Issue 14 Celebrating Authors

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Issue 14 Special Author Celebration

Featuring Marlene Elizabeth

Celebrating Authors and Their Beautiful Books!

Editor’s Note This issue we are Celebrating Authors! Those who chose to share their voice and their gifts with the world! I hope you are inspired and encouraged by this issue! You have a story to share and lives to impact! So take heed from these authors and just do it!

Do you know your purpose? Do you know what you were born to do? Have you found your calling? Are you ready to fulfill your destiny?

My wish and goal for you is that you find your purpose. Not just exist but passionately make a difference in this world. To wake up every morning with an excitement for what lays ahead! To choose to embrace your journey and give it your complete all! To make your life everything you ever dreamed of! So, make a choice today in your personal and business life to find your purpose and fulfill!!!

Teresa Hawley-Howard CEO of WOM Enterprises Publisher, Author and Writing Coach

Teresa Hawley Howard is a best-selling author, blogger, empowerment coach, and radio host. She lives in Murchison Texas with her husband Rickey. She is a mom and a Mimi.

Coming 2018

Marlene Elizabeth Cover Story Marlene Elizabeth is an International Best-Selling author, Certified Money Coach®, Speaker and Mamapreneur. Marlene believes every woman needs a safe harbor for her journey into financial freedom. Her weekly podcast Let’s Get Tender™: Money Conversations That Matter reaches 7+ million listeners worldwide on the RHG-TV Network to provide safe harbor for women to talk, learn and grow in their relationship to money so their financial dreams can take flight. Deeply inspired by her financial dream to raise a money-smart girl as a single stay-at-home Mom, Marlene went on to become an International Bestselling author with her first book MONEYWINGS™: Unfolding Your Financial Potential One Brave Feather At A Time. For years, she questioned “why did financial dreams seem so easy to come true for others, but not for me?” As a financial-role model for her daughter, it became her mission to find the answer by living the question. Today, Marlene helps women discover their untapped financial potential and strengths to intentionally thrive with clarity and confidence. Her book MONEYWINGS™ has been featured in RHG Magazine & TV-Guide; Empowering Women, Transforming Lives Radio; WorldWideWomen; and Marlene is honored as a member of “The Spirited Woman Top 12 Pick List” (June 2018). Her next book Embrace Your Wealth: Living A Financially Spiritual Life is due for release April 2019. She is a featured contributing author in Bloom Where You Are Planted and Shine; Step Forward and Shine (November 2018); Empowering YOU, Transforming Lives 365 Daily Reflections (December 2018); and Step Into Your Brilliance (Fall 2019).


Marlene earned her Master’s degree in Religious Education from Boston College School of Theology and Ministry and B.A. in International Relations from U.C. Davis. She is a Certified Brain Personality Specialist. “Marlene Elizabeth is a revolutionary thought leader on breaking the code for those of us who languish in our money fears. She has created thought-provoking and practical methods of re-shaping negative and limiting beliefs about money. She teaches how, through this re-shaping of thinking, one can completely turn limiting beliefs on their head. Her inspirational methods allow us to transform limiting beliefs into healthy, positive, and motivational relationships with money. If you have ever struggled with trying to work through the myriad of standard money explanatory literature and are still not on your way to financial empowerment, then the inspiration that is embodied in Marlene’s Moneywings™ is “a must read!” — John Hall, MBA, LCDR USN (Ret) Best Selling Author, Financial Expert Connect With Marlene Email: Phone: 909.562.2159 Visit: FB: @growmoneywings



Menecia Jackson The Author MJ Menecia Jackson - I am a bilingual hardworking multitasker. LOL! Married with 3 children and 2 step.

I live in Atlanta but was born in NC. I have been writing poetry for over 15 years, I am also an awesome cook / inspiring chef, master cosmetologist and multi-million-dollar asset manager in pursuit of my realtor’s license. I love traveling, the outdoors, awesome conversations, adventure and a good book. The Speechless Series Speechless: #NostalgicBliss & Speechles: #UneasyThoughts are the first two books in my amazing series! they are raw, real and provaocative. They invite you to think and question and choose to speak out! The Speechless Series is a collection of poetry accumulated over 15 plus years, displaying the trials and tribulations of an average female growing and overcoming every obstacle set before her while maturing from each circumstance. I was able to turn my life around and accomplish many goals, one publishing these 2 books. Menecia goal is to be on the New York Times Best Seller List! Contact her at: Facebook – Instagram – Twitter

Speechless – often misunderstood, yet extremely outspoken



Spotlight Erica Stepteau Erica Stepteau is a dynamic and tenacious motivational speaker, who empower women to rise up and claim their unstoppable power regardless of their obstacles or past experiences. One of the tenacious paths she is known for is maintaining joy and hope in a 13-year journey towards fertility journey which she has experienced 4 natural miscarriages, failed IVF, failed IUI, countless medicated cycles and a recent diagnosis of Adenomyosis. Regardless of the tragedies she keeps a bright smile on her face and trust that God has a major plan for her life. Her journey has inspired many women to keep hope alive even when their situation looks “impossible “or not clear. Erica’s coaching and motivational journey began in 2011 via multiple social media platforms; she used her story as the fuel to help women achieve their health & wellness goals by teaching some of the same principles she adapted on her journey. After several years of coaching women to get into the driver’s seat of their wellness, she transitioned her focus on helping women optimize their lives in many other compartments such as self-love, confidence, passion/purpose, and abundant thinking all through insightful mindset and empowerment coaching in her virtual practice as a Tenacity & Empowerment Coach. One of her most profound messages she created is titled, “Cultivate the Queen in You” – Stop living as a Pawn …Start living as a Queen. Erica is the published author of Unstoppable Tenacity: A Memoir and Self-help Guide to Empower Women to Rise up and Claim their Unstoppable Power. This book reveals the majority of traumatic childhood & adult experiences which has shaped her into the person she is today and how her path was designed by God to boldly share the message to never give up and never settle for less. In addition, Erica is currently enrolled in a Public Health Doctoral program to further her education with an expected graduation date of 2018. She lives, plays and works in Cleveland, Ohio and has huge intentions on sharing her message “Unstoppable Tenacity” around the world! Erica is inspired by Optimum Health, Infinite Prosperity, and Fulfillment! Her book is Unstoppable Tenacity: 19

Her advice to other women: I am here to remind you, whoever you are and wherever you are, that you have infinite power within you, even if you don’t feel it right now. And that power is what you need to tap into in order to claim your inheritance. You are a Queen. You might not know it yet; you might feel alone or small or not enough. But I am here to tell you that it is time to shake out your hair and grab your crown. Your power is based in the tenacity of your heart — because only with unflinching faith and relentless action, can you claim your throne. A true queen has grace, poise, confidence, intelligence and a warrior spirit because no matter what, she will stand for her kingdom, her legacy, her truth and no one will deny it of her. It’s time to be the tenacious woman God called you to be. Most of the time it’s our emotional baggage and gremlins preventing us from being “unstoppable”. My sole purpose is to empower women to be tenacious on their journey by pushing beyond thoughts of scarcity, past failures, potential obstacles, or lack of resources. Tenacity is a learned trait. It takes a lot of self-love, consistency, and determination to make it happen and you, my friend, CAN make your dreams happen. She wishes to Spread the word of Unstoppable Tenacity through virtual summits, speaking engagements, community events, and etc. Connect with Erica: Facebook: Facebook Group: Tenacious Queens Unite Instagram: erica_steptea Erica has overcome: –I’ve recovered from molestation and my mom being a drug addict as a kid. — Another example of Erica’s tenacity started in January 2009; she slipped on a sheet of black ice and broke almost every bone in her left ankle. The injury, which required 1 plate and 6 screws, incapacitated her for 5months. A visit with an Orthopedic Surgeon pushed her to change her life around. He said, “You’ll never do any strenuous activities again”. She decided to prove him wrong and was able to tell doctor at her 2-year check-up that she ran a half marathon in two hours and thirty-three minutes! In addition, she returned to appointment 45lbs lighter. She continued on her weight loss journey by losing 65lbs and competing in TWO fitness bikini fitness competitions. –I’ve survived a 14 year journey towards fertility after 4 miscarriages, IVF, IUI, and countless medicated cycles. –I’ve survived 6 months of NO income in our home and bankruptcy. –I’ve survived depression and suicidal thoughts after 3rd miscarriage. –Successfully stepped on fitness/bikini stages for competitions despite of lack of resources, inner demons and, lack of confidence. –I wrote a 200 page book in 3 months! I couldn’t construct a decent paragraph during the first year of college. My professor even put on my paper that it was middle school material.



Spotlight Dr. Ruth Anderson Best Selling Author Dr. Ruth Anderson is a proud mother, lifelong student, teacher, and award-winning author. Retired after a satisfying and worthwhile career in special education and public-school administration, Ruth embraced her second calling, that of an intuitive reader and healer. After becoming a Reverend of the Church of Inner Light, she was given a ministry to witness and participate in the healing of souls with and without bodies in the ethereal realm called Open Clinic. Author of One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic, and Walking with Spirit: Divine Illuminations on Life, Death and Beyond, Ruth is passionate about sharing energetic concepts and her experiences with the Spiritual Divinity. She hosts a weekly radio show, "Walking with Spirit" on International Angels Network which is available on BlogTalkRadio. Transformational sessions with private appointments. Walking with Spirit: Divine Illuminations on Life, Death and Beyond. This book, answers the questions that we all have and don't know who to ask: *What happens when we die? • How can I create a loving relationship with the angels and spiritual divinity? • What is it like in the afterlife? • What can the spirit realm teach us about life on earth? • How does energy impact me on a daily basis and what can I do about it? Upon my retirement, I had a complete life change from introvert unwilling to share private thoughts with others than my dearest confidants, to someone who regularly put her truth out into the world to whoever will listen. During that time, my relationship with Divine Mother and the archangels has grown exponentially, which has become the topic of 3 books and a weekly radio podcast.

Love is love in life and death!

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Share your story and change the world!

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Spotlight Arlene Majors “Weeping may endure for a night but JOY comes in the morning!” Psalm 30: 5 Arlene R Major is originally from Albuquerque, NM the Land of Enchantment. She is the oldest of three children; she has one brother and one sister. Arlene’s Dad passed in 2010 and her mother is living somewhere in the United States; they have not been able to speak in over 5 years. She is a happily married mom with four children and soon to be first time Grand momma. Arlene started writing in high school but always kept it to herself because she never really thought anyone would take it seriously. She dabbled in poetry as well as magazine articles. In 2014 after much encouragement from her aunt and her cousin; she started her first blog site called ‘Joy Does Come in the Morning.’ She has been writing every since. Arlene penned the name ‘Lady Blue’ after her first ‘open mic’ session and a piece she wrote called, ‘Forgiveness.’ Arlene started doing radio in 2015 and she has been with since 2015. Things seemed to have blossomed since then with events, meeting and speaking with celebrities and artists and mostly inviting the community to see that there is still some good in the world. She also writes for World Prayer, a Christian website and Urban Image. She has penned articles for ‘Compulsive magazine’ and for the upcoming ‘State vs. Us, magazine’ due out in 2018. Writing her personal story has allowed her to not only reflect, but too share what her life was like, in the hopes that it would help someone else. We are Spotlighting Arlene for her, 50 Shades of Blue which came about when she turned 50 and was reflecting on her life and how she could give back at this stage in her life. “Being that I have survived domestic violence, it only seemed fitting to have an event that would give survivors and victims’ alike a place to gather, share and uplift each other.” Domestic Violence, now called Intimate Partner Violence or IPV, is a stigma in our society. It is something that when it happens, the situation is swept under the rug and ignored until someone dies as a result of the violence. It is not an easy subject to talk about or to live through or live with. She wanted to use her voice to let others know that together if we combine our efforts, we can raise enough awareness that we are not ignored. Arlene spoke with us and said, “Our current administration wants to treat this violent act as a preexisting condition or something that we asked for. That is not true and the victim is not the problem. We need to wipe the societal view that it only happens to women. Men and children are also affected. It is not just in heterosexual relationships that it happens. The LGBTQ community deals with high rates of violence and homicide. Children are affected in many ways as well as social, economic and other areas. Pets even suffer the consequences of this act. We have too many lazy laws and too many people that don't see that all suffer when it comes to this type of violence.”

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When speaking on the topic of overcoming, Arlene said; “I have won awards over the past few years for my writing and involvement in the community. I would have to say that my biggest success is when I learned to forgive.” “It takes a lot for someone to understand and to do that without looking back. It was not something that I needed validation for. It was something that I needed for me and for those in my life currently. Learning to accept my part in what happens in my life and to look at the entire picture not only allows me to have a view of the world that is no longer tainted but allows me to look at the entire picture and see a situation for what it actually is and not what I wish it to be.” You can contact Arlene R. Majors by visiting her website or email; Arlene’s Lady Blue Book is now available on and you can find Arlene at these Social Media sites. Instgram: @ladybluu1 (radio and blog) @50shadesofbluebmore (domestic violence advocacy) and @lbfabulous (follow my weightloss journey) Twitter: @ladybluu1, @Alwayzmotivate and @50shadesofblue3 Tumblr: @ladybluu1 Facebook: Inspirational group: Joy Does Come in the Morning: fbid=10210816199582033&set=gm.1735932433084269&type=3 CovenantConnection: Lady Blue: LadyBlueTalkRadioGroup: ref=group_header Lady Blue Radio Show: 50 Shades of Blue Baltimore:


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Ready to Become an Author If your answer to this question is YES, this class is for YOU!! This class will help dispel the myths and help you to take steps to make this a reality! There are several ways to go about the process and some questions you need to decide before you begin. So let’s get started right now!! 1.

How will you use your book?


Sell at your events


Give away or sell on your website


Promote yourself or your business


Launch your speaking career


What’s Your budget?

This is your most important decision! So think about it carefully! This will decide everything else in your project! Once you decide on the subject; Take time to brainstorm on a title! Take out a piece of paper and write down all your ideas. You should just let the creative juices flow! Making a list is the best way to do this. So, you can look at all your options! Ok! Now your content is chosen, your title is chosen and you have decided your budget and publishing package choice. So it’s time to get the project going. You have to do this part with intention. You must decide to make it happen. You cannot treat it like a hobby. You must make a commitment. Let WOM Enterprises help you make your publishing experience beautiful and amazing! Contact us today!

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LeTonya Hall My name is Pastor LeTonya Hall I am the pastor of Tabernacle Faith Kingdom Assembly in Elberton Georgia. I have 3 wonderful sons that is the light of my world and is a tremendous blessing to me and the ministry. I came to Christ at the age of 26 when I had a holy encounter with Jesus Christ after attempting to commit suicide in October 2006. It wasn’t until 6 years later that my life would truly and completely change, and I begin to walk in the mandate that has been placed upon my life. In December 2012 I had my 2nd holy encounter with Jesus around 3am He came to me to tell me it was time to be about His business and to do what He sent me into the earth to do. I knew that night without a doubt that I was destined for something so great because the Savior of the World had come to get me himself and to tell me Himself that it was time no more playing no more running it was time to do just what I was mandating to do and that was to OVERCOME every obstacle every trial every tribulation every attack of the enemy it was my God given destiny to overcome. My book is called Destined to Overcome it talks about how at the age of 4 years old I was molested by a female neighbor and then by two uncles and two cousins. Which in turn opened the door to the demonic forces of hell to be unleash upon me to detour me from my purpose and mandate but God’s plan was so much bigger than the enemy’s plot to destroy me. I have overcome several generational curses that has plaque both sides of my bloodline for generations. I have overcome my fear of rejection and the lies of the enemy that I am nothing and nobody loves me. I come to set the record straight that I am a child of the most high God and in 2018 it is my mission to travel across the country telling my truth and spreading the love of Jesus Christ. I am on a mission to see the daughters of God set free by testimony and the blood of Jesus Christ. My social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, and twitter my website is as follows: Website: Email: Facebook: “I was not created for the world, but the world was created for me.”

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Spotlight – Keenya Kelly "You can do the most remarkable things, no matter what happens." ~ Keenya Kelly I'm Keenya Kelly of . I’m a Business and Brand Consultant helping entrepreneurs to define their creative gifts and strategically turn the gifts into businesses that are sustainable and profitable online. I am a speaker and entrepreneur Over the years I have gone through the highest highs and then the lowest lows, but I lived to see another day. I truly thrive off of sharing my life experiences with others, helping them to not make some of the same mistakes I’ve made while encouraging them to live their best lives vs the one that is currently being presented before them. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure was going through an unexpected divorce while only have $22,500 as a yearly salary. I thought I had forever, when I married my ex-husband and that we would build powerful businesses together, but I was forced to start over alone. During the process, although I was broken, I was also being remade into something that was brand new and would some day revolutionize the world around me. Within 18 months of leaving my marriage, I was able to get control over my life and earn over $250,000 and relocate to Houston, Texas without publicly shaming my spouse. In 2018, I would like to finish two books that are on my heart, launch my first Marketplace Ministry Conference teaching individuals how to strategically create wealth without compromising your Christian values.

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Be Careful How You Speak to yourself! You will speak the most to yourself! I know you are shocked by that statement. You are saying no I don’t! but yes you do! It may not be out loud but in your head, you are speaking volumes to yourself! Every thought and word you are speaking life and death to yourself! It sets the tone for your day, your week, your business, your family and your life. So you need to pay more attention to those thoughts and prayers! Ask yourself do I build myself up? Am I my own cheerleader? Do I believe in me? In my dreams? In my abilities? Do I say I can do it? Or do I tear myself down? Am I always doubting myself? Am I always reliving my mistakes? Do I continuously tell myself I cannot do it? Take time to think about this. It is really important! If you are not uplifting yourself, it’s time to start! It’s time to stop all of that negative speak! It’s time to start building yourself up! You need to realize your words have power! They can elevate your life or they can take you to the depths of misery. It’s totally your choice! What you say to yourself is more important than what others say about you! You must learn to love you and your flaws and mistakes. You must learn to speak to yourself with grace and love and not with disdain. The words you speak to yourself today will determine your tomorrow! So, start today and change your tomorrow! Lift yourself up, be your own champion, be your own cheerleader and speak love to you! Here are some tips to get you started! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Each morning before you do anything! Look in the mirror and say I love you and I’m going to start acting like it! List three things that you do well! Celebrate them! Everyday list one thing you are grateful for! Take time to Celebrate small victories! Begin each day with praise and uplifting! (listen to great music or spend time in the word) Forgive yourself and begin again!

Each day is a new chance to make changes and live a happy, positive, and loving life. So take it and make it yours!

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Thankfulness Cultivating a spirit of thankfulness honors God and strengthens our faith. It also strengthens our relationships with other people. We can’t be in a right relationship with God or with anyone without a spirit of thankfulness. Cultivating a spirit of thankfulness is more than a good idea; it’s a direct command from God. In the Old Testament, God laid down specific guidelines for the Israelites to bring offerings of thanks. In the New Testament, believers are instructed to be thankful in all circumstances. When we’re struggling with trials and difficulties, this sounds like a strange command, especially since we live in a culture that encourages us to act on the basis of how we feel in the moment; but God knows that when we focus on our blessings instead, it’s easier to keep our problems and concerns in the right perspective. Being thankful also improves our physical and emotional health. Holding on to feelings of thankfulness boosts our immune system and increases blood supply to our heart. Daily guided affirmations or the habit of keeping a weekly gratitude journal can increase our alertness, enthusiasm, and energy, and improve our sleep. People who describe themselves as feeling grateful tend to suffer less stress and depression than the rest of the population. Reminding yourself what you have to be thankful for and recording your thankfulness each day helps to cement how thankful you are. It doesn’t matter how difficult your life is at the moment, there is always something to be thankful for. Finding that will help you deal with the other parts of life. Record 3-5 things you’re thankful for at the end of every day. When you’re having a particularly difficult time, it can be beneficial to go back to what you’ve written previously. Each day as you read the Bible ask yourself, what can I give thanks to God for? There will be many things: for who God is, what he’s life, what he’s done for us in Christ, blessings of friends/family/church. Keep on mulling over/meditating on these things throughout the day, rejoicing and giving thanks to God for them. This attitude of thankfulness will see you through all the trials and tribulations of life. I will give thanks to you with all my heart, O Lord my God. I will honor you forever because your mercy toward me is great. Psalms 86:12-13 Ask yourself today: How often do I express gratitude to God or to other people? Sharon Gulley of Beautiful Expectations of Faith

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Sharon Gulley – of Beautiful Expectations of Faith Sharon Gulley is an Author, Co-Author, Editor, and Creative Writer, Article Writer Spiritual Healer & Coach, Motivational Speaker, Domestic Violence Survivor and Advocate. Sharon Gulley spiritually counsels Women whose lives have been touched by Domestic Violence to help them to move on from the past in a healthy and productive way. She has also had a secret love for the field of Ancient Medicine; so she is studying in the fields of: Medi- cine vs. Science, Metaphysical Healing, Ancient Medicine and Spiritualism. She wants to bring back to the world, the Traditional but Ancient ways of healing for those who have been told they are terminally ill. Sharon’s Books & Co-Authored Books: From Fear to Freedom, Echo’s in the Darkness, Sisterhood of Stories, The Beauty of Color-Poetry & Prose, I am Beautiful, Resilient, and The Butterfly Flutters By - Poetry. Books can be found on

Connect with Sharon Gulley at: – Sharon Gulley – website Twitter- @greenilygulley – Sharon Gulley – Sharon Gulley – Sharon Gulley

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Spotlight Jess Alan Tiffany Jess Alan Tiffany Is an entrepreneur, husband and father of four. He giggles while getting kicked by his kids in Karate class, enjoys paint night dates with his wife and is passionate about marketing and mentorship. Has been featured in the Huffington Post, eContent Magazine, Docurated,, CEOBlogNation, Hong Kong Design Institute, Philadelphia Daily News and many, many others. Former writer with the Huffington Post, currently writing for Six Figure Coach Magazine and Authority Magazine. My Book is Growth Hacking Strategically Grow Your Business Connections from Zero to 10K in 365 Days Your LinkedIn account can be leveraged for so much more than people have considered. It is not a question of quality vs. quantity. It is about both. You can use my book to grow your business and your connections! A big challenge is overcoming the mindset that having a large number of connections somehow means you have to give up quality. The person looks at me and says well I would never connect with someone I have not looked into their eyes. Then the same person will pull out the company’s wallet and spend thousands of dollars marketing to people they don’t know and have never shook hands with. My argument is why not keep your tight knit circle of people you have met and had a coffee with, just like I do. Next reach out to your ideal client, your dream clients, people or companies that may have the potential for a joint venture, plus up and coming people that may be your star employee in a few years. Then you will be in their feed and every time you have a personal success, client testimonial, encouraging quote etc. your perfect referrals are seeing you occasionally every time they login to LinkedIn. Start liking stuff from your dream clients, do a shout out saying you like something they said, or share it to your inner circle. Send a helpful article you found to them. You still have your inner circle, plus thousands of people passively being “advertised” to for free. Then still do your same budget for paid messaging etc. Imagine 6 months after doing this just 1 dream client reaches out to you? Perhaps you get a few small jobs from a referral from someone you never met because they knew what your business did? I am looking forward to expanding my speaking platform, becoming an International Best Selling Author and expanding our student base.


Connect with me: Twitter: @tiffanyintl, @mnuglobal, @digitalmnu, @mnumarketing You can click follow on my LinkedIn profile at Twitter @tiffanyintl and facebook at or go to my contact us page at or (612) 440-8286 and


Elizabeth Lupacchino CHt, RMP is an internationally certified Hypnotherapist and Master Reiki Practitioner with over 30 years’ experience. She works primarily with cancer patients and those who have recovered from cancer and other catastrophic diseases. Elizabeth also helps clients who want to make life changes and who want to end unwanted addictions. She teaches people how to meditate and how to discover and reach their soul’s purpose. Elizabeth is available for private sessions, either in person or by phone, as well as group sessions. Arrangements can also be made for her to conduct workshops and seminars. Elizabeth co-authored her first transformational book in 2014; “Food for the Soul, Daily Meditations for a Month of Transformation.” She is also a co-author in the anthology “Angels Among Us,” and “The Power of Prayer.” Elizabeth is originally from Manchester, Connecticut and is presently residing in Middletown, Connecticut. “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” This is my favorite quote from C.S. Lewis. A day doesn’t go by without my hearing someone say they wish they could change something in their past. Does this sound familiar to you? Several of my patients tell me this. That their lives would be so much better if they had only done things differently. But where is their focus? Where is all their energy going? It is being focused on past events; events that they can’t change. I am not saying that we should ignore what has occurred in our past. What I am saying is to acknowledge it, learn the lessons and view it with a nonjudgmental eye. And that is the challenge; viewing it without judgment. Several years ago, I was at a crossroads in my life. I had what appeared to be a wonderful opportunity to move out of state to continue learning and growing in my Spiritual development. Some of my friends were supportive of my journey while family members and others were not. At the time I was very conflicted and didn’t know which way to go; even though my “gut” was telling me the truth. I chose not to listen to my “gut” and went anyway. And, yes, I quickly discovered that it was a big mistake. What I realized was that my “gut” was actually God telling me that this was not what it appeared to be. After being there for several months, a series of events that could only be called miracles occurred that would enable my return home. My immediate reaction upon my return was to berate 32

myself and feel guilty for my decision. And then, thru the power of prayer I was able to forgive myself. This opened my eyes to see that others had already done that. By my focusing on the past I was not living in the present and missed many opportunities to start over. This is one of the reasons why my patients are so successful in making life changes of their own. I can honestly draw on my own experiences and help them open their eyes and see where they are headed without judgment. My goal is to help as many people as I can achieve the peace they desire by not living in the past, by not judging their past; but by looking where they are today, now, and start living the life they deserve. You can contact Elizabeth at to make an appointment or for a consultation. You can find out more about Elizabeth at: Facebook: Elizabeth Lupacchino, Author, Clinical Hypnotherapist LinkedIn: Elizabeth Lupacchino Email: Website:





LaTonya Knox Style Strategist Follow Me: FB: @imageandstylebylatonya Instagram: @latonya.knox








Spotlight Dr. Ivan Salaberrios My name is Dr. Ivan Salaberrios. I am CEO and founder of AIM Technical Consultants our of Columbus, Ohio. My wife of 22 years is Charlotte Hughes and we have 6 wonderful kids. I enjoy helping people and solving business problems. I currently run my firm day to day, as well as consult with small business owners to help them plan to manage their business to a level of sustainability. The idea of helping other small business owners inspired me to write. I feel that if I can do it‌I think I learned about business the hard way. And I have a lot to share with other dreamers who get the rude awakening about going into business for yourself. This book is a different way for other entrepreneurs to face government mandated compliance of ACA. Others should read this book and understand what options are available to them. My Audience is Current and future small business owners. I am planning two books. One book takes a deeper dive into ACA and small business and another book that brings awareness to businesses about using offshoring to support their infrastructure. Connect with me: Dr. Ivan Salaberrios Business: 614-866-1472 Cell: 614-961-9776 Email: Web:

My advice for writers: The final version of any written work is the result of numerous drafts. You can’t be scared to start writing because of how it sounds or comes out. You must proceed and get your thoughts on paper no matter how it may look. Once you write out your book, then you edit. It will start to take the shape you meant it have.


Spotlight Adrian Jefferson Chofor

My name is Adrian Jefferson Chofor, I am a global mobility lifestyle expert helping people that want to live abroad and currently living abroad do so strategically and successfully. I am also a personal transformational strategist and speaker, helping those in my community to live their best lives. I had the privilege of co-authoring Step Forward and Shine! the third and final book in the Shine series and when I was presented the opportunity to write my story, I was inspired to do so because I thought about how when I was younger I wish I could have met a woman like myself that would have told me things were going to be alright. After prayerful consideration, I knew writing this book was something that I was called to do. I want the readers to know they can overcome obstacles, made stronger by the struggle, and love themselves for who they truly are, not what others may think of them. My book touches so many areas of my life, I would say this has broadened the range considerably. I delve into challenges I experienced as a teen that made poor choices, a twentysomething year old early in my career, a thirty something year old moving abroad and later having a difficult pregnancy. I share experiences that are universal and not age or gender specific, such as making major life changes in moving overseas or the power of forgiveness and its profound impact on my life and those of others. I would have to say, because of the subjects covered in my book, it’s difficult to narrow the audience down to only one demographic.



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