《独一的真神》附录 及 经文索引

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᥊΢‫ހ‬Ї‫!ق‬ !

Ƞ㧆΋‫੿ޑ‬ઓȡȐբ‫ޣ‬Ǻ䦄ᅚ‫ށک‬㝃ȑࢂ΋ҁ 䞄Ϊᣓ䶈΋ઓ侬‫ޑ‬ख़ाཥ๱բǶ! ΋ઓ侬!...!ߞ‫ں‬΋ઓԂ୤΋‫ޑ‬ઓǴࢂ୷࿎২ߞ һ‫୷ޑ‬䲈௲㚜Ƕՠ㤄௲㚜㞊ࣗϿ೏࿼Ϊ‫ځ‬㠌ϼ ਥྍϷઓӧᣓ䶈ύ‫ޑ‬㭵ҢϐΠ䗂уаԵჸǶ୷ ࿎௲લЮ΋㚚ᆒ⍻ǵЌਥΪᣓ䶈‫ޑ‬΋ઓ侬Ǵ㤄 ΋㧀㛱‫ך‬䜹‫ޑ‬㳩㠆ғ‫ڮ‬䜨ғు僴Զ䛸ख़‫ޑ‬ӟ ݀ǴࣗԿߔ㻁Α‫ך‬䜹ֹӄ䛱Ј΋ཀӦᒥӺओ䳂 ӆΟ㳾俵‫ޑ‬保‫ڮ‬Ǻȸգा㝀Јǵ㝀‫܄‬ǵ㝀ཀǵ 㝀Κ䮫Ьգ‫ޑ‬ઓǶȹ! 㜾ओ䳂ӧ䵟ᑣᅽॣ 28 ക 4 乳㬏д‫ޑ‬Р䜀Ȩ㧆΋ ‫੿ޑ‬ઓȩ㟭Ǵ‫ز‬ഖдЈҞύ‫ޑ‬РࢂȨΟՏ΋ᥟ 侬ȩٚ‫ځޑ‬ύ΋ՏǴ㤆ࢂ୤΋‫ٗޑ‬Տ㧆΋‫੿ޑ‬ ઓ‫ګ‬ǻ٬২䜹࡛㪰௲䤐ઓ‫ޑ‬㧆΋‫ګ܄‬ǻ㛱Ϊ䵟 ᑣ‫܌‬俦‫ޑ‬ȨၰԋԺ‫ي‬ȩ...!㤄‡Γ‫ޑ‬俟ѡǴ‫ך‬ 䜹ΞӵՖ౛ှ‫ګ‬ǻ! Ƞ㧆΋‫੿ޑ‬ઓȡ΋䜐మධ೸䦒ӦှเΑ΢ॊϷ ‫ځ‬ѬԖ䞄‫ޑ‬剱匉Ƕ‫܍ޚ‬㰢Ȩ୤㧆ᣓ䶈ȩ(Sola Scriptura) ‫ޑ‬ᆒઓ!...!ջᣓ䶈ࢂ䤂ࢗ௲㚜‫ޑ‬୤ ΋䩯࠶Ǵբ‫୎ޣ‬ჸӧᣓ䶈ύεໆԖ䞄΋ઓ侬‫ޑ‬ 侳‵Ǵд‫׆‬ఈ俭‫ࡌૈޣ‬侰‫܄‬Ӧࣴ俭㤄٤偙਑Ƕ 㝀ᆅҁ䜐хࡴࡐӭ౛‫ࡘ܄‬Ե‫ޑ‬偙਑ǴՠѬന䶁 Կ䞄Ϫ‫ޑ‬㞊ࢂ䭹Ϊ劰ნ‫ޑ‬㳩㠆ғ‫ڮ‬ǵ҉ғǵ‫ک‬ ΋ԛҬбϒᣓ২‫ߞޑ‬ЈǶ!

㤄ҁ䠁Γు࣪‫ޑ‬䜐ς㛛ฦΪаΠ᥊ ֟!http://www.totg.orgǴ‫ٮ‬խ偎劈俭Ƕ‫ࢃ؂‬ය уబ΋കǴа僶僇БԄฦрǴ供俭‫ޣ‬Ԗкҽ‫ޑ‬ 㟭剷䗂ϸࡘ‫؂‬΋ය‫܌‬㛛ฦ‫ޑ‬㚵৒Ƕಃ΋යς㛛 ฦӧ᥊΢Ƕ!!!



Ң䞡㽕ⱘ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ঞ݊ᓹ䌯Ѯᑨ䆌ˈ ᯢⱑ෎ⴷⱘ⿄োĀ⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤā ៥ӀᏆ㒣ⳟࠄˈ Ā⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤā䎳໻िⱘৢ㺨ǃᓹ䌯ѮĀҹ㡆߫ ⥟āП䯈ⱘ݇㘨ˈЏ㽕ᰃ⑤㞾ϔ㆛䞡㽕ⱘᓹ䌯Ѯ䆫㆛˖ 䆫㆛ 2 ㆛˖ 2

ϪϞⱘ৯⥟ϔ唤䍋ᴹˈ㞷ᆄϔৠଚ䆂ˈ㽕ᬠᣵ䲙ӳᑊҪⱘফ 㝣㗙˄Ꮰԃᴹ᭛ Mashiachǒ Āᓹ䌯Ѯā ǓˈᏠ㜞᭛ ho ChristosǒĀ෎ⴷāǓ˅ˈ 6

䇈˖ Ā៥˄ेЏˈ4 㡖˅Ꮖ㒣ゟ៥ⱘ৯೼䫵ᅝ˄᠔ҹᰃþҹ㡆 ߫⥟ÿ ˅៥ⱘ೷ቅϞњDŽā 7

ফ㝣㗙䇈˖ Ā៥㽕Ӵ೷ᮼDŽ䲙ӳ᳒ᇍ៥䇈˖ þԴ Դᰃ៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ ៥Ҟ᮹⫳ԴDŽ 8

Դ∖៥ˈ៥ህᇚ߫೑䌤ԴЎ෎Ϯˈᇚഄᵕ䌤ԴЎ⬄ѻDŽÿ ā


ᔧҹఈ҆ᄤˈᘤᗩҪথᗦˈԴӀ֓೼䘧Ё♁ѵˈ಴ЎҪⱘᗦ ⇨ᖿ㽕থ԰DŽ޵ᡩ䴴Ҫⱘˈ䛑ᰃ᳝⽣ⱘDŽ 䖭䞠᳝ϝϾ೼ᮄ㑺䞠䴲ᐌ䞡㽕ⱘ䆡˖ Ā෎ⴷā ˄⼲ⱘফ㝣㗙ˈ2 㡖˅ ˗ߎ㞾໻िৢ㺨ⱘĀ⥟ā ˈ⬅⼲ᣛᅮⱘ⥟˄ Ā៥ⱘ৯ā ˅ ˗⼲ⱘĀ‫ܓ‬ ᄤā ˄ Ā៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤā ǃĀᄤāˈ7 㡖ǃ12 㡖˅ˈ䖭ѯ⿄োᣛⱘᰃৠϔϾ ҎDŽ೼ 7 㡖ˈ Āᄤā৥䙷ѯᡩ䴴ҪⱘҎᦤկњᑛᡸ੠ᬥᘽDŽ䖭㆛䆫 ㆛㟇݇䞡㽕ˈ಴Ўᅗᐂࡽ៥Ӏᯢⱑˈ⼲ⱘᓹ䌯Ѯǃ⼲ⱘ⥟ҹঞ⼲ ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤ䛑ᰃᣛৠϔϾҎDŽ 㘊⿷೼ফ⋫ⱘ䙷ϔࠏ˄ҪӴ䘧џᎹⱘᓔྟ˅ ˈҹঞҪ೼ቅϞᬍ



বᔶ‫ڣ‬ᯊˈ䛑᳝䆱Ң໽㗠䰡ˈ䖭ϔߛᙄᙄᑨ偠њ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ 7 㡖˖ 偀໾⽣䷇ 3 ゴ 17 㡖˖ ĀҢ໽Ϟ᳝ໄ䷇䇈˖ þ䖭ᰃ៥ⱘ⠅ᄤˈ៥ ᠔୰ᙺⱘDŽÿ ā 偀໾⽣䷇ 17 ゴ 5 㡖˖ Ā䇈䆱П䯈ˈᗑ✊᳝ϔᴉ‫ܝ‬ᯢⱘѥᔽ䙂 ⲪҪӀˈϨ᳝ໄ䷇Ңѥᔽ䞠ߎᴹ䇈˖ þ䖭ᰃ៥ⱘ⠅ᄤˈ៥᠔୰ᙺⱘˈ ԴӀ㽕਀ҪDŽÿ ā 䇋⊼ᛣˈᙄᙄᰃ೼偀໾⽣䷇˄᳔‫݋‬⢍໾㡆ᔽⱘ⽣䷇кˈ಴Ў 䞡ᖗᰃ䆕ᯢᮻ㑺⼲ⱘ䆱೼෎ⴷ䑿Ϟᑨ偠њ˅ ˈ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛⼲ⱘ䖭⬾䆱 ೼෎ⴷџ༝⫳⎃ⱘϸϾ݇䬂ᯊࠏˈⳳⱘᑨ偠೼њҪ䑿ϞDŽ ᳝䍷ⱘᰃˈϔᴀ䞡㽕ⱘᏠ㜞᭛ᡘᴀ೷㒣˄D˅ⱘ䏃ࡴ⽣䷇ 3 ゴ 22 㡖˄㘊⿷ফ⋫ⱘϔࠏ˅ᰃ䖭ḋ䇈ⱘ˖ĀԴᰃ៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ៥Ҟ᮹ ⫳ԴDŽ āॳ᭛㗗おᄺ㗙 B. D. Ehrman ೼݊ᮄ䖥㨫԰lj䫭䇃ᓩ⫼㘊⿷ ⱘ䆱NJ ˄Misquoting Jesusˈ2005˅ЁЏᓴ䇈ˈ䖭ᠡᰃ᳔߱ⱘ㒣᭛ˈ ৢᴹ㹿Āডஷᄤ䆎⌒ā˄antiadoptionistsˈϝԡϔԧⱘࠡ䑿˅᳈ᬍ њˈЎⱘᰃߴএĀஷᄤ䆎⌒ā˄adoptionists˅᠔ᓩ⫼ⱘ㒣᭛DŽĀஷ ᄤ䆎⌒āЏᓴ䇈ˈ㘊⿷ᰃ೼ফ⋫ⱘ䙷ϔࠏ៤њ⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽEhrman ᬭᥜᣛߎˈ Āডஷᄤ䆎⌒ā໻ৃϡᖙᢙᖗˈ಴Ў䏃ࡴ⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 35 㡖ᮽᏆᦤࠄњ㘊⿷ᰃ⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤⱘॳ಴˖Ҫᰃスཇ᠔⫳DŽ lj䫭䇃ᓩ⫼㘊⿷ⱘ䆱NJϔк೼ 158-161 义䆺㒚᥶䅼њ䏃ࡴ⽣䷇ 3 ゴ 22 㡖ˈ԰㗙䯤䗄њ⧚⬅ˈ䆕ᯢ᳔߱ⱘ㒣᭛ᰃĀ៥Ҟ᮹⫳Դā DŽ Ehrman ߫ߎњϔϾৃ䴴ⱘ䆕᥂˖ᮽᳳᬭӮⱘᕜ໮ᬭ⠊˄ࣙᣀ␌ᮃ ϕˈ֘ゟḍˈ༹সᮃϕ˅ᓩ⫼䖭㡖㒣᭛ᯊˈ䛑䇏԰Ā៥Ҟ᮹⫳Դā ˄খⳟ㘨ড়೷㒣݀Ӯߎ⠜ⱘljᏠ㜞᭛ᮄ㑺೷㒣NJ䞠ⱘ᭛ᴀ⊼㾷˅DŽ ĀѠǃϝϪ㑾ⱘᯊ‫˄׭‬៥Ӏ⦄᳝ⱘ໻䚼ߚᡘᴀᔧᯊ䖬≵᳝ᔶ៤˅ˈ 㔫偀ǃѮग़ቅ໻ǃ࣫䴲ǃᏈࢦᮃഺǃ催शǃ㽓⧁⠭ㄝ৘Ͼഄᮍˈ 䛑ᰃ䖭ḋᓩ⫼䖭㡖㒣᭛ⱘā ˄ lj䫭䇃ᓩ⫼㘊⿷ⱘ䆱NJˈ159 义˅DŽ ⦄೼‫ⳟݡ‬ϔⳟ㑺㗄⽣䷇ᣓԚϮҹঞ偀໾⽣䷇ᕐᕫⱘਞⱑˈህ ৃҹ⏙᱄ഄⳟ㾕䖭⬾䆱ⱘᮻ㑺෎⸔˖ 512 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 49 㡖˖ ĀᣓԚϮ䇈˖ þᢝ↨ˈԴᰃ⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈԴ ᰃҹ㡆߫ⱘ⥟DŽÿ ā 偀໾⽣䷇ 16 ゴ 16 㡖˖ Ā㽓䮼ᕐᕫಲㄨ䇈˖ þԴᰃ෎ⴷˈᰃ∌ ⫳⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽÿ ā ϸϾҎ䛑ᡓ䅸㘊⿷ᰃĀ⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤā ˈℷབ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ⱘ䆱DŽᣓԚ Ϯгᡓ䅸㘊⿷ᰃ䙷ԡᑨ䆌ⱘĀ⥟ā ˈ㗠ᕐᕫᡓ䅸㘊⿷ᰃĀᓹ䌯Ѯā ˄෎ⴷ˅ DŽ೼䆫㆛㄀ 2 ㆛ˈ Āᄤāߎ⦄њϸ⃵ˈৃ㾕ϝϾ⿄োᔧЁˈ ĀᄤāᰃЏ㽕⿄োDŽ䖭ϔ⚍гৃҹҢᣓԚϮǃᕐᕫⱘ䖭ϸ↉䆱Ё ᕫࠄ䆕ᅲˈϸ↉䆱䛑ߎ⦄њĀᄤā DŽ ᇍᮄ㑺㗠㿔ˈ䆫㆛㄀ 2 ㆛䖭ѯ䆡∛ϡԚᕜ䞡㽕ˈ㗠Ϩϸ⃵ᦤ ࠄĀᄤāᇸЎ䞡㽕DŽᮄ㑺ད޴໘ഄᮍᓩ⫼њ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ 7 㡖DŽेՓ ≵᳝ᓩ⫼䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ 7 㡖ˈԚ↣⃵Փ⫼Āᄤā៪㗙Ā⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤāᯊˈ 䛑ᰃҹ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛⼲ⱘᅷਞᴹ⧚㾷ᅗⱘᛣᗱⱘDŽ᠔ҹ៥Ӏ⫼Ā⼲ⱘ ‫ܓ‬ᄤā䖭ϔ⿄োᯊˈϡ㛑ᡯᓔᮻ㑺෎⸔ˈ䱣֓ᣝ✻㞾ᏅⱘᬭНࡴ ҹ㾷䞞ˈ⫮㟇᪙㞾ᡞᅗᬍЎĀᄤ⼲āüüϔϾᮄǃᮻ㑺ᅠܼ≵᳝ ⱘৡ⿄DŽ Փᕦ㸠Ӵ 13 ゴՓᕦᮽᳳⱘӴ䘧ֵᙃЁˈህᓩ⫼њ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ 7 㡖ˈՓᕦֱ㔫ᰃ䖭ḋ䇈ⱘ˖ Ā៥Ӏг᡹དֵᙃ㒭ԴӀˈህᰃ䙷ᑨ䆌 ⼪ᅫⱘ䆱ˈ⼲Ꮖ㒣৥៥Ӏ䖭԰‫ܓ‬ཇⱘᑨ偠ˈি㘊⿷໡⌏њDŽℷབ 䆫㆛ 2 ㆛Ϟ䆄ⴔ䇈˖ þԴᰃ៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ៥Ҟ᮹⫳ԴDŽ ÿā ˄ᕦ 13:32-33˅ ᳝䍷ⱘᰃˈՓᕦⳟ⼲ি㘊⿷Ң⅏䞠໡⌏ᰃ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ 7 㡖ⱘᑨ 偠DŽेᰃ䇈ˈֱ㔫ᯢⱑĀ⫳āϢĀ໡⌏āП䯈ⱘ㘨㋏DŽ೼㔫偀к 1 ゴ 4 㡖ˈֱ㔫জᦤࠄњ䖭Ͼ㘨㋏˖ Āᣝ೷୘ⱘ♉䇈ˈ಴Ң⅏䞠໡ ⌏ˈҹ໻㛑ᰒᯢᰃ⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽ ā Ꮰԃᴹк 5 ゴ 5 㡖гᓩ⫼њ䆫㆛ 2 ゴ 7 㡖˖ Āབℸˈ෎ⴷгϡ ᰃ㞾প㤷㗔԰໻⽁ৌˈЗᰃ೼Т৥Ҫ䇈þԴᰃ៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ៥Ҟ᮹ ⫳Դÿⱘ䙷ϔԡDŽ ā 偀໾⽣䷇ 16 ゴ 16 㡖˖ Ā㽓䮼ᕐᕫಲㄨ䇈˖ þԴᰃ෎ⴷˈᰃ∌ 513 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


⫳⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽÿ ā Ꮰԃᴹк 1 ゴ 5 㡖˄Ϟञ㡖˅ ˖Ā᠔᳝ⱘ໽Փˈ⼲Ңᴹᇍાϔ Ͼ䇈ˈ þԴᰃ៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ៥Ҟ᮹⫳Դÿ˛ā Ꮰԃᴹк 1 ゴ 5 㡖˄ϟञ㡖˅ ˖ ĀজᣛⴔાϔϾ䇈ˈ þ៥㽕԰Ҫ ⱘ⠊ˈҪ㽕԰៥ⱘᄤÿ ˄ᩦϟ 7:14ˈҷϞ 17:13˅˛ā Ꮰԃᴹк 1 ゴ 5 㡖Ϟञ㡖ᓩ⫼ⱘᰃ䆫㆛ 2 ゴ 7 㡖DŽ㗠ϟञ㡖 ᠔ᓩ⫼ⱘ㒣᭛ˈ݊‫ݭ‬԰ᑈҷ䎳䆫㆛ 2 ゴ 7 㡖ⱘ‫ݭ‬԰ᑈҷⳌᔧ᥹䖥ˈ 䖭᳝ࡽѢ៥Ӏᯢⱑᮄ㑺Ā⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤāⱘ⿄োˈ಴ЎᅗᰒᯢߎĀ⼲ ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤāⱘ⿄োᰃᴹ㞾ᮻ㑺ˈ݊৿Н䎳㽓ᮍ˄໪䙺˅ᬭӮⱘ⫼⊩ ᅠܼϡৠDŽ㽓ᮍᬭӮᰃᣝ✻ϝԡϔԧ䆎ⱘᬭᇐՓ⫼Ā⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤā ϔ䆡ⱘˈϝԡϔԧ䆎ᬭНᰃ೼ሐ㽓ѮӮ䆂˄݀‫ ܗ‬325 ᑈ˅Ϟℷᓣ ⹂ゟⱘDŽ Ꮰԃᴹк 1 ゴ 5 㡖ϟञ㡖ᓩ⫼ⱘᰃ⼲㒭໻िⱘᑨ䆌ˈ⼲䇈໻ िⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤ᠔㔫䮼㽕㒻ᡓ໻िⱘ⥟ԡˈᑊ㽕೼㘊䏃ᩦ‫ދ‬ᓎ䗴㄀ϔᑻ ೷↓DŽ⼲ㄨᑨ‫خ‬᠔㔫䮼ⱘ⠊ˈ᠔㔫䮼‫خ‬Ҫⱘᄤˈ䖭Ͼᑨ䆌೼ᮻ㑺 䴲ᐌ⣀⡍ˈᮻ㑺ग़৆к㟇ᇥ䞡໡њ 4 ⃵˖ϔ⃵೼ᩦ↡㘇䆄ϟˈϝ ⃵೼ग़ҷᖫϞ˖ ᩦ↡㘇䆄ϟ 7 ゴ 13-14 㡖˖ ĀҪ˄᠔㔫䮼˅ᖙЎ៥ⱘৡᓎ䗴↓ ᅛˈ៥ᖙമᅮҪⱘ೑ԡˈⳈࠄ∌䖰DŽ៥㽕԰Ҫⱘ⠊ˈҪ㽕԰៥ⱘ ᄤĂĂā ग़ҷᖫϞ 17 ゴ 12-13 㡖˖ĀҪᖙЎ៥ᓎ䗴↓ᅛˈ៥ᖙമᅮҪ ⱘ೑ԡⳈࠄ∌䖰DŽ៥㽕԰Ҫⱘ⠊ˈҪ㽕԰៥ⱘᄤĂĂā ग़ҷᖫϞ 22 ゴ 9 㡖˖ ĀҪᖙЎ៥ⱘৡᓎ䗴↓ᅛDŽҪ㽕԰៥ⱘ ᄤˈ៥㽕԰Ҫⱘ⠊DŽҪ԰ҹ㡆߫⥟ˈ៥ᖙമᅮҪⱘ೑ԡˈⳈࠄ∌ 䖰DŽā ग़ҷᖫϞ 28 ゴ 6 㡖˖ Ā䲙ӳᇍ៥䇈˖ þԴ‫ܓ‬ᄤ᠔㔫䮼ᖙᓎ䗴៥ ⱘ↓੠䰶ᅛˈ಴Ў៥ᢷ䗝Ҫ԰៥ⱘᄤ˗៥гᖙ԰Ҫⱘ⠊DŽ ā

514 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ጼџᲕΖ 1 【 5 㞲ᝰᑅ⩘⮴䔉⃥͔㏿᪷᰹҅‫ڣ‬㖄঒喠 ৃҹⳌᔧ㚃ᅮഄ䇈ˈ䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ᰃ໻ि䖛Ϫৢˈ᠔㔫䮼ⱏ෎԰ ⥟ⱘࡴ‫⼐ݩ‬䆫℠DŽП᠔ҹᕫߎњ䖭Ͼ㒧䆎ˈḍ᥂ህᰃˈᏠԃᴹк 1 ゴ 5 㡖᠔ᓩ⫼ⱘ㒣᭛ᰃ⼲㒭᠔㔫䮼ⱘᑨ䆌ˈ⦄೼䖭ᑨ䆌জᑨ⫼ ೼њ䖭ԡĀ↨᠔㔫䮼᳈໻āⱘ෎ⴷ䑿Ϟˈ᠔ҹ⼲Ϣ෎ⴷⱘ⠊ᄤ݇ ㋏䖰↨⼲Ϣ᠔㔫䮼ⱘ⠊ᄤ݇㋏᳈҆ᆚDŽ

Ā⠜⩏ႀā Ā⼲⠅ϪҎˈ⫮㟇ᇚҪⱘ⣀⫳ᄤ˄monogen s˅䌤㒭ҪӀˈি ϔߛֵҪⱘˈϡ㟇♁ѵˈডᕫ∌⫳DŽā˄㑺 3:16˅ བԩ⧚㾷㑺㗄⽣䷇ⱘ monogen s ϔᄫਸ਼˛㣅᭛ϡৠ䆥ᴀ᳝ϡ ৠⱘ㗏䆥˖ Āonly Sonā ˄⣀ᄤˈRSV˅ˈ Āonly begotten Sonā ˄⣀⫳ ᄤˈKJV˅ˈ Āone and only Sonā ˄⣀ϔ᮴Ѡⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈNIV˅ DŽᮄ㑺া ᳝䖭ϔ⃵⿄㘊⿷ЎĀ⣀⫳ᄤā ˈৃ㾕Ā⣀⫳ᄤāᑊ䴲㘊⿷ⱘᛃᐌ⿄ ੐DŽࠄᑩ㑺㗄⽣䷇ 3 ゴ 16 㡖ᰃҔМᛣᗱਸ਼˛᳝ϸ㡖㒣᭛ৃҹᐂࡽ ៥Ӏᯢⱑ˖ ķ Ꮰԃᴹк 11 ゴ 17 㡖гߎ⦄њ䖭Ͼ䆡˖ ĀѮԃᢝ㔩಴ⴔֵˈ 㹿䆩偠ⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬ህᡞҹᩦ⤂Ϟˈ䖭֓ᰃ䙷⃶୰乚ফᑨ䆌ⱘˈᇚ㞾 Ꮕ⣀⫳ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤ˄monogen s˅⤂Ϟā˄খⳟᏠԃᴹ೷㒣ঞϗक຿䆥 ᴀ˅ DŽؐᕫ⏅ᗱⱘϡԚᰃ㑺㗄⽣䷇াߎ⦄њϔ⃵Ā⣀⫳ᄤāϔ䆡ˈ 㗠Ϩ‫↨ݡ‬䕗ϔϟ㑺㗄⽣䷇ 3 ゴ 16 㡖⼲ĀᇚҪⱘ⣀⫳ᄤ䌤㒭ҪӀā ˈ ህ᳈ࡴᛣੇ⏅䭓DŽ಴ЎѮԃᢝ㔩᳔㒜ᑊ≵᳝⤂ҹᩦˈԚ⼲಴Ў⠅ ϪҎˈЎњᣃᬥϪҎˈⳳⱘ⤂Ϟњ㞾Ꮕⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽ ⢍໾Ҏ㒭Ѯԃᢝ㔩⤂ҹᩦ䖭ӊ䞡໻ሲ♉џӊ䍋њϾৡᄫˈি ‫خ‬ĀAqedahā ˄ᤚ㒥˅DŽ䖭ӊџᰃϾ乘㸼ˈ乘㸼⼲ЎњϪҎⱘᬥᘽˈ 㟡њ㞾Ꮕⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽϡ㽕ᗑ⬹෎ⴷϢҹᩦⱘᑇ㸠݇㋏ˈ৺߭ህⳟϡ 㾕݊Ёϔḋ䞡㽕ⱘሲ♉⎉НњDŽḍ᥂ Aqedahˈҹᩦ਀㾕Ѯԃᢝ㔩 䇈ᇚҪ⤂ϞЎ⽁ᰃ䲙ӳⱘᮼᛣˈ֓ᖗ⫬ᚙᜓ⤂Ϟ㞾ᏅˈѮԃᢝ㔩 515 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ḍᴀ≵᳝ᔎ䖿ҪDŽҹᩦᖗ⫬ᚙᜓᅠܼ乎᳡⼲ⱘᮼᛣˈ䖭ህ乘㸼њ ෎ⴷᅠܼ乎᳡⠊DŽ гϡ㽕ᗑ⬹њѮԃᢝ㔩ᴀҎгᅠܼ乎᳡䲙ӳˈ㒱ᇍֵ䴴ҪDŽ ֵ䴴˄៪Ⳍֵ˅੠乎᳡ᰃϡৃߚࡆⱘˈֱ㔫ᣛߎˈѮԃᢝ㔩ⱘֵ ᖗԧ⦄೼ˈҪⳌֵབᵰ⼲ⳳⱘ㽕Ҫ⤂Ϟҹᩦˈ⼲г㛑໳䅽ҹᩦҢ ⅏䞠໡⌏ˈདᅲ⦄㒭Ҫⱘᑨ䆌˄খⳟ㔫 4:17˅ DŽৃ㾕ϡԚҹᩦᅠܼ 乎᳡⼲ˈ⠊҆Ѯԃᢝ㔩гᅠܼ乎᳡⼲DŽҪӀᇍ⼲ⱘᅠܼ䰡᳡੠਀ ੑˈ乘㸼њ㘊⿷ⱘ⫳ੑ㋴䋼DŽ ߿ᖬњˈ෎ⴷП᠔ҹ㹿छࠄњ⠊ⱘে䖍ˈ䖭ᰃ⼲ᇍ෎ⴷ乎᳡ ⱘಲᑨDŽԚϝԡϔԧ䆎ै䇈䖭ᰃ෎ⴷ䑿ЎĀᄤ⼲āᑨ᳝ⱘᴗ߽ˈ 㗠ϡᰃ⠊䌤ќҪⱘˈ㒧ᵰህᡞ೷㒣ⱘ෎ᴀⳳ⧚䙂㬑њ䍋ᴹDŽ ĸ ෎ⴷ԰ЎĀ⣀⫳ᄤāˈ݊⡍߿П໘г೼ѢˈҪ᠔ᕫࠄⱘ‫ܓ‬ ᄤ䑿ӑˈ⫮㟇䖲᳔催ⱘ໽Փг≵᳝ᕫࠄ˖Ꮰԃᴹк 1 ゴ 5 㡖˄Ϟ ञ㡖˅ ˖ Ā᠔᳝ⱘ໽Փˈ⼲ҢᴹᇍાϔϾ䇈ˈ þԴᰃ៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ៥Ҟ ᮹⫳Դÿ˛ā ⫮㟇᳔ӳ໻ⱘ⼲Қᨽ㽓гҢ᳾㹿⿄ЎĀ⼲ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤā ˈሑㅵҪ䎳 ⼲ⱘ݇㋏г䴲ᐌ҆ᆚ˖ Ꮰԃᴹк 3 ゴ 5-6 㡖˖ Āᨽ㽓ЎҚҎˈ೼⼲ⱘܼᆊ䆮✊ሑᖴˈ Ў㽕䆕ᯢᇚᴹᖙӴ䇈ⱘџDŽԚ෎ⴷЎ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ⊏⧚⼲ⱘᆊDŽ ā ᠔㔫䮼ᔧ✊≵᳝ᨽ㽓ⱘሲ♉䑿䞣ˈ䙷МЎҔМ⼲݀ᓔ⿄ҪЎ 㞾ᏅⱘĀ‫ܓ‬ᄤāਸ਼˛ॳ಴ᑊϡ೼Ѣ᠔㔫䮼ᴀ䑿ˈ㗠೼ѢҪᰃ乘㸼 њ෎ⴷǃ Ā䙷ᇚ㽕ᴹⱘā ˄໾ 11:3˅ ǃ䙷ԡᓹ䌯ѮǃᬥϪЏDŽ᠔㔫䮼 ᓎ䗴њ㄀ϔᑻ೷↓ˈԚ෎ⴷैᓎ䗴њᑊ䴲䴴Ҏ᠟᠔䗴ⱘ೷↓DŽ෎ ⴷᰃⳳℷⱘĀ⼲ⱘҹ㡆߫⇥ā ˄ࡴ 6:16˅ⱘ⥟ˈ⼲ĀᖙമᅮҪⱘ೑ ԡⳈࠄ∌䖰ā˄ҷϞ 17:12˅DŽ

516 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


㑺㗄⽣䷇ 8 ゴ 58 㡖 Ā㘊⿷䇈˖ þ៥ᅲᅲ೼೼ഄਞ䆝ԴӀ˖䖬≵᳝Ѯԃᢝ㔩ህ᳝њ ៥DŽ ÿ ā ˄㑺 8:58˅ Ā䖬≵᳝Ѯԃᢝ㔩ህ᳝њ៥ā ˈ㣅᭛ⱘ㗏䆥ᰃĀbefore Abraham was, I amāˈЁ᭛ⱘⳈ䆥ᰃĀ೼Ѯԃᢝ㔩Пࠡˈ៥ᰃā DŽ䖭㡖㒣᭛ ⱘĀ៥ᰃāᰒ✊ᰃϔ⾡ᔎ䇗䇁⇨ˈৃϡৃҹ⧚㾷ЎĀ៥ᰃ೼Ѯԃ ᢝ㔩Пࠡāਸ਼˛㑺㗄⽣䷇䖬᳝ϸ㡖㉏Ԑⱘ㒣᭛˖ 㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 15 㡖˖ Ā㑺㗄ЎҪ԰㾕䆕ˈ୞ⴔ䇈˖ þ䖭ህᰃ៥ ᳒䇈ˈ䙷೼៥ҹৢᴹⱘˈড៤њ೼៥ҹࠡⱘˈ಴Ҫᴀᴹ೼៥ҹࠡDŽ ÿ ā ˄ ,MZDYQQKa PDUWXUHL SHUL DXMWRX NDL NHYNUDJHQ OHYJZQ RX_WRa K?Q R`Q HL?SRQ R- RMSLYVZ PRX HMUFRYPHQRa H>PSURVTHYQ PRX JHYJRQHQ R`WL SUZ WRYa PRX K?Q˅ ೼㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 30 㡖ˈᮑ⋫㑺㗄䖭হ䆱জॳॳᴀᴀഄ䞡໡њ ϔ⃵DŽ㟇ѢЎҔМҪ˄ᓹ䌯Ѯ㘊⿷˅Ā೼៥ҹࠡāˈ㑺㗄㾷䞞䇈ˈ Ā಴Ҫᴀᴹ೼៥ҹࠡ˄SUZ WRa˅āDŽℸ໘ SUZ WRaᔧ✊ৃҹᰃᣛᯊ 䯈ˈህ䎳㑺㗄⽣䷇ 8 ゴ 58 㡖ⱘĀbeforeā˄prin˅ϔḋDŽ㑺㗄˄䎳 Ѯԃᢝ㔩ϔḋ˅г⫳Ѣ㘊⿷Пࠡˈ᠔ҹ㘊⿷ᗢ㛑೼ᯊ䯈Ϟᮽ䖛㑺 㗄ਸ਼˛ԐТ䖭হ䆱ⱘᛣᗱᰃˈ㑺㗄⋲㾕ࠄњ Logos˄៪ Memra˅ˈ ⼲ⱘ䘧ˈ‫ⴔ׳‬㘊⿷ⱘ㙝䑿ᰒ⦄њDŽৃҹ㚃ᅮⱘᰃˈ䑿Ўֵ༝ϔ⼲ 䆎ⱘ⢍໾Ҏˈ㑺㗄㒱ϡӮᛇࠄ˄៪㗙ᅷ⿄˅㘊⿷ᰃ⼲DŽ ᮴䆎བԩˈ㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 15 㡖ǃ30 㡖ⱘ⹂ᰃ೼䇈ˈᮑ⋫㑺㗄 ᡓ䅸㘊⿷↨Ҫ໻DŽৠḋˈ㑺㗄⽣䷇ 8 ゴ 58 㡖гᰃ೼䇈ˈ㘊⿷⫮㟇



↨ҹ㡆߫⇥ᮣП⠊ǃ Ā⼲ⱘ᳟টāѮԃᢝ㔩䖬໻DŽ䖭⾡⧚㾷ᰃᅠܼ ℷ⹂ⱘˈ಴Ў㑺㗄⽣䷇ 8 ゴ 58 㡖ህᰃ೼ಲㄨ 53 㡖ⱘ䯂乬˖ Ā䲒䘧 Դ↨៥Ӏⱘ⼪ᅫѮԃᢝ㔩䖬໻৫˛ā 㒣ᐌ᳝Ҏᣛߎ㑺㗄⽣䷇ⱘ‫ݙ‬ᆍ䎳ᇍ㾖⽣䷇໻Ⳍᕘᒁˈℷ಴བ ℸˈᕜ໮ᄺ㗙䋼⭥⫮㟇৺ᅮ㑺㗄⽣䷇৆᭭ⱘⳳᅲᗻˈ಴Ўᅗ䎳঺ ޴ᴀ⽣䷇кⱘ䆄䕑ϡਏড়ˈϡৃ㛑ϸ⾡䇈⊩䛑ᇍDŽ✊㗠བᵰ㑺㗄 ⽣䷇ 8 ゴ 58 㡖ⱘ෎ᴀᛣᗱᰃˈ㱑✊Ѯԃᢝ㔩ᕜ໻ˈԚ㘊⿷ᓹ䌯Ѯ ↨Ҫ᳈໻ˈ䙷М䖭ህ䎳ᇍ㾖⽣䷇ད໮໘㒣᭛Ⳍਏড়њˈ಴Ўᇍ㾖 ⽣䷇гᔎ䇗њ㘊⿷ᰃ໻ⱘ˖໻䖛೷↓˄໾ 12:6˅ˈ໻䖛㑺ᣓ˄໾ 12:41ˈ䏃 11:32˅ ˈ໻䖛᠔㔫䮼˄໾ 12:42ˈ䏃 11:31˅DŽ

518 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ֹ㔍ᢌ㒹á•&#x;⩩੠á•&#x;âŠŠâą˜Đ?Ńš্Ë› Р᭛䆼㗙⊟˖ҚĎ&#x;ä†˜âŠźäŠœá‡?âą˜á°ƒăŁ…á­›ä†Ľá´€ೡă’Łâą˜â€ŤÝ™â€Źá†?Ç„

á&#x;ĽÓ€ŕłźă„€Ď—ă‚´äŠœá‡?ă”Ťĺ €Đş 10 ă‚´ 6-9 ăĄ–âą˜ä…źä†ŽËˆá°ƒ৺䎳ֹ㔍೟ ŕ ĄĎ”ăĄ–âą˜ä†ąâłŒá˘‰㞺ਜË› ă”Ťĺ €Đş 10 ă‚´ 5 ăĄ–áŽ„ŕł‘ä°™â œá´€ Ë„NIVË…âą˜ă—?ä†Ľá°ƒËˆ Ä€Moses describes in this way the righteousness that is by the law: ĂžThe man who does these things will live by them.Ăż Ç?ß˝ 18:5Ç?Ä Ë„ᨽ㽓བℸጣ㒏䴴á•&#x;âŠŠă— á•Ťâą˜Ý€Đ?Ë– Ä€㸠ä–­ŃŻŃ&#x;âą˜ŇŽËˆáˆ…ÓŽáŁ?âœťá…—⍳âŒ?Ç„Ä Ë… Ä€㸠ä–­ŃŻŃ&#x;âą˜ŇŽËˆáˆ…ÓŽáŁ?âœťá…—⍳âŒ?Ä á°ƒŇ”Đœá›Łá—ąŕ¨śË›ŕ˝–áľ°Ä€㸠ä–­ŃŻŃ&#x;Ä á°ƒáŁ›Ä€áŁ?âœťá…—⍳âŒ?Ä Ëˆä™ˇĐœä–­ŕŚžá°ƒáĄžá›Łá—ąâłŒৠâą˜হá„¤äžĄŕťĄ Ď”ä˜ĄËˆâ†Šă‚łâ‰ľáł?áŁ?âœťá…—⍳âŒ?Ëˆá°’âœŠáˆ…á°ƒâ‰ľáł?ᇚᅗ㸠ߎᴚDŽϥ䖛䖭 á‘Š䴲ᨽă˝“ä™ˇâŹžä†ąâą˜á›Łá—ąÇ„ NIV ä†Ľá´€âą˜Ä€willÄ ă¸źä–’á•ŤĎĄáŻ˘âš‚Ëˆă˝•âśšä˜§Ëˆä–­äž âą˜Ä€willÄ ĎĄá°ƒĎ”ă €⍟âŠŠËˆŕĽ‡㸟ä–’á›Łáœ“á&#x;Şáœ“á›ŁËˆă— á°ƒ㸟䖒ᇚᴚᯊᗕĀwill liveÄ Ë„]KYVHWDLË…Ç„೼ӫ໮ăŁ…á­›ä†Ľá´€Đ Ëˆášłáł?áŽ„ă˜Šä?ƒኌâ€ŤŢ‹â€Źâ œá´€Ë„NJBË… â?™áą„ഄᥞᇚᴚᯊᗕ㸟䖒њߎᴚ˖ Ä€Moses writes of the saving justice that comes by the Law and says that whoever complies with it will find life in it.Ä Ë„ᨽă˝“ä†ŽŕŚžá•&#x;âŠŠâą˜ᏼŇŽâą˜Đ?áŻŠä‡ˆËˆä™ˇŃŻä™‰㸠á…—âą˜ŇŽËˆ ᇚӎҢРá‡?áĄ’ŕ „⍳ŕŠ‘Ë…

ĀᇚӎҢРá‡?áĄ’ŕ „⍳ŕŠ‘Ä Ëˆä–­ŕŚšă—?ä†ĽáłˆἚä–Ľá? ԃᴚ᭛˄aKB %ˈ bahemË…âą˜á›Łá—ąË–á‡šÓŽÄ€Ңá…—Ä á&#x;ŞÄ€ä´´á…—Ä âŒ?â´”Ç„ă— áŽ„ă˜Šä?ƒኌâ€ŤŢ‹â€Źâ œ Ň‚äśˆ䞪Ń‘Ǵ俊ώá™ŒÓ‘ÇśŇ äœ?Ń‘ӧаΠἊÖ&#x;ĺŠˆäż­Çşiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ᴀᡞॳ᭛ⱘᛣᗱ㗏䆥њߎᴹ˖Ҏ‫ⴔ׳‬ᅗ៪಴ⴔᅗˈᇚӮᡒࠄ⫳ੑDŽ ेᰃ䇈ˈᕟ⊩ᰃҎᡒࠄ⫳ੑⱘ䗨ᕘDŽ䖭ḋⱘ㾷䞞ヺড়Ꮰԃᴹ᭛ beth ˄% ˅ⱘ⫼⊩ˈHALOT 㒭 beth ϟⱘᅮНᰃ˖ Ā9.˄beth˅ᣛⱘᰃ˄Ҏ ៪⠽ⱘ˅಴ᵰ݇㋏ā ˈҹঞ㄀ 6 ⚍˖Ā˄beth˅ᣛᯢњ䗨ᕘ៪ၦҟDŽ ā ᮄׂ䅶ᴀ˄NRS˅㔫偀к 10 ゴ 6 㡖˖But the righteousness that comes from faith says˄Ԛ䙷ᴹ㞾ֵᖗⱘНབℸ䇈˅ˈĀDo not say in your heartˈ þWho will ascend into heaven?ÿ ā(that is, to bring Christ down) 㣅᭛䆥ᴀ˄ࣙᣀ NJB˅䇏㗙䴶ᇍⱘ঺ϔϾ䯂乬ᰃˈ㔫偀к 10 ゴ 6 㡖ᰃҹĀԚᰃā԰ЎᓔྟⱘDŽ㗠ĀԚᰃā৿᳝Ⳍডˈ䎳Ϟ᭛ ⳌᙪⱘᛣᗱDŽ䖭㒃㊍ᰃড᯴њ䆥㗙ⱘ⼲ᄺ‫أ‬⠅ˈ಴ЎᏠ㜞᭛䖲᥹ 䆡 de˄GHY˅ϡϔᅮᰃⳌডⱘᛣᗱDŽ䖭ϔ⚍ৃҹҢ BDAG 㒭ߎⱘᅮ Н⏙᱄ৃ㾕˖ 1. ᡞϔ㋏߫Ⳍ݇ⱘ䌘᭭៪ভ䗄হᄤ䖲᥹䍋ᴹⱘ䖲᥹䆡ˈҹঞǃ 㟇ѢDŽ㒣ᐌ⫼೼ϔ㋏߫ⳌԐⱘџ⠽Ϟˈ⫼Ѣさߎ݊ЁϾ߿П໘DŽ 2. ᡞ৘Ͼভ䗄ⱘ䚼ߚ䖲᥹䍋ᴹⱘ䖲᥹䆡ˈ⦄ ⦄೼ǃᔧᯊǃҹঞǃ ᠔ҹǃህᰃDŽ 3. ৿ ᳝ ࡴ ⏏ ˈ г ৃ 㛑 ᏺ ᳝ ᇍ ↨ ⎉ Н ⱘ 䖲 ᥹ 䆡 ˈ ৠ ᯊ ˖ 3DX OR GRX OR THRX DMSRYVWROR GH ,MKVRX &ULVWRX ֱ㔫ˈ⼲ⱘҚ Ҏˈৠᯊгᰃ㘊⿷෎ⴷⱘՓᕦ˄໮ 1:1 Ё᭛Ⳉ䆥˅ DŽ Ԛǃ঺ϔᮍ䴶DŽ 4. ᰒߎᇍ↨ⱘ䖲᥹䆡ˈԚ 㗠Ϩ….಴ℸгˈ 5. Ϣ NDL䖲⫼ˈҹ䖒ࠄᔎ䇗ᬜᵰⱘ䖲᥹䆡ˈ㗠 ㉏ԐⱘˈৠḋⱘˈгᰃDŽ Ўᮍ֓䇏㗙䍋㾕ˈ៥ᡞ BDAG ѨϾᅮН䛑߫њߎᴹDŽᕜᯢᰒˈ া᳝㄀ಯϾᅮНᏺ᳝ᇍ↨ⱘ⎉НˈԚ䖭ᰃ㣅᭛䆥ᴀⱘ䇏㗙᮴⊩ⶹ 䘧ⱘˈ㒧ᵰҪӀ䖬ҹЎ㔫偀к 10 ゴ 6 㡖ⱘ䆱䎳 5 㡖ᰃⳌডⱘˈ✊ 㗠џᅲᑊ䴲བℸDŽ ডᇍֱ㔫ⳟ෎ⴷབৠᕟ⊩ⱘ䇈⊩䖬᳝঺ϔϾॳ಴ˈ䖭䎳ҎӀ 520 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ᇍ㔫偀к 10 ゴ 4 㡖ⱘ᱂䘡⧚㾷᳝݇DŽ㔫偀к 10 ゴ 4 㡖䇈ˈĀFor Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.ǒESV 䆥ᴀǓā ˄ᕟ⊩ⱘᘏ㒧ህᰃ෎ⴷˈՓ޵ֵҪⱘ䛑ᕫⴔ Нǒ੠ড়ᴀǓ˅DŽĀThe endāᛣੇⴔџᚙⱘ㒜ℶ៪㒧ᴳ˄੠ড়ᴀ㗏 䆥៤Āᘏ㒧ā˅DŽབᵰᕟ⊩Ꮖ㒣㒜ℶњˈ䙷М䇈෎ⴷབৠᕟ⊩জ᳝ ҔМᛣНਸ਼˛ ‫ˈࠄⳟ⃵ݡ‬া᳝ᮄ㘊䏃ᩦ‫ދ‬⠜ᴀᇍ䖭㡖㒣᭛‫ߎخ‬њϡৠⱘ㗏 䆥˖ ĀBut the Law has found its fulfillment in Christ so that all who have faith will be justified.ā ˄Ԛᕟ⊩೼෎ⴷ䞠ᕫҹ៤ܼˈՓ޵ֵⱘ Ҏ䛑ᕫҹ⿄НDŽ˅ ЎҔМϡৠ䆥ᴀⱘ㗏䆥䛑ϡϔ㟈ਸ਼˛ㄨḜ೼Ѣˈ㗏䆥ЎĀend ˄㒜㒧˅ ā៪Āfulfillment˄៤ܼ˅ āⱘᏠ㜞ᄫⱘ⹂ࣙ৿њ䖭ϸϾᛣ ᗱˈ㟇Ѣ䗝ᢽાϾᛣᗱˈህ೼Т䆥㗙ⱘ⼲ᄺゟഎњDŽ 㗏䆥ЎĀendā ˄੠ড়ᴀ㗏䆥៤Āᘏ㒧ā ˅ⱘॳ᭛ᰃ telos˄WHYOR ˅ ˈ 㒜⚍ǃ 䖭ᰃ BDAG 㒭ќⱘᅮНПϔ˖ Ā3. ϔϾ㸠ࡼ᠔ᳱ৥ⱘⳂᷛˈ㒜 ā೼ৠϔϾᷛ乬ϟˈBDAG 䖭ḋ䆘䆎䘧˖ Ā䖭ϾᅮН Ⳃᷛǃ㒧ᵰDŽ ᰃᕟ⊩ⱘⳂᷛ੠㒜㒧ā ˄㉫ԧᰃ ៪䆌㛑໳䯤ᯢ㔫 10:4ˈे෎ⴷৠᯊᰃ ᴀк԰㗙ࡴⱘ˅DŽ ᮄ㘊䏃ᩦ‫ދ‬⠜ᴀⱘĀfulfillment˄៤ܼ˅āԐТᰃᛇ㒧ড় telos ⱘϸϾᅮН˖Ⳃᷛ੠㒜㒧ˈ‫׳‬ℸ䇈ᯢ೼෎ⴷ䞠ˈᕟ⊩㒜Ѣ˄end˅ 䖒៤њᅗⱘⳂᷛˈ೼Ҫ䞠䴶ᕫҹ៤ܼњ˄fulfillment˅DŽ䖭ህ㸼ᯢˈ ᕟ⊩ǃ Ā䖭䘧ā ˄⬇ 30:14ˈ㔫 10:8˅೼෎ⴷ䞠៤њ㙝䑿ˈ᠔ҹ᳡Ң ෎ⴷህᰃ᳡Ңњᕟ⊩ˈҢ㗠ህ៤ܼњᕟ⊩DŽ

521 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ѯ݄᭛ᮻ㑺䆥ᴀⱘ޴⚍㾖ᆳ བᵰѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺ⱘষӴ੠к䴶㗏䆥ᰃྟѢᮄ㑺ᯊҷҹৢˈ䙷 М⫼ᅗ԰খ㗗䌘᭭ᴹ⧚㾷㑺㗄⽣䷇ⱘࠡ㿔ঞᭈᴀᮄ㑺ˈᰒ✊ህϡ ৃ䴴њDŽҹϟᨬᔩ偀ϕg呺㒇偀ᢝⱘ㨫԰ljѮ݄᭛䆥ᴀϢᮄ㑺NJ ĀᏈࢦᮃഺѮ݄᭛䆥ᴀⱘ䍋⑤੠Ӵ䗦ā˄Targum and Testament ĀOrigin and Transmission of the Palestinian Targumā˅ϔゴЁⱘϔ ↉䆱ˈҪᇚ䖭Ͼ䯂乬䆆㾷ᕫ䴲ᐌ⏙Ἦ˖ Ā᮴䆎བԩˈ᱂䘡Ϟ䛑ৠᛣˈࠄњ݀‫ࠡܗ‬ϔϪ㑾ˈᨽ㽓Ѩ㒣 ˄гৃ㛑ࣙᣀњ݊ᅗ೷㒣кो˅ⱘѮ݄᭛䆥ᴀᏆ㒣೼⢍໾ҎᔧЁ ⌕ӴњDŽ Ā೼ℸ៥ӀЏ㽕݇⊼ⱘᰃᨽ㽓Ѩ㒣Ѯ݄᭛䆥ᴀˈᅗᰒ✊ᰃ᳔ ᮽ៤ᔶⱘDŽ㟇Ѣབԩ៤ᔶⱘˈᰃ৺ϔ⃵䖛㗏䆥њߎᴹˈ䖬ᰃ㒣䖛 њᕜ䭓ϔ↉ᯊ䯈䗤⏤㗏䆥ߎᴹⱘˈ䖭ህϡᕫ㗠ⶹњDŽ៥Ӏা㛑䇈 ᅗ᳔ᮽᰃߎ⦄೼⢍໾ӮූⱘᭀᢰҾᓣϞˈᰃᔧӫ䇏ᕟ⊩кᯊⱘ⦄ എ㗏䆥DŽ ā ˄80 义˅ Ā㑺⨳໿˄Josephus˅㛑໳༌㗔䇈˖þ䇈ࠄ៥Ӏⱘৠ㚲ˈ㽕ᰃ ᳝Ҏ䱣֓ᡒϔϾҎ䆶䯂៥Ӏⱘᕟ⊩ˈҪゟࠏህৃҹ՗՗㗠䇜ˈ↨ ⶹ䘧㞾Ꮕⱘৡᄫ䖬໮DŽ䖭ᰃ಴Ў៥Ӏ㞾ᇣϔពџ䍋ˈህᓔྟᄺд ᕟ⊩ˈᕟ⊩Ꮖ㒣ࠏ೼њ៥Ӏᖗ♉䞠˄ljড假䰓ⲂᅝNJContra Apionem IIˈ17ǒ18Ǔsec 178˅ DŽ ÿ Ā໻໮᭄ҹ㡆߫Ҏᑨ䆹ᰃҢӮූⱘѮ݄᭛㗏䆥Ёᄺࠄᨽ㽓ᕟ ⊩ⱘˈ䖭ℷᰃҹᮃᢝⱘੑҸ੠⫼ᛣˈेᬭᇐҹ㡆߫⇥ᨽ㽓ⱘᕟ⊩DŽ ෎Ѣ䖭Ͼॳ߭ˈ⢍໾ᬭ乚ᇐӀህӮᇚᭈᴀᕟ⊩к䛑㗏䆥៤Ѯ݄᭛ˈ ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ᯊ䯈䖰䖰ᮽѢ෎ⴷᬭᯊҷDŽ ā˄81 义˅ Āৃ㾕೼෎ⴷᬭᯊҷПࠡˈ⢍໾ӮූህᓔྟњѮ݄᭛㗏䆥ⱘ Ӵ㒳DŽ ā ˄82 义˅ Āᘏ㗠㿔Пˈ⦄Ҟⱘᨽ㽓Ѩ㒣Ꮘࢦᮃഺ䆥ᴀ᭛ᴀˈᕜৃ㛑ᰃ Ӵ䖒њ໻䞣೼෎ⴷᬭ䆲⫳ࠡህᏆ㒣⹂ゟњⱘᨽ㽓Ѩ㒣ⱘᛣ䆥‫ݙ‬ ᆍDŽ䖭ѯ‫ݙ‬ᆍгᰃᮽᳳ෎ⴷᬭᯊᳳⱘ⢍໾ᬭ᠔❳ᙝⱘˈབᵰᣝ✻ ϹḐⱘ⾥ᄺॳ߭Փ⫼ˈ䙷М䖭ѯᛣ䆥ⱘ‫ݙ‬ᆍᵕ݊䞡㽕ˈ᳝ࡽѢ៥ Ӏ䖬ॳ෎ⴷ੠ҪⱘՓᕦӀ᠔Ӵ䆆ⱘֵӄDŽ ā

523 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


㑺㗄⽣䷇ 12 ゴ 41 㡖ⱘ޴Ͼ㾷㒣㽕⚍ ҹϟৃҹ⿄԰ᰃϔϾ㾷㒣㸹‫ˈܙ‬ϔᮍ䴶ᰃЎњ᳈ࡴ䆺ሑഄ≆ পߎ䖭㡖䞡㽕㒣᭛ⱘ৿ᛣˈ঺ϔᮍ䴶гᰃЎњ㒭ϡ❳ᙝ㾷㒣ⱘҎ ᦤկϔϾ㾷㒣⼎㣗DŽ៥Ӏᕔᕔ਀㾕ⱘᰃ㒧䆎ˈैϡⶹ䘧䖭Ͼ㒧䆎 ᰃབԩᕫߎᴹⱘ˄བᵰⳳᰃ㒣䖛ϔѯড়⧚ℹ偸ᠡᕫߎᴹⱘ˅DŽ 㑺㗄⽣䷇ 12 ゴ 41 㡖˖ Āҹ䌯Ѯ಴Ўⳟ㾕Ҫⱘ㤷㗔ˈህᣛⴔҪ 䇈䖭䆱DŽ ā䖭ᰃヺড়Ꮰ㜞ॳ᭛ⱘℷ⹂㗏䆥ˈ໻䚼ߚ䆥ᴀ䛑ᰃ䖭ḋ㗏 䆥ⱘˈԚ㣅᭛ NIV 䆥ᴀコ✊ばᬍЎĀҹ䌯ѮĂĂⳟ㾕㘊⿷ⱘ㤷 㗔ĂĂā㑺㗄⽣䷇ 12 ゴ 41 㡖ⱘĀҪāⱘ⹂᳝ৃ㛑ᰃᣛ㘊⿷ˈѢ ᰃ໻䚼ߚϝԡϔԧ䆎㗙ህゟࠏᕫߎ㒧䆎䇈˖ৃ㾕ҹ䌯Ѯк 6 ゴЏ ⱘᓖ䈵݊ᅲᰃ㘊⿷ⱘᓖ䈵ˈ᠔ҹ⧚ᔧⳟ㘊⿷ЎϢЏ˄े䲙ӳ˅ৠ ㄝⱘDŽህ䖭ḋˈҹ䌯Ѯк 6 ゴ֓៤њϝԡϔԧᬭНⱘ⧚᥂DŽ Ԛ᳝ѯᄺ㗙˄↨བᏈ䳋⡍ˈ䖜ᇨㄝҎ˅ै↨䕗䇼ᜢˈ಴ЎҪ Ӏ䴲ᐌ⏙Ἦˈ䖭⾡ㄝৠᰃḍᴀ≵᳝೷㒣ḍ᥂ⱘDŽЎҔМਸ਼˛಴Ў ᮴䆎୰⃶Ϣ৺ˈҪӀ⏅ⶹ೷㒣ᬭᇐⱘᰃϔ⼲䆎ˈ䇕ᛇ䇈ҹ䌯Ѯ㾕 ࠄⱘЏ݊ᅲᰃ㘊⿷ˈ䙷Мህᰃℾ᳆њҹ䌯Ѯⱘᴀᛣˈ᳈ϡ⫼䇈ᰃ ೼݀✊᮴㾚ᮄᮻ㑺ⱘϔ⼲䆎ᬭᇐˈࣙᣀ㑺㗄⽣䷇њ˄↨བখⳟ㑺 ⣀ϔⱘⳳ⼲ˈᑊϨ䅸䆚Դ᠔Ꮒᴹⱘ㘊⿷෎ⴷˈ䖭ህ 17:3ˈ Ā䅸䆚Դ⣀ ᰃ∌⫳DŽ ā䖬᳝㑺 5:44˅DŽ Ԛḍ᥂ҹ䌯Ѯⱘᓖ䈵䇈Џህᰃ㘊⿷ˈ䖭Ͼ㒧䆎П᠔ҹϡ㛑៤ ゟˈ݊ᅲ䖬᳝ϔϾॳ಴DŽӫ᠔਼ⶹˈҎⱘ㙝ⴐᰃⳟϡ㾕⼲ⱘˈ᠔ ҹĀҢᴹ≵᳝Ҏⳟ㾕⼲ā˄㑺 1:18˅ DŽ䇕㽕ᰃⳈ᥹㾕ࠄњЏˈ䙷М ҪгϡӮ⌏ⴔ䇜䆎䖭Ͼᓖ䈵њDŽ↨བ೼ߎ඗ঞ䆄 33 ゴ 20 㡖ˈЏ ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ᇍᨽ㽓䇈˖ĀԴϡ㛑ⳟ㾕៥ⱘ䴶ˈ಴ЎҎ㾕៥ⱘ䴶ϡ㛑ᄬ⌏DŽāᮄ 㑺гৠḋᯢ⹂ഄ䇈˖ Āࠄњ᮹ᳳˈ䙷ৃ⿄乖ǃ⣀᳝ᴗ㛑ⱘϛ⥟П⥟ǃ ᰃҎ᳾᳒ ϛЏПЏˈህᰃ䙷⣀ϔϡ⅏ˈԣ೼Ҏϡ㛑䴴䖥ⱘ‫ܝ‬䞠ˈᰃ ⳟ㾕ˈгᰃϡ㛑ⳟ㾕ⱘˈ㽕ᇚҪᰒᯢߎᴹDŽԚᜓᇞ䌉੠∌䖰ⱘᴗ 㛑䛑ᔦ㒭ҪDŽ䰓Ӏʽ ā ˄ᦤࠡ 6:15-16˅DŽ˄䖭ϔߛ䎳ҹ䌯Ѯк 6 ゴ 1 㡖ঞҹϟⱘ㒣᭛Ⳍ⶯Ⳓ৫˛ᑊϡ⶯Ⳓˈ㑺㗄⽣䷇ 12 ゴ 41 㡖ᙄᙄ ‫ߎخ‬њ㾷䞞ˈҹ䌯Ѯⳟ㾕ⱘᰃĀҪⱘ㤷㗔ā ˈᑊ䴲ҪᴀҎDŽ˅ 䙷М㑺㗄䇈ҹ䌯Ѯⳟ㾕њҪ˄㘊⿷˛˅ⱘ㤷㗔জᰃҔМᛣᗱ ਸ਼˛Ā䘧ā ˄Logos˅ᰃ⼲ⱘ㞾៥ਃ⼎ˈLogos ᰒ䴆ߎњ⼲ⱘ㤷㗔ˈ Āি៥Ӏᕫⶹ⼲㤷㗔ⱘ‫ܝ‬ᰒ೼㘊⿷෎ⴷⱘ䴶Ϟā ˄ᵫৢ 4:6˅ˈे៥ Ӏᰃ䗣䖛෎ⴷ㘊⿷ᕫⶹ⼲ⱘ㤷㗔ⱘDŽ䖭ᙄᙄᰃ಴ЎĀҪᰃ⼲㤷㗔 ᠔থⱘ‫ܝ‬䕝ā˄ᴹ 1:3˅DŽĀ‫ܝ‬䕝ā˄apaugasma˅ᴀ䑿ህ䇈ᯢњ䖭ᰃ থᇘߎᴹⱘ‫ˈܝ‬᠔ҹৃҹ䇈Ҫᰃ⼲㤷㗔ⱘ㤷㗔˄থߎᴹⱘ‫˅ܝ‬ DŽᘏ Пҹ䌯Ѯⳟ㾕ⱘᑊ䴲Ⳉ᥹ⱘǃϡ㒣ၦҟⱘ⼲ⱘᓖ䈵˄ࠡ᭛Ꮖ㒣ᦤ 䖛ˈ೷㒣䇈䖭ᰃϡৃ㛑ⱘ˅ˈ㗠ᰃĀ⼲㤷㗔᠔থⱘ‫ܝ‬䕝āˈህᰃ෎ ⴷˈҪ៤њ䘧˄Memra˅ⱘĀ࣪䑿ā ˄খⳟ㑺 1:14ˈ Ā៥Ӏг㾕䖛Ҫ ǒ䘧Ǔⱘ㤷‫ܝ‬ā˅ DŽ ᄺ㗙Ӏᰃ䌲ৠ䖭ḋ㾷㒣ⱘˈ↨བ䘧ᮃ䇈˖ Ā⼲೼ᮻ㑺䞠ⱘᰒ⦄ˈ ᰃҹ໾߱ህᄬ೼ⱘ Logos˄䘧˅Ўၦҟⱘā ˄ ljᏠ㜞᭛ᮄ㑺⊼䞞NJ ǒThe Expositor’s Greek TestamentǓˈ㑺 12:41˅DŽৠḋˈᏈ䳋⡍г䇈˖ Āҹ 䌯Ѯк 6 ゴ᠔ᦣ㒬ⱘ⼲ⱘᰒ⦄ˈᅠܼৃҹ⿄ПЎþ⼲ⱘ㤷㗔ÿ ā ˄St Johnˈ360 义˅ DŽ䎳Ϟ᭛ᦤঞⱘᄺ㗙ӀϔḋˈᏈ䳋⡍г‫؛‬䆒㑺㗄ⱘ ෎ⴷⱘ㤷㗔ˈ䇜䆎ⱘᰃ෎ⴷā ˄㉫ԧᰃᏈ䳋 ᛣᗱᰃĀҹ䌯Ѯⳟ㾕њ෎ ⡍ࡴⱘ˅ DŽ ༛ᗾⱘᰃˈ䖭ѯᄺ㗙ӀԐТ≵᳝ᛣ䆚ࠄ˄៪㗙ϡᜓᛣ䆚ࠄ˅ 㞾Ꮕⱘ㾖ᗉᰃ᳝䯂乬ⱘDŽ݊ЁϔϾ䯂乬ህᰃˈҪӀ㒃㊍ᰃ೼‫؛‬䆒 㘊⿷ㄝৠѢ Logosˈ៪㗙 Logos ㄝৠѢ㘊⿷DŽԚ䖭⾡‫؛‬䆒᳝ҔМ೷ 㒣ḍ᥂ਸ਼˛㑺㗄⽣䷇ḍᴀ≵᳝䖭⾡ㄝᓣˈḍ᥂㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 14 㡖ˈ ៤ њ㙝䑿ā˄R- ORYJRa VD U[ HMJHYQHWR˅DŽ᠔ҹᑊϡᰃ ೼㘊⿷䞠Ā䘧៤ 525 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ĀLogos ㄝৠѢ㘊⿷ā ˈ㗠ᰃĀLogos ೼㘊⿷䞠៤њ㙝䑿āˈѠ㗙ᰃ ៾✊ϡৠⱘDŽ Logos 䎳㘊⿷ⱘ⹂䗣 䗣䖛៤Ў㙝䑿㗠ড়ϔњˈԚḍ᥂㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ᑊ䴲П ゴ 14 㡖ˈ䘧೼㘊⿷䞠៤њ㙝䑿ৢˈ䘧Ϣ㘊⿷ᠡ៤Ўњϔˈᑊ ࠡህᰃড়㗠ЎϔⱘDŽϔᮺᥠᦵњ䖭Ͼㅔऩⱘ䘧⧚ˈ䙷М‫ݡ‬ᴹⳟ䖭 হ㾷䞞ˈ↨བ㣅᭛ NIV 䆥ᴀ㗏䆥Ўҹ䌯ѮĀⳟ㾕њ㘊⿷ⱘ㤷㗔āˈ ៥Ӏህᑨ䆹ⳟᕫߎ䖭ᰃ䫭䇃ⱘњDŽ៥Ӏ乊໮ৃҹ䇈Ҫⳟ㾕њ Logos ⱘ㤷㗔ˈԚ㑺㗄೼ 12 ゴ 41 㡖ᑊ≵᳝䖭ḋ䇈DŽ䙷ᯊ‫ ׭‬Logos 䖬≵ ᳝೼㘊⿷䞠Ā៤Ў㙝䑿ā ˈҹ䌯Ѯᗢ㛑ⳟ㾕㘊⿷ⱘ㤷㗔ਸ਼˄䰸䴲䖭 ᰃϔ⾡乘㿔ᓣⱘ䇁㿔˅˛Ꮘ䳋⡍ⱘ䇈⊩˄ᓩ᭛㾕Ϟ˅ቖϡᰃᡞᯊ 䯈᧲х༫њ৫˛

ℛᬐᵩᢞ⮴շ䃮 䙷ѯ݇⊼㾷㒣‫⹂ޚ‬ᗻⱘ䇏㗙˄ᘤᗩЎ᭄ϡ໮˅ህӮ⬭ᛣࠄˈ ៥Пࠡ‫خ‬њϔϾ‫؛‬䆒ˈै≵᳝ࡴҹ䆕ᯢDŽҔМḋⱘ‫؛‬䆒ਸ਼˛៥‫؛‬ 䆒ϝԡϔԧ䆎ⱘゟഎᰃℷ⹂ⱘˈेĀҪⱘ㤷㗔ā˄㑺 12:41˅ᰃᣛ 㘊⿷᳾䘧៤㙝䑿Пࠡāⱘ㤷㗔˄ϟᴹ៥ӀӮ᥶䅼䖭হ䆱˅DŽԐТ Ā㘊 ҢϞϟ᭛ⳟᴹড়ᚙড়⧚ˈԚ䖭⾡ড়ᚙড়⧚ⳳⱘ᮴䳔䖯ϔℹⱘ䆕᥂ њ৫˛ᑨϡᑨ䆹䯂˖བᵰ㑺㗄⫼ĀҪāᣛ㘊⿷ˈ߭ЎҔМϡⳈ៾ њᔧഄ䇈ᰃĀ෎ⴷⱘ㤷㗔āਸ਼˛಴ЎᏠ㜞᭛Ā෎ⴷⱘā ǃ ĀҪ˄autos˅ ⱘāϸϾ䆡ˈ᮴䆎ᰃ䇈ߎᴹ䖬ᰃ‫ߎݭ‬ᴹˈ䭓ᑺ䛑Ꮒϡ໮DŽ བℸ䞡㽕ⱘ䯂乬ˈᗢ㛑߁῵㊞ⱘĀҪāᄫˈ֓ϔ䫸ᅮ䷇ਸ਼˛ ᭈϾϝԡϔԧ䆎ⱘ䆎⚍ህᰃᓎゟ೼䖭⾡‫؛‬䆒෎⸔Ϟⱘ˖‫؛‬䆒䖭Ͼ ĀҪāᰃᣛ㘊⿷DŽ៥ህ乎ⴔ䖭Ͼ‫؛‬䆒ˈᛇⳟⳟ䙷ѯ↨䕗᳝䋷ӏᖗ ⱘᄺ㗙ӮᕫߎҔМḋⱘ㒧䆎DŽ៥ӀᏆ㒣ⳟ㾕ˈҪӀা㛑㒧䆎䇈ˈ 㘊⿷ᰃ⼲ⱘ LogosDŽ ЎњᖴѢ⼲ⱘ䆱ˈ៥ᖙ乏ᆳ偠䖭Ͼ‫؛‬䆒ᰃ৺ℷ⹂ˈབᵰ៥Ӏ ೼Џ䴶᳝ࠡ䋳䋷ӏⱘᗕᑺˈቖϡᰃᑨ䆹䯂˖䖭ⳳᰃ㑺㗄ⱘᛣᗱ৫˛ བᵰᰃˈ߭ЎҔМҪϡϔ䇁䘧⸈ˈै䅽䇏㗙⣰⌟䖭হ䆱ᰃᣛ Logosˈ 526 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


៪㗙ᰃᣛЏ㘊⿷ਸ਼˛‫މ‬Ϩা㽕䇏䖛ҹ䌯Ѯк 6 ゴⱘˈ䛑ⶹ䘧݊Ё ĀҪāᄫᣝϞϟ᭛ᴹⳟˈᰃ೼ᣛĀЏā˄Adon˅ ˈ㄀ 5 㡖ህ‫݋‬ԧᣛ ߎᰃ䲙ӳDŽ៥Ӏᗢ㛑㤝⥛ഄ‫؛‬䆒䇈˄ད‫ڣ‬ϝԡϔԧ䆎㗙᠔‫˅ⱘخ‬ ˈ ֵ༝ϔ⼲䆎ⱘ㑺㗄˄ҹঞ⢍໾ֵᕦˈҪӀᰃ᳔ᮽ䇏㑺㗄⽣䷇ⱘҎ˅ гӮ㤝⥛ഄ⫼ϔϾϡᯢ⹂ⱘĀҪāᄫᣛ㘊⿷ਸ਼˛ ៥Ӏቖϡ䆹䯂˖41 㡖ⱘĀҪāᄫˈ䎳‫ݙ‬ᆍ៾✊ϡৠⱘ 40 㡖᳝ ҔМ㘨㋏ਸ਼˛40 㡖াᄫ᳾ᦤĀ㤷㗔ā˄⫮㟇Пࠡ㒣᭛г≵᳝ᦤ˅DŽ 䲒䘧៥Ӏḍᴀϡ㗗㰥䖭ϸ㡖㒣᭛˄40 㡖Ϣ 41 㡖˅П䯈ⱘ‫ݙ‬೼㘨 ㋏ˈ֓‫އ‬ᅮњĀҪāⱘᛣᗱ৫˛㟇Ѣ䖭ϸ㡖㒣᭛᳝ҔМ㘨㋏ˈ᮴ 䆎ᰃ೼ҹ䌯Ѯк䖬ᰃ೼㑺㗄⽣䷇ˈᘤᗩ៥Ӏা㛑ᡒࠄϔ⚍˖ሑㅵ ҹ䌯Ѯᕫࠄњ⼲ⱘ㤷㗔ⱘ໻ᓖ䈵ˈг҆ⴐⳂⵍњ䙷ӑ㤷㗔ˈԚҹ 㡆߫⇥ձ✊ᖗ⹀ˈᡫᢦⳳ⧚ˈϡᜓ਀Ңҹ䌯ѮDŽ 䖭ቖϡℷᰃ㑺㗄⽣䷇ড໡ᔎ䇗ⱘϔ⚍৫˛㑺㗄⽣䷇ᔎ䇗䇈ˈ ҹ㡆߫⇥гᰃ䖭ḋᇍᕙ㘊⿷ⱘDŽ㘊⿷԰Ў䘧ⱘ㙝䑿ᰒ⦄ˈ㑺㗄⽣ ䷇ড໡䇈Ҫᰃ㾕䖛⠊ⱘ䙷ϔԡˈҪ䅸䆚⠊ˈᑊϨ৥៥Ӏਃ⼎њҪ ᠔㾕ⱘDŽৃᰃℷབҪӀᢦ㒱њҹ䌯Ѯˈ⦄೼ҪӀгҹৠḋᮍᓣᢦ 㒱њ㘊⿷DŽ˄⬭ᛣ㑺㗄⽣䷇㒣ᐌߎ⦄Āⳟ㾕āϔ䆡DŽ˅䖭ḋⳟᴹˈ 41 㡖ⱘĀҪāᑨ䆹ᰃᛃᐌᛣᗱˈेᰃᣛ䲙ӳˈℷབҹ䌯Ѯ೼ 6 ゴ 1 㡖᠔ᅷਞⱘ˗㗠᮶✊䇏㑺㗄⽣䷇ⱘҎ˄⡍߿ᰃ⢍໾䇏㗙˅䛑ⶹ 䘧䖭ᰃᣛ䲙ӳˈ㑺㗄ᔧ✊᮴䳔⡍߿‫݋‬ԧѸᕙ䖭ᰃᣛ䲙ӳDŽԚ‫؛‬བ 㑺㗄ᬙᛣ㽕ᣛ㘊⿷ˈ䙷Мᰒ✊Ҫቖϡህᕫ‫݋‬ԧѸᕙˈϡৃ㛑‫؛‬䆒 䇏㗙Ӯ‫ߎخ‬䖭⾡‫؛‬䆒৫˛ ᘏᣀᴹ䇈ˈ40ǃ41 㡖ⱘ䞡⚍ቖϡᰃ೼䇈ˈ㱑✊ҹ䌯Ѯⳟ㾕њ 䲙ӳⱘ㤷㗔ˈԚӫҎᢦ㒱њҪⱘֵᙃ˗ৠḋˈ㘊⿷гⳟ㾕њ⠊⼲ ⱘ㤷㗔ˈ㗠Ϩ䖰䖰䍙䖛њҹ䌯Ѯ᠔ⳟ㾕ⱘˈԚ䖬ᰃ✻ḋ˄݊ᅲᰃ ࡴ‫ס‬ഄˈ಴Ў᳔㒜㘊⿷㹿䩝⅏೼њकᄫᶊϞ˅㹿⢍໾Ҏᢦ㒱њ৫˛

527 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ਃ⼎ᔩ 19 ゴ 13 㡖Ā⼲ⱘ䘧ā Ā11 ៥㾖ⳟˈ㾕໽ᓔњDŽ᳝ϔऍⱑ偀DŽ健೼偀Ϟⱘˈ⿄Ў䆮ֵ ⳳᅲDŽҪᅵ߸ѝ៬䛑ᣝⴔ݀НDŽ12 Ҫⱘⴐ⴯བ☿✄ˈҪ༈Ϟ᠈ⴔ 䆌໮‫ݩݴ‬DŽজ᳝‫ⱘⴔݭ‬ৡᄫˈ䰸њҪ㞾Ꮕ≵᳝Ҏⶹ䘧DŽ13 Ҫこⴔ ⑙њ㸔ⱘ㸷᳡DŽҪⱘৡ⿄ЎĀ⼲П䘧ā DŽ14 ೼໽Ϟⱘӫ‫ˈݯ‬健ⴔⱑ 偀ˈこⴔ㒚咏㸷ˈজⱑজ⋕ˈ䎳䱣ҪDŽ15 ᳝߽ࠥҢҪষЁߎᴹˈ ৃҹߏᴔ߫೑DŽҪᖙ⫼䪕ᴪ䕪ㅵҪӀ˄Ā䕪ㅵāॳ᭛԰Ā⠻ā˅ DŽᑊ 㽕䐍ܼ㛑⼲⚜ᗦⱘ䜦ὼDŽ16 ೼Ҫ㸷᳡੠໻㝓Ϟˈ᳝ৡ‫ⴔݭ‬䇈ˈϛ ⥟П⥟ˈϛЏПЏDŽ ā ˄ਃ 19:11-16˅ 㱑✊ϝԡϔԧ䆎㗙ᕔᕔ‫؛‬䆒 19 ゴ 13 㡖ᰃᣛ෎ⴷˈԚ䗣䖛䆺 㒚㾷㒣ৃҹ䆕ᯢˈ䖭䞠ᣛⱘᰃĀϛ‫ݯ‬ПЏā䲙ӳˈ಴Ў 19 ゴ 14 㡖䇈ˈ໽Ϟⱘӫ‫ݯ‬䛑䎳䱣ҪDŽ㗠Ϩᮄ㑺䰸њਃ⼎ᔩ 19 ゴ 16 㡖П ໪ˈᚳ᳝ᦤᨽ໾ࠡк 6 ゴ 15 㡖জߎ⦄њϔ⃵Āϛ⥟П⥟ǃϛЏП Џā䖭Ͼܼ⿄ˈ䙷䞠ᣛⱘᰃĀ៥Ӏ⣀᳝ᴗ㛑ⱘā⠊⼲DŽ19 ゴ 13 㡖ⱘϞϟ᭛ˈ䎳ᮻ㑺䇜䆎䲙ӳⱘ乘㿔䘹Ⳍ੐ᑨDŽ ˄೼ਃ⼎ᔩ 17 ゴ 14 㡖ˈ䖭Ͼ⿄ো䕀ᤶњ乎ᑣ˖ĀϛЏПЏǃ ϛ⥟П⥟ā DŽ䖭䞠ⱘ⹂ᰃ೼ᣛ㹿⼲催Вⱘ㕨㕞DŽ˅Ԛ䰸њ 19 ゴ 13 㡖ҹ໪ˈ Ā⼲ⱘ䘧āϔ䆡೼ਃ⼎ᔩߎ⦄њ 5 ⃵˄ਃ 17:17 ⱘĀ䘧ā ᰃ໡᭄ᔶᓣˈЁ᭛೷㒣㗏䆥ЎĀ䆱ā˅ˈℷབ೼ᮄ㑺݊ᅗ㒣᭛Ёⱘ ⫼⊩ϔḋˈᛣᗱᰃ⼲䗣䖛⽣䷇᠔Ӵ䖒ⱘֵᙃDŽ ᳝Ҏѝ䕽䇈ˈ19 ゴ 13 㡖ᦤࠄĀҪこⴔ⑙њ㸔ⱘ㸷᳡ā ˈৃ㾕 ᰃᣛ㘊⿷DŽ䖭ᰃ೼‫؛‬䆒㸔ᰃҪ㞾Ꮕⱘ㸔DŽԚҪᰃ೼Ā䐍ܼ㛑⼲⚜ ᗦⱘ䜦䝵ā ˄15 㡖˅ ˈ᳈‫ڣ‬ᰃ㸷᳡⑙Ϟњ⼲ⱘᬠҎⱘ㸔DŽ ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


R. H. Charles ೼ Ҫ ⱘ ϸ ‫ ݠ‬Ꮌ 㨫 Critical and Exegetical Commentary of the Revelation of St. John Ёˈгϡৠᛣਃ⼎ᔩ 19 ゴ 13 㡖䙷ԡ健偀㗙㸷᳡Ϟⱘ㸔ᰃ㞾Ꮕⱘ㸔ˈҪ䖭ḋ‫ݭ‬䘧˖Ā↨䕗ϔ ϟҹ䌯Ѯк 63 ゴ 1-3 㡖üü៥Ӏⱘ԰㗙᠔ᛇࠄⱘ㒣᭛üüህ䆕ᅲ њ䖭ϔ㒧䆎˖ þ䖭Ңҹϰⱘ⊶ᮃᢝ㗠ᴹˈこ㑶㸷᳡ĂĂᰃ䇕ਸ਼˛2 Դⱘ㺙ᡂЎԩ᳝㑶㡆˛Դⱘ㸷᳡Ўԩ‫ڣ‬䐍䜦䝵ਸ਼˛3.៥⣀㞾䐍䜦 䝵ĂĂ៥থᗦᇚҪӀ䏉䏣ˈҪӀⱘ㸔⑙೼៥㸷᳡ϞDŽÿāḍ᥂䖭↉ 䆱ⱘϞϟ᭛ˈЏ䇁᮴⭥ᰃ䲙ӳDŽ Ңਃ⼎ᔩ 19 ゴ 17 㡖˄ঞҹϟ˅ৃҹⳟ㾕䲙ӳ䐍ᅵ߸Ā䜦䝵ā ⱘ㒧ᵰ˖ Ā៥জⳟ㾕ϔԡ໽Փキ೼᮹༈Ёˈ৥໽ぎ᠔亲ⱘ右໻ໄ୞ ⴔ䇈˖ þԴӀ㘮䲚ᴹ䍈⼲ⱘ໻ㅉᐁˈ18 ৃҹৗ৯⥟Ϣᇚ‫ⱘݯ‬㙝ˈໂ ຿Ϣ偀੠健偀㗙ⱘ㙝ˈᑊϔߛ㞾ЏⱘǃЎ཈ⱘˈҹঞ໻ᇣҎ⇥ⱘ 㙝DŽ ÿāҹ㽓㒧к 39 ゴ 17 㡖˄ঞҹϟ˅乘㿔䖛њ䖭ӊџ˖ ĀҎᄤଞˈ Џ䲙ӳབℸ䇈˖Դ㽕ᇍ৘㉏ⱘ亲右੠⬄䞢ⱘ䍄‫ݑ‬䇈˖ԴӀ㘮䲚ᴹ ৻ʽ㽕Ңಯᮍ㘮ࠄ៥ЎԴӀ⤂⽁Пഄˈህᰃ೼ҹ㡆߫ቅϞ⤂໻⽁ ПഄˈདিԴӀৗ㙝ୱ㸔DŽ18 ԴӀᖙৗ࢛຿ⱘ㙝ĂĂāҹ㽓㒧к 39 ゴ᥹ϟᴹ䆆ߎњ䖭ϔߛⱘ⫼ᛣ˖ Ā21 ៥ᖙᰒ៥ⱘ㤷㗔೼߫೑Ёˈ ϛ⇥ህᖙⳟ㾕៥᠔㸠ⱘᅵ߸Ϣ៥೼ҪӀ䑿Ϟ᠔ࡴⱘ᠟DŽ22 䖭ḋˈ Ң䙷᮹ҹৢˈҹ㡆߫ᆊᖙⶹ䘧៥ᰃ䲙ӳҪӀⱘ⼲DŽā䲙ӳ䗣䖛৥ϔ ߛ԰ᙊⱘᅲᮑ݀Нⱘᅵ߸ˈህ৥ϛ⇥ᕄᰒߎњҪⱘ㤷㗔DŽ ৃҹᣛ㘊⿷䖭ԡ㕨㕞ˈ಴Ў䲙ӳᢷ䗝 े֓བℸˈ19 ゴ 13 㡖гৃ њҪЎᓹ䌯ѮˈЎ⼲೼ϪϞⱘҷ㸼DŽԚ߿ᖬњˈϝԡϔԧ䆎᠔ᓩ ҹЎ᥂ⱘĀ䘧ህᰃ⼲ā䖭হ䆱ˈ᳝߽г᳝ᓞˈ಴ЎĀ䘧āгৃҹ ৃҹᰃ⼲ⱘϔϾ⿄োˈ ᰃᣛ⼲˄䲙ӳ˅ᴀ䑿DŽेᰃ䇈ˈĀLogosāৃ 㞾៥ਃ⼎˄䖭ህᰃĀ䘧āⱘ԰⫼˅ ˈLogos ᰃ᮴᠔ϡ೼ⱘDŽ ᰃҪⱘ㞾 㞾៥ਃ⼎ᰃ⼲䴲ᐌ䞡㽕ⱘϔ䴶˄ℷབ೷㒣üüҪ䘧ⱘᭈԧüü᠔ ਃ⼎ⱘ˅˗ᅗᘏᰃĀϢҪāৠ೼ˈᇍ៥Ӏᴹ䇈ˈᅗ᮴⭥ᰃ⼲᳔䞡㽕 ⱘϔ䴶ˈ಴Ў≵᳝њᅗˈ៥Ӏህϡৃ㛑䅸䆚䲙ӳDŽ⬅ℸৃ㾕ˈ԰ Ў䲙ӳ䕀ஏ䆡ⱘĀ⼲ⱘ䘧ā ˈᔧ✊гৃҹ೼ℸ⫼԰䲙ӳⱘ⿄োˈᰃ 529 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ҫⱘ㞾៥ਃ⼎DŽ᮴䆎ᰃ೼෎ⴷ䞠ᮑ㸠ᣃᬥˈ䖬ᰃᠻ㸠ᅵ߸˄ਃ 19:11 㡖ঞҹϟ˅ ˈ䲙ӳᘏᰃ೼ਃ⼎㞾ᏅDŽ䲙ӳℸ໘ᰃ೼ҹĀ៬຿āⱘᔶ ‫ڣ‬ਃ⼎㞾Ꮕˈ䖭ᰃᮻ㑺ᐌ㾕ⱘᦣ㒬˄ߎ 15:3ˈ䌯 42:13˅DŽ ៥Ӏ᮴䳔℺ᮁഄϟᅮ䆎ˈऩ߁㾷㒣ህ㛑ᰒᯢߎˈ19 ゴ 13 㡖᳈ ‫ڣ‬ᰃᣛ䲙ӳˈ㗠ϡᰃᣛ㘊⿷ˈᡞᅗᑨ⫼Ѣ㘊⿷ⱘЏ㽕ḍ᥂ᰃϝԡ ϔԧ䆎ᇍ㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 1 㡖ⱘ㾷䞞DŽԚ߮ᠡϡᰃ䇈 19 ゴ 13 㡖г ৃҹᣛ㘊⿷৫˛ϡ䫭ˈ಴Ў 19 ゴ 15 㡖ĀҪᖙ⫼䪕ᴪ䕪ㅵҪӀā 䖭হ䆱ˈԐТᯢᰒᰃড᯴њᓹ䌯Ѯ㒣᭛ҹ䌯Ѯк 11 ゴ 4 㡖੠䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ 9 㡖DŽ᮶✊བℸˈ䙷Мࠄᑩᑨ䆹བԩ⧚㾷䖭㡖㒣᭛ਸ਼˛ᰒ✊ˈ ᳔དⱘ⧚㾷ᮍᓣᰃ‫⧚ڣ‬㾷䲙ӳĀ೼෎ⴷ䞠ā ˄ᵫৢ 5:19 ㄝㄝ˅ Ā៤ њ㙝䑿ā䙷ḋˈ↨བᦤᨽ໾ࠡк 3 ゴ 16 㡖䇈ˈ Ā⼲˄ࠡϔ㡖㒣᭛ ϸ⃵ᦤࠄ⼲˅೼㙝䑿ᰒ⦄āDŽेᰃ䇈ˈℷབ䲙ӳ҆ЈϪϞᮑ㸠ᣃᬥ ϔḋˈҪгӮ೼᳿Ϫ‫ݡ‬ᴹˈ໘⧚ϔߛ⹀ⴔᖗᡫᢦҪⱘᗰᚃǃ㮤㾚 ҪЏᴗ˄Ҫᰃ៥Ӏⱘ߯䗴Џˈгᰃ៥ӀⱘЏ˅ⱘҎDŽ

530 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ā䘧ህᰃ⼲āⱘᑇ㸠হᓣ˖ હᵫ໮ৢк 3 ゴ 17 㡖 ϸ㡖㒣᭛ᑊ߫೼ϔ䍋ˈህৃҹⳟ㾕ϸহ䆱হᓣⳌৠ˖ THR a K?Q R- ORYJRa˄theos n ho logos˅ Ā⼲ᰃ䘧ā ˄㑺 1:1˅ R- NXYULRa WR SQHX PDY HMVWLQ˄ho kurios to pneuma estin˅ĀЏህᰃ 䙷♉ā ˄ᵫৢ 3:17˅ ᇚϸ㡖㒣᭛ϔ↨䕗ˈৃҹⳟ㾕˖ ķ ϸহ䆱Ёˈ Ā⼲ā ˄THR a˅ϢĀЏā ˄R- NXYULRa˅໘ѢৠϔϾ ԡ㕂ϞDŽ ĸ ೼೷㒣ЁˈĀ䘧āϢĀ♉āᰃ㋻ᆚⳌ䖲ⱘDŽ Ĺ 㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 1 㡖⫼ⱘᰃ䖛এᯊᗕˈ಴Ўᯊ䯈ᰃĀ໾߱ā ˗ હᵫ໮ৢк䇈ⱘᰃ⦄೼ˈ᠔ҹ⫼ⱘᰃ⦄೼ᯊᗕDŽ હᵫ໮ৢк 3 ゴ 17 㡖ⱘ㄀Ѡহ䆱䇈ᕫᕜ⏙Ἦˈ䖭Ā♉āᰃĀЏ ⱘ♉āˈĀЏⱘ♉ā೼೷㒣Ёᑊ䴲Џҹ໪ⱘ঺ϔԡ⼲DŽ೼ℸ៥ᛇᓩ ⫼໽Џᬭᄺ㗙偀ϕg呺㒇偀ᢝ᥶䅼䖭↉㒣᭛ⱘϔ↉䆱˖ ĀþЏህᰃ䙷♉DŽÿֱ㔫䇈њþ޴ᯊᔦ৥ЏˈᏩᄤህ޴ᯊ䰸এ њÿ䖭হ䆱ৢˈ㒻㓁䇈˖ þЏህᰃ䙷♉Ǐho de kurios to pneuma estinǐ DŽ Џⱘ♉೼ા䞠ˈ䙷䞠ህᕫҹ㞾⬅DŽ ÿᔧҹ㡆߫⇥䅸㔾ᙨᬍˈ䖯ܹӮ ᐩᯊˈ⼲ത೼ᅱᑻϞˈ೼෎䏃ԃЁ䯈৥ᨽ㽓੠ҹ㡆߫⇥䇈䆱DŽ⼲ བℸᇍҹ㡆߫⇥䇈䆱ᕔᕔ㹿⿄Ў Dibbera˄ þ䘧ÿ ˅DŽ៥ӀᏆ㒣ⳟ㾕ˈ Ҫгৃҹ㹿⿄Ўþ೷♉ÿDŽ



Āᣝ✻Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛䆥ᴀ˄⇥ 7:89˅ⱘᛣ䆥ˈᰃ♉೼Ӯᐩ Ё䎳ᨽ㽓ҹঞϾ߿ҹ㡆߫Ҏ䇈䆱DŽЏˈे Adonaiˈ䖭ԡҹ㡆߫ⱘ ⼲ᰃ䙷♉DŽ ĀߎѢ䖭Ͼॳ಴ˈԐТહᵫ໮ৢк 3 ゴ 16 㡖˄ঞҹϟ˅ⱘþЏÿ ˄kurios˅ˈᑨ䆹⧚㾷Ўþҹ㡆߫ⱘ⼲ÿˈ㗠ϡᰃ㘊⿷෎ⴷĂĂℷབ L. Cerfaux ᠔䇈˖ þᭈϾǏᵫৢ 3:17 ⱘǐϞϟ᭛ᖙ乏Ң⢍໾ᢝ↨䆴 䞞೷㒣˄ᮻ㑺˅ⱘ㾦ᑺᴹ⧚㾷ˈḍ᥂ֱ㔫ⱘ⊼䞞ˈߎ඗ঞ䆄 34 ゴ 34 㡖ⱘ kurios ᑨ䆹⧚㾷Ў♉ˈेþЏⱘ♉ÿ ˈҪᏆ㒣৥෎ⴷᕦಶԧ ਃ⼎ߎњ㞾ᏅDŽÿ Ā䡈Ѣֱ㔫ᬭᇐⱘᕜ໮ᮍ䴶䛑䎳㄀ಯᴀ⽣䷇кⳌᑇ㸠ˈ᠔ҹ ៥Ӏгᑨ䆹↨䕗ϔϟ㑺㗄⽣䷇ 4 ゴ 24 㡖ĂĂ༛ᗾⱘᰃˈֱ㔫䖭ᇕ Џ㽕‫ݭ‬㒭໪䙺෎ⴷᕦⱘֵˈコ✊гᏺ᳝བℸ⌧८ⱘ⢍໾Ӵ㒳㡆ᔽDŽ ॳ಴ৃ㛑ᰃˈ䖭ԡ໪䙺Փᕦ↩コᰃϾᕏ༈ᕏሒⱘᏠԃᴹҎЁⱘᏠ ԃᴹҎDŽ ā ˄呺㒇偀ᢝˈ ljѮ݄᭛䆥ᴀϢᮄ㑺NJ ˈ111 义ঞҹϟ˅ ℷབહᵫ໮ৢк 3 ゴ 17 㡖ⳟĀЏā䎳䖤㸠೼ᬭӮЁǃ䌤ќ⫳ ੑⱘ♉ᰃৠϔԡˈ᠔ҹ㑺㗄⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 1 㡖䖭হহᓣⳌৠⱘ㒣᭛Ā⼲ ᰃ䘧ā ˄៪㗙Ā䘧ᰃ⼲ā˅г೼㸼ᯢˈ⼲ᮽ೼Ā໾߱ā߯䗴ⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬ ህҹ䘧ᴹ㞾៥ਃ⼎њDŽ䖭ህℷབՓᕦֱ㔫೼㔫偀к 1 ゴ 20 㡖᠔ᦣ 䗄ⱘ˖ Ā㞾Ң䗴໽ഄҹᴹˈ⼲ⱘ∌㛑੠⼲ᗻᰃᯢᯢৃⶹⱘˈ㱑ᰃⴐ 㮝ⴔ᠔䗴П⠽ህৃҹᰧᕫˈিҎ᮴ৃ᥼䇓DŽ ā⼲䗣䖛Ҫ ϡ㛑㾕ˈԚ㮝 ⱘ߯䗴৥Ҏ䇈䆱ˈ㗠Ҫ೼෎ⴷ䞠৥៥Ӏ䇈ⱘ䆱᳈ᰃᅠ㕢ǃܼ໛ⱘDŽ

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݇Ѣ㜧ゟ↨к 2 ゴ 6-7 㡖˖ ᴹ㞾Ꮰԃᴹ೷㒣ⱘ᳈໮䆕᥂ Ā6 Ҫᴀ᳝⼲ⱘᔶ‫ॳ˄ڣ‬᭛ᰃ morph ˈᔶ⢊˅ ˈϡҹ㞾ᏅϢ⼲ ā ৠㄝЎᔎ༎ⱘ˗7 ড‫צ‬㰮Ꮕˈপњ཈Қⱘᔶ‫ˈڣ‬៤ЎҎⱘḋᓣDŽ ˄㜧 2:6-7˅ ሑㅵϝԡϔԧ䆎㗙䆩೒㕂Пϡ⧚ˈ⫮㟇৺䅸Ā⼲ⱘᔶ⢊ā ˄form of GodˈЁ᭛೷㒣㗏䆥ЎĀ⼲ⱘᔶ‫ڣ‬ā˅䎳Ā⼲ⱘᔶ‫ڣ‬ā ˄image of God˅ᰃⳌৠⱘᛣᗱˈԚ᳝‫ⱘߚܙ‬䆕᥂ᰒ⼎ˈѠ㗙ᰃⳌৠⱘᛣᗱDŽ 㒻㓁ᶹ㗗Āᔶ⢊ā ˄morph ˅ϔ䆡೼ᮻ㑺ⱘ⫼⊩ˈ៥ӀህৃҹҢᏠ 㜞᭛ᮻ㑺˄LXX˅ᡒࠄϸ㡖Ⳍ݇㒣᭛ˈᑊϨ㛑໳ᇚ䖭ϸ㡖㒣᭛䎳 Ꮰԃᴹ㒣᭛԰↨䕗˖ ķ 㑺ԃ䆄 4 ゴ 16 㡖˖ Ā䙷♉‫ذ‬ԣˈ៥ैϡ㛑䕼݊ᔶ⢊ˈ᳝ᕅ ‫˄ڣ‬morph ˈ㣅᭛䆥ᴀ㗏䆥Ўþformÿ˅೼៥ⴐࠡDŽ៥೼䴭咬Ёˈ ਀㾕᳝ໄ䷇䇈DŽāℸ໘Āᕅ‫ڣ‬āϔ䆡ˈᏠԃᴹॳ᭛ᰃ tmunahDŽBDB 㒭 tmunah ϟⱘᅮНᰃ˖ Ā᯴䈵ǃḋᓣǃᔶ⢊ǃⳌ‫ڣ‬ā ˈ㗠Ϩ䖬ᦤկ њҹϟ䌘᭭˖tmunah 䎳Ꮰԃᴹᄫ pesel˄‫ˈڣي‬ᔶ‫ˈڣ‬Ҏ៪ࡼ⠽ⱘ ḋᓣ˅䖲⫼ˈ೼ߎ 20:4 ঞ݊ᑇ㸠㒣᭛⬇ 5:8ˈখⳟ⬇ 4:16ǃ23ǃ 25ˈpesel ៤њ tmunah ⱘৠН䆡˗䖭ѯ㒣᭛䛑ᰃ䎳ࠊ䗴Ā䲩ࠏ‫ڣ‬ā ៪‫ڣي‬᳝݇ⱘDŽৃ㾕Āᔶ⢊ā ˄form˅ǃ Āᔶ‫ڣ‬ā ˄image˅ঞĀḋᓣā ˄likeness˅ ˈϝ㗙ᙃᙃⳌ݇DŽ



ĸ ҹ䌯Ѯк 44 ゴ 13 㡖˖Ā᳼ࣴᢝ㒓ˈ⫼ヨߦߎḋᄤˈ⫼߼ ᄤ߼៤ᔶ⢊ˈ⫼೚ሎߦњ῵ḋˈӓ✻Ҏⱘԧᗕˈ԰៤Ҏᔶ˄morph ˅ˈ དԣ೼᠓ሟЁDŽā䖭䞠ⱘĀᔶāᄫᰃ೼㗏䆥Ꮰԃᴹ᭛ tabnitˈᛣᗱ ᰃ໪ᔶǃᔶ‫˄ڣ‬BDB˅ DŽ

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݇Ѣ䆫㆛ 107 ㆛ 19-20 㡖 Ā19 ѢᰃˈҪӀ೼㢺䲒Ёઔ∖䲙ӳˈҪҢҪӀⱘ⽌ᙷЁᣃᬥҪ ˄䆫 107:19-20˅ ӀDŽ20 Ҫথੑए⊏ҪӀˈᬥҪӀ㜅⾏⅏ѵDŽā ĀᬥҪӀ㜅⾏⅏ѵāˈᣝᏠԃᴹ᭛Ⳉ䆥ህᰃĀᬥҪӀ㜅⾏⏅ ഥā ˈϗक຿䆥ᴀᰃĀᬥҪӀ㜅⾏㜤䋹˄diaphthoraˈे⅏ѵ੠ള๧ ⱘ㜤䋹˅ ā DŽ Ā㜤䋹ā ˄diaphthora˅гߎ⦄೼њ䆫㆛ 30 ㆛ 9 㡖˖Ā៥ 㹿ᆇ⌕㸔˄খⳟ㽓 1:20ˈ䏃 22:20 ㄝㄝ˅ˈϟࠄഥ˄ϗक຿䆥ᴀ diaphthoraˈ㜤䋹˅Ёˈ᳝ҔМⲞ໘ਸ਼˛ᇬೳቖ㛑⿄䌲ԴˈӴ䇈Դ ⱘ䆮ᅲ৫˛āℸ໘Ā㹿ᆇ⌕㸔ā ǃ Ā㜤䋹āᰃᔧ԰ৠН䆡Փ⫼ⱘDŽ Ā㜤䋹āϔ䆡гߎ⦄೼њ঺ϔ㡖䞡㽕㒣᭛Ё˖ Ā಴ЎԴᖙϡᇚ ៥ⱘ♉儖ᩛ೼䰈䯈ˈгϡিԴⱘ೷㗙㾕ᴑണā ˄䆫 16:10˅ DŽ䖭㡖㒣 ᭛П᠔ҹ䞡㽕ˈᰃ಴Ўᮄ㑺ϸ⃵ᓩ⫼ᅗᴹ䆎ঞ㘊⿷໡⌏˖ᕐᕫ೼ Ѩᯀ㡖䙷໽৥ᕜ໮Ҏ䆆䘧ᯊˈህᓩ⫼њ䖭㡖㒣᭛ˈĀ˄䆫㆛԰㗙˅ ህ乘‫ⳟܜ‬ᯢ䖭џˈ䆆䆎෎ⴷ໡⌏䇈˖ þҪⱘ♉儖ϡᩛ೼䰈䯈ˈҪⱘ 㙝䑿гϡ㾕ᴑണDŽ ÿ䖭㘊⿷ˈ⼲Ꮖ㒣িҪ໡⌏њˈ៥Ӏ䛑Ў䖭џ԰ 㾕䆕DŽ ā˄ᕦ 2:31-32˅ DŽֱ㔫гᓩ⫼њ䖭㡖㒣᭛ˈ㗠ϨгᰃߎѢৠ ḋⱘॳ಴˄ᕦ 13:35 ঞҹϟ˅ DŽ ༛཭ⱘᰃˈ೼ϟϔ㡖㒣᭛ˈे䆫㆛ 16 ㆛ 11 㡖ˈህᦤࠄњ⼲ ⱘĀে᠟ā ˈ䖭ℷᰃ⼲䅽㘊⿷Ң⅏䞠໡⌏ৢˈ䌤㒭Ҫ㨑ᑻⱘԡ㕂˖ ೼Դে᠟ ĀԴᖙᇚ⫳ੑⱘ䘧䏃ᣛ⼎៥DŽ೼Դ䴶᳝ࠡ⒵䎇ⱘ୰Фˈ೼ ā Ё᳝∌䖰ⱘ⽣ФDŽ



㗠Փᕦ㸠Ӵ 2 ゴᕐᕫ೼䆆䘧Ё߮​߮䇈ᅠњ෎ⴷⱘ໡⌏˄Ϟ᭛ ᓩ⫼ⱘ˅ ˈ᥹ϟᴹゟࠏϸ⃵ᦤঞ䲙ӳⱘĀে᠟ā ˖ ĀҪ᮶㹿⼲ⱘে᠟ 催ВˈজҢ⠊ফњ᠔ᑨ䆌ⱘ೷♉ˈህᡞԴӀ᠔ⳟ㾕ǃ᠔਀㾕ⱘ⌛ ☠ϟᴹā ˄ᕦ 2:33ˈ䖬᳝ 34 㡖˅ DŽ

536 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


݇ѢĀ㘊⿷ᰃスཇ᠔⫳āⱘϔ⚍乚Ӯ 偀໾⽣䷇੠䏃ࡴ⽣䷇䛑䆄䕑њ㘊⿷ᰃス䋲ཇ᠔⫳ⱘˈ䖭᳝Ҕ Мሲ♉ᛣНਸ਼˛⽣䷇к੠ᮄ㑺кֵᑊ≵᳝ᯢ⹂䯤䞞ˈԚ᳝䎇໳ⱘ 䌘᭭䅽៥Ӏ㛑໳ᕫߎϔѯ߱ℹ˄ᑊ䴲೎ᠻᏅ㾕ⱘ˅㒧䆎˖ᇚ㑺⨳ ᥦ䰸Ѣ໪ˈ䖭ህᛣੇⴔ䎳Ҏ㉏ᐌ㾘㐕㸡䖛⿟Ⳍডˈ≵᳝Ҏⱘ㊒ᄤDŽ ᳝Ҏѝ䕽䇈ˈ໾߱ህᄬ೼ⱘ䘧পҷњҎⱘ㊒ᄤˈԚ䖭ህᰃ䇈ˈ䖭 ⾡㘨ড়᠔⫳៤ⱘ᮶ϡᰃⳳℷⱘҎ˄಴ЎⳳℷⱘҎϡ㛑⫼䖭⾡㘨ড় 㗠⫳ߎᴹ˅ ˈгϡᰃᅠܼⱘ⼲˄಴ЎҪᰃञϾҎ˅DŽ ԐТヺড়೷㒣ⱘ⧚㾷ᰃˈ೷♉Ā㤿ᑛā偀߽Ѯህ‫߯ڣ‬Ϫ䆄 1 ゴ 2 㡖೷♉Ѣ߯䗴ࠡĀ䖤㸠ā೼∈䴶ϞϔḋDŽϸ໘ᑇ㸠㒣᭛ህ㸼 ᮄⱘ߯䗴DŽ䖭ህᰃ䇈ˈᖙ乏 ᯢˈ⼲‫ⴔ׳‬偀߽Ѯⱘᄤᅿ䗴ߎњϔϾᮄ ೼偀߽Ѯⱘᄤᅿ‫ݙ‬䗴ߎᴹϔϾ㊒ᄤDŽ≵᳝㊒ᄤˈህ⫳ϡߎҎᴹ˗ ᮶✊䖭ϾҎᑊ䴲Ѯᔧⱘᄤᄭˈ᠔ҹϔϾᮄѮᔧ˄ᮄҎˈখⳟᓫ 2:15˅ ೼෎ⴷ䞠⫳៤њDŽᭈϾ⫼ᛣᰃ㽕ᏺᴹϔϾᮄⱘ߯䗴˄ᵫৢ 5:17˅DŽ ԚᮄѮᔧ䎳ᮻѮᔧᑊ䴲↿᮴݇㋏ˈ಴Ў䑿ЎĀཇҎ˄໣࿗˅ ⱘৢ㺨ā ˄߯ 3:15˅ ˈҪᖙ乏䗣䖛乎᳡ˈ䰸এѮᔧ಴Ўϡ乎᳡˄㔫 5:17-19˅㗠ᇚ㔾੠⅏ѵᓩܹњϪ⬠ⱘৢᵰDŽ⼲ᑨ䆌䙷ԡᇚ㽕ᴹⱘ ᓹ䌯Ѯ⥟ᰃ໻ि⥟ⱘৢ㺨ˈЎњᅲ⦄⼲ⱘᑨ䆌ˈ㘊⿷ᖙ乏ᰃ໻ि ⱘĀᄤᄭā ˄VSHYUPDˈspermaˈ㣅᭛ⱘ spermǒ㊒ᄤǓህᰃ⑤㞾䆹 Ꮰ㜞ᄫ˗㑺 7:42ˈ㔫 1:3ˈᦤৢ 2:8˅ DŽ㗠Ҫ಴Ў↡҆偀߽Ѯⱘ㓬ᬙˈ ⱘ⹂ᰃ໻िⱘᄤᄭDŽ 㘊⿷ߎ⫳ⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬䘧ህ៤њ㙝䑿ˈᏠԃᴹк 10 ゴ 5 㡖䆆ࠄњ 䖭ӊџˈ䇁হ䴲ᐌࡼҎ˖ Ā᠔ҹˈ෎ⴷࠄϪϞᴹⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬ህ䇈˖ þĂĂ ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Դ᳒㒭៥乘໛њ䑿ԧDŽÿāҪⱘ䑿ԧᰃ⼲⡍߿ЎҪ乘໛ⱘˈৃҹ䇈 ᰃϧ䮼ЎҪĀᅮࠊāⱘDŽ䖭ḋˈҪ᮶㛑䎳ᮻ߯䗴᳝݇㋏ˈৠᯊг ᰃᮄ߯䗴ⱘᓔྟˈ⬅ℸৃ㾕⼲ⱘᱎ᜻ᰃԩㄝ༛཭DŽ Ꮰԃᴹк 10 ゴ 5 㡖ⱘϞϟ᭛ᰃ೼䇜෎ⴷ‫خ‬䌢㔾⽁ˈℷབ㑺㗄 ⽣䷇ 1 ゴ 29 㡖᠔䇈ˈ Ā⼲ⱘ㕨㕞ˈ䰸এϪҎ㔾ᅑⱘā DŽℷ಴བℸˈ Ā㢹᳝Ҏ೼෎ⴷ䞠ˈҪህᰃᮄ䗴ⱘҎˈᮻџᏆ䖛ˈ䛑ব៤ᮄⱘњā ˄ᵫৢ 5:17˅DŽ スཇ⫳ᄤᑊ䴲ᮄ㑺ᠡߎ⦄ⱘˈ䖭ᴀᰃᮻ㑺㒭ߎⱘ‫ܚ‬༈˖ Ā಴ℸˈ Џ㞾Ꮕ㽕㒭ԴӀϔϾ‫ܚ‬༈ˈᖙ᳝スཇᗔᄩ⫳ᄤˈ㒭Ҫ䍋ৡিҹ偀 ‫˄߽ݙ‬ህᰃþ⼲Ϣ៥Ӏৠ೼ÿⱘᛣᗱ˅ā˄䌯 7:14˅DŽ㘊߽㉇к 31 ゴ 22 㡖г᳝ϔϾ༛཭ⱘ乘㿔˖ Ā㚠䘧ⱘ⇥ાˈԴডᴹ໡এ㽕ࠄ޴ ᯊਸ਼˛䲙ӳ೼ഄϞ䗴њϔӊᮄџˈህᰃཇᄤᡸि˄ࣙೈˈೈ㒩˅ ⬋ᄤDŽ ā lj೷㒣ⶹ䆚ᅱᑧNJ ˄The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge˅ᇍĀཇ ᄤࣙೈ⬋ᄤāⱘ䆘⊼䴲ᐌ᳝ᛣᗱ˖ Ā þϔϾཇᄤ˄াᰃϔϾཇᄤˈᑊ䴲ྏᄤˈेス䋲ཇ˅ᇚࣙೈ ϔϾ⬋ᄤˈ ÿ៪㗙ϔϾ⬋ᄽ‫ࡴݡ˖ܓ‬Ϟᮄⱘ߯䗴ˈህৃҹ⧚㾷Ў༛ ཭ⱘスཇᗔᄩDŽ᠔ҹ⢍໾Ҏമ‫އ‬䅸Ў䖭ᰃᣛᓹ䌯ѮDŽBerashith Rabba 䞠䇈ˈ⼲೼ス䋲ཇ䞠ᚽ㔮њҹ㡆߫ˈ⼲гӮए⊏DŽMidrash Tillim 䆎䆫㆛ 2 ㆛ˈR. Hunaˈin the name of R. Idi 䇜ࠄᓹ䌯Ѯⱘফ 㢺ᯊ䇈ˈᔧҪⱘᯊ‫ࠄ׭‬њˈ⼲ህӮ䇈ˈ þ៥ᖙ乏ᇚҪ䗴៤ᮄⱘ߯䗴˗ ᠔ҹҪ䇈ˈ៥Ҟ᮹⫳ԴDŽÿā

538 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ϝԡϔԧ䆎㗙П䯈ⱘ෎ⴷ䆎Пѝ ᅝᦤ䰓⌒੠Ѯग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒೼෎ⴷ䆎㾖⚍Ϟ৘ᣕᏅ㾕ǃ∈☿ ϡⳌᆍˈ಴㗠⟚থњ‫ކ‬さˈ䖭ᰃ݀‫ܗ‬ಯ㟇ѨϪ㑾ϝԡϔԧ䆎㗙П 䯈᳔Ϲ䞡ⱘ‫ކ‬さDŽ᳔㒜Ѯग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒߁‫׳‬ᬓ⊏ϞⱘӬ࢓य़‫צ‬њ ᅝᦤ䰓⌒ˈᇚҪӀᠧ៤ᓖッˈ䗤ߎᬭӮDŽ᠔ҹ䖭Ͼ䯂乬ᑊ≵᳝䗣 䖛Ϲ䇼ᶹ㒣੠টདᗕᑺ㗠ᕫࠄ㾷‫ˈއ‬㗠ᰃ⬅ߚ℻ǃ‫ކ‬さⓨব៤њ ߚ㺖DŽ Ԛঠᮍ˄Ѯग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒੠ᅝᦤ䰓⌒˅ⱘ㾖⚍䛑ᰃᵘᓎ೼ৠ ϔϾ‫؛‬䆒෎⸔Ϟⱘ˖㘊⿷᮶ᰃ⼲জᰃҎˈ಴ЎҪ䲚⼲ҎĀᴀ䋼ā Ўϔ䑿DŽ䖭㒃㊍ᰃ೼‫؛‬䆒ৃҹ⫼Āᴀ䋼āϔ䆡䇜䆎⼲੠ҎDŽϔᓔ ྟህᏆ㒣‫؛‬䆒䫭њˈ߭ᗢ㛑ᕫߎℷ⹂㒧䆎ਸ਼˛ ѝ䆎ⱘ⛺⚍Џ㽕ᰃ෎ⴷ᳝≵᳝Ҏⱘ♉ˈᅝᦤ䰓⌒䇈Ā᳝ā ˈ಴ Ў≵᳝њҎⱘ♉ˈ෎ⴷህϡᰃⳳℷⱘҎ˗Ѯग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒䇈Ā≵ ᳝ā ˈ৺߭෎ⴷህ៤њϸϾҎ˖ᄤ⼲ϢҎ㘨ড়ˈ䙷МҪ䞠䴶ⱘড়ϔ ህӮ៤䯂乬DŽѮग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒䅸Ўˈ೼෎ⴷ䖭ϾҎ䞠䴶ˈᄤ⼲প ҷњҎⱘ♉DŽབℸ֓⹂ゟњ෎ⴷⱘ⼲ᗻˈै⡎⡆њҪⱘҎᗻˈ಴ Ў䖭ህ࢓ᖙᕫߎ㒧䆎䇈˖෎ⴷᰃᢹ᳝Ҏⱘ䑿ԧⱘ⼲DŽԚ↩コҎᑊ 䴲া᳝ϔϾ䑿ԧ䙷МㅔऩDŽ ᰒ✊ˈϸ⾡㾖⚍䛑ϡ㛑ҸҎ⒵ᛣDŽԚ䱣ⴔѮग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒㾖 ⚍ⱘ㚰߽ˈҎ㉏ⱘᬥᘽгህበበৃॅњˈ಴Ў㘊⿷ᑊ䴲Ѯᔧⱘৠ ㉏ˈҪⱘᵘ䗴䎳Ѯᔧǃ䎳៥ӀϡৠDŽ㱑✊೷㒣䇈Ҏⱘ♉ᰃ⼲᠔䌤 ⱘˈ✊㗠䇈෎ⴷ䞠䴶⼲᠔䌤ⱘ♉Ꮖ㒣㹿ᄤ⼲᠔পҷˈ䖭ህᅠܼᰃ ঺ϔⷕџњDŽབᵰ㘊⿷ᑊ䴲䎳៥ӀϔḋⱘҎˈ䙷МҪজᗢ㛑᳝䌘 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ḑ៤ЎҎⱘҷ㸼ˈЎܼҎ㉏㗠⅏ਸ਼˛ Ԛ೼Ѯग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒ⳟᴹˈᅝᦤ䰓⌒ⱘ䯂乬ᰃ᮴⊩⒵ᛣഄ㾷 䞞Āϸ⾡ᴀ䋼āབԩ㛑໳ᵘ៤ϔϾℷᐌⱘҎDŽѮग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒ҹ Ўˈ䰸এ෎ⴷⱘҎᗻˈ෎ⴷা᳝ϔϾ䑿ԧै≵᳝Ҏⱘ♉ˈ䖭ህϡ 㟇Ѣ࿕㚕ࠄ䞠䴶ⱘড়ϔњˈབℸ֓⹂ゟњϔ༫㛑໳㞾೚݊䇈ⱘ෎ ⴷ䆎DŽ‫׬‬㢹෎ⴷ䖭ϾҎⱘĀᴀ䋼ā᮶ࣙᣀњҎⱘ♉ˈгࣙᣀњҎ ⱘ䑿ԧˈ䙷МѮग़ቅ໻䞠Ѯ⌒ⱘ෎ⴷ䆎䎳ᅝᦤ䰓⌒ⱘ෎ⴷ䆎ህ≵ ᳝ҔМᏂ߿њDŽ ϸ⌒Пѝህᰒ⼎ߎˈϝԡϔԧϸ⾡ᴀ䋼ⱘᬭН᠔ᓩথⱘ⾡⾡ ಴Ўᅗ᳔ḍᴀⱘὖᗉ䛑ϡ 䯂乬ˈ೼೷㒣Ёḍᴀᡒϡࠄ㾷‫އ‬ᮍḜˈ಴ ᰃߎ㞾೷㒣DŽ䙷ѯᜓᛣ⏅ܹ᥶䅼ϝԡϔԧ䆎ⱘ䯂乬ⱘҎˈৃҹখ 㗗 J. N. D. Kelly ⱘljᮽᳳ෎ⴷᬭᬭНNJ ˄Early Christian Doctrines˅DŽ

540 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ѯ݄᭛ᮻ㑺Ёⱘ Memra ҹϟᰃБ⫳ǃ⎥ッϸԡৠᎹᦤկⱘ Memra ᶹ㗗䌘᭭ⱘ㡖ᴀDŽ Memra ᰃѮ݄᭛ⱘĀ䘧āᄫ˄খⳟ㑺 1:1˅ˈѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺⫼ᅗ԰Ꮰ ԃᴹ೷㒣䲙ӳⱘ䕀ஏ䆡DŽᇚϸ⾡䆥ᴀᑊᥦ㗠߫üüѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺Ё ᭛㗏䆥੠Ꮰԃᴹ೷㒣Ё᭛㗏䆥üü䖭ӑᶹ㗗䌘᭭ህ㛑໳ᐂࡽ䇏㗙 ゟࠏⳟ㾕ˈѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺ᰃ໮М乥㐕ഄ⫼ Memra ԰⼲˄䲙ӳ˅ⱘ䕀 ஏ䆡DŽ໻䚼ߚ෎ⴷᕦ䛑ϡⶹ䘧ˈѮ݄᭛ᰃ㘊⿷ⱘЏ㽕䇁㿔ˈгᰃ ᔧᯊҹ㡆߫ഄሙ⇥ঞᮽᳳ⢍໾ᬭӮⱘЏ㽕䇁㿔DŽ᠔ҹ䖭ӑᶹ㗗䌘 ᭭䴲ᐌ䞡㽕ˈ៥೼ℸ㹋ᖗᛳ䇶ϸԡ԰㗙DŽ ᶹ㗗䌘᭭ॳ〓⎉ⲪњᭈϾᨽ㽓Ѩ㒣˄೷㒣ࠡѨोк˅ ˈԚ䖭ӑ 㡖ᴀা⎉Ⲫњ߯Ϫ䆄੠ߎ඗ঞ䆄DŽᶹ㗗䌘᭭ॳ〓ᇍѨोк䞛⫼њ 㒳ϔⱘ᥶おᮍ⊩ˈ᳔㒜Ң৘ोкЁ䛑ᕫߎњⳌৠⱘ㒧䆎DŽ᠔ҹ䖭 ӑ㡖ᴀҢ߯Ϫ䆄ǃߎ඗ঞ䆄᠔ᕫߎⱘ㒧䆎ˈህҷ㸼њᭈϾᨽ㽓Ѩ 㒣ⱘ㒧䆎DŽᶹ㗗䌘᭭ॳ〓߫ߎњᨽ㽓Ѩ㒣᠔᳝ߎ⦄ĀMemraāⱘ㒣 ᭛ˈ䗤ϔẔ偠ǃ᥶䅼ˈ㒚໻ϡᤤDŽ ҹϟⱘ߫㸼ᰃᶹ㗗ⱘ㒧ᵰDŽ㄀Ѡ߫ⱘ‫ݙ‬ᆍᰃ㨫ৡⱘĀӾ㑺ᣓ ऩѮ݄᭛䆥ᴀāⱘ㣅᭛㗏䆥ˈ㄀ϝ߫ᰃЁ᭛㗏䆥ˈ㄀ಯ߫ⱘ㒣᭛ প㞾੠ড়ᴀ೷㒣˄ Ā㘊੠ढāᬍЎĀ䲙ӳā ˅ DŽ



㉫ԧᄫᰃ㽕ᐂࡽ䇏㗙ⳟࠄˈĀMemraā䗮ᐌᰃᣛ䲙ӳ⼲DŽҹϟ ᰃ㄀ϔ߫ᐌ㾕ⱘヺোˈᅮНབϟ˖ ĀMemraāᰃ䲙ӳⱘ䕀ஏ䆡 ĀMemraāϡᰃ⫼԰䲙ӳⱘ䕀ஏ䆡 Å 㾷䞞 ՟ᄤ˖ߎ 4:15 ᳝ ヺোˈेᰃ䇈ˈѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺ⱘߎ඗ঞ䆄 4 ゴ 15 㡖ˈ ĀMemraāߎ⦄њϝ⃵ˈ㄀ϔ⃵ᰃҹ Ўヺোˈᛣᗱᰃ 䖭ϾĀMemraāᰃᏠԃᴹ೷㒣䲙ӳⱘ䕀ஏ䆡˗㄀Ѡǃϝ⃵߭ᰃҹ Ўヺোˈᛣᗱᰃ䖭ϸϾĀMemraāϡᰃᣛ䲙ӳˈ㗠ᰃᣛ݊ҪҎ៪⠽ ˄䖭䞠ߚ߿ᰃᣛᨽ㽓ǃѮӺ˅ DŽ ᘏ㒧ᶹ㗗˖㒉㾜߫㸼ˈ ヺোߎ⦄ⱘ⃵᭄䖰䍙䖛 ヺোˈৃ㾕 ĀMemraā೼ᨽ㽓Ѩ㒣Ѯ݄᭛䆥ᴀЁˈЏ㽕ᰃ⫼԰䲙ӳⱘ䕀ஏ䆡DŽ 㢹ᛇ䆺㒚㗗おБ⫳੠⎥ッⱘᶹ㗗䌘᭭ॳ〓˄⎉Ⲫњᨽ㽓Ѩ㒣ˈ 䖬᳝㒳䅵᭄᥂˅ˈৃҹҢ www.christiandiscipleschurch.org 㔥キϟ 䕑DŽॳ〓䖬䰘ࡴњᰒ⼎Ѯ݄᭛㒣᭛ⱘϔ߫DŽ಴Ў⠜䴶ⱘ䰤ࠊˈ‫ݡ‬ ࡴϞពѮ݄᭛ⱘ䇏㗙޸↯味㾦ˈᴀкᦤկⱘ߫㸼߭ⳕ⬹њѮ݄᭛ 㒣᭛DŽҹϟᰃ߯Ϫ䆄 2 ゴ 8 㡖ⱘѮ݄᭛䆥᭛ˈկ䇏㗙খ㗗˄㉫ԧ ᄫ ህᰃĀMemraāⱘѮ݄᭛˅˖

߯Ϫ䆄 2 ゴ 8 㡖

* 䰘ᔩ 12 ⱘㅔҟᰃ䰜䍙޵⠻Ꮬ᪄‫ˈⱘݭ‬Ё᭛䆥㗙‫خ‬њᇥ䆌ᬍࡼҹ 䖢ড়Ё᭛⠜ⱘ߫㸼ḐᓣDŽ

542 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

ĀMEMRAā೼Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺߯Ϫ䆄ⱘߎ໘ 㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߯ 2:8

߯ 3:8




And a garden from the Eden of the just was planted by the Word of the Lord God before the creation of the world, and He made there to dwell the man when He had created him. And they heard the voice of the word of the Lord God walking in the garden in the repose of the day; and Adam and his wife hid themselves from before the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

Џⱘ䘧⼲೼߯Ϫࠡ೼НҎⱘӞ⬌ ḑ⾡њϔϾುᄤˈҪᡞ᠔䗴ⱘҎᬒ ೼䙷䞠DŽ

䲙ӳ⼲೼ϰᮍⱘӞ⬌ゟњϔϾ ುᄤˈᡞ᠔䗴ⱘҎᅝ㕂೼䙷䞠DŽ

߯ 3:10

And he said, The voice of Thy Word heard I in the garden, and I was afraid, because I am naked; and the commandment which Thou didst teach me, I have transgressed; therefore I hid myself from shame.

߯ 3:24

And He drave out the man from thence where He had made to dwell the glory of His Shekina at the first between the two Kerubaia. Before He had created the world, He created the law; He prepared the garden of Eden for the righteous, that they might eat and delight themselves with the fruit of the tree; because they would have practised in their lives the doctrine of the

䲙ӳ⼲೼ುЁ㸠 ϔϾᅕ䴭ⱘ᮹ᄤˈѮᔧ੠ྏᄤ਀㾕 ໽䍋њ‫ޝ‬亢ˈ䲙 Џⱘ䘧⼲೼ುЁ㸠䍄ⱘໄ䷇ˈህ㮣 䍄DŽ䙷Ҏ੠Ҫྏᄤ਀㾕⼲ⱘໄ ೼ು䞠ⱘᷥ᳼Ёˈ䒆䙓Џ⼲ⱘ䴶DŽ ䷇ˈህ㮣೼ು䞠ⱘᷥ᳼Ёˈ䒆 䙓䲙ӳ⼲ⱘ䴶DŽ Ҫ䇈:Ā៥೼ುЁ਀㾕Դ Դ ⱘ䘧ⱘໄ ䷇ˈ៥ህᆇᗩˈ಴Ў៥䌸䑿䴆ԧ˗ ៥Ꮖ㒣ᑆ⢃њԴᬭᇐ៥ⱘᕟ⊩ˈ᠔ ҹ៥ህ㮣䍋ᴹˈ‫ܡ‬ᕫ㕲᛻DŽ ā ҪᇚҎҢҪ㤷㗔ⱘৠ೼ⱘഄᮍˈህ ᰃϸϾ෎䏃ԃП䯈ˈ䍊䗤ߎএDŽ೼ 䖬≵᳝߯䗴Ϫ⬠ࠡˈҪ߯䗴њᕟ ⊩˗ҪЎНҎ乘໛њӞ⬌ುˈད䅽 ҪӀৃҹѿ⫼ುЁᵰᷥⱘᵰᄤˈ಴ ЎҪӀ೼ϪϞ䙉㸠њᕟ⊩੠䆿ੑ ⱘᬭᇐDŽҪЎᙊҎ乘໛њབৠঠߗ

Ҫ䇈ˈ៥೼ುЁ਀㾕Դ Դⱘໄ䷇ˈ ៥ህᆇᗩDŽ಴Ў៥䌸䑿䴆ԧˈ ៥֓㮣њDŽ ѢᰃᡞҪ䍊ߎএњDŽজ೼Ӟ⬌ ುⱘϰ䖍ᅝ䆒෎䏃ԃ੠ಯ䴶䕀 ࡼথ☿✄ⱘࠥˈ㽕ᡞᅜ⫳ੑᷥ ⱘ䘧䏃DŽ

543 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


߯ 4:23

߯ 4:26

߯ 5:2



law in this world, and have maintained the commandments: (but) he prepared Gehinnam for the wicked, which is like the sharp, consuming sword of two edges; in the midst of it He hath prepared flakes of fire and burning coals for the judgment of the wicked who rebelled in their life against the doctrine of the law. To serve the law is better than (to eat of) the fruit of the tree of life, (the law) which the Word of the Lord prepared, that man in keeping it might continue, and walk in the paths of the way of life in the world to come. And Lemek said to his wives Ada and Zillah, Hear my voice, wives of Lemek, hearken to my words: for I have not killed a man, that I should be slain for him; neither have I destroyed a young man, on whose account my children should perish.

ⱘᴔҎ߽ࠥⱘഄ⣅ˈ䞠䴶᳝☿੠⚻ 㑶ⱘ⚁ˈᰃ⫼ᴹᅵ߸ᙊҎⱘˈ಴Ў ҪӀ䖱㚠њᕟ⊩DŽ乎᳡ᕟ⊩䖰↨ৗ ⫳ੑᷥⱘᵰᄤདˈ䙷ѯ䙉㸠Џ Џⱘ䘧 ᠔乘໛ⱘᕟ⊩ⱘҎˈ೼ᴹ⫳㛑㒻㓁 㸠೼⫳ੑⱘ䘧ϞDŽ

And to Sheth also was born a son, and he called his name Enosh. That was the generation in whose days they began to err, and to make themselves idols, and surnamed their idols by the name of the Word of the Lord. Male and female He created them, and blessed them in the name of His Word; and He called their name Man in the day they were created.


ᢝ呺ᇍҪϸϾྏᄤѮ໻੠⋫ᢝ䇈: Ā਀៥ⱘໄ䷇ˈᢝ呺ⱘྏᄤଞˈջ 㘇਀៥ ៥ⱘ䆱:៥≵᳝ᴔҎˈ᠔ҹгϡ 䆹㹿ᴔ˗៥г≵᳝ӸᇥᑈҎˈҹ㟈 ៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ཇ㽕♁ѵDŽ า⡍г⫳њϔϾ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈҪህ㒭‫ܓ‬ᄤ 䍋ৡিҹ᣾຿DŽ䙷ϔҷҎᓔྟ⢃ 䫭ˈЎ㞾Ꮕࠊ䗴‫ˈڣي‬ᑊ⿄ҪӀⱘ ‫ڣي‬ЎĀЏ Џⱘ䘧ā DŽ

ᢝ呺ᇍҪϸϾྏᄤ䇈ˈѮ໻ˈ ⋫ᢝˈ਀៥ⱘໄ䷇DŽᢝ呺ⱘྏ ᄤˈ㒚਀៥ ៥ⱘ䆱䇁ˈໂᑈҎӸ ៥ˈ៥ᡞҪᴔњDŽᇥᑈҎᤳ៥ˈ ៥ᡞҪᆇњDŽ า⡍г⫳њϔϾ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ䍋ৡি 䲙 ҹ᣾຿DŽ䙷ᯊ‫ˈ׭‬Ҏᠡ∖ਞ䲙 ӳⱘৡDŽ

⼲߯䗴ҪӀˈ᳝⬋᳝ཇˈᑊҹҪ Ҫⱘ 䘧ⱘৡ⼱⽣ҪӀ˗ᔧҪӀ㹿߯䗴ⱘ ᮹ᄤˈҪ㒭ҪӀ䍋ৡিĀҎāDŽ

ᑊϨ䗴⬋䗴ཇDŽ೼ҪӀ㹿䗴ⱘ ⼲䌤⽣㒭ҪӀˈ⿄ҪӀ ᮹ᄤˈ⼲ ЎҎDŽ

544 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߯ 5:24

߯ 6:3

߯ 6:6 ߯ 6:7 Å Ӿ㑺ᣓ ऩ䆥ᴀ≵ ᳝Āby My

Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ And Hanok served in the truth before the Lord; and, behold, he was not with the sojourners of the earth; for he was withdrawn, and he ascended to the firmament by the Word before the Lord, and his name was called Metatron the Great Saphra. And the Lord said by His Word, All the generations of the wicked which are to arise shall not be purged after the order of the judgments of the generation of the deluge, which shall be destroyed and exterminated from the midst of the world. Have I not imparted My Holy Spirit to them, (or, placed My Holy Spirit in them,) that they may work good works? And, behold, their works are wicked. Behold, I will give them a prolongment of a hundred and twenty years, that they may work repentance, and not perish. And it repented the Lord in His Word that He had made man upon the earth; and He passed judgment upon them by His Word. And the Lord said, I will abolish by My Word Å man, whom I have created upon the face of the earth, from man to cattle, to the reptile, and to the fowl of the heavens; because I have repented in My Word that I have made them.



⼲ᇚҪপএˈ Āજ䇎ā˄ҹ䇎˅೼Џ䴶ࠡ᳡աⳳ ҹ䇎Ϣ⼲ৠ㸠ˈ⼲ ⧚˗Ҫ㹿Џ Џ䴶ࠡⱘ䘧ᦤछࠄ໽Ϟˈ Ҫህϡ೼ϪњDŽ ϡ‫ݡ‬ϢϪϞᆘሙⱘϔ䍋ˈ᠔ҹҪⱘ ৡ㹿⿄ЎᰃĀ呺䖒䗮āˈ䙷ӳ໻ⱘ ᩦ䴲ᢝDŽ ЏҹҪⱘ䘧䇈 Ā⋾∈Ϫҷⱘᅵ߸ 䲙ӳ䇈ˈҎ᮶ሲТ㸔⇨ˈ៥ⱘ ৢˈ䖭ϾϪҷᇚӮҢϪϞ䰸♁DŽᇚ ♉ህϡ∌䖰ԣ೼Ҫ䞠䴶DŽ✊㗠 ᴹ䙾ᙊⱘϪҷϡӮ‫ݡ‬㹿໻⋾∈↕ Ҫⱘ᮹ᄤ䖬ৃࠄϔⱒѠकᑈDŽ ♁DŽ៥ቖϡᰃᇚ៥ⱘ೷♉ᬒ೼ҪӀ 䞠䴶ˈད䅽ҪӀ㛑㸠୘৫˛ⳟଞˈ ҪӀ᠔㸠ⱘ䛑ᰃ䙾ᙊˈ៥‫ݡ‬㒭ҪӀ ϔⱒѠकᑈⱘᯊ䯈ᙨᬍˈ‫ܡ‬ᕫ♁ ѵDŽā

Џ೼Ҫⱘ䘧䞠ৢᙨ䗴њҎ೼ഄϞˈ 䲙ӳህৢᙨ䗴Ҏ೼ഄϞˈᖗЁ Ҫⱘ䘧ᅵ߸ҪӀDŽ ҪህҹҪ ᖻӸDŽ Џ䇈:Ā៥㽕ᇚ៥᠔߯䗴ⱘҎ㉏䛑Ң ഄϞ䰸♁ˈ᮴䆎ᰃҎǃ䍄‫ݑ‬ǃ⠀㸠 ࡼ⠽ˈҹঞぎЁⱘ亲右ˈ䛑㽕䰸♁ˈ ಴Ў៥೼៥ⱘ䘧䞠ৢᙨ䗴њҪ ӀDŽā

䲙ӳ䇈ˈ៥㽕ᇚ᠔䗴ⱘҎ੠䍄 ‫ˈݑ‬ᑊᯚ㰿ˈҹঞぎЁⱘ亲右ˈ 䛑ҢഄϞ䰸♁ˈ಴Ў៥ ៥ 䗴ҪӀ ৢᙨњDŽ

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And they coming entered, male and female, of all flesh unto him, as the Lord had instructed him; and the Word of the Lord covered over the door of the ark upon the face thereof. And the Lord in His Word remembered Noah, and all the animals and the cattle which were with him in the ark; and the Lord caused the wind of mercies to pass over the earth, and the waters were dried. And the Lord accepted his oblation with favour: and the Lord said in His Word, I will not add again to curse the earth on account of the sin of the children of men; for the imagination of the heart of man is evil from his youth; neither will I add to destroy whatever liveth as I have done. And the Lord said, This is the sign of the covenant which I establish between My Word and between you and every living soul that is with you, unto the generations of the world. I have set My Bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of the covenant between My Word and the earth. And I will remember My covenant which is between My Word and between you and every living soul of all flesh, that there shall

޵᳝㸔㙝ⱘˈ䛑ᰃϔ݀ϔ↡ഄ䖯њ ᮍ㟳ˈℷབЏ৽੤Ҫⱘ˗䎳ⴔЏ Џⱘ 䘧ህ݇њᮍ㟳ⱘ䮼DŽ

޵᳝㸔㙝䖯ܹᮍ㟳ⱘˈ䛑ᰃ᳝ ᳝݀↡ˈℷབ⼲᠔৽੤᣾ѮⱘDŽ 䲙ӳህᡞҪ݇೼ᮍ㟳䞠༈DŽ

Wordā DŽ

߯ 7:16

߯ 8:1

߯ 8:21

߯ 9:12

߯ 9:13 ߯ 9:15

Џ೼Ҫⱘ䘧䞠ᛇ䍋њ᣾Ѯҹঞ䙷 ⼲䆄ᗉ᣾Ѯ੠᣾Ѯᮍ㟳䞠ⱘϔ ѯ೼ᮍ㟳䞠ⱘ䍄‫ݑ‬ǃ⡆⬰ˈЏህ৽ ߛ䍄‫ݑ‬⡆⬰DŽ⼲ি亢਍ഄˈ∈ ੤ᗰᚃП亢਍䖛ഄϞˈ∈ህᑆњDŽ ࢓⏤㨑DŽ Џ୰ᙺᑊ᥹㒇њҪⱘ⽁⠽ˈЏ Џ೼Ҫ ⱘ䘧䞠䇈ˈĀ៥ᖙϡ‫ݡ‬಴Ҏ⢃㔾㗠 ੦䆙ೳഄˈ಴ЎҎҢᇣᖗ䞠᠔ᛇⱘ 䛑ᰃᙊ˗៥гϡ‫✻ݡ‬៥᠔߮㸠↕♁ ϔߛ᳝⫳⇨ⱘDŽā

䲙ӳ䯏䙷佼佭П⇨ˈህᖗ䞠䇈ˈ ៥ϡ‫ݡ‬಴Ҏⱘ㓬ᬙ੦䆙ഄ˄Ҏ Ңᇣᯊᖗ䞠ᗔⴔᙊᗉ˅ˈгϡ‫ݡ‬ ᣝⴔ៥ᠡ㸠ⱘˈ♁৘⾡ⱘ⌏⠽ њDŽ

Џ䇈:Ā䖭ህᰃ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ϢԴӀˈҹঞ ੠ԴӀϔ䍋ⱘ᠔᳝⌏⠽᠔ゟⱘ㑺 ⱘ䆄োˈ䖭ᰃ∌䖰ⱘ䆄োDŽ ā

⼲䇈ˈ៥ ៥ϢԴӀᑊԴӀ䖭䞠ⱘ ৘ḋ⌏⠽᠔ゟⱘ∌㑺ˈᰃ᳝䆄 োⱘDŽ

៥ᡞ៥ⱘ㱍ᬒ೼ѥᔽЁˈ䖭ህৃҹ ‫خ‬៥ ៥ⱘ䘧੠໻ഄゟ㑺ⱘ߁䆕DŽ

៥ᡞ㱍ᬒ೼ѥᔽЁˈ䖭ህৃ԰ ៥Ϣഄゟ㑺ⱘ䆄োњDŽ

៥ህ㽕䆄䍋៥ⱘ㑺ˈህᰃ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧Ϣ ԴӀҹঞϢ৘ḋ᳝⫳ੑⱘ⌏⠽᠔

៥֓䆄ᗉ៥ ៥ ϢԴӀ੠৘ḋ᳝㸔 㙝ⱘ⌏⠽᠔ゟⱘ㑺ˈ∈ህ‫ݡ‬ϡ

546 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


߯ 9:16

߯ 9:17 ߯ 11:8

߯ 12:17 ߯ 15:1




not be the waters of a flood to destroy all flesh.

ゟⱘˈ‫ݡ‬гϡӮ᳝⋾∈↕♁޵᳝㸔 㙝ⱘњDŽ ᇚᴹ᳝㱍೼ѥᔽЁˈ៥㾖ⳟᅗˈህ Ӯᛇ䍋Џ Џ ⱘ䘧੠ഄϞ৘ḋ᳝⫳ੑ ⱘ⌏⠽᠔ゟⱘ∌䖰ⱘ㑺DŽ


And the bow shall be in the cloud, and I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between the Word of the Lord and every living soul of all flesh that is upon the earth. And the Lord said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant that I have covenanted between My Word and between the word for all flesh that is upon the earth. And the Word of the Lord was revealed against the city, and with Him seventy angels, having reference to seventy nations, each having its own language, and thence the writing of its own hand: and He dispersed them from thence upon the face of all the earth into seventy languages. And one knew not what his neighbour would say: but one slew the other; and they ceased from building the city. And the Word of the Lord sent great plagues against Pharoh and the men of his house, on account of Sara, Abram’s wife. Thereupon was the word of the Lord with Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not; for if these men should gather together in legions and come against thee, My Word

㱍ᖙ⦄೼ѥᔽЁˈ៥ⳟ㾕ˈህ 㽕䆄ᗉ៥ ៥ϢഄϞ৘ḋ᳝㸔㙝ⱘ ⌏⠽᠔ゟⱘ∌㑺DŽ

Џᇍ᣾Ѯ䇈:Ā䖭ህᰃ៥ҹ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧Ϣ ഄϞ޵ ޵ ᳝㸔㙝ⱘ䘧᠔ゟⱘ㑺ⱘ߁ 䆕DŽā ѢᰃЏ Џ ⱘ䘧੠ҪⱘϗकϾ໽Փህ ᬏߏ䙷ජˈᇚ݊ߚЎϗकϾ೑ˈ৘ ᳝㞾Ꮕⱘ䇁㿔ǃ᭛ᄫDŽҪՓҪӀҢ 䙷䞠ߚᬷ೼ܼഄϞˈᘏ݅ϗक⾡䇁 㿔DŽҪӀᕐℸϡ㛑≳䗮ˈⳌѦ⅟ᴔ˗ ҪӀህ‫ذ‬ℶᓎ䗴䙷ජњDŽ

៥ ϢഄϞ ⼲ᇍ᣾Ѯ䇈ˈ䖭ህᰃ៥ ϔߛ᳝㸔㙝П⠽ゟ㑺ⱘ䆄ো њDŽ Ѣᰃˈ䲙 䲙ӳՓҪӀҢ䙷䞠ߚᬷ ೼ܼഄϞDŽҪӀህ‫ذ‬Ꮉˈϡ䗴 䙷ජњDŽ

Џⱘ䘧಴ЎѮԃ݄ྏᄤᩦ㦅ⱘ㓬 ᬙˈህҹ໻♒ߏᠧ⊩㗕੠Ҫⱘܼ ᆊDŽ 䖭џҹৢˈЏ Џⱘ䘧೼ᓖ䈵ЁᇍѮԃ ݄䇈:ĀѮԃ݄ˈԴϡ㽕ᗩʽབᵰ䖭 ѯҎড়ӭᬏߏԴˈ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ᰃԴⱘⳒ

䲙ӳ಴Ѯԃ݄ྏᄤᩦ㦅ⱘ㓬 ᬙˈ䰡໻♒Ϣ⊩㗕੠ҪⱘܼᆊDŽ 䲙ӳ೼ᓖ䈵Ё᳝䆱 䖭џҹৢˈ䲙 ᇍѮԃ݄䇈ˈѮԃ݄ˈԴϡ㽕 ᚻᗩˈ៥ ៥ᰃԴⱘⳒ⠠ˈᖙ໻໻

547 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


߯ 15:6 ߯ 16:1

߯ 16:13

߯ 17:2 ߯ 17:7



will be thy shield: and also if these fall before thee in this world, the reward of thy good works shall be kept, and be prepared before Me in the world to come, great exceedingly. And he believed in the Lord, and had faith in the Word of the Lord, and He reckoned it to him for righteousness, because he parleyed not before him with words. But Sara, the wife of Abram, had not borne to him. But he had a handmaid, a Mizreitha, and her name was Hagar, a daughter of Pharoh, whom he gave to him as a handmaid at the time that he received her, being struck by the word from before the Lord. And she gave thanks before the Lord whose Word spake to her, and thus said, Thou art He who livest and art eternal; who seest, but art not seen! · for she said, For, behold, here is revealed the glory of the Shekina of the Lord after a vision.

⠠DŽབᵰԴ೼Ҟ⫳ࠊ᳡ҪӀˈህӮ Ў㞾Ꮕⱘ୘㸠ֱ⬭ᵕ໻ⱘ䌣䌤ˈг 乘໛ད೼ᴹ⫳㾕៥ⱘ䴶DŽā


ҪⳌֵњЏˈгᇍЏ Џⱘ䘧ֵ᳝ᖗˈ ЏህㅫҪЎНњˈ಴ЎҪ≵᳝䎳Џ ѝ䆎DŽ Ѯԃ݄ⱘྏᄤᩦ㦅ϡ㒭Ҫ⫳‫ܓ‬ཇ˗ ৃᰃҪ᳝ϔϾံཇˈᰃ඗ঞҎˈཌྷ ৡি໣⬆ˈᰃ⊩㗕ⱘཇ‫ˈܓ‬ᰃ⊩㗕 㹿ᴹ ᴹ㞾Џⱘ䘧ߏᠧᯊˈ䗕㒭Ѯԃ݄ ԰ЎՓཇⱘDŽ

Ѯԃֵ݄䲙 䲙ӳˈ䲙ӳህҹℸЎ ҪⱘНDŽ

And I will set My covenant between My Word and thee, and will multiply thee very greatly. And I have established My covenant between My Word and thee, and thy sons after thee in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be a God to thee


Ѯԃ݄ⱘྏᄤᩦ㦅ϡ㒭Ҫ⫳‫ܓ‬ ཇDŽᩦ㦅᳝ϔϾՓཇˈৡি໣ ⬆ˈᰃ඗ঞҎDŽ

໣⬆ህ⿄䙷ᇍཌྷ䇈䆱ⱘ䲙 䲙ӳЎ ⳟ乒Ҏⱘ⼲DŽ಴㗠䇈ˈ೼䖭䞠 ៥гⳟ㾕䙷ⳟ乒៥ⱘ৫˛

Ѣᰃ໣⬆⿄䇶䙷৥ཌྷ䇈 䇈䆱ⱘЏˈཌྷ 䇈:ĀԴᰃ∌⌏ⱘЏˈԴⳟ㾕ϛџˈ ैϡ㹿Ҏⳟ㾕ʽā಴Ўཌྷ䇈:Āⳟાˈ Џ㤷㗔ⱘৠ೼೼ᓖ䈵䞠৥៥ᰒ⦄ њDŽā ៥ህ೼៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ϢԴП䯈ゟ៥ⱘ㑺ˈ ՓԴⱘৢ㺨໻໻๲໮DŽ

៥ህϢԴゟ㑺ˈՓԴⱘৢ㺨ᵕ ݊㐕໮DŽ

៥ህ೼៥ ៥ ⱘ䘧ϢԴҹঞԴⱘৢ㺨 П䯈ゟ៥ⱘ㑺ˈᰃ∌䖰ⱘ㑺ˈ៥㽕 ៤ЎԴҹঞԴৢ㺨ⱘ⼲DŽ

៥㽕ϢԴᑊԴϪϪҷҷⱘৢ㺨 മゟ៥ⱘ㑺ˈ԰∌䖰ⱘ㑺ˈᰃ 㽕԰Դ੠Դৢ㺨ⱘ⼲DŽ

548 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߯ 17:10

Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ and to thy sons after thee. This is My covenant, that you shall observe between My Word and you, and your sons after you:—Every male of you being circumcised, though he have not a father to circumcise him.

߯ 17:11

And you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, as a sign of the covenant between My Word and you.

߯ 18:5

And I will bring food of bread, that you may strengthen your hearts, and give thanks in the Name of the Word of the Lord, and afterwards pass on. For therefore at the time of repast are you come, and have turned aside to your servant to take food. And they said, Thou hast spoken well; do according to thy word. And the Lord said, with His Word, I cannot hide from Abraham that which I am about to do; and it is right that before I do it, I should make it known to him. And the Word of the Lord had caused showers of favour to descend upon Sedom and Amorah, to the intent that they might work repentance, but they did it not: so that they said, Wickedness is not manifest before the Lord. Behold, then, there are now sent down upon them sulphur and fire

߯ 18:17 ߯ 19:24



ԴӀЁ䯈᠔᳝ⱘ⬋ᄤ䛑㽕ফࡆ⼐: ៥ⱘ䘧ϢԴҹঞ 䖭ህᰃ៥ⱘ㑺ˈ೼៥ Դⱘৢ㺨П䯈᠔ゟⱘˈህᰃԴӀ᠔ ᔧᅜⱘDŽ ԴӀࣙⲂⱘ㙝䛑㽕ফࡆ⼐˖䖭ህ㽕 ‫خ‬៥ ៥ ⱘ䘧ϢԴӀП䯈᠔ゟⱘ㑺ⱘ ߁䆕DŽ ៥‫ݡ‬ᣓ⚍佐ᴹˈ㒭ԴӀ㸹‫ܙ‬ԧ࡯ˈ ᑊϨ༝Џ Џⱘ䘧ⱘৡ⤂Ϟᛳ䇶ˈ✊ৢ ᠡᕔࠡ䍄DŽ᮶✊ԴӀ೼⫼佁ⱘᯊ‫׭‬ ᴹࠄˈህ⬭ϟৗ佁৻DŽҪӀ䇈:Āህ ✻Դ᠔䇈ⱘ‫৻خ‬DŽā

ԴӀ᠔᳝ⱘ⬋ᄤˈ䛑㽕ফࡆ⼐DŽ 䖭ህᰃ៥ ៥ϢԴˈᑊԴⱘৢ㺨᠔ ゟⱘ㑺ˈᰃԴӀ᠔ᔧ䙉ᅜⱘDŽ

ЏҹҪ Ҫⱘ䘧䇈:Ā៥ᇚ㽕‫ⱘخ‬џˈቖ ৃⵦⴔѮԃᢝ㔩ਸ਼˛೼៥‫خ‬Пࠡˈ ⧚ᔧਞ䆝ҪDŽ ā ҢࠡˈЏ Џⱘ䘧Ң໽䰡ϟᘽᚴ೼᠔໮ ⥯੠㳒ᨽᢝˈᏠᳯҪӀӮᙨᬍˈԚ ҪӀϡ㚃ˈ䖬༌ষ䇈ˈЏϡⶹ䘧៥ Ӏⱘᙊ㸠DŽѢᰃˈЏ Џⱘ䘧Ң໽䰡ϟ ⸿⻎䎳☿DŽ

៥ϢԴ ԴӀ䛑㽕ফࡆ⼐ˈ䖭ᰃ៥ Ӏゟ㑺ⱘ䆕᥂DŽ ៥‫ݡ‬ᣓϔ⚍佐ᴹˈԴӀৃҹࡴ ⏏ᖗ࡯ˈ✊ৢᕔࠡএDŽԴӀ᮶ ࠄҚҎ䖭䞠ᴹˈ⧚ᔧབℸDŽҪ Ӏ䇈ˈህ✻Դ䇈ⱘ㸠৻DŽ

䲙ӳ䇈ˈ៥᠔㽕԰ⱘџˈቖৃ ⵦⴔѮԃᢝ㔩ਸ਼˛ 䲙ӳᇚ⸿⻎Ϣ☿Ң໽Ϟ ᔧᯊˈ䲙 䲙ӳ䙷䞠䰡Ϣ᠔໮⥯੠㳒ᨽ ᢝDŽ

549 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ from before the Word of the Lord from Heaven. And a word came from before the Lord unto Abimelek, in a dream of the night, and said to him, Behold, thou diest, because of the woman whom thou hast carried away, and she a man’s wife.



᳝ᴹ㞾Џ Џ ⱘ䆱ЈࠄѮ↨㉇ࢦⱘṺ ЁˈᇍҪ䇈:ĀԴ㽕⅏њʽ಴ЎԴ᠔ পⱘ䙷ཇҎˈᰃ᳝໿ПཛDŽ ā

߯ 20:6

And the Word of the Lord said to him in a dream, Before Me also it is manifest that in the truthfulness of thy heart thou didst this, and so restrained I thee from sinning before Me; therefore I would not permit thee to come near her.

Џⱘ䘧೼ṺЁᇍҪ䇈:Ā៥гⶹ䘧Դ ԰䖭џЗᖗ䞠ℷⳈˈ಴ℸ៥гᢺ䰏 Դ⢃㔾ҹ‫ܡ‬ᕫ㔾њ៥ˈ᠔ҹ៥ϡᆍ Դ䴴䖥ཌྷDŽā

Ԛ໰䯈⼲ ⼲ᴹ೼ṺЁᇍѮ↨㉇ࢦ 䇈ˈԴᰃϾ⅏Ҏાˈ಴ЎԴপ њ䙷ཇҎᴹDŽཌྷॳᰃ߿Ҏⱘྏ ᄤDŽ ⼲೼ṺЁᇍҪ䇈ˈ៥ⶹ䘧Դ԰ 䖭џᰃᖗЁℷⳈDŽ៥гᢺ䰏њ Դˈ‫ܡ‬ᕫԴᕫ㔾៥ˈ᠔ҹ៥ϡ ᆍԴ⊒ⴔཌྷDŽ

߯ 20:18

For the Word of the Lord shutting had shut in displeasure the wombs of all the women of Abimelek’s house on account of Sarah the wife of Abraham. And the Word of the Lord was the helper of the youth, and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness, and became a skilful master of the bow. And it was at that time that Abimelek and Phikol, chief of his host, spake to Abraham, saying, The Word of the Lord is in thine aid in all whatsoever thou doest. And now, swear to me here, by the Word of the Lord, that thou wilt not be false with me, nor with my son, nor with the son of my

಴ЎѮԃᢝ㔩ⱘྏᩦᢝⱘ㓬ᬙˈЏ Џ ⱘ䘧ϡ୰ᙺѮ↨㉇ࢦˈህҸҪᆊЁ ᠔᳝ⱘཛཇ䛑ϡ㛑⫳㚆DŽ Џⱘ䘧ᐂࡽњ䙷ᄽᄤˈҪ⏤⏤䭓 ໻ˈԣ೼ᯋ䞢ˈ៤њϾ⼲ㆁ᠟DŽ

䲙ӳЎѮԃᢝ㔩ⱘྏᄤᩦᢝ ಴䲙 ⱘ㓬ᬙˈᏆ㒣ՓѮ↨㉇ࢦᆊЁ ⱘཛҎϡ㛑⫳㚆DŽ ⼲ֱԥスᄤˈҪህ⏤䭓ˈԣ೼ ᯋ䞢ˈ៤њᓧㆁ᠟DŽ

ᔧ䙷ᯊ‫ˈ׭‬Ѯ↨㉇ࢦৠҪⱘ‫ݯ‬䭓䴲 ৘ᇍѮԃᢝ㔩䇈:Ā೼Դ᠔԰ⱘϔߛ џϞˈЏ Џⱘ䘧䛑ᐂࡽњԴDŽ ā བҞ䇋೼䖭䞠ᣛⴔЏ Џ ⱘ䘧৥៥䍋 䁧˖Դϡ㽕ҹ䆵䆜ᕙ៥੠៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤ

ᔧ䙷ᯊ‫ˈ׭‬Ѯ↨㉇ࢦৠҪ‫ݯ‬䭓 䴲৘ᇍѮԃᢝ㔩䇈ˈ޵Դ᠔㸠 ⱘџ䛑᳝⼲ ⼲ⱘֱԥDŽ ៥ᜓԴབҞ೼䖭䞠ᣛⴔ⼲ ⼲ᇍ៥ 䍋䁧ˈϡ㽕ℎ䋳៥Ϣ៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈ

߯ 20:3

߯ 21:20 ߯ 21:22 ߯ 21:23

550 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ son: according to the kindness which I have done with thee, thou shalt do with me, and with the land in which thou dwellest.

߯ 21:33

߯ 22:1

And he planted a garden, (lit., “a paradise,”) at the Well of the Seven Lambs, and prepared in the midst of it food and drink for them who passed by and who returned; and he preached to them there, Confess ye, and believe in the Name of the Word of the Lord, the everlasting God. And it was after these things that Izhak and Ishmael contended; and Ishmael said, It is right that I should inherit what is the father’s because I am his firstborn son. And Izhak said, It is right that I should inherit what is the father’s, because I am the son of Sarah his wife, and thou art the son of Hagar the handmaid of my mother. Ishmael answered and said, I am more righteous than thou, because I was circumcised at thirteen years; and if it had been my will to hinder, they should not have delivered me to be circumcised; but thou wast circumcised a child eight days; if thou hadst had knowledge, perhaps they should not have delivered thee to be circumcised. Izhak responded and said, Behold now, to-day I am thirty and six years old; and if the Holy



ᑊҪⱘৢҷ˗៥ᗢḋ८ᕙњԴˈԴ г㽕ᗢḋ८ᕙ៥੠Դ᠔ᆘሙⱘ䖭 ഄDŽ Ҫ೼Āϗ㕞ѩāા䞠⾡њϔϾುᄤˈ 䖬㒭䏃䖛ⱘҎ乘໛њ佂亳˗Ҫ৥Ҫ ӀӴ䘧䇈:ԴӀᔧᡓ䅸ᑊⳌֵЏ Џⱘ 䘧ⱘৡˈҪᰃ䙷∌⫳⼲DŽ

ᑊ៥ⱘᄤᄭDŽ៥ᗢḋ८ᕙњԴˈ Դг㽕✻ḋ८ᕙ៥ϢԴ᠔ᆘሙ 䖭ഄⱘ⇥DŽ Ѯԃᢝ㔩೼߿ᰃᏈḑϞϔỉൖ 䲙ӳ∌ ϱ᷇ᷥˈজ೼䙷䞠∖ਞ䲙 ⫳⼲ⱘৡDŽ

⼲ 㽕䆩偠Ѯԃᢝ 䖭ѯџҹৢˈҹᩦ੠ҹᅲ⥯߽ϡ 䖭ѯџҹৢˈ⼲ ੠ˈҹᅲ⥯߽䇈:Ā៥ᰃ䭓ᄤˈ⧚ᔧ 㔩ˈህ੐িҪ䇈ˈѮԃᢝ㔩ˈ 㒻ᡓ⠊҆ⱘѻϮDŽāҹᩦ䇈:Ā៥ᠡ Ҫ䇈ˈ៥೼䖭䞠DŽ ⧚ᔧ㒻ᡓ⠊҆ⱘѻϮˈ಴Ў៥ᰃҪ ྏᄤᩦᢝⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈԴᰃ៥↡҆ⱘՓ ཇ໣⬆ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽā ҹᅲ⥯߽ಲㄨ䇈: Ā៥↨Դ݀Нˈ಴Ў៥कϝቕᯊᠡ ফࡆ⼐ˈབᵰ៥ϡᜓᛣˈ≵᳝Ҏ㛑 ࢝ᔎ៥˗㗠Դᰃߎ⫳ܿ໽ৢህ᥹ফ ࡆ⼐ⱘˈབᵰԴৃҹ㞾ЏˈҪӀህ ᮴⊩㽕Դফࡆ⼐DŽāҹᩦಲᑨ䇈:Ā៥ བҞϝक݁ቕњˈབᵰ㟇೷㗙˄Ҫ ᰃ䜡ᕫ⿄乖ⱘ˅㽕∖៥⤂Ϟ䑿ԧˈ ៥‫އ‬ϡ⢍䈿DŽā䖭⬾䆱Ϫ⬠ⱘЏ䛑

551 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


߯ 22:16 ߯ 22:18 ߯ 24:1 ߯ 24:3

߯ 26:3



One, blessed be He, were to require all my members, I would not delay. These words were heard before the Lord of the world, and the Word of the Lord at once tried Abraham, and said to him, Abraham! And he said, Behold me. and said, By My Word have I sworn, saith the Lord, forasmuch as thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thy only begotten, And all the peoples of the earth shall be blessed through the righteousness of thy son, because thou hast obeyed My word. And Abraham was old with days, and the Word of the Lord had blessed Abraham with every kind of blessing. And swear to me in the name of the Word of the Lord God, whose habitation is in heaven on high, the God whose dominion is over the earth, that thou wilt not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Kenaanites among whom I dwell; sojourn in the land, and My Word shall be for thy help, and I will bless thee; for to the end to thy sons will I give all these lands, and I will establish the covenant which I have covenanted with Abraham thy father.

਀㾕њˈЏ Џⱘ䘧ህ䆩⚐Ѯԃᢝ㔩ˈ ᇍҪ䇈:ĀѮԃᢝ㔩ʽāҪ䇈:Ā៥೼ 䖭䞠DŽ ā


Џ䇈ˈ៥ᣛⴔ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧䍋䁧ˈԴ᮶԰ њ䖭џˈϡ⬭ϟԴⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈህᰃԴ ⱘ⣀⫳ᄤˈ ഄϞϛ೑䛑ᖙ಴Դ‫ܓ‬ᄤⱘ݀Н㩭 ⽣ˈ಴ЎԴ਀њ៥ ៥ⱘ䆱DŽ

䲙ӳ䇈ˈԴ᮶㸠њ䖭џˈϡ⬭ ϟԴⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈህᰃԴ⣀⫳ⱘ‫ܓ‬ ᄤˈ៥֓ᣛⴔ㞾 㞾Ꮕ䍋䁧䇈ˈ ᑊϨഄϞϛ೑䛑ᖙ಴Դⱘৢ㺨 ᕫ⽣ˈ಴ЎԴ਀Ңњ៥ ៥ⱘ䆱DŽ

Ѯԃᢝ㔩ᑈ㑾㗕䖜ˈ৥ᴹ೼ϔߛџ ϞˈЏ Џⱘ䘧䛑䌤⽣ϢѮԃᢝ㔩DŽ

Ѯԃᢝ㔩ᑈ㑾㗕䖜ˈ৥ᴹ೼ϔ ߛџϞ䲙 䲙ӳ䛑䌤⽣㒭ҪDŽ

៥㽕ԴᣛⴔЏ Џⱘ䘧⼲ⱘ ⱘৡ˄Ҫԣ೼ 催໽ПϞⱘˈ㒳ㅵܼഄ˅䍋䁧ˈϡ 㽕Ң៥ԣ೼ҪӀЁ䯈ⱘ䖺फҎЁ Ў៥‫ܓ‬ᄤညྏDŽ

៥㽕িԴᣛⴔ䲙 䲙ӳ໽ഄⱘЏ䍋 䁧ˈϡ㽕Ў៥‫ܓ‬ᄤည䖭䖺फഄ ЁⱘཇᄤЎྏDŽ

Դᆘሙ೼䖭ഄˈ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ᖙ៤ЎԴⱘ ᐂࡽˈ៥Ӯ䌤⽣ϢԴˈ಴Ў៥㽕ᇚ 䖭ѯഄ䌤㒭Դⱘৢ㺨˗៥ᖙമᅮ៥ ৥Դ⠊Ѯԃᢝ㔩᠔ゟⱘ㑺DŽ

Դᆘሙ೼䖭ഄˈ៥ ៥ᖙϢԴৠ೼ˈ 䌤⽣㒭Դˈ಴Ў៥㽕ᇚ䖭ѯഄ 䛑䌤㒭Դ੠Դⱘৢ㺨DŽ៥ᖙമ ᅮ៥৥Դ⠊Ѯԃᢝ㔩᠔䍋ⱘ 䁧DŽ

552 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh



߯ 26:5

on account that Abraham obeyed My word, and kept the keeping of My word, My statutes, My covenants, and My laws.

߯ 26:24

And the Lord appeared to him that night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not; for My Word is for thy help, and I will bless thee, and multiply thy sons for the righteousness’ sake of Abraham My servant.

߯ 26:28

And they answered, Seeing, we have seen, that the Word of the Lord is for thy help, and for thy righteousness’ sake all good hath been to us; but when thou wentest forth from our land the wells dried up, and our trees made no fruit; then we said, We will cause him to return to us. And now let there be an oath established between us, and kindness between us and thee, and we will enter into a covenant with thee, Therefore the Word of the Lord give thee of the good dews which descend from the heavens, and of the good fountains that spring up, and make the herbage of the earth to grow from beneath, and plenty of provision and wine. And the Word of the Lord had impeded him from taking clean venison; but he had found a certain dog, and killed him, and

߯ 27:28

߯ 27:31



䛑಴Ѯԃᢝ㔩乎᳡៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ˈᅜ៥ ៥ⱘ 䛑಴Ѯԃᢝ㔩਀Ң៥ ៥ⱘ䆱ˈ䙉 䘧ǃ៥ⱘ⊩߭ǃ៥ⱘ㑺੠៥ⱘᕟ⊩DŽ ᅜ៥ ៥ⱘ৽੤੠៥ⱘੑҸˈᕟ՟ˈ ⊩ᑺDŽ ᔧ໰Џ৥Ҫᰒ⦄䇈:Ā៥ᰃԴ⠊҆Ѯ ᔧ໰䲙ӳ৥Ҫᰒ⦄ˈ䇈ˈ៥ᰃ ԃᢝ㔩ⱘ⼲˗Դϡ㽕ᗩˈ಴Ў៥ ៥ⱘ Դ⠊҆Ѯԃᢝ㔩ⱘ⼲ˈϡ㽕ᚻ ៥ ϢԴৠ೼ˈ㽕䌤⽣ 䘧ᰃԴⱘᐂࡽ˗៥ᖙ⼱⽣ԴˈՓԴ ᗩˈ಴Ў៥ ⱘৢ㺨๲໮ˈ䛑ᰃЎњ៥ҚҎѮԃ 㒭Դˈᑊ㽕Ў៥ҚҎѮԃᢝ㔩 ⱘ㓬ᬙˈՓԴⱘৢ㺨㐕໮DŽ ᢝ㔩ⱘНⱘ㓬ᬙDŽā 䲙ӳ ҪӀ䇈:Ā៥Ӏᯢᯢⳟ㾕Џ Џⱘ䘧ᐂࡽ ҪӀ䇈ˈ៥Ӏᯢᯢഄⳟ㾕䲙 њԴˈ಴Դ݀Нⱘ㓬ᬙˈ៥Ӏг㩭 ϢԴৠ೼ˈ֓䇈ˈϡབ៥Ӏϸ њ⽣DŽԚᔧԴ⾏ᓔ៥Ӏৢˈ៥Ӏⱘ ϟᕐℸ䍋䁧ˈᕐℸゟ㑺DŽ ѩ䛑ᑆ⎌њˈᷥгϡ㒧ᵰᄤDŽѢᰃ ៥Ӏ䇈ˈ៥Ӏ㽕䆒⊩䅽ҪಲᴹDŽ⦄ ೼䅽៥Ӏᕐℸ䍋䁧ˈᕐℸҹᘽ᜜Ⳍ ᕙˈ៥Ӏ㽕ϢԴゟ㑺DŽā ᜓЏ Џⱘ䘧䌤㒭Դ໽Ϟⱘ⫬䴆ˈഄ䞠 ⍠ߎ⫬⊝ˈ⬄ѻЄⲯˈҹঞ䆌໮Ѩ 䈋੠ᮄ䜦DŽ

ᜓ⼲ ⼲䌤Դ໽Ϟⱘ⫬䴆ˈഄϞⱘ 㙹ೳˈᑊ䆌໮Ѩ䈋ᮄ䜦DŽ

Џⱘ䘧ϡ䅽Ҫ⣢ᕫ⏙⋕ⱘ呓㙝ˈҪ 㾕ࠄϔᴵ⢫ˈህᡞᅗᴔњ乘໛亳

г԰њ㕢ੇˈᣓᴹ㒭Ҫ⠊҆ˈ 䇈ˈ䇋⠊҆䍋ᴹˈৗԴ‫ܓ‬ᄤⱘ

553 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


߯ 28:7 ߯ 28:15

߯ 28:20

߯ 29:12

Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ made food of him, and brought to his father, and said to his father, Arise, my father, and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me. and that Jakob obeyed the word of his father, and the word of his mother, and was gone to Padan Aram: And, behold, My Word is for thy help, and will keep thee in every place where thou shalt go, and will bring thee (again) to this land; for I will not leave thee until the time when I have performed all that I have told thee. And Jakob vowed a vow, saying, If the Word of the Lord will be my Helper, and will keep me from shedding innocent blood, and from strange worship, and from impure converse, in this way that I am going; and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to wear, And Jakob told unto Rahel, that he was come to be with her father to take one of his daughters. And Rahel answered him Thou canst not dwell with him, for he is a man of cunning. And Jakob said to her, I am more cunning and wiser than he; nor can he do me evil, because the Word of the Lord is my Helper. And when she knew that he was the son of Rivekah, she ran and made it



⠽ˈ✊ৢᣓ㒭Ҫⱘ⠊҆ৗDŽҪᇍ⠊ 䞢ੇˈད㒭៥⼱⽣DŽ ҆䇈:Ā⠊҆ˈ䍋ᴹৗ៥乘໛ⱘ呓㙝ˈ ✊ৢ⼱⽣៥৻DŽā 䲙৘਀ҢњҪ⠊ ⠊ ҆ⱘ䆱੠↡ ↡ ҆ⱘ জ㾕䲙৘਀Ң⠊ ⠊↡ⱘ䆱ᕔᏈᮺ 䆱ˈᕔᏈᮺѮ݄এњDŽ Ѯ݄এњDŽ ⳟ৻ˈ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ᰃԴⱘᐂࡽˈ᮴䆎Դ ᕔા䞠এˈ䛑ᖙֱᡸԴˈгᖙ乚Դ ಲℸഄᴹ˗៥ᖙϡ⾏ᓗԴˈⳈࠄ៥ ԰៤њ៥ᇍԴ᠔ᑨ䆌䖛ⱘџDŽ

៥гϢԴৠ೼DŽԴ᮴䆎ᕔા䞠 এˈ៥ᖙֱԥԴˈ乚Դᔦಲ䖭 ഄˈᘏϡ⾏ᓗԴˈⳈࠄ៥៤ܼ њ৥Դ᠔ᑨ䆌ⱘDŽ

⼲ 㢹Ϣ៥ৠ೼ˈ 䲙৘䆌ᜓ䇈:ĀЏⱘ䘧㢹ᐂࡽ៥ˈֱ 䲙৘䆌ᜓ䇈ˈ⼲ ᅜ៥ϡ⌕᮴䕰Ҏⱘ㸔ǃϡᢰ‫ڣي‬ǃ ೼៥᠔㸠ⱘ䏃Ϟֱԥ៥ˈজ㒭 䖰⾏ϡ⋕ⱘ㿔䇜ˈ೼៥᠔䍄ⱘ䖭䏃 ៥亳⠽ৗˈ㸷᳡こˈ Ϟֱᡸ៥ˈ㒭៥亳⠽ৗǃ㸷᳡こˈ 䲙৘ਞ䆝ᢝ㒧䇈ˈҪ㽕੠Ҫ⠊҆ৠ 䲙৘ਞ䆝ᢝ㒧ˈ㞾Ꮕᰃཌྷ⠊҆ ԣᑊϨညҪⱘ݊ЁϔϾཇ‫ܓ‬ЎྏDŽ ⱘ໪⫹ˈᰃ߽ⱒࡴⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈᢝ ᢝ㒧ਞ䆝Ҫ䇈ˈĀԴϡ㛑Ϣ៥⠊҆ 㒧ህ䎥এਞ䆝ཌྷ⠊҆DŽ ৠԣˈ಴ЎҪᰃϔϾཌ䆜ⱘҎDŽā 䲙৘ᇍཌྷ䇈:Ā៥↨Ҫ᳈㘾ᯢǃ᳈⢵ ⤒DŽҪ᮴⊩Ӹᆇ៥ˈ಴ЎЏ Џⱘ䘧ᰃ ៥ⱘᐂ᠟DŽāᔧᢝ㒧ⶹ䘧䲙৘ᰃ߽

554 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ known to her father.

߯ 29:31

߯ 30:22 ߯ 31:3 ߯ 31:5 ÅӾ㑺ᣓऩ 䆥ᴀⱘ Memraˈ㣅 䆥ᴀ≵᳝ 㗏䆥ߎᴹDŽ ߯ 31:24

And it was revealed before the Lord that Leah was not loved in the sight of Jakob; and He said in His Word that sons should be given her, and that Rahel should be barren. And the remembrance of Rahel came before the Lord, and the voice of her prayer was heard before Him; and He said in his Word that He would give her sons. And the Lord said to Jakob, Return to the land of thy fathers, and to thy native place; and My Word shall be for thy help.



ⱒࡴⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤˈཌྷህ䎥এਞ䆝ཌྷ⠊ ҆DŽ ᔧЏ㾕߽Ѯᕫϡࠄ䲙৘ⱘᅴ⠅ᯊˈ 䲙ӳ㾕߽Ѯ༅ᅴ˄ॳ᭛԰㹿ᘼ ˈህՓཌྷ⫳㚆ˈᢝ㒧ैϡ Ҫ‫ⴔ׳‬Ҫⱘ䘧䇈ˈ߽Ѯ㽕⫳䆌໮‫ ܓ‬ϟৠ˅ ⫳㚆DŽ ᄤˈ㗠ᢝ㒧ैϡ㛑⫳㚆DŽ ⼲乒ᗉᢝ㒧ˈᑨ‫ܕ‬њཌྷˈՓཌྷ 㛑⫳㚆DŽ

And he said to them, I consider the looks of your father, and, behold, they are not peaceful with me as yesterday and as before it; but the God of my father hath been [the word] to my aid.

Џ㑾ᗉњᢝ㒧ˈൖ਀њཌྷⱘ⽋ਞˈ Ҫ‫ⴔ׳‬Ҫⱘ䘧䇈ˈҪӮ䌤㒭ཌྷ䆌໮ ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽ ѢᰃЏᇍ䲙৘䇈:ĀԴ㽕ಲԴ⼪ᅫП ഄˈࠄԴ҆ᮣ䙷䞠˗៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ᖙ៤Ў ԴⱘᐂࡽDŽā ҪᇍཌྷӀ䇈:Ā៥ⳟԴӀ⠊҆ⱘ㜌㡆 ᇍ៥ϡ‫ڣ‬ᕔᐌ䙷ḋ੠⇨ˈԚ៥⠊҆ ⱘ⼲৥ᴹ˄ህᰃ䙷 䙷 䘧˅ᰃ៥ⱘᐂ ࡽDŽā

And there came an angel with a word from before the Lord; and he drew the sword against Laban the deceitful in a dream of the night, and said to him, Beware lest thou speak with Jakob from good to

໰䯈೼Ṻ䞠ˈϔ ϔϾ໽ՓᏺᴹњЏⱘ 䘧ˈҪ᠟䞠᳝ᢨߎᴹⱘߔ৥ⴔ⢵⤒ ⱘᢝ⧁ˈ䇈ˈĀԴ㽕ᇣᖗˈϡৃ੠ 䲙৘䇈ད䇈⅍DŽā

⼲ࠄѮ݄Ҏᢝ⧁䙷䞠ˈ ໰䯈ˈ⼲ ೼ṺЁᇍҪ䇈ˈԴ㽕ᇣᖗˈϡ ৃϢ䲙৘䇈ད䇈⅍DŽ

䲙ӳᇍ䲙৘䇈ˈԴ㽕ಲԴ⼪ˈ Դ⠊ПഄˈࠄԴ҆ᮣ䙷䞠এˈ ៥ᖙϢԴৠ೼DŽ ᇍཌྷӀ䇈ˈ៥ⳟԴӀ⠊҆ⱘ⇨ 㡆৥៥ϡབҢࠡњDŽԚ៥⠊҆ ⱘ⼲ ⼲৥ᴹϢ៥ৠ೼DŽ

555 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߯ 31:50

Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ evil. If thou shalt afflict my daughters, doing them injury, and if thou take upon my daughters, there is no man to judge us, the Word of the Lord seeing is the witness between me and thee.


੠ড়ᴀ೷㒣 Դ㢹㢺ᕙ៥ⱘཇ‫ˈܓ‬জ೼៥ⱘ ཇ‫ܓ‬ҹ໪঺ညྏˈ㱑≵᳝Ҏⶹ 䘧ˈै᳝⼲ ⼲೼Դ៥Ё䯈԰㾕䆕DŽ

߯ 35:3

And we will arise and go up to Bethel, and I will make there an altar unto Eloha, who heard my prayer in the day when I was afflicted, and whose Word was my helper in the way that I went.

Դ㢹ᰃ㢺ᕙǃӸᆇ៥ⱘཇ‫ˈܓ‬㢹ᰃ ೼៥ⱘཇ‫ܓ‬ҹ໪঺ညྏˈ≵᳝ҎЎ ҪӀЏᣕ݀䘧ˈЏ Џⱘ䘧ⳟ㾕ϔߛˈ ҪᰃԴ៥П䯈ⱘ㾕䆕DŽ ៥Ӏ㽕䍋ᴹˈϞԃ⡍߽এˈ៥㽕೼ 䙷䞠䗴ϔᑻ⽁യ㒭⼲ˈህᰃ೼៥ᙷ 䲒ⱘ᮹ᄤᑨ‫ܕ‬៥ⱘ⽋ਞˈҪ Ҫⱘ䘧೼ ៥᠔䍄ⱘ䏃Ϟᰃ៥ⱘᐂ᠟ⱘ䙷ԡDŽ

߯ 35:9

And the Lord revealed Himself to Jakob again on his return from Padan of Aram, and the Lord blessed him by the name of His Word, after the death of his mother. And the Word of the Lord was Joseph’s Helper, and he became a prosperous man in the house of his Mizraite master.

䲙৘ҢᏈᮺѮ݄ಲᴹˈ䙷ᯊҪ↡҆ Ҫ Ꮖ㒣এϪ˗Џজ৥Ҫᰒ⦄ˈЏҹҪ 䘧ⱘৡ⼱⽣Ҫˈ ԚЏ Џⱘ䘧ᰃ㑺⨳ⱘᐂ᠟ˈ㑺⨳೼Ҫ ЏҎ඗ঞҎᆊЁህ޵џ乎߽DŽ

߯ 39:3

And his master saw that the Word of the Lord was his Helper, and that the Lord prospered in his hand all that he did;

ҪЏҎ㾕Џ Џⱘ䘧ᰃҪⱘᐂ᠟ˈজ㾕 ЏҸҪ᠔԰ⱘϔߛ䛑乎߽ˈ

߯ 39:21

And the Word of the Lord was Joseph’s Helper, and extended mercy to him, and gave him favour in the eyes of the captain of the prison.

ԚЏ Џⱘ䘧ᰃ㑺⨳ⱘᐂ᠟ˈᑊ৥Ҫᮑ ᗰᚃˈՓҪ೼ⲥ⣅䭓䴶ࠡ㩭ᘽDŽ

߯ 39:2

៥Ӏ㽕䍋ᴹˈϞԃ⡍߽এˈ೼ 䙷䞠៥㽕ㄥϔᑻയ㒭⼲ˈህᰃ ೼៥䙁䲒ⱘ᮹ᄤᑨ‫ܕ‬៥ⱘ⽋ ਞˈ೼៥㸠ⱘ䏃Ϟֱԥ៥ⱘ䙷 䙷 ԡDŽ ⼲জ৥ 䲙৘ҢᏈᮺѮ݄ಲᴹˈ⼲ Ҫᰒ⦄ˈ䌤⽣ϢҪˈ 㑺⨳ԣ೼ҪЏҎ඗ঞҎⱘᆊ Ёˈ䲙 䲙ӳϢҪৠ೼ˈҪህⱒџ 乎߽DŽ ҪЏҎ㾕䲙 䲙ӳϢҪৠ೼ˈজ㾕 䲙ӳՓҪ᠟䞠᠔ࡲⱘሑ䛑乎 ߽ˈ Ԛ䲙 䲙ӳϢ㑺⨳ৠ೼ˈ৥Ҫᮑᘽˈ ՓҪ೼ৌ⣅ⱘⴐࠡ㩭ᘽDŽ

556 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߯ 39:23

߯ 41:1 ߯ 41:40 Å Ӿ㑺ᣓ ऩ䆥ᴀⱘ Memra˄䆱˅ ˈ 㣅䆥ᴀ≵ ᳝㗏䆥ߎ ᴹDŽ ߯ 41:44

߯ 43:7




It was not needful for the captain of the prison to watch Joseph, after the custom of all prisoners, because he saw that there was no fault in his hands; for the Word of the Lord was his Helper, and that which he did the Lord made it to prosper. It was at the end of two years, that the remembrance of Joseph came before the Word of the Lord. And Pharoh dreamed, and, behold, he stood by the river, Thou shalt be superintendent over my house, and by the decree [of the word] of thy mouth shall all my people be armed only in the throne of the kingdom will I be greater than thou.

㑺⨳ㅵ⧚⢃Ҏⱘџࡵˈϔߛ䛑᮴ৃ ᣛ䋷ˈ᠔ҹⲥ⣅䭓䛑ϡᆳⳟˈ಴Ў Џⱘ䘧ᰃ㑺⨳ⱘᐂ᠟ˈЏՓҪ᠔԰ ⱘሑ䛑乎߽DŽ

޵೼㑺⨳᠟ϟⱘџˈৌ⣅ϔὖ 䲙ӳϢ㑺⨳ৠ೼DŽ ϡᆳˈ಴Ў䲙 䲙ӳՓҪ᠔԰ⱘሑ䛑乎߽DŽ

ᖿ䖛њϸᑈˈЏ Џⱘ䘧㑾ᗉњ㑺⨳DŽ ⊩㗕԰њϔϾṺˈṺ㾕Ҫキ೼⊇ 䖍ˈ Դৃҹᥠㅵ៥ⱘᆊˈᚳ᳝ߎѢԴ Դষ Ёⱘ䆱ⱘੑҸˈ៥ⱘ⇥ᠡৃҹ㸠 џ˗ᚳ⣀೼ᅱᑻϞˈ៥ᠡ↨Դ໻DŽ

䖛њϸᑈˈ⊩㗕԰ṺˈṺ㾕㞾 Ꮕキ೼⊇䖍ˈ Դৃҹᥠㅵ៥ⱘᆊDŽ៥ⱘ⇥䛑 ᖙ਀ҢԴ Դⱘ䆱DŽᚳ⣀೼ᅱᑻϞ ៥↨Դ໻DŽ

And Pharoh said to Joseph, I am Pharoh the king, and thou art viceregent, and without thy word a man shall not lift up his hand to gird on arms, or his foot to mount a horse in all the land of Mizraim.

⊩㗕ᇍ㑺⨳䇈:Ā៥ᰃ⊩㗕⥟ˈԴᰃ ៥ⱘܼᴗҷ㸼˗೼඗ঞܼഄˈ㢹≵ ᳝Դ ԴⱘੑҸˈህ≵᳝Ҏৃҹᣓ䍋݉ ఼ˈ៪㗙健偀DŽā ҪӀ䇈:Ā䙷Ҏ㽕∖ⶹ䘧៥Ӏ੠៥Ӏ ⱘ҆ሲˈ䇈ˈþԴӀⱘ⠊҆䖬⌏ⴔ ৫˛ԴӀ䖬᳝ᓳᓳ৫˛ÿ៥Ӏህᅲ 䆱ᅲ䇈ˈા㛑ⶹ䘧Ҫコ✊䇈ˈþᖙ

⊩㗕ᇍ㑺⨳䇈ˈ៥ᰃ⊩㗕ˈ೼ ԴⱘੑҸˈ ඗ঞܼഄˈ㢹≵᳝Դ ϡ䆌Ҏ᪙㞾ࡲџ˄ॳ᭛԰ࡼ᠟ ࡼ㛮˅ DŽ ҪӀಲㄨ䇈ˈ䙷Ҏ䆺㒚䯂ࠄ៥ Ӏ੠៥Ӏⱘ҆ሲˈ䇈ˈԴӀⱘ ⠊҆䖬೼৫˛ԴӀ䖬᳝‫ܘ‬ᓳ ৫˛៥ӀህᣝⴔҪ᠔䯂ⱘਞ䆝

And they said, The man demanding demanded (to know) about us, and about our family, saying Is your father yet living? Have you a brother? And we informed him according to the word of these things.

557 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ Could we know that he would say, Bring your brother down?

߯ 45:21

And Joseph gave them waggons according to the word of Pharoh, and he furnished them with provision for the way.

߯ 46:4

I am He who in My Word will go down with thee into Mizraim; I will regard the affliction of thy children, and My Word shall bring thee up from thence, and cause thy children to come up; but Joseph shall lay his hand upon thine eyes.

߯ 48:9

And Joseph answered his father, They are my sons which the Word of the Lord gave me according to this writing, according to which I took Asenath the daughter of Dinah thy daughter to be my wife. And he said, Bring them now near to me, and I will bless them.

߯ 48:21 ߯ 49:25

And Israel said to Joseph, Behold, my end cometh to die. But the Word of the Lord shall be your Helper, and restore you to the land of your fathers; From the Word of the Lord shall be thy help; and He who is called the All-Sufficient shall bless thee with the blessings which




Ҫˈ⛝㛑ⶹ䘧Ҫ㽕䇈ˈᖙ乏ᡞ ԴӀⱘ‫ܘ‬ᓳᏺϟᴹਸ਼˛ 㑺⨳ᣝ✻⊩ ⊩㗕ⱘੑҸ㒭ҪӀ䔺䕚ˈ ҹ㡆߫ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤӀህབℸ㸠DŽ㑺 ੠䏃Ϟ⫼ⱘ亳⠽DŽ ⨳✻ⴔ⊩ ⊩㗕ⱘ৽੤㒭ҪӀ䔺䕚 ੠䏃Ϟ⫼ⱘ亳⠽DŽ ៥ᰃ䙷ԡ೼៥ⱘ䘧䞠੠Դϔৠϟ ៥㽕੠Դৠϟ඗ঞএˈгᖙᅮ ඗ঞⱘ˗ҹৢ៥Ӯ㑾ᗉԴৢ㺨ⱘ㢺 ᏺԴϞᴹDŽ㑺⨳ᖙ㒭Դ䗕㒜˄ॳ DŽ ᚙˈ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧Ӯᏺ乚Դ੠Դⱘৢ㺨Ϟ ᭛԰ᇚ᠟ᣝ೼Դⱘⴐ⴯Ϟ˅ ᴹDŽԚ㑺⨳ᖙᇚ᠟ᣝ೼Դⱘⴐ⴯ ϞDŽ ⼲೼䖭 㑺⨳ᇍҪ⠊҆䇈:ĀҪӀᰃ៥ⱘ‫ ܓ‬㑺⨳ᇍҪ⠊҆䇈ˈ䖭ᰃ⼲ ᄤˈᰃЏ Џⱘ䘧䌤㒭៥ⱘDŽ៥ᰃḍ᥂ 䞠䌤㒭៥ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤDŽҹ㡆߫䇈ˈ Џⱘ䆱ညњԴཇ‫ܓ‬ᑩᣓⱘཇ‫ܓ‬Ѯ 䇋Դ乚ҪӀࠄ៥䎳ࠡˈ៥㽕㒭 ҪӀ⼱⽣DŽ 㽓㒇ЎྏⱘDŽ ā Ҫ䇈:Ā䇋乚ࠄ៥䎳ࠡˈ៥㽕㒭ҪӀ ⼱⽣DŽ ā ҹ㡆߫ᇍ㑺⨳䇈:Ā៥ᖿ㽕⅏њˈԚ Џⱘ䘧ᰃԴⱘᐂ᠟ˈҪᖙ乚Դಲࠄ Դ߫⼪ПഄDŽ ā Դⱘᐂࡽᴹ㞾Џ Џⱘ䘧ˈ䙷ԡܼ໛㗙 Ӯҹ໽Ϟ৘ḋⱘ⽣⇨⌛☠Դˈҹഄ

ҹ㡆߫জᇍ㑺⨳䇈ˈ៥㽕⅏њˈ Ԛ⼲ ⼲ᖙϢԴӀৠ೼ˈ乚ԴӀಲ ࠄԴӀ߫⼪ПഄDŽ Դ⠊҆ⱘ⼲ᖙᐂࡽԴDŽ䙷ܼ㛑 㗙ᖙᇚ໽Ϟ᠔᳝ⱘ⽣ˈഄ䞠᠔

558 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


߯ 50:20




descend with the dew of heaven from above, and with the good blessing of the fountains of the deep which ascend and clothe the herbage from beneath. The breasts are blessed at which thou wast suckled, and the womb in which thou didst lie, You indeed imagined against me evil thoughts, that when I did not recline with you to eat it was because I retained enmity against you. But the Word of the Lord thought on me for good; for my father hath caused me to sit at the head, and on account of his honour I received; but now not for the sake of my (own) righteousness or merit was it given me to work out for you deliverance this day for the preservation of much people of the house of Jakob,

ᑩϟⱘ⊝⑤ᴹ☠⑝ԴⱘѨ䈋DŽҪг ᇚ⫳ѻǃч‫ݏ‬П⽣䛑䌤㒭ԴDŽ

㮣ⱘ⽣ˈҹঞ⫳ѻч‫ˈ⽣ⱘݏ‬ 䛑䌤㒭ԴDŽ

ԴӀ৥៥ⱘᛣᗉᰃᙊⱘˈҹЎ៥≵ ᳝䎳ԴӀϔ䍋തᐁᰃ಴Ў៥䖬ᬠ ᇍԴӀDŽԚЏ Џⱘ䘧৥៥ⱘᛣᗉᰃད ⱘ˗៥⠊҆Փ៥៤ЎϔᆊПЏˈ៥ гᡓফњ䖭ӑ㤷䁝DŽ៥Ҟ໽П᠔ҹ 㛑໳ᣃᬥԴӀˈি䲙৘ᆊ䆌໮Ҏᕫ ҹᄬ⌏ˈϡᰃ಴Ў៥ⱘ݀Н៪ᖋ 㸠ˈ

ҢࠡԴӀⱘᛣᗱᰃ㽕ᆇ៥ˈԚ ⼲ⱘᛣᗱॳᰃདⱘˈ㽕ֱܼ䆌 ໮Ҏⱘᗻੑˈ៤ህҞ᮹ⱘ‫ܝ‬᱃DŽ

559 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

ĀMEMRAā೼Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺ߎ඗ঞ䆄ⱘߎ໘ 㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߎ 1:21

ߎ 2:5

ߎ 2:23




And forasmuch as the midwives feared before the Lord, they obtained for themselves a good name unto the ages; and the Word of the Lord up-builded for them a royal house, even the house of the high priesthood. And the Word of the Lord sent forth a burning sore and inflammation of the flesh upon the land of Mizraim; and the daughter of Pharoh came down to refresh herself at the river. And her handmaids, walking upon the bank of the river, saw the ark among the reeds, and put forth the arm and took it, and were immediately healed of the burning and inflammation. And it was after many of those days that the king of Mizraim was struck (with disease), and he commanded to kill the firstborn of the sons of Israel, that he might bathe himself in their blood. And the sons of Israel groaned with the labour that was hard upon them; and they cried, and their cry ascended to the high heavens of the Lord. And He spake in His Word to deliver them from the travail.

ᬊ⫳ယ಴Ўᭀ⬣ЏˈཌྷӀ೼ᴹ⫳ህ ᕫࠄњདৡໄ˗Џ Џⱘ䘧Փ৯⥟ǃ⽁ ৌⱘᆊᮣ䛑ҢཌྷӀ㗠ߎDŽ

⼲ ֓িཌྷ ᬊ⫳ယ಴Ўᭀ⬣⼲ˈ⼲ Ӏ៤ゟᆊᅸDŽ

Џⱘ䘧䰡ϟ☿ϔ㠀ⱘ⮂ঞⲂ㙸♢ ⮛㒭඗ঞܼഄⱘҎDŽ⊩㗕ⱘཇ‫ܓ‬ϟ ⊇ᴹ⋫╵䙓ᱥˈཌྷⱘཇҚӀ೼⊇䖍 䍄ⴔDŽཌྷⳟ㾕ㆅᄤ೼㡺㢛Ёˈህᤲ њ䍋ᴹˈཌྷӀⱘ⮂ঞ♢⮛ህ⮞ᛜ њDŽ

⊩㗕ⱘཇ‫ܓ‬ᴹࠄ⊇䖍⋫╵ˈཌྷ ⱘՓཇӀ೼⊇䖍㸠䍄DŽཌྷⳟ㾕 ㆅᄤ೼㡺㥏ЁˈህᠧথϔϾံ ཇᣓᴹDŽ

䖛њᕜ䭓ⱘ᮹ᄤˈ඗ঞ⊩㗕ᙷњ䞡 ⮙ˈҪϟҸᴔњҹ㡆߫Ҏ༈⫳ⱘ‫ܓ‬ ᄤˈ⫼ҪӀⱘ㸔ᴹ≤⍈DŽҹ㡆߫Ҏ ಴԰㢺Ꮉ㗠্ᙃˈህઔ੐˗ҪӀⱘ ੐∖ໄϞ䖒Ѣ໽ϞⱘЏDŽЏ‫׳‬Ҫ Ҫⱘ 䘧ᑨ‫ܕ‬㽕ᬥҪӀ㜅⾏㢺䲒DŽ

䖛њ໮ᑈˈ඗ঞ⥟⅏њDŽҹ㡆 ߫Ҏ಴԰㢺Ꮉˈህ্ᙃઔ∖ˈ ҪӀⱘઔໄ䖒Ѣ⼲DŽ

560 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߎ 3:8

ߎ 3:12

ߎ 3:17

ߎ 3:19




And I have revealed Myself to thee this day, that by My Word they may be delivered from the hand of the Mizraee, to bring them up out of the unclean land, unto a good land, and large in its boundaries, a land yielding milk and honey, unto the place where dwell the Kenaanaee, and the Hittaee, and the Amoraee, and the Pherizaee, and the Hivaee, and the Jebusaee. But He said, Therefore My Word shall be for thy help; and this shall be the sign to thee that I have sent thee: when thou hast, brought the people forth from Mizraim, ye shall worship before the Lord, because ye shall have received the Law upon this mountain. and I have said in My Word, I will bring you up out from the oppression of the Mizraee into the land of the Kenaanaee, and Hittaee, and Amoraee, and Pherizaee, and Hivaee, and Jebusaee, to the land that yieldeth milk and honey.

៥Ҟ໽৥Դᰒᯢˈ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧㽕ᣃᬥҪ Ӏ㜅⾏඗ঞҎⱘ᠟ˈ乚ҪӀߎ䙷ϡ ⋕Пഄˈࠄ䙷㕢དᆑ䯨Пഄˈ⌕ཊ Ϣ㳰Пഄˈ䖺फҎǃ䌿ҎǃѮᨽ߽ Ҏǃ↨߽⋫ҎǃᏠ᳾Ҏǃ㘊ᏗᮃҎ ПഄDŽ

៥ϟᴹᰃ㽕ᬥҪӀ㜅⾏඗ঞҎ ⱘ᠟ˈ乚ҪӀߎњ䙷ഄˈࠄ㕢 དˈᆑ䯨ˈ⌕ཊϢ㳰Пഄˈህ ᰃࠄ䖺फҎˈ䌿ҎˈѮᨽ߽Ҏˈ ↨߽⋫ҎˈᏠ᳾Ҏˈ㘊ᏗᮃҎ ПഄDŽ

ԚҪ䇈:Ā៥ⱘ䘧ᖙӮᐂࡽԴ˗䖭ህ ᰃ៥Ꮒ⌒Դⱘ߁᥂:ԴᇚⱒྦྷҢ඗ ঞ乚ߎᴹҹৢˈԴӀ㽕೼䖭ቅϞџ ༝Џˈ಴ЎԴӮ೼䖭ቅϞ乚ফᕟ ⊩DŽā

⼲䇈ˈ៥ ៥ᖙϢԴৠ೼DŽԴᇚⱒ ྦྷҢ඗ঞ乚ߎᴹПৢˈԴӀᖙ ೼䖭ቅϞџ༝៥ˈ䖭ህᰃ៥ᠧ থԴএⱘ䆕᥂DŽ

៥᳒‫׳‬៥ ៥ⱘ䘧䇈:Ā៥㽕ᇚԴӀҢ඗ ঞⱘೄ㢺Ё乚ߎᴹˈᕔ䖺फҎǃ䌿 ҎǃѮᨽ߽Ҏǃ↨߽⋫ҎǃᏠ᳾Ҏǃ 㘊ᏗᮃҎПഄˈ䙷ᰃ⌕ཊϢ㳰П ഄDŽā ៥ⶹ䘧඗ঞ⥟ϡӮ䅽ԴӀ⾏এ, ಴ ЎҪϡᚻᗩ䙷ԡ໻㛑㗙ˈⳈࠄ៥ ៥ⱘ 䘧⫼♒⽌ᚽ㔮њҪDŽ

៥г䇈ˈ㽕ᇚԴӀҢ඗ঞⱘೄ 㢺Ё乚ߎᴹˈᕔ䖺फҎˈ䌿Ҏˈ Ѯᨽ߽Ҏˈ↨߽⋫ҎˈᏠ᳾Ҏˈ 㘊ᏗᮃҎⱘഄএˈህᰃࠄ⌕ཊ Ϣ㳰ПഄDŽ ៥ⶹ䘧㱑⫼໻㛑ⱘ᠟ˈ඗ঞ⥟ гϡᆍԴӀএDŽ

But it is manifest before Me that the king of Mizraim will not let you go, (no,) not from fear of Him who is Mighty, until that by My Word he shall have been punished with evil plagues.

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㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߎ 4:12 ߎ 4:15




And now go, and I by My Word will be with the speaking of thy mouth, and will teach thee what thou shalt say. And thou shalt speak with him, and put the matter in his mouth, and My Word shall be with the word of thy mouth, and with the word of his mouth, and I will instruct you what you are to do.

⦄೼এ৻ˈ៥ ៥㽕‫׳‬៥ⱘ䘧䌤㒭Դষ ᠡˈ㽕ᣛᬭԴ᠔ᑨᔧ䇈ⱘDŽ

⦄೼এ৻ˈ៥ ៥ᖙ䌤Դষᠡˈᣛ ᬭԴ᠔ᔧ䇈ⱘ䆱DŽ

Դ㽕ᇍҪ䇈䆱ˈᇚ䆱䇁ᬒ೼Ҫষ Ёˈ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ӮϢԴ ԴষЁⱘ䆱ৠ೼ˈ гϢҪ ҪষЁⱘ䆱ৠ೼ˈ៥ӮᣛᬭԴ ᠔ᔧ㸠ⱘџDŽ ⊩㗕䇈:Ā៥ϡ䅸䆚ЏⱘৡˈЎԩ㽕 乎᳡Ҫ Ҫⱘ䘧ˈ䅽ҹ㡆߫Ҏ⾏ᓔਸ਼˛ ӫ໽ՓⱘкϞг≵᳝䆄䕑Џⱘৡˈ ᠔ҹ៥ϡᆇᗩҪˈгϡᆍ䆌ҹ㡆߫ Ҏ⾏ᓔDŽā ៥ҹ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧䍋䁧ᑨ䆌㒭Ѯԃᢝ㔩ǃ ҹᩦǃ䲙৘ⱘഄˈ៥ᖙ乚ԴӀ䖯এˈ ᇚ䙷ഄ䌤㒭ԴӀЎ෎ϮDŽ៥ᰃЏDŽ

៥г Դ㽕ᇚᔧ䇈ⱘ䆱Ӵ㒭Ҫˈ៥ 㽕䌤Դ੠Ҫষᠡˈজ㽕ᣛᬭԴ Ӏ᠔ᔧ㸠ⱘџDŽ

ߎ 5:2

And Pharoh said, The name of the Lord is not made known to me, that I should receive His word to release Israel. I have not found written in the Book of the Angels the name of the Lord. Of Him I am not afraid, neither will I release Israel.

ߎ 6:8

And I will bring you into the land which I covenanted by My Word to give unto Abraham, to Izhak, and to Jakob; and I will give it to you for an inheritance. I Am the Lord.

ߎ 7:25

And seven days were completed after the Lord had smitten the river, and the Word of the Lord had afterward healed the river. And he said to them, So may the Word of the Lord be a help to you: (but) how can I release (both) you and your children? The evil offence is in the look of your faces: (you think to go onward) in the way that you would walk, till the time that you shall have

ߎ 10:10

Џߏᠧњ⊇ҹৢˈ䖛њϗ໽ˈЏ Џⱘ 䘧ए⊏њ䙷⊇DŽ ҪᇍҪӀ䇈:ĀᜓЏ Џⱘ䘧៤ЎԴⱘᐂ ࡽˈ៥ᗢ㛑䅽ԴӀ੠ԴӀⱘᄽᄤ⾏ ᓔਸ਼˛ԴӀ㜌⌕䴆ߎᙊᗉˈԴӀᛇ ‫أ‬㸠Ꮕ䏃ˈⳈࠄࠄ䖒ԴӀᛇ㽕এⱘ ഄᮍDŽ

Ҫ ⊩㗕䇈ˈ䲙ӳᰃ䇕ˈՓ៥਀Ҫ ⱘ䆱ˈᆍҹ㡆߫Ҏএਸ਼˛៥ϡ 䅸䆚䲙ӳˈгϡᆍҹ㡆߫ҎএDŽ

៥䍋䁧ᑨ䆌㒭Ѯԃᢝ㔩ˈҹᩦˈ 䲙৘ⱘ䙷ഄˈ៥㽕ᡞԴӀ乚䖯 এˈᇚ䙷ഄ䌤㒭ԴӀЎϮDŽ៥ ᰃ䲙ӳDŽ 䲙ӳߏᠧ⊇ҹৢ⒵њϗ໽DŽ ⊩㗕ᇍҪӀ䇈ˈ៥ᆍԴӀ੠Դ ӀཛҎᄽᄤএⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬䲙 䲙ӳϢ ԴӀৠ೼৻ˈԴӀ㽕䇼ᜢˈ಴ Ў᳝⽌೼ԴӀⴐࠡ˄៪԰ԴӀ ᄬⴔᙊᛣ˅ˈ

562 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ߎ 10:29

ߎ 12:23

ߎ 12:27

ߎ 12:29

Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ come to the house of the place of your habitation. Mosheh said, Thou hast spoken fairly. While I was dwelling in Midian, it was told me in a word from before the Lord, that the men who had sought to kill me had fallen from their means, and were reckoned with the dead. At the end there will be no mercy upon thee; but I will pray, and the plague shall be restrained from thee. And now I will see thy face no more. For the Glory of the Lord will be manifested in striking the Mizraee, and He will see the blood upon the lintel and upon the two posts, and the Word of the Lord will spread His protection over the door, and the destroying angel will not be permitted to enter your houses to smite. you shall say, It is the sacrifice of mercy before the Lord, who had mercy in His Word upon the houses of the sons of Israel in Mizraim, when He destroyed the Mizraee, and spared our houses. And when the house of Israel heard this word from the mouth of Mosheh, they bowed and worshipped. And it was in the dividing, of the night of the fifteenth, that the Word of the Lord slew all the firstborn in the land of Mizraim, from the



ᨽ㽓䇈:ĀԴ䇈ᕫདDŽ៥೼㉇⬌ᆘሙ ᨽ㽓䇈ˈԴ䇈ᕫདˈ៥ᖙϡ‫ݡ‬ ᯊˈ᳝ᴹ ᴹ㞾Џⱘ䘧ᇍ៥䇈ˈ䙷㽕ᴔ 㾕Դⱘ䴶њDŽ ៥ⱘҎᏆ㒣⅏њDŽЏϡӮ‫ݡ‬ᗰᚃ ԴˈԚ៥Ӯ∖Џϡ㽕‫ݡ‬䰡⽌ѢԴDŽ Ңℸ៥ϡӮ‫ݡ‬㾕Դⱘ䴶њDŽ ā

಴ЎЏⱘ㤷㗔㽕ᕄᰒᴹᴔ⅏඗ঞ ҎˈᔧҪⳟ㾕᳝㸔೼䮼ἷϞ੠ϸ䖍 ⱘ䮼ḚϞᯊˈЏ Џ ⱘ䘧ህӮֱᡸ䙷 䮼ˈϡᆍ䙷♁ੑ㗙䖯ԴӀⱘ᠓ሟᴹ ᴔ⅏ԴӀDŽ

಴Ў䲙ӳ㽕Ꮅ㸠ߏᴔ඗ঞҎˈ Ҫⳟ㾕㸔೼䮼ἷϞ੠Ꮊেⱘ䮼 ḚϞˈህᖙ䍞䖛䙷䮼ˈϡᆍ♁ ੑⱘ䖯ԴӀⱘ᠓ሟˈߏᴔԴӀDŽ

ԴӀህ㽕䇈:Ā䖭ᰃ⤂㒭Џⱘ㩭ᗰᚃ П⽁ˈ಴ЎᔧЏᴔ⅏඗ঞҎⱘᯊ ‫ˈ׭‬Ҫ Ҫⱘ䘧ᗰᚃњ೼඗ঞⱘҹ㡆߫ Ҏˈֱܼњ៥ӀⱘᆊDŽāҹ㡆߫ᆊ ਀њᨽ㽓ⱘ䆱ৢˈҪӀህ‫׃‬ӣᭀ ᢰDŽ

ԴӀህ䇈ˈ䖭ᰃ⤂㒭䲙ӳ䘒䍞 㡖ⱘ⽁DŽᔧҹ㡆߫Ҏ೼඗ঞⱘ ᯊ‫ˈ׭‬Ҫ Ҫߏᴔ඗ঞҎˈ䍞䖛ҹ 㡆߫Ҏⱘ᠓ሟˈᬥњ៥Ӏ৘ᆊDŽ ѢᰃⱒྦྷԢ༈ϟᢰDŽ

ࠄњकѨ᮹ⱘञ໰ˈЏ Џⱘ䘧ߏᴔњ ඗ঞഄϔߛ༈⫳ⱘ˗Ң⥟ԡ㒻ᡓҎ

ࠄњञ໰ˈ䲙 䲙ӳᡞ඗ঞഄ᠔᳝ ⱘ䭓ᄤˈህᰃҢതᅱᑻⱘ⊩㗕ˈ

563 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ߎ 13:5

ߎ 13:8

ߎ 13:15




firstborn son of Pharoh, who would have sat upon the throne of his kingdom, unto the firstborn sons of the kings who were captives in the dungeon as hostages under Pharoh’s hand; and who, for having rejoiced at the servitude of Israel, were punished as (the Mizraee): and all the firstborn of the cattle that did the work of the Mizraee died also. And it shall be, when the Lord your God shall have brought you into the land of the Kenaanaee, and Hittaee, and Amoraee, and Hivaee, and Jebusaee, which He sware by His Word unto Abraham to give thee, a land producing milk and honey, that thou shalt keep this service in this month.

⊩㗕ⱘ䭓ᄤˈࠄ೼ഄ⠶䞠䙷ѯ㹿֬ 㰣ⱘ⥟ⱘ䭓ᄤ˄ҪӀ಴ҹ㡆߫㹿཈ ᕍ㗠ᑌ♒Ф⽌˅䛑ߏᴔњ˗᠔᳝Ў ඗ঞҎᬜ࡯ⱘ⡆ষ᠔⫳ⱘ༈㚢ˈг ϡ㛑ᑌ‫ܡ‬DŽ

Ⳉࠄ㹿ᦇಮ೼ⲥ䞠ПҎⱘ䭓 ᄤˈҹঞϔߛ༈⫳ⱘ⡆⬰ˈሑ 䛑ᴔњDŽ

ᇚᴹЏԴⱘ⼲乚Դ䖯䖺फҎǃ䌿 ҎǃѮᨽ߽ҎǃᏠ᳾Ҏǃ㘊ᏗᮃҎ ПഄˈህᰃҪ߁Ҫ Ҫⱘ䘧৥Ѯԃᴹ㔩 䍋䁧ᑨ䆌㒭ԴПഄˈህᰃ䙷⌕ཊϢ 㳰Пഄˈ䙷ᯊԴ㽕೼䖭ϔϾ᳜ᅜ䖭 㡖᮹DŽ ᔧ䙷᮹ˈԴ㽕ਞ䆝Դⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤ䇈:Ā䖭 ᕟ՟ᰃЎњ㑾ᗉЏ Џ ⱘ䘧乚៥ߎ඗ ঞᯊˈЎ៥㸠ⱘ⼲䗍༛џDŽ ā

ᇚᴹ䲙ӳ乚Դ䖯䖺फҎˈ䌿Ҏˈ Ѯᨽ߽ҎˈᏠ᳾Ҏˈ㘊ᏗᮃҎ ПഄˈህᰃҪ Ҫ৥Դⱘ⼪ᅫ䍋䁧 ᑨ䆌㒭Դ䙷⌕ཊϢ㳰Пഄˈ䙷 ᯊԴ㽕೼䖭᳜䯈ᅜ䖭⼐DŽ ᔧ䙷᮹ˈԴ㽕ਞ䆝Դⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤ䇈ˈ 䖭ᰃ಴䲙 䲙ӳ೼៥ߎ඗ঞⱘᯊ‫׭‬ Ў៥᠔㸠ⱘџDŽ

䙷ᯊЏ Џⱘ䘧Փ⊩㗕ⱘᖗ߮⹀ˈϡ䅽 ៥Ӏ⾏ᓔˈЏህᡞ඗ঞഄ᠔᳝༈⫳ ⱘˈ᮴䆎ᰃ༈⫳ⱘҎ៪⡆⬰ˈ䛑ᴔ њDŽ಴ℸˈ៥ᡞϔߛ༈㚢ⱘ݀⡆⬰ ⽁⤂㒭ЏˈԚᇚ༈⫳ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤ䛑⫼䫊 ᄤ䌢ߎᴹDŽ

䙷ᯊ⊩㗕޴Тϡᆍ៥Ӏএˈ䲙 ӳህᡞ඗ঞഄ᠔᳝༈⫳ⱘˈ᮴ 䆎ᰃҎᰃ⡆⬰ˈ䛑ᴔњDŽ಴ℸˈ ៥ᡞϔߛ༈⫳ⱘ݀⡆⬰⤂㒭䲙 ӳЎ⽁ˈԚᇚ༈⫳ⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤ䛑䌢 ߎᴹDŽ

And thou shalt instruct thy son on that day, saying, This precept is on account of what the Word of the Lord did for me in miracles and wonders, in bringing me forth from Mizraim. And when the Word of the Lord had hardened the heart of Pharoh (that he would) not deliver us, he killed all the firstborn in the land of Mizraim, from the firstborn of man to the firstborn of cattle; therefore do I sacrifice before the Lord every male that openeth the womb, and

564 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ߎ 13:17

ߎ 14:25

Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ every firstborn of my sons I redeem with silver. AND it was when Pharoh had released the people, that the Lord did not conduct, them by the way of the land of the Phelishtaee though that was the near one; for the Lord said, Lest the people be affrighted in seeing their brethren who were killed in war, two hundred thousand men of strength of the tribe of Ephraim, who took shields, and lances, and weapons of war, and went down to Gath to carry off the flocks of the Phelishtaee; and because they transgressed against the statute of the Word of the Lord, and went forth from Mizraim three years before the (appointed) end of their servitude, they were delivered into the hand of the Phelishtaee, who slew them. These are the dry bones which the Word of the Lord restored to life by the ministry (hand) of Yechezekel the prophet, in the vale of Dura; but which, if they (now) saw them, they would be afraid, and return into Mizraim. and He brake (or, made rough) the wheels of Pharoh’s carriages, so that they drave them with hardship, and that they went on and left them behind. And the Mizraee said one to another, Let us flee from the people



⊩㗕ᬒҹ㡆߫Ҏ䍄ⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬䴲߽຿ ഄⱘ䏃㱑䖥ˈЏैϡᏺ乚ҪӀҢ䙷 䞠䍄ˈ಴ЎЏ䇈:Āᘤᗩⱒྦྷⳟ㾕㞾 Ꮕⱘᓳ‫ܘ‬೼៬ѝЁϻੑ㗠ᆇᗩDŽā Ѡकϛҹ⊩㦆ᬃ⌒ⱘ࢛຿ˈ᠟ᣓⳒ ⠠ǃ䭓⶯ǃ఼݉ˈϟࠄ䖺⡍ᡶ༎њ 䴲߽຿Ҏⱘ⡆⬰DŽ಴ЎҪӀ䖱㚠њ Џⱘ䘧ⱘᕟ՟ˈ≵᳝ᣝ✻ᣛᅮⱘᯊ 䯈ˈ⾕㞾ᦤᮽϝᑈ⾏ᓔњ඗ঞDŽЏ ᇚҪӀѸ೼䴲߽຿Ҏ᠟Ёˈ㹿䴲߽ ຿Ҏᴔ⅏DŽ˄䖭ѯᶃ偼ህᰃЏ Џⱘ䘧 ೼Dura䈋‫ⶹܜⴔ׳‬ҹ㽓㒧ՓҪӀ ⌏䍋ᴹⱘDŽ˅བᵰҪӀⳟ㾕䖭ѯᶃ 偼ˈህӮᆇᗩˈ䕀ಲ඗ঞDŽ

⊩㗕ᆍⱒྦྷএⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬䴲߽຿ ഄⱘ䘧䏃㱑䖥ˈ⼲ैϡ乚ҪӀ Ң䙷䞠䍄ˈ಴Ў⼲䇈ˈᘤᗩⱒ ྦྷ䘛㾕ᠧҫৢᙨˈህಲ඗ঞএDŽ

ҪՓҪӀⱘ䔺䕂㜅㨑ˈՓ䔺㸠䍄ೄ 䲒ˈҹ㟈ҪӀ䘫ᓗ៬䔺㒻㓁䗑䍊DŽ ඗ঞҎ䇈:Ā៥ӀҢҹ㡆߫Ҏ䴶ࠡ䗗 䎥৻ˈ಴Ў䖭ᰃ೼඗ঞЎҪӀѝ៬

জՓҪӀⱘ䔺䕂㜅㨑ˈ䲒ҹ㸠 䍄ˈҹ㟈඗ঞҎ䇈ˈ៥ӀҢҹ 㡆߫Ҏ䴶ࠡ䗗䎥৻ˈ಴䲙 䲙ӳЎ ҪӀᬏߏ៥ӀњDŽ

565 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


ߎ 14:31

ߎ 15:1

ߎ 15:2

Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ of the house of Israel; for this is the Word of the Lord who fought for them in Mizraim. And Israel saw the power of the mighty hand by which the Lord had wrought the miracles in Mizraim; and the people feared before the Lord, and believed in the Name of the Word of the Lord, and in the prophecies of Mosheh His servant. Behold: then sang, Mosheh and the sons of Israel this song of praise before the Lord and saying they said: Thanksgiving and praise we bring before the Lord Most High, who is glorified above the glorious, and exalted above the exalted; who punisheth by His Word whomsoever glorifieth himself before Him. Therefore when Pharoh the wicked bare himself proudly before the Lord, and, being uplifted in his heart, followed after the people of the sons of Israel, their horses and their chariots He threw and buried in the sea of Suph. The Lord is Mighty, and greatly to be feared over all the world. He spake in His Word, and became to me a God of salvation. From their mothers’ breasts even the



ⱘЏ Џⱘ䘧DŽā ҹ㡆߫Ҏⳟ㾕Џ೼඗ঞ᠔ᰒ໻㛑 ⱘ᠟ˈҪӀህᭀ⬣Џˈֵ᳡Џ Џⱘ䘧 ⱘৡˈҹঞҪҚҎᨽ㽓ⱘ乘㿔DŽ

ҹ㡆߫Ҏⳟ㾕䲙ӳ৥඗ঞҎ᠔ 㸠ⱘ໻џˈህᭀ⬣䲙ӳˈজֵ ᳡Ҫ Ҫ੠ҪⱘҚҎᨽ㽓DŽ

䙷ᯊᨽ㽓੠ҹ㡆߫Ҏህଅҹϟ䖭 佪℠乖䌲Џ䇈:Ā៥Ӏ㽕ᛳ䇶℠乖㟇 催ⱘЏˈҪᰃ㟇㤷㗔ǃ㟇催ⱘЏˈ Ҫҹ ҹ Ҫⱘ䘧ᚽ㔮䙷ѯᢀ催㞾Ꮕ䍙 䍞ҪⱘҎDŽ

䙷ᯊˈᨽ㽓੠ҹ㡆߫Ҏ৥䲙ӳ ଅ℠䇈ˈ៥㽕৥䲙ӳ℠ଅˈ಴ Ҫ໻໻៬㚰ˈᇚ偀੠健偀ⱘᡩ ೼⍋ЁDŽ

ᔧ⊩㗕೼Ҫ䴶ࠡམ㞾ᇞ໻ˈᖗ催⇨ ‫ˈچ‬䗑䍊ҹ㡆߫⇥ˈЏᇚҪӀⱘ偀 ੠៬䔺ᡩܹ⍋ЁDŽā

Џ᳝໻㛑࡯ˈܼഄ䛑ᭀ⬣ҪDŽҪ Ҫҹ 䲙ӳᰃ៥ⱘ࡯䞣ˈ៥ⱘ䆫℠ˈ Ҫⱘ䘧䇈䆱ˈҪ៤њᣃᬥ៥ⱘ⼲DŽ г៤њ៥ⱘᣃᬥDŽ䖭ᰃ៥ⱘ⼲ˈ ៥㽕䌲㕢Ҫˈᰃ៥⠊҆ⱘ⼲ˈ ೼↡҆㛌㜃ୖཊⱘᇣᄽ⫼᠟ᣛ༈ ៥㽕ᇞዛҪDŽ

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ߎ 15:8

ߎ 15:25



children have given signs with their fingers to their fathers, and said This is our God, who nourished us with honey from the rock, and with oil from the stone of clay, at the time when our mothers went forth upon the face of the field to give us birth, and leave us there; and He sent an angel who washed us and enwrapped us; and now will we praise Him: He is the God of our fathers, and we will exalt Him. For by the Word from before Thee the waters became heaps; they stood, as if bound like skins that confine flowing water, and the depths were congealed in the flood of the great sea. And he prayed before the Lord, and the Lord showed him the bitter tree of Ardiphne; and he wrote upon it the great and glorious Name, and cast it into the midst of the waters, and the waters were rendered sweet. And there did the Word of the Lord appoint to him the ordinance of the Sabbath, and the statute of honouring father and mother, the judgments concerning wounds and bruises, and the punishments wherewith offenders are punished; and there he tried (them) with the tenth trial,

৥ҪӀⱘ⠊҆⼎ᛣ䇈:Ā䖭ᰃ៥Ӏⱘ ⼲ˈҪҹ⺤⷇䞠ⱘ㳖㳰ˈ⷇༈䞠ⱘ ⊍‫ݏ‬㚆៥ӀDŽᔧ៥Ӏⱘ↡҆೼⬄䯈 ⫳៥Ӏˈᇚ៥Ӏ䘫ᓗ೼⬄䯈ˈҪᏂ 䘷ϔԡ໽Փᴹ⋫‫ޔ‬៥Ӏˈᑊ⫼Ꮧࣙ 㻍៥ӀDŽ᠔ҹ៥Ӏ㽕䌲㕢ҪˈҪᰃ ៥Ӏ⠊҆ⱘ⼲ˈ៥Ӏ㽕ᇞዛҪDŽ


಴Ң ҢԴ㗠ᴹⱘ䘧ˈ∈֓ේ⿃䍋ᴹˈ Դথ唏Ёⱘ⇨ˈ∈֓㘮䍋៤ේˈ ⊇⌕Ⳉゟབ൦ˈ⏅⏞‫ޱ‬㒧Ѣ⍋Ё ໻∈Ⳉゟབ൦ˈ⍋Ёⱘ⏅∈‫ޱ‬ 㒧DŽ ᖗDŽ ᨽ㽓৥Џઔ∖ˈЏᇚϔỉᷥᣛ㒭Ҫ ⳟˈҪህᇚ䙷㟇໻ǃ㟇㤷㗔ⱘৡࠏ ೼ᷥ䑿Ϟˈ✊ৢᡞᷥ᳼϶೼∈䞠ˈ ∈ህব⫰њDŽ೼䙷䞠ˈЏ Џⱘ䘧ᣛ⼎ Ҫᅝᙃ᮹ⱘᴵҸˈᇞᭀ⠊↡ⱘ⊩ 㾘ˈབԩᣝ৘⾡Ӹষᴹ߸ߥDŽЏ೼ 䙷䞠㄀क⃵䆩偠њҪӀˈ

ᨽ㽓੐∖䲙ӳˈ䲙ӳᣛ⼎Ҫϔ ỉᷥDŽҪᡞᷥ϶೼∈䞠ˈ∈ህ ব⫰њDŽ䲙 䲙ӳ೼䙷䞠ЎҪӀᅮ њᕟ՟ˈ‫݌‬ゴˈ೼䙷䞠䆩偠Ҫ Ӏˈ

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㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߎ 16:3

ߎ 16:8

ߎ 17:1

ߎ 17:13




And the sons of Israel said to them, Would that we had died by the Word of the Lord in the land of Mizraim, when we sat by the cisterns of meat, and ate bread and had enough! Why hast thou brought us out into this wilderness to kill all this congregation with hunger? And Mosheh said, By this you shall know, when the Lord prepareth you at evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to satisfy, that your complainings wherewith you complain against Him are heard before the Lord. And we, what are we accounted? Your complaints are not against us, but against the Word of the Lord. And all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed from the desert of Sin by their journeyings according to the word of the Lord, and they encamped in Rephidim, a place where their hands were idle in the commandments of the law, and the fountains were dry, and there was no water for the people to drink. And Jehoshua shattered Amalek, and cut off the heads, of the strong men of his people, by the mouth of the Word of the Lord, with the slaughter of the sword.

ҹ㡆߫ҎᇍҪӀ䇈:ĀᏈϡᕫ៥Ӏ೼ ඗ঞഄ⅏೼Џ Џⱘ䘧᠟䞠ˈ䙷ᯊ៥Ӏ ത೼㙝䫙ᮕˈৗ佐ৗᕫ佅佅DŽЎҔ МԴӀ乚៥Ӏࠄ䖭ᯋ䞢ˈ㽕ি䖭ܼ Ӯӫ䛑体⅏ਸ਼˛ā

䇈ˈᏈϡᕫ៥Ӏᮽ⅏೼඗ঞഄˈ 䲙ӳⱘ᠟ϟˈ䙷ᯊ៥Ӏത೼㙝 䫙ᮕ䖍ˈৗᕫ佅䎇DŽԴӀᇚ៥ Ӏ乚ߎᴹˈࠄ䖭ᯋ䞢ˈᰃ㽕ি 䖭ܼӮӫ䛑体⅏ଞDŽ

ᨽ㽓䇈:ĀЏᰮϞᖙ㒭ԴӀ㙝ৗˈᮽ ᰼ᖙ㒭ԴӀ亳⠽ৗ佅ˈ಴ЎԴӀ৥ Ҫথⱘᗼ㿔ˈҪ䛑਀㾕њDŽ៥Ӏㅫ ҔМ˛ԴӀⱘᗼ㿔ϡᰃ৥៥Ӏথ ⱘˈЗᰃ৥Џ Џⱘ䘧থⱘDŽā

ᨽ㽓জ䇈ˈ䲙ӳᰮϞᖙ㒭ԴӀ 㙝ৗˈᮽ᰼ᖙ㒭ԴӀ亳⠽ᕫ佅ˈ ಴ЎԴӀ৥䲙ӳথⱘᗼ㿔ˈҪ 䛑਀㾕њDŽ៥ӀㅫҔМˈԴӀ ⱘᗼ㿔ϡᰃ৥៥ӀথⱘˈЗᰃ ৥䲙 䲙ӳথⱘDŽ

ҹ㡆ܼ߫Ӯӫ✻Џ Џⱘ䘧᠔৽੤ⱘˈ Ң∯ⱘᯋ䞢ᕔࠡ㸠˗ҪӀ೼߽䴲䅶 ᠢ㧹ˈ೼䙷䞠ҪӀ≵᳝䙉㸠ᕟ⊩ⱘ 䆿ੑˈ㒧ᵰ⊝⑤䛑ᑆ⎌њˈⱒྦྷ≵ ᳝∈ୱDŽ

ҹ㡆ܼ߫Ӯӫ䛑䙉䲙ӳⱘ৽ ੤ˈᣝⴔキষҢ∯ⱘᯋ䞢ᕔࠡ 㸠ˈ೼߽䴲䅶ᅝ㧹DŽⱒྦྷ≵᳝ ∈ୱˈ

㑺кѮᠧ䋹њѮ⥯࡯ˈ䴴Џ Џⱘ䘧ˈ 㑺кѮ⫼ߔᴔњѮ⥯࡯⥟੠Ҫ ⫼ߔⷡњҪⱘ࢛຿ⱘ༈DŽ ⱘⱒྦྷDŽ

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㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߎ 17:15 ߎ 17:16

ߎ 18:19

Ӿ㑺ᣓऩѮ݄᭛ᮻ㑺˄㣅䆥˅ And Mosheh builded an altar, and called the name of it, The Word of the Lord is my banner; for the sign which He hath wrought (in this) place was on my behalf. And he said, Because the Word of the Lord hath sworn by the throne of His glory, that He by His Word will fight against those of the house of Amalek, and destroy them unto three generations; from the generation of this world, from the generation of the Meshiha, and from the generation of the world to come. Now hearken to me and I will advise thee; and may the Word of the Lord be thy helper! When thou art with the people who seek instruction from before the Lord, thou shouldst take their affair before the Lord,

ߎ 19:5

And now, if you will truly hearken to My Word and keep My covenant, you shall be more beloved before Me than all the peoples on the face of the earth.

ߎ 20:7

My people of the house of Israel, Let no one of you swear by the name of the Word of the Lord your God in vain; for in the day of the great judgment the Lord will not hold guiltless any one who sweareth by His name in vain.



ᨽ㽓ㄥњϔᑻ⽁യˈ䍋ৡিĀЏ Џⱘ 䘧ᰃ៥ⱘᮠ᮫āˈ಴ЎҪ೼ℸഄЎ ៥㸠њ⼲䗍DŽ Ҫ䇈ˈ಴ЎЏ Џⱘ䘧߁Ҫ㤷㗔ⱘᅱᑻ 䍋䁧ˈҪ Ҫ㽕ҹҪⱘ䘧䎳Ѯ⥯࡯ᆊѝ ៬ˈᑊ㽕ᇚҪӀҢϝϾϪҷЁ䰸 ♁ˈህᰃ䖭ϾϪҷˈMeshiha Ϫҷˈ ᴹ⫳ⱘϪҷDŽ

ᨽ㽓ㄥњϔᑻയˈ䍋ৡি䲙ӳ ሐ㽓˄ህᰃ䲙 䲙ӳᰃ៥ᮠ᮫ⱘᛣ ᗱ˅ˈ জ䇈ˈ䲙 䲙ӳᏆ㒣䍋њ䁧ˈᖙϪ Ϫҷҷ੠Ѯ⥯࡯Ҏѝ៬DŽ

⦄೼Դ㽕਀៥ⱘ䆱DŽ៥ЎԴߎ ϾЏᛣˈᜓ⼲ ⼲ϢԴৠ೼DŽԴ㽕 ᳓ⱒྦྷࠄ⼲䴶ࠡˈᇚḜӊ༣ਞ ⼲ˈ བҞԴӀ㢹ᅲ೼਀Ң៥ ៥ⱘ䆱ˈ 䙉ᅜ៥ⱘ㑺ˈህ㽕೼ϛ⇥Ё԰ ሲ៥ⱘᄤ⇥ˈ಴Ўܼഄ䛑ᰃ៥ ⱘDŽ 䲙ӳԴ⼲ⱘৡˈ಴Ў ҹ㡆߫ᆊሲ៥ⱘᄤ⇥ˈϡৃམ⿄Џ Џ ϡৃམ⿄䲙 ⱘ䘧Դ⼲ⱘৡˈ಴Ўམ⿄Џৡⱘˈ མ⿄䲙ӳৡⱘˈ䲙ӳᖙϡҹҪ ೼ᅵ߸ⱘ᮹ᄤˈЏᖙϡҹҪЎ᮴ Ў᮴㔾DŽ 㔾DŽ བҞԴ㽕਀៥ⱘ䆱˗៥㒭ԴߎϾЏ ᛣˈᜓЏ Џⱘ䘧៤ЎԴⱘᐂ᠟ˈᔧԴ Ϣ䙷ѯᇏ∖⼲ᣛ⼎ⱘⱒྦྷϔ䍋ᯊˈ Դ㽕ᇚҪӀⱘџᏺࠄЏⱘ䴶ࠡˈ བҞԴӀ㢹⬭ᖗ਀៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ˈᅜ៥ⱘ 㑺ˈԴӀህৃҹ೼ϛ⇥Ё‫خ‬៥㟇⠅ ⱘᄤ⇥DŽ

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ߎ 21:22 Å Ӿ㑺ᣓ ऩ䆥ᴀⱘ Memra 㣅䆥 ᴀ䆥ЎĀ߸ ‫އ‬āDŽ ߎ 23:21

If men when striving strike a woman with child, and cause her to miscarry, but not to lose her life, the fine on account of the infant which the husband of the woman shall lay upon him, he shall pay according to the sentence of the judges.

Ҏ㢹ѝ᭫ˈߏӸᗔᄩⱘཛҎˈҹ㟈 ⌕ѻˈै≵᳝⫳ੑॅ䰽ˈ䙷Ӹᆇཌྷ 㚢‫ⱘܓ‬ᘏ㽕ফ㔮ˈ✻ཛҎⱘϜ໿᠔ ᅮⱘˈҪᖙ㽕ᣝᅵ߸ᅬⱘ߸ ߸‫៪˄އ‬ 䆱˅䌨䪅DŽ

Ҏ㢹ᕐℸѝ᭫ˈӸᆇ᳝ᄩⱘཛ Ҏˈ⫮㟇ഴ㚢ˈ䱣ৢै᮴߿ᆇˈ 䙷Ӹᆇཌྷⱘˈᘏ㽕ᣝཛҎⱘϜ ໿᠔㽕ⱘˈ✻ᅵ߸ᅬ᠔ ᠔ᮁⱘˈ ফ㔮DŽ

Be circumspect before Him, and obey His word, and be not rebellious against His words; for He will not forgive your sins, because His word is in My Name.

ߎ 23:22

For if thou wilt indeed hearken to His word, and do all that I speak by Him, I will be the enemy of thy enemy, and will trouble them who trouble thee.

ԴӀ೼Ҫ䴶ࠡ㽕䇼ᜢˈ਀ҢҪ Ҫⱘ 䘧ˈϡৃᙪ䗚Ҫ˗Ҫᖙϡ䌺‫ܡ‬ԴӀ ⱘ䖛⢃ˈ಴ЎҪ Ҫ ⱘ䘧Ϣ៥ⱘৡ㘨 ড়DŽ Դ㢹ⳳ਀ҢҪ Ҫⱘ䘧ˈ䙉㸠៥‫ⴔ׳‬Ҫ ᠔䇈ⱘϔߛ䆱ˈ៥ህ㽕‫خ‬Դқᬠⱘ қᬠˈᑊϨᡄᆇ䙷ѯᡄᆇԴⱘҎDŽ

ߎ 25:22

And I will appoint My Word with thee there, and will speak with thee from above the mercy-seat, between the two kerubaia that are over the ark of the testament, concerning all that I may command thee for the sons of Israel. And the middle bar in the midst of the boards passing from end to end shall be from the tree which Abraham planted in Beara of Sheba: for when Israel had crossed the sea, the angels cut down the

Ҫᰃ༝៥ৡᴹⱘˈԴӀ㽕೼Ҫ Ҫⱘ䆱ˈϡৃ 䴶ࠡ䇼ᜢˈ਀ҢҪ ᛍҪ˄ᛍ៪԰䖱㚠˅ ˈ಴ЎҪᖙ ϡ䌺‫ܡ‬ԴӀⱘ䖛⢃DŽ Դ㢹ᅲ೼਀ҢҪ Ҫⱘ䆱ˈ✻ⴔ៥ ϔߛ᠔䇈ⱘএ㸠ˈ៥ህ৥Դⱘ қᬠ԰қᬠˈ৥ԴⱘᬠҎ԰ᬠ ҎDŽ ៥㽕೼䙷䞠ϢԴⳌӮˈজ㽕Ң ⊩ᶰᮑᘽᑻϞѠ෎䏃ԃЁ䯈ˈ ੠Դ䇈៥᠔㽕৽੤ԴӴ㒭ҹ㡆 ߫ҎⱘϔߛџDŽ

ߎ 26:28

៥㽕Ꮒ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧೼䙷䞠ϢԴⳌӮˈг 㽕ҢᮑᘽᑻϞǃҢ⊩ᶰϞⱘѠ෎䏃 ԃЁ䯈ˈᇚ៥᠔㽕৽੤ԴӴ㒭ҹ㡆 ߫Ҏⱘϔߛџਞ䆝ԴDŽ ᳝῾᳼೼ḚᄤЁ↉Ң䖭ϔ༈䗮ࠄ 䙷ϔ༈ˈ䖭᳼㽕প㞾Ѯԃᢝ㔩೼߿ ᰃᏈ⾡ⱘ䙷ỉᷥDŽᔧҹ㡆߫䖛㑶⍋

ᵓ㝄䯈ⱘЁ䮽㽕Ң䖭ϔ༈䗮ࠄ 䙷ϔ༈DŽ

570 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh




tree and cast it into the sea, and it floated on the face of the waters. And an angel proclaimed, and said, This is the tree which Abraham planted in Beara of Sheba, and prayed there in the name of the Word of the Lord. And the sons of Israel shall take and make thereof the middle bar, seventy cubits in length, and with it shall wondrous things be done: for when they have reared up the tabernacle, it shall go round it like a serpent among the boards of the tabernacle and when they take it down, it shall become straight as a rod.

ᯊˈ໽ՓӀⷡϟњ䙷ᷥˈᇚᅗᠨ䖯 ⍋䞠ˈᅗህ⍂೼∈䴶ϞDŽ᳝ϔԡ໽ Փᅷਞ䇈:Ā 䖭ᰃѮԃᢝ㔩೼߿ᰃ Ꮘ⾡ⱘ䙷ỉᷥˈѮԃᢝ㔩ህᰃ೼䙷 䞠༝Џ Џⱘ䘧ⱘৡ⽋ਞⱘˈ᠔ҹҹ㡆 ߫Ҏᔧ⫼䖭ᷥᴹࠊ䗴䙷῾᳼DŽ῾᳼ 䭓ϗक㙬ˈ䖭῾᳼Ӯᰒߎ⼲䗍˖ᔧ ҪӀオゟ䍋Ꮴᐩᯊˈ䙷῾᳼ህӮ‫ڣ‬ 㲛䙷ḋ೼ӮᐩⱘᵓϞ㸠䍄˗ᔧᢚϟ ᏤᐩᯊˈᅗህӮ៤њϔḍᕜⳈⱘ ᳼DŽ 䖭㽕‫خ‬ԴӀϪϪҷҷϡᮁⱘ➨⽁ˈ ೼Ӯᐩⱘ䮼ষˈ⤂೼Џ䴶ࠡˈ೼䙷 䞠៥㽕Ꮒ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ϢԴӀⳌӮˈᇍԴ Ӏ䇈䆱DŽ ೼䙷䞠៥㽕Ꮒ៥ ៥ ⱘ䘧੠ҹ㡆߫Ҏ ⳌӮˈЎ៥㤷㗔ⱘ㓬ᬙˈ៥Ӯ೼Ҫ Ӏⱘ乚㹪ЁᰒЎ೷DŽ 㽕ᡞയᬒ೼䙂Ⲫ⊩ᶰⱘᐨᄤࠡ䴶ˈ ᇍⴔ⊩ᶰϞⱘᮑᘽᑻˈ೼䙷䞠៥㽕 Ꮒ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ϢԴৠ೼DŽ

ߎ 29:42

a perpetual holocaust for your generations at the door of the tabernacle of ordinance before the Lord; where I will appoint My Word to (meet) thee there, to speak with thee there.

ߎ 29:43

And there I will appoint My Word (to meet) with the sons of Israel, and I will be sanctified in their rulers for My glory.

ߎ 30:6

And thou shalt place it before the veil which is over the ark of the testimony, before the mercy seat that is upon the testimony, where I will appoint My Word to be with thee.


䖭㽕೼䲙ӳ䴶ࠡˈӮᐩ䮼ষˈ ԰ԴӀϪϪҷҷᐌ⤂ⱘ➨⽁DŽ ៥㽕೼䙷䞠ϢԴӀⳌӮˈ੠Դ Ӏ䇈䆱DŽ ៥㽕೼䙷䞠Ϣҹ㡆߫ҎⳌӮˈ Ӯᐩህ㽕಴៥ⱘ㤷㗔៤Ў೷DŽ 㽕ᡞയᬒ೼⊩ᶰࠡⱘᐨᄤ໪ˈ ៥ ᇍⴔ⊩ᶰϞⱘᮑᘽᑻˈህᰃ៥ 㽕ϢԴⳌӮⱘഄᮍDŽ

571 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߎ 30:36

ߎ 31:13

ߎ 31:17

ߎ 32:13

ߎ 32:35




And beat, and make it small, and of it some shalt thou put before the testimony in the tabernacle of ordinance, where I will appoint My Word to be with thee. Most sacred shall it be to you. Also, speak thou with the sons of Israel, saying, Ye shall keep the day of My Sabbaths indeed; for it is a sign between My Word and you, that you may know that I am the Lord who sanctify you.

ᡞᅗᤷ⹢ࠄᵕ㒚ˈᬒ೼Ӯᐩ‫⊩ݙ‬ᶰ ࠡˈ៥㽕Ꮒ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ϢԴৠ೼DŽԴӀ 㽕ҹᅗЎ㟇೷DŽ

䖭佭㽕প⚍ᤷᕫᵕ㒚ˈᬒ೼Ӯ ᐩ‫⊩ˈݙ‬ᶰࠡˈ៥ ៥㽕೼䙷䞠Ϣ ԴⳌӮDŽԴӀ㽕ҹ䖭佭Ў㟇೷DŽ

between My Word and the sons of Israel it is a sign for ever. For in six days the Lord created and perfected the heavens and the earth; and in the seventh day He rested and refreshed. Remember Abraham, and Izhak, and Israel, Thy servants, to whom Thou didst swear in Thy Word and didst say to them, I will multiply your children as the stars of the heavens, and all this land of which I have told you will I give to your sons, and they shall inherit for ever. And the Word of the Lord plagued the people, because they had bowed themselves to the calf that Aharon had made.

Դ㽕৽੤ҹ㡆߫Ҏ䇈ˈԴӀࡵ 㽕ᅜ៥ⱘᅝᙃ᮹ˈ಴Ў䖭ᰃԴ ៥П䯈ϪϪҷҷⱘ䆕᥂ˈՓԴ Ӏⶹ䘧៥䲙ӳᰃিԴӀ៤Ў೷ ⱘDŽ ៥੠ҹ㡆߫Ҏ∌䖰ⱘ䆕᥂ˈ 䖭ᰃ៥ ៥ ⱘ䘧੠ҹ㡆߫ҎП䯈∌䖰 ᰃ៥ ⱘ߁䆕ˈ಴Ў݁᮹П‫ݙ‬Џ䗴໽ഄˈ ಴Ў݁᮹П‫ݙ‬䲙ӳ䗴໽ഄˈ㄀ ϗ᮹֓ᅝᙃ㟦⬙DŽ ㄀ϗ᮹֓ᅝᙃ㟦⬙DŽ Դ㽕ਞ䆝ҹ㡆߫Ҏ䇈:ĀԴӀࡵ㽕ᅜ ៥ⱘᅝᙃ᮹ˈ಴Ў䖭ᰃ៥ ៥ⱘ䘧ϢԴ ӀП䯈ⱘ߁䆕ˈՓԴӀⶹ䘧៥ᰃ䙷 ԡᡞԴӀߚ߿Ў೷ⱘЏDŽā

∖Դ㑾ᗉԴⱘҚҎѮԃᢝ㔩ǃҹ ᩦǃҹ㡆߫ˈԴ᳒ᣛⴔԴ Դⱘ䘧৥Ҫ Ӏ䍋䁧ˈ䇈:Ā៥ᖙՓԴӀⱘৢ㺨๲ ໮ˈབৠ໽Ϟⱘ㐕᯳˗៥ᖙᇚ៥᠔ ਞ䆝ԴӀⱘ䖭ഄ䌤㒭ԴӀⱘৢ㺨ˈ ҪӀᖙ∌䖰ᡓফЎѻϮDŽā Џⱘ䘧䰡♒Ѣⱒྦྷˈ಴ЎҪӀ䎾ᢰ ѮӺ᠔䗴ⱘ⠯⡞DŽ

∖Դ䆄ᗉԴⱘҚҎѮԃᢝ㔩ˈ ҹᩦˈҹ㡆߫DŽԴ᳒ᣛⴔ㞾 㞾Ꮕ 䍋䁧䇈ˈ៥ᖙՓԴӀⱘৢ㺨‫ڣ‬ ໽Ϟⱘ᯳䙷ḋ໮ˈᑊϨ៥᠔ᑨ 䆌ⱘ䖭ܼഄˈᖙ㒭ԴӀⱘৢ㺨ˈ ҪӀ㽕∌䖰ᡓফЎϮDŽ 䲙ӳᴔⱒྦྷⱘ㓬ᬙᰃ಴ҪӀৠ ѮӺ԰њ⠯⡞DŽ

572 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

㒣᭛ߎ໘ ߎ 33:9

ߎ 33:12

ߎ 33:19

ߎ 33:22

ߎ 34:5




And it came to pass when Mosheh had gone into the tabernacle, the column of the glorious Cloud descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle; and the Word of the Lord spake with Mosheh. And Mosheh said before the Lord, Lo, what hast Thou said to me, Take this people up? but Thou hast not made me to know whom Thou wilt send with me. By Thy Word Thou hast said, I have ordained thee with a goodly name, and thou hast found favour before Me. but He said, Behold, I will make all the measure of My goodness pass before thee, and I will give utterance in the good name of the Word of the Lord before thee; and I will have compassion upon whom I see it right to have compassion, and will be merciful to whom I see it right to have mercy. And it shall be that when the glory of My Shekinah passeth before thee, I will put thee in a cavern of the rock, and will overshadow thee with My Word until the time that I have passed by. And the Lord revealed Himself in the cloud of the glory of His Shekinah, and Mosheh stood with Him there; and Mosheh called on the Name of the Word of the Lord.

ᨽ㽓䖯Ӯᐩⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬㤷㗔ⱘѥ᷅ህ 䰡ϟᴹˈゟ೼Ӯᐩⱘ䮼ষˈЏ Џⱘ䘧 ֓ৠᨽ㽓䇈䆱DŽ

ᨽ㽓䖯Ӯᐩⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬ѥ᷅䰡ϟ 䲙ӳ֓ ᴹˈゟ೼Ӯᐩⱘ䮼ࠡˈ䲙 Ϣᨽ㽓䇈䆱DŽ

ᨽ㽓ᇍЏ䇈:ĀⳟાˈԴᇍ៥䇈:þᇚ 䖭ⱒྦྷ乚ϞএÿˈԴै≵᳝䅽៥ⶹ 䘧Դ㽕Ꮒ䘷䇕੠៥ৠএ˗✊㗠Դ Դ᳒ ‫׳‬Դⱘ䘧䇈䖛:þ៥ᣝԴⱘৡ䅸䆚 ԴˈԴг೼៥䴶ࠡ㩭њᘽDŽ ÿ ā

Դ৽੤៥䇈ˈ ᨽ㽓ᇍ䲙ӳ䇈ˈԴ ᇚ䖭ⱒྦྷ乚Ϟএˈै≵᳝ি៥ ⶹ䘧Դ㽕ᠧথ䇕Ϣ៥ৠএˈা 䇈ˈ៥ᣝԴⱘৡ䅸䆚ԴˈԴ೼ ៥ⴐࠡг㩭њᘽDŽ

Џ䇈:Ā៥㽕䅽៥ⱘϔߛ㕢୘೼Դ䴶 ࠡ㒣䖛ˈᑊᇚЏ Џⱘ䘧ⱘ୘ৡ೼Դ䴶 ࠡᅷਞߎᴹ˗៥㽕ᘽᕙ䇕ˈህᘽᕙ 䇕˗៥㽕ᗰᚃ䇕ˈህᗰᚃ䇕DŽ

䲙ӳ䇈ˈ៥㽕ᰒ៥ϔߛⱘᘽ᜜ˈ ೼Դ䴶ࠡ㒣䖛ˈᅷਞ៥ ៥ ⱘৡDŽ ៥㽕ᘽᕙ䇕ህᘽᕙ䇕ˈ㽕ᗰᚃ 䇕ህᗰᚃ䇕ˈ

៥㤷㗔ⱘৠ೼㒣䖛Դ䴶ࠡⱘᯊ‫ ˈ׭‬៥ⱘ㤷㗔㒣䖛ⱘᯊ‫ˈ׭‬៥ᖙᇚ ៥ⱘ᠟䙂 ៥㽕ᇚԴᬒ೼⺤⷇えЁˈ⫼៥ ៥ⱘ䘧 Դᬒ೼⺤⷇えЁˈ⫼៥ ᥽Դˈㄝ៥䖛এˈ 䙂ⴔԴˈㄝ៥䖛এDŽ Џ೼Ҫ㤷㗔ৠ೼ⱘѥሖЁᰒ⦄ˈᨽ 㽓ৠЏキ೼䙷䞠ˈ੐িЏ Џ ⱘ䘧ⱘ ৡDŽ

䲙ӳ೼ѥЁ䰡Јˈ੠ᨽ㽓ϔৠ キ೼䙷䞠ˈᅷਞ䲙 䲙ӳⱘৡDŽ

573 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh





ߎ 34:27 Å Ӿ㑺ᣓ ऩ䆥ᴀⱘ Memra 㣅䆥 ᴀ㗏䆥Ў Ā㸼䖒ā៪ ĀᛣᗱāDŽ ߎ 36:33

And the Lord said to Mosheh, Write thou these words; for upon the expression of these words have I stricken My covenant with thee and with the people of Israel.

Џᇍᨽ㽓䇈:ĀԴ㽕ᇚ䖭ѯ䆱‫ݭ‬Ϟˈ 䲙ӳ৽੤ᨽ㽓䇈ˈԴ㽕ᇚ䖭ѯ 䖭䆱ϢԴ ಴Ў៥ᰃᣝⴔ䖭 䖭ѯ䆱ⱘᛣᗱ˄þᛣ 䆱‫ݭ‬Ϟˈ಴Ў៥ᰃᣝ䖭 ᗱÿे䘧˅ৠԴ੠ҹ㡆߫ゟ㑺ⱘDŽ ā ੠ҹ㡆߫Ҏゟ㑺DŽ

And he made the middle bar to mortise in the midst of the boards from end to end, of the tree which our father Abraham planted in Beara of Sheba, praying there in the Name of the Word of the Lord, the everlasting, God.

ߎ 38:21

These are the sums, weights, and numbers of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, which were counted by the word of the mouth of Mosheh. But the service of the Levites was by the hand of Ithamar bar Aharon the priest.

ҪՓЁ῾᳼೼ḚᄤЁ↉Ң䖭ϔ༈ 䗮ࠄ䙷ϔ༈DŽ䖭᳼ᰃপ㞾Ѯԃᢝ㔩 ೼߿ᰃᏈ⾡ⱘ䙷ỉᷥˈѮԃᢝ㔩ህ ᰃ೼䙷ỉᷥϟ∖ਞЏ Џ ⱘ䘧üü∌ ⫳⼲ⱘৡⱘDŽ 䖭ѯᰃ⊩ᶰⱘᏤᐩ䞠ⱘ⠽ӊПᘏ ᭄ǃ䞡䞣ǃ᭄Ⳃˈህᰃ✻ᨽ㽓҆ ҆ষ ᭄⚍ⱘDŽ߽᳾ҎⱘᎹ԰߭⬅⽁ৌѮ Ӻⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤҹҪ⥯ㅵ⧚DŽ

Փᵓ㝄䯈ⱘЁ䮽Ң䖭ϔ༈䗮ࠄ 䙷ϔ༈DŽ

䖭ᰃ⊩ᶰⱘᏤᐩЁ߽᳾Ҏ᠔⫼ ৽੤ˈ ⠽ӊⱘᘏ᭄ˈᰃ✻ᨽ㽓ⱘ৽ 㒣⽁ৌѮӺⱘ‫ܓ‬ᄤҹҪ⥯ⱘ᠟ ᭄⚍ⱘDŽ

574 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh



6:14 134 21:7-9 163,244 22:22-35 341-342

‫͆݋‬䃠 1:1 1:2 1:26-27 1:26 1:27 2:7 2:8 3:8 3:21 2:22 4:6 7:16 9:6 17:1 18:22-33 28:16 32:24-30

375,440 542 190,192-193,196,209 396 317 188-191,318 318,322,509 320,322,414 325 191 323 327 194,196 297 328 317 341

⩣ভ䃠 4:15-19 4:35 5:6-10 5:7 5:8 6:4,5 6:13 10:17 28:58 30:11-14 33:12 34:6 34:10

200 39,54 201 114 538 12-13,47-58,350 128-129 349 304,307 383 109 331 329,332




3:1-6 339-340 3:5 341 3:14 296,307-310,339-340 7:1 298 8:10 55 9:14 55 12:13,21 491 20:1-3 57 20:3 114 20:4 538 23:21,22,25 299 24:10-11 312 32:26 515 33:11 329 33:20 260,364,529 34:6 309


ปጸ䃠 13:6-22


ᧂ⃽㕣䃠̺ 2:2


ᧂ⃽㕣䃠̻ 7:13-14


݇⢻㏚̺ 8:27




18:5 24:11

19:35 524 304,307


ࢶГᔇ̺ 17:12,13 22:9 28:6 29:11

519,521 519 519 494

575 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

14:13-14 29:18-19 40:3,5 40:5 40:6 40:11 40:18 40:25 43:10-11 44:6 44:13 44:13-17 44:24 45:5 45:14 45:15 45:18 45:21-24 45:21-23 45:22 45:22-23 45:23 46:5 46:9 55:10 55:10-11 55:11 59:2 63:1-3 64:1 64:1-3 64:4-6 65:16 66:1

㏖џ䃠 7:17-18 4:16 9:8

188 538 490

䄇ヷ 2:2,6-8,12 516 2:7 76-79,197,356,517-519 2:9 535 8:1-9 167-170,187 16:10-11 540 22:1 101,253 30:9 540 33:6 18,368,373,390,394,430,454, 479,483,496,498 45:1,6-7 298 45:6 198 51:11 397 65:3 510 82:6 298 102:26 471 107:17-21 420 107:19-20 371-372,540 107:23-31 165-166 110:1 122,168-169,171 119:89 378,471 119:115 123 145:5 436

ヤ㼰 6:23 8:30

379 18,266,458,460,462,470

ѐ䖃Ζ 12:7

㕦‫ݙ‬ㆣΖ 189

10:6 31:3 31:22

Е䊋ϊΖ 5:1-7 6:1 6:1,5 6:3 6:5 7:14 9:6,7 11:4

212 165 333 489 107 93 201 55,201 294 162 539 206-207 239-240 54 54 510 55 39,55,66,204-205 229 515 258 204 55 55 371 367-368,370 489 253 534 487 488-490 187 34 335

358 297,364 260 195 532 333,338,543 113,197-199,333 535

55 309,344,510 543

㕦‫ݙ‬ㆣৰ⁼ 3:40


Е㺯㐃Ζ 1:1 1:26,28

364 297,332

576 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

19:30 20:28 22:37 23:9 24:3 24:14 24:30 24:36-37 25:34 26:59-66 26:63 26:64 27:41-43 27:46 27:51 28:18 28:18-20 28:19 28:20

1:28 364 3:1-3 493 28:12-19 220-221 39:17-18,21-22 534

ѶЕ⤶Ζ 7:9-10 7:13,14 10:5-9

313 170-172,198,292 292-293

㏖⤕Ζ 2:31 2:31-32 2:32

259 352 304

ᧂ䔖‫ݙ‬ϊΖ 1:3


⣋៹പΖ 3:1 4:5


333-334,487 487

1:10 1:11 6:3 8:29 10:18 12:28-30 12:29,30 12:32 13:26 15:32 15:34

侜๚⺿䴣 1:21-23 1:23 3:17 4:10 5:10-12 5:22 5:34-35 5:34-37 5:48 6:9-13 7:21-22 7:21-23 7:23 10:29-31 11:14 11:27 12:6 12:41-42 12:48-50 13:46 16:16 17:5

249 150,207 300 113,333 27 27-29 170 282 267 74-75 81 171 77 101,253 490 83,160,248 27 57-65,356 397

338 469,486 517 70,128 155 147 335 147 135 335 12 119,123 39-40,54 319,334 487 83-84 523 523 102 182 80,518 517

490 257 463-464 80 114 39 12-13,47,114,129,300,513 54 171 78 101,253

䌟ߐ⺿䴣 3:22 4:8 6:46 7:11-17 9:20 10:27 11:31-32 11:49 12:7 16:19-31 18:19

517 128 119 90 80 300 523 470 334 351 114

577 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

5:26 5:27 5:30 5:36 5:41 5:42 5:44

139,382 96-97 92,97,141-142 166 156 129 13,114,128-129,146,156,478, 515,529 6:14,15 156-157,159 6:27 96,97 6:33-35 371 6:38 142 6:39 141 262 6:46 6:51 330 6:53,54-56,63 371 6:57 139 6:58 330 7:16 136 7:17 142 7:18 156 7:39 265 8:23 493 8:24-28 86-87 8:28 92,265 8:29 136 8:38 262 8:42 140-141 8:50 156 8:54 156 8:58 92-93,501,522 10:7,9 89 10:11,14 93 10:17-18 500-501 10:18 142 10:24-25 85-86,166 10:27-38 72-75 10:30 68,136 10:32 166 10:34,35,36 189,198,287,298,477 11:25 89-91,367 11:27 81 12:23-24 265 12:32 265 12:40 532 12:41 260-261,364,529-532, 12:43 156 12:49 93,136,141

㏖㔠⺿䴣 1:1

15,184,364-368,373,375-376, 381,387-391,395,413,416-418, 421,441,447-450,454-456, 458-460,462,464-468,470, 475-479,481,483,498,536-537 1:2 450 1:3 390,428,441 1:4 379 1:6 480,487 1:10 428 1:14 15,135-136,184,254,256,261, 280,364,369,387,394,432,434,436, 439,442-443,445-446,449,456-457, 466-467,477,483,485-487,497,499, 530-531 1:15 522 1:16 395,447 1:17 148,378,395,457,498 1:1-18 316,388,467,488 1:18 108,255-258,466,474,529 1:30 522 1:34 77 1:41 77 1:49 77,518 2:19 184,279-280,434 2:19-21 445 2:19-22 93,279,280,316,499-501 2:21 488,502,510,512 3:5-6,8 369 3:14-15 163,264,244,491 3:16 136,140,504,520 3:31 494 3:32 261 3:34 136-137,394 4:10 330 4:13-14 245 4:14 330,371 4:21-23 96 4:24 217,336,364,475-476 4:34 136,141 5:15-19 71 5:19 92,141 5:19-30 140 5:21 140 5:22 259 5:25,26 96

578 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

13:32,33 17:28 18:9-10 20:24

13:16 138-139 13:31 265 14:6 88-89 14:8-11 278-279 14:11 184 14:10 137,141,146,166,503 14:13 206 14:16-18 368 14:24 93,137 14:28 68,94,138 14:31 142 15:1 358 15:5 503 15:10 142 16:15 263 17:3 11-12,57,85,97,103,104,128, 146,255,482,512,515,529 17:5 264-271 17:7 263 17:8 137 17:10 262 17:11 505 17:21-23 503,505 17:22 262,274 17:23 120,275,336 19:6-7,15 73 20:17 100-102 20:21 139 20:22 68 20:28 68,278-281,449 20:31 83,85-87,286,379 21:17 282 21:19 265

㒇侜Ζ 1:20 1:21 1:22-23 2:28-29 2:29 3:21-26 4:17 5:6 5:8 5:15-19 5:17-19 5:19 8:29 8:29-30 8:32 8:34 9:5 9:6-8 10:4 10:5-9 10:6-9 10:9 10:13 11:16-17 11:19-24 11:36 12:1,2 15:6 15:33 16:20 16:27

үᓂ㵼ѐ 2:20 2:21 2:22 2:31-32 2:31-35 2:33 2:36 4:12 7:56 7:59 9:3-7

76,518 334 352 215

259,352 304,352 166 122 540-541 370 67,98,122,125,204,228,259, 350-351 185 351 351-352 352

486,537 104 200 57,360 359-360 163-164 268-269 149 149 243 542 108,132,141,180-181,207,228 250 266,269 149 149 124,283-285 359-360 526 524-526 383 122 304,352 357 358-359 124,234,285 45,232 98,100 285 169 13,285

ਕ᳇๊‫ݽ‬Ζ 2:7-9 2:8 2:10-11 3:16-17 3:21-23 5:5 6:14 6:17

271-274 434 396-398 316 246-247,262-263 259 511 109,111,274,398,505

579 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

1:19-23 1:20 2:10 2:11-13 2:12 2:15 2:21 2:15 3:4 4:6 4:13 4:20 4:24 5:20

6:19 7:23 8:5 8:6 10:3-4 11:1 11:7

150,316 150 117,482 230 245 215 168,170,186,195,216,223, 242-243,311 15:27 169,189 15:27-28 125 15:28 34,277,355 15:45 162,169,193,208 15:47 136,170 15:45-47,49 231 16:22 352


ਕ᳇๊ाΖ 1:3 1:14 2:15-16 3:16 3:17 4:4 4:4-6 4:6 5:17 5:17-20 5:19 6:16 8:1-2 8:9 9:15 11:31 13:14

1:6 1:23 2:5 2:6 2:6-7 2:6-8 2:6-11 2:7 2:8 2:9 2:9-11 2:10 2:10-11 2:11 2:16 2:17 3:3 3:8 4:4 4:20

98,100 259 113 537 536-537 194,223,242 223 530 107,250,542-543 253 146,511 444 252 251,253 114,140 98,100,284 66-67

ߐ៹๚Ζ 1:4 3:19-22 3:20 3:28 3:29 6:16

101 148 152 354 57,359,360 57,359,362

232 468 211,253 193-195,206-212,225-227,251 210-215,223,224,538 216-228 33,125,215,222-226,228 158,253 213-214,253,295 198 189-190,204,228-230,272,295 205,229 185,204,258 23,205,229,230,294 455 214-215,252 360,362 252 275 101

⁼㒇㺯Ζ 1:12-20 1:15 1:17 1:18 1:19 2:9

233-245 194,199,207,223,245-246 249-251 245-249 135,395,440,447,486,496,508 135,279,395,440,447,486,496, 501,508 2:13-15 511 2:19 502

ЕᑇᝰΖ 1:3 1:7-10 1:19-22

125 169 232 361-362 362 542 502 354 112,388 101,124-125 153-154 101 232 205

98,100 250-251 494

580 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

3:9-10 3:11 4:3

2:10 4:15 5:1 5:4,5 5:5 5:7 5:8 5:8-9 7:3 7:28 9:14 10:5 11:17

232 354-355 112,388

ፆᧂ㒇ᅬ䔖‫ݽ‬Ζ 1:3 3:11 3:13 5:2

101 101 101 259

ፆᧂ㒇ᅬ䔖ाΖ 1:12 2:4 2:9

177 69-70 70


ᤀᦙ๚‫ݽ‬Ζ 1:17 2:4 2:5 2:5-6 3:16 6:15 6:15-16 6:17

124,133-134,227,234,506 181,243,442 149,469-470 76-77,149,518 518 253 136,227,506 133 259 133 134 542-543 520

1:13 1:18 2:1 2:19

13,284,301 69-70 148,442 135 23,254,261,535 160-161,533 284,530 247

108,144 369 272-274,434 48-49

ᒬᓇ‫ݽ‬Ζ 1:3 1:18-19 1:19 1:23

98,100 134 132 369,394



1:9 1:9-10 1:10 4:6

1:1 1:4 3:10

268 457 173 215,252


ᤀ๊Ζ 1:4 2:13 3:6

1:1-2 1:3 1:5 3:2 3:4 3:9 4:8 4:10 4:14 4:16 5:7-8 5:16-17 5:20 5:21

173 173-176 173

ጼџᲕΖ 1:11 1:2 1:2-3 1:3 1:5 1:8-9 1:10-12

177 106-107,110,472-473,479 259

471 286 288 230,434,530 519-521 286-287 288

455-457,466,483 121 476 195,337 472 180 476 270 153 476 254 115 255 115,192,203

581 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh

22:8-9 22:9 22:13 22:16 22:20

㏖㔠μΖ 1:12


⟩๗Ζ 1:4 1:24 1:24-25

291 295 162 291,295 352

178-179 173 13

य़⹪ᒅ 1:4 1:4-5 1:5 1:6 1:8 1:13-15 1:17 2:8 3:2 3:12 3:21 4:2 4:8 5:5 5:8 5:13 5:14 7:9-12 7:15 7:17 10:1 10:6 11:15 13:8 13:15 14:9,11 15:1 15:3-4 16:2 17:14 19:13 19:16 19:20 21:3 22:3 22:6

296,310 296 245-246 100,295 296,310 292 154,161,293,298 154,161 102,123 101-102,123 290,295 290 290,296-297,310 154 289 289 289-290 290 290 290 292-293 235 121 237-238,267-269,289 202 202 291 291 202 160 373,454,480 160,374 202 486 290 291

582 ҂䶈侪ёǴ俩ϮᙌӑǶҁ䜐ёӧаΠ᥊֟劈俭Ǻiuuq;00xxx/upuh/psh


‫ך‬䜹㝔߆գ㛱㤄ҁ䰃η䜐‫ޑ‬ϸ占Ϸཀ佡Ǵ俩஌ 䗂аΠ䰃儌Տ֟Ǻresponse@totg.org!

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