Tower Times May 2023

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New Management Serving the residents of North Shore Towers since 1995 Volume 28, Issue 5 May 2023 WWW.TOWERTIMESONLINE.COM AKAM Replaces Greenthal After 25 Years NST Yom HaShoah Commemoration MANAGEMENT PHOTO MICHAEL KOHN/NST PHOTO JACK SCHWARZ
2 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023 7 DAY HOME CARE Long Term Care Insurance? Let us help you navigate the process and provide care for your loved ones Call today: (917) 301-4914 Licensed in Queens, Nassau, Suffolk, Brooklyn and Manhattan counties •Brighthouse •MetLife •John Hancock •CNA •Washington National •And many more Don’t let it go to waste. We work with: ARE YOU USING 1979 Marcus Ave., Suite E102 Lake Success , NY 11042 Serving North Shore Towers For Over 10 Years

New NST Management

AKAM Associates Replaces Greenthal Mgmt. After 25 Years

After 25 years of managing North Shore Towers, Charles H. Greenthal will be replaced by AKAM Associates, Inc. on Thursday, June 1st. The NST Bd. of Director’s announcement was made at their special meeting on Monday, April 17th, in the Towers Cinema after Greenthal was acquired in January by FirstService Corporation. Former Interim General Manager Desi Ndreu will stay on as a consultant for the foreseeable future, according to the board.

In announcing the change, Bd. President Ed Phelan said that under Greenthal NST has, “a depleted infrastructure.”

“The North Shore Towers history is one of kicking the can down the road,” he continued. “This needed to stop and stop now if North Shore Towers is to regain its status as a unique and well-managed quality property. The marketplace does not favor properties that are undermanaged and saddled with deferred maintenance. This board was elected to overcome years of boards that took the line of least resistance…They lacked courage in facing the needs of a nearly 50-year-old property.”

Before selecting a new management company, the board interviewed six firms and narrowed those down to three in the last few months. “The board felt that we need more than a management firm,” Phelan said. “We need to build a relationship.”

AKAM President Michael Rogoff told the co-op’s residents he and his staff were very excited to be managing the Towers. “I mean, it’s hard for all of us to contain it,” he said. “…When we were here for the first time we were all blown away by what you have here. You have the most special, amazing community that just doesn’t exist in the rest of New York City.”

Rogoff said he joined in the NST board’s vision to rejuvenate and bring out the best of what already exists at the Towers. “You don’t need to rebuild anything from scratch here,” he said.

Praising the co-op’s existing infrastructure, Rogoff continued, “We keep hearing about what North Shore Towers used to be, and we want to make this a vision for the future. We want to work collaboratively with the board and do whatever we can to make this the amazing community that I’m sure all of you know it can be, and we look forward to this renaissance at North Shore Towers.”

AKAM was founded in 1983 and has managed many large complexes throughout Queens, Brooklyn, and NYC, totaling about 75,000 units. “We really get to know all of our clients,” Rogoff said. “We work with them, and we want to continue to build our organic growth,”

He proudly pointed to many resources his company offers, from technology to financial services, a brokerage, energy operations, oversight, and an executive team. AKAM manages almost 400 buildings in New York City, with several over 1,000 units and over, with 50 featuring site offices. “So we are well equipped to handle a property like North Shore Towers, but again, North Shore Towers is very special,” he said

The company also has expertise in branding and positioning. “These are resources that not all management companies have, but it’s necessary if we want to elevate the level of service and the expectations,” Rogoff said.

NYC code compliance is another major issue for the Towers and other co-ops. “New York City codes are not fun,” he said. “They change almost every day, but we have an entire department focused on that. So we really take these systems and these detailed procedures very seriously.”

Rogoff said AKAM’s vision is to enhance NST’s wellbeing and quality of life, investment, and asset value. Although he admitted that property management doesn’t have the best reputation, he said his company is trying to transform those negative connotations by exceeding expectations, enhancing the service level, and taking pride in their communities. “And this is a partnership built on bespoke services, so nothing is cookie cutter,” he added.

“We’re here to understand what you want the culture to be, not for us to try to bring our culture here to North Shore Towers,” he said. “We want to understand from the board the vision of the culture, so we can enhance it and make it better and get feedback from all of you as residents and shareholders.”

Approximately nine people will be on the site management team, although that number could be reduced “if things are going very well,” Rogoff said. “And we committed that any savings we get from our team will be passed on directly to North Shore Towers.”

Newly appointed NST General Manager Alexis Kaminoff-Fritz, Senior Managing Director at AKAM, promised

Continued on Page 14

TOWER TIMES • Mayl 2023 • 3
“When we were here, for the first time, we were all blown away by what you have here. You have the most special, amazing community that just doesn’t exist in the rest of New York City.”
Newly appointed NST General Manager Alexis Kaminoff-Fritz, Senior Managing Director at AKAM. AKAM President Michael Rogoff
4 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023

Yom HaShoah Commemoration

Over 200 North Shore Towers residents gathered for the Yom HaShoah Holocaust Remembrance Day in the Towers on the Green on Tuesday, April 18th. The program was presented by the Migdal Chapter of Hadassah and the NST Community Affairs Committee.

“It was fantastic, and we got incredible feedback from the North Shore Towers community,” Organizer Eva Kessner said. “It just worked out beautifully.”

Kessner spoke of connecting the mourning of the Holocaust to celebrating the founding of Israel, Yom Ha’atzmaut, on Tuesday, April 25th.

“This is the 75th Anniversary celebration of the founding of the State of Israel,” she said. “Many of us are old enough to remember that exciting day in May of 1948 when after a successful UN vote, Israel declared its independence, so this celebration comes on the heels of mourning for a devastating history.”

Hillcrest Jewish Center Executive Director Rose Sigler was the special guest speaker for the evening. “The Yom Hashonah program was truly meaningful for me,” she said. “This was my first opportunity to share how growing up with survivor parents and grandparents had such a powerful impact on me.”

Sigler told of her ancestor’s experiences during the Holocaust. Her father is the youngest of nine children. The oldest child and grandfather were sent to Auschwitz, and eight children and her grandmother were sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

“My father didn’t have a number,” she said. “If he wasn’t a boy, like my mother, his birth might have never been recorded, but the pain, survivor’s guilt, and lack

of any normalcy in his infancy was forever etched in his soul.”

Chaim Baruch Gross was born on January 17th, 1944. He was one of the few surviving infants of Bergen-Belsen.

“It was a very unfortunate time in the world to be born and, even worse, born a Jew,” she said. “My grandmother

shared that she dreamt of aborting him but didn’t out of fear of her father, grandfather, and god.”

Sigler said she believes that her existence and her family’s growth are “the ultimate revenge for the Holocaust.” Marsha Truland, Abbey Waxenberg, and Gloria Beck

Continued on Page 14

Remembering the Shoah with a Contemporary Nuance


Several weeks ago, I addressed the Cracower Society, which continues to meet annually at my Lake Success Jewish

Center. Inevitably, fewer survivors and their children now attend the program due to both the pandemic and the passage of time. We have reached the point where the survivor generation is rapidly disappearing, and the second generation of survivors is aging as well. At the Cracower gathering, I shared comments intended for the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those present. Likewise, my words in this column are not primarily intended for you but for the eyes and hearts of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

On the March of the Living website, I read the following statement, which was addressed to third-generation Holocaust survivors:

“History is not simply a compilation of facts. Instead, history is molded and altered by how people retell it from

generation to generation. Make the past part of our present, and it will live on in the future.”

Such timely words could have been written about Passover, a holiday we celebrate at the time I write this column. The Seder is not merely an occasion to retell the story of our past but to retell it in our own words and nuance. We cannot change the facts of history; therefore, we take responsibility for remembering and recalling history as accurately as possible. We can, however, incorporate history into our contemporary lives: Passionately defending all people against oppression and racism everywhere in our world today.

Egypt continues to burden our world. Consequently, our actions today and in the future will not only restore honor to today’s oppressed, but will honor the memories of the ancient Israelites, whose suffering we remember every day of our lives.

Regarding the Holocaust, our younger generations can only bear witness to the stories they read and are continuously being told.

Hopefully, most of them will never be forced to endure what their forebearers suffered in the cities and towns of

Europe. As we compel our third, fourth, and fifth generations post-Holocaust to remember and retell, we acknowledge that time and distance from Nazi Germany make such remembering that much more challenging.

As we compel our younger generations to retell the stories from the Holocaust, we urge them to actively fight today against Anti-Semitism and against all forms of racism, intolerance, and discrimination, which lead to oppression and suppression of any ethnicity or faith.

To our younger generations: You might grow tired of the responsibility we place before you and become weary of the stories we continuously share and repeat relentlessly. You will be tempted to dismiss the past in the name of moving forward with your lives.

Bear in mind that (as with the Passover story) you bear witness to accounts of the Holocaust to both honor six million Jews and to help eradicate racism and oppression around the globe, today and tomorrow. Of course, we hope you will embrace your daunting task as an eternal obligation rather than a burden.

For all of us: May retelling our past always motivate and inspire us to enhance our present and future world.

TOWER TIMES • Mayl 2023 • 5
LEO TUJAK PHOTO Yom HaShoah candle lighting ceremony at North Shore Towers: Survivors David Karmi, Daisy Nass, Vera Frankel, Edna Greene, Abraham Rosenberg,Kristine Keren, Marion Keren, Peri Hirsch, and Irene Greenwald.
6 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023 To advertise In The Tower Times email: Shop Close To Home. Support Arcade Vendors Continued from Page 6 Continued on Page 6

New Mgmt, NST Renaissance Update

As I write this, I am exhilarated (and exhausted) by the results of Q1 2023 here at our fabulous North Shore Towers, which was an

adventure of epic proportions at the Board level. In case you were time-traveling and missed it, here are just a few of the highlights: On Wednesday, January 11th, your Board of Directors was notified by email with a copy of a press release that our 20plus year managing agent was “acquired” by FirstService Residential (FSR), ‘yada yada’...assignment of NST’s management agreement without knowledge/consent ‘yada yada.’ Your Board immediately undertook a comprehensive search for a new management company with shared goals and vision to restore NST as a premier luxury cooperative with the necessary experience, expertise, services, and a deep bench of professionals to dedicate to NST, needed to ensure NST’s success on a daily and long-term basis...’yada yada.’

Bids, interviews, re-interviews, many hard questions, harder questions, meetings, discussions, negotiations...’yada yada.’

On Saturday, April 15th, your Board announced that AKAM had been retained as NST’s new managing agent effective Thursday, June 1st, with beloved former Interim GM Desi Ndreu staying on as consultant. FSR remains manager during the transition period with thanks...‘yada yada.’

On Monday, April 17th, the AKAM management team was introduced to the community and gave a live presentation on channel 995. All this while ensuring our major capital projects and daily operations continue on track. So now you’re up to speed. And I need a nap.

In case you thought you’d get away without any pithy quotes from famous people, no such luck. Because of the extraordinary Q1 2023 events, we find ourselves in the unusual position of having a truly fresh start, which is why I am exhilarated. Mark Twain said, “The secret of making progress is to get started.” Woohoo! We’re on the way! Plato said, “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” Your Board has already dug in our heels and begun, but there is lots of work ahead.

Tom Dungy, the former champion NFL player and head coach, said, “You can’t always control circumstances. However, you can always control your attitude, approach, and response. Your options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better.”

So dear neighbors, let’s set our collective attitude, approach and response to “can-do,” positive, flexible, supportive, and forward facing, so we, along with our new management team, can speed up the renaissance and rock NST!

With that said, here’s my update on how the “renaissance” is progressing so far. Garage work is ongoing as expeditiously as possible, given the weather and other considerations. The FSR and AKAM teams are both engaged for transition purposes. Recoating of Phase 1 Sections A and B is underway. As you will recall, the top coating applied in Sections A and B was too coarse, requiring removal and reapplication with a material better suited for our purposes. It was determined that the original coating was applied without Board approval, so FSR and the contractor are assuming the $120,000 cost of recoating (so no charge to us). Application will depend on weather conditions, but is expected to be done by the first week of May.

Residents whose cars are presently displaced are expected to get their regular parking spaces back after the coating is fully cured. We are working on the layout and scope for Section C, and work is expected to begin there in June. Because the conditions found during Phase 1 were more deteriorated than originally expected, we are reviewing the entire plan for Phases 2, 3, and 4 to ensure an accurate view of what will be required. This is important for pricing, ordering supplies, and timing. FSR’s engineers will continue to be involved through June, and AKAM’s engineers have already gotten involved and will stay integrally involved in this process going forward.

Local Law 11 (LL11) continues to be an open item. In March, the engineers filed the SAFE report with DOB, and DOB inspected all three buildings on Tuesday, March 7th, but the report was rejected on Monday, March 27th. We understand a revised report was refiled the next day. We, along with AKAM and Desi, will meet with the engineers to address this problem and press for an expedited resolution.

Pratt cannot apply to remove the sidewalk bridges until the SAFE report is approved. Trust me. You are neither angrier nor more frustrated than your Board about this.

WiFi installation in the garage is completed, and installation is underway in the Arcade. (Yay!) We have also requested a proposal to expand WiFi to the pool deck.

LL97 remains at the top of the to-do list. The starting point for LL97 compliance is getting an extremely accurate Local Law 84 report, which will allow us to get an efficiency grade that will determine the nature/extent of the changes that will be needed. EnPower is presently performing the work needed to complete and timely file the LL84 report, which is due in May. EnPower determined that certain areas of our property (including the commercial space) were not accurately measured in the last round and is now re-measuring to ensure the most accurate report possible.

We received revised bids from the security companies we interviewed in February when we asked for best and final based on a clearer view of what NST needs. We shared those with AKAM, who shared additional observations and suggestions (especially regarding technology, cameras, and other elements) to improve overall security for the long term in a cost-effective manner. As a result, we will be reopening the bidding process to refine the specifications and invite additional bidders to participate. This is a high-priority item, and we will keep you posted on this as well.

As you may have noticed, the oil tank project is temporarily suspended. Delivery of new fiberglass tanks is still on track for Wednesday, May 17th. However, during

excavation, contaminated soil was discovered adjacent to the fill line, requiring an immediate halt to work in accordance with DEC guidelines. To be clear, this means that spills likely occurred when we received oil deliveries.

FSR advised us that the soil excavated from the removed underground tanks was clean, which means our removed tanks probably did not leak. The DEC, which has established strict regulations and guidelines for the handling and disposal of contaminated soil, was promptly notified and will now conduct an investigation and develop a cleanup plan detailing the necessary steps for proper removal and disposal of any contaminated soil, plus any additional testing that may be required.

When cleanup is complete, DEC will conduct a final inspection to ensure that all contaminated soil has been properly handled and disposed of. It is crucial to adhere to DEC regulations and guidelines to avoid penalties and fines, and to safeguard public health and the environment.

Once DEC signs off on the cleanup plan, work will resume on the installation of the new fiberglass tanks. FSR, then AKAM, will coordinate all activities affected by the work stoppage and ensure that all necessary measures are taken to properly handle and dispose of the contaminated soil before resuming work.

Pool repair work is nearing completion and on track for Memorial Day opening, and you will see the pool being filled shortly. The Men’s Sauna room was refurbished, and the Women’s sauna room is next.

As usual, there is far too much going

TOWER TIMES • Mayl 2023 • 7
NORTH SHORE TOWERS BD. OF DIRECTORS REPORT Nitosha S. Parham Experienced in Housecleaning B.A. in Sociology Queens College, CUNY Delightful Cleaning LLC Proudly Serving North Shore Towers Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan (631) 455-9515 • email: Continued on Page 14

North Shore Towers Dental Care

Dr. Abraham G. Borenstein, DDS of North Shore Towers Dental (formerly in the Arcade)

HAS HANDED THE TORCH TO Drs. Yuval & Daniela Spector Friendly Staff. Excellent Service. Beautiful Smiles.

At Signature Smiles many patients choose to obtain their general, cosmetic, implant and senior dental needs. Drs. Yuval and Daniela Spector and their extraordinary team take the utmost pride in providing an optimal dental experience, from your initial consultation through the final results. We seek to provide the highest quality dental care to the North Shore Towers community in a safe, relaxing environment with special attention to patient comfort and safety.

For nearly two decades our strength lies in the fact that we take time to get to know our patients and encourage them to candidly discuss their oral health issues. We listen to your dental concerns and provide excellent General, Restorative,

Implant, Cosmetic and family dental care in a professional and comfortable surrounding, using high-tech dentistry.

Signature Smiles offers multi-specialty dental care in one great location, providing a high level of convenience. We specialize in Periodontics (gum disease) treatment, Dental Implants (tooth replacement) and Endodontics (root canals). Our patients receive comprehensive and thorough treatment. We strive to educate our patients and the community, about various cosmetic dental procedures, such as veneers, life-like crowns, implants, teeth whitening and other latest advances in dentistry. We stand behind every treatment we perform.

8 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023
Yuval Spector
Located Just
From Signature Smiles Dr.
55 Northern Blvd, Suite 101, Great Neck, NY AMPLE PARKING • CALL: (516) 487-2022 55 Northern Blvd, Suite 101, Great Neck, NY Next to Starbucks with ample parking
North Shore Towers
TOWER TIMES • Mayl 2023 • 9 LISA ROSE INTERIORS Stylish Designs With You In Mind (516) 395-3020 • LISA ROSE INTERIORS WANT TO ENHANCE YOUR LIVING SPACE? • Kitchen and Bath Design • Paint Selections • Stylish Wallcoverings • Lighting • Area Rug and Flooring Selections • Sourcing Custom Furniture • Reupholstery • Built-ins • Window Treatments • Hunter Douglas & Graber • Luxury Bedding • Pillows Artwork LET LISA ROSE INTERIORS ASSIST YOU GET THAT SPRING PROJECT IN MOTION LET’S CONNECT @lisaroseinteriors APRIL LISA ROSE INTERIORS Stylish Designs With You In Mind (516) 395-3020 • WANT TO ENHANCE YOUR LIVING SPACE? • Kitchen and Bath Design • Paint Selections • Stylish Wallcoverings • Lighting • Area Rug and Flooring Selections • Sourcing Custom Furniture • Reupholstery • Built-ins • Window Treatments • Hunter Douglas & Graber • Luxury Bedding • Pillows • Artwork • In-Home Accessorizing LET LISA ROSE INTERIORS ASSIST YOU GET THAT SPRING PROJECT IN MOTION LET’S CONNECT @lisaroseinteriors FREE DESIGN CONSULT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL LISA ROSE INTERIORS Stylish Designs With You In Mind (516) 395-3020 • LISA ROSE INTERIORS WANT TO ENHANCE YOUR LIVING SPACE? • Kitchen and Bath Design • Paint Selections • Stylish Wallcoverings • Lighting • Area Rug and Flooring Selections • Sourcing Custom Furniture • Reupholstery • Built-ins • Window Treatments • Hunter Douglas & Graber • Luxury Bedding • Pillows • Artwork • In-Home Accessorizing LET LISA ROSE INTERIORS ASSIST YOU GET THAT SPRING PROJECT IN MOTION LET’S CONNECT @lisaroseinteriors FREE DESIGN CONSULT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL LISA ROSE INTERIORS Stylish Designs With You In Mind (516) 395-3020 • LISA ROSE INTERIORS WANT TO ENHANCE YOUR LIVING SPACE? • Kitchen and Bath Design • Paint Selections • Stylish Wallcoverings • Lighting • Area Rug and Flooring Selections • Sourcing Custom Furniture • Reupholstery • Built-ins • Window Treatments • Hunter Douglas & Graber • Luxury Bedding • Pillows • Artwork • In-Home Accessorizing LET LISA ROSE INTERIORS ASSIST YOU GET THAT SPRING PROJECT IN MOTION LET’S CONNECT @lisaroseinteriors FREE DESIGN CONSULT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL LISA ROSE INTERIORS Stylish Designs With You In Mind (516) 395-3020 • LISA ROSE INTERIORS WANT TO ENHANCE YOUR LIVING SPACE? • Kitchen and Bath Design • Paint Selections • Stylish Wallcoverings • Lighting • Area Rug and Flooring Selections • Sourcing Custom Furniture • Reupholstery • Built-ins • Window Treatments • Hunter Douglas & Graber • Luxury Bedding • Pillows • Artwork • In-Home Accessorizing LET LISA ROSE INTERIORS ASSIST YOU GET THAT SPRING PROJECT IN MOTION LET’S CONNECT @lisaroseinteriors FREE DESIGN CONSULT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL •Feeling depressed? •Suffering from anxiety? •Grieving the loss of a loved one? •Managng a chronic illness? •In need of couples counseling? I am a licensed clinician with over 25 years of experience. I can meet with you in the privacy and comfort of your North Shore Towers apartment. My fees are reasonable. Dr. Olivia Pinsley, Ph.D, LCSW-R (516) 642-1174 IN-HOME COUNSELING


Spectacular layout and expansive views! Over 1,200 sq. ft.

Stunning one bedroom already converted to include an added guest room/home office. Large terrace and TWO balconies. Panoramic Southeastern views. Sun filled, airy eat-in galley kitchen. Bright and spacious living room with formal dining area and balcony. Primary bedroom features balcony, en-suite bath and many closets. The comfortable den leads to the broad terrace with unobstructed views. Sunny guest room. In addition to a second half bath off the entry hall, this unique apartment has amazing closet space throughout. North Shore Towers–a one of a kind oasis with every amenity imaginable and more!

Samantha Polios (Licensed Real Estate Salesperson) Toula Polios Realty Group, LLC Cell: (516) 532-8550 e-mail:

Make Waves To Fight Cancer

For a SECOND YEAR, North Shore Tower’s Management and Board will host a SWIM ACROSS AMERICA (SAA) fundraiser for cancer research. Established in 2001, SAA-Nassau/ Suffolk/Long Island has raised over $11 million for their local beneficiaries: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the Feinstein Institute of Northwell Health, the University of Texas MD Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital and SHARE Cancer Support.

Sept 9th, 2023 (Rain Date Sept 10th), 9:00 AM-11:00 AM North Shore Towers Pool, Register online:

“SAA funding has played a major role in clinically developing the four FDA-approved immunotherapy medicines ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab, and atezolizumab,” said Jedd Wolchok, MD, Ph.D. Chief, Melanoma & ImmunotherapeuticsMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Care.

Last year North Shore Towers raised $11,646.00 at the SAA event! PLEASE join us on September 9th, 2023 to swim or walk to support these leading cancer centers to continue their work, in the fight against CANCER! For more info: Sheila Harmon (347) 235-0078, or June Stelboum (347) 502-7664.

10 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023
Swim or Walk

Hand, Wrist, and Elbow Pain

If your doctor recommended occupational therapy, you may be wondering "Why do I need OT? I'm already driving to a physical therapy clinic twice a week aren't OT and PT about the same thing?" Actually, when it comes to

painful hands, wrists, or even fingers, you'd be surprised by how much OTs (specifically those that specialize in Hand Therapy) can do to help decrease your symptoms, and improve your overall function.


Occupational therapy is a healthcare profession that focuses on helping individuals achieve optimal functioning and independence in their daily activities or "occupations." These occupations can include self-care activities such as grooming, dressing and feeding, productive activities such as work or school, and leisure activities such as hobbies and socializing.


OTs that specialize in Hand Therapy can help you feel better by addressing the underlying cause of your discomfort or pain. Some issues include difficulty doing common tasks, such as turning a doorknob or holding a coffee cup Other symptoms may include increased pain when using your wrist and hand for lifting objects, opening a jar, or gripping something tightly...such as a knife and fork. Hand weakness when turning a key or twisting a bottle cap is also a concern. Treatment options may include strengthening exercises, manual therapy, joint protection techniques, and home modifications.

Occupational Therapy can take place in a clinic, but did you know OT can be provided right in your North Shore Towers apartment? A big part of my job is watching my patients perform their every day activities in a real-world setting Observing your motion helps me determine what may be aggravating your symptoms. This means I can develop a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your lifestyle, environment, and your most meaningful activities.

Personalized Treatment: Home visits allow for a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.

Convenience: Home visits eliminate the need for transportation to a clinic or hospital

Increased Independence: OT home visits can help you maintain or regain your independence safely and effectively in your own home.

Improved Outcomes: Home-based occupational therapy can lead to improved outcomes and better quality of life for patients, due to the personalized treatment approach, and the ability to address real-life challenges in the home environment

Susanne Corrales is the Owner and Founder of Hand Wellness Occupational Therapy. Her speciality is home-based upper extremity care and home modifications. All her services are provided in the comfort and convenience of your apartment! Call her today to schedule a consultation You can also email her at susanne@handwellnessot com

tel: (516) 472-0973 fax: (516) 261-7184

Hand Wellness Occupational Therapy

TOWER TIMES • Mayl 2023 • 11
4 B E N E F I T S O F O C C U P A T I O N A L T H E R A P Y H O M E V I S I T S a t N S T
H O W A T - H O M E O C C U P A T I O N A L T H E R A P Y A T N O R T H S H O R E T O W E R S C A N H E L P
12 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023 NORTH SHORE TOWERS: 269-10 Grand Central Parkway Building 3, Arcade 5 | (718) 550-1227 | www. Treatment At Home Dr. Amy Sapodin, Au.D., F-AAA, CCC-A Dr. Patricia Salamone, Au.D. YOUR ON-SITE AUDIOLOGIST A Hearing Aid that automatically learns & adapts for you! The World’s first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) Science shows that we hear with our brains and not our ears. Our cutting-edge technology helps your brain decipher intricate details of relevant sounds for better speech understanding with less effort and the ability to remember more. All in a rechargeable hearing aid that delivers direct streaming from iPhone and Android™. This is why we’re excited to tell you about this new technology designed to bring you closer to life’s special moments. STAY SAFE while getting the treatment you need to Hear Clearly, Stop Tinnitus and Reduce Dementia Risk! We Take Care of Your Loved Ones Needs QUALIFIED HOME CARE, LLC •Caring Companionship •Respite Care •Errands & Appointments •Help with Personal Care •Meal Preparation •Light Housekeeping Non-Medical Private HHA Senior Care in Your Home (516) 570-3069

Dr. Diana Gerov, DDS

New NST Management

her office would have an open-door policy. “I’m going to be your General Manager, boots on the ground,” she said. “I will be here every day, all day…I love providing customer service.”

There will also be an Assistant General Manager, an operations team, and a finance team on the premises. “We want to make sure that anytime you come down if you have an issue, if you have a question, we want to address that as much as possible in real-time,” Rogoff said. “And if we can’t address it in real-time, we want to set expectations for how quickly we can get the answer to you. But you should expect a very high level of service. That’s the purpose of this team.”

AKAM’s hospitality division will work with existing personnel using “the art of managing people,” Rogoff said. “We are not here to make any changes to your staff…We want to work with them and support them…You have a very large staff of personnel, and we want to make sure they’re managed the right way.”

To reposition and rebrand NST to enhance sale prices, AKAM is committing $30,000 to help create a new image and get that out to the community with marketing. They will also inherit the onsite brokerage office and the existing team led by Linda Rappaport. It will be rebranded under North Shore Towers with a name to be finalized. AKAM’s commercial brokerage team will also review commercial leases to

ensure tenants pay market rates, especially as lease renewals arise.

Rogoff said, “Our goal is to make this the best community in all of New York City, and we really look forward to the opportunity.”

AKAM’s Vice President of Transfers and Closing Department, Alicia Peralta, called NST a gem. “I find it mind-blowing that you have a golf course and restaurants and cinema and you name it,” she said. “You have it, but it’s almost a secret to New York City…But this is a landmark, and it’s an iconic property, and we’re thrilled to be championing your buildings and your community, and to make it no longer a secret. We want to make sure that the secret is out.”

Senior Vice President of AKAM Mark Weil explained that he had a vast wealth of experience to oversee the NST team as he does at other large sites. He will also be on the premises two to three times per week, or as needed.

“This is the gem of Queens,” he said. “We’ve just got to get it back there.”

In a joint statement, Fritz and Weil wrote, “We are committed to providing the highest quality customer support and building management services and are fully prepared to formally assume the role as your management company.”

North Shore Towers switched management companies for the first time in its history to Greenthal in July 1998, marking the beginning of management not being directly owned by the original sponsor of the co-op conversion.

In a transition overseen by General Manager Suz Landi, only three administrative staff changes were made, and offices were technologically updated. But by February of 1999, Landi was defending herself from angry residents and Board Directors, and after serving a little over one year she was dismissed.

Landi’s former assistant, Nancy Gentile, was appointed Acting General Manager and was named permanently to the position soon after. Retired Deputy Inspector/Commanding Officer of the 105th Precinct Glen Kotowski replaced Gentile in December 2001. Kotowski retired at the end of July 2022, and Greenthal Director of Special Operations and Senior Account Executive Desi Ndreu was appointed NST’s Interim Property Manager.

“An ancient proverb states that every meaningful journey begins with the first step,” Phelan concluded. “Your board has initiated those steps, and more steps will follow.”

Yom HaShoah Commemoration

Continued from Page 5

led the candle-lighting ceremony. This year, a 7th candle was also lit to honor survivors who have passed away.

“Sitting next to those who lit the candles and hearing their stories of survival was the highlight of the evening for me,” Sigler said. “It was an evening I will not forget and feel honored to have been a part of.”

Rabbi Gordon Yaffe of the Little Neck Little Neck Jewish Center provided the invocation.

“We’ve gotten incredible feedback on the program,” Kessner said. “People were in tears. The survivors really appreciated us doing this.”

Hadassah is also planning a 75th-anniversary dinner on Wednesday, May 31st. “There is much to celebrate,” Kessner said. “A wonderful state has grown from the ashes of the Holocaust to become a leader in science, high tech, agriculture, and so much more.”

New Mgmt, Renaissance Update

Continued from Page 7

on at NST for one article, so I will leave you with this. A fresh start is a gift rarely received and one that stands to benefit our community in so many ways. Colin Powell said, “Always focus on the front windshield and not the rearview mirror.”

With that in mind, let’s thank FSR, and especially President Dan Wurtzel and President of Property Management Michael Wolfe, for their service and professional-

ism during the transition from Greenthal to AKAM. Let’s thank Desi for her guidance and hard work and welcome her in her new role as consultant. Importantly, let’s welcome Alexis Kaminoff-Fritz and the entire AKAM team (you may already have seen them around the Arcade) to our beautiful home with open arms, open minds, patience, and a positive, forward-facing view as NST begins its next chapter.

See you around the Arcade.

14 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023
Continued from Page 3
MICHAEL KOHN PHOTO President of Akam Michael Rogoff. LEO TUJAK PHOTOS Abby and Fred Waxenberg look on as Irene Greenwald lights a tribute candle. Sisters Daisy Nass and Vera Frankel.

Wanna Be Smart? Begin with Art

The Women’s Club is planning a trip to the Nassau Country Museum on Thursday, June 8th to

view the private collection assembled by 32-year-old Hong Gyu Shin. Sharing treasures, including works by Whistler, Lautrec, Delacroix, Warhol, De Kooning, and many other important names from art history, the collection reflects the dedication and perseverance exhibited by Shin since he was a teenager. Shin opened a gallery on the Lower East Side in 2013. He was only 23 years old and admitted it was risky.

Born in South Korea, Shin moved to New York at age 16. By age 13, he was already collecting art in his own country, and when he moved here, he decided to open his own gallery. By 2017 he expanded to include three gallery spaces on Orchard Street and is now an internationally recognized figure in the global art world. He shares treasure with us of important names from art history, and we are fortunate to have his exhibit in this convenient location.

Shin’s background is interesting. He was still a college student in New York when the stories he heard about artwork and how’s own experiences with known galleries began to light his fire. He would visit galleries with collections and learn the stories behind the artwork. He attended the University of Delaware’s Art Conservation Program to learn art history and the human element behind a particular work of art. He also attended Harvard for some courses.

It is Shin’s belief that art markets form naturally for brilliant artists who have not yet achieved fame. He wanted his gallery to have substance and style and developed what he calls “a good set of eyes,” which is important for spotting talent. Shin believes great art is defined by works that transcend time and reflect human emotion.

Expansion work has been ongoing at the Shin Gallery, located at 68 Orchard Street, for three years. Shin plans on exhibiting African-American artists who were enslaved and self-taught. Also in his plans is an upstate art museum, and construction will begin soon.

Having this rich collection in our backyards is a wonderful convenience that the Women’s Club is spotlighting it for our members.

Details of the information are listed below, but the date is Thursday, June 8th, at the Nassau County Museum, One Museum Drive in Roslyn. The exhibit starts at 11:00 am, and lunch will follow at Ben’s at 12:30 pm.

Members should not miss this opportunity to view this eclectic art collection demonstrating the global scope of great art in many mediums. Admission is $10 for seniors, and transportation is on your own. To secure a place at Ben’s Restaurant requires $5 cash, which is refundable.

To reserve your place at Ben’s, 140 Wheatley Plaza., Roslyn, give $5 cash in an envelope with your name on it to the representative in your building: Building 1: 4Y, Faith Wolitzer. Building 2: 17G, Gloria Beck. Building 3: 1T, Chickie Kaufman.

Meet the Chicks on Netflix

Our May film review, set to air on Channel 995 on Sunday, May 29th at 4:00 pm, is the Syrian film “The Swimmers.” The Women’s Club movie trio, Vicki Mazel, Dr. Nurit Israeli, and Co-President Gloria Beck, will review this true story of real-life sisters (played by on-screen actresses sisters) who flee civil war in their country and their adventure as refugees.

The sisters decide to journey to Germany after their swimming careers are interrupted by living in a war-torn city. They plan to meet up with their other family members and continue their career dreams of becoming Olympic swimmers.

The film depicts their struggle with other refugees on reaching their destination and how they use their swimming skills to help and inspire others. Their lives take off in different directions, but their story is filled with the difficult choices they must make and the efforts they must exert to fit into a different world than just the Olympics in Rio. This is a biographical sports drama that depicts both triumph and strife. See you on Channel 995!

What Else is Happening?

Our Spring luncheon at the Jolly Fisherman, 25 Main Street, Roslyn, is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17th, at noon. The cost is $38 per person, including tax and tip. Transportation on your own and reservations will be accepted only if a completed list of table mates with their individual checks submitted.

Please note: There is only limited seating left, and further openings may be unavailable unless there are cancellations.

Email your building representatives if you have questions:

Building 1: Faith Wolitzer, crosswordw@

Building 2: Gloria Beck, glutsky@aol. com.

Building 3: Chickie Kaufman,

June is Bustin’ Out All Over

Thursday, June 8th, Nassau County Museum, 11:00 am, One Museum Drive, Roslyn, NY. Admission for seniors is $10, Shin Collection, Ben’s Delicatessen (140 Wheatley Plaza, Roslyn, NY), 12:30 pm $5 reservation fee (refundable).

Angelo De Candia, Wednesday, June 14th, Lower Large Card Room 7:15 pm, Professor at Tour College (did Shakespeare Program), topic: “Who Doth Wear Then Crown? 1,000 years of British Monarchy.”

July plans: Professor James Coll, Bingo, Cinema Club, dates are in the works.

Big July event: New calendar year time

new to renew July 1st.

All memberships are up for renewal. Please leave a $25 membership check in an envelope with the concierge in your building and the building rep’s name on the envelope. Include apartment number, phone number, cell phone number, email address, and Florida address if applicable: Building 1: 4Y, Faith Wolitzer. Building 2: 17G, Gloria Beck. Building 3: 1T, Chickie Kaufman.

Don’t forget our discounts: Show your membership card at Towers Restaurant for 10 percent off Goody’s Garage and Car Wash, $5 off.

New membership cards will be available after dues are paid.

She would never try to fool ya’ Our gifted physical therapist Julia. Spoke at a Women’s Club luncheon, We llstened enrapt and stopped munching.

Who else could be grander

Then Professor Angelo De Candia?

Continuing in Constitutional role, The learned lecturer Mr. James Coll.

He may not know how to play piano, But he gives great talks–Prof. Germano. This may not be a night out with Ringo, We always have our fun at Bingo!

Party time we shine the light, And celebrate International Night. No reason to pout or grouse, Lunch at Jolly Fisherman & Steak House.

Things always pick up by gosh, Discounts art Towers Diner and Car Wash. So we raise our hands in a big salute, Glad we’ve taken the Women’s Club route.

We light the fire and stoke the embers, And welcome all our Women’s Club members.

To Chickie and Gloria-Towers residents, You’re the greatest of co-presidents

So whether you give it to Kaufman or Beck, Don’t forget your membership check We love our programs no matter the weather, And always have fun when we get together!

That’s it for now.

Stay tuned for parties, programs, dances, food, entertainment etc.

Remember. You must be a member to participate.

TOWER TIMES • Mayl 2023 • 15
The Tower Times is published monthly by Tower Times PublicaTions, inc , and is distributed to the residents of North Shore Towers and the surrounding area. The Tower Times is an
publication, and is not affiliated in any way with the management of North Shore Towers. COMPOSITION RESPONSIBILITY: The Tower Times will not be liable for errors appearing in any advertisement beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Copyright © 2023 Tower Times PublicaTions, inc No part of this publication including advertising may be reproduced in whole or part without written permission from the publishers. To advertise in the Tower Times:
Michael Kohn............................................ Editor and Publisher
16 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023 To advertise In The Tower Times, email: Shop Close To Home. Support Arcade Vendors Advertise in the TOWER TIMES

Pages From Our Past

MAY 1996

Board Candidates Speak

For the first time at least one member of the Shareholders Association would be guaranteed a seat on the Board of Directors due to the Sponsors’ pledge to vote as the resident shareholders did in the May 23rd election. Each of the nine candidates vying for five seats were profiled. In the aftermath of the Shareholder’s lawsuit, most of the candidates also stressed the need for reconciliation among the residents and continued efforts to bring about more communication.

“I learned from my parents, if you are not part of the solution, then you may well be part of the problem,” Chuck Robbins said.

Corridor Renovations

When the inquiring photographer asked residents, “What do you think of corridor decorations?” responses were primarily positive, ranging from “I think it’s in excellent taste,” to “I think it’s going to be too dark.”

MAY 2014

History of NST Golf Club

Wally Kalinoski, a former Golf Professional at the Towers, reported the history of the golf operation at NST. He remembered when North Shore Towers was built by Sigmund Sommer and opened in 1974. “Nine holes opened first,” he said, “And the additional nine holes were completed between 1976 and 1978. Ron Marshall was the first Golf Pro at NST in 1977 and 1978. He gave lessons

and put a small amount of merchandise in what became the Pro Shop in 1979.”

Golf Professional Celebrates 20 Years

Approaching 20 years as North Shore Towers’ Golf Professional, Bob Guido described his longevity at the co-op as quite rewarding. “It has gone by quickly, and it’s been a learning experience for sure,” he said. “I think over the years I’ve gotten better at it, and I try to do different events every year and bring new stuff to the table.”

Hidden Towers Talent: Roz Newman

As woman of talent, Roz Newman, had been a resident of North Shore Towers for 26 years. A teacher, administrator, and writer with an inquiring mind and impressive intellect, she inspired people of all ages. Despite a physical setback a few years earlier, Newman maintains an optimistic outlook on life and an appreciation of the beauty and creativity all around.

92Y Airing of TV Anchors Pauley and Brokaw at NST Fred Chernow introduced a showing of the 92Y airing of TV anchors Jane Pauley and Tom Brokaw’s inspiring discussion about “the lucky generation”—boomers, who, at 50 and up, are finding their true callings.

MAY 2018

NST Apt. Prices Rise as NYC’s Fall Apartment prices continued to rise as Manhattan coops and condos have plummeted. Screening Committee Chairman Fred Chernow reported at the Bd. of Director’s open meeting on Thursday, April 4th, in the Towers Cin-


According to a recent Bloomberg report, “Home sales in Manhattan plunged the most since the recession as buyers at all price levels drove hard bargains and were in no rush to close deals. Sales of all condos and co-ops fell 25 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier…It was the biggest annual decline since the second quarter of 2009 when Manhattan’s property market froze.”

Spring Gardening

TOWER TIMES • Mayl 2023 • 17
JACK SCHWARZ PHOTO Building 2’s Rachel Li working in the North Shore Towers garden.
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20 • TOWER TIMES • May 2023
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