Tower Times January 2023

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Volume 28, Issue 1
WWW.TOWERTIMESONLINE.COM 8.3% Maintenance Increase Inflationary Increases in Mortgage, Wages, Insurance, Oil & Gas Cited
Serving the residents of North Shore Towers since 1995
January 2023
2 • TOWER TIMES • January 2023
We warmly welcome our North Shore Towers neighbors

8.3% Maintenance Increase

Inflationary Increases in Mortgage, Wages, Insurance, Oil & Gas Cited

Arecord 8.3 percent maintenance increase scheduled to begin in January was announced at the North Shore Towers Annual Finance Meeting, Thursday, December 15th at the Towers on the Green. Officials explained that this hike is the result of inflationary increases in the co-op’s mortgage refinance, wages, and fuel oil and natural gas.

“I know an 8.3 percent increase is hard to handle,” NST Controller Jim Cavanagh said. “…I’m not happy about telling you about an 8.3 percent increase. The Board isn’t happy about implementing an 8.3 percent increase. They have to pay the increase themselves, so it’s a tough decision for the Board to make, but they made it.”

Many co-ops will face similar issues when they go to refinance their loans because of the increased interest rates, Cavanagh added. Other complexes are also getting significant raises because of inflationary rates nationwide. Greenthal’s main office reported that 17 of their properties have an average increase of 8.82 percent.

“Unfortunately, in 2023, North Shore Towers’ operating budget was hit with what I call the perfect storm,” Cavanagh said.

Bd. President Ed Phelan said that the Towers has a history of “kicking the can down the road” addressing major expenses.

“This must stop now if North Shore Towers is to regain the status as a unique and well-managed quality property,” Phelan continued. “The market does not favor properties that are undermanaged and saddled with deferred maintenance. The Board was elected to overcome years of boards that took the line of least resistance and showed little courage in facing the needs of a nearly 50-year-old property.”

“Our history of not adjusting our annual budgets to be consistent with inflation itself is based on some boards that were more concerned about looking at the ballot box in June,” Phelan said.

Shareholders need to be enlightened about the projects and their costs for the co-op to be “in a competitive position to compete with other properties in our market yet remain on a sound economic footing,” he added.

Acting General Manager Desi Ndreu explained that in the past, reserve funds were often used to offset deficits in the budget. “However, it depleted your reserves, and that’s not good business practices, and it’s also against accounting practices because it creates an artificial income,” she

said. “Budgets should only be focused on actual income and expenses…In simple terms, we must operate the complex with the income and not tap into our reserves…It has a rolling effect on your budget. What we did this year was we stopped the bleeding.”

Cavanagh said that the budget for 2022’s mortgage was over $1.9 million because $1 million was used from the reserve fund for the operating budget. Without that, it would have been an additional $1 million. He said there is almost a 32 percent increase in the mortgage from last year to next year.

The mortgage refinance was explained by Director Jeff Canarick, who led the negotiation with John Hancock to replace the 10-year-old loan. The new $84 million loan that closed on Thursday, November 17th, is at 4.67 percent interest for 30 years fixed, with interest-only payments for the first 20 years.

The current loan of $61 million will be paid off, and $23 million will be used to pay for the required infrastructure, upgrades, and mandates by the NYC over the next few years.

Canarick called the loan “economically efficient,” borrowing for 30 years for virtually the same interest rate as 10 years. “So, in essence, we got three loaves of bread for the price of one,” he said.

A 30-year loan provides budget certainty by not exposing the co-op to “the whims of the marketplace,” he continued. It also contains provisions for borrowing more money if needed. Previously the co-op had multiple 10year loans.

The increase in interest rate from 3.13 to 4.67 percent on $61 million was market driven. The average cost for each unit owner is under $50 per month, according to Canarick. The alternative would have been an assessment of approximately $12,500 per unit in under five years.

The Bd. Director explained that everyone is living through uncertain times, with inflation for the first time in 40 years. “We as a board are very sensitive to rising costs and the challenges to our community as many folks are retired and on fixed incomes,” he said.

Cavanagh further explained budgetary details and expenses, such as fuel oil and natural gas being up $671,000 with a 26.9 percent increase. Also, the co-op’s oil tanks are scheduled to be replaced in March.

Security is currently out to bid but is projected to be at least $605,000 more than in 2022, a 30.2 percent increase. Payroll and related costs have gone up $342,000 (a 2.79 percent increase) due to prevailing wage rates required under new NY law.

TOWER TIMES • January 2023 • 3
MICHAEL KOHN PHOTO Acting GM Desi Ndreu, Bd. Director Jeff Canarick, and Pres. Ed Phelan at the Annual Finance Meeting.
Unfortunately, in 2023, North Shore Towers’ operating budget was hit with what I call the perfect storm.”
Continued on Page 4
NST Controller Jim Cavanagh

Upstanders Unique Opportunity

On-Site Visit to See Fortune Society in Action

Following a talk by the founder of the Fortune Society and the extraordinary success of our clothing drive, the Upstanders wanted to learn more. It was our good luck that Upstander Vernetta Nelson arranged a small group visit to the Society’s Long Island City headquarters.

“It was such an inspiring visit,” she said. “Everyone marveled at the impact of the unique services Fortune provides for its population. We were so honored to hear personal stories, including past experiences and the successful transitions in their lives.”

We look forward to continuing to support

the Fortune Society’s vital work as needed.

A Note From the Fortune Society

Our participants spoke about all of you so appreciatively that it brought tears to my eyes. As far as the staff is concerned, they were overwhelmed with gratitude and excited about your visit. Again, we thank you and hope to see you soon!

With love and respect, I sincerely thank each and every one of you for your donations and your visit. It was just amazing! May you all have a great day and a blessed Holiday.

Co-op Program at NST

The Community Affairs Committee, under the leadership of Board Director Theresa Oropallo, is holding a special program on Thursday, February 9th, at 7:30 pm at Towers On The Green on current issues and events involving co-op owners in NYC.

There will be an informed panel discussion by co-op leaders including NY State Assembly Member Edward Braunstein, Geoffrey Mazel, Esquire,

legal adviser to the President’s Co-op and Condo Council, Bob Friedrich, CoPresident of the PCC, and President of Glen Oaks Village, and Warren Schreiber, Co-President of the PCC and President of the Queens Civic Congress. The panel will provide updates about recent and pending legislation important to the North Shore Towers community. All residents are urged to attend to learn about important matters that affect all co-op owners.

NST Camera Club Dinner

8.3% Maintenance Increase

Continued from Page 3

Real Estate taxes are up substantially, but now $405,000 of golf course real estate taxes have been allocated to the Towers Country Club budget to minimize the maintenance increase for shareholders.

In addition, insurance premiums went up $651,000 for a 36.2 percent increase.

Budget reductions were also made, including canceling contracts for the country club cleaning and metal, stone, and wood refinishing. Existing staff will now do the work. Lower ongoing costs are also anticipated due to attrition and efficiences.

Another potential way to increase income and reduce expenses includes increasing the co-op’s flip tax from one to two percent, yielding an additional $900,000 to $1.2 million annually. The flip tax hike will likely be voted on during the next Board of Directors election. The rate would align with the average flip tax in other buildings Greenthal manages. Ndreu added a flip tax “is no longer looked down at… It’s in all the buildings.”

Automated meter readings and a lighting upgrade with a 6-year payback are also in the planning stages.

The co-op’s maintenance charges, which includes parking as well, are increasing by $3.5 million for next year to $46.876 million. Additional operating revenue will consist of electricity ($2.1 million), commercial rent ($999,000), Spectrum Media ($1.47 million), and other income ($614,000). Total revenue for next year is expected to be just over $52 million,

an increase of $3.67 million from 2022.

Total operating expenditures are projected to increase by 9.6 percent to $52.06 million. The most significant projected expenses for next year are real estate taxes of $19.76 million and labor and related costs totaling $12.58 million, representing a 7.88 percent increase. Fuel oil and natural gas will be $3.16 million, and mortgage payments will be $2.1 million.

Other expenses include service contracts ($4.71 million), repairs and supplies ($1.48 million), and water and sewer charges ($1.44 million). Insurance is increasing 41.7 percent to $2.45 million and the management fee is contractually rising by 3.87 percent to $1.34 million.

Reserve funds are projected to be $45.57 million at the end of 2022 and $36.32 million in 2023 after paying for $15 million of capital improvements.

Some of the projects that have already been started include elevator modernization at $1.27 million in 2023 with $6.85 million in the next five years. Garage renovations will cost $4.23 million next year with $15.7 million over the next five years. To comply with Local Law #11, $1.04 million will be spent in 2023, with $1 million over the next five years. And oil tank replacement next year will cost $1.8 million.

“You see, regarding ongoing projects, we have about $32 million to pay in capital improvements,” Cavanagh said. “So that’s a lot of improvements, and that’s why the board had to go out and borrow money

4 • TOWER TIMES • January 2023
Camera Club members enjoying a holiday dinner. MICHAEL KOHN PHOTO
Continued on Page 16 To advertise in the Tower Times:
North Shore Towers Acting General Manager Desi Ndreu at Finance meeting.

NST 2022: In Review

Gen. Manager Retires, Restaurant Sues, New Bd. Pres.


Obituary: Mildred Raucher, 105

Former Tower Times columnist Mildred Raucher, one of the early residents of North Shore Towers who lived in Building One for over three decades, passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 27th. She was 105.

Raucher was an active member of the community she loved and wrote about regularly, who also ran a weekly sing-along program for residents in the Coleridge Lounge for many years. She was born in 1915 during World War I, the year Woodrow Wilson was President and Congress rejected a proposal to give women the right to vote. Although Alexander Graham Bell made the first coast-tocoast long-distance telephone call the same year, Raucher proudly changed with the times.

Restaurant’s Management Sues Co-op

The Towers Restaurant’s management began a lawsuit against North Shore Towers Apartments, Inc. concerning who is entitled to operate the VIP Room restaurant, according to a statement by Bd. President Ed Phelan.

“In the action, Buffy (Dimas, the restaurant’s manager) is trying to assert that they had a right to run the VIP Room based on promises they allege to have received when they negotiated their lease for the restaurant,” Phelan said. “They are seeking an order preventing DCD (Restaurant Corp.) from taking over those operations once construction on the VIP Room is complete. This is a position that we deny and note that the lease agreements executed by Buffy and NST do not provide such a right.”


Director Richard Levine Profile

Richard Levine was elected to the NST Bd. of Directors in June’s election and was appointed Capital Improve-

ments Chairperson. He brings experience and expertise in real estate, finance, construction and other areas to serve the co-op’s community.

How have you found working on the board so far?

I hold the opinion that the board, under the energetic and undaunting leadership of President Ed Phelan, is up to the tasks. The board members are dedicated to facing the issues and seeking consensus solutions without reluctance to listen to or offer opposing views.

What is it like trying to plan and execute projects during a two-year term?

The two-year term to which board directors are elected sometimes poses difficult restraints. Major projects often have long lead times and can require lengthy completion times. Continuity is often an essential ingredient in successfully completing a project on time and within budget. In those instances, a three-year term would be preferable. Women’s Club’s Hee Haw Holiday Party

The Women’s Club held their annual Holiday Party at Towers on the Green on Wednesday, December 15th. The holiday show was a musical history of the decades, blending country songs with rock beats.


New NST Bd. President

February brought a sudden shake-up for the North Shore Towers Bd. of Directors when Ed Phelan resigned after serving as President for two years. Dan Nachmanoff was appointed Interim President, while Phelan remained on the board as a director.

“I hope to be a catalyst for change and action,” Nachmanoff said. “We have a lot of issues we’re dealing with, and I think we have to move a little more expeditiously. We are just going to try to move forward, and that’s the name of the game.”

Nachmanoff said there has been a “poor relationship between members of the board and members of the board and management,” and he hoped to change that. “We need to work much more cooperatively,” he continued. “We need to get things done. We have to concentrate on the future and look forward.”

TCC VIP Room: Good and Bad News

Furniture was scheduled for delivery in the VIP Room at the end of December, but the facility could not be used until after the official Fire Department inspection was completed, taking anywhere from two to 15 weeks.

Men’s Club: The Formative Years

The idea for the NST Men’s Club came to its founder, Al Fuchs, while on vacation in Florida 10 years ago. Seeing that many condos had men’s clubs, he thought why not one for the Towers? Sixty men attended the first meeting, and the club’s membership has since grown to over 150.


Gen. Manager Kotowski Announces Retiring

After serving North Shore Towers for over two decades, Gen. Manager Glen Kotowski announced his retirement and was working with the co-op’s management company

in the search to find his replacement.

“I think he’s done a superior job maintaining these buildings for 20 years,” NST Interim Bd. President Dan Nachmanoff said. “I think this is a difficult job, where you have 3,000 clients that can be on your back all of the time. It requires a lot of patience and understanding.”

Kotowski planned to retire around June, while Charles H. Greenthal Management Corporation’s contract continues until 2024. “Some people don’t understand that Greenthal is not retiring. It’s Glen,” Nachmanoff added.

NST Capital Improvement Projects

Richard Levine reported that the new year promised to be very busy, especially concerning addressing several major capital improvements and the November 2022 maturity of the John Hancock $61 million mortgage. The loan recast could provide NST with a source of funds to cover some of the needed capital improvements through an increase in the amount of principal.

In Memory of Dawn Rita Steinberg

A 12-year resident of NST, Dawn Steinberg was a member and past president of the Camera Club. She participated in many other activities and clubs here at North Shore Towers. She passed away on Saturday, February 26th after a four-month battle with cancer.


Open Board Meeting Returns to Theater

The Bd. of Directors open meeting returned to the movie theater for the first time since the start of Covid restrictions on Wednesday, April 27th. Pres. Nachmanoff hosted the event, with the main topics including the decline of real estate values at the co-op, the delayed opening of the VIP Room, and an explanation of why the previous Bd. President resigned from that position.

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Continued on Page 16
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Operating Budget and 2023 Plans

Ifind it vexing that budget season overlaps with the biggest shopping holidays of the year. To get through the serious and painful budget process, I looked

to some famous people for inspiration.

Ayn Rand said, “Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” Former Pres. Barak Obama said, “A budget is more than just a series of numbers on a page; it is an embodiment of our values.” Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Leonard Bernstein (the “West Side Story” and “Rhapsody in Blue” one) said, “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.”

With those things in mind (vision tempered with restraint, guided by core values and a firm grasp on reality, and armed with a plan in short order), I was almost prepared for the budget review/approval process. But I needed one more drop of inspiration to tackle the project. Luckily, I remembered Gertrude Stein’s quote, “Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to shop.” With my favorite hobby accounted for, I was totally ready.

As reported at the Open Finance Meeting held on Thursday, December 15th, (catch a rerun on 995 if you were unable to attend), the 2023 Apartment Corporation and Country Club operating budgets were the result of a “perfect storm” of unprecedented increases in non-discretionary spending. The driving factors are mandatory capital projects under strict statutory and need-based deadlines for completion (I gave you the list in my November 2022 column) for which additional funding is required; inflation; increased labor costs from union contracts and Prevailing Wage Rate laws; an extremely hard insurance market; and skyrocketing fuel prices.

The Finance Committee, management, and the Board worked relentlessly to prune the budget (cutting about $1 million), control costs, and increase efficiencies while addressing the most urgent issues and balancing those with health, safety, and

comfort concerns. The resulting 8.3 percent maintenance increase is less than the 2022 cost of living increase and lower than many other co-ops facing double-digit increases. As clearly explained by interim GM Desi Ndreu, Controller Jim Cavanaugh, and Board Member Jeff Canarick, the factors contributing to the increase are mandatory, not discretionary. Consistent with our promise of transparency, the 2022 and 2023 Operating Budget summaries, the Open Meeting PowerPoint presentation, and the appraisal from the mortgage refinance are posted on Building Link so you can read it all for yourself.

The Board’s job is to exercise our fiduciary duty to ensure that NST remains safe, healthy, and sound in every respect. So we gritted our teeth and, armed with vision tempered with restraint, guided by core values and a firm grasp on reality, and a plan in mind (and following many lively, intelligent, protracted, extremely productive discussions), adopted a 2023 operating budget that does what we believe and management agrees is realistic and necessary to protect the community and make real progress toward restoring NST to its premiere luxury status. I was and remain deeply impressed by my fellow Board members throughout this difficult process, and I am proud to be a member of this team. I am also tired and need a nap, but I digress.

I hear many of you thinking, “Wait, what is Building Link and how do I get it?” or “I never signed up for Building Link/never tried it/don’t know how to use it. What do I do?” No worries, we’ve got you covered. The Communications Committee is planning a series of events in the VIP room in the next few weeks to help you to set up your Building Link account and navigate the website. Stay tuned for the schedule. If you want access sooner, please stop by the Management Office in the Arcade, and they will help you as well.

In other news, things at NST continue to move forward in a productive manner. Here’s the short-list update:

Local Law 11 (“LL11” ): LL11 work is nearing completion, with some minor delay due to inclement weather, high winds, and DOB’s delay in scheduling inspections. We are now projecting completion in early January. In Building 1, all lines have been completed, and we are awaiting DOB’s inspection of the “V” line to

approve unlocking those terraces. Prat is working on the canopy outside the lobby. The driveway in front of Building 1 will be closed from 9:00 am-5:00 pm for one day, but there will be staff to assist with bags, packages, etc., and the pedestrian walkway will remain open.

For Building 2, all lines have been completed, and one line is awaiting final inspection by the engineer. Prat is currently working on the roof bulkhead and expects to complete that in a couple of weeks. They also began work on the lobby canopy in December.

For Building 3, the “E” line final inspection and the initial engineering inspection of the “V” line are set to take place in December. All other lines have been completed. Prat began work on the lobby canopy on Thursday, December 22nd. Building 3 will have the same drill as Buildings 1 and 2 for that day–staff to help, open walkway, yadda yadda.

Garage: Phase 1 garage work is continuing to move along diligently, with no

issues to date (I say as I throw salt over my shoulder, spit three times, knock wood, and pray to the Ganesh statute I brought back from the holiest city in India). To ensure that work continues diligently despite weather conditions and to help manage the project, SCS plans to use a heating system so work can continue uninterrupted.

Elevators: We will be meeting with our elevator consultant, VDA, ASAP to discuss the proposed scope of work and to prepare the job for the RFP/bidding process in early 2023. With 24 elevators to address and every NYC building under the same deadline, we are moving as swiftly as possible to ensure that NST can get this done in the most cost-effective manner using the best vendors who can properly service a job of this magnitude.

Country Club: Improvements in the weight/machine room and exercise rooms will take place between December 25th and January 6th, reopening in time to burn off the extra holiday calories. Extra exer-

on Page 16

Staying Fit at Towers

TOWER TIMES • January 2023 • 7
MARIA TERMINI MILLER PHOTO North Shore Towers Country Club members staying fit and welcoming instructor Cariann for a fun Zumba workout last week. Continued
8 • TOWER TIMES • January 2023 2 • TOWER TIMES • October 2022 •We are fully insured. •Every caregiver has a criminal background check. •We work with all long-term care insurance companies. •We are licensed by New York State Department of Health. •Registered Nurse on staff to assist with questions. 7 DAY HOME CARE The 7 Day Home Care Advantage It’s time to experience the 7 Day Home Care Advantage 1979 Marcus Ave., Suite E102, Lake Success , NY 11042, Main: (516) 461-3421, Mobile: (917) 301-4914 Call today: (917) 301-4914 WINTER SPECIAL 10% OFF Your 1st Week of Service For North Shore Towers Residents Licensed in Queens, Nassau, Suffolk, Brooklyn and Manhattan counties


One-of-a-kind, move-in condition corner unit with open views from every angle of the apartment. This bright and sunny 2-bedroom , 2-bath features two beautiful terraces overlooking the Golf Course and NYC Skyline off the formal living room and dining room. Large windows bring so much natural light into the large eat-in kitchen. Plenty of closets and storage along with personal washer and dryer in unit. Don’t miss this opportunity to own in Building One at North Shore Towers. Parking spot included and more than ample parking for guests. Every amenity imaginable is on the premises. Contact the exclusive listing agent Orit Ofir, c.516.474.8405 — for more information or to schedule a private viewing. MLS# 3445113. Offered At: $718,000.

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TOWER TIMES • January 2023 • 9
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TOWER TIMES • January 2023 • 11
12 • TOWER TIMES • January 2023

Signature Smiles for North Shore Towers

North Shore Towers Dental Care

Dr. Abraham G. Borenstein, DDS of North Shore

Towers Dental (formerly in the Arcade)

HAS HANDED THE TORCH TO Drs. Yuval & Daniela Spector

Friendly Staff. Excellent Service. Beautiful Smiles.

At Signature Smiles many patients choose to obtain their general, cosmetic, implant and senior dental needs. Drs. Yuval and Daniela Spector and their extraordinary team take the utmost pride in providing an optimal dental experience, from your initial consultation through the final results. We seek to provide the highest quality dental care to the North Shore Towers community in a safe, relaxing environment with special attention to patient comfort and safety.

Signature Smiles offers multi-specialty dental care in one great location, providing a high level of convenience. We specialize in Periodontics (gum disease) treatment, Dental Implants (tooth replacement) and Endodontics (root canals). Our patients receive comprehensive and thorough treatment. We strive to educate our patients and the community, about various cosmetic dental procedures, such as veneers, life-like crowns, implants, teeth whitening and other latest advances in dentistry. We stand behind every treatment we perform.

For nearly two decades our strength lies in the fact that we take time to get to know our patients and encourage them to candidly discuss their oral health issues. We listen to your dental concerns and provide excellent General, Restorative, Implant, Cosmetic and family dental care in a professional and comfortable surrounding, using high-tech dentistry.

We value your quality time and therefore schedule your appointment with minimal waiting. Our team continues to enhance the smile image of many loyal patients at North Shore Towers. Let us enhance your image and self-confidence by creating a beautiful and healthy smile.


TOWER TIMES • January 2023 • 13
Dr. Yuval Spector Dr. Daniela Spector 55 Northern Blvd, Suite 101, Great Neck, NY 11021 AMPLE PARKING • CALL: (516) 487-2022
ham Borensteinalso from North Shore Towers
14 • TOWER TIMES • January 2023 To advertise In The Tower Times email: Shop Close To Home. Support Arcade Vendors
Page 14 Continued on Page 14
Continued from

Women’s Club: All for Fun and Fun for All

Aparty room

filled with North Shore Towers Women’s Club members danced the night

away at the annual Holiday Party celebrated on Wednesday, December 14th, at Towers on the Green. Kicking off the holiday season was co-president Gloria Back, who did original comedy to the delight of the guests. Vicki Mazel followed, introducing all the Women’s Club Committee members in rhyme, accompanied by the drummer and keyboard player to enhance her rap. Whether dressed in finery or glitz, the partygoers danced to the pop and rock sounds of the Vic Vincent Group. Buffy’s kitchen served a delicious buffet, including many hot chafing dishes of entrees and vegetables, salads, and dessert. Everyone who attended had accolades for the evening, with decor planning done by co-president Chickie Kaufman and her committee. Just wait till next year!

Greetings from NST South

We send holiday greetings and wishes for a wonderful new year. We are alive and well. Our first event took place on Thursday, December 1st. Thirteen members

had lunch at Max’s Grill and a wonderful docent tour of the Boca Raton Museum. We saw a special exhibit of scenic backdrops made for the movies between 1938 and 1968, which was then a popular art form that almost has been forgotten. Hollywood’s masters of illusion and perspectives made film magic at a time when most of the recent methods had not been invented yet.

We saw the huge hand-painted backdrops from “Sound of Music,” “Singin’ In The Rain,” and “Ben-Hur,” along with Gene Kelly’s Paris street scene and many others. One of the most famous was “North by Northwest” in which an innocent man (Cary Grant) and Eva Marie Saint make a run over Mount Rushmore’s monumental president’s heads. It only last two minutes, but it contributed to making this one of Alfred Hitchcock’s most revered movies. Due to the magic of Hollywood’s scenic artists who created the backdrop, this lifeand-death action took place on a sound stage with a 90-foot wide painting serving as a historic location.

It was a wonderful experience, and our next event will be on Wednesday, January 11th, at 11:30 am. We will enjoy a sumptuous buffet at the Polo Club. After the meal, we will have plenty of time to meet and greet each other and make new friends down here. The cost is $26, and every one who attends will get a $5 refund,

compliments of the club. Space is limited, so if you are interested, please email me at, and I will give you more details. Stay well. Love, Bobby Gould

We’re back North again at NST

We are adding a new “Around the Town” feature to our Women’s Club calendar. It will let us know about nearby events, but you will need to make your own arrangements to participate in theater, museums, exhibits, programs, etc. To get more information about any item listed, please contact Faith Wolitzer via email at

At this time, we are listing the American realist painter Edward Hopper and his exhibit: “Edward Hopper’s New York,” at the Whitney Museum of American Art. The exhibit runs through March 5th at the Nassau County Museum of Art. “The Big Picture–Photography’s Moment” exhibit spans the medium’s historical roots, including Ansel Adams and his generation. Contact Faith by email for any further information.

Cinema Club:“Philomena”

This 2013 film stars Dame Judi Denche and is based on the true story of a teenage girl from Ireland whose illegitimate son is taken away from her by nuns in a convent where she is staying. It is based on a book called “The Lost Child of Philomena Lee” by journalist Martin Sixsmith. Decades later, Philomena and an interested journalist looking for a human interest story set out to find the son.

This award-winning film gives a fascinating account of an unlikely friendship, intolerance, and spiritual abuse. The chemistry between Philomena and the journalist, played by British actor Steve Coogan makes the film so compelling.

The movie will be reviewed on Monday, January 30th at 4:00 pm on Channel 995 by Vicki Mazel, Dr. Nurit Israeli, and introduced by Gloria Back.

A Tribute to Dawn–Coleridge Lounge

Dawn Steinberg, a much-loved founding member of the Women’s Club who passed away last year, was talented in many areas. Her participation in the NST Camera Club was very special to her and allowed Towers residents to see her creative side in her photographs.

A recent visit to the Coleridge Lounge featured an innovation by the Camera Club, exhibiting several of her photographs and designating a wall dedicated to her for her contributions to the club. We thank the members of the Camera Club for their tribute to Steinberg, who did much to enrich all over our lives.

January and February Calendar

The Ladies of Learning Series featuring James Cole will be held in the Large Card Room, 11:00 am–12:30 pm. Continuing lectures on the Constitution and its relevance to the present times will be held Monday, January 16th, and Monday, January 30th.

Cinema Club Review

Monday, January 30th Cinema Club Review, channel 995. 4:00 pm, “Philomena,” starring Dame Judi Dench.

February, Professor Ron Brown, Large Card Room, 7:15 pm. Wednesday, February 8th, “Secret World of the Andes.” Wednesday, February 22nd, “Buenos Aires–The Paris of Latin America.”

You must be a paid-up member of the Women’s Club to attend our meetings. Membership info: $25 made out to Women’s Club. Give to the concierge in Building 3 in an envelope addressed to; Chickie Kaufman, Apt. 1T. Include address, apt. number, and e-mail address.

Club Discounts

Use your Women’s Club for these valuable discounts: 10 percent off the Towers Restaurant, once daily on a bill of $15 or more, and Goody’s Car Spa, $5 off a car wash.

2022 went by so fast you know, Watched the Women’s Club continue to grow. We’ve really become an institution, James Cole speaking on the Constitution.

Every month you read our news, And on 995 hear our movie reviews, Programs and events to rhyme, We really like to have a good time.

Enjoyed a great holiday party night. Everyone happy t’was a great sight. And a guy that never lets us down, The great lecturer Professor Ron Brown.

In between these interesting meetings, We find time for New Year’s greetings. Keeping up the interest in everything We celebrate winter and wait for spring.

Our holiday party was over the loop We danced away to the Vic Vincent Group. All enjoyed the fun and festivity, Looking forward to twenty twenty three.

So join the fun-it makes good sense, Our parties, programs, great events. We dine and dance have movie reviews,

TOWER TIMES • January 2023 • 15
VICKI MAZEL PHOTO The Vic Vincent Band performs at the Women’s Club holiday party.

Maintenance Increase

Continued from Page 4

with your refinance to pay for these projects and future projects as well.”

Meanwhile, the Towers Country Club will increase membership fees for sponsored golfers from $5,500 to $6,000 annually, golf cart fees $3 to $15 for nine holes, and $5 for eight holes to $28. New membership for “Young Executives” will be offered for $2,800, and golf outings for guests will increase $10 to $90.

The club’s projected revenue for next year is expected to increase by 3.7 percent to $4 million. This total includes $3.45 million in membership income, $280,000 in golf cart rentals, $140,000 in outside outing income, and $100,000 in guest fees.

The club’s most significant expense is for payroll and related costs of $2 million,

an increase of 2.8 percent over the previous year. The golf course accounts for $365,000, cleaning $230,000, and repairs and maintenance $169,000.

Capital and equipment additions currently being considered include $238,000 for golf carts and $51,447 for gym flooring. Well maintenance will cost $150,000, new gym equipment $66,448, resurfacing of two pools $94,350, golf course paths $50,000, outdoor pool tables and chairs $35,000, turf seeder, hose reel, and gun sprayer $30,250, and paver work $18,500.

Cavanagh said the club is projected to run a $680,000 surplus. After real estate taxes are paid out of reserves, the projected ending cash position for the club will be $1.4 million.

December at the Towers

Buffy now has a Sunday brunch, and you can order it from the basic menu or

the brunch menu. I haven’t had a bagel and lox platter in years. It was fresh and delicious. The service is terrific. I noticed that when anyone leaves the table, The busboy immediately comes over, cleans the table, and sweeps the floor around it.

I’ve been told that the courtesy bus schedule has gone from five days to two days. Pick-up is at the front door at 9:45 am and brings us back at 4:00 pm. That’s a long day for me. Let’s all be happy with what we have. Free bus service is a plus.

I’ve been stopping at the Beaumont lounge during the day, because they have a wonderful group of ladies who seem very knowledgeable. If anybody wants to join them, stop by.

December has been a hectic month for North Shore Towers residents.

Wednesday evening, in the VIP Room, we had an excellent presentation by Teresa

Cunningham. She explained what you recycle and what you’re not to recycle.

After the presentation, the questions kept coming and coming. We had a very large audience.

So many people tell me they have lots of time available. They are hiring emergency snow laborers at $17 an hour and $25 after 40 hours of work. You can go online to, but please dress warmly.

We also had our vendor shopping in the Arcade. It was well attended from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

On Thursday, December 15th we had our board meeting and discussed the finances. Our maintenance is going up 8.3 percent.

I wish everybody happy holidays. I’ll see you in the Arcade soon.

Operating Budget and 2023 Plans

cise classes have been added so you can still work out. FYI: The new equipment is necessary to bring the club into compliance with applicable NYC/NYS codes, which we very recently learned the prior equipment and set-up was not, thanks to Manager Coco Xie’s expertise).

Also, NST has its first-ever Mobile App through on which Country Club members can monitor their accounts, see the gym and events schedules, register for classes, and more. Download the app by going to

the App Store on your device and searching “North Shore Towers Country Club.” (Woohoo, modern technology!)

Now that the budget is approved, I will honor Gertrude Stein with a quick trip to Saks Fifth Avenue (mask on for safety), then contemplate where to order the Chinese food from next week. Neighbors and friends, I wish you all a Happy, Merry Everything, and most importantly, good health, good Fortune, and much happiness in 2023! Cheers!

See you around the Arcade.

NY Sports 70 Years Ago

About 70 years ago the New York sports scene was in the midst of experiencing one of its most trying periods. We were basking in the glory of the City College of New York winning both the NIT and NCAA Tournaments at Madison Square Garden. After winning both tournaments, the team and city were rocked by the greatest sports scandal that New York had ever witnessed.

Seven CCNY players were charged with “shaving points.” This occurs when a team or player tries to manipulate the score of a game but not necessarily the outcome.

To reach the finals of the NIT, CCNY had to defeat the University of Kentucky, the tournament favorite to win. Coached by the infamous Adolph Rupp, Rupp was on record saying he would never coach a team with any kikes or blacks on it. You can substitute the N-word for black. Trying to shake hands, Rupp and his team rebuffed the CCNY players.

I’m sure this blatant prejudice inspired CCNY to administer one of the worst defeats in Kentucky’s history. The final score was CCNY 89, Kentucky 50. CCNY defeated Bradley University 69-61, and the first of the two tournaments was theirs.

The magic continued a week later as CCNY defeated Ohio State and North Carolina University (No Michael Jordan).

A come-from-behind 71-68 win over Bradley gave the CCNY the NCAA title. To this date, this is the only team that has won both tournaments in the same year.

As you might suspect, in March of 1950, City was the Toast of the Town, so naturally, Ed Sullivan came calling. The team was introduced on his Sunday night TV show.

At this time, I was a junior at Franklin K. Lane High with ambitions to get into CCNY. My uncle Dick was recruited to tutor me for the entrance exam. Uncle Dick had far more success as a B17 crew member flying over Germany in WW2 than getting me into City College.

A year after the wins, I went to a CCNY vs. University of Missouri game at the Garden. City, a heavy favorite to win, lost badly, 54-37. To quote William Shakespeare, something was “Rotten in Denmark.”

A week later the Manhattan District Attorney arrested seven CCNY players: Herb Cohen, Floyd Lane, Ed Roman, Norm Mager, Al Roth, Irwin Dambrot, and Ed Warner, on charges of conspiring to fix games. They were found guilty, but the sentences were not too severe. Warner was the only player sentenced to prison for only six months. The others received suspended sentences and were banned from competing in college athletics.

The players, for the most part, seemed to have straightened out their lives.

Lane became a college coach at CCNY,

2022: NST Year in Review

Continued from Page 5

Screening Committee Chairman Fred Chernow has proudly told residents that their apartment values had increased for the last seven years. However, he announced that he left his symbolic green tie at home for this particular meeting because the value of apartments had decreased. The most apparent reason for the decline was the Covid crisis, he said.

The Gen. Managers of NST NST has had four General Managers since its co-op conversion, two retirees from the upper ranks of the police department, and two with backgrounds in property management. With current Gen. Manager Glen Kotowksi recently announcing his retirement, the management company is now searching for manager number five.

Capital Improvements Reserve Study

The Bd of Directors has approved a Reserve Study to provide the current and fu-

ture Boards with a vital document to plan the sources and uses of money for Capital Improvements. When applied properly and periodically updated, it will reduce the speculation that often occurs when composing an annual budget.

JUNE NST Bd. Election 2022

Candidates for the NST 2022 Bd. Election included Jeff Canarick, Fred Chernow, Stanley Goldsmith, Harry Greenberg, Steven Kirschner, Dan Nachmanoff, Ed Phelan, and Cheryl Vollweiler.

Holocaust Tribute at Towers

The NST community gathered for a Holocaust tribute on Wednesday, May 4th, at Towers on the Green. Guest speaker Dr. Doron Keren told the dramatic story of building three residents Kristine and Mariam Keren, his parents, with the help of a short video documentary.

16 • TOWER TIMES • January 2023
Bud Bank
Continued from Page 7 8.3%
Continued on Page 17

Pages From Our Past


Knitting & Crocheting Club

Judi Ross has been president of the North Shore Towers Knitting Club for six years, and her experience as a knitting enthusiast goes back many years. She and her husband were manufacturers of knitting bag stands that sold all over the world. Now retired, she finds that her passion for knitting and commitment to service has led to many friendships and a deep sense of satisfaction.

Garden Club Grows

Bob Bader of the NST Garden Club explained that the organization has been in existence for about 20 years, and his wife Helen has been president for 17 years. The dedicated gardeners usually tend their plots from April through October and have an annual meeting in May to discuss matters of concern.

Arcade Art Studio

Harriet Lane’s background in art began at a specialized high school, followed by three years at a private art school. From there she studied and graduated as a textile designer and worked in that field for a number of years. In 1970, she and three friends opened their first Art Studio in Bellmore, Long Island. When she moved to NST in 1978, she and one of her partners opened The Art Studio in the Arcade.


2018 Budget Presented

The Towers has been hit hard by NYC real estate as-

sessments, and as a result shareholders faced maintenance increases for the next four to five years, officials reported at the open finance meeting, Wednesday, December 6th in the movie theater. The 2018 budget included a 2.5 percent hike, or $6.89 per share.

“In presenting the operating budget it was made very clear that the unfair taxation of co-ops by NYC has finally caught up to us,” Treasurer and Finance Committee Chairman Steve Redlich said.

For the previous two years assessed values increased 25.7 percent. Therefore, real estate taxes were projected to increase $4.8 million over the next four years. “In the past two years we have been, on an aggregate basis, been increased in our assessed values by 25 percent, which will necessitate maintenance increases every year for the next four to five years,” Redlich continued. “The increase for 2018 will be 2.5 percent, and would have been 5 percent if we did not have the foresight to escrow $1 million towards the 2018 principal mortgage payment from prior surpluses.”

Star Sales Executive Bud Bank

While living here for just four years, Bud Bank made a name for himself as an excellent bridge player and Master of Ceremonies at various events. Born and raised in an impoverished section of Brooklyn he rose in the sales world with a variety of businesses. His sales experience and ingratiating personality made him a natural for game shows put on by the NST Men’s Club and the Salute to

New York Sports 70 Years Ago

Continued from Page 16

of all places. Dambrot graduated from Columbia University with a dental degree. Roman graduated from NYU and later worked as a psychological consultant for the New York City school system.

Roman will always remain foremost in my memory. I remember him telling me in a 1970s pick up game at PS 205 in Bayside that he thought I had a pretty good eye. That is the highlight of my virtual nonathletic career.

Best of Broadway at VIP Grille

Veterans program on November 11th each year.

Avella Meets NST Political Action Committee

The NST Political Action Committee (PAC), under the leadership of Director Dr. Stanley Goldsmith, held a meeting with State Senator Tony Avella to discuss the legislation that will be affecting everyone’s wallets in 2018, on Tuesday, December 5th.

The meeting was also attended by Bd. Directors and set up by Sub-Committee Chairperson Diane Stromfeld.

TOWER TIMES • January 2023 • 17
Friends enjoying dinner a show at the VIP Grille, Saturday, December 3rd.
18 • TOWER TIMES • January 2023
TOWER TIMES • January 2023 • 19 We Take Care of Your Loved Ones Needs QUALIFIED HOME CARE, LLC •Caring Companionship •Respite Care •Errands & Appointments •Help with Personal Care •Meal Preparation •Light Housekeeping Non-Medical Private HHA Senior Care in Your Home (516) 570-3069 Got Clutter? • Closets • Kitchens • Downsizing • Storage Units • Decluttering • Home Offices • Paper Management ORGANIZE (516) 578-3590 with Alice • Packing and Unpacking
holiday decorations
Holidays at the Towers
brightened North Shore Towers this month.

Discover Resort Living at NORTH SHORE TOWERS

Enjoy the Ultimate Luxurious Lifestyle A Community Ahead of It’s Time! THE ONLY GATED GOLF COMMUNITY IN NYC!!

EXPERIENCE the MAGIC of NORTH SHORE TOWERS with unlimited and endless opportunities beyond your expectations! Explore NORTH SHORE TOWERS and Country Club, located on 110 acres, with its own lushly manicured private 18-hole, par-72 golf course. This extraordinary award-winning 24-hour gated community, with doormen and concierge services, has a prime location on the border of Queens and Nassau County, just 16 miles east of Manhattan! The TOWERS will afford you a unique luxurious unparalleled residence with incredible views!


Enjoy an indoor arcade mall that features a large variety of shops, including restaurants, Chase Bank, movie theatre, pharmacy, supermarket, fruit and vegetable store, and beauty salon. Additionally, enjoy the peace of mind of FULL-TIME GENERATORS–NEVER BE WITHOUT POWER.

Only at NORTH SHORE TOWERS can residents have a resort lifestyle with all the comforts of home! Both a courtesy bus to local shopping and an express MTA bus to Manhattan stop at your front door. Be surrounded by amazing amenities and a dedicated professional service-oriented staff! If you seek a unique blend of city and country club living, to discover this hidden gem, please call ANNETTE KROLL, the only resale broker with 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, SPECIALIZING in apartment sales at NORTH SHORE TOWERS! Your dream lifestyle awaits! A whole new world is only a phone call away, (718) 631-8867 when you call for a personal tour to have ANNETTE help you find the home of your dreams!

20 • TOWER TIMES • January 2023
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