noetzel Charbonneau, Georgia Judie Johanson Cherblanc, Colorado Jackye Brown Clark, Texas/Arlington Karla Shadid Cohlmia, Oklahoma Laura Hamilton Cole, Valparaiso Marianne Cooley, Oklahoma State Stacey Dickenson Cox, Southern Methodist Wendy Holt Culp, Penn State Dallas Cookies & Castles Joanne Stevens Dalton, New Mexico LuAnn Riegl Daniel, Villanova Lisa Noe Deane, Louisiana State Judy Holman Deriso, Florida State Kelly Goffinet Dickson, Iowa State Donnellan Family Fund Lori Hammons Doran, Oklahoma Karen Cato Doran, Duke Sharon Carroll Eklund, Northwestern Jana Blythe Elkins, Kansas State Lisa Farrell, Arizona State Jane Davis Ferger, Denison Sue Ferguson, Illinois Marty Weishaupl Fisk, Pittsburgh Agnes Sapa Foos, Cal State/Northridge Trebie Perry Francisco, Texas Vicki Maltempo Gamble, West Virginia Joan Faessel Gardner, Southern California Sally Marshall Gepp, Texas Peggy Matlock Gleason, Denison www.tridelta.org

Julia Cobey Gluck, Maryland Emily Bourne Grigsby, Vanderbilt Amy Opperman Groff, Duke Janet Lillegren Gustafson, Wisconsin Bevra Hannahs Hahn, Ohio State Gay Harlowe, Kentucky Meade Hartfield, Mississippi State Cora Beth Hartfield, Mississippi State Lisa Lalande Heath, Louisiana State Carol Knoche Helmus, Millikin Maria Cristantiello Hendrix, Oklahoma State Kelly Spicer Hernandez, Texas Laurie Hofmann, Utah Cindy Cook Hornbaker, Central Florida Kristi Anderson Horner, Denison Patsy King Hosman, Oklahoma Carol Howe, Southern California Col. Patricia Fagan Huber, Nevada Rachel Huenefeld, Louisiana State Nicole Hughes, Washington State Chrys Grafrath Hyde, Coe Patricia Glaser Imhoff, Colorado Elizabeth Roob Ireland, Wisconsin Rebecca Jackson, Stephen F. Austin Megan Shaw James, Millsaps Jasam Foundation, Inc. Janie Hicks Jeter, Emory Leah Clelland Jochim, Ottawa Alice Burnam Johnson, Southwestern Deborah Johnson, Nevada Jenny Wight Keil, Michigan Suzy Kennedy Keller, California/Los Angeles Janell Gerald Kleberg, Texas Tech Elizabeth Kovachevich, Miami Mona Breed Kozlevcar, Emory Sandra Williams Krieger, Mississippi Marian Hummel Kurz, Miami/Ohio Dawnell Dean Lamb, Washington Kiki Lambden-Stout, Texas Ashley & Peter Larkin Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist Kristine Kaufman Lewis, Wake Forest Rita Dilworth Lewry, Michigan Mary Ann Shriner Lillie, Iowa State Sandy Beach Lin, Toledo The Betty R. Lindner Foundation Kelly Clarkson Loy, Oklahoma State Eileen Murtagh Lueder, Adelphi Jill Bunker Magnuson, Texas Sue Malmberg, Simpson Betty Flygt Marshall, Wisconsin Rachel Leimbach Maus, Illinois Anna McCullough Teresa Keith McKinney, Missouri Kathy Meek, Southern California Janet Timmerman Miller, Toledo Milly Bland Miller, Maryland Maribess Lehmann Miller, Texas Christian Elizabeth Wyatt Mitchell, Mississippi Stephanie McLemore Morris, Arkansas Helen Fortino Morse, Wichita State Susan Schmithorst Mosher, Cincinnati Lee Lewis Munson, Louisiana State Sharon Montgomery Muschalik, Baylor Carolyn Meek Nelson, Arkansas Teresa Norton, Northwestern

Jenni Stork Oaks, Baylor Jeanette Bohall O'Connor, Jacksonville Mary Kay Linzell Palmer, Ohio State Jennifer Brockman Parker, Mississippi Janice Parker, Boston Marguerite Picard, Maine Colleen McKim Ragland, Northern Arizona Lillian Rydel Reed, Simpson Kitty Jones Reid, Charleston Nancy Reisher, Colorado Gaby Jackson Renstrom, California/Davis Marcia Rinkel, Kansas State Jean Wiggin Roach, Texas Christian Kelly Lampton Roberts, Mississippi Gloria Thomas Rowell, Miami/Ohio Katherine Bush Ruberton, Missouri Donna Luke Sands, Georgia Paula Elliott Schauble, Kansas William & Natalie Schmicker, Wisconsin Martha Kuhn Schroeder, Missouri Jamie Shosted Seibel, Louisiana State Linda Whitbeck Sharp, Washington State Sonja Wilkes Sheffield, Southern Mississippi Michelle Popp Shimberg, Florida Nancy Quinn Shovlain, Wyoming Jeanne Wilkinson Shuler, William & Mary Nancy Mueller Sims, Illinois Valerie Knox Sirotek, St. Lawrence Laura Smith, Missouri Ginger Hicks Smith, Emory Jean Smith Snodgrass, Southern Methodist Gloria Hoffman Snyder, Texas Southern California Alumnae Council of Delta Delta Delta Sandie Wood Spain, Mississippi Mary Haymaker Staley, Kansas State Pamela Williams Stearns, California/Los Angeles Jackie Thurber Stenger, Puget Sound Mary Martha Gibson Stinnett, Southern Methodist Faye Alexander Stockard, Alabama Amanda Williams Subjinski, Texas/Arlington Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine Susanne Richardson Teel, Baker Barbara Derr Thomas, Texas A&M Joyce Neaderhiser Thompson, Kansas Gail Kauffman Tolbert, Emory Jody Turin, Michigan Nancy Guinn Vitola, Texas April Mathis Voris, Alabama Nancie Clouser Waldron, Miami/Ohio Laura Ege Walsten, Coe Marty Ison Webb, William & Mary Lynda Robson Weiser, Oklahoma Cathy Miller Wells, Transylvania Karen White, Georgia Lora Snow White, Puget Sound Donna Axum Whitworth, Arkansas Tycely Williams, Wake Forest Christine Caputo Winn, Furman Mary Ann Heyser Wright, William & Mary Rebecca D'Arcy Wyatt, Tulsa Katie Wharton Wylie, Colorado Gwenn Smith Wynn, Auburn Amy Zimmer, Southern Methodist Marlene Jackson Zoffel, Washington Fall 2020 The Trident


Kind Alike to All

A Personal Mission Becomes Purposeful Work By Morgan Randazzo, Stockton hen alumnae Laura Rutledge and Carolyn Roberts, both Texas, pledged together in 1981, neither could have guessed just how far their friendship would go. Though pledge sisters and friends throughout college, after their college days at Texas, life took them in different directions until they were led back into each other's lives.

Two Tri Delta

Laura married Carolyn's cousin, they both now reside in Fort Worth, Texas, and have children the same age who attended the same school growing up. Their friendship became even stronger when in 2001, Laura's 15-year-old daughter, Carley, was diagnosed with stage IV Ewing Sarcoma, a bone and soft tissue cancer. Carolyn stood by Laura's side and supported her and her family in every possible way. "When Carley got sick, Carolyn was there, bringing meals, prayer groups, you name it."

young adults

After her daughter's diagnosis, Laura saw the challenges her daughter and similar young adults face during treatment. The needs of this unique age group often go unmet, and the treatment options have shown no significant change in years. "This population tends to get ignored, mostly because we don't have centers. We have children and adult medical centers," Laura explains. She was determined to change this and fight for her daughter and others in her same shoes. Laura set on a mission to spread awareness for the undervalued teens and young adults fighting cancer. That mission became the Rutledge Cancer Foundation. In 2011, the foundation kicked off with a kickball tournament that raised more than $35,000. The funds were used to support a teen room at Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth, and for additional sarcoma research. Laura was no stranger to nonprofit


The Trident Fall 2020

sisters came together to meet the unique needs of teens and with cancer.

and volunteer work—including her time as philanthropy chair of Tri Delta. Also no stranger to volunteering in the community, Carolyn continued to be an active supporter of the foundation's events, and about four years after it began, she joined the team full-time. Together, Laura, Carolyn and the Rutledge Cancer Foundation team now set out to fund patient programs, increase awareness and early detection, and support research for less toxic treatment. One patient program that helps fill the age gap between children and adults in medical centers is Carley’s Closet. The teenage years are already a pivotal and transitional time of life, but when cancer treatments get thrown into the equation, the needs of these individuals are even more evident. Carley's Closet consists of a bag or backpack full of goodies distributed to young adult patients to brighten their day and supply them with items they want or need, such as headphones, speakers, gift cards, blankets, slippers, puzzles, games and more. Spinning off of Carley's Closet, the foundation donated Carley's Cart to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This creative cart can be found spreading joy throughout the hallway on St. Jude's Bone Marrow Patient Care Floor—a floor supported by Tri Delta—stocked with little gifts and snacks for children and parents to explore right outside their room. Another Tri Delta tie-in: One of Tri Delta's first commitments to St. Jude was to endow the hospital's Teen Room. The needs of the young adult demographic are also evident in another patient program that is dear to the heart of the Rutledge Cancer Foundation: fertility preservation. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and numerous surgeries can affect the ability to have children in the future, which should not add to the stress of a young adult's battle through cancer. Laura and the foundation partnered with local medical centers to provide young patients with proper resources

Tri Delta 4 St. Jude Tri Delta joined St. Jude for the

first-ever virtual Tri Delta St. Jude Celebration event with more than 400 participants logging in on

July 25! The online event featured a virtual tour, including the lab

of Dr. Beth Stewart, Missouri, (see podcast icon at bottom) where Pictured above are Laura Rutledge and Carolyn Roberts. Pictured on the opposite page is Laura's daughter, Carley.

and options for preserving fertility, reassuring patients that a future family may be possible after cancer. Today, Carley is a healthy 25-year-old adult, thanks to an immunotherapy clinical trial. "When Carley got sick, we started a prayer group," says Carolyn. "We got together weekly and prayed for her. The prayer that was the most consistent was that her body would recognize the cancer and fight it. What we were praying for was this exact treatment." The treatment is in Phase 3 of FDA approval, and Laura is hopeful that this process can help other patients as it did Carley and survival rates will continue to increase. The research is just one reason why the Rutledge Cancer Foundation continues to bloom with success. April 22, 2020, marks the 10th anniversary since Carley's diagnosis and the start of Rutledge Cancer Foundation. "The growth of our patient services has been very organic, but we're experiencing growth every year," says Carolyn. With one decade behind them, and an abundance of success in research, fundraising, volunteers, and donations, these Tri Delta sisters are proud of the foundation's progression thus far and positively look into the next decade of easing cancer's impact, raising survival rates and finding a cure.

attendees got a sneak peek into

the work she’s doing to eradicate childhood cancer. The event also

celebrated the innovations of our

chapters as they made the switch to virtual fundraising events this

year, and newly installed Tri Delta Executive Board Director Emily

Greer, Rhodes, Chief Administrative Officer of ALSAC St. Jude, gave an inspiring closing message.

Tri Delta raised more than $6 millionduring the 2019-2020 academic

year, bringing us to more than $48 million raised towards our $60

million in 10 years goal. Since our

partnership began in 1999, Tri Delta has now raised more than $75

million to supportSt. Jude’s mission

of finding cures and saving children.



Tune into the Let's Talk Tri Delta podcast for our conversation with Dr.Fall Beth Stewart, Missouri. 17 2020 The Trident

Kind Alike to All

Planned Giving for Tri Delta's Future Dawn Sparling, Iowa

By making a planned gift to Tri Delta’s Foundation, Dawn became a member of the Heritage Society. Why do you support Tri Delta’s Foundation? It’s important to provide women opportunities to enrich their lives, to provide them programming that is meaningful and to assist them in times of need. It’s truly “assisting our members in every possible way.” Tri Delta has phenomenal programs and is always on the cutting edge of the needs of the Fraternity women. I want to ensure that those programs keep evolving and that others are possible with donations to the Foundation. 2020 has had so many twists and turns, and Tri Delta has been there every step of the way ensuring that the programs continue and even developing brand new programs to address the unique challenges of this year. Tri Delta has supported so many this year in so many ways. We need to keep that going! Why is planned giving important to you? I have thought about it for many years but didn’t take the next step to actually put my intention to give (to Tri Delta) in writing. Now that my children are adults, I’ve reflected more on what I can do for them and the organizations that are important to me. It’s vital to have those wishes documented so that they can be carried out when the time comes. Also, Tri Delta has given so much to me that I feel very strongly this is a small way I can give back to Tri Delta even after I’m gone.

awn Sparling, Iowa, is a senior global mobility specialist at Micron Technology in Boise, Idaho. After graduating from the University of Iowa, Dawn earned her Master of Science degree in human resources and industrial relations from Loyola University Chicago. She supports Tri Delta as a volunteer and has taken her support a step further.


The Trident Fall 2020

In what ways has Tri Delta impacted your life? They are so many! When I was a collegian, Tri Delta provided me the structure and support I needed attending a Big 10 university. Honestly, without my “Pledge Mom,” Jenni, I’m not sure I would have grown and matured as much as I did my freshman year. Even though I may not talk to her weekly, monthly or sometimes even yearly, she has always been there dur-

ing the good and bad times in my life. She is truly life loyal to me! As an alumnae member, I’ve had so many opportunities to grow my knowledge of Tri Delta and other skills through volunteer roles I’ve held. The biggest impact as an alumnae member are the friendships I’ve made across the United States and world. I volunteer with women who were in chapters all over the U.S. and Canada. I would not have met them without Tri Delta. And our friendships wouldn’t have developed so strongly. I know we say that a lot about the friendships, but it is so true. Tri Delta gives an extra “boost” when meeting someone for the first time since you already have that experience in common. I moved to Boise, Idaho, in 2019, by myself, no friends or family. The first thing I did was get involved in the Boise, Idaho, Alumnae Chapter. They were friendly, welcoming and everything I would expect fellow sisters to be. That led to advising at Boise State University which was a true joy! It made my move to Boise so much easier. How do you hope to have an impact on your sisters through giving to Tri Delta’s Foundation? I hope that giving to Tri Delta provides current and future sisters with everything (and more than) what I was given. I hope it inspires other women to think about what impact they can have on Tri Delta through giving to the Foundation. It’s an opportunity to ensure future generations are able to realize their hopes, wishes and dreams through the kindness and generosity of Tri Delta. Members who designate Tri Delta's Foundation in their wills or estate plans are recognized as members of our prestigious Heritage Society. For information on giving to Tri Delta through your will or estate plan, please contact Tawnya Braeutigam at 817.471.1908 or tbraeutigam@trideltaeo.org.

Photo: Amanda Cherie Photography

Tri Delta's Heritage Society More than 150 generous members have remembered Tri Delta in their wills or estate plans. They are recognized as members of our prestigious Heritage Society, sustaining our sisterhood for generations to come. Join us in celebrating these loyal and steadfast sisters. Elizabeth Gowans Ahrens, Michigan State June Rickard Aldridge, William & Mary Jennifer Daniels Amarnick, Jacksonville Mary Estelle Kanning Amberg, Minnesota Gail Anderson, Iowa State Marilyn Muldoon Arendt, New Mexico Gael Salter Baggett, Louisiana State Dorothy Coseboom Baker, Maryland Evalyn Torppa Baker, Idaho Roxanne Barnes, Southwestern Judith Barth, Cornell Erika Loen Beatty, Minnesota Maureen Laffey Bills, Cornell Bethany Blakey, Pittsburgh Mary Gray Bolin, Louisiana State Debra Cikanek Borgeson, Illinois State Lynne Cellio Brown, Transylvania Beth Burkes, Wake Forest Harryette Campbell, Missouri Tori Campbell, Wyoming Jeanne Carlson, Oregon Barbara Schutt Castano, Texas/Arlington Camille Clark, Michigan State Marilyn Kotter Clauder, Nevada Laura Hamilton Cole, Valparaiso Gayle Knight Colman, Auburn Stacey Dickenson Cox, Southern Methodist Joan Meland Dana, Minnesota LuAnn Riegl Daniel, Villanova Kelly Hyde Delattre, Florida State Athina Eslick Dever, Butler Nancy Devine, Minnesota Isabelle Harner Donahey, Ohio State Lori Hammons Doran, Oklahoma Diana Druley, Texas/El Paso Vivian Wilkinson Dunnaway, Arkansas Susan Pert Earley, Cincinnati Carolyn Mullenax Edwards, Tulsa Molly Maloney Evangelisti, Nevada Roberta Messic Faigle, Syracuse Patricia Reynolds Farber, Cal State/Long Beach Jan Griffin Farrington, Mississippi Georgianna Schuyler Fernandes, Cornell Adelaide Gonzalez Few, Randolph-Macon Angela Ficht, Cal State/Long Beach Leslie Eisen Fort, Colorado State Judi Johnson Freeman, Cal State/Northridge Ellen Quarterman Friedman, Pacific Jan Purdy Futhey, Ohio Wesleyan Polly McWherter Gast, Ohio State Mary Bayless Greenlee, Denison www.tridelta.org

Nancy McDonald Griggs, Florida State Emily Bourne Grigsby, Vanderbilt Barbara Bock Guerra, Florida Tricia Halamandaris, California/Berkeley Susanna Currie Harper, Texas Carol Knoche Helmus, Millikin Debbie Wahl Hembree, Georgia Pam Herring Hicks, Franklin Barbara Snyder Nelson Hinds, Texas Tamara Marinkovic Hines, Southern Methodist Kailey Holt, Idaho Cora Peters Horger, Cal State/Long Beach Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State Andi Hughes, Vanderbilt Nicole Hughes, Washington State Chrys Grafrath Hyde, Coe Rebecca Jackson, Stephen F. Austin Jeanne Jamell, Arkansas Deborah Johnson, Nevada Darlene Dahl Jones, Washington Jennifer Ritter Kelly, Cornell Ellen Guion Kempner, Mississippi State Joyce Gottschalk Koehler, Cincinnati Tasha Kostantacos, Arizona State Sandra Williams Young Krieger, Mississippi Marian Hummel Kurz, Miami/Ohio SueBeth Crockett Lain, Texas Tech Dawnell Dean Lamb, Washington Neilanne Parker Lange, Louisiana State Carol Martello Lidiak, Pittsburgh Mary Ann Shriner Lillie, Iowa State Mary White Lott, Oklahoma State Kelly Clarkson Loy, Oklahoma State Amie Young Lundquist, Maine Sue Malmberg, Simpson Carol Malouf, Southern California Mary Lynn Manning, Kansas State Deborah Daley Martin, Iowa Kathy Salisbury Massie, Minnesota Rhone Moore McCall, Southern Methodist Ann Marie Johnson McGee, Idaho Michele Stephens McGeeney, Texas Tech Kathryn Miller McKee, Kansas State Linda Wolf McLinden, Pittsburgh Mary Haley McWhorter, Tennessee Anne Parsons Michael, Minnesota Meredith Nye Moran, Kentucky Sharon Francis Nelson, Southern California Yvonne Gardner Newhouse, Ohio State Ginny Nicklas, Michigan Sherry Shrout Norton, West Virginia Linda Glascock O'Bryant, Missouri Joan Kalmanek Overbeek, Illinois Mary Kay Linzell Palmer, Ohio State Karen Metzger Parry, Colorado Peggy Marshall Payne, Miami/Ohio Mary Hall Pickard, Butler Debbie Lawton Pickens, Florida State Judith McCutcheon Pownall, Toronto Penny Purviance, Mount Union Kathy Ragan, Wyoming Becky Haas Ramsey, Syracuse Cathleen Snider Raymer, Texas Christian

Janice Kent Reish, Oregon Eve Woods Riley, Southern Methodist Jane Chaffee Ripp, Wisconsin Jean Wiggin Roach, Texas Christian Patricia Arthur Rouse, Colorado State Susan Abrahamson Routh, North Carolina Brooke Pearson Sanders, Arkansas J Kim Scholes, Tennessee Katherine Schultz, Oregon State Jeri Sedlar, Michigan State Kelly Shacklett, California/Los Angeles Sonja Wilkes Sheffield, Southern Mississippi Michelle Popp Shimberg, Florida Laura Simic, Oregon Ginger Hicks Smith, Emory Laura Smith, Missouri Lynn Zoll Smith, Michigan State Robyn Rever Smith, Mississippi State Jean Smith Snodgrass, Southern Methodist Sandie Wood Spain, Mississippi Dawn Sparling, Iowa Kathy Hamilton Steinwedell, William & Mary Jackie Thurber Stenger, Puget Sound Jo-Anne Stenger, Florida Laura Stenovec, Denver Judy Hutchison Stevenson, Florida Mary Martha Gibson Stinnett, Southern Methodist Christine Wilson Strom, Ohio State Margaret Sulkowski, Pennsylvania State Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine Ann Michele Shaffer Sweeney, Richmond Shirley Shull Tart, Texas Nancy Teich, DePauw Joyce McEwen Therkildsen, Iowa State Donna Burger Thoelecke, Colorado State Barbara Derr Thomas, Texas A&M Janet Tomlinson, Beloit Laura Shapiro Torrey, Florida Brenda Hester Towe, Oklahoma State Donna Maloy Tuscana, Texas/Arlington Joyce Krogen Ursin, Wisconsin Linda Vedane, Simpson Charlene Rulifson Voge, Pennsylvania State Nancie Clouser Waldron, Miami/Ohio Barbara Walters, Stetson Elizabeth Ware, Idaho Sally Watkins Ware, Louisiana/Lafayette Ann Clark Webb, Georgia Nancy Minert Weed, Simpson Rebecca Wynn Weiler, Rhodes Elizabeth Hankins Wendorff, Baker Karen Hughes White, Georgia Dr. Linda Garrett Whitson, Duke Karen Williams, Virginia Tech Martha Toler Williams, Texas Kathy Kruger Wilson, Ball State Mary Ann Heyser Wright, William & Mary Lois Cone Wtulich, Syracuse Karla Yale, Northwestern Amy Zimmer, Southern Methodist Fall 2020 The Trident


Left to Right, from Top Row: Aminah Mae Safi, Savyna Roufeh, Karisa Almgren Malchow, Allyson Wadman, Maryssa Simpson, Jaelin Palmer, Alicia Russell, Mariya Koroleva, Emilie Dhir, Claire Sliney, Christine Murrain, Brianna Bates, Robin Lewis, Samantha Morales, Elizabeth Davis Curtis, Emily Borgstrom Burris, Cassie Wilson, Claire Prichard, Julia Sircar, Alyssa Barrera Mason, Caroline Naughton Weaver, Bethany Gigante Eppig, Amanda Aragon, Jacqueline Toboni, Tara Campbell, Melanie Benit, Tess Griesedieck, Hannah Benyshek Taylor, Brittany Devies, Chinh Doan, Katie Hoge, Carly Bigi and Alexa Young.


The Trident Fall 2020

Photo of Chinh Doan by Scogin Mayo; Photo of Jacqueline Toboni by Shutterstock

Our Brightest Young Stars

Change agents, differencemakers, trailblazers, servant leaders, advocates, activists—Tri Delta is full of extraordinary women leading, serving and bettering their industries, their communities and the world. The 33 women on this list include prestigious award winners, founders of nonprofit organizations, researchers and engineers, entrepreneurs, and so much more. They embody what it means to be brave, bold and kind.

33 33

under By Content Manager Amanda Milford, Texas/Arlington

1. Alexa Young, Florida

Alexa was named one of the Top 10 Most Influential Students at the University of Florida, and it’s easy to see why: she serves as President of the Panhellenic Council, was selected as a 2020-2021 Reitz Scholar, and is a member of the Spring 2020 Tapping Class of Florida Blue Key, Florida’s most prestigious leadership honor society. A political science major with minors in African American studies, women’s studies and innovation, she has also interned twice on Capitol Hill. Alexa credits Tri Delta with strengthening her leadership skills and empowering her to set and pursue lofty goals for herself. “I chose Tri Delta because this organization saw my potential at a time when I had not yet known the fullest extent to what I could become. The women of Tri Delta are ambitious. The driven nature of the women in my chapter empowers me to seek out new and exciting challenges. Most importantly, their unwavering support reminds me that there is no goal too lofty for me to achieve through hard work and determination.”


Alicia Russell, Furman A high school chorus teacher set Alicia on the path of a career in opera, and Alicia has never looked back. The soprano made her debut performance with the Asheville Symphony Opera in 2013 and has sung throughout the United States. In 2019-2020, she performed as a resident artist at Seagle Music Colony, and she returned to Toledo Opera to debut the role of Musetta in “La bohème.” Alicia was scheduled to make her company debut with Lyric Opera Unlimited in the anticipated Chicago premiere of “Blue,” which has been rescheduled for January 2021 due to COVID-19. A highlight of her career has been participating in education outreach performances. Alicia shares, “Most of the schools that I’ve performed in were shockingly either full of minority children of color (Toledo, Ohio) or completely void of color (upstate New York). In both settings, it was always exciting to see their eyes light up at either seeing themselves reflected onstage or to see someone of color in a positive role for the very first time. What an incredible opportunity to give these children a life changing musical and personal experience!”


The Trident Fall 2020

3. Allyson Wadman, Chapman

Allyson has forged her way in the entertainment and sports industry in Las Vegas, the “Entertainment Capital of the World.” Starting her career as a public relations coordinator at MGM Resorts International, she was promoted in less than one year. The portfolio of work she already has under her belt spans many large-scale events: Mayweather vs. McGregor, Latin GRAMMYs, NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs/Finals, and ABC Network’s “The Bachelorette.” After three years at MGM Resorts, Allyson has now joined the Las Vegas Raiders’ media relations team for their inaugural season. With major accomplishments in a such a short span, Allyson believes her Tri Delta experience set her up for career success: “Being in a fast-paced corporate environment is demanding and can be intimidating to some, but my sorority experience taught me to always keep my purpose: lead by being an unapologetically proud, strong and independent woman.”

4. Alyssa Barrera Mason,

Texas A&M/Corpus Christi When the Executive Director position at the Corpus Christi Downtown Management District became vacant, Alyssa threw her hat in the ring during the nationwide search, despite being only 29 at the time. Now, two and a half years later, Alyssa and her team have $164 million of development completed or underway. “I’ve built a solid team with organizational culture that enables us to truly effect positive change in our sparkling city,” she says. She credits Tri Delta with giving her the confidence to be a leader at a young age. “Tri Delta challenged me to serve as vice president of finance and vice president of membership during college. While I had been involved in high school, I didn’t have the confidence to seek out leadership positions or additional responsibilities. By being slated into these positions at a very formative period, I developed stronger character that I’ve continued to build on through my career.”


Amanda Aragon, Tulsa Earning a degree in international business and Spanish, Amanda became

the first person in her family to graduate from college. After a successful career start in the energy sector, she found her calling in education. In 2018, she launched NewMexicoKidsCAN, an education advocacy organization working to improve New Mexico's education system. “I’m proud of finding the courage to launch the work even though I had no idea if we would make it, and I'm proud of persevering through the countless challenges and hopeless days to keep fighting for New Mexico's students,” she says. Amanda is no stranger to challenges: “I once walked out of a meeting with 4-5 managers, and after negotiating a compromise on a project proposal that would work for everyone, my boss said ‘You did great in there.’ I replied with, ‘Once you've navigated similar challenges among 60+ college-aged women with whom you have deep personal relationships, a room of a few managers isn't as intimidating.’”

bookstore. Watching young women band together and forge bonds in order to make things that are greater than themselves is the best of sorority life and I imbued that into the very core of this book.”

7. Bethany Gigante Eppig, Allegheny

As part of NASA’s Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS) Program, Bethany works with missions to prepare for a safe launch of nuclear enabled payloads. She is currently part of the Dragonfly mission team, which is planning to send a rotorcraft lander to explore Saturn’s ocean moon, Titan. Bethany began her career at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) in Cleveland, Ohio, in 2008 as an intern and was hired as a civil servant in 2012 to NASA GRC’s Environmental Management Office while completing her master’s degree in Environmental Science. Bethany says that Tri Delta taught her the importance of understanding the big picture, and the combined effort of team members working towards the same purpose—something vitally important to her role at NASA. “A team that is motivated towards a common goal can achieve out-of-this-world accomplishments, literally.”

6. Aminah Mae Safi,

8. Brianna Bates,

Aminah is a Muslim-American writer and the winner of the We Need Diverse Books Short Story Contest whose books have appeared on reading lists compiled by “Cosmopolitan,” “Buzzfeed” and “Teen Vogue,” just to name a few. Her debut novel, “Not the Girls You’re Looking For,” follows Lulu Saad as she makes a mess of her friendships during the holy month of Ramadan, while her second book, “Tell Me How You Really Feel,” is an enemies-to-lovers rom-com about two girls on opposite sides of the social scale.

As the Head of Academic Compliance on the Legal & Compliance Team at Coursera, Brianna helps bring affordable high-quality education to everyone, everywhere. Her role contributes to the development of worldwide degree programs that foster accessible and affordable higher education opportunities and contribute to global economic stability and growth. Brianna traces her desire to have a global impact back to Tri Delta and a trip she took with her sisters to build a multi-use sports court in a small rural village in Costa Rica. Since then, she has earned her MPA in public and nonprofit management and policy with a specialization in international policy from New York University and is pursuing her J.D. from The George Washington University Law School. “I am incredibly proud to be a global mission-driven citizen and the type of leader that Tri Delta encouraged and empowered me to be.”

Southern California

Aminah, who didn’t have any sisters growing up, says Tri Delta taught her about sisterhood—lessons that can be found in her latest book, “This is All Your Fault.” “It's so close to my heart as it’s about three girls learning to look past the surface of one another and come together for the common goal of saving their dying and beloved Chicagoland indie

William & Mary


Brittany Devies, Ohio State Tri Delta was influential in Brittany’s decision to pursue a career in higher education that would allow her to advocate for collegiate women and their leadership development. “Tri Delta helped me find my voice to advocate for myself and others. Being an officer in my chapter taught me how to engage in the leadership process to bring about positive change,” she says. A second year Ph.D. student at Florida State University, Brittany’s research focuses on the intersections of gender and leader identity development, culturally relevant leadership learning and the experiences of women in higher education. Her publication “Going Beyond ‘Add Women and Stir’: Fostering Feminist Leadership” will appear in “Shifting the Mindset: Socially Just Leadership Education” in 2021. This year, she was honored with the American College Personnel Association's Annuit Coeptis Emerging Professional Award, which is awarded to five emerging higher education professionals nationally.

10. Carly Bigi, Vanderbilt

With her innovative brand Laws of Motion, Carly is creating perfect-fitting womenswear to empower women to be a force at whatever it is they choose to do in life. The brand has 144 microsizes that are both size and shape inclusive. Laws of Motion’s Alpha dress has been featured on “The Today Show,” and as a TIME Magazine Invention of the Year. After suffering from COVID-19 in early March 2020, Carly also launched Laws of Motion PPE to produce high-quality PPE during the pandemic, and donating over 500,000 face masks through its Hero Initiative. “We launched the Hero Initiative to recognize and celebrate our heroes—whether you are working on the frontlines of COVD-19, powering an essential business, or doing your part by staying home—thank you.”


Caroline Naughton Weaver, Wake Forest Caroline manages the Education Success team at Handshake, the leading college-tocareer network for more than 14 million students and over 900 universities. She credits networking with jumpstarting her career, and she is passionate about providing similar opportunities for other women. “I meet regularly with collegiate undergrads to share

Opposite Page: Claire Prichard is photographed at the Federal Courts building in Downtown Dallas. This page: Chinh Doan on set at KOTV in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Photos: Scogin Mayo www.tridelta.org

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my experience and help connect them with other alumni in NYC and the Bay Area because I know how much I benefited from that experience. We've built a strong community of Wake Forest women in the Bay Area (many of whom are Tri Deltas) and we meet frequently to discuss challenges in the workplace, identify professional development opportunities, and facilitate natural networking. Ultimately, I am most proud of how I choose to support and empower the women in my life, who are all doing incredible work!”


Cassie Wilson, Kansas As the Chief Meteorologist at KRNV News 4 in Reno, Cassie is blazing trails as the first female Chief Meteorologist in Northern Nevada. With a master’s degree in atmospheric science with a focus in hydrology, Cassie has presented science at the international level and co-authored publications in top journals. Her current role allows her to bridge her research background with her passion for communicating science, and her work has even won her an Emmy! “Men outpace women 7 to 1 in TV STEM roles and only 8% of Chief Meteorologists are women,” she says. “Working in television, I’m a visible face and reminder that women can rise to the top! I hope I can help shift some of these statistics and act as a catalyst for all women in hopes that we can change what the future looks like. The future is female!”


Chinh Doan, Oklahoma A former refugee, foster child and the first in her family to graduate college, Chinh is pursuing her dream career as a news anchor/reporter. In January, she joined KOTV – News on 6 (CBS affiliate), the number one station in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she anchors weekend evenings and reports weekday evenings. She finds extra joy in telling in-depth stories about children, veterans, refugees and immigrants, the incarcerated and others who may get overlooked. Her proudest moments were becoming a naturalized citizen in 2008 and sponsoring her mother to America in 2012, reuniting their family after 18 years. “My parents sacrificed so much for me to have opportunities I otherwise wouldn’t have had we not fled our home country. My goal has always been to graduate college, reunite our family and make a difference in our community,” she says. 24

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“Now, at 30 years old, I am able to care for my parents while working my dream job of anchoring and reporting in our home state of Oklahoma.”


Christine Murrain, Oklahoma

Although she just graduated last year, Christine is well on her way to building a successful career in the film industry. Upon graduation, she was selected for the Page Program at NBCUniversal, and since completing the program, Christine has joined the Creative Strategy + Research team at Universal Pictures, working on all films across the studio’s slate. “I am very excited to further my career within the film industry, and specifically target opportunities with the goal of positioning underrepresented communities at the forefront of entertainment both onscreen and off,” she says. Christine shares that her Tri Delta sisters have provided her support and motivation every step of the way: “Within Tri Delta, I felt a sense of unrelenting support throughout my collegiate experience…Theta Gamma perpetuated my desire to pursue my passions and celebrated me every step of the way.”


Claire Prichard, Texas As an analyst with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Dallas, Texas, Claire is responsible for performing research and written analysis on various emerging threats and investigations. Claire previously worked in technology and national security at the Center for a New American Security and in education exchange policy at the U.S. Department of State, and she holds a Master’s of Arts in International Affairs from the George Washington University. “Tri Delta set me up for success in that it truly helped me realize the importance of helping others,” says Claire. “An important part of my current role is to ensure that I am doing my best to help Americans, and much like Tri Delta’s philanthropic commitment to St. Jude, it is important for me to keep the greater mission in mind in my day to day role.”


Claire Sliney, Pennsylvania

Seven years ago, while she was still in high school, Claire founded The Pad Project, a nonprofit working to end the stigma sur-

rounding periods. Her passion for fighting for menstrual equity and combating the disparity in access to period care products for women globally led to her executive produce the documentary “Period. End of Sentence.” At the 2019 Academy Awards, “Period. End of Sentence.” won the Oscar for Best Documentary Short. Claire remembers the support she felt from her Tri Delta sisters that night: “I wasn’t with my sisters that night, but was having an out of body experience, when I heard, ‘And the Oscar goes to… Period. End of Sentence.’ The film I had lovingly Executive Produced and dreamt of during high school was now known around the world. But once backstage, overwhelmed by lights and emotions, my phone began to buzz with an influx of texts, emails and social media posts from all of my Tri Delta sisters…This wave of unconditional support and rooting from my sisters grounded me for the rest of the night.”

Photos, top: Mike Morgan; Right: Pete Kiehart

17. Elizabeth Davis Curtis, Butler

Elizabeth fell in love with Tri Delta’s commitment to St. Jude as an undergraduate, spending two summers as an intern at the hospital where she conducted research in psychology and neuro-oncology. Since completing medical school at Indiana University School of Medicine, Elizabeth is completing her residency at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center where she is putting into practice what St. Jude taught her about healthcare for pediatric cancer patients. “I got the opportunity to learn more about acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and in one educational session, I got to see a graph of how survival rates have dramatically improved since the 1960s. I smiled to myself as I thought back to St. Jude’s opening in 1962. The dramatic rise in survival rates of childhood cancer is most certainly due in

part to St. Jude’s groundbreaking research and pioneering discoveries in the field of pediatric oncology. I feel so lucky that through Tri Delta I was able to spend two summers there doing research.”


Emilie Dhir, Florida Although she’s a senior in college, Emilie has already established herself as a film actress. During high school, Emilie starred in the award-winning independent feature film “Burning Kentucky.” Today, she is studying advertising with a concentration in film and media studies, and plans to move to Los Angeles after graduation to pursue a career in entertainment and social media marketing while continuing to act. “Being the lead in a film at such a young age was a very transformative experience for me, and I believe that Tri Delta has only strengthened the qualities I developed throughout the filming process. Although we wrapped filming the week before I went through recruitment, I was well into my second year as a Tri Delta when we began attending film festivals. I use the values that Tri Delta has taught me on a daily basis and especially while going through the festival circuit. Tri Delta has taught me how to be proud and confident while remaining humble and grounded.”


Emily Borgstrom Burris, Oklahoma State Emily’s passion for Oklahoma education and children inspired her to found Operation Engagement, a nonprofit that provides student engagement resources and professional development to teachers. Her goal is to promote the mindset that teaching and learning can both be fun. “I dream of our resources facilitating a generation of students that identify as lifelong learners who see the fun in personal growth and goal setting,” she says. Emily shares that it was her Tri Delta sisters who encouraged her and saw her as a leader, even when she didn’t see that in herself. “Growing in confidence from their kind words and encouragement, I applied for many opportunities that offered training and development in leadership. I truly believe that those first steps into leadership cultivated the skills I needed to do the things I have in my career, my continued education and my personal growth goals.”



Hannah Benyshek Taylor, Kansas With a mind for science and the passion to care for patients, Hannah has pursued a career as a pharmacist. In 2015, she took a position as a staff pharmacist at an independent pharmacy, Palace Drug Store, located in a small rural community in Western Kansas. Hannah learned first-hand that pharmacists are often the most accessible healthcare professional in small, rural communities. In 2018, Hannah bought the pharmacy and took on the role of owner at just 27 years old. In addition to her work as a pharmacist, Hannah and her husband live on a farm where they raise wheat, corn, pinto beans and Red Angus cattle—what they refer to as the “pharm life.” Hannah is proud to provide a vital service for the small community: “Palace Drug Store provides much needed healthcare services to our patients…We've been able to remain open throughout COVID-19, and I can attribute that to my dependable, adaptable staff!”


Jacqueline Toboni, Michigan

Jacqueline stars as Sarah Finley in “The L Word: Generation Q,” a sequel to the series, “The L Word,” which centers on a group of diverse LGBTQ+ characters experiencing love, heartbreak, sex, setbacks, personal growth and success in Los Angeles. She’s also known for her role as Trubel on the NBC show “Grimm.” Jacqueline was initiated into Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan and graduated with a degree in theater. She also studied at the Williamstown Theatre Festival, the Movement Theatre Studio in New York and at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London.


Jaelin Palmer, Cal State/Northridge

An activist and self-described policy wonk, Jaelin serves as the Director of Advocacy at Fight Like A Warrior, where she uses her 10 plus years battling chronic illnesses to unite, empower and advocate for others in similar situations. Since graduating from college she has helped launch an ethically sourced coffee company that works to build the economy in the Congo (Mighty Peace Coffee), worked on a major Presidential campaign, and used her social media experience in D.C. to start her own business.

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Last year she co-founded her hometown’s first and only LGBTQ+ community group called the Yucaipa Rainbow Coalition, which was featured on “The Today Show” for National Coming Out Day. As someone who now manages a team of six, Jaelin says that serving as a collegiate chapter officer taught her the importance of leading with kindness: “Being an adult is trying to navigate different groups of people and figuring out how to make it work. Tri Delta taught me the BEST way to make it work is to treat those on your team with kindness.”


Julia Sircar, Southern California

Julia was completing her degree in industrial & systems engineering last spring when she received the opportunity to take part in an initiative to address COVID-19. As part of USC Viterbi’s Grand Challenge Scholars Program, Julia worked with the National Academy of Engineering to find engineering solutions for COVID-19, including how to scale up production of PPE, ventilators and testing. After graduating in May, Julia has moved to Washington, D.C., and is now serving as a cyber risk advisory analyst with Deloitte’s McLean, Virginia Practice. Through Tri Delta, Julia says, she gained invaluable professional development experience at both LEADDD and Collegiate Leadership Conference: “Tri Delta set me up for success by providing me the leadership tools and connections necessary to become a change-maker in my organization and after college.”


Karisa Almgren Malchow, Creighton At 6’ 2” tall, Karisa was always in the middle back riser when it came to group photos and struggled her whole life to find clothes that fit. Knowing from firsthand experience that one-size does not fit tall, she set out to find her own solution, creating Stature, a clothing brand that caters to tall women. “I'm still floored when I see women wearing Stature. It's like a little piece of love I can give them that their clothing will actually fit their beautiful frame.” Karisa has brought lessons she learned from Tri Delta with her to Stature, including the experience of bonding with many different women over a single commonality. “It's something that has always stuck with me, that no matter what (and especially in


The Trident Fall 2020

times like now) we can find commonalities that draw us together. This is crucial from a human existence perspective. It's also been something I've brought to Stature; women from all over the world can bond over wanting their professional clothing to fit and help them externalize the professionals they truly are.”


Katie Hoge, Wake Forest

Katie's passion for taking care of high-risk infants and advocating for family support in the NICU has led her to a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP) fellowship at UT Southwestern. There, she works to strengthen children and families far beyond the NICU in their pursuit of health, development and lifelong success. Internationally recognized for her research in Vulnerable Child Syndrome, she helped develop novel therapies and created a new standard of care that incorporates mental health education and resources to better promote a healthy relationship between child and parent during stressful medical experiences that will ensure optimal longterm developmental outcomes for the child. Katie credits Tri Delta with inspiring her to pursue her passion: “Tri Delta helped me dream big and realize that through our actions and initiatives that any problem can be made better with thoughtful practice and wonderful people at your side.”


Mariya Koroleva, Stanford A two-time Olympic athlete, Mariya competed in synchronized swimming in the London 2012 and the Rio 2016 Olympics—all while pursuing her bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Since then, she’s become an advocate for athletes, serving as a representative on the USA Synchro Board of Directors and writing about topics like motivation, mental and physical health and developing the skills to be successful in sports and in life. “When I became a Tri Delta, I was studying at Stanford, swimming on the Stanford Synchro team, and training on the U.S. National Team, and it was difficult for me to balance these conflicting priorities. The friendships I built in the Tri Delta house helped me get through many tough times during these years, and to this day some of my close friends are my Stanford sorority sisters!”


Maryssa Simpson, Baylor

In 2018, Maryssa became a Partner with the Dallas office of the Potts Law Firm, a national plaintiffs' firm, where she practices primarily business and personal injury litigation. That same year, she was named Top 40 Under 40-Civil Plaintiffs by the National Trial Lawyers. One of her career highlights was her very first seven-figure settlement that came after hard-fought litigation. Maryssa says, “It was a huge victory for my clients, and I believe justice was truly served.” As a lawyer, she says Tri Delta helped her develop the poise to walk into any social situation. “[Recruitment] was a crash course in socialization for this small-town girl! Tri Delta also gave me relationships—both friendships and professional contacts—to last a lifetime. Overall, Tri Delta's structure, values and commitment to service all helped me grow as a person.”


Melanie Benit, Louisiana/Lafayette

While pursuing her M.A. in government, counter-terrorism and homeland security at the Lauder School of Diplomacy and Strategy at IDC Herzliya, Israel, Melanie studied how poor governance contributes to the global struggle against terrorism. This position inspired her to pursue good governance around the world through policies that uphold free societies. Today, she serves as the Activism Associate at the Institute for Justice, a national nonprofit civil liberties law firm, where she advocates for the rights of Americans in legislatures and in the streets across the country. One important skill that Tri Delta taught her is the art of conversation. “Tri Deltas are taught how to carry on conversation with everyone and anyone to make them feel welcome,” Melanie says. “We are taught to watch social cues to know what to bring up, or when to change the subject. And we are taught to listen and care about whoever it is that may be sitting in front of us.”


Robin Lewis, Furman As a senior research associate and associate fellow in the Governance Studies program at the Brookings Institution, Robin is the deputy director of the Leveraging Transparency to Reduce Corruption project (LTRC). She has also co-authored a series of reports evaluating progress toward financial inclusion for groups who have often been excluded from formal financial services, including women, low-income individuals, and refugees. Robin received her MSc in comparative politics (with a specialization in conflict studies) from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She credits Tri Delta with teaching her the skills to navigate conferences and other group settings. “It can be intimidating to strike up conversations and build a network in a professional setting, but I found that my experiences in Tri Delta helped me feel more comfortable navigating conferences, expert interviews and networking events as I began my career.”


Samantha Morales, Quinnipiac

While serving as collegiate chapter president of Epsilon Tau Chapter, Samantha has had the chance to pursue her dream job through an internship at WNBC4 New York’s “New York Live.” There she gained hands-on experience in a live television studio, accommodating celebrity guests and researching entertainment news for future live segments. “One of my dream jobs is to work for NBC in either a daily talk show, scripted/studio production, or casting,” she says. “I learned so much about what production is like for a live television show and solidifying my career path.” As for Tri Delta, Samantha adds, “Tri Delta has taught me that being yourself in any situation can help you in the long run.”


Savyna Roufeh, Arizona As Regional Marketing Manager for TMobile, Savyna also serves as co-chair for the company’s Accessibility Community at T-Mobile (ACT) Employee Resource Group. Savyna and her team roll out resources for employees and customers, coordinate national sponsorships with organizations like Special Olympics and find volunteer opportunities for employees to engage in their local communities. Savyna’s efforts earned her T-Mobile’s Winner’s Circle honor in


2019, celebrating the top 1% in the company. A Special Olympics Nevada volunteer coach, Savyna was named a Volunteer of the Year recipient at the 2016 State Summer Games. Tri Delta’s support—including a grant from Tri Delta’s Foundation—helped Savyna finish college. “The sorority kept me motivated and the bonds I made with sisters are relationships I still hold in high regard today,” she says. “In many ways, a lot of what I learned through Tri Delta are things I can apply to my work today.”


Tara Campbell, Southern California

At the age of 25, Tara Campbell was elected mayor of Yorba Linda, California, making history as the youngest female mayor in the United States for a city with a population of 30,000 or more. Tara currently works for Orange County as Chief of Staff for Supervisor Don Wagner. She has been influential in tackling issues like homelessness, public safety and transportation, and she created the Young Civic Leaders Academy for high school students to have a positive, handson, nonpartisan experience in their government. Through Tri Delta, Tara gained first-hand political experience, traveling to Washington, D.C., twice with the Fraternal Government Relations Coalition, and serving on the Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee. “Tri Delta supported my goals, allowed me to expand my learning and set me on a path for success, for which I am forever grateful.”


Tess Griesedieck, Southern Methodist

Tess began her career in local television as a producer at KXAS in Dallas-Fort Worth. Today, she’s a producer at WABC-TV in New York City, the number one local news station in the country—she’s also the youngest producer in the building. “It’s rare for there to be producers my age in the number one market in the country, much less the number one station,” she says. As producer, Tess works on the weekend morning show, producing newscasts and helping manage the team. Tess says, “I believe Tri Delta set me up for success by giving me a space where I felt comfortable and supported to explore my passions. I knew the people around me would help lift me up when I ran headfirst for my dreams, and give me a soft place to land if something didn’t work out.”

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The Trident Fall 2020

Illustration: Maria Grejc/Friend & Johnson

Well before the world moved online, Tri Delta was already looking to a digital experience as the future of our sisterhood. With the onset of COVID-19 last spring and the implementation of social distancing, society has now shifted to a largely digital experience. For schools, workplaces and social groups, Zoom has become the new norm as everything from classes to conferences has gone digital. Schools and college campuses might be some of the most impacted institutions. With campuses abruptly shutting down last spring, students had to quickly adapt to an all-digital learning experience. But while the jump to online learning may have seemed to come out of nowhere in March 2020, this shift is one that has been coming in higher education for quite some time. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), from 2000-2008 the percentage of undergraduates enrolled in at least one distance education class grew from 8 percent to 20 percent. And in fall 2017 (the last year for current data), there were more than 6.6 million students (nearly 34%)—at both the undergraduate and graduate levels—enrolled levels—enrolled in a distance education course at a degree-granting institution of higher education.

There are many reasons why students may choose online learning. Today’s college student looks different from the “traditional” college student that most people think of (18–22 years old, taking a full-time course load). They may be adult learners who graduated from high school and went directly into the work force, or who started college years ago and are now returning to finish their degrees. They may work while attending school part time, or they may live off-campus and commute to attend class. No matter their situation, online learning allows them to better balance school with jobs, families and internships by more easily fitting classes into their schedules.

As a result of the shifting needs of today’s college student, the conversation surrounding online learning had slowly been growing among higher education administrators. They had already begun to rethink what education looks like— COVID-19 simply accelerated the process. Tri Delta Executive Board Director Susan Woda, Maryland, is principal and managing director for EAB Global (Formerly, Education Advisory Board). She explains, “Many universities had already been putting their toes in the water of online learning, so to speak—maybe their foot was in the water. They had a growing demand for non-traditional delivery models, and many realized online learning was the easiest way to reach their students.” However, as Susan points out, there were many reasons schools may have hesitated to take the plunge of going all-in virtually. She cites cost as one reason as well as faculty who, perhaps because they didn’t learn that way, were hesitant to take on a new method of teaching. Then a pandemic happened. “COVID threw that out the window,” says Susan. “In a span of 14 days, just


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about every institution moved to an online format.” If anything, COVID-19 has shown us that online learning is a viable option both now and in the future, as we look to how this pandemic will transform the landscape of higher education. “A year ago, a lot of the conversations about what the next generation of higher ed modality and delivery looks like were conversations that faculty and university leadership had around the water cooler,” says Susan. “No one wanted or wished for a global pandemic. But I do believe there will be a positive outcome by bringing these conversations, questions and answers that need to be tackled to the forefront.” Like our college and university partners, Tri Delta also had to adapt to our new ever-changing environment, but we had already begun to pave the way. “We knew this was a trajectory for students, and we had to meet them where they were,” says Susan. “Tri Delta started this process months and years ago to look at how we create a best-in-class learning

environment that supplements the member experience. And COVID has done the exact same thing for us that it has for higher ed—it has accelerated the conversation.” In 2017 Tri Delta began exploring online, virtual learning options for our collegians, alumnae and volunteers. That vision came to full fruition this summer as we launched LEADDDer.org, an easy-to-use, online platform that offers dynamic learning and development opportunities for collegiate chapter officers and volunteers, and exclusive personal and professional leadership content for all members. Alongside LEADDDer.org, we have also been developing a new multimedia experience at tridelta.org, launching in November, as we continue to innovate and transform the member experience, meeting our members where they are.

LEADDDing the Way With support from Tri Delta's Foundation and a grant from the Mildred Bland Miller Charitable Fund, LEADDDer.org launched in July for all Tri Delta members. LEADDDer.org empowers women

A sneak peek of the new tridelta.org homepage launching in November. to become the best version of themselves. Exclusive learning opportunties offer skills and competency-based training, designed to: • Enhance collegiate chapter officer training • Support the education and empowerment of Tri Delta’s volunteers • Provide personal and professional development opportunities to all members

research by John Seely Brown in 2011, as skills become obsolete, students will need to continue learning more skills after they graduate from college to ensure they are relevant to the ever-evolving labor market. This means continually “upskilling” and “reskilling” through on-demand learning experiences. As Alison points out, many of these on-demand learning experiences are reliant on relationships that the learner has with the education platform or organizations—like Tri Delta.

Through LEADDDer.org, all members have access to premier content designed to support them throughout their lifelong journey of personal development and growth. Even better, because the content is all on-demand, our members can access training anywhere, at their own pace.

“Just as universities are working to capitalize on building longer-term relationships with students, Tri Delta should promise a relationship to any member who joins the organization—at any stage of their life or career,” shares Alison. “Tri Deltas can derive value from staying connected to networks of other Tri Deltas over the course of their life. Tri Delta has a unique opportunity to become our members’ hub of knowledge—mentoring and networking for life.”

Tri Delta’s focus on lifelong learning, growth and development for its members has never been more relevant. Alison Griffin, Southern Methodist, serves as senior vice president for Whiteboard Advisors. According to Alison, who cites


LEADDDer.org is one vehicle through which Tri Delta continues to provide

skill-building opportunities. Along with the courses on LEADDDer.org, members also have the opportunity to engage in personal and professional development with our LEADDD Online conference and LEADDD U keynote events. These educational opportunities and events are designed to encourage our members to better their best and empower them to invest in themselves. Our first premier course on LEADDDer. org launched this summer with LEADDD Online keynote speaker AmyK Hutchens teaching us all how to become master communicators in “GET IT! Effective Communication.” Then, following her LEADDD U keynote on Sept. 12, productivity specialist and CEO of Organize 365® Lisa Woodruff launched her course “GET ORGANIZED!,” teaching Tri Deltas how to rid themselves of quarantine clutter and make their home function for life, work and school. (Read more about Lisa Woodruff’s keynote and her course on LEADDDer.org on page 11, and listen to her interview on the Let's Talk Tri Delta Podcast.)

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“Tri Delta started this process months and years ago to look at how

we create a best-in-class learning environment that supplements the member experience. And COVID has done the exact same thing for us that it has for higher ed—it has accelerated the conversation.” TRI DELTA EXECUTIVE BOARD DIRECTOR SUSAN WODA, MARYLAND

Transforming Tri Delta In November, Tri Delta will be launching a newly redesigned tridelta.org, complete with the new Trident now fully available online. This new multimedia hub is designed to meet our members where they are with multiple ways to connect and stay up to date more often with the latest Tri Delta news—whether reading, watching or listening! The new Trident will feature all the things our members love about the print edition—only more interactive, with easy access to a variety of media, including videos and podcasts, and timelier with regularly updated content and stories.

And now members can access their My Tri Delta dashboard for a one-stop hub for everything Tri Delta. Once you log in, you get quick access to your personal profile, LEADDDer.org, The Trident, latest events, the reference form, sister search and much more. Be sure to check out the new tridelta.org on Nov. 8. While the future of Tri Delta, higher education and our world post-COVID looks different, there are positive outcomes, as industries and organizations begin to think creatively about how they engage and connect. The impact on higher education is just one example. “Everything we do in higher education is based in a system that is centuries old and favors the

institution, not the student,” says Alison. “We are now in a new century—a new millennium—and we have the opportunity to rebuild higher education in a way that serves today's students. These students are older, attending school part-time, raising children, working and are largely not living on campus. Today's ‘national student body’ has a need to build social capital, engage in meaningful and deep relationships with other students and have practical experiences that will translate to the classroom and into the labor market. In this context, Tri Delta is more relevant than ever.” As the world continues to become more virtual, Tri Delta will continue to engage members in new and exciting ways. Through LEADDDer.org, tridelta.org and our many other new virtual events and offerings, Tri Delta is making the membership experience accessible to more members. The Tri Delta experience is no longer confined to in-person chapter meetings and annual leadership conferences. Now members can connect with Tri Delta— and each other—at any time from any location. As it always has throughout our 132-year history, Tri Delta continues to change with the times—while also remaining timeless and relevant—to meet our members where they are. Susan says, “We are broadening the scope of Tri Delta. We are engaging our members in new and exciting ways, and we’re shifting the focus to the lifelong membership experience. It’s not just about the impact we can have with a chapter, it’s about the impact Tri Delta can have on each individual member, and then the impact those members can have in their communities and the world.”

The new My Tri Delta dashboard.


The Trident Fall 2020

How Tri Delta Created a Virtual Summer of Sisterhood Not being able to gather in Orlando, Florida, for LEADDD and Convention this year didn’t stop Tri Deltas from coming together (virtually!) this summer to celebrate our sisterhood. Tri Delta’s Summer of Sisterhood was filled with online events, connecting Tri Deltas across geography and generations, all while social distancing. From virtual trivia nights to self-care and exercise classes, our members adapted to this brave (bold and kind!) new world. We even made history hosting our first-ever virtual Convention—FOCUS 2020—and LEADDD Online in July. LEADDD Online, Tri Delta’s one-day professional and leadership development conference, featured best-selling author and communications expert AmyK Hutchens (see podcast icon below) who challenged attendees to live their lives one conversation at a time. Throughout the day, attendees were able to select live or on-demand workshops on topics ranging from professionalism to finance to mental health and wellness, in addition to participating in “Empower Hour” virtual networking groups. As part of LEADDD Online, we also hosted our first two LEADDD Now: Conversations on Racism, including a conversation with Dr. Diane Petersen, Ohio Wesleyan, Tri Delta’s first Black member, and two young alumnae Sisters of Color, Lexi Leggs, Millikin, and Sabur Woldu, Texas/Dallas. To close LEADDD Online and jump start Convention, Fraternity President Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan updated attendees (and those watching live on Facebook) on all things Tri Delta in state of the fratenity-type address called Tri Delta Today.

over the past biennium with the much-loved Courtesy Resolutions and kudos shared in real time via the virtual chat! We were even able to share the tradition of candlelighting and roll call, no candles needed thanks to creativity in the chat. Finally, we announced the location of our 2022 Convention — San Diego, California — where we will hopefully be able to celebrate in person once again! Save the date: June 25-27, 2022.

Saluting our 2020 Women of Achievement

The Women of Achievement Award recognizes Tri Deltas who have demonstrated extraordinary achievement and leadership in their volunteer, philanthropic, civic or professional pursuits. We were able to celebrate and recognize our 2020 Women of Achievement recipients during our Tri Delta Today keynote at LEADDD Online. Congratulations to Tri Delta’s 2020 Women of Achievement recipients. Tri Delta is grateful for these three brave, bold and kind women, whose unselfish leadership embodies the values of our sisterhood. • Patty Wetterling, Minnesota State/Mankato - Co-Founder of the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center • Beadie Kanahele Dawson, Whitman - Attorney and Community Leader • Cary Broussard, North Carolina - CEO of Broussard Global Communications  “I am so humbled really, to be one of the recipients of the 2020 Woman of Achievement Award,” shared Patty. “It has brought back so many happy memories and friends that I had lost during this incredible 30 year journey. There is a power in sisterhood that outweighs the worst of all problems and carries us forward, strengthened because we are not alone.”

Celebrating Ritual and Milestones FOCUS 2020 FOCUS 2020, our first virtual Convention, was a one-of-a-kind experience! Nearly 500 sisters from across the globe logged in to participate in a historic moment for Tri Delta. Delegates approved 68 amendments to Tri Delta’s Bylaws, and the LEADDD Now Resolution, and elected the 2020-2022 Executive Board and the 2020-2022 Leadership Development Committee (LDC). We also celebrated the many sisters who have served as volunteers Tune into the Let's Talk Tri Delta podcast

www.tridelta.org for our conversation with AmyK Hutchens LET’S TALK TRI DELTA

This summer, Tri Delta also celebrated all of our Rituals and ceremonies virtually. More than 700 members tuned in to experience Initiation in June and July, including 593 new members from 40 collegiate chapters and six honor initiates who experienced our Ritual for the first time. Circle Degree, Pearl Circle (10-year), Silver Circle (25-year), Golden Circle (50-year) and Diamond Circle (75-year) milestone ceremonies were also hosted throughout August to celebrate members achieving landmark milestones in their lifetime journey with Tri Delta.

Fall 2020 The Trident


Tri Delta Living

While shutting down operations for a facility that houses 109 members and employs a large staff may seem daunting, it was only a small part of what the Chi Chapter team would face in the coming months. As summer set in, with their sights set on a safe return in the fall, chapter leaders, alumnae volunteers and House Director Martha Collins, Mississippi, boldly got to work. “I decided that I had to make use of my time in productive ways. Besides the concrete things to prepare for reopening, I needed to think about what Tri Delta means to me. As an alumna and a house director, I began to think of what kind of experience we were giving these young women as much as planning my cleaning and disinfecting protocol,” remembers Martha. In addition to the practical aspects of reopening such a large facility, preparations had to be made for continuing chapter operations in a pandemic. Alumna Advisor Katie Naron, Mississippi, focused on finding support and training for her chapter leaders in a time of crisis. “We planned for virtual chapter meetings and face-to-face-recruitment, which eventually turned into virtual recruitment. The collegiate chapter president, house director, house corporation president, house manager and I were lockstep in protocol, procedures and day-to-day operations.” Through the Chi Chapter team’s careful, thoughtful planning, paired with support from the local House Corporation and Tri Delta Housing, the home at 96 Sorority Loop was ready to reopen in early August. Resident members settled in for the fall semester, and Chi Chapter set to recruiting new members into our sisterhood.

Mandated Quarantine

Quarantine at Camp Chi Where Attitude Is Everything By Director of Marketing and Creative Brandy Darrow, Southern Methodist Spring Break 2020: One week quickly extended into a monthslong shutdown of schools and universities across the country. Recalls Cameron Sadler, president of Chi Chapter at the University of Mississippi, “I was heartbroken when school was moved online. This is home. This is my community. This is quite literally an unprecedented time; it especially was in March.” 34

The Trident Fall 2020

Days later, those months of preparation would be put to the test, as four resident members were found to be positive for COVID-19. Even though this made up a very small percentage of the household, the University of Mississippi and the Mississippi State Department of Health ordered a complete shutdown, mandating that residents evacuate within 24 hours and suspending all meal service. Martha remembers hearing the news. “All I could think was this is against everything we have learned this summer. Why would we want them to pile up in apartments around town with the chance of spreading to the community or going home and spreading in another community? We had followed our protocol, the state recommendations, the federal guidelines and the university plan for reporting. Why were we being punished for doing what we had been taught to do?” Once again, Chi Chapter leadership acted quickly, teaming up with Tri Delta Housing to appeal to university officials, who

“We would be the first to quarantine at Ole Miss and we would set the bar high for the rest to follow. Chi Chapter would do it with grace and dignity.” CAMERON SADLER, MISSISSIPPI agreed to allow residents to shelter in place for a 2-week period. Martha notes, “Chapter president [Cameron] made a statement that I will never forget. She said, ‘We would be the first to quarantine at Ole Miss and we would set the bar high for the rest to follow. Chi Chapter would do it with grace and dignity. We will continue to respect the guidelines set forth by our university, our community and Tri Delta.’ That was enough motivation for me.” Following the example set by Cameron and the rest of the chapter’s collegiate leaders, resident members faced their quarantine calmly, with an attitude of hope and encouragement. One member in particular, Avery Sadler, dubbed the “Cruise Director,” immediately began planning events for her quarantined sisters including fitness classes, crafts, a formal dinner, a résumé workshop and a talent show.

Kindness in Tough Times “Our chapter exuded kindness, sisterhood and patience during the quarantine period,” shared Katie. Members who had already recovered from the virus quickly stepped in and picked up textbooks, ran errands and made late-night runs for chocolate and snacks. Local alumnae also jumped in to run errands and provide treats. Fellow Ole Miss Greek organizations sent snacks, flowers and cards of encouragement. Parents sent snow cones and soft drinks, and the Parents’ Club provided Chick-fil-A for a Saturday lunch.

Mental Health Support—In House Mental health has quickly become one of the most critical challenges facing college students, with 25% of all students coming to college with a diagnosed mental illness. In 2019, Tri Delta introduced its mental health program, Behind Happy Faces, to assist our members in tackling these issues head on, but our commitment to supporting the mental health of our members does not stop here. Beginning in fall 2020, every house director employed by Tri Delta will participate in a skills-based training course, Mental Health First Aid, that will teach them about mental health and substance-use issues. Each house director will participate in a 2-hour online, self-guided course followed by a 4-hour virtual training led by a certified trainer. Upon completion, house directors will know how to identify, understand and respond to signs of addictions and mental illness. Through a 5-step action plan, house directors will be able to provide support in a variety of situations, such as helping someone through a panic attack or assisting an individual who has overdosed.

One of the biggest challenges was continuing to provide meals during the quarantine—for both resident and non-resident members. House Director Martha spent hours planning, prepping and cooking to ensure our sisters were well-fed. Chi Chapter dining assistants were enlisted to deliver home-cooked boxed meals to a local apartment complex where many members live.

“The times are difficult right now,” shared Denise Flukinger, house director at Texas A&M University. “I want to be available if a member needs to talk. The Mental Health First Aid course helped me to be able to listen without opinions or judgement—to be a compassionate listener. The course also helped me recognize underlying signs of deeper mental issues and how to offer assistance.”

The 2-week quarantine of Chi Chapter serves as an example of bold, brave leadership in a time of crisis. For Tri Deltas at Ole Miss, it became a time to slow down and enjoy the simpler aspects of sisterhood. As Cameron shared, “I am thankful for the time I spent in quarantine. So much of our normal college experience is action-packed and busy. Spending time in our chapter house with my friends was a ‘back to the basics’ type of experience. It gave me a lot of time to reflect and think about why I am so grateful for the time I have spent in this sisterhood.”

Angie Foulks, house director at the University of Iowa, shared, “That course was a needed guide for the days we are experiencing. The instructor had an amazing way of keeping you engaged and relaying the information in a format that we can use. I have already used his phrases to help de-escalate a member’s fear from catching COVID.”

Live, Learn, Lead

Delaware DEI Goes Virtual As Tri Delta introduced its LEADDD Now plan this summer to create an equitable and inclusive lifetime membership experience, our collegiate chapters have continued to lead the way in ensuring our sisterhood is welcoming to all. This summer, Epsilon Upsilon Chapter at the University of Delaware took its diversity, equity and inclusion training virtual, as Lauren Whitman, vice president of chapter programming and development, delivered a thorough and comprehensive DEI workshop for her chapter to educate and enable members to take action to promote diversity and inclusion throughout Epsilon Upsilon, the community and beyond. Statistics shared in the workshop show that 74% of students at the University of Delaware are white, and Lauren recognizes her chapter’s lack of diversity: “While our goal is to be kind alike to all, when we really look at it, when it comes to race there is a big lack of diversity that I wanted to bring to light.” Lauren worked with her campus’ Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion to compile research and resources, covering topics like implicit bias, micro-aggressions and privilege. Following the workshop, the chapter took additional steps to make DEI a priority, from incorporating it into recruitment and other aspects of the chapter experience, to creating a committee devoted solely to DEI.

"The best thing you get out of the sorority experience is the overwhelming opportunity to learn and grow in so many different ways."

The committee, headed by co-chairs Maya Dewson-Tipping and Nikki Downs, met every two weeks over the summer with meetings open to everyone in the chapter. They also hosted a screening of the movie “The Hate You Give,” followed by a discussion.

Epsilon Upsilon intends to make the diversity and inclusion committee chair a permanent officer position that will be appointed by the next executive committee. “We really want to put the importance and emphasis on diversity and inclusion every single semester,” says Lauren. She believes conversations around DEI are important for the growth and development of both Epsilon Upsilon as a chapter, and for the chapter members themselves. “The growth and development of the chapter can’t happen without the growth and development of each individual member.” That’s where the Tri Delta membership experience comes in: “There’s an emphasis on education and growth as women and the importance of being a productive member of society,” says Lauren. “The best thing you get out of the sorority experience is the overwhelming opportunity to learn and grow in so many different ways.”


CANADA DELTA – UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA In the midst of social distancing last spring, Canada Delta Chapter found a creative way to spread Delta Love to their chapter members as they began the final weeks of the academic year leading into exams. Collegiate Chapter President Rae Landriau created postcards out of the chapter’s composite and sent them to each member with a handwritten message of encouragement on the back. “This brought our chapter closer together, showing that our sisterhood endures all and we can be there for one another in all times of need,” said Rae.


THETA BETA – UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER The members of Theta Beta Chapter have been spending the summer enjoying each other’s company virtually! After finishing up the spring semester online, the chapter was introduced to various resources that have helped them stay connected with their sisters, even though they can’t be together in person. Members have been meeting weekly over Zoom for Golden Hour where they play games, watch shows together and catch up. The chapter also created a summer reading club and read a selection of books written by Black authors to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement. Officers spent the summer preparing for the fall semester, particularly recruitment which is virtual this year. The chapter is excited to be together again and to see what this year brings!


EPSILON TAU – QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY Congratulations to Epsilon Tau Chapter for winning several awards at the Fraternity and Sorority Life awards ceremony on April 14. Epsilon Tau was recognized for the Excellence in Sisterhood Programming, Excellence in Public Relations and Most Improved GPA. Advisor Joanna Pacella, Carnegie Mellon, also received the Chapter Advisor of the Year Award!


During the spring, two collegiate chapters joined forces virtually to fundraise for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. South Florida’s Beta Alpha Chapter and the


University of Central Florida’s Beta Lambda Chapter participated in a $5K in a Day social media challenge called the War on I-4, a nod to the sports rivalry between UCF and USF. Jayda-Lorayne Gordon, South Florida philanthropy chair and Mackenzie Mathis, Central Florida philanthropy chair, came up with the idea together at Tri Delta’s Collegiate Leadership Conference in February. “We thought what better time than now to roll out this idea, especially because COVID-19 cut our schools short of many sports this season,” said Mackenzie. “Due to the pandemic, we expected this challenge to be a more difficult one, yet hoped that promoting the War on I-4 would encourage participation. As proud Tri Delta women, we know the importance of continuing to support our philanthropy despite the financial and emotional hardships at this time.” Overall, the War on I-4 social media challenge was a success, and together the chapters raised just under $5,000 for the kids of St. Jude.


THETA TAU – UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO Theta Tau Chapter took home five awards at the 2020 University of Idaho Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards ceremony, including chapter of the year! Theta Tau was also recognized for Excellence in Scholarship and Excellence in Membership Education, and Gensen Merritt received the Sorority Chapter President of the Year award. Alumna Mary Kay McFadden, Idaho, was also recognized as the University of Idaho Administrator of the Year. Congratulations to Theta Tau!


EPSILON BETA – LAKE FOREST COLLEGE When the shutdown of colleges across the country made it difficult for sisters to stay connected, members of Epsilon Beta Chapter worked hard to maintain sisterhood during a time when we all need support and love from each other. To help stay connected, as well as foster connections with alumnae members, Collegiate Chapter President Tianna Beilke, Vice President/Chapter Development Zoe Walts and Continuing

Fall 2020 The Trident


On-Campus Connections by Anica Armstrong, Chapman The Tri Delta bond is one of the strongest bonds there is. So, it comes as no surprise that Kimberly Frazier, a University of Arkansas alumna, now turned professor, and Megan Sturdivant, a current University of Arkansas collegiate member connected and created their own special bond. Kimberly is in her 13th year as associate professor in communication disorders at the University of Arkansas, and Megan is a communication science and disorders major. The two met in 2018 when Megan attended an open house in which professors discussed their research. After listening to Kimberly, she knew she was the right fit for her as a mentor. Together, they have presented research internationally at three of the most prestigious conferences in their field. “Being able to network and hear input from those who have been in the field much longer than I have was truly rewarding. I was given the chance to meet people who have training in this field and opinions on the research,” Megan said. They both felt a sense of accomplishment at their research having made it to this level, and their plans include gathering more data and input for a manuscript. The two bonded over their love of science and through Tri Delta. They often talk about their Tri Delta experiences and similarities, having both been in the same chapter. They even have another connection to each other—their friends! Some of Kimberly’s friends and sisters from the chapter are the mothers of Megan’s friends and sisters. Megan says that them both being Tri Deltas is special because she gets Kimberly as a mentor, a professor and a sister. 38

The Trident Fall 2020

Education Chair Jessica Pope worked with advisors Bri Lemond Cyr, Lake Forest, and Lauren Brzezinski, Eastern Illinois, to organize a series of evening talks with Tri Delta alumnae called "Epsilon Beta Online." Together, the collegians and alumnae participated in hour-long casual chats about Tri Delta, careers, life during COVID and everything in between. It has been great for the chapter to have something to look forward to, and it has been especially fun for the collegians to interact with alumnae.



Congratulations to Lambda Chapter at Baker University who won the Five-Star Chapter Award at the Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards! The chapter received several other honors, including Lily Stephens being named Chapter President of the Year (Lily is now a chapter development consultant—read more on page 44) and Emma Howard being named New Member of the Year.



After COVID-19 forced events planned for last spring to be rescheduled, Tri Delta officially installed our newest chapter – Epsilon Chi – at Tulane University on Saturday, Aug. 29! While we couldn’t be

together in person, we were thrilled to virtually welcome 165 new members into our sisterhood. The Installation ceremony was shared with family and friends on the Tulane Tri Delta Facebook page, and included video messages of congratulations from sisters across North America. During the ceremony, Clara Tomé was presented with the Kathleen Davis Nye Scholarship. Collegiate Chapter President Claire Skivington shared the following: “Let us take this special time to reflect, but more importantly, to go and continue to be a light to ourselves, each other and the community, and shape what the Tri Delta experience looks like at Tulane.” Congratulations, Epsilon Chi, and welcome to our sisterhood!


ALPHA BETA – CORNELL Congratulations to Maya Cutforth, Cornell, who was named one of seven 2020 Greek Leaders of Distinction at the Northeast Greek Leadership Association (NGLA) Annual Conference in March! Maya also served as a collegiate member on Tri Delta’s Leadership Development Committee in 2019-2020 and served her campus as Panhellenic president.

2020 TRI PSI SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS For more than 105 years, Tri Delta has been the only sorority to have a Greek letter sorority for our members' mothers. Our mother’s organization, Tri Psi, consists of dedicated mothers that come together each year to support their Tri Delta daughters and assist our members in every possible way. Tri Psi awards $5,000 low interest rate loans to Tri Delta members receiving or pursuing graduate degrees, and $1,000 undergraduate scholarships to selected members entering their junior year. Annually, each chapter is eligible to nominate one member in good standing to apply for the Tri Psi Scholarships. To learn more, visit tripsisorority.com.

Brooke Belanger, Temple Eleanor Fontana, Rhodes Lauren Hagens, Allegheny Danni Hix, Wofford Abigail Klenk, Wyoming

Mary Moench, Chapman Julia Murray, Illinois State Elizabeth Ostlie, North Dakota State Gam Pham, Lafayette

Serving the Restaurant Community by Milly McKinnish, Temple After returning home from college early in the spring, Grace Dodd, Texas A&M, and her sister Annie, a Chi Omega, found themselves with a lot of free time. While they felt confused and disappointed about the school year ending early, the sisters knew they wanted to do something meaningful during the quarantine. That is how Dallas Helps was born. Dallas Helps is a crowdfund which gave back to restaurant workers who were struggling or out of work due to the pandemic. Ultimately, the Dodd sisters raised $23,500 and helped more than 50 employees from 13 different Dallas businesses. According to Grace, the sisters wanted to create a platform for people who wanted to help out but were unsure how. “It was great seeing people’s generosity. It really proved that people do want to help and sometimes you just have to show them somewhere to go,” Grace said. In the early stages of Dallas Helps, Grace and Annie went business to business, knocking on Photo retouching: Danny Hurley www.tridelta.org

doors and asking how they were handling the situation and if their employees were getting paid. Eventually, as Dallas Helps gained popularity, restaurants began reaching out to the sisters. Owners and managers would give the sisters lists of their employees who were struggling the most and descriptions of their life story. “Every time we did give money to these people, we were able to write them a little note and tell them about what their manager said. It was a really sweet process."

“It was great seeing people's generosity. It really proved that people do want to help and sometimes you just have to show them somewhere to go.” GRACE DODD, TEXAS A&M

Now that businesses are opening back up, Dallas Helps has slowed down. Many Dallas restaurants and small businesses have started their own GoFundMe’s, so the sisters donate any extra money they are sent to those fundraisers. Dallas Helps gave Grace a more positive view of the quarantine and helped her focus her energy outward. "Starting [Dallas Helps] right off the bat gave me a greater perspective." Fall 2020 The Trident



SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SISTERS Tri Delta’s Foundation awarded 167 undergraduate and graduate scholarships, totaling $410,500 $410,500,, to Tri Delta members for the 2020-2021 academic year. With our members needing our help now more than ever, Tri Delta is committed to assisting them in every possible way. These scholarships are just one way Tri Delta’s Foundation empowers our sisters for a lifetime.

“Amidst the current pandemic situation, I had all of my internship and job opportunities cancelled,” shared scholarship recipient Ashley Manthorp, Virginia Tech. Tech. “This scholarship, however, has alleviated some of the financial stress for this upcoming school year. This would not have been possible without the generous support from Tri Delta’s Foundation. My goal is to support the Foundation in the years ahead, remembering the impact it had on my educational goals. goals.”

Anna Adams, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Chloe' Adkins, Millsaps Live Learn Lead Scholarship Athena Aguilar, Pepperdine Martin Sisters Scholarship Kylee Amos, Idaho Martha Sale Ferman Scholarship Belinda Beaver, Lake Forest Minneapolis - St. Paul Alice McNeely Scholarship Mary Bell, Louisiana State Annelies Ohlmeyer Martinez Memorial Scholarship Kerry Blatney, Pennsylvania Live Learn Lead Scholarship Eliot Bradshaw, Kentucky Live Learn Lead Scholarship Cassie Bretz, Oregon State Susan E. Riley Foundation Scholarship Rachel Broderick, Iowa Jane Folkrod Scholarship Hannah Browne, Quinnipiac Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Ana Brush, Texas/Arlington Melissa Hamman & Molly Hamman Bielamowicz Scholarship Vanessa Buck, California State Long Beach Live Learn Lead Scholarship Elizabeth Bueche, Louisiana State Laura Burckel Peterson Memorial Scholarship Kelly Burns, Stockton Live Learn Lead Scholarship Annalise Castro, Southern California Avery Bayle Barth Scholarship Emma Cho, Michigan Virginia Stewart Nicklas Scholarship Ellen Clements, Louisiana Tech Live Learn Lead Scholarship Haley Clift, Mississippi Shirley Crawford Leadership Scholarship Autumn Collins, Loyola Marymount Laura Stenovec Scholarship Courtney Crain, Jacksonville Live Learn Lead Scholarship Page Cramer, Kansas Live Learn Lead Scholarship Alana Cree, San Francisco Live Learn Lead Scholarship Caroline Crocker, Texas/Dallas Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Caroline Culpepper, Texas Christian Jean Wiggin Roach-Phi Lambda Scholarship Sarah Day, Baker Live Learn Lead Scholarship Marcela De Almeida, Southern Methodist Leona McKie Muse Scholarship

Grace Diamond, Vermont Eta Chapter 125th Anniversary Memorial Scholarship Sabrina Drobeck, California/Berkeley Gariel Jackson Renstrom Scholarship Marianne Austin McDermon Scholarship Joanna Duyck, Oregon State Susan E. Riley Foundation Scholarship Hannah Eckert, Idaho Live Learn Lead Scholarship Sarah Erikson, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Grace Falvey, Oregon Marguerite Bernice Hunt Brun Scholarship Allison Favaloro, Texas Christian Jean Wiggin Roach-Phi Lambda Scholarship Taylor Featherstone, Colgate Live Learn Lead Scholarship Julia Finfrock, Vanderbilt Delta Gamma Scholarship Kashya Floyd, Idaho Katherine Groggett Memorial Scholarship Katie Gardner, Arkansas Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Sara Gardner, Arkansas Live Learn Lead Scholarship Taylor Gebhart, Centre Marjorie Herndon Hines Scholarship Paige Godvin, Southern California Sisterhood Scholarship Caroline Grant, Jacksonville Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Hope Green-Brooks, Oregon State Susan E. Riley Foundation Scholarship Julia Haack, Nebraska Eastman Memorial Scholarship Savannah Hall, Tennessee Cheryl White Pryor Memorial Scholarship Edith Scandlyn/Sammie Lynn Scandlyn Puett Memorial Scholarship Lia Hayduk, Vanderbilt Live Learn Lead Scholarship Olivia Hefley, Purdue Gamma Iota Chapter Scholarship Caroline Hegemann, Vanderbilt Live Learn Lead Scholarship Mikayla Heilich, Missouri Live Learn Lead Scholarship Makayla Herbert, Oregon Marguerite Bernice Hunt Brun Scholarship Marissa Hettel, Millikin Louise Bales Gallagher Scholarship Josie Hinrichs, Alabama Atlanta Alumnae Chapter Scholarship

Tri Delta Scholarships are made possible only through the donations of sisters who want to support the educational aspirations of our members. For more information, please contact foundation@ trideltaeo.org.

Kaylee Holt, Oklahoma State Phi Upsilon Chapter Scholarship Andrea Houpt, South Carolina Alpha Lambda Chapter Scholarship Ella Huffaker, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Karen Janneck, Texas A&M Corpus Christi Luella Keys Undergraduate Scholarship Lexi Johnson, Wisconsin Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Caroline Jungels, Florida Live Learn Lead Scholarship Hollis Kerr, Illinois Virginia Hartford Sahrov Memorial Scholarship Alexis Kidd, Florida State Nancy Ashley Adams/Ashley Adams Koetje Scholarship Chloe Kordsmeier, Arkansas Donna Axum Whitworth Undergraduate Scholarship Jessica Kozar, Auburn Live Learn Lead Scholarship Elle Kramer, Iowa Jane Folkrod Scholarship Margaret Kravchuk, Baylor Laura Leftwich Pulis Scholarship Julianne Larsson, South Carolina Live Learn Lead Scholarship Ashley Lawson, Texas/Austin Margaret McFarlane Alkek Scholarship Ashley Manthorp, Virginia Tech Dott Henggeler Memorial Scholarship Makenzi Marek, Iowa State Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship Lauren Marotta, Rhodes Live Learn Lead Scholarship Taylor Marshall, Drury Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Ashley Martinez, Southern Methodist Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Sally Masucci, Drury Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship

Mackenzie Mathis, Central Florida Peg Hart Harrison Memorial Scholarship Sarah McCallum, Louisiana State Delta Omega House Corporation Scholarship Lauren McCarthy, Texas/Austin Teri Wenglein Scholarship Elaine McDonald, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Elena McGown, Baylor Houston Alumnae Chapter Undergraduate Scholarship Claire McInnis, Oklahoma Sisterhood Scholarship Emma McManus, Auburn Jeanne Ryland Collegiate Scholarship Anusha Mehta, Wisconsin Mu Chapter Scholarship Hannah Mertes, Virginia Tech Live Learn Lead Scholarship Hayley Michel, Kansas Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Tess Miller, Alabama Delta Mu Chapter Scholarship Mary Miller, Toledo Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Mackenzie Montiel, Louisiana State Amanda Judice Scholarship Cassidy Murphy, Maine Live Learn Lead Scholarship Caroline Naquin, Louisiana State Lauren Savoy Olinde Memorial Scholarship Alexandra O'Donnell, Wisconsin Mu Chapter Scholarship Melanie O'Hanlon, Creighton Live Learn Lead Scholarship Madison Okkerse, Temple Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Darcy Ottomanelli, Southern California Avery Bayle Barth Scholarship Claudia Pickell, Louisiana State Margo Robb & Cindy Robb Lites Scholarship Alannah Picone, Texas A&M Rachel Spelman Memorial Scholarship Erin Potter, Delaware Live Learn Lead Scholarship Dawson Pressel, Oklahoma Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Lilliana Ramirez, Millsaps McKinney Sisters Scholarship Kathryn Rector, Texas/Austin Live Learn Lead Scholarship Kira Repich, Virginia Tech Barbara Downey Freson Undergraduate Scholarship Alaura Rich, Vermont Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship Madison Ricks, Oregon State Tracey Boydson Clark Scholarship Rachel Robbins, Lake Forest Phoenix Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Emma Rogers, Toronto Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship Madison Romeo, Brenau Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Peyton Rougeau, Texas/Austin Parker - Theta Zeta Scholarship Megan Schmitz, Jacksonville Live Learn Lead Scholarship Tyler Sherwin, St. Lawrence Beta Chapter Scholarship Sophia Smith, Ohio State Nu Chapter Scholarship Zoe Gore Perrin Scholarship Michaela Speligene, Louisiana State Martha Helen Conner Byrd Memorial Scholarship Beth Stolte, Simpson Live Learn Lead Scholarship Lily Swanson, Pittsburgh Live Learn Lead Scholarship Victoria Templin, Butler Delta Lambda Chapter Scholarship Melissa Tucker, Illinois Virginia Hartford Sahrov Memorial Scholarship

Madison Veller, Nebraska Jane Anderson/Kappa Centennial Scholarship Delaney Walden, Wofford Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Natalia Wang, Northwestern Upsilon Chapter Scholarship Hailey Webster, California/Davis Erin Kumelos Heard Memorial Scholarship Olivia Weis, Wisconsin Live Learn Lead Scholarship Kendra Werstlein, Oregon State Susan E. Riley Foundation Scholarship Kathryn Wilson, California/Berkeley Marianne Austin McDermon Scholarship Mary Yahnian, Texas Christian Phi Lambda Program Sales in Honor of Mary Ruth Robinson Ellen Yenne, Idaho Leona McKie Muse Scholarship

2020-2021 GRADUATE RECIPIENTS Emma Anstine, Alabama Harriett Erich Graduate Fellowship Brittany Appleton, Coe Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Keely Barnett, Oregon Jeanne L. Carlson Scholarship Anna Beck, Carnegie Mellon Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Amanda Carver, Oregon Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Kylie Cronin, Louisiana State Edna Marie Patterson Graduate Scholarship  Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Emily Darden, Alabama Harriett Erich Graduate Fellowship Megan Dempsey, Wofford Live Learn Lead Scholarship Hope Estrella, Quinnipiac Founder's Anniversary Fund Margaret Stafford Fellowship Anna Fasuna, Illinois State Live Learn Lead Scholarship Kirby Fitzpatrick, Centre Live Learn Lead Scholarship Noel Fleig, Florida Live Learn Lead Scholarship Morgan Forteith, Southwestern Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Morgan Gallo, Southwestern Houston Alumnae Chapter Graduate Scholarship Kaitlyn Graham, Tulsa Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Francesca Henrichs, Temple Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Hillary Husband, Louisiana Tech Second Century Scholarship Jill Kleinkauf, Champan Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Abigail Lukens, Rhodes Second Century Scholarship Melanie Marshall, Alabama Harriett Erich Graduate Fellowship Grace Maynard, Southwestern

Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Shannon McKechnie, Toronto Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Julia Melvin, Adelphi Second Century Scholarship Tatem Miller, Florida Gulf Coast Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Amanda Nelson, Nebraska Live Learn Lead Scholarship Samantha Nelson, Nebraska Sarah Shinn Marshall Scholarship Emma Noyes, Vanderbilt Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Margaret O'Neill-Dee, Denison Live Learn Lead Scholarship Orla Putnam, California/San Diego Second Century Scholarship Arden McCormack Roeder, Baylor Luella Keys Graduate Scholarship Jennifer Bennett Sackett, Arkansas Donna Axum Whitworth Graduate Scholarship Jordyn Scaturro, Alabama Harriett Erich Graduate Fellowship Catharine Sciolla, Richmond During Sisters Scholarship Mallory Scroggs, Louisiana State Reginald Lyle Mack Graduate Scholarship Madelyn Seymour, Maryland Live Learn Lead Scholarship Megan Sinik, Tulsa Founder's Anniversary Mary Margaret Hafter Fellowship Rachel Stading, Texas A&M Live Learn Lead Scholarship Lyndsey Standage, Drury Leona McKie Muse Scholarship Sarah Tajran, California/Irvine Linda Garrett Whitson Graduate Scholarship Alyson Waite, Toledo Live Learn Lead Scholarship Caroline Whittenburg, Texas Tech Live Learn Lead Scholarship

Life After College

Celebrating the Class of 2020 As COVID-19 cut the spring semester short for Tri Delta’s collegiate members, none were affected more than the Class of 2020. More than 3,000 seniors missed making memories with families and friends as commencement ceremonies, special chapter recognitions and graduation celebrations were postponed or canceled. It’s not the way our seniors expected their final year in college to end, but in true Tri Delta fashion, we didn’t let a pandemic stop us from honoring these women and providing them support as they launched into life after college.


The Trident Fall 2020

To share some extra Delta Love with our seniors, Tri Delta recognized Senior Celebration Week May 25-31, and for the first time in our organization’s history, conducted the third and final degree of Initiation, Circle Degree, virtually.

Circle Degree Goes Virtual One of the most special spring traditions for Tri Delta seniors is the Pansy Celebration and Circle Degree. With in-person celebrations canceled, many alumnae chapters chose to hold virtual Pansy Celebrations. The Mt. Diablo Alumnae Chapter in California had the opportunity celebrate a virtual Circle Degree with more than 70 sisters present from all over the country. Five Pi Chapter alumnae from the University of California Berkeley graciously shared their own Tri Delta stories for the graduating seniors. Phi Omicron Chapter at Northern Arizona University celebrated seven seniors with their own virtual Circle Degree ceremony on May 8, to conclude the chapter’s senior week and completion of finals. “Although we would have loved to carry on tradition and

perform Circle Degree in person, that just was not possible this year,” shared Lindsey Clemensen, Oklahoma State, alumna advisor for Phi Omicron Chapter. “Every crescent moon becomes full again. We will get through this! We will continue to honor our 2020 Tri Delta senior graduates the best we can. Phi Omicron is so excited to see our seniors excel in their next adventures!” For those unable to attend a virtual celebration held by a chapter, Tri Delta hosted its own International Pansy Celebration. On May 26 and May 30, Fraternity President Kimberlee Di Fede Sullivan, Pepperdine, presided over a virtual Circle Degree for more than 300 seniors. Together, Tri Deltas across the world shared in our beautiful Ritual and welcomed our graduating seniors officially to the alumnae stage of lifelong sisterhood.

The Ultimate GraDDD Gift To help launch our seniors into life after college, Tri Delta was able to offer every graduating senior the Ultimate GraDDD Gift, thanks to the generous support of many dedicated alumnae. The gift included: Annual Alumnae Dues – First year paid in full, including a one-year subscription to The

Trident and other valuable benefits of alumnae membership. LEADDD Online – Complimentary entry to Tri Delta’s premier women’s leadership conference on July 10. By attending LEADDD, our graduating seniors heard from dynamic keynote speaker AmyK Hutchens on mastering communication to help you get the life you want. They also received access to six interactive workshops and a networking “empower hour” to provide them with valuable professional development, advice and connections as they begin their careers. Life After College Series – Full access to Tri Delta’s signature program that supports members as they transition from college to career featuring informative, on-demand webinars and podcasts and AAUW’s StartSmart Salary Negotiation Workshop. Valuable networking opportunities on CONNECTDDD – Including the chance to connect with alumnae in their industry for informational interviews and mentorship. Most important our seniors received the gift of lifetime of sisterhood and support, learning and leadership, friendship and fun...the value of which is priceless!

Photo, opposite page: Seniors from the University of Pennsylvania's Psi Chapter; Photo, above: Members of Northern Arizona University's Phi Omicron Chapter celebrate Circle Degree via Zoom.

London Moore

Sabur Woldu

Sam Wakitsch

Three Seniors to Watch As part of Senior Celebration Week, Tri Delta also shared special “3 for You” content featuring three seniors you need to know: • Sarah Ida Shaw Winner London Moore, Oklahoma, on My Favorite College Class • Incoming Chapter Development Consultant, Sabur Woldu, Texas/Dallas, on Transcending Barriers With Tri Delta • Budding journalist Sam Wakitsch, Southeast Missouri, on What Happened to Our Senior Year? The three women discussed their Tri Delta experience—what they’ve gained from it and how Tri Delta has prepared them for life after college. You can find their “3 for You” podcast episodes, videos and quick-read stories at tridelta.org/3foryou. Sam Wakitsch shared with her fellow seniors in her podcast interview, “It is times like these where I’m truly thankful to be a Tri Delta woman! You have been given this giant support system that other people don’t have. Not only does this organization give you so many resources and assistance, it also gives you so many wonderful women to help you and assist you through this challenging time… Use those resources, and reach out if you need help. Let your sisters support you and be there for you.”

Life After College

Chapter Development Consultant Team… Coming to a Screen Near You! While the 2020-2021 chapter development consultants (CDCs) may not be hitting the road this fall, they will be providing support to Tri Delta’s 141 collegiate chapters virtually, as our members navigate the unique circumstances of this semester and academic year. The CDCs will assist our chapters with recruitment and retention efforts and will be instrumental in helping our collegiate chapters transition to the new officer structure this fall. PICTURED FROM TOP LEFT TO RIGHT:

Emily Faith Stuart, Louisiana Tech Major: Secondary English Education Words to describe her: Cheerful, Optimistic, Collaborative Favorite Tri Delta memory: One of my favorite memories happened my freshman year, when my chapter gifted me with the dolphin suit, our beloved mascot, which was so exciting!

Elizabeth Guinn, Louisiana State Major: Information Systems and Marketing Words to describe her: Consistent, Driven, Fun Favorite Tri Delta memory: My very first Bid Day in 2016, at our LSU Tri Delta house, with my mama turned sister! Katelyn Wobken, Northern Arizona Major: Mathematics Words to describe her: Restorative, Passionate, Positive Favorite Tri Delta memory: Seeing how my perpetual bonds of friendship knows no borders or distance!

Lauren Jean Algyer, North Dakota State Major: Political Science and Homeland Security Words to describe her: Ambitious, Courageous, Understanding Favorite Tri Delta memory: Standing in Target with my chapter sister, taking a video of when I got the call that I was going to be a chapter development consultant.


The Trident Fall 2020

Kathryn Fagan, Vermont Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders Words to describe her: Compassionate, Adaptable, Dedicated Favorite Tri Delta memory: Attending my first Pansy Brunch. It was such an amazing way to celebrate all that the seniors had accomplished, and I am so thankful I was able to celebrate it with my Big, who was graduating. Laney Humphreys, Oklahoma Major: Human Relations Words to describe her: Empathetic, Intuitive, Passionate Favorite Tri Delta memory: My favorite Tri Delta memory was getting to serve as a new member mentor, and being able to pour into the new members as they learn more about Tri Delta.

Lily Stephens, Baker Major: Mass Media Words to describe her: Creative, Open, Passionate Favorite Tri Delta memory: Late night conversations, meals together, having a sleepover with my best friends every night and knowing that we are all connected by our sisterhood.

Sabur Woldu, Texas/Dallas Major: International Political Economy Words to describe her: Driven, Supportive, Adaptable Favorite Tri Delta memory: My favorite Tri Delta memory is getting home after Senior Sunday and reliving all my years within Tri Delta, through the notes they gave me!

Sarah Kinane, California/Santa Barbara Major: Sociology and History, with a minor in applied psychology Words to describe her: Kind, Prudent, Passionate Favorite Tri Delta memory: Attending Collegiate Leadership Conference (CLC) and being surrounded by so many other passionate, kind and driven collegiate leaders, volunteers and staff who really reinvigorated my dedication and love for Tri Delta. Libby Cummings, Northern Arizona Major: Biology Words to describe her: Motivated, Bubbly, Committed Favorite Tri Delta memory: One of the most standout moments for me as a collegian was being slated for my position as VPCPD, because it was the opportunity that allowed me to understand what growth through Tri Delta really meant. Meredith Davies, Rhodes Major: Political Science and Environmental Studies Words to describe her: Adventurous, Adaptable, Passionate Favorite Tri Delta memory: One of my favorite Tri Delta memories was my first visit to Tri Delta Place, during my sophomore year. I was able do a craft with patients and their families and see Tri Delta's philanthropic work, firsthand. Michaela Johnson, Stockton Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management Words to describe her: Dedicated, Helpful, Excited Favorite Tri Delta memory: Attending Collegiate Leadership Conference in 2020, where I got to see chapters I had worked with throughout the year.


Fall 2020 The Trident


For a Lifetime

The 2020 Ernestine Block Grigsby and Alumnae Chapter Awards were presented at Tri Delta’s virtual Volunteer and Alumnae AwarDDDs Celebration held on Thursday, July 23, as part of our Summer of Sisterhood. Congratulations to our 2020 award recipients! The Ernestine Block Grigsby Award recognizes an alumnae member who, through her loyalty and dedication to Tri Delta, has given outstanding service to her local alumnae chapter.

Winner: Kimberlee Nelson Beecham, Minnesota Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota Alumnae Chapter As alumnae chapter president, Kimberlee Nelson Beecham, Minnesota, has brought meaningful, positive energy and innovative programming ideas to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter. Under her leadership the chapter has grown its membership and attendance. The chapter implemented a new format to their Founders’ Day celebration—a networking event versus a formal dinner—which was a success with an attendance of more than 60 women. As an advocate for hosting the AAUW Work Smart salary negotiation workshop, Kim helped bring needed outreach to young alumnae in the area. Following the event, the chapter had a surge of young alumnae participation.

ERNESTINE BLOCK GRIGSBY AWARD KIMBERLEE NELSON BEECHAM Kim has also gone out of her way to provide support for Epsilon Omicron Chapter at North Dakota State University. She not only drove to Fargo, North Dakota, to participate in the chapter’s installation, but visited the chapter again to present the collegiate academic award last year. Donna Mathiowetz Larson, Minnesota State/Mankato, wrote of Kim, “In my opinion, Kim sets the highest standards and reaches out to ‘establish a perpetual bond of friendship’ to collegians and alumnae at each event and assists our ‘members in every possible way.’ She truly demonstrates the lifetime membership experience.”

Congratulations to the Ernestine Block Grigsby Award Honorable Mentions: Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State – Pittsburgh S. Suburban, Pennsylvania Alumnae Chapter Kathleen Ragan, Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming Alumnae Chapter Peggy Young Rishe, Illinois – Charlotte, North Carolina Alumnae Chapter

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Eleanor Dorcas Pond Award: Atlanta, Georgia The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter has something to offer members of all ages, with many small groups that appeal to various interests and demographics. From book clubs to a young professionals' group, fitness classes and happy hours, there is something for everyone. And, of course, there are opportunities for philanthropic work through the chapter’s 37-year partnership with CURE Childhood Cancer, which has raised $2.7 million to date.

Excellence in Philanthropy with Purpose: Fort Worth, Texas The Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter is known throughout the community for its long-time support of Cook Children’s Hospital, with an annual four-day, six-event fundraiser Cookies & Castles: A Gingerbread Extravaganza. This year, the chapter presented a $100,000 check to Cook Children’s Hospital and a $10,000 check to Tri Delta’s Foundation for the Jean Wiggin Roach Scholarship Fund.

Excellence in Service to Others: Mt. Diablo, California The Mt. Diablo Alumnae Chapter is passionate about giving time and talent to several organizations in their area, especially the Monument Crisis Center in Concord, California, a family resource center. Last year, members volunteered in their food pantry, registering recipients, organizing and replenishing food shelves and passing out food bags.

Excellence in Innovation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Excellence in Collegiate Connection: Space Coast, Florida The Space Coast Alumnae Chapter supports Gamma Psi Chapter at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. As a long-distance pairing, the chapter has a variety of projects aimed at providing remote sisterly love and support, including donating items for the Gamma Psi auction for St. Jude and sending handwritten notes and thoughtful gifts to award winners, new members and graduating seniors.

Over the last year, the Toronto Alumnae Chapter embraced Tri Delta's Growth and Development Philosophy by adding innovative events to the chapter calendar. One example was DDDines & Discussions. The first DDDines & Discussions was facilitated by Dr. Nothando Swan, Toronto, who led a talk about how to overcome Impostor Syndrome. This personal development event allowed members to build confidence and learn to lead with authenticity. There was a philanthropic component as well, with donations collected for the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario.

Excellence in Member Experience: Oklahoma City/Edmond, Oklahoma The Oklahoma City/Edmond Alumnae Chapter has increased its membership by 42% over the last year, thanks to the range of activities and experiences offered. The chapter hosted more than 20 events last year. These well-attended functions allow members to grow and find lifelong friendships of all ages and backgrounds. Congratulations to the runner-up, Minneapolis/ St. Paul, Minnesota.

From Fundraiser to First Responder

For a Lifetime


by Dotti Keagy, Illinois a feature on the local news about our mask project, and it really took off after that.” “When you’ve made a large number of masks in a day, you begin to get a little blearyeyed, but with the variety of fabrics that quilters have left from their projects, it is not repetitive and makes it fun to keep sewing,” Keith shared.

Rachel Hughes, Mississippi State, recently made a career move to the medical field. With a passion for philanthropy, she spent eight years in the development and fundraising world until landing a position as the volunteer services coordinator for the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Social distancing dictated that the group stay in touch via group emails. Keith keeps a big red ice chest by her front door for members to pick up materials and drop off masks. “Even some neighbors have donated fabric. This level of no-contact exchange works well!”

Keith Gammon, Mississippi, sews up a solution to a critical need iving back is a central concept for every Tri Delta. But for Keith Gammon, it actually originated with her mother. “I observed her activities and absorbed her philosophy of doing what one can do for others because it’s the right thing to do. In fact, philanthropy was one aspect that attracted me to Tri Delta!” Keith, who is president of the Feliciana Stitchers Quilt Guild in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area, learned of the need for face masks through both the media and medical personnel. “Our guild is small (about 20 active members) and regularly participates in a variety of community service projects, so we had a very positive response to the request for [these 100 percent woven cotton] masks to be sewn and donated. A TV anchor contacted me to do

48 The Trident Fall 2020

By May, Keith and her group had made and donated approximately 800 masks to area hospitals for their workers, patients at cardiac and cancer centers, parents at the Children’s Hospital, and workers and their customers at the local food pantry. “We have obligated ourselves for two more distribution days of 95+ masks for the food pantry to complete supplying their entire client list, and we will continue to make as many as we can on a weekly basis for hospitals. They are continually in need.” “As is usually the case, people feel that they receive more than they give when they do something for others,” notes Keith. “This project is no exception. We all feel that we are so blessed with an ability that enables us to do something to help during this very strange time. It feels good to do something meaningful that is not only needed but is enjoyable as well.” A win-win for all!

Her first week on the job was March 16— the same week that COVID-19 hit hard, particularly in the South. It was all hands on deck at the hospital. Rachel stepped up to manage a team of 6-8 employees at one of the only two entrances of the hospital, where her team conducted COVID-19 screenings of every individual entering the building. In addition to these screenings, Rachel's team checked in patients, verified appointments, confirmed visitors and escorted visitors and patients to their destinations. Rachel’s job went from a Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. to being on call 24/7. It may not have been the job she originally envisioned, but it’s one that her experience in Tri Delta prepared her for. “My passion for serving others and making a difference in the lives of others started with Tri Delta, and I like to think that it is continuing on through the work that I am doing now, the work that I have done, and the work that I will do in the future.”

CALIFORNIA Congratulations to Carol Troy Thueson, Southern California, for receiving the University of Southern California’s Arnold Eddy Volunteer Service Award! Carol has given much of her life and love in service to USC. From the time she entered the university as a freshman in 1949, she has served USC well. She is an active member of the San Gabriel-Crescenta Valley Alumnae Chapter and has been on the Theta Xi House Corporation Board for the last 20 years. Eve Weston, Princeton, accepted the Best Project for Television award from DreamlandXR at Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the world’s largest and most influential technology event. Eve’s production studio, Exelauno, received this award for “The BizNest,” the very first sitcom created for virtual reality. “The BizNest” is independently produced by an all-female team. COLORADO Amanda McCracken’s, Centre, essay “I Waited Until I Was 41 To Lose My Virginity. But Was It Worth It?" was published by The Huffington Post in February and landed her an interview with the BBC World News. In June, the New York Times published her essay, “Finally, a Wedding. It Was About Time,” and she is currently working on a book based on several personal essays, research and interviews with women, titled “Longing Became My Lover.” FLORIDA Nan Hillis and Cecelia Bonifay, both Florida State, were honored as Inspire Award recipients at Florida State University. The award recognizes alumnae who have distinguished themselves as leaders within their industry and whose hard work and determination serve as an inspiration to current students and young alumni. Congratulations to Nan and Cecelia! Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter Book Club members found a creative way to practice social distancing by moving their meeting to an outdoor venue at the home of Diane Devine Schleicher, Minnesota. Members brought their lunches and enjoyed a beautiful view of Sarasota as they discussed “Educated” by Tara Westover. They also celebrated the birthday of Annadele Ferguson Jackson, Cornell. www.tridelta.org

MONTANA Earlier this year, Montana Tri Delta alumnae joined with other sorority chapters on the University of Montana (Missoula) campus to reconnect in the spirit of friendship and philanthropy. Local sorority alumnae worked together to help raise funds to build a shelter for families experiencing homelessness in Missoula and a building to extend their capability to house women and children fleeing from domestic abuse. Tri Delta alumnae have been involved with the YWCA providing shelter for victims of domestic violence for many years. Caryl Wickes-Connick, Montana, was one of the first in the cause for helping to establish shelters in the state of Montana. This latest campaign was the first time the University of Montana sorority alumnae joined forces on a fundraising campaign. Nancy Trask Tyrell and Pamela Close Dale, both Montana, served as the Tri Delta representatives. NEW YORK Members of the Long Island Alumnae Chapter gathered together virtually to play Tri Delta BINGO. While playing, information about new things like the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast and CONNECTDDD were shared. Prizes for each round were mailed to the winners. The best part was just being together and having laughs. The National Susan B. Anthony House and Museum is located in Rochester, New York, and the Executive Director is Deborah Hughes, Oregon Oregon,, a member of the Rochester Alumnae Chapter. Every year the Susan B. Anthony House celebrates Susan B. Anthony's birthday, and this year a celebration was held on Feb. 12, in honor of her 200th birthday. New York Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul spoke at the event, and Deborah received a key to the city from Mayor Lovely Warren. NORTH CAROLINA In June, the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a two and a half hour discussion with author and Tri Delta sister Rebecca Winn, Southern Methodist, Methodist, over Zoom about her book “One Hundred Daffodils.” Rebecca shared her creative process and the path to get her book published. “The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter loved hearing about the genesis of 'One Hundred Daffodils' and the serendipitous route it took to get it published,” shared Peggy

Young Rishe, Illinois. “To get a peek behind the creative curtain of an author is quite a treat!” OHIO In January, Nancy Bihl Rutkowski, Toledo, received the 2019-2020 Gerald L. Saddlemire Mentor Award from the Ohio College Personnel Association (OCPA). The award honors higher education professionals who serve as mentors and role models and who make significant contributions to the ideals of the student affairs profession. Nancy serves as the director of the Ohio Wesleyan Student Involvement Office and Fraternity and Sorority Life. OTHER ALUMNAE NEWS During the virtual Mortar Board 2020 National Conference in August, a few Tri Delta members were able to meet up and connect: Laura Simic, Oregon Oregon;; Jill Kleinkauf, Chapman;; Gail Harrison Corvette, Indiana Chapman Indiana;; Kate Gladhart-Hayes, Puget Sound; Sound; Bridget Golden, Purdue Purdue;; and Janet Farrington, Mississippi.. These Tri Deltas are taking Mississippi advantage of staying connected while being apart, bonded by not only Tri Delta's values, but also Mortar Board’s ideals of scholarship, leadership and service. Two alumnae chapters used social distancing as an opportunity to expand their sisterhood reach across countries. The Toronto Alumnae Chapter and the Detroit Alumnae Chapter hosted a “Deltas Night In” for the two chapters to socialize—an event that wouldn’t have been possible in person. “The pandemic really left everyone wanting to reach out and find connections with others,” said Metro Detroit Alumnae Chapter President Amy Zimmer, Southern Methodist.. “I think that our members found Methodist it engaging to have another chapter on the calls. We learned a bit about their chapter and accomplishments, what was going on in their lives, and just in general shared the bonds of sisterhood.” Toronto Alumnae Chapter President Carrie Illsley, Toronto Toronto,, said, “I think it is important that our members remember we are sisters in good and hard times. We are always there for each other. We want our members to be able to continue to reach us and to let them know we care and their sisters are here for them.”

Fall 2020 The Trident 49

For a Lifetime

Unselfish Leadership in Action As Kelsey Collins, Vermont, began seeing communities across the country hit hard by COVID-19, she was inspired to help in any way she could, even traveling to one of the hardest-hit areas of the U.S., New York City. Serving as a pre-op and postsurgical nurse, Kelsey worked in a small mountain community in Colorado. As COVID-19 began to spread, her hospital shut down elective surgeries and began cross-training her department’s nurses in ICU, testing facilities and patient care roles in different specialties. “It was uncertain if some of us would continue working in our current roles. Meanwhile, I was seeing other communities or cities struggling to find help, having insufficient PPE and being flooded with sick patients. Watching the news from Colorado and seeing New York and other metropolises get pummeled inspired me to step up and reach out.”

Kelsey volunteered to be sent to New York City to help with the efforts there. She admits that preparing to work in the Big Apple was both frightening and fraught with uncertainty. She knew she would be placed at a facility with known PPE shortages and difficult work environments. When she arrived in New York she had just two short orientation days and then she hit the ground running. “I realized that the permanent nursing staff had been sprinting, not running, and in an arduous marathon that had no real end,” she says. “However, many other health care providers and I arrived around the same time ready to lend a hand in whatever way was helpful. The New York nurses who had been fighting for the last two months needed a break…a moment to breathe, process and recover from the prior months' stress.” After four weeks on the ground, Kelsey was able to celebrate that her floor had more non-COVID patients than COVID-positive patients—something the hospital hadn’t seen since February! While the pace of the COVID marathon slowed, Kelsey acknowledges that we aren’t at the finish line yet. “Even with all of the unknowns, I am so proud to be here and hope the help, big or small, makes an impact.”

2021 Chapter Anniversaries

25 50 75 50 The Trident Fall 2020

COLLEGIATE Gamma Pi/Rose Hulman 5/4/1996 Gamma Ro/Pepperdine 10/5/1996 Gamma Sigma/Colgate 11/23/1996

COLLEGIATE Beta Lambda/Central Florida 5/24/1971

COLLEGIATE Theta Omega/Kansas State 5/4/1946 ALUMNAE Bloomington, Indiana 3/30/1946

100 125

COLLEGIATE Theta Xi/Southern California 4/29/1921 ALUMNAE Wichita, Kansas 2/1/1921 COLLEGIATE Nu/Ohio State 3/30/1896 Omicron/Syracuse 10/30/1896 ALUMNAE Galesburg, Illinois 3/2/1896

We did it!

1,125 Sisters • 132,000 miles • $9,000 for Tri Delta’s Foundation

Lets keep going

Help us reach our goal of 200,000 miles by Founders’ Day to unlock $10,000 in additional support for our Sisters. Join the Fun • Invite a Sister • Walk With Purpose Thanks to our Generous Sponsors






2020 Volunteer Service Award Winners During our virtual Alumnae and Volunteer AwarDDDs Celebration this summer, Tri Delta recognized our dedicated volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to Tri Delta, her members and the chapters they serve. Congratulations to the following Volunteer Service Award winners! Alumnae Chapter Officer Team DuPage Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter Officer Team In less than one year, the elected officers of the DuPage Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter reformed the dormant Glen Ellyn/Wheaton/ Naperville Alumnae Chapter, gaining nearly 30 new members. Thanks to the alumnae chapter officers’ effective planning and tireless contributions, the members of the DuPage Area Alumnae Chapter have connected to each other in friendship, provided service to their local community and participated in a meaningful Founders’ Day celebration that members in the area have not experienced in many years. Activities ranged from a service project at Feed My Starving Children to a fun Bunco night, all of which helped to promote and sustain the invaluable bonds of sisterhood. They also scheduled a joint event with the Aurora and McHenry County Alumnae Chapters to widen the circle for sisterhood engagement. The entire officer team has modeled brave, bold and kind leadership for all their membership to experience. Laura Ege Walsten, Coe, who nominated the team, shared, “These officers listened with kindness and attentiveness to the requests of their sisters and those efforts have led to amazing growth for a firstyear chapter.” Honorable Mention: Indianapolis, Indiana Alumnae Chapter Officer Team

Alumnae Chapter Officer Heidi Heineke Magri, Michigan Boulder, Colorado Alumnae Chapter The Boulder Alumnae Chapter had dwindled in membership until Heidi came along. Heidi joined a few years ago and, as alumnae chapter president, has implemented a computerized membership,

52 The Trident Fall 2020

updated addresses and contact information, scheduled regular meetings and interesting outings, and engaged with and supported Theta Beta Chapter at the University of Colorado. Jody Price, Colorado, wrote in a letter of nomination, “Heidi is always on top of correspondence with all members involved. She always steps up to help her fellow alumnae with fresh ideas of how things can be improved. She has a wealth of ideas that we have all tapped into. Heidi models her love of Tri Delta with her selfless devotion to her alumnae chapter and the collegiate members of Theta Beta Chapter. It is beyond words how much time she has positively invested in her sisterhood.” Honorable Mention: Sue Mendenhall, Minnesota – Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minnesota Alumnae Chapter

National/Regional Volunteer Michelle Hebert Busch, Iowa, Recruitment Specialist – University of Delaware, University of Maine and Quinnipiac University

As a recruitment specialist (RS) supporting emerging chapters, Michelle knows each campus’ individual situation and works closely with the chapters’ advisors and officers to build a plan based on their recruitment reports. Michelle also goes above and beyond day-to-day responsibilities by monitoring the health of the chapter as a whole—with a pulse on how other areas of the chapter are affecting recruitment and retention.

She encourages chapters to work on improving retention statistics by creating and utilizing a retention committee and addressing potential opportunities for change. “Since Michelle began her role as RS—brand new with no prior experience—she has jumped in wholeheartedly and learned as much as she can about the Tri Delta recruitment experience and process, but also about many other aspects of chapter operations that may impact recruitment or retention,” said Dolly Rairigh Glass, Florida, in her letter of nomination. “She truly is kind alike to all.” Honorable Mention: Mikayla Rowe, Oregon, Recruitment Specialist – Boston University, Lafayette College and University of Vermont

Collegiate Chapter Advisor Jenny Wight Keil, Michigan, Alumna Advisor – University of Michigan

As the alumna advisor for Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan, Jenny embodies selfless leadership and lifelong commitment to Tri Delta’s ideals. She is a tireless advocate for her members, assisting them through struggles to make them feel safe and supported and kindly steering them through growth and development on their journey. She serves as a mentor—and second mom—to the entire chapter. Collegiate Chapter President Kaitlyn Slinkard, Michigan, shares, “Jenny is the perfect model of Tri Delta’s Purpose, values and

“These officers listened with kindness and attentiveness to the requests of their sisters and those efforts have led to amazing growth for a first-year chapter.” -Laura Ege Walsten, in reference to the DuPage Area Illinois Alumnae Chapter Officer Team

commitment to kindness. She is the kindest, most selfless, passionate, genuine and caring individual that I have ever met. When interacting with the chapter and our members, she not only acts with kindness, but also mixes in the most appropriate wisdom to everyone she meets. She advises you until you determine the right course of action, empowers you if you want to make a change, supports you even when you fail, and most important, ensures that you feel loved no matter what.” Honorable Mention: Faith Gilchrist, Oregon, Alumna Advisor – University of Oregon

Congratulations to the following Brave, Bold & Kind Honorable Mentions! Brave: Becky Pollak Reder, West Virginia, Collegiate Chapter Awards Committee Chair; Bold: Kimberly Miller, Rose-Hulman, Collegiate District Officer – North Dakota State University; Kind: Diane Kulas Hurtak, South Florida, Alumna Advisor – University of Florida.


Football Freddie and Fumble the Dog: Gameday in Dallas By Marnie Schneider, Penn State

There’s only one thing that Freddie loves as much as football: sightseeing! Every time she and her trusty companion Fumble the Dog visit a new city, they set out to learn all about the location and its history before cheering on the home team! In “Gameday in Dallas,” the latest in the series, Football Freddie and Fumble are on their way to AT&T Stadium to cheer for the Cowboys. But first, they’ll stop at Katy Trail, Pioneer Plaza, the State Fair of Texas and other historic locations to learn everything they can about the Big D. A Pennsylvania native and Penn State graduate, Marnie Schneider's life has been driven by sports. Her grandfather Leonard Tose was a longtime member of the “club” as the owner of the Philadelphia Eagles. He was also the founder of the Ronald McDonald House and helped build NFL Films. From him, Marnie learned the importance of family, sports and charity. Her series, "Football Freddie and Fumble the Dog," is her way of giving back to the many great football communities across the nation. Marnie co-authored “Gameday in Dallas” with her mother, Susan Tose Spencer, the first woman in pro football to hold the positions of vice president, legal counsel and acting general manager.

Billie and the Brilliant Bubble: Social Distancing for Children By Tara Travieso, Florida State

he COVID-19 pandemic is triggering new discussions with children around the world. "Billie and the Brilliant Bubble" was born when social distancing orders began in early 2020. First-time author Tara Travieso wanted a fun and simple way to explain the new guidelines to her young daughters, Alexandria and Addison. One day, while Tara and the girls were on a walk, it dawned on her that Alex and Addison loved bubbles. It would be fun pretending they were inside an imaginary bubble that protects them from germs and keeps their family and friends healthy. When restrictions were in place, the girls were still able to walk around the nature trail, ride their scooters and go for ice cream with Mommy and Daddy, all in the safety of their imaginary bubbles. “Billie and the Brilliant Bubble” simplifies the concept of social distancing to help families teach their children the importance of social distancing. “I’m so happy to positively impact children and families in a time where most of us can use a little extra help,” says Tara. “In my wildest dreams, I never imagined I’d be a children’s author. I’m overwhelmed and humbled.”

54 The Trident Fall 2020

Share + Savor

By Kylie Mazon-Chambers, Pepperdine

Marnie Schneider's latest book in her "Football Freddie and Fumble the Dog" series travels to Dallas for gameday!

In this collection of 60 recipes, Kylie Mazon-Chambers, of the blog Cooking with Cocktail Rings, showcases all of her worldly food knowledge with fun, easy and delicious appetizer and charcuterie boards. Readers will sample authentic flavors from different cultures through the best means possible: grazing on beautifully laid out platters! Meat and cheese appetizer spreads have always been a staple of the perfect dinner party, and with social media popularizing home-food-photography, readers want to know now more than ever how to lay out beautiful boards. By including no-prep sides with dips and spreads that can be made in a big batch, and divvied out over multiple platters, Kylie makes laying out picturesque boards a quick and easy affair. This collection also reimagines the charcuterie plate by giving each platter a unique cultural or regional

twist. When planning for their next get together, readers will find modern, easy-to-execute approaches to the much-loved appetizer board.

Hashtags and Headlines: Marketing for School Leaders

Co-authored by Deidre Morton Pettinga, Ph.D., Butler

Kylie is the founder of Cooking with Cocktail Rings, a popular food, travel and lifestyle blog showcasing dishes from around the world. Her recipes have appeared in Buzzfeed, in The Huffington Post and on PBS.

The Kinder Poison

By Natalie Mae, Colorado “The Kinder Poison” is an enthralling fantasy adventure that follows a teenage girl chosen to be the human sacrifice in a deadly game among three heirs who will do anything for the crown. Zahru has long dreamed of leaving the kingdom of Orkena and having the kinds of adventures she's only ever heard about in stories. But as a lowly Whisperer, her power to commune with animals means that her place is serving in the royal stables until the day her magic runs dry. All of that changes when the ailing ruler invokes the Crossing. A death-defying race across the desert, in which the first of his heirs to finish—and take the life of a human sacrifice at the journey's end—will ascend to the throne. With all of the kingdom abuzz, Zahru leaps at the chance to change her fate if just for a night by sneaking into the palace for a taste of the revelry. But the minor indiscretion turns into a deadly mistake when she gets caught up in a feud between the heirs and is forced to become the Crossing's human sacrifice. Now Zahru's only hope for survival hinges on the impossible: somehow figuring out how to overcome the most dangerous people in the world. Natalie Mae is an ex-programmer, dessert enthusiast, and author of young adult novels. She has also been a freelance editor and Pitch Wars mentor, and feels it notable to mention she once held a job where she had to feed spiders. Her work has been acclaimed by People Magazine, School Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, Amazon, USA Today, YALSA and HuffPost.


"The Kinder Poison" is a fantasy young adult novel penned by ex-programmer Natalie Mae who now writes full time.

Today’s administrators need to understand why, when, where and how to market their schools to continue to serve their communities in the rapidly changing educational climate. This book highlights effective and tangible marketing practices for K-12 educators and offers practical solutions to current challenges that school leaders are facing. It walks administrators through the process of establishing a marketing plan specific to educational contexts, helping them navigate their competitive environment and addressing marketing communication issues ranging from social media to crisis planning. Deidre Morton Pettinga has more than 30 years of professional marketing experience which run the spectrum from applied to theoretical. She has worked as Chief Marketing Officer for a national nonprofit, and she has taught marketing at the college level for more than 20 years. She co-authored “Hashtags and Headlines” with Azure D.S. Angelov, Ph.D., and David F. Bateman, Ph.D.

We Can’t Change What We Don’t Know: How I Started to Think of Food as Medicine By Kathlyn Carney, Maryland

You are what you eat. But how do you know that what you’re eating is healthy? “We Can’t Change What We Don’t Know” speaks to people who want to live a long life; who are battling chronic diseases, cancer or other illnesses; or who are looking to change their diet for the first time. If you are feeling tired, sore, restless or ill and are looking for a non-traditional way to remedy what ails you or your family, the answers are all in “We Can’t Change What We Don’t Know!” Kathlyn Carney is an educator and Teach for America alumna. She studied broadcast journalism and psychology at University of Maryland, College Park, and earned a Master’s in Education at Southern Methodist University. Carney views herself as a continuous learner and would love to keep exploring optimal health practices.

Fall 2020 The Trident 55

In Memoriam

Remembering Former Fraternity President Jean Hunt Gaines, California/Los Angeles t is with great sadness that Tri Delta shares the loss of a beloved sister, leader and past Fraternity President, Jean Hunt Gaines, California/Los Angeles. Jean passed away peacefully on March 21, 2020. Jean was initiated into Theta Pi Chapter at the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1951 and served her first leadership role as collegiate chapter president as a sophomore.

Former Fraternity President Jean Hunt Gaines

During her many years of service to Tri Delta, she served as district chair, associate director for house corporations, finance director, Collegiate Vice President and Fraternity President. Jean had worked on collegiate extension and the Nominating Committee, as well as served as Fraternity Bylaws Chairman and a Trustee for Tri Delta’s Foundation. She had also served as Tri Delta’s National Panhellenic

Conference Delegate. Along with Eva Noll, Pennsylvania State, Jean used her depth of Tri Delta knowledge to benefit the Archives Committee. During her tenure, Tri Delta held its Centennial Celebration, and Jean was instrumental in plans for the event which took place in Boston, Massachusetts, near the site of Tri Delta’s founding. The members, volunteers and staff of Tri Delta are very grateful for Jean’s loyalty and devotion to advancing Tri Delta. Her meaningful and lasting legacy changed our sisterhood forever, paving the way for Tri Delta to continue helping women live, learn and lead – with Purpose – for a lifetime. If you would like to make a donation to Tri Delta’s Foundation in Jean’s honor please visit www.tridelta.org/donate.

Honoring Lee Phillip Bell’s “Bold” Legacy Tri Delta was saddened to learn of the passing of Woman of Achievement recipient and Emmy winner Lee Phillip Bell, Northwestern, on Feb. 25, 2020. Lee was the creative force behind popular daytime soap operas “The Young and the Restless” and “The Bold and the Beautiful,” for which she also served as executive producer. Lee broke into show business after graduating from Northwestern University with a degree in microbiology, hosting her own show at WBBM-TV

Chicago. She was a popular host, and the “Lee Phillip Show” won 16 local Emmy awards. In 1977, she was the first woman to receive the Governor’s Award from the Chicago chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. She won a Daytime Emmy Award in 1975 for Outstanding Daytime Drama Series for “The Young and the Restless,” and in 2007 she was awarded a Daytime Emmy for Lifetime Achievement for her contributions to daytime television. We are thankful for her brave and bold contributions to the arts and journalism. Lee Phillip Bell, Northwestern

56 The Trident Fall 2020


Frayling, Dixie Carver '49 d. 03/17 Mullen, Julia Burdeshaw '59 d. 10/19


Bracken, Mary Masucci '79 d. 06/20 Dunklin, Nancy Rhea '48 d. 05/20 Dunn, Mary Mahaffie '45 d. 06/20 Malone, Sara Sanderson '46 d. 04/20 Rantzow, Lee Martihn '83 d. 12/19 Reeves, Charlotte Adams '58 d. 09/19 Roberts, Sarah Monroe '43 d. 11/19 Shealy, Mary Sanderson '52 d. 02/20


Black, Marion Puffer '45 d. 02/13 Cheriton, Edith Smith '45 d. 11/16


Lawyer, Ellen Macauley '51 d. 01/12 Watt, Annalyn Thompson '49 d. 03/20

Tri Delta Mourns Jane DeWald Spikes With much sadness, Tri Delta mourns the passing of Jane DeWald Spikes, Texas Tech, on April 26, 2020. Jane was a longtime dedicated Tri Delta volunteer, having served on Tri Delta’s Foundation Board of Trustees and as an alumnae chapter president. Jane was a highly successful real estate agent with a 40-year career helping other families make their dreams come true. She loved sports, working crossword puzzles and reading multiple books at one time. Jane was involved in a tragic accident in 2010 and suffered a traumatic brain injury. Despite multiple surgeries and hospitalizations, her courage and enthusiasm for life led her to learn to walk, talk, eat and breathe again on her own. Jane’s legacy will continue to sustain Tri Delta for many generations thanks to her membership in our Heritage Society where she included Tri Delta in her estate plan. Our thoughts go out to Jane’s family, friends and the many sisters who will dearly miss her.


Black, Paula Oliver '45 d. 02/96 Blevins, Joan Haines '48 d. 10/17 Bracey, Anna White '51 d. 03/20 Bradfield, Mary Latham '45 d. 10/19 Bretz, Lois Barham '45 d. 12/16 Cobb, Adolphine Andrews '52 d. 07/20 Compton, Ellen '58 d. 03/20 Dalton, Nancy Gage '45 d. 08/11 Davis, Karen Bradberry '90 d. 04/20 Gee, Rosemary Monagham '54 d. 08/18 Hay, Christine Phillips '42 d. 12/12 Hurley, Shirley Richards '55 d. 06/20 Jarratt, Lauren '01 d. 03/19 Logsdon, Barbara Scott '55 d. 06/20 McBee, Mary Warriner '55 d. 06/19 Reinhardt, Patricia Orsburn '57 d. 05/20 Sullivan, Dorothy Looney '45 d. 11/19 Tranum, Sarah Robins '57 d. 03/19


Flemister, Gwendolyn Foster '64 d. 01/18


Ambrose, Elizabeth Stansbury '41 d. 07/17 Bailey, Isabelle '45 d. 12/18 Calton, Lucy Spurlock '39 d. 06/20 Dale, Teenie Coleman '48 d. 04/20 Kluberg, Barbara Betts '39 d. 03/10 Sinkler, Frances Mobley '48 d. 04/16


Carey, Barbara Wilken '45 d. 08/09 Frehafer, Kathryn Crothers '45 d. 11/16 O'Brien, Joanne Wallin '54 d. 05/19


Calkins, Mary Evans '51 d. 03/20 Carter, Julia Shanks '54 d. 04/20 Hale, Joanne Green '48 d. 02/20 Hillring, Doris Krome '42 d. 03/19 Horrigan, Patti Donnelly '46 d. 08/19 Hortenstine, Joy '80 d. 12/17 Libbert, Rosemarie Steinbach '45 d. 01/20 McAdams, JoDe Gray '56 d. 04/19 Nelson, Sandra McConnell '62 d. 01/18 Nichols, Patricia Thompson '55 d. 02/18 Rodibaugh, Wilda Hendryx '50 d. 04/19 Sever, Louise Swaim '43 d. 05/16 Stallings, Sara Main '58 d. 04/20


Beekler, Patricia Sturdy '54 d. 06/20 Benedict, Laura Rice '35 d. 10/16 Brose, Dorothy Leisz '49 d. 04/20 Driver, Angela Hackett '50 d. 07/19 Finerty, Dorothy Wilson '40 d. 08/18 Herbert, Sue McKinney '46 d. 11/18 Neiswonger, Helen Reilly '51 d. 06/20


Ebstein, Barbara Damlos '78 d. 01/19 Jones, Nancy Tirey '74 d. 01/02


Borning, Carey '96 d. 01/19


Neel, Betty Smith '56 d. 10/19 Siddons, Anne Rivers '55 d. 09/19

Curea, Linda Gaulding '60 d. 12/19 Gaines, Jean Hunt '51 d. 03/20 Shideler, Joan Brookshire '54 d. 07/19





Kitchen, Jeanne Hibbens '46 d. 01/19 Musgrave, Carol Clark '58 d. 08/19 Palmquist, Lou McGill '50 d. 10/18 Tipps, Martha Moore '37 d. 07/20 Musselman, Josephine Boothe '77 d. 03/06


Batterton, Alina '04 d. 06/20 Newton, Gloria McCann '57 d. 11/19 Urbon, Kathryn Childs '56 d. 01/20 Williams-Pearce, Ashleigh '04 d. 11/19 Bose, Margaret Logan '45 d. 12/18 Hiller, Mary Birch '53 d. 01/19

Barrows, Nancy Lawyer '54 d. 02/20 Blackburn, Kathleen Christman '58 d. 12/10 Hartman, Patricia Pearsall '47 d. 07/17 Irvine, Candy Vroman '41 d. 08/14 Nurss, Joanne '55 d. 05/16 Schneider, Carol Ihle '60 d. 07/19 Sio, Phyllis Johnson '45 d. 09/19 Walker, Caro Ivy '49 d. 06/16




Arnold, Nancy Goff '51 d. 08/19



Heffter, Laura Long '79 d. 12/13 Smith, Brenda '81 d. 05/20


Bell, Anne McDonald '45 d. 01/19 Hopkins, Jessie Lewis '45 d. 07/20 Semple, Margaret '75 d. 12/18 Andrews, Rosalie Herbert '45 d. 01/20 Bennett, Gladys Luebbert '19 d. 10/91

Fall 2020 The Trident 57

Betker, Carol Navaro '53 d. 06/20 Bryan, Diann Bissmeyer '84 d. 01/20 Burns, Sharon Baxter '68 d. 08/19 Childers, Joanne McEvilley '45 d. 05/08 Dechert, Buelah Winstel '41 d. 12/04 Dingley, Jane Niederhelman '49 d. 10/19 Donohoo, Betty Scott '40 d. 02/20 Franke, Nancy Riemeier '55 d. 08/07 Gaker, Carolyn Seybold '47 d. 05/19 Graf, Ruth Haskell '40 d. 01/18 Greenert, Virginia Stacey '23 d. 07/88 Heinzerling, Jean '45 d. 04/19 Hilliard, Carol Rogers '62 d. 01/14 Honecker, Jenny Schmid '45 d. 06/10 Keller, Mary '39 d. 02/05 Koehler, Joyce Gottschalk '47 d. 05/20 Lever, Carol Gardner '56 d. 07/18 Lockwood, Jacqueline Shetterly '53 d. 03/19 Mapes, Barri Schmidlapp '54 d. 06/19 Miller, Dorthy North '40 d. 10/19 Rust, Helen Busch '45 d. 01/20 Sadler, Donna Winn '45 d. 05/19 Saunders, Lora Igler '47 d. 01/98 Smith, Rusty Carter '54 d. 11/07 Wiederstein, Jane Khuon '55 d. 10/09

Chapman, Patricia Washburn '45 d. 06/18 Chester, Jane Baxter '35 d. 01/95 Cole, Phyllis Beyer '45 d. 08/07 Deutsch, Barbara Pearson '45 d. 10/16 Donegan, Barbara Craggett '42 d. 01/20 Elliott, Nancy Rettig '48 d. 07/19 Gleason, Peggy Matlock '50 d. 05/19 Groves, Mary Carlisle '44 d. 12/19 Halladay, Virginia Carver '58 d. 12/19 Haskins, Karen Lindgren '59 d. 02/16 Macleod, Marilyn Crosby '48 d. 01/12 Rinehart, Lynn Landsittel '54 d. 01/20


Studer, Florence Elliott '31 d. 05/04

Riley, Janet Fryrear '55 d. 08/19 Rudd, Barbara Sare '54 d. 02/19


Clement, Evelyn Thackeray '45 d. 03/14 Jahn, Mary Scott '51 d. 01/20 Raymond, Frances Wren '55 d. 02/13 Snow, Willetta McGrath '39 d. 07/10


Chawner, Martha '54 d. 03/20 Delo, Sharon Otto '61 d. 07/19 Everett, Anna Strain '43 d. 08/19 Ferrara, Sylvina Chmelik '49 d. 06/19 Gilstrap, Nancy Vannostrand '50 d. 08/19 Johnson, Joan Harriman '53 d. 01/18 Jones, Carol Cooper '56 d. 06/19 Lang, Frances Lannon '30 d. 05/80 Lowry, Janet Forner '43 d. 08/19 Mattson, Virginia Robertson '47 d. 06/19 Porath, Dorothy Meier '31 d. 04/14 Samson, Gloria Garrett '53 d. 08/19


Bretz, Mary Dunne '45 d. 05/07 Colmey, Kathryn Cutler '45 d. 07/19 Franklin, Gloria Irey '48 d. 06/19 Gibbons, Mary Galvin '45 d. 01/20 Johnston, Lorraine Lyon '48 d. 01/19 Koon, Dee Dee Flakus '59 d. 06/19 Mellen, Jenan '51 d. 12/11 Oppelt, Patricia Bast '50 d. 11/17 Pearson, Myra Cooke '60 d. 04/20 Sherwood, Virginia Petrie '45 d. 01/20


Engle, Claire '50 d. 09/19 Gilchrist, Ruth Ernest '38 d. 03/15 King, Susan Boesel '59 d. 01/19


Anthony, Katherine Billman '56 d. 09/11 Berta, Roxana Plummer '41 d. 01/18 Bonzlaar, Barbara Burkholder '43 d. 04/19 Campbell, Arline Wolf '38 d. 06/00

58 The Trident Fall 2020


Burke, Patricia Walker '45 d. 02/18 Carr, Jane '55 d. 05/10 Cramer, Corlita Reich '39 d. 01/20 Frazier, Joan Holmes '48 d. 12/17 Green, Nancy Harter '48 d. 11/19 Hess, Janet Wilson '53 d. 05/19 Hicks, Polly O'Rear '51 d. 04/20 Schipper, Barbara Baxter '56 d. 04/16 Sinks, Johanna Lichvar '48 d. 10/19 Thornton, Judith Osterland '62 d. 02/20


Autry, Bess Powell '58 d. 02/20 Buxton, Dorthy Miller '45 d. 09/15 D'Albora, Noretta Cuesta '45 d. 03/20 Grigg, Margaret Ford '53 d. 11/14 Holliday, Norlen Asbury '52 d. 12/17 Kenaston, Carolyn Bunn '45 d. 07/19 Lohwater, Marjorie White '44 d. 06/07 Ransey, Anne '61 d. 08/11


Fladeboe, Michelle Brown '67 d. 02/16 Humphreys, Grace Lewis '59 d. 03/20 Whitney, Cynthia Smith '60 d. 09/19


Lee, Terry Jackson '52 d. 11/19 Logan, Lynn Harrison '53 d. 05/17 Reed, Randee '73 d. 07/19


Binkley, Maura '15 d. 11/18 Callahan, Marilyn Michel '44 d. 03/20 Conley, Adelaide McLeod '45 d. 05/19 Dart, Jean Furman '46 d. 09/19 Grennell, Kathryn Carroll '47 d. 06/19 Hale, Anna Smith '39 d. 06/19 Hearn, Joyce Pepper '45 d. 04/20 Lopez, Karen Megathlin '58 d. 11/18 Mott, Marilyn Wingo '50 d. 10/13 Usher, Betty Brawley '50 d. 01/96 Wight, Martha "Mot" '43 d. 11/19


Bennett, Marilyn Force '45 d. 05/18 Wood, Lynette Sanders '57 d. 05/19


Baxley, Sheila Pitts '65 d. 12/19 Juncker, Deborah Hancock '58 d. 05/18 Olliff, Nell Brannen '43 d. 05/20 Stuckey, Martha Reagin '51 d. 04/20


Nigro, Doris Allen '40 d. 06/08


Groggett, Katherine '16 d. 09/18 Boyle, Geraldine Early '46 d. 11/19 Brabb, Elizabeth Deklotz '56 d. 09/19 Gillespie, Suzanne Hedrick '72 d. 05/20 Longeteig, Margaret Waters '37 d. 11/19 Temple, Virginia Clark '41 d. 07/08 Tripp, Helen Emerson '52 d. 06/20


Aeilts, Linda Barringer '61 d. 07/19 Byers, Sara Peet '51 d. 05/16 Darr, Margaret Phipps '39 d. 08/19 Ganje, Susan Lewis '58 d. 09/18 Netherton, Gloria Dana '44 d. 12/19 Sears, Florence Wylie '43 d. 06/20 Stinauer, Laura '72 d. 03/19 Warren, Glenda Grant '53 d. 01/19


Knebel, Catherine '79 d. 01/20


Berg, Jenifer Coridan '79 d. 05/20 Edgeworth, Barbara Bowers '53 d. 12/17 Finot, Mary Margaret '44 d. 01/20 Goff, Mary Hargis '52 d. 08/19 Katona, Joyce Root '55 d. 04/19 Lee, Mary Knepper '42 d. 02/20 McCullough, Susan Cooper '59 d. 07/16 Rainey, Dorothy '94 d. 01/20 Raymond, Shirley Schwanholt '54 d. 12/19 Vignolo, Betty Bell '57 d. 08/19


Aschoff, Jacqueline Carberry '45 d. 02/15 Kelso, Phyllis Wassam '36 d. 05/20 Lamb, Elizabeth Ford '46 d. 05/20 Vancura, Sara Riemenschneider '69 d. 09/19 Wise, Julie Hamill '51 d. 07/19


Barber, Gloria Youngblade '43 d. 05/20 Barth, Barbara Forbes '45 d. 04/20 Beard, Harriett Trey '45 d. 05/19 Benson, Neala Lawrence '56 d. 04/20 Devoe, Bernadine Nelson '42 d. 06/20 Haines, Mary Wynne '49 d. 09/18 Kremers, Nelva Mowers '43 d. 08/19 Severson, Patricia Williams '51 d. 11/19 Stewart, Margaret Reeves '48 d. 09/16


Angle, Karen Schwartz '64 d. 05/20 Axon, Shirley Kyle '48 d. 07/18 Coombs, Marjorie Williamson '58 d. 03/19 Hinkel, Ann Reed '58 d. 09/19 Hub, Mary Quinn '52 d. 04/15 Nash, Mary Siebert '53 d. 02/20 Sheddy, Gail Williams '59 d. 07/19 Wilson, Marilyn Oborg '46 d. 04/20


Corliss, Mary Brass '45 d. 12/14 Cramer, Luann Culver '50 d. 07/19 Gish, Barbara Blair '50 d. 02/20 Liedike, Mary McCoy '40 d. 02/20 Messer, Jacqueline Johnson '58 d. 07/19 O'Hara, Jeanne Laughlin '46 d. 09/19 Rose, Marjorie McMillin '51 d. 02/20 Rumble, Jean Antenen '49 d. 10/19 Stockton, Betty Krehbiel '48 d. 10/19


Barr, Eleanor Leavell '98 d. 06/20 Bennett, Margaret Rupert '55 d. 03/20 Clarke, Marjorie Mitchell '45 d. 08/11 Payne, Frances White '47 d. 01/20 Pope, Kathy Dudderar '71 d. 11/20 Rhyne, Judy Tucker '57 d. 04/20 Roberts, Louise Nisbet '38 d. 05/12 Winfree, Ann Tracy '50 d. 07/19


Crowell, Nancy Dillman '50 d. 11/17 Empen, Elizabeth Wallace '59 d. 08/19 Jenkins, Catherine Merrill '47 d. 02/20 Pearlman, Helen Hooper '37 d. 05/06 Raleigh, Karen Sanders '69 d. 04/20 Reiners, Doris Nystrom '53 d. 10/18


Berry, Peggy Hilsmeyer '43 d. 09/16 Byrd, Winifred Evans '43 d. 02/20 Cross, Lora Barrow '38 d. 02/19 Godchaux, Agnes Kirkpatrick '46 d. 04/20 Lane, Patricia Wright '54 d. 07/19 Lane, Sherrill Womack '72 d. 02/16 Lowman, Betty Patch '45 d. 05/20 McKernan, Mary Johnson '56 d. 08/14 McMains, Ann Greer '42 d. 07/19 Saunders, Margaret Broussard '38 d. 02/20 Scarangello, Aletha Pitts '56 d. 01/20 Thompson, Era Wallace '52 d. 09/16 Wallace, Emilie Scott '04 d. 08/19 Wittenberg, Betty Rush '45 d. 01/20


Adams, Jean Ritchie '45 d. 08/12 Christie, Lancy Carter '45 d. 06/18


Dawkins, Judi Wright '57 d. 02/17 Dove, Nancy Zimmerman '50 d. 01/20 Farrar, Dorothy Genau '53 d. 09/19 Hill, Barbara '55 d. 10/13 Judd, Louise Richards '43 d. 07/03 Miller, Milly Bland '38 d. 06/19 Nye, Kathryn '90 d. 02/18


Baron, Mary '78 d. 05/20 Deacon, Eleanor Hancock '59 d. 11/16 Petrosky, Lauren '03 d. 05/20


Anderson, Joyce Folden '54 d. 07/19 Bryant, Betty Lou Whitney '44 d. 12/17 Conley, Beatrice Blim '45 d. 05/18 Cross, Mary Bolton '45 d. 12/11 Day, Kathryn Litton '54 d. 11/19 Folker, Dorothy Taylor '52 d. 05/19 Haddenhorst, Jeanne Ong '44 d. 03/20 McKee, Mae Buckton '40 d. 04/18 Meredith, Joanne Hofstetter '57 d. 05/20 Roberts, Jane Moore '52 d. 01/15 Stevens, Carol Porter '38 d. 07/19


Bullen, Valerie Lemper '48 d. 11/19 Carpenter, Kay Frauenthal '53 d. 03/20 Frumovitz, Lindsey Selan '89 d. 11/19 Kin, Mary MacCutcheon '60 d. 12/17 Michalski, Joanne '68 d. 12/17 Sharp, Jean Whittemore '41 d. 06/18 Torrey, Ann Lyon '43 d. 12/18



Burhans, Charlotte Edwards '52 d. 01/20 Guilbert, Marcia Huff '53 d. 12/18


Allen, Virginia Knudsen '45 d. 06/15 Carpenter, Cornelia Smith '45 d. 09/12


Alexander, Nancy Bradley '59 d. 02/11 Culumber, Doris Steinberg '55 d. 10/19 Davis, Naomi Edwards '38 d. 01/20 Johnson, Mary Schroll '50 d. 07/16 Patterson, Sally Tucker '50 d. 10/19 Schroeder, Lavon Ponewash '48 d. 07/19 Stupp, Sharon Snider '62 d. 12/19 Stupp, Susan Munsie '61 d. 06/12 Vernon, Julia '61 d. 08/19 Von Lanken-Stables, Kay Taylor '54 d. 02/19


Bronson, Twyla Brown '45 d. 10/15 Culp, Janet Frazier '54 d. 12/16 Deibel, Jean Dalrymple '45 d. 06/16 Haney, Pamela Evans '64 d. 08/17 Ritchey, Patricia Filipeck '57 d. 02/20 Smith, Elizabeth '53 d. 07/20 Spencer, Janet Jones '45 d. 01/20 Stanforth, Connie Stromp '61 d. 06/19


Currie, Virginia Eberly '45 d. 01/16 Hoeppner, Ellen Mahoney '55 d. 07/20 Hyland, Jean Hazen '41 d. 04/20 Powers, Corrine Ekstrom '55 d. 02/20 Prichard, Jane Todd '67 d. 06/20 Waltemath, Judy McGovern '58 d. 09/19


Anderson, Audrey Seaberg '45 d. 12/14 Garske, Elizabeth Enger '40 d. 04/11 Hersrud, Marian Mathews '43 d. 09/19 Murphy, Barbara Barton '43 d. 09/19 Nathanson, Julie '70 d. 04/20 Schroeder, Susan Reif '61 d. 12/18 Stalheim, Kathryn Stevens '35 d. 08/16

Compstan, Lois Brown '45 d. 03/19 Dieringer, Marie Aldrich '42 d. 02/20 Helmick, Patricia Ireland '45 d. 01/09 Hug, Barbara Vanmeter '51 d. 06/19 Hurst, Norma Carruth '50 d. 08/16 Johnson, Elma Hand '45 d. 06/19 Laveaga, Barbara Jackson '51 d. 07/19 Pozzi, Shanna Holman '48 d. 12/19 Saegebarth, Mary Ann Douglass '48 d. 11/19 Stoddard, Catherine Aldrich '46 d. 10/15




Dailey, Kathleen Regan '70 d. 09/15


Gaunce, Judith Nohrn '62 d. 12/18 Johnson, Barbara Leferink '51 d. 07/19

Aldredge, Dolly Gardner '45 d. 04/08 Clayton, Annelle Johnston '45 d. 03/20 Heberer, Elizabeth Shipley '41 d. 04/20 Jacobs, Marjorie Norvell '46 d. 12/17 Kuhnel, RuthEllen DuVall '81 d. 05/20 Neeld, Sandra Seward '56 d. 02/20 Ross, Veronica Mounger '61 d. 12/19 Williams, Nancy Kincade '61 d. 04/20 Withers, Jane Demarest '52 d. 06/19



Aggson, Elaine Phillips '49 d. 02/19 Bell, Lee Phillip '48 d. 02/20 Chenoweth, J E Rodefeld '41 d. 02/19 Ghysels, Doris McNall '53 d. 01/20 Mauk, Cornelia Lathrop '50 d. 03/19 Rolander, Beth '66 d. 11/19 Spinelli, Francesca '73 d. 12/18 Sprecher-Keating, Karen Sprecher '73 d. 07/18

Ball, Helen Shibley '48 d. 03/20 Dunshee, Joyce Mitchell '52 d. 07/19 Flynn, Patricia Reedy '52 d. 07/19 Hessing, Shirley Turner '56 d. 09/19 Huber, Sue Tanner '46 d. 01/20 Jones, Jane Sappenfield '49 d. 03/20 Kent, Ruth '48 d. 06/19 Lay, Kathryn Clingenpeel '46 d. 06/19 Makoski, Clara Blodgett '49 d. 03/20 Regal, Vicki '70 d. 01/20 Rocchio, Ruth Yehle '50 d. 02/20 Simpson, Kay McIntire '54 d. 07/20 Smith, Marjorie Good '45 d. 02/20 Turpin, Ann Wherritt '41 d. 09/19 Unversaw, Charlotte Groce '53 d. 04/20


Bailey, Doris Armstrong '45 d. 08/18 Eggar, Pearl '51 d. 08/19 Garrison, Donna Lee '52 d. 07/14 Kenney, Rosemary Olney '49 d. 03/20 Knee, Arlene Myllymaki '59 d. 06/20 McMilan, Laura Potter '57 d. 07/19 Payne, Mora MacKinnon '51 d. 11/19 Reiner, Mona Wohlgenant '49 d. 04/19 Tucker, Mary Hestekin '50 d. 09/19

Black, Fay Maples '46 d. 10/16 Wall, Susan Burress '52 d. 05/19


Hughes, Shirley Dippe '49 d. 01/20 NORTHERN ARIZONA Gissel, Carol Krausgrill '67 d. 05/18



Blackhall, Lois Graham '45 d. 02/11 Bowman, Mary Jane Conelly '44 d. 01/19 Clark, Jane Finney '43 d. 01/19 Corn, Betty Hill '47 d. 02/20 Craig, Audrena Gray '45 d. 06/17 Crist, Nancy Dawson '46 d. 09/19 Forsyth, Sarah Miller '48 d. 02/17 Gilmore, Frances Rowland '48 d. 01/19 Hampton, Laura Scurlock '48 d. 01/19 Jenkins, Mary Work '43 d. 01/19 McAllister, Joyce Henricques '50 d. 01/19 Pack, Dorothy Culbertson '47 d. 08/16 Teach, Ann Ries '53 d. 10/19 Wellinghoff, Jennifer Zelik '71 d. 07/18

Fall 2020 The Trident 59


Devery, Elizabeth McKee '57 d. 07/20 Fogarty, Betty Jordan '35 d. 06/20 Hartley, Mary McColgan '51 d. 06/20 Heath, Nicki Ware '42 d. 06/20 Hughes, Allyson Cupo '81 d. 10/19 Hummel, Shirley Moore '45 d. 01/20 Nelson, Kristen Stevens '59 d. 06/20 Posner, Mary McCleary '58 d. 10/19 Thomas, Norma Shaw '56 d. 05/20 Vogel, June Adkins '54 d. 08/19 Wheaton, Linda '67 d. 06/20


Barry, Elizabeth Estes '37 d. 01/14 Carlin, Carlene Hotz '60 d. 08/19 Conrad, Doris Munger '45 d. 01/05 Crandall, Ann Corry '52 d. 10/19 Duffner, Gloria Walters '50 d. 06/20 Dunkin, Cecilia Morefield '68 d. 05/20 Fentem, Patricia Potter '44 d. 05/19 Harper, Beverly Young '44 d. 05/20 Mason, Mary Murray '34 d. 10/98 Merrill, Virginia Keen '47 d. 11/16 Miller, Susan Beesley '61 d. 04/20 Mitchell, Laura Harris '41 d. 02/19 Newman, Marilyn Smith '42 d. 11/19 Painter, Mary McClure '73 d. 09/18


Bates, Wilma Wessels '63 d. 04/20 Curtis, Rebecca Hart '69 d. 08/19 Harrell, Tiena Waller '73 d. 07/20 Russell, Jackie West '74 d. 06/19


Abrams, Anne '93 d. 04/17 Davis, Judith Hager '58 d. 08/18 Hall, Sue Behncke '53 d. 03/13 Larkins, Marlis DeGroote '58 Mallory, Betty Siegman '43 d. 10/10 Thayer, Marilyn Shepard '40 d. 01/05 Whitten, Janet '55 d. 01/20


Anderson, Margaret Tate '46 d. 04/19 Duff, Corrine Hanson '52 d. 11/19 Frederickson, Sally Harris '54 d. 08/19 Ogle, Dorothy Withers '45 d. 01/20 Wittenberg, Helen Jacobson '50 d. 08/18


Bowers, Brenda Rose '61 d. 01/19 Jenkins, Judith Johns '65 d. 03/20 Whaley, Mary Paddock '59 d. 06/15


Angelucci, Adele '43 d. 10/19 Delany, Frances Shea '38 d. 12/10 Hanlon, Sue Kruger '58 d. 07/19 Hueber, Josephine Arader '45 d. 07/19 Scott, Eleanor Huston '37 d. 10/19


Kompar, Marjorie Homan '49 d. 12/05 Starrett, Patricia Snyder '54 d. 03/20


Austin, Elizabeth Patterson '57 d. 01/20


Craig, Ann Bradshaw '45 d. 06/17 Dulin, Erline Franklin '48 d. 02/15

60 The Trident Fall 2020

Griffin, Sylvia Smith '53 d. 04/17 Hiles, Lulu Camp '49 d. 07/19 Lindsey, Phyllis White '48 d. 01/20 Nock, Anne Bryant '53 d. 08/19 Quick, Mary Cannon '45 d. 05/19


Bartlett, Lynn '61 d. 09/19 Coleman, Beverly Morris '49 d. 05/20 Colter, Ellen Lackey '68 d. 02/19 Hurley, Myra Thornton '45 d. 01/20 McCord, Mary Rich '48 d. 06/20 Westerfield, Shirley Wynne '36 d. 12/19


Masbaum, Courtney Hedge '96 d. 12/18


Prouty, Mary Haren '55 d. 11/17 Schroeder, Priscilla Harvey '54 d. 12/19 Trevor, Barbara Paige '59 d. 08/19


Cook, Vanna Young '52 d. 04/17 Flick, Merry Young '40 d. 03/20 Hall, Lorean Jackson '58 d. 07/18 Howard, Eugenia Jenkins '43 d. 12/19 Malone, Rowena Gable '34 d. 05/20 McGill, Jean Niles '39 d. 02/15 Suter, Carolyn Brown '37 d. 01/20


Alvey, Martha Rion '43 d. 06/20 Blain, Mariana Coleman '61 d. 12/19 Henning, Betty Ann Porter '57 d. 12/18 Kennedy, Elizabeth '62 d. 01/20 Lazenby, Catherine Fitzsimons '64 d. 01/20


Lea, Robbie Edwards '75 d. 05/20


Hoffman, Phyllis Brown '67 d. 03/20 McLeod, Kathryn Steck '57 d. 09/19 Smith, Frances Earnhart '57 d. 01/20


Arbuthnot, Mary Kay Damson '44 d. 06/19 Colman, Elizabeth Knox '61 d. 05/20 Evans, Miriam Crosby '46 d. 07/19 Fergus, Jane Bresee '54 d. 08/18 Murphy, Marianne Walters '70 d. 09/19 Strickland, Nancy Nervig '41 d. 12/19 Van Cleef, Suzanne Hershman '46 d. 08/10


Rathjen, Bette '19 05/20 Booth, Virginia Nelson '45 d. 11/16 Burnside, Libby Horne '63 d. 03/20 Cockrell, Lila Banks '40 d. 08/19 Feldman, Courtney Sigler '50 d. 02/19 Hefner, Elizabeth Oates '56 d. 11/10 Lawrence, Ruth Neundorfer '50 d. 07/20 Marwill, Nancy Moore '47 d. 02/19 McCreary, Linda Severin '56 d. 11/17 Mitchell, Nancy Roddy '66 d. 12/19 Quin, Norma Jean Hess '47 d. 11/13 Vernon, Barbara Jensen '54 d. 05/20 Warren, Shirley Narowetz '45 d. 01/17 Williams, Vivienne Boswell '49 d. 04/20 Williams, Eddye Ruth Greene '52 d. 05/20 Wooten, Barbara Lomax '45 d. 08/19


Bird, Margaret Magee '70 d. 12/19 Howell, Jean Berry '48 d. 03/20 Pocock, Mary Weir '62 d. 10/98 Thornton, Jonelle Wheatley '58 d. 09/18 Tolson, Margaret Trout '54 d. 04/19 Williams, Geneva Everitt '37 d. 01/20 Wilson, Karen Smith '60 d. 07/19 Wise, Nancy '54 d. 11/17


Fledderjohn, Virginia Erickson '41 d. 12/19


Allen, Virginia '72 d. 07/12 Brosnan, Jeanne Rothe '77 d. 03/14 Schimmel, Lori Wren '77 d. 03/14


Fairchild, Jane Wente '37 d. 11/18 Hutchinson, Martha Bowen '47 d. 08/19 Lightner, Cynthia Taylor '55 d. 09/17 McEmber, Elizabeth Futch '40 d. 07/20


Eberenz, Heidi Batenburg '64 d. 06/20 Gere, Janice Platt '43 d. 02/16 Kelsey, Janet Call '46 d. 09/11


Allen, Jane Hassell '58 d. 01/20 Bowden, Barbara Pickle '47 d. 10/19 DeLacey, Martha Hertsgaard '61 d. 07/19 Fisher, Janet Kenan '52 d. 12/19 Gilmer, Mitzi Plunk '56 d. 10/19 Givens, Ellen Sample '49 d. 01/16 Spitler, Beverly Brown '48 d. 06/19


Clark, Anne Shelby '61 d. 12/19 Clements, Mary Headrick '45 d. 05/18 Corrigan, Virginia Bridgers '45 d. 07/15 Craddock, Jane Douglass '41 d. 04/19 Crain, Christine Zethraeus '58 d. 10/19 Frye, Nancy Nichols '51 d. 01/20 Goad, Elizabeth Vickers '45 d. 01/20 Howarth, Molly Dillard '50 d. 06/18 Lewis, Helen Cox '45 d. 06/17 Little, Carolyn Morris '53 d. 10/17 Shelby, Elizabeth '67 d. 08/19 Thomas, Anna Belle Price '43 d. 02/20 Wilhite, Marie McIver '35 d. 01/19 Woodward, Louise Davis '42 d. 04/20


Boger, Willene Glass '63 d. 06/18 Gordon, Gayle Boswell '62 d. 04/20 Tarver, Linda Guess '58 d. 03/12


Brown, Christina Eller '53 d. 07/20 James, Patti Liner '63 d. 09/16 Naylor, Elizabeth Yriart '54 d. 07/19 Shannon, Edith Stallings '58 d. 05/10 Spikes, Jane DeWald '55 d. 04/20 Stowe, Linda Linkenhoger '60 d. 01/20 Tull Ball, Mona McCandless '54 d. 12/19


Biffle, Mary Taylor '45 d. 02/11 McEndarfer, Mary Chesser '45 d. 11/15 Springer, Frances Barton '45 d. 04/19


Cullen, Genevieve Sell '44 d. 06/16 DeSana, Judy Imholt '60 d. 07/20 McDonough, Virginia Hinde '44 d. 03/19


Doggett, Ailsa MacCorquodale '40 d. 03/15 Farrall, Mary Smith '50 d. 12/09 Lynch, Elsie Yates '45 d. 01/03 Robb, Margaret Lightbody '54 d. 05/19


Carroll, Anna '52 d. 05/19


Aston, Jeanne '55 d. 08/18 Campbell, Jean Lancaster '43 d. 04/20 Doyle, Catherine Edmiston '59 d. 04/20 Harrison, Nancy Green '48 d. 07/19 Ingram, Mary Field '45 d. 01/20 Johnson, Nancy Cowden '54 d. 12/19 Looney, Patricia Ott '59 d. 02/20 Manhart, Marcia Yockey '62 d. 03/20 Ritterbusch, Marjorie McClellan '45 d. 02/10 Sloan, Mary Hill '53 d. 07/12 Wells, Nancy Chandler '52 d. 01/20


Anderson, Bonnie Matheson '43 d. 10/08 Ballard, Mona Maw '47 d. 07/19 Bartlett, Beverly Behling '46 d. 06/02 Belnap, Geraldine Smith '50 d. 09/11 Bowyer, Beverly Barber '45 d. 11/15 Brimley, Lynne Jenkins '62 d. 02/16 Brockbank, Marilyn Adams '52 d. 01/06 Brown, Shirley Nilsson '40 d. 02/16 Burton, Catherine Rigby '32 d. 12/98 Byrtus, Harriet Taggart '43 d. 10/12 Campbell, Norma Douglas '38 d. 09/18 Cederquist, Marilyn Anderson '47 d. 12/99 Cheshire, Bernice Facer '36 d. 11/15 Clements, Mary Staples '57 d. 07/17 Collins, Shirley Hoskins '49 d. 06/08 Cox, Lucille Miller '33 d. 10/85 Curtis, Beverly Hills '50 d. 07/18 Daly, Patricia Pannier '49 d. 06/14 Davis, Faye Bradshaw '42 d. 09/10 Deardorff, Cora Moore '49 d. 09/19 DeBirk, Enid Nelson '44 d. 12/19 Eckert, Nancy Bertagnole '50 d. 01/15 Evans, Nadine Watkins '41 d. 03/08 Flint-Holman, Beverly Flint '45 d. 06/13 Forman, Shelley Soulier '72 d. 05/19 Fortin, Dorothy Smith '38 d. 06/19 Gaines, Margaret Raffety '43 d. 11/18 Hagen, Yvonne Caldwell '58 d. 03/17 Halander, Helen Birch '49 d. 03/12 Hanks, Maxine Christensen '47 d. 02/18 Harris, Janice Twitchell '46 d. 01/17 Howarth, Alice Johnson '35 d. 11/04 Irvine, Marie Melville '60 d. 02/14 Jensen, Ann Bennion '49 d. 03/19 Jepperson, Lanice Keate '53 d. 12/19 Johanson, Mary Hales '50 d. 03/05 Johnson, Ruth Rawlings '45 d. 04/18 Jolley, Kristen Mathis '04 d. 10/18 Jungst, Beverly Green '49 d. 12/19 Junk, Marilyn Edgar '58 d. 01/15 Kelson, Virginia Paul '48 d. 07/19 Larsen, Shauna Stewart '45 d. 08/13 Lewis, Lois Cannon '46 d. 06/10 Lowe, Jean Flint '39 d. 04/11 Lunt, Carma Burningham '48 d. 12/16


Mandel, Gwen Light '49 d. 09/19 Mantyla, Colleen Clyde '48 d. 03/13 McDonough, Ruth Agnew '56 d. 07/04 Michelsen, Lois Featherstone '33 d. 05/98 Miles, Corinne Godbe '42 d. 11/15 Miller, Barbara Cannon '37 d. 05/16 Mollinet, Carolyn Clyde '61 d. 06/11 Moore, Claudia Murano '61 d. 12/18 Myrick, Margie Bell '62 d. 05/10 Nibley, Emma Maw '48 d. 12/17 Nielson, Nanette Moore '57 d. 12/04 Orme, June Cannon '33 d. 02/16 Palmer, Darlene Thomas '52 d. 06/12 Paulsen, Helen Anderson '43 d. 01/05 Peterson, Judith Christensen '56 d. 06/19 Peterson, Judith Engle '53 d. 10/15 Poulter, Lois Oswald '32 d. 10/97 Ramsey, Rhoda Worley '44 d. 02/20 Shaughnessy, Betty Stumm '41 d. 09/09 Smith, Ruth Rees '39 d. 01/10 Smith, Nancy Diederich '55 d. 11/00 Snyder, Bette Nowell '43 d. 10/92 Stagg, Hope Horsfall '42 d. 08/02 Steele, Larene Hayes '55 d. 12/07 Stepan, Linda Ballamis '58 d. 02/16 Stevenson, Barbara Arbuckle '46 d. 10/05 Svobodny, Stefani Drazich '47 d. 05/17 Sweet, Carol Newman '45 d. 05/17 Swenson, Sydna Mason '59 d. 08/17 Thuesen, Carol Bates '49 d. 05/06 Timmerman, Joyce Hoskins '46 d. 05/04 Vincent, Theone Paxton '57 d. 08/11 Walker, Carol Crosby '49 d. 07/19 Walker, Ladene Nichols '45 d. 12/18 Ward, Patricia Cutler '51 d. 05/02 Warren, Mary Baxter '63 d. 08/16 West, Donna Young '45 d. 09/18 Williamsen, Shirley Harper '50 d. 04/19 Wilson, Diane Willey '60 d. 08/19 Zenger, Marlene Black '53 d. 05/19


Adams, Helen Mabey '59 d. 03/99 Bybee, Susan Elwood '72 d. 03/06 Collins, Verdene Webb '59 d. 09/14 Dunkley, Merle Allen '59 d. 04/19 Shipp, Ann Meyers '62 d. 04/15 Stevens, Carolyn '72 d. 03/20 Stirland, Gwen Rigby '59 d. 09/07


Bennett, Bess Hunt '45 d. 03/12 Brown, Virginia White '45 d. 02/17 Crabtree, Martha Kirkpatrick '45 d. 04/19 Gullett, Landis Shaw '35 d. 01/09 Holt, Betty White '56 d. 03/20 Martin, Linda Williamson '70 d. 09/19 Montgomery, Jean Kirkman '46 d. 02/20 Paschall, Peggy Williams '50 d. 06/19 Roberts, Anne '45 d. 01/19 Rutledge, Lane '75 d. 01/19 Watson, Lethia Jacobs '53 d. 08/17


Bedia, Priscilla Joslin '45 d. 04/12 Corbett, Mae Johnson '45 d. 05/10 Shortsleeve, Frances Kenrick '49 d. 05/20


Alksne, Patti Grefsheim '53 d. 11/13 Bushnell, Sabra Berge '45 d. 02/19 Halberg, Midge Moffat '52 d. 07/20 Harmer, Mary Conner '51 d. 06/18

Henning, Mary Ann Robblee '64 d. 03/19 Morton, Charlene Rodda '52 d. 06/19 Sandusky, Charlotte Erickson '43 d. 02/13 Todd, Dorothy Thomas '45 d. 10/19


Carlson, Jodi '83 d. 02/20 Mitchell, Barbara Heil '36 d. 03/19 Thatcher, Frances Kimsey '38 d. 06/11


Allen, Jean Schaefering '45 d. 08/16 Darby, Betty Crisp '45 d. 08/13 Hellmann, Joanne Diez '48 d. 03/20 Mehagan, Patricia Milles '48 d. 01/19 Mitchell, Frances Speer '40 d. 11/17


Bailey, Peggy Page '46 d. 01/18 Cutler, Mary Peringer '45 d. 03/15 Norseth, Mary Newton '48 d. 09/18 Oakshott, Patricia Smith '50 d. 08/19 Sanford, Norma Larsen '41 d. 04/13 Slaughter, Elizabeth Vancleve '41 d. 02/13


Carpenter, Janet Parrish '62 d. 01/20 Hill, Judith Motter '58 d. 07/19 Kesler, Linda Ehart '58 d. 12/19 Newton, Nancy Fletcher '58 d. 03/19


Boggs, Jean C Bulette '41 d. 09/17 Bowman, Elizabeth Mylander '45 d. 12/17 Brekke, Gervais Wallace '38 d. 05/20 Campbell, Betty Clark '70 d. 04/18 Durant, Jean Zwicker '56 d. 12/18 Lancashire, Kathleen Kerr '69 d. 01/20 McGuire, Emily Sneed '33 d. 03/20 Pomeroy, Debbie Thomas '63 d. 09/18 Young, Ginny Smith '57 d. 11/19


Baumbach, Helen Boehm '45 d. 09/18 Betz, Judith Waldman '56 d. 04/19 Collins, Julie Gerke '51 d. 07/19 Conaway, Corinne Franchere '45 d. 05/14 Evans, Joyce Peters '45 d. 01/20 Newlin, Kristine Snively '71 d. 07/20 Taylor, Esther Hougen '41 d. 12/19 Werner, Betsy Brockman '71 d. 04/19


Banta, Nellie McPhee '25 d. 01/93 Bath, Laurine Lippold '48 d. 04/20 French, Melissa '80 d. 07/19 Miller, Mary Maxwell '42 d. 01/14 Mulvaney, Sue Slonaker '56 d. 05/19 Steinhoefel, Gertrude Butscher '46 d. 08/19

This list represents deceased members reported to Executive Office from July 1, 2019, through July 31, 2020. To report a deceased member, please send name, date deceased, chapter, married name and name and address of closest living relative to The Trident at Executive Office. See contact information on page 3.

Fall 2020 The Trident 61

Historically Speaking

Founded on Hope &Resiliency Sarah Ida Shaw and Eleanor Dorcas Pond both turned heartbreaking challenges into something positive.


hroughout the years, a spirit of resiliency has helped Tri Delta and its members through difficult times. This spirit has been part of Tri Delta from its founding in 1888 and is evident in the lives of Founders Sarah Ida Shaw Martin and Eleanor Dorcas Pond Mann, who both turned heartbreaking challenges in their lives into something positive.

As our 2020 Founders' Day Proclamation shares, initially, Sarah wanted to attend Wellesley College but was forced to change her plans when her mother became ill and her father's business took him to Vermont for an extended time. The family crisis forced Sarah to find a college in commuting distance from her home so she could care for her mother. She decided to enroll in Boston University, where she could "get to college via horsecart." Following her graduation from Boston University, Sarah taught classical languages and German until her marriage in 1896 to William Holmes Martin, a fellow teacher she met while teaching at The Comin School in Roxbury, Massachusetts. William was a widower with two children, a daughter and a son. In 1902 Sarah’s stepson, Victor Martin, died in a tragic accidental drowning. Sarah and William divorced before 1907, and Sarah never remarried. She moved into her parents' home on Cobden Street, where she lived for the rest of her life. About the time of her divorce, an illness that resulted in invalidism made Sarah's early retirement from active teaching in the educational world necessary. In response, Sarah created a career that could be managed from her Boston home. She continued to develop ideas in education, becoming a consultant on fraternity education, creation and management. Sarah was the author of "The Sorority Handbook," first published in 1905, and its 11 later editions. In the 1920s, she started her "Sorority Service Bureau," a consulting business

through which she aided smaller sororities and even some men's fraternities. She assisted many in ritual matters since her scholarship in Latin, Greek, mathematics and astronomy made her an excellent source from which new organizations in the field of education could draw. She was much too frail to appear personally before the 1938 convention body for the 50th Anniversary Convention in Swampscott, Massachusetts, so arrangements were made for a live radio broadcast. That broadcast was very difficult for her, but it also gave her so much joy in return. Always sensitive to the dramatic in a situation, Sarah had dressed, as she put it, "for a festive occasion." She carried an arm corsage of talisman roses and baby's breath. A moment before she went on air, she faltered and questioned her ability to carry on. However, she answered her own query with these words: "I have never failed Tri Delta; I can not now." Twice during her address, it seemed that she could not go on, but she held tightly to the microphone; and as she moved into the spirit of her speech, she gained strength. The supreme moment for her, however, occurred when Mary Bake called to tell her that the broadcast had come through beautifully and to ask if Mrs. Martin would like to hear the convention sing. On hearing the voices of the members of the organization she had been instrumental in founding 50 years before sing back to her their appreciation and love in the strains of Alpha Theta Phi and the Pearl Song, she was deeply moved. Clasping her hands together, she said in hushed tones, "Another miracle has come to pass. I never dreamed that in this room, I should hear how clear and strong their voices are. All is well with Tri Delta." Eleanor, too, faced difficult days during her life. Her earliest years were full of shadows. She was born November 12, 1867, in Franklin, Massachusetts to Samuel Willis Pond and his second wife, Dorcas Gilman. Her father was a farmer with deep family roots in Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Her older brother, Dana, was the son of a previous marriage; her younger sister

by Fraternity Archivist Beth Dees Applebaum, Texas Christian


Fall 2020 The Trident 63

died in infancy. Eleanor's life was changed forever with the loss of both her parents by the age of 6. She went to live in West Medway with a widowed relation named Susan Blake and her two children. She remained close to the family most of her life, and affectionately referred to Susan Blake as her aunt. At Medway High School, Eleanor and her friend Florence Stewart, who would later become one of Tri Delta's first initiates, became the top two students of the class of 1885. Her outstanding academic achievements earned Eleanor a partial scholarship to Boston University, and she commuted by train her first year from West Medway. Later she boarded in Somerville in a tiny hall bedroom, borrowing money to continue her schooling, commuting to class by horse-drawn car. At Boston University, Eleanor became known for both her intellect and her practicality. As they set to work creating Tri Delta, Eleanor's pragmatism tempered Sarah Ida Shaw's sometimes impractical creativity. The resulting partnership launched the unexpectedly successful new organization with complete rituals, symbols, and guiding Constitution and Bylaws. After graduation, Eleanor was drawn to the field of medicine, but her earliest medical school applications were immediately rejected. She spent the next four years teaching Latin and science in Webster and Salem, Massachusetts, before she was finally accepted at Tufts Medical College in 1893 along with four other women. While at Tufts, she and her classmates founded a Greek letter organization called Alpha Delta, no doubt applying what she learned from the creation of Tri Delta. Because their attendance was such a novelty, several Boston newspaper articles charted the progress of Eleanor and her classmates through medical school, including this one on their 1896 graduation that appeared in the Boston Post: "Miss Eleanor Pond of Medway will appear at commencement. The subject of her thesis will be 'Antisepsis from a Modern Point of View.' Miss Pond is a particularly bright, ambitious girl and deserves great praise for the obstacles which she has overcome so successfully during her college career."

64 The Trident Fall 2020

In an article entitled, "The Woman Doctor," written for The Trident, Eleanor recalled that most of her friends were opposed to her studying medicine and told her that they were entirely confident that her womanhood would be marred. But she went on to say that women had unique qualities to contribute to the field, and "the desire [to practice and contribute to the field of medicine] has grown and developed and has been passed on to her sisters of the future generations. They have overcome almost insurmountable obstacles to attain their purpose until now they have made a place for themselves, and a worthy one beside their brother physicians." On July 22, 1896, she married Arthur S. Mann, a childhood friend from Medway. In 1902, Arthur Mann's business took them to Australia, where they lived for a year. Women were not allowed to practice medicine there, so Eleanor taught mathematics in the local high school. On their return to the United States, they settled in Schenectady, New York, where for over 20 years, she was a successful practicing physician, devoting her time almost exclusively to work in obstetrics and the diseases of children. In 1915, their happy life was broken by Arthur's sudden illness and death. Eleanor cared for him devotedly, and after his passing spent most of her time doing pro bono work for the poor. Eleanor's own ill health in spring and early summer of 1924 had been particularly difficult, but she persisted in keeping up her practice. In August, she left for a much-anticipated rest in a sanitarium at Clifton Springs, New York, accompanied by her adopted cousin, Mary Blake. She was there only a few days when she suffered a stroke of apoplexy on Aug. 25 and died two days later. Alpha member Emma Gleason recalled, "At her death, people thronged the house, the remark universally made being,' We loved her so.' What greater tribute could be given?" The two young women whose vibrant intellect created Tri Delta also left us a model for not just facing life’s challenges, but turning them to advantage. Perhaps their examples can provide some light for us in our own challenging times.

Photo taken in 2013

Photo taken prior to COVID-19

As a St. Jude patient, Hillary Husband, Louisiana Tech, completed the 26.2 miles of a marathon walking the halls of the Bone Marrow Transplant unit. Join her this year for the St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend Virtual Experience.


SATURDAY, 12.05.20 Register today! stjude.org/marathon ©2020 ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (SJMMW-259)










E.,F. A. H.


Chains are sold separately.


J. K.


M. L.


N. O.


N. Q. M.

A. Snake Chain, #SNAKE | B. Pierced Tricon Pendant, #0104PEND | C. 10K Lavaliere and gold-filled Snake Chain, #L2649 D. Rope Chain, #013R | E. Diamond Delta Pendant, #2406 | F. CZ Delta Pendant, #2404 | G. Pierced Emerald Pendant, #2409 | H. Pierced Sapphire Pendant, #2408 | I. Tricon Solid Charm with Sapphire*, #3491SCHR | J. Summer of Sisterhood Charm, #002 | K. Tricon Solid Earrings with Sapphires*, #3491SEAR | L. Delta Stackable Band Ring, #1100 M. Stackable CZ Band Ring, #143864 | N. Addy Ring, #ADDY | O. Forever Ring, #001BS | P. Oval Incised Letter Ring, #2000 | Q. Chapter President Ring, #0455S *Colored stones are synthetic

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