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Issue No 16

Friday February 13th 2009


The Independent Trinity Newspaper since 2007


Jailbreak Exploits



by Rob Sullivan 6





Very Superstitious

Ever walked under a ladder? Broken a mirror? Put your new shoes on the table? Well then maybe you’ve been feeling a little less lucky than usual. During this dark winter season, in which we are afflicted with two consecutive months that both contain a dreaded Friday the 13th - and that’s all before Daylight Saving has time to kick in - perhaps a little sanity can be offered by Peter Leggatt as he explores the history behind such superstitions. Now if only I could remember how the one about black cats goes... Feeling a bit tetchy? Stressed? Nervous? Or perhaps just a little hungover from formal last night? Many are afraid of Friday the thirteenth, and if you suffer from any of these symptoms, then you could have paraskavedekatriaphobia: a specific form of triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number thirteen. In which case, today is not your lucky day. Be careful, stay inside, don’t take any flights. If you follow these instructions, you will be contributing to the $900 million dollars lost to the American economy on this day, as swathes of chumps become too paralysed even to leave the house.

as an unlucky number, it is remarkable that on Friday, the 13th of November, he died. Clearly however superstition is the subject of gossip and hearsay, urban myth and a kind of cultural ‘Chinese whispers’. As it is largely passed down through oral tradition, determining the origins of such idiomatic beliefs is extremely difficult. Several theories have been proposed, including one stating that paraskavedekatriaphobia is a modern amalgamation of two older superstitions: that thirteen is an unlucky number and that Friday is an unlucky day. Wikipedia tells us that: In numerology, the number twelve is considered the number of completeness, as reflected in the twelve months of the year, twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve hours of the clock, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve Apostles of Jesus, twelve gods of Olympus, etc., whereas the number thirteen was considered irregular, transgressing this completeness. There is also a superstition, thought by some to derive from the Last Supper or a Norse myth, that having thirteen people seated at a table will result in the death of one of the diners.

So, is the myth valid? The notion is a recent phenomenon, as no written evidence has been found mentioning it before the 19th century. The earliest known documented reference in English occurs in an 1869 biography of Gioachino Rossini: [Rossini] was surrounded to the last by admiring and affectionate friends; and if it be true that, like so many other Italians, he regarded Friday as an unlucky day, and thirteen

But this notion has been at least partially dismissed since 1881, when an influential group of New Yorkers led by U.S. Civil War veteran Captain William Fowler created the “Thirteen Club”, a dinner society with a twist. At the first meeting, on Friday 13 January 1881 at 8:13 p.m., 13 people sat down to dine in room 13 of the venue. They walked under a ladder to enter the room and were seated among piles of spilled salt. No casualties ensued. Another theory by author Charles Panati, one of the leading

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2 IN BRief

Friday February 13th 2009 travisty.co.uk

authorities on the subject of ‘origins’ maintains that the superstition can be traced back to ancient myth:

For many centuries in Scandinavia, Friday was known as “Witches’ Sabbath”.

The actual origin of the superstition, though, appears also to be a tale in Norse mythology. Friday is named for Frigga, the free-spirited goddess of love and fertility. When Norse and Germanic tribes converted to Christianity, Frigga was banished in shame to a mountaintop and labelled a witch. It was believed that every Friday, the spiteful goddess convened a meeting with eleven other witches, plus the devil - a gathering of thirteen - and plotted ill turns of fate for the coming week.

Whatever the origin, it seems to me that the notion of days, dates, calendars etc is a human creation, and thus unrelated (even supposing such things exist) to cosmic changes of luck or probability. But I shall leave you with this: that the British Medical Journal compared the ratio of traffic accidents between Friday the 6th and Friday the 13th and discovered that there is a significant increase in traffic-related accidents on Fridays the 13th. Bum out.

Soumaya Keynes

“Get Out of Jail Free” for RAG rob sullivan

Funny Man gone walkabout

Rob obviously was so successful in his RAG Jailbreak attempt that he hasn’t even got back to college and emailed in his article yet. Impressive.


Friday February 13th 2009 travisty.co.uk

Letter from the Editor

At the time of writing, I still have two ominously blank pages to fill (presuming the culprits ever do send me their articles!) and it feels like Travisty truly has taken over my life. A Deputy editor with toothache, my own shaky skills with InDesign, two previous issues which have not appeared due to printing problems… it seems as though the odds are stacked against me! However I feel very passionately about Travisty and I hope the coming year will be one in which it grows and grows. Although it doesn’t appear in this issue, the relatively new Comment section will continue, giving perspectives from within Trinity on wider issues. TCSU’s big presence will not diminish; it is important for the committee to have an easy avenue to communicate with students. However we have not shied away from criticizing TCSU and their actions in the past, and Travisty is a very good vehicle for dissent if any part of the student body wishes to air it. On that note, I’d like to invite anybody to email me (er319) if they want to get involved. You can come to meetings with ideas or to pick up writing assignments; you can contribute maybe just once or to every issue. It’s up to you! So whether on paper or online, happy reading! Ellie xx

You can read our profiles of the new committee (which – I am reliably informed – is made up of 7 Freshers, 7 girls and 3 people called Alex) on pages 6 and 7, but firstly, here’s a letter to the editor from the new TCSU president... Writing this after the Burrells Ent clean up, a grotty task carried out swiftly and competently by the fantastic new TCSU committee, I’m filled with a fresh sense of excitement about the coming year. Already I have witnessed an Ents committee forming, a ‘Men of Trinity’ society spring into existence and all the rubbish from Burrells painstakingly sorted into coloured glass, metal and cardboard – all undertaken completely independently from Sarah and me. Us twelve, we’re going to take you places. I look forward to the challenges in the year ahead and the good times we will have working together. To all those on TCSU, I wish you the very best. Oliver

Overheard in Trinity... Did Bewildered in Blue Boar finally figure it out at Burrells? It certainly looked that way to two giggling onlookers. Death threats on the internet directed at a former TCSU committee member with a caring side? Maybe it’s something to do with one of next year’s Freshers. Speaking of this well-known Fresher, sounds like not everyone’s so happy about her coming to work her magic - one with some previous experience might have to be coaxed away from the Wren Library roof.

4 features

What’s Hot >> Snow So it’s been pretty cold over the past few weeks, but if there was one thing that cheered us up, at least for a few days, it was surely waking up to our very own Cambridge Winter Wonderland. Seeing Great Court covered in white, powdery snow; making snow men and rushing past the porters to have snowball fights along the Avenue - it was enough to make you feel like a kid again. >> BEARDS Once you are past that itchy, looking like an Amish adolescent phase, let’s face it - they are warm, comfortable and très sexy. Plus, they’re free! Recession fashion, people. >> FEBRUARY 14TH Ah, the commercial success that is Valentine’s Day... at least it is the perfect opportunity for inappropriate presents: Harvest Your Own Pearl Kit, Electronic Yodelling Pickle, Fetus Cookie Cutter, Men’s Underwear Repair Kit and Magic Frog To A Prince. All geniune presents. Wow. >> oscar season It’s not only about the glamour of the red carpet, Hollywood stars and designer dresses - this year there actually seem to be some decent films that might make this year’s Academy Awards worth the hype. If there’s a time to start reading those reviews and making the effort to see a film at the cinema, it’s now. So get yourself clued up on your film knowledge this month so you can pick your favourites and get in on the Oscar excitement.

Miss Advise... Travisty’s resident agony aunt

Friday February 13th 2009 travisty.co.uk

Dear Miss Advise,

I write to you in a most perilous position. Since arriving back in Cambridge after the Christmas break, my eyes have been drawn to an older man... well, a year older anyway. I don’t think I’ve ever found anyone more perfect! We seem to have the same likes and dislikes, and even interests and ambitions. Or at least, as far as I can tell from the limited time I’ve spent with him so far. The copious stalking may have helped though. You see, we share some acquaintances and magically this term I seem to be spending a lot more time with them, and thus the apple of my eye also. There is one problem, however. While I’m completely sure he is perfect for me, I cannot say with such certainty that this feeling is mutual. Basically, I just don’t know if he likes girls!! Sometimes he’s awfully effeminate, but other times incredibly manly. And he doesn’t seem to have had much history with women... or with men. Maybe he’s asexual? Please help me, I just don’t know how to approach this conundrum! Bewildered in Blue Boar

Dear Bewildered in Blue Boar, I rather think if you were to spend more time with this chap he could reveal himself a little more to you. If you are basing most of your judgements on (probably Facebook) stalking, then perhaps this is creating a deceptive picture? He could be quite the casanova but just keeps this fact under his hat. Or at least his friends do a good job of covering for him. You might even be his next victim! On the other hand, he might be gay, bisexual or even, as you suggested, asexual! But you will never know this unless you increase contact with him. Even if he doesn’t find himself attracted to the fairer sex, with such similarities as you described, you might just find a friend for life! It’s probably best to not just jump in his face asking the obvious, though. So maybe keep a safe distance after any alcohol consumption. God knows what might come out of your mouth... Good luck to you! Miss Advise

Friday February 13th 2009 travisty.co.uk

Dress for Success Victoria Kleiner

couture careers officer

‘Dress to impress’ – that clichéd phrase has never had more resonance than it does now as the recession continues to bite. But I certainly don’t intend this to be yet another one of those thousands of articles that have been grimly reporting that the graduates of 2009 will have a smaller chance of getting a job than their predecessors. Instead, I thought this might be a good opportunity to offer a few sartorial hints… Fashion tips? I hear you ask in disbelief – fair enough. What has fashion to do with job hunting? More than you might first believe. Shallow as it may sound, employers will always subconsciously make a relatively fast judgement of their applicant at interview, based on their overall neatness of appearance and suitability of attire. Very old-fashioned concepts, certainly, but ones that should be adhered to in a time when even the smallest extra effort might make the crucial difference between winning the job and applying for another. Turning up to an interview wearing jeans and a sweater can’t help but give the impression that you don’t care enough about the job to have made any attempt to think about how you might appear when dealing with potential clients or others working around you. On the other hand, arriving in stiletto heels and a power suit with aggressive shoulder pads (yes, there really was a time when this happened, long before you were born – it was known as the eighties) can give an equally adverse impression. So what can

you do to find an even balance between the two extremes? Firstly, a skirt is usually advisable. Just below the knee works well as a length, allowing decorum to be preserved (remember that skirts can move upwards, contrary to every natural law of gravity, when you sit down), but avoiding the dowdiness of a longer piece of fabric. Wear a suit if you wish, but try to go for relatively neutral colours – beige and cream may sound dull, but are unfailingly elegant. Heels are definitely a good idea if you’re confident enough to walk in them – sprawling in front of your potential employer’s desk might ensure that you stand out, but not in the way you wish. Hair should also be neat – put long hair up in a bun to avoid constantly having to move it out of your eyes. As for make up, be subtle! For men, the same basic principles apply, If in doubt, it is better to be slightly too smart than underdressed – you can always take off a tie if necessary, but finding one to hand when you most need it could be difficult. Of course, the rules vary depending on what sort of job you are aiming for. Use your own logic – if you’re applying to work in a zoo (first example that came into my head) then evidently a cream suit and heels will be unsuited to cleaning out monkey cages. Ultimately, just walk in there, and be confident of your abilities – and do it in style.

The Travisty Committee

This Issue’s Contributors

Editor.........................Ellie Reeds Deputy Editor...........Jase Taylor Webmaster..............Pete Calvert Treasurer..............Nathan Kettle

Georgia Hart Natasha Pesaran Rob Sullivan (!) Soumaya Keynes Peter Leggatt Helen Pooley

Amin Ahmadnia Mr. A. N. Onymous Jess Trevellick Victoria Kleiner The TCSU committee


What’s Not >> Rag blind date forms It might be for charity, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a charity case. Trying to make yourself sound cool on your RAG blind date form is not going to work. There’s no excuse for vanity, arrogance and seriously bad chat - just because you’re ‘a JCR President, baby!’ it doesn’t mean we’re gonna fall head over heels for you. It might have worked on the Freshers but by now, we all know how unimportant JCR presidents are and no one is gonna be impressed by a title. >> SUPER SURVEILLANCE Google product manager Steve Lee demonstrates how Google’s ‘Latitude’ programme allows people to locate someone’s whereabouts from software installed on their mobile phones. The software finds a location by using global positioning systems and wi-fi connections. Each user will need to manually turn on and off the tracking software, which will limit when they can or cannot be seen, but do we need it at all? People can share their locations via this useful tool on their mobile phones. What is wrong with just communicating to let people know where you are??? >> SKINTED TO MINTED THEY NEVER LOOK THE SAME!!! Topshop ‘does’ Louis Vuitton for 3% of the price? I don’t think so. >> drinking societies’ initiations I’m sorry lads, but sticking a fish down your pants doesn’t make you ‘hard’ (or at least we hope not!). Drinking society culture might make you all feel strong and manly, but trust me, when you throw up on yourself at formal, and start telling embarassing stories about the last swap you went on, don’t expect us to start swooning.

6 tcsu

Friday February 13th 2009 travisty.co.uk

Getting to know you... TCSU and their aims for the forthcoming year Oli McFarlane PRESIDENT 2nd year Physicist from Essex > Continue with WPR renovation - new flooring and a decent colour scheme, maybe even a new bar. Online poll consultation? Sounds like a plan! > Lower JCR needs a re-think.... > Room rent banding: Matt and I shall outline some proposals and put them to an online ballot. We can either knuckle down and get the changes made, or drop the idea from our agenda. Amber Medland ENTS OFFICER 1st year English student, experienced in organising parties > Variety and originality: poker nights, salsa evenings, a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party in Fresher’s week, a more diverse range of music > Student input: there is now a requests box in the bar, an Ents committee with clear posts is on the way, and I am very keen to start raising the profile of Trinity student music. > Publicise our events, including a term card, so that more people get involved, and an improved website. Marie Louise Frevert FEMALE WELFARE OFFICER 2nd year NatSci, lived in both Germany and USA > Be there for you at any time of day or night, whenever you need to talk or are looking for advice > Work with Amnesty International to raise awareness about and support women’s issues that are going on around us everyday > Stage many more fun Women of Trinity events Alex Wood SERVICES OFFICER 1st year Mathematician from the (apparently Northern) lands of Lincolnshire > Expand and improve the bar at TCSU ents, listening to feedback and offering drinks people want > Coordinate the best possible arrangement for funding the clubs and societies of Trinity through Amalgamated Clubs Committee > Liaise with catering to continue to improve facilities despite the turbulent year ahead Anna McCormick ACCESS AND ADMISSIONS OFFICER 2nd year English student from Canterbury > To form a list of volunteers willing to help with giving tours and talks to visiting schools, and give termly briefing sessions for these volunteers > Expand the access bus scheme to include Trinity’s new target areas of Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton > Develop the alternative prospectus for the new intake in 2009


Friday February 13th 2009 travisty.co.uk

Sarah Leiper VICE PRESIDENT 3rd year Law student from Essex > Improved participation by establishing permanent links between students at Trinity and myself so that I am able to better represent them at external meetings > Enlarging the responsibility of the Vice President so that the President is better supported > Opportunities for students to thrive in all aspects of life: by looking after their needs, responding to their request, enabling their views to be heard, and most importantly by ensuring they have fun! Alex Sault SECRETARY 1st year Historian, plays the drums > Make TCSU more accountable to the student body by improving communications through ‘miniminutes’ emails > Continue to work on existing TCSU proposals regarding ice cream in the buttery, double beds in college rooms and improvement of the JCR > Make sure Freshers know exactly what’s what with an improved information provision on both the website and in the Freshers’ handbook Alex Williams MALE WELFARE OFFICER 1st year Historian from Hertfordshire > Establishment of a Men of Trinity Society > Further College Family reform > Creation of a Big-Brother peer mentoring scheme

Sam Cocks COMPUTING OFFICER 2nd year Engineer, likes taking long baths > Run the website effectively to make sure it continues to run smoothly and gets updated as necessary > Ensure everyone is kept up to date with all the exciting events and activities around Cambridge by sending out weekly bulletins > Make sure everyone can find out exactly what’s on in Hall at the click of a button any hour of the day Georgia Cole ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER 1st Year Geographer from deep-south Southampton > More efficient, widespread in-college recycling scheme > Work with other members of TCSU to try and improve the environmental credentials of the student union > Increase environmental concern and foster a sense of ethical responsibility

And an honourable mention for Matt Libling, TREASURER, and Argyro Nicolaou, OVERSEAS OFFICER - hopefully they will be saying hello in future issues!

8 Sport

Friday February 13th 2009 travisty.co.uk

Varsity Swimming

Jess Trevellick


Now that Rebecca Adlington has got THAT pair of Jimmy Choo shoes and Michael Phelps has been put on a three month suspension from competition, you might have thought that swimming mania was over but you thought wrong. Records are are still being broken and “LZR Racer”clad champions are still being made in the water, and all this has been happening closer to home than you might think. On Saturday 7th February, no less than three Trinitarians represented the University in the 108th Varsity Swimming Match hosted at Parkside Pools. Good swims from Charlotte Roach and Jessica Trevellick helped the Cambridge ladies’ team to secure a three point victory over the Oxford ladies’ team. The ladies’ swimming trophy has been with Cambridge for ten years now and this year’s team was in no way prepared to hand it over to the dark blues. With the two teams quite closely matched, there were a number of very exciting races which had the crowd that had gathered on poolside at fever pitch such as the 400m freestyle. This saw the Cambridge captain, Heather Moore of Fitzwilliam College, beat Oxford captain, Clare Kane, in a very fast-paced race. Men’s team captain, Ho-On To, on good form as always, dominated in the 100m breaststroke. A testament to Ho-

On’s excellent motivation and training advice, the men’s team put in some great swims with Tom Rootsey of Jesus College taking the 100m backstroke record and Andy Corley setting a new record time for the 400m freestyle. Despite some amazing performances from Ho-On and his boys, the strong Oxford team, which included a current South Asian Games champion, took home the men’s trophy. Rather disappointingly, when the points for the men’s and ladies’ teams were totalled up, Cambridge was just one point behind Oxford. Obviously this was not the result that the team had hoped for but they all walk away with their pride intact for every single member gave it their all. The culmination of long hours of tough training, the team fought hard and, most importantly, the team fought together. The girls were lucky enough to be rewarded with a cup but, contrary to popular opinion, winning does not always come in the form of another piece of silverware to add to the trophy cabinet: sometimes you can take joy in winning a prize of a different kind. I am proud to list the members of the Cambridge University Varsity Swimming team amongst my closest friends and hope that you will join me in applauding them for their efforts and celebrating their win, the win of a prize that is arguably greater than a silver cup, the prize of being able to say that they did their very best. No regrets.

Varsity Profiles

Trinity athletes representing Cambridge in forthcoming battles against Oxford HELEN POOLEY Table Tennis - Sat 21st February 11am (Fitzpatrick Hall, Queens) Squash - Sat 7th March 2pm (Fitzwilliam College Squash Courts) Age: 19 Year: 2nd Subject: ASNaC Amount of training: twice a week (squash) and four times a week (table tennis) Favourite food: pasta with green pesto Other interests: cheerleading, piano/cello/harp

AMIN AHMADNIA Field Events and Relays - Sat 28th February 11am (Lee Valley Athletics Centre, London) Age: 20 Year: 2nd Subject: Medicine Amount of training: 7 days a week Favourite food: Persian cuisine Other interests: May Ball Committee

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