My Jewish Memory Book

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ISBN 10: 1-934527-35-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-934527-35-1 Copyright © 2010 Torah Aura Productions. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Torah Aura Productions • 4423 Fruitland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90058 (800) BE-Torah • (800) 238-6724 • (323) 585-7312 • fax (323) 585-0327 E-MAIL <> Visit the Torah Aura website at Manufactured in Malaysia.

Today is my first day of school at______________________________ . I am in the _____________ grade. My teacher is _ ____________________________________________ . The helpers are _ _______________________ and _________________________ . One thing I really like about my first day of school is_____________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Here is a photograph of my class.



A b o l l u t A This is a photograph of me.

Today’s date is__________________________________ .

My name is_ _____________________ .

Things I like to Do

I am __________ years old.

ride my bicycle

go on vacation

My birthday is _ __________________ .

play with my friends

hang out with my dog

play soccer

play video games

My Hebrew birthday* is_____________

go swimming

bake cookies

________________________________ .

play basketball

go horseback riding

watch television

play with my dolls

I am _____ feet   and _ ____ inches tall.

go to a science fair

go skiing

My best friends are_________________

go to ballet class

go for a hike

play baseball

visit my grandparents

go camping

paint a picture

and _ ______________________________________________ .

I have_ _____ brothers and _____sisters. This year I hope to learn how to _________________________________




________________________________ . *You can find your Hebrew birthday at

Rosh ha-Shanah Rosh ha-Shanah means______________________________ . On Rosh ha-Shanah we • listen to the shofar • eat apples with honey

• send Shanah Tovah cards • eat a round hallah

The sounds of the shofar are: Tekiyah (one long note), Shevarim (three short notes), Teru’ah (nine very short notes) and Tekiyah G’ dolah (one very long note). Connect the dots to find the shofar.



33 34



20 37





When I hear the shofar I_ ________ _______________

12 9







39 38

14 6


16 15





23 31 30

24 29 25 28 27


_______________ ______________


One wish I have for the new year is _ _______________

I tasted the apples and honey. It was really    yummy    yucky I ate some of the hallah. It was really    yummy


_ _______________   _ ___________

Here is a photograph of me eating apples dipped in honey. ➜ Here is a photograph of me blowing the shofar.

Yom Kippur On Yom Kippur we • say “I’m Sorry” for the things we said or did that hurt others. • do t’shuvah. We promise to try not to do the hurtful things again. • go to synagogue to hear the cantor chant Kol Nidre.

One person I said “I’m sorry” to is _______________________________________


I hurt this person by  saying something not nice.  doing something not nice. Doing T’shuvah: I promise to try to never again say or do something to hurt my family or friends.

Here is a picture of me practicing saying “I’m sorry.”

Here is a picture of me getting ready to go to synagogue to hear Kol Nidre.

One way I can remember to try not to do something wrong is_ ______ ___________________________________________________________________________


Sukkot Sukkot means_________________ . On Sukkot we • sit in the Sukkah. • shake the lulav and etrog. • remember when our ancestors lived in sukkot. • invite ushpizin (guests) into the sukkah.

Here is a photograph of me in the sukkah.

My favorite thing about Sukkot is__________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ .

This is the lulav and the etrog. The lulav looks like a_____________________________________. The etrog looks like a_ ___________________________________. Here is a photograph of me shaking the lulav and etrog.

Draw a picture of your family in a sukkah. ➜

Simhat Torah

Here is a photograph or drawing of me dancing with the Torah.

On Simhat Torah we • finish reading the Torah and start again from the beginning. • celebrate with the Torah scrolls. • make seven hakafot (Torah parades) around the synagogue.

My favorite thing about Simhat Torah is____ ________________________________________________



If I were the designer of a Simhat Torah flag, it would look like this.

Here I am with my flag.

Shabbat We begin Erev Shabbat by • lighting Shabbat candles. • tasting wine or grape juice. • eating hallah. We celebrate Yom Shabbat by • going to synagogue. • visiting with friends and family. We end Shabbat or other holidays with Havdalah by • lighting the havdalah candle. • tasting the wine or juice. • smelling the spices. • wishing each other a Shavu’a Tov (a good week).

Here is a photograph of my family’s Shabbat table.

My favorite things to do on Shabbat are visit my friends go to synagogue read a book take a walk with my dog go for a swim play a game have Shabbat dinner with my family _ __________________________________________ _ __________________________________________

On Shabbat we eat a braided hallah. I like hallah best when it   is just plain hallah.   has raisins.   has chocolate chips.   has cranberries.   has _ ________________________ .

When we say goodbye to Shabbat, I wish _______________________ _ _______________ _ _______________ _______________ .

Here is a photograph of me eating hallah.

Here is a photograph of me holding the Havdalah candle.

Your photo page Add more photos and write captions.


On Hanukkah we remember the great miracle of the oil that lasted eight days. On Hanukkah we • light the hanukkiyah (hanukkah menorah). • play with the dreidle. • eat latkes or sufganiyot. • give and receive gifts.

Here is a photograph of me lighting the hanukkiyah.

My favorite thing about Hanukkah is_________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ .

When I eat latkes, I like them best with   applesauce   sour cream   sugar   maple syrup   strawberries   nothing

Here I am eating latkes.

Color in the number of candles you will need on the sixth night. Don’t forget the shamash. Here I am playing dreidle.

Tu B’Shvat Tu B’Shvat is the New Year of trees. We celebrate the birthday of _ ____________ . On Tu B’Shvat we • celebrate. • plant. • eat seven kinds of food that grow in Israel and are mentioned in the Torah. • have a Tu B’Shvat seder. My favorite thing trees give us is   food   shade   shelter   clean air

Here is a photograph of me planting a new tree or plant.

Here is a drawing of my favorite tree.

The Seven Species Of the seven species, I've eaten:   wheat   barley   grapes   figs   pomegranates   olives   honey My favorite is__________________ . I liked________________________ , but not_______________________ .

My favorite tree is a ______________ . I like it because __________________ _____________________________ .

One way to tell the age of a tree is to count the rings. How old is this tree? This tree is ______ years old.


On Purim we • hear the Megillah. • make noise with our graggers. • dress in costumes. • eat hamantashen. • celebrate with carnivals. • give gifts to friends and to those in need.

Here is a photograph of me in my Purim costume.

The Purim story is about Esther, who was a hero when she saved the Jewish people. Who is your hero? My hero is_ ___________________ because_______________________ _____________________________ .

I dressed up as_________________ ____________________________


Here I am hearing the Megillah reading.

Here I am making a gift for someone who needs it.

Here I am eating a hamantashen. My favorite hamantashen is filled with   apples


chocolate chips






If I could invent a new hamantashen, it would be filled with_______________ ________________________________________________________________ .

Passover On Passover we • clean out all the hametz (food that’s not kosher for Passover). • eat matzah. • have a seder. At the seder we • have a seder plate with a shank bone, egg, haroset, maror, saltwater and parsley. • eat matzah. • read the Haggadah. • tell the story of how we were slaves in Egypt and God saved us. • search for the afikomen.

Here I am at a seder. When God saved me from slavery in Egypt I felt_ ________________ ____________________________ .

My favorite thing to eat with matzah is:   cheese



cream cheese



Here I am tasting the maror.

Sometimes I realy like to eat matzah with_____________________________ _______________________________

Here I am eating matzah.


The Afikomen This year the afikomen was hidden in the________________________. The person who found it was   me   my cousin   my brother   my sister   my friend   __________

Yom Ha-Atzma’ut On Yom ha-Atzma’ut we celebrate Israel’s independence day. In Israel, everyone celebrates Yom ha-Atzma’ut. There are parades and fireworks. Everyone is outside on the streets celebrating. Here we celebrate Yom ha-Atzma’ut, too. Here’s a photograph of me We can celebrating Yom ha-Atzma’ut. • dress in blue and white like the Israeli flag. • dance Israeli dances. If I could visit Israel right • listen to or sing Israeli songs. now, I would really like to see • eat Israeli food—felafel, hummus and pita, _______________________ candy or bubble gum with Hebrew comics. _______________________ . • look at pictures of Israel. • sing Ha-Tikvah, Israel’s national anthem.

Color the stripes and the Magen David blue. ➜ ➜

My favorite thing from Israel is:  a song   a dance   a food



Here’s a photograph of me  a gift

_ _____________________________

It is my favorite because _________________ _____________________________________ .

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ .

Shavuot On Shavuot we remember when God gave us the Torah at Mt. Sinai. On Shavuot we • tell the story of Ruth. • study all night. • eat foods made from dairy products. • talk about the Ten Commandments. Here is a photograph of me studying the Ten Commandments. I think the most important commandment is _ ______ ____________________________________________


because______________________________________ ____________________________________________


my favorite foods i can eat on shavuot cheese blintzes bagel and cream cheese macaroni and cheese grilled cheese sandwiches sweet and sour tofu

vegetable lasagna spinach quiche hot fudge sundae cheesecake pudding


_ _____________________

Here I am having a dairy meal. Draw a picture of your favorite Torah story in this Torah scroll.

My favorite Torah story is___________________________ .

Al l A b

ou t

This is a photograph of me now.

Today’s date is _ ___________________________ .

w o Me N

I am now _____ years old.

Three things I learned this year

I am ______  feet   and _______  inches tall.

1. _________________________

Some cool things that happened this year in my life are_________________

2. _________________________


3._ ________________________ .


One thing I know I want to learn next year is_________________



_______________________________ .




Even though it’s summer vacation, you don’t stop being Jewish. Here are some Jewish things to do. • Read Jewish books. • Go camping on Shabbat. Take candles, hallah and wine or grape juice with you to begin Shabbat. Enjoy stargazing. • Learn to bake hallah. • Read the weekly Torah portion. What other Jewish things can you do during the summer? Here are two photos of Jewish things I did over the summer.

Here I am _ _________________

Here I am _ _________________

________________________ .

________________________ .

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