Halloween II: A Hidden Movement Game Rulebook

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Michael Myers is still seeking out his primary prey –Laurie Strode! He won’t hesitate to kill anyone who crosses his path as he seeks her out. She needs to get out of the hospital before time runs out... and before too many people die.

Laurie is in no state to get herself out –you’ll need to get her into a wheelchair and find ambulance keys to escape successfully!




Place this in the center of the table, within easy reach of all players.


Place one of these on each of the indicated spaces.



Set these near the Game board.


Place these with the side face-up on each of the spaces with the corresponding colored frame


Put these in a pile to one side of the game board as part of the general supply. If you are instructed to “Heal” a number of damage, return that many Damage tokens from your mat back to the general supply.


Place these in a pile next to the Damage tokens as part of the general supply.

Set aside the 2 Starting Gun cards that depict Dr. Loomis and U.S. Marshal on the back. Shuffle the rest of the Item cards, then divide them into 4 roughly equal face down Search decks. Place one near each colored edge of the Game board, as shown. This indicates that deck corresponds to that quadrant of the Game board.


Shuffle 1 random Key Item card without looking at it into the last 4 cards of each Search deck.


Return this to the box unless playing with the optional “Samhain” rules detailed at the end of this book.

The board is divided into 4 quadrants.


Decide which player will take the role of Michael Myers for this game. All other players are Victims.


Give 1 of these to each of the other players. For a 2 player game, one player takes the role of Michael Myers and the other player takes 2 Victim mats. Return any unused Victim mats to the game box, they will not be used this game.


Each Victim chooses a Starting Victim card (Janet, Alves, Mixter, Jimmy, Garrett). Place it on their Victim mat with the abilities visible. The Victim card on your Victim mat indicates the character(s) you are currently playing as.


Give the Michael Myers player the following components.


Place this mat in front of the Michael player with the 10 side face-up if playing with 2 or 3 players, and the 12 side face-up if playing with 4 players.

Set aside any left over Victims for now. Also set aside Dr. Loomis and U.S. Marshal with their Starting Loaded Gun Item cards.


Place this with the “READY” side face-up on the Michael Myers mat in the indicated space.



Place this near the Michael Myers mat.


Place this near the Michael Myers mat.


Shuffle the Michael cards together into a Michael deck, and place it near the Michael Myers mat.


For each Victim card on a Victim mat, place the corresponding Victim figure on the on the Game board according to the specified starting space. Set all other Victim figures aside.

After the Victim Set-up, the Michael Myers player should secretly choose any outdoor space (one that is not inside a house or car) and write the space indicator (letter and number combination) on the “0” line of the Movement board using the dry erase marker. This represents where Michael Myers begins the game. The other players may not look at the Movement board.


The Victim players will each take turns performing 2 actions, moving around the board and searching for items while trying to avoid Michael Myers. The Victims win if they find Laurie, the Key to either Ambulance (Red or White), and either the Wheelchair OR 2 Medicine cards; then they must move unlock and move inside the corresponding Ambulance with these cards. They can also win by dealing enough damage to Michael Myers.

The Michael player will take their turn, stalking the players by secretly indicating their movement on the Movement board. Michael Myers can win by killing enough Victims or reaching the end of a specific round without taking too much damage.

2/3-players: Kill 4 Victims or reach the 25th round. 4-players: Kill 3 Victims or reach the 20th round.


The Victim to the left of Michael Myers will take the first turn, then play will proceed clockwise around the table until the game ends.


On your turn, Victims must choose 2 actions to perform from the following list (you may choose the same action twice). You must complete one action before performing another action:

• Move 4 spaces

• Move through a window • Search • Attack • Use an Item • Trade


Move 4 spaces

Move your Victim’s figure up to 4 spaces on the board. All movement is orthogonal (not diagonal), and you may NOT move through the solid lines around walls, hedges, trees, and cars. You may move freely through doors.

You may move through other Victims, but you may not stop in the same space as another Victim. At the end of your movement, indicate which direction your Victim is facing (facing also cannot be diagonal), then the Michael Myers player must check whether Michael is in your line-of-sight.

Line-of-sight is what your Victim can currently see in front of them. Starting in the space in front of your Victim and proceeding in a straight line forward in the direction your Victim is facing until ending at a solid line or the edge of the board.

Windows DO NOT stop your line-of-sight, doors DO stop your line-of-sight unless you are adjacent to them. Other objects with a light-colored solid outline (such as bushes) also stop line-of-sight. If Michael Myers current space is within your line-of-sight, the player controlling Michael must place his figure on the board

Blocks line-of-sight, movement and attack.

Blocks line-of-sight. Free to move through.

Does not block line-ofsight. Costs an action to move through.

where he is located. As soon as Michael is no longer within your line-of-sight (due to you or him moving), replace Michael’s figure with the Shadow token. Line-of-sight is not checked at any point during your Victim’s movement. Only when they stop does their line-of-sight become active again.

If you would enter a space containing Michael Myers, and Michael is not currently STAGGERED, the Michael player must say “STOP” and place their figure on the board in that space. Michael gets a free attack. Your movement action ends immediately in the space prior to the one Michael is in. Any remaining spaces of movement are lost for that action. If you have an action remaining, you may continue with your turn as normal.

You may optionally take a single Exert token at the beginning of the move action to increase your movement to 5 spaces instead of 4.

Line-of-sight Example: Nurse Alves can see the space in front of her and through the window into the hallway. Her line-ofsight stops at the solid line of the wall.

Solid Line Doors Windows

Move through a window

If your Victim’s figure is directly next to a window, you may move it to the other side of the window.

As with the normal Move action, at the end of this movement you must indicate which direction your Victim is facing. Then the Michael Myers player must check whether Michael is within your line-of-sight, placing the Michael Myers figure on the board in the correct space if so.

As with normal movement, if you would enter Michael Myers’ space, that player must immediately say “STOP”, place their figure on the board, and end your action in the space before Michael’s. Then Michael gets a free attack.

You may optionally take a single Exert token at the beginning of this action to move 1 space before or after crossing the blue window line.


While on a search space or facing one from an adjacent space with no intervening solid line, you may Search. When you search, draw the top card of the Search deck from the quadrant you are in. If the Search token was on the side, flip it over to the side. If it was already on the side, remove the Search token from the board placing it next to that quadrant’s Search deck. You may not search a space that has no Search token.

If you ever have more cards in your hand than your card limit, you must return cards of your choice from your hand to the top or bottom of the Search deck corresponding to your current quadrant. Continue returning cards until you have a quantity of cards left in hand equal to your card limit. This is not a discardcards that are discarded are placed in a single face-up discard pile.


You may attack Michael Myers if your figure is directly adjacent to and facing Michael’s figure, and there isn’t a solid line between the two. You may attack through a door or window.

Roll 1 Attack dice. If you rolled a success , place a damage token on the Michael Myers mat, and flip the Michael Action card to the “STAGGERED” side.

If Michael Myers now has a number of on their mat equal or exceeding their health value ( 10 for 2-3 players, or 12 for 4 players) they immediately lose and all the other players win!

Some Item cards you acquire are weapons and may allow you to attack from a farther distance or to roll

additional dice during the attack. For example, the 2 symbol means you roll 2 dice instead of 1 during your Attack action. The 3 icon means that you may attack Michael if he is in the first, second, or third space away from your Victim’s figure in a straight line and he is within your line-of-sight. When you attack, you may play 1 weapon card. Return it to your hand after the attack unless it instructs you to discard it.

Use an Item

If you have an Item card with a description that starts with “As an action”, you may use the ability printed on it as one of your actions. If it says “free action”, this does not count as one of your actions for the turn.


You may show, give, receive, or trade Item or Key Item cards with a Victim whose figure is directly adjacent to your figure, with no solid line between them. The Victim must agree to this, you may not force them to trade with you.

Showing Cards. You may not show other Victims your cards unless you could trade with them. Otherwise, you can speak out loud about your cards, but the Michael player must be able to hear you.

If you receive cards and have exceeded your card limit, immediately return cards from your hand to the Search deck in your quadrant until you reach your card limit.


Discard all that you have acquired back to the general supply.

If you have 3 or more , you may not take any action except Rest (including free actions).

After you have performed 2 actions, play passes to the player on your left.

In a 2-player game, each Victim you control will take 2 actions.


If you are Michael Myers, you must select 2 actions from those printed on the face-up side of your Action card.


This means if you have recently taken damage or had another card effect happen that causes you to be Staggered, and the “STAGGERED” side is up, you have more limited options. After taking any of these actions, if the Michael Action card has the “STAGGERED” side face-up, turn it so that it is face-down. Possible actions include:


Move up to 5 spaces. You may not move through a solid line or dashed line in this way, or end your movement in a space with a Victim’s figure.

Line-of-sight affects Michael anytime Michael’s figure moves into a space that a Victim can currently “see”.

Your movement is usually not seen by the Victims. They only know your exact location if your figure is on the board. If you move into someone’s line-of-sight during your movement, place your figure on the board. As soon as you are no longer in the line-of-sight, replace your figure with the Michael’s Shadow token marking your last known location.

You may move through a Victim’s space if your figure is not currently on the board, and doing so does not cause you to place your figure on the board.


If you are next to a window, represented by a dashed line on the Movement board, you may move to the space directly on the other side of it. You may not enter a space with a Victim’s figure on it in this way.


Move any number of spaces in a straight line. You may not move through a solid or dashed lines in this way, or end your movement in a space with a Victim. When moving during a Pursue action, you cannot end this movement within a Victim’s line-of-sight.


If a Victim’s figure is directly adjacent to the space you are in and there is no solid line between the two spaces, face that Victim’s figure towards you

so that you are in its line-of-sight, place your figure on the Game board in the appropriate space, and roll 3 Attack dice. For each rolled, place a on that player’s Victim mat.

Walls: Blocks line-of-sight, movement and attack.

Doors: Blocks line-of-sight unless a Victim is adjacent.

Windows: Does not block line of sight. Costs an action to move through.

After performing your 2 actions for the turn, secretly note your current position on the next empty line of the Movement board. Tell the other players what number round just ended.

If this is a line with a card on it, draw a Michael card from the deck. You may use Michael cards on future turns, as indicated by the card. You may have any number of these cards, and playing them is usually a free action - it does not count as one of your actions for the turn. After they are used, they are placed in a discard pile.

If the line you noted your position on was the 20th line for a 4-player game, or the 25th line for a 2/3 player, the game ends immediately and you win!

Search space
Solid Hollow
Dashed Blue


After an attack from Michael Myers, if a Victim now has a number of equal to or exceeding the health value , printed on their Victim card, that character is now dead. If this is the 3rd time a character has died during a 4-player game, or the 4th time a character has died during 2/3-player game, the game ends immediately and Michael Myers wins!


The dead character’s Item cards are put back on the top or bottom of the Search deck in the quadrant of the board they died in. They may choose which cards go on the top or the bottom of the deck. Place all Search tokens corresponding to that quadrant back on the Game board in their starting positions and flip them to the side.


Remove the dead character’s figure from the board and lay the figure down in front of the Michael Myers mat representing the Victim’s death, discard the Victim card from their Victim mat, and return all on that Victim mat to the general supply. That player must now take a new Victim from those set aside at the beginning of the game and place it on their Victim mat. Dr. Loomis and U.S. Marshal start with a Starting Loaded Gun Item card. Then they must place the corresponding Victim’s figure onto one of the entry spaces on the board (A7, B7, A9, B9, A11, B11, A12, A13, C12, C13, R7, R23 denoted by a ).

This is now the Character they are in control of.



The Michael Myers player immediately wins if: Victims die:

• 2/3 player game: 4 Victims die.

• 4 player game: 3 Victims die.


Michael Myers survives:

• 2/3 player game: Michael Myers position was just noted on the 25th line of the Movement board.

• 4 player game: Michael Myers position was just noted on the 20th line of the Movement board.

The Victims immediately win as a group when:

• Any number of Victims are on an unlocked Ambulance space, and they have the Laurie card, the corresponding Key for the Ambulance space they are occupying (for example, the Red Ambulance Key card for the Red Ambulance space), and EITHER the Wheelchair card OR 2 Medicine cards.



When playing with new players and/or players with different levels of experience, you may want to adjust the difficulty for either side.

More difficult for Michael Myers

To make the game more difficult for the Michael Myers player, at the beginning of the game the Victims may choose a number of cards to draw from the item decks. They may divide these cards among the players as they choose. For example, while playing a 4 player

More difficult for the Victims

• Michael Myers has a number of equal to or exceeding their health value ( 10 for 2-3 players, or 12 for 4 players).

game you might choose to start with 2 Item cards, two Victims receive a card and one doesn’t.

To make the game more difficult for the Victims, at the beginning of the game the Michael player may choose a number of cards to draw from the Michael deck. For example, they might choose to draw 1 card for a small boost, or 3 cards for a more substantial boost.


• Place Search tokens on each

• Divide Items into 4 decks.

• Shuffle 1 random Item into the bottom 4 cards of each deck.

• Place 2 locked Ambulances on board.

• Place Victims controlled by players on their designated starting spots.

• Michael shuffles his deck and secretly chooses an outdoor starting space, writing it on the movement board.


2 or 3 players - 4 Victims die, or Michael notes his position on the 25th line.

4 players - 3 Victims die, or Michael notes his position on the 20th line.


1 or more Victims on an unlocked Ambulance space with Laurie, Wheelchair (or 2 Medicine), and the corresponding Ambulance Key. OR


If you want to increase the challenge for the Victims, you may choose to play with this mode.


Place the Laurie Strode Health Tracker card next to the main game board.


If you are the Michael player, when you end your turn on a Search space you may choose to reveal the top card of the corresponding Search deck (if there is a Search token in the space, the token is unaffected). If the card is the Laurie Strode card, place 1 Damage token on the Laurie Strode Health Tracker card. Then the Victim players must, as a group, select one of the other Search decks. The Laurie Strode card is placed on top of that

Game Design: Emerson Matsuuchi

Illustration: Nathan Milliner

Game Producer: Chris Zephro

Graphic Design: Jody Henning

Project Management: Andy Van Zandt

Michael has a number of equal to or exceeding their health value.

deck. If the card wasn’t Laurie Strode, you (the Michael player) must choose whether to place the card back on top or on bottom of the deck it came from.

If you attack a Victim and would deal 1 or more damage to them, if they have the Laurie Strode card in their hand they must reveal it to you. Then you may choose to deal all the damage to the Victim as normal, or place 1 Damage token on the Laurie Strode Health Tracker card and deal the rest of the damage to the Victim.

If the Laurie Strode Health Tracker card ever has a number of Damage tokens on it equal to or exceeding its health value , the Michael player immediately wins. (This would be 3 damage when playing with 4 players, or 4 damage when playing with 2 or 3 players).


Playtesters: Rich Young, Ann Young, Joel Velez, Jason Teague, Amos Rozet, Zach Connelly, Alex Sennert, Eric Buscemi, Eric Alvarado, Laura Erwin, Jesse Harchack, Oleg Mu, Joe Stoken, Shannon Sullivan, Laura Blum, Sarah Wilson, Paul Tapias, Catherine Stippell, Woo Kim.

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